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Monday, March 6, 2006 7:14 PM CST

Three years ago today our lives changed forever. It was about this time that we were telling our family and friends that Georgia had cancer. We were waiting for a room at Cook's and Georgia was being admitted. Georgia was so good all day. About midnight the surgeon, Dr. Black, came in and told us what he was going to the next day. The next 6 months was Georgia's treatment protocol and the next year and a half weren'tany better... If it wasn't relapse scares it was something else... nothing seemed to be little anymore, everything she went through was on the extreme end of whatever sickeness she had.

BUT... she is doing so good! People we haven't seen in a long time can't beleive she is the same girl!! She is healthy and happy not to mention she has finally gained some weight... 38 pounds!!!! Can you believe it. I thought she was going to weight 23 pounds forever.

Georgia is enjoying Pre-K and loving her little brother!!! Aaron and I are both doing good too!

My Mom still needs your prayers. She is 4 weeks into radiation! Only 2 more weeks to go!! We love you Mom!!

It's time for St. Baldrick's Celebration and again this year we are hosting our own event. Please stop by and make a donation in Aaron or Cole's name! You never know, the research it will fund could save your own childs life... or your grandchild, neice or nephew.

Love you Tootties,
The Holsomback's

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 5:28 PM CST

Wow, it's been so long since I updated!!! No news is good news for Georgia...

She had CLEAR SCANS again!!!

She is doing great in preschool and loving her little brother... who is at the moment riding around on his dump truck going "Wooo Wooo Wooo", he thinks it's a fire truck!

We are enjoying the holidays... even some cold weather!

God has blessed us by keeping Georgia in remission, although I still need to ask for your prayers...

My Mom has been diagnosed with Comedo DCIS, a form of breat cancer. She had surgery Monday to remove the cancer, but it was not completely successful. We're not sure what the next step will be. We know for sure that she will begin radiation soon. Please keep her in your prayers.

God Bless you and keep you safe through the holidays.

Merry Christmas Tooties,
The Holsomback's

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 10:14 PM CDT

******Georgia has C~L~E~A~R S~C~A~N~S*******

We are two happy parents! She is doing great. She's taking a break from dance and enjoying the summer.

In a few weekends will be taking a trip to Sea World since Georgia loved it so much in Florida. Other than that we're just doing lots of fun outside stuff.

We have a few important prayer requests:

Haley, after a long, hard battle with Wilm's tumor has passed away. She earned her Angel wings this morning. Please keep Patti, Kevin, Hanna, & the rest of their family in your prayers.

My Uncle Butch is having surgery tomorrow and they are going to have to amputate one or possibly both of his legs. His legs are consumed with cardiovascular disease and he needs a lot of prayers to get him through this.

Aaron's stepbrother Blaine will be heading to Iraq soon along with our good friend Max and Aaron's lifelong friend Colin. Please pray that God will keep them safe, protect them and bring them home safely. We love you guys...Thanks for fighting for our Country.

Please also pray for Madi, Jeff & Renee's daughter who was recently diagnosed with Diabetes. After a pretty scary week in the hospital, she was released last week. Please keep them in your prayers as they get into a routine of checking her blood sugar and giving her insulin.

I hope you are all enjoying your summer. Make sure your kids know how much you love them.

God Bless,

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:51 PM CDT

Long time no update :P

I am very happy to say that Georgia has been doing great! She's hasn't had anything but normal kid stuff going on (thank you GOD)!!! Her next scans are June 14th. She'll be having the full work-up, which should make for a long day at Cook's :( To be honest though, sometimes I love our days at Cook's... the interaction with the kids is great, Georgia is always showered with attention, they have the best grilled-cheese sandwiches, and we're cut off from everything else going on in our lives. Sounds crazy I know, but I do enjoy them sometimes!

Georgia was in her first dance recital this weekend. She did so good...although she dances to her own beat. My two Moms (Georgia's Grandma's) and I cried through both of her dances. Wow, she's come so far! Daddy did good on the father/daughter dance too! Georgia also had her 4th birthday this month. She wanted a cowgirl theme and that is what she got...it was fun! I will add pictures soon. I am still having trouble saving pics on the server...UGH!

Cole is doing great he STILL isn't walking... I guess he's a little spoiled! He is cute and sweet as can be though. He smiles as much as me! Georgia nicknamed him Spike because he looks like the dog from Tom & Jerry, Spike, when he crawls...gotta love it!

I will leave you with a Georgia funny:

At her dance recital when it was time for awards Georgia looks up at me and says, "Mommy, I can't go back on stage. I don't have another dance in me."

Sorry this was so long. I hope every one has a safe and happy Memorial Day, and for those of you who are going to the river (sorry we can't this year) don’t get to rowdy without us!

Have a good day TOOTIES,

Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:17 AM CST

Update 4/11/05
All is well with us, except Cole is on the downside of having the measles!! He was pretty sick!

I'm updating for prayer requests...

Kaidrie ~ she and her family really need your prayers. For updates on Kaidrie you can go to www.tumbleweedfoundation.org

Betsy ~ my Mom's long-time friend needs prayers also. She was recently diagnosed with Melanoma.

Haley ~ needs a lot of prayers still. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

Sorry it's been a while...We've been busy!!! Busy, getting CLEAR SCANS and raising money to find a cure for childhood cancer!

The St. Baldrick's Celebration was awesome! We raised almost $5,000 and more money is still coming in. All of the celebrations through out the US and the world have raised over 2 million already this year. We can't wait to start again for next year!!!!

Did you notice all the links to our sweet caringbridge friends gone??? I'm very sad to say that because of some horrible people we can no longer link other caringbridge sites to our own, even with permission to do so. There have been a lot of problems arising...fake sites, nasty emails and guest book entries, etc...It's a shame that these people have to ruin it for everyone else. I've often said that the friends that we 'meet' through caringbridge are part of our family. They've helped us grow and learn and gotten us through some rough patches. I truly appreciate what the caringbridge network has provided us; they are working on setting up something for those of us who do not mind the websites to be public...I hope it comes soon. I am also working on a webpage (not through caringbridge) that will feature our friends and special prayer requests. I will let you know when it's done and you can email me for the link...with their parent’s permission of course.

I have a few prayer requests today...

One for Haley who really needs prayers right now...we are praying for a miracle and for an earthly healing. Despite everything this little girl is not giving up and neither is her family. We love you Haley!!!!

Also, please pray for Angie. She was just diagnosed with lung cancer, stage 4. Her first chemo treatment was Tuesday. Her husband works with Aaron's Mom, Julie. We will be praying that the chemo does it's job and that it is not too hard on her body.

All of our caringbridge friends, especially the ones still fighting!

We are going to celebrate Easter at church followed with an Easter egg hunt by the pond behind our house with our families. It should be FUN!! Have a Happy Easter and remember that you are celebrating Jesus' precious life and that he died for all of our sins!

Have a good day TOOTIES,

Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Wow, it's been a long time since I updated.

No news is good news...for the most part. : )

Last Friday Georgia decided that it was time to keep us on our toes. She likes to remind us every now and then how quickly things can change. It started with blood on her pillow and then on her sheets twice last week, then a sore mouth, then pain so bad she was hollering at the top of her lungs...then vomiting up bile, a lot of it! Ugh!

My Mom got her to the urgent care place by our house and I met her up there. The doctor there did a UA and it came back negative for infection but positive for blood. After calling Georgia's primary doctor (plus the fact that she was in so much pain) we took her to Cook's ER. They did another UA and didn't find infection or blood - go figure. They did find that Georgia has some blockage in her colon all the way to her intestines. We've given her enemas for the past four days (she's gong to kill me when she's older) and hopefully she's doing better.

They never figured out why her mouth was hurting, or why she was bleeding so badly. She is going to follow up on Thursday with Dr. Nivens. Maybe he'll have some answers.

Other than this freak episode, Georgia has been doing great. She and Cole play so well together. She is still going to dance and school and loves them both.

It's time again for the St. Baldrick's Celebration and this year we are organizing our own event at Sherlock's in Lincoln Square. You can ~*~Sponsor Aaron~*~ or ~*~Sponsor Georgia's Gents and Ladies~*~. We are looking for shavees too!

Caringbridge friends, we've been visiting your sites! Sorry we haven't signed your guestbook's in a while, but we think about you and pray for you daily.

Have a good day & hug your kids tight,

Wednesday, December 29, 2004 4:38 PM CST

If you didn't see the last journal, Georgia had CLEAR SCANS!!

She had a wonderful Christmas and Santa brought her every thing she wanted! Hopefully I'll add pictures soon.

Health wise Georgia is doing AWESOME, I never thought she would be doing so well! It just seemed like if it wasn't one thing bothering her it was another. That's not the case anymore.

Cole is doing great too. He is such a sweet, sweet baby!

Please remember all of our friends that are struggling right now. Also remeber the ones who need to remain in remission.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I our best wishes (and prayers) for 2005.

God bless you,
The Holsomback's

Monday, December 13, 2004

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Merry Christmas~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

****CLEAR SCANS****We're two happy parents! Georgia does have to go see a urologist :( but, it could be nothing :)****

Georgia has been great (minus the last four days). She is so funny and cute at this stage. It continues to amaze me how fast she learns things. She still loves dance and preschool. She has been a great help putting up the Christmas tree, telling Daddy how to put up the lights. Doing everything 3 year olds love to do, and wanting her baby brother right by her side! She was especially helpfully on Mammaw and Mommy's birthday too!

All in all she has been great since she recovered from her adenoids and tonsils being taken out. She even eats now (although there are still days that she won't)! She has gained 3 more pounds and she looks great! The last four days have been a nightmare, almost comical! Last Thursday morning Georgia had a 104.4 temp. We took her to the doctor that after noon (Thanks Terry and Dr. Nivens) and she has a sinus infection and ulcers lining her throat. Dr. Nivens said she was going to be a very sick little girl for 3-5 days. Boy was he right, BUT it's still not over, I think she was a cold now and now Cole is sick too! He is miserable it's so sad to see him all stuffed up. He can hardly eat or drink his bottle. I guess it's that time of year, Jherith, Spencer, & Hayden are all sick too!!!

Georgia's scans are tomorrow and I can actually say that I am not worried about it; I'm concerned but not worried - yet! We will be talking to them about a few different things that have been going on, but none of them concern me as far as relapse.

I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas season and that you take the time to remember what the season is about – God sent his son for us so that we can have eternal life in Heaven! That’s the greatest gift of all!

There are quite a few Caringbridge families that are in need of extra prayers right now, just a few off the top of my head - SORRY if I miss someone: Haley, Kaidrie, Ray-Anne, Connor’s family, Cheyenne’s family, Kody, Benjamin, Amy’s family, Josh’s family, and so many more families that will be fighting the cancer monster through Christmas and those that will be spending Christmas without a son or daughter. Please keep all of these families in your prayers.

Also, there is a wonderful group of people called Tag Artist Who Care that are making graphics for kids. Georgia was one of the featured children in November and we got a bunch of cool tags! For whatever reason I can’t get the ones they sent me to show correctly, but I’m not all that bright when it comes to HTML stuff. Anyway, if you would like more info you can contact Kristy at kristy@theholmgrens.org. She is a great person and it’s a great organization!

Merry Christmas Tooties,

November 22, 2004

Please say a prayer for Amy M's family. She passed away today, November 29th at 2:20. Please stop by and leave her family a message.
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That's Hi from Georgia

This year I am thankful for....

One year and four months of REMISSION!
Being blessed with the 2 most beautiful kids!
3 years with my wonderful husband!
All of our family and friends!
The great families that we've met on Caringbridge!

Thanks for checking on Georgia today, she is doing great! Her next scans are on December 14th. Please pray that they will be clear! Also, we met an awesome woman, Courtney, who is in remission for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma; her scans are also on the 14th. It was very cool too meet her, it turns out that she was very helpful in getting Aaron's time off when Georgia was first diagnosed. She is a wonderful person, with a beautiful 3 year old girl and we are praying for clear scans for her also.

