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Tuesday, December 25, 2007 11:35 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Very special thanks to Julie Tweeten, Rachel's mom, who sent us this beautiful poem with a very special pewter engraved ornament in memory of Bryce!

Merry Christmas From Heaven:

I still hear the songs
I still see the lights
I still feel your love
on cold wintery nights

I still share your hopes
and all of your cares
I'll even remind you
to please say your prayers

I just want to tell you
you still make me proud
You stand head and shoulders
above all the crowd

Keep trying each moment
to stay in His grace
I came here before you
to help set your place

You don't have to be
perfect all of the time
he forgives you the slip
If you continue to climb

To my family and friends
please be thankful today
I'm still close beside you
In a new special way

I love you all dearly
now don't shed a tear
Cause I'm spending my
Christmas with Jesus this year

By John Wm. Mooney, Jr.


Good morning, Brycer~

We love you and miss you so very much... It hasn't been easy but we are getting through these couple of days of Christmas without you. I know that you are here with us but we sure wish we could see your million-dollar smile again. And, HOLD and HUG you again!!! You had such innocent excitement at Christmas time. It was pure joy...which I know you are feeling right now. You had a special way of making everyone feel so incredibly special. Your beautiful blue-gray eyes would melt us every time we looked into them. I loved how you would plop down onto my lap in the morning as I sat on the floor. It was like it was your "most comfortable spot". I know it was mine...just to hold you there. You were so excited with your gifts last year, even though you were not feeling very good. You always "toughed it out" as you told Julie H...she loved that!

Last night in church, I was remembering when we went to our first Christmas Eve service at our church when you were 4 years old. You had a slight fever and you fell asleep in my arms. I held you the whole service and carried you, sleeping, up to communion. It felt so good to hold you...you were soooo heavy. I was so proud. And now, you sing with the angels in heaven. Wow.

Thank you for coming with us to the Nursing Home yesterday. It was so much fun! I am so glad you came to me with the message to Harold and your Dad. I didn't know anything about Harold when I was talking to him, and you just kept jumping in...and up and down...to tell me he was a farmer, like your dad. It was loud and clear in my right ear... I loved it!!! WOW... Thank you so much!

And now, we are due to be at Great Grandma Buck's at noon, and Ethan has the flu... I remember the year we pulled into Great Grandma & Grandpa Buck's house, and I turned around to check on you in your car seat because you started to cry. Right then, you started throwing up. Poor little guy. I went home with you then. You were only 3 years old. What a blessing you have been in our lives, Bryce Andrew Breuer... What a BLESSING.

We love you and miss you so much. Thank you for all of the tears of joy and tears of sadness that you have helped us through. You were unique and incredible in your very own way!!! You were a gift to all of us. Please keep watching over your brothers. Tell Jesus HI and HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We'll see ya soon, Brycer.

With all my love and admiration for you, honey. You're my guy...

Love, Mom

Friday, December 21, 2007
Good Evening & Merry Christmas to everyone~

We have had some busy days but, I believe, the weekend should be quiet. I am soooo looking forward to that. We need some quiet time together. I don't want to make this entry to be all about us. I really, truly, in my heart, want it to be about everyone else... There are so many people in this world dealing with daily struggles who need our prayers. We can get so caught up in our own "stuff". This Christmas season, let's just take a look around and give to those in need. We don't know what "stuff" is going on in other people's lives but we do know, and remember (with friendly reminders sometimes), that it is better to give than to receive. Bryce has received the ultimate gift...eternal life in heaven. Wow... "I can only imagine..." God's promises are so true, if only we would "look through the eyes of a child, that's when you truly live"--just as all of the K-6 children sang at school during their Christmas program yesterday. I LOVE THAT!!! Bryce did "truly live" while he was here on this earth! As I have been reading my Bible(slowly but surely since Bryce died), the scriptures tell us to look (and believe) through the eyes of a child...AMEN to that! As we grow up, we tend to become realists, sometimes pesimists. God wants us to trust in Him with our whole being. Why do we break everything down and analyze everything? (Because we are human.) Why not WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT...? For some reason, Bryce was taken from us to his eternal Home at a very early age. But, really... Isn't that our life goal, anyway? If it's not, it should be. I'll tell you what... It's my life goal... My son is there waiting to embrace me someday. And, I will unite with him again. Do not pray for him or ask if he is ok. He is way better than ok... He is full of indescribable, majestic joy!!! He is looking at the face of Jesus!!! I can't even fathom it...

OK, so let's get down to the nitty gritty. You don't have to listen or read my thoughts or journal entries. I'm ok with that. Everyone needs to do what they feel is best for them. I won't judge you. Who am I to judge anyone? I am just as much a sinner as everyone else. I just want to speak my thoughts before Christmas Day because it's not all about the presents. It's not all about rushing around and being stressed out. It's not all about fancy food and clean houses...sure those things are nice! But really, truly...It's all about the baby Jesus. Where would we be without his gift to us? He lived on this earth for 33 years and LOOK at what he accomplished? Because of Jesus, we will receive the eternal gift that our little Brycer received--10 months ago tomorrow. What a brave soul he was...Bryce too. If you have any doubts in your mind if there is NEW life on the other side...then, maybe you should open your Bible. I tried about 5 years ago, and I just couldn't follow it for some reason. But after losing Bryce, I have a new, deeper understanding and HUNGER for the Bible, its scriptures, and God's word--the history. I believe, it's the difference between a 'want' and a 'need'. Don't get me wrong, you shouldn't wait for something tragic to happen in your life before you open your Bible. That's more of a reason to open it...to help you get some kind of understanding and preparation so you can help others, or help yourself, in your own daily struggles--big or small. I just know what it has done for me. It has opened my eyes. We were driving to Rochester today to start (and finish) our Christmas shopping and it hit me... As sad, and lonely, as I am that Bryce is no longer (physically) with us here on earth, I have so much joy in my heart for all of the many blessings that God has given me in my life!!! I thank God everyday for my life and His unconditional love!!!

I told you about a very special couple that we met at the Mayo Remembrance Ceremony in November. There son, Jack, died almost a year before Bryce. There son, Alex, is Joel's age and looks so much like our Bryce. Well, Lynn and I emailed each other this week, and I found myself wanting to shout "EXACTLY!!!" as I cried through what she wrote... Lynn is so gifted with words and I want to share them with you...

"I was glad to see you all made it through Thanksgiving. The holidays are so difficult. I find everyday to be some sort of a struggle, it is amazing to me, how I can be going about my daily routine and something out of nowhere will hit me, either a smell or the sound of someone's voice and it will knock me to my knees. Amazingly, I am as heartbroken by these events as I am happy by them... I guess I am still just so thankful to be able to feel the memories of when Jack was here with us. Oddly enough, there are days when I allow myself the treat of doing nothing but remembering all the wonderful times and sometimes not so wonderful times...that Clint and I now find funny!!!!! God's humor shines through..
How are you handling Christmas coming up? I find the days leading up to the day to be more difficult than the actual day. I know celebrating Christmas in Heaven has got to be something awesome and spectacular, but the thought of not having my whole family with me on Christmas, not having my now 5 year old discovering his presents under the tree, still just seems unbearable. I know Jack will be sitting with our heavenly father and experiencing the truest meaning of Christmas, but what my head knows and my heart feels is not always the same.
I will be praying for you and your family to have an amazing peace during this holiday season. I think, continuing to smile and finding joy in things is honoring our boys in the best way. They both seemed to find joy and bring a smile in the most difficult of times, so by doing it ourselves we are continuing their spirit."

Is that beautiful or what?! Especially the last sentence... Thanks, Lynn. I sooooooo needed your words. God is so good.

So, this brings me back to my first paragraph...Giving to others. Giving has so many approaches. The most specific and helpful giving (in my mind) is first and foremost 'prayers'. Prayers for everyone! Even if you don't think they need them...give them! Then, it could be a smile, a kind gesture, a gift, some food, a ride to church, an invitation for coffee, a Bible, an offer of help with the children...ANYTHING! Tim & I are so incredibly grateful for EVERYTHING that we have!!! We are so incredibly GRATEFUL for everything that you have all done for us!!! Life is so precious. Life is such a gift. The salvation that we can receive from our Lord and Savious, Jesus Christ, is so simple. It's all about giving to others and believing in him. It is especially important to me this Christmas season because of the gift of 'time with' and 'love from' that we received from 'Bryce'. We truly realize what a gift Bryce was, and our boys' are, to us. This morning on KTIS, they played an audio of a 13 year old boy named, Logan, from Nebraska who called in to a Houston, TX Christian Radio Station a few months back. Please copy and paste this link (http coming next) into your address bar. You will be soooooo glad you did! My boys' loved the whole conversation! They were amazed by this young boys message to the world... His wisdom is beyond words. He is our FUTURE... The children are our FUTURE. Please listen to it!


As I'm finishing up tonight, I want you to know 'yes', we are missing Brycer like crazy at Christmas. Everywhere we look--at home, at school, anywhere--we are reminded of Bryce. Everything we see in the stores that is John Deere, we say "Bryce would have loved that..." We want so badly to buy those things for him. We wish we could. But, Bryce would have wanted us to give to others...just as his compassionate heart wanted to do at all times. There was never a doubt in his mind to give to others--except maybe his brothers occasionally...hmmm. And, please don't ever be concerned if you should mention our (or other's) loved one who passed away... For us to speak of our loved one is HEALING. Healing. We want to heal so bad. We want other's to heal. We WANT our loved one's to be remembered ALWAYS--never to be forgotten! Bryce continues to give us signs--3 "Brave" songs this week at the most appropriate and perfect timing... It's amazing. And now, Bryce has a new friend in heaven. Ali arrived yesterday from this dreadful disease. Please pray for her family. They are from Michigan. Pray for their healing and strength in the next few very busy, closing days of Ali's life on earth. "Emmanuel: God with us"... by Mercy Me comes to mind.

Please continue to pray for Lisa who battles her relapse of cancer, LeAnn who is newly diagnosed with cancer, Austin: www.caringbridge.org/visit/brandypeterson who battles a brain tumor, Isaac: www.caringbridge.org/visit/isaaclieser who just finished radiation for neuroblastoma, and Barb: www.caringbridge.org/visit/barbberg who just finished chemo. They are all such warriors armored by the word of God!!! They will receive TRIUMPH AND VICTORY by the Grace of God... As always, God gets all the glory. Please keep the prayers coming for all of the people who have lost a loved one. They have a gaping hole in their hearts. They miss their loved one more than anyone could ever imagine, especially during the Christmas season. Please pray for their peace within and for some joy at Christmas. And remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season. "Look through the eyes of a child and truly live..." We love and appreciate all of you so very much.

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE." John 14:6
**From Bryce's favorite Bible book marker which has Jesus' picture on the front.

"Walk by faith, not by sight." **Bryce's favorite!!!

"With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26. My favorite!

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Impress them on your children. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:5-9

The St. Cloud Hospital, CentraCare Foundation, and St. Cloud Optimists Clubs are sponsoring the Sixth Annual Minnesota Tree of Hope. The tree will glitter with dozens of gold ribbons each bearing the name of a child who has, or has had cancer. The tree will be displayed at the CentraCare Health Plaza in St. Cloud, MN starting on December 17, 2007.

Please join us for the ceremony on Sunday, January 13, 2008 from 1-4 pm in the Windfeldt Room at the
CentraCare Health Plaza.
1900 Centracare Circle
St. Cloud, MN 56303

We all hope you can attend this very touching ceremony.
Please call the Pediatric Short Stay clinic if you have questions or need directions. (320) 229-4923.

"I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God." Jeremiah 24:6-7

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: "I lift up my eyes to the hills--where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2 That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.
~By Nyla Hagen, Ellen's mom and our very dear friend~

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, December 21, 2007 10:18 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Very special thanks to Julie Tweeten, Rachel's mom, who sent us this beautiful poem with a very special pewter engraved ornament in memory of Bryce!

Merry Christmas From Heaven:

I still hear the songs
I still see the lights
I still feel your love
on cold wintery nights

I still share your hopes
and all of your cares
I'll even remind you
to please say your prayers

I just want to tell you
you still make me proud
You stand head and shoulders
above all the crowd

Keep trying each moment
to stay in His grace
I came here before you
to help set your place

You don't have to be
perfect all of the time
he forgives you the slip
If you continue to climb

To my family and friends
please be thankful today
I'm still close beside you
In a new special way

I love you all dearly
now don't shed a tear
Cause I'm spending my
Christmas with Jesus this year

By John Wm. Mooney, Jr.

Good Evening & Merry Christmas to everyone~

We have had some busy days but, I believe, the weekend should be quiet. I am soooo looking forward to that. We need some quiet time together. I don't want to make this entry to be all about us. I really, truly, in my heart, want it to be about everyone else... There are so many people in this world dealing with daily struggles who need our prayers. We can get so caught up in our own "stuff". This Christmas season, let's just take a look around and give to those in need. We don't know what "stuff" is going on in other people's lives but we do know, and remember (with friendly reminders sometimes), that it is better to give than to receive. Bryce has received the ultimate gift...eternal life in heaven. Wow... "I can only imagine..." God's promises are so true, if only we would "look through the eyes of a child, that's when you truly live"--just as all of the K-6 children sang at school during their Christmas program yesterday. I LOVE THAT!!! Bryce did "truly live" while he was here on this earth! As I have been reading my Bible(slowly but surely since Bryce died), the scriptures tell us to look (and believe) through the eyes of a child...AMEN to that! As we grow up, we tend to become realists, sometimes pesimists. God wants us to trust in Him with our whole being. Why do we break everything down and analyze everything? (Because we are human.) Why not WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT...? For some reason, Bryce was taken from us to his eternal Home at a very early age. But, really... Isn't that our life goal, anyway? If it's not, it should be. I'll tell you what... It's my life goal... My son is there waiting to embrace me someday. And, I will unite with him again. Do not pray for him or ask if he is ok. He is way better than ok... He is full of indescribable, majestic joy!!! He is looking at the face of Jesus!!! I can't even fathom it...

OK, so let's get down to the nitty gritty. You don't have to listen or read my thoughts or journal entries. I'm ok with that. Everyone needs to do what they feel is best for them. I won't judge you. Who am I to judge anyone? I am just as much a sinner as everyone else. I just want to speak my thoughts before Christmas Day because it's not all about the presents. It's not all about rushing around and being stressed out. It's not all about fancy food and clean houses...sure those things are nice! But really, truly...It's all about the baby Jesus. Where would we be without his gift to us? He lived on this earth for 33 years and LOOK at what he accomplished? Because of Jesus, we will receive the eternal gift that our little Brycer received--10 months ago tomorrow. What a brave soul he was...Bryce too. If you have any doubts in your mind if there is NEW life on the other side...then, maybe you should open your Bible. I tried about 5 years ago, and I just couldn't follow it for some reason. But after losing Bryce, I have a new, deeper understanding and HUNGER for the Bible, its scriptures, and God's word--the history. I believe, it's the difference between a 'want' and a 'need'. Don't get me wrong, you shouldn't wait for something tragic to happen in your life before you open your Bible. That's more of a reason to open it...to help you get some kind of understanding and preparation so you can help others, or help yourself, in your own daily struggles--big or small. I just know what it has done for me. It has opened my eyes. We were driving to Rochester today to start (and finish) our Christmas shopping and it hit me... As sad, and lonely, as I am that Bryce is no longer (physically) with us here on earth, I have so much joy in my heart for all of the many blessings that God has given me in my life!!! I thank God everyday for my life and His unconditional love!!!

I told you about a very special couple that we met at the Mayo Remembrance Ceremony in November. There son, Jack, died almost a year before Bryce. There son, Alex, is Joel's age and looks so much like our Bryce. Well, Lynn and I emailed each other this week, and I found myself wanting to shout "EXACTLY!!!" as I cried through what she wrote... Lynn is so gifted with words and I want to share them with you...

"I was glad to see you all made it through Thanksgiving. The holidays are so difficult. I find everyday to be some sort of a struggle, it is amazing to me, how I can be going about my daily routine and something out of nowhere will hit me, either a smell or the sound of someone's voice and it will knock me to my knees. Amazingly, I am as heartbroken by these events as I am happy by them... I guess I am still just so thankful to be able to feel the memories of when Jack was here with us. Oddly enough, there are days when I allow myself the treat of doing nothing but remembering all the wonderful times and sometimes not so wonderful times...that Clint and I now find funny!!!!! God's humor shines through..
How are you handling Christmas coming up? I find the days leading up to the day to be more difficult than the actual day. I know celebrating Christmas in Heaven has got to be something awesome and spectacular, but the thought of not having my whole family with me on Christmas, not having my now 5 year old discovering his presents under the tree, still just seems unbearable. I know Jack will be sitting with our heavenly father and experiencing the truest meaning of Christmas, but what my head knows and my heart feels is not always the same.
I will be praying for you and your family to have an amazing peace during this holiday season. I think, continuing to smile and finding joy in things is honoring our boys in the best way. They both seemed to find joy and bring a smile in the most difficult of times, so by doing it ourselves we are continuing their spirit."

Is that beautiful or what?! Especially the last sentence... Thanks, Lynn. I sooooooo needed your words. God is so good.

So, this brings me back to my first paragraph...Giving to others. Giving has so many approaches. The most specific and helpful giving (in my mind) is first and foremost 'prayers'. Prayers for everyone! Even if you don't think they need them...give them! Then, it could be a smile, a kind gesture, a gift, some food, a ride to church, an invitation for coffee, a Bible, an offer of help with the children...ANYTHING! Tim & I are so incredibly grateful for EVERYTHING that we have!!! We are so incredibly GRATEFUL for everything that you have all done for us!!! Life is so precious. Life is such a gift. The salvation that we can receive from our Lord and Savious, Jesus Christ, is so simple. It's all about giving to others and believing in him. It is especially important to me this Christmas season because of the gift of 'time with' and 'love from' that we received from 'Bryce'. We truly realize what a gift Bryce was, and our boys' are, to us. This morning on KTIS, they played an audio of a 13 year old boy named, Logan, from Nebraska who called in to a Houston, TX Christian Radio Station a few months back. Please copy and paste this link (http coming next) into your address bar. You will be soooooo glad you did! My boys' loved the whole conversation! They were amazed by this young boys message to the world... His wisdom is beyond words. He is our FUTURE... The children are our FUTURE. Please listen to it!


As I'm finishing up tonight, I want you to know 'yes', we are missing Brycer like crazy at Christmas. Everywhere we look--at home, at school, anywhere--we are reminded of Bryce. Everything we see in the stores that is John Deere, we say "Bryce would have loved that..." We want so badly to buy those things for him. We wish we could. But, Bryce would have wanted us to give to others...just as his compassionate heart wanted to do at all times. There was never a doubt in his mind to give to others--except maybe his brothers occasionally...hmmm. And, please don't ever be concerned if you should mention our (or other's) loved one who passed away... For us to speak of our loved one is HEALING. Healing. We want to heal so bad. We want other's to heal. We WANT our loved one's to be remembered ALWAYS--never to be forgotten! Bryce continues to give us signs--3 "Brave" songs this week at the most appropriate and perfect timing... It's amazing. And now, Bryce has a new friend in heaven. Ali arrived yesterday from this dreadful disease. Please pray for her family. They are from Michigan. Pray for their healing and strength in the next few very busy, closing days of Ali's life on earth. "Emmanuel: God with us"... by Mercy Me comes to mind.

Please continue to pray for Lisa who battles her relapse of cancer, LeAnn who is newly diagnosed with cancer, Austin: www.caringbridge.org/visit/brandypeterson who battles a brain tumor, Isaac: www.caringbridge.org/visit/isaaclieser who just finished radiation for neuroblastoma, and Barb: www.caringbridge.org/visit/barbberg who just finished chemo. They are all such warriors armored by the word of God!!! They will receive TRIUMPH AND VICTORY by the Grace of God... As always, God gets all the glory. Please keep the prayers coming for all of the people who have lost a loved one. They have a gaping hole in their hearts. They miss their loved one more than anyone could ever imagine, especially during the Christmas season. Please pray for their peace within and for some joy at Christmas. And remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season. "Look through the eyes of a child and truly live..." We love and appreciate all of you so very much.

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE." John 14:6
**From Bryce's favorite Bible book marker which has Jesus' picture on the front.

"Walk by faith, not by sight." **Bryce's favorite!!!

"With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26. My favorite!

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Impress them on your children. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:5-9

The St. Cloud Hospital, CentraCare Foundation, and St. Cloud Optimists Clubs are sponsoring the Sixth Annual Minnesota Tree of Hope. The tree will glitter with dozens of gold ribbons each bearing the name of a child who has, or has had cancer. The tree will be displayed at the CentraCare Health Plaza in St. Cloud, MN starting on December 17, 2007.

Please join us for the ceremony on Sunday, January 13, 2008 from 1-4 pm in the Windfeldt Room at the
CentraCare Health Plaza.
1900 Centracare Circle
St. Cloud, MN 56303

We all hope you can attend this very touching ceremony.
Please call the Pediatric Short Stay clinic if you have questions or need directions. (320) 229-4923.

"I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God." Jeremiah 24:6-7

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: "I lift up my eyes to the hills--where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2 That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.
~By Nyla Hagen, Ellen's mom and our very dear friend~

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, December 19, 2007 12:36 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JORDAN MARIA!!! You are such a wonderful niece and cousin! Have the best birthday ever, sweetie! I wanted to get this in before you left for school today... I knew you would check! We love you so much!!!


I will update more after I get some sleep. We're just trying to get some things done tonight. I'm working on Christmas cards/letters, and Tim is working on the checkbook to prepare for taxes. Sleep well tonight. Don't forget to say your prayers! We love you, Brycer...

Please, please, please pray for Lisa,
Austin: www.caringbridge.org/visit/brandypeterson,
Isaac: www.caringbridge.org/visit/isaaclieser, and
Barb: www.caringbridge.org/visit/barbberg.
Please continue to pray for these people fighting their battles. Don't let up on the prayers!

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE." John 14:6 **From Bryce's favorite Bible book marker which has Jesus' picture on the front--from Teresa.

"Worry about nothing. Pray about EVERYTHING."

"Walk by faith, not by sight." **Bryce's favorite!!!

"With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26. **My favorite!!!

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

"But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God." Ecclesiastes 9:1

"I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God." Jeremiah 24:6-7

"I lift up my eyes to the hills--where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Impress them on your children. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:5-9

Place a Childhood Cancer Gold Ribbon dedication on the Minnesota Tree of Hope in honor or memory of a child who has, or has had cancer. (There is no cost to add a ribbon to the tree.)

The St. Cloud Hospital, CentraCare Foundation, and St. Cloud Optimists Clubs are sponsoring the Sixth Annual Minnesota Tree of Hope. To place a dedication on the tree to honor your child, you can do one of the following:

1) Print this page, fill out the form, and mail it to the address on the bottom of the form.

2) Email the form back to childhoodcancer@aol.com.

3) Call the Pediatric Short Stay Unit at 320-229-4923.

Please include:

1. Child’s name and age
2. Type of cancer
3. A picture of your child
4. A written dedication (optional; 50 words or less)

Please submit the information by December 14, 2007. We will accept dedications up until January 4, 2008.

The tree will glitter with dozens of gold ribbons each bearing the name of a child who has, or has had cancer. The tree will be displayed at the CentraCare Health Plaza in St. Cloud, MN starting on December 17, 2007.

Please join us for the ceremony on Sunday, January 13, 2008 from 1-4 pm in the Windfeldt Room at the
CentraCare Health Plaza.
1900 Centracare Circle
St. Cloud, MN 56303

We all hope you can attend this very touching ceremony.
Please call the Pediatric Short Stay clinic if you have questions or need directions. (320) 229-4923.

"I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God." Jeremiah 24:6-7

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.
~By Nyla Hagen, Ellen's mom and my very dear friend~

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Silas, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, December 13, 2007 2:48 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Winter Warmth Children's Festival

Where: St. John's Catholic Church
11 4th Ave SW
Rochester, MN. 55906

When: Sunday, Dec. 16th
Noon to 4pm

The winter festival will be a collaborative community event for
Camp Jornada and Brighter Tomorrows providing youthful cancer-patients and their families the opportunity to enjoy an afternoon of entertainment and diversion free-of-charge and from the everyday struggles associated with their illnesses.

The event will be designed in the likeness of a children's carnival and will take place at St. Johns Gymnasium in Rochester, MN on Sunday, December 16th from noon-4:00pm.

This event will be an interactive carnival between Mayo Medical Students and children who have or are fighting cancer along with their families.

Activities will include games such as face painting, ring toss, the
basketball shoot, arts and crafts, board games, a bouncy house, plenty of singing and dancing, etc.

PLEASE RSVP TO WINTERWARMTHFESTIVAL@yahoo.com and please bring the whole family:)
If you have any questions please contact winterwarmthfestival@yahoo.com

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KELLI!!! You a such a blessing as a neice and cousin, Kelli! We hope that you have a very wonderful and happy birthday!!! Love you, sweetie!


It's not about me or my family today. Bryce is great. He's in heaven feeling no pain, sadness, or sorrow...only ~MAJESTIC JOY~. He's the happiest he's ever been. He'll soon be celebrating Christ's birth in heaven!!! Let's continue to carry on Bryce's legacy of LOVE and COMPASSION for OTHER'S!!! His huge heart was so compassionate for those who were sick and fighting their battles, ESPECIALLY THE CHILDREN but so much for adults, too... It's about everyone who is out there fighting their battles... It's about other's who have "momentarily said goodbye" to a loved one until they are once again joined together in their NEW eternal home. Pray for their peace (and signs) at Christmas.

It's about positive healing in the body and soul through Christ alone. It's about the gift of baby Jesus and his birth. It's about trusting in the Lord with all of your heart, soul, and mind. It's about giving it your all and giving it to God. It's about giving to other's whether it be a smile, a gift or a kind gesture. It's about POWERFUL PRAYERS in Jesus precious name... There is always someone who has it worse. Please, please, please pray for Lisa,
Austin: www.caringbridge.org/visit/brandypeterson,
Isaac: www.caringbridge.org/visit/isaaclieser, and
Barb: www.caringbridge.org/visit/barbberg.
They are faithful servant's doing incredible work. They inspire, believe, and have tremendous faith! Speak of LIFE is the message they give. Give to other's today...

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE." John 14:6 **From Bryce's favorite Bible book marker which has Jesus' picture on the front--from Teresa.

My devotions this week have been reinforcing me/us to allow the Holy Spirit to work through me/us--in our lives and carry it on to others, instead of ignoring it. I feel like I am being promted to share some scriptures that keep popping into my head...remember, I'm not real good at remembering where they are at in the Bible...but I am working on that area! It's really important!

"Worry about nothing. Pray about EVERYTHING."

"Walk by faith, not by sight." **Bryce's favorite!!!

"With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26. **My favorite!!!

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

"But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God." Ecclesiastes 9:1

"I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God." Jeremiah 24:6-7

"I lift up my eyes to the hills--where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Impress them on your children. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:5-9

Place a Childhood Cancer Gold Ribbon dedication on the Minnesota Tree of Hope in honor or memory of a child who has, or has had cancer. (There is no cost to add a ribbon to the tree.)

The St. Cloud Hospital, CentraCare Foundation, and St. Cloud Optimists Clubs are sponsoring the Sixth Annual Minnesota Tree of Hope. To place a dedication on the tree to honor your child, you can do one of the following:

1) Print this page, fill out the form, and mail it to the address on the bottom of the form.

2) Email the form back to childhoodcancer@aol.com.

3) Call the Pediatric Short Stay Unit at 320-229-4923.

Please include:

1. Child’s name and age
2. Type of cancer
3. A picture of your child
4. A written dedication (optional; 50 words or less)

Please submit the information by December 14, 2007. We will accept dedications up until January 4, 2008.

The tree will glitter with dozens of gold ribbons each bearing the name of a child who has, or has had cancer. The tree will be displayed at the CentraCare Health Plaza in St. Cloud, MN starting on December 17, 2007.

Please join us for the ceremony on Sunday, January 13, 2008 from 1-4 pm in the Windfeldt Room at the
CentraCare Health Plaza.
1900 Centracare Circle
St. Cloud, MN 56303

We all hope you can attend this very touching ceremony.
Please call the Pediatric Short Stay clinic if you have questions or need directions. (320) 229-4923.

"I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God." Jeremiah 24:6-7

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.
~By Nyla Hagen, Ellen's mom and my very dear friend~

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Silas, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, December 7, 2007 10:53 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Winter Warmth Children's Festival

Where: St. John's Catholic Church
11 4th Ave SW
Rochester, MN. 55906

When: Sunday, Dec. 16th
Noon to 4pm

The winter festival will be a collaborative community event for
Camp Jornada and Brighter Tomorrows providing youthful cancer-patients and their families the opportunity to enjoy an afternoon of entertainment and diversion free-of-charge and from the everyday struggles associated with their illnesses.

The event will be designed in the likeness of a children's carnival and will take place at St. Johns Gymnasium in Rochester, MN on Sunday, December 16th from noon-4:00pm.

This event will be an interactive carnival between Mayo Medical Students and children who have or are fighting cancer along with their families.

Activities will include games such as face painting, ring toss, the
basketball shoot, arts and crafts, board games, a bouncy house, plenty of singing and dancing, etc.

PLEASE RSVP TO WINTERWARMTHFESTIVAL@yahoo.com and please bring the whole family:)
If you have any questions please contact winterwarmthfestival@yahoo.com

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GRANDMA LINDA (Saturday)!!! We love you more than you could ever imagine! We hope you have a very special birthday and get many signs from your heavenly grandson, Bryce Andrew!

Good evening,

This one will be short. We needed to make sure to announce Grandma's birthday but also call out the Prayer Warriors once again... There are many people suffering in this world that we can help. Little Austin is 8 years old. He is suffering from a brain tumor. This little guy reminds me of Bryce. What a heart of gold... He has accepted that he will see Jesus' face soon, and he is taking it all in just as he can. He's amazing. (Now, bear with me...I am terrible at remembering the exact words of certain scriptures but this one is one of my very favorites--and I know I do not have it quoted exactly as it is in the Bible.) As Jesus said, "Let the children come to me for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them." That brings me comfort... Please pray some powerful prayers for Austin to be at peace, for less pain, for God's presence to be known by everyone. Austin is a little angel on earth. He is just precious. His webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/brandypeterson. His mom, Brandy, updates daily. I've asked Bryce to hang out with him, if he can... Please pray for their family's strength and peace within.

It's been a rough and emotional day today. It was one year ago today (Friday) that we found out that Bryce had relapsed and that his bone marrow was packed with leukemia. Here is his very own (and only) entry from that day...

"Hi everone this is Bryce writing in the gestbook.Today I had a spinle tap,and a bone marrow biospy.Then we left the clinick at 9:30 ,and then we get home at 11:30 then we ate lunch then when we were eating lunch dr.arndt called and said there is leukemia cells in my bone marrow a gen."

I will never forget our incredible little boy who was so strong and brave for his parents in our kitchen that day. He asked me, "Mom, will we get all the cancer out again?" And, I said, "Oh honey, we don't know but we will sure try." He paused and said, "Will I live to be as old as my brothers?" I said, "We don't know, honey..." And, he started to cry--which was so rare... Then, he had this amazing ability... I wish we all had what he had... He could pick himself up from a terrible, awful situation and change his attitude, his mood, and make all of us smile and be hopeful and full of faith... I remember how he sat at the table and colored me Christmas pictures and made a rainbow on the table out of clay. He said silly things and made us smile. He made us stronger, even when there was little hope. That is exactly what he did the day's after his initial diagnosis when he was only 5 years old. He was always so amazing... I wish I had the strength of that giant!!! That giant was my son... It's been a day full of memories of relapse which I can't control, and I don't enjoy. It just happens. But, today at 12:28, "Brave" began to play on the radio. Bryce sent me the song, he knew I needed it. He wants me to be BRAVE. I believe it was that conversation that I just told you about that happened a year ago at that exact time. Then, "How Great Is Our God" came on after... We loved that song together. We praised God with that song... Please praise God for all you have... Life is so precious. It is such a gift... Bryce received his gift early... Please pray for everyone who has lost a loved one or is losing a loved one. The Christmas season is so full of emotions, even when life is "normal". The emotions are kicked up by 300 percent when life is "not normal" anymore... It's a daily struggle... God will lead us through. We will all celebrate Christ's birth, especialy Bryce and all of our loved one's in heaven... If Bryce could get through what he did in his short life, than we can get through this...by the grace of God. We love and appreciate all of you!

"I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God." Jeremiah 24:6-7

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Silas, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, December 5, 2007 2:30 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

2:30pm Update:
Please send out some powerful prayers for Silas' family. Silas is now walking with Jesus in heaven, hand-in-hand. I'm sure that ~Bryce~ and ~Jack~ and ~Charlie~ and all of the many other members of heaven's Welcoming Committee met him at heaven's gates. Bryce was telling me to pray for him...He knew that today would be Silas' last day on earth. To God be the glory...

Lord, we ask You to help us remain loyal, faithful, and humble servants, and soldiers, of Your army for Christ. We know that everyday is a gift from You. And, Lord, we ask that You open our eyes to the true gift which is Your only Son who sacrificed his life for us so that we may have the gift of eternal life in heaven. We open our hearts to give unconditional love to others, just as You want us to. We open our hands to reach up, to You, and not out. We ask You to light our path to walk by Your guidance of faith, not by sight. Lord, let Your will be done, not our's... Amen.

7:51 AM Good Morning,

I hope you are all well. Sorry it has been so long again. It's that roller coaster ride that we've been on that distracts me from updating some days. We sure do appreciate your continuous prayers for our family. What a struggle it is to try and prepare yourself for celebrating Christmas without your child... Of course, we will celebrate Christ's birth...that is what this season is all about! We wouldn't be able to look forward to heaven, and reuniting with Bryce and our many loved one's, if Jesus hadn't come to earth to save us from our sins and give us the gift of eternal life in heaven. Thank you, God, for Your son, Jesus...

We went to Nikki's celebration of life in the cities and it was beautiful and amazing! Everything was just as it should be. The music they chose was perfect: "When I Get Where I'm Goin'" by Brad Paisly and Dolly Parton, and "Ready, Set, Don't Go" by Billy Ray & Miley Silas. I just think that those were the perfect songs for an incredible 16 year old young woman who touched so many lives... My favorite part of the celebration was when they played Nikki's Faith Statement from confirmation last year... WOW... To hear her soft, delicate voice speak such words of wisdom and faith. It was truly amazing. She has done so much of the work of Christ in her short life... Thank you for everything you have done for so many of us, Nikki. You are an inspiration and such a blessing each and every day. Thank you to Mark, Kristi, and Emile for sharing such a beautiful soul with the rest of this world. She continues to touch lives...

Now, I will call out all the Prayer Warrior's again. There is a little boy named Silas that we met on an elevator at St. Mary's Hospital last December. He was with his parents. Well, do you remember when Bryce put toys at each of the kids doors in the hospital that one day? That was something that was soooooooo very important to him. He had such compassion for kids who were sick and fighting their battles! His precious, little heart poured out such love and concern for them... Well, Bryce left a barn set at Silas' door. And, Silas' dad came and found Bryce before we left that day and told him "Thank you" and that Silas loved the set! Nothing could have pleased Bryce more that day... It was so beautiful to see the twinkle and joy in Bryce's eyes that day when Silas' dad found us. As Bryce's mom, I am so grateful to God that He lined all of that up that day. That meant the world to me too that Bryce got to hear about one of the children loving what he did for them. Although, Bryce wasn't expecting any thank you's. He just wanted joy for the children who were suffering...Bless his heart.

Well, yesterday I read on Jackson's CB page to pray for Silas. So, I finally found Silas' Care Page: Go to carepage.com and his page is: trackingsilas. Remember now, Bryce's signs come in 3's... So, I went to Nov. 10 and things were fine with Silas. I went to Nov. 15 and that was the day that they found out his Neuroblastoma (cancer) was back. Then, I went to Nov. 16 (3rd date I checked) and started to read... I read that they decided not to put Silas in any studies with medications. As I started to read the 2nd sentence, I came to: "we are looking into natural options" which made my heart jump because that is what we did with Bryce (sign #1). As I read "natural options", Bryce's song "Brave" started playing on the radio that very second (2nd sign). And, within 2 seconds, Bryce's John Deere tractor clock went off on the hour!!!! 3rd sign within seconds of each other!!! I immediately started bawling like a crazy woman!!! I knew Bryce wanted me to reach out to Silas' family and call out to the Prayer Warrior's. That was the message he was sending to me... So, please pray for Silas and his family. Pray for his healing and strength. They are a family of huge faith! They are giving it all to God. Pray for their strength. They just got back from their Make-A-Wish trip to Universal Studios to meet Diego. I am so grateful that we had our "meeting" last December...

So, this morning I had my alarm set for 6:30. I haven't set my alarm for a few weeks. Well, remember I heard "Brave" yesterday--I hadn't heard it since Thanksgiving... Yep, you guessed it..."Brave" was playing when my alarm went off this morning. It was Bryce telling me to get up and get an update done and try to get some exercise in...bless his heart! I know that many of you are wondering how we are doing. It's a hard thing to explain. Some days we smile with the memories, and some days we can't stop crying with the memories. We never even imagined that losing a child would be so unbearably painful. Sounds silly. We thought we could get through it, which we will but only through Christ... I guess what I'm trying to say is keep the prayers coming...for everyone who has lost a loved one. I'm at a loss for words. Our love and gratitude to all of you for your continued support and comfort in our times of struggle. Special thanks to Marty (Smarty, as the boys' would say) & Barb who gave us the evergreen cross to put up at Bryce's gravesite. We LOVE it! We know that Bryce wanted a cross there--I thought of putting up a wreath or small tree, but Bryce wanted a cross, of course! Please keep Christ at the center of your life. Focus on what you do on this earth that will please your heavenly Father. That is what matters most... We love you all.

"I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God." Jeremiah 24:6-7

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Silas, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, November 23, 2007 11:49 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

I know that I just updated yesterday but I am here tonight calling out to all of our Prayer Warriors. Our friend, Nikki Schaut, completed her journey here on earth today. She was only 16 years old but lived her life with perseverance, determination, bravery, strength, courage, and unwavering faith as she battled cancer. She was amazing... Now, we need to pray for strength for her mom, dad, and sister--Kristi, Mark, and Emile--as they begin a new journey in their lives. I know that God is holding them close, so let's all hold them close with prayers and love. Nikki's webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/nikkischaut. Please send them a message of support and comfort. I don't know why our children must endure what they do but I do know that with our family's own personal adversities is spiritual growth. I just want you to hold them close to your hearts and lift them high in prayer. I am at a loss for words...

I do want you also to know that I have received some more signs from Bryce and God... Yesterday, my sister Pam and her kids came in for our Thanksgiving meal here around 12:20. They were the last to arrive, so we could eat then. Low and behold, what song do you think started playing as soon as they stepped into the kitchen??? "BRAVE"... Bryce was letting us know that "we were all together so LET'S EAT!" What a great kid... Also, today I saw a hawk on my way to the cities to see "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre--A MUST SEE!!! When I saw the hawk, I said "Hi Noelle!" Then, I heard in my head "You will see an eagle today." Well, guess what?! On the way home from the cities, a beautiful HUGE eagle flew 25 feet from our car!!! I haven't seen one since Anna's funeral... Within 10 seconds, I saw a hawk sitting in a tree on the same side of the road. That's right, 3... Now, I wonder if Nikki had anything to do with the 3rd beautiful bird... No one could convince me that there could be so many "coincidences" in life. It's all God's work... Pray for Nikki's family for signs. Our hearts pour out to them. We love and appreciate you all.

May this next scripture give you peace in your heart and trust in the Lord...

"I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God." Jeremiah 24:6-7

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, November 22, 2007 8:30 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Morning & Happy Thanksgiving,

We have a few snow flakes coming down this morning. I like to think of it as Bryce "seasoning us with his (unique and beautiful) love from heaven"...since he can't season the turkey this year. **He'll season us turkeys, lol.** Everything we've done this morning, from making the stuffing to stuffing the bird to seasoning the bird has been done with many, many memories of our Brycer. His brothers have all had their hands in on the activities of the day, too. They are thoroughly enjoying it, just as he would if he was here.

It has been 9 months today--to the day--that Bryce went to heaven. Wow... Tim and I still can't believe it. These last 3 days have been some of the hardest days I've ever experienced in my life. I miss Bryce soooooo unbelievably bad. He loved Thanksgiving. He loved cooking and eating all of the incredible food. He was such a joy to be around...ALWAYS! I've been so crabby and grumpy. I never knew that I could miss someone so very much. But, last night we had a family meeting of emotions. We cried, we talked, and we expressed what we are feeling. Both Tim and I felt better after our talk with the boys. It's amazing how the release of emotions can ease your mind and heart just a little. Thank goodness...

I want to say how THANKFUL I am for all of you. Our family has been blessed beyond words... We are so THANKFUL for all of Bryce's buddies who were "hand-picked" by God to be Bryce's comforters, supporters, and life-long friends. Many of them have said that Bryce was their "best friend they ever had". These kids are incredible. They have taught me so much in life. Thank you for my beautiful surprise this week, Ryan! The orange flowers are so beautiful. I especially love the red-headed angel in the center that says "Best Friends"!!! Your letter brings tears to my eyes every time I read it... Thank you. Like I said, these children were "hand-picked" by the Good Lord. I don't know how else to express it in such a beautiful way. Praise God for the people and comforters in our lives. God places everyone in the path of His plan. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. We love you all.

MEMORIES: Bryce loved the Thanksgiving feast, and he LOVED helping us prepare and cook the organic turkey last year!!! It was one of his many specialties... He always knew exactly how much seasoning to sprinkle. And, it always tasted soooooo delicious. He was very proud of that! He always remembered to baste the turkey every so often. He would put on his Chef's hat and apron before every basting session. He couldn't stay out of the kitchen. He was so enticed by cooking the turkey meal. He put all of his energy into it. And, he would rave about the smells!!! This year, Logan and Joel will step up to the plate to carry on Bryce's legacy in the kitchen. And, they will enjoy every minute of it. What a blessing it has been to have them in the kitchen with me lately. Mitch even got in there last night. Ethan has ALWAYS loved touching every one else's food...lol. In fact, that 'touching of food' would test Bryce's patience! Oh, the memories.............. We miss him so much...

So,...do me, Bryce, and the Good Lord a favor this Thanksgiving week...
**Slow down.
**Hug your children more.
**Cook with your kids.
**Let them do things in the kitchen that you normally wouldn't allow them to do.
**Tell them how thankful you are for them.
**Thank God for your children in front of them.
**And, share with them how important it is to GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY!!!

**Then, surprise someone with something nice. It could be a card filled with prayers for them. It could be a surprise cup of coffee. It could be a phone call. It could be a visit. It could be a hug. It could be a song. You don't even need to "announce" to them that you have done so...Just do it! Ask God for His guidance. My outlook on life has changed dramatically! Please look at life as a PRECIOUS GIFT, and I mean PRECIOUS!!! And then, look at your life and how you can live it--everyday--for your future which is eternal life in God's presence, walking with Jesus...just like our Brycer and his many heavenly friends...
We love you, buddy.
You're my guy...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL OF YOU!!! May this next scripture give you peace in your heart and trust in the Lord...

"I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God." Jeremiah 24:6-7

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, November 19, 2007 2:35 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY, MITCHELL!!! What a wonderful day it was 13 years ago and still is... I always say that we came into parenting without a clue and YOU broke us in! You continue to break us in now with 7th grade and the independence it brings. We are so grateful to God that you were chosen by Him to be our 1st born son of 5... You are 1 of my 5 'everyday heroes'. You inspire me to be a better mom... We love you so much, Mitch!

Good Afternoon,

Well, another week has come and gone. Joel said the other day, "Time goes so fast." It really does, until you are doing something you'd rather not be doing, right? That could mean work, exercise, cleaning, loss, etc. When Bryce died--how do I say this without making people worry???--we began to look forward to the day we would arrive in heaven. Now, we still are anxious for that day, but wait with patience because we know that the Lord must first complete His plan with us on earth. Some days are so much harder than others. Some days fly by. Today--Mitchell's birthday--and the past few days have been up and down emotionally. This week, Thanksgiving without Bryce, we will be up and down with our emotions. I am seriously considering setting a place for Bryce at the table--food and all. He loved the Thanksgiving feast, and he LOVED helping us prepare and cook the organic turkey last year!!! It was one of his many specialties... He always knew exactly how much seasoning to sprinkle. And, it always tasted soooooo delicious. He was very proud of that! He always remembered to baste the turkey every so often. He would put on his Chef's hat and apron before every basting session. He couldn't stay out of the kitchen. He was so enticed by cooking the turkey meal. He put all of his energy into it. And, he would rave about the smells!!! This year, Logan and Joel will step up to the plate to carry on Bryce's legacy in the kitchen. And, they will enjoy every minute of it. What a blessing it has been to have them in the kitchen with me lately. Mitch even got in there last night. Ethan has ALWAYS loved touching every one else's food...lol. In fact, that 'touching of food' would test Bryce's patience! Oh, the memories.............. We miss him so much...

So,...do me, Bryce, and the Good Lord a favor this Thanksgiving week...
**Slow down.
**Hug your children more.
**Cook with your kids.
**Let them do things in the kitchen that you normally wouldn't allow them to do.
**Tell them how thankful you are for them.
**Thank God for your children in front of them.
**And, share with them how important it is to GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY!!!

**Then, surprise someone with something nice. It could be a card filled with prayers for them. It could be a surprise cup of coffee. It could be a phone call. It could be a visit. It could be a hug. It could be a song. You don't even need to "announce" to them that you have done so...Just do it! Ask God for His guidance. My outlook on life has changed dramatically! Please look at life as a PRECIOUS GIFT, and I mean PRECIOUS!!! And then, look at your life and how you can live it--everyday--for your future which is eternal life in God's presence, walking with Jesus...just like our Brycer and his many heavenly friends...
We love you, buddy.
You're my guy...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL OF YOU!!! May this next scripture give you peace in your heart and trust in the Lord...

"I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God." Jeremiah 24:6-7

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, November 12, 2007 9:37 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Morning,

Good news... I'm a little more stable today. Sorry if that letter to Bryce bothered anyone. It just needed to be done at least once in my journey of grieving for my son. Just when I think I'm healing a little more, I fall deep in the pits. I have so much more of an understanding of the grief process, now. I have so much more compassion and love for others, now. My faith in the Lord could take me to mountain tops, and I'd love to take you with me! Some days, I do wish I could be the person I was prior to our journey with our son and his battle with cancer... But honestly, I don't want to be that person ever again. Not that I was a bad person or anything, it's just that God has opened my eyes to gift of life...To the gift of forgiveness...To the gift of being a Child of God...To the gift of sacrificial love that is only found through Jesus Christ. Confrontation is not one of my strong points. But, I am learning that Jesus had confrontation. Jesus did speak to those who needed to open their eyes and ears to the Lord before they shipwrecked their lives. I am far from perfect in my walk with Christ... I am especially trying to focus on my parenting skills! God is trying to teach me patience and to embrace every daily gift He gives us.

So, I challenge you... I know that Mr. Bryce Breuer has given all of us the gift of teaching us to live your life by walking by faith, not by sight. He has taught us courage and love for the Lord. He has taught us to complain less and love more. He has taught us COMPASSION!!! Please use these teachings from Bryce today and pass them on to someone in your life, be it a friend, loved one, or stranger. Because truly, these teachings do not come from Bryce Breuer, they truly come from the Lord, the Almighty, the I Am... In your daily struggles, remind yourself to REACH UP, not out. God is sooooo good. Thank you, Bryce for touching so many lives and being exactly the person who God created you to be. You were and still are such a blessing in our lives... Keep the prayers coming for Nikki. Her courage and strength is amazing, also. Pray for all the children of God, big or small, who are fighting their battles...including yourself. We love and appreciate all of you.

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, November 8, 2007 2:12 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrificial love and guidance.
I have never done this before but I feel a very strong need to today...

My dear, wonderful Bryce...

My thoughts continue to drift to you non-stop, all day long... I can't help but think about how much I love and miss my little red head who was so very unique in his own way... I miss touching your soft hair and your soft face. I miss seeing your beautiful long lashes and adorable freckles. I soooo badly miss holding your soft, gentle hand and feeling your soft cheek. If only I could still feel your precious kiss that you always gave me on my right cheek. Just one more of your quick smiles, to make me smile, would be so great... And, your glorious giggle and teasing would totally make my day--even if it was because you were grabbing my "love handles" and telling me I "better work on them". I miss you in the kitchen, too. But, thank goodness, Logan is picking up your cooking talents. I'm sure you are guiding him. Dad misses you in the truck, tractor, and combine. He would have had you in the field this weekend stock-chopping. He may try Logan. Mitchell's doing great in the field, I'm sure you are riding with him. You and Mitchell always had fun getting into trouble together! He thinks of you so often... Joel is picking up your coloring and drawing talents. He's doing a great job. He's starting to take it very seriously, just like you did. He has so much respect for you. He has your compassionate heart. Ethan loves hearing how you loved him so much. He loves looking at the pictures of you holding him all the time! He misses you, too. You would be shaking your head at him a lot! He says the funniest, most outrageous things. You would love it.

You were such a blessing to us, each and every day of your short life. It is such a privilege to be your mom... Now it is all memories. My tears flow for you, in your absence, because I am so lonely for you, Brycer. My tears flow for those who have also lost a child or very special person in their lives. My tears flow for those who fight their battles everyday. I wish they didn't have to go through such challenges in life. But, my tears also flow with joy for our heavenly Father who guides us and carries us through our adversities. Through our Father, we grow in faith, hope, and love for the Lord and his majesty that surrounds us. You taught me that... You taught me courage, strength, perseverance, determination, love and an overflowing of compassion for others... You taught me not to complain--although I still do (I continue to work on that!). You taught me to laugh and to live everyday to its fullest. You taught me to never give up and always look to God. You taught me to believe. You taught me bravery...to face life, no matter what is thrown your way. You never wanted anyone to feel sorry for you. You didn't want sympathy. You wanted to be a normal 8-year-old boy. You wanted life, laughter, and love. What an amazing child of God you are... And now, you are with God, in His presence. It is because you could do and handle everything that you went through--pain, suffering, and keeping the faith through your struggles--that gives me the confidence that we can face everyday ever since the day you went to heaven. You, and your brothers, are my inspiration... And, by the grace of God, we will get through this, just as you did while you were here on earth.

The days have been more bearable, lately. It's been 8 1/2 months since you went to heaven. Your dad and I still can't believe it... (I smelled your orange bath towel this morning, it still holds your scent a little...) It's just really hard to know we won't see you or hold you until we arrive at heaven's gates. I do know that God's plan is best...and this was His plan. And with that plan, God will continue to get all the glory. You lived your life with such dignity and grace...just as God wanted you to. I am so very proud of you, Bryce Andrew... Now, I will give the rest of my day to God. Whatever comes my way today, I will embrace as a gift from God. Please keep watching over your brothers... I love you, buddy...

P.S. It's your buddy, Nathan's, birthday today. I know you would have LOVED going to his party. Please stop by and see him today. I know he'd love to get a sign from you. And, I know how you loved birthdays and making the birthday boy or girl feel special...

P.S. (Again) I know that you sent the cat dashing across the road in front of our MK car and Lary's pickup as we met on the road on Saturday morning. I could hear your glorious laughter at the look of terror on my face just after I was smiling and waving at Lary. You didn't get to scare Lary on Halloween so you chose to scare Lary (and myself) that morning...you little stinker!!!

With all of the love and admiration in my heart...
You are my hero...


(By Mercy Me) as I hear on the radio, right now...
Word of God speak.
Would you pour down like rain.
Washing my eyes to see your majesty.
To be still and know
That your in this place
Please let me stay and rest in your holyness.
I'm finding myself at a loss for words
and the funny thing is ...it's ok.

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, November 3, 2007 9:09 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HAPPY 11th BIRTHDAY LOGAN TIMOTHY!!! You arrived into this world with such enthusiasm and zest for life...And, you've never held back since! I remember you screaming as the doctor checked you out. You grabbed hold of his stethoscope and wouldn't let go. When you did finally let go, you grabbed it again with your other hand. You had a head full of hair that looked like someone put a highlighted wig on you. You were so adorable! We love you so much!!!

Bryce has already been leaving his signs. I felt Bryce's excitement every time I thought of Logan's birthday before Logan woke up. Then, when Logan came downstairs at 8:30, "Come To Jesus" started playing on the radio right away. Bryce loved to spoil everyone on their birthdays. He loved making sure that everyone felt extremely special, especially on their birthdays. Last night, we were driving home from Great Grandma Buck's and we heard a prayer request on KTIS. It was for a Minneapolis police office who was critically injured while on a chase for a suspect. Logan and I listened carefully and prayed with them. At the end, the officer who was speaking described the injured officer as "6 foot 1 inches, 250 pounds with a smile that never stopped. He has a 2 year old son that he loves so much." Logan looked at me and said, "Mom. That is how Bryce would have been." I knew he meant the height, weight, and smile... I told him thanks. I so appreciate that when the brothers think of Bryce and tell Tim and I about their thoughts. One of our fears is that they will start to forget the memories of their brother who passed away before them... Bryce wanted so badly to live to be as old as his brothers. I wish there was a way we could see him, hold him, and talk to him yet he was still a heavenly being...

On Thursday morning, I woke up at 5:50am. Tim woke up at 6am. When he came downstairs, he told me that the upstairs hallway light blew out. So, we talked about listening for Ethan so he didn't get scared of it being so dark when he woke up. Then, Tim started again, he said, "It blew out on its own... I was grabbing my clothes from the couch, right below the light fixture, and it blew out..." I said, "Wow... You know that was Bryce giving you a sign don't you? Did you say good morning to him?" He said, "I said good morning to him right when I woke up. Those light bulbs rarely blow out on their own. It's usually when you turn them on that they blow out." Wow... It was pretty cool...

Then yesterday morning, I had my 3 songs in a row while I was getting ready: "Brave", "Praise You In The Storm", and "God With Us" which I have been singing since the Mercy Me concert. These 3 songs are my favorite artists: Nicole Nordeman, Casting Crowns, and Mercy Me. It was a good wake up call and reminder to listen to God everyday. So then, yesterday I went to Rochester shopping with my friends and while I was in the bathroom of the restaurant washing my hands thinking about Bryce, I looked in the mirror and I heard loud and clear..."It's not about your suffering. It's about His suffering..." meaning Jesus. Wow... That was one of my biggest wake up calls I've ever had in my life!!! So, then I got home to read my Grief Share email that told me to help others when you are sad for yourself. It spoke about self-pity...(and now "Walk By Faith" plays on the radio reminding me to walk by faith, not by sight...) So, please read it and let it be a commitment for you today, too. I will commit this to my day by God's grace.

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms" (1 Peter 4:10).

I wanted to share a memory from last year from our neighbor Bunny who wrote us a note on Halloween. It is totally Bryce. Thanks, Bunny! I needed that so very much!!! You place is the "Hot Spot" every Halloween. I'm sure Bryce was giggling his glorious giggle when his big brothers were scaring you! He loved the pranks just as much as they did!

Hi Guy's It's the Ronningen's. Mitch and Logen sure got us back for all the time's we scared them on halloween! That's paybacks for ya. It was really fun as always to see all of you. We of course missed the other "incredible" I was looking at the picutres from last year, I can still hear and see Bryce standing up to Lary and saying,"I ain't scared of you." Lary replyed, Oh Ya! as he lunged forward at Bryce to scare him. Bryce was not backing down this time, it was almost like he was protecing his brothers. It is one of many great halloween memorys we have. Thanks for stopping in, we look forward to it every year.

Please continue to pray for our friend, Nikki, who is being treated for leukemia, now. She is such a strong young woman! She is stepping up to the plate and gonna hit a HOMERUN! I am so proud of her and her attitude with all of her daily challenges. She inspires so many others to be strong and brave. I am praying for Bryce to hang with her, too. Her webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/nikkischaut. She'd love to hear from you. And, praise God for healing many of our precious and dear little friends!!!!!!!!! We love you all so much! And, we miss you!!!!

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 1/2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, "Come with me."

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, November 1, 2007 10:00 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


I was reading through Bryce's guest book tonight and read many of the entries from January. You people are so wonderful. You are our brothers and sisters in Christ. What beautiful and faith-filled entries you wrote... I wanted to add one here tonight that really gives us a little glimpse of who Bryce Breuer was...

Dear Susie,
I have to agree with you. I, too, wish everyone could meet Bryce. I feel that meeting Bryce at Emma's Hope was a special highlight in my life. Just a few observations...based only on spending a couple of hours with him.....Bryce is very concerned about his brothers. I saw him watching them as we walked along the route. He made sure they were safely away from the road and reminded them when they needed to slide over. Bryce is so observant. He doesn't miss much, does he? And then.....even though he was a bit on the quiet side that day (who wouldn't have been when there were 200 people honoring him!!).....I could tell he has an amazing sense of humor. He has this little grin.....one of those guys who will say something funny but then not laugh....which makes it even funnier! He has a sparkle in those beautiful eyes, and I consider it a blessing and gift to have spent that afternoon with him and with you and your other boys---Tim included. Just wanted to share those thoughts........With love and hope and strength....and strong, strong prayers.......angie
angie laehn
pepin, wi usa - Friday, January 12, 2007 4:11 PM CST

Thanks, Angie... I am so glad you got to meet our Brycer... I wish everyone could have known him and everything that was within him in his heart, soul, and mind... He was unique. What a servant of Christ. Love you, buddy. You're my guy...

Thursday morning, 11:20 AM:
Good Morning,

Where do the days go?... I've been meaning to update since Monday, sorry. We had a very powerful, faith-filled, full of God's work-in-your-life testimonies week, since my last update. It's amazing how God answers prayers. No, why do I say it is amazing? Sometimes, I can't believe it when I am surprised by God's work... Nothing is impossible with God.

Last Thursday, I dropped the kids off at school. I always drive past Bryce's grave after dropping them off. That morning, there was a ray of sunshine shining through the trees directly onto Bryce's stone showing "Brycer" just as beautiful as can be... His stone was shining brightly as if he was saying "Good Morning, Mom." It was really pretty. Later that morning, I went to the dentist. Long story short, I chose the radio headset over the TV. As I sat in the dental chair with KTIS on, I heard in my head, "I will play "Brave" for you." I remember thinking "OK...I'll wait and listen." I was already tired and a bit weepy from being up late and updating Bryce's page and photo album... Well, the procedure to fix my filling only took about 10-15 minutes and sure enough, 3-5 minutes before they finished, "Brave" began to play!!!!!! I've got a challenge for you... Try to control your tears, sobbing, breathing, snorting...yes, I said snorting--twice...and emotions with tears streaming down to your ears while lying back in a dental chair with your mouth held open and two faces in your face!!! Not a pretty sight. Not at all. But, that's not my point, as funny as it can be now... The point is I HEARD "I WILL PLAY 'BRAVE' FOR YOU" AND 'BRAVE' WAS PLAYED!!!!! Testimonies of God working in my life!!! Not coincidences. Then later in the day, as I reread my journal entry from the night before looking for errors because I am so particular--like my son, Bryce--I had my 3rd sign of the day. As I read, "Come To Jesus", it began to play on the radio that very moment. Not 3 seconds before, not 3 seconds after, at that very moment. Pretty cool...

Next testimony or sign from Bryce... Stacey from Camp Jornada was taking Mitch and Logan to a U of M Gopher's Women's Hockey game last Friday. We were meeting her in Zumbrota. I thought we'd get the boys a sub from Subway to eat before we met Stacey and Jess. They ordered their subs and we were going to pay. The lady said, "It's $10.09." I gave her a $20 bill and looked at the boys and said, "Do either of you have .09 cents?" They both had the look of "No" on their faces when suddenly Logan looks down at the counter and says with a very shocked look on his face, "Here's a dime..." as he picks it up off the counter... The 3 of us looked at each other with a very surprised and awed expression... What are the chances??? That one was crazy!!! But, it was totally Bryce... He would do that!!!

On to Saturday... I got home from my Mary Kay retreat around noon. We did some things around home and left at about 2pm for the Mayo Remembrance Ceremony. I took the boys while Tim was in the field. They had a ceremony and slide show at 3pm at the subway level of the Gonda Building. I was a bit nervous about this, just because... I had sent Bryce's photo via email so it was in the slide show. We brought some of Bryce's memorabilia along to set up at a table in memory of Bryce. Many family's had tables set up of their children who passed on before them. It was very touching. Well, while I was talking to a few people, I noticed a couple who looked familiar to me. I approached them and asked when they were on 3F of St. Mary's Hospital. It turns out that they were there when we were not, February of 2006. We started talking, and we talked for about an hour. What an incredible family!!! Three minutes into our conversation, I asked Lynn why their son, Jack, died. She told me he had seizures from birth until he died. He was 3 1/2 years old and I specifically remember seeing his picture in the slide show and thinking "Wow. What a sweet boy." Now, I think Bryce was telling me, "Mom, this is Jack. He's one of my new friends in heaven." When I heard her say seizures, I immediately thought that Bryce and Jack were bringing us together because we sure didn't meet or even see each other on 3F or any other time. They were from Kansas... So, I told them about Bryce having a major seizure 24 hours before he died. This was the first family I've met with a child with seizures since Bryce died...This was my first Bryce sign. While we were talking, their older son, Alex, walked up to them. I'm serious you guys!!! Little Alex looked more like he could be Bryce Breuer's brother than Bryce Breuer's brothers!!! It was unbelievable!!! I said, "Do you mind if I show you a picture of Bryce when he was healthier looking?" They were also amazed. This was my 2nd sign. I went and got the brothers and introduced them to Alex. A few minutes after we were talking I said to the boys, "Does Alex remind you of anyone?" Joel said without a moments hesitation, "Bryce." Joel and Alex became instant friends, both 2nd graders and lots in common, one being the loss of their brother's. It was so great to watch the 2 of them interact... Well, I said to Clint and Lynn, "Alex looking like Bryce was my 2nd sign, I know that I will get a 3rd sign from Bryce, now." Clint said as he walked up to Bryce's table, "I think I may know what it is." He placed Bryce's John Deere tractor in the palm of his hand and said, "I am a crop farmer and we have all John Deere equipment." !!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it?!!!! Yes, I can! God is so good! All of these 3 signs happened within about 10-15 minutes. God, Bryce, and Jack brought our family's together!!! What a connection we made... It was hard to say goodbye to them. But, I know that we will stay connected. In fact, Lynn signed the guestbook saying that they believe Jack is also a part of heaven's Welcoming Committee (like I say about Bryce), and that Jack welcomed Bryce to heaven. The great thing is...I just had that thought on Sunday..."Wow. Jack died before Bryce. I bet he welcomed Bryce at heaven's gates." And, then Lynn wrote that... God is so good and soooo watching over all of us... But, I'm not done yet! When we came home from Mayo on Saturday, Tim came in from the field and we were talking about the day and the signs. I started to tell him about the 1st sign of Bryce and Jack when "Brave" started playing on the radio!!! We both started crying!!! We knew he was with us and was sooooo excited for us to know and recognize the signs... Wow... That's all I can say...Wow.

