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Thursday, December 21, 2006 11:07 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hello everyone,

This one's gonna be really quick. Tim needs the computer.

Yesterday's appts. went fine. Bryce's counts were: hemoglobin 12.7, WBC 5,100; ANC 3,920; and platelets 34,000. We will go to the PITC next Tuesday for labs and possibly a platelet transfusion. Everyone say a special prayer that Bryce will "hold his own" with his blood. They did see (verify) 1 percent blast cells in the blood (under the microscope). We've been dreading this but are keeping a positive attitude. We must all pray that they will be gone next Tuesday. Those are the leukemia cells. His liver enzymes actually went down, yeah!! His ALT was 126; AST 70; Alk. Phos. 564; and Total Bilirubin was 0.3. Not sure what the scoop is with that. The only things that we have really changed is increasing the supplements and adding more specific oils, and more often with the oils, and lowering his Prednisone (steroid). Putting good stuff in...

Bryce has still been pretty quiet until after his nap today. He was so happy to see the Huemann's come over to make Christmas cookies! We had a blast! They are all like brothers' and sister (just one--Natalie). It was a lot of fun! Thanks for coming, Huemann's! Whenever we get together the boys call our clan The Hue-Breu's. Funny. Oh, I forgot to mention, that there was no school today because of rain and cold weather. They loved it! I did find some pictures from 3 1/2 years ago today while we were cleaning upstairs. They were from Bryce's 5th birthday party, the day before he was diagnosed. He looked at all the pictures and was quiet. I said, "A penny for your thoughts." He said, "How about a quarter?" Gotta love it. "OK," I said. He said, "I just think about how things were then and how they are now." I asked him if I should put the pictures away and he said, "Yah. Until I'm older." Very touching. Bless his little heart.... Please keep the HUGE and POWERFUL PRAYERS coming!! God wants us to pray our continuous prayers loud and clear. He wants us to depend on Him with all of our heart, soul, and mind. He is so good to us and has blessed us beyond imagination. Pray for Bryce's positive attitude and healing by the Lord. And, please continue to pray for our strength. Thank you for all of your AWESOME AND LOVING MESSAGES in the guest book!! You continue to pick us up and hold us high! Love to all.

Thanks for all of your messages in the guestbook! We are loving all the "lift-up"! You always know just what to say! Please continue to send the HUGE, POWERFUL PRAYERS up to our good Lord. If anything is going to help Bryce beat this, it is from God... We love and appreciate you all.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 11:13PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY TO OUR NIECE (& COUSIN), JORDAN!!! What an exciting day it was 13 years ago! A cherished memory forever! We love you, sweetie! Our nieces and nephews (& cousins) all ROCK!!!

Good Evening,

We are doing well. God is holding Bryce and helping him to feel a little better each day. Yesterday, he was quiet and a bit crabby--you know, the kind of crabby you get when you don't feel good. Today, he was quiet and a little grumpy but not bad. Adam (Tim's/our cousin) came out and played some ATV Playstation 2 with Bryce. Bryce loved it! Adam was a rookie, and Bryce had fun kicking him off of his 4 wheeler...little stinker. Adam was having a tough time with the R2 (kicking mode). Kinda funny. It was fun to see Bryce's BIG smile again!

I keep thinking about our awesome weekend.... It was just sooooo nice. Thanks to everyone who was a part of it. Bryce's pain is less. He wakes up during the night or in the morning with his usual left shoulder pain and back pain. Today, he only had 1 double dose of Morphine and a single dose, too. His soles of his feet and palms of his hands look a little red to me. I am wondering if it is GVH kicking back in since we've lowered his Prednisone. His mouth sores are getting worse, and he has barely any interest in eating. He actually ate some corn at noon, and he ate a couple of bites of home-made chicken pot pie for supper. And then, when he does eat, his tummy doesn't feel good. You can see that he has lost a few pounds. He is still taking his supplements and chemo pill, and he gets the oils on him 4 times a day. He's been quiet the majority of the time, though. I wish I could know what was going through his head. He told me today that he doesn't have feelings. Dad & I talked to him for a while today, it seemed like it helped a bit. Little by little...

We have appts. tomorrow morning. Labs are at 9:30 and exam is at 11am. Then, I will go with our friend, Brenda, to finish up Christmas shopping. Tim will take Bryce home. Grandma Linda is staying with Ethan. Tomorrow night, I will go to our friend, Carol's, to wrap presents with my girl friends! I am so excited! They did this for us last year. They are so awesome!!!

So, Tim & I are going to do one last check on the Christmas lists and head to bed. Thanks for your outpouring of prayers!!! We feel them coming. You lift us up and keep us strong. You cry with us at weak moments and rejoice in the glory of God. You mean so much to us! Love to all!

Thanks for all of your messages in the guestbook! We are loving all the "lift-up"! You always know just what to say! Please continue to send the HUGE, POWERFUL PRAYERS up to our good Lord. If anything is going to help Bryce beat this, it is from God... We love and appreciate you all.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, December 17, 2006 9:31 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

Please send out some huge prayers for our friends who are fighting their battles. Jamie has appts. on Monday and Tuesday for her pre-op for her surgery date of December 27th. She looks awesome and has her super smile! Isaac is fighting his relapse of leukemia along with Noelle. Bless their littles hearts, they need prayers of strength and healing, too. God bless them all.

I hope everyone is doing well. Bryce's Saturday and Sunday were a little easier on him. He is still taking the double dose of Morphine but not as often. His bones ache from the leukemia, mostly his left shoulder, back, and right leg. His fever has gradually been decreasing, yeah!! This morning when he woke up it was 99.3. That's awesome! He has had more energy and a little less pain so that he can walk around a little, too. Seeing that makes all of us so happy!!!

Yesterday, we went to Natalie's (our Goddaughter) birthday party. We hung out until about 8:15 watching the movie, Balto--one of Bryce's favorites that Garett (see that Lana?) has. He learned about Balto in school and loves that movie. We got the kids into bed and my sister, Julie, came over for the night. We watched a movie with her and John and had a few laughs--Chris Farley & David Spade...Funny stuff. Today, we went to church--Bryce too!!! The younger children (Joel) had their Christmas program. It was so cute! We went home after and had some lunch. Bryce rested and practiced his lines for their program. Uncle Geoff came over to visit and go to the afternoon program with the older children. That was awesome, too! Bryce wanted to be at the program this afternoon and wanted to surprise Tim & I with his lines and his character. He was a wiseman. He did super duper!! He looked a little tired at the end but did great! We were so glad that he was there.... Lots of family came then, and came over after. It was fun! We played some games, Playstation 2, and visited. Relaxing. Very nice.... "It just doesn't get any better than that".

Bryce was most definitely tuckered out tonight! His nose is bleeding just a little more so his platelets are probably lowering. Dr. Kahn gave us a prescription for an oral chemo med called VP16. We waited and talked about it. We finally started giving it to him last night. It is for 21 days. Please pray for his healing and for the decisions we are making. It is soooooooo not easy. We are going with God's guidance. We tend to question our decisions but remind each other that there is no looking back. Please pray for our little Brycer to be healed and healthy, again. Or as Joel said in his prayers tonight "FOREVER". We spoke with the brothers a little bit more tonight. We need them to be more understanding about Bryce's body, prayers for healing, patience, talking to someone about your emotions, and helping around the house. Man, do I ever wish that all of these little people didn't have to go through this, especially what Bryce is going through... Please pray for their emotional strength and peace within. They are incredible children of God. All of them, your's included!! Give them extra hugs this week! Love to all!

Thanks for all of your messages in the guestbook! We are loving all the "lift-up"! You always know just what to say! Please continue to send the HUGE, POWERFUL PRAYERS up to our good Lord. If anything is going to help Bryce beat this, it is from God... We love and appreciate you all.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, December 15, 2006 11:03 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

Today was a much better day for Bryce. Not a piece of cake but much better than yesterday! He continued to fever around 102 until about 1pm. Tylenol took it down, then. But, it did creep back up to 102 at bedtime. We gave him Tylenol then, again. We gave him a double dose of Morphine twice today. So, that was better than yesterday. His pain wasn't as severe as yesterday, either. AND!!! He wanted to go to Art class at 1:40 to glaze his pot! That was awesome! You should have seen the faces of his friends when he walked in! It was priceless... I loved it! Bryce did, too. He also got to do some art with Grandma Linda in the art room. That was pretty special for them! Then, we went home and he took a good nap. He only ate pears again today but he got all of his meds and supplements in. We are getting his oils on him, too. We know that we need to work very seriously with him now because time is so precious. Overall, he was in a fairly pleasant mood today. Not comfortable but not in severe pain. Dr. Kahn and Julia called to check on Bryce this afternoon during art. They said that it was fine not to bring him in with the fever because he doesn't have a central line anymore so we wouldn't need to do blood cultures. They feel that the fever is probably from the leukemia. His bones and muscles just hurt from the leukemia, too. Bless his heart... We watched movies tonight and layed low. It was nice. Mitch and Logan went to the basketball game with their friends, Dillon & Riley Huemann--family friends. Dillon & Riley's Grandma Hanson picked them up and dropped them off. They said they behaved.... I believe them. Thanks, Marilyn!

OK. I'm really tired again tonight so I need to get to bed! We have a busy rest of the weekend! God bless all of you! You are wonderful! And, please God, heal our son, Bryce FOREVER!!! Love to all.

Thanks for all of your messages in the guestbook! We are loving all the "lift-up"! You always know just what to say! Please continue to send the HUGE, POWERFUL PRAYERS up to our good Lord. If anything is going to help Bryce beat this, it is from God... We love and appreciate you all.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:51 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

My sister, Pam, just left and I am going to update real quick. It has been "one of those days" for Bryce. He has been in pain since between 4-6am today. His right calf and thigh muscles hurt so bad. We put a heating pad on his calf. That gave him a little relief. His back, where they radiated, was hurting really bad, and that pain also went around the front to his lower abdomen. He was also having his left shoulder pain. We gave him Tyelenol with Codeine at 4:30am, then Morphine at 6:45am, and Tylenol with Codeine again at 8:30am. At 12:40pm, we decided to try a double dose of Morphine that the doctors had suggested--on Tuesday--we try. That finallly took the majority of the pain away for a while and helped him nap. He had another double dose at 5:40. He has been having a fever all day long, also. His cheeks have been pretty red. We don't know if it is a fever from the leukemia or if it is a fever from his Graft vs. Host Disease that could possibly be getting stimulated a bit from the lowering of his Prednisone. He has been completely miserable all morning until 2:15 this afternoon. It was the double Morphine dose that helped. We will be watching him very closely, tonight. Bless Tim's heart, he gets up with Bryce so much during the night...

Bryce helped wrap a couple of presents and that made him feel good. He only ate some pears tonight, nothing else today. Please continue to pray for his strength and healing. His is such a courageous young boy... We all just adore him. Tim and I tag-teamed for the boys Christmas program today and tonight which was fine. It was so cute! Mitchell is in 6th grade so he and his classmates perform the main roles. Auntie Pam came out to the house around 3pm, helped me with stuff and the boys, and then came to the program with me, last minute. That was fun! Thanks, Pammy G.!! Everyone has been so great! We love and appreciate you all so much. Everyone keeps asking what they can do. PRAYERS... AND LOTS OF THEM!!!! That is the most important way you can help us out. Please continue to leave messages for us because they keep us going a lot of the time. Please, God. Heal my baby.... Love to all...

Thanks for all of your messages in the guestbook! We are loving all the "lift-up"! You always know just what to say! Please continue to send the HUGE, POWERFUL PRAYERS up to our good Lord. If anything is going to help Bryce beat this, it is from God... We love and appreciate you all.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:49 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY TO OUR BEAUTIFUL NIECE & COUSIN, KELLI!!!! I'll always remember the day you were born! It was one of my most memorable days ever.... We love you so much, sweetie!

Hi everyone,

Everything went fine this morning. It just stinks so bad to watch your little boy lay on a table with a radiation machine spinning around him to get it into position. Then, they get the red lasers lined up on his body with the "markers" on his skin to make sure he is in the exact position. Then, they take a final x-ray to be completely sure. And then, they radiate for 5 minutes. He just lays there so quietly, so somber. I don't mean to sound so dramatic but it's not something I wish upon anyone. I don't like radiation, at all. Like I said, he did so good. He didn't get nauseated today or complain. We met Grandma & Grandpa at Target, and they took him home around 11:30. He was very happy that we were going Christmas shopping... Hmmm.... I try to drop those daily reminders to the boys that 'Jesus Is The Reason For The Season'. Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa for helping us out today with the boys. Thanks to Lana (& Natalie) who took Ethan. Bryce said his shoulder hurt more tonight so we did give him some oral Morphine around 8pm. His last Tylenol with Codeine was at 5:30. Tomorrow is the Christmas program at school. Usually, Tim & I tag-team but I think this year, we'll try to get to both afternoon and evening programs. We spoke with Cherie who helps us with Bryce's oils and supplements. We are adding a few new oils. Tim & I are very determined to continue to fight for our son while there is still some fight in him. Please pray for his strength and determination. Please also pray for his positive attitude for his healing. That is such an important part of the healing process. We have so much support from all of you. And he also has so much support from his friends. We are so blessed. Well, I gotta run. I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open...

Thanks for all of your messages in the guestbook! We are loving all the "lift-up"! You always know just what to say! Please continue to send the HUGE, POWERFUL PRAYERS up to our good Lord. If anything is going to help Bryce beat this, it is from God... We love and appreciate you all.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:12 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hi everyone,

Tonight's gonna be a quick one. We saw Dr. Schomberg at Desk R at 9am. She explained that Bryce will have one radiation treatment in a big dose. This should shrink it and give him comfort. It works pretty quickly. He may have some nausea because the radiation is "bouncing off of his stomach" so he needs to take a Zofran before and possibly after. I can't stand the thought of all of this being done to Bryce and all of this he is going through... We stayed so they could do a CT simulation on him. That is where they find the exact location to radiate. They use a permanent marker with clear IV tape over the top of it so it doesn't wash off. They will go by those "markers" tomorrow for radiation. We saw Julia and Dr. Kahn around 11am. Not much is new there. We are going to start giving him VP16 (chemo medication) tomorrow for 7 or more days and go from there. We started lowering his Prednisone last Friday. We will continue to gradually decrease it in hopes of starting up some more Graft vs. Host Disease. The GVH is where Mitchell's cells attacked Bryce's leukemia cells. We will just have to watch it and be very careful if it does kick in that it doesn't get so out of control. Dr. Kahn explained how the relapsed leukemia is so agressive and persistant. It hides out and comes back on its own. It didn't help lowering his immunity with the steroids to control the GVH this summer. We talked about his pain control. We have some new options to try. Bryce didn't get the oils on him that much today. But, Tim tried to get them on him as many times as possible tonight. I forgot to mention how good Bryce looked yesterday when he woke up! I wonder if lowering the Prednisone is doing that or the oils maybe?... We did a shoulder x-ray today which was negative....Thank you, God!!! His shoulder pain is not a mass. It is probably "referred bone pain from the leukemia in the bone marrow". No labs today. He is to be back to the clinic on the 20th for labs and exam.

We will take him to radiation tomorrow at 10:15. It will last about 15-20 minutes. Then, we will meet Grandma & Grandpa Breuer who will take Bryce home so we can finish Christmas shopping. Our friend, Lana, will have Ethan. Wish us luck to finish up. We don't really want to have to go out any more than that. Again, we appreicate all of your messages... You are all so wonderful!!! The MN Gophers that signed are the athletes that we met at Camp Jornada in August. In the new picture I added here, Bryce is wearing the yellow shirt that they autographed. That's his favorite outfit! Today, he received 4 awesome cards from one of his good buddies at school. He was so happy reading them, I even heard him laugh at Casey's jokes! Laughter is so important in healing. Thanks, Casey, for sending the cards,...and 4 of them!!!! You rock, superstar!! Bryce has such awesome friends and he misses them. I hope he can get back to school a bit on Thursday. The kids have their Christmas program at 1:30 & 7:30. I haven't asked him, but I am sure he wants to be there real bad.

Please continue to send the HUGE, POWERFUL PRAYERS up to our good Lord. If anything is going to help Bryce beat this, it is from God... We love and appreciate you all.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, December 11, 2006 11:33 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing well. My first priority tonight is to thank you for all of your prayers, well-wishes, and messages in the guestboook! You are all so wonderful and so giving to our family!!! We love and appreciate you so much, even if we don't know you! You couldn't even begin to imagine how your messages lift us up and give us hope. You make us smile and feel so proud to be a part of your lives. You may not know it but you do so much for our emotional spirits... Thank you.

We had a fun weekend with family. My brother's Brad & Geoff and my sister's Pam & Julie came by for a fun visit on Friday night and Saturday. Auntie Julie cut the boys hair. That's a huge job! Usually, I ask Grandma Linda to do it...She got a little break this time. Grandma & Auntie Manda came over on Saturday and picked out clothes for our family pictures in the afternoon. They did a great job! I am sooooo not good at the clothing-thing. The boys did pretty good for pictures, too. Deb Quam came over on a last minute arrangement and took the pictures. She always does an awesome job! I stopped by her place on Sunday. I love the pictures! I really wanted an updated professional family picture and a nice picture of the brothers. As some of you know (hint-hint-Jamie), it can get a little stressful trying to get 5 boys to sit still for pictures... But, like I said, they did good. So, you may receive our Christmas cards before Christmas this year! Last year, it was after Easter.... Wish me luck. Onto Sunday... I took Mitch, Logan, & Joel to church. Then our friends, Carol, Lana, and Brenda took me Christmas shopping!! They were wonderful elves! We got so much done and had so much fun! I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY needed that... Tim & I will finish up for the boys presents sometime soon, I hope. Thanks, girls!!!! Today, Bryce & I just hung out and watch 'Miracle on 34th Street'. (How ironic, we are praying for another Miracle on 215th Ave...) Sorry, I couldn't help myself. We had a nice day together. I am trying to savor every moment that I can because I don't know what the future holds. Tim is too, I think. He ran to Rochester quick to get more pain meds for Bryce. I'm so glad he doesn't mind going for drives sometimes.

Bryce is still in quite a bit of pain but it is now in his left shoulder/trapezius muscle. It is radiating into his left side of his neck, too. The pain started on Friday night. He hasn't said much about his back pain. I don't know if the new pain is distracting him from his back or if the Tylenol with Codeine is helping his back and not his shoulder. We tried 5mg of oral Morphine this afternoon. It made him feel a little "funny" in the head and didn't take away much of the shoulder pain. It also made him sleepy so he took a good nap late in the day. He hasn't been eating as much in the last week or so. We don't know if the Tylenol w/ Codeine is irritating his stomach or what. He says he feels nauseated at times. Otherwise, not much is new. He is in too much pain to go to school. That's such a bummer. I wish he could be with his friends, right now. There is so much that I wish for...

Bryce's spirits seem to be ok. He was upset Friday afternoon when we told him but has not said much about the cancer since. I reminded him again today that it is good to talk about your feelings and emotions. He said he would when he wanted/needed to. I hope he does soon. We had taken him to the Psychiatrist at Mayo last summer but he does not want anything to do with her (and she is soooo nice). I know that he will not want to sit in the room with us when we discuss our options tomorrow. (Personally, I hate these days!!!) He learned in the beginning of his relapse that it was not a good thing...it was usually sad news and was a downer for all of us. He doesn't enjoy going into the exam rooms so much anymore. He'd rather color or watch TV in the lobby. Today, I was telling Tim about an oil that is very strong and has been known to help fight cancer. Bryce heard me and said in a soft voice, "Get it, get it." That made me realize that he DOES want to fight, and that he is very scared about losing the battle.... Bless his young heart.

Tim & I are trying to find time to talk alone which is not real often. Our minds are constantly trying to think of a new, safe plan for our son so he can live a long and healthy life. But, our options get more slim every time. We know that the team will tell us to 'consider his quality of life' (which I hate!). A person shouldn't have to think about these things. An 8 year old child shouldn't have to be asked what he wants to do for his life. WE NEED TO FIND A CURE FOR CANCER! There are so many things that 'stink' the most... But, the worst thing is watching your child suffer knowing that cancer is flowing through his body and you just want to suck it all out of him somehow--FOREVER!!! I hate that he has to be scared that he is going to die. I also hate that his brothers have to go through something so traumatic already in life, too. They are way too young to be dealing with such adult situations... I think about his cousins, his friends, and all of the little people who watch his page. They shouldn't have to deal with this either. Cancer is just so unfair. You feel like you are sinking in quicksand...

That is why we need to lean on the Lord. For all the times that the sad and scary thoughts are going through my head, I need to remember to give it to God. He is our eternal savior. I am not ready to hear that 'it may be Bryce's time' because I don't want to hear that. We are not going to give up on fighting for our son. I want all 5 of my boys to live long, healthy lives. Tim has got a fire under his butt, but is still very frustrated and heart broken. He is such a gem... I love him so much. He has been getting the oils onto Bryce a whole lot during the day, today I did a lot. I don't know what I would do without him. He is my rock by my side. God is my internal rock. Please always remember to thank God everyday for all of your blessings. Life is so precious and so short. It is a gift from God. A very, very precious gift. I wish everyone would allow God to come into their hearts. It is HUGE!!! Touch someone's life today, ok? Give to others what can change their lives for the (so much) better. God works in mysterious ways, you just never know. Love to all. By the way, we see Dr. Schomberg at 9am at Desk R for a radiation consultation, and then we see Julia & Dr. Kahn at 10:15.

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we need to get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO now that our computer is working correctly again. Just know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. We will stop by soon. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, December 8, 2006 4:48 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRANDMA BREUER!! You are such a special person in our lives! You are the 2nd Mom to our children, and we love you so much!! Thank you for everything that you do for us!!!

Hi everone this is Bryce writing in the gestbook.Today I had a spinle tap,and a bone marrow biospy.Then we left the clinick at 9:30 ,and then we get home at 11:30 then we ate lunch then when we were eating lunch dr.arndt called and said there is leukemia cells in my bone marrow a gen.

I wish everyone could know Bryce Andrew Breuer!! (This is his Mom, of course). He is such an incredible child, such an inspiration, such a trooper and a fighter, so loving, so caring, so friendly and funny. He takes care of his brothers, smaller children than him, and he loves to sing. He's our singer... He smiled at 2 weeks which always made me so happy!!! I loved that! He's unique in so many ways. He most definitely has a fiesty side which is not so easy to deal with sometimes... But, he is one of our VERY SPECIAL GIFTS from God... He brings so much joy to our lives... We love him so much.

He wanted to type in his journal today. I've asked him many times before but today, he wanted to be the one to tell... His bone marrow is packed with leukemia. His spinal fluid has 1 blast cell (which they don't label leukemia when it's only one cell). The lab called Dr. Arndt and she called us. We will go in on Tuesday at 9am to see Dr. Schomberg in radiation to map him out for radiation. Then, we will see Julia & Dr. Kahn at 10:15.

Words cannot describe our emotions. Personally, I just want to take my babies upstairs and huddle under a blanket to protect them from everything and forget about it all, especially cancer. We love you all and appreciate you all so much. I am still not in the mood to talk, so please be patient with me. Tim is doing alright. He is working on a plan to kick up the oils a knotch. He is very upset and very determined to try some more. I am willing to try some more but I do not want Bryce to suffer and be in pain. Tim feels that when we started the Prednisone (steroid) and the Tacrolimus (anti-rejection) that we opened up to many doors for infection and low immunity. It's a double-edged sword, Dr. Arndt said yesterday. We needed Bryce on these meds to slow down the Graft vs. Host Disease so it didn't get so bad that it could have taken his life. I keep trying to remember to give it to God....

Bryce was very sad when we told him. He asked if he would "live as long as his brothers". We cried together. I've always told myself that I would not say that I hate cancer. But, I do. It is aweful and terrible. And, no small child, let alone an adult, should have to go through this. I am not at all blaming God. God is so good to us. He is so loving and so forgiving. We would have nothing without Him. I told Bryce today that God doesn't want us to suffer. He just wants us to be happy. We have all the FAITH in the world in our incredible God. I thank Him everyday for everything that He has done for Bryce and our family. Love to all.

Please continue to pray for these special people in our lives....

First of all, please pray for our friend, Isaac, who was diagnosed with leukemia the same week that Bryce relapsed in September of 2005. Isaac has relapsed in his spinal fluid. They will do a bone marrow biopsy on Thursday to see what it looks like. He and his family drove all the way from Nebraska to attend the Carnival of Love and meet Bryce. They came out to our house for a little while after the carnival. It was so great to meet them. They are a wonderful family! He and his family need some reallly HUGE and POWERFUL PRAYERS right now. What an aweful, scary time of their lives they are in. It is undescribable the pain and fear that they are probably feeling. I don't wish that upon anyone!! Please stop by his caringbridge/visit/isaachall. I know they would appreciate a flood of well-wishes and prayers....

My nephew, Collin, who is 10, had a seizure on Monday morning. He still isn't feeling well. He's still running a temp. and is nauseated w/ some vomiting. Please pray for his strength and that that was his last seizure for a very long time!!!

Of course, our friend Jamie... She is doing so well. She finishes up radiation this week. Yeah for that! What a trooper she is... Pray for her strength and her husband, Zach and their 5 precious little boys....

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we need to get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO now that our computer is working correctly again. Just know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. We will stop by soon. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, December 7, 2006 6:27 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

We are home from our long day. We left around 6:15am and got home around 4:15pm. On the way home, we went to school so that Bryce could get to his Art class and make his clay pot. I stayed with him in the art room and got messy! It was fun!! I rolled the clay and Bryce made it into the "bun or cinnamon roll" for the pot. It was a great bonding experience. I hadn't done that in a long time! When we were done, Bryce even got to put the extra clay into the leftover bag and stomp it together. That was pretty cool!

Bryce had his MRI at the Charlton this morning. We went into the room around 7 and finished around 9:30. It was plenty long for the little guy. They did some scans and then, the radiologist wanted scans with contrast. So, the IV team tried to start an IV 2 times and missed. Bryce was pretty upset. The radiologist said to skip it after that. Bryce was also in quite a bit of pain lying there and due for his Tylenol with Codeine at 8:30. He didn't get it until 9:30. He was so glad to be done after the scans. I bribed him with a run to Toys R Us. We walked through the store, and he made a huge wish list!! He most definitely wants me to Christmas shop there!

After Toys R Us, we went to Auntie Manda's house. We warmed up our leftover lunch and shut our eyes and rested for a few minutes. We saw Dr. Arndt at 1:15. She told us that the soft tissue is a mass. In Bryce's case & history--looking at his history along with other patients similar histories, this is most likely a leukemia mass or some type of cancerous mass. The plan is to due a spinal tap in the morning (7:15). If it comes back with blast cells, then it is probably a leukemia mass. If it comes back negative, they will biopsy the mass on a different day to see what it is. They are also checking his bone marrow tomorrow. It looks abnormal on the MRI, probably because of either everything he has had done or leukemia again. His counts are good and not affected because it is contained within the mass probably. We don't know when the results will be in. I just told her to call with the results because we don't want to wait. If it is what she thinks it is, then they will start radiation to shrink it to lessen the pain. I will give more details when I know more.

OK, gang.... There is a slight chance it could be benign. But, as Dr. Arndt said, probably not. Until then, I will try not to think to hard into it. Call it LaLa Land or whatever it may be. But, as long as I don't know that it truly is cancer, I will not let cancer (totally and completely) bring me down. Tim is doing about the same as I am but maybe more upbeat with hope. Bryce is in a great mood, coloring and teasing. He knows the mass is there. He knows what it could be. Again, like in the very beginning, I think he is being strong and entertaining for his Mom & Dad and family... Mitch knows, but not the full details. His first question was "When can I give him bone marrow again?" How precious was that??? Right now, I really don't want to talk much about it so if you saw me today or called, I'm not trying to ignore anyone, I'm just keeping to my family. Thank you God for all of our MANY, MANY BLESSINGS IN LIFE!!! Hug your kids..... Love to all.

Please continue to pray for these special people in our lives....

First of all, please pray for our friend, Isaac, who was diagnosed with leukemia the same week that Bryce relapsed in September of 2005. Isaac has relapsed in his spinal fluid. They will do a bone marrow biopsy on Thursday to see what it looks like. He and his family drove all the way from Nebraska to attend the Carnival of Love and meet Bryce. They came out to our house for a little while after the carnival. It was so great to meet them. They are a wonderful family! He and his family need some reallly HUGE and POWERFUL PRAYERS right now. What an aweful, scary time of their lives they are in. It is undescribable the pain and fear that they are probably feeling. I don't wish that upon anyone!! Please stop by his caringbridge/visit/isaachall. I know they would appreciate a flood of well-wishes and prayers....

My nephew, Collin, who is 10, had a seizure on Monday morning. He still isn't feeling well. He's still running a temp. and is nauseated w/ some vomiting. Please pray for his strength and that that was his last seizure for a very long time!!!

Of course, our friend Jamie... She is doing so well. She finishes up radiation this week. Yeah for that! What a trooper she is... Pray for her strength and her husband, Zach and their 5 precious little boys....

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we need to get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO now that our computer is working correctly again. Just know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. We will stop by soon. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, December 6, 2006 10:20 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Evening,

Tim & I are finished getting ready for the early morning and we are heading to bed. My Mom is here to stay with the boys and get them off to school. We will be leaving the house around 6am. We kept Bryce home from school again today because his back pain, and now lower abdominal pain, is so bad. We brought him in to see Dr. Rodriguez at 11am. She did a quick exam and left the MRI for tomorrow--that's the soonest that they could fit us in. She ordered some labs and sent us to the PITC early. Bryce's counts are good: Hgb 13.4; WBC 5,000; ANC 4,210; and platelets 85,000. We don't know the rest of the results yet. She prescribed a 2mg dose of Morphine IV for his pain. He was napping in about 2 minutes after the dose was administered. He he been awake in pain a lot these last few nights. She asked us we wanted to stay in the hospital for Morphine IV for pain and we said NO. So, we are giving Bryce Tylenol with Codeine every 4 hours. The morphine lasted from 12:30 to 4pm. He also had his IV IG at the PITC. That went fine. Dr. Rodriguez and the rest of the team are wondering if it is leukemia in his spinal canal where the radiologist saw the small amount of soft tissue. They also mentioned that it could be from radiation. We are not just limited to the leukemia, and the important thing is that his counts are good! We are giving it to God, trying not to worry. My brother Brad asked if it could be scar tissue from all of the spinal taps he has had in the past. And, there were a lot of them! I am hoping on that one... So, please say lots of prayers for our Brycer. Pray for his pain to decrease, for him to feel relief, and for the tissue to be nothing abnormal. Our God is so good, we must have all the HUGE FAITH in the world that He will continue to heal Bryce until he is a very old man... Please pray for Bryce's healing. We love and appreciate you all!!!

Please continue to pray for these special people in our lives....

First of all, please pray for our friend, Isaac, who was diagnosed with leukemia the same week that Bryce relapsed in September of 2005. Isaac has relapsed in his spinal fluid. They will do a bone marrow biopsy on Thursday to see what it looks like. He and his family drove all the way from Nebraska to attend the Carnival of Love and meet Bryce. They came out to our house for a little while after the carnival. It was so great to meet them. They are a wonderful family! He and his family need some reallly HUGE and POWERFUL PRAYERS right now. What an aweful, scary time of their lives they are in. It is undescribable the pain and fear that they are probably feeling. I don't wish that upon anyone!! Please stop by his caringbridge/visit/isaachall. I know they would appreciate a flood of well-wishes and prayers....

My nephew, Collin, who is 10, had a seizure on Monday morning. It was really scary. Tim & I spent the afternoon with them at St. Mary's PICU. He is doing so well today. They will be tweeking his medications. He's such an awesome kid! But, he needs to give his aunt's more kisses!!!!!!! Please pray for his strength and that that was his last seizure for a very long time!!!

Of course, our friend Jamie... She is doing so well. She finishes up radiation this week. Yeah for that! What a trooper she is... Pray for her strength and her husband, Zach and their 5 precious little boys....

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we need to get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO now that our computer is working correctly again. Just know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. We will stop by soon. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, December 5, 2006 11:12 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hello everyone,

I just wanted to ask you for a few prayers for some special people in our lives and give you a quick update on Bryce.

First of all, please pray for our friend, Isaac, who was diagnosed with leukemia the same week that Bryce relapsed in September of 2005. Isaac has relapsed in his spinal fluid. They will do a bone marrow biopsy on Thursday to see what it looks like. He and his family drove all the way from Nebraska to attend the Carnival of Love and meet Bryce. They came out to our house for a little while after the carnival. It was so great to meet them. They are a wonderful family! He and his family need some reallly HUGE and POWERFUL PRAYERS right now. What an aweful, scary time of their lives they are in. It is undescribable the pain and fear that they are probably feeling. I don't wish that upon anyone!! Please stop by his caringbridge/visit/isaachall. I know they would appreciate a flood of well-wishes and prayers....

My nephew, Collin, who is 10, had a seizure yesterday morning. It was really scary. Tim & I spent the afternoon with them at St. Mary's PICU. He is doing so well today. They will be tweeking his medications. He's such an awesome kid! But, he needs to give his aunt's more kisses!!!!!!! Please pray for his strength and that that was his last seizure for a very long time!!!

Of course, our friend Jamie... She is doing so well. She finishes up radiation this week. Yeah for that! What a trooper she is... Pray for her strength and her husband, Zach and their 5 precious little boys....

Bryce had lots of lower back pain today. He stayed home from school. Tim took him to the chiropractor today to try to get some relief. I called Julia to see if we should do some spine x-rays tomorrow when we come in for the IV IG. She said that the radiologist noted from his CT on the 22nd "a small amount of soft tissue in the spinal canal in the L3 region". So, since he is having so much pain in his lower back, the doctors have ordered a MRI of his spine for Thursday. He will have that done at the Charlton building at 6:45am and then, we will see Dr. Arndt for the results at 1pm. They couldn't get him in tomorrow when we will be there for the IV IG. His main concern is that he will miss Art class on Thursday when they are making their pots. We will give a quick call to see if he can get that in at a different time... Please send lots of prayers for some simple results. Our God is sooooo good and He is wwwwwaaaaaaayyy bigger than leukemia!! We are so blessed.... Love to all.

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we need to get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO now that our computer is working correctly again. Just know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. We will stop by soon. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, December 3, 2006 9:08 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hey everyone,

We have had a busy weekend! We went to the wrestling match on Friday night. Saturday was Christmas in Goodhue. I had a Mary Kay booth at the Fire Hall with my Sr. Director, Julie. That was fun to see so many friendly faces! My niece, Kelli, stayed with the 4 younger boys--Tim & Mitch went hungting. Grandma Linda brought all the boys and Kelli up to see Santa. Thanks, Grandma!!! You are the BEST!! That was not an easy job... And, thanks for your help too, Kelle Belle! Family is awesome!! We decorated the house on Saturday night and set up the tree. It looks beautiful. After church today, we went to Grandma & Grandpa's house to celebrate Grandma Linda's birthday a little early. We had lunch and went bowling. The birthday girl took the trophy home. Auntie Manda & I took a strong 2nd. The bumper police were out in high patrol... (The bumpers are up when the kids are playing.) We didn't NEED them, the bowling ball just bumped into them once or twice during the games. We have dualed the men in our lives to some moonlight bowling without the kids to show the bumper police that us women can still rule the alley without the bumpers! It was a lot of fun! We made a quick family trip to Wal-Mart, went for a drive around Red Wing, and then home. Everyone got their weekly showers (KIDDING!!!) and topped off the homework and reading. Tim & I are just doing some last minute picking up and heading to bed. Normal is good.....

I will take Bryce in to the PITC on Wednesday for his IV IG. His appt. is at 2:30. I suppose I'll take him out of school around 1:45. His legs are still bothering him, but not as bad as they were bothering him. He is starting basketball and wrestling with Joel. Mitch and Logan are doing wrestling. Let the fun (and chasing) begin!

We saw Jamie in church this morning and she is as beautiful as ever!! Her smile brightens the whole room! Keep the prayers coming for all of our friends! Thanks for the guest book entries!!! We love you all so much!! God's abundant blessings to you, everyday!!

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we need to get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO now that our computer is working correctly again. Just know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. We will stop by soon. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, December 3, 2006 9:08 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hey everyone,

We have had a busy weekend! We went to the wrestling match on Friday night. Saturday was Christmas in Goodhue. I had a Mary Kay booth at the Fire Hall with my Sr. Director, Julie. That was fun to see so many friendly faces! My niece, Kelli, stayed with the 4 younger boys--Tim & Mitch went hungting. Grandma Linda brought all the boys and Kelli up to see Santa. Thanks, Grandma!!! You are the BEST!! That was not an easy job... And, thanks for your help too, Kelle Belle! Family is awesome!! We decorated the house on Saturday night and set up the tree. It looks beautiful. After church today, we went to Grandma & Grandpa's house to celebrate Grandma Linda's birthday a little early. We had lunch and went bowling. The birthday girl took the trophy home. Auntie Manda & I took a strong 2nd. The bumper police were out in high patrol... (The bumpers are up when the kids are playing.) We didn't NEED them, the bowling ball just bumped into them once or twice during the games. We have dualed the men in our lives to some moonlight bowling without the kids to show the bumper police that us women can still rule the alley without the bumpers! It was a lot of fun! We made a quick family trip to Wal-Mart, went for a drive around Red Wing, and then home. Everyone got their weekly showers (KIDDING!!!) and topped off the homework and reading. Tim & I are just doing some last minute picking up and heading to bed. Normal is good.....

I will take Bryce in to the PITC on Wednesday for his IV IG. His appt. is at 2:30. I suppose I'll take him out of school around 1:45. His legs are still bothering him, but not as bad as they were bothering him. He is starting basketball and wrestling with Joel. Mitch and Logan are doing wrestling. Let the fun (and chasing) begin!

We saw Jamie in church this morning and she is as beautiful as ever!! Her smile brightens the whole room! Keep the prayers coming for all of our friends! Thanks for the guest book entries!!! We love you all so much!! God's abundant blessings to you, everyday!!

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we need to get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO now that our computer is working correctly again. Just know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. We will stop by soon. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:40 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Whhhheeeewwwwweeee!!! Is it chilly in Minnesota or what?! Not so sure that I'm ready for this!!! How about the rest of our neighbors? Are you ready? Yesterday, my husband even said that he wasn't sure HE was ready for the cold weather,....you know it's cold when HE says it! We are just so grateful to be able to be out and about in it and not in the hospital looking out at it... God is so good....

We sure are getting excited for Christmas. The holidays are so much brighter this year... Not that we didn't enjoy them last year, it's just a whole NEW outlook on life... The boys are loving it. I'm a big 'ol cry baby! I'm just trying to keep a grip on the flood of emotions I feel. I shouldn't make it sound like it is this way all the time, just mostly once a week. I am very happy to be where I am... Life is good... Mitchell keeps asking if we can decorate the house. I told him we would do it this weekend. Do you think Mr. Organized could wait? Nope. I have found Christmas decorations located here and there around the house. Kinda funny. Less work for me, for now. I'm sure it will be a different story in January when it all needs to be taken down...

I took Bryce to the chiropractor today. His legs are really bothering him again. They were still hurting tonight. His quad muscles in his thighs are so tight. His skin is so tight with the GVHD, too. He's having diarrhea once or twice a day, so we need to watch that. It could be viral, GVH of the gut, or possibly C. Diff again. I don't think it has anything to do with what he is eating. Otherwise, he's doing awesome!!

There's a wrestling match tomorrow night. We are all going. I'm very excited. It's nice to be out in public without such heavy thoughts of Bryce on our mind... And with that, I really need some prayer warriors to come out and lift Jamie's spirits. She is struggling with this horrible battle. It is so confusing for her to be going through this again and to try to heal... Please lift her up with your prayers and pray for her positive attitude. She's got a whole big cheering section in this house alone, let alone the community of Goodhue. Pray for her to have peace within, to give it to God and trust in Him, and to put up a HUGE fight to kick cancer's butt!!!! Pray for strength for her 5 little boys and her husband who adores her. What a struggle for Zach... Please God heal our precious friend and sister, Jamie. We love her so much!!! Please also pray for our friends Nikki and Will. They need some powerful prayers, too. We love and adore all of our Caring Bridge Family's!!!! Love to all!

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we need to get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO now that our computer is working correctly again. Just know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. We will stop by soon. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 8:53 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, UNCLE GEOFF!! We love you and hope you had a great time in Chicago!

Just a quick one tonight. I want to try to update again more often, not sure why. Maybe just because I want you all to know how much we appreciate you and your support for the past 3 1/2 years! This has always been my "therapy". But, obviously now, I am not needing it as much as I did in the past. That's a good thing....

We are all good here. But, Bryce's leg pains have started again--last night. He was just up already a few minutes ago crying. So, we gave him Tylenol. I am thinking I will get him in to see our chiropractor again on Thursday. It was last Tuesday that she worked on him. We are thinking that she helped him. He has not had leg or back pain much since. I spoke with Julia today. Bryce will have his IV IG at the PITC on Wednesday the 6th in the afternoon. He will not have another exam until the 22nd. He will have spine x-rays then, unless he is not having any back pain anymore. We'll wait and see.

I'm gonna run! We love and appreciate all of you so much! Keep the prayers coming for everyone! You are a blessing to us! God never makes mistakes!!!! Love to all!

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we need to get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO now that our computer is working correctly again. Just know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. We will stop by soon. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, November 26, 2006 10:09 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hi Everyone!

HAPPY (LATE) THANKSGIVING!!! We have so much to be thankful for!!!!! It was so great to be at home eating our own delicious, organic Thanksgiving meal TOGETHER with our family!!!!! My Mom, Geoff, & neice Kelli came over Wednesday night to stay. So, of course, I put them to work! We all loved EVERY MINUTE of it!!! The whole holiday was the best!!! And, all of YOU helped make it happen with your prayers!!! Yeah for YOU!!! Yeah for us!!!! Yeah for Bryce!!!! You all ROCK! As the boys would say... I had read the journal entries from a year ago and just kept thanking God all day. Our God is soooo good. He just amazes me to no end....

OK, so....This is so not like me to wait so long between updates! I'm so sorry!!! The only things I can say is that life is good, normal is nice, and busy is busy... Not that we are running all the time because we're not. It's just that when you have 5 younger bodies around some things get put on the "to do later" list. Sorry....

Bryce is awesome!!! His counts were good last Wednesday, the 22nd. His hemoglobin was 13.9; white count 4,000; ANC 2,850; and platelets 86,000. His liver enzymes were the about the same at: Alk. Phos. 495; AST 144; Total Bilirubin 0.4; and ALT 431. So, cutting down on the red meat isn't doing a whole lot. My theory is that it is the GVH of the liver that is causing the enzymes to be so high. Maybe I am completely wrong, who knows... His Tacrolimus level was 5.6 which is good. His sinus, liver, abdomen, and lungs CT's all came back good. We asked them to ask the radiologist to look at his L5 vertebrae on the CT to see if it looked ok or not. They called us back on Friday and said it looked ok. They will do spine x-rays in 3 weeks when we return if his back is still bothering him. The last few days it has not been so persistant to be painful. That's wonderful! He has not complained about his leg muscles hurting since last Tuesday! Yeah!! He continues with his organic diet, supplements and essential oils. He read a comment someone had posted to a very dear friend of our's and said, "Mom, don't they realize that this stuff is all good for people's body's and it will help them get better, especially if they have cancer?" He knows that God is the Great Physician. He knows that God is healing him more and more everyday. He looks so good!! I wish you all could see him! We're so proud of him!

The brothers are all doing great, too! Tim & Mitch started hunting this Saturday. It is such a neat bond to watch. It's a little funny, too. Tim is so serious, and Mitch is so "new". Logan got to go along this afternoon. They are not use to sitting quietly and so still.... Mitch & I went to 'Grease' at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre with my sister's and my neices on Friday. That was pretty cool. It was Mitchell's first big experience with the "stage". He really enjoyed it. Last weekend was a blast!!! We had 2 awesome, adjoining hotel rooms with gifts on the beds for the boys. They gave us gift cards to the Mall of America, The Park at MOA, and Underwater Adventures plus breakfast and lots of awesome, incredible, and very fun and relaxing memories! We went to an organic food store on Saturday morning to stock up. Then, we played at the Park at the MOA and went to Underwater Adventures after that. We finished the afternoon with a little shopping. On Sunday, we found an organic restaurant and got some food to go. Then, we just shopped at the MOA. The boys thought that that was pretty cool. They loved seeing the As Seen On TV store. AND, at one point, we looked down into the main lobby of the MOA and saw Paula Dean from the Food Network! It just doesn't get any better than that! Bryce and I loved watching her too! She always has the southern cooking. Nummy.

Well, I'm gonna run. We miss and love you all! It's so fun to see everyone when we are out and about. Please keep saying prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. Please pray for their strength and healing, their trust in God, their positive healing attitude, their family's, and their FAITH in our gracious Heavenly Father!!! They need to give it all to Him... With God, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!! Love to all!

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we need to get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO now that our computer is working correctly again. Just know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. We will stop by soon. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 6:11 AM CST

Good Morning everyone. This is a just a quick "I'm sorry I haven't updated yet but I will after today's appts. update"....

The weekend was AWESOME!!!!!! I will tell you more about that later. I gotta give you all the details, you know how I am... It's just been quite busy as usual around here, as it is for you, I'm sure.

Bryce has a head CT (to check his sinuses) at 7:45 on Mayo E3 and a body CT (to check his abdomen, liver, and lungs) at 9:30 on Joseph 6G at St. Mary's. Then, he has labs at noon (which I think we will do early this morning because of the timing for his Tacrolimus level). He sees Julia at 1:30 for exam and results but I'm hoping we may get to see her this morning later. Doesn't sound like a woman does it? Doing a little switch-a-roo.....

The CT is to get a baseline (and make sure there are no infections brewing). He has not been on an anti-fungal medication yet and the Infectious Disease dr.s would like this baseline done.

Bryce has been having lots of lower back pain and leg pain in the muscle. I brought him to the chiropractor yesterday. She readjusted his sacrum so I think that helped the calf muscles because of the way the nerves run. But, his back is not any better. His pain is on his L5 spinous process. We'll talk about that today, also. Gotta run! Lots to do!!! We are very excited for Thanksgiving here tomorrow!!!! We love and appreciate you all so much! You are truly a blessing in our lives!!! Please keep praying for all of our friends fighting their battles, big or small.... They are incredible people! God Bless.

Friday, November 17, 2006 1:59 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Afternoon!

We are soooooo excited for our BIG WEEKEND! The 4 older boys are packed. Now, I just have to finish up for the rest of us. I've got chili made and am bringing along a chicken to put in the crock pot. Does anyone know of any organic restaurants in the cities or at the Mall of America? That would really help if you did know of something. It would be a special surprise for Bryce, too. If not, we will survive! We always do.... We will be back on Sunday night. Mitchell's 12th birthday is Sunday, so will be a big memorie for him. It's crazy how time flies by so quickly...

Bryce is doing really well. We were nervous for a few days because he was having such pains in his left leg at the calf, shin, and knee. But, that has since resolved. He is eating bananas and drinking more water. We are thinking it could be his electrolytes, again--mostly the potassium. We will be back in for appts. on Wed of next week. He will have labs, CT, and exam. He has not had anymore bloody nose episodes, so that is good.

We are just so greatful for all we have!!!! Yesterday, I was reading some of my journal entries from a year ago. Wow. How it can bring you right back to that room and the people and the atmosphere and the memories.... It's all good, though. God has healed our Brycer and we are keeping our faith. I pray that everyone is a little closer to God these days. He is our true guidance in all aspects of life. Our love and appreciation goes out to all of you!!!!

God is so good. He has BLESSED our family beyond imagination!!! Jamie has started her organic diet, supplements and oils like we are doing with Bryce. She is very excited to be starting it, and we are very ready to help her in any way we can! She is such a wonderful person, mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister... She gives us all so much strength. He can move mountains, He healed Bryce, and He WILL heal Jamie!! We just have to have HUGE FAITH!!!! Please God, heal Jamie. "All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me." Her webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly.

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we cannot get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO for some reason. So, know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 10:10 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good morning!

We are doing very well here in the Breuer Home! The boys loved the snow and school cancellation last Friday! They were outside playing by 7:30am. Tim is working on getting the Kitty Kat snowmobile working for the smaller boys. They love to ride around on that, especially Bryce.

Bryce's energy is very good. He is loving school. He has been bringing his food and warming it in a small crock pot almost every day for lunch. That is less running for me which I appreciate. I spoke with Julia yesterday and she had spoken with Dr. Henry from Infectious Disease. They were discussing the fact that Bryce has still not been able to start an anti-fungal medication for his liver because his liver enzymes are still too high. Dr. Henry recommended that we do a baseline CT to get a picture of his liver now, just in case he gets a fungal infection in his liver down the road. We will get his CBC, liver enzymes, and Tacrolimus level drawn next Wednesday before he sees Julia for his exam. I believe that they are also setting up his CT for that morning, also. He had a bloody nose at school yesterday. It sounded like it was bleeding pretty good because he had to change his shirt. But, it finally formed a clot. Pray for Bryce's platelets, that they are climbing, and that the bloody nose was just dryness with the weather change. He woke up last night with right leg calf muscle pain. So, he was awake for about 2 hours... Ugh. Hopefully, we will get him to bed early tonght. The last time he had calf pain was because his electrolytes were too low. He needs to be drinking more water! I wish that was an easy-fix! We are reminding him everyday which he does not enjoy. His teacher is so great about allowing water bottles in the classroom so that helps. Reports cards came home yesterday and he is showing improvement in everything. That is great to see. He is working hard! He has a couple of sores on his legs from his snow boots. We will need to keep an eye on them just because his immune system is so low and he has an increased chance of infection anywhere in his body, Julia says. Good thing he has God by his side and that he is "one tough cookie"!

This coming weekend, we have been given a Miracles of Mitch Foundation weekend at the Hilton Airport Hotel in the cities. Mitch Chepokas' family started this foundation for kids with cancer after Mitch died from cancer when he was 10 in 2003. My sister, Julie, is the one who entered our names. Thanks, Juls! We are soooooo excited!!! The boys are already packed! So, we will leave Friday after school and return home on Sunday which is (our) Mitchell's 12th birthday! They have a gift certificate for the Mall of America for us, free passes to the Park at MOA and Underwater World. They also have a discount coupon book for shopping at the MOA plus shuttle service and breakfast both mornings. We may not use the breakfasts because of Bryce's diet....Our family theory on the organic diet is "All for one, and one for all"! We are just so excited to be going,...Did I mention that yet?!

I want to say thank you to all of you who continuously check in on Bryce and our family! You have all been such strength-giver's to us! Just knowing that Bryce is still being prayed for everyday, gives me such comfort for my baby's life... Also, I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU for your continuous prayers for our friend, Jamie! Ethan & I went to radiation with her and Maddox (her youngest, Ethan's age) last Friday. We are going again tomorrow. Ethan is so excited! She is doing her best with all of it, and she is keeping her positive attitude! We are all so proud of her! Please continue your prayers for all of our CaringBridge friends, too! Little Zoey Slaber is having her big tests today to find out where she is at with her Neuroblastoma. Please pray for awesome results and strength for her and her family! She was the other child recognized at the Emma's Hope fundraiser in September. Her caringbridge is caringbridge.org/visit/zoeyslaby. I know her family would love to hear from you! Our friend, Nikki, has her monthly chemo appts. on Thursday so send her some positive healing and positive strength! That positive in all we do is sooooo important!!! And, finally I need and want to thank our God in Heaven... You are so good to us, Lord. You have complete control in our lives...especialy, when we allow it. Thank you for picking us up, brushing our knees off, bringing us out of the valleys and up to the mountain tops! Your unconditional love and complete forgiveness never seize to amaze me.... Love to all!

God is so good. He has BLESSED our family beyond imagination!!! Jamie has started her organic diet, supplements and oils like we are doing with Bryce. She is very excited to be starting it, and we are very ready to help her in any way we can! She is such a wonderful person, mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister... She gives us all so much strength. He can move mountains, He healed Bryce, and He WILL heal Jamie!! We just have to have HUGE FAITH!!!! Please God, heal Jamie. "All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me." Her webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly.

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we cannot get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO for some reason. So, know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 9:52 AM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good morning!

We are doing very well at the Breuer home! Obviously,...when I don't update as often as usual, right?! I am at radiation/appts. with Jamie this morning. She is having radiation right now, and I am waiting for Bryce's refill at the subway pharmacy. Bryce is doing great! I just called this morning to schedule his next appts. for the day before Thanksgiving. It is so nice to have such a big break in appts. He is doing very well in school. His meds are the same. Supplements are the same. I've noticed his GVH on his skin getting a little more red since the cooler weather. I'm gonna try to keep on top of that! The brother's are all doing great, too! We had the family birthday party on Sunday for Mitch, Logan and Ethan. That was so much fun! It is so great to feel like things are getting back to normal again. I occasionally have flashbacks of a year ago, without trying. It just happens. But, that always reminds me to THANK GOD EACH AND EVERY DAY for our many, many blessings and our awesome, incredible MIRACLE He has given us!!!!!!!! God is so good!

Please continue your HUGE PRAYERS for Jamie. She is such a motivating factor in life. If she can do it all--life, busyness, 5 boys, husband, radiation, supplements, oils, diet change--ANYONE can!!!! Pass your strength on to her, ok? She is such a blessing to me. All of you are.... Please also send some prayers out to Todd & Heather Stockmo. Rita's funeral is today. She's an Angel watching over Bryce & Jamie, and everyone now. She was a such a blessing to so many, too! What a woman of strength!!! She and Jerry are together now in Heaven. That gives everyone so much peace. She is no longer suffering her 8 year battle. Thank you for touching so many lives, Rita. Thank you God for all of our many blessings... Love to all!!! You are the BEST!!!!!

God is so good. He has BLESSED our family beyond imagination!!! Jamie has started her organic diet, supplements and oils like we are doing with Bryce. She is very excited to be starting it, and we are very ready to help her in any way we can! She is such a wonderful person, mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister... She gives us all so much strength. He can move mountains, He healed Bryce, and He WILL heal Jamie!! We just have to have HUGE FAITH!!!! Please God, heal Jamie. "All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me." Her webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly.

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we cannot get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO for some reason. So, know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, November 3, 2006 5:32 PM CST

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY, Logan Timothy!!! You came into this world with great determination...screaming, full of life, and grabbing the doctors stethescope with full force! We are so proud to call you our son!!! We love you so much! You definitely are our "spirited" child!

GO WILDCATS!!!! We're all cheering on the Goodhue Wildcats Football team tonight! We are so proud of you and we know you can continue on!!! We are also so proud of the Volleyball team and their terrific efforts!!! What determination you all have!!

Bryce is doing great! He had his IV IG on Wednesday morning. We saw Julia after that. It was a long day but went very well. His counts are good: hemoglobin 13.4; white count 3,300; ANC 2,130; and platelets 80,000. His liver enzymes are going down slowly, too. Alk. Phos. is 338 (up a bit, I guess); AST 133; ALT 444. His Tacrolimus level is 6. Perfect. Bryce will return to see Julia in 3 weeks!!! Yeah for the break! We are doing great in our busy household! Now, I have to run. We are going to try to make it to the game tonight! Love to all!!!

God is so good. He has BLESSED our family beyond imagination!!! Jamie has started her organic diet, supplements and oils like we are doing with Bryce. She is very excited to be starting it, and we are very ready to help her in any way we can! She is such a wonderful person, mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister... She gives us all so much strength. He can move mountains, He healed Bryce, and He WILL heal Jamie!! We just have to have HUGE FAITH!!!! Please God, heal Jamie. "All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me." Her webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly.

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we cannot get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO for some reason. So, know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, October 28, 2006 5:51 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Auntie Shelly!!! We love you and we hope you have an awesome day!!!

GO WILDCATS!!!! We're all cheering on the Goodhue Wildcats Volleyball and Football teams today! We are so proud of you and we know you can continue on!!!

Bryce is doing great! School is going great! He continues with his diet, supplements, and oils. Although, we have been slacking on the oils lately and that makes me a bit nervous. I know that the essential oils are very important. We had his blood checked on Wednesday night. His Tacrolimus level was at 5, so that is good. His liver enzymes are about the same--still high. But, a friend of our's brought it to our attention that red meat can increase the liver enzymes. Bryce has been eating A LOT of organic buffalo meat!! It is so good!!! So, we decided this week to decrease the buffalo meat and increase the organic chicken. We will recheck his liver enzymes and Tacrolimus level on Wednesday morning at the PITC when he has his IV IG scheduled. After that, we will see Julia for results and his exam. On Friday morning, I took him down to Mayo W7 for an eye exam. His last exam was last December before all of his radiation. He has been having just a little bit of trouble with his vision. Since August, he has had thick, yellow/whitish goop coming out of his eyes and he hasn't been producing tears. They were checking for GVH of the eyes. He probably has Stage 1 GVH in his eyes because there is the redness, the discharge, and the dryness. There is no blistering noted so therefore, it is not Stage 2. They stained his cornea to see if there was any corneal damage, and there is not. We must watch him and have him tell us if his eyes become more dry, itching, his vision worsens, and he is blinking more. These could be signs of corneal damage, and he would need to be seen to be prescribed some steroid drops for his eyes. Let's pray for the best! All in all...he is doing awesome!!! Our baby is alive. He is a funny, silly 8-year-old. He has his spunk and attitude when he needs it, (and sometimes when he doesn't need it....;-) He has come so far from one year ago. Just to think, at this time we had a 3 day break from chemo, went trick or treating and back to the hospital. He still wasn't in remission. He didn't look so great. He was the hospital Spiderman! Everyone knew Spidey! The 3 captains of the Goodhue Football team came down to visit and brought an autographed football from the team. He beat Calvin in checkers--haha--at their visit. He loved every minute of it!!!

God is so good. He has BLESSED our family beyond imagination!!! And, now I am trying not to struggle with Jamie's current situation. I want to step in and take care of her. I just want her to beat this once and for all! We all care about her so much! It is so heart-wrenching to see her scared and down. Please, please, please send out some extremely powerful prayers for her and her decision!!! She is such a wonderful person, mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister... She gives us all so much strength. I know that God does not want her to suffer!!! He can move mountains, He healed Bryce, and He WILL heal Jamie!! We just have to have HUGE FAITH!!!! Please God, heal Jamie. "All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me." Her webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly.

Thanks for all of your continued prayers. We know that you continue to pray for Bryce's health and to be cancer-free FOREVER!!!! Thank you for your continuous prayers for all of our friends who are fighting their battles. To all of our Caring Bridge friends, we cannot get into the guest books to sign and say HELLO for some reason. So, know that we continue to think and pray for you daily. You mean so much to us! We love all of you...Our friends and family in Christ.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, October 23, 2006 11:04 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY, (October 24th) ETHAN ALEXANDER!!! You keep us on our toes and with SMILES on our faces! We love you so much!!!

Good Evening,

We are doing very well. We had friends over on Saturday night, had a good morning in church on Sunday, and had friends over on Sunday afternoon for a combine ride! The Johnson's were in Rochester and made the venture once again to Goodhue. It was so great to see all of you!! It was the best to see Zach, Jake, and Sierra's faces after climbing out of the combine and collecting a cob of corn! Now, Serena it's our turn to send out some healing prayers for you during your surgery tomorrow. We're praying for a quick recovery this week and the weeks ahead. You have ALWAYS been there for us! We appreciate you so much!!!

Bryce has been doing awesome, as usual! It's hard for him to miss out on the combine rides while he's at school, though. He survives it... He's such a farmer, like his Dad. He has appts. on Wednesday evening at the PITC for labs for his liver enzymes and Tacrolimus level. He won't need to see Julia until the following Wednesday, November 1st. He will have his IV IG then, also. She called today and said his stool samples are negative, so that's good. Other than that, not much is new here on the home-front...

We need to continue to call out all of our awesome and powerful prayer warriors!!!! Our good friend, Jamie O'Reilly, found out last week that the cancer is back in the L3-L4 region. Please, please, please pray so very hard for Jamie and her healing!! Pray for Zach and their 5 precious little boys. Give all of them strength, especially Jamie. Pray for her courage and strength to fight the fight all over again. She's beat this once, and with God's almighty power, she can do it again!!! Please God bring MIRACLES to Jamie and give her peace within. We all love her so much!!! Her webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, October 20, 2006 6:55 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hello everyone~

Bryce has had a good week at school Monday-Wednesday with MEA break being Thursday & Friday. He has spent as much time in the combine with his Dad as possible these 2 days off of school. He looks AWESOME!!! He is joking and laughing and "eating like a horse"...whatever that means. His current favorite foods are buffalo roast, cereal, chicken or turkey hot dogs, and more buffalo roast. He's in the kitchen cooking whenever he can, too. Last night, Auntie Julie and the family came over to watch movies. That was fun! He was not ready to leave them this morning for appts. He was so hoping that they would still be here when we got back. Thanks for helping out with the kids this morning, Juls and gang!! We had a blast!

Bryce and I got a very late start to his appts. but it still worked out in the end. He had his labs drawn, left a stool sample, and saw Julia by 10:30. We stopped at the Good Food Store for more organic groceries, and then Target. He needed to get home to eat so he could get out in the field!! His CBC is good: hemoglobin 14.4; white count 3,700; ANC 2,600; and platelets 95,000. His Tacrolimus level is 4.3 (down from 5.1). Julia upped his dose to 6ml in the am and 5 ml in the pm. His liver enzymes went up for some reason again... His Alk. Phos. is 283 (up from 243--ok), AST is 246 (up from 140--normal is 22-44), ALT 678 (up from 314--normal is 10-45). So, that concerns the team. Julia was wondering what we were doing differently. Seriously, the only thing that I can think of is that he is having more foods that are still organic but have other things added to them. So, I don't know if that could affect his liver, too. We will be checking his liver enzymes and Tacrolimus level again next Wednesday evening in the PITC. He won't have another exam for 2 weeks because he is doing so well! He will have an eye exam next Friday morning because he is having a little difficulty with his left eye. They don't know if that could be GVH in his eye or if it could be strain from treatments. It's not terrible, it's just noticable to Bryce and the school nurse.

Now, I need to call out all of our awesome and powerful prayer warriors!!!! Our good friend, Jamie O'Reilly, has been having a lot of pain in her leg lately. As you can recall, she has had 3 surgeries to remove her cancer from her nerve. They cut the nerve off at L2. She had appts on Tuesday, and they ordered a PET Scan to be sure that the "neuroma" that they saw at L3-L4 was just a benign neuroma. She found out this afternoon that the PET Scan shows hot spots at L3-L4, the cancer is back. It is a small area, so that is a positive factor. But, as you know, it is hard to remain positive when you know that cancer is growing inside of you, again. Please, please, please pray so very hard for Jamie and her healing!! Pray for her positive spirit and for the cancer to be contained to one area and to leave her body. Pray for Zach and their 5 precious little boys. Give all of them strength, especially Jamie. This all takes such a toll on her. It exhausts her. Pray for her courage and strength to fight the fight all over again. She's beat this once, and with God's almighty power, she can do it again!!! Please God bring MIRACLES to Jamie and give her peace within. We all love her so much!!! Her webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. Thank you all for your continued prayers for all of our friends, always. You are all so wonderful to all of us. You are so gracious and kind and faith-filled. We love you all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, October 16, 2006 9:32 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hi everyone,

We are good. Bryce's labs are good, too. His hemoglobin is 13.6; ANC is 3,360; platelets are 104,000. She didn't say his white count. It must be around 4,800 with that ANC. His Tac. level is 5.1 so that is good too. His liver enzymes are about the same. Can't complain a bit! God is good!!! His supernatural powers are beyond measure! Life is good. Love to all!!! (Still trying to fight off this nasty cold I've got!)

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, October 15, 2006 10:05 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Wow.... I am so sorry for the delay!! We have been a busy group but I've also had a cold, still do, and have been trying to get to bed at night...which is also what I am doing next. Tim has been busy in the field and in the truck. The truck finished up hauling sweet corn on Friday night so that is wonderful. Now, he can put all of his time into the field work, there's less stress that way... We have all been good! Life is back to all the normal stuff--busy kids, busy mom & dad, appts., etc. etc. You all know... Bryce is enjoying the combine rides with his dad. Me and my boys cleaned up the yard and garage today. What a good job accomplished. Tim will be so happy when he gets home to find out.

Bryce is feeling great. I took him in last night to the PITC to get his blood drawn to recheck his CBC, Tacrolimus, and liver enzymes. We have not received a call, yet so I'm sure we will hear from Julia tomorrow. He will see Julia for an exam on Friday morning. He seems to have a smile on his face almost all the time, now. That is so good to see!!!! He makes so many people happy with his million-dollar smile! He always has. It bummed us out when we weren't seeing it very much for so long. But, it's all good now!!

I'm keeping this one short so I can get some rest. But, I will let you know what his lab results are tomorrow. Thank you and God bless you for all that you do for us!! Please keep all of the strong and powerful prayers coming for all of our friends fighting their battles!!! They are so special to us and so are you!! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Noelle, Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:35 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Afternoon! We are doing great! Tonight's the night!!! We are so excited to be watching Emeril Live (on the Food Network (cable) tonight at 7pm CST). I'm just a little afraid that I might look like a dork... We'll see. You can probably bank on it. At one point, the camera guy who is Emeril's good friend kept telling me to look at Emeril and smile,...keep smiling at Emeril,...keep smiling at Emeril... There's gotta be a quirky fake smile there somewhere...haha. You will notice when Emeril enters the set at the beginning of the show, he totally blows me off after he shakes Lana & Bryce's hands. We'll have to watch my facial expression. Should be funny. I just remember telling Bryce after that that he really should have stopped Emeril and told him to shake his Mom's hand...haha. We're not sure if they will show Garett (got it, Lana!!!) doing the Cindy Brady look into the camera. That was very funny!! Oh wow, lots of good memories from our trip to N.Y.C. and Emeril Live... Did I ever tell you about our "bike ride" down 5th Avenue (I think)??? That is one for the books!!! Remind me to tell you about that soon! Again, God is soooo good and constantly watching over all of us!!!

We saw Dr. Grothe yesterday. She told us about the GVH of the liver and the iron deposits in the liver. The Peds. Onc. team is deciding if Bryce should have the medication to get rid of the iron deposits or let it happen on its own. They have increased his Tacrolimus to 5cc morning and night. He requested a little spicy steak seasoning on his lunch today so, of course, I asked about his mouth sores. He said that his mouth is feeling a little better. YEAH!!! Maybe it's the Tacrolimus getting things in control a little more. His counts were (from Saturday) hemoglobin 13.4; white count 3,600; ANC 2,660; and platelets 80,000. His liver enzymes are coming way down!!! Yeah for that, too! I can't find my notes of his counts, though. (That will bug me, won't it, Serena??) She talked about his gall stones and said eventually they will probably have to be taken out but right now they are not causing any pain or obstruction. She said they were probably caused by the times when he wasn't eating and was on TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition). We won't need to see her again unless something more comes up with Bryce in the GI area.

So, we are just so grateful to God for our life, our many many blessings, and all of you!! Now, I need to call out all of our awesome and powerful prayer warriors for our new little friend, Noelle. She has relapsed a 3rd time with her AML (Leukemia). She had a cord transplant 14 months ago. She is from Wisconsin and is 2 1/2 years old...Bless her little heart. I spoke with her mom, Tonya, this morning. They are looking into a diet change, etc. I gave her lots of information, now we just need to pray and pray and pray for Noelle's healing and strength, for Dave & Tonya's strength and decision with God's guidance, and that they will give it all to God. It brings back so many memories... Not so good ones. But, our God can move mountains and He can heal Noelle. Please stop by her webpage at www.caringbridge.org/wi/noelle. She is just precious... Thank you for all that you do for us!!! You are all so special and so incredible!!! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, October 8, 2006 7:17 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Morning! And, Happy Birthday to Great Grandma Buck!!! We hope you get spoiled all day long, Grandma! You deserve it! We love you sooooo much!

Bryce is doing so good! He has more energy and spunk. He is enjoying his full days at school. He hasn't had a nap for more than a week! He loves riding in the combine with Dad--back to the "norm"! Tim has still been busy hauling sweet corn but these last couple of days the truck has been off. He needed that. He's less stressed if he can get into the field at this time. He and his boys are quite the team. It's funny how much they know about the farming.

Bryce has done really well since his liver biopsy on Wednesday. He had some tenderness that day but was good to go by the next day. Julia called with the results on Friday afternoon. Bryce has Acute Graft vs. Host Disease of the liver with injury to the bile ducts. Secondary diagnosis is iron deposits in the liver. For the GVH of the liver, they will optimize the Tacrolimus (anti-rejection drug) level between 5-10. I took him and Joel to the PITC yesterday morning, they drew his Tac. level, and it was still low at 3.4 (I believe). So, Dr. Bram--on call doctor--increased his dose to be 5 ml in the morning and at night each. I forgot to ask what his CBC and liver enzymes levels were. I'll find out on Monday with Dr. Grothe. Dr. Kahn ordered a quantitative analysis for the iron deposits. If Bryce needs it, he will be given another medication called Exjade to get rid of the iron deposits. The iron deposits are there from all of the transfusions he has had in the past.

Bryce's skin is looking much better. It still has the patchiness but it's not dry and flaky anymore. His feet.......ahhhhh.....they are as soft as baby feet, now. They are beautful. Don't think I'm goofy. You should have seen them a few months ago... You can still notice the Chronic GVH of the skin on his face and arms, just not as much. What a trooper. I'm so proud of him. And, I'm so happy, honored, and proud to be a part of one of God's many MIRACLES!!!! A few months ago, I was nervous, scared, not knowing what the future held, and letting God hold me up. Now, I know that God will always keep Bryce healthy and content, happy and care-free, trusting in Him. Keep your faith HUGE. God has a plan for every one of us. Are you listening to His plan?... It's so easy to ignore His plan and question and wonder. It's too bad that we sometimes forget that it's all in His hands, and we just need to hand it all over to Him. I still need to be reminded of that. God is soooo good. Without Him we have nothing, with Him we have EVERYTHING!!!! We appreciate you and your prayers soooo much! Please continue to pray for all of our friends fighting their battles, big or small. May God bless them with health, recovery, and wonderful people like YOU!!! Love to you all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, October 5, 2006 9:10 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Morning! Another beautiful day! It's quiet here at home so I thought I'd give you a quick update...

Bryce, Ethan, & I left home around 6:55am yesterday. We met Tim so Ethan could ride with him. We knew it wouldn't be pretty if he stayed at the hospital A - L - L day long. He just has so much more energy in a place that is not his normal, everyday surroundings. He and Dad "bonded" all day long in the truck. They got home around 6:30. Bryce and I got home around 6:45. Things went well at the hospital. He was admitted to 3F. We had to wait downstairs for his wristband and an escort--like we need one...for 20 minutes. They brought us up to Joseph 6G around 9:30. First, they did a liver ultrasound to get pictures so the radiologist knew where to go with the needle. Then, they put him to sleep. After he was sleeping, I CUT HIS NAILS (YEAH!). His toenails, too! He needed it so bad! You see, his hands and feet, especially the nail beds, are so sensitive. His nails are all coming off. So, clipping them was a good thing. He didn't think so when he woke up and saw it. He was mad at me. They catch on things, so he was nervous they would catch on things even more. Today, he hasn't said a thing about them. I think it will be a relief to him to have them off. They aren't as noticable now, either. That's also a good thing.

He woke up after the procedure around 11:15. We got to go back to his room around 12:30. We just hung out and watched TV. He needed to lie flat for a few hours and not eat. Then, after 2 hours he could drink fluids. After those 2 hours, he could eat. He ate about 6 bowls of cereal from about 3:15 until 6pm when we left. At 5pm, lab came and drew a CBC. His hemoglobin was 14.3, white count 3,200, and platelets were 100,000--I think. With the good CBC, we could go home. When we got home, he ate buffalo roast and got into bed around 7:45. It was a long day but all went well. I don't know if we will hear any results until our appt. on Monday with Dr. Grothe.

The boys all slept in a little today so I brought them to school. They are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their mini fridge that they earned for the magazine sales. Thanks to everyone who helped them earn it! I am trying to remember to stop and pray whenever I think of it today. In the hustle and bustle of "life", I've noticed that sometimes I forget to thank God for EVERYTHING that He has blessed me with in my life. God is soooo good. Please always remember and keep reminding me that 'With God all things are possible' AND 'With God we have everything and without God we have nothing'.... Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, October 3, 2006 10:09 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


What a beautiful night in MN! The sky is starting to light up with some distant lightening. Bryce had a good day at school today, other than Mom messing up his lunch... I picked up my neice, Kelli, to babysit after school. I took Bryce down to get a platelet transfusion at the PITC. We got there around 5pm and left around 7pm. Dr. Grothe just wanted a little extra boost before the liver biopsy procedure tomorrow. They were 81,000 yesterday. Julia called with the liver CT results today. She said the spleen is slightly enlarged, the liver doesn't really show much, and the gall bladder appears to have "stone material measuring 7mm in length". Julia said that that could cause the liver enzymes to rise. She also said that the gall stones--if that is what it is--could be there because of medications he has received. We didn't get to talk to Dr. Grothe so I am interested to hear what she says tomorrow. I asked Julia what Dr. Grothe said. Her response to Julia was, "There is nothing there that excites me too much. I still want to get a biopsy." So, I will bring Bryce in around 7:30 to be admitted to 3 Francis at St. Mary's. He will have the procedure on Joseph 6G and be monitored for internal bleeding for up to 6 hours. Hopefully, we will get to go home. I have a good feeling that we will be going home early afternoon. We have the follow-up/get the results appt. with Dr. Grothe on Monday at 3pm.

I don't know much more and need to get up early so I'm heading out. I hope everyone is doing wonderful!! Please continue to pray for Bryce's (and all of our's) precious, little friends who are fighting their battles--the big friends, too! We are all a gift from God, no matter what that negative voice tells us on the inside, occasionally!!! We love and appreciate all of you sooooo much! Pat yourselves on the back for helping us get through all of this this past year! God is soooo good, isn't he?!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, October 2, 2006 11:29 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hey everyone! We're good. Bryce, Logan, and Joel made it to the bus at 6:55 (!) this morning. Mitchell woke up with the flu. He's doing much better! I picked up Bryce from school at 10am. We saw Dr. Grothe, who is great by the way, at 11:15. She did a thorough history with me and an exam with Bryce. She ordered a CT of his liver for today and a liver biopsy for Wednesday. The liver CT will show if there is a fungal infection in the liver. If there is, they would need to biopsy it anyway to see what type of infection. If there is no infection, then they need to do a biopsy to see what is going on in there. Either way the liver is not so healthy in Bryce. She said it could be a fungal infection, GVH of the liver, or toxicity from some of the medications he has taken now or in the past. We have a follow-up appt. with her on Monday at 3pm. She also ordered labs: CBC (hemoglobin 13, white count 5,400, platelets 81,000), liver enzymes--which have gone down (Alk. Phos 423, ALT 559, and AST 101), and then other liver disease tests.

We went to the PITC at St. Mary's at 12:45. They started an IV and drew blood for the tests. Then, he and I went to Joseph 6G for his liver CT with contrast. Then, we went back to the PITC for pre-meds. At 2:40, the nurse started the IV IG. This is a medicine given IV to support him from immunosuppression which is from the Tacrolimus and steroids. He will get the IV IG once a month. He finished up with that at 5pm. We had to make a quick stop at the Good Food Store and then home. We stopped at home for the organic food we ordered from the rural Goodhue organic coop group and brought some to Grandma Linda. She had picked up Ethan from daycare. Then, we were home to get kids to bed. Whew!

I'll let you know if I hear any results before Wednesday. We have to be at St. Mary's Joseph 6G by 7:45am for the liver (needle) biopsy. They do put him to sleep for this. He is not nervous. Dr. Grothe explained it so well to him. They will need to observe him for 6 hours just in case of bleeding. So, that will be another long day. He may need platelets before. We will know more about that tomorrow. Love to all!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:24 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


My how time flies....

I was going to update yesterday to tell you about the BIG DAY today! We stayed at Uncle Geoff's last night in Minneapolis so we could get up early to cheer Auntie Manda on at the Twin Cities Marathon! She and her friend, Jess, ran in honor of Bryce for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! Yes,...all 26.2 MILES!!!! My sister, Julie's boyfriend, Jon, also ran the marathon! Kudos to these people of strength! I can barely get the .2 in!!! Anyway, we were so proud of all of them!!! **Note the new pictures in the photo album, too.** Lots of people, lots of praise needed! They were AWESOME!!! The energy is incredible! It was so fun to finally meet, face to face, Heidi Gusenius and her husband, Mik!! What an inspiration they are!!! Afterwards, we went to Amanda's friends, Shannon & Amanda's (Buck), house. That was nice and relaxing with lots of visiting by all!

Bryce made it full days at school on Thursday and Friday! Yeah! Watching your child come out from a full day of school (finally, after a year) is one of the best memories ever!!! Punt, pass, and kick was Saturday morning along with flag football. Bryce enjoyed the P,P,& K a lot! The boys are having lots of fun with the sports!

Bryce has his appt. with Dr. Grothe in GI tomorrow at 11am. We'll see what she thinks. He is now on another antibiotic called Zithromax for more stool problems! ugh. Soon... Soon. We will be done with the "extras". We understand the Chronic GVHD will be extended.

Thank you for all of your continuous prayers for Bryce and his friends. We love the fact that we are all a little closer, in some cases-- a lot closer, to God because of His work. God is so good. Please share that with others. We are soooooo blessed. Thank you, and thank God, for everything in our lives!!! Early bus route starts tomorrow for the month. So, I need to get to bed to get up early. The boys need to be out for the bus by 7:05am! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, September 28, 2006 9:31 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hi everyone!

We are good! Bryce is going to try a full day of school, his choice. We'll see how it goes. I think he can do it. He did not have a nap yesterday, and then went to bed at 7:30. That seemed to work well.

I took him to appts. yesterday. First, we left a stool sample because he's been having diarrhea again. The antibiotics weaken his intestinal system. So, he is starting his Flagyl again for that. Then, he had his blood drawn. His CBC was good. His hemoglobin is 14.6; white count 4,300; ANC 2,880; and platelets 69,000. His blood sugar is normal at 74, so that is good! His Tacrolimus (anti-rejection drug) level is low at 2.6. We're not sure why it's low. But, we are increasing it to 4ml morning and night. They want it between 5-15. His liver enzymes are higher. His Alk. Phos. is 530; ALT 1,143; AST 345; and Bilirubin .4 (normal). Dr. Kahn decided to add a Ferritin level because with all of his transfusions, his Ferritin (Iron) could be high. If that was the case, they could give him a medication to bind with the Ferritin/iron and then the liver would get rid of it. But, his Ferritin wasn't high enough. It was 4,674 (normal is 14-336). It's probably just this high because of transfusions. A really high Ferritin causing liver problems could be 20,000. So, the Ferritin level is probably not the cause of the liver problems in Bryce's situation. They are glad that we are seeing the GI doctor on Monday. Something is going on in the liver, not sure what. Could be GVH of the liver but the Bilirubin is not high. We'll know more on Monday. They talked to us more about Bryce's current diagnosis: Chronic Graft vs. Host Disease or Graft vs. Leukemia. It's very interesting that the body fights the leukemia off, and it's a good thing. But, it is "chronic". Meaning, it will last a long time. There are people being treated 5 years out. Bryce is responding to the steroids very well. They added Nystantin (an anti-fungal) mouth wash so he doesn't get thrush in his mouth. But, it hurt him so bad last night that he screamed and cried. So, I'm not sure where we are going to go with that. We are continuing on the supplements and oils with him. He is still doing the organic diet full force. Tim said last night, "I wish we could just take our boys out to eat sometime." I do, too. But, we both feel very strongly that we still want to give Bryce's body more time to recover and build up stronger before we add the other foods back in or even give him a "treat". They are all very patient. They don't even ask. Bryce does check out all of the food whenever we go to a store though. I don't know if I would have that strong of a will-power... Bless his heart!!!

Bryce has his GI appt on Monday at 11am. Then, we go to the PITC for his IV IG infusion. That is a 3 hour infusion of Immunoglobulin to boost his immune system. He will need this once a month for possibly a year. The steroids will be on-board in his system for quite a while and they suppress the immune system. That is why he will need the IVIG and the antibiotics. He will eventually be on just the Tacrolimus. He could be on these medications for a year up to 5 years. We'll just wait, watch, and know more with his continuous response with the GVHD.

Huge THANKS goes out to Nicole Lyon for announcing the Emeril Live air date: Tuesday, October 10th 7pm CST on the Food Network!!!! We're soooooo excited! Lana and I are already talking about a Watch the Emeril Live Show Party together. We're pretty excited! Bryce told Julia and Dr. Kahn about it yesterday. Dr. Kahn is so excited. She watches the Food Network a lot. So cool....

Ok. I gotta run. But, I hope everyone is having a great week! We love you all!!!! God bless you and your family's. He is sooooooooo good! KTIS is having it's Sharathon Fundraiser. It ends today. I just love that station because it really got me through a lot in the tough times!!! Please consider giving. Love to all!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:10 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hey everyone. We are good! Bryce is still going to school until noon. I think he's working his way up to 1pm, his energy level is increasing. He still naps every day, though. He rode in the combine with Grandpa this afternoon. Boy, was he ever excited about that!! The insomnia is getting better. I suppose that his steroid level in his body is lower so then he has less insomnia. I spoke with Julia today. We go in tomorrow for labs and to see her. He will have his (usual) CBC, a liver profile, electrolytes profile, Tacrolimus level, and blood sugar. The blood sugar is something we decided today. I thought that we saw GI tomorrow but I was wrong. It's next Monday at 11am. He was itching more yesterday so I wonder if we have the steroids too low or if it's just dry skin. All is good, though! We appreciate every single prayer that you send out for Bryce and his friends!!! We pray for God's abundant blessings to you, also! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, September 24, 2006 10:36 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hi everyone!

We are doing well here in the Breuer Home. Sorry for the delay in the update...It's been a little busy around here, as usual. The boys are all good! Well, you know, there's a 'few' things we are currently 'working' on...We all have room for improvement, right?!

Bryce is doing good. He seems to have a bit more energy every day. I love that! He's so funny. He's always throwing out a funny expression or saying. He is still having the mouth sores on his tongue and on the inside of his cheeks. That is such a bummer. They look really uncomfortable. He takes Tylenol occasionally for them. Tim thinks his liver feels larger, too. We will go in for labs at 8:30am on Wednesday morning, and then see the GI doctors for his liver at 11am. He's eating a ton. He must eat at least 4 bowls of cereal everyday, if not more. That's in addition to lunch and supper. His tummy is sticking out more--like Grandpa's! (Just had to add that, if I didn't the boys would have ;-)

The boys and I went to Kellogg to the Majerus Garage Fundraiser for Camp Jornada on Saturday afternoon. They had some really cool cars for us to ride in. They even squeeled the tires for us! We got to go mini golfing and ride the hand-crafted carosel. That was a very fun afternoon! What a great group of people raising money for a great cause! Tim & I had a 'hot date' last night with 12 1/2 other couples. (Actually, he said it's not a 'hot date' if it's with 11 other couples. I told him, it's a 'hot date' if we are getting out of the house without the kids!) At the Carnival of Love on the Silent Auction, they had all bid on a Prime Rib dinner from the Goodhue Grill. They treated Tim & I to our meal! Thanks everyone! What a great time! We needed that!

I'm gonna head to bed. This girl's tired! Thanks for all of the powerful prayers that you are sending out for Bryce and our friends! Nikki and Kristina aren't feeling so well this past week from their spinal tap chemos, so please send lots of prayers out for them! They are 2 very special, young women!! Caringbridge.org/mn/nikki and caringbridge.org/mn/eskimo for Kristina. I know that they personally love guest book entries! So, let's flood them! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, September 20, 2006 11:50 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


It has been such a beautiful day. Ethan and I had a quick visit with my sister, Julie this morning. I picked up Bryce at noon. We came home and had lunch. I told him that it was one year ago today that... He interrupted and said, "That I relapsed." I said, "Do you remember that day?" He said, "A little." I told him about how he had a spinal tap chemo 'yesterday' and his counts were low. That made me a bit nervous. Then, 'today' was the day that I was driving to pick up Ethan at 4:30 when Dr. Rodriguez called my cell phone. I had to pull over and take notes through my tears. I was in shock. I thought that they probably weren't sure--that they were wrong. She repeated to me that they felt he had relapsed. She told us to come in 'tomorrow' for a bone marrow biopsy.

Talk about stopping in your tracks and feeling like time has stopped with you... Our whole lives changed that day, especially Bryce's. Little did we know what we had ahead of us. We just did whatever they told us to to get our baby better. That was the beginning of another roller coaster ride. But, I'm not reminiscing about it to have a pitty party because our lives are soooooooooooo good!!! So many times this past year, I have wondered how things would be on this very day--today. It makes me cry with TEARS OF JOY for the relief of knowing that our child is going to live!!!!!!!! We are so grateful to God!!! What a MIRACLE He has given us! Our lifesong sings to Him. We give Him all the glory!!

Please take extra time today to pray for all of the people fighting their battles, big or small. Pray for them to have the incredible results that Bryce has had. We know God works MIRACLES! We've seen it happen! Let's pray for MIRACLES in their lives. I know that there are recheck appts. for some friends of ours. Please send extra powerful prayers for them to get great results. We appreciate you soooo much! Love, hugs, and God's abundant blessings to all of you!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 9:47 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good evening. What a busy day. Bryce did well at school again. He asked me to bring his tractor for show and tell. So, I brought it around 11:50 and then brought him home for lunch and a nap. He's doing well staying until noon this week. We are trying to keep up on the school work which is a bit challenging when you include a long lunch--he eats very slowly because he has so many sores on his tongue--then a nap, then the wake up time, and the cooking supper time... Get my drift? Each day seems to bring a bit more energy for him. The toughest part is the tongue and the insomnia during the night. He's only up a few times to go to the bathroom but sometimes he is awake for a while. We'll get this homework thing caught up soon.

Julia called today. His Tacrolimus level is a bit low so she increased it in the morning to 4ml and stayed at 3ml at night. His liver enzymes are higher. So, the team discussed it and they want his liver biopsied to check for GVHD of the liver. We will come back in for another Tacrolimus level next Wednesday and see GI (Gastrointestinal doctors) then. Michelle will call us with our appts. tomorrow.

Thanks for all of the guestbook entries today! It's so much fun to read them! Little Emma signed from Emma's Hope. What a sweetheart you are, Emma! Everyone give each other a hug from the Breu Crew! You rock!!! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, September 18, 2006 10:00 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hello everyone! We had another good day! Bryce woke up at 6:40am. He was wide awake and asked if he could take a shower. That was a good start! Mrs. Dressen said he had a good morning at school. By the way, I finally took the first day of school picture today because it was the first day we had time...kinda funny! I brought Bryce's lunch to school at noon. He loved it. I brought him home after that. We were only home for an hour and he, Dad, and Mitch were off to Roch. for his appts. I met them down there. He's looking so good! His skin is looking better. He got his stitch out today where they took the skin biopsy for the GVHD. It was burried in there. His counts are good. His hemoglobin is 14.3; white count 4,200; ANC 3,110; and platelets 55,000. Julia is not concerned about his platelet drop because she feels very strongly that it is from the GVHD. It should start coming up again soon. She will call me tomorrow with his liver enzyme results. She's keeping his meds the same. Did you see the new pictures in the photo album?! Kinda fun.

Thanks for everything once again. I know I say that a lot but you have all done SO MUCH for us!!! I could never say it enough! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, September 17, 2006 11:20 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Note the new pictures in the photo album!

EMMA'S HOPE: Fundraiser for Children's Cancer Research Fund was on Saturday, September 16th, 2006 at the Pepin School in Pepin, WI from 10am-noon. There was a 2 1/2 mile walk and a Silent Auction. We walked in honor of Emma, Bryce, Zoey, and many other children fighting their battles with cancer in hopes of a cure someday!!! If anyone has any questions for Angie, you can email her at aliemma@hotmail.com. She is the founder in honor of her beautiful daughter, Emma. I'll get some pictures in soon.

What an INCREDIBLE morning that was!!! I cannot not say enough about the people who: created this event (Angie & Shaugn Laehn), attended this event, and donated to this event! We were surrounded, once again, by so much love and compassion. AND, such FAITH in God... That's what matters the most, wouldn't you agree?! Thank you all for the love and support that you showed us and many others yesterday. There are sooooo many good people out there! Did you all realize that? There really are... Angie, it was so wonderful to finally meet you. You are one energetic, compassionate, and amazing faith-filled woman!! Thank you for always being there for us. We'll be back next year and every year after!!!

We've had a great weekend!! The steroids have definitely kicked in for Bryce. He is hungry the majority of the time. Only, with the steroids this time, it's not so easy to fix his cravings quickly. It's hard to keep up, in fact. When he was on steroids before the diet change, we could just stop and grab whatever he needed. Now, we have to stop and think, and create it! It's all good... We have our baby... We kiss him every night. We can hug him and touch him and love him. It's all good... (Thank you, God!!!)

After Emma's Hope yesterday, we came home and cleaned up the kitchen so we could mess it up with home-made, from the garden, salsa. 11 jars later, Tim and I were beat. His fingers were burning from the red chiles. Mine only burned just a bit,...I cut less and did more tomatoes. The boys helped too, so it was a family thing. And, it was fun! The salsa turned out pretty good. Today, we went to Sunday School and church and then, home for lunch and the game. Go Vikings! We've been working on school work with Bryce to help him catch up from the time he has missed. It feels like life is gettting normal... I just really LOVED typing that! Normal. Normal. Normal. See, I told you I loved typing that. I am most excited that my little boy's life will be more normal from now on. We just need to get these liver enzymes back in order. His tongue has more sores today. That is such a bummer. It looks aweful and hurts him so much. And, then you top it off with steroid cravings. Not real fun for him because of the sores bothering him while he is eating. But, once again, he's a trooper. Gotta love him. Oh, I almost forgot, he's very tired because the steroids cause insomnia. So, he's been awake alot during the night--bless his heart...;-)

Tomorrow, he will go to school until after lunch (he wants to eat with his friends,...isn't that cute! :-) Hopefully, he'll get a quick nap in and then, we go to the clinic for labs and exam with Julia. Hopefully, his liver enzymes are coming down. On his counts last week, I goofed. His white count was 5,000 not 3,500 for those "particular" people like myself (Serena). I forgot to correct it. (Obviously, it's still buggin' me!) Enough rambling, I'm going to bed. Thanks for everything. Especially to our Great Healer... What a beautiful, precious gift life is. Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, September 15, 2006 6:35 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


EMMA'S HOPE: Fundraiser for Children's Cancer Research Fund
Saturday, September 16th, 2006
Pepin, WI Plum City School
10am-noon Walk
Silent Auction
**Walk 2 1/2 miles in honor of Emma, Bryce, Zoey, and many other children fighting their battles with cancer.

We are having a great day! Bryce has a little more pep, he had a good nap, and he also rode the bus for the first time this school year and stayed at school until 12:30! What a great day! We are soooooo excited for Emma's Hope tomorrow. If any of you would like to come on over to Pepin and walk with us, we'd be glad to have you!!!

Not much is new. Bryce's mouth is still bothering him a bit and he's still feeling well. He has lost some weight (he's down to 53 pounds) but he is starting to eat more than he has been. The steroids are kicking in, I believe. We had a good week at school. It's magazine sale week. The brothers are on a mission to earn the mini refridgerator. They've put their names together again in this year to collect more points under one name. It's cute. Gotta run for supper. Thanks for all of your continued prayers and have a wonderful weekend!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, September 13, 2006 11:45 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Hey everyone! We are doing very well. Today Bryce and I are feeling the 'lack of sleep' from this last hospital stay, though. We are dragging really bad... But, he looks sooooo good!!! He's lost the puffiness in his face, and that's what makes the most difference. His skin is also looking better. It's not completely back to normal but it is looking better than it did. He went to school for 2 1/2 hours yesterday and 2 hours today. Dad and Ethan came along to appts. today. It was fun to have Dad along, again...Ethan--without a nap--made it interesting. He's a funny little guy with lots of energy and a very loud voice, if he wants it to be!

Bryce's counts were: hemoglobin 13.8; white count 3,500; ANC 3,580; and platelets 70,000. They feel the platelets are staying the same because of the GVHD. His potassium is a little lower today at 3.5. But don't worry, we bought organic bananas again today! His liver enzymes are up. His AST is 199 (up from 104), AST 271 (up from 145), and Alk. Phos. 1,160 (up from 856). So, they will watch his liver enzymes closely. They are discussing if he could have GVHD in his liver possibly. To confirm it, they would do a liver biopsy, but that is the last resort. His skin biopsy of his arm came back confirming Graft vs. Host Disease. That was good to know. We are continuing on the Hydrocortisone and Triamcinilone Creams. He's finishing up his Flagyl tonight. His diarrhea is much better. He continues to do the steroid mouthwash 3 times a day to heal his mouth, and the Amoxicillin 1 time a day as a prophylactic. They decreased his Prednisone (oral steroid) to 10mg. Yeah for that! They started him on Tacrolimus again. That is his anti-rejection drug. With the GVHD going on, they want his new cells to calm down and not do any more rejecting. They have us coming back for appts. on Monday afternoon to check his Tac. level. They want it at a certain level. We will also check his CBC and liver enzymes then.

We asked Barb to come over again tonight to work on his liver with massage. He was not as welcoming to her tonight as he was last week. Thanks for all of your awesome work, Barb! She's incredible! But, he was way too tired tonight to be working 'other stuff'. He asked if he could sleep in tomorrow to try to catch up. I agreed that it would be a good idea. We'll see how the morning goes with the brothers and the noise. Thanks to Great Grandma Buck for letting Bryce hang out with her yesterday afternoon for a few hours. I love the fact that they got some bonding time in! Grandma is such a wonderful, wonderful person! We love you, Grandma!

Our thanks goes out to all of you, once again! We appreciate your love and support! We love you celebrating with us!!! Our God is so good and so loving. Whenever we have a doubt, we must always go to Him.... Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, September 11, 2006 10:20 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


We are home! Bryce looks awesome!!! His face is less puffy and his skin looks better. He is very exhausted from the interupted sleep and late nights (Marshmellow Mom)in the hospital, though. I'm tired, too. I will update more tomorrow. He has appts. on Wednesday. Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, September 11, 2006 10:34 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Here's my update from last night at 11pm. I don't know why it didn't save! We are packing up to head home. yeah! Thanks to Auntie Manda for helping us out this morning with the brothers. You rock!

Hey everyone. I hope you are all doing well. We are doing pretty good here. We are still at the hospital but hopefully tomorrow is our day to get out. Dr. Kahn wanted to keep us here one more day for a few different reasons. His potassium level was low when he was admitted, and she thinks that was the cause of the muscle pain in his chest. He has been getting potassium through his IV. She will have it checked again tomorrow at 5am...They need the results by the time they are doing rounds. He also had a fever during the night again last night. So, she wanted to see him fever-free. He was still having quite a bit of diarrhea even though he's been getting Flagyl for it since Thursday. So, today we measured it all day and sent off another sample. She started him on some steroid creams today for his skin which I didn't get on him much today because he said it "burned" his skin. We'll try more tomorrow. He had a chest x-ray today because he was coughing more during the night and it was sounding more productive. The chest x-ray was negative. His labs were drawn today including another blood culture because of the fever during the night. His hemoglobin was 13.1; white count 3,500; ANC 2,540; and platelets 70,000. His liver enzymes came down just a tiny bit.

Dad, Mitch, Logan, & Joel came down today. Bryce was very happy to have them here. He gets pretty silly when he knows that they are coming! That's so good to see him like that. Dad put a buffalo roast in the crock pot early this morning so we had a delicious supper! Thanks, honey! We are anxious to get home... Nothings better than being together. Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, September 9, 2006 10:59 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


OK. So, I'm finally back with an update. I say finally because I thought I would update a long time ago. Time flies by so quickly in the hospital. There is always someone coming or going here. Bryce has had a busy day. It hasn't been one of his favorites, either. But, tonight he was over all of the events of the day. He must get that from his father--getting over things a little quicker--unless that's a guy-thing?...

He slept until about 8:40am. He had gotten up during the night probably 3 times to use the bathroom or with vitals. His cough was a tiny bit more raspy this morning but he didn't cough at all during the night. He doesn't have any more pain in his chest. Dr. Kahn was in at 9am. She looked right at him and said, "That looks like Graft vs. Host Disease." She was looking at his hands, feet and face. She thinks his mouth looks like it, too. So, she called the Oral Team to come and do a biopsy of his mouth. He was feeling very crummy all day with a fever (at one point it was 102.8) until about 4pm when the Tylenol kicked in. The oral doctor came in and looked into his mouth and planned everything out that he was going to do. He came back, stuck a swab with numbing "goop" inside of Bryce's right check and let it sit. Then, he used a needle with Novicaine to numb him more. That just made me cringe! Call me crazy but I have never like needles in my mouth! After giving it time to numb his cheek, he had the nurse, Josh-2 (that's for Nikki cuz I knew you would wonder which Josh!...), try to hold his cheek open. Well, unless you haven't seen Bryce lately, you would know that his cheeks are a bit puffy. It's really not easy to try to hold his cheek open, or his mouth, for that fact. The doctor made a slice, but only sliced off one of his ulcers. There was no way he was going to be able to get a good sample/biopsy. So, he decided it would be better to wait and either (A) go to Gonda 7 on Monday and sedate Bryce for a biopsy or (B) get a biopsy in the O.R. on Monday. He called the Peds. Onc. Team and they said they would call the Dermatology Team. So, then that doctor came and looked at his skin to make a decision about a location for the biopsy. Bryce was at his highest with his fever at this point, and did not want any more people poking or prodding at him. His mouth was numb and he was mad at me for letting them do it. I explained that Dr. Kahn needed a sample to verify that he did indeed have Graft vs. Host Disease. She would start steroids after the sample was taken. In the meantime, we had put EMLA cream on his arm for another blood culture... He couldn't have Tylenol for the fever until the blood culture was drawn. He also was concerned that if they went into the same vein that has the IV in it (only higher up on his arm), they would run into the white tube that was pushing the IV fluid into his vein. Ahh, young fresh brain cells thinking ahead and thinking safe,...wish I had some! At one point today he scolded me (I can't remember if it was during the mouth biopsy because of its difficulty and pain or the blood culture draw), "There's a time to worry! And, now's the time!!" I actually thought that was pretty cute. But, don't tell him that... He really didn't get much of a nap today because then, the dermatologist came back to take the skin sample of his left upper arm. He had EMLA cream on that before the numbing shot, too. He did really well for that. Dad was here by then, I think that helped. We watched a few movies. I've been enthralled in the Sept. 11th footage tonight. Unbelievable... It's hard to believe that it's been 5 years already. It seems like yesterday. Let's all say some really powerful prayers for all of the victims and their family's for the next few days, especially.

So, now Bryce is on Penicillin, Flagyl, Bactrim--routine, Trimexilone (oral swish and spit for the mouth sores), and Prednisone. They said he will need to start the anti-rejection drug, Tacrolimus, again if it is GVHD. Plus, I gave him a few of his supplements and oils tonight. I feel bad for the little guy. I can't wait for him to be done with all of this! He was really sick of it all today. Send him prayers of strength, please. We are praying for his healing, strength, and recovery for his mouth, skin, and liver with no fevers! He's a good kid. We are so grateful to God for blessing us with him for so much more time! Thank you, God, for all of your wonderful blessings. Thanks to Grandma Linda, Auntie Shelly, and Great Aunt Cindy for helping us out with the brothers. HI BOYS! WE ARE HOPING TO BE HOME WITH YOU TOMORROW!! WE LOVE YOU!! BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR AND BE HELPERS! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, September 9, 2006 10:59 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


OK. So, I'm finally back with an update. I say finally because I thought I would update a long time ago. Time flies by so quickly in the hospital. There is always someone coming or going here. Bryce has had a busy day. It hasn't been one of his favorites, either. But, tonight he was over all of the events of the day. He must get that from his father--getting over things a little quicker--unless that's a guy-thing?...

He slept until about 8:40am. He had gotten up during the night probably 3 times to use the bathroom or with vitals. His cough was a tiny bit more raspy this morning but he didn't cough at all during the night. He doesn't have any more pain in his chest. Dr. Kahn was in at 9am. She looked right at him and said, "That looks like Graft vs. Host Disease." She was looking at his hands, feet and face. She thinks his mouth looks like it, too. So, she called the Oral Team to come and do a biopsy of his mouth. He was feeling very crummy all day with a fever (at one point it was 102.8) until about 4pm when the Tylenol kicked in. The oral doctor came in and looked into his mouth and planned everything out that he was going to do. He came back, stuck a swab with numbing "goop" inside of Bryce's right check and let it sit. Then, he used a needle with Novicaine to numb him more. That just made me cringe! Call me crazy but I have never like needles in my mouth! After giving it time to numb his cheek, he had the nurse, Josh-2 (that's for Nikki cuz I knew you would wonder which Josh!...), try to hold his cheek open. Well, unless you haven't seen Bryce lately, you would know that his cheeks are a bit puffy. It's really not easy to try to hold his cheek open, or his mouth, for that fact. The doctor made a slice, but only sliced off one of his ulcers. There was no way he was going to be able to get a good sample/biopsy. So, he decided it would be better to wait and either (A) go to Gonda 7 on Monday and sedate Bryce for a biopsy or (B) get a biopsy in the O.R. on Monday. He called the Peds. Onc. Team and they said they would call the Dermatology Team. So, then that doctor came and looked at his skin to make a decision about a location for the biopsy. Bryce was at his highest with his fever at this point, and did not want any more people poking or prodding at him. His mouth was numb and he was mad at me for letting them do it. I explained that Dr. Kahn needed a sample to verify that he did indeed have Graft vs. Host Disease. She would start steroids after the sample was taken. In the meantime, we had put EMLA cream on his arm for another blood culture... He couldn't have Tylenol for the fever until the blood culture was drawn. He also was concerned that if they went into the same vein that has the IV in it (only higher up on his arm), they would run into the white tube that was pushing the IV fluid into his vein. Ahh, young fresh brain cells thinking ahead and thinking safe,...wish I had some! At one point today he scolded me (I can't remember if it was during the mouth biopsy because of its difficulty and pain or the blood culture draw), "There's a time to worry! And, now's the time!!" I actually thought that was pretty cute. But, don't tell him that... He really didn't get much of a nap today because then, the dermatologist came back to take the skin sample of his left upper arm. He had EMLA cream on that before the numbing shot, too. He did really well for that. Dad was here by then, I think that helped. We watched a few movies. I've been enthralled in the Sept. 11th footage tonight. Unbelievable... It's hard to believe that it's been 5 years already. It seems like yesterday. Let's all say some really powerful prayers for all of the victims and their family's for the next few days, especially.

So, now Bryce is on Penicillin, Flagyl, Bactrim--routine, Trimexilone (oral swish and spit for the mouth sores), and Prednisone. They said he will need to start the anti-rejection drug, Tacrolimus, again if it is GVHD. Plus, I gave him a few of his supplements and oils tonight. I feel bad for the little guy. I can't wait for him to be done with all of this! He was really sick of it all today. Send him prayers of strength, please. We are praying for his healing, strength, and recovery for his mouth, skin, and liver with no fevers! He's a good kid. We are so grateful to God for blessing us with him for so much more time! Thank you, God, for all of your wonderful blessings. Thanks to Grandma Linda, Auntie Shelly, and Great Aunt Cindy for helping us out with the brothers. HI BOYS! WE ARE HOPING TO BE HOME WITH YOU TOMORROW!! WE LOVE YOU!! BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR AND BE HELPERS! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, September 8, 2006 11:42 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Bryce is such a trooper. We are at the hospital again. We got here around 4:30pm today. He has had a high fever during the night and when he wakes up from his naps, he has trouble catching his breathe. He has been getting more raspy with his breathing and coughing a bit more. He was saying it was hard to get air sometimes. We didn't know if it could be the start of pneumonia, and he was obviously very uncomfortable. So, we came in this afternoon to the clinic. The chest x-ray was negative but sometimes chest x-rays don't show everything, the team said. His temp. was up again and he was definitely uncomfortable. We were ok with coming. They had said they would probably do a chest CT and antibiotics but they decided not to. So, he is currently getting IV fluids. They drew a CBC, electrolytes, blood culture, and liver profile. His liver enzymes are coming down. We've had him on one oil specifically for the liver since Tuesday night, after the last liver profile. We started him back on some of the supplements and oils last night, and a few more today. His hemoglobin is 12.7; white count 3,900; ANC 2,610; and platelets 87,000. I'm guessing all of these results are lower from the high fevers (102.5) he's been having the last 2 days. Tonight his temp. was up to 101.7. They gave him Motrin and it's down again. His calf muscles in his legs are hurting most of the day, too. I wish he was feeling better but I know it will come with time. We are so thrilled for the MIRACLE results we have received about his REMISSION!! Now, I am just so ready to pick up our lives, heal him completely and get going again with our normal lives. Call me impatient, but I'm ready to resume normalcy!

I'm gonna sign off already. I'm just a bit tired. Pray for a good nights rest for Bryce. And, for the fevers to stop. It concerns Tim & I that he keeps having them. I'm anxious to keep watching the liver enzymes go back into the normal range. They are over twice as high as the normal range, right now. Hopefully, they will keep drifting downward. Thanks for all of your prayers and excitement! We love you CELEBRATING with us!!!! We are just sooooo happy! God's unconditional love is just the best!!! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, September 6, 2006 11:10 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


I took Bryce in this morning to the PITC for blood cultures and to leave a stool sample. He has been having diarrhea more often today and last night. It could be from having all of the antibiotics. He didn't complain about his mouth as much today. But, he just did not feel good. He took a good nap this afternoon, so that was good. He was a little bummed to miss his first day of third grade. But, under the circumstances, we are all so glad that he is going back to school leukemia-free!! His friend, Katelyn, stopped by with her mom and sister after school. They brought us a really cute Halloween decoration. It is 3 ghosts surrounding a pumpkin. On the pumpkin, it says, "The Boo Crew". I love it! I definitely think I'll be using THAT this Halloween season! Thanks, Stehr's!

Tonight, Bryce had a healing massage from a wonderful woman named, Barb. She was awesome! He was in pain with his tummy and lying on the couch. After about 5-10 minutes, he was in no pain and talking and joking with her! That is record time for him to really warm up to a new person... We are very excited with this new type of healing treatment. She will come back next Wednesday. She was a blessing tonight, that's for sure.

I had a really fun evening. I met my mom and my sisters, Pam & Julie, in Red Wing. Julie's birthday was Saturday. So, this was her birthday meal. It was so much fun and so much needed. I really enjoyed our bonding time. Thanks for everything that all of you have done for us! You are the BEST. You are a huge blessing to us. We appreciate all of you so much! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, September 5, 2006 10:54 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


What a crazy-busy day!!! I knew today was a big day of meeting the boys' teachers at school but it hit really hit home tonight. Sept. 5 is the day for Rachel Tweeten's MRI. Rachel is from Iowa and has a brain tumor. She is currently undergoing chemo for her tumor. Well, PRAISE GOD ONCE AGAIN!!! Rachel's tumor is shrinking!! Yeah! We are so happy here in the Breuer Home! Pleas send Rachel and her awesome family a note! They are at www.caringbridge.visit/racheltweeten. Thanks and keep the prayers coming!

We've had a very busy couple of days. I'm tired and need to get up before the boys tomorrow so this is gonna be short and sweet... Bryce has been doing ok. We have been hanging out at home. His temps. rise in the evening but tonight got up to 101.6. We spoke with Dr. Kahn and she said to give him Tylenol. Since he doesn't have his central line in his chest anymore, we don't have to rush in for antibiotics. We went in this morning instead of waiting until Thursday. Bryce's mouth has many sores inside on his cheeks and under his tongue. It hurts him a lot! We got some Haddad's rinse which has Lidocaine in it. He has been taking his antibiotic after that now. He has not had much of his antibiotic since he started the oral Penicillin last Thursday after getting out of the hospital. It hurts his mouth too much. We're hoping to get more in him now. Two of his liver enzymes are higher, and one is a little lower. They want us to continue holding off on the supplements. Tim and I are discussing it. We'd like to get him started on them, again. They don't know if he is having GVHD of the mouth and "gut". They may have to do a biopsy in both locations. We are all discussing it. He had diarrhea twice tonight. That could be a sign of GVHD of the gut. We'll keep ya informed. It is treatable with steroids. Now, I'm gonna run. I'll update more tomorrow night. We love you all!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR CELEBRATING WITH US!!! God's timing is just soooooooooooo perfect!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, September 1, 2006 8:06 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


We are sooooo excited!!! Julia called while we were at a matinee of "Barnyard" this afternoon with Uncle Geoff in Red Wing. Bryce's chimerism results are back already, and


Somebody pinch me!!! It's like a dream,...A REALLY GOOD DREAM!!! This is all God's work, you know. He is the Master Planner, the Great Physician, the Supernatural Healer. I could go on and on but I know some of you are leaving for the weekend, if you haven't already. Anyway, Mitchell's cells are obviously at-work. The doctors are thinking it just took longer for the Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (white cells from Mitchell on April 11th) to work. We also feel that the diet change, supplements and oils have a big part to do with his healing. Bryce is truly one of God's miracles. To think that almost one year ago, we were told that he would probably lose the fight. For some reason, God has a new plan for Bryce. We won't ask why, we will just thank Him every single day for the rest of our lives!!! Please have a very blessed and safe Labor Day weekend. And please, say a prayer for all of the family's who are dealing with their own battles. Pray for their strength and healing, also for their inner peace. Some of them have beat their battles, some of them are still fighting their battles, and some of them are in the most wonderful place--next to our Lord and Savior. Pray for their loved one's to feel God's arms around them always. GOD'S ABUNDANT BLESSINGS TO ALL OF YOU! We love you all!!!

! ! ! ! ! R E M I S S I O N ! ! ! ! !

We have called out to our God to have mercy and healing on our son, Bryce. HUGE FAITH, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we have focused on and THAT is what GOD has given us!!! It has not been an easy journey, in fact, it has been a rollercoaster ride. But, we are so incredibly happy and rejoicing in our Lord because of his supernatural powers and his huge plan for Bryce! Praise God and his MIRACLES!

Thank you a million times over for your huge prayers for Bryce. Thank you for your abundant support and love for our family. Thank you for your belief in God's healing, even when I was scared, nervous, and anxious for his results. You lift us up and carry us through. You give us strength. God gives us overwhelming peace within. Please hug your family today from the Breu Crew. We love and appreciate all of you so much!!! Our family's have been incredible. They have been helping us all week with the brothers'. The doctors and nurses are wonderful! They make the stay at the hospital so much easier. That's a good thing.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, August 31, 2006 12: PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Update 3:30pm: We are going home with oral antibiotics. Gotta go pack and stop at pharmacy! Love ya all!

How do you spell relief???...........

! ! ! ! ! R E M I S S I O N ! ! ! ! !

We have called out to our God to have mercy and healing on our son, Bryce. HUGE FAITH, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we have focused on and THAT is what GOD has given us!!! It has not been an easy journey, in fact, it has been a rollercoaster ride. But, we are so incredibly happy and rejoicing in our Lord because of his supernatural powers and his huge plan for Bryce! Praise God and his MIRACLES!

Bryce's chromosome analysis has come back with all normal chromosomes!!! No leukemia chromosomes present! They drew a chimerism with his morning blood draw today. The chimerism will tell us if Mitchell's cells are growing in Bryce. That would be wonderful!!!!! The chimerism will take one week before the results are back. Now, we are waiting to find out the ID on the bacteria. They said it would be back by noon or 1 pm. They will tell us if we need new antibiotics or if the antibiotics we have been using will take care of the infection. If the antibiotics are taking care of the infection, we can go home today. If we need new antibiotics, we will need to stay. Bryce's liver enzymes are still increasing. Dr. Rodriguez is very concerned about that. Something is going on in his liver but she doesn't know what it is. His bilirubin is staying in the normal range which is good. If it was increasing, she would be considering Chronic Graft vs. Host Disease of the liver. She is wondering if his hands, feet, and tongue are Chronic Graft vs. Host Disease. She has asked me to stop all of his supplements. They had a pharmacist look at the supplements and that person did not note anything that would be toxic to the liver. But, we will stop until next week. The weird thing is that we started decreasing his supplements in the beginning of August and that is when his liver enzymes started increasing. We will watch and see. All of the nurses love the smells of Bryce's room with the oils. I forgot to mention that his temporary PICC line came out of his right wrist yesterday so they started a new one in his right inside of his elbow. He's not enjoying this. But, it really is cool to see his chest without the central line!! His hemoglobin is 12; white count 3,500; ANC 1,380; and platelets 99,000. Counts are good.

We are in the Transplant Unit playing Playstation 2 right now. The one on 3 Francis was being used. I tried to update last night but my laptop and the Mayo wireless were not working together... His pump is beeping so we need to head back to 3F. I will update if we are going home today.

Thank you a million times over for your huge prayers for Bryce. Thank you for your abundant support and love for our family. Thank you for your belief in God's healing, even when I was scared, nervous, and anxious for his results. You lift us up and carry us through. You give us strength. God gives us overwhelming peace within. Please hug your family today from the Breu Crew. We love and appreciate all of you so much!!! Our family's have been incredible. They have been helping us all week with the brothers'. The doctors and nurses are wonderful! They make the stay at the hospital so much easier. That's a good thing.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3:25 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Afternoon~

I've got my laptop working. That's a relief because I would be going to the library to update otherwise. Bryce & I did walk to the library this morning. That was nice. He got to bed pretty late last night. He had a fever of 38.4C around 2:15am, so they drew blood cultures around 2:45 from his arm. He didn't really enjoy that too much during his deep sleep time. We slept pretty good from about 3:30am to 8:30. He had a bath this morning and hung out watching the Food Network. We love that channel! He's not complaining of any pain. His hands and feet are slowly getting better but his feet are still a little sore. He is sleeping right now. They haven't checked his temp. this afternoon, yet. The infectious disease doctors left about 10 minutes ago. The peds oncology doctors called them in to see him because one of his blood cultures from Sunday night in the E.R. came back Gram Positive Bacillus. They don't know if it is positive because of the possible infection in his hickman or if it was contamination during the draw. His blood culture from last night is still negative. That blood culture from his arm may be a better sample because it came directly from the peripheral blood rather than from the hickman linej which was looking infected on the skin. The I.F. doctors are going to add another antibiotic, Ampycillin, because of the positive blood culture. He is already getting Vancomycin. We will not be going home tomorrow because of the positive blood culture. They will also be watching his liver enzymes because they are increasing. He is eat
good. He's just very tired, yet. But, the last 2 nights have not been good sleep either.

Thanks for all of your prayers, we are doing ok. Becky and Drew stopped today. Bryce was the first person to sign Drew's cast! That was pretty cool!! What a cool cast it is! It has the MN Twins logo all over it! Cool, just like Drew! I will update you tomorrow. We hope all of you are doing well! Love to all!
Please continue to pray for Max's family as they have days ahead that will be such a struggle for them. Pray for their strength and healing. They are such an incredible family! They will miss Angel Max so much!!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, August 28, 2006 3:20 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Good Afternoon~

I'm in the St. Mary's Hospital library at the moment. I've been trying to update Bryce's page all day but the Mayo wireless isn't working. I brought Bryce into the E.R. last night for a fever, again. His skin around his central line looked infected yesterday so I changed his site. It was draining a little yellowish fluid, was a little red, and a little sore to touch. They gave him antibiotics in the E.R. and sent us to our room. We are on 3 Francis, again. In fact, we are in "Ethan Strenge's room". Well, that's what we call room 3-154. He was there for a long time while we were his neighbor in 3-152 for such a long time. We haven't been on 3 Francis since December of last year! It's nice to see familiar and loving faces again. We got to the room around 1am, but had to see the Peds doctor and get the exam done. Bryce went to sleep around 1:30am, I went to sleep around 2am. We slept in until 8:30 this morning. He is so tired! So, long story short, he is in surgery (very minor) right now and Dr. Moir is removing his central line. He shouldn't need it because he does not need transfusions with his counts being so good. In the future, if they need to put a new one in, then they will do so. But, we are praying that he will never, ever need a central line again! We are a little excited that he will be "free" of tubes!!! We were talking about how nice that will be. We are going to ask the doctors when he will be able to go swimming. No more heparin flushes everyday. No more site care! Funny, what excites us...

Dr. Rodriguez was in for rounds this morning and said that while Bryce gets the Hickman removed, he will also get a temporary line placed in his hand or arm for his 48 hours of antibiotics to come. The infection does not seem to be in the line but on the skin. They can't do a whole lot about that but remove it to try to clear up the infection. She said he will probably get released on Thursday morning (with the central line being removed tomorrow). So, I am thinking he may be released Wednesday morning since they are removing it today, already. I will be making him his food here. His counts are hemoglobin 12.1; white count 4,100; ANC 2,160; and platelets 111,000. His temp. has been hanging around the high 99's to 100.4. They are checking his liver profile because it was a little higher last time they checked. They are also checking his coagulation studies. His tummy hurt last night but he hasn't complained today. He's just pooped out.

I am going to head back to the room to catch Dr. Moir when he comes by to fill me on how things went in the O.R. Thanks for checking in. We haven't heard anything on the chromosome analysis, yet. I'll let you know when we do. We love and appreciate all of you! Thanks to the Grandma's and Aunt's for helping us out with the brothers!! We love each and every one of you!

Please continue to pray for Max's family as they have days ahead that will be such a struggle for them. Pray for their strength and healing. They are such an incredible family! They will miss Angel Max so much!!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:40 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


We are having a great weekend. Tim & I had a really fun time with Zach & Jamie on Friday night. Lots of laughs and good stuff like that! We are so blessed to have them in our lives. God brought us even closer... Yesterday, Tim & I took the boys to The Park at the Mall of America (formerly Camp Snoopy). It was the Make-A-Wish Family Reunion. It was so great to see so many familiar faces like the Schaut's, Canan's, Johnson's, Zickrick's, Folkert's, and Campbell's...All such inspirational family's. I wish you could know all of them. Last night was just an early to bed night.

Today we will go to church. We have Great Grandma Anna Marie's birthday in Red Wing at 1pm. I will get Ethan & Bryce down for their naps early, and then come in with them when they wake up. Tim will take the other's in for lunch. Tonight, we have the Huemann's coming over for a bonfire! The kids are very excited!! Tim & I just may be a little excited, too. So, we hope everyone is having a super duper weekend. We are thanking God every moment that we think of it for Bryce's healing. We are praying for really great results on the chromosome analysis!!!! God is in control. We must trust Him! We love you all!!

**I am keeping this information in for those who can't check on Bryce over the weekend...Bryce's bone marrow is showing NO leukemia present!!! We are still waiting for the chromosome analysis to come back. That test takes 4-5 days to complete. It will show if the leukemia chromosome is still present which we hope it is not. We are just SOOOOOO GRATEFUL TO GOD THAT BRYCE'S BONE MARROW IS CLEAN OF LEUKEMIA AT THIS TIME!!!! Praise God! Hallelujah! All the glory is His!!!!!!

All of you have once again shared with us your hope, faith, and trust in God! And for that, we are truly, truly THANKFUL!!! Words cannot express our excitement! Tears of joy are flowing all across the county for Bryce Breuer tonight and all weekend!! We are also so grateful for the woman who has been guiding us with Bryce's diet change, supplements and oils. Her name is Cherie, and her whole heart is into Bryce's healing and recovery. We are so blessed to have our 3rd son, Bryce, who is so compromising and cooperative,...remember--"3rd one's a charm"? He is such a trooper!!! And his brothers', they are also so incredible! They have all been such a support system for Bryce. What would we do without them??

Please continue to pray for Max's family as they have days ahead that will be such a struggle for them. Pray for their strength and healing. They are such an incredible family! They will miss Angel Max so much!!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, August 25, 2006 6:27 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20


Bryce's bone marrow is showing NO leukemia present!!! We are still waiting for the chromosome analysis to come back. That test takes 4-5 days to complete. It will show if the leukemia chromosome is still present which we hope it is not. We are just SOOOOOO GRATEFUL TO GOD THAT BRYCE'S BONE MARROW IS CLEAN OF LEUKEMIA AT THIS TIME!!!! Praise God! Hallelujah! All the glory is His!!!!!!

All of you have once again shared with us your hope, faith, and trust in God! And for that, we are truly, truly THANKFUL!!! Words cannot express our excitement! Tears of joy are flowing all across the county for Bryce Breuer tonight and all weekend!! We are also so grateful for the woman who has been guiding us with Bryce's diet change, supplements and oils. Her name is Cherie, and her whole heart is into Bryce's healing and recovery. We are so blessed to have our 3rd son, Bryce, who is so compromising and cooperative,...remember--"3rd one's a charm"? He is such a trooper!!! And his brothers', they are also so incredible! They have all been such a support system for Bryce. What would we do without them??

Please continue to pray for Max's family as they have his visitation tonight and funeral tomorrow. I pray for peace in their hearts always. I pray that they will also always feel God's love and presence every day. He is our strength. He is our Great Physician. HE IS OUR EVERYTHING!!!!! THANK YOU GOD FOR ALL OF THE BLESSINGS IN OUR LIVES including Angel Max and all of our Caring Bridge friends! God is sooooo good...Life is sooooo good. Please continue to pray for great results in the chromosome analysis. We'll probably get that call on Monday or Tuesday. Bryce will have labs and exam on Thursday morning.

Now, I need to go and hug my husband and kids, again!!! Tim & I have a date tonight with Zach & Jamie. We are so excited to celebrate with them! We love and appreciate all of you more than you could ever imagine!!!!! Please give each other a HUGE HUG tonight from the Breu Crew!!!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Will, Breanna, Kristin, Kristina, Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Max's family, Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, August 24, 2006 9:45 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

So, tomorrow is the big day. We are doing ok. Tim & I keep reminding ourselves that we will be receiving great news tomorrow. I would be lieing if I didn't admit that our stomachs are turning a bit. I do believe this is normal. When you look at almost every moment that we've had to see the Dr.'s for these kind of results, it's not always the most pleasant memories... Bryce said to me yesterday when we were listening to our new Jeremy Camp cd, "Mom does '(I will)Walk By Faith' mean I won't give up and that I'll keep fighting?" I said, "Yes, it can mean that--with having true faith in God." He said, "Ok." I said, "Are you going to keep fighting and never give up?" He said, "Yes." Hallelujah! Sometimes I worry that he is giving up. Another cute story,...This morning Ethan came out to Bryce and I because he was scared of the lightening and very loud thunder. Bryce said, "Don't worry Ethan. It's just the Angels in Heaven playing the drums." We then decided that they were having a 'Welcoming Party' for Angel Max. And, that the flashes were the Angels taking pictures of Max. Bryce told me last night that the Guardian Angels come to visit him. They are white and they fly beautifully. They talk with him. When I asked if they told him that he was getting better, he said yes, they were saying that. I asked him if Great Grandpa Buck comes to see him and he said yes. I asked him what Grandpa says. He told me that he tries to make him laugh. I asked what do you say to him? He said, "I tell him jokes to make him laugh." It gives me such comfort to know that he is talking with someone about this, especially the Angels who watch over him.

We give God all the glory for all of our blessings, big and small. We have sooooo many. Bryce was tired and on the couch most of the day but he's had some very busy days. His stomach was hurting him most of the day. His knees hurt this morning. His calves hurt around supper time. His temp. has been in the high 99's but I think it is partially because his skin is still very warm from the detoxifying. He took a bath and had his nap but the tummy still hurt. He was so bummed that his brothers were having chicken nuggets and french fries tonight for supper--I was trying to clean out the frozen food from the freezer. He said, "Their's will taste so good." I made him his own organic, and it was nummy! The brothers wanted to eat his. So, that was pretty cute. We eat almost every meal organic now. Everyone is good with it. I wish all cancer patients and family's would look into organic with supplements and oils. I'm sure people told us along the way but we felt good about the decisions we were making.

Tomorrow morning, Grandma Linda is going school shopping with us. That is always a chaotic trip but she always handles it so well and keeps me calm. Ethan will be along so I know that there will be some action. There would be action if he wasn't there. I know all of you are now picturing our 5 boys in Wal-Mart with Mom and Grandma trying to make it a very quick and sane shopping trip... Who knows who God will place in our path... You may want to watch out! Just kidding. Really, they usually do pretty good. Mitchell is such a good helper, especially with Ethan. We have our list made up. Wish us luck!

I want to thank all of you for your support, prayers, and guestbook entries. Your faith and belief have built me up even more today. You are all so incredible! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. We will update tomorrow afternoon with our results. God bless you all...

Again, I will ask you to please take a moment to say a prayer for Max Jordan's family tonight (caringbridge.org/visit/maxjordan). Max is now one of God's very special Angels in Heaven. He is at peace... Please send his parents and his sister all the strength and comfort that you possibly can. They need us right now. I am praying that they are feeling God's loving arms around them. Cancer is so yucky. I know we don't have all of life's answers, and we shouldn't. God does not want us to question him. He wants us to feel His unconditional love, always. He wants us to share our HUGE FAITH with everyone. Imagine the lives that these people who are fighting their battles are touching... Amazing, aren't they?...Just as Jesus is. I am given life through Him who strengthens me.

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:38 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

I will ask you to please take a moment to say a prayer for Max Jordan's family tonight (caringbridge.org/visit/maxjordan). Max is now one of God's very special Angels in Heaven. He is at peace... Please send his parents and his sister all the strength and comfort that you possibly can. They need us right now. I am praying that they are feeling God's loving arms around them. Cancer is so yucky. I know we don't have all of life's answers, and we shouldn't. God does not want us to question him. He wants us to feel His unconditional love, always. He wants us to share our HUGE FAITH with everyone. Imagine the lives that these people who are fighting their battles are touching... Amazing, aren't they?...Just as Jesus is. I am given life through Him who strengthens me.

Bryce did very well today. He & I didn't get home until 12:20. He is one tired cookie! He didn't get to bed until after 10 last night, up at 7:10am, had a 45 minute nap, and to bed at 10pm. Today was busy but good. We got to visit with Tim's cousin, Brent and his wife, Lana. They have a 6-month-old son named Gavin who is adorable!! They live in Texas so this is the first time we have seen Gavin. Bryce was sooooo excited!! He gave Gavin his very first John Deere tractor! He was very proud of that. Thanks for coming by, Brent & Lana! As always, it was so great to see you,...all 3 of you!

I had to wake Bryce from his nap at 4:30 because I decided I would run the 4 older boys to Stillwater to see the lady who has been working with us on the oils and supplements and diet change. We all rode huge horses,...sorry, I can't remember what kind...dah! But, the boys did great! She gave me Bryce's new supplement and oils plan. She looked him over and said he is detoxifying, which is what she has been telling us since it started about 1 1/2 months ago. He is such a trooper, and she really cares so much for him. It was a very good visit. We got home around 8:40. So, it's late and I'm super tired. Tomorrow should be a quiet, catch up day...

Tim & I will go back for Bryce's bone marrow results with Dr. Kahn on Friday at 3:45pm. I have many mixed emotions but Tim is feeling good about the results. I was a crazy, emotional Mom yesterday. Today I am better. I wish I could erase all of the scared, nervous thoughts that pop into my head. I feel like I am letting Bryce & God down when I get scared. I am trying to replace them with positive, faith-filled thoughts from God. I have given it to God because, to tell you the truth, I can't handle it right now. And then today, reading that Max lost his fight....Well, that didn't help any. I feel just terrible for Jodie & MJ. What a road that they and Max have traveled. I pray every day that that won't be us someday. God has HUGE PLANS for our Brycer. We are doing everything that we can to heal him, the rest is up to God. Thanks for all of your guestbook entries today. We need to hear from you right now. You are all so wonderful. Thanks for everything that you do for our family and for our Brycer. We send our love to each and every one of you!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:43 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

We had a very fun day!! I took the kids to Valleyfair. My neice and nephew, Jordan & Collin, came along. Ethan stayed home with a sitter. Brycer was very poopered out by the end of the day but handled it very well. I rented a wheelchair there. That was a very good idea... He slept 10 minutes in the chair late this afternoon. He woke up refreshed and happy. What a champ!!! I got him to bed too late tonight, but what do ya do?! The minutes click away with all of the extra stuff and little bodies.

I am calling out our PRAYER WARRIORS tonight for our little friend, Max Jordan. He is such a fighter! He is also a relapsed leukemia but he is just a little guy. Please send HUGE, POWERFUL PRAYERS for little Max. Send him and his parents your strength. They need it, right now. He is so precious and so critical at this point. You can visit him and his family at caringbridge.org/visit/maxjordan. Thank you. They don't know it but they are so special to us!!!

Now...We also need our POWERFUL PRAYER WARRIORS to send BIG, HUGE, POWERFUL PRAYERS out for our little Brycer. We go in for his bone marrow biopsy tomorrow morning at 7:45am. We'll leave the house around 7am. I've been extremely emotional today, like way more than I should be--because I must have my FAITH that our GREAT GOD IS GOING TO HEAL OUR BRYCER... So, please send Bryce your strength, faith, encouragement, and healing energy. And, please say some more prayers for his parents and brothers. We need every prayer we can get. Our God is soooo good. We just have to BELIEVE that there will be great results from the bone marrow. (I'm reminding myself, because frankly, I am rather nervous and scared.) I just don't want to lose my baby.... He's just way to precious, and he's so tired of it all. His arm pits have lumps and his neck seems to have swollen glands, that hurt when you touch them. He has sores on his tongue, too. His calves didn't hurt today because he was in the wheelchair all day. I wonder if maybe his hands and feet are looking a little bit better. Bless his little heart...

***Please God let Bryce be a healthy 8-year-old boy who can do everything that 8-year-old boy's do with all of his brothers and friends. Help him to have energy and no more pain or sickness. Give him faith in Your healing powers. Give him a positive attitude everyday. Please bless him with the HUGE FAITH & BELIEF that you WILL HEAL HIM FOREVER!!! Please God, let him be "the one who got away" from the doctors (reality, experience, statistics). Please dear Lord,...Let Bryce Andrew Breuer continue to be our Angel on Earth!!!! Amen.***

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, August 21, 2006 9:59 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Hey everyone. Just a quick update tonight. Bryce plugged away with his day today. He did his usual nap but also got outside to play with his brothers. They were catching frogs...you know, little boy stuff. Grandma Ann hung out with them most of the day. We had our MK Family Picnic tonight in Zumbrota. That was a lot of fun! Bryce was even getting a little silly at the end. I love to see that. On a different note, we need to start working on getting them to bed earlier for school. Bryce's fever has maintained between 99.7-100.5 today. His legs still hurt a lot in the calf muscles. But, overall, he's still such a trooper with everything. Please keep the prayers coming for Bryce & his friends. We love you all!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:29 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

We tucked Bryce in about 10 minutes ago. He is very tired. His temp. is 100.7. I spoke with Dr. Rodriguez, who is on-call this weekend, and she said that if his temp. reaches 101 or higher, he will need to be hospitalized. Because his blood cultures are coming back negative and she doesn't know what is causing the fevers. We will watch him tonight and hopefully everything will be ok. We went to church this morning. What a great sermon Pastor Mike had again. It was on GRATITUDE. Do we all have it? Do we all remember to use it? Do we all show it? I know we all hound our children on this one but, God wants us to have gratitude for everything in life, no matter what the situation is. Therefore, I have so much gratitude for God's love, for God's forgiveness, for our Savior Jesus Christ. I have so much gratitude towards all of the "men" in my life...They are absolutely incredible. They see me through thick and thin... I have so much gratitude towards our family's who are always helping us out, supporting us, and loving us know matter how stressed out we are. I have so much gratitude towards all of you: our Bryce Backer's!!! You lift us up, brush off our knees, let us lean on you, laugh with us and cry with us. So many of you wish you could do more--I could name at least 20 of YOU!--but you do do more. You just don't know it. My Brycer isn't feeling well tonight, and I have so much gratitude that he is alive and can kiss me on my cheek every night. I have so much gratitude for his will to fight. He's getting very tired. Please pray for his strength. He needs our strength, so please in your prayers pass on your strength to him. He's our baby, and he is so precious. Thank you for all of your love, prayers, and support. Please pray for all of Bryce's friends, too. The whole Camp Jornada could use lots and lots of prayers--Will, Breanna, Kristina, Kristin, Payton--it's just as easy to pray for everyone! Please forgive me if your name is not listed. All of you are sooooo important to us. Thanks to Stacey for loading up the pictures on the camp website already! You are a quick one--for real.. hehe. You can check them out at www.campjornada.com, they are awesome!

It was fun seeing many friends and family at the Lion's Chicken BBQ today. I made Bryce his own chicken and corn on the cob with garlic bread. He enjoyed it. His legs (calf muscles) are hurting so much lately, though. So he can't do a whole lot. We did stay and watch Grandma Ann & Emmett dance. That's always a treat! Thanks to Grandpa Arnie for staying with Ethan while he napped at home. You're the best father-in-law I'll ever have!! hehe. I'm gonna hit the hay, now. Love to all!!!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, August 19, 2006 2:32 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Afternoon~

I'm sorry for the delay in updating. I have lots to fill you in on... The 4 older boys are lying down right now. Camp takes a lot out of a kid! Mitch layed down at 4:30 yesterday afternoon, woke up at 4am to vomit (flu from camp--oops!), and then woke up at 7:15am. He was pretty excited that he slept 15 hours yesterday. Logan, Bryce, and Joel are very tired. Ethan is with Auntie Julie getting spoiled rotten!! I need to pick him up at 3:15 in Zumbrota. He's a hoot...most of the time. He's been with his auntie and cousin's since yesterday morning at 8:15. I'm absolutely sure he is loving every minute of it!

Leaving Camp Jornada yesterday was much more difficult than I had expected! It's like leaving the hospital...you find a comfortable place where people are taking care of you, you have found wonderful new friends, and you all have something very huge in common--cancer. We really "dragged hinder" when it came time to leave. We will miss everyone. We appreciate all of their joy in our lives!!! What a great group of volunteers and family's. I could go on and on but I won't. They had a beautiful slide show. The photographer's took over 5,000 pictures. I would have LOVED to see all of them!! I did videotape the slide show. I could have sat there for another 2 hours watching pictures on the screen. What an emotional time... Tim made it down and surprised the boys. Grandma Linda & Great Grandma Buck came too. They all had lunch with us and met lots of new faces. After giving hugs and taking more pictures, Grandma Linda took Joel & Logan home with her. Dad, Mitch, Bryce, & I went to appts.

Bryce's counts are AWESOME!!!! I love it when my doubts are proven wrong! I should never have them, it's just so easy to let them creep up on ya... His hemoglobin is 12.4; white count 4,900; ANC 3,170; and platelets 98,000!!!! His Eosinophils are back to normal, too. They were very high from some kind of reaction in the past. His liver enzymes went up a bit but we feel that that is from not drinking as much water as his body needs. We are still working very hard on that... So, PRAISE GOD with these awesome results!!! Julia did talk to the team about doing a bone marrow biopsy (if we decide we want to do one). And, they all agreed that that would be fine. Now, we just need to decide. Bryce is ok with it. We are thinking about doing it just in case there is more leukemia present and we could try to knock it down with Vincristine chemo. We will call to set up an appt., if we decide to do it. It would be good if we did it before school starts so he doesn't miss more school. We're not sure yet if he will do full days or what. We are waiting to see how he feels at that time.

At Bryce's appts., his temp. was 100 degrees F. They want us to bring him in at 100.5. We came home, he took a nap, and when he woke up his temp. was 100.8. I watched him for a while. He wasn't feeling well, at all. He thought he was going to throw up. Around 8:45pm, I called Dr. Rodriguez because his temp. was 100.4. She told us to check it in an hour and call her. So at 9:45, it was 100.4. She told me to bring him in for blood cultures and antibiotics. I told her that the flu went around camp but she said we can't chance a fever with his central line in his chest. He and I got to the E.R. around 10:45. We were sleeping in the room, with people coming in and out, by 11:15. We woke up around 1am. I sooo needed that! We were home by 1:50AM. We both slept in. I'm so glad that Ethan was at Julie's! Today, has been a power cleaning day with Michelle--a wonderful babysitter/helper! She and Bryce picked tomatoes in the garden, too. I will be picking up Ethan and bringing him with Bryce and I to the PITC for a 2nd set of blood cultures (in the other lumen/line) and his 2nd dose of antibiotics. Then, we'll be home again for the night. His temp. has been staying around 99.2 today. Yeah!

