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Wow. Over eight years sans-Lynn, sans-Mom. I can't believe that this is my reality now, but I have amazing news that truly impacts the site, so read below if you want to read some good news.

For my senior year of high school, I applied to a program called ISM (Independent Student Mentorship) to pursue writing, something that has been my strong suit pretty much since I came out of the womb. After an extensive application process and a very exciting interview, I found out that I have been accepted into the 2015-2016 program to pursue my idea. Great, right? But here's the best part:

I want to co-write a novel with Lynn.

This is where this really starts to impact this site. I took the liberty of copying and pasting all of her old journals into Microsoft Word (ah, the beauty of modern technology). I hope to comb through, annotate, and understand my Mom's journey through her words (and Holly's + Jenny's, as need be) and use the words to co-write a novel with her to be published by the time I graduate high school. This is going to be a monumental feat, but I believe not only that I can do it, but that I will. This is something that needs to be dealt with NOW, before I get to be too busy or too emotional.

I hope that those of you that knew my Mom will follow me on this journey. I will most likely be posting ideas, outlines, and questions here. Heidi, I'll probably be in touch within the next few months. I want to interview people after I get through her journal the first time and make up my mind about what happened before I get the full story.

If anyone deserved to have their legacy proclaimed, it would be my Mom. She was so beautiful, and her thirty-six years should have been so much longer. My God, I wish they had been. But for now, rejoice in the knowledge that I can make her words come to life again. Within a year, I hope to be presenting information on publishing dates and where you can buy the book. Sooooo excited.

Pray for me and this process!

Taylor Newman (daughter) <taybugnewman@gmail.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:47 PM CDT
Thinking of you today Lynn, on your birthday. Doing my best to LOOK RIGHT in honor of beautiful you. Thinking also of your children, Taylor and Jake and your entire family.
Heidi Isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Wednesday, February 25, 2015 7:27 AM CST
Dear Taylor and Jacob - As I prayed this morning, I thought of your mom. I still pass on her "Looking Right" wisdom and it really helps; especially my children. I hope and pray that you are both well. Just wanted to tell you and all Lynn's beautiful family know that although she is gone, she is NEVER forgotten. With love from New Hope, MN - Heidi (Lynn's friend)
Heidi Isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Wednesday, September 10, 2014 9:23 AM CDT
Seven years have gone by since you passed Lynn. I think of you so often but yesterday, you and your family were on my mind all day. My daugther Emma still wears your LOOKING RIGHT bracelet (the only one that has endured as mine wore out or broke years ago). Regardless of having the bracelet, I pass on your words of wisdom so often in honor and memory of you. LOOKING RIGHT is just one of your legacies Lynn but the one that keeps giving. I miss you, your beautiful smile, beautiful heart and of course, your moving words as you wrote so well! So many things remind me of you, but the most special of them all is the Red Cardinal. Just wanted to connect to you again in the most tangible way I can right now and that is with your caringbridge site. Doing my best daily to LOOK RIGHT in memory of you sweet Lynn. Blessings from your friend always, Heidi
Heidi Isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Monday, December 30, 2013 8:50 AM CST
Taylor, I was thinking of your Mom today and her amazing legacy that keeps going. Her attitude, her faith, her love, they oozed through her words. I am one that never met her but she totally left a mark in my life. It sounds like you have grown into an amazing young woman and I'm sure your Mom would be so proud of you! I'm sure Jake and the twins look up to you. You might not have your Mom's high metabolism, but you certainly have her heart. Continuing to look right!!
Julie <jlpeacock_3@yahoo.com>
Nixa, MO - Monday, May 27, 2013 10:37 AM CDT
Dear Taylor, I, one of many, check back quite often. I come back to read your mom's journal. Her words, her story, her love for her kids that I can bet have made many women (and men) become better and stronger. I had a similar journey as Lynn along with a very similar life. I am same in age, my daughter a freshman, my son in 7th grade and my faith in the Lord. I am sure your mom would have written a book if she could have to be there for you in your most important life changes. I think you already know what she would/will say to you. Remember, she is with you in spirit ALWAYS (you just have to call upon her) she is your heart.
CSavich <csavich@me.com>
White Lake, Mi - Saturday, January 5, 2013 2:30 PM CST
Thinking of Lynn today with a smile. Six years ago Lynn went to heaven to be with our Lord. I continue to LOOK RIGHT in honor of her and with her. My oldest daugther Emma still wears the pink LOOKING RIGHT bracelet (thanks to Holly who gave us extra at the funeral). May each of you who read this always remember to follow Lynn's LOOKING RIGHT message (focus on all the blessings God has given you, don't focus on all the stuff to the left; the hardships and wants).

Beautiful Lynn - I have a red cardinal ornament on our Xmas tree. How can I not think of you when I see it or whenever I see a red cardinal!? Thank you for teaching me so much in your short time here on earth. I cherish the friendship we had.

Looking Right from New Hope, MN

Heidi Isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, MN USA - Saturday, December 29, 2012 9:09 AM CST
Dearest Taylor,
I think about your mom almost every day! I think about you and your brother as well. You are so beautiful, just like your mom (inside and out)!!! I know your mom is with you in spirit but I still wish she was there physically too. I just know she is already so proud of the amazing young lady you are Taylor. You just keep being you and know your mom is smiling from heaven. God made you just the way He wanted and that is perfect! He has BIG plans for you. I can feel it. Drop me an email as I would love to email you stories I have about your mom and just be in touch. Hugs to your brother and the rest of your beautiful family!

Always trying my best to LOOL RIGHT in honor of your mom!
: ) Heidi

Heidi Isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Sunday, October 28, 2012 2:58 PM CDT
This entry won't be quite as lengthy, I promise(:

For all who care, I'm so glad that you feel the urge to even look at this completely outdated website. I know back in the day this site had many followers, but just seeing that someone cared to look at it again makes me feel a little bit of my mom's power.

I can't tell you how often I wished that my life was a bit out of the ordinary, that I had been adopted and my real parents were spies or something of that sort. Don't ask me why I felt that way, but I suppose everyone wishes that at one point. I always thought my life was simple, until I realized how much of an impact my mom had.

To find this website shocks me. I am stunned at how my mom could have an impact on people she had never met, maybe never spoken a direct word to. I've only dreamt of having such an impact, and it makes me proud to see that she's the woman I am going to become. Unfortunately I didn't get her good looks or her mile high metabolism, but her faith, loyalty, trust and righteousness I hope to inherit. I can never be the next "Lynn Newman" because no one can do what my Mom did. It was an impossible job that took incredible faith, faith that is only produced with a steadfast heart like Lynn's.

In truth, my mom is better than a spy or a celebrity, because she didn't have a single flaw. Not perfect, but flawless in the awe-inspiring kind of way. I hope you follow The Lord with her steadfast heart, and that you can make Lynn proud as you live every day for Him.

Looking Right Forever and Always

Taylor Newman

Taylor Newman <Taybugnewman@gmail.com>
- Thursday, October 25, 2012 10:02 PM CDT
Forever LOOKING RIGHT sweet Taylor!
Jill Smail
Denver , CO USA - Sunday, September 23, 2012 11:19 PM CDT
Dear Taylor,
I'm back and have read your post. Your mom and I were friends, true friends in every way. We met at work (General Mills). Our friendship was immediate. We ended up taking similar paths in life, that is until she got cancer. We were married one week apart from each other. We were pregnant at the same time (although I was earlier than her for the first child and later for my second but still, together). I also have a third child and I remember your mom calling me asking me how it is with three kids. My family and I live in Minnesota so when your mom and dad moved to Colorado and then Texas, we had to rely on the phone to keep connected which wasn't hard for us.

Your words are amazing and your spirit makes me smile Taylor. Thank you for taking the time to write to us, Lynn's friends/family/loved ones.

Do you know what is so amazing in me writing tonight and your post? All weekend I felt your mom and the urge to reach out to you. I'm not sure if you have seen it yet but I sent you a friend request on facebook. Then, tonight, I felt the urge to go to your mom's caringbridge site. Wow - there are no words, your post is proof to me that your mom is looking after you and is with you.

I hope to be able to tell you as many stories as you like about my time with your beautiful mother Lynn.

Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT in honor of one of the most amazing people I know; your mom Lynn Newman.


Heidi Isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:45 PM CDT
Dear Taylor - I have had such a strong urge to reach out to you this past weekend. Then, tonight, I had a strong urge to go to your mom's page to see if I can connect with her and all of you. I haven't even read your post yet except the first sentence and knew I had to write. Your mom loves you so much, both you and Jacob. She is with you. I think she was urging me to go here tonight. I just know she is watching over you.

Always LOOKING RIGHT because of your mom!
With love from New Hope, MN

Heidi Isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:18 PM CDT
Taylor....I'm sure your mom is sooo proud of you and watches over you every day. Thank you so much for writing your thoughts and bringing everyone up to date as you become a freshman in high school. I followed Lynn's journey from the beginning and she helped in my own battle against breast cancer. You sound like a great kid who I'd love to know more about. New photos of you and your family would be very special, and I look forward to more updates in the future! PS: My tip for getting along with guys......be yourself and love the person you are!
Judy Sailor <jsailor14@comcast.net>
Corvallis, OR USA - Friday, September 21, 2012 10:49 PM CDT
Taylor, you have turned out to be quite a young lady. I did not know your mom but my husband is your Grandma Bergs cousin. I know your mom would be VERY proud of the person you have become. No body should have to go through what you did at such a young age.Hopefully some day there will be a cure for all cancers in the world. Reading your mom's entries on this site I thought she always wrote so eloquently and you are following in her footsteps! So Keep Looking Right and making your family proud of you!

Nanci Fitschen <nfitschen@kmwb.net>
Red Wing, MN - Friday, August 10, 2012 7:54 PM CDT

I don't know if this will even post - it's been a while since anyone signed the guest book. I have a lot of worries like that - such as if anyone even LOOKS at this page anymore, if anyone will see what I posted, if I even WANT anyone to see what I posted...but I figure I better do this for my mom. 

There's a lot of things parent's don't consider having to tell their kids at age nine - such as how to survive middle school, how to keep friendships, how to keep your identity... how to solve Algebra problems even. I know my Mom didn't really think telling me how to handle boys was necessary in the third grade, but recently I realized that it would've been nice advice to have. My father enlightened me (after I was in the relationship with my first and so far only boyfriend) that my mother did not want me to date until high school. At the time I thought it was one of the most pointless ideas I'd ever heard, but I stuck to it...after I eventually dumped the foul, good for nothing...well, I dumped the kid. Pretty harshly too - something I'm kind of proud of,  oddly enough. 

But anyways, more recently, I am in the summer before freshmen year and I'm laying in bed wondering what is going on between me and this guy I like (This may come as a shock to those that don't keep up with me, but most people tend to grow older with time. Including me. I'm 14. And yes, I wear a bra.) But anyways, I'm laying in bed and somehow I thought of my Mom - and her telling me that I didn't need to be sad. At first I thought she meant I didn't need to be sad that she couldn't be here to tell me in person. That's something I've had to deal with a lot, especially since I recently switched school districts during our move. (Don't worry - it was only two miles. Somehow that managed to cross us over into a new school district. Who knew?) At my new school, I got a lot of questions on why I talked about my stepmom and dad a lot, but never my mom. I had a couple laughs when I told some people about it  depending on their reactions. There was the usual "I'm so sorry...", which is so old I'm used to it by now. There was the speechless mouth gaping when they realized how badly they misunderstood me (which actually was pretty hilarious, but not the funniest yet.) But there are three stories that I have that shocked me in different ways. There was one in which a sweet girl I know asked me about my mom, asking bluntly, "Do you ever live with your mom?" THAT was a funny moment for me. Unfortunately she was not in on the joke and looked at me for a moment like I was crazy. In between giggles I said, "That really isn't possible, because she's dead." 

The girl hasn't spoken to me since. 

The second story was with another friend of mine who asked me if my mom had ever remarried like my dad. It seems like a pretty sad world when the automatic assumption when you speak of "stepmom" is that your parents are divorced. I've had a silent debate with myself over which situation is worse and still haven't come to a conclusion. But the girl was waiting for an answer, so I said the first thing that came to mind, which was a tad too offhand for the situation - naturally. 

"Nope - she's dead." 

I expected the girl to be shocked like the rest - that would have at least been normal. THAT I can handle. But instead, this sweet girl said the most critical and insensitive thing she could under her breath when she thought I couldn't hear - "Well, that was the morbid thought for the day." I forgive her for saying it, because she didn't know me when it happened. But still, it stunned me that she could not have an ounce of sympathy. But I know now there are people out their with much less than an ounce of sympathy. 

The third girl, one who had actually been around during my mom's death, but spent a few years away before returning to the school I now go to. She knew me when it had happened, and so one day the conversation came up about my mom. 

It's not like I hate talking about her - not at all! But it's sometimes weird to talk about someone you love in the past tense. But we talked. The words that came out of her mouth have forever been burned in my mind. 

