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Tuesday, November 22, 2011 9:39 PM CST


Hi Everyone!

Wow--it has been a few months since I last updated, and believe me, I have been pretty busy!

Since August, I have been cheering on the Archer Tiger 7th Grade, and we actually won 2nd Place at Cheer Off!! It was so wonderful, I totally love cheerleading! I love dance, gymnastics and music--so it is all of those things!! And, I love to yell, so it it just the ~perfect~ sport for me!! Woohoooo!

But, I also had some weird things going on for me.

I had a few episodes where I forgot a lot of stuff and other times, I just didn't even know where I was! I had a lot of tests over at Eggleston. Most of them are 'normal', so my mom is not too worried. The sugar glucose test came back a little too low and then a little too high, so I am going to see the endocrinologist when I see the AFLAC Survivor Clinic on January 3rd. The neurologist does not think it is epilepsy, like my older brother. He believes that I may be having migraines. UGH!

But---the good news is that I have not had any odd symptoms for the past 4 weeks! I am so thankful! And, I have been able to study and actually have made all "A's" in the past 3 weeks! I am feeling totally like my old self again!

Thursday is Thanksgiving! Woohoooo! Me and my mom are going to my Bubba Rhyne's apartment for dinner. We are gonna eat with Nikki's parents!! It is so wonderful, I can't wait!!

This past weekend, I cheered for the Archer Tigers All-star football team, and it was wonderful! Our team finally won a game, so I was very happy! It was pretty tiring, as we had two games in one night, but it was so much fun! Thank you Coach Jennifer for a wonderful season!

And, I helped my mom with the GTC Family Festival this past month! It was so fun to help make balloon animals! And, we had our Cheerleading banquet (which I have never had one before!) and it was so super! I loved it!

Now, we are just cleaning and decorating the house, getting ready for Christmas! And speaking of our house, my mom sent in another application for a home modification. She sent it two weeks ago, so we are hoping that we hear something back soon.

And, since it is so close to Christmas, I am going to post some links up where you can do the most good to help out my friends who are still fighting this stupid disease. I have a close friend, Lindsay, who received her bone marrow transplant today and she needs lots of prayers to help get through this very rough road. Please go by her webpage and leave lots of good words of love and encouragement for her, her wonderful sister and her mom!

Thank you to everyone who has been keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece1 You guys have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Have a wonderful holiday! Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Monday, August 22, 2011 8:52 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!

Okay, so let me just ask for you, "What the heck is that picture of a box of software doing on your webpage?"

Well, if you notice, it is a movie production software from Sony. And, if you remember, I have a new Sony Handycam that i saved up money for and was able to purchase this Summer! My mom and me found the software at Amazon.com for ~~very cheap~~ and so I was able to buy it!


Well...not yet. It still has to come to my house and I still have to install it!

But, when it comes.....I CAN MAKE MOVIES!!!

I will be able to make real, honest to goodness, action-packed movies that people can watch!! On YouTube!! This is a dream of mine for just about the longest time!!


and, oh yeah, things at my house are going superfantastic!
School started for me two weeks ago and I LOVE IT!!!
I have so many of the most awesomest teachers!!



I am officially an Archer Cheerleader!! Woohooo!
Practice is a lot---three days a week. And then I have a game on Saturdays. Our first game was this past Saturday night, over at Rhodes Jordan Park in Lawrenceville. The game was late and it was so hot, but I had a fantastic time! Our team did not win, but it was wonderful to watch our team score two touchdowns in the last 60 seconds of the game! All the parents were just going crazy because our team had scored, then we got the ball back on a fumble. Then, we scored on a pass that was almost intercepted by the other team! They had tossed it up in the air trying to grab it and one our team players caught it! It was amazing!! Our team scored more points in that 60 seconds than the whole year last year! All of us cheerleaders had to do 12 pushups for the players!! It was so funny! But, I felt really proud to be part of the team!

I am feeling really great, except for that I hurt my right foot again two weeks ago. I opened a huge door at a movie theatre over my foot and broke my toes! It hurt terrible, but it is doing much better now!

And, I spent a week at Camp Sunshine! (which was awesome!)
And, I spent five days in Panama city with my bestest friend in the whole world (which was double awesome!)
And, I spent another week at the New London Theatre for drama camp (which was also awesome!)
GOODNESS!! I have been so busy!!
I promise to write more details later, but I have to run.

My life as an almost teenager is so busy!! Who knew that being 12 could be so awesome!! I am thankful everyday for my wonderful friends and family!

And, I have a prayer request. My friend Lindsay has relapsed with her stupid cancer leukemia. She was off of chemo almost two whole years! It has come back and she is now going through treatment again. I just hate it! Please keep her, her mom Sara, and her sister Hannah in your thoughts and prayers!

And, thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!...........madie rylee

p.s...still no news on our house mortgage foreclosure. At least, they have not told us to get out yet!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011 11:21 AM CDT

One guess where I am at this week!.......

And---it is awesome!!

I love it!!!



Well, she actually said that my optic nerves are different and that where it might be a problem for 'normal' people....it is 'normal' for me!! She ran all her tests and she is very comfortable in saying that I am 'good to go for another year!' She believes that what she is seeing is the result of my chemo that I had many years ago. It did change from last year, but all the pictures and tests show that everything is working normal for me!! I only have to call her if I have any weird symptoms again, like the tunnel-vision or the eye leaking stuff!


Now...I just have to go see the ortho doctor to get my yearly check on my stupid fibroma tumors and sciolosis...

Talk to you soon!...madie rylee

Thank you again to the wonderful people at the New London Theatre who have granted me a scholarship for camp this week!! You guys are awesome!!

p.p.s....I'm the "Tin Man" on Friday at 3:00pm!!


Saturday, June 18, 2011 10:18 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Wow! Two updates from me in one week! I have just been really busy this Summer, that is for sure!

On Tuesday, my mom let me know that I was granted a scholarship to the New London Theatre, here in Snellville!! They offer 1-week camps all summer, located inside their theatre here in Snellville. They have given me a week for the "Comedy", which starts on Monday, June 20th! WOOHOOOO!! ~~AND~~ they have granted me a week for the "Directing", which is when they teach you about directing plays!! AND THAT IS THE ONE THAT I WANTED!! How awesome!! And every Friday, people can come at 3:00pm and watch the work that we have for the week, so all you guys can come out and see us!! I can't wait!!

Well, the reason that I can't wait is that I finally saved up enough money for my video camera!! My mom helped me shop and I found the camera that I wanted (Sony Handycam DCR-SX44) plus two memory cards over at the Walmart.com website. I can't wait for the camera to come so we can pick it up!! I am going to spend my summer learning how to use the camera, make movies and put them up on YouTube!! You know, Steven Spielberg and JJ Abrams had to start somewhere! You guys are gonna be seeing a whole lot of me!

But, I do have to go see the Emory Eye Clinic on Monday, before I go to the Theatre Camp. I have to get some nuclear pictures made of my eyes (got to protect those eyes!) so I can find out what is next with this stupid pre-glaucoma. I am staying away from sugar as much as possible, so I am doing really great and have not had any weird eye symptoms for a few months now!

Also, I got my reading list for the Summer from school. On the list, we only have four options to pick from for the 'non-fiction' list of books. It's really weird! It's like the school system is trying to tell us all something. The first book is called "Chew on This!", which is about the Food Nation and fastfood. I have been talking to all my friends, who decided to read that book (mostly because the other's are kinda strange to us 7th Graders too---but my mom wanted me to read all of them!!). My friend Kimmaaay is afraid that if she reads the book, she might not ever want to eat FastFood again!! Heck people! If you would just watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, you would never eat fast food again either! I love to watch his show---it is awesome!! But, I cook with my mom and we eat vegatables, salads and fruits all the time, so I already know how important eating the right foods can be! But, since a billion other children at my school are trying to read the same book, there are no copies at the library. My mom has ordered it off the internet for .01 and we are gonna see if I can read it. When I finish it, I can always give it to one of my friends to read before the summer is over.

Well, I am going to have to run! I have been trying to get things ready for Camp Sunshine too! I leave on July 3rd, which is not very far away! This is my last year at Junior Camp before going to the Teen Camp next year, and I can't wait to see all my friends!! It is going to be SUPERFABULOUS!!

I hope everyone is having a superwonderful summer!! I have had a blast---it has been the best summer I have ever had!! And, oh yeah, my mom has heard from our mortgage company, who has sent her two packages in the mail (and by UPS) to re-apply for a home modification!! We are so confused!! This will be the third time that she has applied, because they keep saying "NO" to her! The last time, the lawyer sent a letter, so we thought it was going to the courthouse for a foreclosure auction, but we have heard nothing from that either. My mom is going to fill out the paperwork and send it in....so we will see what happens next!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend!! (and film director) Madie Ice!!!


Sunday, June 12, 2011 4:55 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I hope everyone has been having a superfabulous summer, because I sure have! I have been so busy, but just loving every minute of it! Yeah!


My mom came to my team-teacher class graduation on Friday, May 20th. I was a little bummed-out because I did not make the academic honor for the entire year because of one stupid grade, in one stupid class, for the whole year! But, I did get the Honor Roll for the last Semester! (yeah!)

I also got the Connections Award for Academic Achievement in Drama!! WOOHOOO!! I was so excited, because that is a great award! I was the only girl to get any award in any of our 'Connection Class' for my teacher team! (only boys won for Spanish, Tech, Computers, Art, Consumer Science...well, you know!) And it was for my really high grade (99.9) in Drama class! I love that class and I really love Mr. House!

I love having Ms. Previte, and I am so happy to learn that she is going to be teaching the 8th Grade!! WOW!! I hope I get her again when I am in the 8th Grade! That would be awesome!!

Oh yeah, I need to tell you that my mom won an award for her college! At the Acadmic Honors for Gwinnett Tech, my mom won an award of merit for outstanding achievement! She was one of 23 students (out of about 12,000) that were recognized for their achievement this past year! Way to go mom!!! I am so proud of you!!

I also got my CRCT results and I passed! For the Math, I made an 847, and if you get an 850 your are 'Exceeds'!! (I was sooooo close!) and I did "Exceed" for the Social Studies! That was great! I made really high on my Science (842) and I got a "Meets Requirement" on all the others, so I am feeling really good!!

My mom is finally out of school for the Summer Break, but she is going back on July 5th. She will work in the SCT100 lab and also take two classes for a really short Summer Semester. I'm not sure how she is gonna do it, but she says she can!

I can't wait for Junior Camp week at Camp Sunshine! Woohooo!! This is going to be my last week as a "Junior" camper, so I'm kinda sad. But, I know it will be a lot of fun!

I had my 12-year-old physical, and my pediatrician says I am doing wonderful! Everything looks perfect, so I got three shots! UGH!! My arm is really sore! I go to see the Emory Eye doctor on the 20th, and she will take some nuclear pictures of my eye. She said that will give her a baseline to measure any changes that might occur in the future with this stupid glaucoma that I have. I am watching my diet, staying away from sugar, so I am feeling really great!

I have had a few problems with my knee and ankle, but nothing serious. I just walked too much at the Stone Mountain Laser Show, so my knee started to hurt. My mom is going to make an appointment with my orthopedic doctor, because it's past the one year for my annual check up with him. He is keeping an eye on my sciolosis and the stupid fibroma tumors in my leg and ankle. Hopefully, I can get that appointment soon and get it over with because I am very busy, that is for sure!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure! Talk to you soon!

Your friend,

Madie Rylee

Saturday, May 14, 2011 7:48 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Wow--I can't believe it has been 8 years since I was diagnosed with the stupid Cancer Leukemia! And, it is now a total of 6 years since I last had to take the crazy chemo medicine! I am so happy about that!

I can't believe it is May already! WOW! Time is really flying by and soon school will be out! I am not happy about that, because I LOVE SCHOOL!!! I tell my mom that I want to be a teacher when I grow up because I love school so much!

Over the past few weeks, I have been really busy with the Gwinnett County "Relay for Life", Camp Sunshine Family Camp, and lots of doctor appointments. I had some cavities at my last cleaning, so I had to see the dentist. She has fixed them all, so I am good until I go back in July! YEAH! I don't like numb feeling in my mouth---that was very weird! It was the first time I had ever had to get that! It took forever for my mouth to feel again! And the "loopy laughing gas" was too funny! My mom said I was very happy when I got done!

I also saw the Emory Eye Clinic again and took that crazy 'field of vision' test. After I saw the eye doctor in April, she has diagnosed me with "pre-glaucoma" and called my mom to add another test she wanted me to take. I see her again the end of June (I now have to go every 3 or 4 months to see the eye doctor to keep an eye on the glaucoma..get it! "keep an eye!") because she has been doing some research into it. That test was so boring (REALLY BORING!!) and all you do is look at a lot of blinking lights and press a clicker each time you see them! And, it also hurt when the test was for the left eye. On the way home, I told my mom that I did not see any of the low-lights with my left eye and the crazy bright lights hurt! OUCH! My mom said it was no wonder that I was wiggling around in the chair and making faces during the whole test!!

I want to wish everyone a very wonderful Mother's Day! Me and my mom had a superfabulous time together! I had photo-shopped a lot of pictures for all my "mom" friends and we went to visit everyone! My mom says that I get my great artistic skills from her ~AND~ from my DAD!! Yes!! He is an artist who corrects photo's for all the ads and magazines that you guys read! So, he is very good at fixing photo's!! I'm learning, that is for sure! Happy Mother's Day to all my wonderful "mom's" out there!!

And, I took the CRCT tests! I had the 504 Plan in place, so I could write on all the tests and I could take as much time as I needed. I'm not sure, but the 'practice' math test, I got a 99.9 on it. I can't wait to see what the score is for the real test!

And my mom has added some pictures! I love the one with me and the fish! I actually caught two fish that day, and I had a super wonderful time at the Camp Sunshine Family Camp! Thank you to CAMP SUNSHINE so very much!!

Well, I have to run---there is so much to do this weekend! My mom is working up at the Gwinnett Tech college that she loves so very much, but only part time. She loves teaching, that is for sure!! We have heard back from the bank, who said we still don't qualify for a modified mortgage, but they gave us another 30 days to respond back to their paperwork. I'm not sure what is going on with them, and neither does my mom! She went to see a bankruptcy attorney, who felt so bad for her, he has said he would take her case for half the normal fee. All I know is that we are really blessed to have so many people want to help us!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while I get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have angel wings coming, for sure!!

Lots of hugs and love!!

Your friend,

Madie Rylee

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 10:04 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Easter is coming very soon--I can't get over how fast the time is going by for me! It use to feel like it took 'forever' to go just a week, but now the days are so fast! I was out on Spring Break last week, and it went really quick, let me tell you!

And, while I was out on Spring Break, I saw my eye doctor over at the Emory Eye Clinic. I saw that doctor last year, on the day we had the snow and my mom got stuck on snowed-in roads by Emory! That was so funny! We had called them and they said they were open for business, but school was closed!

Anyway, this year, my appointment was at the old Crawford Long building. I love driving into downtown Atlanta! I wish I could live in one of those high rise buildings and just walk to school, work or shop! That is my dream!! I keep telling my mom to move downtown or to mid-town!! My appointment took forever, because the doctor was running behind. She had several people show up late, so it was over an hour late for me! UGH...but I had my MP3 player and my phone, so I texted friends the entire time. I just love my phone!

Well, the appontment was good. I have been begging my mom to let me get reading glasses, and I take them off the rack at Walmart each time we go. This time, the doctor said that I need reading glasses and that it would be okay to use them. I can't see perfect, but my vision is not so bad yet that I need eye glasses for distance. Only for reading right now. And they help so much!! I love them!!

One other thing that the doctor noticed is that something is going on with my eye. She said last year, it was very tiny and barely there. This year, when she dialated my eyes, she said it has definitely grown and changed significantly. She asked if anyone in the family has glaucoma, which we don't. All of my complaints for my eyes (tunnel vision episodes, eye leaking drops for no reason, blurry vision sometimes, and pain) and now this in the back of my eye nerves, all might be that I am getting glaucoma. The doctor said my eye pressure is fine, so it is not an emergency. She wants to see me every three months, so I go back on June 20th for another exam and they are going to take some pictures of the back of my eye. She did not have the machine at the mid-town location, so I have to get it done at the Emory Hospital location.

And! I went to Family Camp this year at Camp Sunshine! I LOVE CAMP!!! It was SUPERFABULOUS!!! My mom is working on getting the pictures uploaded, so you guys can see!! I had a blast!!!! THANK YOU CAMP SUNSHINE!!!!

Well, my mom heard back from an attorney for the mortgage company. She has an appointment with an attorney this Saturday, to talk about our options for our house. Please say prayers that we can get something worked out and we can have a place to live! My uncle Ray is wonderful and is going to help us out with whatever we need! He is awesome!

And, speaking of my Uncle Ray!!!! He has given my mom money for me to sign up for the Archer Cheer Leading!!! WOW!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!! he is just wonderful and I love him!!!

Well, the CRCT is next week, and my mom has a meeting with my teachers and school tomorrow to talk about a "504 Plan" to help me. I am not sure what is going to happen, so I will keep you posted on what happens there!

I have been really busy working on my school work and also I have a new hobby with my video's and using the MS MovieMaker! I LOVE IT!!! I really want a video camera and my own computer so that I don't have to fight my mom for the computer! We have to take turns, because she has so much school work to get done. Ugh.....

Well, I am going to run for now. I promise to update sooner the next time!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Saturday, February 26, 2011 11:53 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

I can't believe it has been so long since I last updated!
I have been really busy---that is for sure!

I love my cheerleading at the Grayson United Methodist Church! It has been a really wonderful experience, and I really, REALLY enjoy it! Next Saturday is the last game, so I am gonna miss it!

I have been working very hard at school, and have made the Honor again! Woohoo!!

My mom has been really busy too--she is taking network classes at Gwinnett Tech. She started another part-time job, so she is very crazy between classes full time at school, working 2 jobs and taking me to cheer practice and games while helping me with all my other stuff.

On a sad note, all of my mom's drawings from her 3 years at art school have been destroyed. They were at my uncle's house with some other stuff, where we thought we had plenty of time to move things. But, my Aunt and Uncle made arrangements to have everything removed, thrown away and the carpets cleaned without telling my mom. She is pretty sad, as she didn't have pictures of them either. And, we heard back from the mortgage company, who denied my mom's home modification request. They said she did not make enough money. She is working with them, to figure out what to do next. Hopefully, we can find a place to live that we can afford and still be closer to my school. But, I know it will be okay no matter where we live. I just hate that we had to leave my Uncle's house. I just don't understand it at all.

My mom continues to look for full time work, but as everyone knows, it is very hard to get hired! Especially when you are older, like my mom. She has signed up for some certification tests, so we are hoping that will help out also!

Thank you to everybody for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in on one piece! You all have angel wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Friday, January 7, 2011 8:33 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

I had an awesome Christmas!!


I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday, filled with lots of visits from family, friends and neighbors! I was so busy---it was just crazy!

First, me and my mom have come back to Snellville, right before Christmas. We had been coming to Snellville on the weekends, (and a few times during the week), but we are in Snellville all the time now. My Uncle Ray has moved from Bethlehem and is waiting to see what happens next.

But, I love being in Snellville all the time now! I can't believe how much I missed it! I love being able to just ride up the street to the store or to get any kind of food you can imagine! And, I love that I don't have to be quiet all the time, as my Uncle Ray slept during the day! I love my Uncle, but hey, I am a very "loud" person! I just can't help it!

I had a wonderful Christmas! I was just totally surprised by Santa this year, as I know this has been a rough year for everyone! He left me new DVD movies--which I LOVE!!! We don't have cable tv, only the free digital tv that you can get on the "antennae tv", and I have a very old tv in my room--so I only can watch movies. And, I got a wonderful sewing machine---it can do so much stuff! I have used it everyday since Christmas!! IT IS FANTASTIC!!

Well, since we don't have cable tv, my mom is thinking that I am sewing and reading more. She laughs because we do have the 'special' AT&T $14.95 a month DSL, and with a MagicJack we bought at Walmart (thanks for the giftcard Rhyne & Nikki!) we have a home phone for only $19.95 a year!! You can't beat that!! And, I can always go online and watch the shows that I use to watch on the cable tv. So, it's not bad.

And it snowed on Christmas day!! I can't believe it was so awesome!! I loved it---it was fantastic!

And, I started Cheerleading at the Grayson UMC. My aunt Nickey gave it to me for a Christmas present! I had my first practice this past Monday night and it was awesome! I know that I am going to love it!

Well, about our house--here is an update. My mom has faxed in a bunch of more stuff to the mortgage company, so we are just waiting to hear back on what happens next. If we don't get approved, we have been looking at other places to stay. We will just cross that bridge when we come to it.

And, my mom has applied for about 126 jobs in the past two weeks! It is so frustrating for her, as it appears that no one wants to hire anyone who is over the age of 30. It is just really sad......

And the best news of all is that I get to stay in my McConnell Middle School! Yeah!! My mom applied for the 'permissive transfer' that is allowed in Gwinnett County and my middle school is one of the schools that is in the program! She filled out the forms and I was approved to stay1 YEAH!!! Now, we just have to figure out how to get me back and forth to school, especially while she tries to keep working. That is going to be the most difficult for us right now. Please send prayers that we can get something worked out.

Well, I had my annual 'survivor clinic' visit back on Tuesday! I saw Dr. W and she said I looked great! I don't have the blood work back, but she said she would call if anything was weird and we have not heard back, so I am sure everything is fine. Next week, I have a dentist appointment (because I have some cavities..ugh!) and then on the 25th, I have an appointment with the neuropsych up at Scottish Rite. That is my mom's birthday too!

Sadly, I have to say that another friend of ours has relapsed again. The family has a lot to think about. We have known them since I was diagnosed back in 2003, so please go by and leave kind words for him and his family--they are awesome! You can find him at Camp Jack and then sign up to leave a message. I know the family will really love to hear great words right now!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Lots of love!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Friday, December 3, 2010 9:45 AM CST

Well......my uncle is moving on the 22nd! I think my mom and me have to move before that. UGH!!

And, I get to babysit my neice Hailey tomorrow! She is so cute and I love spending time with her! My brother Roe is working at the Masqerade downtown and Katie is working at the movie theater, so me and mom get to keep Hailey! We are gonna be busy this weekend, that is for sure!

And, I finally got my Language Arts grade up to a "B"!! Woohooo!! I think I will make Honor Roll again! I just love it!!

Thanks to everyone who is sending prayers, I really appreciate it!

Talk to you soon, your friend, Madie Rylee

Sunday, November 28, 2010 9:45 AM CST


Ha! I know we just had Thanksgiving, but I am so ready for Christmas!! I can't wait!!

I hope everyone had a superfabulous Thanksgiving with all their family and friends! Mine was pretty weird, but it was great too! Me and my mom got up early and went to Kmart--that was so weird! I had no idea that people shopped for Christmas on Thanksgiving Day!

My mom had cooked potatoes, turkey and pie to take to my aunt's house to eat with my brothers. But then, we found out that her mom is there, and her mom is pretty old and has very fragile health. So, my mom decided not to go. Okay, so why? Well........

My best friend Juleah came to visit me on Sunday before Thanksgiving, and she had a bad cold with a sore throat---that she gave to me! UGH! I was sick on Thanksgiving! So, my mom thought it was best to not get around family and spread all the buggy germs. So, we went to Walmart and did some more looking! It was a lot of fun---the store was piled high with stuff that was going on sale for Friday! It was very exciting---but not my head cold! YUKKKK!!

Anyway, my friend Juleah got to come back on Thanksgiving night so that we could go out shopping early on Friday morning! We had so much fun----IT WAS FANTASTIC! I love shopping on "Black Friday"! Of course, we don't have a lot of money, which is why we went out! My mom got some pj's for my neice for only $4! And, she got me my new Bissell vacum that I wanted (my old "Barbie" one from when I was little has broken) for only $8.00!! How awesome is that!! And, I need a new winter coat because mine are all too small for me, so we looked at a bunch of them. I did not see any that I liked AND they were all too small!! I can't believe that I am going to have to buy clothes from the "Junior" section of the store now!! I LOVE IT!! I just have really, really large shoulders, which is why the girls size 16 coat does not fit but I still need the girl's sizes in pants. My mom says it all the running, swimming and gymnastics that I do!

Well, my mom is still studying for her online classes---she has one more week and then final exams! She is hoping to take a Microsoft MOUS test in a few weeks, which may help a lot in getting a job for her!

And, speaking of our house in Snellville, my mom called the mortgage company again and spoke to someone who told her to re-apply for the HAMP program. Remember last year, my mom was on a "trial modification" for 11 months. The mortgage company lowered our house payment by $600 a month and paid our taxes. But, then they sent a letter that said my mom did not make enough money to qualify, so she was declined. AND---they demanded ALL OF THE MONEY back that she had missed and they paid for the taxes! OUCH!!! My mom did not have all that money! So, we moved in with my uncle up in Bethlehem, across the street from my aunt. Then, my mom got a letter from the mortgage company saying they were going to foreclose on the house. So, we thought it was a 'done deal' and nothing could be done to keep it.

Anyway, I started to school up here in Bethlehem, in the Archer High School district. I love my Middle School! It is the best ever!! And, sadly (well, maybe horrible!) my uncle has had a lot of changes at his work where his income is reduced by almost $1,000 a month and he can no longer afford his house up here in Bethlehem! My mom cannot afford the couple of thousands of dollars a month that it would take to stay in his house either. AUGH!! He is moving soon, right after Christmas.

And, as if by magic, an overnight letter appeared at our house in Snellville the day after Thanksgiving, asking my mom to notify the mortgage company! She called, and they said that our house is not in foreclosure "yet" and for us to apply for the HAMP program again!! Yeah!!! It was like Santa came to our house early!!

So, my mom is looking for work to add more income to see if we can qualify for a new program to keep the house. She is going to apply for me to transfer from our school district to the one I am in (they accept transfers!) so that I will not have to move schools. We just have to find a way to get me back and forth to school---so my mom is looking for work near school or maybe part-time. It is just really hard for her because nobody is hiring people who are 'old'. I'm not sure why, but companies don't like anybody who is 'old' to come work for them. It is very odd.

But, we are staying very positive about things! I am really excited to move back to Snellville, so I can see all my friends! And, it has been a little hard living with my uncle because he sleeps during the day (he works at night) and I have to be extremely quiet. And, for everyone that knows me, you all know that it is very difficult for me to be quiet!! ACK!!!

And--oh yeah! I have completely stopped taking the Clonidine medicine. My wonderful pediatrician is helping me to see if there is anything else that I can take that won't have the blood pressure side effects like the Clonidine does. I feel really good too! My grades are coming up really fast and all my last tests have been "A's" and one "B"! I am still hoping to get on the Honor Roll for the next grading period!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Merry Christmas!!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee

Thursday, November 18, 2010 7:31 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

Today, exactly one more week, will be Thanksgiving!

For most people, it is the day they begin their Christmas holidays. But, for me and my mom, we have already started. We start the day after Halloween, or, "All Saints Day". In fact, we already have my uncle Ray's tree up and decorated, AND he has a light-up wreath that we put on the door. We just love to turn off all the house lights and sit in the room with the Christmas tree lights on! There is something special---like the lights tell a story.

On a sad note, a very long time friend in my childhood cancer world has passed away. Ethan Patterson and his grandmother Eleanor have been a part of my journey on this crazy and stupid road. We even went on a Lighthouse Retreat with them. Ethan passed away this week and his funeral is tomorrow. My mom is gonna go, but I do not want to go. I have a lot of reasons, but mostly, it is just overwhelming for me and I have a lot to worry about on my own without adding more to it.

Actually, last week, I had an episode at school where I had to call my mom from the nurse's clinic. I felt terrible and had 'tunnel vision'. The only other time I had the 'tunnel vision' like that was back when I was in the hospital on chemotherapy, so I know what it feels like. It scared me plenty badly!

My mom took me to see my pediatrician at the wonderful Snellville Pediatrics! They were so busy---it was so crowded! There must have been a bad virus going around, because I think there were a million sick children there! We waited in the hallway, just because I did not want to get any sicky germs on me.

Anyway, I got to see the doctor and talk to her about things that have been going on, like my vision problems, headaches, and being 'seasick' a lot. She and my mom believe it might be related to the clonidine that I take, even though my blood pressure was pretty good at the school and the office. But, I had not eaten or drank anything that morning, so I got fussed at. I just don't like to eat or drink in the morning! It makes me feel really sick!!

Anyway, I have cut my clonidine dose in half and then I am going to try to every other day and then finally, stop it. If I need something else to help with my sleeping, the doctor said to call and she can provide something for me.

And, I wanted everyone to know that my grades are coming up again! Woohooo!! We don't know what happened that week in October, but my last three weeks of tests have been all "A" or "B" and my grades are almost back to normal for me. I really want to be on the Honor Roll again, so I am trying to make an "A" on everything!

And, about our house.....well, my mom attended a seminar that can help prevent foreclosure. Since the bank said 'no' to the modification, she now owes 11 months of the modified payment back to the bank, and of course, we don't have it. But, they sent her some information to apply again, so we are going to make effort to keep our home in Snellville. And, we might be moving back before Christmas because things are just not working at my uncle's house. His schedule is backward from my mom's, and she wakes up at the slightest noise during the night. And, we have to be very quiet during the day so he can sleep, which is hard for me and my friends if they come over to visit. I can still go to my new school, because they accept transfer students. It will just be a long drive for my mom to make in the morning and afternoon. But, I know it will work out!

So far, I am doing good with my medicine change! And, I actually eat a few bites of breakfast yogurt/granola and drink a few ounces of milk or juice. I have not had any more problems with my vision or a headache. And the best of all...no pain in my knee or my ankle!! Woohooooo!! I even signed up for Cheerleading at the church in Grayson!! Thanks to my Aunt Nickey, I can be a cheerleader!! YEAH!!! THANK YOU AUNT NICKEY!!

Well, I have to run. My mom is attending the funeral for Ethan tomorrow, so I am going to stay with a friend. Thank you to everyone who has been keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Merry Christmas!!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Saturday, October 23, 2010 11:31 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Well....no sooner had I made this post than more 'weirdness' happened to me! I wonder if I am 'jinxing' myself!

The wackyness is just not stopping!

Tuesday, by the time I got home from school, my mouth was on fire! My lips were burning and they actually looked burned! My mouth was so chapped----I was in great pain! My lip was so swollen, it looked like I had been punched! My mom and me went up to the store and got some medicine for it, but I had to put ice on it for the whole night. It was just very bizarre!

It took a few days, but my lips are doing better. The swelling is going down and my lips don't look burned anymore!

Sadly, I still failed another test---even though I studied like crazy for it!! My mom helped me, and I knew all the answers! And now, even Math is getting a little confusing me! And I know Math! I love it! It is my favorite subject! It is like my brain is refusing to think or work---it's wacky and bizarre!

My mom is just not sure what the heck is going wrong. She even thinks it might be my new earrings, that I got pierced a few weeks ago. She is thinking that maybe I might be allergic to something, like the metal in them. But she still thinks that I cannot process sugar for some reason and that maybe I have too much glucose in my blood. And, I did have a slushie drink the day that my lips caught on fire......hum. I really hate that glucose tolerance test...I got sick the last time, I thought I was gonna die! I cried and cried to go to the ER, that is how sick it made me! But, it was so crazy that the test did not show high glucose levels! But, I did drink a lot of water with that test.

Anyway, my mom is calling the doctor on Monday to discuss all the problems.

And, believe it or not....my stupid ankle is starting to hurt again. I JUST HATE IT!!! Why can't I just be a normal girl!!

I promise to keep everyone posted! Tomorrow is Camp Sunshine's Fall Festival! I can't wait to see all my friends!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,

Monday, October 18, 2010 11:31 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Wow! It has been a while since I last updated! I have not been feeling so great, either.

My eye was still hurting, so my mom took me to the doctor to have it looked at. My doctor put me on a new antibiotic because she said it was a 'stye' in my eye! UGH! That medicine made me VERY SICK! I went to the nurse at school three times in one day! (and we were trying to take final exams---it was just terrible!) I think it was the flu shot that made everything so wacky! At school, I failed seven tests, in three different subjects, with my grades all being a "40", "50", and several "60"!! It was like my brain just quit working for the entire week! It was so crazy!!

Then, the next week, for some wierd reason, my back was hurting like I had broken it! Back to the doctor....UGH! The doctor said I had a 'muscle spasm' and so I stayed home with ice and a heating pad. I did feel better, but it was just so weird! But, I changed my backpack and things are now going pretty good.

And, in spite of the terrible failing grades on a lot of those tests, I got my report card and I got 3 "A's" and 3 "B's"!!! Woohooo!! I am so glad that I had a bunch of great grades to keep me from doing really badly! My mom still doesn't know what happened---it could have been the medicine I was on or it could have been the flu shot. My mom said there may be a connection with the flu shot, as I have reacted like this before. She said the next time, the flu shot will be when I have time off of school! And normally it is the week of Thanksgiving. But this year, the doctor did not know if there would be any left, because the flu is starting early this year! YIKES!

But, I am so happy to have survived the first semester of 6th Grade! Woohoooo!! And, I love, LOVE, my teachers! They are the most wonderful teachers at school! I am so glad that God picked me to be in their class and now I am very glad that I only have a team of 2 teachers and not 4!! Yeah!!

My mom has not been feeling very well either. She also got the flu shot with me, but she has been fighting off these terrible allergies. It has been very difficult. She is just very tired a lot. But, I think it might be because she has a hard time sleeping here at my uncle's house. My mom is a very light sleeper and wakes up at the smallest thing. It's either the kitty, the dog (my uncle has a big german shepard) or when my uncle comes home from his shift (he works night as a policeman) at 4:00am. We still have not heard anything about our house! I can't believe it!! This week, they sent a new form to apply for a new program and come to a home seminar. I guess we will see what they want to do.

