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Newborn Page

“I would rather be what God chose to make me than the most glorious creature that I could think of, for to have been thought about, born in God’s thought, and then made by God, is the dearest, grandest, and most precious thing in all thinking.”

Wren Michael Eccles

Born: 4/26/03 11:07 a.m.

Weight: 1 lb 3 1/2 oz Length: 12

Wren Michael Eccles was born to Michael and Erin Eccles at Methodist Hospital in Rochester, MN at 22 weeks and 6 days old.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010 8:37 AM CDT

I know it has been quite some time since I have entered anything here. To be honest, with the changes to the Caringbridge pages, I was not sure HOW to access Wren's account! :-) Finally today, using my best technology skills, I was able to hack the system. Well, to sign in at the very least.
Wren has been blessed with an incredible amount of people who work with him on a daily basis. One of such is his speech pathologist. Over the past year we have been entertaining the thought of an AAC device (augmentative communication) and had a representative from Gillette come down with a compilation of some available. As he "tried out" a few different ones, he discovered one that he not only enjoyed but could also navigate quite well. This was a few months ago and in the midst of school (for me), it was kind of put on a back burner.
A couple weeks ago, his SP found one within the district that he has been able to "try" more consistently...and here is a letter she shared with me yesterday. (When you are unable to completely get inside your child's head through communication, it brings tears to your eyes when you discover a thought process that you never knew existed)....Wren is truly blessed. :-)

"Dear Erin,
Wren did a couple new things today with the Vantage and I am so excited. He spontaneously went back to his original row when he hit a wrong button by mistake. He did this twice!
Our lesson was the word "on" and the concept "on" of course. I spelled it for him on the Vantage and he pressed the message box to hear the word a few times. We practiced saying the word too, with the "N" at the end--tricky but he got it. Then as we placed things around the room and said phrases like "on the chair" "on the desk", etc. he once walked over to the Vantage which was about five feet away from him and pressed the message box to say "on" as he said it too. All this time I was asking him where something was and modeling "on the ___" for him. He used the AAC to augment his own answer so quickly and effectively, and spontaneously on his part.
THEN, at the end of the lesson, he always goes to the "good-bye" button. Today, however, he pushed an arrow at the end of the greeting row to get more choices of something to say. He seemed so deliberate. He found "Take care of yourself." and pushed that one, then headed out the door.
He also learned how to turn on the device after being shown once. That happened sometime last week."

To add to that, for the first time last week he drew a picture of daddy and wrote the word "Dad" at the top, gave it to Mike and said, "I yug you, gaggy". (I love you, daddy).


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Hospital Information:

Abbott Northwest


http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jillherweyer   breast cancer survivor!
http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/joelwagner   bone marrow transplant
http://cfhusband.blogspot.com   prayer for both mom and baby


E-mail Author: sixtygallons@hotmail.com


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