Ok. I just realized I have to run! Thanks for all of your prayers!!! And, THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO WALKED IN THE RELAY FOR LIFE FOR OUR LITTLE BRYCER!!! We were so sad to miss it all!!!! But, Bryce loved seeing all of the luminaries as we drove by! Next year!!! We found out that there was lots of family walking for our Brycer...Carol, Nancy, Becky, Jody, Lyn, Maggie, Aunite Shelly, Grandma Linda, Great Grandma Buck, Tracy Idler w/ Erin and Anne, and I'm sure many more!! Our great Heaven is rumbling with prayers for Bryce! Please keep them coming! Please continue to pray for all of his friends who are fighting their battles, big or small. Huge hugs to all of you!!!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, August 17, 2006 11:01 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

My how time flies when you are having fun! Yesterday was so fun for the boys! They had activities in the morning. I got to do Mary Kay facials with some of the female campers! That was so much fun! In the afternoon, we went to the petting zoo on the ranch and then, on to the JELLO WAR!!! That was so funny! You couldn't even begin to imagine some the supplies they use for the jello war... It's a complete mess!!! Joel will need his 3rd shower tomorrow when he gets home. He STILL has stuff stuck in his hair!! Mitch and Logan look exhausted and are still in the denial phase of exhaustion. Bryce asked to come home last night to sleep more. I brought Joel with us. Tracy Idler, Erin & Anne's mom, came over this morning and we rode together to the TWINS game!!! I needed a "Tracy-day"... The game was so much fun!!!!! Bryce was one of the 10 who sang "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" at the 7th Inning Stretch. What a blast!!! He and Joel rode the bus back to camp this afternoon. He slept during part of the game. A few of the kids have gotten sick at the camp this week. We have chosen to leave our boys there. They have not been in contact with the people who have gotten sick. So, cross your fingers that it doesn't creep up on us... Tomorrow is the Closing Ceremony at 11am. They have a slideshow and a candle ceremony. I know it will be incredible! I can't wait!! So, I'm off to bed.... Thank you for all of your prayers for our Brycer!!! He will have labs at 2pm and see Julie at 2:45 tomorrow. Then, tomorrow night we will go to Zumbrota for the Relay for Life! I am so excited about this. Tim's cousin's, Maggie & Jody, are walking for Bryce. We have got to get that first lap in!!! Please continue to pray for his strength and healing. Also, pray for his positive attitude. And while your at it, say a prayer for his parents. We'll be praying for all of you, as always... We love you all.

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:59 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Morning~

I am heading out in an hour for camp again but I knew you would want to know that Stacey called from camp last night. She said Bryce is doing great! Joel is too, (that's a relief--a Mom always worries...). Bryce is being silly and having a blast! Last night when we spoke, he was helping one of the nurses escort campers back and forth to their cabins with the golf cart. He loves to drive equipment...and she was letting him help steer a little. She told him, "Now Bryce, you be very careful not to hit anyone." She was pushing the accelerator--very slowly. He said, "At this rate, we won't be able to get near anyone to hit them." She got a kick out of that! So, obviously he is doing great! This is so good for him to see that he can have a great time without Mom & Dad... Keep the prayers coming for his great health and awesome counts for Friday!! We love you all!!!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, August 14, 2006 10:34 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

I'm home again for a day. Camp Jornada is INCREDIBLE!!! Everyone there is so wonderful and kind! There are so many activities to do, so many creative events planned, so many hearts being touched. Wow.... Yesterday and today, were fun yet mellow for Brycer. He's not real active in everything yet. He's just getting to know the place first. He doesn't have a lot of energy, and to be frank, he's not in one of his happiest moods ever... So, tomorrow will be better, I believe. I think he will be more active and talking when I'm not there. Everyone knows all about the oils and supplements. Stacey knows all about his food. I made him meatballs in the crock pot for lunch tomorrow. He'll have a steak or sloppy joes for supper tomorrow night. And then, he and Stacey will season the buffalo roast and put it in the crock pot on Wednesday morning. I'll be back to eat it with him! So far, he has fished and canoed. Tonight there was a homecoming dance. When I left, he was watching it for a bit and then, going to watch a movie. Joel is loving the social and play time....almost a little too much. He's use to having his "freedom" on the farm. It usually takes him a day or two to get into the groove of the new rules. Mitch & Logan are having fun, making new friends, and getting to know the place. They are in a cabin together, and Bryce & Joel are in a cabin together. They are all enjoying it! It was very hard for me to leave tonight. Bryce was sad and asked if he could call me if he missed me. I'm not a bit worried about his oils, supplements, or food. I just wish he would try to get to know some people, big or small. There is another 8-year-old boy there named Will. I think they have a lot in common. I wish they would hang out together... There's still some great time left. Friday will be here before we know it!!

Saturday was so much fun to have the Johnson's here! Little Sierra is such a sweetheart! She took care of Ethan the entire time. She has so much care and concern for Bryce. Zach & Jake ran with Mitch & Logan. They had so much fun together. They were all pooped out by 9:30! Thanks for coming over Johnson's! We loved the adult conversation. It was so relaxing. It was much needed!

Friday is an appt. day for Bryce. I may call Julia and see if we need to "see" her. I think that Bryce will be so exhausted by then that he will not have the time or patience to head up to E9. But, if she needs to see him, we'll be there. Please pray for Bryce's bone marrow to run healthy bone marrow cells through it. Pray for his counts to continue to rise and his body to keep recovering. Please also pray for his strength and energy to increase. I just wish he could be back to his normal self. I know he does, too. We appreciate all of you so much...especially your prayers!!!! God is holding our Brycer and all of the other children and adults. It is so cool to meet so many awesome and incredible kids who are dealing with similar situations at this wonderful camp! I want to say a HUGE THANKS to Shawn and Megan Erickson for letting me camp out at their house last night! I only wish we had more time together, Megan!! I got there at almost 10:45pm. What a wonderful family they are! Their boys are adorable and so sweet!!! Bryce says thanks for the picture, Brock! You're a rockstar!!! Love to all!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:23 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Morning~

We are having a quiet morning, so far...knock on wood... Bryce just woke up, and the other brothers are playing Uno Attack. Dad is in the truck. We had coffee with Great Grandma Buck yesterday morning. That was very nice. The boys love going to Grandma's house! Don't we all... Grandma beat all of us in Uno Attack!!! She's still got it, doesn't she Taylor??? We made a quick run to Red Wing after Grandma's and came home for lunch and Bryce's nap. We had Carson's (our nephew & cousin) birthday party last night. The boys love playing at Carson's house. We came home around 9:30 and got them all to bed. I think I got almost 9 hours of sleep because Ethan slept in!! Wahoo!!!

Today I have a MK appt. at noon and then, we have the Johnson's coming over for a visit late this afternoon. Sierra finished her chemo treatments last February. We are excited for some play-time, grilling out, and visiting time. Tomorrow we will go to church and then, off to Camp Jornada!!! We are soooo excited!!! We have lots to do before then, so I must go. I know a lot of you are wondering what the week entails... The four older boys are going and staying over night Sunday through Friday am. Sunday: At camp by 1pm. Mom will stay all day. I'm gonna make a phone call to the Erickson's today to see if they want an overnight visitor. They left me a note in the guestbook, so I'm pretty sure it's gonna be ok. Not sure if Dad is able to make it yet, we are working on that. Monday: Mom will come back to camp in the morning, stay for the day, and go home that night. Tuesday: The boys are on their own, unless they need me to come back. Wednesday: Mom goes back to camp for the day. Thursday: On their own, unless they need me. Friday: Pick them up at 11am and watch their slide show of the week! Bryce has appts. on Friday, also. Labs at 2pm and Julia at 2:45. Friday night we have the Relay for Life cancer walk in Zumbrota. There are some family member's who are walking for Bryce. We are hoping to be there at 6pm and staying until the first lap after 9. We just need to sneak Bryce's nap in their somewhere...

So, as you can see, we've got a busy week at camp and we are thrilled! I've thought about sending them for 3 years, and we finally decided THIS WAS THE YEAR!!! Yeah! Pray for Bryce's health. He is croopy this morning and blowing his nose. But, he is in great spririts! Pray for all of his friends, big and small, who are fighting their battles. They are all so incredible and inspiring! For some reason, these medical issues have come into all of our lives. We don't question God, that would not be right. We just trust in Him, and let Him be in control. God is so good and life is so good. Thank God everyday for everything that you have!!! We love you all!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:58 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~


Tim was in the truck all day and got home around 6:30pm. We ate supper and did pretty much the norm... I am hoping we will be spoiling him a little more this weekend! We hope everyone is doing well. Today was a hang out at home day for the boys. Well, Ethan was at daycare, but the older 4 were here. I had a dental appt. and went to Wal-Mart, and tried to get some stuff done. Bryce had his nap, as usual, and then, helped me make supper. He said his body is pretty weak today but, who knows, maybe it is more often than we think. He never really says alot. And, I wish I knew! But really, he is doing fine. There's not much new. Julia called yesterday and said the blood cultures have all been negative so that is good. The fever was probably just viral.

We are getting excited for camp!!! There's lots to do, so I better run! Thanks for all of your support, prayers, kindness, love, and concern. We have truly been blessed with all of you in our lives... God has been so good to us. It's crazy to think we are coming upon the one-year mark when Bryce had relapsed last year--September 21. Look how far he has come. Look how far God has led us. Look how good life is... Love to all!!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 10:40 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Today was a pretty good day at home. We all just hung out and played games, did some laundry, and laid low. Bryce didn't say a whole lot today. I'm not sure how he's feeling... He doesn't say much. I think his skin is looking a tiny bit better. Progress is good. His body is still detoxifying. Julia called and his liver enzymes are lower. His Alk. Phos. is 644; AST 99; ALT 158; Bilirubin 0.3; and Direct Bilirubin 0.1. Again, those numbers are more for Tim & I to look back from. Oh, and the numbers are for Julie, Carla, Kari, and Brenda...the lab girls. (HI GIRLS!) I asked yesterday about the thought of a bone marrow biopsy--not saying we definitely want to do one. Julia said she would talk to the team about it. He is not symptomatic--no blasts cells in his blood, no headaches, no leg aches. So, we're not sure if we should do one or not. He does have some lumps in his armpits but they could very possibly be from his body detoxifying. His runny nose seemed better this afternoon after his nap. We don't have to go back in until next Friday afternoon! The boys will be at camp from Sunday until Friday. It's Camp Jornada. (girl germs!!:-) And, the boys are very excited for it!!! I may be staying, too. We're still tweaking the plans. They will do everything that Bryce needs done. There are nurses there--nurses we know from 3 Francis! There will be so much fun and activities. It's going to be a blast!!

Today our friend, Karen (Nikki's Mom), emailed me about a couple more friends who are fighting their battles. Thanks, Karen!!! We all stick together and lift each other up. Karen is so great at that!!! Griffin is 6 years old and was diagnosed in July with leukemia. I called his mom, Pam, today at the hospital. She is so nice. I feel for their family. They remind me so much of us back in May and June of 2003 when Bryce was diagnosed and starting chemotherapy. We are hoping to meet Griffin and his family. Bryce has a few ideas (from his Auntie Shelly) to show Griffin--like how to ride the green little tractor down the ramp of the hallway on 3 Francis and make black skid marks on the floor. I'm guessing he may also want to teach Griffin how to pick on Mary from Housekeeping (or as Mitchell would tease her, "the janitor":-) EVERYONE loves to pick on Mary, right Ethan & Brenda?! Please say send out some powerful prayers for Griffin and his family. Pray for his fever to stop and his counts to rebound so they can go home and be a family TOGETHER!! Pray for his strength and his family's strength. They are at the beginning of all of this cancer stuff, just like Jackson and his family. They need us! His webpage is the new caring bridge with griffinschmit. I know that they would love to hear from you!

I also heard from Karen about a young woman named Cheryl who is newly diagnosed with Andocarcinoma. She just graduated from high school with Nikki. I went to her link and she sounds just incredible!! Please send out prayers for her strength and healing, too! She needs us, just like WE need you! Her family needs the prayers also. We (meaning you along side of us) know how scary this cancer thing is!!! Her link is http://telaldalin.blogspot.com. Our God is so powerful and supernatural! We must give it all to Him!!! Let Him sit in the driver's seat.... Love to all!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Griffin, Cheryl, Jackson, Addyson, Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, August 7, 2006 11:25 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Just a quick one tonight... All is well, once again. I took Brycer to the E.R. last night for his temp. It was 100.7 at home, and they wanted to get IV antibiotics in him. We got there at 11pm and got home at 3:15am. (We looked up at your room from the E.R. parking lot, little Miss Ella!!!) Not a whole lot of sleep but he is feeling ok today. He has not had a fever since. Yeah for that! I took him back this afternoon to see Julia and get a 2nd dose (after 12 hours) of antibiotics (Rocephin), just to be safe. They always like to give two doses. He was very mellow today. I'm not sure if he just wasn't feeling so well or if he was just extremely tired. His nose has been runny since Saturday, then it gets stuffed up. His throat still bothers him sometimes. But, actually, I think that has been better today. His counts are awesome!! Hemoglobin 11.5; white count 3,700; ANC 1,800; and platelets 62,000. Yeah!!!! Praise God!!! The doctors say they "can't explain it"--his counts. His liver still feels the same size, a bit large. We will get his liver profile results tomorrow. We had the liver profile drawn while we were at the PITC at St. Mary's for the anitibiotics. We had Logan along today. Thanks for our quick-to-be-there helpers, Julie Huneke and Alison Albers!!! You had a big job today and you pulled through for us! We appreciate you so much!!!

While we were at St. Mary's, I met a little boy named, Jackson, and his mom, Mari Clair. He has stage 4 Neuroblastoma. Please send out some powerful prayers for him and his family. He was diagnosed the end of June. What a very nice family!!! His webpage is the new caring bridge with jacksonschneider. Pray for his healing and strength, and for strength for his family. His mom was so nice and so strong. I met another nice family today. They are from Missouri. Danette, Addyson's mom, and I talked for quite a while about organic food and all-natural supplements. Addyson has Grave's Disease and she is 14. Please send out some of your powerful prayers for her, too. What a beautiful young woman. I think I could have talked with Danette and Mari Clair (the mom's) for many hours. Lastly, please say some powerful prayers for little Max. He is fighting his battle with very low counts. He is starting another chemo today for his relapsed leukemia. Bless his little heart, he is such a strong little boy. He puts up an incredible fight! Pray for strength for his family, also. I know that God answers prayers because when we had little strength, you borrowed us your's... Thank you for always jumping in and saying lots of prayers whenever they are needed!! Every prayer is heard by God. He's holding all of us in His healing hands... Thank goodness for that!!!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, August 6, 2006 11:08 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Morning~

We are doing very well. Bryce's temp. has been hanging between 99.6 and 99.9. So, that is ok by us. He has said that his tummy and his legs (calves) have been hurting off and on. His throat still hurts at times. Last night, he started crying with his last supplement. It burned in his throat. I gave him Tylenol at 10am for his throat. Bryce has appts. tomorrow. Labs at 9am and Julia at 10:45. I'll fill you in after that. Tim & I have our sand volleyball tournament today. So, the boys will come and watch for a little while after naps. Now, I need to run. The boys are up for a challenge with Mom in Monopoly Jr.... Thanks for all of your continued prayers and support! You are all so wonderful!!! Oh, Tim & I had a great night last night with friends and family!! We went to hear our favorite band, CBO. We really needed that!!! It was a blast! Love to all!! You are the best!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, August 4, 2006 10:15 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

We are doing well. We were a little nervous this morning, though. Bryce's temp. was 100.5 last night but he slept really well through the night. He woke up feeling fine this morning. He didn't say anything about a sore throat until tonight at bedtime. His temp. has been hanging right around 100 all day today. I did call and ask Julia when he should be seen. She said if his temp. gets any higher or he has any clinical signs to bring him in. Clinical signs are any changes in the how he is physically feeling. I was a little nervous about his central line because I thought maybe it looked a little reddish-pink (that could be the start of infection). But, I did his site care and his skin looks fine. It may be a little sore when the alcohol touches it but it's not too bad. He did play ball this morning and then, went home with Grandma Linda. He took a late nap. He's been laying around most of the day. He was a little silly tonight. So, we'll just keep watching him. Please pray that his fever does not get any higher. Please pray for his continued strength and healing. God is so good to us... He has blessed us beyond measure!!

The boys are done with baseball and swimming lessons now so there are a few less things to run to... That's ok with me. Everyone here is doing well. Ethan has the start of a little runny nose, but nothing at all to be concerned about. Bryce's counts are good. We'll keep praying for those great counts!! Tim & I have a date tomorrow night with friends... I can't wait!!! Love to all!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:39 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Morning~

We are doing well here at the Breuer home! Bryce is pretty mellow today. He has a sore throat. I'm not sure if it is sores in his throat or what. I don't think it is post-nasal drip. He's just taking it easy on the couch. I'm heading out to get the boys to swimming lessons in the next few minutes. But, I just wanted you to know that Bryce is doing well. We are working on the oils and the hands and feet. He's such a trooper. He doesn't want to do all of this but he does it anyway. Grandma Linda and Auntie Manda are taking them to a movie in Red Wing this afternoon. So, that should be fun for them. I need to get him and Ethan down for their naps early! Tim spoke with the lady from the Nat'l Bone Marrow Registry and answered a few questions. They will submit his name, then he'll probably get another call to give a blood sample and go from there. Exciting!!! But, now I have to run! The days fly by...There is NEVER a dull moment!!!! Thanks for everything that you do for us! We are so grateful that God has brought all of you into our lives!!! Love to all!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 10:29 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Today was a good day! But, mom was a little cranky this morning... Since then, I have asked for forgiveness and mellowed out!! Things are much better now... I got to go out for lunch today with family! That was wonderful!! Thanks Mom B. and all of you (Shell, Amanda, Cindy, Maggie, & Grandma Buck) for a very nice time!!! It had been a very long time since I got to sneak away with them! The boys got to have one of their favorite babysitters, Nathan. They think he is just hillarious! So, it was fun for them too. Bryce had a good day. He and Ethan napped together today. It was pretty cute! Tim received a phone call tonight that got me very excited!!! It was the Nat'l Bone Marrow Registry calling to ask him questions about donating bone marrow to someone in need. Anyone who knows my dear husband, knows that I am more excited than he is about this... It takes quite a bit to get him bouncing off the walls. In fact, I've never seen that. He's very mellow, most of the time... So, he called them back tonight and left a message. Isn't that just wonderful????? It just has so much more meaning to us because of Bryce's condition and his transplant in December. I can't wait to give you more details. Thank you God for blessing us beyond imagination... We love you all!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, July 31, 2006 10:43 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

We are doing great today!! Bryce & I went to Roch. to get his counts checked this morning. After waiting for Bryce's results for a while today, we found out Julia had the day off. So, I finally called to E9 and talked Denise to get his results. AWESOME!!! His hemoglobin is 11.3, white count 3,200; ANC 1,440; and platelets 56,000!!! Yeah and Hallelujah!!! They didn't order a liver profile. I'm guessing they will do that next Monday when we go back for counts and exam, again. It's crazy to think that Bryce would have been finished with his last chemo treatment this past week, if he hadn't relapsed last September...

We had the pleasure of visiting our sweet little friend, Ella, today while we waited for results. She is so precious!! They are in the transplant unit getting treatment for her infection in her line. Ella turned her head to see Bryce and she just stares at him. It's like she is talking to him...just like in May when they met. It was so precious!! Bryce just loved it! Then, he challenged Clint to some Playstation 2 for 'ol times sake. He loved that, too!! It was so great to see Krista and Clint again. We can pick up right where we left off in May. They are so great! Krista and I got to spend some time together tonight while she was a guest of mine at my Mary Kay success meeting. She looked beautiful,...didn't she Clint??? It was very fun!

Thank you for the powerful prayers for Miss Ella and little Max!! They are BOTH doing much better!!! Please keep the miracle prayers coming for them!!! They are so innocent and so precious! Pray for their comfort, peace and healing. Pray for continued strength for their incredible family's.

OK. So, now I am super duper tired. We went out for a late supper with Lana & Travis last night. That was fun and much needed! Good food and good friends! I'm going to try to set up a date night with my husband once a week. Wish me luck!! I'm heading off to bed. We love and appreciate all of you so very, very much!!! Thank you for rejoicing with us in Bryce's great results today!!! I know you are.... You are so good to us. God is so good to us. Life is good. Love to all!!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, July 29, 2006 9:30 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Again, it has been another good day! Yeah! I have been really trying to focus on getting the oils on Bryce's body and doing a couple other types of treatments for the past couple of days. It can be very time consuming. But you know what Tim & I figure?...These oils surely have to be doing something!! They penetrate through his skin and are absorbed into his body. The Bible speaks many times of annointing oils on the body for healing. Because of the Bible, we felt more strongly about using the oils when we decided to give them a try. And, we still do feel very strongly about using them. Bryce's hands and feet and nails are still an issue. It is really hard to get an 8 year old boy to allow us to continue all day long getting some moisture on the dry areas. His face is very dry, also. We are trying to get him to drink more water, too. We think that would help with the dryness. Tonight at bed, I asked him how he was feeling. He said his body is not feeling so great, like in the past. We decided he should try more baths to help his body feel better, he did this in the hospital. So, of course since his body is pretty sensitive, Ethan accidently bent back Bryce's big toe nail while they were playing, and then stepped on Bryce's ankle today... Ugh. Bryce was in a lot of pain and was crying but he doesn't have any tears. His eyes have been kind of goopy throughout the day for a while now. We are thinking he looks a little swollen on his nose. We are guessing he has plugged tear ducts so we are trying to massage them. The thing is, again, it's more than just leukemia he is dealing with. It's everything else that comes along with it. I know that Jamie, Nancy, and many others can relate. I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining because I know that having a positive outlook plays a huge role in recovery. I just feel so bad for these wonderful people who have to go through so much. But, our positive attitudes are an incredible impact on the healing process and with that, I have to thank all of you!!! That is where all of you come in to play. Your messages, calls, and cards are terrific for all of us! We received an email from our friend, Ethan, who turns 5 tomorrow!!! We wish soooooo badly we could come down, Ethan!! But, Tim is in the truck hauling sweet corn all night, and we just know it would be better if we hung out here at home. Bryce & (our) Ethan still need their day time rest. Bryce asked me about it tonight, Ethan... He wants to know if we can get together sometime soon! I promised him that we would do that! You are like family to us, Ethan & family!! Have the BEST 5th birthday EVER, Ethan!!! If anyone would like to stop by his page to send him birthday wishes, it is www.caringbridge.org/visit/ethanstrenge.

I'm keeping these next 3 paragraphs here for a few days. The more prayers, the better!! I am calling out all of the powerful prayer warriors! We have a friend named, Max. He has a caring bridge site: www.caringbridge.org/visit/maxjordan. He is not doing very at all. He has relapsed with his leukemia again and was suppose to have a transplant. His lungs are not doing well. We must pray for his healing and strength. He is just a little guy!! He is friends with our friend, Ethan. Please, please please lift his family up in prayer!!! It is a very scary time for them, they need us and they need God's comfort. Please send them a message in their guestbook. Pray for MIRACLES FOR MAX!!!

We have another little friend who is back in the hospital and needs some powerful prayers for healing. Little Miss Ella is not feeling so hot these days. She has an infection in her line. She was our neighbor at the transplant unit in May. We just adore her and her parents!!! They also need our prayers and God's strength. They are ALWAYS there for our family! Please send them a message in their guestbook: www.caringbridge.org/visit/ellaanderson. Thank you!

And, last but not least... We have a friend from Wanamingo where I grew up. Her name is Rita. She is a wonder woman and friend to everyone!!! Rita is taking her last peaceful moments with her family these days because of her cancer. Send out some prayers for her children, Todd & Heather, and her family and friends. Rita knows almost everyone and is loved by everyone! Soon, she will be with her husband, Jerry, in Heaven. Pray for peace and healing for their family. Pray for comfort for Rita. We love you, Rita!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, July 28, 2006 4:35 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Afternoon~

It's been another good day. It's way to hot for Brycer, though. We had baseball this morning. The heat just totally wipes him out. He spends about a 30 minutes outside and he's back in. His skin is red and inflamed from whatever is going on... And, his skin is thin from chemo so it's very sensitive. But, really he handles all of it very well! He woke up from a nap and he is just relaxing on the couch right now. Please keep the prayers coming because I know that they are working!

Now, I am calling out all of the powerful prayer warriors! We have a friend named, Max. He has a caring bridge site: www.caringbridge.org/visit/maxjordan. He is not doing very at all. He has relapsed with his leukemia again and was suppose to have a transplant. His lungs are not doing well. We must pray for his healing and strength. He is just a little guy!! He is friends with our friend, Ethan. Please, please please lift his family up in prayer!!! It is a very scary time for them, they need us and they need God's comfort. Please send them a message in their guestbook. Pray for MIRACLES FOR MAX!!!

We have another little friend who is back in the hospital and needs some powerful prayers for healing. Little Miss Ella is not feeling so hot these days. She has an infection in her line. She was our neighbor at the transplant unit in May. We just adore her and her parents!!! They also need our prayers and God's strength. They are ALWAYS there for our family! Please send them a message in their guestbook: www.caringbridge.org/visit/ellaanderson. Thank you!

And, last but not least... We have a friend from Wanamingo where I grew up. Her name is Rita. She is a wonder woman and friend to everyone!!! Rita is taking her last peaceful moments with her family these days because of her cancer. Send out some prayers for her children, Todd & Heather, and her family and friends. Rita knows almost everyone and is loved by everyone! Soon, she will be with her husband, Jerry, in Heaven. Pray for peace and healing for their family. Pray for comfort for Rita. We love you, Rita!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, July 27, 2006 10:37 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Morning~

MOM'S BACK FROM DALLAS!!! What an incredible, uplifting, peace-filled event in my life! I thank God every day for His love & healing, my family & friends, and my Mary Kay!! Life is so good! I know that when God brought my Mary Kay career into my life 4 years ago, He had a huge plan ahead of me. That plan included Mary Kay so that I could be with my son at any given moment and to bring women closer to God. I love that!!! I have been truly blessed!! THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!

So, the trip was awesome as you can tell. I missed all my men in my life like crazy!!!! It has been so good to be home again, holding them, loving them, kissing them, scolding them--can't get away from that with 5 of them and their ages, right?!... And, they missed me. We have so much more appreciation for each other, hopefully that will last for a few days (haha). Brycer is doing AWESOME!!!!!! I know you are all wondering how he is doing. I did ask my wonderful husband to update, but he was a bit busy... He took Bryce to see Julia on Monday. I was so excited when he called on the way home from Roch. to give me an update! Bryce's counts were hemoglobin 10.4; white count 3,300; ANC 1,360; and platelets 44,000 (!!!). Yeah!!! His liver enzymes are very slowly coming down. Still above normal, but coming down. Please continue to pray for Bryce's healing. Please thank God for the healthy cells flowing in his bone marrow--that's what is most needed--no blast cells. Also, thank God for Bryce's full recovery for his very long future with a positive attitude and positive healing! Please also pray for all of our friends who are also dealing with a medical or non-medical situation. The POWER OF PRAYER is incredible. I pray for everyone to ask Jesus to come into their lives. We appreciate all of your specific prayers for Bryce. God is soooooo good and you are sooooo good to us!!! I have missed all of you and it was fun reading your guestbook entries! We pray for you and your family's for health, happiness, and God's power in your life. Thank you for all that you do for Bryce and our family. You are all so wonderful!!! Now, we are off to swimming lessons. Love to all!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, July 20, 2006 10:53 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

We had a good day today. The truck was off so Bryce got to hang with his dad part of the day. He needed that! Not much new on our end, though. And, that's ok! Bryce's hands are still extremely dry during the day. We cake 'em up at night. But, I am going to go on a hunt tomorrow, I hope. I will look for some of the products that you have all suggested and see what is probably best for him. I first want to try the coconut oil that Mary Jo has suggested. I just keep forgeting. Bryce was pretty bummed out tonight before we left for volleyball. He is tired of taking all of these supplements. But, with the good results we received yesterday, we don't want to let go of them. It's not easy for an 8-year-old to chug them down. It takes quite a while at times. And then, sometimes if there is something he really wants to do, he takes them in minutes. I wish it was like that all the time, but I also don't blame him. So anyway, he's a trooper. Tim & I had fun at volleyball. It's good to get out together, even if it's for an hour, to see friends, exercise, and laugh. Life is good! I am still so excited about his counts yesterday! God is sooo good. Thank you for everything that you do for us!!! You are all sooooo wonderful to our family! God bless all of you!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10:25 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening!

It's a good one! Bryce's counts are good!!! His hemoglobin was 10.4 (up!); white count 3,500 (same); ANC 1,320; platelets 36,000 (up!). Yeah!!! His eosinophils went up just a bit to 950. His liver profile came down a bit: AST 177; Bili. 0.6; Direct Bili. 0.3; and ALT 307. I wish I could control the nervous mom inside of me but it's so hard sometimes! I'm good, now. But, when he is so tired and laying around, it's difficult to control... Today he didn't get a nap in because we were gone all day. We went shopping (Mitchell, Bryce, and I) for some items for me to wear to my Mary Kay Seminar in Dallas this weekend. My sister, Julie, and her kids were in Roch. for Collin's appts. so they all helped me out shopping. I'm not much of a shopper... We got a lot done at JC Penney's. Thanks for all the help, guys!!! I couldn't have done it without you! Then, Bryce and I stopped at the Good Food Store for more organic food. After that, we made a quick trip to Wal-Mart. It was a long day for the little guy! Me? I am very excited about going to Seminar. I am so grateful to God that He has placed Bryce's counts on the "good" scale before I leave! What a trooper he is!! I tucked them all into bed and then Maggie, Tim's/our cousin, came out quick to help me find a little jewelry. So, I think I'm set! Thanks, Mags! I know that the men in my life will be just fine. They always are when Mom steps away. What a lucky girl I am!! But, now I'm pooped out! I just wanted to share the great news about Bryce's counts with you!!! Wahoo!!! Thank you, God. Please continue to heal Bryce. Let MIRACLES HAPPEN inside his little body!! We just love and adore his freckly face soooooo much!!! Love to all!!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:13 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Hi everyone~

What a busy day. We've had visitors and phone calls all day! There's still not a whole lot of energy out of Bryce but he really enjoys getting out on the Buck! He's very protective of it!! Sorry but I have not uploaded the pictures, yet. I'll try to work on that tomorrow. Grandpa Peter came over later this afternoon and is spending the evening. He had appts. at Mayo today and yesterday. He is doing good for an "old goat". Don't worry, that's what he calls himself...plus, I also wanted to get a laugh out of Cathy, my step-mom, and Merlin and Joyce, their friends! Grandpa leaves early tomorrow morning for Bemidji. He had me watch an old TV show from England, his birthplace, which is why I'm here later. It was so neat to see the scenary of England and here their accents! I'm gonna have to get my boys to watch that sometime. I can only imagine how awesome it was for the Johnson's to take their Make-A-Wish trip there in May to see their Great Grandparents!! I love your pictures, by the way!!! If you want to check them out, it's www.caringbridge.org/mn/missysierra.

So, tonight was fun. Julie Huneke stopped by with some nummy organic food from the Winona store. She taught us how to make Hobos. They were nummy!!! Bryce and all the boys loved them! We will be eating them again soon! We should have had you try them when you were here, Grandma Linda! Logan seasoned them just perfect!!!

Brycer still layed around most of the day and napped, too. But, tonight at bedtime he looked awesome! His face wasn't red, his eyes were red or swollen, he was so alert and talkative! Don't get me wrong,...he doesn't look terrible or sickly or anything. It's just as his Mom, I notice the things that others don't. Hopefully, his counts will be great tomorrow!!! I counted tonight. He's been on the healthy berry juice for 9 weeks, the supplements for 8 weeks, and the oils for 7 1/2 weeks. His diet change has been for about 8 1/2 weeks. Something has got to be happening. I've had many people say that the supplements working on his body could be making him tired out. I just wish I knew. I wish his hands were better. Tonight, we put on vaseline, plastic bags, and then socks. He is very particular and doesn't like "stuff" on his blankets and clothing... Thanks for checking in. It was a good day. Love to all!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:13 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Hi everyone~

What a busy day. We've had visitors and phone calls all day! There's still not a whole lot of energy out of Bryce but he really enjoys getting out on the Buck! He's very protective of it!! Sorry but I have not uploaded the pictures, yet. I'll try to work on that tomorrow. Grandpa Peter came over later this afternoon and is spending the evening. He had appts. at Mayo today and yesterday. He is doing good for an "old goat". Don't worry, that's what he calls himself...plus, I also wanted to get a laugh out of Cathy, my step-mom, and Merlin and Joyce, their friends! He had me watch an old TV show from England, his birthplace, which is why I'm here later. It was so neat to see the scenary of England and here their accents! I'm gonna have to get my boys to watch that sometime. I can only imagine how awesome it was for the Johnson's to take their Make-A-Wish trip there in May to see their Great Grandparents!! I love your pictures, by the way!!! If you want to check them out, it's www.caringbridge.org/mn/missysierra.

So, tonight was fun. Julie Huneke stopped by with some nummy organic food from the Winona store. She taught us how to make Hobos. They were nummy!!! Bryce and all the boys loved them! We will be eating them again soon! We should have had you try them when you were here, Grandma Linda! Logan seasoned them just perfect!!!

Brycer still layed around most of the day and napped, too. But, tonight at bedtime he looked awesome! His face wasn't red, his eyes were red or swollen, he was so alert and talkative! Don't get me wrong,...he doesn't look terrible or sickly or anything. It's just as his Mom, I notice the things that others don't. Hopefully, his counts will be great tomorrow!!! I counted tonight. He's been on the healthy berry juice for 9 weeks, the supplements for 8 weeks, and the oils for 7 1/2 weeks. His diet change has been for about 8 1/2 weeks. Something has got to be happening. I've had many people say that the supplements working on his body could be making him tired out. I just wish I knew. I wish his hands were better. Tonight, we put on vaseline, plastic bags, and then socks. He is very particular and doesn't like "stuff" on his blankets and clothing... Thanks for checking in. It was a good day. Love to all!

Again, we are calling out to our God to have mercy and heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are focusing on...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, July 17, 2006 11:21 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Hi everyone~

We are here. It's just that time goes so fast. I wanted you to know that Bryce is doing fine. He is still tired and napping. We just keep plugging away with the days, the supplements, and the oils. He is such a trooper! His hands have cracks in them and we are trying vaseline. But, he hates to have it on. He is not real thrilled with the diet anymore,...like he ever was! But, tonight he and I made a buffalo roast in the crock pot, mashed potatoes and gravy, and carrots. They loved that! He will have appts. on Wednesday. Yesterday, we went to the Firehall after church. Tim's Aunt Terry let us in. The boys thought that the little Buck (the Gator) would be awesome to take home! (I will update pictures tomorrow). They have been riding it with HUGE smiles on their faces! Bryce wakes up from his nap and he's ready to get back on that horse, I mean Buck! We are doing ok. We are calling out to our God to heal our son. Faith, belief, victory, triumph, and MIRACLES!!! That is what we are trying to focus on... I'll update more tomorrow night. I'm sleepy. We love you all!!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, July 15, 2006 9:24 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

We had a good day today. The boys all helped around the house and played a lot. Bryce is pretty mellow. He was very tired again today. He layed on the couch most of the day. He napped for about an hour and 15 minutes, too. He doesn't have a lot of energy to go outside either. I pray that everything is alright inside his little body. He didn't feel well last night. Today, he didn't really ever "say" that. But, you just know with your child that he/she is not quite feeling that great. We played outside tonight. That was fun. Then, we picked raspberries. Otherwise, not too much new. Tomorrow we have church and home. Sounds good to me! My spirits were better today. I think it was because we were having such a good day today...not so much fighting or arguing, and lots of helping. They are all so precious!!! Love to all.

Thanks to Naomi for putting the poem in the guestbook. I love it!!! Yes, it makes me cry... It says so much of what I feel. I wish I could take it all away but I can't. I wish life could be normal again but we are so far in now. So, we try to have some understanding... This poem helps me to have some understanding. God is in control... Your timing couldn't have been more perfect, Naomi.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, July 14, 2006 9:12 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Thanks to Naomi for putting the poem in the guestbook. I love it!!! Yes, it makes me cry... It says so much of what I feel. I wish I could take it all away but I can't. I wish life could be normal again but we are so far in now. So, we try to have some understanding... This poem helps me to have some understanding. God is in control... Your timing couldn't have been more perfect, Naomi.

Today was a fun day for the boys'. They had t-ball in the morning, and then the Huemann's came over to grill some hot dogs and play! Garett stayed here and napped while Bryce and Ethan napped. Mitch, Logan, & Joel went to the Huemann's to play for the afternoon. Mitch had a game tonight. It was good and hot out there! After the game, it was time to head home for showers, snacks, and bed. Bryce is very tired again today. He was yesterday, too. Of course, that worries me... I'm praying and giving it to God. That gets my by for a while, but then I need to pray some more. Bryce's skin where the rash is, is getting dry and starting to crack in the creases. So, Julia told us to put moisturizer on it so it wouldn't get infected. Then, he'd be in the hospital. And, the good Lord knows we don't want that right now! We are so grateful that God has been keeping us home together. Home is the place to be... Good night, love to all.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, July 13, 2006 3:52 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Hi everyone~

We had a good morning of appts. Bryce's counts are hanging in there. His hemoglobin is 9.9; white count 3,500; Eosinophils are down to 880--that's a lot lower than they were last week; ANC 1,400; and platelets 24,000. So, no transfusions again today! We will watch for bruising, etc. in case his platelets continue to go down. Pray for God to be healing him and that the cancer will be gone forever!!! (Like you haven't been doing that, already?! Sorry.) His liver enzymes are still elevated. Actually, (for Carla and Julie's info.), his AST and ALT are down just a hair. His bilirubin is up from 0.8 last week to 1.0 today. His liver is a bit larger. So, something is going on in there. We stopped a supplement on Tuesday that detoxifies the liver, so I am hoping that will take care of it. He is super tired today. He took a nap when we got home. He's not a ball of fire today, as Grandpa Arnie would say. But, he seems to be ok. We are making up our own organic oatmeal raisin cookies as I type. We couldn't use butter or sugar, shortening or vanilla. It's a test-run! We had to give it a try! I'll let you know how they turn out.

Bryce doesn't have to go in for appts. until next Wednesday for labwork. He won't have to see Julia until the 24th! He always gets so grumpy when we have to go in for appts. He'd much rather be elsewhere! But, we got to see Nyla & Ellen today so that was a special treat!! It was so great to have them there on Saturday! Jamie and I got to catch up on the phone today, so that was fun. It has been so busy here! Hello to all of our friends and family that I mean to call and email! We miss you since last Saturday! Thanks to Tammy Kennedy for the awesome article in the News Record yesterday! You are all so incredible!!! I gotta run but want you all to know how much we truly appreciate all of you!!! Thank you for the continued prayers for our Brycer and our family! Please continue to pray for all of those in need, big or small. Especially the family's who have lost a loved one... Life is so precious! God is so good. Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:20 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Hey everyone!

We are good. Another busy day on the homefront. The boys and I got some housework done this morning, ate lunch and went to Wal-Mart. I put Ethan down for his nap (very late) and starting working on supper. The 3 boys played outside in the sprinkler while Bryce did Legos inside. He seems to be feeling ok today. I don't think he'll need a transfusion tomorrow. (Knock on wood) He has labwork at 8:20 and sees Julia at 9:45. I'm curious to see where his Eosinophils are and his liver enzymes. We've started him on the supplements again on Monday but less of a lot and none of some. Does that make sense? We'll also make a stop at the Good Food Store for a few more organic items. He'll be ready to come home...

Abbie Flom called with some fun news tonight. The person who won the Gator has given it to Bryce!!! He will be ecstactic to say the least!!!! He has always been our machinery boy! So, tomorrow I will do something fun with telling him. I told Abbie that I may use it as bribery to get him to take his pills... We'll see. That's not always the easiest job, to say the least! She also said that many people had put Bryce's name on the raffle tickets!!! Wow... You people just amaze me!!! So cool! Did you know that their was a magician there on Saturday, too?! So many fun, fun things. So many memories!!!! We are talking about it in the Breuer Home a lot! By the way, I loved your jokes Shannon!! Good ones.

Now, on a different note. We need some HUGE PRAYERS sent out to a friend of mine in Illinois, Angela Prayne, who is a Mary Kay Consultant and a wonderful Mom and friend. Her 3-year-old son, Jared, died today. She has a husband, Tony, and 3 other children. I don't know the cause yet. It's been on my mind since the moment I found out this afternoon. Maybe that's why I've been crabby this afternoon and tonight. She sent us cards for Bryce and prayed non-stop. Please lift her and her family up in prayer for peace and healing. It's my worst nightmare... I know that Jared is in the BEST place now, but still it's not easy. Pray for their strength. They need us. I received a phone call yesterday from Sue Tollefson, Dani Johnson's mother. What a great conversation we had. What an amazing woman and family!! They are holding each other in the weak moments, and they missing Dani like crazy!! What a wonderful woman she was, I believe her mother had a lot to do with that... Her memory and legend lives on through her children, husband, and family members. God bless you, Dani. God bless you, Jared, Angela and family. Hug your kids... Love to all.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Jared's family, Drew & McKenna's family, Luke's family, Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:24 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Hey everyone!

Just a quick one tonight,...it's already after 10! We had a pretty good day. We LOVED the rain that we finally recieved this morning!!! It rained over 2 hours! We needed that so much! Especially with the hot weather we will be getting this weekend! The boys played inside this morning and outside this afternoon. Bryce seemed to be feeling a little better today. He was just pretty mellow. He took a bath with Lavender oil this afternoon. When I opened the shower door to help him out, he looked like he was ready to fall asleep! I told him that Lavender is suppose to be very relaxing and that people will put it on their pillows and in their bath to fall asleep better at night. He said, "They should use it on Gonda 7." That is where he is put to sleep for his bone marrow biopsies and spinal taps. Funny. You can see where his mind has been for the last 3 years. Kind of sad, too. I wish (he wishes,...ALL of YOU wish) that he could just have a normal 8-year-old boy life. But, that's not the case here so we must deal with it. God has blessed us beyond imagination and I know He is right by our sides through this entire journey!! There's no doubt about that! So, let's continue to give it to Him and trust in Him with all of our might!!! He IS the Great Physician... Of course, the brothers needed some Lavender oil on their pillows tonight. I can't wait to hear their thoughts in the morning!

We just got off the phone with Tim's cousin Brent. What a great conversation! They have a 4-month-old little boy named Gavin who's adorable! They are just in Heaven with him and the new life of parenting. We spoke about Bryce's supplements and it's so good to hear good things about nutritional changes and natural supplements. He's had lots of good feedback with his clients on the things that we are doing with Bryce. A little reassurance is always good. Love to all!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, July 10, 2006 9:59 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Yep, you've got it. We are still on Cloud 9!!! That was the funnest day we've EVER had!!! And, I've lived for 24 long years!!! (Don't tell my boys that I said that age! :-) What an incredible day it was! The Carnival gooroo's deserve a HUGE round of applause! We are so grateful to the O'Reilly & Breuer supporters! Wow.... It's been very fun reading your guestbook entries, too! You all mean so much to us!!

We had a pretty good day here at home today. Tim & I both feel like Bryce isn't feeling well. But, we do know that he is very pooped out from the busy weekend. It just seems like it is more than that. I hope I'm not reading to far into it. That is easy to do as "the Mom"... You start to get yourself nervous when you think about things for too long. He did take a nap but not by choice. He needed it! His "rash" or blistering is not getting better without the supplements so we're not sure what is going on. So, today we restarted the very first ones before his reaction. Tim is really wondering if he touched a weed at Grandpa Pete's. I'm not sold on that one, yet. He's been waking up during the night itching. We just use some Benadryl to help that. Other than that, his appetite has not changed. He's not eating much during the day, about 1 good meal. But, that get's him by and it works for him. So, we'll leave that where it's at. The boy's did lots and lots of playing today. Summer is just soooo much fun! I guess we will be in the Red Wing Republican Eagle tomorrow. I wanted to give him some info. but we talked so quick and he wanted details about the numbers for the benefit. I passed him off to Sharon. I would have loved to tell all of you THANK YOU again from the Breuer's and O'Reilly's! We appreciate all of you so much! God's blessings to all of you!!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, July 9, 2006 10:34 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Hello & WOW...


I am so sorry for the delay. Honestly, I have been updating the webpage since 5:15pm. But, I stopped when I was almost finished so we could watch our awesome video from yesterday at the Carnival of Love. I should have just finished because I lost it all! My computer suddenly wouldn't go online...blah blah blah. But, now I'm back with a positive attitude! And, a lot shorter entry!! Not everything of the day will be entered but I'm hoping to add things as the week goes on. I did add new pictures to the photo album.

Our awesome day went by fast but we savored every moment! I don't even know how to put this day into words...our feelings and emotions for all of you are undescribable!!! It was so much fun to turn and see a smiling, friendly face every time you turned around! I loved that part! I love to socialize and we did a lot of that yesterday! I'm so sorry for not being able to talk more but there was so much to do and so much to see! Our boys' loved every minute of it!!! They especially loved the dunk tank! The committees did such an awesome job on EVERYTHING! They pulled out all of the stops! They had every kind of carnival food you could think of! They had a hair studio which was the most popular spot for the little girls. They had a charicatureist who did an awesome job on all of his pictures! He did 2 each of Jamie & Bryce. Bryce's are of him being Spiderman and him on a John Deere tractor! We got to keep them. He came with 200 sheets of paper and left with one! Wow...

I loved the clowns that all of his 2nd grader class colored!!! That was the first thing I noticed. Wow... They also loved the 7ft. picture that was up on the wall of our boys and the one of the O'Reillys, too. Wow... Jamie and I tried to get around to see the Silent Auction items but our intentions were never completed. The Silent & Live Auctions went very well!! Thanks to all who donated items! There were 417 on the Silent and 96 on the Live! They don't have a head-count yet, but they are thinking there was around 1,500 people who attended! Wow... Are you getting the picture of why I can't even put it into words??? Wow is all I could say yesterday and today!

There was an entertainment tent that had new entertainers every half-hour. My favorite was when my sister, Pam, came to get me and Bryce. We b-lined it for the tent to hear my sister, Julie, singing Bryce's song BRAVE!!! She brought me to tears!! That song has so much meaning to me. I first heard it on my drives to Rochester for Bryce's appts or for my Mary Kay meetings. I would cry and cry because God had given me such an incredible life,...So long status quo... My children made me want to be brave. Bryce made me want to be brave with everything he had gone through. But then, he relapsed and the song had so much more meaning!!! I wanted Julie to sing it over and over again... Wow...

The brothers did great! All 5 of them loved it all! They keep talking about it today. You have touched their hearts like a big freight train! Bryce loved it all. I'm not sure if it has all sunk in, yet. He was so pooped out from the heat and not eating that he wasn't real happy about the picture-taking thing. But, that's the way it goes. I got him to eat and he perked up a bit. They still couldn't believe everything about yesterday. It was a bit surreal... Wow... He had some visitors from Gonda 7. That was pretty cool, too. I believe, as his mom, that the best part of yesterday for him was just being a kid... He could play and play and play. He enjoyed it all!

We have had so many people touch our lives in the past. We have so many people touching our hearts, now. Jamie, for instance. All of our family and friends. All of you who we've never even met. All of our cancer or medical family's. To be surrounded by so much love yesterday was better than anyone could EVER IMAGINE!! There were many family's who came that we've met at St. Mary's or Mayo (or elsewhere) including: Ellen Hagen, Wes Zitnay, Brock Erickson, Sierra Johnson, Brynn Kundert, Melanie Gates, Megan Burmood, Dave Zemke, Kat, Kristi Schaut, and our new little friend, Isaac Hall, who drove all the way from Nebraska because that is what he wanted to do for his birthday last Friday! We know there were other family's who emailed or called who couldn't make it. We missed you and thought of you many times!! These people are like family to us! All of you are like family to us! You know, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. We are all family. Yesterday, we were surrounded by our COMMUNITY OF LOVE....CELEBRATING LIFE!!! Thanks to the brain-stormers Sharon Buck, Sharon Pagel, and Melanie Hinsch who brought this idea to life. Now,...you can sleep without a notebook by your bed!! haha. I have had such a fun week with Jamie on the phone and getting our thank you sign finished. Thanks for putting all the work into it, Jamie! You need a job done? Jamie's your girl! Wow...

Thank you so much for everything that you have done for us! We wish for everyone to have amazing people in their lives as we do. Your love and outpouring of support have amazed us and given us such a feeling of comfort and peace. We give God all the glory for the life He has given us, the family & friends He has given us, and the FAITH that He has given us. All GIFTS from God. You are a precious gift. Sorry that I'm getting sappy on ya. You brough it on!!.... We love you all!!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Isaac, Melanie, Brynn, Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, July 7, 2006 9:30 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

ATTENTION: All family's that we've met at St. Mary's, or at any time, who may be coming to the Carnival of Love on July 8th. Whether you are a cancer family or whatever the illness may be,...however we met, we would like to do a group photo at the Carnival of Love at 12 noon. I hope that works out for everyone. Please sign the guestbook or email me to let me know that you will be there so we don't miss you in our picture! Our email is tsbreuer@sleepyeyetel.net. Thank you so much for your cooperation!! We are very excited about this awesome day!!!

Good Evening~

Oh my goodness, are we ever excited for the BIG DAY tomorrow!!! We are thrilled to be seeing so many wonderful people in one place, joining hands, and celebrating life!!! God is soooo good,...God is so good. If you are some of the people who are unable to attend, we will miss you dearly. Like Tawnia, Baby Alyssa's mom--from Montana--said today, you can cut and paste our picture into the group photo. Great idea! Everyone at this blessed event tomorrow deserves some HUGE APPLAUSE for everything that they do for our family's! You are all so great and so cherished!

Bryce's day was ok, today. He was a bit on the quiet side. But tonight, he had some pretty good moments. I asked him to teach his little brothers, Joel & Ethan, how to shake hands with people and talk to people. I am hoping that will warm Bryce up a bit. He can be very bashful, if he doesn't know you. But, when you get to know him...watch out! He can get extremely silly!! His teacher, Mrs. Peterson, called tonight when he was climbing into bed. That brought a HUGE smile to his face! I just can't tell you all enough how grateful we are to have you in our lives!!! I can't imagine going through this journey alone. I am so excited to be spending more time with Jamie tomorrow, too. I wish you could all know Jamie... She is incredible. Strong. Independent. Trusting. Witty. Beautiful, inside and out. She's at the Mazeppa parade tonight with the float. We wanted to go but knew our guys had to get to bed at a decent hour. I'm sure they will be up bright and early! And, with that, I am heading out! There's lots to do, and sleep is much needed. God's blessings to all of you. Love & hugs to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:13 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

ATTENTION: All family's that we've met at St. Mary's, or at any time, who may be coming to the Carnival of Love on July 8th. Whether you are a cancer family or whatever the illness may be,...however we met, we would like to do a group photo at the Carnival of Love at 12 noon. I hope that works out for everyone. Please sign the guestbook or email me to let me know that you will be there so we don't miss you in our picture! Our email is tsbreuer@sleepyeyetel.net. Thank you so much for your cooperation!! We are very excited about this awesome day!!!

Good Evening~

I hope everyone is well. I just got home from an "outing" with my girl friends. It's so nice just to hang-out, giggle, and be so relaxed with them. I miss that time. We had a very productive day here at home. There was lots of cleaning done with my the help of my boys and my "Mom"--Linda! We'll get 'er done tomorrow. What a good feeling!! Bryce had a pretty good day. He isn't eating much. He's so tired of the boring, same old food. I need to stir things up a bit! I told him we would do some cooking on Sunday. He & I are both looking forward to that! We have stopped most of his supplements, all but 2. We are doing this for 3 days to see if his "rash" disappears. He has reacted to something, we just need to find out what. We are continuing with the oils, yet.

I need you to send out some HUGE & POWERFUL PRAYERS for McKenna's family. McKenna became one of God's special little Angels yesterday. Now, her big brother, Drew, is taking care of her. These precious little people are so innocent and full of love and life. Please remember to thank God for your little people every single day. Life is way to short.... Pray for much strength and healing for McKenna & Drew's family. I don't know how much worse it could get for someone. It is my fear and the fear of many others. I think it is something that is tucked in the back of your mind once you find out you will become a mother or father. It's just our human nature. Thank goodness we have our great and almighty God to guide us along the path of His plan for us. It's so easy to fall off the path. We just need to give it all to Him. There is nothing more we can do but ask for His strength and guidance.

We are sooooo excited for Saturday! Thank you to all who are emailing with your RSVP or not. I appreciate it! Now, I must hit the hay. I hope everyone had a wonderful day. Thank God for EVERYTHING He has given you!!! Life is good. Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, July 5, 2006 9:59 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

ATTENTION: All family's that we've met at St. Mary's, or at any time, who may be coming to the Carnival of Love on July 8th. Whether you are a cancer family or whatever the illness may be,...however we met, we would like to do a group photo at the Carnival of Love at 12 noon. I hope that works out for everyone. Please sign the guestbook or email me to let me know that you will be there so we don't miss you in our picture! Our email is tsbreuer@sleepyeyetel.net. Thank you so much for your cooperation!! We are very excited about this awesome day!!!

Good Evening~

All is well here at the Breuer Home! The boys slept in this morning, so did mom & dad... Both Grandma Linda & Grandma Ann came over this morning which is what we needed! Grandma Linda to help us out and Grandma Ann to bring over my neice, Madison. She is one of Bryce's favorite people! It was a fast and fun morning. We left for appts. around 12:30pm. Bryce wasn't really looking forward to it but it went fine. He did not need any transfusions today, so YEAH for that! His hemoglobin was 9.9; white count 5,000(!); ANC 1,440(!); and platelets 26,000. His Eosinophils are very high, though, as well as his liver enzymes. When the Eos' are high, it is probably caused by an allergic response which is affecting the liver, also. The liver is the waste/filtration system. So, we are looking into one of his new supplements that he started in the last week or so. He does have a rash on his hands, arms, feet, and legs. Not a bothersome rash, just a noticeable--if you look for it--rash. We are stopping his new supplements and working with our "helpers". We'll get this figured out.

We had soooo much fun in Wanamingo for the 4th of July Parade and at Grandma Ann's yesterday! It was such a BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!! Perfect weather for a parade. Bryce loved throwing freezy pops. He also loved playing Hide-n-Seek Tag and Spoons with his friends, cousins, and auntie's! What a fun night! The fireworks were awesome! The boys fell asleep on the way home, as they do every year on the 4th. We didn't get to see the KTTC clip until this morning on KTTC.com. They did a great job! Here is the address...http://www.kttc.com/Video/familyvid.wmv I will put it down below in the links,too. The Rochester Post-Bulletin was a great article, too. Today, they had Bryce & Jamie on the front page of the County Shopper. All of the articles are just awesome! We are getting soooooo excited for Saturday!! It is going to be soooo much fun! We can't wait to see so many of you! I just hope I can get time to talk to all of you! I know that Tim, Jamie, & Zach are also hoping to talk to everyone! We are putting out a head-ups to our family's to help out with the little, little one's of our's...which they are probably already all over! It's gonna be great to see everyone! We can't wait! Did I say that already?!

Now, I am heading to bed! There is lots of sleeping to be done! We give God all of the glory for being soooo blessed by all of you! Thank you for your HUGE, POWERFUL PRAYERS, messages in the guestbook, and cards. You keep us going! I uploaded some new pictures. So, check them out in the photo album. Thank you for everything that you do for us!!! God is sooooo good! Our love goes out to all of you!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Dani's family, Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, July 3, 2006 10:52 PM CDT


"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

ATTENTION: All family's that we've met at St. Mary's, or at any time, who may be coming to the Carnival of Love on July 8th. Whether you are a cancer family or whatever the illness may be,...however we met, we would like to do a group photo at the Carnival of Love at 12 noon. I hope that works out for everyone. Please sign the guestbook or email me to let me know that you will be there so we don't miss you in our picture! Our email is tsbreuer@sleepyeyetel.net. Thank you so much for your cooperation!! We are very excited about this awesome day!!!

Good Evening~

Oh my goodness. What a great weekend we had! Bryce caught a 6-7 pound northern, and we have realized that Logan is the lucky fisherman! I think he could fish day and night, living on the boat. Grandpa & Grandma were so good to us! Uncle Brad was a blast, as usual! Auntie Mina & Uncle Aaron had a fireworks display for us on Saturday night. They were beautiful! Bryce was so happy to be seasoning all of the food while Grandpa Pete grilled it. EVERYTHING was sooooo delicious EVERYDAY!!! I must say, Bryce has a true talent for seasoning food. Everyone was going on and on about it. He loved their positive feedback, and he LOVED eating all of that nummy organic food!! Thanks Grandma & Grandpa!!

We got home around 3:45pm today. Everyone is very pooped out. The Rochester Post Bulletin (newspaper) came over tonight to take a few pictures and ask a few questions about Bryce & Jamie and the Carnival of Love. So, Zach & Jamie and the boys came over, too. I am sooooo grateful that God brought Jamie and her family into our lives! What a bond and connection we have after all we've gone through together. She is one of the most incredible women I know. We also asked Tammy Kennedy and her family to come so we could get a few more pictures. Tammy is such a trooper. She is always going out of her way to help others. I don't think it was too tough for her tonight. I think Matt got more grief about his picture-taking than anyone. They both did a great job! Thanks, Matt & Tammy! What a FUN night! It's so fun to see all of these little people and their different personalities. The kids had a great time together. There was never a dull moment! The guys from the Post Bulletin were very nice. The article will be on the front page tomorrow, July 4th. I am very excited to see it! All of you who are planning this amazing day on Saturday, the Carnival of Love, have done so much and have put your hearts into it with such compassion. We appreciate everything that you do for us!!! I love surprises, and I don't know a whole lot about the day. I don't want to. I can't wait to see all of the surprises!!!

Bryce is doing ok. He is very, very tired. He's had a busy weekend, and he's been in the sun. We think the sun has drained him some. He has some kind of rash or blistering going on on his hands and arms, that started this morning. We don't know if it was some plants or leaves that he touched yesterday or what. It was itching him pretty bad this morning. It doesn't seem to be bothering him anymore. He was a little warm at suppertime tonight, too. His temp. was 99.9. He's been in a great mood later tonight. He was so happy to have everyone here!

Tomorrow we will go to Wanamingo for the 4th of July parade and fireworks at Grandma Ann's. A few of the Breu Crew and O'Reilly clan will be in the parade on the Carnival of Love float with the children's playset that was donated by the Goodhue Jaycees. We will be talking with KTTC, Channel 10 out of Rochester before the parade. They want to put the Carnival on the news. They know what a great event this is and how all of these people lining everything up are so wonderful!! I think you all deserve some HUGE applause and recognition!!! They also know that we are taking a picture at noon on Saturday with other cancer and medical illness family's, and they want to catch that moment then, too. So, please continue to let me know if you are able to attend the Carnival and be there for the picture. It not only means a lot to KTTC but it means the MOST to US...we want you recognized for everything that you do and have done for your family and so many others. It will be like a mini reuninion. I do know that summertime is the busiest time of all, though too. Whatever works for you, we are just so grateful to have you in our lives... You are also like family. Speaking of family, please send out a healing prayer for our friend, Wes who had surgery last week. He is such a prayer warrior for all of the little bald children. He too has an incredible family. Wes is ALWAYS there for EVERYONE!!! God has an exciting future planned for Wes... We love watching it unfold. Oh, and he's a hoot, too! What a guy! We hope to see you Saturday, Wes.

Bryce goes in for appts. on Wednesday. He has labs at 1pm, sees Julia at 2:15, and Cynthia at 3:30. I have not noticed more bruising. He did say that his head hurt earlier today. He took a little nap in the van on the way home, and the headache was gone after that. He's been napping almost everyday now for almost a week. He's definitely listening to his body.

Ok, now I gotta run. It's late and we are very tired. But, it's been very good catching up with all of you! I hope everything is very well in your home! Please send out HUGE prayers for all of our friends, big & small, who are fighting their battles. I apologize to those who have emailed and I have not responded to yet. It has been CRAZY as you know... We love you all. We appreciate you all. We thank God for each and every one of you every single day. Where would we be without you??? Our God is so good to bring us together, isn't he?! Amen to that! Good night.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, July 1, 2006 12:11 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

ATTENTION: All family's that we've met at St. Mary's, or at any time, who may be coming to the Carnival of Love on July 8th. Whether you are a cancer family or whatever the illness may be,...however we met, we would like to do a group photo at the Carnival of Love at 12 noon. I hope that works out for everyone. Please sign the guestbook or email me to let me know that you will be there so we don't miss you in our picture! Our email is tsbreuer@sleepyeyetel.net. Thank you so much for your cooperation!! We are very excited about this awesome day!!!

Good Afternoon~

Here's a note to all of our cancer & other medical illness family's coming to the Carnival of Love: I am trying to get a headcount of all of everyone who will be there for the group picture (for the committee). If you could give me your RSVP in the guestbook or to our email, that would be great!! Thank you so much!

The "vacationer's" are checking in with a very quick update,...since we ARE on vacation. haha. We are having a great time here at Grandpa Pete's! We arrived in Bemidji around 5pm. We didn't even have to stop. That was great! The boys' are spending most of their time on the docks. Right now, they are fishing with Dad, Grandpa, and Uncle Brad. Ethan is napping. There is a buffalo roast in the crock pot because that is Bryce's craving for the day. He seems to be feeling well, just tired. His brothers' are all doing great. Dad & I are doing great, too. I'm trying to think of anything new, and I just can't. I do want to say, for those of you who have emailed us, I will be getting back to you when I get home. I can't receive my email here. I hope everyone is having a very fun and safe holiday weekend. Life is so precious and so good. Thanks to our great God Almighty!!! Hugs your kids.... Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, June 29, 2006 10:45 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

ATTENTION: All family's that we've met at St. Mary's, or at any time, who may be coming to the Carnival of Love on July 8th. Whether you are a cancer family or whatever the illness may be,...however we met, we would like to do a group photo at the Carnival of Love at 12 noon. I hope that works out for everyone. Please sign the guestbook or email me to let me know that you will be there so we don't miss you in our picture! Our email is tsbreuer@sleepyeyetel.net. Thank you so much for your cooperation!! We are very excited about this awesome day!!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Good Evening~

Here's a note to all of our cancer & other medical illness family's coming to the Carnival of Love: I am trying to get a headcount of all of the cancer & other medical illness family's for the group picture (for the committee). If you could give me your RSVP in the guestbook or to our email, that would be great!! Thank you so much!

By the way, after talking to Pastor Solberg yesterday...I am thinking this is more like the "Community of Love"....

Hope everyone is very well! We had another good day! Bryce seems to be feeling well. He's still not eating much but as Carolyn R. pointed out to me today (and I'm so glad she did!), his body is probably putting its energy into healing at this point rather than putting it into the energy of digesting food so much. He was very tired today. He took a 45 minute nap and had slept until 8am. He even made the comment that he was tired tonight at church. He said he was more tired because his body is trying to heal--that was one of 2 choices I asked him about. He had such a fun day at Grandma Linda's on Wednesday! I forgot to mention that then. He loves the one-on-one attention, just like the rest of them. Julie H. came over today and bonded with the boys--mostly Joel. They went to the garden and picked peas to bring to Grandpa & Grandma's. She's wonderful! My dad has called quite a few times,...he is very excited for our visit! We got to spend a little time with Jamie O'Reilly today. That was very, very nice for her & I. She is such an inspiration... She amazes me every time I see her! Last night, I got to spend time with a Deb H., a friend of our's. It is so nice to be closer to our friends, again, and to not be in the hospital trying to connect. I was thinking about the hospital today... I am sooooooooooooo glad we are all home TOGETHER--as Casey V. would say. Life is good!!!! Church was awesome again tonight! Pastor Mike's sermon was a lot about Jesus working his healing miracles on people. Pastor Mike is great! I do believe that Jesus has come to visit Bryce many times. Jesus has come to save us. That in itself, is a miracle...

Tim & I are getting ready for the big weekend as I type. He is getting up around 3 or 4am to go in the truck for a while first. We will leave after baseball, probably around 11:30am. We are excited! We wish you all a safe and happy weekend! Our love and gratitude goes out to all of you!!!! Thanks for all that you do for us!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 11:11 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

ATTENTION: All family's that we've met at St. Mary's, or at any time, who may be coming to the Carnival of Love on July 8th. Whether you are a cancer family or whatever the illness may be,...however we met, we would like to do a group photo at the Carnival of Love at 12 noon. I hope that works out for everyone. Please sign the guestbook or email me to let me know that you will be there so we don't miss you in our picture! Our email is tsbreuer@sleepyeyetel.net. Thank you so much for your cooperation!! We are very excited about this awesome day!!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Good Evening~

What a busy day!!! But, it has been another good day!! The boys played and played outside today, mostly in the sand box. They also mowed some lawn and worked in the garden. They really helped out the family, today! They felt really good about that. Bryce woke up at 6:20am, so that was a bit early!! And, he was a bit ornery. I found him sleeping on the couch around 12:45pm. He must have slept for an hour while the chicken cooked. He & I seasoned it and put a cereal coating on it. We loved it. Joel and Logan missed the crunchy skin, though. All in all, it was very good! It makes him very happy to cook. He takes his supplements better when he gets to cook. He is looking forward to cooking with Grandpa Peter this weekend. He had such good energy yesterday, and then today after his nap, he was good-to-go! Auntie Julie called later this afternoon and took the 4 older boys to a movie in Roch. They got home a little after 10. They had lots of fun! I'm sure she spoiled them rotten...she also spoiled her little sister rotten by bringing home some chinese food!! Nummmy!! It's been a while! The carnival is coming up so fast, and we are getting sooooooo excited about it!!! I got to speak with Pastor Sohlberg today. He is so good for the soul... He is so wise, and what a servant of God!!! He talked about our INCREDIBLE Community of Faith...That's all of you! We are so fortunate to have YOU in our lives!! I told him that sometimes I don't think that I pray enough in a day. His response was out of the bible..."I make my home within you so that where you are, I am." How comforting is that??? He said that our relationship with God is like a marriage. When we are away from our spouse we still think about and communicate with our spouse. When we are out and about wherever it may be (home or wherever), we are always with God in our spirit, mind, and soul. We are always close to Him. He is always with us. Isn't that awesome? Isn't our God just so awesome? My Dad has a friend, Pastor Dale Johnson, who was just diagnosed with stomach cancer in WI. Please add Pastor Dale to your prayer list. Cancer is soooo scary! Pastor Dale will be connecting with Pastor Sohlberg soon. Stomach cancer is what Pastor Sohlberg was diagnosed with last August. He still has the cancer but is doing good. God is in his favor. We are all so blessed to be His children... Now, it's bedtime. We'll update tomorrow night. It's good to hear from all of you everyday!!! Thank you for lifting us up. You are soooooo good at that! We are up on the 'good stuff' lately, and it feels wonderful! Please keep all of your awewsome prayers coming for Bryce, our family, and our friends, big & small, fighting their battles. There are sooooo many incredible people out there who care so much about so many....THANK YOU!! Love to all!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Pastor Dale Johnson, Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 3:30 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

ATTENTION: All family's that we've met at St. Mary's, or at any time, who may be coming to the Carnival of Love on July 8th. Whether you are a cancer family or whatever the illness may be,...however we met, we would like to do a group photo at the Carnival of Love at 12 noon. I hope that works out for everyone. Please sign the guestbook or email me to let me know that you will be there so we don't miss you in our picture! Our email is tsbreuer@sleepyeyetel.net. Thank you so much for your cooperation!! We are very excited about this awesome day!!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Good Afternoon~

We had a good morning! Mitch came along with Bryce & I. The rest of the Crew went to Grandma Linda's which they LOVE! Bryce's counts are improving!!! His hemoglobin is 9.1; white count 2,600; ANC 700; and platelets 29,000. So, that meant no transfusions today, and that is great!!! We came home and put a buffalo roast on the grill after our Chef Bryce seasoned it. We just finished it off and it was sooooo nummy!!! I told Bryce, "You are so good at seasoning food!" And he said, "I think I get it from your side of the family because Grandpa Peter is really good at it, too." It's so good to see him eat so good. His weight is holding at 60 pounds, also! That is great because he has not been eating a whole lot, lately. Bryce is feeling good and has lots of energy today. He vacuumed out the MK car while the roast was on the grill. We are all getting excited to go to Grandpa and Grandma's in Bemidji this weekend. We'll come back on Monday, I think. Then, we can make it to our annual 4th of July in Wanamingo with Grandma Ann, the parade, and the fireworks. Mitch is power-cleaning the garage and feeling the frustration of his parents... He puts things away and his brothers' take it out again. He had a baseball game last night in Wanamingo--my old stompin' ground. They lost but they had fun! I'm kinda liking all of these baseball games! It's so fun to watch them. Tim is out spraying today, he's trying to get it done before we leave. We need to tackle the garden sometime, too. Fun, fun, fun.

Bryce goes back in to see Julia on Wednesday. He saw her today and gave her a hard time by hiding under the couch to scare her. It was pretty cute. We couldn't come back to the clinic until Wednesday because of our trip to Bemidji and the holiday. So, keep the prayers coming for his blood to hold its own. Our God is working wonderous miracles through our little Brycer...I just know it! Can you tell I'm in a really good "place", right now? God is holding Bryce, and all of his friends who are fighting their battles, whatever they may be. Please keep the prayers coming for them also!! God is also guiding us with our decisions. And, that feels very good. So, let Him hold and guide you, too. I know it is difficult to stay focused sometimes,...trust me, I know!!! But, I love and am so thankful for the little reminders that our family's, friends and strangers give us all the time!!! We are sooooooo blessed!!! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:56 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

ATTENTION: All family's that we've met at St. Mary's, or at any time, who may be coming to the Carnival of Love on July 8th. Whether you are a cancer family or whatever the illness may be,...however we met, we would like to do a group photo at the Carnival of Love at 12 noon. I hope that works out for everyone. Please sign the guestbook or email me to let me know that you will be there so we don't miss you in our picture! Our email is tsbreuer@sleepyeyetel.net. Thank you so much for your cooperation!! We are very excited about this awesome day!!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Good Evening~

We had a great weekend! Yesterday was pretty mellow. Last night, Tim & I actually watched a movie!! That doesn't happen real often! We all went to church this morning and then home to eat organic. Grandma Ann came over to watch Joel & Ethan while the rest of us drove to Minneapolis for the TWINS game!! We parked at Uncle Geoff's (my brother), and we rode the lightrail train. It was so much fun!!! What a beautiful day for all of it! The TWINS won, 8-1. And, we saw 2 homeruns--Hunter & Sierra! Geoff actually sat by his 3 nephews while Tim & I sat in the next section over...By ourselves! It was great to have time together, again! We were on the lower level, just behind 3rd base. The seats were AWESOME!!! We are sending out a big, huge THANKS to Geoff's friend, Chris, who gave the 4 seats to us. And, thanks to Geoff who insisted on getting me & Tim's seats. What a great day we had!!!!! Joel & Ethan had a good day, too.

Bryce has appts. on Tuesday. He was complaining of a tummy ache and jaw pain today. He was also very tired. So, I just wonder if his hemoglobin may be getting lower. We'll find out on Tuesday. All in all, we are doing very well. We are praying for our MIRACLES FOR BRYCE and we are feeling good about his supplements, oils and diet change. Our little Brycer is one tough cookie, like many of you have said, and if anyone can pull through all of this it is Bryce Breuer! Keep your POWERFUL PRAYERS coming!! Our God is so good and so powerful. We will have triumph and victory for our Brycer!!!! And, I know that the victory will also be YOUR'S... I know that your hearts are in on this just as much. We love you all for that!!! God's abundant blessings to YOU!!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, June 24, 2006 8:43 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

ATTENTION: All family's that we've met at St. Mary's, or at any time, who may be coming to the Carnival of Love on July 8th. Whether you are a cancer family or whatever the illness may be,...however we met, we would like to do a group photo at the Carnival of Love at 12 noon. I hope that works out for everyone. Please sign the guestbook or email me to let me know that you will be there so we don't miss you in our picture! Our email is tsbreuer@sleepyeyetel.net. Thank you so much for your cooperation!! We are very excited about this awesome day!!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Good Morning,

We are doing very well! Bryce's labs were good yesterday so he didn't need any transfusions!!! He has not gone over a week without getting platelets since the beginning of May!! So, this is great news to us! His hemoglobin was 8.2; white count 1,900 (!); ANC wasn't done yet; and platelets 26,000. So, as you can see, he is basically holding his counts from Tuesday. He is still having jaw pain from the Vincristine but his mouth sores are gone, as far as we know from his complaints. His appetite is still not huge, but he is eating a little better at noon. We tweeked his supplements and oils a little. We go back on Tuesday for labs and exam.

The boys' loved Bible School!!! They have so many cute crafts from it. They are in the sandbox at the moment. It is still pretty crazy/busy around here. Thursday night Caring Bridge was doing a maintenance when I was ready to update, and last night we had a few friends over a few hours. We had lots of fun with Carol and Lori & their family's! It was a beautiful night for the kids to have a water fight! Tim & I really enjoyed hanging out with a few friends, too. But, now I need to head out. The boys and I are trying to get some dishes done. Mitch & Ethan have been out in the sandbox for an hour. We are going to the Twins game tomorrow vs. the Chicago Cubs!! We are very excited about that!!! I'll update again tomorrow night. Once again, thanks for all that you do for our family and especially all of your wonderful prayers for BRYCE!!! We love you all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 11:55 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Hi everyone,

Heads-up to all of the family's that we've met at St. Mary's, or at any time, who may be coming to the Carnival of Love on July 8th. Whether you are a cancer family or whatever the illness may be,...however we met, we would like to do a group photo at the Carnival of Love at 12 noon. I hope that works out for everyone. Please email me to let me know that you will be there so we don't miss you in our picture! Our email is tsbreuer@sleepyeyetel.net. Thank you so much for your cooperation!! We are very excited about this awesome day!!!

Please take a moment to say a special prayer for Dani Johnson's family. Dani became one of God's Special Angels in Heaven this morning. She is happy, pain-free, and at peace in the most beautiful place ever. We rejoice for you, Dani! Now Bryce has another very special guardian Angel to watch over him, heal him, and release him from this terrible disease. She has also taken our plee to God asking Him to give Bryce another 85 years here with us on earth... Our God is so good, we should NEVER doubt Him. It is so hard sometimes to keep that positive attitude when it comes down to your child's life but I do know that God wants us to trust in Him, and He never wants us to suffer... He loves us sooooo very much!!!

We had another pretty good day. Bryce is not eating much at all, though. This is really starting to bother me. He does not enjoy taking his supplements. Not like an 8-year-old should or anything... It's just a lot of work getting them into him, sometimes. And sometimes, he does really well. Pray for him to take them good everyday, ok? There, maybe that will help... The supper-time meal thing is still a bit frustrating. Whatever I make, he doesn't always care for. Maybe he's just not feeling as well this week. I always wonder "What would my body feel like if I was going through what he is?" I bet Jane could tell me a little bit, couldn't you Jane? I always wonder what he is thinking, too. If only I could be a little mouse in the corner of his head... We actually just got off the phone with the people who are helping us with the supplements. We are "tweeking" his supplements now after 4 weeks. We received a lot of good information tonight, so that is even more encouraging. Please continue to pray for our MIRACLES FOR BRYCE!!! I just know that God will answer our prayers. Before I forget, I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU for all of the awesome and inspirational cards everyone has been sending us! You are all so uplifting, positive, and full of faith!!! Words cannot express exactly what you do for us,...just know that it is a REALLY, REALLY GOOD THING!!! Your guestbook entries are a REALLY, REALLY GOOD THING, ALSO!! Thank you a million times over! Now, where was I? So, today we stayed home power-cleaning with my Mom's & Carol. WOW, what a good feeling to get a lot of clutter out of the house. We've only just begun, though... We're back at it tomorrow.

On a different note, they put an update in the Red Wing Republican Eagle about Bryce yesterday. Here's the link: http://www.republican-eagle.com/articles/index.cfm?id=33500§ion=News. Keep the prayers coming!!! Bryce is such an incredible little person. I wish you all could know him and see him with his brothers & his friends & family. That is where he is most comfortable. He's a gem. I have always said, "Third one's a charm!" And, it's so true. They are all so incredibly special... Mitchell had his first "real" game tonight. They didn't win but they had fun and got some good experience. It was very fun to watch! The boys' all did such a great job!!

Now, I'm heading off to bed, it's late, again. oops. Love to all!!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 11:05PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Hi everyone,

Another day has gone by so fast! I don't know where the time goes... Live it to the fullest, love every moment, hug your children, and tell your spouse how great they are. I just checked on Dani Johnson, and she is so close to Home. Pray for her family's peace and healing along with great strength. Their loss is HUGE, her gain is beauty beyond imagination... We all send our love to you and your family, Dani.

Heads-up to all of the family's that we've met at St. Mary's who may be coming to the Carnival of Love on July 8th. Whether you are a cancer family or whatever the illness may be, we would like to do a group photo at the Carnival of Love at 12 noon. I hope that works out for everyone. Please email me to let me know that you will be there so we don't miss you in our picture! Our email is tsbreuer@sleepyeyetel.net. Thank you so much for your cooperation!! I am very excited about this awesome day!!!

Today was a good day. The boys' all had a great time together! Ethan & Natalie got to have some fun play time today, too when Lana took our other 4 boys to her house. Garett came with Bryce and I. Things went well with Cynthia. Bryce counts are good! Or as good as can be expected. Hemoglobin 8.6; white count 1,300; ANC wasn't done yet; and platelets 27,000. No transfusions today. We'll go back in for labwork on Friday after t-ball. Tomorrow is library day. We will also be doing some power-cleaning with our wonderful, always helpful Mom's!!! Mitch has a baseball game tomorrow night. VBS is so much fun for the boys!!! I remember loving VBS when I was a girl! What a great thing. It is so important to involve God in your everyday life. We are sooooo grateful for everything we have. God is sooooooo good. Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, June 19, 2006 10:26 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Hi everyone,

We are doing well here. We just tucked in Garett & Bryce finally, (sorry Lana)! Mason is here with Joel, too. Mitch & Logan are at the Huemann's. They were so excited after Vacation Bible School,...we just couldn't resist. It's so fun to see them so happy together.

Today was a good day. We just hung out at home until VBS tonight. Tomorrow we will leave for Roch. around noon. Bryce has labs at 12:50, Cynthia at 1:30, and possibly a transfusion after. He has been tired, but we've also been very busy! Now, I am going to bed because I've had a terrible headache all afternoon and evening. God is keeping me focused on Bryce's healing,...You all help so much, too!! Thank you for that!!! Love to all.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, June 18, 2006 11:34 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Good Evening~

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, DAD!!!! Our little boys were so blessed when God chose you to be their father! And boy, was he EVER watching over me... Thank you, God! We had a nice surprise this morning when Dad walked in at 8am. He was home for the day. He left to drive his truck at 3am and was going to be driving it most of the day but, by golly, God had a different plan. And you know what? Dad is so good. He did not get spoiled all day long, he doesn't need that. Me? I need that on Mother's Day!! He just needs some quality family time. We went on the bike trail tonight in Goodhue. That did it for him. It was nice. We stopped at Carolyn R. home to pick up some organic groceries. She called us from the cities today and hit a jackpot! Wow! The fruit is gorgeous!!! Of course, all of our boys had to climb out of the pickup because we were "taking too long". She gave them frozen grapes and strawberries. We've found a new summertime snack! Nummy!! Thank you for EVERYTHING, Carolyn! Everyone is so good to us! They are always looking out for us. I just wish I could do more in return...

Yesterday, we dropped Ethan off with Auntie Manda & Grandma Linda at 9:30am. Thank you to both of you!!! We headed to Shakopee to play at Valleyfair and to listen to Praise In The Park with KTIS! What a great day we had!! We went on rides, had a picnic grillin-out lunch, and listened to some great praise music. It was awesome! I have to admit...The rides only make me feel like I'm going to lose my lunch, so I avoid as many as I can not handle. Even the little rides get me nauseated. What a whimp! I just told my boys that it might be easier for them to deal with a whimpy mom than to deal with a mom who closes her eyes for the entire ride and then loses her lunch afterwards. They agreed with me that that would be pretty embarrassing for them... Dad goes on the rides and has fun with them. It only shakes up his belly for a little while. We grilled out in the picnic area with some nummy buffalo steaks. What a delicious lunch we had! At Praise In The Park, we heard Brian Litrell & Denver & The Mile High Orchestra. That was fun!! We only heard a little of Brian Litrell because we needed to keep going on rides. During Denver, it downpoured on us! So, we pulled out the trusty beach towel! Hey, it worked! We left the park around 5:45. Bryce slept about an hour on the way home. We stopped at home, picked up Ethan, and went to our friends, the Huemann's, for a bon fire. That was fun for all of us!!! It is another family summer ritual that we all love! We got home around 9:30. Everyone was plenty tired. We all had a great weekend!

This past 5 days, Bryce has been needing Tylenol about 2 times a day for jaw pain, tooth pain, and a couple mouth sores. The Vincristine chemo does this to him. We have not started the steroid, and we are noticing he is eating less. That steroid keeps him eating ALOT! He is taking all of his supplements (with lots of reminders...). All in all, things are going well. I think we feel quite a bit of relief knowing that the leukemia is not currently flowing throughout his bone marrow. We just keep praying that it won't EVER come back, that he will reproduce Mitchell's marrow, and that it is not hiding out somewhere in other organs. I just keep thinking that Bryce could be that Miracle Story that we can all tell to many other's someday. Once again, our God is so incredible and amazing...He can move mountains, and He can heal our Brycer! We will have truimph & victory for our little red head (even though he's not really red anymore!). Again, I want to thank God for every single blessing He has ever given me. That includes all of you!! You are so wonderful to us, and we appreciate all of you so much!!! We pray for God to pour His abundant blessings upon you always. Love to all...

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, June 16, 2006 11:03 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Good Evening~

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRANDPA ARNIE!!! Even though, you are another year older, YOU are still the one who keeps us on our toes!!!!

The boys had so much fun at t-ball and baseball practice today! Bryce swung and hit the first pitch to him. He ran "like the wind"...well, maybe not that fast but it was very much improved from when he was in school. You should have seen him, Mrs. Austin! He was sooooo proud!! It made all of us watching very happy!!! Joel loved t-ball, too. It is so much fun watching all of our little people having fun and doing what they love! Mitch & Logan are a little older so it is more like a "it rocks" kind of a thing. I'm sure many of you can relate to that comment. Anyway, it was a fun morning.

Bryce's article was in the Red Wing Republican Eagle today. Scott did a great job with the article. Of course, it brought tears to my eyes...Reading the article makes everything that is going on really "hit home". But, like Lana says, with the article in the paper, we will have that many more people praying for our little Brycer!!! Every prayer is heard by God, no matter what, no matter where, no matter who... We are so very grateful for all of the prayers you are sending out!!! If you want to see the article, you can go to http://www.republican-eagle.com/articles/index.cfm?id=33448§ion=homepage. I have also inserted it into the links below.

Grandma Linda took Joel & Ethan home with her, and the rest of us went to appts. I got lots of reassuring hugs today, and I needed them! Thanks! Bryce's counts were hemoglobin 9.5; white count 1,200(!); ANC 500; and platelets 22,000. So after appts., he, Dad, & Logan went to the PITC for a platelet transfusion while Mitch & I ran to Target. Bryce's liver enzymes are going down so that is good. The bone marrow results show that his bone marrow is "hypocellular without evidence of residual B precursor (ALL) leukemia". What does this mean? It is a little confusing to me but Dr. Arndt explained things very well. She said his bone marrow has less than 5 percent cells in it (hypocellular). A person, who had just been diagnosed with Leukemia and had just been given the Vincristine and Decadron as treatment, would have about 40 percent bone marrow cells in the bone marrow. There are so few cells that they cannot detect any blast cells. But, the cells could be hiding out in organs. That is what the blast cells do a lot of the time. He is NOT in remission because there are not enough cells to even compare themselves to. They are not even sure if his bone marrow will keep growing back. If that is the case, he will be at a more increased risk of fungal infection because he can't produce white blood cells to fight off infections. Fungal infections are very serious and very hard to fight off. They said that the treatment of chemo, steroids, and possibly the diet change, supplements and oils could have been a combined reason of their findings in the bone marrow. Julia did say when I asked her if they were surprised at the results or if this was common, "We were pleasantly surprised, but this can happen at this time." They say it is only a matter of time before the leukemia cells will be back. They don't know when. Dr. Arndt said that "this bought him some time". He will eventually become resistant to the chemo and steroids. Well, do you know what we say about that? THIS IS OUR SON, AND HE MAY BE THAT MIRACLE THAT EVERYONE IS PRAYING FOR. THE ONE WHO EVERYONE WILL SAY, "Wow, that's Bryce Breuer. They didn't expect him to survive his battle with leukemia." Don't get me wrong, we are still cautious, nervous, scared, etc. But, we are also hopeful, faithfilled, and believing in MIRACLES for our Brycer! We completely understand the doctors hesitancy: A) Relapsed leukemia is so agressive. B) They will not make any promises. C) They have more experience with leukemia than we do. But, we still have to believe!!! They are awesome! They want so badly for Bryce to beat this! They truly love him so much!

So, what does his future treatment plan consist of? Possibly Vincristine in 3 weeks. Possibly steroids again, if we decide to give him some now or in 3 weeks. That steroid is nasty! We do not like giving it to him... They have no idea when another bone marrow biopsy would be. It probably will be symptomatic, meaning when he is showing signs of pain in his legs, headaches, or his counts are worsening. For now, he will have his counts rechecked twice a week and see the doctor or nurse practitioner every 1 1/2 weeks. He does not enjoy going to appts. Next week, we will go in for counts on Tuesday and Friday. If he needs a transfusion, we will go to the PITC, then. He will see Julia for an exam on the 27th. Unless he is fevering or has other problems, we will see them less.

So,...KEEP THE HUGE & POWERFUL PRAYERS COMING FAST & FURIOUS FOR OUR LITTLE BRYCER!!! We appreciate every single prayer that you send to our great and almighty God!!! I know He is listening!! Mitch & I stopped by to see Dani Johnson tonight at St. Mary's. Her and I had a nice chat about the future. Let's just say that she will be keeping a close eye on Bryce, always!! I feel so much comfort in knowing that. She wore her Carnival of Love t-shirt all day yesterday...It doesn't get any better than that.... Thanks to Brenda for bringing it to Craig per Dani's request. And thanks, Dani! It has been a true honor and priviledge knowing you for such a short time. You are yet another HERO of mine.... Love & God Bless you all.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:37 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Good Evening~

We had another good day today. Our boys' are actually sleeping in a bit which is nice. Mitchell slept until 7:10 and the last one up was Bryce at 7:45. Logan has been sleeping until 8/8:15. This is all a treat for 'dear 'ol Mom'... Bryce went to his friend, Jacob's, house this morning to play. He had a great time! He was so excited before and after! Thanks, Jake! Bryce really needed that!!! We hung out at home today. Church was nice as usual tonight. It was at the old church, Zion. We have services there on Thursday nights for the month of June. The boys love it. It reminds them of Little House on the Prairie....My favorite TV show! It's always such a nice service.

So, tomorrow we have baseball for the 4 boys from 8:30-10:30. Then, we head to Rochester for 11:45 labs, 12:45 Julia/exam, and Dr. Arndt will step in some time with Julia. I have to admit, I am a bit anxious. But, I am trying to push those feelings aside and hold on tight to my faith!! We are ALWAYS praying for BRYCE'S MIRACLE! Every night, I ask Jesus to come down and heal him while he sleeps. I pray that God is using Bryce as one of his testimonies to our faith, trust, and belief in God that He will completely heal our little boy... We are His servants, each one of us. Please build your faith upon the Lord, and lift Bryce up in healing prayers. He is such an incredible little boy who, I pray, will give us little red-headed grandchildren someday!! God has blessed us beyond imagination. He has given us the gifts of patience and trust in Him. He is our power and our strength. We are so grateful for our lives... We are so grateful for ALL OF YOU!!! Thank you, God!

Please continue to lift Dani up in prayers tonight. Pray for peace and healing for her and her family and friends. The rollercoaster ride of cancer, (any disease for that fact) is a nightmare. I pray for all of you and your family's to have health and wellness, always. Please also say many prayers for a little boy named Luke and a young woman named Brenna. They too are so close to Heaven's gates. Lift their family's up and give them strength and peace. Luke's page is lukewood, and Brenna's page is brennahanson2. We know how all of you are sooooooo incredible to lift us up when we need it. We know how good it feels to hear your inspirational words. Your support is sooooo greatly needed all over the place! We love you all!!!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 11:07 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Good Evening~

It's late, so this will be quick! We've had another good day. Bryce was tired and a bit grumpy this morning. So, he took a 2 hour nap and was much happier after that! A reporter from the Red Wing Republican Eagle came over this afternoon to speak with us. Bryce's article will be in the paper on Friday. Tim was in the truck today, so he missed it. It was the first day for hauling peas for Tim. He (almost) always enjoys the summer hauling for Seneca. I took the boys' (last minute) to the movie Over The Hedge in Rochester later this afternoon. It was fun! Ethan did really well, thank goodness! We practiced some baseball when we got home. Our friend, Brenda, stopped by to play and visit. What a nice treat!!!

I have a huge prayer request for our friend, Dani. She has chosen to stop all treatments. She is in so much pain and has a fever. She has fought hard and has had enough. Please send prayers out for her miracle, her family, and her peace. What a special woman she is! Her webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/danijohnson. Thank you.

We received GREAT NEWS from our friends today, too! PRAISE GOD!!! Baby Alyssa's MRI looks GREAT!!! They fly home tomorrow morning. I miss them already! Jamie's tests and scans came back good, too. No change from the last! This is good news. Her counts are a bit lower, so they will watch that. We are just so happy about both of their results!!! One last prayer request goes out for our adorable friend, Joshi, who has follow-up appts. tomorrow. No matter what, a cancer patient or cancer parent always gets a bit nervous when it comes to appt-time. I'm thinking Lori is probably doing well, but let's send out some very positive and powerful prayers for her, Josh, and their family anyway tonight! His webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/joshi. Thank you God because we know that without you we would have nothing, and with you, we can have everything!!!! PLEASE KEEP SENDING THOSE POWERFUL PRAYERS OUT FOR OUR LITTLE BRYCER! God is listening and holding him close. Good night and God Bless.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, June 13, 2006 9:29 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Good Evening~

We have had a good day. We had to wake Bryce up at 6:20 to be at Gonda 7 at 7:15. Everything went well with the lumbar puncture and bone marrow biopsy. We were home by 10:15! That was awesome! I made a really nice lunch...with MEAT! So, that was good. The rest of the day was spent doing laundry, cleaning up, and working in the garden--all of us! We love that! Bryce even ran the tiller for a little while. Don't worry, we were right there and he was completely safe. We also had a good supper of Vegetable Alphabet Soup that Bryce and I created. Everyone enjoyed that, too. It was a good meal day! Yeah!!! Later this afternoon, Donna, the Oncology Nurse Practitioner called with the spinal fluid results. BRYCE'S SPINAL FLUID IS CLEAR--NO BLAST CELLS!!! I told Bryce right away and he said, "Does that mean I don't have any more cancer in my body?" I said, "No, not yet. This is your spinal fluid, your results from the bone marrow biopsy won't be back for a few days." He said, "OK" and then he smiled his 'happy that the spinal fluid was clear' smile. It was a good smile to see.

Now on to our friends who are in need of prayer and celebration...Alyssa was quite the little trooper for her MRI today! She and her Mommy, Tawnia, will get results early tomorrow morning. Say lots of prayers for Alyssa and her family tonight. Keep praying for her Daddy's healing, too! Jamie has had 2 big days of tests and scans. It is her 3 month check-up. She will go in 1 more day for appts. tomorrow. Please send out some HUGE, POWERFUL prayers for her to get some really great results!!! She is just so incredible! She and Bryce had fun together throwing candy at the Volksfest parade on Sunday! Dani is our Mom friend who has been fighting her battle since her diagnosis in January. She has hit a big bump in the road and needs lots of prayers!! Please go to her webpage and fill her with faith and belief, it is www.caringbridge.org/visit/danijohnson. Thank you so much! And, we are celebrating with our friend Rachel who had her 2nd MRI today to follow-up with her brain tumor response to the 1st 3 rounds of chemo. PRAISE GOD!!! HER TUMOR IS SHRINKING!!!! Big 'ol tears of joy when I read that!!! God is so good, and He is here with all of us the entire duration of the journey! She has 7 more rounds of chemo, and her family's faith is just incredible! Please go to Rachel's webpage and cheer her on! It is www.caringbridge.org/visit/racheltweeten. We are also celebrating another CLEAR SCAN for our brave friend, Nikki!!! She is doing so great! She has been cancer free for 1 year and counting! You can visit her webpage at www.caringbridge.org/visit/nikkischaut. I know she'd love for you to celebrate with her! Thanks a bunch!

We go back in on Friday for appts. and results. Bryce has labs at 11:45, exam at 12:45, and Dr. Arndt will be stepping in around 2pm. We are leaning on the Lord and praying for some really GREAT results of the bone marrow. Tim is very optimistic that these changes should be doing something. And, hey...With God by our side, who dare be against us, right?! Thanks for the note, Sheila! You are so right,...Our God is an AWESOME God!!!!! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, June 12, 2006 10:48 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Good Evening~

We hope everyone is doing well. This one will be a quick one! We had a good day today. Joel came along with Dad, Bryce, and I. After labs were drawn at 8:45, we went to the good food store for more organic groceries. We also received more groceries tonight when Ann & Mary Jo brought some things over that I ordered with them, and then some! Thanks for everyone's help and food to try!!! It is very much needed! Everyone is so great! We saw Julia at 10:30 and then went to the PITC for a platelet transfusion. Bryce's counts were: hemoglobin 10.4; white count 700; ANC 320; and platelets 19,000. He seemed to have a bit more energy today which is so good to see! We had a surprise visit from our dear friends, Tawnia & Alyssa! What a treat! Alyssa is growing and has such an adorable little personality! They also came to our house tonight. The boys especially loved that! Alyssa has a very special bond with Tim,...don't worry, I'm not letting it get me down yet. I can get over the fact that every time Tim came around when I was holding her, she would reach for him. And, I mean reach and stretch!! She is such a sweet baby! Please send out some HUGE prayers for her to have some great, positive results on Wednesday!! Her MRI is early tomorrow. Again, her webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/babyalyssa. Thanks! OK, so tomorrow we have to leave the house around 6:15/6:30am for our 7:15am Gonda 7 appt. for Bryce's bone marrow biopsy and lumbar puncture. Please lift us up in prayer! We need you, Bryce needs you, and God wants to hear from you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! We love you all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, June 11, 2006 10:18 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer will be on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall.

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Good Evening~

What a great weekend we've had! We will all sleep so well tonight,...I can guarentee that! It was fun seeing everyone around Goodhue. The Volksfest was a blast as always! Tim & I had such a nice time at Becky's wedding yesterday. We needed that time together sooooo much! We got home around 8:30 last night to tuck in the last few boys. My nieces, Kelli and Jordan, did a great job! Mitchell did, too. He is only 11 months younger than Jordan and didn't really need someone watching him... They cleaned the house for us and did all the dishes!!! Words cannot describe my excitement of coming home to a clean house and knowing that I didn't have to do ANY of it! Plus, I got to enjoy alone-time with my husband!!! My sister, Julie, stopped over to pick up Logan and Collin (her son). She made supper and gave Bryce his meds, she even got his oils on him! That was another really great treat for us!! Thanks to all of you!!

Today, we went to church and then home for some quick organic food. We went back to town for the parade around 11:30. Bryce really enjoyed riding in the red convertible with Jamie O'Reilly! He loved throwing the candy out and being around his friends. I am sure he smiled the whole time! He and Jamie wore their Carnival of Love t-shirts, the kids and other adults did also. The difference in the t-shirts is that our family's t-shirts are orange for Bryce's favorite color and say "Breu Crew" on the back. The t-shirts for Jamie's family are green for John Deere because her 5 boys love John Deere and say "O'Reilly" on the back. The t-shirts for everyone else are white and they have a picture of the Breuer Family and the O'Reilly family on it. All of the shirts are great! We are getting really excited for that special day!

After the parade, we went to the pedal pull competition for the kids. It's always fun watching the kids get so excited about their pulls, and then getting excited about a free can of pop! Our older 4 boys participated, Ethan is to young. They all did their best and had fun. Bryce had some very loud cheers as he pulled. He also got his picture taken with Miss Goodhue & her attendants. It's a cute picture! After the pedal pull, we took the boys on some rides. They all had a great time doing that! I tried to videotape quite a bit today. We watched the NYC and today's videos tonight. That was a lot of fun!!! We giggled quite a bit!

We need you to send out some HUGE prayers for our sweet, precious little friend, baby Alyssa, who is back in Rochester for some recheck appts. She was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma last August. She went home to Montana in March cancer-free! She has an MRI on Tuesday morning. Her Daddy is not along because he had to have emergency surgery to repair his collapsed lung! So, send Bob some healing prayers. Tawnia and Bob do ALL of Alyssa's appts. and hospital visits together!! Please say some powerful prayers for Tawnia as she is here without Bob, and this is not the "norm" for her. Send her your strength. If I could, I would be at every appt. with her and Alyssa. They are so special to our family!!! They are just like family!! Please stop by Alyssa's webpage with some pick-me-up's and prayers. It is www.caringbridge.org/visit/babyalyssa. Tawnia and Bob will love you for it!

Tomorrow we will head to Roch. around 7:45am for appts. Bryce has 8:30 labs, 10:30 exam, and PITC after for a platelet transfusion. They will give him a good boost of platelets before his procedures on Tuesday. He will have a bone marrow biopsy and lumbar puncture, then. They said it can get really dangerous doing a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) with very low platelets. Please continue to send out some REALLY HUGE & POWERFUL PRAYERS FOR BRYCER TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT for the Tuesday procedures and his healing. I started reading healing scriptures to him today. I know God is listening. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous about hearing the results of both procedures. It doesn't mean I don't have faith, the nervousness just comes with the territory... I'm guessing they will have us come in again on Friday for results. Our God is sooooo great and sooooo powerful, I know He can use His supernatural powers to create another MIRACLE IN BRYCE! I just need to keep repeating to all of us that we will have TRIUMPH & VICTORY FOR OUR BRYCER!!! Tim is doing so great and keeping me on my toes. He has a lot of faith in the God, His healing, the diet change, and the supplements and oils. I am totally leaning on him a lot of the time, lately. Thanks to our family and friends who are so uplifting and helpful. You keep us going... We just have to believe!!!! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE WITH GOD!!! Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Signe, Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, June 10, 2006 10:21 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Good Morning~

We have lots of energy in the house this morning, and it is so much fun! My nieces, Kelli & Jordan, and my nephew, Collin, are here. They stayed over night last night, and the kids are so happy to be together!

Yesterday was a good day. We went to Bryce's lab appt. at 9:30. We ran a few errands, and then went to the PITC for a platelet transfusion. We had a pleasant surprise from Ethan Strenge, his mom, Brenda, and his sister, Kate. It feels like family when we are together. We are so excited to see more family, possibly tomorrow, when Bob, Tawnia, and Alyssa come back from Montana for appts. By the way, Ethan looks AWESOME!!! He is so funny!!! Bryce really perked up when he saw them walk in. That was great! Mitch & Logan were along with Dad & I. Of course, they always enjoy the cable tv. Grandma Linda had Ethan & Joel. They got to play with their cousin, Carson, all day. Joel & Carson are big buddies, and it's so cute! I'm sure they all kept Grandma on her toes!

Bryce's counts counts are holding: hemoglobin 11.2; white count 1,000; ANC 410; and platelets 14,000. So, Bryce has gone a week now until he needed a platelet transfusion. That is a plus to us. He has physically been moving slowly and has been more quiet Thursday and Friday which is always a little sign that he isn't feeling his best. He's not complaining, though. I noticed today he is still moving more slowly, too and he is more ornery. But, he is loving having his cousin's here to play Playstation 2!! He's already had a (buffalo) steak and eggs breakfast this morning. He enjoyed that! And, I am making organic salsa as I type. Tim & I went into Goodhue last night. It was fun visiting with everyone! We have a wedding today. Tomorrow is the Volksfest parade which Bryce is riding in a convertible with Jamie O'Reilly for the Carnival of Love. He wasn't sure about doing it but then he realized he gets to throw candy and thought that would be fun! Some of his classmates will be walking next to him handing out fliers for the Carnival of Love. He is liking that idea! After the parade, we will do the kids pedal pull and then some rides. We'll probably be staying away from the food, though. We just need to give the diet our 100 percent for the first month. He's doing so well...

We'll update again tomorrow night. This update has already been an hour long process... We hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! It's a bit chilly here in MN! Love to all!!! God's abundant blessings to you!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:50 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Hello Everyone~

For those of you just joining us, I updated about our trip to New York City last night. It was awesome! I also added NEW pictures to the photo album.

Today was a nice day. Mitch had baseball practice, the boys went to the pool, and Bryce & I did some cooking. We made ice cream for him! He woke up at 6:15 this morning and has not really been himself all day. He just doesn't seem to be feeling well. He had a headache at breakfast and throughout the day. It finally got the best of him around 4:20pm. He started crying. His pupils were so large, and his eyes were so glossy. I just wasn't sure so I called Julia just to check in and hear her thoughts. She thinks that the blast cells may be in his spinal fluid, now. LET'S ALL PRAY THAT THIS IS NOT TRUE!! His temp. was ok so we gave him Tylenol. That seemed to help. He is getting ready for bed, now. He has such a huge list of bedtime "stuff" that it takes almost an hour to get him ready for bed. He is so tired... We need some HUGE pump-me-up POWERFUL PRAYERS TONIGHT for our little BRYCER!!! I hate it when I start getting down and doubtful! I know that God wants to heal Bryce and I know that I shouldn't doubt Him. I don't mean to doubt our Father in Heaven but as "the Mom", it is sometimes so difficult to be up-beat when you have to watch your child go through all of this and know what the outcome 'could be'. Please say a prayer for our strength as parents. This is sooooo not easy. I don't ever wish this upon anyone! This weekend is Goodhue Volksfest. It's something we look forward to every year. But this year, it's not as easy seeing lots of people when really you wish you could just go and hide from it all--the cancer, not the people who love and care for you. It brings back memories of Volksfest 3 years ago, when we had just gotten out of the hospital after Bryce was diagnosed. Not one of my favorite memories. I'm sorry for all of the "cancer really stinks" venting. I'm tired, I'm scared, and I've had enough and so has my child. I do know that you all care so much and understand. Thank you for that. And, I thank our good Lord for taking Bryce into His healing hands to rock him to sleep every night. I also thank Him for the faith and belief He has instilled in us. We need that!

We go in tomorrow for labs and a transfusion, and possibly a push of Vincristine. I'm guessing he'll need platelets because he got a little nose bleed today. That's usually a sign of needing platelets. I hope it's not a long day. We just want to be home together. The doctors are planning a bone marrow biopsy next week. I'm sure they will add in a spinal tap, also. Thank you for all of the prayers each and every day. Please keep them coming for all of our friends who are fighting their battles! They are all so wonderful!!! I wish you could meet all of them! Don't forget to pray for our family and friends, also. They need all of this awesome support, too. Love to all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 11:18 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Mother's Day Tea Party for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Bryce's honor! Peggy called last week to check on Bryce. She told me that Bryce's contributors have already donated over $1,000!!! I have a very strong feeling that his Tea Party will be the highest in the state of Minnesota! For those of you who still want to send your donations in, the deadline is the end of June. Thank you soooooo much for donating! If we can help find better treatments or even a cure for Leukemia, then we have done a HUGE, WONDERFUL gesture for all of the people who fight their battles with Leukemia & Lymphoma!

Hello Everyone~

We are here with the update we promised you. First of all, today went well with Bryce. He did wake up early (5:30am), though. I'm not sure why but he still had a real good day. I did get the oils on him 5 times today so that was a good thing. We also got all of his supplements in him, too. We all had some much needed quiet time after lunch--it was more of a "referee" kind of day for me; we worked in the garden this afternoon, made chex mix, and went through our family "children's library" to donate to the Salvation Army. We've got some tired children, and we are all looking forward to tomorrow. We just need to get back into the swing of things. I forgot to mention yesterday that when I went to Bryce's appts. with Mitch, Logan, & Bryce, Tim took Joel to Red Wing because Joel had a very painful ear infection. When we got back from Roch., Joel's temp. was 101.5. He took a huge power-nap and woke up at 6:30pm. I asked him if he wanted some spaghetti and he said, "Yes." After he was done eating, he said, "Mom? So, this is what we had for breakfast?" He thought it was morning. How cute is that?! I've done that a couple times in my life, it really goofs a person up! I'm sure many of you can relate. Moving on...

Our trip to New York was FABULOUS!!!! I am so excited to go back, in the future. I can't wait to bring my husband. He will love it! I have to admit...it was really nice having just one child along. I think we (Lana & I) got to appreciate our boys' and the trip so much more. Don't get me wrong, we missed our other children and wished we could show them all of the culture, history, and beauty too. We will most definitely bring them to NYC someday! And, we are very excited to show them as much as possible!

Our flight on Saturday morning went well. We had to circle over the Atlantic ocean for 20-30min. because of bad weather. The pilot told us that we may end up landing in Connecticut because of the visibility. Then, we landed and the flight attendant said, "Well, everyone. We have landed in Connecticut." You could hear everyone sigh. Then, about 5 minutes later she said, "Oh, I guess we are at JFK!" That was a "pleasant" surprise. We went back to the hotel via a town car. We settled in, went to an organic grocery store, and then took some much needed naps. After we woke, we got ready and headed for some supper. We ate at Mars 2112. It was very cool for the boys...especially the space ship ride! After our meal, it was raining. We had walked all the way to 2112 and didn't want to walk all the way back in the rain. So, we took a "bike-buggy" ride with a young driver. It was one of the craziest rides we've EVER experienced!! Don't worry, it's all on tape (I joke) "for liability reasons"! Garret was a little nervous. The guy weaved in and out of traffic, squeezed in between buses and taxi's, was honked at many times, and ran a red light! I noticed BEFORE we got in that the sitting area smelled like URINE....after the ride, we KNEW WHY!!! Don't worry, none of US lost any control... Whew! We slept very well that night!

Sunday: We went to a souveniere shop and bought some gifts on our way to the Empire State Building. That was AWESOME!!! We had Toni the Taxi Guy give us all the details on the headset. I highly recommend that for $6 more! We learned so much about NYC up on the 86th floor! It was sooooooooo beautiful! After that, we ate at an organic restaurant which was very nummy! Bryce thought that was a really great service. Then, we hopped on the subway and went down to the financial district to the Stanton Island Ferry for a ride to view the Statue of Liberty at a little closer view. That was so great, too! We took lots of pictures the entire time. Then, we walked to the World Trade Center Site. Actually, Bryce didn't walk the entire time because he was exhausted! Lana gave him a huge piggy-back ride! He loved it! The WTC site was my favorite stop. It was so emotional and so INCREDIBLE!!!! It leaves me speechless... After our visit there, we went back to the hotel for some R & R.

On Monday, we packed up and hopped on the subway again. This time, we went down to the Chelsea Market for the Emeril Live Show!!! We checked in, grabbed some lunch, and waited to be seated. We sat in the front row of the back seating section. We must have been 25 feet from his counter top where he performed all of his cooking!!! We had to focus on not focusing on us in the TV monitors and cameras. Not too easy to do. Garret got caught with the "Cindy Brady" look once. It was so cute! Lana & Bryce got to shake Emeril's hand!!! They vowed never to wash their hands again...haha. During a break, all the children in the audience got to go up to Emeril's freezer and pick out a frozen treat from him. He taped for about 1 1/2 hours. I do believe that we will most definitely be on tv in 2-3 months. It is episode #511. You can check on Emerillive.com and type in 511 or finger foods. That will tell you when it airs. I will try to keep you informed, also. Afterwards, one of the staff gave Bryce a Children's Cooking with Emeril Cookbook and a t-shirt that says, "BAM!" How cool is that?! He read the cookbook the entire way home on the plane. The show was Bryce's favorite part of the trip! When we were finished there, we hopped back on the subway and went to the hotel. We collected our bags and took another town car back to JFK. We were pooped out! The plane ride went well again, other than leaving about an hour later than scheduled. It was busy as usual at JFK. We got home around 11:45pm. The daddy's carried the very tired, precious boys to bed while the mom's still took more pictures...

We had lots of laughs, and Bryce and I even shed a few tears on a spat over his supplements. Lana and Garret were GREAT traveling companions!!! We'd do it all over again and wouldn't change a thing! Thanks to some very special, giving family's who felt in their heart's the will to give to us for this trip!!! You are all sooooo very kind and generous!!! Thanks to our wonderful hotel, the Affinia of Manhatten, who gave us the complimentary room!! I would recommend this hotel to everyone! It was an awesome location and has such friendly, helpful, and considerate employees! As you are reading, you can tell we were spoiled rotten!!! We loved EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!! And a HUGE thanks to our incredible God above....Where would we be without His presence in our lives??? Who would we be without His love? What would we have if we didn't ask Him to come into our hearts and trust Him with all of our might? God is sooooo good.... We love you all!!! Thank you for everything that you do for Bryce and our family! Especially all of your powerful prayers!!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, June 6, 2006 10:46 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Hi Everyone!

The " Big Apple Traveler's" are home and cannot stop thinking about New York City!! It was absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!! I will update on the trip tomorrow, with pictures!! I can't keep my eyes open at this point...

I wanted to fill you in on Bryce's appts. today, though. He had labs around 10:45 and saw Cynthia at 11:00. Things went well there. She asked him what things he would love to do, and he responded with all the "normal" kid things! Isn't that awesome? He's 8 years old and wants what every 8 year old wants. I'm so proud of him. We saw Julia at 1pm. She did his usual exam and everything seems fine. I am sooooooo excited because his counts are good! His hemoglobin is 11.5!!! His platelets are 25,000; white count is 1,000 (500 last 2 weeks); and ANC is 410. YEAH!!! Something is going in the right direction! And, we PRAISE GOD for that!!! Please keep those powerful prayers coming! I know God is listening!!! Bryce was pretty happy about his counts, too. He was glad he didn't need to take the time to go to the PITC, today. His body is very achy today. That could be from the Vincristine and steroids, Julia said. We were, at first, afraid it could be from the Leukemia... He is achy to touch. So, we have to be very careful when we do touch him. He will go back in for labwork on Friday, and possibly a platelet transfusion. He hasn't held his platelets above 20,000 (transfusion level) for more than 4 days in a row since about a month ago, I think. And, he did today! That is sooo awesome! His hemoglobin hasn't been that high in over a month! He did have the red cell transfusion last Friday. He responded very well. He has been such a trooper with this diet, gang!!! I couldn't even begin to tell you.... Ok, enough for now. I'll fill you in on more tomorrow! We love and appreciate you all sooooo much! And, Lana & Garret.....we miss you!!!! Good night, and THANK YOU GOD for all of our MANY blessings!!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, June 1, 2006 8:48 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

The Carnival of Love for Jamie O'Reilly and Bryce Breuer on Saturday, July 8th, 2006 from 10 am - 3 pm at the Goodhue Firehall

Friends and family of the O'Reillys and Breuers are organizing a carnival to be held for Jamie and Bryce. Thivent will be matching funds. There will be food, games, raffles, silent and live auctions, face paintings, music, etc.......Please join in the celebration!!

Hey everyone~

SURPRISE!!! I am a bit early tonight! Isn't that great? I need to get to bed and get some good rest because I'll need as much as I can get in the next few days... Our flight leaves at 6:20am on Saturday! This means we must leave the house at 3:30am. Ugh. Hey,...at least we have this opportunity to go, right?! We are very excited.

Bryce had a good day today. Me too. I read some inspirational words of healing (that I got from my great girlfriends, Trish & Lisa!), and that started my day off very good. I, again, brought Brycer lunch and we hung out at recess. After that, I watched Mitchell in the Track & Field day. That was fun! He did great! Then, I brought the boys and the Huemann kids back to our house for a little play time! Of course, I had to do nothing because they all love to be together sooo much. It was so nice to see Garett & Bryce hanging out his room playing Batman Legos and eating a (organic) snack. After the Huemann's left, we had another early supper because we had a picture appt. at Grandpa & Grandma Breuer's. The kids all did great. I think the pictures are going to turn out reallly nice. We got a real nice picture of the boys, too. I am grateful for that! Everyone looked so nice. It was kinda fun! We also went to the "country church" tonight. In the month of June, our church holds its Thursday night services at the Zion Church. We just love it! It has the stain glass windows and the old wood burning stove in the back. It reminds us of one of our favorite TV shows, Little House on the Prairie. It's awesome. Bryce fell asleep during church. He is really pooped out tonight.

The boys have a half-day of school tomorrow and summer break begins! Bryce has labwork at 1:30. So, we'll head out when they get home. Rumor has it that there is a water fight on the bus on the last day,...with the bus driver, Theresa's, permission. They are pretty excited about it. I may stay home from appts. to get things ready...there's chex mix to be made, packing, etc. Now, I want to leave you with some of my reading from this morning. It kinda hit home. Love you all!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." It's both a Bible truth and a fact of life--a positive, cheerful disposition has a positive impact on our health.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:18 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Hey everyone~

We had a pretty good day today! Ethan & Joel went to Lori's for the morning, and I brought Bryce lunch. We went outside for recess and just walked around watching the children play. It was a beautiful day to spend with my son!!! I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!!!!!! My friend, Julie H., came over and played with Joel while I cooked and Ethan napped. Joel didn't want to stay in and cook. He loved every minute of it! Bryce is feeling fine, no complaints. I made him more chex mix today, and I also made organic salsa...SPICY! Pastor Mike came over to visit for a little while after school. We talked about God and how He is with us. It was very nice to hear our boys get involved with their opinions of how God works with us. Supper was kind of a bummer because Bryce cannot eat meat, then. So, we have decided that our big meal will be at lunch which is why it is perfect timing that school is done at noon on Friday! Now, I just need to be creative for supper. The brothers are all jumping on board with the food change. Logan said tonight at supper, "Mom, I think we shouldn't have meat at supper." Seems very weird to me...no meat at supper time or just plain, no meat with a meal? We will adjust. I am very excited that we all got out to the garden to pull weeds (fun--it's the family time that matters) after an early supper, then showering them, and getting them to bed at a very decent time! It was a big relief at bedtime, for once. We had a very good night tonight...

We have decided to go and see Emeril Live on Monday in New York City! We have asked our very close friend's Lana and Garett to come with us. Lana is the person who chased down the tickets for us. Tim is not at all interested in going so he will stay with the brothers. We will leave Saturday morning and come home Monday night. We will be booking our flights and hotel tomorrow. We are very excited. And with that, I am signing off and going to bed. It's been a busy catch up night... Love you all!!!! Thanks for all of your guestbook entries!!! Whether we know you already or not, we truly LOVE EVERY entry!!!! God is sooooo good to bring all of you into our lives...

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:29 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Hey everyone~

I'm a tired girl tonight so this one's gonna be short. Today went fine. Bryce's counts are hemoglobin 9.4; white count 500; ANC 70; and platelets 10,000. I was happy that his platelets held like they did for 5 days. I was also happy to see that his hemoglobin is where it's at. His ANC is extremely low, though. Pray for NO FEVERS! (God already knows that we don't have time for a hospital stay, so we'll just trust in Him on this one.) We saw Dr. Kahn and told her we were not going to do the Vincristine chemo. She said, "Actually, I would do it if it was my child. It will keep the leukemic cells at bay for a little while." We felt that hopefully maintaining the cancer would be better until we get these organic food and supplements with essential oils in him more. So, we did give him the Vincristine today. We also started the Decadron steroid 5mg BID. It also helps fight off the cancer cells. We start the Zantac (antacid) with the Decadron because the steroid irritates his stomach. We discontinued the Prednisone steroid today--remember, this kind of information is for Tim & I in the future... We saw Cynthia, his Psychologist, this morning. Your prayers worked because he did great with her today. They played Batman Legos and just got to know each other. We went to the PITC for his platelet transfusion at 11:30. Dr. Kahn ordered the platelets to run through in a half-hour. That is fast. She knew Bryce did not want to go to the PITC today. He just wanted to go home. He & I went to 2 organic grocery stores, too. At first, he was excited about it but lost interest towards the end (3:30). I don't blame him, I have to read all of the labels! He is starting to do this himself. He can only have food: without sugar; only olive, coconut, or flax oil; organic chicken, fish, & buffalo; no dairy; no deep fried foods, no white potatoes; etc. This is only some of it. I hope I have not confused you. So, this diet change is not the easiest. But, again...if it helps him to full recovery and a cancer-free 8 year-old body, then that's all that matters!!!! It's worth a huge effort. We made organic chex mix and chicken stir fry tonight. He really enjoyed his supper because he didn't eat much at all during the day. He did his meds quickly tonight because he wanted to eat his spicy chex mix. That was a good thing...

Now, quickly with last nights entry: I forgot to mention that we went to an Indian pow-wow on Sunday. It was really great. The boys enjoyed watching and learning about the Indian history. History is so important to us! The boys love it! On a different note, I hope I didn't scare anyone with the numbers of "91 out of 100". That is regarding children who have relapsed with Leukemia like Bryce has. Forgive me. I know what it's like to get a scare like that!

Lastly, I ask you to continue your prayers for Bryce and his friends who are fighting their battles,...even if they are cancer-free. We love them all so much, and they mean the world to us!!! Bryce will go to school on Wed., Thurs., and 1/2 of Friday (early out). Then, he has appts. to check his counts on Friday afternoon and to, most likely, get a platelet transfusion. I am very excited for him to be back with his friends before school is out. He needs that! I just noticed that my entry is now LONG!!! Oops. Gotta go! THANKS FOR ALL THAT YOU DO FOR US!!! Love to all...

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, May 29, 2006 11:23 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend. We had a great time at Grandpa & Grandma's!!! We went fishing and swimming (not Bryce, though, he can't be in a pool or lake for one year after transplant). Bryce did some major cooking with Grandpa Peter and had rave reviews!!! He was soooooo proud, and boy, did he ever chow down last night!! They got to stay up late, wake up early, and play with their cousins, aunts, and uncles. They ALWAYS love fishing with Uncle Brad. This morning, we went to a go-cart park. It was soooo much fun! The boys loved it! We're sending out a BIG THANKS to Grandpa & Grandma for such an awesome time! This is the boys' favorite place to go. We are trying for once a month this summer. It's a 5-6 hour drive. With a potty trained, "cry wolf" 2 year-old, it can get long...Bless his little heart. Also, a BIG THANKS to my sisters and brothers for such a great weekend with the boys', too! It's a lot of work... Auntie Pam was there when Bryce found the (broken) wishbone from the chicken on Saturday. I asked him if we should just pretend it wasn't broken. He said, yes. He got the big end and then, (don't tell anyone for fear the wish may not come true...) he told us he wished that he could be all better and his life could be back to normal. I know we all wish that so much!!! Another, BIG THANKS to our very close friend, Lana, for updating on Friday! Didn't she do an awesome job??? I LOVED the part where she asked all of you to pray for Tim & I. I forget to ask for that. And, we really, really need the prayers for our decisions, right now... Way to go, Lana-Banana!! We love and appreciate all of our "helpers" so much!

We started a new "starve the cancer cells" diet on Friday night. This is really hard because we feel like we are depriving him of all of his favorite foods--spicy doritos, Great Grandma Buck's chex mix, and occasionally, an orange pop. Then, we think, "Hasn't he had enough already?" But, we keep reminding him, and us, what if this could work?.... Some things, he is ok with. And some things, he just starts crying. The brothers all feel bad for him that he can't eat the "other stuff". It's so NOT easy. We are doing our best. That is all that I will say. I am hoping each day that it will get better. Dr. Neglia, from the U of M, told us we could start chemo rounds again. A couple at Mayo and a couple at the U. Then, if/when Bryce got into remission, the transplant team would step in and make some decisions. That would be 6 months out from his 1st transplant, so we could probably do another. He said that Mitchell's bone marrow would not be used again because his cells were too "accepted" in Bryce's body. Bryce could have an unrelated donor or a cord blood transplant or a double cord transplant. A double cord transplant is something they fell upon in the last two years. It has to cord blood donors and seems to work better for most adults, anyway. Tim is guessing he would also need more radiation, also. I DO NOT like the radiation!! He would be in and out of the hospital, again. Our family would be apart. And, there is no guarentee. He said that eventually the disease would take his life. I asked for numbers, of course. He said, "91 out of 100 patients will die from Leukemia." UGH!!!!! Do you feel our frustrations?... We are very hopeful that this new diet change and the nutritional supplements with oils will work... Please keep sending the prayers!!!! I just know that God is listening!!!!!

Tomorrow, we have early appts. We have the option of giving him more Vincristine chemo to hopefully knock out some of the bad cells. We are going to hold off and see if we may see some results in Bryce because of the other nutrients. I'm sure he will need a platelet transfusion, but I'm really, really hoping that his hemoglobin is good/holding. Besides seeing Dr. Kahn tomorrow, he will also see Cynthia, the Psychologist. Pray for that session... We are also planning on doing some organic grocery shopping afterwards. Bryce will like that. He loves to be a part of the decision making (especially with food and cooking)--and he should be a part of it whenever he can! Tim & I may drive seperately because there is a lot of work that needs to be done around home and the farm. Grandma Linda is coming over at 6:45am to get the rest of the Crew up and running. Carol T. is taking Ethan. Lucky kid. So, thanks in advance to all of our Tuesday helpers!

Please DO continue to pray for God's wisdom on the decisions we need to make for Bryce's fight. Forgive me for saying this but...it's not like we are working with a pet rat...sorry if I offended anyone--I think I'm TRYING to have humor. I never, NEVER wish this upon ANYONE!!! It is sooooooo difficult. And, of course (me being the emotional woman & mother), I want God to wake me up from a deep sleep to tell me what we should do. (Isn't that just like a woman?) I just want us to be so sure because I can hear the clock ticking... Please, please, please continue your HUGE & POWERFUL PRAYERS FOR OUR LITTLE BRYCER!!!!!!!! He is such an incredible kid!!! I just wish he could have his normal life, again and still be a little more of the kid he was before cancer. We must ask for TRIUMPH & VICTORY FOR BRYCER!!! Pray for his counts to increase, his health with no fevers, his brothers, his friends and family.... God wants us to lean on Him, and NOW IS THE TIME!!!!! As you can read, I need to get some rest. We love you all!

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, May 26, 2006 8:39 PM CDT

Good evening everyone...

Hope everyone had a great day and was outside and able to enjoy this beautiful weather! You will notice this entry is a bit different, Susie called on her way to her Dad's (in Bemidji) to ask if I would update. So...I will take a stab at it.

The appointment with Dr. Neglia went "fine". He is a very nice man. They spent about one hour with him. Dr. Neglia had previously told them 2 times that there was nothing he could do for them. However, that is when he was under the impression that they were going to be on a trip(for an extended time, Dr. Kahn had informed Dr. Neglia of the trip) After meeting Bryce Dr. Neglia offered to them they could start the chemo, try to get him into remission and then do another Bone Marrow Transplant. Some of the process could be done at Mayo and some would be done at the University Hospital. Again, he went over different chemo/medication options, he gave them some statistics if they were to do chemo & BMT. I will wait and have Susie update with the exact specifics. They will call him back next week and make a decision as to what plan they would like to take. They are still looking into Naturalpath options. They are not ruling this out either. She did ask Bryce today on the way home his thoughts of more chemo. No response. Then later at home she asked again and he said he really didn't want to do chemo again, but he really doesn't want to drink the "berry" juice(natural path) so often throughout the day and rub oils on his body. It sounded like he wasn't sure which way would be better either. Also, he is eating like crazy. His weight is up to 58.5#. Last time it was 55#. So moving in the right direction.

Susie said her head is spinning. They are probably more confused now. Do you go ahead with more chemo and watch your child with that whole process...or try alternative options that do not have as much clinical backing?

The Breuer's should be arriving in Bemidji at about 9:00(They probably just got there) Tackle boxes and fishing poles are packed. They are ready for a good family vacation.

Please pray for Tim and Susie during this difficult decision making process.

God Bless~Lana

Thursday, May 25, 2006 10:20 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Sorry for the delay... I know many of you have been concerned but everything is fine. We are just caught up in the many things going on in our lives right now. It is so important to us to BE with our kids when we can, therefore the late updates, etc. We've been busy! We got back from St. Cloud last night at 8:30pm. We left the house at 7:30am and Bryce & I got home around 6:15pm. We are moving closer to a decision about our little Brycer but we want to hear Dr. Neglia's opinion tomorrow. We see him at 10am. Again, he's already said 2 times there is nothing more he could do with Bryce, but we are willing to go to him and ask. And, to be honest with you, we are becoming less and less interested into putting more toxins in his little body, again...

Everything went fine yesterday. We learned MANY new things! We are trying a few of his recommendations with Bryce. We are also looking into another company that has the natural type of solutions. It is a committment. So, that is hard for us because we are committing our 8 year old son. He knows about the committment. He knows we need to find something to work for him. He knows we don't really want to put more chemo into his body. He said, "We are praying for a miracle." I am telling you....he is so incredible and such a trooper!!! I wish you could all know him. (But, he does not like being in the spotlight, so we won't wish that one real hard). I wish he could just be a healthy 8 year old boy... I wish that one sooooooo badly!!! It just breaks our hearts that he has to continue to go through this. We would take it away from him and put it on to us in a heart beat. I know you would, too. You are all so great!!! What would we do without you?...

Today was fine. Mitch & Logan did talk to Cynthia the Psychologist. They seem to be coping well. Mitch is ready and willing to talk. We just don't bring it up sometimes because we don't want to make him think about it, in case he isn't... Bryce did not want to talk with her or be around her. She would just like to get to know him and play with him. We are going to try again with her on Tuesday for a bit. We go back for labwork and exam, also on Tuesday. Today Bryce's counts were hemoglobin 7.1; white count 400; ANC 170; and platelets 17,000. So, he received red cells and platelets at the PITC at St. Mary's. Hopefully, the red cells will give him a little energy for the weekend. We leave for Dad's tomorrow afternoon sometime. It just hit me that they don't have internet at home. Is that right, Cath? So, you may not hear from me as much. Trust me, if I can update each day, I WILL!!! Remember, this is YOUR main information center but also MY therapy!!!

Speaking of therapy, today I had the opportunity to have lunch with one of my favorite people in the whole world!!! Nyla, Ellen's Mommy, came to the PITC to visit and she bought us a very nummy lunch from Dos Amigos. Yes, Mexican again... It was very much needed time together!!! Thanks, Nyla. I miss you, and God knew I needed you... She really is one of my major hero's... I wish everyone could know Nyla. All of us Mom's out there would be stronger and appreciate everything in life. Ellen's webpage is www.caringbridge.com/visit/ellenkathleen. God also knew that I needed another very important person in my day today. He placed Kerri & Allie in the PITC at the same time as us today. I haven't seen Kerri since last October before they went to New York to get more specialized treatment for her daughter. She was the first 'Mom of a child with cancer' that I met when Bryce relapsed in September. I needed her so much, then. She is just amazing, also. And now, I need you all to send out some very HUGE & POWERFUL PRAYERS for her daughter, Allie, her family, and Kerri herself. Allie is not doing well at all. That is why they 'sent her home'. It breaks my heart so much. Kerri had called me about a month ago from N.Y. Our family's were doing great, at the time. They found out the next day that the cancer had come back in her brain and spine really bad. We also found out bad news the next day, that Bryce had relapsed once again. She hadn't called me because she didn't want to bring me down. I hadn't called her maybe for the same reason but also because I am terrible at calling people back!! (Which reminds me...sorry I haven't called some of you back...) We both carry each other's phone numbers around in our purses, though. Please pray for their strength and healing. Again, my heart is just broken for them... They don't have a webpage.

And now, I wanted to tell all of you about a really great day in July.... It is called the Carnival of Love. It is a benefit for our family & Jamie O'Reilly's family that was started by Tim's aunt, Sharon, who belongs to our church. Thrivent is matching the funds. The Carnival of Love will be held on Saturday, July 8th from 10am to 3pm in Goodhue at the Firehall. It sounds like it is going to be INCREDIBLE!!! I'm not asking questions but I am hearing how much fun everyone is having setting everything up! So, if there is anyone out there who would like to mark it on your calendars so you don't miss it, then do so. I didn't want to hear that someone was bummed because they didn't know about. That would make me feel really bad. We are very excited about this BIG day! It is going to be sooooo much fun!!

I know you are all wondering how we are doing. We are doing ok. Again, we have our up's and down's. We are worried about losing our little guy but we continue to keep the faith and the hope alive that there is a cure for Bryce. We just have to find it. We know that God is leading us. We can feel God surrounding us. Our God has blessed us beyond imagination!!! We just need to keep praying for MIRACLES FOR BRYCE!!!! Thank you for all of your POWERFUL PRAYERS!! God can hear our thunder, and I know He is listening. Pray for all of our boys, pray for Brycer's friends and family. Pray for our positive attitude, all of us. Pray for the leukemia to stop reproducing in his bone marrow! God is sooooo good, He is holding Brycer in His healing hands. Bryce has been having left shoulder pain for 3 days and a tummy ache today. Pray for his comfort, peace and healing.... We love you all.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 10:52 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

This is a good time for me to write tonight because I have hope and faith from hearing good news about a young Mom named Dani Johnson! She had her appts. yesterday and her doctors found NO signs of cancer!!! Praise God!!! I've asked you to pray for her in the past, so now if you would like to send her some well-wishes & congrats that would be great! She is at caringbridge.org/visit/danijohnson. She's not feeling so well from all of the chemo and radiation but what a trooper she is!!! Way to be such a fighter, Dani! A positive attitude is such a huge part of the healing process!

I am also feeling good because there HAS to be SOMETHING that can improve our little Brycer's condition! There just has to be! We will see the Natural Path tomorrow afternoon. It didn't work out this afternoon. But, we did go to my chiropractor this afternoon. Bryce learned a lot, and she worked on him a little after she readjusted my spine. He did very well. We will talk with Bryce about scheduling another appt. with her. We see Dr. Neglia on Friday. I am feeling a bit hesitant about that appt. just because he has already told Dr. Kahn that there is nothing more that they can do for Bryce. I know many of you have said he is a great doctor, and I'm sure he is. I just feel like he may have already made his decision. But, I am a person with a very open-mind so we will see what he says on Friday. Part of me also wishes we didn't have to put any more of these terrible medications into his little body anymore, either!! Enough already...

Bryce went to school for a couple of hours this morning. He says he gets pretty tired at school. Tomorrow he will stay another hour longer. I wonder if he wants to leave earlier because it bothers him to not be doing what he "should" be doing--normal kid stuff. He said that he gets bored at recess because he can't play ball anymore. I offered to come and hang with him at recess so that is in the future plans, I'll have lunch with him before recess, too. After I picked him up from school today, he told me that he was going to take a nap with Ethan today. He napped on the couch for about 40 minutes. I was glad he was listening to his body. His left shoulder was bothering him today. I'm not sure why, though. He said it felt a little better (didn't hurt as much) after Dr. Lois worked on it. He was in a pretty good mood today. He was very happy to be a part of planting the garden! In fact, he woke up after an hour of sleep tonight to tell me to flush his lines, and the first thing he asked was, "Did you finish planting the garden?" Funny.

We are doing ok. It's such a rollercoaster ride. But, tonight I've spoken, and had a great conservation, with 2 of my closest friends, Brenda & Lana. That helped soooo much! Everyone always knows just when to call...I always tell them "When God tells you to call, call." They help me remember that we have to believe in miracles and keep the faith. Bryce was a miracle last December when he finally went into remission. And now, Dani is a miracle showing no signs of cancer. Jamie is another miracle. She called today, and she is doing great! God is soooo incredible! I am so thankful for everything that He has blessed me with in my life!!! EVERYTHING!!!! I forgot to send a big THANK YOU out to Bethany for making the awesome John Deere cake for Bryce's family b-day party on Sunday!! It was so awesome!!! I've put a new photo of him with his awesome cake in the photo album! Everyone is sooooooo great!!! We love you all, and we love all you do!!! Rest well tonight, we'll talk to ya tomorrow.

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, May 22, 2006 10:26 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

It was a very nice evening out anniversary celebration for Tim & I. We went to Fiesta Mexicana to eat, then to Sargent's Nursery for seeds and plants for the garden, and then to Wal-Mart. Sounds romantic, doesn't it?! It was very nice and much needed time to ourselves. And now, I was just sitting on my husbands lap reading all of the guest book entries and well-wishes from today. THANKS TO AUNTIE PAMMY AND COUSINS TONY & KELLI FOR WATCHING THE BOYS FOR US! I asked Tony if he was crazy or what? But, he enjoys being with the boys so much! He leaves tomorrow for San Antonio. We are going to miss him so much until July! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE FOR BRYCE & OUR FAMILY, TONY!!! You are the BEST!!!! We love you sooooo much!!! And another big THANKS TO GRANDMA LINDA FOR BRINGING SUPPER TONIGHT! I hear it was very nummy!!! THANKS IN ADVANCE TO TERESA (a sister Director in Mary Kay) FOR SUPPER FOR TOMORROW NIGHT! You are all so wonderful, supportive, and helpful!!! You are carrying us through all of this! Last Friday night, Nikki from the Goodhue Grill called us to treat us to fish fry to-go. It was sooooooooo good! It SO hit the spot! THANK YOU, NIKKI AND EVERYONE INVOLVED!!!!

I went with Joel to the Como Zoo today, and what a beautiful day it was. We had such a nice time together talking and taking pictures of each other. We spent time with some of our closest friends, too. I think the best part for me was holding Joel's hand so much and snuggling him on the bus. He loves to 'test the waters' with others but is such a honey and such a good kid! Today meant so much to me! Now, I need to get some alone time in with Logan & Mitch.

Tim took Bryce to his appts., and Grandma Linda left work early to watch Ethan. THANKS AGAIN, GRANDMA!! Bryce's counts are lower, yet. Hemoglobin 7.4; white count 400; ANC too low to count; and platelets 15,000. So, he received platelets this afternoon at the PITC. He needed red cells too but the doctors decided to wait and watch until Thursday to see what his blood does on its own. If he gets headaches or is very tired, we need to go in for a red cell transfusion. Otherwise, there is not much new. Thursday we will all go in to see the Psychologist. Bryce will have labwork before to see if he needs a transfusion before our busy weekend. He will get more Vincristine sometime between Friday and Monday, when we get him there. We are looking into some other ways of helping Bryce. Tomorrow, we are going to the cities to see a Natural Path that Tim spoke with on the phone this morning. Friday, we have an appt. to see Dr. Neglia at the U of M. We have about 8 leads to look into, and we need to work quickly. We are doing the best we can without getting too overwhelmed. I know that God will guide us in the right direction. I do not have a doubt about that. As our very special friend, Nyla--mother of little Ellen, reminded me tonight...God is guiding us, and we are doing his work. All of us are! And, as the song says (that Nyla introduced us to--Praise You In This Storm), God is whispering to us in the wind, He hears our crys, He is next to us the entire way... It is most definitely not an easy time in our lives, but we must remind ourselves that our God is bigger than Leukemia and can move mountains! We must BELIEVE & HAVE FAITH, even in the trying times (so keep picking us up!)...we must PRAY FOR MIRACLES FOR OUR LITTLE BRYCER!!!!!! I am so grateful for this Caring Bridge Web Page....it is my THERAPY!!! Love to all of you!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, May 21, 2006 10:20 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Another great day... We went to church and it was a full house! My step Mom, Cathy, and my sister, Mina, sang and played piano for all of us! They came all the way from Bemidji with my Dad & Mina's husband, Aaron, for the b-day party. My sister, Amanda, and her husband, John, also came for the party with their son, William. They came from Winona. It was so great to see them, again! Will is adorable! Cathy & Mina did 2 songs, and they were beautiful!!! I was so proud to have them there!!! Their first song was about trusting in God. God knew I needed that song, today. I was having a bit of a downer morning, and the song was just a reminder of our true faith in Him... Most of our family's were able to attend to hear them, too. Everyone started trickling in for Bryce's family b-day party around 1-2pm. It was a full house, and it was sooo nice to be with family, again. Bryce enjoyed it, though he was pretty quiet. He woke up itching on the palm of his left hand, and then itching on the soles of both of his feet. We tried the Hydrocortisone cream, and then he wanted to try soaking in the tub. The tub helped. So, back to the party... We ate lots of food, took a lot of pictures and videos, and had nummy cake and ice cream. Bryce's appetite is getting better every day but the moodiness is not so fun--remember, the steroid that causes these things. And, now he's on 2 steroids... Poor kid. Not so much fun. But, he was in the kitchen cooking with me almost the entire time! He is sooooooo particular, somedays it makes me a little crazy. A lot of things have to be just so, and he needs to do them himself. The great news is that he got a Chef hat and apron from Auntie Shelley & Carson. He will wear them out, I can tell ya that much!! He received many creative and very well thought out gifts! Very unique things for a unique kid... THANK YOU TO AUNTIE PAMMY FOR WASHING UP ALL THE DISHES, AND THE GRANDMA'S & SISTER'S FOR CLEANING UP THE MESS!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE COUSINS AND UNCLES FOR SPENDING SO MUCH TIME WITH THE BOYS OUTSIDE! They loved it!! WE LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!! WE HAD SO MUCH FUN WITH ALL OF YOU TODAY!!!