Don't forget that this Sunday is the Camp Sunshine FALL FESTIVAL!! I can't wait!! It is going to be tons of fun!! I can't wait to see all my friends!

I just hope that all these 'weird' things happening to me stop pretty soon. Normally, this month has weird things if I eat a lot sugar---so I have been trying very hard to stay away from it. No candy...no cookies.....no nothing. I just hate that! It is not fair!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have angel wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee!

Monday, October 4, 2010 11:31 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I am so sorry that I have not updated lately!

I have been super busy, that is for sure!

Now, it's October and the beginning of the most awesome holiday season! I can't wait!

And, in the meantime, I would like for you guys to go out and vote for some friends of mine. Dr. Jim use to race with the Chilipepper Racing Team. I met him and his wife AmyJo in October of 2003, when I was going through terrible chemotherapy. It was so great that they love children and want to help all us sweetie cancer children!

Sadly, their own son was diagnosed with a horrible cancer right after he was born. Because of their loss, they started the Austin Hatcher Foundation, to help kids fighting cancer. Now, they have a wonderful place called "Hatch's House of Hope" which is very much like my own Camp Sunshine House! AND WE ALL LOVE CAMP SUNSHINE!!!

Well, the Hatch's House of Hope is entered in the Pepsi Refresh Challenge. Pepsi is donating $250,000 to the top voted idea to help our communities. Even though Hatch's House of Hope is in Chattanooga, please go by the website and vote for them! We are all in this together and all the children of Chattanooga need a place like my own Camp Sunshine!! Their programs can help our programs too! Just go by the Pepsi Refresh website here, Hatch's House of Hope which is sponssored by the Austin Hatcher Foundation! You can vote online AND by texting with your cell phone!

I am doing pretty good! I promise to have a more detailed update later tonight. Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this crazy cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend, Madie Rylee

Friday, September 3, 2010 11:10 AM CDT

Hey Everybody!

It is Friday, September 3rd!
The Friday before the Labor Day Weekend Holiday!
And Fall is coming!
The temperature is suppose to be "83" tomorrow and then "80" for Sunday!
I love the Fall...that is awesome!

I go see the ortho doctor today for my knee and ankle. I will keep you posted on what happens! This week, I have been doing really good---with no pain! Which is superfantabulous!

Okay---so, for today's way to help us children fighting the stupid childhood cancers, I am bringing you information on another fund raising party that you can attend! This party is put together by Chris Glavine, the wonderful most awesomest wife to Tom Glavine! They all got involved with helping all us cancer kids when a friend of their's was diagnosed. Mr. and Mrs. Glavine know first-hand the effects of childhood cancer and what it does to our families! They want to help as much as possible, which is AWESOME!!!

So, Mrs. Glavine came up with an idea! Her idea was to have a lunch for all the mom's and to raise more money for programs and research! And now, you can buy tickets for a wonderful thing called "Quiet Hero's Lunch", which is what my mom totally loves! The CURE people sponsor all the mom's of children that are fighting this terrible disease. It is a wonderful lunch! My mom totally LOVES it! (and I like the tote bag!...I steal the "Sissy Tag" that goes on it!!! I LOVE YOU SISSY TAGS!! Give your mom a great big hug from me and my mom!!)

And, they also have a "silent" auction where you can bid on items and get a chance to win them! This year, they even have a Justin Bieber personally autographed guitar!! WHOA!!! I would love to have that guitar to play!! It is a nice electric guitar!! My favorite color blue!! Just go by their website here, for the Quiet Hero Website and Silent Auction and you can find out what other interesting things they are going to sell in the auction! Or, you can buy a ticket and come to the lunch! Or, you can sponsor a cancer-kid mom, like my mom! (or two! or three!)

Well, I have to run!
Thanks for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get though this stupid cancer journey all in one piece!
You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee


Wednesday, September 1, 2010 5:48 PM CDT

I forgot to say that I gave $10 of my allowance to CURE!!
I challenge everybody else to match it!
C'mon people, you know you want to!




Hi everybody!

Today is September 1st.
It is just not any day.

I was diagnosed with a childhood cancer leukemia seven years ago!
I was on chemotherapy for two years and two months.
It was a really horrible time for me, let me tell you!

But, throughout the entire time, I had wonderful people and groups who helped me and my mom get through all of that!
And, you know what?
They are helping me today!!
I still have some problems from the terrible chemo, but these wonderful groups have stepped up and continue to help me, even today!
So now, I have to help them!

For the entire month, I am going to post lots of ways that you can reach out and help children who are fighting to stay alive and live normal lives from this terrible cancer!

As you read and think about helping, please remember that less than .2 percent of all donations for research for cancer in America is given to help fight and research children's cancer! Yes, you read it right!

Children do not get the 'adult' cancers like lung cancer, breast cancer, testicular cancer, prostrate cancer, skin cancer, or AML leukemia. Nope. We don't. We don't go in the hospital and get treated for any of those cancers!
Did you know that?

All the research and money for those 'adult' cancers do not help any children. The large groups like Relay for Life, Livestrong, Susan G. Komen, and others are really wonderful and I really, truely do love them! They have helped many of my 'adult' family members who have had cancer! (Oh! Lance Armstrong's Livestrong has helped Camp Sunshine too!) Truely, yes, they are awesome and they are doing wonderful jobs at making living with cancer bearable and even curing it!

And I know that many thousands more adults get cancer than children do, so research helps a lot of people. And, since I had cancer as a child, I am now twice as likely to get an 'adult' cancer--so we still need all those 'adult' cancer groups! You guys are doing a great job! AND!!!--because I have three aunts that had breast cancer, one aunt who had brain tumor cancer and another one who fought cancer three times...that makes it FOUR TIMES AS LIKELY that I will get some form of those 'adult' cancers that those groups are helping!! UGH!!! ACK!!! My chances of getting an 'adult' cancer has now increased FOUR TIMES!! I know that I will need those 'adult' groups when I get grown up!!! So, you guys better come up with a cure for those 'adult' cancers REALLY FAST!!

But, for now, since I am still a child, I am asking you to help all of us children who are in the fight for our lives. Before we even get to be an adult and have to worry about our increased chances of adult cancers. Childhood cancer research needs a big boost, and it can come from you!!

So this month, can you please think about making a difference to help a child who has been fighting or has fought childhood cancers? Your donation will have a direct impact on the amount of research that we can do!

Today, I am going to present to you a very important one for helping with research! You can go to this website CURE each day and read about one of my friends. My mom and me had a wonderful opportunity to meet Summer in June, 2007, a few months before she passed away. We had volunteered for the Family Lighthouse Retreat and her family was there. Please read her story. If we just had more research, we might be able to save the lives of my friends and make our treatment plans not so horrible!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s...I go on Friday to the ortho doctor office to check on my knee and the ankle fracture! I am hoping everything goes great!


Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:12 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I have been really busy the last week, for sure!
School is going SUPER-GREAT!
I love my teacher, Ms. P! and Ms. H! They are the most awesome-est teachers that you can ever want!
I love them, love them, love them!

I also started my 'connection' classes this week.

I am pretty sad that I don't have PE.

But, my mom pointed out that I am still trying to get my knee and ankle working good and it would be terrible if I injured my leg in PE. So, I am not too mad.

And, I have ART (which I love!) and I have something called 'Family Economics' which is kinda different, and still interesting. Most of my class goes to PE, but I have a few friends who go with me to ART or the Family Economics.

And, I think I have decided to join the MATH CLUB! I love math!

And, speaking of my knee and ankle.....ugh!
I did something in my physical therapy about a week ago that hurt my ankle really badly. My mom called the orthopedic doctor and got permission for me to use my ankle brace again. That has helped a whole lot! I go to see the doctor next Thursday, so I'm hoping that I can get my knee and ankle better by then. Sadly, I cannot tell a difference at all in my knee, and sometimes it hurts more. And of course, my ankle has been hurting twice as much as it was! I guess we just have to see what happens this week!

I just hate that I cannot be running or jumping on my leg!
It just stinks!

And, I am still troubled by the fact that my friend Sarah and my friend Tyler has died. I told my mom that I did not want to go to the funeral because I was scared he was going to sit up in the coffin and start talking to me! I am having dreams about that! It is still very scary! And, I think because my whole leg is killing me (and the doctors do not know what is wrong...still!), I sometimes think that might be what is wrong with me too.

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have angel wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,

Madie Rylee

Wednesday, August 11, 2010 9:35 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!


I have had the best first two days of school that any girl could ever hope for!


I was very nervous about not being in a team of four teachers, but now I know it is wonderful! I even met someone back in June, at registration, who is in my class! All my friends in the room have come from different schools, so we are all shy and nervous! It is awesome!

And, I love my teacher!!
I told my mom all night on Monday night that she is 'awesomely-weird...and just like me!" about a million times!


I love it! I love it! I love it!

And, my mom heard back from the insurance company, and I got approved for some more therapy. I am going on Tuesday/Thursdays for the rest of the month. I'm not sure what is going on, but it is helping. Because of my knee pain for the past three years, I have been walking 'funny'. My right hip/back is not strong enough and I have been walking with my foot turned out (to about 2:0O) so a lot of my therapy has been helping my entire right side of me. I have been having some pain, like yesterday. My knee hurt really badly at school and I almost had to go see the nurse. Too much standing will make it hurt!

I have my fingers crossed that I get PE for one of my "Connection" classes! I know it's weird, but I love PE!!

Well, thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Sunday, August 8, 2010 10:35 AM CDT


I have updated more in this past week than I have in a very long time! I guess a lot has been going on for me, that is for sure! And, I have changed my pictures too!

Let's see.......this week:

- I lost a friend from Camp Sunshine to stupid cancer sarcoma that is very hard to cure
- I went to my school open house and was disappointed to find out I had only 2 teachers instead of the normal 4 teachers
- I didn't want to go to my friend's funeral on Friday
- I changed my mind and didn't want to go to Camp Sunshine's overnight on Friday
- I don't want to go Camp Sunshine tomorrow for Spa Sydell and I don't want to go for the Seasonal Sunshine
- My physical therapist I love has left and is going to a new clinic way up in north Atlanta
- I had my last physical therapy appt because my insurance has not approved the next set of visits
- I hurt the top of my 'bad' foot somehow (the one with fractures) and it hurts like crazy

It is a lot for an 11-year-old to get through, for sure!

My mom has helped me a lot this week.
She has told me over and over that it is a 'good thing' that I have only 2 teachers. She says that will be a big help because I don't know anyone at the school and this will help me to make friends in my class. And, my mom told me that my teachers can get to know me better because they only have two classes full of children and not four classes full of students!

And, my mom told me that the new Grace Snell Middle School only has 2-teacher teams for their entire 6th Graders! I have a few friends going there too! So, that makes me feel a lot better! (a whole lot better!)

I still feel weird about my friend Tyler. I still can't understand it, it just does not feel 'real'. I lost my friend Sarah the end of June, and now Tyler. Two friends that I knew are not here anymore. It is a very weird feeling.

Don't forget that me and my mom are going to be at the Merrill Kind's "Fit 4 Fall" run up in Roswell on Saturday! The website to sign up and get more information is at:


I don't know if I can run, but I am sure that I can walk the race!

I am so thankful for my mom's friends and family! You guys have been a huge help to get me ready for school! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Well, I have a few last minutes things to get before tomorrow!
Thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece. You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s...our friends from the Chili Pepper Racing Team have built a new "Hatch's House of Hope" to help children fighting cancer. They are in the Pepsi Refresh project and need your votes! Please go to the project and either vote or text your vote to help them win! The website is:



Friday, August 6, 2010 9:21 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

The new school "Open House" did not go as good as I had hoped for.

For some reason, I am not on a team of 4 teachers like everybody else.
I have been put on a team of 2 teachers.
And, my classroom is not on the 6th grade hall with everybody else. It looks like a science hall or something?

And, in my class, I only saw a bunch of boys yesterday and only a bunch of boys names on the class list. So, I am a little bit nervous about that. How come there are so many boys in the class?

I really L-O-V-E my new teachers!
They are really nice---I know they are the best! Ms. Previte told me that she use to go to Centerville and Shiloh Middle school too!

But, I was so excited to be in a new school!
Now, I'm just really nervous and thinking I've been put in the wrong class for some reason?
Well, I will just have to join the Math Club!!

And tonight is the overnight for the Camp Sunshine Juniors! I get to see all my friends from Camp! We stay up late and talk about lots of stuff!

And, today is the funeral for my friend, Tyler Musselwhite.
I don't want to see him in his coffin, so I am not gonna go to the funeral. It is just too much for me to try to think about. I want to remember him like the last time I saw him. I know he would love that. For me, I don't want people sad or crying if I go to Heaven. It's a good thing! For me, I want a party with lots of dancing and lots of music--like a rock concert!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this terrible cancer journey! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 9:21 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Well, tonight I am very excited about going to my school 'open house'! It's pretty big---and everyone is new to me!

As most friends know, my mom went back to school in 2007. But, the stock market crashed, and she lost all her savings because the stock went from $90 a share to $4 a share.

Anyway, my mom has a 9 percent home loan, and no one would give her a lower interest rate because she did not make enough money to qualify. She applied for the 'making home affordable' program and was temporary approved last June, 2009. Our new payments were $700 a month less than what we had been paying! A great interest rate! Anyway, we paid the new amount each month. Then, the end of March 2010 the bank said 'no', that we were not approved anymore. And, they want all their money back for each month we sent in the lower amount! ACK!!

So----my mom is still waiting to find out from the bank when we have to leave the house. All that legal stuff has to be taken care of. In the meantime, we are traveling back and forth from my uncle's house because our kitties are back home (and our stuff), so I can start school and not have to move in the middle of the semester! My mom and me are renting a room from my uncle in Bethlehem! (no...not Israel, but Georgia!) And, I am going to McConnell Middle School!! Woohoooo!! I am gonna be a McConnell Middle School Tiger!!

I have to say I am a little nervous...and a little scared.....and a little worried...BUT A BUNCH EXCITED!!! I can't wait!!

I am going into Middle School!!

Tomorrow is "Open House" and I get to see my teacher and school for the first time!

I started my physical therapy for my knee and ankle. I have another appointment tomorrow afternoon, to see how things are going and to see what I need to do next. I don't go back to the Orthopedic doctor until September 2, so I'm anxious to find out if my ankle bone has healed good. It still kinda hurts---and my knee kinda hurts too. But, the therapy has helped quite a bit! Yeah!

And, I still can't understand about my friend Tyler being gone. I told my mom that it might take me five years, and I still won't get it. I still can't believe that my friend Sarah from Camp Sunshine is gone to Heaven as well. I keep thinking they are going to post something on Facebook or I am going to see them at Camp Sunshine House. I just feel really weird....just very weird. That is the only way that I can describe it.

But, some good news is that me and my mom are going to try to run/walk in the RALLY FOUNDATION'S "Fit 4 Fall" race that is being held in Roswell in memory of my friend, Merrill King. She also passed away.....from Leukemia. She had a different type than me, and fought really hard. So, if you want to help, go to this website and sign up!!




I can't wait to see everyone there! I might have to walk and not run, if my Physical Therapist says "no running". But I will be there!

Thanks for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Sunday, August 1, 2010 11:21 AM CDT

My friend from Camp Sunshine and the LightHouse Retreat has passed away this morning.

Please go by his website and leave good words for his family to help them get through this really sad time.

Here is is webpage:


And, for all our friends that know Tyler and his family, here is a wonderful poem by E.E.Cummings that my mom wants to post. We are all hurting today, but know that we are all together in this life.....


i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it
(anywhere i go you go, my dear;
and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)

i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)
i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;
which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

Friday, July 23, 2010 10:28 AM CDT

Okay....here is an update that my mom posted on her Facebook page.
And, if you see my ortho doctor, please be sure to tell him that I *AM* wearing the boot!...er...well, as much as possible! Or at least, as much as I can before my knee starts killing me!


Okay, here is the note:

Well, Madie is scheduled to start physical therapy on Monday!
Her ankle is feeling much better (thanks to getting the boot!) but the knee is still bugging her. ....sigh.....

She said the boot sometimes made the knee hurt more (because of the weight), which is why she doesn't want to wear it.

I am so glad that the NP ordered the physical therapy for her. On her evaluation visit, the PT said that Madie is not even bending her knees when she walks! There is just a whole host of things wrong.

I feel so badly for her. And, I blame the stupid 'mean christine' medicine that Madie took while on chemo. It damaged a lot of things (believe me, it was horrible! She even fell down a lot!) and I had asked about physical therapy for her back then, but kept getting told 'no' for some reason. Or, was it because I did not have time, being a single working parent and trying to keep my child on chemo?...and at the clinic?....and at all the other stuff?

Anyway, after speaking to the NP, and him questioning Madie at length about her pain, he believes that she has a type of patello disease and could even be the osgood schlatters disease. During gymnastics in 2008/2009, she could have pulled the bone away, as her muscles may have been stronger than her bones! YIKES!

He said the 'tell-tale' sign is that going up and down stairs (or climbing rocks and jumping like she loves!) hurts the most.

But....that diagnosis still does not answer the question about 'how' she broke her ankle last November/December right at the growth plates, or, explain the lesions that they see in the xrays.

And, it does not answer the question of 'why' it is just her right leg? Her left leg is fine, with no pain and no problems.

I am thankful that the xrays reveal Madie is not inventing the pain in her head and that I am not a lunatic parent, insisting that my child is sick when she is not. I think. Did I say that right?

So this is the third diagnosis of what could be causing the pain in her right leg. Seeing as how we believe in leprecauns, water sprites and forest fairies, anything is possible.

And, of course, the third time is the charm, right?

We love charms!!


Sunday, July 18, 2010 1:50 PM CDT


Hi to all my Caringbridge friends and angels!
Tyler started out pretty bad on Saturday, with a fever and low BP, but he bounced back and enjoyed the day with family and friends, celebrating his brother's birthday!

I know Tyler, and he will not want anyone to cry for him. He is very strong! I think, as a cancer-kid, I have learned a lot. We all know that life is very special and we treasure every minute! And to go to Heaven, is okay. I tell my mom that everyday.

So, in the meantime, another superfabulous friend (Kelli Hopkins) has set up a 'mealtrain' to help bring food to all the friends and family at Tyler's house! He has a lot of family, believe me! And, lots and lots and lots of us Cancer Kids friends! This "mealtrain' is something that ANYBODY can do!!! Please go on to the website, create an account, and help my friend in these last days of his life, before he becomes another angel in Heaven! It will help more than you can ever imagine!!

Here is the website connection for Tyler Musselwhite:


Thank you guys for keeping me, my mom (and my friends!) in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey! You guys all have angel wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s...my mom is going to a part-time job interview and testing tomorrow! Please send good prayers that she gets hired! Thanks!


Friday, July 16, 2010 2:50pm


My friend Tyler is not doing so great. He is very, VERY sick and is going downhill very fast. He might not survive the weekend.

Please go by and leave lots of messages for his family to help them get through this horrible time.

His website is:


Thank you guys for all your votes on the Pigeon Forge Taking Back Vacation and all the wonderful prayers and kind thoughts for his family!
You guys all have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Your friend,

Thursday, July 15, 2010 11:50 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

It's been a busy week for me, for sure!

I went to the Camp Sunshine "Spa Sydell" night on Tuesday and had a really great time! My friend from camp, Lindsey, invited me to come and stay a few days! We went to the lake and had a supergreat time! I got lots of sun, which I love!

I am still waiting to hear back from the Ortho doctor about my knee. But, I have seen the PT and she has given me two pages of excercises that I have to do to help my leg and hip get stronger! YIKES!! She has submitted a plan to the insurance company, and has asked me to find out about getting a bone density test done. As soon as she gets the 'go ahead' from the insurance, I can start my physical therapy in her office.

I am so excited! I can't wait to get my leg to stop hurting! WOOHOOOOOO!!!

And, not to mention, to get this stupid boot off my foot!
I feel like a storm trooper!

And, I am working on stuff for back to school!
My mom is gonna sew some outfits, so I can't wait! She said I really need to have some new pants, but the one's that fit me are way too long because I am so short! (And, I don't want to wear clothes for tiny girls, since I am going into MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!)

And, I think she might even make me a new backpack/bookbag that looks like a patchwork quilt! That is gonna be awesome!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Friday, July 9, 2010 9:50 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Wow, I have been really busy!
Sorry for not updating for the past two weeks--it has been a really 'crazy' time!

I got home from camp on Friday, the 25th, and not feeling so great. I started to run a fever (103.7) and then could not stand up. My neck hurt and I could not feel my hands. My mom took me up the ER at Scottish Rite early Saturday morning. The hospital ran a lot of tests, but I was extremely dehydrated too. It turns out, I had a terrible strep throat and was really badly dehydrated. The hospital let me go home about 6:00pm on Saturday. I did not start to feel better until about Monday afternoon.

And, since I was so sick, I missed the funeral for my friend from Camp Sunshine, Sara.
I was so upset---and sad.
Her chemo had stopped working, which really STINKS!!
All of us from Cabin 9 love you Sarah!
I really hope you got our card that we made for you and sent to you!

I saw my pain management specialist on Wednesday the 30th. She said I looked great! And, she wanted me to see the ortho doctor before July 6th, so she called and talked to the NP. And, I might not need to keep seeing her if the Ortho doc can fix my knee and ankle! Woohooooooooooo!!

I saw the NP at my orthopedic doctor's last Friday. I do have a lot going on in both my ankle and knee. He took a new xray of my ankle and said the fracture was looking better! Yeah! I had been wearing my brace, taking vitamins and extra calcium to get that bone to heal!

I got a huge black boot to wear on my ankle while the fracture and lesions are healing. He also thinks that my knee might do better with physical therapy. He is not sure about the xray of the knee. It looks different from what he has seen before. He said he needed to ask the doctor about it and will get back to my mom.

I went by to sign up for physical therapy and the PT wants a bone density scan before doing any actual therapy. But, I am scheduled to go by and be evaluated on Monday! Yeah!! I can't believe that I might get this stupid pain to go away!! And then, I can get back to doing the gymnastics that I LOVE TO DO!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!! That would be so AWESOME!!!!

My Uncle Randy and Aunt Sara are in town and I have been having a great time visiting with my cousins! It is superfabulous!!

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! I had a great time---the fireworks were just AWESOME!! Everything was great for a perfect day!

Well, I'm off to Six Flags today. I have to wear this stupid boot, which makes it really a pain to walk, but I want my ankle to get better. I hope they have wheel chairs at Six Flags because I am gonna get really tired of wearing this thing!

Don't forget...One of my friends from Camp Sunshine is also on the "My Pigeon Forge" sweepstakes!! My future husband-to-be, Keegan Puckett's momma Audra has nominated a family "Brian and Gina M., Newnan, GA" on the sweepstakes! Their son Tyler (who I know) has cancer that has come back. He is on a new chemotherapy that is not covered by insurance and they need the money from the contest to help pay for the medicine. So, they need the money waaaaay more than we do! Please go out and vote for Brian and Gina M., Newnan, GA on the "Taking Back Vacation" sweepstakes. You can sort the families by 'votes' and they are on the second page. Please tell everyone that you know to go out and vote for them each day! If they win for June and July, they will have enough money to pay for his chemotherapy that could save his life! You can also vote for me an my mom (Regina I, Snellville) but we are so far behind with only 10 votes for the month!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!!!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,

Madie Rylee

p.s...we *STILL* have not heard anything back from the mortgage company about our house. I know we have to give it back to them, since they took back the loan modification after we paid the new amount on time for 10 months and we can't qualify for anything else. I just wish they would let us know something!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:54 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I am at camp this week!!

But, just a quick note to let you know that I had my xrays done last week. My wonderful pediatrician is sending me back to the orthopedic doctor and has said I need to wear a brace on my ankle and knee. It's not anything terrible, so I am happy about that!

And, the ankle brace is **WONDERFUL!!***

It has helped the pain just super!
I feel like a new person, just in time for camp!
If all I need is the brace to feel 100ack to normal, than I am realy happy!! Woohooooo!!

I have an appointment with my Pain Management Specialist on the 30th and my appointment with the ortho doctor is on July 6th. I guess we will see what happens---but I am so relieved to have my ankle working like new again!

I promise to give you lots of updates when I get back from camp!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s...Happy Birthday Aunt Rhonda!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 10:54 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!!

I have been staying soooooooo busy!!!

As you know, we are trying to re-locate to my uncle house up near Winder. We are losing our house of 16 years. It is a very long story, but let's just say that the mortgage company authorized a 'modified' payment over one year ago, and now it has been denied. They said "it is not in the best interst of our investors to modify your loan at this time.". And, they want their one year's worth of payments all due immediately.

Are they kidding me?

Anyway---I have been really busy helping out my mom with a "special ed" group of students this summer under the supervision of a certified teacher who is runnig a summer program. It has been a great experience! Yesterday, I helped some children who had never even played putt-putt before! Of course, a few balls went in the water, but it was great fun!!

And, after visiting the wonderful war museum in Lawrenceville, my knee and ankle started 'acting up'. By the time I got in the car to go home, it HURT SO BADLY!!! I was begging my mom for some medicine!! It still hurts today, so she is gonna call to see if I can get a referral to a sports specialist. These 'fibroma tumors/tug lesions' or whatever the heck they are are KILLING ME!!! I JUST WANT THEM OUT OF MY KNEE!!

But---I have Camp Sunshine on Sunday!! Woohooooooo!!! I am packing and getting ready!! I told my mom that I don't want to go up to the pediatrician's office because I don't want to pick up any kind of sicky bug!! NO WAY!! I am not gonna miss Camp Sunshine! So, she is gonna call the doctor and see if they can send me to a specialist without me going up to see them. Keep your fingers crossed and send a ton of prayers!!

And, by the way!
One of my friends from Camp Sunshine is also on the "My Pigeon Forge" sweepstakes!! My future husband-to-be, Keegan Puckett's momma Audra has nominated a family "Brian and Gina M., Newnan, GA" on the sweepstakes!
Their son Tyler (who I know) has cancer that has come back. He is on a new chemotherapy that is not covered by insurance and they need the money from the contest to help pay for the medicine. So, they need the money waaaaay more than we do!

Please go out and vote for Brian and Gina M., Newnan, GA on the "Taking Back Vacation" sweepstakes. You can sort the families by 'votes' and they are on the second page, just under my mom (Regina I., Snellville). Please tell everyone that you know to go out and vote for them each day! If they win for June and July, they will have enough money to pay for his chemotherapy that could save his life!

Oh, and thank you to everyone who has been voting for me and my mom!--but Tyler needs it more than we do, so GO VOTE FOR HIM!!!

Thank you to everyone who has been keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure! I promise to keep you posted on my leg!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie rylee



Saturday, June 12, 2010 11:54 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Well----the softball tournament was really tough! The weather was SO HOT!! We played the best we could, but we lost both our first games on last Saturday.

I am kinda sad that the softball is over.

But---this past week I have been helping my mom with a non-profit organization that runs a summer program!!
It is really great to help out! The school is all about enrichment and experiences for children from various backgrounds who might not otherwise have opportunities to experience such wonderful things!

As mom says...."You only know what you know!"

Mom mom believes that problem solving and intelligence is based on the experiences that you encounter or read about and store in your brain. Watching things on the tv does not work. You use different brain functions from what you 'watch' and what you 'experience' with all your senses.

It will run for one more week, next week. My mom and me are volunteering as much as possible!

And then----CAMP SUNSHINE!!

I can't wait to go to camp!!

And a big 'THANK YOU' to everyone who has been voting for me and my family on the "My Pigeon Forge" family vacation sweepstakes!
We had received an email that we had won!! WOW!! I was so excited!! I called all my friends---IT WAS AWESOME!!! It was all I could talk about last weekend---I was on cloud 9!! And, we had won $2,100, which my mom and me had forgot about! It was a gift from Heaven, for sure!! We decided to donate part of the money to Camp Sunshine, since it was a wonderful surprise!!

But then, we got an email a few days later that there was a mixup. We were actually an 'alternate' winner, in case someone who had won did not qualify. We had received the wrong email. I was very sad and cried a lot. And then, I got really mad. And then, I got really sad again, because mixups happen all the time. We can't control things. I really wanted that vacation! The last vacation I took to the Lighthouse Family Retreat was in 2005, when I finished my chemo!

But, then the folks at "My Pigeon Forge" felt bad about the mixup and sent us another email that said we could still get a two-day vacation with passes to Dollywood and $100 to help with the gasoline to get there! Woohooo!! We could still take a vacation up to the mountains! I am *REALLY* excited now!!

So, we are now waiting to hear back from them to find out the details. My mom has emailed and faxed in the papers, so we are waiting to hear back to find out when we can go! I want to go in the first part of July, so I am anxious to find out!!

In the meantime, the contest for June is for $6,000 to help pay the car payments!!! WOW!! That would be so awesome to win that!! If you can go to the website at "mypigeonforge.com" and vote for us (regina I. in Snellville), that would be fantastic!!

We have not heard back from the bank yet, on when we have to move out of the house. My mom is thinking it will be any day now. She is still looking for a job, applying for everything that she can find. In the meantime, my uncle is wonderful and will let us stay with him as long as we need, so we won't be homeless.

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel wings coming, for sure!!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,

Madie Rylee

Friday, June 4, 2010 11:54 PM CDT


Well, we got a ton of rain, so that rained out our games tonight!

So---we start again tomorrow!!
My game is scheduled for 12:30pm.
If we win, we play at 7:00pm.
If we lose, we play at 4:00pm.

I can't wait!!

Let the games begin!

Friday, June 4, 2010 9:54 AM CDT


Tournament begins tonight, with our first game at 6:30pm!

See you guys there!!

Madie Rylee

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 12:37 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Today is the next to the last day of school!
Tomorrow, I am graduating from Elementary School!!
Tomorrow, I get to go to Middle School as a "Sixth Grader"!!
Double Yeah!!!!

And, I saw my ortho doctor today about the pain in my leg. Since I have so many doctor's helping me, he wants me to go see my pain management specialist. So, my mom is gonna call and make an appointment to go see her. I need to talk to her anyway, as I think I need to change the clonidine medicine anyway. I started getting up again at night, so maybe it needs adjusting. All I know is that I want the pain in knee and the really big pain in my ankle, to GO AWAY!!! How can I keep playing with this stupid pain?! It is really annoying!

I am playing on the All Star Softball team! We have our tournament that starts on June 4, 5 and 6th! I can't wait!

I can't wait to see my friends at the Camp Sunshine Seasonal Sunshine tonight! Woohoooo!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s...we still have not heard anything about the house. We are pretty sure it will be any day now......

Saturday, May 22, 2010 2:37 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!!

I saw our Assistant Principal at the school picnic last night. She told my mom that if I did not receive a note from my teacher already, THAT I PASSED THE CRCT!!!



And, my mom and me are the 18th family on the "My Pigeon Forge" taking back vacation contest for the month!! I am so excited!!! If we are one of the top ten families, we get a vacation trip to Pigeon Forge!! WHOOOOOHOOOO!! I can't wait!! I have not had a vacation since 2005 when I last went to the Lighthouse Family Retreat!

And of course, my mom says that it will be a big help with the utilities. But, I really just want the trip!

And, I have an appointment for Tuesday at 10:00am with my ortho doctor. My mom is hoping to get the exrays done at Eggleston right after. I promise to keep you posted on what happens next!

Thank you again for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:37 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I have been really busy!

We start our "Field Day" week this week at school. I am still waiting to hear back on the CRCT test results. I have my fingers crossed that I passed everything, especially the crazy math section that I had a hard time with. I still can't believe that I had to start over!! UGH!!!

Well, I have practice tonight for our ALL STAR softball team! It is gonna be fun, for sure!!

My mom has not heard back from the Doctor yet about my xrays. She called last week and the nurse was gonna speak to the doctor about having me go to Eggleston to get my xrays done. That way, everyone can see them!

I have to go back to the pain specialist too, since I keep waking up in the middle of the night again. My mom is thinking that the pain medicine needs to be adjusted.

Thank you guys for voting for us out on the "MY PIGEON FORGE" "Taking Back Vacation" contest! It would be really great to win and really help us out a lot! The bank has not said when we have to move out yet, so I am hoping that we can convince them to let us keep our home! That would be awesome!

And, last night at Camp Sunshine, we had Spa Sydell night! It was so MUCH FUN!! I got to see a lot of my friends from camp, especially my 'future husband to be' Keegan! He is just sooooo cute!..and a really sweetie pie! I have some pictures that I am going to post as soon as I can!

Thank you again for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece. You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,

Madie Rylee

Monday, May 10, 2010 12:37 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I hope everyone had a superfantastic "Mother's Day"!!!
I surprised my mom really good!
She was not expecting all of my surprises, that is for sure!!
I think she liked the candle and the pajama's the best!

The "Relay for Life" was really great!
I had a good time, but it was Hot, Hot, Hot!! And, the 'Survivor Walk' was extra long this time, for some reason. My leg was kinda hurting, but my ankle was hurting the most!! ACK!! I had to take some medicine when we got back to the Centerville Elementary tent because it hurt so badly. I did not stay to walk in the "Kids Walk" because it just hurt too badly. That made me kinda mad.....I guess I should have listened to my mom. She "told" me to take some medicine before the walk, but I told her I was 'fine' and would not need it.
I guess mom's know best, for real!
(she is gonna call to get my xray orders this week for my knee and ankle)

And, we won our last softball game on Saturday!
It was a lot of fun--and we even had a picnic afterwards to celebrate! I think I am gonna miss it...but the coaches are talking about an "All Star" team----so maybe I might be playing again on the All Star team??? We have to wait and see!!

