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Lisa, I have been where you are with my sister. I understand your saying wishing for a peaceful ending. been there prayed that. My family and I are praying for your family. You are a wonderful mother with so much strength and courage and love for your two daughters. May god be with you.
Rhonda Saylor Pacholewski <rhondap_793@msn.com>
Coldiron, Ky - Monday, April 26, 2004 11:03 PM CDT
Live in love and be at peace...
lynette <lynies1@aol.com>
aloha, or usa - Monday, April 26, 2004 11:00 PM CDT
Lisa, Jerry, Savannah, and Cassie,

We are stiil thinking about you all every hour! My son Austin sees Savannah on the computer screen and asks how she is. Yesterday he said, out of the blue, "What is Savannah's sisters name?" He would like to send something to her. Is there anything special the Cassie likes? I think we can find something even without hints. You all sleep well tonight. Once again, thanks for your brutal honesty. Savannah is lucky to have you, though you are probably thinking that you are lucky have her.

Love, Katie, Matt, Austin, Brady, Lily

Katie, Matt, Austin, Brady,and Lily Ellison-Meade <katiejem@yahoo.com>
Ashland, OR usa - Monday, April 26, 2004 10:55 PM CDT
Lisa, not a day goes by without checking in on Savannah, you and your family. Prayers from Seattle.
Love Kris (PBT)
Brandon's Mom

Kris (BRANDON'S MOM) Brauns <Kbrauns@skyhawks.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, April 26, 2004 10:53 PM CDT

Dear Lisa and Savannah,

Aki Asuwa pattern graphic
I am just passing through to let you know that both of you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope everything is as well as can be expected this fine evening.

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna <ehkuhall7@tacheiru.every1.net >
Columbus, GA USA - Monday, April 26, 2004 7:41 PM CDT
dear savannah,

my name is susan villareal and my little boy Jordan villareal is also a patient of Dr. Becton's. We remember seeing you and your mommy and sister in the clinic waiting room. Jordan was sent to San antonio Texas in august 2003 for a stem cell implant. We got to come back to arkansas in December. You and your momma and family have been on my mind and in our prayers. you are a darling little girl and just remember to keep smiling. you and jordan and all other children fighting this terrible disease are truly "angels"

susan villareal <srv1971@yahoo.com>
star city, ar lincoln - Monday, April 26, 2004 10:32 AM CDT
Hi Lisa and Savannah,

I want to visit and see how everyone was doing. Your in our prayers. Love from Kim m/o Michelle


Kimberley Clayton <michelle9kim@yahoo.ca>
Guelph, ON, Canada - Monday, April 26, 2004 2:08 AM CDT
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, though I echo Christine's sentiment in that not a day goes by I don't think about you and your family. I do check the site at least every other day if not daily.
Have refrained from calling per your request but please, please, please let me know if I can be of any help to you. If you need anything I can make a solo trip to Russelville.
It really is frustrating being so far away yet wanting to be there by your side!!!
For now I send my prayers and my love to you and your family.

Debbie Sucher <dcritterville@aol.com>
Cedar Hill, Mo. U.S.A. - Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:35 PM CDT
Little Savannah, I pray for you and your family every day. God Bless
Sara <SassieSara@aol.com>
New Gloucester, ME USA - Sunday, April 25, 2004 6:27 PM CDT
Sweet Savannah, My thoughts are with you and your loving family... everyday.
Bonnie Vendola <bonnievendola@hotmail.com>
NY - Sunday, April 25, 2004 4:38 PM CDT
hello my dear friends. I have recently moved, and it has been nearly 4 weeks since I've had a computer...I have prayed for my new buddy Savannah, whose smile radiates in my mind, every day that I've been away. I truly expected grim news when I logged on today, yet I was pleasantly surprised by her "advances". I am so glad you've had so much time with her, though it has not always been pleasant. In the end, all we can ask for is a little more time. Time to do the things we used to have rules against, like eat crackers in bed, have ice cream for breakfast, run around naked....you know, those things we normally don't do, but then the rules go out the window and REAL LIFE consumes us. The real life where our kids come first, and all else can wait.
I am so glad to have met you, even though it is through this site, I am honored, and touched by Savannah's story, her courage, her will to live. Hers are baby steps, but they are triumphant as she pulls a complete sentence out of her weakened body--every breath is a win, every bite a victory. I am so proud of her, and of you, for making it through these, the worst days of your life. I am honored to have met you all, and will be praying for strength for all of you, most of all, Savannah.
God bless you all.

Jennifer Naeger www.caringbridge.org/mo/butterflyty <jnw_jnn@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, April 25, 2004 4:08 PM CDT
Savannah I hope you know how many people are thinking of you sweetie
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:36 AM CDT
Lisa, thanks for posting about the new Evanescence, I am not into hard stuff now adays but their music is great! Give the girls a kiss from me! Love georgia
gerogia <geegee_66743@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:08 AM CDT
Hi Savannah,
I'm Sylvia. I'm 9. Your mom and my mom went to college together. If we were to send you a pillow to make you more comfortable, what picture would you like on it? Say hi to Cassie and ask her what she likes too. If your mom's too tired to reply to this, no problem, we'll just take a guess. Hope you feel better.
Love, Sylvia

Sylvia Mongillo <bhmongil@nycap.rr.com>
Ballston Spa, NY USA - Sunday, April 25, 2004 10:22 AM CDT
Hi Thinking and praying for you all.

God Bless
The McEllens

Emily and Kim McEllen <pkremcellen@grics.net or www.caringbridge.org/il/emilymcellen>
Galesburg, IL USA - Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:12 AM CDT
A quick hello to let you know we think of you always! Love to all,

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, April 25, 2004 0:12 AM CDT
Hi Lisa I am still catching up with you and your precious family when I have time. I am glad to see that so many people are donating their hair just from your posts. you and your Savannah have touched so many of us strangers. I will send some stickers to Savannah and her sister soon.
Kisses and virtual hugs coming your way
Baby Jacobs site

Angela Trick <angetrick@hotmail.com>
Peterborough, Ontario Canada - Saturday, April 24, 2004 7:16 PM CDT
Hi Lisa, I just had to tell you I DID IT! I went today and chopped off my ten inch ponytail, and popped it into the mail, along with a little package for Savannah and Cassie. Thank you so much for the inspiration. I feel amazingly light inside. I know the hair will not go to Savannah, but I was thinking of her the whole time.

You hang in their, dahlin'... make sure to take care of you, and listen to St. Jerry. I'm so glad you have him. Love, prayers, and wishes for blessings and miracles to all of you! Dawn

Dawn Morgan <oxymorgan@infinex.com>
San Leandro, CA - Saturday, April 24, 2004 4:45 PM CDT
just wanted to say that i check in on all of you every day, and savannah is never far from my thoughts. i know that you don't know me, but your little one has touched my heart.
mary burns
Albany, NY - Saturday, April 24, 2004 1:35 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and Savannah,

Glad to see Cassie is back home again. Hope Savannah keeps up the good fight. We will be praying for Savannah and her family. Love from Kim m/o Michelle


Kimberley Clayton <mic helle9kim@yahoo.ca>
Guelph, ON, Canada - Saturday, April 24, 2004 12:15 AM CDT
I'm glad to see that Savannah is doing better. I just made an appointment to get all of my hair chopped off too. It's going to go to Locks of Love, and it's the second time I've sent my hair there... I'm doing the cycle too! I've never met anyone else that's doing that also! That's cool! I hope you feel much better. Take it easy... love hugs and GOD bless.

Katie <nlcjeep@aol.com>
Ft. Wayne, IN USA - Saturday, April 24, 2004 9:28 AM CDT
Good Morning Lisa! I hope you are feeling better this morning. Nausea SUCKS!

Thank you for your comments about my becoming a ChemoAngel.. I did it for selfish reasons though, I love people and love making people laugh... To know I'd be introduced to a new person that I could entertain had real appeal. :-) I am actually pretty excited about my buddy as we are close in age and love many of the same things. If I never hear from her, that's ok as I don't expect to, but if I can make her smile, even once.. I'll know it in my heart and it will be a blessing to me.

Lisa, I am a virtual stranger to you, yet in the few shorts weeks I've been coming to Savannah's site, I've come to love all of you. You all have a very special place in my heart. Have I told you lately how much I admire you? If not, I just did. :-)

I shared with Katia's mom and I want to share with you also... I have an in home daycare. My mother recently had a blow to her health, nothing major, but I adore my mother and it had me in tears... yes, sometimes in front of the kids. The kids showed so much interest and empathy that I started telling them about Katia and Savannah... after a few days, they started asking questions. It's been an incredible gift to us all and an important experience for the kids. Anyway... this year, I decided to plant my tiny garden from seed rather than starting with plants. As the kids and I were getting the dirt ready, one of my 5 year olds, Cydney, asked if we could plant a garden for Katia and Savannah. Oh you bet we could! The kids have started a sunflower garden for the girls and as soon as I can find a garden stone kit, we will make a stone for Savannah and Katia.... Katia's will have a ladybug, what would you like on Savannah's? I decided on Sunflowers for the girls because they are bright and cheerful... just like the girls themselves. (If anyone knows where I can find garden stone kits, PLEASE e-mail.)

Anyway, it is with much love and many prayers that I sign off today.


Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, Iowa - Saturday, April 24, 2004 9:09 AM CDT
Greetings Lisa, Nicole loves Evanessence, she is so thrilled you and she have the same taste in music! Would it be okay for Nicole to write to you? She and my other girls have posted to the boards before but Nicole wanted to send a letter and some stickers to Cassie and Savannah.

Thank you for the post on how people can help make BT kids lives brighter! Out chemo angel is wonderful and during Nicole's last treatment over 20 of them wrote her! She is still weak and has yet to respond to the all but she is determined to.

You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Jerry, thank you for taking such good care of them!!!


Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
belen, nm usa - Saturday, April 24, 2004 8:33 AM CDT
Lisa, Just wanted to let you know we're still checking on Savannah daily, and sending up prayers for her comfort and peace. Is there anything we can send, in addition to stickers, that would bring her a smile? Please let us know what else she would particularly enjoy. Cassie too!
Hang in there.
With love

Celeste Treadway-Leuzinger (Maria's mom) <celestetreadway@direcway.com>
Austin, TX - Saturday, April 24, 2004 7:24 AM CDT
Hello. I found your site a few weeks ago and have been checking in on you and your family every single day since. I have a family friend with a CB site and I some how found you. Your journal entries have touched my heart. I talk about Savannah and your family to my husband like I know you all. I have a 2 year old daughter and I hate to even imagine what you must be going through. Savannah and Cassie are very blessed to have you as their mother. I will continue to pray for all of you... especially for comfort and strength and wisdom. Thank you so much for being so open and for sharing your life. Take care and know that I'm thinking of all of you.
Brandie <ducrest@bellsouth.net>
Jackson, MS USA - Saturday, April 24, 2004 0:17 AM CDT
thinking of you all...
All my best,

Chemo Angel Lori - Your Month End Monitor <ljtgray@earthlink.net>
Shoreview, - Friday, April 23, 2004 9:42 PM CDT
Dear Lisa,
I found this site by accident and hope that I'm not intruding, if so, please accept my apologies. I just wanted to tell you how inspiring you are...as I'm sure so many people already have. You are the true meaning of the word "Mother". How lucky your children are to have such a wonderful person be their Mom!! All of you are in my prayers and thank you for reminding everyone that we can do more than just pray...we can make a difference.