Tomorrow, I will go to the Como Zoo with Joel's kindergarten class! We are so excited!! It's our 13th wedding anniversary tomorrow, so the groom will be taking the blushing bride out for a nice quiet meal. I'm not sure when we will be going because Tim is taking Bryce to his appts. at 10:30am, and he will need platelets after that. They may not be home until 5:30/6pm. We'll just play it by ear, like always. Auntie Pam will be watching the boys for our night out! Let's pray for a peaceful night for her! Auntie Julie stayed after tonight and cut my hair in our kitchen. Yeah!!! I needed it so bad and never had time. Before I forget again, I want to THANK MR. GREG NIXON for our awesome meal at Carlos O'Kelly's last Thursday when we went to eat with the boys for Bryce's birthday!!! Mr. Nixon slipped me some green when we had stopped at the post office before we left for Rochester. Everyone is so thoughtful!!! We appreciate all of you!!! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING THAT YOU ALL DO FOR OUR BRYCER AND OUR FAMILY!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, May 20, 2006 9:49 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

You know what they say...Time flies when you're having fun!!! These last few days have been so great and so quick! Today was incredible!!! You should have heard Bryce laughing and giggling. His smile was so real and genuine. He didn't get real silly or super playful but he did enjoy the day soooo very much!!! At 8:45am, we took a school bus driven by the owner, Denny O'Reilly who volunteered his entire day to some really happy kids and excited parents. THANKS, DENNY!!! What a day you gave us to be together rather than in seperate vehicles. The kids had time to laugh and play, and the parents had time to visit and watch. What a gift you gave us! We walked alot, we ate pizza & cake, and we watched Bryce's face light up as he opened his gifts outside in the zoo park. What a beautiful day. He received many wonderful gifts from his friends, one being a Playstation 2! You should have seen his face. His friend, Casey, asked his Mom if they (other family's included) could give him that because Casey wanted to give Bryce 'his smile back'... Is that just precious or what??? Bryce loved it. But really, he was very excited about all of his gifts. They were all so well thought out and special. He even got a cook book, bread, and soup that he can use at home. Lana gave him a photo album of him and Garett, friends & family included, since they were babies. While I was looking through it tonight, I found myself praying to God, again, to please, please, please let him live!!!! All of the gifts were so special! THANK YOU, EVERYONE!!! Also, more HUGE THANKS TO TRIS, LANA, AMY, TONY, AND KELLIE FOR ASSISTING WITH OUR GROUP! We NEVER could have done it without you! MORE HUGE THANKS TO JODIE, SHEILA, TRIS, AMY, LANA, MELISSA (& WHOEVER I MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT) WHO HELPED BEHIND THE SCENES WITH THE ZOO FEES, DOLPHIN-TIME FOR OUR FAMILY, PIZZA, CAKE, & GIFTS! I hope your children realize everything that you did today because it could be a very big influence on them as they get older to help others. THE MN ZOO ALSO GETS A ROUND OF APPLAUSE BECAUSE I HEARD ONLY TERRIFIC THINGS ABOUT THE STAFF AND THE GIVING! WOW!!!!! After the dolphin show, we waited around so Bryce could be surprised with some time with the dolphins!!!! Dad, Mom, Mitch, Logan, & Bryce (Joel & Ethan were at Grandma & Grandpa's) got to go into the "dolphin zone" to do tricks with the dolphins and then, feed the dolphins fish after they did their tricks!!!!!! Can you believe that?! We played with the dolphins and touched them a lot. The people who work with the dolphins were so nice! But, the best moment for Bryce was when he sent the dolphin, Seymour, over to his friends to get them all wet! And boy, did they get wet!!! It was sooooo funny! My best part was HEARING BRYCE GIGGLE THE ENTIRE TIME THAT HE WAS PLAYING WITH SEYMOUR, THE DOLPHIN!!!! What a most beautiful and precious sound... One that a mother lives for. He was soooooooo happy!! I can still see his face and his smile. I can still hear his giggle. I wish ALL OF YOU could have seen and heard it... We don't get enough of those beautiful sounds these days. He was tired on the bus ride home. The kids were still pretty excited. The adults.......were exhausted!!! I think we may have worn Tony out. Poor guy. I know he enjoyed seeing Bryce so happy.... What a great b-day party!!!! This one will be etched in the memory banks forever.

Now, on to yesterdays appts. Long story, short. We are giving Bryce Vincristine & Decadron pulses. I don't know yet how often he gets the pulses. The Vincristine (given once via IV) is a chemo med, and the Decadron (oral for 5 days) is a steroid. This should "buy him some time" until we can get him in a Phase 1 study, they say. I also hate the sound of that phrase... I hope it works. Last September after he relapsed, they gave him Vincristine & Adriomycin and it didn't do a thing. So, this does concern me a bit. We are looking into taking our family to Hawaii to see my brother and his family soon. We may also have another huge moment for Bryce, if we can make it work... Bryce LOVES the Food Channel, as you all already know. Lana has gotten him tickets to the 'Emeril Live' Show in Manhatten, NY on June 5th!!! Bryce has said a few times, "I want to go to Emeril's show and watch him cook!" You should have seen his face when we told him about it and asked him if he would like to do it. Once again, PRICELESS! The part that makes me nervous is the amount of time before he is able to get going on this study. It could be mid to late June, and by then, the leukemia could be really bad. Dr. Kahn said we should definitely go on both trips! That really hit Tim hard. I believe most men are factual about information, and most women are emotional. They think about numbers and facts, and we think about fun and making people happy. Not always, but a lot of the time. It's my opinion anyway... Please pray for Tim's strength, all of our strength... But, most of all, PLEASE PRAY FOR A MIRACLE CURE FOR BRYCE!!! We have a few leads into other things: We have an appt. to see Dr. Neglia at the U of M next Friday, even though he said he could do nothing more with Bryce. Baylor University also said there was nothing more they could do. Dr. Kahn did find one leukemia Phase 1 study but it is not currently open. We are hoping by mid-June it is. We have Bryce taking his supplements/glyconutrients, again. We are also going to talk to a Natural Path in the cities. We must try very, very hard to find a cure for Bryce, once and for all!!!

Please pray for his health and healing and to be fever-free so he can stay out of the hospital. Pray that the leukemia slows down and stops producing more cells. We just can't imagine not having our little Brycer with us... He is so wonderful and precious. He's one-of-a-kind, just as your children are. They are all "precious in His sight". Pray for the medicine to work, for his positive attitude, and his faith & hope. We can soooo do this. Yes, we are very scared but we have to have hope and trust in God. It's a must. Our God is so good and full of MIRACLES! We've seen Him do it in the past with Bryce...let's pray He will do it, again now. We love you ALL!!! Good night.

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, May 19, 2006 11:19 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Another busy day has flown by!!! And, you'll never guess the energy level in Breuer Home at this very moment... There are 7 of my closest girl friends' here,...POWER CLEANING!!! Thank you, God!!!!!! He called in the troops! And, they are on a mission!!! There are decorations, orange balloons on the walls, the tub is being scrubbed plus the doors! I can't remember the last time the shower doors were clean... They are washing curtains and a table cloth and shaking rugs. How does that song by Martina McBride go? "I have been blessed"... Thanks goes out to Dawn, Camie, Carol, Deb, Barb, Lana, & Brenda!!! I know that there are some other "special ladies" who would have loved to have been here also. We know you were with us in mind. They also brought Tim & I an anniversary gift. Our 13 year anniversary is on Monday, the 22nd. They bought us a color 16x20 family photo from last September after Bryce relapsed. It was taken at the St. Mary's courtyard. It's my favorite picture, and I was going to get one someday but never got around to it. Now, I just need to look for a frame. How awesome is that?! The picture came from about 12 couples who are all close friends of our's. THANK YOU, EVERYONE!!! You show the true meaning of friendship, always. You are always lifting us up, showing us a good time, at times crying with us, and making us laugh, AND...loving us no matter what!!! But, most importantly, you ALL have the FAITH and TRUST IN GOD that we have, and that means so much, especially now. We love you all soooooo much!!! And, we miss you! So, this was a really nice treat to spend time with you tonight. Lana & I also believe it was good for Tim to hang with Dan the Man & Stevo, too. He soooo needed that!

Bryce's appts. went fine today. His hemoglobin is 8.2; white count 600; ANC 200; and platelets 6,000. So, he and his Dad stayed back to get platelets at the PITC. He also received a Vincristine push. Vicristine is a chemo medication. We will start the Decadron tomorrow. That one is a steroid. I went back to Red Wing to catch up with Mitch on his class field trip. I met up with him at 1pm. It was so nice to see him laughing with his friends and being a kid. I sometimes worry about him. He's a good kid. Don't get me wrong, he seems to be doing well. Bryce and the brothers have not asked any questions. We just take it day by day. We have information from Bryce's appts. today but I REALLY want to hang with my girls!!! So, after we are back from the MN Zoo tomorrow, I will update about that. The 2nd grade friends and parents have pulled out all the stops for the zoo trip, also! We have a school bus taking us, we have Pizza Hut pizza coming, we have all the supplies. Plus, I hear there is at least one special surprise for Bryce! I can't wait to fill you in tomorrow night.

By the way, today is the 3 year "anniversary" (again, I do not know why it is called an anniversary--it's not a celebration...) of when Bryce was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. That was a crazy, in-shock day. I still remember every minute of it... I'm sure Tim does, too. I am not dwelling on it, but I do think it is something to mention. Please send out HUGE PRAYERS for our little Brycer!!!! He is such an incredible little boy! He's had 3 years of this cancer stuff and needs to be finished, well & healthy! Pray for a MIRACLE FOR BRYCE!!! Thanks for checking on us. We love you all!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:33 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

A 'birth'day in the life of Bryce:
P.S. Birthday pictures have been added to the photo album!

6:50am Awake. Climbs into bed with Mom & Dad and is told about the day he was born. Loved every minute of it.

7am Gets Ethan from his room and brings him into Mom & Dad's room. Mom & Dad ask Ethan, "Is it Brycie's b-day today, Ethan?" Ethan responds, "Me eat candy!" Meaning, 'now that it's Bryce's b-day, I can eat the candy for the pinneata!' Go down stairs to open presents with the brothers.

7:15am Grandpa & Grandma stop by with gifts and hugs. Great Uncle Rick stops by bearing gifts, also. Eat!!! Take meds! 5 b-day phone calls!!

7:47am Misses the bus but handles it well. Another visitor, Jane, bringing gifts! Kisses Mom and he's off with his Dad to school! "No pictures, Dad!" Misses 4 more b-day phone calls!!

8:05am Desk is decorated beyond imagination!! Thanks to all of our gift giver's...Ethan Strenge, the Custodians, & Grandma. Missing 3 more b-day phone calls.

11am More balloons delivered by Carol & girls while eating lunch! HUGE smiles across his freckled face! Missing more phone calls--Mom stops counting. Many gifts delivered at home by this time...

2:50pm Mom & Dad arrive at Bryce's classroom with a surprise. ***I just have to back up the train here a second. On Monday night, I read a journal entry to him from his cousin, Tony who is in the Air Force in San Antonio, TX. They share the same b-day and try to always celebrate together. After reading Tony's entry of b-day reminders and wishes, Bryce turned to Auntie Pam (Tony's Mom) and said, "So, I guess Tony won't make it home for our b-day." She said, "Well, I don't know?.." She called Tony the next day and told him what Bryce said....He then booked his flight and arrived in MN at 10:15 this morning!!

2:51pm It's PRICELESS!!! Bryce's jaw drops as he sees Tony! He runs and jumps into Tony's arms, and they hug like they haven't seen each other in years!!! It's been since December. Tony spent a day with us in the hospital. By the way, Tony wore his Air Force uniform and answered questions for the 2nd Graders. What an INCREDIBLE young man! Calm down all of you young, single women, he's only 21 and his Mom's not ready for him to settle down, yet! AND, we sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BRYCE, TONY, AND TERESA who stopped by with her b-day treats, also. What a fun day and memory!! Yes, it's on camera and video...

3:20pm Leave school and stop at home for a bit. Pam, Tony, Kelli, & Grandma have to help bring in all the b-day balloons and gifts! Missed 3 b-day phone calls.

4:15pm Grab Dad & head for Carlos O'Kelly's mexican with the brothers!!!

4:55pm Arrive at CoK's and get priority service compliments of our friend, Brenda! The table has balloons, a card, and a sombrero (that he got to keep) plus chips and salsa!! What more can a hungry family ask for???

5:45pm After eating an extremely tasty mexican meal, we leave CoK's to find a Cadillac Escalade Limosine parked outside for the Breu Crew compliments of In Style Limosines and our friend, Jodi!!! Yes, this on camera and video, also...

5:46pm Another priceless moment and smile on the face of Mr. Bryce!!! Brenda was there catching it all on her digital camera, too. THANKS BRENDA, JODI, & IN STYLE LIMOSINES!! Bryce felt like a KING because of all of you!!! Cruised around Rochester in the limo foys. Missed 4 b-day phone calls.

7:35pm Arrive home to a kitchen floor full of BIG, ORANGE BALLOONS!!! Another priceless moment on the face of our Big Red. Thanks to Auntie Shelly & Cousin Carson for the fun! And, by the way, it was Dad's face that had a 'funny' look on it. His lips read,...we won't print that... Funny and very clever, Auntie!!!

8pm Getting the first 3 into bed. Bryce gets the meds and nutrients in. Not so fun any more...

8:36pm Prayers are said. He's kissed goodnight. Special b-day hugs, ONE MORE TIME!!!! Lots of "love you"'s...

10pm Still missed another b-day phone call from Uncle Chris & Auntie Gloria in Hawaii. Bummer--5 hour difference.

So, we have appts. tomorrow. We will drop Ethan & Joel off at Auntie Shelly's for the day. Bryce has lab work at 8:30 and sees Julia and Dr. Kahn at 9:45. We will discuss Phase 1 studies, etc. He will also need a platelet transfusion. He has more petichiae coming...Was that the correct spelling, Kari & Brenda? It's late...

THANK YOU FOR THE BAZILLION GUEST BOOK ENTRIES THAT YOU LEFT BRYCE TODAY AND FOR ALL THE GIFTS YOU SENT OR DROPPED OFF AT THE HOUSE!!!!!! Very clever and creative, Nikki & Karen...All ORANGE treats!!! Oh my goodness,... I almost forgot to tell you that I had to go and get the mail from the mailman today. He handed over 2 stacks and said to wait. He handed me a 3rd stack! I said, "Wow. We counted 27 yesterday." He said, "I think I counted 73 today!" The brothers thought that was so cool that the numbers equalled 100! Now, there are well over 100 b-day cards for Bryce! You should have seen his, once again, priceless expression when he saw that stack!!! I'm sorry but we didn't have time to get through them all! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING A LITTLE, 8-YEAR-OLD BOY FEEL LIKE HE IS ON TOP OF THE WORLD TODAY...nothing medical involved! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!! We love you all!!!! Thank you God for all of our awesome support system!!!! Please continue the huge, powerful prayers for our friends, big & small!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & EthanSO MUCH FOR MAKING A LITTLE, 8-YEAR-OLD BOY FEEL LIKE HE IS ON TOP OF THE WORLD TODAY...nothing medical involved! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!! We love you all!!!! Thank you God for all of our awesome support system!!!! Please continue the huge, powerful prayers for our friends, big & small!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 11:26 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Bryce had another good day at school. He is pooped out but very glad to be there. I had fun running like a mad woman today to plan for the b-day party's and special surprises!! What an adrenaline-filled day!!! It really kept my mind off of things. The phone rang a bunch of times, again today! Thank you again for all your phone calls and words of inpsiration in the guest book!!! I dropped Ethan & Joel off at Lori's around 11ish and headed to Wal-Mart. I got the b-day supplies for the parties. We are having Bryce's friends b-day party on Saturday. We are taking a bunch of his friends to the MN Zoo by school bus. Thanks to Denny O'Reilly donating the bus and driver, and Lana for lining it up! Thanks, Carol B., for your extra ka-ching sent specifically for this trip!! We will be sure to use it! I also found some special gifts for the special boy. Then, I went out to Sargeant's Nursery and found some outdoor plants...lots of them! Now, I need to get them into pots & fresh soil. I am very excited because I actually had a great idea while looking for plants. ORANGE!!! I bought all orange plants in honor of our little Brycer. I led him out to the garage tonight, eyes shut tight, to show him. He was very pleased with my purchases! He loved the idea. That made it even more worth while. I'm sure he'll be getting his hands dirty with the rest of us in the next few days!

He seems to be ok. His tummy has been hurting today, he said. He has 4 BM's so I'm not sure what is going on in there. His tummy feels and looks distended to Dad & I. I will try to feel his liver in the morning. He didn't want me to tonight. His liver has been very enlarged for a few weeks, now. He has been eating a little more everyday so that is good. We are talking to him about drinking more water and some juice rather than milk ALL day long. He did get his supplements in this morning and tonight. They just taste so yucky to him. He uses applesauce but that just doesn't do the trick. Any ideas? We're gonna try salsa tomorrow. He loves spicy salsa! Another thing I am wondering about is if there is anyone out there who knows someone who has traveled down the same or similar road we are taking who has tried Phase 1 Study's with their child (hopefully around the same age as Bryce) and family's who have not tried Phase 1 Study's with their child. We would like to hear their stories, experiences, and opinions. When the doctors looked into a Phase 1 Study on Monday, there were not any open at the time. They say spaces open up every few days. Bryce is on the list. It goes across the whole country. Each medical facility has access to it. Please pray for God's guidance on our decision on whether or not to try these studies. We are leaning more towards trying them, but we want to hear what other's have experienced with them. We will see Julia and Dr. Kahn on Friday morning to hear what they have found out from the other medical facilities.

I want to thank all of our visitor's today, again. Lana, Becky, Jamie, and Auntie Julie--THANK YOU for the strength you shared with me today. Everyone's phone calls gave me even more strength! Julie picked the boys up from school again today--yesterday too. They loved it! Bryce loves her silliness!! He shakes his head at her a lot. It's very cute. The adrenaline rushes came from a couple of very close friends and family who have some big surprises planned for the next 4 days!!!! All that I am going to say is WOW.... You people are absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!!! You pull out ALL the stops. You go above and beyond. There is no limit or boundary. You have kept me going all day long. You have kept my mind so busy! You've kept a smile on my face...And for that, I thank you. Bryce is going to be smiling ear to ear. And, I can't wait to see that million dollar smile. I am telling you all, there are so many people doing so many things that I need to write them down so I don't let anyone get by without a thank you in the next few days. Ok, I'm back. I just made my list! Plus, you should guess how many b-day cards he received today in the mail!!! Just guess.... Are you ready? Ok, what was your number? Did anyone guess 26? Close! It was 27!!!!! You are all sooooooooo great for an 8 year old boy who soooooooo needs your pick-me-ups!!! Thank you a million times over! We are forever grateful to you! Tomorrow, we will eat where ever Bryce (b-day person in our family picks the restaurant) wants to. We'll be leaving home around 4pm for our evening out as a family! I am soooooo looking forward to it! It's a very special thing that we always do on our b-days.

I know that you are all wondering how we are doing...I'm not sure what to really say. The boys 'seem' ok. They are going to have so much fun in the next few days, and they deserve it sooooo very much! Tim & I...We're up with hope and praying for a miracle. We're loving the b-day excitement! My mind was so busy today, Tim's was spraying crops. He is the organizer, stabilizer, stratigizer. I am the happy, nurturer, keep everyone content person. Our minds our busy getting supper in, homework done, meds in, showers done, teeth brushed, tucked in, prayers said, and then, it's quiet. And then, we feel Bryce's tummy tonight, and we are scared and down. Reality hits, and we remember that there is a huge chance we may lose our precious son. Our hearts continue to break. Our minds continue to wonder. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves to give it to God because we can't handle any more... We are so fearful of losing our baby. We are so scared of what are boys' may go through. The really good thing is that we are in total and complete comfort with knowing that God is by our side every second of every day. He is sooooo good. What would life be like without our God? I couldn't even imagine!!! God has given us all of our blessings, big and small. He leads us, He guides us, He gives us peace, strength, courage, hope and faith, unconditional love, forgiveness, and MIRACLES!!! I know He could give us a MIRACLE. We need to continue to pray for our MIRACLE FOR BRYCE!!! We need to pray for his strength, his body to heal, his positive, healing attitude, his faith & hope, and his love for life!!! Please continue to pick us up. We need you more than ever at this point in our life. We need to continue to give it to God.... Keep us going. We love you all!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:31 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

The little dude is almost 8! And from what I remember...It's great to be 8!!!
Thursday, May 18th is the BIG day!

Thank you for your phone calls and messages today in the guestbook. You are most definitely picking us up and brushing our knees off. We soooooooo need that!!! Two very positive people told me today that we don't know that a new medication may not work. And, that's true. We don't know. Bryce may be the "break through" patient. We haven't made any decisions, yet. We want to talk with Bryce a little about it. We are also waiting for a few phone calls from some family's who have traveled this road with a child Bryce's age. We want to hear their opinion.

I did tell Mitch & Logan this morning. I just told them that there is more cancer cells in his bone marrow, and we are looking into other things we could try. Logan asked how much was in his bone marrow, and Mitchell just quietly wiped tears away. I told them that we need to keep praying and to pray for miracles. They know that they can talk to us at anytime. I told them if God was leading them to talk to someone else, they should do that. I told them it was ok to cry, because crying is a natural emotion that God gave us. It helps us to deal with things. I also told Mitchell that he did EVERYTHING right. His cells were definitely helping but the cancer is so agressive. He is one of our hero's... Logan is still quiet, he will talk when he is ready. Mitch too. He did say he was ok but scared, tonight. We told them if they were having a rough day at school, we would come and get them at any time. Bryce had a good day at school. It was good for him to be back in the swing of things. He moves slowly and is very tired but needs that time away from the medical world. He had diarrhea 3x today. I'm not sure if it's the antibiotic causing it or something else.

Great Grandma Buck brought supper over tonight, so we told her she needed to eat with us. I had the "gentleman" talk with Bryce because he sometimes doesn't want to talk or hug those family members who help us out. Wow, did it work. He hugged and thanked Great Grandma, and he gave her one of his "million dollar smiles"! She loved every minute of it!!! It was so great to see her so happy and to spend good, quality time with her. My and Tim sister's, our Mom's, and Tim's Dad have been here off and on over the past 24 hours. It's nice to spend time with them. My heart breaks for them. They hate to see Bryce going through all of this. But, we are trying to remember to be positive and believe in miracles for Bryce! Tonight, he actually said he would do the supplements, again. So, we started them, and then he did not want to finish. But, he did. What a trooper. I think this shows me that he does want to fight, still. He doesn't want to give up. We want so badly to have him here with us always!!! Julia called and has made an appt. for us to see a very good Psychiatrist next week, as a family. I would also like to call our Pastor for some time with him. We are going to Bemidji to see Grandpa & Grandma over Memorial weekend for some pontoon rides and fishing with family. The boys will be in their glory!

Pray for no fevers, counts to rise, and energy for Bryce. Pray for God to completely heal him and free him from leukemia, once and for all. Pray for our family's strength and comfort. I find so much comfort in the Lord.... I also find comfort in not thinking about "it", if I can. It's called LaLa Land... Tim is busy getting the spray coop ready to spray crops tomorrow. His mind is going a mile-a-minute on curing Bryce forever. Please hug your children more and appreciate everything that God has given us. Life is good. Someone always has it worse. Yes, we are sad and broken-hearted but we still have HOPE & FAITH. We love you all.

Bryce will be celebrating his 8th birthday on Thursday, May 18th. He has been very excited for his big day. If anyone wants to send him a birthday message by mail his address is:

Bryce Breuer
39303 215th Ave.
Goodhue, MN 55027

Thanks in advance! I know he will love it.

PLEASE CONTINUE YOUR MIRACLE PRAYERS FOR OUR LITTLE BRYCER!!!!!!! Please don't give up, even though I know we lose a little more hope each time we hear news like this. We are soooo very blessed with 5 boys, and we want to always have our 5 boys alive and healthy by our side.... It breaks my heart that our young boys, especially Bryce because of everything it has done to his body and mind, have to go through this. It breaks my heart that Bryce's young friends have to go through this. It breaks my heart, that Bryce's grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins have to go through this. Please pray for them, also. You all mean the world to us!!!! We love you sooooo very much!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, May 15, 2006 10:22 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Bryce will be celebrating his 8th birthday on Thursday, May 18th. He has been very excited for his big day. He received about 8 cards in the mail today, most of them were from our new friend's, Rick & Penny, from Georgia and their family members. We met Rick & Penny at the Nicole Nordeman & Casting Crowns concert on April 29th. Thanks for lifting Bryce's spirits, Rick & Penny & family! You should have seen his face when I kept handing him the cards one by one. It was precious. If anyone wants to send him a birthday message via mail his address is:

Bryce Breuer
39303 215th Ave.
Goodhue, MN 55027

Thanks in advance! I know he will love it. We are having his family b-day party on Sunday. He already has the meal all planned out thanks to steroids. Now I wish we could get him to eat more than 2 bites. We can see that he is getting thinner. He's still down 5 pounds. We're working on it but you see, it's not easy trying to get him to eat. He's almost 8, and it's just not that simple. His counts are hemoglobin 9.1; white count 600; ANC 310; and platelets 7,000. So, after appts. we went to St. Mary's PITC for a much needed platelet transfusion. We will go back to see Julia & Dr. Kahn on Friday for labs and another transfusion. We stopped by Miss Ella's room for a quick visit. Bless her heart, she just kept watching Bryce like she always does. He loves that! They have that true BMT connection!! I wish they could have known each other on a different note...

We saw Julia at 1:15. Bryce's spinal fluid is clear. Dr. Kahn came in after a couple of minutes and asked Bryce & Joel if they wanted to go watch TV... We hate it when Bryce is asked if he wants to leave,...we know it's gonna be bad. You see, when a person relapses within the first 3 months after transplant, it's not good. And, we knew this but we hoped for the best... Bryce's bone marrow is showing 25 percent blast cells. Blast cells are the cancer cells. The chimerism is his peripheral blood (blood outside of the bone marrow) and that 100 percent is good but these blast cells will eventually creep into his peripheral blood, also. A transplant is the biggest, most invasive treatment they can do for a person in Bryce's condition. He cannot have another one because he would not survive the chemo and radiation with his body so weak from his bone marrow transplant in December. His body is not responding to the Donor Lymphocyte Infusion enough because the bone marrow is already showing 25 percent blast cells. If they did another DLI, he would just get more GVHD which he has already had enough of. We are looking into Phase 1 Studies which mean "new medicines with questionable dosages because they are so new". We have the doctors calling the U of MN and Baylor University to get their opinion. St. Jude's has already responded to Dr. Kahn and said, "There is nothing more that we could do for him." So, with that, they want us to consider his 'quality of life'. I hate even typing that... Trust me...WE ARE CHECKING INTO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE!!! I have the doctors lining up an appt. for all of us, especially the boys, to see a Psychiatrist/Psychologist on Peds. We will find out more on that this week. We need to get that ball rolling very soon...

So, of course, Tim & I are extremely upset (without letting Bryce see it so much). Bryce is quiet about it. He knows that the cancer is back and that we are looking into what we should do next. He has cried 3 times since his transfusion today, that's way more than usual. He didn't ask any questions tonight. He wants to be free of this nasty disease. He doesn't want to take any more pills. We were trying to get him to take the supplements again tonight. That made him very upset. He was so sad to know that the Robin's egg we found would not hatch. He didn't want the baby bird to die. He wished he hadn't even known about that. I think he has so much going on in his head, it just kills me and Tim!!! And, Tim. His heart is so broken, too. I love him so much!! We are not giving up. The doctors know that we are desperate but they reminded us that we don't want him to suffer, either. It kills me to be typing ANY of this. Cancer is so ugly and so wicked. GOD IS SOOOOO BIG, and that still gives me a little hope. I am not angry with God. HE is what gives me peace. He never wants us to suffer or hurt. He only wants the best for us. He will get us through this. I don't know what else to say. We need some time.

PLEASE CONTINUE YOUR MIRACLE PRAYERS FOR OUR LITTLE BRYCER!!!!!!! Please don't give up, even though I know we lose a little more hope each time we hear news like this. We are soooo very blessed with 5 boys, and we want to always have our 5 boys alive and healthy by our side.... It breaks my heart that our boys, especially Bryce because of everything it has done to his body and mind, have to go through this. It breaks my heart that Bryce's friends have to go through this. It breaks my heart, that Bryce's grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins have to go through this. Please pray for them, also. You all mean the world to us!!!! We love you sooooo very much!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, May 14, 2006 10:16 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Just a quick one tonight...Don't act so surprised! Today was great! My boys gave me roses, the Casting Crowns CD, and the most beautiful cards I've EVER received in my life!!! Both, from my husband and boys!! What are the chances of that?? The boys card was one that they needed to fill in the blanks. It was from their hearts!! And, it was sooooo cute and funny!! Brycer slept in until 7:30am. Yesterday, he woke up early. In the hospital, he was sleeping until 8am everyday. We went to Sunday School and Church. It was really nice. The kids sang. Bryce received a cross for Sunday School attendence. He tried so hard not to smile while he was standing up front. You could tell he didn't know why he was there. He sat down and asked me, "What was that for?" I said, "That was for Sunday School attendence. Everyone who was up there came to every S.S. this year or missed one. They gave you your pin because they knew if you hadn't relapsed, you would have attended every one of the Sunday's." He was very proud!! Thanks, Dawn & Sarah! What a thoughtful gesture that Bryce loved! After church, we came home and relaxed. In fact, I took a quick nap. It felt wonderful!! Then, the boys played outside, and we went to Great Grandma Buck's and Great Grandma Anna Marie's. We picked up pizza on the way home. We ate the pizza while watching the video of the boys spring concert on Friday, and we watched the Nicole Nordeman & Casting Crowns concert. Bryce smiled and sang away!! I do believe that the concert at the Xcel with Nicole and C.C. was one of his happiest moments EVER!!! It is so nice to see him really, really smile...

Bryce has decided he will not go to school tomorrow. I know he listens to his body, and I am thinking he doesn't have enough energy for it, yet. We like to let him make his own decisions when he can. I know he'd love to see his friends but we need to leave for Roch. at 11am anyway. We have labs at noon and see Julia at 1:45. Then, we will head over to St. Mary's to see Miss Ella for a bit. We'll see if he may need a platelet transfusion, also. Hopefully, his counts are starting to recover on their own. So, I will fill you in tomorrow night. I'm guessing we will get the spinal fluid results tomorrow. We're sooooo excited and greatful to God for the AWESOME chimerism results we received yesterday!!! Thank you, God!!! Sleep well, everyone! We love you all!!!

So, now I will add a few more friends' to our HUGE & POWERFUL PRAYER LIST... There is an awesome, sincere, couragous nurse in the PICU who has a son with hydrocephalis--water on the brain. Her name is Angie, and her son is Teagon. What an adorable little 2-year-old boy! He has a very long road ahead of him, and his parents are so inspirational... Please add him to your prayer list for healing and improvement in his brain. Angie and I talked for a while the other night, and she just inspires me to no end. His webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/teagonheinrich. And, I am almost sure you have heard or seen the Carlsen twins on WCCO. They are conjoined twins from Fargo, ND. They had their miracle surgery today, and it went very well. I saw Jesse & Amy last night on 3F. Jesse asked about Bryce and told me he'd be praying for him. Amy looked strong, yet emotional...like any normal Mom would be. They are such nice, faith-filled people! Each time I've seen them, including the girls, they are smiling and happy. They give me hope and strength to be a better Mom. Their webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/abbybelle. I know any one of our friends' would appreciate a note from you! And, if that means one less note for us, then so be it!! Lift them up and hold them tight. Just as Jesus wants us to... Thank you to EVERYONE for EVERYTHING that you do for us,...especially all of your POWERFUL PRAYERS!!! I know God is listening. Love to all of you!

I've added a new friend to our HUGE prayer list...Her name is McKenna. She is fighting a huge fight against Alpers Disease. Her brother, Drew, is an Angel in Heaven because of Alpers Disease. Please send out some HUGE & POWERFUL prayers for McKenna & her family. They need all the strength and faith we can send them!!! God is watching over McKenna and holding her. We need to prayer for MIRACLES for her. Stop by her webpage and reassure her family that we are all there for them. It is www.caringbridge.org/mn/drewolson. Thank you so much!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, May 13, 2006 9:19 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

I can safely say things are getting back to normal. Bedtime is crazy and late, and the boys are tired. The house is a mess, and we're not sure where to start cleaning. And, most of all, we are all happy to be home TOGETHER!!! Life is good. Bryce has had a great day! He is slowly moving around and asking about food. He's still eating the same,...after a couple of bites, he's done. Dad took the 3 older boys to Red Wing late this afternoon to do some shopping. Ethan is now in the big boy bed for the first night. He did really well, but I think our friend and daycare provider, Lori, helped with that one. Thanks, Lor! Tomorrow is the last day of Sunday School, and the boys sing at church. It should be a full House!

Now, for the big stuff...Dr. Imran called late this morning to check on Bryce. He told us that Bryce's chimerism was back and it was 100 percent donor cells!!!!!!


We are so grateful to God and give Him all the glory for these glorious results!! Now, we will continue to wait patiently on the bone marrow and spinal fluid results. The spinal fluid results will come back on Monday, and the bone marrow (where the blood is produced) results will probably be back by Thursday, that's only my guess, though.

I want to send a big, huge hug to all of our family's out there who were also dealt a difficult health situation with their child or themselves, no matter what the situation may be. We have been brought to this life changing moment for some reason. I'm not sure why but we are here, and it is not up to me to question God, although, in all honesty, I have twice in the past. We have been brought together, and we lean on each other. We feed off of each other's strength, courage, hope, and faith. And, that's a very good thing. We watch each other deal with these difficult times. We watch the sickness, the sadness, and the healing. We cry together, we talk about our fears, we hug, and we praise God! These friends' of our's are a HUGE part of the healing process!! So, I just want you all to know how special you are to us. We appreciate you all sooooo very much!!!

And, now I want all of our supporter's to know how special you are to us... On the most difficult days, you lift us up with your words of inspiration and encouragement. You listen to us, you hug us, you cry with us, you praise God with us, you bring us food and gifts, you take excellent care of our children! I'm not sure where we would be without you... I pray for your family's to have strength, faith, and great health. I pray for less and less children, and adults, to have to deal with situations like these. I'm not having a pitty party here, I'm having a praise-you party here!!!! You all deserve such praise and recognition for all that you do for all of us!!! Your guestbook entries, cards, gifts, PRAYERS, love, and hugs are greatly appreciated, more than you could ever imagine!!! YOU are the BEST!!!!!!! I thank God everyday for YOU being placed in our lives!! I know all of the other Caring Bridge family's feel the same as we do.

So, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the OUTSTANDING MOMMY'S in our lives!!! I know that you care about Bryce, and all of the other children--with or without a battle, like you care for your own. I know that Bryce's story and the other children's stories touch home to you even more because you have children of your own. I've been there...I cried for 2 weeks when I found out my sister's friend's daughter was diagnosed with leukemia a year before Bryce! We are sooooo blessed!!! God places these special little people in our lives at His perfect timing. What a special gift... I want to wish all the Mommy's and Mommy-wanna-be's or Mommy-soon-to-be's a very special day tomorrow. We have the BEST "job" of all!!! Don't we??!! I hope you get spoiled rotten!!! Love to all!!!

So, now I will add a few more friends' to our HUGE & POWERFUL PRAYER LIST... There is an awesome, sincere, couragous nurse in the PICU who has a son with hydrocephalis--water on the brain. Her name is Angie, and her son is Teagon. What an adorable little 2-year-old boy! He has a very long road ahead of him, and his parents are so inspirational... Please add him to your prayer list for healing and improvement in his brain. Angie and I talked for a while the other night, and she just inspires me to no end. His webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/teagonheinrich. And, I am almost sure you have heard or seen the Carlsen twins on WCCO. They are conjoined twins from Fargo, ND. They had their miracle surgery today, and it went very well. I saw Jesse & Amy last night on 3F. Jesse asked about Bryce and told me he'd be praying for him. Amy looked strong, yet emotional...like any normal Mom would be. They are such nice, faith-filled people! Each time I've seen them, including the girls, they are smiling and happy. They give me hope and strength to be a better Mom. Their webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/abbybelle. I know any one of our friends' would appreciate a note from you! And, if that means one less note for us, then so be it!! Lift them up and hold them tight. Just as Jesus wants us to... Thank you to EVERYONE for EVERYTHING that you do for us,...especially all of your POWERFUL PRAYERS!!! I know God is listening. Love to all of you!

I've added a new friend to our HUGE prayer list...Her name is McKenna. She is fighting a huge fight against Alpers Disease. Her brother, Drew, is an Angel in Heaven because of Alpers Disease. Please send out some HUGE & POWERFUL prayers for McKenna & her family. They need all the strength and faith we can send them!!! God is watching over McKenna and holding her. We need to prayer for MIRACLES for her. Stop by her webpage and reassure her family that we are all there for them. It is www.caringbridge.org/mn/drewolson. Thank you so much!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, May 12, 2006 10:56 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

I am not sure where to start, now that I have "cooled" down.... I updated at 3:08pm today before we went home and was very satisfied with the entry!! It didn't save, obviously... Now, I am back. Long story-short, we are home because Bryce has not fevered since Monday and I believe, the doctors think he needs to go home and be happy. The steroids are really taking their toll. He was less ornery today because of the discharge news, though. Yeah for that! They transfused platelets last night and checked his blood afterwards. His platelets were 47,000; hemoglobin 8.1; and white count 600. This morning his counts were platelets 39,000; hemoglobin 8.7; white count 600; and ANC 300. They are waiting to transfuse again because they want to see what his blood will do on it's own. His ANC was not where they wanted it but, again, I think they knew it was best to send Bryce home. He will see Julia Monday afternoon. As always, we are on "fever patrol" meaning, if he gets a fever of 101, we are back in to the unit. He went down for his bone marrow biopsy and lumbar puncture (they added that today since he would be asleep already) around 11:15am. He was back after 2pm. He turned on the Food Channel immediately and started listing off the things he wants to eat. Fried chicken, soft shell tacos, and Carlos O'Kelly's mexican food. So, we waited for Dad and the brothers' to come and pick us up and guess where we had supper? You got it, Carlos O'Kelly's. Those steroids are a joy....haha. No really, it is good to see him interested in food, again. It's just that he wants things soooooo bad and then, he takes one bite and doesn't eat any more of it. AND, you have to get everything just (exactly) right!!! The steroids are in charge of healing but also mood swings, insomnia, and cravings/food. The steroids are a rollercoaster ride, in itself.. Still, no results from the chimerism. I'm not going to even go there. One word,...patience. For some reason, God wanted us to have a weekend without the results--and I'm not saying that that is a bad sign. I just know that we don't know for some reason... And, I'm ok with that. Yes, our minds are a little busy right now but we are not going to let them get out of control. That would be the work of the enemy and again, I'm not gonna go there. We are tired and ready to climb into bed. Life is good, gang. We are so grateful to our incredible God for EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE we have in our lives... I mean that from the bottom of my heart. We are so incredibly blessed beyond all measure with our boys and our marriage, our family and friends', our friends' in YOU, and our fabulous medical staff!! We were so sad to say goodbye to our newest friends, Miss Ella and her parents... Before we left, Bryce whispered something in my ear and then, he went back to his room. He came back with his big, huge flower balloon from Nicole and gave it to Krista for Ella!!! He wanted her to have it, and he was so (quietly)proud of his gesture. I am telling you,...they are such an inspiration to all of us!! To watch them with their 7 month old baby girl. They are so calm. Their trust in God is contagious. They gave us strength, and trust me, we leaned on them... They remind us of many of our friends' we have found at St. Mary's--Bob & Tawnia, Eric & Brenda, Wes, Nyla & Ellen, Shannon, Lori, Adam & Jess, Mark & Kristi, Jamie & Zach, Karen & Nikki,....I could go on and on. The list is endless so please forgive me if your name is not here, it most definitely is in my heart!!!! We love you all!!!! We are happy to soon be seeing our family & friends around home, again. We miss all of them so much, too! We are very ready for life to be the normal-chaotic home-life, once again.

So, now I will add a few more friends' to our HUGE & POWERFUL PRAYER LIST... There is an awesome, sincere, couragous nurse in the PICU who has a son with hydrocephalis--water on the brain. Her name is Angie, and her son is Teagon. What an adorable little 2-year-old boy! He has a very long road ahead of him, and his parents are so inspirational... Please add him to your prayer list for healing and improvement in his brain. Angie and I talked for a while the other night, and she just inspires me to no end. His webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/teagonheinrich. And, I am almost sure you have heard or seen the Carlsen twins on WCCO. They are conjoined twins from Fargo, ND. They had their miracle surgery today, and it went very well. I saw Jesse & Amy last night on 3F. Jesse asked about Bryce and told me he'd be praying for him. Amy looked strong, yet emotional...like any normal Mom would be. They are such nice, faith-filled people! Each time I've seen them, including the girls, they are smiling and happy. They give me hope and strength to be a better Mom. Their webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/abbybelle. I know any one of our friends' would appreciate a note from you! And, if that means one less note for us, then so be it!! Lift them up and hold them tight. Just as Jesus wants us to... Thank you to EVERYONE for EVERYTHING that you do for us,...especially all of your POWERFUL PRAYERS!!! I know God is listening. Love to all of you!

I've added a new friend to our HUGE prayer list...Her name is McKenna. She is fighting a huge fight against Alpers Disease. Her brother, Drew, is an Angel in Heaven because of Alpers Disease. Please send out some HUGE & POWERFUL prayers for McKenna & her family. They need all the strength and faith we can send them!!! God is watching over McKenna and holding her. We need to prayer for MIRACLES for her. Stop by her webpage and reassure her family that we are all there for them. It is www.caringbridge.org/mn/drewolson. Thank you so much!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:32 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Afternoon~

I'm updating early because we have a busy next 4 hours that we are excited about! First of all, Bryce's CBC was forgotten by the lab guy this morning so it was drawn at 10:30am, then they wondered if they had the wrong results but to make a long story short, Bryce's counts are getting lower. His hemoglobin is 9.2; white count is 500; ANC is ?--too low to count? ; and platelets are 13,000. He had a transfusion yesterday which should have made his platelets jump but they went way down. I have to admit that this scares me. But, I do have my faith and trust in God! We still don't have any results from the chimerism. He will get platelets tonight because believe it or not, there is a shortage of platelets today. CALLING OUT ALL PLATELET DONOR'S!!!! We need more platelets here, gang! Do what you can. I am a platelet donor and I know that they want you to be a blood donor for a while first. At rounds, the doctors told us that if Bryce was still here (he would have gone home if his ANC was 500 or more), he would have his bone marrow biopsy tomorrow. So, that is the plan. NPO after midnight--no food or drink. Hopefully, they will take him down around 8am, who knows. It's always a waiting game. But remember, if we've learned anything these past 9 months, it is patience and trust in God. Both are the BEST to have...

So, I have been feeling the fear and doubt and my friends have pulled me through, again. I am hoping that Dad is coming down tonight at some time. Lana and Garrett are on their way! We are very excited about that!!! We painted windows this morning in the unit. Bryce wanted the window by the nurses station to have a rainbow with flowers, rain drops and lightening bolts. At the top, he had me write "Praise You In This Storm". It turned out awesome!!! I am so proud of him for the faithfilled idea!! Then, we went to our friend, Ella's room and painted her window with her name and little baby footprints. It's really cute. Bryce was very tired out after that so we went back to the room. He ate a little and then took a 45 minute nap. His eating still isn't huge but he's eating a little. His weight is down 5 pounds, now. We are very excited because Ella's parents have invited us over for a pizza party tonight! Bryce loves pizza. You should have seen his huge smile when Clint asked him...Priceless. We love you all! We miss you all. We pray for you, too. Hug each other tonight and know that that hug was from the Breu Crew...

I've added a new friend to our HUGE prayer list...Her name is McKenna. She is fighting a huge fight against Alpers Disease. Her brother, Drew, is an Angel in Heaven because of Alpers Disease. Please send out some HUGE & POWERFUL prayers for McKenna & her family. They need all the strength and faith we can send them!!! God is watching over McKenna and holding her. We need to prayer for MIRACLES for her. Stop by her webpage and reassure her family that we are all there for them. It is www.caringbridge.org/mn/drewolson. Thank you so much!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Teagon, Abbigail & Isabelle, McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Michelle's family, Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:32 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Afternoon~

I'm updating early because we have a busy next 4 hours that we are excited about! First of all, Bryce's CBC was forgotten by the lab guy this morning so it was drawn at 10:30am, then they wondered if they had the wrong results but to make a long story short, Bryce's counts are getting lower. His hemoglobin is 9.2; white count is 500; ANC is ?--too low to count? ; and platelets are 13,000. He had a transfusion yesterday which should have made his platelets jump but they went way down. I have to admit that this scares me. But, I do have my faith and trust in God! We still don't have any results from the chimerism. He will get platelets tonight because believe it or not, there is a shortage of platelets today. CALLING OUT ALL PLATELET DONOR'S!!!! We need more platelets here, gang! Do what you can. I am a platelet donor and I know that they want you to be a blood donor for a while first. At rounds, the doctors told us that if Bryce was still here (he would have gone home if his ANC was 500 or more), he would have his bone marrow biopsy tomorrow. So, that is the plan. NPO after midnight--no food or drink. Hopefully, they will take him down around 8am, who knows. It's always a waiting game. But remember, if we've learned anything these past 9 months, it is patience and trust in God. Both are the BEST to have...

So, I have been feeling the fear and doubt and my friends have pulled me through, again. I am hoping that Dad is coming down tonight at some time. Lana and Garrett are on their way! We are very excited about that!!! We painted windows this morning in the unit. Bryce wanted the window by the nurses station to have a rainbow with flowers, rain drops and lightening bolts. At the top, he had me write "Praise You In This Storm". It turned out awesome!!! I am so proud of him for the faithfilled idea!! Then, we went to our friend, Ella's room and painted her window with her name and little baby footprints. It's really cute. Bryce was very tired out after that so we went back to the room. He ate a little and then took a 45 minute nap. His eating still isn't huge but he's eating a little. His weight is down 5 pounds, now. We are very excited because Ella's parents have invited us over for a pizza party tonight! Bryce loves pizza. You should have seen his huge smile when Clint asked him...Priceless. We love you all! We miss you all. We pray for you, too. Hug each other tonight and know that that hug was from the Breu Crew...

I've added a new friend to our HUGE prayer list...Her name is McKenna. She is fighting a huge fight against Alpers Disease. Her brother, Drew, is an Angel in Heaven because of Alpers Disease. Please send out some HUGE & POWERFUL prayers for McKenna & her family. They need all the strength and faith we can send them!!! God is watching over McKenna and holding her. We need to prayer for MIRACLES for her. Stop by her webpage and reassure her family that we are all there for them. It is www.caringbridge.org/mn/drewolson. Thank you so much!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 10:55 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

We've had a pretty good day here at the hospital. No fevers, no diarrhea, and just a bit of itching in the morning, again. We've had lots of visitors today. Auntie Julie, Jordan, Jon, Julie H., JoHanna, Brenda and Dad, Joel, & Mitch. Mitchell stayed all day with Bryce while Dad and Joel left around lunch time so Dad could go plant beans, again. Dad is hoping to finish up planting tomorrow. Our friend, Brenda, picked Mitch up after work and brought him home. Thanks, Brenda! At doctors rounds, I again asked about the bone marrow biopsy and they told me they are just waiting for the chimerism results before they start talking bone marrow biopsy. They all told us that they do feel he has had GVHD of the liver and gut (intestines). His liver enzymes are going down and the diarrhea is gone--just loose stools, now. So, we are seeing improvement. It must be the IV steroids kicking in. Maybe that is part of the grumpiness, too.... The steroids have always been known as the "mood swing, insomnia, hungry" medicine. Not always so fun. But, they are all for healing and repair so we sure do appreciate that!!! His counts are hemoglobin 9.7; white count 800; ANC 330; and platelets 19,000. As you can see, the platelets took a drop so they gave him a transfusion today. We are still waiting for the ANC to rise above 500 so we can go home since he is not fevering. I told Bryce that TOMORROW WILL BE A 500 DAY!!! He said, "Na huh." We need to think positive! We are planning to get the chimerism results tomorrow and we are thinking positive for them, also! PLEASE SEND OUT HUGE PRAYERS TONIGHT AND TOMORROW FOR 100 PERCENT DONOR CELLS, once again!!!! Bless his heart,...Bryce needs another break! God is holding him, rocking him, and blessing him every single day. He just wants to be healthy and home. Please speak loud and clear to God tonight and tomorrow for great health and healing for our Brycer! We love you all!!! Thanks for every one of your prayers and well-wishes! You keep our heads above water and brush our knees off. We appreciate you all soooo much!!! God bless...

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like McKenna, Ella, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 10:55 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

We've had a pretty good day here at the hospital. No fevers, no diarrhea, and just a bit of itching in the morning, again. We've had lots of visitors today. Auntie Julie, Jordan, Jon, Julie H., JoHanna, Brenda and Dad, Joel, & Mitch. Mitchell stayed all day with Bryce while Dad and Joel left around lunch time so Dad could go plant beans, again. Dad is hoping to finish up planting tomorrow. Our friend, Brenda, picked Mitch up after work and brought him home. Thanks, Brenda! At doctors rounds, I again asked about the bone marrow biopsy and they told me they are just waiting for the chimerism results before they start talking bone marrow biopsy. They all told us that they do feel he has had GVHD of the liver and gut (intestines). His liver enzymes are going down and the diarrhea is gone--just loose stools, now. So, we are seeing improvement. It must be the IV steroids kicking in. Maybe that is part of the grumpiness, too.... The steroids have always been known as the "mood swing, insomnia, hungry" medicine. Not always so fun. But, they are all for healing and repair so we sure do appreciate that!!! His counts are hemoglobin 9.7; white count 800; ANC 330; and platelets 19,000. As you can see, the platelets took a drop so they gave him a transfusion today. We are still waiting for the ANC to rise above 500 so we can go home since he is not fevering. I told Bryce that TOMORROW WILL BE A 500 DAY!!! He said, "Na huh." We need to think positive! We are planning to get the chimerism results tomorrow and we are thinking positive for them, also! PLEASE SEND OUT HUGE PRAYERS TONIGHT AND TOMORROW FOR 100 PERCENT DONOR CELLS, once again!!!! Bless his heart,...Bryce needs another break! God is holding him, rocking him, and blessing him every single day. He just wants to be healthy and home. Please speak loud and clear to God tonight and tomorrow for great health and healing for our Brycer! We love you all!!! Thanks for every one of your prayers and well-wishes! You keep our heads above water and brush our knees off. We appreciate you all soooo much!!! God bless...

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, May 9, 2006 8:23 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Bryce has had a pretty good day! He has not had a fever since yesterday!! He has not had any diarrhea since last night! Whatever is going on inside his body to slow these things down is a good thing! He has been more ornery today, though... That's not always a good thing. He did say once today that he didn't feel well, so I am sure the GVHD is still making him uncomfortable. The GVHD on his legs and arms did flare up today. He was very itchy again this morning. So, we brought some Benedryl on-board. That seemed to help. We can also do a 'wrap' with the cream we apply three times a day, but we'll do that when he is very itchy again. That was advice from the Derm. team. On his doctors rounds, they told us they ordered a chimerism blood draw for today. Lab came up at about 4:30pm for that. His counts are hemoglobin 9.9; white count 900; ANC 340; and platelets 42,000. He's holding his own... They will check his liver function tests tomorrow. I asked when he will be able to go home and when we will do the bone marrow biopsy. They said, he will go home when he hasn't fevered for a couple of days and his ANC is above 500. His bone marrow biopsy date has not been set, yet. They are still waiting for his body to recover a bit from the GVHD. They feel good about starting the steroids yesterday. But, they won't kick in for a few days. He is finished with the Flagyl but still on the Cephipime and Ambisome. He continues with the Triamcinolone cream and the Atarax three times a day for itching. He ate Great Grandma Buck's chex mix (Thanks Grandma!!) today and some left over chicken quesidilla's. He likes spicy foods! He slept well last night only getting up around 3am to use the bathroom. I guess the lightening woke him once also. I never would have known. I was one tired girl!

Other than that, I don't know much else. I got to visit with Tracy Idler today who is someone who "showed me the ropes" when Bryce was first diagnosed. So, that was much needed. Dad came down around 9:30am and left around 4:15pm. Our friend, Becky, watched Ethan today. I can't wait to hear the stories about the day. Our friend and daycare provider, Lori, will have him tomorrow and Thursday. Thanks for helping us out with Ethan, everyone!! He's a busy one but so much fun! Hopefully, we will be home soon!! The boys have a concert on Friday afternoon. I haven't even reminded Bryce, yet. I don't want him to be disappointed. I have a feeling that his orneriness is due to not feeling well but also missing school, his friends, and brothers/home. The rest of The Crew is doing well. We are just waiting patiently to be together, again. Our friend, Ethan, went home today! We're so happy for him!! As Dorothy would say, "There's no place like home"... Again, I am so happy that things are looking up for us and for our Brycer!! Thank you for all of your help and prayers!!! We give God all the glory for Bryce's healing and recovery. God is sooooo good.....

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, May 8, 2006 5:20 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Afternoon~

I'm here early in hopes of going to bed earlier tonight. Wish me luck! Bryce has had a pretty good day. He has had a little more energy and has been talking a little more. Dad came down for doctors rounds which was nice. He left around 11am to go plant beans. The doctors decided, with Bryce's diarrhea output and his liver function tests steadily increasing, that they would start him on the steroids today. His legs are more red, and we think the rash is spreading a little, also. His bilirubin is at .8 and reference range is normal up to 1.0. So, they are thinking it could be getting into the liver, not for sure but it could be so it's better to be safe than sorry. The steroid he gets is less than 1cc twice per day through his IV. This steroid will start the healing process of the GVHD. I don't know how soon it kicks in. I also forgot to ask when they will schedule his bone marrow biopsy. The nurse called Dr. Imran later in the afternoon to ask, and he said not yet. We'll probably discuss it tomorrow. Dr. Boyce from Infectious Disease came in today, too. Because of Bryce's fevers, I.D. needs to step in. Dr. Boyce is very "kid-friendly" and we don't see him very often, we saw him quite a bit last fall on 3 Francis. Bryce finishes his Flagyl today, he'll be happy about that. It was a pill,...the less pills he has to swallow, the better. His counts are hemoglobin 9.6; white count 1,000!!; ANC 340; and platelets 47,000. Those transfusions yesterday helped! Did you notice the jump in the white cells, too?? Yeah!!! (That didn't have anything to do with the transfusions, though.) He did have a fever during the night and the highest his temp. has reached today is 38.5/101.3 around 2:15. So, already he has had less Tylenol today. That is improvement!

Our friend, Becky, came by this morning. She joined in on the Playstation 2 fun. And, we had a nice lunch together plus we worked on the puzzle in our room. Bryce played our neighbor, Clint, in some Playstation 2. I heard him say Clint beat him once. I know Clint was teaching Bryce to play baseball, too. That's a new one for us. Nikki & Karen stopped by today, too. Nikki had her chemo treatments today. I got to see her Prom pictures, what a beautiful young woman! JoHanna from Child Life stopped by and has brought paints so Bryce can paint the windows in the Unit playroom tonight. He and Mitch did that on 3F last December. Now, Grandma Ann stopped in with Rhubarb Torte! Can you say spoiled rotten? Bryce's teacher, Mrs. Peterson, is on her way, next. He will be very excited to see her! Ethan & Joel got to go to Great Aunt Cindy's today to get spoiled rotten! I'm not sure who had more fun! Great Grandma Buck went over there and ended up getting Ethan to sleep for his nap! She fell asleep with him. Wish I could have had a picture of that! Thanks Cindy & Grandma! We sure do appreciate everyone's help with the boys!! Needless to say, we've had a very busy day at the hospital!!! Only a 20 minute nap, and there is a special "behind the scenes" on the Food Channel tonight! We are doing very well. The eating is slowly improving along with the spunk. Keep the prayers coming for everyone! We love you all!!! Thank you for everything that you do for us!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, May 7, 2006 11:08 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Wow, another day done. I'm sure you are saying the same thing. Time flies. Bryce had a pretty good day today. He woke at 3am to use the bathroom and ended up dry-heaving also. He woke at 3:30am and 5:30am for labs. The lab guy goofed something up. Then, Mitchell woke up before 6 and vomited... **Send a special prayer out for that one so Bryce doesn't get it.** Tim picked up Mitch and Logan by 6:20am. Bryce woke up at 6:30am for the day. He still had his routine temp. throughout the night, we used the Tylenol as usual. The doctors want us to monitor how much diarrhea he is having. They are adding more normal saline 0.9 percent IV to add back into him what he is losing in stools. They also added Potassium because his is a tiny bit low and the Ambisome will decrease it also. I think his rash is a bit more red today but it may also have something to do with his fevers, I'm wondering. His rash is considered a Grade 2 for GVHD, 0 being nothing and 4 being the worst. They will check his liver function tests tomorrow. We're mainly watching the Bilirubin but also the Alk. Phos. and GOT (that was for Carla & Julie and all the other lab girls checking in). If he continues with all of this diarrhea, then we may need to do a colonoscopy to get a biopsy of the colon for pathology. Yes,...I already asked the doctors...he WOULD be SLEEPING. We will talk a bit more about steroids tomorrow. I just have a little bit of a fear in the back of my mind about the GVHD getting out of control. But, they are the experts. I am a "secondary expert"....just kidding, sord of... His counts today were hemoglobin 7.8; white count 600; ANC 200; and platelets 20,000. His counts continue to drop because of the fevers and Mitchell's cells attacking. Again, I asked and this is normal. So, he received red cells and platelets today. They did a blood culture late yesterday afternoon and late today because of his fevers hitting around 101.8 to 102.9. Everything continues to be negative.

Bryce actually had a bit more spunk get into him today around 11am. Grandma Cathy (my step Mom) and Dena (one of our favorite 3F nurses) stopped by. So, of course, he challenged them in some Playstation 2! He loves to play people who have never played or just plain aren't any good! It was very fun for him! Then, Clint, (our unit neighbor & Ella's Dad) stopped over to give him more of a challenge! Bryce was Mr. Confident and said, "Ok, I'll play you. Have you ever played?" And, you should have seen his face when Clint told him that he had a Playstation 2 at home! But, Clint does not have the Gran Turismo. So, Bryce may be in luck! They didn't get to play together today because poor little Ella had fevers and was not feeling well at all! I feel so bad for her and her parents. This was the first yucky fever and blood cultures for her. Please say some extra prayers for her to have a good night and for her counts to rise. She is such a doll!!! Speaking of dolls, Grandma Linda came to stay with Bryce while I went back to my niece, Kelli's, confirmation in Red Wing. Kelli did great and looked beautiful, by the way... The Grandma's have AGAIN been such INCREDIBLE helpers this past week!!!! I just don't know what we would do without them!!!! Bryce LOVED having his Grandma time today. He did try to eat a little more today than yesterday. I got back around 6:45. Bryce asked me to snuggle right in and watch some of our favorite evening TV...the Food Channel. He loves to cook, so this is very appealing to him.

OK, I just realized what time it is and I need to go to bed!! Hugs to everyone!!! We miss you! We miss the brothers' terribly along with our normal, chaotic family times!!! Ethan was so sad when I left him. And, I can just feel me and the boys' hearts sink when we depart. We miss our daily routine, too!! Please send lots of prayers for lots of "things" for Bryce! Our God is so absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! He already knows what needs to be done but loves hearing us trust in Him for all of these things. Lean on Him........ I was reminded at Kelli's confirmation today that 'trust in God' is a gift, faith is too... What incredible gifts to be given, don't you think???? How lucky can a girl (or anyone else) get? I've got my life, a great support system, and the Big Guy!! Now, that's something to write about.

I've added our little (transplant unit) neighbors name to our prayer list. Little Ella had a bone marrow transplant yesterday!!! She is almost 7 months old and from Albert Lea. She is so beautiful!! Please say an extra prayer for her to feel well tonight and everyday after. She is just precious. You could stop by her webpage and wish her well! It's caringbridge.org/visit/ellaanderson. I'm sure her parents, Krista & Clint, would love to hear from you! We had a nice time visiting with them tonight! Now, on a sad note, our caring bridge friend, Michelle, has become one of God's special Angels in Heaven tonight. Please say a very huge prayer for her husband, Mike, and her twins Max & Lauren. I know that she was such an incredible wife, mother, daughter, and friend. She touched so many lives, including mine. Pray for their strength, comfort, and healing during this difficult time. God is with them and Heaven is an even better place now with Michelle there. Sue, if you want to talk, just call. I'm here for you and I am sending you a huge hug!!! Rest well, pleasant dreams, Love to all!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, May 6, 2006 6:47 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

What a beautiful day outside! We've had the shade open most of the day, other than for a quick 1/2 hour nap for Bryce. The doctors made their rounds this morning and we don't know a whole lot more. Bryce is continuing to have his steady fevers. The Tylenol lowers his temp. for about 5-7 hours. At 12:30am last night, his temp. was 102.2 so he woke then for Tylenol. He woke for labs at 5am, that's when Dad left. And then, he woke at 7:15am for the bathroom and his temp. was 101.8 so he had more Tylenol. His temp. was 101.8 at 1:15pm, again. So, you can see that his fever continues throughout the day with the Tylenol helping for a while. The blood cultures are all still coming back negative. They have decided to stop the Vancomycin antibiotic because of the negative blood cultures. They don't want him to build an immunity to it. He continues on the Cephipime antibiotic. He also has the Flagyl antibiotic. He started Diflucon (and had one dose today) for an anti-fungal for his liver but they switched him over to Ambisome late today. This is a very strong anti-fungal. He will have his 1st dose tonight at 8pm. It is an IV drip for a couple of hours. He has had this medication in the past. The doctors decided the Ambisome will be better than the Diflucon because the Diflucon can increase his liver enzymes. They don't want anything interferring with the liver enzymes. His bilirubin came back a tiny bit higher but still within normal range. I'm sure they will be watching this, yet. His liver is still very large. He seems a bit more comfortable today. He is not lying on his right side as much to favor it. The other liver function tests are higher, yet. Something seems to be going on in his liver. I am guessing it is either GVHD or a fungal infection. I expect them to tell us more tomorrow. His counts are hemoglobin 8.2; white count 700; ANC 147 ; and platelets 45,000. As you can see, his ANC is extremely low. So, we are requesting that anyone who visits is healthy and has not been around any known illnesses. Bryce has very little "fighting off" white blood cells to fight off infections. His stool is still very loose today and a little more frequent. It was watery this last time. They sent some off today to be tested. His skin is pretty much the same. It is not itching any more than it has been and not spreading any more, either. He seems to be more comfortable today and was happy to see Mitch & Logan, Auntie Shelly and Cousin Carson this afternoon. He played Playstation 2 for about 45 minutes and then, came back to the room to climb in to bed. He has not eaten anything but a few Goldfish crackers today. He drank a little milk, some apple juice, and water. His weight has been maintaining. Julia and Dr. Kahn had stopped by yesterday and said we would do a bone marrow biopsy when he is feeling better....I'm guessing that means no fevers and liver problems.

So, we continue to ask for lots of prayers for our little Brycer. God is holding him and taking care of him. God has a plan for him. God has a plan for all of us. But, on a funny note, I don't know what the plan is to get Mitch and Logan home tonight!... We'll know more tomorrow!

I've added our little (transplant unit) neighbors name to our prayer list. Little Ella had a bone marrow transplant yesterday!!! She is almost 7 months old and from Albert Lea. She is so beautiful!! Please say an extra prayer for her to feel well tonight and everyday after. She is just precious. You could stop by her webpage and wish her well! It's caringbridge.org/visit/ellaanderson. I'm sure her parents, Krista & Clint, would love to hear from you! We had a nice time visiting with them tonight! Now, on a sad note, our caring bridge friend, Michelle, has become one of God's special Angels in Heaven tonight. Please say a very huge prayer for her husband, Mike, and her twins Max & Lauren. I know that she was such an incredible wife, mother, daughter, and friend. She touched so many lives, including mine. Pray for their strength, comfort, and healing during this difficult time. God is with them and Heaven is an even better place now with Michelle there. Sue, if you want to talk, just call. I'm here for you and I am sending you a huge hug!!! Rest well, pleasant dreams, Love to all!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, May 5, 2006 10:37 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

It's been a busy day! Brycer just did not feel well today. He mostly layed around and didn't talk much. Bryce's night was better last night. He was only awake 4 times to use the bathroom, get a drink, take some Tylenol, and for lab. The itching was much less. In fact, it was the least amount of itching during the night since last Friday! He had a fever at 3:30 of 102. He has had continuous Tylenol throughout the day to keep his temp. down. Jessica was our nurse today and she is WONDERFUL!!! We have Darcy tonight so we are very excited about that! They both stay on top of things which gives "the parents" much relief!! We will have both of them all weekend!! Yeah!! Doesn't take much to get us excited does it? And actually, Bryce really like both of them and that is very important to us. His temp. was up to almost 102 again at 5pm today. Plus, he had been having abdominal pain since noon so Dr. Andy who is the PICU doctor today ordered abdominal x-rays to rule out pneumatosis. Because of his history of it, they just wanted to be sure. The x-rays came back negative. I believe he is having pain because of his enlarged liver. He was laying on his right side almost the entire day. The liver is on the right. I think it is more comfortable for him to lay that way. Dr. Imran and I noticed that Bryce has a very small amount of yellowing in his eyes. They are checking his bilirubin tomorrow. They didn't check it today. They did do blood cultures again around 6pm. All of the other blood cultures are coming back negative. We are not sure why he is having these fevers. His counts today were hemoglobin 8.4; white count 800; ANC 250; and platelets 17,000. So, he received a platelet transfusion today around noon. He took a half hour nap which helped a lot. His stool is getting closer to being at the diarrhea state. So, we are seeing 1) Rash--skin, 2) watching for jaundice in his eyes--liver, and 3) loose stools--intestines. All 3 are GVHD areas of importance. The Dermatology team stopped by and said that the skin biopsy is GVHD. Hopefully, we are getting some good engraftment! Now, we just need to make sure it does not get out of control... All of these things are most definitely making him very uncomfortable. They have not started any steroids, yet. The steroids will start the healing process of the GVHD. By the way, I can't have my cell phone on in the unit so you can call our room at 507-287-4317. It's also on the webpage info. If we nap, I take it off the hook.

Dad came down tonight around 7:30pm. Bryce was very happy to see him! He has been busy planting beans. He will take off early tomorrow morning to go back in the field. It was just a nice little treat for Bryce to spend some time with him. We miss the brothers so much, too! They are probably coming down tomorrow sometime. If they could be, they would be here everyday!!! I don't blame them. They want to know everything that is going on plus,...the hospital has CABLE!!! The sad part is that they become zombies and don't hear a word I say when the TV is on!!! Anyone else's kids do that???? I guess it's just the fact that they are together, right?! Our God is soooo good. We are soooooo blessed!!!

I've added our little (transplant unit) neighbors name to our prayer list. Little Ella had a bone marrow transplant today!!! She is almost 7 months old and from Albert Lea. She is so beautiful!! Please say an extra prayer for her to feel well tonight and everyday after. She is just precious. You could stop by her webpage and wish her well! It's caringbridge.org/visit/ellaanderson. I'm sure her parents, Krista & Clint, would love to hear from you! We had a nice time visiting with them tonight! Now, on a sad note, our caring bridge friend, Michelle, has become one of God's special Angels in Heaven tonight. Please say a very huge prayer for her husband, Mike, and her twins Max & Lauren. I know that she was such an incredible wife, mother, daughter, and friend. She touched so many lives, including mine. Pray for their strength, comfort, and healing during this difficult time. God is with them and Heaven is an even better place now with Michelle there. Sue, if you want to talk, just call. I'm here for you and I am sending you a huge hug!!! Rest well, pleasant dreams, Love to all!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:32 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Today was a good day. The doctors made their rounds and have not said anything about going home, yet. They didn't check his liver enzymes today, they said they will tomorrow. His counts today are: hemoglobin 8.6; ?ANC 400?-not so sure about that; and platelets 25,000. So, no transfusions today. Bryce still is fevering. Last night at 10pm, it was 102.9. Today and tonight it still hovered around 100.4 to 101.8. It seems like the Tylenol takes it down and once it wears off, his temp. goes back up. He was feeling fairly well today, especially with Ryan here. He ate a couple bites of string cheese at noon, and then part of a breadstick, a few bites of pears, and part of a cookie tonight. That was better than yesterday. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. He was feeling very yucky tonight when he went to sleep. He is tired of the cream for his body, too. It seems like the rash may have stopped spreading. His itching is mostly at night when he is trying to sleep so then, he has a hard time sleeping. We will see Dr. Kahn in the morning. I am curious to see what she thinks of his GVHD rash. I don't know at what amount of rash that they will start the steroids to stop the GVHD. Dermatology, Dr. Jacobs, took a skin biopsy today on the inside of his right lower leg. First, EMLA cream (numbing) was applied for 1 1/2 hours. Then, she gave him a numbing shot and let that kick in. She took a tool that cuts a perfect circle and placed it on the area and turned it until she had her sample for pathology. Then, she put in 2 stitches. The stitches will be removed in 1 week. He did very well. The results should be back maybe by tomorrow or Saturday. I can't believe it's Friday tomorrow! The days do go by quickly here.

Wes and April Zitnay stopped by today with a prayer quilt from the ladies in their church. Thank you so much, it's beautiful! It was so nice to see them. Wes' hair is almost the same length as Bryce's now,...maybe he had a hair cut. I'll have to ask him. Wes has challenged Bryce in some more Playstation 2, the 2nd showdown... I hope Bryce is feeling a little peppier tomorrow so he can have some fun. Other than that, we are doing ok. We really miss the brothers!!! Bryce talked to Mitch tonight. That made both of them feel better, I think. Of course, Mitch wants to stay overnight tomorrow night. We're looking into it. Logan had his 3rd grade field trip today at the Festival of Cultures. I called him after school to hear all the details. He said, "I didn't really try to have fun today, Mom because I kept thinking about Bryce and that he missed his field trip to the zoo today." I told him, "That was very thoughtful and considerate of you, Logan. Thanks for thinking about him." He was glad to hear that Bryce and Ryan had fun, too. I love the fact that all of "our" children are thinking so much about other people and their needs. Bryce has learned so much from all of you!

And finally, Hello Goodhue 2nd Graders! We hope you had a great time today at the MN Zoo!!! Did you all find your animals for your reports? Bryce and Ryan have a special animal that JoHanna made for them for their report. Wait til you see it, Ryan! You're going to laugh! It was such an awesome thing that you came to the hospital today. Bryce will be working on his Playstation 2 Skateboarding skills while you are away. Maybe next time, he will actually have a chance against you! You were so much fun to hang with today! Your Mom was, too! You and your classmates have taught so many people to be considerate and caring towards others. Way to go! Thanks to you, too, Jodie! It was great to see you, again. (We've got Ryan's sweatshirt here).

I just want to say THANKS again for everything that you do for our family. Our prayers are working!!! We will get Bryce over this hump and move on, again. I pray for God's blessings upon each and every one of you tonight and every night. We are so grateful for all of you!!!! Please continue to pray for all of our friends, big & small, who are fighting their battles. No matter what the battle may be... We met our neighbors today. Little Ella will be 7 months old this month and she will have her bone marrow transplant tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers. What a precious little one to have to go through so much... Love to all!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:00 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

I am updating from the Transplant Unit Playroom computer because my lap top is acting goofy! Bryce is asleep. His temp. is down to about 100.4. It got as high as 102.7 this afternoon after an hour and a half (much needed) nap. They drew blood cultures again at that time. We got to the E.R. last night around 12:15am. It was our longest visit in the E.R. I jinxed myself last night when I asked the doctor over the phone if we would get to go up to the room fairly quickly!! Ooops! We got to his room, the same room he was in in December & January, at 2:40am. Bryce had only dozed off & on a few times in between. We finally went to sleep around 3:30 and woke about 3 times for either Tylenol, itching, or itching cream application... We rolled out of bed around 9:30 with the doctors rounds.

The doctors are not sure what is causing the fever but Bryce will be in the hospital for a few days. They are concerned about his liver. They are watching it and will probably draw his liver enzymes again tomorrow. They don't know if his increased liver enzymes and enlarged liver are from the GVHD or something else. They are looking into it. They told us they may ask us to stop the supplements we are giving him to see if that may be causing the liver concerns. Tim & I decided not to give him any supplements for a few days and see how it may affect his liver or not. He is not jaundiced. The true answer if he has GVHD in his liver would be to do a liver biopsy but they are not deciding to do that, yet. I thought we would see Dr. Kahn today sometime but we didn't. She is his transplant doctor. We saw Dr. Arndt and Dr. Imran who are on hospital rounds for Peds Oncology. Dermatology was suppose to stop by today. Maybe they stopped when we were sleeping and forgot to stop back. They need to take a skin biopsy to confirm the skin GVHD. Bryce is not real hungry. He just does not feel very good. We watched a movie this afternoon and he did get to the playroom to challenge me and Dena in some Playstation 2 Grand Tourismo. We were laughing pretty hard at Dena's driving skills! She is one of our favorite nurses, and friend, from 3 Francis. I can't remember all of Bryce's counts from the E.R. but today his hemoglobin is 8.7 (9.3 in E.R.); white count 900 today; ANC 341 in E.R.; and platelets are 38,000 today. So, you can see that the fevers burn up the cells pretty quickly. We'll see how the night goes. He may needs some red cells and platelets tomorrow. He is not eating much. I am trying to get him to drink more. We are using the steroid cream for his skin 2-3 times per day. He is taking the oral itching pill, also. He is itching less but the rash is spreading more. They started an oral antibiotic called Flagyl today, too. He is also getting 2 IV antibiotics.

Tomorrow is Bryce's class trip to the MN Zoo. On the way to Rochester last night, Bryce got quiet and a few minutes later he asked in a shaky, teary voice, "Mom? If I can't go on my class trip to the zoo, can we go some other time?" I said, "Absolutely! We could take your brothers or even some of your friends!" He thought that was a good idea but he was still disappointed. Now, I'm not sure if you read the guestbook today but his friend, Ryan, has chosen to come to the hospital tomorrow instead of going to the zoo. It turns out that Mrs. Peterson had Bryce and Ryan paired up together for the zoo trip anyway. Ryan did not know that before his decision. God works in mysterious ways, doesn't He?! Bryce is very excited to see Ryan! He wants to challenge him in some Playstation 2. I don't know who's more excited though, me or him...

Last night when we left the house (in the banged up Mary Kay car), Bryce asked, "Mom? Do you know what that one star in the sky means?" And I said, "No, I don't." He said, "That is Jesus looking down on me, taking care of me. When there are 2 together, it is Jesus and God. All the other stars are the Angels." I said, "Wow, Bryce. You are a young child and you just taught an adult something that she never knew!" What is your perception? More and more everyday, I am reminded that God is with us WHEREVER we go!!!! Thank goodness for that! I am so grateful to have God in my heart and in my life... Where would we be without Him? Love to all...

I am keeping in this last paragraph below for a few more days. It is something very special that I wanted to share with the WORLD!!! It's also in God's timing. My Mom's cousin's daughter, I believe she would be my 2nd cousin (?--I am terrible at figuring that out), goes to college in Pennsylvania. Katy is from MN and is such an outstanding young woman!!! She has been very inspired by Bryce and has, therefore, completed the Relay for Life in PA in Bryce's honor. She has also wrote a very special college paper on Bryce. It is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! I wanted to share it with all of you!! THANK YOU, KATY, FOR YOUR VERY INCREDIBLE MESSAGE ABOUT OUR BRYCER. IT WILL BE IN MY HEART, FOREVER!!! God has such a plan for Katy! I can't wait to continue to watch it unfold... Theses young people are our future, and what a future we have in-store....

ORANGE: It’s the color that holds the same name as a citrus fruit. It’s the color associated with autumn leaves and pumpkins. It’s a color that is not necessarily the most popular. However, it’s the color of the balloons that a young boy’s classmates released in his honor as he experienced one of his happiest moments yet, returning back to school. This boy’s name is Bryce Breuer and on May 19th, 2003, the day after his 5th birthday, he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, also known as ALL. As I stand in front of you today, it is with great pride that I introduce you to this amazing young boy. Bryce is not only a close relative to me, but he is a young trooper who I look up to in so many ways. His sincere heart, playful attitude, and faith in God is what has made him an inspiration to several people and is the reason he will beat this battle with cancer.
When Bryce began getting bruises on his body, swollen lymph nodes, and bad “tummy-aches,” his parents knew something was wrong, but no one expected the news that he had leukemia. For any small child to experience illness is normal, but to this degree, it can be a very scary and confusing process. As Bryce goes through his various chemo treatments, and most recently, a bone marrow transplant from his older brother, he continues to show his strength and courage, but he is not one to want all the attention. According to his caringbridge.com website, “Bryce still asks questions, but he also reminds his parent's and brothers' of certain details of the ongoing treatments. He loves all of his brothers' so much and truly enjoys the time together.” Throughout this whole process, he has also met many other children who are struggling with medical conditions, and his compassionate heart has made certain that our prayers go out to them as well.
Bryce is one of five boys growing up on a family farm in Minnesota, and he is a farmer boy through and through. As Bryce went through his treatments, he had to stay in the hospital, but as he has continued to get stronger, his favorite past time activity is riding in the tractor with his dad. Little kids are known for their energy, so it was sometimes hard to witness such a young child stuck in bed, but Bryce is a strong little boy with a playful attitude and that has helped to make him maintain such a positive outlook. When I asked him what his favorite sport was, he said he wasn’t sure because he has always been too weak to play one, but he has recently picked up on how to bounce a basketball, so that’s kind of a big deal. Words cannot even begin to describe the feeling his family and friends get when they see him so happy back at school and once again participating in his favorite subject, recess.
Our family has always held strong values toward God, but when the news spread from family member to family member that our little Brycer was ill, the strength in our beliefs increased tremendously. Two powerful sayings that Bryce and his family follow to guide them through this difficult time are, “With God, all things are possible” and "Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly" found in Chronicles 28:20. Another example that genuinely illustrates the fact that Bryce is a young boy who finds comfort in God is a story his mom, Susie recently told me. It was the day after Christmas and the day before his bone marrow transplant that Bryce asked his mother if “yesterday was Christmas.” When she said yes it was, Bryce looked at her and said, “Well God didn’t give me my Christmas gift yet, he is giving it to me tomorrow.” Bryce is truly a gift from God and it is through his dedicated faith in God that he will only grow stronger and healthier.
Every day when I think I’m leading a stressful life or I feel like nothing could be worse, I just think of Bryce and everything he has had to endure before even turning eight years old. Bryce’s kind heart, energetic personality and passion toward God is what proves to me that even a boy, younger and shorter than me, can still have a very profound impact on who I am and who I can be. Orange: it’s the favorite color of Bryce, it’s the color of his hair, it’s the color of childhood cancer and Leukemia and it’s the color that reminds me of a little farmer boy I love.


"Praise You In This Storm"

I was sure by now
That You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 11:01 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

You guys!!!! (I know that is sooo Minnesotan.) You are the BEST!!!! You are SO uplifting with all of your words that I continue through my day and suddenly someone's guestbook message pops into my head! With EVERY entry, I get tears in my eyes!! With every entry, I realize even more how much you gave to God to get Bryce where he is at.... Is that powerful or what?! You are with us everywhere we go!! In heart, soul, and mind... Thank you a million times over!! I wish I could explain what and how you do for us and our faith!! I know, I know, we have HUGE FAITH already but you just keep building it up more and more! It's absolutely incredible!! WOW... I know that it was GOD who made all of this happen #1 but #2 it was YOU and your PRAYERS!!! How fortunate and blessed are we to have you in our lives?! I can tell you this, I never would have imagined a journey like this in our lives, but I also never realized or imagined the powerful Christians we have surrounding us today!!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!! And, God is soooooo good... We are so happy about with these results that it is almost like a DREAM... A really good dream....

Ok, I need to plug away because I am really tired and I made a deal with one of my Superstars (Nicole) in my Unit that I would go to bed at 10pm....I seriously WAS trying!! Sorry, Nicole. Ok, so Bryce did not go to school today. He did not feel well enough so he decided to stay home. He was so itchy and had a temp. of 100 degrees. He asked me to call the clinic to see if we could go in early, and we did. Julia and Dr. Kahn do feel that this is Graft vs. Host Disease. We have to go to Dermatology tomorrow at 8:25am to see Dr. Witmore. She will take a skin biopsy and send it to pathology to confirm GVHD. Bryce still had a temp. of 100 this afternoon when he saw the doc's. Julia thought that the temp. was probably just from the skin inflammation. His liver enzymes are still going up but Dr. Kahn said that if the GVHD was affecting his liver, he would be jaundiced. He is not having diarrhea, yet so that is good. The GVHD can affect the intestines (diarrhea), the liver (jaundice), and the skin (rash). His counts are hemoglobin 10; white count 1,300; ANC 480; and platelets 15,000. So, we went to the PITC for platelets this afternoon. Our little Ethan was along (no nap), so he was a JOY to be with....Bless his heart. Bryce slept very poorly last night. He's sooooo tired (and ornery, don't tell him I told you!). His rash is spreading so they give him a stronger cream for the rash to try to get him more comfortable. They also gave him an oral pill to take instead of the Benedryl. The pill should be stronger to help with itching. They talked about giving him steroids but that would stop the GVHD and because it is only on 25 percent of his body, they want to let it take care of itself at this point. I suppose the little bit of time it has to build inside of him the more resistant he may be to "his" (leukemia) cells. They do not want it to get out of control, though, so they are watching him closely. We go in on Friday, again to see them. Julia did mention that he will have a bone marrow biopsy next week. That will be the true test...

We stopped by the hospital in between the blood draw and exam to see our 2nd favorite Ethan! Bryce had been WAITING for this! They were so cute! Ethan was playing with tractors and play-doh. Our (Little) Ethan needed both, of course. Big Ethan looks AWESOME!!! What a trooper!!! We are so happy for him to be done with all of this yucky stuff! You just couldn't even imagine how happy we are for him! He has been through soooooooo much!!! Please keep the powerful prayers coming for him for a wonderful, energetic, inspirational future! He has already done so much for all of us!!!! God bless you, E!!! It was so great to see you, Brenda!! You're such a special friend!!!

Now, I am heading out because Bryce came down about 5 minutes ago looking pretty rough. We took his temp. and it is 102. So, we are heading to the E.R. They will admit him to the Transplant Unit. I will update tomorrow. It's ok, gang... We are so grateful that we have been at home for this long (since Jan. 31). Maybe it will be a quick stay. Bryce has his class field trip to the MN Zoo on Thursday, so please add an extra prayer that he will be able to go! Love to all....

I am keeping in this last paragraph below for a few more days. It is something very special that I wanted to share with the WORLD!!! It's also in God's timing. My Mom's cousin's daughter, I believe she would be my 2nd cousin (?--I am terrible at figuring that out), goes to college in Pennsylvania. Katy is from MN and is such an outstanding young woman!!! She has been very inspired by Bryce and has, therefore, completed the Relay for Life in PA in Bryce's honor. She has also wrote a very special college paper on Bryce. It is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! I wanted to share it with all of you!! THANK YOU, KATY, FOR YOUR VERY INCREDIBLE MESSAGE ABOUT OUR BRYCER. IT WILL BE IN MY HEART, FOREVER!!! God has such a plan for Katy! I can't wait to continue to watch it unfold... Theses young people are our future, and what a future we have in-store....

ORANGE: It’s the color that holds the same name as a citrus fruit. It’s the color associated with autumn leaves and pumpkins. It’s a color that is not necessarily the most popular. However, it’s the color of the balloons that a young boy’s classmates released in his honor as he experienced one of his happiest moments yet, returning back to school. This boy’s name is Bryce Breuer and on May 19th, 2003, the day after his 5th birthday, he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, also known as ALL. As I stand in front of you today, it is with great pride that I introduce you to this amazing young boy. Bryce is not only a close relative to me, but he is a young trooper who I look up to in so many ways. His sincere heart, playful attitude, and faith in God is what has made him an inspiration to several people and is the reason he will beat this battle with cancer.
When Bryce began getting bruises on his body, swollen lymph nodes, and bad “tummy-aches,” his parents knew something was wrong, but no one expected the news that he had leukemia. For any small child to experience illness is normal, but to this degree, it can be a very scary and confusing process. As Bryce goes through his various chemo treatments, and most recently, a bone marrow transplant from his older brother, he continues to show his strength and courage, but he is not one to want all the attention. According to his caringbridge.com website, “Bryce still asks questions, but he also reminds his parent's and brothers' of certain details of the ongoing treatments. He loves all of his brothers' so much and truly enjoys the time together.” Throughout this whole process, he has also met many other children who are struggling with medical conditions, and his compassionate heart has made certain that our prayers go out to them as well.
Bryce is one of five boys growing up on a family farm in Minnesota, and he is a farmer boy through and through. As Bryce went through his treatments, he had to stay in the hospital, but as he has continued to get stronger, his favorite past time activity is riding in the tractor with his dad. Little kids are known for their energy, so it was sometimes hard to witness such a young child stuck in bed, but Bryce is a strong little boy with a playful attitude and that has helped to make him maintain such a positive outlook. When I asked him what his favorite sport was, he said he wasn’t sure because he has always been too weak to play one, but he has recently picked up on how to bounce a basketball, so that’s kind of a big deal. Words cannot even begin to describe the feeling his family and friends get when they see him so happy back at school and once again participating in his favorite subject, recess.
Our family has always held strong values toward God, but when the news spread from family member to family member that our little Brycer was ill, the strength in our beliefs increased tremendously. Two powerful sayings that Bryce and his family follow to guide them through this difficult time are, “With God, all things are possible” and "Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly" found in Chronicles 28:20. Another example that genuinely illustrates the fact that Bryce is a young boy who finds comfort in God is a story his mom, Susie recently told me. It was the day after Christmas and the day before his bone marrow transplant that Bryce asked his mother if “yesterday was Christmas.” When she said yes it was, Bryce looked at her and said, “Well God didn’t give me my Christmas gift yet, he is giving it to me tomorrow.” Bryce is truly a gift from God and it is through his dedicated faith in God that he will only grow stronger and healthier.
Every day when I think I’m leading a stressful life or I feel like nothing could be worse, I just think of Bryce and everything he has had to endure before even turning eight years old. Bryce’s kind heart, energetic personality and passion toward God is what proves to me that even a boy, younger and shorter than me, can still have a very profound impact on who I am and who I can be. Orange: it’s the favorite color of Bryce, it’s the color of his hair, it’s the color of childhood cancer and Leukemia and it’s the color that reminds me of a little farmer boy I love.


"Praise You In This Storm"

I was sure by now
That You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 0:01 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

Oh my goodness..... I (almost) don't know where to start!! I have just finished reading ALL of the guestbook entries, and I am just completely OVERWHELMED with such happiness in all of your prayers and support for Bryce and our family!!!!! You are all so incredible!! Your words that you write are sooooooo perfect!!! I know many people are afraid to write because they aren't sure they want everyone reading what they wrote or they are afraid of "saying the wrong thing" which, by the way, NEVER happens! Your words have lifted us up and carried us in the difficult times. Your words teach us about continued faith and strength. Your words inspire us to hang on to hope and never give up! Your words are words that are sent by God...... Thank you so very much!!!

Now, on to the ecstatic news!!! Julia called this morning and Bryce's chimerism results are back and are

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!100 PERCENT DONOR CELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Emily reminded me today, Lori, Joshi's Mom, always said, "God is way bigger than Leukemia!!!" Amen to that!!!!

PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, GOD!!!!! GOD IS SOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!! We are sooooo excited!!! I asked Julia if she ran down the hallway in her heels to tell Dr. Kahn. And, she said, "No, but I priority-paged her!" Dr. Kahn was even surprised! They wanted us to come in today with Bryce to check out the GVHD but we asked if we could wait until tomorrow, as scheduled. They were ok with that. Bryce has labs at 2:30 and exam at 3:15. They will check over his rash, probably check his liver profile, and start him on steroids for the healing and inflammation of the GVHD. His rash is spreading slowly. It is patchy on all areas of his body. It is very itchy. We are giving him oral Benedryl and topical Hydrocortisone Cream every 4 hours. That seems to help a little. It's better than nothing. I just came down from upstairs checking on him. Dad has been lying with him for the last hour. He wakes up because of the itching. He has a temp. of 100.6 so we'll be watching him. I have no idea if his counts would be climbing now or not. If his fever hits 101, we should probably call and go in to the E.R. He had a low grade fever on Saturday but nothing on Sunday or today, til now. He'll probably be admitted, if we go in. He'll need IV antibiotics because he was neutropenic last Thursday.

So, we are sooooooooo excited!!!! Did I say that already????? I have been bouncing off the walls since 8:30am today! Reading your entries are so perfect. I read little Annie's entry about her table prayer last night and I heard in my head, "That was the prayer that made it work." Then, I read all of the other entries with all of the prayers and I knew IT WAS ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS!!! I am guessing they will do a bone marrow biopsy next week. We won't get the results until the following week. The bone marrow results will be the TRUE results because all of the cells are produced in the bone marrow. That's where it all starts. So, we will pray for ONLY MITCHELL'S CELLS IN THE BONE MARROW!!! We also need to pray for the GVHD to stay in control. If it gets too bad, it could be life-threatening. We also need to pray that Bryce will NOT relapse again because there is always a chance of that happening with this agressive cancer. God wants us to be specific. He knows our needs. He wants us to call upon Him, so please do that! Not only for Bryce, but for the MANY others who are in need. Even yourselves. Never feel that you are unworthy or that you have enough. God wants more for you!!! Ask Him!!!

Now, I forgot to mention last night that we met 2 people who were wonderful to help us snap pictures while we were meeting Nicole! They are Richard and Penny, and we connected immediatly! For some reason, God had us cross paths. And, we sat right behind them during the concert! I have a feeling it is a lifetime connection, there. Thanks Richard and Penny for helping us out on Saturday night and for signing the guestbook. I know you will keep our little Brycer and our family in your prayers. We appreciate that! I also want to share that I received a very special email today from a very special Mom that I have been praying for. What a woman of courage and strength. What a woman of faith. Her emailed just brightened my day, even more. It was Emily, Gavin's Mom. For all of you who may not know, Gavin was born prematurly in August and became one of God's special Angels in Heaven last month. Emily, thank you for your incredible email and inspirational words. I think about you so often. We all continue to pray for you and Ben.... You are such a wonderful Mom and friend to so many!!! I wish we could have talked more in the hospital...

On a final note, this one is a bit silly.... On my way home from my Mary Kay meeting tonight, I was coming up a small hill when a deer ran out from my side of the road! Yes,...it hit the Grand Prix!!! The Mary Kay car! Scared the bajeeby's out of me! It only broke the mirror and made a small dent below the window from the mirror hitting the car. Of course, I turned the car around to see if the deer was ok. It was gone but left behind the mirror and it's holder, and some fur! Ugh! So, I called my wonderful, considerate husband. AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAID???? "Did you skin it?" Sorry for all of the people reading who are not deer hunters. You see, he doesn't do many things "just for him" but he enjoys deer hunting. And, he did not go last fall so he's a bit deprived... But, really couldn't he have asked me if I was ok first?! Hmmm?. Then, when I went up to check on Bryce, he says "So,...you broke the Mary Kay car?!" And then, "Wait til I tell my brothers'." Can you believe it? Like father, like son... We'll have to wait and see which of my other 4 precious, little boys decides to ask if Mommy was ok!!! I am supposed to be "The Queen", right? Hmmm. I must be doing something wrong.... Love to all, good night.

I am keeping in this last paragraph below for a few more days. It is something very special that I wanted to share with the WORLD!!! It's also in God's timing. My Mom's cousin's daughter, I believe she would be my 2nd cousin (?--I am terrible at figuring that out), goes to college in Pennsylvania. Katy is from MN and is such an outstanding young woman!!! She has been very inspired by Bryce and has, therefore, completed the Relay for Life in PA in Bryce's honor. She has also wrote a very special college paper on Bryce. It is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! I wanted to share it with all of you!! THANK YOU, KATY, FOR YOUR VERY INCREDIBLE MESSAGE ABOUT OUR BRYCER. IT WILL BE IN MY HEART, FOREVER!!! God has such a plan for Katy! I can't wait to continue to watch it unfold... Theses young people are our future, and what a future we have in-store....

ORANGE: It’s the color that holds the same name as a citrus fruit. It’s the color associated with autumn leaves and pumpkins. It’s a color that is not necessarily the most popular. However, it’s the color of the balloons that a young boy’s classmates released in his honor as he experienced one of his happiest moments yet, returning back to school. This boy’s name is Bryce Breuer and on May 19th, 2003, the day after his 5th birthday, he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, also known as ALL. As I stand in front of you today, it is with great pride that I introduce you to this amazing young boy. Bryce is not only a close relative to me, but he is a young trooper who I look up to in so many ways. His sincere heart, playful attitude, and faith in God is what has made him an inspiration to several people and is the reason he will beat this battle with cancer.
When Bryce began getting bruises on his body, swollen lymph nodes, and bad “tummy-aches,” his parents knew something was wrong, but no one expected the news that he had leukemia. For any small child to experience illness is normal, but to this degree, it can be a very scary and confusing process. As Bryce goes through his various chemo treatments, and most recently, a bone marrow transplant from his older brother, he continues to show his strength and courage, but he is not one to want all the attention. According to his caringbridge.com website, “Bryce still asks questions, but he also reminds his parent's and brothers' of certain details of the ongoing treatments. He loves all of his brothers' so much and truly enjoys the time together.” Throughout this whole process, he has also met many other children who are struggling with medical conditions, and his compassionate heart has made certain that our prayers go out to them as well.
Bryce is one of five boys growing up on a family farm in Minnesota, and he is a farmer boy through and through. As Bryce went through his treatments, he had to stay in the hospital, but as he has continued to get stronger, his favorite past time activity is riding in the tractor with his dad. Little kids are known for their energy, so it was sometimes hard to witness such a young child stuck in bed, but Bryce is a strong little boy with a playful attitude and that has helped to make him maintain such a positive outlook. When I asked him what his favorite sport was, he said he wasn’t sure because he has always been too weak to play one, but he has recently picked up on how to bounce a basketball, so that’s kind of a big deal. Words cannot even begin to describe the feeling his family and friends get when they see him so happy back at school and once again participating in his favorite subject, recess.
Our family has always held strong values toward God, but when the news spread from family member to family member that our little Brycer was ill, the strength in our beliefs increased tremendously. Two powerful sayings that Bryce and his family follow to guide them through this difficult time are, “With God, all things are possible” and "Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly" found in Chronicles 28:20. Another example that genuinely illustrates the fact that Bryce is a young boy who finds comfort in God is a story his mom, Susie recently told me. It was the day after Christmas and the day before his bone marrow transplant that Bryce asked his mother if “yesterday was Christmas.” When she said yes it was, Bryce looked at her and said, “Well God didn’t give me my Christmas gift yet, he is giving it to me tomorrow.” Bryce is truly a gift from God and it is through his dedicated faith in God that he will only grow stronger and healthier.
Every day when I think I’m leading a stressful life or I feel like nothing could be worse, I just think of Bryce and everything he has had to endure before even turning eight years old. Bryce’s kind heart, energetic personality and passion toward God is what proves to me that even a boy, younger and shorter than me, can still have a very profound impact on who I am and who I can be. Orange: it’s the favorite color of Bryce, it’s the color of his hair, it’s the color of childhood cancer and Leukemia and it’s the color that reminds me of a little farmer boy I love.


"Praise You In This Storm"

I was sure by now
That You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, April 30, 2006 10:14 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

What a weekend! We are so grateful to Jody Aaryes for going out of her way to contact the KTIS radio station to line up the tickets for the Nicole Nordeman & Casting Crowns concert! Thank you also to Dan at KTIS for passing the tickets on to us!!! We arrived at the Xcel Energy Center around 6pm. We brought our food for the Food Shelf and delivered that as we went in. We got in line around 6:20 with about 40 other people and waited to meet Nicole. Around 6:40, we met Josh Bates. He opened for the concert. I felt so bad...I asked him who he was?!? WELL!!!! I wanted to know! We never got to see him perform. He had to leave to do the open. He sounded awesome, though!! He has lots of 'bouncing' energy! Then, a woman came over to us and asked if we had a Bryce in our group because Nicole Nordeman wanted to meet him! So, a few minutes later it was our turn! She was so nice! She squatted down to his level and made him feel like a prince! She told him that she had gone to his webpage on Friday night and thought it was awesome! She told him he was very brave to be so strong and to go through all of this. She also told him she will pray for him everyday. She signed his backstage pass on his shirt and took a photo with the family. She was so nice,...did I say that already? And, so pretty! You should have heard her sing!!!!! INCREDIBLE & AMAZING!!! She wrote the song 'Brave' when she had her son 3 years ago. When she was about to sing 'BRAVE' last night she said, "When you become a parent, you must have courage. As a parent, you drive a mini-van that you said you never would drive. And then, that mini-van has crushed Cheerio's on the floor that you never expected. About a 1/2 hour ago, I met a very brave little boy named Bryce Breuer. Tonight, I am dedicating this song to Bryce. You are so brave, we pray for you everyday." Bryce was beaming!!!!! It was his FAVORITE PART of the whole evening!!! He wanted another one of her Cd's when we left, so we bought it. This morning, he went upstairs to get his radio/cd player and cranked her up! It made him feel better when he wasn't feeling so well.

We also met the Casting Crowns after we met Nicole. They were so nice and friendly, too! Mark Hall was a Youth Pastor in Georgia. He is such a wonderful entertainer!!! His voice is so powerful and awesome!!! My favorite part of Casting Crowns was when they sang "Praise You In This Storm". It was so great to have a really good, let-it-all-out cry in the dark, praising God with my family! It was so POWERFUL!!!! What an adrenaline rush. God is sooooo good!!! At one point during the Casting Crowns, Mark Hall had us take out our cell phones and light them up and wave them in the air. That was another favorite part of the boys! It was so beautiful! The Xcel was almost completely full! What a great feeling that almost 10,000 people were out to praise God together!!! Casting Crowns said they had never had such a large audience! Last night will forever be in our hearts and minds!!! I could never even give you my full quoted feelings...words can't explain it--can you tell? We are awe struck.... I put new pictures in the photo album here but they are huge. I am too tired to fiddle with it tonight. But, I will fix it soon.

So, now on to Bryce. He and Garett were so cute on Friday night at the PITC. They finished each others sentances and were such little boys! It is so good to see Bryce enjoying his age and activities, not just medical stuff! Bryce didn't sleep so well on Friday, though. He was itching alot! He woke up Saturday with a patchy rash and low grad fever. He took a nap and woke up with his temp. at 100.4. We hesitated on even going because of this. But, Bryce asked if they would be playing again soon and we told him we didn't know. So, we decided to put pillows and blankets in the van so he could rest on the way up. We knew we could always leave. He perked up in the van on the way up to the cities. Yeah! We are so glad we went...They all loved it!!! Back to Bryce, he didn't sleep well again last night from the rash. We called Dr. Arndt (on-call) this morning and she said it sounds like Graft Vs. Host Disease starting. It's pretty uncomfortable for him. She wants us to call in tomorrow to see if we should come in then instead of Tuesday. He has not had a temp. at all today. I forgot to mention that on Thursday, Julia noticed that his liver is enlarged, too. I think I could feel his spleen today. GVHD can cause a rash on the body, effect the liver, and the intestines. She checked his liver enzymes on Thursday and they are elevated. We are giving him oral Benedryl and topical Hydrocortisone cream for the rash and itching. We feel just terrible for him. I don't know if he will last all day in school tomorrow. We'll see. I'll let you know more tomorrow night or Tuesday morning.

Please continue to pray for all of Bryce's friends who are fighting there own battles, whatever they may be. Cancer is so yucky!! I pray for Bryce to be 'released' from this horrible disease and to live to be a very old man telling his story!!! Please keep the prayers coming. I am nervous about the GVHD. We need to be specific to God,...I hate to be so fussy--kidding.... It's good to have some GVHD because that may mean that Mitchell's cells are attacking Bryce's cells. But too much GVHD is not good. It could take his life. I hate even typing that!!! Please continue to send prayers for everyone's strength! The Grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, and friends! And, your's too. You are all such a gift to us! You are all so special! God is our creator and our giver of life. Again, He can move mountains and He can heal our little Brycer! I wish he didn't have to suffer... It's so sad to see this. He's so sick of it all. He just wants the Leukemia gone. Please pray for our little guy, he is such a trooper!!! Bless his heart!

Please God take all of this cancer away and make Bryce healthy, again!!!!

I am keeping in this last paragraph below for a few more days. It is something very special that I wanted to share with the WORLD!!! It's also in God's timing. My Mom's cousin's daughter, I believe she would be my 2nd cousin (?--I am terrible at figuring that out), goes to college in Pennsylvania. Katy is from MN and is such an outstanding young woman!!! She has been very inspired by Bryce and has, therefore, completed the Relay for Life in PA in Bryce's honor. She has also wrote a very special college paper on Bryce. It is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! I wanted to share it with all of you!! THANK YOU, KATY, FOR YOUR VERY INCREDIBLE MESSAGE ABOUT OUR BRYCER. IT WILL BE IN MY HEART, FOREVER!!! God has such a plan for Katy! I can't wait to continue to watch it unfold... Theses young people are our future, and what a future we have in-store....

ORANGE: It’s the color that holds the same name as a citrus fruit. It’s the color associated with autumn leaves and pumpkins. It’s a color that is not necessarily the most popular. However, it’s the color of the balloons that a young boy’s classmates released in his honor as he experienced one of his happiest moments yet, returning back to school. This boy’s name is Bryce Breuer and on May 19th, 2003, the day after his 5th birthday, he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, also known as ALL. As I stand in front of you today, it is with great pride that I introduce you to this amazing young boy. Bryce is not only a close relative to me, but he is a young trooper who I look up to in so many ways. His sincere heart, playful attitude, and faith in God is what has made him an inspiration to several people and is the reason he will beat this battle with cancer.
When Bryce began getting bruises on his body, swollen lymph nodes, and bad “tummy-aches,” his parents knew something was wrong, but no one expected the news that he had leukemia. For any small child to experience illness is normal, but to this degree, it can be a very scary and confusing process. As Bryce goes through his various chemo treatments, and most recently, a bone marrow transplant from his older brother, he continues to show his strength and courage, but he is not one to want all the attention. According to his caringbridge.com website, “Bryce still asks questions, but he also reminds his parent's and brothers' of certain details of the ongoing treatments. He loves all of his brothers' so much and truly enjoys the time together.” Throughout this whole process, he has also met many other children who are struggling with medical conditions, and his compassionate heart has made certain that our prayers go out to them as well.
Bryce is one of five boys growing up on a family farm in Minnesota, and he is a farmer boy through and through. As Bryce went through his treatments, he had to stay in the hospital, but as he has continued to get stronger, his favorite past time activity is riding in the tractor with his dad. Little kids are known for their energy, so it was sometimes hard to witness such a young child stuck in bed, but Bryce is a strong little boy with a playful attitude and that has helped to make him maintain such a positive outlook. When I asked him what his favorite sport was, he said he wasn’t sure because he has always been too weak to play one, but he has recently picked up on how to bounce a basketball, so that’s kind of a big deal. Words cannot even begin to describe the feeling his family and friends get when they see him so happy back at school and once again participating in his favorite subject, recess.
Our family has always held strong values toward God, but when the news spread from family member to family member that our little Brycer was ill, the strength in our beliefs increased tremendously. Two powerful sayings that Bryce and his family follow to guide them through this difficult time are, “With God, all things are possible” and "Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly" found in Chronicles 28:20. Another example that genuinely illustrates the fact that Bryce is a young boy who finds comfort in God is a story his mom, Susie recently told me. It was the day after Christmas and the day before his bone marrow transplant that Bryce asked his mother if “yesterday was Christmas.” When she said yes it was, Bryce looked at her and said, “Well God didn’t give me my Christmas gift yet, he is giving it to me tomorrow.” Bryce is truly a gift from God and it is through his dedicated faith in God that he will only grow stronger and healthier.
Every day when I think I’m leading a stressful life or I feel like nothing could be worse, I just think of Bryce and everything he has had to endure before even turning eight years old. Bryce’s kind heart, energetic personality and passion toward God is what proves to me that even a boy, younger and shorter than me, can still have a very profound impact on who I am and who I can be. Orange: it’s the favorite color of Bryce, it’s the color of his hair, it’s the color of childhood cancer and Leukemia and it’s the color that reminds me of a little farmer boy I love.


"Praise You In This Storm"

I was sure by now
That You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, April 28, 2006 2:26 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Afternoon~

I'm back. Sorry for the delay. The phone has been ringing like crazy from family and friends who were concerned that I haven't updated, yet. You are all such a blessing to us!!! Thank you for all of your prayers, messages, and loyal friendship! We love you all!!!

I have so much to say and so little time! I will be picking up Bryce and his friend, Garett, from school at 3pm today. We are going to St. Mary's Pediatric Infusion Therapy Center for a platelet transfusion. His appts. were fine, yesterday. His platelets have dropped from last weeks 42,000 to 17,000. His white count (1,500), ANC (780), and hemoglobin (9.8) are "holding their own". They drew a Mayo chimerism yesterday. For all who are wondering, the chimerism is the break down of percentages of blood cells between Mitchell's cells (donor) and Bryce's cells (host). We want 100 percent donor cells. Right now, we already know that Bryce's cells are there which is the relapse of Leukemia. Bryce & Mitch are no longer in the San Fransisco chimerism study because of the relapse. We will go back for labs, exam, and chimerism results on Tuesday. We are really trying to continue to be positive for Bryce's sake, actually for EVERYONE's sake... Bryce senses any nervous or scared feelings in our facial expression and tone of voice. So, we really have to watch it. Julia did say yesterday that the platelet drop does concern her because the platelets are the first blood level to drop when the body is not responding to the donor cells. But, his other counts did not drop so that is a good thing. It will still be 2 weeks until the bone marrow biopsy for the true results but these chimerism results will give us a very specific idea of Bryce's response to the donor white blood cells. PLEASE PRAY, PRAY, PRAY FOR A RESPONSE TO MITCHELL'S CELLS WITHIN BRYCE!!!

It has been busy around here this week. Tim has been busy planting corn, in fact, he finished late last night. But, he says we need more corn acres with our 12-row planter so anyone out there needing good renters or looking to sell their land, you can look us up! haha. He is out digging right now. I'm sure they will start planting beans in the next few days. Bryce was born 2 days after he was done planting beans in 1998. Perfect timing... It's all in God's timing, you know. God's timing is all over EVERYTHING!! I hope everyone realizes and ackowledges that, and I thank God for that, too! The brother's are doing very good. They love the outdoors! The older 2 have been helping out around the house SO MUCH this week! I am so grateful for that! What a team we have here. I am so proud of them. I have been in a downer since last night which is why I haven't updated, yet. We are scared of what the future may hold. We just need to reach for God, a little more... I know He is holding Bryce in His hands, rocking him to sleep every night. I know He is in Bryce's mind and positive attitude, too. Last night at bedtime, Bryce said, "Mom, I am happy that I have Leukemia and sad that I have Leukemia." And I said, "Tell me about that." He said, "I am happy because I can try new foods (organic), and I am sad because I want to be release from Leukemia." Now, there are 2 parts to his comment. 1) He enjoyed going grocery shopping at the organic food stores yesterday with Mom & Dad, and 2) Release is his word from "releasing" the balloons with his classmates to release him from Leukemia. He is such a grown up!! A lot of the time, I think it's cute. And some of the time, I think it's sad. I soooooo badly wish my little boy didn't have to go through this!!!! I don't understand why it has to happen to him.... I wish I could take it ALL away!!! Gang, life is so short... Please, please, please love your life, don't complain, and hug your kids!! I have been so "secretly" stressed this week with everything that I am not so pleasant with my babies (as I know I should be). Thank goodness, God is soooo forgiving and so loving!!! He loves us unconditionally, and for that, I am grateful! I appreciate all of you so very much!!! Hang on,...Another part of God's timing was sending my friend, and Sr. Director in Mary Kay, Julie Huneke, to my house this very minute! Ethan just woke up early from his nap and Joel was very bored! She took them outside so I could finish this for all of us. Last time I looked, she had Joel on her back. She took them on an 'explore' of the farm! With God's timing in mind, I am lead me to my next bit of news...

Tim's cousin, Jody, just called (as I was updating...remember that part about God's timing?). She informed me that she has been in contact with the KTIS (Christian) radio station (that I LOVE!!!) out of the twin cities. They have given our family (really good) tickets for the Casting Crowns & Nicole Nordeman concert tomorrow night!!!!! Nicole is the one who sings Bryce's song, "Brave"!!!!!!! She wants to meet Bryce!!!!!! Casting Crowns has some of my favorite songs like "Praise You In This Storm" which a very special Mom, Nyla, brought to my attention because of everything that is happening with her baby girl, Ellen. Praise You In This Storm is saying that 'God, with this storm that is going on in my life, I will contintue to raise my hands and praise you'. UPDATE: Lindsay from Red Wing and Jamie from Wanamingo has emailed the words to Praise You In This Storm! It's at the very bottom of the webpage. (Thanks a bunch, Lindsay & Jamie!!) It's a truly incredible song that brings me to tears every single time I hear it! So needless to say, I am shaking and crying my eyes out!!!! God knew we needed this!!! THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE...Faith, Family, and Friends!!!! Thank you, Jody, for going above and beyond to get us to that concert!! Jody is one of the most wonderful people you could ever meet! A good way to describe her would be a quiet beautiful flower in the bouquet of life....

Ok, so right below my last paragraph is something very special that I wanted to share with the WORLD!!! It's also in God's timing. My Mom's cousin's daughter, I believe she would be my 2nd cousin (?--I am terrible at figuring that out), goes to college in Pennsylvania. Katy is from MN and is such an outstanding young woman!!! She has been very inspired by Bryce and has, therefore, completed the Relay for Life in PA in Bryce's honor. She has also wrote a very special college paper on Bryce. It is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! I wanted to share it with all of you!! THANK YOU, KATY, FOR YOUR VERY INCREDIBLE MESSAGE ABOUT OUR BRYCER. IT WILL BE IN MY HEART, FOREVER!!! God has such a plan for Katy! I can't wait to continue to watch it unfold... Theses young people are our future, and what a future we have in-store....

ORANGE: It’s the color that holds the same name as a citrus fruit. It’s the color associated with autumn leaves and pumpkins. It’s a color that is not necessarily the most popular. However, it’s the color of the balloons that a young boy’s classmates released in his honor as he experienced one of his happiest moments yet, returning back to school. This boy’s name is Bryce Breuer and on May 19th, 2003, the day after his 5th birthday, he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, also known as ALL. As I stand in front of you today, it is with great pride that I introduce you to this amazing young boy. Bryce is not only a close relative to me, but he is a young trooper who I look up to in so many ways. His sincere heart, playful attitude, and faith in God is what has made him an inspiration to several people and is the reason he will beat this battle with cancer.
When Bryce began getting bruises on his body, swollen lymph nodes, and bad “tummy-aches,” his parents knew something was wrong, but no one expected the news that he had leukemia. For any small child to experience illness is normal, but to this degree, it can be a very scary and confusing process. As Bryce goes through his various chemo treatments, and most recently, a bone marrow transplant from his older brother, he continues to show his strength and courage, but he is not one to want all the attention. According to his caringbridge.com website, “Bryce still asks questions, but he also reminds his parent's and brothers' of certain details of the ongoing treatments. He loves all of his brothers' so much and truly enjoys the time together.” Throughout this whole process, he has also met many other children who are struggling with medical conditions, and his compassionate heart has made certain that our prayers go out to them as well.
Bryce is one of five boys growing up on a family farm in Minnesota, and he is a farmer boy through and through. As Bryce went through his treatments, he had to stay in the hospital, but as he has continued to get stronger, his favorite past time activity is riding in the tractor with his dad. Little kids are known for their energy, so it was sometimes hard to witness such a young child stuck in bed, but Bryce is a strong little boy with a playful attitude and that has helped to make him maintain such a positive outlook. When I asked him what his favorite sport was, he said he wasn’t sure because he has always been too weak to play one, but he has recently picked up on how to bounce a basketball, so that’s kind of a big deal. Words cannot even begin to describe the feeling his family and friends get when they see him so happy back at school and once again participating in his favorite subject, recess.
Our family has always held strong values toward God, but when the news spread from family member to family member that our little Brycer was ill, the strength in our beliefs increased tremendously. Two powerful sayings that Bryce and his family follow to guide them through this difficult time are, “With God, all things are possible” and "Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly" found in Chronicles 28:20. Another example that genuinely illustrates the fact that Bryce is a young boy who finds comfort in God is a story his mom, Susie recently told me. It was the day after Christmas and the day before his bone marrow transplant that Bryce asked his mother if “yesterday was Christmas.” When she said yes it was, Bryce looked at her and said, “Well God didn’t give me my Christmas gift yet, he is giving it to me tomorrow.” Bryce is truly a gift from God and it is through his dedicated faith in God that he will only grow stronger and healthier.
Every day when I think I’m leading a stressful life or I feel like nothing could be worse, I just think of Bryce and everything he has had to endure before even turning eight years old. Bryce’s kind heart, energetic personality and passion toward God is what proves to me that even a boy, younger and shorter than me, can still have a very profound impact on who I am and who I can be. Orange: it’s the favorite color of Bryce, it’s the color of his hair, it’s the color of childhood cancer and Leukemia and it’s the color that reminds me of a little farmer boy I love.


"Praise You In This Storm"

I was sure by now
That You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 9:25 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

All is well and fine at the Breuer Home. Bryce is loving school, routine, friends, and everything involved! He is sooo tired by bedtime. I am trying to get him into bed earlier but, you know how that goes sometimes... Bryce & I noticed a few more smaller bruises and a spot on his leg that started bleeding and continued to drain for a little while. It's fine. Tomorrow is Wednesday, and we go in on Thursday at 2:30pm, so I think his platelets will make 'er til then! He rode in the tractor last night with his Dad for about an hour. He was a happy camper after that! It was a different story beforehand,...I made him read 2 stories before he could go. Tough love. Tonight, we decided to surprise Dad and clean the garage. At one point, Mitch went out to the sandbox to say HI to Ethan. Ethan was up in the fort and he threw down a metal something-or-other which hit Mitchell on the top of his head. Mitchell started crying in pain so I ran over to him. He lifted his hand and there was blood. So, I walked him to the house with the blood dripping from his head. We got him in and over the tub. I applied lots of pressure, and we ice-packed it. After a few minutes, we checked it out. It was small enough not to need stitches. Whew! Quite the bummer on Mitchell's part but he recovered quickly. Needless to say, he did get out of finishing the garage...Lucky for him, right?! Sord of... Of course, we had our 2 medical people there instantly hanging over the tub with Mitch. Bryce and Joel couldn't get in there soon enough to take care of their big brother who is always taking care of them. Pretty cool...but, it wasn't as easy to take care of Mitch with their noses in the way! Anyway, he is fine. Bryce just kept saying, "Good thing Mitchell's platelets aren't low." Funny.

So, we are doing ok. We are just hanging out, enjoying each other, and being patient. We are praying hard and doing everything we can to get our Brycer better! He doesn't enjoy the supplements so much but knows we need to do what we can to help him heal. He is amazing. I wish you could all know him. I know he is my son.... To me, every single child ever created by God is so very special. Love them up, enjoy them, and tell them how much you love them every single day. I lost my temper too many times tonight from little people not listening. I wish I hadn't. Life is too short. Life is so precious. Life is soooo good... Love to all! Thanks for everything you do for us!

Our little friend, Ethan, had his surgery to remove the tumor from his cheek today. As of yet, Brenda hasn't updated. Please continue the HUGE prayers for him and his recovery. He and his family are such special people! You can check on him at caringbridge.org/visit/ethanstrenge. Again, I am calling out the prayer troops for Michelle & Dani. They are the very special Mom's!! They are such HERO's, or should I say 'Shero's', to me and so many!!! I just have to share this with you. When I met Dani last week, she looked into my eyes with such sincerity for Bryce as I spoke. Her smile was so warm and contagious!! Then, as we were leaving, she leaned over and hugged me...It was such a Hug of a Hero!!! I couldn't describe it any better. I am amazed by her strength, and I feel comfort in her eyes. Wow... And, Michelle. She updated her webpage on Saturday. What a woman!! You can feel God's presence in her words. You can feel the sense of peace she has. We have a mutual friend and she says she is amazed by her strength. She is such an incredible mother of twins!! Again, their caringbridges are caringbridge.org/visit/michellescheurer and caringbridge.org/visit/danijohnson.


Please pray for our family, Bryce's extended family, and Bryce's friends strength. Pray for our friends who are fighting their battles. They are each so very special to us!!! They and their family's give us such strength, faith, determination, courage, and hope. We must pray for their healing by our Lord and Savior. Please pray that every night Jesus will come down to touch and heal Bryce and all of his friends, no matter what the fight is. God is so good, and He has blessed us beyond imagination. Thank God every single day for everything you have. And remember, Life is sooooooo very good. We love and appreciate you all soooooo very much!!!! KEEP THE HUGE FAITH!!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, April 24, 2006 6:26 AM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Morning~

What a beautiful morning it is! I am listening to the birds sing, and "I have been blessed..." (in my head) as Martina McBride & Jamie O'Reilly would say. I had to remind myself as I was putting my 2-year-old back into his bed at 5:56am and then at 6:15am, telling my 11, 9, & 6-year old's that I would love for them to fold some laundry since they are waking up this early! We've always had Mitch as our 'early bird' but with the other guys (Logan & Joel) in the same room they hear each other get up. And to think, I had SUCH plans when I set my alarm last night to get up at 6am today. It was going to be so quiet and I was going to get so much done! Maybe tomorrow... I know my girlfriends are giggling, right now. We have talked about it for years how my guys get up early and most of their kids sleep in and they have to wake them. OK, enough information...

The weekend was great here! My sister, Mina, and her husband, Aaron, came down from Bemidji. They arrived on Friday morning and left late yesterday afternoon. We had so much fun! The boys' LOVED having them here!!! We had Friday night family movie night with popcorn and pop. On Saturday, Auntie Mina & Uncle Aaron took the boys' to the Zumbrota park and to the DQ for treats! Joel said, "Mom, we're getting spoiled rotten!" It's a little joke we have around here. On Saturday night, their Auntie Manda babysat them while we went out for my Mom's birthday. It was so much fun!! Auntie Manda spoiled me by by staying with the boys and doing my dishes!!!! Yeah! Mitchell stayed with his cousin, Carson, and Auntie Shelly. He loved that! I'm sure there was NO spoiling there! haha. On Sunday, we went to Sunday School, church and then, I took them to Dressen's for some more spoiling! This time by their Auntie Pam who was working there! Dressen's is an old saloon and grill. It has a lot of history in it, the boys' love that. The food is nummy, and Auntie Pam spoils, too with food and treats!! Then, their cousin, Kelli, played with them at the swings while I ran some nummy food to Dad & Grandpa in the field. They have been planting field corn since Friday. It's that time of year! Bryce, Joel, & Ethan have been taking turns riding with Dad in the tractor since Friday. Bryce is always the one who needs the most time in there! He has always been a tractor boy! He has already asked about riding today after school. It makes him very, very happy to be there!

Bryce seems to be feeling good. Tim, Ethan, & I are fighting off colds now. Mitch & Logan are pretty much done with their's. I thought we were all suppose to be done with these colds... I am really hoping and praying that Bryce doesn't get it. He would be so bummed to miss any school. We are on 'fever & bruise patrol' and so far so good. I think he'll be good-to-go, too! I've noticed a few more smaller bruises but he's still fine. He has appts. on Thursday afternoon, again. He's happy to be heading back to school again today. What a trooper!

I know many of you are wondering how we are all doing here at home, emotionally. I have felt much more comfort this week giving even more extra trust in God. I think Tim is doing ok. He has been so busy with field work for the last few days we haven't had a chance to talk about it. We are looking into organic foods and we are giving Bryce supplements. That is also giving us hope for Bryce's healing. We are just praying so strongly for the Donor Lymphocyte Infusion to be working. We know it is up to God, and we know He is a Miracle Worker!! We can feel God's presence and we have total and complete trust in God. If anything is going to happen with the DLI, it is because God is making it happen. Our boys' seem to be doing very well. They are loving the outdoors these days. Life is good......

Now, I am calling out the prayer troops again for our friends, Michelle & Dani. They are the very special Mom's I have been asking you to pray for. They are such HERO's, or should I say 'Shero's', to me and so many!!! I just have to share this with you. When I met Dani last week, she looked into my eyes with such sincerity for Bryce as I spoke. Her smile was so warm and contagious!! Then, as we were leaving, she leaned over and hugged me...It was such a Hug of a Hero!!! I couldn't describe it any better. I am amazed by her strength, and I feel comfort in her eyes. Wow... And, Michelle. She updated her webpage on Saturday. What a woman!! You can feel God's presence in her words. You can feel the sense of peace she has. We have a mutual friend and she says she is amazed by her strength. She is such an incredible mother of twins!! Again, their caringbridges are caringbridge.org/visit/michellescheurer and caringbridge.org/visit/danijohnson. Thank you to all of you who have left them messages. You are such caring individuals. Now, I have two more friends in need of special prayers. Ethan is going in for a long surgery to remove the tumor from his cheek tomorrow. He is 4-years-old and is an incredible little boy!! For the last 9 months, he has known almost nothing but the hospital, clinic, chemo, and fevers. He could run the Mayo facility! He has such an adorable, one-of-a-kind personality! His family is awesome! His Mom is the BEST! Please send out some huge prayers for Ethan and his family! It is a very detailed surgery that could last up to 12 hours! We just care about them so much! His webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/ethanstrenge. And finally, we have another friend who is following her chemo treatment plan. Her name is Nikki. She is a Sr. in high school and she is trying to fight off some fevers these last few days! Pray for her strength and healing. Pray for her to have an awesome, fever-free end of the school year! She is a sweetie! Her caringbridge is caringbridge.org/mn/nikki. Thank you for all of your prayers, everyone! We all appreciate it so very much! More than words could express. You pick us up when we need it, and you keep us strong! We love you all!!!


Please pray for our family, Bryce's extended family, and Bryce's friends strength. Pray for our friends who are fighting their battles. They are each so very special to us!!! They and their family's give us such strength, faith, determination, courage, and hope. We must pray for their healing by our Lord and Savior. Please pray that every night Jesus will come down to touch and heal Bryce and all of his friends, no matter what the fight is. God is so good, and He has blessed us beyond imagination. Thank God every single day for everything you have. And remember, Life is sooooooo very good. We love and appreciate you all soooooo very much!!!! KEEP THE HUGE FAITH!!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:57 PM CDT

"Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20

Good Evening~

We hope everyone is doing well! We are hanging in there. We picked Bryce up from school at 2pm and he, again, dragged his feet! He wasn't real happy with us for the first few minutes in the car. He got over it. We got to meet the Erickson Crew at the Hilton. Brock has a fever. Poor little guy! He's still as cute as ever,...just bigger! It was so great to see Megan and her boys'! Shawn was missing but we'll see him next weekend. Send out a little prayer for Brock to kick the fever! He had his port removed in March. They thought they were done with all of this "stuff" but Donna said it is just viral today, so that is good! His webpage is caringbridge.org/mn/brock. We also got to meet Dani Johnson and her husband, Craig! Or, at least I did. I introduced myself. What an inspiration Dani is!!! Please send out some powerful prayers for her and Michelle, another Mom battling cancer. Dani's page is caringbridge.org/visit/danijohnson and Michelle's is caringbridge.org/visit/michellescheurer. I'm sure they would love your words of faith and encouragement.

Bryce's appts. were fine. His counts are dropping, hopefullly from the DLI. It's been 10 days since he received Mitchell's white blood cells. His hemoglobin is 9.8; white count 1,600; ANC 870; and platelets 42,000. His next appt. is for next Thursday. We are on fever patrol, again because he is neurtopenic. They like the ANC to be above 1,000 but what do you do? It's not like you can control it. (Where's my Magic Mommy Wand when I need it?) He is very careful about washing his hands. Mitch & Logan have been fighting off colds. Ethan is not feeling well tonight. His nose is runny, and he only wants us to hold him. So, we'll be careful around that little bug. We wouldn't even think about taking Bryce out of school, now. He needs school. He loves school! He loves to see his friends, play, and have routine. If there was a contagious something-or-other going around, then I guess we'd take him out. We just need to watch for the signs of him needing a transfusion like low platelets-bruising, peticheai (? can't remember how to spell it, it's been too long since college...), or low hemoglobin-tired and headaches. Hopefully, we'll be home until next Thursday for the next appt. They will draw a Mayo chimerism, then. The other chimerism's are done in San Fransisco. They still haven't received the results of the one drawn on the 10th. We still won't be doing another bone marrow biopsy for another 3 weeks probably. That will show the "true" results of the Donor Lymphocyte Infusion response. Pray for some positive and powerful results!!!

Bryce actually felt like talking tonight at bedtime. He does not do this very much, at all! I could tell something was bothering him. I asked a few simple questions and on the 3rd one, I was right. He said, "Why do I have to be the one to have to go through all of this? I don't want this Hickman (central line in his chest)." What do you say?... I just told him that God doesn't want him to have cancer or to hurt but, he is a very strong boy. He has new cells running through him, and he has made a lot of adults be stronger people! He said, "I don't like being tired so I can't run the shuttle or the mile in Phy Ed. I don't like being short. Why can't I just run fast, not get tired, and be tall?" So, guess what we prayed for tonight??? You got it. But, we also added for God to heal him.... I told him that he is running his own race,...and, it's a BIG one! He should be proud of his effort and not expect himself to be doing so much already. I told him that if I jumped on the treadmill tomorrow, I couldn't run the entire 2 miles. I would have to work my way up to it. Then, he understood a little better that his effort is good. He just wants better results. I did call Mrs. Peterson tonight so she knows about his counts AND his concerns. She is so great! She said that he is doing so good in school! I reminded him tonight that people are praying for him all across the U.S. and beyond that in other countries. I told him that someday he'll probably meet someone, 10 years down the road, and introduce himself. And, that guy will say, "Hey, I prayed for a boy named Bryce Breuer about 10 years ago! Was that you?" I told him that guy will think it's so great that he got to meet you and see you and see that his prayers worked! I reminded him, again, to keep talking to God and Jesus, and that they love him soooooo much! I told him to keep fighting and (try) to be positive. Please pray for his strength, healing, and positive attitude...All of it with God. It is so important!!! Thanks for EVERYTHING that you do for Bryce and our family! You are the BEST!!! Love to you all! Goodnight.


Please pray for our family, Bryce's extended family, and Bryce's friends strength. Pray for our friends who are fighting their battles. They are each so very special to us!!! They and their family's give us such strength, faith, determination, courage, and hope. We must pray for their healing by our Lord and Savior. Please pray that every night Jesus will come down to touch and heal Bryce and all of his friends, no matter what the fight is. God is so good, and He has blessed us beyond imagination. Thank God every single day for everything you have. And remember, Life is sooooooo very good. We love and appreciate you all soooooo very much!!!! KEEP THE HUGE FAITH!!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 10:22 PM CDT

Good Evening~

We are doing well here at the Breuer Home. Bryce is loving school, seeing his friends, having routine, and RECESS!! They play ball at recess. I can tell he is a little more tired but I don't think he's getting as much sleep, either. We'll try to catch up this weekend. I remembered last night that when we were in the hospital, in the transplant unit, the doctors would make their rounds. They would feel his abdomen and listen to his lungs and heart. He wouldn't even move or wake up! Now, when he hears a peep, he is awake. Funny. Otherwise, there is not much new. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR FRIEND, JEFF! (Had to sneak that in.) We will take Bryce out of school at 2pm tomorrow for labs at 2:45 and exam at 3:45. Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes! God WILL triumph. Bryce will WIN!! Thank you for lifting us up when we are down. We need you, all! Now, I am asking you to send out some special prayers for some special friends. Our little friend, Ethan, will be having surgery next Tuesday. Pray for strength and healing for him and his awesome family!! We love them so much! Also add two very special Mom's to your prayer list. Michelle and Dani's cancer has gotten real bad. We need to send out our strength and positive healing, and pray for miracles!!! They both have very small children and wonderful husbands. Crank up the Power of Prayer for them, ok?! Thanks so much for your help. It's really not pleasant sometimes in the life with cancer...as many of you already know. Thanks for everything you do for us!!! We love you, all!!! Talk to ya tomorrow night!


Please pray for our family, Bryce's extended family, and Bryce's friends strength. Pray for our friends who are fighting their battles. They are each so very special to us!!! They and their family's give us such strength, faith, determination, courage, and hope. We must pray for their healing by our Lord and Savior. Please pray that every night Jesus will come down to touch and heal Bryce and all of his friends, no matter what the fight is. God is so good, and He has blessed us beyond imagination. Thank God every single day for everything you have. And remember, Life is sooooooo very good. We love and appreciate you all soooooo very much!!!! KEEP THE HUGE FAITH!!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Gavin's family, Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, April 17, 2006 10:18 PM CDT

Good Evening~

We have had a wonderful Easter weekend!!! We had a nice Easter church service yesterday and then, a quick stop by Great Grandma Buck's. We had the 4 older boys in shirts and ties, and Ethan wore suspenders! They were so handsome!!! I will try to update a new photo, soon. We played, visited, and ate WAY too much, at least I did, at my Mom's in Wanamingo yesterday. It sure did turn out to be a nice day. Today was beautiful, too! Joel, Ethan, and I went to school around 11am and helped Great Grandma Buck give all the students ice cream treats. Grandma & Grandpa Breuer wanted to give the nummy treats to tell all of the school children THANK YOU for all you have done for Bryce and our family. I wish I could make a stop to all the school children, all over the U.S., who have been doing so much for Bryce!!! YOU ARE ALL SUCH WONDERFUL YOUNG PEOPLE!!! Thank you so much!

Bryce had a great day at school today. I spoke with Mrs. Peterson and she said he was doing awesome! He asked me after school today, "So, can I go a full day tomorrow?" YOU BET HE CAN!!! This is part of the positive healing he needs so much! He really is doing great! Every once in a while we remind him to talk to Mitchell's cells and tell them to go in there and "kick some cancer butt"!!! I can tell already that I am getting a little anxious for his labs on Thursday to see where his counts are at... He is feeling good. He is having fun just being a KID AT HOME and AT SCHOOL!!! What a trooper! Speaking of troopers...Please say lots of extra loud prayers for our friends who are fighting their battles! They are so very special to us!!! I wish you could know all of them! We love them, and we love you! God's blessings to all of you!


Please pray for our family, Bryce's extended family, and Bryce's friends strength. Pray for our friends who are fighting their battles. They are each so very special to us!!! They and their family's give us such strength, faith, determination, courage, and hope. We must pray for their healing by our Lord and Savior. Please pray that every night Jesus will come down to touch and heal Bryce and all of his friends, no matter what the fight is. God is so good, and He has blessed us beyond imagination. Thank God every single day for everything you have. And remember, Life is sooooooo very good. We love and appreciate you all soooooo very much!!!! KEEP THE HUGE FAITH!!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Gavin, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:59 AM CDT


We pray for all of you and your family's to have a most joyous day!!! I just want to soak up every moment, every memory created, and every remembrance of the reason for this day... What a gift God gave us! What a gift Jesus gave us!! THANK YOU God for everything you have given me in my life.

The boys' have found all of the eggs that the Easter Bunny hid. They enjoyed it, and it seemed like they most enjoyed helping Ethan. We will be going to church this morning and then over to Grandma Ann's in Wanamingo. I had the most AWESOME birthday EVER!!!!! Thank you to everyone who stopped by and called, sent me cards and gave me gifts! I love you all! I WAS Queen for the Day!!! When I woke up yesterday, I didn't care to even celebrate and then everyone stopped over, my brother Brad made us breakfast, and the full day of the party began... Oh, what fun to turn 29......again...... Love to all!!!!


Please pray for our family, Bryce's extended family, and Bryce's friends strength. Pray for our friends who are fighting their battles. They are each so very special to us!!! They and their family's give us such strength, faith, determination, courage, and hope. We must pray for their healing by our Lord and Savior. Please pray that every night Jesus will come down to touch and heal Bryce and all of his friends, no matter what the fight is. God is so good, and He has blessed us beyond imagination. Thank God every single day for everything you have. And remember, Life is sooooooo very good. We love and appreciate you all soooooo very much!!!! KEEP THE HUGE FAITH!!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Gavin, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, April 14, 2006 8:17 PM CDT

Good Evening~

What a beautiful day! The boys' played and played today. I'm sure all of your children did the same! I hung lots of laundry on the line and cleaned up the house a bit. Tim and his Dad have been working on getting the equipment ready for fieldwork. They did get up to Grandma Buck's this morning to help move the big stuff so that was good. Believe it or not, I am at home by myself at the moment... It's very quiet. Dad took the boys' in to Red Wing to shop for a birthday present for Mom. What a guy! (I wonder how it is going??) I'm sure it's all fine. He's the kind of Dad that can handle them all on his own just fine. I am a very lucky girl, in so many ways!!

I forgot to mention in the midst of all the fun that Jodi did ALL of the videotaping for us at the pizza party! That was such a blessing because I got to enjoy it all and snap away with pictures with my camera to catch every moment!! Thanks, Jodi! I appreciated your help so much!! I loved thinking about yesterday, all day today!!! I'm guessing Bryce did too!

On a different note, I am asking for prayers tonight for Angel Gavin's parents, Emily & Ben. Gavin received his Angel's wings in Heaven, yesterday. Please send them your prayers for healing and strength. His webpage is www.caringbridge.org/visit/lilbuddygavin. Also, Jamie is still in the hospital hoping to be released tomorrow to enjoy the Easter holiday with her family. Her holidays always seemed to get "goofed up"! Please continue to pray for her healing. And finally, please send Ethan & his family lots of prayers! They have received their results that the cancer in his cheek has grown but is NOT spreading. They are talking surgery next week, possibly. Brenda did such a great job with her update today! Go and read it, send them a note! It is www.caringbridge.org/visit/ethanstrenge. THANKS so MUCH!!!

Bryce seems to be feeling fine, other than the slivver he got outside this afternoon. But with Dad's "surgical" skills, it's history! Julia did call from the clinic this afternoon just to let us know that Bryce's blood does not have any blast cells in it. That is a VERY GOOD thing!! I'm not sure if they expect them to show up soon, or what. We'll pray hard for his health and healing to fight the Leukemia EVERYDAY, every hour, every minute! I know there's enough of us praying to cover all of that!!! I know you are all wondering how we are doing... Sometimes, things are really good, and then, at other moments, you don't know what has hit you...a Mack truck or a train... That's why it is so important to hear from you. And, I thank you for that. We are keeping are hopes VERY HIGH that the D.L.I. will work but then the old "reality" kicks in... It's not anything that you can totally and completely control. We wish we could. It's not pleasant,...this rollercoaster ride. God never said it would be. My friend, Becky, reminded me...I have NEVER liked rollercoaster rides anyway!!! There are so many other people involved--family and friends and strangers. I know you are not enjoying this either. I pray for your strength, too. Please know that we care about all of you, sooooo much. The brothers' seem to be holding up well. It's probably time to ask everyone again how they are feeling. We tell them, all the time, to come to us with any questions or concerns. We pray for Bryce together and we thank God together. Please continue to pray for their strength... I worry about them. They are home, now. I need to tuck all of my boys' in! Love to all! Goodnight.


Please pray for our family, Bryce's extended family, and Bryce's friends strength. Pray for our friends who are fighting their battles. They are each so very special to us!!! They and their family's give us such strength, faith, determination, courage, and hope. We must pray for their healing by our Lord and Savior. Please pray that every night Jesus will come down to touch and heal Bryce and all of his friends, no matter what the fight is. God is so good, and He has blessed us beyond imagination. Thank God every single day for everything you have. And remember, Life is sooooooo very good. We love and appreciate you all soooooo very much!!!! KEEP THE HUGE FAITH!!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Gavin, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, April 13, 2006 10:35 PM CDT

Good Evening! NEW photos are on the photo album... I'm working on photo pages...

What a magical and spectacular day we have had!!! It ranks right up their with our wedding day and the days our children were born!! During prayers tonight, we had many wonderful thoughts that were shared. Mitchell, Logan, & Joel were so thankful to see Bryce at school today AND so happy, too! Bryce added, "I wish everyday could be like today."