My final sign came on Sunday when I was at a Bridal Show in Cannon Falls. The lady who was next to my table was a florist. I started talking with her and noticed a picture book open to a picture of orange gerber daisies--1st sign. I told her that they were my favorite flower and that I had them in Bryce's memorial garden at home. She asked and I told her about Bryce. She told me that her dad was a pastor and a grief counselor for family's who've lost a child or a loved one--2nd sign. Then, she said, "Did you say your son's name was Bryce?" I told her yes. She said, "That's my brother's name! I thought he was the only Bryce!"--3rd sign within minutes. Bryce is not a name you hear very often. So cool...

Now about an incredible faith-filled night... We were so blessed to be in God's presence at the Mercy Me, Aaron Shust, and Monk & Neagle concert at the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester on Sunday night!!! Wow. Wow. Wow. What an incredible night. God's love filled that auditorium like you couldn't even imagine!!! We ended up purchasing 52 tickets in our group. The VERY BEST part of all was that the children got to be a part of God's work... They stared in awe, they cried, they laughed, and they learned. What a message we all received that night. We heard all of our favorites which are sooooo many! Now that is money well spent. If only we could have more Christian Music Artist concerts in Rochester... I want to thank, first and foremost, our heavenly Father for gathering all of us together in that room that night to give Him all the praise and all the glory...just as it should be! And then, I want to thank everyone who filled our group. It was just as God planned it out to be. Personally, I've already told you that I am really trying to focus on listening to God and His word. But, I am also trying to keep my focus on allowing it all be God's plan, not Susie's plan... That is the only way it should be...

So, as you can see, Brycer gives me signs. God is so good. He also gives other's signs. Like my sister, Julie, who found a pink thermal shirt with lipsticks all over it for me, and then noticed it had 6 orange buttons that totally didn't match! That was Bryce leading her to that shirt for me!!! Thanks, buddy! And Michelle in Pennsylvania who found an article about the birth of a little girl this week born in a car on the freeway--tough and courageous in her tiny, fragile body--who was named Bryce Abigail Naylor! Remember Noelle's last name is Naylor! And finally, Stacey from Camp Jornada, who was reading her book about a little boy named Nick who was very young when he died and yet such a hero. She said she kept thinking about Bryce and hearing Bryce's name and kept thinking about our family. She finally had a conversation with Bryce. Then, she turned to her next page to read and there in the middle of the page of text was the name Bryce!!! God speaks to all of us but are we listening??? Pray everyday that you will hear God speak to you. Then, LISTEN!!! God has a plan for all of us. Are you allowing His plan to work in your life? Give Him all the control. Yes, I miss my 3rd son, Bryce, very very much!!! Especially yesterday again with it being another first without Bryce--Halloween. But, I do know that God will bring goodness through our times of sorrow. I know that Bryce has been "rewarded" early. And, I know GOD GETS ALL THE GLORY!!! As the man sitting behind all of us at the concert shouted..."NICE!" Gotta have humor in life, right? We love and appreciate you more and more and more every day... God's abundant blessings to you and your family's. Please continue to pray for our friend, Nikki, who is being treated for leukemia, now. She is such a strong young woman! She is stepping up to the plate and gonna hit a HOMERUN! I am so proud of her and her attitude with all of her daily challenges. She inspires so many others to be strong and brave. I am praying for Bryce to hang with her, too. Her webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/nikkischaut. She'd love to hear from you. And, praise God for healing many of our precious and dear little friends!!!!!!!!! We love you all so much! And, we miss you!!!!

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 1/2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, "Come with me."

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, October 28, 2007 10:31 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AUNTIE SHELLEY! We hope you had a nice birthday! You deserve a little pampering so we'll have to see what we can line up for ya! Thanks for always being there for us... We love you!

My main focus here tonight was to pass on birthday wishes to Shell. I will update more, I hope, tomorrow. I HAVE SOOOO MUCH TO TELL YOU!!! Thanks for always lending a listening ear. Are you still praying for your ears to be open to the Lord? Wait until you hear more testimonies of God's presence and Bryce's presence in our everyday lives since my last update... We love you, Brycer... Thank you for your presence in our lives. Thank you for all of the life lessons that you taught us in your short life on earth. You were such an outstanding servant of God... I am so proud to be your mom. You're my guy... We have only been home from the Mercy Me, Aaron Shust, and Monk & Neagle concert for about 30 minutes...It was INCREDIBLE!!! Now, I need to shut my eyes. Blessings to all. Talk to you soon.

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 1/2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, "Come with me."

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:38 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


You are such a joy in our lives! You brought us so much joy in such a difficult time, and you continue to bring us so much joy in our daily challenges and victories in life. You are a blessing and a gift from God... We love you so much!!!

In case you haven't seen it yet, Bryce's gravestone arrived on the 12th!!! It's exactly as it should be, except missing the "John Deere" on the tractor... They had to shrink the tractor down and with the type of stone we chose, they couldn't engrave it on there. It's amazing how God and Bryce make everything "fall into place"...just as it should be... Note the new pictures in the photo album, too.

What a beautiful fall day in MN... God's beauty surrounds us everywhere. Forgive me for the delay in updates again. Sometimes I just don't have the words. Some days I'm just not in the right state of mind to give you a fulfilling update. I do feel like things have been going better for us for the past couple of weeks. Believe me, "good days" are more than welcomed here... I wish they were all good. I wish we could be extremely happy for our son, the chosen one. But, many days I wake up wishing it was all a very bad dream. I wish I could go back 4 1/2 years to a "normal life" with our 5 boys. I wish cancer never came into our lives... It's been 8 months now since Bryce went to heaven...and we still can't believe it. I just want to have a healthy, happy mind and soul again. I just want to heal in my heart. I know it comes with time but I'm tired of feeling sad that Bryce is no longer physically with us. If only I could hold him one more time... I tried to pretend to hold him this morning but that just doesn't cut it. On Monday, when it was 8 months since Bryce passed away, all 4 of the brothers' gave me signs of missing their brother. Ethan told me twice that day that he missed Brycie and he wished he wasn't dead. Joel drew a very nice picture of Bryce driving a John Deere tractor--red hair and huge smile included. Logan slept with his prayer shawl. Mitchell shed a few tears in a heart-to-heart talk we had that night. He tries so hard not to cry... Please pray for their strength. They love and miss their brother, Bryce, so much and with such compassion and strength in their love and admiration for him. They were all like one in unity. It was beautiful... They still have their unity but it never seems to be the same because our Brycer isn't there. There should be 5... At least they still have each other. I pray for little Tessa who misses her little sister, Noelle. I'm sure she pretends to have her sister there a lot like Ethan does with Bryce. I talk to him a lot, too.

Now, I will ask you to also say some prayers for Cory and Amber Lohman, and their son, Cody from Goodhue. Their almost 2 month old daughter, Anna, died last Thursday the 18th. She was a beautiful little girl with such strength. I went to her funeral yesterday. It was a beautiful service. Bryce has reassured me a few times that he is holding Anna in heaven. He LOVED holding babies!!! It leads me into some of my Bryce signs...

Yesterday morning, I brought Ethan to Tim in the field around 10:15. As I drove down the road a huge, beautiful hawk swooped right in front of my car--like 5 feet in front of my car. Then, as I turned right, it followed me on the right. It flew about 40 feet from my car looking over at me the whole time. I knew it was a sign from Noelle. Less than a mile later as I was going to dial Dave & Tonya's number to tell them, I looked over and saw 4 horses...3 were lying down. I don't know about you but I don't see horses lying on the ground very often! Bryce and Noelle both give "3's" as signs. I knew that was from both of them... Then, as I sat in the church for Anna's funeral, it hit me that Anna had died on Thursday last week. She was the 3rd precious soul who died on a Thursday...and the 3rd funeral that I had been to in the past 8 months--Bryce, Noelle, and Anna. I knew that that was the first official sign from Bryce at that time. Then a few minutes later, as I was thinking about Anna passing away on October 18th, I realized that last Thursday--all day long--I kept hearing in my head that it was a special day. Over and over I heard it was a special day! I kept going to the calendar to see whose birthday it was,...maybe an anniversary or something?! I was worried that I was missing something. If you know me very well, you know that I have a "numbers" talent--let's just say it's a gift from God. I try to think of it as a gift because I don't have many other talents or means of a memory--haha. I can remember birthdays, anniversaries, phone numbers from years ago, etc--but why?! It is a bit annoying at times. Anyway, I finally figured it out that Bryce was telling me that it was "a special day, Mom! Anna has come to heaven!" I knew that that was my 2nd sign from Bryce during Anna's service. At that point, I knew that there would be a third sign in the very near future. Well, we walked out of church and I saw Denise whose daughter, Chelsea, was one of Bryce's classmates, closest friends and cousin. She asked me if I received an email from Chelsea. I said no and she told me that Chelsea loved Bryce's gravestone and told Denise that "Bryce is holding Anna in heaven. He loved holding babies!" I thought maybe that was my third sign. But, I wasn't convinced, I even told Shell and Lana that I wasn't convinced that that was my third sign... So, after having lunch at the church, Lana and I left for home. As I turned on to our road and drove past the 1st neighbor's house, something caught my attention out of the corner of my left eye. There, high in the sky, was an EAGLE!!! I have been (patiently--haha) waiting to see an eagle since Bryce died. The night that Bryce died, 3 people told me that they saw eagles! Instantly, I knew it was my 3rd sign from Bryce!!! Of course, Lana and I were crying!!! She knew how long I had been waiting. Then, we looked up again and were shocked to see a 2nd eagle flying with the 1st!!! **Why on earth were we shocked??? With God, anything is possible.** It was beautiful! It was like they were playing in the sky--swooping and flying so freely! Lana said, "Do you think there will be a 3rd eagle?" Something told me "No." She gasped and said, "That's Bryce and Anna!! That's a sign from them!!" I said, "Yes, it is! And, I saw the hawk this morning that was from Noelle!!!" It was a beautiful moment... Gang,...if you don't believe that God touches your lives in so many different ways, then I am here to tell my story so you can start watching and learning and listening for Him and His word as He works in your life everyday...

Last Friday, I received a call from Dave Clutter at KTIS radio station--my favorite station! He told me he had 2 tickets to the Women of Faith conference in the St. Paul for that night and Saturday. Thanks, Jody! With lots of prayers and by the grace of God, I was able to attend with my friend, Carol. Nyla was there with her family and friends. So, we got to cry with her too at times. It was a beau (OK,...there is Bryce's song "Brave" on the radio now as I'm about to tell you the next sign. The 1st one being Dave calling.) tiful weekend!!! We got to go back stage and meet Nichole Nordeman (my 2nd time meeting her) before the conference. She is the Christian Music Artist who sings "Brave" and "Legacy", both our Bryce songs... She remembered Bryce from her last concert in Minneapolis on April 29, 2006. She remembered dedicating "Brave" to Bryce that night on stage--what a special moment for him and our family!!! I gave her Bryce's prayer card and prayer folder. She asked about the brothers. I asked her to autograph one of Bryce's prayer cards for them. They loved it! Then, when she was on stage that night, her 1st song she sang was "Legacy" and then, "Brave". BEAUTIFUL... As Nichole sang "Brave", I had a rush come over me from my toes up to my head. I realized that Dave Clutter calling me with the tickets was exactly in God's plan. It hit me...This would be the 1st Bryce sign of the weekend. This will make it the 3rd concert I would hear our 'Bryce songs' in almost 3 weeks...Chris Rice ("Come To Jesus" sung at Bryce's funeral by my brother and sister), Nichole Nordeman, and Mercy Me ("I Can Only Imagine", "Homesick", "Word of God Speak", and "Holdfast") which we will be going to this Sunday the 28th in Rochester. Wow... If Dave hadn't called it would have been 2 concerts, but now it is 3 concerts... My 2nd sign came with Nichole's 3rd song, "I Am" in the last verse,

"When life had begun, I was woven and spun
You let the angels dance around the throne
And who can say when, but they'll dance again
When I am free and finally headed home
I will be weak, unable to speak
Still I will call You by name
Creator, Maker, Life Sustainer
Comforter, Healer, my Redeemer
Lord and King, Beginning and the End"

I had heard that song many times but never actually "listened" to the last verse. I told Carol that, and she (kind of) agreed. Well, we went out to the car that night. We had been listening to Nichole on the way to Women of Faith. When I started the car, that very last verse of that very song began to play!!! I said, "Carol, this is the verse!" And she listened and when the song was done she said, "Now I can tell you! I was listening to all of the words as Nichole was singing but when you said that last verse was beautiful, I realized I missed the last verse!" Don't tell me it's a coincidence that the last verse of that very song was playing when we started the car so Carol could hear it... These are signs from God letting me know that He is working in our lives! That was my 2nd sign. My 3rd sign came when Nyla popped over to talk to us at a break on Saturday. She was crying, we were crying...it was one of those moments. She said, "I'm so glad that you didn't come with our group! You were meant to be here with (just) Carol and not a big group!" I knew at that moment that she was completely right. It was all in God's plan... Why do we try to mess with His plan??? I had an "aha moment" about 2 weeks ago. If we all knew God's plan for our lives, we'd only mess it up by trying to change it being the "controlling human beings" that we are. Even if it was a good plan, we'd try to make it happen sooner than His plan. And, if it was a plan that we didn't want, then we'd try to talk Him out of it... Let go and let God.

So, now it's late and I have more to share. I am going to try to share my Bryce and God signs in a shorter version than the previous. Wish me luck! Last Tuesday, I said a good prayer around 9am. I asked Him to open my ears to hear His word--to hear Him speak to me--and, of course, I asked for some Bryce signs. At 10am, I was washing my hands and I heard in my head, "Go to Menard's shopping." I thought, "But I don't need anything?!" Seriously...10 seconds later my cell phone rang and it was Tim. He said, "I'm going to Menard's. Do you need anything? Do you want Ethan to ride with me?" I am almost ashamed to say when I am surprised by signs like these. I had just asked God to open my ears to hear Him speak to me!!! Dah! God answers prayers... That same day, I heard God tell me to go to the Mom's In Touch meeting at church. Well, by golly, wouldn't you know it that that was the day that our boys were in the alphabetical list of children in our school to pray for that day?! Plus, two women that I had thought of that day, I ran into at school!

I have not even told you about the Chris Rice concert and Backstrom Brothers Benefit on October 12th...**Note: This was the day that Bryce's stone arrived. How's that for timing?** The evening was amazing. Chris Rice is such an incredible performer. Connie and Nathan Backstrom had such an awesome and beautiful presentation!!! What faith and strength they have!!! They are amazing, faith-filled, servants of Christ. Wow. You really should check out their web site at www.backstrombrothers.com. Their video and message was outstanding. Their support for Teen Challenge is incredible and so much a part of God's plan for them. You bet we cried when Chris Rice sang "Come To Jesus"... My Brycie Boy flew to Jesus as the angels danced around the throne rejoicing in his complete healing. I really am happy for him. Again, I just wish it wasn't so hard for us here on earth...

If I could ask you to anything besides pray for our healing through Christ and pray for the healing of so many other struggling family's who've lost a loved one or are fighting their own battles...I would ask you to focus on listening to God speak to you. Pray about it everyday, and then listen. A very smart woman gave me a really great quote today, "When we're down to nothing, God is up to something."
Thanks, Tawnia! We must remember to keep our faith and focus on the Lord. I'm terrible at remembering where scriptures are located but I think this one is from Micah 6:8 "Do what is right, speak with kindness, and walk humbly with God." We praise you, Father, for your healing powers that you have poured into our little friends, who are so dear and precious to us, that we have met along our faith-filled journey with Christ. Always remember that everyone has their own "stuff" going on in their lives. Walk On...with Christ. We love and appreciate each and every one of you...AND I TRULY MEAN THAT !!! God bless you all...

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 1/2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, "Come with me."

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly 'til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor 'tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 9:58 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


You are such a joy in our lives! You brought us so much joy in such a difficult time, and you continue to bring us so much joy in our daily challenges and victories in life. You are a blessing and a gift from God... We love you so much!!!

My update will come yet today. The Birthday Boy is in the bathtub and I need to do my reading! I will get new pictures in too. Blessings to you.

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 1/2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, "Come with me."

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 12:47 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Afternoon,

I'm not sure if you remember me but I am the long lost writer of this amazing young boy's Caring Bridge page. He is the incredible and awesome Bryce Breuer. I am his mom... Now, do you remember me?

Sorry it has been so long since my last update. This emotional roller coaster ride has kept me a bit preoccupied, along with life in itself. Sometimes I am just not sure what to say... There is so much to say but so much left to be unsaid. I don't know if that makes any sense... Some days are ok, and some days are not. God gave us a beautiful soul to love, tend to, raise, care for and dream with for 8 1/2 years. And now, he has been rewarded with the gift of eternal life in heaven. He is smiling his million-dollar smile at the face of Jesus. Wow. I am so proud of him... Bryce had so much compassion and love to share with us while he was here on earth. Now, he watches over us from heaven. God and Bryce both speak to me. On Sunday, when we were driving to Auntie Manda's 3rd marathon in memory of Bryce, I thought to myself, "Where is Bryce sitting right now in the suburban?" I answered my question with a smile, "He is sitting between Joel and Ethan, behind me." Then, I heard...LOUD AND CLEAR, "Nah Uh! I'm sitting by Nathan!!!" I thought, "Well, ok then! I can't believe I thought otherwise!" We had Bryce's buddy, Nathan, along with us. Of course, Bryce was sitting by Nathan...giggling his glorious laugh...being extremely silly with Nathan and Logan... Of course, he was...

To Angie: Yes, Bryce loved the fall! He loved the fieldwork with his Dad and Grandpa, most of all. I can still see him in his blue rubber boots with his zipper coat and his Spiderman lunch bag. He also loved Halloween. He took it very seriously. The year that he relapsed, he was Spiderman. He loved Spiderman, then. Last year, he wanted to be Batman but I couldn't find a costume that fit him. So, instead, I bought him a Mr. Incredible costume. How fitting was that?! He made an awesome Mr. Incredible!!! He even had the belly to match! Everyone was so great to give him treats that were healthy for him that fit into his organic diet. He was awesome! He didn't care that he didn't get any candy. He just did what he needed to do. What a trooper. Two of my favorite Bryce costumes were when he was a cute little lion, oh-so-adorable, at one year old!! And, when he was Po from Telly Tubbies, I believe he was 3 years old. I remember the year he was a Vikings player in his pads. That was when he was in preschool with Garett. Oh, the memories... Thanks for helping me to reminisce, Angie. By the way, I believe that this year he would have been either a Goodhue Wildcat Wrestler or a farmer, like his Dad... He wanted so much to be healthy again so he could do both of those things. Bless his heart...

Since I last updated, the boys have been enjoying school, sports, friends, Auntie Manda's Twin Cities Marathon in memory of Bryce, and quiet time at home which is precious in itself. Don't get me wrong, it is not always quiet... We are working on our compassion, kindness, and love for each other with lots of reminders and sometimes a whistle blow from mom. We have learned the hard way how precious life is. The boys miss their brother and his silliness and creativeness. Bryce was unique. We had a family meeting last week. There are a lot of emotions that need to be released but that is easier said than done. Joel is very good at talking about his feelings. He still has a lot of guilt about Bryce dying. This is absolutely normal. I've been doing my reading... He knows that it is normal to have feelings of guilt when a sibling dies. He holds onto so many good memories of Bryce. I remember many times when Bryce would go to Joel when he knew he was sad or disappointed. He always tried to make him feel better and make him smile. Bryce didn't always have the patience for Joel so when we saw the compassion he had for Joel, we were always so pleased. Mitch and Logan are hanging in there. They don't talk much about Bryce or show many emotions. Please pray that they can release those emotions occasionally with time. Please pray for all the boys. Ethan has now requested that we have another 'Baby Brycie' because he wants Bryce back so bad. Well, that's not gonna happen and I've explained that to him. He is very good at talking about his feelings of missing Bryce. He will say it out of the blue, totally unexpected. He's a busy boy but such a sweetie.

Tim & I went to little Noelle's funeral last Thursday. What a beautiful day the Lord gave us. We had a 5 hour drive. We needed that time together. It was so great to finally meet Dave & Tonya & Tessa in person. We have a great connection. I spoke with Tonya yesterday. She told me Noelle's number was/is 3... Can you believe that?! I always knew that she and Bryce were connected! Amazing. Please pray for their strength and healing. They have so much ahead of them with the hole in their hearts left behind from their precious Noelle's passing. She was such an amazing child with such an incredible spirit!!! Tonya told me that one of Noelle's signs was a hawk. Well, I hung up with Tonya and hopped in the car for Bible study and what did I see right away but a hawk in a tree... Wow. Thanks, Noelle.

Now I want to share some of my Bryce signs with you... Last week, before Bible study, I was having a really rough morning. I was missing Bryce soooooooo bad. I kept praying for God to give me strength. I kept asking Bryce and God to give me a Bryce sign. If there is one thing in life that I am patient for, it is my Bryce signs. I know that God will bring them at the most perfect moment in God's perfect timing. Well, low and behold, He did it once again!!! While we were saying a prayer, before we started our reading, it came to be my time to pray. I was praying for strength because I was struggling. I was praying for my boys. And suddenly, what do we hear coming from the bathroom radio--which I hadn't heard at all before that!--but Bryce's song "Brave" by Nicole Nordeman!!! I thanked God right then and there! We all cried and cried!!! Bryce was telling me that he was with me... God is so good... Do you recognize and acknowledge the "surprises or signs" He gives you in your life??? He gets all the glory! And then, on Sunday on our drive home from the marathon, it was raining off and on. We were watching rainbows appear and disappear in the sky. Bryce loved rainbows! He always drew the prettiest pictures of rainbows. Well, I couldn't believe it when one rainbow, the final rainbow, was so bright and so full from one side of our suburban to the other side!!! We could see the landscape through the lower ends of the rainbow which I've never seen before... We were directly under its image... NEVER IN MY LIFETIME HAVE I EVER EXPERIENCED SUCH INCREDIBLE, MAJESTIC BEAUTY FROM THE LORD!!!! The rainbow was literally driving with us!!! I can't even describe it... The boys couldn't believe it. And remember, we had Nathan, Bryce's buddy, with us also. I wish we could have taken a picture of the rainbow but I was all out! So, in our amazement and awe, I told the boys how I kept turning up the radio while watching the rainbows because I thought for sure that "Brave" was going to come on. Well, while I was telling them this as we were driving under the rainbow, I turned up the radio again and suddenly the song that my brother and sister sang at Bryce's funeral, "Come To Jesus" started playing!!!!!!! We all started to cry! Ethan has been singing that song lately. The last verse says:
"And with your final heartbeat, kiss the world goodbye. Go in peace and laugh on glory's side. And, fly to Jesus. Fly to Jesus. Fly to Jesus and live. Fly to Jesus. Fly to Jesus. Fly to Jesus and live." That's what Bryce did... He flew to Jesus to live...
Then, I put on my left turn signal, took a left turn and Mitchell says super loud, "Look at that!!!" There...sitting next to the road that we turned on to while taking Nathan home...is a huge, green John Deere combine!!!!!!!!! Yep, that's right... Our 3rd sign from Bryce... NOBODY CAN TELL ME THAT THAT WAS A COINCIDENCE!!! Bryce and God know we need our signs. Bryce was with us that day, and everyday. Again, to God be all the glory... We will be going to the Chris Rice Benefit Concert for the Backstrom Brothers on Friday night. We can hardly wait to hear Chris Rice sing "Come To Jesus"!!! Can you say "waterworks"???? The 3 Backstrom brothers were killed in a car accident 3 years ago today by a drunk driver. So their family has organized this benefit to raise money for Teen Challenge which many of you have probably heard about on KTIS. Teen challenge is helping teens who are using drugs or alcohol come clean. Praise God for good people like the Backstrom's and the Teen Challenge program! Pray for the Backstrom family's strength today and every day...

I want you all to know that although we still have extremely difficult days without Bryce, I have started to remember more good memories of Bryce rather than the last memories of Bryce being so sick. That gives me some peace in my aching heart--yes, it still aches. It will be 8 months since his passing on the 22nd. I still have many nights that I wake up and pray and think... Bryce did so much for so many in his short time on earth. Personally, I want to carry on his legacy for my lifetime. I want to always be caring and giving to others. I want to be strong, courageous and brave beyond years. I want to have his wisdom, strength and love for the Lord. I want to have his faith and his trust in God not knowing what tomorrow may bring... I want the innocence, love, and compassion of a young child who did what he needed to do so he didn't let the Lord down...which he never did. I want the energy and amazing golden heart that always gave a smile to others at any given moment, no matter how rotten he felt, always hoping to make others happy and possibly get a smile in return. He was wise beyond his youth. God made him who he was and he ONLY tried to be himself. You know,...what you see is what you get. And, he gave his all... As Bryce chose "his song" in the back seat of our Mary Kay Grand Prix after his first relapse in the fall of 2005, just 2 short years ago, I too will "Walk By Faith" not by sight. We must trust in the Lord and let him guide our footsteps. It is with Him that we will truly WIN IN THE END...just like Bryce did... Our love and prayers go out to each and every one of you!!! Blessings to you...

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 1/2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, "Come with me."

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, September 27, 2007 10:00 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Evening,

Our Lord and Savior has welcomed Home another beautiful child... Noelle Naylor died at 3:25 pm today. She went into septic shock very quickly and then, flew to Jesus as her parents held her and loved her in their arms while God held them. My heart is in pain for Tonya and Dave for we know what pain, sorrow, and loneliness they will have in their future without their precious daughter, Noelle. I spoke with Tonya tonight...I wish so badly that she and Dave didn't have to join our "club"... Please say more prayers--more than you ever thought you ever had in you--for them and for her big sister, Tessa. I don't know what else to say. Please God give them signs from You and from Noelle... Remind them that you ARE with them, always. Her CB is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle.

Please also pray for our friend, Nikki, who just started treatments for leukemia yesterday. She was diagnosed with DSRCT over 4 years ago. She has had a very "bumpy road" in her treatments, and she is only 16 years old. Nikki needs our powerful prayers!! Pray for her strength and healing and peace within. These kids are so incredible!!! Her webpage is the new CB nikkischaut.

This past weekend was the Camp Jornada Car Cruise fund raiser at Lark Toys in Kellogg. It was awesome! We brought a bunch of Bryce's buddies. What a great group of kids! Spending time with them made me so happy... I will load pictures later. My heart is too heavy, right now. I've been asking Bryce to hang with Noelle for the last 3 days. Now, I know that he is (in heaven) trying to take care of this independent little 3 year old girl, like she was the little sister he always wanted. I am sure she is letting him know that she can take care of herself! I believe they are enjoying each others company. I am sure he met her at heaven's gates...I do believe Bryce is a part of the "Welcoming Committee". God's peace to all of you. Thank you for your friendship, your love, and your continued prayers and support for our family. Today was a not-so-ok day, only to become worse. Don't get me wrong. I believe that Bryce, Noelle, Carson, Brenna, Kyle, Allie, Max, Breanna, Drew & McKenna, Chris, Bradley, Beth, and many other young people have received one of the BEST GIFTS of ALL--eternal life in heaven. What more could a person ask for than such special gifts like being a child of God, and Jesus dying on the cross to forgive us of all of our sins?... I just wish it wasn't so difficult for the rest of us here on earth... Good night and God bless. We love and appreciate you all.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Please watch the video...Childhood Cancer Video

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 1/2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, "Come with me."

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, September 20, 2007 9:50 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Morning,

Most importantly, I have to call out to all of our PRAYER WARRIORS. Prayers are needed for Noelle who is in the hospital with a fever. She was also vomiting blood. So, of course, I am very sad for her and her family. Cancer is so nasty... Pray for her healing and her family's strength and continued trust in God. We have experienced it first-hand... There is nothing that can prepare you for the roller coaster ride of childhood cancer. Her CB is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Please send out lots and lots prayers for her. Words of encouragement to the family are always appreciated!!! Tim and I hurt for them so much... Please also pray for our friend, Nikki, who is fighting her own battle with DSRCT (also cancer). She has some new issues going on that the dr's are trying to figure out. Her mom is so great. Their family has been there for us many times. I don't know much about it other than what Kristi, Nikki's mom, writes. I just know that Nikki needs our powerful prayers!! Prayer for her strength and healing and peace within. God will get her through this, yet another, big bump in the road. I only wish she didn't have to deal the "c" word anymore. These kids are so incredible!!! Her webpage is the new CB nikkischaut. There is another family who lost their son, Connor. He was friends with Kyle who died 8 weeks before Brycer. Donna, Kyle's mom, is so sad for them. We are too. Nothing can prepare you for the loss of your child...nothing. Pray for their strength and healing through Christ. In my opinion, that is the ONLY way that we/they will heal...

I hope everyone is doing well and falling into the school routine, again. I guess we are. It's busy... Just as it is for all of you. I am anxious for Bryce's grave stone to be finished and put into place in October. I'll be honest, it has been really hard to go through the start of the school year without Bryce. I know that God's hand is all over everything... Thank goodness for that. I've had a couple of good days this week. Thank goodness for that, too. This whole "life without Bryce" thing is sooooo not easy for any of us. Everyday is a gift from God. We just pray for strength to get through the day's. We pray for signs from Bryce. At my weakest moments of tears and frustration, Bryce's song "Walk By Faith" by Jeremy Camp will come on the radio. It's amazing how that can happen at the perfect moment... One day last week when Ethan and I went to Bryce's grave, Ethan got angry. He wouldn't leave because he wanted to "dig Bryce up and bring him home." I explained it to him that we can't...that Bryce's heart stopped beating and he died...now, he's in heaven with Jesus and God...his spirit stays with us always. You try telling that to a very determined and persistent 3-year-old boy who misses his brother very, very much! I finally got him to leave. But, he was angry and sad, and it took a very long time of convincing. We all miss Bryce so much... It was 2 years ago today that we found out that Bryce relapsed. That is why I have added those pictures in the photo album. We were in shock... We couldn't believe it. Our lives were turned upside down once again. That was the 2nd beginning to Bryce's battle with cancer. He was so disappointed. He asked, "Does that mean I won't be finished with treatments in July ('05)? Does that mean I will lose my hair, again?" He was almost done with his cancer treatments. He only had 10 months left. He couldn't believe it either... But, then he slipped on his 'boxing gloves' and came out fighting. What an incredible kid. I can't help but remember every detail of his fight at every moment of his fight. I'm his mom. I felt his pain. I would have given my life for him to keep his life here on Earth. And, now he rejoices in heaven...to God be all the glory. We miss you, Brycer... I don't need to say anymore without sounding like a broken record.

Emma's Hope was awesome!!! We were registering and visiting when all of the sudden a bunch of Bryce's buddies (Casey, Jacob, Ryan, Garett) and their family's were appearing. It was so great! Logan stayed in Goodhue for flag football. I knew someone was bringing him, and Riley & Garett Huemann... But then, as we were walking and stopped at the rest stop for pizza, here comes Ryan E. and his family and then,...Pam A. pulls up with her big conversion van. Suddenly there are a pile of boys including Logan, Garett, Riley and the rest of Bryce's buddies pouring out of her big van!!! It was so awesome!!! They were sooooo happy to be there! The timing could not have been more perfect!!! Thank you to everyone who attended Emma's Hope Walk and contributed to the Children's Cancer Research Fund! They raised $19,500!!! Wahoo! Many of Tim's relatives also came! It was great. I will load those pictures soon, too. There's not enough space...Stacey (Camp Jornada) did explain to me how to get more pictures on and Serena has too...but I haven't taken the time to do it or to teach myself. Some things just take time.... Now, I have to run. I will try to update again soon. We love and appreciate all of you so very much. I love your guest book entries...more than you will ever know. God bless all of you.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Please watch the video...Childhood Cancer Video

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 1/2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, "Come with me."

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman--walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people. He'd cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity--and everyone he met would latch onto that bait and never let go.

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 10:28 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Emma’s Hope Walk
…A Special Walk to Help Kids with Cancer…

In Angie Laehn’s (Emma’s mom) words:
“This year's walk is dedicated in memory of your sweet, sweet Bryce.”
And, we are honored to be a part of this special event again this year…

Saturday, September 15th, 2007
Pepin Area Schools--Pepin, WI
Rally will begin at 10:00 a.m.

All Proceeds Go Directly to Children’s Cancer Research Fund!
Lots of great food, silent auction, and t-shirts for all!
We would love to have so many of our Bryce Backers join us!!!

If you have any questions or would like to register for this walk, please contact Angie Laehn at 715-442-5700 or email her at aliemma@hotmail.com.

Good Evening,

Tonight's update will be short but sweet... It all goes to Emma's Hope with the HOPE that there will be many people WALKING and DONATING to the Children's Cancer Research Fund in honor of Emma, Bryce, and the way-to-many-children who have been diagnosed, treated, and beat it or passed away from cancer. Somethings gotta happen... These beautiful, incredible little people need our help! "Cry out to Jesus" as the Christian artists 'Third Day' sing... We will WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT...with God by our side or Jesus carrying us. Bless all of their precious little hearts! We hurt...bad. They hurt bad. Please do anything you can to help these children fighting their battles from the past, present, and future. They inspire us to be better people. They are everyday hero's. Our old quote was "Rock On!" Our new quote is with Jesus by our side, we will "Walk On!" everyday. I am praying for many beautiful stories for everyone to "carry their cross", as Pastor Mike said on Sunday. Carry the cross for someone, to help them... Bryce wanted to "live to be as old as his brothers". Bryce wanted so badly to beat that nasty cancer. Bryce truly believed in helping others with his tender, compassionate heart. Bryce loved being at Emma's Hope last year. Please consider... Our love and gratitude to all of you!!! Now, WALK ON!!! Please watch the video...

Childhood Cancer Video

Again, I ask you to continue your powerful prayers for our very special little friend, Noelle. Pray for her complete healing, happiness, and peace for her and her family. They have given it to God--a long time ago. They still need your powerful prayers. Her CB is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Leave her a message or say a prayer with them. They are so grateful for all of you.

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, ?Come with me.?

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman?walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people? He?d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait?and never let go?

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, September 3, 2007 10:07 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Emma’s Hope Walk
…A Special Walk to Help Kids with Cancer…

In Angie Laehn’s (Emma’s mom) words:
“This year's walk is dedicated in memory of your sweet, sweet Bryce.”
And, we are honored to be a part of this special event again this year…

Saturday, September 15th, 2007
Pepin Area Schools--Pepin, WI
Rally will begin at 10:00 a.m.

All Proceeds Go Directly to Children’s Cancer Research Fund!
Lots of great food, silent auction, and t-shirts for all!
We would love to have so many of our Bryce Backers join us!!!

If you have any questions or would like to register for this walk, please contact Angie Laehn at 715-442-5700 or email her at aliemma@hotmail.com.

Good Evening,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AUNTIE JULIE, YESTERDAY! We hope you had a wonderful birthday! We love you so much!

Wow. It's been awhile since my last update. It's been busy but it's also been very hard to know what to write. I have been extremely down and missing Bryce so much. I know that school starting is really making it difficult for me... It's just hard to believe that he won't be starting school tomorrow with his brothers and his friends. I'm so happy that he has been giving his buddies signs, like Casey and Ryan. That makes me so very happy. He wants all of his friends to enjoy the new school year in 4th grade. I just wish he could be there with them so bad. Trust me, I try to remind myself to be happy for Bryce who is walking with Jesus. It just doesn't get any better than that...What a gift from God...Eternal life in heaven... We just miss him here on earth so much. He absolutely LOVED school!!! He loved being with his friends. He loved it all except for the part of catching up with his schoolwork and the phy ed time when he couldn't run or participate with his classmates. He wanted so badly to run fast and be a normal 3rd grader, last year. He loved and appreciated every one of his classmates/friends. They were all so special to him. He had such respect for his teachers. He was so particular with his writing, though. We had to make him not be so fussy so his schoolwork wouldn't take so long. It didn't need to be perfect! But, he wanted it that way. He wanted so badly to be independent, again. He didn't want any help from anyone unless it was absolutely necessary. I'll never forget the day that his buddy, Calvin, came to our house to visit. It was January. He was lying in bed in lots of pain. I asked him if I should carry him downstairs and he said "No." He pulled himself out of bed, walked through the hallway and carefully down the stairs to sit at the table with Calvin to play John Deere Monopoly. I knew how much pain he was in... I could see it. But, he didn't want Calvin to see it. He was so happy that he had come over. Then, he kept smiling and talking to Calvin's little sister, Ellie, so sweetly. It was one of those days that Tim and I were so happy to see him happy. Losing a loved one is so not easy. Grief is just something you have to get yourself through day by day, however and whatever works for you, personally. I want so badly to be "me" again, but we are changed with our "new normal". We are also stronger in Christ...

We had had my nephew and niece, Sean and Trachell, here from Hawaii since the 21st. They are flying home on Wednesday. I'm missing them already... We went to my dad's in Bemidji over the weekend. That was fun. The boys love to play in the lake and go fishing. This time they even took the canoe out on the lake. Oh the memories, as Tim would say... On Thursday night, Tim and I brought Sean down to use the bathroom at 11:46pm. Why am I telling you this?! Because, as we walked into the bathroom, "Brave" had just started playing on the radio... What are the chances of that??? Tim and I just smiled... On Friday morning, Sean and I went to Bryce's grave site to visit early for about an hour. While we were there, Sean saw a squirrel--long story short. He said, "Maybe Bryce sent the squirrel for me to watch." I told him that he probably did! About 10 minutes later, Sean said, "Look there's another squirrel but it's a different color!" It was a white squirrel playing with the gray squirrel. Sean couldn't believe it! And get this... I'm almost ashamed to even admit that I was surprised to see a 3rd squirrel starting to play with the other 2!!! I hadn't even thought of it! You bet Bryce sent 3 squirrels for Sean to watch (and want to chase but I wouldn't let him!)!!! So cool!!! Thanks, Brycer! We love the signs, buddy!!!

The boys are very excited for school to start. Mitchell is still fairly good about expressing his feelings about missing Bryce when I "pry"... I wish the expressing of emotions came easier for all of them... Logan is still just cracking jokes to change the conversation when I ask and Joel is just not ready to talk any more, just yet. He and I did talk about the emotions we feel when someone dies or we have a loss in life. I told him the book I am reading talks about feelings of guilt, anger, sadness, and loneliness. He agreed, he felt those things. He's such a sensitive kid, he's always been so concerned about others. Ethan is still pretending that Bryce goes with us everywhere. He always asks, "Mommy, where's Brycie sitting?" I'll tell him one place and then he'll say, "No. Him sitting by me!" Tim is doing ok. I'm sure it will be really hard again now when he starts with fieldwork again. Bryce loved riding in the tractor and combine. Tim will keep hauling sweet corn until mid-October. They'll start combining beans in September sometime. I am trying to get myself into a "normal" routine, also. My Mary Kay makes me so happy. I am getting back into a normal schedule with the start of school, now.

Please continue all of the prayers for the children who are battling their illnesses, adults too. Pray for the family's and friends who have lost a loved one. Please pray for our family and family's who are grieving our loss of our wonderful Brycer. We now have his grave stone ordered... We did that on the 22nd, 6 months after his death. I really wanted to get that done. It should be to his site around the beginning of October. Please also pray for Bryce's buddies... They have to go into a first now, too... Bryce missed a lot of school in 2nd grade and 3rd grade but he always seemed to make his mark when he was there. This will be the first official school year without him. Bless their hearts, they are such incredible kids!!! I just love every one of them! They are so precious and so special! They were the best friends that Bryce could have ever had... I wish so bad that he was there with them. Please also say a prayer for our friend, Julie, who's daughter Brenna died a year ago on June 30th. This would have been the start of Brenna's senior year... Now, she is watching all of Brenna's friends start their senior year without Brenna. She is extremely happy for them but also sad. I know that Brenna's friends are missing Brenna, too. Pray for them... We are very excited for Emma's Hope Walk on Saturday, September 15th! Please read the above information. We would love to see many of your smiling faces that Saturday morning! This year is in memory of our sweet Bryce... Please join us! We send our love out to all of you. Thank you for your messages in the guest book. They mean more to me than you could ever imagine... They give me a little extra boost... Love to all. Don't forget to pray for Noelle!

Again, I ask you to continue your powerful prayers for our very special little friend, Noelle. Pray for her complete healing, happiness, and peace for her and her family. They have given it to God--a long time ago. They still need your powerful prayers. Her CB is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Leave her a message or say a prayer with them. They are so grateful for all of you.

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, ?Come with me.?

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman?walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people? He?d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait?and never let go?

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, August 26, 2007 9:49 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Emma’s Hope Walk
…A Special Walk to Help Kids with Cancer…

In Angie Laehn’s (Emma’s mom) words:
“This year's walk is dedicated in memory of your sweet, sweet Bryce.”
And, we are honored to be a part of this special event again this year…

Saturday, September 15th, 2007
Pepin Area Schools--Pepin, WI
Rally will begin at 10:00 a.m.

All Proceeds Go Directly to Children’s Cancer Research Fund!
Lots of great food, silent auction, and t-shirts for all!
We would love to have so many of our Bryce Backers join us!!!

If you have any questions or would like to register for this walk, please contact Angie Laehn at 715-442-5700 or email her at aliemma@hotmail.com.

Good Evening,

Jesus is walking with another beautiful soul in heaven tonight. Charlie Carlson passed away peacefully at 7:45pm. Charlie had accepted the invitation to take this walk with Jesus and begin to enjoy his eternal life in heaven. He and Bryce, and all of the other beautiful souls, have embraced each other and are now watching over us, for there is no better life than the gift of eternal life with our heavenly father. Please pray for Randi as she begins a whole new journey. Praise God that she is devoted to Christ. By God's grace, He will get her through this. If you would like to leave Randi a message on Charlie's CB page, it is charliecarlson. Our prayers are just as powerful for you now, Randi. Rest well tonight. God is holding you close... See ya soon, Charlie.

Again, I ask you to continue your powerful prayers for our very special little friend, Noelle. I'm not sure when their family returns from Disney. I just pray that she is having a wonderful time while she is there! Please continue to pray for her health while she is there. Pray for happiness, peace, and healing for her and her family. They have given it to God--a long time ago. They still need your powerful prayers. Her CB is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Leave her a message or say a prayer with them. They are so grateful for all of you.

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, ?Come with me.?

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman?walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people? He?d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait?and never let go?

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, August 22, 2007 8:55 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Emma’s Hope Walk
…A Special Walk to Help Kids with Cancer…

In Angie Laehn’s (Emma’s mom) words:
“This year's walk is dedicated in memory of your sweet, sweet Bryce.”
And, we are honored to be a part of this special event again this year…

Saturday, September 15th, 2007
Pepin Area Schools--Pepin, WI
Rally will begin at 10:00 a.m.

All Proceeds Go Directly to Children’s Cancer Research Fund!
Lots of great food, silent auction, and t-shirts for all!
We would love to have so many of our Bryce Backers join us!!!

If you have any questions or would like to register for this walk, please contact Angie Laehn at 715-442-5700 or email her at aliemma@hotmail.com.

Good morning,

I know I updated on Monday night but couldn't help but feel the need to update again this morning. Today is the 6th month "anniversary" (I DO NOT like that word in this situation!) since Bryce went to heaven. It was Thursday afternoon at 4:08pm on February 22nd when his fragile little body quieted and his precious little heart took its last beat. It was that moment that Jesus carried Bryce to heaven in his arms. My belief is that Bryce wasn't sure about leaving his family but had so much comfort and peace in Jesus' arms and knew it was right and ok. My next vision is Bryce arriving at heaven's gates to the "Welcoming Committee" (as I call it) where he was told by God, "Well done, good and faithful one." Then, he smiled the smile that he did when he got off the pedul pull tractor at the Goodhue Volksfest in June '06. I will add that picture. He had the look of being proud yet very humble at the same time... I'm so proud of my little boy and his fight along with his HUGE FAITH. What an incredible servent of God! And today, he is still touching lives. Thank you to Katie who added the guest book entry about your Bryce sign. We love the reassurance that our son's legacy is still affecting others. Thank you for all of your guest book entries. They touch our hearts and make us smile. We love to cry with you, laugh with you, and pray with you.

My niece, Trachell, made me a beautiful lei before she left Hawaii. She gave it to me at the airport. Wow! It looks and smells wonderful!! On the way home from the airport yesterday, we stopped by Bryce's grave for Sean and Trachell to see it. My mom made another lei and put it on Bryce's grave. Now, he has a lei from Hawaii, too. I know he is treasuring it... It's beautiful there.

How ironic it is that a year ago today, I had taken the kids to Valleyfair with my niece and nephew, Jordan and Collin. We had a blast! I pushed Bryce in a wheelchair. The next day he had his bone marrow biopsy and we found out a few days later that he was in REMISSION! And now, it has been 6 months since he died... Please say lots of prayers for our family today and everyday. The "new normal" is not what we hoped for but, for some reason, God chose a different path for our family. We miss you, Bryce... More than we ever imagined we could. We never expected it to be THIS difficult every day without you... Please pray for all the family's who are fighting their battles or are losing or have lost a loved one. Pray for their peace within. Love to all.

Monday, August 20, 2007 10:44 PM CDT
Good Evening,

Can you say "RAIN"? Wow. We've been getting a lot of it! The boys are having a hey-day playing in it. I'm not so much liking the laundry end of it, though. We ended up pushing my mom's car out of the way (of possibly a lot of water in our water way) on Saturday night. We pushed it because the battery was dead. Tim also moved the camper, just in case. Our water way has gotten really high in the past a few times. In fact, when Bryce was a month old, we were flooded to the top step in our basement. Not fun. Except at Dave & Cindy's. This time, no damage, nothing. Yeah for that.

I am here tonight to say that we are still here... We've been getting by. Camp Jornada was so much fun for the boys and for me! I even received my own professional painting of my guardian angel which I will tell you about in my next entry... AMAZING!!!!!! My eyes are opened even more to God's work in our lives... Now, my boys have a request for Stacey, Lynn, Carla, Chris and all other "people in charge"... They would like Camp Jornada 3 times a year!!! Any possibilities, Stace? I describe it as "better than opening Christmas presents"... Again, these people and this camp are INCREDIBLE!!! Thank you to everyone who makes it possible. Thank you to everyone who donates anything--i.e. CAMERAS!!!! Thank you to everyone who volunteers. Thank you to everyone who prays for Camp Jornada... We LOVE and APPRECIATE all of YOU!!! Now, we are getting into the 7th grade football practice and school starting soon mode... I think I may be getting ready for school to start. I really didn't apply for the job called "referree". Hmmm...

We are very excited to be seeing our CB friends from Montana tomorrow morning!!! Bob, Tawnia, Taylor, and "Baby" Alyssa--who is not a baby any more!--will be stopping by in the morning. And, I can hardly stand it! We will have a quick visit and stop by Bryce's grave site. I hope it's not too muddy... Alyssa has checkups on Wednesday. Pray for great results, once again. My next bit of excitement is also sooooo huge!!! My mom, niece (Trachell), and nephew (Sean) are flying in from Hawaii tomorrow at noon!!!! We haven't seen them in 2 years, just before we knew Bryce relapsed. They will be staying for 2 weeks, and they will be busy! I'm going to try to get some time this week to change pictures--add some from the past and some from now... But, be patient. I'm not the quickest at it. Thank goodness that Tom came over today... He copied all of my digital camera pictures that I have NEVER had printed (for years!!!) on to CD's!!! Yeah!! I was so worried that my computer would crash sometime and I would lose all of them!!! Now, it's done. I'm going to try to copy my pictures on to cd's from my laptop. Wish me luck. Thanks a ton, Tom!! You are the BEST!!! Bet you all wish you had one of him in your neighborhood...

My Brycie Boy has been so good to me. He knew I needed signs. He's been giving me a few here and there. Today was a cold-water-in-the-face sign when while I was praying for strength, guidance, support, love and protection plus signs from Bryce as I clicked on his web page. I didn't even finish with my prayer and "Brave" came on the radio... Amazing. These are not coincidences, they are gifts from my little boy who I wish so badly could be here!!! I had to go into school to pay fees today and I had to fight off the tears in front of the office staff--even though they would have cried with me--because it hit me once again that my 3rd son, my wonderful incredible Bryce, would not be going into 4th grade with his best buddies and classmates...ever again. I still can't believe it. I can't believe any of this ever happened... God give me strength. God will be the only way that we will ever get through this. I can't imagine how others do it without God and Jesus in their heart. Pray for their beautiful souls to find Jesus. Maybe it will be you to introduce them... Ask for God's abundant blessings in your life. He listens to prayers. He loves you so much. Can you tell that I am very emotional tonight??? I just miss my Brycer soooooooooo much. Tim, too. The boys are so awesome. Mitch said that there was a camper that reminded him of Bryce with his personality and a little how he looked. Our Brycer will never be forgotten. He is still touching lives. Thank you God for all of our blessings in our lives...

We went to the Relay for Life last Friday night. I had never been to one. Wow. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO MADE THE MANY, MANY LUMINARIES FOR BRYCE!!! Wow, again. There were so many!!! And, they announced that Goodhue County is the #1 county for fundraising in the state of MN...And, #7 in the nation!!! Wow. Wow. Wow... What an incredible event. I wish we could have taken Bryce last year. I wish I could have seen him walk with the survivors...He would have been so proud, he wouldn't have let us help him at all...I wish he could have walked this year, too. God help me accept the things I cannot change. You, God, have all the control...I give it all to you. It was hard to be there, too. I was so happy for the survivors and yet so sad that we don't have Bryce here on earth with us. I guess it was one of those bittersweet moments. Pray for all of the people who are fighting their battles, big or small, cancer or another illness. What an inspiration they are to so many....

So, speaking of inspirations... Our very special little friend, Noelle, has arrived at Disney today. Bless her precious, little heart... Pray for her health while she is there. Pray for happiness, peace, and healing for her and her family. They have given it to God--a long time ago. They still need your powerful prayers. They had an awesome celebration of Noelle's life party on Saturday. It sounded like it was incredible... Praise God. Her CB is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Leave her a message or say a prayer with them. They are so grateful for all of you. We are also asking for your powerful prayers for Charlie who is battling cancer. He is just a gem! He is going through so much right now. Pray for his peace, strength, healing, and rest. His CB is charliecarlson. Pray for his wife, Randi, too. God is holding all of these wonderful people in His hands... Pray for their peace within... We love you. Good night.

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, ?Come with me.?

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman?walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people? He?d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait?and never let go?

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 9:15 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

What a bunch of busy days! It's Camp Jornada week, you know!!! We went camping last weekend. It was so nice and relaxing, other than the storms on Saturday night! We made it through it, though. Mitchell woke up and asked, "Did it rain last night, then?"!!!! All of our boys slept through it! Funny. OK. So, Sunday we dropped the boys off at Camp Jornada. We stayed for the family fun session until 7:30pm. I have gone back to camp both Monday and today to do facials with the Camp Girls! What a blast! Some of the camp counselors are joining in on the pampering, too. I am loving it! These people deserve the special treatment!!! They are wonderful. Remember, this is our awesome camp for kids with cancer and siblings of kids with cancer or parents with cancer. Some of the campers have passed on into their new eternal life, like Bryce and Brianna. Brianna is in the picture (at the top right) in the golf cart with Bryce and friends. She is wearing the green jacket. I'm sending out prayers for her family, also...

I am way behind on household and outdoor (lawn and garden) duties so I am probably holding back from going to camp tomorrow with Ethan...although, I would love to go again!!!! It's the day trip tomorrow! Last night was the sock hop. Rumor has it that both Mitch and Logan were kicking up some dust! Joel was a bit on the stubborn-not-gonna-dance-with-any-girls side. But, they all said he was still adorable! Today, my boys and I made luminaries in memory of Bryce for the Relay for Life in Zumbrota on Friday night. Jamie O'Reilly is the honorary person (can't remember the official title). I am hoping that we may make it to the lighting ceremony and Jamie's speech. The boys will be tired since we pick them up from camp that day. Well, I am so tired... I am heading to bed! My dad is in St. Mary's hospital having some tests done. They think he may have a GI bleed. I stopped in to see him tonight. (Hate to go back there though...too many hard memories.) Dad looks and sounds great! He loves to give the nurses a hard time. Some things never change... Ethan has been at Grandma Linda's since Monday morning. Thanks, Mom!!! I will see him tomorrow morning. He was asleep by the time I got home. I am missing him. I almost forgot... Little Danielle Hucke and I were interviewed on Sunday for Camp Jornada. Here is the link (thanks to Krista and Clint--little Miss Ella's parents!): KAAL interview. I hope you can open it. It's short and sweet. Love the Lord with all your might! Love to all...

Keeping this here, too: Our very special little friend, Noelle, has relapsed after her 2nd transplant. Please send out your powerful prayers for Noelle and her family!!! I know they would love a message from you, too. Her CB is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I just remember the flood of messages that you have always left for us in our most difficult days. You'll never know how much you lifted us up to know that you were touched by Bryce, to know you were praying, to know you were feeling our pain... We love and appreciate you so much for all of your support, always!

Keeping this here:
PRAYER REQUESTS...Please keep Beth Benrud's family in your prayers as they are grieving over her death. She was such an incredibly happy, friendly and funny young woman! She was only 22 years old. I loved being in her presence. They go to our church. An accidental death is such a shock when you lose someone you love so much. Grief is never easy... Please pray for her family and friends. Also, there is a man from Goodhue who is a wonderful friend-to-everyone who was just diagnosed with cancer. Charlie brings many smiles to many faces in our community. We need to send out lots and lots of prayers for his healing and strength. Please also pray for his wife, Randi, as we know that now is the time that she and Charlie will be totally leaning on the Lord... God's strength and guidance be with each and every one of you. Love to all.
Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, ?Come with me.?

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman?walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people? He?d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait?and never let go?

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, August 10, 2007 6:46 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BEST DAD AND HUSBAND THAT GOD COULD HAVE EVER PLACED IN OUR LIVES!!! We love you so much! Our boys are so blessed to be your son's. I am so blessed to spend the rest of my life with you. Bryce will be with you all day long. He will be with his brothers' trying to give you a hard time (which you usually deserve!) and showing you how much they truly look up to you! You're my favorite!!!! I truly love and adore you!

Good Morning,

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Here are the boys, including Bryce's best buddy, Garett, with all 228 Cameras for Camp Kids! Now, that's a lot of pictures!

228 Cameras for Camp Kids!!! Wahoo! Stacey and Lynn were so excited when we met them yesterday! We took some pictures which I will try to download onto Bryce's page today. The boys' loved this whole camera-thing... Personally, I love the fact that they are watching so many people do so many good things for others. They are like sponges at these ages. They will never forget what all of you have done for the Camp Jornada Kids!!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Here the boys are with Stacey and Lynn from Camp Jornada making the delivery of Cameras for Camp Kids! Can you feel the excitement?! Wahoo!!!

On Tuesday, I learned that our very special little friend, Noelle, has relapsed after her 2nd transplant. Please send out your powerful prayers for Noelle and her family!!! They are upset, angry, confused, sad, and scared. I know they would love a message from you, too. Her CB is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I just remember the flood of messages that you have always left for us in our most difficult days. You'll never know how much you lifted us up to know that you were touched by Bryce, to know you were praying, to know you were feeling our pain... We love and appreciate you so much for all of your support, always!

I took the boys and Erika to church last night. We got some wonderful one on one time with Pastor Mike. I have so much respect and admiration for him. God truly had a plan to have him as our pastor during this most difficult time. In his lesson, he told us how Jesus is always holding us and taking care of us...no matter what happens in life. What is happening in your life that Jesus is holding you up for? Visualize it. Give it to God because truly it is all in His hands, anyway. We always try to take control of our lives when truly life is best with God in the driver's seat. He knows what is best. He loves each of His children so much...

We are heading out for camping today. We are going back to Lanesboro, MN, The Old Barn Resort. It is so beautiful there... In my opinion, it is one of the most beautiful locations in MN. We are bringing our bikes to do some biking on the trail again. We'll be swimming and fishing, too. Joel is our huge fisherman... He dug up worms on Sunday night... I guess I better ask him if he's checked them lately.

I just want to say again, before I go, thank you for all of your continued prayers for our family. Bryce was one of our 5 son's who was a blessed part of our lives. There is a huge void, an emptiness, a loneliness for him.... His brothers' still can't believe that he is gone. Tim & I are still trying to get use to the fact that the next time that we will hold him again will be in heaven. There is a song by Chris Rice that I always think of Bryce. It is called "Smile", I think. Some of the words are: "Cuz' I just wanna be with you. I want this waiting to be over. I just wanna be with you. And, it helps to know the days are getting closer. Every minute seems like an hour. Every inch seems like a mile. Til' I won't have to imagine, and I finally get to see you smile." Someday....... Everyday day we live does bring us closer to the day when we will see Bryce, again. Jesus will be there with him...rejoicing on the most precious gift of eternal life in heaven which waits for each one of us...if only, we believe...

I found this writing that Stacey placed on the Camp Jornada website 2 days after Bryce died. It has a purpose, just like all of us...

My Purpose I have cancer.
There isn't an explanation as to why I became sick. All I know is God has a plan for each of us and for each plan there is a purpose. Some of us know what our purpose in life is and others will never find it. Then, there are those like me who accomplish it without ever realizing it. My journey with cancer will not, and has not been, without purpose. It is through my illness that I have helped doctors understand this disease a little more so they may find a cure. It is through my illness that I have opened the eyes to those around me to how precious life really is. Something we all to often take for granted. It is though my illness that some of those around me have realized that life is too short to be afraid of our feelings. My cancer has been beaten back by the power of love. It is the most powerful of emotions, one not to be afraid of, but to be embraced. To be loved by someone unconditionally and completely is to reach into your soul and feel warmth. It is through my illness that I have shown there is no guarantee for the future--only dreams for it. Whether the future is just another day or another 75 years, we should all dream big and live fully everyday. It is through my illness that I have seen the strong cry, only to find more strength. It is through my illness that some of us who haven't talked to God in a while have once again begun to pray. It is through my illness that I have joined the hands of those familiar to those of strangers, to form one long chain. I have already accomplished so much in such a short amount of time and each day I continue to touch the hearts of many. That is my purpose.
Author unknown

Keeping this here, too:
PRAYER REQUESTS...Please keep Beth Benrud's family in your prayers as they are grieving over her death. She was such an incredibly happy, friendly and funny young woman! She was only 22 years old. I loved being in her presence. They go to our church. An accidental death is such a shock when you lose someone you love so much. Grief is never easy... Please pray for her family and friends. We also need prayer requests for a woman from Goodhue who was injured in a car accident on Friday. Wow. How scary it was for her and her family... And finally, there is a man from Goodhue who is a wonderful friend-to-everyone who was just diagnosed with cancer. Charlie brings many smiles to many faces in our community. We need to send out lots and lots of prayers for his healing and strength. Please also pray for his wife, Randi, as we know that now is the time that she and Charlie will be totally leaning on the Lord... God's strength and guidance be with each and every one of you. Love to all.
Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, ?Come with me.?

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman?walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people? He?d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait?and never let go?

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, ~Bryce~, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, August 8, 2007 11:46 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

We have finished our goal for Cameras for Camp Kids at a whopping 220 cameras!!!!!!!! I spoke with Stacy and they are thrilled with the results for the kids! They will all get used! I will be meeting her tomorrow to give her the cameras. I can't wait! Thank you to everyone who prayed, participated, and cheered us on! God leads our hearts, if we listen... Thank you, thank you, thank you. It was so much fun for our whole family. The lessons learned here are true life lessons of giving and not worrying about receiving in return. Bless all of your hearts...

Yesterday I learned that our very special little friend, Noelle, has relapsed after her 2nd transplant. I cried. I got angry. I clenched my teeth and pounded my fist. Why do these incredible little children have to suffer? We will never know and we will never understand until the day we are in heaven with our little one's. We will rejoice with our most special gift of eternal life. We are children of God. But still... I hurt so badly for the Naylor's. I worry about what lies ahead, and will NEVER NEVER NEVER stop praying for Noelle's MIRACLE ON EARTH. Tonight I heard on the radio on Focus on the Family, they were discussing 'worry'. In Phillipians 4 (I think that's what they said) it says, "Worry about nothing, and pray about everything". Could you imagine if we all trusted and had that much faith in our God??? That's what He wants. I remind myself everyday to trust in Him and have huge faith. Never let my faith falter is what I say. God is so good. He doesn't want us to hurt. He wants us to trust in His plan... Please send out your powerful prayers for Noelle and her family!!! I know they would love a message from you, too. Her CB is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I just remember the flood of messages that you have always left for us in our most difficult days. You'll never know how much you lifted us up to know that you were touched by Bryce, to know you were praying, to know you were feeling our pain... We love and appreciate you so much for all of your support, always!

On a rejoicing note, our friend, Rachel, has received awesome results from her MRI yesterday. Praise God for her health. There are no changes from June. She is such a trooper, too. Thank you, God. Love to all.

Keeping this here, too:
PRAYER REQUESTS...Please keep Beth Benrud's family in your prayers as they are grieving over her death. She was such an incredibly happy, friendly and funny young woman! She was only 22 years old. I loved being in her presence. They go to our church. An accidental death is such a shock when you lose someone you love so much. Grief is never easy... Please pray for her family and friends. We also need prayer requests for a woman from Goodhue who was injured in a car accident on Friday. Wow. How scary it was for her and her family... And finally, there is a man from Goodhue who is a wonderful friend-to-everyone who was just diagnosed with cancer. Charlie brings many smiles to many faces in our community. We need to send out lots and lots of prayers for his healing and strength. Please also pray for his wife, Randi, as we know that now is the time that she and Charlie will be totally leaning on the Lord... God's strength and guidance be with each and every one of you. Love to all.
Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, ?Come with me.?

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman?walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people? He?d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait?and never let go?

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, August 5, 2007 9:11 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

Are you ready for this????? We have a total of 213 Cameras for Camp Kids!!!!! Wahoo!!!!! God is good. You have a servant's heart. The boys' are sooooo excited! Thank you with all of our hearts! You are wonderful! I will keep the tally running in the next few days, as I am guessing there will still be more cameras coming in. Our end date was Wednesday the 8th. If you are one of the people who wanted to send a camera (and hasn't yet), you could stop at your local dollar store and get some Silly String!!! They use lots of that at Camp Jornada! In fact, it was one of Bryce's favorite things! Well actually, all of our boys' love to use it on the Camp Counselors! Silly String is so much fun! The boys' are counting down the days until Sunday the 12th when we drop them off at Camp!