Frannie <princess298@att.net>
TX - Friday, April 23, 2004 8:22 PM CDT
I would like to send Savannah some stickers. Please email me with your address. Take care and god bless.
Shannon Carlson <slcarlson@co.kittitas.wa.us>
Ellensburg, WA USA - Friday, April 23, 2004 6:16 PM CDT
Hi All
Sending u love and hugs from across the pond.Hayley and family U.K.

Hayley <hayleyspence1@hotmail.com>
Leeds, U.K. - Friday, April 23, 2004 3:10 PM CDT
I am so glad Savannah is still hanging in there! She is one heck of fighter. My prayers stay with all of you. Hope you have a good weekend.
Anne <legendkees@iwon.com>
Keshena, WI - Friday, April 23, 2004 2:36 PM CDT
Hi lil sis, I am glad to hear you are eating and drinking again. We are all praying for you sis. Love Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Friday, April 23, 2004 2:08 PM CDT

Hi sweetie! I hope this weekend proves to be a good and comfortable one for you. Maybe you can do some more cuddling with your Mom. I know she loves that and I'm sure you do too.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*Miss Samantha*~*~*~

Circle Of Hearts

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Friday, April 23, 2004 2:00 PM CDT
I'm so happy to hear that Savannah is coming around! God is a wonderful worker! He is embracing her with His tender arms. I've never met any of you, but I am filled with so much joy over every step that she (and you) have overcome. Keep praying everyone!!!!
Mrs. Linda Hoover <lkrausehoo@aol.com>
Zion, IL USA - Friday, April 23, 2004 1:31 PM CDT
its the little things that provide us with memories. jared insisted on going to toysrus just days before his passing. he gave me, my mom, my aunt, and my sis one last chance to shop with him. what could be more important than shopping? i hope that these small moments are forever imbedded in you.
please tell savannah that jared is ready whenever she is. i sure am keeping him busy with all my requests.

riannon, angel jays momma <riannonkids@yahoo.com www.caringbridge.org/ca/jaydog>
san leandro, ca - Friday, April 23, 2004 1:05 PM CDT
Lisa- I hope the weekend brings many smiles and snuggles. Glad to hear Savannah is coming around a little.
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Friday, April 23, 2004 12:05 AM CDT

Thank you for posting the girls' birthdays. You have two Pisces. So do I! My son Austin's B day is 2/24/98 and Brady's is 3/7/01. I also have a daughter, Lily, that is 4/9/03. You know that reading your guest book lately has really shown how much you have influenced so many people with your open and very honest way. I hope you realize how much that helps both of your girls go through this process. We are always thinking of you all!

Love, Katie

Katie, Matt, Austin, Brady,and Lily Ellison-Meade <katiejem@yahoo.com>
Ashland, OR usa - Friday, April 23, 2004 11:39 AM CDT

Oh what a true blessing the last couple of days have been for all of you. Wanted to let you know this "prayer warrior" is still going strong with prayers. If you get a chance please email me with your address for I have something for Savannah and Cassie.

God Bless,

dawn dains <daisydains@msn.com>
ofallon, mo usa - Friday, April 23, 2004 11:35 AM CDT
Sitting here thinking of you all today - always praying and hoping for the best. You are all very dear to me. Keep the strength my special little friend Savannah and know that everyone loves you. Mom, Jerry, and Cassie -- hang tough and keep doing everything you're doing ---- YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!

Mrs. Linda Hoover <lkrausehoo@aol.com>
Zion, IL USA - Friday, April 23, 2004 11:11 AM CDT
Thinking of all of you this morning and sending love and good wishes for the journey we are all on together. (Long and strange but ultimately beautiful and mysterious.)

M. Elton <meltonva@yahoo.com>
Richmond, VA - Friday, April 23, 2004 7:10 AM CDT
Dear Lisa,

I would just like to thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter with me. I have fallen in love with a little girl I have never met and her incredible family. I check on Savannah many, many times a day. I am a Mom of 3 beautiful children, wife, special education teacher and breast cancer survivor for 7 years. I live in fear of this monster returning, but always try to reach out to others. Your entry about doing something really hit home. People need to just do and not ask. Sign up for Relay for Life, mail packages to sick kids, bring flowers to a sick friend, cook dinner and drop it off---it can always be frozen. When asked what can be done--most people say they don't need anything. Just do it!! I hope today is a good day for Savannah and please hug your beautiful daughter and thank you for teaching me so many important lessons.

Hugs, Melody
West Chester, Pa. - Friday, April 23, 2004 6:19 AM CDT
Lisa, So nice to hear the excitement in your voice and to see it in print - excitement that Savannah is not in pain and is responsive, and excitement that you have Cassie home again. Glad Cassie is feeling better and is home with you all. I always love to hear how Savannah is doing, and especially the love I hear in your voice...the fact that she never leaves your attention for a single moment no matter what you are doing or where you are in the house is so cool. You are truly an awesome mother, an awesome person...and I know that you mother has to be so proud of what a wonderful daughter she has. Love you all...please give Savannah some kisses for me and tell her Miss Lisa sends her love, I know she is covered up in love!!!

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 11:18 PM CDT
Lisa, My prayers continue. You are such an amazing woman... thanks for sharing yourself and your family with us.

I am an official ChemoAngel as of today... I'm so excited as I received my first assignment and look forward to hopefully sharing a smile or two. I'd already signed up for it before your journal entry, but I honestly hope that entry gave others a gentle push. (I was gonna say a swift kick in the a$$ but changed my mind. lol)

Hug Savannah for me.

May God Bless you all.


Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, Iowa - Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:25 PM CDT
Lisa, you amaze me. I know that this site is theraputic to you, but you are so honest and have shared with us the wisdom that this journey has given you. I am blessed to know you, Savannah, Cassie, and of course St. Jerry. I pray that Savannah is peaceful and comfortable. I am so glad she has become responsive. She is such a touch chick!!! Love to you all!
Jennifer Skaggs <jskaggs@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, ar - Thursday, April 22, 2004 6:11 PM CDT
Keeping you all in our prayers. Hoping that today has allowed more special time for you and the girls.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 6:00 PM CDT

I know how hard this is, but you and Savannah are doing an amazing job of making the most of your precious time together. Your love for each other shines through so powerfully in your journal entries. Blessings to you and your whole family.

Kelly, Samuel J's mama

Kelly Johnson <kjohnson63@comcast.net>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 4:48 PM CDT
Lisa, Some one wrote in the guestbook about taking a bath with their baby then climbing back into bed for a nap. That is something I have thought of when I have read your updates. It is wonderful that you get to enjoy your baby that way. Love, Katie

If you think of it while you are journaling could you post the girls birthdays?

Katie, Matt, Austin, Brady,and Lily Ellison-Meade <katiejem@yahoo.com>
Ashland, OR usa - Thursday, April 22, 2004 3:15 PM CDT
Still checking in on precious Savannah. I will not stop praying for you sweetie. Prayers or being said for all of the family.
Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Thursday, April 22, 2004 11:52 AM CDT
I had a dream about Savannah last night. I got to hold her and I got to meet you. It was a wonderful dream, much like I imagine it would really be to get to meet you. You both knew who I was before I had introduced myself. I'm so glad that Savannah doesn't seem to be in much pain. It's nice that you are able to lay with her. I'm sure that is so wonderful for both of you. Every day I pray for one more day together for you.
Peace and comfort to you.

Lisa Kingsbury <dldarakingsbury@msn.com>
Sandy, UT - Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:47 AM CDT
7:27 this a.m. I hear White Flag by Dido. Immediately Savannah comes to my mind and the tears start to form. Whatever the outcome is when this is over, please know that Savannah has touched so many people. My children have become the number one priority in my life. I have a 11 year old son and a 7 year old daughter, who is also the Princess in her Daddy's eyes. Hang in there little one. Please let Savannah have many more hours, days, seconds with her loving family....They deserve it!!!!
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:38 AM CDT
Lisa, Savannah, Cassie, Jerry,
I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you and your entire family. I "check" on you everyday to see how you are doing. What you say is always so great! Thank you for sharing yourself and your family!

Sara <Saroo@bellsouth.net>
Cleveland, TN USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:06 AM CDT
Lisa, Jerry, Savannah & Cassie --
thinking about all of you today and what you have been going through. I can't even begin to imagine what it is like. Savannah has been a part of my life (via mail & updates) only since August, but she has made such a big impact on me. I love sending her and Cassie things to bring a smile to their face. Savannah is such a princess. Lisa - you are such an honest and straight forward person - you are so firm in your thoughts yet I know that your heart is soft. You've shown everyone what a wonderful mother you are. I look each day at the sites to see updates about Savannah and when I do see one - it brings me to tears (imagine the looks I get from people at work when I am sitting at the computer with tear running down my face!) - they are tears of sadness to know that Savannah is so young and being put through so much, but they are also tears of joy - joy in knowing that she has such a wonderful family that loves her very much. God is truly watching over your family and His love is so great. He has a purpose (tho we may not like it) for everything He does! Hang tough my special friends.

Linda Hoover <lkrausehoo@aol.com>
Zion, IL USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:05 AM CDT
I got the sweetest card today from you. I held it against my heart and said a prayer for you. I'm glad you liked the stickers. I wish I could send you a "magic" sticker to make you well. My heart aches for you and your family.
Mom, you have so much on you. I have no idea how you handle it. You are living my worst fear. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers every single day. Honey, you didn't have to send a note...Bless your heart, I know you appreciate anything that brightens Savannah's day.

Debbie Little (caringbridge.org/tn/littlecaleb) <littlecaleb@hotmail.com>
Dickson, TN - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 11:24 PM CDT

Oh how your last couple of journal entries have left me in tears. Thank you for always being so honest and truthful. I know it is not always that easy to do but as the mother of three children it makes me appreciate what I have just that much more. I have a dear wonderful friend, Alison, who's 9 1/2 daughter is now an angel in heaven. Til the day I join her, I will regret not taking the time to spend with her here. I made a prayer promise to her that it wouldn't happen again. My Caringbridge families are exactly that my families. They hurt I hurt, their happy I'm happy, etc. The blessing you feel to know you may have made someones day by something you wrote is worth twice the time it took to do it. My prayers are to continue for more of those special moments with Savannah. I know there is earthly distance between us but if there is anytime you would like to talk please feel free to drop me a line.

God Bless,

dawn dains <daisydains@msn.com>
ofallon, mo usa - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 11:06 PM CDT

It's Chris Kiel. I finally got internet a few days ago. I just had to send you a message. I want you to know that there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you, Savannah and your family. I am grateful that we were able to visit with you, Savannah, Cassie and Jerry before Savannah got sicker. Every day when I am in my kitchen I look the the beautiful bottle that Savannah made and the pretty picture that she colored for me. I will keep them always. I wish I could physically be there in Arkansas for you. Love to you and your family.

Christine Kiel
Florissant, MO U.S. A. - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:37 PM CDT
Hi Lisa,
I so remember those infant/toddler days. My babies and I would always take a bath together. We would get back in my bed sometimes - me with a towel on my wet head, the babies in just a diaper - and fall back asleep. I know exactly what you mean. That love, that bond between mother and child, with skin touching! You are such an awesome person!!! And a GREAT mother!!! Savannah and Cassie are sooooo LUCKY! Love and Prayers to you all!

kym little <kymlittle@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:04 PM CDT
Hi Lisa thank you for visiting my sons site how you manage to find the time...energy...and strength gives me strength. I thought I was losing my Jacob...you don't know how long we have with them. I pray again for our childrens suffering to GO AWAY.
I love this quote

"kiss you children everyday and tell them that you love them, for today is gone and tomorrow may never come"

We personally understand this meaning.