And---I am so excited to let everyone know that me and my mom have been nominated by one of our friends for the PIGEON FORGE "Taking Back Vacation" contest!!
I am so thrilled to think that we can get a vacation!! Yeah!!

You can go vote for me (and my mom) each day out on their website at:

You can either sort by the city to find "Snellville" or you can sort by the votes...because we have 12 votes already!! And it has only been a few days!
Thank you everyone, I really appreciate it!

And, thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming soon!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Uncle Ray!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010 11:07 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!


It is gonna be supergreat!!
I hope to see my friends there, including Mickeala and Kristin!

And, I want to see everybody else there!! It is gonna be fun!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s....I have a softball game in the morning! It is the last one of the season. I am kinda sad.....but that means that Summer is coming! Woohooo!
And, I "passed" my 5th Grade Writing test! YEAH!! I was almost at 'exceeds', which is very excellent! Now, I am just waiting on the CRCT test scores......with fingers crossed!

Thursday, April 29, 2010 12:05 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I finally have a softball game tonight!
Last time, it was rained out.
The time before that, I had horrible strep throat!
But tonight, I feel pretty good to play!

And, congratulations to my mom---she is done with her college school for the semester! She thinks she got two "a"! I am so happy!

We are still working on to see what we can do to keep the house, but it looks like we will be moving in with my uncle. I am waiting to see how my CRCT test did, cause if I did not pass I have to go to Summer School here in my local school. I don't think they would let me switch to the school up near my uncle until we get that fixed.

And, my mom wants me to say that now I have the stupid pain in my ankle again. I'm not sure what is up, but I will be getting xrays soon for my knee and to see what is going on with those 'fibroma tumors/tug lesions' that they say are there.
I am so ready to be over this.........

Thanks for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece!
You guys have Angel wings coming for sure!

I will keep you posted on the game!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
madie rylee

.....see me on FACEBOOK!!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010 12:05 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!!

I know, I know.
It's been a while since I last updated!

Last week, I had the terrible strep throat really bad!
I could not move my head and had a huge high fever!...my mom was really scared!

But, tests proved it was just a very case of strep--I am still on medicine to keep it gone!

And, this is the week of CRCT testing!
I can't say it has been great.
I can say it has been kinda terrible.
I got confused on one of the days and had to practically start over!
It was a train-wreck, for sure.
I got off-track with the questions and the bubbles...they just did not match up when I came to a stopping part of the test!
But, I hope I got it fixed---I just have to wait and see.

I have to sing tomorrow for the Shiloh Arts Festival and then we have a softball game! I am hoping the weather stays dry for the game, as I missed the one last week because of my stupid strep throat!

My knee and leg continue to hurt like crazy. But, I keep playing softball! It is fantastic!! I LOVE IT!!!

My xrays for my knee are coming up again, so I promise to keep you guys posted. I think my mom wants them done at Eggleston, so that way everyone will have a copy of them! (and they won't get lost!)

We are still in the house, but have no internet or cable. We use the library up the street. My mom is looking into other options to stop the forclosure on our house, but we are just not sure what will happen. Because we were on the modified plan for 10 months, the bank wants all those months of full payments now, which we just don't have! It took them 10 months to decide, so it really should not be our fault. My uncle has said we could live with him, but I am trying to finish out school....and my mom is trying to finish her school! She just can't get four "F's" if she has to quit and go work full-time now!! We just have to make until May 24th, so keep your fingers crossed!

Thanks for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee


Sunday, April 4, 2010 12:05 AM CDT

Just Click Here to find my team and join!


I hope everybody is having a great Easter!

I have had a great Easter, for sure, in spite of being sick.
I am staying at my uncle's house for the weekend, and the Easter Bunny brought me some really great surprises! I got a new bag and the Justin Bieber CD! YEAH!! I also got one of those ZuZu pets---they are too funny!

Yes, I have been sick. I have a stupid head cold with stuffy nose and CAN'T BREATHE!!! My mom and me did not get to church today because we did not want to spread my germs over to anyone. It is a bad cold, for sure! I can't breathe or sleep, it is so bad. I just hate it!

My Spring Break has started!
I had a softball game on Thursday night, and got a big hit down the 3rd base line---it was a double! Then I stole 3rd base....which was great!
I love softball!
My legs hurt pretty badly, but I take tylenol or the ibuprofen, and I can play really good! The game before last, I sprained my neck, which hurt horrible! Then, I got hit in the good leg, which hurt horrible! Then, I got hit in the foot, which hurt more horrible! I was just a wreck after that game! But, this past game, I only got hit on foot, which was not too bad. I played outfield and third base, almost getting someone out at first base!

And, my friend from Camp Sunshine has been coming to the games! Mikaela has the same Leukemia as me, but she has relapsed only a few months off the chemo. UGH! She played softball last year, but since she can't play this year, she has been coming to our games. My team, The Shiloh Lady Diamonds, have made her our team inspirition/captain! She is doing pretty good, but they still have not found a bone marrow match for her. We need to have a bone marrow drive to help out! I think my mom might be in touch with some friends to start that up!

My mom and me are waiting to hear back from the mortgage company about when we have to move. Hopefully, we have a few months. She has asked for an explanation of their formula on how they decided it is better for them to take our house back instead of modifying the mortgage for us. We are not sure how they do that, since the house next to us forclosed and sold for $45,000 and the one across the street sold for $32,000. Both were sold to investors, so we are just wondering who that is helping out? My mom is still not sure why she would be okay for a modification 10 months ago, but months of sending them paperwork after paperwork, and paying the new modified amount, they have said "no"? Of course, we don't have 10 months of back mortgage payments to send them! Please send prayers that it works out all okay!

I think I have xrays again this month, for my legs. I think my mom is gonna make arrangements for the xrays to be done at CHOA, so they can be shared by all the doctors, including my Pain Specialist, Dr. V. The new medicine is working good--I have been able to stay asleep through the night, so I am happy about that! I do have some wierd pain in my left side, but I am happy to be busy playing softball and running! Yeah!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have angel wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:20 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

I had a wonderful weekend! It was AWESOME!

The parade on Saturday was super great---and the opening game was so much fun!
I had the first hit of the game!
I actually got a hit each time I went up to bat and scored three times! Woohooo!!

Well, a lot of you know that my mom applied for the "Making Home Affordable" loan program back in June, 2009. She has been making the new payments in the 'trial period' all this time and sending information as the mortgage company has asked for it.

Well, on Monday, my mom called and found out that the bank declined us and they don't want to modify the loan. They said "it was not in the best interest of their investors". Sadly, the mortgage is really behind, because we made those modified payments all this time!! UGH!! My mom is pretty sad.

We are not sure what will happen next. We are waiting on the letter, so see if there is any more information that could help us. But, we know that everything is going to be okay. As my great-grandma use to say "God gives you what you need and not what you want."

I have softball practice this afternoon! I can't wait!

Thanks for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Thursday, March 18, 2010 11:20 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

I wanted to post a quick update and let everyone know that I have *officially* joined a softball team!!
I missed it so badly!

Since Dr. O, Dr. W, and Dr. B(not AFLAC Dr. B!--this is one of my peds) cannot get together on what is *exactly* wrong with my leg(s), and my Pain Management Specialist doctor has said it's "okay to play", I am gonna play!!

The pain in my right leg is pretty steady, but at least now I can sleep! I am so happy about that!
But, sadly, the stupid pain is now in my left knee. It has been pretty steady for the past two months, but not anything that I can't handle or would be enough to stop me from playing.

Saturday is our opening day! We have a parade and a game! I can't wait!

I promise to keep everyone posted if I go back to see any of the doctor's.

Thanks for checking on me and keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Madie Rylee

Thursday, March 11, 2010 11:20 AM CST

"TEAM MADIE" webpage is up and running for the Camp Sunshine Keencheefoonee Road Race!! (say that three times really fast!) that is on June 22nd for all us "Junior" Campers! Please consider joining my team and racing or, you can also make a contribution---nothing is too small! Just Click Here to find my team and join! You will have a great time and be helping all us sweetie Cancer children's have a wonderful Summer Camp at the same time!

Okay, so the rain needs to stop! I've had just about enough, already!

This morning, on the way to school, I asked my mom if the nurse in the school clinic had my Tylenol, because my leg is killing me!
And, oh yeah, the left knee is hurting now!!


Monday, March 8, 2010 8:22 AM CST

"TEAM MADIE" webpage is up and running for the Camp Sunshine Keencheefoonee Road Race!! (say that three times really fast!) that is on June 22nd for all us "Junior" Campers! Please consider joining my team and racing or, you can also make a contribution---nothing is too small! Just Click Here to find my team and join! You will have a great time and be helping all us sweetie Cancer children's have a wonderful Summer Camp at the same time!


Hi Everybody!!

I can't believe it is F-I-N-A-L-L-Y starting to warm up here in the city of Snellville!
I am so tired of the cold, snow, and any temperature below 50 degrees! Yesterday was pretty warm and today is suppose to be kinda warmer.
I can see the flowers trying to pop up out of the ground, so I'm happy about that! Just seeing the first two inches is wonderful! And, I can even see some in our front yard that have flowers starting to form for the daffodils! And my mom loves the yellow daffodils the best! (well, second to the roses...)
I just want the warm weather!!
And, my leg and knee is still hurting.
I'm not waking up in the middle of the night, which is good, but I am still having bad dreams.
Okay, here is one that I have all the time, about once a week now........
I'm in the woods, walking and playing. All of sudden, a dog shows up, barking at me. I start to run, and the dog chases me. My leg is hurting really badly and I start to slow down. The dog jumps on me! He is biting my leg! Then, he is biting my knee! Then, he is biting my ankle! Somehow, the dog runs away and I am on the ground. I can't get up because my leg hurts so badly! I try to get up and walk, but my leg is hurting so badly. I am limping and crying, trying to get home.

Okay, so that is one of my 'leg' dreams.
The bad news is that it use to not be about my ankle. The last few times, the dream has included my ankle.

My mom tried to get another copy of my knee xray from December, to take up to the radiologist, to read it with my December MRI. That xray is now missing and can't be found. UGH.

I have some other weird symptoms, that have come and gone. Now I have another wierd one---I have terrible bad breath! I try and try to get rid of it, but nothing is working! I brush, use mouthwash, gargle, chew gum, use breath mints----IT IS TERRIBLE!! I am so embarressed. The last time I went to the doctor, he said something about it right away, before looking in my throat. He said he did not see anything that could be causing it, but gave me an antibiotic to use for a sinus infection, because of the bad smell. Oddly, it did make the pain in my knee go away for about three days, before it came back hurting worser. How come that happened?

My mom is gonna go see my pediatrician and talk to them about all these weird symptoms----something has to happen pretty soon! That's all I can say about that!

I promise to keep you posted!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie rylee

Monday, March 1, 2010 6:35 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

Happy Monday!!

I had a pretty good weekend, although it started off kinda rocky. I got really upset on Friday evening, it was not pretty. I have never cried that much before in my whole life. I just could not take all the stress from people at school....I had a major meltdown. But, now I am feeling much better. My mom is wonderful to help me in times where I can't think straight.

I love you mom!

Yesterday, I helped at the recording studio for the new CD that is going to be used for the Gwinnett Relay for Life fundraising! We sang a wonderful song....I got to see a lot of my friends from the clinic and from Camp Sunshine!! It was great! Woohooo!!

Sadly, my leg started hurting and REALLY GOT HURTING towards the end! I kept picking up my leg, holding my leg, leaning on one side, sitting on the floor----I even mouthed the words to my mom, "My knee is killing me!" and then "Where is my tylenol???".. UGH! She had forgot it in the car and had forgot to give me some before we started!

But, one of the sponsor's had someone run out to the car and get it for me---that worked great! In the next 20 minutes, I could stand, run and joke around like a normal 11 year old!

Well, I have to run. I hope everyone has a fantastic week! I am so tired of this cold weather, where is Spring already?!@#! I need warm weather! Come on Spring!!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Monday, February 22, 2010 10:02 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

I am so sad today. One of my longest knowing friends from the clinic and Camp Sunshine has passed away. Please go to Merrill's website and leave warm hugs and thoughts for her wonderful family as they get through this very rough waters.

I hate cancer.
I H-A-T-E C-A-N-C-E-R.......

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s......my mom went to get my copy of the knee xray from December and it was not available. The technician is very sure that Dr. O has it, that he has been talking with his fellow doctor's about it. I will keep you posted!

p.p.s.....hey, did I tell you that I hate cancer!!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 1:02 PM CST
Hi Everybody!!

This is just a note to remind all the sweetie Cancer kids off chemo to email Miss Ann if you guys want to go to the 'SEASONAL SUNSHINE'!!

Please call her by February 19!!

Here is the info:

Seasonal Sunshine

When: Tuesday, February 23

What: Dinner and Improv

Where: Camp Sunshine House
1850 Clairmont Rd., Decatur, 30033

Time: 5:30 - 6:20pm Dinner
6:30 - 7:00pm Improv with the Accidental
Comics Improv Troupe

Join some of Atlanta’s finest comedic actors for an
evening of spontaneous scenes, skits and songs!
Actors take the stage without a script,
relying on YOU to help them create instant comedy.
You’ll see a completely original show, unlike any other!

RSVP to Ann by February 19!
Email: ann@mycampsunshine.com
Phone: 404.325.7979
Please indicate the names of everyone attending!


Madie Rylee


Monday, February, 15, 2010 7:02 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

Wow!! We had so much snow last Friday, it was crazy!!
My mom took some pictures, so we hope to get them posted up soon.
It was just so much---about 5 inches! I loved playing in it and getting all wet! AWESOME!

And, I had my friend Juleah come and spend the night on Saturday night. We had a great time! We spent the night playing Monopoly, Scrabble and then Clue! WE LOVE CLUE!! It is the most awesome game ever invented! I think we played it for about three hours straight while we watched the Olympics!

And, I got to go to the Camp Sunshine's Night at the Big Apple Circus on Sunday! It was a really great show and I loved the horses and dogs! You should be sure to go and see it---all the seats are great and close to the acts! THANK YOU CAMP SUNSHINE!!!

Well, today was suppose to be a 'snow make up day' for Gwinnett County, but I did not go today.....because I was SICK!! I woke up with a fever and a horrible throat with a totally stuffy nose! Of course, I have been fighting off sinus junk since the beginning of January, so it was just getting worse and worse---I even had headaches! The doctor says it is a sinus infection and gave me some new medicine to take. I really hope this works this time!

And, my pain medicine is working! Yeah! I have been able to sleep for five days in an row now and not wake up with my legs hurting! I really love it!! YEAH!!! The doctor is looking for an accupuncture clinic on our side of town, so I don't have to go so far. That is suppose to help as well, so we will wait until we hear back from him.

Well, I have to run!
I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!!
Mine was so great!!

Thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s.....thanks daddy and joy for my birthday surprise! I got it on Friday! I love games and purses!

Saturday, February 6, 2010 11:02 PM CST

Hi Everybody!


I have been so busy, I have almost forgot to update my webpage for today!
It's my birthday!!

I have had a very busy day, that is for sure!

I can't believe that I am 11 years old!
Man, the time is flying by!
And I think this has been my best birthday yet!

Thank you to everyone who has called, come by and sent me a great "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" wishes! I feel so special and wonderful to have friends and family who care so much! Thank you Kerrie, Don and Karena, Aunt Marie and Uncle Jerry, Lowell, Nathaly, Aunt Sara and Uncle Leon, Juleah, and MY MOM for all the wonderful surprises!!
You are awesome!!!

I am still trying to get use to the new pain medicine. Well, actually, it's 'blood pressure' medicine, but I take it at night, right before bed. It helps me sleep and not feel the pain in my legs. I has worked pretty good so far, but the last few nights I have been waking up at 1:30-2:00am....so I'm not sure if it is working right. My mom is gonna call the Pain Specialist doctor and ask them about it.

And, my mom has asked for copies of my xrays from the orthopedic doctor. The MRI from December was compared to an xray from 2008, so my mom is going to ask that it be re-read, using the xray that I just had done in December. (remember, it shows all the new stuff on it). And, she is going to ask the radiologist to read my xray of my chest, just to be sure there is nothing weird that could have made me do so poor on the pulmonary function test. I just want to know why my knee/ankle/hip is hurting so much! ACK!!

Well, Monday is Spa Sydell night at Camp Sunshine House!!
Be sure to email Miss Ann or call her if you want to come!
I can't wait to go----I need a massage really badly!!

And, next Friday is the dance at my school!
That is going to be just awesome!!

And, next Sunday, on the 14th, Valentines Day, is Camp Sunshine's BIG APPLE CIRCUS!!! If you guys want tickets, you can still get them!!! I can't wait to be there and see Grandma again! It is going to be so much fun!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee!

p.s.....thank you tooth fairy!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:14 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

Here is an update from my mom:

Well, yesterday was a long day!

Madie and I were suppose to go to birthday party at 'My Little Gym' in Snellville, but I did not realize that my car battery had died (again!) until 30 minutes before the event! UGH!

I am so happy to have two wonderful son's that come to help their mom and sister! YEAH!! They are both wonderful and caring men!!! GREAT husbands and dad's!! (okay, so Rhyne is not a dad yet, but he will be great one day! I see how he is with his sister!)

Happily, Madie and I did get to the party right at the end. It was so great to see everyone, even if just for twenty minutes. Madie was not too happy for missing it, but she came around eventually. She does not stay mad long and has never been a child who sulks for more than about 10 minutes. She has tried to give me 'the silent treatment' a number of times, but it never lasts more than about 10-15 minutes! How wonderful is that?! I am so blessed again!!

Madie and I stopped at Old Navy on the way home from the birthday party. I only have two pair of pants that I can wear in this cold weather, and I wanted to see if thay had anything on sale. Not finding anything, we went over to our very favorite store on the planet that goes by the name of Kohls! Of course, I always find something at that store! But last night, it was not pants....although I did try on a few that I just loved!! (too expensive right now!)

We drove home in the mist, a wet fog that was just enough to spit on the windshield. I miss my Accord that had the windshield wipers with 'speed control'. My Honda Element only has the very slow intermittant speed or the normal/fast speed. Last night, I need the wiper speed of a few ticks faster than 'intermittant'---it drove me crazy!

We pulled up into the driveway and I went to the mailbox to retrieve our mail. I was pleasantly surprised to see an envelope from the Oncologist's office. But, I was hesitant to open it because it was pretty thick.

I spent last night reading through all the papers.

The following has been documented in previous visits to the AFLAC Survivor Clinic since June, 2007:

(1) Chronic lower extremity pain on the right side since 2006; horrible back pain through out chemo treatment, only on the right side. But that has stopped about two years ago.
(2) Right eye pain/visual problems since 2008
(3) Musculoskeletal bone lesion as probable nonossifying fibroma in distal femoral metaphysis on 11-17-2008
(4) Shortness of breath since 2006; PFT on 1/5/2010 diagnosing minimal airway obstruction and overinflation; recommends further testing and treatment
(5) Two views of the pelvis were compared to a prior study on 11/17/2008; Question some sclerosis about the SI joint on the right. If further evaluation is clinically indicated, MRI may be useful for further evaluation.
(6) Plain films from 11/17/2008 were used to compare the MRI on 12/21/2009 of the right knee; The medial meniscus shows increased signal in the posterior horn, but this is seen in the central portion as increased T1 and T2 signal and felt to represent a normal finding for age; lytic lesion seen in the distal metaphysis that shows abnormal signal seen onthe MRI and is consistent with a tug lesion; not felt to be of clinical significance.

Okay----so if all that medical jargon is not enough, there were more reports from hematology. Almost like information overload, but for those people who know me, I LOVE DATA!! Heck! I was a Data Analyst for 12 years, for Pete's Sake!

But, as a Business Analyst and Data Analyst, I always have one "pet peeve" when comparing data and trying to draw conclusions. And that is-----Is there enough data? Is there something missing from this picture when you try to analyze everything?

Think of "Adrian Monk", as he walks around and has his hands up in the air---he looks between his hands and fingers, looking for signs of anything that is "out of place" or "missing". THAT'S ME!! I was doing that way before Monk was on the air---I think that is why I love that show much!!
Sorry! I digress!

So, I have been reading over everything and I see where the Oncologist has said "negative medical workup" and has recommended Madie to the Pain Clinic. And we are going to the pain clinic on Tuesday. But.....
But, is it really 'negative medical workup'?

These things stick out to me as unresolved:

(1) The Oncologist said herself that Madie had bone density xrays off treatment, which reported osteoperosis at the time (2005), but that it has resolved itself. Okay, so, if the previous pelvic films show 'normal' and the one from 11/2008 show normal, then why does the one on 12/23/2009 show sclerosis on the right-sided SI joint on the iliac aspect? This is a new finding. If she was fine before, and now she is not, what is going on? And, of course, it is the "right side" again! The radiologist recommended an MRI. Why did the Oncologist say "no"?

(2) The MRI of Madie's knee was performed on 12/21/2009. But, it was compared to an xray that was done on 11/17/2008. Madie has had two xray's done since that one. I paid for a copy of the xray done on 12/8/2009 and carried it to AFLAC. Why didn't the radiologist compare the MRI to that xray of 12/8/2009? He would have seen that the "two lytic lesions" originally on the femur in 2008 (that he was looking at)have now grown significantly and have become about eight distinct lesions between the femur and now includes the tibia. He would have seen that the one of the lesions on the femur has traveled down the bone and invaded the knee joint. Is this how "tag lesions" perform? But, originally, it was 'non ossifying fibroma tumors' back in 2008 and they are all now called 'tag lesions'? How can he conclude this without all the recent data? But, it's not his fault, because he does not have the most recent films.

(3) And, the radiologist does not know that Madie's lymph gland in her right groin area has swollen up over the past eight weeks. It has mushroomed from the size of a pea, to a lima bean, and is now the size of a cashew or the top of a pen kinda). Her clothes hurt to wear them. Madie's pediatrician is worried and is checking on her every two weeks to measure the growth of the lump.

(4) Additionally, Madie has "new pain" above her right ankle that appeared after Christmas. We were out shopping and she just started hopping and screaming while we were at JCPenney. She describes this pain as the same pain that is in her knee and hip, making it painful to walk at times.

(5) And, the von willibrand's testing that the pediatrician had done, with abnormal results, is not in the AFLAC report either. The oncologist did run a platelet test that came back with a score of "144" (range is 83-163) and she says there is no bleeding disorder, but she did not mention that Madie's von willibrand's is too high (usually, it would be normal or too low in bleeding disorders). If the factor was way too high (as in Madie's case), and she had a result of "144", is that considered 'okay'? I wonder if a high von willibrand's factor would impact the platelet test?

(6) The PFT came back with minimal obstructed airway and recommended further tests and treatment.

(7) The AFLAC report does not mention the fact that Madie can no longer eat foods that contain sugar. Yes, that's right. NO SUGAR! If Madie eats cookies, cakes, cupcakes, cotton candy, marshmallows, ice cream, candy, candy canes, pie, or ANYTHING with sugar, she gets very sick. She gets a headache, she will be sick to her stomache (sea sick), her whole body hurts. Then, she can't see. We have had her glucose tested and her urine tested, but nothing stands out as being abnormal.

So---the big question. What to do?

Well, here is what we are looking at:
(1) Take Madie in to see the Pediatrician every two weeks if Madie does not get better.
(2) See the Pain Management Specialist on Tuesday, 1/26/2010 to see what they want to do.
(3) Order copies of the xray's from Dr. Oswald's office of Madie's knee (again) and her spine study. Take these copies to Eggleston, to the doctor who read Madie's pelvic xray; ask him to read these films for a second opinion and to re-read the MRI study with the new films taken into consideration. This does not involved any new tests---we were told by the oncologist to not perform any more tests, scans or xrays. Of course, I don't either---all these tests scare me and I worry like crazy what is happening to her! But, she did not give any reason for that.
(4) Discuss the possibility of a biopsy on the right groin lymph node with the Pediatrician
(5) Discuss the possibility of a biopsy on the right knee lesions that are seen in the xray; The ortho doctor had wanted to do this, but the MRI result was not what he had expected; but he did not know the radiologist was looking at an old xray.
(6) Discuss the possibility of a new xray on the right ankle to determine nature of pain.
(7) Discuss the possibility of a new MRI on the pelvic; right leg; or full body as recommended by the radiologist
(8) Discuss the possibility of re-running the von willibrand's test in a few months, as a 'high' factor is cause for alarm but could be due to Madie being sick

Of course, the pediatrician does not know the results of the PFT yet. I am going to be sure they get them. I know the results will be a shock to the pediatrician because they see Madie all the time and, even though she has an inhaler, she has only used it about twice in the past year. She is on Singulair, but that is mostly for her allergies. I need to find out what to she needs to do next. I intend to include that request to the second opinion to the radiologist at Eggleston, as I am going to take him the copy of the full standing spine study from Dr. Oswald's office, which includes Madie's chest.

So, for right now, we are waiting again. I just hate it because Madie wants to play her sports or do her gymnastics. It is so sad to see her sit around the house and watch other children play. When she takes the motrin, she is her normal, happy, running around, jumping and dancing self. But, when the medicine wears off, she hates it because it made her feel so wonderful and then she is back to hurting again.

I am hoping that the Pain Management Specialist can provide some insight into how to manage everything. But, I don't want to mask the pain in such a way that Madie sustains permanent injuries to her knee or leg!

I know there is 'something' wrong---but just 'what' it is remains elusive at the moment!

If only life would be so simple!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010 12:16 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

It has been really busy here at our house! AND COLD!! BRRRRRrrrrrr! I have never seen it so cold since I was born! It is freezing outside!

My mom started back to her school at Georgia State and she has classes from early in the morning to pretty late in the afternoon! Busy! Busy! Busy!

But, it is good because she is getting close to being done! YEAH!! I think she said she needed 3 more semesters (which includes student teaching) and she will be done! Woohoooo!! I can't wait! It's not that I don't like her going to school, but I just hate it that we never have any money and I can't eat out at McDonald's as often as I really like to! I can't wait until she has a full time job again! It is gonna be great!

And, we had **SNOW** here in Snellville last Friday! It was awesome!! I totally loved it! They closed my school, so we got to stay home for a 'snow day'! Woooohoooo!!

BUT-----I actually did not get to stay home. Since I am having problems with my vision of seeing three of things, my mom had made me an appointment with the Emory Eye Clinic for Friday! ACK!! They were open, so we drove very slowly and very, very carefully over to Emory and I got to see the doctor. She checked my eyes really good! She put those drops in them where your eyes are dialated and you can't see very well---it was cool!!

And my eyes are great! The doctor said she could not see anything wrong at all! So, my mom is gonna call AFLAC and my pediatrician to let them know that my eyes tested out perfect! Whatever the heck is going wrong to make me see 3 of things is not related to my eyes, that is for sure! But, she did say if it continued or got much worse, that I could come back and see her.

On the way back home, my mom and me almost got stuck in the ice on a side road because they had closed one of the main roads over by Emory! It was fun!---well, kinda fun and kinda scary!! We saw lots of cars slipping and sliding!


Okay, so my mom has made me an appointment with the Pain Management Specialist for January 26th at 2:30pm. (pssst!...that is the day after her birthday!...don't tell!) I am gonna see the pain specialist doctor and I am gonna tell her EXACTLY what is going on in my hip,knee and ankle! IT HURTS BLOODY MURDER!! And, I don't care what the stupid tests say, I only know that it hurts all the time and sometimes it hurts MUCH WORSE than other times! BUT IT NEVER STOPS HURTING!!

Sorry! But not really Sorry....I am just very frustrated and pretty mad! But, my mom gives me the tylenol or the ibuprofen and it works okay. Except I hate the ibuprofen because the pain goes away and I love it!! But then, it wears off and I am back in horrible pain that is more than when I started! YIKES!! So, we will see what happens with that and I will keep you posted!

I have not heard back from AFLAC on all the blood tests that they are running. I have not heard back from AFLAC about the doctor calling and discussing my leg with my orthopedic doctor. Right now, they want to hold off on any more tests---but my lymph node keeps getting bigger. If it continues to get really big, my mom is gonna call the pediatrician and make me an appointment to go in to see them and see what they want to do about it.

I got my IOWA test scores back and I did okay/good on it! A few sections were low but a few sections were high, so it all washed out in the end! I need to get ready for the CRCT!!! I have to pass that test to get promoted to the 6th grade! YIKES! I am a little bit nervous! I am great with the math parts, but I need to work on my spelling and comprehension.

Camp Sunshine is having a 'School Age Overnight' on January 29th! Please contact Michelle at Camp Sunshine if you want to come!! I can't wait to see all my friends!! Woohooooo!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Wednesday, January 6, 2010 12:16 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

I have a really L-O-N-G day yesterday at the doctor's over at AFLAC at Scottish Rite! My mom and me got there at 10:00am and we did not leave until 5:10pm!

It was very long, for sure!

AFLAC was very busy and I had to wait a very long time. UGH! But, I got my height, weight and arm poke.

Then, I went to another floor for a Pulmonary Function test. That was pretty weird because I have never had one of those. At one point, I could not stop breathing fast, trying to catch my breath! The lady had to stop the test while I tried to relax and get my breathing back to normal! It was very weird, for sure!

My mom and I ate lunch at the cafeteria and went to wait at AFLAC at 1:30pm. They were really busy!

I saw Dr. W. She checked me over and pushed really hard on my lymph nodes that are swollen in my hips! OUCH!! IT HURT LIKE CRAZY!!

She printed out all the lab work and scans that I have had. She read over all of them. She said that 'yes', there is something that is showing up in the scans and xrays, but 'no', it is not anything that is considered cancer. So, that means that these things are not "Non ossifying fibroma tumors" in my leg/knee" since they do not show up in the MRI. The xray on my hips recommends further testing, but she disagree's that more scans would be beneficial.

Dr. W is going to call my orthopedic doctor and talk to him about the pain in my knee, the pain in my hip and now the pain I have above my ankle. They are going to talk together to see if maybe I do need any more tests done. She has referred me to a Pain Management Specialist, so my mom is going to call that doctor as soon as possible. Dr. W is running blood tests for any auto-immune disorders, the vonwillibrand's disorder, and diabetes. My mom is going to call and get me an appointment with my vision doctor, to see what the heck is going on with my eyes because now I am seeing "three" of things! It's not all the time, but it has happened at least twice a day since New Year's!

I was pretty upset at the end of the appointment. I know there is something in my leg. I can feel it. It is squeezing my bones where it hurts all the time and sometimes I have sharp hot pokes. It's like it has it's own heartbeat. Heck, it even comes to me in my sleep, and I dream about it! When I take tylenol, it doesn't hurt as much, but it is still there. When I take the ibuprofen, the pain is completely gone!! I can run, jump, play, do gymnastics, play softball, ride my bike, jump rope and just be a kid without hurting! But then, the ibuprofen wears off and my leg hurts MUCH WORSE than before I took the medicine! ACK!! It's not worth taking the medicine!

Last night, on the ride home from the doctor's, I was crying. I was very mad too! I was actually yelling and crying. When I break my leg, THEN they might pay attention to me! I told my mom that I wanted to find a new doctor. I also said that I wanted to cut my leg off so that it would stop hurting and I would not have to worry about it anymore! Of course, she said a big "no". She has told me to go to the Pain Doctor and see if they can do something that will help, because I can't take ibuprofen twice a day for the rest of my life!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

I will keep you posted on anything that comes up!
Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Friday, January 1, 2010 4:46 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

Happy New Year!!

I hope everyone has a safe, happy and wonderful day today! It's going to be a great year, I just it!

I am doing pretty good the past few days. I have had some problems with my knee, leg and ankle. Yesterday, I went out with my mom to exchange some pants and my leg started hurting like crazy! It was a new spot, right above my ankle. But, we got back to the car and I took some medicine, which helped a lot! But, I was so busy playing last night that I woke up this morning with my knee hurting like crazy! OUCH!! I had done too much running, jumping and playing like a "normal" kid! Whatever I did, it hurt terrible this morning!

My mom gave me some medicine and it is doing much better! I can't wait to see the doctor and ask him to get these things out of my knee! All I want is to be normal again, ride my bike, practice my gymnastics and cheer! I can't do any of that with these crazy things in my knee making it hurt something horrible!

My mom has said that since the doctor's are closed for the holidays and the weekend, if it gets to the point that I can't walk and have to use my crutches, she is gonna take me to the ER. So, I promise to keep you guys posted!

Thanks again for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Wednesday, December 30, 2009 4:46 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

It's almost the "New Year"!

I have been doing pretty good---my knee is not hurting as much, so I really like that!
And, the lymph nodes in my hips are not hurting as bad also, so I really like that!

And, the doctor said there is something new on the hip xray from last week. She said it could be nothing, but to be sure that the AFLAC doctor's and my Orthopedic doctor look at that as well while they consider what steps to take next. Evidently, I have some kind of scleroic activity going on there that is lighting up on the xray. She told my mom if I have any symptoms at all out of the ordinary or if my lymph nodes get really big, to bring me in right away.

I have an appointment with the AFLAC Cancer Survivor Clinic on January 5th. It was originally for 1:45pm, but I got a note in the mail that they have added a few things to the appointment. They want blood tests, so I can't eat anything after midnight the night before. I have to be there by 10:15am. And, they have added an appointment for a Pulmonary Function Test at 11:00am.
That's a lot of stuff!

I will keep you guys posted if anything weird happens!

Thank you again for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee!

Saturday, December 26, 2009 12:08 AM CST


And, I hope everyone else had a great one too!

My Bubba Rhyne surprised me with a cell phone!
I can't believe it!
And Santa brought me an MP3 player that will hold 500 songs!
I am so happy!
My Barbie Girl would only hold about 100 songs.
This one is not an Ipod, but hey! It still works great!
And I got two new CDs from Santa!
I got Britney Spears and Taylor Swift!
I have played them non-stop!