"Honestly, I didn't know what to expect when you moved schools. I thought you might have been full of baggage, or altered completely because of what happened. I was partly right - but not in the way I was thinking. But honestly, for someone who's gone through what you did at such a young age, who's seen that much grief and loss before she hit double digits, well, quite honestly I can't believe what a funny, honest and caring person you've become." 

I didn't really know what to do with that. Me, turning out...good? I don't know, my entire goal in life had been to do what I thought was best, and pretty much just survive. But being told I've EXCELLED...that's an extraordinary thing to me. I've been told I don't take things too seriously, as proven by my next comment of, "Well, gee thanks. I've always wanted to be told that I'm an expert at coping with traumatizing events." 

I know this next comment isn't really relevant, but I think I have a pretty wicked sense of humor if I do say so myself. Which I do. 

So on top of the whole switching school's thing was boys. What should I do? Who makes the first move? Should I text him or not? (if there are any guy readers, you now understand how intricate the working's of a woman's mind is. Take notes.) Back in my bed, thinking about how my mom told me not to be sad, I realized that she also meant something a bit more helpful - that I didn't need to be sad that I didn't understand what was going on with the boy, because it would all sort itself out in the end. 

Can you see where I'm going with this? Maybe I'm too subtle. 

At nine years old, parents shield you from a lot. I was shielded from a lot of painful things, but not all of them. I still remember the loss of hair, the swelling of her boys, the discoloration, even a seizure that happened when I was the only one in the room. I'm scarred forever by the fact that I spent the last few days of my mom's life away from her, despite me knowing before hand that she wasn't long for this world. It's my biggest regret. 

I'm forever altered by the fact that I spent my pre-teen years not relaxing through elementary school, but coming home for several months with a teary eyed family member and knowing that I was the one who had to take care of my brother now. I'm not saying that my Dad didn't do a good job, but those first few months no one really knew what to do. As the only woman in the family, I had to step up and take Mom's role - making Jake's lunches, reminding him about his shin guards, helping him with homework...even tucking him in on the rare occasion Dad wouldn't. I had to step up at a young age and act twice my age...possibly more. Most middle aged men still have their mom's sticking around. Maybe even old aged men. I don't think I classify as middle or old aged - not even close. But I realize now how my third friend was right - that I had owned up. That I became tough, solid...and admittedly just as stubborn as my Mom and Dad combined. 

I often find myself wondering what would have happened if my mom would've beaten cancer. We were all wanting it at the time, weren't we? Most still wish she were alive. I remember myself thinking, "What GOOD can come out of death? How is this going to work out?!" 

Well, it turns out Lynn Newman can pack more than one meaning into a few words. Not that anyone doubted it. 

Lynn Newman, blessed, lovely woman she IS, died a mother, a wife, a daughter, a leader, and, possibly most importantly, a hope to those who still fought cancer. But even though this wonderful lady is gone doesn't mean happiness can not continue to arise. Just in my life I have a stepmom, Courtney, a new home with my new room (painted entirely purple. Lilac!), a new school with my amazing friends (along with my old ones), a new puppy Roxie who I know I love a concerning amount, and - best of all - twin sisters Isabel and Logan. Surprise for some of you - there are 4 Newman kids now! They're cuties - I know my mom would love dressing them up every dad with Courtney. In fact, I'm pretty sure my mom loves Courtney. But I'll have to wait til I hit those golden streets to ask her (a day I know I look forward to - but not too soon!) 

I know many have experienced hope from my mother's story. She was a heckuva power player in all our lives; she always seems to know what she was doing, didn't she? But just because she's gone doesn't mean we need to bolt the coffins now. Her life didn't stop in the Mausoleum where she now rests, but continued on to a brighter, ETERNAL life in Heaven. So, for those of you who knew her, or knew of her, just know that she is looking down on you and saying "You have it so much harder than me - you have to LIVE!" We stayed behind to mourn our loss, but it wasn't in vain. She told me not to be sad, and I believe that she means it. She would love to see the fan base she has now, for I'm SURE she'd be proud of herself - if she's anything like me. But we all have become better people because of her. 

I know we all have our Lynn Newman stories. I'd love to hear them - maybe I can even read them - but for now I want you to imagine why Lynn meant so much to you. I want you to remember that only. Not your grief of her loss - only her positive intentions and the good it did to the people surrounding her. Focus on that, hold it tight in the front of your mind. 

Continue to Look Right. 


Taylor Newman

Taylor Newman (Daughter) <Taybugnewman@gmail.com>
Frisco, Tx Usa - Saturday, July 7, 2012 2:32 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Sweet Lynn. Thinking of you a lot but especially today. Miss you always as do so many others.

Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT in honor of you sweet Lynn.

Heidi Isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Saturday, February 25, 2012 3:29 PM CST
The Newman family was on my heart and mind today. I'm not even sure I ever signed the guestbook before. Just overwhelmed in life right now and thought of Lynn and her incredible attitude. Tears in my eyes and praying for the family. I bet the twins are thriving and can't imagine how big Taylor and Jake must be.
Springfield, MO - Tuesday, January 31, 2012 12:58 AM CST
As Jenny Gwyn reminded me, it's been 5 years ago today that Lynn left us. You will NEVER be forgotten. Life moves on here but we all know that we will be greeted in heaven by a beautiful Angel with a rockin' pair of heels. Looking Right...


Amy Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX United States - Thursday, December 29, 2011 10:01 AM CST
Made a donation to Susan G. Komen Web in your honor today. I did not know you but I worked with Holly briefly before you went to Heaven when we were trying to find nanny care for your children. I was deeply touched by your courage and your faith. Until we meet in heaven, Blanca
Blanca Oliver <teamoliver7@yahoo.com>
Plano , TX USA - Wednesday, October 26, 2011 10:50 AM CDT
Saw a red cardinal yesterday and of course, thought of Lynn and her grandma. Thanks for the last update Dean. I long to hear about Lynn's family. We all know Lynn is in heaven with our Lord. My daughter Emma still wears her LOOKING RIGHT bracelet (mine broke a while ago). Lynn is a part of our hearts, forever. Miss her still! Love to all of Lynn's followers.

Looking Right,

Heidi Isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Wednesday, May 25, 2011 9:47 AM CDT
Thinking of Lynn today....
Pattie Wilson <pattiewilson2000@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, February 22, 2011 10:18 AM CST
Another year has passed and we pause to remember our dear Lynn. David,Taylor, and Jacob went to visit Lynn today at her memorial. Gail and I will go in a few days. Taylor and Jacob continue to grow physically,mentally, and spiritually. Jacob is almost as tall as Grammie N and B.He is playing basketball and had many rebounds and scored in his last game. School comes easy for him,almost too easy. Taylor is busy ,busy,busy with school work,playing the bassoon in band,church activities, and hanging out with friends.When she didn't get selected for school basketball team she volunteered to be manager. David remarried a year ago and he and Courtney are expecting twins in February.Courtney is a lovely lady and has established a wonderful relationship with Taylor and Jacob. They look upon her as a friend and confidante upon whom they can rely. Cody dog went to be with his maker last summer after many years of faithful companionship with the family.Roxie,a little cockapoo joined the family a month ago She is primarily Taylor's dog , but the whole family and grandparents are partaking in the joys of training a six week old puppy. Gail and I see the family almost daily. What a gracious blessing from our Lord is the time we share together. We send out a blessing to all you who knew and loved our dear Lynn. Thank you for your love and faithfulness and may our God bless you with his grace.We love you and think of you often.
Dean and Gail Newman

Dean Newman <newmanj36@netscape.net>
FRISCO, TX - Wednesday, December 29, 2010 1:57 PM CST
Everytime I think of you, I thank my God.
Philippians 1:3

In Him ~
Denton, TX 76210 - Tuesday, November 2, 2010 11:50 PM CDT
I have a pink stripe in my hair and nails are painted baby pink in honor of this month. For those that know me, I never wear pink. I'm not a pink person. But for cancer awareness, I would paint my whole body pink if it would help. I hate cancer. I hate it. Lynn, your message never leaves me. And as I painted my nails, & striped my hair, my thoughts were all about you. I know you're rejoicing with our King. But we sure do miss you down here. Love you and am doing my best to keep Looking Right.


Amy Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, Texas United States - Tuesday, October 19, 2010 9:28 PM CDT
I can't tell any of you how many times I think of Lynn and her great attitude and Look Right lifestyle! I am a hair stylist (friend of Kathy's) and I have told so many people of what a wonderful person she was and what a positive life she lived! I still say/think, "Look Right" more than I can count! Thanks for keeping this site up and everyone reporting on there lives. Haven't met any of you, yet I think of you all as friends!
Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@Hotmail.com>
Mayer, mn - Wednesday, September 22, 2010 9:11 PM CDT
Thank you for the updates Dean.
We were all touched by Lynn and continue to miss her!

Jill Smail <jillsmail08@gmail.com>
Englewood, co - Friday, September 3, 2010 9:52 PM CDT
It seems like way too long since I stopped here to visit. Lynn so touched my life, and she is in my thoughts today.
Brooke Bleyl <brookebleyl@yahoo.com>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Thursday, August 19, 2010 11:29 AM CDT
Thinking of Lynn this week as we celebrated Jacob's 11th birthday last Friday,a few days early because he and Taylor traveled to visit his Grandparents Berg 2-5 Aug. Both Taylor and Jacob have grown 4-5 inches over the last year. Taylor is as tall as Grammie Newman.
We think of Lynn often and all of you her dear friends. May God continue to bless you all.

Dean Newman <newmanj36@netscape.net>
frisco, - Saturday, August 7, 2010 7:48 PM CDT
Thinking of Lynn today!
Wishing you all good health, love and happiness.

Jill Smail <jillsmail08@gmail.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, May 29, 2010 8:36 PM CDT
I don't know you, but sat by Bill's mother, Nancy on plane from Orlando to Kansas City. Bill will be in my prayers, and many others, along with rest of family. I'm so glad I sat by Nancy, a very neat lady that has had health problems also. I know Bill is in good hands, and do want to know how he is doing. You are in my prayers. Ginny
Ginny Keesling <ginnykeesling@sbcglobal.net>
Abilene, Ks. USA - Sunday, February 28, 2010 4:01 PM CST
To Lynn's family and friends,

Thinking of you today on what would have been Lynn's 40th birthday.

Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT in honor of my dear friend who I miss a lot!

Love from New Hope, MN

Heidi Isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Thursday, February 25, 2010 9:08 AM CST
I am so happy to see that Lynn's website is still here. I followed Lynn's journey through cancer and, though I never met her, she taught me so much. My faith reurned because of her courage and words and little did I know how much I would need them.

I was diagnosed with stage1 breast cancer in Feb. 2009 and throughout my treatment I returned again and again to Lynn's journal until I finally printed the entire thing! We don't have the opportunity to see Red Cardinals in Oregon but I purchased several items enhanced with Cardinals and live by the phrase "looking right".

Thank you to the Newmans for your Holiday greeting! You were so lucky to have Lynn in your lives and I feel lucky to have her in her words.

Judy <jsailor14@comcast.net>
Corvallis, OR USA - Sunday, January 3, 2010 8:14 PM CST
Greetings to all who loved our Lynn,
Gail and I are well and still miss our dear Lynn.Intellectually, we understand she is with our Lord whom she loved so much and is free of pain and full of the joy of her new surroundings.Yet, she is still a part of each of us and always will be. We are different people because of Lynn Newman and I believe all for the better. I will never see a red bird again without thinking of Lynn. I have come to hate cancer with a passion,particularly, the kind which robs us of our young Mothers. Still,we believe God has a plan for each of us and our world, and as such, it is by definition a perfect plan,albeit one we may never understand in this life. So we march on hand -in-hand with our God with the certain knowledge He will never leave nor forsake us. Nevertheless,we still miss our Lynn-oh,for one more little talk with her,or to see her bright shining smile which warmed all hearts, or even the flash of her beautiful blue eyes when one had roused her ire.Time to bring this to a close, remembering our faith which sustains us as we believe we will spend eternity with our dear Lynn.
May the LORD bless all you dear people,
Mom and Dad Newman

dean newman <newmanj36@netscape.net>
frisco, tx - Tuesday, December 29, 2009 5:55 PM CST
Merry Christmas to all of you who see this website - especially to all the Newmans and Bergs. I haven't visited for a long time but had to take a peek to see if it was still up, and thank goodness it is! I've been in touch with sweet Lynn's sister Terri a lot lately, and that's wonderful! She sent me a tiny cardinal ornament for Christmas. It will always be very special to me for reasons that all of us who have traveled together on Lynn's journey know.

I hope all of you have a very wonderful holiday season. Special good wishes to Taylor and Jacob and all the children - that's what Christmas is really all about!