Also this one

"Most people never have the opportunity to see an Angel, or simply do not look well enough to see them walking among us. This, however, does not mean that they don't exist. Me, I'm one of the lucky few. Not only have I seen an Angel, I call him my son. He is my "Angel-on-loan.""

All my prayers Lisa.
Hugs and kisses to Savannah! I hope you too can get some sleep.
Baby Jacob

Angela Trick <angetrick@hotmail.com>
Peterborough, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:21 PM CDT
Lisa, I thought of all of you as I sat huddled in the bathroom with my mom, while the sirens went off and prayed for all of you and your safety as I prayed for ours.I just wanted you to know that your in my thoughts and prayers tonight.
Dardanelle, - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:20 PM CDT
Lisa, I am also one of those who checks your site many, many times daily but haven't posted til now. Sorry I've been such the wuss about it! Please know that I am genuinely concerned for you and your family and my girls pray for Savannah daily either at suppertime or at school.
As a mom I admire your strength and courage and so want to be like you when I grow up! And I haven't even met you! Hopefully that can change sometime. I am a friend of Lisa Wells and I have said to her that maybe someday we can all get together. My oldest daughter has ADHD like Cassie. Maybe we could all get together and talk, laugh, cry, whatever. I'll be there for you in the future if you want me!

Kim Hart <kimhart20@sbcglobal.net>
Maumelle, AR - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:17 PM CDT
Dear Lisa, I am like so many others who check on Savannah and her brood of amazing loved ones daily... several times daily usually. My heart lurches every time there's a new posting, and I feel such love and peace and agony for you all. I thought long and hard after your "get off your duffs" posting, and realized that I, too, could be doing so much more. I did go to MACS and Lighting Children's Lives and got to know a few more kids. I checked out Locks of Love and am seriously thinking of chopping off my hair and donating it. And after school today my kids and I went shopping with the specific purpose of buying loads of sticker books and cards to send to a few kids. I do not tell you this because I am proud... I tell you because you have utterly humbled me. If you hadn't said what you said, in exactly the way you said it, I may have continued to think I was doing all I could. So, thank you. You have helped me be a better person, a better mother, and to teach my own children that the Way is to do for others in whatever ways we can. I thought of Savannah the entire time. I am thinking of her still, and praying for whatever miracle would be best for Savannah. Thank you for your honesty and example. You are a hero to us all. With love, Dawn

Dawn Morgan <oxymorgan@infinex.com>
San Leandro, CA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 6:56 PM CDT
Wishing everyday that God could grant you a miracle that you and so many other children deserve. Praying and praying for you baby and her sister Cassie as well as she walks down a road that no sibling should. Sav, I love you

Sleeping naked welcomes a togetherness that can only be explained through such acts. All I can say is do withever you feel is right

Karen Viteritti <kviteritti@yahoo.com>
Florham Park , NJ USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 6:03 PM CDT
Lisa, you love your girls so much - that is wonderful. Keep them as close as possible - you are doing a wonderful job. I pray that God will hold you tight and provide all the love and strength you need right now. Love to you all, ~Tess ('Angel' Nolan's Aunt)
Tess Baker <tndbkr@aol.com>
CA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 5:51 PM CDT
Dear Lisa, Savannah & family,
I like many others have been coming here daily for quite awhile, uninvited, to hear how each day is going for your family & your sweet daughter Savannah. I have thought of signing the guest book often but never have until now. Your message of Monday spoke to me, as it did to many others to "get a move on" & do the things that we feel in our hearts that God wants us to do for others & quit thinking about the how', when's, where's & why's. Like Nike says..."Just do it!" I have a son with chronic medical problems that of late are effecting his quality of life more than ever. I think I felt that signing Savannah's guest book was going to make me address issues in my life that I just didn't want to deal with right now. I kept thinking about& praying for Savannah & your family & friends. I kept coming here to get the latest news on your battle so I could pray harder & more specifically. Suddenly I realized that I was a real coward for not expressing my thoughts & prayers for you in the horrible situation you are in. I humbly apologize for not writing in sooner...my prayers were not cowards & never stopped. Hug your "angel in waiting" close & snuggle tight tonight! I am so glad that she was able to see you, Cassie, Jerry & Mark again.We are storming heaven with prayers of peace, hope & healing for Savannah & your family. You are an amazing Mom!

Beth <justinsmom87@hotmail.com>
Grosse Pointe , MI USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 5:34 PM CDT
I just wanted you to know that I have thought about all of you all day today. The good thing about that is that it reminds me to say lots of prayers. I so wish that I could wrap you all in a big hug and take just a small part of the pain away. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for any of you. I love you girl. You have the most wonderful spirit and words alone cannot tell you how much you have touched my life through your journey.

Bobbi Breshears <bobbij@arkwest.com>
Dardanelle, AR 72834 - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 5:24 PM CDT
My heart just aches for all of you. I cannot imagine what you are all going through. I admire your strength Lisa. I wish you all peace and comfort.... I don't know what else to say. Hugs to all,
Bernadette <bernadette_silva@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 5:08 PM CDT
Thank you for keeping us updated. Although we've never met, I have a special place in my heart for Savannah. I'm really glad she watched you move about the room today.
Bernard <pirateatforty@hotmail.com>
KY USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 4:58 PM CDT
Lisa, Jerry, Savannah, and Cassie,

In a strange way your house sounds very calm and peaceful. Please snuggle with you baby every chance you get.

Love, Katie,Matt,Austin, Brady and Lily

Katie, Matt, Austin, Brady,and Lily Ellison-Meade <katiejem@yahoo.com>
Ashland, OR usa - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:58 PM CDT
Yesterday we celebrated Steve's birthday and Savannah's return. I pray her return last. Hugs and kisses to all.
Donna Ables <dables@epsilon.com>
St. Louis, MO - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:29 PM CDT
Checking in for the afternoon....Hold Savannah and Cassie tight. You are a remarkable Mom, Woman, Ex-Wife and girlfriend....Keep up your strength.....Thinking about you guys each and every hour.....
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 2:56 PM CDT
Hi sis I will never stop praying for you. Love Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 2:47 PM CDT
Praying for you and your beautiful daughter on this, the most difficult of days. Grace and peace to you and your family.
Minneapolis, MN - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 2:15 PM CDT
I am thinking about ya'll and praying for you too. These are such hard days and nights for all of you. Your post the other day really hit home. I, along with a lot of others need to get going and do more and more for others. Right now I am caring for a 90 year old mom and she takes about all I have to give, but one day I can do a lot more

Sharon <sholweger5@yahoo.com>
Dardanelle, - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 1:41 PM CDT
Am thinking of all of you and wishing you peace...
lynette <lynies1@aol.com>
aloha, or USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 12:22 AM CDT
I keep checking in. You guys are always hovering in my subconscious. Your a good woman, so honest and courageous. Its amazing the way you can share your journey. CaringBridge is a lovely service. Please give our love to Savannah and Cassie. It gives me solace to know that at our Essence, we're all connected. The coming together of so many strangers at CaringBridge is a testimony to this.

I just read your entry from yesturday. I have a friend going through a hard time and I've been "thinking" about calling her. So I took the action and called her. Thanks for the kick in the pants I needed. She and I both appreciated it.
Tranquility to Savannah's Essence. Strength to you.
We love you. Peace.
Helen (and Brett)

Helen Mongillo <bhmongil@nycap.rr.com>
Ballston Spa, NY - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:52 AM CDT
Praying constantly for Savannah to be pain-free again and for peace for all of you. Lisa, you have done so much for your daughter. I am so sorry that you all are going through this right now--there aren't the right words to express this. Sending good wishes and many, many prayers your way.
Lauren <dramauknow@yahoo.com>
Asheville, NC USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:07 AM CDT
Oh....Savannah if all our love could take this all away. It would be gone in a split of a second. We all love you Savannah!!!!
Rhonda & Kirstine <onray1_25@yahoo.com>
Belcourt, ND USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:51 AM CDT
My heart just breaks for you. May you snuggle safely with Savannah tonight and may her journey into eternal life be peaceful. Remember a mothers' intuition (sp?) is always right. She is still with you! May God carry you thru the next days.
Jeanne Brown <brownjj@bright.net>
Wapakoneta, OH USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:37 AM CDT
My prayers are with your entire family.
Kiley VanDerLeest <kmv82@yahoo.com>
Morrison, IL - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:28 AM CDT
Savannah, sweet baby, you are always in my thoughts and prayers...All of you are. God bless!!
Anya <anya.foster@bxs.com>
Tupelo, MS - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:05 AM CDT
Snuggle, hold them tight, all that matters now is who is in the house....Savannah, you have touched so many hearts. I wish everyone could be there to hug and hold you tight. You make Mommy very proud. You are a beautiful Princess. Cassie you are a wonderful big sister, keep it up!!!
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:04 AM CDT
Wood Cross

My heart breaks whenever I come to Savannah's page and read that she's taken a turn for the worst. Please know every one of my thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*Miss Samantha*~*~*~

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:45 AM CDT
You don't know me but I come and visit Savannah's webpage everyday. You are without a doubt an incrediable woman. I can't imagine going through what you are right now. Enjoy every hour you have with your little girl.
With prayers,

Christy Heimbach <heimbac@wyeth.com>
Boyertown, PA USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:09 AM CDT
Dear Lisa,
I have been coming to Savanna's site for a little over two months now. I want to know that you are a great MOM!! You are so strong. I would want my baby to sleep with me too. To savor that connection. I am so so sorry that you and your family are going through this. I keep praying for Savanna to be pain free, and for a miracle here on Earth.
Know that you and your family are in my prayers!!
Peace be with you!
Cindee mom to Joseph (Caringbridge.org/or/sonjoseph)

Cindee <Syndleeg1@aol.com>
Portland, OR - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:21 AM CDT
Lisa, big hugs to you and your family. Again, I am so sorry you are going through this. Lisa, you have been through so much, my goodness. Don't second guess yourself here. You know what you know and what you see. She is your daughter.

Tess <tndbkr@aol.com>
CA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11:50 PM CDT
Lisa I dont know what else to say but am thinking of you and praying for Savannah to be painfree
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11:22 PM CDT
Even just spending a few minutes kissing her cheeks, her forehead, and my favorite place - the bridge of her nose, makes the day so special to me. Thank you for sharing her so well...Lisa, you are the angel.

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11:15 PM CDT
You are all in the forefront of our thoughts and remain in our prayers.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conwayu, AR usa - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:32 PM CDT
Aw Lisa...
You make me want to laugh and cry at the same time....Thank you!!!!
Now...go, snuggle with your baby. There is not a more beautiful feeling then squeezing in bed and holding your baby close.
Love you guys and I'll be back to check in again tomorrow.
Luv, Kim

~KODYS STORY~ <kodysmom1995@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:46 PM CDT
Hi Lisa,

I remember those same emotions during Julia's illness. You are doing everything you possibly can for Savannah. Don't think you are being selfish for a second. Savannah knows what a wonderful mom you are. It's not an easy road that we have gone down. I think about you two always.