Logan arrived home today! We were so happy to see him, and he was so happy to see us. He already has our future location chosen for Jellystone! He had so much fun!!! He's a "little" tired but we expected that. He told me tonight that he will probably sleep until 10am tomorrow. I wouldn't have a problem with it... Uncle Geoff came down from Minneapolis today. He played with the boys' and helped us pull a few weeds in the garden. We sent some vegies from the garden home with him. We went to Great Grandma Buck's for supper tonight, only this time we cooked. She is always doing so much for everyone. She is wonderful! It was good to spend some time with her. Now, our boys are in bed and that's where I'm heading soon. I just wanted to ask everyone to continue to keep the victims and their family's who were involved with the I35 Bridge collapse in Minneapolis last week in your powerful prayers. Such devistation... Such sadness... But, also thanking God that many more lives were not lost. I feel such sadness for the family's of the people who died. We know loneliness that they feel with such a tremendous loss. Please send out your powerful prayers for them. I only wished I had put this in much sooner than this. Life is so precious. Love the Lord, and love each other. Love to all...

Keeping this here, too:
PRAYER REQUESTS...Please keep Beth Benrud's family in your prayers as they are grieving over her death. She was such an incredibly happy, friendly and funny young woman! She was only 22 years old. I loved being in her presence. They go to our church. An accidental death is such a shock when you lose someone you love so much. Grief is never easy... Please pray for her family and friends. We also need prayer requests for a woman from Goodhue who was injured in a car accident on Friday. Wow. How scary it was for her and her family... And finally, there is a man from Goodhue who is a wonderful friend-to-everyone who was just diagnosed with cancer. Charlie brings many smiles to many faces in our community. We need to send out lots and lots of prayers for his healing and strength. Please also pray for his wife, Randi, as we know that now is the time that she and Charlie will be totally leaning on the Lord... God's strength and guidance be with each and every one of you. Love to all.

Keeping this here:
I have a wonderful and huge favor to ask from you for the children!!! I am so excited about it, too!!! The boys go to Camp Jornada on Sunday, August 12th. I love this camp, as you have read below--there's a link below, too. I have volunteered to ask all of our Bryce Backers--heck, maybe Bryce told me to do this--to donate disposable cameras for the Camp Jornada Kids for their care packages! The them this year is Back to the 50's! We are in need of 150 cameras!!! And, I KNOW WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!! Seriously, so many wonderful things happen for this incredible camp...and Stacey always says these things happen because of the kids who have already arrived at Heaven's Gates, like Bryce... I truly believe that. God, and our Angel children, want to make this a most memorable and awesome time for all of them... They deserve it so much! We need the 150 disposable cameras by August 8th, 2007. We only have 13 days!!! You can find them at Wal-Mart or Target, and you can send them to our home. I will deliver them to Stacey on the 9th. I will be doing a Count-Down for Camp Cameras each day that we receive them so you can be kept up-to-date on our goal! Don't worry, I will ask our Postmaster to keep the packages at the Post Office where I can pick them up myself so there won't be any high temperature damage... Even if you can just send one, that's one more than we had before... So, please jump on board with us to help us meet our goal of 150 disposable cameras by August 8th. Our address is: Tim & Susie Breuer, 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. You can email me with any questions at sbreuer@marykay.com. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR HELPING US REACH OUR GOAL!!! We appreciate all of you so much! We want to do something for Camp Jornada. We are so sad that our Brycer won't be there anymore. We are so grateful that he did go last year! And, he loved it!!! Our love to you all. With God's guidance... I am going to add some Camp Jornada pictures, now...

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, ?Come with me.?

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman?walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people? He?d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait?and never let go?

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, August 3, 2007 10:00 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

*Singing* ~~~We did it! We did it!~~~
We now have 158 Cameras for Camp Kids!!! And, if they keep coming...well,...we'll take 'em to Camp!
They are so grateful! We'll try to get a photo of the boys with the cameras this weekend when Logan gets home from Jellystone with his friend, Mason. He's having a great time. We miss him, though. Today was the last day of baseball for the boys. Last night was Mitchell's last 6th grade baseball game. They will all miss baseball. We just need to get back into it here at home. We went on a bike ride in town tonight and rode to Bryce's grave. It was a beautiful night with a beautiful orange sunset. Today when the boys were in the garden picking strawberries, a monarch butterfly kept flying by them. We think it was Bryce. He loved being in the garden, picking and eating strawberries, especially with his family. We love you Brycer! Thanks for giving us the idea about the Cameras for Camp Kids! Thanks for encouraging everyone to send them to us! Your legacy of giving to others and bringing people closer to God will live on FOREVER!!! Love to all.

Keeping this here, too:
PRAYER REQUESTS...Please keep Beth Benrud's family in your prayers as they are grieving over her death. She was such an incredibly happy, friendly and funny young woman! She was only 22 years old. I loved being in her presence. They go to our church. An accidental death is such a shock when you lose someone you love so much. Grief is never easy... Please pray for her family and friends. We also need prayer requests for a woman from Goodhue who was injured in a car accident on Friday. Wow. How scary it was for her and her family... And finally, there is a man from Goodhue who is a wonderful friend-to-everyone who was just diagnosed with cancer. Charlie brings many smiles to many faces in our community. We need to send out lots and lots of prayers for his healing and strength. Please also pray for his wife, Randi, as we know that now is the time that she and Charlie will be totally leaning on the Lord... God's strength and guidance be with each and every one of you. Love to all.

Keeping this here:
I have a wonderful and huge favor to ask from you for the children!!! I am so excited about it, too!!! The boys go to Camp Jornada on Sunday, August 12th. I love this camp, as you have read below--there's a link below, too. I have volunteered to ask all of our Bryce Backers--heck, maybe Bryce told me to do this--to donate disposable cameras for the Camp Jornada Kids for their care packages! The them this year is Back to the 50's! We are in need of 150 cameras!!! And, I KNOW WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!! Seriously, so many wonderful things happen for this incredible camp...and Stacey always says these things happen because of the kids who have already arrived at Heaven's Gates, like Bryce... I truly believe that. God, and our Angel children, want to make this a most memorable and awesome time for all of them... They deserve it so much! We need the 150 disposable cameras by August 8th, 2007. We only have 13 days!!! You can find them at Wal-Mart or Target, and you can send them to our home. I will deliver them to Stacey on the 9th. I will be doing a Count-Down for Camp Cameras each day that we receive them so you can be kept up-to-date on our goal! Don't worry, I will ask our Postmaster to keep the packages at the Post Office where I can pick them up myself so there won't be any high temperature damage... Even if you can just send one, that's one more than we had before... So, please jump on board with us to help us meet our goal of 150 disposable cameras by August 8th. Our address is: Tim & Susie Breuer, 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. You can email me with any questions at sbreuer@marykay.com. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR HELPING US REACH OUR GOAL!!! We appreciate all of you so much! We want to do something for Camp Jornada. We are so sad that our Brycer won't be there anymore. We are so grateful that he did go last year! And, he loved it!!! Our love to you all. With God's guidance... I am going to add some Camp Jornada pictures, now...

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, ?Come with me.?

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman?walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people? He?d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait?and never let go?

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, August 2, 2007 9:43 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

Woo Hoo!!!! We are now at 135 cameras received with the countdown for cameras needed at just 15!!!! Aren't you just so excited??? Thank you all so very much! I have a feeling we will finish up tomorrow, 6 days early! If there are extras coming in,...NOT A PROBLEM!!! They will use all of the cameras at Camp Jornada!!! Thanks to you, thanks to Bryce, and thanks to God for all of the incredible "works" He does in our lives... Love to all.

Keeping this here, too:
PRAYER REQUESTS...Please keep Beth Benrud's family in your prayers as they are grieving over her death. She was such an incredibly happy, friendly and funny young woman! She was only 22 years old. I loved being in her presence. They go to our church. An accidental death is such a shock when you lose someone you love so much. Grief is never easy... Please pray for her family and friends. We also need prayer requests for a woman from Goodhue who was injured in a car accident on Friday. Wow. How scary it was for her and her family... And finally, there is a man from Goodhue who is a wonderful friend-to-everyone who was just diagnosed with cancer. Charlie brings many smiles to many faces in our community. We need to send out lots and lots of prayers for his healing and strength. Please also pray for his wife, Randi, as we know that now is the time that she and Charlie will be totally leaning on the Lord... God's strength and guidance be with each and every one of you. Love to all.

Keeping this here:
I have a wonderful and huge favor to ask from you for the children!!! I am so excited about it, too!!! The boys go to Camp Jornada on Sunday, August 12th. I love this camp, as you have read below--there's a link below, too. I have volunteered to ask all of our Bryce Backers--heck, maybe Bryce told me to do this--to donate disposable cameras for the Camp Jornada Kids for their care packages! The them this year is Back to the 50's! We are in need of 150 cameras!!! And, I KNOW WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!! Seriously, so many wonderful things happen for this incredible camp...and Stacey always says these things happen because of the kids who have already arrived at Heaven's Gates, like Bryce... I truly believe that. God, and our Angel children, want to make this a most memorable and awesome time for all of them... They deserve it so much! We need the 150 disposable cameras by August 8th, 2007. We only have 13 days!!! You can find them at Wal-Mart or Target, and you can send them to our home. I will deliver them to Stacey on the 9th. I will be doing a Count-Down for Camp Cameras each day that we receive them so you can be kept up-to-date on our goal! Don't worry, I will ask our Postmaster to keep the packages at the Post Office where I can pick them up myself so there won't be any high temperature damage... Even if you can just send one, that's one more than we had before... So, please jump on board with us to help us meet our goal of 150 disposable cameras by August 8th. Our address is: Tim & Susie Breuer, 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. You can email me with any questions at sbreuer@marykay.com. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR HELPING US REACH OUR GOAL!!! We appreciate all of you so much! We want to do something for Camp Jornada. We are so sad that our Brycer won't be there anymore. We are so grateful that he did go last year! And, he loved it!!! Our love to you all. With God's guidance... I am going to add some Camp Jornada pictures, now...

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, ?Come with me.?

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman?walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people? He?d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait?and never let go?

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, August 1, 2007 11:08 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

What an incredible couple of days. You are all so wonderful!!! The countdown stands at only 35 to go!!!! You do the math (as Tim would say)...we have received 115 cameras!!!!!!!!! This is so great! You are all touching these children's lives with such compassion in your hearts. THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER!!! The children thank you. Our boys are so excited about all of this. They were so excited to go to the Post Office today to pick up our mail because there was so many boxes (4). God is so good. Again, this is for the kids, and that is so important to us, and for such a great organization...

I could feel myself falling today. I don't know what it is or was, I'm just going down. I miss my Brycie Boy so bad somedays. I wish I could see his smile and hear him speak to me. I wish I could hold his hand, again. He always held my hand... He was so soft. I know how happy and content he is now in heaven. He would never come back. I have decided that the best gift for everyone is that we are children of God. And, that the most exciting gift we will ever have will be everlasting life in heaven with Jesus. I just miss my baby. Somedays are worse than others. Thank goodness some days are better. Today is not the worst. But, it's sure not fun. Every single day, all day long, every where I look, something reminds me of Bryce. And, my thoughts lead to knowing that he is gone from us. It's just hard and you don't know how you would or could do it until it happens. It doesn't seem like you could hurt as bad as you do, but you do... Please pray for the children who are suffering from any type of illness or trauma in their lives. Please pray for the adults, too. Pray for their family's. Pray for those who've lost a loved one. I am so grateful to God for every single blessing in my life.......... Thank you to all the thoughtful and considerate people who carry on Bryce's memories and love for others and life. We appreciate every kind gesture more than you'll ever know. Love to all.

Keeping this here, too:
PRAYER REQUESTS...Please keep Beth Benrud's family in your prayers as they are grieving over her death. She was such an incredibly happy, friendly and funny young woman! She was only 22 years old. I loved being in her presence. They go to our church. An accidental death is such a shock when you lose someone you love so much. Grief is never easy... Please pray for her family and friends. We also need prayer requests for a woman from Goodhue who was injured in a car accident on Friday. Wow. How scary it was for her and her family... And finally, there is a man from Goodhue who is a wonderful friend-to-everyone who was just diagnosed with cancer. Charlie brings many smiles to many faces in our community. We need to send out lots and lots of prayers for his healing and strength. Please also pray for his wife, Randi, as we know that now is the time that she and Charlie will be totally leaning on the Lord... God's strength and guidance be with each and every one of you. Love to all.

Keeping this here:
I have a wonderful and huge favor to ask from you for the children!!! I am so excited about it, too!!! The boys go to Camp Jornada on Sunday, August 12th. I love this camp, as you have read below--there's a link below, too. I have volunteered to ask all of our Bryce Backers--heck, maybe Bryce told me to do this--to donate disposable cameras for the Camp Jornada Kids for their care packages! The them this year is Back to the 50's! We are in need of 150 cameras!!! And, I KNOW WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!! Seriously, so many wonderful things happen for this incredible camp...and Stacey always says these things happen because of the kids who have already arrived at Heaven's Gates, like Bryce... I truly believe that. God, and our Angel children, want to make this a most memorable and awesome time for all of them... They deserve it so much! We need the 150 disposable cameras by August 8th, 2007. We only have 13 days!!! You can find them at Wal-Mart or Target, and you can send them to our home. I will deliver them to Stacey on the 9th. I will be doing a Count-Down for Camp Cameras each day that we receive them so you can be kept up-to-date on our goal! Don't worry, I will ask our Postmaster to keep the packages at the Post Office where I can pick them up myself so there won't be any high temperature damage... Even if you can just send one, that's one more than we had before... So, please jump on board with us to help us meet our goal of 150 disposable cameras by August 8th. Our address is: Tim & Susie Breuer, 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. You can email me with any questions at sbreuer@marykay.com. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR HELPING US REACH OUR GOAL!!! We appreciate all of you so much! We want to do something for Camp Jornada. We are so sad that our Brycer won't be there anymore. We are so grateful that he did go last year! And, he loved it!!! Our love to you all. With God's guidance... I am going to add some Camp Jornada pictures, now...

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, ?Come with me.?

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman?walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people? He?d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait?and never let go?

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ?til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor??tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, July 31, 2007 11:54 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

Soooooooooo exciting!!! We are now at 65 Cameras for Camp Kids!!! The countdown is at 85 needed! Almost half-way there. Thank you so much!! It was so much fun having people stopping by today to drop off cameras! I loved seeing all of you! Bryce is so pleased... He wants this to happen, you know. It was his idea... You all have such giving hearts! I hope you are all so proud of yourselves! Thank you many, many times. Now, it's late and I am heading to bed. Mitch and I power-cleaned today. We got so much done. It was so needed. Nope, I'm not done cleaning house, yet... Is anyone ever done??? Not me, I can't keep up. But, that's a blessing in itself. Love to all. God bless each and every one of you!!!

Keeping this here, too:
PRAYER REQUESTS...Please keep Beth Benrud's family in your prayers as they are grieving over her death. She was such an incredibly happy, friendly and funny young woman! She was only 22 years old. I loved being in her presence. They go to our church. An accidental death is such a shock when you lose someone you love so much. Grief is never easy... Please pray for her family and friends. We also need prayer requests for a woman from Goodhue who was injured in a car accident on Friday. Wow. How scary it was for her and her family... And finally, there is a man from Goodhue who is a wonderful friend-to-everyone who was just diagnosed with cancer. Charlie brings many smiles to many faces in our community. We need to send out lots and lots of prayers for his healing and strength. Please also pray for his wife, Randi, as we know that now is the time that she and Charlie will be totally leaning on the Lord... God's strength and guidance be with each and every one of you. Love to all.

Keeping this here:
I have a wonderful and huge favor to ask from you for the children!!! I am so excited about it, too!!! The boys go to Camp Jornada on Sunday, August 12th. I love this camp, as you have read below--there's a link below, too. I have volunteered to ask all of our Bryce Backers--heck, maybe Bryce told me to do this--to donate disposable cameras for the Camp Jornada Kids for their care packages! The them this year is Back to the 50's! We are in need of 150 cameras!!! And, I KNOW WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!! Seriously, so many wonderful things happen for this incredible camp...and Stacey always says these things happen because of the kids who have already arrived at Heaven's Gates, like Bryce... I truly believe that. God, and our Angel children, want to make this a most memorable and awesome time for all of them... They deserve it so much! We need the 150 disposable cameras by August 8th, 2007. We only have 13 days!!! You can find them at Wal-Mart or Target, and you can send them to our home. I will deliver them to Stacey on the 9th. I will be doing a Count-Down for Camp Cameras each day that we receive them so you can be kept up-to-date on our goal! Don't worry, I will ask our Postmaster to keep the packages at the Post Office where I can pick them up myself so there won't be any high temperature damage... Even if you can just send one, that's one more than we had before... So, please jump on board with us to help us meet our goal of 150 disposable cameras by August 8th. Our address is: Tim & Susie Breuer, 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. You can email me with any questions at sbreuer@marykay.com. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR HELPING US REACH OUR GOAL!!! We appreciate all of you so much! We want to do something for Camp Jornada. We are so sad that our Brycer won't be there anymore. We are so grateful that he did go last year! And, he loved it!!! Our love to you all. With God's guidance... I am going to add some Camp Jornada pictures, now...

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, July 30, 2007 10:20 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

I am back already. I told you I would be with the daily countdown! With the cameras we have received today, we only have 144 to go!!! There are only 9 days left, gang! We need to kick it up a knotch! I know we can do this for the kids!!! I'm not letting up. This is the part where my husband seems to think that I am "persistant"... Hmmm... Anyway, it's for the kids! I am all for it!

We went to Beth's visitation tonight. Man, do I wish Beth's family and friends didn't have to be where they are. Please pray for their strength. Her funeral is tomorrow. What a beautiful young woman she was, inside and out... I knew that my Brycie would give me signs for her and her family. The first one was her smile. Beth smiled all the time! It was contagious, just like Bryce's. The second sign was her initials: B.B., like Bryce. But, I did realize tonight that her given name is Elizabeth but she always went by Beth. The third sign I waited for. I didn't know what it would be but I knew he would bring it... I actually expected it by the time that I went to the church tonight. Well, he brought it. I came home to change and go to the church. The idea popped into my head to give Becky, her mom, an angel pin. I remembered that we still had one that I had not used yet. I love wearing my angel pin, symbolizing my Brycer, on my right shoulder. When I found this red angel pin, I knew it should be given to Becky...I just had a very strong feeling that this is what it was meant for...helping someone else. The pin didn't seem to feel like it belonged to me and Bryce but I just thought I would use it someday down the road at the perfect time. Well, tonight was the perfect time. When I looked at the pin at home, I said "Bryce, if this beautiful red angel pin was meant to be for Becky, then let Beth's birthday be in January or in July" for the red stone in the pin. January's birthstone is a garnet and July's is a ruby, both are red. I put it in my purse and went to the church. I waited in line outside our church when I saw Audrey, Beth's grandma. We talked and hugged, and I asked her when Beth's birthday was. She told me it was in January... There you have it. My third sign from my Brycer. I learned tonight at our Grief Share meeting that these moments or signs are called Miracle Moments. Being the analyzer (some people have a different word for it) that I am, I had to verify that I am not crazy... That I am not grasping the air... People do get signs from their loved one's who are in heaven. And, thank goodness for that!!! Because, I need them!!! And, Becky appreciated the pin so much. Thank you to the very special person who gave me the red angel pin when Bryce died. You have given a very special to yet another person... Bless your heart. Keep the Cameras for Camp Kids coming!!! Love to all...

Keeping this here, too:
PRAYER REQUESTS...Please keep Beth Benrud's family in your prayers as they are grieving over her death. She was such an incredibly happy, friendly and funny young woman! I loved being in her presence. They go to our church. An accidental death is such a shock when you lose someone you love so much. Grief is never easy... Please pray for her family and friends. We also need prayer requests for a woman from Goodhue who was injured in a car accident on Friday. Wow. How scary it was for her and her family... And finally, there is a man from Goodhue who is a wonderful friend-to-everyone who was just diagnosed with cancer. Charlie brings many smiles to many faces in our community. We need to send out lots and lots of prayers for his healing and strength. Please also pray for his wife, Randi, as we know that now is the time that she and Charlie will be totally leaning on the Lord... God's strength and guidance be with each and every one of you. Love to all.

Keeping this here:
I have a wonderful and huge favor to ask from you for the children!!! I am so excited about it, too!!! The boys go to Camp Jornada on Sunday, August 12th. I love this camp, as you have read below--there's a link below, too. I have volunteered to ask all of our Bryce Backers--heck, maybe Bryce told me to do this--to donate disposable cameras for the Camp Jornada Kids for their care packages! The them this year is Back to the 50's! We are in need of 150 cameras!!! And, I KNOW WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!! Seriously, so many wonderful things happen for this incredible camp...and Stacey always says these things happen because of the kids who have already arrived at Heaven's Gates, like Bryce... I truly believe that. God, and our Angel children, want to make this a most memorable and awesome time for all of them... They deserve it so much! We need the 150 disposable cameras by August 8th, 2007. We only have 13 days!!! You can find them at Wal-Mart or Target, and you can send them to our home. I will deliver them to Stacey on the 9th. I will be doing a Count-Down for Camp Cameras each day that we receive them so you can be kept up-to-date on our goal! Don't worry, I will ask our Postmaster to keep the packages at the Post Office where I can pick them up myself so there won't be any high temperature damage... Even if you can just send one, that's one more than we had before... So, please jump on board with us to help us meet our goal of 150 disposable cameras by August 8th. Our address is: Tim & Susie Breuer, 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. You can email me with any questions at sbreuer@marykay.com. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR HELPING US REACH OUR GOAL!!! We appreciate all of you so much! We want to do something for Camp Jornada. We are so sad that our Brycer won't be there anymore. We are so grateful that he did go last year! And, he loved it!!! Our love to you all. With God's guidance... I am going to add some Camp Jornada pictures, now...

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, July 29, 2007 10:33 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

Well, the countdown has begun!! We have received the first of our Cameras for Camp Kids!!! Yeah! The boys were so excited--thanks Roy & Judy! You are so on-the-ball! We have started a list. The countdown stands at 149 needed out of 150!! Only 149 to go! The fun has just begun!!! Now, I gotta run... I'll update tomorrow night because I'm sure that I will need to give you the new countdown! By the way, we had a great camping weekend in Mille Lacs with Jer and Carol and the girls. It was beautiful weather! The kids had such a great time together! They are cousins on Tim's dad's side. On the way home, we decided to take the boys to a go-kart place outside of Cottage Grove. We usually did that in Bemidji at my dad's. They all loved it. They loved driving and speeding around the curves. Bryce loved it, too. Well today, when we got done, we were laughing and talking about it. As we got out of our karts, I looked over at Mitchell's and his go-kart had the number 8 on it. You see, when Mitchell started his 6th grade baseball league in May, he had to choose a number to go on his shirt. He came to me one night and asked what number I thought he should use. I asked him what he was choosing from. He said some numbers had been chosen but he was thinking of the number 9 because that is how old Bryce would have been on his birthday. But, then he said, "How about if I choose the number 8 since that is how old Bryce was when he died?" I said, "That's sounds like a great and very thoughtful idea." I have loved that number ever since... So, today when his go-kart had the number 8 on it, we decided it was a sign from Bryce. I knew Bryce was riding with Mitch. That is exactly where he would have wanted to be... Then, someone said, "Mitch, what place did you finish with your go-kart?" He said, "Hey! I finished in 3rd place!!" Another sign from Bryce!!! As we got there, I thought about Bryce and wished he could be there with us. He would have enjoyed it so much! Well, obviously, he was there... I love you, Brycie. You're my guy... Let's keep the Cameras for Camp Kids going and growing strong!!!!!

PRAYER REQUESTS...Please keep Beth Benrud's family in your prayers as they are grieving over her death. She was such an incredibly happy, friendly and funny young woman! I loved being in her presence. They go to our church. An accidental death is such a shock when you lose someone you love so much. Grief is never easy... Please pray for her family and friends. We also need prayer requests for a woman from Goodhue who was injured in a car accident on Friday. Wow. How scary it was for her and her family... And finally, there is a man from Goodhue who is a wonderful friend-to-everyone who was just diagnosed with cancer. Charlie brings many smiles to many faces in our community. We need to send out lots and lots of prayers for his healing and strength. Please also pray for his wife, Randi, as we know that now is the time that she and Charlie will be totally leaning on the Lord... God's strength and guidance be with each and every one of you. Love to all.

Keeping this here:
I have a wonderful and huge favor to ask from you for the children!!! I am so excited about it, too!!! The boys go to Camp Jornada on Sunday, August 12th. I love this camp, as you have read below--there's a link below, too. I have volunteered to ask all of our Bryce Backers--heck, maybe Bryce told me to do this--to donate disposable cameras for the Camp Jornada Kids for their care packages! The them this year is Back to the 50's! We are in need of 150 cameras!!! And, I KNOW WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!! Seriously, so many wonderful things happen for this incredible camp...and Stacey always says these things happen because of the kids who have already arrived at Heaven's Gates, like Bryce... I truly believe that. God, and our Angel children, want to make this a most memorable and awesome time for all of them... They deserve it so much! We need the 150 disposable cameras by August 8th, 2007. We only have 13 days!!! You can find them at Wal-Mart or Target, and you can send them to our home. I will deliver them to Stacey on the 9th. I will be doing a Count-Down for Camp Cameras each day that we receive them so you can be kept up-to-date on our goal! Don't worry, I will ask our Postmaster to keep the packages at the Post Office where I can pick them up myself so there won't be any high temperature damage... Even if you can just send one, that's one more than we had before... So, please jump on board with us to help us meet our goal of 150 disposable cameras by August 8th. Our address is: Tim & Susie Breuer, 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. You can email me with any questions at sbreuer@marykay.com. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR HELPING US REACH OUR GOAL!!! We appreciate all of you so much! We want to do something for Camp Jornada. We are so sad that our Brycer won't be there anymore. We are so grateful that he did go last year! And, he loved it!!! Our love to you all. With God's guidance... I am going to add some Camp Jornada pictures, now...

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, July 26, 2007 9:43 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

I hope everyone is doing well. We had a good day today. I really enjoyed my trip to Dallas. It was wonderful to hang out with my Mary Kay girl friends for a few days. The stories about other peoples lives are my favorite. I was extremely grateful and pleased to hear many women, once again, praise God and give Him all the glory for the many blessings in their lives. We know that it is a huge blessing in our lives!!! God is so good.

I missed my boys' like crazy! They all survived a few days without mom just fine. Actually, they had a blast! They spent time with Michelle, one of our favorite babysitters. They spent time with Grandma Linda and Great Grandma Buck. Ethan spent a day at Lori's. They also spent time at the Huemann's. Thanks for everyone's help!!! They were very happy to see me. I LOVE that... They always love to see what I brought home for them. I found some fun things this year! They appreciated that. The truck was off today, so it was nice to have Tim here, too. Mitchell had a game tonight in Hayfield but they only played about 20 minutes before the storm came. I sure hope we get more rain than we have... Tomorrow is baseball for the boys. And, we have 2 Huemann boys here--Dillon and Riley. In fact, I need to check and see if they are still chattering. We are going camping in Mille Lacs to the Tipcke's this weekend. So, I need to get on track for that...tomorrow, I think. I'm too tired tonight.

I stopped by Bryce's gravesite before coming home from the airport. My time there is very precious. I have been bringing a blanket and a book, now. One morning, I went really early. That morning was so beautiful. I wish I could do that more often. You never know when Ethan is going to get up. It could be extremely early or he may sleep in just a bit. The older boys have been sleeping in later, so I don't want him to disturb them... I just finished my book called How to Hold On to Your Faith Even When God Doesn't Make Sense by Dr. James Dobson from Focus on the Family--KTIS. It has given me much peace... Only God will bring complete healing from our grief but that book sure did help to give me some more peace. If you are dealing with any grief and are not sure where to go with it, I would highly recommend that book. As I've always said, the enemy will NEVER NEVER NEVER break me down or make me lose my faith in God!!! God is guiding us through all of this, and I just know that something good will come of it. As long as we are pleasing God...then, so be it!!! I know that God hates to see us hurting. We need to turn to Him. If we (Bryce too) can bring just one more person closer to God, then so be it!!! My faith will not falter. Please pray for our boys and all the children. I started reading a book that teaches how to help children deal with grief. I've already had my eyes opened many times from it... Amazing. These children are amazing... They are all our future. Please pray for them everyday.

And finally, I have a wonderful and huge favor to ask from you for the children!!! I am so excited about it, too!!! The boys go to Camp Jornada on Sunday, August 12th. I love this camp, as you have read below--there's a link below, too. I have volunteered to ask all of our Bryce Backers--heck, maybe Bryce told me to do this--to donate disposable cameras for the Camp Jornada Kids for their care packages! The them this year is Back to the 50's! We are in need of 150 cameras!!! And, I KNOW WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!! Seriously, so many wonderful things happen for this incredible camp...and Stacey always says these things happen because of the kids who have already arrived at Heaven's Gates, like Bryce... I truly believe that. God, and our Angel children, want to make this a most memorable and awesome time for all of them... They deserve it so much! We need the 150 disposable cameras by August 8th, 2007. We only have 13 days!!! You can find them at Wal-Mart or Target, and you can send them to our home. I will deliver them to Stacey on the 9th. I will be doing a Count-Down for Camp Cameras each day that we receive them so you can be kept up-to-date on our goal! Don't worry, I will ask our Postmaster to keep the packages at the Post Office where I can pick them up myself so there won't be any high temperature damage... Even if you can just send one, that's one more than we had before... So, please jump on board with us to help us meet our goal of 150 disposable cameras by August 8th. Our address is: Tim & Susie Breuer, 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. You can email me with any questions at sbreuer@marykay.com. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR HELPING US REACH OUR GOAL!!! We appreciate all of you so much! We want to do something for Camp Jornada. We are so sad that our Brycer won't be there anymore. We are so grateful that he did go last year! And, he loved it!!! Our love to you all. With God's guidance... I am going to add some Camp Jornada pictures, now...

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, July 20, 2007 9:44 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

I hope everyone is doing well. We are managing here at the Breuer Household. Currently, I am at Bryce’s gravesite writing my update. I have been wanting to get here all week. It really bothers me when I don’t stop and make it happen… Life is busy but after a while, I just need my time here. I miss my baby so bad. Tim misses his 3rd son. The boys miss their brother… But, I am trying to listen and learn from God so that I can heal and so that I can help my family heal. What I am learning is that God never said life would be easy or fair. That good people do suffer and die. I don’t believe God took Bryce because He needed another very special angel in heaven. He has so many already. I do believe that God has a plan for us, and Bryce is His very faithful servant. Bryce has touched many lives with his fight in his very short life. His effects on others will last many lifetimes. We must be tough in our faith. We are God’s faithful, strong, and tough soldiers in Christ. His love for us will help us survive anything, as long as we remain faithful and trust in Him. Bryce would want that. Many of you have heard me say how strong Bryce’s faith was… I wish all of you could have seen his true test to faith each and every day, like Tim and I did. It was truly humbling and amazing. I am so proud of him… We love you and miss you, Brycer!!!

There is not a whole lot new here at home. We went to the Twin's game on Wednesday night with Mitch & Logan. That was fun. Mitchell has had 2 baseball games this week. I love going to them! It's so much fun to watch the boys play ball. I leave for my Mary Kay Seminar in Dallas tomorrow morning. It’s the big year-end celebration. The company is so faith-filled, and there is so much love and support. I look forward to seeing my Mary Kay sisters, again. I will miss my boys… But, I’ll survive it. We will appreciate each other even more when I get home…right?!… I took my mom to the airport today. She is flying out to Honolulu to stay with my brother Chris and his family for a month. She will be helping with the kids. Gloria is still in Iraq. She will be home in October… Please pray for her and mom’s safety. As we were getting closer to the airport exit, Mom said she was a little nervous about catching her next flight out of Seattle to Hawaii. I told her everything would be ok and to ask for help if she needed it. Then, Bryce stepped in… You guessed it. “Brave” came on the radio for Grandma… I haven’t heard that song in about 1 ½ weeks. He was reassuring her that everything would be ok. Isn’t that beautiful?…

Now, I must go and spend some time talking to God and Bryce. Then, I need to finish packing and get to bed. I miss my family already. I’m a big wimp when it comes to leaving Tim and the boys… I will update again next week. Thank you for your continued prayers and support for our family. You are all so special to us. We are grateful and so blessed to have you in our lives. Love to all.

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, July 15, 2007 9:45 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

Wow. I can't believe that we are half-way through the summer break already. The boys are really enjoying their summer of baseball, no routine (oops--my fault), warm weather, swimming, camping, friends, camp, etc... So many times, we watch them and try to imagine that Bryce is right along side of them. We wish so bad that we could see him there... Well, today my wish almost came true...that's a good thing, just in case you are wondering. I have wished for so long that I could see Bryce, again. Well, while we were watching the kids fish in a small pond, I saw a boy who was wearing a TC cap (Twins baseball cap just like Bryce's favorite cap). He was fishing. He wore a gray tank top and maroon shorts (that look like U of M shorts which Bryce would have loved!). At one point, he stopped fishing and went over to a smaller boy to help him, just as Bryce would. When he walked, fished, moved...he reminded me of Bryce...but this boy was healthy. From a distance of 40 feet away, he looked just like Bryce... It was incredible! I found myself watching him for a long time. I didn't want to take my eyes off of him. He caught my stare a few times and gave me a nice look. I kept thinking, "This is how my Brycie would look if he was alive and healthy today." I know that if I was up close to him, he didn't look just like Bryce. That was fine with me because there is only one Bryce and this little boy was bringing me so much comfort just to watch him. Bryce loved fishing so much!!! It was just so awesome to watch this young boy...Did I say that already? I truly feel that this was a big step that the Lord gave me today. I still wait to have a dream of Bryce coming to me. I was trying so hard to see Bryce up ahead of me on our bike ride yesterday. And now today, I "saw" him (from a short distance). I did tell a few of the boys because I didn't want them to miss it. Mitchell stared at him for a long time... I cried when we left because I was so happy to see this young boy and because I miss my Brycie Boy so much. I do believe God sent him there to me today. Thank you, God... I needed that.

Mitch really enjoyed camp. It was so much fun picking him up and listening to him and Dillon talk about their time there. Lana and I giggled at them most of the way home. My favorite part was where the boys' cabin, and parents', were holding hands during their last prayer before departing. Everyone thanked God for something during the prayer. Mitch thanked God for 'the counselor's that brought them closer to God'. It doesn't get any better than that. God is so good.

We went to Lanesboro camping when we got home on Friday. What a beautiful area of the state!! Amazing! We stayed there with our friends, the Huemann's--remember the Hue-Breu's???. It was a blast! We went on a long bike ride and did some fishing and swimming. It was great! Thanks for coming, Huemann's!!! We love all of you so much!

Now, we need some prayers for some friends... Our friend, Rachel, isn't feeling the best. And, we as parents with kids with cancer know what it is like to get the "worries"... We know God is good. We have huge faith. We know He has a plan. But yet, we can't help but worry. Please send your prayers of strength and trust in the Lord for Rachel's family, especially Rachel and her parents. Pray for Rachel's health of complete healing from the cancer she had in the past. They are so special to us. If you want to send Rachel an encouraging message her page is the new CB: racheltweeten. She would love it! Also, we need prayers for Paul and Kyle. Their wonderful and incredible wife and mom died yesterday from cancer. They have a huge hole in their hearts, and she is walking with Jesus. Please pray for their strength and hope for the future without her until they meet up with her again in heaven. The waiting is so hard... Her page is the new CB: stacyolson. The "new normal" is so very difficult... God be with them.

So, I didn't have a good week last week. I did have a couple of good hours, though. Tonight I wrote my list of words to focus on this week. They will go on my book that I am reading. The words are:
I will not allow my FAITH to falter. I will TRUST in God's decision for our future without Bryce. I will have HOPE that God will help us to adjust to our "new normal". I will feel God's LOVE pouring out upon us each second, minute, hour, and day giving us strength... Our love and appreciation for you is as strong as it always has been. And, that's a lot! You are a gift from God. Thank you for all of your messages and prayers. And thanks to Cass for the awesome birdhouse you made me!! I love it!! Cass is one of Bryce's friends and classmates. You are so thoughtful and considerate, Cass! Love to all.

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, July 11, 2007 8:54 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!


Good Morning,

What a beautiful morning it is... Tim is spraying crops and my boys are just rolling out of bed,...other than Mr. Ethan who has a cough and woke up before 5am!!! I'll give him an early nap and then, we are going to our friends, the Kelly's, to swim in their pool this afternoon. We are looking forward to hanging out with them. Sue always brings lots of smiles and some good laughs, I need that. We won't have Mitch along, though. We dropped him off at Camp Wapo on Sunday. It's a bible camp in Amery, WI. He was very excited! There are 6 from his grade/church who are there. I can't wait to hear all about it. We sure are missing him. But, knowing that he is coming back (and that he is so excited) makes it so much easier to see him go. He deserves this little 'get-away for him' so much! Logan now understands (a little bit) what it is like to be the oldest child. In fact, yesterday as we were weeding the garden (not by his will) he said in a very somber tone, "Now, I know what it is like for Mitchell..." What he meant was "I am really feeling sorry for myself because now I have to do EVERYTHING since Mitchell is not here to do it".... Poor guy. Sorry for the sarcasm but this is very good for Logan to somewhat be in Mitchell's shoes. It's also a tiny bit humorous... They are very different children. I always say the 1st one's a 'pleaser and hard worker', the 2nd one's a 'rebell with lots of knowledge', 3rd one's a 'charm', 4th one's has got 'spunk with sincerity and thoughtfulness', and 5th one hasn't got a chance...Would you with 4 older brothers???? Just kidding, Ethan is our 'lover with attitude and independence'. Did you want all of this information??? Well, there you have it! They are all so precious to us.

Today is actually a "good day". Our Grief Share meeting was good on Monday night. We talked about interpretation of God's word, anger, guilt, and some other things. The compassion in the room is overflowing. I feel so much compassion for the people there, too. It's amazing how we can openly talk about every feeling and emotion that we have and feel so comfortable doing it. We have all felt the same things. It's a good group. I would recommend it to many who are going through grief, even if it was years ago that you lost your loved one. I truly believe in my heart (and have for quite a while now) that Bryce is so happy in heaven. He is FREE. He is with us in spirit watching over us. He would never want to come back to earth now. I respect that. After walking with Jesus, who in the right mind would want to come back to sin??? Yes, I believe Bryce would still love to be a healthy child hanging out and playing with his brothers and friends. He didn't want to die young. That was his question when we told him in December that the cancer was back..."Will I live to be as old as my brothers?" Bless his precious little heart... Grant me the ability to accept what I cannot change... That is what I have been trying to remember to pray lately. Monday and Tuesday were tough days... But then, Tim and I got some things planted last night and the boys and I weeded the garden yesterday. By doing those "things" on our "huge list of things that I have no motivation to do", it gave me hope that I will want to work on crossing things off in the future. Did that make any sense? Many days I wonder, will I ever get these things done? When will the motivation and drive come back to me? Will I ever have enthusiasm and energy again? I was a procrastinator before all of this...it's terrible now. Yesterdays work was very good for the soul. Like I said, it gave me hope. So, with that...I need to go. Logan has footbal camp at 9am. And, I need to cross something else off my list...

Please continue to send out your powerful prayers for our boys. Joel is having a tough time, again. I can see he is angry and hurting but doesn't want to talk about it. Ethan continues to ask when Bryce can come home. He misses him so much. Logan may be opening up a bit, thank you God! Mitch is very sad and missing Bryce too, when he is not so busy with something else. Tim is hanging in there. He's so great! Please also continue to pray for Carson's family... They are trying to deal with their "new normal" also. There are many others out there who have lost a loved one. Just pray for all of them. I am so grateful to have these people like, Julie Hanson, Brenna's mom, in my life to vent to also... Pray for their strength. Thank God for everything, everyday! Love to all.

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, July 3, 2007 5:39 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Afternoon--WARNING--Proceed with caution...

I just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who support us in prayer and friendship. I thank you for your comfort toward us. It means so much to us. I know some of you are concerned about us when you don't hear from me. Thank you for your love and respect. I will admit, it is very difficult to write when I'm sad, down, and lonely for my Brycie Boy. I'm not sure what to even say that won't sound negative or depressing. I fear that you may all get sick of hearing it... I know that that is not true, though. Today is a very difficult day for Tim & I. We never know what is going to bring it on. It could be something, or it could be nothing at all. We are just so lonely for our Brycer... Thank goodness we have our boys... I don't know what we would do without them. Their personalities are so different. Their loving is so different. That is why we are so lonely for Bryce. We miss HIM and HIS love and personality... The brothers do, too. It just doesn't seem right when they are playing and there is only 4...there should be 5! I want so badly to see 5 boys again... I know that when people die, many speak of them as a saint, then. I know that we do that, too. I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging, but Bryce WAS such a good kid. He was far from perfect, as we all are. But, he didn't cause a lot of trouble in his short life. He's the reason that I said "Third one's a charm!" since the week he was born... I think the boys appreciate their relationship with each other so much more, too since Bryce has died. I think we all appreciate each other so much more! We appreciate all of you so much!!! I learned last night at our Grief Share meeting that you are known as our "comforters". I always thought of you as our supporters but "Comforters" fits all of you even better... You do bring us so much comfort. Thank you...

Some days are ok, and some are soooooo not ok. I feel bad for the boys sometimes. They have to watch their mom/parents go from sad to a few smiles to crying to busy-good distractions to insane basket-case. How fun can that be? What kind of disturbances do I cause them, I wonder? Last night at our meeting, I learned that it definitely says in the Bible that God has a planned time for everyone in their lifetime. I just don't understand why Bryce's time had to be so short... He did so much in his short life... His faith was incredible. I wish you could have all known him like we did. And now, we must accept that he is gone. I still can't stand the thought that I won't physically hold him, hear him, touch him, smell him, or see him until I arrive at Heaven's gates. And this brings on worries of my boys here on Earth. Sorry, but I can't help it. It's human nature, I believe, that I worry about them or the rest of the children in this world... I feel terrible for anyone who has lost a loved one. It's like the whole not knowing what an impact it is on a person's life pre-illness, pre-death, and now after-death. I'm not sure what God's plan is for me and my family but there's gotta be some good to come out of this. There just has to be... Because now, to visit with my 3rd son, I have to go to his pictures, videos or gravesite. God never said life would be fair. He never said it would be perfect. I do believe He has some good coming of our situation. I really want to help others who have lost a child but I guess I better get a little more stable than I am now, huh?! Somedays, I do feel stable, and then fall again. It's the same way with Tim. It breaks my heart to see my husband, my hero, so sad... I love him so much... God is so good. Wow... You ARE getting an earful today. See why I posted a WARNING notice at the beginning of my journal entry??? Oh, by the way, I've added new pictures to Bryce's photo album, too. You'll have to check them out!! I love sharing them!

My Brycer gave me a beautiful sign on Sunday night so I came home and told Tim about it. I picked up Joel from his Auntie Shelly's, and we were driving home. I was almost to the cemetery and really wanted to pull in with Joel. But, I thought "No, Joel and I need this time together alone, not involving Bryce's gravesite." Maybe it was Bryce telling me that... In that second that I thought/heard that, "Legacy" came on the radio. What are the chances????? We were just coming up to the cemetery... So, I knew he was with Joel and I. Like I said, I came home and told Tim about it. When I finished, he said "So, while you were gone, I went to get the car so we could listen to the Twins game while we were in the garden. When I turned the key, "Legacy" began playing..." What are the chances of THAT????? Bryce gave both of us signs at the EXACT SAME TIME!!!!!!! He's such a good kid! Bless his little heart... I believe that he and Great Grandpa Buck were having a birthday celebration for Grandpa yesterday. It would have been Grandpa's 82nd birthday. I'm sure they whooped-it-up! It's been 1 1/2 years since Grandpa died. We miss him so much, too. They are tending to their gardens and riding tractors together in Heaven...A couple of spit-fires!

Tim and I got away with 5 other couples to go up north this past weekend. It was wonderful! Thanks to our sister's who took care of the boys for us!!! It was nice to laugh and "bond"... Tonight we are going to Wanamingo to start the 4th of July celebrations there. We will be seeing lots of family from my side...should be fun! So, Happy 4th of July! Please send out HUGE PRAYERS for those fighting for our country, also. Pray for their family's and their strength.

Thank you. Once again after venting, I feel much better. Thanks for allowing me to let it out. And, just for the record, Mitch saw me crying, hugged me and said that I am not whacked-out...losing my mind or anything else. Whew... Please continue to send out the enormous prayers for Carson's family, and all the family's who have lost a loved, are fighting their battles--big or small, or are in some kind of crisis. God will bring us all closer together for the good of Him. He will get all of us through our "stuff" in life. He is my eternal strength... Love to all. God's peace be with you, always...

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, June 25, 2007 12:10 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Afternoon,

I am asking all of our Prayer Warrior's to please pray for Carson Duray's family...For their strength and peace with the Lord as they mourn the loss of their wonderful, precious Carson. He died on Saturday morning and is now walking with Jesus and playing with Bryce... As I type, I cry for their incredible family. I wish so badly that they didn't have to start this "new" part of their journey. Carson had Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. He had been fighting his battle for 2 years and 3 months...bless his little heart. He would have been 5 years old in August, and he has one younger brother, Hunter. Carson was a fighter, just like Bryce and the rest of these little kiddo's. He is free of pain and suffering but their pain has increased by great intensity as they must now also be patient until the day when they can hold their precious son, again. His webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/carson. They would love to hear from you. Please, please, please hold them up in your prayers as we understand their pain and sadness... There should be a rule against children dying before their parents. I wish no one had to grieve any type of loss of a loved one.

Bear with me,...I am so sad for Carson's family... It brings back so many memories of February 22nd when Bryce died. I can't believe it has already been over 4 months without him... That first week is so busy with planning the celebration of life and making so many HUGE decisions (which you never wanted in the first place!). You are "content" with the fact that your loved one is no longer suffering... Then, things slow down and reality starts to set in on the 2nd week... You're in denial during the 3rd and 4th weeks. The 6th week and 10th weeks were awful... All the other weeks are almost a blur. And now, we are going on the 18th week without our incredible Brycer. I have been walking with blinders on for about a week and a half, now. It is so incredibly hard to look at his pictures and realize he is gone. Yes, I am happy for him but sad for us. I guess you try to imagine that you will be fine before it (the death) happens. But, you can NEVER IMAGINE the intensity of the unbearable pain you feel with your loss...child or adult.

Thank goodness that my Brycer still listens to his mommy when I ask for signs. Last night, I told him that I needed some signs because it had been a long time since I had one. Within seconds, I thought I heard something. Sure enough, "Brave" was playing on the radio and then, "Voice of Truth" came on. Then, this morning Ethan wanted to go and see the apple tree that is full of apples. So, we were walking through the grass in the water way by our house, and I told Bryce (in my head), "Mommy, misses you so much, honey. Please give me some signs that you are with me." Then, I asked God, "Why Bryce? Why did he have to die?" I don't do the why-thing very often because I do believe "Who are we to question God?" Then, I heard Ethan say, "Mommy, I have something for you." I turned around and he was holding a very long white dandelion. Do you remember the dandelion poem I had on Bryce's webpage around Mother's Day? It was from my child from Heaven saying that he was leaving dandelions for me everywhere. Bryce always gave me dandelions and now he was having Ethan and Joel give me dandelions. I do not complain about dandelions anymore... Back to my story... I took the dandelion from Ethan and told him thank you. He said, "Now, blow it Mommy." As I was blowing the petals while thinking about Bryce, Ethan said, "Brycie is catching all of them." How beautiful is that?! Three signs...1)Asking Bryce for a sign while asking God why; 2)Ethan giving me a dandelion; and 3)Ethan saying Brycie is catching all of them. Thank you, Brycer... Then, I came in the house and told Mitchell and Dillon about the signs. As I was finishing the story, "Voice of Truth" came on the radio, Bryce's tractor clock went off on the hour, and then, "Come To Jesus" came on the radio which was the song that Auntie Julie and Uncle Chris sang at Bryce's funeral... Three signs again within about 3 minutes. He knows mommy and daddy are so sad. The brothers seem ok but I see their sadness in their eyes so many times, especially Mitchell. When Ethan sees me cry, he hugs me and says "It will be ok, Mommy". Please pray for Carson's family as they, and many other family's, struggle with their losses of their loved ones... Please also pray for the children and adults who are fighting their battles, big or small. Never stop praying!!! Please also pray for Bryce's brother's, cousin's, and friend's. I believe reality is setting in for them also. Bryce was such a huge part of so many lives. It's not easy to be without him or watching him or laughing or playing or talking with him...especially seeing his million-dollar smile... His softness, his teasing, his fabulous giggle, his love are terribly missed... I feel like his buddy's are missing him, too. We do a lot with the Huemann's and Tim & I both feel like we see Garett pretty quiet a lot of the time. I'm sure he misses Bryce so much... The Hue-Breu ("hebrew" nickname created by the boys) brother's are so great to always include him on everything they do. They understand his pain with the loss of his friend...bless his little heart. We see all of Bryce's buddy's at baseball every Friday. I wish so badly I was watching Bryce at bat or in the field. He loved life and everthing about it! I'm so proud of him and his brothers'...

Well, it's another beautiful Minnesota summer day. We rejoiced with God during a wonderful event this weekend. Chad and Andrea were married on Saturday. Chad is my friend, Lana's, brother. He was in a car accident the night before Thanksgiving in 1998...the year Bryce and Garett were born. His spinal cord was severed and he was paralyzed from the shoulders down. As we were in such shock and we were so emotional, I remember thinking what has he got to live for? He is extremely intelligent and now works for the MN DOT. He has been such an inspiration to so many. His wife, Andrea, is a friend of mine, also. She is one of the most incredible people that I have ever known... She is beautiful inside and out! They are both so faith-filled and so in love. There are so many people rejoicing for them!! CONGRATULATIONS, CHAD AND ANDREA!!! God does always have something good in His plan, doesn't He? I know that good will come of our situation also... Thank you for all of your continued support and prayers. We love and appreciate all of you so very much!!!

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 12:41 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day comes when we can hold you again, in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Morning and Happy (Belated) Father's Day to all the awesome Dad's in this world... Here's a poem for my wonderful husband from my incredible Brycer...and to all the Dad's who have lost a child--God's peace be in your heart. (Thanks again, Donna!)

Happy Fathers Day...
From Your Angel In Heaven

Oh, Dearest Daddy...
What can I say today???
To help mend your broken heart...
On this Fathers day???

You know I would be there with you...
If only there was a way...
Although I am in Heaven now...
Its in your heart I will always stay.

Just like you were always there for me..
I will always be there for you..
Just look for a sign and you will see me..
In each sunrise...and each sunset too.

Remember the game we used to play??
"How much do I love you?" you'd say with a smile...
but this time MY arms are outstretched so far...
for my love for you goes on for miles and miles.

My love for you, daddy
will always be true...
you are the best daddy in the world..
and that includes the Heavens too!

So, I'm sending all my love
to you from Heaven today....
and remember I will be with you...
Just look for me on this Fathers day...

I love you daddy!
From your angel in Heaven above

I want to send special Father's Day hugs to my husband who is the BEST dad in the world for our children. I believe that God chooses your family (and path) long before you even realize it. God chose Tim to be a father of 5 incredible boys and along the way to be Bryce's Dad on this amazing journey. He was the BEST dad to help Bryce with everything Bryce went through from the moment he was diagnosed to the moment he went to Heaven to walk with Jesus. God is so good. We cry, we laugh, we scream, we praise him. He will carry us through our laughter and tears. He is by our side through the entire journey of life. What matters most in life is that we continue to hold true to our faith in our weakest moments. God will see us through...

We have had some busy days. On Father's Day, I could see in Tim's eyes that he was so sad that Bryce wasn't with him along with all of his boys where he should be. But, while Tim was making his toast for breakfast "Brave" came on the radio immediately. Tim hadn't even been downstairs for 5 minutes! Bryce did the same thing for me on Mother's Day! We don't hear "Brave" as often as we use to on the radio. So, we knew it was Bryce giving us his signs. He loved to spoil us rotten on our "special" days... It meant so much to him to make people feel so special. Even in Heaven, he is touching lives... I can see while Tim is busy, he is doing ok--still consumed by thoughts of Bryce all day long. But, when he walks in the door, reality sets in again. The same thing happens with me. We are still trying to get to the 'acceptance' point of our grief. We understand it could be 6-9 months or up to 2 years before we truly accept our loss of our son. That is the average time with others who have also endured a loss of a loved one. We went to our first Grief Sharer's meeting last night, it was very emotional... But, very good. We will go back next Monday night again. I've been putting off my tears for the last few days. Sometimes I just don't feel like crying or thinking about Bryce being in Heaven and no longer with us (physically) on Earth. I walk through the dining room, where all of his pictures are, "with blinders on". Sometimes, it hurts so bad to see his pictures. But, I will never take them down. We take the grieving day by day, as we need to. We will not rush through it. We've had a most tremendous loss of a lifetime. We learned last night that a person should never rush through grief. Some days are better and some days are so horrible... We hate the fact that life must "go on" without our Brycer. We wish so badly that he was here... Please pray for all parents who've lost a child. Please pray for everyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one. We must turn our hearts to Jesus...

Our boys are doing as well as can be expected. I can tell that reality is setting in with them as well. They show more emotions of missing Bryce so much, lately. Mitchell started to cry one night about a week and said, "I just wish I had 4 brothers on Earth, again." They miss Bryce so much. He brought so much joy... They are all so different with their own unique personalities. They/we miss Bryce's fun, silly, happy, friendly, articulate, loving, and kind personality so much... It's just so hard sometimes. It will be 17 weeks (4 months) on Thursday since Bryce went to Heaven... We are so grateful to God for all of our incredible boys and the time that we have with them... Again, God is so good. Please hug your kids, and yourselves, from us. We are so blessed to have all of you wonderful Bryce Backers along this journey with us... Love to all.

Please say some very special powerful prayers for our friends who are continuing to fight their battles. Noelle is holding her own after her 2nd bone marrow transplant. Praise God!!! Carson is a new friend who has been told that there is nothing more that they can do... He is just a little guy and has the fight like Mr. Bryce Breuer... Please, please, please pray for him and his family. I feel so terrible that they too must endure this terrible, horrible, dreadful disease!! His web page is www.caringbridge.org/visit/carson. Please also pray for a little girl named Paige who also has giving the fight of her life. I don't have her web page, someone wrote about her in the guest book. I hate that these little people, and big people, have to go through this!!! Please God give them peace within...

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, June 10, 2007 11:26 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

Wow... It's been way too long, hasn't it?! I'm so sorry. It's been busy but we've also had some up and down days. On the days that I had time to update, I was down and didn't know what to say. Sometimes I worry that I sound like a broken record... It was the Goodhue Volksfest celebration this weekend. Memories of Bryce have been flooding our minds... He tried so hard last year (today) to give it his "all" at the pedul pull. He did not do well but from the smile on his face (above picture), you can see how happy he was to have so many people cheering him on. You all knew how to make a kid feel great!!! It was a bittersweet day watching Bryce's buddies participate in the pedul pull... They are so great!

I am going to make this one a quick one, and I know that I have so much to say... But, I am flying out of state tomorrow morning for a few days with some friends from high school, Jodi and Teri, to see a friend from high school, Sarah. She has lived there for 7 years and we have talked about doing this for that long. We finally took the plunge! I am excited but also sad to be leaving my boys'... I cried tonight when I hugged them goodbye. It's so hard to leave,...especially after everything that has happened. Life is too short and too precious.

We have had some busy days. Last Tuesday we went to KTIS for a tour with Dave Clutter!!!! It was incredible!!! I cannot say enough about the people there doing God's work... Incredible. Here's the link to click on KTIS. Then, click on Dave Clutter's blog to see our photo. I can't seem to get my photos figured out in our computer, trust me, I've been trying to update the new photos! They gave us some awesome snacks, introduced us to all the DJ's (disc jockies), and we even had some signs from Bryce. First we took a tour after our nummy snacks, then we went to watch Dave go on air. The 3rd song listed on the play list was "Legacy"... The play list is made up long before we arrived. Less than an hour later, "He's My Son" was played... It was a very beautiful moment during "Legacy". We all shed some tears and hugged. Bryce wanted us to know that he was there with us. Thanks to everyone at KTIS, especially Dave Clutter, for lining everything up for us!!! We all loved it so very, very much!!! Thanks to Jodi Gillard for contacting Dave to request a surprise tour for us. Incredible... Love to all.

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, May 31, 2007 10:15 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HELP! I just erased my update from May 24th! If anyone happened to copy it off, would you please let me know! I sure would love to have a copy because I am so....let's just say 'particular' and need a copy of everything for our 'emotional records'. It bumms me out!!! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Good Evening,

I can't believe it has been a week since I last updated. Sorry for those of you still checking everyday. We've been busy with the camping at Grandpa Peter's in Bemidji from Friday through Monday. Then, I mowed lawn on Tuesday because I came home to a hay field! Can't remember what I did Wednesday,...something. And today, I tried to get some work done.

God is so good to me. I've had a couple of better days this week, until today. It's like Susan said, you can feel yourself going down again. You get really unhappy, unmotivated, tired, and grumpy with the world. It's so not fun. I've been messing with pictures for Bryce's web page, too. I'm having trouble loading a new home page picture but I have Bryce's 9th birthday celebration pictures in the photo album. You'll have to check them out next. They are beautiful!!! I wish I could make them larger for you to see, though. My Brycie is pleased...

It's been 14 weeks today. I hate that that number has to keep going up. But, Kyle's mom, Donna, wrote in his journal that it is one day closer to joining him in Heaven someday. That's a positive thought. I have really been asking God to help me with positive thoughts this week. I want, and I need, to heal... We miss Bryce so incredibly bad. I still can't believe that our little boy is gone. When does the acceptance come?? Will we ever accept it? Will we ever stop wishing he died? It's such a devistating blow to the system... Thank goodness for all of our family, friends, and Bryce Backers. Thank goodness for God's grace... We would have nothing without Him.

The weekend was very fun! The camper was awesome. I haven't received many signs from Bryce lately and really needed one today. So, I stopped by Bryce's grave site. After spending a few minutes there with him, I pulled out onto the highway, and by golly, 'Legacy' came on the radio... That's my Brycie Boy... He knew Mommy needed that reassurance that he is here with me. Tim & I have also noticed lately that there are many pictures or events that take place with a big space in between people. I just know that Bryce is standing in that space. He wanted to be a part of everything. He loved life! Even when he was so sick, he just did it. Just like the legos the night before his terrible seizure before he died. I wish I had his strength. If I have an ounce of that, it is because of him...and God.

Yesterday, our friend, Barb Evans, brought over the scrapbooks that she put together for us. They are INCREDIBLE!!!! There is no way that I could have done such a fabulous job!!! Every picture, every quote...precious. I am so happy that she did them. I know I would have put it off for 3 years (or so) and would have been so emotional through it all--like you weren't, right Barb?! I wish you could all see them. We are so proud of our little boy named Bryce. And then, tonight when I was having a really hard time, Logan came and told me, "Mom, you don't have to be strong all the time. Being strong means you can cry, too." How great was that?! I am so proud of our boys!!! The pain and the roller coaster ride that they have been on...and they adjust every time. Thank you, God...

I just want to say one more time, a BIG THANK YOU to Bryce's classmates!!! The thank you cards that you sent were so awesome!!! I think that you should all write a letter to Bryce and ask your mom and dad to hold onto it for you to read in a few years. Put some memories into it, too. I know that you will love reading them in the future. Maybe you've done this already. We need to have the brothers' do this, yet. I know that they will treasure them someday and share them with their families. Life is a gift... Love, give, and praise God. You are wonderful. Love to all.

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 5:25 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my wonderful husband!!! It's been 14 years since we 'tied the knot'... It rained that day right before our wedding began. It was still beautiful! That was the fastest, and one of the most happiest, days of my life... I really don't remember a lot of "down time" in the years since with 5 incredible blessings--our boys. I wonder what God has in-store for us for the next 14 years... I hope Bryce will send us a sign yet today... And, now I hear "He's My Son" by Mark Schultz on the radio. That's one of our songs... Thanks, buddy. We love you so much!!!

It's been an extremely busy day. I went with Mitch on his 6th grade field trip to the state capital and the MN Historical Museum. I loved spending the time with him and his class. After school, the boys had dental appointments and then, Mitch had baseball. So, we just walked in the door. I had a voice message from Caring Bridge today. There is not a 'Shane' at that school in Illinois (which I feel terrible about!). I'm not sure where the misunderstanding came in... I originally received the message from another mom who was looking to help out a sweet boy named Shane. So, I am so sorry to the Canteberry School and to all of you who have helped make a boy's wish come true. If anyone has any other details about this boy's wish, I would like to hear them. Again, I apologize for the mistake. ****Here is Shane's Wish page http://www.shaneswish.com/index.php and address at home (Thanks, Angie!):

Shane Bernier
PO Box 484
Lancaster, Ontario
K0C 1N0

Well, it's the 22nd and we are 3 months out from Bryce's passing. Busy-ness is a good distraction in our sadness but the quiet time at night gives us too much to think about and remember. And, then there's the time during the day and early morning... Anyway, we are hanging in there. Thank you to our friends who donated to KTIS for Bryce's dedication on his birthday. It was beautiful!!! We heard almost all of them, AM and FM. Our boys loved it, too! Yesterday, Bryce was playing all of our favorite songs and my favorite songs (since he died) in the morning and early afternoon. He kept telling me that he was with me... Personally, I also think he was trying to make up for Friday when he was having so much awesome time with his friends and cousin--I didn't get any signs (that I noticed anyway) on his birthday.

I'm heading out already. Tim and I are going to go somewhere. We haven't discussed where, yet. Just somewhere. Thanks for your prayers and cards. We are so grateful for all of your support!!!! You are wonderful to us! We love you all.

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, May 20, 2007 9:30 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Donna Noble whose son, Kyle, is one of Bryce's new friends in Heaven sent me this poem for Bryce's Heavenly Birthday. Thanks, Donna. I love this poem!

A Birthday In Heaven
© 2005 Written by Kris Smith

I heard you crying yesterday
And felt your heart-sent love
So I’m sending you this message
Now, from Heaven up above.

You’re wondering if I’ll celebrate
My birthday (way up here)
I know you’re missing me today
I feel your essence near.