We had a busy day but it was sooooo great! We got Mitch & Joel on the bus at 7:05am, dropped Ethan off at Lori's daycare, and headed to school for Donuts for Dad and Muffins for Mom for Logan's 3rd grade state testing review. Bryce came with us. As we turned to head into Goodhue, we noticed that the 'Goodhue Welcome Sign' had "WELCOME BACK BRYCE" displayed on it! It was really hard for him to hide his smile when he saw that!!! Thanks, Lana & Kelby!! After Logan's meeting, we brought Bryce to his room. Along the way, orange balloons lined the hallways along with awesome, creative hand-made signs from the school children! Orange is Bryce's color--because of his hair, mostly. But, we were reminded that orange is also the color of childhood cancer and Leukemia! How's that for meaning??? There were 110 helium filled balloons in the Goodhue school today!! Thanks to Lana for filling them and Karyn for donating them! It started Bryce's day off to a really great beginning... He smiled all through the hallways! Then, we got to his classroom and his chair was decorated with orange streamers and orange balloons along with his pictures and his name in perler beads! Thanks to the chair decorators and to Keisha for the 'Bryce' in perler beads! He loves it! Tim & I took pictures and videotaped for about 15 minutes. The kids will get a good laugh some day down the road! Dad & I left and returned with pizza at 11am. We met the 2nd grade in the commons with their teachers, a few 2nd grade Mom's, and family school employees (Grandma, Carol, and Cindy!). We ate pizza, chips, pop, and DQ cake! NUMMY!!! The kids all ate so good! Thanks for bringing the chips and pops 2nd graders! You bring the good stuff!! Thanks to Colleen for the DQ cakes! They really hit the spot!! After we finished eating, there were MANY pictures taken. Then, Bryce was given a Tree of Life from his classmates and their family's. He was told he should plant the tree at his home where ever he chooses and watch it grow, as he does. Brought tears to my eyes.... HE LOVED THE WHOLE IDEA!!! We planted it tonight, where he chose, and he asked me afterwards, "Mom? So, that tree will live to be as old as me?" I said, "Yes." He said, "So, like 100 years old or something?" I said, "Yes, honey. 100 years old." Isn't that precious?!

Getting back to the pizza party, each of the 2nd graders were given an orange balloon and a piece of paper reading, "I let this balloon go in honor of my friend in hopes that he will be "set-free" of his leukemia as this balloon was set free. My friends name is Bryce Breuer from Goodhue MN. If you have found this balloon, please log onto Bryces' website at www.caringbridge.org The Directory: MN Site Name: bryceb and sign his guestbook. Please let us know whose balloon you found and where you found it. No internet...call 651.923.5295 and let us know." They each had their name on their own paper and it was tied to their balloon. Bryce led the long line out to the football field where he started the countdown from 10 to 1. When they said 1, they all let their balloons go!! WOW!!!!!!! What an incredible feeling!!!!!! I can't even begin to explain it! You can probably imagine...

As my friend, Lisa, said: "What a day filled with HOPE AND HAPPINESS!!!" I couldn't have said it any better myself! I almost had to drag Bryce out of school at 1:15 to get to his appts! All is well. His counts are: Hemoglobin 10.4; white 2,400; ANC 1,600; and platelets 81,000. We will go back in next Thursday, again. We are expecting his counts to start dropping soon. So, we are back to fever-watch. But, I have a very good feeling that the next week will be fine! We topped the day off by stopping by Great Grandma Buck's new townhome for the grand tour! She moves in tomorrow. Tomorrow would have been Great Grandma & Grandpa Buck's 61st Wedding Anniversary. I know Grandpa is watching over Grandma & Bryce every single day!!

Now, would you please send some kind, encouraging words out for our friend, Ethan? He and his family will receive some very important results tomorrow about his future with his cancer. I know they could all use some powerful prayers! His webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/ethanstrenge. And, Jamie is still in the hospital for her colitis. They are not sure if they will need to perform surgery or not. Stop by and give her some strength and encouragement, too. She's at caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. Thank you so much! And finally, thank you so much for the flood of cards and guest book entries you have been sending to Bryce and our family!!! Your words give us strength, hope, and courage...more than you could ever imagine! I know God has a plan for our Brycer, and we have put our 'requests' in to God. So many of you truly believe that Bryce will be healed, and in our moments of weakness and fear you snap us right out of our "what if's" mode. Thank you for that! We love you all!


Please pray for our family, Bryce's extended family, and Bryce's friends strength. Pray for our friends who are fighting their battles. They are each so very special to us!!! They and their family's give us such strength, faith, determination, courage, and hope. We must pray for their healing by our Lord and Savior. Please pray that every night Jesus will come down to touch and heal Bryce and all of his friends, no matter what the fight is. God is so good, and He has blessed us beyond imagination. Thank God every single day for everything you have. And remember, Life is sooooooo very good. We love and appreciate you all soooooo very much!!!! KEEP THE HUGE FAITH!!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on our son's journey with cancer. We feel the pain of many family's who also struggle with cancer or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Gavin, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 10:29 PM CDT

Hi everyone~

Just a quick one tonight, I'm back to the toothepick thing with my eyes... Bryce spent the majority of the day farming with his dad. They are not in the field, yet but they are getting things ready. They are a little behind with the "prep" part of it. Tim said that Bryce seemed to be feeling good today, just a bit quiet and mellow, maybe tired. Mitch is good-to-go. No problems there. We are soooooooo very excited for Bryce to get back to school tomorrow for 1/2 of a day. We will be taking him in and videotaping along with lots of pictures!!! Then, I will be picking up pizza for the 2nd grade classes. This was something that Bryce was excited about doing since last fall with his class! So, this is a very big moment! There are some very special things planned that I will fill you in on tomorrow night. We will see Julia tomorrow after labwork at 2.

Now, I need you to call out a bunch of prayers for our friends, ok?! Ethan had appts. today and they are wondering if his tumor is growing more. They will find out results tomorrow. Please say many special prayers for their strength and Ethan's healing. It's always the unknown that is so very difficult. Brenda is such an incredible Mom, send some of your strength to her, Ethan, and the rest of their family at this time! We love them so much! Jamie is back in to Methodist Hospital for colitis. Tammy said she is in good spirits and hoping to come home tomorrow. There is another incredible Mom,...well, both Jamie & Tammy! Send Jamie lots of strength, too. Tammy had a good point tonight...Jamie & Bryce always seem to end up at the hospitals at the same time. I always knew they had a special bond...

It's Easter season, and I think this is the most emotional season of all for me! Anyone else out there feel the same way? Jesus gave his life for us!!! What are we doing for him? Bryce had his Bone Marrow Transplant at Christmas and now, his Donor Lymphocyte Infusion at Easter. It's all in God's timing.... EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS ALL IN GOD'S TIMING....... What time is it for you? Love to all!


Now, I am asking you to be strong for Bryce when you see him. Give him a cheery HELLO. He needs POSITIVE! He needs US! We need HIM!!! He needs school. He will go back to school, hopefully, the end of the week, next week. He needs his friends and they need him. Please pray for our family, Bryce's extended family, and Bryce's friends strength. Pray for our friends who are fighting their battles. They are each so very special to us!!! They and their family's give us such strength, faith, determination, courage, and hope. We must pray for their healing by our Lord and Savior. Please pray that every night Jesus will come down to touch and heal Bryce and all of his friends, no matter what the fight is. God is so good, and He has blessed us beyond imagination. Thank God every single day for everything you have. And remember, Life is sooooooo very good. We love and appreciate you all soooooo very much!!!! KEEP THE HUGE FAITH!!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on journey with cancer. We feel their pain of many family's who also struggle with cancern or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Gavin, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:26 PM CDT

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY GRANDMA & GRANDPA BREUER!!!!! We love you so much!!!!! Thank you for everything that you do for us! (Which is A LOT!) We are so blessed to have you in our lives! :-)

Good Evening~


We had a very good day! What a feeling to watch the GIFT OF LIFE process...right before your eyes...between two of your precious sons'!!!! God is sooooo very good!!!

Mitchell was awakened at 5:50 this morning. He was hooked up to "the machine" and it was running his blood through it 2 hours after he woke up. Wow. He was finished giving blood, unhooked, band-aid(ed), and ready to go by 12:30. We had a request for Carlos O'Kelly's (Bryce, of course!). Mexican was good today. Don't ask him about his leftovers, though...the nurse accidently threw them away tonight when he wasn't finished!!! Not a good thing to happen with a person who has been struggling to find foods he likes for the past 8 months! We won't bring it up, again. Auntie Julie met us for lunch and she entertained her nephews, like always. She can always get them to laugh at the silly stuff she does. Then, we were to St. Mary's by 2pm. They started him on the usual IV fluids and gave him his pre-meds of Tylenol and Benadryl just in case of an allergic reaction. The white cells were infused within 5 minutes at 4:15. They came in a syringe and the total volume was 51 mls. The dose was for CD3 T-cells 1 x 10 (to the 80th power). ***This is for me and Tim's information in the future when we look back. I hope I'm not making anyone think there is going to be a quiz later! *** They froze 2 more samples of what was left for future use. They have not discussed that yet. It is all day by day...like the song, right Jodie? They unhooked him from the IV around 7pm and we were off for home.

It's crazy how such life-changing procedures are happening so close to home... Again, we are soooo very grateful to God for everything He has given us! We have so many blessings, too numerous to count!!! We just continue to pray that God will again give Bryce a MIRACLE and keep him alive to be an old man. We know Mitchell's white count (9,400) and ANC (6,630) were very good today! Yeah!!! We are so excited about that! They drew a CBC at 4pm today and his counts still remain good at the normal levels, just a bit lower. He is such a strong boy, such a giving person. He never asks or complains, he just does it. He told me on Saturday that he just does NOT want to lose Bryce to cancer. It breaks my heart that these little people have to go through this at such a young age. He told me tonight on the way home, that he knows God has a purpose for everyone from the day they were created. What is your purpose? Mine, I believe, is to have a wonderful marriage, raise 5 incredible boys, and bring people closer to God. He wants ALL of US to bring others closer to Him, you know. What a life-changing experience that is! I could go on for quite some time but I won't. I'm going to try to wrap this up...

We had some great visitors today! First, we had Jeffy visit on Gonda 10 then, Auntie Manda! At St. Mary's, we met our very inspiring friend, Wes Zitnay, who has just completed his chemo for bone cancer. He drove into Rochester in his brand NEW yellow Mazda Protege to challenge Bryce in a few rounds of Dirt Bikes/ATV PlayStation 2! What a guy! Wes, you are going places in life,....and you are taking so many people with you!!! We were very pleasantly surprised by the visit from the Tweeten's from Iowa. Rachel has a brain tumor and had appts. today, also. She is 8 years old and just an amazing little girl! But, when you meet her parents, you know why she is so amazing! Thanks for stopping by tonight, Julie, Brian, & Rachel. We also had a visit from 2 of Bryce's favorite nurses, Dena & Sarah! That was fun! He was trying so hard not to smile!!! (We miss you, Jen & Jill!) I almost forgot to mention Bryce's counts today were: Hemoglobin 10.8, white count 2,100; ANC 1,230; and platelets 85,000. The Leukemia in his bone marrow is probably affecting his platelets because they dropped a bit. We will go back in on Thursday at 2pm for labs and 2:45 exam.

Now, I forgot to mention how much fun we had at Great Grandma Buck's Easter Egg Hunt last Saturday!!! I can't believe I forgot to mention it because IT WAS SO MUCH FUN AND SOOOOOO VERY MUCH NEEDED!!!! The boys loved it and it was so good to be around family. Thank you, Grandma and everyone for the food and the fun! We love you so much!

Thank you ALL for sending out the powerful emails to everyone in your guestbooks and for adding Bryce to your prayer chains! Again, thank you for signing the guestbook. I couldn't even begin to give you an idea of how much we love and need your encouragement and strength!!! You are all so great!!! We love you all! Goodnight.


Now, I am asking you to be strong for Bryce when you see him. Give him a cheery HELLO. He needs POSITIVE! He needs US! We need HIM!!! He needs school. He will go back to school, hopefully, the end of the week, next week. He needs his friends and they need him. Please pray for our family, Bryce's extended family, and Bryce's friends strength. Pray for our friends who are fighting their battles. They are each so very special to us!!! They and their family's give us such strength, faith, determination, courage, and hope. We must pray for their healing by our Lord and Savior. Please pray that every night Jesus will come down to touch and heal Bryce and all of his friends, no matter what the fight is. God is so good, and He has blessed us beyond imagination. Thank God every single day for everything you have. And remember, Life is sooooooo very good. We love and appreciate you all soooooo very much!!!! KEEP THE HUGE FAITH!!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on journey with cancer. We feel their pain of many family's who also struggle with cancern or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Gavin, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, April 10, 2006 10:47 PM CDT

Good Evening~

We are doing well. We had a very nice weekend. It was quiet, peaceful, and full of family time. We needed that! Well, it was quiet until the Kennedy's stopped over on Sunday. Then, all of our 11 children were so excited to play that it got a little noisy for a little while! It was very fun! A much needed distraction... Thank you for all of your INCREDIBLE guest book entries and huge prayer requests for Bryce!!!! Thank you to Karyn at the Leprechaun Hollow for making Bryce's day on Friday and giving him 5 balloons to share with his brothers! Thank you to all of our Caring Bridge family's for also calling out the prayer warriors! Thank you to all of our family and friends' for taking us under your wings, once again. And, thank you to all of my Mary Kay Sister's for calling out to all of your prayer chains, also! You are all so wonderful!!!!

We took Bryce & Mitch to appts. today. They had their blood work done while I did apheresis to donate platelets, just for anyone who needs them. I asked all of the women in the Hilton Aperesis Dept. to pray for Bryce. They were more than willing! We saw Dr. Kahn and Julia at 1pm. Not much new there. They just did exams on the boys and talked about tomorrow. Mitch's counts are great. Bryce's weren't back, yet. Not sure why, but we are wondering what they are. We'll be all over that tomorrow. Then, we went to Gonda 10 to answer THOSE blood donor questions... And, they took a look at Mitch's arms and they love his veins!

So, Mitch & I will leave the house around 6:15am to be at the Gonda 10 at 7am. He will have a 4 hour apheresis. Then, Tim & Bryce will come down and we will go to St. Mary's immediatly to give Bryce the infusion with the fresh cells. Dr. Kahn told us they will be giving him a higher "dose" of white blood cells (Helper T-cells) than planned. His biggest risk would be GVHD. We are hoping for some Graft vs. Host Disease but not too much to cause any serious medical problems for Bryce. If he gets a little, that means it is Mitch's cells fighting off Bryce's cells. That would be good. We found out today that Bryce is no longer A negative blood type. He is now, O positive....Mitchell's blood type! Isn't that just fascinating??? Dr. Kahn also said we will not do a bone marrow biopsy, if needed, until 4-6 weeks from now. They drew another chimerism to send to San Fransisco for the study. They drew it today because their last results are from March 20th (it was 99 percent donor cells) and because tomorrow Bryce will be receiving the white cells. So, they will keep drawing and watching the chimerism results to see what is happening. They said we will probably see his counts drop, too. The white cells will cause that. So, I suppose that means transfusions again. We look at transfusions as lifesavers! Thank you to all blood donors!!!

Bryce will be going back to school on Thursday. We are all so excited!!!! There will be lots of tears and lots of laughter at the Goodhue School that day!! I can't wait!!! I'll be sure to wear my waterproof mascara that day, ladies... Bryce spoke with his teacher, Mrs. Peterson, today and that just makes him beam!!! He misses his friends so much! Now, I need to go to bed... Love to each and every one of YOU!!!!! Keep the HUGE faith!!!


Now, I am asking you to be strong for Bryce when you see him. Give him a cheery HELLO. He needs POSITIVE! He needs US! We need HIM!!! He needs school. He will go back to school, hopefully, the end of the week, next week. He needs his friends and they need him. Please pray for our family, Bryce's extended family, and Bryce's friends strength. Pray for our friends who are fighting their battles. They are each so very special to us!!! They and their family's give us such strength, faith, determination, courage, and hope. We must pray for their healing by our Lord and Savior. Please pray that every night Jesus will come down to touch and heal Bryce and all of his friends, no matter what the fight is. God is so good, and He has blessed us beyond imagination. Thank God every single day for everything you have. And remember, Life is sooooooo very good. We love and appreciate you all soooooo very much!!!! KEEP THE HUGE FAITH!!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on journey with cancer. We feel their pain of many family's who also struggle with cancern or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Gavin, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, April 7, 2006 6:39 PM CDT

First of all, I just want to THANK GOD again for blessing us with our children, our marriage, our family's & friends', and our HUGE FAITH in Him. God has asked us once again to trust in Him with all of our heart, soul, and mind. Bryce's chimerism study for San Fransisco, which is a blood sample, has come back at 99 percent. We have seen this the last few times it was drawn. It did not concern the doctors. His spinal fluid is clear which is great news. But, his bone marrow has 95percent donor (Mitchell) cells and 5 percent host (Bryce) cells. It was 100 percent donor cells in January. The bone marrow is where the blood is produced. We want Bryce's bone marrow to be completely filled with Mitchell's cells because Bryce's cells have Leukemia in them. The 5 percent of his bone marrow that is host cells has 5-10 percent blast cells in them. The blast cells are the cancer or Leukemia cells. They moved our appt. times today so Dr. Kahn, Julia, and Holly, our Social Worker, could be with us at the same time. Donna, Bryce's Oncology N.P., took him out for a walk so the doctor could talk to Tim & I. They were very surprised about Bryce's bone marrow results. If someone relapses in the first 3 months, it is not good. Bryce has relapsed (again) in the first 3 months. Before I forget, they told us to stop his anti-rejection drug, Tacrolimus. His counts are hemoglobin 10.8; white count 2,100; ANC 1,350; and platelets 94,000. So, we are calling in the "troops",...Mitchell, once again. This time he will give blood to Bryce. They are hoping his blood will attack Bryce's cells and elimate them.

We will go in on Monday for appts. Mitch & Bryce will have bloodwork at 11am, see Julia & Dr. Kahn at 12:45, and Mitch will have a vein analysis at 2pm. They want to be sure his veins are large enough to do aphoresis. Aphoresis is when a person donates blood from one arm, it is then spun down in a special machine and the specific blood needed is taken out and preserved. Then, the rest of his blood is put back into him in the other arm. If his veins are not large enough, they will put a PICC line into his neck. They are specifically taking Mitchell's white blood cells. Even more specifically, his Helper T-cells to help for engraftment of the donor cells and rejection of the host cells. This is where they are hoping Mitchell's cells will attack Bryce's cells. The actual aphoresis will be performed on Tuesday on Gonda 10 and will take 3-5 hours. They must first get healthy blood levels from Mitchell, also checking for viruses. Then on Wednesday, Bryce will be admitted to St. Mary's Hospital in the Transplant Unit to receive Mitchell's white blood cells. The process is called Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (Mitchell's white blood cells infused). They will discharge him either that night, if early enough, or the next day. Bryce will have a bone marrow biopsy 3-4 weeks after that to check for engraftment, once again. We asked about him having another Bone Marrow Transplant and his body is not strong enough, yet. He would only have a 40 percent chance survival rate with the hard chemo. Six months after his bone marrow transplant, we could look into it but we would need to get him back into remission first which was very difficult to do last fall. This Leukemia, once relapsed, is very aggressive. The doctors knew we were dealing with a very agressive cancer. If he had relapsed 6 months after transplant, chances would be better for him. But, THE DOCTORS ARE NOT GIVING UP AND NEITHER ARE WE!!!

Bryce does not know all of the in-depth details, he does not need to know them right now. What he needs is positive talk and positive healing. He needs to feel comfort in the Lord Almighty and comfort within us. Our little boy is fighting his battle without knowing how serious it is today, and right now, that is ok. He's only 7 years old and does not need to be worrying about losing the fight. God is our Lord and Savior, and He is in control. We must TRUST in Him with everything we have!! We must NOT doubt Him. We must give Him all of our burdens, fears, and weaknesses. He will lift us up and give us our strength that we need. Don't get me wrong, we are very scared of losing our little redhead. But, I don't want to doubt God in any way! I keep trying to catch myself whenever I feel doubts and fears which is quite a bit today and tonight.

Please ask everyone you know to pray for our little Brycer and, again, ask strangers on the streets and in the malls and in the grocery stores and at church and work and daycare and the gas station. If the Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (DLI) does not work, they could try Phase 1 studies. They are not sure what that would do. They are drugs that have not yet been approved. They told us they don't want Bryce to have to suffer. We told them we are desperate and want them to confer with anyone and everyone who has a new idea to keep Bryce alive. And, they are. So far, the DLI is what everyone is agreeing upon. We must pray for SUCCESS WITH THE DLI!!!


Now, I am asking you to be strong for Bryce when you see him. Give him a cheery HELLO. He needs POSITIVE! He needs US! We need HIM!!! He needs school. He will go back to school, hopefully, the end of the week, next week. He needs his friends and they need him. Please pray for our family, Bryce's extended family, and Bryce's friends strength. Pray for our friends who are fighting their battles. They are each so very special to us!!! They and their family's give us such strength, faith, determination, courage, and hope. We must pray for their healing by our Lord and Savior. Please pray that every night Jesus will come down to touch and heal Bryce and all of his friends, no matter what the fight is. God is so good, and He has blessed us beyond imagination. Thank God every single day for everything you have. And remember, Life is sooooooo very good. We love and appreciate you all soooooo very much!!!! KEEP THE HUGE FAITH!!!!!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces on journey with cancer. We feel their pain of many family's who also struggle with cancern or another life-threatening disease. Please say a prayer for all the little people on 3 Francis of St. Mary's Hospital. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here at Mayo! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Gavin, Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, April 6, 2006 10:02 PM CDT

Hundredth Day of Celebration Poem
(tune: "The Ants Go Marching One by One")
We've all been counting one by one,
Hoorah! Hoorah!
We've all been counting oh what fun!
Hoorah! Hoorah!
And now 100 days are done,
Hooray! Today's the 100th day to celebrate!

We started counting up to 10, Hoorah! Hoorah!
To 20, 30, 40, then Hoorah! Hoorah!
To 50, 60, 70 then, to 80, 90 and now is when
Hooray! Today's the 100th day to celebrate!

We started with a number low, Hoorah! Hoorah!
And one by one we made it grow, Hoorah! Hoorah!
We started with a number low,
and now it's grown to 1-0-0,
Hooray! Today's the 100th day to celebrate!!!

****Thanks Jodi & Brittany!! :-)

Day 100 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Wow! What a magical day!!! We sang to Bryce today "Happy Day 100" in the tune of Happy Birthday. He loved it! We almost can't believe that Day 100 is already here! I asked Bryce if he could believe it and he said he couldn't either. It just felt like the first time we heard about Day 100 that it seemed so far away. I say it has been a magical day because every time I looked at Bryce today I felt such inner peace and happiness. Our little boy is alive today because of the grace of God, and because he has an incredible older brother who was an exact match,...also, the grace of God. I had many, many memories go through my mind today from the past 7 1/2 months, even the last 3 years. I have no doubts in our Lord that Bryce will grow up to be a very old man telling his story to his great grandchildren. This thought also gives me a complete sense of peace. Every song I heard today made me think of the strength that you gave us, God gave us, and Bryce gave us. Almost every song I heard made me cry, too. (It was just an emotional day). But, best of all, I heard Bryce singing the songs with me and watching for my "happy tears" reaction from the words in the songs. Just the fact that I could hear his voice and hear him singing,...THAT was the best thing of all!!! He knew what a milestone day today was and that means so much to me! I hope and pray he will remember these most significant days. But, who knows. Maybe the minor days are the most significant to him. He is such an inspiration to Tim & I. All of our boys are. What a journey they have had. Please tell all of your children THANK YOU FROM THE BREUER'S for all of their constent prayers and concerns for Bryce. These little people are so innocent, so caring, and so loving. Give them a big HUG from us also! They are so very special to us!

Our God is soooo awesome and sooooo incredible! Where would we be today if it wasn't for the healing touch He has? Where would we be today if we didn't believe that Bryce was in God's hands and to have complete trust and faith in Him? My best advice and "words of wisdom" to everyone, in case you are looking for some (haha), would be to put your complete and total trust in God. Don't doubt Him or doubt yourself. Give all of your worries to Him and let Him deal with them. He wants us to trust Him with all of our heart, not just part of it.

We had a fun supper at the Covered Bridge tonight. Grandma Ann was working so she waited on us and spoiled us rotten! Grandpa & Grandpa Breuer, Auntie Shelly & Carson, and Auntie Manda met us there. It was a 'Day 100 with Anniversary for Grandpa & Grandma' celebration. Their anniversary is April 11th. I am guessing we will celebrate with my side of the family on Easter. It was so nice... Bryce wore his Day 100 crown that Mrs. Doden, Joel's kindergarten teacher, gave to Grandma. Grandma also brought balloons! He was excited about all of the hooplah! Very fun!!!

Tomorrow, we will leave the house around 8am. We'll drop the boys off at school, drop Ethan off at Lori's, and head to Roch. Joel will be with us. We have to go up to E9 to get his Chimerism study box and a urinalysis cup. Then, we go to the Hilton for bloodwork, chimerism study, and the UA at 9:30. They bumped us up to 10:45 with Julia because of a switch in her schedule. We will see Dr. Moir after that and then go to Gonda 6 for his Echocardiogram with Auntie Manda!! Bryce asked Amanda tonight if she was going to do the Echo and she said, "If you want me to." He said, "Yeah, that way we can make sure you are doing it right!" Pretty funny. He likes to give people a hard time already....He's a little like his father... Getting back on track,... So far, we know his spinal fluid is clear, his chest x-ray is clear, and his pulmonary function test was a little on the low side but he had anesthesia prior to the test so that probably had something to do with it. Yeah on all the results so far!!!!! We are anxious to hear the good news tomorrow!!!!!!! Keep the prayers coming for Bryce and his strong little friends!!! Big friends, too! Jamie has had some big appts. today and tomorrow. She is doing very well. We will be meeting up with them at lunch!

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, April 5, 2006 11:09 PM CDT

Hundredth Day of Celebration Poem
(tune: "The Ants Go Marching One by One")
We've all been counting one by one,
Hoorah! Hoorah!
We've all been counting oh what fun!
Hoorah! Hoorah!
And now 100 days are done,
Hooray! Today's the 100th day to celebrate!

We started counting up to 10, Hoorah! Hoorah!
To 20, 30, 40, then Hoorah! Hoorah!
To 50, 60, 70 then, to 80, 90 and now is when
Hooray! Today's the 100th day to celebrate!

We started with a number low, Hoorah! Hoorah!
And one by one we made it grow, Hoorah! Hoorah!
We started with a number low,
and now it's grown to 1-0-0,
Hooray! Today's the 100th day to celebrate!!!

****Thanks Jodi & Brittany!! :-)

Day 99

Hey Everyone!

This is going to be a REALLY QUICK UPDATE! I have toothepicks holding my eyes open...

Julia, Bryce's N.P., called today and said that his spinal fluid is clear! No blast cells!! Yeah! His chest x-ray was clear and his pulmonary function test was low but that could be caused by having anesthesia prior to the test. The bone marrow results will not be back before Friday. We will get the results at appts. on Friday afternoon.

TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY!!! DAY 100!!! I remember thinking (about 121 days ago) that Day 100 seemed soooooo far off. Wow. Here we are, not a fear within... God is with Bryce and He is with us. He has blessed us beyond imagination! We are planning on doing something special Thursday night, but we need to get input from our boys! There will be a celebration somewhere... Now, Tammy. I am so glad you signed tonight! I keep forgetting to tell you THANK YOU for the fun Day 100 stickers and pencils! Where did you get them? What a treat!!! They are very special to Bryce. In fact, I don't know if he will even use them.... He is 'one of those' children. He saves things like candy and special treats. You are all sooooo thoughtful, caring, and wonderful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! We love you all!!!!!!!! Keep the prayers coming for Bryce and ALL of our special friends in need!!!

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 9:58 PM CDT

Day 98

Good Evening~

Again, all is well in the Breuer Home! Mom, Dad, & Bryce left the house at 6:45am. Grandma Ann stayed overnight and got the 3 boys on the bus and took Ethan to Daycare. The spinal tap and bone marrow biopsy went fine. We were out of there by 10. He had his chest x-ray after that, and then had his pulmonary function test. This time that test went much better! The last time he was recovering from pneumonia... Let's just say he does NOT have pleasant memories from that one with the lady he had. He gets this look on his face when you talk about it,..."Well, she kept telling me just one more time!!!" Someday, he will laugh about it,...maybe. We left Rochester by 11am! That was great! Mrs. Pasch came out at 1pm and they had a great 2 hours. She deserves a HUGE round of applause!!!! She is wonderful!!! So, patient and so kind.... We are so grateful that she is here for us! So, now we hang out at home for 2 days and go in on Friday, again. He has labs at 9:30. They will draw his CBC and he has to give a urine sample, too. Then, he has his echocardiogram at 10:30 with Auntie Manda (hopefully). We are talking with Zach & Jamie O'Reilly about getting some lunch together while we all have a break in appts. We will see Julia at 12:45 to get the results of everything. I can't wait to hear he is clean and clear!!! I know he will be! Then, we will see Dr. Moir at 1:30 for a surgery consult.

Everyone here is doing great! We are loving the spring weather!! We are praising God everyday for all of our incredible blessings!!! We have sooooo many! Thank you for your continuous support! Bryce is loving all of your entries! We hope all is well with your family's, also! Love to all!

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, April 3, 2006 11:19 PM CDT

Day 97

Today was a good day! Bryce's counts are good. Hemoglobin 11.6; white count 2,600; ANC 1,540; platelets 108,000. So, the hemoglobin and platelets took a little jump! His exam was fine. He was glad to see Julia his N.P. today. She was on vacation in Mexico last week. Tomorrow, Donna will do his LP. We got to see her for a few seconds today. She is so funny! After Bryce's clinic appts. today, we went to St. Mary's to visit with Ethan and his family. But, we also got to visit with Nyla and her daughter, Ellen, too! Ellen was admitted today. I would be so greatful is you would stop by their webpages for a few moments to say HI and say a special prayer. Last fall, we all made a connection. There were 6 family's on 3-Francis that made a very strong bond... We were a huge support system for each other,...picking each other up when we were down. Now, it's only Ellen & Ethan who are left. I know they are there because they are going to lift others up on 3-Francis. God must have left these special one's for last for a reason..... Their webpages are caringbridge.org/visit/ellenkathleen and caringbridge.org/visit/ethanstrenge. Thanks for giving them a hug!!! It was so great to hang out with them today and do lunch in the hospital cafeteria. It was like a mini reunion. Bryce said, at least 5 times before we left Rochester, "Can we do that again, Mom? It was so much fun!" He really, really, really enjoyed it. Nyla & Brenda both commented on how good he looked and that he didn't look sad like the last time they saw him. It is soooooooooo wonderful to see him happy!!!! He just has so many good things going on, right now!!! He had a great weekend at church, and spending time with brothers and friends. He feels good! He is very excited to go back to school. EVERYTHING is GOOD!!!! THANK YOU, GOD!!! We leave the house at 6:30am, so I am heading off to bed. I will be back tomorrow night. Love to all!!!

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, April 2, 2006 11:56 PM CDT

Day 96 ! ! ! ! !

Wow!!! We are soooo close to the moment we have been waiting for! Well, all of it has been a moment we have been waiting for, really! I just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know Bryce's schedule this week. I feel bad that I don't update as often as I use to but I know you all understand. I told Sara M. in church today that I was going to update, so here it is Sara....(I'm being a woman of my word).

All is good. Bryce and I will leave for Roch. around 7:15am tomorrow. He has labs at 8 and sees Julia at 9:45. Then, we are going to St. Mary's to visit our little friend, Ethan. He is back in with a fever and we miss him and his Mom, Brenda! We're very excited about the visit! We will come home by 1pm for his home-schooling. On Tuesday, we are scheduled to be at Gonda 7 at 7:15am for Bryce's bone marrow biopsy and lumbar puncture. He will also have a chest x-ray at 10:45 and Pulmonary Function Test at 11:30. We are off until Friday when he will have an Echocardiogram at 10:45am where his Auntie Manda works! I already asked her if she will be the one doing the Echo. She's checking on it! Bryce will be so excited! We always giggle because ever since she has worked there the boys think that she is a doctor, and she has to remind them that she is not a doctor. Now, Bryce will have the opportunity to see her in action maybe! At 12:45 on Friday, we will see Julia again for the results of EVERYTHING!!!!! I just KNOW that everything will be great!!! God is so giving and so awesome! He has already given us so much, and He will continue to do so.... Then, Dr. Moir will come in and discuss the surgery to remove his central line as outpatient at St. Mary's Hospital. They will probably schedule it for the following Monday or Tuesday. Once Bryce is feeling well enough, he will head back to school 1/2 days. I'm guessing he will want to go the next day. He went to Sunday School today for the first time since September. Yeah!!! We went to Ice Age, The Meltdown at the Zumbrota Theatre this afternoon with Auntie Manda. That was so funny and so much fun!!! We met up with the Huemann's, our family friends. The kids LOVED that!!! We have had a COMPLETELY WONDERFUL weekend!!! Now, I need to go to bed! Please know that we are so grateful for everything you have done and continue to do for our family!!! So many of you have sent cards, gifts, money, food! So many of you have helped our family in so many ways! But, most importantly, it is your prayers that we know God listened to and answered!! I LOVE kissing my little Brycer goodnight, every night, and thanking God because I am able to kiss him goodnight. We were really scared for a few months. But everything turned around when God took the wheel. Please allow God to take your wheel. Allow Him to have the control. Listen to what He tells you. Ask Him to bless you. You are all so great at helping others....THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES!!!! You are our support system and we love you all!!!!!!!!!!

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, March 27, 2006 12:50 AM CST

Day 90

Good Afternoon~

We are doing great! Bryce had early appts. this morning. We left the house at 6:30 and we were home by 10:45! Grandma Linda took Joel & Ethan to her house and Mitch was staying at a friends house. We don't have school today. Logan was very happy to be going along to appts! Bryce's appts. went well. His counts are: Hemoglobin 10.8; white count 2,700; ANC 1,640; and platelets 92,000. His liver enzymes are coming down from last weeks slightly higher levels. We saw Dr. Rodriguez this morning because Julia is on vacation. She has scheduled Bryce to see Julia next Monday, as usual, and then he will have his bone marrow biopsy and lumbar puncture at Gonda 7 on Tuesday. He will probably also have some additional tests on Wednesday. On Friday, we will come back to see Julia again for results and preop. Then, on Monday or Tuesday, they will schedule him for St. Mary's outpatient surgery to remove his Hickman Central Line. They don't want to take it out until all the results are back. Makes sense,...I was wondering about that. So, he will be back to school sometime that week. He is looking forward to it!

Everyone is doing great around here! I went to my Mary Kay Career Conference in St. Paul Friday afternoon through Saturday afternoon. It was soooooo wonderful to be back! It reinforced my whole belief that God is in control of my life, and your's, if you will allow Him to be. And, that everything is in God's timing and purpose... That's exactly what I believe has happened in our lives. Thank you for inviting us into your hearts and homes, for building our strength and belief in our Good Lord, and for praying for our little Brycer and our family non-stop from the moment we called out to you!!! You are reaffirming your faith in God when you do this for us!!! Thank you a million times!!!
As always, God is sooooo good....
Life is sooooooooo good....
We are sooooooooo blessed!!!
Love to all of you....

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:54 PM CST

Day 84

Good Evening~

We are back!!! And, we are doing wonderful! Bryce is looking and feeling good, plus he is getting a little excited to head back to school soon! We are planning on his Day 100 bone marrow biopsy with lumbar puncture and Hickman catheter removal for April 6th. He will have to go in the day before for some extra tests like pulmonary function, etc. We are thinking he will be going back to school--half days--on April 10th. He has been working hard on his school work. Today was probably the best day, yet! He had a great attitude and was very involved. We LOVE to see that! He had his appointments yesterday and all is well. His counts are maintaining which Julia said is good. Of course, I asked her, "What is 'everyone else's' counts doing at this point?" And she said, "The same." Just gotta ask! Hemoglobin 10.6; White count 3,000; ANC 1,940; and platelets 102,000. His liver enzymes have gone up a bit and she's not sure why but she's not too concerned either. We have discontinued his Magnesium, Zantac, and Megase medications. He will continue on the Bactrim as his antibiotic 2 days a week, and he is gradually being wheened from the Tacrolimus which is the anti-rejection drug. He received his last dose of IV IG (Immunoglobulin) yesterday to help boost his immune system. That's a 3 hour drip at the PITC at St. Mary's. They also drew extra blood for the chimerism study that he and Mitch are in. They will do that every 3 weeks. Julia made him aware that when his Hickman is out, he will have blood drawn from his arms. He wasn't real excited about that. Bryce goes back next Monday for appointments. We are putting lotion on his face and scalp for dry skin. His "brownish and not-so-red" hair is about 1/4 inch long, now! It will be so crazy if it is coming in brown! He will actually look a little more like his brothers!!! All the brothers have a little bit of a cold but nothing serious. Bryce is on a chips and cheesy dip kick right now...Melted Velveeta w/ hamburger and salsa. I think it has given him a more "round" face!

We went to school last Wednesday at 3:30 to meet with the Goodhue Wildcat Wrestlers and Cheerleaders for Pins for Bryce. That was wonderful! Not only did he enjoy the ice cream and company, he LOVED getting out of the house for something other than appointments!! He ran around the gym a few times,...it wasn't real fast but he did it! We want to say a very special THANK YOU to all of the wrestlers, cheerleaders, Coach Sutter, Joe & Julie Huneke, Sue Hokanson, and everyone else who contributed to Pins for Bryce! Coach Sutter told us about the wrestlers determination and focus on this very special mission, and how they would go to him after they pinned someone and would say "There's another pin for Bryce!" These young adults are absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! What a bunch of leaders with such a great positive influence on all of our younger people! Kudos to all of you!!!

Dad and the boys did wonderful while I was in Mexico! I have never heard one complaint from anyone. Their reaction when they saw me was precious...Just what a Mom needs! Us girls had a blast!!! Mexico is beautiful and so much fun! The next trip WILL be with the husbands in a few years (so I say..) so they can get all the relaxation and fun with us! We all missed our husbands and family's,...good thing we were soooo distracted with the sun and activities!

Once again, THANK YOU SOOOOO VERY MUCH for everything that you have done for us and continue to do for us!!! We are just so grateful for where we are at! It's all in God's timing and God's plan. If I could give any advice, it would be to look at your life in God's view. Look at the timing of events and who was involved. Look at the overall outcome with a positive attitude, and keep that positive, faith-filled attitude and trust in God ALWAYS. He will never fail you! "If God be with me, then who dare be against me?!" Our God is AWESOME & INCREDIBLE! I get tears in my eyes every time I think about how blessed I am!! With God, we have everything. Without God, we have nothing. Ask for God's favor and blessings everyday in your life. You just never know what He has instore for you! Love you, all!!!

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, March 13, 2006 4:49 PM CST

Day 76

Good Snowy Afternoon~

I hope you are all safe and sound,...those of you in MN anyway! We are doing great! We had a wonderful weekend!! Thanks to Amanda Albers for staying with the boys Saturday evening and getting them off to Sunday School! Another thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Breuer for taking over Sunday morning until Tim & I got home around 6ish. It was a much needed "vacation" for the Mom & Dad tag-team,...well, we're not a tag-team any more, I guess. I felt like I was getting spoiled rotten the entire time! The breakfast from the hotel was incredible!!!

Now, onto Bryce. He is doing great! Tim brought him to his appts. this morning...They left the house at 7am. You know how men are...They are born with a 4-wheel drive gene. He was ready for the challenge! I think he almost enjoyed the terrible drive. I stayed home with Logan, Joel, and Ethan. Mitch went with them. He was feeling better when we left on Saturday around 4:30. Sunday was a much better day for him. No one else has gotten sick yet. Let's hope we are done with it before I leave for Mexico on Thursday! The older boys are playing outside in the snow, right now. Ethan has just woken from his nap and trying to cut open Bryce's candy. Bryce's appts. went well. His counts are on the rise: hemoglobin 10.5; wbc 4,500; ANC 3,050; and platelets 121,000. His exam was good, too. They are wheening him off the anti-rejection drug slowly. We are also cutting in half the Zantac and Megase. His appetite has been real good again. He is munching all the time! He goes in next Monday again for labs at the PITC and his monthly IG (Immunoglobulin) infusion. Then, he sees Julia around 1pm.

Thanks for all the prayers you are sending out! Obviously they are all being heard by our Good Lord!!! Jamie & Alyssa are doing great! Rachel's MRI shows improvement in shrinking her brain tumor! Now, let's keep up the prayers for everyone else who is still fighting there battles!!! They need the prayers, strength, and huge faith! Always keep our healing friends on your prayer list, too! You are all so wonderful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, March 11, 2006 12:57 AM CST

Day 74

Good Afternoon~

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! We are having some nice weather in Southern Minnesota! We just got home from the Jaycee Wrestling Tournament in Goodhue. Bryce got the go-ahead to go from his N.P. and was very excited to go this morning! He saw a few of his friends from school. He is very quiet when he sees them but I can tell he loves seeing them! Logan got a first place trophy, he is very excited about that! Joel did too. But he received his at the end when they realized his name was missed on the roster. Oops. His good friend (and b-day boy!) Mason wrestled him after. He was just happy with his trophy. Mitchell is still sick. I almost took him in when we got home today but we are still wondering if it is the flu, yet. He got the flu early Wednesday am. He stayed home on Wednesday, went to school on Thursday but then his stomach was hurting again then and Friday. Now, he got sick during the night again. His tummy hurts so bad. Tim had his appendix out when he was 12 but he was curled over in pain, then. Mitchell is not curled over. So, we are just thinking it is still a nasty flu bug! Tim & I were going to go away for 24 hours and stay at a hotel in Rochester with a gift certificate we won. I'm not sure that we will go now. We need some time to ourselves!! I leave for Mexico on Thursday afternoon with 5 of my girl friends until late Sunday night. It's our first time going on a vacation with the girls for all of us! Kinda crazy but we are very excited! And, it's only for 3 nights. Just the right amount of time. We all have small to "medium" (haha) children so we don't want to be gone long. Plus, we'll miss our husbands!!

These last few days have been great! We are all so excited for our good friends, Jamie & Alyssa, being healed!! God is so good! Bryce had his chimerism (the study for him and Mitch) re-drawn last week and it looks fine but the "CD3" (I don't know for sure, but maybe it's a chromosome) looks different (?). Sorry, but I don't quite understand it. Julia said not to worry about it. She said we will draw his chimerism every 3 weeks now because of this result. We'll ask more questions on Monday. We went to our friends, the Huemann's, last night for a few hours at supper time. It was very fun to watch the kids together, again.

On Monday, Bryce has labs at 8am and sees Julia for his exam at 9:45. We are hoping to run into Rachel Tweeten and then, stop over to see Ethan Strenge at St. Mary's. Who knows who else we'll run into...Joshi, Wes, Austin... It's always fun to run into other chemo kids. Now, I have a few special requests....
1) Rachel has an MRI on Monday to see if the brain tumor has gotten smaller. Please, please, please send out some powerful prayers for her!!! She is such a brave, strong girl!! Her mom, Julie, has such huge, positive faith!!! Stop by her webpage and say a prayer. It's caringbridge.org/visit/racheltweeten.
2) Wes is almost done with his chemo. He is 19 and has such a way with words and with children! Take a look at his journal entry! He always, no matter how yucky he is feeling, says a special prayer for all the bald children! All of us parent's of bald children really, really appreciate that!!! He's at caringbridge.org/visit/weszitnay.
3) Joshi has to stay in Roch. one more month for another round of chemo. They didn't expect this and were very excited to be going home to their family in Wisconsin. Send them some prayers of strength! He is soooooo adorable and his mom, Lori, is so uplifting and funny! He's at caringbridge.org/visit/joshi.
4) Ethan is back in at St. Mary's with a fever from his last round of chemo. St. Mary's should really just leave his room left up for him, he is in so often! Poor kid, and mom, Brenda! He makes everyone smile and Brenda is always lifting others up!! He's at caringbridge.org/visit/ethanstrenge.
5) Alyssa is on her way home to Montana with her mom & dad! Please send a prayer for their safety and comfort. They are so excited that Alyssa is cancer-free and to be going home, yet they are missing everyone in Roch. We know how that goes!!! She's at caringbridge.org/visit/babyalyssa.
6) Here are some more VIP: very important patients to pray for and signing their guestbooks would be greatly appreciated!!! Dani, young mom with cancer: caringbridge.org/visit/danijohnson. Michelle, another young mom with cancer: caringbridge.org/visit/michellescheuer. Nikki, high school sr. who just had another round of chemo: caringbridge.org/mn/nikki. Austin, 2 y.o. going through chemo for Leukemia: caringbridge.org/visit/austinarnoldy. Max, baby boy also fighting Leukemia: caringbridge.org/visit/maxjordan. Forgive me if I have not entered someone in who needs prayers! Send them to me!! It is soooooo important to lift these special people up in prayer while they are fighting their battles! God will hear our prayers for healing and strength! They all need it!!!


We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 10:33 PM CST

Day 70

Good Evening!!

Can you feel the positive healing energy from my keyboard???? We have received MORE great news!!! Jamie has had great results from her surgery today!!! The cancer is not going up her spinal cord any farther. PRAISE GOD!!! He is sooo good and He is healing Jamie! Please send her a note tonight! The last time I checked she already had 35 guestbook entries today! Keep the support and positive prayers coming. For a cancer patient, the anticipation and caution is never over. She needs just as many prayers now as she did before! Our family is soooo excited for Zach & Jamie and their 5 boys! I was with them all day at the hospital. I want to say a special thanks to my guy for sending me to Rochester to be with them! It was a great place to be today!!! I just wanted you to know!

As for the Breuer home, it's all good. Ethan was not feeling well again this morning but much better tonight! Let's send a special prayer "upstairs" for Bryce to miss out on this one, too! He is doing great! I can't believe it's Day 70 already!!! Thank you, God!!! I completely forgot to tell you that he had a friend over on Saturday morning for a few hours. He and Keisha, a classmate, both like to do the perler bead thing. You place all of these tiny little beads on a poky board (that's in a form of a shape) and then you melt them together with an iron. It's pretty cool, but works a lot better with their little fingers and hands! It was nice to see him hanging out with a friend, again. And, it was nice having Keisha in the house! I didn't feel so outnumbered! haha... Thanks, Keisha! ;-)

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, March 6, 2006 11:02 PM CST

Day 69

Good Evening, EVERYONE!

Wow...I can't believe we haven't updated since Thursday!! I am so sorry!!! Everyone and everything is good...It's all good! Bryce is feeling well and no one else has gotten sick but Joel & Ethan. I hear it is going around very strong yet, though.

The weekend was fun and busy! Tim, Mitch, Logan, me, & my brother Geoff went to see/hear Joel Osteen in Minneapolis on Friday night. He is a Pastor in Houston, TX. We watch him on Sunday mornings on Fox Channel 9 from 8-8:30am. We all enjoyed his message so much! I have his book and it is awesome! He basically tells us what God wants us to know, hear, and do. I recommend it to people always! In fact, it helped me a lot while we were going through all of this with Bryce. God was my comfort and strength, but the book reminded me a lot of the time to give it all to God and let Him have all of the control. Bryce, Joel, & Ethan went to Auntie Julie, Jordan, & Collin's house. They had a blast! Can you say 'spoiled rotten'??? Lots of memories there! On Sunday, we went to church as a family which we haven't done since the 2nd week in December. Boy, did that ever feel good!!! I counted my blessings the entire time!!!! All six of them!!! It was sooooooooo great to look to my right and see Bryce sitting next to me! You couldn't even imagine... That afternoon, Maggie, Steve, Ryan, & Adam--all cousin's on the Buck side-came over with pizza and chocolate cake! NUMMY!!! We watched a couple of movies and relaxed. It was wonderful!!

Today, we had appts. for Bryce. Mitch & Logan went to school and the rest of us went to Roch. First, we had to wait for 45 minutes at the Hilton Desk C for Bryce's blood draw. The RAC (central line) person ahead of us was having a difficult draw. Then, we went to E5 Dermatology. Bryce had some more of his Mulluscem (warts) removed from the inside of both elbows and the top of his left shoulder. The last time we did this, it was the day in September that he had his spinal tap where they found the blast cells. He was not looking forward to the "scaping". But, he did get to watch a DVD the whole time so that made it better. Oh, he also had EMLA (numbing cream) on the warts for a few hours before which helped, too. After all the gauze wrap, we went to E9 and saw Julia, his N.P. He looks great, feels good, and his counts are staying the same which she said is good--they would get nervous if they dropped. Hemoglobin 10; WBC 3,800; ANC 2,430; and platelets 98,000. Magnesium is good and liver enzymes are lower. So, all is well on the home/hospital front! He will go back in on Monday for labs and exam. We are slowly wheening him from the Tacrolimus (anti-rejection) drug. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR CONTINUED PRAYERS FOR BRYCE AND OUR FAMILY. AND, FOR SIGNING THE GUESTBOOK WHEN YOU STOP BY! WE LOVE THAT!! IT MEANS SO MUCH TO US THAT WE HAVE SUCH AN INCREDIBLE SUPPORT SYSTEM IN ALL OF YOU!!! You are the BEST!

And, now onto Jamie. She is going in for her 3rd surgery tomorrow. Remember, 3rd one's a charm!! I am going in early to hang out with Zach and Renee. PLEASE SEND OUT SOME HUGE, POWERFUL, BIGGER-THAN-THIS-WORLD PRAYERS FOR JAMIE!!! She is such an incredible mother, wife, daughter, and friend!! Stop by her webpage today and say a prayer. Sign her guestbook, she loves that! caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. God is healing her and she will be yet another one of His incredible, supernatural miracles!!!! Take it all to God because Our God is bigger than our problems! He can move mountains, and He WILL heal Jamie!!!!!! KEEP THE HUGE FAITH, ALWAYS!!!! Send her prayers and strength all day long!!!

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, March 2, 2006 10:17 PM CST

Day 65

Good Evening~

All is good in our home...I hope your's is, as well. I am feeling very strongly that instead of updating on our busy household which is all normal--Ethan is feeling better--I want to focus on the people who are in need of prayer and celebration especially tonight...

Praise God!!! Alyssa's MRI came back with great results today!!! Yeah!!! We are all doing the happy dance here and all across the country! When I signed her guestbook there were 62 entries in it today! WOWee! Thank you, God for healing precious little Alyssa!!! Next, we have to send out powerful prayers to our little friend, Max. He is just a little guy fighting ALL, also. In the cancer world, every day can be a scary day. Please add Max to your prayer list and give him and his family much needed strength! His caring bridge is new and it's maxjordan. Please send them some encouraging, supportive, faith-filled notes!!! He's so cute and chubby!!! Please God give Max your complete healing and strength. And finally, there was a Mom in St. Mary's once who touched my heart with such power...I was frustrated with my little Brycer one day (don't remember why but it happens!) and decided to leave the room and wander the halls. God led me to her hallway and her room. SERIOUSLY, HE DID... What an amazing feeling to know that this person, who just looked out at you, was all in God's plan. Her name is Nyla and her daughter is Ellen. What an incredible woman and incredible story... God literally steered me to her room, I felt it. While I was there, I heard God say to me, "You see, someone always has it worse. Life is not so bad." I sooooo needed that, at that moment. Nyla and I cried together. I miss you, Nyla!! Ellen is this beautiful little girl, all in pink! We love pink!! Please go to her caring bridge and say HI. It's the new caring bridge and ellenkathleen. Please God give Ellen and her family peace and healing. And now, please read the paragragh below, one more time because I am feeling very strongly about that, too..... God is soooooooo good. THANK YOU, GOD, FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE GIVEN ME IN MY LIFE!!!!

Now is the part where I turn to you in faith and ask you to pray for those who need the Power of Prayer strength that you are so good at giving. Please lift these people (listed below) up in many, many prayers. We all know how powerful our almighty God is!!! We all know the effects He has on our lives. Let's share all of His goodness with others and give them strength, healing, and peace. Bryce is doing so great. And, I have such a strong feeling of peace in my heart that God will keep him safe for many, many years to come. Please pray for those who are feeling scared, unsure, and sad. I pray that we will all open our hearts to God and His mercy and have HUGE FAITH!! Life is so good, and God is so good. Thank you a million times over for everything that you have done and still do for our family,...especially all of your prayers!!!!! You have taught us so much, especially to care for others. You are the BEST! God's blessings to ALL of YOU!!!!

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Max, Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:36 PM CST

Day 63

Good Evening~

We are doing great! Sorry it's so late! There's lots of good stuff going on... Bryce had his appts. yesterday and everything was pretty good. She didn't recheck his liver enzymes or magnesium. She will do that next Monday. His counts were hemoglobin 9.9; WBC 4,000; ANC 2,210; and platelets 99,000. They redrew his chimerism study and sent that to San Diego. He is feeling good. His tummy was bothering him this weekend so we started his Zantac (antacid)again. He is sleeping good and getting better about his schoolwork. He is excited to get back to school but doesn't want to work on the schoolwork so much at home. Funny how that happens... He has a rash on his head, the doctors are calling it Folliculitis. Well, now it is spreading down to his forehead, face, neck, shoulders, and chest. So, I took him back to Mayo today to the Dermatologist to see what she recommends. She gave him some Hydrocortisone ointment for that, and we go back on Monday to remove some more Maluscum (warts). He's had these in the past and has had many removed. But, now they are flaring up again which is not uncommon. He does not like getting them removed... Otherwise, all in all, he is doing great! But, now Ethan has a fever tonight. So, we'll be watching him. Tim brought Joel in yesterday, and it's 'viral'. He is feeling much better today. So, sorry it's a quick update tonight! I need to go to bed! We love you all!!!! We miss our nurses!!!! We appreciate ALL OF YOU, OUR BRYCE-BACKERS!!! Your prayers are wonderful and soooo needed! Please keep all the prayers coming for EVERYONE!!!! Including yourselves! :-)

Now is the part where I turn to you in faith and ask you to pray for those who need the Power of Prayer strength that you are so good at giving. Please lift these people (listed below) up in many, many prayers. We all know how powerful our almighty God is!!! We all know the effects He has on our lives. Let's share all of His goodness with others and give them strength, healing, and peace. Bryce is doing so great. And, I have such a strong feeling of peace in my heart that God will keep him safe for many, many years to come. Please pray for those who are feeling scared, unsure, and sad. I pray that we will all open our hearts to God and His mercy and have HUGE FAITH!! Life is so good, and God is so good. Thank you a million times over for everything that you have done and still do for our family,...especially all of your prayers!!!!! You have taught us so much, especially to care for others. You are the BEST! God's blessings to ALL of YOU!!!!

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:44 PM CST

Day 61 (Do my journal entries get longer with every month?? Maybe, but we MUST CONTINUE our POWERFUL PRAYERS for our friends who are fighting their battles!!! :')

Good Wonderful Evening!!!

We had the BEST 2 days!!! Joel's birthday party was MUCH NEEDED!!! We have been waiting for this birthday get-together since last September. Just to refresh your memories...We celebrated Ethan's 2nd b-day (Oct. 24th), Logan's 9th b-day (Nov. 3rd), and Mitchell's 11th b-day (Nov. 19th) in the hospital. Not to mention, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. Joel's b-day was total enjoyment, relaxment, contentment, and therapy for every one of us!!! His party also included a bit of a celebration of Bryce's recovery and Mitchell, Logan, & Ethan's birthdays. It was wonderful to be back, all together, with family once again!! THANK YOU, GOD!!! For a while in the scary stages of Bryce's condition, we didn't know if we would be celebrating with or without Bryce...That was when the "what if's" would overcome us. It makes me cry just thinking about it. So,...I'm NOT gonna go there anymore! Once again, we are just sooooooo grateful to God for every moment, memory, and second that we have with our children and each other.... God is soooooooooo good...

We had special friends join us yesterday! Bob, Tawnia, & Alyssa from Montana came for the celebration. They fit right in!! They don't get extended family-time right now since their family is in Montana and they are staying at the Ronald McDonald House (aka: Ramada Marriott Hilton... ;-) Everyone enjoyed getting to know them, and the brothers especially loved holding Alyssa. We would love "one of those" around here! She didn't seem to mind all of the attention she got. We did have one bummer part of the day, though. Our birthday boy was NOT feeling well, at all. He got a headache, low grade fever, and tummy ache around 2pm. I couldn't find him around 3pm, and there he was in his bed sleeping under his covers! Poor little guy. He vomited once, rested some more, and then felt better after the Tylenol kicked in. He started getting warm again around 9:30 and fell asleep in my arms. Today, he was doing good until 5pm. He got another low grade fever, took Tylenol, and looked flushed. He said his throat hurt. I think we'll be taking him in tomorrow. I just felt so bad for him being sick on his birthday! He told me today, "Mom, I almost missed opening my presents." Joel is always the one who worries about others when they are sick or hurt. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. He doesn't have kindergarten tomorrow so that is good. We hope we didn't get others sick yesterday! It was a tough call...

Today was another AWESOME day!!! We made a last minute decision to take the boys ice fishing at my brother Brad's in Howard Lake. We dropped Ethan off at my sister Julie's at 9:30am to get spoiled rotten ALL DAY!!! We arrived at Cokato Lake, 5 miles past Howard Lake, at 11:30. It was the MOST GORGEOUS winter day!!! The temp. ranged around 26-30 degrees with a very gentle breeze. Bryce caught our first fish! He was so proud! The patience was shorter after that...He wanted that bobber to go down all the time! Tim pulled the most fish through the holes. I caught the biggest fish in our group with a Northern weighing in at 6 1/2 pounds! Girl Power!!!! And, I was the only GIRL!!! Wahoo!!! Later in the afternoon, I had another tip-up and was setting the hook....I could tell it was a big one...I set the hook and the line snapped! It even had a steel leader and fireline on it! That one was at least 11 pounds!! I just know it because I kept having the number 11 going through my head during and after the whole BIG event! And, that's NO FISHING STORY, so don't even start with me!!! It was a big one! OK, enough about my great fishing talents... Everyone was very pooped out when we arrived home at 7:15 tonight! Mitch & Logan have school tomorrow. Bryce has labs at 8:45 and sees Julia at 10:15. Joel will need to go to the doctor in Red Wing sometime, too. Looks like a busy day. We are washing all of the outdoor clothing because the boys like to "man-handle" the fish...hey, after watching their Mom...why wouldn't they?! Love to all!

Now is the part where I turn to you in faith and ask you to pray for those who need the Power of Prayer strength that you are so good at giving. Please lift these people (listed below) up in many, many prayers. We all know how powerful our almighty God is!!! We all know the effects He has on our lives. Let's share all of His goodness with others and give them strength, healing, and peace. Bryce is doing so great. And, I have such a strong feeling of peace in my heart that God will keep him safe for many, many years to come. Please pray for those who are feeling scared, unsure, and sad. I pray that we will all open our hearts to God and His mercy and have HUGE FAITH!! Life is so good, and God is so good. Thank you a million times over for everything that you have done and still do for our family,...especially all of your prayers!!!!! You have taught us so much, especially to care for others. You are the BEST! God's blessings to ALL of YOU!!!!

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, February 25, 2006 2:12 PM CST

Day 60! Wow!!!!

HAPPY 6TH BIRTHDAY, JOEL STANLEY!!! I remember the moment when we were staring at him in the hospital and he made a movement with his mouth so that we saw his dimple in his right cheek for the very first time!!! I WAS SOOOOO SOOOO EXCITED!!! I love dimples!

Good Afternoon, Everyone!

I hope this finds all of you well and wonderful! We are doing super here at the Breuer Home! It's only about 6 times a year that this busy house is THIS clean and I LOVE it when it is!! Don't worry it will be messy by tomorrow 8am! I'm not complaining, just stating a fact! It's all good..... Family is starting to arrive and I meant to update at 8am this morning.... I'll keep this short and sweet.

The week has gone very well. Bryce's Tacrolimus level has been low so they upped his dose to 4ml. We rechecked it on Thursday night at the PITC and it's still low (3.6). They like it between 6-12. They decided to start wheening him from it anyway because today is Day 60 and he has had no signs of GVHD (Graft vs. Host Disease). So, now we are giving him 3ml twice a day. His next appt. is on Monday with labs at 8:45am and Julia at 10:15. His magnesium was low last week so we are still giving him his supplement. His liver enzymes were high last week, so they are watching them. I hope they recheck them on Monday. We also have to redraw his blood for the study he and Mitch are in because his chimerism (special word for donor/recipient percentage) was 99 percent. They want it at 100 percent. No worries, Julia said! So, we are not going to worry about that!!! God is in control and our FAITH IS HUGE!!!! Bryce will be an old man telling his great grandchildren his story someday. He asked me very slyly once, "What if I don't have children?" I said, "Well, I'm your Mom and I say you must have little red headed grandchildren running around for me!" He laughed and said, "OK." Otherwise, there is not a whole lot new. Jamie & I had lunch together on Thursday. She is doing great! She's so excited for her vacation! It was great to catch up, again. Our Logan played basketball on Thursday night and made a basket. He was so proud! Ethan is still working on potty training. Mom & Dad need to be more consistent, and maybe if the brothers would laugh a little less at Ethan, that would help too. We are very content here at home. It is so wonderful to tuck the boys into bed and wake up together!!! I cannot stress that enough!!! We were ok at the hospital for those months but there is no place like home.....Thank you for EVERYTHING that you do for our family!!!!

Now is the part where I turn to you in faith and ask you to pray for those who need the Power of Prayer strength that you are so good at giving. Please lift these people (listed below) up in many, many prayers. We all know how powerful our almighty God is!!! We all know the effects He has on our lives. Let's share all of His goodness with others and give them strength, healing, and peace. Bryce is doing so great. And, I have such a strong feeling of peace in my heart that God will keep him safe for many, many years to come. Please pray for those who are feeling scared, unsure, and sad. I pray that we will all open our hearts to God and His mercy and have HUGE FAITH!! Life is so good, and God is so good. Thank you a million times over for everything that you have done and still do for our family,...especially all of your prayers!!!!! You have taught us so much, especially to care for others. You are the BEST! God's blessings to ALL of YOU!!!!

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:52 PM CST

Day 56

Good Evening~

We are doing great! Bryce saw Donna again today for a recheck because of the fever yesterday. He has not had a fever since 4pm yesterday, yeah! His Tacrolimus level is still low so they increased his med. to 4ml. Nothing to worry about. He started the Diflucon yesterday and it can effect the Tac. (possibly increasing its level), so we will need to go back to Roch. Thursday evening to recheck a pm level. Otherwise, we won't need to see his N.P. until Monday am. He is in a great mood! He and Mrs. Pasch got a lot of school work done today. He feels great and is very silly a lot of the time. Tim & I and the brothers went to the basketball game tonight to watch Joel play at half-time. That was fun! It's great to be "out and about" again seeing all the friendly faces!!! Bryce stayed back home with Michelle R. and watched a movie. Not much else for you tonight. Just trying to heal up all the men in my life.....from their colds...we're down to 3 of them, now (Dad, Mitch, & Ethan). We have the big 6 year old birthday party for Joel Stanley on Saturday that we are all very excited for!!! Love to all!!!

Now is the part where I turn to you in faith and ask you to pray for those who need the Power of Prayer strength that you are so good at giving. Please lift these people (listed below) up in many, many prayers. We all know how powerful our almighty God is!!! We all know the effects He has on our lives. Let's share all of His goodness with others and give them strength, healing, and peace. Bryce is doing so great. And, I have such a strong feeling of peace in my heart that God will keep him safe for many, many years to come. Please pray for those who are feeling scared, unsure, and sad. I pray that we will all open our hearts to God and His mercy and have HUGE FAITH!! Life is so good, and God is so good. Thank you a million times over for everything that you have done and still do for our family,...especially all of your prayers!!!!! You have taught us so much, especially to care for others. You are the BEST! God's blessings to ALL of YOU!!!!

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, February 20, 2006 11:21 PM CST

Day 55

Good Evening~

We had a nice "family" reunion at the hospital today starting off at the PITC when we visited with Bob, Tawnia, & Baby Alyssa Smith who were there for Alyssa's GCSF shot. And then, Lori & Joshi Schwichtenberg came for site care. The Smith's and I went to 3 Francis to visit Brenda, Kate, & Ethan Strenge who were possibly getting out today (but didn't due to a fever this morning) and saw Wes Zitnay (and his dad), who was just admitted for more chemo, at the same time. Wow! It was one big party! To top it off, we also got to see Auntie Manda! It was sooooo nice seeing everyone again!!! They all look so good!!! AND,...I noticed that almost everyone (not Ethan, yet) is growing new hair!!! Yeah!!! How fun is that?! I had to leave after just a short while though because we had Bryce's appt. to get to. So, that was kind of a bummer. Hopefully, we'll meet again, soon. But, at the clinic next time!

We left home at 7:30am, dropped Ethan off at Grandma's, and headed for St. Mary's. They drew Bryce's labwork at 9:00 and started his IV IG (Immunoglobulin--medicine to boost his immune system) at 9:15. He was finished with it at 12:45 but spiked a temp. of 38C around noon. We went to the clinic and saw Donna (because Julia & Dr. Kahn are at a bone marrow transplant conference in Hawaii--rough huh?!) His temp. at the clinic was 38.2C = 100.7F. They don't know if the temp. was a reaction to the IV IG or if it is viral. He also has a little bit of a rash on his head that showed up yesterday morning but it may be caused by hair growth. He is up to 61 pounds, now so that is wonderful! His counts are hemoglobin 9.7; white count 6,000; ANC 4,910; and platelets 80,000. We are discontinuing the Megase because he is eating so good. And, we are discontinuing the Prilosec because he no longer has tummy pain. We are switching the Nystantin to Diflucon because it seems that the Nystantin is not doing anything for the thrush in his mouth. His breath has a very odd smell to it, I think from the thrush. Any other parents notice this with thrush?? His magnesium is going up but we will continue with that supplement for a little while yet to keep it up. His creatinine is lower, so that is good. Donna called (after we were home) and said that his Tacrolimus (anti-rejection drug) level is low, so we will recheck that in the morning. Because he had the fever, they sent us back to St. Mary's for IV antibiotics (Rocephin) and blood cultures. His temp. was down to 37.1C by the time we left Rochester. We have to come back in the morning to see Donna again. We will watch him tonight for a fever, again. It was 98.6F at bedtime so that's good. We finally got home around 5:10pm. The brothers all loved it though. We don't have cable so they get to watch it at the appts. Bryce watched Rachel Ray and $40 Day on the Food Network all morning. He was asking what all these delicious foods were called, how and where we can get them, and if we could make them... I've got my work cut-out for me, I think!!! At least it is better than him not eating...

I have to say I had a good cry tonight... I heard the song by Mark Schulz on KTIS (Christian radio network) called 'He's My Son'. It's about a boy who has Leukemia and the mom holds his hand and watches him while he sleeps. She prays to God to let him grow old, and his father prays to take the cancer away and give it to him. It says EVERYTHING that Tim & I felt from September 20th when we found out Bryce relapsed through December 8th when we found out he was in remission. Our wonderful friends, Jeff & Becky, gave us his cd when we were in the hospital but I thought they said it was goofed up when Jeff burned it so I didn't bother finding it in the hospital mess. I found it last week and was going to bring it to Becky. And now tonight, I heard it for the first time and teared up a little until I heard it was Mark Schulz and I knew that Jeff & Becky had cried so hard for us when they heard it! Have any of you heard this song? I cried like crazy. When I got home I played it for Tim, too. Look at where we were in Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., and Jan...and look at where we are now in February!!!! I thank God EVERY SINGLE DAY for the miracles in our lives!!!! I thank God everyday for Bryce being one of God's many walking miracles!!! It is because of God that Bryce is alive and healing today. I told Donna, our Nurse Practitioner, that Bryce is the miracle work of God with the help of the doctors and medicine. And she said, "Someone is leading the doctors,...and it is God." AMEN to that!!!!

Now is the part where I turn to you in faith and ask you to pray for those who need the Power of Prayer strength that you are so good at giving. Please lift these people (listed below) up in many, many prayers. We all know how powerful our almighty God is!!! We all know the effects He has on our lives. Let's share all of His goodness with others and give them strength, healing, and peace. Bryce is doing so great. And, I have such a strong feeling of peace in my heart that God will keep him safe for many, many years to come. Please pray for those who are feeling scared, unsure, and sad. I pray that we will all open our hearts to God and His mercy and have HUGE FAITH!! Life is so good, and God is so good. Thank you a million times over for everything that you have done and still do for our family,...especially all of your prayers!!!!! You have taught us so much, especially to care for others. You are the BEST! God's blessings to ALL of YOU!!!!

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, February 19, 2006 12:48 PM CST

Day 54

Hello Everyone!!!

We are back, and it's all good.... It's hard to explain, but I know you all understand. It's very easy to get caught up in "life". We've been busy here at home with just the basics...the same things that are going on your everday lives--homework, house stuff, family time, work, taxes, etc. It's been great to talk with friends and family, again. It is so great to hear from you in the guestbook!!! We love that! I hope you are all doing absolutely wonderful!! We are! A person can forget how great it is to be a "normal" family when you are caught up in medical issues with your child. Sure, it's crazy and chaotic here but, like I always say, "It's all good."

I may not show it all the time, but I am just bursting with the joy and happiness from God's everyday goodness. I wish everyone in the world would allow God to come into their hearts and take the driver's seat. It's so easy to get caught up in the everday ho-hum's. But, when you take a look around, somebody always has something more or something worse going on in their life. Bryce is doing so great!!! He is eating great, working on his schoolwork, and playing with his brothers. He is tired by 6:30pm and ready to head up to bed at least by 7pm. His nose is filling up more but his croopy cough is better. Dad, Mitchell, Joel, & Ethan have the colds, now. Bryce has appts. tomorrow and the brothers don't have school so they will be coming along. Ethan (& Joel, maybe) will be going to Grandma Linda's house. We leave for St. Mary's at 7:30am for labwork at 8:30 and then his 3 hour drip of IV IG (Immunoglobulin). We will see Donna at 12:45. Bryce continues to be healthy, strong, silly, and in-the-kitchen! His appetite is getting better, and he is always asking about what we will be eating for the next meal. He cooks a lot, too! Who knows, we may be creating a chef out of the deal... He's so funny. The Megase is the medicine to increase his appetite. The first time we gave it to him in January was in the car on the way home from the hospital. We had been home for a couple of hours when I asked him if he would like something to eat and he said, "Well, the medicine must not be working because I'm not hungry!" Then, another time he asked me, "Mom, do you think my tastebuds are back?" I said, "Only you can tell us that." He said, "Well, they must be because I'm eating, again." And, now this morning he was pushing the syringe of Megase into his mouth when it stuck and then released. It bounced the medicine off his teeth and into his lap. He looked up at me and said, "Well, I guess I'm not going to be too hungry today." Out of the mouths of babes... Did you know that every morning, if he doesn't have appts., he flushes his Hickman/Central lines with heparin? And, he does it all correctly. It's amazing what a person learns. I almost forgot to mention that I noticed this week, he has little baby hairs coming in on his head! So, that is always exciting!!! We'll hope for the red hair again, and, of course, I am hoping for the curls, again, too!!!

Now is the part where I turn to you in faith and ask you to pray for those who need the Power of Prayer strength that you are so good at giving. Please lift these people (listed below) up in many, many prayers. We all know how powerful our almighty God is!!! We all know the effects He has on our lives. Let's share all of His goodness with others and give them strength, healing, and peace. Bryce is doing so great. And, I have such a strong feeling of peace in my heart that God will keep him safe for many, many years to come. Please pray for those who are feeling scared, unsure, and sad. I pray that we will all open our hearts to God and His mercy and have HUGE FAITH!! Life is so good, and God is so good. Thank you a million times over for everything that you have done and still do for our family,...especially all of your prayers!!!!! You have taught us so much, especially to care for others. You are the BEST! God's blessings to ALL of YOU!!!!

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:27 PM CST

Day 49

Hi everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day. We are doing great! Bryce's appts. went very well today. We took Ethan along and of course, that made Bryce very proud! We took Ethan's 2-year-old pictures after appts. and he did great! So much fun!!! Everything is looking good with Bryce. His counts are hemoglobin 10.1; WBC 6,100; ANC 4,290; and platelets 95,000. His creatinine is still a little high (kidney function) so we need to keep up that drinking of the fluids! His magnesium is a little low so we are adding a supplement twice a day. She said that he will go back to school around Day 100, and no sooner than that! She reminded us that his immune system has been completely wiped out and replaced, and will be that way for the first year after transplant. He will receive his IV IG (Immunoglobulin) next Monday. He receives this once a month to boost his immune system and help him fight things off. His last dose will be on Day 90. He continues on his Tacrolimus (anti-rejection) until at least Day 60. They had originally told us Day 100 but it couldn't be finished earlier since he is not having any Graft vs. Host Disease. His next appts. are next Monday! Wahoo! They are giving us the time here at home to "do homework" as Julia called it. He is to be eating and drinking very well!! He added, "Plus, I have my school homework!" He told me he is looking forward to getting back to school in mid-April. I think that will be perfect timing with the fresh air and hopefully, less 'bugs' going around. For now, he feels great and looks awesome! I want to send out a special THANK YOU to Tammy and Mary Lynn for stopping by our friends' web pages and wishing them well! You two have so much energy!!! Share some of that with me, please! All of you are so great! Thanks for checking on our little Brycer!!! Things couldn't be better........

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, February 13, 2006 9:51 PM CST

Day 48

Good Evening!

I hope you are all doing wonderful! We are doing great! We had a good weekend. We had Christmas at Grandma & Grandpa Breuer's yesterday so that was a lot of fun!! Great Grandma Buck and Great Grandma Breuer came, too. It was wonderful spending time with them! Life is so precious, as you know. It was very good to see the boys spend time with family, again. We all loved every minute of it!

Bryce is doing great! He has been having his croopy cough the last 2 nights. It has not become anything to worry about, though. He has had the croopy cough since he was very little. Four out of our five boys get the croop. So, it is not alarming to us anymore. I had it when I was young. Bryce has had it the most, I think because of his low immunity for over 2 1/2 years. He is feeling good. He is spending a lot of time in the kitchen cooking or else playing with his toys. Today, he needed to make chicken enchiladas. He said to me the other day, "Mom, do you think my taste buds are back? Because, I am eating again, you know." Kinda funny. He received a phone call today from Mr. Opsahl, our Elementary Principal. He walked around the kitchen talking to him with a grin on his entire face during the whole conversation! We have appts. tomorrow and we are bringing Ethan along. We are taking Ethan's pictures after Bryce's appts. Bryce will LOVE it that Ethan is along. He will play the role of "The Big Brother"... We will be leaving the house at 7:15am. So, I am off to bed. I just wanted to give a quick update and tell everyone THANK YOU for all of the prayers that you are sending out for us and everyone else!!! You are all so incredible!!! Give yourselves a HUGE pat on the back because you deserve it! Your prayers and support continue, everyday, to give us strength,...even on the really, really good days!!! You're the BEST!

(I'm keeping this here for a few days because I want all of us to continue to lift all of these wonderful people up in prayer!!!) I feel it very strongly in my heart to ask you to send out your most powerful prayers for these people that are on our hearts. Each of them need your prayers and your HUGE FAITH. They need strength from you and comfort within. They would love it if you could go to their webpages and sign their guestbooks. I know it's a lot of friends but, maybe, you could sign 3 friends a day or something, along with all of your continuous prayers. The Power of Prayer is incredible and God is listening. Please lift these friends up... They all have Caring Bridge pages (I will put their address in parathesis).

Sierra (missysierra-old CB): She is finishing up with her last chemo treatment this month. She was diagnosed 6 months after Bryce. Her Mom is always lifting everyone else up and taking care of others. They have their Wish Trip in May. She is like a little grown-up! So funny!!

Brock (brock-old CB): He is finishing up with his last chemo treatment this month, also. He was diagnosed 6 months before Bryce. He is such an inspiration to so many in our area! What a tough cookie! His parents are wonderful,..like family. He is also like a little grown-up! He & Bryce like the Kitty Kat!

Alyssa (babyalyssa-new): She and her incredible family are from Montana. She is 6 months old and was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at 1 month old! She finished her last round of chemo last night. Her parents, Bob & Tawnia, are part of our cancer family "support system" when we were all in the hospital together since last September. Plus, Tim & Bob like to talk Elk Hunting... I just know in my heart that God has cleared up her liver and healed her!! She is such a beautiful baby girl!!!

Austin (austinarnoldy-new): He is 2 years old and was diagnosed last August with Leukemia. He is the cutest little bald child ever!!! The day we met him was the day we were in for Bryce's spinal tap and port chemo when he relapsed in September. He's so funny!

Wes (weszitnay-new): He has bone cancer, a much fancier word than that, though. He is 19 years old and is also finishing up his chemo soon. I am so very proud to have met Wes & his family. He is ALWAYS making others smile and praying for a cure for 'childhood baldness'. He always say there are way to many bald children at St. Mary's. He's right...

Joshi (joshi-new): He is 3 years old and finishing up chemo for AML (Leukemia). He has such an amazing spirit, just as his mom, Lori. When Josh comes into a room, the whole place lights up! He is the little guy that sang with JoDee Messina! He is adorable!!!

Nikki (nikki-old): She is 18 years and undergoing chemo for Leukemia. She is quite the fighter with many bumps in the road. AND, she is a senior in high school! She inspires many others to be stronger!

Nikki (nikkischaut-new): She is 14 years old and is being treated for a rare cancer in her abdomen. She is also quite the fighter for 3 years with many bumps in the road! She has an incredible family with lots of her relatives around our area.

Rachel(racheltweeten-new): She is a 2nd grader (like Bryce) in Iowa. She is being treated for a brain tumor. This little girl is also a fighter! She is such an inspiration to so many, and her Mother is a teacher of HUGE FAITH!!! They are such an amazing, positive family! I don't KNOW her but I feel like I KNOW her...

Ethan (ethanstrenge-new): E is 4 years old and quite the funny, lovable little guy! When Ethan's around, everyone is happy. He is being treated for cancer in his cheek (Rhabdosarcoma). His Mom is such a wonderful, giving person!! He will finish up with his chemo treatments in May.

Jamie (jamieoreilly-new): Jamie is a very close friend of our's. She was diagnosed with Nerve Sheath Sarcoma. She is 29 years old, mom of 5 adorable little boys, and belongs to our church. She is inspires so many others to be better, to love life, and to give to others. Her strength is TRULY AMAZING!!! She is loved by SOOOOO MANY PEOPLE!!!

Heidi (heidigusenius-new): She is a newlywed and being treated for AML. She is still searching for a bone marrow donor, as she most definitely needs one for her cure! Her strength and faith are huge, and her love for life is contagious.

Michelle: She is a mother of 1 year old twins, and a wonderful wife. Her husband adores and is her best friend. She has cancer of the liver and bile ducts. She has about 4 more weeks left of this round before they find out if the chemo is working.

Dani (danijohnson-new): She is a mother of 2 small children, 1 is her newborn. She was diagnosed in January and is currently being treated for an infection, also. When that clears up they will start chemo treatments. Pray for her strength!

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, February 11, 2006 7:34 PM CST

Day 46 Post Transplant

Good Evening~

We are back! So sorry for the delay, gang! It's been busy, and we are very content around here. Bryce had appts. on Thursday. Tim took him to Mayo while I went to Red Wing to see the dr. for my sinus infection. I'm feeling much better, and Bryce is feeling very good! He has not complained of his tummy hurting or any nausea in quite a while! He is eating about 1/2 of his normal portion size but that is still great! His counts are hemoglobin 10.1; WBC 4,100; ANC 2,450; and platelets 113,000. He has been digging right in with Mrs. Pasch and his schoolwork, too! I keep telling him he needs to be ready to go back to school in April. He needs to be caught up to his classmates! I think he is looking forward to that day... The brothers are all great! We are all so glad to be together, I can't even put it into words... We are so grateful to God for every single, teeny-tiny or large, more-than-life, incredible blessing that we have in our lives. IT'S JUST AMAZING!!! We are eternally grateful and, again, give God all the glory for it all!!! Please send God an extra THANK YOU right now for each of your blessings. Ask Him to continually bless your lives and put His favor upon you. Always remember, He wants to give you all of His favor. He wants us to ask for His blessings. And, now I feel it very strongly in my heart to ask you to send out your most powerful prayers for these people that are on our hearts. Each of them need your prayers and your HUGE FAITH. They need strength from you and comfort within. They would love it if you could go to their webpages and sign their guestbooks. I know it's a lot of friends but, maybe, you could sign 3 friends a day or something, along with all of your continuous prayers. The Power of Prayer is incredible and God is listening. Please lift these friends up... They all have Caring Bridge pages (I will put their address in parathesis).

Sierra (missysierra-old CB): She is finishing up with her last chemo treatment this month. She was diagnosed 6 months after Bryce. Her Mom is always lifting everyone else up and taking care of others. They have their Wish Trip in May. She is like a little grown-up! So funny!!

Brock (brock-old CB): He is finishing up with his last chemo treatment this month, also. He was diagnosed 6 months before Bryce. He is such an inspiration to so many in our area! What a tough cookie! His parents are wonderful,..like family. He is also like a little grown-up! He & Bryce like the Kitty Kat!

Alyssa (babyalyssa-new): She and her incredible family are from Montana. She is 6 months old and was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at 1 month old! She finished her last round of chemo last night. Her parents, Bob & Tawnia, are part of our cancer family "support system" when we were all in the hospital together since last September. Plus, Tim & Bob like to talk Elk Hunting... I just know in my heart that God has cleared up her liver and healed her!! She is such a beautiful baby girl!!!

Austin (austinarnoldy-new): He is 2 years old and was diagnosed last August with Leukemia. He is the cutest little bald child ever!!! The day we met him was the day we were in for Bryce's spinal tap and port chemo when he relapsed in September. He's so funny!

Wes (weszitnay-new): He has bone cancer, a much fancier word than that, though. He is 19 years old and is also finishing up his chemo soon. I am so very proud to have met Wes & his family. He is ALWAYS making others smile and praying for a cure for 'childhood baldness'. He always say there are way to many bald children at St. Mary's. He's right...

Joshi (joshi-new): He is 3 years old and finishing up chemo for AML (Leukemia). He has such an amazing spirit, just as his mom, Lori. When Josh comes into a room, the whole place lights up! He is the little guy that sang with JoDee Messina! He is adorable!!!

Nikki (nikki-old): She is 18 years and undergoing chemo for Leukemia. She is quite the fighter with many bumps in the road. AND, she is a senior in high school! She inspires many others to be stronger!

Nikki (nikkischaut-new): She is 14 years old and is being treated for a rare cancer in her abdomen. She is also quite the fighter for 3 years with many bumps in the road! She has an incredible family with lots of her relatives around our area.

Rachel(racheltweeten-new): She is a 2nd grader (like Bryce) in Iowa. She is being treated for a brain tumor. This little girl is also a fighter! She is such an inspiration to so many, and her Mother is a teacher of HUGE FAITH!!! They are such an amazing, positive family! I don't KNOW her but I feel like I KNOW her...

Ethan (ethanstrenge-new): E is 4 years old and quite the funny, lovable little guy! When Ethan's around, everyone is happy. He is being treated for cancer in his cheek (Rhabdosarcoma). His Mom is such a wonderful, giving person!! He will finish up with his chemo treatments in May.

Jamie (jamieoreilly-new): Jamie is a very close friend of our's. She was diagnosed with Nerve Sheath Sarcoma. She is 29 years old, mom of 5 adorable little boys, and belongs to our church. She is inspires so many others to be better, to love life, and to give to others. Her strength is TRULY AMAZING!!! She is loved by SOOOOO MANY PEOPLE!!!

Heidi (heidigusenius-new): She is a newlywed and being treated for AML. She is still searching for a bone marrow donor, as she most definitely needs one for her cure! Her strength and faith are huge, and her love for life is contagious.

Michelle: She is a mother of 1 year old twins, and a wonderful wife. Her husband adores and is her best friend. She has cancer of the liver and bile ducts. She has about 4 more weeks left of this round before they find out if the chemo is working.

Dani (danijohnson-new): She is a mother of 2 small children, 1 is her newborn. She was diagnosed in January and is currently being treated for an infection, also. When that clears up they will start chemo treatments. Pray for her strength!

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Dani, Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:37 PM CST

Day 43

Hey everyone,

Tonight will be short and sweet... It's late and I need some meds...I'll work on that. Bryce had another great day! He has not been nauseated in a few days! Wahoo! He is in a great mood and enjoying his school-time with Mrs. Pasch. Of course, when it comes to Mom and Dad trying to get him to do some, that's a different story. His eating is improving everyday. It's still not huge portions but you do hear him a few times a day say that he is hungry. That's wonderful! He was pooped out today in the later afternoon and when 7pm rolled around, he asked if he could go to bed. No nap will do that to a transplant kid. His cousins, Jordan & Collin, and Auntie Julie came over for a little while this afternoon and his Grandma Linda came over this morning. He loved them all up! It was quite the morning with the little man, Ethan. Whew! I am so glad that everyday is not like today with him. I'd be worn out! So, tomorrow Bryce has appts. Lab is at 9am and his exam is at 10:45, then he has "school" at 1pm here. I just need to say again...Life is sooooo very good. Thank you for all of the prayers that you send out for each and every one of us!!!! We have a new friend to pray for who is a mother-of-2--the youngest is her very new newborn. Her name is Dani Johnson. She has the new caring bridge webpage. She needs all of the miracle prayers that we can send out to her!!! These Mommy's who are dealing with cancer while raising their baby's need all of the strength, belief, and faith that we can share with them. And, I know, we have a whole lot to give!!!! Please continue with all of your powerful prayers for all of our friends. Thank you.

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 3:29 PM CST

Day 42--Going strong!!!

Hey everyone~

We are doing great here at the Breuer Home! Bryce had appts. yesterday, and he continues to improve so much every week! His counts are hemoglobin 10.5; white count 3,600; and platelets 117,000. WOW! He is producing his very own cells!!! What a strong boy! He is very healthy with spunk and energy! He is spending some quality school-time with his tutor, Mrs. Pasch, as I type! He's got a little bit of catching up to do but he's the guy to do it! And, I think he is enjoying his schoolwork, too. He rode the Kitty Kat for a little while yesterday afternoon, is playing with his brothers always, and is eating a little more each day! He is no longer needing the TPN and lipids (food in a bag). His creatinine was a little high yesterday so we need to get him to drink more. It should be fine. He has appts. again on Thursday for labwork and exam. Mitchell got the stomach flu on Sunday during the night, so we'll cross our fingers with that one. He is always the one to get the flu,...always. Otherwise, everyone else is healthy. I am still trying to fight this cold of mine. I hate to say it, but I am so tired, even when I get a good nights rest in my own bed. I think it is the past four months catching up with me. Speaking of the past four months catching up with me,...I am so emotional!!! That too I think is a little bit of emotions that were set to the side from September through January. So, WATCH OUT if you see me! Just kidding,...sort of... Jamie is doing great! I spoke with her this morning. She will see her family medicine doctor tomorrow. Let's send out some extra powerful prayers for her and her healing with God!!!! We also have more friends who either just finished chemo like Joshi and Austin or are just starting chemo or at least another round like Ethan, Wes, and Alyssa. Please also send out some powerful prayers for our friends Rachel who is undergoing radiation for a brain tumor and Michelle who is receiving chemotherapy, also. And, also send out some powerful prayers for our friends Sierra and Brock who are finishing up,...yes, their last chemo!!!...this month!!! They are excited, scared, anxious, nervous, happy, and so much more! These people, plus many others, are all so precious!!!!! They need our prayers.

God is soooooooo good!!!! When we were driving home from appts. yesterday, I was enjoying KTIS (the Christian radio station 98.5FM). One of my favorite things about being out of the hospital is that I can listen to these incredible, faith-filled songs, again!!! I sooooo need them! They still continue to pop into my head or play on the radio whenever God knows I need them. Anyway, I was listening to "You Are Amazing, God" and it hit me.... I totally and completely feel in my heart that the reason that Bryce is healing and recovering is because of God and his miraculous powers,...with the assistance of the doctors and medicine. Don't get me wrong, the doctors and the medicine had a big thing to do with Bryce's recovery but GOD IS LARGER THAN LIFE!!!! And, HE HEALED OUR BRYCER!!!! Plus, I truly believe that from the moment that Mitchell was created, God had this plan for him....to save his brother's life!!!! What an incredible miracle story to be a part of and share... God is soooooooo good!!!!! Give it all to Him.... What plan does God have for you and your children?!.....

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, February 5, 2006 10:45 PM CST

WOW Day 40, already!

Good Evening~

We are doing great! Bryce is eating a little bit more and setting his goal (I love that!) to stay off the TPN when we go back tomorrow morning for appts. He is very proud of his effort, and he is definitely doing his part! We've all had a good weekend. We've played with some very special friends last night, had nice family meals, and layed low. It was so great to see the Huemann's and the Breuer's (the boys named our family's the Hue-Breu's) back together once again! They have 5 children, also and 4 of our 5 are very close in age. This is where Bryce's good buddy, Garret, comes in... Those 2 have been waiting a very long time to get back together,...it's so cute! Bryce didn't have the energy that the rest of them had, (and it was a lot) but I think he enjoyed just watching them. I have to admit, it wasn't just for the kids... It was very nice getting together with Lana and Travis, too! We were all tired today but managed just fine. Bryce seems to be feeling well! He did not get nauseated this morning, so yeah for that! In fact, I don't think he has complained of anything today.

I am just so happy for the life that we have!!! God has blessed us with more than we ever imagined almost 13 years ago. Thank you to our family's who have bent over backwards to help us out when we needed it, and always listened, cried, and praised God with us at every moment, big or small! Thank you to our friends who were always there with food and phone calls, cards and visits. You never let up on all the giving, organizing, and extra support that we needed for four months. Thank you to all of the other cancer/3-Francis family's who gave us the strength to keep going on and the determination to never give in. There is always someone who has it worse than us...We love you all! Thank you to all of Bryce's nurses and doctors who gave us such incredible care and always got down on Bryce's level because you care so much about him,...and his freckles,...and his million-dollar smile. And, as I get tears in my eyes just thinking about it (because I have been so emotional today), I want to thank all of the rest of you who faithfully check Bryce's webpage and leave us with incredible, inspirational notes. But, most of all,...to ALL of YOU...THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS!!!! Who knows where we would be right now, if it wasn't for your HUGE FAITH, and all of your PRAYERS.... God is such a miracle worker and mountain mover!!! Bryce will forever be an example of His amazing work, so that none of us will ever forget to be tremendously grateful to Him for EVERYTHING WE HAVE!!! Now, please say an extra huge power-prayer for all of our friends that we have listed below in the last paragraph, and then add all of the unknown fighters to your list. Because with God, we can have ANYTHING! Give Him all the glory and praise God ALWAYS. Please count your blessings and spread sunshine to many each and everyday!!! :-)

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, February 4, 2006 10:07 AM CST

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the delay... The last 2 nights I've been too tired and need to get to bed with the cold that I have. So now, I am trying to get the boys clothes and the upstairs back in order. Not a pretty sight... Tim took Mitch to the "vet" (as he would say) to get his ingrown toenail fixed. It was pretty nasty, poor guy. They are going to make a quick stop for milk and a few other things. I've got to get back upstairs. So, this too will be quick.

Things have been going pretty well. Bryce has been having tummy aches and nausea in the mornings and the evenings for the last 2 days. He vomits in the morning, then he feels better after that. Otherwise during the day, he seems to be feeling ok. Thursday afternoon, he didn't feel the best but he also didn't get a nap. He still needs to nap everyday, otherwise, he wants to go to bed before 7pm. We took him to his appts. yesterday and he's doing good. His counts are hemoglobin 9.5; white count 2,900; ANC 1,260; and platelets 80,000. It's so crazy to think about it but he probably won't need any more transfusions...wow and yeah. Julia decided it probably would be ok to give us the weekend off from the TPN and lipids! We were very excited about that. So, we all have to do our part to keep the food going in. He is working on it slowly. He ate a little bit of Melanie's nummy sub sandwiches last night, and this morning I made a big breakfast and he ate a few bites of that. Slowly but surely. Hopefully, by Monday's appts. he will be eating more. Other than that, we are staying home and he is going to work on his big poster for Pins For Bryce. That should keep him busy for a while. I'm going to help him and Ethan in the tub and run back upstairs. Thank you for all that you do for us!!! Please, please, please continue to send out all of the powerful prayers that you have for our friends who are fighting their battles. They are all so precious!!! Love to all......

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:04 PM CST

Day 36

Good Evening~

Thank you for all of your continued prayers for Bryce and our family! Your awesome words of encouragement are wonderful!!! We have waited for this day and this wonderful news for months. It feels like a dream... We are so grateful to God that He has brought us to this point of healing for Bryce. What a miracle worker our God is!!! God is so good and so wonderful and so powerful and so forgiving and so bigger than life itself... I just know He is healing all of our friends,...big and little...

Today was a good day for Bryce. He did his usual night-time routine, and vomited this morning. He took an hour nap before going to the PITC for his TPN bag change. He ate 2 bites of a hot dog at noon, and a bite of spaghetti and 2 bites of corn at supper. He actually said he was hungry at noon! Maybe the Megase (hungry medicine) is working??? Who know's. He's blowing his nose more but it's not terrible. (Remember now, my "details" are not just for you, they are also for Mom & Dad, & Bryce, years down the road). He rode the Kitty Kat on the frozen grass this morning so that made him very happy. He is just so happy to be home with his family!!! We all are!!! Thank you, God! And, thanks to all of you for EVERYTHING that you do for us.........EVERYTHING. ALWAYS KEEP the HUGE FAITH!!!

Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mitchell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, January 31, 2006 12:15 PM CST

Day 35

Good Afternoon & PRAISE GOD!!!!

Yes, I know, I am very early today but I just wanted to share our news with our Bryce Breuer supporters. Julia, his Transplant, N.P. told us that Bryce's bone marrow is 100 percent donor/Mitchell cells!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR INCREDIBLE, POWERFUL PRAYERS!!!! We are packed up and heading out soon but we need to be at the PITC by 2pm for his TPN bag change. Then, we can go home. His counts are hemoglobin 9.4; white count 2,400; ANC--didn't do; and platelets 64,000. He's on the up & up! All of his stool and blood tests are coming back negative so, Dr. Kahn thinks this was a viral thing. He's feeling better, too. He's still nauseated, and he vomited twice this morning with the diarrhea but it could be transplant or antibiotics or both causing that. He is EXTREMELY TIRED today and so is Mom... We are really looking forward to spending the night(s) in our own beds at home!!! Dr. Kahn is putting him on a med that will hopefully increase his appetite, and we are hoping to finish up with TPN & Lipids when we come back for appts. on Friday. Please continue to pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

We give God all the glory for Mithcell being an exact match, Bryce being in remission, finished with transplant, and now, having 100 percent donor cells in his marrow. THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!! Bryce's next bone marrow biopsy will be on Day 100 which is April 6th, the next milestone. We need to continue to pray for that 100 percent donor cell result. We also need to continue to pray for Bryce to stay in remission and not relapse once again. Once we are through the 1-year mark after transplant, chances are very good that he will not relapse, again. Once he hits the 5-year mark after transplant, he is considered cured. God is listening to our prayers and has HUGE PLANS for our little Brycer. He has already shared Bryce with so many of us to grow our faith within ourselves, and I am so grateful for the many areas of 'growing' that has occured inside of me.........

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, January 30, 2006 6:42 PM CST

Day +34

Good Evening~

Today we are boring but Dr. Kahn says, "Boring is good." Bryce has not had a fever since midnight. He did his usual bathroom routine but had diarrhea x3 during the night and x3 today. They sent some stool off to be tested today. He was nauseated x1 during the night and x1 today. The eating thing is still very low with milk for breakfast, milk and a bite of bread for lunch, and milk w/ 2 bites of corn for supper. Oh wait, he did have an orange popsicle around 4pm! Everything continues to come back negative. His counts are: hemoglobin 9.1; WBC 2,700; ANC 1,210; and platelets 61,000. We have not heard any percentages, yet! Dr. Kahn said it takes longer when they are both (Mitch & Bryce) male (Y) chromosomes vs. male & female (X) chromosomes. If you understood that, you are doing good... If Bryce continues to be afebrile (without fever), he will get to go home tomorrow. Thanks for all of your prayers!!!!!! Keepin' it short, again tonight. Remember how I was going to bed so early last night??? Yep, I went to bed before 9pm and couldn't fall asleep until after midnight. Ugh. Tim is coming to stay with us tonight, so he'll get up with Bryce. Grandma Ann is staying with the boys. Ethan is potty training so I'll have to talk to Grandma Linda and see how he did today while Tim & Joel came to the hospital. He's very funny... Continue to keep God 1st in your lives,...He is soooooooo good....And, pray for all the other very little people....

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, January 29, 2006 7:57 PM CST

Day 33

Good Evening~

Is it really Sunday, January 29th??? Where DOES the time go?! Bryce is sleeping (almost snoring) because he is sooo tired. I'm ready for bed, myself! He was awake for 3-4 hours during the night because of tummy pain, headache, feet itching, bathroom break for potty, bathroom break for diarrhea....Not all at the same time, of course. I wish. He finally slept good from 3-6 and 6:15-8:15. His temp. got up to 38.2 during the night. They did blood cultures again this morning around 11am. He still had his temp. during the day, and at bedtime tonight it was 38.4 (101.1). Not sure if the temp. is being caused by a virus or what because all of his other tests are coming back negative. I did notice he was coughing just a little bit more this morning. He only vomited once today but had diarrhea twice. He was down to having diarrhea just once a day. The diarrhea could be from lack of solid foods. His counts were hemoglobin 8.7; white count 2,900; ANC 1,700; and platelets 53,000. He has told me about four times in the last 24 hours, "I don't feel good, Mom." That is new to us because he usually doesn't say a whole lot about how he is feeling. The doctors won't let him go home until the fevers are gone. Dad, Mitch, Logan, & Joel came to the hospital today. That made Bryce feel better for a while...

Please pray for Bryce to be fever-free and feeling better. And then, please pray for anyone and everyone who needs to find God in their lives. I seriously don't know where we would be right now if it wasn't for God and His healing powers. You have all been so great and wonderful to pray for Bryce, and our family, day and night. You have carried our family through this and kept us going. You picked us up when we were down, and reminded us to let God take the control over the situation. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now, before I get too emotional (because I am so tired), I am going to bed!! Love to all!

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, January 28, 2006 8:37 PM CST

Day +32

Good Evening~

We're back with a quick update. Bryce had an alright night. He got up to the bathroom a couple of times and was awake by 7:45am. His temp. got up to 38.9 C (102 F) during the night. He vomited 3 times throughout the morning. He just does not feel good. He took over a 2 hour nap today and when he woke up his temp. was 38.5 (101.3). His blood cultures are negative so far, his liver enzymes are good. His electrolytes were ok, potassium was a little low. They will adjust his TPN for that. His counts are hemoglobin 9.4; WBC 3,100; ANC 2,380; and platelets 64,000. It's a very good thing that his ANC is so high. They did an Influenza nasal swab and RSV nasal swab this afternoon. So far, the Influenza swab is negative. The chest x-ray from last night had a couple "funny" areas but they are not too worried about it. They will be watching him for increased coughing and runny nose in case it may turn into pneumonia. Right now, he is very tired again and almost sleeping. We'll update more tomorrow.

Thanks again for all of the prayers that you have been sending out to our Brycer and our family. It is your prayers that have lifted us up in the difficult times. Actually, your prayers have lifted us up everyday, difficult or not. A friend told me today that during the very difficult time with Bryce, she asked her Bible Study group to pray for 'Bryce's Mom'. It made me realize once again how wonderful all of you are and how much of an impact your prayers are upon us, always. You have ALL affected our lives so very much, and I just want to say thank you for that. God has given us so many countless blessings. Words cannot express how grateful we are to have God as our #1. I pray everyday that our children, and all children, know that they can have an incredible life with God. I pray that God will affect the decisions that they make today and many years down the road. But, really it all starts with us. I hope no one feels that this is a lecture or anything because it's not. It's a conversation about giving an incredible life to others, no matter who they are. Today, that friend gave me a great feeling of how we all help each other through God, and that is what I want to be doing right now. Am I making any sense? I hope so. Give God all of your worries and cares, and He will take care of you and your worries. Enough said. Have a great evening and weekend. Love to all!

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, January 27, 2006 11:48 PM CST

It's late so I'll be quick. Bryce woke up 5 minutes after my earlier update with a temp. of 101.4 at 6:45. We checked it again at 7:30 and it was 100.9. We were told before we left the hospital to call in if his temp. got to 100.4 because his Tacrolimus (anti-rejection drug) can lower his temp. (He's been running a low grade temp. most of the week.) So, we called the Peds Oncology On-Call doctor at 7:40, and she said to come down to the St. Mary's E.R. She called to let them know that we were coming. Bryce fell asleep again on the way down. We got there around 9pm. We woke him up and as he was walking in, he vomited. They took him to a room immediately because they won't take any chances of him being around any other sicknesses. They drew his blood for a CBC, electrolytes, liver profile, and blood cultures. The doctor did his exam, the nurse hooked him up to his antibiotics, they did a portable chest x-ray, and we got up to his transplant unit room (same one) at 10:30. That's very fast!!! His nurse hooked him up to the pump and he finally got to go to sleep around 11:20. He wanted to be sleeping earlier, either that or watching TV... So, I am going to bed. The doctor in the E.R. said Bryce would be in for 48 hours at least to get the antibiotics in him. Don't worry about us. We'll be fine. This comes with the territory, I guess. Hopefully, it won't be long and we'll be home again, home again jiggity jig...

6:40pm Update:

Day 31

Hey everyone~

Bryce is doing well. He did his usual night (bathroom from the TPN) thing but woke up ok, not talking about feeling sick, at 6:45 this morning. That's 2 days of no vomiting....(sssshhhh, Don't say that out loud)... He ate a couple little bites of beans and potatoes at lunch and drank some milk around 3:30. We got to have coffee with Great Grandma Buck this morning, so that was great! Bryce hasn't seen Great Grandma since the week of Dec. 15th when they came to Grandma Linda's while he was there before he went into the hospital for transplant. He was very happy to see her! He took a nap from 1:30-3:15 when we woke him to take him down for his TPN bag change. Dad and Joel took him to St. Mary's for his 4pm appt. They were home by 5:10!! AWESOME! We ordered pizza from the C-Store but by the time they got home from Roch., Bryce was too tired to eat and very chilled. He layed down on the couch under a couple of blankets at 5:30, fell asleep, and is still sleeping. We are going to make some popcorn and watch a movie. Maybe that will wake him up, otherwise I wonder if he'll probably sleep until morning....

His N.P. called later this afternoon and said that the bone marrow chromosome analysis showed NO ABNORMAL CHROMOSOMES!!!!!! Yeah!!! And, PRAISE GOD!!!! They looked at 20 cells and they all looked good! Now, we are just waiting for the percentages which we will probably get on Monday. Step by step,...day by day...... We don't have a choice but to be patient. Tomorrow we have a wrestling tournament in Kenyon for Mitch & Logan. Bryce will stay here with Grandma Linda. His N.P. told us yesterday that we are not to go to large public places with him. "His immune system has been suppressed. It's not like our's. He could catch anything and be in the hospital. After Day 100, we can look into going places. For now, we can take him to an afternoon movie when there are not a lot of people spreading germs that he can't fight off." That was a good reminder for me because, of course, I would love to take him somewhere great with his brothers. Again, we must be patient, and we CAN be patient.... We can see the light. Thank you, God, for every single blessing in our lives. We are so grateful!!!!!! With God, we have everything. Without God, we have nothing.

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:33 PM CST

Day +30

Good Evening~

We're doing very well here at the Breuer Home. Bryce did his usual night time routine but kept everything down at 5:15am this morning! I told you he fell asleep on the way home from the PITC yesterday around 5:15, woke up at 8:30pm for meds, and then he didn't wake up until 5:15 am! WOW! He WAS pooped out! We left the house at 6:10am today for 7am labs and 8:15 N.P. exam. He is doing good. His counts are hemoglobin 10.1; white count 3,100; ANC 1,890; and platelets 58,000,...all very good! The results from the bone marrow aspiration so far show NO BLAST CELLS!!! Wahoo!!! Now, we are just awaiting the results of the cytogenics/DNA/chromosome analysis to see if Bryce's bone marrow is 100 percent Mitchell's cells. This is what we are all praying for!!! We got out of the clinic around 10am and had an hour to waste before the PITC appt. to change his TPN bag, so we went to Perkin's for breakfast. Bryce ate a little bit of hashbrowns and a few little bites of toast! Yeah!!! He ate something, he ate something!!! We went to the PITC at 11:10, and we had to wait there until around 2:15 for the TPN and Lipids. The first batch came up from pharmacy without the lipids, so the nurses sent it back. Ugh. We got home around 3:15. Bryce went right back to the couch for a nap until maybe 5 o'clock. He woke up with a temp. of 100.3 F. He sat with us for supper and ate a few green beans (which we were very happy about) then, he went back to the couch, again. He went to bed around 7:30, he was ready...

The brothers, and Mom & Dad, are so glad to be together!!! I couldn't say it enough. Every night during prayers the boys all say that they are glad we are all home together and that Bryce is home! It is wonderful!!! So, we go back to the PITC tomorrow at 4pm, Saturday at 3:30pm, and Sunday at 6pm for his TPN bag change. We asked about hooking up the TPN at home but then we get into insurance mumbo jumbo. Hopefully, he won't need TPN starting Monday when he has labs and exam, again. Oh, by the way, we asked them to call us with the bone marrow cytogenics results which we will hopefully get tomorrow. We'll let you know tomorrow night,...hopefully! Thanks for all the prayers you're sending out. We have so much to be thankful and grateful for... It's all good....... Love to all!

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:25 PM CST

Day +29

Good Evening~

This one is gonna be short. Dad just had the update done and the computer lost it... Sooooo frustrating. So, Mom's here now. Not a whole lot new. Bryce still gets up a couple times during the night to use the bathroom. He always gets sick around 6/6:30am then, he is ok all day. Today he didn't feel well again around 12pm, though. He didn't get sick, he just felt nauseated and his tummy hurt. He's still not eating but a tiny bit, he drinks some milk. Dad took him down to the PITC at 1pm for the 2pm appt. for his 2-hour Ambisome infusion and TPN bag change. This was his last dose of Ambisone. We were hoping he would be off the TPN by tomorrow but it's not looking that way. He needs to be eating. It's a very difficult situation to be in. You are very understanding that your child does not show any interest in eating from lack of appetite and lack of taste from the chemo and radiation. But, you WANT him to eat so badly. We are being very patient and understanding but it's not so easy... We always tell him just a few bites of ANYTHING! We are working on it... On the way home, Bryce fell asleep. Tim woke him up to come in the house. He went right back to the couch to go back to sleep. He woke up at 8:30, took his meds, and went up to bed. It's sad to see your child like this but his body has been through so much. Maybe he is trying to fight something off, who knows. He has labs at 7am and exam at 8:15 tomorrow, and then I suppose we'll have to get the TPN bag change. So, Grandma Ann is here to get the brothers off to school and Ethan to Daycare. Quick note: Tim got the Kitty Kat fixed and picked it up last night. Bryce couldn't wait to get on it today. He rode it at least 30 minutes, his cheeks were so rosy and so happy!!! When he got off he slowly came in the house. He was pooped out! We also went through Math Facts today, he did great. It's been a month since we've looked at schoolwork...Sorry, Mrs. Pasch! We're working on that, too. I got out tonight for volleyball. That was a really good thing...It was so good to "do" something AND see the "girls". We'll update with good news tomorrow, I just know it!!! Keep the HUGE FAITH and thank God EVERYDAY for EVERYTHING!!!!

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Michelle, Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:45 PM CST

Day +28
Good Evening. Bryce had his bone marrow biopsy and spinal tap today at 10:15. It went fine, they are checking the spinal fluid to make sure it is still clear(no blast cells) and the bone marrow they will check the chromosomes in the bone marrow cells. The bone marrow should all be Mitchell's chromosomes (DNA) that is the goal. The results from the bone marrow test should come back early next week. The N.P. called late this afternoon and said the spinal fluid is clear. After the spinal tap/bone marrow biopsy we went to Saint Marys and got Bryce's TPN bag hooked up and left for home. He seemed to feel a little better today than the day before, got sick once this morning and the rest of the day was pretty good. We are working on getting him to eat something he has no interest yet.

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, January 23, 2006 8:02 PM CST

Day 27

Good Evening~

We hope you are all doing well and fine. Bryce's days go by so fast, especially now that we are home. He was up his usual 3 times during the night, the 3rd was when he got sick. His temp. at that time was 100.3, that was at 6:45am. He's been running a low grade temp. all day. His N.P. doesn't seem to be too worried, so we won't be either. We left for Roch. around 8:15, had labs at 9am, saw his N.P. at 10:15, and went to the PITC for his Ambisome and TPN bag change at noon. We got home at 3:45pm. He was very pooped out! He definitely needs a nap tomorrow. He was sleeping by 6:45 tonight. His labs are good! Hemoglobin is 10.8; white count is 3,900; ANC is 2,570; and platelets are 52,000. So, it looks as if he is producing blood cells on his own. His last transfusion was Wednesday of last week. This is all good! He is scheduled for his bone marrow biopsy and spinal tap(to recheck his spinal fluid) at 10:15am tomorrow, and his TPN bag change after that. His N.P. said we won't get the pathology results until Thursday and the chromosome analysis results until next Monday at appts. So, let's hear those awesome, powerful, incredible, thundering prayers tonight as we sleep!!!! We have a very good feeling from God that his results will be good. Remember, we want 100 percent "Mitchell" cells and no "Bryce" cells in the bone marrow. We also want his spinal fluid to be clear. On Wednesday, we go in for his Ambisome infusion and TPN bag change. On Thursday, we go in for labs, exam, and hopefully, we will be done with TPN. So, add a little prayer that Bryce is eating a little more each day. Also, pray for his temp. to be normal. Thanks!

Bryce is one, incredible, little red-headed, freckle faced 7-year-old cute-as-a-button boy MIRACLE!!!! HE IS AAAAALLLLLLL GOD'S WORK... Aren't we just sooo very fortunate to know and see God's plans in action and to know that God has a plan for EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US?! I love that!!! And, I love that for our children, most of all. Keep on asking for God's blessings and favors in your lives. And then, keep your eyes open because those blessings and favors will be much more noticable to you and you will appreciate them so much more, in my opinion any way. He is so good.... He wants so much more for all of us. Life is so good. We count our blessings each and every day. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING THAT YOU DO FOR BRYCE AND OUR FAMILY!!! Love to all!!!

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, January 22, 2006 9:52 PM CST

Day +26

Hi everyone~ (Just felt like I needed a little change.)

We are doing well. Bryce was still up 2-3 times during the night. He used the bathroom but then, vomited at 5am & 6am. The 6am one woke up 3 of the brothers. At 6:40, he had a low grade temp. but nothing came of it. I stayed at home with him and he was just very mellow. I would catch him holding his head a few times. He still didn't eat much today--a couple bites of mashed potatoes, a little milk, a little hot chocolate, some water. Tomorrow, we go in for labs at 8:45, exam at 10:15, and a 2-hour infusion of Ambisome after, with TPN worked in sometime too. So, we'll see what they say about his eating. Dad took Bryce to the PITC today with Mitch & Joel. It was just a quick trip down to hook up a new bag of TPN. He was very tired tonight! I'm tired too so I'm gonna run...Quick story first: Mitchell was setting the table at lunch today and as he was grabbing out the forks he said, "Man, it sure is good to be grabbing out 7 forks, again." Diddo.......We are LOVING being home together sooooooooo much!!!!!!!!! Thank you God for bringing us to this point in Bryce's treatment plan!!!! With God, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE......BELIEVE....

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, January 21, 2006 10:20 AM CST

Day 25

Good Morning~

We are sooooo happy to be home!!! In fact, I was so happy and so into family time that I remembered that I needed to update at 10pm! I almost sat down to write 3 "we're ok" sentences and decided 'no', I don't want to interrupt time with my husband. So, here I am this morning...

We have not accomplished much at home, yet. We've done nasal irrigations, mouth care, four medications, and disconnected the TPN. Dad got up with Bryce during the night, twice to use the bathroom and once to unkink his tubing which made the pump beep. Mitch and Logan quickly alerted us to Bryce vomiting this morning around 6:45. He's been feeling good since then, he's had diarrhea once. So, the nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea have definitely slowed down. His counts yesterday were hemoglobin 10.5; white count 2,600; and platelets 46,000. He seems to be very glad to be home. The brothers all dug into the legos at 7:15am! They've played some Sega, and now I hear cartoons. They are very glad that we are all home together!!!! It is such a good feeling, I can't even put it into words...

Yesterday was interesting/busy... We said our goodbye's to the PICU nurses and then went over to 3 Francis to say goodbye to the nurses, Mary from Housekeeeping whom our boys (all 6 of them!) LOVE to pick on, and our chemo friends who are staying for treatments. Mitch, Bryce, and I left around 12:30 deciding to pick up medications from pharmacy when we come back for antibiotics in the afternoon. Pharmacy needed to get the anti-rejection drug from downtown so it was not ready. Julia, our Transplant Nurse Practitioner, set up our afternoon appts. at the 5 Mary Brigh PITC (Ped. Infusion Therapy Center) for 4:30. Bryce needed his Ambisone antibiotic which infuses for 2 hours and then, he needed to be hooked up to the TPN to start running at 6pm until 8am today. So, we went home to drop off our bags and get Dad, Logan, & Joel--we didn't really have anything to do in Roch., anyway. We planned on resting a little and maybe unpacking at home for a bit. But, on our way home, the PITC called and asked us to come in at 3pm instead of 4:30 because Pharmacy mixed up the Ambisone in the morning and it expired at 5pm. We got home at 1:15 and left at 2:15. It was fine because then, we got home earlier last night--6:45 rather than 8:30. Grandma & Grandpa kept Ethan who has a cold and is way too busy in a small room for 3 hours. We got the boys to bed at a good time. But, I forgot a couple of Bryce's meds! Well, it's a done deal now. I'm sure it will be fine. He got them all this morning.

Today, we need to head back to the PITC at 2:15 for a 3pm 3-hour infusion of IGH, his immunoglobulin medication that he receives once a month for three months; this is his 2nd dose. Then Dena, one of our favorite nurses from 3-F, will hook him up to his new bag of TPN and we will head back home. I think we are going to order pizza at the PITC tonight. The boys already have a movie picked out, too. We will go back to the PITC tomorrow at 6pm for our TPN bag change, again.

Bryce has appts. on Monday for labs at 8:30am, Julia (Transplant N.P.) at 10:15, and the PITC for his 2-hour infusion of Ambisone, again. Hopefully, he will be eating well enough so we can stop the TPN, then. The Ambisone is done on Wednesday. Tuesday he has his bone marrow biopsy. So, pray, pray, pray for 100 percent Mitchell cells!!! Thursday will be labs and Julia, again. We will get results of his bone marrow biopsy, then I'm sure.

Thank you, again, for all your support, prayers, and love!!! Again, all we ask for is many, many powerful prayers for Bryce and his friends (big or little) who are fighting their battles!!! Jamie is home, enjoying her little boys and their Christmas together. She is keeping everyone inspired as always. I miss seeing her so I guess I better call her! I also want to remind everyone to pray for Michelle. She was diagnosed with cancer of the bile duct and pancreas. It is already in her lungs and liver. She has her husband and twins baby's to live for! We need to pray for a MIRACLE for Michelle. I have another little friend named Rachel that needs lots of prayers, also. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor and is currently undergoing radiation treatments at Desk R. She lives in Iowa. Stop in and say HI to her at her webpage caringbridge.org/visit/racheltweeten. She would love it! Her parents are full of faith and strength! Send them some more....

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:07 PM CST

Day +23

Good Evening~

Today was a good day! He got up at midnight to use the bathroom and then, vomited. That was the last time he got sick today. Yeah! He did whimper during the night a couple more times because his tummy hurt, though. They gave him Fentynal, then. Bryce did not have many complaints today, just a couple about belly pain. He is not getting the Fentynal anymore, so instead he had Tylenol w/ Codeine. That seemed to help. That is what he will use at home. He hasn't complained about being nauseous, either. Wow! He looks great! They didn't order a CBC (complete blood count) for today, just some chemistry's. His liver enzymes are good, magnesium was a little low, and blood sugar was a little high. So, they tweeked the TPN for the last two. All of his biopsies from his upper and lower GI were negative. He still had diarrhea three times today. Hopefully, tomorrow it will slow down even more. Mitchell stayed again tonight, he LOVES being here!!! It's our LAST NIGHT at the hospital! We are ready to be home in our own beds under one roof together!!! .........Crazy.......... Just the thought of it.......... Wow............ The doctors said he still has a chance for fever, infection, Graft vs. Host Disease, etc. So, we will be coming in to the clinic twice a week. I'm not sure what the TPN schedule will be but I do know they are sending him home with it and a pump. He will still need to wear a mask in public and be out of school until at least April. Ethan has a cough and cold so that concerns us a little, but what can we do? The other brothers' go to school and it's THAT time of year... So, thank you again for everything that you do for our Brycer and our family! Your words of inspiration, encouragement, and love have carried us through this. Our faith was huge before Bryce relapsed but now..... NOTHING COULD BREAK IT DOWN!!! GOD IS SOOOOOO GOOD AND LIFE IS SOOOO GOOD. Now, I am going to bed because I couldn't fall asleep until almost 1:30am last night. No reason. I'm fine. I guess I kept thinking about how we are so blessed in soooo many ways!!! Thank you, God!!!

Jamie went home today. Say some extra prayers for her!!! I think she has appts. on Monday. I know she will sleep very well tonight! Pray for her inner peace, faith, and positive attitude with INCREDIBLE, MIRACULOUS HEALING FROM OUR GOOD LORD!!! We are leaving some friends behind here at St. Mary's so they can finish there rounds of chemo....Ethan, Alyssa, Wes, Austin, and others. Say some continuous prayers for them to rest well and feel well each night they are here. And then, say some prayers for the children coming back in for more chemo soon like Joshi. That little guy will win your heart over in seconds!!! Stop by and say to Joshi, he'd love to hear from you www.caringbridge.org/visit/joshi. His Mom is such an inspiration and strength to so many here at St. Mary's!! I have to leave some webpage addresses just in case you don't have enough little people to check on: www.caringbridge.org/visit/ethanstrenge, and www.caringbridge.org/visit/austinarnoldy. We ALL LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!!! We all appreciate your prayers!! These little people are so precious, it is just not fair that they have to go through so much! Please pray for their comfort and healing. They make all of us adults stronger! God bless you, all...

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:38 PM CST

Day +22

Good Evening~

Just a aquick one tonight, gang! Bryce got up a couple times last night with Dad. We both stayed. His diarrhea and vomiting have slowed down, yeah for that! Bryce did well with his procedures today. His upper GI looked good and his lower GI looked inflamed and irritated. Dr. Grothe, GI, took biopsies of both areas. She doesn't feel that it is GVHD but is checking for it anyway. She said, "It does look like a little boy with a lot of diarrhea". His counts today are hemoglobin 8.1 (he's getting red cells as I type); WBC 1,800; ANC 790; and platelets 46,000 (this is before they transfused even more this morning, again). He has had Fentynal a couple of times today for his tummy pain. He hasn't vomited since 5am. He has had a little diarrhea. He napped a good hour today, so that was very good. Dad went home and got Mitch after school so they are watching TV right now. Mom is a marshmellow tonight! We went to the Winter Theme Party in the activity room on 3-Francis tonight so that was fun for them. We challenged Wes in some Playstation 2, and I think Bryce has a jump on him because he says he doesn't know how to play it. Go Brycer! Sorry, Wes. We visited Jamie today. She looks great and will be going home tomorrow am with her appts scheduled.

Please send lots of extra prayers out tonight!! I am tired and ready for EVERYONE--big and small, to be healed from cancer!!! Like Wes says, we need to find a cure for childhood baldness! Thank God for everything you have, hug your baby's--no matter how big they are, be kind to others, and do something special for someone you know and someone you don't know. God works in mysterious ways...Let Him guide you!!! Thanks for all you do for Bryce and our family!!! We send our love and gratitude out to each and every one of you!!!!

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 6:11 PM CST

Day 21

Good (early) Evening~

Wow, can you hardly believe how on-the-ball I am tonight?! I am actually not yawning at the moment, probably because of my 2 o'clock cappuccino. I thought this would be the perfect time to update...

We are still at the hospital which is ok. Last night, Bryce vomited and had diarrhea at bedtime, 10:30, 3am, and 7:15am today. Changing the subject quick for a cute story (try to stay with me, it's the cappuccino!): Bryce woke up at 7:15am today, vomited and wiped his mouth with a kleenex (this isn't the cute part, it's coming). As he was looking down and recovering, he asked "Do you think Dad will have the Kitty Kat (small snowmobile) ready when I get home?" Just vomited and already thinking about boy stuff, and so early in the morning. hehe OK, back to his body... Because of his nausea, vomiting, and watery diarrhea (mostly the diarrhea), his doctor wants to check his GI tract to see if he has some GVHD (graft vs. host disease) or CMV (cytomegalovirus) going on. With GVHD, the patient usually has a rash but Bryce does not. She still wants to check because she has seen GVHD without a rash. So, he will go down to an O.R. between 9am-12pm tomorrow. Anesthesia will put him to sleep. The GI team will do an endoscopy and a sigmoidoscopy, (upper and lower GI tract) going in at both ends of his "world". Thank goodness, he wil be asleep! They will take some biopsies to check for the GVHD and CMV. The results will be back after 3pm Thursday. It could be just a GI virus or infection but the doctors want to know, if they can, so this is why we are doing this. I got all of this information over the phone from the GI doctor because I had gone home to have lunch with our big kindergartener, Joel! He was so happy to have Dad and Mom sitting on both of his sides at lunch! It was really sweet and really cute! Val from Child Life came to play Dirtbike Playstation 2 with Bryce and then, Grandpa Arnie came to hang out. I got back around 2:15. Bryce's counts are hemoglobin 8.8; white count 1,800; ANC 936; and platelets 32,000. He will get platelets tonight just to give him a boost before the procedures tomorrow. They would like to boost his platelets to 70,000. Otherwise, he has really not been complaining of any pain or nausea today. We are going to head out to the activity room to make suncatchers and we are going to try to catch Wes who is also back in for more chemo. I hear he stopped by today. I think we are going to have another Playstation 2 buddy!! How does that sound, Wes? By the way gang, you need to check out Wes' webpage. He's a hoot! And, he is so very thoughtful to all of the Peds Oncology children here at the hospital and clinic!!! Send him some extra prayers, too! His webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/weszitnay. Thanks!

Now, I know I always have requests but I also know how everyone is more than willing to send out lots of prayers for others. The Power of Prayer is amazing and intense!!! I have some additions tonight... First of all, send out some powerful prayers for our little friend, Alyssa who is from Montana and was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma when she was one month old. She and her parents have been at Mayo for many months now. She had an MRI today to see if the cancer in the liver was gone with the chemo or if it is still there and they need to do 3 more rounds of chemo. We, all of us, know what it is like to wait for results like these. It's not easy!!! Bob and Tawnia would appreciate your Power of Prayer tonight and every night for their precious baby girl!!! Her webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/babyalyssa. They'd love it if you left them a note and words of inspiration!!! We just love them so much!!! On another note, Bryce received a card today (in his mail haul!--thanks everyone!!!) from Heidi Gusenius and her Mom, Sue Sands. We checked her webpage and she went back to the U of M hospital yesterday for her final round of the Consolidation phase of chemo. She STILL does not have a bone marrow donor, and she really needs one!! So, please, please, please say some really powerful prayers for Heidi to find her donor and to feel well with this round of chemo. She is such a special person!!! Again, the link for the National Bone Marrow Registry is at the bottom of Bryce's webpage. Her webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Another request is to send out some powerful prayers for a woman named Michelle. She is a friend of a friend of mine who has twin baby's who are a year old. They just found cancer on Michelle's liver and lungs. Pray for her doctors to find the best treatment for her to live a long and healthy life with her baby's and wonderful husband!! Pray for her strength at this difficult time, also. It is all so new to her, and we need to lift her up in prayer! Of course, you must always keep Jamie on the powerful prayer list because she too is fighting her battle. Pray that her doctors, at this moment, are finding her master plan to make her cancer-free, also. Pray for the doctors to be close to God through all of this, and pray for her healing and strength. This darn disease is so nasty and discouraging! But remember, we ALL need to have our HUGE FAITH in God and give it all to Him so He can work His miracles on these special people just like He did on our little Brycer!!! God listens to every one of our prayers, no matter what! Remember, He can move mountains, and He can heal our loved ones! Don't sell yourself short either,...He wants to bless you and put His favor upon YOU, also! Who else could do all of this but God?! He loves it when we ask Him for His blessings and favor. So, keep asking!

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, January 16, 2006 10:58 PM CST

Day +20

Good Evening~

I just returned from a quick visit to Jamie and Zach. What a team!!! He's helping her with things and holding her hand. She asks him about past medical stuff. They finish each others sentences... Go O'Reilly team go!!! They are just hanging out together, waiting patiently and praying. I have so much respect for them. Wow... Give 'em all the extra prayers you've got, gang!

Bryce had a good day. He only woke up twice during the night but vomited this morning and tonight. He didn't have as much pain or nausea today. He didn't use his Fentynal during the day. We've been trying to get ready to be homebound, you know. He didn't eat a whole lot but I think that will improve when we are home. Before the mouth sores had set in, he told me he wanted his favorite Crescent Roll Hotdish the first day we were home, again--Tammy. I hope he still wants that because, of course, I am ready to get back in the kitchen and cook for my family! The doctors also said that he could be on TPN and lipids pump at home. We would come to the PITC at St. Mary's to change it everyday. His counts are hemoglobin 8.9; white count 2,400; ANC 1,400; and platelets 38,000. His liver enzymes and others are good. He played some Playstation 2 with Joel, Dad, me, and Val from Child Life today. He really mellowed out late this afternoon. Then, around 5pm he wasn't feeling well. At 6pm, he wanted to take a bath. When he got out of the bath, he vomited. And, then in the midst of the struggle, I smashed his big toe with my foot! Terrible timing!!! There was blood and tears. I felt just aweful. We did his bedtime duties and tucked him in with some anti-nausea and pain meds. His temp. had been at 37.7 but when he went to sleep it was 37.5. He's down to 37.2, now. He just got up with tummy pain and diarrhea. The nurse just gave him some Fenergren for nausea. He used his Fentynal, again for pain. I'm sure the night will be fine. I really want to get this tummy thing under control before we go home, though. We'll talk with the doctors tomorrow.

Keep all the prayers coming, LOUD & CLEAR!!! We are so grateful for all the prayers that you send out for Bryce, our family, and so many others! Your support has lifted us up many, many times! If you only knew.... Love to all!

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, January 15, 2006 9:29 PM CST

Day +19

Good Evening~

Today was a good day! Bryce was up three times during the night, twice to get sick. But, he didn't get sick at all during the day! He did say his tummy pain was at an 8 on the pain scale: 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain ever. The doctors are wondering if he is having heartburn because of the acid in his stomach. He started a new antacid today, so we'll see if that does the trick. He is getting less TPN and lipids at night, less pain med, and only two antibiotics (I think) via IV. He takes his anti-rejection drug orally, no problem. It's a liquid that doesn't have much for taste, thank goodness (Nancy)! His counts are hemoglobin 8.9; white count 2,600; ANC 1,800; and platelets 21,000. So, he received a platelet transfusion today. They had to add some IV fluids after it because his blood pressure dropped a bit. After the fluids were added, it was good. They stopped the GCSF today because his counts are so good. For the last five or six nights, he wakes up 1-2 hours after he has fallen asleep and is very sweaty with his pillow very wet. Dr. Boyce from Infectious Disease feels he may be having engraftment fevers for that little time span. After that little night sweat, he is fine. Interesting, isn't it? He ate 2 bites of peaches, 3 oz. of milk (total), and 3 bites of mashed potatoes today. Hey, it's a start. I keep talking about Tuesday to him,...maybe we can go home, then. He wants to go home, and he knows he needs to eat. But, nothing tastes good and he's not hungry. Slowing down the TPN and lipids will help him get a little more hungry and thirsty. Tomorrow will be better.

We went to visit our friends, Ethan on 3 Francis who was discharged today, and Jamie on 9 Mary Brigh around 11:45am. He wasn't so sure about leaving this morning but tonight he was ready to go and see Jamie, again. We got a picture of Ethan & Bryce with their green and blue hair that our cousin, Jody, made. (Yes, I will try to get it on the webpage). They looked pretty darn cute! Ethan watched Bryce drive his remote controlled pickup down the hallway as we left. It was like a Hallmark commercial, it was so sweet. Bryce had to stop and turn to wave goodbye to Ethan one more time.... Bryce was so funny when we went to see Zach & Jamie tonight. He brought another toy for Zach to see, I think he's trying to impress him... I got a great picture of Jamie & Bryce, (yes, I'll try to get that one on the webpage, also). Just don't rush me, you know how I am....not real computer-picture literate. We got to see Jamie's PICC line in her arm, so that was new and different. She looks wonderful!! All we can do now is be patient and PRAY LOTS!!!!! I know God is listening and He understands. We can give him our worries and doubts, and He will give us peace and healing. Please continue to ask your friends, family, and strangers to pray for Jamie. I know we already are, and we need to continue to, flood her and Zach with prayers....Thank you! And always remember to THANK GOD EVERYDAY FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!!!! Life is sooooo good.... And, God is soooooo good....

Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, January 14, 2006 9:26 PM CST

Day +18

Good Evening~

Bryce is doing very well. Lori came to stay with him today and they had a good day! She came at 8:15am and left at 4:15pm. That's a full eight hour day! Each day gets even better for him. He got up at 12:30am and 6 :45am to use the bathroom, otherwise he slept all night. He only vomited once in the morning and felt nauseous a few other times tonight. His counts are hemoglobin 9; white count 1,700; ANC 560; and platelets 25,000. They slowed down his TPN to 14 hours a day, so that is from 6pm-8am. They stopped his IV Tacrolimus (anti-rejection drug) and are giving it to him orally. It was liquid tonight, and it went down fine. Dad and the brothers' came down late this afternoon, so that was good for him. It has been awhile since they have seen each other. They will be back tomorrow. Everyone is healthy, again! I didn't get a chance to visit Jamie today but it sounds like she had a good and restful day. I'm hoping to sneak up and see her for just a few minutes tomorrow. I'm guessing she will have family there and I hate to disturb the family time. So, we'll just see what the day holds... Keep the powerful prayers coming for Jamie & Bryce. God is holding them in His healing hands. They are his Miracles... And always remember to keep the HUGE FAITH!!!

It was a very memorable day at Grandpa's funeral. Grandpa touched so many lives, in so many ways! Grandma was strong and brave. We are so grateful that our boys' had this much time with their Great Grandpa, and I know I am speaking for each of the grandchildren and great grandchildren. His memory lives on, and he will NEVER be forgotten. Each of us can hear what he would be saying to us at every moment. What an impact he had on all of us! And now, we will all remember how important it is for our children to spend special time with their grandparents, always...We love you, Grandpa! We will all miss you so much!!! We will all take such wonderful care of Grandma Marcy for you!

We appreciate all of your cards and well-wishes in the guestbook. We also appreciate the privacy you are giving Bryce. Very soon, he will be done with all of this. Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, January 13, 2006 10:18 PM CST

Day +17

Good Evening~

It is so good to be surrounded by so much love and support!!! I feel it everyday from ALL of YOU, and we felt it so much tonight when we were at Grandpa Buck's visitation. Your prayers, kind words of support, and hugs mean so much to us! Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for Bryce and our family!!! We miss seeing our family and friends but know that it will not be long and we will be back in the swing of things. Watch out world!!! Grandpa's visitation was very nice. I know that Grandpa was there with us, listening to all the memories and stories, hearing all the thoughtful words and compliments about him. He was probably shaking his head, and nudging someone and laughing. His memory will be carried on forever...

On to Bryce, he is doing very well. He was quite ornery and quiet today. More so than usual... We are chalking it up to "one of THOSE days". Maybe he just wasn't "on". Who knows...the day is done. He only vomited maybe once or twice today. Wahoo! His tummy still hurt but not as much. His counts are hemoglobin 9; white count......900!!; ANC.........560!!!; and platelets 13,000. Incredible, isn't it?! For a transplant patient, the GCSF must kick in that quick, I'm guessing. He did receive a platelet transfusion today. My friend, Brenda, sat with him today from 3 until 8:30pm while we went home. Thanks, Brenda! He beat her in the motorcycle Playstation 2 so that was a confidence booster! That was the first time in a while that he went to the Playroom. I'm sure there will be more of that tomorrow when my friend, Lori, comes to stay with him. Be ready for some Playstation 2, Lor. I asked the doctors today what could be the earliest he could be outa here, and she said possibly by Tuesday. He must be eating, taking his oral medications, have good blood counts, no fever, have the tummy pain and nausea under control, and of course, no Graft vs. Host Disease going on. Any time we mentioned food today, we got a big 'ol scowl!! We're working on the eating thing... He took his bath when I got back, we did all of his "stuff", and tucked him in. His nurse tonight stayed for prayers! That was very special... Again, life is good....

Now on to Jamie. I spent an hour with her today. She is just beautiful! She is ready and waiting for her doctor to return from the conference (that he is leaving for tonight) with a very special plan for our very special girl. We talked about how we understand the waiting part with cancer and doctors. How it is out of our control and in God's hands, and we are ok with that. We are trusting in our Good Lord and counting every blessing we have... She is so great! She makes me a better Mom. You just watch Jamie O'Reilly, gang! She is already making a HUGE impact on this world!!! I won't see her until tomorrow night, that's gonna make me crazy...I'll tough it out, I guess.

We appreciate all of your cards and well-wishes in the guestbook. We also appreciate the privacy you are giving Bryce. Very soon, he will be done with all of this. Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for Great Grandma Marcy, and the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, January 12, 2006 11:23 PM CST

Day +16

Good Evening~

We are back with a late update,...(sorry, Ilene). Things are going well with Bryce. I am quite tired from the goofy nights rest last night, though. He fell asleep at 7:40pm, woke at 9:15--alseep at 10, woke at 12:20am to vomit, have diarrhea, get Adivan and get a little loopy, have conversation with Mom--asleep at 3am!!, awake at 6:15 to vomit--asleep at 7am, awake at 8:30 with doctors rounds. Whew! Again, his day was improved. The diarrhea was coming more often but slowed down after this morning. They sent another C. Diff (stool test) today. With his white count being so low, it can increase the bacteria to an infection. He just stopped the Flagyl for the first positive C. Diff yesterday morning. We just found out it's still negative. His mouth is almost completely healed along with his throat. He has no more pain or mucousitis in either. His tummy still hurts probably from the mucousitis and sores there. The mucousitis starts at the top and works its way down. A lot of the time a transplant patient will have sores at the "exit", as Tim calls it. But, it's not a guarentee. We'll all cross our fingers for Bryce... Dr. Kahn said he will have nausea and vomiting for quite a while, yet. His counts are hemoglobin 9.3; white count 400; and platelets 28,000. Dr. Rodriguez is starting him on GCSF, the medication that increases his white count. He was bucking the system on this because he didn't want the shot and his "white count will be 500 tomorrow anyway!" Well, it turns out that they ordered it IV. He told Dad, "I don't know why I need that." I think he is planning on doing more on his own like producing white cells, less nausea and vomiting without medication, etc. What a little grown up. It sounds like with a transplant, it takes longer for the white cells to reproduce. So, that is why they want him getting the GCSF. Makes sense. He drank a sip of milk, ate one cheeto, and one bite of a pear. This is progress. He still gets into the bath every morning when he wakes up. He says that he just doesn't feel good, like his whole body. He always feels much better and is ready to go after a nice warm bath. He got back up to three nasal irrigations today which is what he is suppose to be at, we just slowed them down when he had the sores in his nose. He's still on his Vancomycin and Gentmycin for antibiotics along with the Ambisone M, W, & F. He is still on his TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) and Lipids for calories. And, he is getting Tacrolimus for his anti-rejection drug. This one will be until Day 100. All of these meds are IV. I'm so glad I'm not the nurses taking care of him and his mounds of meds.

I went back to see Grandma Buck and the family today. Grandma is doing well. It was good to hug her and see everyone again. But, so sad not to hear Grandpa's voice and laughter. His brother Cal was sitting at the table and I almost turned around to tease Grandpa back but it was Cal. Grandpa was one of a kind, as someone explained. He is missed by so many. We are so grateful to have our new Angel Grandpa. While Bryce and I were having our midnight "party" last night, he asked me why Grandpa died since he was younger than Grandma (1 yr.) and he hadn't been in the hospital but she was twice. After explaining to him that death is not always expected, he got quiet and said, "They should paint the roof black." I asked who? He looked up at the ceiling said, "Here. They should paint it black instead of white so you can see the Angels better." I asked, "Can you see the Angels?" He said, "Yes". I asked, "Are the Angels white?" He said, "Yes". I asked, "Can you see their faces?" He said, "No". I asked, "Do they talk to you?" He said, "Yes." I asked him, "What do they say?" He said, "They say 'Bryce'." Wow.....Puts a tickle in my chest.