Mom of Angel Julia

Judy Levy <levyjudy4@comcast.net>
Pittsburgh, PA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:18 PM CDT
Oh Lisa...the pictures of Princess Savannah. What a precious little beauty she is.
So, so, so unfair, this ugly HORRIBLE tumor.
hugs and prayers (and taking to heart your admonition to DO something)

Lorraine (nolans_hope.tripod.com) <loralof@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, April 20, 2004 7:43 PM CDT
My prayers continue to be with you and Savannah.

Diane Luparello <dluparel@earthlink.net>
Apex, NC - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 7:40 PM CDT
Meant to add earlier in my post- I LOVE the princess pictures!!
Savannah- you are SO beautiful girlfriend!!!

Kaelei's mom <jdmcdonald@hotmail.com>
Bentonville, AR USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 7:05 PM CDT
I have been checking on your beautiful sight for a short time. I have been reminded constantly of you never-failing faith. I admire you and your family so much. Sweet, precious and beautiful Savannah will soon be home and will be welcomed with open arms!! My hope, prayers and love are with you.:)
In His Love,

St. Louis, MO USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 6:53 PM CDT

stephanie <stepojac@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, April 20, 2004 3:47 PM CDT
Thank you for your words on April 19th Lisa.
I wish I knew you personally. I know we would be friends.
Thoughts to your whole family from ours.

Amanda Uhry
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 3:33 PM CDT
I have visited your site lately, and this last posting has really hit the spot that needs to be hit. I may only be fifteen, but I have three little sisters that I am really appeciating now. I do agree with you in EVERYTHING!!! Why do kids have to suffer?? They have barely begun and yet sometimes they go through so much more than some do in 100 years!!! It isn't fair!! Life IS NOT FAIR!!! The story of Savannah tugged at me, and reading the journals... Lisa, I am so, so sorry! I know it won't change anything, and that words can't at the time do much, but know that alll of you are on my mind... in my heart... in my prayers... Savannah, you are very lucky (as you must know) to have the family you do, and vice versa. You will also be one of the most BEAUTIFUL angels up in Heaven... I'm crying but with a light of peace in there, too, because there'll be no more pain for you... You'll be Home... where you'll wait for the rest of us!! ;-) God bless you, Savannah, and your beautiful family!!! :-)
Love, Cyndi
& My Inspirations...
Katie and Jo (Heaven's Angels Now, Too!)

Cyndi and little sister Lody (We LOVE YOU!!!) ;-) <Cynthia52889@msn.com>
Miami, FL USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 3:05 PM CDT
Your words in your message on April 19th have really moved me. You are so right...Jesus said go and Do! I plan to do just that. Thank you for sharing practical ideas of things that a person on the "outside" can actually do to be of help. God Bless You all.
April Phillips <saphil@aristotle.net>
Little Rock, Ar USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 2:56 PM CDT
Lisa, Jerry, Savannah, and Cassie,
Your journal yesterday really hit the mark. My childern and I sent off a package to our frind with ALL this morning. We had been meaning to and had not got around to it. Thank you for the push. You all are always in our thoughs. Enjoy your snuggle time with Savannah.

Katie, Matt, Austin, Brady,and Lily Ellison-Meade <katiejem@yahoo.com>
Ashland, OR usa - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 2:35 PM CDT
Lisa I have been checking everyday for an update. Your Savannah is going through so much. I pray her pain to go away.
After reading your entry it allowed me to see that there is other methods of happiness for our kids. I never knew about some of those sites.
Your entry has touched so many people here at caring bridge.
My Jacob has taken a turn for the worse...why do our kids have to suffer? Why be in so much pain?
It truly is unfair. I wish I knew His plan for our kids and saw them free of pain up in heaven.
Some day we will.
Our kids should not suffer so. I pray her pain goes away
Baby Jacob

Angela Trick <angetrick@hotmail.com>
Canada - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 2:23 PM CDT
Lisa -- You, Cassie, and Savannah are always on my mind. You're last entry was right on the head! I'm not a saint - but I know that if I can bring a smile to anyone's face with something that I do - it's the best thing in the world for everyone. You keep hanging in and I'll keep sending you all my love......

Mrs. Linda Hoover

Mrs. Linda Hoover <lkrausehoo@aol.com>
Zion, IL USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 2:19 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear that Savannah is not doing well and that both you and Cassie are sick. My thoughts and prayers continue.

Hugs to you all...

Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, Iowa - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:27 PM CDT
Dear Lisa!

I am praying hard for your family! I check on Savannah several times a day. You are so amazing to be at this point and still thinking of others. I am a member of Hugs and Hope, Make a Child Smile and Chemo Angels. They are all wonderful programs to help others. I have been fortunate enough to meet some of the Hugs and Hope Kids and their families and it really doesn't take much effort to make a big difference in someone's life. I think it is so wonderful of you to think beyond your own burdens to suggest people reach out to others. You continue to amaze me with your strength and your love. Please know that I care and I'm thinking of you all!

Love and Hugs,

Jan Wilder <kasenme@aol.com>
MD - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:17 PM CDT
Savannah and Family:

I will say a prayer for you. Mom: You are a brave and wonderful person! Give Savannah hugs and kisses from my family.

Rhonda & Kirstine <onray1_25@yahoo.com>
Belcourt, ND - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 12:56 AM CDT
Lisa and the Girls,
We Love YOu guys! If in any way we could be of any help just let us know. You are continously in our thoughts and prayers. Give Savannah a GREAT big hug and kiss and tell here we love her. Tanner has been praying for her each and every night and shedding tears because he doesn't understand why she is so sick. I tell him that God needs another angel to help take care of all the babies that are up their. We love you guys.

Amanda and Judy <littlehands@centurytel.net>
- Tuesday, April 20, 2004 12:39 AM CDT
I continue to check on yall a dozen times a day. You are in my thoughts more often than not. Lisa, I know I'm just repeating what everyone else has said- but your entries, your love- they're astounding. I am a mother and have had a sick child- have been faced with the possibility of losing my child, but that doesnt even give me a glimpse of what you're faced with and feeling. I remember when we talked on the phone shortly after you joined the pbt group. There I was trying to give info and be helpful. The tables quickly turned and you have been more of a help to me and provided me with more guidance than you'll ever know, just through my watching and reading.
I continue to keep yall in my thoughts and prayers. And you are SO right- we need to stop talking about things and DO them. Especially those of us who have seen the benefits first hand. We know what a difference can be made through such simple acts.
I will anxiously await the next update. I pray things are going as well as possible today.
We love you.

Kaelei's mom <jdmcdonald@cox-internet.com>
Bentonville, AR USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11:00 AM CDT
Hi there,

I was one of Savannahs Christmas chemo angels this past year, and have been following your updates on the website regarding savannah. I have been sending tons and tons of good thoughts and prayers to both you and savannah, and also your family.

I would also like to let you know that you are making an impact in other peoples lives with just sharing of yourself. I read the posting today and realized that even by being a chemo angel, there was so much more that I can do to help others and support them that I haven't even looked into.

My prayers are with you, and if there is anything that I can do, please email me and let me know.

Eileen Roberts <erobber@aol.com>
Santa Monica, ca usa - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 10:17 AM CDT

I just happened to come across your site. I live halfway across the world from you, but please know that despite the distance, I'll be keeping you and Savannah in prayer. I'm in remission for AML. I've seen the state that my mum was in when I got diagnosed and I can't even start to imagine how you are feeling right now. Please just know that we send plenty of hugs and prayers right now. Do take care!

With love,

Joanne <joanne_173@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:23 AM CDT
Savannah, Lisa, Cassie, Jerry and Family- I just got back to work from taking a 3 day weekend, family issues going on. I was over in Rochester, MN at the Mayo Clinic. As I was sitting there all I could think of was Savannah and all the other kids that are suffering with cancer. I so wanted to go and find the Childrens Cancer unit, but had to wait with my Grandpa at his Cancer checkup. I'm so very, very sorry that the miracle hasn't arrived yet and things are looking bleak. Please hug Savannah for each and every one of us that are following. You are an amazing woman, REMEBER THAT!!!
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 7:38 AM CDT
Your guestbook entry was perfect. My friend once asked me why do you do fundraisers for different people in your "Caringbridge family"? why do send them packages. Doesn't everybody. My response to her was, if everyone else thinks someone is doing it they are wrong. It takes all of us to make a difference. Angel Taylor Johnson taught me that. You are right, You can pray. That provides comfort to many families, but thinking of them and DOING something in honor of their child or for them Means so much more. I offer you my prayers, my hugs, my tears. You are an amzing mother to your children. You stand out above the rest.


Jennifer Hines <joverby45@yahoo.com>
Coon Rapids, MN - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 7:35 AM CDT
Dear Lisa, I found my way to you via Tami and Celeste, and have been following your story. I pray for you and your beautiful daughter that she join those who have gone before her, may she be borne to the heavens on eagles wings, lifted up and taken away from this world of pain and suffering, into the arms of the universe and the creator. May you be given the strength to let her go and get through the next few months.

You most eloquently said everything in my heart about helping others, so many people concentrate on going to church, sitting and listening to someone speak about the bible, but remember Jesus walked among the poor, suffering and brought them hope and love, and we need to do the same. Just a smile at someone you pass at the mall can make a difference, let people know you care. If you don't have the money to donate, then donate your time, don't be afraid to touch others, we need the touches, the hugs. Our society has become very cold and uncaring, we are all the Creator's children, we are all brothers and sisters...

May God bless you and Savannah as you say your earthly goodbyes to each other.

Love an hugs, Rita

Rita Teubner <angelnrg4u@hotmail.com>
Gibsonia, PA USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 6:47 AM CDT
I have been following Savannah's site for quite awhile now, and I'm not sure if I've posted before, but I wanted to let you know that this entry really touched my heart and soul. It amazes me how SELFLESS (read carefully everyone, I did not say selfish! *smile*) you are. I have no idea how I would react were I in your situation, although I'd like to think since following so many journies on CaringBridge that I have learned a thing or two about strength, character, peace, hope and generosity in times of greatest duress. Thank you for sharing your journey, Savannah's journey, your family's journey with us. I will get off my rear and do something (consistently).

I am praying for you and your family. For no pain for Savannah -for comfort and strength for you and Cassie, Jerry, Mark and all the other family and friends who know and love her dearly.

~Jacqueline~ <leticiaci@yahoo.com>
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 6:29 AM CDT
If anyone can talk the talk, they better walk the walk!
No, we don't earn our way to Heaven . . . But, Faith without works is dead
(JAMES 2:14-26).

I continue to pray for peace for you and Savannah.
May God hold all of you very close, and give you strength to deal with what you must.

Much Love and Many Prayers,

The Akers Family <MacheleAkers@aol.com>
Tornado, WV USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 5:29 AM CDT
Girl, You have such a way with words! It is 11:30 at night and I am wishing that I could get up and do something nice for someone!!! something that would benefit someone else!!! just basically help someone in need! Guess, since it is so late, I will just eat some chocolate and ponder the thought of helping others. Truly, your post is such a testimony of you, regardless of your life, your situation, your cards dealt, you are always, always, always doing for others – you do not judge whether it is BIG or small, it is just need to you, and you are constantly meeting the needs of others...Sunday in church I was quite convicted about getting outside of myself and doing for others. I always have such good intentions of wanting to help others, I even have so many creative ideas of how I can help others...when I do for others I continually pray that I always offer support and help in a Godly way, with a positive, loving, giving spirit. A way in which all know that it is my love of the Lord that is driving me, not the praise of others...not for furthering my own self worth....sometimes we forget the WHY...anyway, thank you for once again reminding me of what is important. DO - DO - DO!! The Lord has given you an audience, He is proud of what you have done with it.