As I said before Georgia's health is great, her spirits are great also. Almost every morning she tells me that she dreamed about God. Most of the time she is flying with him or they are tickling "brother". I am sure they are. I love her innocence! The other day Georgia asked if she just had one more shot could she go to Heaven. We told her that she was already going to Heaven, even if she never got another shot! It was pretty funny!

Lately Georgia has become quite a back seat driver; she likes to do "lessons" while we are driving. Today while doing lessons on green means go, red means...etc, etc I turned onto a street and Georgia starts yelling "MOMMY The light was STILL RED". It was pretty funny trying to explain right-on-red to a three year old!

Thanks for checking on Georgia, We hope you have a great Thanksgiving. While you're praying please remember these special prayer requests:

Haley - Her latest scans showed a new spot, also her normally upbeat family is understandably having a hard time with everything right now. They just want so badly to hear "Clear Scans".

Angel Connor's family - That the Lord gives them comfort and peace as they grieve his loss.

Angel Cheyenne's family - For comfort and peace also, as they have lost their "pumpkin".

Kody - He is still recovering from brain surgery.

Benjamin - His last hope chemo is not working and his family is heartbroken.

Happy Thanksgiving Tooties!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 12:55 AM CST

I want to start by saying our heart goes out to Cheyenne's and Connor's families. They both went home to meet the Lord last week; they're flying pain and cancer free. Our prayers are with their families as they carry this loss.

This has been a few really sad weeks here in the Caringbridge world, and it is so hard to write about our wonderful trip when there are so many suffering families out there...

Before I start, I have opened ~*~Georgia's Store~*~ it's a shop for Cancer T-shirts and things. I know a lot of people have stores for their children, but this is different. It's about children and adults with cancer. Please check it out; I am adding new things all the time. Also, if you want something or a saying and I don't have it on there just email me and I can add it to the store.

Our trip started with a phone call from American Airlines, they were sending someone to pick us up! Well, a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud is what showed up! It was very nice, and so was the pilot that was driving it (I forgot his name) The license plate said 2 cloud 9, how appropriate!

When we got to the airport there were tons of people from Wish Flight (American Airlines volunteers) to greet us. They grabbed all of you luggage and escorted us through the airport. They even got our boarding passes for us. When we got to the terminal there were more people there from wish flight. They had a cake, a clown, news people, balloons and PRESENTS for Georgia AND Cole! We boarded the plane only to be put in first class! The captain came on to announce Georgia and Tanner (another very cute wish kid) were aboard. Georgia was so excited to hear her name. When we landed the entire crew and all of the passengers sang the Mickey Mouse song and Happy Birthday to Tanner. Georgia got to meet the captain and he gave her flight wings. It was great! Let's just say we were extremely overwhelmed! It was just the beginning of an awesome trip.

When we got to Orlando our escorts from Wish Flight and Give Kids the World helped us to our rental van and helped get us all loaded up. We made our way to Give Kids the World Village and they had more stuff for Georgia along with all of our tickets to Disney World, Sea World and Universal Studios. We spent that afternoon at the village. At the village there were plenty of things to do; they have a putt-putt course, arcade, train, two pools, a movie theater, ice cream parlor, carousel, and a castle! Georgia, Gramps and Aaron rode the carousel about 20 times in a row, literally. At one point Georgia told Gramps to “Get on the reindeer Gramps, it's really going to take off!”

Saturday we were off to Animal Kingdom we had a wonderful time there looking at the animals. Georgia’s favorite part was the baby elephants. We also saw rhinos, gorillas, giraffes, lions, hippos, alligators, and the “plamingos”. It was very cool! When we were leaving she hugged Mimi’s leg and told her it was the best vacation ever. Saturday night we went back to the village and participated in the fall festival they had going. It was awesome; there were over 1200 people there. Georgia was of course the cutest! She was a princess ballerina. She got a lot of attention from all of the volunteers. She danced, ATE and trick-or-treated! Cole was a pumpkin, and boy was he cute too! He was sooooo tired he only made it through about thirty minutes of the celebration.

Sunday we went to Sea World. Georgia got to feed the dolphins, sting rays and sharks! Aaron, Mimi and I rode a really cool rollercoaster. It was fun, and we were able to get at the front of the line, so we didn't have to waste anytime. Georgia had fun taking pictures out of a fake shark's mouth. She wanted to ride the paddle boats so Mammaw and I took her and she hated it, oh well I had fun. We then went to see the Shamoo show which was really cool and her favorite part. Bubby liked it a lot too. Her favorite part was “When that geirrl was on his nose and he went down and then he camed up and she went whoo” (The trainer came up in the air about 20 or 30 feet of Shamoo's nose and then dove into the water).

Monday we went to the Magic Kingdom and had a great time. Georgia got to meet all of the characters; again she got to go to the front of the line. They all paid special attention to her, but Donald Duck was the best. “That Duck” as Georgia calls him chased her around gave her and Cole kisses, tickled her, and let her scare him. He spent at least 30 minutes with Georgia. There wasn't a dry eye in the room! It was unbelievable to see her running around with so much energy. A year ago she could barely walk, let alone run. It was fantastic! We rode a few rides and watched the night time parade and fireworks, although the kids didn't make it through the fireworks they were so tired.

Tuesday we took our time getting ready and went out for some real – not amusement park- food. We went to Chili’s because Georgia was “Starrrrrrrrving”. We couldn't believe our ears, Georgia actually was hungry and she told us she was starving. In three years this was the first time she ever told us she was hungry. She ate half a bowl of macaroni, some chicken, french fries and shrimp. Can you believe that? I was a little emotional and was crying again! That afternoon we headed back over to Magic Kingdom and had a great time again. We watched the fireworks from the ferry back to the parking lot, Georgia was awake this time and she loved every minute of it.

Wednesday was our 3rd anniversary. What a way to spend it! Georgia went horseback riding in the morning and then we headed over to Universal Studios were Georgia got to meet Barney. She was pretty excited about that. We rode the Jaws ride and we all enjoyed it, but Georgia and Cole didn't like it to much. Aaron and I rode the Mummy ride twice, it was cool. Georgia got her arm “tattooed” (painted) with pretty hearts. Aaron played some of the games and won the kids lots of stuffed animals. We went to Margaritaville and then headed back to the village to swim and get one last free ice cream sunday!

Thursday we packed up and headed home back to reality with two very spoiled :) kids! We had to buy an extra suitcase to get back home. Not only did we go nuts on souvenirs, Give Kids the World had a new present for both of them everyday. We met some wonderful families while we were there, and we hope they keep in touch. This trip was over-the-top; an experience that money can’t buy.

Thank you Make-A-Wish and Give Kids the World!!!!!

Thanks for Checking on Georgia, her next set of scans are Dec. 14th. Please pray our little girl stays in Remission!

PS. I'll add pictures soon!

Have a good Day Tooties,

Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:52 AM CDT

Hello Tooties!


I have very good news! The audiologist that looked over my nephews and gave them extended hearing tests thought that it was fluid that was causing their hearing loss!!!! Say it and believe it and it will come true!

Georgia is doing great although she didn't have such a good night; she had a pretty bad migraine. We have also noticed that her left foot has turned in again and is kind of 'lazy'. It was really obvious in dance class last night.

Yesterday was dress up day at school and Georgia had a good time. She was really cute too, I'll add pictures soon.

I have to retract what I said about one of the doctors offices at Cook's, Dr. Palmer's...they have called twice now to check on; Georgia. I still wish they would have listened to us in the first place and kept her over night after surgery. I really feel like the vomiting that night lead to the dehydration x 2, which lead to ALL of the bleeding.


KODY - Is back in a coma after his surgery to remove part of his brain tumor. "Kody Bear" needs some special prayers. Kody just turned nine; is such a cute sk8ter boy.

CONNOR - "The Bravest Little Trooper" is at home on hospice and his entire family needs to be lifted up in prayer. Connor turns 10 this Sunday, October 31st.

Cheyenne - "Pumpkin" I love that nickname, it's what my Dad used to call me; Cheyenne's trial chemo does not seem to be working. She is experiencing a lot of symptoms from her brain tumor. She just became a teenager last month. Her page has a picture of a bill board that her classmates put up for her to celebrate her birthday, it's pretty cool.

Please go visit Kody and Connor's site and let them know they are being prayed for. I will hopefully add Cheyenne's link soon.

Hug you kids’ tight tooties,

Monday, October 25, 2004 8:47 AM CDT

4 More days until Disneyworld!

One week has gone by and we've had no Doctor visits or trips to the ER!!!!
Georgia is doing great. She is sleeping so peacefully and she has started eating again too! Yesterday she ate a whole piece of pizza; that's a lot considering she has been surviving on pedisure for months now.

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes, I can't believe this "little" surgery was harder on her then having a softball sized tumor and her kidney removed!!!! We didn't think it was going to be a walk in the park, but we certainly didn't expect it to be this hard on her little body either!

We need some special prayers today...my nephews Jherith and Spencer see the audiologist. I am sure you can imagine we're on pins and needles. Since we have found out about they're hearing loss it has become quite obvious that they are having a lot of trouble. Can't believe we didn't pick up on that sooner, then again how do ya miss a softball size tumor in a 1 year olds belly???

Other VERY important prayer requests:
CONNOR- "The Bravest Little Trooper" at home on hospice care
KODY - Having brain surgery today, his tumor started acting up last week and he is having trouble walking, seeing, etc.
CHEYENNE -Not doing great, she has a brain tumor, many of her symptoms are returning and she also has new ones showing up. I don't have her page linked yet, but if I can get permission I'll put it up shortly.
SHIRI - Having scans today

I hope I didn't miss anyone; I have some new sites to add, of some wonderful children if I can get to it today.

Have a good day Tooties!

Monday, October 18, 2004 9:22 AM CDT

***UPDATE 10/19/04***
I'm very happy to say that Georgia is going much better, and we've had two days with no signs of bleeding! We can already tell a difference in her sleep. Last night she only woke up once and it was because of her throat hurting. I think she's finally over the "hump"!
I'm not quite sure what the saying is... waiting for the other shoe to fall, somehting along those lines...anyway that's the way we feel these days.

Georgia did pretty good through the week until Friday. She started bleeding from her mouth. Anything more than a teaspoon your supposed to call the doctor....so we did and of course they said to take her in to the ER...so we did. She stopped bleeding after we got there. They checked out her throat and said that the 'acute' amount of bleeding was a rare thing, and would not happen again and they would be very surprised if it did.

Georgia, in normal Georgia fashion had to prove them wrong. It happened again Friday night, and Saturday night. Saturday was the worst by far. By the time we got the bleeding stopped there was blood everywhere, all of her bed, our bed, all over her, all over me, on the kitchen countertop, in the bathroom, she filled several papertowels, and a bowl that she was spitting in. I talked to a medical assistant at the ENT's office this morning. She said "that's really uncommon to have that much bleeding and it keep happening". You don't think - She must be a rocket scientist! Anyway if it happens again we supposed to take her back to the ER and get her checked out, all so they can take one look at her throat and send us home with a "It shouldn't happen again". I think since it didn't happen again last night we're in the clear, hopfully!

The good news - Georgia is sleeping and breathing MUCH, MUCH better! It's amazing what a differnce it has made in that aspect.

We did squeeze in some fun this weekend yesterday we went to the Dallas zoo with Georgia's Aunt and Uncle, Cousins and Papa (Aarons Dad) Aunt Amanda and Uncle Blaine. Papa, Blaine and Amanda were up from Austin. We had a great time and all of the kids were good and had a lot of fun. Cole, of course, was a little angel the whole time.

11 days until DisneyWorld and then "wake-up day"!!!!

If you can, please go visit Conor's page "The Bravest Little Trooper". They have received the worst news a parent can. They could use some additional prayers and words of encouragement.

Hug your kids tight, and have a good day Tooties,

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:51 AM CDT

Georgia is doing better as far as dehydration. Her pain though is more intense. They told us that it would hurt more later on in the recovery stage when her scabs fall off.

Cooks is going to get two very nasty letters about the doctor on call this past weekend, and the about the second doctor we had in the ER, on Monday.