And, I forgot to post a note that I had a new "problem" that came up right before Christmas.
My lymph nodes in my hips had swollen up and were hurting.
My mom took me to the doctor on the 23rd.
I had to get xrays (at Eggleston) and the doctor put me on some antibiotics.
Today, my hips don't hurt, but the lymph nodes are bigger.
My mom is gonna call the doctor back when they open on Monday. And, with all the running around that I did yesterday, my stupid knee was hurting pretty badly by the time I got home. I had to ask my mom for some Tylenol.

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming---for sure!

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Monday, December 21, 2009 11:05 PM

Madie **LOVES*** Camp Sunshine!!
Here is the CBS news clip for the wonderful RaceTrac....COFFEE FOR A CAUSE!!
Go get some coffee today and tomorrow!!


Yesterday, was a big blurrrr.....

Fastest MRI in the History of tests!!

Well, today went by so fast---just a big blurrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
We had to get up early for the drive over to the RaceTrac for the CBS news interview.
It went so great!
Madie was just the *cutiest* and had a great time with the camera man. We can't wait to see the results, hopefully tomorrow. It is for the show "Better Mornings" on CBS Channel 46 from 5:00am to 7:00am.
We got home at lunchtime and I was fixing sandwiches when CHOA called. It was Eggleston calling to make an appointment for Madie for January 8th. (Dr. O works out of Eggleston) Of course, that would not work for me. Madie is on crutches now....not all the time, but sometimes. If the scan was 1/8/2010, then the biopsy would be the end of January. I asked if there was anything earlier, even at Scottish Rite. I was told it was for Christmas Eve, at 7:00pm. I told her we would take it! Madie was not happy, but hey---it was an appointment!
We were eating lunch when the phone rang again and it was CHOA, but the Scottish Rite radiology department. She said that she saw us on the list for Christmas Eve and asked if we wanted to come in earlier this week? Of course, I said "YES"!!! She asked "How about now? We have a 3:00, 5:00 and 7:00pm". AWESOME!!! I said "yes" to the 3:00pm and we were out the door!
God is GREAT!!
I think that is the first time in the history of MRI scheduling that a patient got orders from the doctor and was on the table being scanned four hours later! Wow!
God is awesome!
The MRI scan went great! Madie did great and we both thought it was over so fast! They did not need any retakes at all! Wooohooooooo!!
We were told that results might be in 3-5 days. We are not worried (too much) because we know she has large tumors along the outside of both bones, as well as very dark oval shaped shadows in six places at the end of both bones and perhaps something growing in the joint. One place on the tibia looks like a dark black hole, right through her bone! We just need to know more information about them before Dr. O does the bone/tumor biopsy, which is why she had to get the MRI. I don't think this is going to be a diagnosis, but rather a better way to decide which tumors and bone places to biopsy. (but, I'm just guessing!)
Madie is holding up pretty good but took some Ibprofen after lunch. She used the crutches, and actually really liked them! She said it was great to get her weight off the knee!
So, now it is on to the next step........
Slow, but steady, right?

Thursday, December 17, 2009 1:05 PM


Madie is going to be on CBS Better Mornings this coming Monday morning at 9:00am. She is going to be promoting RaceTrac's "Coffee for A Cause"!! The interview will be at the Race Trac gas station located at 2325 Marietta Blvd. Atlanta, GA 30318.

It's really funny-weird too because Madie *loves* coffee! Just ask her about it the next time you see her!

...hint...she is the only 10-year-old I know who puts coffee beans in her pocket!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009 11:30 PM CST

Being "too smart" is a bad thing......

MADIE: "Okay, so it's von willa who?"

MOM: "von Willbrand's disease. It affects how much you bleed when you get cut or stuff."

MADIE: "So, everything else is okay?"

MOM: "Yes. Everything else is okay. Your liver is okay. All the tylenol you have been taking did not affect you. You can keep taking it."

MADIE: "I CAN? REALLY? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can I have some now???!!!##@@!!**^

MOM: "What? I don't keep it in my purse!"

MADIE: "My knee and leg was really throbbing like horrible in class today!! I really need some, bad."

MOM: "Madie, why didn't you go to the clinic? The nurse has your Tylenol for you to take at school."

MADIE: "I have not been taking it because I thought it was making me too sick! I was only taking it when I *absolutely* could not stand it anymore! It's not like I was crying from it hurting so bad."

Mom stands in the middle of the store, closes her eyes. Oh crap! She is just too smart!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009 7:30 AM CST

Hi Everybody!


I can't wait for Christmas!! I am so excited!!!

My mom let me open one of my gifts, and it was a wonderful soft nightgown with scotty dogs that I have been wanting! YEAH!!! I just love it!!

I am practicing my singing---our chorus is going to sing for Walton EMC tomorrow morning, then we sing tomorrow night for a parent's show. On Friday, we have an assembly that we will sing for the school! FUN! FUN! FUN! I love to sing!!

Oh yeah!
Everyone needs to go visit RACETRAC on 12/21, 12/22, and 12/23 to buy a cup of delicious coffee!!
On each of those days, RACETRAC is going to donate *ALL* of the Coffee Sales to our most wonderful and most awesome CAMP SUNSHINE!!!! Here is a wonderful article on the "Coffee For A Cause" that has more details. And it is for all the RACETRAC stations in the entire state of Georgia!! So you guys in Alabama, Tennessee, Florida and South Carolina can drive over and still help out!! We will all have sooooo much coffee, we will be running on a lot of mocha latta (is that right?--I don't drink it...) THANK YOU RACETRAC!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!

Well, I still have not heard back from any of the doctor's yet. My mom called Dr. O's office and left a message to ask about the MRI and the bone/tumor biopsy. She needs to have something done before her school starts in January. It would be hard for her to go to school four days a week if I am sick or need to have surgery. So, she needs to find out what's going on before her classes start.

Oh! And speaking of my mom! She got her grades back and she has a "3.68" average for the Semester! Way to go mom!!!

I'm doing okay back at school. I am very, VERY tired!! My knee hurts a lot, but it's okay. Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!!


Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Sunday, December 13, 2009 12:03 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

Merry Christmas!!

I am having a great weekend! Yeah! Especially after being so sick this past week--yuk!

I went by school and picked up some work, but I also have "Bench mark" testing that starts! UGH!

On Thursday, I missed my appointment with Dr. B because I was so sick to my stomach all day. I kept throwing up! My mom called my doctor and we picked up some Zofran, which worked great!

I had a physical with my Pediatrician that lasted all Friday morning. I lost 2.5 lbs, from Wednesday, but that is to be expected from how sick I was. Later that afternoon, we dropped off the xray and MRI disk for Dr. B to look at and then went over to Scottish Rite for my lab work. I got three shots! OUCH! My doctor gave me the H1N1, regular flu and then a Hep-A vaccination. My arms are still sore! I'm not eating a lot, but I know that will get better when I start to feel better.

My knee continues to hurt, expecially today with this cold rain. UGH! But, I have had a great weekend! I went to Camp Sunshine's Christmas Open House yesterday! It was tons of fun! I made some Christmas decorations and got to see a lot of my friends! THANK YOU CAMP SUNSHINE!!

Then, last night, we went to see the "North Atlanta Christmas Festival" at the Mount Pisgah Church! IT WAS AWESOME!!! My favorite was the "Little Drummer Boy" with the Georgia Teach Drum Corp! I had a superfantabulous time!!! Thank you CURE for letting us come to the show! I LOVED IT!!!

Today, we have lots of errands and I have to do some school work. But, it's raining outside, so that is okay. We are decorating the house for Christmas and my mom is doing a lot of sewing and knitting! It feels like an "Elf" factory!

I hope to hear back this week on my blood tests and find out when I go in for the next test on my knee. Dr. O wants a scan and a biopsy of the tumors, I just don't know if he is the one to order it or if Dr. B wants to order it.

I have a Chorus Concert the 16th and 17th! I can't wait!!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee!


Thursday, December 10, 2009 1:03 PM CST


So, change of plans today.

I woke up at 6:00am with a sick tummy!

I can't see the ONC today, but he wants my mom to drop off the films as soon as possible.

I have already been sick about six times this morning! Good thing I have lots of experience with nausea! Each time I get sick, it's no big deal.

I'm not running a fever, so my mom is trying to get me fixed up enough to get up to the hospital for my lab work. Good thing we have a Honda Element! When I throw up in that car, it is so easy to clean! Yep, that is why we love it!

And, what stinks is that my stupid knee is hurting more today than it did yesterday or Monday! That is VERY WEIRD!!

I will keep you guys posted on what the doctors say to do next!

Thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while I get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 6:03 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

Thank you guys for all the great wishes and good thoughts of prayers!
I really appreciate them!

I had to go to my pediatrician this morning because I woke up with a really bad sore throat. My sinus has been so stuffy and it has been driving me crazy! And, last night my bottom lip started bleeding! Just for no reason! YIKES! It happened twice, during the night. When I woke up this morning, it looked like I had been punched in the mouth! So, that was another reason why my mom wanted to take me to the doctor.

And, after we got through at the appointment, I was waiting for the lab orders and my lip started to bleed in a new place! I was really glad the doctor got to see it for herself! Of course, I have to get a lot of blood work done, so we can figure out what is going on with me!

I have an appointment tomorrow with Dr. B up at the AFLAC group at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. My appointment is at 1:00pm. He has asked for the MRI last June and we have a copy of the xray from yesterday. I am going to get my blood work done that Dr. Cox wants and then we will see if Dr. B wants to order any other tests.

Dr. O has said that if AFLAC believes it is not related to any type of cancer, he is going to order the MRI and the tumor biopsy. So, either way, I have more tests coming. I'm just a little bit nervouse about that. But, I know it has to be done. And, my knee just keeps hurting more and more each day. Today, the pain is not so bad, but yesterday! ACK! It hurt like the dickens yesterday!

And then on Friday, I am back at my Pediatrician office for my 10-year-old physical that I was suppose to get three months ago but have been too sick to get it done! Dr. Cox wants to see me anyway for that! Hopefully, we will have some blood test information back and we can know some answers for these crazy things that are going on for me!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 6:33 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

Wow, it is really raining!
The wet and the cold makes my knee and leg hurt, so that kinda stinks.



I saw my Orthopedic doctor today. I love him! He is great! I got new xrays for my knee and my spine. I have some good news and I have some bad news.

So, first with the good news!

My sciolosis is doing great! Almost no change at all! Yeah!!!

So, now the bad news.

I have at least six new tumors that have popped up on my femur and my tibia. I think there might be more. It stinks how fast they multiplied!

Dr. O wants an MRI and a bone/tumor biopsy. But, when my mom told him that my teeth bled like crazy last week at the dentist office, he wants me to see the AFLAC doctors as soon as possible. He called them and talked to somebody over there. So, my mom and me are waiting to hear back from AFLAC for my appointment.

I am nervous and a little scared.
I know these could be anything, and they could be nothing. Well, they are not nothing because then they would not be there, right? Ha!Ha!
What I mean is that they could be anything from stupid Cancer to just a whole gob of those non-ossifying fibroma tumors that have sprouted all over my bones! YUK!!! They are not cancer, but they weaken the bones and can eventually cause children to break their legs, or in my case, my knee! I even have one on the very end of the bone, where they meet in my knee cap!

I am kinda nervous and scared because I don't like the word "biopsy"...NOT AT ALL!! Any kind of poke or cutting on me, I don't like! But, my mom has promised me that she is going to be there with me and that she is going to be sure they put me or my leg/knee to sleep (or close to it!).

So, we will wait and see!

We did get our Christmas tree up! It looks WONDERFUL!!! Ms. Kerrie, my friend Karena and my friend Juleah helped us to decorate it! It turned out just awesome and does not look like an artifical tree at all! I am so excited for Christmas to be here! I can't wait!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 11:54 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

I know what you are thinking....two updates in one day? Huh?

Well, the dentist appointment did not go so good. When I got finished, the lady came out and talked to my mom. She said that I had "excessively heavy bleeding from the gums" when they tried to clean my teeth. It was pretty crazy, because they were more upset than my mom!

My mom looked at her and asked, "You mean, like normal bleeding, when folks don't brush their teeth or floss?" The technician just sat there and shook her head. "No. The notes say it was bad. The dentist said it was bad."

Well, my mom called my Peds and ran me over to get a finger poke to check my counts. They are all super! So we know my platelets are okay!

What is weird is that this same thing happened back in 2003, when I was diagnosed with the Leukemia. I had my teeth cleaned on a Tuesday, and they bled like crazy! Miss Paula told my mom that she had never seen anything like it in all her years of cleaning people's teeth! Nine days later I was in the hospital, diagnosed with the stupid Leukemia. Today was like being in a time machine, going back to 2003!

I was pretty upset by it. But, me and my mom talked about it. She asked me what happened and I told her how the hygenist started to clean my teeth with her little brush-machine, but they just gushed out blood! Each time she tried, they just bled more! She was running around, trying to find cotton to stick inside my mouth to soak up the blood! She kept saying "this should not be happening!" and was really upset. I was pretty scared too! I'm telling you, it was A LOT OF BLOOD!! But, talking to my mom helped a lot. We actually started laughing, mostly because we have seen lots more blood than that! And the hygenist was so scared, trying to stop the bleeding!---thinking about it now, I can laugh!

My mom is going to notify my doctor at the Survivor Clinic, just to keep them posted on what is going on. I think my mom is more worried about the fact that I get a great big headache each time I eat a cupcake, a lollipop or a candy cane! And I love candy canes! Man, I just hate not being able to eat that great, sweet stuff! It's not fair!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 11:14 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

It is DECEMBER!!! Let the Holidays Begin!

I am sure by now you are wondering "Why is Madie standing in front of that sports arena?"

Well......with the help of my great friends, I won tickets to see MYLEY CYRUS in Columbia, South Carolina!

The most wonderful STAR94 had a contest for tickets to the concert AND a ride to the concert on a "Party Bus"!!

It was the most awesome, as I also love Metro Station!
(that is Myley's brother's band).
Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake, a Shake it!!
They are awesome!

And the show was awesome!


Well, don't forget that this Sunday is the Lighthouse Family Retreat Christmas Party!
It is on Sunday, Dec 6, 2009 (2:30 PM to 4:30 PM) at Buckhead Church
3336 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, GA
And you call them at 678-290-2955 or email Colleen at: colleen@lighthousefamilyretreat.org
URL: www.socializr.com/event/346391839

I hope to see all my friends there!!

And, my mom wanted me to put up a note to let you guys know that I have a doctor appt on Tuesday, 12/8 at 2:45pm for my orthopediac doctor. I will have xrays done on my knee and spine. Remember, we are watching that stupid spot on my knee and those crazy non-ossifying fibrom tumors that showed up last year! And, oh yeah, my sciolosis.

And on Saturday, me and some friends are going to paint a window over at the Texas Roadhouse Bar and Grill! We are going to paint "winter" scenes and "holiday" pictures! It is going to be a great time, for sure!

I also have an appointment for a physical on Friday, 12/11 with my pediatric doctor. She is gonna check me over, but good! I think I might get a "regular" flu shot, but not sure yet. (yuk!)

Well, I have to run.
Today I have a dentist appointment to get my teeth cleaned! But I love going there because they even have a TV above the chairs so that we get to watch a movie while we get our teeth cleaned! Isn't that just awesome!!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!


Talk to you guys later!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s...my mom is studying like crazy for a final exam tomorrow! I can't wait for *her* school to be over!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2009 3:14 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

Well, I know it's early to say it, but "HAPPY THANKSGIVING" to all our friends and our family!

I am so happy that I do not have school again until next Monday!
But, I do love school----it's just that I get tired very easy now and I think I just need a break. So the holidays are just in the nick of time! Yep!

And, I do have to say that I have been especially worried about a few things going on. As you know, a really good friend of mine from school, Camp Sunshine and our neighborhood (Mikeala) has relapsed with her Leukemia about six weeks ago. Before that happened, I was already talking to my mom about me, and what would happen if my Cancer came back. I'm not sure why I was asking, but I know that I have not felt good for the past year. The last six months or so have been really difficult for me. My legs hurt all the time. My hips hurt all the time. I have quit all sports because it is just too painful for me.

My mom is trying to get me in to the Orthopedic doctor for my six month xray follow-up. We are just not sure if I have insurance coverage, because we have not heard back yet on the renewal. If we don't hear today, I think my mom is going to get an order for the xrays from my Snellville Pediatrics. That way, I can go up to Scottish Rite and have the xrays completed in the next week.

My mom has called the AFLAC Survivor Clinic, but I can't get an appointment with them until January 5th, 2010.

This week, I am especially worried because I have friend who has relapsed with his Neuroblastoma. Five years ago, he had a transplant and was doing really great! Jack has been through so much and was doing really great! My mom and me know "Camp Jack" from Camp Sunshine, Lighthouse Family Retreat and the clinic! He was doing so well, that his family actually stopped their webpage updates for him! Sadly, his family has found out that his Neuroblastoma is back, and has shown up in his leg this time. They are waiting for more tests to get the "big" picture. Please keep him and his family in your prayers as they wait to see what their fight is going to be!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Monday, November 23, 2009 9:14 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

Okay, so today is Monday.
The Monday before Thanksgiving.
I go to school tomorrow and then, I'm out of school for the Thanksgiving Holiday!

But....NO YEAH!

How is that?
Well, I am happy for the holiday, but also kind of sad. A long time friend we have known from clinic and Camp Sunshine has just relapsed with his Neuroblastoma!

What is up with this crazy Cancer!!

It's not fair---he was off treatment and doing really great for the past five years! It is just not fair, not fair at all....


Saturday, November 21, 2009 11:14 AM CST

Hey Everybody!

My mom and me have been trying to find a way to add more pictures or video's to share with our family and friends who do not live in Atlanta. We have started a new blog, called the Crazy Ice Girlz. We have just updated it, so you can go out there and see the new pictures!

Thanks for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get though this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 7:55 PM CST

WHEN: Saturday, November 28th, 2009
WHAT: STAR94 Party Bus
WHERE: Myley Cyrus Concert


Oh my, I have to find something to wear!!! Mom? Oh, Mom? Can we go to Justice?.......I have that 40 percent off coupon!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 6:55 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

I am so excited!! Thanksgiving is next week!! YUMMMMMM!!!

My mom called the AFLAC Survivor Clinic, but they do not have an appointment for me until next year! My mom went ahead and made an appointment for January 5th. But, she is going to try to get me in to the Orthopedic doctor this week because my legs hurt kinda badly.

And, have you been listening to the STAR94 radio? They have a contest for the Miley Cyrus concert that I am trying really hard to win! Wish me luck!

And, I am so glad that my mom had my teacher conference and explained things to my teachers. I had a math test, which I made a "70" on, but it was because I did not even "SEE" question number 4----I left it all blank! My mom had me work it out on a new piece of paper that we attached to the test and turned back in. My teacher re-graded it and I got a "A" on the test!!! Wooohooooo!!

Well, I have to skoot. I have chorus in the morning, so I have to get to bed early.

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Saturday, November 14, 2009 11:47 AM CST

Saturday, November 14, 2009 11:47 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

Today is Saturday! Yeah!
I had a great time at the Rally! Softball Game last night! All us kids got to go out on the field and plays some crazy games! It was fun to watch and really fun to laugh!

I met lots of people, saw lots of old friends, and met some new friends too! I can't believe that Tyler's sister, Sarah, is so big now! She is in the 8th Grade! WOW!! And "she" has her own cell phone, which I pointed out to my mom.......

I got to meet Chipper Jones, who is really, REALLY tall!! The captain of our "blue team" with Brian McCann was a football coach---Sam Wyche. He even gave me a softball that was used in the game! Yeah!! But I want to be sure to say 'thank you' to everyone who helped with the softball game! IT WAS AWESOME!!!

Well, my mom had my school conference this past week. I am struggling with a few things in school that is to be expected for children who has gone through the ALL chemotherapy, so my mom is going to get with the AFLAC Survivor Clinic to see if there is anything that they can do to help. I am also going to visit my own doctor to see if I can start on some medicine to help out. It's almost like I have no 'short term' memory. I have problems following directions right when people tell me, but I can remember things at the end of the day! It's really weird! I failed both the math and the reading on the benchmark tests. But yet, I get "100's" on my tests in the class room! The AFLAC neuropsych testing recommends that I get help with 'standardized' tests, which are the ones that you have to fill in the bubble. Those are the ones that I can't keep up straight. Mr. Gottslig is going to see if I would be allowed to use a maginfying ruler to help me. In the meantime, we are waiting to see what I made on the IOWA tests. I think if I failed those, my mom is going to request another meeting for an IEP or an SST. It's all very "weird" because I make all "100's" on math tests, and am reading on almost a 7th Grade reading level! It's very bizarre!

Do you see the picture up at the top?
That is my future husband-to-be, Mr. Keegan Puckett-Ice!
I think we are even beginning to look alike! Isn't that weird! I love him dearly! But, I saw an old friend last night, Will Hennessey, and he is looking very handsome indeed! I wish I had not run out of the house so fast last night and took the time to fix my hair!

Well, I have to skoot! My wonderful Uncle Rich has made me a dollhouse! I promise to put up picture soon! He even provided enough funds to get some furniture at the Hobby Lobby! I LOVE YOU UNCLE RICHARD!!! Please send him great thoughts and prayers for a wonderful weekend!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!,
Your friend, Madie Rylee

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 12:06 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

I have been pretty busy, that's for sure!

Tomorrow is our "Early Release" day and I am working at the school Book Fair! I can't wait---it is going to be great fun! My mom also has my teacher conference, so I'm hoping that everything goes really good!

My friend, Mikeala, is going home from the hospital today! FINALLY!! She has been there for the past two weeks because her blood counts would not budge! YUK!! I am sending lots of prayers for a wonderful "Home Sweet Home" and that she does not have to go back in to the hospital for at least a week!

This month is going to be busy for me.
I go to see my Orthopedic doctor for my knee and sciolosis. My mom is trying to get me in to see the AFLAC Cancer Survivor Clinic before the end of the month. I need to see my regular doctor because my perscriptions are up for renewal. And, I have a crazy sinus stuff going on, so I really would like to see her anyway! It's making me crazy!

Don't forget that I am volunteering this Friday down at the Georgia Tech baseball stadium! It is for the "Brian McCann Celebrity Softball Tournament" which is going to benefit the Rally Foundation! If you want more details, go here at the Rally Foundation websiteand you can find everything you need! DON'T FORGET THAT CHILDREN ARE FREE AND COLLEGE STUDENTS ARE ONLY $5!!!

Thank you to everyone who has been keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Sunday, November 1, 2009 11:45 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

I had a really 'soggy' Halloween! It rained on us as we tried to do some trick-or-treating, but the really good news is that my church has moved their festival to today!! YEAH!!! I am so happy!! Last year, I was so sick and running a fever, I could not go. My best friend Juleah went and collected some candy for me! She was so sweet to do that! I love you Juleah! But, I was sad because I missed all the fun games and music.

But not today!
I am feeling good----even though I got soaked last night!

And, this Tuesday night is the Camp Sunshine "Seasonal Sunshine Thanksgiving Dinner" for all of us sweetie Cancer Children's who are off treatment. The Emory University's Men's Acapella Ensemble, "No Strings Attached" is going to be singing for us! I CAN'T WAIT!!! I just love CAMP SUNSHINE!!! If you want to go, please call Ann at (404) 325-7979 to see if she still has room for more families!

And, on Friday, November 13th, I am also going to be volunteering at the "Brian McCann Rally Celebrity Softball Game, Presented by: Jet Sports Management, Brian & Ashley McCann, and Chipper & Sharon Jones" to benefit the RALLY FOUNDATION!! It is going to be at the Georgia Tech’s Russ Chandler Baseball Field. Tickets are $10 each, kids 12 and under are free, students are half-price. This is a very family-friendly event.

Okay friends, did you see the "STUDENTS ARE HALF-PRICE" sign? My mom wants all her friends from Georgia State and all my brother's friends to come on down and have a great time!!

Besides watching a fun-for-all softball game, there is going to be the following entertainment:
-Silent Auction full of autographed sports memorabilia
-The Varsity will be selling food/drinks
-Braves BAT Team (T-ball and Speed Pitch inflatables)
-Mr. and Mrs. Claus (available for pictures, bring your own camera)
-Tattoos/Face Painting

You can get more information here at this website:


Okay, so I have been working hard at school.
I am still kind of struggling with the reading, but it is going better. My mom is meeting with my teachers next week to see what kind of plans we can put into place to help me. I really need to pass the CRCT test! It is a BIG TEST for the Fifth Grade!!

Well, I have to run!
I need to be sure that I have everything ready for this afternoon!

Thank you to everybody who has been keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee


Tuesday, October 20, 2009 2:24 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I have a special request to make.

My friend, Mikaela Beck, has just relapsed with the stupid Cancer Leukemia after 3 years (or is it 4 years?) off treatment and is at Eggleston. Mikaela is one grade ahead of me and use to live up the street. Her mom, Rhonda is a single parent, just like my mom. Mikeala and I have been to Camp Sunshine together. We have done "Relay for Life" and we have enve taken her to church with us a few times, before she moved. She was my reason to run for the Student Council Secretary, because she did it last year! We have had a lot of fun together!

Her Leukemia is back, and she is in ICU at Eggleston. Please send prayers.

I have to say, I am pretty worried. It's very scary, because she had the same Leukemia has me. I think they are trying to decide if she starts her chemo all over again, or if she is going to have to get a transplant. I know she is pretty sick, and they are trying to get her into remission as soon as possible. (That means, to get rid of the Leukemia they can 'see' in her blood and when they do a hip poke).


Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s....Thanks dad for sending July's child support! Yeah!

Saturday, October 17, 2009 2:24 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

It's Saturday----AND IT'S COLD OUTSIDE!!!

I am so happy to see the cool weather! Now, I can wear pants and long sleeve shirts! Woohooo! It takes a lot of cold for me and my mom to wear a jacket, so we are watching to see if the temperature drops into the 30's!! They said we might get snow flurries in the North Georgia Mountains tomorrow night!
I can't stand it!!

And, my Aunt Rhonda is home from the hospital!
She is still not sounding too good---the doctor's do not have her tests back on a few of them. But, she is home and very happy to be there! Thank you guys for the prayers! They really worked!!

I am now officially the "Secretary" of the 5th Grade Student Council at Centerville Elementary! My mom's camera refused to work, so a friend of our's has taken some pictures and will get them to us soon. We have our first meeting next Thursday. I can't wait!

I got my report card! Yeah! It's not as good as I had hoped, but heck, 5th Grade is VERY HARD! I got a "C" in reading, which is better than it was! My mom is meeting with my teacher's to come up with a plan to help me. And, I got all "B's" in everything else. But, they are high one's! I barely missed two "A's" because I had a "89" and a "87" average! I feel really good about them!

Well, my mom had to drop another class so that she has more time to work. She is typing up a new resume and will go out this week to interview and fill out some applications for part-time work at some of the places around here. She is going to the Middle Schools and the High Schools, to introduce herself and hope they ask her to come work. Ack! I really don't like that, because I only want her to work at Centerville! But, I understand. That doesn't mean that I have to like it.

And, I won for the 5th Grade for Reflections! My photograph and Visual Art piece is going to the County to be on display at the Hudgen's Center in November! Yeah!! I will keep you posted on the date!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon,
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:13 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Please send prayers for my Aunt Rhonda!
She has been fighting the stupid pneumonia and is back in the hospital over in Athens.
My Uncle Butch says this is the worst they have seen her.
They are doing a lot of tests and waiting on a biopsy that they did two weeks ago.

My mom has a mid-term Exam tomorrow, so she is studying like crazy!
She took her Art History Mid-term yesterday and she thinks it went really great!

I get report cards today!
I'm hoping everything is okay.
I kinda had some problems with Science, so I guess we will see.

Friday, I am sworn in as the Secretary for 5th Grade Student Council!

Well, I entered the PTA Reflections, and my photography won for the 5th Grade Reflections at my school!
And, my Visual Art piece won too!
They are both going to the County for the Reflections Exhibit at the Hudgens Center! Woohooo!

Wow! It's gonna be a busy week!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece!
You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 4:16 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I just wanted to update everyone to let you guys know that me and my mom have been doing good this past week. The rain has finally stopped today! Woohooo!! And you would not believe the amount of water that we have had here where we live! Our address is "Snellville", but it is actually "Centerville", which is one block over from Lilburn and right down from Stone Mountain. I mean, you can park at the Red Lobster up the street and watch the Stone Mountain fireworks, it's that close!

I got to stay home yesterday because school was closed! And, I got to stay home again today because school was closed again! At first, I thought it was great, but now I am so bored that it is making me crazy!

I was glad that my mom stayed home too. I was pretty worried about her trying to go out to school to downtown Atlanta. Our neighbor went yesterday and she said it took her four hours just to get to work! The Stone Mountain Freeway was closed yesterday because of a huge mudslide! The pictures on the news were terrible! And today, the road was closed because the Yellow River came up over the bridge at Lake Lucerne! They had the freeway blocked at Ross Road, and didn't let anyone go through it.

But, my mom and me went out about 3:00pm today because I needed two perscriptions filled. They had the bridge open, BUT IT WAS SCARY!!!! Normally, you can't even see the Yellow River under the bridge, but today, IT WAS RIGHT UNDER THE BRIDGE! It was roaring passed us, under the bridge and it looked like a giant lake on both sides! It was almost like you could reach out and touch the water, it was so very close!

I am just happy that we are okay and that the rain has stopped! Whew!

And, please let there be school tomorrow! I miss it!!

Also, I got to get some new tennis shoes this weekend. You will not believe----for the first time ever, I had to shop in the 'ladies' shoe section! I can't believe that I wear a size 8! My mom says that the Nike shoes run small, but I can't get my foot in the children's size 5.5 anymore! Whoa!

And, I have written a letter to enter an election for our Fifth Grade Student Council. I want to run for the Class President. I have to wait for the teacher's to read everyone's letters and see who they pick to be nominated. I think mine is pretty good, after I wrote three drafts of it. Now, I just have to wait and see!

Okay, so please let there be school be tomorrow! I really, really miss it!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon,
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Saturday, September 4, 2009 11:05 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I have a crazy week, for sure!

I was out sick on Monday and Tuesday, but started to feel better. I went back to school on Wednesday. But then, I started to cough! On Thursday, my cough got really bad----so my mom took me back to the doctor on Friday.

My doctor changed my antibiotic and it has worked great! I feel so much better and hardly cough at all! My mom and doctor talked about the past week and my doctor suspects that I might have/had the Swine Flu. She said we will never know for certain, but that since I have had the flu shots practically my whole life, they kept me from being really, really sick like lots of the children they are seeing. The doctor said they could not figure out why some of us children are sicker than others, so they like the theory of the flu shots, mostly because it makes a lot of sense.

But, we will just never know.

But, I do know that the flu shot saved my life back in December, 2003 when I got the flu while I was on chemo.


Yep, that was the most scared that I have ever been in my whole life! I swelled up and turned orange and yellow because my liver had shut down.

Yep, I was scared.

But I am here today because of one tiny flu shot! Yipppeee!! So, go get your flu shot people! It can save your life!

Okay, so back to me.
I am better. I feel better. I look better. I am sleeping better. But the weird thing is that my body temperature is not normal. Back on Tuesday, it went down to 97.2 and has not been normal yet. Even at the doctor's yesterday, it was 98.2. Today, it's back down to the 97.4. The other odd thing is that my blood pressure is too high. Well, not "too" high, but just high. It was 132/98---which is kind of high for a 10 year old girl.

Well, the doctor said to keep a close on me for any changes. My mom is very careful and watching me like a hawk!

So far, so good!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,

Monday, August 31, 2009 11:05 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Well, it's Monday morning and I am home sick!

I hate being sick!

This morning, my fever was 103.2 at 5:30am!
I saw the doctor yesterday because my throat hurt so badly and my mom wanted to be sure that I did not have strep.

I do have a bad sinus infection, which I have been fighting off all Summer long. But, my doctor thinks that I have a crazy virus that is going around as well. The virus causes sore throat and high fevers. YUKKK! But, last night I started coughing with lots of loose-sounding junk. Since my fever shot up so high, my mom is trying to reach the doctor to see if I have to change any of my medicine that she has been giving to me. I have bad lungs (I have had pneumonia about ten times!) but they sounded great at the doctor yesterday! We just have to keep a really close eye on me.

I just hate the fevers!
And I hope it's not that stupid Swine Flu because I have had six people out in my class already!

Well, I didn't go to the Survivor Clinic last week. I asked my mom to change my appointment for an afternoon one so that I don't miss a lot of school. That is going to be another six weeks, so I will keep everyone posted on when I have a new appointment!

And, I didn't go to the Camp Sunshine 'Seasonal Sunshine' last Tuesday night because I just didn't feel good enough. My mom picked me up from school and all I wanted to do was put on my pajama's and jump in bed! Pretty weird!

I hate to be out of school again, but I just feel TERRIBLE!!! I HATE BEING SICK!!!

I will keep you guys posted if I go back to the doctor.

Talk to you soon,
Your friend,
Madie Rylee


Friday, August 14, 2009 7:40 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!


It's Friday!

I can't believe I have been back to school for a whole week! Wow!

I love my teacher Mr. Gottselig and my Social Studies/Reading Teacher, Dr. Wakefall! They are totally AWESOME teachers!!

But, I also got hurt this week. I tripped and fell on our concrete front porch and my 'good' left knee hit the pavement really hard. I was screaming bloody murder, for sure! I begged my mom to take me up to the hospital, it hurt so badly.