Much love,

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Wednesday, December 16, 2009 11:28 PM CST
Lynn's message lives on! Had to share a quick story as the LOOKING RIGHT message helped my youngest daughter today at school. She was having some typical third grade friendship struggles so this morning there were a lot of tears about going to school. I couldn't say anything to change her mood or get her to stop crying. Then, LOOK RIGHT hit me. I told Mary how Emma (her older sister) had the same issues at that age and that she used to rub her pink LOOKING RIGHT bracelet and think of the message. It always helped her. So, Ms. Mary returned home from school with smiles. She said she LOOKED RIGHT and it was fine. Thanks Lynn! We miss you but your spirit and message lives on with us.

:) Heidi

heidi.isaak@genmills.com <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Monday, October 12, 2009 5:19 PM CDT
Way to go Heidi!
Jill Smail...still Looking Right <jillsmail08@gmail.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, September 7, 2009 8:57 AM CDT
I was HONORED to do the Breast Cancer 3-day in loving memory of our dear Lynn this past weekend in the Mpls/St.Paul area. I had a photo of Lynn ironed onto the shirts I wore. I ran into a man Lynn used to work for at General Mills. He had no idea she passed away. Tough.

I passed on Lynn's LOOKING RIGHT message when a walker needed to hear it most. I too had to LOOK RIGHT when the feet were hurting thinking this is nothing compared to what Lynn and others have endured to fight breast cancer. Mpls/St. Paul area raised over $6,000,000 this weekend to help find a cure for breast cancer. Wonderful!

Love to all Lynn's family, friends, and cyber friends,

Heidi Isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Monday, August 24, 2009 10:30 AM CDT
Missing you Lynn so needed to check in today. Like so many others out there, we are trying hard everyday to LOOK RIGHT in your honor and memory.


Heidi Isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Wednesday, August 12, 2009 2:54 PM CDT
I miss your sweet posts, Lynn. I miss your bright light...but I know you are shining down on all of us, especially your dear family. Godspeed, dear friend.

Looking Right with LOVE,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, Riley, & Gunner Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX USA - Wednesday, July 8, 2009 10:24 AM CDT
Stopping by to share how grateful I am to Lynn for teaching me by example to look right. Had the wonderful opportunity to share her life and light this week with my dear friend. Miss you girl. Always striving to be looking right.
tracy walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
canton, tx united states - Sunday, June 21, 2009 11:19 PM CDT
We Miss you and think of you always!!! We were part of Team Newman again this year...we will walk in your memory!!
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@tx.rr.com>
Frisco, Tx - Monday, June 8, 2009 5:10 PM CDT
Missing you & loving you ALWAYS!!
JennyGwynn <jennyagwynn@gmail.com>
- Saturday, June 6, 2009 9:28 PM CDT
Still missing YOU!!!
Hug Dad for me.

Holly Crandell <holly.crandell@mac.com>
- Friday, April 17, 2009 12:25 AM CDT
And thanks to you Holly and Jen so many of us have come to "know Lynn" through her words and your expressions throughout this journey. I am grateful for knowing Lynn. I am also grateful that I found a dear "pen pal friend" from Minnesota through Lynn's website/Ally's website/connections all around. Nancy and I have been writing for over two years now, and I honestly feel like I know her better than some people I've known for 20 years. She is dear to me.

Love and happy Easter to all of you.

Terri/Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va us - Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:40 AM CDT
Holly, Thank you so much for your update on the whole family. You have such a great way of telling exactly how everyone is doing. Gosh when I looked at the photos I did not even recognize Gail. She looks fabulous! I think about Lynn all the time and still look for red cardinals as a sign that Lynn is near and that she is hearing me when I talk to her. As Jill said perfectly, Lunch at Park Meadows and Ann Taylor shopping sprees I think weekly...( sorry Dave haha) Lynn will be forever in my heart as well as the whole family. I am so glad I found you girls on facebook. Please keep in touch. Love Always, Julie
Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Sunday, April 5, 2009 12:44 AM CDT
"People walk into our lives and touch our hearts in ways we can never explain. Having known them...We are never the same." Thank you Holly, Jenny, Newman family, Berg family and especially to LYNN NEWMAN for sharing your hearts with us.
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1:39 PM CDT
Thanks so much for your wonderful post on Lynn's birthday! It means so much to all of us who visit the site to know what's happening in Lynn's family! I will cherish yours, Jen's and, of course, Lynn's journals always. I have learned so much about grace and courage and living by Lynn's adaga, "It is what it is!" Much love to all the Newmans, Bergs, Holly, Jen and all those I have come to know and love through postings in this guestbook!

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, March 8, 2009 8:05 PM CDT
Thank you, Holly, for such a kind and thoughtful rememberance of our dear friend, Lynn. I'm well aware that quality attracts quality! And that why you 2 loved each other as you did. God deserves much praise from our hearts for blessing our lives through Lynn. We are all more sensitive to the Lord because of her love for Him and her spiritual journey which remains a strong testimony to us of His grace.
Taylor Gardner <taylorg@stonebriar.org>
Frisco, TX USA - Monday, March 2, 2009 9:44 AM CST
Thank you Holly for that beautiful entry - great to hear all about the family and to see the great pictures - especially of Taylor and Jacob.

Although I never met Lynn I know her parents from our village in Mesa, AZ. and have been following this site for a few years.

I want to thank you for all of the entries over the years and always keeping "Lynn's fan club" up to date. I was blessed to find a new email pen pal through this website - a beautiful person named Terri Matus and we have become friends.

So many "God Winks" from Lynn and I am grateful and feel blessed to have known her through her website as she was a huge influence to many people that all loved her so much.

I have seen so many cardinals this winter and they are so beautiful against this Minnesota snow - I always think of Lynn each time the cardinals come to our feeder.

Thank you dear friends.

Nancy Zembal <nezembal@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Center, MN USA - Saturday, February 28, 2009 5:23 AM CST
Celebrating you today......missing you ALWAYS!!
Jenny Gwynn <jennygwynn@tx.rr.com>
- Wednesday, February 25, 2009 10:15 PM CST
A very sincere thank you Holly.

For your words.
For the pictures.
For all you were/are to Lynn.

Jill Smail...still Looking Right <jillsmail08@gmail.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, February 25, 2009 5:45 PM CST
Happy birthday dear Lynn. You are on my mind again.

I smile as I read Heidi's post about Lynn and fashion! She was so funny. For so many years we shared a huge love for Ann Taylor clothes and Nordstrom shoes. We always met for lunch at Park Meadows Mall so that we could sneak into AT for a little shopping!

I will never forget the last spring that Lynn was here with all of us I sent her an e-mail early one morning. I just had to tell her that AT was having a huge sale. (hoping to cheer her up as the cancer was progressing so rapidly) In true Lynn form.....she replied immediately saying, "SISTER! I have already been on-line and order 4 pair of pants!"

I truly miss you Lynn! And promise to always help your kiddos know how truly remarkable you were.

Jill Smail...still Looking Right <jillsmail08@gmail.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, February 25, 2009 5:44 PM CST
Thanks for the update and new photos Holly. Wow, today Lynn would have been 39 years old.

David, Taylor, Jacob, and all Lynn's family and loved ones,
I will always remember Lynn with a smile. My first memory of her was meeting her at a sales training for General Mills. She wore a crip but fashionable black suit. I was a little intimiated as she was perfect but once her smile greeted me with a hello, all I could feel was her warmth. A couple of years later we actually worked together in Mpls. Once in Mpls and working closely together, our bond deepened. I smile thinking of the professional Lynn not taking anything but the best from anyone including herself. Then, we would be in the bathroom together and her entire focus would be on helping me use a bow for my hair or where to shop after work. We ended up getting married within a week of each other and had children at the same time. I had one more child than her and Dave and remember her calling me asking about the 3rd child as she was thinking about it. Like Holly mentioned, Lynn brought so much to our lives but fashion and style was definitely at the top of her list. When I saw that Ann Taylor was filing bankruptcy a few months ago I cried. I cried because Lynn introduced me to that store.

I want all of Lynn's family to know how many people were touched and changed for the better because of their amazing mom, wife, daugther, friend, etc. Still today, her LOOKING RIGHT message is working in people, my daugther included.

With much love and blessings always,
Heidi Isaak (New Hope, MN)

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Wednesday, February 25, 2009 3:05 PM CST
Missing you on your Birthday!! We Love you!!
Your post was GREAT Holly as usual! The kids look so grown up. I know Lynn is looking down and is SO proud of all of you!! THANK-YOU ;)

Doug & Amy
MN - Wednesday, February 25, 2009 12:39 AM CST
Happy Birthday Lynn!
I love you SO BIG and miss you MORE!

Holly Crandell <holly.crandell@mac.com>
- Wednesday, February 25, 2009 11:38 AM CST
Happy Birthday Lynn!

I love you SO BIG and miss you MORE!


Holly Crandell <holly.crandell@mac.com>
- Wednesday, February 25, 2009 8:46 AM CST
That is so sweet that your daughter was so touched by Lynn. I would love to see her paper. I believe she was an angel here on earth to spread the word and the glory! She had such a huge impact on so many lives! Keep "Looking Right" and spreading her words. We can all feel honored that we were given the honor and the privilige to have known her!

Amy (Lynns cousin) <ajthurston@comcast.net>
MN - Sunday, February 22, 2009 4:54 PM CST
Please Holly...post one final post updating us in detail about the kids and Dave. It would be so wonderful to see some current photos. It's been two years since her untimely passing, and we all certainly understand why you don't update anymore. But, could we have a closing post and have a chance to "say good-bye" to this chapter? We all still love the family and you and miss Lynn very much.

I am echoing this request. I know this is hard being that you (Holly) are just trying to heal,because Lynn was a huge part of your daily life. But for us, the people that followed with her so closely through this site and have been forever changed and touched by Lynn in so many ways! She reached out and spoke to many of us and we only had a long distance connection, through this wonderful site! For a lot of us this site was part of our daily routine! (I know it was for me) I keep coming back just waiting and hoping there will be one last post to again "close this chapter" For all of Lynns faithful followers around the entire USA!!

MN - Sunday, February 22, 2009 4:32 PM CST
To Lynn's family, friends, and followers,

About a month ago my eleven year old daugther Emma had to write an essay as part of an application to a school. The essay said to write about someone who has influenced you the most in this world and why. When I saw the question I thought Emma will probably write about her dad, or myself, or possibly a special aunt. When I went to read her essay, I was taken back. Emma wrote that Lynn is the person who has most influenced her life of eleven years. Lynn Newman, a women my daughter has met once in her life! Wow, we all know God worked through Lynn but seeing the effect two years after her passing on my own daugther warmed my heart like never before. From the first time we started praying for Lynn many years ago, Emma was connected to Lynn (all the way from Minnesota). Emma has worn Lynn's LOOKING RIGHT bracelet everyday since she received her first one many years ago. I took extra at Lynn's funeral just for her and I'm so glad I did as she has worn out a couple already.

The road we all travel isn't always pretty and often is bumpy even for the young kiddos. Lynn's spirit, her attitude, her love continues to guide us and remind us to LOOK RIGHT especially when we are suffering.

I hope this note finds everyone well.


Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Friday, February 13, 2009 9:17 PM CST
Thinking of you all, especially you, Lynn! You are so missed...

Love to all & looking right!

Christopher, Amy, Riley, & soon to be Gunner Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Saturday, January 31, 2009 8:47 AM CST
Happy New Year to all the Newmans and Bergs, Holly and Jen, and all who share in this guest-book! Thank you, Dean, for the Christmas-Thanksgiving update! The very best to all of you! Much love, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Saturday, January 10, 2009 5:00 PM CST
Missing your words Lynn and thinking about your family and very special friends often!
Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@roadrunner.com>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Friday, January 2, 2009 10:43 PM CST
Thanks, Mr. Newman for a brief update. Please Holly...post one final post updating us in detail about the kids and Dave. It would be so wonderful to see some current photos. It's been two years since her untimely passing, and we all certainly understand why you don't update anymore. But, could we have a closing post and have a chance to "say good-bye" to this chapter? We all still love the family and you and miss Lynn very much.

Thanks. Happy New Year.

Paige Ferguson <pferg@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Friday, January 2, 2009 9:59 AM CST
Thank-you so much for the update! It was a great Christmas gift to read about everyone and get a glimpse of how the kids are doing. Words can not explain how great that was to see an update. Thank- you again and Merry Christmas to you all!!
Amy <ajthurston@comcast.net>
- Thursday, December 25, 2008 4:58 PM CST
Thank you so much, Dean. It was a gift on Christmas to hear about the Newmans. Thinking of Lynn. Cardinals all around.