God planned a special day for me
He told me with a wink
He’d ordered me a special cake
(It’s Angel food, I think)

I’m getting lots of hugs from God
He’s really good at that
And every time that I walk by
He gives my head a pat

Balloons will fill the streets for me
They float up through the clouds
And we have lots of clowns up here
That make us laugh out loud

There is a birthday carousel
Jeweled horses ride the wind
With music playing oh so sweet…
The magic never ends

I’ve made so many friends, you see
We laugh and play and sing
We ride our bikes and play jump rope
And sleep in Angel’s wings

We’ll have our cake and ice cream
And open gifts, surprise!
But we don’t blow out our candles here
Instead, they light the skies

Bryce's birthday was a wonderful day... We had many family members and friends meet us at school to help us give the children John Deere cake and ice cream from Bryce and his family. Thanks to everyone for helping out! It was so much fun! These kids have been so great to us and for us! We wanted to say THANKS! They all loved it. They also sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BRYCE... It was so beautiful... It was perfect. I'm sure Bryce enjoyed it... We met Bryce's 3rd grade classmates outside and had an amazing orange balloon release. I'm sure he enjoyed all the orange balloons in Heaven... It was a beautiful sight watching his friends run with the balloons as they floated higher and higher. The kids did finally stop running... It was so precious. They enjoyed that moment so much. Then, we all loaded onto a bus and went to Shrek 3. Thanks to Ann and Shannon at the theatre for making it such a special afternoon for us! It was fun to hear the children laughing. I actually visualized Bryce sitting next to me enjoying the movie. He would have loved it! He wanted to see it so bad. The 3rd graders were all so good!!! Bless their hearts, what wonderful friends they are to Bryce and to us... After we got back to school, we went to their classroom and gave them each a gift from Bryce and our family. It was puzzle with a collage of pictures of Bryce and them. They loved it!! We love the puzzles! That was Tim's great idea!!! Friends of our's from Goodhue, who now live in Winona, make them. Their web address is www.portraitpuzzles.com. What a great gift idea! Thanks, Patty & Jay! You made Bryce's birthday even more special!!! After school, we went to Carlos O'Kellys for Bryce's favorite mexican supper, just like last year... It was nummy! He would have loved it! Then, we went to Bryce's grave site to spend a little quiet time there. Then, home for a quiet evening, we dropped Mitchell off to stay at a friends birthday party in town. It was a busy Bryce's birthday day! I didn't get any signs, though. That bummed me out a bit. I was thinking that he must have been too busy with his friends and then, visiting Tony, his cousin, for his birthday too in Texas...

Saturday, we spent the day cleaning our house for Bryce's family birthday party today. Tim, Mitch, and I went to the Make-A-Wish Ball around 7pm. It was a beautiful and emotional event. Wow... The young lady (15 years old) named Gabby who sat at our table sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MAKE-A-WISH. Her wish was to have a personal recording of her singing. She has a brain tumor. The love and giving in that huge room with 800 people was incredible!!! And, what an incredible cause to give for!!! Just like Camp Jornada! It's all for the kids... They NEVER asked to get cancer...or go through so much sadness and pain... They wish the cancer NEVER entered their little bodies...and wish that their family's didn't have to endure the journey also... They pray that they will live long, healthy lives and NEVER be sick again!!! Please consider giving to these causes... Please also consider giving to Childhood Cancer Research. Just think if we all "tightened our belts" a little more, what the kids could receive... Please pray for the children who are fighting their battles. I pray that they will all be healed never to relive the experience of cancer ever again! I have such strong feelings and emotions for this...

Another great thing happened at the Make-A-Wish Ball... Tim got his first Bryce sign! Sorry family! I forgot to tell you this today!! We finished our meals and received our dessert plates. They had 4 different mini desserts on them. One of the desserts was a half of a strawberry lying on a fluffy squirt of cool whip--sorry, I don't know the fancy terms. Well, Tim and I have always had a joke about strawberries because he really doesn't like them. I told him that years ago, he told me he didn't like getting the little seeds in his teeth. He tells me he never said that--really he did, though! Well, Bryce knew about this because I would make Bryce strawberry smoothies for nutrition and because he liked them. OK. I'm getting to the point... Last night, there were 9 of us at a table with a dessert plate. The only one who did not have a strawberry on his plate was Tim!!!! The food was incredible and cooked to perfection, desserts included. What are the chances of Tim not getting a strawberry on his dessert plate????!! Brycer knew that daddy wouldn't want it... Isn't that so cool?! He wanted daddy to know that he was with him... He's such a good boy. Thanks, Brycer. Mommy and daddy love you soooo much!!!

Today was a nice "Bryce's birthday" celebration with all of our family. We made many of Bryce's favorite nummy foods. He would have loved it. He would have especially loved seeing his name carved into the watermelon that his Auntie Julie brought! We spent the day with family and friends which meant a lot to us. The kids had some quality time together too which is so precious. Our big boys helped their dad dig a narrow trench for the pipe to run the electricity out to Bryce's fountain that we have ordered for his flower garden. I hope it comes this week! It was great to see them excited and involved with something in honor of Bryce. They are so great!

It's been a really tough week... It's just not right to be celebrating Bryce's 9th birthday without him! He should be here!! Yesterday was completely aweful for me!!! It was 4 years ago yesterday that Bryce was diagnosed with leukemia... A day I wish I could erase from our lives so he could still be with us here on Earth. I couldn't help but relive every memory from that day. Little did I know that it would only get worse... We still can't believe that he is gone from us and in Heaven with Jesus. Please hold your children, love them, and make lots of memories with lots of pictures. Pray for our strength because I feel like lately the days only get worse, at times, without Bryce... We miss him sooooo bad. What a blessing these children are. God has blessed us with 5 incredible boys. God gets all the glory, as always... We love you all. Thanks for everything you do for us... **As I finished typing this while crying, "Brave" has come on the radio... That's my Brycer. He knows what his mommy needs... We love you, buddy. Don't forget...You're my guy...

Camp Jornada is an incredible, amazing, and fabulous foundation for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or kids with parents who have cancer. Please check it out and donate in memory of Bryce. They are ALL ABOUT THE KIDS!!! He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We also have tremendous belief and appreciation in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year.

Keeping this here...There is a little boy named Shane who has leukemia and he wants to break the Guiness Book of World Records with the most birthday cards received! Here's the letter:

"My son has asked the Jaycees for help, actually he committed us to help! There is a 7 year old Crystal Lake, IL boy with leukemia. Make A Wish Foundation is helping him with a dream. He wants to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by receiving the most birthday cards. His name is Shane Bernier. His birthday is May 30th - hurry, please. His school is collecting the cards:

Canterbury School
875 Canterbury Drive
Crystal Lake, IL 60014

My son's class wrote cards as an assignment. He asked the teacher for the information. He said "My mom is a Jaycee. I will give her the information and she will make sure Shane gets at least 5000 cards from the Jaycees."

He holds us in a high regard - and so do I. Get writin'!

Allison Wiegand
Crystal Lake Jaycees
2007 COB

Let's all help make Shane's dream come true....pass on this information to everyone you know! Thanks!"

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, May 18, 2007 7:53 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRYCE ANDREW BREUER!!! And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to TONY our Cousin (nd Nephew)!!! We love you, Tony! We know that Bryce is with you all day long, following behind you and being in your space just like he always was!!!

I just received this poem tonight from Donna Noble whose son, Kyle, is one of Bryce's new friends in Heaven. I wanted to make sure to get it in on his special Heavenly Birthday. Thanks, Donna! (I looked last night and didn't find any!) I love it!!!

A Birthday In Heaven
© 2005 Written by Kris Smith

I heard you crying yesterday
And felt your heart-sent love
So I’m sending you this message
Now, from Heaven up above.

You’re wondering if I’ll celebrate
My birthday (way up here)
I know you’re missing me today
I feel your essence near.

God planned a special day for me
He told me with a wink
He’d ordered me a special cake
(It’s Angel food, I think)

I’m getting lots of hugs from God
He’s really good at that
And every time that I walk by
He gives my head a pat

Balloons will fill the streets for me
They float up through the clouds
And we have lots of clowns up here
That make us laugh out loud

There is a birthday carousel
Jeweled horses ride the wind
With music playing oh so sweet…
The magic never ends

I’ve made so many friends, you see
We laugh and play and sing
We ride our bikes and play jump rope
And sleep in Angel’s wings

We’ll have our cake and ice cream
And open gifts, surprise!
But we don’t blow out our candles here
Instead, they light the skies

Brycer was born at 9:25am on a beautiful Monday morning. His nurse (and our friend), Ada, was giggling when she washed him up...He had RED HAIR!!! Hence, the nick name Big Red. We couldn't believe it! He was so cute! He was "Baby Boy" for a day because we weren't sure which name to choose (Ross, Kyle, or Bryce)...that red hair really threw us for a loop! When Daddy came back the next morning, I told him that I kept wanting to call him Bryce all night. His Daddy replied, "Then, his name is Bryce." He always kept his hands by his face... He smiled at 2 weeks...That million-dollar smile started right away! His 2 older brothers always made their Mommy beg for smiles... Not Bryce, he was always happy and wanted Mommy to be happy, too! He didn't crawl until he was 10 months old and he didn't walk until he was 16 months old....And, he was our biggest/heaviest baby! He was my Brycie
Boy... He would sit on the floor and play, even when he was hungry. He would look at me, like "I'm hungry but I'll wait here patiently until you can get to me." He started to talk a little at 2 years and was talking much better at 3 years. I remember we went to Wisconsin Dells with the Huemann's and one of his first words were "hot tub". It was so cute!

I just wanted to give you a few little details about my Brycie... He is sending hugs to us from his brothers this morning. We all love him so much!!!! I asked for extra strength today from Bryce and God, just like I did on Bryce's visitation and funeral. They really came through for me that day, and I know they will today, too. Remember to listen to KTIS today--the online link is below. There will be some beautiful dedications to Bryce at 98.5 FM at 2:59pm, 4:59, 6:59, 8:59pm and AM 900 at 1:59pm, 3:59, 5:59, 7:59pm. Thank you to the wonderful friends who dedicated to KTIS today in memory of Bryce. I know he is pleased. The radio station is a missionary to so many!!! Bryce loved the station and all the songs! He was our music boy always singing and smiling. Now, it's Ethan...everything is sung! I hope everyone has a beautiful Bryce Day!! I am praying for many signs from our son throughout the day! We love you all! Bryce does too!!! He appreciates you picking us up and supporting us, too! God Bless all of you.

Thursday, May 17, 2007 10:53 AM CDT

Good morning,

What a morning. Memories of my Brycer are flooding my mind almost more than I can handle this week... We miss him so bad. I can't believe it has been 12 weeks today since we last held our brave, courageous, and faith-filled son... And, now it is the day before his 9th birthday... He had the BEST birthday EVER last year. That gives me comfort. If only it hadn't been his last birthday with us here on Earth. We have so many plans this week that have been "falling into place", I believe, because of Bryce... It's just like when everything fell into place perfectly for his visitation and funeral in February. God and Bryce just want us to be at peace. I know that Bryce wants us to "happy" but sometimes it's just so hard... It's his 9th birthday tomorrow!...He should be here with us! Yes, I know he will "be here" in spirit... But, sometimes for a mom and dad who have lost their child, it's just not good enough! Yes, I know we should be satisified that he's not suffering any more and that he has eternal life in Heaven. But, I just want to hold him and kiss him and hear him and see him and love him... Just bear with me this week... I never knew I could hurt so bad. We told Bryce to go and that we'd be ok, but sometimes we are just not ok! Thank goodness we have God as the center of our lives. He gives me hope for tomorrow. We are so blessed with our boys. They are incredible young "men"...

We now have a temporary flower garden in memory of Bryce. Our Mom's came over yesterday and worked so diligently on the orange flowers. They are so great! Lana also came over and helped me with our orange flower baskets. It all looks so nice. We have a fountain ordered, too. It's a little boy squatting down looking into a pond with a fish sticking out of the water spitting water from it's mouth. It's adorable. We have many butterflies and dragonflies on medal posts all over in the garden. We have a John Deere tractor that has a rain gauge, clock, and thermometer on it out there, too. I also found a rock that says "Believe". I'm sure Bryce is enjoying all of it. Our vegetable garden is showing new growth, too. Bryce would be so proud. He would have been out there everyday checking on it. He's like his dad and wears many hats...

Tonight, there is a fundraiser for Camp Jornada! Please check out Camp Jornada's website. This is such an incredible camp for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or parents with cancer. I have such a huge belief and enthusiasm for kids to go to this camp, I can't even put it into words!!! It is Camp Jornada. Please check it out and if there is anyone out there who wants to attend tonight or donate, please do so. We would love it if you donated in memory of our Brycer... He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We are also very excited about going to the Make-A-Wish Ball on Saturday night. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year. Both of these organizations make such a huge impact on children's lives!!! They have touched us beyond words for the times and memories we made with Bryce...

I forgot to mention what 3 signs Bryce had for me on Mother's Day. All the "men" in my life brought me breakfast in bed. Then, when I came downstairs, I went into the bathroom to get ready for Sunday School. The Sunday School kids were having Bryce's tree dedication during the hour. It was awesome. Well, while I first started getting ready, 'Brave' came on to KTIS immediately!! I knew that was Bryce. We never hear his song that early. I knew it was Bryce... He wanted to spoil me ASAP because if he was here, he would have been one of the first to start spoiling me that morning... Then, that afternoon, we came home from Red Wing around 1:15 and walked into the house and 'Legacy' was playing on KTIS. We dropped the boys off at home and Tim and I went to Rochester to order the fountain. When we were almost there, I told Tim that I needed to call my friend, Keri, whose 4 year old daughter, Allie, died from Neuroblastoma a year ago, May 30th. Keri is pregnant and due May 30th... She's been on my mind so much lately. So, I left her a message. We went into Home Depot, and we were talking to an employee about the fountain when Tim tapped me on my arm and said "Look." I looked to my right and there was Keri and her daughter Katie in the next isle. That was my 3rd Bryce sign for Mother's Day. What are the chances of that?????!!!! He's such a good boy. He knows what his mommy needs. Bless his angelic little heart... I miss him so bad!!!

Finally, I want to ask you all to check out the new pictures (that I am about to put in) and to go back to last years jounal entries during Bryce's birthday. It was such an amazing birthday week. Everyone was so good to us. Everyone loved our Brycer so much and just wanted him to be happy and forget about the (&*^!@*^#&) cancer. Please don't tell your kids I did that...still angry underneath it all... Bryce's cousin, Tony, shares a birthday with Bryce. Tony is in the Air Force and flew in from Texas that day to surprise Bryce. I will never forget the look and million-dollar smile on Bryce's face when he saw Tony walk into his classroom!!! I have NEVER seen him smile so big, so much, and so often... What a memory Tony gave us. Thanks, Ton... Bryce was also surprised with singing at Carlos O'Kelly's restaurant and then a surprise limo ride. We went to the zoo with his classmates the next day. We got to feed the dolphins which was also a surprise for Bryce. My next most favorite memory was when he sent the dolphin over to get his friends ALL WET and he laughed sooooooooo hard!!!!! What an incredible kid... He cared so much about others. He loved life...everything about it. He faithfully followed his diet and took his supplements. He tried 100 percent to get himself healthy, rarely with a complaint. He just did it. Why don't we all just "do it" in life without complaining? Why don't we just think about others more and try to give everyone a smile? Maybe, this could be our mission for the week... Let's try to make others happy and smile, and in-turn, we will smile and be happy... I'm willing to give it a try. I know that Bryce and my boys would like to see me happier and smiling more. Thanks for all of your prayers this week and always. Please listen in carefully to KTIS tomorrow. Bryce will be with us all day long... OK? We love and appreciate each and every one of you! I will fill you in more tomorrow or Saturday. We are so excited to be spending time with all of the children at school tomorrow. We are taking Bryce's classmates to Shrek 3 in the afternoon. He couldn't wait till it came out. He was so excited! He talked with his buddy, Garett, about it before he died. Garett realized it was coming out on Bryce's birthday...How's that for timing? It's all God's work. I know that Bryce will be with us at the theatre tomorrow. Love and prayers for you and your family's. God be with you...

Keeping this here...There is a little boy named Shane who has leukemia and he wants to break the Guiness Book of World Records with the most birthday cards received! Here's the letter:

"My son has asked the Jaycees for help, actually he committed us to help! There is a 7 year old Crystal Lake, IL boy with leukemia. Make A Wish Foundation is helping him with a dream. He wants to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by receiving the most birthday cards. His name is Shane Bernier. His birthday is May 30th - hurry, please. His school is collecting the cards:

Canterbury School
875 Canterbury Drive
Crystal Lake, IL 60014

My son's class wrote cards as an assignment. He asked the teacher for the information. He said "My mom is a Jaycee. I will give her the information and she will make sure Shane gets at least 5000 cards from the Jaycees."

He holds us in a high regard - and so do I. Get writin'!

Allison Wiegand
Crystal Lake Jaycees
2007 COB

Let's all help make Shane's dream come true....pass on this information to everyone you know! Thanks!"

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, May 17, 2007 10:53 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good morning,

What a morning. Memories of my Brycer are flooding my mind almost more than I can handle this week... We miss him so bad. I can't believe it has been 12 weeks today since we last held our brave, courageous, and faith-filled son... And, now it is the day before his 9th birthday... He had the BEST birthday EVER last year. That gives me comfort. If only it hadn't been his last birthday with us here on Earth. We have so many plans this week that have been "falling into place", I believe, because of Bryce... It's just like when everything fell into place perfectly for his visitation and funeral in February. God and Bryce just want us to be at peace. I know that Bryce wants us to "happy" but sometimes it's just so hard... It's his 9th birthday tomorrow!...He should be here with us! Yes, I know he will "be here" in spirit... But, sometimes for a mom and dad who have lost their child, it's just not good enough! Yes, I know we should be satisified that he's not suffering any more and that he has eternal life in Heaven. But, I just want to hold him and kiss him and hear him and see him and love him... Just bear with me this week... I never knew I could hurt so bad. We told Bryce to go and that we'd be ok, but sometimes we are just not ok! Thank goodness we have God as the center of our lives. He gives me hope for tomorrow. We are so blessed with our boys. They are incredible young "men"...

We now have a temporary flower garden in memory of Bryce. Our Mom's came over yesterday and worked so diligently on the orange flowers. They are so great! Lana also came over and helped me with our orange flower baskets. It all looks so nice. We have a fountain ordered, too. It's a little boy squatting down looking into a pond with a fish sticking out of the water spitting water from it's mouth. It's adorable. We have many butterflies and dragonflies on medal posts all over in the garden. We have a John Deere tractor that has a rain gauge, clock, and thermometer on it out there, too. I also found a rock that says "Believe". I'm sure Bryce is enjoying all of it. Our vegetable garden is showing new growth, too. Bryce would be so proud. He would have been out there everyday checking on it. He's like his dad and wears many hats...

Tonight, there is a fundraiser for Camp Jornada! Please check out Camp Jornada's website. This is such an incredible camp for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or parents with cancer. I have such a huge belief and enthusiasm for kids to go to this camp, I can't even put it into words!!! It is Camp Jornada. Please check it out and if there is anyone out there who wants to attend tonight or donate, please do so. We would love it if you donated in memory of our Brycer... He loved Camp Jornada and driving the golf cart with the counselors! We are also very excited about going to the Make-A-Wish Ball on Saturday night. If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish which is another one of Bryce's favorite organizations, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year. Both of these organizations make such a huge impact on children's lives!!! They have touched us beyond words for the times and memories we made with Bryce...

I forgot to mention what 3 signs Bryce had for me on Mother's Day. All the "men" in my life brought me breakfast in bed. Then, when I came downstairs, I went into the bathroom to get ready for Sunday School. The Sunday School kids were having Bryce's tree dedication during the hour. It was awesome. Well, while I first started getting ready, 'Brave' came on to KTIS immediately!! I knew that was Bryce. We never hear his song that early. I knew it was Bryce... He wanted to spoil me ASAP because if he was here, he would have been one of the first to start spoiling me that morning... Then, that afternoon, we came home from Red Wing around 1:15 and walked into the house and 'Legacy' was playing on KTIS. We dropped the boys off at home and Tim and I went to Rochester to order the fountain. When we were almost there, I told Tim that I needed to call my friend, Keri, whose 4 year old daughter, Allie, died from Neuroblastoma a year ago, May 30th. Keri is pregnant and due May 30th... She's been on my mind so much lately. So, I left her a message. We went into Home Depot, and we were talking to an employee about the fountain when Tim tapped me on my arm and said "Look." I looked to my right and there was Keri and her daughter Katie in the next isle. That was my 3rd Bryce sign for Mother's Day. What are the chances of that?????!!!! He's such a good boy. He knows what his mommy needs. Bless his angelic little heart... I miss him so bad!!!

Finally, I want to ask you all to check out the new pictures (that I am about to put in) and to go back to last years jounal entries during Bryce's birthday. It was such an amazing birthday week. Everyone was so good to us. Everyone loved our Brycer so much and just wanted him to be happy and forget about the (&*^!@*^#&) cancer. Please don't tell your kids I did that...still angry underneath it all... Bryce's cousin, Tony, shares a birthday with Bryce. Tony is in the Air Force and flew in from Texas that day to surprise Bryce. I will never forget the look and million-dollar smile on Bryce's face when he saw Tony walk into his classroom!!! I have NEVER seen him smile so big, so much, and so often... What a memory Tony gave us. Thanks, Ton... Bryce was also surprised with singing at Carlos O'Kelly's restaurant and then a surprise limo ride. We went to the zoo with his classmates the next day. We got to feed the dolphins which was also a surprise for Bryce. My next most favorite memory was when he sent the dolphin over to get his friends ALL WET and he laughed sooooooooo hard!!!!! What an incredible kid... He cared so much about others. He loved life...everything about it. He faithfully followed his diet and took his supplements. He tried 100 percent to get himself healthy, rarely with a complaint. He just did it. Why don't we all just "do it" in life without complaining? Why don't we just think about others more and try to give everyone a smile? Maybe, this could be our mission for the week... Let's try to make others happy and smile, and in-turn, we will smile and be happy... I'm willing to give it a try. I know that Bryce and my boys would like to see me happier and smiling more. Thanks for all of your prayers this week and always. Please listen in carefully to KTIS tomorrow. Bryce will be with us all day long... OK? We love and appreciate each and every one of you! I will fill you in more tomorrow or Saturday. We are so excited to be spending time with all of the children at school tomorrow. We are taking Bryce's classmates to Shrek 3 in the afternoon. He couldn't wait till it came out. He was so excited! He talked with his buddy, Garett, about it before he died. Garett realized it was coming out on Bryce's birthday...How's that for timing? It's all God's work. I know that Bryce will be with us at the theatre tomorrow. Love and prayers for you and your family's. God be with you...

Keeping this here...There is a little boy named Shane who has leukemia and he wants to break the Guiness Book of World Records with the most birthday cards received! Here's the letter:

"My son has asked the Jaycees for help, actually he committed us to help! There is a 7 year old Crystal Lake, IL boy with leukemia. Make A Wish Foundation is helping him with a dream. He wants to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by receiving the most birthday cards. His name is Shane Bernier. His birthday is May 30th - hurry, please. His school is collecting the cards:

Canterbury School
875 Canterbury Drive
Crystal Lake, IL 60014

My son's class wrote cards as an assignment. He asked the teacher for the information. He said "My mom is a Jaycee. I will give her the information and she will make sure Shane gets at least 5000 cards from the Jaycees."

He holds us in a high regard - and so do I. Get writin'!

Allison Wiegand
Crystal Lake Jaycees
2007 COB

Let's all help make Shane's dream come true....pass on this information to everyone you know! Thanks!"

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, May 14, 2007 10:44 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good evening,

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY (late) to all of YOU wonderful Mom's who give your whole heart to your children and family. Many of you give more to other's than you do for yourself... You raise your children with constant love and praise, even on the days that you are too tired to comb your hair or brush your teeth--been there, done that! There are so many phases in life...Has anyone ever counted all of them??? It's amazing the lessons in life that you learn when you become a Mom...Not like we didn't know it all beforehand--haha. I think what I've learned the most is (first) the incredible (almost surprising because it is so strong) love that is created with your child/children after they are born. And then, the realization that you are the main source of teaching the faith to your children along with your partner. And finally, there are grandchildren--not quite yet! My mother-in-law and I once saw a shirt at a craft show that said, "If I'd known how much fun it was to be a Grandma, I'd have done it first!" So true, say the Grandma's in this world! Well anyway, Happy Mother's Day and many more! I hope you got spoiled rotten!!!

OK, so the last time I updated I was pretty angry. I'm moving through that with the help of God and this web page. My Grief Sharers email said that if I write my angers down, that I will deal with them better. I read that after my venting session here last week. By golly, I am doing something right... I also have to say that my brain and Tim's brain are at half-functioning now. In the beginning of Bryce's death, there was not a lot of functioning at all. At least now, I can remember that something is going on on a certain day. I just can't remember what. Before this, I could usually remember...My friends and family may say differently, though.

So, we've made it through another week without our precious Brycer. Tim is hanging in there. Today was a rough day for him. He had to drive up towards my Dad's (Bemidji), and all the memories came flooding back about Bryce, his treatments, fishing, cooking, his excitement about everything... I hate to see him suffer when he's down. If only, Bryce was alive and well... My Mother's Day went very well. My boys made sure to spoil me all day!! Maybe it was them, their Dad, and Brycer helping out too. It doesn't matter, I loved it. I kept my "blinders" on all day so I wouldn't think about Bryce being gone so much. I knew it would hit me at a later time, it always does. So, as I'm laying in bed last night and couldn't fall asleep, the tears poured... It just hurts so darn bad!! I know he is at peace, happy, playing, and loving his new Home. But sometimes, that doesn't even touch the pain in our hearts. It's like someone is sitting on your chest. I don't need to go on and on. I know that there are parents out there nodding their heads because they too have felt this pain. I will always pray for everyone's children. I promise!! Praise God for the awesome results that the kiddos are having!!! Cody, Ethan, and Griffin are all cancer-free!!! Noelle is doing well and fighting strong post-transplant. Praise God, Praise God. Keep the prayers coming for all of them!

Well, it's Bryce's birthday on Friday... Yep, it's a very emotional week... I don't even know if I say his "9th birthday" or just say his "birthday"... I'm "new" at this... And, we have a busy week! I went with Joel on his field trip today which was a blast! Tomorrow we have Mitchell's bike trip which is going to be quite the memory, I have a feeling... I'm not in the best athletic shape for a big bike trip... Thank goodness I am using a gift certificate for a massage on Wednesday morning!! (I just realized that--didn't actually plan it, but ok!;-) Also on Wednesday, our Mom's are coming over to help us with Bryce's flower garden. I am very excited about that! Wednesday night, we have a banquet with Mitch. Thursday night, there is a fundraiser for Camp Jornada! Please check out Camp Jornada's website. This is such an incredible camp for kids with cancer, siblings with cancer, or parents with cancer. I have such huge belief and enthusiasm for kids to go to this camp, I can't even put it into words!!! It is Camp Jornada. Please check it out and if there is anyone out there who wants to attend Thursday night or donate, please do so. We would love it if you donated in memory of our Brycer... He loved camp last year. It was our first year. They are so accomodating!!! We will never miss a year. Friday, we will be bringing Bryce's birthday cake and ice cream to school for the kids. We are doing an orange balloon release with Bryce's classmates, too. I can't wait! I love those kids!!! Friday evening, we will probably go to Carlo's O'Kelly's with the brothers for supper in honor of Bryce's birthday, like we did last year. Saturday night, Tim, Mitch, and I are going to the Make-A-Wish Ball in the cities. That will be another emotional night. This is another great cause that we fully support!! Our Make-A-Wish Trip to Walt Disney World was one of the best weeks of our lives together! They get you there by limo and plane and spoil you rotten!! If you wish to donate to Make-A-Wish, you can go to Make-A-Wish. It is their 25 year anniversary this year. They called us today and want to seat us at a table in which a company purchased tickets for but wanted a Wish Family to have. They are checking into more seats for Logan and Joel. Bryce would have loved to have gone... He loved and appreciated Make-A-Wish so much! He was all about supporting great causes for the kids, like this!! He's so incredible!! On Sunday, we are having Bryce's family birthday party. I am very excited about all of the weeks events. Now, I'm tired of typing....and I'm going to bed. Please give yourself and your kids a hug from the Breu Crew. We are grateful that you have stepped into our lives and held us up for so long. Your prayers and support will get us into our "new normal"... God's abundant blessings to you. With much love and gratitude to you.

Keeping this here...There is a little boy named Shane who has leukemia and he wants to break the Guiness Book of World Records with the most birthday cards received! Here's the letter:

"My son has asked the Jaycees for help, actually he committed us to help! There is a 7 year old Crystal Lake, IL boy with leukemia. Make A Wish Foundation is helping him with a dream. He wants to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by receiving the most birthday cards. His name is Shane Bernier. His birthday is May 30th - hurry, please. His school is collecting the cards:

Canterbury School
875 Canterbury Drive
Crystal Lake, IL 60014

My son's class wrote cards as an assignment. He asked the teacher for the information. He said "My mom is a Jaycee. I will give her the information and she will make sure Shane gets at least 5000 cards from the Jaycees."

He holds us in a high regard - and so do I. Get writin'!

Allison Wiegand
Crystal Lake Jaycees
2007 COB

Let's all help make Shane's dream come true....pass on this information to everyone you know! Thanks!"

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, May 9, 2007 8:48 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


With Mother's Day approaching, I find myself dreading another first without Bryce... Well, I found this poem on Kyle Noble's (caringbridge.org/oh/kyle) web site. His family is also struggling to accept their "new normal" life without Kyle. And his mother, like many other mom's, have another first in their lives to face also. Kyle died 8 weeks before Bryce. I'm sure they are playing together in Heaven... My little Brycer would always bring me dandelions. Now, my Joey and Ethan do...maybe Bryce is telling them to do this. This poem has changed my outlook on dandelions forever.
Dandelions From Heaven
Mothers Day is coming...and I wanted to send you a sign...
Something you can tell others..."Is from an angel of mine".
So I searched the Heavens high and low for that perfect thing..
And low and behold I found it....and a smile I hope it will bring.

So when you look to the Heavens...and see the yellow stars in the sky...
Just think of me...your angel... in the Heavens way up high...
And just imagine those stars...are dandelions up above...
Yes! Dandelions are also in Heaven...,which you know how much I love.

So on this Mothers Day... when you awake and feel blue...
You will notice those yellow stars...are no longer in view...
So just look to the meadows and the dandelions you see....
Are the ones I've tossed down this Mothers Day from me!

And when you find a dandelion that has turned from yellow to white...
You're supposed to make a wish...and then blow with all your might.
For you will be blowing kisses... to me in Heaven above....
And I will be catching them and blowing them back...sent with all my love.

Please know that I am with you...on this Mothers Day...
And also in the days ahead...God and I will never stray...
We will be with you in the morning...when you wake and see the sun..
We will be with you when you say your prayers...when the day is done.

For God and I will never be...very far from your side...
For I can now be everywhere.. .and God will be your guide...
So...remember when you see dandelions.. .its your guarantee...
That I am alway close to you....
For dandelions are free to roam.....now just like me.

Good Morning, everyone.

I'm sorry for the delay in journal entries. Sometimes I just don't know what to write... Beware of some venting in the next few paragraphs.... The stages of grieving are so unpredictable. I'm at the angry stage, right now, and have been here for about 5 days. I'm not angry at God or Bryce. I'm angry at cancer. Saturday morning was so hard because for some reason, it hit me... I should have 5 boys here on a Saturday morning playing and watching cartoons... On Sunday, the boys asked (again!! Since before Bryce died), if we could move bedrooms around. Honestly, that was one of the most difficult things that I've ever done in my life. To put my little boys clothes away into a rubbermaid container, never to be worn by him again... To take his things off the walls and off his dresser to bring them into our bedroom so I can find a place for them there. Bryce no longer has a bedroom... I smelled almost every piece of clothing he had hoping to smell him again... With every shirt, pants or shorts, I remembered when he wore it and what he said or what he was doing at that time. I bawled my eyes out!!! I was so grumpy and mad. I shouldn't have to put my 8 year old son's clothes away for always. He should be alive! I really, really hate cancer!!! I pray so hard for our 4 boys here and all of your children... Please God, heal them and keep them safe... My boys hugged me and were so patient with me. Thank you, God... Tim was in the field. He wished he could be there. He just finished planting beans yesterday. Now, he's hauling corn to Red Wing and will be spraying no-till beans, soon.

I know that anger is normal for us at this stage. I am trying to work through it with God's help. It will take awhile though, because every thought is consumed with Bryce...for Tim, too. Saturday I was so sad that I finally mustered up enough courage to get out the video camera to watch some video's of Bryce in February. What an incredible kid!!! The Tuesday night before he died, he was putting together legos! He still had a tiny bit of strength to give me a quick smile. He is so amazing. Tim and I know that if Bryce could go through what he went through, then we can get through this. Our boys know that we love all of them more than they could imagine. We've told them that a parent's deep love for a child is not really known or experienced until you have a child of your own. Bless their hearts, they miss Bryce so much too. Mitchell told me a few weeks ago that he is thinking about and talking to Bryce. That is a huge step. Logan says he tries not to think about it. I've already explained to him many times how important it is to release those feelings. He knows, he not ready yet. Joel is either drawing a picture of Bryce fighting leukemia or he is mentioning something about him. He seems to be doing better. Ethan expresses quite often how much he misses Bryce. I do feel like we've been robbed...Stripped of a huge part of our future. We were going to go on his elementary field trips and watch him sing his heart out at the concerts. We were going to watch him in his Christmas Program at church, again. We were going to watch Bryce on the football team and at prom. We were going to watch Bryce's children grow up, too and take care of them for him and his wife. We couldn't wait to see what occupation he would choose because he would be sooooo good at so many things!!! We looked forward to watching him touch so many more lives...as he has done so already. It's so hard. I write dates down for future events and, I can't help it...every time I think about Bryce and that he won't be there with us. Believe me, I'm trying to have better days. It's just really difficult... Please send out a lot of prayers for our family. We miss our little Brycer soooooooooo bad. We appreciate you soooooo much.

We must keept the prayers going strong for the kids!! Noelle is doing a great job at her fight. Bless her precious little heart... There will be victory and triumph for Noelle! With God by our side, who dare be against us? And Cody is waiting for his biopsy results. I have a good feeling that it is a stress fracture and not a relapse. Pray for their strength. Pray for Teagon's parents on the difficult decisions they must make for his future. He's so precious. Please pray for Ethan who goes in for recheck appts today. All good results... He's such an incredible kid! They are family... All the Caring Bridge are family. Please pray for Griffin and Jackson who are in the hospital right now. Griffin has low counts with a fever, and Jackson is in for treatment. Pray for their strength. I'm also going to add some prayers requests by faithful Bryce Backers... Let's praise God, give it to Him, and storm the Heavens with prayers!!!

My wonderful friend, Angie, who's daughter Emma had neuroblastoma about 4 years ago, has shared with me the story of Erik's journey. (www.caringbridge.org/mn/erikludwinski) He is 22 and so faithfilled and amazing. He can add so much more to your life, too. These fighters are so inspiring... And, there is a little boy named Shane who has leukemia and he wants to break the Guiness Book of World Records with the most birthday cards received! Here's the letter:

"My son has asked the Jaycees for help, actually he committed us to help! There is a 7 year old Crystal Lake, IL boy with leukemia. Make A Wish Foundation is helping him with a dream. He wants to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by receiving the most birthday cards. His name is Shane Bernier. His birthday is May 30th - hurry, please. His school is collecting the cards:

Canterbury School
875 Canterbury Drive
Crystal Lake, IL 60014

My son's class wrote cards as an assignment. He asked the teacher for the information. He said "My mom is a Jaycee. I will give her the information and she will make sure Shane gets at least 5000 cards from the Jaycees."

He holds us in a high regard - and so do I. Get writin'!

Allison Wiegand
Crystal Lake Jaycees
2007 COB

Let's all help make Shane's dream come true....pass on this information to everyone you know! Thanks!"

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, May 3, 2007 11:05 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Hi everyone,

It's been so great to have nice spring weather, again. The boys are loving it. They practice baseball almost every night after school or supper. Logan wants to be a catcher someday like Joe Mauer for the MN Twins. I'm glad his mentor is Joe Mauer. Some of the professional athletes or celebrities these days don't always set the best example for kids, and Logan is very influentual. Joe Mauer is our hometown hero being from MN, and he sets a great example. Ethan just loves going for walks outside and going to Bryce's grave. I am so glad he enjoys it because I need to be there... It's peaceful there, I know that Bryce is at peace with the location we chose.

We're hanging in there. I can not believe it has been 10 weeks today since we last held Bryce. It breaks my heart.... Some days are ok and some are not. Tim is in the field a lot these days. I miss him so much, too. I do bring him lunch and give him rides to other fields quite a bit during the day so I get to see him then. I feel bad for him, though. He sits in the tractor all day long planting and thinking about Bryce... He's so wonderful. I am so blessed. Missing Bryce makes me grumpy, though. Plus, being at the house alone or trying to do the parenting alone which I am so use to Tim being there so much because of everything with Bryce... I'm getting rather embarrassed about my messy house, though. Oh well, someday it will be clean and organized again... Not sure when, though...

Today was a rough day. I've been doing pretty good for the past 4 days. But, today was the first "real" time that I've actually asked God to make this all a bad dream. If only I could see him write his name again. If only I could see him carry his backpack again. If only I could see him as a 3rd grader again. If only we could watch him grow up...love him...hear him...hold him...touch him...smell him. Bryce's smile and his laugh were incredible. I loved it when he got so silly-excited that he grabbed my arm a little harder than usual. I loved it when he teased me with his Dad. I loved watching him talk to and teach Ethan. I loved watching him tell Joel something that Joel should know and understand. I loved watching him make plans with Mitch and Logan about what legos they were going to build or where their rivers would be in the sandbox. I loved cooking with him anywhere! He was so precise with his seasonings. He was so serious about flavor... He loved making me feel like a queen. He truly enjoyed it. And now, to go "cold turkey" without his love and affection is so hard... Thank goodness we were so blessed with our 5 boys. They are so awesome!!! Today Logan came downstairs holding his "Boys Life" magazine. He said, "Mom, as I was coming downstairs, I dropped my magazine. When I bent down to pick it up, it was opened up to this page." He showed me... It was an article on the Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah... I said, "Wow, Logan! I think you've had one of your first Bryce signs!" He smiled and said, "Yeah, I think so." After school, the boys came in and Mitchell asked, "How was your day, Mom?" I said, "Ok, but I am really missing Bryce today and I realized that today has been 10 weeks since he died." Joel came right over to me and gave me a hug just like the day that he said Bryce told him to hug me... They are so wonderful...

Thanks for all of the prayers for all of the children!!! That is so important to me! They are so precious and so innocent. I find myself thinking about the children many times everyday. I worry about them. Please God keep them safe and heal the sick. Please continue the prayers for Noelle as she tries to stay strong through her 2nd transplant. Please continue the prayers for Cody who had more testing today to see if the cancer was back in his leg. I wish no one had to go through what Bryce, his brothers, his cousins, his friends, and many other children around the world had to go through... Life is so precious and they grow so quickly. God bless them all. Our love and appreciation goes out to all of you, too. Thanks for all of your wonderful messages today! How did you know that I needed them???? God is so good. God's abundant blessings to you.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, April 29, 2007 8:42 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Evening, **More pictures added in the photo album**

I hope everyone is doing well. We've been busy outside today. We have most of the garden planted. My brother, Brad, came over for a few hours to help plant the potatoes like he has for the past 4 years. The boys love that! Mitchell's friend, Dillon Huemann--from the Hue-Breu Crew--stayed here for the weekend. It was great to have him here! Thanks for all of your help, Dillon!

We just keep plugging away with life... I'm sorry to say--and I know that I'm not the only parent who's lost a child and said this--that it's not fair that life must go on. The pain lightens a bit every once in a while and I try to replace my sadness with positive thoughts. It's just so hard sometimes...I honestly don't know if the next time I will hold Bryce will be in 50 years...That is such a difficult fact in life for us (Tim, myself, and our family's). That is probably the most difficult fact for me personally... But, there is nothing I can do about it, so I give my pain to God.

It was a year ago today that we went to see Nicole Nordeman & Casting Crowns in concert in St. Paul. That was one of our most favorite memories, ever!!! Bryce had a fever that day, we almost didn't go... That was a big decision for Tim & I, not calling the clinic about his fever and going the other direction. Wow... Bryce LOVED the concert!!! He loved meeting Nicole and Casting Crowns backstage before the concert. He LOVED it when Nicole dedicated "Brave" to her "brave friend, Bryce, who she just met 30 minutes ago backstage"... We were in awe.... I had my BEST cry ever during "Praise You In This Storm" by Casting Crowns!!! Our whole family would jam to Nicole Nordeman and Casting Crowns cd's in our vehicles and kitchen for the next 7 months. God is so good to give us music as a way of expressing our joy, our sorrow, our fears, our life...... Music is my therapy, besides this web page of my little boy named Bryce... Thank you God for all of my many, many blessings. Please keep the prayers coming strong for all of the dear, innocent children in this world. Pray for the sick children to be healed. Pray for their strength. Pray for them to be so close to God and Jesus... Love to all.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 10:39 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Evening,

Tonight is dedicated to all of the precious, innocent children who have to struggle every day with some sort of illness, a loss of a friend or family member, or lack the love that they truly deserve in life. Whether they are taking medications, eating special foods for a certain diet, lack attention--physically or mentally, or they have a struggle(s) at school or at home. Let's all say some really powerful prayers for them!!! Let's all say some powerful prayers for the fortunate children who are healthy and happy in their homes with their family's. All of these children deserve our prayers! They are our FUTURE! Many of them will be making decisions someday that will affect us. I pray that they will all ask Jesus to come into their hearts, if they haven't already...

I am asking all of you tonight to say some special prayers for all of our little friends who are continuing to fight their battles. I am very happy to say that all of their parents have such HUGE FAITH in God. That is so important. God doesn't want any of the children to suffer. He loves all the children so much... Little Noelle had her 2nd transplant yesterday. Her website is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. She is such a fighter! She is such an inspiration to so many! They are such a great family! Please pray for her strength and healing, for a full recovery, and for her complete and final healing on Earth!!! She and her family are doing everything that they possibly can including having really positive attitudes and HUGE FAITH about it all. Next, please pray for Cody Schoenmann (www.caringbridge.org/visit/codyschoenmann). He is 7-years-old boy and just finished up with his chemo treatments. Now, they are concerned that the cancer could be back because of a spot that showed up on his scan in his leg. It could be from a couple of other things, so let's say some really powerful prayers for Cody that the spot is nothing to be concerned about. Enough is enough! Let the children be free!! His mom is great with her updates, too. (All Caring Bridge Mom's are, I think!) She always includes positive along with God...Awesome. And then, there is little Teagon... What a little sweetheart he is. His mom was one of our nurses in the PICU. She is so great! They are in the PICU running scans on him after he seizures. They are looking into surgery for his seizures. He is 3 years old... Bless his little heart... His story is amazing. (www.caringbridge.org/visit/teagonheinrich). They are all so brave and strong...all of them!!! The list goes on and on and on... There are way too many children out there suffering from some type of illness(es) that we had no clue about until Bryce was diagnosed on May 19, 2003. Please God continue to hold all of Your children in Your hands. Comfort them, wipe their tears, give them strength, give them peace, and heal them, Lord. Heal them...

Life is so precious. I am trying my best to not take anything for granted anymore. If only we could have Bryce here with us on Earth... I would read to him more, listen to him more, sing to him more, play with him more, and let all the "other stuff" be. Ethan and I have been taking more walks and snuggling more. Joel and I are reading more. I make sure to tell Logan how awesome he is and how much I appreciate him. And, I try to communicate with Mitchell on a 12-year-old level with his interests in mind. It's a start, anyway. God is guiding us everyday. I pray for strength from God while Tim is gone in the field. That is when I seem to "lose it" the most... Our friends, Matt & Tammy, came for a visit today. That was wonderful... The kids played and we talked. Matt rode with Tim in the tractor for a little while.

I appreciate all of your entries and Bryce signs in the guestbook. I draw strength from them. More than you will ever know... Thank you... Love to all.

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, & Alyssa. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Monday, April 23, 2007 10:11 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, UNCLE CHRIS!!! We are so happy that we got to spend so much time with you in February. We are thrilled that you are spending some much needed R & R time with Gloria and the kids, right now! You all deserve it! We love you!!

Good Evening,

After a good cry, lots of powerful prayers, and giving it all to God around 9am, today turned out to be an ok day. It started out rocky and we hit a few more bumps in the day but overall, we did well. The boys had an awesome week last week! I am so proud of them. They are talking a little more about Bryce, supporting our tears when we have them, and helping at home without too much "arm twisting"...haha. We love them soooo much! We had Bryce's buddy, Nathan, over for a few hours today. That was nice. He got to spend time doing lots of different things. Thanks for coming over, Nathan!

We got a special phone call today from Dave Clutter from the KTIS radio station. He was in Nashville, and we were on his mind he said. He was the radio announcer that sent prayers out for Bryce and our family the day that Bryce died. He's been praying for our family and wanted to let us know that. He has invited us to come to the radio station for a tour (Thanks, Jodi!). He will call us when he gets back from Nashville. The great thing was...when he called, Tim and I were hugging and shedding a few tears to "Legacy" on KTIS. Bryce is a very busy boy! We love and miss him so much. Thank you God for all of our many, many blessings... Please keep the prayers coming for all of the children out there!! Love to all.

Please keep the prayers coming for our little friend, Noelle. It's been a rough couple of weeks for her. I wish so badly that she didn't have to go through this...none of the children should have to endure such pain. Again, her website is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Please continue those prayers for her healing!! She is such a precious little girl! Pray for her strength. Pray for her family. I pray that God gives her that MIRACLE... We must believe and have HUGE FAITH!

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Sunday, April 22, 2007 8:53 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRANDMA ANN!!! We all love you so much! Thank you for everything that you do for all of us!!

Good Evening,

We've had such beautiful weather. The boys are loving their time outdoors. We have made some visits to Bryce's gravesite. It was nice after church today when the boys and I stopped there. We are planning on making it a "Sunday-after-church" ritual unless we have bad weather. We'll bring a picnic lunch or order pizza or something. Today it was windy, again. But, listening to the wind blow through all of those big evergreen trees was beautiful. The birds were singing, too. I am so pleased with the location we chose. That was a very big decision that day for Tim & I... Today is the 2-month mark since Bryce's death. Wow..... It's still hard to grasp. We've known, even before Bryce died, that God would get us through this, and He is. I praise Him with all the air in my lungs and then some... God is so good. Today was an ok day. Yesterday was ok until bedtime. Sometimes, we just don't get it. But, again, I know that I won't get it until the day I go to Heaven. I don't expect any answers now. And, who am I to question God anyway?! We are totally leaning on Him. I thank Him for all of you everyday, too. Thank you for the cards, visits, phone calls, and food. You are all so wonderful...I could say that until I'm blue in the face. We love and appreciate you all so very much. God's abundant blessings to you.

Please keep the prayers coming for our little friend, Noelle. It's been a rough couple of weeks for her. I wish so badly that she didn't have to go through this...none of the children should have to endure such pain. Again, her website is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Please continue those prayers for her healing!! She is such a precious little girl! Pray for her strength. Pray for her family. I pray that God gives her that MIRACLE... We must believe and have HUGE FAITH!

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Thursday, April 19, 2007 11:55 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Morning,

We are still here. It's been a busy week. We have our ok days and our not-so-ok days. But, this morning, Bryce has been playing all of "our songs" on KTIS... Thank goodness for that! I think he also nudged a bottle of bleach down to the next step in the basement this morning, too. Little stinker. He knows that I need to know that he is here with us. I love the reassurance of his presence. We've been spending a lot of time outdoors. I keep giving my pain to God because I know that He can handle it way better than I can. Tim is doing pretty good. He is busy getting everything ready to get into the field. He's not anxious about it though. It's a lot of alone-time and thinking-time, and a lot of time without Bryce...Bryce was in the tractor as much as he possibly could be, spring or fall. With Tim being so busy, I am alone more which is not so easy. It's fine to keep busy with "other stuff" (there's plenty of it!), if I feel like doing other stuff... But my Grief Sharer's email says that distractions don't allow you to deal with your grief. And, you need to deal with it. So, we are doing what we need to do...minute by minute. We don't look into tomorrow yet. It is still day by day. It was 8 weeks ago today that Bryce died. It's so hard to believe it, yet. We miss him terribly. I don't think we'll ever stop missing him. Every where we look, everything we see, everything that involves thinking...reminds us of Bryce. We try to look into positive things, when we can... Again, we try to do what we need to do. The boys seem better this week. Please keep the prayers coming for them and all of the little people who are dealing with Bryce's death. It seems that this is bringing about the fears of themselves dying, also. They are so precious. Please Lord, protect them and keep them safe... And finally, I want to send out a BIG THANK YOU out to all of my "girl-friends" who took me out to lunch last week and this week! I loved every minute of it!!! You are all very special to me! Our love goes out to all of our Bryce Backers! You are wonderful.

Please keep the prayers coming for our little friend, Noelle. It's been a rough couple of weeks for her. I wish so badly that she didn't have to go through this...none of the children should have to endure such pain. Again, her website is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Please continue those prayers for her healing!! She is such a precious little girl! Pray for her strength. Pray for her family. I pray that God gives her that MIRACLE... We must believe and have HUGE FAITH!

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Sunday, April 15, 2007 9:50 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Evening,

Yep, it's my birthday. Thanks for all of the wishes and phone calls today! You are all wonderful! And, yes. It's another first... My first birthday without my Bryce. It was really tough this morning. Trying to imagine him bringing me breakfast in bed with the brothers. He would have shuffled his feet across the floor, like he always did... Then, he would have climbed up into our big bed... He would have hugged me and kissed me and wished me a happy birthday, all the while laughing and smiling his huge incredible smile... He ALWAYS loved to make me feel so special, ESPECIALLY on my birthday. He loved my birthday, all day... I'm sorry to start out on a sad note but that is how the day started and it will end with Bryce and God, too... My day was WONDERFUL!! Let me fill you in...

Once I got myself, and Tim too, through the saddest part of the day, we got ready for church. Oh! I forgot to mention, we had Bryce's friend, Nathan, overnight last night!! It was so fun to have you here, Nathan!!! Like Tim said, he just comes in like he's been here a million times. He fit right in. We were all so comfortable together! Thanks for spending the time with us, Nathan! I loved the card you made me with the "Bryce Canyon" in Colorado on it! You are awesome! We ate a birthday meal at the Covered Bridge last night togehter. That was fun,too. We watched a movie last night with Auntie Manda, and we stayed up way too late! Church went good today. I had my first birthday sign from Bryce... The ending hymn in church was "When Peace Like A River". That was the hymn that we walked out to at Bryce's funeral. Like Lana said, that was from Bryce... What are the chances of that hymn on my birthday??? Thanks, buddy... Calvin came to church with us this morning, too. That was nice, also. Thanks coming and the gift, Calvin!! After church, some of Bryce's buddies met us outside the church to take off for the cities for the Twins game! They all gave me a single ORANGE ROSE... Some even gave me a birthday hug... It was a moment I will never forget. I know Bryce was smiling the whole time. He was so happy that his buddies were spoiling me rotten... The roses are the most beautiful roses I have ever seen... Such a beautiful color of orange and so full of life!!! Gorgeous! Thanks to all of the boys parents who made sure to make me feel special today with everything...cards, hugs, etc. Casey, I love the dragonfly and butterfly you made me for Bryce's flower garden!! They are beautiful! I just love them! And, thanks to all of the boys, too! Thanks for following our 'house rule' of calling me "Birthday Girl" all day long, too. Well, except Ryan... Now, you have to call me Birthday Girl or Home Run Queen for a week straight, every time you see me!!! You took a chance, big guy! I bet next year you'll try harder...haha. Anyway, we all left for the cities, stopped by McD's for a drive-thru lunch, met my sister Julie and her crew, and took off. We met my brother, Geoff, and his girlfriend, Kim, up there. Thanks to everyone who came. It was awesome! We had Mitch, Logan, 7 of Bryce's buddies...for a total of 6 adults and 13 kids. Again, it was awesome! The kids all took home a souvenier which I hesitated about. But, on the drive home it hit me... They will cherish their souveniers and always remember that they got them today with Bryce's family... I know Bryce told me to let them get the autographed baseballs and baseball cards on plaques... He's so great. The kids were all fabulous!!! Thanks for being so well-behaved boys! We had a blast even if the Devil Rays pulled the win out of their sleeves in the last inning!! What a bummer. We did get to see the Joe Mauer Batting Title Ceremony, though. Joe Mauer is Logan's mentor... He was bummed that Joe Mauer didn't play today. Next time. I was so happy that everything worked out so well today! We sat in the Homerun Porch section. Again, everything was great. We want Bryce's buddies (every classmate!) to know that they are always welcome at our house. We want to watch them grow up... If Bryce was alive today, we'd be having them over to our house. So, we need them to keep coming! What a special birthday... I will never forget it. My Mom and Emmett and Tim's parents and Amanda all stopped over tonight too. It was a good day. Breakfast in bed from my boys, flowers, a game, wonderful company and lots of love!!!

As you can see, I've updated photos from last year on my birthday, the day before Easter. On my birthday, everyone planted the potatoes in the garden. Uncle Brad, Uncle Geoff, Dad, Logan, Bryce, & Joel as you can see from the pictures. You can also see the pictures of Bryce holding his cousin, Madison, on Easter Sunday at my Mom's. He loved holding her and playing with her... He also loved finding the eggs outside. What a love for life he had. Amazing kid... Yesterday, Mitch & Logan played in the sandbox for hours making rivers and lakes with water. I told them to talk to Bryce because I knew he was right there with them. He loved that!

I'm heading out. I want to say a special THANKS to Kirby, Heather, and Jodi for getting the song and lyrics, "How Can I Keep From Singing Your Praise?" into the guest book for me!!! Thanks to Melanie for sending me the song on CD! I love it! I hope that you have all listened to it!!! The date it was added to the guest book was Friday, April 13th. I appreciate your help more than you'll ever know! I also wanted to say thanks again for your wishes and prayers for our family. We truly appreciate every prayer that is said... God is so good to bring all of you into our lives... Love to all.

Please keep the prayers coming for our little friend, Noelle. It's been a rough couple of weeks for her. I wish so badly that she didn't have to go through this...none of the children should have to endure such pain. Again, her website is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Please continue those prayers for her healing!! She is such a precious little girl! Pray for her strength. Pray for her family. I pray that God gives her that MIRACLE... We must believe and have HUGE FAITH!

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Friday, April 13, 2007 8:51 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Morning,

What another special memory day this one is... A year ago today was the day that Bryce finally went back to school. I remember the excitement and anticipation that morning... Bryce had such determination, strength, courage, and faith. He could conquer anything when he put his mind to it. He didn't let anything hold him back, if he could help it. I remember driving into town and seeing his adorable face as he looked out the window and saw the Goodhue welcome sign that said, "Welcome Back, Bryce!" He tried so hard not to smile too big... It was precious. Then, we drove up to school. That was incredible. There were kids and adults shouting "Hi, Bryce!" everywhere. We barely got the car in park and he had the door open. He was grabbing his backpack and marching to the school. I had a hard time keeping up with him to get pictures. He was so happy, excited, and determined. He was just a "normal kid" going to school... He never liked a lot of attention. I stopped him a few times to take pictures--he didn't have a lot of time for that. He stood outside the school, next to the huge sign in the window made by his classmates that said, "Welcome Back, Bryce!" He marched down the hallways which were decorated with signs for him everywhere. He was saying "Hi" to everyone and giving kids and adults High 5's... He got himself to his classroom and a desk full of orange balloons and very happy classmates... Those kids in his class are absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!! I cannot say enough beautiful words to describe what all of Bryce's classmates and parents, teachers and the Goodhue staff have done for our family. I don't know what we would have done if we hadn't had their support. Thank you, God... Later that day, Tim & I and many of Bryce's classmates parents came back to school where we had a party at lunch. We had pizza, pop, and DQ cake. Bryce was so happy. His classmates gave him his Tree of Life which is planted at the south end of our farm. It's beautiful. After the party, we had an orange balloon release. Bryce led the line outside so proudly. Nothing, not even cancer, was going to slow him down that day. What an amazing boy...

Now, I need to fill you in on my Bryce sign yesterday. I made a wish over a cake and candle yesterday. My wish was to have a Bryce sign. I waited because if there is one thing I've learned, it's that God has perfect timing ALWAYS!! So, I drove home around 1:45 looking for a sign everywhere. I looked for eagles and images in the clouds. I looked for anything on the ground. But, I knew to wait patiently. A few minutes after 4pm, Joel came out to me crying. He heard a song that made him sad thinking about Bryce. So, I scooped him up and took him back to the living room where we could have some alone time. We talked about the song and what it really meant. It is the song "Carry Me" by Jars of Clay. While we were discussing it, Joel started crying saying that he missed Bryce. I cried with him and agreed that we all missed him so much. I said, "I think this might be the hardest thing in the world to lose a son and brother." We hugged and he wiped his tears. I said, "You know that Bryce is wiping my tears right now, and he is hugging you from behind." Joel smiled and said, "Yeah." I told him how lucky he was because he gets so many Bryce signs because Bryce is watching over him very carefully since he (Joel) is his little brother. He smiled, again. That's when I realized what time it was... It was 4:12 and we had been talking and crying for about 5 minutes. **Bryce died at 4:08pm 7 weeks ago yesterday** That was my sign from Bryce... I was thrilled. Thanks, Brycer!!! It's ALWAYS in God's perfect timing... And now, as I type, "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns is playing and that is a Bryce song and also a Bryce sign to Joel at 3am a few days after he died.

We are all missing Bryce so bad. Mitch and Logan are missing him. Ethan said again this morning out of the blue, "I'm sad. I miss Brycie." Please keep the prayers coming... I've asked Jody (our cousin, Tim's side) to find the song called "How Can I Keep From Singing?" by Chris Tomlin and put it in the guest book. You must listen to it!! I love that song and right now especially, it means so much to me. I know that Bryce is singing it in Heaven. I am singing with him here on Earth. It is beautiful and full of praise to God--which we all need to do more of, no matter what! If anyone can find the song without the video and put it in the guest book, that would be greatly appreciated!! And, if someone could find the words and also put them in the guest book, that would be a double blessing. You need to hear the song.... Thanks for your help. Thanks Jody for trying so hard!!

We had a very special visit last night... Tim's cousin's Dani and Carrie came by with Jodi B., Renee H., and Lydia H. When I saw all of them I knew that they had been up to something. They gave us a beautfil plaque of Bryce to put in his flower garden when we make it. It says at the top, "Believe" and "I Walk by Faith". Then, it has Bryce's awesome picture on the John Deere 4020 loader tractor in the middle. And, at the bottom, it has Bryce Andrew Breuer and "Compassionate". I love it more than you will ever know......... It is beautiful... And, it is something that I don't think I would have ever thought of... They made it at Gemini in Cannon Falls where Dani and Jodi work. I cannot say THANK YOU enough from everyone--Monica S., Missy V., Jodi B., too!!! You are all so wonderful!!! I can't wait to put it outside...

Now, I need to run. I'm finishing up my taxes for our appt. this afternoon. Nothing like working to the last minute. I guess, we've had "stuff" going on though, too. Don't tell my husband that I was here.... He's pretty strict... We love and appreciate all of you. I hate to sound needy... But, please keep the prayers coming. This is quite the "life challenge" for all of us... And yet, God still gets all the glory for all of our MANY BLESSINGS...

Please keep the prayers coming for our little friend, Noelle. It's been a rough couple of weeks for her. I wish so badly that she didn't have to go through this...none of the children should have to endure such pain. Again, her website is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Please continue those prayers for her healing!! She is such a precious little girl! Pray for her strength. Pray for her family. I pray that God gives her that MIRACLE... We must believe and have HUGE FAITH!

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 9:13 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, GRANDMA & GRANDPA BREUER! We love you both so much. Thank you for everthing that you do for us!! You rock, Grammy & Grampy!

Good Evening,

Added: I have a HUGE PRAYER REQUEST for my sister-in-law, Gloria, who is in Iraq in the Army. She is my brother, Chris', wife. Chris is also in the Army. She retires in 2009, and Chris retires in 2011. He came to MN for over a week in February hoping to see Bryce but ended up being here for his nephew's funeral. Gloria has been in Iraq for 9 months and was suppose to be on a plane home to Hawaii today for a 2 week R & R home-vacation with her family. Well, today they announced to delay deployment (forgive me if I get the terms incorrect) for the Army specialists in Iraq. She was told she would be staying in Iraq until October, now. She would have been home in August. Number 1, please pray for her safety. Pray for her flight to come home in the next few days, also. Number 2, pray for their family who has already been seperated from their wife and Mommy for 9 months and will now be seperated for 15 months. She is such an incredible woman... She is a hero of mine. She has been praying for her nephew, Bryce, and sister-in-law's family for years. She had to miss Bryce's funeral because she was in Iraq and grieve alone. She is an incredible woman of strength... I have so much respect and admiration for Gloria. What would I love to happen? I would love to "rattle some cages" (as Tim would say), get her home for some much needed R & R with her family, and then get her home when she was originally scheduled in August. Please send out your very powerful prayers for Gloria and all of the incredible people who are protecting our country. Chris is so upset. My little brother--who is not so little--needs lots and lots of powerful prayers also. He's single-parenting it with 3 kids while he works very long hours at the base. He has so many surprises planned for Gloria on her return trip home... Bless his heart,...he loves her so much. Bryce was their hero... Hang tight, Chris & Glo. God will come to save the day. Bryce is hangin' with ya, Glo. We all send our love from MN...

Thank you for your guest book entries and prayers. You are wonderful! Yesterday wasn't too bad of a day. We kept ourselves busy enough to be distracted for a while. Today has been a tough day. I keep flashing back to one year ago today that Mitchell was giving his white blood cells for the Donor Lymphocyte Infusion. It was a long day but Bryce and Mitch did very well. We even had a special visit from Auntie Manda on Gonda and then, Wes Zitnay who is one of our special friends who had bone cancer. I've added pictures at the top, I'm sure you noticed. We were desperately hoping for a cure for so long... Our little Brycer is in our hearts and minds every waking moment. What a tremendous blessing he was, and still is, to so many... We miss him more than you could ever imagine. God's blessings to all of you dear friends and family in Christ. Love to all.

Please keep the prayers coming for our little friend, Noelle. It's been a rough couple of weeks for her. I wish so badly that she didn't have to go through this...none of the children should have to endure such pain. Again, her website is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Please continue those prayers for her healing!! She is such a precious little girl! Pray for her strength. Pray for her family. I pray that God gives her that MIRACLE... We must believe and have HUGE FAITH!