The doctor on call wouldn't listen to me about Georgia throwing up. He thought that she was just spitting up her pain medicine and told me to stop trying to give it to her. Then on Saturday, even after I told him, he forgot that she only has on kidney. He thought that she was okay even though she hadn't peed. After I called him back again I told him that I was very concerned about her being dehydrated and that I was concerned this was adding stress to her one kidney. "She only has one kidney"- DR. "YES"- me "Well, that changes things, I want you to get her up to the ER"- DR.....You don't think???? Are we paying him???

The Dr in the ER said "I'm happy if a kid her age urinates once in 24 hours." Are you out of your mind??? She also told us when we first got there that she was probably going to admit Georgia. Then later on she said "I am going to have a hard time admitting her because I don't think your insurance will cover it." Are you serious, this is our child, cost is irrelevant! The next thing she said almost made me blow my top. She said "We will stick a syringe down her throat and squirt water down it so that we can send her home." "You’re going to have to be though with her if she will not drink." If this lady has kids, I am very sorry for them. Aaron said if anyone tried to stick a syringe down her throat that he was going to knock the s... out of them....He would have had to have been second...

The doctor in the ER did change her pain medicine though and it seems to help her more, but we had to call 40+ pharmacies (literally) to find it and that doesn't count all of the ones that we drove to. Our cell phone bill is going to be outrageous.

By, the way it rained on Saturday and on Monday while we were at Cook's - our theory continues....

Yesterday we went to go see Dr. Nivens he gave Georgia some numbing lollipops which really helped. She drank a whole glass of chocolate milk. He thought that her WBC was from the surgery because everything else came back clear. We will just keep an eye on it at her next scans.

Georgia is counting down the days until Disneyworld. We are getting so excited. We've been planning our days and visiting the websites of all the cool places we're going to go!

Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers for Georgia. I almost forgot her breathing is much better and there is a huge difference in her sleeping!

Have a good day Tooties!

Monday, October 11, 2004 11:13 AM CDT

Georgia has had a horrible few days. Her surgery went fine on Friday, but despite Aaron and I's request that they keep her over night they sent us home.

Then, just like she does everytime she has anesthesia, she got violently ill vomiting for a good few hours. The Dr. on call was a name that I won't type. Let's just say I am very unhappy with him. He finally agreed to call her in a phenergan suppository (Georgia is going to kill me when she gets older and reads this). That settled her down enough to sleep for a few - very few hours.

Later Saturday we ended up in Cook's ER for dehydration. After spending seven hours there we finally left. It's a long story and I'm short on time, but it turns out that her WBC is 24,000 (that's very high) and they can't find a source of infection. We are still waiting on UA & BA results though.

As of right now she has not tee-teed in 18 hours and I just got off the phone with Dr. Nivens (which we love) and she is going to have to go back to the ER. Looks like we are in for another fun day.

Please pray for our baby girl, she is pretty sick right now.


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 3:50 PM CDT

Two more days until surgery! I can't wait until Georgia gets to feeling better. I know it must sound crazy to be looking forward to surgery, but we are! Georgia is down to 27lbs. She weighed 33lbs when Cole was born.

Dr. Murray called this morning (kind of scared me at first) to say that he was glad Georgia was finally having this surgery, and from an oncology stand point she was good to go.

For everyone who emailed me, and everyone who prayed for us, everything with my Mom's health turned out just fine. We are still not-so-patiently waiting for the boys extended hearing tests to be done on the 12th. I pray that all of that turns out fine to!

Funny Georgia story; while visiting Mimi & Gramps, Georgia kept telling them that she was 4 (she turned 3 in May). Later she started whining for something and they told her that 4 year olds don't whine, without missing a beat she told them that she wanted to be 3 again.

Cole can now say mama, dada and baba - for his bottle. The boy doesn't miss any meals!

All of our Caringbridge friends, we've been checking on you guys, but I haven't had time to sign the guestbook. We didn't forget you!

Have a good day TOOTIES and hug your kids tight tonight!

Friday, October 1, 2004 11:55 AM CDT

We finally have a surgery date!!!! It will be next Friday October, 8th.

Yesterday was the 3rd time EVER that we went to Cook's and it didn't rain. The only other times it didn't rain were the day Georgia was diagnosed and her last day of chemo. No exaggerations every-other-time it has rained! That's pretty unusual for Texas.

I liked the doctor, Dr. Palmer, he came in, we got right down to business and that was that. On the other hand, the lady scheduling the surgery was a different matter. I had to be 'assertive' with her, if you know what I mean. She tried to schedule Georgia's surgery for November 5th. I told her that was completely out of the question. She looked at me like I didn't realize who I was talking to. We absolutely couldn't wait that long first of all, and second we're going to be out of town that day - I'll tell you why in a minute.

After I argued with her and dropped every doctor's name at Cook's I could think of, my foot was starting to hurt, she went to talk to Dr. Palmer. She came back with a whole new attitude. I don't think she understood oncologist, say it with me on-col-o-gist. I heard Dr. Palmer explaining the whole situation to her in the hallway. Once it was all explained to her she set up for next week. Aaron was so proud of me, for those of you who don't know me very well I'm always very polite, quite and avoid controversy to the extreme (unless I'm in my realm). It was a HUGE accomplishment for me.

To the exciting news – October 29th we leave for Georgia’s Make-A-Wish trip to Disney World!!! I haven’t said anything because I wanted to have it confirmed, and now it is! We are going with 20 other MAW families for special trip. We are going to be gone from 10/29 – 11/5 we get extra days because some of the days we will be participating in media events. Georgia is SOOOOOO excited and so are we. Novemeber 3rd is our 3rd anniversary and we will finally be somewhere other than home! Because of 9/11 and more recently because of finances, we have never been able to go anywhere. I can't wait to see Georgia's face when she gets to see THE Castle and meet Cinderella!

Wednesday was Cole’s ½ birthday and we celebrated with a cupcake. He dug into it. When his real birthday gets here we’re going to have to get him his own cake!

I am hoping to go see all of our caringbridge friends today, we have missed you guys, sorry we haven’t been able to sign your guestsbooks lately!

Kaidrie, Georgia wanted to tell you Hi!

Have a good day Tooties!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 9:23 AM CDT

Thanks to all of our family, Brian, Scott & Robin for walking in the 5k we had a great time!

We still need prayers for Georgia's appointment this Thursday and that Dr. Palmer will be able to get her surgery scheduled quickly!

My nephews will not be seen by an audiologist until October 12th. AUGH! I am very impatient right now and want everything done NOW! If you didn't read my last update we found out that Jherith is 60 percent deaf in one ear 40 percent in the other. Spencer is 75/50 percent deaf (originally he tested 100 percent deaf in one ear). I have convinced myself that they are really just fine, that they got bored with the tests. That's the way it is until the audiologist says otherwise. :) :) Please pray that I'm right and there's nothing wrong or that it can be fixed!

My Mom also needs prayers right now, but if I said why she would kill me!

On the way to my Mom's this morning Georgia said "Mommy, when I get bigger I am goin' to have a baby Cole borned in my tummy just like you. I am, and I'm goin' to be a little mama. Then, I'm goin' to ride in the front like you and drrrrive and you will be smaller then and you can sit in my car seat and I will drive you. I will put on make-up and go to work like you and I will have a truck like DAAA-DY!" I was laughing so hard I almost cried!

Cole's half-birthday is tomorrow! We is sitting up from a crawl now and is just getting to big to fast!

Thanks for checking on Georgia, have a good day tooties!


Thursday, September 23, 2004 1:14 PM CDT

If you haven't heard Georgia is still CANCER FREE!!!

I have some pretty BIG prayer requests:

1 That the Candlelighters Night Run goes well and they raise a lot of money.

2 That they hurry up and get Georgia's adenoids out. We are in desperate need of some good sleep, and Georgia is really scaring us because during the middle of the night she stops breathing and then gasps for air. She tosses and turns all night and can not rest. I know it's only her adenoids, but it's really impacting our lives.

3 This is really big, and I am so heartbroken over this right now. My nephews, Jherith and Spencer have undergone hearing tests the last couple of days and we found out that Jherith is 60 percent deaf in one ear, 40 percent in the other. Spencer is 100 percent deaf in one ear, and the other ear is fine. Right now, the preliminary testing is showing that it might be degenerative, meaning they are both going 100 percent deaf. Please, please lift them up in prayer that this can be fixed by surgery or by hearing aid and that they won't go completely deaf.

Whoever has the voodoo dolls of my family, ENOUGH ALREADY! Quit picking on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've gotta get myself out of thinking this way, so here are some of Georgia's latest antics:

Her latest prayer for dinner and bedtime:

"God is great; God is good, thank you for the Carebears, amen."

At the clinic last week:

"I kicked cancer's butt, uh-huh, yep I did."

With Mammaw at the HER doctor:

"It’s not going to hurt Mammaw, no oueeeess"

There's a lot more, but I will have to add them in a little bit.

Have a good day Tooties!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 8:45 AM CDT

**Update 9/17/04**
All of Georgia's scans are clear (doing the happy dance)!!! Her pre-op appointment for adenoids/tonsils is Monday, October 4th...I hate waiting I wish they had an appointment THIS Monday!

We don't have any results yet, but Georgia's Onc. wants her adenoids out like YESTERDAY! Her WBC count is way up and they think it's from the adenoids, but want to make sure. If we didn't have an HMO we would have been meeting with a surgeon from cook's yesterday.

We got to meet a new Onc. Spec. yesterday at clinic, I already forgot her name but she was great! She said Georgia looked like crap and asked if she was always this sick in unison Aaron and I responded "YES". She said that Georgia shouldn't feel this bad and that she thought it was her adenoids but she would do whatever to find out what's wrong. It was such a relief to hear from someone else that something is not right as far as health with her. I have said many times that Georgia has not been herself lately and it was good for Aaron and I to hear it from someone else. I am sure it's just her adenoids, but it's still a relief.

We now have a team of 20 strong for the Candlelighters Night Run You can still join us, the cost is $10 for the 1K FunRun and $13 for the 5K Run/Walk. Aaron and I will be doing the 5K. Send me an email, or let me know in the guest book if you'd like to participate. There will be lots of activities for the little ones, BBQ from Riskies, Hot Dogs, Chips, Fruit, Snow Cones, Yogurt, & ICE CREAM!

Please join us, it will be lots of fun and a little exercise! Plus you get a t-shirt!

Also, since September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Chili's is have a fund raiser benefiting St. Jude's. Go, have a bite to eat, buy a t-shirt or donate a dollar and save a childs life, maybe your own....

Have a good day Tooties!

Tuesday, September 7, 2004 11:45 AM CDT

Thanks for checking on Georgia today, she's doing great. She started preschool today. She did good, Aaron and I cried, but she did awesome!

I haven't had any volunteers for the Candlelighters Night Run Except for family, hint hint! It is September 25th. We have a team together so the cost is $10 for the 1K FunRun and $13 for the 5K Run/Walk. Aaron and I will be doing the 5K. Send me an email, or let me know in the guest book if you'd like to participate. There will be lots of activities for the little ones, BBQ from Riskies, Hot Dogs, Chips, Fruit, snow cones, yogurt, & ICE CREAM!

Please join us, it will be lots of fun and a little exercise! Plus you get a t-shirt!

Also, since September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Chili's is have a fund raiser benefiting St. Jude's. Go, have a bite to eat, buy a t-shirt or donate a dollar and save a childs life, maybe your own....

Don't forget to say a special prayer for her scans next Tuesday, September 14th!

Hug your kids tight tonight! Have a good day Tooties!

Thursday, August 26, 2004 12:02 AM CDT

Hello Tooties, thanks for checking on Georgia. Sometimes I think if I loved my kids anymore my heart would bust. That's been the case this week. They have both been so incredibly cute.

Georgia still has the adenoid thing going on, which we have to get her back in the doctor for. Other than 'normal' stuff she has been doing good. We have noticed that she has started to gain a little independence which makes us proud.

Cole was crying the other night and said Da Da, and then on Tuesday night he looked right at me and said Ma Ma. I don't really think he knew what he was saying, but we'll take it however we can get it!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU for praying for us and my job. God has yet again blessed us. It's so nice when you finally truly give things to him; he just takes care of them!