Jill Smail <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, December 24, 2008 8:05 PM CST
just thinking about sweet Lynn....Merry Christmas everyone.
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.jacobson@entouch.net>
Houston, TX - Wednesday, December 24, 2008 10:20 AM CST
Hello to all Lynn loved,
Gail and I arrived last night in Denver to stay at our daughter Tami's for Christmas-a long drive. David ,Taylor,Jacob,Alessondra(au pair)arrived also and are staying at Paul and Jamie's.Snow for today so we will have a white Christmas.We all will return to Frisco before New Year. We all are looking forward to being with family and dear friends as we celebrate our Lord Jesus birth.
Taylor celebrated her 11th birthday at Thanksgiving time.Grandparents Berg arrived 25 november to join in the celebration and stayed with us.We all had dinner together each night and Thanksgiving Day at our house.Taylor celebrated her birthday with family on 28th and with five friends 29th-dinner by Gail,ice skating,and overnight at David's.Taylor is 11 going on 13.She is a beautiful young lady with a zest for life and looks after Jacob sometimes a little more than Jake might like;I have heard him say,"Yes,Mother."a little sarcastically sometimes.They are a comfort to each other.They played soccer and are currently in a basketball league.
Jacob is growing a lot(about 5 inches this year)he reminds us all of Lynn in many ways.He is very interested in the world around him and asks a million questions about how things work and WHY!?!.Both he and Taylor spend many hours with the young Jack and Jay C.and Lili and Degan S. on the cul-de-sac and at the park up the street(they are allowed to go alone now as long as there are two or more, if they notify parents first.)
It has been a long and sometimes short two years since our dear Lynn went home to be with our LORD.We miss her bright smile and the flash of those beautiful eyes-and sometimes we think if we could just see her one more time.But,of course we will and that will be a glorious day.
Merry Christmas to you all and may God bless you everyone.
Mom and Dad Newman

Dean and GailNewman <newmanj36@netscape.net>
- Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:24 AM CST
Hi Dave,

Thinking of you all today as I do often. Wishing you a belated Happy Thanksgiving and wishing you a very beautiful and peaceful Christmas Holiday. Will be in touch soon. Love and Hugs to all of you, Love always, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
lonetree, co usa - Monday, December 1, 2008 12:21 AM CST
Taylor's b-day is next week.

Let's all send her a note.
Send a card if you have their address. I KNOW it would mean a lot to Lynn,

Jill Smail <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO USA - Monday, November 17, 2008 8:16 PM CST
You are on my mind tonight Lynn! Missing your words...
Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@roadrunner.com>
Twinsburg, OH usa - Friday, November 14, 2008 10:40 PM CST
You are on my mind tonight Lynn! Missing your words...
Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@roadrunner.com>
Twinsburg, OH usa - Friday, November 14, 2008 10:39 PM CST
Hoping we get to see Halloween pix of Jacob and Taylor this year. Last year's are still do cute.

Jill Smail <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, October 31, 2008 8:32 PM CDT
I'm thinking you Newmans today....as I do so often. Heidi, I saw a female cardinal the other day and I was so surprised! My thoughts immediately turned to Lynn and it made me smile BIG TIME! And I needed it right at that moment!

So, Lynn, you're still with us...still making an impression...still making us smile.

Thank you for LIVING LIFE while you were here. Such a legacy you have left for your sweet husband and kids!

Love you and still looking RIGHT!
Amy Jordan

Chris, Amy, Riley.& ??? Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
- Thursday, October 23, 2008 10:58 AM CDT
Missing Lynn! Wishing I could see a Red Cardinal right now.

Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT in Lynn's honor.
Love to you all,

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Monday, October 6, 2008 9:37 PM CDT
The Denver Race for the Cure is this weekend. October 5th. We will be out there in honor of our LYNN!!
Jill Smail <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, October 1, 2008 10:03 PM CDT
Missing you to pieces sweet friend...........
Jenny <jennygwynn@tx.rr.com>
- Tuesday, September 9, 2008 9:27 PM CDT
I echo Amy Jordan's sentiments exactly. I think of all the Newmans and Bergs and pray for them everyday. I keep dear to my heart the inspiration Lynn was to me, even though I only ever spoke to her once on the phone. I also re-read the loving and inspirational posts from all of you in the guestbook and, of course, the journaling by Lynn, Holly, Jen and others. Love to all, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:56 PM CDT
How was the Race this year still anxiously awaiting photos, post, anything?!
Amy Thurston ( Lynns Cousin from MN.) <ajthurston@comcast.net>
- Saturday, July 26, 2008 1:14 PM CDT
Thanks Dad Newman for the update on the family. I know the pain must be staggering at times but God is forever faithful. You are all still in our hearts and not a day goes by that I don't think of Lynn and her words. She was such an inspiration to me.

May God continue to hold you in His unwaivering hands...


Chris, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Wednesday, July 23, 2008 3:53 PM CDT
Thank you so much for the update on Dave, Taylor, Jacob, and Lynn's family. I think about Lynn so much and try my best to always LOOK RIGHT in her honor.

Love to you all,
Heidi Isaak

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Wednesday, July 23, 2008 2:06 PM CDT
Dear Newmans,
Thank you so much for the update! You all are in our hearts and thoughts and prayers!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, July 22, 2008 6:24 PM CDT
Dear friends,
First, a big thanks to all of you who joined us for the annual race. A very special thanks to our dear Jenny for all your work planning and organizing-from our vantage point everything went perfectly,our dear Lynn loved it. Dave,Taylor, and Jacob are continuing with their lives,some days are more difficult than others.They spent a week with us in Cabo San Lucas,Mexico mid June and a grand time was had by all.We will all be in Colo the first week in August,so Jacob will have to celebrate his ninth birthday there. Our God is an awesome God and we thank him for continuing blessings. We welcome any words you may care to pass along to us. We had a visit from Wayne and Suzanne for the Race for the Cure. It was great to spend time with those dear friends.Dear Lynn we miss you. God loves you all and so do we.
Dad and Mom Newman

Dean Newman <Newmanj36@netscape.net>
- Monday, July 21, 2008 10:17 PM CDT
Jenny, Holly, and Lynn's family & friends,
Oh how we all long for Lynn and her words. If you would be so kind and update us on how David, Taylor, and Jacob are doing, I know so many of us would be grateful. Also, I'm guessing I'm not the only one waiting to see photos from the race you just did in memory of Lynn.

Looking Right from New Hope, MN
:) Heidi

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN usa - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:29 PM CDT
To all Lynn's followers and to our dear sweet Lynn,
Tonight as I type I am sad to say that another one of my friends here in Mpls has lost her battle with breast cancer. Like Lynn, she was a wife/mother of two amazing kids/daugther/friend/etc. I must admit I haven't been very good at LOOKING RIGHT lately Lynn. I needed to come to this sight for a dose of LYNN and her strength, courage, and guidance. Thanks Lynn as I got your message loud and clear. :)

Heidi from New Hope, MN

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:28 PM CDT
What a wonderful sharing in the guestbook, Jen, the day before the Race! I have read it several times since you first posted it and am moved so much!

I hope the race went well! Much love to you, Holly, the Bergs and Newmans and all your families! PS Happy Father's Day!

Love you all,

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI USA - Sunday, June 15, 2008 6:20 PM CDT
Can't wait to hear how the race went! I hope it was wonderful!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, June 13, 2008 7:26 PM CDT
How did the Race go? Any pictures to share? I am no longer in Texas, but I check in often to re-read Lynn's wonderful words and hope to see an update.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
moosic, pa usa - Thursday, June 12, 2008 6:53 PM CDT
Thinking of each of you today.
- Saturday, June 7, 2008 5:43 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn ~

Oh, how I wish you were here to read these words……I so miss yours. I miss your smile & your spunk, your sincerity & honesty, I miss an amazing & genuine friendship that we shared together. Each day is a struggle to fill this void in my life that your absence has left. Some days are harder than others…this week has certainly had its share……and I know tomorrow is going to be an extra tough. The Race for the Cure is such a huge public event to be a part of when I am holding in such a personal pain. As I fall into bed tonight, my heart is filled with a range of emotions for tomorrow. I pray we will all “feel” you with us tomorrow during each & every step we take in your memory. And ultimately, I pray there WILL SOON BE A CURE for this disease so the world doesn’t have to lose another YOU!!

I miss you & love you friend ~
Jenny Gwynn

Jenny Gwynn <jennygwynn@tx.rr.com>
- Friday, June 6, 2008 10:24 PM CDT
Hello to those who loved Lynn Newman...I have posted here numerous times, but I never knew Lynn.

I, too, was drawn to her site again tonight not really knowing "why"...just to check in and see if "she was still there"...and when I read the messages that long for her, I know that her PRESENCE is still with us all. I will see Holly and "family" in July while on vacation in North Carolina and I am sure our conversations will turn to Lynn as they always do.

I will be "running/walking" Race for the Cure in Washington DC on the same date. My heart and mind with be with many...my own mother who "beat" breast cancer at age 73....my dear, dear friend, Kathy L., from Chicago, who is a two time survivor....and those I have lost to the dreaded albatross....Sylvia, Shirley,Lynn, specifically...but we will RACE for the CURE to help those who are coming along.

Remembering the Newman and Berg families who I've never met...but I do know Nancy Z. who knows the Berg family from AZ...to Dave, Jacob, and Taylor, who I have spent time with and hope to see again...and to each of you who write to express your love and your longing for Lynn.
And, to my DEAR HOLLY, a student of so long ago, you are and continue to be a marvelous saint in the lives of those who receive your love and caring.

I am proud to be part of this great fraternity of love and support.

May God bless each of the "RACERS" for the "CURE" and we will continue to LOOK RIGHT!

Terri aka Teetay (Holly's former English teacher)

terrimatus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, VA us - Saturday, May 24, 2008 8:03 PM CDT
Not sure what brought me here today. I guess I have had a bad run of things in my life happen over the past 6 months and I am missing Lynn's encourgement and strength. I can look back on her words and feel so uplifted and hopeful. She has left such an imprint in my life.
Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Wednesday, May 21, 2008 3:05 PM CDT
Looking RIGHT.
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, May 19, 2008 7:07 PM CDT
Please, Holly, give us one more, final post. We have all invested countless hours in the site and we'd love to have some closure.

Thanks in advance!

Paige Fairchild <pfair1@yahoo.com>
Irving, TX USA - Tuesday, May 13, 2008 8:33 PM CDT
Thanks for the update. It is so nice to hear how the kids and David are doing. I'll be thinking of all of you on June 7th (from Minnesota).
Thinking of Lynn's LOOKING RIGHT message, a friend emailed me the bible verse that reminds me of her message.
Isaiah 30:21 - Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."

In honor and memory of our sweet Lynn, let's all do our best to LOOK RIGHT everyday.


Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN usa - Tuesday, April 29, 2008 4:45 PM CDT
You are so good! We all thank you for the update. Best of luck in the Race for the Cure! I know Lynn will be right there with you!
Bless you all!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, April 29, 2008 6:19 AM CDT
To all who loved our dear Lynn,
David and Taylor and Jacob are continuing to adjust to life without our dear Lynn. All seem to be doing well. David has been away several days on a business trip so Mom and Dad Newman have had the priviledge of spending some quality time with the grandkids. We have watched many soccer games(last two Sat-3games),reviewed homework, and refereed many discussions. Taylor and Jacob are doing very well in school and David is busy with increasing responsibilities at work. The Bergs and Newmans plan to participate in the Race for the Cure here on 7 June. We look forward to seeing many who loved Lynn that we don't often encounter. Our God is an awesome God and contiues to blanket us all with his blessings and love. God loves you all and so do we.
Mom and Dad Newman and Berg

dean newman <newmanj36@netscape.net>
Frisco, - Sunday, April 27, 2008 4:34 PM CDT
DITTO! :o)
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
moosic, pa usa - Sunday, April 20, 2008 10:06 AM CDT
There are still so many of us that keep coming back to Lynn's site to try to keep connected in any way we can. I know it is difficult to compose a post (but, really, we are not picky about the wording - we just want to hear the words), however, if you can please update us again, there are many who would be so grateful!! Lynn is still SO present in so many hearts!!
Dahl Herrel <dherrel@jcpenney.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Saturday, April 19, 2008 5:12 PM CDT
I'm just thinking of Lynn and missing her. What a wonderful, wonderful woman!

Blessings to all,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Thursday, April 17, 2008 10:24 PM CDT
My heart was saddened when I heard about Lynn. We were in the same small church group back when she first found out about her breast cancer. I have moved quite a bit since then and have lost touch with Holly, Suzanne, and Liz. I heard just today from my friend Debbie Van Voorhis about Lynn. Words can not express how feel. I remember what a sweet spirit she was and ahe always had a beautiful smile. She sold Mary Kay lipstick to me once but, I could NEVER achieve her smile. Sorry (Mary Kay). I am now living in Castle Rock, Colorado but have missed my Texas friends dearly. I remember calling Lynn right before moved to Phoenix for one last get together and she was Just going through chemo. I could sense her smile through the phonewhen she said she felt pretty bad. That was how she was. Always thinking of others.
I saw the Race for the Cure and was just in tears as I watched my Texas friends walk that walk for Lynn. I participate in the run every year and now there is one more angel to run for.
Holly is was good to see you and your beautiful family. What a blessing you are to all those who are in your life.

I know now that their are truly angels among us!!

Take -care.