My dear Savannah...my heart is broken. The sweet little red-head tag-along to Cassie, Brooke and Sydney...the little sister...the sweet one! My Savannah is the beautiful red-head that wanted to be with, to play with, to hang with, the big girls. My Savannah is the all-knowing girl always with a story to tell. My Savannah is the little spitfire of a girl that gives her older sister, and all who challenge her for that matter, a run for her money! My Savannah is the princess - the girl in charge, knows what she wants, knows how to get it - she is pretty much a little version of her mom :-) !! My Savannah is forever the precious child that has so touched my life in a positive way that all those that meet me can know that Savannah's Story helped make me the person that I am today. Savannah has occupied a special place in my heart and there she will stay!!

I love you Savannah,

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, April 19, 2004 11:38 PM CDT

Wanted to let you know that I am still keeping you and your family in my DAILY thoughts and prayers. I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to. Email me anytime.

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My rightous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

God Bless,

dawn dains <daisydains@msn.com>
o'fallon, mo usa - Monday, April 19, 2004 11:02 PM CDT
I am sorry to hear that Savannah took a turn for the worse. I pray that she is no longer in pain and if God is calling her that she go.. I cant imagine how hard this must be, but you are so strong at this point. Hang in there Lisa and thank you for your post. I think a lot of people don't know what to do. Also some of the people that offer their prayers, may already be doing some things that you suggested, but in their entries, they dont know what to say other than they are praying for you. I try and look for new ways to help all the time and it does become a challenge and overwhelming. I think we just need to put it into perspective and compare it to the trials that the families go through. Hug and hold Savannah lots! Always in my thoughts and prayers,
Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Monday, April 19, 2004 10:53 PM CDT
I pray for the pain to end for Savannah. I can't imagine watching your baby in so much pain or not being able to communicate with her. Your post today really touched me. I always wonder what I can do to help, you spelled it out for me. A lot of us feel so helpless, you helped show the way to help. Thank you. I'll get off my butt and do some of the things you suggested.
Praying for peace and comfort for Savannah and all of her family.

Lisa Kingsbury <dldarakingsbury@msn.com>
Sandy, UT - Monday, April 19, 2004 10:26 PM CDT
Lisa, Im sorry Savannah is nearing the end. But you were given some extra time with her the past few weeks, So that is such a gift. I think Its time because Your ready. Strong and together , and getting it all in order what a brave strong women you are. I am so Proud that you were and are able to Tell it the way it is and kick people in the butt to get up and help. I help with the tumbleweed foundation and I am amazed at how many go to look around and Do not help. If everyone send 1 buck it could change these families lives with the stress of medialal expenses ect. Even sending stickers. Like you said Many rather pay 3 bucks for a pack of cigarettes than make a child smile. THe priorities Of people is so messed up. I dont know if they dont believe these kids are sick, Or if they think there are to many to help, Or that a buck really wont go far. Well Yes the kids are really sick, Yes the familys really need help, and Yes 1 buck x,s the thousands will go far. THere are so many Christians that just thump there bibles and go to bible study ( great) but it ends there. I stopped bible study so I have the time to send packages to the kids. And I get more from that than the bible study. I can Study my Bible myself. You were so Right on the money with todays post I had to back it up and say keep saying it maybe someone will listen. Maybe some will be motivated to put there words into action . I hope you can have a few more awake moments with savannah. I am praying for you.
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Monday, April 19, 2004 10:04 PM CDT
I have followed your story and prayed for Savannah. I came in from a church meeting tonight frustrated and read your journal and it reinforced my thoughts from earlier this evening that being on this committee really wasn't doing anyone any good, I need to be hands on helping someone who really needs it not sitting around a table. After I read your entry, I know I will wake up with a mission tomorrow. I pray that your family will have the peace and comfort of God's love.
Lisa Reich <dreich4013@charter.net>
Birmingham, al usa - Monday, April 19, 2004 9:59 PM CDT
there are no words...only tears...and sadness...i know how much you all loved your beautiful little girl...i hate it that she is in so much pain...i pray that you can find peace and that she will soon be in the arms of the angels...i have followed your sight for so long and kept praying that somehow she would get better...they need to find a cure for this terrible disease!!!we all need to shout out tothe world to take notice of many children affected and get the much needed funding for research and treatments...stay strong lisa ...and god bless you!!!!
janie besser <janiejanie2323@aol.com>
masury, ohio usa - Monday, April 19, 2004 9:55 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and Savannah,

I just want to visit and see how Savannah is doing. I have been praying for Savannah not to be in so much pain. I am so sorry Savannah and your family have to suffer so much pain. Love from Kim m/o Michelle


Kimberley Clayton <michelle9kim@yahoo.ca>
Guelph, ON, Canada - Monday, April 19, 2004 9:31 PM CDT
Lisa, all I am praying for tonight is for Savannah's pain to ease, I can't imagine what you are going thru. Your entry tonight was very powerful. May God keep Savannah in his arms tonight.


Ellen Robertson <hellen177@aol.com>
Wyandotte, mi usa - Monday, April 19, 2004 9:26 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear that Savannah has turned for the worse. I have been following her site for some time now and cannot imagine what you are going through. You are a strong woman as are any mothers who have to watch their children suffer in pain and earn their angel wings. I have been praying for Savannah and your family and will continue to do so.

I also want to say thank you for what you wrote in your journal today - about getting off our rears and doing something. Until my family was affected by cancer last year (brother-in-law diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma and father-in-law passed away of lung cancer), I never really did anything other than pray for people. Now I try to sign as many guestbooks as I can, I've sent a few packages, I sent some money to Make-A-Wish yesterday, I'm going to participate in Relay for Life. I know I can't make a big difference, but every little bit helps. If each person does a little, a lot will get done.

I will be praying for you as you face the days ahead.

Briana Roehling
Pflugerville, TX - Monday, April 19, 2004 9:03 PM CDT
If we all lived by your journal entry today what a wonderful world it would be.

I am so very sorry Savannah is having to struggle with so much pain and am praying for relief from her pain and suffering. May God draw near and strength you.

If we are reading your journal and aren;t compelled to do more, we must be totally cold and immune to pain and suffering. In your own pain you offer hope and solutions for a world that is often unfair and tragic.

Love and hugs

Judy <tnderheart@yahoo.com>
- Monday, April 19, 2004 8:38 PM CDT
Wow, kinda scary as I read your entry and see how similiar Savahnna's decline is to my own son's who is on hospice. I can say for sure that I know what you are going through, I told Matt today that it was okay to go, that he didn't need to hang on anymore just for me, that if he went he would go to heaven where there are no more tubes and no more pain. I wish Savahnna could get her pain under control, Matt is on a continuous drip of Dilaudid and then he gets a bolus every 10 minutes plus oral pain meds. We had to cath him today too because he was so distended and we also got out over 1,000cc, he just couldn't go or when he did he would go on himself, so hospice told us to put diapers on him, its all so sad, I did my anger thing today and wrote president Bush about why he does not allow for more medical funding for rare conditions, not that it could make a difference but you never know. I pray for you during this time and if you want to e-mail me, you may, or call me anytime, I will be happy to forward you my # so we can talk. Its hard, so very hard what we as moms have to go through as we lose our children. Hugs
Darla Lindenmayer <DLinden73@aol.com www.caringbridge.org/in/matthewlindenmayer>
Lexington, IN - Monday, April 19, 2004 8:15 PM CDT
I have been checking your site constantly.Try to stay strong,I'm sure it's extremely hard though. Prayers to all of you.
VWhite <whiteb@shaw.ca>
AB - Monday, April 19, 2004 6:48 PM CDT

Dear Lisa and Savannah,

new fritillaria graphic
I just read the latest update and I have no words. I am sorry and I am here. You are both in my thoughts, prayers, and heart as is Cassie and Jerry.

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna



Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna <ehkuhall7@tacheiru.every1.net >
Columbus, GA USA - Monday, April 19, 2004 6:06 PM CDT
YES...the picture you have painted is larger than life. You are so right, I am complacent and selfish! Christ did not die on the cross for me to be comfy in my box reading my bible. I need to do things that I may not feel comfortable doing, but they need to be done. Thank you so much for sharing Savannah with the world and making a difference in peoples lives. A strong dose of reality is what you have given me and I will learn from your wisdom what life is REALLY about!

Thanks for Your Friendship,

Michelle Olman <michelle@village.howard.wi.us>
Green Bay, WI USA - Monday, April 19, 2004 5:56 PM CDT

Have you always been this wise? Even fighting off the terror of Savannah's looming journey, you have discovered a great truth: that in helping other's we help ourselves.

There is no doubt in my mind that you will become an even greater foe against children's cancer. I don't think for a minute that your work will end with Savannah. You will continue to reach out to others in need, and in so doing I pray that it may help to ease your pain as so many of us here want to ease yours now.

Lisa, you are right. Mission work is a wonderful way to nourish the soul. Once you start it is highly addictive; you want to do more.

I will continue to pray for a painless and peaceful ending when the Lord decides it is Savannah's time. May God be with you all. I love you.

Monica M. <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Monday, April 19, 2004 5:52 PM CDT
I have been following your site for awhile now, and am sending peaceful thoughts your way. Your daughter is a true angel. Thank you for your honesty - I believe more people should let their "true" feelings out. Most people try so hard to hold it all in when their loved ones are in pain and suffering, but deep down, they want to scream - they question - they don't know if they can go on. You are living a parents worst nightmare and yet, you keep on marching forward. You are a truly amazing person. You will fovever be Savannah's hero - and in your darkest hour, it will be her that carries you through it. I will continue to pray for you, Savannah and your family.
Julie Kjorsvik <kjorsvik@elltel.net>
Ellensburg, WA - Monday, April 19, 2004 5:42 PM CDT
Lisa, I couldn't agree with you more. There's stuff to be done out there. Help for children. Help for their parents (helping with driving, meals, child care). So much can be done in this place in addition to prayers.

I'm so sorry to hear that Savannah has taken a turn for the worse . I hope you get the concrete support you need.


Sheila MacPherson <sheila@theedge.ca >
Yellowknife, NWT Canada - Monday, April 19, 2004 5:32 PM CDT
thinking of you savannah girl please respond to mom..
i am praying for you as i type..many hugs and lovetonya

tonya cinnnamon <tonyascott03@msn.com>
knoxville, tn usa - Monday, April 19, 2004 5:28 PM CDT
thinking of all of you with love....sending prayers and ((hugs)) and hope.

Patty, one of Lynn's Prayer Warriors - Legacy of HOPE <groups@pattyslittleplace.com>
Monett, Missouri USA, - Monday, April 19, 2004 4:03 PM CDT
ilove you savannah.
peggy rofkahr <pegleg@cswnet.com>
hartman, ar usa - Monday, April 19, 2004 1:02 PM CDT
I hope you had a nice time dancing and that Savannah was able to enjoy her time with her dad. I'm sure it is so hard for you to be away from her. I think you are so very unselfish to let her go with her dad. I wish there was something to do or to say that could make any difference. I just want you to know that I think of you and pray for you and Savannah often. I admire your strength and honesty. I know that Savannah has had a very happy life and has received everything that she needs from you. You have loved her well, she is very blessed to have you for a mother.
Lisa Kingsbury <dldarakingsbury@msn.com>
Sandy, UT - Monday, April 19, 2004 12:13 AM CDT
Life is so unfair and it ticks me off!
Savannah contiues to be in my prayers as well as the rest of the family. At times like this I think of the poem "Footprints in the Sand" and I know right now if you look you only see 1 set of prints for you and Savannah. I know that it doesn't make this easier but nothing is easy about this.