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Monday, April 9, 2007 5:27 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Hello Bryce Backers,

I just wanted you to know that I added photos to Bryce's photo album. I wish I could show you every single photo that we have of Bryce and our family!! Our boys are so great! They keep us going everyday. They are so patient and understanding. Somedays we don't want to do anything at all. They love us through all the pain. God has blessed us beyond imagination. We are so proud of them. I also want to say thanks for sharing all of the Bryce signs!!! I love them, I need them, and I can't get enough of them. Thanks for calling today, Mary. Your call gave me hope again. I had some really great calls today. Thanks, Pam, Julie, Lana, Sheila, Nyla, Mary, Jody, Mom, Lori, Trish... You are such wonderful support people! And, I love it when you listen to God and call! You don't know how much that helps...

Please keep the prayers coming for our little friend, Noelle. It's been a rough couple of weeks for her. I wish so badly that she didn't have to go through this...none of the children should have to endure such pain. Again, her website is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Please continue those prayers for her healing!! She is such a precious little girl! Pray for her strength. Pray for her family. I pray that God gives her that MIRACLE... We must believe and have HUGE FAITH!

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Sunday, April 8, 2007 10:10 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...



We have had some nice family time with both Tim's side and my side. It was very quiet, mellow, and relaxing while we were together. The boys loved playing with their cousin's and we love seeing them bond! I have to admit it has been very hard to spend Easter without Bryce... We wonder what he would be doing and saying at any given moment. We try to picture him with his brothers' smiling with his million-dollar smile and laughing his incredible, contagious laugh... We gave the brothers' stringed lights that were butterflies for childhood cancer and dragonflies for Bryce going to Heaven... **We had gotten a dragonfly pin after Bryce died, and it had a story to it. It said how a dragonfly left its family underwater and became a beautiful dragonfly that hovered over the water. It wanted to go back to its family but it couldn't go back under the water since it became a dragonfly. So, it just kept flying over the water to watch over its family.** I'm sure Bryce was with us all day long. I've never noticed so much orange while we were driving along as I did today... We went to Bryce's gravesite after church to leave him some of his favorite snacks--sour cream and onion pringles, a push pop, and a fruit by the foot. We picked them up on the way home so they wouldn't blow around the cemetary. We sent them home to Garett as an Easter snack from Bryce. He'll be pretty excited tomorrow when he finds them.

I have always loved Easter and its story of Christ rising from the dead and having new life. Again, it's just been so tough to have Easter as enjoyable without Bryce, as it was in the past. Today, I kept reminding myself that Easter is proof to us that there is eternal life in Heaven with Jesus. We will be with Bryce again someday. That gave me some comfort but the pain is always there... I hope you all had a wonderful Easter celebration. Last night before I went to sleep, I asked God to give us birds singing, blue sky, and trumpets sounding for Easter. The first thing that I woke up to this morning was birds singing. He always answers prayers... The blue sky was beautiful today and the music was awesome in church. I'm sure the Easter celebration in Heaven was beyond our imagination... I can only imagine... We love and appreciate all of you. Thank you for your continuous prayers.

Our little friend, Noelle, has not received good results...www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Please continue those prayers for her healing!! She is such a precious little girl! Pray for her strength. Pray for her family. I pray that God gives her that MIRACLE... We must believe and have HUGE FAITH!

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Saturday, April 7, 2007 1:27 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Afternoon,

Bryce and God could slow down this cold MN wind any day, now! We have an Easter egg hunt with family this afternoon at Great Grandma & Grandpa Buck's farm which now belongs to Adam, Tim's cousin. It's the annual hunt that the kids all look forward to. My emotions are at their highest this week with it being the 6 week mark of Bryce's death, Easter, and so many memories. It was a year ago yesterday that the doctor's told us that Bryce had relapsed again but how terrible his prognosis was since he relapsed within 3 months of transplant... Horrible memories that I cannot avoid. Believe me, I try... I keep remembering and having flashbacks of pictures of Bryce a year ago. He was smiling, happy, loving Easter and hunting for eggs with his brothers. He didn't know how serious it was. We couldn't believe the cancer was back. And now, we can't believe he has died... Six weeks is hard. Reality is setting in... The only way to turn is to God, so I keep trying to remember to give it all to Him. He can handle the pain and burden much better than we can. Please God, give us peace within... I spoke with Susan Goetz this morning. She is our friend who has lost 2 children and has a program in Red Wing called Grief Sharers. Our conversation helped alot. But, nothing takes the pain away, at this point. We miss Bryce more than anyone could ever imagine. Please hug your children and love them up. I look back and recognize things that I should have done for Bryce. I can't change those things now. But, we can with our children who live with us here on Earth. Our love to all of you...

Our little friend, Noelle, has not received good results...www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Please continue those prayers for her healing!! She is such a precious little girl! Pray for her strength. Pray for her family. I pray that God gives her that MIRACLE... We must believe and have HUGE FAITH!

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Thursday, April 5, 2007 4:08 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Afternoon,

As I type, my heart is flooded with emotions... It was 6 weeks ago today that Bryce took his last breath and went to Heaven with Jesus. In fact, it was at this very time. I know that Bryce doesn't want to see us sad. He just told my friend, Carol, to call. Now, he is playing Walk By Faith on the radio, as I cry. He is hugging me and wiping my tears, I'm sure. I wish I could feel one more of his hugs. He is such an incredible boy... I just wish he was here. Oh, before I forget. Bryce brought me a beautiful RAINBOW in my dreams on Tuesday night. I don't know if I was awake or asleep but it was beautiful. It was in the whole window of the hotel room. I remember opening my eyes and seeing the window with the curtains. Then, I opened my eyes again and saw the rainbow. I remember saying "Thank you, Bryce!" He's such a good boy. He loves rainbows! He always drew pictures of rainbows. They were beautiful pictures, every one of them. I haven't been sleeping good the last 2 nights. I keep tossing and turning and waking up. I'm not sure why. But, I think I keep dreaming about Bryce. I'll take any moments I can with him...

Thank you for all of your well wishes and prayers. We had a nice get-away together. Bryce would have loved so much of it. All our boys would have. We ate a Japenese steak house where they chop and cook your food right in front of you. We went to the State Capital and St. Paul's Cathedral, which was very emotional. We loved the history of both. We climbed a rock wall and ate the best seafood. We watched a movie. We relaxed. We cried. I wish it wasn't so hard to lose a child. There should be some kind of rule with God that the parents go first. We miss our Brycer so much. Nothing could prepare someone enough for such intense pain. I think of Mary, mother of Jesus, at this time. How she wept for her Son... She watched Him suffer. He did it all for us. Please enjoy your Easter season together and always remember it's all about Jesus and His love for us. Please pray for the sick and those who have lost a loved one. Someday we will all be rid of this unbroken world and be with Jesus in Heaven, like Bryce. I thank God every single day for every blessing He has ever given me. There are soooo many. Make God the center of your world and do your best to live your life for Him. I'm just as guilty as the next but I'm going to do my best everyday and pray that He catches me and reminds me in my weakest moments. He loves us unconditionally. For that, I am thankful. His grace and mercy are with us always. We love and appreciate all of you so much. Thank you for everything that you have ever done for us and for our Bryce.

Our little friend, Noelle, has not received good results...www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Please continue those prayers for her healing!! She is such a precious little girl! Pray for her strength. Pray for her family. I pray that God gives her that MIRACLE... We must believe and have HUGE FAITH!

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Monday, April 2, 2007 5:45 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well. Tim and I decided to take a much needed Mom & Dad vacation for a couple of days. We didn't go far...just to the cities. We will be home on Wednesday. We wanted to get away for some time together before he gets real busy hauling corn to Red Wing and then, he is into the field for planting. Our boys are all taken care of by family and probably getting spoiled rotten like they deserve...haha. They deserved a little break from Mom & Dad, too. I'm just doing a quick update because we have reservations at a Japanese restaurant at 6pm. I am looking forward to that...

The weekend was good. We had some nice family time. Some of my brothers and sisters stopped by...Brad & Leslie, Amanda, Pam, Mom & Emmett, Amanda & John, and all of their kids. That was nice... There is not a whole lot new with us since my last update. Just taking it all day by day... I don't think I need to repeat myself. You all know... We love you all.

Our little friend, Noelle, has not received good results...www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Please continue those prayers for her healing!! She is such a precious little girl! Pray for her strength. Pray for her family. I pray that God gives her that MIRACLE... We must believe and have HUGE FAITH!

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Saturday, March 31, 2007 12:25 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BIG BROTHER, & THE BOYS' GREAT FISHERMAN UNCLE, BRAD!!! We love you like a brother & uncle, man! And, HAPPY (late) 18th BIRTHDAY TO NICK, our nephew & cousin!! We love you, tricky Nick! Nick's b-day was already on the 28th, so I'm sorry I'm late with the wishes, Nick! You're a ROCK STAR!!

Good Afternoon,

Well, it's been a fun and busy morning. Mitchell had a few friends over night last night. He & Logan haven't had a birthday party (both November b-days) in 2 years... They are so unbelievably patient!! Logan will have a few friends over to play on Good Friday when there is no school. They just wanted friends over, no party. Whatever they want. They are getting so big. We try talking to them about Bryce but they are in the mode of 'no talking about it'. I know that they must be hurting inside but they say they 'don't want to cry' and 'can we just not talk about it?'... Please pray for the brothers... Tim and I are trying to deal with our grief along with their's. This is something that I hope none of you have to face... On Thursday morning, Ethan and I were out by the computer. My screensaver is a slide picture show of the pictures of the Nicole Nordeman & Casting Crowns concert we went to last April 29th. Ethan looked up and saw a picture of Bryce. He gasped and said, "There's Brycie!" And then he said, "Aww. Why they have to put him under the mud?" I reminded him that Bryce was in Heaven with Jesus, now. He said, "But, him ok now. Him not have any ou-ie's." I said, "I know. But, once someone goes to Heaven, they don't come back to Earth with us." He said, "Aww. I miss Brycie!" I said, "I know. I do, too." He said, "I'm gonna put on my Superman thing and fly to church and get Bryce. Then, I'm gonna fly with him in my hands like a baby." He held his hands like he was holding something very fragile and precious to him... And, that was it. From the mouth of a babe... He misses Bryce so much, too. Joel draws at least 2-3 pictures a week of Bryce and him fighting leukemia. Bryce always represents the orange in the pictures. About 2 weeks ago, he drew a picture of Bryce standing (small) next to God. He labeled 'Bryce' and 'God' above their heads. He gave Bryce orange wings because "Bryce told him to". He gave God green wings. And that was it. It is a beautiful picture on our fridge... It is next to another picture he drew in school that also has 3 sentences about Bryce being a great brother and talking about when they played in the sandbox making water trenches. Every little or big memory of Bryce that is shared by the brothers is cherished more than you could ever imagine. We don't want them ever forgetting anything about Bryce, his personality, and his love... We are hoping that they too will help to carry on his legacy--on their own. We are so proud of all 5 of our boys.

Thursday was one of the toughest days I've ever had. I cried so many times. It felt almost as if I hit the bottom... I just need to say thank you to everyone who sends a message in the guestbook, and thank you to all of our friends and family who pick us up when we are down. Your listening ears and thoughtful comments are appreciated always! When you tell me that you are all feeling our pain, it reminds me that we are 'normal'. Sometimes, I forget. It feels like we are a part of this 'club' that we never wanted to join and can't cancel our membership. It feels like we are the only one's in it, although I know that there are sooooo many others who belong to it, who also did not want to join... I don't know if any of this makes sense. Just bear with me and remember that this journal is part of my 'therapy' and always has been... We don't know when we are going to have rough days or good days. They just happen without warning or explanation. Please just pray for all the children, for their safety and health...

Our little friend, Noelle, has not received good results...www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. Please kick 'er into high gear with those prayers for her healing!! She is such a precious little girl! Cancer is just so aweful and yucky... She needs our PRAYER WARRIORS now more than ever!! My eyes have opened so much wider since Bryce died... Now, I see even more, the pain and suffering he was going through, especially in the end. I think of everything he had to endure and he fought to the end!! God finally just said, "Enough is enough, Bryce. You are coming with Me." Bryce didn't want to die young. He wanted to "live to be as old as his brothers". Please pray for a MIRACLE FOR NOELLE. Her parents have decided to try a 2nd transplant. She will be enduring chemo and radiation, again. Pray for her strength. Pray for her family. I pray that God gives her that MIRACLE... Our love and gratitude to all of you!

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:04 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Morning,

Let the Bryce signs continue to come!!! To Kathy who saw the Robin with the bright orange belly on Tuesday morning,...I saw 2 of them around the exact same time! I too noticed the bright orange and immediately thought of Bryce. As I watched them on the lawn out the kitchen window, a 3rd Robin flew in by them... At this point, I'll take any Bryce sign I can get! And, to our friend in Fargo...I was having a very hard time this morning around 8:30. I was crying and telling Bryce how much I loved and missed him (in the living room). I walked out to the kitchen to get a kleenex and I too heard Bryce's song "Brave" on KTIS!! I knew he was telling me, "It all will be ok, Mom. I am with you always." Of course, that made me cry even more... If only we could hug and kiss him and hold him and love him right here and now. I don't know how to explain... We can be doing really well and all of the sudden, we are down again. We still can't believe that any of this even happened. I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record but we are trying to deal with our grief as we feel we should. Every morning, I wake up and ask God to get me through today...the 5th week without Bryce. Please pray for little Noelle and all of the other children and adults who are fighting their battles. We must find a cure for cancer! We must move forward on healing with healthy eating along with natural supplements in combination with the medical world... It can be done. We can work together as God would want us to. He hates to see any of us suffer as His son had to for us. Today, my focus will be on Jesus as the center of my world. That will get me through today... Please accept our deepest love and appreciation for all of you! Have a blessed day...

Thank you for your donations to KTIS in memory of Bryce! Here is the link to KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900. May it get you through your day today, also. You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the left of the page and ENJOY their ministry! May it bless your day as much as it has blessed our family in the last 2 years!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 1:17 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Update 2pm--I keep adding more!: I cannot believe that I forgot to mention that KTIS Radio 98.5 FM or AM 900 is having their SPRING FUNDRAISER! You can listen online at KTIS Just click on Listen Online at the top right of the page. If you have ever thought about donating today is the day! The fundraiser will be completed by 9am tomorrow. From my heart...I do not know where I would be without KTIS... God and this awesome station have got us through a lot of our journey with Bryce's cancer. The boys love the music. When Bryce needed encouragement, he would ask us to turn on KTIS. He just knew what it did for him, too. The first time I heard its music was at my Mary Kay Career Conference 2 years ago--before Bryce's relapse. My strength and faith grew, even more than before, as KTIS ministered to me and touched my heart. The words in the songs by the Christian Artists have opened my heart to Jesus more than I ever imagined. All of the songs touch someone's life somewhere, no matter what the situation is. Please consider donating and when you do...please give KTIS Bryce's name as his legacy lives on and he continues to touch lives everyday!!!
KTIS Spring Fundraiser
Or you can call to donate at 651-631-5000 or 1-800-950-2234. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Good Afternoon,

Today is a big day for little Noelle. Her parents will be finding out preliminary results on her bone marrow biopsy and spinal tap. She is still showing blasts in her peripheral blood, so todays results will be very vital with her next treatment plan. They have been giving her chemo treatments for the past 2-4 weeks (? I'm not sure exactly how long it has been). Please keep sending the prayers out for her and her family. It is such an aweful "place" to be in life... She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

We made it through another day. I say that with knowing that there is hope for our family's future. It's just that in this valley, the future doesn't look as bright as it would if Bryce was alive and well today. But, we can't change anything so we just live day by day following God's almighty plan. As always, God is so good. We have been so blessed with our family, friends, and life with God. He gets all the glory for everything... Ethan wishes Bryce could come back...don't we all?... Bryce's funeral was 4 weeks ago today. Unreal. Obviously, life does go on... I need to continue on my with my taxes. Mitchell is finishing up with his MN Scrapbook... It's been awhile since I did mine in Wanamingo. It's been interesting... Tim is changing the oil in the trucks and tractors. Logan is deep into baseball. Joel is Joel. He is like Bryce and loves anything in life. Time and family are so precious. Love and many blessings to all.

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Monday, March 26, 2007 9:40 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Morning,

What a beautiful morning. I watched the sun come up this morning. It made me think of Bryce with its bright orange sunlight and vibrancy. It was surrounded by a beautiful haze along the horizon with the farms in the backround. It was stunning. Bryce would have loved it... When Bryce got excited about something, he was absolutely vibrant and full of life! His eyes lit up, his smile was full of energy, and his movements were the precious motions of a child. His love for life was contagious. He loved life and everything about it...

It's been a rough morning, already. It's actually been a rough couple of days but thank goodness for distractions... One of the hardest things about writing a journal update when you are having a rough time is the very first sentence. I never want to start out on a low note. I don't want to bring any of you down or sound like I am having a pitty party. Because...God is so good. It's just that sometimes it is so hard to get through the day without Bryce and his incredible love and personality. I've been praying for 3 1/2 hours now. I went for a walk and cried and talked to God and Bryce. Then, God gave me a couple of songs (on KTIS) to tell me He is with me. The first song was Jeremy Camp's 'Would You Take The Place Of This Man?'....Would you take the nails from his hands? I have always loved this song. And then, the song 'I Can Only Imagine' by Mercy Me. It talks about what I/we will do when I/we see Jesus' face in Heaven...Will I stand in your presence, or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing hallelujah? Will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine... Please just keep praying for our strength. Please add in lots of prayers for many other family's who have lost a child or a loved one. The emptiness is never filled. Nothing can take the place of Bryce and his love...

We went to church yesterday morning. In the afternoon, we had Joel & Mason's friends birthday party together. We took the kids to the YMCA. They had so much fun. It was pretty neat. Bryce's friend, Casey, came over around 6pm so we could sign his cast on his arm. He hurt his arm at the wrestling tournament in Waseca but they decided to cast it on Friday. He and his mom, Amy, came over on Saturday because Casey wanted the Breuer's to sign it first. Isn't that just the sweetest thing?! What a great friend... I did sign 'Angel Bryce' on his cast, just the way Bryce would have. And, of course, Casey being the thoughtful person he is, he had everyone use an orange marker! What a great kid. And, what a great cast! It glows in the dark! Bryce would have been all over helping Casey out with his cast, and he would have been so excited that it glows in the dark! Kids are so precious and innocent...Love them, love them, love them... Pray for their safety and their health. I pray that Bryce is watching over all of us. I know he is very busy these days. I am so excited that an orange balloon was spotted it Iowa! Thank you for sharing! We love and appreciate all of you more than you could ever imagine...

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Saturday, March 24, 2007 8:46 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Evening,

Thursday was a good Bryce Day. He played songs for us all day long on KTIS. He hugged us and kissed us. He helped us through the very emotional day. We had some special family time together at 4:08 in our bedroom where Bryce died. We talked about that day. We talked about some of our special memories of Bryce. We thanked God for all of our many blessings in our lives. We went to his gravesite around 4:30pm. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful time of day. We put an orange ribbon at his gravesite. Grandma Ann had stopped a few days back and put a shepherd’s hook into the ground and hung a basket with orange flowers in it. It was good to be there. But, again, like I have always felt...I didn’t want to leave him. It was sad to drive away and look at the orange ribbons where are son is buried... Bless his little heart...

When we had first arrived at the cemetery, Joel started to cry quietly and said, “Mom, I wish I could just touch Bryce’s body one more time.” I said, “Oh honey, did you think that his casket would still be here?” He said, “Yes.” Bless his little heart... I didn't tell him that they would place the casket into the ground after we left the cemetery on the day of his funeral. I wanted to protect him... On the way home from the cemetery, Joel turned to me in the front seat and hugged me. He said, “That hug was from me and Bryce. I forgot that before Bryce died, he told me to hug you often.” (I know that Bryce didn't actually 'tell' him that. My guess, is that it was something that Joel read from Bryce's mind, again.) A few minutes later on the way home, he leaned on to my left shoulder and then looked up at me and said, “Bryce wants me to lean on you.” I said, “Wow. That’s what Bryce always did on the way home from Rochester from his PITC appointments.” Joel didn’t know that because he didn’t come with us very often to the PITC. I am very grateful to Bryce because I do believe that he is very carefully watching over Joel because Joel is so sensitive. He is concerned about Joel because he has been so sad with Bryce’s death. He is trying to help him feel better and goes with him everywhere. Even Wednesday morning when I went to wake up Joel at 7:20, I felt Bryce’s presence. We were walking down the steps, and I just suddenly felt Bryce there with us going down the steps. I hadn’t felt his presence that strongly for about 3 weeks. Thank you, God!!!

To honor Bryce’s Day on Thursday, I made Bryce’s favorite meal...Buffalo roast with onions, potatoes, and carrots. I seasoned it with Bryce’s love. I made sure to do it just as Bryce would have, considering all of the comments, suggestions, and motions he would have while doing it. I tried to feel him there with me. I talked to him, too. We were such a great team in the kitchen! The brothers were so great that day. They gave Bryce lots of love and respect that day. It was beautiful. I am so grateful to God for our 5 wonderful blessings/boys.

Now today, I just got back from Minneapolis from my Mary Kay Career Conference. I am really glad that I went. Bryce loved our Mary Kay. He drew me some really neat Mary Kay pictures that I treasure! The pillow he made me at camp was PINK because of our Mary Kay. He always wanted to make me happy. And, he always did!! He is so wonderful... Julie H. came over on Thursday, and we hung up all of Bryce’s personal portraits in the 'Bryce room'. Yeah! It looks awesome! I love it! Back to Career Conference...I knew that it would be good for me to go. I left Friday morning and got back tonight around suppertime. It was so great to see our Mary Kay family, again. They hugged me, cried with me, laughed with me, prayed with me, and sent so much love back for our family. Bryce was very proud of me for going... Thank you to everyone in our Mary Kay family for your tremendous support! You are so loved. I know that Bryce was with me, too. He gave me '3' signs at my Director's meeting on Friday afternoon... Three top Director's spoke to us. The 1st speaker, Paula, spoke of an eagle, and it's beauty, during her speech. The 2nd speaker, Julie, also mentioned an eagle and it's ability to soar to great heights. I thought, "Wow. That's cool that they both mentioned eagles but that could just be a coincidence..." As I was listening to the 3rd speaker, Karen, I was totally caught off guard when she said, "slay the dragon"!!! I felt a HUGE rush from my stomach up to my head!! How often do you hear that? That is from Bryce's poem that Nyla wrote for him!!(below) I couldn't believe it when I heard it, but I knew then that Bryce was telling me that he was with me. It was the 3rd sign he gave to me within an hour and a half... Isn't he wonderful???!!! I love and miss him so much!!! So, it was a great Career Conference. It reaffirmed my 'UNWAVERING FAITH' that God is the center of my life... I have always said that the enemy will never break me down! Never. God is so good... It was wonderful to spend quality time with my AWESOME Consultants from my Unit! I am so proud of ALL of YOU! I am glad to be home with my family, again. I missed them so much. Now, I am going to spend some quality time with my main man. He is my "biggest" blessing in my life... I'm sure I am forgetting some things but I'll catch you up on that stuff later. Love to all.

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Thursday, March 22, 2007 11:22 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY to MADISON ANNE, our niece and cousin!! We love you, sweetie! We know how much Bryce LOVED to hold you and play with you EVERY TIME he saw you!! So, we know that Bryce is doing those things today and giving you lots of HUGS & KISSES to wish you a very special birthday!

Good Morning,

We are doing well today. It was 4 weeks ago today that our Bryce Andrew became a very special, red-headed, freckle faced Angel in Heaven... I cannot believe it has been 4 weeks... We reminded the boys this morning, and Mitchell just had that look on his face like, "It's been 4 weeks already without Bryce? Wow." We miss him more than any one could even fathom... Our plan is to have a family prayer for Bryce & our family, and with Bryce, today at 4:08pm. At least, it's in the plan. Some days those plans don't always become reality, though. Say a special prayer for all of us today including extended family and friends, please...

This is a day for BRYCE. He has already been playing lots of our songs on KTIS... In fact, last night I caught the end of a song on KTIS that was "Dancing With The Angels"--I know it was a sign from Bryce. Has anyone heard of it, and do you know who sings it? Someday we will be dancing with the Angels... I can't wait to dance with my little Angel again... Every little reminder and memory of (and from) him today will be greatly appreciated and very, very welcomed. He is such an incredible servant of God. Have you ever listened to the end of Bryce's song "Legacy"? It says, "Well done, good and faithful one." I imagine Bryce on February 22nd at 4:08pm leaving us and shedding a few tears because he is sad to be leaving his parents and brothers. He then sees the gates of Heaven, and Jesus is waiting for him there. Bryce looks at Jesus in awe because he cannot believe that he is really looking at the face of Jesus. Bryce looks at his own body and sees how whole and healthy he is. Then, Jesus says, "Well done, good and faithful one." And, Bryce starts to cry tears of joy... He cannot believe he is actually there with Jesus!... He takes Jesus' hand and walks with him until he can't walk anymore. He releases Jesus' hand and breaks into a run. He runs and runs and runs! That is when Bryce's friends here on earth said, (and they really did!) "Bryce is running so fast that he is creating this windy day!" Bless their little, precious hearts!!! Every single one of them!!! We love and appreciate you all so very much more than you could ever imagine!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful Bryce day...

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:46 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Hello again,

We hope everyone is doing well. We are taking it all day by day... Some days are a bit better than others, some days are really hard, and some days are just there. I was doing fairly well today until tonight and then, I went down again. You just never know when it's going to happen...for any of us. I've been busy with cards. Tim has been working on the truck and cutting trees along line fences. Yesterday our friend, Lori, came over to help out a bit with thank you's. Today, Carol came by again to help. Tomorrow my sister, Julie, and my Mom are coming by to help with a few things. I cannot believe it has been 3 weeks since Bryce's funeral... Almost 4 weeks since he died. One person wrote that since he was our middle child, there is a hole left in the middle of our hearts. So very true. Tim & I are trying to build an understanding, or should I say convince or remind ourselves, that we should be happy for Bryce even though we grieve his death and miss him terribly. It's a whole different world and understanding. Trying to convince or trying to remind yourself that you should be happy for your child even though you won't see him for so long... The pain in my chest rarely subsides. But, there is good news...

There have been Bryce signs to report! My brother, Chris, called and told me that his son, Sean, found an ORANGE BALLOON WITH AN ORANGE RIBBON-STRING caught between their rocks and bushes yesterday morning...in Hawaii!! So maybe, it did not come from Minnesota (balloon release after Bryce's funeral), but it most definitely came from BRYCE!!!! That is one of his trademarks!! He wanted them to know that he is with them, too! It makes me so happy that he is giving other people signs. He is such a good boy!! He is soooo busy!!! He always wanted to make people happy. I told him to come and visit us, often... Please God help Bryce continue the signs for everyone.

So then today after school, I picked up Joel and the neighbor girls, Keisha and Deidre, to take them home. While we were driving, I told them about the orange balloon in Hawaii. They were so excited! Then, Deidre said, "I wonder what Bryce will do on April Fool's Day?"--because he is so silly... About 10 seconds later, Bryce's song "Legacy" came on the radio... We were again so excited!!! He's so wonderful, isn't he???!!! I'm so glad that Brenna's mom, Julie, reminded me today that Brenna and Bryce are always giving us hugs and kisses whenever we need them. They are drying our tears... I need to remember that, even if we can't feel those hugs and kisses. Although, I wish we could........... Love to all.

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

Mitchell's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture reading from Bryce's funeral: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Sunday, March 18, 2007 8:44 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Hi everyone,

We had a busy weekend. We worked on thank you's Friday, again. Jodi and Julie H. helped. Thanks, ladies! We are so close to being done. Friday night we relaxed a little. Saturday morning, Tim took Mitch, Logan, & Joel to school before 7am to get on the bus for the state wrestling tournament in Waseca. Tim, Ethan, & I left the house around 9am. We picked up my brother, Brad, at my Mom's where he stayed the night before. It was fun having him along, and he loved every minute of it. Nyla Hagen and her sons, Hank & Joe, and Brenda Strenge and her kids, Ethan & Kate, came to watch since they live so close. It was great having them there! Thanks for coming to all of you! The boys' had some tough wrestlers, and they gave it their all... They wished that they had done better. It just shows us that we need to get more practice time in... I know that Bryce was there with us because when I went over to watch Bryce's buddies, Calvin, Nathan, & Casey, wrestle I had a Bryce moment. I was cheering Nathan on and he looked up to see who was cheering. He saw me and gave me a BIG smile while he was wrestling. The lady, who I sat next to on the floor, saw the big smile and laughed with me. She and I had a little small talk off and on. Then, her son started wrestling. She started cheering him on. She was yelling, "Come on, Bryce!" "Way to go, Brycie!" That was one of my nicknames for my Bryce... I turned to her and said, "Your son's name is Bryce?" She said, "Yes. Do you have a 'Bryce', too?" I tried really hard not to cry and said, "Yes......But, he died 3 weeks ago." I didn't want her to feel bad. But, I also didn't want to leave there without telling her that she had something to do with the message that Bryce was sending me that 'he was there with us'. So, long story short, I told her the short, 2 minute, version about my Brycer... Bless his angelic, little heart... He wanted me to know that he was there with us. What are the chances of me sitting next to a woman (out of all those people!!) who's son's name is Bryce?... Thank you to my dear, sweet Brycer for telling Mommy that you were with me, with us. We love you so much, buddy!!!! We miss you like crazy!! You are a gift! A very special gift... By the way, Bryce's buddies also did a fabulous job!! I know Bryce was so proud of you and his brothers'!

After wrestling, Brad rode home with the Peterson's. Thanks, Kellie! The rest of us grabbed some McDonald's and went to Nyla's. We visited and I held our precious little Ellen. What a gift she is... She is so beautiful... I loved every minute of it. The kids all played and the adults talked and laughed. It was wonderful!

We left Nyla's around 3:30 and went to Rochester. We decided last minute (on Friday night) to stay at a hotel with the Huemann's. What a great decision. It was fun and relaxing. The kids loved it...adult kids included... We did lots of swimming and watched some movies. We saw quite a few people that we knew including Tom & Lyn and kids and Troy and Nancy & Parker--they are family/cousins. So that was cool. We checked out today at noon. Then, we met Brock Erickson and his family for lunch. He finished with his chemo treatments for leukemia a year ago last month. He just had sinus and adenoid surgery last Friday. I just love that little guy! It was great to visit with Shawn and Megan again. They have 3 adorable boys who are so well-behaved! Our boys were having fun with them. After that we came home and played catch-up...

We thank God for every one of our 5 wonderful boys' every single day!!! What a blessing each of them are to us... We give God all the glory. One of the hardest parts of living without Bryce is that life HAS to go on. And by that I mean, we cannot change anything about this situation. You are forced to deal with something that you did not EVER want to happen...EVER! We can only wait... As a parent, you want to control many of the situations in life that have to do with your children--usually to protect them. When there is spilled milk, you wipe it up. When there is a broken toy, you fix it or buy a new one. When there is an arguement, you become a referee and come up with a solution and a plan. But, this one... There's nothing we can do but grieve as we need to, each individually--everyone is different. The next time we will see Bryce will be in Heaven. And, well... I guess when you've lost a child, you know,...that can never be 'soon enough'. I miss all of my kids bad enough just being away for a few days when I do go... I've actually been doing a little better these last few days because I am keeping my brain busy with "stuff". Tim is not doing well today... We're back home and reality is setting in once again... He talks to me about everything, and for that, I am grateful. God is so good. Me...I'm just trying not to think about it too hard, I guess. Right now, I will do what I need to do to get through the days...for now. The brothers are doing well. We have some grief sharers dvd's that we will watch, soon. I know that your prayers for our strength are helping. Everyday without Bryce is so hard to even try to explain... There's a hole in our hearts that will never be filled. I guess that's all I can say. We love and appreciate each and every one of you... God bless you.

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for all of our family's and friends' strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We all want to hear about your favorite 'Bryce memories'. So, please leave them in the guest book or send an email. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart...he's a busy little Angel boy! We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us everyday.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Friday, March 16, 2007 9:28 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good morning,

Well, I'm the 3rd Caring Bridge mom who has lost her entry in the last couple of days... Could it be a CB thing or a Bryce thing? (you know--he is number 3) He does love to tease and pick on people... I had my entry in last night before 9pm. Oh well, here goes again...

Thanks to Amanda (& Will) and Julie H. for your help with some of the thank you's yesterday. It was good to spend some time with you. Thanks to our friend Keisha, Bryce's friend, who came over to fuse bead with me yesterday. It was good to spend time with you! We made a really awesome John Deere tractor. I wish I had done that long ago so I could see Bryce's reaction. He would have had one of his huge million-dollar smiles! I know he was helping us create it. When we were done, Bryce sent us one of our favorite songs, "Walk By Faith" to let us know he was there. I know he loves the fuse beaded JD tractor...

On Wednesday night after I updated, Tim & I were getting ready for bed. We were in the bathroom and I was washing my face. I was crying quietly into my washclothe, and I said in my head to Bryce, "Bryce, give me a sign!" Within 10-15 seconds, his song "Brave" came on the radio!!! I cried out to Tim, "I just told Bryce to give me a sign!!" We bawled our eyes out!! He was there with us!!! If I could only touch him or hear him or see him or feel him or smell him again... This is so much harder than I ever imagined. He's been in Heaven for 3 weeks (yesterday). I've been trying to catch up with the other CB family's journal entries. I am so happy that they are doing well. There are a few who are finishing up with chemo. Praise God! They were diagnosed after Bryce... We miss him dearly. Pray for all of us, in Bryce's circle which could be hundreds of people, to remember to give our pain to God and ask Him for strength. That is when I feel a little bit better. Tim is having a rough morning. The brothers' are hanging in there. Joel's seems like he may be doing a bit better. The Grandma's are so sad. Please keep the prayers coming. We need them. Also, notice that Serena added the info. about St. Baldrick's at the top of the page. Thanks, Serena.

Please keep all of the cancer kids in your prayers. Our friend, Jackson~~www.caringbridge.org/visit/jacksonschneider~~, is in the transplant unit for an antibody treatment. Our friend, Griffin~~www.caringbridge.org/visit/griffinschmit~~, is still in the hospital with low counts. Reading their journals bring back so many memories. I just wish all these kids didn't have to endure all that they do. It's just not right. A cure for childhood cancer needs to be found once and for all. I feel terrible that these little people have to go through all that they do.

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:59 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Hi everyone,

We had a very busy day at home. Our friends, Brenda Hinrichs, Lisa Peine, and Trish Morrow came over to work on thank you's with us. Then, Great Grandma Buck came over to visit and she went to work, too. Thanks, Grandma! We're a little over half-way done. The cards we have received are so beautiful. Everyone has been so supportive of our journey. Thank you so much... Our little Brycer has touched so many lives. We love him so much. We're just so lonely for EVERYTHING about him...

I'm kind of at a loss for words tonight because I am having a "moment". Please hug your children very close. Love them unconditionally, as Jesus would--I need to be reminded of this one, too. Give them all the love in the world. Let them know that they are your hero's... Don't take their live's for granted. Because life is so short--no matter what age--life is so precious. They are a gift. One of our special gifts is gone. We won't physically touch, hear, see, speak or smell him again until the day we meet in Heaven. That's way too long to be away from your child, even though it may feel like 5 minutes to him. Forgive me if you don't want to hear this. But, I am a "venter". Please God give us strength. Bryce, we love you buddy... You are our hero.

Please keep all of the cancer kids in your prayers. Our friend, Jackson, is in the transplant unit for an antibody treatment. Our friend, Griffin, is still in the hospital with low counts. Reading their journals bring back so many memories. I just wish all these kids didn't have to endure all that they do. It's just not right. A cure for childhood cancer needs to be found once and for all. I feel terrible that these little people have to go through all that they do. St. Baldrick's is a childhood cancer fundraiser around St. Patrick's Day. I know that Whistle Binky's south in Rochester is having an event on March 25th. I need to chat with you, Serena. I just remembered that you emailed me about Bryce being honored in Sherburne on Sunday, the 18th. So, to everyone, if you see a St. Baldrick's event, join in. It ONLY means that you get sponsors who donate money because you shave your head bald...not a problem! All our love.

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:59 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Hi everyone,

We had a very busy day at home. Our friends, Brenda Hinrichs, Lisa Peine, and Trish Morrow came over to work on thank you's with us. Then, Great Grandma Buck came over to visit and she went to work, too. Thanks, Grandma! We're a little over half-way done. The cards we have received are so beautiful. Everyone has been so supportive of our journey. Thank you so much... Our little Brycer has touched so many lives. We love him so much. We're just so lonely for EVERYTHING about him...

I'm kind of at a loss for words tonight because I am having a "moment". Please hug your children very close. Love them unconditionally, as Jesus would--I need to be reminded of this one, too. Give them all the love in the world. Let them know that they are your hero's... Don't take their live's for granted. Because life is so short--no matter what age--life is so precious. They are a gift. One of our special gifts is gone. We won't physically touch, hear, see, speak or smell him again until the day we meet in Heaven. That's way too long to be away from your child, even though it may feel like 5 minutes to him. Forgive me if you don't want to hear this. But, I am a "venter". Please God give us strength. Bryce, we love you buddy... You are our hero.

Please keep all of the cancer kids in your prayers. Our friend, Jackson, is in the transplant unit for an antibody treatment. Our friend, Griffin, is still in the hospital with low counts. Reading their journals bring back so many memories. I just wish all these kids didn't have to endure all that they do. It's just not right. A cure for childhood cancer needs to be found once and for all. I feel terrible that these little people have to go through all that they do. St. Baldrick's is a childhood cancer fundraiser around St. Patrick's Day. I know that Whistle Binky's south in Rochester is having an event on March 25th. I need to chat with you, Serena. I just remembered that you emailed me about Bryce being honored in Sherburne on Sunday, the 18th. So, to everyone, if you see a St. Baldrick's event, join in. It ONLY means that you get sponsors who donate money because you shave your head bald...not a problem! All our love.

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 10:27 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Evening,

Today was an ok day. We had a nice visit from our friend, Barb and her daughter, Kathryn. Barb is making a memories photo book for us. Actually, two now. We got another one as a gift that is exactly like the one she is already making. I am so not good at that kind of stuff. I know I'll need your help someday, too Angie!

Joel came home from school around 10:15 this morning. He had a headache during the night and slept with us. Then, this morning he wasn't too sure about going to school. I think he could be coming down with some kind of sinus bug but I do think that he is sad, too. He just needed to be at home today. I cannot believe that it has already been 2 weeks since Bryce's funeral. So many things in life can be "fixed" but not this one... It's very sad and frustrating. I noticed today that the sky was the same as it was that day. I remember watching all of the orange balloons going to Heaven and picturing Bryce (with a huge million-dollar smile on his face) and his Heavenly friends trying to catch all of them. Lisa, thanks for telling us what Jack said (in the guestbook), it made me cry too. Dawn and Kathy, I too noticed the beautiful orange sunrise too but I noticed it yesterday morning. I was showing it to Tim and the boys. I just loved it! It makes me think of Bryce, too. To everyone who is signing the guest book or sending an email, again...THANK YOU. I wish I could put into words what you do for me especially. When I am weak, I go there and read. You lift me up. I've been trying to keep up on my daily readings in the book that Susan & Bob gave us. It's amazing how God always has the perfect reading for the exact moment of emotions. A lot of times, it brings Tim & I to tears because it is so perfect and what we needed to hear. Russ & Lori, and Serena, thanks for bringing the JoDee Messina song to our attention and to my ears. It is beautiful... I just don't know if I can part with 'Walk By Faith' in the guest book, just yet. I sometimes need that reminder... Did you know that we were in the hospital when JoDee came and sang to all of the kids in the hospital in October 2005? She was amazing!! I uncontrollably bawled my eyes out! Bryce had his picture taken with her after, but not by his request--he wouldn't look at the camera. It's a cute picture.

Rachel Tweeten and her family (from Iowa) came over around 4:30 today. It was wonderful! She had great results from her MRI today! We are sooooooo happy!!! Praise God! We had supper from Nyla--lasagna that we had in the freezer, and it was really good! Ethan was in one of his moods, though. He hasn't been like that in about a week or so. But, by the time they were getting back into their car, he was saying, "Awww. I love them! I really love them!!" Again, he is our drama king... Thanks for coming over Tweeten's. We really enjoyed our very relaxing visit. Her website is www.caringbridge.org/visit/racheltweeten. She's such a doll!

OK, so the day went pretty well. But, tonight I was tucking Ethan into bed and realized (again) that I will never be able to tuck Bryce into bed again until I am in Heaven and that is so not ok. I am so grateful for our 4 boys here on Earth, but parents should never have to be seperated from any of their children. It's just not right. I don't know why this happened, and I'm ok with not knowing until the day I arrive at Heaven's gates. (If there's one thing I've learned in the past 3 3/4 years, it's to be patient...) But, the waiting to see Bryce again someday is so aweful!!! I hate having to be patient for that somedays. I just don't know how somebody can even function when they've lost more children or are going through this alone. I guess, I do know... It's only by the grace of God that they can continue on... I'm asking God to give all of us strength everyday. But, darn it! I just wish we could have our Brycer here with us on Earth!!! We miss him soooooo bad!!! Keep the prayers coming... We love and appreciate all of you.

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Monday, March 12, 2007 9:27 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Evening,

Today was a better day. I prayed really hard (the first moment that I knew I was awake for the day) for God to give us strength. We had our moments of weakness today but I do believe the majority of our day, we were carried by God. Julie Huneke, our friend and my Sr. Director in Mary Kay, came over this morning and we power cleaned my office and hung things on the walls. It looks great, again. We had lunch with Tim who worked on crop insurance most of the day. He finished the crop insurance and has checked that one off his list. Little by little, we are plugging away with our days without Brycer. The days have less tears when our minds are preoccupied with something else... I know all of your prayers are helping, too. I'm a little nervous, though. It seems that we take one step forward and then, one or two steps back. Please keep the prayers coming. We love and appreciate all of you.

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Sunday, March 11, 2007 9:21 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Hi everyone,

Well, I hate to say it but another day without Bryce is done. It was a rough one today for both Tim & I. Thank goodness for our boys. They love us unconditionally with or without tears, they entertain us, they hug us, they make us laugh and sometimes cry, they give us so much hope and joy for our future, they remind us of Bryce, too... What would we do without them? Thank you, God.

Thank you to our Sunday School for the card and announcement. Thanks to our awesome 3rd graders, and Bryce's friends, for presenting it to us. They are collecting money to buy a tree in memory of Bryce to plant at our church. They will be giving any left over money to the Caring Bridge. So many children read Bryce's website, so they decided to give here. Isn't that great? These kids are so wonderful! The tree will be a constant reminder of Bryce's love and growth. Jesse Lodermeier had such a wonderful note to our family about Bryce's life symbolizing a beautiful tree--I wish I could find it quickly but it's in with hundreds of cards. The branches resemble Bryce reaching out to others. It gives us protection and beauty with Christ, just like Bryce. Jesse worded so much better than I am... We are very excited about Bryce's (future) tree at church. Thanks to all of the Sunday School.

We went to church today for the first time as a family without Bryce. Tim & I had shed a few tears before church, just missing Bryce. But, then things started to hit me in church, like: Bryce not being there with us, praying for our family instead of 'Bryce Breuer', praying for the saints 'Bryce Breuer' for the first time, Pastor Mike's sermon on God's will--not giving us pain, only good--and finally the closing hymn of Until We Meet Again... I lost it. I miss my little Brycer so bad, it's unbelievable. I hate to sound like a broken record because I am so grateful for the life that God has given me. I just never imagined so much pain in my heart and mind. Tim is just as bad. We do try to control our emotions when we need to but today I just couldn't. We also know that it's better to let our emotions go. After church was much better, Dan & Dawn gave me a much needed hug, Donna told me that they are still praying for us, and the Huemann's met us at the DQ for lunch and Mason's birthday. Mason is 7 today, and he is Joel's best buddy! Our DQ lunch was wonderful...good conversation, good laughs, and good food with ice cream!

This afternoon, I started the big task of finding our kitchen table, again. I know it sounds terrible but this place is a mess. We're working on it. I got a lot done through many tears. Wish me luck for tomorrow. I am hoping to be heading to bed, soon. We love and appreciate each and every one of you. You are a blessing to us. Love to all.

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Saturday, March 10, 2007 11:02 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...



Yes, Bryce was at the wrestling tournament today... It was a very good distraction to watch our boys wrestle with all of their might!...Just as Bryce would want them to. In fact, Mitchell, Logan, & Joel each took home a 2nd place trophy--three 2nd place trophies. I would say that Bryce had something to do with 3 of the same... We're so proud of them. We will take the brothers to Waseca next weekend for the state tournament (all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places go). (Are ya home next weekend, Nyla?) Bryce's friends did awesome, too! I know that Bryce was beaming with joy at all of you! Way to go!

Coach Sutter made the announcement this morning that the Goodhue Jaycee Wrestling Tournament, that has been held for 30 years, will now be called the Bryce Breuer Memorial Jaycee Wrestling Tournament. How great is that???!!! We are so proud to be a part of it, and for our Brycer's name to be carried on into the future, even more... Coach Sutter just loved Bryce so much. He was always so proud of him. And, Bryce was proud to be a part of the Goodhue Wraastling (as Coach Sutter always says), too! There were a few tears shed during his announcement. He told everyone about Bryce, his battle, his strength, and how he taught all of us what TOUGH really means. We are so very proud...

We went to the Huemann's for Garett and Mason's birthday party after wrestling. It was very nice. After everyone left, we talked, played Pictionary, the kids played outside, and we watched a movie. I couldn't help but remember the last few times we were there. One was Thanksgiving night when we watched a movie and Tim & I snuggled with Bryce on the couch. I kept dozing off, and he kept poking me to "watch this part" until I finally stayed awake. He was almost disgusted with me that I couldn't keep my eyes open for awhile. His back was hurting him so much then. We didn't know yet that he was relapsing, again. The snuggling and just being with Bryce is a very special memory to me. Then, it was Natalie's birthday in December. He had to be carried in. I remember Tim & I being so sad. His relapse, which we knew at that time, was ripping us apart inside. Oh, if we could only erase the cancer...

As I was tucking Ethan into bed tonight, out of the blue, he said, "I LOVE Bryce." You need to imagine him with his VERY DRAMATIC little voice. He's our 'drama king'. I told him that I love Bryce, too. He said, "Why him not here?" I said, "Because we couldn't get the cancer gone and out of Bryce's body." He kept asking me "why". I kept trying to explain to him that "the doctors couldn't fix him and that his heart stopped beating". He said, "Can we go to church tomorrow?" I said yes. He asked, "Will Bryce be there?" I told him no, that Bryce is an Angel in Heaven. He said, "No him not. Him Bryce." I guess that's the major part of our conversation. Obviously, our 3 year old misses his big brother, Bryce, so much too. Bless his little heart.

Please keep sending out the HUGE PRAYERS for our family's strength, and the many other family's who are fighting this aweful disease or some other medical condition. We all need your strength. First, it must come from God. I believe Bryce sends us strength, too. But, the strength you send to us means so much,too. Just your emails or journal entries lift us up more than you could ever imagine. Please keep them coming, we appreciate every one of them. If you've emailed us, please forgive me that I have not replied back, yet. I mean to, I'm just not sure when it may happen because we are so far behind on so many things. Thank you for sending your emails. You are wonderful! We're sending you big hugs and lots of thanks! Love to all.

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Friday, March 9, 2007 10:15 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Hi everyone,

I'm at a loss for words tonight. The pain of missing Bryce is so terribly overwhelming. We just have to get through this. Somehow. Please say some extra prayers tonight. We did have conferences today (no school). It was good to talk to the boys' teachers. We are so grateful for their wonderful teachers! Tomorrow is the Goodhue Jaycee Wrestling Tournament. It's the one that Bryce spoke of (on Feb. 20th) wanting to wrestle at. I know that he wanted a trophy. Well, he already got his 1st place trophy from the Goodhue Wrestling Team and Coach Sutter. They put it in the flower arrangement that they sent for his funeral. They also put a picture of Bryce and typed "Thanks for showing us what tough really means!" Coach Sutter was always talking about how tough Bryce was. Coach Sutter is the BEST, by far... Pray for our strength tomorrow, too. It's going to be a big day for us without Bryce.

And finally, I want to tell Joe & Tyler and the rest of the Rochester Century Hockey Team congratulations on a great season!! We watched you tonight, and we were so proud of you! You held tough, just like Bryce did... I thought it was cool that as they announced players they had a 'Bryce' and next a 'Garett'. (Thanks, Brycer!)... Joe & Tyler were the guys who sent Bryce a Valentine's Day DVD with many, many wishes from many, many people at Rochester Century High School. You touched Bryce, and you amazed us with you generosity...just like your Mom, Jean--right Joe? Thanks for making a difference, guys. Our boys were very excited watching the game!

Jodie A., thanks for your Bryce signs today with the computer photo and the 'Twisters on Tuesday' book showing up (almost) out of no where! Keep 'em coming, Bryce Andrew! Your family needs them...Now, I'm going to try to head to bed. We love and appreciate all of you.

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Thursday, March 8, 2007 11:49 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


HAPPY 9TH BIRTHDAY TO BRYCE'S BEST BUDDY, GARETT!!! We hope you had a wonderful day! It was great to see you and spend a little close-to-Bryce time with you! You rock!!

Good Evening,

Well, Tim & I just got home from a late snowmobile ride with friends. Mitch, Joel, & Ethan are at Grandma & Grandpa's. Logan is at his friend, Michael's house. It was a lot of fun. It was a very beautiful night. It's been 2 weeks today since our Brycer left us to look into the face of Jesus. We miss him dearly... Today when it was 4:08pm, I gave Tim a hug and said a few words to Bryce--because that was the time he died on February 22nd. I'm not kidding you...30 seconds later, the song "Brave" came on the radio. That was my Bryce. He wanted me to know that he was with us, even though we've been without him for 2 weeks. Isn't he still just the best??? I'm so proud to be 'Bryce's Mom'. Speaking of Mom's, my Mom called and left me a message today. She had her radio on to her old time country music. It never comes in in the area she was at in Zumbrota but, by golly, it suddenly came in with the song "I Believe There Are Angels Among Us"!!! She sat at the stop sign listening and wouldn't you know it??...A big John Deere tractor drives by, right in front of her, with a snow blade on. She knew it was a sign... Thank you so much Brycer!!! We love you, buddy!

Today, Tim & I went to Wal-Mart in Red Wing. It was our first big outing alone. We did ok. But, before we went in, Tim shut the car off and I said, I don't want to go in. Suddenly, "Legacy" comes on on the radio...Thanks, Bryce. God placed Carol Fitschen, from Goodhue, in our path. She lost her son 2 years ago in a car accident. He knew we needed to see her. God is so good. Stacy, thanks for adding your dream to the guest book. I'll add a bit of information to it... Stacy didn't know that Bryce loved that song and sang the verse by the child when we would be driving somewhere or listening to it at home. She also didn't know that we went to the Casting Crowns concert, and we all had our hands raised in the air while they sang. One more thing, Logan put the arrowhead in the casket with Bryce at the funeral so in her dream, he had it around his neck. The chapel was the setting he would have preferred being "closer" to God. Stacy's dream was exactly as it should be... Amazing. She also mentioned to me that she thought the coolest thing about it was that her and Joel both had their "Bryce with Casting Crowns music" dreams in the same night... Again, God is so good. Thank you so much for sharing, Stace! You're the best! Our Angel Bryce is a busy boy these days!! Thanks, buddy! Keep up the good work!

Thanks to the awesome 1st graders and teachers, Mrs. Heitman & Mrs. Doerhoffer, for giving Joel the many very special and meaningful gifts you gave him today. You are all so good for him to be with. He's very sensitive and is hurting. You made him feel so great! Also, I keep forgetting to mention to the 6th graders for the wonderful card you sent Mitchell! He really appreciated it! Thanks also to the teachers and staff at Goodhue for the awesome cards for the boys! Friends and family, too! Thanks for everything,...food, prayers, love, hugs, etc. etc... We love you all so very much! And, appreciate your thoughtfulness everyday!!! Love to all.

Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch!

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:59 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Evening,

**I keep coming back to add more "stuff"... At 3am last night, Joel came into bed by me and woke me up. He said he had gone downstairs to get a drink of water and heard The Voice of Truth by the Casting Crowns and he knew it was from Bryce. I had left the radio on low in the kitchen. I said, "Wow, Joel. You are so lucky. Bryce is always letting you know that he is right by your side, protecting you and watching over you." He said, "Thanks, Mom." Precious. And,... Stacey from Camp Jornada had the most amazing dream about Bryce last night! She had Tim & I both in tears. Stace, I sure would love it if you would put it in the guest book. hint hint... I live for these "signs" from Bryce. If I can't have him alive on Earth with us, then, by golly, keep leaving us those signs that you are with us in spirit, buddy! We love you so much!!

Well, we had a very nice morning. We went to school around 8:45 and brought the 3rd graders Carnival of Love t-shirts. They were the left over t-shirts that the committee wanted us to give to them. We just finally got around to it. It was great to see their smiling faces again. I just love those kids! They have such enthusiasm, just like Bryce. One of the classmates even noticed that the t-shirts smelled like Bryce. We diffused his oils in our room and that is where the t-shirts were. That made Tim & I feel really good. He left another memory of him for them. Thanks for the warm welcome from both of the classes. Thanks to Mrs. Dressen and Miss Curtis, too! You are such awesome teachers. Then, we went to the gym for the Dr. Suess program. Well, that was a hoot! Those teachers have the 3rd grade enthusiasm that I mentioned earlier... Wow. It was fun. We brought a few books and read with them. I loved it. Tim went snowmobiling for a few hours today and I hung out with the birthday girl, Jodi! Thanks for coming along to all of the special events of the day, Jod. It was great to spend some quality time with you. My sister, Amanda, stopped by with little Will on the way home from the cities. We had a good birthday lunch in town with Lana, Carol, and Jer. Thanks for watching the little ones, Michelle! Tonight, Susan & Bob came out to talk with Tim & I about the Grief Sharers group in Red Wing but mostly to let us open up and talk about our feelings, emotions, etc. They've been through this twice... I couldn't imagine. They were wonderful. Thanks for coming back again tonight to help with the kids, Michelle! Thanks also to the 4th graders for giving Logan such an awesome gift! They all autographed a baseball, teachers included, for him and gave him a basket of orange tulips that will bloom in May (Bryce's birthday month) and a gift certificate to Sargent's Nursery! You should have seen Logan's face when he came home from school. He was very excited and very proud! Rock on, 4th graders!

I'm keeping it really short tonight because I am sooooo tired. Thanks for all of your prayers. Please keep sending the prayers out for little Noelle. She is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her healing and strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from Bryce's prayer warriors! Thanks a bunch! Will's scans came back clear! Praise God! He is so good. Love to all.

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Tuesday, March 6, 2007 10:21 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Evening,

Have I ever said that God answers prayers??? This morning was not a good one...as Tim puts it, "We were in the 'toilet'." This may have been my worse morning, yet. I don't know. Maybe, the mornings are worse because you wake up and reality sets in--Bryce is gone. But, what do I know? I'm new at this. Tim had taken the boys to school and Ethan to Lori's. Well, in my tears and frustration, I asked God to take it from me because I couldn't handle it. I waited 10 minutes and said again, "God, you haven't taken it yet!" And then, the phone rang. It was our friend, Carol. She was soon on her way over. I knew right away that God told her to call me. Then, the phone rang again. It was one of my favorite Mary Kay Director's, Janet Chapman. I thanked God, once again. Long story short, we got our cries in and then got to work...being busy helps pass the lonely time without Bryce. Carol's husband, Jer, brought us lunch. Carol and Lana started the funeral unpacking and dining room decorating in Bryce's honor. It's only about half-way done but it's beautiful so far. I love it so much! Everything of Bryce's looks way better on the walls and tables in there rather than standing lonely in the kitchen by the porch door. We are off to a very good start, and for that, I am grateful. To top the day off, Tim & I and the boys had a pizza and movie night. We watched a movie that one of my favorite people, Susan Goetz, sent me. It is 'Facing The Giant'. It is so what we needed. I only wish we had watched it with Bryce before he died. He would have loved it. I guess, he was watching it with us tonight... It is an incredibly, faith-filled movie about our amazing God and a coach with huge faith. It teaches you to give God all the glory. It is now my most favorite movie, ever... You can get it at the Christian Book Store.

Tonight, when I was tucking Joel into bed and we were saying prayers, he told me he was so sad that Bryce died. He wished Bryce hadn't died and wondered why Bryce had to get leukemia. He said, "Mom, do you know what the B in Bryce stands for?" I said, "What?" He said, "It stands for BRAVE because Bryce was so brave." We were talking a little more and I noticed a very faint blinking light under him in bed, under his covers. I took it without saying anything, while we were still talking, but thinking that he was probably goofing around in bed. After a few minutes, it hit me that this flashing icecube (given to Bryce by Dr. Warner on Gonda 7E) was one of Bryce's favorite things. I realized that I should ask Joel if he was playing with it--maybe,...hopefully, it was a sign from Bryce... I asked Joel and it was obvious, he hadn't been playing with it. Like I said, it was under him, under the covers, barried deep. I knew it was a sign from Bryce. You see, Bryce loved that thing but over the last 1 1/2 months, we couldn't get it to stop blinking, no matter how hard we banged on it! I hadn't seen it in a long time. When it was blinking tonight, it was on it's last leg... I have it in my pocket right now, and it is still blinking but barely. It makes me think of Bryce in his last few moments, just barely hanging on but still fighting. I know Bryce is with us, I just wish that he was 'physically' still with us. I wish that everything was ok and that he never got sick. I would do anything to bring him back to us. He's our son, he's our hero... I can't believe it's already been a week since his funeral...

We don't know why we are at this valley in our life, but we do know that we are growing as individuals in Christ. For some reason, and we won't know why until we are Heaven with Bryce, we have been dealt this hand... The wound is still fresh and the sting is absolutely horrible but I will never stop giving God ALL THE GLORY for all of the many blessings in our lives including being Bryce's Mom... We have been blessed with wonderful children, a loving marriage, awesome family's and friends', all of you, and the love of Christ. Please keep the prayers coming. We're going to need them for a really long time... We miss you, Brycer. You're my guy... Before I finish, I want to ask you to please continue to send out prayers for some very special friends of our's: Will, who had a relapsed brain tumor and is Bryce's age, had MRI's yesterday and was getting his results today. Pray his results are good, again. We know these days are very difficult...www.caringbridge.org/mn/willcanan. Noelle is just so precious. She is fighting a mighty fight against relapsed leukemia. Pray for her strength....www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. All of our caring bridge family's are so special to us. We love them all so much. We hate that any of these people have to go through such difficult life/medical situations, especially when they are so young. Thank you. Love to all.

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Monday, March 5, 2007 9:50 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Hi Everyone,

Once again, God answers prayers. Today was a better day. Thank you, God. We talked with the boys about going to school today. With some encouragement, Mitchell went in at 8:00. Tim took Joel at 10:30. Logan still wanted to stay home. He's going to try it tomorrow. Ethan went to our friend, Lori's, daycare again. It had been over a week. Tim & I worked on opening many, many beautiful cards that all of you sent. We had lots of help from our friends, Carol & Lana, our Mom's, and Tim's Dad. Wonderful... We couldn't have done it without them. All we did was open them and read some. Tomorrow, the plan is for Tim & I to sit down and read every single one of them. Thank you so much to everyone who sent a card, a gift, or an email or signed the guest book along our journey. You lift our spirits. You send us strength through your beautiful words and prayers. God listened and held us today. Like I said, today wasn't too bad. We needed that. And, sometimes we need the reminders that God is holding always...

We also had a very nice and very special visit from Bryce's friend, Nathan, and his family who brought us supper which was soooo nummy! I needed to see one of Bryce's buddies. They mean so much to us! I just love those guys! (Sorry guys--I'm getting mushy on you....) Anyway, it was a very nice visit! Thanks, Nathan and family!

I'm going to finish up and get to bed. But, I wanted to add a few things. I added some photos from Bryce's funeral. So, you'll have to check them out. Thanks for taking the pictures, Jodi, and for the CD. I also wanted to say WAY TO GO TO ALL OF THE GOODHUE ATHLETES! The wrestlers did a great job at state! The girls basketball team had a great season! And, the boys basketball team plays tomorrow night, so good luck! I also wanted to wish the Rochester Century Boys Hockey Team good luck at state! Two of their players sent Bryce a really awesome and amazing DVD on Valentine's Day. Thanks, Ty and Joe, and good luck! Thanks to everyone who is lifting us up and sending out your powerful prayers!!! We need them, so keep them coming! God is good... Love to all.

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Sunday, March 4, 2007 5:12 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce Andrew. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Hi Everyone,

We're here. We're home. Bryce has really blessed us with the snow from Heaven, hasn't he? He let us in on his party. As Serena put it, it's confetti from Heaven for their celebration of Bryce's Homecoming. I wish I could be at his party. He always loved a party here on Earth... He is such a great host. I imagine lots of music and a few dance moves by the Bryce Man... Thanks for all of the web page changes, Serena and Deanna. I appreciate you both so very much!

We went up north to a vacation resort with my brother, Chris, who reserved it. The rest of the Kempner family also came to join us. The boys enjoyed the pool. We did some snowmobiling, movies, pizza, bowling, sleeping, etc. It was a very nice place. On Thursday night, Joel fell out of bed. He had a cut above his left eyebrow. Well, I think that his big brother, Bryce, stepped in on that one. We got it to stop bleeding fairly quickly, or should I say Bryce did. You know how bad a person bleeds on the forehead or around the eyebrow?... I told him that Bryce was watching over him because I know he was. Bryce would have been right in there, head and all, trying to tell us how to take care of Joel, the patient, and comforting him. Bryce always cared so much when people were injured. We stopped at my brother, Brad's, on the way home. More family time of snowmobiling and, finally, ice fishing. We didn't catch but 3 fish--Bryce's number--but it was fun. We got home late last night, and our boys are tired. Tim & I got up and took Chris to the airport this morning at 5:45am. We are trying to catch up on homework with the boys, laundry, etc. this afternoon. We are hoping to get to bed early tonight.