Cindy Thompson <thompson83616@msn.com>
Castle Rock, Co U.S.A. - Tuesday, April 1, 2008 11:17 PM CDT

Like all of you I am often drawn to this sight to draw strenth from Lynn's words through out her battle. When I think of Lynn as I do often the word that comes to mind is a true blue loyal friend. I think back and can never remember her saying a bad thing about anybody. She was always so positive and strong never wavering from that! I pray for all of you and will never forget. Love always, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Sunday, March 2, 2008 11:31 AM CST
Thanks you for bringing Lynn's words back to us! She was wise way beyond her years! I feel so lucky to have known her. Love you all the family and friends!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, Colorado - Saturday, March 1, 2008 9:32 AM CST
As I often do when I am looking for inspiration, I turned to Lynn's words this morning. I read about a particularly difficult time in her journey (end of Feb. 2006) when Lynn was absorbing some very bad news about her prognosis.

I found myself murmuring, "Wow", as I felt Lynn's incredible strength and faith and perseverance as she was battling pain and disappointment.

She wrote (3/9) of Dave's loving support, and of a friend, Corbin, who lifted her up with these words:

"We are so caught up in the outcome of this world, when we don’t realize, we don’t control the outcome. . .

It isn’t about the outcome or what we think we are entitled to; it is about how you handle the journey.

It is about how you handle the cards that are UNCONTROLLABLE.

I want to be Lynn Newman when my challenge comes."

What a beautiful message. I, too, want to be Lynn Newman when my challenge comes.

Lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
- Thursday, February 28, 2008 8:08 AM CST
Taylor, Jacob, & Dave,

I just wanted to post one last time before this shuts down. Lynn is missed but the memory of her smile, love, and kindness lives on. It has been so good to see you guys at church and see the smiles and the "life" that seems to be coming back on your faces. My prayer is that God is showing you each day that He is there with you and that one day you will understand why your mother/wife was taken from you so soon. I pray that you will grow up to be all that He wants you to be. And that throughout the years you will look back at this journal of your mother's journey and you will draw strength, wisdom, humor, and love from it. God Bless you all the days of your life.

Much love, Pattie

- Wednesday, February 27, 2008 4:39 PM CST
Thinking of all of Lynn's loved ones today on Lynn's Birthday. Lynn - I miss you my friend.

Looking Right,
Heidi Isaak

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Monday, February 25, 2008 9:00 AM CST
I woke up this morning drawn to Lynn's website, missing her words, and hoping for an update.

Miss Holly, what do you think? Are you ready to delight us with a new journal entry?? :o)

We would love to know how Lynn's beautiful family is doing. And also, how you and Lynn's wonderful neighbors are doing (since we got to know you all through Lynn!)

I know that all of you have been a great inspiration to me to be more active in caring for my friends and family. Thank you!

Lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
Moosic, PA USA - Thursday, February 21, 2008 6:40 AM CST
The memories I hold of Lynn seem to continue to replay in my mind at various times. It is not only the memories that I hold of her, but the lessons taught by her during the short time that I knew her. I learned to treasure your love ones. Hold them dear to your heart and let them know it in good and bad times. I learned “It is what it is.” A saying that I heard Lynn and Dave say many times. As I go through life and I get upset about various things, I hear her words repeating back to me…”It is what it is.” I learned while my husband and I had dinner with Lynn and Dave, and our newborn daughter was along with us, to treasure the laughs along with the cries. I learned to stay strong in the Lord and to continue to lean on Him and to continue to strengthen my relationship with Him. I learned that so many times, a gentle hug and a kind smile is sometimes just the right medicine to lift somebody’s spirits. I learned that sometimes, you just need a girls’ night out! I also learned to look for more of the positives in life. Look Right.
Danyelle <danyelle.ford@sbcglobal.net>
- Saturday, February 9, 2008 11:27 AM CST
I can't even name how many times I have been blessed by coming to this website. Though I didn't know Lynn, I was always encouraged by her tenacity to battle breast cancer with the Lord's strength. At the same time Lynn was battling breast cancer, so was my mom. Lynn would recieve a diagnosis and about 6 months later my mom would get the same one, their cancers were very similar. The Lord took my mom into his loving arms on May 30, 2007. Holly, thank you also for being so candid about your feelings and sharing your grief, you have ministerd to me as I walk through my own season of grief of missing my precious Mama so much. Blessings to you all!
Spring, TX - Friday, February 8, 2008 8:32 PM CST
Is there a way or option through Caring Bridge to print Lynn's journal and guest entries for purchase? I know some similar sites do this. I know the closing of this site is inevitable, but how sweet it would be to have her words on all the days in our lives when we could really use some encouragement. Looking Right for Lynn and because of Lynn

Sharmaine Snyder

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@tx.rr.com>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, February 7, 2008 6:15 PM CST
I understand that the guestbook might be closing, a bittersweet inevitibility. However, I'm sure no one will ever forget Lynn and the inspiration of the words she expressed in her journal and those of all her friends, family, and even those of us who never had the privilege of knowing Lynn. The inspiring words, thoughts, and actions of those who cared for and loved Lynn can never be surpassed or forgotten. What a person she must have been, what an angel she is. Thank all of you who have shared and cared, for what you have meant to my life, and for what I have learned about the power of love. I would never have imagined being so touched as I have been. God bless you all.
Theresa Cover <tesscover@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA - Tuesday, February 5, 2008 5:39 PM CST
Missing Lynn's incredible spirit. What a blessing her chronicle has been to me. I pray that God would instill in me the wonderful character and faith and zest for life that Lynn possessed.

I ask God to continue to heal your hearts.

I realize that this website will soon be closing. Before that happens, please consider posting more updates. Also, will her beautiful journal be available in some sort of print form?

Thank you!

Lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
Moosic, PA USA - Saturday, January 19, 2008 8:21 AM CST
I have been following Lynn's journey for about 2 years now, and I must say, she has been in my thoughts so much over that time, even though I never had the pleasure of meeting her or her precious friends and family. I prayed for her recovery and when that appeared to not be possible, I prayed for her to be free of pain. I can only imagine how those that know her must have felt last Dec 29th, as I cried when I saw the words from her friends. I then laughed, as I read about the shopping trip to Nordstrom's! It was fitting to the end. I have continued to check in here, from time to time, as I will not forget Lynn..her spirit, her attitude, her good soul. I will say that Lynn inspired me to be the best I can, and to live free, take chances and love with all my heart. Praying for you all, may you have many happy days ahead.
AZ USA - Monday, January 7, 2008 9:28 PM CST
Dear Lynn- Can't believe it's been a year already. Thinking of you and praying for your family today. I know you're watching over us...
Minneapolis, MN USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 12:19 AM CST
Thinking of sweet Lynn today and always. Love to you all and may blessings shower down on all of us in 2008!

Loving deeply in HIS precious name,

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Monday, December 31, 2007 11:11 PM CST
Thinking of you all! More soon!
With Love! Jill

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, December 30, 2007 12:55 AM CST
My memory of Lynn has been her faith. At different times over the past year I have called on my own faith for troubles in my life and ALWAYS thought of Lynn and prayed for her undying faith that the Lord would make it as it should be. She was an honor to know and she will never leave my heart.
Maria Ashcraft <texasecho@hotmail.com>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, December 29, 2007 10:23 PM CST
To the Bergs and Newmans,
May the first year anniversary of Lynn's entrance into Heaven fill your hearts with joy as you share tender memories and know that she has been pain free for a whole year now and she is in the presence of the Lord. Know that she is watching all of you and smiling broadly! Much love and may 2008 be a glorious year for all of you! Barbara

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Saturday, December 29, 2007 8:31 PM CST
Looking back at the journal history and guest book entries both make sad and amaze me all in one. Remembering with love today. God Bless you all. Pattie
- Saturday, December 29, 2007 6:54 PM CST
To all who loved our dear Lynn
Thank you for all your kind thoughts and the memories of Lynn you recalled.We remember Lynn with you and thank our God for the joy she brought into our lives. How we miss being able to talk with her and gaining the insightful wisedom so much a part of her being. We have learned this past year to cope without sharing activities with Lynn. Our days are not quite as bright without her smiling blue eyes and zest for life-wow how those blue eyes could turn to fire and flash if she felt someone she loved was threatened.Dear Lynn, you are a part of all of us now and we are better people for having shared these woefully short days with you. Praise our dear God for the certain knowledge we will see you again.
Happy 2008 and may God bless and sustain you all.
Newman and Berg Families

Dean Newman <newmanj36@netscape.net>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, December 29, 2007 6:18 PM CST
Thinking of Lynn and everyone today. David, Taylor, Jacob, family, and friends of Lynn - My thoughts are with you today. Soon I will write how Lynn's spirit and message is living on in New Hope, MN. She may be gone but NEVER forgotten.


Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Saturday, December 29, 2007 5:19 PM CST
Dear Newman/Berg Family and Friends - on this one year remembrance of Lynn may your hearts be filled with hope. Take time to remember all of those wonderful memories of Lynn's life. Though she was taken from all of you way too early, she touched so many lifes and made a heart print on so many with her words that she so eloquently wrote as often as she could. Lynn taught me how to live and I feel blessed to have been "touched by her words". I will remember all of you in my prayers today and will light a candle today in remembrance of her beautiful life.

Taylor and Jacob - you are two beautiful children that are surrounded by your family and friends love and are being guided daily by your mother's deep love for each of you.

Holly - thank you for your words and all that you have done. Lynn will always be a part of who you are and we are all blessed by your beautiful friendship. Thank you for posting so many months ago about your friend Kristin's daughter Allyson, as I now have a new family of friends in VA. Holly, you are a dear, sweet friend to all of the lives that you touch. God Bless You!

All the best to all of you in 2008!

Nancy Zembal <nezembal@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Center, MN USA - Saturday, December 29, 2007 7:42 AM CST
Dear Taylor & Jacob,
I was just going through some old emails that I kept from your mom and all I can say is that she was absolutely amazing. Before she was sick, the two adjectives that come to mind are beautiful and sweet. Those would be the same that come to mind even during her battle with cancer. She was absolutely beautiful - inside & out and always, always, so sweet. No matter what she was going through - she always took time to ask about me and my family - always! I can remember sitting behind her & Holly and thinking (she is so perfect - you can't even tell she's sick). Then I would see the two of them squeeze each other's hand or give a quick hug (as Holly has referred to) and for a second it would make me sad to think of the journey she was on but it would also make me smile because I knew of the heart felt friendship those two had. Your mom was such an inspiration to me and so many others. She was smart, pretty, funny and full of love & life. I know you've heard this over and over but it's all true. She was amazing and she is so proud of you. She loves you and I know she is just patiently waiting for the day that she gets to wrap her arms around you and welcome you to heaven. Until that day, her legacy will live on through you. God Bless you always. ~Pattie

Pattie Wilson <pattiewilson2000@yahoo.com>
The Colony, TX USA - Wednesday, December 26, 2007 2:56 PM CST
Thinking of the Newman family and their wonderful, loving friends (especially you, Holly!) this joyous Christmas season. Wishing you all peace, love and laughter in the coming New Year.

Ashli Matus George <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC - Monday, December 24, 2007 9:28 AM CST
One more thing:

I have a friend that has just been diagnosed with B Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and she has a new Caringbridge page. She is a beautiful Christian woman, a dedicated wife and mother, and with this battle being so very new to her, she needs some encouragement. She is on her 3rd week of chemo and is losing her hair and is having a very difficult time with it. Please, please, please take her under your wing and write an encouraging post in her guestbook. She could use the love that we all have in our hearts and it would mean so much right now to hear from people that truly care.

Her name is Dana Tinley and here is a link to her site:


Thank you all SO much!

Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Monday, December 24, 2007 0:22 AM CST

Thank you so much for your amazing post. As always, my heart seems to skip a beat when I see a different border on the page and read the updated post that follows. It pains me to hear that the you will be "closing" the site, but I understand. At some point, everyone must move on, but boy, does it hurt.

I didn't have the pleasure of knowing Lynn personally. I was like the many that heard of Lynn through a friend and became a dedicated follower of her story and struggle. I laughed, I cried, and I prayed as I read her posts. She was always so anxious to write about Taylor and Jacob--what was going on in their sweet little lives. How she loved them! And dear husband, Dave! No matter what was going on with her, she was so proud of her family and you could feel the love coming through her words.

I worried as her posts became few and far between, yet her sweet friends became her fingers and typed her heartfelt words. I broke down when I heard that she lost her battle but gained her proper place in the presence of our Almighty God. It's been a roller coaster ride, hasn't it?

What I loved the most about Lynn was her feisty courage. She was ON FIRE about LIFE and you could actually FEEL it! She was also very real about her journey. We were never left wondering where she stood in her battle. If she was scared, she wrote it. If she was happy, she wrote it. She was so brave and for as long as I live, I will NEVER forget her sweet spirit, her dedication to our precious Lord, the love in which she gave so freely to her family and to all those around her, and her spunk.

Whenever I hear the song, "I can only Imagine", I can't help but think of Lynn. I can imagine our Lynn worshiping with our Savior and what unimaginable joy that must be.