My mom called the after hours number for my doctor and talked to the nurse. She said to go ahead and take me up to the ER so they could get some xrays. It took a long time to wait, but I finally got in to see the doctor. They did a bunch of xrays and I only have a very bad bruise! Yeah! No broken bones or dislocation! And that is great because that is my 'good' knee and I count on it a lot! I was also happy to know that there is nothing weird going on like I have in my right leg/knee. (Remember, that stupid right knee has the fibroma tumors and now a huge calcium deposit forming). Now, if I can just get this 'road rash' to heal up on my elbow!

I hope everyone has a superfantastic weekend! Remember to get out there and play!

Thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee


p.s...I'm on Facebook! Just search for "Madie Ice"!

Saturday, August 8, 2009 9:19 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Happy Saturday Morning before School Starts on Monday!

I am so excited about school starting on Monday! I just can't believe it! Whoohooooo!

And, I got one of the teachers that I was hoping for! YEAH!!! I am gonna be in Mr. Gottslig's class! And, this year, all of us 5th Grader's are going to be changing rooms with the other 5th Grade teacher's for Science, Social Studies, Reading, and Math! Wow! It's just like the Middle School!

I am so happy that I get to stay at Centerville! My mom and me are working on a plan that will let us stay in our home and let her finish school at Georgia State. She is very close to being finished----in fact, she might be Student Teaching in less than a year!! I can't believe it!!!

I have an appointment on the 25th for Survivor Clinic up at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite. I think that is the appointment that will be pretty long, where they check my heart and stuff. My legs hurt pretty bad last week, when we had all that rain. But most especially, that crazy right knee, leg and hip! That really bugs me more than anything----to point that I get the crutches out of the closet and use them! My mom gets mad at me, but I keep telling her that it makes my leg feel SO MUCH BETTER!!! I know that my mom is gonna talk to the doctor's about that, since it just seems to be getting worse. I hate to say it, but I have even quit gymnastics because of the pain. I just can't handle it anymore.

Well, we are off to a great start on my 'back-to-school' supplies! I have everything I need, and even new shoes which I got at Target and are totally 'AWESOME' looking!! Whoohooooo! I normally don't buy very many clothes for 'back-to-school' because it is still the Summer here in Atlanta and I get "super-hot" where I can't stand it! (I am just like my mom!) I think last year, we did not even wear winter coats but like one day! It has to be under 70 degree's for me to wear jeans and then under 60 degree's to wear long sleeve shirts! I know......I know......we are weird! But, my feet have grown extremely large for my height and I really needed new shoes! I am wearing the size "5" in children's, which is the last size that you can get in children's shoes! Since I can fit into a ladies size 6 or 6.5, I might have to start wearing them too! My mom thinks I have inherited her 'big feet' (she wears a 9.5/10) but we are not so sure about how tall I am gonna be, as I am still kinda short!

I am so glad it is Saturday and we have no rain in the forcast! Wooohoooo! I have a lot to do today, so I need to go. Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure! Talk to you soon! Have a great weekend!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s.....Spa Sydell is coming to Camp Sunshine on this Monday! All you Cancer Children need to let your mom know and ask to come! Please notify Miss Ann if you want to come and she can put you down on the reservation list!


Thursday, July 30, 2009 11:37 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I know, I know. It's really late.
Shame on me for staying up so late.
But, it's the Summer and there is no school, so what do you?

My Aunt Rhonda is doing much better!
She did have new xrays done that showed the pneumonia is not gone yet. So her doctor put her on a bunch of medicine and even gave her some IV antibiotics. She has to go back again next Monday for more xrays. Wow, she has had almost more xrays than me!

We have been getting some rain here, so it has made my legs hurt again. My mom can tell they are hurting because she catches me 'playing' with the crutches. I tell her "Mom, I really need them! My leg really HURTS!" She makes a face most of the time. But you know, it really, REALLY does hurt! I don't know how to convince her. But, my mom thinks it is the crazy 'growing pains' because I have been eating 'like a truck-driver' the past few days! (well, that is what I say to people all the time! I'm not sure what a truck driver really eats!) She might be right about the growing pains because they do hurt and I do feel kinda taller!

I can't believe that school starts in just 10 days!! WOW!! I can't wait to see who my teacher is gonna be! I'm hoping and hoping for Ms. Kegler, but my mom is really wanting me to get Mr. Gottselig or Mr. Reese because I did so good in Mr. Curcione's class last year.

And tomorrow night I am going to Camp Sunshine for the "CSI" mystery! I get to see all my friends from Camp and we have the best time ever!!! It's just for overnight, but we still have a blast with Miss Michelle! She is THE BEST!!! I love you Miss Michelle!!

Well, I have to run!
Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece. You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon.
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Monday, July 27, 2009 10:37 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I can't believe the Summer is almost over!
WOW!! Where did it all go to!!

Thank you guys for all the prayers that you sent over for my Aunt Rhonda! She is doing much better! But....she saw the doctor on Friday and he 'said' the xray looked great and she could even start back to work today. Then, the hospital called today and told her 'NO!' that the xray did not look good and she has to come back for more tests and medicine! So, it looks like me and my mom are going to go with her tomorrow to the hospital, on account that my Uncle Butch is out of town for the next two weeks. We promised him we would keep an eye on Aunt Rhonda, so we are!

And this Friday is the Camp Sunshine "CSI" sleep over!
I get to see all my friends from Camp and we are going to solve a mystery over at the Camp Sunshine House! I can't wait! It is going to be great!

I am almost ready for school----me and my mom have found a lot of the things that I need. I have really grown a lot this Summer, especially my feet! You won't believe it, but I can wear a women's size 6! (But, we mostly look at the children's for a size 5 or 5.5). I might not be tall, but my mom says that I will grow to fit my feet. She tells me the story of my older brothers who were short and small, but had big feet too! (my bubba Rhyne had size 13 shoes at age 13!) They use to come home and be sad because everyone was taller than them! She told them that the "Ice Family" has a weird gene that keeps us small until we get around 15 or 16 years old. Then, BAM!! My bubba Rhyne grew 16 inches in one year! No kidding!! The doctor was shocked! And, we continue to grow past the age of 20 and 21. And now, my bubba Roe is 6'4" and my bubba Rhyne is 6'6"! They are a bunch of GIANTS!! So, I am not too worried about my size---I just look down at my feet and smile.

And, my mom has heard back from the mortgage company, and it looks like we don't have to move in with my Uncle Ray! Yeah!! She has applied for the new "Making Home Affordable" program and it looks like it is going to help us a lot! It takes several months, but I am just very glad that I get to see my friends, stay in my school and keep my kitties! My mom is happy that she gets to stay in school to finish her Art Education degree! We are just saying a prayer that everything works out for the best!

Well, I have to run!
Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Uncle Richard (7/20) in Oklahoma and to my wonderful Aunt Rita (7/21) in Heaven!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 11:09 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I just got word that my Aunt Rhonda is in the hospital over at Athens Regional. She was diagnosed with pneumonia Tuesday and things have become a bit worse. The doctors are running tests on her lungs and to see if she has become 'septic'. She had surgery on her left lung when she was a baby, so she only has a half lung on that left side, so she has been living with pulmonary fibrosis for the past two years. Right now, the pneumonia is all over that left side and part of her right lung. Please send prayers that the medicine works and she can get back to normal really quick!

I have been doing really good! My rash is gone, so I am happy about that! I went to Camp Sunshine this past Monday night for Spa Sydell and it was great! I got to see lots of my friends! I just love Camp Sunshine!!

I promise to post some new pictures soon! My mom and me have been pretty busy, but we promise to post some really soon!

Thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer journey all in one piece. You guys have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 5:09 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I am home!!

I made it home last Friday night, after a week of wonderful Camp Sunshine! IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!! I have lots and lots of pictures to share, so stay tuned for some of those!

I did have to see the doctor on Saturday morning. I got home with a weird rash that started out kinda "itchy", so my mom took me to the doctor's the next morning after getting back from Camp. Of course, the nurse at Camp Sunshine said it was heat rash. And it looked like a heat rash too!

I saw the doctor and she said it looked like an allergic reaction to something. She asked me if I had used anything "new" while at camp and I told her a big "NO". I was very careful to take all my normal stuff, because let's face it, I have pretty darn sensetive skin that breaks out from just about anything! But, she said it still looked like an allergic reaction, so I am to use Benedryl and cortizone cream.

On the way home, my mom asked me again if I had used anything different or new at Camp. That's when it hit me! I did use some new sunscreen that we got at camp!

Anyway, it's been four days and the rash is looking really good. It doesn't itch anymore and the redness is going away. After having the crazy "Pityriasis Rosea" two years ago from my chicken pox vaccine. And, I STILL GOT THE STUPID CHICKEN POX back in March, 2007!!...I just cringe at any kind of rash that comes up! It's not quite gone, but we are keeping a close eye on it!

Thanks for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend, Madie Rylee

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 5:09 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I am home!!

I made it home last Friday night, after a week of wonderful Camp Sunshine! IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!! I have lots and lots of pictures to share, so stay tuned for some of those!

I did have to see the doctor on Saturday morning. I got home with a weird rash that started out kinda "itchy", so my mom took me to the doctor's the next morning after getting back from Camp. Of course, the nurse at Camp Sunshine said it was heat rash. And it looked like a heat rash too!

I saw the doctor and she said it looked like an allergic reaction to something. She asked me if I had used anything "new" while at camp and I told her a big "NO". I was very careful to take all my normal stuff, because let's face it, I have pretty darn sensetive skin that breaks out from just about anything! But, she said it still looked like an allergic reaction, so I am to use Benedryl and cortizone cream.

On the way home, my mom asked me again if I had used anything different or new at Camp. That's when it hit me! I did use some new sunscreen that we got at camp!

Anyway, it's been four days and the rash is looking really good. It doesn't itch anymore and the redness is going away. After having the crazy "Pityriasis Rosea" two years ago from my chicken pox vaccine. And, I STILL GOT THE STUPID CHICKEN POX back in March, 2007!!...I just cringe at any kind of rash that comes up! It's not quite gone, but we are keeping a close eye on it!

Thanks for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend, Madie Rylee

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 1:05 PM CDT


While Madie is away at the most incredible CAMP SUNSHINE, I wanted to update her webpage with some news that has been posted in the Marietta Daily Journal today!

Click here for the article on The Rally Foundation that talks about the hard work from the Rally Foundation founder, Dean Crowe in Today's Marietta Daily Journal! You can see Madie with her Survivor Clinic Doctor holding the SUPERFANTABULOUS donation that the Rally Foundation has generously provided to fund more Childhood Cancer Research! We love them so much!!

The doctor's are all working non-stop to find a cure for these Childhood Cancers, which is getting closer and closer! Without the support from everyone at the Rally Foundation or their generous patrons, these programs for support and research could not continue. I know all the mom's out there are so grateful for every cent that is donated!

Madie is having a blast at camp! And, contrary to the WSB TV news reports, THERE IS NO FLU VIRUS AT OUR CAMP SUNSHINE AT CAMP TWIN LAKES!!
That report was false! The doctor's and nurses are really, really careful about all our sweetie Cancer Children! And, of course, us Cancer Kid Parents are extremely careful too! No one would have been allowed on the bus if anyone had been around a sick family member or friend.

I hope everyone has a wonderful afternoon with your family and friends. Thank you so much for keeping Madie and I in your thoughts and prayers as we travel down this road of Childhood Cancer. You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!


Sunday, June 21, 2009 12:05 AM CDT


It's F-I-N-A-L-L-Y here!

This is the day that I have been waiting for......well, for the past two months anyway!


Camp Sunshine is 'THE BEST PLACE' on the planet for any child who is fighting the stupid Cancer or has been fighting the stupid Cancer!

It is a week of fun, sun, friends, biking, friends, horse-back riding, friends, rock-wall climbing, sun, friends, food, friends, fishing, crafting....and oh, did I mention FRIENDS?!@$!!!!! JUST LIKE ME!!!!....ALL IN ONE CABIN....I LOVE IT!!!


I hope everyone has a great week too!
Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee

p.s......I hope all the dad's out there have a superfantabulous FATHER'S DAY!!! Happy "Father's Day"!!

p.p.s......My mom heard back from the Orthopedic doctor and the report is "All Okay" with the calicifications that are on the MRI and X-Ray. I just have to folow-up in six months! Woohoooo!!

p.p.p.s.......See those new "really white" shoes?! (actually, they are Biker Shoes) They are new because I have outgrown all my shoes, already, from when school was out a few weeks ago! I now wear a size "5"!! My mom says there is 'nothing wrong' with having big feet. You just run, swim and jump faster!!

Friday, June 12, 2009 1:19 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

My mom has called my pediatrician's office and they said the MRI report is all "OKAY"!!! YAAHOOOOOO!!

The report says that I have benign non-ossifying fibroma tumors and something called 'calcifications' which were the new things that showed up on my xray at the Orthopedic office. My mom is waiting to hear back from the Orthopedic doctor to see if I have to do anything else on those 'calcifications'.


Today, I have gone with some friends to their daycamp over in Dacula! It is going to be great fun!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while I get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you later!
Your friend, Madie Rylee


Wednesday, June 10, 2009 4:19 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I wanted to update my webpage with some new pictures from the Charity Ride this past weekend! I had such an AWESOME time----words cannot even describe it! It was a blast, that is for sure!

I had my MRI this afternoon.
I can't believe that machine was so loud, it was like a jack-hammer and being next to an airplane taking off!!
I could not even hear the music that was suppose to be playing in my headphones!

I saw my friend's mom, and she gave me a bunny for being such a good patient! And, I got to see the images they took from the machine, but I did not know what the heck I was looking at---it was all blobs and swirly stuff! They were not like xrays at all, let me tell you!

A report should be ready tomorrow and they are gonna fax a copy to my pediatrician and to Dr. Oswald. I should have news hopefully tomorrow, but it might be late in the day.

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee

Friday, June 5th, 3, 2009 3:34 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I forgot to mention on my last post that my friends from the Shiloh AllStars won both their games on Wednesday!! WOOOHOOOO!!!

They have a game tonight, at the Dacula Park, for the Minor League girls and then another game in the morning for the PeeWee girls! I played on the PeeWee last year---it was such great fun!! I plan to play again this Fall, if my knee turns out all 'okay'.

Speaking of my knee, my mom spoke to one of the people at the doctor, and he is actually looking for any 'adema' in my knee. Keep in mind that I have been doing a lot of gymnastics and staying very busy! I guess I might have even torn a tendon or something! So this test will let us know what is going on, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend, Madie Rylee

Friday, June 5th, 3, 2009 11:34 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I have my appointment for my MRI!

The test is going to be next Wednesday, at 12:45pm. And my doctor got the test approved for a local group, so I don't have to go to the hospital for the test! I am happy because one of my friends from Camp Sunshine has her mom working there!! AWESOME!!!!!

And the other good thing is that the test is going to be done without contrast----so no needles!! Yeah!!

Tomorrow is a ride up to Season 52 with all the Camp Sunshine children! We get to ride in exotic cars and sports cars! I can't wait!! I promise to post some pictures as soon as possible!

Thanks for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 11:04 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I am spending the night at my Uncle Ray's house in Bethlehem!

No, not THE "Bethlehem", but Bethlehem next to Dacula and Winder! In Gwinnett County.

My mom and me are up here to help paint. And, we are also going to go by the Dacula Park to see some friends play in a softball tournament. GO SHILOH!!!

Well......I have "good" news and I have "bad" news.
Which would you like first?
You have no say!
So, I will start with the "good" news!
I had my teeth filings done today! It was great----NO NEEDLES!!! I LOVE IT!!! I got some 'sleepy' gas that made me not care and the dentist fixed my teeth wonderful! It just tasted kinda yukky, so that was fine.


Now, for the 'bad' news.
I saw Dr. Oswald this afternoon for my xray on those stupid non-ossifying fibroma tumors.


The xray shows the crazy tumors I had before have changed and there are now new ones showing up on the other bone below my knee too! AAACCCKKKKK!!!

Since these goofy tumors are not 'acting' like normal ones, Dr. Oswald has ordered an MRI as soon as possible! I have to go to Eggleston and get insurance approval, but we are hoping for an appointment really, REALLY FAST!!! My mom is calling my Pediatrician and then my Oncologist at Scottish Rite first thing in the morning!

Thank you to everybody who has been keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Saturday, May 30, 2009 11:38 PM CDT


Wow---I can't believe my school has been out for ten days now! Time is really flying!! My mom and me went to the Camp Sunshine "Seasonal Sunshine" this past Tuesday night! It was AWESOME!!! We played BINGO and had just a supergreat time!!

And......well......I got my CRCT results.

On the "reading" part, you have to get an "800" to pass and I got a "809"! YEAH!!! I was so happy to find out that I had passed all five sections (some with a very high score!---like the MATH!!) and that I passed the READING by 9 points! Whew!!



My mom and me have been spending time between our house and my Uncle Ray's house. We have been helping him paint. I have to say, I really miss my kitties!

My mom took me to a new dentist last week and I have two very small cavities that need to be worked on. And I love this new dentist! They are "Peachtree Dental Clinic" and are specially made for children! Their office is totally fantastic and I know I am going to love going to see them. I have an appointment for Tuesday morning, so I hope it goes okay. I don't like the big needles in my mouth........ugh!

Also, on Tuesday, I go to see my Orthopedic doctor. He is going to xray my knee and leg to see what's happening with those crazy "non-ossifying fibroma tumors" that showed up in my knee last Fall. My leg doesn't hurt anymore, so I am thinking they are gone! He is also going to check on my sciolosis to see what's happening too. I have a curve at the top and the bottom of my spine, but I've been growing a lot! So I think it might be doing better also!

My mom's college school starts on June 8th. She is still trying to decide if she should go. She has to pay for daycare, gas and parking if she goes to school, so she is looking into everything to see what would be best for us. And, she has applied for the new program, "Making Homes Affordable" to see if we can keep our house by getting a lower interest rate (lower than our current 9 percent) since her income has changed so drastically.

I'm not sure if I mentioned, but I have kind of stopped going to my gymnastics. I had a bad fall on my bike the first week of May where I hurt my chest and ribs. It still hurts and I have a HUGE scar! YIKES! The doctor's say that I am fine, but my ribs still hurt. My mom is going to talk to the Orthorpedic doctor to see if the chest xray is included in my sciolosis xray. Either way, trying to do gymnastics still hurts way too badly----so I'm not sure when I can start back doing that.

So now, I am getting ready for camp! I go to CAMP SUNSHINE the last week in June-----I CAN'T WAIT!!! It is so much fun and such a great time!! I LOVE IT!!! Now, I just have to be sure that I have everything that I need......which won't be a problem because I am still wearing the same clothes that I wore last year! Ha!Ha! None, not even one, of my friends can say that! My mom says that I am turning into a 'bean pole' like my older brothers! They are very tall (6'4") and very thin(145lbs)! I have not been gaining any weight for the past year (and even lost some), but I have been growing taller!

Well, I'm off to bed! It has been a crazy, busy day for sure! I will keep you guys posted on what happens at the doctor's on Tuesday! Thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee


Friday, May 15, 2009 5:50 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!
I just wanted to post a quick update as we have a close friend who is not doing so great.
Please send lots of prayers and good wishes for our friend, KeelyMarie! We have known her mom, Miss Colleen for a very long time. I know they need good words and lots of love sent to them!
Thank you guys!
Talk to you soon!

Thursday, May 14, 2009 11:50 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I have been having a great "last week" of school! It has been so busy and so crazy! Whoohooo!
And, I am also helping out with the 5th Graders so they can have a great Field Day too!

My mom heard back from the doctor yesterday afternoon and they said my urine culture for an infection is 'negative'. That is great news! But, my mom is still wondering why I tested positive for protien and why I have dropped down so much in my weight ranges. Now, it's not that I have lost weight, but it's just that I have not gained any weight since December. Which for me, is pretty weird. Actually, I don't think that has ever happened in my whole life!

I have a doctor's appointment on June 2nd for my knee/leg/back xray. We are gonna see what is going on for my crazy 'non-ossifying fibroma tumors' and the sciolosis that I have. My orthopedic doctor wants to keep an eye out on them for any changes.

And, hopefully I will find out about the CRCT testing! I think I heard Mr. C say the test results will be here tomorrow! YIKES!! I have my fingers crossed for good results!! I really want to pass and get into the 5th Grade!

And, I have big news! My mom and me might be moving in with my Uncle! He lives up in Bethlehem, near Winder and Dacula. My mom is trying really hard to finish school and only needs one more year to finish! I think we are going to sell our house and move in with him in order to save money and she can get through school! I will keep you posted on that too!

Well, I have to skoot! Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this crazy Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon.
Your friend,
Madie Rylee


Friday, May 8, 2009 11:50 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!!

I had a supergreat time at our Gwinnett County Relay for Life!!


My friend Juleah and I walked the "Survivor Lap", but not before we got to ride in a very high bucket from Walton EMC!
That was fantastic!

I got my hair dressed up and my nails painted by the wonderful "Queens for a Cure" and they also sprayed glitter in my hair---it looks so pretty. My mom has pictures to put up, so hopefully she will get them done tomorrow.

I went to the doctor yesterday and I did have a problem with what might be a kidney infection. I had to go to the lab and get an arm poke along with some other tests. We might find out something tomorrow, but it might be Sunday either. And, I also dropped in my weight from being in the 58-percent range for weight down to being in the 42-percent range for weight. It's pretty weird for me because I have not ever dropped below the 50-percent range for my weight, not even when I was on chemo.

I know we will get to the bottom of things soon! I will keep you posted!

Also, don't forget to look for new pictures! My mom promises to get some posted this weekend.

Thank you guys again for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee

Thursday, May 7, 2009 7:50 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Again, I can't believe it has been almost a whole month since I last updated! I have been super-crazy busy, that is for sure!

I have been working hard in school, trying to keep my grades up. I have been going to gymnastics, but the last week, I did not feel so great, so I did not go. I will be so happy when school is out on the 20th! Yeah!!

I went to the Lauren’s Run/Cure Childhood Cancer Picnic this past Sunday! It was great fun----I took my friend, Juleah with me. We got our face painted and got really silly on the spinning tea-cups! But, sadly, I ate an ice-cream cone on the way home and got a huge headache within an hour. I was so sick, I had to go to bed! I hate the fact that I can’t have anything sweet because it makes me so sick.

But, it’s time to go back to the doctor for an xray on my knee/leg to see if the non-ossifying fibroma tumors are growing (I sprained my hip again on the playground last week!), so I think my mom is gonna ask for me to take that horrible glucose test again! THAT TEST WAS HORRIBLE!!! I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA BLACK OUT AND BE SICK MY WHOLE BODY HURT SO BADLY!! I really hate that test and don’t want to do it----so we will see what happens.

And, crazy enough, my mom has mentioned that I might get an EEG. You see, my older brother has Epilepsy and he was diagnosed at age 11. I will be 11 next February. I have had two bike accidents and a lot of other mishaps that I can’t remember, so my mom is thinking that “something” might be going on inside my head. So, again, we will see what happens!

And a great big “Happy Mother’s Day” to all the mom’s out there!! I hope you have a fantastic day and that you get showered with extra love and hugs and kisses!

Don’t forget that tomorrow is Gwinnett County’s Relay for Life! I will be there for Centerville Elementary and to walk the Survivor Walk!! WOOOHOOOOO!!! I hope to see everybody there!

Thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soom!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 10:30 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I can't believe it has been a whole month since I last updated!
I have been super busy, that is for sure!

Well, the last time I had updated, it had been snowing like crazy at our house!

Since then, I have sang at the Shiloh Arts Festival in our school chorus, my artwork has been on display for the Gwinnett County Tapestry, my artwork has been on display for the Shiloh Arts Festival, I had a 'spa day' with my Aunt Rhonda, I tried to spend the night and camp-out at my friend's house (but called my mom), I had a week of "Spring Break" with no school (Yeah!!), I saw the China Terra Cotta Army at the High Museum of Art, I spent last Friday night at my Uncle Ray's house up in Bethlehem, the Easter Bunny came to my house, I helped my mom paint our front porch, I got all A's (with one B) on my report card so I am on the Honor Roll, and me and my mom ate lunch at O'Charley's for the first time in six months!

And, today starts the CRCT testing for my school! I HAVE to pass this five days of testing in order to get promoted to the Fifth Grade!! AAAUUUUGGHHHH!!!
Talk about a lot of stress!!! YIKES!!

But, you know what I did not do?

I think, for the past year, this is the first time that I did not have to see the doctor for a whole month!! Wooohooo!!

But, no such luck for my mom. She has not been feeling too well lately. She has been to the doctor almost every week---it's pretty weird! The doctor keeps changing her medicine, trying to find something that will work. Right now, she is on a bunch of allergy medicine and a new inhalor, so we both have our finger's crossed!! (and toes!!)

Well, it's getting late and I have to run!
You can also keep up with me and my mom on her web page, over at BIG ART STUDIO. I know that is a weird name, but it fits our life, for sure!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, that is for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Friday, March 13, 2009 10:46 PM CDT

Hey Everybody!


It's 'FRIDAY THE 13TH' today!
Most people think it is not a good day, but in our house, it is a GREAT day! For some reason, we have lots of good luck on these days!

Last night, I saw "High School Musical 3" at our school! Our PTA put on the "Movie Night" and it was totally awesome! They had a company come out called "Showtime" (I think?) and it was just the greatest thing to see and hear.....TOTALLY AWESOME!! It had a huge jumbo screen with loud surround sound---just like at the movie house! All of us kids had a superfantabulous time!

Hey, I forgot to mention to you guys that my mom has created her own blog space! I know that one day soon I will stop updating this page, or perhaps use Facebook or UTube or TWITTER ('cause you know, I am TEN YEARS OLD now!). And, I have to keep up with my generation of friends, so as soon as I can get my mom to let me have a MYSPACE page......whoooosh!! I'm outta here, baby!

I am going to update this webpage soon to have all the links posted, but in the meantime, you can also find her page here, at BIG ART STUDIO. I know....that is a 'crazy' name, huh? I asked her, "What the heck is "BIG ART STUDIO" anyway? She told me that art is a big part of our lives, or should be. And, she said to always 'THINK BIG', no matter what you are doing. There is a lot of stuff on there, with lots of links to other websites that are "artsy" or "art related" or "creative" or other ways to help us all have better "21st Century Skills" (okay, what the heck is "21st Century Skills"????!!!) Okay, so I don't know everything-----just go to her page and she can explain it better than me!

And, oh yeah, there are pictures of her art! Which, is sometimes very crazy and scary---but all good (well, I think!). Lot's of times, I don't know what the heck she is doing until it is finished. I guess that is what all artists do, huh?

Well, I have to run.
Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Monday, March 9, 2009 10:46 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!!


I can't believe it has been a month since I last updated!
Where is the time running away to?!

I had a super-great-fantastic birthday, for sure!
All my family was wonderful and I got Walmart Gift Cards, and of course, MONEY!!

And, since my mom won't get me my own cell phone, I asked her if we could get the next most wonderful thing that I wanted! (Remember, last year? I used all my birthday money to buy a wonderful bike?!)

Well, I didn't have quite enough money.
Including all the money from Christmas and all my money from my birthday, I still did not have enough.
So, because my mom wants this "thing" just as much as me, we put all of our Christmas and Birthday (my mom's birthday was a week before mine!) monies together (we each paid half) to go to the WalMart store-------AND WE BOUGHT A WII!!!!


My mom and me have even re-arranged our living room so we have room to jump, swing our arms, and just GO CRAZY playing the sports games! It is the most wonderful fun! We have just died laughing our heads off!

Well, on the health news, I had a few bad weeks. I was going to the nurse at school every day to ask for Tylenol, so she called my mom. Seems I had blown through two boxes of Tylenol in three weeks between home and school. Seems that a kid is not suppose to do that. Seems that stupid right leg and knee of mine just hurt like crazy! My mom was even going to call the Orthopediac doctor so I would come in and get an xray! But then, we figured out that I was doing gymnastics twice a week and had PE at school every day! No wonder that stupid knee with the stupid fibroid tumors was hurting me! And all the rain, plus all the snow, did not help!

WOW!...the SNOW!!!
I forgot to mention that we had tons of snow here last week and that school was even closed! I have tons of pictures, so be watching for those to be posted!

This week, my knee and leg are doing very well. I only need help on Monday and Saturday after gymnastics! Yeah!!

But, I think my mom is gonna call and get that xray anyway.

Thank you to everybody who has been keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee

P.S.....I am so getting that new dance Wii as soon as I get enough money saved up! I can't wait to see if it is just as much fun as my "Dance, Dance Revolution" that I have been using every week for the last two years?!! A girl has gotta dance, right!!!...heck, no wonder my knee and leg hurt so much!!

Friday, March 13, 2009 10:46 PM CDT

Hey Everybody!


It's 'FRIDAY THE 13TH' today!
Most people think it is not a good day, but in our house, it is a GREAT day! For some reason, we have lots of good luck on these days!

Last night, I saw "High School Musical 3" at our school! Our PTA put on the "Movie Night" and it was totally awesome! They had a company come out called "Showtime" (I think?) and it was just the greatest thing to see and hear.....TOTALLY AWESOME!! It had a huge jumbo screen with loud surround sound---just like at the movie house! All of us kids had a superfantabulous time!

Hey, I forgot to mention to you guys that my mom has created her own blog space! I know that one day soon I will stop updating this page, or perhaps use Facebook or UTube or TWITTER ('cause you know, I am TEN YEARS OLD now!). And, I have to keep up with my generation of friends, so as soon as I can get my mom to let me have a MYSPACE page......whoooosh!! I'm outta here, baby!

I am going to update this webpage soon to have all the links posted, but in the meantime, you can also find her page here, at BIG ART STUDIO. I know....that is a 'crazy' name, huh? I asked her, "What the heck is "BIG ART STUDIO" anyway? She told me that art is a big part of our lives, or should be. And, she said to always 'THINK BIG', no matter what you are doing. There is a lot of stuff on there, with lots of links to other websites that are "artsy" or "art related" or "creative" or other ways to help us all have better "21st Century Skills" (okay, what the heck is "21st Century Skills"????!!!) Okay, so I don't know everything-----just go to her page and she can explain it better than me!

And, oh yeah, there are pictures of her art! Which, is sometimes very crazy and scary---but all good (well, I think!). Lot's of times, I don't know what the heck she is doing until it is finished. I guess that is what all artists do, huh?

Well, I have to run.
Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Monday, March 9, 2009 10:46 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!!


I can't believe it has been a month since I last updated!
Where is the time running away to?!

I had a super-great-fantastic birthday, for sure!
All my family was wonderful and I got Walmart Gift Cards, and of course, MONEY!!

And, since my mom won't get me my own cell phone, I asked her if we could get the next most wonderful thing that I wanted! (Remember, last year? I used all my birthday money to buy a wonderful bike?!)

Well, I didn't have quite enough money.
Including all the money from Christmas and all my money from my birthday, I still did not have enough.
So, because my mom wants this "thing" just as much as me, we put all of our Christmas and Birthday (my mom's birthday was a week before mine!) monies together (we each paid half) to go to the WalMart store-------AND WE BOUGHT A WII!!!!


My mom and me have even re-arranged our living room so we have room to jump, swing our arms, and just GO CRAZY playing the sports games! It is the most wonderful fun! We have just died laughing our heads off!

Well, on the health news, I had a few bad weeks. I was going to the nurse at school every day to ask for Tylenol, so she called my mom. Seems I had blown through two boxes of Tylenol in three weeks between home and school. Seems that a kid is not suppose to do that. Seems that stupid right leg and knee of mine just hurt like crazy! My mom was even going to call the Orthopediac doctor so I would come in and get an xray! But then, we figured out that I was doing gymnastics twice a week and had PE at school every day! No wonder that stupid knee with the stupid fibroid tumors was hurting me! And all the rain, plus all the snow, did not help!

WOW!...the SNOW!!!
I forgot to mention that we had tons of snow here last week and that school was even closed! I have tons of pictures, so be watching for those to be posted!

This week, my knee and leg are doing very well. I only need help on Monday and Saturday after gymnastics! Yeah!!

But, I think my mom is gonna call and get that xray anyway.

Thank you to everybody who has been keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee

P.S.....I am so getting that new dance Wii as soon as I get enough money saved up! I can't wait to see if it is just as much fun as my "Dance, Dance Revolution" that I have been using every week for the last two years?!! A girl has gotta dance, right!!!...heck, no wonder my knee and leg hurt so much!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009 0:17 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

I had a great Birthday! Every time I turned around, I was surprised by someone!

I had a great time at the dance at my Elementary School!


Thank you to everybody who has sent me great Birthday Wishes! You guys are all wonderful!

I promise to update with lots of news and new pictures!
Talk to you soon----Your friend, Madie Rylee!

p.s.....I can't believe I'm ten years old!!!
Double-digits, Baby!!

Friday, February 6, 2009 7:48 AM CST


I can't believe you are TEN years old today!!
I can't believe how much of a young lady you are already becoming!

I love you sooooooooooooooo much!
Here is a big kiss (**S*M*A*C*K***) and a Birthday Hug!
I hope your Birthday is just superfantabulous!



Saturday, January 31, 2009 9:31 AM CST



I can't believe it has been almost a whole month for the new year that has gone by already! How fast is that!?!

First, I want to be sure that all the Sweetie Cancer Children reading this website know that they need to contact Camp Sunshine to be sure they get their tickets for the wonderful BIG APPLE CIRCUS that is coming to town! The deadline for the tickets is this Monday! Be sure to call or email Camp Sunshine to make your reservations for a wonderful time!

Also, Camp Sunshine is having their "Seasonal Sunshine" on Tuesday, February 24th at 5:30 to 7:00pm! This time, we are having Mark Robinson, a wonderful magician and funny guy come to entertain us! To make reservations, you need to email Miss Ann at "ann@mycampsunshine.com" or call her at "404.325.7979"! I hope I get to see everyone there!