Jenny <jeffnerb@yahoo.com>
Nisswa, MN - Monday, April 19, 2004 11:38 AM CDT
Savannah, Lisa, Jerry and Cassie,
Thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers

Myndi <myn28@aol.com>
Ft. Smith, AR - Monday, April 19, 2004 10:42 AM CDT
Lisa, Checking in on our sweet girl and her sweet Mommy and family. I have thought of you tons over the weekend. Hope Savannah is doing alright, and that you and your team of love professionals (Grandma Irene, Jerry, Cassie, etc.....) are holding up well. Love to you all,

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, April 19, 2004 9:05 AM CDT
Hang in there little sweetheart!!! God bless you all and keep you strong.
Anya <anya.foster@bxs.com>
Tupelo, MS - Monday, April 19, 2004 9:05 AM CDT
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.

***Not a minute goes by when you're not on my mind, Savannah. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family.***

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*Miss Samantha*~*~*~

Love Sick

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Monday, April 19, 2004 8:52 AM CDT
Every time I come here I ask God to give you the strength to go on second by second. I pray that God has mercy on your sweet little Savannah. OMGosh, this is just so unfair. I do trust God, but I wish I had more to offer than prayers.

In addition, I visit Jaydog's site also. Lisa, the support that you give Riannon in the midst of your own nightmare says volumes about you. YOU ARE AN AWESOME FRIEND!
I'm so thankful that all you CB Momma's have each other to lean on.

Much Love and Many Prayers,

The Akers Family <MacheleAkers@aol.com>
Tornado, WV USA - Monday, April 19, 2004 8:26 AM CDT
I read all of your caringbridge journal tonight and it says it all! It just does! I honor you for your honesty.

ivy and Cameron <ivyjivy@yahoo.com>
lynnwood, wa usa - Monday, April 19, 2004 3:13 AM CDT
I've been thinking about you a lot today and have checked several times to see if there was an update. I hope that things are going better today and I will continue to pray for you and your family as you face the difficult days ahead.
seattle, WA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 10:03 PM CDT
Hey Lisa - just thinking about you... not that I don't do that if I'm at the pooter or not... but hang in there. This is just simply unfair and beyond me. Those pretty princess pullups aren't too bad but I know what you mean. (((hugs)))
Tami <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Sunday, April 18, 2004 9:01 PM CDT
Lisa, I know I signed in yesterday but I dont see it I suppose I pushed the wrong thing and pushed Clear. at any rate I have you in my prayers daily. IOt just isnt fair that we should loose our kids, and that the brothers and sister have to go through this thing either. I don't know you but it sounds like you are doing the very best things for your little girl. No one could ever doubt your love for your girls. and Jerry sounds heaven sent whih I am sure he was.
Dardanelle, - Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:08 PM CDT
Dear Savannah,
My name is Shelby. I live in Minnesota and I'm four years old. My mommy and I follow your journey every day. I think you are the bravest girl in the world and I think your mommy is the strongest mommy ever. Please know that we think about you everyday! I wish we lived closer and could become friends.

Shelby Chapman <cchapman@kare11.com>
Big Lake, MN - Sunday, April 18, 2004 6:18 PM CDT
So unfair. Unfair that your beautiful little girl has to endure this awful disease, and unfair that no one can do a damn thing to save her. Unfair that you must endure this. I wish I could say something to make it all go away. Everyday I check in, I never know what I will find. My heart breaks for you everyday and please know that I pray for you all and am keeping you all close my heart.

You are truly an amazing woman, no wonder Savannah is so amazing too.


Jennifer Smith <yestoloans2002@yahoo.com>
Middletown, CA USA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 5:52 PM CDT
Damn this cancer. Damn, damn, damn. I am so furious, this is so unfair, so not right for Savannah to be having to go through this. I hate this for you. Lisa, stay strong for Savannah. You can do this, you must. My heart is with you. I am sorry, I am just angry right now at the injustice of it all.
Monica M . <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Sunday, April 18, 2004 5:42 PM CDT
Lisa, I wish there was something I could say, I hope the girls enjoyed the last package! I will keep you and them in my prayers! Hugs! http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/smileyhug
georgia <geegee_66743@yahoo.com>
girard, ks USA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 5:41 PM CDT
I pray for Jesus to give you strength. May God bless you and your precious Savannah.

In my thoughts and prayers.

Becky <peanutpie3879@netscape.net>
MN USA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 5:13 PM CDT
Lisa, We continue to pray for you and your family every single day. Wish we could do more. Jennifer Cook
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR USA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 5:00 PM CDT
With love and care to you all.Love each other as you do.Hayley and family U.K.
Leeds, U.K. - Sunday, April 18, 2004 3:49 PM CDT

My heart breaks every time I read your entries. I too know how hard it is to watch your precious child suffer. My son is dying of a disease that has no cure or treatment.
I was told he would only live a year or two?
I wish no child had to suffer and we could see them grow up and do everything we wanted them to do.
I am sorry she is going through this I wish I could help
Prayers and hugs coming your way
Baby Jacob

Angela Trick <angetrick@hotmail.com>
Peterborough, Ontario Canada - Sunday, April 18, 2004 12:19 AM CDT

You and Savannah - all of you - are in my heart. I know this is so hard. I wish I could somehow make it better for you. My prayer is for peace - God's peace that surpasses all understanding - to be with all of you.

Kelly, Samuel J's mama

Kelly Johnson
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 11:33 AM CDT
You all are always in my prayers!

Anne <legendkees@iwon.com>
Keshena, WI - Sunday, April 18, 2004 11:18 AM CDT
I want your little girl to live too. It sickens me what this evil disease can do, I come to your page evey day in trepidation of what I will find. I'm amazed at the courage and spirit shown by you all, and your example has undoubtedly made me a better Mum to my two precious girls.
Savannah, you have touched many, many people's lives, and we send you big hugs from England.

Alison <alisonj_knott@yahoo.com>
London, UK - Sunday, April 18, 2004 10:41 AM CDT
Praying for peace. God is with you all.

Love in Christ,

www.caringbridge.org/ms/shaepierce <dawn.pierce@bxs.com>
Southaven, MS - Sunday, April 18, 2004 10:22 AM CDT
Dear Lisa,
I am coming to you from Ashley's site. I was her chemoangel. I just want you to know that I will be praying for Your whole family. No one should have to go through this much pain and heartache.

Tara McHugh <msmckew@optonline.net>
Mastic Beach, NY USA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 6:52 AM CDT
Dear Lisa,
What you are having to go through with Savannah is absolutely heartbreaking. I am so sorry. I am praying for you.

Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Sunday, April 18, 2004 0:49 AM CDT
Lisa, This whole thing breaks my heart. You are so blessed and fortunate in so many, many ways...this, this...I don't even have any words for it...just this, this is so sad and seemingly unfair. We think of you and your girls all the time. The girls and I made cotton candy today..."remember when we made it with Cassie and Savannah, remember when we stayed all night and danced on the tables, remember Savannah carrying around her glass of pickle juice, remember how sweet she was dancing around and being silly at the Pageant Party....." my sweet, sweet girls love your girls very, very much. I hope that we can always bring you the love that you have shown to us always. Love,

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:08 PM CDT
I just have a question. I know that Savannah likes stickers, and that those can be sent to her. I just wondered if there is anything Cassie likes. Is there anything that she would enjoy receiving in the mail? I can only imagine what she is going through with all of this, and I wondered if there was anything I could send her. Thanks.
Kristi <sarkri26@hotmail.com>
Columbus, Ohio - Saturday, April 17, 2004 10:22 PM CDT
Me too Lisa, me too. My heart is breaking for you. I know how difficult this is. Know you are in my heart and prayers.
Love and hugs
Click on the angel to visit my web site:  Catch An Angel

Judy <tnderheart@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, April 17, 2004 9:24 PM CDT
Thinking of you and checking up on you every day--I want your little girl to live too. Lori, Lyza's Mom www.caringbridge.org/canada/lyza
Lori Grainger <graingersrus@sasktel.net>
Lloydminster, SK Canada - Saturday, April 17, 2004 9:01 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and Savannah,

So sorry to hearing Savannah is lossing her hearing. My daughter Michelle 9 also has a Diffuse Pontine Brainstem Glioma, and she having trouble with her hearing as well. Her eyes are begin to go towards her nose, and her balance is starting to get worse. Other then thee signs she seems to be doing good. I hope Savannah will keep on fighting. Will be keeping Savannah and your family in our prayer. Love from Kim m/o Michelle


Kimberley Clayton <michelle9kim@yahoo.ca>
Guelph, ON, Canada - Saturday, April 17, 2004 9:00 PM CDT
Hi Lisa,

I read your entry today and my heart breaks for you. I wish there was something that I could do to make you feel better. I keep asking for help from the man above to make Savannah's precious moments painfree. Please know that I come to visit you both daily and you are both in my heart.

Hugs and Kisses

Tammy Mageehan (friend to Teresa and Angel Marcus) <dzegieris@rogers.com>
Scarborough, ON Canada - Saturday, April 17, 2004 8:32 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and Savannah. I found your link on Ashley Carro's page and wanted to say how sorry I am that you all are suffering with this beast called Cancer. I pray God will give you strength and courage to get thru this and peace knowing once you do, Savannah will never suffer again.

Code_Blue_Aprilarlady <code_blue_family@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, April 17, 2004 7:34 PM CDT
I can not even begin to comprehend the agony you are going through right now...the pain of losing your precious daughter.

You are in my thoughts and prayers - Savannah is in my heart and in my prayers...

Patty, one of Lynn's Prayer Warriors - Legacy of HOPE <groups@pattyslittleplace.com>
Monett, MO USA, - Saturday, April 17, 2004 7:31 PM CDT
Hope Cassie and savannah are having a good weekend. You are in my thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time.
Kathy H.
TO, CA - Saturday, April 17, 2004 7:00 PM CDT
Dear Lisa,
Just checking to see how you are. I know it is very hard to stay strong right now....my prayers are with you and your family. Savannah sweetie you are one amazing little girl!
Love & Prayers
Donna (friend to Teresa & Angel Marcus)

Donna McGhee <red.mcghee@rogers.com>
Toronto, On Canada - Saturday, April 17, 2004 6:01 PM CDT
You are president-elect of Kiwanis International???

Minneapolis, MN - Saturday, April 17, 2004 5:53 PM CDT
Oh, me too! That's what I want too - for Savannah to live a healthy, "normal" life! And that's still what I'm praying for, and I won't give up. All the children I've followed on CB since Kyle died....well, God just doesn't seem to answer the prayer for earthly healing very often. I so wish he would! Still praying, still hoping, still believing....
Liz and Jake <flakeyjakester@msn.com>
Sumner, WA USA - Saturday, April 17, 2004 5:19 PM CDT
I, too, am a virtual stranger, but regularly read several CaringBridge sites from a link to a local child who died last year of this same awful cancer. Of all the pages I read, this one honestly touches me the most. I don't know whether it's Savannah's undeniable spirit or the love that your family shares or just the pure raw honesty of your posts, but it all means very much to me. You seem to be one of the few who is willing to fully express their emotions, and this is an excellent outlet for you to do so. Your family has been and will continue to be in my prayers--I have come to care very much about Savannah without ever meeting her.

