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Nathaniel was 2 years 10 months and 15 days old at first diagnosis with high risk ALL. He was airlifted by helicopter to Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis, IN.

Nathaniel was placed on Protocol 1961, regimen A. He finished treatments in June 2000.

Nathaniel relapsed three months later. He spent most of September and October 2000 in the hospital for the induction phase and fighting infections. November offered a three-week break from in-patient status but the time was spent getting ready for the transplant. Pets had to given away, the house needed to be cleaned from top to bottom, toys had to be washed, and clothes packed for another lengthy hospital stay. We still made visits to the clinic for blood draws and chemotherapy, sometimes once or twice during the week. Nathaniel received many wonderful gifts during this time and he enjoyed some visits to his school, visits from friends and time with Matthew. We enjoyed our Thanksgiving Day and then we left for the admittance to the hospital. Radiation began and more chemotherapy continued in preparation for the Bone Marrow Transplant. Matthew stayed with his grandparents during our hospital stay. In the midst of a snowstorm they traveled the icy roads for four hour to bring Matthew at the appointed time. Normally it is a two and one half hour trip. On December 13, 2000 a twin-to-twin transplant took place and both boys did just wonderful! As expected, Nathaniel became very sick a few weeks later but Matthew’s marrow had begun to graft very quickly in Nathaniel. Nathaniel recovered and was so delighted to be released from the hospital on Jan.4, 2001. We were sent to a local Ronald McDonald House and given a very cozy apartment, which Nathaniel just enjoyed so much. It was a short lived joy as another infection put him back in the hospital just a few days later. His skin flamed and itched and he was most miserable. This was brought under control in about a week and he was again happy to return to the cozy apartment. On Jan. 24, 2001 he was released for home. He wrapped presents for Matthew and we brought him home. Many wonderful people touched our lives during this time and their kindness knows no measure but we will always be indebted to each and every one of them.


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