I have been doing pretty good!
School has been great and I got all "B's" on last my report card. Sadly, I did not do so great on the Benchmark Testing because I don't get enough time to take the test and it's hard for me to fill in the little circles and not get confused. My mom is helping me get ready for the Gateway Tests this April. For the Fourth Grade, I have to pass all the subjects in order to go into the Fifth Grade. I'm really nervous because I don't take those kind of tests very good at all.

And, I have some good news too!
I have been going to the Gwinnett Gymnastics Center since September and have really sped through all the levels at each evaluation that they gave me! I went from "Level 1" to "Level 3" in just four months! My coach recommended me for their "Pre-Team" group and I went to the tryouts last Saturday.

And guess what??........I am on the "Dynamites"!!
We have to practice twice a week, which I TOTALLY LOVE!!
I can't wait!!
We had a meeting last night and I found out that if I get on the GGC Team, they practice three times a week! Yikes! But, coach Natalie said they have lots of girls who get full scholarships to college and they have even had a few girls make it on the "Gym Dogs" Team over at UGA!! AWESOME!!! Because that is my goal---to be a "Lady Gym Dog!" Woof! Woof! Woof!

Sadly, this means that I can't play softball or basketball this season because I won't have the time. But, it's okay because I have friends that are playing and we are going to go to some of their games! And, my doctor says it's okay to keep playing. They are just going to keep an eye on my knee and watch what happens to it.

And, this is my 'Birthday Week'!
I can't believe that my Birthday is this coming Friday, February 6th! WOW!!! I'll be 10 years old!
Our school is having a dance on that night, so it is going to be such great fun!
I can't wait!

Well, I have to run for now.
Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this terrible Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008 3:00 PM CST


Hi Everybody!

I can't believe it is almost a whole year that has gone by again! Wow! Where does the time go???!!!

Okay, so I wanted to post an update on my visit to the Orthopedic doctor who I saw yesterday afternoon. It was a very short visit, but they are REALLY BUSY and it took about two hours of waiting and waiting!

Well, it seems that my mom got the information wrong about my leg. The doctor wanted the bone scan to be sure there is nothing wrong with my bones! He said the scan was negative for any type of inflammation or abnormalities other than my sciolosis.

What he did say was that the bone scan confirms that what is on the knee xray is 'soft tissue' and that I do have the 'non-ossifying fibroma tumors' growing on my knee and leg.

Which kinda stinks.

The plan is to call his office the next time I hurt myself.
The plan is to re-xray my knee in six months to see what's happening to it with the fibroma tumors.
The plan is to re-xray my back in six months to see what's happening to my sciolosis.
The plan is to call his office if the pain in my knee gets worser than it is right now. (which it is a little better!) He said it was okay to take tylenol and ibuprofen for the pain, but if it gets to be every day that I need something to help me, then I have to call his office and come back for another visit.

The good news is that I can do anything that I want to do unless it starts hurting! So, that is supergreat!

Well, I have to run!
We are heading up to Bethlehem to see my Aunt Rhonda and my Uncle Butch. We have made some chili and some butter peas with cornbread so they have lots of stuff to munch on!

Thank you guys for all your thoughts and prayers while I get through this stupid Cancer journey all in one piece!
You guys all have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Friday, December 26, 2008 2:09 PM CST


Hi Everybody!

I want to send everyone a very "Merry Christmas" and an even better "Happy New Year!" for next year!

I heard back from my bone scan and it is 'negative' for the non-ossifying fibroma tumors! Woohooooo!! My doctor knew it would be, so I am very happy about that!

I go back to see him on Monday to talk about what to do next. The doctor thinks those things that showed up on the xray might be muscular or soft tissue, so we will see what he wants to do. My knee still hurts but more than just on the side part. Now my whole knee is hurting. I just hate that!

Please say prayers for my Uncle Butch. He had surgery to replace discs in his back and he is having a hard time getting the pain under control. He is very, VERY tall! They had to do a lot of surgery to get it fixed and now he is really hurting, for sure! Hopefully, they can get the pain under control and he can go home on Sunday!

And, I wanted to let you guys know that my mom got her grades back from school and she made all "A's"!! Way to go mom!! Whoohooo!!

I had a great Christmas! It was so fantastic-----I got a camera of my very own, so I am hoping to take lots of pictures and put them up here on my website for everyone.

Well, I have to skoot!
Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee!!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 7:24 AM CST

Hi Everybody!


I am so excited!
Christmas is almost a week away!
I am so excited---I have been helping my mom get our tree up and decorated! I love it!

Today, I am singing with my school Centerville Chorus over at Walton EMC this morning. We have to ride the bus and go over to meet all the people and then sing for them while they have their breakfast.
It is so great!

Well, my mom heard back from the doctor and my bone scan is scheduled for Monday, December 22nd over at Eggleston (ie...."The Egg"). I have to be there at 8:15am.

I do not want to go.
I do not want to have any more tests.
I do not want to have any more arm pokes or needles.
I do not want to take any more terrible, nasty, yukky, horrible tasting medicine or tests that make me feel just horrible!
This test makes my legs all itchy and I have to lay down on a table for hours and hours!
It is just horrific!
I told my mom that I am not doing it.
I told my mom that I am not taking anymore medicine either.
If it turns out that I have cancer, she can just forget the chemo---I am not taking it.

So, now I have to go talk to the counselors at Camp Sunshine. I have another appointment today at 4:30pm.
But that is okay, because I love them!
Camp Sunshine is the best medicine for any child who is fighting the stupid cancer disease!
They understand all us sweetie cancer kids!

Well, I also got my Flu Shot last Friday!
I didn't want to do that either! But, my mom dragged me into the office and made me get the shot! The good thing that I realized from the shot is that she gave me tylenol every 6 hours so I would not feel yukky from the shot and you know what? I FELT GREAT!! MY LEGS AND HIPS DID NOT HURT!!! WHOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!! And, I told my mom on Monday that I was 'okay'---but secretly I went to the clinic at school and told Nurse Kathy that my head and hips hurt so she would give me the tylenol at school. I didn't want my mom to worry about it. Of course, I did not know that my mom was going to call Nurse Kathy and talk to her yesterday about my hearing!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. My hearing is kinda muffled now and I can't understand or hear out of that ear.
Can you guess which ear?????????
Of course-----the one on the RIGHT!!!!

My mom took me last week to the doctor to have them check it out. Turns out, I "do" have a sinus infection. So, I have some antibiotics to take to see if that will make my hearing better also. The doctor said that sometimes the pressure can affect the hearing, even when the ear looks fine. Which, my ear looks fine. (of course)

Well, I am going to skoot!
I have tons of stuff to get done!
I will update later because I have tons and tons of new pictures!!! Just wait until you see them! I got my face painted at the Camp Sunshine Christmas Party and it was AMAZING!!! I loved it!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece. You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!!

Love you!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Thursday, December 11, 2008 1:08 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

It is just two more weeks to Christmas!
I can't believe it!

Me and my mom have been so busy, we have not even put up our Christmas tree yet! My mom worked yesterday at Centerville Elementary, so I am hoping that we get to it tonight or tomorrow. I can't wait to see it up and all decorated! Heck, we have not even got to the Christmas Cards! I don't know what we are gonna do!

Well, my knee and hip still hurt a little bit but I have not sprained anything in the past week, so that is good! (Actually that is GREAT!!) Mostly everything hurts when I try to walk to too much. With all the rain we are having, my mom is thinking that I might have something like arthritis! Yikes! But, that would be better than Cancer or those crazy 'fibroma' things! I really don't want to do the bone scan, but my mom says that we need to find out what those shadows are that showed up in my knee xray and why the heck my hip hurts so much! Heck! I don't even want to get the Flu Shot tomorrow! It just stinks!

Well, I got an email from Ms. Jenny about the "Christmas Elves" this year! If you really want to make a difference in a sweetie cancer child life, you really need to get one of these Elves for your house! Here is her email:

Ok, normally I try to not send out mass e-mails, but this is a good thing! We need your help spreading the word about Elves from Catie!! If you've already participated this year, THANK YOU!!!! Please make sure to forward this on. Last year we were able to get 350 elves donated and raise more than $3500 with an e-mail like this one.

I think most of you know that we lost our first daughter, Catie, last year to cancer. In an attempt to get through that first Christmas last year, we wanted to share one of Catie's favorite traditions with some friends still in the thick of their battles against cancer. We hooked up with a great company (www.hostanelf.com) and a great little project got started. Elves from Catie... If you missed it last year, the full story is printed below. We are on the move again with Elves from Catie and there are several ways you can participate. It's easy to get involved and it's SUCH a great tradition!!! (You really do need to read the story below if you don't know about the tradition.) Ok... so ways you can be a part....

1. Donate an Elf from Catie kit to a child in the hospital -- Kits are $35 and include an elf, an Elf from Catie book (about an elf that visits the hospital -- very cute story), and elf food (jelly beans) (go to the website and just click on the Elves from Catie logo)
2. Purchase an elf for a child you know. Elves come with all the things listed above and the price for these is $35 as well. (go to the website and click on Host an Elf)
3. Have your civic organization, ladies' circle, youth group, etc. get involved and work to donate elves to kids in the hospital.
4. If you would like to donate to Elves from Catie, but cannot donate a whole elf, just shoot me an e-mail and I'll give you an address to mail a donation to.
5. Forward this on to all your contacts. Ask them to continue to forward it on. This was HUGELY successful last year.

The website is www.hostanelf.com. All Elves from Catie purchases (elves donated to a child in the hospital) will have $5 of the purchase donated to CURE Childhood Cancer (www.curechildhoodcancer.org). Your elf purchase for a child you know can also benefit CURE. Just BE SURE to indicate that you want CURE to benefit. To do this, on the page that says non-profit donations at the bottom, choose fundraiser under category and CURE Childhood Cancer under name. If you don't do this, CURE won't receive the $5.

Last year was hugely successful... I hope this year can be even more so. Help us out and spread the word!! Elves from Catie is great because it shares a wonderful, memory-making tradition with families AND raises money for a CURE. And a CURE is so desperately needed... Spread the joy (and the elfish mischief)!!

Thanks so much for reading and thanks to all of you who support this wonderful program!! (Don't forget to forward it on.) We truly appreciate it!!! I hope this holiday season finds you and yours truly blessed!!!

Merry Christmas!!
Tre', Jenny, and Izzy Wilkins

Here is our journal entry from last year that shares the Elves from Catie story.
I won't lie, the holidays are hard. The missing is harder than before. Catie is everywhere which is wonderful and so hard all at the same time. There are so many Christmas things and traditions that make us miss her even more.

One of those traditions, some of you may remember us writing about last year... the elf that comes to visit us at Christmas time and usually ends up getting into all kinds of mischief. Last year he covered our kitchen in flour, pulled the garland down from our entry way, pulled clothes out of Catie's sock drawer and made himself comfortable for a night of slumber, and spent one night in the freezer (b/c he was homesick and it reminded him of the North Pole. On the days that the elf was at our house, the first words out of Catie's mouth each morning were, "Mama, where that silly elf at now?" We had soooooo much fun with that "silly elf."

Well, because it is such a fun tradition and because we have so many great memories of it with Catie (and plan on making many more with Izzy), we had decided to pass the tradition on to some friends this Christmas. I have been scouring stores and the internet for cute elves that were at a price I wanted so that we could share the tradition with several families without breaking the bank. Well, the prices I found were reasonable, but I wanted to give out 10 or so... So I tracked down the company that made Catie's and Izzy's elf, http://www.hostanelf.com, and decided to call to see if they did discounts for bulk orders. I was talking to a friend who knew how hard I had been looking and how much we wanted to do this in the spirit of Christmas and to keep a bit of Catie spreading cheer just before I called. She and her daughter prayed that just the right person would answer the phone when I called.

Well... let me just tell you what happened. I called http://www.hostanelf.com and the nicest lady answered the phone. I explained about Catie and how much she loved the elf and how we had lost her this year and how we wanted to do this elf thing for some of our friends in the cancer world in honor of her. She immediately said that they could absolutely give us the elves at cost. I was thrilled. It was totally affordable and I could reach the families we wanted to. We talked a little longer and just as I was about to give her the shipping address, she said, "You know what? We're just going to give them to you. We want to donate them." I was astounded! Holy cow!!! I couldn't believe it. I stumbled to thank her and tell her how much it meant to our family... that to honor Catie in this way this first holiday without us meant so much to us. I gave her our address and we hung up, me with a bit of bounce in my step.

Well... it gets better... Four hours later, my phone rang. On the other end was the nice lady from http://www.hostanelf.com. She told me that she had talked with her partner and they had an idea. "What would you think," she said, "if we started a program in honor of your daughter where people could donate an elf to a child with cancer AND 30 percent of the proceeds go to childhood cancer research?" I was speechless!!!!! Give to kids who are fighting so hard and share such a great tradition... AND, AND give money to fight this wretched disease? I was completely blown away by the generosity of this company.

I can't explain to you how this lifts our hearts a bit. We are definitely missing Catie so much this Season. To have a way to honor her memory by sharing something she loved so much with other families AND giving money to http://www.curechildhoodcancer.org all at the same time... that absolutely means the world to us. Words can't even describe it.

Even if you don't want to make a donation, I hope you'll support this company b/c of the way they TOTALLY went above and beyond when a mom just called and asked for a discount on a bulk order. I also hope you'll share this info. with folks in your inbox. It is SUCH a fun tradition! One that we will always do in our house. The elves can be quite mischievous and kids wake up each morning eager to see what has gone on while they were sleeping. Without your help, we can't make this successful. But with your help, it could really be a great thing!!

Just one more thing. I called that friend back who had prayed that just the right person would answer the phone. I shared the amazing news of the day with her. She said, "Jenny what you didn't know is that, yes, we prayed for the right person to answer the phone. But we also prayed that somehow this would bring about something that would help you and Tre' through this first ever so tough Christmas without Catie." Once again speechless. WOW!

Thank you God for answering the prayer of my dear friend. Thank you for lifting our hearts yesterday through the generosity of this company... Thank you that even though we miss Catie tremendously each and every day, and even more so this Season, thank you for touching our hearts today and sending us a hug from her and from you through a "silly old elf."

Ok already, go see how cute those elves are!!!

Jenny Wilkins


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 1:08 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

I have had a great weekend! WOW!!
And----I had a SUPERFANTABULOUS time at the Spa Sydell night at the Camp Sunshine House! I got to get a table massage and I got my nails painted---they are so wonderful! Thank you so much Miss Sydell, you are just the most awesome ever!

This past Saturday, we had the Holiday Carnival at my school! I was singing in the chorus and it was so exciting!

Also, on Sunday, I had the Lighthouse Family Retreat Christmas Party! That was totally awesome!!! I took my friend Juleah with me and we had the greatest time ever! I promise to update more later when I have more time.

So today I went to see the Pediatric Orthopedic doctor.
He looked at the x-rays that I had made at Children’s’ Healthcare of Atlanta and then he took another x-ray of my back for my scoliosis. I had to change into the scratchiest gown that has ever been made! ICKKKKK!! It was really itchy!

The doctor told my mom that he does not think I have those “non-ossifying fibroma tumors”.

He said that I was not old enough and that they are in the wrong place on the bone to be those "fobroma" things. He is thinking that something else is going on for me, just not sure what that is though.

He said maybe something is genetic only to me and affecting how my joints and bones grow. Because I have pain all over my body now (I even yelled when he pushed on my other leg), he wants me to have a bone scan on my whole body. He told my mom that he did not want to do an MRI only on my knee and maybe miss something that is going on in my hip, neck or my other leg. He said this would give him a better picture of what these things are in my knee too.

The lady in his office is going to make arrangements for me to go to CHOA at Eggleston for the bone scan, so I will keep you guys posted!

The best thing is that he said I could play anything I wanted and to just stop if it hurt! WWHHOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Don’t forget that Camp Sunshine Christmas Party is this Sunday!!

I hope everyone is having a great Christmas Holiday and having tons of great fun and delicious food! I have been doing some ‘secret’ Santa shopping and can’t wait to surprise my mom!

Wow! My dad sent me a whole box of Christmas surprises and put notes on them on what day to open them! I CAN’T STAND IT!!!
It is making me crazy to have to wait-----but I love it!
I love you Daddy!

Well, I have to run----we are working on getting our tree decorated. I promise to update if anything happens or when I go for the bone scan. Thank you guys so much for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee!

Thursday, December 4, 2008 9:13 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

Just a really quick note to let you know that my blood tests came back from Dr. Meacham all 'okay'! Whew!

I have an appointment on Tuesday, 12/9 at 9:00am with the Pediatric Othopedic doctor. That appointment cannot come soon enough! I just hate being so careful with my leg!! IT STINKS!!!

I can't wait for the Lighthouse Family Retreat Christmas Party this Sunday! It is going to be just superfantabulous!!

And, Spa Sydell is this Monday!
Don't forget to call Miss Ann and let her know if you want to go! I am planning on going since I really need a massage right now!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!
Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Hi Everybody!

I hope that you guys are having a great weekend! I have been really busy, going with my mom down to Fayetteville to see the "Artist Harvest" art show!

We went last night to see my mom's very long time friend, Lowell Crawford! My mom has known him for a long time, since the 1970's! Wow! That is a VERY LONG time, for sure! He is a local artist and he had some of his artwork at the show. It was really neat to see the different art from the other artists!

Well, my pediatrician's office called our house on Thursday afternoon and left a message. The doctor said I can't do any excercising, playing or putting extra weight on my leg like when I jump, run or do cartwheels.
It stinks!!

The doctor said I had to stop because I might break my leg. My mom thinks that I have not broken my leg yet because I am so strong and my muscles have kept my bones in place. But, it still hurts a little bit where my knee was sprained. And my neck still hurts a little bit where it was sprained too.

My mom is great and she said that we are going to go swimming more, to make up for me not being able to do everything that I want. I just don't know about school because I love PE and I love playing baseball with my class each afternoon! I almost hit a homerun the other day!

I have not heard back from the blood tests that were done on Tuesday. I am sure that means everything is good! If anything was bad, I am sure they would have called back right away with the news and plans for the next step!

I am so excited for the Thanksgiving Holidays! I only have to go to school on Monday and Tuesday (my mom only has to go on Monday!)---I just love it!! I expecially love all the food and getting to visit all my friends and family! Whoohooo!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Have a great weekend and I will talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:21 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

Just a really quick note to let you know that I had xrays done at Scottish Rite on Monday afternoon. And, I got to see Dr. Meacham up at the AFLAC Survivor Clinic! Woohooo!

But, actually "NOT" a "Wooohooo!"

I had to get an arm poke for blood work at the doctor! I was so scared, it was terrible! Dr. Meacham is running a bunch of tests and will call my mom to let her know if anything comes back weird, like the last time.

And, I have the xray results too!
I have something called "non-ossifying fibroma in the distal femoral metaphysis"--Wow! Say that three times!

From what my mom told me, it is a tumor on my bone that is almost always benign (that means NOT CANCER!). But, it can be very painful and lots of children who break their bones go to the doctor and find out they have these when they get the xray done. My pediatrician said it was okay to keep playing but that I am at risk for a bone fracture in my leg.

Hey, I just want it to STOP HURTING when I'm just tring to be kid!
I will keep you guys posted on the other test results! Thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee


Sunday, November 16, 2008 12:21 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

I hope everyone has been having a great November and getting ready for the wonderful Holidays that are coming up really fast!

I had a superfantabulous time at the Camp Sunshine Thanksgiving Dinner last week! It was totally great! I got to see lots of my old friends from camp and from the clinic! WhooHoo!!

I have been staying really busy, working hard at school work but just still having a hard time with my writing. I am practicing my chorus for our Holiday Program, which is coming up very fast!

Sadly, I have to report that I have 'sprained' something else! Yikes! First it was my hip. Then it was my neck. Now, it is my knee! I was at Elliott's birthday party, having tons of fun, and I put my foot down----and then POP!!**@!!$!! My knee went sideways (like my hip) and there was the HORRIBLE pain in my knee that I fell and screamed! (just like my hip)

Since we had been through this already, my mom did not want to take me up to the ER. We put ice on it and my mom gave me some ibuprofen. This morning, it is much better! But, my mom called my doctor's office and talked to them about it. She still can't get the Endocronologist to call back. So, my doctor wants me to go up to get xrays of my knee and hips. My mom is also going to call my Orthopedic doctor and my AFLAC Cancer Survivor doctors. Maybe they have seen this happen to other Leukemia children and they will know exactly what is wrong! All I know is that I am really "bugged" about it and I am scared to even walk to the grocery store! AAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Okay, so enough of that!

The Holidays are coming really fast!
There are lots of ways to help out all of us Sweetie Cancer children to have a great holiday!
My mom is going to post links up at the top where you can get information on being a Christmas Angel (we all know you want to!) or to "Host an Elf" or to buy a "Christmas Plate!". And, don't forget that you can always bring something up to the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and leave it at the front information desk! They will totally LOVE anything that you want to donate to give to the children!

Okay, so I am going to skoot!
Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,

Madie Rylee

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:21 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

Just a really quick note to let you know that I had xrays done at Scottish Rite on Monday afternoon. And, I got to see Dr. Meacham up at the AFLAC Survivor Clinic! Woohooo!

But, actually "NOT" a "Wooohooo!"

I had to get an arm poke for blood work at the doctor! I was so scared, it was terrible! Dr. Meacham is running a bunch of tests and will call my mom to let her know if anything comes back weird, like the last time.

And, I have the xray results too!
I have something called "non-ossifying fibroma in the distal femoral metaphysis"--Wow! Say that three times!

From what my mom told me, it is a tumor on my bone that is almost always benign (that means NOT CANCER!). But, it can be very painful and lots of children who break their bones go to the doctor and find out they have these when they get the xray done. My pediatrician said it was okay to keep playing but that I am at risk for a bone fracture in my leg.

Hey, I just want it to STOP HURTING when I'm just tring to be kid!
I will keep you guys posted on the other test results! Thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee


Sunday, November 16, 2008 12:21 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

I hope everyone has been having a great November and getting ready for the wonderful Holidays that are coming up really fast!

I had a superfantabulous time at the Camp Sunshine Thanksgiving Dinner last week! It was totally great! I got to see lots of my old friends from camp and from the clinic! WhooHoo!!

I have been staying really busy, working hard at school work but just still having a hard time with my writing. I am practicing my chorus for our Holiday Program, which is coming up very fast!

Sadly, I have to report that I have 'sprained' something else! Yikes! First it was my hip. Then it was my neck. Now, it is my knee! I was at Elliott's birthday party, having tons of fun, and I put my foot down----and then POP!!**@!!$!! My knee went sideways (like my hip) and there was the HORRIBLE pain in my knee that I fell and screamed! (just like my hip)

Since we had been through this already, my mom did not want to take me up to the ER. We put ice on it and my mom gave me some ibuprofen. This morning, it is much better! But, my mom called my doctor's office and talked to them about it. She still can't get the Endocronologist to call back. So, my doctor wants me to go up to get xrays of my knee and hips. My mom is also going to call my Orthopedic doctor and my AFLAC Cancer Survivor doctors. Maybe they have seen this happen to other Leukemia children and they will know exactly what is wrong! All I know is that I am really "bugged" about it and I am scared to even walk to the grocery store! AAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Okay, so enough of that!

The Holidays are coming really fast!
There are lots of ways to help out all of us Sweetie Cancer children to have a great holiday!
My mom is going to post links up at the top where you can get information on being a Christmas Angel (we all know you want to!) or to "Host an Elf" or to buy a "Christmas Plate!". And, don't forget that you can always bring something up to the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and leave it at the front information desk! They will totally LOVE anything that you want to donate to give to the children!

Okay, so I am going to skoot!
Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,

Madie Rylee

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:21 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

I hope that you guys are having a great weekend! I have been really busy, going with my mom down to Fayetteville to see the "Artist Harvest" art show!

We went last night to see my mom's very long time friend, Lowell Crawford! My mom has known him for a long time, since the 1970's! Wow! That is a VERY LONG time, for sure! He is a local artist and he had some of his artwork at the show. It was really neat to see the different art from the other artists!

Well, my pediatrician's office called our house on Thursday afternoon and left a message. The doctor said I can't do any excercising, playing or putting extra weight on my leg like when I jump, run or do cartwheels.
It stinks!!

The doctor said I had to stop because I might break my leg. My mom thinks that I have not broken my leg yet because I am so strong and my muscles have kept my bones in place. But, it still hurts a little bit where my knee was sprained. And my neck still hurts a little bit where it was sprained too.

My mom is great and she said that we are going to go swimming more, to make up for me not being able to do everything that I want. I just don't know about school because I love PE and I love playing baseball with my class each afternoon! I almost hit a homerun the other day!

I have not heard back from the blood tests that were done on Tuesday. I am sure that means everything is good! If anything was bad, I am sure they would have called back right away with the news and plans for the next step!

I am so excited for the Thanksgiving Holidays! I only have to go to school on Monday and Tuesday (my mom only has to go on Monday!)---I just love it!! I expecially love all the food and getting to visit all my friends and family! Whoohooo!!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Have a great weekend and I will talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:21 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

Just a really quick note to let you know that I had xrays done at Scottish Rite on Monday afternoon. And, I got to see Dr. Meacham up at the AFLAC Survivor Clinic! Woohooo!

But, actually "NOT" a "Wooohooo!"

I had to get an arm poke for blood work at the doctor! I was so scared, it was terrible! Dr. Meacham is running a bunch of tests and will call my mom to let her know if anything comes back weird, like the last time.

And, I have the xray results too!
I have something called "non-ossifying fibroma in the distal femoral metaphysis"--Wow! Say that three times!

From what my mom told me, it is a tumor on my bone that is almost always benign (that means NOT CANCER!). But, it can be very painful and lots of children who break their bones go to the doctor and find out they have these when they get the xray done. My pediatrician said it was okay to keep playing but that I am at risk for a bone fracture in my leg.

Hey, I just want it to STOP HURTING when I'm just tring to be kid!
I will keep you guys posted on the other test results! Thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee


Sunday, November 16, 2008 12:21 AM CST

Hi Everybody!

I hope everyone has been having a great November and getting ready for the wonderful Holidays that are coming up really fast!

I had a superfantabulous time at the Camp Sunshine Thanksgiving Dinner last week! It was totally great! I got to see lots of my old friends from camp and from the clinic! WhooHoo!!

I have been staying really busy, working hard at school work but just still having a hard time with my writing. I am practicing my chorus for our Holiday Program, which is coming up very fast!

Sadly, I have to report that I have 'sprained' something else! Yikes! First it was my hip. Then it was my neck. Now, it is my knee! I was at Elliott's birthday party, having tons of fun, and I put my foot down----and then POP!!**@!!$!! My knee went sideways (like my hip) and there was the HORRIBLE pain in my knee that I fell and screamed! (just like my hip)

Since we had been through this already, my mom did not want to take me up to the ER. We put ice on it and my mom gave me some ibuprofen. This morning, it is much better! But, my mom called my doctor's office and talked to them about it. She still can't get the Endocronologist to call back. So, my doctor wants me to go up to get xrays of my knee and hips. My mom is also going to call my Orthopedic doctor and my AFLAC Cancer Survivor doctors. Maybe they have seen this happen to other Leukemia children and they will know exactly what is wrong! All I know is that I am really "bugged" about it and I am scared to even walk to the grocery store! AAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Okay, so enough of that!

The Holidays are coming really fast!
There are lots of ways to help out all of us Sweetie Cancer children to have a great holiday!
My mom is going to post links up at the top where you can get information on being a Christmas Angel (we all know you want to!) or to "Host an Elf" or to buy a "Christmas Plate!". And, don't forget that you can always bring something up to the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and leave it at the front information desk! They will totally LOVE anything that you want to donate to give to the children!

Okay, so I am going to skoot!
Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,

Madie Rylee

Saturday, November 1, 2008 11:37 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I am finally feeling better this morning!
My mom had to take me back to the doctor yesterday because my throat hurt even worser and I could not drink, let alone eat or swallow medicine! UGH!!---those pills kept getting stuck!!

Sadly, I missed all of the Halloween celebrations.
But, I'm okay with that.
I felt so horrible, I'm just glad to be getting back to my normal self!

Thank you to everybody who sent good wishes and prayers for me to get better! I really appreciate it!

And guess what!!
I get to go with mom to school on Tuesday! She goes to Georgia State at the big college and I get to go with her! I can't wait----it is gonna be superfantabulous!

And, Tuesday is also voting day!
Don't forget to vote!

And, Tuesday is also Camp Sunshine Thanksgiving Dinner!
Don't forget to call Miss Ann and let her know that you want to come and eat with all us sweetie Cancer Children!

Well, I have skoot!
My mom needs the computer to finish her Exam for one of her classes. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee


Friday, October 31, 2008 10:37 AM CDT


Hi Everybody!

I hope everyone has a superfantabulous Halloween tonight!

Sadly, for me, the 'badly fevers' have come. Again.

I was pretty scared because I know what the fevers can mean. With all the very "crazy" stuff happening to me the last two weeks, I was sure that my stupid Cancer Leukemia was trying to come back to me! I kept telling my mom that "I am cursed!" and "What else is gonna happen to me?!" and "Are my arms gonna get cut off next?" and then "The stupid cancer is trying to come back!"

My mom has been great and has kept telling me to just stop thinking that way. She tells me to focus on the good things---which helps a lot. I love her!

But, at 4:00am on Wednesday night when I had a HUGE fever and woke her up, I was really scared! Let me tell you!

It was great to hear my mom tell me that it looks like I have a very bad case of 'strep throat' and that IT IS NOT THE CANCER!! Whew! I felt much better, but actually wanted to throw-up because my tummy hurt so badly!

And you know what? She was right!
I went up to see my pediatrician yesterday and within one minute they were back in flash, telling me that I had tested 'positive' for the terrible strep! (and, I have lost two pounds in one week! ACKKKK!!---that's not suppose to happen either! Of course, that is another sign of Childhood Cancer!!)

Sadly, I have a huge fever (102.7) since Wednesday night that will not go away even though I have been on antibiotic medicine for over 24 hours now. I could barely walk yesterday it was so terrible. I even missed the Kroger "Moonlight Madness" for my school because I felt so terrible-horrible. I really need for it to go away so that I can celebrate tonight at my church! We have so much fun!

Well, I guess I am thankful that it is not the stupid cancer trying to come to me! I still have to see the specialist for my thyroid and my glucose problems. Hey, did I tell you that my mom's mom had her thyroid removed because it was 'precancerous' and my grandmom's sister (my great aunt) died of kidney cancer? And, my Aunt Rita died last year of breast cancer and that my Aunt Renee had breast cancer too? Now you know why I'm so worried!

But, my mom has promised me that I can have my own Christmas tree this year for my bedroom! WOWWWEEEE!!! I want a white tree that is about four feet tall! I want to use pink, purple, gold and silver on it! I can't wait to start collecting my own Christmas ornaments that I can keep and use for when I grow up and have my own house!

Now, I just have to figure out how to keep the kitty-cats from playing with my Christmas tree! I know that Mr. Stubby will leave it alone because he is such a huge kitty now (I think he weighs 25 pounds!) but my baby kitty, Mr. Ozzy, is a little tiny michief maker who only weighs 3 pounds at 7 months old! He is the 'runt' of his litter and will just not grow big at all! He can squeeze into anything and I know he will be climbing up my tree!

Well, I have to run!
My mom keeps making me drink, drink, and drink more stuff!
Thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s.....Don't forget that next Tuesday is Election Day! And, don't forget that next Tuesday is the Camp Sunshine Thanksgiving Dinner! You need to call Miss Ann (404-325-7979) if you want to go eat Thanksgiving Dinner with all your Childhood Cancer Friends!!

See you soon!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:44 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Okay........so, I was trying to decide if I should update or not.
It seems that each time I update, something 'bad' happens to me.

Well, I had a great Saturday!
My friend Juleah and me went swimming, shopping, we played dolls, we had a great time!
On Sunday, not so great.

I was practicing my 'forward roll' and landed on my neck.
I heard a 'pop' and the pain was HORRIBLE!
My mom called the doctor and they said 'go to the ER right away!' so, once again, we drove up to the Scottish Rite ER.
At least there was no traffic!

Once I got there, the doctor said it was just a neck sprain.
But, he made my neck hurt more than before I got hurt, so my mom took me to see my regular doctor on Monday morning.
And, Dr. D said it was a neck sprain and to BE CAREFUL!!
It does feel better today, but still hurts like crazy.

And, the xray says 'okay' on my spine and the blood work says that something called 'T 4' is too low. That, along with some other strange numbers on my blood work earlier means that I do need to see a special 'end-dough-crone-all-oh-gist'. We found out that I need to see the one that works with the AFLAC Blood and Cancer Disorder clinic, so I'm waiting to get a referral to see them.

I will keep you posted if anything else happens to me!
Now I'm afraid to leave the house!

I have a busy week planned as Math Club is tomorrow, Chorus is Thurday, Baby Hailey is coming tomorrow night for us to babysit, and the Camp Sunshine Fall Festival is on this Sunday!
And, I have a birthday party at the Young Chef's Academy this Saturday----and then we are helping with the REFLECTIONS taking them down!
Did I tell you that I am entered in the Gwinnett County REFLECTIONS??!!
My photograph won for my school and my art piece on the fountain at Scottish Rite won for the Visual Arts for my school!
Now, the art pieces are going to be at the Hudgen's Center this Saturday from 10:00 to 1:00pm! All of the Gwinnett County art is going to be on display!

Oh, and I am dressing up as Sharpae from High School Musical and I can't wait!

Thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece!
You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!
Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee

Saturday, October 18, 2008 11:44 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Just a very fast update to let you guys know that I am doing good!
I saw the doctor yesterday afternoon and my kidney's checked out okay!
But, they poked my finger and my glucose was "207"! Whoa!
We waited and did it again---it came down to "167".
Anyway, I had bloodwork done for a thyroid panel and a spine xray because my back still hurts. I guess I find out on Monday about all that!
My hip is doing lots better, so that's great!
And, I saw MISS BRENDA from AFLAC!!
She was working at the lab over at the hospital last night! What a great surprise!

Well---I have a busy day planned. I need to find a pumpkin, visit the Book Festival and go swimming!
Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while I get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece!
You guys all have Angel Wings coming for sure!
Talk to you soon,
Your friend, Madie Rylee

Hi Everybody!

My mom wanted me to make a really quick update to let you guys know what is going on for me this week!

Tuesday at school, I was walking on the playground and my right hip started hurting for no good reason!
I couldn't walk!

At the ER, the doctor ran all kinds of blood tests. But, I didn't get an xray. Everything looked good (except the pain in my hip!), so he sent me home to follow up with the 'end-dough-crone-ologists' as soon as possible. I am still waiting on the referral for that (because I have PeachCare), but my mom called to find out what I can do in the meantime. They want some blood work (of course!).

I have not checked my morning glucose levels in a month, so my mom made me poke my finger. (I hate that!) My blood glucose level was "29" and I am going to see my pediatrician this afternoon at 4:00pm.

The plan is to go up in the morning to Scottish Rite for any blood work that gets ordered today.

My hip is feeling lots better, but I need to be back to 100 percent for Monday because I have gymnastics! ACKKK!!!

AND---I get report cards today!
I am trying so hard to make the A-B Honor Roll, but I think I messed up my science grade. Ugh!

I will keep you posted!

Thanks for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while I get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Saturday, October 11, 2008 12:44 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I had a superFANtabulous time at the Chili Pepper Race last weekend! WOW!! I got to ride in the Pace Car and I got to help the paratroopers who came in on the race track in parachutes!
I want to jump out of an airplane too!

My mom has added new pictures!
Be sure to take a peek and see my 'favorite' one where I am pretending to jump out of the air plane!
Hey! If you guys want to see all my pictures, they are on my mom's FLICKR account, but she has to send you an invitation because they are protected. Just send her an email and ask for an invitation to be made part of our 'friends and family'!

I am staying really busy with school!
I am in the "MATH CLUB" which meets on Wednesday mornings before school and then.......CHORUS, which meets on Thursday mornings at 7:30am!
As you guys know, I totally LOVE music! I am pretty sure that is because my grandpa (Don Ice) played the trumpet and was in the Army Band. And, my grandma (Betty Jo Ice) played the concert piano all during high school and was going to study in Europe (back in 1950!). And, my dad played the drums all through high school! Wow----with a family like that, I KNOW I LOVE MUSIC!! I even have a cousin who is in college on a music scholarship for piano! So *music* is in my bones and DNA!!


So as update for my blood sugar, I am being referred to an endocrinologist. I just hate it because I hate poking my finger! Last week, I registered 'out of range' twice and had a '64' and a '60'. We think I am going too low because my crazy body makes too much insulin whenever I eat something with sugar in it. And boy, do I love sweet foods now! I use to hate them, but I just LOVE them now! I guess I need to find some 'no sugar' cookies, huh? But, I will keep you posted on what happens next!

Sadly, my mom has some kind of breathing problem right now. We are not sure if she picked up something weird at the racetrack (for the Road Atlanta Petite LeMans) or if it is the flu! She has seen the doctor twice (Monday/Friday), had an exray and has all kinds of breathing medicine. Please send prayers that she can get her breathing better quick!

And Halloween is coming!
I am going to be 'Sharpae' from the High School Musical! (of course!) We go to my church Fall Festival and have the most fantastic time! I even get to go to my school "MOONLIGHT MADNESS" at Kroger!

Well, I have to run!
Talk to you guys soon!
Thank you for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Wednesday, September 17, 2008 7:37 PM CDT




It's that time again!

Time for the Petite LeMans at Road Atlanta!

And, the Chili Pepper Racing Team (www.chilipepperracing.org) is raising money for the Austin Hatcher Foundation (www.austinhatcherfoundation.org) to partner with our very own LightHouse Family Retreat (www.lighthousefamilyretreat.org)!

Everyone, come on out and see the races!
And buy a raffle ticket for a great new motorcycle (with lessons) while you are having fun!

See you guys at the races!

Monday, September 1, 2008 12:00 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Happy Labor Day!

I hope everyone has been having a great holiday weekend!
I am off of school today, and it feels wonderful!

It has been a while since I last posted, so I have a lot of news to post.

School has been going really good, I just love my new 4th Grade teacher, Mr. C! He is really awesome! And this week, I am the "Student of the Week!" Yahoooo!! I have been making all "A" on my tests and worksheets, so it is great. I started Art this week in my specials, and I am so happy about that, because I just love art!

Well, I have not been feeling so great the past few weeks either. Remember how I have been feeling 'weird' all this past Summer? Well, I had my annual checkup on the 18th and my mom talked to Dr. D about everything. I had a finger poke to check my blood sugar levels, which turned out to be too high. Since then, I have been to the doctor three times and went to Scottish Rite last Friday for the crazy glucose tolerance test.

The sugar test on Friday was NOT a great thing.
I had to drink this orange drink that made me soooooooo siiiiiiiickkkkkkk and I thought I was gonna puke right there in the lab! Within 15 minutes, I was hurting all over! I had a horrible headache, neckache, chills and just wanted to get sick all over! IT WAS HORRIBLE!!! The lab techs thought I might have to rush over to the ER, it was so scary for them! But, I made it for the first 30 minutes without getting sick, so the tests should be valid. I had to get FOUR arm pokes! YIKES!! That was yuckky too, but didn't hurt to badly. My mom should get the test results back this week and hear from the doctor about what is next.

I have my own glucose monitor that I have been using at home. So far, it has been really *crazy* numbers, being too low to read twice this week, and then waaaay high up to 149 two hours after eating ice cream, about three times this week. The numbers are not over 200, so I am not worried about having diabetes, but they are not normal either.

Did you see the picture up at the top?
I took that picture at the hospital on Friday. My hospital has remodeled and the fountain was moved to the front of the building. I just love taking pictures and thought this was a great one of the water running over the rocks! The fountain is just beautiful, with ceramic fish and turtles all along the bottom of it. I have some more pictures to post, so keep watching!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee!

Friday, August 8, 2008 10:47 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Well, my mom's computer got electrocuted by a terrible storm at the beginning of last week, so I have been without a computer for a very long time. Lighting hit our house, right outside my window (less than three feet away) when we were cleaning my closet! (the cable comes into our house right at my closet baseboard) It was SOOOOOO WEIRD!!!! There was a bright flash of white light----A HUGE KABOOOOOOOMMMMMMM---and the hair on our arms stood up! I jumped a foot right into my mom's arms! It was the closest that I have ever come and actually 'see'...I mean 'feel' lighting. I could feel the electricity go through my body---it was so crazy and weird! Like being ZAPPED with lots of static electricity. My mom has told me stories about it, cause it has happened to her lots and lots of times. Secretly, I really never believed her.......until now!!

But, it was really, really hard to not have a phone or computer.

And now, at last, I get to use a computer! YEAH!!! Thank you so much for Circuit City and their wonderful "Back to School" deals!!

But what is worse is that my wonderful friend from Camp Sunshine has died. My mom has just told me tonight and I am very upset. I just want to go to bed and cry. You can read his story on the AJC at:


My school starts on Monday.
I have been very busy getting ready, but I just can't wait!

And, for the first time, I have a man teacher! WHoa! That is gonna be great!!! I can't wait for 4th Grade to start!

And, Saturday is softball sign up.
I can't wait to play! But then again, I am thinking that I might want to do gymnastics instead. But, that is a whole lot more money than softball because I have to pay gym fees each month and my mom is on a very tight budget. So, we will see......

And, don't forget!
Monday is Spa Sydell night at the Camp Sunshine House for all us sweetie Cancer Childrens! Don't forget to call Miss Ann and let her know if you want to come and have a wonderful time with me and my mom!

And, don't forget!
August 26th is the "Seasonal Sunshine" at the Camp Sunshine House for all us Sweetie Cancer Childrens! Don't forget to call Miss Ann (again!) and let her know if you want to come have lots of great fun with me and my mom!

And, I have a very big surprise!
A Rally Team that is running in the Disney Marathon on January 10th, 2009 has picked me as their inspiration!
I am so excited!
I will post Rally Team webpage next time, cause right now I need to get to bed.

Thank you to all you guys who have kept me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Fight! You guys all have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon!...........your friend, Madie Rylee.

Friday, August 8, 2008 10:09 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Well, my mom's computer got electrocuted at the beginning of last week, so I have been without a computer for a very long time.

It was really, really hard to not have a phone or computer.

And now, at last, I get to use a computer! YEAH!!! Thank you so much for Circuit City and their wonderful "Back to School" deals!!

But what is worse is that my wonderful friend from Camp Sunshine has died. My mom has just told me tonight and I am very upset. I just want to go to bed and cry. You can read his story on the AJC at:


My school starts on Monday.
I have been very busy getting ready, but I just can't wait!

And, for the first time, I have a man teacher! WHoa! That is gonna be great!!! I can't wait for 4th Grade to start!

And, Saturday is softball sign up.
I can't wait to play! But then again, I am thinking that I might want to do gymnastics instead. But, that is a whole lot more money than softball because I have to pay gym fees each month and my mom is on a very tight budget. So, we will see......

And, don't forget!
Monday is Spa Sydell night at the Camp Sunshine House for all us sweetie Cancer Childrens! Don't forget to call Miss Ann and let her know if you want to come and have a wonderful time with me and my mom!

And, don't forget!
August 26th is the "Seasonal Sunshine" at the Camp Sunshine House for all us Sweetie Cancer Childrens! Don't forget to call Miss Ann (again!) and let her know if you want to come have lots of great fun with me and my mom!

And, I have a very big surprise!
A Rally Team that is running in the Disney Marathon on January 10th, 2009 has picked me as their inspiration!
I am so excited!
I will post Rally Team webpage next time, cause right now I need to get to bed.

Thank you to all you guys who have kept me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Fight! You guys all have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon!...........your friend, Madie Rylee.

Sunday, July 20, 2008 11:47 PM CDT

Hi Everybody! This is Regina, Madie's mom. If you read the previous post on Tuesday, then you already have guessed that I have "taken over" Madie's webpage, but only very temporary.

As the last post mentioned, Madie did have her Survivor Clinic appointment on Tuesday afternoon at 2:00pm.

During the appointment, Madie voiced her opinion on several things, which made me stop and think.

As a mom, we push our children because we want them to be the best that they can be.
As a 'Cancer Mom', we push our children because we want them to stay alive.
We force them to take nasty-testing medicine.
We hold them down while they scream bloody murder during a spinal tap, bone marrow test, blood draws or countless shots.

Or, maybe, we push them because we want them to make every effort to be 'just like normal'.

But just 'when' does it stop and we let our children have their own voice?
I have a friend, Connie, who has had to let her son speak his own voice. I can't pretend to know what it feels like to allow that to happen, but I can imagine.

At Madie's clinic appointment, the doctor came through the door re-introducing herself to Madie and me. Her first question was directed at Madie and she asked "Well, Madie, how have you been this past year?". Madie was very quick to respond with "Terrible! I have been just terrible!"

I sat on the chair, stunned.
My mouth fell open.
Then I blurted out "Well, I think that Madie has been really great this past year. All things considered that have happened to her, I think she is doing really good."

The doctor looked at both of us and said we could each take a turn and tell her what had been going on during the past year.

Sounded like a good comprimise to me.

Of course, I explained everything about school and almost failing 3rd Grade and the problems with CRCT, but that we convinced the teacher to make some small concessions and she had passed. Then I explained all her infections this past year, but that she had made it through each one. Then I mentioned Madie played softball and actually out-ran all 12 other girls on the field when they had to run laps. I told the doctor that her coach even joked "Madie, do you run cross-country or something?". I told the doctor that Madie took lots of tylenol or motrin to play, but that she also was asked to play 'alternate' on the All Star Team. I told the doctor that she has had tons of swimming this year, as we are trying to keep in physical shape. I also told the doctor of the skooter accident, that Madie learned how to ride a bike, that I took her to the heart doctor who said "All was Great!" and the soon to be pulmonolgist. I explained that Madie has had moments of intense pain and requesting me to take her to the ER. I provided the drill that we run with 'home remedys' of hot baths, tylenol, heating pads and ice packs. As the words left my mouth, I realized how 'crazy' they must sound. Madie is only 8 years old. She is not 25, 30 or 50.

I realized that her pain is very real.

No wonder she said she had a 'terrible' year!

Then, it was Madie's turn to speak.
She unleashed a barrage of problems at the doctor with such vehemence that I had never seen before. She went down the list, beginning with her headaches, hearing problems, nightmares, eye problems, back pain, hip pain, leg pain, stomach aches, and chest pains.

Of course, just today she had complained of her eye hurting. That Tuesday, she has woke up saying it was hurting all over her eye socket, like someone punched her. She was having problems seeing. I couldn't detect any difference in her eye or face. I asked her if she remembered hitting it on anything. The doctor looked at it as well. I held my breath, knowing that some "ALL" Leukemia patients can later develop AML Leukemia, which can present in the occular regions.

Just to 'fast forward'......Wednesday afternoon, Madie's eye was swelling and turning reddish/purple on the outside like someone hit her on the temple. Fearing the worst might be happening with a new AML Leukemia diagnosis, I took her to the Pediatrician at 4:00pm who also did a throat culture and diagnosed STREP/STAPH. ACK!!! She has been on very strong antibiotics and all is back to normal by Saturday! (Whew! Dodged that bullet!)

Now, what was I saying?.....oh yeah....the 'Survivor' clinic.

I sat on the chair, listening to Madie complain about so much stuff that had happened during the year.
I let her speak.
I had no idea that she was so upset by it.
I had no idea that I was pushing her so hard to keep up.

I looked at the doctor.
The doctor looked at me a few times, looking for validation each time I nodded at her.
I watched the doctor take notes.

I am thinking, did I do something wrong?
Did I push my child too hard?
Did I dismiss so many hurts, aches and pains that now my child believes she can't have a voice in her treatment plan?

I listened to Madie.
I watched Madie.

I think that I have dismissed her pains one too many times.

Now I have more homework.
She has an appointment for a physical with her pediatrician on 8/18.
I see lots of research in my future!

Is this what they mean by "LIVING WITH CANCER"?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 9:47 AM CDT

Today, Madie has her 2nd "Survivor Clinic" visit.

I don't think it will be as "crazy" as the very first one last year. Last year, she had appointments with the cardiologist, pneuropsychologist and a bone density test over in Radiology. It took almost the entire day to get through all the appointments!

Today, I think it is just blood work.

I was doing the laundry when I overheard Madie on the phone with one of her friends. It made me stop and think. I mean, *really* think about how she sees what is going on from a child's point of view.

MADIE: "Yeah. Syd, did you ask your mom yet? Great!"

(Madie puts the phone to her chest and yells at mom.....)

MADIE: "Mom! Sydney can come over! Hey, can she come to the clinic with me?"

MOM: "Well, I guess so. She needs to ask her mom if it is okay since we will be out for most of the day. We will stop and get some lunch too."

MADIE: "Hey Syd. Do you want to come to the clinic with me? There is no sick people there, they just have Cancer."

(Madie pauses for a minute, the phone is up against her ear. Then she puts the phone against her chest and yells out...)

MADIE: "Mom! Syd can come to the clinic with me!"

And then she turns her full attention to the friend on the phone and starts talking about what they are going to do today. Her voice is lost among the noise from the TV as I walk into the kitchen to finish cleaning the dishes.

I discovered that I had been holding my breath for a minute while Madie had been on the phone to her friend.


Her words were profectic.
She said it so 'matter-of-factly' and in such a way as to dismiss any fears that her friend might have. Or, has she had to explain "Cancer" to so many friends already that she has a 'knee-jerk' reaction to supplement the word "Cancer" with words of reassurance to those around her every time the subject comes up? Does she have to explain to other children and friends that it is not contagious and cannot be spread to other people?

At 9 years old, Madie has lived with Cancer for 5 years.
That is over half her life.
She is growing up with Cancer.
It has affected her in more ways than I care to count.

But, I count them amoung our Blessings each day!

Sunday, July 13, 2008 9:43 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I know it has been a really, really, really long time since I last updated! Sorry about that!

I have been pretty busy and my mom has been pretty busy too.

I spent two hours this past Saturday doing some fundraising for Lenora Park. That is where I play softball. We were handing out flyers about the park and asking people to donate. But, the most important was to ask families to come to the park and play ball with us this Fall!

I can't believe that Summer is already half over!
Where did all the time go??!!

Tomorrow on Monday, is Spa Sydell night at the Camp Sunshine House!
Any of you sweetie Cancer Childrens who want to go need to call Miss Ann and make your reservations!
I can't wait to go-----it feels like I have not been there in ages and ages!

And on Tuesday, I have my annual appointment up at the AFLAC Cancer Survivor's Clinic!
I have a list as long as my arm about stuff I want to ask.
I know my mom has lots of questions too, but I REALLY have some things that I want to talk about with the doctor.
Lots of my questions are about school and how hard it is for me, but I just have the strangest things happening to me and this time, I WANT ANSWERS PEOPLE!

One day, I will sit down and write a list of all the crazy pains that I have! Just last week, I begged my mom to take me to the ER because I could not move---my back hurt so badly! My mom worked her *magic* and I felt much better really quick and didn't need the hospital! But, I can't wait to see those doctors!

But, please keep my friend, Tyler Copley in your prayers! He is fighting so hard---I just hate it. Please go by his website and leave good words for him and his family.

My Aunt Rhonda is doing good--she will start physical therapy this week. The doctor said she could take off her sling for about 'half' the time so she doesn't need me and my mom to come up so often and help out. Thank you for all the prayers for helping her!

As for my mom, well, her shoulders are still 'frozen' and the pain is terrible but she is managing okay. She has finally been able to sleep at night, so that is a great blessing! We think the 'worst' might be over, but then she read that the 'Frozen Shoulders' can last up to 1.5 years. She is over the one year mark (back in May), so we can't wait to see some improvement!

I still can't believe that school starts in just 4 weeks! I can't wait to start 4th Grade!

Well, I have to run.
Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Sunday, June 22, 2008 6:12 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Well, the softball season is over for me.

I will miss it.

And now, I'm off to Camp Sunshine!

I think what I love the best about Camp Sunshine is all my friends!
And I saw bunches and bunches of them today as we checked in for the ride out to the camp! (They have two buses again this year!!)

Me and my friends climbed into bus number 1 and we found a seat for the ride out to the camp site.
I can't wait!

Do you know why?

Well, when I was just 4 years old (well, technically almost 5!) and had been on chemo for about 8 months, my mom F-I-N-A-L-L-Y took me to my very first FAMILY NIGHT on a Tuesday night.
I had been having a horrible time with the chemo.....and my hair had fallen out. I was pretty sick.....a huge, whole lot most of the time! YUKKKKK!!

We had our first meeting.
I didn't want my mom to leave me.
I kept sneaking in to the "Parent's" meeting, but eventually I stayed with my group.

On the way home that night, I was so excited about everything that we did at the group with my new teacher! I was so excited about all my new friends!

My new friends were not like my Pre-K School friends at all!
My new friends were not like my friends at my daycare either.
Nope. Not at all.
My new friends were not like my neighbor friends either.
Nope. Definitely! Not at all!

I talked non-stop all the way home about my new friends.
I told my mom that the "BEST" thing about making friends at the Camp Sunshine House was that all my new friends 'WERE JUST LIKE ME!'




They all had the stupid cancer, JUST LIKE ME!
They all got sick and threw-up on their clothes and new pretty shoes, JUST LIKE ME!
They all lost their hair, JUST LIKE ME!
They all had to get blood pushed into them, JUST LIKE ME!
They all had to go away from home and spend the nights in the crazy, scary hospital, JUST LIKE ME!!
They all had to take the horrible, nasty tasting medicine, JUST LIKE ME!
They all had to get lots of shots, JUST LIKE ME!



I was crying as I told my mom how fantastic and supergreat it was!
I asked my mom if we could go back tomorrow!

Well, she said "no" and that I had to wait two weeks.

What was I gonna do for the next two weeks??????............

Okay---so don't forget to go by my friend Tyler'swebsite.
He is having a fundraiser on Tuesday, which my mom will be helping with.
And, if you can't go, you can make a donation online! Here is Tyler's Rally webpage:


If you make a donation of at least $15, you can request a t-shirt. Please put your size in the 'notes' section.

Sadly, Tyler is not doing very well at all, so please send lots of prayers and leave good words in his guess-book on his Caringbridge webpage! And, please, please, PLEASE make a donation or come by his fund raising dinner!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this terrible, stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece!

Talk to you soon!

Your friend, Madie Rylee

Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:22 PM CDT

Hi Everyone!

Okay, so my softball team had to play at Bogan Park again tonight at 6:00pm.

And I got to play!


And we won!!!


Now we play tomorrow night at 7:30pm and it looks like we have to play the team from Buford.
They are really tough, but I think we can take them!

Wish us lots of luck and good hitting!
If we win tomorrow night, we are playing twice on Saturday in the "Finals" and getting closer to the championship game on Sunday! This tournament is called "Tri County" because we have 32 teams in our PEE WEE 8U Division from three counties playing----Gwinnett County, Walton County and Barrow County. If we win, how awesome that would be! We would be the PEE WEE CHAMPIONS from East Georgia! WOW!!

Well, gotta run.
And, oh yeah, I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow too! I can't wait for that!

Lots of love!
Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:22 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!

Okay, so, I won my softball game on Monday night. That meant that we had to play Wednesday night.

Okay, so, I won my softball game on Wednesday night, so that means that we have to play again tonight!

And, me and my mom are driving back to Dacula to help my sister today! We made a cake on Tuesday for her, which she just LOVED! (and the lasagna!) So we are going back to clean, do the laundry and cook again!

And, I go to Camp Sunshine on Sunday!!
My counselor Maggie called me and left a message that I am going to be in Cabin 1 again---along with all my wonderful friends from Camp Sunshine!
I just know I am going to get the 'green' bracelet this year and get to go down the slide!

Okay, so next week on Tuesday is a Rally Foundation event for my good friend Tyler Copley! If you live in the area, please come by and have dinner with him, all his friends, and my mom! It is going to be at McEachern United Methodist Church in Oak's Hall, 4075 Macland Road, Powder Springs, 30127. You can find more information on Tyler's webpage!


Well, I have to skoot!
Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee.


Monday, June 16, 2008 9:22 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!

I hope you guys are having a superfantabulous summer, because I sure am!

At practice last night, we had the girl's team hitting the ball at the adults out in the field! And then, all the mom's took turns hitting the ball! It was so funny----and really great!


Me and my mom have been extra busy driving up to Dacula to help out my Aunt Rhonda. She is still in a lot of pain from her shoulder surgery, so we are helping to run errands, clean and cook for her. We are going back today with lunch and make her some dinner because her husband has gone out of town for the week. Then, we have to skoot over to Bogan Park for my next softball game, which is today at 6:00pm! My team plays Mountain Park! Even though we lost last Friday night, I know that we can win tonight!


Also, my Aunt Rhonda called to get her pulmonary test results on the MRI but they won't give them out to her on the phone. She has to see the doctor, so that will be next week. We think this is a 'good sign' and that she does not have the stupid lung cancer because they would have called right away if it was.

And now, my Uncle Ray is very sick!
He has missed a week of work and he NEVER calls in sick at his police work job! My Aunt Rhonda thinks that he has the stupid pneumonia now! Please send prayers that he gets better really quick---he is very important at his job because he is a Seargent for the law enforcement.

And, yesterday was Father's Day!
I have a surprise for you, so be watching your mailbox, okay?

Well, I have run!
We are packing the car for the softball game tonight, my mom is cooking the sauce for the lasagna she is making at my Aunt Rhonda's house, my mom is washing my uniform and I have to get ready!

I almost forgot!
I can't wait to go----it is the most awesomest, fantabulous, terrific week of my entire life!
My mom and me are trying to find everything that I need since I have outgrown most of my summer clothes from last year already! I still need jeans for the horseback riding! So, we are trying to squeeze in some shopping too!

And----we got an email from Claire at the Rally Foundation!
She is asking for any of us sweetie Cancer Childrens to come out and be sponsored at the Rally Foundation Events!
If this is something that you think you can do, please email or call her right away!

Here is the email with all the info!
Thanks for helping and I will talk to you soon!
Get out there and play, okay?
Ride safe and Rally On!

Hi Regina,

In the past, we have connected with some great families through the ALL Kids and Neuroblastoma listserves, and I was wondering if you could alert your listserve about the ride so that we can hopefully meet some of those kids again this year! We especially need to connect with some kids in the Chapel Hill/Raleigh/Durham area for this Wednesday! Which I know is kind of late noted... Still nothing finalized on the Tyler event...but I will let you know as soon as I can!

Rally Across America, a 2 week 1,000 mile charity bike ride, will take place in June to raise money and awareness for childhood cancer research on behalf of the Rally Foundation. In each city along our tour, we will visit the brave children being treated for cancer at the local children's hospital, hold a fundraiser event, and ride in honor of a local child fighting cancer. Please contact Claire (Claire@rallyfoundation.org) to get involved - we would love to ride in honor of your child or meet you at one of our events! Visit www.rallyacrossamerica.org for more information. You can also check out our blog at www.rallyacrossamerica.blogspot.com

Rally Across Ame rica 2008 Schedule
June 12-13: Washington, DC
June 15-16: Richmond, VA
June 18: Chapel Hill, NC
June 20: Charlotte, NC
June 23: Augusta, GA
June 25: Atlanta, GA
June 27: Nashville TN


Rally On!

Claire Olson, RN
Rally Kid Coordinator
Rally Foundation For Childhood Cancer Research

Phone: 770-316-9124
5775 Glenridge Drive
Building C, Suite 120
Sandy Springs, GA 30328

claire@rallyfoundation.org | www.rallyfoundation.org

Friday, June 13, 2008 11:42 AM CDT

Hi Eveybody!




One great thing that you can do this summer is get out and play with me and all my friends from the Rally Foundation!

The RALLY ACROSS AMERICA is two college guys who felt a really huge need to help all us Sweetie Cancer Children who are fighting the very stupid Cancer!

They are riding their bikes across the eastern half of America during the summer, collecting all the spare change that you have and using it to fund research that is only for Childhood Cancers. Man, I wish I could do that! I can't wait until I'm big enough to join them! (Just wait!)

And you can join them too and follow them this year by going to their Rally Across America Blogspot and reading up on all their travels and pictures!

It's awesome!!

It's fantastic!!!

And, if you can't make it to a Rally Event near you, you can also donate online by using my webpage link found at the bottom of this page! When you donate, don't forget to ask at work if your company has a "MATCHING GIFTS" program! Lots of companies will match your donation, making your gift twice as important to all of us Sweetie Cancer Childrens! Just call Nicole at 404-847-1273 when you make your donation to get the details on how you can make a 'double-play' and strike out Childhood Cancer in my lifetime!

And, if you want to see the group of sweetie cancer children that inspired this group of people to create the Rally Foundation, you can see the list of all the Rally Kids that helped inspire the creation of the Rally Foundation! We are working (and playing!) hard to raise money that is desperately needed for Childhood Cancer Research!


Rally is Looking for Volunteers to Sell Raffle Tickets at the Braves Game!

Last baseball season 95 Rally volunteers sold raffle tickets at a Braves game to raise money for childhood cancer research. Rally Foundation volunteers were the highest fundraiser all season by selling over $7,000 in raffle tickets! On Saturday, June 21st we are looking for volunteers to sell 50/50 raffle tickets again. Proceeds from the raffle ticket sales will be split between Rally Foundation and the Braves Foundation.

Details: Saturday, June 21st, meet at Turner Field at 4:00p.m. We will sell tickets before the game and until the end of the 2nd inning. At the end of the 2nd inning you can stay and watch the game! Volunteers must be 18 years or older or must be accompanied by an adult.

*Please email nicole@rallyfoundation.org your name, age, phone #, and t-shirt size to sign up to volunteer for this event*

My mom and me have signed up to help out and if I don't have a softball game that night, I'm going!!
We hope to see you then!

Speaking of softball----I start the "TRI COUNTY" softball tournament today! Our first game is against Walton County and we play up at Mill Creek at 7:30pm! If we win, the next game is Saturday at 12:30!

Remember, get out and play!
See you soon!

Your friend, Madie Rylee


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 ll:43pm cdt

Hi Everybody!

My Shiloh All Star 8u Team played our first game of the Pre-Tri County Tournament tonight!

We played Lawrenceville!

They are a tough team to beat!
One of the hardest that we had heard around the park!

We won 14 - 2.

Our next game is Friday night at 8:00pm. I have never played a night game, so that will be really different.

Okay......something horrible has happened to a really close friend of mine from Camp Sunshine and our Cancer Clinic. My friend, Tyler Copley, has relapsed with his Sarcoma that is now in his lungs!


This is not good news at all----it is the worst news that you can get!

Tyler is my friend that I met back in 2003 when I first got the stupid cancer. We are soooooo much alike, it's not funny. It's kinda creepy. His birthday is the next day from mine. He loves all the things that I love. He loves all the food that I love. He is just a little older than me, that's all!

Please go by his webpage and leave lots of good words and love for him and his family. And you know what else? DONATE MONEY NOW TO FIND A CURE FOR CHILDHOOD CANCER!! Or, if the link is not working, you can go to my donation page at:


We need 100 percent cure rates for these stupid cancers!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee


Tuesday, June 3, 2008 10:42 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Well, the "Pre-TriCounty Softball Allstar Tournament" starts today over at the South Gwinnett Sports Complex.

I am gonna be playing in the "Peewee Division" and they have twenty (20) teams playing 38 games between two fields!
That's a lot of ball playing, for sure!

You can follow the schedule at:


The tournament starts today, but our first game is on Wednesday, June 4th at 6:30pm where we play Lawrenceville on Field 7.


Sunday, June 1, 2008 9:42 PM CDT


After two days of playing in unbearable heat and sun............six games of grueling hitting and fielding...........the winners of the 9th Annual Summer Softball Classic at South Gwinnett is............someone else.




I am so excited!
I am so happy and just crazy with glee!
I even had to take my trophy into the Publix grocery on the way home from the park---I don't want to let it out of my sight.

Our team worked really, REALLY, R-E-A-L-L-Y hard for that trophy! To get that tropy, we had to have back-to-back wins today, AND WE DID!!

As you guys know, I was picked for an 'alternate' position which means that I play when someone can't make it. We had one girl that couldn't make it for both days, so I got to play in all six games!
It was soooooooooo great!
I loved it!
I could just burst with pride for me and my Shiloh team!
We played awesome!

And, just "who" did we lose to?
Well, a very fine team from Buford who went undefeated!
They were great competition----and we all squished in together and had our pictures taken for the first and second place teams to be in the local papers!

Next up........the "Pre Tri-County Tournament".
We have practice on Tuesday and the tournament will run until next Sunday! Then practice, practice, practice until the "Tri County Tournament" at MC Bogan Park! That one is from June 13th to the 22nd.

Okay---so I guess you guys are wondering about the scab on my face? Well, that was last Monday, when I wrecked on Alexis's skooter. I wasn't hurt, just a lot of 'road rash' everywhere.

Well, I have to go.
Thanks to all you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

I love you!
Talk to you soon!..................Madie Rylee

Friday, May 29, 2008 1:08 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I hope you are having a fantastic week of Memorial Day! I have been extra-crazy busy, for sure!

Firstly, I visited with a friend of mine on Monday but took a nasty spill on her skooter. I kinda scraped my face and arms. I hate the big ole scab on my nose! It's very 'itchy' now and just drives me crazy!

Then, we went to my Aunt Rhonda's and my Uncle Ray's for lots of food and fun! It was great!

I have been practicing for the All-Star Team all week. It's been hot and a lot of work, but I really love it. I even beg to stay late and play more!

My mom and me went swimming on Tuesday and then again on Wednesday. My mom got very sunburned! Ouch!

My Aunt Rhonda has been going back for more tests. She went yesterday for a PET scan to see if the things in her lungs might be cancer. Hopefully we will hear back soon.

My first All-Star Game is Saturday at 10:50am over at South Gwinnett. We play the Dacula Blue, who I hear are really, really good. But we are good too, so it's gonna be a great game!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!


Monday, May 26, 2008 1:48 PM CDT



I just love this picture that my mom took over at our softball field. It makes me want to run over, pick it up, and then throw it over to home plate!
What a great poster on my wall it will be!

I hope everyone is out playing with their family this holiday!

And.....Give thanks and remember all those who have fought to keep our country safe.

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Monday, May 19, 2008 11:48 AM CDT

Hey Everybody!!

I have great news to share with everyone!
My wonderful friend and future-husband-to-be Mr. Keegan Puckett takes his very last chemo today!


Please go by his webpage and leave lots of great wishes for him and his momma-Audra! He has been on chemo for five years, and he has been through so much stuff.

We love them!


Sunday, May 18, 2008 1:48 PM CDT

Hi Everyone!

What a weekend of non-stop-crazy-busy stuff!
I had a game Friday night, spent the night at Daphne's house but couldn't sleep so my mom came and got me after midnight, then went back to Daphne's house at 9:00am so that my mom could work at the Concession Stand and then came back to the park for another game at 1:30pm!


But, the game was great---I got the first base hit of the game and went on to score three RBI's!

And after the game, Coach D told us who was on the park All-Star team, with an alternate this year.

And then after the game I got to go have dinner with my friend, Alexis!
That was a blast!
We got to eat and then visit her Aunt's house! I got home late.