Lauren <dramauknow@yahoo.com>
Asheville, NC USA - Saturday, April 17, 2004 3:03 PM CDT
Dear Lisa,

People ask me what is normal after our children are diagnosed with a terminal illness or we lose a child. I answer "normal is". To me normal is sometimes going crazy, ranting; raving, kicking, crying, screaming and even laughing hysterically for no reason." Normal just is whatever and whoever we are at the moment and understanding that can change in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it is helpful just to know "we are normal" and screw those who don't think we are.

How I wish I had a miracle for you. My ex only visited Jen once in 7 months and never even found the time to have his blood checked so see if he could be a bone marrow donor. Life too just is sometimes.

Take it as best you can, do what you need to do, hang on to whatever you can hang on to and know we understand. If someone doesn't it is their problem, NOT YOURS!!!

Know you, Savannah and your entire family are in my heart and prayers and the hearts and prayers of many. I added precious Savannah to my hero page (hope you don't mind - if so I will take down the link) and have asked all my friends to pray for all of you.

With lots of love and hugs
Click on the angel to visit my web site:  Catch An Angel

Judy <tnderheart@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:39 AM CDT
Dear Miss Lisa,
Tonight I prayed that Savannah would do better with all this allergy stuff. I loved the sticker pages that Savannah made us!!!! I will keep them forever and ever! Thank you for dinner the other night. It was so good to see Savannah and Cassie. I could tell cassie is doing really good. I hope her asthma gets better.

Your friend, Abbie

Abbie Skaggs <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
Russellville , ar - Friday, April 16, 2004 9:50 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and Savannah,

Wanted to check in on Savannah. Sorry she is so congested. Will be praying tomorrow will be better. Love from Kim m/o Michelle.


Kimberley Clayton <michelle9kim@yahoo.ca>
Guelph, ON, Canada - Friday, April 16, 2004 9:14 PM CDT


Its my first time visiting your site, but I just would like to tell you, that you are in my prayers. I wish I could do more for you, but all I can offer is my prayers for you. Many Hugs ((Hugs))

Margitta <lotusflower58@hotmail.com>
Edmonton, AB Canada - Friday, April 16, 2004 5:40 PM CDT
Do not fear tomorrow- God is already there-

{{{{{ }}}}}}

- Friday, April 16, 2004 5:14 PM CDT
Hi Lisa,
I can't even begin to imagine the nightmare your family is going through but please know i am praying for Savannah and
also for God to give your family the strength you need to
get through this..

Trish/Legacy of Hope/PrayerBears <Rrntbyr@aol.com>
Kingston, TN USA - Friday, April 16, 2004 4:51 PM CDT
Hi Lisa, just checking in to see how the little lady is doing. I hope you and your family have a wonderful and peaceful weekend. I will be thinking of you and praying for you all.
Jennifer Weston <jennifer.weston@bms.com>
Seneca Falls, NY U.S.A. - Friday, April 16, 2004 2:26 PM CDT
Lisa....Your strength never ceases to amaze me. I cannot imagine the flood of different emotions you must go through each day. Not being in control of life or death is hard to accept for anyone, but for a parent and a child, it's just too painful to consider, but what do we do....we have no choice.
I am so proud of the woman and mother you are. I really don't know you, but I feel I do from reading your journal. You make women all over the world proud. You are determined to make the most of every second you have with both your daughters, you are making quality time, memories that will never fade....you are amazing....thanks for sharing your story with us. You have made me a better mom. You have helped me appreciate the small stuff.........

Russellville, AR - Friday, April 16, 2004 1:57 PM CDT
I love to see Savannah when I come here. She is just beautiful. Both of your girls are. You are a beautiful person.
I admire your ability to put your feelings into words, your ability to share your darkest thoughts. I sometimes think I can't visit anymore because it is so painful, but then, this isn't about me. This is about perfect strangers that I have come to care about, I want to be able to offer something, anything. I hope you have a nice weekend and that Savannah will be comfortable and enjoy the love surrounding her. I pray every day for a miracle for her. I pray that if a miracle is not to be here on earth, that her passing will be peaceful and painfree.

Lisa Kingsbury <dldarakingsbury@msn.com>
Sandy, UT - Friday, April 16, 2004 1:53 PM CDT
My heart goes out to you and your family. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Julie <Youthful64@aol.com>
Broken Arrow, OK USA - Friday, April 16, 2004 1:12 PM CDT
I hope the weekend brings many smiles, hugs and laughter. It's deserved!!! Savannah and Cassie- You two girls are absolutely marvelous darlings, just marvelous!!!
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Friday, April 16, 2004 12:50 AM CDT
There is a beautiful song on the "Say You Will" CD by Fleetwood Mac...."Goodbye Baby"...I would listen to it when my niece was so sick,and through that horrible fight for her life.Music helped me to release, just as you are talking about in your journal. She passed almost a year ago. My prayers and thoughts are with you.
A caring stranger.......
- Friday, April 16, 2004 11:35 AM CDT
Hi Lisa,
Just letting you know I am praying hard for Savannah on this beautiful day here! I hear you with all your frustrations and feelings. I am glad you feel comfortable venting to all of your Caringbridge family, I understand and wish I could help! I truly wish we could find a cure for all the childhood diseases that make our children suffer and die! I hope everyone in your family has a great weekend.

Anne <legendkees@iwon.com>
Keshena, WI - Friday, April 16, 2004 11:26 AM CDT
I come here every morning just to check in on you and see your beautiful smile:0) You are such a beautiful little girl. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

Michelle <mwolf@ffadlaw.com>
Rossville, GA USA - Friday, April 16, 2004 11:22 AM CDT
I just wanted to let you know, that my Prayers go out to you and your blessed little princess. Savannah is beautiful, and I will pray for her tonight. I will pray harder than I ever have, because NO CHILD should ever be forced to face what she has had to endure at such a young and innocent age. That is one of lifes more difficult situations, when small beautiful children have to grow up much sooner than is really necessary, be it from a messy divorce or the misfortune of such an illness.
My prayers and thoughts will always be with you and Savannah and everyone else in your family that this touches from this minute forth.

Elizabeth <elurie@sunbeltlending.com>
Clearwater, FL US - Friday, April 16, 2004 10:57 AM CDT
I am really missing my special visits with the Hurley Home! I am glad I can keep up with you through the website, I appreciate your updates always. Hope Jerry is feeling better, and that you are all doing well. Please give the girls a great big, fat kiss from me....okay, you can give one to Jerry to, but that can be from YOU! I will check on Savannah soon, would love to come visit with her again for awhile - although I have a tendency to give her any food she wants so you will have to keep your eye on me!! Love to all, Lisa
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Friday, April 16, 2004 10:42 AM CDT


- Friday, April 16, 2004 10:15 AM CDT
Praying for Savanah. Glad her Dad is doing more with her. Life does suck sometimes - children should not have to suffer - it is so unfair. Try to have a good weekend.
Cathy Rusyniak <Garbmike@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Friday, April 16, 2004 9:54 AM CDT

I am stopping by to check on you and see how you are doing. I am glad you finally sorted out Mark. And I am so proud the way you cope with everything. You are such a wonderful person. You keep listening to 50 cent and curse all you want. Go for it baby! It will do you some good. I will check in soon.

Hugs and Kisses

Tammy Mageehan (friend to Teresa and Angel Marcus) <dzegieris@rogers.com>
Scarborough, ON Canada - Friday, April 16, 2004 9:45 AM CDT
Hi, I always visit your site (got the link through my best friend's site; her daughter also has cancer) and pray for Savanah... I just wanted to tell you after reading your post today that to find the lyrics to Evanescence, you can go to www.lyrics.com, and they are all there. Wishing you and your family nothing but the best in this difficult time...
MD - Friday, April 16, 2004 9:45 AM CDT
Thank you for the updates. I am happy for Savannah and Cassie that their dad is making more of an effort. It is tough to work all day and your child goes to bed. I can't tell you how many times I wish my little girl would go to bed early some nights so I can rest, but when she does, I really miss her and I don't know what to do with my time. She is my life.
I hope the girls have a good weekend with their dad and that you can get rest and feel better.
How is Cassie doing? If you don't want to share anything about Cassie I understand, but know that she is also in my prayers.
Take care and have a peaceful and restful weekend.

Jenny <jeffnerb@yahoo.com>
Nisswa, MN - Friday, April 16, 2004 8:48 AM CDT
Hi, Lisa,
doing my daily check-in, thanks for the update...God, how I wish that I could take away Savannah's pain, your pain, all the agony your family has endured and will continue to have....

Cancer really sucks, doesn't it?

Sending prayers and ((hugs)) to all of you.

Patty, one of Lynn's Prayer Warriors - Legacy of HOPE <groups@pattyslittleplace.com>
Monett, Missouri 65708, - Friday, April 16, 2004 8:28 AM CDT
, , &

Stopping by to wish all of you a happy weekend and to let all of you know that not a minute goes by when you're not in my thoughts and prayers.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*Miss Samantha*~*~*~


Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Friday, April 16, 2004 7:58 AM CDT
You sound "better", amazing what a mini-breakdown will do to clear the air! I am all for them....You continue in our prayers all day, and like you, I pray for a peaceful transition. (that is only if we cant get a miracle). It is all just so hard. You are doing a beautiful job, and I continue to be amazed at how much you are willing to unselfishly share your time ....Much prayer for you and the entire family.
Mary alice Dorschel <jay.dorschel@verizon.net>
suffolk, va - Friday, April 16, 2004 6:56 AM CDT
Hi Lisa,

Had to smile about Savannah's Sonic request. Remember that POS old white 65 Olds I drove in college...I think I gave you a ride to STL in it once? We have one just like it now except a convertible, and take it to Sonic here on nice summer days. That girl has good taste :)

On a more serious note, we are wishing you peace and strength. Glad you're getting in a few good moments among all the stress and exhaustion and heartache. Wishing you the most of the former and a minimum of the latter.

Thinking of y'all all the time.

Joel (and Ann) Brand
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Friday, April 16, 2004 1:42 AM CDT
STill, and always, praying for Savannah and all of you. I wanted to email, but no link on your page (or I am up way too late). Please email me to let me know if it owuld be okay to include Savannah on a page in our web site for kids and families that could use a few extra prayers. Thanks! ALthough I have never met you, Lisa, your strength is more tahn admirabel, and your girls are absolutely beautiful!