Now on to our next Angel,...our Angel on Earth, Jamie. She is absolutely incredible, you guys!!! Many of you already know her. She was put on this earth to live life to its fullest with her husband, Zach, and their five adorable little boys. She is a wonderful Mother of five boys, and has incredible strength. Right now, she is recovering from a major surgery on Tuesday and is staying on 9 Mary Brigh. We are so glad to be together here at St. Mary's, supporting each other. She is so much about everyone else, and not herself. She always asks about Bryce and now, Grandma. She misses her baby's but is getting excellent care. Her and Zach are so happy about the attention she is receiving from so many of the medical staff. She's a VIP to us and to Mayo, and we are all going to get her better! God placed her in our presence for a very important task. She is inspiring so many people to be better. She's teaching others to fight and love life. So many people are so much more grateful for their lives because of the impact that Jamie O'Reilly has left on them. Tim & I, and our boys',are just a few of the many. THANK YOU FOR TOUCHING OUR LIVES IN SUCH AN INCREDIBLE, INSPIRATIONAL, AND MOTIVATIONAL WAY, JAMIE!!! YOU TOO, ZACH! Please stop by and say HI to Zach and Jamie on her webpage: www.caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. We must keep giving it to God and letting Him hold her and Bryce. When we've had to much, we must ask Him to take the sadness and stress from us and strengthen our soul. With God we have EVERYTHING, without Him we have nothing...Thank you, God for all of the many, many blessings you have given us in our lives..... Again, Life is sooooooo good. God is sooooooooo good.

We appreciate all of your cards and well-wishes in the guestbook. We also appreciate the privacy you are giving Bryce. Very soon, he will be done with all of this. Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:04 PM CST

Day 15

Good Evening~

Bryce is doing great! His mouth looks so much better! He is using less pain and anti-nausea meds. He's vomiting less and is a bit ornery today. So, that spunk is coming back into him. That is a good sign. He only woke up once last night to use the bathroom and then vomited. He vomited a couple of times today. His white count is 300 today and his hemoglobin is 10.1 and platelets are 38,000. That's wonderful!!! Dr. Kahn stopped by today and said he looks great. We will start watching for signs of GVHD (Graft Vs. Host Disease). The signs we are watching for are fever, rash, jaundice, and increased diarrhea. So far, all is good. He's had more diarrhea today and it is watery. I asked what the circumstances must be for him to be discharged and she said, he must be eating, taking his medications orally, and have an ANC of 500 or more for three days in a row. I told him this tonight and you could just see the wheels turning. It won't be long now...

On a very sad note, we received news that Grandpa Murland Buck, Bryce's great grandpa, died today at his home around 3:30pm. None of us were expecting this, so it came as a bit of a blow. He is one of God's Special Angels, now. Bryce has another very, very special Angel watching over him...We will all miss Grandpa so much!!!! He was a hero to all of us, in so many ways. His love for life, teasing and laughter, and twinkling eyes will always remain in our hearts and minds. If anyone left their mark on this world, it was Grandpa Murph. Grandpa knew almost everyone....but I wish EVERYONE could have known Grandpa. Please say many prayers for Grandma Marcy's strength. They were quite the team... Please also pray for their children; Linda (Tim's Mom--my Mom #2), Carol, Nilan, Rick, and Cindy and their family's. They are a very close family and will deeply miss their father and grandfather. Grandpa will be missed by many...

Now, for our continuous prayers for Jamie, Zach, and the boys....Again, I am asking all of you, EVERYONE!, to please send out super strong and powerful prayers!!!!! If there is anyone out there with any doubt in our good Lord, please set it aside, and give Jamie ALL of YOUR ENERGY in PRAYER!!!! She needs our power of prayer so much, right now. Please ask your family, friends, and strangers to pray for her. Her webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. As I always say, OUR INCREDIBLE GOD CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS, AND HE CAN HEAL JAMIE!! HE HAS WORKED HIS MIRACLES THROUGH BRYCE, AND HE WILL WORK HIS MIRACLES THROUGH JAMIE!!! I have spent time with her today. I will go back again while Bryce is sleeping for a bit. We are so grateful to be only four floors apart, right now. We are asking Jamie to focus on the healing from this surgery. Please pray for her doctors to find the answers to her healing, hopefully at the conference he is attending this weekend. God is all over her life situation, we need to trust in Him. And, KEEP THE HUGE FAITH!!!!

We appreciate all of your cards and well-wishes in the guestbook. We also appreciate the privacy you are giving Bryce. Very soon, he will be done with all of this. Please pray for Bryce's continued strength, and quick healing. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out for Jamie throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our HUGE FAITH and BELIEVE that God will take her and HEAL her. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT. I know she and Zach appreciate every single prayer that is said for her and for them!!! She is such a strong woman! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for her medical team of doctors and nurses. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:44 PM CST

Wednesday 12noon Update:

No worries for Bryce. He is doing great! His mouth looks better, he is using less pain and anti-nausea meds. He's vomiting less and is still a bit ornery, at times. He only woke up once last night to use the bathroom and then vomited. So, all is good. His white count is 300 today and his hemoglobin is 10.1 and platelets are 38,000. Wonderful!!!

My main concern and focus at this moment is Jamie, Zach, and the boys....I am asking all of you, EVERYONE!, to please send out super strong and powerful prayers!!!!! If there is anyone out there with any doubt in our good Lord, please set it aside, and give Jamie ALL of YOUR ENERGY in PRAYER!!!! She needs our power of prayer so much, right now. Please ask your family, friends, and strangers to pray for her. Her webpage is caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly. As I always say, OUR INCREDIBLE GOD CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS, AND HE CAN HEAL JAMIE!! HE HAS WORKED HIS MIRACLES THROUGH BRYCE, AND HE WILL WORK HIS MIRACLES THROUGH JAMIE!!! I spent about an hour with her this morning while Tim was with Bryce. I will go back again while Bryce naps and Tim is still here. Tim is going to see if Zach can catch some lunch with him soon. It is so great to be only four floors apart, right now. We are asking Jamie to focus on the healing from this surgery. She is awake and talking, asking questions. Please pray for her doctors to find the answers to her healing, hopefully at the conference he is attending this weekend. God is all over her life situation, we need to trust in Him. And, KEEP THE FAITH!!! Love to all.....

Day 14

Good Evening~


Bryce is softly snoring as I type. He was out at 7:15 tonight because he didn't nap today. He was upset with me for turning out the lights so early because as he said, "You wouldn't let me take a nap!" He woke up at 10am again, and was ready for a nap around 2 or so. I'm just trying to get him back on schedule. We'll see what he does tomorrow...He was up only three times during the night, he vomited only at 5:15am! Wahoo! But, after he woke this morning until around 2pm, he vomited I think three times. But, I think today was an even better day than the last! He is vomiting less, hurting less in his tummy, throat, and mouth, and Dr. Rodriguez said his mouth looked better this afternoon. This morning it looked terrible!!! It was full of dried blood from sleeping, and then, he had a chunk of skin that was just hanging from inside his bottom lip (until he pulled it off around 2pm). He said, "Get me a mirror, Dad." And then, he yanked it off. At least he waited until the platelets were in, like the nurse told him to... His counts were hemoglobin 9; white count 200; ANC zero; and platelets 23,000. We are all hoping that tomorrow his white count will jump a bit. I can't wait to find out. Dr. Rodriguez said that once the mouth starts looking better, the counts go up. He is still having a lot of diarrhea, which is not very pleasant for him. But, he did take a sip of water, milk, and apple juice this afternoon. Celebrate!!! Plus, we did his nasal irrigations twice today. I think I may be boring you.... OK, so say many prayers for Jamie to have great results from surgery and say many prayers for
Bryce's counts to rise. THEY ARE THE TWO STRONGEST PEOPLE I KNOW!!!!!! BLESS THEIR HEARTS............I am going to try to sneak over and see Zach quick,...gotta go!

We appreciate all of your cards and well-wishes in the guestbook. We also appreciate the privacy you are giving Bryce. We keep telling him, and ourselves, that tomorrow will be a better day...today, we were right. We keep telling him that soon he will be done with all of this. Please pray for Bryce's strength, and quick healing, and for his counts to rise very soon. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

UPDATE: Jamie is still in surgery tonight. I know we have ALL been checking her webpage for the latest updates from Tammy. Please, please, please continue to send the prayers out to her throughout the night as you wake and think of her!!! We all have to keep our faith and believe that God will take her and guide her to good health this year. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team tonight. I know she appreciates every single prayer that is said for her!!! She has the strength of an Iron Woman, and she just doesn't know it, yet! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Please continue to say an extra prayer for her and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for the medical team with her next surgery. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, January 9, 2006 11:23 PM CST

Day 13

Good Evening~

Just a late, quick update tonight! I just talked with Tim and he told me Jamie goes in for surgery tomorrow! So, I need to go to bed and pray, pray, pray. EVERYBODY PRAY FOR JAMIE ALL NIGHT AND ALL DAY, AND THEN AGAIN THE NEXT DAY AND THE NEXT, etc!!! Bryce's day was better. He woke up four times last night. We changed the bed once at 3:30am after he vomited without knowing it was coming. This morning he slept through the doctors exams and woke up at 10am. He napped from 4:20-7pm and then went to sleep at 10:15 tonight. Goofy, huh? He has a little less pain, nausea, and mucous (we call it slime sometimes,...don't worry, Bryce does too). He's still spitting out a lot of bloody mucous. When you look in his mouth it literally looks like the skin was cut out, so that are is bleeding. He looked at the huge sore under his tongue tonight and asked if it would ever be normal again. But, one good thing is that when he vomits now, it is a little less bloody. We are hoping that he is making a turn for the better. His counts are hemoglobin 9.2; white count 100; ANC zero; and platelets 35,000. The transfusions helped yesterday. His CT Scan was ok. They think it is probably not Neutropenia Colitis. And, if it was that or Pneumatosis, he is covered by all of the MANY antibiotics he receives all day long. Tonight he took a bath, and then drove "the thing"--remote controlled car, in the bath tub while squirting it with the water pik for his mouth. He enjoyed this VERY MUCH! He had me get the nurse in there to see it herself. I'm sooooo glad the brothers weren't here for that!!! P.S. Sarah--it floats!

We appreciate all of your cards and well-wishes in the guestbook. We also appreciate the privacy you are giving Bryce. We keep telling him, and ourselves, that tomorrow will be a better day...today, we were right. We keep telling him that soon he will be done with all of this. Please pray for Bryce's strength, and quick healing, and for his counts to rise very soon. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

UPDATE: Jamie is going in for surgery TOMORROW!!! Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team tonight. She has quite a few big things coming her way and I know she appreciates every single prayer that is said for her!!! She has the strength of an Iron Woman, and she just doesn't know it, yet! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Please continue to say an extra prayer for her and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for the medical team with her next surgery. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, January 8, 2006 10:58 PM CST

Day +12

Good Evening~

I'm back on the clock...Big thanks to my honey at home for updating last night. I was afraid I would be a blubbering fool if I had updated. I was tired and felt absolutely terrible for my baby...But, today was a better day. We were up 5 times during the night but I felt like a new woman after 2 straight hours of sleep! Whew! Bryce did vomit but not as much and with less blood. He is still spitting/blowing out a bunch of mucous with blood all day long. The doctors said that this mucousitis can go all the way through the GI tract causing many sores. The blood cultures from last night are still negative. The doctor ordered an abdominal CT Scan today to check his belly for pneumatosis. No pneumatosis but Dr. Boyce from Infectious Disease thinks there is some Neutropenia Colitis going on. That is thickening of the intestinal wall or possibly infection. He will talk to the radiologist tomorrow to find out the definite results. He also commented that he is thinking Bryce's counts will start to come up by the end of this week. So, the good news is that Bryce is getting his Flagyl (antibiotic for positive C. Diff) IV now instead of orally. He is sooooo nauseated all the time and with the pain in his mouth and throat, he HATED taking the Flagyl. But, at that time, it needed to be oral. So, three cheers for Flagyl IV!!! His tummy hurts him ALOT. And, today he received platelets and red cells so that means you have to shut off the pain med because they are not compatable with anything. He couldn't get his pain med or anti-nausea from 7 until 10pm tonight because of the blood transfusion! He has been using three different anti-nausea meds to help him out. Each of them are 6 hours apart but can be taken within 2 hours of the other, if you understand that. So he is getting anti-nausea meds every 2 hours basically. He can push his pain med button every 10 minutes but he usually does it a couple times an hour. I'm rambling again, I was going to make this short...."Hi Honey"--he's shaking his head right now....OK, labs are Hemoglobin 8.1; white count 100, ANC zero; and platelets 30,000. Dr. Rodriguez wanted him to have platelets today because of all the blood he was spitting and vomiting up. We only got one nasal irrigation in today because we are trying to take it easy on the sores in his nose. Overall, Bryce seemed in a pretty good mood today. I think he even talked a little more. His mouth is so full of sores and dead tissue that it is just easier to communicate by motioning to us. He did play on the computer and play some Sega today, too.

We are so grateful to our awesome and incredible God for getting us to this point with Bryce!!! We hate to have to see Bryce go through all of this because it is just terrible and yucky!!! We hate the thought of any one else having to go through this. At this point, I have to say HE IS SUCH A TROOPER!!! It's hard to believe that people actually have to go through what he is going through to stay alive. On the flipside, we are sooooooooo grateful that we have this awesome medical facility with these incredible doctors and nurses, and medicine!!! "It's almost done"..."We're almost home"...I am sooooooo anxious to get all seven of us under one chaotic roof, again, very soon...

We appreciate all of your cards and well-wishes in the guestbook. We also appreciate the privacy you are giving him. His favorite Child Life person, JoHanna, stopped by today. She noticed that he didn't really even look at her. She feels that maybe he just doesn't want her to see him this way, and I wonder if she is right. We keep telling him, and ourselves, that tomorrow will be a better day...today, we were right. We keep telling him that soon he will be done with all of this. Please pray for Bryce's strength, and quick healing, and for his counts to rise very soon. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

UPDATE: Jamie is home and waiting for a surgery date. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team tonight. She has quite a few big things coming her way and I know she appreciates every single prayer that is said for her!!! She has the strength of an Iron Woman, and she just doesn't know it, yet! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Please continue to say an extra prayer for her and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for the medical team with her next surgery. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Saturday, January 7, 2006 10:14 PM CST

Day 11

Good Evening. Dads at home now, we switched later this afternoon. Last night went ok for Bryce, sleep 2-3 hours and wake-up for one thing or the other nauses, bath room, nurse, or blood draw. This morning he had alot of mucus he was spitting out and felt very nauses. This afternoon he seemed to feel a little better. He spends the day in bed pretty much, bathroom breaks and a bath or shower are about the only reason to get out, the energy level is pretty low. I talked to Susie tonight Bryce had a little fever so they are running blood cultures. His counts were good enough today so he didn't need any transfusions, platelets 45,000, 8.7 hemoglobin, 100 WBC, ANC 0. The doctors say he is doing good, just have to hang in there until the counts come up, hopefully that will start this week. He doesn't like to talk, it must hurt the sores in his throat and mouth, so you have to learn Bryces sign language. He said the sores feel a little better today. He showed me the inside of his front lower lip today, lets just say ouch!!

Thanks to everyone for all you do.

Friday, January 6, 2006 9:30 PM CST

DAY +10

Good Evening. Bryces day was about the same as the last few, he did sleep pretty good last night. Hung out in bed most of the day, not alot of energy. His hemoglobin was 7.6, had a transfusion for that today, along with a platlet transfusion, his platlets were 12,000, ANC 0 and WBC 100. The doctors say he is doing good, if he can maintain (just nauses, throat and mouth sores and no temp) this until the new cells engraft. On the home front Mithell and Logan have colds so they won't be able to come and visit for a while. Susie stayed at home Thursday night and tonight, for a little bonding time with the rest of the crew.

Take care

Wednesday, January 4, 2006 9:49 PM CST

Day 8

Good Evening~

Today Bryce'day started out pretty yucky. But, it has ended fairly well! He was up many times last night getting sick or whimpering in pain. His mouth is very sore along with his throat. I did notice that he was not spitting or suctioning out as much mucous later today and tonight as he usually does. So, that was good to see! We're hoping that the mucous is slowing down! There has been soooooo much mucous!!! His counts are hemoglobin 8.2; WBC 100; ANC zero; and platelets 13,000. He received a platelet transfusion early this morning. His blood cultures from last night tested positive for Streptococcus (not a specific type, yet). It is very common for a transplant patient to get this infection in their blood. The two antibiotics, Cephipime and Vancomycin, that they started him on last night will work for Streptococcus. So, he should be covered. The doctors ordered an abdominal x-ray this morning to rule-out pneumatosis (air in the abdomen) again and the x-ray looked good. The pneumatosis from the last hospital stay is completely healed! His tummy pain is from being nauseated and vomiting so much. He vomited at least three times this morning, again, but only once this afternoon. His nurse, Donna, kept his pain under control today, that was wonderful!!! We will have her the next two days. He woke up from his nap crying because his right ear hurt. The resident looked at it and said the canal is red and irritated. So, we will do his ear drops twice a day for two days. The doctors told us that if he scratches too hard it could irritate his skin enough or cause a wound that could cause an infection. There is a lot to think about!!! We're not stressin' though, life is still very, very good. Nancy Hinrichs stopped by today while she was visiting her Dad here. It was a very quick and nice visit! If anyone understands how Bryce feels right now it is Nancy. She had a bone marrow transplant 6 years ago. Bryce didn't talk but he knew it was ok. I, as his Mom, love to see that connection... It was great to have Dad here with us last night and this morning. He will stay here tomorrow night, and I will stay at home with my other boys! We are feeling like these few days will be the hardest days for Bryce. Our trust in God is so strong. We feel very good about how Bryce will do these next few weeks. God is aaaallllll over it.....He's in the driver's seat.....Our Brycer is in His hands.

Please pray for Bryce's quick healing and for his counts to rise. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

UPDATE: Jamie is home from the hospital tonight. She called earlier and was going to visit and play with her boys for a bit tonight! They put a PICC line in her arm today for future use. She has a recheck appt. tomorrow but no date for surgery, yet. I'm sure that will come very soon. Please say a tremendous prayer for her, her family, and her medical team tonight. She has quite a few big things coming her way and I know she appreciates every single prayer that is said for her!!! She has the strength of an Iron Woman, and she just doesn't know it, yet! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Please continue to say an extra prayer for her and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for the medical team with her next surgery. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, January 3, 2006 8:02 PM CST

Day +7


Good Evening~

We are doing ok. This has definitely been the yuckiest day for Bryce. He now has a sore under his tongue and redness on the inside of his cheeks, so possibly sores starting there also. His throat still hurts a lot. He is still very nauseated and vomiting up bile and blood. His temperature got up to 37.9 today, then it went back down, again. He has been in bed all day except for using the bathroom. He just feels crummy. He slept for 3 hours this afternoon. He was up a few times last night to use the bathroom and vomit. He also had some right ear pain so the resident on-call came in and looked at it. He had a blood clot on the tube that was probably causing the pain. The tube and the ear looked fine, it was just the clot. The clot was probably from his nasal irrigations. When we flush his nose, sometimes the water comes out of his ears. Who'd ever thought that would happen?! His ear seemed to be ok today. We put drops in it last night. The good thing is that he did sleep until 8am. His counts are hemoglobin 8.6; WBC 100; ANC zero; and platelets 21,000. He could have used some more platelets today but they decided to give his body a day of rest. He will get platelets tomorrow and probably red cells, too. They are increasing his TPN tonight to give him more calories. Dad is coming down to stay with us tonight. We just took his temp. at 6:45 and it was 38.2C (100.7F) so they drew blood cultures and the resident on-call came in to do a quick exam. He took his shower, we did his site care on his central line, nasal irrigation, and changed his bedding. He is ready for bed. He's looking a little rough but toughing it out and doing well. Love to all! And, God Bless.....

Please pray for Bryce's quick healing and for his counts to rise. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

WE HAVE TO STEP IT UP A NOTCH FOR JAMIE, GANG!!! SHE NEEDS OUR POWERFUL PRAYERS!!! She is at Methodist Hospital in Rochester for free air in her abdomin. I spoke with her last night, let me tell you,...she is just a gem! She is waiting patiently for her abdomin to heal from the free air--her pain is much better than it was. She will be hearing more from the doctors this week about her upcoming surgery to look for any more cancer cells. She misses her boys x5 soooo much and they miss their Mommy! Their family has had a few "bugs" in the house over the past few weeks ,and it is just getting to be enough! She already has so much on her plate! That girl has the strength of an Iron Woman, and she just doesn't know it, yet! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Please continue to say an extra prayer for her and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for the medical team with her next surgery. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Monday, January 2, 2006 6:20 PM CST

Day 6, Post Transplant

Good Evening~

The day has gone by very fast. Bryce & I were up four times during the night with bathroom duties, nausea, and lab x2. We are trying to keep his throat pain under control but it was not so easy today. I do believe that today is the worst pain that he has had in his throat. That is a major struggle. You don't want your child to be in pain but you hate seeing him "loopy" from the pain medicine. Dr. Kahn said his throat will be getting better by the end of the week. We also had to disconnect him from the Fentinol PCA pump for quite a bit of the day because it would interfere with the platelets, packed red cells, and antibiotic he received. Today is the lowest his counts have been, probably hitting the bottom. His counts are hemoglobin 7.6; WBC 100; ANC zero; and platelets 21,000. I'm guessing he'll need both platelets and red cells tomorrow, again. He is probably feeling his worst, right now. He only got out of bed to use the bathroom today and to watch the computer games for a bit. Dad, Mitch, Logan, & Joel came to visit today. The nurse told me that Joel was looking for Dad & I at one time, and he said to her, "Have you seen my Mom & Dad? They are called 'Mom & Dad' ." Aren't they just so funny at times?! He can really come up with some good ones... So, we are doing ok. I can tell I'm getting a little caught up in the rollercoaster ride of cancer again with Bryce's 24/7 ups and downs. Plus, seeing my boys and saying goodbye to my boys. And, I miss my husband. But,...as I keep telling myself, we will be done with all of this soon.... I asked Dr. Kahn when Bryce will have a bone marrow biopsy next and she said on Day 28. That would make it January 24th. We will continue to pray for 100% "Mitchell cells" in Bryce's bone marrow!!! We are so grateful that God has brought us this far! Remember, it's a bunch of steps that we take day by day..... I'm gonna run and get Bryce in the shower. He will probably be asleep by 7:30 tonight...I hope. He needs it, even though he did have a good nap.

Please pray for Bryce's quick healing and for his counts to rise. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

WE HAVE TO STEP IT UP A NOTCH FOR JAMIE, GANG!!! SHE NEEDS OUR POWERFUL PRAYERS!!! She is at Methodist Hospital in Rochester for free air in her abdomin. I spoke with her last night, let me tell you,...she is just a gem! She is waiting patiently for her abdomin to heal from the free air--her pain is much better than it was. She will be hearing more from the doctors this week about her upcoming surgery to look for any more cancer cells. She misses her boys x5 soooo much and they miss their Mommy! Their family has had a few "bugs" in the house over the past few weeks ,and it is just getting to be enough! She already has so much on her plate! That girl has the strength of an Iron Woman, and she just doesn't know it, yet! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Please continue to say an extra prayer for her and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for the medical team with her next surgery. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, January 1, 2006 10:17 PM CST

Day 5, Post Transplant


Good Evening~

Sorry it is so late! We are doing well. Bryce received some platelets today and he will receive red cells tomorrow. His counts are hemoglobin 8.2; WBC 200; ANC zero; and platelets 15,000. His potassium and magnesium are good. I believe his liver enzymes are all still normal. Yeah for that! His throat sores are terrible!!! We feel so bad for him! He will not eat or drink anything by mouth because the pain is so bad. He will only take his oral meds by mouth because he HAS to. He is spitting out mucous from his mouth and gets some up from his throat too. You could almost cut the mucous, it is so thick and continuous. His throat is bleeding from the sores, this is what happens with a transplant. He is using his Fentinol PCA pump during the day, and at night, they have him on a continuous drip with the PCA pump. He is still in a lot of pain, though. He wants to know when the sores will get better. I'm not sure... The Fentinol makes him pretty glazed over and tired which is sad to see your child this way. I don't know if he will remember a lot of the days with the Fentinol or not. Jamie said that it helped her pain when she used it but didn't remember a lot of the day. It will be nice when he doesn't need it anymore! Other than that, he really is not complaining. He didn't vomit at all today, so that was great! He still gets out of bed a couple of times a day to go to the bathroom and drive his "remote's". That is a good sign. Dr. Kahn said, "If he stays like this, it is good. We like to see him this way", meaning no worse. He now has 4 pumps on his 1 IV pole and 6 different tubings going into his double lumens into his central line. Today he had visits from two more of his favorite nurses from 3-Francis, Angie & Kim. He says he DID notice they were here but...he was on Fentinol and Sega (hand held TV game!!!) so you just never know.... We sure do appreciate the quick visits from his past nurses, though!

We had a good night for New Year's Eve! I think I ate MOST of the junk food, though. We watched a movie, got in a nap for Ethan & Bryce during the day, ran the "remotes", and snuggled each other. Tim & I were up until 10:30. Not bad. I slept in the sleep room, and he and Logan stayed with Bryce. We had a very special visitor, my nephew Tony. He is home for the holidays from the Air Force Base in San Antonio. He and Bryce share birthdays and have always had a soft spot for each other. He spent most of the day with us--playing games, watching a movie, and entertaining Ethan while we tended to Bryce when he was sick. We enjoyed our time with him so much!! THANKS, TONY FOR COMING BY!! We love you!

Again, I want to thank all of you who are praying for Bryce & our family...Your prayers are getting us through this, and we are almost over one of the hardest parts. Mitchell's cells should start engrafting within 2 weeks. Once Bryce's counts come up, and he is eating, we will probably be able to go home. We will still need to come back twice a week for appointments, and he will not be back in school until April, possibly. But, the overall outcome is to heal Bryce. Long term gain for short term pain... We are doing this!! Thank you to our parents, again, for everything you do for our boys and Tim & I! Thank you for the food you are all bringing to the house! Thank you for the cards, gifts, and guestbook entries! It was so fun to read what others were doing on New Year's Eve. But, most of all, THANK YOU TO OUR AWESOME, INCREDIBLE GOD WHO WORKS MIRACLES,...ESPECIALLY IN OUR LITTLE BRYCER.......Thank God EVERDAY for EVERYTHING you have...........

Please pray for Bryce's quick healing and for his counts to rise. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for Mitchell's marrow to be the ONLY marrow in Bryce's bone marrow. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

WE HAVE TO STEP IT UP A NOTCH FOR JAMIE, GANG!!! SHE NEEDS OUR POWERFUL PRAYERS!!! She is at Methodist Hospital in Rochester for free air in her abdomin. I spoke with her tonight, let me tell you,...she is just a gem! She is waiting patiently for her abdomin to heal from the free air--her pain is much better than it was. She will be hearing more from the doctors this week about her upcoming surgery to look for any more cancer cells. She misses her boys x5 soooo much and they miss their Mommy! Their family has had a few "bugs" in the house over the past few weeks ,and it is just getting to be enough! She already has so much on her plate! That girl has the strength of an Iron Woman, and she just doesn't know it, yet! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Please continue to say an extra prayer for her and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for the medical team with her next surgery. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Schumacher & Diercks family's today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Friday, December 30, 2005 9:41 PM CST

Day 3, Post Transplant

Good Evening~
*Please read Jamie's update below...

Bryce has had another good day! He continues to be in great spirits and keeping a positive attitude! What a trooper! He has sores in his throat from the chemo and radiation so they started him on a Fentinol PCA pump. He can push the button and get a small dose to help with the pain in his throat. Tonight they started it as a continuous drip, also, because he was still having so much pain. It's hard to eat with those sores. He did eat most of a 1/2 of a popsicle tonight. We are still trying to get some calories in him other than the applesauce he uses with his oral pill meds. They started him on TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) this afternoon. That is IV food, we call it that anyway. He had it during his last hospital stay. That will help him get some more calories in. He has been losing a little weight. He continues to be nauseated. He was sick this morning, noon, afternoon, and night. He vomited twice today, it always seems to be morning and night. He gets Zofran for nausea. I can tell Bryce is not as comfortable as he usually is. Meaning, he's not feeling as well and has less energy. It's to be expected at this time. His counts are hemoglobin 9.8; white count 200; ANC zero; and platelets 56,000. His stool came back positive so they started him on a new oral antibiotic three times a day. He vomited it up tonight so we had to wait for pharmacy to get it here, it went somewhere else....So, needless to say, he was woke up a few times. Once was for one of his favorite nurses to stop by. I know he didn't mind being woken up for Jill! He also got to see Dena earlier, and Sarah for a minute tonight! Whew! What a day! Plus, his nurse, Gina, set up a driving course in the main area of the Unit while he was napping today so he could drive his remote control vehicles! She was sooooo creative! She must have some Child Life skills in her! Dr. Kahn set up a play date with Bryce's friend, Ethan, and his family to "cruise" around with the cars up here! She even stopped by for the event! And then, Wes and his Mom stopped by for a visit before he left the hospital. I apologize, Wes, for Bryce zoning in to the TV while you were here. That's pretty typical. He did notice you, but he was also trying to NOT think about throwing up! Nothing to do with you, of course! haha. Ethan and Wes look great! They are both here for chemo. Wes left tonight and Ethan leaves tomorrow. Bryce doesn't understand why they get to leave already and he doesn't! I tried explaining it to him...

For New Year's Eve, we are having a family party in Bryce's room. Dad and the brothers will be here after Ethan's nap. We are going to do what we love doing on special occasions,...eat junk food and drink pop, play games, watch a movie, and eat more junk food. We won't be staying up until midnight though. At least, I don't think we will be. Please let us know via the guestbook what you are doing for New Year's Eve. I know the boys would love to hear about it and picture you at your event, where ever it may be....We are ready to ring in the New Year with lots of wonderful blessings in our life!!! God's blessings to you on the last day of the year!!!

Update: Thank you for your continued prayers Mitchell's healing and kind words for his gift to Bryce. He was running through the hospital hallways yesterday, jumping to touch all of the clocks on the ceiling!!! Yep, he's feeling much better!!! He is such a hero to all of us!!! Please pray for Bryce's quick healing as we know his counts will be dropping soon. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Heads up: No chicken pox in the O'Reilly house!! That's good news! But, Jamie is back in the hospital for abdominal pain and cramping. Please send out HUGE, EXTRA, ENORMOUS, POWERFUL, WONDERFUL PRAYERS FOR HER!!! WE HAVE TO STEP IT UP A NOTCH FOR JAMIE, GANG!!! She already has so much on her plate and so little time at home before her next surgery in January. That girl has the strength of an Iron Woman and she just doesn't know it, yet! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Please continue to say an extra prayer for her and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for the medical team with her next surgery. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE MUST FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST FIND HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Thursday, December 29, 2005 10:23 PM CST

Day 2 Post Transplant

Good Evening~

It has been another good day for Bryce. He's in a great mood almost the entire day! Dr. Kahn told him "boring is good and that she likes to hear that he is bored". He has not said this, yet. But, I'm sure we'll hear it at some point! He has been a little nauseated morning and night, so we've started the Zofran, again. He is also complaining of his throat hurting so that means he probably has sores in his throat, like mouth sores from the chemo. He has had a lot of diarrhea, too. This is probably from the chemo, also. We have to measure ALL of his intake and output because he is a transplant patient. We measure what he eats and drinks, and how much urine, bm's, and vomit output he has. It makes life interesting, let me tell you... They sent a sample of his diarrhea to the lab because when your Neutrophils are low, the normal bacteria in the intestine can grow out of control and cause an infection. He's had this same test during his last hospital stay. His counts are hemoglobin 9.6; white count 300; ANC zero; and platelets 82,000. So, we are washing all the time and watching all the time. His temp. is good, I think his energy level is decreasing. He wants to play Playstation 2 Lego Star Wars, a lot but it's in the playroom. We are getting pretty good at it. He is especially!

Grandma & Grandpa came to stay with him while I went back to Jim Schumacher's visitation. It was really good to see his family! They all look great and strong. I know they miss him so much already. Marie, it was great to see you and hug you! Bryce would love to see you in the future! I told the family how Bryce and I, both, had a very strong feeling of Jim's presence on Tuesday afternoon while we were resting. I looked at the clock to "document" it at 3:21 and Bryce asked me on Wednesday what time Jim died. It turns out that both of us did feel him near within 50 minutes of his last breath. I truly believe that God sends us our Angels to watch over us... Grandma Ann is staying at the house again tonight so Dad can stay at the hospital. Carol & Jer tooks the big boys to a movie tonight. And, Ethan was with Amanda A. again until Grandma got there. Boy, when we decided to have 5 children, we didn't think about "covering all of our many, wonderful, blessed bases"! It's a big job! But, we LOVE our "job"!!!! And, we are soooooo grateful for our "job"! God has blessed us beyond measure............

Update: Thank you for your continued prayers Mitchell's healing and kind words for his gift to Bryce. He was running through the hospital hallways yesterday, jumping to touch all of the clocks on the ceiling!!! Yep, he's feeling much better!!! He is such a hero to all of us!!! Please pray for Bryce's quick healing as we know his counts will be dropping soon. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

WE HAVE TO STEP IT UP A NOTCH FOR JAMIE, GANG!!! She and her family have had the flu at their house over Christmas, now Jamie isn't feeling so hot again, and one of the boys has the chicken pox!!! She already has so much on her plate and so little time at home before her next surgery in January. That girl has the strength of an Iron Woman and she just doesn't know it, yet! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Please continue to say an extra prayer for her and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for the medical team with her next surgery. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

WE GOTTA FIND PAUL A DONOR!!! So, please continue to pray your powerful prayers for Paul. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

WE MUST GET HEIDI A DONOR!!!! Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:41 PM CST

Day 1

Good Evening~

Today was a GOOD DAY!!! Bryce is still feeling very well! AND, he was in a great mood! He has yet another favorite nurse, this time she is a Transplant Unit Nurse and her name is Tina. You just couldn't even imagine how good it is to see your child bond with, and trust, his nurses. It does not happen real often. He still has his favorite 6-8 nurses from the 3-Francis peds floor that he talks about and misses a lot! It gives us so much comfort to know he trusts them, and he knows that they really care for him!!! It's a good thing, as Martha would say. His counts are hemoglobin 9.9; white count 700; ANC 580; and platelets 95,000. The white count and ANC are dropping fairly quickly. I'm not sure where the potassium and magnesium are at. He is still doing the daily supplements for them. He did not eat much, though. Then, tonight at bedtime, his tummy and hurt and he vomited. So, we got some Zofran on board and he was feeling better. But, after that he said his head hurt. By then, it was time to go to sleep after all of his patient duties like nasal irrigations, mouth care, medications, potty, etc.

Grandma & Grandpa actually got a break (they don't think of it that way) from some of our boys and came down to visit while Grandma Ann stayed with three of the boys. But then, when they got here, they got to stay with two of our boys so Tim & I could go out to eat with some special friends!! It was wonderful! Thanks to our parents!!! You are all soooooo helpful, loving, caring, considerate, patient, kind, helpful--did I say that already? They are the BEST!!!! They should win an award or something!

Thank you for your continued prayers Mitchell's healing and kind words for his gift to Bryce. He is such a hero to all of us!!! Please pray for Bryce's quick healing as we know his counts will be dropping soon. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to keep his positive attitude, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good. You will be sooooooo glad you did.......We are.

Jamie and her family have had the flu at their house this past week so that is a real bummer! She already has so much on her plate and so little time at home before her next surgery in January. That girl has the strength of an Iron Woman and she just doesn't know it, yet! I know God has a very special plan for her and I tease her that she will be giving speeches someday to thousands of people!!! Please continue to say an extra prayer for her and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and for the medical team with her next surgery. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

Continue to add Paul to your prayer list, also. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for this very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

Heidi Gusenius has a different Leukemia. It is AML, and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were in the exact opposite "waiting positions". He was trying to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE REGISTERED IN THE NATIONAL BONE MARROW REGISTRY SITE!!! SO MANY OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR HEIDI! I KNOW SHE IS SOOOOO VERY GRATEFUL! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page at caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Rachel, Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace within.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew
Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Day 0, Transplant Day!!!

Good Evening~

9:45 Update

"Dec 27 2005 Special Day" This is what Bryce wrote on his room board tonight after reading many of your journal entries!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

We are doing well here at the hospital. Bryce has done really great with the transplant! His heart arrhythmias were caused by too much fluid intake by IV and donor cells. So, the nurse gave him some Lasix which gets rid of the fluid by using the bathroom! And he did, and his heart was back to normal! He caught a 1/2 hour nap today, too. He needed that. Now, we will start watching for any signs of infection, healing, or engrafting. Engrafting is when the donor cells are accepted by the recipient and take over the body which can take 2-3 weeks. Please pray for 100 percent engraftment of Mitchell's cells into Bryce!!! Bryce's counts today were hemoglobin 9; platelets 125,000; white count 1,500; and ANC 1,340. Yesterday his white count was 3,000 so we are thinking they are starting to do their expected drop from chemo and radiation. Pray for Bryce's health and to be infection-free!

Mitchell took a couple of naps and was still sick tonight. But, Tim said that he ate a little bit before bed. He is not complaining of any back pain tonight. Tim had given him a couple of Tylenol earlier that seemed to help. He was even teasing Logan a little tonight. You know he is feeling better...Tomorrow he has a blood recheck at 9am and he sees Julia, the Transplant N.P. at 10:30. They will come to the hospital either before or after.

Please send out some huge, loving prayers for the Schumacher Family! Jim is now one of God's special Angels in Heaven. It's amazing how God works his timing into EVERYTHING!!! God took a very special life of a very special husband, father, grandpa, and friend today, and God gave a little boy a NEW very precious life today. God works in such miraculous ways! Bryce now has a new Angel watching over him. Jim cared so much about Bryce and everything that he was going through. I feel so much comfort in knowing that Jim is very near us in spirit. Bryce cared so much about Jim, too. He wanted to make sure that Mitchell knew about Jim when he called home to check on Mitch. We said our special prayers for the family again tonight. Please stop by their web page and give them peace and strength. It is caringbridge.org/jimschumacher. Thank you!

3:05pm Update
Well, Bryce is trying to close his eyes for a much needed nap but his monitor keeps going off and the nurses keep coming in... He's had a pause on the heart monitor and they are going to do a 12 Lead EKG. They just want to check to make sure everything is ok after receiving Mitchell's marrow. The nurse said it is nothing to be alarmed about. **They just did the EKG and he has arrhythmias. Not sure why but they are looking into it and keeping a close eye on him by their monitors. The PICU doctor came in and listened to him, too. He did excellent through the whole infusion, though! It finished around 1:25. Everything was stable and they were very impressed that he did SO well. Sometimes, the blood pressure will rise, if anything. On to Mitch: Tim & Mitch got to St. Mary's around 12:45. Mitchell rode in a wheelchair and still was not feeling well. He vomited a few times while he was here, and he looked pretty pale. Tim left for home with Mitch & Logan around 1:35. He just called and said that Mitch slept the entire ride home, and then dry heaved when he got in the house. He is going to lye down in our bed and lay low. I'm not sure what he is thinking of all of this, yet. I know in a few days, it will be a different story to him... Grandma Ann left around 1pm, and Grandma Linda is keeping Joel & Ethan overnight, again, so they won't be bugging Mitchell. Logan was told he is the Big Guy of the house today and tonight and to be a big helper. He looked very proud to be temporarily taking over Mitchell's job! Thanks for all the notes you are leaving us! We can feel your prayers! We can see and feel God in our presence the entire time. I don't think I have actually taken the time to absorb what is actually going on, yet! I think I'll go do that, now.... Love to all!!!!

11:40 Update
I (Mom)am back at St. Mary's with Bryce. I don't know if he realizes I'm here yet because he is deep into the portable Playstation 2 on wheels in his room with Dr. Hartman. Yes, he does know I'm here but I'm sure he has forgotten already. He has more important stuff to do. I called St. Mary's before 11:00 to see how things were going and his nurse said the cells were here already and she was pushing through his pre-meds. So, I hustled through Methodist and Mayo to catch the shuttle back to St. Mary's where I practicly ran to get to the unit. I didn't want to miss ANYTHING!! Tina, his nurse, finished his pre-meds and started the marrow infusion at 11:35am! Wow!!! It is one bag of red cells, a whole 473ml's!! That's a 1/2 liter! Tina said it will run through in about 1 1/2 hours. Tim called within minutes from Methodist to check on us. He said, Mitchell drank a cup of water and ate a little bit of ice cream but had to stop because his stomach was turning. Tim was not sure if Mitch would make it back to St. Mary's to see the infusion. Please send Mitch an extra prayer for him to feel better very soon. I know this meant a lot to him. The infusion is going fine for Bryce. They are monitoring his heart, temp., and respiratory. He definitely NEEDS a nap today!!!! He has shown me that a couple of times already! JoHanna from Child Life just showed up with a "Horray, Horray! It's Bryce's Transplant Day!" banner. She also brought "Way to Go, Mitchell" and "Thanks for your support, Logan!" signs to hang. They think of everything!

10:32am Update
Mitchell got back around 10:20. He is very quiet and sleepy. He does not have any nausea. He says that it hurts a little where they put the needles in in his lower back. His IV is running slowly. He is trying to sleep right now but I'm not sure he will. He keeps opening his eyes. He is drinking a little water and has a dry barky cough and hoarse voice from the tube they put in his throat. It feels like it is still there, he said. I am getting a vanilla shake ready for him when he has tolerated enough water. Bless his heart....

9:36am Update
The nurse just came in and said that they just took Mitchell back to the recovery room. She said he would probably be back there for about a 1/2 hour.

8:44am Update
We just got back to Station 3-5 at Methodist Hospital where we checked-in for Mitchell. The nurse just popped her head in and said that surgery called and they just made the first incision. The incision is for the needle insertion because it is multiple times. Mitchell is doing great with all of it so far! He & I have been taking lots of pictures with his and my cameras. He is very mellow and brave, and a bit excited. He kept saying, "This is awesome." I think he might be enjoying being a patient for a few hours. We'll see what he thinks later... He went to sleep just fine with the mask and gas. They didn't have rootbeer, so bubble gum it is! Tim is asleep on the bed here. We had some breakfast and I called to Bryce's room to check on them. Grandma Ann is there, since 5:20, and says that Logan & Bryce are in the Unit playroom playing Playstation 2. Of course, Grandma is trying to get him to eat something and he, of course, is not hungry. You just don't tell a grandma that, do ya?! We are expecting that Mitchell will be in the surgery room until 9:30/10:00. Then, he will go to recovery for an hour or so, and then back to us here. We'll keep the updates coming. HI to my boys at Grandma & Grandpa's!!! We love you, Joey & Ethan!!!

6:38am: This is Mitchell signing in--Mom is typing for me. Thanks for your support. The nurse just took my blood pressure and my temperature. I'm feeling fine, just a little tired. I fell asleep at 9:15pm and woke up at 5:11am. I'm feeling anxious. I got to talk to Bryce before I left. We talked about what scent I was going to have when I go to sleep. Bryce was filling me in about how they smelled and stuff. He just told me about the bubble gum. I am going to pick the rootbeer, though. Here I am laying in bed now with a gown on. My socks are really "CUTE"! Gotta go, someone is here to take me down. I'm still smiling! Back later!

Please continue your prayers for Mitchell's healing. He is such a hero to all of us!!! Please pray for Bryce's healing as we know his counts will be dropping soon. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to be positive, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good.

Please continue to say an extra prayer for Jamie and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and answers about her future medical plans. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

Continue to add Paul to your prayer list, also. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for the very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

I am so excited that Heidi Gusenius found Bryce's web page and signed it!!! Please continue to pray for her!!! She is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Monday, December 26, 2005 9:53 PM CST

Day -1, Day of Rest, (the day before transplant)

Hello everyone~

We are finally back with an update. Sorry for the delay. No special reason, just taking time off. I knew you would understand. It's a bit of a surreal feeling around here. We are extremely excited and anxious, yet a bit cautious. Our Christmas together was fine. We opened many gifts, had a great meal, and enjoyed every minute together, right up to the end where the younger two were needing to get home to bed. I hugged the boys and said, "Next year, we will have the best Christmas ever!" And Logan said, "Mom, I think THIS is the BEST Christmas EVER." As always, it's takes the innocence of a child to make you realize how good you really have it!!! Tim took the brothers home early to bed. Everyone is pooped out! Bryce & I have been getting up MANY times during the night, Saturday & Sunday, going to the bathroom because they turn the IV up to flush his bladder and his system. Dad came with Mitch & Logan this morning. Mitch had his one last "healthy" check with Dr. Kahn at the PITC. He's great. His blood was sent off for a study that he and Bryce will be in as a pair. It is being sent to California to a colleage of Dr. Kahn's. There will only be five medical facilities doing the study with five pairs at each facility. All that it requires of Mitch & Bryce is a little extra blood being drawn a few times. If we can help, at all, with future Leukemia Transplant patients, then so be it! Bryce started his anti-rejection drug yesterday. He will be on that until Day 100. The doctors have started the countdown at Day -7 which was December 20th. So, that is why today is Day -1. Bryce's counts are slowly getting lower. His hemoglobin was 8.5, platelet 122,000 but white count and ANC are 3,000. His potassium and magnesium are still low so they are supplementing him. They said his white count and ANC will drop about a week after chemo. Yesterday's chemo went fine, too. He was nauseated at 9pm and 4am, though. They added Adivan at 5am, he's already been taking Zofran every six hours. Other than that, he has been in great spirits! It's like he realizes that the transplant is a good thing and it will help him get better. I know that he & Mitchell are ready...

So, the day has finally come. Like we have been doing,...we will take it day by day. (Jodie, you've got me singing the song, now!) We just called Methodist for Mitchell's check-in time and it is 6am! So, I'm trying to make this quick but you know how I am!!! Tim & I will check him in at Methodist. They will give him some sleepy gas through a mask to put him to sleep on his tummy. They will start his IV for fluids. Dr. Rodriguez and a person from the bone marrow team will each take marrow from his hips, just below his waistline. They will need to go in multiple times to get enough marrow. When they are done they will wake him up, he will rest a bit, and we can go. We were told he will be very sore and to take him home. He already told us he DOES NOT want to go home! He wants to see Bryce and see the marrow infusion as it is happening. We knew he would! Once the cells are collected by needles and syringes, they are put into bags and sent to St. Mary's on ice. The bone marrow transplant or marrow infusion for Bryce will be a simple procedure of hanging the bags of Mitchell's bone marrow and running it into his central line within an hour or so. The doctor is guesstimating that it will be here at the hospital for Bryce around 12 or 1pm. He will have many pre-meds to help him so he won't react to it, hopefully. They said he will probably sleep most of the day. I doubt it though,...it's just too exciting of a day! When we were tucking Bryce in to bed tonight, he asked me "Was yesterday Christmas?" I said, "Yes." He said, "God didn't give me my Christmas gift yet. He is waiting until tomorrow." Out of the mouth of a babe..........

I'm not promising anything but I am going to try to update throughout the day. Tim will scold me for committing to this but I know everyone wants to know how it is going. I'll do my best.... Thank you for everything that you do for our Brycer and our family. Please continue all of those powerful prayers for our Brycer & Mitchell and all of our family, everyone!!! It is a very tender and emotional time for us. Thank you for the phone messages and guestbook notes you have been leaving us. You are all soooooo incredible, wonderful and amazing!!! We are soooooooooo blessed!!! Thank you to Amanda Albers for watching Joel & Ethan today! Thanks to Grandma Linda & Grandpa Arnie for helping us out tomorrow with all of the brothers and Grandma Ann, too! Please pray for Bryce's healing as we know his counts will be dropping soon. Pray for his body to accept the bone marrow without any complications or infections. Pray for the rest of us to stay healthy and positive. And, pray for Bryce to be positive, also. Positive healing with God along with HUGE FAITH is the ONLY way to go!!!!!!! Continue to build your faith in God, as we have. He is soooo good.

Please say an extra special prayer for Jim Schumacher and his family. He is fighting his daily battle with a brain tumor. Hospice has been coming out to their home to help out. He is not eating or drinking any more. They believe it will only be a few days before he becomes one of God's Angels. He, his wife, and their entire family, are so great! Pray for their strength and their peace. You can stop by Jim's web page (new caring bridge--jimschumacher) to say HI, I know they appreciate ALL of the visits and special words!!

Please continue to say an extra prayer for Jamie and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and answers about her future medical plans. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

Continue to add Paul to your prayer list, also. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for the very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

I am so excited that Heidi Gusenius found Bryce's web page and signed it!!! Please continue to pray for her!!! She is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Saturday, December 24, 2005 10:45 PM CST

Let's just take a moment to give all of our cares and worries to God. Let's thank him for everything we have. Let's take an extra five minutes to pray, everyday. Love everyone up and enjoy every moment. Build many memories and laugh a lot! We had supper tonight in the cafeteria, then we went to the main entrance of St. Mary's. Logan heard carolers. We sang along,...fighting off the tears. Life is sooooooooo good, gang. Life is soooooo good. Thank you, God for everything you have given me including all of you who touch our lives every single day. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now, please stop and say a special prayer for all of the people in the hospital and all of the people fighting their battles out of the hospital. They could use lots of extra prayers....

Bryce is doing well. The chemo was hitting him tonight. Not sicklike but tired and pale. He is such a trooper, though. He's not gonna let that stop him. He didn't have to shower every four hours, that was a different chemo. Thanks to all the Grandma's for the gifts! We miss all of our family's! We're so glad you had a good night. Big Christmas Hugs to YOU!!!!

Thank you for the Christmas cards and gifts you have sent our family!! We appreciate ALL of them!! We need to start addressing ours. Have a very blessed Christmas from the Breuer Home!!! Cherish every moment and every memory. Live it likes it's your last,...enjoy each other. There are so many people out there wishing they were home or together or thinking of loved ones they have lost. Pray for them. Send them the feeling of peace and comfort with God. Life is sooo good. Remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season!!!

(I want our new visitors to know about all of these special people, too.) Jamie had appts. on Wednesday and her doctors gave her some options for a treatment plan. She & Zach have some big decisions to make at such a young age! Please continue to say an extra prayer for Jamie and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and answers about her future medical plans. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

Please say another special prayer for another Goodhue community member, Jim Schumacher, who is fighting his daily battle with a brain tumor. Hospice came out to their home today to help out. They are having their Christmas tomorrow night. He, his wife, and their entire family, are so great! Pray for their strength. It is a difficult time for them also, especially at Christmas. You can stop by Jim's web page (new caring bridge--jimschumacher) after Jamie's,...Thanks so much!!! And, remember to add Paul to your prayer list, also. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for the very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

I am so excited that Heidi Gusenius found Bryce's web page and signed it!!! Please continue to pray for her!!! She is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Wes, Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Friday, December 23, 2005 9:07 PM CST

Merry Christmas Eve Eve...

I hear it is CRAZY out there!! It's kind of nice being indoors or at least when you are not on a Gold Cross Ambulance ride to the Charlton for radiation. We are done with radiation. I am happy, and I think Bryce is going to miss the people at Desk R. I will too, they are so nice!! Just like you said, Brenda (Ethan's Mom) & Jodi (my friend who use to work there). But, we are sooooo glad that Bryce can sleep in now every morning! (Hopefully, we haven't started an "early" habit!) Today was a very good day for Bryce!!! He had lots of happy attitude! I told him it was written all over his face but also all over his tooshy! He was shaking that thang like he's aaaalllll that! It was kinda funny, it was great seeing him feeling so good! Tim's cousin, Brent and his wife, Lana, came to visit today. It was soooo great seeing them! Lana is due in February with their first child, and she is adorable with her tummy!!! They brought this HHHHUUUUGGGEEE Batmobile in for Bryce! That thing is a monster, and Bryce is soooooo proud to be driving it! It is remote controlled and quite loud. So, we check if the other three patients here are awake, and then he drives it, if there awake, of course. It also makes him very happy!! I made sure to tell him that he cannot give Ethan rides on it...Don't even think about it Mitch & Logan! Other than the radiation today and our visit with Brent & Lana, it was pretty quiet. Dad came along to radiation this morning, and our timing worked out so that we just happened to see Jeff & Becky, Jared & Drew when we were going to our afternoon radiation so they got to see the B room. We call it the Bryce room. Pretty cool, huh guys?! P.S. Becky is a SUPERSTAR!!!

I gotta get back on track here, I am aaaallll over the place. So, Dad is back home getting the brothers to bed early, and Bryce is sleeping. We are still working on the eating. It is a bit frustrating for him because nothing has taste to him. Remember, the chemo affecting the taste buds journal entry? So, we are trying to focus on the "getting the nutrition in" more than the "nothing tastes right" problem. He is being a very good sport about it all....Eating, nasal irrigations, ear drops, oral care, showering, etc. Tomorrow he starts his Cytoxin, the very high dose of chemo. They connected him to his IV at 6pm tonight and cranked 'er up (as Dad would say) to 120ml/hr. This means he will be up using the toilet many times tonight. They need to flush his system to get him ready for the chemo. He will have quite a few pre-meds, and then the chemo will start around 1pm. He will need his Mesna to protect the bladder but he will also need to bathe every four hours because the chemo is excreted through the skin, too. I'm not sure how many times he will need to bathe but we WILL make it fun! He already asked if he could take the "thing" (his remote controlled vehicle from Santa that goes through dirt and water) in with him. Of course, I said yes. We'll just have to be extra careful, oh wait, unless the nurse says no. I'll let you know tomorrow night.

So, tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Isn't this just the best time of year?! I love Christmas!!! I hope you are all ready and excited. I'm sure your kids are, if you have kids. I know you are all wondering if we are ok being in the hospital. Yes, we are. Sure, we wish we could be at home so it could be a normal Christmas Eve but, remember, we are looking at the outcome of Bryce's health. We do this now, so we can have many, many Christmas' together in the future!!! We will be ok, plus we had a wonderful Christmas with the boys last Saturday! We are going to make the most of it, and we are going to have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas next year at home!!! We have not got a set schedule, yet, for tomorrow (movies, games, junk food, good food, messes). But, so far, we know Dad and the Brothers are coming down, sometime. I'm not sure if they are staying overnight or not. We will be together again on Christmas Day. Bryce has his 2nd day of chemo, then. Monday is a day of rest and Tuesday is transplant day. It sure has come up quick!!! I knew it would. We are ready...Bryce & Mitchell are too. Oooohh, I just got a nervous little tickle in my tummy.

Thank you for the Christmas cards and gifts you have sent our family!! We appreciate ALL of them!! We need to start addressing ours. Have a very blessed Christmas from the Breuer Home!!! Cherish every moment and every memory. Live it likes it's your last,...enjoy each other. There are so many people out there wishing they were home or together or thinking of loved ones they have lost. Pray for them. Send them the feeling of peace and comfort with God. Life is sooo good. Remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season!!!

(I want our new visitors to know about all of these special people, too.) Jamie had appts. on Wednesday and her doctors gave her some options for a treatment plan. She & Zach have some big decisions to make at such a young age! Please continue to say an extra prayer for Jamie and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and answers about her future medical plans. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

Please say another special prayer for another Goodhue community member, Jim Schumacher, who is fighting his daily battle with a brain tumor. Hospice came out to their home today to help out. They are having their Christmas tomorrow night. He, his wife, and their entire family, are so great! Pray for their strength. It is a difficult time for them also, especially at Christmas. You can stop by Jim's web page (new caring bridge--jimschumacher) after Jamie's,...Thanks so much!!! And, remember to add Paul to your prayer list, also. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for the very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

I am so excited that Heidi Gusenius found Bryce's web page and signed it!!! Please continue to pray for her!!! She is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:15 PM CST

Good Evening~

We are back with an update on our Brycer. He had a good nights rest last night but was really wiped out from radiation and no nap. He tried to nap today but that didn't work out, again. I think it is the new room and new people. The nurses here are also great! His nurses from 3-Francis came to visit him last night so that was quite a special moment for him!!! He loved seeing most of his favorite nurses! I think they miss the little guy, too. They are all so sweet and caring! Santa and a magician also came last night with tricks and gifts. Ya can't complain about that! He got another remote control vehicle, a pickup this time. He loves anything that he can drive and it doesn't matter HOW MANY he has! He stills loves them all and never gets bored with them. He also had the special time with Dad, last night. I went home with the brothers. My friend, Brenda, came over this morning and helped me get A LOT of stuff done! I never know how much I have to do until I get there and she had perfect timing with her phone call this morning. I wanted to get some important things out of the way, and I wanted to get to the hospital ASAP. Thanks, Brenda! I should be good for awhile, now...haha

Bryce and Dad got up bright and early for radiation. Bryce took his shower without complaining, too. Everything went fine with both radiations today, he did not get sick with either one of them. But, the nurse did give him Zofran this morning before they left. And, after the 3:00 radiation, we went back to the hospital directly to the O.R. waiting area and then, right back into surgery for his tubes at 4:30. Everything went fine. He had a lot of thick fluid. They were glad they did the tubes. He asked me before the procedure, "Are they going to take my ears off to do this?" Is that innocence, or what?! PLEASE DO NOT TELL HIM I TOLD YOU THIS (at least not for quite a few years!!!) OR HE WILL BE MAD AT HIS MOTHER! You just never know what they are thinking, do you? We are doing ear drops 2-3 times per day, along with the sinus irrigation still 3 times a day. Oral care is 4 times a day because mouth sores are a big part of the chemo and transplant thing. He has two mouth sores starting already. Other than that, there is not a whole lot new. He is having a hard time finding something that he wants to eat. Nothing has taste to him. His tastebuds change from the chemo he received. They will go back to normal when this is all done. Tomorrow is the last day of radiation, hooraaaayyyyy!!!!!!!!!

The brothers are all good. Mitchell is waiting patiently and knows he has a very important job! Ethan did not come down last night because he had a runny nose, again. He stayed with Grandma & Grandpa Breuer and went to his cousin, Carson's Christmas program at church. My mom is staying at our house tonight so Tim can stay here with us. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed again with ALL of IT... It's not just about your child being sick, it's so much more. (Remember now, this is my therapy.....) There is so much at home with the boys and organization. There is the hospital appts., meds, irrigations, drops, etc. at the hospital. Plus, watching your child go through all of this and wanting so badly to help him feel better when it's almost always out of your control. Then, when you leave the hospital, you don't want to leave so that causes stress. And, you feel guilty that you are not with your other children. Thank goodness for our Mom's and our family and our friends!!!! I don't know what we would do without them!!! They are the listening ears that I vent to, occasionally. But, when it all gets overwhelming, I remind myself to lean on God. Sometimes, it takes me a while to remember that. Isn't that terrible?...That I take so long to remember to give it to God. Don't get me wrong, we are not a mad screaming, stressed out, crazy household. Although, I can admit, that I have lost my temper way to quickly with my boys since this all began again. Overall? The end result is that life continues to be sooooo good. Bryce is alive. Bryce is in remission. We have Mitchell as an exact match. We have Mayo and its excellent doctors, nurses and support staff. We have four more healthy, special boys. We have a great marriage! But, most of all, we have our super powerful, amazing, incredible, mountain-moving God!!! We have our FAITH!!! And, I completely visualize Him holding Bryce in His hands. Thank you God for everything you have given me in my life.

Please say lots of prayers for our family and the many others that can relate to these kinds of stressors. Pray for our strength and communication with each other and the doctors. Pray for our inner peace. We are so excited to be joyfully celebrating Christ's birth with our children. I pray for all the children in the world to find their inner peace where ever they are. And, that they too will find the Lord our God. Don't forget to remind them that Jesus is the Reason for the Season.....

(I want our new visitors to know about all of these special people, too.) Jamie had appts. on Wednesday and her doctors gave her some options for a treatment plan. She & Zach have some big decisions to make at such a young age! Please continue to say an extra prayer for Jamie and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and answers about her future medical plans. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

Please say another special prayer for another Goodhue community member, Jim Schumacher, who is fighting his daily battle with a brain tumor. Hospice came out to their home today to help out. They are having their Christmas tomorrow night. He, his wife, and their entire family, are so great! Pray for their strength. It is a difficult time for them also, especially at Christmas. You can stop by Jim's web page (new caring bridge--jimschumacher) after Jamie's,...Thanks so much!!! And, remember to add Paul to your prayer list, also. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for the very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

I am so excited that Heidi Gusenius found Bryce's web page and signed it!!! Please continue to pray for her!!! She is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 9:30 PM CST

Good Evening, Bryce had a busy day. First day of TBI (total body irradiation), the treatment is down town at the Charelton so an ambulance crew comes up to the room, straps him down and hauls him down to the Charelton and when the treatment is done they bring him back. The treatment went fine, it takes about 40 minutes, he has to sit still, he can watch a movie during it. He got sick between 10:00 and 11:00, 5 times, he made sure to tell people that. They gave him an anti-naseau med that helped. The afternoon treatment was at 3:15, saw a radiation doctor before and saw the ENT doctor after she wants to put tubes in his ears tomorrow to drain the fluid, the fluid will only get worse and could get infected. Got back to the room at 6:00, didn't eat much supper. I brought Mitch, Logan and Joel down tonight,they had a supper here tonight for the peds kids and there familys. Santa came with a present for all the kids. Tomorrow will be about the same TBI is at 8:00am and 3:00pm, the tubes in the ears will be the last thing for the day.
Take Care
Gods Blessings to All
The Breu Crew

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 6:37 AM CST

Good Morning~

**I updated last night but something must have been goofed up with the caring bridge...so, here it is. Sorry....But, the night went well!

We are back at St. Mary's, and we are in the Transplant Unit. Bryce seems to be doing very well with this so far. He had a few moments today like when we had to do his am and pm nasal irrigations (but who wouldn't get grumpy with them?), when we told him he will need to shower every day because transplant increases the chances of skin infection, and when the pulmonary function test lady kept telling him "You just need to do it ONE MORE TIME"! He had enough of that! Other than that, it was a good day. We ran into people we knew like the Dr's. Warner who are both Anesthesiologists at Mayo and are wonderful people!! And, Rachel who finished up her chemo treatments for Leukemia in July. She was diagnosed right after Bryce. I wish you could ALL meet Rachel!!! She is the most grown up 4 1/2 year old girl I've ever met! She is adorable! Her parents are great and it, again, was God's plan for us to have blood draws at the same time today. That was wonderful. Thanks for the pennies for the wishing well, Rachel, Sue, & Burnell! It was great seeing you!

We have a corner room in the Transplant Unit, and it is nice! There are only 4 rooms in this Unit. The entire Unit, including the nurses desk and play room, are Hepa Filtered for prevent infection. Bryce will be here until he is discharged sometime in late January. I have changed the room number and phone number on the web page because you cannot use your cell phones here. Bryce & I got a little Playstation 2 in tonight, we read a few of our friends web pages, and then, S L O W L Y got ready for bed. He was tired! He was asleep by 9pm. He is getting an infusion of IV IG (Immunoglobulin) to help him build his immune system. He will have it once now, and then again once a month for the next three months. Our little friend, Chase, has this every month. He will be able to teach us a thing or too! Bryce has been driving his new Remote Control Car around the Unit, mostly his room. He LOVES that gift from Santa!!! I do too, it's just that it really hurts the back of the ankles...and Grandma's new wall... She didn't mind a bit. Who knows, she may even frame the "dent" it made! haha.

Tomorrow, we will need to leave by the Gold Cross Ambulance around 7:45am for Total Body Radiation at 8:15 at Desk R in the Charlton Building downtown. The ambulance ride is because he is a hospital patient and radiation is done at Desk R. Then, we will come back to the hospital for some shut-eye. They said that the radiation will make him very tired. Then, it is back on the ambulance around 2:15 for a 2:45 appt. with the radiation doctor, 3:15 Total Body Radiation again, and 3:55 ENT doctor appt (we'll probably be a little late to that one). Total Body Radiation is supposed to take 45 minutes all together. It will make him feel sick, probably, unless he just "toughs it out" as we say at our house. The brothers are coming down with Dad after school tomorrow for the children's Christmas Party. Rumor has it that Santa is making a visit!! He even visits the Transplant Unit which we are so glad! The doctors told us today that Bryce is in lock-down, he can't leave the Unit. There are too many bugs out there that can do too much harm to him, now. We had to sign some consent forms for the transplant. So, everything is just plugging away. We even had a visit from our new Pastor Mike for communion today. That was a very pleasant surprise. I have to say that he is just falling right into our congregation! He had a really great sermon on Sunday which was so fitting in our church with all of the people who are fighting their battles including Audrey, Jamie, Audrey, Jeannie, and Bryce. He spoke of many stories about people who had huge events in their life that God healed. The sermon was called 'With God, Nothing Is Impossible'. WE HAVE TO BELIEVE. WE HAVE TO TRUST IN GOD. WE MUST THANK HIM EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR EVERYTHING WE HAVE. GOD IS SOOOOOO GOOD!!!

Thank you for all of the awesome, powerful prayers that you send out for our Brycer!!! Thank you for signing the web page and reminding him about how many people care for him and for others. What a life lesson that is! Please tell one more person today that Jesus is the Reason for the Season so that we all will remember why life IS so good and why God is so good.........Our love to all!

Jamie had some appts. today and her doctors gave her some options for a treatment plan. She & Zach have some big decisions to make at such a young age! Please continue to say an extra prayer for Jamie and her family, every time you think of her! Pray for her/their strength, healing, and answers about her future medical plans. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her!

Please say another special prayer for another Goodhue community member, Jim Schumacher, who is fighting his daily battle with a brain tumor. Hospice came out to their home today to help out. They are having their Christmas tomorrow night. He, his wife, and their entire family, are so great! Pray for their strength. It is a difficult time for them also, especially at Christmas. You can stop by Jim's web page (new caring bridge--jimschumacher) after Jamie's,...Thanks so much!!! And, remember to add Paul to your prayer list, also. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for the very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

I am so excited that Heidi Gusenius found Bryce's web page and signed it!!! Please continue to pray for her!!! She is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Monday, December 19, 2005 10:00 PM CST

Hi everyone~

It's a quick update tonight and an early one for Ilene, my mom's cousin, who sent us her Christmas card and said that she can't go to bed until she reads the update...I hope you get some GOOD rest tonight, Ilene!!! haha. Thanks and we love you!

Bryce's appts. today went fine with the exception of dental--we got it all straightened out, though. Tomorrow he has labs at 8:40, his last cranial radiation at 9:30, he sees his doctor and N.P. at 10:15, and has another pulmonary function test at 11. He needs to do better on that one for his transplant. We are thinking we will do something, not sure what, and then go to the hospital to stay. He will be admitted to the Transplant Unit for treatment, transplant, and recovery until he is discharged which we are guessing will be around the end of January. He will start total body radiation on Wednesday, twice a day, through Friday. Saturday and Sunday will be high doses of Cytoxin, a chemo med. The 26th will be a day of rest, and the 27th will be transplant. Wow,...One week away.... Pray for his strength, healing, and recovery. Also, pray for his positive attitude and faith in God. These things are sooooo important for the healing process!!! This kid is incredible!!! He has been talking to us a lot more. I know Mitchell is ready, and I think Bryce is too.

On a different note, tonight I want to thank all of the school, daycare, and at-home children who have sent big cards, small cards, huge turkey cards, and all of the 'From the Heart Cards' to Bryce & our family! You are all such wonderful kids, teachers, and parents!!! We have appreciated all of them! Many have hung on Bryce's doors or walls to remind him of everyone who is thinking and praying for him. I am so delighted to see how many children are sooooo willing to pray for Bryce, a complete stranger, and are sooooo considerate for others at such a young age! I think all of the teachers, daycare providers, and parents should pat themselves on the back for doing such thoughtful and caring things with the kids! You should be so proud of the kids and yourselves!!! We received a BIG PACK from WI tonight from a teacher who had been where we are six years ago. Her daughter had Neuroblastoma at the young age of two, and she is now eight years old and in 3rd grade! Thank you for everything, Angie and kids!!! WE ALL ENJOYED THE LETTERS AND PICTURES! Some of them were soooo funny! Thank you to all of the kind, considerate adults who are teaching these children how to make others feel so special and so cared for. All of the "packs" that we have received are precious and saved for Bryce to see whenever he wants. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you for all of the awesome, powerful prayers that you send out for our Brycer!!! Thank you for signing the web page and reminding him about how many people care for him and for others. What a life lesson that is! Please tell one more person today that Jesus is the Reason for the Season so that we all will remember why life IS so good and why God is so good.........Our love to all!

Jamie just got out of the hospital again today. She was in for dehydration, and I'm sure she is very glad to be home. She has some appts. tomorrow and will probably find out some imporant information for a treatment plan. Please continue to say an extra prayer for Jamie and her family. Pray for her/their strength, healing, and answers about her future medical plans. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her, also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her! Please say another special prayer for another Goodhue community member, Jim Schumacher, who is fighting his daily battle with a brain tumor. He has a hit a rough road, again. He, his wife, and their entire family, are so great! Pray for their strength. It is a difficult time for them also, especially at Christmas. You can stop by Jim's web page (new caring bridge--jimschumacher) after Jamie's,...Thanks so much!!! And, remember to add Paul to your prayer list, also. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for the very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. Look at the life and salvation we received from Jesus! We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

I am so excited that Heidi Gusenius found Bryce's web page and signed it!!! Please continue to pray for her!!! She is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:53 PM CST


JORDAN MARIA'S 12th birthday is December 19th!! So, celebrate, everyone!!!

KELLI ANN LAVONNE'S 15th birthday was on December 13th!! You got it,...her auntie forgot that day! I feel terrible and I've been meaning to get it on the web page since.


Good Evening~

Update 8:30am: Jamie O'Reilly is in the Methodist Hospital for dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea. She has been there since Saturday afternoon. I forgot to put this in last night and Tim reminded me this morning. Sorry! Please pray your powerful, continuous prayers for Jamie and her family!!! She needs us right now! Let's give her that powerful feeling of prayer in her chest, and Zach's! God WILL heal her, I just know it! Remember, it's all in FAITH & TRUST in God!!! We need to send her some positive vibes and sign her guest book (caringbridge.org/visit/jamieoreilly). We all love you, Jamie!!!!!! Hang in there!!!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend! We have at the Breuer Home! Bryce had a great day at Grandma's house!!! He was smiling when I left and he was smiling when we picked him up. He is feeling good. We continue with the meds and nasal irrigations three times a day. We went to church this morning but I forgot his mighty mask so we sat in the narthex and got him out to the car before it was over.

We are definitely feeling the Christmas spirit here at our home...We had a bunch of Santa's little elves stop at our house this morning at 7:50am! It was Linda's (Tim's mom) two sisters, Carol & Cindy, and their husbands, Gary & Dave, along with Maggie & Steve, and Tom. The Buck family got together and went shopping for our family. We have all the necessities that we should need for a long time!!! I joked that we shouldn't have to go to Wal-Mart for two years! They also gave us a bunch of gift cards for around town. All of it is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!!!! Thank you, everyone! And then when we got to church, two more of our (Tim's) cousins, Jody & Lyn, gave Bryce a beautiful quilt! Sewn into it is his song 'Brave', our family picture, and 'Angels Walk Among Us'!!! It makes me tear up every time I think about it! Thank you!!! The 'Pins for Bryce' event is going great for the Goodhue wrestling team. All of our wrestlers are inspiring us to do incredible things for others and love what we are doing!!! We are sooooo proud of you! Thank you for everything you are doing for our Brycer and our family!!! Thank you also to Auntie Manda for representing Bryce at the Honolulu Marathon!!! We got to see Amanda tonight and hear all about it! WOW!!! She said it was incredible, emotional, inspirational, and powerful. She recommends anyone who is considering to do this for someone or something to do it! She says she would definitely do it again!!! We are sooooo proud of you, Amanda!!! What an experience of a lifetime!! She and her cheering section also went over to my brother and sister-in-laws home for some awesome grilling out food by Chris. They had a great time! We can't wait to see the video that Maggie & Steve have brought us.

I want you ALL to know how much we appreciate you...You are all offering to help us and sometimes we take you up on your offer and sometimes we pass on it. I hope this doesn't bother anyone because we truly love and appreciate you all! The prayers for Bryce & our family and the care of our children are the most important. We are mostly trying to keep the brothers with us (mom & dad), if possible, or with their Grandma's. It is such a difficult time with the sensitivity of Bryce's health. We have to be so careful!!! It will only be for now and not forever. That is what we try to focus on. My family is soooooo awesome to offer the help, also. I wish it was more simplified but it's not. We will be taking you up on your offers but we need to get over this hurdle first. Thank you for offering, understanding, and praying. You are wonderful! A very special THANK YOU to our brothers and sisters who are always offering to give us a hand with their nephews!!! We WILL take you up on it in the very near future...and they will LOVE it!!!

Tomorrow is dental, cranial radiation, radiation dr. consult, and IV antibiotic at the PITC at St. Mary's. We're hoping to be heading out of Roch. by 2pm. We only have to more nights at home before we go back to the hospital so we are enjoying every moment... Thank you for all of the awesome, powerful prayers that you send out for our Brycer!!! Thank you for signing the web page and reminding him about how many people care for him and for others. What a life lesson that is! Please tell one more person today that Jesus is the Reason for the Season so that we all will remember why life IS so good and why God is so good.........Our love to all!

Please continue to say an extra prayer for Jamie and her family. Pray for her/their strength, healing, and answers about her future medical plans. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her! Please say another special prayer for another Goodhue community member, Jim Schumacher, who is fighting his daily battle with a brain tumor. He has a hit a rough road, again. He, his wife, and their entire family, are so great! Pray for their strength. It is a difficult time for them, also. You can stop by Jim's web page (new caring bridge--jimschumacher) after Jamie's,...am I getting bossy now? (thanks!) And, don't forget to add Paul to your prayer list, also. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for the very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

I am so excited that Heidi Gusenius found Bryce's web page and signed it!!! Please continue to pray for her!!! She is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

Saturday, December 17, 2005 9:46 PM CST

Good Evening~

We are back! We have had a very busy week so I'm just trying to catch my breath...

Yesterdays appts. went well. Bryce had radiation at 8:30am, then we went to St. Mary's to check in for his surgery for his central line. They prepped him and started the procedure at 10:55. Dr. Ishatani came out to us to update by 11:15. Everything went well. He took out Bryce's port and placed a central line (Hickman Catheter) in his chest. We got to go back to Bryce at 12:45. The first thing he said was "Where's my port? I want to see the scratch the lady put in it." Funny! The first thing he thinks of when he wakes up is the time a nurse told him he may be able to see the scratches (in his port) when they missed the "well" in the center. He remembered when one of the nurses missed the center of the port and kept sliding it all around until I told her she had missed and she needed to come out. Guess what?! There are two scratches! He thought it was pretty cool to have his port and keep it. Of course his brothers thought it was pretty cool, too. After the surgery, we went to the PITC for his Ambisone infusion into his new central line. Tiffany & Sarah taught us how to do sterile site care. We actually had to do it ourselves. We left for home around 4pm. Tim & Bryce dropped me, and all of our gifts, off at Becky's in Pine Island to have a few friends help us wrap gifts. It was wonderful!!! We had 7 women wrapping and 3 men chatting upstairs. Bryce loved the triple wrap, Becky! Everyone was so impressed with your wrapping, Carol... The guys loaded the vehicle, of course. I do not like wrapping presents, at all, so this was a huge relief to me!!! One big stressor removed from our lives,...Thank you, God! I told them WE should have a gift wrapping party for US every year!!! haha. Did I mention that I do not enjoy, whatsoever, wrapping gifts?? Thank you everyone!!!

Today was a very special day for our family. We had Christmas early per Dr. Arndt, and Santa even came last night!!! We had asked God to send a message to Santa to see if he would consider making an early delivery to the Breuer home. And, he did! It was great!!! The boys' LOVED their gifts and the note from Santa. We loved to see them so happy in their home, in the undies (don't tell them I said that!), playing with their toys, having so much fun!!! Dad & I cooked up a feast of turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and cheesy vegitables plus pie! (we bought the pie) They ate great! Bryce is still working on his appetite but he ate more than he has lately. We did site care (the changing of the guard) on Bryce's central line today. It went pretty well. After Ethan's nap, we went to Wal-Mart (w/ the mighty mask on) and finished our Christmas shopping. We even spotted a few deer on the way. We ate more of the feast when we got home and tucked them into bed around 8:15. They are all sooooooo pooped out! They will sleep well tonight... Ethan has a runny nose and occasional cough which makes us very nervous about Bryce getting it before transplant. We are trying to be sooooooo careful!!! We appreciate all of you being so considerate of Bryce's health and of our time together this week. We are wondering if Bryce's cough and nose drainage is getting a bit worse. We are still doing the sinus irrigation 2-3 times a day. He is such a trooper with it!!! The nurses even shivered when they did the irrigations with Bryce. It's not so pleasant...

Tomorrow we have church (w/ the mighty mask), and then Bryce will spend the afternoon at Grandma Linda's which he has been asking for for a LONG time! She is so great about keeping everything "clean and safe" for him. We appreciate that so much! Monday is more appts. starting at Dental at 8:25am, 9:30 cranial radiation, 10:15 radiation care visit (dr.), 11am PITC Ambisone infusion finishing up around 1pm. Bryce's counts were all good on Thursday. On Friday, the doctor told us that the chromosome analysis reports showed NO ABNORMALITIES!!!! WAHOO!!!! The one before had 2 abnormalities out of 20. We are releived about this good news.

Now,...LET'S PRAISE GOD ALL WEEKEND LONG FOR EVERTHING WE HAVE!!! We are feeling so good about our lives. We are staying positive and continue to have our HUGE FAITH!!! There is no other way to be. Bryce is so glad to be home with his brothers and sleeping in his own bed. We know we will be going back to the hospital Tuesday night so we are enjoying every moment at home together that we can. Life is good. God is soooo good. Yes, it is extremely stressful right now (we don't have a lot of time to think!!!) but as I am typing I am feeling good. This journaling that I/we do is such good therapy. You are all so great to be here for us. Thank you for all you do for us!! You are incredible....

Please continue to say an extra prayer for Jamie and her family. Pray for her/their strength, healing, and answers about her future medical plans. I know she went back to her doctors today to remove some drains. Hopefully, she also got some more information. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her! Please say another special prayer for another Goodhue community member, Jim Schumacher, who is fighting his daily battle with a brain tumor. He has a hit a rough road, again. He, his wife, and their entire family, are so great! Pray for their strength. It is a difficult time for them, also. You can stop by Jim's web page (new caring bridge--jimschumacher) after Jamie's,...am I getting bossy now? (thanks!) And, don't forget to add Paul to your prayer list, also. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for the very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

I am so excited that Heidi Gusenius found Bryce's web page and signed it!!! Please continue to pray for her!!! She is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Thursday, December 15, 2005 10:38 PM CST

Hi Everyone~

Really late. Really tired. Gonna make it quick.

Bryce's appointments went well today. Cranial radiation at 9:30, labwork for Mitch & Bryce at 10:30--both of their counts are good. Pulmonologist appt. at 11:30, we will recheck Bryce's lungs on Tuesday. We need his lungs in good shape for transplant. Lunch. 2pm paperwork for Mitchell being the donor. 2:45 Transplant N.P. and doctor exams for both--fine. We talked to the doctor while the boys went for ice cream with Donna our first N.P. This is a very critical time for the next few months. They are soooo glad that Bryce finally got to this point. Keep all your prayers coming, it won't be a breeze for Bryce but WE WILL GET HIM THROUGH IT!!!! Our child life specialist, JoHanna, came out to the clinic and explained things even more to Mitchell. She's great! He is looking forward to this big event. He wants to help Bryce get better, and he thinks it might be cool to have an IV. Funny. We got home at 5:30. Ethan had a blast at Carol's today! Thanks to all of our helpers, as always! You are the best!

Tomorrow will be a big day with radiation, new central line (Hickman Catheter), and then PITC for his Ambisone infusion. We are going to try to get into radiation early to get us home earlier,...we'll see. Love you all!!!

Please say an extra prayer for Jamie and her family. Pray for her/their strength, healing, and answers about her future medical plans. I know she went back to her doctors today to remove some drains. Hopefully, she also got some more information. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her! Please say another special prayer for another Goodhue community member, Jim Schumacher, who is fighting his daily battle with a brain tumor. He has a hit a rough road, again. He, his wife, and their entire family, are so great! Pray for their strength. It is a difficult time for them, also. You can stop by Jim's web page (new caring bridge--jimschumacher) after Jamie's,...am I getting bossy now? (thanks!) And, don't forget to add Paul to your prayer list, also. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for the very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

I am so excited that Heidi Gusenius found Bryce's web page and signed it!!! Please continue to pray for her!!! She is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:36 PM CST

Good evening. Bryce had a good day, seems to be a little better every day. Joel came along today, Bryce had his first appointment at 9:00 today, cranial radiation, 9:30 was to get his body measured for total body radiation, 10:00 was a visit with a radiation doctor. Everything went good we were back to the vehicle by 10:00. Next we went to St. Marys for a IV antibiotic and learned how to care for the new central line he will get on Friday. We got home around 2, picked up Mitch and Logan and went out to the Huemanns for some sliding, snowboarding, snow ball fight. Bryce wanted to do some sliding, he needed a little help up the hill but had fun going down. Thursday we take Mitchell along, he gets a check up and they need a blood sample for some tests. We decorated the Christmas tree tonight. The boys' were all very excited about that! But, we lost our helpers half-way through...funny how that happens. They kept some special ornaments aside for Bryce's tree at the hospital.

Please say an extra prayer for Jamie and her family. Pray for her/their strength, healing, and answers about her future medical plans. I know she went back to her doctors today to remove some drains. Hopefully, she also got some more information. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her! Please say another special prayer for another Goodhue community member, Jim Schumacher, who is fighting his daily battle with a brain tumor. He has a hit a rough road, again. He, his wife, and their entire family, are so great! Pray for their strength. It is a difficult time for them, also. You can stop by Jim's web page (new caring bridge--jimschumacher) after Jamie's,...am I getting bossy now? (thanks!) And, don't forget to add Paul to your prayer list, also. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for the very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

I am so excited that Heidi Gusenius found Bryce's web page and signed it!!! Please continue to pray for her!!! She is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 0:14 AM CST

Good Evening~

We've had a busy couple of days but we are survivors,...right?! Whew! I forgot to mention that Bryce got to ride in the Gold Cross Ambulance to his morning appointments yesterday with Travis Goodman (on the way back to the hospital). Travis is also from Goodhue and use to drive our bus in the afternoon. So, that was really fun for Bryce! Today we woke Bryce up a little before 6am to do meds, nasal irrigation, and take off for appointments. He had a renal function test at 7am which started around 7:30. That involved drinking water and peeing in a large cup x3 while watching a movie, not at the same time, of course. They also accessed his port and drew blood. We left around 9:45 or so. We're glad it's done. Then, we went to Desk R for Bryce's first day of cranial radiation. We were suppose to be there at 9:30 but had called to let them know we were going to be late. They are very nice at Desk R. Thank goodness people are so nice because this cancer thing is not so easy.... Dad & I got a little sad watching Bryce get prepped for and going through the radiation, even though we were outside the room. They had made his mask yesterday so he wouldn't move his head. So, seeing him today with his mask holding his head still, lying on the table/bed, and just knowing what was happening was a little difficult. We know it will get easier every time. We also know that this is helping Bryce. After radiation, we went to Desk L-5 for a hearing test. He has fluid in his ears probably because of his sinuses being full and the pneumonia. So, his hearing isn't the best right now but he did a special thing to find out how his actual hearing is and it is 100%. They will recheck his ears in 6 weeks. The guy there was great. He gave Bryce a little plastic shovel with plastic bugs on a table in front of him. Every time Bryce heard the sounds he was to launch a bug off the shovel! It was quite funny for us in the sound-proof room with bugs flying everywhere. He loved it! He hit Dad a bunch of times and Mom only a few. Not, that he wasn't aiming for me... After that, we went to E9 to get him deaccessed and get more appointment times. On the way home, Bryce got sick and got a headache. He went right to the couch when we got home and took a nap. He felt much better when he woke up!

Tomorrow, we will leave the house around 8am. Joel will come along so that will be nice. We go to Desk R to do bone marrow measurements, radiation, and a care provider visit. The last is unsure to us, we'll know more on that tomorrow. Then, we will go to the PITC on 5 Mary Brigh so Bryce can get his IV antibiotic. We will head home after that so Bryce can get a nap in and meet with his tutor. He is also planning on getting in some sliding at his friend, Garett's house. He is very excited about this!!! We are going to try to get over there Wednesday and Thursday because Friday he has surgery to take out his port and put in his Hickman Catheter. After that, we have to be extremely careful of the Hickman. So, the rough boy stuff happens before!

A special thanks to the Grandparent's again!!! Grandma Ann stayed last night, got the boys ready for school, and cleaned the house this morning. Grandpa Arnie took Ethan to daycare, the brothers to school, picked Logan up after wrestling practice, and picked up Ethan from daycare. Grandma Linda came over after work, fed the boys, put them to bed, and stayed until 10pm so Tim & I could finish Christmas shopping. I don't know what we would do without them!!! Again, thank you for the food, cards, gifts, and prayers. Our life is so good!!! Sure, we have lots of "stuff" going on right now but our "plan" is to get through this, together!! Remember to thank God every day for everything you have...

Please say an extra prayer for Jamie and her family. Pray for her/their strength, healing, and answers about her future medical plans. I know she went back to her doctors today to remove some drains. Hopefully, she also got some more information. Stop by her web page and say HI (new caring bridge--jamieoreilly). We know how much strength you have given us through our caring bridge. Thank you for the continued support that you give her also. She is such an incredible woman and such an inspiration to soooooooooo many!!! I just adore her! Please say another special prayer for another Goodhue community member, Jim Schumacher, who is fighting his daily battle with a brain tumor. He has a hit a rough road, again. He, his wife, and their entire family, are so great! Pray for their strength. It is a difficult time for them, also. You can stop by Jim's web page (new caring bridge--jimschumacher) after Jamie's,...am I getting bossy now? (thanks!) And, don't forget to add Paul to your prayer list, also. I just know that there is a very special gift of a Type O kidney out there for the very special guy! Again, we need to give it all to God and give God all the glory for everything we have in our lives!!! Life is such a precious gift from God. We all know it is in God's hands. We all know that we need to trust in God and have HUGE FAITH. Our road will be getting rough again, also. We are enjoying our precious time together...

I am so excited that Heidi Gusenius found Bryce's web page and signed it!!! Please continue to pray for her!!! She is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Paul, Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Monday, December 12, 2005 11:06 PM CST

Good Evening~

!!!!!!!!! WE ARE HOME !!!!!!! and glad to be here...together...in our own beds...waking up together...in each other's hair...oh so happy to be home.....HOME SWEET, LOUD, CRAZY, CHAOTIC, LOVING HOME!!!

CONGRATULATIONS TO AUNTIE MANDA WHO COMPLETED HER HONOLULU MARATHON FOR THE LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA SOCIETY IN HONOR OF MR. BRYCE YESTERDAY!!!! We knew you could do it, Amanda! We are sooooooo proud of you! She crossed the finish line and started crying....Isn't that great? I'm sure they were "tears of joy" (hi Mason) and not "tears of pain". Right, Amanda? She said she thought of Bryce the whole time and thought, "If he can do what he does everyday, then I can do this today." What an inspiration she is to so many!!! Including myself... Thank you so much, Amanda, again for being who God created you to be! You are the BEST!!!!

Bryce had five appts. today starting at 7:45am, resting at the hospital room from 10:30-2pm, and going to the next appts. at 2:15pm and getting back to the hospital to pick up our massive amounts of "stuff" after 5pm. Thank goodness for our friend, Becky, who stayed with Bryce while we went and did a little shopping from 11:30 until 1:45. Did I mention that she PACKED EVERYTHING UP FOR US?!!!!!!!!! Let me tell you about Becky... Well, what do I say?...We ALL have flaws, correct?? I have not found even one little flaw with THAT GIRL!!! Oh sure, she likes to tell me she has a bad-girl side of her but I don't believe it for a minute! Did you know my least favorite thing about staying in the hospital is packing up??? She saved an additional 6 years on my life. Now, I will live to be 91!! Isn't that great for Tim and the boys', they are stuck with me even longer because of our dear friend, Becky! You rock, Superstar!!

Tomorrow Bryce has a renal function test at 7am. So, we are off at 6am. Grandma Ann is spending the night to get the brothers' off to school, along with Grandpa Arnie's help by giving them a ride. Grandma Linda had Joel & Ethan all day today. Bryce can't wait to spend HIS day at Grandma's house, maybe this weekend, because he has appts. everyday this week. I just made up a Microsoft Excel worksheet for his appts. and meds...Ugh! He will have cranial radiation Tuesday through Friday at 9:30am. He got fitted for his mask for cranial radiation today. It keeps him from moving during radiaton. He has many other appts. during the week including a hearing test, and IV antibiotic injections on Wednesday & Friday in the PITC at St. Mary's. Mitchell's appts. are on Thursday with Bryce's. They decided not to do the sinus wash in the O.R. today because he is improving so much. He will see Dr. Thompson next week. He will go to surgery on Friday to get his Hickman Catheter placed in his chest and to get his port removed. So, everything is a go for transplant on the 27th.

It IS a lot to remember!!! Yes, I do (I'm not sure about Tim) feel a little overwhelmed. But, what do we do? We have to get our Brycer better!!! The doctor told us a little of what we need to prepare ourselves for before, during, and after transplant. I told her we felt very 'good' about this, we have a pretty good idea, and we are going to be positive and trust in God.... I know she is planning on speaking to Tim & I alone on Thursday while Bryce & Mitch go to get ice cream with our N.P. I do not wish this for any child or parent... But, we are here and we have come this far because of the love of God, our faith in God, and the support of our family, friends', and incredible Bryce Breuer Fan Club. THANK YOU!!! This will be a Christmas to remember.........

We are asking to have some family time at home, when we are at home. We are trying to finish up our Christmas shopping because our doctors told us we need to have Christmas this weekend with the boys while Bryce is feeling good and at home. Thank you for understanding and respecting our family time together until we go back to the hospital next Tuesday night, the 20th. (Unless, of course, he gets a fever.) We only have a week together including school time, appt. time, drive time, sleep time, etc.... We appreciate you, all!!!

Now, I hate to sound like a broken record but I just feel so strongly in my heart that we must continue our very powerful prayers for all of these special people fighting their battles!!! I must include one more person who has always had a special place in my heart. His name is Paul, and he has known me since I was a young teenager almost causing problems-haha. He is one of the most wonderful men you could meet, and he is in need of a kidney transplant. For many years, he took his dad to dialysis and now, he is going through it himself. Please add him to your prayer list for Type O Donors. He and his wife, Gloria, are some of the best parents and friends a person could ever know. He has so much time left to live and he always lives it to the fullest. We all send out our thoughts and prayers to you, Paul! You are loved by so many!!!

I feel very, very strongly about giving it to God, as you know, and I don't think it hurts to hear it a few a times. And finally, we need to BELIEVE IN GOD (as you said, Lana) and TRUST IN GOD. Jamie needs us to pray, pray, and pray some more for her and her family. She needs us to give her strength, support, and lots of love. We have all been doing this alot already but now we need to kick it into high gear... This whole cancer thing is a total emotional rollercoaster ride. We jump for joy on the mountain tops, and we grow in the valleys. I know God is going to heal her, we just need to find the path...it all starts with Him. Let's make the Power of Prayer for Jamie absolutely incredible!!! On another note, my mom saw Heidi's mom and sister. We know the feelings they are going through, the waiting and wondering. We need to continue those strong, powerful prayers for her too. I beleive she is on her last round of chemo for awhile finishing up before Christmas. We need to find her a match!

So now, I know all of you are still praying just as hard, if not harder, for our little Brycer and that is great! Keep those prayers coming because already we have seen how wonderful our God is!!! Like I've said before, He can move mountains and He can heal our Brycer!!! He can also heal our Jamie, so keep those powerful, faith-filled prayers coming for her too. Pray for her strength and healing. She is fighting the fight! God knows we will have fears with the situations we face in life. But, He wants us to have complete trust in Him. No doubts.... I know, I know, we are all "human". In my opinion, a few moments of doubt, panic, shock, and fear are all normal. It's the part about letting go of the doubt and giving it to Him that is so important. Yes, as Bryce's mom, I am a little worried about how he will handle all of the treatments. I don't want to see him down and out like that, again. But, right now, we don't have a choice. God is in the driver's seat and I KNOW HE IS GOING TO GET BRYCE AND JAMIE THROUGH THIS!!! Please give your doubts and fears to God, we all have them. Trust in Him and watch the incredible changes that will happen in your life.


Thank you so much for all that you do for Bryce and our family!!! Words cannot express the appreciation that we feel toward all of you!!! A special THANK YOU goes out to the Grandma's who are always there for us!!! Grandma Linda & Grandma Ann are always stopping their lives to help us continue on with our's. We love you soooooo much!!! More thanks to our family's, friends, and volunteers for supper. It is so good to have delicious meals brought to our home and to know that our boys' are eating the "good stuff"! Thank you to everyone who has sent cards to Bryce and our family, and for the gifts! But, most importantly...THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR POWERFUL PRAYERS!!! Keep 'em comin'!!! God is good. We love you, all!

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Sunday, December 11, 2005 10:21 PM CST

Good Evening~

This one will be short. I just woke up from lying down with Brycer and we have early appointments. The day was great! Bryce is coughing less, blowing less, and eating a little more. The nasal irrigations we are doing 3 times a day are definitely helping! We'll see what ENT thinks about going down for a sinus wash in the morning. They will stop by around 6am. Bryce has a 7:45 appt. at the Plummer Building for a Pulmonary Function Test, 9am Simulation Films at Desk R (Radiation area), 2:15 with Julia, the Transplant Nurse Practitioner, and 2:45 with Dr. Kahn. I don't know if we will get a day pass to take him or if he will ride with the Red Cross Ambulance because he is in the hospital. He is a busy boy! We made it home for the church Christmas program which was very cute as always! I know many of you can relate to this one...Every year I hear the same wonderful story about Christ's birth by these incredible children and every year I tear up or cry... I love the meaning of Christmas!!!

In my heart, I feel this is the most important information of the evening because we have soooooo many people we need to pray for!! Plus, I feel very, very strongly about giving it to God, as you know, and I don't think it hurts to hear it a few a times. And finally, we need to BELIEVE IN GOD (as you said tonight, Lana) and TRUST IN GOD. I spoke with Jamie tonight and she needs us. She needs us to pray, pray, and pray some more for her and her family. She needs us to give her strength, support, and lots of love. We have all been doing this alot already but now we need to kick it into high gear... This whole cancer thing is a total emotional rollercoaster ride. We jump for joy on the mountain tops, and we grow in the valleys. I know God is going to heal her, we just need to find the path...it all starts with Him. Let's make the Power of Prayer for Jamie absolutely incredible!!! On another note, my mom saw Heidi's mom and sister last night. We know the feelings they are going through, the waiting and wondering. We need to continue those strong, powerful prayers for her too. I beleive she is on her last round of chemo for awhile finishing up before Christmas. We need to find her a match!

So now, I know all of you are still praying just as hard, if not harder, for our little Brycer and that is great! Keep those prayers coming because already we have seen how wonderful our God is!!! Like I've said before, He can move mountains and He can heal our Brycer!!! He can also heal our Jamie, so keep those powerful, faith-filled prayers coming for her too. Pray for her strength and healing. She is fighting the fight! God knows we will have fears with the situations we face in life. But, He wants us to have complete trust in Him. No doubts.... I know, I know, we are all "human". In my opinion, a few moments of doubt, panic, shock, and fear are all normal. It's the part about letting go of the doubt and giving it to Him that is so important. Yes, as Bryce's mom, I am a little worried about how he will handle all of the treatments. I don't want to see him down and out like that, again. But, right now, we don't have a choice. God is in the driver's seat and I KNOW HE IS GOING TO GET BRYCE AND JAMIE THROUGH THIS!!! Please give your doubts and fears to God, we all have them. Trust in Him and watch the incredible changes that will happen in your life.


Thank you so much for all that you do for Bryce and our family!!! Words cannot express the appreciation that we feel toward all of you!!! A special THANK YOU goes out to the Grandma's who are always there for us!!! Grandma Linda & Grandma Ann are always stopping their lives to help us continue on with our's. We love you soooooo much!!! More thanks to our family's, friends, and volunteers for supper. It is so good to have delicious meals brought to our home and to know that our boys' are eating the "good stuff"! Thank you to everyone who has sent cards to Bryce and our family, and for the gifts! But, most importantly...THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR POWERFUL PRAYERS!!! Keep 'em comin'!!! God is good. We love you, all!

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Saturday, December 10, 2005 11:42 PM CST

Good Evening~

I hope everyone is doing well and having a great weekend. You'll notice it is very late, again so you'll notice that I have copied and pasted a lot of my journal from last night. In my heart, I feel it is the most important information of the evening because we have soooooo many people we need to pray for!! Plus, I feel very, very strongly about giving it to God, as you know, and I don't think it hurts to hear it a few a times. And finally, we need to BELIEVE IN GOD (as you said tonight, Lana) and TRUST IN GOD. I spoke with Jamie tonight and she needs us. She needs us to pray, pray, and pray some more for her and her family. She needs us to give her strength, support, and lots of love. We have all been doing this alot already but now we need to kick it into high gear... This whole cancer thing is a total emotional rollercoaster ride. We jump for joy on the mountain tops, and we grow in the valleys. I know God is going to heal her, we just need to find the path...it all starts with Him. Let's make the Power of Prayer for Jamie absolutely incredible!!! On another note, my mom saw Heidi's mom and sister last night. We know the feelings they are going through, the waiting and wondering. We need to continue those strong, powerful prayers for her too. I beleive she is on her last round of chemo for awhile finishing up before Christmas. We need to find her a match!

Now on to Bryce, he had a great night last night. It is so wonderful when he is unhooked from his IV...he only got up once to use the bathroom and then, woke up after 8am. His counts are: hemoglobin 10.7; white count 5,900; ANC 5,050; and platelets 290,000. His potassium is getting low so they are supplimenting with IV and oral potassium. His liver function is going up, so they switched antibiotics. His back is still a little sore from the bone marrow biopsy but otherwise, he feels great! His cough is dry when he wakes up but then becomes more productive. By the end of the day, he is rarely coughing. He did get sick twice today. Once was from a potassium drink, and the other time was from a magnesium pill. He has not eaten a whole lot today. It is hard for him to find the things he likes that taste good. His favorite Nurse Practitioner, Donna, brought over some homemade chicken noodle soup today. We will give that a try tomorrow. He and I went down to the Teen Lounge tonight and made Cream of Broccoli soup that he thought he wanted, he only took a sip of it. So, that is a little hard. The ENT doctors are going to watch him and his nose this weekend and decide on Monday if they still need to do the nasal wash in the O.R. It would be less of a procedure because he had his sinuses cleaned out once already. He is not real excited about them! He has been funny and silly today, riding around on his tractor most of the day. The boys' have our church Christmas program tomorrow so I am hoping we'll go back for that. Otherwise, we are doing great on the hospital front! Please send out those much needed prayers I keep asking for. You are wonderful!!!!

So now, I know all of you are still praying just as hard, if not harder, for our little Brycer and that is great! Keep those prayers coming because already we have seen how wonderful our God is!!! Like I've said before, He can move mountains and He can heal our Brycer!!! He can also heal our Jamie, so keep those powerful, faith-filled prayers coming for her too. Pray for her strength and healing. She is fighting the fight! God knows we will have fears with the situations we face in life. But, He wants us to have complete trust in Him. No doubts.... I know, I know, we are all "human". In my opinion, a few moments of doubt, panic, shock, and fear are all normal. It's the part about letting go of the doubt and giving it to Him that is so important. Yes, as Bryce's mom, I am a little worried about how he will handle all of the treatments. I don't want to see him down and out like that, again. But, right now, we don't have a choice. God is in the driver's seat and I KNOW HE IS GOING TO GET BRYCE AND JAMIE THROUGH THIS!!! Please give your doubts and fears to God, we all have them. Trust in Him and watch the incredible changes that will happen in your life.


Thank you so much for all that you do for Bryce and our family!!! Words cannot express the appreciation that we feel toward all of you!!! A special THANK YOU goes out to the Grandma's who are always there for us!!! Grandma Linda & Grandma Ann are always stopping their lives to help us continue on with our's. We love you soooooo much!!! More thanks to our family's, friends, and volunteers for supper. It is so good to have delicious meals brought to our home and to know that our boys' are eating the "good stuff"! Thank you to everyone who has sent cards to Bryce and our family, and for the gifts! But, most importantly...THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR POWERFUL PRAYERS!!! Keep 'em comin'!!! God is good. We love you, all!

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Friday, December 9, 2005 11:09 PM CST

Good Evening~

We are just soooooo excited here about our great news!!! The doctors have been ordering the preliminary tests and so far Bryce has had an echocardiogram and eye exam done. Monday will be a pulmonary function test and some others. Tim got a whole list of appointments for Monday. They must have forgotten the Hickman appointment. They will place that in his chest so they can have more accesses after transplant. (I feel a little out of the loop because I was at home last night and today!) The ENT resident came in tonight and put a scope up Bryce's nose and feels that Bryce has some infection going on. He is planning on another sinus wash Monday morning. It is the same thing they did a while back. We will see Dr. Thompson in the morning about it. They are planning on starting Bryce's cranial radiation on Tuesday. They don't want to wait too long, again, for fear the Leukemia will come back. So, as it looks now: Bryce will have 6 days of cranial radiation--13th-16th, 19th, and 20th; then 3 days of total body radiation--21st-23rd; and then 2 days of chemo--24th and 25th. He will have a day of rest on the 26th, and he will have his transplant on the 27th. HOW'S THAT FOR A VERY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFT?!!!! Jesus is the Reason for the Season.....

As I sit here and type, I am anxious and hesitant. It is soooooo wonderful to see Bryce riding up and down the hallways on the green tractor with his BLUE HAIR (Thanks, Jody! It's so funny!!! But, it got a little hot after his tractor riding workout so he had to take it off.) I will put pictures on the web page of that! He has his spunk and attitude, too. It makes us soooo happy to see him this way, again!!! We are so anxious to get this transplant done but we are not looking forward to seeing him when his counts are down to nothing, again after chemo and radiation. We just keep thinking about the outcome... Our Bryce will be done with all of this. He'll be back to school playing with his friends and brothers. We can hardly wait!!!

He is unhooked from his IV and trying to eat more. It is so important to get his appetite and eating habits back to somewhat normal before all of the treatments. They did not check his counts today. I think they are checking them less often now because they are sooooooo great! His counts are like your's and mine! Wow!

So now, I know all of you are still praying just as hard, if not harder, for our little Brycer and that is great! Keep those prayers coming because already we have seen how wonderful our God is!!! Like I've said before, He can move mountains and He can heal our Brycer!!! He can also heal our Jamie, so keep those powerful, faith-filled prayers coming for her too. Pray for her strength and healing. She is fighting the fight! God knows we will have fears with the situations we face in life. But, He wants us to have complete trust in Him. No doubts.... I know, I know, we are all "human". In my opinion, a few moments of doubt, panic, shock, and fear are all normal. It's the part about letting go of the doubt and giving it to Him that is so important. Yes, as Bryce's mom, I am a little worried about how he will handle all of the treatments. I don't want to see him down and out like that, again. But, right now, we don't have a choice. God is in the driver's seat and I KNOW HE IS GOING TO GET BRYCE AND JAMIE THROUGH THIS!!! Please give your doubts and fears to God, we all have them. Trust in Him and watch the incredible changes that will happen in your life.


Thank you so much for all that you do for Bryce and our family!!! Words cannot express the appreciation that we feel toward all of you!!! A special THANK YOU goes out to the Grandma's who are always there for us!!! Grandma Linda & Grandma Ann are always stopping their lives to help us continue on with our's. We love you soooooo much!!! More thanks to our family's, friends, and volunteers for supper. It is so good to have delicious meals brought to our home and to know that our boys' are eating the "good stuff"! Thank you to everyone who has sent cards to Bryce and our family, and for the gifts! But, most importantly...THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR POWERFUL PRAYERS!!! Keep 'em comin'!!! God is good. We love you, all!

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce were the exact opposite in "waiting positions" for a while. He was trying and waiting to get into remission, and now he is in remission!!! He has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents who are Ray & Sue Sands from the Polka Dots band. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also @caringbridge.org/visit/heidigusenius. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Thursday, December 8, 2005 9:10 PM CST


Good Evening. Susie went to the elementary christmas program tonight, so your stuck with Dad, I went this afternoon the kids did a great job. Bryce had a good day once he gets past that first hour of getting his throat clear of the drainage from his sinuses. He had a CT scan of his sinuses this morning, his sinuses are full, so we started a 15cc antibiotic wash.(shoot 15cc of fluid up each nostril 3 times a day) Bryce ate a little more today, they stopped his IV food for tonight, maybe this will help him feel a little more hungry. He said something tonight about wanting one of the meals they have at school. (school food that good or hospital food that bad?) Counts went up some more hemoglobin 12.1, platlets 328,000, white blood 10,600 and ANC? The spinal fluid from Wednesday tap came back clear no blast cells. We will be shifting into the pretransplant mode soon. Lots of base line tests, lungs, heart, eyes etc. Susie's got a whole page of notes here. We will keep moving along as quick as possible to transplant, they don't want to give the leukemia a chance to come back. I'm sure we will learn more tomorrow, I'll leave a few details for Susie to type in, she hates to be left out.

God Bless.



Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:23 PM CST

Good Evening~

I am soooo excited because we are getting closer and closer to transplant!!! Praise God!!! Bryce's doctor came in this afternoon and said the bone marrow aspirate was clear. The aspirate is the most basic test of the bone marrow. The chromosome analysis results will be a few days, yet. She said they would repeat the CT Scan sometime within the next week to check that he is completely healthy, EVERYWHERE. She will be ordering the preliminary tests like the echocardiogram, and pulmonary function test, etc. in the next few days to get the ball rolling. She does not want to put things off too long for fear that the Leukemia would come back. I know I'm jumping ahead but she said that the week before transplant, Bryce will have total body radiation and possibly to the head and spine as a extra boost. He will also have very high doses of Cytoxin, a chemo medication. So basically, his marrow will be depleted down to nothing, again--hypocellular. We need to get and keep him healthy so it doesn't set him back any longer. We do not know when we will start any of these hard treatments again or when the transplant will be. We are so grateful to God for his love and mercy. God is soooo good.....

It's a little weird to be happy that your child is getting closer to transplant because we know what difficulties it entails. Transplant is going to be very difficult and scary. But, we are willing to tough it out with him and pray extremely hard for him during that time. I have noticed that when we talked about it today, he got quiet. I am wondering if he is a little scared. We will do a little talking tomorrow. We did see the Transplant Unit today with JoHanna from Child Life. I know that is getting him thinking. It is really nice there and not far from here. I told the boys that we will have a short term pain for a long term gain,...Bryce's health. They know this is not going to last forever and that the outcome will be their brother and parents with them at home, ALWAYS!!!! They seem to be doing very well. They are going to school with their hand antiseptics tomorrow. We need to be healthy so we can be together more... We are so very proud of each one of them!!! They are awesome!

Bryce's day was good. He woke up at 5am coughing, though. Other than that, the night was pretty good Tim said. Everything went well with the bone marrow biopsy and spinal tap. The results of the tap are not back, yet. They took bone marrow from both hips. He was a little sore tonight. His counts are: hemoglobin 10; white count 7,000; ANC 5,670; and platelets 238,000. Whew! He and Joel had a good day together. Bryce and I wandered into to our friend and "neighbor" , Ethan's room tonight. By the end of our short visit, Bryce was chuckling at Ethan. He is such a cute and funny little guy. I think they will spend a little time together tomorrow after Bryce's sinus x-ray. After that we went to the play area and we had a pleasant surprise from one of Bryce's classmates, Katelyn! She was here visiting her Grandpa who just had surgery. I think that her visit was the highlight of the evening!!! He really enjoyed her being here. He even had to show off a little by showing her how he goes up the hallway ramp on the little tractor and flies down the ramp with his feet up and makes the corner on "one wheel" (so, he thinks). He was pooped out after that show, though. We gave her and her mom, Sheila, the grand tour of 3-Francis. It was a very nice visit. Thanks, Katelyn & Sheila

Auntie Amanda stopped by tonight to say goodbye. She flies to Hawaii tomorrow morning for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Marathon. It just so happened that she was here when the doctor came in. That was a blessing from the Big Guy because she was a little sad about leaving Bryce. So, she got the good news when she needed it.

I spoke with Jamie tonight. She is doing well. She is such an incredible person! She got to see her boys today and that was wonderful! She will have an MRI tomorrow. They still do not have any definite plans for her. Sometimes the waiting is the hardest part. Please keep those very strong and powerful prayers coming for her! I just know she will be giving speeches someday, and lifting people up, even more than she is right now....

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, December 7, 2005 9:58 PM CST

Good Evening~

I am soooo excited because we are getting closer and closer to transplant!!! Praise God!!! Bryce's doctor came in this afternoon and said the bone marrow aspirate was clear. The aspirate is the most basic test of the bone marrow. The chromosome analysis results will be a few days, yet. She said they would repeat the CT Scan sometime within the next week to check that he is completely healthy, EVERYWHERE. She will be ordering the preliminary tests like the echocardiogram, and pulmonary function test, etc. in the next few days to get the ball rolling. She does not want to put things off too long for fear that the Leukemia would come back. I know I'm jumping ahead but she said that the week before transplant, Bryce will have total body radiation and possibly to the head and spine as a extra boost. He will also have very high doses of Cytoxin, a chemo medication. So basically, his marrow will be depleted down to nothing, again--hypocellular. We need to get and keep him healthy so it doesn't set him back any longer. We do not know when we will start any of these hard treatments again or when the transplant will be. We are so grateful to God for his love and mercy. God is soooo good.....

It's a little weird to be happy that your child is getting closer to transplant because we know what difficulties it entails. Transplant is going to be very difficult and scary. But, we are willing to tough it out with him and pray extremely hard for him during that time. I have noticed that when we talked about it today, he got quiet. I am wondering if he is a little scared. We will do a little talking tomorrow. We did see the Transplant Unit today with JoHanna from Child Life. I know that is getting him thinking. It is really nice there and not far from here. I told the boys that we will have a short term pain for a long term gain,...Bryce's health. They know this is not going to last forever and that the outcome will be their brother and parents with them at home, ALWAYS!!!! They seem to be doing very well. They are going to school with their hand antiseptics tomorrow. We need to be healthy so we can be together more... We are so very proud of each one of them!!! They are awesome!

Bryce's day was good. He woke up at 5am coughing, though. Other than that, the night was pretty good Tim said. Everything went well with the bone marrow biopsy and spinal tap. The results of the tap are not back, yet. They took bone marrow from both hips. He was a little sore tonight. His counts are: hemoglobin 10; white count 7,000; ANC 5,670; and platelets 238,000. Whew! He and Joel had a good day together. Bryce and I wandered into to our friend and "neighbor" , Ethan's room tonight. By the end of our short visit, Bryce was chuckling at Ethan. He is such a cute and funny little guy. I think they will spend a little time together tomorrow after Bryce's sinus x-ray. After that we went to the play area and we had a pleasant surprise from one of Bryce's classmates, Katelyn! She was here visiting her Grandpa who just had surgery. I think that her visit was the highlight of the evening!!! He really enjoyed her being here. He even had to show off a little by showing her how he goes up the hallway ramp on the little tractor and flies down the ramp with his feet up and makes the corner on "one wheel" (so, he thinks). He was pooped out after that show, though. We gave her and her mom, Sheila, the grand tour of 3-Francis. It was a very nice visit. Thanks, Katelyn & Sheila

Auntie Amanda stopped by tonight to say goodbye. She flies to Hawaii tomorrow morning for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Marathon. It just so happened that she was here when the doctor came in. That was a blessing from the Big Guy because she was a little sad about leaving Bryce. So, she got the good news when she needed it.

I spoke with Jamie tonight. She is doing well. She is such an incredible person! She got to see her boys today and that was wonderful! She will have an MRI tomorrow. They still do not have any definite plans for her. Sometimes the waiting is the hardest part. Please keep those very strong and powerful prayers coming for her! I just know she will be giving speeches someday, and lifting people up, even more than she is right now....

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 9:11 PM CST

Good Evening to all. Bryce had a good day, his counts are still doing good. Hemoglobin 9.9, platlets 198,000, white blood 6,800, ANC 5,650. He had a CT today to look at his chest and abdoman. They both looked better, his lungs are clearing up, his abdoman has less air in it so they started him on clear fluids tonight. Tomorrow he will have his bone marrow biopsy and do a spinal tap. The bone marrow biopsy they will take marrow out of both hips to compare the two spots. We don't get a time when the biopsy will happen, so if it is late in the day we may not get results until Thursday or later. Joel came down to spend the night and keep his brother on his toes.

Take Care.

Thanks for All you do for us.



Monday, December 5, 2005 10:34 PM CST

Good Evening~

I'm going to say it in the beginning tonight. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO FOR BRYCE AND OUR FAMILY!!!!!! You are all so great.... What a reflection you are onto us and your own family's! Have you ever thought of that???

Bryce had another good day. The night was a little rough as usual with the bathroom breaks every 2 hours and vomiting twice. He did get sick twice today, too. Otherwise, he really doesn't feel nauseated the rest of the time. His counts are good: hemoglobin 9.9; white count 4,700; ANC 3,980; and platelets 169,000. We went to Fleet Farm for about an hour this morning. Before we left he asked me, "Does Fleet Farm have toys?" Does Fleet Farm have toys???? That probably says a little bit about his father who, when we are in Fleet Farm, is almost always in the hunting section....Just teasin', honey! We had a nice trip. He was tired out from the pneumonia which is to be expected. The doctors think he still sounds crackly in both lungs. He has his CT tomorrow. I am curious to see how the pneumatosis looks. I hope better. I wish he could eat something. They also told us they will be checking his spinal fluid on Wednesday during the bone marrow biopsy. They didn't do it last week because they felt it was not necessary.

Auntie Manda leaves for Honolulu, Hawaii on Thursday to run in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Marathon in Bryce's honor. We are sooooo proud of her and excited for her!!! She raised the most funds for the L & L Society in the state of Minnesota!! Isn't that awesome?!!!! Amanda--I could never say enough great things about you. You are who God created you to be and we all love that about you!!! Go get 'em, girl!!! She will be meeting up with my brother, Chris & Gloria and their family while she is there. I can't wait to hear all about it next weekend!

Amanda came here for awhile tonight while I went to visit Jamie. That girl is such a trooper! Chad & Brandy, and Zach were there. We all had a nice visit. I wanted to hug her tight but I'm afraid I will break her...She's like a PRECIOUS JEWEL, you know. Someone who goes through so much inside her own body, has 5 adorable little boys and a wonderful family, and now has to go through even more... She's one tough cookie and she will have triumph and victory, just like our little Brycer!!! Keep those special prayers coming for Jamie & Bryce & Nikki and everyone else fighting their battles. Just think about the inner-strength that they have! Amazing, isn't it??? It was so great to see Jamie and touch her hand. She knows everyone is praying for her so much. She is waiting patiently to speak with the doctors about what will happen next. So, keep those prayers coming! Speaking of prayers, Tammy who updates Jamie's web page has been spending time here at St. Mary's with her Dad who is having tests done on his heart. Please send out some extra prayers for him, Tammy, and their family's. Tammy is always taking care of everyone else, let's take care of her now with the Power of Prayer...

Mitchell is here tonight so they were pretty excited about that! Plus, Bryce got to visit with a bunch of his favorite nurses today and tonight. How cool is that? They just love him. But, then again, who wouldn't? Hey, I can say that....I am his mother. Speaking of his father, Tim will be updating tomorrow night because I will be at home with the rest of The Crew. I am looking forward to getting a straight night of sleep--no interruptions--knock on wood.

HEY NIKKI! YOU'RE LOOKING GOOOOOD!!! THANKS FOR BEING SUCH A CONSIDERATE PERSON TO ALL THE OTHER PATIENTS IN THE HOSPITAL!! YOU ARE TEACHING ALL OF US SO MUCH BY YOUR THOUGHTFULNESS....I want to say a special HI to Nikki who is also fighting Leukemia. She is downstairs on 2-Francis with her awesome Mom. Send an extra special prayer out for Nikki. She wants to bust out of this place and hang out at home. I don't blame her. She is almost 18 and has more important "stuff" to do!!! Right, Nikki?! You're a doll!

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care

God Bless You All



Sunday, December 4, 2005 9:11 PM CST

Good Evening~

We are back with a quick update, again. Bryce has had a great day! He did have some coughing and vomiting during the night and was awake since 6am today. We saw the doctors at 8am and flew the coop at 8:15!!! That's right, Bryce came to church with us so we could all be together to light the Advent Candle!!! I could tell that his doctor really wanted him to be there. He wore his mask and was very quiet. I think he was very unsure about it but while we were there, we saw him holding Mitchell's hand and getting a little silly with Mitchell. We stopped at home quick before and after, and then headed back to the hospital. (He is already wondering if he can get out for a few hours in the morning, again, to go back home to do nothing--just to be there). His nurse hooked him back up to his IV for his antibiotics, and he was back to the play room. In between, we took family pictures for Grandma & Grandpa Breuer. It was a little less chaotic than it usually gets,...what's up with that??? I think it was because Jen, the funny nurse from Texas, was helping to get all 6 of the grand-boys to smile. Whew! That's a big job!! Bryce spent the whole afternoon playing in the activity room which most definitely pooped him out. He was sleeping by 7:10pm tonight. But then, graceful mother spilled his water glass which woke him up and we had to change his wet clothes... Anyway, his spirits are good. These nurses on 3-Francis are great and that helps alot! We say our prayers every night, and I ask God to give him strength, healing, and a positive attitude. His teacher comes tomorrow, he has a CT Scan on Tuesday, and a bone marrow biopsy on Wednesday. His nose is still full of drainage a lot of the day, and he still coughs quite a bit in the am & pm. Oh, I almost forgot, for you detail people like myself, his counts are hemoglobin 10.5; white count 6,300; ANC 5,820; and platelets 146,000. Still looking awesome!!! Way to go, Big Red! We all love you soooooo much!!!

We had a very special surprise for him at home... I told him about a bunch of our friends from our community who wanted to "DO SOMETHING!!" so they got together yesterday at 9am at our house and put up brand new Christmas lights on the house!!! They also set up a Nativity Scene, Frosty the Snowman, snowflakes, candycanes, and Santa, along with some garland. It looks awesome!!! The boys are so excited because it is wwwwaaaaaaayyyyyy more than Dad & Mom do every year!!! They all chipped in for everything and even brought a boom (?spelling) truck over to put them up. Bryce had a huge smile when I told him about it! He wouldn't let me tell him what exactly they put up because he wanted that to be a surprise when we drove in. He and his brothers are learning from ALL of YOU what friends do for each other. And, that it feels soooooo good to help out and work together. Thank you!!!

Thank you for your prayers, food, cards, gifts, and support! Please continue the prayers for the small children, the extended family, and the close friends. They are all so special to us, and they need the strength, also. Our boys' seem to be doing very well. We had the "Don't Put Your Fingers in Your Mouth Lecture" tonight. It went over fairly well. I think they heard us... We told them this is an extremely important time in our lives, right now. We must be healthy. Logan is coughing, again though. A few nurses tonight told me that we should get Mitch, Logan, & Joel instant hand antiseptic to carry with them at school because it is so important that they don't bring in any sickness, right now. We could be very close to transplant... We will know more on Friday after receiving the bone marrow biopsy and CT reports.

I spoke with Jamie for a minute tonight. She has been reminded by all of us many times that we are all praying for her and fighting with and for her...So we will continue our very special task tonight. Jamie & Zach have received news that she will have surgery again next week to remove more cancer cells. She & Zach have a lot to think about, once again. Please, please, please send them HUGE prayers for their strength and for her healing strength. They need US to lift them up. Part of the healing process is being positive. Let's give them a shoulder to lean on. Those 5 little boys need their Mommy, and Zach loves his wife dearly. I don't question God about why these things are happening because I don't believe He wants any one of us to suffer. He only wants the best for us. For some reason, Jamie needs to fight even more. When she is having less energy to fight, let's fight for her. EVERYONE NEEDS TO HAVE HUGE FAITH IN THE LORD OUR GOD!!! He wants us to get our hopes up, He wants us to believe in Him, and give Him all of the control. Please go to Jamie's webpage, it's the Caring Bridge jamieoreilly. You have all been so great to follow her story, and I know it will have a wonderful 'last chapter'! Like I said before, we will all be telling Jamie's story, including Jamie, for many years to come! Send her the Power of Prayer!!!!

I want to say a special HI to Nikki who is also fighting Leukemia. She is downstairs on 2-Francis with her awesome Mom. Send an extra special prayer out for Nikki. She wants to bust out of this place and hang out at home. I don't blame her. She is almost 18 and has more important "stuff" to do!!! Right, Nikki?! You're a doll!

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care

God Bless You All



Saturday, December 3, 2005 5:22 PM CST

Good Evening~

Just a quick one tonight...

Bryce's day has been good. We've had a family day including the activity room, movies, naps, and lots of hugs for Mom!! Bryce seems to be feeling ok. He did get sick 3 times during the night. He was up to the bathroom 3 times, also. The nap today was much needed. His counts are excellent: hemoglobin 10.5; white count 7,500; ANC 6,870; and platelets 113,000. AWESOME!!! Tomorrow we will light the advent candle at church. We are looking forward to that...A time to celebrate Christ's birth! I love Christmas and I love teaching my boys that Jesus is the Reason for the Season!!!! Supper is in the oven downstairs on 2-Francis. Gotta go get it out before it burns! Thanks again for all the meals!!! We love them!!!


Again, we have a very special task tonight. Jamie & Zach have received news that she will have surgery again next week to remove more cancer cells. She & Zach have a lot to think about, once again. Please, please, please send them HUGE prayers for their strength and for her healing strength. They need US to lift them up. Part of the healing process is being positive. Let's give them a shoulder to lean on. Those 5 little boys need their Mommy, and Zach loves his wife dearly. I don't question God about why these things are happening because I don't believe He wants any one of us to suffer. He only wants the best for us. For some reason, Jamie needs to fight even more. When she is having less energy to fight, let's fight for her. EVERYONE NEEDS TO HAVE HUGE FAITH IN THE LORD OUR GOD!!! He wants us to get our hopes up, He wants us to believe in Him, and give Him all of the control. Please go to Jamie's webpage, it's the Caring Bridge jamieoreilly. You have all been so great to follow her story, and I know it will have a wonderful 'last chapter'! Like I said before, we will all be telling Jamie's story, including Jamie, for many years to come! Send her the Power of Prayer!!!!

I want to say a special HI to Nikki who is also fighting Leukemia. She is downstairs on 2-Francis with her awesome Mom. Send an extra special prayer out for Nikki. She wants to bust out of this place and hang out at home. I don't blame her. She is almost 18 and has more important "stuff" to do!!! Right, Nikki?! You're a doll!

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care

God Bless You All



Friday, December 2, 2005 9:33 PM CST

Good Evening~

First and foremost, "We must all listen to God." I just fell asleep with Bryce for a few minutes and that is what I heard as I woke up. God is speaking to all of us,...are we listening? Faith endures over everything. God is our Creator, we must trust in him.

We have a very special task tonight. Jamie & Zach have received news that she will have surgery again next week to remove more cancer cells. She & Zach have a lot to think about, once again. Please, please, please send them HUGE prayers for their strength and for her healing strength. They need US to lift them up. Part of the healing process is being positive. Let's give them a shoulder to lean on. Those 5 little boys need their Mommy, and Zach loves his wife dearly. I don't question God about why these things are happening because I don't believe He wants any one of us to suffer. He only wants the best for us. For some reason, Jamie needs to fight even more. When she is having less energy to fight, let's fight for her. EVERYONE NEEDS TO HAVE HUGE FAITH IN THE LORD OUR GOD!!! He wants us to get our hopes up, He wants us to believe in Him, and give Him all of the control. Please go to Jamie's webpage, it's the Caring Bridge jamieoreilly. You have all been so great to follow her story, and I know it will have a wonderful 'last chapter'! Like I said before, we will all be telling Jamie's story, including Jamie, for many years to come! Send her the Power of Prayer!!!!

Bryce's day was good. He woke up 3 times during the night to use the bathroom, as usual. He was coughing more when he woke up. I guess all of those white cells are going to the pneumonia now to heal it, so that will cause him to cough up more "stuff". He didn't complain of being nauseated at all today, and he only vomited this morning while coughing. His counts are: hemoglobin 9.6; white count 4,800; ANC 4,416 ; and platelets 92,000. The doctor told us today that we will do another CT Scan on Tuesday and a bone marrow biopsy on Wednesday of next week. The CT will be checking his chest and abdomen. She also said that his bone marrow chromosome analysis came back and out of 20 bone marrow cells collected on Monday, 2 of them still had the Leukemia abnormality chromosome. When someone has Leukemia, they have this abnormality in their chromosomes. But, his bone marrow from Monday was "clear" of blast/Leukemia cells so they were hoping there would not be any in the chromosome analysis. Once again, we are giving it to God. There are miracles happening every single day because of God and His Son. I truly believe deep in my heart that Bryce Andrew Breuer is one of His special miracles-in-the-works!!! Do you believe it? This is our son and we will celebrate his life everyday. He looks great for someone who is going through what he is going through. He was silly again today and really enjoyed the Game Cube in the activity room. He rode the little tractor tonight in the hallway. It pooped him out but he did it! Dad and the brothers came tonight and are staying over. We are all very happy about that! We are so happy to be together.

I hope I don't sound like I am being bossy or anything but you know what? Life is too short, gang. Let's ALL be thankful for everything we've got! Let's pray for these small children like the O'Reilly boys, our boys, and all of the little people from family and close friends who have to deal with these situations already at such a young age. They are all so precious. They are the best gift from God, EVER!!!!

Thank you for your support and most of all, your prayers... God is listening. He is lifting us up. He is the Almighty Healer. Thank Him everyday....

I want to say a special HI to Nikki who is also fighting Leukemia. She is downstairs on 2-Francis with her awesome Mom. Send an extra special prayer out for Nikki. She wants to bust out of this place and hang out at home. I don't blame her. She is almost 18 and has more important "stuff" to do!!! Right, Nikki?! You're a doll!

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care

God Bless You All



Thursday, December 1, 2005 9:26 PM CST

Good Evening~

Bryce has had a good day! Mitchell & Dad stayed overnight while I went home with Logan & Joel. Grandma Linda had Ethan sleeping when we got home. I went across the street around 6:30 to the Canadian Honker with my friends from high school/Wanamingo. It was fun and relaxing, and it was great catching up and getting away for a little while. Thanks, girls! Bryce had a good nights rest but woke up this morning when Mitchell woke up which is almost always a little earlier than everyone else. So, Bryce was a little tired tonight. Tim & Mitch came back home by noon because we had parent lunch day at school with Mitch & Logan. That was wonderful! It always go so fast! It was nice seeing friends and smiles of excitement for Bryce. Grandma & Grandpa Breuer came to stay with Bryce for the day. They had a nice day together! They said Bryce fell asleep for 20 minutes but woke up coughing. I know they all enjoyed their time together. Grandma & Grandpa even played some Nintendo with Bryce! Mrs. Pasch came today, also. She is great. She'll be back tomorrow. I got here around 3:30.

The doctors didn't make rounds until after Tim had left, so Dad called Tim on the phone while we were having lunch to talk to Dr. Arndt. Bryce had a abdominal x-ray this morning and it still looks the same. That is better than it looking worse. She was very pleased with Bryce's white count, again. We didn't get the counts updated for yesterday. Here are yesterdays first followed by todays: hemoglobin 10.6/10.9; white count 1,400/2,200(!); ANC 1,350/2,068(!!!); platelets 62,000/75,000. It's amazing what the blood will do with the GCSF shot and no Leukemia cells, isn't it?! So,.....Bryce has been given the boot! You got it,...he is free to leave his room with a mask on! He didn't want to tonight around 5:30 but I made him. We went to the activity room where he met a new friend, saw different walls, played Game Cube, and Chutes & Ladders. We stayed there for almost 2 hours!!! It was a good thing. Tomorrow I'm hoping we will do an hour of school work, go to the activity room for a while, nap, and then be ready for Mrs. Pasch again. Bryce's sinuses were full this morning. So, we are hoping he is not getting a sinus infection, now. He is sleeping very soundly, now.

We are very anxious to get these infections cleared up. We are hoping that with his white count jumping so much that all of those white cells will go directly to those areas and heal them!!! We are thanking God as much as possible for the good news that the blasts are absent from his bone marrow. When they check his bone marrow in a few weeks, if it comes back with normal, healthy cells in it, then they will say he is in remission. Please keep all of those prayers coming for remission!!! Keep the prayers coming for his great white count and for quick healing. We all need to stay positive and full of faith because our God is awesome and powerful!!! He is healing Bryce as I type and as you read! Some of you have said to me that you appreciate life so much more these days, and that is sooooooooo wonderful to hear! I think sometimes we all forget how precious life is and how good God is. Trust me, Tim & I definitely know how precious and good life is. Life is sooooooo good and God is soooooo good. We are all so blessed, even when we have a tough day. We just need to look a little bit harder for the good in everything, don't we? Can you tell we had a really good day at the Breuer Home and hospital?????

Thank you for EVERYTHING you do for us! You are all so wonderful and faith-filled! God is working in all of us to keep all of us strong on those difficult days. (It shows by the guestbook entries.) And, no matter what, there is always someone who has it worse! I met a very special mom the other day with her precious little 6-month-old daughter. When I left their room, I felt so good about my life. God sent her to me that day when I was feeling down. I LOVE THAT!!! God always knows... God is always there... God is always listening...

Please continue those awesome prayers for Jamie! She is doing great! I am hoping to get to Methodist to see her tomorrow or Saturday. Tammy is doing a great job updating her webpage. I know she is going to love to read all of your entries in the guestbook! Thank you for doing that! Her doctor was beaming from ear to ear when she came in to see her this morning, Tammy said. That says something in itself. Jamie will be getting up and about before we know it because she is one tough cookie and she is a fighter! She's got a great attitude. She's got spunk! And, she's leaning on God. Way to go, Jamie! We are all so very proud of you!!! And, you too Zach! He has been so strong these last couple of days.

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care

God Bless You All



Wednesday, November 30, 2005 5:04 PM CST

Good Afternoon~

I want to say a couple special HALLELUJAH's for Bryce & Jamie!!!
(Warning: This is a L O N G entry!)

Bryce's doctors came in and said that his bone marrow is hypocellular. This means that there are very few cells in his bone marrow, none of which are blast cells. Bryce is NOT in remission. His bone marrow is HYPOCELLULAR with NO MALIGNANT CELLS NOTED. So, this is step number (?) in the process of (?) steps.... In all reality, there are many, many steps to this bone marrow transplant! I DID NOT realize how many steps it would take. But, I do realize why they only take us this route. There is no guarentee, and there are no promises made. They do not want to overwhelm us. They only lead us by each step, just as we take this all day by day.

Now what do we do, you ask? WE WAIT................
Bryce NEEDS to be HEALTHY.

He needs to be fever-free. He had a slight temp. last night, otherwise he has been doing well for over 24 hours without a high temp.

He needs to clear up his pneumonia. He was coughing more last night. We stopped his pill (last night) that helps with the coughing because we are wondering if it is causing a rash over his body. He was coughing more last night, again. So, we gave him some Robitussin with codeine. They will do a chest x-ray in 1 1/2 weeks to see how it is looking. They said the pneumonia will take some time to heal, especially with a low white count.

He need to clear up the pneumatosis. His white count needs to continue to rise so the pneumatosis (inflamed intestine) will heal. We also need that perforation in his bowel to heal on its own and the free air to be absorbed. They will do abdominal x-rays every 2-3 days to watch the perforation and free air. If there is no change, that is good. If it heals itself, that is great! If it starts to leak fluid or stool, or if the perforation gets larger, it can cause a major infection in his abdomen and he will probably need surgery. The pediatric surgeon told us that he "does not want to do surgery on a child with a low white count because they do not heal well. It's much easier to do surgery on a child with an ANC of 1,000." Remember, the ANC is a subcategory of the white count. The ANC is the healthy white cells. We asked if his ANC gets up to 500, would he be able to get out of his room? She said, "We will talk about it when it gets to 500. I do not forsee his ANC getting to 500 any time soon." That's ok, we can deal with that....

Remember, we are heading toward the Big Picture--no more cancer....

Once he is back to good health, they will do another bone marrow biopsy. That biopsy will most likely be in 2 weeks. If the biopsy shows all healthy cells, we can go right into radiation and then, transplant. The biopsy could show Leukemia cells, again. She did not say what we would do then. I would guess that he would go back into hard chemo, again. I asked Bryce's Transplant Nurse Practitioner, "What are his chances that he will have healthy cells fill his bone marrow?" She said, "Bryce is unique. And, this is the first time we have ever used Clofarabine, and that is a big dog, so we don't know what his chances are of having healthy cells or Leukemia cells return. I couldn't even guess." We all know Bryce is UNIQUE--haha. But, she meant unique by how it took him so long to respond to a chemo medication after he relapsed.

So, we need to pray for Bryce's white count to continue to climb with the help of the GCSF shots he has been getting everyday. We need to pray for his perforation to heal. We need to pray for Bryce to be fever-free. We need to pray for the pneumonia to clear up. We need to pray for no further infections. We need to pray for all healthy cells to fill his bone marrow. We need to pray for a positive, healing, faith-filled attitude for Bryce. That's so important!!! We WILL have TRIUMPH & VICTORY for our Brycer!!!

Now, after all of this Bryce-update, I hope I haven't sounded negative in any way. Because really, I am just very focused... I never realized how many steps there are to this relapse-transplant process. Tim & I, and our family members, feel very strongly that God would not have made Mitchell a match if He didn't need him for Bryce. God works in mysterious, miraculous ways. He is going to get Bryce through this. Bryce has been in a good mood today until the doctors came in. Funny, huh? Not so! I am working with him on that. I know, I know. He is going through a lot. But, he still needs to be polite to them. They are helping him. His counts are still pending after redrawing them at 1:15pm.

Now on to Jamie O'Reilly's Hallelujah....Her surgery is complete. Her webpage is updated. Her tumor has been removed, she received radiation, and she is on her way to a strong recovery!!! She's a strong, incredible woman, and she will be telling everyone her story someday! We will all say, "There is Jamie O'Reilly. Have you heard everything that she has overcome? You have to meet her! She is INCREDIBLE and SO INSPIRATIONAL to soooooo many!!!" Her tumor is a Peripheral Nerve Sheath Sarcoma, Grade IV. The doctors got all of the tumor and will be watching her very closely, especially for the next 2 years. Please continue those extra powerful prayers for Jamie and her family! Pray for her healing, strength, and recovery. Pray for strength for her husband and 5 little boys. They are such a wonderful family!!! Please send her a special hello on her caring bridge.

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care

God Bless You All



Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:13 PM CST

Good Evening~

Bryce slept good last night. He was only up once or twice to the bathroom. He woke up with a fever at 3:15am and was in a great mood. So, we turned on the tree and the Christmas music and waited for Tylenol, blood cultures, and a nebulizer treatment. He slept in until 8:40! He had his repeat CT Scan of the abdomin today. The free air in the abdomen is unchanged which is good. If he starts to leak any fluid from the bowel where it is perforated, it could lead into a very bad infection which he could have a lot of trouble fighting off with a very low white count. He is maintaining his counts: hemoglobin 9.9; white count 400 (moving up!); ANC zero; and platelets 47,000. He worked with Mrs. Pasch today and really enjoyed being silly with her. We waited very patiently for results today and obviously it will be tomorrow. There are quite a few tests to be done on the bone marrow. I wish we had more to tell you...

Zach & Jamie O'Reilly stopped by tonight when Auntie Shelley & Carson were here. Jamie had a huge, long day of appointments, and she still wanted to stop by and see our little Brycer. They brought him a cool gift that Zach had to help him with while Jamie and I talked. She, too, is fighting cancer. Her cancer is Nerve Sheath Sarcoma. Her surgery to remove her tumor is tomorrow, the 30th. She has a whole "A" team of surgeons that will be there with her because they are unsure of what they will exactly find. She is nervous and a little scared about all of the events happening for her tomorrow but who wouldn't be? She is leaning on God and praying for the best. They filled her in on the details of the surgery but I know you will find everything out on her caring bridge tomorrow from Tammy. Please send out some extra prayers for Jamie & her precious family!!! Please go to her Caring Bridge and wish her well, it is the new caring bridge with her first and last name (without the ' in O'Reilly). We cannot get Jamie and her family off our minds!!! I know God is holding her in His hands, also. I know she feels comfort in the Lord. She is so strong and full of faith. When she stopped by last week to see Bryce, there was a connection between the two of them, much like the connection Bryce has with Nancy Hinrichs--an incredible woman and cancer survivor from Goodhue. I feel so much comfort in that connection because, as Bryce's mom, I always want to know how he is feeling and I want to know what is going on inside of him but I truly cannot know what he is feeling because I am not going through it. It gives me such relief for Jamie to sit down with him and feel that connection. Am I rambling? I don't mean to. I hope you can understand what I am saying... It just gives me comfort to know that at least Jamie, or Nancy, or any other cancer fighter and/or survivor can know what he's thinking and feel what he's feeling so that maybe he knows he is not alone. I just don't want my 7-year-old son to feel like he is all alone with his battle... He is just so precious and so brave. Bless his heart.......