Saturday, September 25th is Candlelighters Night Run I am trying to get a team together, so let me know if you would like to participate. The cost is $10 for the 1K FunRun and $13 for the 5K Run/Walk. Aaron and I will be doing the 5K. Send me an email, or let me know in the guest book.

Georgia's next scans are September 14th, I may not update again until after then. To all of our Caringbridge friends, I am sorry I haven't gotten to write in your guestbooks lately, but I have been checking on you guys. I have been limited on computer time :)

I almost forgot, we have two new friends to add Kaidrie and Tyler both of these kids really need your prayers and encouragement. They are both still fighting hard Kaidrie just started chemo and is having surgery today to remove her port on one side and put a new one on the other side and Tyler just had surgery also. Please stop by, sign their guestbooks and let them know you're supporting them.

Have a good day,

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Thanks for all the prayers. Everyone is feeling much better except that Georgia has a very runny nose.

Georgia starts her fall session of dance tonight and she is SO Excited! I am also working on getting her into a gynastics class during the weekdays that my Mom - Mammaw - can take her too.

I would really appreciate your continued prayers for my job and that God will led me to where he wants me to be.

Have a great day Tooties!

Wednesday, August 4, 2004

Thanks for checking on Georgia today. Georgia, Cole & Aaron are all sick today! They all have a virus of some sort. I'm not sick but I sure am tired!!!

Georgia & Cole both saw the doctor yesterday. We have thought for some time, and the doctor confirmed yesterday that Georgia has enlarged adenoids and that is what’s causing her recent problems with sleeping/eating. She started a new medicine last night that may help, but we will have to give it to her every night from here on out. That's now two that she has to take every night. We normally just slip it to her in a drink but I guess we'll have to come up with a better way for her to take them.

Our "healthy" baby may have some type of digestion problem that, once again, the doctor is 'hoping' some zantec will help with...I didn't think anything was wrong with him. Don't all babies throw-up after they eat????? :)

Other than that he is doing great! Doc thinks he's about 2 months ahead of himself because yesterday when we were there he was up on all fours trying to crawl!

I have to share the latest Georgia antic:

Aaron, Georgia & I were all crowded around Cole. Aaron was telling Cole to say "Da Da" I was telling him to say "Ma Ma". I leaned over and whispered in Georgia's ear to tell Cole to say "Ma Ma". With a wrinkled nose and eyebrows she looked right at Cole and said sternly "Say SISTER"! I may be bias, but it was pretty cute!

I know the power of prayer is powerful, so I ask if anyone has a spare minute to pray for my job. I don't really want to go into anything specific, but I could use the prayers right now.

Have a good day Tooties!

Wednesday, August 4, 2004

Thanks for checking on Georgia today. Georgia, Cole & Aaron are all sick today! They all have a virus of some sort. I'm not sick but I sure am tired!!!

Georgia & Cole both saw the doctor yesterday. We have thought for some time, and the doctor confirmed yesterday that Georgia has enlarged adenoids and that is what’s causing her recent problems with sleeping/eating. She started a new medicine last night that may help, but we will have to give it to her every night from here on out. That's now two that she has to take every night. We normally just slip it to her in a drink but I guess we'll have to come up with a better way for her to take them.

Our "healthy" baby may have some type of digestion problem that, once again, the doctor is 'hoping' some zantec will help with...I didn't think anything was wrong with him. Don't all babies throw-up after they eat????? :)

Other than that he is doing great! Doc thinks he's about 2 months ahead of himself because yesterday when we were there he was up on all fours trying to crawl!

I have to share the latest Georgia antic:

Aaron, Georgia & I were all crowded around Cole. Aaron was telling Cole to say "Da Da" I was telling him to say "Ma Ma". I leaned over and whispered in Georgia's ear to tell Cole to say "Ma Ma". With a wrinkled nose and eyebrows she looked right at Cole and said sternly "Say SISTER"! I may be bias, but it was pretty cute!

I know the power of prayer is powerful, so I ask if anyone has a spare minute to pray for my job. I don't really want to go into anything specific, but I could use the prayers right now.

Have a good day Tooties!

Friday, July 30, 2004 8:36 AM CDT

Please keep GRANT's familiy in your prayers. He grew his Angel wings yesterday evening.

Also, please keep HALEY in your prayers as she recovers from her brain surgery.


Wednesday, July 28, 2004 8:52 AM CDT

I have an urgent PRAYER REQUEST for a local boy named GRANT. He is slowly earning his angel wings. He and his family, especially Jennifer & Brandon, need to be lifted up in prayer.

Also, please keep HALEY in your prayers as she recovers from her brain surgery.


Thursday, July 22, 2004 11:04 AM CDT

****UPDATE 7/26****


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death; I shall fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:

Thou anoinest my head with oil, my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Psalms 23

We lost our dear Nanny this weekend. She passed away peacefully in her sleep. We will miss her very much.

Please keep us, especially Julie & Steve, Mark & Vicky, in your prayers this week. We also recently found out that our cousin, Cody who is 17, has Type 2 Diabetes. He could also use your prayers.

Georgia is doing great. She doesn't understand that Nanny has gone to Heaven. She argued with us and said Nanny is home...She's right Nanny is at HOME.

Thursday, July 22, 2004 11:04 AM CDT

****UPDATE 7/26****


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death; I shall fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:

Thou anoinest my head with oil, my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Psalms 23

We lost our dear Nanny this weekend. She passed away peacefully in her sleep. We will miss her very much.

Please keep us, especially Julie & Steve, Mark & Vicky, in your prayers this week. We also recently found out that our cousin, Cody who is 17, has Type 2 Diabetes. He could also use your prayers.

Georgia is doing great. She doesn't understand that Nanny has gone to Heaven. She argued with us and said Nanny is home...She's right Nanny is at HOME.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Today is one year off Chemo!!!

What a strange feeling that was last year. We were so excited because Georgia would be starting to feel better soon and not have to come into clinic every week. At the same time we were terrified to know that it would be just her little body fighting cancer; no chemo to help.

Georgia is doing great, she has had a great couple of weeks. She has been to the water park twice! Once with Mimi, Gramps, Mamie, Uncle Todd, Hannah & Hayden. The second time was for Candlelighters. We had a great time, Mammaw, Auntie & the boys went too.

All of you golfers out there start practicing. The Candlelightes Annual Golf Tournament will be Saturday August 27th at Canyon West. The entry fee is $150 which includes a T-shirt and lunch. If you have ever played Canyon West, you know this isn't a bad price!

If you are unfamiliar with Candlelighters, they are a national support group for childhood cancer. Each branch supports a local hospital. Our local branch, Candlelighters DFW supports Cook's Childrens Hospital. They do many things throughout the year to help raise money that is needed for families here locally, for "pizza night" every Tuesday on the 3rd Floor, and for special events like the waterpark last Saturday.

I have to wrap up now, if you would like more info on the golf tournament please email me. I will be putting the link to candleligters on here and more info on the golf tournament as soon as I can.

Thanks for checking on Georgia, don't forget to sign the guestbook!


Tuesday, July 6, 2004 11:55 AM CDT

***Check out the new pics of Georgia & Cole***

I hope everyone had a good 4th of July Celebration, we did. We spent Saturday at my Uncle Bo & Aunt Christy's farm. It was a lot of fun and the fireworks they set off were great! Sunday we went to Lone Star Park to watch the horse races and fireworks. We had a great time and even won our money back!!!

The best part of our weekend was getting a phone call from our good friend Colin, currently serving in Japan. He will be there for another week, and then he will be stationed in Australia. Once in Australia he will not be allowed off base due to violence toward the Marines from Abarisiany (sp) Militants. It was really good to talk to him; Georgia, Aaron and I miss him and hope that he remains safe. Please pray for our troops!

We don't have the 'official' results from Cole's sonogram, but the tech (who we have come to know well) whispered as she walked out that it looked clear to her!!! We are still waiting to hear from the doctor, but we not expecting any bad news. :)

Thanks for checking on Georgia and don't forget to sign the guest book!

Have a good day, TOOTIES,

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 2:40 PM CDT

Well, we lived through a miracle last week! The blood in Georgia's urine just disappeared. We don't know where it was coming from, or what was causing it but it's gone! We were SO concerned even after the sonogram showed no cancer. As for now, we don't have to worry about it unless it returns.

Georgia is doing pretty good. She hasn't been quit herself lately and had a really rough night last night with throwing up. She also has had a cough off and on for a while now too. We think maybe she's going through a growing spurt and that will account for her being a little "off". On Saturday she took a fall off of my Mom's deck and got pretty scraped up. My Mom, Aaron and I all three tried to catch her but we weren't fast enough.

Cole is doing great. I just really enjoy him right now! He is rolling over, cooing, smiling and laughing. I am so glad that God blessed us with him! He is three months old today. Tomorrow is his "well baby sono". That's what Aaron named it anyway...we all got a laugh. Not really looking forward to it. It should be fun keeping him from eating for six hours!!!!!

Last night I was praying for some of our friends that are going through their last days with their children and I was really having a hard time with it. I woke up this morning with Angels in Waiting stuck in my head. I haven't heard that song in such a long time but I know it was God's way of telling me that it was his will. Those children who go before us are meant to teach us. Please pray that Paige, Benjamin, Cam and Connor all receive the Mircale they need. I will be adding their links to the top soon.

Thanks for checking on Georgia, don't forget to sign her guestbook and let us know you were here!

Have a good day TOOTIES,

Friday, June 18, 2004


All of Georgia's test came back clear! We still don't know what's causing the blood in her urine, which of course means more tests and doctors appointments, but it's definitely not cancer!

Dr. Bowman is running some more tests on her urine, and hopefully that will show something going on. He feels that it is definitely not a UTI, but he said there could be an infection somewhere else in the body causing stress on her kidney. If this test doesn't show anything, the next step will be an MRI or CT of her abdomen. If that shows nothing, she will be seen by the surgeon who removed the tumor, and might be opened back up to take a look and see what's going on in there. The last step would be to see a kidney specialist.

Dr. Bowman said that he doubts this will turn out to be anything that is very serious. Good news to our ears, but we're still pretty concerned.

Do any other parents out there feel like it's just never going to be really "normal" again? It just seems like even the small stuff is so dramatic, not necessarily by us, but the doctors as well. It's hard to not worry about things when they tell you well it could be this or that, but worst case scenario it might be a relapse.

Funny Story...
Just when I was bragging on Georgia for not having any accidents she does...right in the middle on the radiology waiting room floor! She was checking out the fish tank and I guess all that water got to her. It was pretty funny after we got over the embarrassment. Georgia wasn't to upset after I paid an arm and a leg to get her a T-shirt from the gift shop.

Thanks for checking in on Georgia today! Please keep her, Cole, and all the kids still in their fights in your prayers. I have got to get off this thing, I have been checking in on all of our caringbridge friends and every time I do I just sit and cry. I wish these kids didn't have to go through any of this. It's so unbelievable to me when I go check on families that have lost their angels, or when I go check on ones that have to make difficult end decisions. Hug your loved ones, and be thankful for every day you have with them.

Have a good day tooties!

Monday, June 14, 2004 8:05 AM CDT

This entry is very long, but before I tell you about last week, I want to tell you this story...

When Georgia was first diagnosed and in the hospital Aaron bought he and I these coins that have foot prints on one side and the foot prints saying on the back. My Mom also bought Georgia a pewter guardian angel. Well, we knew that we hadn't lost any of these, but didn't know where they were. Last Monday Aaron was in his truck taking his medicine and he dropped one of his pills. He looked for about 20 minutes but couldn't find it where he thought it had rolled, then he found his foot print coin and when he looked back up his pill was sitting right next to him.

Then, on Wednesday night I was laying Cole in his crib, and looked down to see my foot print coin lying in the middle of his floor. I know it wasn't there earlier in the evening because I had vacuumed. On Friday morning before we left for Georgia's sono (You'll read about it below) she came to me with her pewter Angel and said look Mommy it's just like you. I have no idea where she found it, but when I asked her if Angel's ever came to see her and she said yes. When I asked her where she said “At the doctor and on my Birthday."