My life has been blessed by Lynn, her dear friends Holly & Jenny, and her whole family. My heart will always be connected to all of you--you all have such a special place in it.

May God bless you ALL in abundance and thank you so much for sharing your journey with all of us.

Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Monday, December 24, 2007 0:15 AM CST
Wow! I finally got onto the guestbook. I have a dial-up modem and it takes forever to get to the guestbook. That's why I haven't posted for such a long time! Holly, thank you so much for your post!! Like others who have shared here, I cried, too! I never met Lynn face to face. I spoke to her once on the phone when her sister Terri (who happens to be my boss and friend) was speaking to her at our office. In that very brief moment and through Lynn's journaling on this site, she has been such an inspiration - so full of hope and optimism! Holly, thank you so very much for all your journaling and posting in the guestbook, too! I always feel so hopeful whenever I read what you have to say! God bless you and your family, the Bergs and the Newmans at this very special time of year. A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! Much love, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, December 23, 2007 1:39 AM CST
What a wonderful post! Wishing all of you a wonderful holiday and many wonderful memories.
The Brader's <marla.brader@gmail.com>
Fairfield, IA - Friday, December 21, 2007 10:28 AM CST
I'm always flooded with thoughts of Lynn while listening to "her" cd and at church as well! In fact, as many times as we've sang Blessed Be Your Name this year - I still can't get through it. Thanks for that reminder of her radiant face & smile "decked out" in her winter white!
In deed she wore it like no other! Beautiful! ~Pattie

- Thursday, December 20, 2007 8:31 AM CST
Thank you Holly for the beautiful post.

My life is forever changed by Lynn's writings.

Of the hundreds of CD's I have, I play Lynn's songs

everyday. It is my most valuable music and I think of her

in every song. She was such a beautiful example of a

wife, mother, daughter,daughter-in-love, sister, friend

and warrior. Most of all she was a beautiful example of

Jesus living in a life everyday. Her life and her passion

drew people to her and to him. What a legacy for her

kids. Thank you for sharing her with the world.

With much love,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Wednesday, December 19, 2007 1:05 AM CST
I never had the honor of meeting Lynn, but I have a friend who was blessed to be in her church small group for a short time. Through this friend, I came to the website and became a follower. I was always amazed at Lynn's strength. I admired her love for her family and the way she called her in-laws her in-loves... that says a lot about her. The one thing that stands out most to me is the love she had for her children. I have learned a lot from reading her posts and have tried to cherish every moment (especially the difficult ones) with my children even more just by knowing I am able to be with them one more day. One last thing... this friend of mine was also at Lynn's funeral. She cried when she told me how fondly Lynn's friends spoke of her. This friend said that she hoped that at least one friend would think she was even half the friend that Lynn had been to so many. So, Lynn, I know you are looking down on your family and friends. I know that they miss you dearly, but I hope that you know just how many lives you did touch in your few years here on earth.
Shawna Boswell <sdboswell1@verizon.net>
Plano, Tx USA - Monday, December 17, 2007 12:28 AM CST
Hey all -

Singing 'Acapella' in church today reminded me of something (actually singing in church every Sunday reminds me of this but....today especially). We sang beautiful Christmas songs and I remember how much Lynn LOVED good music. She loved lots of different kinds of music by lot of artists however....songs, music, lyrics SPOKE to her!!! She could be lifted high and be so merry with great music playing. She claimed not to have a great voice but I know otherwise because we used to sing together in church...she and I would BELT out the good singing songs like "Blessed Be Your Name". Oftentimes one of us would lean into the other and sneak a hug or she would grab my hand as if to say "I get this message, do you? Are you feeling the love too?" It is a special memory.

Yes, I miss her grabbing my hand or us leaning on each other for support, understanding and encouragement (and all of this wasn't just the time when Lynn had cancer...it was before as well). It happened a lot yet, I always remember in my mind...her wearing "winter white"...it was one of her favs and she certainly looked like a million bucks in it!! :-)

Enjoy the memory...thank you everyone for your thoughts and remembrances!!!

Hugs to each of you ~


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@tx.rr.com>
Frisco, Tx - Sunday, December 16, 2007 12:18 AM CST
Wow Holly...absolutely beautiful. You are an amazing friend. God bless you and your family this season. There is a special place in heaven for people/friends like you...may you always know that!
Jessica <jgonzalez739@hotmail.com>
Lees Summit, MO USA - Friday, December 14, 2007 9:27 PM CST
Dear Holly-Thank You so much for your beautiful post. For some reason it had me weeping. I felt my heart jump when I clicked on Lynn's site and saw a post.
Coming to Lynn's site and reading her words daily was such an inspiration to me. Lynn is the one who brought me back to Christ. Not that He ever left me, but I guess you could say I just got busy with life and forgot that I needed to put Him first! She helped me renew my Faith and my families too. I will never forget the day when Lynn sent me a personal email-It was like getting an autograph from a Rock Star! I was already feeling blessed to have received an email from Jenny, and to have been mentioned in a post from Holly, but for Lynn to take the time in the thick of her battle to write little ol'e me. She was the most amazing women. She was couragious and graceful through every step of her cancer journey. I never met her, but she allowed me to KNOW her-what a joy and what a blessing. Taylor and Jacob-your Mom not only touched people's lives, she CHANGED them. She had such Purpose in this world, and I really think she fulfilled it! Below is the beautiful email from Lynn. I still cry everytime I read her words. What an inspiration!
Thank You for allowing me to be part of this journey with each of you. What a loving group of family and friends Lynn has!
Much Love,
Brooke Bleyl

Dear Brooke,

I couldn't let another day go by with out telling you how profoundly excited I am for you that your daughter, husband, brother and nephew were baptized last week end. Praise GOD! I am certain that Jenny has shared with your how touched I am by your story. To think that I played some small role in bringing your family to Christ is amazing! My whole life I will never forget you or your family, I hope that you will be able to say the same. For this reason alone I will consider it to have been a blessing to have had this cancer journey.

God works through us in amazing ways doesn't he? I believe that as people continue to read your posts to me and follow your story they too will be drawn to Christ in much the same way that you were. OH! I wish my simple words could somehow express how grateful I am to have been woven into your life Ms. Brooke.

Someday, if you have time I'd love to have a picture of you and your family. Do you have a digital camera? If so e-mail it to me. If not mail it to me at:


It'll be such a blessing to put a face w/ a name.

Much love to you and your family.
Lynn Newman

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@roadrunner.com>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Friday, December 14, 2007 9:17 PM CST
Dear all who have been touched and loved by Lynn...and Holly, and Jenny, and the families....

I have followed Lynn's journey through this website and Holly (since I was her "6th grade teacher" some years ago) and I, too, confirm that I feel that I have learned so much more about love and life by the journal entries of Lynn...Holly...and the ongoing love this site represents. I will continue to pray and think all positive thoughts for Dave and Taylor and Jacob who I met at the beach last summer. I will continue to pray for the Newman and Berg families and they go about life without Lynn. I will continue to pray and love my dear Holly who is an inspiration to all of us in her loyalty and love for her dear Lynn. I think that God surely has plans and "connections" for each of us, and from this website I've met a wonderful new friend, Nancy Z., from Minnesota....she and I met because of Lynn's website and for that I am grateful. Know that in this holiday season of remembering what is really important, I think that the love and friendships Lynn nurtured are among the greatest blessings. Holly...you know how I love you and your family...and I think you are the greatest friend a person could have. Lynn was fortunate to have you at her side.

And in the immortal words of Tiny Tim..."And God bless us all!"

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, VA usa - Friday, December 14, 2007 8:11 PM CST
What a beautiful post, Holly. Thank you!
More soon...

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, December 14, 2007 7:23 PM CST
I don't know Lynn personally, but I have followed her journey for some time. What always struck me upon reading her words was the tremendous amount of LOVE she shared with her friends and family. Though there was fear, there was love. Though there was worry, there was love. More than anything, love ruled in Lynn's world. Through Lynn's shining example, I learned that we will all have a legacy to leave one day, and there is not one more permanent and lasting than love.
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Friday, December 14, 2007 6:36 PM CST

What a beautiful post!!!! I will ponder this weekend of my most memorable moment of Lynn and then write back. I have sooo many memories it will be hard. I can't even tell you how much Lynn has been on my mind lately!!!!!
I think the first year is most definately the hardest. Love Always, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, Co usa - Friday, December 14, 2007 6:05 PM CST
Thank you Holly for the beautiful post - though I never officially met Lynn I felt as though I knew her so well. Her words of strength, love for her family and friends, her faith, the deep love of her two children shaped all that she was. I feel that I am a better person for reading this site for over two years and have made some wonderful friendships through Lynn. It must make Wayne, Suzanne and Terri so proud to know that even though they grieve the loss of Lynn she lives on through her children and the legacy that she left behind in all of our hearts.
God Bless the entire Lynn Newman family and friends and thank you for sharing your Lynn with us.

Nancy Zembal <nezembal@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Center, MN USA - Friday, December 14, 2007 2:50 PM CST
Taylor and Jacob
I have been thinking about this for a few days!!! one thing that your mom used to do was when she was liking something that you kids did or she was excited about something she would say YA BABY!!!!!(really loud) and everytime I say that now I think of her... and her enthusiasm (when she said it) and her enthusiasm for life!!! It really makes me smile !!!! We love you!!!!!

Kathy Shearer <katshe@tx.rr.com>
frisco, TX usa - Thursday, December 13, 2007 9:17 PM CST
Great to hear from YOU Taylor! Hope you had a great birthday!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, December 11, 2007 6:25 AM CST
And how awesome it is to see a message from you, Taylor!!

Hope your birthday was wonderful!

Stow, OH - Sunday, December 9, 2007 11:19 AM CST
I love to see how many people have joined my moms website.
Taylor Newman
Frisco , Texas United States of America - Sunday, December 9, 2007 11:02 AM CST
Hi Taylor,

Happy very late Birthday wish! We love you guys.Julie, Mike, Kailee and Conner

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, Co usa - Saturday, December 8, 2007 9:54 AM CST
Happy Birthday to Taylor...
iloved, loved, loved meeting you at the BEACH in NorthCarolina....and Ilove knowingthatyou are friends of the Crandell family...you are a special girl and that, is in part, because of your wonderful MOTHER, Lynn...KNOW that I am thinking of you always.

Terri akaTeetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, VA usa - Sunday, December 2, 2007 9:53 PM CST
This birthday wish is a little late but wanted to send anyways. HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY TAYLOR! I just know your mom is so proud of you and what an amazing young lady you are Taylor. LOOKING RIGHT always, Heidi & family
Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <MN_Isaaks@hotmail.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Friday, November 30, 2007 8:37 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Taylor! Sorry we're a few days late! We miss you guys and hope you had a really happy day. Write us a letter sometime and let us know how you're doing. I saw your picture from Halloween... guess what? Rachel wore the EXACT same costume for Halloween this year! Isn't that funny? She misses you and hopes to see you soon. Say hi to everyone else for us.
Hugs and kisses, The McMullens
(Yvette, Andrew, Hannah, Rachel, Abby and Sophie)

Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL US - Friday, November 30, 2007 4:11 PM CST
Happy Birthday Taylor!

We LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Emily, Cameron, Kathy & John

The Ranneys <kathyranney@tx.rr.com>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, November 28, 2007 8:30 PM CST
Happy Birthday Taylor!!! I've been thinking about you guys ALL day today! Welcome to the double digits! :)
- Wednesday, November 28, 2007 2:38 PM CST
I knew there was a reason I popped on here today - Happy Birthday, Taylor! While I don't know you all, I certainly feel like I do. Hope you have a fantastic day, and even better year ahead.
az - Wednesday, November 28, 2007 1:50 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Hard not to remember this time last year with Lynn. The wonderful stories of all of you decorating the beautiful Chrismas tree in her home. How very sick Lynn was and how she stayed so brave and strong. Taylor's birthday....etc. I think today is Taylor's b-day.
Happy Birthday Taylor! You are such a special girl! I hope it was a GREAT day!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, November 23, 2007 9:56 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Still looking right because of Lynn. God Bless ~ Pattie

- Thursday, November 22, 2007 3:41 PM CST
Thanks Holly for the new pictures. Hope the 3-day walk went well. You all are awesome for doing it!!!
Susan Carter <srvcarter@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Sunday, November 11, 2007 8:50 PM CST
FABULOUS NEW PICTURES! Thanks for updating Holly! AWESOME!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, Colorado - Friday, November 9, 2007 9:15 PM CST


Wow!!!!!! To hear how awesome you guys did on the three day adventure, I am soooo proud of you girls. All of you have been in my thoughts and prayers every day. Thinking of Lynn and remembering how beautiful she is inside and out!!!!! I keep thinking of all of our shopping trips where she would give me advise on fashion, and of course I always took her advise.Love to you girls, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Thursday, November 1, 2007 8:56 PM CDT
So PROUD of you, Holly, and the "Holy Hooters"....I commend all of you with love and admiration. Lynn's life DOES and SHOULD STAND for the very BEST in all of us.