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Ellen, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care

God Bless You All



Monday, November 28, 2005 10:27 PM CST

Good evening, Dad's turn so I know it will be short. Bryce seems to feeling pretty good, has some energy to tease and cause problems. He still seems to get the fever every six hours after the tylenol wears off. He had his bone marrow biopsy today, we might see some results tomorrow, the final report may not be until Wednesday. They did a CT scan today on his lung and abdoman. The pnemonia in the right lung looks the same. His abdoman has some free air in it, so there may be a perforation some where. A peds surgeon stopped by and checked him, he has no pain or discomfort to the touch, his belly is soft, so we need to watch if that changes, they will do another CT in the morning to double check. The surgeon doesn't want to do anything because of the low white count. His counts today are hemoglobin 9.3, platelets 51,000 and white blood 300. The best would be if his white blood count keeps going up and he starts to produce ANC. The perforation may heal itself then or if the surgeon needs to fix it he could. All in all he looks good and seems to feel good, the cough is less and he's slept good the last few nights.

I have a very special prayer request for our very special friend. I wish all of you could meet Jamie O'Reilly. She is married to Zach, and they live on a farm outside of Goodhue. I have so much respect for them and their incredible relationship. She is 29 and a very busy mother of 5 very handsome little boys. Their ages range from 6 years to 2 years. She is funny, witty, sassy, and sweet. She lights up a room when she enters. As one of her very close friend's put it last night, she lives, laughs, and loves life to the fullest. She, too, is fighting cancer. Her cancer is Nerve Sheath Sarcoma. She will have surgery tomorrow, Wednesday, November 30th. She has finished her chemo and radiation and will know much more Wednesday after surgery. She has a whole "A" team of surgeons that will be there with her because they are unsure of what they will exactly find. I am asking you to send out some very, very powerful prayers for Jamie, Zach, and the Fabulous Five. We have always had a bond with our 5 boys. But, in July after her diagnosis, we bonded a bit more in a way we wish we didn't have to. Please go to her Caring Bridge and wish her well, it is the new caring bridge with her first and last name. We cannot get Jamie and her family off our minds!!! I know God is holding her in His hands, also. I know she feels comfort in the Lord. She is so strong and full of faith. We are soooo excited to spend more time with her and Zach. When she stopped by last week to see Bryce, there was a connection between the two of them, much like the connection Bryce has with Nancy Hinrichs--an incredible woman and cancer survivor from Goodhue. I feel so much comfort in that connection because, as Bryce's mom, I always want to know how he is feeling and I want to know what is going on inside of him but I truly cannot know what he is feeling because I am not going through it. It gives me such relief for Jamie to sit down with him and feel that connection. Am I rambling? I don't mean to. I hope you can understand what I am saying... It just gives me comfort to know that at least Jamie, or Nancy, or any other cancer fighter and/or survivor can know what he's thinking and feel what he's feeling so that maybe he knows he is not alone. I just don't want my 7-year-old son to feel like he is all alone with his battle... He is just so precious and so brave. Bless his heart.......

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care

God Bless You All



Sunday, November 27, 2005 10:03 PM CST

Good Evening~

I am finally back with an update! I had good intentions to update yesterday before Tim & I left and, again, early this morning, and then, again, this afternoon. We are all fine! It has actually been a pretty good day!

Last night, Tim & I went to Jamie O'Reilly's dinner party at the Hubbell House. It was wonderful!!! I wish all of you could meet Jamie. She is married to Zach, and they live on a farm outside of Goodhue. I have so much respect for them and their incredible relationship. She is 29 and a very busy mother of 5 very handsome little boys. Their ages range from 6 years to 2 years. She is funny, witty, sassy, and sweet. She lights up a room when she enters. As one of her very close friend's put it last night, she lives, laughs, and loves life to the fullest. She, too, is fighting cancer. Her cancer is Nerve Sheath Sarcoma. The party was a fun get-together to celebrate "Jamie" before her surgery on Wednesday, November 30th. She has finished her chemo and radiation and will know much more Wednesday after surgery. She has a whole team of surgeons that will be there with her because they are unsure of what they will exactly find. I am asking you to send out some very, very powerful prayers for Jamie, Zach, and the Fabulous Five. We have always had a bond with our 5 boys. But, in July after her diagnosis, we bonded a bit more in a way we wish we didn't have to. Please go to her Caring Bridge and wish her well, it is the new caring bridge with her first and last name. We cannot get Jamie and her family off our minds!!! I know God is holding her in His hands, also. I know she feels comfort in the Lord. She is so strong and full of faith. She will be stopping by tomorrow to spend some time with us before her appointments at 1pm. We are soooo excited to spend more time with her and Zach. When she stopped by last week to see Bryce, there was a connection between the two of them, much like the connection Bryce has with Nancy Hinrichs--an incredible woman and cancer survivor from Goodhue. I feel so much comfort in that connection because, as Bryce's mom, I always want to know how he is feeling and I want to know what is going on inside of him but I truly cannot know what he is feeling because I am not going through it. It gives me such relief for Jamie to sit down with him and feel that connection. Am I rambling? I don't mean to. I hope you can understand what I am saying... It just gives me comfort to know that at least Jamie, or Nancy, or any other cancer fighter and/or survivor can know what he's thinking and feel what he's feeling so that maybe he knows he is not alone. I just don't want my 7-year-old son to feel like he is all alone with his battle... He is just so precious and so brave. Bless his heart.......

OK. So, Bryce slept much better last night! Grandma Linda & Grandpa Arnie stayed at the hospital with Bryce while Tim & I were gone. Grandma Ann stayed at home with the brothers. Joel got the stomach flu around 10pm. We thought we were done with it... Tim stayed at the hospital with us and got up with Bryce each time he woke up. So, I got some good sleep just waking up a few times. But, before we even left the hospital Bryce started fevering and vomiting. He still told us to go. We knew he was in very good hands with Grandma & Grandpa. They ended up drawing blood cultures and doing a portable abdominal x-ray while we were gone. He went to sleep around 10pm and slept hard. The nebulizer treatments seem to be helping. He is still wheezing occasionally but coughing less. Sometimes it is the same deep cough but sometimes it is lighter. He has been having Tylenol for his fevers which have been pretty consistent since last Monday. His temp. right now is 39.2C/102.5F. All of his cultures are coming up negative, still. His abdominal x-ray looked pretty much the same with the pneumotosis. His counts were hemoglobin 7.7; white count 200; ANC zero; and platelets 39,000. So, he got platelets this afternoon and he is getting red cells right now. The doctor told him he could have clear liquids today but he was not at all interested! The great part of the day is that he woke up talking this morning. Ususally, he has to take awhile to wake up and he will be grumpy. But, this morning was much better at 8:45! He needed that awesome rest! He still had his fever at 7am and 2:30pm and vomited a couple of times today but other than that he had a great day. He has not had a good day like this in awhile...

We had many visitors: Kristi & Mark who are the parents of a Nikki who is also battling cancer, Jer & Carol and the girls who are family and close friends, Pastor Glen, and Auntie Julie, Jordan & Collin. Mitch & Logan also spent the day here. Tim & I ran to Wal-Mart for a couple of hours while Julie hung out here with the kids. They had a blast! Games, movies, and fun. Julie also brought him a Christmas tree for the room which gives it the start of the Christmas Spirit. Tim left with the boys around 6:30. Grandma Linda kept Ethan and Joel. Joel is feeling much better today. Cross your fingers for the rest of the Crew. Tim, Logan, & Bryce are the only ones left who have not got it.

Tomorrow, Bryce will have his bone marrow biopsy. They will also draw out some spinal fluid to make sure it is still clear while he is asleep. I just hope he does not have to wait too long, again. I am not sure if they will repeat his CT Scan tomorrow or later this week. The CT will be rechecking his pneumonia, sinuses, and pneumotosis. I am sure we will not receive any results until late Tuesday morning. I am sure they will have his treatment plan all mapped out by then, too. I know you are all saying some extra powerful prayers for Bryce, right now. Please keep them coming! Tim & I are not allowing ourselves to think too hard into it. We are praying for patience, strenght, and healing. We have given it to God by choice. We need to keep our faith, and our trust, in God. I also pray for all of you and I hope you are doing the same. I know this is not easy for all of you whether you know Bryce or not. About a year ago, I was checking on a little girl named LaKota every single day and praying so hard for her. She received her stem cell transplant and is doing great today. We will also have victory and triumph for our little Brycer. We have to believe. We have to be strong for Bryce. Yes, it does get very scary when we "think" about it. Yes, I do feel a little anxiety in my chest. No, we are not always strong, we have our weak moments. But, when it comes down to your child, you HAVE to have FAITH. You must let God lead you. I am so grateful that God has given me such an incredible husband, best friend, and soul mate. I don't know what I would do without him. I wish everyone could have what we have. We have it because we trusted in God. We listened to God. And, we need to listen, now. Once again, I think I may be rambling..... Oops.

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Friday, November 25, 2005 8:49 PM CST

Good Evening~

I WANT TO SAY A BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GOODHUE WILDCAT FOOTBALL TEAM FOR AN OUTSTANDING GAME!!! We didn't get to watch it from St. Mary's but we did hear how fantastic you played! You may not have brought home the final victory but you are all CHAMPIONS in our community's eyes!!! You should all be so very proud of yourselves! We are trying to teach our children to play like a team, and we use YOU as an example. WAY TO GO!!!

Today was a fairly good day considering that Bryce and I were up at least once every hour during the night. He was fevering, coughing occasionally, and at times coughing so hard that he vomited, and then using the bathroom every two hours. His tummy was hurting at the beginning of the night but didn't hurt as bad after he had emptied his bladder. I am wondering if the full bladder sometimes puts too much pressure on the sore intestines. So, he was very tired this morning. His fever hit 39.3C around 3am so they did another set of blood cultures. All of the blood cultures are still coming up negative. He still fevered all day long but the highest being around 2pm at 39C. His nose is still draining, not terribly though. He coughs up a lot of blood from the drainage in the back of his throat. His coughing is less, thank goodness! He still coughs but it is more deep and not as constant. He is wheezing so they discontinued the inhaler and nasal spray and started him on nebulizer treatments four times a day. He is sleeping very noisy, right now. Today his counts were hemoglobin 9.1; white count 100; ANC zero; and platelets 78,000. That was awesome how he maintained his hemoglobin even with the fever! Bryce even got up to play on the computer a few times today and look out the window at the new snow. He said, "This would be good snow for our Kittykat Snowmobile." He is anxious to get home and ride it. We have been here four weeks today...

Tim took Ethan & Joel with him to stay at Auntie Manda's here in Rochester. They will be back in the morning. Mitch & Logan are staying with us tonight. We rearranged Bryce's room so we could have more room and that is a fun change! Bryce wasn't sure about it at first but I think it is going to work out very nicely. Now, we need to start decorating for Christmas! The window outside his room will soon be washed and repainted, maybe even tomorrow. And, Becky, we'll be needing that little Christmas tree, soon--hint,hint. It has been sooooooo great to be together. I cannot express that enough. Tim & I are enjoying every minute of it and I know the brothers are, too!!! Bryce asked if they could stay tonight. I think it just makes him feel a little bit normal like home when they are here. Ethan and I took a good nap this afternoon in the parent sleep room. Uncle Geoff came for a long visit and playtime with his nephews, so that was fun. My friend, LeeAnn, came and taught the boys how to play the game of Life, and she helped me with lunch. It works out really good to bring the food that people are bringing us here, cook it downstairs, and eat in the atrium. Eating out gets a little old after a while. Then, Auntie Manda came after work and played some Nintendo. The boys were teaming up on her, though. I gotta work on my Nintendo skills so we can show them our GIRL POWER!!!

I hate to sound like a broken record but I'm going to say it again. Thank you so much for your well wishes, cards, food, visits, phone calls and most importantly, your prayers. Our family's have been so wonderful! We can't imagine how we would be getting through this without them. Please send out huge prayers for them, also. They need the extra strength just as much as we do. We also need extra prayers for Bryce's brothers and his friends. They are all so young and I just hate that they have to be going through all of this already. They are all so precious, innocent, and scared. Bless their little hearts... And finally, of course, please keep those strong, loud, powerful prayers coming for our little Brycer. He needs as much strength and healing as he can get right now. It is so difficult to watch your 7-year-old child go through something like this and so much of it. He still has his spunk and attitude, and that is so good to see. He needs his white count to come up so he can start fighting off all of these aches, pains, and infections. He needs to fight this aweful Leukemia and live to be an old man! God has HUGE PLANS for him and we want to be a part of many of them!!! Pray for his strength and healing. We are looking forward to hearing the results of Monday's bone marrow biopsy. I just know there is going to be more improvement.

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Thursday, November 24, 2005 10:11 PM CST


The Breu Crew had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! What a day to be thankful for everything we have! God is so good, and we are so blessed. With God, we have everything...Without God, we have nothing. We are so thankful to have ALL OF YOU in our lives. You give us strength, peace, hope, joy, tears, laughter, and so much love. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO FOR US!!! Please always know how much we appreciate you. Words could not express enough gratitude so you are just gonna have to imagine more than you can. We have God's favor and blessing all over us each and every day. He is giving Bryce his strength and holding him in His healing hands. And for that, we are incredibly grateful. We know all of your prayers are being heard along with our's. Our miraculous God can move mountains, He is the inner peace and strength that can heal Bryce. We are also so thankful for our medical team of doctors and nurses who care so deeply for Bryce. Please say extra prayers for them, and their family's. Let's all try to listen extra closely to God for the next 7 days and see what can happen in our lives. Remember, FEED YOUR FAITH AND YOUR DOUBTS WILL STARVE TO DEATH. That's the phrase that Logan has memorized. I brought to our hospital room for all of us to be reminded everyday. We must trust in God......

Our little Brycer got out of the PICU at 11:30am. He slept good from 10pm-3am last night, then he woke up off and on throughout the rest of the night. He was coughing and draining a little from his nose and still fevering. Plus, his tummy was hurting a lot. They did a portable abdominal x-ray this morning and there was no air leakage noted in the abdomen. His fever was 39.2C when he got back to this room, so we tucked him in and he slept for about 40 minutes. I was hoping it would be more but he did catch a good/longer nap this afternoon, again. At that time, his fever got up to 40C. That's very high, I think around 104F. They did blood cultures, again. All the other blood cultures are coming up negative still. They are still giving two antifungal antibiotics plus two regular antibiotics plus potassium via IV. He is pretty much continuous meds and/or TPN running always. They are also watching his pulse-oxygen level because he is only able to breathe through his mouth and he still is coughing. But, I have noticed right now while he is sleeping, I can hear a little air getting through his nose. His nose is still draining, some. His temp. was 37.7 (normal is 37C) around 9:30. His last Tylenol was at 5:20pm. Since I have been writing, he has woke up a few times with bad tummy aches. We'll see how the night goes. He received a platelet transfusion today, just in case he began to drain a little more than ususal. His counts were hemoglobin 9.2; white count 100; ANC zero; and platelets 56,000. His potassium is still low, his liver enzymes are much better. He didn't complain of his tummy hurting at all this afternoon but did say it hurt at bedtime. He got his cough medicine and was out. He's almost snoring with all this nasal stuff going on. He did get out of bed to play on the computer with his brothers two times today. That was great to see! It sure does tire him out, though.

We did enjoy our family day very much today, other than the fevering and draining Bryce had. We played a little Battleship, HangMan, watched 2 movies, and snuggled. Dad & the brothers also hung out in the Play Room for a while. Dad & Ethan took a nice nap in the parent sleep room. Last night went well for all of us at our sleepover so we decided to do the sleepover thing again tonight. It is sooooooooooo nice to wake up and see each other right away in the morning. I just loved it!!! Tim was with Bryce, we switched at 9:30am. You can tell that Bryce feels a little bit back to the "norm" when his brothers are here. I think he actually forgets about the medical world for awhile. That makes us very happy! I must apologize to our family members who called and left messages because I forgot to turn the ringer back on on my phone after Bryce's nap, and I just realized that at 8:20pm!!! Then, I saw the messages. Sorry!!!! We love you all!!!!! And, hope you had a great day! We thought of you many times and are looking forward to next year when all of us TURKEYS can be together!!! Gobble-Gobble!

Now,...the GOODHUE WILDCATS FOOTBALL TEAM plays at the Dome at 10:45am tomorrow (Friday). Let's hear all of you cheering them on!!! We just found out tonight that it won't be on our cable tv in Rochester, and we are not sure yet what we are going to do about that! You will still hear us cheering from 3-152! Our window is purple and white, and we will wear our appropriate attire!!!


Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:11 PM CST

Good Evening~

I hope everyone is doing well. I am not sure where to begin with the events of the last 24 hours. But, I really need to keep this one short before my eyes shut while I'm typing...

Bryce did not have a good night last night, at all. In fact, it was the worst night he has ever had! He coughed, fevered, and had a tummy ache all night long. Plus, we needed to de-access his port and re-access it at 4am because somehow he bent the needle when he moved and it wouldn't allow any fluids to move through it. I think if we added up accumulated sleep for the night, it would be about 2 1/2 hours for both of us. Yes, he and I did have a power-talk session for about 1 1/2 hours but I will cherish that moment forever!!! But, the rest of the night was aweful. I don't mean to sound negative but it was very frustrating for the poor kid, and for me. Making a long story short, he went down for another abdominal x-ray around 10:30am. The x-ray shows more air in his intestine. He came back up to the room then because somehow the message did not get relayed that he should go right to the Operating Room from x-ray. They took him down to the O.R. waiting area at noon and finally, back to the O.R. at 2pm. The procedure was started at 2:30. They did not find any infection in his sinuses but did drain them. His sinuses oozed alot so they gave him a platelet transfusion in the O.R. Then, they drew his blood to make sure it was ok and sent him up to the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) around 6:40pm. Since he had a lot of drainage, they wanted him to observed in the PICU overnight. So, I went there to meet Bryce while Tim took the brothers down to the Visitor Cafeteria to eat. They all came in for a few minutes after they ate. I think they were all a little nervous about how rough he looked. They did not pack his nose, so it is draining into a gauze pad that is taped to his cheeks. The draining has really slowed down, now. I took the brothers back to the Bryce's Peds room and got them to sleep and then, went back to say goodnight to Bryce while one of the nurses watched them. He is still fevering. He is getting a packed red cell transfusion. His counts are hemoglobin 8.4 (9.3 before surgery); white count 200; ANC zero; and platelets 103,000 (71,000 before surgery). His fever is burning up the cells along with losing blood during the procedure. His cough is pretty hard and a bit croopy. He is not coughing as much as he was today and today after surgery. Hopefully, his cough will keep decreasing as time goes by. His potassium was low again today so they are supplementing it through the IV. Otherwise, he is still on antibiotics of a few types, the blood cultures are still negative, and he is still not allowed to eat because of the pneumotosis (inflamed intestine--with air in the abdomen). His tummy is not hurting so much, right now, thank goodness.

The brothers got to spend time with their cousins, Jordan & Collin, and Auntie Julie. They always enjoy that. I got to take a 1 1/2 hour nap with Ethan. Tim was the glue, as usual, and he is staying with Bryce tonight. We were disappointed that we did not get to spend much time with Bryce, though. Please pray that the night goes well and Bryce's fever comes down. Also, ask for healing and strength for our little Brycer. He looked tough tonight but he looked way better when I went back to him later. And, pray that we all get some good rest. We are hoping for a peaceful day tomorrow, especially for Bryce. Hopefully, the night will go good for him, and we will get him back to his regular room ASAP. THANK YOU for all you do for us!!! Especially, the HUGE PRAYERS!!! I am anxious to hear what the bone marrow biopsy on Monday will show. I know there will be some improvement! We just need to get him better!!! I explained to Bryce last night how his life will be better after transplant. We talked about his future and I made sure to "paint the picture" of his future. He needs to visualize it. I am making sure to tell him everyday how good he looks and how great of a fighter he is. He is such a strong boy, as all of you know. I am so proud to be his Mother.......

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:58 PM CST

Good Evening~

Mom is back at the wheel. Thanks, Dad for the great update last night! Isn't he great? There are no holes to fill in.... I got here at 1pm today and Dad left at 4:30. This one is going to be short and sweet, also. I have a feeling that it is going to be a little bit of a rougher night like last night was.

Bryce was coughing and fevering a lot of the night. He vomited once last night, once today, and he has a couple of times within the last hour again from coughing so much. Right now, his temp. is around 103.8 F or 39.8 C. It got back to normal this morning but climbed to 103 later today. They are checking it every half hour right now along with his blood pressure and heart rate. With a fever, the blood pressure goes down and the heart rate goes up. Not much new with the doctor exam today. His tummy has been ok. His counts are hemoglobin 8.8; white count 100; ANC zero; and platelets 59,000 (Tim thought). He received whole blood today and just finished up with platelets. They want his blood to be ready for the nasal scope (can't remember the word from my medical terminology class back in college--something-oscopy). He is the 3rd case to go down, probably between 10 and noon. They will do a sinus wash, take a sample to culture, and hopefully, get the opportunity to clean out his sinuses for him. That will help because his ANC is so low that he is not able to fight off infection very well, so by them cleaning his sinuses out, it may help him clear up the infection with the help of the antibiotics. He asked when he is going to get to eat, so we'll have to ask the doctors that one tomorrow. I was hoping they would say he could have a little on Thanksgiving Day. I do not forsee him eating any more than 2-3 bites. He's just not hungry or real interested. The TPN helps fill his needs.

In case you haven't read the guestbook, Mitchell & Logan sent special messages to Bryce tonight. We are ALL a LITTLE EXCITED for the school break to spend our days together!!! Tim will be bringing the brothers down tomorrow ASAP. We have big plans for Thursday. We have chosen to spend Thanksgiving Day as a day just for the Breu Crew. We will be watching movies and playing games as if it was a normal day at home. Sure there will be nurses coming and going but we are going to pretend we didn't see them, sort of. We will be eating the St. Mary's Thanksgiving Day Meal, too! The brothers' are all getting rested up tonight because we have the parent sleep room reserved for tomorrow night (and Thursday night but I didn't tell the brothers that, yet). We are going to wake up together (some in the other room) but TOGETHER and that's what matters! We are sooooo excited! I just hope Bryce's fever goes away so he can enjoy this, too. He is such a trooper, even with a fever...

So, send extra prayers for his fever to leave and his counts to go up. He is receiving the GCSF shot daily to increase his white count, it kicks in within 7-10 days. Send extra prayers to all of our family and friends. We love you, all so much!!! Send extra prayers to the family's who are spending Thanksgiving here at the hospital. And, always know and remember how much we love and appreciate ALL of YOU!!!! You give us strength. Always remember, life is good and God is good. Now, I am going to add back in my Prayer Paragraphs which are so important to us...

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ella, Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Monday, November 21, 2005 8:55 PM CST

Good Evening. Bryce felt pretty good today. Counts were 9.2 hemoglobin, 24,000 platlets, 100 white blood, 0 ANC. Platlets are low he is getting a platlet transfusion now. His temp was up a little last night, it was good today but now tonight it is up so they came and got blood to run a culture. He had a cat scan done today to look at his sinuses, lungs and abdomen. Everything looked about the same, antibiotics seem to be mantaining things,still has air in his intestine so no eating yet, they want it to rest. Right lung still has the pneumonia in it, it might be a little more. Sinus infection is still there, they had a ear nose and throat dude stop by to check him out. That went ok until he wanted to stick a camera up his nose, a few tears later we got it done(not a very kid friendly dude). They want to go in Wednesday and help drain his sinuses and take some cultures. Hopefully when his white count goes up he can clear those things up on his own. He had a few visitors today Jamie O'Reilly, Aunt Julie, Julie Huneke and Mrs.Pasch did some school work with him.

Take Care,
Love to ALL,
The Breu Crew

Sunday, November 20, 2005 8:18 PM CST

Hello, again~

Today was a good day. Bryce woke up at his own pace and that made things much brighter for him today. I know his transfusion helped last night, too. Plus, he really enjoys having Jill as his nurse. He seems to feel very comfortable giving the nurses a hard time! It was fun having Logan here. Bryce enjoyed it, too. Tim and the brothers arrived around 11:30. We had a late lunch, I layed Ethan down for a nap in the parent sleep room, and the boys played BINGO. That is always fun! Grandma & Grandpa Breuer, Uncle Geoff, Auntie Shelley & cousin Carson, and Grandma Ann & cousin Madison all visited today. It was a fun family day! Bryce seemed to be feeling ok. He had no complaints until later that his leg hurt. His counts are hemoglobin 9.7; white count 100; ANC zero; and platelets 39,000. It's quite a drop in the platelets but the doctors don't seem concerned about it, so we're not. Bryce will have his CT Scan tomorrow to recheck his sinuses, lungs, and abdomin. Hopefully, everything is improving. He could be having snacks, now but still chooses not to. I don't think he has much of an appetite, yet. He still has his TPN (nutrition by IV) running. Otherwise, there is not too much new.

It was another "good feeling" kind of a day having the boys all together. It is such a relief to know Ethan can take a nap here and we don't need to wait to come to Roch. until after his nap. I am so grateful that the hospital is so accomidating to our family needs. We had fun playing together and relaxing together. We are really looking forward to our next trip home,...together. Tim & I are feeling good and positive about Bryce. We are only allowing the words and thoughts to be fighting for Bryce. We will always have hope and faith. He is our son. We must be strong. We must have faith,...HUGE FAITH!!!

Please keep all your very strong, faith-filled prayers coming for Bryce's healing and strength. It takes courage to be doing what he is doing every single day. He doesn't complain or argue, he just does it. He teaches us so much. Always remember, life is good. And, God wants so much more for each one of us. Don't settle for less. Believe in yourself. Try really hard not to allow the negative in, it doesn't get you any farther in life. God only wants the best for us. We are ALL God's children. Please say an extra prayer for the brothers to give them strength. They are so young and to be dealing with this kind of situation already in life. I worry about them, too. And then, please pray for the rest of our family and close friends. Give them strength because they it need very much, also. They are all so special to us. We miss you all and love you!

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Audrey, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

What would we do without ALL of you? You check on our little Brycer everyday. You are constantly praying for him. You are our support system. You keep us strong. Again, we send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

We love you, all!!!!!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:53 PM CST

Good Evening~


CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GOODHUE WILDCATS FOOTBALL TEAM!!!! WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!!! WE CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH YOU AT THE DOME NEXT FRIDAY AT 10:45! We are hoping to have Bryce there but if he's not there, HE WILL BE WATCHING YOU ON TV!!! We decorated our window to the hallway in PURPLE & WHITE to make sure all of St. Mary's knows that you are playing on Friday! Go Cats!!!

Today was a good day. Bryce & Garett had a nice quiet Nintendo morning before Tim and the brothers arrived around 10:30. It was nice to see Bryce perk up a little quicker than usual (after waking up) because Garett was here. They all hung out in the room most of the time. Bryce took an hour nap before his blood arrived and I got Ethan to nap in the parent sleep room for over 2 hours. That was nice. Now that I know that is a possibility, I would like to have Ethan here more often. It was sooooo great having all of us together for almost 8 hours!!!! We loved it!!!! Garett is like one of our own, anyway, so he just fit right in! Mitchell seemed to really enjoy his birthday. I think this is how he wanted it in the circumstances we are in. He is not a selfish person and always wants happiness for others. Grandma Linda sent a birthday cake along, of course! So, we sang Happy Birthday and called him Birthday Boy as much as possible. Tim and the boys took off around 6:15. Bryce, Logan, & I watched a movie. Logan & I also decorated pillow cases in tie dye and paints. He is so creative. It was a lot of fun.

Bryce didn't say his tummy bothered him until I was snuggling with him while he was going to sleep tonight so that is a plus! They did an abdominal x-ray around noon to see how his tummy and the intestines and air are looking. They say it is looking better so he did get to eat a few french fries. He has been getting hungry. His counts were hemoglobin 8; white count 200; ANC zero; and platelets 75,000. He did receive a packed red cell transfusion around 4pm. That perked him up very nicely around 6:30. He was reallly giving his nurse, Jill, a hard time. It was cute! These nurses are really wonderful!!! Have I said that before?? But,...his nurse for the night, Tammy, called in sick because I GAVE HER THE FLU!!!!! UGH!!!! I feel terrible!!!! She was Bryce's nurse when I got sick. I put a mask on immediatly after I got sick but I had been speaking to her before that. The poor woman is about 6 1/2 months pregnant! I remember when I was 7 1/2 months pregnant with Bryce and I got the flu! It was horrible!!! There isn't any room to bend over when you are losing your "cookies"!!! Sorry, Tammy!!! I just hope the rest of her family doesn't get it. She has a husband and 5 kids!... You have to understand, I am one of THOSE PEOPLE who feel absolutely rotten when I or my children get other people sick. I know, I need to get over it. I'm still very sorry.... OK. Back to Bryce. He got his GCSF shot this afternoon. It hurt a little, even with the EMLA (numbing) cream. Which means, it will not be as easy to do tomorrow, if you know what I mean. I am just glad that someone invented this shot because maybe this series of injections will get him home for a few days! I just wish it didn't come in a shot... Otherwise, that is about all, medically for Bryce today.

Bryce has been more quiet and ornery the last week or so. I feel it is due to the little progress that is happening within him. We are trying to keep him positive and praying and full of faith. I am sure he is frustrated, although he says he is not(!). I know he is tired and not feeling well, at all. He didn't do the usual "hang on Garett" thing that he always use to do. He loves to get silly with Garett, and it broke my heart that the silliness didn't happen. He enjoyed Garett being here, I know, because I did see a little of the "Bryce before this 2nd round of the Clofarabine". I haven't see that in a little over a week. We are going to make sure he gets some one-on-one time this week with JoHanna, a Child Life Specialist, that he has bonded with here. The brothers seem to be ok. Mitchell says he is doing better and that God is telling him that Bryce is going to be ok. Logan is so glad to be here tonight, he is a more mature kid when he is here with just Bryce and I. Joel & Ethan enjoyed the playtime with Mom & Dad this weekend. We are planning to have them here again tomorrow. Tim says he is doing ok. He is the glue. I am such a lucky girl... I adore him, you know. God was sooooooo watching over me! I have been a little more sad and scared this past week to week and a half. I am praying a lot. But, today I spoke with my "little" brother, Chris, in Hawaii. He told me what I had already known but lost in the shuffle. He said, "Be positive about it all. Don't allow any negative thoughts or words to be given to Bryce. A child doesn't know how to handle negative except to be negative. He needs positive. And, why not be positive? For all we know, this could very well be working. We shouldn't believe it's not. Our body heals when we believe it is healing. Our mind knows positive. We need to be positive, at all times." Hhhm. He really re-opened my eyes, again. We have to believe. We have to be positive. We need to be strong for Bryce. I can't imagine how scared and frustrated he must be. He's seven. All this positive talk is what we do in Mary Kay. I am a little ashamed to admit to all of you that I was slipping. Chris said he understood why I was scared and said he is a little too but again, we need to be positive. He's right. So, ever since that phone call I have been watching myself. I am seeing Bryce's 14 year-old school picture. I am imagining him on the front line of the Goodhue Wildcats Football Team. I am praying for God to heal him and to continue to give him his incredible life. I truly believe that Bryce will be changing lives now and when he is a very old man. He is such an incredible young boy, God will need him to do special teaching throughout his life. I believe that!

Again, I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

What would we do without ALL of you? You check on our little Brycer everyday. You are constantly praying for him. You are our support system. You keep us strong. Again, we send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

We love you, all!!!!!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:19 AM CST


Friday, November 18, 2005 10:15 PM

Good Evening~

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GOODHUE WILDCATS FOOTBALL TEAM!!!! WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!!! WE CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH YOU AT THE DOME NEXT FRIDAY AT 10:45! We are hoping to have Bryce there but if he's not there, HE WILL BE WATCHING YOU ON TV!!! We decorated our window to the hallway in PURPLE & WHITE to make sure all of St. Mary's knows that you are playing on Friday! Go Cats!!!

Tim & the brothers' just left!!! We are sooooo leniant, lately! It's just not like us. But, you know what? Right now, time is just too precious to us. We hate saying goodbye and separating. I asked them to come back in the morning as soon as they could so we could have more time together. I am going to see if I can sneak a nap in for Ethan in the parent sleep lounge if it is not already occupied. Otherwise, they will probably go home early afternoon. It is Mitchell's birthday tomorrow and since it is Saturday and we can take advantage of having at least one of the brothers' birthday's together most of the day, we will. Yes, this is the last of the fall birthdays. Joel's birthday is next, in February. Anyway, we had a very nice night together. They didn't get down here until almost 6:30. Ethan took a very long and late nap after the game. They brought Bryce's friend, Garett, along to stay overnight. They are both sound asleep. I know they will be happy to see each other in the morning. I hope Garett can sleep through all the beeps, bathroom breaks, and the door opening and closing. I'm sure he'll be fine.

Bryce's day was pretty good. His counts are hemoglobin 9; white count 100; ANC zero; and 79,000 platelets . So, he is maintaining his hemoglobin and platelets. They are starting the GCSF shot tomorrow for 10-14 days. This is the once a day injection that boosts his white count. That is why I was (as a Mom hoping for the best for her child) hoping that maybe his counts would go up this week and he could be out for Thanksgiving and the BIG GAME, with his heavy-duty mask on, of course. I know it is a long shot, no pun intended, because the GCSF shot usually kicks in around 7-10 days which Thursday and Friday would be days 6 and 7. Remember, we always pray and hope for the best. His nose was really stuffed up this morning for awhile. It was much better the rest of the day, once he emptied it out. His infectious disease doctors decided to start him on another antifungal medication today. They are wondering if the pneumonia looks like a fungal infection. All of Bryce's lung samples have come back negative so far. The tissue sample of the lung is not back, yet. They don't want to wait until the CT Scan next Monday to find out if the meds are working. Fungal infections are more critical in the lungs than bacterial, the way it sounds, atleast for Bryce at this point. Overall, his tummy bothers him most of the time, especially during and after chemo. His legs hurt him alot of the time, so I rub them alot. Today was his last day of the chemo and we are glad. His tummy started hurting more right away and he kept asking "When is it going to be done?" as I rubbed his tummy. He had a nice 1 1/2 hour nap and even asked me to sleep with him. It doesn't get any better than that...

Bryce got to visit with his Auntie Julie and cousin, Collin today after Collin's doctor appointments. Then, we had a surprise visit from a very special church member and friend, Audrey Benrud, who is also fighting her battle. You look great, Audrey! (You, too, Juls & Collin!) We really need to work on some homework tomorrow. And, I think I'll see if Bryce and Garett want to do a fun project together. It was so cute today. Bryce's nurse, Jill, unhooked the TPN (his "food") to run the new antibiotic. He had told me he was hungry and asked when he was going to be able to eat. I asked him if he would like me to ask Jill if he could have a popsicle because it is clear fluids and the doctor said, "sips of clear fluids" were ok. He said, "Yeah, I'm a little bit hungry because they unhooked my food." It's a mindset, just like a diet, right?! Sometimes, I know I shouldn't be telling the whole world these stories because he hates to be teased but it's hard to resist! I'm quitting now, to get some rest before the IV pump starts beeping... I'll talk to ya, tomorrow.

I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

What would we do without ALL of you? You check on our little Brycer everyday. You are constantly praying for him. You are our support system. You keep us strong. Again, we send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Thursday, November 17, 2005 8:56 PM CST

Hey, everyone. Mom's back and feeling much better. Therefore, tonights entry will be much better...Let's start it off with a little Pump-Me-Up for the Goodhue Wildcats Football Team!!!!!!!! They are playing at the Metrodome against the Wabaso Rabbits at 10:15am tomorrow!! Go Cats!!!!! We are getting all of St. Mary's Hospital, well maybe at least the 3rd Floor of the Francis building, pumped up!!!! Go in, have fun, and beat your best!!!! You can do it!!!!! We are cheering you on!!!!

We had a pretty good day. Bryce woke up 3 or 4 times to get up to go to the bathroom during the night. Dad got up to help him and let me sleep. Whew! I got some good rest! Bryce slept until 9:10. He got some good rest, too! Back to the flu thing, Grandma Ann and Auntie Manda had it today. It's a catchy one! Let's pray for the rest of the family! Bryce was very quiet, as usual, when he woke up. We just layed low most of the day. We watched a couple of movies, took an hour nap, and visited with a few close friends which is always so nice. Our Interim Pastor brought me Communion, we met Nikki Fiessler (& her mom, Karen) who is a Senior from Eyota H.S. and is also undergoing chemotherapy for Leukemia, and Bryce's 2nd Grade Teacher, Mrs. Peterson, and Teresa Voth (our relative) came down tonight with a surprise for Bryce. Teresa went to school today and videotaped his whole 2nd grade! What a bunch of future celebreties Goodhue has!!! It was emotional and very funny. I think at first Bryce wasn't so sure (maybe because I know he misses school and his friends but doesn't want to talk about it) but by the end of the video, when he was seeing his close buddies, it was very humorous! Thanks, Teresa. We will be watching it many times! And, THANK YOU 2ND GRADERS!!! YOU ARE ALL A BUNCH OF SUPERSTARS, GREAT FRIENDS, AND FUNNY PEOPLE!!! WE LOVED IT!

Overall, Bryce felt just ok today. The chemo hits him hard and his doctor reminded me today that he is dealing with pneumonia, too. She also said that last nights abdominal x-ray shows more air in his abdomin. So, she started him on TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition),...nutrition in a bag. It is amino acids and lipids, etc. that he will be receiving via IV. He is not to eat anything until we do a CT Scan on Monday. He can sip on clear fluids and have his meds but he needs to let his bowels rest and recover. He wasn't eating much anyway. If he gets severe pain, he will be going in for another abdominal x-ray or CT Scan sooner than Monday. Again, they are watching for perferation of the bowel. His lungs sound clearer. They will look at his lungs from the CT also. His tummy bothers him alot of the time, especially during and after chemo until he goes to sleep. His counts were hemoglobin 8.8; white count 100; ANC zero; and platelets 83,000. We received his results from last Fridays bone marrow biopsy. His bone marrow still has 80 percent blast cells in it. Remember, it was 90-95 percent blast cells. So, this Clofarabine did something, anyway. We're hoping it is doing even more this time!!!!!!! Tomorrow is his last day of the Clofarabine. They will do a bone marrow biopsy on Monday, November 28th. That will be the 2 week point from the start of this round.

Thank you for all your words of support and strength! I really needed that. I am feeling better and trying to help Bryce understand and know it's ok to be frustrated, angry, sad, or unsure. We don't know what's going on in his mind, most of the time. But, he usually opens up a little when he is ready. So, we just wait patiently. We know God is listening. We know we are not finished with all of this chemo stuff and that it will be a long road. We are trying to be patient and understanding with all of this. I can tell that I am more scared, again. I think it is because this is the 4th round of chemo. We hate seeing Bryce go through this. It is so hard!!! But, we are all God's children and we are waiting patiently for His incredible healing power. We are so grateful that his conditions are not worse. We are so grateful for our family's, friends, and all of the people who are praying that we don't know. I am reminding myself that each time that I feel any fear setting in, I need to let FAITH take over. We received a magnet from a wonderful woman who is a Mary Kay Director in Marshall, MN. And, one night when we were sitting here my mom had called and said something about that awesome magnet at our house that she had seen. She couldn't remember what it said but Logan was sitting next to me and he said, "It says, FEED YOUR FAITH AND YOUR DOUBTS WILL STARVE TO DEATH." Isn't that awesome?! The saying is awesome and the fact that Logan already had it memorized is awesome!

I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

What would we do without ALL of you? You check on our little Brycer everyday. You are constantly praying for him. You are our support system. You keep us strong. Again, we send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:16 PM CST

HAPPY 9TH BIRTHDAY TO OUR ADORABLE NEICE (& COUSIN) TRACHELL RENEE!!!! We hope you are having the best birthday, Honey!!!!!!

I'm back with a quick update. Today was another busy day for Bryce. He received a platelet transfusion at 5am this morning to make sure his platelets were good for his bronchoscopy. They took him down to the procedure room before 7am. Everything went well and he was back to his room by 10:00. I was up at 4am with the flu. So, I spent the day in the parent sleep lounge to isolate myself from everyone. I came back to Bryce's room at 5pm wearing my heavy-duty mask, and of course using good hand washing techniques, when Tim & Joel left for home. I'm very tired, I can't remember the last time I had the flu. Mitchell got the flu later today, also. Cross your fingers for the rest of The Crew....

Bryce's counts are hemoglobin 8.8; white count 200; ANC the usual; and platelets 97,000. We will get his bronchoscopy results tomorrow. He had a nice nap before his teacher came. Then, tonight his tummy started hurting pretty bad and so we went down for another abdominal x-ray. We got back around 8:45. His tummy is feeling a bit better, now. He is sleeping. I am heading to bed. I need to spend some much needed time with God. It is so hard to see your 7-year-old go through all of this. Please pray extra hard this week...

I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

What would we do without ALL of you? You check on our little Brycer everyday. You are constantly praying for him. You are our support system. You keep us strong. Again, we send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:56 PM CST

Good Evening~

I hope this finds everyone well. Tim & I are both at the hospital tonight, Joel is with us. He is very happy to be here.

Bryce has had a busy day. His counts are hemoglobin 7.9; white count 100; ANC the usual, and platelets 26,000. They gave him a platelet transfusion this morning and a packed red cell transfusion tonight. It's just finishing up. He will have another platelet transfusion in the morning around 5am because they will be doing a Bronchoscopy around 7:30/8am. They want to go in to his lungs and get a sample of the pneumonia so they can treat it with its specific antibiotic. He had abdominal x-rays again tonight because his tummy is hurting more. Joel was along and very interested. The doctors are watching for the inflamed intestine to progress and hopefully not perferate. But, now we just found out they want another abdominal x-ray so they were coming to the room to do a portable x-ray but now we just found out that we have to go down to x-ray. Not so sure how that is going to go when he is sleeping. We'll know soon. They also found out from the CT Scan yesterday that he has the start of a sinus infection. He has not eaten but a few bites at breakfast this morning. He is not real interested in eating, lately. He told me tonight that his legs hurt, his finger felt like it was getting cut off, and his jaw keeps moving/twitching. Tim & I think it is probably side effects of the chemo. He was also nauseated after chemo tonight but never vomited. He is such a trooper. These were the first complaints from him in quite a while. He spent time with his Auntie Julie snuggling and working on homework. That was a nice "break" for mom & dad. He doesn't always want to work on schoolwork with his parents...

On the home front, Ethan seemed fine at first this morning until fluid started draining out of his left ear. I spoke with the doctor and we started him on his ear drops again for a few days. He had tubes placed in his ears in July. When he was seen by the doctor on Sunday, his ears looked good and the tubes were in place. He and I had lots of snuggling time in while I was home!!! That was nice!!! Mitchell enjoyed his time at the hospital, very much!!! And, Logan is very excited to come tomorrow night and Thursday. They need each other and they need to be together! Tim & I have volleyball playoffs tomorrow night, so I will be back late. Go KaBooMOT!! Auntie Manda will be here.

I am hoping to hit the hay here, soon. Tim just got the other bed set up. Please send a prayer out for our family strength. I know that I am personally needing someone to hold me up a little these last few days. And, I worry about our boys, even my big boy. He is so incredible! They ALL are! Bryce isn't saying much. He doesn't feel well at all. I just wish I knew what he was thinking. His Child Life Specialist friend will be coming in tomorrow. I am hoping he will talk with her while they do an activity. I have been speaking with God a lot more in the last 2 days. And, I don't think He will allow any more "unnecessary happenings" to occur. We already have plenty going on and I think He has given us what we can handle... Thank you for thinking about our family everyday. Thank you for praying for our family everyday. Thank you for holding us up, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. To our close family & friends whom we haven't seen in awhile, we love you, miss you, and appreciate you. You are all so incredible and wonderful. You are the BEST!

I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

What would we do without ALL of you? You check on our little Brycer everyday. You are constantly praying for him. You are our support system. You keep us strong. Again, we send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Monday, November 14, 2005 11:52 PM CST

Good Evening~

It's a late one so it will be a quick one. Sorry. My husband is probably very surprised. Surprised that it will be short, not that it is late...

Bryce had a fever during the night and most of today. So, they did blood cultures and started him on new antibiotics during the night including the antifungal for the liver. Tim said they increased that one today. His fever is down tonight. They started Bryce's chemo today at 5pm and kept it at normal strength because his liver enzymes are going up. They do not want to cause toxicity to his liver. He did good with chemo because of that very strong antinausea medication called Emend(?). He complained of a little tummy ache and headache. But, never got sick. His hemoglobin is 9.4; white count 200; ANC too low to count; and platelets 31,000. He may need transfusions tomorrow after fevering last night and today. The fevers burn up the blood cells fast. They did not have a final report on his bone marrow, yet. We are awaiting the percentage of blast cells in his marrow. Since he has relapsed, it has always been 90-95 percent. The doctors ordered a CT Scan today. The results showed that Bryce has a small amount of pneumonia in his right lung. He also has inflamed intestines/bowels. This is caused from Neutropenia; low white cells. The doctors thought he would be in more pain or be complaining of tummy aches more than he does alreay because of this. They will be watching him for increased abdominal pain. If he does have more pain, they will do an abdominal x-ray. They have to watch for more inflammation because it could perferate, like an appendicitis. Tim thinks they switched his antibiotics a bit because of this.

Mitchell is there staying overnight and spending the day. He was VERY EXCITED about this!!! He started crying at supper because he said, "Mom, I just realized that Bryce won't be home for Thanksgiving or Christmas." I told him, "Don't worry, Mitchell. We will be with Bryce wherever he is during the Holidays. No matter what." I asked how each of them were doing with all of this and they said, "Ok." Mitchell said, "When I get sad in school, I just pray and then I feel better." Isn't that just awesome?!!!! Our little Joel started crying at bedtime when I was tucking him in after prayers. He said he didn't know why he was crying. I have a strong feeling he is very tired, misses Bryce, and would like his life to be back to normal. He is only five and coping in his own way. He hears what he needs to hear and asks questions later. This prompted me to ask Logan again how he is doing. He said he was doing ok. He just really misses seeing Bryce everyday. He wishes he could see him everyday. He and Bryce are only 18 months apart. Ethan had the flu during the night on Saturday night. He vomited again after his nap today and tonight around 10:00. My mom is here and she said she could stay with him for the morning tomorrow until Tim gets home. It was nice having Tim there during the doctor rounds today. He is working on his Nintendo skills with Brycer...

Please pray for Bryce's healing, strength, and faith. Pray for his counts to come up so he can come home. PRAY FOR HIS REMISSION!!!!! His doctor told me yesterday that when we can get him into remission, we will go right into bone marrow transplant with Mitch instead of doing another round of chemo. She said it is not very common that it takes this long to get someone into remission. His doctor today told me, again, that all of his doctors are praying for him and they are not about to give up! He is so special to them, too. Pray for his doctors, nurses, and support staff at Mayo. They are ALL so INCREDIBLE AND WONDERFUL!!!!!!! Pray for strength for our family because I am really feeling like I and we could use a little extra these days. We are just trying to be patient and continue our HUGE FAITH in the Lord! Trust in Him with all your might!!!! He only wants the best for Bryce. And, please thank God EVERY SINGLE DAY for EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!!!! He is sooooo good. Life is sooooo good. We are sooooo blessed.

I have a very special prayer request for very special person. Her name is Heidi Gusenius and she is fighting Leukemia, also. Her Leukemia is AML and she is in remission. But, you see, she is waiting to find a bone marrow donor. She and Bryce are the exact opposite in "waiting positions". He is trying and waiting to get into remission and has his older brother, Mitchell, waiting to be his bone marrow donor. She is in remission and awaiting a donor. They have not found a match for her, yet. I have changed one of the internet sites down below to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Please do consider for Heidi's sake, and anyone else in need of a bone marrow donor, registering or at least calling the number to find out more information. Tim & I are both registered. You could save a life. YOU could save Heidi's life!!! Please send out a powerful prayer to the Lord tonight and every night for Heidi. She is an incredible person, though I do not know her, yet... She is from our area and I hope to meet her, soon. Both sides of Bryce's grandparents know her parents. You can check out her Caring Bridge web page, also. Let her know you stopped by. Thank you.

We've met many new faces here at St. Mary's Hospital, and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Heidi, Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

What would we do without ALL of you? You check on our little Brycer everyday. You are constantly praying for him. You are our support system. You keep us strong. Again, we send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Sunday, November 13, 2005 5:41 PM CST

Good Evening~

I am back early tonight!!! Steve and Mags are here playing Nintendo so I thought I would jump on here quick. Bryce & I made a To Do List today. One of our To Do was to learn how to play Nintendo. We figured if we are going to be here for awhile we might as well learn this Nintendo thing. We're working on it....

Bryce's counts are ok. Hemoglobin is 10.1, white count 300, ANC too low to count; and platelets 28,000. His liver enzyme is coming up again probably because of taking his Bactrim which affects the liver. The Bactrim is an oral antibiotic which helps to prevent respiratory infections, I think. They swabbed his nose again today for some kind of viral culture. He slept much better last night because they gave him Benadryl before bed. He will be taking that again tonight! His cough is better today. He is not eating or drinking much today. We are working on that. Or should I say Mom is... The doctors will be meeting as usual tomorrow to discuss his treatment plan. They will discuss if they should rasie the dose of the Clofarabine. They have to watch for toxicity when they raise it. By toxicity they mean how it affects the liver and how it makes him more susceptible to infection because it lowers his blood counts. We are just ready to get started...

He has had family visitors today. Grandma & Grandpa Breuer, Great Aunt & Uncle-Cindy & Dave, Auntie Manda, & Maggie & Steve-O. Tim & the boys were going to come down but Ethan was vomiting during the night and this morning. He also took Mitch, Joel, & Ethan into Urgent Care for there persistent coughs and runny noses. With the situation we are in and with their coughs persisting for 3 weeks, the doctor put them on medicine. We are glad. We want to cover our bases, if at all possible. The longer they are sick, the longer it is until we are together. They seemed to be getting worse this morning when they were up and about. Tim will be coming to the hospital tomorrow and I will be heading back home for the rest of the day and night. I'll come back some time on Tuesday.

We've met many new faces here and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

We send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Saturday, November 12, 2005 9:40 PM CST

Good Evening~

I've got a quick update for everyone...

We've had a pretty good day. We were awakened with two smiling faces and coffee!!!! My friends,Camie & Carla, played a couple rounds of Uno Attack, gave us many smiles and laughs, and left as gracefully as they came. Thanks, girls! We needed that!

Bryce's doctors came in and did his usual exam, added some Benadryl for his cough which was terrible during the night! If he wasn't coughing, I was dreaming he was coughing because he was coughing so much! He had a chest x-ray for his cough and the x-ray was fine. The Gentomycin (antibiotic for positive blood culture) was finished today. He received another packed red cell transfusion today. His counts are hemoglobin 7.8; white count 300; ANC too low to count; and platelets 32,000. He has been a bit ornery again today but I know he was super tired! He finally had a nap today, he hasn't had a nap since last Saturday. Whew! I know he is 7, but in his situation, he needs them! His Aunties Pam & Julie stopped by today and were also challenged in Uno Attack. I do know that Pam did take a round, not so sure about Julie... We got a little tough on my neice, Kelli and her friend, Tabatha. They'll be tougher on us the next round, right Kel Bel?! We also had a very quick visit from Serena Johnson and the kids. They are growing up so quickly! Sierra (a.k.a. Missy Sierra on her Caring Bridge) is getting to be such a big girl. The are the Amazing-Get-A-Puzzle-Done-In-Minutes Family! Way to go, guys! Sierra will be finished with her chemo treatments in February, the same month as Brock.

Tim & the boys' came again tonight. We just really need this family time, right now. It doesn't matter to us if we just sit and watch TV or trip over each other, as long as we are together. The boys' need it, and Tim & I need it. Life is good, gang. And, life is precious. Please try to always remember, how precious your time is together. I am just as guilty as the next. I rush around, I ask questions and don't listen for the answer, and then I answer questions that I'm really not hearing. I am improving in this area because I need to. These people in my life were given to ME by God Himself!!! Hand picked because He KNEW WE NEEDED TO BE TOGETHER! We are like a puzzle, all linked together, and all fitting to make a beautiful picture. And, it all started when God placed Tim in my path. And, I really try to make sure Tim knows how much I truly adore him. Yes, we butt heads at times but we are ONE. I want my boys to have this. I know that God has it in their plans but it is up to Tim & I to teach them that it all starts with God. Please teach your children that God is the ONLY way, forever.

Why am I so emotional tonight, you ask? Because Dr. Kahn had the pathologist call with a "unconfirmed" report about Bryce. His spinal fluid is ok. His bone marrow has a "few less blast cells in it". Just to cover any misunderstandings or confusion, in all the past bone marrow biopsies since he relapsed in September, Bryce's bone marrow had 90-95 percent blast (leukemia/cancer) cells in it. Yesterdays bone marrow has a few less than his other biopsies. We won't have a percentage until Monday. The point is, even if it is only a little less than 90 percent blast cells, this Clofarabine ("3rd One's a Charm") did something. Bryce was right. It was working. So, with a positive attitude and all of my faith in God, it is a step further.

Bryce will start the Clofarabine, again, on Monday for five days at the same strength here at the hospital. They will do a bone marrow biopsy two weeks after the start date which will be November 28th. I do not forsee him getting out of the hospital any time soon unless his white count takes a jump. Which we are still praying for, right?! This is a very serious situation that Bryce is in and we will continue to pray that the Clofarabine does more to the leukemia during this 2nd course. We need to be positive and full of faith. We need to speak healing to ourselves and to Bryce. We need to keep him strong, as always, and be strong for him. We are not down in the dumps sad, we are anxious and ready to get started with this next round. Bryce hasn't said how he is feeling about it, yet. I'm hoping he will open up a little within the next day or two. Continue to keep your faith HUGE and be strong. We are all God's children. Thank Him EVERYDAY!!!

We've met many new faces here and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

We send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Friday, November 11, 2005 9:28 PM CST

Good Evening Wildcats Fans!!!

You guessed right!!! We are going to the DOME!!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ENTIRE TEAM!!! The Wildcats will be playing at the Metrodome next Friday, the 18th at 10:15am against ?. I'll let you know. Way to go, Cats!!!

Now to Bryce. He has had an ok day. It has been fairly busy with multiple games of Uno Attack and his LP (spinal tap) chemo and bone marrow biopsy. They took him down to the O.R. waiting area at 11:40am and he went into the O.R. at 12:45pm. He returned to his room at 2:20. He wasn't feeling so well after. They gave him Zofran, the antinausea medication, and that helped a little. My friend, Joy, brought lunch for her & I today. We had a very nice and much needed visit. Bryce has been pretty quiet and a bit ornery today. He was coughing a lot during the night, a few times it was pretty steady for a few minutes. They have not given him anything for his cough because they don't want to supress it. They want him to cough the stuff up. He wasn't coughing too bad during the day but tonight he had a cough attack and vomited up some of his supper. Nothing to drastic. He was just letting the drainage come up. His lungs still sound clear. His counts were pretty low today. His hemoglobin was 6.2; white count 300; ANC too low to count; and platelets 44,000. He received a packed red cell transfusion today for his hemoglobin. They will check his blood in the morning, again.

He & I were very happy because Dad came with the brothers around 5:30 tonight. We NEEDED some FAMILY TIME!!! We just relaxed in the room, other than Ethan. Tim & I took turns taking him out in the hallways for walks and playtime. We ALL miss each other so much! Mitchell is still a little scared and nervous. The waiting is a bit hard for each one of us. But, this to, we will survive. The doctor said we will not know Bryce's bone marrow biopsy results until Sunday at the earliest. What's another day?! We just have to have FAITH!!!! And, continue with the prayers. There are sooooooo many people I know He is very pleased... THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR CONTINUING PRAYERS FOR BRYCE AND OUR FAMILY!!!! You continue to give us such strength! Our faith is HUGE. Our love for the Lord is incredible. We would have NOTHING without God. With Him, we have EVERYTHING!!!!

Jamie is out of the hospital and left for her weekend get-away with Zach and another couple. Have a very special weekend, Zach & Jamie! You derserve every minute of happiness. And, as Tim would say,..."Oh, the memories." Brock went home yesterday. I am sure they are sleeping wonderfully in their own beds, again! But, we miss them! I want to send out another prayer for our little friend, Ethan, who is next door to us here at St. Mary's. He is such a wonderful little 4-year-old boy with incredible parents. He is fighting his battle and then some. Please pray for healing and comfort for Ethan and his family. I'm sure they would love you to stop by their Caring Bridge and say "Hi". His name is Ethan Strenge. Thanks!

We've met many new faces here and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

We send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Thursday, November 10, 2005 9:26 PM CST

Wahoo!!!! Look at how early I am updating!!! I am soooo excited because I got a NAP today!!! You would have thought I drank a pot of coffee. Wow, I needed that! My mind is racing of all the things I could be doing right now but I need to remind myself that tomorrow will be a busy day and an early day so I need to get some sleep. Bummer.

But, here I am. There is not much new. It seems that Bryce's cough gets a little worse each day, as it did today. He was coughing more during the night, also. But, he seemed to cough less as the day went on so that was good. It sounds deep but the doctors and nurses said his lungs sound clear. They are going to check his blood every other day so they didn't check it today. He will be having his bone marrow biopsy tomorrow morning. I am hoping they will take him down right away in the morning because he can't eat or drink anything until after. It's different here at the hospital than at the clinic because he has to go to an operating room for this so therefore he has to be called to come down when they are ready for him. If an emergency comes in, it will go first, of course. It just gets hard with kids because they can't eat until the procedure is done and you can end up waiting a while. The last time he had his bone marrow biopsy, his nurse that did his pre-vitals was an actual bone marrow donor for someone on the east coast. Wow. How ironic was that?....THAT WAS GOD....

We had a nice quiet day today. Yeah. Bryce got about four big packages in the mail! He loved it, of course. He received a butterfly ornament from my cousin, Tammy, from the Children's Cancer Research Gala symbolizing how a child undergoing cancer treatment goes from the cocooon of treatment and isolation to a child emerging--beautiful and ready to take flight. It's beautiful and he loves it. Thanks, Tammy. He received to games, today. One was a little girl named Annie who is Bryce's age. We played Guess Who? right away, Annie! Thanks! Then, we were on to the next game with the nurses which was Uno Attack from a anonomous giver. The nurses were squealing each time a card(s) came out! That was fun. Thank you, whoever you are. He also received a build many different paper airplanes book. That looks great but we didn't have time to do it today. That is one for tomorrow before the brothers come so we can surprise them! Thanks, Don & Nancy. Plus, he got a cool caleidoscope from his Great Aunt & Uncle Ardie & Arland. I told him that that is what I liked to play with as a child. I hope that doesn't date me too much! We also did some homework, etc. Please forgive me for not sending out special thank you's to everyone! Or even getting it on the web page. Like I said once before, somedays I'm on and somedays I'm off. Remember, today I had a NAP!!!

I'm sure you are wondering how we are feeling about the bone marrow biopsy tomorrow. We are not anxious about it. Atleast, Bryce & I don't seem to be. I forgot to ask Tim when we talked last. I feel very comfortable that the Lord will provide. I have complete trust in the Lord. He is our Miraculous God and all of us our His children. I find so much comfort in Him. I also have not tried to think so hard into it, either. There is nothing that I can change. I pray for progress and healing. I don't know when we will find out the results, yet. The doctors had once said Saturday or Monday. But, we know that if they can find out sooner than that, they will. They care for Bryce just as much as all of us do. I don't think they will want to wait to find out. I'll do my best to let you know ASAP, ok?! I know ALL OF YOU want to know, also.

We are hoping the brothers will be feeling ok to come down tomorrow night. They are still coughing a little and have runny noses. They went to bed early tonight. And don't forget to tune into the GOODHUE WILDCATS FOOTBALL GAME against Sleepy Eye tomorrow night! GO CATS!!!!! BRYCE IS CHEERING YOU ON! HE IS SOOOOOO PROUD OF HIS FOOTBALL!!!! To everyone, rest well. I just have to keep these last two paragraphs in here. They mean so much to me. Trust in the Lord and HAVE HUGE FAITH!!!!!!

**Pleae send out an extra special prayer for Jamie O'Reilly tonight. She is back in the hospital with dehydration from a migraine yesterday which caused nausea and vomiting. She is such a wonderful Mom of 5 boys! They are doing tests to make sure her cancer has not spread. So far, the test results are negative. She is scheduled for surgery the end of November. You can check out her Caring Bridge and send her a note. She'd love it!

We've met many new faces here and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, Andy, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

We send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 10:33 PM CST

Good Evening~

I'm back with a short update. I went home to play volleyball tonight while Auntie Manda came to sit with Bryce.

Bryce had a pretty good day. I can tell he is tired from the low counts but also getting bored with "the room". I'll have to ask the doctors if he could go out of the room with a mask on. His counts are: hemoglobin 8.3; white count 300; ANC 0; platelets 19,000. So, he had a platelet transfusion today. He also had a yucky nasal swab checking for RSV. I'm sure he doesn't have it, but they just always need to cover all the bases, just in case. He HATES the nasal swab tests the MOST!!! Poor kid, I do to. I had that on Friday. Not comfortable! He also woke up on the wrong side of the hospital bed this morning, too. His cough woke him up. His nose has been pretty runny.

We, again, had lots of visitors. Serena brought us lunch from Applebee's, nummy! He loves the boneless buffalo wings!!! He can't wait for Logan to try them. He & Logan can almost eat a whole box of the TGIFridays Buffalo Wings at home, from the freezer section at Wal-Mart! I know most of you have noticed the new pictures, well that is Serena, again. You must thank her!!! I'm so excited I got to introduce her to some other Leukemia/chemo family's the Erickson's and Tracy Idler. Yeah! Boy, if you would put the four of us women in a room for 8 hours, your head would be spinning! Then, Mrs. Pasch came to work on schoolwork. Let me tell all of you,...she is wonderful! That woman deserves an award. She is so kind and patient. She is working with a 7-year-old who is tired, not feeling well, bored, wants to go home & back to school but also just to get out of this room. Plus, he hasn't had a much needed nap since Saturday!!! We have no idea, most of the time, what is going through his head. I know he wants to keep caught up to his classmates, though. It is not real easy to get him interested in schoolwork with Tim & I. That's the last thing he wants to do with us. Which doesn't make it any easier. Anyway, she is wonderful!!!! I appreciate her sooooo much! And then, Dr. Tang came in for another checkers game. Lana and the kids came (we missed you, Dillon) and watched The Incredibles. And then, Auntie Julie, Jordan & Collin came for a power visit with some great pictures--give me some time and you'll see them....Auntie Shelley & Carson came with lasagna from Fazoli's and he ate good. He has not been eating much, at all lately. And finally, it was Great Uncle Rick & Great Aunt Sharon with Kelby & Casey. They brought a football balloon & t-shirt--how appropriate! (I hope you will be tuned in to the Goodhue Wildcats football game on Friday night!) Sharon also brought a really great start to a photo album for Bryce. It starts with his 2nd grade classmates and goes into family. It is awesome!

Tomorrow should be nice and quiet for him. He needs it! He is pooped out. We are going to work on some schoolwork and some crafty projects he has received as gifts. To be honest with you, I am looking forward to a quiet day myself. Thank you for all the notes in the guest book and all the food and treats. Plus, all the cards and PRAYERS!!! THE PRAYERS AND BELIEF IN THE GOOD LORD'S MIRACLES ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS OF ALL!!!!! KEEP 'EM COMIN'!!!!

We've met many new faces here and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

We send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 10:38 PM CST


I am finally here because I have been trying to figure out, on my own, how to get some new photos on the page. Ugh! Believe me, for a non-computer expert, it's not easy!!! I will try again another time. I give myself an A for effort, though! I'll keep this one short.

Counts: hemoglobin 8.4; white count 300; ANC 0; platelets 26,000. Chances are Bryce will need blood transfusions tomorrow. He is feeling good and looking good. He is coughing more and blowing his nose more. No complaints of tummy aches or anything else.

Visits: Great Grandma & Grandpa Buck with Great Aunt Carol bringing smiles, snacks, & fun kid stuff! Goofy Jeff who also tried to help me change the photos--Thanks for trying, Jeff, and I KNEW that pager was coming from your "tool kit"! Dr.'s Warner & McKenzie from Gonda 7 where Bryce gets his LP chemos--there's a whole lotta Bryce Believers over there! Dr. Tang for a game of checkers. A friend from Goodhue, Peg Hinsch with her 2 sons, one who is challenged with a whole different medical battle. And, Birthday Girl Tracy Idler (21?) whose daughter, Erin (7 1/2), finished chemo treatments a year ago last October. Another fun day on the hospital front.

Friends/Neighbors: Brock Erickson is here to get antibiotics for a positive blood culture from yesterday. Wouldn't you know it? Now, when Megan & I could actually visit and Brock, his brothers, & Bryce could play, we have to keep them apart! They are just across and down one door. I'm gonna have to try to get Megan out to start drinking coffee, and fast!!! They will probably be gone by Thursday sometime. What? You mean this is not about me and my social hour???? Sorry.....

The Brothers: I brought Logan in to the Dr. today. He has sinus infection and bronchitis, and now medication. Mitchell, Joel, and Ethan are on the mend,...I think. Knock on wood. They are waiting patiently to come to the hospital!

Bryce: He is in good spirits but starting to ask when he will be able to go home. He told Sarah (one of his favorite nurses) today that he knows this chemo is working! That's my boy! A positive attitude! That's what God wants to hear! Yippee! We will have VICTORY & TRIUMPH FOR BRYCE!!!

We've met many new faces here and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

We send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Monday, November 7, 2005 10:32 PM CST

Good Evening~

I hope everyone had a great day, I know Bryce did. First of all, he has not had a fever since Saturday a.m. That's great! His counts are low but you really couldn't tell by looking at him. His hemoglobin is 8.7; white count is 100; ANC too low to count; and platelets are 34,000. Most likely, he will need platelet and packed red cell transfusions tomorrow but you just never know with him. He may rebound a bit, also. His liver enzyme is now in the 400's, so that's good that one is getting lower. Sometimes, I think I need a big 'ol chart for all of this!!! Anyway, his tummy is hurting less, too. He is still in what we call "lockdown". He will most likely be kept in his room until his ANC is 500. That could be a couple of weeks or less, once again, you just never know... What matters is that he is feeling well enough, active, bored at times, and ornery. And, trust me,...he IS ALL of those...

He smiled a lot today, though! He kept giving his nurse, Kim, a hard time. They kept blaming each other for putting air into his IV tubing. His doctors made their rounds and brought along the mail. He received cards from California, Georgia, Florida, & Minnesota, all in one day! WOWEE!!! How cool is that?! We should probably keep track of the 50 states with mail? (Maybe you could help me out with that one, Jodie?) We had a visit from Serena, a very special Mom, who's daughter is being treated with Leukemia. She is The One who had helped me "fancy-up" the web page. Then, his home teacher came with treats and studies, his Auntie Manda came to spend the day with him while I went home to go to my Mary Kay meeting, a couple of his good buddies, Chase (& little brother, Carter) & Jacob, came and did Sand Art with him in the room, his fun "young" resident Doctor Tyler came to challenge him in Monopoly Jr., and then his Dad came to stay the night! Whew! What a day. I'm sure he loved EVERY MINUTE OF IT!

Now, just a warning,...I may get a little emotional on ya here but I have to share this, too. Yesterday when we were home, I was upstairs putting close away with the boys' and it hit me. The quietness and loneliness without Bryce. I just started to cry. I miss his sounds around home. I LOVE hearing the sounds of ALL of our boys, and IT WAS SO GOOD to hear our other four boys and their sounds. But, under the circumstances, it IS lonely without him here. So, I decided we all need to also start praying for higher counts and Bryce coming home VERY SOON!!! We need him here. The brothers miss him, Tim & I miss not having all of us together, and I miss my husband, (and I know he misses me, too!). Once again, I know we will get through this, and we appreciate Mayo and their INCREDIBLE DOCTORS, NURSES, & SUPPORT STAFF soooooo much!!! WE APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH!!! Last night, Bryce asked me to lay with him!!! He does not ask this very often. I was aaaaalllll over it! We layed on our sides with my hand on his hip for a few minutes, but then he rolled to his back, grabbed my hand and put it on his chest and covered my hand with both of his hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just started bawling!!!! And, thanking God!!!!! What I wouldn't do for that kind of time with him, anytime. Life is so precious. Our children (yours & ours) are so precious, each and every one of them. I am really trying to focus on spending quality one-on-one time with them as much as I possibly can. I had a long heart-to-heart with Tammy, our nurse, last night. Thanks, Tammy. She is also very close to Jamie O'Reilly. We cried, we laughed, and we praised God for everything we have. Life is soooooo good, gang. Life is so good...

To all of our friends & family who have not heard from us in awhile: We miss you and think of you ALL so often!!! Please know that we love you and appreciate you all so much! You are so dear to us and have such a special place in our hearts. To everyone who is checking in on us that we have never met, THANK YOU. You, too, give us strength and hope. We have received many wonderful and incredible emails and cards from family, friends, and people we do not know; all including very special children. I wish I could have the time to respond to each and every one of you because you do deserve a very special THANK YOU. You are all so kind and considerate. YOUR PRAYERS AND WORDS OF HOPE, FAITH, & LOVE ARE INCREDIBLE!!!

We've met many new faces here and we feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Ethan, Joe, Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

We send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Sunday, November 6, 2005 12:23 AM CST


Can you believe I am updating again, ALREADY?! We hope everyone is having a great weekend. Tim & I are heading back home while Grandma Linda hangs out with Bryce this afternoon. Grandpa Arnie is coming to visit for a while too but, you know how men are,...there are lots of things to do; "the clock don't stop" and "you're burning daylight". Or is that women?! Anyway, Tim will be moving corn around and I am going to spend some time with my boys at home! I will come back around supper time and stay with Bryce tonight.

The Peds On-Call Doctor came in around 11pm last night and told us that he tested positive for Gram Negative Bacilli from his blood culture from Friday when he had that high fever. So, they stopped the Vancomycin antibiotic because they know that it does not respond to that bacteria. They will know more tomorrow. They had to watch for fever and low blood pressure again during the night. He was fine. They did another blood culture this morning to check again. His counts are: hemoglobin 9.4; white count 100; ANC too low to count; and platelets 53,000. So, now that the fever is gone, his blood is maintaining. His liver enzyme from yesterday is actually 717. It is high because of the chemo he received this past week. He is coughing more. His tummy hurts less, but is still in the main area--lower abdomin. His doctor said that she does not expect his counts to get higher any time soon. So, he may be here for a couple of weeks. We'll see,...we have to remember who we are dealing with....

He is in a great mood today! Yeah!!!!! That makes life so much easier. The brothers had a great time with their Aunt and cousins. Bryce says "Hi" to everyone! It has been sooooooooooo great for Tim & I to be able to spend some time together!!!! It has been hard this week because it has really hit me how our family is apart most of the time. And, when we are together (in the hospital), it is a little chaotic in a small room with 7 bodies. But, I am so grateful that we CAN be together, at all. I have NO DOUBT in my mind that we WILL get through this. God is by our side, guiding us the whole way. What an incredible life we all have! We WILL have TRIUMPH AND VICTORY FOR OUR BRYCER!!! Have faith in the Lord, and he will provide.

I've met many new faces here and I feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

We send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Saturday, November 5, 2005 7:19 PM CST


Sorry for the delay! It's been a busy day. Long story short, it has been a pretty good day for Bryce, compared to last night. The nurse, Tammy, and the doctors had to keep checking his blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature most of the night. They put him on the heart monitor during the night to watch him. If he hadn't improved, they were discussing the PICU. That was brought up the other time he had these same problems. His fever started coming down at 2:30am along with his heart rate. His blood pressure went back to normal, also. His urine came back negative. He had an abdominal ultrasound today which came back normal. He has shoulder pain which is caused by his liver; weird but interesting, isn't it? It has to do with the nerves. His liver enzymes have dropped into the 500's again, they were in the 1,000s. His hemoglobin is 9.5 (11.9 yesterday); white count is 200 (was 100 yesterday); his ANC is too low to count; and his platelets are 47,000 (84,000 yesterday). A fever burns up the blood cells and platelets, as you can see. They will check his counts in the morning. He had a low grade fever of 99.8 mid-morning and has been normal the rest of the day. His tummy still hurts him, I think it may be less than last night. He is getting hungry for a little food tonight, we've noticed.

I am keeping this short tonight so that I can spend time with Bryce, and TIM!!! We are both staying tonight! I am exhausted but my cold is better. My sister, Julie, and her kids are staying at our house tonight with the brothers. Thank goodness for all our helpers!!! Thank you to you, too! Keep the prayers coming and thank God for everything you have, always!!!!

(I had to bring this paragraph back) I've met many new faces here and I feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jim, Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

We send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Friday, November 4, 2005 8:37 PM CST

Good Evening~

I have to make this one quick because I see Caring Bridge is doing a maintenance from 9 to midnight. Here goes:

Bryce slept until 9am, woke up mellow and was mellow most of the morning. He took a nap from 1-2:30 and woke up with a fever of 102.9. His tummy hurt a lot, and it hurt him when he went potty. His blood pressure dropped and his heart went up a lot. His fever got as high as 103.9. So, since then we have done a urine sample, chest x-ray (which was ok), blood cultures 2x, started him on 2 IV antibiotics, and his liver function tests are very high--twice as high as yesterday. Right now, his fever is down to 99.8 and his tummy still hurts. They did a big push of IV fluids to bring his blood pressure back up, it worked a little. His heart rate is still fairly high. They will be watching him very closely tonight.

I went down to the E.R. to be seen for my annoying cough and they diagnosed me with bronchitis and gave me oral antibiotics. I have been wearing a mask all day. Tim took the boys in for their Flu Shots this morning. I haven't heard the stories, yet. I'm sure they will be good. I have to admit, it's been a tough week. I will add more to the top of the page in the morning....Goodnight.

(I had to bring this paragraph back) I've met many new faces here and I feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

We send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Thursday, November 3, 2005 10:26 PM CST

Thursday, November 3, 2005 4:51 PM


Hi, all!

Bryce is just waking up from his much needed (chemo) nap. We are moving to a Hepa Filter room (a room that filters the air for less germs) because his counts are low. His white count is 500 and his ANC is 420. His hemoglobin is 11 and platelets are 105,000, they are good. The doctor says his counts will only get lower with the chemo. He is still feeling the same. He says he is "fine!" and I say he is not himself and not feeling well. Mom's just know,...right Mom's?! Sometimes I think he says he is "fine!" because he may go into "lock-down" in his room from the doctors (which he wouldn't unless his counts are low). But today, I had a friend say that maybe he says that because he is 7 and needs to be a "big boy". She may be on to something... I forgot to tell you that we will be doing his bone marrow biopsy on November 11th to see if this Clofarabine is doing something. I think they will probably do another 5-day course of it again, right away. Or maybe they will let his counts rebound a little and then do it, we'll see. Remember, we take it one day at a time.....

Tonight, we are having a pizza party for our birthday boy! So, Tim and the Crew will be here very soon and I need to go downstairs to the Teen Lounge and heat up the oven. I will be back with more of an update later tonight....

10pm: I'm back to finish up for the night. We had a fun and nummy birthday supper of Papa Murphy's Pizza! Bryce had a little, the rest of us chowed! Oh, except for the Junk Food Junkie, that would be Ethan. He hasn't got a lot of time to stop and eat, especially in a sord of new place to explore. But, he'll stop for a bag of Cheetos!!! He gets it from both of us,...Tim likes his chips and I love my candy. Getting back on track, Grandma Linda sent along a birthday cake for the birthday boy. Thanks, Grandma! We sang to him and had our fun-silly nurse, Jen, sing along. (You missed out, Dena! We sooo wanted to hear you sing!) It was a very late night for everyone! Bryce got his flu shot after everyone left and then, went right to sleep around 9:50! That's late for him! I hope he sleeps later tomorrow. Tim will take the boys' in for their flu shots tomorrow. Ethan had his last week.

Now, for the deep stuff. I am once again listening to Bryce's song and thinking about Bryce & our Lord. Let me back up a bit... Mitch & Bryce had a "moment" tonight. Bryce doesn't have a lot of patience for his brothers, at times. Mitch cares about Bryce, a lot. Mitch tried to take something from Bryce and Bryce got very impatient and mad which made Mitch mad. They both got in trouble for losing their tempers. After a small discussion with both of them, we left them alone to apologize to each other. Tim went in to check on them and a few minutes later I came back with all the boys. (Sorry, this is taking so long.) What I am getting at is that everyone is wondering how the brothers are doing, right? And, we think they are doing ok. Well, it turns out that Mitchell is very, very worried about Bryce. He kept crying--don't tell him I told you! He's afraid Bryce is going to die. (I HATE even typing that!!!!) So, we had a family meeting. We sat on Bryce's bed and talked about our feelings. Mitchell started out saying he was scared about Bryce and all of this. I said, "So you're scared about all of this that Bryce is going through?" Bryce said, "I know what Mitchell is scared of. He is scared that the chemo isn't going to work. Sometimes I get scared about that too." WOW.... You know, I try so hard to get the words out "correctly" and all you have to do is let it come out of the mouth of babes..... Bryce added, "This medicine is going to work because it's like Mom has always said about me, 3rd one's the charm." Dad said, "You know, I thought of that out in the combine today." Logan is worried about Bryce getting sick a lot and having to go to the E.R. and then staying in the hospital. Joel is still wondering why Bryce lost his hair. (Nurse Jen covered that one for us later with a few other things.) Ethan has been here/there the whole time. We told everyone we were pregnant with him at Bryce's 5th birthday party. Bryce was diagnosed the next day. Please say an extra special prayer for our little boys. Give them strength, help them not to worry. Give them faith and peace. Bless their little hearts!!!!!!!!! Please add another prayer for Bryce's friends...ALL of them. That's ranging from his 2nd grade class and a lot of other classes and daycares around the U.S. to his cousins to his close family friends to the children following his web page. THEY ARE ALL SO PRECIOUS!!!! Thank you.

(I had to bring this paragraph back) I've met many new faces here and I feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of their family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, Josh, India, Rian, McKenzie, Alyssa, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

We send our love and appreciation out to all of you!!! Thank you for the help at our house, with our children, with food, cards, phone calls, visits, notes, and gifts. God has blessed us soooooooooo very much!!! Once again I must say,....LIFE IS GOOD.......

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, November 2, 2005 8:46 PM CST

Hi everyone,

We are doing fine here at the hospital. I'm super tired so this will be short and messy. I'm sure you don't mind.

I came back around 2pm and Tim left around 2:30 to back into the field. I sure do miss my guy.... We have had a good day today. They lowered his steroids yesterday so that is absolutely wonderful!!! The steroid is the mood swing/insomnia/hungry medicine. It was definitely affecting his moods.... I am so glad it is low again. They didn't check his blood today. Not sure why. He is tired, his tummy hurts a little which means he is a little nauseated, and he's not quite himself. Kinda like, quiet and ok. He had visitors tonight: Grandma Ann, Great Aunt Cindy, Aunties Shelley & Pam, Cousins Carson & Maggie, and his 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Peterson and her daughters. He really opened up for his teacher! It was so nice to see him talking, and talking some more! He really enjoyed his visit with all of them.

Like I said, I think he is really feeling the chemo, now. He is tired and needs to nap every day. Not sure if that's gonna happen at home--cross your fingers! Then, he is ready to sleep at 8pm, again. He and his Dad did walk to McDonald's today, so that was good.

Today was a little more difficult for me... I couldn't fall asleep last night at home (in my own bed). And then, when I did go to sleep I kept waking up, uncomfortable. Ethan was up by 6:10am. That was sleeping in compared to the last two mornings of 5:10am! Poor Tim. It is so nice to be home with your children but then you want to be at the hospital with your child who is ill. I had one melt-down this morning and cried, I got through it. Actually, I think Joel got me through it. Joel said during the moment, "Ethan are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ethan said, "No." Joel said, "I think Mom needs to take a little rest. You go ahead and lie on the couch, Mom. Ethan and I will be quiet." How sweet is that?! Joel is our 5-year-old. He cares about EVERYONE!!! Needless to say, I didn't fit that rest time in. But, I did sneak a cat nap in around 4pm here for about 10 minutes. I am heading off to bed very soon. I am hoping they will let us go home tomorrow after chemo. It is Logan's 9th birthday, and we want to be there with him, if we can.

Our love to all of you! Thank you for all my helpers today, Julie H. and Michelle R.! You are all so wonderful!!!! This is not an easy time for any of us, including you. You make it better....

If I can say anything tonight, it is to KEEP YOUR FAITH IN THE LORD!!! I don't have a lot of bible verses memorized or anything but I DO KNOW that GOD IS HOLDING ALL OF US IN HIS HANDS. HE IS CARING FOR US, LOVING US UNCONDITIONALLY, AND GUIDING US. Don't ever lose your faith. In God, we trust.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, November 1, 2005 8:55 PM CST

Good Evening. Dad's at the wheel so it should be short and confusing. Hemoglobin was low today 7.8 so tonight after the chemo was done running he had transfusion. The rest of the counts are good, 1280 ANC, 1300 white blood, 131 platelets. Didn't eat much today had some chicken strips, fries, bread and milk at noon. Bryce said his throat is sore, could be the chemo, has a little cough could just be a sore throat. He was in a pretty good mood today, very tired and ready for bed tonight. So any way Susie can fill in the holes tomorrow. Keep those prayers coming.

Love to All,

The Breu Crew

Monday, October 31, 2005 9:55 PM CST

Good Evening & Happy Halloween!

Today was a pretty good day. Bryce had such fun at his parade!!! His cousins, Jordan & Collin, came along and they all got spoiled rotten! St. Mary's is the place to be on Halloween Day if you are a child in the hospital who loves candy!!! The employees LOVE seeing the kids in their costumes and they were so happy to be putting smiles on their precious faces!!! We, along with Auntie Julie and Grandma Ann, walked all over the hospital! I think someone said it was about 10 stops. WOW!!! What fun! The Halloween Party tonight was making goop. That was fun, also. Thanks to all of the employees who contributed today from the 3 Francis pediatric patients at St. Mary's!

There's not much new here. Bryce was a bit ornery today. Whew. I'm so glad he is not like that everyday... I do believe he is not feeling as good as he usually does. I don't know if the chemo from yesterday hits him that hard today already? He didn't eat or drink a thing until 7:15 tonight. He slept from 4:20-5:15pm. That helped A LOT! The doctors discontinued his two antibiotics and antifungal med because he has not had a fever since yesterday morning. Bryce's counts are good. His hemoglobin is 8.6; white count is 1,700; ANC is 1,570; and platelets are 149,000. His nose was a little runny at times today. When he was trying to eat his supper tonight, he complained of a sore throat. I'm wondering if it is post-nasal drip. The doctor and nurses looked in the back of his throat and did not see any sores. After that, he climbed under a bunch of blankets, we did some schoolwork, he said his tummy hurt a little, and he went to sleep. Now, Tim & I have an annoying little cough. Our coughs are not as icky as Logan, Joel, and Ethans, though. I think they are getting better.

Bryce had quite a few visitors today from his Trick or Treating partners to friends and family members of family members we just met to Mary Kay Consultants to St. Mary's orderly/escort, Kent, (Bryce's favorite!) to the Captains of the Goodhue Wildcats Football Team. Wow! (I hope you understood all of that!) Bryce received an autographed football from the Team!!! He LOVED it!!!! He also beat one of them in checkers. What a day he had!!! He has received so many AWESOME cards from all over the U.S.!!! And, so many great cards from school classes in Rochester, Zumbrota, and Goodhue! You ALL know how to make a 7 1/2 year old boy feel VERY SPECIAL!!! Thank you a million times!!!

Bryce had a visit from one of the Chaplains here today. She was wonderful! She explained how she had cancer in 1984 and all of the different feelings she had at that time. He just looked up at her and listened so intensely. I think she made him feel like she really understood what he was feeling. She also reinforced how God loves him and is taking care of him each and everyday. She gave him a Peace Coin that he could keep or give to someone else. Then, she said a prayer for him and you know what? I think she remembered every single detail we discussed about Bryce and prayed for each one!!! Incredible!

I've met new faces here and I feel their pain. Please say a prayer for all the little people here on 3 Francis. They are under such wonderful care, we are so fortunate to be here! Pray for God's healing touch for each one of these children. Pray for strength for each of these family's. And, pray for those who have not yet placed their child in God's hands, to do so. They need to give Him all of the control. With God, we have everything. Without Him, we have nothing. Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. Pray for strength for the Diercks family today and everyday. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

And lastly, I want you to always remember how incredible our God is. Each and everytime I need strength, I hear my Christian Radio songs in my head--during the day or if I wake up in the middle of the night. Do you hear your songs? The song that is almost always playing in my head is a song that I heard a few months ago that instantly made me think of our little Brycer. It's called Brave and my main point of the song is that "Bryce makes me want to be Brave and so does God". I hope you have heard it, you can find it and other great songs on 98.5FM. A very special caring bridge Mom named Serena asked her sister in Texas to set it to play on Bryce's web page. Thank you Serena & Deana! I want to leave you with the lyrics--thanks to Becky...

(Nichole Nordeman, Jay Joyce)

The gate is wide
The road is paved in moderation
The crowd is kind and quick to pull you in
Welcome to the middle ground
You're safe and sound and
Until now it's where I've been

'Cause it's been fear that ties me down to everything
But it's been love, Your love, that cuts the strings

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I am small
And I speak when I'm spoken to
But I am willing to risk it all
I say Your name
Just Your name and I'm ready to jump
Even ready to fall...

Why did I take this vow of compromise?
Why did I try to keep it all inside?

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I've never known a fire that didn't begin with a flame
Every storm will start with just a drop of rain
But if you believe in me
That changes everything
So long, I'm gone

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
I wanna be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Sunday, October 30, 2005 8:47 PM CST

Hey everyone~ (Tonight IS going to be short & sweet!)

It has been a good day! It started out a little rocky this morning trying to get Bryce to take a bath or a shower but we managed. After his bath, he was a new kid! He soaked his sore on his back. It is bigger but we can see it is healing. He did get a fever at 11am of 101.8 but it came down after Motrin was given. The doctor decided to go ahead with the chemo today because his counts are good and none of us want to wait any longer. His doctor said the fevers could very possibly be from the Leukemia, anyway. And, that this new chemo med can cause fevers, too. Last Sunday they had given him this Clofarabine and a few hours later he had a high fever and was vomiting. So, today they pre-meded him with two anti-nausea meds. He had all of his other pre-meds before, also. He did very well with the chemo. It was finished at 6pm. He complained of his tummy hurting around 8pm so he took more Zofran. He is now sleeping. His counts are hemoglobin 9.3; white count 1,400; ANC 1,070; and platelets 142,000. Very good. He had fun this afternoon with Mitchell, Grandma Linda, Auntie's Shelley & Amanda, and his Big Cousins! He got quite a few games in, too! I noticed he was eating a little better tonight, too.

Tomorrow, he will have his Halloween Parade at 1:30 with the rest of the kids on the Peds floor who can travel throughout the hospital. He is really looking forward to that. Tomorrow night, the Child Life Specialists here on the Peds floor are having a Halloween Party from 6:15-7:15. The Spidey costume is here and in the closet! No one will recognize him with his mask! I just hope I can keep him off of the side of St. Mary's--you know, climbing the walls... His IV is VERY BUSY throughout the day getting antibiotics, antifunfal med, pre-meds of steroids, antinausea, and flushes, and then chemo, more flushes, more antibiotics, and saline. His nurse will have to travel with him tomorrow during the parade to be giving him his meds! I'm sure she won't mind!

Once again, I want to thank all of you for all you do for our famiy!!! The Grandma's have been so wonderful with helping us with the boys and the house!!! I don't know what we would do without them, our sisters', and our close friends. Wow!!! The boys' are in awesome hands when they are away from Mom & Dad. The food has been wonderful! I am so relieved to know that Tim & the boys' are getting such good food! And, so creative sometimes! I can cook but I'm not real creative. It makes it fun for them, too. We are so grateful for all of your PRAYERS!!! That to us is the most important thing of all! As I say all day long, we need to believe. I have such a good feeling about this Clofarabine!!! I know God is working His miracles through Bryce!!!!

Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. I want to ask you to add a special prayer for the Dierck's family in Goodhue who's son, Brent, went to Heaven to be by God's side a week ago Thursday. Pray for strength for their family today and everyday. They will appreciate all the extra prayers. They are such a great family! Don't forget to send out a special prayer for Jamie! She is home and very tired!!! Get lots of rest, Jamie. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

And lastly, I want you to always remember how incredible our God is. Each and everytime I need strength, I hear my Christian Radio songs in my head--during the day or if I wake up in the middle of the night. Do you hear your songs? The song that is almost always playing in my head is a song that I heard a few months ago that instantly made me think of our little Brycer. It's called Brave and my main point of the song is that "Bryce makes me want to be Brave and so does God". I hope you have heard it, you can find it and other great songs on 98.5FM. A very special caring bridge Mom named Serena asked her sister in Texas to set it to play on Bryce's web page. Thank you Serena & Deana! I want to leave you with the lyrics--thanks to Becky...

(Nichole Nordeman, Jay Joyce)

The gate is wide
The road is paved in moderation
The crowd is kind and quick to pull you in
Welcome to the middle ground
You're safe and sound and
Until now it's where I've been

'Cause it's been fear that ties me down to everything
But it's been love, Your love, that cuts the strings

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I am small
And I speak when I'm spoken to
But I am willing to risk it all
I say Your name
Just Your name and I'm ready to jump
Even ready to fall...

Why did I take this vow of compromise?
Why did I try to keep it all inside?

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I've never known a fire that didn't begin with a flame
Every storm will start with just a drop of rain
But if you believe in me
That changes everything
So long, I'm gone

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
I wanna be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Saturday, October 29, 2005 10:25 PM CDT

Good Evening~

Bryce is now asleep and I am back for a "quick" update. I always say quick and it ends up to be much longer and (could we say) 'informational'-? than I had anticipated...

It has been a very good day! Bryce has been in very good spirits today!!! We LOVE that!!! Tim left for home around 1:45pm to go get some fieldwork done and we tag-teamed off. I had left the hospital around 5pm yesterday for my Mary Kay Fall Retreat in beautiful Lanesboro, MN. I almost did not go but Bryce told me, "Mommy, you should go and do some facials." Actually, we did training and fun girlfriend-time for Consultants and Directors, no facials. Although, I AM having a little bit of 'withdrawals' since I have not done a facial in about 6 weeks! But, this is one of the perks of Mary Kay. You can set your business on the back burner to be with your family, as I did for quite a few months in 2003 to be with Bryce when he was diagnosed with ALL, and not get "fired". We are so grateful to have Mary Kay in our lives. The Faith, Family, and Career, in that order, are my all-time favorite qualities of this company!!! (Just had to do what I always do, and say what I'm thinking).

OK, back to Bryce. He was having such leg pain Thursday and Friday, along with the fever on Friday, that the doctors decided to do an ultrasound of his left calf muscle. Everything looked fine. His leg is not bothering him at all today. So, that is good.

Bryce's fever did hit 103 around 9pm and then again, around 6am today. The Motrin finally took it down. They have done blood cultures Friday in the E.R. and this morning and they are still negative. He started fevering again around 3pm with a temp. of 101.8. Motrin took it down until about 7:45 when it was 100.5, again. We gave him Motrin, again. We are trying to keep away from the Tylenol right now because that can affect his liver. They are treating him with two antibiotics every 12 hours because of the fever. We don't know what is causing the fever, though. They are also treating him with an antifungal medicine once a day.

His blood pressure dropped fairly low during the night, so that made the doctors nervous. They were wondering if this was caused by the fever, and possibly infection. They increased his IV fluids during the night. It has stabilized today around 80/40 or higher. They are content with that, and they are having the nurses check it every four hours.

Today his counts were: hemoglobin 8.6; white count 1,500; ANC 1,190; and platelets 129,000. So, it's really just the hemoglobin that is getting lower, everything else is higher. That is awesome for his ANC,...WOW!!!!

While Bryce was in the bathroom tonight, he told me to come in. He showed me a little blood on some toilet paper and told me he was bleeding from his lower back. I thought it was where he had his LP chemo on Thursday but when I looked closely it was an open sore where the tape had been from his bone marrow biopsy on Thursday. My theory is that the tape must have irritated his skin just enough to make it sore when we took the tape off yesterday. Then, his elastic from his boxers and shorts probably put pressure on it along with the pressure from lying on his back. Anyway, it is about a half inch long, opened from the skin sluffing off, and draining a little. His nurse put some antibiotic cream and gauze over it for the night. Speaking of nurses, I just have to say that these nurses are sooooooo good to him!!! And, if that doesn't just make our lives easier then I don't know what does!!! They are so wonderful with pediatric patients!!! They keep him on his toes and spoil him rotten. He loves every minute of it! They make our hospital stay go so much smoother. Thank goodness for that! And now, some of them have been teasing him about the cute pictures on the web page. I just want to say THANK YOU to all the nurses, and doctors, who are caring for Bryce. And, thank you to the nurses who are checking in on our Brycer. You all have HUGE HEARTS!!! We know you care a lot about him.

Now on with the chemo info...The doctors held off with the chemo again today because of his fevers. We are hoping that he will not fever tonight or tomorrow and we will be able to start the chemo, then. It's kinda crazy to hear yourself say that you are "hoping to start chemo" on your son. We NEVER want this to happen to ANYONE, and/or their child!!! We know we have a long road ahead of us. We feel terrible that Bryce is the one who has to have his body go through all of this. I have not questioned God, lately. Who am I to question the Lord? I know He does not want anyone to suffer. I know He wants to heal each and every one of us and take our pain away. We NEED to BELIEVE. We need to have FAITH. We need to TRUST in God with all of our might. He has sent our family to this incredible medical facility with amazing doctors and nurses, and other support staff. We need to pray for them, too. We need to pray for our strength. Not only for strength for Bryce's family but for his extended family and friends. Please ask for strength for each of you who FAITHFULLY check on Bryce's progress and pray for him daily. I know it is NOT easy for any of you, either!!! Let God lead you. Praise Him and thank Him everyday for everything you have because LIFE IS JUST TOO DARN SHORT, SOMETIMES!!! And then, remember how LIFE IS GOOD. There is ALWAYS somebody who has it worse. Pray for them. Build your faith on the Lord, your God. We would have nothing without Him.

Thank you so much, again, for ALL of your prayers, cards, gifts, food, care packages, help, notes, faith, love, and concerns!!!! You give us more strength than you could ever imagine!!! Bryce has received cards from all over the United States because of YOU!!!!!! You are all so wonderful......What a GIFT you are....

(See what I mean?! This wasn't "quick"!!!)

Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. I want to ask you to add a special prayer for the Dierck's family in Goodhue who's son, Brent, went to Heaven to be by God's side a week ago Thursday. Pray for strength for their family today and everyday. They will appreciate all the extra prayers. They are such a great family! Don't forget to send out a special prayer for Jamie! She is home and very tired!!! Get lots of rest, Jamie. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

And lastly, I want you to always remember how incredible our God is. Each and everytime I need strength, I hear my Christian Radio songs in my head--during the day or if I wake up in the middle of the night. Do you hear your songs? The song that is almost always playing in my head is a song that I heard a few months ago that instantly made me think of our little Brycer. It's called Brave and my main point of the song is that "Bryce makes me want to be Brave and so does God". I hope you have heard it, you can find it and other great songs on 98.5FM. A very special caring bridge Mom named Serena asked her sister in Texas to set it to play on Bryce's web page. Thank you Serena & Deana! I want to leave you with the lyrics--thanks to Becky...

(Nichole Nordeman, Jay Joyce)

The gate is wide
The road is paved in moderation
The crowd is kind and quick to pull you in
Welcome to the middle ground
You're safe and sound and
Until now it's where I've been

'Cause it's been fear that ties me down to everything
But it's been love, Your love, that cuts the strings

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I am small
And I speak when I'm spoken to
But I am willing to risk it all
I say Your name
Just Your name and I'm ready to jump
Even ready to fall...

Why did I take this vow of compromise?
Why did I try to keep it all inside?

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I've never known a fire that didn't begin with a flame
Every storm will start with just a drop of rain
But if you believe in me
That changes everything
So long, I'm gone

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
I wanna be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Friday, October 28, 2005 1:49 PM CDT


Hello, everyone~

We are almost unpacked in Bryce's hospital room. Mrs. Pasch is here reading Bryce's Halloween/Get Better cards from his 2nd grade class! THANK YOU 2ND GRADERS!!! WE WILL GET A BIG ROLL OF TAPE AND HANG THEM IN HIS HOSPITAL ROOM!!! You are ALL such wonderful AND special friends! Bryce misses you and thinks of you a lot!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS FOR BRYCE! Keep them coming! He just woke up from an hour nap and is digging right in with his studies with Mrs. Pasch. I asked him if she should still come today with the fever and he wanted her to come.

Bryce woke up with a fever today at 8am. His temp. was 102.2 and his left calf muscle was still hurting since yesterday after his bone marrow biopsy. We are wondering if it has anything to do with his biopsy. We called the doctors and they said to come right to the hospital so he could get his IV antibiotics. We saw Dr. Bram around 12:45pm, he told us the spinal fluid is still clear and the bone marrow still has about the same amount of blast cells in it. We were going to start the Clofarabine (the new chemo med) today but since he has a fever, we will wait until tomorrow. He will get his 2 IV antibiotics every 12 hours for the fever to fight off whatever infection may be going on. I hope he gets rid of this fever, we don't like waiting to give him his chemo... They did blood cultures in the E.R. and also checked his counts. His hemoglobin is 10 and platelets are 139,000. So, that's great! His white count and ANC were not back, yet.

Before we left the house this morning, Bryce's Great Aunt Sharon came with a bag of goodies. She made Candy Corn Treat Bags for Bryce to give to his special friends at the hospital. She told Bryce that the person receiving the candy should do a trick for him first. So, guess who took Bryce to his room? You got it,...Kent. That made Bryce smile a lot! Before Kent left the room, he had to do a trick for Bryce. It was the craziest thing: He found a quarter behind Bryce's ear!!! We found out that Candy Corn is Kent's favorite candy! Thanks, Sharon!

We went out to eat at the Covered Bridge Restaraunt last night per Bryce's request. The boys' had Kiddie Cocktails (their favorite!!) and a nice supper. We even had a nice woman comment on how well-behaved our boys' were. That is something they LOVE to hear! Tim & I do, also! Bryce's leg was hurting him last night, too. He seemed to sleep well, though. We are all doing ok. He is such a trooper through all of this! Thank you for all of your prayers, as always! Please keep them coming loud and clear!!! Bryce is in God's healing hands. Our faith is in Him. We have to trust in God!!!

Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. I want to ask you to add a special prayer for the Dierck's family in Goodhue who's son, Brent, went to Heaven to be by God's side a week ago Thursday. Pray for strength for their family today and everyday. They will appreciate all the extra prayers. They are such a great family! Don't forget to send out a special prayer for Jamie! She is home and very tired!!! Get lots of rest, Jamie. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

And lastly, I want you to always remember how incredible our God is. Each and everytime I need strength, I hear my Christian Radio songs in my head--during the day or if I wake up in the middle of the night. Do you hear your songs? The song that is almost always playing in my head is a song that I heard a few months ago that instantly made me think of our little Brycer. It's called Brave and my main point of the song is that "Bryce makes me want to be Brave and so does God". I hope you have heard it, you can find it and other great songs on 98.5FM. A very special caring bridge Mom named Serena asked her sister in Texas to set it to play on Bryce's web page. Thank you Serena & Deana! I want to leave you with the lyrics--thanks to Becky...

(Nichole Nordeman, Jay Joyce)

The gate is wide
The road is paved in moderation
The crowd is kind and quick to pull you in
Welcome to the middle ground
You're safe and sound and
Until now it's where I've been

'Cause it's been fear that ties me down to everything
But it's been love, Your love, that cuts the strings

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I am small
And I speak when I'm spoken to
But I am willing to risk it all
I say Your name
Just Your name and I'm ready to jump
Even ready to fall...

Why did I take this vow of compromise?
Why did I try to keep it all inside?

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I've never known a fire that didn't begin with a flame
Every storm will start with just a drop of rain
But if you believe in me
That changes everything
So long, I'm gone

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
I wanna be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Thursday, October 27, 2005 2:50 PM CDT

Hey, everyone!

We are home from appointments, already! Yeah!!! We left the house at 7am. Bryce had labs at 8:00, LP chemo and bone marrow biopsy at 9:45. His counts are: white count 1,000; ANC 43--extremely low again!; hemoglobin 9.9; and platelets 100,000. The hemoglobin and platelets were holding steady so, no transfusions today. We will get the spinal fluid and bone marrow results tomorrow at 11:15. We headed for home at 12:15. Bryce's legs were aching on the way home, so I climbed in the back to rub the aches away. He went back to the couch when we got home and slept for 10 minutes. I thought it would be a lot longer than that. He's pooped out! Yesterday, he quietly went upstairs at 9:30am and came back down at 11:30 after napping the whole time! He is in a great mood, now after his nap. That 10 minutes did the trick!

Speaking of tricks, we took the boys' trick or treating last night. Bryce was really looking forward to being Spiderman and since he will be in the hospital on Halloween, we decided to go ahead and make the rounds last night while we were home. It was very fun! They all got tons of candy and snacks. Bryce is going through his right now. He is not a "candy kid" like the rest of his brothers and mom but he is having fun organizing it and giving it to me! I told him I was so glad that I am the only person home, right now!! It was a very fun and fast night. The costumes were: Ethan a bumblebee--the cutest bumblebee I've ever seen!! (Thanks to Grandma Linda!); Joel a Doctor--very appropriate for the guy who wants to help heal everyone; Logan a Mad Scientist--also very fitting, he loves science and craziness!!; and Mitchell--well, I think he just thought that maybe he was getting too old since he is in 5th grade. He did wear a Halloween t-shirt, though. Like I said, it was a fun night full of memories and seeing lots of Tim's family and some friends. Oh yeah, I dressed up as a 1970 Professional Homemaker. You missed it... Well, some of you did.

We are doing well, here. I am very tired today. I always stay up way to late the night before appointments. I just don't think that my mind wants to quiet down when the wheels are turning... I am still very excited about what God has ahead of us. I truly believe He is working miracles inside our little Brycer. I believe He is bringing MANY OF US closer to Him in many ways. He is our amazing Creator!!! Look at everything we have and what He has done for us! ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE, isn't it?! We are soooooo blessed!!!

Again, thank you for all you do for us!!! I wish you could know and feel the tremendous appreciation we have for ALL of you! Thank you to our family's and friends for ALL of your help! Thank you for the food and cards, notes and visits! But, most of all, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND HUGE FAITH!!! I know many of you are forwarding, to your friends and family, a prayer request that I sent out on Sunday night. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I will update tomorrow night when we are settled in at the hospital and starting the new chemo.

Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. I want to ask you to add a special prayer for the Dierck's family in Goodhue who's son, Brent, went to Heaven to be by God's side a week ago Thursday. Pray for strength for their family today and everyday. They will appreciate all the extra prayers. They are such a great family! Don't forget to send out a special prayer for Jamie! She is home and very tired!!! Get lots of rest, Jamie. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

And lastly, I want you to always remember how incredible our God is. Each and everytime I need strength, I hear my Christian Radio songs in my head--during the day or if I wake up in the middle of the night. Do you hear your songs? The song that is almost always playing in my head is a song that I heard a few months ago that instantly made me think of our little Brycer. It's called Brave and my main point of the song is that "Bryce makes me want to be Brave and so does God". I hope you have heard it, you can find it and other great songs on 98.5FM. A very special caring bridge Mom named Serena asked her sister in Texas to set it to play on Bryce's web page. Thank you Serena & Deana! I want to leave you with the lyrics--thanks to Becky...

(Nichole Nordeman, Jay Joyce)

The gate is wide
The road is paved in moderation
The crowd is kind and quick to pull you in
Welcome to the middle ground
You're safe and sound and
Until now it's where I've been

'Cause it's been fear that ties me down to everything
But it's been love, Your love, that cuts the strings

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I am small
And I speak when I'm spoken to
But I am willing to risk it all
I say Your name
Just Your name and I'm ready to jump
Even ready to fall...

Why did I take this vow of compromise?
Why did I try to keep it all inside?

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I've never known a fire that didn't begin with a flame
Every storm will start with just a drop of rain
But if you believe in me
That changes everything
So long, I'm gone

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
I wanna be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 9:05 PM CDT

Greetings from the Breuer Home!!!

That's right, we are home! Bryce's counts were still good today. His hemoglobin was 9; white count was 1,100; ANC 850; and platelets were 81,000. He also had an MRI this afternoon to make sure his liver looked ok and to make sure that there was not a fungal infection in the liver. He did a great job of lying still for over 30 minutes with ear plugs in and being strapped down. Wow. I often wonder, how us adults would do through all of this. The MRI showed that his liver looked fine. His liver enzyme (GPT) was in the 400's a few days ago, so that was higher than the last check but it had been in the 600's last week. Since his liver looked good and his counts are hanging in there, they thought it would be nice to have a few days at home. Boy, were they right!!! As we are always reminded before we leave; if he gets a fever, we are back in the hospital. But, we ALWAYS hope for the best!

Bryce will go back in for labs at 7:30am on Thursday and 9:45 LP chemo and bone marrow biopsy. I am guessing by the way his counts were looking today and knowing that he has the leukemia in the bone marrow, he will need platelets and packed red cells on Thursday, also. So, Thursday may be a long day for Bryce. They will start the Clofarabine (new chemo med for 5 days) on either Thursday or Friday. They may decide to admit him on Thursday. We do have an appointment to meet with the doctors on Friday morning at 11:15 to go over the results and the plan. I hope I'm not confusing you... We will bring his hospital bag both days because when we start the Clofarabine, he will be admitted to St. Mary's again. The doctor told us that he is sure that Bryce will still have a significant amount of Leukemia in his bone marrow on Thursday. And, that the reason they are waiting to start the Clofarabine is because they need to keep Bryce's blood counts and his liver, actually everything overall, in good shape for transplant when he is in remission.

I always say that this is such a rollercoaster ride for us but I am really realizing more and more everyday that it really is a rollercoaster ride for Bryce, too. He's up, he's down, he's happy, he's grumpy. You just don't know for sure where he will be next. I do know that tractor rides in the hallway by the resident doctor are good things. Another good thing is when his favorite orderly, Kent, takes him anywhere in the hospital. Kent ALWAYS leaves a message on Bryce's pillow case, since the first time we met him, and Brycer thinks that is soooooooo cool! Today after Bryce's MRI, he was pretty grumpy. Low and behold, who shows up but Kent. I told Bryce, "Isn't it amazing how God ALWAYS knows...He knew you needed to see Kent and be happy with him so He sent him to you!" Bryce gave me a HUGE SMILE!!! I LOVE THAT!!! I LOVE knowing that our children realize that so many things happen in life because of God!!! And, His plan for us... Bryce is also especially touched by his friends who buzzed their hair for him. Now their youngest brother, Mason, who is Joel's best buddy since birth, insisted on buzzing his hair, too. Mason is only 5 years old and already so very considerate. These young boys are so thoughtful! We will get a picture for you of all of them very soon. Thank you to everyone for all you do for our family! You are ALL teaching us, even our young friends, and giving us strength... God is working his miracles on Bryce as we speak, I just know it!!!

Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. I want to ask you to add a special prayer for the Dierck's family in Goodhue who's son, Brent, went to Heaven to be by God's side a week ago Thursday. Pray for strength for their family today and everyday. They will appreciate all the extra prayers. They are such a great family! Don't forget to send out a special prayer for Jamie! She is home tonight!!! Rest well, Jamie. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

And lastly, I want you to know how incredible our God is. Everytime I need strength, I hear my Christian Radio songs in my head--during the day or if I wake up in the middle of the night. Do you hear your songs? The song that is almost always playing in my head is a song that I heard a few months ago that instantly made me think of our little Brycer. It's called Brave and my main point of the song is that "Bryce makes me want to be Brave and so does God". I hope you have heard it, you can find it and other great songs on 98.5FM. A very special caring bridge Mom named Serena asked her sister in Texas to set it to play on Bryce's web page. Thank you Serena & Deana! I want to leave you with the lyrics--thanks to Becky...

(Nichole Nordeman, Jay Joyce)

The gate is wide
The road is paved in moderation
The crowd is kind and quick to pull you in
Welcome to the middle ground
You're safe and sound and
Until now it's where I've been

'Cause it's been fear that ties me down to everything
But it's been love, Your love, that cuts the strings

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I am small
And I speak when I'm spoken to
But I am willing to risk it all
I say Your name
Just Your name and I'm ready to jump
Even ready to fall...

Why did I take this vow of compromise?
Why did I try to keep it all inside?

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I've never known a fire that didn't begin with a flame
Every storm will start with just a drop of rain
But if you believe in me
That changes everything
So long, I'm gone

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
I wanna be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Monday, October 24, 2005 9:21 PM CDT

HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY TO ETHAN ALEXANDER (a.k.a. "Babers or Bubbers") BORN AT 8:05AM ON OCTOBER 24TH, 2003!!!

Good evening~

I am back with a quick update and will update more tomorrow afternoon, after the doctors make their rounds.

Bryce had a good day. He didn't eat much again today but he seems to be feeling fairly well. He has not had a fever since yesterday afternoon. His ANC count has jumped to 1,090!!! This is probably because of the GCSF shot he got at the beginning of last week. The GCSF shot boosts a persons white count within 7-10 days. Since the ANC is neutrophils which are white cells this is probably why it has jumped so much. I think the fact that he is not fevering everyday is helping his counts rebound, also. The doctors decided to hold off on the chemo until next week to allow his counts to rebound without any interference from chemotherapy. A few big risks for a person on chemo is that they are at risk for infection and abcess because their counts get so low. The doctors would rather have him build his counts up and then, knock them down with chemo. Building his counts will make his body stronger during chemo. They said they will do the five days of chemo next week but have not said when they will do another bone marrow biopsy. Trust me,...that will be one of my FIRST QUESTIONS tomorrow!!! His hemoglobin is maintaining at 10.2, his white count is 1,300(!) and his platelets are 101,000. I am anxious to hear where they are in the morning, both the counts and the doctors; nothing is written in stone.

Bryce slept good last night and even snuck a nap in before his teacher came today. His Dad had a hard time waking him for her. Tonight, I brought the rest of the Crew down with food for a nice birthday supper for our Birthday Boy. Ethan had a good birthday. He got to spend time with his Grandma Linda and we had a visit from cousin Jody and her son. He didn't get as long of a nap as he needed (which made the night not go as "smoothly" as we had "planned") but his Great Aunt Cindy had stopped over and she got him back to sleep when he awoke early. I don't know who enjoyed that more... Back to tonight, after Tim left with them (all but Mitchell) Bryce said his tummy hurt. He ate half of a turkey sandwich, rolled over in bed, and fell asleep within seconds. I'd say he was pretty poopered out. Now I have a cute story for ya: When Bryce was almost ready to fall asleep, we decided to quickly return a phone call to our good friends, the Huemann's. Garett Huemann is Bryce's buddy. Their oldest two boys', Dillon (11) & Riley (9), wanted to let Bryce know that since he had to lose his hair and was not very happy about it, they didn't want him to feel alone. So, they had their Mom shave their heads down to the bare minimum. They've only got a little peach fuzz left...How considerate was that???? Mitchell, Joel, and Tim buzzed their hair for Bryce, also but not down to the bare minimum. (And, that's ok.) Look at these incredible young boys, taking a chance to get teased and picked on for their close friend. How wonderful is that?! I am just so impressed with them!!! They have such HUGE HEARTS!!! Thanks, Dillon & Riley! You guys, rock! I just had to share that story with all of you.

So,....we have got prayer chains going all over the U.S. for Bryce and we are sooooo excited about that! I truly believe that God is picking up the pace with His miracles-in-the-works by increasing Bryce's counts. I have such a good feeling about this and it is ALL ABOUT FAITH IN OUR GOD!!! Sometimes, I wonder if I am in denial lately about this very serious situation with our son but I have to say that I have, 100 percent, given it to God and I am NOT looking back! God is soooooooo good. And, our life is soooooooooo good!!! God's favor is upon us every single day. We have been blessed beyond measure with our wonderful marriage of 12 1/2 years and our 5 incredible little boys. Like I always say/ask...What more can a girl ask for?!

God's blessings to YOU. You are ALL sooooo wonderful to Bryce and our family. Thank you for everything you do for us. You give us strength each and every day.

Again, I want to keep this in here to remind us all: Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. I want to ask you to add a special prayer for the Dierck's family in Goodhue who's son, Brent, went to Heaven to be by God's side a week ago Thursday. Pray for strength for their family today and everyday. They will appreciate all the extra prayers. They are such a great family! Don't forget to send out a special prayer for Jamie! She is still in the hospital getting IV antibiotics. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

And lastly, I want you to know how incredible our God is. Everytime I need strength, I hear my Christian Radio songs in my head--during the day or if I wake up in the middle of the night. The song playing right now is a song that I heard a few months ago that instantly made me think of our little Brycer. It's called Brave and my main point of the song is that "Bryce makes me want to be Brave and so does God". I hope you have heard it, you can find it and other great songs on 98.5FM. A very special caring bridge Mom named Serena asked her sister in Texas to set it to play on Bryce's web page. Thank you Serena & Deana! I want to leave you with the lyrics--thanks to Becky...

(Nichole Nordeman, Jay Joyce)

The gate is wide
The road is paved in moderation
The crowd is kind and quick to pull you in
Welcome to the middle ground
You're safe and sound and
Until now it's where I've been

'Cause it's been fear that ties me down to everything
But it's been love, Your love, that cuts the strings

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I am small
And I speak when I'm spoken to
But I am willing to risk it all
I say Your name
Just Your name and I'm ready to jump
Even ready to fall...

Why did I take this vow of compromise?
Why did I try to keep it all inside?

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I've never known a fire that didn't begin with a flame
Every storm will start with just a drop of rain
But if you believe in me
That changes everything
So long, I'm gone

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
I wanna be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Sunday, October 23, 2005 8:57 PM CDT

HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY TO ETHAN ALEXANDER (a.k.a. "Babers or Bubbers") BORN AT 8:05AM ON OCTOBER 24TH, 2003!!!

Good evening, Dad's turn again. Bryce had a good day except for 3 to 4 hours late this afternoon. Last night he got a low fever at midnight, slept threw it and 4a.m. it was gone. The new chemo got here during the night (it was suppose to be here at 11a.m. Saturday) so they ran it at 9:30 Sunday morning. He felt good until 3:30p.m. then his tummy started to hurt followed by a fever. He threw up twice they gave him some different anti naseau medicine and some tylenol, they both seem to work, the fever left and he ate some food and drank some water tonight. His counts jumped up today (some more) which suprised the doctors. Hemoglobin 10.7, platelets 106,000, ANC 330. If his ANC goes up some more in the morning they may wait with the other four days of chemo until next week. The doctors didn't expect his counts to go up because the bone marrow biopsy they looked at on Thursday was 90last cells. So if his ANC goes up again they might do another bone marrow biopsy to see if his bone marrow looks better than they thought. Now that I got you confused, anyway Susie can fix that tommorrow. Bryce is sleeping good now, he was tired out.

Good Night, God Bless You All For Everything!!
Keep those PRAYERS coming
Love the Breu Crew.

Saturday, October 22, 2005 9:52 AM CDT

Good Morning~

We are doing great here at the hospital. Mitchell stayed overnight last night and Bryce is his happy self because of that! They want Mitch to stay again tonight. It makes Tim & I very happy to see both of them so happy. Mitch wishes that he and his brothers could be here everyday. Logan, Joel, & Ethan stayed at our very close friends, Lana & Travis', house last night. That made them very happy! Log, Joey, & Ethan have coughs and colds, though so we are going to keep them away from the hospital for awhile. They WILL NOT like that. But, Bryce is to stay in his room, now to keep away from any possible germs which could cause infection.

He is feeling very well, as far as we know. We are wondering if he is not telling us when he is not feeling the best. We already know that his legs are achy sometimes because of the Leukemia in the bone marrow. We have just found that he doesn't always tell us til a few days later. We think he doesn't tell us because of the whole telling the doctors and who knows what they may decide, like staying in the room.... He wishes he could be out of the room. Yesterday, he did get to leave his room for a while. JoDee Messina came to the hospital and sang to the kids!!! JoDee is a celebrity who sings country songs,...she is INCREDIBLE!!! Of course, she had me in tears with a few of her songs.... She stopped to take a picture with Bryce. He was very bashful and wouldn't look up, her remark was, "This reminds me of my prom!" Then, she saw one of Bryce's very young looking Resident Doctors and said, "Wow, Bryce. Your doctor is only a few years older than you!" She was very funny! What a voice!!! It was a fun part of the day. I just wish we could have got Bryce to go down and listen to her. He listened from a distance. I'm trying to get the pictures on the web page. Be patient....

After JoDee left, Bryce's young doctor took Bryce for a "tractor ride" in the hallways leaving black marks all over the floors, up and down the ramp hallways!!! Bryce was laughing pretty hard! I'm sure his doctor is fairly sore today. He has to be.... We got some good pictures of that, too.

We are starting his new chemo med, Clofarabine, today. It should be here around 11am. I am assuming it will get started around 1:00 or so. They will give him Zofran, his antinausea medication, before and after. Over half of his hair is out which he doesn't like but he is liking the Du-Rags! They cover his head pretty good. He thinks he looks weird without his hair when he does see himself. I wish he wouldn't but he does. He has not had a fever since Thursday afternoon, so either it was the Leukemia which will cause fevers off and on or it was an infection that the antibiotics are clearing up. He is now on one antibiotic instead of two but is still on the antifungal medication also. He will stay on that one for a while. His counts are: white count 700 ; ANC 130 ; hemoglobin 10.6; and platelets 84,000. His liver enzyme is still high but not as bad as it was. They have been more stable since his fever stopped. His mouth sore seems to be getting better, also. We are assuming he will be in the hospital until his ANC is above 500. We think that is a pretty safe assumption. It will probably be quite a while before his ANC gets to 500. We have not shared this with him...

Bryce seems to be doing fairly well with all of this. A Child Life Specialist came in yesterday and talked with him for a while. She will come in on Monday again and make it a consistent visit during the week. He just needs to get to know her and trust her. I'm hoping he will open up to her a little down the road. He does open up to Tim & I occasionally.... I asked Mitch yesterday how he was feeling about all of this and he said he was really scared. He is doing a great job of making Bryce happy while picking on the nurses while irritating his Mom. He's a great kid! He tries to make everyone laugh and be happy, always.

Tim & I are keeping a great attitude about this new medication. We have to! This is our child. The medication was FDA approved for Pediatric patients fairly quickly so we are hoping that that means it is good. They will give it for 5 days (Sat.-Wed.) and do a bone marrow biopsy in 2 weeks. They can do it again, same conditions, after that. I'm not sure if they will do it a second time for sure though, I just know that they can. We are very ready to get started with it! God is with us. God is with Bryce. God has made Mitchell an exact match to be his bone marrow donor. Mitchell knows that God had this in His plan before Mitch was even born. Mitch is wondering what other amazing things that God has planned out for him. I hope you ALL share God's plan with your children because it is a REAL CONFIDENCE BOOSTER! Now,...we must believe that Bryce will be healed and he WILL be!!! I am asking you to continue your prayers for Bryce's strength and health, keep the HUGE FAITH, believe that God will heal Bryce, and ask every stranger you meet on the street to pray for him--that is a joke,...sord of..... We WILL get through this, I have NO DOUBT about that! God is all over this and I feel comfort in Him and your prayers. The Power of Prayer is incredible and I can feel aaaaaallllllll of your prayers!!!!! Thank you, thank you, and thank you some more! You give us such strength and inspiration. Thank you for all you do for Bryce and our family!

Again, I want to keep this in here to remind us all: Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. I want to ask you to add a special prayer for the Dierck's family in Goodhue who's son, Brent, went to Heaven to be by God's side a week ago Thursday. Pray for strength for their family today and everyday. They will appreciate all the extra prayers. They are such a great family! Don't forget to send out a special prayer for Jamie! She is still in the hospital getting IV antibiotics. These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

And lastly, I want you to know how incredible our God is. Everytime I need strength, I hear my Christian Radio songs in my head--during the day or if I wake up in the middle of the night. The song playing right now is a song that I heard a few months ago that instantly made me think of our little Brycer. It's called Brave and my main point of the song is that "Bryce makes me want to be Brave and so does God". I hope you have heard it, you can find it and other great songs on 98.5FM. A very special caring bridge Mom named Serena asked her sister in Texas to set it to play on Bryce's web page. Thank you Serena & Deanna! I want to leave you with the lyrics--thanks to Becky...

(Nichole Nordeman, Jay Joyce)

The gate is wide
The road is paved in moderation
The crowd is kind and quick to pull you in
Welcome to the middle ground
You're safe and sound and
Until now it's where I've been

'Cause it's been fear that ties me down to everything
But it's been love, Your love, that cuts the strings

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I am small
And I speak when I'm spoken to
But I am willing to risk it all
I say Your name
Just Your name and I'm ready to jump
Even ready to fall...

Why did I take this vow of compromise?
Why did I try to keep it all inside?

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I've never known a fire that didn't begin with a flame
Every storm will start with just a drop of rain
But if you believe in me
That changes everything
So long, I'm gone

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
I wanna be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

Take Care & God Bless ALL OF YOU!!!!

The Breu Crew

Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:15 PM CDT

Updated below at 10:45pm:

Hey, everyone~

We are doing fine here at the hospital. We had a pretty good night. Bryce did not get any high fevers, his temperature hung out around 99.4 degrees. He woke up a couple of times to use the bathroom, and stirred a few times when they would check his vital signs. He woke up around the ususal 7:30am. He seems to be feeling better today, other than a slight headache and fever of 100.3 before his afternoon procedures.

Bryce had his CT Scan this morning. We left the room around 9:45 and got back around 11:45. We had to wait for someone ahead of us who was having a little trouble. It is not easy to keep a hungry young child waiting patiently who has not eaten very good in the last couple of days but is now interested in eating a little something but can't eat because he has tests and procedures... I hope you understood that one, whew. We waited at the room for an hour and then, they came to get him for his LP chemo and bone marrow biopsy. He got down to the O.R. waiting area for inpatients at 1:15 and they took him into the O.R. at 2:00. He got back to his room at 3:15. He slept good while he was down stairs and woke up in the room. He layed in bed for an hour and then sat up and was ready to eat his McDonald's food that I grabbed while he was out. He's munching on an apple as we speak. His hair is coming out so it is everywhere. Dad and the brothers are on their way down, right now and they are bringing his "du-rags" that his Auntie Shelley got him. They are those bandanas that people wear on their heads. We'll see if they fly...meaning, we'll see if he'll wear them. I hope so, she picked the perfect ones for Bryce--spiderman, camoflauge, and sponge bob.

I want you all to know that I am keeping a very strong faith in the Lord for Bryce's results. In fact, the nurse came in about 10 minutes ago and said that the doctor called and is coming to speak with us. I am wondering if he knows anything yet. All that I can hear myself saying is positive things.....

10:45pm: I'm back with results. First of all, the CT today was negative. So, that is good news. All of his other tests are coming up negative also. The fever is probably caused by a virus and probably also the Leukemia. The doctors all reviewed his bone marrow results and his bone marrow is still packed with blast cells. He did not respond to these two new-to-his-body chemo meds. Because of his relapse, the Leukemia has built a resistance to many of the chemo meds, now. He told me on Tuesday night that his legs still hurt which made me nervous. The Leukemia fills the bone marrow which then causes bone pain. The doctors all had a conference about Bryce. They conferred with doctors at the U of M and at St. Jude's. They all agree to try a fairly new chemo medication called Clarofarine (?). They do not carry it at Mayo so they have to order it in and we are hoping it will be here tomorrow, otherwise we will have to wait until Monday. It will be a five day course IV chemo that will run through in 2 hours. It has pretty much the same side effects as the others. It has a 30 percent remission rate, so far because it is new. They will check his bone marrow in two weeks, again. He is in a Hepa Filter room to protect him from infection. He wears his mask when he goes out of the room for tests or for a walk.

I know you are all wondering how Bryce is doing. My answer is: He is 7. He is quiet. I am SURE that he is UNSURE. I've told him we are going to beat this cancer. But, I don't know what he is thinking inside. That scares me. As his Mom, I want to make all of this go away forever... Tim is doing ok. He is sad and scared.

Please everyone, WE HAVE TO BE POSITIVE AND BELIEVE!!! I know God is listening. I know He simply adores our little Brycer just like He simply adores ALL of US! I don't want to be scared. I just want to beat this. I just want our life to be back to the Breuer "normal". WE ARE SOOOOOOOO BLESSED AT THE BREUER HOME. GOD HAS TOUCHED OUR LIVES IN SOOOOOOO MANY WAYS. HE DOESN'T WANT US TO BE SAD OR SCARED. HE WANTS US TO BELIEVE AND HAVE HUGE FAITH!!! I don't know what could be bigger than that. We WILL have TRIUMPH & VICTORY with the Lord!!!

Please pray for Bryce's healing, strength, and friendly-silly personality. Please be positive to Bryce when you see him, if you see him. He needs to feed off of our strength, too. Send those positive vibes to his brothers, also. They need their special high-5's and pump-me-ups to keep them upbeat. So far, we are all trying to be strong, I think. I guess, I don't really have words for the feelings I'm having. I'm not sure that Tim does either. He is such a wonderful, incredible father and husband. Pray for his strength, also. And finally, I know it is a struggle for all of Bryce's Grandparent's, Aunt's and Uncle's, Cousin's, close family friends and, of course, Bryce's little buddy's. Please pray for strength for them, also. They are all soooooooo special!!!

Now, please close your eyes and thank God for your family's and for every precious moment you have had and will have with them. Always remember that life is sooooooo good, no matter what. Please pray for strength for Jamie O'Rielly who is in the hospital for a fever and low ANC count. She is such an incredible Mom of 5 handsome little boys and has been undergoing her chemotherapy and radiation treatments. She was suppose to have her last chemo treatment today. It has been delayed, now.

Again, I want to keep this in here to remind us all: Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. I want to ask you to add a special prayer for the Dierck's family in Goodhue who's son, Brent, went to Heaven to be by God's side a week ago tonight. The funeral is today. Pray for strength for their family today and everyday. They will appreciate all the extra prayers. They are such a great family! These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

And lastly, I want you to know how incredible our God is. Everytime I need strength, I hear my Christian Radio songs in my head--during the day or if I wake up in the middle of the night. And, I just realized I have my favorite one playing in my head right now. It is a song that I heard a few months ago that instantly made me think of our little Brycer. It's called Brave and my main point of the song is that "Bryce makes me want to be Brave and so does God". I hope you have heard it, if not turn on 98.5FM. A very special caring bridge Mom is trying to get it set to play on Bryce's web page. I want to leave you with the lyrics--thanks to Becky...

(Nichole Nordeman, Jay Joyce)

The gate is wide
The road is paved in moderation
The crowd is kind and quick to pull you in
Welcome to the middle ground
You're safe and sound and
Until now it's where I've been

'Cause it's been fear that ties me down to everything
But it's been love, Your love, that cuts the strings

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I am small
And I speak when I'm spoken to
But I am willing to risk it all
I say Your name
Just Your name and I'm ready to jump
Even ready to fall...

Why did I take this vow of compromise?
Why did I try to keep it all inside?

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I've never known a fire that didn't begin with a flame
Every storm will start with just a drop of rain
But if you believe in me
That changes everything
So long, I'm gone

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
I wanna be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

Thank you a million times...

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 2:51 PM CDT

Good Afternoon, everyone~

It's hard to believe that it's been one month since his Long-Term Maintenance spinal tap chemo where they found blast cells in his spinal fluid. The ironic thing is that tomorrow will be the one month mark that his doctor called to tell us he had relapsed and tomorrow is his bone marrow biopsy to prayerfully tell us he is in remission...once again. We will always have our faith in the Lord that He will heal Bryce, again. Because of God, WE WILL HAVE VICTORY FOR BRYCE! Of course, I want them to do the biopsy today but what is one more day? We will let you know our news as quickly as possible. We will probably receive the results on Friday late morning. We can do this... We can be patient.... Right???!

Yesterday was a very busy day. Bryce had his labs at 4:20am and again, late morning. They keep drawing blood cultures when he has these high fevers. They drew another blood culture around 11:30am today. The blood cultures are checked every 12 hours for growth. So far, all are negative. With his ANC being so low, it could mean he has a bacterial infection because the ANC is what fights off bacteria. But, who knows, this may just be a virus. His other blood tests for other diseases are not back, yet. He had his abdominal ultrasound and chest x-ray yesterday. Both are negative. They wanted to rule out any infections there. One of his liver enzymes is high and they are not sure why. They will be doing a CT Scan on Bryce today or tomorrow to rule out any infections in the sinuses, chest, abdomen, and pelvis. They will also call this CT report his "baseline" for any future CT Scans he will have. They are discontinuing his antifungal medication for the Thrush he had in his mouth and giving him a stronger antifungal medication, just in case there is a fungal infection going on inside his body somewhere. This one is called Ambisome and he will receive it IV over 2 hours with vital signs. He is still on his two antibiotics that they give him IV every 12 hours. He has one mouth sore from the chemotherapy. He will get to choose a mouthwash today that he gets to gargle with. This helps to clean them out and fight infection.

He received a platelet transfusion at 5:15pm and a red blood cell transfusion at 11:05pm, yesterday. He had a very interuppted night of sleep last night so he is very tired today. His fever was 101.9 around 2am. It was 100.5 at 1pm today. His counts today are: white count 500, ANC 60, hemoglobin 10.1; and platelets 59,000. They will give him another platelet transfusion today to ensure his platelets are above 50,000 tomorrow for his LP chemo and bone marrow biopsy. Both procedures will be done here at the hospital at the same time. I don't know when, yet. For those of you who are wondering, they do give him sleepy medicine so he is not awake during the procedures.

Since it is MEA week, I am looking into how I will get Mitch & Logan here tomorrow. They are all anxious to see each other. Tim is bringing all of the brothers here after school today. His cousin is dropping off supper in our fridge and we will cook it in the Teen Lounge one floor below us. We will have a nice family supper here, play a bit, and then Bryce will go to the Child Life Party in the Activity Room (with his mask on) and the rest of us will go to the "What About Me?" class for siblings of a child with a life threatening illness. The class is right below our floor. We are so glad to be taking them here and there tonight. They are ALL excited about the evening activities!

Tim & I had conferences for the boys yesterday. We are so proud of them!!! They are doing really great--ALL good reports!!! They were very happy and proud to hear our excitement and reports. They are doing very well with all of this medical, hospital, cancer, etc. stuff.

Now about Jeff & Bryce because I know all of you are on the edge of your seats... I stopped by Jeff & Becky's to drop off their tupperware last night before going back to the hospital and said to Jeff, "Thanks, alot. You are a stinker." He had a silly look on his face and said, "You were already at the hospital?" GUILTY!!! At the hospital room, Bryce told me to "Sit down on the couch, Mom". As I sat down, there was a HORRENDOUS SOUND that resembled the sounds of my home with 5 boys and a very influentual father... I'm sure many of you Mom's can relate. That's right,...a very loud whoopie cushion was beneath me! And, it wasn't very pretty or very lady-like!!! I'm just glad that Bryce and I were the ONLY ONES in the room at the time! As for Bryce,...he nearly fell off the bed laughing!!! And, that wasn't all. When he was finally done laughing and I was least suspecting it, he threw a gummy worm at me that stuck to my neck....nice. Once again, I must thank our dear friend, Jeff, and quite possibly his wife, Becky, also. What are friends for???? You just better be watching your back, Jeff. Be very, very scared....mmmwwwaaaaaaahhhhh

OK, in all seriousness, I have to give all the glory to God!!! He has given us incredible lives with incredible family and friends. He has touched our hearts with tremendous faith and hope. The victory will be His, Bryce's, and, therefore, ours'. We must believe with all our hearts, minds, and souls that He will heal our Brycer. He is our our Father and Creator. He can do anything!!! Please say an extra special prayer for Bryce that he will be in remission tomorrow or, at least, heading in that direction. God only wants the best for us. He brought us to this, He will get us through this...

Again, I want to keep this in here to remind us all: Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. I want to ask you to add a special prayer for the Dierck's family in Goodhue who's son, Brent, went to Heaven to be by God's side last Thursday night. The funeral is today. Pray for strength for their family today and everyday. They will appreciate all the extra prayers. They are such a great family! These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1:53 PM CDT

Good Afternoon~

I've got just a quick update...

Bryce had an ok night last night. His fever went up to 102 at midnight. That's pretty high. Because of the high fever, the doctors started him on the Vancomycin (big dog antibiotic) again this mornig. He is still fevering today, it was 101 at 11:30am. One of his liver enzymes was high this morning, so they ordered an abdominal ultrasound. The preliminary (not complete) report was negative. That is good. They are wondering why his liver enzyme is high. It could be because of the fever. They are also running some infectious disease tests to "rule out" everything.

His counts are: white count 600; ANC 50; hemoglobin 8.6; and platelets 25,000. That was quite a drop from yesterday. Maybe that is from the fever/infection he is trying to fight off, that is just my personal thought. I requested that he gets a transfusion today instead of waiting until tomorrow. I know he will feel a little better after that. He is, again, a bit irritable today. But, he is sitting up more and talking more today than yesterday. So, that is a good sign. His blood cultures are still coming up negative. We just need to figure out what is causing the fever.

Mrs. Pasch is here right now. I am leaving at 3pm to go home to conferences for the boys. I will be back around 6ish. Our friend, Jeff, (you remember him, the one who couldn't get the sticky rat to the ceiling until the 3rd try when Bryce got it there on the 1st--just have to tease him a bit) is coming to stay with Bryce from 3:30-5 and then, Maggie is coming from 5-6. Bryce will love visiting with both of them. Cross your fingers for me and the nurses, though. When you bring Bryce and Jeff together, you never know what may happen....

I will update either tonight or in the morning. I just have to say that God is so good... We need to trust in Him with all of our might!!! He is so powerful and will make miracles happen. I just know it!!!! Please continue with your awesome prayers! We can feel them reaching us every single day and night. You mean so much more to us than you could ever imagine!!! Life is good and we are soooooooo blessed. Thank you, God!!!!!!!

Again, I want to keep this in here to remind us all: Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. I want to ask you to add a special prayer for the Dierck's family in Goodhue who's son, Brent, went to Heaven to be by God's side last Thursday night. The funeral is today. Pray for strength for their family today and everyday. They will appreciate all the extra prayers. They are such a great family! These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

Keep the HUGE FAITH in the LORD......

The Breu Crew

Monday, October 17, 2005 8:34 AM CDT

Good Morning~

**9:55pm: Sorry for the late update! Not much new. Bryce just did not feel well today at all!!! He has not eaten much, and he finally drank some fluids tonight. They increased his IV fluids to help out. He took Tylenol every 4-5 hours today for his fever. He layed in bed with blankets up to his chin until about 5:30. Then, he sat up looked around and asked if we could go to the activity room. He put on a mask for germ protection, we played a game of checkers, and came back to the room. Obviously, he was feeling a bit better! Grandma Ann surprised him with a Kiddie Cocktail which he has been craving for a while and we watched a movie. He got an injection into his thigh called GCSF. It helps boost his white cell production. The doctors prescribed it since he is not building his white cells real quickly on his own and he needs them to fight off infection. Plus, he is dealing with a fever so they are hoping this one-time shot will help him. He WAS NOT REAL THRILLED about it. He was crying and asked "Why do I always have to get the shots and my brothers don't?" Not an easy answer for that one... What a trooper he is. I tucked him into bed at 8:15 with 6 blankets and he finally went to sleep around 9pm. I will update more in the morning after the doctors make rounds.

I hope everyone is doing great! We are at St. Mary's. We arrived here last night around 7:45pm. Bryce started getting a fever on Saturday night but maintained just below 101 degrees. We have to call in at 101. He stayed home all weekend while we had gone to Mitchell's flag football and Sunday School and Church. Yesterday morning his fever was down. He seemed to be feeling good but as the day went on, you could see him slowing down, holding his head in his hands, and laying his head on the table as his fever started to creep up, again. So, we called in to the Peds On-Call Doctor when his fever was 101 and she said to come right in. He looks good and when he was talking with friends on the phone on the way to Rochester, he sounded great. They started IV antibiotics in the E.R. and we got to his room around 10:00. He was asleep in about 2 minutes. He slept until 8:25am. He is still trying to wake up. He still had his fever during the night, it was gone when he woke up, and now it is 100.4 degrees.

