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Zachary Michael Hostad 11/28/99-10/20/02

Zachary Michael Hostad
Sept. 2002

Mommy and Daddy

Mommy and Daddy I wish I could stay,
Just like I heard you pray one day.
I was a strong boy, I fought a good fight,
Now I have two wings, and on my own flight.
Mommy and Daddy please don't cry or shed a tear,
The Lord took away my pain, suffering and fear.
I didn't want to leave you guys tonight.
God saw I was hurting and took me towards his light.
Mommy and Daddy I am now an angel along for the ride,
I'm watching over you next to your side.
I was given to you with a special jouney to be seen,
To show you love and everthing in between.
Mommy and Daddy please tell Jacob I will always be with him,
To help him fight his battles, I'll make sure he will win.
The streets of gold is where I play,
You will see it when you come here someday.
Mommy and Daddy I'm running, laughing and playing with my cars,
If you ever want to talk to me, just look up at the stars.
When the wind kisses your face and blws through you hair,
That will be me, I will be there.
Mommy and Daddy I came into your lives, what a precious gift,
I had to go, I know I will be missed.
The three short years you had with me. Cherish the happy times, what precious memories.
Mommy and Daddy never forget me, for I love you so.
I will be waiting for you at heaven's door.

Love Always,
Zachary Michael Hostad

I wrote this poem thinking this is what he would say. We will miss him terribly. We all loved him so much. My little Buggs is now an angel watching over all of us.
To all who is reading this NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!!!! Thank you for all the prayers and moral support.
All donations are welcome
First Midwest Bank
c/o Zachary Hostad Fund/Rebecca Boyer
1415 w. Jefferson Street
Joliet, Il 60435


Thursday, December 28, 2006 12:34 AM CST

Hello My Sweet Angel,

Merry Christmas My Angel. Antoher hard year. This was the 4th Christmas that I had to spend without you. You would be 7 years old and in 1st grade. I put another ornament on the tree to honor my baby soldier. I bought another angel for Christmas to represent you. As time goes by I can't say that my heart hurts less but i am learning to cope a little more easier. I know how to experience joy in my life and not feel guilty for it. Nothing will be the same without you but I have realized that life must go on. I will see you again one day. And I will then spend eternity with you. I am remembering more of the good times than bad now. Like the first time that you crawled over something, well me. I remember that I was laying on our bed and you were playing with Mommy's hair and you pulled yourself up over me with my hair. You thought it was funny but I couldn't say much for my head. Its times like those that I remember now. I thought I have forgotten about the times when mommy would do dishes and in order to keep you out of the kitchen while I cleened I would put a box up in the doorway to keep you out so you could watch me. And then one day, nothing would stop you to get where you wanted. Or the time when you found out the sound when a spoon hit a pan and you could not stop playing drums. Or the time when you and Daddy would take all of your 1000 matchbox cars and line them up in the living room. You had to make sure that they all faced the same way. There are so many memmories that are coming back to me now. It is wonderful to finally smile when I think of you and not cry because of the last horrible months were the only memories stuck in my head. Thank you baby for helping me remember those times. I can feel you with me here and there. I swear that you are with your brother to because I catch him talking to someone in his bedroom all the time. It's good to know that you are with him.

Your brother is getting pretty big now. He's 4 1/2 now and cute as ever. You two would get along so well. He loves his cars and any action hero's. He is also a blanky boy just like you. He does talk about his big brother Zack. He may have been to young to really know you but I think that he knows that something is missing. I wish you were here with us to show him the ropes. He is a very good kid just like you were. You may not look alot alike but you sure act alike.

Well I know you can see that Mommy bought a house and is getting married. I think that you would like Nate. I know that he would like you very much. I hope I will feel you with me that day in June. You will be the most important thing in my life that will be missing on that day. I think that you would like Mommy's home. Mommy is going to build your own little heaven's garden in the back yard just for you. Mommy and Jake are going to plant a new flower there every year. And will start with yellow carnations.

We all miss you very much and always will.

Love Always,
Mommy and Jake

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Hospital Information:

Childrens Memorial Hospital
2300 Childrens Plaza
Chicago, IL 60614
(773) 880-4000


http://www.smilequilt.com/memorial/zack/   Zack's Memorial Quilt
http://www.smilequilts.com/zack.html   Zack's Smile Quilt
http://www.caringbridge.com/il/jackryan   Jack's webpage..Zack's cancer buddy!


E-mail Author: heavens_angel_99@hotmail.com


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