God bless you all,
Love,Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Thursday, November 1, 2007 8:40 PM CDT
Well Said Terry!
I hope the walk went well! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, November 1, 2007 3:57 PM CDT
It was so great to see you at the 3DAY, it was truly a blessing! It was so inspiring to see 3,000 soldiers walking to end breast cancer! What a beautiful site! I enjoyed our time together. I hope to walk with you again next year.


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, October 31, 2007 10:28 PM CDT
Looking Right for Lynn and because of Lynn. Just wanted to check in to see how the weekend went for the Holly and the gang. Did you like camping?
Here's to a great day everyone!
:) Heidi

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Monday, October 29, 2007 11:30 AM CDT
Dear EVERYONE, and esp. the HOLY HOOTERS!

You have been in my thoughts, prayers, and HOPES that BANDAIDS are plentiful ALL weekend! Holly, you are never far away in "thought" and as I read about your "newly put together heart" I thought of the story of the Velveteen Rabbit...and how you are not REAL until you have "all your fur loved off"....I like thinking that REAL has to do with our INSIDES and not our "fur"....God bless you, Holly, for pulling so many together in love and friendship for Lynn. Your OUTREACH has reached more people than you even know, or ever will. Our continued "new hearts" will continue to BEAT AS ONE with all positive thoughts for the Newman family as they grow with one another.

My heart (new and old) is WITH YOU, Holly, and all who have embraced the honorable and loving memory of Lynn. I did "know" her through Holly, and I will continue to pray for her family.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Sunday, October 28, 2007 6:42 PM CDT
Go HOLY HOOTERS! I will be keeping "the team" in my prayers all weekend. Holly - you are such a great example of how to bring meaning to Lynn's passing. I know Lynn is so proud of you and the amount of money your team raised to help find a cure for Breast Cancer. Ugh, no more lost lives to this nasty disease!

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Friday, October 26, 2007 3:21 PM CDT
Go Holy Hooters!!! Right now you guys are strutting your stuff through the streets of Dallas in honor of beautiful Lynn!! I know that this team of women has put in a ton of hours preparing for this walk - walking, raising money, and preparing their hearts for what God has in store for them this weekend!! I know that the experience you will share this weekend will change your lives forever!! The Holy Hooters are amazing women, and I know that Lynn is looking down at you all this weekend with a huge smile on her beautiful face!! She is so honored by your efforts, your dedication to having her memory live on through so many lives here on Earth!!! GO HOLY HOOTERS - YOU ARE AWESOME and AMAZING!!!!!
Jana Mouton <jmouton@epsilon.com>
- Friday, October 26, 2007 9:33 AM CDT
Holly and her team, the Holy Hooters, are doing the three day walk this weekend. We all need to keep Holly and her team in our prayers! It is chilly here at night and they are sleeping in tents. Good luck, Holly!!!! We are all so proud of you! Have fun and know that your best friend is with you every step of the way!!!!
Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@tx.rr.com>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, October 25, 2007 7:56 AM CDT
P.S. Heidi haven't been able to get that song out of my head! LOVE it:)
Amy <ajthurston@comcast.net>
- Saturday, October 13, 2007 4:03 PM CDT
BE PROUD HEIDI! Being that I live in the Twin Cities, I know how HOT that day was!! MANY, MANY people became Ill and required medical attention according to the press! SO glad you listened to your body.
Amy (a silent griever) <ajthurston@comcast.net>
MN - Saturday, October 13, 2007 4:00 PM CDT

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, October 8, 2007 10:36 PM CDT
HEIDI.....you did it! YOU trained for so long! You trained so hard! You pushed thru so many hard runs! You pushed thru so many hard emotions! YOU DID IT HEIDI! Even if the actual marathon did not go as planned. YOU were out there with your RUNNING SHOES ON! And Lynn was with you! I am glad you listened to your body and stopped.
YOU are an inspiration! Don't let the smile leave your face for even one second! You are a champion and Lynn is so proud!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, October 8, 2007 10:07 PM CDT
I have been a lurker on this site for such a long time, but never posted. I'm not sure why...
Heidi, please be proud of yourself for what you accomplished. Your beautiful friend would be proud of you for giving it your best shot and that's all that matters. I don't even know you and I am proud of you!
I know how badly you wanted to finish the race, but you put on your sneakers, wore that pink t-shirt with pride and ran your heart out...That's what friends do...the very best they can. So, hold your head up high and remember that "showing up" is much more than half the battle. Lynn was watching over you, rooting you on and so grateful that you took on this extraordinary challenge in her honor.
Congratulations are in order for you...so congratulations, Heidi. Everyone should have a friend like you.

As for the Newman family, my thoughts and prayers are with you always. Lynn has touched my life from afar and I wish you nothing but sweet, sunshine filled days ahead.


ny, ny usa - Monday, October 8, 2007 12:08 AM CDT
Dear Lynn Newman followers,
Thanks to all of you for your support with the marathon I attempted to run in memory of our Lynn. It was the hottest Twin Cities marathon in the 26 year history and I felt it! I was so proud wearing a hot pink t-shirt with the words RUNNING IN MEMORY OF LYNN NEWMAN on the back. However, the heat and humidity got me quickly and I over-heated. I had to drop our early. I was obviously extremely disappointed for many reasons but knowing my kids and husband were waiting to cheer me on around the 11/12 mile mark really made the reality hurt more since they were not going to see me run. I knew something was wrong early on as I knew I could easily run 10 miles so why was my body reacting so badly? When I eventually found my family, I realized how Lynn has really impacted my young children and our entire family. They had made a huge sign with two messages. 1) Had the words LOOK RIGHT MOM with lots of cute drawings. 2) The back had words to our family theme song "There is nothing you can't do..never heard the word impossible... (recognize it from the old show Luverne & Shirley?) I was CRUSHED inside and my oldest daugther Emma could see my disappointment. She turned to me with such serious eyes and said, "Mom, you need to LOOK RIGHT and realize how great it is you even started the race for Lynn."

So, Lynn Newman followers, for some reason this wasn't my race. I had at least a handful of people ask me who Lynn Newman is and why I was running for her. I'm going to wash my marathon shirt and wear it again and again and again at every 5K, 10K, and all runs I do the rest of my life to keep her spirit alive. Someday, I'll cross that finish line and be able to send Taylor and Jacob the medal I earned in memory of their amazing mother.

As always, LOOKING RIGHT for Lynn, because of Lynn, and with Lynn.

Love to you all,

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Monday, October 8, 2007 8:40 AM CDT
How did it go Heidi???
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, October 8, 2007 6:22 AM CDT
You go girl! I pray that God will be with you every step of the way!
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Saturday, October 6, 2007 4:08 PM CDT
Myspace Text - http://www.glitterwordslive.com

You will be prayed for all the way to the finish line and you will make Lynn proud!

Looking right,

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Wednesday, October 3, 2007 9:23 PM CDT
Go Heidi Go!
Running Shoes on!

Jill Smail <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, October 3, 2007 9:21 PM CDT
Good luck to you, I know Lynn is smiling as you endure such strength with her in mind. Although physically she is no longer with us she will always be a part of our futures. Godspeed Sweet Lynn.

Sharmaine Snyder

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@tx.rr.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, October 3, 2007 5:51 PM CDT
Thank you Dean for the update. It was so nice to hear how the kids are doing. I'm so glad Jacob can remember Lynn healthy.

To all Lynn's family and friends,
Per my promise about a year ago (sometime in October when Lynn was hospitalized), I told Lynn that I was going to run the Twin Cities Marathon 2007 for her and because of her. When I started my training I STORMED HEAVEN as we all used to say on behalf of our Lynn. Since her passing I chat with Lynn. During my toughest runs (and consider for a moment that I hadn't exercised in over ten years when I made this promise), a Red Cardinal would appear. Lynn is with me when I need her most. Physically, this Sunday is going to be tough on me but not even a fair comparision to what Lynn went through during her battle. So, I'm sucking it up and running with inspiration and pride for our Lynn with the words LOOKING RIGHT on the back of my shirt. I am guessing I will hear Jill's famous words too as I struggle to finish "Fight Sister Fight."

You touched so many of us. Thank you for feeling the need to share your message as the LOOKING RIGHT message keeps so many of us on the right path for our good Lord.

Love to you all,

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Tuesday, October 2, 2007 2:03 PM CDT

Thank you so much for the update about the kids... Lynn's legacy will never leave my heart and your family will be in our prayers for our lifetime.

God bless you and yours,

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Sunday, September 30, 2007 11:32 PM CDT


Thank you so much for the update on the kids and Dave. How is Suzanne and Wayne doing? Have they visited lately? Always in our thoughts and prayers. Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, Co usa - Saturday, September 29, 2007 3:05 PM CDT
Dean, You are the best!
Thank you!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, co - Saturday, September 29, 2007 6:40 AM CDT
Thank you Dean for a small update of the children. I think of them often. My daughter is 10 and my son is 8...... We pray for Taylor and Jacob often. Never met Lynn, rarely signed the book but boy do I think of her..... daily. That is how strong she IS and will always be. I could only imagine the impact her real live friends feel. Again thank you.
- Friday, September 28, 2007 10:18 PM CDT
THANK YOU SO MUCH Dean for giving us some insight as to how the children are doing.....and you too. I can't imagine the depth of their loss. They are so young. I hope you are holding up....we all miss Lynn;even those who never met her. She opened herself up to us all thru this medium(caringbridge)
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, September 28, 2007 10:14 PM CDT
I am here at my son's house having just said bedtime prayers with Taylor and Jacob. Iwas here last night and will be here tonight as David is in San Diego on business. I took Jacob to soccer practice this afternoon-he is growing up and doing well. Taylor is becoming a charming young lady-still misses her Mom, and don't we all! I realized how much when I saw the project Jacob did for his school homework.He asked me last night where he could find pictures showing him at different ages. I helped him find some albums and left him on his own. When he was going to bed he showed me the completed project-- a collage of 10 pictures inluding four with Lynn and him. There Lynn was....healthy,beautiful,bright eyes flashing,and radiating that special energy she always seemed to have. Clearly that is how he remembers his Mom and so should we. Dad Newman
Dean newman <newmanj36@netscape.net>
- Thursday, September 27, 2007 9:36 PM CDT
Holly - you're a little cruel!!!! (funny - but cruel) I'm sure most are like me and as soon as they saw the background change they got excited for an update! Just to give you guys a little insight...Holly is working her booty off being the secretary, organizer, motivator etc... for our 3 day team - Holy Hooters! She's doing such an awesome job of encouraging everyone else - I'm sure she would love to hear some encouraging words from you guys! Don't forget to go to her link on the main page as well. Hope everyone is well... missing Lynn more than usual this week. God Bless.
Pattie <pattiewilson2000@yahoo.com>
- Friday, September 21, 2007 10:10 AM CDT
It is that time of year again!
Komen Race for the Cure.
It is October 7th in Denver.
I hope you will all be out there in honor of LYNN! Find out when it is in your city and hit the road! She would want you to. Go out and show your support of finding a CURE for this awful disease. No other mom, friend, daughter, woman, human needs to go thru all that Lynn did.

Heidi is doing a marathon in honor on Lynn on Oct 7th, too. Holly is doing the 3 day walk. My family is doing the Race for the Cure family walk!

I know we all long to open this site and see a message about Lynn. Can you even imagine the pressure Holly feels? Maybe when we feel that way we should write our own entry with our fav memory of Lynn, or Best lesson learned from Lynn, etc. Just an idea.


Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, September 17, 2007 6:26 AM CDT
i check in often to hear any word on how everyone is doing. i speak for myself....but the few and far between updates since lynn's death compared to the frequency before where we were given things to pray for while being given a glimpse of life living with cancer and how one spiritual and courageous woman delt with it has been disappointing. I've come to realize that the family must want privacy in spite of lynn bearing her soul. whenever i see a cardinal....lynn instantly comes to my mind and always will
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, September 15, 2007 10:41 AM CDT
Checking in. Hoping that all in Lynn's world are hanging in there. I am sure there are bad days with the good. Please put the word out there if there is ANYTHING we can do for any of the family!

Bless you all!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, September 12, 2007 8:54 PM CDT
Thinking of Lynn today and missing her inspirational words!
Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Friday, September 7, 2007 1:23 PM CDT
Just thinking of Lynn and wanting to be close to those that loved her...

Hugs to all,

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Wednesday, September 5, 2007 5:19 PM CDT
I check this site often looking for any kind of update. Thanks to those who have in the guestbook! To Lynn's family and friends, you remain firmly in my heart and prayers. With passage of time.....that doesn't change.
Stow, OH - Friday, August 31, 2007 7:26 PM CDT
Coming here to be close to all of you and get my LOOKING RIGHT, big girl panties on! I praise God for all of you and for the lessons I have learned from Lynn.
Tracy Walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, TX - Tuesday, August 28, 2007 4:53 PM CDT
I have been going through a rough time lately, when what do you know I am drawn to visit Lynn's site. There are no coincidences, and it did my heart good to read the words of Heidi telling about her cardinal/Lynn encounter and reminding us to LOOK RIGHT, praise our good Lord, and live life to the fullest. Thank you Heidi!