God really watches over us, and is always here for us! I know in my heart that these things were placed for us to find them, and it's no coincidence that we really needed a sign from God this past week. I hope my Dad's that Guardian Angel who is leaving coins and Angels for us to find!

Now for the update...

Georgia is still cancer free!!!! (As far as we know)

Tuesday's appointment went good. We still don't have the results of her chest x-ray, but we're assuming they would have told us if something showed up. Georgia's blood work was all within range (Very good sign).

All that being said, you would think that was the end of the update, but not with Georgia...

Tuesday night Georgia spiked a fever of 103.6 but had no symptoms. We originally thought it was 102.6 but later learned our thermometer is off by a degree. I wish we would have know before hand and we would have been in the ER Tuesday night and maybe saved ourselves a lot of doctors appointments.

We took her to the doctor Wednesday, and she couldn't find a source of infection. She wanted us to call the H/O clinic and let them know what was going on. She sent us home with a kit to test Georgia's urine and wanted us to call her back with the results. We were hoping that maybe it was a UTI even though Georgia wasn't complaining about that. We tested her and it ended up being that Georgia has blood in her urine, but no white blood cells. This is not good; as that's how we found out she had Wilm's. We were really hoping that the WBC's would have shown up because that would clearly indicate infection.

Her doctor expressed a lot of concern and wanted us to get her in for a sono ASAP. The next morning I called the H/O clinic, but they couldn't get Georgia in until Wed. the 16th. Georgia's normal doctor didn't want us to wait that long and even suggested that we take her to the ER before calling back and saying that they found a place that could do it Friday morning.

During the sono Aaron and I both thought we saw something on her kidney, and they had the whole color thing going again (Georgia's first sono of her right kidney, the tumor showed up in colors). I don't know what it was, but it looked like some kind of spot. Aaron and I were uh, shocked, for lack of a better word, when they told us the sono came back normal. Relieved, excited, and shocked??

The other thing was that Georgia's kidney looked foggy? Not clear like it always has before. Could this be blood? If you have any clue what I am talking about, or have seen it before please email us, or write it in the guest book. We are very anxious to find out what it is, and why it would look like that?

We are still keeping Georgia's sono and appointment at Cook's this Wednesday. We are hoping they can tell us what the spot is, and why she has blood in her urine with no infection.

So, we are cancer free, we think!!!!

Now, the good stuff...
Georgia is now fully potty trained!!!! She has been in big girl panties for a week and a half. We are so proud of her. Also, she started tap and ballet last week and did pretty good. Cousin Hannah is in her class and that made it a lot easier for her. It's also good that she gets to spend time with her, Georgia spends everyday with her other cousins Jherith and Spencer. Who, by the way, are swimming so well I think they have grown fins.

Cole now weighs 13lbs and is SPOIILED ROTTEN, but we love him anyway! He laughed for the first time last night. Mammaw was tickling his chin and he laughed. She got both of our kids to laugh for the first time which is okay I guess as long as we get all the other firsts!

Sorry this was so long. Please pray for clear scans for Georgia and Cole.

Have a good day Tooties!

Thursday, June 3, 2004

Its mornings like today that God put us here for....

Georgia, the big girl that she is, got completely dressed by herself, even down to her shoes. Then, as I was getting Cole ready she was leaning over his crib and said "I REEAALLLY love Him, Tootie" (Tootie is Georgia's new name for everyone). As if that wasn't enough, he was in the best mood; he was just smiling and cooing at me. I never imagined that being a parent would bring me this much joy!

Georgia's scans will be next Tuesday June 8th due to some confusion caused by Monday being a Memorial Day. That's fine with us, another day to put off being worried about the results! Not that I would ever worry!! Cole's ab sono will be June 30th.

Both of their appointments went well last week and we are SO excited because Dr. Nivens thinks that Georgia's feet have corrected themselves enough that she doesn't need therapy!!! Georgia is 50 percent in height and weight, (yeah Georgia) and Cole is 75 percent in both.

That's all for now, we will update after Georgia's scans. Please say a prayer that they are clear, please also remember our other friends that are still fighting and need to be lifted up! Thanks for stopping by to check on Georgia and don't forget to sign her guestbook.

Have a good day, Tooties,

Thursday, May 20, 2004 12:44 AM CDT

Georgia is doing great! She was spent the past three days in Mammaw's new swimming pool! She really loves it a lot. Hopefully soon she will have Mammaw’s and Mimi & Gramps' to play in!

Georgia had a wonderful birthday and really got in to all of the presents she got! She has now gained 9 pounds since the end of treatment, and her migraines are under control!

Georgia & Cole both go to the doctor for immunizations next Monday. They will both be starting from scratch even though some of Georgia's will be repeats. On Monday we will schedule Cole's sonogram. Please say a prayer that it will be clear. Georgia's scans will be on June 1st, but she will only get a chest x-ray, blood & urine tests. I am a little nervous that they aren't doing an Ab. sono. to be honest I really wish they would do a full body CT. I guess that would be a little extreme! I read a journal yesterday of a little boy who was in remission for 4 years and then it came back. Stories like that always scare me, but I know God is watching over us.

Cole is a WONDERFUL baby, last night he slept nine hours, of course I was checking on him every few hours, but he slept. It's funny the things I now watch for, and pay attention to with him.

Please keep Georgia, Cole, & all of our cancer friends in your prayers, as well as our Nanny. She has had a rough time with her health lately and could use a lot of prayers.

Thanks for the continued support, please remember to sign the guest book!

***Update 5/24/04***

Please pray for our good friends, The Huffs, they lost Rodney this morning; he will be greatly missed. Also, my friend Ivan lost his father this weekend and could also use lots of prayers.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

We had a wonderful time in Washington DC! We got there Friday morning and stayed until Monday evening. We stayed at the Willard Intercontinental (Thanks for setting that up Mom!) and it was beautiful! They treated Georgia like a princess it was wonderful!! They brought her flowers, milk & cookies, and when we were leaving the concierge ran outside in the pouring rain to catch Georgia to give her a present. It was unbelievable to have her be treated like that.

The people from the National Childhood Cancer Foundation also treated her very well. We were one of the three families chosen to be part of the media coverage at the White House. That was really cool because Georgia was on the news here at home! We were also on a radio station in Washington. We are anxiously awaiting pictures taken of us at the event. The pictures are being provided from the NCCF. They also had a luncheon on Monday that we attended. Everything was great.

Georgia had a great time walking around looking at all of the monuments and museums, but her favorite part was the airplane ride!

I think it's safe to say that we drove Mimi & Gramps crazy calling to check on Cole. We missed him so much. At one point Georgia started yelling at this man with a stroller "Come back with my baby Cole!" Aaron and I couldn't stop laughing after that one.

I'm a terrible Mom...on my last update I forgot to write that Cole weighed 8 lbs 10 oz and was 21" long!!! He was two pounds heavier than Georgia and boy did that make a difference in the delivery room.

I am enjoying my time with both of them before returning to work, Aaron really hates leaving all of us in the morning, but someone has to work.

Georgia's 3rd birthday is in two weeks, May 4th! Her next scans are June 1st so please pray for them to be clear. Also, next month Cole will be checked for Wilm's just as a precautionary thing.

God has blessed us so much already, and I am confident he will continue to. Thanks for your prayers and Support!


Tuesday, April 6, 2004 12:37 AM CDT

Cole is FINALLY here! He arrived Monday, March 29th at 3:23pm. Georgia is a great Big Sis! I will always treasure the look on her face when she saw him for the first time it was absolutely priceless!

We have more exciting news, Georgia, Aaron, and I will be leaving Friday for Washington DC. At the St. Baldrick's event Georgia was invited to be one of 300 cancer patients and survivors to be invited to the annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House! We are extremely excited although we will be leaving Cole for three days...very sad about that! He will be in good hands though :)

That's all for now, I'll update after we return. Please pray for a safe trip! Check the photo album for pictures of Cole!

Also, thanks to Dan for the airline tickets!

Friday, March 12, 2004

Thanks for checking on Georgia today, she is doing great!

With the help of family and friends we raised over $2300 fir the St. Baldrick's Celebration! Thank you to everyone who contributed!!!! The event was a huge success and all together more than $50,000 was raised for the National Childhood Cancer Foundation. Next week we should know how much was raised nation wide.

Georgia had a great time at the celebration, as well as the whole family. Uncle Todd got an additional $200 dollars for shaving off his mustache and Georgia's twin cousins, Jherith & Spencer, raised $320 to shave their heads!

Aaron and I were VERY disappointed that we did not get to make the event, we were in Labor and Delivery, but unfortunately it was a false alarm. So last night we had no new baby, and we missed the big event and were pretty bummed out.

James Ragland from the Dallas Morning News did a story on St. Baldrick's Celebration and featured Georgia in the story. It is in today's paper, so check it out!

Thanks for the continued support! Please keep our friend, Savannah, in your prayers she is back in the hospital again and is in need. Also, please remember to sign the guest book.

Wednesday, March 3, 2004

March 6th will mark one year since Georgia was diagnosed and I am very happy to say that we will pass the anniversary CANCER FREE!! All of Georgia's scans are perfectly normal!

It is profound to think that our little two-year-old has never known a day in her life without cancer. Every memory we have of her we will always think, she had cancer and we didn't know it, or she was in treatment then, or she is in remission. Thank you for all of the prayers the past year, I know they definitely worked!

Please continue to pray for our friends that are still fighting. I feel guilty that we are celebrating, when there are so many still in there fight.

On that note, we are getting very close to St. Baldrick's Celebration and we have raised over $900 dollars! We still have a ways to go to meet the team goal, but I still have high hopes! Click here to Sponsor Aaron

Hopefully the next time I enter Georgia will have a baby brother! The doctor said Monday that he thought it would be this week or next!!

Thursday, February 12, 2004

I am very happy to say that Georgia is doing great! Her migraines have gotten much better! She is feeling great and has even had an appetite lately. She is now 29lbs and has grown quit a bit, all of her pants are getting too short!

Georgia has her 6-month scans on March 2, even though we are officially at 8 months in remission (Her scans were thrown off due to the problems she was having in October & November)! I know that it's because her scans are in two weeks, but I have to really try to not let myself worry about her cancer returning these days. We have been so blessed this far, and I am sure that God will continue to bless us.

I am also happy to say that Team Georgia has raised $750 for St. Baldrick's Celebration and we still have a month to go. Thank you to everyone who has donated!!!
Sponsor Aaron

Please say a prayer for all of the cancer patients and their families that are still in their fight!

Wednesday, February 4, 2004 9:50 AM CST

There is NEVER a dull moment with Georgia, although I am very glad to say that this week has been full of "normal" childhood drama. Last Thursday she was jumping on the bed, fell and hit her chin and bit all the way through her tongue! I guess she didn't learn her lesson after jumping off of the fort!

We took her to the ER and the Doctor decided not to stitch it because it would have been very painful. The gash was about 3/4 an inch long, yikes, I can't imagine how much that hurt. After the Dr. looked at her chart he asked about Georgia having Wilm's, then proceeded to thoroughly check her out, which I am glad he did because she had not been feeling good. Turns out she has an infection, and he wrote a prescription for some additional antibiotics. It's amazing how generous people can be when they find out what Georgia has been through.

Georgia had an okay weekend, she is still not feeling great and may be running temperature again. Georgia enjoyed opening presents for Aaron Cole (We decided against Dylan, but we are still going to call him Cole) and is finally getting excited for him to be here. She told me Friday that her baby brother was happy, "But he isn't here yet, we have to wait on him".

Monday night we thought we weren’t going to have to wait very long for Cole, but THANK GOD it was only false labor!! It sure felt real, and if that’s any indication of what labor is going to be like this time, I’m in trouble!! I felt like my labor with Georgia was pretty easy, I guess I’ve just been expecting that to be the case this time too. At any rate, the false labor was a good thing; we didn’t really have anything ready for Cole’s arrival so we are dedicating the next week solely to that!

We have raised $370 dollars total so far for the St. Baldrick’s Celebration thanks to family and friends, but we are just getting started. Aaron has raised $290 and Uncle Todd has rasied $80! If you would like to contribute all the proceeds go to The National Children’s Cancer Foundation to find a cure for cancer! The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thanks for checking on Georgia and keeping her in your prayers! Please say a special prayer for our cancer friends Savannah & Brock, they are going through an especially hard time right now.