They drew more blood at 4:30 this morning for blood cultures, again. So far, his blood cultures from last night are negative. His counts from last night are: hemoglobin 10.4; white count 400; ANC 20; and platelets 48,000. He is getting IV antibiotics every 12 hours. He seems like his appetite is decreasing because he does not want to order his breakfast, yet. That is not like him...

The doctors will make rounds between 10 and 11am. I will update more then. Thank you for checking in on us. Sorry for the delay!!! I am thinking that I am feeling good about the bone marrow biopsy for Thursday. I am feeling that we are going to get some good news. Please continue to prayer for positive results from the chemotherapy, strength for our family, and strength for our Brycer. God is sooooooo good!!! We have to remember that 'If He brought us to it, He'll get us through it'... Thank God everyday for everything He has given you!!! Our love to all of you!!!

Again, I want to keep this in here to remind us all: Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. I want to ask you to add a special prayer for the Dierck's family in Goodhue who's son, Brent, went to Heaven to be by God's side last Thursday night. The funeral is today. Pray for strength for their family today and everyday. They will appreciate all the extra prayers. They are such a great family! These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Friday, October 14, 2005 7:44 PM CDT

Hello, again~

We had a good day today. It makes such a difference when Bryce is feeling well as to how our day is going. The transfusions yesterday helped him to feel good today, I'm sure. He's tired but that is to be expected. He was on me most of the day to play a game with him or cook something with him. His teacher came out for a couple of hours. We are finally almost caught up with his schoolwork! That is a good feeling. Although, it's not quite so easy to get him to do his schoolwork with his Mom & Dad. Thank goodness for Mrs. Pasch! She's wonderful!

His N.P. called and said his spinal fluid is clear and that there were NO BLASTS OR MALIGNANT CELLS NOTED!!!!! YEAH!!!!!! He has another LP chemo next Thursday. They will continue to give chemotherapy in his spinal fluid to hopefully keep those blast cells out of there. Now, we have to wait and pray for good news about his bone marrow! We are waiting patiently for next Thursday for the bone marrow biopsy and next Friday for the results.

Again, I want to keep this in here to remind us all: Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. I want to ask you to add a special prayer for the Dierck's family in Goodhue who's son, Brent, went to Heaven to be by God's side last night. They will need all the extra prayers. They are such a great family! These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Thank you for everything you do for our family!!! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, wherever you are. Remember, Life is Good..... Smiles and Hugs from the Breuer's....

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Thursday, October 13, 2005 8:52 PM CDT

Good Evening~

We are home from a long day at the clinic. The boys are all tucked into bed and 2 out of 5 are sleeping. It's very peaceful here and I am ending the day the way I am quickly becoming accustomed to. It's kind of like my unwinding time, my venting time, my time to deal with my feelings. You are all such great support...

We left the house at 6:15am--Tim, Bryce, & I. He had his labs drawn at 7:30, LP chemo around 9, then we grabbed some lunch, and came back to the clinic for our 12:45 appt. with his Nurse Practitioner. His counts are: white count 400; ANC zero; hemoglobin 8.8; and platelets 67,000. We decided to do a platelet and packed red blood cell transfusion today rather than coming back tomorrow. She knows his counts will only be going down more in the next week. His platelets were ok for today but she wanted to give him a little extra because they will be going down this weekend, again. We got home at 6:45pm. He looks, sounds, and acts exhausted and tired. He says he feels "FINE" but, you know, as a Mom you can see those little signs. We're just watching him. Hopefully, it will be a quiet weekend...

We are just plugging away with everything. Tim & I are both getting anxious for next Thursdays bone marrow biopsy and LP chemo. They will call us tomorrow with the spinal fluid results from today. They had said it looked like the spinal fluid was getting clearer each time. Bryce will have his counts rechecked on Tuesday, unless we feel he needs them checked before then.

Again, I want to keep this in here to remind us all: Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. I want to ask you to add a special prayer for the Dierck's family in Goodhue who's son, Brent, went to Heaven to be by God's side tonight. They will need all the extra prayers. They are such a great family! These people are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Once again, I want to say THANK YOU to ALL OF YOU!!! Your words of inspiration, encouragement, faith, hope, and silly-stuff are sooooooooooo needed!!! You make all of us in the Breuer Home smile. That's a good thing. Thank you for all you do for us--food, cards, notes, hugs, prayers, etc. Please, especially, keep the prayers coming loud and often!!! I envision God holding Bryce in His hands when I lay in bed at night. No, it's not fair that this has to happen to him. And no, we don't know why it has to be this way. But, darn it anyways, we are going to get through this! It's not going to be easy. It's going to be a long road. But, we JUST HAVE TO GET THROUGH THIS!!! With God by our side the entire way!!! Please pray for Bryce's strength and healing. Pray for his remission. Pray for his family's strength. Thank you, thank you, thank you...

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 10:05 PM CDT

Hey Everyone!

We had a good day today. It started out a little slow and questionable but with all of the action of the day, we have decided it has been great.

We began the day getting Mitch & Logan off to school. Then Bryce, Joel, & I made Halloween and Fall Paper Chains. They are now hanging in the house and Logan has made his own with Bryce's help. My friend, Becky, came over and dug right in... Wow!!! I needed that! Thanks for twisting my arm, Becky.

Bryce has energy today! That is so great to see! He had a really great 2 hours with Mrs. Pasch. He really enjoys it when she is teaching him. I think it makes him feel a little closer to school.

Our interim Pastor stopped for a bit today, so that was nice. Tim was in the truck today, so the boys and I ate a delicious supper/5 course meal from one of the wonderful volunteer family's! Don't worry, we saved him SOME... And, after the boys were in bed, Tim & I played some volleyball in town. It had been about 3 or 4 weeks for me. It was fun! What more can a family ask for?!

Tomorrow, we will start the day out early, again. We need to leave the house at 6:15am for labs at 7:00, LP chemo at 8:30, and exam at 12:45. Bryce's hemoglobin was 9.1 yesterday, so I am wondering what it will be tomorrow, maybe he'll need a transfusion. He doesn't seem to be dragging. I'm guessing his platelets will be ok because he had his platelet transfusion yesterday. He said his throat felt weird today. I don't know what that's all about. We always have to watch for mouth sores from the chemo. His mouth looks like the Thrush has improved a lot. The medication for it is working. The five days of chemo he got last week and this week are done, now. He won't have to do them again. He will only be hospitalized within the next two weeks, if he has a fever. He will have another LP chemo next Thursday along with a bone marrow biopsy. They will let us know the next day (Friday) if these two new chemo meds have been working to fight off the cancer cells. So, now all we can do is wait, hope, and pray that he is responding the these new chemo meds; besides do these two LP chemos coming up, wash our hands, and thank the Good Lord for what we have!!!

I want to keep this in here to remind us all: Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. They are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 9:47 PM CDT

Hi everyone~

How about that journal entry last night?!!! Not bad for the first time! That's my guy,...brief and to-the-point. Now, do you understand why HE thinks I'M windy??? What a guy! Don't let him fool ya, though. He's just as full of it as the next...

We got home around 4:30 today. Bryce seems to be feeling ok. He's a bit ornery today, though. A lot of the time, we can tell if he's not feeling as good because he gets more ornery and then, we find out his counts are low. His counts are lower: white count, still, 400; ANC zero; hemoglobin 9.1; and platelets 34,000. He had a platelet transfusion today which is why we didn't get home as early as he had hoped. That was his main bother today--getting out of the hospital. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't hate it there or anything. It's just that it is much more relaxing and fun to be home with your family. I know you are all nodding your heads up and down, right now.

We had a nice supper, showered and visited with the brothers', cousins Jordan, Collin, & Carson, and Aunts Julie & Shelley, and more family--Mags & Stevo. He was definitely ready for bed. His brothers were too. It will be nice to get back to the "somewhat norm" around here. Our family's and friends have been so awesome to be helping us out!!! I need to do the things around here that others can't do, tomorrow. My friend, Becky, is going to help me for a few hours in the morning.

Now is the part where I spill it all, again. It's been a few days, hasn't it?! I'm sorry but we are just having a hard time again.... We are scared... We are hoping and praying that this new treatment plan is working as we speak but I was so hopeful before!! I know that God WANTS us to get our hopes up and believe He will take care of everything. So, I usually allow myself to do that. But, today and last night, I am just plain scared... Tim is too. It is really hard NOT to think about the 'what if's'. I hope I'm not upsetting anyone, right now. I'm not doubting God. He created this Universe. He created US! He can heal our Brycer. Sometimes, I just get scared that He might choose him as one of His special angels and WE ARE NOT READY FOR THAT!!!!!!!!

We have been talking about the transplant a little more. And, I realize I have been in denial for the past few days. If I don't think about it and just keep on keepin' on, it's not on my mind so much. It's not as hard to deal with. But, last night it started hitting me again. The transplant, if and when we get Bryce into remission, will be one of the hardest things on Bryce, ever. And, one of the most difficult things for our family, too. I'm not saying we, as a family, can't handle it because I KNOW WE WILL GET THROUGH IT! I just worry about Bryce and the boys. It just really stinks to have to watch your 7-year-old go through all of this, and to know there is SO MUCH MORE AHEAD OF HIM, and us. Please forgive me if I am complaining. I've tried, over the past years, to really get that down to a minimum. LIFE IS SO GOOD! WE ARE SOOOOOO BLESSED!! And, as I said on Sunday, God's favor is upon us! We just have to beat this cancer thing, together!! RIGHT?! I just hung up with one of my incredible Consultants in my Unit and she gave me some great advice to say to myself everyday: Cancer won't take my happiness, my love, or my smile. She's right...

Here's the part where you all step in, as always... Please continue to send out those HUGE FAITH-FILLED PRAYERS FOR BRYCE'S HEALTH & STRENGTH, FOR HIS FAMILY, & FOR HIS MEDICAL TEAM!!! I know God is listening. I know He is guiding us. I know He is speaking to us. I know He is making us stronger. I do believe He has a special plan for each and everyone of us. And, HOW INCREDIBLE IS THAT?!!! I know you are all thanking God everyday for everything He has given you in your life, big or small. Never forget to thank Him....

Please continue to send out prayers for all those fighting their battles, like Jamie, Allie, Nikki, Brock, Sierra, Austin, Rita, Kat, Barbara, & Pastor Sohlberg. They are all so special to us!!! Give them strength, Lord, and give them peace.

As always, THANK YOU................

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Monday, October 10, 2005 8:56 PM CDT

Hello everyone. Dad's taking a swing at it once, so bear with me. Susie stayed last night, she said they had pretty good nights rest. They had a few visitors today and Mrs. Pasch came down and did some school work with Bryce. His counts are 45,000 platelets, white blood 400, hemoglobin 9.5, ANC ? May need a transfusion of platelets tomorrow or Wednesday before the LP on Thursday. Today was the last day for these chemo's. Should get to go home tomorrow as long as there is no fever. Bryce will enjoy that, so will his brothers, they were not to happy that it didn't work out to come down tonight to see him.

Thanks for all the prayers, cards, food, support, etc.




Sunday, October 9, 2005 8:02 PM CDT

Hi everyone!

We had a great day today!!! Bryce & I started out agreeing that God's favor was upon us and all over us! First of all, he got 2 bananas and 4 sausage links on his breakfast tray along with a GUEST COFFEE for me!!! Then, when I slid his tray table in to him while in bed, I didn't bang or bump anything. And, then when we walked to the elevator, it opened up to go down,...without pushing any buttons!!! Wait! It gets even better!!! When we got into my Mom's car, she had a HOT COFFEE waiting for me!!!! Well, it doesn't stop there because they dropped me off at church and went back to our house. While the rest of us were at church, Bryce and Grandma were playing on the computer and during his game, he found the Egyptian Eye!!! Whatever that means. But, it did mean a lot to Bryce and Logan.... So, you see, God's favor was upon us this morning and all day long. We had friends and family stop by while he had his 3 hour day pass at home. He got to play with his friend, Garett, and spend a good hour outside. Plus, we had yet ANOTHER nummy lunch!!! What more could a boy ask for?!

He & I headed back to the hospital before 1pm. His pre-meds began around 2:15 and his chemo began around 3:00. We had a really fun nurse that he clicked with. That is ALWAYS wonderful! He had an awesome supper and we sat down and did a candy corn craft that he loved. He wants to give them to the patients here. Don't worry, they are not candy. We went for a couple short walks and did some reading, math, and spelling. Without any arugments, wahooo!!! We gave 2 candy corn crafts to a little 3-year-old girl with cancer and her Mom. They are a very special family. Please send out an extra special prayer for Ali and her family. They are very sad and need all the prayers they can get. Bryce is very concerned about her. What a precious little girl.

Bryce's counts are: white count 400; ANC ?, if any; hemoglobin 9.8; and platelets 49,000. He slept good last night. He got up 4 times to go to the bathroom. He needs to flush his bladder because they don't want the waste of the chemo med, Ifos, sitting in his bladder for long. It could cause damage to his bladder. He didn't even wake up when the lab came in to collect blood from his port at 4:10am...... He seems to be feeling better today. He's not as tired and has more energy. Maybe that was God's favor today, too. He did not want to come back to the hospital so soon today. That really bummed him out. But, we got to visit with Grandpa Buck's niece who is a big Bryce fan. That was fun! And now, we only have 1 1/2 days left, again, keeping in mind that he doesn't get a fever....

Thank you for everything, as always!!! I cannot even begin to tell you how much it means to us for you all to be there, here, and everywhere praying for Bryce and our family. Again, LIFE IS GOOD. God's favor is upon us. Keep the faith. Even though we are scared, I try to remember what Tracy said, "Courage is fear that has said its prayers." Amen to that!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Saturday, October 8, 2005 8:28 PM CDT

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GREAT GRANDMA BUCK!!! Grandma got out of the hospital today, yeah! The beautiful birthday girl is resting and is as beautiful as ever!!! We love you, Grandma!!!

Bryce just fell asleep. Again, he is tired out. We're thinking these chemo meds started knocking him down yesterday. He has not had any energy to do much. He is mostly in his bed or the bathroom. He did walk to the play area a couple of times today. His brothers, Mitch & Logan, stayed overnight last night. That was fun for all of them. Tim said that they all slept "pretty good". I went home with Ethan & Joel. We came back down this morning and brought Dad & Mitch back to Goodhue to Mitch's flag football game and then home for some nummy lunch. Bryce didn't want to go, and Logan stayed here with him. Auntie Manda came to the hospital and hung out with them until Dad, Mitch, & Joel got back. I went to do some Mary Kay training for a few hours with two wonderful Consultants in my Unit. It always feels good to do a little Mary Kay. I love spending time with them, and it "distracts" me for the moment. Thanks, Laurie & Nicole! When I got here, Brenda, my friend, was here with Ethan. She stayed at our house with him while he napped and then, came down to visit. Thanks, Brenda!!! We ate some supper and then, Tim took the four boys' home. By the time they left it was already 7:45, just like last night. We need to work on heading home earlier but it is VERY DIFFICULT to leave for all of us.

So, Bryce had his meds and got ready for bed. I pushed my cot up to his bed and we snuggled close together. We said our prayers and had a long talk. I asked him "What did you love about today?" and he said, "I don't know". I said, "If you could pick anything in the world to do tomorrow, what would it be?" Again, he said, "I don't know". I said, "Really?" He paused and said, "I would be free." I asked, "What does it mean to be free?" He said, "None of this ever happened." As I choked down the tears, I said, "That's what I would want too."

It breaks our hearts that he has to go through this, as it does yours'. He's lying in bed, right now, so tired that he is almost snoring. We layed there and talked for a few minutes tonight. At the end, he got the giggles when the nurse was in here. I'm not sure why but I really didn't even care if I knew. It's one of the BEST SOUNDS I've ever heard!!! Just like the sound of him breathing loud as he sleeps. It feels so good just to hug him and kiss his chubby cheeks. He is such a wonderful child. Isn't being a parent just the BEST JOB in the WHOLE WORLD?!!! THANK YOU, GOD!!! Hug all of your kids tonight, for you and for me. They are ALL soooooooo precious....

When Tim left with the boys', we had lots of hugs and squeezes but Joel had to come back for some more from Mommy. Gotta love that!!! Ethan is so funny. He repeats whatever you want him to say which is so cute. His most commonly spoken words at the moment are: yes, oops, Mommy & Doddy (really LOUD). Logan is growing up so much and doing wonderful in school. He is our spirited child who is really becoming our great listener. We are so proud of him! Mitchell had fun at football today, he caught a pass and scored a touchdown, not officially, because there was a flag on the play. He is getting to be so mature. It's all good. They are all doing so well with this. I thank God for that, too. They are patient and kind, and they are taking care of each other. Don't get me wrong, they have their moments! It's just that every moment is a keepsake, especially now. I feel like I have taken too many moments for granted. If I could ask God for one daily reminder, it would be to remember that every moment is precious with family. I know we are human, but the times of stress and frustration happen a little too easily sometimes. Too many times. Wow....You didn't know you were going to get all of this thrown at you tonight, did ya?

On a different note, Bryce's counts are: white count 500; ANC 90; hemoglobin 10.4; and platelets 57,000. I'm wondering if he'll need a transfusion in a couple of days. That is pretty minor to us, now. As I've said before, that peps him up for a few days. The doctor thinks he is getting a thrush infection in his mouth so she has decreased his steroids which can cause this. He does not have any mouth sores, yet, so that is good. The chemo meds can cause mouth sores so they check his mouth everyday. He still has Sunday and Monday left for these two chemo meds. I'm thinking he will most likely get out on Tuesday morning, if he is fever-free.

I keep forgetting to tell you that when I say he is not responding to the last two weeks chemo meds, that means he has built a resistence to them because of using them in the past. So, they will no longer work to kill off the cancer cells in his body. That is why they are hoping these two new chemo meds will work. I don't know yet when they will do the bone marrow biopsy but I will let you know asap. He gets the triple intrathecal chemo meds into his spinal fluid and Tim told me today that the doctor said that that seems to be working. So really, we are also dealing with two locations. The spinal fluid and the bone marrow. I hope I am not confusing you. Oh, I just remembered another part of our snuggling conversation tonight! We were talking about the chemo meds and remission. Then, we were talking about the 'bone marrow transplant' from Mitch. Bryce asked me, "Will they have to shrink it down?" I thought about the question for a moment and realized that maybe he was putting it together with 'bone' and Mitch being older and bigger. Wasn't that cute?! Don't repeat that to him, I already say too much for all of them!!! I just wanted to share that one, too. I did explain that it is in the bone marrow and it is cells. But then he asked, "Will it go right into my bone marrow?" Good question!! I've always assumed it goes into his heart from his Hickman Catheter--when he gets it. That's one for the doctors...

Tomorrow, my Mom will come to stay with Bryce while I go home to church. It is Mitchell's first time acolyting. He will be acolyting with his good friend, Dillon. I'm sure Lana & I will be crying our eyes out,...what a couple of saps! That's just how we are. Aren't Travis & Tim lucky?! Never mind... I'm guessing we will all come back down to be with Bryce after lunch.

Thank you, again, to everyone who has been bringing food, sending cards, leaving messages and notes. And, thank you for all the PRAYERS you are sending out for Bryce and our family! You are all sooooooo wonderful!!! What would we do without you?!!!! God has truly blessed us. Please keep sending those loud, wonderful prayers to God for Bryce, and for everyone else fighting their battles. Tim & I still have our weak moments but we know that only in God's power can people be healed. We are all servents of God, and He has a special plan for ALL of us!!! Isn't that just one of the best things you've heard all day?! Thank Him everyday....

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Thursday, October 6, 2005 9:24 PM CDT

Good evening~

We are all doing well. Bryce is sleeping. He is tuckered out! I am sitting in the 'ice house' because he is "so hot" from the steroids!!! Does anyone reading this who lives in Rochester have a snowmobile suit handy?! I'm just kidding--sord of. But really, I AM FREEZING!!!!

He had his LP chemo and labwork this morning. We grabbed some lunch and headed to St. Mary's. We watched Shark Boy & Lava Girl in 3D when we got to his room, thanks to Bryce's cousin Sean in Hawaii!!! Bryce now knows what 3D means! Funny story--We had just started the movie and Bryce snapped at me about something. I turned to him and said not to talk to your mother that way. He started laughing,...I forgot I had just put my 3D glasses on and he hadn't seen me in them, yet.

His counts are maintaining: white count 700; ANC none; hemoglobin 11; and platelets 78,000. No need for a transfusion today. The transfusion on Tuesday helped alot! They had to wait to do his LP chemo until they had his lab results to make sure his platelets were high enough. They started his IV and ran through the Zofran (antinausea) and Decadron (steroid) to help him feel better with the chemo. Then, the nurse started the VP-16 chemo med at 3:15 which ran through in an hour. She flushed his IV for 20 minutes and then, ran through the Ifos chemo med for 1 1/2 hours with the Mesna med. The Ifos is the one that is hard on the bladder, and the Mesna is to protect the bladder. The Mesna will be run every 3 hours for 4 doses after the Ifos. These are the 2 new chemos that they will be giving him for the next 5 days. They will probably make him nauseated and have some hair loss. But, we have the hats! One of our favorite anesthesiologists gave him a Minnesota Gophers hat today! He looks awesome in it!!! He loves it! Thanks, Mary Ellen. And, go gophers!!!

He may get a day pass this weekend, if he is fever-free and doing well enough. They need to keep pushing the fluids through him though because of these chemo meds. He really is doing well. He does miss school and his friends. So, HELLO GOODHUE ELEMENTARY 2nd GRADE!!!! Bryce is trying to get better so he can come back to school with you!!! Thank you for the messages on the 'Talk to Bryce' web page at our Goodhue School Website. They are fun for him to read and respond to. We are still working on the webcam. Hopefully, that will be next!

Our boys at home are doing great. They are hanging out with the Grandma's tonight. They know everything that is going on and they pray with and for their brother every night. Mitch & Logan may even stay overnight with us tomorrow night. We are checking into it. Joel did last week. It's weird to think that was a week ago already. Time really does fly,...fun or not. We are so proud of our boys and how they have learned so much from this and from you. Each time you sign the guestbook or send a card or prayers, they learn from you. Thank you. Also, please continue with the prayers for Grandma Buck. She is still here at St. Mary's and doing well.

Please continue to send out the prayers, we are never giving up and never giving in. We WILL beat this together, through thick or thin. We just have to keep Bryce up when he is feeling sick or down. I know you will pick Tim & I up when we need it, too. It is so nice for both of us to be here together with Bryce. It's hard for Tim when he misses anything with Bryce's situation. I am looking forward to spending some time with the boys after school, here tomorrow. We will go to Mitchell's flag football game Saturday morning. We try to make sure the boys are involved with Bryce and us when they are not in school. They want to be a part of it, and I don't blame them! So, please send them strength too. They take in as much as they need to 'at the moment'. Which is a good thing. I am so proud of them.

I know a lot of you are nervous and scared, just like the rest of us and the family. Yes, it is a very scary time, right now. We have to believe that God is going to heal him, right now. We have to have faith in the doctors and the chemotherapy. We have to continue the Power of Prayer, and then some, because I know God answers prayers. Life is good and we are so blessed. What more can I say?!

Thank you for EVERYTHING!!!!!!!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, October 5, 2005 5:42 PM CDT

Good Afternoon~

The most important task of the afternoon is done which is supper!!! Yes, we will be eating at 4:45pm... It's the STEROIDS!!! We will do something "family" after supper with the boys like a game, movie, or something. The boys' are excited about that. (I'm back. Sorry, I had to stop and eat).

We received a call from the doctors at 8:30 this morning. They told us Bryce is not responding to the chemo he has received so far. We went to have a meeting with them at 1:30 for an hour. On the way down, Tim & I decided that WE JUST HAVE TO BE POSITIVE AND STRONG. Bryce makes us strong, and we need to be strong for him. We will go in tomorrow at 8am for labs and he will have his LP (triple intrathecal) chemo around 8:30 on Gonda 7. The LP chemo stays the same but his port chemos will change to two different IV chemos that he has never had. The doctors are hoping he will respond to these two new meds because he has never had them. The doctors had a meeting this morning, after looking at his slides to discuss this treatment plan. His bone marrow is hypocellular (few cells) but filled with blast (cancer) cells. The reason his counts are so low is probably because of the Leukemia. He may need another transfusion tomorrow.

So, the plan is that tomorrow he will have his labs and LP chemo. Then, we will go to St. Mary's to be admitted for 5 days. They will give him his two new chemo meds through his port everyday in the hospital for those 5 days. Then, he should be able to go home, as always, keeping in mind that he doesn't have a fever. He will have another LP chemo next Thursday and another the following Thursday. This is his chemo schedule for the next three weeks. They will do a bone marrow biopsy in two weeks to check for progress, again. When he relapsed on September 19th, they had "labeled" him as a 'newly diagnosed high risk leukemia' patient. Today, they said he is a 'very high risk' because he is not responding to the chemo meds they have given him, yet. They called it 'heavy doses' because they are even larger than the others, even though they are new.

If he is in remission after this three week phase of chemo, they will let him rest just a bit to help his blood counts come back up. But, that won't be for long because they don't want to allow the Leukemia to come back again. Then, they will start him on the next phase (2nd round) of chemo for 3 weeks. That next round of chemo will have different chemo meds than this new phase we are starting tomorrow. After the 2nd round, and IF he is in remisssion, we will be closer to radiation and possibly do the transplant. But, again, they won't talk transplant until he is in remission.

We are scared and nervous all over again,...like we ever stopped being scared or nervous. This is very serious and we just have to stay positive and strong. WE REALLY NEED YOU CONTINUE ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS FOR BRYCE!!! WE HAVE TO GET HIM THROUGH THIS!!! I'm not promising that Tim & I will be rock's through all of this because, BELIEVE ME, we shed plenty of tears everyday!!! I know God does not want to take our precious son to Heaven with Him, yet. I do see Bryce on the front line of the Goodhue Wildcats football team! He will be writing about his fight with cancer and inspiring so many people!!! I planted the seed to him once that when he gets older he could write a children's book about Leukemia. He really liked that idea!

He is not so much looking forward to going back to the hospital but, he knows he has to do what the doctors say. He is very resilliant. Sometimes, I do wonder what he is thinking. He doesn't voice his opinion to us real often.... Bless his heart.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support for Bryce and our family. Thank you for the prayers for Grandma Buck. The prayers helped, she had a better night last night. Keep 'em coming! Really, you guys,...I have not changed my attitude...LIFE IS GOOD, as always. We are sooooooo blessed!!!!!!! Keep the Huuuuuuuuge Faith!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 9:46 PM CDT

Hi, everyone~

We just wanted to give you a quick update before the day is done. We hope everyone is doing great, as always. I NEED to ask for some extra special prayers for Great Grandma Buck who is in St. Mary's with Pneumonia, and having a hard time shaking it. Please pray for a restful night for her and Grandpa, and for healing. She is such an incredibly special person in our lives and so many other lives!!! We all love Grandma sooooo much! We appreciate every prayer that goes out to the Big Guy! And, we ALL know the Power of Prayer. Thank you.

Bryce had his bone marrow biopsy this morning and that went fine. We will find out the results tomorrow. They will call us. I HAVE A VERY GOOD FEELING ABOUT THE RESULTS! Even if the blast cells are a little less, that is better than no change at all. I do believe he is responding to the chemotherapy. It's obvious in his blood counts. Today his hemoglobin was 7.4; white count 400; ANC to low to count; and platelets 40,000. I will be very honest with you. I am very concerned about infection at this point. He has no healthy Neutrophil cells to fight it off with. But, they can give him antibiotics. I guess I need to have more confidence in the antibiotics to fight it off for him. I do not have any reason to doubt the antibiotics, I guess the chance of infection just makes me nervous all together. We are trying very hard to be careful with everything. We are washing our hands and trying to remember not to put things in our mouths. But in all reality, I know it is almost impossible NOT to expect some kind of bug. So, it's the same as always, if he gets a fever, he will be admitted to St. Mary's. He seems to be feeling ok, just tired. Oh yeah, and HUNGRY!!!!!!!! Whew! The t-shirts are getting tight around the mid-section!!!

We did have a nice day today. Tim came along and after Bryce's bone marrow biopsy, we went to Apache Mall and bought him a Twins cap. He really likes it. We are not really a "hat" family,...well, with the exception of Tim and his stocking caps!!! That's a whole other story.... Then, we went to St. Mary's for his transfusion. Grandma Linda came down a floor to visit a while so that was nice! He received packed red blood cells, for his hemoglobin, and platelets. Our appt. at the PITC was for 11am. They started running the platelets at noon and then the blood at 1:15. So, we got out of there at 3:20. Keep in mind, we left the house at 6:30. All of this makes for a long day. But, we ARE learning how to play Game Cube, I guess. (That was a joke). He seems to have a little bit more energy after the transfusion, so that is always nice! He will probably need another one on Thursday.

His appt. times for Thursday are: Labs 8am, LP chemo 8:30, Exam 10:45, and Port chemos 2:00. Like I said, they will call us tomorrow about his results from today. I'm sure they will let us know if things will be changed Thursday or left the same, based on his results. Thanks for everything, again! The food is delicious!!! The cards are great! You are all so wonderful! Keep those awesome prayers coming!!! God is listening to ALL of US!!!

Take Care & God Bless,
Keep the HUGE FAITH!

The Breu Crew

Monday, October 3, 2005 10:13 PM CDT

Good Evening~

I'm back with a quick update. Today started out to be a crabby Mommy-Bryce day. But, it ended up very well. Joel & Ethan came with Bryce & I to Mayo to check Bryce's blood counts. We just went down and back. That's all I had energy and patience for... Thankfully, he didn't need a transfusion today.

Bryce has a home-teacher that has been here three times, now. She is wonderful!!! He is connecting with her and loving his school-time, again. He misses his teacher at school but she came over tonight. He LOVED that, and so did his brothers! I'm not sure he wanted her to leave! It's so nice to see him growing with the help of these two wonderful people! I am hoping to get him a little closer to his classmates, soon by ITV (Interactive TV). I'll let you know when that happens.

Bryce's counts are getting low, again. His white count is 600; hemoglobin is 8.6; and platelets are 56,000. They were reviewing his ANC, I'm sure it is very low. They will check his counts again tomorrow and probably do a transfusion while we are there for the bone marrow biopsy. I can tell his energy level was a little higher today. That was good. Yesterday, my long-time/very close friend, Jodi and her four daughters came for a quick visit with food. It was pretty funny...these boys who think girls are boring were ready to go out and hang out with them, right away. They even finished their chores quick to get outside. I hate to think about what their future-with-girls brings,....Ugh...

I'm cutting it short, tonight. I will update again tomorrow. I hope you are all well and enjoying our 80 degree MN weather, if you're here. It was nice today, a bit muggy but nice--to me. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes. You always continue to bring us strength. Let's say an extra loud prayer for some really good bone marrow biopsy results tomorrow!!! They won't officially be back until Wednesday.

We thank God everyday for everything He has given us in our lives. In my own personal opinion,...What more can a girl ask for?!

Take Care & God Bless~
Keep the Huge Faith!!!

The Breu Crew

Sunday, October 2, 2005 9:04 PM CDT

**Bryce's counts are: white count 600; hemoglobin 8.6; platelets 56,000. They were reviewing his ANC, I'm sure it is very low. They will check his counts again tomorrow and probably do a transfusion while we are there for the bone marrow biopsy.

Hello, again everyone~

We have had a really nice, quiet weekend at the farm. The brothers had lots of play time outside. I saw Bryce ride his bike once today! He got out this afternoon to ride in the combine with his Dad. That was wonderful in itself! He enjoyed it but was very tired when he got home. He started feeling a bit better yesterday around 1:00. I know this because he got himself off the couch and said, "I'm bored." That was good to hear. Before then, he didn't have much interest in getting off the couch. He is just pooped out! We all feel so bad for him because this chemo is just wiping him out. And, to think that he has to have steady chemo until he can have the transplant,...when he is in remission. Ugh! This whole watching your 7-year-old be put through hard chemo is such a struggle. It really stinks!!! It felt so good to see him have a little more energy and excitement and some smiles today. I just thank God every day that he and his brothers are here! And, that he usually feels pretty healthy. We have God and we have each other and we have you! Have I thanked you all lately? You are all sooooo great! Your words of inspiration, care and concern, silliness when we need it, and love are incredible!!! Thank you for the food and cards, the phone calls, the hugs, the tears, the prayers. You help us to get through this. We so appreciate it all!

Tomorrow, I will take Bryce, Joel, & Ethan to the clinic to check Bryce's counts at 9:30am. We only need to see the doctors if there is something concerning us. We will go to the clinic again on Tuesday morning for Bryce's bone marrow biopsy at 7:15am. We won't hear the results of that until Wednesday unless they decide to give them to us on Thursday when we come back for chemo appts.

Thank the Good Lord that Bryce has not had a fever, yet! We are truly enjoying our time at home! We went to church this morning and Bryce stayed with his Auntie Manda. We just don't want to take him out into the "unknown zone" unless necessary. Why take any chances and risk infection and a hospital stay, right? There are some of the usual bugs going around at school, so we'll cross our fingers that Joel, Logan, & Mitch fight 'em off.

I just had one of those "Ahha" moments. I'll share it with you.... Like I said, we have been struggling with this very difficult time in our lives, as you have been also. We feel terrible for Bryce and we feel very sad a lot of the time yet we feel grateful to God for all we have, especially that Mitchell is a match to Bryce for the bone marrow transplant.... As I sit here at my computer, I feel peace and serenity because I am sharing with all of you... Sharing about Bryce, sharing about my emotions, and sharing about God and His plan for us. Something about sharing these things with all of you gives me comfort. I hope I am making sense. I am very tired.... Well, once again, thanks for listening. Not sure where I was going with it, but you heard it now.

Three more things from three special Moms: I received two emails today. One from a very special Mom of one of Bryce's friends and also one of our awesome Mary Kay Unit member's. She hit the nail on the head and said exactly what I was trying to explain to all of you when "I gave it all to God,...Under one condition"--she said (that He would keep Bryce here with us until he was a very old man). The second email from a wonderful Mom, with her own life struggles with her son, was so familiar to what Tim & I feel and say with each day. She signed her guest book entry with "I hope tomorrow is a good day." Wow! Again, hit the nail on the head. We have our good days, and our not-so-good days through all of this. And our third story is from a phone call I received today from an incredible Mom whose daughter finished her chemo treatments one year ago. She gave me a phrase that hit the nail on the head..."Courage is fear that has said its prayers." Wow. That is so encouraging to us with the fears that we face.

Please continue to send HUGE PRAYERS our way and remember to send out those special prayers for the people in your lives and for those you don't even know. God works in mysterious ways and His powerful, awesome ways work MIRACLES!!!! God is so good....

Huge Faith, Take Care & God Bless you, all!

The Breu Crew

Friday, September 30, 2005 10:14 PM CDT

Hello, again~

Our day is almost done and I knew you were wondering how Bryce was feeling today, so I wanted to fill you in before we go to bed.

Today was Day 8 of the Re-Induction Phase, and a quiet day for Bryce. He slept 12 hours last night! He was a bit irritable this morning until he found out he got to go to Grandma Linda's for the morning to play and hang out. He didn't have any headaches from the spinal tap but his legs were achy tonight. His tummy was sore tonight, too. He was very mellow today. A lot of the day, he layed on the couch or sat at the kitchen table with his head in his hand. His appetite still seems about the same. Not too big, not too small. In the past, by the time the steroid had kicked in, he was eating more than us. I'm sure that is coming, soon.

Here is a copy and paste from yesterday's message, just in case you missed it!!!...

BRYCE'S BONE MARROW MATCH IS MITCHELL!!!!!!!! Wahoo!!!! It didn't matter which brother matched as long as one of them did! Mitchell is the very giving, mother-hen, caring, nurturing, protective brother. Definitely the first born. Mitch is a MATCH! Fits doesn't it?!

I wouldn't be surprised if you are all crying right now because everyone else has!!!!! We are sooooooooooooo excited of this spectacular, fantastic, exciting, terrific, wonderful news!!!!! We are all celebrating!!!!

The brothers' are excited, also. They seem to be handling all of this very well. They do not have as many questions as they did when Bryce was first diagnosed with Leukemia. I was giving Mitchell a quick-fill of what it would mean and involve for him to be the donor, I said "You will need to have your blood drawn again before the transplant to make sure you are healthy," and he said, "I should probably start going to bed earlier." Do you see what I mean about him being so caring about others?! He's great! They are all great!

Again, we await the news of remission by Day 28. We are trying to keep Bryce at home, hopefully, lessening the chance of an illness or infection for him. God is with us and He hears our prayers! Bryce is out of the hospital, Mitchell is a match, and we will just keep taking this process step-by-step. You all give us such strength! Thank you for that! God gives us such incredible hope, faith, and comfort! WE GIVE HIM ALL THE GLORY!!!!

Huge Faith~ (Today, one of my Unit Members, and also Bryce's friend's Mom, reminded me of my favorite closing--Thanks, Jodie)

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Thursday, September 29, 2005 11:26 PM CDT

Good Evening!!!

What a roller coaster of a day we've had! Sorry to start off like that but, seriously, it has been...

We all slept good last night. My Mom stayed over again to get the boys off to school and Ethan off to Lyn's. Tim, Bryce & I left at 6:20am. He had his labs at 7:20 at the Hilton, LP chemo from 7:45-9:45 on Gonda 7, Exam after LP until 10:30 on E9, and then 2 port chemos on Gonda 10. We got home at 3pm. It was a long day for Bryce. Tim left around 2:00 to switch with Dad in the truck at Seneca. Everything went fine but Bryce did get sick while seeing his Nurse Practitioner. They gave him Zofran, an anti-nausea medication, during his LP but it didn't quite do the trick. He felt sick until 3pm when we got home. He only vomited once, thank goodness. Poor little guy felt rotten. They gave him Zofran again during his port chemos and then I gave it to him tonight at bedtime. He felt pretty good and had pink in his lips and cheeks from 3-4:30. But, after that, he wasn't feeling good, again. He was sleeping by 7:10. His counts were ok: white count 1,400; ANC around 600; hemoglobin 9.1; and platelets 71,000.

Tim & I were a little mellow anyway today because of the big chemo day. But, when you watch your 7-year-old son vomiting and feeling absolutely rotten because of the high doses of chemo he must get you, as a parent, get very emotional. The chemo nurses on Gonda 10 didn't know yet that Bryce had relapsed. We were just there a week ago last Monday. So, they were sad for him. But, what do you do? All we can do is pray, listen to the doctors, and believe for the best from God for Bryce. Again, it's all in His hands.

Donna, his Nurse Practitioner, called around 4:30 to check on him and see how he was feeling. She informed us that he has a few blast cells in his spinal fluid which we are thinking could mean the chemotherapy is doing its job. We hope!!!! She told us the doctors gave her permission to call and tell us that WE HAVE A MATCH!!!!!!!! We weren't suppose to find out until Monday!!

BRYCE'S BONE MARROW MATCH IS MITCHELL!!!!!!!! Wahoo!!!! It didn't matter which brother matched as long as one of them did! Mitchell is very giving, Mother-hen, caring, nurturing, protective. Definitely the first born. Mitch is a MATCH! Fits doesn't it?!

I wouldn't be surprised if you are all crying right now because everyone else has!!!!! We are sooooooooooooo excited of this spectacular, fantastic, exciting, terrific, wonderful news!!!!! I got the video camera out and taped their expressions when I told them (with Tim's permission, of course because he was still in the truck). I needed to tell them then because A) I was sooooo excited and 2)Grandma Linda was here! What a great celebration!!!!

Now, we need to get him into remission. He has labwork on Monday. We will see Donna if he is not feeling well or we just need to see her about something else. He has his re-check bone marrow biopsy on Tuesday. And, Thursday will be his big chemo day, again. These are all out-patient appts. at the clinic. Always keep tucked in the back of your head that if he gets a fever, he is back into the hospital. We are enjoying are time at home!!!

Bryce and I will go hat shopping on Monday or Tuesday. This was the only way I could get him past the losing-the-hair thing. He is soooooo not happy about this. He's worried about how he will look. I don't blame him. He's seven. We will try to get through this soon because I'm guessing his hair will start falling out within this next week. These children are just so innocent. They are all such Gifts From God. Please give all of your Gifts From God extra squeezes from the Breu Crew! We love you all!!!

P.S. Thanks for helping me get all the new photos in, Tom!!!

As Always, Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 7:54 AM CDT

**Appt. times for Thursday, September 29th:
7am Labs
7:30 LP chemo at Gonda 7
9:45 Exam w/ Donna
10:30 Port chemos at Gonda 10

Good Morning, everyone!

**10:30am: Good news! Bryce's ANC is 540! We can go home! Bryce is sooooo excited! His hemoglobin is 8.7; platelets are 77,000; and white count is 1,200. We just saw the doctors and they gave us the go-ahead. We will get appt. times for tomorrow before we leave. We are packing up and we're outa' here!

We are just finishing up breakfast. Joel came down with Tim last night and stayed. He is still sleeping. The nurse started Bryce's antibiotics at 4:30am and I couldn't go back to sleep so I almost updated then. I'm glad I didn't because I did go back to sleep around 5:15! Wahoo! I know lots of you Moms can relate... Then, lab came in at 6:30 to get his blood and the nurse had a hard time getting the blood from his port. Being the "knowledgable young man" he is, Bryce was trying to help the nurse. And, he did! His needle in his port needs to be changed today but we are waiting to find out what his counts are, in case he can go home. They didn't have the IV running while he was sleeping last night, other than when he had his antibiotics, so he didn't have to get up to go to the "biffy". That was nice for him.

We are all in pretty good moods. Joel just woke up and they are already playing with the race car track and laughing at the cars smashing. Boys will be boys.... Bryce's legs were aching again this morning. Usually, if we rub them, it helps to take the aches away.

Bryce had a good day, yesterday. He had a few visitors and played a few games. He's like his Dad and always has to give his Mom a hard time with others. Right, Trish?! Then, we had our friend, Jeff stop by to visit. Bryce showed him his "sticky rats" that he received from the Tipcke's. (Thanks, again Carol). We decided to see if they would stick to the ceiling. Yes, I said, stick to the ceiling. After 2 unsuccessful attempts (because it sticks to your hands--really gross), big Jeff finally threw it hard enough to get it to stick to the ceiling. So, Bryce wanted to give it a try. Low and behold, little Bryce got the sticky rat to the ceiling in his first attempt. Maybe we should compare muscles, Jeff?! Well, after a few laughs, we decided it would be funny if Jeff put it in the ceiling air register to scare a nurse later on. It was really gross because it looked so real. An hour later, Bryce and I were working on his homework when the sticky rat decided to let loose. Yep, that's right,...I was standing directly below it, and it landed on my head and fell to the floor. Scared the bigeeby's out of me! That plan backfired!!! But, Bryce got a good laugh out of it,...for quite a while. You can stop laughing, now Jeff.

Last night my Goodhue Girlfriends came to take me out for supper!!! I soooooooooo needed that! We went to the Canadian Honker Restauraunt and it was very nummy! We visited, ate and had a few laughs about past memories. Our stomach muscles were sore after our reflections on our trip to Duluth. Thanks, Camie!!! It was wonderful! You are all so wonderful, what would I do without you?!!!

Auntie Manda came to stay with Bryce while I was gone. They went to the Child Life Room and made stained glass windows. Not the real ones, but really neat one! Then, Tim and Joel showed up and they got into the race track.

I made a mental decision with myself, yesterday at 5am and I want to share it with all of you. It's where I'm at with this whole relapse thing. It has been difficult for Tim and I, both, to NOT think about Bryce's "Leukemia future". We ARE very scared and can not stand the thought of being without him. Like I said, it's very hard not to think about that. I pray all the time for God to keep him here with us and to wait to take him to Heaven until he is a very old man. It's been a struggle to actually say, "God, it is in your hands" because I AM AFRAID of the "what if". Meaning, what if I give it to God and He decides to take him to Heaven? I want to "convince" God that He needs to leave him here with us. I'm guessing some one may be saying that he would still be with us in spirit and in memories but I am not ready to be ok with that. But, I have been reading your messages and scriptures from the Bible, and I do realize that I DO need to COMPLETELY give it to God. He is our one and only creator who brought this Redheaded Blessing into our lives. He is the one who has our plan mapped out for us long before that Redhead was a Twinkle in our Eye. So, I have given it to Him. And, it is a bit scary because as a Mom you want to help make the decision and you want it to GO YOUR WAY. In my heart, I truly believe God will put Bryce into remission, transplant, and then cancer-free. It is a step-by-step process, like climbing a ladder. It's just that I want it to be completely done, NOW and without any pain, suffering, and waiting for Bryce, and for us. I know many of you understand.

Thank you for listening, again. I am one of those people that if I say it outloud, I can snap myself into reality a little quicker. Please continue to pray for Bryce's health, strength, and remission. Then, ask God to help us find a marrow match (if the brothers' don't match), have the transplant for Bryce, keep him infection free and cancer-free for the rest of his life. Like I said, it's a step-by-step process.

I don't ask for TOO MUCH, DO I?!

We appreciate all of you, so much! We appreciate your notes, cards, food, visits, prayers, etc. God has blessed us beyond measure and we are so grateful to Him!!!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Monday, September 26, 2005 8:06 PM CDT

**9/27 Tuesday morning: Bryce's counts are holding pretty steady. White count is 1,000; ANC is 410; hemoglobin is 8.5; and platelets are 67,000. No need for transfusions, yet. His counts may keep climbing bit by bit because the chemo meds drop the counts within 7-10 days. But, so far so good! When the doctors stopped today, we were told if Bryce's ANC is above 500 tomorrow, they would stop the antibiotics and let him go home with the usual understanding "if he gets a fever, he needs to come in" rule. She said, even if he gets home for a few days, it would be great! We're crossing our fingers.

Good Evening~

I'm back with a quick update for you on our Brycer. Thank you for all the awesome notes you have left! And, to those who have not signed, it's soooo ok. Never feel bad about not leaving a note. We know you care. We know you are praying. And, that's what matters. We need those prayers coming!!! Thank you to those who have already left nummy food and inspirational cards for us! You are all quick to help! I know there are a bunch of you signing up to bring meals to the house. Thank you, too! What would we do without ALL of YOU?! WOW!!!

Bryce had a nice Sunday with visitors from family and friends. He really gets it how people care so much for him to get better and be healed. He loves the fact that so many people are praying for his strength and healing from God. He also thinks it is great that people are praying for his family and other people fighting their battles. Thank you for teaching him the Power of Prayer.... You are all so incredible!!! You give us strength, hope, and a quick pick-me-up! We need all of those things, and then some!

Our family pictures went very well yesterday! Have I got a photographer for you! She's fast. She's professional. And, she get's the job done (and it wasn't the easiest job in the world but she made it look easy!). I can't wait to get the pictures back. I will update the web page pictures, too. I need to talk to Tom, the computer whiz cousin (hint hint). He'll help me out, again. "Call me when you're available, Tom."

Then, we had some KFC with friends and family. That was nummy! After the boys were done eating, I took them home for bed. They were tuckered out. It felt sooooooo good to say prayers with the boys, listen to them pray for their brother, and tuck them in, again!!! It felt wonderful to sleep in our bed, I don't think I moved once! It was again wonderful to wake up with the boys! Joel climbed in at 6:50am and we snuggled and talked for a little while. I love that! I got the boys off to school and Ethan and I played and went out to the garden to pick some of the last tomatoes, peppers, and jalepenos. I hope everyone at the Goodhue School enjoys them! We had lunch at home with Julie, my Sr. Director with Mary Kay, and she helped me with some things around the house. Ethan had his nap and I picked the boys up at school at 3:15.

Bryce and Tim had a good day. They did some school work, had pizza, and then we picked them up and went to the Hilton Building for the brothers to have their blood drawn for the marrow type and cross. They all did great for that! Mitch was very mellow; Logan was giggling nervously, Joel was brave and shed a few tears with the poke; and Ethan was as mad as we had expected. But, it's done. Now, we just wait for a week for the results to see if one of them is an exact marrow match. Again, they each have a 25 percent chance of matching Bryce. We are praying for this everyday! If they don't match, we will turn to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Nationwide will have a better chance of matching than family, other than the brothers.

Tonight, Bryce's friends' Chase and Jacob came to visit. Now, that's how you bring a huge smile to a 7-year-olds face!!! They played BINGO and won these really cool Halloween blankets. I tucked Bryce into bed with it and said, "I'm sure when you boys' are 17 years old, you will still have these blankets in your own cars." He thought that was a pretty cool idea, especially the part about having their own cars! It was great to see him so happy. He has not been down or anything, he just gets his usual mood swings from the steroids. I won't go on about that, again.

So many of you would like to know what you can do to help. #1: Prayers, of course! Then, give us a call if you are thinking of stopping by to see if it's a good time. Maybe we will ask you to bring fresh fruit or maybe even pick up some of our boys and bring them along. Who know?! We'll see. I'm asking people to not stop on Thursday and Friday because Thursday will be intense chemo, again. He will need time to rest and recover. Hopefully by Saturday, he will be up for company. And finally, people are asking if they can bring food. Carol Tipcke has taken this job on and people are bringing food when needed. Right now, I think it is good. But you can always call and ask. THANK YOU!!!

Now, I have to go to bed. Strict orders from headquarters,...Tim & Bryce!!! Thank you for checking in on us! God has blessed us sooooooo very much!!!!!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Sunday, September 25, 2005 10:57 AM CDT

Good Morning, everyone!

Bryce & I are hanging out here this morning. He is playing Gamecube right now. We do not have these "luxeries" at home so the hospital is not always the most boring place to be, if you get my drift...Grandma Ann & Emmett just got here so they are watching Bryce play Nemo.

We had a really nice day yesterday. Bryce got a Day Pass from his doctors so we got to go home from 11-4pm. I made a really nice lunch of meatloaf, green bean casserole (which he has been craving for a few days), and cherry cobbler. It felt good to be back in the kitchen and to see our family sitting around the table, again. The large dose of steroids are most definitely kicking in because he ate a ton and has had a few "moments" of mood swings! Sometimes, I wish I could put a flashing WARNING sign on his head. That part is frustrating when you know he is "usually" a "pretty pleasant 7-year-old". This is what is difficult and sad to us. We feel like we need to excuse each outburst that comes with the territory. Please bear with us. This too we can get through. We watched a family movie afterwards, had lots of visitors in between, and gathered a few more things from home. We were back to the hospital room by 5pm, just in time for his next dose of IV antibiotics.

Bryce slept good last night, only waking a few times. I asked the doctors to slow down his IV so he wouldn't have to make so many trips to the "biffy", as my Mom would say. Tim stayed with us last night, so that was great for all of us. My sister, Pam, stayed with the brothers' last night and got them off to Sunday School this morning. Tim went back to church and then to a 1st communion meeting with Mitchell after. He will come down with the brothers' after Ethan's nap. We have pictures today at 4pm with Deb so hopefully the courtyard at the hospital here will be dry enough to plop down on the green grass. I am really looking forward to it! Mom B. ironed up all the clothes yesterday, so we are good to go. I will go back home tonight to stay for the first time, and I am looking forward to tucking my boys' into bed and waking up with them! I will get them off to school and Ethan off to family, and then come back down to the hospital.

Bryce's headaches and body aches are slowing down so that is wonderful! The doctor has noticed that his liver is getting more enlarged from the steroids. He is still fever-free and looking great! He keeps us going. His counts are pretty much holding, give or take a little. His white count is 700; ANC is 200; hemoglobin is 8.7; and platelets are 47,000. She said to expect a transfusion in the next few days. That is minor to us, now. In fact, it always perks him up a bit, it's like energy juice. She also told us that we will be doing a bone marrow biopsy on Day 12 which is October 4th to see if anything has changed. If his bone marrow is looking better than it did with the Leukemic cells at first, they will stick with the original treatment plan. If his bone marrow doesn't seem to be improving, they will make a different plan on Day 14 of chemo. We were glad to hear this because then they are not waiting until Day 28 to see if he is improving or not. One of the very powerful chemo meds that he should have in this Induction Phase is called Peg-Asperagase. The first time he had it, he didn't have an allergic reaction to it. The second time, he did. This means he cannot have it again, so they are replacing it with two other chemo meds in large doses. This is another reason why they are checking his bone marrow on Day 12.

Again, we are so grateful to all of you for your prayers, your extended prayers to family and friends, and your love and determination of healing for Bryce. We do need to be determined for healing, full of hope, and full of trust in God. I know He is listening. We are going to beat this. It is like an emotional roller coaster most of the time,and I don't like roller coasters in the first place! So, thank you for listening and understanding. We truly appreciate all of you!!! Thank you again to all of our helpers. We love you, all!!!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Friday, September 23, 2005 4:06 PM CDT

Thank you ALL a million times!!!

Bryce gives Tim & I so much strength and hope, and SO DO YOU!!!! Since Bryce's relapse began unfolding, I have had so much sense of being unsure. But, I had my 1st sense of peace today while talking to my sister, Julie. She was talking about how EVERYONE EVERYWHERE is praying for Bryce. I suddenly felt that peace that I had been hoping for. I've still had my weak moments occasionaly throughout the day but there is something more there than there was early this morning, or all week. I can feel God's AWESOME POWER IN MOTION from all of your prayers. What an incredible feeling! I just wish I could share this feeling with you because I know it is coming from YOU and YOUR PRAYERS! And maybe, many of you have felt this feeling before. Well, I really needed it because we have really been struggling this week. All of your entries in the guestbook are so wonderful and inspiring. They give us hope and strength and that is what we need right now because there is not much more that Tim & I can do.

Bryce is still having his headaches from the Leukemia in the spinal fluid. His legs and joints are also aching from the Leukemia in his bone marrow. Tylenol 3-4 times a day takes care of the pains. He is still getting his IV antibiotic every 12 hours, along with the kidney medication, and high dose of steroids twice a day. He is currently "suppose" to be napping because last nights rest was not the best. He is getting frustrated with this IV of his because he has to make sooooo many trips to the bathroom, including at night! Changing the subject, his chemo went fine yesterday. But, we are expecting his hair to be falling out within the next week so I will be snapping many pictures before that. He is not at all looking forward to the hair loss. He wants his hair to be back by the time he goes back to school. The last time he lost his hair, it took about 2-3 months to grow back. This is a very sore subject with him. But, the good news is that my friend, Deb, who is a photographer is coming to St. Mary's on Sunday to take our family pictures. Yeah!!! Cross your fingers for us because with 5 kids/boys, taking a family picture is NEVER an easy job! Trust me on that one.

Bryce's counts are mostly maintaining. His hemoglobin is 9.3; platelets are 63,000; white count is 700 (this one has dropped quite a bit); and ANC is 250. The doctors stopped in and checked on Bryce but as long as he is not fevering and is up-and-about, there's not much they need to do until next Thursday's chemo. The Bone Marrow Transplant Nurse Practitioner came with them today to meet us. She is wonderful and answered more questions for us. The brothers' will be getting their blood drawn on Monday after school to find out their marrow type. We will find out a week later if anyone is a match. They each have a 25 percent chance of being a match. Ask God to take care of this one, too. If they do not match, they will turn to the National Bone Marrow Registry. She told us if/when he is in remission, we will discuss transplant more. She does not feel that it will happen yet this year. There will be a lot of waiting with the chemo. We need to have patience and prayer.

Speaking of prayer, again. I would like to say "Thank you" for praying for our family. Bryce's grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins are all having their own struggles with this, also. And, I know many of you are too. I wish I could help everyone to feel better. I feel so fortunate that I get to be here with Bryce everyday. I know many of you would love to "be in his space" also. Last night, family and friends visited--The brothers, Grandpa & Grandma Breuer, Grandma Ann, Aunt's Shell, Amanda, & Pam, cousins Carson & Kelli, and friends Jodi, Renae, & Shasta. More visitors today: His best friend Garett came to visit with his Mom, Lana--my very close friend. The boys were so happy to see each other. It felt "normal" to them. Garett brought a stack of personally-made cards from his second grade class! This brought a HUGE smile to Bryce's face!!! Thank you 2nd Graders! You are the BEST!!! The visit also put Lana's mind at ease along with Auntie Julie's mind as she visited also. We are so lucky we get to see Auntie Manda often because she works at Mayo. Our friend Barb stopped and Bryce's Uncle Geoff will be stopping by tonight. (I'm sorry if I don't always mention your name if you visited,...some days I'm "on" and some days I'm "off").

Please note that you can read Past Journal Entries (at the top of the page), if you need to catch up because you missed a day or whatever. We sooooo appreciate you checking in on Bryce and sending your words of inspiration to us. You give us hope. You give us joy. You make us smile at a tough time. Thank you! And, thank you to all of our helpers at home with the boys, the farming, the truck, and the Mary Kay. We couldn't get through this without you!!!! I hope you know just how much we appreciate you! Love You ALL!!!!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Thursday, September 22, 2005 4:37 PM CDT

Hi all~

Tim & Bryce are getting his echocardiogram done, right now so I stayed back to give you an update...

Bryce's fever is down and the blood cultures are still negative. His aweful headache is finally gone after the Tylenol this morning. She is thinking the headaches are probably from the Leukemia in the spinal fluid. But he did have 2 spinal taps this week which can be a factor to the headaches also. Since his headache has been gone, he has been in good spirits! He has been working on his homework, playing legos, and giving Donna a hard time. She is his Nurse Practitioner. These people, Peds Oncology, are close to family to us after 2 years and 4 months. We love and appreciate them so much!

Tim & I just got done meeting with the head Peds Oncologist. We shed MANY tears and asked LOTS of questions. She told us that the Leukemia is the same he was first diagnosed with. It is in the bone marrow (again) and in the spinal fluid (1st time). She said in all the time she has been treating Peds Oncology patients, she has never seen a "standard" A.L.L. patient like Bryce relapse. She has gone over all of his records and knows that they did all the right things according to protocol. She does not know why this happened. She also said it is very rare that it happens at all. She termed his case as "newly diagnosed high risk Leukemia".

She gives him a 75-85hance of remission, again. He will start his treatment plan all over again today only, it will be ALOT harder chemo. He already has his spinal tap chemo this week (Monday) so they will not give that again. He started a medication today to protect his kidneys. He will get Daunomycin through his port today and also larger doses of steroids (to help him repair & recover). The Daunomycin will penetrate into the central nervous system and is going to knock his blood counts down. They are down a bit more today. As of this morning, his hemoglobin is 9.4 (normal 12.5); white count is 1,300 (his normal 2,500); ANC is 300 (this is the healthy cells and they want this above 1,000) ; and platelets are 59,000 (normal 150,000-450,000). So, we need to be extremely careful with the germs. We will all be practicing good handwashing techniques!!! He will probably receive quite a few transfusions, again. They will transfuse packed cells when his hemoglobin is 8 or lower. They will transfuse platelets when they are 20,000 or lower. He is bruising up more from his lower platelets.

For the next 4 Thursdays, he will be in the Induction Phase. He will have 2 port chemos and a Triple (3 mediations in one) intrathecal chemo (spinal tap) each Thursday. All these hard chemos will knock his counts down a lot. She feels he will be in the hospital for quite a while, it could be 2 weeks or more. She doesn't want him going to school for a month. This is sooooo disappointing to Bryce!!! He looks forward to school everyday. We will need to get a private tutor/teacher for him at this time. I told him we could videotape him and his classmates and show them. I hope he will think about that idea.

On Day 28 of treatment (October 20th), the 4th Thursday, they will do a bone marrow biopsy and check his spinal fluid to see if he is in remission. Right now the major issue over the next month is infection and remission. If he is not in remission on Day 28, then they will need to look into even harder chemo. We are not going to even think about that! HE WILL BE IN REMISSION!!! We have to pray to God and be positive.

Once he is in remission, he will start his next phase of chemo. We will then discuss Bone Marrow (Stem Cell) Transplant. They will only do a Bone Marrow Transplant if he: 1) is in remission; 2) is healthy; and 3) insurance has given the go-ahead. It could be 3-4 months before it may happen. They will take the brothers' blood next week to see if they could be donors. Chances are 1 in 4 that they could be. Again, if/when he is in remission. They will also be discussing head & spine radiation treatments because it is in his central nervous system (spinal fluid). That is a few months down the road.

We are very nervous, scared, anxious, cautious,...is there any word that I didn't cover?! We told Bryce why we are crying. We are scared. We are sad that he has to go through this again and so hard. I told myself I would never question God but today I did. I just wish he didn't have to go through all of this. Pray that he will stay strong. Please keep your hopes high. God wants us to do that. God wants us to have our Huge Faith, ALWAYS and we do!!! Thank you for all the notes that you have left us! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE PRAYERS YOU ARE SENDING OUT!!! WE CAN FEEL EVERY SINGLE PRAYER YOU SEND TO GOD! DON'T LET UP! And, remember to believe...

If you see us, please help to keep us strong and full of faith when we are starting to get down because it is so easy to get down when your child is fighting for his life. Pick us back up and brush our knees off. Remind us to turn to God at those times, if we haven't already.

The brothers' are coming down soon and I want to go to spend time with them. I miss them and I'm sure they miss us. Bryce has only asked us 15 times when they will be here! The have a true connection. They are The Brothers'...

***9 pm: The brothers' were here and that made ALL of them very happy!!!! Mom & Dad, too. Dad went to stay at home tonight. Goodnight.

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:10 PM CDT

I am writing to share some very exciting news with you!!! Bryce's Auntie Manda has accepted a huge challenge in Bryce's honor. She has committed herself to 4 months of intense training and fundraising for the Minnesota Chapter of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team In Training endurance program and will be running the Honolulu Marathon in December. Yes, you read this correctly. She is an incredible person! She has already donated 10 inches of her hair to Locks of Love a year ago and has worked her way up to running 9 miles,yesterday, for this marathon!!! Way to go, Amanda!

As a member of Team in Training, she has a coach, a training program and teammates to support her in her marathon goal. She has daily running schedules and weekend running sessions with her team.

Of course, I want all of you to know of her goals and accomplishments because I am so proud of her! But, I also want you to know about this because you can help by donating to the cause which is the most significant part of this endeavor.

She has set a goal of raising $4,700 by November 28, 2005, for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's continued research for a cure. Please join her, and us, in this effort! No donation is too great or too small--every bit helps! A minimum of 75 percent of all funds goes directly to research and patient aid. Donations are 100 percent tax deductible and checks can be made out to LLS. I have posted her web site address below so you can go there and donate. You may also send donations to 6255 29th Ave. NW, Rochester, MN 55901. She is tracking her progress so any donations received by September 15th would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support. On behalf of all the true marathoners--Bryce and all those enduring a serious illness--thank you for your generosity. Your contribution will go toward research to find a cure for all types of cancer. What an incredible opportunity this is for Bryce and all those fighting their battles, Amanda, and the LLS. We LOVE being a part of this!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005 9:29 AM CDT

Good Morning, everyone~

Thank you for all the notes in the guestbook! Those notes lift our spirits more than you could ever imagine! I just wanted you to know that we came to St. Mary's already last night around 5:00. The Chemo Nurse called yesterday afternoon saying that they got a call from the Pathologist and he needed a CBC (blood draw) from Bryce to verify with the bone marrow. So, as we were getting ready to leave, Bryce felt warm and was still complaining of a head ache since early this morning. His temperature was 101. We were told to bring his overnight bag and they would get a room for him. So, labs and the IV antibiotic were started in the ER. We came up to the room at about 7:30. He still has a bad head ache this morning and the night was as good as can be expected. We are waiting for the echo and the doctors rounds around 11am--the nurse said. We will start writing up all the questions that are in our heads...We will update this afternoon.
Love to all~

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 12:29 PM

Well, we are back with an update on Bryce. Remember, how I said "No news is good news" on the spinal tap?...

Bryce's doctor called at 4:30 yesterday and said that they found immature (blast) cells in his spinal fluid. These are cancer cells. She said that "No matter what, they SHOULD NOT BE THERE". She believes he is relapsing--meaning that the cancer is back. She set up appts for Bryce for today and tomorrow. So, Tim, Joel, Bryce, and I went to Mayo for another spinal tap but also a bone marrow biopsy. They are looking to see if it is in his bone marrow, again.

We will be back to Mayo for labs at 7:45, echocardiogram at 8:30, see the doctors at 10:45, and possibly see the general surgeon at 11:30, if they need to replace his port with a Hickman catheter. They are doing the echo so they can get a baseline of his heart before hard chemo treatments, again. There is one chemo med that is hard on the heart. She will give us the results at 10:45 and discuss his treatment plan. She told us to bring along his overnight bag because they will want to start treatments immediatley. We are to plan on going to St. Mary's Hospital after appts tomorrow until the end of the weekend.

Bryce is bummed about missing school Thursday & Friday. He went back today at 11:00. When we told the boys last night, he paused for a while and began to cry. He asked if it will be a long time again for chemo treatments. I think he was looking forward to finishing up next July. I don't blame him. I am going to encourage him to start a journal with his feelings. I know he is a little scared. I do ask that when you see him, and please tell others this, you greet him with a CHEERY Hello. I'll never forget when he was diagnosed and one day someone said, "Hi, Bryce" with a sad, sober look and he had just had enough of that and grrrr'd under his breath. He thinks about this enough already and doesn't want to be reminded in the "Hello" from lots of people. Please give him an excited, cheery Hello....Thanks.

Tim & I, and the rest of the family, are very sad and scared yet full of hope in our incredible, awesome God. He can move mountains, AND He can heal our Brycer, again!!! Please say an extra prayer as often as you remember. Our precious redhead needs all you can give him.

I will update tomorrow after appts. We have a ton of questions!!! Believe me! I know you do, too. Hopefully, we will have lots of answers for you. I hope this finds all of you and your families well. Thank you for thinking of us. We love you all!!!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 1:29 PM

Good Afternoon everyone!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AUNTIE MANDA ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND!!! YOU ROCK, SUPERSTAR! Amanda is doing awesome with her training for the marathon in December!!! She, and we, send out a VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU for all of the donations you have sent!!! WOW!!! YOU ARE ALL SOOOOOO INCREDIBLE!!!

What a gorgeous day it is in Goodhue, MN!!! I feel so very fortunate to have the life and love that I have! We have all the "Sounds of Fall" going on outside, even though it is very quiet inside. Tim & Dad are getting all the equipment ready to combine beans today. The plant (Seneca) was full of corn, so they sent Tim home with the truck. I'm sure he appreciates this time to be in the field today! We are so lucky to have our 5 boys growing up on our farm and learning from their Dad and Grandparents! I wouldn't ask for it any other way. AND, our Awesome & Incredible Mary Kay Unit has earned the use of the Pontiac Grand Prix and we picked it up on Friday!!! The boys' just love it!!! Me too! They want to ride in it all the time! Even Ethan said on Sunday before church, "Car Doddy (Daddy)". They are so cute about that car!

Now, let's catch you up-to-speed on our Brycer...

Bryce had his appointments yesterday. He and I left the house at 6:40. He had his labs and then LP (spinal tap) chemo. Everything there went fine. They always take spinal fluid before giving the spinal chemo to check the fluid for Leukemic cells. No news is good news. He saw his Dermotologist at 10:45 and she decided to put to put EMLA (numbing) cream on his "warts" on his left inside elbow and both arm pits so she could scrape some of them off. Hopefully, by doing this his immune system will kick in and try to fight them off. We came back after lunch and EMLA cream worked well. He did feel some of the scraping. What a trooper he was! He has bandages on his arm and arm pits so he walks like Frankenstein! This morning, we redressed the site on his arm and applied more topical antibiotic to fight off infection. We will remove the bandages tonight. We will see her again in one month for a recheck. This is the 5th different type of treatment we have done to these "warts". I think I told you in the last update that she said from her experience that these are a very common childhood virus and that kids who are undergoing chemotherapy usually don't fight these off until about 2 months after chemo treatments are finished. So, we are just trying to have patience.

We saw one of his Pediatric Oncology doctors at 2:00. His exam was fine but his counts are low, again. Just to refresh your memory, his counts were low from the end of July until the beginning of September. At one point, they had stopped his oral chemo meds for 2 weeks. After his counts climbed back up 2 weeks ago, they started him on his chemo meds at less than half-strength. Yesterday his counts were: hemoglobin 10.3 (normal 12.5); platelets 73,000 (normal 150,000-450,000); white count 1,000 (his average is about 2,500); and ANC--healthy cells 250 (they want these at least at 1,000). Of course, the Mom-in-Me had a split second of panic because not only is his ANC extremely low but so are his hemoglobin and platelets. I know that I am only human and being a Mom when I react this way and I don't mean to doubt God, at all!!! So, I asked her "Why are they low again and this time so low?" She said he could have had or could now have a virus that is lowering his counts, and what matters is that they bounce back. So, she stopped his oral chemo meds and oral antibiotic for this week and wants to recheck his counts on Monday. His counts should be rebounding by then because he will not have had his oral chemo meds. I would be lieing to you if I said I wasn't a bit nervous. I am just a bit. But Tim & I have all the faith in the world in our Good Lord and we know that Bryce is in His healing hands. I am sure it is just another virus. (Thanks for listening).

Bryce was so happy to go to school today! We had that very important talk about hand washing, not putting things in your mouth, and cleanliness in general with all the boys. We need to be careful because Bryce is so suseptible to infection right now. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that Logan had a fever of 102.5 last night, felt good this morning but I kept him home because of school policies, and then had a fever of 102.5 again around 11am. We are trying to be careful about that virus! Ugh!

We will update with any changes. Otherwise, you will hear from us on Monday with Bryce's counts. Thank you for thinking of us and praying for Bryce! Life is Good!!! We are so blessed!!!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:10 PM CDT

I am writing to share some very exciting news with you!!! Bryce's Auntie Manda has accepted a huge challenge in Bryce's honor. She has committed herself to 4 months of intense training and fundraising for the Minnesota Chapter of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team In Training endurance program and will be running the Honolulu Marathon in December. Yes, you read this correctly. She is an incredible person! She has already donated 10 inches of her hair to Locks of Love a year ago and has worked her way up to running 9 miles,yesterday, for this marathon!!! Way to go, Amanda!

As a member of Team in Training, she has a coach, a training program and teammates to support her in her marathon goal. She has daily running schedules and weekend running sessions with her team.

Of course, I want all of you to know of her goals and accomplishments because I am so proud of her! But, I also want you to know about this because you can help by donating to the cause which is the most significant part of this endeavor.

She has set a goal of raising $4,700 by November 28, 2005, for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's continued research for a cure. Please join her, and us, in this effort! No donation is too great or too small--every bit helps! A minimum of 75 percent of all funds goes directly to research and patient aid. Donations are 100 percent tax deductible and checks can be made out to LLS. I have posted her web site address below so you can go there and donate. You may also send donations to 6255 29th Ave. NW, Rochester, MN 55901. She is tracking her progress so any donations received by September 15th would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support. On behalf of all the true marathoners--Bryce and all those enduring a serious illness--thank you for your generosity. Your contribution will go toward research to find a cure for all types of cancer. What an incredible opportunity this is for Bryce and all those fighting their battles, Amanda, and the LLS. We LOVE being a part of this!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2005 1:37 PM CDT

Hello, again! Tim took Bryce down this morning for a quick lab draw to check his blood counts. His Nurse Practitioner just called and his counts are good. His hemoglobin is 11.7; white count is 2,200; ANC is 1,420; and platelets are 235,000. So, all is well. He is perking up, too. He was a little pale this weekend. His cold is getting better and he has even commented on that! She is increasing his chemo meds very slightly and he will be back to Mayo on the 19th of September for a spinal tap chemo, port chemo, blood check, and dr. exam. I will report back, then!

The boys are excited to be back into the swing of things at school! I took Joel to his first day of Kindergarten this morning!!!! WOW!!! I can't wait to see him get off the bus at 4:15!

We have been so fortunate to be spending time with my brother, Chris and his family for the past few days. He and his wife, Gloria are both Staff Sargeants in the Army. They got back to the states about a month ago from Germany and will be leaving this week to be stationed in Hawaii for the next 6 years. They have both spent time in Iraq and he will be going to that area again in the future. She will retire in 2009 and he will retire in 2011. They are INCREDIBLE people and we are soooooooo proud of them and their children, Reggie (14), Trachell (8), and Sean (3). I will try to figure out how to get a picture on the web page for everyone to see! They are gorgeous inside and out!!!

We want to THANK EVERYONE who has been contributing to Bryce's Aunt Amanda's Team in Training Marathon Fundraiser for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! She told me that she can't wait to get the mail everyday AND cries every time she receives the donations and notes attached!!! YOU ARE ALL SOOOOOOOO GENEROUS AND FULL OF FAITH!!! Praise God and everyone involved! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

Saturday, September 3, 2005 9:51 AM

Happy Labor Day Weekend! I'm back with a fast update. Bryce is doing well but has a yucky cold, now. Bryce woke up croopy and with difficulty breathing Thursday at 5am. Tim took him outside for 45 min. in the cold air and that helped enough to calm him down so he could breathe better. I had the croop alot when I was younger and if you get upset it only gets harder to breathe. He was fine during the day. That night we went to my sister, Julie's because my brother Chris and his family are finally home for a week!!! They have been stationed in Germany for 3years. It is sooooooo great to see them!!! Anyway, Bryce's voice was getting rough and we thought for sure we'd be up with him during the night but we were wrong. Thank goodness! He looked pretty rough yesterday but felt ok so he went to school and last night he slept good, too. Today he's just blowing his nose and sneezing a lot. He still looks pretty rough. We're watching him. He gets his counts rechecked on Tuesday.

Happy Birthday to Auntie Julie, yesterday!!! She's 39 and holding...really.

Thanks for checking in!!! We love that! Continue the prayers for all those in need, especially the people suffering in the South!!!!
Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 1:38 PM

Hey gang! I hope everyone is doing wonderful and enjoying the last few days before school starts! I'm back because we've had just a few things going on that I knew many of you would like to know about with Bryce.

Bemidji was great!!! We came home just a bit sooner than planned because Bryce started fevering early Monday morning. We brought him in to the St. Mary's E.R. on Monday evening around 6pm. He had his counts checked and blood cultures drawn. They gave him IV antibiotics. Since his counts we good, we got to go home around 9:30. He still had his fever on Tuesday so we went in again and saw his Nurse Practitioner and then had another dose of IV antibiotics at St. Mary's Pediatric Infusion Therapy Center on 5 Mary Brigh. We got home around 4:45. He slept great last night and is fever-free today! Wahoo!!! Donna called to check on him and said his blood culture is negative so far which is good! He will still go in to get his counts checked on Monday as previously scheduled. Donna said we should watch him anyway because after a virus his counts will probably drop. We'll keep you informed! Love you, all!!!

Take Care & God Bless~

The Breu Crew

Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:10 PM CDT

I am writing to share some very exciting news with you!!! Bryce's Auntie Manda has accepted a huge challenge in Bryce's honor. She has committed herself to 4 months of intense training and fundraising for the Minnesota Chapter of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team In Training endurance program and will be running the Honolulu Marathon in December. Yes, you read this correctly. She is an incredible person! She has already donated 10 inches of her hair to Locks of Love a year ago and has worked her way up to running 9 miles,yesterday, for this marathon!!! Way to go, Amanda!

As a member of Team in Training, she has a coach, a training program and teammates to support her in her marathon goal. She has daily running schedules and weekend running sessions with her team.

Of course, I want all of you to know of her goals and accomplishments because I am so proud of her! But, I also want you to know about this because you can help by donating to the cause which is the most significant part of this endeavor.

She has set a goal of raising $4,700 by November 28, 2005, for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's continued research for a cure. Please join her, and us, in this effort! No donation is too great or too small--every bit helps! A minimum of 75 percent of all funds goes directly to research and patient aid. Donations are 100 percent tax deductible and checks can be made out to LLS. I have posted her web site address below so you can go there and donate. You may also send donations to 6255 29th Ave. NW, Rochester, MN 55901. She is tracking her progress so any donations received by September 15th would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support. On behalf of all the true marathoners--Bryce and all those enduring a serious illness--thank you for your generosity. Your contribution will go toward research to find a cure for all types of cancer. What an incredible opportunity this is for Bryce and all those fighting their battles, Amanda, and the LLS. We LOVE being a part of this!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 12:56 AM CDT

Good Afternoon! Here we are again with another update on Bryce...

We went to his appointments yesterday. We had his labwork done and went to see the Dr. She kept his medications all the same, less than 1/2 of his normal dose strength. His counts are good: Hemoglobin 12.0; White count 2,500; ANC 1,390; and platelets 177,000. We went to Gonda 10 for his Vincristine port chemo and while waiting visited with our friend from Goodhue (that I told you about w/ the 5 boys and her husband is a dairy farmer--she was diagnosed with Neural Sheath Sarcoma). She is in her second round of chemo and going through so much. She doesn't say that, I do! Their family and friends' are INCREDIBLE!!!! Her spirit and faith, along with her husband, Zach is so inspirational. What a trooper! Please continue to send prayers out to Zach and Jamie. They also have a long road ahead of them fighting her/their battle. Her caring bridge page is the new Caring Bridge, Jamie OReilly. Send some words of inspiration, they'll love it!

Bryce also saw the Dermatologist yesterday. His case of "warts" are terrible because of his low immune system because of the chemo meds/Methotrexate. She said that once he finishes his meds the warts will probably go away in 2 months. But there are 11 more months of chemo. So, we will wait patiently. In the meantime, she froze some around his right eye with liquid nitrogen and then put Beetle Bug Juice on some on his chest. We've been using 2 other medications on his arms and armpits but she said to stop those and try this. So, we'll see what happens. We see her in 4 weeks.

We take Bryce back in to get his counts checked in 2 weeks and then in 4 weeks he has a spinal tap chemo, port chemo and Dermatology appointment. We will update more then. Mithcell had the viral fever last week from Wed. through Saturday, like Joel the week before. Now, Joel has a fever again today. I brought him in and his Strep test was negative but he gave him antibiotics because his throat looks terrible and has white spots. It's also the 3rd time in 1 1/2 months that he has had this. Ethan had a slight fever yesterday. We leave for my Dad's in Bemidji tomorrow for my sister Mina's wedding on Saturday. We've got just a "few" things going on!!!! We are just fine. Don't you be worrying about us....
Life is good!!!! Thank you, God!!!!!

Take Care & God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:10 PM CDT

I am writing to share some very exciting news with you!!! Bryce's Auntie Manda has accepted a huge challenge in Bryce's honor. She has committed herself to 4 months of intense training and fundraising for the Minnesota Chapter of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team In Training endurance program and will be running the Honolulu Marathon in December. Yes, you read this correctly. She is an incredible person! She has already donated 10 inches of her hair to Locks of Love a year ago and has worked her way up to running 9 miles,yesterday, for this marathon!!! Way to go, Amanda!

As a member of Team in Training, she has a coach, a training program and teammates to support her in her marathon goal. She has daily running schedules and weekend running sessions with her team.

Of course, I want all of you to know of her goals and accomplishments because I am so proud of her! But, I also want you to know about this because you can help by donating to the cause which is the most significant part of this endeavor.

She has set a goal of raising $4,700 by November 28, 2005, for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's continued research for a cure. Please join her, and us, in this effort! No donation is too great or too small--every bit helps! A minimum of 75 percent of all funds goes directly to research and patient aid. Donations are 100 percent tax deductible and checks can be made out to LLS. I have posted her web site address below so you can go there and donate. You may also send donations to 6255 29th Ave. NW, Rochester, MN 55901. She is tracking her progress so any donations received by September 15th would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support. On behalf of all the true marathoners--Bryce and all those enduring a serious illness--thank you for your generosity. Your contribution will go toward research to find a cure for all types of cancer. What an incredible opportunity this is for Bryce and all those fighting their battles, Amanda, and the LLS. We LOVE being a part of this!!!

Monday, August 15, 2005 2:47 PM CDT

Greetings from the Breu Crew!

We are home from Rochester and have good news! Bryce's counts are up and he is starting his chemo meds at less than half-strength tonight. His counts are: Hemoglobin 12.0; white count 2,600; ANC 1,400; and platelets 154,000. So, we are feeling good about that. Joel had a fever for 3 days so, of course that concerns me a bit. But in Bryce's case,I am also relieved to know Bryce's counts are up. Bryce goes in for chemo next Monday. The boys' are getting excited for school. We will be going school shopping with Grandma Linda on Wednesday. Say a special prayer! Nothing else new on the home front so we will update again then! Hope you are all doing wonderful!!! Keep those prayers coming for all those in need! Love to all!!!!

Take Care & God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:10 PM CDT

I am writing to share some very exciting news with you!!! Bryce's Auntie Manda has accepted a huge challenge in Bryce's honor. She has committed herself to 4 months of intense training and fundraising for the Minnesota Chapter of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team In Training endurance program and will be running the Honolulu Marathon in December. Yes, you read this correctly. She is an incredible person! She has already donated 10 inches of her hair to Locks of Love a year ago and has worked her way up to running 9 miles,yesterday, for this marathon!!! Way to go, Amanda!

As a member of Team in Training, she has a coach, a training program and teammates to support her in her marathon goal. She has daily running schedules and weekend running sessions with her team.

Of course, I want all of you to know of her goals and accomplishments because I am so proud of her! But, I also want you to know about this because you can help by donating to the cause which is the most significant part of this endeavor.

She has set a goal of raising $4,700 by November 28, 2005, for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's continued research for a cure. Please join her, and us, in this effort! No donation is too great or too small--every bit helps! A minimum of 75 percent of all funds goes directly to research and patient aid. Donations are 100 percent tax deductible and checks can be made out to LLS. I have posted her web site address below so you can go there and donate. You may also send donations to 6255 29th Ave. NW, Rochester, MN 55901. She is tracking her progress so any donations received by September 15th would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support. On behalf of all the true marathoners--Bryce and all those enduring a serious illness--thank you for your generosity. Your contribution will go toward research to find a cure for all types of cancer. What an incredible opportunity this is for Bryce and all those fighting their battles, Amanda, and the LLS. We LOVE being a part of this!!!

Monday, August 8, 2005 11:43 AM CDT

Good Morning! Happy Monday to everyone! :-)

We are home from Rochester and wanted to give you a quick update on Bryce's counts. Hemoglobin 11.5; WBC 1,600; ANC 560; Platelets 204,000. His healthy Neutrophil cell count is still low, they want it above 1,000. So, they are still stopping his chemo meds for the 2nd week but also stopping his antibiotic this week. We will return to Rochester next Monday to repeat his labs. He is still scheduled for chemo on the 22nd. We are so thankful that he is staying healthy! But we are watching it. If he has a fever, we will be bringing him in. I have a very good feeling he is on the rebound and everything will be just fine.

Thanks for checking in on Bryce! Our love to all of you! Please note our new entry right below this one. It is very important!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2005 7:10 PM CDT

I am writing to share some very exciting news with you!!! Bryce's Auntie Manda has accepted a huge challenge in Bryce's honor. She has committed herself to 4 months of intense training and fundraising for the Minnesota Chapter of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team In Training endurance program and will be running the Honolulu Marathon in December. Yes, you read this correctly. She is an incredible person! She has already donated 10 inches of her hair to Locks of Love a year ago and has worked her way up to running 9 miles,yesterday, for this marathon!!! Way to go, Amanda!

As a member of Team in Training, she has a coach, a training program and teammates to support her in her marathon goal. She has daily running schedules and weekend running sessions with her team.

Of course, I want all of you to know of her goals and accomplishments because I am so proud of her! But, I also want you to know about this because you can help by donating to the cause which is the most significant part of this endeavor.

She has set a goal of raising $4,700 by November 28, 2005, for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's continued research for a cure. Please join her, and us, in this effort! No donation is too great or too small--every bit helps! A minimum of 75 percent of all funds goes directly to research and patient aid. Donations are 100 percent tax deductible and checks can be made out to LLS. I have posted her web site address below so you can go there and donate. You may also send donations to 6255 29th Ave. NW, Rochester, MN 55901. She is tracking her progress so any donations received by September 15th would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support. On behalf of all the true marathoners--Bryce and all those enduring a serious illness--thank you for your generosity. Your contribution will go toward research to find a cure for all types of cancer. What an incredible opportunity this is for Bryce and all those fighting their battles, Amanda, and the LLS. We LOVE being a part of this!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2005 10:08 PM

Hello Everyone! We hope you are all enjoying the extremely fast and fun summer break! The Breuer's are loving every minute of it! We've played baseball, basketball, soccer, swimming, and bocceball! You name it, we've probably played it. But, we haven't set up the tent, yet! Gotta get goin' on that one! The boys are very tan, of course. The shirts don't stay on for long around here! Plus, when you factor in the pool! Tomorrow is the last day for baseball, so we'll just have our family baseball games, I guess. We had a bon fire and Extreme Soccer with friends last Saturday night,...that was a BLAST! School is creeping up on us though. I'm not so sure that we are ready.

I apologize for the HUGE delay in the update. I did try to update in the beginning of July and it lost both entries!!! That was very frustrating with all the time spent getting it "just so"! We are doing wonderful! Well, here let me fill you in...

Bryce had chemo on Monday, July 25. He was our only son who did not get the nasty fever/headache/sore throat virus that has been going around the week before. Thank you, God! But, his ANC count was low so his Nurse Practitioner lowered his chemo meds for the week. She had us come back in the following week. Here are his counts from July 25th and then again rechecked on August 1st: Hemoglobin was 11.3 then 11.2; WBC was 1,100 then 1,900; ANC was 510 then 260; and platelets were 224,000 then 280,000. She stopped his chemo meds all of this week to help his body recover. Our Nurse Practitioner thinks that he may be starting to recover from a touch of "something" since his WBC is a little higher but his ANC is so low. We try to remember to be careful about the "germs" but that just does not seem to be of importance to our 7 year old. Don't get me wrong, he's a very clean and safe little guy but he's just not stressing about it, like he use to. We will go back in on Monday, the 8th and recheck his counts, again. If they are not rising, we will check again on the 15th. He has chemo appointments scheduled for the 22nd. He seems to be feeling ok, other than the fact that he is a bit on the ORNERY and SHORT-TEMPERED side!!! UGH! But, that doesn't stop his brothers which is good! He is still eating like a grown man, too! Whew!

I WILL update next week after appointments, again. I promise! Thank you so much for caring about Bryce and our family! You are all so wonderful!!! Only 12 (months) chemo treatments to go! Wahoo!!!

Please send a special prayer out for a very special young Mom in our community who has 5 little boys also. She was diagnosed with Muscle Sheath Sarcoma and is undergoing chemo treatments. She is an incredible Mother, Wife, & Friend and she is so strong! I know that right now she is feeling the Power of Prayer that we feel everyday! We are all in God's hands.

Take Care & God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Sunday, June 12, 2005 4:05 PM CDT

Good Afternoon!

Happy Goodhue Volksfest to everyone! We just got home from going on a few rides, watching the parade, and competing in the pedal pull! Whew! Mom needs a nap! Logan and Bryce won squirt guns,...you know that means trouble! And now, Ethan knows how to run the sprayer nozzle of the hose. Not good. They are all loving it! I'm sorry for the delay on the update! Everything has been going very well! The boys are having a busy summer vacation starting this week! We've got Vacation Bible School this week along with all the summer sports starting this week also. We've already had lots of fun events.

Now onto Bryce's update. Bryce's last appointment was on May 31st. He had his labwork, exam with Dr. Kahn, and a port chemo. Everything is great! His counts are: hemoglobin 11.7; white count 3,100; ANC 1,820; and platelets are 229,000. His next appointment is on June 27th for labwork, exam, an LP and port chemo. His brothers will be excited to go along!

I hope you are all doing wonderful! God has blessed all of us in so many ways. As always, please continue to pray for those in need. The POWER OF PRAYER is tremendous! Thanks for checking in on our Brycer!!!

Take Care & God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:58 PM CDT

Good evening!

Well, Bryce had his 7th birthday yesterday and he had a blast! Thankyou from Bryce for the birthday wishes!!! And now, we just wanted to say Hello & Thankyou to all of you who are thinking of us today!

It was (Monday) 2 years ago today that we were sitting in a St. Mary's Hospital room waiting for the lab techs to come to collect Bryce's blood. We had already spoken with the Pediatric Oncology Doctor and Intern who were explaining to us that this could be cancer and may not be cancer. I remember them watching Bryce climb around on the couch and they were commenting on how active he was and that his activity was a good sign. Then, I remember them doing the exam while Bryce was lying on the bed and the looks on their faces when they saw his legs. His legs were full of bruises and patechii (broken capillaries). Then, the doctors were more sober. They started blood transfusions that night while we, and our parents and close friends, called people with good news and scary news. The scary news was Bryce, of course; the good news was Ethan, of course.

The next day, Tuesday, included a quick get-away to Mitchell's 2nd grade play in the afternoon(yeah) but then back to the hospital for more transfusions and labwork. They decided it was Leukemia but needed to do a bone marrow biopsy for the final diagnosis. The bone marrow biopsy was done on Wednesday in surgery along with a IV chemo and a spinal tap chemo. The anesthesia made him extremly (like you couldn't even imagine) irritable! That was NOT a pleasant moment in his treatment plan! They gave him chemo that night and I remember him vomitting that night, also. We weren't sure what the real reason was because there were so many factors. Tim went home that night with Mitch & Logan and brought them to Urgent Care. They both had Strep Throat. Ugh! It really was fine though.

There have been many memories made here but we know God has chosen Bryce and his family for a reason. We know God wants Tim & I to truly appreciate life and all of our blessings. And, we believe Bryce will touch someone's life or many people's lives in some very special ways. He walked in earlier when I was typing this, and WOW! He looked over at me and smiled with his red hair and blue eyes. He was humming a song from his spring concert. He has so many freckles, now it's just amazing! The irony of that is, and will always be, that his Guardian Angels were coming down and kissing him while he slept to heal him from his Leukemia. HE LOVES THAT STORY!!!!

Thanks again for checking in on our Brycer! Please continue to pray for all of those special people fighting their battles. We have 2 more friends who are fighting their battles, awhile now. They have both just found out that their cancer may be back or may have spread. PLEASE SEND YOUR PRAYERS OUT FOR NIKKI AND BARBARA WHILE THEY ARE AWAITING RESULTS! Send them your strength and God's POWER!

Take Care & God Bless,

The Breuers

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 7:39 AM


Monday, May 9, 2005 1:04 PM CDT

Good Afternoon! The Breu Crew is full of excitement, enthusiasm, and lots of energy!!! We are so excited about our warmer weather. We are very enthusiastic that summer break is around the corner. And, now imagine that cartoon picture of the house that is about to burst,...well that is us. Our house is bursting with little boy energy!!!! What a bunch of little men we have around here! And, Tim & I are bursting with JOY for the life and love we have! We are so BLESSED!!!

You guessed it,...that "anniversary" thing is rolling around again and it gets me ALL emotional. We are so very grateful for everything God has given us in our lives, including all of you. It was just 2 short years ago on the 19th that we received some very scary news and all of you were calling, stopping by with cards and food, and praying. It feels like yesterday. We continue to thank you for the everyday prayers.

Our little Red Head is looking more like a soon-to-be 7 year old. (We call him Big Red.) Still as red and freckle-faced as ever, just with more personality, love for life, and love for others. He notices all good things in everyone. His heart is enormous and his faith is beyond imagination. I just wish you all could "be in his space" everyday like we are. Don't get me wrong, the attitude is there and we are working on keeping it in control. He is just such an amazing child. Now, I just wish I could hear about all of YOUR amazing CHILDREN like I can talk about ours' (here)! Leave me a note in the guestbook...I would love that!

Bryce had appointments last Monday, I'm sorry I am a week late but we really had a crazy week last week! He had his usual labwork, exam, and port chemo. There really is not anything new, he seems to be feeling great! His appetite is huge! It's the steroids that kicked in immediatly last week. His face even looks fulller. We had to make 2 scrambled eggs almost every morning! Then he had at least 3 helpings every night! His counts are good: white count is 2,700; ANC is 1,460; hemoblobin is 12; and platelets are 322,000. Exam was fine. His next appointment is the end of this month/4 weeks.

The boys are getting excited for summer break. We had a very special wedding celebration on the 30th!

Congratulations to Steve & Maggie Voth! We love you both so much! What an incredible couple and team!

Joel had Storyhour Graduation on Friday and his big brothers made sure to come and watch him. Joel is growing his self-confidence with the help of his good friend, Mason who made the comment to him after he received his diploma, "Joel, you're a Rock Star!". That's what friends are for, right?! Field trips are coming and going and we are excited about all of it! Ethan is still a Man on a Mission. At 18 months and with 4 older brothers, he thinks he can conquer anything! Wouldn't you?! Tim is finished planting corn and now into beans. Joel is his Right-Hand Man. Ask him anything. My Mary Kay business is going great! The family support is more than you could ever imagine! Especially when these little men see a commercial for the "other brand". (They are so funny!)

Thank you, again, for all you do for our family! Please continue to send prayers out to those fighting their battles. Some of them NEED your strength, everyday so bring it on!

Take Care & God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, April 5, 2005 2:36 PM CDT

Hello, again!

As always, we hope this finds everyone well and loving the warmer weather. I don't mean to start out on a sad note but we have some friends that we would like to send some prayers out to. We have had sad news of cancer found in an active community member from Goodhue and sad news about a small child severely injured from a nearby community. Please send out some prayers to THE BIG GUY to watch over them and their family's. We all know that your whole life can change in a split second. Please send the prayers to them to give them strength like you did, and still do, for our family!

Bryce had his labwork, LP (lumbar puncture) chemo, Dr. exam, and port chemo yesterday. Everything went very well. Of course, he was a BIT ornery after he woke up from his spinal tap. But after he took his head out of the little pillow case (with the pillow still in it), stopped hitting his head with his fist, and hitting his head against the cushion of the bed, we too got through this! Big AMEN here! We (Dad, Mitch, & Logan) couldn't help but giggle a little. We told the nurses he does sooo much better if we just let him sleep 20 minutes but they still proceded to let him know he was back in the room. Oh well, like I said we got through this. Then, we saw Dr. Arndt on E9 and his exam went well. His counts are good. White count is 2,200; ANC is 1,030; Hemoglobin is 12.4; and Platelets are 258,000. She left his medications at the same level. We went to Gonda 10 for chemo after seeing Dr. Arndt. The boys' just played on the internet until they had his Vincristine ready. They were very busy on the chemo floor! So, we went back for about 5 minutes for his port chemo push. We left for home around 12:30, stopped to eat, and then outside the rest of the day! They are so happy! Bryce's next appointment will be on May 2nd.

All of this warm weather is bringing back memories, again just like last year. May 19th will be Bryce's 2 year "anniversary" of his diagnosis. We talked about how Mitchell and Logan felt when Bryce was diagnosed. They were scared. We also talked about how God gets us through everything together, how we are stronger from this (faith & emotions), and how much more we appreciate each other and life itself. Thank you all for always being there to pray for us and support us! Life is a GIFT!

Take Care & God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Thursday, March 10, 2005 6:57 PM CST

Hello, again!

We are back with an update on the Big Guy but it's gonna be a quick one! (I'll show Tim that I'm NOT full of a lot of hot air, right?!)

Bryce is doing great! He and I went in for labs, exam, and chemo yesterday. Everything went great. His counts are good: white count 3,900; ANC 2,550; hemoglobin 11.9; and platelets 324,000. Donna increased his 6 MP oral chemo medication because he has been growing. Otherwise, everything stayed the same. Chemo and the exam were fine. His next chemo appointment is on April 4th. That will be labs, a spinal tap and port chemo, and exam. We met two women on the chemo floor and it turns out that the one woman's son use to teach in Goodhue AND they are good friends of our's, now! It is such a small world! So, that was fun!

Bryce pulled through last weeks fever very quickly and so far, no one else has had it. (Knock on wood!) We met a very nice nurse last week at the PITC so again that was fun chatting with her. There are so many good people out there! Including ALL of you! Thank you for what you do for us,...a million times! Please continue to send the prayers for everyone in need, whatever their needs be. Life is good........

Take Care & God Bless,

Wednesday, March 2, 2005 8:44 AM CST

Good Morning!

We hope everyone is keeping warm this morning! We are at 5 below zero! Brrrrr!

I wanted to update because Bryce came home from school on Monday and was very irritable because he "had a feber!" (fever). I kissed his forehead and asked "Are you sure?" because it felt cool (from being outside, though). He said, "My head hurts and I have a feber!". Can you say ORNERY?! Whew! His cough and runny nose have been getting worse in the past four days. He described his headache to be like someone was "pushing a rock into his head" above his left eyebrow and they were "stabbing a knife into his head" above his right eyebrow. Good descriptions, huh?! So, he followed the routine and laid down on the couch so I could took his temperature. It was at 102.7 so we called the Clinic. They instructed us to go to the ER at St. Mary's. Grandma Linda came over to take care of the boys until Grandma Ann got there to stay. We got to the ER at 5:00. They took his vitals and got him into a room. Checked his temp. again and gave him Tylenol which brought his fever down. Then they accessed his port, took some blood for a blood culture and to check his counts. They did a Chest X-ray and then two nasal swabs which he absolutely hated! The swabs were for Influenza and Pertussis (whooping cough). The doctor asked him to rate his headache. He gave it a "3" after the Tylenol but at home it was a "10"!

The results were all good. The chest x-ray looked good. His white count was 3,000 and ANC was 1,950. If his ANC was 500 or below, they would have kept him at the hospital. So, that was good. We got home from the ER at 10:30pm. Donna, his Nurse Practitioner just called and said so far the swabs and blood culture are coming back negative which is a good thing. She said it was probably viral. He has not had a fever since Monday night. We did have to take him back to St. Mary's to the PITC Unit yesterday for another dose of IV antibiotics "just to be safe". But he is back to school today and loving it, I'm sure. He is exhausted, though! We are going to have to tuck him in to bed early tonight!

Now, it is time to play catch-up again. Thanks for checking in on our Brycer. He's quite the trooper! It always amazes me just how much he is in-tune with his body and he's only 6 years old! And, he has been since Day 1. Wow.

Please continue to pray for those who are in need of healing in any way. Thank you to all of our friends for checking in on us. I need to check in on all of our Caring Bridge friends, too! If you sign the guest book and see a Caring Bridge address, please stop by their guest book and say HELLO! They would love that!

Take Care & God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Friday, February 25, 2005 8:00 AM


All is well in our home. Joel is so excited to be 5 years old! But he does not think he is 5 until his party tonight. I'm working with him on that! Have a great weekend! Hope all is well with you and your family. God Bless.

Friday, February 18, 2005 11:45 AM

Good Morning!

I just wanted to stop in to say HELLO and let everyone know that Bryce is doing great! He still has his runny nose and cough but it is way less than it was. I wonder if we did give him his chemo too soon, though because the Thursday after his chemo he didn't feel well and Friday he was so tired he was falling asleep at the basketball game. He started perking up on Saturday and Sunday. Then, I got the fever and cough Sunday and FINALLY feel better today. Mitchell was home yesterday and today again with the fever and cough. He's pretty wiped! Ethan is getting cranky but sleeping now, so hopefully he's not going to get it.

Bryce had a couple of cute ones that I need to share with you...On Monday when I was feeling so yucky, I said to him "Wow, now I feel really bad for you. You must have felt really rotten when you had this bug." And he said, "No, I think it's harder on big people than it is on kids, Mom." He's heard that a few times about the cancer and chemo thing,...guess he soaked that one up. And, then on Friday at the basketball game when he was so tired, he was rubbing his right eye again and said, "Mom, how come this (right) eye is so tired all the time? It gets just as much sleep as this (left) eye." What a honey! I thought you'd enjoy these. He'll probably chew me out someday for sharing all of his secrets but until then I just couldn't keep them to myself!

We haven't received our appointment sheets yet for his next months appointments so, we'll update again soon. Please continue to pray for all those in need, big or small. The power of prayer is amazing and intense! Thank you for checking in on our little Brycer! We hope you are all healthy and having a great February!

Take Care & God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, February 9, 2005 10:33 PM

Good Evening, everyone! I just have a real quick update for today! I took Logan and Bryce out of school at 3pm for Bryce's chemo appointment. Everything went fine. It was a port chemo, only. We saw Donna in the waiting area when she brought his medical history over. She thinks he is looking better and she said he did end up testing positive for the Influenza Type B Virus which is not as common as Type A but still not alarming. She said, if he would have tested positive earlier they would have treated him with a certain medication. But now that it has been this many days and he is not fevering, we will let it "run its course". She heard his coughing and saw his runny nose and said if he gets worse or starts to fever again to bring him in. So, there you have it! We are starting the steroids tonight which brings along a few other meds and chemo. All routine meds. So, all is well in the Breuer Home! Thanks for checking in, again! We love hearing from you!!! Thank you for all the continous prayers! Our good Lord is AWESOME in so many ways! Please continue to pray for all those in need,...little or big!

Monday, February 7, 2005 4:10 PM

Update after appointments:

Good Afternoon! Just a quick one today. Tim says I get too "windy",...I have no idea where he gets that from! Anyways, Bryce had his appointments today and his white count and ANC are still rising. Donna thinks that is because he is fighting off a viral infection. His white count is 4,400; ANC is 3,670; hemoglobin is 12.4; and platelets are 168,000. Of course, the mom in me worries just a little bit but Donna says these fluctuations (white count, ANC and platelets) are because of the virus. His blood cultures and influenza swab are negative. So that is good! His lungs are clear. He is draining like a faucet, though! Poor little guy goes through a box of kleenex like I do watching Little House on the Prairie! You wanted to know that, right?! Donna held off on the chemo today because she wants to give his body and immune system a couple of days to recover before we knock him down again. So, I will pick him up from school at 3pm on Wednesday to take him to his chemo appointment around 3:45 (I'm hoping). Otherwise, he did sneak a little nap in today and said that "really helped him". If he does get a fever tonight or tomorrow, we are to call in again and see what they want us to do. His temperature was 100.4 this morning. Cross your fingers! I will update on Wednesday or Thursday, again. Thanks for checking on our little Brycer and keep the prayers coming strong for all those in need!!

Sunday, February 6, 2005 3:24 PM

Hello! We are back with a quick update, a little bit earlier than planned...

We just wanted to fill you in on Bryce's week. On Thursday, Bryce woke up at 11:15pm very croopy and uncomfortable. Tim took him outside in the cold air and that helped just a bit. He slept, but not real comfortably, and woke up with a low grade fever. I kept him home from school Friday and, of course, his fever was gone very quickly. He wanted to go back to school but we know the rules! So, we borrowed some friends' nebulizer and he woke up at 10:30pm Friday night and had a neb. treatment. That helped him to sleep a little bit better, not the best, just a bit better. On Saturday, he was coughing a little more and it was more of a deep productive croopy cough, occasionally. At 4:30pm, he started complaining that his head hurt so bad. I took his temperature at 5pm and it was 101 degreees. At 6pm, it was 101.5 so we called the Pediatric Oncology Doctor On-Call. We always have the rule to call if he has a fever of 101. She told us to come in to St. Mary's E.R. We got there at 7:30 and, to make a long story short, he had his port accessed, blood taken for his blood counts and blood cultures, had a dose of Rocephin antibiotics by IV, had a chest x-ray, and an influenza swab. By midnight the E.R. Doctor said his counts were good, the chest x-ray looked good, and so we could go home and call in tomorrow to find out the 24 hour results on the blood culture and the influenza swab results. He did have his Influenza vaccine in November/December sometime. They still just check it. They think he probably has a viral cold.

The great part of our story is that we once again met an amazing person who really affected us. Her name is Shannon and she is an E.R. nurse. She took us back because she knew we had been waiting and she knew Bryce should not be around a lot of "germs". She told us her daughter just finished chemo...her 8 month old daughter and 4th child! Wow! When she was pregnant with her they went in for a 2nd ultrasound to check her foot (of all things) and found a tumor in her stomach. They operated when she was 11 days old and it was cancer! Just when you think life is hectic and crazy, you find that someone always has it worse! Believe me, she does not feel that way! She was very inspiring! Her daughter did have her chemo treatments (and is CANCER-FREE!)but she, like us, also feels very fortunate not to have many set-backs. Isn't it amazing how God puts these incredible people in our paths?! He is always reminding us about how wonderful our lives really are and how THANKFUL we should be! I'll tell you what,...I am, once again, counting all of my MANY blessings! :-)

I have to get back on track here again,...

OK, so Bryce already woke up at 7:15 this morning (we got home at 12:45am, ugh!). I tried to get him to go back to sleep but that wasn't going to happen! He came down at 8:00 and we took his temperature which was 102.1. We called Dr. Kahn and she said she would admit him, but then decided we could just go to the St. Mary's PITC (Pediatric Infusion Therapy Center) and meet her there at 10:30/11am. We have been to the PITC many times for transfusions or chemo treatments, it is the "out-patient" area for pediatric patients. His blood cultures are negative so far, and his influenza swab is still pending. His counts from last night were: white count 3,200; ANC 2,300; hemoblobin 11.2; and platelets 160,000. She gave him another dose of the Rocephin by IV and told us to watch him at home. We can give him Tylenol if he does not get worse meaning a higher fever and he is not himself and miserable. If he gets worse, we call her again and he is probably admitted to the hospital. Otherwise, tomorrow he has his regular monthly chemo appointments. Labs are at 8:40, Dermatology at 9:05, Donna his Nurse Practitioner at 10:15, and port chemo at 11:15. If his counts are still good he will get his chemo. So, we will update more after his appiontments.

We want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of our weekend "helpers"!!!...Grandpa & Grandma Breuer, Auntie Pam, and Cousins Nick & Kelli!!! You are all awesome!

Please wish Bryce a restful night! Keep praying for all of those big and little people who are fighting their battles! Pray for strength for all of the family's in need, in any way! We are all in God's hands and we need to keep our faith and trust HUGE in the Lord!

Take Care and God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 9:41 PM CST

Good Evening to all!

We hope this finds everyone warm and fuzzy because we all know that we could use ALOT MORE WARM & FUZZY!!! This Minnesota cold may be starting to get to me! Actually, I really can't complain...Tim and I just got back from New Orleans early Sunday morning from an amazing Mary Kay Leadership event! And, on Thursday we are loading up the Montana and taking the boys' on our 5th annual WI Dells Indoor Waterpark vacation with the Huemann Family! Can you say 'ROCKIN WATER SLIDES'?! Wahoo!! Please do pray for our safety! We can get just a little crazy! :-) Of course, the boys' are excited but I don't know?...this year I may be the MOST excited! We are really looking forward to this major event! Ethan will be staying with Grandma & Grandpa Breuer so we don't have to worry about him and still have a ROCKIN' TIME!

Thanks Grandma & Grandpa!!!

There is no school on Thursday and Friday and Cabin Fever is starting to set-in. Perfect timing, right?! You betcha!

Thank you for being so patient with me as I have not updated Bryce's webpage since his last appointment on the 10th. All is well in the Breuer home! Don't get me wrong! We've had lots of nasty colds, vomiting flu, croop, etc. But really, we have not been over-tired and stressed out. Like I always say, Life Is Good!

Tim took Bryce to his early (6:45am) appointments last Monday. I stayed home with Joel and Ethan because Joel was sick with a bad cough and cold which turned into double ear infection. Yes,...it really bummed me out to miss Bryce's appointments but what can you do? Tim has not been able to go to an appt. in a very long time so I knew how badly he wanted to go. Bryce had his labwork at 7:30 (Late. The Hilton is a very busy place on a Monday morning!) Then they went up to Gonda 7 for his Lumbar Puncture chemo. Everything went well. His spinal fluid remains clear. After waking up and lying flat for an hour, Bryce had his usual snacks. They headed up to his exam on E9 which went well. Bryce's counts are good. His hemoglobin was 12.0; white count was 3,000; ANC (healthy cells) were 1,730; and platelets were 227,000. After seeing Dr. Kahn, they went to Gonda 10 for his Vincristine port chemo which also went well and you know how that 1st grader is...back to school ASAP or at least by 1:30! He had his usual reddish-purple circles under his eyes and pale looking face with red cheeks last week. But he looks good this week and seems to be feeling very well. He did say that his legs didn't work very well last week when he was trying to run at school which is something that he just knows can happen as a side-effect of the Vincristine chemo. Smart little guy!

Thursday we go back to Mayo to see the Dermatologist to see if the cryotherapy (freezing the bumps) on his arm worked. Then we are off to the Dells! Can you hardly stand it?!

Right now, Tim is rocking Ethan because he is waking up every hour crying. I think his ear infection is back. He finished his medication last week.

1/19/05 Just returned from taking Ethan to the Doctor and he has double ear infection. He prescribed a stronger medication this time and is talking tubes. Ethan feels very rotten, still has a fever, and continues to wake up every hour. Poor little Babers!

Mitchell is finally over his nasty bug. He missed a half-day last Friday which NEVER happens! Joel's cough seemed to be a little better today. He is on medication for his double ear infection last week. Logan and Bryce seem to be through their nasty colds. Knock on wood! Tim is fighting off this same bug which I seemed to have started a couple of weeks ago. Are you all keeping up?! But seriously, all is really, really great! Things COULD be alot worse. And I know they are alot worse for a lot of people out there right now. So, please continue your prayers for all those suffering, fighting their battles, praying for hope. God is holding all of us in His hands, ALWAYS and we can all get a little afraid at times. Please pray for their strength and faith in God, to believe in Him and trust in Him. We would have nothing without Him. Take Care.

God Bless You, All!

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, December 28, 2004 8:45 AM CST

Good Morning!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas break! We are excited for the New Year. Of course, the boys' are asking if they can stay up until midnight...that's not going to happen...not yet anyways.

I just wanted to give you a quick update on the Big Guy, Mr. Brycer. I took him to his Dermatology appointment yesterday to get an opinion on his "wart-like" bumps he has on his arms and chest. She said there are different ways of treating them and that he probably has more and they are lasting longer (than his brothers') because of his low immune system. So, what we (Bryce, doctor, and myself) decided to do was to freeze a few with Liquid Nitrogen. Bryce did great as she froze 5 of them, they should dry up and fall off in a few days. We will bring him back in to see her on the 20th. She said that maybe this freezing will stimulate his body to start fighting them off and maybe they will start to disappear. We'll keep you informed on that one.

On a different note, Bryce has been fighting with a croopy cough since Christmas night. The next night he was up again and sounded worse yesterday morning. He seemed better during the day but it again got worse at night. This is all normal for him and for the whole cycle of croop. But, last night he woke up at 1 AM and was having a VERY DIFFICULT time breathing and was coughing quite a bit. Tim took him outside in the cold air which is always the 1st thing we do with the croop but that didn't do a lot for him. So, Tim took him to the ER at 1:20 and was home around 4:30. Bryce was very ready to go and in fact, saying "let's go!" while he was pacing around the kitchen table. He was very frustrated. They gave him a Nebulizer treatment and some oral Prednisone (steroid to help bring down the inflammation that is inhibiting his breathing). Bryce slept until 8:30 this morning and looks very pale with dark circles under his eyes. But, this is all normal after he has a Neb. treatment and steroids. He is in a very good mood!! Thank goodness! He already told me that the doctor told him that he has to go to bed at 8pm tonight! He's ready to teach me how to play Chess because his good friend Garett taught him how to play! So, here we go!

Bryce has an LP chemo and port chemo with labwork and doctor exam on the 10th. We will update after his appointments. Hopefully, all will be better until then!!!!

Have an incredible New Year!!! Thank you for all you do for us! Keep the prayers coming for us and for EVERYONE!!! God is amazing in His wondrous and powerful ways!

Take Care and God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 6:51 PM

We just wanted you to know that Mayo rescheduled Bryce's Dermatology appointments until next Monday the 27th at 2:05 pm. The Dr. had to take a trip (?). We're all doing great and the excitement of Christmas is hitting (close to) a peak-level!!!!! Pray for our sanity!!! We will update Monday.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

I wanted to let you know that Bryce told me this morning that he thinks "the flu bug is gone because he hasn't had any more diarrhea". He went back to school on Wednesday and was very happy to be back! The school Christmas program was very cute! The boys' are so funny! Mitchell is not a big dancer, Logan can shake his hips when he feels the need--which is quite often, and Bryce is movin' and groovin'!!!

We want to say:



Have a great weekend, everyone!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004 11:11 AM

Good Morning! Thank you for all the beautiful Christmas cards you have sent! We are still working on ours, but it is coming soon! Is everyone ready for Christmas?! The boys' are getting very excited! And,...our tree has NOT been tipped over YET so that is a blessing in itself! The boys' had their church Christmas program on Sunday and they did great. Mitchell was Joseph, Logan was an "army dude", Bryce sang his little heart out, and Joel is mostly an "observer". He gets a few lyrics in between people watching and Sunday School Director-watching. Ethan loved it all...what better place than a packed church with relatives to climb back and forth on, and watch his big brothers and lots of other kids do one of his favorite things--sing! He's a joy--especially now that he knows how to push the kitchen chairs around so he can climb up onto the table and stand and/or walk around on it! Ugh! The kids are really anxious for more snow, though. Logan is sure that it is NEVER going to snow, AGAIN! They love their Kitty Kat snowmobile and sliding so do pray for a couple of inches over Christmas break so we don't all drive each other (just a little) CRAZY! OK?!

I was in Dallas last week for my Mary Kay Directorship training from Tuesday through Friday and of course, Tim managed absolutely wonderfully!


We had a couple of boys with the #2 flu (diarrhea--I'd hate to embaress anyone) when I was leaving and another one with it when I was coming home. Maybe it was just nerves from missing their Mother sooooo much,...NOT! They did say they missed me just a little bit, so I have to soak up what I can get--every little bit of it!!! But now, Bryce has the vomiting and #2 flu since last night. I did talk to Donna and she said to give him a Zofran tablet, an anti-nausea medication, (I just had one left from a year ago) to settle his stomach. It worked. He has had a few crackers, a little water, and he is going to try some toast now. She said she will call later and check on him. He does not have a fever, thank goodness! She just wants to make sure he doesn't get dehydrated quickly or we'll need to bring him in. We're holding off on his am meds to see how he does today. I think he's perking up a bit. I just hope this doesn't drop his counts too much. The boys' have their school Christmas program on Thursday, hopefully we'll all make it to that. They have really been practicing their songs!

Bryce's appointments went well yesterday. Bryce, Ethan, Joel and I left around 7:40 and returned home around 1pm after dropping Bryce off at school. His labwork, exam with Donna, and port chemo went well. His counts are good: White count is 2,400; ANC is 1,330; Hemoglobin is 12.7; and Platelets are 266,000. His tummy is soft which is good because he has been having tummy aches off and on for about 1 1/2 months, now. A soft tummy means no masses, constipation, or enlarged spleen or liver, like at the time he was diagnosed. So, she wants us to extend the Zantac, an antacid medication, for a week longer and chart his tummy aches to see if there is a pattern involved. She also scheduled him to see a Dermatologist on the 21st because he has a skin condition called Melluscum Contagiosum which is "wart-type" looking bumps on his skin that are viral. They will decide if they need to remove them or leave them. His brothers, all but Ethan, have had them and it is about a year before they are completely gone but Bryce has a lot more and they are longer lasting, probably because of his low immune system. Otherwise, he will go back in for his spinal tap chemo and port chemo on January 10th.

Of course, Santa had already stopped at the Clinic and left presents for the boys! Thank you to all who donate for these special little people! Please continue to pray for all those who are in need of any special little prayer over the holidays! There are so many people in need of prayer and there is NO BETTER GIFT than the GIFT OF PRAYER!

Have a wonderful JESUS IS THE REASON SEASON!!! We love you all!!!

Take Care and God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Monday, November 29, 2004 2:15pm

We're back with a quick update...

I took Bryce in for his labwork before school this morning. Denice just called with the results and all is good. His hemoglobin is 12.9; white count is 2,400; ANC is 1,100; and platelets are 193,000. So, we are increasing his 6MP oral chemo med to a whole tablet which is 50mg. We are getting closer to full-strength. She doesn't want to increase the Methotrexate because it was just increased on the 15th. Bryce has his regular chemo appointments on the 13th, again.

We are all doing great! The boy's are so happy about the snow! They went out at 7:05 Saturday morning and stayed out for 2 hours. And, went back out at least 2 more times that day for at least 2 hours each time! It's been great! Well, again I hope everyone is doing well. Please continue to pray for all those in need (for whatever) and for those fighting their daily battles. Prayer is the BEST gift of ALL:-) What a wonderful season we are in. The Boys' and I always remind each other that Jesus is the reason for the Season!

Friday, November 26, 2004

We hope everyone had a very wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving! We sure did! We had lots of family, food, and fun at our house. You can't ask for much more. Especially the game of spoons with the kids, aunts, and uncles! Wow!!

I must apologize for being so delayed on the journal entry! The days go by so quickly. We have been doing great. The boys were fighting off colds last week but seem to be doing better already. They have been busy with school, Bionicles, and reading. You will occasionally hear them practicing their school holiday songs. It's pretty lively around here at all times.

Bryce had his appointments on the 15th and all went well. He had his labs first, then saw Donna. His exam was all good, and then we went up to Gonda 10 for chemo. It was nice while we were waiting for chemo, we met some very nice family's again. We always seem to meet someone new and we are always reminded that "life is good and someone always has it worse". Bryce's labs were good so she increased his oral chemo medicine, Methotrexate, to six pills once per week instead of four. His normal Methotrexate is seven pills per week. His hemoglobin was 12.3; white count was 2,900; ANC was 1,510; and platelets were 218,000. She wants us to get his counts checked in Red Wing on Monday the 29th and then call her to see if we can increase his oral chemo meds to full-strength. She said if we went to full-strength with both meds right away his counts would definitely drop, so she didn't want to do that. His liver enzymes are back to normal, too. So really, all is well! We will update on Tuesday with his Monday lab results from Red Wing.

Thank you, again, for checking in on us! We are so grateful to have such wonderful people in our lives!!! God has been so good to us, we are so blessed! Take Care and God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Friday, November 26, 2004 12:12 AM CST

We hope everyone had a very wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving! We sure did! We had lots of family, food, and fun at our house. You can't ask for much more. Especially the game of spoons with the kids, aunts, and uncles! Wow!!

I must apologize for being so delayed on the journal entry! The days go by so quickly. We have been doing great. The boys were fighting off colds last week but seem to be doing better already. They have been busy with school, Bionicles, and reading. You will occasionally hear them practicing their school holiday songs. It's pretty lively around here at all times.

Bryce had his appointments on the 15th and all went well. He had his labs first, then saw Donna. His exam was all good, and then we went up to Gonda 10 for chemo. It was nice while we were waiting for chemo, we met some very nice family's again. We always seem to meet someone new and we are always reminded that "life is good and someone always has it worse". Bryce's labs were good so she increased his oral chemo medicine, Methotrexate, to six pills once per week instead of four. His normal Methotrexate is seven pills per week. His hemoglobin was 12.3; white count was 2,900; ANC was 1,510; and platelets were 218,000. She wants us to get his counts checked in Red Wing on Monday the 29th and then call her to see if we can increase his oral chemo meds to full-strength. She said if we went to full-strength with both meds right away his counts would definitely drop, so she didn't want to do that. His liver enzymes are back to normal, too. So really, all is well! We will update on Tuesday with his Monday lab results from Red Wing.

Thank you, again, for checking in on us! We are so grateful to have such wonderful people in our lives!!! God has been so good to us, we are so blessed! Take Care and God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Thursday, October 28, 2004 1:33 PM CDT

Hello, again! We are back with a quick update! We saw Donna today at 10:30 after labwork and Bryce's counts are moving on up. His white count is at 3,100; ANC is 1,410; hemoblobin is 10.6; and platelets are 342,000. She has started him on his oral chemo meds (6-MP and Methotrexate) at home again but at half-strength until his next appointment on November 16th. His exam was fine. He was very anxious to get back to school! You know, that really impatient 6-year-old kind of anxious,...ugh! He hasn't got time for this kind of stuff! He's also very excited to be a Pirate this Halloween. He has even asked for a pretend sword,...I think I can manage that! So, we are doing great. Ethan's 1st birthday was fun. He received many fun and cute gifts. Speaking of birthday's,...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AUNTIE SHELLEY TODAY!!!! Many more!

Like I said earlier, Bryce will have appointments on the 16th of November. We will update then unless anything else may come up sooner. We thank God for all of you, everyday! Take Care & God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Friday, October 22, 2004 12:20 PM

We're back once, again. We went back in to the Clinic and saw Donna. Bryce's counts are on the rise so, that's great! White count: 1,600; ANC: 820; Hemoglobin: 11.3; and platelets: 446,000. I didn't find out his liver enzymes. His spinal fluid is clear/good! She is still holding his oral chemo meds (6-MP and Methotrexate) because his ANC is not at 1,000 yet. Protocol to give the oral chemo meds is 1,000. We will go back in on Thursday and check his counts again to see if he can start taking his meds at home again.

Donna had called us yesterday to come in earlier so we could meet a 12 year old girl named Kaylie. Eighteen years ago, her older brother Adam, who was 2 at the time, was diagnosed with Leukemia. He died four months later from a viral infection in his heart, a completely different thing. Her parents told us that she has always asked about Adam and on her 12th birthday she wanted to give gifts to kids' who go through special medical treatments. So, today she came to Mayo and we met her and her parents. What a nice family from Glenville! KTTC Channel 10 News out of Rochester was there to tape it all. So, Bryce and Kailey will be on the Channel 10 news at 6 pm, if not then, at 10 pm. My nephew, Collin, had appointments today too so we were at all the same places at all the same times. That was very fun! Collin also received a gift from Kailey, and he may be on the news, also. Pass the word, and sign in if you see us! What another AMAZING FAMILY!!!

Please say more prayers for two new family's we met today,...Nick from Lake Mill's, Iowa. He is 12 and was diagnosed with Leukemia in August. What a trooper, he is! His web page is www.caringbridge.org/ia/buzzy. Stop in and say HI to him. And, Angel from Madrid, Spain who is a 5 year old twin boy who has bone cancer and has treatments until February. Both boys are in remission! Let's keep Nick and Angel and their family's in our prayers.

I will update on Thursday after appointments. Thank you for checking on our Brycer!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 9:39 pm

Hello Everyone!

We are back! We have been having a busy fall, but who hasn't right?! The boys' are enjoying school, football, friends, each other, and the leaves. We had conferences with all four of the boys' teachers yesterday, so that was really neat and fun! They are all doing great! Tim is finally finished with hauling sweet corn and busy with field work. Although, we have had him around a little more with the occasional rain. We are all so excited because our baby turns 1 year old on Sunday! He is walking all over, and started doing those "wide turns" the other day, you know what I mean? We notice that he gets a little bit of attitude at times. I'm not sure where that comes from,...ha ha! So, we're doing good.

It's hard to believe that it was already a year ago that Bryce was receiving the strong chemo, again. He was bald, brave, and beautiful! My how time flies! Bryce had his chemo appointments, yesterday. We took Ethan along and left around 6:45am. He had his labwork around 7:45 and then we went up to Gonda 7 for his lumbar puncture chemo. When they were checking him over before the procedure, they asked if he has any loose teeth. They always ask this. He already has one big hole in the front, so he showed the doctor the next tooth that is ready to come out. The anesthesiologist quietly asked me if we should pull it while he's sleeping. So, I asked Bryce, "Do you want the doctor to pull your tooth out while your asleep?" He smiled and said, "Yah". You see, I don't know if you all remember that we have a little trouble pulling teeth with Bryce. He can handle all of his medical "stuff" but pulling his teeth is like,...pulling teeth! Of course, the Dr. Tooth Fairy came and left him all kinds of change under his procedure bed pillow and a teddy bear! Can you say spoiled rotten?! Everything else went well there. He seems to enjoy entertaining people, so did Ethan! We went to E9 around 10:15 and saw an intern and Dr. Khan. He played with the intern's mind for a while. Donna, his Nurse Practioner, had once showed him how to make the light NOT come on for the otoscope and ophthalomoscope (to look into the ears and eyes). So, he did what she showed him which was switch them around in the wall holder. When the intern wanted to look in his ears before Dr. Khan came in, she couldn't figure it out. The machine was on but no light was there?! What on earth?! Hmmmm? He let her think and try to figure it out for atleast a minute. It REALLY was very funny!!!! He didn't make Dr. Khan suffer for such a long time. He probably knew he shouldn't. He's quite the "trickster", isn't he? I'll get back on track, his exam was fine but his counts are low. White count: 1,400 which isn't too bad; ANC: 140 which is very low; hemoglobin: 10.4 (not too bad); and platelets: 331,000 which is good. His liver enzymes are high, also. I told her that he may have had a touch of the flu last week, I'm not sure because he never vomited. She said his counts could be low because of that. And, his liver enzymes could be high because of that. His Monocytes are a bit higher, and she thinks it could be because he is "recovering" from the flu. So, she wanted us to come back on Monday but we switched to Friday because there is no school then. In the meantime, we are to hold his oral chemo meds until his counts are higher and she warned us to bring him right in if he gets a fever. So, we are back to checking him and feeling his forehead while he is sleeping. I don't know if we will ever just stop doing that? We did it every night for the first 6 months of treatment, now we don't do it very often. I am very anxious to see where his counts are at on Friday because, of course, I worry about relapse...I can't help it. I DO KNOW ONE THING THOUGH, HE IS IN GOD'S HANDS. And, THAT is ALL that matters. Trust in the Lord. We have huge faith and I'm sure it is exactly what the doctor said. You know me, I worry,...not panic, just worry. It will all be fine. He also had his port chemo on Gonda 10 and the flu shot. For Your Information,...Only Ethan will get the flu shot for the rest of us because of the shortage. She said if any of us tests positive for Influenza, she would treat us with medication. Bryce's LP and Port chemo's he had won't affect his counts, she said. We were outa there around 1:30pm. Babers, also known as Little Red (Ethan, we all call him that) was tired! So, was Big Red (Brycer). They were glad to be home.

On a much more WONDERFUL and AMAZING note, the Make-A-Wish Ball Fundraiser was sooooooooooo great! Mitchell, Logan, and Bryce had their first 5-course meal! They could not believe it! The chef was so creative and fun! Instead of salad, she made blue jello in a mini fishbowl with jellybean fish in the bottom and a gummy dolphin hangin on the edge. They also had a green frog sherbert, and for dessert they had cookies and frosting that looked exactly like hamburgers, french fries, and a hot dog in a bun! It was unreal! I guess you just had to see it! Donna looked gorgeous! That was fun to see her all dressed up! Bryce was the very special guest for the evening. We didn't know that. He got to go on stage and be the ticket drawer for the prizes. We listened to a young woman who lost her husband to cancer last June. When she spoke, Bryce just knew. I'm telling you,...people who battle cancer just know. They have a special sense and communication with each other. The first time we visited with Nancy Hinrichs from Goodhue who fought her battle sooooooo hard, it was amazing! The two of them had SUCH a connection!!!! I can't even begin to explain it. So, when Marie spoke that night, he grabbed my hand and layed his chest and shoulders right into me and started to tear up. He knew. He just knew. And, she really was ok while speaking. Anyways, she told of a wonderful story about her late husband, Luke Brown. I met Luke's Mother. She is an amazing woman! We also met two other family's with a child with cancer. It's amazing how much we understood each other and bonded in 10 minutes like we had known each other for years. WOW! I spoke briefly about our Wish Trip and about the WONDERFUL Make-A-Wish Foundation to all of the guests. We showed some slides of our trip. It was great! Then, they had a band and we danced just a little. Logan had some pretty good, John Travolta, Dance Fever moves! We stayed late but had a great time! We plan to go back next year and we can't wait!

Well, I think I've pretty much covered everything. I will be back on Friday to let you know how things turn out after labwork and seeing Dr. Khan. They will have his spinal fluids results then, too. I'm sure they are fine, also. So, again, please sign in and let us know that you have stopped by. We always love that! Please continue to say your prayers for all of those (really that is each and every one of us) who are in need of the Lord. We love and appreciate you, ALL!

Take Care & God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:29 AM CDT

Greetings from Goodhue!!

What a beautiful fall day we are having! I hope this finds all of you very well and full of many little blessings in life! We are so blessed!! As always.

We are all busy with our "stuff" in this house, as I'm sure you are in your house. Bryce stayed home from school last Friday because he woke up croopy and tight (in his airway)at 6am. He kinda came around as the day went on and it got a little worse later in the evening. But, I can't even believe he slept all night long that night! Normally, he would have been up 2-3 times with the tight and croopy cough! Wow! He was still a little croopy in the morning on Saturday, but not bad. His nose was runny like a faucet, though. Well, then Saturday night at 2:45am (I think), he came into our room because his nose wouldn't stop running and therefore, he couldn't sleep. He was also complaining of his stomach hurting and his legs and feet aching. Can you say, "FLASHBACKS"?!!! Talk about getting Mom a little nervous! He seemed ok, so we went to the Make-A-Wish Family Reunion at Camp Snoopy. The kids had a great time! What an AWESOME Foundation! They gave us brunch and then free rides all day long! We could only stay until 3:15 because Tim had to get back in the truck but it was wonderful!!! I just had to let you know about that, now I will get back on track...I thought he looked very pale that day. But, Mom is always the worry-wart, right?! Get to the point, you say? OK.

I picked Bryce up from school at noon yesterday and he had his labwork at 1pm. He saw Donna at 1:45. His exam was fine and he was as silly as ever! His counts are just right, so Mom was worrying about nothing,...AGAIN! His white count was 3,400; ANC was 1,900; Hemoglobin was 11.4; and platelets were 214,000. We went up to the chemo floor for his 2:45 Vincristine port chemo. We got to visit with Auntie Manda (HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON THE 22nd!!!) and Tracy & Erin Idler. So, that was fun! Bryce got to ride home with Dad in the truck, he was pretty pumped!

We met Dr. Shives who is in charge of the Make-A-Wish Ball Fundraiser in Rochester on October 16th. I will be telling about our Wish Trip and all the fun we had! It should be a pretty amazing night! Mitchell, Logan, & Bryce will be along in their best attire!

Thank you all for stopping by. We sure do appreciate all of your support in thoughts, prayers, and special messages!! Please continue to pray for all of the Caring Bridge Friends & Family's, along with all those in who are need of the Lord in any special way. Our faith is huge! I like to say a special prayer, everyday...

Lord, I love you and I need you. Come into my heart today. For without you, I can do nothing.

Isn't that just soooooo true?! Thank you, God, everyday and always for all of my little blessings and big blessings!!!

Take Care & God Bless,

The Breuer's

Sunday, September 12, 2004


I received a phone call from one of the Teacher's at school on Thursday. He told me that he was helping out the 1st Grade Teacher's by taking each 1st Grader out in the hall to review the alphabet with them. He was reviewing with Mr. Brycer, who was doing very well. Bryce would give an example of a word with each letter of the alphabet. When he got to 'V' he said, "That is the letter V and V is for VIAL!" Of course, Mr. Nixon needed to call me and share this story. How many 6 year-olds know the word VIAL, he said?! "Welcome to my world!", I said. This is exactly what I mean about carrying on a conversation with Bryce. What a little adult he is!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Wow! It HAS been a long time! I am so sorry!! First of all, I hope you are all doing very well and have enjoyed your summer. We are all doing great at the Breuer Home! The boys' are getting ready for school and are very excited about it. They have loved their freedom this summer, though! Mitchell will be in 4th grade, Logan 2nd, Bryce 1st, and Joel Preschool. Crazy, huh?! We have orientation at school today for all of them, at different times, so we will be there from 4-8pm! They will hop on the bus tomorrow at 7:50. Bryce is very excited to be going everyday this year! Joel doesn't officially start preschool until next Thursday afternoon, so his big brother's will pick him up at the preschool room and he will ride the bus home with them. It will be a l-o-n-g 7 days for him,...and myself. It's not easy getting a 4-year-old to understand why he has to wait to go to school when his brother's are going everyday. We will do our best! It sure will be quiet tomorrow...Don't worry about me, though! I've still got 2 here, most of the time!

On with the show! Bryce had appointments last Monday, the 23rd. We saw Donna, his Nurse Practitioner, had his labs drawn, and he had a port chemo. His good friend, Jacob came along and also, Mitch and Logan. So, we had a "fun" day. His hemoglobin is 11.9; white count is 2,100; ANC is 1,100; and platelets are 256,000. His liver enzymes are lower, again so all is good! His exam was great, chemo went fine, and he is eating alot and gaining weight! The cheeks are definitely filling out! His next appointment will be on September 20th in the afternoon so he doesn't miss a full day of school.

I wish you could all carry on a conversation with Bryce and get to know him even more. He is such an inspiration to so many! He is such a "grown-up" little guy,...you would never guess he is fighting and beating cancer! I would love share him with all of you, more. Please continue to sign his webpage and let him know you are there! He loves it!!!!!!! Also, please continue to say your prayers for all the little and big people who are continuing to fight their battle. Thank you for all you do for us!!!! Take Care & God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Monday, July 26, 2004 5:37 PM CDT

Greetings from Goodhue! We are back and like Dad says,...WE'RE OFF LIKE A HERD OF TURTLES!!!

We have had a very busy month of July! We had a great 4th with friends'. We've finished swimming lessons, Vacation Bible School, and have had lots of fun visits with friends and family. We will continue with T-ball for another two weeks. At the moment, I am trying to play catch-up with the house and get myself packed to go to Seminar for Mary Kay in Dallas, TX from Tuesday through Saturday. I am very excited but starting to get a little weepy. I hate leaving Tim and the boys'! I know the time will fly by. Thank you, ahead of time, for all our "HELPERS" this week!! You are all so wonderful! I wouldn't be able to do this without you.

Bryce has been feeling really good, lately. He did complain of body aches and a stomach ache today but he seems to be feeling good tonight. He had his appointments today and Grandma Ann, Mitchell, and Logan came along today to observe the "Day in the Life of Bryce". We really enjoyed their company and Grandma really enjoyed being there with us!

Bryce had his port accessed at 7:30am. We checked in to the Gonda 7 for his LP chemo at 7:50. They took him back for his spinal tap and LP chemo at 8:50 and everything went well. We headed up to E9 to see the Doctor at 10:15, our appointment was at 11:15. He was the only Dr. seeing patient's so we didn't get in to see him until 11:40. His exam was ok, labs are as is: Hemoglobin 12.7; white count 2,500; ANC 1,400; and platelets 206,000. His liver enzymes are rising because of his chemo meds. This is normal but we need to watch for signs of a tripled bilirubin which would be "yellow eyes". It is better for him to be on the chemo meds to fight-off the leukemia than to be without and let the liver not be effected. The liver will "recover" when he is done with chemo. Speaking of that, alot of people have asked when he will be done with chemo. He will receive his last chemo treatment around July 21st, 2006. We went up to Gonda 10 for his port chemo at 12:20 and waited because Bryce's BMI (Body Mass Index) has increased therefore increasing his steroid and port chemo medicine. His BMI got calculated wrong and was caught by the pharmacist. So, we had to get him re-weighed, re-calculated, and his doses (steroid and port chemo) re-adjusted. He finally received his port chemo around 2:15pm and we left there at about 2:30. Long day. Needless to say, we were all getting a little sick of each other by 2:30 but we survived this, too! Ater making a McDonald's drive-thru run and dropping off Grandma Ann, we made more stops and then some medication refill stops and got home around 4:30. Like I said, already,...long day. But, all in all, it was a good day! We really enjoyed each others company and had a few laughs.

It is now 11:10pm and I need to pack, yet. As you can see, I've been working on this off and on all evening! I want to wish all of you well! We truly appreciate all the support and prayers you give us! I met a lady the other day who knew Bryce's Dr.'s and I asked her how she knew them...she had a son who died 3 yrs. ago of a rare anemia. Again, LIFE IS GOOD. Like the saying goes...IF GOD BRINGS YOU TO IT, HE'LL GET YOU THROUGH IT. A friend had emailed that to me about a year ago and it really affected me. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of you, also.

Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuer's

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 10:01 PM CDT

Hello to all of our visitors! I have to say, it is so fun to hear from you and know that you have stopped by. Please continue to "sign-in"! We love it!!!

What a beautiful day we had today! The boys' made it up to the Goodhue Pool and had lots of fun-in-the-sun. We are all doing great here in Goodhue. I need to add a big CONGRATULATIONS to the Goodhue Baseball Team who placed 3rd in state this month! Wow! Three state trips in one year (football, basketball, baseball)! I'm just sorry that I'm so late with the news. As I was saying, we're doing great and we hope you all are, too.

Bryce had appointments yesterday. Logan and Joel came along and were happy to be there, again. It had been awhile for Logan. Bryce had his port accessed at 8:15am and then we got to visit with the Erickson's for a bit. So, that was lots of fun! The Erickson boys' are getting so big! After our visit, me and the brothers' (that is what they call themselves) went to McDonald's for some breakfast. Bryce had his exam with Donna at 10:00 and all is well there. She decided to leave his oral chemo meds at the same doses because his counts are good. Hemoglobin 12.4; white count 2,300; ANC 1,260; and platelets 218,000.

I just have to add a little of what we call a "cancer Mom warning". (I am tired and weepy). I am just SO GRATEFUL to God for what he has given us, everyday! Life is so good and so wonderful! We have five "healthy" little boys,...Bryce is in remission and his counts are good,...we have a wonderful marriage and life-long partnership,...absolutely amazing family and friends, including our Caring Bridge friends whom we have not even met,...and lots of crazy, zaney, whacky, loving energy in our home!!! What more can a girl ask for?!

LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!! It's all in His plan. Never doubt the Lord! Kinda makes you wonder what he's got in-store for the future.

Anyways, after seeing Donna and having a nice visit, we went to Gonda 10 for chemo. And, yet another visit with the Erickson's. Maybe we should call appointment day, "social hour"?! It was pretty cute to see Bryce and Brock reclining in the bed together watching Tom & Jerry! Chemo went well and we were outa there by 12:30. After a few stops, we stopped by to see Auntie Manda's new home. I did not notice Bryce snooping around for places to hide fake, plastic snakes but you never know, Amanda,...I'd keep my eyes wide open at all times! The boys' had a great day. They were so happy to be together at the Clinic, again.

Bryce's next appointment will be on Monday, July 26th. He will have labs, a spinal tap chemo, exam, and port chemo. We will update in between now and then. Hopefully, we'll stay out of trouble in between! By the way, Mitch is doing good. He's a little bored, though (except for yesterday,...Thanks, Lauren!). He goes in for a recheck on Friday. Ethan is crawling all over the place! You really gotta watch him. Oh, and it's so cute, he stands up in the crib and wakes us up at 5:10 (not so cute) by saying DaDaDaDa! Yes, I think he's a Daddy's Boy.

Thanks again for stopping by. Please continue to pray for Bryce and all of the children fighting their battles. If you see a Caring Bridge address in our guestbook, please go and visit them. Let them know that you stopped by. Keep the bridge going! We all love it! Take Care & God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Monday, June 14, 2004 1:23 PM CDT

Hello, again! We hope this finds all of our visitor's well.

We are doing ok here on the farm,...just a little bit of excitement. Can't let it get too boring, right?! Tim lets the boys' play in the corn bin, occasionally and they love it! To jump and fall, slide and get dirty and dusty,...what an EASY life!!! But on Friday, Mitchell and Joel were playing in the corn and on one of Joel's jumps, he landed on Mitch and broke his collar bone. Of course, Mitchell was in alot of pain but made it down to the house after Bryce had informed me that Mitch was hurt bad. I had run up there but he was already on his way down and not ready to talk about it, yet. He knew right away it was broke, and I could see and feel it was broke. So, we called the clinic and told them we were on our way in. After an x-ray, a brace, and a follow-up appointment, we were on our way home. He has been sore these last few days but today seems to be feeling quite a bit better. He is a little disappointed though, he will miss baseball and swimming for the next 3 weeks! This means we will be rescheduling swimming lessons for everyone. I think what he misses the most is holding his baby brother! Oh, and yes, Joel felt very bad! He just kept saying, "I'm sorry, Mitchell,...I told Mitchell sorry,...Mitchell, I'm sorry I broke your bone, I won't ever do that, again". Poor little guy felt pretty bad. Did I mention that this was the second time Mitchell has broken his collar bone? He was 4 the first time, he fell out of a bunk bed. FYI: The collar bone is the most commonly broken bone of the body (we hear, now).

We had a fun Volksfest weekend, here in Goodhue! We went on Carnival rides, saw the parade and got alot of candy, and did the Pedal-Pull Contest. Joel got 3rd place, Bryce and Logan were 4th, and Mitch was around 5th or 6th for their age brackets. Yep, Mitch still had to attempt it! Joel was soooo proud! His first trophy! It turned out to be a nice weekend. Tim even brought the boys' to the Kasson races last night while I was home with Ethan and playing "catch-up"! Tim is busy spraying the crop and getting the truck ready to start hauling vegitables for Seneca Foods out of Rochester. The garden is planted, and everyone is trying to get into a 'play but also get your chores done' routine. Open library starts Wednesday and T-ball on Friday, for Logan and Bryce. So, here we go!!!!

Bryce has appointments on the 29th of June. 8am labs, 9:45 exam, and 10:45 port chemo. He seems to be feeling well (his nose finally stopped running) and still has his cravings. He ate over half of the spaghetti, he requested, for lunch today! Wow!!! I don't know where he puts it all.

Please continue to pray for all the children and adults fighting their battles. God is listening!! Also, please take the time to stop by the guestbook to say HI. We love to hear from all of you! Thankyou for all of your wishes. Take Care & God Bless,

The Breuer's

Thursday, June 3rd, 10:55am

GREAT NEWS!!!! I just received a phone call from Peggy at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. She informed me that so far we have raised $505.00 for the Society with Bryce as our Host! That is AWESOME!!! I sent out 56 invitations and there has been 40 respones! The total so far raised for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is $22,000.00!!!!! Isn't that GREAT!!! I am so excited, I can hardly stand it! The fund raiser will continue until the end of their fiscal year which is June 30th, 2004. WAY TO GO, EVERYONE!!!! And, THANKS!!!!

Wednesday, June 2nd

Good Morning!! And, a beautiful one it is! We're back with an update, finally!

Life has been busy here on the Breuer Farm or should I say, the Funny Farm?! You gotta have humor,...right?! The boys' are finishing up with school this week, Thursday actually. Bryce has his last day of Kindergarten tomorrow. He's very excited about bringing his lunch and having their picnic. He's also very excited to be going into 1st Grade, next fall. He and I went on his class field trip to the Como Zoo last week. We had some nice "bonding time", a few laughs, and some snuggling,...it was cold! The kids' school music program and concert was great! And, now we start filling out the forms for T-ball, swimming lessons, and Vacation Bible School. It should be another busy summer.

Mitchell has started baseball, already and loves it! Logan is ready for T-ball and the library. Bryce is on his bike by 7:15am! He loves to ride his bike around the farm! But, he also takes the time to get in the truck with Dad or Grandpa. The lawn mower is a huge part of his life. He is definitely "his Father's Son"! Drive, drive, drive,...and then drive some more!! Don't worry, he is only allowed to do the driving when Dad is watching. Mom is usually busy in the house, believe it or not. Joel is preparing himself for preschool in the fall. He is learning to color and write his name. This is very important to him because he knows his brothers' do this when they are in school, and he loves to do what his big brothers' do,...which is NOT always the BEST way. But, what do you do?...We're all learning...Everyday... Ethan is sitting up, clapping, and playing peak-a-boo! He is so cute!! Everyone is so proud of him. Someone came to the door last week and I was holding Ethan. The person asked Joel "Who is this?" and Joel responded, "That is my little brother Ethan Alexander, he is this many (4 fingers,...his age!), he looks alot like Bryce, and a little like me". Do you think he's heard that a few times?! You just never know what might come out of Joel's mouth. He is full of surprises. The boys' are all waiting patiently to plant the gardens. We didn't do it last summer because of our busy chemo calendar and the fact that we didn't know what to expect in the months ahead. Tim is hauling corn and waiting for the fields to dry so he can spray and also, plant sweet corn (about 50 acres). I'm busy with the family, house, and my Mary Kay business. So, the house is FULL of ENERGY!!!! Need some?!?!

Bryce had appointments, yesterday. Dad and Joel came along so, that was nice. He had his port accessed and labs drawn at 9:15 and then we went to grab a donut for the boys. We saw his Nurse Practitioner at 10:15. His exam was good and labs were good. Hemoglobin 12.2; white count 2,800; ANC 1,720; and platelets 236,000. So, he is where he is suppose to be. Just a reminder: Normal hemoglobin is 12-14; white count is 3,400-9,500; ANC is 1,500-8,000; and platelets are 150,000-450,000. She did not increase his other oral chemo med (6-MP) because he has only had the increase in his other one (Methotrexate) for 3 weeks. She still feels that if we increase the 6-MP too soon, his counts will drop quickly. So, we will wait until next month probably. The reason she wants to increase it is because he has gained a pound therefore increasing his body mass. She reminded us about the fever criteria which means if he has a fever of 101, we need to call and probably bring him in. If he has a continuous fever of 100 throughout the day, we need to call. He is not at such a high risk for infection now because he is through the hard chemo treatments. But, his white count is still lower than normal so we still need to be careful. After seeing Donna, we went to Gonda 10 for his Vincristine port chemo. That went well and we were outa there by 12:15. It was a quick morning, yeah! Thankyou to the Goodhue Girlscouts for donating Girlscout Cookies to the Chemo Floor for the Chemo Patient's! They love stuff like that! They get use to the same old snacks and now they have a WONDERFUL SURPRISE at their next chemo treatment!!!

Bryce seems to be feeling well this morning, other than a constant runny nose for a couple of days. Of course, I notice the purplish-red bags under his eyes and pale face, like he always gets after chemo. He is ornery and tired again which usually means that he is not feeling so well or just not like himself. He started the steroid, yesterday so we will soon be seeing the mood swings, insomnia, and increased appetite! Yeah. We add the antacid and stool softener for the week, also because of the steroid and port chemo. He still gets the oral antibiotic 2 days a week,...always. It is all routine to him, now. Crazy, huh? Routine for a 6-year-old to get chemo at the clinic once a month, and everyday at home. He does sooooo well! What a trooper!

Please continue to pray for our Caring Bridge Friend's! Nikki from Northfield at http://caringbridge.org/mn/nikkismom. Brock from Plainview at http://caringbridge.org/mn/brock. Sierra from Sherburn at http://caringbridge.org/mn/missysierra/. LaKota from St. Cloud at http://caringbridge.org/mn/laplafcan/. And, Craig at http://www.cutecraiggy.com/. They are fighting such tough battles!!! Our life is easy compared to their's. God is watching over His children. Help them feel the Power of Prayer. THANKYOU!

Bryce's next appointment will be on the 29th of June. We will update in between now and then. Thankyou for checking on us! You all keep us so strong. Thankyou also for signing the guestbook. We LOVE to hear from you!!! God be with You. Take Care and God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 7:39 AM CDT

Good Morning!! And, a beautiful one it is! We're back with an update, finally!

Life has been busy here on the Breuer Farm or should I say, Funny Farm?! You gotta have humor,...right?! The boys' are finishing up with school this week, Thursday actually. Bryce has his last day of Kindergarten tomorrow. He's very excited about bringing his lunch and having their picnic. He's also very excited to be going into 1st Grade, next fall. He and I went on his class field trip to the Como Zoo last week. We had some nice "bonding time", a few laughs, and some snuggling,...it was cold! The kids' school concert was great! And, now we start filling out the forms for T-ball, swimming lessons, and Vacation Bible School. It should be another busy summer.

Mitchell has started baseball, already and loves it! Logan is ready for T-ball and the library. Bryce is on his bike by 7:15am! He loves to ride his bike around the farm! But, he also takes the time to get in the truck with Dad or Grandpa. The lawn mower is a huge part of his life. He is definitely "his Father's Son"! Drive, drive, and then drive some more!! Don't worry, he is only allowed to do the driving when Dad is watching. Mom is usually busy in the house, believe it or not. Joel is preparing himself for preschool in the fall. He is learning to color and write his name. This is very important to him because he knows his brothers' do this when they are in school, and he loves to do what his big brothers' do,...which always isn't the best way. But, what do you do? We're all learning. Everyday. Ethan is sitting up, clapping, and playing peak-a-boo! He is so cute!! Everyone is so proud of him. Someone came to the door last week and I was holding Ethan. The person asked Joel "who is this?" and Joel responded, "That is my brother Ethan Alexander, he is this many (4,...his age!), he looks alot like Bryce, and a little like me". Do you think he's heard that a few times?! You just never know what might come out of Joel's mouth. He's full of surprises. The boys' are all waiting patiently to plant the gardens. We didn't do it last summer because of our busy chemo calendar and the fact that we didn't know what to expect in the months ahead. Tim is hauling corn and waiting for the fields to dry so he can spray and also, plant sweet corn (about 50 acres). I'm busy with the family, house, and my Mary Kay business. So, the house is FULL of ENERGY!!!! Need some?!?!

Bryce had appointments, yesterday. Dad and Joel came along so, that was nice. He had his port accessed at 9:15 and then we went to grab a donut for the boys. We saw his Nurse Practitioner at 10:15. His exam was good and labs were good. Hemoglobin 12.2; white count 2,800; ANC 1,720; and platelets 236,000. So, he is where he is suppose to be. Just a reminder: normal hemoglobin is 12-14; white count is 3,400-9,500; ANC is 1,500-8,000; and platelets are 150,000-450,000. She did not increase his other oral chemo med (6-MP) because he has only had the increase in his other one (Methotrexate) for 3 weeks. She still feels that if we increase the 6-MP too soon, his counts will drop quickly. So, we will wait until next month probably. The reason she wants to increase it is because he has gained a pound therefore increasing his body mass. She reminded us about the fever criteria which means if he has a fever of 101, we need to call and probably bring him in. If he has a continuous fever of 100 throughout the day, we need to call. He is not at such a high risk for infection now because his is through the hard chemo treatments. But, his white count is still lower than normal so we still need to be careful. After seeing Donna, we went to Gonda 10 for his Vincristine port chemo. That went well and we were outa there by 12:15. It was a quick morning, yeah! Thankyou to the Goodhue Girlscouts for donating Girlscout Cookies to the Chemo Floor for the Chemo Patient's! They love stuff like that! They get use to the same old snacks and now they have a WONDERFUL SURPRISE at their next chemo treatment!!!

He seems to be feeling well this morning. Of course, I notice the purplish-red bags under his eyes like he always gets after chemo. He started the steroid, yesterday so we will soon be seeing the mood swings, insomnia, and increased appetite! Yeah. We add the antacid and stool softener for the week, also because of the steroid and port chemo. He still gets the oral antibiotic 2 days a week, always. It is all routine to him, now. Crazy, huh? Routine for a 6-year-old to get chemo at the clinic once a month, and everyday at home. He does sooooo well! What a trooper!

Please continue to pray for our Caring Bridge Friend's! They are fighting such tough battles!!! Our life is easy compared to their's. God is watching over His children. Help them feel the Power of Prayer. THANKYOU!

Bryce's next appointment will be on the 29th of June. We will update in between now and then. Thankyou for checking on us! You all keep us so strong. Thankyou also for signing the guestbook. We LOVE to hear from you!!! God be with You. Take Care and God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:03 AM CDT


We love you so much, Honey!

I can't believe it has already been 6 years since we were so surprised by that beautiful red hair and blue eyes! I told Bryce the 'Story About the Day You Were Born' last night, and again, he loved it! Just can't get enough of that one. He has kindergarten today, and he's pretty excited about that. He has asked for breakfast (cereal) in bed. What an exciting day he has ahead of him! He has been feeling good and craving pickles, strawberry pie, and his 'messy' sandwiche. The 'messy' sandwiche is turkey, mayo, mustard, pickles on a hamburger bun. He has requested this for his friend's birthday party on Saturday. He's got a few other cravings and is eating very well! The cheeks are definitely getting chubbier!

Tomorrow is a very special and memorable day for all of us. It will be 1 year ago that he was diagnosed with leukemia. We will be celebrating his fight, recovery, and future with our china and a special meal here at home. We want him and his brother's to know that this is not 'just another day' in our home. IT IS A SPECIAL ONE!!!! Give us strength, again, Lord. I do know myself well, and I know I will be remembering back a year ago, on EVERY hour. Maybe, it's a woman thing?! Please say a special prayer for our little Brycer to stay healthy and leukemia-free, always!

We also ask, again, to say a special prayer for a little girl (6 yrs. old) named LaKota from St. Cloud. Her webpage address is www.caringbridge.org/mn/laplafcan. She has been fighting so hard and has been through soooooo much! She had surgery in the cities yesterday and is not doing well. Tim & I are fasting with her Mom today (and lots of other people) for her healing. Pray hard and often!!!! Also, another little guy named Connor who is 9 yrs. old and he has relapsed for the 3rd time. And, for our little sweetie, Sierra, (www.caringbridge.org/mn/missysierra) who is not quite 3 yrs. old and in the (icky) Delayed Intesification Phase. She is doing great with her counts and lots of chemo, again but her ANC is sooooo low. We remember that all too well. And, lastly another prayer for our little friend, Brock who is 3 yrs. old and has a spinal tap and port chemo today. He's a little fighter, too. He is in the Long-Term Maintenace Phase like Bryce. Please, Lord, heal Your children, and give them strength through their battle.

Thankyou for stopping by! We are so thankful for all God has done for us this past year. We have our wonderful family and friends' and we have met so many amazing people along this journey. Take Care & God Bless,

Tim & Susie, Mitchell, Logan, Joel, & Ethan

Sunday, May 9, 2004 2:07 PM CDT

Happy Mother's Day to all of you WONDERFUL Mom's!!!

What a great day we are having! First of all, I got breakfast in bed and Dad took the day off from field work! Wowee! He's only made one comment about no rain last night, so far but I'm not sure what wheels are turning inside his head when I'm not prying. All of the men in my life are making this a great day for me. They've even called me the Queen for the Day! Thanks, guys!

I just wanted to say that at 3pm today, we will be sitting down and having a cup of tea with all of you for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and Mother's Day, of course! Thankyou for taking the time and, if you choose, donating to the L & L Society. This is a great foundation which is always helping support research for leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood cancers for children and adults. Like it says on your invitation, the Society sponsored research has been responsible for major advances in therapies and treatments. With Bryce's ALL, they have come a long way in 30 years. His Nurse Practitioner said that 30 years ago, they would just try to make the children comfortable. Now ALL has a 85% cure rate! Thank goodness for that!!! So please consider what your giving could do. They will let us know how much money was collected for Bryce's Tea Party.

Everyone in our home seems to be either finishing up their cold virus or fighting it off, still. Bryce has been in an awesome mood, lately! He is much less ornery, as I use to complain about it often! They are loving the nice weather! Me? I get to vacuum sand every night. Oh well, they love that sandbox! They will spend hours in it if they can!!

Bryce's birthday is the 18th. We have a 6th birthday party planned for next Sunday. He's pretty excited. We have had such a change in the past year, for all of us! Thanks to Lyn who took the bicycle picture of Bryce. In case you haven't checked, I put new pictures in the photo album,...check 'em out! I'm still trying to figure out how to get a slide show of our Wish Trip pictures.

We hope you are all doing well. Please continue with the prayers for all of our Caring Bridge Family's. And, stop and sign the guest book. The kids LOVE to read the messages! So do I!

Take Care and God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 10:45 PM CDT

Hello, again to our viewers! We are rounding that 1 year corner and have that reassurance we needed at this time. The house is busy and full of energy with this nice weather. As you can imagine, a house with 5 little boys' has lots of activity! We are doing school field trips, programs, and birthday parties. Ethan is starting to get up on all fours and thinking hard about what he will get into first! His brother's have been warned but they have no clue what they are in for!!! He's an angel in their eyes, for now. Tim is busy in the field planting the beans and in fact, just walked in the door. He finished planting corn last Friday and occasionally gets a little visitor in the tractor with him for a few hours. But, enough of that, I'll get down to business.

Bryce, myself, and Great Grandma Buck left for Rochester at 8:15 on Monday. After his labwork, we went to Gonda 7 for his LP chemo. Keep in mind, he is explaining everything to Great Grandma the whole time. I'm surprised he didn't throw a quiz out in the end! Great Grandma watched as he got the sleepy medicine and was out in seconds. The lumbar puncture chemo and removal of spinal fluid (which they do with each LP) went well. He slept for almost 30 minutes when they brought him back to the room. So, he was in good spirits when he woke up because of that good nap. After lying flat for his time (one hour total) and eating, we left and went to Gonda 10 to visit a sweet, little almost 3-year-old A.L.L. friend. She was having a Cheeto moment and I swung in on a vine! It made my whole day!!! Sometimes, us cancer Mom's feel like we have control over NOTHING. So, a little something like this made me feel wonderful! And boy, oh boy, do we understand each other! Hi Sierra! Her Mom and I had a quick visit. The 3 of us went for a walk and then Dad stepped in with real food. Whew! You just never know what could happen when these little people are on steroids, chemo meds, lack of sleep, being poked by needles, and have a nasty cold on top of it all. But do you blame them?! They never asked for any of this! Sorry everyone, I'm starting to go off a little and like I have told other cancer Mom's, I feel like we are suppose to be the strong ones for the kids and the concerned people asking. But, it doesn't always happen that way. If you couldn't tell already, I am a little emotional, lately! You would think that being through one year of watching your child be sick, diagnosed, go through surgery, then hard chemo treatments, then REMISSION, and more chemo treatments and phases that I would be flying happy after all of that. And don't get me wrong!! I thank God everyday for placing His healing hands on Bryce but now with the spring weather, aches and pains, and his birthday rolling around, again I am finding myself struggling all over again. This is hard since I feel I should not be doing this. We are SO thankful that he is alive and well. It's just kind of weird. I guess that's an easy way to describe it. Donna, his Nurse Practitioner, gave me all the reassurance she could with his labwork and exam. She even had another Dr. check his labs and give the "perfect" opinion. She also called yesterday and said his spinal fluid looked great! All of this is music to our ears!

His lab results are as follows: hemoglobin 12.3; white count 3,800; ANC 2,600; and platelets 282,000. All very good! Of course, I had lots of questions. He will not need another bone marrow biopsy unless they are suspicious. Suspicious would be if he gets a virus and his counts dropped,...just one or both the hemoglobin and platelets. He has a 10-20hance of a relapse (cancer coming back during treatment). If they were suspicious, they would react immediately! The farther he gets out in his treatments, the less of a chance he has for a relapse. He will be officially "cured" if he is cancer-free 5 years after his final chemo treatment, which his final treatment is looking to be in the fall of 2006. I'm not sure if this makes me worry more or less. Will I ever stop worrying? Does any Mom, EVER?!

Did I mention that Bryce has a cough and cold? He has had an earache in his left ear last Friday and Sunday. When she checked his ears on Monday, they looked clear. He hasn't complained, again. His tummy, leg, and head aches are less. She increased his oral Methotrexate because he has gained a pound and they need to follow protocol. They will possibly increase his 6-MP (both of these are chemo meds) at his next visit in 4 weeks. She said if she increased both at once, his counts would drop. So, we'll see what his counts are then and decide.

We saw more leukemia friends on the way out which is always so nice. Hi, Erin and Tracy! Then, we headed to Gonda 10 again, this time for Bryce's port chemo. Everything went well. Great Grandma loved the learning and Bryce and I LOVED her company!!! Grandma wasn't sure if her legs would keep up with us all day but Bryce told her not to worry, that he could push her in a wheel chair if she needed. She kept up like a teenager! Way to go, Grandma! We got home around 3:30.

That is about all for now. Bryce's next appointments are on June 1st with labs at 9am, Donna at 10:15, and port chemo at 11:30. As usual, thanks for stopping by and for your special prayers. Please continue to pray for our special little friends fighting the battle everday. We are thinking of all of you, too! You are wonderful!!!

Take Care and God Bless You, All!
The Breuer's

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:25 AM CDT

Good Morning! We're finally back with a short update!

All is well in the Breuer household. We're battling colds and Joel ended up with an ear infection, Mom with a sinus infection but we are survivors,...right?! We've been through the flu a couple of times, now. Hopefully, we are finished with that. We still feel we are very lucky that there has been nothing worse than colds and the flu! Dad is busy with the field work. He's got corn planting on his mind! Mom is STILL trying to play catch-up! It seems as if I get one thing done and five more things are added to the list! Such is life! Ethan had his 6-month check up yesterday and is now 18 pounds 7 ounces. He has chunked out just like his big brothers! He is such a happy guy. I just have to say again that he has brought so much joy into our lives!! We are so blessed!

Bryce has appointments coming up next Monday. Labs are at 9am, so I can get Mitch & Logan off on the bus. His LP chemo is at 9:30, exam with Donna at 12:45, and chemo at 2pm. Great Grandma Buck will be coming along to spend "A Day in the Life of Bryce", we are excited to have her with us to do lots of SPOILING, I'm sure! I am anxious to know that his spinal fluid is still clear. This whole memory thing of one year ago is still to fresh! I just want that reassurance! But, do you blame me?!

Some of you have already received a Tea Party Invitation for Mother's Day for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and some of you are still in the process of receiving one. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and support. We will be thinking of all of you WONDERFUL Mom's on Mother's Day at 3pm!

I am still working on the picture CD from Florida, sorry but I get too caught up in all the everyday things! I'll get them in here soon. Thanks for stopping by and please remember to say a prayer for all of those little people fighting their battles everyday. They are all so precious! Take Care and God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 4:55 PM CDT

Hello everyone!! THE SHORT-TERM SNOWBIRD'S ARE BACK!!! We are a bit burnt and peeling, not Bryce or Ethan, but had a great time getting it! I wanted to fill you all in on our trip so here it goes,...

Make-A-Wish had us stay in a hotel in Bloomington on Saturday night. On Sunday morning, the limo picked us up at 5:45 and took us to the airport. The boys' thought the limo ride was pretty cool! "It even has a TV!" We met Dennis, our Make-A-Wish volunteer, and his wife as we drove up. They helped us with our bags and to get checked in. After saying Goodbye to them, we stopped at McDonald's and grabbed some quick breakfast and went to our Gate. We boarded the plane at about 7am. We explained in pretty good detail what it would be like when the plane took off to the boys'. They LOVED it!!!! People were laughing at them GIGGLING so loud when it did take off! While we were in the air, about mid-flight, the retiring pilot, Bob, announced: "We have a special guest with us today. His name is Bryce and he is a Make-A-Wish Child on his Wish Trip to Disney World." Bryce was beaming!!! After the plane landed, the boys' got to go up to the cockpit and meet Pilot Bob and sit in the Pilot's chair. He showed them how to fly the plane. They thought that was awesome! We took a few pictures, of course. (Pictures will be added soon, I hope!)

At the Orlando Airport, we met Joanne from Give Kids The World Village. She gave us a quick orientation and got us to our rental van. We left for Give Kids The World and arrived there at about 12:30. We had our quick orientation at check-in. The boys' received stuffed Shamu's (whale at Sea World) and Bryce received a stuffed Mickey Mouse. And hence, the Gift-Giving begins! Everyday they leave a toy for each child in the villa. We played mini-golf, arcade games, remote-controlled boat races, had ice cream cones, and swam at the pool on Sunday afternoon. We ate a buffet supper at the Gingerbread House. Everything at the Village is FREE! I went to parent orientation at 7:45pm. There they give us our tickets to the Parks, tell us about the Village, and answer questions. There are about 50 paid employees and 2,000 volunteers called Angels! This is an AMAZING PLACE!!!!

The Give Kids The World Village is funded by many businesses and corporations such as Wal-Mart. It is exclusively for Make-A-Wish, and other "wish" group's, children. There we were with all these other family's who were dealing with their child's illness, also. Once again, we felt so very fortunate and grateful for what we have in life! Disney (3-days for 4 parks), Universal Studios, and Sea World donate park tickets for all the families. They also include guest assistance cards for the free use of a stroller and the ability to go to all the fastpass and express lines so we had NO waiting!!! (You get spoiled rotten here!) It is made up of 48 duplexes for the guests; an Ice Cream Palace where the guests can get ice cream, any way they want it, from 7:30am to 9pm; a Gingerbread House Restaurant serving breakfast and supper buffet from Perkin's; Julie's Safari Theatre; Amberville Train Station which has free-play arcade, train rides, and Dino-Putt mini-golf; a Chapel; the Castle of Miracles with the outdoor Carousel; and two pools. And, SO MUCH MORE!! Volunteers called Angels, alot of them "Snow" Angels, may be dressed as clowns singing or making animal balloons. They were all so wonderful! The people at the Village make the trip even better!

On Monday, we went to Magic Kingdom about 30 minutes away. We took the ferry to it from the parking lot and the monorail back. Some of the highlights were a 3-D show called Mickey's Philhar Magic, the Peter Pan ride, It's A Small World, the Speedway, Splash Mountain, and yes, Space Mountain! (Not for Mom, though.) We had our first of many beautiful 80ish degree weather. We were tuckered-out that night. It was just the beginning but we didn't mind! We got back to the Village to eat at the Pool Party at 7:30 and then to bed.

On Tuesday, we went to Animal Kingdom. It was awesome! We started out in Africa on the Safari Hunt, then to Asia for the Kali River Rapids where Joel and Mom got completely soaked!!! Then, we saw the 3-D show "It's Tough To Be A Bug" which was great! Then, we saw the musical shows Lion King and Tarzan. Because of Bryce's GKTW button, we got to go backstage and meet (pictures and autographs, also) Tarzan and Jane and crew. That was pretty cool! We left around mid-afternoon and went back to the villa for naps for the boys. We went to the 8pm parade and 9:30 fireworks at Magic Kingdom. Another great day!

On Wednesday, we drove an hour and 15 minutes, almost straight east, to Melbourne Beach. I can't say enough about the boys' reaction to the ocean. They were in heaven! The waves, the sand, the shells, the sun...anyways, they did not want to leave! That is where we got our sunburns,...OOPS! We went back to the villa for naps, again. We woke them at 5:30 so they could go to the Castle of Miracles and Tim and I could go to Parent's Night Out. The boys' got games, pizza, and lotsa fun and we got a cell phone (just in case they needed to call us) and a wonderful meal at the Contemporary Resort at Disney, gratuity included!! Our curfew was 9pm, it was great! Another magical day!

On Thursday, we went to Sea World. The Sea Lion show is usually the first thing that Mitch and Logan tell people about because of Jim, the Pirate Mime. He was a HOOT!! The rest of the show was hilarious, also. We saw Shamu, the Killer Whale and the Dolphin Show. Then, back to the villa for naps, again so we could be functioning at Christmas at the Village that night. We met Santa and Mrs. Claus and received MORE presents! We made ornaments and cards. They even had pretend snow. We didn't actually touch it, we didn't seem to be that interested,...I wonder why!!! We had Florida on the mind! Another awesome day!

On Friday, we went to Universal Studios and made a long day of it! Some of the highlights here were the Shrek 4-D show!!!, the Ghostbuster's show, Twister, Earthquake, Jaws, and especially Back To The Future. We had caricatures done of Mitch, Logan, Bryce, and Joel. They turned out really good! We crossed over to the Islands of Adventure theme park which is connected to Universal. There they rode on Dr. Suess's One Fish, Two Fish, Dudley Do-right's Saw Falls (wet ride!), Terror of Doom something, and Spiderman 3-D. They weren't tall enough for the hulk, that bummed them out. After some quick souvenior shopping (Make-A-Wish even gave us spending money!), we headed back to the Village. We were pretty beat but it was well worth it! Another unbelievable day!

On Saturday, we ate breakfast, took more pictures, and video taped some more. Then, checked out and headed for the airport about a half-hour away. Everything went well there and once again, the boys loved the flight! The limo met us at the airport and took us to our van,...homeward bound. What a super-fast and amazing week!

I think we are all still "flying" and we can't come down. I can't even express in words how truly amazing and wonderful this Wish Trip was! It feels like a dream. I recommend to all who know a child with a life-threatening illness to apply that child to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I am leaving the websites below for Make-A-Wish and Give Kids The World. Someday, Tim and I, and even the boys, hope to touch other people's lives by becoming Make-A-Wish and/or Give Kids The World Volunteers/Angels. We have been so blessed to have memories we will cherish for a lifetime!

We were extremely tired but didn't even care. The kids truly know the feeling of exhaustion, now! But they all did so well keeping it together!! Amanda was so wonderful helping us out with Ethan. We were all so happy to have both of them along with us. Ethan just goes with the flow and Amanda, she's great,...she just goes! We didn't even make her crazy. Wow.

So, now back to reality. Appointments went really good yesterday for Bryce. His counts are good. WBC 2,000; ANC 1,400; Hemoglobin 11.8; and platelets 241,000. His exam was fine and his port chemo was uneventful. He's on all of the "beginning of the month" meds and feeling good. Bryce's friend, Calvin, came along. They had a great time together and Mom heard MANY funny comments!

Bryce will go back to Mayo on May 3rd for labwork, an LP chemo, dr. exam, and a port chemo. We will update next week.

Thankyou all for sending us such wonderful wishes, thoughts, and prayers. I wish I had time to send personal thankyou's to all of you! We are rounding that corner to the one-year "anniversary". (Why do they say "anniversary" for such a thing?). I catch myself getting sad and scared all-together, yet I'm glad we are where we are and Bryce is still in remission. He has been getting more leg aches, head aches, and tummy aches but everything seems to be fine. It just makes the Mom in me nervous, of course. The spring weather brings me back to all that was happening almost a year ago and that doesn't help my nervousness. Please continue to say your prayers for our little Brycer. He is such a special little guy! And, by the way, his hair is maybe a darker red-brown and it's got flippy curls!!!

Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Saturday, March 27, 2004 1:38 PM CST

Hey everyone!! We're a bit excited at the Breuer Home! We will be leaving for the hotel in an hour or so! We will stay there for the night. At 5:45am, a limo will be picking us up to bring us to the airport where a Make-A-Wish volunteer will meet us. Our flight leaves at 7:30 and we arrive in Orlando at 11:38am. We will pick up our rental van and find the Give Kids The World Village Resort where we will be staying all week. We will have free daypasses to the Theme Parks. We plan on spending a day at the ocean, also. Bryce's wishes were to fly on an airplane, see fireworks and the parade, go on lots of rides, play at waterparks, and meet Peter Pan and Captain Hook. We will be sure to complete all of these tasks! Mom and Dad are gonna be "loose as a goose" this week,...or so we say that now. (God, give us strength!) We will fly out of Orlando at 10:55am Saturday, and arrive in Minneapolis at 1:27pm. The limo will give us a ride back to the hotel to get our van. I'm sure we will all fall with exhaustion when we get home,...if not before!

We've been dealing with the flu this week. Yeah. Logan had it last Saturday. Joel had it Tues./Wed. Mitch and Mom had it Wed. Cross your fingers for Dad, Bryce, and Ethan! And, Amanda!! Not the best timing, but it's been "workable" so far. Bryce has labs, Dr. exam, and chemo on the 5th. So, we will update, again then.

I better get going and finish our last minute stuff. Thanks for thinking of us! We'll take lots of pictures and add them to our webpage. Take Care and God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Monday, March 22, 2004 2:09 PM CST

I hope I don't goof anyone up but I had to come back and re-update, again! I forgot to give a HUGE cheer for the GOODHUE WILDCATS BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM!!! Good luck to all of you on Thursday!!!! GO CATS!! Thanks for reminding me, Cindy!

Hello, again! Happy Monday to you! We're back from appointments in Rochester and as we speak, Bryce is out driving the lawn mower. It's one of his favorite things to do! He will probably farm with his Dad someday because he LOVES to drive the equipment!

Dad, Mom, Bryce, Joel & Ethan left the house this morning around 7:40am. Bryce may still have the steriod in his system because we had to stop at SA to satisfy his craving for donuts! That stop sure made him happy. He said with a huge smile, "Mom, this donut tastes just like I thought it would!". He hasn't had too many cravings,...his biggest craving was for 4 scrambled eggs every morning just 9 months ago. Anyways, things went well at the Hilton when he had his port accessed. We went upstairs after that so Dad could donate blood. Bryce thinks that it is pretty cool that he knows so many people who donate blood when he was always on the receiving end of it. We saw Dr. Anderson on E9 at 9:45 and all is well! Bryce's hemoglobin is 11.7; white count is 2,400; ANC is 1,340; and platelets are 251,000. After getting his medical information sheet from the Dr. (to bring to Orlando) and a prescription for another antiobiotic (to take before and after his dental exam on Friday), we got the OK to go on our vacation! DISNEY WORLD HERE WE COME!!! Do you think they would like us to call ahead and give them a warning that the Breu Crew is on its way?!

We are all so excited! We received our confirmation and information packet last Friday. So, we watched the Disney video for "Friday Night-Family Movie Night" while making our popcorn mess in the living room, smiling ear-to-ear! All we heard was, "I wanna go on that!". Please say a simple prayer for all of us but especially for Auntie Manda. We are hoping that we won't have to drop her off at the Funny Farm on the way home,...she may need a vacation after this vacation. Once again, we leave the hotel Sunday morning at 5:45am by LIMO for the MSP airport. Our flight leaves at 7:30am on the 28th and we arrive home at 1:27pm on the 3rd. We are so grateful for all of the people at the Make-A-Wish Foundation!

Speaking of people, I would like to thank all of you, our family, friends, and strangers again. You have helped, and still are helping, us in so many ways since Bryce was diagnosed. You all are a BIG, HUGE part of getting us thru this first 10 months of "the battle". Your prayers are still being heard from above. Just to hear the Doctor say that Bryce was the easiest patient he would see today is so comforting. Yet, we still ask you to keep praying for Bryce and his other friends on the Pediatric floor. We met a family today from MN (2 1/2 hrs. away) who have a four-year-old boy who had a tumor near his kidney one year ago. He was in remission after chemo treatments and surgery but they received a phone call while in New York last December for some tests and scans that his cancer was back. So, he has been undergoing his chemotherapy treatments again to fight his battle. We have another friend who spent the last week in the hospital in the cities because she was showing signs of problems with her liver. They weren't sure if it was liver disease or leukemia, again. It turns out it was her increase in her chemo meds that affected her liver. She is now feeling well and everything is getting back to normal but she and her family were suppose to leave on their Make-A-Wish trip to Disney World last Tuesday. They will reschedule their trip, they are just so happy that she is ok. So my request is to please keep praying for these little people who wish that they didn't have to deal "with the enemy". Each and every child on God's Earth is so special in his or her own way. We need to let them know that every day!
We will update and add pictures again when we arrive home. Thank you for EVERYTHING!!! Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Monday, March 8, 2004 9:00 PM CST

Hello, again! We are all doing well and we hope you are doing well, also. Bryce's hair is in so nicely now that we had to TRIM around his ears, tonight! Bryce had his appointments today, so we thought we'd give you an update, quickly.

After dropping off Mitch, Logan, and Joel to our friends/cousin's home, we headed to Roch. at 7:30. Bryce had his port accessed and labs drawn at 8:15. We had to say Goodbye to our favorite lab tech, she is retiring. Good luck to you, Diane! We'll miss you! Then, we were off to E9 to see Donna at 9:15. Bryce's exam was fine and his labs are real good. Hemoglobin is 12.5; white count is 2,500; ANC is 1,250; and platelets are 281,000. Since his counts are holding, she increased his oral chemo meds back to the regular doses. We discussed a dental appointment for him. We were told to wait until long-term maintenance when he was diagnosed. She said we will need to put him on an antibiotic the day before his appointment for a cleaning just in case the bacteria in his mouth gets stirred up too much and could cause an infection. We then went to Gonda 10 for his Vincristine port chemo. That also went well and we left the clinic at 12:15. The rest of the day was fine, he was just real tired today but healthy!

We have some exciting news to share with all of you...Bryce is a Make-A-Wish child and he was granted his wish to Disneyworld! We will fly out at 7:30am on Sunday, March 28 and come home on Saturday, April 3rd. Yes, we are all going! We have asked Tim's sister, Amanda, to come along with us. She will "hang-out" with Ethan when we need her to, the rest of the time we will probably be driving her crazy! We are all very excited about it!!!...the vacation, that is. Bryce has requested to meet Peter Pan and Captain Hook, also. He did ask Mitchell if he was nervous about meeting Captain Hook because "he has a sword, you know"! The Make-A-Wish Foundation is so wonderful to be doing this for us! I don't think it has set-in, yet. We will take lots of pictures and get them on the webpage when we get home.

Bryce will be going in to see Donna in 2 weeks so we can check his counts before we leave. We will update after that appointment on the 22nd. Thanks again for checking in on our Brycer! Take Care and God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Monday, March 1, 2004 9:19 AM CST

Good Monday Morning to You!

Bryce, Joel, Ethan, & I are just hanging out at home today. Dad is itching to get ready for the spring field work, I can hear a tractor running, already! Bryce is already missing the snow because of his latest FAVORITE activity which is riding the Kitty Cat Snowmobile. But, now he is ready to go out and get dirty! He has always been our "clean" child so, I'm curious to see how his activity will be outside this spring! Since he has been going thru all this leukemia stuff, he has been known to rebel occasionally. This is different for him because he never use to be this way. But, I guess with all he has been thru and has ahead of him (and the fact that he is a 5-year-old boy) you could say "More power to ya, big guy!"

We hit a big milestone last week,...Bryce lost his first tooth, finally! It took alot of convincing and distraction but Dad got it out. It's funny because Bryce can handle everything at the Doctor very well but when it comes to pulling a tooth,...well, I guess it's like they say,...PULLING TEETH!! His permanent teeth are already up, so we are still trying to convince him to let us get a hold of his loose teeth. He complained of his left ear hurting on Friday, it was his right ear that was infected the week before. So, after speaking with his Pediatrician, he was put on a stronger (yuckier) medicine to clear it up. This is another 10 days. The good part is that it is such an aweful medicine, his Mother vowed to give him orange pop with it every time he takes it. He is now "one-up" on his brothers', and that makes him pretty happy! The rest of us are doing great. Ethan is still trying to clear up his cold but seems to be feeling better after his ear infection.

Bryce has appointments next Monday: 8am labs, 9:15 Nurse Practitioner, and 10:30 port chemo. We will update again Monday evening. Thanks for stopping by! Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuer's

Monday, February 23, 2004 9:30 PM CST

We're back again! Here's the scoop...

Bryce's counts are good! So, I spoke with a Peds Oncology Doctor tonight and he increased Bryce's chemo meds to 75%. His meds were decreased to 50% six weeks ago because of his low ANC and then the croop. Bryce's white count is 2,790; ANC is 1,350; hemoglobin is 12.3; and platelets are 263,000. We started the dose increase tonight.

Bryce's cold seems like it is almost completely gone! Joel's too, so that is great! Ethan is not doing as well. He had a rough night last night, and definitely didn't feel well today. Poor little guy! But, we have well-child checks tomorrow, so we're happy about that.

Bryce's next appointment will be on Monday, March 8th. He'll have labs, exam, and a port chemo. Maybe then we will be able to completely increase his chemo meds to 100%, depending on his counts. We'll probably update again next week. Thanks for checking in on us and as usual,...
Take Care and God Bless,

The Breu Crew

Sunday, February 22, 2004 10:14 AM CST

Hello! We hope everyone is doing well. I've got a quick update here that I probably should have put in on Thursday!

We've been trying to battle these colds, it's been up and down. To make a long story short, Joel complained of his ear hurting later on Wednesday and Bryce came home from school early on Thursday crying because his ear hurt. So, I brought them both in on Thursday afternoon and they both had ear infections. Joel's was double ear infection that was either oozing or burst. Bryce's ear drum was bulging, so the Dr. put some numbing drops in. Bryce thought they helped "just a little". They are both on medication for 10 days and feeling much better. I think they are draining and coughing a little bit more again but the ears feel good. Ethan went in on Friday for his cough but it's viral so we're just watching him. He has definetly gotten worse with the cough and icky nose but we'll be in to the clinic on Tuesday, again because he has a 4 month well-child check along with Joel for his 4 yr. well-child check. Wow! Four months already!! Joel turns 4 on Wednesday and we have the BIG family birthday party today. He's pretty excited!

We will be checking Bryce's blood counts on Monday, probably. We'll keep you updated on that.

We spent a day here with Brock Erickson and his Mom, Megan, and his baby brother, Brody, on Wednesday. We met Brock at St. Mary's last July when Brock and Bryce were both in the hospital for infections. Brock was diagnosed with leukemia 6 months before Bryce. He is now 3 years old. His Dad, Shawn, is from Wanamingo, also. The boys had alot of fun! Bryce gave Brock a few rides on the Kiddy Cat snowmobile and Joel and Brock played in the snow with Brock's shovel and John Deere tractor. It was a very happy day for all, Mom's included!

Gotta run. Thanks for checking in on us! Take Care & God Bless!

The Breuer's

Monday, February 9, 2004 9:23 PM CST

Good Evening! The house is quiet and the day is almost done, so I thought I'd stop by with an update...

We have been doing pretty good here at home. Mom is finished with her cold, Ethan is on the uprise, Dad is on the downhill, and Bryce woke up with the croop on Saturday morning. Mitch, Logan, & Joel are hangin' tough! Yesterday seemed a little bit worse for Bryce but he had plenty of energy to play outside much of the afternoon with Mitch and his b-day party friends'.

Bryce did wake up at 4:15 this morning with a little difficulty breathing and crooping but managed to get back to sleep until we woke him at 6:10 to go to Roch. for appointments. Dad, Mom, Ethan, & Bryce left at 6:25. One of our favorite babysitters came over to stay with the rest of the crew and get them off to school and Joel to a friends house. Thanks, Amanda! We arrived at the Hilton and had Bryce's port accessed at 7:20 and headed for Gonda 7. There, Bryce's Nurse Practitioner and the Anesthesiologists listened to Bryce's breathing and contemplated if the LP should be done or not. His lungs did sound congested. After much discussion between them and us, they decided to go ahead with the LP. We know Bryce's croop history, and we know this is still in-control. So, they took him into the procedure room at 8:20 and he was back to us by 8:50. The procedure went well and we left there at 10am. We visited for a bit with another child-with-leukemia-family, "Hi, Sierra!", and then up to E9. Bryce had his exam and his counts are good! Can you say "LONG-TERM MAINTENANCE"?!!! Bryce's hemoglobin is 12.5; platelets are 210,000; white count is 3,400; and ANC is 2,010. Wow! I thought this croop would bring them down but Donna said, there is still time for that,...it could be coming. So, she decided to leave his oral chemo meds low, yet and check his counts in Red Wing in 2 weeks. She also decided to send us to St. Mary's PITC for a quick Nebulizer treatment to help Bryce's breathing. She said his lungs sounded worse after anesthesia, today. She felt if we didn't do this today, we'd be back in Rochester tonight. But first we needed to go to Gonda 10 for his port chemo and refill of meds. We got there at 11:30 and left around 12:15. A quick one while even having lunch with Auntie Manda, again! We arrived at St. Mary's at 12:25 and the nurse was all ready for him. He did a great job breathing in the medication and we left there by 1pm in which time Bryce was having a MAJOR headache from this mornings LP. He took his Tylenol and we went to get Ethan's pictures taken. Bryce tried to tough-it-out for his little brother's pictures but couldn't take the pain of that headache anymore (and he was getting nauseated) so he and Dad went out to the van. Dad said he fell asleep almost instantly! Poor little guy, he looked and felt rough! He did wake up for a moment when Ethan & I got in but went back to sleep until Zumbrota. After that, he was a new kid. He said he felt better and hung-low at home for the rest of the day. His breathing definitely sounded better tonight at bedtime. Hopefully, tonight he will get a good nights rest!

For Long-Term Maintenance, he will be having an LP chemo once every 3 months and a port chemo once every month. He will be taking the steroid, Decadron for 5 days during the first week of each month. That means he will take Zantac (antacid) for his stomach for 7 days during the steroid week because the Decadron irritates his stomach. He will have his oral chemo meds: Methotrexate once a week and 6-MP everyday. He will continue with the Colace (stool softener) and Bactrim (antibiotic). This is his last "phase" and will continue every month until August of 2006. I know some of you were wondering what this all involved. We have been looking forward to/excited about long-term maintenance because we can somewhat "see the light". It also means less appointments, besides checking his blood counts. I can't believe it has already been 8 months and 22 days since his diagnosis,...but who's counting?!

Anyways, I guess that's all for now. I'll update again next week unless something comes up sooner than that. Thankyou for thinking of our little guy! Take Care & God Bless,

The Breuers'

Tuesday, January 27, 2004 2:40 PM CST

Hi everyone! We're back with an update on Bryce and his blood counts...

I took Bryce into Red Wing yesterday to get his counts checked at 4pm by finger-stick. When I went to pick up a copy, they told me we had to "re-stick" him because the first sample clotted. This was already 6pm so by the time we were done it was 6:30 and there was no one at Mayo to discuss his counts and meds. So, I just got off the phone with his Nurse Practitioner and she said to keep his chemo meds the same (at the lower doses) because his ANC is low, and to cut his Bactrim (antibiotic he gets 3 times a week, every week) down to 2 times a week for the next 2 weeks until his next appointment on Feb. 9th. His white count was 2,200; ANC was 837; hemoglobin was 11.9; platelets were 254,000.

So, we'll go in on Feb. 9th for his labs, LP chemo, exam, and port chemo for the beginning of LONG-TERM MAINTENANCE! This means once-a-month chemo, an LP chemo every 3 months, and periodic blood count checks until the end of his treatment plan which is August or September of 2006. That is a good thing!

Bryce and the rest of the family have been feeling pretty good. A few minor colds right now but nothing we can't handle. We had a GREAT time at Wisconsin Dells and Ethan had a GREAT time at Grandpa & Grandma's! Bryce's hair is coming in very obviously now. Everyone is commenting on it. It looks like it may be reddish-brown.

I will probably do a quick update next week. In the meantime, please continue to pray for Bryce and all other people who are in need of prayer. He has met a handful of "leukemia friends" since he was diagnosed and he likes to keep them in his prayers. Tim & I have really had an "eye-opener" on life since May 19th. We realize how much we should truly appreciate all that we have in life, everyday. Thankyou for all you do for us! Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Monday, January 19, 2004 4:34 PM CST

Hi! This is Logan with an update. (Mom is typing, though). Bryce got his labs checked today. His results are: White count is 2,900; ANC is 1,700; hemoglobin is 10.9; platelets are 255,000. His Nurse Practitioner called and said these results are good and we should check them next Monday, again. If his counts are good then, we can raise his oral chemo medicine doses.

Everyone seems to be feeling good. We're going to Wisconsin Dells with 3 other family's on Thursday morning until Saturday. We will be playing in a Pirate Ship and going down the water slides. Mom is going down the slide many times this year. I am going to go down the BIGGEST ONE!, said Logan. Bryce says, he is going down the BIGGEST WATER SLIDE and playing in the ship! Dad is going down the littlest slide. We will race him and beat him!, said Logan and Mom. Mom is leaving "her baby" for the 1st time so there may be a few tears shed. We will all miss Ethan, though! He will be in good hands with Grandma & Grandpa!

Have a good week, Logan says. Thanks for checking in and we'll update next Monday. Take Care & God Bless,

The Breuers'

Monday, January 12, 2004 2:40 PM CST

Hello, again to everyone! We hope everyone is having a great Monday! We've got the latest for you...

Bryce, Joel, Ethan, Mom & Dad left the house this morning at 6:40. Grandpa Arnie stayed with Mitch & Logan to get them off to school. Bryce had his port accessed around 7:30 and then we went to Gonda 7 for his LP chemo. Everything went fine there. We even got to visit with his Auntie Julie and cousin Collin who were also down to Mayo for appointments. Thanks for the AWESOME cookies, Jordan! Bryce ate 4 of them while lying flat after his LP. We went to see his Nurse Practitioner at 10:15. His spinal fluid, which they check with every LP chemo, is still clear, which means no sign of leukemia. His counts (WBC & ANC) are low from the chemo meds he is currently taking. His white count is 1,600; ANC 670; hemoglobin 11.1; and platelets are 267,000. She lowered his doses of those 2 chemo medications so that his counts will rise again. We will check his counts in Red Wing next week and if his counts are on-the-rise, then they will gradually increase his doses back to the usual again. His exam was normal. We went to Gonda 10 for his Vincristine port chemo and refill of meds, which also went fine. He got to visit and relax in the chemo bed with his Auntie Manda, then! After visiting with Rita Stockmo for a few minutes, we left for home with some tired boys around 12:45.

There is not much new here. The boys' colds aren't too bad. Ethan is not sleeping well with his stuffy nose but we'll get thru that soon I hope. Bryce goes to school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week, he missed today so he'll go Weds. instead. We get to have lunch with him on Thursday, he told us that Ethan HAS to be there, too!

We will update next week after labs. Thanks for checking on us. Take care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Thursday, January 8, 2004 1:57 PM CST

Hi there! Just a real quick update...

There's not too much new. We've got some colds going on, and Dad had a tummy "bug". But, really things are going ok considering we haven't been sick until lately. The boys are glad to be back at school! It's alot quieter around here, but I think Ethan is missing the noise. The boys' are really glad to have Dad back from his ice-fishing trip up in Lake of the Woods. They missed him,...so did Mom!

Bryce has appointments on Monday. 7am labwork, 7:30 LP chemo, 10:15 Nurse Practitioner/Exam, and 11:30 port chemo. He'll miss school that day, so he'll make it up on Wednesday. His teacher (and the school) have been so helpful!! We'll update Monday evening. Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Tuesday, December 30, 2003 2:50 PM CST

Good Afternoon! We had a great Christmas and hope you did too. It's Christmas Break and the kids' are really enjoying themselves. There is alot of playing with legos and games, outdoor play, holding-Ethan-time, and running and chasing going on! Somedays, it's a little too much, if ya know what I mean! Here's the latest update,...

Everyone is still feeling good and has a spunky attitude. We took Bryce into Red Wing for labwork yesterday and the results are good. White count is 2,300; ANC is 1,000; hemoglobin is 11.3; and platelets are 184,000. We are doing good with all the meds this phase, it keeps us on our toes, again. Bryce's hair is coming in slowly but surely. He sure is happy about that. He REALLY wants it to come back red.

Bryce's next appointment is on Jan. 12th with early labs, LP chemo, Dr. exam, and port chemo. We'll update again next week. We hope everyone is doing well and keeping busy! Have a great New Year's celebration! Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Wednesday, December 24, 2003 11:53 AM CST

Hello, again and Happy Holidays! We thought we'd give a quick update today before all of the merriment starts.

We are all doing very well here at home,...knock on wood and thank the Lord! It seems we always get some kind of bug at Christmas time, like everyone else I suppose. It looks like Bryce's hair is starting to grow back. He's wondering about the color, of course, he really wants it to come back red. We'll keep you updated on that. The boys are getting very excited for Santa's arrival tonight but are still counting their blessings for everything they have and the Christ Child's birth! We've been talking about the baby Jesus, alot and what a wonderful effect he has made in our lives, especially this year.

There are some other young people who have had a very strong effect upon us lately, also. The Goodhue Elementary children had their 3rd annual fund-raiser and decided to dedicate the money to Bryce and his family. It was called Pennies for Bryce. Every grade had a tin can in the lunchroom to collect pennies in at lunch time to give their class a positive number/amount. Kids from other grades could put silver coins into these cans, not their own, to make the other grades in the negative. The grade with the most positive amount won a root-beer float party. These children were extremely dedicated and they are extremely amazing!! In four days, they raised over twice as much as they had in the past two years. The 5th grade won the root-beer float party! But with all the effort of all the elementary children, Mr. Opsahl gave everyone a root-beer float party! They loved it! Tim, Bryce, Joel, & myself even got to help serve the root-beer floats, what a reward in itself! Then, they had a program afterwards and gave Bryce a huge pretend check. Words cannot express the overwhelming feeling these children gave us! They are all so concerned and care so much about Bryce, it is truly amazing! Bryce is so proud of them! We hope everyone knows how wonderful these kids are,...we hope everyone can feel how thankful we are for what they have done for Bryce and the rest of us,...and we hope that they know how special each and everyone of them are. We are so proud of our Goodhue Elementary students! We also want to thank everyone else who was a part of this event, like Goodhue teachers and other staff, parents, and other community members. What a great community to be a part of!

We will be checking Bryce's counts at the Red Wing lab next Monday. We will update again after that. Thankyou all for everything you do for us! We are all so blessed! We wish you all a very wonderful Christmas! Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Monday, December 15, 2003 5:21 PM CST

Hi there! We're back with a quick update...

The weekend went well. No fever and little complaints about the arm. The swelling and inflammation have definitely improved. His tummy still bothers him occasionally. The Church Christmas Program went well and Bryce was a cute Angel with all those Angel Kisses! I can say that because I'm his Mother, right?!

Bryce, Joel, Ethan, & I left for Rochester around 8am this morning. He had his port accessed, labs drawn, and we went to E9 to see Donna. While seeing her, we also got to see our little friend Brock who is a Big Brother, now. For all of you who know the Erickson's, it's an adorable little boy! Sorry, I'm getting side-tracked! But, it's so exciting. Anyways, Bryce's counts are good...hemoglobin is 10.1; white count is 2,300; ANC is 1,100; and platelets are 113,000. So, on with the next phase (Interim Maintenance II). We went up to Gonda 10 for a port chemo and checked the meds. We were outa there around 12:15. We stopped back to see Bryce's friend at the Hilton and she gave him a BIG 4-wheel drive, remote controlled, Chevy pickup!! He can hardly wait for that battery to finish charging!

So, we go back in for labwork to Red Wing in 2 weeks. We go in for his LP chemo and other chemo on Jan. 12th (4 wks.). Thanks for checking on us. We'll update next week. Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Friday, December 12, 2003 8:55 PM CST

Hello, again. We're back with a quick update...

The night went well for Bryce. He did come into our room at midnight complaining of a tummy ache so we pulled him up into our bed and he went back to sleep. He slept good the rest of the night. He did not get another fever and seemed to feel good today. He did say he was tired, though and his tummy still ached occasionally. We dropped Joel off to Great Grandma Buck, again and then went to pick up Bryce's friend, Garett to come with us to appointments.

Bryce, Garett, Ethan, & I arrived for Bryce's 2:30 appt. and saw Dr. Al-Zein before 3 o'clock. We discussed the fever, ER visit, tummy aches, and his flu shot from Wednesday. He is not sure what is going on with the whole tummy ache thing because Bryce is only taking his stool softener and antibiotic right now. He says his stomach is very soft which is a good thing. He gave me the results of Bryce's labwork from the ER which were: white count 3,800; ANC 3,000; hemoglobin 10; and platelets 119,000. He is questioning if the booster flu shot may have given him a slight reaction of a fever which is very possible with the 2nd administration of any injection. He said that it is possible that his body would increase the Neutrophil count (ANC) quickly if it is trying to fight off an infection. So, this could all be tied together. But, he also says he's not absolutely sure that this is the case, either. I showed him the injection site which I noticed, at 10am today, had four fingerprint-sized red, puffy, and warm-to-touch marks. Bryce says it is pretty sore. The swollen, red, warm area was increased in size. He and Dr. Arndt said it could possibly be/or turn into cellulitis which is a skin infection. He drew around the area with a pen so I would know if it got any worse. If it does get worse, we need to call in and possibly take him in. We also need to watch for a fever, again. He decided with Dr. Arndt to put Bryce on another antibiotic, Keflex. It's oral for 10 days, four times a day. We got out of there by 4:15, waited for meds at the pharmacy, and got home around 6:40. The kids' did great! They really enjoyed each others company and they practiced their Christmas songs for the Church Christmas Program on Sunday all the way home.

Dr. Al-Zein set us up to come in on Monday for labwork at 8:30-9:00, to see Bryce's Nurse Practitioner at 10:30, and chemo after that. We're wondering if he may need another transfusion and if his ANC will still be high enough. I will update again on Monday evening, or earlier if something would come up. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend! Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Thursday, December 11, 2003 7:55 PM CST

Hi Everyone! We hope everybody is doing well. We've got a little information for you so you can catch up on us!

Bryce has been feeling well, as everyone else is in the house. Baptism went great! We had a nice service, good food, and some very nice visiting with family and friends'.

Yesterday, Tim, myself, Bryce, & Ethan went to Mayo in the snowy weather around 6:45am. Thank goodness Tim drove, I don't care to drive in this stuff if I don't have to. School ended up being cancelled so Grandma Linda offered to take Mitch, Logan, & Joel to her house. Bryce had his port accessed around 7:45, then we checked in for his LP chemo at the Gonda 7 at 8:15. They took him in for the procedure at 8:50 and he was back by 9:00. His spinal fluid is still clear and everything went well. We left there and headed for some lunch and a quick mall-stop around 10:15. We checked in at E9 to see Dr. Rodriguez at 12:30. She did his exam and informed us that Bryce's ANC was 780 so, he did not get his other chemo. His hemoglobin was 11.4; white count was 2,100; and platelets were 195,000. After discussion, she wanted us to go to Red Wing for labs on Fri. morning and if his ANC was high enough (1,000) then we would bring him down to Mayo that afternoon to see the Dr. at 2:30 and have chemo at 3:30. It was supposed to be Day 0 of the Interim Maintenance Phase II. Well, during the night, Bryce got a fever and complained of a bad headache and tummy ache. He thought he was going to vomit many times but never did. We called the Peds Oncologist On-Call at 7am and she told us to come down to the St. Mary's Hospital E.R.

We arrived there at 8:30. They accessed his port, took his blood to check his counts and do blood cultures. The E.R. Doctor spoke with Dr. Kahn and then informed us that his ANC was up to 3,000! Wow! We don't quite understand the jump but it was good. So, she ordered IV antibiotics and let us go home around 11:30. We are to go back in if he spikes another fever tonight. She wants to see him tomorrow either way. So, we are just keeping the afternoon appointments we already have.

He seemed to feel better as the day went on, but he is very tired from very little sleep last night. He did start complaining of his tummy ache again around 5:00 so, we'll have to wait and see what the night brings us. Hopefully, alot of rest! I will try to update again tomorrow night. Thanks for checking on us! And, as always, Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Wednesday, December 3, 2003 7:47 PM CST

Hello Everyone! We're back with an update...

Everyone in the house has been doing very well. The boys' are practicing for their Christmas Programs and thinking about Christmas! We are all healthy, which is a wonderful thing! We had a great Thanksgiving with a house full of family,...it was awesome!

We went into the Red Wing Clinic after school on Monday to check Bryce's counts and almost couldn't believe how high they were. His hemoglobin was 12.1; white count was 3,300; ANC was 1,050; and platelets were 437,000. I guess that transfusion along with no chemo for two weeks is helping the counts. So, he will begin the next phase, Interim Maintenance II next Wednesday, the 10th. The plan is to go in to Mayo that morning for labs, LP chemo, see the Dr., and have a port chemo. His counts still need to be high enough then, which means ANC greater than 1,000 and platelets greater than 100,000.

We have Ethan's Baptism this Sunday so the kids' are already looking forward to that. Thanks for checking on Bryce. We truly appreciate everyone's thoughtfulness! We will update again next Wednesday evening. Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuer's

Monday, November 24, 2003 7:19 PM CST

Thanksgiving Greetings to All! We are back with an update on Bryce...

We have just been hanging out here in Goodhue,...other than going to the Metrodome for more Wildcats football! Congratulations to the Championship Wildcats Football Team! We are all healthy here at home. Bryce had a rash on his chest and back last week but it never turned out to be anything of concern. Ethan is up to 9 1/2 pounds and spending alot of time with his brothers' because they love to hold him. The boys' are hoping for more snow, and Tim is getting ready for mussleload (hunting) season. I've got Thanksgiving feast and a little bit of Christmas shopping on my mind, like the rest of you I'm sure.

Tim, Bryce, Ethan, & I left for Rochester around 7am this morning. Grandpa Arnie shuffled the rest of the crew off to the Grandma's (Breuer & Buck). Bryce had his port accessed around 8:20 and then saw his Nurse Practitioner at 9:15. His exam was fine, but his counts are low again. This is still to be expected because of this rounds chemo. His hemoglobin is 5.3; white count is 1,500; ANC is 330; and platelets are 91,000. So, after seeing Donna, we made a run to Fleet Farm and then Tim dropped Bryce, Ethan, and myself off at St. Mary's for a packed red cell transfusion. They started running the blood in at 1pm and he was done by 4:30. The fun part was that we were at the St. Mary's PITC on the same day as our little friend Chase Hinsch! So, we got to be in the same room as him and visit awhile. We ended up riding home with Peg and the boys' which was convenient for Tim...then he didn't have to come back to Roch. to get us. We got home around 5:45.

Bryce seems to feel ok. We could tell he was getting more tired and ornery. We also noticed more bruising. Hopefully this will "perk" him up a bit, again. We will get his labs checked again next Monday or Tuesday but in Red Wing. His counts may start going up by then. He is done with chemo now for this phase. We're hoping to start the Interim Maintenance Phase around December 5th, if his counts are high enough.

I will update again after his labwork next week. Thanks for checking in on us. We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. We have so many things to be thankful for!!! Take Care and God Bless.

The Breuers'

Friday, November 14, 2003 8:24 PM CST

Good Evening! We're home and settled in from a longer than expected day...

Dad, Bryce, Joel, Ethan, & I left the house around 7:40am. Grandpa Arnie picked up Mitch & Logan so they could ride to school with Grandma. Bryce had his port accessed at the Hilton around 8:45. We quickly snuck in some 3-week-old pictures of Ethan at Proex and then returned to the Clinic for Bryce's 9:45 appointment with Dr. Kahn along with grabbing some prescriptions! Whew! The exam went fine but she informed us that Bryce's counts are down from the chemo he's been having. His hemoglobin is 7.8; white count is 1,000; ANC is 450; and platelets are 167,000. So, she made a 2pm appt. for Bryce at the PITC at St. Mary's today for a packed red cell transfusion. She also told us to watch for fever or infection since his counts are down. But first, we needed to go to the Gonda 10 for his ARAC chemo into his port. They also gave us the ARAC for Sat., Sun., and Monday at home with all the supplies. Tim & I will again administer his chemo those days then, de-access his port. We left the Clinic around 12:50, stopped for a quick lunch, and went to St. Mary's.

At St. Mary's we waited for the Blood Bank Team. They started the blood at 3:00 and he was finished by 4:30ish. Everything went fine. We just watched a movie. We left there by 4:45, stopped to pick up Ethan's pictures, and made a quick Wal-Mart trip. We were home by 7:15. Bryce seems to feel ok, he says but he also says he's tired (probably because of his low hemoglobin).

We're all a little pooped-out and we have another big day tomorrow!...GOODHUE WILDCAT FOOTBALL AT THE DOME!!!! Go Wildcats! So, I'm going to sign-off. Thanks for checking in on us. And, thankyou for all the cards, food, phone calls, and visits. You are all so wonderful! Take Care and God Bless.

The Breu Crew

Saturday, November 8, 2003 1:08 PM CST

Hello again! We hope you are all having a good weekend. It's pretty quiet here today. Tomorrow will be different, we have Logan's "friends b-day party". Here's our update...

The boys' & I went into Red Wing for Bryce's labwork and Ethan's 2 week well-child check on Thursday after school. Bryce's ANC was 2,200; white count was 4,300; hemoglobin was 10.4; and platelets were 245,000. At 8:30 Friday morning, Mitch, Logan, Bryce, Ethan, & I left for St. Mary's Pediatric Infusion Therapy Center to do the long day of chemo. Joel stayed with Auntie Shelley and Carson for the day.

The nurse accessed his port around 10am giving him his Zofran (anti-nausea medication) right away. Then, she gave him his ARAC chemo medication which is a 5 minute push. She did ARAC teaching with me because we will have to give him the ARAC chemo at home on Sat., Sun., and Monday. After that she hung the Cytoxin chemo along with the Mesna (protects the bladder) medication. That ran thru in an hour then, she hung a bag of fluids and he had a 2nd dose of the Mesna. He had a 3rd dose of the Mesna 3 hours later and a 4th dose of it 3 hours after the 3rd.

The boys just hung out in the room watching TV and playing in the waiting area or hallway. They did really good! It also helped that Grandma Linda came down from 10:30-2:30! Auntie Manda came and had lunch with us and then came back again after her classes finished up at 3:30. She hung out with us until the end at 6:50. They were wonderful entertainment and helpers!

We had a problem at the end with picking up his chemo meds from pharmacy so, we left them there instead of waiting for them until 8:30-9 o'clock. We got home at 8:15. Tim took the boys' down to Roch. at 7:30 this morning to pick up the meds. I gave Bryce his ARAC chemo at home this morning around 9:30. That went fine. He seems to be feeling ok today, maybe a little tired. We will give him his ARAC Sunday and Monday and then de-access his port at home.

We will go back to Mayo on Friday for 8:20 labwork, 9:45 Dr. exam, and 11:00 ARAC chemo. We will be giving him his ARAC chemo at home again next Sat., Sun., and Monday. He is also on a new oral chemo med called Thioguanine for the next 2 weeks.

Thanks for stopping by and for all the thoughts and prayers. We are doing well. Ethan really brings so much joy into the house for all of us! Take Care & God Bless.

The Breuers'

Tuesday, November 4, 2003 9:19 PM CST

Good Evening! We are winding down here for the night and I thought I would give you a quick update...

We all went into Red Wing for Bryce's labs today after school. His ANC is 938; white count is 2,680; hemoglobin is 10.3; and platelets are 296,000. So, since the ANC is still below 1,000 we will go back into Red Wing on Thursday after school to check it again. If it is above 1,000 then we will go to St. Mary's Ped. Infusion Therapy Center on Friday for the 6 hour stay of chemo, bladder medication, and IV fluids.

Everyone is doing well. Bryce is tired but aren't we all?! I think the colds are getting better around here. We all (not Ethan) got our flu shots today. The Dr.s told us to do this. We didn't tell the boys' until we were there. Everyone did very good! Bryce and Logan were a little nervous. Bryce said he was sick of getting shots! We can understand that. But it all went quick, the bummer part is that we have to bring the boys' back in a month for another flu shot. We didn't know that until today. This too they will survive.

We will update on Thursday if his counts are still too low, otherwise we will just update on Friday after chemo. Take Care and God Bless.

The Breuers'

Sunday, November 2, 2003 8:38 PM CST

Hello Everyone! I'm back, I think. Sorry for the delay in reports but I knew you would understand. We're all doing well here at home. I'm feeling better each day, still tired but who knows, that could be for quite awhile, yet. I once heard you really don't sleep good again until all the kids' are out of the house. I'm sure that is very possible! Ethan is doing all the "baby-stuff" that is to be expected. We are all LOVING him up! The big brothers' are so proud of him. We brought him in to their classrooms on Thursday afternoon for Show & Tell. He sure is a cutie and he fits right in with the rest of them! He sleeps thru all the noise,...and it does get a little noisy around here every once in awhile,...especially with all the extra sugar in the house after Halloween! We had a fun and busy Halloween and a quiet weekend.

We took Bryce to Roch. on Friday for labwork, an LP chemo, and to see his Nurse Practitioner. Labs went well around 8:30, he went in for his LP chemo at 10, back to us by 10:25, and we saw Donna at 1pm. Everything went good but his ANC count is too low again to start this 2nd month of chemo for this phase. His ANC is 740; white count is 2,700; hemoglobin is 10.7; and platelets are 247,000. We will go to the Red Wing Lab on Tuesday after school to check his counts again. If his ANC is 1,000 or above, we will go to Roch. on Wednesday for a 6 hour chemo. The chemo doesn't actually take 6 hours but they want to monitor him for that long and give him a medicine that will protect his bladder (four times, I believe) and IV fluids. He has a cold and (kind of a nasty) cough right now, so I'm not sure if his ANC will be up by Tuesday. We have a cold bug in our house right now that only Ethan and I haven't gotten,...knock on wood. The rest of them are trying, for a little while now, to shake it.

We did get to visit with Brock & Megan Erickson on Friday for a little while. Bryce enjoyed showing off his new little brother. I'm sure it got Brock a little more excited for their new addition due to arrive in mid-December! We, meaning Megan & I, both meant to bring in the boys' costumes but that didn't work out so well for us. But the boys' did get some extra treats anyways.

I'm not sure if everyone has checked for pictures but I did put in two new pictures on Wednesday with the help of the Computer Wizard Cousin! Bryce, in case you couldn't tell, has lost most of his hair. He is doing pretty good with it, but really doesn't like the word 'bald'. He had wanted Dad shave his head when he lost his hair but Mom wouldn't agree to that since Dad's is already thinning on top. So, he said that he wanted his brothers' to shave their heads and they agreed to that pretty quickly. On Thursday night, we got out the buzzer. Bryce thought it was pretty cool that they did this for him. Theirs are only 'crew cuts' but he thinks it's close enough. We cleaned up his hair, too. It was kind of shaggy and straggly, if that makes sense.

So, I hope I haven't left anything out. We will update again on Wednesday. Thankyou for stopping by. We hope everyone is doing well. Take Care and God Bless.

The Breuers'

Friday, October 24, 2003 9:23 PM CDT

Good evening everyone!
Due to some exciting news that happened today with the Breuer family I (Tim's sister Amanda) get to write the journal entry tonight! I'll get to the really exciting news in just a minute here and we'll start with Bryce's news first!
Bryce just had to go in for labs this week so they were able to do those in Red Wing and then send the results to Mayo. His counts were all good today and here are the numbers - hemoglobin 13.4, platelets 247,000, white count 2400, and ANC 804. His next appointment then is Friday the 31st in Rochester first for labwork, then LP chemo, see Donna and then if his counts are high enough he'll have port chemo. He will then have to go in on Saturday for a port chemo that will affect his kidneys and make him dehydrated. Because of this he'll have to spend the night at St. Mary's so he can get IV fluids. They were nice enough to let him be able to do this all on Saturday instead of Friday so he'll be able to enjoy Halloween! So that's Bryce's update and now on to the big news that happened today!
Mitch, Logan, Bryce, and Joel (and Tim and Susie too!) are happy to announce that they have a new little baby boy at their house!!! Ethan Alexander was born at 8:05 this morning weighing 8 pounds 5 ounces and measuring 19 1/4 inches long. He has light brown hair and dark eyes and is just the sweetest little baby ever! His brothers just adore him and love everything about him! Susie says all of Ethan's big brothers are going to be great helpers with him! All of the boys didn't want to know if they had a brother or a sister until they got to the hospital today because they wanted to see if the baby was wearing a pink hat or a blue hat! Mom and baby are doing really well and Susie said, "Tim is still hanging in there!" Susie and Ethan will be coming home on Monday and Susie will be sending an update sometime next week! I think that's all the information Susie wanted me to share - I hope I didn't forget anything! I wish you all a wonderful weekend and don't forget to set your clocks back tomorrow night! Take care!

Friday, October 24, 2003 9:23 PM CDT

Good evening everyone!
Due to some exciting news that happened today with the Breuer family I (Tim's sister Amanda) get to write the journal entry tonight! I'll get to the really exciting news in just a minute here and we'll start with Bryce's news first!
Bryce just had to go in for labs this week so they were able to do those in Red Wing and then send the results to Mayo. His counts were all good today and here are the numbers - hemoglobin 13.4, platelets 247,000, white count 2400, and ANC 804. His next appointment then is Friday the 31st in Rochester first for labwork, then LP chemo, see Donna and then if his counts are high enough he'll have port chemo. He will then have to go in on Saturday for a port chemo that will affect his kidneys and make him dehydrated. Because of this he'll have to spend the night at St. Mary's so he can get IV fluids. They were nice enough to let him be able to do this all on Saturday instead of Friday so he'll be able to enjoy Halloween! So that's Bryce's update and now on to the big news that happened today!
Mitch, Logan, Bryce, and Joel (and Tim and Susie too!) are happy to announce that they have new little baby boy at their house!!! Ethan Alexander was born at 8:05 this morning weighing 8 pounds 5 ounces and measuring 19 1/4 inches long. He has light brown hair and dark eyes and is just the sweetest little baby ever! His brothers just adore him and love everything about him! Susie says all of Ethan's big brothers are going to be great helpers with him! All of the boys didn't want to know if they had a brother or a sister until they got to the hospital today because they wanted to see if the baby was wearing a pink hat or a blue hat! Mom and baby are doing really well and Susie said, "Tim is still hanging in there!" Susie and Ethan will be coming home on Monday and Susie will be sending an update sometime next week! I think that's all the information Susie wanted me to share - I hope I didn't forget anything! I wish you all a wonderful weekend and don't forget to set your clocks back tomorrow night! Take care!

Friday, October 17, 2003 2:57 PM CDT

Hello, again! Happy Friday to everyone! We're home from Roch. with another update...

Bryce, Joel, Grandma Linda and I left around 7:20am for the Hilton for labwork. Bryce had his port accessed at 8:20 and then we visited with the Erickson's: Brock (another little leukemia friend), Megan, & Shawn. We visited some more on E9 until we went in to see Donna at 10:15. Bryce's counts are getting lower but that is to be expected with this round of chemo. Like Donna said, that means they are giving him "just the right amount". His white count is 1,500; ANC is 570; hemoglobin is 11.7; and platelets are 142,000. She said she wouldn't be surprised if he needed a transfusion next week but you never know, maybe not. Donna informed us that next week there isn't any chemo for Bryce but we'll check his blood in Red Wing on Friday. If he isn't feeling well or gets a fever, we are to bring him in. He'll start his second month of this phase on Halloween if his counts are high enough. Today was ok to go ahead with chemo even though his ANC was low. His ANC matters the most at the beginning of the phase and the beginning of the 2nd month of the phase, which will be different chemo medications, again. So, after finishing up with Donna we headed to Gonda 10 for chemo. He had the same two port chemos as the last two weeks. Everything went well. We left there around 1pm and headed home.

We, meaning my tummy & I, are still growing and kicking. Everyone in the house is getting very excited and prepared for this new little arrival. I think Bryce is probably the most excited! He talks to and hugs this tummy many times a day! I am positive the baby will know his voice when he/she comes out. We will keep you informed on Bryce and the baby news. We'll update after Bryce's labs next Friday. Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Friday, October 10, 2003 8:02 PM CDT

Good Evening! We hope this finds everyone well. We are back with another update on our Brycer.

Bryce, Mom, and Auntie Shelley left the house at 7:40am today and had his port accessed by 8:45 at the Hilton. After stopping to fill a prescription, we went to E9 to see Donna at 9:45. Bryce got pretty silly seeing Donna because it had been about a week and a half since the last time he saw her. I think he was pretty excited about having his Auntie Shelley along with him all day, too! We discussed his tummy aches he's been having everyday, and we're not changing his meds. We think it's the Decadron (steroid) even though he is getting Zantac (antacid) with it. His liver and spleen are not enlarged so, that's good. He took his last dose of Decadron tonight for a week. He will start taking it next Friday again for a week. We'll continue the Zantac yet for a couple of days. His exam was good. We got our new chemo calendar for this phase. She wants us to check his urine every morning with Dipsticks for the next week to see if he is passing sugar because he is urinating alot more. It is possible he could get diabetes but she is very confident it will be negative. We're checking just in case.

Bryce's counts are good. His white count is 3,700; ANC is 2,310; hemoglobin is 12.5; and platelets are 188,000. So, we went to Gonda 10 at 11am to check in for chemo. The nurse started his IV around 11:30 and ran the Zofran (anti-nausea medication) thru. Then, she ran the Vincristine and Adriamycin chemo's thru. After flushing and de-accessing his port at 1:00, we were done. We will go back next Friday for the same routine as today. We stopped to get our Dipsticks, did a little "baby outfit for hospital pictures" shopping and headed home.

Thanks for stopping by, we'll update next Friday. Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Wednesday, October 8, 2003 8:42 AM CDT

Good Morning! Another quick update here...

I picked up Bryce, Mitch, and Logan from school at 3pm and checked in at the Gonda 10 at 3:55. They took us back to the chemo area around 4:30, Auntie Manda too, she surprised us! We watched a little Channel 2 until they were ready for us. They gave Bryce the option to have one BIG shot in his little leg or have two smaller shots (split the BIG one into two)into both legs but at the same time. He chose option 2. So, Big Jon, a very funny nurse, and another nurse did the injections at the same time. Bryce was very brave but it did hurt and there were a few tears. His legs were sore last night and he was very, very tired when we got home. He says his legs do not hurt today, "they're ok". He's just very tired and a bit ornery again! But we can make it thru that. I did call the Peds. Oncologist On-Call last night because when we left Mayo he was starting to have some itching. This PEG injection has a high risk of reaction which could get very serious, so the nurses kept us there for an hour after the injections (they do this with all PEG injections). By 6:30, his legs were itching. By 7:45 his legs and arms were itching with red dots and his face and ears were red. The Dr. told us he definitely had a reaction and should not have this shot again because he COULD have anaphylactic shock next time. But the good news is that he shouldn't have to have this shot again because he only has one of these Delayed Intensification Phases. He did have this shot in May also but without reaction. Anyways, he is fine today and slept good last night.

We go back in on Friday at 8:30 for labs, 9:45 to see Donna, and 11:30 chemo, if his counts are high enough. I will update again later Friday. Thanks for the guestbook notes and phone calls. Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Saturday, October 4, 2003 3:15 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! We're home from Roch. with good news!

All of the boys' and I left this morning at 7:40 for St. Mary's. We waited for the RN's (IV Team, I think) to come down to access Bryce's port at 8:30. Once his blood samples were taken and we were finished there, we went up to the 5th floor of Mary Brigh and did a puzzle and watched a little TV. The nurse gave us results at 9:50. Bryce's ANC is at 1,080; white count is 2,700; hemoglobin is 11.5; and platelets are at 206,000. Therefore, we are now on Day O of the Delayed Intensification Phase.

We headed into the PITC where she started a movie, Bryce's IV, and ran some Zofran (anti-nausea medication) into his IV. That took about 20 minutes, then she pushed in the Vincristine (chemo medicine) which took 3-5 minutes, and then the Andriomycin (red chemo medicine) which took about 15 minutes. Bryce will have these two chemo medicines once a week (Fridays) for the next 3 weeks (along with his PEG chemo injection into his thigh on Tuesday). After she was finished with chemo, she flushed his port with saline and heparin and de-accessed it. All of the brothers' just relaxed and watched some TV and ate popcorn (Thanks, Cindy!) the entire time. We left St. Mary's and met Auntie Manda for a quick lunch!

Bryce had a good day. He is very tired though, and resting now. His tummy hurts a little and he's not real interested in eating. We started the Decadron (steroid) today, one week on, one week off for the next four weeks. That one is the "hungry/mood swing/insomnia" pill. So, wish us luck! We're all doing good here. We're counting down the days until the baby will arrive which could be in 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 weeks! Like I said earlier, we will go in on Tuesday at 4pm for his PEG injection and then back again on Friday. These chemo's will lower his platelet, white, and red count so we need to use very good hand-washing techniques, again and keep checking his blood counts. I will update again on Tuesday evening. Thanks for checking on us and always thinking of us! We hope you all have a great weekend! Take Care and God Bless,

The Breuers'

Wednesday, October 1, 2003 10:37 AM CDT

Good Morning! We are still at the clinic waiting on a couple things but already have today's activities finished so, we thought we'd update you real quick!

Bryce, Joel, and I left the house at 7am and headed to the Hilton for labwork. We got a nice surprise there...Auntie Julie and Cousin Collin showed up with donuts and juice because Collin also had labwork this morning! So, the Cousin's gave each other "support". Neither of them really need support anymore because they are both such "professionals"! Anyways, it was a fun morning because of them!

We saw Donna at 9:30, and it turns out that Bryce's ANC is still to low (920) so, we are still waiting on chemo. Bryce had his exam, and we talked about future appts. for Saturday and next week. And we were done by 10am!

So, Saturday we go to St. Mary's Ped. Infusion Therapy Center for labwork at 9am and wait for results. If his ANC is high enough, then we will do his port chemo's there. Then, we'd come back to the Gonda 10 on Tues. for his PEG injection chemo, and then back on Friday for more port chemo's. They don't seem to be too concerned with the lower ANC. They say sometimes it is just lower after the chemo phases. He has no complaints and is feeling fine. We will update on Saturday, again. Thanks for checking on us! We wish you all a great week and weekend. Take Care and God Bless.

The Breuers'

Friday, September 26, 2003 11:48 AM CDT

Hello again! We're home from Roch. and gonna try to sneak a nap in before the Homecoming Parade at 2:30 which Bryce would like to walk in with his class. So, here's the scoop:

We dropped Mitch & Logan off at Grandma & Grandpa's at 7am to ride with Grandma to school again. Dad, Bryce, Joel, & I checked in at the Hilton for labwork at 8:00. Bryce had a different gal but she did a great job accessing his port. After the blood draw, we took the boys' to McDonald's on 2nd St. so they could have a nummy breakfast! We called to the chemo nurse at 9:30, she called the Hilton and called us back. Hemoglobin is 11.1; platelets are 312,000; white count is 2,500; and ANC is at 810. So, we are waiting on chemo, again. We went back to the Hilton so we could get his port de-accessed, then a "truck parts for repair" stop, then home. We will go back on Wednesday for 8am labwork and 9:30 to see Donna, his Nurse Practitioner, he's been missing her! If his counts are high enough (1,000) then, he will have chemo around 11am.

Bryce still seems to be feeling good. His appetite is about average, and no complaints of headaches or tummy aches. He does seem to be a little more tired. His cold has gotten better. People have asked if there is anything we can do to help his ANC go up, and they told us we just have to wait for his body to do it. So, there you go! I will update again on Wednesday. Until then, have a great weekend! Take Care and God Bless.

The Breuers'

Monday, September 22, 2003 3:13 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! Just another quick update...

Grandpa Arnie picked up Mitch & Logan at 7am and took them to their house to ride to school with Grandma! Lucky guys! The rest of us, (yes,...Joel too for the 1st time to a Doctors and labwork appt.) left for Rochester. Joel watched and learned alot today! He is really trying hard to have Bryce let him get more involved in all this "kemia" stuff. He did a great job today and seemed to brighten Bryce's day a little more! Bryce had his port accessed at about 8:15, we stopped for a breakfast break after that, and then to E9 to see the Doctor. She told us his ANC is still too low, 580. We have to wait for that 1,000-mark until he can have his two chemos and begin the official Day 0. So, we will come back on Friday, again and see if his counts are up. In the meantime, his white count was 2,400; platelets were 224,000; and hemoglobin was 10.6.

Bryce is taking a much needed nap at the moment with Joel, we are planning on going to the Homecoming Coronation at school tonight. Back to kindergarten tomorrow, which he is really looking forward to. It's green day, you know!

We hope everyone had a good weekend! Our's was pretty quiet which was nice. Thanks for checking on us, again! And, thankyou for still all the wonderful things you all do for us! Take Care and God Bless.
The Breuers'

Friday, September 19, 2003 8:00 PM CDT

Good Evening! We're settling in for the night, so I thought I would update you on Bryce's day.

We woke him around 6:15am and he was in a great mood! It's been a month since he's been to the Dr., so I don't think that today bothered him too much. Bryce had his port accessed around 7:30 at the Hilton, then we went upstairs to the Blood Donor Center so Dad could donate some blood. After that, we went to the Gonda Building for his LP chemo. They took him back at 9:45 and he was back to us by 9:58! After sleeping off some of the anesthesia, he munched on some Chex Mix and had some juice and we were out of there by 11:05. We stopped for lunch and then back to Mayo for his 12:45 Doctor's exam and consultation on E9. The Dr. said "We have good news and bad news,...his hemoglobin (10.9) and platelets (187,000) are good but his ANC (healthy white cell count) is too low (510) to give him his IV chemo's today". They want his ANC to be atleast 1,000 for certain chemo medications. He has had a cold since Saturday so, maybe that is part of the reason for his lower ANC. His white count is 2,600 which is ok. So, we will go back in on Monday at 8am for labwork, 9:00 Dr. exam, and 11:00 chemo, if his counts are good. They think his ANC will be up by Monday. After seeing the Doctor's, we went to the Pharmacy for almost an hour for prescription refills. We made a couple stops on the way home and we were home by 5pm. Bryce was very tuckered-out! He's looking forward to doing nothing tomorrow!

We hope everyone is doing well and staying warm on these cool nights. Tim and his Dad combined some beans this week so, the boys' were pretty excited to see the combine out and moving! Thanks for thinking of us! We'll update on Monday or Tuesday, again. Take Care and God Bless.
The Breuers'

Thursday, September 11, 2003 11:19 AM CDT

Hello Everyone! We're back with a quick update...There isn't much new. Things are still going very well. Bryce has been having a few tummy aches and head aches the last 2 weeks. We're assuming it is from his meds. He's still playing and full of energy so, we are just giving Tylenol as needed.

Bryce is really enjoying kindergarten! He still loves the busride. Today he had some friends' from the Mayo Clinic visit his class to watch the Charlie Brown video called "Why Charlie Brown, Why?". It's about a girl who has leukemia. After the video, his chemo nurse and social worker discussed things about leukemia like it is not contagious, he is having chemo therapy, he may lose his hair, hand washing, etc. Bryce even showed his classmates his port. He seemed to feel very good about sharing this experience with everyone. The kids' were very funny!

Anyways, we just wanted to let you know we're all doing well and we will update next Friday after Bryce's big Day 0 of the Delayed Intensification Phase. Friday includes an LP chemo and 2 IV chemo's, labwork, and Doctor exam. Thanks for thinking of us, again! We're thinking of all of you, too! Take Care and God Bless.
The Breuers'

Tuesday, September 2, 2003 10:36 AM CDT

Hi Everyone! I can't believe it is September, already! Mitchell, Logan, & Bryce are off to their first day of school. They were happy to go! They weren't so happy that I made them get a ride from 'Mom' so I could "see them off" and take a few pictures, but they were happy to know they would ride the bus home after school. I'm trying to get the pictures loaded onto the webpage, so wish me luck!

Things are going really good around here...everyone is healthy, summer was great but fast, and baby is growing. Bryce has hit a "milestone"...last Tuesday night he watched his cousin take his medicine/pill without crushing it and Bryce decided he was going to do that, too! So, every night since then, he has been swallowing his pills with water or milk and boy, is he PROUD!!!! Thanks, Collin!

Tim took Mitchell, Logan, and Bryce and went to Bemidji to Grandpa Peter's this past weekend and they just had a blast! Some of their cousins were there with the Dad's. They went swimming in the lake, fishing, and go-carting! As Tim would say,..."Ah, the memories". On the way home on Sunday night, we all met at Grandma & Grandpa Breuers' for an end-of-the-summer BonFire. Lots of good food, family, s'mores, and more good memories!

I can't believe our little Brycer is at his first day of kindergarten! Kinda crazy for me but I'm sure he is loving it! He will begin his new Delayed Intensification Phase on the 19th. They say this phase is like "starting over again". He will have some of the same chemo meds and some new. On the 19th, he will have labwork at 7am, LP chemo at 9:00, then see the Doctor at 12:45, and 2 IV chemos around 2:30. One is a quick one minute IV-push, and one is 15-120 minutes. I guess we'll learn more that day. Then we'll go back in on Day 3, the 22nd, and he'll get an intramuscular chemo (shot into his thigh/s). Then, back again on Day 7 and 14 for more chemo. I'm not sure of the appointments after that, I do know there will be quite a few this phase. His blood counts will probably drop a bit, so we'll keep an eye on that, and this will probably be the "true-test" if he is going to lose his hair. This phase will last into the middle of November, without any set-backs. So, we'll just wait and see. Things have been going so well, that we just cannot complain! If you didn't know he had leukemia, you wouldn't be able to tell it by looking at him! He looks and acts like a healthy 5-year-old boy! Thankyou, God!

We have about 8 weeks or less until the baby arrives. We are all getting very excited! The big boys had to let Joel know that when the baby was here and they got home from school, he would have to let them hold the baby because he would get to hold him/her all day long! We hope everyone is doing well! Thanks for checking in on our guy! You have all taught him so much about caring for others!! Take Care and God Bless!
The Breuers'

Friday, August 22, 2003 4:16 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! We're all home! Our flights and vacation went very well!! Not to mention riding home on the flight with Josh Hartnett!!! Amanda got his autograph for us! Pretty exciting! Anyways, things are going very well.

Bryce's bone marrow biopsy was negative and the spinal fluid was clear from the 15th, so that is great also!
Bryce's appointments with his Auntie Julie went awesome! His white count is 1,900; ANC is 1,230; hemoglobin is 10.3; and platelets are 213,000. His chemo went fine and he seemed to enjoy showing her "the ropes". We will continue with his oral chemo meds until September 8th and then start his Delayed Intensification Phase on the 15th.

Lana and Travis and their children handled the Breu Crew extremely well!! Thanks, Huemanns'!!!! I wasn't sure if our children would want to come home, again! But, we did get them here. We all missed each other alot and seem to be appreciating each other a little more again. Life is good! Tim and I had great weather,...we rode on the Gondola up the mountains, we went on the Tahoe Queen for a tour to Emerald Bay, and Tim and his sisters' went para-sailing. The wedding was beautiful, the newlyweds are extremely happy, and it was fun to think back to our wedding day. Enough mushy stuff...we are glad to be home again!

We'll update again next week. Hope all is well with everyone! Thankyou for checking in on us! Take Care and God Bless,
The Breuers'

Friday, August 15, 2003 9:56 AM CDT

Hi Everyone! We're still on the 7th floor of the Gonda Building. We just finished with Bryce's LP chemo and bone marrow biopsy. Everything went very well! Bryce was very happy to see Donna, his Nurse Practitioner,...it had been awhile.

We left the house at 6:20, labwork at 7:30 (different gal but she also did a good job), and then to the Gonda at 8am. We were suppose to have a Doctor's exam at 2pm but Donna thought we could skip that today and she'll see him Monday when he has his IV chemo. He'll have labwork also, Monday. His labs today were hemoglobin 10.4; white count was 1,700; platelets were 190,000; ANC was 650. She feels his counts are probably on the rise, maybe a little lower due to oral chemo meds and his cold.

So, all is well. He's looking forward to his appointments on Monday with his Auntie, so she can meet Donna. Tim and I will be leaving the house at 6:30am. I will try to get ahold of a computer in Tahoe to update everyone about Mondays appointments. Thankyou again for everything! We hope everyone is doing well. Take Care and God Bless,
The Breuers'

Tuesday, August 12, 2003 9:43 AM CDT

Hi Everyone! Just another quick update from home...

Bryce is doing great, as everyone else is also! He still has his runny nose but I'm thinking it's getting better. We'll be up bright-and-early on Friday for his labwork at 7am, LP chemo and bone marrow biopsy at 8:00, and then see the Doctor at 2pm (hopefully they'll squeeze us in early). He has labwork, Doctor, and IV chemo on Monday the 18th and his Auntie Julie will be bringing him to those appointments because Tim and I will be flying out that day to Lake Tahoe for Brent Voth and Lana Tucker's wedding. We'll be back on Thursday. Our good friends, Lana and Travis, will be taking care of our boys'. We're looking forward to a little vacation!

I will update on Friday afternoon as soon as I can. Thanks for all the prayers and cards, and everything else! You are all so thoughtful!! Take Care and God Bless,
The Breuers'

Thursday, August 7, 2003 9:24 AM CDT

Good Morning! What a beautiful day! Just a quick update to let you know we are all doing great! We went to the fair last night and saw the Froiland Family, which the boys' always enjoy! We walked thru all the animal barns, they loved that, too. After that it was time for Fair Food! Needless to say, it got a little later than we planned but the boys' slept in pretty good!

We're all getting excited for school, back-packs are ready! We'll have to get in a few more trips to the pool. There have been MANY play hours in the sandbox this summer,...good thing Dad expanded it! The boys' even got a ride in the truck with Dad to haul a load of peas near Goodhue one day. They thought that was great! Dad has been busy. We put our very faithful German Shepard dog, Beauty, to sleep yesterday. We all know it is a better place for her in Doggy Heaven. She is comfortable and running around now, and eating lots of doggy treats! But, we do miss her and so does Mona, our German Shepard puppy. Dad and the boys' had a night in the tent on Sunday, so that was alot of fun, also. We've just been busy, I guess.

Hope you are all having a great week! We're thinking of everyone, too! Take Care and God Bless,
The Breuers'

Saturday, August 2, 2003 9:42 AM CDT

Hi Everyone! Just a quick note to let you know that things are still going very well with Bryce and the rest of the Crew. Bryce got a cold on Thursday, so he's been dealing with that,...a little less sleep and alot more kleenexes! We had his blood counts checked yesterday in Red Wing and his counts are good. White blood cell count is at 3,340. ANC is at 1,960. Hemoglobin is at 10.6 (highest it has been since before the leukemia). And, platelets are at 382,000. So, all is going well! Joel had the flu with a nasty fever on Tuesday and Wednesday, so we are crossing our fingers that Bryce doesn't get it. Who knows, maybe he would handle it ok,...this is all still so new to us! We hope everyone has a great weekend! Thanks for thinking of us! God Bless,
The Breuers'

Sunday, July 27, 2003 9:31 AM CDT

Hi Everyone! Once again, I'm sorry that I didn't update when I said I would!

Bryce is doing great! He told me the other day that he felt "super-duper"! His medications are going okay, he has no complaints of tummy aches, and has a small appetite. He hasn't been losing any weight lately, so he's still pretty solid! If you may be wondering about his hair, he's only lost a few strands here and there, so his red hair is still going strong! He's been very busy with his brothers playing, riding bikes, and exploring.

There isn't much new around here, we don't have to go into Mayo until the 15th of August, other than a lab appointment to check his blood counts in Red Wing on the 1st. I will update after that unless something else would come up. Things have been going so well, that we are not "planning" any surprises!! I'm going to add a new picture after this if you want to check it out in the photo album. Thanks for all of your support and prayers, food and cards, and everything else that you all do for us!!! Take Care and God Bless.
The Breuers'

Monday, July 21, 2003 8:10 PM CDT

Good Evening! We're here with an update and lots of info!
I HAVE to make a medication chart this time,...My mind is going a mile-a-minute!

We have started the Interim Maintenance Phase #1 today. This means new meds added, less appointments, and less stress on the "Little Guy". We left the house around 10am and dropped Mitchell, Logan, & Joel off at a friends' house around 10:30. Bryce had his port-accessed by his newest, favorite "medical-person" and she did a great job, AGAIN!! He said he loves her because she does such a good and quick job! She takes alot of stress OUT of his day. Then, we went and had lunch with Auntie Manda (yes, she is still talking to him!), and then to E12 to see the Doctor at 1pm. That is where we got ALMOST overloaded with information! I'm probably just exagerating right now, but what really matters is that it WILL keep Bryce in remission. If everyone else can handle it then, so can we! I guess it's called making-a-chart for 6 different oral medications and getting really organized on our days of the week. He will have Methotrexate-1 day a week for 7 weeks, Decadron-5 days twice a day once a month, 6MP-everyday but bigger doses on 3 days, Bactrim-3 days a week twice a day, Colace-once a day, and Zantac-twice a day on the days he has Decadron plus one more day after. He also has his Vincristine (IV chemo) on Days 0 and 28. He has a Methotrexate LP chemo and bone marrow biopsy on Day 25, also. So, we will only need to go to Mayo 3 times in the next 2 months with a Red Wing Clinic labwork appointment on Day 11. This should be a nice, quiet phase.

Bryce's lab results were good again today. His hemoglobin is 9.4; his platelets are 238,000; his white count is 2,400; and his ANC is 1,440. So, all is well there! After talking with the Doctor, Bryce had his IV chemo and we received his new meds, we left around 4:20. He was very ready to go home! He still feels great and has his 5-year- old energy! He is doing so well with all of this! It makes it so much 'easier' on all of us! Thankyou for all of your prayers, phone calls, food, visits, cards & gifts, etc! You are all so wonderful! I will update again on Friday, sometime. God Bless,
The Breuers'

Saturday, July 19, 2003 11:41 AM CDT

Hello All! Just a quick update to let you know Bryce is still doing great, feeling good, and has lots of energy! He's had a few "play-dates" this week, so that has been alot of fun for him. I think he might even be getting ready to take off those training wheels on his bike! He passed his swimming lessons which I'm guessing he's glad to be done with them. He's very proud of himself! We're trying to keep up on the 'sleep thing' because he seems to be alot more cooperative with good rest! The boys' and Grandma Linda came along to my Doctors appointment on Friday and everything is going good with us, too. The boys' thought it was pretty cool to hear their baby brother or sister's heart beating. Hope you all have a great weekend! Take Care and God Bless,
The Breuers'

Tuesday, July 15, 2003 3:26 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! We're back with more information...

Bryce will be in the standard (OS) treatment group, the first listed of the four groups. This means he will be on the oral Methotrexate (chemo medicine) with one delayed intensification phase. He will start his Interim Maintenance Phase, 3rd chemo phase, on Monday, July 21st (Day 0).

For the Interim Maintenance Phase, he will be taking in 5 different chemo medications. This phase is 56 days, with the last week being a "rest" week. On Monday, he will have labs at 11am, see the Peds Oncologist Doctor at 1pm, and chemo is at 1:45. We will go thru blood count results with the Doctor, discuss his medication changes, and then start chemo. Medication changes will be: Methotrexate (orally, about 6 tiny pills we will crush and mix in a soft food) on Days 0,7,14,21,28,35,42,49. Vincristine (IV) on Days 0 and 28. Decadron (oral steriod) for 5 days on Days 0 and 28. 6-MP (oral) daily thru Days 49 or 56 (not sure on that one, yet). He is taking this one now, with few side effects, he will just continue on the same dose and schedule. Methotrexate (CNS/lumbar puncture) on Day 28.

His Nurse Practitioner said we may even miss them at Mayo because the only days we will really need to go in will be on Days 0 and 28, with the exception of checking his blood counts on Day 14 (possibly at our Red Wing Clinic). Of course, keeping in mind the possibility of any concerns or problems would bring us in to them also. If things go smoothly without any set-backs, he should start his next phase (Delayed Intensification) in the middle of September. This phase is alot like the initial phase they say, "intense" chemo treatments.

I hope this makes sense to you. We are all doing really good! Bryce has alot of energy and is having alot of fun playing with his brothers! He's ready to go visit friends and play some more. He told me he still likes it when people are praying for him, so thankyou! We love to see him full of energy and forgetting about the medical stuff. Swimming lessons are done on Friday, they're still going great! We hope everyone has a great week! Take Care,
The Breuers

Monday, July 14, 2003 2:49 PM CDT

Hi There! We are home from Day 21 of the Consolidation Phase! (That doesn't mean a whole lot to me either). Today was Bryce's last chemo treatment of Phase 2. Everything went very smoothly, again!

We woke Bryce and Logan a little before 6am, labwork was at 7am (start to finish was from 7:30 to 7:40). We had the same person in the Hilton and she did the BEST "port-accessing", yet! Putting the needle and tubing into his port and retrieving blood is accessing his port. He was still a little nervous about the needle part but he kept himself a little more calm and she was quick and successful immediately! We love that!!! We then went to the Gonda 7 for his LP chemo. He and Logan watched some Channel 2 to pass the time and then he went into the procedure room at 8:45. Logan was allowed to come and see the room, he thought it was pretty cool. Bryce was back to us by about 9:05, awake and a little testy. We weren't sure if they added a little "attitude" to the sleepy medicine. I asked him if we could throw the attitude out the window and he said, we could throw ME out the window! The anesthetic always makes a person a little testy, so this wasn't new to us. After he ate and drank a little, we went to E12 at 10:25 to see his N.P. His blood counts are still looking great! Hemoglobin is at 9.5; white count is at 3,000; and platelets are 272,000. So, all is good!

We will get a phone call tomorrow to find out which research study group Bryce will be in, the computer decides. Then we will know what day and what the next step will be in his treatment plan. The first two phases were standard treatment for everyone, phase three will be the start of the research to "better" the treatment for future leukemia patients. He will still get the best treatment for all leukemia patients it will just be in different forms,...oral meds with one vs. two delayed intensification phases or iv meds with one vs. two delayed intesification phases. We'll know more tomorrow. As of now, Bryce is napping and swimming lessons are at 5pm. I will try to update tomorrow or Wednesday, depending on when I find out more information. Thankyou again for all the thoughts, prayers, and concerns! We are thinking of all of you, too!
The Breuers'

Friday, July 11, 2003 3:49 PM CDT

Happy Friday!! Just a quick note to let you all know that we've had a great week, so far!

Bryce is feeling good! He's got quite a bit of energy, and his body feels good. He has been a little fiesy at times, but he's allowed to be a little bit fiesty with all of this, right?! Anyways, he has no complaints which is wonderful!

Swimming lessons have been going good. He seems to really enjoy them! We've had a cool down this week and that hasn't stopped those little swimmers', yet!

Bryce has some early appointments again on Monday, so we'll be waking him at 6am to make it to his lab appointment by 7. Intrathecal chemo is at 7:30ish, and we see the N.P. at 10:30. I will update on Monday afternoon/evening on the events of the day. Thanks for stopping by! Keep the prayers coming! We sure do appreciate it ALL!!! God Bless.
The Breuers

Monday, July 7, 2003 4:01 PM CDT

Good Afternoon! We hope everyone had a great weekend! We sure did! Bryce had lots of energy! We saw some great fireworks in Wanamingo with family and friends', what a beautiful night! We've been doing a little swimming,...lessons start today.

Bryce is getting a normal appetite back, has no headaches, or tummy aches. He's enjoying the weather with his brothers. We woke him and Mitchell up at 6:20am today and headed to Mayo. We almost had to drag them out of bed! Labwork was at 7:50, and went quick! She was good! Then we were off to Gonda 7 where they took him back at 9am, he was back to us by about 9:20. The intrathecal chemo went well. He had a little bit to eat at 10:15 and we left there by 10:40. We checked in to E12 but had to wait awhile because we were being "worked-in" so we wouldn't have to stick around until our 2pm appointment. Bryce's hemoglobin is up to 9.1; white count is 2,700, and platelets are at 576,000! So, all is well!! We got home around 12:45.

We'll see how he does with this chemo,...we haven't learned his rhythm/pattern, yet. It seems he gets tired and sometimes gets headaches from the intrathecals but we'll wait and see.

His next appointment is next Monday, yes, one week again! Same routine as today,...labs, intrathecal chemo, and nurse practitioner. I WILL try to update again this week, I'm sorry if you were looking for an update sooner than this and I got lost in the "fun-n-sun"! Wish us luck on the swimming lessons! Thankyou, Take Care, and God Bless!
The Breuers'

Thursday, July 3, 2003 5:39 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! I'm sorry it is so late in the day for an update, I'm afraid I haven't entered this before the people who check the page at work have gone home for the holiday.

We've had a pretty good couple of days! Yesterday went well at home with no complaints. Bryce has not had a headache since Tuesday when we got home from the hospital. His speech seems to be getting a bit better, less slurred than it was over the weekend. Mitchell and Logan came along today, we dropped Joel off to Daddy in the truck to help him haul peas at 8:30am. Bryce sure does love it when his brothers' come along. They were a bit "squirrely" but we had a few good laughs!

Bryce's platelets are great! His white count is at 4,400; his ANC (healthy cellls) are 2,530! Bryce's hemoglobin is at 8.6 so, she was ready to transfuse him today but he wasn't complaining of headaches and his heart was only a tiny bit tachycardic so we're waiting because she feels it will rebound, yet. If he complains of headaches or is getting real tired over the weekend, we'll call and go in for labs and see if he should have the transfusion.

Otherwise, since he isn't having the headaches anymore and the speech is getting better, we are going ahead with the intrathecal chemo on Monday. Labwork is at 7:30am, LP chemo at 8am, and see the N.P. at 2pm. Bryce has had more energy the last two days and is a bit silly at times, so we are enjoying this! Thankyou again for all you do for us in prayer, giving, and thoughts. We appreciate it all! Have a happy and safe 4th of July weekend, I'm sure we will! Take Care and God Bless.
The Breuers'

Tuesday, July 1, 2003 1:21 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! We just got home! Bryce's fever is down. He definetly had more energy this morning. He's tuckered out now. After I updated yesterday, he lost alot of energy and appetite. They never did pinpoint it to anything specific. They think it could be viral from his cold. So, now we just watch for any more fevers.

We have his appointments on Thursday but the plans have changed a bit. Because of Bryce's headaches and some slurred speech since Friday, we are waiting on the LP chemo until possibly Monday. They want to see how he is doing with the headaches and slurred speech on Thursday first. They think these things could possibly be from the lumbar puncture. So, we are going to do labs at 9am and Doctor at 10. We will discuss if he is still having these problems, which I think they are already getting a little better, and go from there. If there aren't any problems we'll schedule his LP chemo for Monday and that will then be Day 14 instead of this Thursday. His head hurt this morning at 5:15, took Tylenol, and he says it hurts a little bit now.

He has been "power" sleeping! He slept for 4 1/2 hrs. yesterday afternoon and about 12 hrs. last night! He's obviously trying to sleep something off! We're off to do naps now. I'll try to update again tomorrow. Thankyou again for all you do for us! We're glad to be home! God Bless.
The Breuer's

Monday, June 30, 2003 11:08 AM CDT

Hello again! I'm in the St. Mary's Hospital library, finally! I meant to get up here alot sooner than this.

Bryce had a pretty good day yesterday but around 5pm his head began to hurt again and the fever was starting in again. We took his temperature and it was at 100.7 so, we called Dr. Kahn and she told us to come in. She wanted to admit him for a couple of days to hang IV antibiotics and see what might be going on. After dropping Mitch, Logan, and Joel off at a friends' house, we arrived at the E.R. at about 7ish. The nurse accessed his port but had trouble getting a blood return. After about 10 minutes or so, she did get a blood return for more blood cultures. Bryce did not like that at all! He is still, this morning, very protective of his port! We got to his room at about 8:30, saw the Doctors, and settled in. When all that was finished he fell asleep around 9:45. He is a tired boy! He did sleep good, though until 6-7am. They hung antibiotics again this morning. He is now "free" from his IV but his port is still accessed because they will hang more antibiotics.

Like I said, he is tired and a little ornery but we had a nice talk, he ate a little bit of scrambled eggs and he is now sleeping since 9:20 after having Tylenol for is headache at 9:15. He doesn't feel up to playing in the Activity Room, yet but hopefully that will come.

We are very thankful that this is not such a bad situation,... as it could be. He's a bit ornery: he's got that fighter in him! He's got a little bit of an appetite. His fever is not extremely high and out of control. And, who knows, maybe this is just a viral thing from his cold the Doctor said. His 24-hour blood culture results from Sat. night are negative so far. So, we'll just hang-tight and wait and see what, if anything, will come of this. I will update again tomorrow. Thankyou and God Bless.

The Breuers

P.S. If anyone is wondering, please note his room and phone number at St. Mary's below.

Sunday, June 29, 2003 11:49 AM CDT

Hello Everyone! We just wanted to fill you in on Bryce's weekend so far...

Friday evening Bryce started to feel a little "under-the-weather". He lost his appetite and his temperature was at 99.8. Just for a reminder, we are to call and bring him in when his temp. gets to 101. We gave him Tylenol and he slept fine through the night. Saturday morning his temp. was at 99.5 and he still felt a little yucky. His temp. was normal throughout the day but went up to 100.8 by 5:00pm. He was complaining of a his head hurting and just lying on the couch, he hadn't eaten anything but cereal for breakfast. So, we called the Peds Hemotologist Oncologist on-call. I told Dr. Khan about his signs and symptoms of Friday and Saturday and she told us to come down to the E.R. at St. Mary's Hospital to check his blood counts and do blood cultures. Normally, a persons temperature will spike in the evening, around 9 or 10, so this made her feel more sure about bringing him in.

Grandma and Grandpa Breuer and Amanda came and took Mitchell, Logan, and Joel to their house and we went to the E.R. We got there at about 7:15, port accessed and blood drawn at 8:25, Bryce fell asleep by about 9pm. His white count and ANC were good but they said obviously there is some sort of infection brewing inside his body so, they hung a bag of Rocephin (antibiotics). The blood cultures will take 48 hours but the antibiotics only took about 20 minutes. Since his counts were ok and the Doctors felt he looked ok, we could take him home(10:30). We need to call the Doctor today and inform her of his condition today so she can decide if he needs to come in for more antibiotics tonight.

He felt a little warm this morning but feels fine now. He's not full of energy but not complaining about anything either. He does have his appetite back so, hopefully he is "good-to-go"! It's a beautiful day and that always makes a person feel good, right?!

We hope you are all having a great weekend and we'll try to update again tomorrow with this evenings happenings. Take Care and God Bless!
The Breuers

Thursday, June 26, 2003 5:53 PM CDT

Greetings! How is everyone doing? We're doing good! Bryce is no longer having tummy aches (yeah!) and took a super nap today! He has definetly gained a few pounds from the steriod but the Doctor says he'll probably have less of an appetite since the steriod should be working its way out of his system. He was very exhausted today! I think he slept 2 1/2 to 3 hours this afternoon! We're heading to church in the country tonight, the boys' love that!

We went to Rochester last night to stay at Bryce's Auntie Manda's apartment so we wouldn't have to wake him up quite so early. We woke the little guy up a little before 6am, labwork was at 6:40, then to the Gonda 7 for the LP chemo. Daddy went back to the procedure room with him this morning at 8:15, Bryce was back to us by 8:40. Everything went well, again. I think this is becoming a little more routine for Bryce,...he still doesn't not like any of it but it seems to be going a bit easier. He was less "cranky" this morning after waking up from the chemo, that was a pleasant change. We went to his appointment with his N.P. at 10:30 and she said he is doing "great"!

Bryce's platelets are at 251,000; hemoglobin is at 9.1; and his white count is at 2,300. His ANC (neutrophil count/healthy cells) are at 989 and that's good because they would have to "play" with his meds if the ANC was below 750. No transfusions today which was GREAT! He has had a cold/cough since Monday so we are just watching that. His lungs sound clear, though, which again is good! So, we won't be back to the Doctor until next Thursday again, Day 14 for a LP chemo, labs, and Doctor visit.

As we were getting ready to leave E12, my cell phone rang. It was Auntie Manda calling,...you see, Bryce decided to play a trick on his sweet Aunt. Before we left her apartment Bryce had me place a snake in her silverware drawer,...not a real one, of course! We haven't heard him laugh like that ever!!!! She told him how she screamed and slammed the drawer shut! And, now she has to eat from plastic silverware and will probably have nightmares! But,...She will get him back! He's very proud of his little scheme and how it worked out so well for him! It was great to see him so full of joy!!! Thanks for the pretend snake Brynn! He wanted me to share his story with all of you, we hope you enjoyed it.

We will update again this weekend. We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and make lots of good memories! Thankyou again for the continuous prayers, thoughts, visits, food, phone calls, guestbook entries, and gifts! You are all so wonderful! Take Care and God Bless! The Breuers

Monday, June 23, 2003 9:49 PM CDT

Good Evening! I just wanted to write a quick note on Bryce's WONDERFUL day!! He must have a bit more energy because he did things today that he hasn't done since his birthday/pre-diagnosis! Also, the pictures are in the photo album! Thanks, Tom!

After breakfast, he sat down on the floor and played with the construction set with his brothers'. Later on he played in the sandbox for about 30 minutes!! We went to the kiddie pool after naps and he got in the water and tried to "float" around,...he thought this was fun! Then, after supper the rest of us were playing some t-ball and with some help he hit a few balls! He loved this, too! WOW! He should sleep good tonight! He still lets out a JOLLY laugh occasionally, also! He looks like a miniature Kris Kringle!!

We had a good weekend by getting out of the house a little, the weather was beautiful! I hope all of you enjoyed your weekend, also. I will update again on Thursday afternoon/evening on the events of the day. Hopefully, we won't have any "unscheduled" events in between, we've been so fortunate so far! Thankyou, Take Care, and God Bless!!
The Breuer's

Saturday, June 21, 2003 9:14 AM CDT

Good Morning! What a beautiful day! I just wanted to share some absolutely WONDERFUL news with all of you!


It was such a wonderful sound!...something we haven't heard in a LONG time! He has gained a few pounds, so his cheeks and tummy are getting really BIG! When he laughs, it is adorable! I wish all of you could see it!

Speaking of all of you seeing him,...I am going to work on the picture thing on the webpage with a computer "smartie"/cousin!!!! He emailed me, and I told him I tried for 2-3 hrs. when I first set up the webpage, with no success. So, we'll see what we can do! I know all of you are waiting patiently for some pictures of our redhead!

Bryce's N.P. called with more good news, yesterday afternoon. The bone marrow biopsy and spinal fluid are both negative for any cancers cells, still! Yeah! That was a "just in case" check that they always do at that time.

And lastly, the ultrasound was fun! The boys' seem to really enjoy seeing their new sibbling on the TV screen. Measurements are right on for the end of October/beginning of November, and baby and all of his/her systems look healthy!

I hope you all have a great weekend! I have a feeling we will, too! Thanks for all you do for us!!!!! God Bless!
The Breuers

Thursday, June 19, 2003 10:02 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! We're home! We left the house at 6:15am and got home at 7:40pm, so we're a little tired!! Mitchell came along today, that always seems to make Bryce's day a bit better. He likes to have one of his brothers with him, I think it makes him feel a little closer to home while at the Doctor.

Bryce wasn't real happy to be leaving home today. He had his labs drawn at 7am at the Charlton Building, then we went to 7 Gonda and waited to have his LP chemo and Bone Marrow Biopsy. We went to the procedure room at 9:20 and he was back to us by 9:50. He's not very comfortable or real happy when he is coming out of anesthia. He needs to lie flat for one hour. Then he ate some things and we were off to his appointment with his Nurse Practitioner. Bryce's platelets are at 212,000 (very good); his white count is at 2,400; and his hemoglobin was at 8.4. Normally they wouldn't give him a transfusion unless his hemoglobin was 8 or below but Bryce was having some tachycardia (rapid heart rate) and slightly short and rough breathing on exhalation. He was also very, very tired and slow moving, more than usual. She thought he should have a packed red cell transfusion for these reasons. So, she scheduled us for 1:30 at the Peds Infusion Center at St. Mary's.

Bryce's ANC (neutrophil count) was at 1,590 therefore we can begin the Consolidation Phase of chemo. So, today was Day 28 of the Induction Phase (intrathecal chemo) but also Day 0 of the Consolidation Phase (IV chemo). His medications will change slightly now. He finished the Decadron tonight, for a while. This was the "hungry/mood swing/insomnia" oral pill. It will still be in his system for a week yet. He will be taking it in the future again but in less of a dose and only three weeks at a time. Now his oral pill will be 6MP (6 Mercaptopurine), it has less side effects and he will take it everyday. He had his Vincristine chemo in his IV port. He will have his LP/intrathecal Methotrexate chemo on Days 7, 14, and 21. This is a 28 day phase of chemo again. She said he SHOULD start to feel a bit better, maybe get more energy, and have less of a risk of infection. So, those are all positive things! He will still be taking his Colace, Zantac, and Bactrim as usual.

After his chemo at 1pm, we hit the McDonald's drive thru and then went to St. Mary's. The lab didn't draw for his Type and Cross (they need this for a transfusion) this morning so that slowed everything up even more! The lab took more blood at 2, the blood arrived at 4:40. The blood was done running thru at 6:40 and we headed for home after that. Mitchell NOW knows what a full day is like for Bryce! He didn't complain alot though, he watched a movie and some cable (Disney) TV which we don't have at home. Our next Doctor visit is next Thursday the 26th, lab at 6:20, LP chemo at 6:45, and Doctor at 10:30.

Bryce's tummy aches are still not too bad, so that's great! They said that they should get better starting next week because of the Decadron getting out of his system. He is having more tingling in the hands and legs, joint aches, and shaky hands from the chemo. Hopefully, this too will get better. Tylenol does help these problems. He should be feeling a little better also after having the transfusion today.

The boys are all a little excited to see the baby by ultrasound tomorrow, so that should be fun. We still have not changed our minds, and will not change our minds in the future about finding out the sex of the baby. We want a surprise! Like Bryce says, only God knows! And like Joel says, it's a baby!

I need to quit for now, my eyes are a bit sleepy. I still want to thank everyone, everyday for all you do for us! I know everyone is still praying everyday and thinking of us. You are all so wonderful! I will add the bone marrow results into this entry when I find out tomorrow. She believes they will be negative/in remission, yet. They check "just in case". I hope you all have a great weekend! Thankyou again, and God Bless.
The Breuers

Monday, June 16, 2003 8:55 AM CDT

Good Morning! We hope everyone had a great weekend, it was so beautiful! We enjoyed a few of the Volksfest activities in Goodhue.

Bryce is doing good. He is very tired, though. He's been waking up a few times during the night and up at 5:40am for the last 4 days. We're not sure why this is happening but we are going to try real hard today to sneak a nap in. His tummy aches are still there occasionally but getting less and less. Thank goodness for that! I think the Lactaid milk is helping a bit, along with watching out for gassy food products. His energy level is still very low but that is to be expected with the chemo.

He was very happy to see family and friends this weekend. We went to church on Thursday night and when the Pastor said his name during a prayer, he gave us one of his million-dollar smiles! He said, "It's really nice when people pray for kids who are sick." He really appreciates all the thoughts and prayers. He knows that remission is a really good thing and that we, and the chemo, are going to keep him in remission. He also knows that he is a fighter and when he's too tired to fight that we, all of us, are going to fight for him (like one cancer survivior friend had said). Thankyou once again for all that you have done for us! Words cannot express how much we truly appreciate everything! We will update again after Thursday's appointments, unless something would come up before.
God Bless, The Breuers

Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:10 PM CDT

What a beautiful day! We are back from Bryce's appointments and his Nurse Practitioner says he is doing GREAT! Logan thought it was a long morning and kind of boring but he survived it. He says he has also learned alot! We left at about 6:15, had labs drawn at 7:15, saw Donna his N.P. at 8:00, and chemo was around 10:00.

Bryce's white count is at 1,000; his platelets are at a whopping 188,000; and his hemoglobin is still holding at almost 10. His tummy ache is a little less bothersome so, we'll keep working on that. Because of all these good things going on,...we get to take a WEEK OFF from appointments!!! Unless, like Bryce adds, he gets a fever.

So, our next appointments will be next Thursday, Day 28. Bryce will have labwork at 7am, lumbar puncture chemo and bone marrow biopsy at 7:45, and see the N.P. at 10:30.

Please continue to pray for our little Trooper, he is doing so well, and not real thrilled about everything he is doing so well with! He does enjoy hearing what everyone writes in the guestbook entries and the cards he receives in the mail. I know he is very proud of himself, as we are very of him.

I'm very excited with our day we've had! Life is good! And, we are thanking God for ALL he has given us!!! Thankyou and May God Bless Each and Every One of You!!!!!

The Breuer's

Wednesday, June 11, 2003 3:01 PM CDT

Hi there! We are just hanging around the house and doing a few things with the plants and garden. I thought maybe people might be wondering how our little Brycer has been doing with the tummy aches the last couple of days...

Yesterday, his tummy was still bothering him alot. Yes, he is still very frustrated with it! Today, it doesn't seem to be too bad...only a couple of complaints. I bought him some Lactaid milk last night, so we've been trying it today. The Dr. thought it maybe wouldn't make his tummy so distended or upset. So, we're still in the trial-period.

Bryce has been getting more fresh air the last couple of days by sitting out on the porch watching his brothers' or any other action he can catch. He has lab, Dr., and IV chemo appointments tomorrow starting at 7am, Logan is coming with. He would like to know, now that Mitchell knows, what a "day in the life of Bryce" is like, too. Bryce is happy Logan is coming along. They think it is cool that they have to get up so early! I'll let you all know more tomorrow after appointments. God Bless!
The Breuer's

Monday, June 9, 2003 5:12 PM CDT

Hi Everyone! Hope your Monday is going well. We went to Bryce's appointments today, Mitchell came along. He said he "learned alot, today".

Bryce's platelets are holding at 91,000 and his hemoglobin is holding at 9.9. Both are good! His white count is at 500 so the Dr. warned us again about watching for fever/infection, and passing germs. But, no transfusions so Bryce was happy about that!

Bryce is tired today. He didn't sleep well last night. His tummy is still bothering him too. The Dr. really thinks it is two of the chemo medications plus his other medications he is taking. So, we are just trying (as Tim would say) "a little bit of this, and a little bit of that".

We don't have appointments until Thursday, again. So, we are going to lay-low the next couple of days. On Thursday, he will have labs, see the Dr., and then IV chemo.

I'm gonna keep it short today, Bryce is still as hungry as ever (from the steroid he is taking) and is wondering what to eat! Thankyou for all the new messages in the guestbook, phone calls, and EVERYTHING! Please keep praying for an "Easy Battle" and NO infections!

God Bless YOU ALL!! The Breuer's

Friday, June 6, 2003 5:24 PM CDT

Happy Friday! The Doctor just called with results in hand,...

BRYCE IS IN REMISSION!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!! Thankyou, God!!!!

This means that there are no more leukemia (blast) cells in his bone marrow. This does not mean they will give him a "lighter" treatment. They will still treat him with the standard protocol. They will still keep pounding away with the chemo. Then, they said they will pound away at it some more! And then, some more!! They will only "let-up" when his blood counts are too low so they can give his body some rest and recovery time for a few days,...then pound away some more! They will keep treating him with the chemo so it does not come back! This is part of the reason why it takes 3 years and 2 months.

Bryce is pretty mellow today, but he did show his "million-dollar" smile when we told him and his brothers the good news. He is complaining of his tummy hurting again, today so we are trying to figure that out. He is very frustrated with this "tummy ache" thing. It is probably the medications he is taking, we would love any suggestions or ideas you may have.

Bryce's next appointment is for labwork on Monday and then to see the doctor. On Thursday, he will have more labwork, see the doctor and another IV chemo treatment.

Thankyou all for being so patient! It was very hard to be patient on this end! Once again, THANKYOU ALL SO VERY MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS, CARDS, VISITS, GIFTS, FOOD AND EVERYTHING ELSE! You are all so amazing!! You just never know how you may handle something like this in your life until you come to it, especially when it comes to your child. With all of this support from family, friends, and complete strangers, we're gonna make it through this! Bryce is a fighter and he will be "telling his story" someday! He told me that someday when one of his friends are sick or need help, we will need to bring them food and visit and pray. He's really understands all of this! Thankyou!

God Bless all of You! The Breuer's

Thursday, June 5, 2003 6:49 PM CDT

Good Evening! We are home and settling in from the busy day. Bryce is in good spirits! He had a long day but,...what a trooper he is! He had his blood drawn at 7:45, then his bone marrow biopsy and lumbar puncture at 10:15. Back to the room by 10:35. Outa there by 11:50. We went and had rest time at Bryce's Aunt Amanda's apartment for an hour, then back to appointments. We saw one of the hematology/oncology doctors at 2:00. He informed us that the bone marrow results won't be finished until tomorrow morning, he'll call us ASAP. Bryce's spinal fluid is clear, once again! Yeah! His white count is 900, so we were informed again that if he spikes a temperature, we need to get him to the hospital ASAP. His platelets are at 78,000, and his hemoglobin is at 10.3 both holding steady so, we won't need to check his blood again until Monday. We've got the weekend off, hopefully. Bryce also had a IV chemo treatment today that went well. He is still complaining of little tummy aches, but the doctor thinks it may be the steriod irritating the stomach. We're keeping a close eye on that. He still has a BIG appetite since Monday! That is from the steriods. Well, I think I've thought of just about everything until we hear the results of the bone marrow. I will try to get on the net right away with them! Thankyou again for all you do for us! We're gonna get thru this with flying colors!! Someday, Bryce will be the BIG redhead on the front line of the Goodhue Wildcats football team. Please keep the prayers comin', we know HE is on OUR team! The Breuer's

Tuesday, June 3, 2003 7:57 PM CDT

Hello again!! We have some good news! The cytogenetics reports from his bone marrow show no abnormalities in his chromosomes which means he has a good prognosis! Yeah!!! You all have to bear with me,...I'm a little excited about the report, so I'm a little wound up! His liver is also somewhat smaller. We are really praying for remission on Day 14, which is this Thursday. If not, they will add the PEG chemo injection before Day 21, and he should be in remission by Day 28.

Bryce only had a few headache and tummy ache complaints yesterday, and a couple tummy ache complaints today, which is really good. I'm guessing these 4th, 5th, and 6th days after a chemo treatment may be the easier days. We'll have to wait and see though, this is still all so new and early. I think Bryce would have been in a super-duper mood if he didn't have to go to the doctor today because he was feeling well. He just seems to get nervous and a little stressed with all of it. He tries to keep his humor with the Nurse Practitioner, though. She's a hoot!

His platelets are holding well from Saturday's transfusion, his white count is at 1,100, but his hemoglobin was at 8.2. So, we went to St. Mary's Peds Infusion Therapy Center around 12:30 so he could receive a packed red cell transfusion. Watched 2 movies, did a puzzle, and home again around 5:40. Long day for the little guy! He was glad to climb into bed early again. I think tomorrow will be a GOOD day at home!
I will update again on Thursday night after his big day. Once again, thankyou for all the prayers and keep 'em coming!!! I know the Big Guy in the Sky is listening!! God Bless you all!!!! The Breu Crew

Monday, June 2, 2003 7:07 AM CDT

Good Morning! Mitchell, Logan, and Bryce are putting in the message this morning. We love to look and see how many people have stopped by the webpage! We can't believe there was 432 visits!!! Mitch and Logan are getting ready for school, and Bryce gets to stay home and watch Scooby Doo with Joel. The weekend was good. We went to a graduation, we played outside alot, too. We came home. (Mom is typing for us this morning). Bryce says he is feeling "good". The brothers are doing "great". We are going to set up the pool soon. Mitch has four days of school left, and Logan has two. Bryce is excited for Kindergarten! Bryce has an appt. tomorrow so we will update more then. We are going to the dentis tomorrow, too. "Thanks for the letters, cards, and gifts, and for all the prayers", Bryce says. Have a great Monday!
Mitchell, Logan, and Bryce (Joel is still sleeping)

Saturday, May 31, 2003 9:10 PM CDT

Hi Gang! Just wanted to quickly let you know Bryce's blood counts for today...platelets were 16,000; hemoglobin was 9.2; and white count was 1,400. So, he received a platelet transfusion and came home. He, of course, didn't want to go this morning but we made a McDonald's trip (he thinks his McD's certificates are the coolest!) while waiting for the blood to come to the Pediatric Infusion Therapy Center at St. Mary's. Had a little bit of success in the biffy (as my Mom would say), so that was a relief! He's having less tummy aches, now. But, he's having more head aches! He was happy to be home and see Grandma and Grandpa but still relaxed on the couch, ate supper, and tucked himself in by 7pm to try to get rid of the nasty head ache! By the way, I seem to find the best time, so far, to update the webpage to be in the evening, if you haven't noticed already. Thankyou for your visits here and hope you all have a great weekend! God Bless. The Breuers

Friday, May 30, 2003 6:30 PM CDT

Hi again! We're done with supper and things are winding down so I thought I would fill you all in on our day.

Bryce's tummy has still been hurting him off and on, day and night, so when the Nurse Practitioner called with a few results and I explained that this tummy stuff was still going on now for 3 days, she wanted to see him. She wanted to rule-out appendicitis by x-ray since his white count is goofed up from the leukemia and chemo. So, he and I went to Roch. and he had his abdominal x-rays done and then we went to E12 to see the Oncologists. X-rays look good/normal but they think he is having intestinal cramping from the stool softener he needs to take (because of one of the chemo meds). So, they added another medication for a few days to help "empty" him out. Wish us luck! The poor little guy is really uncomfortable.

The Nurse Practitioner also informed us of his bone marrow biopsy from yesterday which shows he is NOT in remission, yet. They were hoping he would be, so therefore he will have another bone marrow biopsy next Thurs. Hopefully, he will be in remission then, for sure by Day 28 which is June 19th. If he is not in remission on Day 14 (next Thurs.), then they will add another chemo IM injection before Day 21. The positive signs are that his spleen and lymph nodes are not as large. They also said that they think his spinal fluid was contaminated with blood yesterday, so they want to do that again Thurs, also. It showed blast cells where the first one on May 21st didn't show blast cells. Cytogenetics are still not back, yet. "Not to worry", she said.

So, tomorrow we go to 5 Mary Brigh of St. Mary's at 9am for blood counts and possibly a transfusion. Tues. we go to E12 for blood counts and see the Nurse Practitioner, again. And Thurs., we go to the Charlton Bldg. for blood counts at 7am, then to Methodist at 7:45 to wait to be brought to the Induction Room for the lumbar puncture and bone marrow biopsy, at 2pm we will see the Oncologist, and then IV chemo at 3pm. So, another big day then.

I will try to email a little sooner, if possible, tomorrow with lab results and the day's update. As always, thankyou for all your thoughts, prayers, cards, gifts, phone calls, food, offers of anything and everything, and webpage thoughts! God Bless, The Breu Crew

Thursday, May 29, 2003 7:52 PM CDT

Hello Everyone! I'm sorry that I haven't updated sooner than this. Tuesday night at St. Mary's was a late one! Bryce had a platelet transfusion around 8:30, his chemo injection (PEG-Asparaginase) into his thighs at 10:20 with no reactions (yeah!), and a packed red cell transfusion around midnight. We went to sleep around 11:30 and he woke up around 5:15am and didn't go back to sleep. So, we were ready to go home at 10:15 that morning! We had a quiet day at home (with a few scouls and cranky looks from him and Mom, both). Bryce's tummy has been hurting and lots of leg aches Tues. and Wed. from the chemo. Tylenol seems to help this a little.
Daddy woke him at 6:30 this morning to start his big day. We (Grandma Linda came along) went to the Charlton Building by about 7:15 for his port-draw. Then after waiting awhile, we went into the induction room around 9:40 where they gave him anesthesia to go to sleep. He had his bone marrow biopsy and spinal tap/lumbar puncture. During the LP, they took spinal fluid to check for cancer cells again and then did an intrathecal (spinal tap) chemo. He woke up with his "million-dollar smile"! And was ready to sit up and eat! He had to lie on his back for an hour but then did eat. We got dressed and met up with his Auntie Manda but decided he needed to try a nap in the Quiet Lounge. At 2pm, we had our Oncology appt. with Dr. Rodriguez. We don't have alot more information because the bone marrow, genetics, and spinal fluid weren't finished, yet. His white count is 1,200; platelets 33,000; and hemoglobin 9. We went to the chemo area on E12 where he had an IV chemo. We arrived home around 5:15. So, they will be calling us tomorrow afternoon with these other important results which we are anxiously awaiting!
We do have an appt. at 5 Mary Brigh on Sat. morning to check his blood levels again because she thought he may need another transfusion. We will be seeing the Nurse Practitioner on Tues. and then IV chemo and another bone marrow biopsy on Thurs.
The kid is a trooper! When he's away from it all and feeling halfway ok, he really doesn't want to talk about it, and we don't blame him. He's exhausted from his busy day and sleeping, now.
Please keep those prayers coming! He prays every night for his "safety". Thankyou for ALL of your prayers and guest book responses! He and his Brothers' love to read them at the supper table! I'll update tomorrow evening unless I know results sooner than that. God Bless you all. Susie

Tuesday, May 27, 2003 4:28 PM CDT

Hi everyone! Just wanted to fill you in on Bryce's appointment at E12 today. He saw the Nurse Practitioner and his blood levels are low. But she said, this is possibly a good sign that the bad cells are being killed off. His white count is down to 700, his hemoglobin is at 7.1, and his platelets are at 21,000. So, they are admitting him to St. Mary's tonight for a platelet transfusion, and packed red cell transfusion, and then his chemo injection into his thigh. Library is closing in 1 minute, I will update you more tomorrow! Thanks again for everything!! Susie

Monday, May 26, 2003 6:26 AM CDT

Good Morning! It is Monday morning and Bryce is still asleep. Mom couldn't sleep anymore so, I thought I would get up and start Bryce's Web Page.

For all of you who are unsure of what type of leukemia Bryce has, it is Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). For children, it has a 85% cure rate which is a really good thing! He has excellent Doctors' from Peds Oncology and they are using the same protocol treatment plan that is used across the U.S. for other patients with his diagnosis. We had wonderful nurses at St. Mary's and we arrived home Saturday evening.

Bryce had a good night! He is happy to be home and sleeping in his own bed, playing with his new toys, and in his sandbox. He's still patiently waiting to drive the lawn mower! He listens to his body because we notice that he plays for about an hour and is pretty tired after that and ready to rest on the couch. He was very happy to make a trip to the Dairy Queen last night for a treat!

On Tuesday afternoon, we have appointments for labwork first then to E12 of the Mayo Building to see the Oncology Nurse Practitioner and after that chemo, again. Bryce had a platelet transfusion on Saturday before leaving the hospital so we are hoping for some good blood levels tomorrow. If his platelets are too low again, he will have another platelet transfusion. If his hemoglobin is too low, he will have another packed red blood cell transfusion. He seems to feel a bit better after his transfusions. His white blood cell count is low from the chemotherapy killing off the leukemic cells so, we are using alot of good hand washing techniques! We need to be careful while his white count is low so that he is not to catch an infection. If he spikes a fever of 101, then we are to call and bring him in to the hospital or clinic because they will want to hang IV antibiotics through his Port.

The "port-a-cath" is a round piece of medal with a gel pad in the center where a needle can be inserted. It was surgically placed underneath his skin towards the bottom of his right rib cage. It has a small catheter tubing connected to it that also lays under the skin following up to the jugular vein and leads into the right atrium of his heart. This port will hopefully stay in place for the next 3 years and 2 months as this, we are told, will be the length of his treatment. If he has a growth spurt, he could "outgrow" it and it would come out of his heart, then they would have to replace it.

He will have many of his chemo treatments (and blood draws) through his port. Other treatments will be orally (by mouth), intrathecally (spinal tap), and intramuscular (injection into the thigh). He is on medications for the many side-effects of the chemo medications.

His brothers are learning alot and seem to be handling this all very well. They are a bit nervous at times but we talk about the leukemia very openly and this seems to help alot. We have already forewarned them of the many curves in the road so that they have a pretty good idea about things like unplanned hospital stays, etc.

The kids' were amazed when we told them of ALL the people who are praying for Bryce and his family,...from close friends and family to people in other churches and families that we don't even know! We truly appreciate and are grateful for ALL the prayers, support, food, visits, and offers that we have already received!!! I told a close friend how I can FEEL the ENERGY of PRAYER in my chest and it is INTENSE and AMAZING! God is watching over us and Bryce is in His healing hands.

Please check back for additional updates. God Bless all of you.
The Breu Crew

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----End of History----