I'm not exactly sure what to tell you today. Life is so difficult without our Brycer. Everywhere we turn, we see a part of him. We WANT to keep seeing every part of him. I wish sooooo badly I could turn back the clock. I wish so badly God could have kept him here on Earth with us until he was an old man. The pain is so aweful and completely unbearable. He was #3 of 5 boys; #5 of 7 in our family... It's like missing a very important piece of a puzzle. Tim & I are struggling today. There's nothing that can change it except time, I suppose. And with that, it feels like it could be years... We will miss him forever. We are leaning on the Lord because we don't have a lot of strength right now... The brothers are hanging in there. Mitch & Logan are strong most of the time but you can see their sadness in their eyes. Joel & Ethan show more emotions and talk about Bryce more. Joel said last night, out of the blue, "Mom, I wish I could be in Heaven with Bryce." He has always cared so much about his big brother, Bryce. Ethan will get sad and say, "I miss Bryce. I wish him not go to Heaven." Then, he points at his eyes and says, "Why nothing coming out?" He means his tears. I told him it's ok if he doesn't cry. We all miss Bryce. Tim & I find ourselves doing all the "normal" parent-who-lost-a-child things like, trying to be quiet for Bryce, counting for 5 boys heads, smelling Bryce's clothing, crying over Bryce's food and pictures, turning to tell him to look at that tractor or truck,...you name it, I think we've done it. I'm sure that will happen for quite a while. What confusion and so much more. A few times, I've found myself asking me 'why did I tell him to go with God' and that 'Daddy and Mommy would be ok'?... We're not ok. Please keep praying for our strength. I can't imagine good days at this point. Bryce was our baby, our son, our hero... No Mommy or Daddy should be separated from their child. Ever. I keep asking Bryce to give me signs today. Please Brycer, just a few... We love you so much, buddy!!!

"Dear God, these days are not easy days. We have been so blessed to have 5 wonderful boys and a loving marriage. We come to you now asking for strength, peace, and comfort in our lives. You know already that we miss our Brycer so badly. Please help to ease the pain in our hearts. Please God, give us healing. Hold Tim & I and our boys up on our weak moments because there are so many. Please also give strength to our extended famiy's, friends, and Bryce Backers. Please remind them how much we truly appreciate them. Thank you, God, for every single blessing in our lives. Thank you for giving us life. Amen."

Before I go, Julie Tweeten, another Caring Bridge Mom had such a wonderul "view" of Bryce's gravesite. I just need to share it because I think she hit the nail on the head... Where Bryce's body rests...to the south is a huge field where soon there will be a tractor plowing and then planting...to the west is a bunch of big equipment for roadwork in the spring...to the north is the community that Bryce loves growing up with his classmates, brothers, and family...to the east is a playground... Beautiful. Thanks, Julie. I know he is so happy in Heaven... We love you all.

I can't seem to erase Bryce's eulogy, yet. I want everyone to know Bryce Breuer... Here is his eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST! ~Author Unknown~

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell's scripture: Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?"
Logan's scripture: Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Thursday, March 1, 2007 6:40 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Evening,

I'm just going to add a quick little update tonight. I am also going to keep the visitation and funeral details below. I thought some people might like that, but actually, mabye I just didn't want to part with it just yet... My brother, Chris, had a thought or an image today that gave me so much comfort. After reading in our guest book about the 4 month old baby boy from Pepin, WI who died, Chris said, "I picture Bryce as part of the Welcoming Committee in Heaven." I believe he's right. Bryce always squatted down to that child's level, tilted his head, and spoke in a very gentle, comforting, friendly voice. He always made them feel so special and gave them so much special attention...Much like Tawnia described in the guest book when Bryce would see Alyssa. Thanks, Tawnia. We love and miss you. Bryce is comforting all of the children and drying their tears after departing from their parents. He is so wonderful. Like I need to tell you that! I am sure he is holding the baby boy and taking care of him. We feel so terrible for the baby's family. Please send out prayers for them. I know that they are hurting...

Our family is just taking each day minute by minute. Our day's our so different now... We put so much time and care into our little Brycer trying to get him well. The boys would come up to visit and spend time with him to make him feel special. We all hurt so badly. Even little Ethan says he misses Bryce and wants him back. Tim and I are really trying to remind ourselves that he is not hurting any more. We know he is so happy and healthy. And, that's what parents want for their children. But, it still hurts so bad to live life without him. Our family's have been wonderful. Do me a favor and hug your kids tonight. Tell them Bryce is sending a hug from Heaven for each one of them, then hug them from Bryce...a real sincere, true hug. That's what he would have done had he been feeling well. That gives me comfort. I LOVE BEING BRYCE'S MOM... We love and appreciate all of you.

Here's the rest of entry that I just left for a little while...

Wednesday, February 28th: What a feeling of peace we have over us... Bryce has been with us the entire time, and he still is with us always. The last two days were the most beautiful, perfect days we've ever experienced. We are so pleased, and Bryce is so pleased. Everything was perfect, as Bryce would want it. He is such a perfectionist! God had His hands all over everything! I want to give you all a picture of the celebration of Bryce's life...

Monday morning a bunch of us set up at the church. To be honest with you, I thought someone might say that I had a rediculous amount of memorabilia for Bryce. But, then I thought, "Who cares?! This is my son." And, you know what? Every single piece of Bryce's memories were used and in the perfect location. It looked absolutely beautiful!! Like I kept saying, it was Bryce's perfection. We started out with people coming through the back entrance of the church and going down into the basement. In the basement, the guestbooks were there with folders of Bryce's information and prayer cards that we had made. They were both beautiful! We had a TV set up, actually there were 4 TV screens with DVD's running non-stop. The DVD's were all of our pictures that Tom loaded the night before the visitation. I picked all of our favorite Christian songs that we have needed, clung to, cried through, and danced with for about 2 years. The DVD's were so beautiful and full of love. I will check into finding out how we can put links into Bryce's webpage of the DVD's. Thank you so much, Tom, for putting all of the hours and dedication into them. They were so important to me, and you knew and respected that... We had picture isles set up with picture collages of Bryce's life. They were beautiful! Thank you to everyone who put them together so perfectly!! They were also very important to me. I wish everyone could see them and see Bryce's life in photos... At the opposite end of the basement, Bryce's pictures in frames were set up with his children's bible and the last lego's that he put together. One was from you, Will Canan! He put that together the Tuesday night before his seizures on Wednesday. Amazing kid... Tim & I couldn't believe he was doing the lego's that night. Remember who were dealing with here--strength, determination, and courage.

On to the next level... When you came up the steps to the main floor of the church, you turned to the right and followed through the narthex to see Bryce's John Deere Monopoly game, his treasured tractor collection, his JD clock, more beautiful pictures of Bryce, his big remote controlled JD tractor from Craig Johnson--Dani's husband, many of Bryce's blankets, his Sir Bryce Breuer poem and picture frame, another large TV with DVD photos and music, his wrestling frame, his favorite sweatshirt, our Carnival of Love picture of the 5 boys on the tractor, the pink pillow Bryce made me at Camp Jornada, and so much more. We had many, many photos of Bryce from the day he was born to the week he died. Again, it was absolutely beautiful. I know Lana and Jodi took many pictures. I will load them up soon for the web page, I just don't have them yet. We had special things Bryce made in school and at home, a special picture he colored, a New York statue, and his collections from his classmates and the Goodhue athletes. We had a family photo along with a Mother & Son and a Father & Son statue on one of his favorite blankets as you entered the church santuary. There were flowers and plants located all over the upstairs of the church, especially by Bryce. We had a large, beautiful family photo and one of my favorite photos of Bryce. Deb, our photographer friend, brought another large family photo and a smaller collage family photo on Monday night. Thanks so much, Deb! You are wonderful! There were so many beautiful flowers, especially orange flowers, surrounding Bryce and a beautiful stone for a special flower garden that we will make this year. The stone is from a family from Goodhue who's son died in a car accident 2 years ago this month. Thanks so much, Carol & Wayne.

Bryce wore his favorite U of MN Golden Gophers sweatsuit with autographed t-shirt. He looked very peaceful. He held onto Boomer, his puppy. He took with him a couple of JD tractors--one was a 4020, my ruby and diamond ring from Tim many years ago and my Mother & Child pendant necklace, some special stones from Mitch, the arrowhead that Logan gave him, a special picture from Joel, a piece of gum from Ethan, a can of fake nuts that springs out of the can a snake (he would have loved that!), and some letters, a poem, and trinkets from his cousins and uncle. Forgive me, if I have forgotten anything! We had his huge, favorite JD blanket on top of his casket with the green and yellow flowers and JD tractor arrangement that said, "Son". Everything was beautiful.

It was wonderful to get so many hugs from so many people who love Bryce. The funeral director, Sue Lodermeier, thought that there was maybe 700 people on Monday night and 400 people on Tuesday. I asked Bryce and God for strength on Monday. Let me tell you,...God answers prayers. With the strength they gave me, I could have stood on top of the church! Tim was so strong, too! That was a blessing to both of us. It was hard enough to be there already. Thank you to everyone who attended on Monday and Tuesday, both. I am so sorry that I didn't get to see everyone on Tuesday.

Before the funeral, we stayed in a room, as a family, until about 1:50. Then, we came out and sat in the front pew. Ethan was a bit tired and antsy but I just thought the whole time "he is 3", we will always remember that... The funeral was beautiful. We started out with my sister, Julie, and my brother, Chris, singing "Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) by Chris Rice. I love that song... They did a beautiful job!! I loved it! Then, we tucked Bryce in with his blanket and left our special gifts with him while the congregation sang "Jesus Loves Me".

Pastor started out with some prayers and greetings.

My brother, Brad, read the eulogy which he did an AMAZING job!!! He looked to the 3rd graders, and everyone, as he read. We are so glad Brad did the reading... Thank you, Brad! Here is the eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST!

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell read the scripture Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?" Logan read the scripture Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

The 3rd graders then did a tribute to Bryce spelling out his name and what each letter meant. B is for brave, R for red-head, Y for Yes, he always made us laugh, C is for courageous, and E is for everyone's friend. They did a fabulous job!!! We loved it sooooo much! Thank you, 3rd graders!!! You are such wonderful friends to Bryce!

Then, my sister, Amanda, sang the song "Legacy" by Nicole Nordeman which I love and always cranked up in the transplant unit. She did an absolutely beautiful job!!! She put all of her energy and heart into the song! And, she only got the CD from me on Thursday before Bryce died...

Then, Nyla came up and read her Sir Bryce Breuer poem. Thank you so much, Nyla!

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

We finished the service with beautiful words from Pastor Mike who did gave us such a wonderful service. Thanks, Pastor Mike! Our family appreciates all that you have done for us along our journey. We walked out with the song "When Peace Like a River". Everything was perfect.

We went outside from there and did an orange balloon release with all of the children. It was beautiful! I know Bryce loved receiving all of those awesome orange balloons in Heaven!!! He was probably trying to catch all of them with his friends in Heaven. Thank you Chelsea for the "orange" push ups!!!

From there, we walked behind the hearse to the cemetary. We had a wonderful 10 minute service for Bryce. After everyone gave us hugs and told Bryce that they'd see him soon, our family had a prayer with Pastor Mike. Tim and I and the brothers said a few special words to Bryce and we walked back to church. We then went to the Lions Building for lunch. It was a wonderful day for celebrating Bryce's life. Thank you to all made it happen so perfectly. No, it's not easy today. But, we are sticking together like glue. And, as Joel keeps reminding us. Bryce is with us always...

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Wednesday, February 28, 2007 3:27 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

We love you and miss you, Bryce. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be some challenging days, months, and years ahead of us... You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. See ya soon, Bryce...


Good Afternoon,

What a feeling of peace we have over us... Bryce has been with us the entire time, and he still is with us always. The last two days were the most beautiful, perfect days we've ever experienced. We are so pleased, and Bryce is so pleased. Everything was perfect, as Bryce would want it. He is such a perfectionist! God had His hands all over everything! I want to give you all a picture of the celebration of Bryce's life...

Monday morning a bunch of us set up at the church. To be honest with you, I thought someone might say that I had a rediculous amount of memorabilia for Bryce. But, then I thought, "Who cares?! This is my son." And, you know what? Every single piece of Bryce's memories were used and in the perfect location. It looked absolutely beautiful!! Like I kept saying, it was Bryce's perfection. We started out with people coming through the back entrance of the church and going down into the basement. In the basement, the guestbooks were there with folders of Bryce's information and prayer cards that we had made. They were both beautiful! We had a TV set up, actually there were 4 TV screens with DVD's running non-stop. The DVD's were all of our pictures that Tom loaded the night before the visitation. I picked all of our favorite Christian songs that we have needed, clung to, cried through, and danced with for about 2 years. The DVD's were so beautiful and full of love. I will check into finding out how we can put links into Bryce's webpage of the DVD's. Thank you so much, Tom, for putting all of the hours and dedication into them. They were so important to me, and you knew and respected that... We had picture isles set up with picture collages of Bryce's life. They were beautiful! Thank you to everyone who put them together so perfectly!! They were also very important to me. I wish everyone could see them and see Bryce's life in photos... At the opposite end of the basement, Bryce's pictures in frames were set up with his children's bible and the last lego's that he put together. One was from you, Will Canan! He put that together the Tuesday night before his seizures on Wednesday. Amazing kid... Tim & I couldn't believe he was doing the lego's that night. Remember who were dealing with here--strength, determination, and courage.

On to the next level... When you came up the steps to the main floor of the church, you turned to the right and followed through the narthex to see Bryce's John Deere Monopoly game, his treasured tractor collection, his JD clock, more beautiful pictures of Bryce, his big remote controlled JD tractor from Craig Johnson--Dani's husband, many of Bryce's blankets, his Sir Bryce Breuer poem and picture frame, another large TV with DVD photos and music, his wrestling frame, his favorite sweatshirt, our Carnival of Love picture of the 5 boys on the tractor, the pink pillow Bryce made me at Camp Jornada, and so much more. We had many, many photos of Bryce from the day he was born to the week he died. Again, it was absolutely beautiful. I know Lana and Jodi took many pictures. I will load them up soon for the web page, I just don't have them yet. We had special things Bryce made in school and at home, a special picture he colored, a New York statue, and his collections from his classmates and the Goodhue athletes. We had a family photo along with a Mother & Son and a Father & Son statue on one of his favorite blankets as you entered the church santuary. There were flowers and plants located all over the upstairs of the church, especially by Bryce. We had a large, beautiful family photo and one of my favorite photos of Bryce. Deb, our photographer friend, brought another large family photo and a smaller collage family photo on Monday night. Thanks so much, Deb! You are wonderful! There were so many beautiful flowers, especially orange flowers, surrounding Bryce and a beautiful stone for a special flower garden that we will make this year. The stone is from a family from Goodhue who's son died in a car accident 2 years ago this month. Thanks so much, Carol & Wayne.

Bryce wore his favorite U of MN Golden Gophers sweatsuit with autographed t-shirt. He looked very peaceful. He held onto Boomer, his puppy. He took with him a couple of JD tractors--one was a 4020, my ruby and diamond ring from Tim many years ago and my Mother & Child pendant necklace, some special stones from Mitch, the arrowhead that Logan gave him, a special picture from Joel, a piece of gum from Ethan, a can of fake nuts that springs out of the can a snake (he would have loved that!), and some letters, a poem, and trinkets from his cousins and uncle. Forgive me, if I have forgotten anything! We had his huge, favorite JD blanket on top of his casket with the green and yellow flowers and JD tractor arrangement that said, "Son". Everything was beautiful.

It was wonderful to get so many hugs from so many people who love Bryce. The funeral director, Sue Lodermeier, thought that there was maybe 700 people on Monday night and 400 people on Tuesday. I asked Bryce and God for strength on Monday. Let me tell you,...God answers prayers. With the strength they gave me, I could have stood on top of the church! Tim was so strong, too! That was a blessing to both of us. It was hard enough to be there already. Thank you to everyone who attended on Monday and Tuesday, both. I am so sorry that I didn't get to see everyone on Tuesday.

Before the funeral, we stayed in a room, as a family, until about 1:50. Then, we came out and sat in the front pew. Ethan was a bit tired and antsy but I just thought the whole time "he is 3", we will always remember that... The funeral was beautiful. We started out with my sister, Julie, and my brother, Chris, singing "Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) by Chris Rice. I love that song... They did a beautiful job!! I loved it! Then, we tucked Bryce in with his blanket and left our special gifts with him while the congregation sang "Jesus Loves Me".

Pastor started out with some prayers and greetings.

My brother, Brad, read the eulogy which he did an AMAZING job!!! He looked to the 3rd graders, and everyone, as he read. We are so glad Brad did the reading... Thank you, Brad! Here is the eulogy:

But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

When I think of Bryce, I think of a little boy with beautiful red hair, blue eyes, gorgeous freckles, and a million-dollar smile that lit up the whole room. His smile was contagious and ever-present. He always gave us a smile, even in his last days to make his parents or brothers happy. His laugh was beautiful. He loved his John Deere tractors and was very protective of them. He loved anything that he could drive whether it was one of his many remote controlled toys, his John Deere gator, a lawn mower, or a huge tractor. He was a perfectionist in all he did, which made his mom and dad a little crazy at times. After getting tucked into bed and all settled in, two minutes later, he would need something else straightened. His “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith” pillows were so special and important to him, and they had to be placed “just so” under his arms in bed. Another example would be that he was told that his eraser would be taken away in school, if he didn’t stop erasing so much to make his writing look so perfect on his schoolwork. That perfection of writing was taking too much time! Bryce was whom God created him to be and no one else. And for that, we are grateful. What a special gift Bryce is to us.

When I think of Bryce, I think of an 8-year-old boy who grew up way before his time. Bryce made his parents strong from Day One of his diagnosis. He still is our strength. Bryce will be remembered by many people as a brave and courageous young boy. Logan brought him back a very special gift from Eagle Bluff. It was an arrowhead because Bryce was a warrior, always keeping up the fight. Bryce loved and appreciated his prayer warriors, all of you, so very much. Thank you for all that you did for Bryce and our family. It was almost four years of this illness for Bryce, and he didn’t complain much, even though he went through much more in those years than many of us will ever go through in our lifetimes. He was such a trooper through it all. He never liked getting the attention from this sickness. He did everything he possibly could to heal his little body. He was such an advocate for eating healthy food. He followed all the “rules”. Mitchell was his hero for all he did for Bryce. And, Bryce wanted to live to be as old as his brothers, as he stated when he relapsed again in December. He wanted to be a leader and teacher for his two, very special younger brothers, Joel & Ethan. But, God had other plans for him. And, he fought those plans ‘til the end. He will always be a leader in our family.

His love for life was obvious in everything he did. His love for people and small children was genuine and sincere. He has a heart of gold, as Garett, his best buddy, would say. He cared so much about so many. He always wanted to know how others were doing and wanted to do something for them. From dropping off toys at the hospital for the children there to just getting someone to smile with his little wave, it didn’t matter, as long as he made someone feel a little bit better—that’s all that mattered to him. His nurses were a huge part of his life. He loved and appreciated everything that they did for him, even though he would grumble at times. Their love for Bryce was amazing! They made him so happy. He always wanted to make others happy. That was a huge part of his life.

His laughter and silliness was always in perfect timing. I don’t know how he did it, but his timing with his jokes or silly comments was always perfect. He surprised many of us with his funny comments, especially in school. He loved school and everything about it. He loved spending time with his friends. He loved just being a kid. One of his favorite memories was when we were at the zoo celebrating his 8th birthday. The family got to go feed the dolphins as a special surprise to Bryce. Well, he also sent a special surprise to his friends. He sent a dolphin over to them and drenched them with water. He laughed so hard!! His friends and teachers were his escape from the medical world. They were his circle of support away from home, always lifting him up and making him feel like life was normal even when he had to bring those special organic lunches. Thank you to all of the 3rd graders and Goodhue students and staff for giving him so much love and support. By making him happy, you made us happy.

We all love and miss Bryce’s amazing presence, his warmth, and friendliness. His brothers and his parents were his world. Susie has always said that the “Third one’s a charm” pertaining to Bryce. His personality was so laid-back, so pleasant, and so happy. When he was old enough to ride in the tractor with his Dad, he didn’t take a chance at missing any of the action. He would scarf down his breakfast, slip on his rubber boots and sit on the steps waiting for his Dad, fearing that his Daddy would leave without him, if he wasn’t ready on time. He would stay in the tractor from morning ‘til supper. He would take his nap in the tractor so he wouldn’t have to leave. He always knew which field Dad and Grandpa were at. From riding in the tractor with his Dad, to cooking in the kitchen with his Mom, to playing lego’s or playing in the sandbox with his brothers, to playing at recess with his friends, to fishing at Grandpa Pete’s, to fuse beading with Keisha, to playing in the snow and on the kitty kat with his brothers, to helping Mrs. Austin in gym, to raking leaves at Grandma & Grandpa’s and mowing lawn at home, to holding a baby-- he put his whole heart into everything he did. And, I can’t help but think that he is doing that right now in Heaven as one of God’s special Angels. Here is a very fitting poem for Bryce:

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him and whispered, “Come with me.”

With tear-filled eyes we watched him suffer and fade away
Although we loved him deeply, we could not make him stay.

A golden heart stopped beating, fun loving hands put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the BEST!

Bryce was a great fisherman—walleyes, northern pike, and crappies feared him--- but he was an even greater fisher-of-men, women , and young people… He’d cast out his love, kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity---- and everyone he met would latch onto that bait—and never let go…

God had a special plan and purpose for Bryce here on Earth. Now, that job is complete. And once again, God gets all the glory. Bryce Breuer has made many of us better people, better friends, better parents, and better Christians. He taught us to hug our children a little tighter, and a lot more often. Bryce has taught us how to live life to its fullest and stop complaining. Bryce gave us the strength to continue on each and every day even when he was the one who suffered the most. Bryce taught us patience, kindness, compassion, wisdom, love and most of all, to lean on the Lord. He never stopped asking God to make him better. He asked his mom once, “Mom, does this song ‘Walk By Faith’ mean that I will never give up and I will keep on fighting?” When she answered, yes it does. He said, “Then, this is my song.” That is why he loved his 2 favorite pillows, “Believe” and “I Walk By Faith”. God now has a special plan for Bryce in Heaven, and he is feeling no pain. He is running, jumping, laughing, and loving. He is so happy and has waited so long to do the many things he loves to do. Yes, the leukemia took the life from Bryce’s little body. But, ultimately, the victory is God and Bryce’s alone. Bryce has a new life and victory in Heaven. The victory is won. Bryce is walking with Jesus. We’re so happy for him, and we will celebrate his new life. His legacy of faith will live on forever. His incredible spirit will always be with us in our hearts and surrounding our everyday life. So, always watch for your signs from Bryce’s presence. He is with us always! We can’t wait to meet up with you again someday, Bryce! So, it’s not goodbye. We’ll see ya soon, Brycer!

Mitchell read the scripture Romans 8:30-39. "If God is for us, who is against us?" Logan read the scripture Psalm 121 "I lift my eyes to the hills--from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." That is from one of our favorite songs "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns.

The 3rd graders then did a tribute to Bryce spelling out his name and what each letter meant. B is for brave, R for red-head, Y for Yes, he always made us laugh, C is for courageous, and E is for everyone's friend. They did a fabulous job!!! We loved it sooooo much! Thank you, 3rd graders!!! You are such wonderful friends to Bryce!

Then, my sister, Amanda, sang the song "Legacy" by Nicole Nordeman which I love and always cranked up in the transplant unit. She did an absolutely beautiful job!!! She put all of her energy and heart into the song! And, she only got the CD from me on Thursday before Bryce died...

Then, Nyla came up and read her Sir Bryce Breuer poem. Thank you so much, Nyla!

Sir Bryce Breuer, a young knight, from the land of Goodhue,
Your heart has proved to be brave and true.

A warrior so gallant, courageous and strong,
He is wise beyond years, though this knight be so young,

Sir Bryce wakes to battle and fights valiantly ‘til nigh,
Slaying dragons that circle on land and in sky,

He is clad with thick armor—‘tis weightless as air,
His sword is our love and his shield is our prayer,

No dragon shall defeat our noble Sir Bryce,
For he is carried forth always by our Lord Jesus Christ.

We finished the service with beautiful words from Pastor Mike who did gave us such a wonderful service. Thanks, Pastor Mike! Our family appreciates all that you have done for us along our journey. We walked out with the song "When Peace Like a River". Everything was perfect.

We went outside from there and did an orange balloon release with all of the children. It was beautiful! I know Bryce loved receiving all of those awesome orange balloons in Heaven!!! He was probably trying to catch all of them with his friends in Heaven. Thank you Chelsea for the "orange" push ups!!!

From there, we walked behind the hearse to the cemetary. We had a wonderful 10 minute service for Bryce. After everyone gave us hugs and told Bryce that they'd see him soon, our family had a prayer with Pastor Mike. Tim and I and the brothers said a few special words to Bryce and we walked back to church. We then went to the Lions Building for lunch. It was a wonderful day for celebrating Bryce's life. Thank you to all made it happen so perfectly. No, it's not easy today. But, we are sticking together like glue. And, as Joel keeps reminding us. Bryce is with us always...

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Monday, February 26, 2007 10:30 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

Bryce's visitation will be on Monday from 4-8pm at our church, St. Luke Lutheran in Goodhue. Bryce's funeral will be on Tuesday at 2pm with a short visitation from 1-2pm. Interment will be held at the Evergreen Cemetery in Goodhue. Lunch will be served at the Lion's Building in Goodhue after the graveside service.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Good Morning,

I can't help but picture Bryce in Heaven on a John Deere 4020 loader tractor dumping the snow on us... He knew that his Dad loves taking his boys out in this snowy, sloppy mess. He is excited as his Dad puts the pickup into 4WD. He is laughing his glorious laugh super loud while his Dad is whipping donuts in the drive way and busting through the drifts on the roads. You are completely correct, Brenda. Bryce loved snow and riding his kitty kat snowmobile. He would stay on that thing as long as his little body could take the cold, and then some. His brothers have been playing outside in the snow yesterday with their cousins and friends, and today. I do believe that Bryce is playing right along side them. He is throwing snowballs, making snow angels, and digging tunnels. He is pushing Mona, our german shepard, away because she keeps bugging him and trying to take his hat and mittens. He will need a cup of hot chocolate when he comes in... I know he is smiling, happy, healthy, and loving his new home in Heaven. I wish it was easier for us here on Earth without his earthly presence. Yesterday was a really difficult day with the emotions for myself. We are looking forward to seeing him again today. He is constantly with us, I know that. He doesn't want to depart from us, and take a break from holding us up, until he knows we are totally and completely ok. He is thrilled, as we are, that his Uncle Chris is home from Hawaii and his cousin, Tony, is home from Texas. He is so proud of them. He is sending his love to his Auntie Gloria in Iraq while he very carefully watches over her for her safety. His love for his family is stronger than ever. He is so very precious. I miss every single thing about him...His smell, his hair, his laugh, his beautiful eyes, the way he "owned" the color blue and wore it like no one else I've known, his hundreds of freckles, his soft hands and arms, his hugs, his "I love you, Mom" with his kiss on my right cheek--I miss that terribly. He always knew when to give me an "I love you" and a kiss. His timing is perfect, like God's. God knew he could handle this. And, God knows he can handle much more so I do believe that God is giving him some big tasks in Heaven. Bryce was such a "pleaser" and peacemaker. He was close to perfect on Earth. He is now perfect in Heaven...

We love you and miss you, Bryce. You're my guy... Mommy and Daddy love you forever and ever and ever... Keep sending us your love and your signs. These are going to be a couple of really tough days.. You, and God, need to keep lifting all of us up until we are strong enough to do so ourselves, if that day ever comes. We can't wait until the day that we are with you again in Heaven. You are playing the song "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me right now for us. Thank you. See ya soon, Bryce...

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Sunday, February 25, 2007 12:15 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

Bryce's visitation will be on Monday from 4-8pm at our church, St. Luke Lutheran in Goodhue. Bryce's funeral will be on Tuesday at 2pm with a short visitation from 1-2pm. Interment will be held at the Evergreen Cemetery in Goodhue. Lunch will be served at the Lion's Building in Goodhue after the graveside service.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31



It was another very busy day. We are just trying to finish all of the other details of the upcoming "events". We have wonderful people helping us with food, clothing, music, pictures, TV's, children, etc. Thank you everyone for your help!! I'm pretty much at a loss for words. We miss Bryce so much... I'm so glad that Tim & I have each other. I tell him something I have been thinking or feeling and he says, "I know! That's what I've been thinking/feeling!" Thank you for all of your prayers. We can feel God and Bryce with us...but things will be seen and heard more clearly when all of the planning and visiting slows down and life is less busy. God is good. Love to all.

Please everyone, I am so worried about Bryce's friends. Please, please hold them, Bryce's brothers, and his young cousins up in HUGE, POWERFUL PRAYERS for them to get through these most difficult days. These children are so precious! To all of the Goodhue 3rd grade, THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH TRUE FRIENDS!!! Thank you to all of the Goodhue students and many other students from all across the country who have lifted their friend, Bryce Breuer, up in prayer for almost 4 years. You are incredible young people!! We love and appreciate you all!

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Friday, February 23, 2007 11:55 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

Bryce's visitation will be on Monday from 4-8pm at our church, St. Luke Lutheran in Goodhue. Bryce's funeral will be on Tuesday at 2pm with a short visitation from 1-2pm. Interment will be held at the Evergreen Cemetery in Goodhue. Lunch will be served at the Lion's Building in Goodhue after the graveside service.

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

I have had at least 3 people tell us that they saw an eagle soar over them when Bryce went to Heaven. Our Bryce is with us... A couple have also said how there was an incredible bright star high in the sky last night. Again, our Bryce is with us... We are so blessed. Thank you, God.

Today was a very busy day. Tim & I have covered just about every detail of our son's visitation and funeral. We still can't even comprehend that we are making these decisions and that our little Brycer is gone. Our heartache is indescribable. Thank you for our continued prayers for our strength. They are greatly appreciated. We miss our Brycer terribly. There is an emptiness. There is a void. I looked into the fridge for something today and saw the cinnamons rolls that Bryce asked for. I started to cry. That is just one of many times like that... Tim is so heartbroken. At times, we feel numb. The boys are hanging in there with distractions by friends and family. They are so amazing!!! The things they say and do are incredible. We are so proud of them. We love you so much.

God is so good. I told Bryce to please, please, please come and visit me and Dad and his brothers and family before he finally departed from Earth. I told him I would need signs that he is here with me. I knew he would be but I still want signs, of course, for the rest of our lives!! Last night at 12:32am, Tim & I were reading guest book entries. I looked up at Tim and said, "I always try to keep reminding myself that Bryce is here with us." I looked down at the computer screen, and I am not kidding...it was 2 seconds and he sent me a sign!!! My very first sign that he is here with us!!!! The song "He's My Son" by Mark Schultz came on. It's about a boy who has leukemia. I am no computer nerd...(Tom--we love you for it!!:-)...but I pasted the link for you to copy and paste and open...I think. We'll see. http://www.members.aol.com/sunnyasalways/SUNNYSHESMYSON.html It says everything that we have felt on this journey with leukemia. Then, after the first song, a different song came on. After that one, Bryce's song "Brave" came on by Nicole Nordeman and then "Holdfast" by Mercy Me... Wow...3 songs from Bryce and God. I sooooooooooooo needed that!!!! And, then at 1am and 7am, we were missing Bryce terribly and talking about him and his John Deere tractor clock went off with its hourly assigned tractor. He reminded us again that he is always here with us. So, many times a day, I try to remind myself that he is so happy and flying free in Heaven--he is such a silly kid. I really feel, and say out loud to our boys at times, "Bryce just told me to smile and be happy for him, instead of being so sad." He was such a sweetheart and a jokester. Thanks to everyone who is dropping off pictures and sending them to our email of Brycer. They are awesome and sooooo greatly appreciated!!! We are loving all of them! It's terrible to say but sometimes we feel like we have to be reminded of what a little goofball he is because we've seen him so uncomfortable and not as happy for so long. I also forgot to tell all of you with Bryce's and God's timing yesterday when he went to Heaven... He knew that Dad & I would be very nervous if he passed into his new life without hospice being there at the time, like Judy was. Thank goodness for all of life's blessings...

Please everyone, I am so worried about Bryce's friends. Please, please hold them, Bryce's brothers, and his young cousins up in HUGE, POWERFUL PRAYERS for them to get through these most difficult days. These children are so precious! To all of the Goodhue 3rd grade, THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH TRUE FRIENDS!!! Thank you to all of the Goodhue students and many other students from all across the country who have lifted their friend, Bryce Breuer, up in prayer for almost 4 years. You are incredible young people!! We love and appreciate you all!

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:10 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 9:1

It is with all the love in our hearts that we rejoice and, we cry, that our sweet, incredible little Brycer is now a very special little, red-headed, freckle-faced ANGEL in Heaven. Bryce began his new life and walk with Jesus at 4:09pm. And...he and God had it all planned with God's grace and perfect timing. He had his shallow breathing all day. We hated watching him struggle. We all stayed with him. Judy from Hospice came over just before 4pm. We said "Goodbye" to my sister, Amanda, and she walked out of our room. Judy had listened to Bryce's lungs and heart and said it sounded about the same. I asked her how long he could hang on like this. She said, "I don't think it will be long." I turned to Bryce and saw his body quieting down. I called for Tim to come over to us. Bryce's heart just stopped, in an instant. Tim ran down and got all the brothers. We kissed Bryce, we loved him up, we cried. The brothers' are all hurting. They seem to be doing better, already. We try to remind all of us about the great memories with Bryce and that he is no longer in pain. I've held him for a very long time. I needed that. I've been waiting for so long to hold him. I wish I could hold him til he's 80 years old. He's at peace, now. There is no more pain for our little Brycer. I know that Jesus met him at Heaven's gates. He held Jesus' hand for a long time and then, politely, let go so he could go and run and run and run...as fast as he can. He's been waiting so long to run fast. I also know that he is not sure what to do next in Heaven because there is so much that he has been waiting to do for such a long time. I do know that he has been greeted by many, many people who love him...Great Grandpa Buck, Kyle, Brenna, Ally, Drew & McKenna, Dani, Michelle, Rita & Jerry, and so many more... I can picture him laughing, running, playing, making people laugh, cooking, driving tractor, mowing lawn, playing in the sandbox, playing legos, riding his bike, swimming...I could go on forever. Bryce LOVED life. Everything about it, he loved it. His fun and friendly personality, his great attitude, and his love for others will be forever engraved in our hearts. There is a big hole there,...in our hearts. It will never be filled. This is not "Goodbye"... It is "See ya soon, Brycer." We love you so much, buddy. YOU ARE OUR HERO, FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER!!! We are constantly feeling your presence with us! God still gets all the glory for Bryce's precious life as he was our precious gift!!

Thank you to whoever called in to KTIS to pray for our family. We heard the announcement because we had the radio on all the time. We heard it at 4:40 when the rest of the family was coming into our room. Then later, Dave Clutter from KTIS, called and asked how Bryce was doing. Grandpa Arnie told him that Bryce was now an Angel. We heard Dave Clutter announce it on the radio, then. Thank you... Please everyone, I am so worried about Bryce's friends. Please, please hold them, Bryce's brothers, and his young cousins up in HUGE, POWERFUL PRAYERS for them to get through these most difficult days. These children are so precious! To all of the Goodhue 3rd grade, THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH TRUE FRIENDS!!! Thank you to all of the Goodhue students and many other students from all across the country who have lifted their friend, Bryce Breuer, up in prayer for almost 4 years. You are incredible young people!! We love and appreciate you all!

Please pray for everyone's strength. We pray for all of you, Bryce Backers, too. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... I know that Bryce and God are watching over all of us giving us our strength. Bless his Angelic, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Thursday, February 22, 2007 8:20 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Morning,

Tim and I along with Mitch and Logan are sitting in our room with Bryce as he sleeps. It's been very rough since my last update. Bryce's 2nd seizure came at 4:10 and lasted about 1 minute. His 3rd seizure came at 4:26 and lasted a couple of minutes. His 4th seizure came at 4:47 and last about 2 1/2 hours,...we're not sure. We finally lost track of time. It was so aweful!!! His temperature has probably been about 103/104 since then. He is in a comatose state. He has not woken up since before his 4th seizure. Even then, he wasn't talking, he was so exhausted. His little heart is pounding so hard but he hasn't taken his last breath, yet. Remember who we're dealing with here... His breaths are very quick and shallow. This little guy has so much strength and determination. We've had KTIS on all afternoon and night. It brings us so much comfort to wake up to one of our songs and sing it to Bryce. He's had Boomer, his little puppy from Nyla & Ellen, with him under his arm. Bryce slept in between Tim & I last night. We all slept with our prayer shawls last night. The older brothers--Mitchell, Logan, & Joel--came in with their prayer shawls around them this morning when they woke up. They were having a rough time last night. They seem to be accepting things more now.

All of our family's were here telling Bryce how much they love him. They will be back soon. Please pray for everyone's strength. We are all trying to talk about our favorite Bryce memories. You could send us your favorite Bryce memories via guest book or email. We would love to hear them! Also, if you have any favorite Bryce photos that you would love to share, you could send them to our home. Our address is: 39303 215th Ave., Goodhue, MN 55027. Thank you. Our dream is to carry on Bryce's legacy forever... We've told Bryce that he should go with Jesus. He will be so much more comfortable. I've told Bryce all about Heaven and how beautiful and wonderful it will be for him. I know that Bryce and God our watching over all of us. We just don't want him suffering anymore. Bless his precious, little heart. We love him so much. Thank you for all that you do for us. Love to all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 3:05 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Dear Prayer Warriors,

I heard Dr. Dobson say yesterday that the difference between someone praying and someone who is a prayer warrior is that the prayer warrior is not a bit surprised when God gives His miracles... Amen to that! And then, they give Him all the glory. So very true! He deserves it all...

Bryce has had a high fever of 102 pretty steady since about 2:45am. Alternating Tylenol and Motrin have helped. Hospice got here around 1pm. Liz came upstairs around 1:40 and as she was talking with Bryce about his pain, he started to seizure. Tim & I thought he was taking his last breaths. There were very few during the seizure. He seizured for about 1 1/2 minutes. Tim & I reassured him that we were with him and that Jesus and God were going to take him Home. We were so scared. Then, he stopped seizuring and, within seconds, gave me the worst glare I've ever seen come from his adorable little face. He was mad and crying. He finally stopped crying/moaning and settled down. He is now sleeping and moaning whenever we touch or talk to him. He never does that... We want to get the Tylenol in him for the fever. The seizure was probably caused by leukemia in the spinal fluid and brain. Liz talked to Julia and we are going to get a seizure medication here because the seizure could happen, again.

He is just so precious!!! Please, please, please continue the prayers for a MIRACLE FOR BRYCE. He is getting closer to God by the minute. I asked him this morning if he still saw the Angels on the ceiling, like he did in the hospital. He said yes. Please pray for his strength, comfort, and to feel God's presence. Please pray for Tim & I and the brothers. We need you all now more than ever. I try to keep my focus so that I can feel God's arms around me but sometimes, this whole heartwrenching pain of watching your child suffer is so darn distracting!!!! Please God give us strength!!!! One last thing, he was just laying here moaning with the oxygen mask on while Liz was talking to us. The song, Psalm 112, came on the radio. I asked Tim to turn it up so Bryce could hear it. I used the song in a slide show that I made January 2006, of Transplant Day. When Bryce heard it, he immediately stopped moaning and layed there still and calm. He knows the song...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 10:37PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

We just got Brycer to bed. We're just taking it day by day and remembering that it is not about us, it's about Bryce. He is the one who has to endure the aches and pains of relapsed leukemia. He got really sad today when he asked his Dad if he could wrestle in the wrestling tournament in March. Dad said that maybe he wouldn't be well enough, yet. Bryce started to cry. So, we told him that with his strength and determination, we wouldn't be surprised if he was wrestling in that tournament. We know that he won't be, it's just not possible--I'm not trying to be negative. But, let's give him what he wants to hear right now. Let's give him some more goals to strive for, if he wants them. What's wrong with filling his needs, he doesn't ask for much at all...Bless his heart.

Bryce woke up with jaw numbness during the night. It has been constantly numb and now painful. His eyes are so red. Dr. Galardy stopped by the PITC today and looked at his eyes. He said it could be from the leukemia passing through his spinal fluid. Bryce is looking rough tonight. He is extremely tired and his jaw hurts and is numb which makes his speech sound a little different. It's just difficult seeing him look worse... Tim & I wish so many times a day that we could see him walk down the steps and give us a teasing or funny comment, play with his brothers, or drive the tractor or lawn mower. We requested a CBC today: hemoglobin 6.8; white cells 500; blasts 10 percent; and platelets 15,000. We decided to give him red cells for his hemoglobin after his platelet transfusion so he could have a little more energy. Bryce asked for Mitch and Logan to come along. Again, it was nice to have them there. Bryce is still eating a little at supper with us. He ate at lunch today, too. That was good.

We are always asking God to guide us in our decisions for Bryce. Again, it is all about Bryce, not any one of us. He is the one who has to go through it all. The doctors don't want us to prolong his suffering. We want to meet his day to day needs. The pump seems to be working well. Hospice is coming tomorrow. We will discuss if we need to increase his morphine dose or not. We are trying to remember all throughtout the day to give it to God. He can handle our burdens, worries, and fears much better than we can. We still can't believe that this is actually happening. I told Julia today that Bryce is our son, and we will always hold out hope for a MIRACLE. Joel turns 7 on Sunday. I've been worried, as it gets closer, that we could lose Bryce before or on Joel's birthday. Today I remembered that God's timing is ALWAYS PERFECT. I will not allow myself to worry about it anymore. God's grace is with us. We love and appreciate you all.

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Monday, February 19, 2007 11:25 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hi everyone,

Just a quick update tonight. We did get to the movie yesterday. Tim, Bryce, & I only stayed for maybe an hour. Bryce's right eye and head were hurting. He's still eating a little. Tonight he had a little cherry cobbler, watermelon, pizza (earlier), yogurt, and coffee cake. So, he still has the interest in eating. He's been waking and hanging out a little earlier the last couple of mornings, like 9am. It was fun having the boys home on a Monday, today. We made the most of it. Bryce will sit downstairs with us maybe once or twice a day. That's improvement. His eyes have become very red and irritated today. I spoke with Dr. Gilardi tonight and he feels it could be different things, so he will stop and see us at the PITC tomorrow. He did tell us to start some over the counter eye drops. We did them once around 10pm tonight, they stung a little. His eyes have been bothering him really bad tonight. He's not as alert as he usually is, either, when he is talking to you. I hate to sound like I'm having another pitty-party but this really is aweful....watching your child go through this is aweful... We are to be at the PITC at 11am for platelets. Please pray for Bryce's eyes, his tummy ache that hurts all the time, and for his strength. Most of all, pray that he feels God's presence. I wish he could feel God's comfort, maybe he does. Pray for his brothers, too. They are such wonderful boys... Love to all.

P.S. Yay! Ellen's finally home!

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Sunday, February 18, 2007 8:40 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Morning,

I can't believe it's Sunday morning already. The days go by so quickly. Sometimes, I find myself thinking did I do or spend enough time with Bryce and the boys today? Life is too short, too precious. With the busy-ness these days, we all need a little reminder to slow down and savor every moment. Last night, I had told Bryce that I was hoping we could all go to church this morning. He asked me to get his clothes out, then. Tim said that already this morning, Bryce isn't sure if he will make it to church. He just doesn't feel well these last few days. Like he has been feeling well for awhile... I think he just seems quieter and more impatient with everything, you know, irritable. He is in the bonding phase with his Dad again. The one where he doesn't want me to do to much for him, just his Dad. I try not to take it personally, but as a Mom, you just want to do everything for your child, especially when they are sick and the days may be limited.

We didn't make it to the movie yesterday, so we are shooting for today. Bryce said he just didn't feel well enough to go yesterday afternoon. We went to the PITC yesterday morning for platelets. We did a CBC and his hemoglobin was 7.9; white count 700 (!); blasts 18 percent; and platelets 16,000. Did you notice that now that his white count is higher, they can do a differential? A differential is a count difference between types of white blood cells--they each have their own purpose. Dr. Arndt said that his white count wouldn't rebound. Of course, we are hoping to watch it climb even more. His white count gives him the possibility to fight off infections. He doesn't have much of a chance at it with a white count so low. So, let's say some prayers for his white count to keep increasing!! Let's also say some powerful prayers for him to be infection-free, no bacteremia! He has been having higher fevers. During the night, it was 101.9. Tim and I are talking about asking for a blood culture, possibly today. We go in for platelet and red cell transfusions on Tuesday.

Now, I need to get ready for church. But, I keep forgetting to thank more wonderful people for all that they are doing for our Brycer!!! First of all, thank you so much to Tyler & Joe from Century High School in Rochester, MN for the AWESOME DVD and cards that you made for Bryce!!! Amazing!! I wish I could link that DVD to Bryce's web page. Everyone watch out for these awesome young adults coming out into the world... The Breuer's are seeing some pretty incredible young people who WILL make a difference in this world!!! WOW! Secondly, thanks to the students at the Miami Springs High School in Miami Springs, FL for the 100-something cards for Bryce!! Again, WOW!!! These incredible young people encourage Bryce to go to God and to keep believing! You are awesome!! And thank you to the all of the Kenyon-Wanamingo students and adults who gave blood in Bryce's honor at the blood drive. Wanamingo is where I grew up. I love hearing from all of you! I knew your parents once, long ago...haha. And finally, thank you to all who registered in Bryce's honor at the Bone Marrow Registry at the Saturn dealership in Rochester, MN. So cool!!! There are also still lots of people who are donating blood at Mayo in Bryce's honor. I don't have any clue how I'm going to get a definite number on that one... We'll figure it out.

We appreciate each and every one of you! You are all so giving, so wonderful, and so full of God's love. That is the best of all. You are doing what God wants and leads you to do. Doesn't that feel good?... Wahoo to you! Love to you all.

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Friday, February 16, 2007 4:35 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Stop by and register for the National Bone Marrow Registry on Saturday, February 17 at the Saturn Dealer in Rochester, MN.
For anyone who wants to sign up, you need to call the Red Cross at 507-287-2200 and they will send you a packet to fill out and a time to come and do the rest. Saturn is picking up the tab so it's FREE!!! Even better! No one should have an excuse why they can't go and register with it being free! Thanks Jody for all the information!!! I meant to get it on the web page much sooner than this! Thank you to everyone who registers! I still need to do the official count-up for the blood donations... I think I need to call the Hilton and get their official count too. Thanks to everyone who is helping so many people out!

Hi everyone,

We are doing ok here at home. There is not a whole lot new. Hospice was here today. Bryce's lungs sound clear, and he has bowel sounds. Bryce does seem to be sleeping a little more and is definitely talking less. He's never been much of a talker, if he is not feeling well. He did say yesterday, "I don't feel good." I think he has said that phrase maybe 4 times in the last 4 years. Usually, he says he is "fine". His chest was hurting yesterday, too. We are just glad that the majority of his pain is being lessened by the morphine pump. Sometimes I feel like I should take notes to help others who may have to endure this type of journey down the road, not that I wish this upon anyone!! But, there are things that are helpful and there are things that we wish we would have known in advance. The only thing is is that you never want to believe that what the doctors say will actually come true so you build this brick wall and stand firmly behind it to "lessen the fire"... Still to this day, I find myself being stubborn to what they say because "this is my child and I will never give up fighting for him".

Bryce is sleeping right now. The brothers are home and I'm hoping for a quiet movie night, tonight. Bryce has asked for a buffalo roast and it smells really nummy! My sisters were here and made scalloped potatoes to have with it. Bryce is still trying to eat a few things. He is still vomiting a couple times a day. He's down to 45 pounds now, he was at 62 pounds in December when we found out he relapsed, again. He hates that he has lost all that weight. He asks if he will be able to build his muscles back up in the future. Of course, we told him he would and that he's doing a great job of eating yogurt and a few other things to help his muscles. He's so precious. We will go in for platelets tomorrow.

We truly appreciate all that you are doing for us, especially the prayers for a MIRACLE FOR BRYCE. Our God is so good. I just know He could give us that MIRACLE... He can move mountains and He can heal Bryce once and for all!! Please continue to pray for our friends who are fighting their battles. Bless all of their hearts. They have such a job to do... We need to give it all to Him. That's my reminder for everyday, pray that I remember it. Give it all to God. Love to all.

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 10:38 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Stop by and register for the National Bone Marrow Registry on Saturday, February 17 at the Saturn Dealer in Rochester, MN.
For anyone who wants to sign up, you need to call the Red Cross at 507-287-2200 and they will send you a packet to fill out and a time to come and do the rest. Saturn is picking up the tab so it's FREE!!! Even better! No one should have an excuse why they can't go and register with it being free! Thanks Jody for all the information!!! I meant to get it on the web page much sooner than this! Thank you to everyone who registers! I still need to do the official count-up for the blood donations... I think I need to call the Hilton and get their official count too. Thanks to everyone who is helping so many people out!

I've updated more pictures!!! Check 'em out! I wish I could put captions on them. Many of them are Bryce's friends. His friend's noticed the pictures right away this morning. They are so great!

Happy Valentine's Day,

I have to say we had a good Valentine's Day! Bryce only woke up once during the night for about 45 minutes. We woke him up around 10am to get moving for the busy day. He was not ready to wake up but once he was up, he just kept plugging away at his day with our lead. He was quiet all day until later tonight. Then, he started talking a bit. He really hasn't slept much more today because he hasn't had a whole lot of time to sleep. When we did get home around 3:30, we had to get caught up on a few things with him like site care and some oils. Then, he wanted to watch a little TV with his brothers. His pain is about the same. The pump is helping to control his pain, he only had one bad pain moment today. His jaw is hurting now, too. He has been eating a little again tonight. The little guy has so much determination, it's amazing.

We went to school around 10:45 until 11:10 to visit his classmates. They gave him his valentine's and told him what they were doing in school. He finally got to see the famous crayfish! That was pretty neat! Everyone was so happy to see him. We just loved seeing that. Again, Bryce was very quiet but I know it meant a lot to him to be there. I know he was wishing he could be doing everything that his friends are doing. He never complains... We went to the PITC for his platelet transfusion by noon. We had lunch with the Birthday Girl, Nyla, and we got to see Warren Anderson, the hospital Pediatrics Chaplin. Bryce worked on his new lego set that he received in the mail from his friend, Aaron, from Moorhead. Thanks, Aaron! I forgot to mention that we had so much Valentine's mail for Bryce and the brothers today that our mailman called from the post office. Tim picked it up. Wow... We still haven't gotten through it. Thanks everyone! Very fun and very cool! We finished at the PITC around 2:10 and headed back to school. Bryce wanted to watch the movie with his classmates. He just sat quietly on his Dad's lap. But, again, I know it meant a lot to him. He hasn't been in school since the beginning of December. Thanks for the very warm welcome that you gave Bryce today, 3rd Graders!!! The Breu Crew appreciates each and every one of you! You are all so thoughtful, considerate, and friendly. What a great group of kids!!

Tomorrow should be a quiet day, I hope. We will let Bryce sleep in, as he is still up but very tired. He seems to want to eat at night. We'll take what we can get. He is such an amazing boy. I wish all of you could know him. He gives Tim & I so much strength along with our awesome God. All of your entries have also given us so much strength. We love reading them to Bryce. Mitch & Logan love to read them, too. Someone reminded us today that we need to plan on God's healing for Bryce. She's absolutely right. In the past relapses, we have just assumed and knew that God would heal Bryce and keep him here on earth with us. We just knew it. This time, we have felt so deeply that God has told us that it is Bryce's time. It's such an aweful and confusing feeling. We don't want to let go of our baby until the day we meet in Heaven...not yet. We know that God makes the ultimate decision. We put in our requests, He listens, and continues to bless us immensely... We are so blessed!! We also know that God can give us a MIRACLE FOR BRYCE in a heartbeat. Only with God, can Bryce be our MIRACLE on earth. Please pray for BRYCE'S MIRACLE. Be specific. Pray for his strength, as his body has become very thin and tired. Pray for his inner peace to trust in God with all his might and to feel Jesus' hand in his. Yesterday, I read him the poem 'Footprints in the Sand'. He listened so carefully. I know he was thinking about how Jesus is carrying him, right now, and has so often in the past. Bless his little heart. Please God, heal our baby... He is so precious. All of the children are so precious. Hug your children extra tight when they wake up. God's abundant blessings to all of you! Love to all...

Please continue to pray for all of our friends who are also fighting their battles or are counting the days out since treatments. They all need our prayers, too! I pray for God's grace upon all of us, big and small. Please continue to send out some extra prayers for our little friend, Noelle, who is fighting her battle with leukemia. They have found blast cells in her bone marrow, again. They are out at Duke trying to heal their princess. She is such a doll. Her webpage is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from you. We love and appreciate all of you so much!!! God's richest blessings to you...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9:01 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Stop by and register for the National Bone Marrow Registry on Saturday, February 17 at the Saturn Dealer in Rochester, MN.
For anyone who wants to sign up, you need to call the Red Cross at 507-287-2200 and they will send you a packet to fill out and a time to come and do the rest. Saturn is picking up the tab so it's FREE!!! Even better! No one should have an excuse why they can't go and register with it being free! Thanks Jody for all the information!!! I meant to get it on the web page much sooner than this! Thank you to everyone who registers! I still need to do the official count-up for the blood donations... I think I need to call the Hilton and get their official count too. Thanks to everyone who is helping so many people out!

I've updated more pictures!!! Check 'em out!

Good Evening,

Things are winding down here, 3 kids down--2 to go. It's a lot of work with 5 kids--we are truly blessed. I'd do anything I possibly could to keep it at that size (5) of work!!! 5 is good... It's all good...

Bryce's day was very mellow. He went to bed last night around 10:45. He woke up at 2:45am to use the bathroom, get a bolus of morphine, a drink of water, some motrin for his fever of 101.8, and back to sleep around 3:30. I think he woke up once or twice for another bolus of morhpine. He woke up off and on a few times this morning and noon. But, finally was awake because we were turning on the TV and lights at 2:45pm. He's very mellow and not talking a whole lot. He still has a lot of pain in his arms, legs, and tummy. The morphine pump seems to be working well for him. Hospice stopped by today. She said he may start to sleep a lot more now. I told her we are still praying for BRYCE'S MIRACLE. We'll never stop.

Tomorrow will be a busy day so we are thankful that today was quiet. Bryce wants to try to get up to school for his party at 10:30 and for the movie at 2:30. We are also hoping to stop at Mrs. Boraas' room to see the crayfish that all of his friends are talking about! Dad & I did his Valentine's today with his big brothers' helping. Thanks for the offer, Keisha! We are going to go to the PITC in between school stops for platelets. I'm hoping he will nap there... He'll need it!

Thanks for all of the Valentine's that everyone is sending! They were fun for him to read. Thanks for all of the food and cards everyone is sending to the house. Thanks to Kris L. who stopped by with a very special gift of a MN Vikings penant specially autographed to Bryce by Brad Childress, Head Coach of the MN Vikings!!! So cool! Thanks to our St. Luke's Sunday School who baked us cookies and made cards for Bryce with a special video on Sunday! Thanks to all of the Goodhue School staff and students for all of the messages and cheers for Bryce on the video from school yesterday! We watched both the videos today. Bryce seemed to really enjoy them. He misses everyone a lot! I know he is wishing, and waiting, to get back to school with all of his friends. Thanks to everyone who is sending Bryce little packages of fun stuff. He never tires of getting mail. We appreciate everyone being so kind and considerate to our Brycer and our family, all together. I couldn't imagine trying to get through this without all of you. Thank goodness we have God by our side. He is so good. I know I don't say it as often as I always have but this will never change... God gets all the glory for our many, many blessings!!! Oh, and one more thing... You know how there are people out there who LOVE their birthdays and tell everyone???...ME....and then there are people out there who don't tell anyone????...Nyla... Let's all send Nyla a birthday wish on Valentine's Day, yep, that's her day. She wasn't going to tell anyone--I guess she told the wrong person. She's getting Ellen better day by day and deserves lots of well wishes. I got to see Ellen yesterday, and I got to hold her squishy hand and legs. It was wonderful!!!! She's at www.caringbridge.org/visit/ellenkathleen. Thanks and We love you all!

Please continue to pray for all of our friends who are also fighting their battles or are counting the days out since treatments. They all need our prayers, too! I pray for God's grace upon all of us, big and small. Please continue to send out some extra prayers for our little friend, Noelle, who is fighting her battle with leukemia. They have found blast cells in her blood, again. They are out at Duke trying to heal their princess. She is such a doll. Her webpage is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from you. We love and appreciate all of you so much!!! God's richest blessings to you...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Monday, February 12, 2007 8:20 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

I'm updating early with the hopes of going to bed early to snuggle "My Guy". That's one of the nick names that I've called him since he had relapsed in Sept. '05. I'd kiss him goodnight, tell him he's doing a great job, and say "You're My Guy!" He's the one that is truly fighting the battle here, he's the guy, and I'm so proud of him...

Bryce slept most of the day today. We took him to the PITC for a red cell transfusion this morning. We got there around 10:40. We had to have the type and cross drawn first. That takes a few hours to do and to get the blood ready for transfusion. Then, the transfusion is 2 hours. So, we finished there around 4:30. Nyla and I decided today that it was God's will to have Ellen in the hospital at this time to support each other with each PITC visit. Tim needs the socializing also, he is so awesome. I'm such a lucky girl... Back to Bryce, he is just very, very tired. He has been awake since 4:30 but so very quiet. He looks like he just feels rotten. I wish so badly I could take all of this away from him. Erase it all!! Seeing him like this makes Tim & I so sad. His hemoglobin was 6 yesterday so that could have a lot to do with it. We are hoping that tomorrow he will be a little more awake and talkative. I am hoping for a quiet day here tomorrow. I need some time with God. Some days I do not do enough of that. Just some reading helps me, or praying. Bryce is hoping to go to his Valentine's Day party in school on Wednesday, so we will be working on his Valentine's tomorrow. Bless his little heart...

Please continue to pray for all of our friends who are also fighting their battles or are counting the days out since treatments. They all need our prayers, too! I pray for God's grace upon all of us, big and small. Please continue to send out some extra prayers for our little friend, Noelle, who is fighting her battle with leukemia. They have found blast cells in her blood, again. They are out at Duke trying to heal their princess. She is such a doll. Her webpage is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from you. We love and appreciate all of you so much!!! God's richest blessings to you...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Sunday, February 11, 2007 9:40 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

Bryce is sleeping. We continue to check on him all the time. We hate to leave him alone, at times, but we need to be with all of our boys. A lot of the time, we take turns being with him. Our nights include a king size bed with Mom in the middle, Bryce on the left, Dad on the right. We listen to him breathe, we watch his chest rise and fall, we pray, we cry, we hold his hand or touch his arm, we kiss his forehead. Then, we sleep until he wakes us for one of his needs--a drink of water, a bathroom trip, to straighten his clothing, to boost him back up on his pillows, to give him eye drops, to give him more morphine. Tim is so good to wake up immediately to help him. Sometimes, it may take me a minute to wake up, sometimes more. And, then on my shifts, I somehow manage to almost leap out of bed. We are so grateful to God when we wake up in the morning to Bryce's voice, sounds, or movements. He is such an incredible little boy!!! His hands are so soft, actually all of Bryce is soft. I love his hands... They make me so happy. Especially when he reaches for my hand during the night. That is the best...

Bryce's pump seems to be working well for him. At times, he can't keep his eyes open, though. The morphine makes him so sleepy. He is more "out of it" and talking to us a little less. He ate a little yogurt today, a few tiny bites of pizza, and a little of an ice cream sandwich. We went to Grandma & Grandpa's tonight for a Tony's frozen Mexican pizza at Bryce's request. Some of his favorite memories are when he goes to Grandma Linda's house. She always makes them feel like little Kings when they are there. I'm glad he got to have a few hours there, again. We had some results on the "other" end today. So, that has to have given him some relief. He's such a trooper. We went in for platelets a little early today because he got a nose bleed this morning. We left after Tim and the boys got home from church. Mitch and Logan came along. Ethan and Joel went to the Huemann's. We had some wonderful visitors while we were at the PITC. Nyla, Wes & April Zitnay, and Amber Gates, her daughter is Melanie, all stopped by. It was great to visit with all of them. They have touched our hearts and lives and opened our eyes to so many other ways and situations of life. Everybody has got their "stuff". It's all how you deal with it, I guess. I pray that I am "dealing" with this the way God wants me to...

We are all His children. Pray for our boys. They are all dealing with so much these days, and I feel like I am seeing their sadness in all of their eyes. This is way too much for me, how are they suppose to handle it? Please pray for their strength. They are so precious. Bryce's friends and cousins, too. They all need our extra attention. I pray for God's grace upon all of us, big and small. Please send out some extra prayers for our little friend, Noelle, who is fighting her battle with leukemia. They have found blast cells in her blood, again. They are out at Duke trying to heal their princess. She is such a doll. Her webpage is www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. I know that they would love to hear from you. We love and appreciate all of you so much!!! God's richest blessings to you...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Saturday, February 10, 2007 11:18 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

We're back with a quick update. Things are about the same but different... Bryce is now on a continuous Morphine pump that gives him 6mg of morphine per hour plus he can get a 2mg bolus (extra dose) every 15 minutes if needed. This is working better than giving him 4mg of morphine every hour through a syringe into his line. He can push the bolus button if he needs it. He got the pump on Thursday. They started him on a 4mg dose and he was telling me by Thursday night that it wasn't high enough. So, the hospice people came out on Friday and increased it to 6mg. He is still nauseated a couple of times a day. He is still eating some yogurt, about 1 small container each day. We are working with a natural stool softener to try to help him out in that area... He said his throat was sore yesterday and today, but I just don't think it's strep because Logan wasn't really around him at all. We didn't do a CBC or blood culture on Thursday. There's a whole lot more to that than you could ever imagine. We go in for platelets tomorrow at 1pm. Dr. Arndt set up platelet transfusion appts. for every 3 days for a little while.

We had a special visit this morning from the Sheriff's Possy! They brought out the team of belgian (?) horses and the wagon to give us a ride. They were on their way to a parade in Waseca. At first, Bryce wasn't sure because he had just woke up. But, we bundled him up and he rode on Dad's lap. The brothers enjoyed it. Bryce was quiet. Later on, I overheard him telling someone that it was fun. He really thought it was a nice ride, a very special gesture, and it was good to get outside again. Thanks to Shellie G. for setting it all up! Everyone is so kind and giving to try to bring some more happiness into a little boy's life! Thank you! It was fun!