Monday, January 19, 2004

Georgia has had a fun few weeks and has been feeling good, although she did give us a scare last Monday. She was playing on the fort in my Mom's backyard and decided she was superman and needed to fly. Unfortunately, the ground was pretty hard, but she was only about a foot and half up! She got a few scratches on her face and a few bruises including her ego, but we don't think she'll be trying that again. It was kind of nice to have a "normal" childhood boo-boo.

She goes back to the Neurologist for a check up in a few weeks (I have to check the date). We think he will decide to leave her on the Periactin. We have forgotten twice to give it to her, and the next day you could see a HUGE difference. I hate that she'll have to stay on it, and we'll have to make sure there's no long-term effects, but it helps her a lot.

On March 1st we will be participating in St. Baldricks Celebration. This is an event to help raise money for Childhood Cancer. Aaron will be a pledge in the event, which means he will be shaving his head for donations. We are encouraging all of our family and friends to help us by donating to the cause, or by being a pledge. This is something that is very near to our hearts and we are very excited about it.

Until I can get this hyperlink stuff figured out, the link is at the bottom of the page to sponsor Aaron.

We believe that God gave us Georgia for many reasons, but most importantly so we would get involved in raising the awareness of Childhood Cancer. Who knows if we can make a difference, we are sure going to try though. Along with the St. Baldricks Celebration we are also collecting bottle tabs for the Ronald McDonald House and my Mom and I going to meet with Candlelighters again to see how we can help that organization grow. If you are not familiar with RMH, they house families that have to come in from out of town for treatment. Candlelighters is an organization for Childhood Cancer that directly benefits Cook Children’s Hospital.

As always, THANK YOU for keeping Georgia in your prayers! I ask that you please keep our friend Savannah in your prayers and the many others that are still fighting.

Monday, January 19, 2004

Georgia has had a fun few weeks and has been feeling good, although she did give us a scare last Monday. She was playing on the fort in my Mom's backyard and decided she was superman and needed to fly. Unfortunately, the ground was pretty hard, but she was only about a foot and half up! She got a few scratches on her face and a few bruises including her ego, but we don't think she'll be trying that again. It was kind of nice to have a "normal" childhood boo-boo.

She goes back to the Neurologist for a check up in a few weeks (I have to check the date). We think he will decide to leave her on the Periactin. We have forgotten twice to give it to her, and the next day you could see a HUGE difference. I hate that she'll have to stay on it, and we'll have to make sure there's no long-term effects, but it helps her a lot.

On March 1st we will be participating in St. Baldricks Celebration. This is an event to help raise money for Childhood Cancer. Aaron will be a pledge in the event, which means he will be shaving his head for donations. We are encouraging all of our family and friends to help us by donating to the cause, or by being a pledge. I will have more information on it in a few days so I will share it then. This is something that is very near to our hearts and we are very excited about it.

We believe that God gave us Georgia for many reasons, but most importantly so we would get involved in raising the awareness of Childhood Cancer. Who knows if we can make a difference, we are sure going to try though. Along with the St. Baldricks Celebration we are also collecting bottle tabs for the Ronald McDonald House and my Mom and I going to meet with Candlelighters again to see how we can help that organization grow. If you are not familiar with RMH, they house families that have to come in from out of town for treatment. Candlelighters is an organization for Childhood Cancer that directly benefits Cook Children’s Hospital.

As always, THANK YOU for keeping Georgia in your prayers! I ask that you please keep our friend Savannah in your prayers and the many others that are still fighting.

Monday, January 5, 2004

Although Georgia was sick on Christmas day, she really, really got into it this year! It was so exciting and we couldn't have enjoyed it more!!

On Christmas Eve we celebrated at Mimi & Gramps with Aaron's family, where the spoiling began. Georgia, Hannah, & Hayden were SO much fun to watch.

This was the first year that we had time at our house on Christmas morning, so it made it very special that Georgia understood Santa was coming to bring her presents. Later Christmas morning we went to Mammaw's house and Georgia was even more spoiled!

The days after Christmas Georgia continued to be sick and went downhill pretty fast. Monday we took her in to find out that she had a pretty bad upper respiratory infection and that if we didn't get her more hydrated, she was going to be spending the night in the hospital. It was quite a scare, but we didn't have to make that trip to the hospital after all!!

We spent New Years Eve at home just the three of us, which is something we have come very accustomed to over the past year.

Georgia is feeling much better now. Yesterday Georgia and I went to the mall with Mammaw. We went to Build-a-Bear and built a Childhood Cancer Awareness Bear. Part of the proceeds go to help Childhood Cancer Awareness. After that we got Georgia's ears pierced. Hopefully people will stop calling HIM so cute!! Georgia has been asking for months to have pretty ears, and I'm glad we finally got it done! She spent last night with Mimi & Gramps who were in need of a "Georgia fix".

We are looking forward to 2004 and hope everyone has a great year!

Friday, December 12, 2003

Thanks for Checking on Georgia today. She has been doing really well other than Wednesday night and yesterday!

She is starting to understand Christmas this year. Last weekend she went to the Parade of Lights with Mimi and Gramps. From what I hear, she had a great time.

Whenever we drive by a house that is all lit up she says "Kistmas, Kistmas" or "Jesus' Burthday". It really makes us laugh, and enjoy the season.

Right now she is at the mall visiting Santa Clause with Mammaw, Auntie, Jherith, & Spencer. I wish I could be there to see if she warms up to him this year! The lines are always an hour or more long so Mom suggested we take them on a weekday. Aaron and I couldn't get off work, we were off so much last month.

Things are finally starting to feel normal again. It's really a good feeling!

We are enjoying this special season; Aaron has actually been caught singing Christmas songs!!! He is normally a bit of a scrooge; maybe I am finally rubbing off on him since this is my favorite time of year. I love EVERYTHING about Christmas, crowds, baking, decorating, and even wrapping presents. It has always been a magical part of my life! I hope you are all enjoying it also.

Please say a pray for all of our friends who are still battling the C Monster, that they and their families can be blessed this Christmas season.

Wednesday, December 3, 2003 2:17 PM CST

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving; I hope everyone else did too! Georgia LOVED Uncle Bo and Aunt Christy's farm; she has been telling everyone that she rode on a donkey that said hee-haw. She also tells them about the pigs, chickens, cows, etc... all with the correct noises.

We really took the time to reflect on how much we have to be thankful for and how this experience has changed our lives.

Thank you to everyone who supported us and prayed for us, especially all the friends we've made that we've never even met. Thanks to all of you who went out of your way to make Georgia feel special!

Most of all, thanks to Mimi and Gramps for opening up your home to us and being there for us when the rest of the world kept turning and to My Mom and sister for convincing us quite often to take a break (to keep our sanity); that they could handle watching Georgia and understood our anxieties about leaving her.

Now that I am crying...I hope that didn't sound like an award acceptance speech, but Aaron and I are thankful for all those things. We couldn't have made it these past 9 months without all the prayers and support.

BTW, only:

3 days until my and Mom's Birthday
22 days until Christmas
3 months and 14 days until our baby boy is due!

Tuesday, November 25, 2003 3:31 PM CST

Georgia doesn't have Glaucoma!! One more thing to be thankful for!!!

The new medicine, Periactin, seems to be helping her sleep. It hasn't helped her eating any, but we are working on that. I love when Georgia sleeps with us especially when she doesn't feel good, but it is so nice not to have a two year old twisting, turning, and kicking in the bed!

We are going to celebrate Thanksgiving at My Uncle Bo and Aunt Christy's with my side of the family then go to Mimi and Gramps to celebrate with Aaron's side.

We have so much to be thankful for this year. Nine months ago our world stopped; we didn't know if Georgia was going to make it this long. Now we can be thankful for the challenges we've faced and overcome together as a family , our new home and our baby boy on the way. I hope everyone can remember to thank God for how blessed they really are and remember that the Holidays are to share time with family and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Well, just when you think you're through everything something else comes up...Aaron and I decided to let my Mom take Georgia to the pediatric optometrist this afternoon. We have both missed so much work and thought this appointment would be no big deal after getting the good news last week. We thought wrong...The doctor couldn't determine if Georgia has Glaucoma or not so they are going to put her to sleep and test again. The test will be tomorrow at 8:45. He did say that Georgia had astigmatism, but not enough for her to wear glasses. He gave her a prescription and told us to get some over-the-counter eye drops. He didn't say whether he thought she had Glaucoma, just that he couldn't tell, and if she did he would have to send her to the other specialist anyway.

That's all the news we have for now. We'll update again soon. Please pray for clear results.

Monday, November 17, 2003 9:15 AM CST

Sorry for not updating sooner, but I have very good news!! The MRI and the EEG came back clear! There is a cyst in Georgia's brain, but that is fairly normal and nothing to worry about.

Dr. McGoughlin believes Georgia is having chronic migraines, which is the best thing we could have heard. We hate that she has to deal with them, but it is such a relief that it is nothing more serious. There is still a very small possibility that Georgia's thyroids are out of wack, this apparently happens to a lot of cancer patients causing them their bodies to be out of wack. The doctor doesn't think this is very likely, but her blood was sent off for testing. Even if that is the case, it's nothing that medicine can't fix!

What the other doctors called a "tick", Dr. McGoughlin determined was not. He said Georgia speaks on a 3-4 year-old level, go Georgia!!! He said that her month is going faster than her brain, making her stutter at the end of some words. I don't know where she gets that! :)

For the next two months Georgia will be taking Periactin every night. This is supposed to prevent migraines, but should also help her to have an increased appetite, sleep better, and help her allergies. We are hoping that with this medicine, she can get everything on track. Mostly eating and sleeping so that we can prevent the migraines by eliminating what is causing them instead of medicine every night for the rest of her life.

Georgia had a great weekend. We went to Lubbock for Aaron's stepbrothers wedding. We had great time with the whole family and Georgia got some much needed Mimi and Gramps time. Thanks to Mom and Annie for keeping our not yet house-trained puppy. We owe you a carpet cleaning!

Thanks for all of your prayers and support! Our prayers have been answered.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Georgia did so well at her MRI. Poor baby had to wait an hour in the waiting room, and then we got back to the room to start sedation and had to wait another three hours! I'm not complaining through, we waited because another little boy had to have an emergency heart transplant and Georgia's Anesthesiologist was the one helping with the transplant....I can not imagine what those parents were going through for all those hours waiting!!! I had the Doctor give her IV Zofran before we left, last time she was sick the whole way home. After 20 hours of not being able to eat or drink, Georgia had two chicken nuggets and almost half of her french-fries from McDonalds. Believe me, that is A LOT for her!!

Incase you missed my last update; Georgia's sonogram came back negative!!! We don't have the results of the MRI yet; they did scans with and without contrast. Georgia's EEG is this Thursday, and that should provide for another interesting day (and night). We will have to wake Georgia up before 4am and keep her up. She will be able to eat though!!

Other than seeing more than our fair share of Cook's lately, Georgia has been doing good. The vomiting has slowed down a little. Everything else is pretty much the same though. She is almost potty trained...again. She wore "Big girl panties" all day Saturday and Sunday. I guess we'll see how she does today.

We are having a boy, I forgot to announce on the last update! Aaron was grinning from ear to ear when we found out; of course I am VERY excited to. We have decided to call him Dylan Cole. It is so cute to hear Georgia say his name!

That's all for now, I'll update as soon as we get the results from the MRI. DR. Murray has been wonderful about calling us as soon as he gets the results.

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers we know they are working! Don't forget to sign the guest book, we love to read your encouraging thoughts.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Okay (Deep breath) here is what we know:

Georgia's WBC count in her urine should be less than 5. Hers is 20-50.

Dr. Murray is 90 percent sure that her Wilm's has not recurred; however he needs to be 100 percent sure.

Dr. Murray met with Pediatric Neurologist, Dr. Jeff McGlothlin, last week and Georgia needs to have further testing both for Oncology and Neurology.