Keeping Lynn's family in my prayers.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Monday, August 27, 2007 9:28 PM CDT
Hello Lynn Newman followers,
I had the most beautiful experience from Lynn the other day while out on a run. I was at the end of a long run and very tired. I wasn't thinking about anything or anyone in particular when I saw a Red Cardinal on a fence ahead of me. I thought by the time I got close to the fence, the bird would be gone. As I approached the Red Cardinal I got goosebumps as the bird didn't fly away. I ran right up to the bird and just knew Lynn's spirit was with me. I smiled and told Lynn how I always wear her pink LOOKING RIGHT bracelet and as I told her, I touched it. I needed to LOOK RIGHT that day and Lynn must have known it too. She is a constant reminder to me to LOOK RIGHT, praise our good Lord, and live life to the fullest.

To all Lynn's family and loved ones - I hope every day you are doing better. Lynn was a gift to so many of us and the great thing is, she still is through her wisdom and message she taught us here on earth. LOOK RIGHT my friends, Lynn wouldn't want for anything less.

Much love from New Hope, MN!

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Monday, August 27, 2007 10:44 AM CDT
I haven't posted for a very long time but have never stopped thinking about everyone. Holly, thank you for your heartfelt sharing in July. I cried when I read it. I also appreciated Mr. Newman's post about the family. It's good to hear that everyone's doing okay. I haven't met any of you face to face, except Terri, who has become a dear true friend. Yet, because of this web page and the sharings you all post, I feel very close to each one. I'm slowly printing all Lynn's postings going back to the beginning. There's so much wisdom, truth and love in them -- and so much of Lynn! Much love and blessings to all, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Saturday, August 25, 2007 4:50 PM CDT
Thanks for the update Dean. Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT because of Lynn.
Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Sunday, August 19, 2007 8:47 PM CDT

Thank you Dean for the update on the family. It gives me peace knowing everyone is ok. I cannot even tell you how many times I think of all of you in a weeks time! The prayers are always coming your way, and I hope you are getting them. Give everyone a big hug for me. Love always, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Tuesday, August 14, 2007 7:00 AM CDT
Thank you so much for the update, Mr. Newman! It is always good to hear how the family is doing...it gives us peace knowing that they are doing well. You are ALL still in our thoughts and prayers--you are all forever in our hearts and a part of our lives, even though we have never met.

Love to you all,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Monday, August 13, 2007 12:03 AM CDT
it would be nice to hear how the family is doing. Please give us an update. Have a wonderful weekend.
t. nelson <rtkknelson@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, August 12, 2007 5:15 PM CDT
Thank you so much for the update! There are so many of us out here who think of you all so often.
Yesterday I was cleaning and ran across a box of old pictures and among them were the pictures I took at Lynn and David's wedding. What a beautiful day it was.
Love to you all!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, August 10, 2007 6:37 PM CDT
I haven't posted in awhile but I still come here often I think to just try and feel close to Lynn ~ I still can't believe she is gone sometimes... Dave, I know today must be especially hard for you. Lynn was SO happy on her wedding day and you two were such a beautiful couple - both inside and out. We keep you all in our prayers and hope you are managing as best you can. All our love...

Vicky <vickyn@prattins.com>
Scottsdale, - Friday, August 10, 2007 4:04 PM CDT
Wayne and Suzanne Berg were here at David's with us 29 July thru 4 Aug. David was in Thailand for most of that week returning in time for Jacob's eighth birthday party.
Party started with Wayne and I taking Jacob and 5 friends to see the 2:40 movie"Underdog", a great movie for the whole family. After the movie we raced back to the house for a pool party and pizza for the kids. A little later the parents arrived for a dinner and for Jacob to open his presents. It was a great celebration for all. The only sad note was poor Taylor sick with a touch of pneumonia;she is better now and busy, busy with basketball camp, sleepovers, etc. We all thank you for your continued posts.
Dad and Mom Newman

Dean Newman <newmanj36@ netscape.net>
Frisco, - Friday, August 10, 2007 12:37 AM CDT
Has anyone heard from Lynn's parents??
I hope they know they too remain in my thoughts and prayers! I cannot imagine the pain they must feel. All the best to you all!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, August 8, 2007 7:52 PM CDT
Abraham Lincoln said: "It is not the years in your life, but the LIFE in your YEARS." And ...Lynn truly empliplfied that phrase.

Having spent some time at the BEACH with Dave, Taylor, and Jacob alongwith the entire Crandell family and Grandma "Char Char"...I know that Lynn's spirit is alive and well in those children. I just pray that Dave continues to remember what an ANGEL he had in Lynn and that he continues to pass it on to Taylor and Jacob. It was my pleasure to be with them all at the beach enjoying "FUN TMIE and SUN TIME" at the same time!

Love to all,
Holly's teacher/and friend for so many years....
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Saturday, August 4, 2007 8:30 PM CDT
Abraham Lincoln said: "It is not the years in your life, but the LIFE in your YEARS." And ...Lynn truly empliplfied that phrase.

Having spent some time at the BEACH with Dave, Taylor, and Jacob alongwith the entire Crandell family and Grandma "Char Char"...I know that Lynn's spirit is alive and well in those children. I just pray that Dave continues to remember what an ANGEL he had in Lynn and that he continues to pass it on to Taylor and Jacob. It was my pleasure to be with them all at the beach enjoying "FUN TMIE and SUN TIME" at the same time!

Love to all,
Holly's teacher/and friend for so many years....
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Saturday, August 4, 2007 8:29 PM CDT
Family and friends make the fight for life worth the effort! Never forget, never give in, and always remember!

God bless

Carin Addams <e.addams@insightbb.com>
Lexington, KY USA - Wednesday, August 1, 2007 1:12 AM CDT
I has been way too long since I have posted-sorry. I still think of Lynn soooo often. What an impact she has had on my life. I often try to just be in the moment as she always seemed to be. It is soooo easy to get caught up in the stress of life and kids and take things for granted. Lynn seemed to have just a natural ease about her, and such a pure loving heart. I was a stranger to her and yet just reading her words allowed the outside world right into her heart. Coming here still gives me comfort and reminds me not to take anything for granted!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Wednesday, July 25, 2007 12:46 AM CDT
Wow-watching the video, well to quote our friend, "there are no words". The tears just started flowing. What a beautiful way to honor a treasured friend. I know Lynn is smiling in Heaven! If there are any shirts available for purchase, I'd love nothing more than to wear it proudly in honor of Lynn for our Race for the Cure in September.

Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Wednesday, July 25, 2007 0:53 AM CDT
It is Sunday, and again I have found myself checking this website, along with other caring bridge sites. I am deeply touched by the amazing Christ-like love that is felt from these postings. I continue to pray for all who knew and loved Lynn. I wanted Holly and Jenny to know how wonderful the video was. As I sat and tears flowed I realized how deeply I was being touched by women, men and children that I hardly knew. You all are absolutely wonderful and I will continue to pray for all of you. Thanks for giving of yourselves, so others may be touched. Wow! Our God is an awesome God!
Kerri Blaisure <ghopperkb@yahoo.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Sunday, July 22, 2007 6:52 PM CDT

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, July 17, 2007 9:29 PM CDT
"It matters not how long we live, but how."
Festus Bailey

And how Lynn did LIVE! Her life was taken much too soon, yet we are forever changed by such a precious soul. It doesn't make it easier, but I take comfort in knowing she is celebrating with our KING, the Prince of Peace. And I relish in Holly's words--what a homecoming it's going to be!

Doing my best and LOOKING RIGHT!

Love to all,

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, July 17, 2007 9:23 PM CDT
P.S. Holly - your words were from the heart and that is what matters most. Thank you for sharing your thoughts as reading your posts makes me feel Lynn. I too re-read Lynn's past posts from time to time. Not sure why I do but I think we are all trying to feel connected to her still. Like you said, she'll be waiting for us when our time comes. Until then, let's do her proud. I know I'm trying my best to LOOK RIGHT for Lynn, because of Lynn, and now in honor of Lynn. Love to you Holly!
Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usaa - Sunday, July 15, 2007 8:35 PM CDT
Yes, once again I seem to hop on Lynn's site right after Jill. Lynn is with us! I passed on her LOOKING RIGHT message today at a wedding shower. I proudly wear my pink braclet and tell anyone/everyone about our Lynn.

To Dave, Taylor, Jacob, and all Lynn's family and friends,
I'm so sorry you have to be without Lynn. I know there isn't anything I can say or do to help but I hope you can feel all the prayers and love being sent to you from all around the world. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think of Lynn or all of you.

With much love,

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Sunday, July 15, 2007 8:31 PM CDT
I too am missing Lynn. I still have a pink ribbon tied to a tree in my front yard that I put there over a year ago to honor her....it is now so dirty and dusty but I hate to take it down...I swear I hear Lynn in my head the other day say......."girlfriend, it looks terrible! Take it down! I know you care." I chuckle as I know Lynn would not have the dirty pink ribbon on her front tree and that she laughs when she sees it too!
She is with us all!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, July 14, 2007 8:00 PM CDT
To my mom Taylor and her family how we wish we could have Mrs.Newman back but I know all she would want us to do is care for her family.Taylor and I love to have fun and although we miss Lynn we know we will see her again.
Ashlynn Crandell
Frisco, TX Usa - Saturday, July 14, 2007 7:52 AM CDT
just needed to be with all of you in Lynn's space.
Tracy Walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, Tx - Thursday, July 12, 2007 7:46 PM CDT
I come here every day but haven't posted in a long time. For some reason this morning I decided to post. Holly, I am missing your friend (and mine) as well. The vivid picture you painted of your dad and Lynn waiting in heaven was beautiful. Keep your eyes on God and keep looking right. Much love, Pattie
- Thursday, July 12, 2007 8:41 AM CDT
Hi all,

Yes...Lorraine, you sentiments are heartfelt...I miss Lynn's words, I miss everything about her! We just returned from a great vacation at the beach with Taylor, Jacob and Dave. It was at the same beach house last year that I spoke to Lynn and learned about the results of one of her PET scans....the one that was not positive. I remember the conversation...it was at least two hours long and like friends do sometimes...there weren't always words being spoken but just "being" there, loving and supporting. It was tough and I thought a lot about that call last year, this year.....in Lynn's way of saying things she would say "there are just no words".

Occasionally, I re-read her past entries....I re-read last year's post from July 8th to remember the gravity of that PET scan. I am not sure why I did...as it was so tough and lots of emotions surfaced....especially her thoughts, ponderings, and her deep sense of spirit and trust in God to lead her forward.

I will look forward to reuniting with my precious Dad and sweet friend in heaven one day. They will be at the door, beckoning us all to come in and relishing showing us around our new home...of this I am so confident.

To all of you who have shared in Lynn's journey, thank you for sticking with the prayers and supporting endlessly. Lynn would probably have something profound to say and would put some great words together of positive thoughts...my words aren't eloquent today...just missing my friend!!!

Blessings to each reader,


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@tx.rr.com>
- Wednesday, July 11, 2007 6:16 PM CDT
Missing Lynn, and her beautiful words!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, July 11, 2007 7:38 AM CDT
Just read Terri's entry. And yes, Holly is SIMPLY AMAZING. God knew what He was doing when He had Lynn/David move next door to Holly/family. Holly - you are an angel on earth and I know Lynn is smiling down with gratitude and love for you.

To Lynn and all her loved ones - there isn't a day that goes by without thoughts of Lynn. Her LOOKING RIGHT message is a part of me forever. MISSING HER!


Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Monday, July 2, 2007 4:22 PM CDT
Thank you for the video Holly and Jenny. I wish I knew who was who in the video? Just to make the connection. If there are any shirts left, I would love to buy one. jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com Peace and love always.

jackie delvalle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
northridge, ca usa - Monday, July 2, 2007 1:32 AM CDT
Hello Lynn followers,

I have just spent a lovely two days with Holly, her sweetestintheworldchildren, and her mom, my dear friend of over 30 years, Char Char....they took time "away" from their beach vacation to join us in Virginia for the third Annual Rally for Ally. We had two special/fun-filled/late nights at our house, with all children in "step" with my grandaughter, Morgan. (Ally's big sister) To be WITH the McKay/Crands was more than magnificent, and I learned so much MORE about Lynn, Taylor, Jacob, and Dave. We are looking forward to seeing them at the beach this next week when we make our trek to the beach! Whahoo!!! The amazing love and devotion of Holly as a friend and mom is simply overwhelming to me, and I love her even more than I did when I was her "teacher" 30 years ago! God has richly blessed my life by knowing Holly, as yours has also been enriched by her presence. Lynn and her family were fortunate to have Holly by their side and they still do have her.
Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Sunday, July 1, 2007 3:13 PM CDT

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