Bryce has been seeing his friends this past week which has meant a lot to him, but also a lot to us. To see him smile and talk to them means the world to us. He misses his friends and really loves them. Thanks guys! You are such wonderful people! Garett stayed overnight last night at Bryce's request. It wasn't a "regular" sleepover but it served its purpose. Thanks Garett! This morning when he found out that Garett was going to basketball practice, he asked if he could go. We asked if he wanted to watch. He said, he wanted to play... Amazing... His strength and determination is amazing. We did go the last 5 minutes of practice. His friends were pretty excited to see him. He didn't say much because he was feeling like he may get sick. But, he had his Dad stand in line, holding him, to get his t-shirt. Don't you wish you could bottle up the strength, determination, and innocence of a child? I could use some more of that right now. His friend, Nathan A., came out to the house later this morning with his Mom to bring Bryce a gift. Nathan gave Bryce a small model sailboat that has written in the sail, "The man who walks with God always gets to his destination." What a very special gift, Nathan. Thank you! Bryce was treasuring it today. He was also treasuring that reading light. He kept it under his blanket all day today until he asked me to hold it for him around supper time. Those little gadgets for a little boy are awesome! Bryce's friends always know just what to get him!

Tim & I are taking it day by day. Today was another rough one. Sometimes I wonder if I am just being too negative or doubtful... I know someone else always has it worse. I think about the parents who didn't even get to say goodbye to their child... We are not talking about it to Bryce. He needs us to take care of him and love him. God will do the rest. We truly appreciate everything that all of you do for us! Way more than you could ever imagine... I'm still not in much of a talking mood. We are both still in the sad, angry, wish-it-wasn't-happening phase. The brothers seem to be doing well. And, we are strong for them. God gives us that. We are trying to get closer to the acceptance phase but I just don't know when that will come. It's all in God's time... We will NEVER stop praying for our MIRACLE FOR BRYCE!!! God can give Bryce a victory at any given moment! Anything is possible with God. (That was my own personal pep talk. I need to do that sometimes.) We love you all.

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Thursday, February 8, 2007 9:41 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Morning,

I am sitting next to Bryce while he is dozing off and on. He is wearing his Batman jammies that he loves from his Auntie Pam. He looks so good in them. We washed him up yesterday, now he looks even better. We will be going in to the PITC this morning around 11/11:30. Bryce asked if Mitchell, Garett, and Sam could come along. We want him to have as much time with his brothers and friends as possible. Each night, we've been trying to have the brothers in the bedroom with him watching a movie. Mitchell is usually there for sure. Joel, too. Ethan is in and out. I wish we could tap into the energy from "the 3-year-old"! We could all use a little extra these days.

Yesterday, Bryce was more alert and aware of things around him. He didn't hear or see any of the other things. That makes the day easier for Tim & I. He also rested better yesterday. He is still nauseated and vomiting or dry heaving 2-3 times a day. That is such a bummer. He already feels rotten enough and then to be vomiting, too. He has a patch on behind his ear for the nausea. We thought it was helping for awhile. He only had a few small bites of yogurt yesterday. He has been spiking a fever during the night for the last couple of nights. So, of course, my fear is bacteremia, as I've said before. I'm going to ask if we can do a blood culture this morning. The blood cultures from last week all came back negative after using the antibiotics for 10 days. Bryce has been pretty quiet yesterday and today. Going back to sleep usually after he wakes up. His pain is in his feet and legs, arms, chest, stomach, ribs, and ears sometimes. We're going to increase his dose of morphine today when we get refills. He doesn't think the 4mg is working anymore. He's very thin. So, he doesn't look as much like himself, either. He was so happy to have Garett and Jacob came over after school yesterday to play...what else?...John Deere Monopoly at Bryce's request. All of these boys are so awesome!!! I cannot say enough about their loyalty and kindness to a friend. They stayed for supper and part of the movie, Sky High. Thanks for sending it Johnson's! It's a huge hit! We haven't finished yet. We'll finish it today.

As for Tim and I, we took turns getting up during the night. We just take it all day by day. We wish so badly we could erase all of the "cancer days" for Bryce and our family. I'm sure it sounds weird. We just wish this had NEVER happened at all. We can't help but have flash backs of all of the memories since before Bryce was diagnosed. It's been close to 4 years, now. I'm so glad that Bryce's friends and family all have the memories of Bryce before relapses and in between when he was doing well. That's our Brycer...funny, surprising, happy, loving, adorable, giving, creative, playful... He took pride in his so-close-to-perfect handwriting and coloring. He savored his personal belongings and posessions, he still does. He loved making people laugh and taking care of younger children. He really tried to be a good boy and not to misbehave. He has a heart of gold, just like the figurine that Garett gave to him. They are just so precious. All of the children...

Thank you for all of the cards, calls, and emails you have been sending. I wish time allowed for me to respond to everyone. Our time is just so precious right now with Bryce and his brothers. I am really missing Logan, and I'm pretty sure he is doing just fine without us. He really enjoys outings like these. He is quite the character, so I'm sure he is keeping a few of them laughing and on their toes. He has done that for us since Day 1... He's awesome. I will be glad when he is home. Tim & I worry about things getting very "serious" with Bryce while Logan is gone. But, I just continue to remind myself that it's all in God's timing. I just don't want Logan to have any "other" memories (other than fun) from Eagle Bluff. He's very sensitive about all of this with Bryce. He and Bryce are only 18 months apart. My brother, Geoff, and I are the same. There's a bond... Bryce and Logan don't seem as closely bonded but they've always understood each other because they are so close in age. I'm rambling. Every thought and moment and memory is just so precious, especially now. I need to update new photos and count up the blood donor numbers. You are all so awesome!!! Thanks for the food and guest book entries, also. You lift us up. God carries us through each day. Please continue to pray for our strength, it only comes from God. We're still praying for a MIRACLE FOR BRYCE... We love you all.

"When hope seems to have faded away like the sun behind a storm cloud, we have our faith to cling to, and faith has always been the silver lining that shines through the darkest thundercloud. Faith keeps us strong. Faith keeps us focused. Faith means we never have to give up regardless of the odds that have been stacked against us. For faith always rekindles hope anew." Mary Kay Ash

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Wednesday, February 7, 2007 8:50 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Morning,

Thanks for being so patient. I know you've been wondering how yesterday was for Bryce. I just didn't have it in me to write an entry last night. I was tired, sad, angry, frustrated, and just plain didn't feel like talking. It's so hard to be happy right now. I still have smiles for my boys but beyond that, there's not a whole lot left. The pain of watching your child deteriorate and his body get weaker before your eyes is unbearable. Yesterday, just a few times, he was seeing things (like bugs) and hearing things outside. This morning, he seemed better. He woke up a few times during the night for morphine and water. He didn't sleep at all yesterday. He's sleeping,now. He talks about eating things but when it comes down to it, he takes a tiny nibble and doesn't want it. It is breaking our hearts and there's not a darn thing we can do about it. Cancer is so aweful. We hate it so bad. He's afraid to die, has dreams about dying, and doesn't want to talk about it. I don't want to leave him. I tell him that Jesus is with him. For Tim and I, it's amazing how your body can tough-it-out, as Tim would say, when it needs to. I imagine we will "crash" when life finally settles down. Right now, we just need our space for our family time to be together. Logan left for Eagle Bluff this morning until Friday with his 4th grade class. Tim took him in to the clinic yesterday, he has strep throat. He felt pretty rotten. He's feeling much better this morning. So, what can I say?... The changes are happening. He's making the transition into the new life. We are trying to stay on top of the pain with the morphine which he is using a lot. Everyday new pain locations are noticed. Cancer really sucks (don't like to use that word). I hate cancer soooo bad. My precious baby shouldn't have to go through this! Please God protect all the baby's... This is an adult situation that an innocent 8-year-old boy is going through. And, he's such a good boy. We are so proud and so blessed to be his parents. What a gift... God's blessings to you today. I'm going to try to lay down. We love you all.

"When hope seems to have faded away like the sun behind a storm cloud, we have our faith to cling to, and faith has always been the silver lining that shines through the darkest thundercloud. Faith keeps us strong. Faith keeps us focused. Faith means we never have to give up regardless of the odds that have been stacked against us. For faith always rekindles hope anew." Mary Kay Ash

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Monday, February 5, 2007 10:25 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

Today was an uneventful day which is very welcomed at this point. Bryce still used a lot of morphine (4mg each--again for our info.) but didn't have as many complaints. Maybe we were on top of the pain, I'm not sure. His temp. did get up to 102.9 around 6:15pm. It still hasn't dropped below 99.9, I just checked it. I gave him Tylenol at 6:30, and Motrin at 9:00. He has an ice pack on his head, right now. Let's pray it doesn't get too high during the night. I fear bacteremia--bacteria in his blood. That was just a little over 2 weeks ago that he tested positive for Enterobacter. His left ear is still draining, and now his right ear is feeling the same. We saw Dr. Arndt at the PITC and she saw both tubes that he had placed in his ears over a year ago. She prescribed some drops for him twice a day. His feet fall asleep and hurt a lot of the time so I tried a heating pad on his feet at his nap. I am wondering if maybe it helped. I found another lump, this one is on his right clavicle (collar bone). We are rubbing Frankinsense oil on the lumps. He only ate a little yogurt tonight. His labs are hemoglobin 9; white count 300; and platelets 14,000. He sure was happy to see Ryan today. We picked him and Logan up from school. Bryce was actually talking and smiling most of the way to Roch. for platelets. They had a nice time together. Bryce is quiet a lot of the time but Ryan is great at adapting to his new location. They played on the computer and watched TV. Thanks for coming, Ryan! You kids are all such terrific and awesome friends to Bryce!!! He's a very lucky boy! It was good to have Logan along with us, too. It's really good to spend time with our boys. I wish I could make all of this go away. Parents are suppose to fix things. I know Tim feels so helpless that he can't make this all better (just like me). His cold isn't getting any better. It didn't help that he barely got any sleep last night. He kept getting up with Bryce many, many times. He did it with such composure and peacefulness. These boys are so fortunate to have such a wonderful father. I am so blessed. Tim took a much needed 2 hour nap this afternoon, and went to bed around 8:30 tonight. We were planning this while Nyla was visiting us at the PITC. We decided that if he got (somewhat) caught up on his sleep with a nap and went to bed early, he would get up with Bryce after 2am. I would try to catch a nap and man the ship until 2am, then sleep in in the morning. The nap didn't happen but I'm doing ok. I think the night went well. We both put Joel to bed, and the brothers and I did the rest. It went pretty slick, actually. Maybe we should have started this tag-team bedtime ritual a while ago. Maybe then we wouldn't be so tired... Anyway, I want to say thanks to the Grandma's again for always helping us out! We love you! They got some special hugs tonight from Bryce. They needed that! We love and appreciate all of you so very much! The numbers are still coming in for blood and platelet donors!!! Yeah! I'm getting a little sleepy so let's catch up on the latest numbers tomorrow night, ok? I want to leave with this quote tonight that was on my Mary Kay community earlier. It's a quote by Mary Kay Ash from her 'A Dream Come True' book, and it's a very good reminder for me... Love to all.

"When hope seems to have faded away like the sun behind a storm cloud, we have our faith to cling to, and faith has always been the silver lining that shines through the darkest thundercloud. Faith keeps us strong. Faith keeps us focused. Faith means we never have to give up regardless of the odds that have been stacked against us. For faith always rekindles hope anew." Mary Kay Ash

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Sunday, February 4, 2007 10:28 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

Thank you, God... We were a family of 7 in church this morning. We were so proud. Bryce is amazing. He walked about 5 steps to put in offering for the Tanzania fund and back another 5, with his Dad by his side. I'm pretty sure there were a few "tears of joy" flowing throughout the church. Tim & I were crying with pride... Thank you, God.

It was a beautiful day at home today. Bryce wears his armour with such grace. That's all I can say. He never falters, fails, or loses his faith. When we pray at night, he asks God to heal him. He always tries to give his Dad & I a smile some time during the day. He's amazing. I just don't feel like talking much tonight because I'm down because I can see more "things" happening. His left ear was bothering him last night. He could feel fluid in it, then it finally gave a pop and felt better. Now tonight, it was starting to hurt so Tim massaged it. Then, yellow fluid started coming out of it. It did give him some relief. I have found a lump on his left forearm where it hurts so bad, a lump on his left side of the back of his neck, one small one on his chest, and his right shin has been looking "bruised" for about 4 weeks and is larger and painful. Cancer spreading in your child is (right now) one of the worst things a person shouldn't have to go through, parent's or child. I know that it will only get worse before it gets better. When I think too hard into things, it hurts the most. So, I usually try not to. Right now, I am very particular to only talking about our son when I want to. Turn it on and shut it off on demand, if I can. We can only take so much at a time. If only we didn't have to see the changes in him worsen and stay in our La La Land. If only, he could be getting better... Please God, heal our baby...

I am also so very sad for our very dear friend, Nyla and her daughter, Ellen. That precious little girl is putting up a fight but I know that these little people do get tired too. Nyla is scared and tired but continues on with her huge faith. She is the strongest woman that I know. She has helped me so much, and it was God who brought us together. Tonight, my heart is breaking for her, too. Please continue the prayers and notes to Nyla, Ellen, and their family. They are such a special family to us. God just has to heal little Ellen, and soon... Her webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/ellenkathleen. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I do have one very special, happy note. This afternoon, Bryce's friend, Sam Kyllo, came out to the house with his Mom. Of course, we played John Deere Monopoly. Bryce hadn't seen Sam in a long time. He enjoyed it so much that he really didn't want Sam to go. So, we are hoping to get more time in with his friends. I only wish I had been trying to do more of this sooner. Bless their little hearts...please pray for Bryce and his precious little friends. We love and appreciate them all so very much!!! It just breaks my heart that they all have to go through such pain and worry... We will be going to the PITC tomorrow for platelets, and Ryan Alpers will be joining us. Bryce is looking forward to spending time with him. We love you all. Thank you for everything that you do for us.

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Jackson, Isaac, Melanie, Signe, Teagon, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, Rian, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for all of the family's who have lost a loved one to cancer or another disease. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Saturday, February 3, 2007 10:10 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AUNTIE PAMMY G.!!!! We love you so much!!! We hope you have a wonderful birthday! You deserve it!

Good Evening,

My little Brycer asked me to get his church clothes out for tomorrow............................ God answers prayers. That was my wish for tomorrow. Please say LOTS OF PRAYERS that he will feel up to it, then. Things can change in the blink of an eye. But, it's one of my top wishes on my list. And, I know God wants me to have more happiness in my day. Thank you, God.

Bryce's pain is still very bad. He needs morphine quite often, and more of it. He is so incredible. His pain tolerance is so high, too. I would be the biggest whimp, ever! He's been eating yogurt tonight. I can tell that he is trying so hard to get better. We talked to him today about talking to Jesus and God about his pain and his feelings. That they are his friends forever. And, that they love him so much. Thank goodness we have God in our lives... We love and appreciate all of you so much! Goodnight.

Here is a note from our friend, Deb Gerber, who works at the blood bank:

"How wonderful for you guys to inspire people to give blood. This is a issue close to my heart. The kids and I both got transfusions after they were born. Our outcome may have been very different without those blood transfusions. It truly is the gift of life. As you and Tim know. Since I happen to work at the blood bank I thought I would give you all the details.

Mayo has three different donation sites that are fixed:
St. Mary's Hospital Room M-86 Hours are 7:45-3pm
IBM Building number 2 Hours are Mon-Thurs 6am-11 12:45-3:15pm
Hilton Building Level 1 Hours are 6am-4:15pm
We are always welcoming walkin's but if you want to schedule call 507/284-4475
We can use any and every blood type!!
It really only hurts for a second and means a ton to the person and family on the receiving end.
Let me know if you have any questions.
We are still praying for you."
Deb Gerber (gerber.debra@mayo.edu)

Here's an updated note from Tracy:

Susie I have recieved several questions about blood and platlet donation!!! Go Bryce Backers!!!! Please post these numbers on your page if you wish. Hilton Bldg Blood Bank on the corner on 2nd street and 2nd avenue (across from Mayo Bldg) 284-4475. They have free and easy parking for donors right there! St Mary's hospital blood bank is 285-4200. Hugs,

Keeping this here all week: My final thought is a BIG CHEER for our dear friend, Tracy Idler!! She was the "Child with Cancer Mom" that guided me in the beginning. Her daughter, Erin, finished her chemo treatments for leukemia a few years ago. Erin is Bryce's age. Tracy has been by our side since (almost) Day 1... I am going to copy and paste her guest book entry for everyone to read because I think she has a GREAT IDEA!!! Could you imagine all of the blood and platelet donors that could be saving lives this week alone??? That is what you are doing when you donate! Tim & I are both blood (I'm also a platelet) donors. It's one of the BEST things you could do in your lifetime! And, I'm going to add to Tracy's awesome idea... Anyone who does give blood or platelets this week, sign Bryce's guest book letting us know, so we can keep a count! So, here's Tracy!:

"Hi Bryce and crew. When I read that you have gone to recieve blood or platelets I say a prayer of thanks for the person that provided that bag for you. What a beautiful gift! That is so generous, and has the power to REALLY make a difference for you and others who recieve it. It takes very little time, costs nothing and is safe. I want to challenge and encourage every reader of your web site to go and dontate a bag of blood this week. Most donor centers will take walk-ins. If someone thinks they can't donate because of medications or health history they should contact the blood bank or Red Cross to find out for sure because the guidelines have changed. If they have never donated then now is a great time to start, set aside reasons not to do it and go for it! It is a great thing that many of us can easily do. Prayers of praise and thanks are being said for every blood and platelet donor that provides transfusions for you and all of our caringbridge friends. What an incredible blessing so many of our families have recieved!!! If anyone has questions about blood donation they may contact me. Hugs all around." (idler.tracy@mayo.edu) GO BRYCE BACKERS!!!!

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Friday, February 2, 2007 10:16 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hi everyone,

Everyone has got to be feeling good about this awesome blood donor drive or as Tracy called it today, Bryce Backer Blood Bankers! This is so great! You are bringing out my 'good energy' (which wants to go into hiding at times) and helping me put it into action. I really need that, right now. We have some really great results and numbers coming in for all of the incredible individuals who are donating LIFE to others. Did you realize that THAT is what you are doing?! We also have our 3rd Locks of Love! You are all so amazing!!! So, the week has brought us up to a total of... 7 Monday, 6 Tuesday, 21 Wednesday, 26 Thursday (plus 40), 25 Friday for a whopping total of 85 blood donors, as far as we know from the guest book!!!! We are so proud to be a part of this!! Plus, I don't know if you noticed in the guest book, but we have the states of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Georgia also involved plus a wonderful woman from Canada!!! So very cool!!!! Thank you for all that you do for our family and for our Brycer... He doesn't say much these days but I know my Brycer, and if he was feeling well and normal, he would be adding the numbers up himself and trying to read ALL of the guest book entries. He'd be telling everyone about it! You are all so giving, loving, and caring. And, that's still not mentioning all of the food, cards, emails, etc. that you have been sending us. Wow... We are in awe of you... Thank you a million times over. We love you all so much.

My little Brycer is not feeling so well. He loses a lot of sleep during the night because of his pain and being so uncomfortable. He got a bloody nose at 5am. We finally got it stopped and then the blood in his tummy made him vomit. So, we took him in for platelets today. His hemoglobin was 9.8; white count 300; and platelets 7,000. Thank goodness for the transfusions. His pain is worse today. It's in his left arm now, too. For example, I gave him 4 mg of morphine at 5:15pm tonight, and he needed another dose at 5:45 because his arms and legs still hurt so bad. Then, after the morphine, he is so groggy and sleepy. I just want my Brycer back. I want his incredible energy, his enthusiasm for life, his lit-up face. He knows when we need to hear it, he tells us he loves us. He's trying so hard to live, and it's so confusing for us. We don't want to say goodbye. But, we don't want him suffering. We will miss him so much. But, we know that everyday is probably getting closer to saying goodbye, at least for a while. Don't get me wrong, we will NEVER give up on our MIRACLE FOR BRYCE! Did you know that his nick name was Big Red? We told the brothers tonight that we want them to spend some 'quality time' with Bryce this weekend. Joel responded with an ok, and then mumbled something. I asked him what he said. He said, "Bryce doesn't want to die." I gently said, "Oh, he doesn't? How do you know that?" Joel said, "Because I can read his mind." I said, "Thanks for telling us, Joel." Precious, innocent, loving, priceless. God is so good. Please, please, please don't let up on the prayers. I know that God is listening. What would we do without Him????? I couldn't even imagine. Praise God for his healing and great results for Ethan Strenge! Praise God for creating Ellen to be a strong, determined, beautiful little girl! Continue to pray for her healing of her lungs. Praise God for all of the precious lives out there fighting their battles, big or small, including many of you. Praise God for each and every one of YOU! You are a gift. Love to all.

Here is a note from our friend, Deb Gerber, who works at the blood bank:

"How wonderful for you guys to inspire people to give blood. This is a issue close to my heart. The kids and I both got transfusions after they were born. Our outcome may have been very different without those blood transfusions. It truly is the gift of life. As you and Tim know. Since I happen to work at the blood bank I thought I would give you all the details.

Mayo has three different donation sites that are fixed:
St. Mary's Hospital Room M-86 Hours are 7:45-3pm
IBM Building number 2 Hours are Mon-Thurs 6am-11 12:45-3:15pm
Hilton Building Level 1 Hours are 6am-4:15pm
We are always welcoming walkin's but if you want to schedule call 507/284-4475
We can use any and every blood type!!
It really only hurts for a second and means a ton to the person and family on the receiving end.
Let me know if you have any questions.
We are still praying for you."
Deb Gerber (gerber.debra@mayo.edu)

Here's an updated note from Tracy:

Susie I have recieved several questions about blood and platlet donation!!! Go Bryce Backers!!!! Please post these numbers on your page if you wish. Hilton Bldg Blood Bank on the corner on 2nd street and 2nd avenue (across from Mayo Bldg) 284-4475. They have free and easy parking for donors right there! St Mary's hospital blood bank is 285-4200. Hugs,

Keeping this here all week: My final thought is a BIG CHEER for our dear friend, Tracy Idler!! She was the "Child with Cancer Mom" that guided me in the beginning. Her daughter, Erin, finished her chemo treatments for leukemia a few years ago. Erin is Bryce's age. Tracy has been by our side since (almost) Day 1... I am going to copy and paste her guest book entry for everyone to read because I think she has a GREAT IDEA!!! Could you imagine all of the blood and platelet donors that could be saving lives this week alone??? That is what you are doing when you donate! Tim & I are both blood (I'm also a platelet) donors. It's one of the BEST things you could do in your lifetime! And, I'm going to add to Tracy's awesome idea... Anyone who does give blood or platelets this week, sign Bryce's guest book letting us know, so we can keep a count! So, here's Tracy!:

"Hi Bryce and crew. When I read that you have gone to recieve blood or platelets I say a prayer of thanks for the person that provided that bag for you. What a beautiful gift! That is so generous, and has the power to REALLY make a difference for you and others who recieve it. It takes very little time, costs nothing and is safe. I want to challenge and encourage every reader of your web site to go and dontate a bag of blood this week. Most donor centers will take walk-ins. If someone thinks they can't donate because of medications or health history they should contact the blood bank or Red Cross to find out for sure because the guidelines have changed. If they have never donated then now is a great time to start, set aside reasons not to do it and go for it! It is a great thing that many of us can easily do. Prayers of praise and thanks are being said for every blood and platelet donor that provides transfusions for you and all of our caringbridge friends. What an incredible blessing so many of our families have recieved!!! If anyone has questions about blood donation they may contact me. Hugs all around." (idler.tracy@mayo.edu) GO BRYCE BACKERS!!!!

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Thursday, February 1, 2007 10:14 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY, NIKKI FIESSLER!! We hope you had a fabulous birthday and got spoiled rotten!!! You can send Nikki a note at www.caringbridge.org/mn/nikki. She'd love it!!

Hi everyone,

Well, this is just way too exciting, don't you think?! We are using our God-given abilities to save lives!!!! Isn't He just sooooooo GREAT???!!!! Tim, Bryce, & I went to Rochester today and got so much accomplished in a short trip. Needless to say, Bryce was very tired out and ready to get home by the time we were done! He has used even more morphine today. His right arm hurts, sometimes in his chest, his legs, and his tummy. He is still vomiting 2-3 times per day even though we are giving him Zofran every 6-8 hours. If he does take something into his body, it's hard keeping it in. He really does try, bless his heart. He and I made meatloaf tonight, his request. I hope he'll be able to eat some tomorrow. Last night was a late one for him and then he was up for over an hour from 2:45-4am. It's not easy to get him comfortable. We have already decided to give him 4mg of morphine during the night when he is uncomfortable tonight. He knows so much at such a young age. He's amazing... The brothers are doing well. Please keep the prayers coming for their strength and our strength. Bryce wants so badly to get better for himself but for us too, I think. We've told him that we will fight for him and that he can rest. He's amazing,...Did I say that already??? We all love him so very much.

Ok, now I will fill you in on our day. First, we went to St. Mary's to give some supportive "family" hugs to Brenda, Ethan, & Eric Strenge. That was great to see them, again. The doctors feel that the lump is not cancerous, but the pathology report will be back tomorrow to confirm it. Let's keep those prayers coming, gang! God is loving all the prayers we are giving Him. Then, we went to give "family" hugs to Nyla & little Ellen. Bless her precious little heart.... The team decided to intubate her today, as precautionary. Let's keep those powerful prayers coming for her healing in her lungs and to breathe much better on her own. Pray for Nyla's strength, too. It's so wearing to watch your baby needing so much assistance. These wonderful people are like family to us. I only wish we could be there for them everyday! Ethan's webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/ethanstrenge. Ellen's webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/ellenkathleen. Thank you for the messages you are sending to them!!! You give them so much strength, too!

At the hospital, we were surprised to see Marty & Chris as we walked in. All the Belvidere Farmers made there way to the hospital to visit a couple of friends after they donated blood at the Hilton...all 6 of them! So cool!!! I hear everyone at the Blood Bank enjoyed their visit, too! They enjoyed it so much that the Blood Bank is actually looking into doing a story in the Mayo Magazine about all of the blood donors that are stepping up to our challenge for Bryce!! After the hospital, we went to the Hilton and I donated blood. Bryce & Tim watched a movie and visited with Joe & Julie Huneke. After I was done, we met with 2 women from the Blood Bank, Mary & Sue. They told us that Marty had directed them to Bryce's webpage and that they were tallying up the numbers!! Let's keep rockin' & rollin' Bryce Backers!!! Keep those numbers coming for saving lives! This whole blood donor challenge was such a great idea, Tracy! Thank you so much issuing the challenge!! Today, we added 26 more donors with possibly 40 next week from what Jess wrote!!! We also have another Locks of Love! You are all so amazing!!! That's 60 (for sure) totaling the week so far... 7 Monday, 6 Tuesday, 21 Wednesday, 26 Thursday (plus 40),.... What could Friday bring???? I can't wait to find out!!!! We love and appreciate all of you!!!

Here is a note from our friend, Deb Gerber, who works at the blood bank:

"How wonderful for you guys to inspire people to give blood. This is a issue close to my heart. The kids and I both got transfusions after they were born. Our outcome may have been very different without those blood transfusions. It truly is the gift of life. As you and Tim know. Since I happen to work at the blood bank I thought I would give you all the details.

Mayo has three different donation sites that are fixed:
St. Mary's Hospital Room M-86 Hours are 7:45-3pm
IBM Building number 2 Hours are Mon-Thurs 6am-11 12:45-3:15pm
Hilton Building Level 1 Hours are 6am-4:15pm
We are always welcoming walkin's but if you want to schedule call 507/284-4475
We can use any and every blood type!!
It really only hurts for a second and means a ton to the person and family on the receiving end.
Let me know if you have any questions.
We are still praying for you."
Deb Gerber (gerber.debra@mayo.edu)

Here's an updated note from Tracy:

Susie I have recieved several questions about blood and platlet donation!!! Go Bryce Backers!!!! Please post these numbers on your page if you wish. Hilton Bldg Blood Bank on the corner on 2nd street and 2nd avenue (across from Mayo Bldg) 284-4475. They have free and easy parking for donors right there! St Mary's hospital blood bank is 285-4200. Hugs,

Keeping this here all week: My final thought is a BIG CHEER for our dear friend, Tracy Idler!! She was the "Child with Cancer Mom" that guided me in the beginning. Her daughter, Erin, finished her chemo treatments for leukemia a few years ago. Erin is Bryce's age. Tracy has been by our side since (almost) Day 1... I am going to copy and paste her guest book entry for everyone to read because I think she has a GREAT IDEA!!! Could you imagine all of the blood and platelet donors that could be saving lives this week alone??? That is what you are doing when you donate! Tim & I are both blood (I'm also a platelet) donors. It's one of the BEST things you could do in your lifetime! And, I'm going to add to Tracy's awesome idea... Anyone who does give blood or platelets this week, sign Bryce's guest book letting us know, so we can keep a count! So, here's Tracy!:

"Hi Bryce and crew. When I read that you have gone to recieve blood or platelets I say a prayer of thanks for the person that provided that bag for you. What a beautiful gift! That is so generous, and has the power to REALLY make a difference for you and others who recieve it. It takes very little time, costs nothing and is safe. I want to challenge and encourage every reader of your web site to go and dontate a bag of blood this week. Most donor centers will take walk-ins. If someone thinks they can't donate because of medications or health history they should contact the blood bank or Red Cross to find out for sure because the guidelines have changed. If they have never donated then now is a great time to start, set aside reasons not to do it and go for it! It is a great thing that many of us can easily do. Prayers of praise and thanks are being said for every blood and platelet donor that provides transfusions for you and all of our caringbridge friends. What an incredible blessing so many of our families have recieved!!! If anyone has questions about blood donation they may contact me. Hugs all around." (idler.tracy@mayo.edu) GO BRYCE BACKERS!!!!

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 11:23 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good evening, Forgive my errors. There is no double-checking it tonight...

Wow.... You are all amazing!!!! I think I counted right...21 donors/appointments today!! That's bumps the count up to 34, but I have a strong feeling that there are a lot more... Plus, there is one Locks of Love and one possible Blood Drive being arranged in Lake City!!!! I am trying to be careful and not count the same person twice. This is sooooo exciting! I am hoping that I will get in tomorrow or Friday for donating blood or platelets myself. Tim has a sinus infection so he won't be able to donate. It's just a little tough to leave when it really is better to have both of us with Bryce the majority of the time. Tim did go to a meeting in Goodhue today. We survived it. Then, he had to fix our fridge which in between that, he took Ethan back to Urgent Care. Ethan's ear infection is still bad so they switched his antibiotic. Tim also got some antibiotics for his sinus infection. It was a very busy day! Thank goodness the Grandma's came to the rescue again! And, thanks to Auntie's Pam & Manda for your help, also. Thanks to everyone who is dropping off food and treats!!! I can't say enough about how gracious you all are!!! I'm gaining weight, too. So, don't worry about me. I need more self-control with the food situation...

I need to keep this paragraph here tonight because Ellen had a few seizures today and needs lots of prayers! We gotta get her better so she can go back home and keep everyone on their toes, there! She is such a doll! And, Ethan's results today are concerning. He will go in for a biopsy tomorrow. They will get results on Friday. We know too well what it's like when the "what if's" take over... That is not God speaking to us. Please lift Ethan, Brenda, & Eric & the girls up in prayer. Pray for rest and strength for Brenda and Eric tonight. God is holding Him and loving him. It's just so hard sometimes not to worry... His webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/ethanstrenge. Pray for Ellen's strength and healing. She is such a strong, brave, determined little girl...so much like her mother, Nyla. What a blessing she is to so many... Her webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/ellenkathleen.

Bryce did not have the best day. He had a lot of tummy and arm pain. Not the worst ever but enough that he needed morphine quite often. He also got sick a few times with the Zofran (antinausea) on-board. He also got a nose bleed but we stopped that within 10 minutes. He ate a few bites at suppertime. And most importantly, I got a few gorgeous smiles out of him from Little House on the Prairie tonight!! Absolutely beautiful... I wish you could all see his million-dollar smile in person. He's so great! The brothers are all doing pretty good. They watched some LHotP with him tonight, too. (I'm tired so I'm abbrev.) Julia called this morning and Bryce's blood culture is coming back negative. Good.

Bryce has received some very special packages in the mail again since his relapse in December. He got one from New Jersey that had lots of fun stuff in it. Lots of gifts from friends and family. Lots of gifts from complete strangers but brothers and sisters in Christ... Today he received a letter and very special jacket and hockey puck from a 10-year-old boy in Moorhead, MN. His name Aaron and what a special boy he is!!! Thank you, Aaron for touching Bryce today with your very special gift. I only wish he felt better so he could thank you himself. Tell your team that Bryce is cheering you on from Goodhue! He was flipping channels tonight and we thought we saw a U of M hockey game so he stopped because he thought of you. It turned out to be basketball but you were on his mind. Thank you Aaron for having such a giving and caring heart. I'm sure you and Bryce would be friends if you were closer. So, many children do so many wonderful things... They are our future. Pray for the children. Love to all, always.

Here is a note from our friend, Deb Gerber, who works at the blood bank:

"How wonderful for you guys to inspire people to give blood. This is a issue close to my heart. The kids and I both got transfusions after they were born. Our outcome may have been very different without those blood transfusions. It truly is the gift of life. As you and Tim know. Since I happen to work at the blood bank I thought I would give you all the details.

Mayo has three different donation sites that are fixed:
St. Mary's Hospital Room M-86 Hours are 7:45-3pm
IBM Building number 2 Hours are Mon-Thurs 6am-11 12:45-3:15pm
Hilton Building Level 1 Hours are 6am-4:15pm
We are always welcoming walkin's but if you want to schedule call 507/284-4475
We can use any and every blood type!!
It really only hurts for a second and means a ton to the person and family on the receiving end.
Let me know if you have any questions.
We are still praying for you."
Deb Gerber (gerber.debra@mayo.edu)

Here's an updated note from Tracy:

Susie I have recieved several questions about blood and platlet donation!!! Go Bryce Backers!!!! Please post these numbers on your page if you wish. Hilton Bldg Blood Bank on the corner on 2nd street and 2nd avenue (across from Mayo Bldg) 284-4475. They have free and easy parking for donors right there! St Mary's hospital blood bank is 285-4200. Hugs,

Keeping this here all week: My final thought is a BIG CHEER for our dear friend, Tracy Idler!! She was the "Child with Cancer Mom" that guided me in the beginning. Her daughter, Erin, finished her chemo treatments for leukemia a few years ago. Erin is Bryce's age. Tracy has been by our side since (almost) Day 1... I am going to copy and paste her guest book entry for everyone to read because I think she has a GREAT IDEA!!! Could you imagine all of the blood and platelet donors that could be saving lives this week alone??? That is what you are doing when you donate! Tim & I are both blood (I'm also a platelet) donors. It's one of the BEST things you could do in your lifetime! And, I'm going to add to Tracy's awesome idea... Anyone who does give blood or platelets this week, sign Bryce's guest book letting us know, so we can keep a count! So, here's Tracy!:

"Hi Bryce and crew. When I read that you have gone to recieve blood or platelets I say a prayer of thanks for the person that provided that bag for you. What a beautiful gift! That is so generous, and has the power to REALLY make a difference for you and others who recieve it. It takes very little time, costs nothing and is safe. I want to challenge and encourage every reader of your web site to go and dontate a bag of blood this week. Most donor centers will take walk-ins. If someone thinks they can't donate because of medications or health history they should contact the blood bank or Red Cross to find out for sure because the guidelines have changed. If they have never donated then now is a great time to start, set aside reasons not to do it and go for it! It is a great thing that many of us can easily do. Prayers of praise and thanks are being said for every blood and platelet donor that provides transfusions for you and all of our caringbridge friends. What an incredible blessing so many of our families have recieved!!! If anyone has questions about blood donation they may contact me. Hugs all around." (idler.tracy@mayo.edu) GO BRYCE BACKERS!!!!

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 10:22 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good evening,

We are sooooo excited about all of the volunteer blood and platelet donors already!!! Way to go, everyone!!!! This is just so awesome! We are proud to be a part of such a gift for life. I am sure that all of you are too! So cool... Bryce wanted me to do the official count and tell him in the morning so, with yesterdays 7 volunteers plus todays 6, we have 13 so far... Let me know if you have donated or made the appointment this week. All in all, there have been 26 responses for future appointments plus this weeks donations. You are all amazing!!! All I can say is that we are proud to be a part a such an incredible gift. And, we know it as a gift first-hand... I couldn't even count how many transfusions Bryce has had... Tim & I will guess it to be somewhere around 100 or so transfusions. Unreal, huh? Think of all of the blood donors involved in Bryce's 8-year-old life, in the past less than 4 years... It really gets you thinkin', doesn't it? And, again... If Camie can do it...anyone can do it. Just teasin' ya, Cam! (But, Dawn...I really do want to hear all the funny details.;-) We love ya, Cam!

We need to our prayer warriors to be sending up some huge and powerful prayers for our very dear friends, Ethan & Ellen. Ethan had his follow-up scan and blood work today. They go in tomorrow for results. We know too well what "the waiting" is like. You all know, too... Pray for rest and strength for Brenda and Eric tonight. Pray for awesome results for Ethan! God is holding Him and loving him. It's just so hard sometimes not to worry... His webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/ethanstrenge. And, our sweet, little Ellen is still in the hospital with pneumonia. They moved her to the PICU this morning to help her with the CPAP machine for her breathing. Pray her strength and healing. She is such a strong, brave, determined little girl...so much like her mother, Nyla. What a blessing she is to so many... Her webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/ellenkathleen. I hope you got some rest today and tonight, Nyla. It was so great to see you, Brenda & Nyla! We love you so much!

Bryce's night was pretty much his norm. He woke up at midnight and 6am for fever, morphine, and the bathroom. He has not had any diarrhea in the past 4 days. He wanted Mitch and Logan to come along today to the PITC. It was nice to have them there, even if they do get a bit obnoxious at times--right guys? Bryce's counts were hemoglobin 8.1; white count 400; and platelets 10,000. So, he did get a platelet transfusion and a red cell transfusion. We got there at 11am and left around 5:30pm. He did not sleep much today. So, he was very tired by 7:30, he could barely keep his eyes open. He ate a few bites of supper tonight and drank his usual water and a little juice today.

Bryce woke up crying in his sleep this morning. You know the cry where you can't barely get anything out? I asked him if he had a bad dream, and he did. He didn't remember it then but tonight he said he died in his dream. On the way home tonight, Logan asked a question about Heaven. Bryce said, "I don't want to talk about it. It scares me." So, we did talk just a little about it on the way home. And, just a little tonight at bedtime. I remember when I was a little girl being scared of dying and I wasn't even sick. We will gradually talk about Heaven when Bryce is ready to hear more, little by little. We have a few really good books from some wonderful people. I will gradually introduce the books to him. Please pray for his strength and his MIRACLE... We love him sooooooo very much. Now, I need to get ready for bed. Bryce was just up for the bathroom. His temp. is 100.7 so he's getting some Motrin. I will be anxious to hear that the blood culture (recheck) that they drew today is *negative*. I just want that nasty bacteria out of him! Love, prayers, and appreciation to all.

Here is a note from our friend, Deb Gerber, who works at the blood bank:

"How wonderful for you guys to inspire people to give blood. This is a issue close to my heart. The kids and I both got transfusions after they were born. Our outcome may have been very different without those blood transfusions. It truly is the gift of life. As you and Tim know. Since I happen to work at the blood bank I thought I would give you all the details.

Mayo has three different donation sites that are fixed:
St. Mary's Hospital Room M-86 Hours are 7:45-3pm
IBM Building number 2 Hours are Mon-Thurs 6am-11 12:45-3:15pm
Hilton Building Level 1 Hours are 6am-4:15pm
We are always welcoming walkin's but if you want to schedule call 507/284-4475
We can use any and every blood type!!
It really only hurts for a second and means a ton to the person and family on the receiving end.
Let me know if you have any questions.
We are still praying for you."
Deb Gerber (gerber.debra@mayo.edu)

Here's an updated note from Tracy:

Susie I have recieved several questions about blood and platlet donation!!! Go Bryce Backers!!!! Please post these numbers on your page if you wish. Hilton Bldg Blood Bank on the corner on 2nd street and 2nd avenue (across from Mayo Bldg) 284-4475. They have free and easy parking for donors right there! St Mary's hospital blood bank is 285-4200. Hugs,

Keeping this here all week: My final thought is a BIG CHEER for our dear friend, Tracy Idler!! She was the "Child with Cancer Mom" that guided me in the beginning. Her daughter, Erin, finished her chemo treatments for leukemia a few years ago. Erin is Bryce's age. Tracy has been by our side since (almost) Day 1... I am going to copy and paste her guest book entry for everyone to read because I think she has a GREAT IDEA!!! Could you imagine all of the blood and platelet donors that could be saving lives this week alone??? That is what you are doing when you donate! Tim & I are both blood (I'm also a platelet) donors. It's one of the BEST things you could do in your lifetime! And, I'm going to add to Tracy's awesome idea... Anyone who does give blood or platelets this week, sign Bryce's guest book letting us know, so we can keep a count! So, here's Tracy!:

"Hi Bryce and crew. When I read that you have gone to recieve blood or platelets I say a prayer of thanks for the person that provided that bag for you. What a beautiful gift! That is so generous, and has the power to REALLY make a difference for you and others who recieve it. It takes very little time, costs nothing and is safe. I want to challenge and encourage every reader of your web site to go and dontate a bag of blood this week. Most donor centers will take walk-ins. If someone thinks they can't donate because of medications or health history they should contact the blood bank or Red Cross to find out for sure because the guidelines have changed. If they have never donated then now is a great time to start, set aside reasons not to do it and go for it! It is a great thing that many of us can easily do. Prayers of praise and thanks are being said for every blood and platelet donor that provides transfusions for you and all of our caringbridge friends. What an incredible blessing so many of our families have recieved!!! If anyone has questions about blood donation they may contact me. Hugs all around." (idler.tracy@mayo.edu) GO BRYCE BACKERS!!!!

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Monday, January 29, 2007 9:44 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hi everyone,

Last night was a very late one. Bryce's right forearm muscles hurt so bad. We finally got him more comfortable around 1:45am. Poor little guy. He's so incredible. I set up our appt. time for the PITC tomorrow at 11am. I spoke with Julia and she feels that his arm pain is from the leukemia spreading. She fears that if we do scans to check, that we will see a lot more leukemia, and that we could do without that extra pain. Bryce asked if we were going to bring him in today to check his arm. I told him some of what Julia said. He paused and said, "So, am I just going to die?" We spoke about God's plan for everyone, and that the Angels in Heaven were so glad to be there. I told him that they were our Guardian Angels, now. That God chooses His Angels to come down to earth to watch over us. That there is no pain, hunger, sadness, or sleep in Heaven. That Jesus is the first to meet the new Angels there. I told Bryce that he is a shining example of what God and Jesus want us to be like--like them. I also told him that God can give us a MIRACLE any time. He asked if the Bible was still next to the bed and if Dad could read some stories to him. Bless his innocent, precious, beautiful, little heart... We love him so much and are soooooo very proud to be his parents. He is such a fighter. Do you know that he actually walked from the living room couch to the entry way desk tonight???!!! That is so awesome!!! He's one tough cookie.

Tim & I have been talking, thinking, and crying off and on all day. We are asking God for His guidance for the next days, as always. We are asking God to help us get closer to accepting His final decision, whatever it may be. My Mary Kay sister Directors came over today and did a special prayer with Tim, Bryce, & myself. God's timing is always so perfect. Thanks, Julie, Trish, Teresa, & Diana. I realized today that Bryce is a leader in our family. Ever since he was diagnosed in May of 2003, we have followed his lead. Up, down, or whatever it was at that given moment. We have all picked each other up at some time but Bryce always knew when he needed to be strong for us, to get us through it. I feel that as he accepts the next step--whatever it may, it will make it that much "easier" (Can I say that?! As difficult as it could be...) for us, his parents. He is such an incredible little boy... Life is such a precious gift from God. God is life... How much life do you have in your day? Oh, before I forget again, thanks for all of your prayers. Every night when I lay down to go to sleep, I think, "UH! I didn't pray enough today! I get so distracted with the busy-ness." But, I know that all of your prayers are covering the prayers that I need to be saying, too. So, thanks for that. Also, Bryce is looking forward to hearing about all of the blood donors this week! So, far we have 6 that I know of!! Way to go! I've drawn Camie's blood a few times in the past, and I know that if Camie can donate blood, anyone can!!! Way to go, Cam! Love & God's abundant blessings to all...

Here is a note from our friend, Deb Gerber, who works at the blood bank: "How wonderful for you guys to inspire people to give blood. This is a issue close to my heart. The kids and I both got transfusions after they were born. Our outcome may have been very different without those blood transfusions. It truly is the gift of life. As you and Tim know. Since I happen to work at the blood bank I thought I would give you all the details.

Mayo has three different donation sites that are fixed:
St. Mary's Hospital Room M-86 Hours are 7:45-3pm
IBM Building number 2 Hours are Mon-Thurs 6am-11 12:45-3:15pm
Hilton Building Level 1 Hours are 6am-4:15pm
We are always welcoming walkin's but if you want to schedule call 507/284-4475
We can use any and every blood type!!
It really only hurts for a second and means a ton to the person and family on the receiving end.
Let me know if you have any questions.
We are still praying for you."
Deb Gerber (gerber.debra@mayo.edu)

Keeping this here all week: My final thought is a BIG CHEER for our dear friend, Tracy Idler!! She was the "Child with Cancer Mom" that guided me in the beginning. Her daughter, Erin, finished her chemo treatments for leukemia a few years ago. Erin is Bryce's age. Tracy has been by our side since (almost) Day 1... I am going to copy and paste her guest book entry for everyone to read because I think she has a GREAT IDEA!!! Could you imagine all of the blood and platelet donors that could be saving lives this week alone??? That is what you are doing when you donate! Tim & I are both blood (I'm also a platelet) donors. It's one of the BEST things you could do in your lifetime! And, I'm going to add to Tracy's awesome idea... Anyone who does give blood or platelets this week, sign Bryce's guest book letting us know, so we can keep a count! So, here's Tracy!:

"Hi Bryce and crew. When I read that you have gone to recieve blood or platelets I say a prayer of thanks for the person that provided that bag for you. What a beautiful gift! That is so generous, and has the power to REALLY make a difference for you and others who recieve it. It takes very little time, costs nothing and is safe. I want to challenge and encourage every reader of your web site to go and dontate a bag of blood this week. Most donor centers will take walk-ins. If someone thinks they can't donate because of medications or health history they should contact the blood bank or Red Cross to find out for sure because the guidelines have changed. If they have never donated then now is a great time to start, set aside reasons not to do it and go for it! It is a great thing that many of us can easily do. Prayers of praise and thanks are being said for every blood and platelet donor that provides transfusions for you and all of our caringbridge friends. What an incredible blessing so many of our families have recieved!!! If anyone has questions about blood donation they may contact me. Hugs all around." (idler.tracy@mayo.edu) GO BRYCE BACKERS!!!!

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Sunday, January 28, 2007 10:03 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hi everyone,

We've had a pretty good day. It was pretty quiet around here until about 2:30 when we started getting lots of visitors. Then, it was busy. Lots of family and some friends. It was nice. Bryce was up a few times last night for the ususal bathroom, etc. Today his main complaint was tummy pain. His liver is very enlarged. We have been rubbing oils on it. He is drinking water fairly well. He did eat some supper tonight--he wanted chicken in the crock pot. But, then later, he vomited it all up. We may start some Zofran for his nausea which happens 2-3 times per day. He seems to be maintaining... We are happy about that, I guess. He is such a trooper. So cooperative. Bless his heart.

We won't go in for platelets until Tuesday unless he gets a nose bleed that won't stop. Tim took Ethan to Urgent Care yesterday morning and he has a right ear infection so he is on antibiotics. Other than that, there's not much new. I love reading your entries. I think I'm just maintaining, right now, myself. The emotions are just so wierd and unexplainable. I try to keep remembering to give my worries, burdens, and cares to God. He can withstand anything.

My final thought is a BIG CHEER for our dear friend, Tracy Idler!! She was the "Child with Cancer Mom" that guided me in the beginning. Her daughter, Erin, finished her chemo treatments for leukemia a few years ago. Erin is Bryce's age. Tracy has been by our side since (almost) Day 1... I am going to copy and paste her guest book entry for everyone to read because I think she has a GREAT IDEA!!! Could you imagine all of the blood and platelet donors that could be saving lives this week alone??? That is what you are doing when you donate! Tim & I are both blood (I'm also a platelet) donors. It's one of the BEST things you could do in your lifetime! And, I'm going to add to Tracy's awesome idea... Anyone who does give blood or platelets this week, sign Bryce's guest book letting us know, so we can keep a count! So, here's Tracy!:

"Hi Bryce and crew. When I read that you have gone to recieve blood or platelets I say a prayer of thanks for the person that provided that bag for you. What a beautiful gift! That is so generous, and has the power to REALLY make a difference for you and others who recieve it. It takes very little time, costs nothing and is safe. I want to challenge and encourage every reader of your web site to go and dontate a bag of blood this week. Most donor centers will take walk-ins. If someone thinks they can't donate because of medications or health history they should contact the blood bank or Red Cross to find out for sure because the guidelines have changed. If they have never donated then now is a great time to start, set aside reasons not to do it and go for it! It is a great thing that many of us can easily do. Prayers of praise and thanks are being said for every blood and platelet donor that provides transfusions for you and all of our caringbridge friends. What an incredible blessing so many of our families have recieved!!! If anyone has questions about blood donation they may contact me. Hugs all around." (idler.tracy@mayo.edu) GO BRYCE BACKERS!!!!

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Saturday, January 27, 2007 10:40 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

Well, Tim's cousin, Tom, got my laptop wireless working again. Thanks a bunch, Tom!!! You're a computer hero in our book! So, I am updating from our bedroom tonight. Bryce is watching an info-mercial. He's looking pretty tired. He has been having late naps lately. I will be quick. We took Bryce's friend, Casey, to the PITC today. Thanks for coming with us, Casey! It was so much fun having you along! It was also fun to see Tammy K. and Nyla today. Tammy--I hope you had a great birthday! And Nyla, I hope little Ellen is feeling better and that you get some rest tonight. Give that squishy girl a hug and smooch from me! We also got to say HI to Will Canan today at the PITC. He is such great kid! I just love seeing him! He's on his last round of chemo, yeah!! Dr. Rawda, the fellow, stopped by and listened to Bryce's lungs today while we were there. He says that they sound ok. There's no pneumonia. Bryce did get a fever of 102 during the night. Tonight it got up to 100.5, not too bad... His counts were hemoglobin 8.9; white count 400; and platelets 11,000. He did get a platelet transfusion today. He has been trying to eat a little today and making requests for tomorrow. We're hoping that's a good sign. It's just that he makes requests or tries things and doesn't get but 1-2 bites in, if that. Tomorrow is a new day...

So, my prayer requests tonight are for little Ellen to have a good nights rest and for improvement of her pneumonia. She is such a joy to us and so many. I need to see her, soon... Her web page is www.caringbridge.org/visit/ellenkathleen. Please also pray for Bryce's liver to decrease in size and cause less pain. Pray for his white count to increase and his hemoglobin and platelets to start to hold their own. Pray for his body to flow healthy, beautiful, fresh cells throughout his body. I do realize this is some BIG STUFF because of his particular situation. But, nothing is too big for our God!!! Expect great things and great things will happen! That's what God wants us to do... Love to all.

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Friday, January 26, 2007 10:55 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

Well, it's been another busy day. We've had some nice family visits. Bryce has been pretty much the same except that his chest hurts a little when he breathes sometimes. I did speak with Julia and she said as long as he doesn't have a fever and is on Gentamycin, which hopefully would help with pneumonia, we will just watch and wait. He has complained of shoulder pain and a headache--most of the day. His temp. has been pretty good since Monday (I think). So, that's been a really good thing. He has needed a little more morphine today than yesterday. So, all in all, he broke the "Friday chain of yucky days". I hope, the day's not over yet... (Think positive, think positive.) I woke up a few times during the night because Bryce was HOLDING MY HAND (!!!) and looking at me. I could take about a MILLION of those nights. He almost looked sad but always says he is fine. I wish I knew... When he's ready, right?... I've been praying that God will help him speak to us about his feelings. I hope it's soon.

We will be taking him to the PITC tomorrow for platelets around 10:30am. Ethan woke up with a low fever and headache this morning. He was still feeling miserable tonight. He woke up around 9:30 with his temp. at 103.3. Bless his little heart... He doesn't get sick very often. We're hoping he is feeling better tomorrow. I forgot to mention on Tuesday that Logan had the stomach flu during the night on Monday night. No one else has had it, though. Thanks to everyone who is bringing us food and treats. We appreciate all of your generosity! Everything that all of you do for us, including your prayers, gives us more time with our children. And, that is really important to us, especially now... May God bless your every day. Love to all.

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Thursday, January 25, 2007 9:57 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

We've had a fairly good day here. Bryce was up a few times during the night. Ethan was up for some reason during the night. He lost a lot of sleep. I found myself awake a lot either listening for him or watching Bryce's chest rise and fall as he took each breath. I immediately thanked God this morning when he woke up and asked for water. Today has been a fairly quiet day until later this afternoon the visitors came. Dad, Bryce, & I caught a nap together this afternoon. That was very nice and much needed. Bryce has not had to use as much morphine today as he did yesterday. He and I mixed up some brownies around 4:30 this afternoon. We watched some Little House on the Prairie tonight as a family. That felt very right. We've missed that. Friday night is usually our Family Movie Night. Now, he is falling asleep on the couch on Dad's lap.

We've been asking God to give us strength today with His decision, whatever it may be. Tonight my sister, Julie, text messaged me that she was coming over. She put in her text message that she was bringing God with her. When she got here, I told her and Linda that Bryce SMILED!!!! We were watching Little House on the Prairie and he laughed and smiled with his brothers at a funny part. I quicked looked at him... It was beautiful!!! I loved all 3 seconds!!! I immediatley thanked God!! So, when I told Julie, she about fell over. She said, "Did you get my text message?" I said, "Yeah, what did you mean?" She said, "I asked God all the way here to do something special for you." Soooo awesome. Our God is so awesome!!! He has so much to do with everything in life. Doesn't he? Have you noticed? We love and appreciate all of you...

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Wednesday, January 24, 2007 9:00 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hi everyone,

Today was an ok day. We had our usual, wonderful helpers at the house bright and early. Thank goodness for them, our Mom's--Linda & Ann. They are incredible. They are here morning to night, sometimes leaving in between only to return as soon as they can. They help a ton with the brothers. Please pray for their strength. We love them sooooo much!

Hospice came by today. I wanted Liz to listen to Bryce's lungs. He is getting congested and coughing. Pray that we will keep that in control. I just don't want him struggling to breathe. Yesterday, they (Hospice) got us a small eggcrate pad for Bryce to sit/lie on. I think that has helped him today. He has only complained of his sacral pain once or twice. He asked for his friend, Garett, to come over and watch a movie with him. So, Garett arrived around 2:30pm. But, Bryce got a bloody nose around 3:10 that wouldn't stop. It also nauseated him enough to vomit. We asked Liz to call Julia and tell her that we would be coming to the PITC. The first thing Bryce said was, "Can Garett come?" So, Garett came along. We were there for 2 hours and home by 7:15. Not too bad. His counts are hemoglobin 9.9; white count 400; and platelets 14,000. Bryce slept some of the time. He is now sleeping on the couch. Tim & I are very tired so we are planning on heading up to bed soon. Last night, Bryce was only up a few times. We are hoping for that kind of a night, again. Thank you for all of your continued prayers for Bryce and our family. Love and peace to all of you...

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:13 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good evening,

It was so nice to have lots of family here today. Bryce and I stayed in our room until noon. He slept the majority of the time. I watched him sleep most of the time and used Bryce's portable DVD player to watch some food network, that Serena recorded on a DVD for me. Thanks, Serena! You think of everything... Seriously... Everything. We spent the rest of the day downstairs, other than he and I trying to nap around 3pm. We couldn't because he was too uncomfortable with his tail bone (sacrum) pain and diarrhea. So, we gave up and came back downstairs. He and his Dad have been dozing off and on on the couch (Bryce on Tim's lap) since about 4pm. I just wanted to update quick and get to bed. I am still exhausted from the interrupted sleep 2 nights ago.

Bryce has needed a lot more morphine today with the sacral pain. He has diarrhea and usually vomits at least once a day. His beautiful smile has been gone for so long. I would give anything to see his "live" million-dollar smile just one more time... Our hearts are breaking. Our baby is suffering. We can feel God holding us up, because to be honest with you, I don't know where we would be or how we could survive this without Him. I don't know how other family's can go through this without God. I couldn't even imagine...

I forgot to mention something that did perk Bryce up yesterday. Two of the Goodhue wrestlers, Tim & Tyler, came out to our house last night with a really cool gift for Bryce. It is an autographed and framed Goodhue Wrestling t-shirt, picture, and head gear with a "B.B." on it. He just loved it. He asked me right away when they left, if he could have Ethan's room because it is dark (the light hurts his eyes) and he could put all of his memorabelia up on the walls. He is so proud of his sports gifts from everyone. Thanks, wrestlers and Coach Sutter. You all know exactly how to touch a little boy's heart... We love and appreciate all of you...

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Monday, January 22, 2007 10:18 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good evening,

This will be a quick one tonight. Last nights rest was not good. Bryce was awake many times for different reasons; his heel hurt or other pains, the oxygen mask was bugging him, his nose wouldn't stop bleeding, etc. We are a bit tired! Grandpa Pete & Grandma Cathy came down from Bemidji today to stay the night. So, we are going to visit with them just a bit before bed. We let the boys stay up a little later tonight. They do not have school today or tomorrow. This is usually our WI Dells weekend with the Huemann's. His nose started bleeding after he woke up, again. So, we took him to the PITC for platelets today. His hemoglobin was 10.8 (yeah); WBC 400; ANC ?; blasts ?; and platelets 4,000. In the back of our minds, Tim & I are wishing and hoping that the high fever on Saturday night burnt up some of the leukemia. We have no clue if it could have but we can hope and wish! He didn't get to sleep much today because we were so busy with the PITC and visitors. We increased his morphine to 3mg, from 2mg. The 2mg just wasn't taking all of the pain away. Hospice stopped by again today and brought us more supplies. Before we left for the PITC, Bryce asked his Dad if he could bring the toys to the kids in the hospital. I don't know where he gets his drive and determination from... He didn't look well this morning but he didn't forget the toys for the kids. So, after the PITC, we delivered toys to 3rd Francis. He was very tired and had morphine in him. But, he got the job done. Amazing. The parents and employees thought that the whole gesture from the children and Bryce was incredible!!! Thank you so much, 2nd graders!!! You are wonderful examples to bringing happiness into other peoples lives. I need to update some pictures but I will work on that tomorrow. Now, I need to get to bed. Tim & I were so down when we came home with Bryce this afternoon. But, tonight he wanted to play an old Sega game that he remembered from a year ago. (I can't remember what I did yesterday!) He also wanted to eat a soft pretzel with cheese tonight. And, has requested buffalo meatloaf for lunch tomorrow. That picks our spirits up like you couldn't even imagine! You help us to keep up the hope for a MIRACLE. Thank you for that. We love and appreciate each and every one of you. God bless...

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Sunday, January 21, 2007 11:00 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hi everyone,

First of all, I want to thank our very close friend, Lana, & my brother, Brad, for teaming up to do the update today. I was in no mood, nor condition, to do an update so they stepped up to the plate. I find that I'm more tired and down in the morning. So, I knew I didn't want to do the update myself. Right now, I am ok... I also want to thank all of you Bryce Backers out there who consistanly, persistantly, and faithfully pray for Bryce and our family!! Your unending prayers and messages mean the world to us! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts... And, thanks to our family's who are incredible!! What would we do without you??? I'm so sorry your hearts are breaking, too. Thank you for being so patient, kind, and understanding. We love you soooooo much!!!

I'm getting tired so I'm gonna get right to the point. Last night was aweful. Like Lana said, Bryce received the Gentamycin antibiotic for a positive blood culture which was Gram negative Bacilli--for all of our lab colleagues... It's a very difficult bacteria to fight especially in Bryce's condition--no cells to fight with. They told us it can cause major problems like septic shock. That is what happened around 8:30pm. His Gentamycin was flushed through the line. He received some more morphine for pain. Tim & Ethan went to get the suburban warmed up. Bryce started shaking and saying he was so cold. Before we knew it, his temperature had climbed to 41.6C (I don't know if that's 105F?). It was so horrible, aweful, and terrifying. The way the peds senior on-call described it was that the antibiotic went in to fight the bacteria. Then, the bacteria releases its toxins it carries into Bryce's blood stream. Bryce was shaking so bad and I was trying to lay over him to give him some body heat. He started gasping for air and looked terrified, so I asked the staff to get him some oxygen. His heart rate was at least 170, I think I heard Tim say it was higher. His blood pressure had been high, then it dropped very low. They gave him a bolus of fluids to help his vitals. He was responding to me for a while when I would ask him to say Mommy. But, then he was quiet and unresponsive for a while. I was telling him that God and Jesus were with him and that we all loved him. I told him that God would take away his pain and he would be a special Angel in Heaven. After a few sentances of that, he shouted "No!" Like Lana & Brad said, he's a fighter and a warrior. He's not leaving without a fight. Wow, and only 8 years old... I wouldn't be a bit surprised, Tim wouldn't be either, if he just kept on fighting. That's what he knows to do. I'll never forget when I told him about 15 months ago during tough chemo treatments that he was a fighter. He said, "No, I'm not!" Well, I finally figured out that his definition of a fighter was someone who fought with others. We always tell the brothers not to fight... We explained what we meant... Honestly, he's always been such a good boy. He never did like to get dirty or make a mess. He took such good care of his toys. He doesn't like it when others fight, yet he can fight with his brothers. He cares so much about others--but I know that he learned that early on with all of you and his guest book entries and thoughtful gestures after he was diagnosed. He is just incredible!!!

Back to Saturday, after he shouted no, his vital signs all started settling down and getting back to normal. By 11:30pm, he was asking to go home. He literally got out of bed and walked 3-4 steps to the wheel chair and sat down. Amazing... And, "Get me out of this place!" Right?! Dr. Kahn came in and sat with us all the whole time. It was good to have her there. We had to make those terrible decisions that no parent should ever have to make. I will not get into detail about any of that because I worry so much about the "little eyes and ears" of Bryce's web page. Please God, give them strength, peace, and understanding. They are so precious... When we got home, Tim & I set our alarms and took turns getting up to give him Tylenol, Morphine, and his Gentamycin. We were to go in tomorrow for labs but Dr. Kahn said to just watch for bleeding and petichaie--blood capillaries bursting on the skin.