Here is what we don't know:

What is causing the problems, it could be that Georgia has relapsed (Georgia is showing some of the warning signs); it could also be seizures, or a neurological problem (including just chronic migraines!)

If Georgia has reflux (vomiting, have to follow up with Dr. Nivens on this one).

Here is Georgia's schedule of Appointments and Tests:

November 4th, 3:30pm Sonogram of Abdomen and appointment with Dr. Murray

November 7th, 12:30pm MRI of Brain - No food or drink for six hours prior and they will sedate her under a general anesthetic

November 13th, 10:00am EEG - Georgia will need to be sleep deprived with no caffeine (not a problem except the chocolate milk) At this point we do not know if she will be sedated

November 14th, 9:30am appointment with Dr. McGlothlin

November 20th, ???Time appointment with optometrist Dr. Everett and various eye tests

December 2nd, 9:45 appointment with Dr. Murray

I think that's everything...Georgia has been doing okay. We got a new puppy. He is the cutest dog I have ever seen and Georgia just loves him. She tells us that he is her friend and that he loves her. She is enjoying spending time with her cousins during the day.

I don't know what we would do without family; Gramps kept Georgia for 7 months and my sister has kept her for 2 already. Someday we might feel okay putting her back at a day care.

Georgia will be Night Time Bear, her favorite Carebear for Halloween. We will be taking her to see Nanny, Mimi and Gramps, and Mammaw. After that I think we'll hand out candy at the house??

Aaron and I will be celebrating our two-year anniversary on next Monday. As much as we have been through together it feels like it should be our 10-year. Everyone asks how we are holding up and I guess you could say we are pretty numb about everything...Georgia, the new baby, our house, work, everything. It seems like just one minute with emotion is a little unbearable right now.

We have faith that the cancer has not returned and that her problems will all somehow be treatable, but we want our Georgie Porgie back.

Please continue to pray for Georgia, we truly appreciate everyone’s support! Also, please sign the guest book, it's encouraging to read your thoughts and know you are supporting us.

Check out Georgia's new pictures!


Dr. Murray called this afternoon and said Georgia's sonogram was normal!!! This was a HUGE relief for us because during the sonogram, which lasted over an hour, the technician concentrated on a spot on her right side and even took measurements of it. Dr. Murray hadn't actually seen the sono. so he didn't know what it was, but he knew it wasn't a tumor!!!

Georgia was a perfect angel through the whole thing! She is really getting to be such a big girl.

I will update again after Friday's MRI.

Thanks again for all the support, keep the prayers coming!

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Dr. Murray just called this morning, and good news; there were no signs of a tumor!!! He did say that her white cell count was elevated in her urine sample. He wants us to double up on her antibiotic until Tuesday and they would take another sample. If the white count goes down, then we will assume she had a UTI. If not, more tests probably a sonogram to look at her kidney.

As far as the problems Georgia is having, Dr. Murray has already talked to the Neurology team at Cook's and Georgia will be scheduled to see them sometime next week.

We are VERY, VERY happy it was not a brain tumor, but still scared that it is seizures or a neurological problem. Both of which are treated all the time, but will be new to us and we will have a lot to learn. Of course, we are still hoping that it is all due to chronic migraines like Aaron, Mimi and Nanny have.

On a lighter note, Georgia had a lot of fun last week and over the weekend. She went fishing with Daddy and "Unca" Elijah. On Friday night cousin Hayden spent the night and Georgia LOVED having him there. She is going to be a great big sister! She got to play with cousin Hannah on Saturday. On Sunday we took her to a pumpkin patch with Mammaw, Auntie, Jherith and Spencer. Georgia had so much fun picking out her pumpkin.

We might be a LITTLE bias but Georgia is just to smart for to be only 2 years old. On Tuesday when we were getting her ready for clinic we asked her if she wanted to go see the fish. About halfway there she said "Go see the fishies at the doctor". Our jaws dropped, first that a two year old would know something like that, and second because she hasn't been to the clinic since the first of August.

Thanks for all your prayers they are obviously working! I will update again after her appointment Tuesday.


Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Yesterday we went to see Dr. Murray, Georgia's Oncologist. After meeting with him, he met with the other doctors on his team. Georgia had blood work, urine sample and chest x-ray all of which came back clear! Georgia's blood counts are a little low though.

He discussed Georgia with his team and the said that it could be one of the following:

Brain Tumor
Neurological Problem

He said that in most Wilm's cases that it does not metasize to the brain unless it is at a high stage, which Georgia wasn't. Dr. Murray also said that it could be a secondary cancer in which the chances of that are 1 in 500 Wilm's patients.

Dr. Murray also said that this did not have anything to do with her chemotherapy treatment. He wanted her to have CT done ASAP and if that was negative, then she will be seen by a Neurologist ASAP.

Georgia's CT with contrast is this afternoon at 12:30. They will start an IV and sedate her and give her the contrast. Dr. Murray said, "We are hoping that it is not a brain tumor." Not very comforting words, but he and the other doctors were very helpful yesterday and we really appreciated their attention and devotion to Georgia.

At this point we are trying not to be scared, but we don't know what we would rather it be. On one hand she could be fighting for her life, on the other, is she facing a disability that she will have to endure the rest of her life?

Sorry if this update is confusing...As Aaron says I've got pregnancy head and the "baby is eating my brain".

I will update again as soon as we know something.

Monday, October 6, 2003

Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate Georgia's Remission and late birthday. She had a great time and loves all of her new gifts!

She has adjusted to her new home and has even played pretend in the baby's room. She has been putting her baby in the crib and singing it to sleep. She’s at such a cute age and we really enjoy watching her grow.

We are taking her into the doctor this afternoon to get some things checked out. It is probably nothing, but better safe than sorry. Of course whatever we find out, we'll let everyone know.

UPDATE: 10/7/2003

We took Georgia to the doctor yesterday for several different problems she's been having. The Doctor thinks that Georgia has been having migraines, which accounts for some of the problems. He also thinks that she may have a neurological problem that is causing her to have a tick or a stammer.

In the next few weeks Georgia will be seen by a pediatric optometrist to rule out Glaucoma, or any other eye disease. Glaucoma is sometimes linked to Wilm's Tumor. On the 21st she will follow up with the Oncology team at Cook's. After testing, to rule cancer she will then be referred to a Neurologist.

We wish we knew now and didn't have to wait so long, but we are hoping and praying for the best.

Monday, September 29, 2003

Georgia breezed through surgery like we knew she would. By Thursday afternoon you would have never known that she had surgery. Her doctor cleaned up the port and gave it to us. It is interesting to look at.

I want to apologize to everyone, Georgia's invitations to her celebration party were sent out very late!!! We have had a little too much going on to handle. Her party will be at 3:00 on this Saturday the 4th at our house. There were some of you that I do not have an address for. If you would like to come, please give us a call at 682.553.0172. We would love for everybody to come, so please don't hesitate to call.

As far as everything else, Georgia is doing good. She spent the night in her new house for the first time on Saturday. I think she finally understands that it is going to be "home". She stepped in a fire ant bed on Saturday and got bitten all over one foot before we could get them off. Thanks Mammaw for your speedy help! Needless to say Aaron and I are at WAR with the ants!!!

We hope to see all of you on Saturday, everyone has had such a hand in helping us out, praying for Georgia, and just being there for us! By the way, we will have lots of finger foods, and there will be a bounce house for the little ones.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

It has been awhile since I updated! Georgia has been doing pretty good. Every week she has had some type of cold or virus infection. Although she has not been feeling great, she is definitely acting more like herself!

Georgia will have surgery next Thursday, the 25th, to remove her port. Her surgeon said it is an easy outpatient surgery, but they will have to give her a general anesthetic. She will get an IV in her arm, sedated, have the port taken out, and then recover in the hospital before going home that day. Simple enough, she handled the kidney removal like a champ and I am sure this will be no different.

We had to take Georgia out of her sitters. :( Her immune system is just not ready to be around a lot of other kids on a daily basis. Georgia is currently trying to shake a cold she's had since last Thursday. We have to get her well or the surgery will have to be postponed.

On Saturday October 4th we will be having a Celebration and late Birthday party for Georgia at our new house!! Aaron and I are so excited for Georgia and for ourselves that we are finally at this point in our lives. A few months ago we never thought we'd be here and even wondered if we'd ever celebrate Georgia being in remission!

Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers!

Tuesday, September 2, 2003

We all had a wonderful, but rainy Labor Day weekend. Hope you did too. It was a nice break from the hot weather.

Georgia had a lot of fun swimming at Macy's Birthday Party and playing with her cousins this weekend.

She has now been at the sitters two weeks and has had a cold and a stomach virus. Poor baby! Dr. Murray said that her immune system would not be back to normal until about February.

I am probably repeating myself, but we meet with the surgeon on September 15th to remove her port.

If you're wondering about her physical therapy we are still trying to work that out with our wonderful Aetna HMO Insurance!! Hopefully she will be able to start within the next week or so.

I know I have said it a hundred times, but I still mean it. Thanks for all of your prayers and support. Without family and friends Georgia, Aaron, and I would have never gotten through this.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

Georgia has had a little cold this week, but other than that she is doing pretty good. She has been eating non-stop! Last Friday she ate two bowls of cereal, a slice of pizza and two fried cheese sticks for dinner! She still doesn't want anything healthy, but she comes by that honestly.

Georgia does not meet with the surgeon until September 15th. We will schedule surgery to remove her port at that point.

We have lots of plans this weekend, and Georgia will be excited because we're going swimming. Maybe we'll even get a chance to go to the lake and Georgia can ride on the jet skis since she is finally big enough.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Monday, August 18, 2003

Georgia is doing great! Her energy is back and she is full of life and love. She has been able to keep up with her cousins and she has been having a great time.

Last week Mimi and Gramps took her to the water park (NRH20), and she has asked to go back almost everyday since. She has even tried to sweet-talk Mammaw into taking her.

It has been such a blessing to see her bounce back the way she has, she will even be going back to Martie, her sitter, this week!

Also, Aaron and I are very happy that Georgia will have a baby brother or sister to play with at the end of March!

Thanks Again to everyone for all of your prayers and support!

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

REMISSION, How sweet the sound!!! All of Georgia's scans and blood work came back clear! She still has a bumpy road ahead of her, but she can get through anything. She will start therapy soon, and will have her port taken out in the next month.

Words can't describe how much everyone's prayers, support and concern have meant to us, Thank You!

Throughout my life I, along with my family have lost my Dad, and many loved ones to cancer. It is the most wonderful feeling to know that Georgia beat it. Cancer is not going to take her; she is a survivor!

By the way, we haven't decided on a place or time, but we are planning a celebration and late birthday party for Georgia either the second or third weekend in September. I will post it here when we have all the details. Thanks Again for all you prayers!

Wednesday, August 6, 2003

Well I don't have much to tell, but I know everyone is waiting to see how the scans went....We won't know the results until Monday. Georgia had her chest x-ray but 30 minutes into the sonogram the technician asked if Georgia had any Milk to drink. Well of course she did, we couldn't make it two hours without giving her any. We found out that Georgia is not supposed to eat or drink anything six hours before the sonogram. Yet again, something we had to find out about after the fact (before her last sono she had french-fries from McDonalds).

We did find out that Georgia will be able to go back to daycare in about two weeks. Thanks to Gramps, Aaron and I have only had to take off on days she has treatments and the days that she has been really sick.

Other than yesterday, Georgia has had a pretty good week and she has been feeling a lot better!

Thursday, July 31, 2003

I think we have told most everyone, but the swollen lymph node turned out to be just an infection (whew, what a relief). If you're asking what I'm talking about, last Thursday we noticed a lymph node under her right arm that was swollen. Dr. Torres checked her out yesterday and as I said it is just an infection! Also, Georgia is feeling better, still not great but better. Next Tuesday is the BIG day; Georgia will have all her scans and we will find out if she will have to enter another protocol treatment, or if she is in REMISSION!!

I'll update as soon as we know. Thanks for checking in on Georgia and for all your prayers.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

It seems profound that yesterday and last Tuesday were the only Tuesday's that it didn't rain while we were on our way to the clinic. It even rained the day she had to go in to the hospital for the virus infection. Aaron and I have decided that it's Gods way of letting us know she was through and that we can see some sunny days again.

