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Sunday, February 13, 2005 1:21 AM CST

Dear Friends,

Much has happened with Matthew and our family since the last update (too long ago!). A long series of tumultuous changes happened, but the good news is that Matthew is currently totally healthy & whole, and in full remission (as of 2-05). Ongoing Quarterly CT Scans of his neck, arm, chest and abdomen show No Sign of Cancerous Tumors (Thank you, God!). His Doctor's keep calling him a 'walking miracle' - and that he is. They did not at all expect him to survive even 12 months.

Due to his intensive 1-year regimen of chemo infusions, he was 'immuno-compromised' and missed all of 1st Grade (was home-bound). But during the Spring of '04, I homeschooled him intensly, and then I was able to get him into a summer school/tutoring program - all summer long. I dedicated the entire Spring & Summer to Matthew's goals of learning to swim, learning phonics, joining Cub Scouts, and qualifying for 1st Grade by Fall '04. And Matthew accomplished it all - and more! (Straight 'A' Student in 1st Grade)

On an unfortunate note, the marriage didn't survive, Matthew's mother went on her own way, but both boys live with me (Dad), in a big new house on a 200-acre "Family Mountain" paradise, along beautiful mountain ridgetops - surrounded by loving family (Grandparents, 2 sets of Aunts & Uncles, and 10 cousins!). It's kind of like growing up on your own 'Tom Sawyer Island'. Matthew has horses to ride, trails to hike, campsites, huge pastures/ridgetops/ponds and streams to explore - between 4 Family Homes. We often see whole deer families, and sometimes coyotes.

Long-term Prognosis:
Matthew's doctors have exhorted me regularly to stay vigilant, and be on the lookout with this type of aggresive, advanced-stage cancer. Technically, his percentage chance of serious relapse in the next few years is extremely high, so he is consigned to a lifetime of 'high risk' (they call it). Not a pleasant thought for a parent! *** But I've learned a precious lesson: "every day is a gift!", and any time with these wonderful boys is Priceless - and I wouldn't trade it for the whole world!

My Motto has become: Carpe Diem!

-- Rick Shinn

ps: Please sign Matthew's Guest Book - he loves it!

Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:31 AM CST

[For an overview of Matthew's Cancer Battle, refer to our previous Journal Entry: October 20th]

Dear Family & Friends,

We have great news... last night (Wed. 11-12) we received the Doctor's results of Matthew's latest CT Scans, and there were no signs of ANY Tumors on any internal organs - hallelujah!!

His doctor said that this is a very good sign that the extensive Chemo Infusion treatments have been very effective - otherwise it would have metastasized everywhere. Dr. Malik reminded us, though, that this is just the 'first mile' in a long marathon for Matthew. His type of Melanoma was very aggressive, and it is notorious for returning months or even years later (but we're just going to keep flushing it out!). Matthew will continue for a full year of Chemo treatments.

As a result of this good report, Matthew will now be able to receive his 'granted wish' - of going to Disney & Universal Studios in December.

Thank you all for your prayers - they're working!

-- Rick & Dee

Saturday, November 8, 2003 6:15 PM CST

[Good news at bottom - Matt's Dream Vacation!]
[For overview of Matthew's Cancer Battle, refer to our previous Journal Entry: October 20th]

NOV 8th: CT Scans Re-scheduled - Matthew's 2nd Round of (4) CT Scans (Chest, Brain, Abdomen, Pelvis) was rescheduled to Monday, November 10.

We will get the Test Results on Wednesday Nov. 12th. This is a pretty anxious time for us, because this is the very first set of Follow-up Scans of his internal organs - since the removal of the big Melanoma tumor on his arm and the tumors in his left ampit lymphnodes (in August).

Metastatic Melanoma usually goes straight to the Lungs and/or Liver (after passing thru the armpit lympnodes). That would mean Stage 4 (virtually inoperable).

Soooo, dear friends & family - please pray for a good report!

THANKYOU for all your encouragement & supporting words - it really helps! We are believing that - with God's help - the 2 months of intensive chemo infusion treatments (Alpha Interferon) has been effective at eliminating all the Cancer cells that had previously spread from the lympnodes.

Matthew is doing very well, with virtually no side-effects of the 3-days/per week Interferon injections (which we do at home now - for 1 year). He still can't attend school, and can't be around anyone sick, but he is strong & full of energy - hallelujah!