And today, I have my friend Juleah over and we are going to church later for the Calvary Chapel 'Wing Fling'!

And then on Monday night, we have Camp Sunshine's Spa Sydell night!

Or maybe not.
I can't go.



I can't believe I'm on the All-Star Team!

Stay tuned for more info!


p.s....thank you to Charlie Renfoe at Seaside Florida for teaching me how to play baseball at the Lighthouse Family Retreat in the summer of 2004. Even though I kept throwing up all the time, you taught me how to hit the ball! I fell in love with baseball that week!

Thursday, May 15, 2008 11:48 PM CDT


I know you guys were just wondering when my mom was gonna put up some new pictures, right?
Well----go look!
She has posted some new ones from the Gwinnett Relay for Life last Friday.
And, there is one from my softball game.

And, for all the sweetie Cancer Children out there, don't forget that tomorrow is the deadline for the applications for Camp Sunshine Summer Camp! Actually, I think it was today, May 15th, but I'm sure that you can still get it in to Miss Michelle. Be sure to call and let them know you are faxing over!

I have a softball game tomorrow night, Saturday at 1:30 and then again on Monday night!
That is a rough schedule!
And, I am really loving every minute of it!

Only four more days of school!

Thank you to everybody who has been keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 11:48 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Here is an email that I just got from Miss Ann at Camp Sunshine about Spa Sydell night next Monday night for all us sweetie Cancer Children! Be sure to call or email Miss Ann if you can make it!



In addition to the wonderful spa services provided by the Spa Sydell technicians, we will have entertainment provided by HUGWORKS!

Hugworks, starring Jim Newton and Paul Hill, specializes in bringing therapeutic entertainment, music therapy, comfort and encouragement to hospitalized children, Hugwork music is fun, upbeat and encourages the healthy expression of feelings and helps boost self esteem. Every year the Hugwork team visits many thousands of children and families across the nation, spreading healing and hope through music. For more information about HUGWORKS, please visit their web site at www.hugworks@hugworks.org.

We hope you will be able to join us for an evening of relaxation and fun!!!

Spa Sydell Night at the Camp Sunshine House!

Join us for an evening of pampering at the Camp Sunshine House.

Take some time to rejuvenate and relax with the talented professionals from Spa Sydell.
When: Monday, 19th
Time: 6-8 PM
Place: Camp Sunshine House
1850 Clairmont Rd
Decatur, GA 30033

Services provided:
Table and Chair massages,
Reflexology massages,

Dinner will be provided.

Space will be limited so make your reservation by calling 404-325-7979 or email


Please include the number of people in your immediate family that will be attending, each of their names, and the ages of the children.

Please RSVP by Friday, May16th

Hope you will join us!

Ann Baker, CCLS
Program Coordinator
Camp Sunshine
1850 Clairmont Rd
Decatur, GA 30033
404.325-7929 FAX

Wednesday, May 7, 2008 9:48 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

I totally did not even realize that this Friday is "RELAY FOR LIFE"!

I am an "Honorary Chair" for my school and we are trying to raise money for all the programs that the American Cancer Society supports. Won't you please go by my Centerville Elementary
Donation Page for Madie
and make a donation!

Well, my Aunt Rhonda went to the lung doctor on Tuesday. She is still sick and still running the badly fevers. She has to go back again on Thursday.

And, she has to get more tests done later this month. I think one of the tests is at the hospital where they are going to go into her lung and take a piece of it out. YUKKKKKKKYYYY!!

I have been super busy with school and softball. I am working really hard at getting everything done before school is out for the summer. And, my last softball game is on Monday May 19th.

I went to the CURE Picnic on Sunday---it was GREAT! I got to see lots of my friends from clinic and, most important, my future-husband-to-be Keegan! It was great!

Well, I have to run.
Thanks for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys have Angel Wings coming, for sure!



Wednesday, April 30, 2008 9:48 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Well, today is the last day of April!
That month went by so faaaaaaaaaaaaaaast!
Especially when you play softball!

Speaking of softball.........I have been working really hard and practicing as much as possible.
I still have lots of joint/bone pain (mostly when it rains), but I take some tylenol and I'm ready to go!
And, I can even hit the ball almost every time I get to bat!
Last night we played the South Gwinnett Gray and we won! I actually got 3 hits, an RBI, scored a run, stopped a really fast ball heading past second (I play second base!) and got an out! WOW!!
And, I got the game ball!
That ball is gonna go right next to my ball that I got for throwing out the first pitch on Opening Day!

And, thank you guys for all the prayers for my Aunt Rhonda.
She is doing just a teeensy-weeeeensy tiny bit better.
She went to work yesterday for 2 hours because she has been out for three weeks and they needed her help on a few things.
But, she is still running a fever and her heart is going to fast, even with medicine to try to slow it down.
I'm just glad that she will see the heart and lung doctor on Thursday.

My mom has final exams!
Her last one is next Monday for her Art History class. Then she is out until summer starts back in June.

Well, I have to skoot!
My next game is Saturday at noon. And then on Sunday, I am going to the CURE picnic! Wooohoooo! I hope to see all my Cancer Clinic friends there! And then on Sunday night I have a performance with the 'Wave Breakers' which is my 'hand signing' class up at the Northpoint Church. My mom will take pictures so you guys can see! It's really cool to watch!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee

Friday, April 25, 2008 8:48 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Please say prayers for my Aunt Rhonda.
She has tested positive for a staph blood infection.
The doctor's are trying to keep her out of the hospital and have changed her medicine again.
I try not to worry, but I'm really scared. She told me and my mom not to come visit because of the infection and she is still running fevers!

I have a softball game tomorrow morning at 11:45am! I'll keep you posted!

And, we are babysitting for my neice, Baby Haley! It is Katie's birthday and Roe is taking her out to a dinner and a movie! But, Baby Haley was pretty mad when my Bubba Roe dropped her off, but she is getting a little bit better!
Man-----babies cry a whole LOT!!

Thank you guys again for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in piece!

I love you!!

Friday, April 25, 2008 8:48 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Thank you so very much for sending prayers for my Aunt Rhonda!
She is better and is out of the hospital!

Sadly, she is still sick.


My mom has been talking to her on the phone. She saw the doctor yesterday and he has changed her medicine again. She is still breathing hard, has a super-high fast heart rate even on the heart medicine, has pain in her back/chest and has a fever! Ugh! He put her on two different antibiotics and two more breathing medicines. Hopefully the specialist heart/lung doctor will figure out what is going on and what is the best way to fix her. The next step is to go into her lungs and get a piece of whatever is showing up on the xray and MRI tests.

I am so happy to report that the CRCT testing is OVER!!
I really, REALLY hate taking tests!
And I am so happy that I am done!
Mrs. Sorrow moved me to the back of the classroom so I could whisper to myself while taking the test, 'cause that helps me a whole lot to remember stuff (and it won't bother my fellow students).

And, for some weird reason, each day I was the very last student to finish the test! My mom had also got me this wonderful magnifying glass dome circle to help me see the test (because it is soo small!) and I took my time......read over each question........thought about each answer.......bubbled in each little circle.......looked over the paper to be sure that I did not miss any questions.......and before I knew it, everyone else was done and I was the very last one and took all the time up for the test!

My hand was hurting, for sure!

And guess what?
My mom got the report back from AFLAC about my neuropsych evaluations and it says that I have very low fine motor skills!
Well, I could've told you that!
It really hurts to write!

And, the report says that I have cognitive function problems and some language problems too. It says that I most likely need medicine to help me boost my concentration. Yuk.

The really funny part is that Dr. Johnson recommended that I learn to type and begin to type all my notes and reports! He even said that I should be allowed to start the reports sooner and that I should be allowed to bring a laptop to class!
Ha!Ha!---that's funny!

But what I already knew-----was that he said I should be allowed more time for taking STUPID TESTS LIKE THE CRCT!! and that I should be allowed to take the STUPID TESTS in a smaller classroom so I can take breaks and talk to myself! (I thought that was really funny too!)

I really loved the part that he said I should not be put back in 3rd Grade!
Because of the crazy "No Child Left Behind" law, if I fail the CRCT test, it means that I fail the 3rd Grade!

But Mrs. Sorrow let me take the test the best way for me, under all the rules that she has to use.
I think that I did good---we just have to wait and see!

My softball is going great! I am having tons of fun and making lots of new friends! I still can't hit the ball too good, but I am working on it.

My mom starts her final exams next week!

Thank you guys for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid cancer journey all in one piece! You guys all have angel wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Monday, April 14, 2008 7:48 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Please say prayers for my Aunt Rhonda.

Me and my mom went up to help her yesterday and she was not doing so great. Well, she was doing good but would not sit still and rest! My mom had to fuss and fuss and fuss just to make her sit down on the sofa and not lift a finger!!

Now remember, my Aunt Rhonda is a nurse who use to work in Cardiac Rehab before she worked in Dialysis.
Now remember, my mom's parents both died of heart attacks in 1994 when they were 62 years old.

So, I overheard my mom talking to Aunt Rhonda about her pain going through her back and if this could be a heart attack. My mom said that her pneumonia did not hurt there like that! Was Aunt Rhonda sure it could not be her heart??!! My Aunt Rhonda said 'no', and that she was to have a stress test on Wednesday. My mom kept making faces, saying that would be too late. Was there any way to go earlier????? (like NOW!!)

Anyways, after cleaning the kitchen and doing a few loads of laundry, we left last night, with my mom leaving strict orders to Uncle Butch (she poked him in the shoulder several times) to be in the doctor parking lot banging on the door when they opened! DO NOT WAIT!!! (read my lips.....DO NOT WAIT!!!)

So, guess what?

My Aunt Rhonda is at Athens Regional Hospital.

Something is wrong with her heart.

She is gonna have a cardiac cath first thing tomorrow!

Please say prayers that her tests go supergreat and the doctor's can fix her heart all back to normal, even better than before!

Thank you guys so much for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get though this stupid cancer journey all in one piece!

We love you!

Saturday, April 12, 2008 11:18 AM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Well……..it’s Saturday and almost the very last day of “Spring Break 2008”.
Only, it hasn’t been a ‘real’ Spring Break because my mom had to go to school every day and I had to go ‘somewhere’ so she could go to school.

But, it was kinda good.
On Wednesday, I spent the day at my friend Nathalie’s house. Her family is Spanish and my mom and me had been there Sunday for Nathalie’s little sister’s birthday party. I had the best time ever! My mom and me got to eat Chinese food and tamalie’s! Woooo…they were kinda hot (but some were sweet!).
We had a great time, even if we didn’t understand most everyone there when they were talking to each other!

I also got to spend time with my friends playing and riding bikes. I am getting really good at my bike riding! My mom promises to put up pictures soon, so watch for them!

I take “hand signing” classes on Saturday morning up at the church. We are learning how to sign for a lot of songs and it is going really great. We have a performance coming up in two weeks, so I really have to practice, practice, practice!

And, of course the CRCT testing is coming next week!
I am not too happy about that.
I am having problems reading, which might be a part of the chemotherapy that I had for my Cancer Leukemia. I had some tests done up at the AFLAC clinic and we are waiting on the report to come back. In the mean time, my mom had been doing some research of her own and has discovered that if I can read ‘aloud’, I remember everything! It’s only when I have to read ‘silently’ that I have a problem remembering. (it’s a big difference, trust me!) My mom discovered in her college Psychology class that our brains use both the right and left sections to process the things that we ‘see’ with each of our eyes, but that we only use the right half of our brains for the things that we ‘hear’. There is a special part in the middle of our brains that connect the right and left side of our brains, so they can talk to each other at the same time. My mom is thinking that my chemotherapy might have damaged that middle brain connection.

This can also be the reason why some people are ‘visual’ learners and some people are ‘hearing’ learners!

Also, please keep my Aunt Rhonda in your prayers this week. She got very sick and was in the Barrow County Hospital for pneumonia the last two days. The doctor let her go home last night with lots of medicine, but she still has a fever and is out of breath when she walks or talks. She will have some more tests this week, to see if they can figure out what is wrong and why she can’t get rid of the terrible pneumonia!

Well, I hope everybody had a great week coming up!
Stay warm because I think the weather is changing again to be cold. What is up with that?!! My next softball game is the 17th, at 6:30pm. I hope the sun comes out again and stays out! I don’t like playing in the freezing cold----that is just too hard to catch the ball and throw it!

Don’t forget that Monday is Spa Sydell night over at Camp Sunshine!
Please call Miss Ann to let her know that you are coming. They have great food and great massages!

And, I have a friend from clinic who is working on being a tri-ath-a-lon and needs equipment and sponsors! Please go by Tyler’s webpage and read up on the various ways that you can help out! He had his leg amputated last year to get rid of the terrible Cancer and he is still taking lots of nasty chemo to keep it away from him and not die from it. Personally, I love the idea that he is trying to ride a bike! (Like me!!) We are so much alike----did I tell you that our birthday’s are on the SAME DAY!! (well, I think the next day!) but he is older than me. I am going to make him a sign to wear on his chest and back that says “CANCER FIGHTER! FREQUENT STOPS!” so everyone will know when he falls down off the bike to PLEASE GO HELP HIM AND NOT HONK THE CAR HORN!!! Sheeeeeesh people!

Well, I have to skoot!
Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer journey all in one piece. You guys all have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee.

p.s....Last week, my wonderful church had a great sermon on being sad and grieving. You can listen to it at Sandy Adams, who is my church pastor. I just love him and Paster James!

Sunday, March 30, 2008 8:02 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Oh my gosh!
What is up with the really cold weather!
It's suppose to be warm!!!
AK!! Who turned out the heater!

Okay, so it's Sunday night.
I am working hard at getting all my stuff ready for school tomorrow. I have my second game at 6:30pm over at Lenora Park and need to have all my stuff in the car before we leave in the morning! I "think" we play South Gwinnett "Gray"---they are the 'home' team and we are the 'visitor' team.

How weird is that?
The 'visitor' gets to be the 'home' team?
I still don't understand that, but oh well.

I have had a busy day.
Heck, I've had a busy week!

I got to be 'Aunt Madie' to my Bubba Roe's little girl, Miss Hailey! She came to our house yesterday afternoon and then Bubba Roe came to pick her up today right before I had to run out to the park to have Team Pictures!

Well, for those of you guys who don't know, I have two older brothers! I have my Bubba Roe, who is 28 (yes! that's right!) and my Bubba Rhyne who is 25. My Bubba Roe was 20 when I was born, and he moved out of our house before I got really big---so I don't know him all that well. But he is very, very sweet! He loves his little Hailey girl like nothing else!

And boy, did my mom forget how much work a tiny baby can be! Little Hailey girl was born early and she just now weighs almost 8 pounds!
She is smaller than my babies that I play with!

And she eats about every 2-3 hours.
She was pretty mad that her mommy and daddy left her with us to go see a concert last night! It took about 2 hours for her to realize that our house was pretty fun and she was gonna be okay!

And, this past week, my softball team had our first game!
We played really hard---we were losing.....then we were winning.......then we were losing.....then we were winning.....and then.....time was up!
We won!
But it was so much fun just playing!
I love it!

Spring Break is in one week!
Except, I can't get a Spring Break. (Oh well)
My mom has school that week except on Friday, so we might do something on that Friday and Saturday.

It will still be good because I don't have to get up so early for school. My mom doesn't have class until 11:00, so we don't have to leave the house until 9:00am!
That is gonna be great!

I have another softball game on Thursday, April 3rd!
We play over at South Gwinnett with the team call 'Navy'!
I can't wait to play in a different park---that will be really strange.

I have another friend of mine that has gone to Heaven this past week. Well, actually, Eric was a friend of my 'husband-to-be' Keegan and Momma Audra. They loved him and his family. I met baby Eric a few times at the hospital and at Camp Sunshine. He has gone to Heaven very suddenly this week and Momma Audra is very, very sad. Please go by Keegan's webpage and leave lots of good notes and love for her this week because she really needs them.


Thank all you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this cancer journey all in one piece! My mom has more doctor tests on this Friday (April 4), so please say prayers that everything turns out all okay!

Talk to you soon!
Your friend,
Madie Rylee.

p.s....Last week, my wonderful church had a great sermon on being sad and grieving. You can listen to it at Sandy Adams, who is my church pastor. I just love him and Paster James!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008 8:47 AM CDT

NEW PICTURES!!!========================

Sunday, March 23, 2008    8:47 PM CDT Five years.FIVE YEARS!!!........Okay, so did I mention that it was five years ago that I was in the hospital and I just found out that I had the stupid Cancer Leukemia?

Well, a lot has happened in that five years, for sure.

And this year, I celebrated my 'five year' anniversary in a very special way!  Saturday was the "Opening Day" for our Lenora Park Spring Ball and as you guys know, I have signed up for softball.

But, what you don't know, is that I was selected to throw out the 'first pitch' for the softball girls!! IT WAS GREAT!! See that picture up top?That is me in my Shiloh "Thunder" uniform, holding the ball that I got to throw! I am so excited to be playing! I have a great coach and a great team! Coach D is wonderful and I have made so many friends with all the girls on the team---it is SUPERFANTABULOUS!

I hope everybody had a great Easter Sunday!Mine was great---I went to church and then me and my mom drove up to my Aunt Rhonda's house near Winder.  I got to play with her new dog, Winchester.  And, I got to play with my Uncle Ray's doggy, Sherlock.  We had a really great time!

Well, I have to run.  I have practice tomorrow and my mom has a big test.  And she has an art project due on Tuesday.  And she has a big test in Art History on Wednesday.  We are busy, busy, BUSY!!!  But, I love it!

Thank you guys for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece!  You guys have Angel Wings coming for sure!Talk to you later!

Your friend, Madie Rylee

Sunday, March 23, 2008 8:57 AM CDT

Five years.

Five years ago today, I was in the hospital.
Five years ago, I was told that I was very,very sick.

The doctor told my mom that my bone marrow was so packed at 100 percent with stupid Cancer Leukemia blast cells, that I was not making my own red blood cells and platelets.
I was going to die.

But, I already knew that because I was talking to my grandma in Heaven and was telling my mom not to worry because I was gonna take care of her when I was in Heaven.

The doctor said they had all kinds of medicine to try to kill the Cancer. I started on the medicine right away, but it was gonna take a few days to work. In the mean time, I got a bag of blood almost every day and I got a bag of platelets every morning and every night since I wasn't making my own.

Well, as you guys all know, IT WORKED!!

Thank you to everyone who sent prayers, kinds words, and all the love that I could hold on to!
You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Lots of love,
your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s....that's me and Colleen in the picture up at the top. Her daddy, Frank, is in the background. This picture was made on Friday, the day before I had my surgery for the back poke and my port put in my chest.

Sunday, March 9, 2008 10:38 PM CDT

Okay. So. This is the first day of the Daylight Savings time and it is really crazy to go to bed so early! And, it was pretty hard to get up for Church! I guess it is gonna take a while to get use to this time change, for sure!

Anyway, I "LOVE" it because the sun stays out longer for later and it is just superfantastic for me because I love to be outside!

Well, a lot of you guys don't know that I have not been able to ride a bike very good since I had Cancer back in 2003.
I was always falling off and could not stay up on the bike. So, I always had 'training wheels' on my bike. And, it was given to me when I was 5, by some really wonderful people through the superwonderful "LightHouse Family Retreat". It was the best pink bike I had ever had!

But, I have grown lots since then and it is really tiny.
I have kept bugging my mom for a new one.
I have been riding my friend's bike, even falling and getting stuck lots of time. I still can't figure out how to turn, but I am working on it. I think it's because I forget how the brakes work.

Did I say that I fall down a lot?

Anyway, I never gave up and kept bugging my mom that I really 'need' a new bike, even if I can't ride it very good. So, it's been a month since my birthday and guess what?


Did you guys see me on my new bike up at the top?
Isn't it just the coolest bike you have ever seen?
I bought it today at Walmart!
I had saved my Christmas and Birthday giftcards and used all of that along with all my dollar money (and $13 from my mom!) to get it.

I just love it!

I promise to post pictures of me riding it. Of course, just as soon as I can stay on it without falling down.
Which should not take too long, because I am trying really, REALLY hard to learn how to ride a bike! And, it doesn't matter that I am 9 years old and can't ride a bike---my mom says I will learn really fast!

Well, it has been a sad and weird week for me.
We have a good friend and neighbor down the street who passed away last Thursday. It was very sudden because he had started on some new medicine and had allergeric reactions to it. Mr. Dana went to sleep and just never woke up. I am so sad for Mrs. Kim and my friend Casey. We all loved him so much because he loved all of us kids. I am gonna miss him!

And, I took my tests up at the CHOA at Scottish Rite on Friday. I am sooooooooooooooo glad to be done with that! Yikes! Those tests were "HARD" and some of the stuff that you have to build I almost could not do it! It is gonna be a few weeks before they have any reports to give my mom, so she will keep you posted!

And---speaking of my mom-----she has entered a student art exhibit at school!
I am so proud of her!
She gets to send in two art pieces for the contest.
Her art is very good and I have made her post her pictures here on my website so everybody can see them! It's hard to see them in a tiny picture, but just trust me! They are GREAT! And, I even got to name the picture with the two women in it. I called it the "Evil Wooden Puppet Sisters" because my mom spent about 50 hours on it this past November, taking all her time away from me! But, they have turned out great and I hope that she wins!

Well, I have softball practice tomorrow!
Talk to you soon.
Thank you again for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer Journey all in one piece! You guys all have Angel Wings coming for sure!

Lots of love,
Your friend,
Madie Rylee

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 11:46 PM CST

Here is the scene at our house tonight, after swimming at Bethesda Park's indoor pool and eating dinner at Cici's Pizza buffet, watching American Idol that has just gone off the air.....

MOM: "Wow, Madie, we had a fun today! I'm tired and ready for bed for sure!"

MADIE: "Yep! It was great!"
Madie reaches over and starts playing with Mr. Stubby, the crazy cat. She giggles, laughs and makes crazy faces at Mr. Stubby and then turns her face to mom and says, "Mom, aren't we going to eat dinner? Did we eat dinner yet, what did we have?"

MOM: Not stunned anymore by crazy words coming from her sweetie little girl provides a sweet reminder, "Madie, it's 9:00pm already, so of course we had dinner. Remember? We ate at Cici's Pizza where you and Juleah ate pizza, pasta, salad and sweet buns until 7:30pm. Then we took Juleah home."

MADIE: Hesitates for two seconds, quietly thinking and then bobs her head up and down. "Oh yeah, now I remember! I guess my brain went blank again. It does that a lot lately. But---that was the best food EVER! Thanks mom! I just love you, you're the best mom EVER!"

Madie squeals and chases Mr. Stubby down the hallway.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 1:46 PM CST

Hi Everybody!

I can't believe that I have not posted an update since my birthday!
I know, I know. Everybody is busy-----ESPECIALLY ME!

I have started softball practice over at Lenora Park in Snellville. It is a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l park that me and my mom go to all the time. They have walking trails, playgrounds and a pool! I have joined the girls softball league, for girls ages "7-8" and our team is called "Shiloh Thunder"!


For not having played before, I am doing pretty good if I say so myself! I got the first out at First Base in the last practice----it was so coooooooool! That just made my whole week!

My side kinda hurts when we run laps, but it is getting better at each practice. And, I got my first bruise from softball the other day! I was in the tub when I called out to my mom and showed it to her. Wow, it sure feels really great (and proud) to say that!

And, I am also trying to learn 'sign language' for several songs at church. It is really cool! I love it!

Well, in other news, I go up to CHOA at Scottish Rite on Friday. I have to be there by 8:30am for my pneuropsych testing. It takes up the whole day, which stinks. But, I have to do it because I am having problems in my reading and keeping track of class work. Since Christmas, it has become worse than before, even though I sit right in front of my teacher. Sometimes my brain just goes blank! It's pretty weird! The doctor's say 'not to worry' because there is medicine that I can take to help me, but we just need to find out which one is the best one for me. (darn that stupid chemo!)

Did you see my new picture up at the top? It is my Spring school picture.
My mom says I look EXACTLY like my daddy!

Our printer died, so my mom did her homework and bought the new HP F4135 'all in one' printer that prints, scans and even prints out pictures! WOW! We have never had a scanner before and it is awesome! We have so many 'old' pictures and now I can scan them into the computer! It is FANTASTIC!

I have some sad news too.
Our really good friend, Krystle, has relapsed right before her transplant. She wants to continue with the transplant, as that is her only hope for beating this stupid disease. Please go by her carepage and leave lots of good notes and words of love and kindness because she really needs them now.

Well, I have to skoot! My mom is on her Spring Break this week and she is taking me and my friend Juleah to go swimming after school! Woohooo!! (Although, secretly, I think she is trying it to see if it will help her arms and shoulders. She is in lots of pain and still can't move them very good.)

Thank you guys so much for keeping me and my mom in your thoughts and prayers while we get through this stupid Cancer journey all in one piece. You guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Lots of love!
Your friend, Madie Rylee

Wednesday, February 6th, 2008 9:34 AM CST

Hi Madie!
It's your mom here!

I want to send you a great big

Nine years ago you were born really early in the morning, around 2:30am!
How wonderful!

I love you!

Happy Birthday!


Monday, February 4th, 2008 9:34 AM CST

Hey Everybody!

I want to remind all the Sweetie Cancer Children's out there that next Sunday, February 10th, is "Camp Sunshine Day" at the wonderful Big Apple Circus that is coming to Stone Mountain! If you have not mailed in your ticket form, you can call and ask Tenise if you can still get a seat!

And----did you know that this is the Big Apple Circus great big 30th Anniversary!
It is!

And----I found out that one of my favorite shows on the TV was filmed at the Big Apple Circus!

I love to watch chefRobert Irvine of the Food Network show called "Dinner Impossible". They always give him super hard problems to solve, and this time, he has to cook for all the wonderful people at the Big Apple Circus! If you can't stay up to see him on Wednesday at 10:00pm, they have other times that it is going to be on the television. Here is the schedule:

February 06, 2008 10:00 PM ET/PT
February 07, 2008 1:00 AM ET/PT
February 16, 2008 3:00 PM ET/PT
March 01, 2008 10:30 PM ET/PT
March 02, 2008 1:30 AM ET/PT

I can't wait to see what "Grandma" is gonna do to Chef Robert! It is gonna be just sooooooooooooooo funny!

Well, I have to skoot!
Talk to everybody soon!
Your friend, Madie Rylee.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 8:34 PM CST

Sorry to be so late in posting an update---I have been so busy!
Really, really busy!

And, it's hard for my mom to update because by the end of the day, her arms and shoulders hurt badly from the 'frozen shoulders' where she has carried all her school books and worked on so many art projects they almost want to fall off!

"Mom! I think it's time for you to go get more shots in those shoulders! Okay?"

We had no idea that 'frozen shoulders' can last for up to two years! And that it can hurt so much! Yikes!!

Anyway---back to my update!

Yes.....I have been very busy, for sure!
Let's see.....rock climbing overnight with Camp Sunshine...Snow!....my mom's birthday last Friday (she had to run around like crazy to get her emission sticker because she totally forgot she had to get her car tag renewed!).....kickoff meeting for the Relay for Life of Gwinnett County (pictures coming!) this past Saturday.....sign-up for Spring Softball.....report cards.....and oh yeah! My birthday in a week on February 6th! Woohooo!!

My mom has been trying to get pictures of me and Mr.Stubby so everybody can see what he looks like. He is so BEAUTIFUL and has the blue eyes that are just perfect!

But, all our pictures come out with him looking like an alien with huge red eyes or bright white eyes. You can see the picture up on the top that we took without any flash. You can kind of see how big he really is! (and my dimples! hah!)

Mr. Stubby is such a 'crazy' cat! He loves water and would jump in the bathtub with me if I let him. He also sleeps on his back, with his feet up in the air. How crazy is that! And, he just loves to have his belly rubbed! If I did not know any better, I would think he was a dog.

Mr. Stubby loves to play "strings" and he loves even more to play "chase"! I run around and chase him, then he jumps out at me and chases me! He even has a 'baby' stuffed bear that he carries around the house and plays with. If you ask him "where's your baby?", he will go get it and bring it to you! I just love him so much! Thank you Miss Monica!

Hey, do you guys ever get that 'feeling' that you just know something is wrong? Well, my mom gets it pretty frequent. Problem is, she just doesn't know "who" it is about.

Here is the scene at our house the last week:

Tuesday----Mom is trying to open Keegan's webpage to read an update. It won't open and it gets stuck. Reboot computer.

Wednesday----Mom is trying to open Keegan's webpage to read an update because she is pretty sure that 'something' is wrong. It won't open and it gets stuck. Reboot computer. And....my mom has called everyone in the family to check in with them to make sure that everyone is "okay". Everyone is good.

Thursday-----It's "Instructional Night" at school. My mom mentions to me that she has been trying to open Keegan's webpage to read an update, but it won't work. We get home so late, it's too late to call Momma Audra and find out the scoop.

Friday---Mom's birthday. Driving to my Aunt Rhonda's house, my mom says to me "Madie, I really need to call Momma Audra. I need to find out what's happening with Keegan. I think something is up with him. Don't forget to remind me, okay?"....sadly, I forgot!

Saturday----Driving up to the "Relay for Life Kickoff Meeting" up at Medieval Times at Discover Mills my mom says "Madie! I really need to call Audra! I feel so terrible that I keep forgetting to call her. Remind me look for her phone number to call them tonight, okay?"

Monday-----Mom is trying to open Keegan's webpage to read an update. It won't open and it gets stuck. Reboot computer. Try it all over again----Same result. Check the time---too late to call! Rats!

Tuesday------My mom gets a really bad feeling and keeps mentioning that she needs to talk to Momma Audra, but we are so "busy" that we forget until it's too late. And---she can't find the phone now! Rats! Again!! (Snap!)

Wednesday----Mom had hunted for Momma Audra's phone number because she does not keep it in her phone directory and had to search her phone records the night before. She finally calls Audra on the way to school this morning to find out what the heck is going on because she just 'knows' something bad has happened! (And please, don't let it be that stupid "R" word!)

Guess what?
Something has happened to my wonderful future-husband-to-be!

Remember last Tuesday? Well, Keegan broke out with the Shingles! Yikes!! He saw the doctor and started medicine.

Remember Monday? Well, Keegan was admitted to the hospital because he got a higher fever! AAAAUGGGHHHH!!!

Remember today? My mom "knew" she had to talk to Audra today! Well, today is the 'anniversay' of Keegan's relapse.....January 30, 2006.
Exactly 2 years ago today.
Momma Audra needed some cheering up, so it was just perfect for my mom to call!

And oh yeah.
I knew Keegan would need some cheering up too, so I asked my mom if we could get him a Webkinz from the Gift Shop at the Scottish Rite hospital. I got Keegan a new Webkinz Ducky and had it sent to his room with a big note filled with lots of love.

And, I got to talk to Momma Audra too, and I gave her my Webkinz User ID so Keegan could talk to me too on the Webkinz World because I can't see him in the hospital. He is not on the AFLAC floor because he is too contagious. (I can get the shingles too, and I don't want that!--remember when I actually got the Chicken Pox last year, even when I got the vaccine in me!) Momma Audra is even more sad because they are stucked on the second floor and not in AFLAC's ward.

But guess what?
My Webkinz user ID is "CuteCat233".
Guess what Keegan's room number is?
You will never guess!
Not in a million years!
It's "233"!
How crazy is that!!!

I think that is called 'Karma', right?

So, please go by Keegan's webpage and leave lots of good words for him and his Momma Audra! Or...maybe not. I don't want you guys to get your computer stuck. But, it just might be our computer because it has been acting pretty lame the past few months AND WAAAAAAY TOOOOOO SLOOOOOOOOOOOW!! "Mom! Can we get a new computer????"

I love you Keegan!
Get better really fast, okay?
See you on Webkinz World!

p.s.....did you catch the note that I signed up for Spring Softball?
Well....I did!
I can't wait!
I love baseball and can't wait to play!
I go back Lenora Park on February 9th for the evaluations and to find out which team I will play on.
Wish me luck!

Monday, January 7, 2008 11:09 PM CST


It's that time again!

All you Sweetie Cancer Children who think you would never get a chance to go to the beach....well, guess again!

And I'm invitin' you to come!
Come on Down......
Come on Over........
Come on In.......

The deadline for your application is February 1st if you want to go in the first sessions of the retreats.

Go to The LightHouse Family Retreat to submit your application as soon as possible before February 1st!
No, tonight!
Do it!

And tell them "Madie Ice" sent you!

Well...for everybody else who is not fighting the stupid cancer, if you might be interested in helping out all us Sweetie Cancer Children's, you can get to be a VOLUNTEER at one of the LightHouse Retreats! YEAH!!

I know it is a LOT of work (trust me on this one!) but you will be so happy and feel so great about helping a family get through this horrible Cancer Journey all in one piece!
Just tell them that "Madie Ice" sent you and that you really, REALLY need to help!

And, if you don't want to volunteer as a helper, you can still help out by sending someone else to volunteer for you with your tax deductable donations made payable to the LightHouse Family Retreat!
Yep....somebody.....Like Me!! (and oh yeah, my mom).
Okay, so I swore to my mom that I was never gonna volunteer again because it was SO HARD, but I think I have changed my mind. And, I want to work at Seaside again, which is the only retreat that we can work because of my mom's school---so that works out great! So, we are gonna be sending out letters soon!

Thank you guys again for all your thoughts and prayers while we get through this terrible cancer journey al in one piece---you guys all have Angel Wings coming, for sure!

Talk to you soon, your friend,
Madie Rylee

p.s.....my mom thought she had all of our Christmas pictures copied on to the computer, but she can't find them. And! She thinks she might have deleted them off the computer! EGADS!!! Stay tuned for more updates and we promise---more pictures!


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