Georgia had her most difficult week through all of this, but I think she's almost over it. Her counts yesterday were very good and she doesn't have to go in until the 5th of August for a sonogram, chest x-ray and blood work. We still don't know when she will begin therapy for her legs. Probably after we get the thumbs-up that she does not need to go on another protocol treatment.

On a sad note, Hunter, a boy with Wilm's Tumor passed away on Monday. I learned about Hunter after Georgia was diagnosed and have kept up with his treatments. Please pray for his family and friends to get through the difficult time they are facing. Thanks.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Tuesday was Georgia's last dose of her protocol treatment!! She received the maximum dose of both Vincrisitne and Actinomicine. Her counts were very good, which really showed last week. She was into everything, acting just as a two-year-old should!

Georgia will be seen next Tuesday for counts. In three weeks Georgia will have all of her scans and x-rays again. Her Oncology team will then evaluate her treatment and the results of the scans and decide if she will go through another protocol, or if she is finished. Aaron and I are pretty confident they will decide not to place her on another protocol, but we’ve decided not to have a big celebration until we know for sure.

Georgia has not been feeling good the past couple of days and has been very nauseated. I know she will bounce back quick as she always does.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support. By the way, I am very happy to say that Nanny, Georgia's Great-Grandmother, is finally at home after open-heart surgery!

Tuesday, July 8, 2003

Just a short update...

No chemo today!!! The past week has been a roller coaster for Georgia. One minute she is going non-stop, the next she's pretty sick.

She enjoyed getting out for a few hours on Friday to see the fireworks. She watched the show like a horse with blinders on, she had to have her hands ready to cover her eyes just incase she got scared. It was pretty cute, although I am a LITTLE bias. :) :)

I will update again next week after her treatment.

Wednesday, July 2, 2003

Georgia's sonogram and chest X-ray are clear and she handled her chemotherapy last week like a champ!!! Her blood counts were a little low yesterday, but they were high enough that she does not need to be seen until July 15th, her last treatment!

Thanks again for all of your prayers! Have a good 4th of July.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Georgia has had two good weeks. She did not receive treatment again last week, and she was back to being herself.

Yesterday she received 100% doses of Actinomicine and Vincristine. We are waiting to see how she handles the higher doses. Georgia will be seen the next two weeks for her blood counts. Her next chemotherapy treatment will be July 15. That will be the last one!!!

This Friday Georgia will have a sonogram and some x-rays to make sure the cancer has not come back.

When her treatment is complete we will then meet with a physical therapist for treatment to her legs and feet.

I want to thank everyone again for all your prayers and support, with out it I don't know how we would have managed. Also, I would like to ask that everyone keep Georgia's Great-Grandmother, Nanny, in your prayers. She is having surgery tomorrow and we could use God's healing hands to watch over her.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Georgia has had a difficult week, but she's still hanging in there. After a very brief trip to Cook Children's ER on Sunday we learned Georgia has picked up a viral infection.

The doctors checked her blood counts and ran some other tests. Her counts were high and she was able to come home after she was treated with some strong anti-biotics.

Georgia did not need to have her blood test today since they have the results from Sunday. Her next appointment will be Tuesday the 17th and she will receive Actinomicine and Vincristine.

Thursday, June 5, 2003

Last week was very good for Georgia! She was herself, and it so good to see her back to normal. She even got to go see Finding Nemo with Mammaw, Auntie, Jherith, and Spencer.

On Tuesday Georgia received twice her normal dose of Vincristine and a higher dose of Actinomicine. Dr. Torres said for us to expect her to have a trying time this week, but that she should recover next week. She also gave her Tylenol with Codine to help take the "edge" off.

Georgia will need corrective therapy for her legs and feet when the chemotherapy treatments are over, and will need to wear a brace.

Dr. Torres also wants to monitor Georgia's counts every week incase she needs additional attention.

Georgia had a pretty tough time yesterday morning, but hopefully she will feel better by the weekend. Hannah is celebrating her 3rd Birthday this weekend and we would love to join her.

Also I added new pictures of Georgia in the photo album.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

I am a week behind in updating, so hopefully this will get everyone caught up.

Georgia received 75% dose of Vincristine last week. She does not receive treatment this week!!! Next week she will be given 100% doses of both Vincristine and Actinomicine.

I forgot to mention that Georgia received a Spenoza Bear from her Child Life Specialist, Terry, the week before last. A Spenoza Bear is a teddy bear that plays tapes to encourage cancer patients. Some of the tapes are words of healing, others talk about doctor visits and hospital stays, and others talk about self-esteem. People who contribute to the program donate Spenoza Bears; the bears are then distributed to hospitals across America.

Georgia had a few rough days last week, but she also had a few great ones! Saturday we spent at Cliff and Valerie's lake house with Mammaw, Mimi, Gramps, Aunt Annie, Uncle Todd, Aunt Amy, Jherith, Spencer, Hannah, & Hayden! Although Georgia could not get in the lake, she enjoyed playing in the kiddie pool. She had such a great time and we were really glad she felt good enough to make the trip.

On Monday Georgia enjoyed seeing the horses at Lone Star Park where we celebrated Aunt Mamie's birthday.

We are looking forward to a pleasant week and weekend!

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Georgia has had some rough days the past week, but overall she has been pretty good. She has been tripping over her right foot and is having some trouble walking.

We enjoyed a beautiful Mother’s day! On Sunday we went to a reunion with Aaron’s family. Georgia tried her hardest to keep up with her cousins, and it broke our hearts that she just didn’t have enough energy to.

She did very well at chemotherapy yesterday, the only time she cried is when they brought “The Tray” in. Her counts were back up a little. Georgia received Actinomicine and 25% of her dose of Vincristine. She only received 25% due to the damage it is doing to the nerves in her feet.

Next week Georgia will have a dose of Vincristine at 75%. Then we will start the second phase of the chemotherapy. Georgia will only have to go every-other week, however each week she will receive 100% doses of both Actinomicine and Vincristine.

Wednesday, May 7, 2003

Georgia's counts were back up a little this week, although they are still low. Both Dr. Murray and Dr. Nancy were pleasantly surprised that they were higher.

The doctors thought that the nerve damage in her legs and feet due to Vincristine had time to repair itself. Georgia had only received half of the normal dose of Vincristine last week and didn't receive any the week before. This was good news as we recently found out that if they didn't let it repair, it could cause permanent damage.

Georgia's weight has maintained at 22 pounds and she has eaten two meals since this weekend!!! We are very excited that she has somewhat of an appetite.

Georgia celebrated her 2nd Birthday Sunday, May 4th at the zoo! Although Georgia got very tired, she really enjoyed the animals and seeing her cousins! She got very upset when we told her she could not ride the cows or the horses! She is just not afraid of anything.

Georgia has been such a little trooper through all of this and we could not be more proud to be her parents!

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Georgia's x-ray and sonogram came back clear yesterday!! She was scheduled to receive Actinomicine along with her weekly treatment of Vincristine. Dr. Murray decided to only give her Actinomicine and to pushback her weekly treatment by one week due to her blood counts being low. He also said that she was showing most of the side effects from Vincristine and this would give her one-week relief from the ache ness.

Georgia had a great Easter. We went to church Sunday morning, dyed Easter eggs and went to Uncle Mark’s for an egg hunt. Georgia had a lot of fun and was very excited to see the horses; she even sat on one.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Georgia received Vincristine yesterday at Chemotherapy. Her counts are better than last week, although she is a little anemic.

Georgia gets very tired and is not sleeping well at all. Her hair is thinning, but if you hadn't seen how thick it was, you would never know it. We have given up on her eating, but she really likes the ensure drinks.

Even though we can tell the effects the treatments are having on her, she knows no different. She plays as hard as she can! We are looking forward to celebrating Easter this weekend.

Next Tuesday she has a sonogram, chest x-ray, and will receive both Vincristine and Actinomicine.

Wednesday, April 9, 2003

Georgia had her fifth chemotherapy treatment yesterday. She took it better than last week! Her counts have dropped, however they are still in a good range, 42%.

Georgia is playing good during the day, but she crashes about 6:00 every night. She is still not eating, but we are now giving her ensure with her chocolate milk.

We are keeping our fingers crossed that she will be feeling well enough to go easter egg hunting!

Thursday, April 3, 2003

Georgia had round four of chemotherapy Tuesday, and is doing pretty good. She has been easily tired, but she still plays hard. So far so good, no vomitting yet...although she doesn't have any interest in eating. Who needs food when you've got chocolate milk?

Monday, March 31, 2003

Georgia had a good weekend! She played hard and wore us out. She got to see her favorite dog "but" at Mimi and Gramps. She even got to go shopping with Mammaw and Mommy.

Georgia will have round four of chemotherapy tomorrow. She will receive Actinomicine and Vincristine.

Thanks again to all of you who are keeping her in your prayers!

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Yesterday Georgia had her third Chemotherapy treatment, Vincristine. She has been doing good, although she has slowed down some and wants to be held more often (Which we love!) Her hair has started thining, but she has not lost any clumps!

Next week will be the true test, Georgia recieves Vincristine and Actinomicine on Tuesday.

Thanks again for all of your prayers and support, we appreciate all of you!

Tuesday March 18, 2003

Today Georgia had her second round of chemotherapy. She has 17 weeks left, her last treatment being July 15th.

She was given Vincristine, most common side effects; hair loss, nausea and vomiting , fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath, mouth sores, loss of appetite, constipation

Friday March 14, 2003

Georgia was pretty sick Wednesday and Thursday. She couldn't hold anything down. She is feeling better today, so much so that we have been out and about to enjoy the 70 degree weather.

Tuesday March 11, 2003

Georgia goes home today!

Monday March 10, 2003

Georgia is doing so good! She finally, after 4 days, gets to eat. I am so relieved as she has already lost 3 pounds. First things first, get this girl some Chocolate Milk!

The Oncologist came in to give us the pathology report. Georgia has Stage II, but favorable histology. Today was a pretty good day until she received her first Chemotherapy treatment. She recieved Actinomicin, most common side effects; nausea, hair loss.

This is by far the worst thing either Aaron or I have ever experienced. To watch your baby go through this and there is nothing we can do, but pray and be there to comfort her.

Friday March 7, 2003

Georgia had surgery today. The Surgeon said that everything went as well as it could, and that if he had to judge just from looks, he thought it was a Stage I. Everyone was excited to hear the good news except Aaron and I. We are still very worried about the histology of the tumor.

Georgia did so good, we are so proud to be her parents! It really hurt to see her the way she was, but she is in God's loving hands and we have people from California to New York praying for her.

Thursday March 6, 2003

And so begins the story of Georgia's battle with Wilm's Tumor.

Today I (Jennifer) noticed blood in Georgia's Urine. Thinking that she probably had a UTI or a Kidney Infection, we took her to the ER. Once there she was tested for both, and the results were negative. The Doctor scheduled a sonogram to see if something was wrong with her kidneys.

While getting the sonogram the technician stated that she could not find Georgia's right kidney. I thought, maybe hoped, she was just very young and inexperienced.

A while later with Aaron, Mammaw and Mimi there the Doctor came in and said that they could not see the kidney, only only a large mass and they were going to transport her to Cook Children's Hospital in Fort Worth.

Once at Cook's with most of our Family and Friends there, the Dr. came in and said that she thought Georgia had Wilm's Tumor in her right kidney, but wanted to do a more extensive sonogram.

It seemed like minutes but I guess it was hours, the results were positive. Georgia has Wilm's Tumor...a cancerous tumor. Now for Aaron and I to tell our huge crowd of supporters in the waiting room. Thank God they were all there for us.

Then we were off to meet with the Oncologist (Dr. Jeffery Murray) and the Surgeon (Dr. Tim Black). Surgery was scheduled for the next day.

Georgia was admitted and we tried to settle in for the night. I thought about the day's events and couldn't believe that this was happening to our beautiful baby girl. Georgia was wonderful the whole day "Little Miss Congeniality" as one nurse put it, had said "Hi" to everyone we passed.

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----End of History----