Good News: The 2nd week of December, the 'Dream Connection' & Walt Disney World is flying our entire family to Orlando to give Matthew his Dream Vacation - a week in Orlando, staying inside Disney at a very special Resort just for Kids. The week also includes visits to Universal Studios & Sea World. We are so excited - and still in shock at such a big, and wonderful blessing! It will give us all very special memories to cherish - no matter what the future brings.

Please feel free to write, send cards, or email or call - Matthew, and Dee & I would love to hear from you all!

-- Rick & Dee Shinn

Saturday, November 8, 2003 6:15 PM CST

[Good news at bottom - Matt's Dream Vacation!]
[For overview of Matthew's Cancer Battle, refer to our previous Journal Entry: October 20th]

NOV 8th: CT Scans Re-scheduled - Matthew's 2nd Round of (4) CT Scans (Chest, Brain, Abdomen, Pelvis) was rescheduled to Monday, November 10.

We will get the Test Results on Wednesday Nov. 12th. This is a pretty anxious time for us, because this is the very first set of Follow-up Scans of his internal organs - since the removal of the big Melanoma tumor on his arm and the tumors in his left ampit lymphnodes (in August).

Metastatic Melanoma usually goes straight to the Lungs and/or Liver (after passing thru the armpit lympnodes). That would mean Stage 4 (virtually inoperable).

Soooo, dear friends & family - please pray for a good report!

THANKYOU for all your encouragement & supporting words - it really helps! We are believing that - with God's help - the 2 months of intensive chemo infusion treatments (Alpha Interferon) has been effective at eliminating all the Cancer cells that had previously spread from the lympnodes.

Matthew is doing very well, with virtually no side-effects of the 3-days/per week Interferon injections (which we do at home now - for 1 year). He still can't attend school, and can't be around anyone sick, but he is strong & full of energy - hallelujah!

Good News: The 2nd week of December, the 'Dream Connection' & Walt Disney World is flying our entire family to Orlando to give Matthew his Dream Vacation - a week in Orlando, staying inside Disney at a very special Resort just for Kids. The week also includes visits to Universal Studios & Sea World. We are so excited - and still in shock at such a big, and wonderful blessing! It will give us all very special memories to cherish - no matter what the future brings.

Please feel free to write, send cards, or email or call - Matthew, and Dee & I would love to hear from you all!

-- Rick & Dee Shinn

Monday, October 20, 2003 4:52 PM CDT

Matthew's Cancer Battle - Background:

March 2003: a pink bump surfaced on Matthew's left bicep - looked just like a mosquito bite, then kind of like a spider bite... but it kept growing - while maintaining a normal skin color.

May: his Dr. sent us to a specialist Dermatologist, who did a Biopsy in early June, and the Lab MISDIAGNOSED it as a 'benign mole', and said 'don't worry about it'... Meanwhile it continued to grow and burrow down into his arm, and metastasize to his left arm's lymph nodes (which were all eaten up when removed by surgery in August).

July: we had the surgery scheduled anyway for removal... when they took it off and did the Pathology exam, they were shocked that it was a nasty malignant melanoma - Clark's Level 5 (out of 5).

August: we decided to move home to Knoxville (and Children's Hospital), to be around all our family and grandparents, to help beat this. CT Scans at Children's Hospital showed no other metastatic tumors other than the left armpit's lymph nodes.

Oct 6: Matthew just finished a month of Daily IV Infusions (thru a Pic line in his arm) with high-dosage Alpha-Interpheron at Children's Hospital in Knoxville, TN... now he's home and will get Interpheron Injections 3 times a week for 1 full year. He has amazed his Oncologists with virtually no bad 'side-effects' from all the Chemo - and they say that most adults can't even handle all the constant high-doses that Matthew has had without completely falling apart - but Matt is ailing right thru - hallelujah!

Dr.'s Diagnosis: In August they diagnosed the Melanoma Cancer at Stage 3B (right before Stage 4 - terminal), and gave him only a 10 percent Chance of Survival for 12 months - bummer! But I just told the doctors that he'll just have to be part of the 10 percent that survives!

Milestone coming: In November, a series of MRI's & CT Scans will alert us to any other internal organ tumors - which would raise it to Melanoma Stage 4 (very bad and basically inoperable - it usually goes right to Lungs and Liver).

I keep telling those cancer cells that "you can run, but you can't hide" from the Master's Healing Touch!

Thanks everyone for all your thoughts and prayers... and remember:
the "effectual, fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much!"


-- Rick Shinn

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