I'm trying to stay on track here but I think I'm venturing off a bit. Try to stick with me. We had friends and family here today which is so wonderful. Our family's just take care of all of us. Tim & I got a couple naps in with Bryce. We need that time with him. Thanks to everyone who is dropping off food. We appreciate you all so much. The brothers know that stuff is happening. Mitchell was sad this morning. You can see it on Logan and Joel's facial expressions when they look at us. Ethan told me, and later also Auntie Pam, "Please don't cry." Bless their little hearts... I hate that they have to go through this. Before I forget, I want to say thanks to Lana for picking up Ethan at the hospital last night. And, I want to say thanks to Jodi and her family for the wonderful visit yesterday. I especially needed that time with you, Jod... I think that Bryce enjoyed watching the movie with Brynn, too.

I can honestly say, without a doubt, that this is the worst thing ever imaginable... I've read and watched how Drew & McKenna's mom, Shannon, has hurt. She is just one example I've watched. It actually feels like your heart is being ripped out of your chest. I'm sorry I'm so graphic tonight... We are just hurting so bad. Thank goodness for Bryce. He tries so hard to keep his Dad & I ok. He tries to give us a smile or a kiss on the cheek, even when he's in so much pain or he's so tired and wants to sleep. Our hearts were shattered again today when Bryce and his good buddy (since birth), Garett, had to say goodbye. Bryce wanted Garett to have the same John Deere tractor, that he had, that Marty Kehren had brought over. They gave each other a hug. There's a bond there, like no other... I wish soooooo badly that this wasn't happening. Bryce called me out to the couch tonight to tell me something. He said, "Mom, I keep having the same dream that I am stuck in the mud and I can't get out. I can't even move." I said, "Honey, do you mind if I tell you what I think the dream might mean?" And, he said ok. I said, "I think that the mud resembles the illness you have. The leukemia. And, you feel frustrated because it won't leave you alone. Look for God and Jesus in your dream. They will pull you right out of the mud and take away all of your pain." I told him, "You will be all better soon." He will be... Tim & I are getting closer to accepting what is happening to our son and our lives. But, we also know that only God can create a MIRACLE FOR BRYCE, yet. And, we would not be one bit surprised if he did... We love you all.

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan Breuer

Sunday, January 21, 2007 12:46 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good morning everyone...Bear with us, Brad and I will try to update the website best we can. Susie and Tim are keeping quite busy this morning so we will take the controls and do the best we can.

Susie is currently upstairs laying down with Bryce. They had a "tough" night and arrived home late last night. It started out with a trip to Rochester around 6pm after finding out that Bryces blood tested positive for a bacteria. Tim, Susie, Bryce,and Ethan headed to Rochester to receive antibiotic treatment of gentomyocin (spell?). Bryce ended up have a reaction to the antibiotic. His reaction included breathing and heart rate problems. But, he came out of it and wanted to go home.

This morning a Home Hospice nurse came to the house to check on Bryce and talk to Tim and Susie about his "plan" and doctor recommendations. They are currently going to be giving him the gentomyocin every 12 hours as prescribed and are just trying to keep him comfortable and at home.

Bryce is still being a trooper and teased his cousin yesterday about needing a haircut. Susie tried to talk to him last night about God, Heaven, and Angels..but he turned away and said "no" . He is still fighting, like a warrior. After that discussion, his heart rate came down, his temp came down and he was asking to go home. He is sleeping a lot today.

Tim and Susie, & boys would like to thank you for all your prayers, thoughts and messages. It gives them strength.

Please continue to believe in Miracles and God. Pray for strength and peace for the Breuers.

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

Brad and Lana

Friday, January 19, 2007 6:49 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hello everyone,

We hope you're doing well. We are having a long day at the PITC. Bryce is getting a red cell transfusion, right now. He received platelets prior to the red cells. We got here before 10am but the lab must have been busy and the blood bank was busy, too. We woke Bryce up this morning around 9:00. He has slept from 10:15am until 1:30pm, and then from 2:45pm until now. He's had morphine about 3 times and Tylenol a couple for his fever and as a pre-med for the transfusions. His counts were hemoglobin 8.7; WBC 600; ANC ?; Blasts 14 percent; and platelets 10,000. I'm not sure what the ANC was, no one has said. As you can see, his blasts have gone up again. I am on a hospital computer because I can't seem to get my laptop to go wireless. I can see from the window that the nurse is going in to give Bryce more morphine. He has not had a good day. Neither have Tim & I... Our hearts are breaking. I am really starting to dislike Fridays, they seem to bring bad days for Bryce--3 in a row. He could be more tired, and his head could be hurting, from his lower hemoglobin. But, we know the pain and tiredness is probably from the leukemia. We decided later today to go ahead with the red cell transfusion in hopes that he would be less tired this weekend.

Tim & I are really having a hard day watching Bryce sleep and when he is awake he is not looking so good and in pain. He has said his back hurts every once in a while. He said his throat hurt, so we asked the doctor to swab it for strep. We haven't heard anything back on that, yet. With my past lab experience--working in it--I don't think the doctor swabbed his throat very good. Anyway, I just hope he doesn't have strep throat. I'm sure he doesn't, we were trying to be so careful at home. His tummy hurts so much, too. The poor little guy is really uncomfortable today. I am just hoping that he will be awake for a while tonight and have more energy.

I'm gonna get back to Bryce & Tim but if you would please continue your powerful prayers for Bryce. I'm not so sure that God is going to give him a MIRACLE on Earth, this time. He is such an incredible little boy. I wish you all could know him. I wish he could have delivered the toys today. We'll shoot for next Monday. Pray for his parents and his brothers. I hear all of you, and the bible, saying trust in the Lord. And, we do. It's just that that doesn't make it any easier to watch your child suffer and imagine your life without him and not know how you will ever handle life without him and wonder how his brothers, your other children, will handle it.... I worry about Bryce's Grandma's & Grandpa's, his aunt's & uncle's, his cousins, his friends, and all of you. I know that God has a plan and He will guide us through all of this. I just wish it was all a really bad dream because it is SUCH A NIGHTMARE!! Pray for everyone's strength and inner peace. We love and appreciate all of you so very much...

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, January 18, 2007 11:24 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

Bryce had a pretty good day. He slept until after 10am. He did end up having morphine 4 times today since 5am. Tonight he had a headache which bumms us out because he hasn't had one for the last few days. It makes us worry that the spinal fluid has leukemia in it. He did eat some supper tonight and a little smoothie today. Our friend, Nyla, came over today with lunch and a really awesome framed, painted picture. It is a picture of a knight on a horse getting ready to slay a dragon while the rays of God's light are shining on him. It has the poem that she wrote (in the guestbook) also in the frame and an orange ribbon of hope for childhood cancer. It's really amazing and beautiful!! Thank you so much, Nyla! Everyone is so thoughtful with all of the things that you are all doing for Bryce and our family!!! It seems that everyday there is something more... Around 3pm today, 6 school buses drove up and parked on the road in front of our house. The entire 3rd grade class, teachers, and assistants were loaded on the buses with signs on the outside saying, "We are thinking of you, Breu Crew!" It was awesome! We all stood on the porch waving and taking pictures and videotaping. What a wonderful idea!!! It was so fun to see you all! Bryce thought it was really cool... Now, do you see what I mean about everyone being so thoughtful towards an 8-year-old boy and his family?! You are all so great!! I just can't even begin to try to express our gratitude towards everyone... Bryce also received a really fun package from New Jersey today! Wow... And, thank you! Tomorrow we will bring the toys along to give to the kids at the hospital--we can't give the toys to the kids directly so we may bring some to the clinic, also. But, if Bryce is too tired we may wait until Monday. I will let you know. Sorry to the 3rd graders about no dvd player picture yet. Maybe tomorrow will be the day! Gotta head to bed. We love and appreciate all of you so much! Thanks for all of the cards, calls, food, and prayers!!!!

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, January 17, 2007 10:33 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

Sorry 3rd graders! I forgot to get a picture of Bryce with his DVD player today. The days fly by... Tomorrow! I will tomorrow. He loves that thing! And, thanks to the 2nd graders who all decided to put their "birthday party money" into Bryce's hands! When Robin Berg called to see what Bryce would like to do with it, I told her that he has always wanted to bring gifts to the kids in the hospital. So in a flash, Robin & Joy are at our front door today with lots of toys! We will be bringing them to the hospital on Friday morning. Bryce is looking forward to it! Thanks to all of the giving children and people out there! Look at the lives you are touching!!! Wow...

Bryce's day was very mellow. He woke up at 10:30am! He had morphine at 11:30 because his back hurt and "everything hurt". But, he has not had morphine again until 9:15pm tonight! That is great. He did have tylenol a few times today for his fever. He and I took a nice nap this afternoon. He did try to eat some supper tonight. He had some smoothie again. Joel stayed home from school again. Tim took him in to the clinic, and he has strep throat. Logan started with the nose-plugged thing last night and a sore throat but no fever. Bryce said that his throat was sore tonight. So, we'll be watching him and probably not waiting too long if he still has symptoms in the morning. Pray for Bryce to keep the cold and strep throat away. Pray for his tummy to feel better. It hurts a lot off and on. Pray for his counts to be good on Friday. Pray for his brothers who worry that they are going to lose their brother. Pray for Tim & I and the decisions we are making. It's difficult to think too far ahead. Our emotions are almost at a stand-still, if that makes any sense, because looking ahead is way too overwhelming, either way. This precious little boy does deserve a MIRACLE like many of you have said, many times. When he wakes up in the morning, he needs his "wake up" time. I said to him today, "I bet that sometimes you wake up in the morning wishing you could jump out of bed, run downstairs and get dressed for school." He said, yes... Actually, when he was healthier, he would plop right down on my lap to snuggle every morning. I miss that so much. Because of his pain, I have not been able to actually hold him on my lap since...I don't even know when. Thank goodness I can snuggle with him in bed a little.... And, with that...Hug your kids, tell them you love them often, and thank God everyday for every little blessing in your life. Love to all.

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 9:32 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

Well,... Today has been a fairly good day... I'm almost scared to say it too loud, if you know what I mean?... Bryce has still had pain in his legs, arms, and stomach but less pain. He did say his back hurt once. He has only had 3 IV morphines today. His liver is definitely enlarged so we are wondering if that could be causing a lot of his stomach pain. It has in the past. He has not complained of a headache in the last few days. His eyes really bother him, though. He has GVH in his eyes and that can make them very dry and itchy. He was very tired today. Last night was late, then he only had a 2 hour nap today. So, he does seem really tired today. But, he did eat a few small bites at suppertime! Yeah! We did run to Roch. to get his PICC site redressed. Tim ran to the Eisenberg pharmacy to get more meds and then, we stopped at the Good Food Store. Joey still had a fever this morning so he stayed home from school, again. Grandma Linda came to the house to take care of Ethan and Joel. Mitch isn't sure of how he is feeling tonight so he went to bed a little bit early. Tonight when we tucked Bryce into bed and we were saying our prayers, I asked him what he would like to thank God for. He said, "My family and for being here on this earth." Precious... I really believe that he still wants to fight and beat this leukemia. Bless his little heart... We will all continue to fight for him while he is so tired and lacking the energy.

Bryce had some fun this afternoon. First, his Grandma Linda brought him a gift from his 3rd grade classmates and teachers! It was a portable DVD player with 2 DVD's!! This was an awesome gift for him because he can't always get downstairs to the DVD players to watch certain movies that he is in the mood for. We can also bring it in the vehicle with us on the way to Rochester. What a great idea! Thank you so much to all of Bryce's classmates, Mrs. Dressen, Miss Curtis, and Mrs. Boraas. You are so wonderful and so giving!! What an example all of you are giving to others! He was using it tonight already while his Dad was putting oils on him upstairs before he went to bed. Watch for a picture on the web page. I am going to try to work on that one tomorrow.

Then, after his nap, we had a surprise visit from some of the Goodhue Varsity Boys Basketball Team! We woke up to Mona, our german shepard, barking around 4pm. When I told Bryce it was Kelby and some other players downstairs, he wanted to see Kelby, his cousin. After talking to Kelby, he wanted to visit with the other boys--Casey, Craig, Tyler, and Brett. Very cool!!! Bryce even cracked a little joking comment to them about his little brother, Ethan, to make them laugh. They brought an autographed basketball and photo of the team. He was pretty excited.

Later, his Auntie Manda stopped by. She just got home from Arizona. She ran a half-marathon. Wish I had that kind of energy... She never seizes to amaze me! She got in on the smoothie making later when Julie Huneke brought over the Magic Bullet! Bryce had been waiting for this all day. He was excited because he had to remind me that it was on his Christmas list... It's a kitchen appliance from an info-mercial on TV, if you don't know already! The boys all thought it was pretty cool. Thanks, Julie (& Joe--we'll see you next time!).

So, as you can see it's been another busy day. Tomorrow should be quieter. I am looking forward to being home to try to get some other things done. Tim & I can feel that our hopes are getting higher again with the good things that we noticed today in Bryce. We know that God can give us our MIRACLE FOR BRYCE at any given moment. Some of God's moments are suttle and less noticable, and some of His moments are HUGE AND POWERFUL. We will take any moment that He is willing to give us for Bryce. There will be no complaints and all the glory will go to Him... Thanks for all of your continued prayers and support! Goodnight. Love to all!

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, January 15, 2007 11:36 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Today was another busy day. School was 2 hours late from the snow--"silent cheer", as Bryce's teacher would say--I love that! Both the Grandma's came over to help out this morning. Grandpa took Ethan to daycare. We woke Bryce up around 9am to pre-med him and head for Roch. Mitchell and Auntie Pam came along. It was fun to have them there. Pam learned alot and enjoyed every minute of it. It was so fun to have you there, Pam. Thanks for coming! We got to visit with Sierra Johnson (www.caringbridge.org/mn/missysierra) and her family. She was back for a follow-up appt. She finished her chemo treatments for ALL the same month that Brock (www.caringbridge.org/mn/brock) finished his--a year ago in next month. Man, time flies! It was fun seeing you, Johnson's. Thanks for the hugs, Serena (& Sierra). You do so much for so many... What a shining example you set. We also got to visit, and have lunch, with Nyla Hagen (www.caringbridge.org/visit/ellenkathleen). She is someone who has opened my eyes to a whole new world along our journey with Bryce's illness. Everybody's got their "stuff"...and Nyla carries her "stuff" with grace and dignity. She & I met on 3 Francis, at one of my weakest moments, and she gave me so much strength in the 30 minutes that we visited that day that has influenced me more than I could have ever imagined. When I think of Nyla, I think of a very strong woman. Thanks for the ton of food, Nyla, and the hug! Next time, I want to squeeze Ellen! And finally, to top it off, I got to see Tracy Idler for a few minutes. Tracy's daughter, Erin, was the first child with leukemia that we met at Mayo. Tracy guided me along the journey. God knows exactly when to place certain people in your path. Did you know that? If not, just pay attention sometime. His timing is perfect. I can't wait to visit with you, Tracy. I forgot to put in Ethan's address yesterday (www.caringbridge.org/visit/ethanstrenge). I know that all of us Caring Bridge family's love hearing from all of the powerful prayer warriors! You give us so much hope, support, strength, courage, peace, and love. You are all so wonderful!

Now, I need to get to the nitty gritty because I am about to fall asleep at the keyboard... Bryce did receive platelets today. His labs were: hemoglobin 9.9 (holding); WBC 600 (holding); ANC 60 (down); blasts 2 percent (?wow?); and platelets 16,000. Of course, I called to E9 and spoke with Dr. Rodriguez at the end of the day--Julia and Dr. Kahn were gone. She told me that it is so hard to even to a smear or differential on a white count that is so low. So, don't get too excited is what she was saying. But, you know Tim & I... We are hoping and praying for the best for our Brycer. AND, WE KNOW THAT GOD CAN GIVE US A MIRACLE AT ANY TIME! Bryce looked pretty good today. He slept 3 hours at the PITC. He ate some smoothie tonight, like half of a cup! Wahoo. He only needed morphine 4 times today. He is in very rough shape with his muscle tone and legs, though. And, tomorrow we need to go back to the PITC to get his site care redone because it was bleeding after we left and didn't notice it until tonight. We changed it but when we were finishing up, we noticed we were missing a very important part to the site care. Tomorrow is a new day. God is watching over Bryce. He loves it when we give it all to Him. He wants us to trust in Him, and keep our hopes high. So,...we will. Our love to you all!

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, January 14, 2007 11:21 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Today was a busy day. I took Mitch, Logan, and Joel to church. After church, Pastor Mike came over and we had the Lord's Supper. That was so nice. The boys all behaved so well. Bryce did not take the bread and wine, I think, because his tummy was hurting but I'm not for sure. It felt really good, and very special, as a family to do that together without anyone else. Uncle's Brad and Geoff hung out in the kitchen. Bryce took a nap while we had lunch but was woke by his fever and pain. He did go back to sleep and had a good nap. When he woke up, he had lots of family and friends here. He still does not say a whole lot. He watched a lot of Tom & Jerry cartoons today. We had some very special (from quite a distance) visitors today! Ethan Strenge and his Mom and sisters came to visit!! Ethan had a tumor in his cheek, and we got to know them like family on 3 Francis over a year ago. We were there for each other many, many times... It was so wonderful to have you here, Brenda, Ethan, and Girls!!! You all look so awesome! We actually got a few smiles and silly comments from Bryce because they were here! Tim & I just loved seeing that! Thank you, Brenda, for going the distance to make our Brycer smile. Then, after Ethan and his family left, Brock Erickson and his parents stopped by! How cool is that?! Brock, you are growing up so much! It was so good to see you, again, Brock, Megan, & Shawn! Bryce shared a few smiles and comments with the Erickson's, too. Yeah! It just feels like home with all of you... More (much needed) Mom-to-Mom hugs were exchanged! We loved every moment you were all here! Thanks for taking the time to come and see us!

Bryce's day wasn't too bad... Not much different or new, actually. I just think that maybe the 25mg patch of Fentanyl is helping along with the morphine for his pain. His fever has been off and on all day, the same. It was just fun to see him smile and talk a few times. He did have a little bit of a smoothie. We go in for labs at the PITC tomorrow at 9:30am. Auntie Pam is coming along. Grandma Ann is coming over in the morning because Joel has a low grade fever and a chest cough. It must be the "bug" finally getting into our home. Pray for Bryce so he doesn't get it. Joel feels very rotten. I actually got to give myself a pedicure with my sister, Julie, and our friend, Lana, tonight. Just a little bit of pampering time, and it was so nice! Thanks, Juls and Lana... Gotta get to bed. Love to all!!!!

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, January 13, 2007 9:52 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Well, today was a very nice day. We've had lots of family and friends here all day. That is a blessing because they help us with the boys, the house, and therefore, we get to spend more time with Bryce. Every second counts...

Bryce has had an ok day. He was up a few times during the night for his fever and pain. He woke up at 9:15 this morning. His calves have been hurting all day. We've been rubbing and putting ice on them. It seems that Morphine is the only thing that touches that pain. His stomach still hurts alot but he did drink about an ounce or so of a smoothie tonight. He chose to go out to his friends, Edward & Ryan, birthday party for a few minutes at 12:30. He didn't smile or talk but he was there and brought them their gifts. They were happy to see him. I can tell he always gets a little nervous when he is going to see people again. I think he worries about what people will say to him or what they will think of how he looks or moves around slowly. Then, he and I had a big nap this afternoon. When the nap was done, he hung out upstairs until he decided he wanted to watch some Tom & Jerry cartoons that his Auntie Shelly brought him. So, almost everyone piled into the living room. That was good. You could hear them laughing. That's when I caught up on the guest book. Thank you for all of your prayers and entries!! You are all so wonderful... It's amazing how much you lift us up... Bryce has been sleeping since about 7:30. He's awake now and getting some Morphine. We saw that Dances With Wolves is on Channel 2 so, being the history buffs that we are, we may just need to watch it. I know that Bryce will have lots of questions about the movie. He always does.

I found it so interesting what Carol wrote in the guest book today. She mentioned how much has been seen through Bryce's eyes. I never thought of that. But, she's right. He's lived a lifetime of joys and hardships, already at 8 years old. What an amazing child. And, Nyla... I absolutely love your poem about Bryce. I know you wrote it yourself, too. You never seize to amaze me with your gifts and talents, and your pursuit for everyone else's happiness in life. Brenda, it was so good to talk to you today. As always, we shared our tears together, and it felt like home. It's crazy the emotions that run through us everyday. Today, Tim & I noticed how excited we got about lots of little things that give us hope: The smoothie, the party, the couch and movie. We know that God may still be planning that MIRACLE FOR BRYCE. It's all in His perfect plan and perfect timing. We hold onto hope. Our faith will never fail. So, you all just keep screaming at the enemy for us. God will always hold us up high, and HE WILL ALWAYS GET ALL THE GLORY!!!! We love you all!

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, January 12, 2007 8:16 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


With a grateful heart, I call out to our Lord and Savior one last time to please have mercy on our son. He is in the fight of his life. My heart is so heavy tonight. Bryce is sleeping so much this afternoon and evening. His temp. got up to 103.6 this afternoon. He seems more comfortable with less pain and more restful sleep. We went to the PITC this morning and he received his platelet transfusion. His counts were hemoglobin 9.9; WBC 600; ANC 110; blasts 26 percent; and platelets 7,000. He is fighting with his muscle control in his right eye. He didn't eat anything today. He did drink water. We spoke with the brothers at supper and told them that God has decided that Bryce would soon be one of His very special Angels in Heaven. They were so sad and crying so hard. Please God, give us a MIRACLE!!! I can still issue my requests to the Great Physician... It's never too late. I wish our boys did not have to go through this. I wish all of Bryce's cousins and friends did not have to go through this. None of us.

Thank goodness my brother, Brad, was here when we spoke with the boys. God is so good. His plan is so perfect. I am really struggling with emotions and having peace with all of this. I don't want to say goodbye to my precious, little red-headed boy. None of us do. I just want to make sure that he understands all of this, and Heaven, and everything. But, I don't know that that is going to happen. He gets upset when we try to talk to him about it. Please pray for him to open up to us and listen. He is soooooooo precious. Zach & Jamie stopped to see him tonight. He was sleeping. Did I mention how beautiful he is while he is sleeping? We got to see Rachel Tweeten and her parents, Julie & Brian, today at the PITC. That was a blessing in itself. Thanks for the great Mom-to-Mom hug, Julie. I am so glad that my sister, Julie, got to meet them. I stopped by to say HI to Austin Arnoldy who is on 3 Francis. He is so adorable! Thanks for the great Mom-to-Mom hug, Jessica. These family's who are enduring such pain watching their children go through these fights are amazing. They are family... Thanks for your calls today Tawnia, Nyla, Serena, and Megan. You give me strength. I love you so much!!! You know when I need to hear your voices...

Please say your prayers for our little Brycer, our strength, the brothers peace within, and to continue to feel God's abundant love surrounding us. Tim & I are so broken hearted. It's absolutely unbearable... Please love your children with the love that God has for His son, Jesus Christ. Life is way too short to hold grudges. Life is too short, have forgiveness. Life is too short, let God GIVE you life everyday. Thank you God for all of our many, beautiful, and abundant blessings.

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, January 12, 2007 12:31 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

This song plays in my head over and over, all day and all night. You can hear it on KTIS 98.5 FM. It it a song I lean on just as I do to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns. I wish you all could hear it at some point. We need to hold on to our hope, He will come to save the day, so hold fast...

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

To everyone who's hurting
To those who've had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?
Please do not let go
I promise you there's hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you're all alone
And there's no way that anyone could know
What you're going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we're soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone?
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity, Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He's come to save the day
What I've learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast


Hi everyone,

Just a quick update tonight. It's been a busy day, again. It's actually a little of the same meaning Bryce still is napping a lot and has a lot of pain in his whole body and head. He has had his Morphine between 1 1/2 to 4 or 5 hours apart. We do believe he is having a little more relief from the 2nd Fentanyl patch we applied yesterday at 5pm. He at least doesn't wake up crying every time. His tummy hurts still, his skin hurts. He is just not at all himself--the happy, silly kid that he really is. I wish everyone could know our Bryce Breuer... If you knew him, you would love him. I know many of you know him and many of you don't know him, and you love him... Bless his sweet, precious, little heart. I love him so much. Tim is not doing well again today. Mitch is sad but keeping his mind busy. Logan and Joel can keep their minds occupied on other things. When Bryce is discussed, they get very sad. Ethan, well, he's three and very busy entertaining everyone.

Bryce's buddy, Casey, came over this afternoon to play some John Deere Monopoly. That was great! Bryce, for the first time since early last week, had a silly moment!!! Brad and Pam got to see it! It was so great!!! He seemed pretty good around 1:15pm at the table in the kitchen today when we brought him down but then he really poopered out around 4:00. Casey, Bryce loved having you over! Thanks for coming, bud!

We got to see Great Grandma Buck today, too. It was one year ago today that Great Grandpa Buck became one of God's very special Angels in Heaven. We all miss him so much! In fact, Bryce got mad in bed this morning when he was trying to nap. He wanted to know who was bumping the bed. I told Tim that I think it was Great Grandpa Buck trying to pick on Bryce! That would be something Grandpa would try to do... He was so great!!

We've had lots of family over today including my brothers' Geoff and Brad from the cities. Tomorrow, Tim & I will take Bryce to get his labs checked so we don't have to worry about anything this weekend. Julie, Jordan & Collin are here overnight. They will come with us in the morning to the PITC. Bryce did have a few bites of pizza today. He is drinking water. Please pray for him to eat and drink, for his pain relief, and inner peace. As always, please pray for his MIRACLE... We love you all and are so grateful for your many, many across-the-world prayers!!!

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:59 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

Well, we've made it through another day. Bryce napped from 7-8:30pm last night, and then was awake until after 10:00. Mitch, Bryce, and I watched a movie. Tim went to bed with Ethan. He REALLY needed to catch up on his rest and get some thinking time in...I call it time with God. He felt better this morning. Thank goodness, I've been getting very worried about him. He is so great... Bryce woke up at 1am for IV Morphine and Motrin for his fever. He slept until 6:30am and woke up again with a fever and pain. He opted to use the Motrin only at this time because he wanted to save his last Morphine until later. He fell asleep again at 7:10 and woke up at 9:30am. We kept Mitch home from school today to be with us so he and Bryce watched a movie from 9:30-11:30. Bryce slept again from 11:30-12:30pm. Then, he finally came down stairs which was really good. He got mad at me and actually got enough strength to walk through the hallway. Tim carried him down the steps. He has been on the couch ever since.

Bryce is sleeping right now. Today, we've had the hospice team, Pastor Mike, family and friends all stop by. Bryce is not in much of a mood to visit. He is irritated by pain and discomfort. He is using the IV Morphine every 1 1/2 to 4 hours. Tim & Ethan ran to Roch. to get more Morphine this morning. He hasn't eaten anything today only a couple sips of a smoothie and water. We are hoping for more intake tomorrow. We are also hoping for some small wonder of a bowel movement to see if that may be causing his stomach pain. Dr. Kahn called today and said we only need to bring him in for labs if he is having pitechei (I can never spell that correctly!). That is when his capillaries are bursting because his platelets are so low.

Thanks for all of the calls and cards today. You are wonderful people! We love you all. Take Care & God Bless.

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, January 9, 2007 8:27 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hello, again.

Tonight's update will be much lighter... Thank you so much for all of your uplifting messages in the guestbook today and last night. I can't even begin to describe how you lift us up and give us hope. You help us to feel normal and surrounded by so much love. We need you right now, and we appreciate you so much.

Bryce was awake quite a few times last night. His temp. got up to 103.1. He is complaining of a sore throat. Let's pray hard he is not getting a cold, now. He did take Motrin and Morphine for his fever and pain. He slept until 12:15pm, just waking up once to use the urinal at the side of the bed. He keeps wanting to go back to sleep. He asked me around 1:00 if he was caught up on his sleep, now...Precious. He was awake from about 12:15 until 5:30. He had IV Morphine at 5pm. Then, awake at 6:30 for more Morphine. His stomach is hurting so bad again today. He was having trouble breathing (getting enough air) because his stomach pain was so bad when he woke up at noon. The good thing is that we had our appointment with hospice today.

Liz is the RN and Mindy is the Social Worker. They were both wonderful!! They got here at 10:45am and it was all in God's perfect timing that they were here when Bryce finally woke up. Liz got to access his pain, one of his worst pain moments. They both got to know him a little. Liz saw the need and filled it, immediately... She ordered oxygen and called Julia. We then had a prescription for IV Morphine and a Fentynol (sp?) patch. Our friend, Julie Huneke, was in Rochester so she stuck around (patiently waiting for pharmacy) until the prescriptions were ready. She brought them right to our home. Liz & Mindy stopped back on their way home, and Liz gave Bryce the Morphine IV and taught me how to give it. She also placed his Fentynol patch on his chest. That should be at its helpful dose tomorrow morning. We will change it every 2 days. Let's pray for some relief for Bryce's pain, again. We felt that we needed to try a new pain medication because, as Bryce has been telling us, the oral Morphine was not working. Liz said that the pharmacist told her that with GVH, the absorption of medication is not as good in the gut. That could be why it was not working for Bryce. We didn't get the oils on him but once so far today. He didn't get any supplements. He has not eaten anything today. Please pray for him to eat tomorrow. He doesn't want a feeding tube. Sometimes that can be needed. We'll work on the smoothies again tomorrow.

I know that hospice will be a great help to us, they already have been. They will stop in once or twice a week. We can call them anytime we need them. They are here to help Bryce and to help us. I already appreciate them so much! Now, I am going to head out. Tim & I are really tired and need to finish getting the boys to bed. We love and appreciate all of you!!! God bless.

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, January 8, 2007 9:30 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Be patient with me tonight. I am very sad and emotional and tired of it all. I wish I could start out on a happier note because I know someone always has it worse than us. I just need to vent, remember this is my therapy. (By the way, I don't like to use the word 'hate' but it's getting used tonight.) I just hate watching my baby suffer as his health declines. I hate that we have to have a meeting with hospice tomorrow. I hate wondering if these are my son's final 8-year-old days. I do believe that God can bring us miracles. I just don't know if He is planning one for us this time. Trust me, I know that Heaven is a much better place to be but I'm not ready to say goodbye to my baby. I don't want his adorable freckles to be a memory. I want to ALWAYS be able to touch his soft, red hair and look at his beautiful blue/green eyes and long eyelashes. I want to get a flash of that million-dollar smile WHENEVER I want to. I want to hold his hand FOREVER. I want to hear his mind-at-work in the field with his Dad and listen to his silly voice with his brothers and his friends. I want to hear him tell me he loves me. I hate seeing my husband so heartbroken. That kills me... I want to wake up from this nightmare, never to return. God be with all of us. I know He is...

Bryce slept so good last night. He woke up in terrible pain, though. He was crying and asked us to take him to the PITC for IV Morphine as soon as we could get there. That is a lot of pain...because he is one tough cookie. His back and stomach hurt so bad. We don't know why. He got oral Morphine at home at 8:15am. We got to the PITC at 9:45. He got IV Morphine at 10 & noon. He got Tylenol as a pre-med at 11:30 for his platelets. He had oral Morphine at home at 3pm and Motrin at 5pm. Hospice will help us with the pain control at home. We are also looking into other means of pain control. We need to discuss the options with him. His counts were hemoglobin 11; WBC 700; ANC 210; blasts 8 percent; and platelets 18,000. We have stopped the Prednisone and Tacrolimus. They are not needed anymore. What can I say? He does not seem to be getting better. Maybe God's miracle will come tomorrow. It's a new day.

Sometimes I wonder...is it the enemy getting me down? Is this a weakness in me that he is taking advantage of? I hate the enemy so badly. Sometimes, I scream as loud as I can in the car at the enemy to get out of our lives, and that God is in control. I know that I am only human and that God is so forgiving. Thank goodness for that. I find myself (for over a year, now) pleading and bargining with God. Sometimes begging. I have given it all to Him--a long time ago--because frankly, I KNOW THAT IT IS ALL IN HIS HANDS. We have no control. We ask Him to take the driver's seat and we buckle up. Our God is so good. I know that He is so sad that we are so upset. He is probably making the pain less and less for Bryce, maybe it could be worse. Who knows. I just thank Him everyday for everything that I have...all of my many blessings. All of you are included. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for opening your hearts to us and our son. Please don't lose hope. I do believe that God could erase this leukemia from Bryce's body any day, now. I will wait everyday for His MIRACLE FOR BRYCE... Love to all of our Bryce Backers. And, thanks to Jacob Pasch for spending some time with Bryce after school playing--what else?--John Deere Monopoly. You're a rockstar, Jacob! Just like your Aunt Becky!!! By the way, Becky. When Bryce opened his Christmas gifts, he rolled his eyes and shook his head..."Did Becky wrap this one?!" You see, Becky likes to double and triple wrap Bryce's Christmas gifts... It was priceless, Becky. Thank you and we love you...

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, January 7, 2007 10:08 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hey everyone,

Thanks for all of the well wishes for our fishing trip today. We did not end up going. Bryce just wasn't well enough to go for it. We thought he was good to go at first, but then realized, as we watched him, that really he was not. I even asked him what he thought. He said he wanted to go, but knew he wasn't feeling up to it. He said we could go another day. His head, legs, and jaw hurt. His temp. was 101.4, too. You can just see it on his face when he is feeling crummy. But, he did have a good nap this afternoon, and seemed a bit better after that. Then, at 5pm he seemed to really come around, almost like he had been on Thursday! He only had Morphine once today. He had Motrin and Tylenol for either fever or jaw pain. It's hard for him to eat when every time he tries to move his jaw it hurts. And, he was actually hungry tonight. He did try to eat some steak and potatoes so that was good.

We had a fun afternoon. Early in the afternoon, we did some reorganizing upstairs with the couch and TV with Mitchell's help, of course. Then, I layed Bryce and Ethan down for their naps. Dad, Mitch, Logan, and Joel went to Cabella's with Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie Manda. That was a very good thing! Tim needed some time away. He does not do a lot for himself, so that felt great to know he did something that he enjoys AND it was with his boys who also needed some Dad-time! Bryce had a visitor this afternoon...Thanks to Calvin, Kellie, and Ellie Peterson for coming over for some John Deere Monopoly playtime! Even though Bryce doesn't show much emotion most of the time, he really was looking forward to it and really enjoyed it! We just wish that his jaw didn't hurt so much so he could smile a little easier... Then, Auntie Pam and Kelli stopped by to bring us our organic rice and help out in the kitchen a little. So, that was a treat! When they all left, I made supper and Bryce and Ethan watched a movie. Bryce definitely seemed to be in a better mood tonight. He seemed to be in less pain, other than his jaw, and getting around by himself better. It was so good to see him a little more like himself tonight! We are planning on taking him in in the morning for labs and his PICC site dressing change.

Thanks for all of your prayers to relieve his pain. I do believe that they are working!!! Plus, he has not had any diarrhea since Thursday! Wonderful! Now, let's keep praying for less pain in his head, jaw, and legs. Let's pray hard that we are beating the leukemia down! Let's pray for his energy level to rise, and for him to keep the faith!! Please also pray for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. Jackson had his stem cell transplant last week. Bless his little heart, we know it's not an easy thing. He and his family are so amazing! His website is caringbridge.org/visit/jacksonschneider. I'm sure he'd love to hear from you! God bless all of you for being so caring and considerate to all of us! Praise God for his almighty power! I know He can give Bryce another MIRACLE!!! Love to all!

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, January 6, 2007 10:25 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

It's a tired one so we are heading to bed very soon...

Last night didn't go so well. Bryce started reacting to the platelets (we think) before we left the PITC. He got really red on his neck, back, stomach and legs. We gave him some Benadryl to try to keep it from getting any worse. Then, he got sick again for the 3rd time. He was so bummed out. We snuggled all the way home. He gets "loopy" from the Morphine which is not nice to see but it helps with the pain so we use it. He told me while he was feeling this way that his "2nd favorite thing when he is sick is cold water". I asked what his first favorite thing was, and he said "Playing games and TV". So, then I asked what was his 3rd favorite thing. He said, "Snuggling with my Mom so she can make me feel better". Some kids know just what to say.....Priceless.

When we got home, we were getting him ready for bed and he got sick again. He was so sick of getting sick that he didn't want to take any meds by mouth any more for fear of getting sick again. Poor kid. We got him up to bed, and then, Tim & I talked a bit about his future. We really want to get those oils into his body so that they can get to the leukemia cells. Well, the night didn't go well at all. We were up with him almost every hour, Tim was up with him every time. His head hurt so bad, his legs hurt, his tummy hurt, his jaw hurt, and he had a fever of 103.3. We gave him Motrin at midnight and 6am. We gave him Morphine at 9am. Both meds, we had to talk him into getting. He would rather have sat and taken the pain than vomit and hurt his head even more. This really stinks... It is the worst thing in the world to watch your child suffer so badly. That's all I can say. His Grandma's are so sad, it breaks my heart all over again. I know that everyone feels so bad for him that he has to suffer like this.

Today, started out rough again with the aches and a temp. of 101.8 but did improve just a bit from yesterday. It was just so crazy. I mean, Thursday he looked really good, didn't complain much, and was up and about... Wednesday was pretty good, too. He hadn't used any Morphine since 6am Monday morning. Then, Friday was aweful. He stayed in our bed all day today except for coming down for supper which he didn't eat anyway. I don't know if he is getting lock-jaw or what. But, he can't open his mouth very wide, his jaw hurts so bad. That's probably the leukemia, too. We still have to talk him into taking the Morphine for his terrible pains in his legs, head, and jaw. At least, tonight he could somewhat stand on his legs with assistance without screaming in pain. It is so aweful! Please, please, please pray for his comfort and healing. Continue to pray for him to be pain-free. Bless his little heart, he is such an incredible little boy!!!

We want to go ice fishing with Uncle Brad, as planned tomorrow. But, we'll wait to see what the night brings. This ice fishing trip to Uncle Brad's in Howard Lake has been his only request. But, I have found that when he is miserable, he doesn't even care that he is missing something...Unlike his mother--right, Lana & Carol?! Please pray for a restful night for our Brycer. I still pray that these last 2 days are just a virus.

And now, I just want to say thank you for all of the cards, prayers, guest book entries, etc. that you have been sending us. You couldn't even imagine how you give us strength. We need to keep the HUGE FAITH. Our God can move mountains, and He can give Bryce his final and complete MIRACLE... You are loved and appreciated. God Bless all of you!

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, January 5, 2007 7:53 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


**I added **more** NEW pictures to the photo album!**

Hi everyone.

We are currently at St. Mary's PITC. It's been a long day, and Bryce still needs to get his platelet transfusion. We brought Ethan with us today. Bryce wanted him here and, of course, he wanted to come too. Auntie Julie heard him on the phone this morning when I told him..."Yeah!" Then, he does the 3-year-old happy dance. Kinda cute... He had 2 surprises today when he got to get a ride home from Melissa Olson (Grandma Buck's niece--our ?2nd? cousin). He wasn't so sure at first, but Melissa swayed him with her beautiful smile and awesome childhood charm. Thanks so much, Melissa!! We are so grateful that you could help us out! I'm so glad that Ethan directed you to Grandma Linda's house! She took the right road in the wrong direction and Ethan started screaming, "That's not the way to Grandma's house!!" I'm sure he talked her ear off... I can't wait to hear about it, Melissa. It was fun to have Ethan along, again. He was with us at EVERY appointment when he was a newborn in October of 2003. What a precious gift each of them are...

We got here a little before 10am. We gave Bryce a double dose (5mg) of oral Morphine at 8am for his headache. He had Motrin at 7:30am, and it didn't touch the pain. We had only been here maybe a 1/2 hour, and Bryce got sick and vomitted. He felt miserable. We gave him a 2nd dose of the double Morphine at 11am, and he vomitted by 11:10. The IV person missed his vein in his right arm at 10:30 because of so much scar tissue. We finally had a serious talk about getting a PICC line started in his arm. The PICC line will be like his Hickman was, tubing going into the vein to give blood and receive medications. We decided that it would be helpful to have, so Bryce finally decided, with hesitation, to go ahead with it. The PICC team came and placed the line around noon or so. It went well. Bryce was very hesitent about the whole thing. His PICC line is a double lumen catheter that goes into his left upper arm. They used an ultrasound machine to view the vein. They decided to use his brachial vein. First, they numb the area with a shot of lidocaine. Then, they make a small incision into the skin and insert a 32cm catheter and lead it into the right atrium of the heart. Everything is covered with a sterile Tegaderm HP--clear plastic--when finished. We need to change the dressing once a week. We will need to flush the lines with Heparin twice a day to prevent them from clotting off in the vein. It took about 30-45 minutes from start to finish. And, it was all done here at the PITC. Very nice people! Bryce is being very careful with it.

Once the PICC line was in place and labs were drawn, Bryce got a IV dose of Morphine to help his headache. He was so tired but we needed to go to the clinic downtown so he could have an exam. It's not so easy for them to treat him when they can't see him. We got there around 2pm. That was when Ethan left with Melissa. Bryce dosed off and on. We saw Julia, Dr. Arndt, and Holli our Social Worker. They discussed his pain control. He's nervous about vomitting the oral Morphine, again. We decided to try a sub-lingual (under the tongue) Morphine pill. They talked about Hospice...which I don't even want to think about. They said that hospice can come out and administer IV Morphine when he needs it, get him a hospital bed, etc. Holli said this doesn't mean you're giving up hope. I guess we will meet with them next week to discuss our needs. Dr. Arndt also said we need to think about what we will do when Bryce gets a fever of 101 or higher. We have 3 options: 1) Leave him alone; 2) Bring him in for blood cultures and IV antibiotics; or 3)Do oral antibiotics at home everyday. The fevers will probably happen more often in the future with the leukemia, she said. So, we need to discuss our plans. This really #$(#&%)*)@)#*% (stinks!). Our goals are to fight for our childs life. Not to think about how to treat his fevers or when to bring in a hospital bed. Please keep your huge, powerful prayers coming for our son! I know that God can still give us a MIRACLE FOR BRYCE!!!

Anyway, we got back to the PITC around 3:15. His lab results were: hemoglobin 8.1; WBC 600; ANC 160; blasts 5 percent; and platelets 17,000. So, his red cells got here around 4:30 and finished around 6:30. His platelets started running through at 7pm. They will run through in 45 minutes. They are almost done. He had Tylenol as a pre-med at 4:30, sub-lingual Morphine at 5:00, IV Morphine at 5:55, and is ready for more now. His head is hurting again. Part of me wonders if it could be the flu. His head, legs, arms all hurt off and on. We haven't got much of his meds or supplements or oils into him today. We pray that they will still give him some help inside his body with God's power.

Now, I need to get packed up. I want to say thank you for all of your prayers today and everyday. Please keep them coming!! Tomorrow is a new day...Pray for a good day. Yesterday was such a good day. Bryce was up and about, joking and playing. Today is such a totally different day. Thank you God for EVERYDAY WE HAVE WITH OUR LOVED ONES... Thanks Jamie & Zach for the very special visit last night. It was great to sit and visit with you! We love you both! Love to all!

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, January 5, 2007 8:07 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


**I added **more** NEW pictures to the photo album!**

Good Morning,

I am just calling out the prayer warriors this morning. Bryce had a pretty good night. Yesterday, was a pretty good day. Less pain, less diarrhea! He had trouble getting back to sleep last night after using the bathroom at 10pm, though. Plus, his calves hurt. This morning, he has a terrible headache, his arms hurt and his calves hurt. Usually a headache comes with leukemia in the spinal fluid but we are hoping and praying that this is not the problem. Please pray hard for our little Brycer!!! I'll update more later. Love to all!

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, January 3, 2007 11:10 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


**I added **more** NEW pictures to the photo album!**

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DAD, A.K.A. GRANDPA PETER!! It was fun talking to you tonight, Dad! The boys love to hear all of the animals you have "collected" throughout the years! But, we did think that the sheep sounded a bit sickly... Love ya!

Good Evening,

Today was one of the more peaceful days. Bryce had less shoulder pain. He only Motrin twice. But, his diarrhea is terrible! He got up 4 times last night and went almost every hour during the day. Poor kid! We are also wondering if it is GVH of the gut that could be causing diarrhea. Tim ran a stool sample to Mayo today to check for C. Diff. He has had that before from all of th antibiotics he takes. The antibiotics affect the normal flora bacteria in the intestine therefore, causing the positive C. Diff. which is part of the normal flora bacteria, it's just that it grows out more than it should. We didn't give him his Amoxicillin antibiotic today. Just to give his gut a break. We did give him 15mg of Prednisone today instead of 10mg. The Prednisone helps the GVH. (Remember, these are notes for us...Sorry if I'm boring you!) He's very uncomfortable. He did eat a little lunch and supper. He took a good nap. It's just so frustrating for him to be awakened by diarrhea all the time! Tonight, he prayed that the diarrhea would go away and he could get a good nights rest. Bless his heart... I spoke with Julia today. We are going in for labs on Friday. We're going to check his liver enzymes, electrolytes, CBC, and Tacrolimus level. OK. I need to get to bed! We love and appreciate all of you!

Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, January 2, 2007 9:59 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


**I added **more** NEW pictures to the photo album!**

Hello everyone.

I was so excited to see that Jamie is home and she updated today! I haven't called her just because of busy-ness and not knowing when she is sleeping. But, she sounds good! I miss you, Jam! I'll talk to ya soon! Please keep praying your powerful prayers for her! Jamie & The Breu Crew know what the power of prayer can do for the soul!!! Pray for her whole family! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Tim & I took Bryce to the PITC this morning after getting the boys off to school and Ethan to Lori's. By the way, Lori...I don't know if I've said THANKS enough for always helping us out and taking such good care of Ethan! You're wonderful!!! "He loves you...You're his best friend!" (Ethan is our drama child. He is always saying how he "Loves you! and You my best friend!") Tonight he fell down the steps. It was quite the tumble. And, he has the lump on his forehead to prove it! He was sitting on Daddy's lap still upset after about 10 minutes and said, "I not even try to fall down the steps!" He's pretty funny... He gives everyone a pretty good laugh.

Back to the PITC. We got to spend some time with Will Canan and his sister, Kathryn, and his Mom, Liz. That was a very pleasant surprise!!! I have just adored that little guy since the moment I met him at Camp Jornada in August. He is also in 3rd grade like Bryce, and he is a quiet little guy too--I'm sure until you get to know him right, Liz?! Will had a brain tumor and relapsed in May. He is currently having chemo treatments at the PITC. His last scans looked great. Liz & Kathryn went out shopping and bought Bryce a Webkins Lion. He will have lots of fun with that! He takes care of his lion via the internet and can talk to Will and Kathryn at the same time. It sounds pretty cool! We would love it if you would stop by Will's site to say HI!! It is www.caringbridge.org/mn/willcanan. He's just a sweetie! Please say prayers for his healing, too.

Bryce had EMLA cream on his arm to numb it prior to the draw, but the lady who started his IV/lab draw used a 20G needle and went in below the vein which was below the EMLA--the numb area. It was pretty painful for him. I felt bad for him. It was sore most of the morning. He was already having a rough morning, not feeling so well. The diarrhea is pretty constant, now. We don't know if it's the chemo, GVH, or what. He is sick and tired of it. And, very frustrated. We prayed to God tonight that He would help "turn off" the diarrhea and help his shoulder pain. We don't know if the chemo pill is working or not. Bryce's labs were: hemoglobin 10.9; WBC 900; ANC 370; and platelets 15,000--he had a platelet transfusion today. He has 4 percent blast cells in his blood. We decided tonight to stop the chemo pill. We feel that it is just draining him. We're not sure if it is helping, with the blast cells noted in his blood today. He only had 4 days left to take anyway. We are starting up the oral oil (in a capsule) pills again. I spoke with Julia twice today. Earlier, I asked her to talk to the team about when we would check his bone marrow, spinal fluid, and possibly a scan to check his body for more masses. When she called back, she said the team would prefer to talk about this face to face. They would rather not do any more testing on Bryce. I told her that we would like to try to stay on top of the leukemia and that we feel that the team is conservative. I also told her it is a very different situation when it is 'your child'... We just left it that Tim & I would talk tonight and call her in the morning. Tim does not want to do any more testing, yet. He wants to get more of the oils into Bryce and watch him. So, that is what we will do. I just wanted to fill you all in... I do continue to ask you for your prayers for our decisions and to please remember that it is not easy at all. We truly feel that we are going by God's guidance, and that is what we pray for everyday. To me, Tim is like an engineer. He is always thinking of what we should do next for Bryce. He's always building a plan to get him well. I thank God for Tim and his intelligence, because I surely can't think that deep into it like he does. He's amazing. And, with that...Please say an extra THANK YOU TO GOD tonight for all of your blessings whether it's your spouse, your children, your health, your family, your friends, your medical team, or the many, many people that you don't know yet. We thank God for all of you everyday, praying for our little Brycer. Send lots of prayers out for him tonight for his strength, his health, and his positive attitude and faith. We love you all!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, January 1, 2007 9:22 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


**I added **more** NEW pictures to the photo album!**

HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY, COLLIN CURTIS!!! You are such a cool, rockin', "New Year's Eve" nephew and cousin!! We hope you had an awesome birthday yesterday! Auntie Susie sends you lots of HUGS & KISSES!!

Happy New Year to all!

I am so sorry for the delay in updates! We have had some fun and busy days, as usual...

On Saturday, we had Joe, Julie, & Trevor Huneke come over to build a gingerbread house with the boys. Well, it was a good idea at the time....until all the boys left--except for Ethan who kept eating the candy and dropping it on the floor--and I broke one of the rooftops and the whole house caved in! Kinda funny. But, it was fun to be together. The boys really enjoy spending time with Julie--she is my Sr. Director with Mary Kay--and now they got to know Joe & Trevor a little more than they already did. They are such a great family. It was fun! We had Christmas at the Lion's Building with Arnie's side of the family on Saturday, too. Tim went at noon with the brothers. Bryce & I got there around 1:30, after he rested. It was fun to see everyone again. Thanks for all the nummy food and games! It was great to see Brent, Lana, & Gavin again. Oh my goodness, does Gavin look like his Daddy--?lucky? kid, right Brent?! I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to ya'll. I hope your flight back to Texas went better than on the way here!

We went to Mom & Dad Breuer's around 3:30 for our Christmas together. That was so much fun and so relaxing!! The boys always enjoy every minute at Grandma & Grandpa's! She spoils all of us so much! They got some pretty awesome gifts, too! We all ended up snuggling in down stairs either watching TV with Auntie's Shelly & Manda or playing games with Ryan & Carson. So much to do, so little time... It was wonderful...

On Sunday, we all slept in, played games, and just simply hung out. Auntie Manda came over and watched movies with us to ring in the New Year. Another VERY RELAXING evening... It was very much needed and enjoyed by all. Mitch & Logan even got to stay up past midnight. That's a first for Tim & I. We are usually pretty particular about the boys staying up real late because they don't seem to sleep in too much. But, they slept until 8am!!! Wow.

Today, we slept in again. What a bunch of bums! We took the boys to the Charlotte's Web matinee in Zumbrota. That was a good movie. Very well done. Auntie Manda & Grandma Linda came too. I do have to say that 3 of my boys had ants in their pants... Hmm. After the movie, we had supper and pretty much got ready for school and labs tomorrow. Everyone is very tired! Mom & Dad included.

Bryce is doing about the same. His right shoulder is his biggest complaint. It hurts the majority of the time. He either uses a sling for it or kind of 'carries' it with his left hand. But, that's how is left shoulder was for a while. He gets relief with Morphine and Motrin. Sometimes the pain isn't real bad and sometimes it's aweful. The morning seems to be worse. He is still getting up once or twice a night to use the bathroom. The diarrhea isn't as bad as it was. His tummy hurts a lot, too. He doesn't want to eat. Every time you mention it, he starts to moan. I weighed him this morning and he's 55 pounds. He vomitted after supper last night, not sure why. Poor little guy... We're trying to get him to eat more smoothies. His eyes also seem dry and itchier. (Remember most of these "notes" are for our 'Bryce journal', too). His energy level is pretty much nothing. But, he did say the other day that he didn't want to get a PICC line put into his arm because "when he plays tag, he doesn't want it to get pulled out." Bless his heart. That shows me that he still wants to fight. The chemo pill is taking a lot out of him, we think. Next Saturday is the last day that he will have to take it. We are praying that it is doing something!! Otherwise, we wish we would not be giving it to him. It's so hard... All of the big decisions. We just continue to trust in God that He is guiding us in our decisions. And we remember, there's no looking back--which isn't so easy sometimes. We wish we could take all of this away from him and the brothers. Please pray that all of our boys are feeling the love from their parents that they need in this really tough time. They are all so precious and innocent--all children. I just pray that God will keep our precious son here with us on earth--healthy, happy and here... Thanks for all of your prayers. We will take Bryce to the PITC tomorrow at 9:30 for labs. We love you all!!!

Please keep praying for Jamie & Zach. She may be home now healing, and she needs all of the powerful prayers that you can give her!!! I will call her tomorrow to check on her. You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, December 29, 2006 9:19 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


**I added NEW pictures to the photo album!**

Good Evening,

The boys are in bed and we are so close to getting there ourselves. I can't seem to keep my eyes open. We had a nice day. We had Bryce's buddy, Garett Huemann, come with us today to the PITC. Mitch came too. We left the rest of the crew with Grandma Linda again. Thanks for all of your help, Grandma!!! You're the best!! We got to the PITC around 10am. We had them start an IV just in case he needed platelets again. We did that on Tuesday, too. They can draw the blood from the IV start so he doesn't get poked twice. They were busy there today. After Bryce's blood was drawn, he watched some TV with Dad & Garett. Mitch & I went up to see Jamie. She looks great. It felt good to give her a hug and tell her how much we all love her. She had family there when we were there. We got Bryce's lab results around noon. His hemoglobin went up to 11.2! Yeah for that! His WBC was 1,600; ANC 1,040; and platelets were 21,000. They did not note any blasts by machine or by smear. Yeah!! He did have a platelet transfusion. We got to see our friend, Nikki, today too. She is such a dear!! She is also being treated for leukemia. But, I need you to say some powerful prayers for her too. Her counts keep dropping and she has such a great attitude about it all. She is positive and awesome and she's 18! She would love to hear from you! Her webpage is caringbridge.org/mn/nikki. It was fun to see you, Nikki & Karen!! So, we got home around 3:45. We played some serious John Deere Monopoly again... Wish you were there with us, Big E!!! **Ethan Strenge** You would love that game...Maybe you already have it?...

Bryce did not have a fever today. He did say his head hurt early this afternoon but it could have been a big brother headache--Mitchell. It didn't last long. Garett was a gem to have along. It's so good to see Bryce smile so much! He only had Morphine (once) this morning. So, that was good. There weren't too many complaints today. He sure was tired, though. No nap again. And then, tonight we asked the Huemann's to come over for a movie night...which the kids love--parents included. We watched Ice Age, The Meltdown. We had lots of laughing in the room! They left around 8pm. Nice and early for all of us. It was fun. Tomorrow we have Christmas with Grandpa Arnie's side, and then we have Christmas with Grandma & Grandpa Breuer. Another busy and fun day. We are all very excited! Now, I'm gonna head up to bed. We hope everyone is doing well. We are very excited to hear that our little friend, Isaac, is in REMISSION once again! Praise God!!!! Please continue to pray for him. He has a long road ahead of him. These little people are so tough and resilient. It amazes me... His webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/isaachall. Thanks for your continued prayers for everyone! We send much love to you!

Please keep praying for Jamie & Zach. She is in a lot of pain and needs all of the powerful prayers that you can give her!!! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, December 28, 2006 10:33 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


**I added NEW pictures to the photo album!**

Good Evening,

Not much new today. Bryce still had a low grade temp. today until after his nap. Then, he seemed to cool down. There is just so much going on. His tummy hurts at times, he's eating just a little. His arms hurt and sometimes his legs. The diarrhea has slowed down. He did some more coloring today, and we played John Deere Monopoly. I'm so glad he got a nap! We go in for labs at the PITC at 10am tomorrow. I'm tired and Tim & I need some rest. Please continue to say very powerful prayers for Bryce and for the decisions we need to make for his future. He is just so precious... I am so proud to be his mother. Our Lord is so good. Thank Him everyday for everything you have... Thank you for all of your prayers and love you are sending to us. We need it. Love to all.

Please keep praying for Jamie & Zach. She is in a lot of pain and needs all of the powerful prayers that you can give her!!! You can check updates on Jamie at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, December 27, 2006 5:28 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


**I added NEW pictures to the photo album!**

Hello, everyone.

Just a quick update tonight. Bryce hasn't been feeling the best today. His shoulders and arms hurt today, most of the time. He took a nap late this morning. He looks exhausted and he should! He hasn't napped since Friday!! Ugh... He also had a temp. of 100.5 this morning when he woke up but the rest of the day (other than a 99.7 around 4pm) has been good. Tim just checked it and it was 98.8. But, he is coloring now and seems to be in a pretty good mood and feeling well. So, I just wanted to let you know about him and to also please keep praying for Jamie & Zach. I went to visit them this afternoon. She has positive margins around the tumor. You can check Tammy's updates at Jamie's webpage caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We need to keep her strong, willing to fight, and full of HUGE FAITH!!! Thanks!! And, love to all!!! You are the BEST!!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, December 26, 2006 9:11 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


**I added NEW pictures to the photo album!**

Good Evening,

I hope everyone had a most memorable Christmas! We had a wonderful Christmas Day! We went to Great Grandma Buck's to celebrate with family. Two days in a row that we were busy, active, and completely surrounded by loving family. That is a blessing in itself. I've been catching my not-so-fresh memory thinking back still to a year ago... Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Bryce received the chemo. Six days prior, he received cranial and total body radiation. Today was the day of rest. And, tomorrow was Transplant Day for Bryce, and Harvest Day for Mitch. Wow...... We are so glad to have all of you so close to our sides fighting with us and supporting us.

Bryce had labs at the PITC today. We got there, with Mitch & Logan, around 10am, and we got home around 5:15. His hemoglobin was 9.9; WBC 2,100; ANC 1,450; platelets 14,000; and no blast cells in his blood--yeah for that. He did receive a platelet transfusion. We are assuming that the oral chemo pill (VP16) that he is taking is affecting his counts. We will really try to watch the spreading of germs, now. We don't need him sick with a cold or the flu, too. He woke up with shoulder pain in both shoulders. He didn't do too bad for pain during the day but had shoulder pain again at bedtime. He is so tired. He really delays his bedtime routines and again didn't get to bed until 8:30 tonight... He needs his rest. We need to get this back into a good bedtime routine pattern! It bothers me if he doesn't get enough rest to help heal his body. His diarrhea is somewhat less, so that is good. He is asking for different foods, again. So, we are trying to make up some new things for him to try to eat. His appetite is still not so good. At his appt. last week, he weighed 54 pounds. I'm sure he is a few pounds less, now. His mouth sores have been getting worse but we are hoping they are improving a bit these last couple of days. We will go back to the PITC on Friday to check his counts again. In the meantime, please keep the prayers coming loud and clear. Please also say a prayer for our special friend, Jamie. She has her surgery tomorrow. Pray for negative margins, lots of healing, and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!! Tammy will update Jamie's webpage tomorrow. You can check it out at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. Thanks!! And, love to all!!! You are the BEST!!!

Thanks to Pastor Gary for his specific prayer for Bryce. I'm going to keep it here for a while and pray it everyday...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, December 24, 2006 6:38 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20



We hope you are all having a very special and blessed Christmas with your family and friends. What a special week it has been for us. Other than last night--finishing up with the wrapping very late. I don't know why I leave so many things for last minute. Maybe that's why they call it last minute details... I don't know. I think I'm doing the tired and rambling thing...

Big thanks to my big sissy, Pammy G. for helping us in the kitchen last night. We had an AWESOME AND OH-SO-DELICIOUS meal today. My brothers' and sisters' and their family's came to our house today. Lots of love and lots of fun!!! The boys' love to be around family and their cousins. Tomorrow we will have our Christmas as a family in the morning and then, go to Great Grandma Buck's house. That will be a very fun day, too!

As I type, I think back a year ago... What a year we've had with all of you right along side of us...praying so hard. We had our Christmas in the Transplant Unit with our boys. Our parents came by with presents. Santa stopped by, too. We are so glad to be home. We are so grateful to be in our own home with our children all together and both parents under one roof. I just know that God can give us our Christmas MIRACLE. Or if He will save it for the future, it can be our New Year's MIRACLE. All we want for Christmas is for Bryce to be well and healthy FOREVER...

Bryce has been having a lot of diarrhea, lately. Stomach cramps come with the diarrhea. His legs, left shoulder, and back hurt off and on. Sometimes he needs help with his right leg--lifting it into the car or up a step. It's a lot easier if Dad just carries him. He depends on his Dad a lot. I just love my precious little boy so much. I try very hard to get the thoughts of saying goodbye to him out of my mind. I can't imagine life without him. Please pray very, very, very hard for him to live a long and healthy life!!! My sister, Julie, brought an email from her Pastor Gary. I want to share it with you because it is really wonderful. Pastor Gary has described our situation in the exact words that we needed to hear. So, here it is, he starts off with a prayer for Bryce...

"Dear Lord, we pray again for Bryce. We know that his little life is in Your hands. We ask that you would intervene in this situation and stop the cancer that is attacking him. Let him go into remission permanently, so that he can live a long, healthy life. We're not afraid to ask for the impossible, because we know that you make all things possible and that you have the power to do all things. Let us hear Your word to us, "Let it be done, according to your faith." We pray this in Jesus name, and we give you all the praise. Amen."

"We've had lots of disappointments with Bryce's battle with cancer. We need to be careful not to build up resentment toward God, for not healing him sooner. That's a natural tendency for us to question God and even get angry with God. That leads to resentment, and that can stifle our prayers. Remember that God is good and that He loves us. He loves Bryce and He has a perfect plan for Bryce. We don't know what that plan is yet, but until we know, we keep up the prayer vigil, trusting in God and holding onto his promises."

Thank you, Pastor Gary. I really needed that today. I have only questioned God twice--once over a year ago and once about 2 weeks ago, each for about 10 seconds--and then let go of it. Our God is so good. He never wants us to suffer. We are His children. He has His unconditional love for us. He loves Bryce and all of us so much. Who are we to question God?! We must keep our HUGE FAITH and TRUST that God will give Bryce a long and healthy life. I do believe in God's MIRACLES. I do believe that when Bryce beats this battle, God will get all the glory--as it always has been and always should be... Tis' the season for joy and celebration of Christ's birth. Enjoy every minute with your family's. Hold your children a little tighter, tell them you love them, take lots of pictures, and always look at the "bright side". Everything good, great, and wonderful that happens in our lives is because of the Lord. God's abundant blessings to you and your family's. We love and appreciate you all so much!!! Thanks for all of the Christmas wishes in the guest book. You are so wonderful, and a GIFT from God!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

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