Tumbleweed Foundation <MaryKitchen@TumbleweedFoundation.com>
- Thursday, April 15, 2004 11:56 PM CDT
I just wanted to let you (and your family) know how much you have impacted my life. Through you, I have learned to live my life more fully, and appreciate every single person that is important to me. I've stopped letting petty things bother me, and I've just tried harder to love those that are close to me. It's weird how I find myself caring so much about a family I've never met. When I read the journal entry about your journal being private, I cried. I felt horrible for possibly being responsible for inflicting pain on you (as I was not invited to this site). Knowing now what actually happened, I am glad that I am still able to check in on you and Savannah. Please know that I pray for all of you whenever I'm thinking about it (which can be quite often). From what I've read, I believe that you are a wonderful mother with a beautiful spirit. You also have an impeccable taste in music! Anyway, you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Kristi <sarkri26@hotmail.com>
Columbus, Ohio - Thursday, April 15, 2004 10:32 PM CDT
Just doing my daily check in. Always thinking and praying for you all : )


Jennifer Smith <yestoloans2002@yahoo.com>
Middletown, CA USA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 9:47 PM CDT
God bless you and Savannah during this difficult time. My prayers and thoughts are with you in abundance. Peace and comfort to beautiful Savannah. God bless you and keep you all.
Toronto , Ontario Canada - Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:51 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and amazing family! Thinking of you all, as I do everday. Lisa, if it's any help, the lyrics to most Evanescence songs are on their website: www.evanescence.com/music. I hope this is helpful. Hang on to that tremendous strength. You really are a goddess-mommy!
love and prayers,
Dawn Morgan

Dawn Morgan <oxymorgan@infinex.com>
San Leandro, CA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:39 PM CDT
Thinking of you all and hoping the neon green film that is on my truck and tormenting my family will at least leave yours alone. Maybe we will get through this allergy season before too long. Prayers for all of you and especially for peace and comfort for beautiful Savannah. My boys pray for her every night.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR USA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:04 PM CDT
Hi, sending prayers and ((hugs)) to all of you....

Patty, one of Lynn's Prayer Warriors - Legacy of HOPE <groups@pattyslittleplace.com>
Monett, MO USA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:17 PM CDT
Hi Lisa,
I visit Savannah's site everyday, I just don't always sign the guestbook. I pray for all of you daily, and keep Savannah in my constant prayers. Savannah's picture caught my heart the first time I visited from Chance's email. I came to Caringbridge because of good friends of ours whose two youngest children have ALL. Two years ago, very close friends of ours lost their 10 year old daughter to AML. So here I am praying hard for all these dear children and their families, you all have become friends to me. I am so glad you have gotten out to work, I know our friend Mark is so happy when he can get to work when Ashley and Ryan are home. One night at his older daughter's 1st communion workshop, he told me he was feeling sort of normal being there with his two older daughters. So I hope you get some more breaks to feel normal and head off your sinuses and hope Jerry feels better really soon! By the way I love Sonic but there are none here in Wisconsin!

Anne <legendkees@iwon.com>
Keshena, WI - Thursday, April 15, 2004 6:34 PM CDT
Today I hired Jeanette Hoven. I was so impressed with her commitment to her family. She told me about little Savannah. My heart goes out to your family. God bless you on your journey.
Melissa Riddle <mriddle@sunbeltlending.com>
Clearwater, fl 33759 - Thursday, April 15, 2004 6:07 PM CDT
Thinking about you all daily. You and your precious family have been a gift to us. I wish we would have never met though... not in this way. Since we did, however, I will cherish Savannah and you. Praying for you during this journey.
Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Thursday, April 15, 2004 4:50 PM CDT
Lisa- I also read up on Jaydog daily. Riannon is,along with all the other parents of cancer chilren, an amazing woman. You parents have an inner strength that amazes everyone around you. I hope when and if the day comes that Savannah joins Jared that they play like they were never able to play before. They will be watching down on their families with huge smiles on their faces as they play in God's Garden. Cassie and Allen David will grow up to be wonderful, loving parents after watching you guys. Still hoping for that miracle to appear....

Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Thursday, April 15, 2004 12:19 AM CDT
Hi Lisa & Family. I check in on Savannah all the time and pray for a miracle. I am also the parent of a b/t child, who unfortunately lost his battle in 5/01. I remember being on the emotional roller coaster you are on, but I wish I would have been able to verbalize it like you can. Instead, I internalized it all, and I think that was much worse. My son's father was not around, so it was all on me. I am keeping you guys in my prayers. Not only for a miracle, but, if the miracle is not to be, for peace and healing. Stay strong Lisa. And know that there are MANY people out there praying for you guys.
Karen Riebe <Klriebe@comcast.net>
Oak Grove, MN USA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 11:38 AM CDT
you know your a strong woman for your kids and yoursleves your husband and for life. as for the people out there who do not understand or do not take the time to.. piss on them this is not for attention its for help its for support and its for friendship..savannah is very lucky to have you for a mom
as you are very lucky to have her for a daughter. god bless you all.. hugs tonya

tonya cinnnamon <tonyascott03@msn.com>
knoxville, tn usa - Thursday, April 15, 2004 9:14 AM CDT
Lisa & Family,
Checking in as I always do, Praying so very hard for you right now!

Jennifer Hines <creativejenny@comcast.net>
Coon Rapids, MN - Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:30 AM CDT
Hi Lisa. Let me join the chorus of those who have become drawn to your journal. The link with many of us is having a child or loved one with cancer. For me, it is my three year old daughter. Seven months ago I discovered this whole world of childhood cancer that I barely knew existed. Intellectually, I knew that there were children who had cancer but I had no idea emotionally of this world. Your journal, your thoughts, your evident emotion draws me because you have the courage to express your full emotions in this forum. And this is a terrible place of grief and emotion. It becomes almost impossible to know of this "place" without having lived it, without being part of the caringbridge (or other equivalent organization) family. You say things I think and feel, but don't always write, and you make so many people a part of your life becuase of that. And a part of the wider circle that is praying you and your daughter have many more days and nights together. Your emotion is raw but it is very reflective of the place all of us parents are in. Thank you for sharing your life and your daughter's life with us. I think of you and Savannah every day. Just as I do little Savannah Olson who became an angel only a few weeks ago (that is where I got your address). Whatever happens in our respective lives with our children, we are all changed forever.


Sheila MacPherson <sheila@theedge.ca>
Yellowknife, NWT Canada - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 10:41 PM CDT
Me again, Lisa. My graphic didn't show up! Sorry.
Hugs, Karen

Karen LaMountain <AngelGrammaL@netscape.net>
- Wednesday, April 14, 2004 10:22 PM CDT
Hi, Lisa - just checking in. Glad Savannah is doing well - we don't have a Sonic here in Selkirk, NY!!! Hope she enjoyed it! Sinus infections are going around - yuck. Thank God for antibiotics!
Sounds like things are a bit hectic for you. Hope they calm down a bit and you get to RELAX.
Hugs to Savannah and all of you,

Karen LaMountain <AngelGrammaL@netscape.net>
Selkirk, NY USA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 10:21 PM CDT
Hi, Lisa - just checking in. Glad Savannah is doing well - we don't have a Sonic here in Selkirk, NY!!! Hope she enjoyed it! Sinus infections are going around - yuck. Thank God for antibiotics!
Sounds like things are a bit hectic for you. Hope they calm down a bit and you get to RELAX.
Hugs to Savannah and all of you,

Karen LaMountain <AngelGrammaL@netscape.net>
Selkirk, NY USA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 10:21 PM CDT
Hi Lisa! It was good to see an update tonight. I've never eaten at Sonic, but one of my daycare families loves it... now that I've seen someone else eats there, I guess we'll need to give it a try. :-)

It sounds as though work has been theraputic, I'm glad you were able to get in a couple of days this week. I hope both you and Jerry get to feeling better soon!

You know, I think the journal fiasco had more plus than minus effect overall. It opened Mark's eyes and gave you a "reason" to vent. We all need to vent, I'm sure all of you parents with sick children need it more than the rest of us combined.

My prayers continue for beautiful princess Savannah and all of your family.

Be well....

Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, Iowa - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 8:39 PM CDT
Hi, Lisa. Hi, beautiful Savannah. Haven't seen an update for a few days and wanted to send you my love and some big cyber-hugs from Maryland. Jinny w/o John

Jinny Hannasch-Daley <jinnyhann@yahoo.com>
Bethesda, MD USA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 4:44 PM CDT
Savannah, how wonderful you got some quality time with grandma. How special for both of you! How neat you got a recliner! I bet the Easter Bunny brought you lots of good stuff. I just love all of the Easter candy, the chocolate for sure! Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. We love you!
Plumerville, AR - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 3:32 PM CDT
You are in my thoughts and I am praying for you and your family.
God bless.

Sharon Miller <momstar@aol.com>
Los Angeles, CA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 2:52 PM CDT
Just checking in to see how things went over the last day. Hoping no news is "stable" news. Savannah, I hope that you got to enjoy some of that Easter candy. I just love the original Cadbury eggs. They are my favorite. Keep up the fight little one....
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 1:09 PM CDT
Just want you to know that I'm thinking of all of you and keeping you close in my prayers.
Jennifer Weston <jennifer.weston@bms.com>
Seneca Falls, NY U.S.A. - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 11:54 AM CDT
Just checking in on the Princess. Hope all is well at the Hurley Home! Continuing to pray for Savannah and all of those that have touched her life!

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 11:05 AM CDT
How I am praying for strength and peace for all of you and still blessings and miracles.

Would you mind if I added Savannah to my hero page? You are both heroes to me.

Love and prayers
Click on the angel to visit my web site:  Catch An Angel

Judy <tnderheart@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 14, 2004 8:51 AM CDT
Let me just say that if you're ever in Manhattan, I know plenty of clubs where we both can and will go dancin'.

m/o Ross

Anne Saputo <annesaputo@aol.com>
- Tuesday, April 13, 2004 10:01 PM CDT
Though I'm also uninvited, I too am the parent of a b/t child. My son was dx in July of '03. I found your C/B site through the pediatric b/t forum.

I have faithfully followed your and Savannah's journey for several weeks. You are both beautiful and I am sorry that you, or anyone, must endure these challenges. Thank you for continuing this site so that your many unknown friends can follow and pray for you and Savannah. It isn't entertainment, it is compassion. I, and many others, are not very good at expressing this compassion, we do feel it and it is important to us.

I am sorry if this sounds selfish, but many of us love and care about you and Savannah and we need to know how you are. May God be near you.

Bernard <pirateatforty@hotmail.com>
KY USA - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 9:21 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and Savannah,

My computer been down for awhile, but I want to check on you and Savannah. Happy to see you were able to go to work and Savannah was able to spent time with her grandma. Will be praying for Savannah and your family. Love from Kim m/o Michelle


Kimberley Clayton <michelle9kim@yahoo.ca>
Guelph, ON, Canada - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 5:01 PM CDT
Hi Lisa
I have been following your journal for a while now,thought I would sign the guest book to let you know I have been around.Love each other as you always do and that will get you through the hard times.Hazel and family x.

Hazel Wayne
Leeds, U.K. - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 4:57 PM CDT
Hi Lisa~ Glad you were able to go to work some today. Even though you were there physically, I know your heart was with Savannah. It is nice that her Grandmother can help out some. I'm so glad that you determined the journal postings didn't occur out of meanness. We continue to pray for yall daily. Wish there was something we could do to make your load easier. Love, Jennifer Cook
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR USA - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 4:32 PM CDT
I, too, am a virtual stranger, but somehow my heart has totally opened up for a little girl and her family that I don't even know. I come to this site a few times a day, always a little scared about what will be there, and then happy because Savannah is still with you, Cassie, and Jerry and you have one more day to love each other as much as you can. I continue to pray for you each and every day. Much love.


Jodi Green <jodisgreen@aol.com>
Roselle Park, NJ USA - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 2:38 PM CDT
Another virtual stranger here who has been thinking of you often and checking here often. You are touching all of our lives more than you'll ever know.
Joni <BlakelyJoni@aol.com>
Groton, CT - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:58 AM CDT
WOW you sound great! So glad you can forgive and move on - we all love you so much and are praying for you! Stay positive- dont even make room for negative right now- it will take up too much space and time- WE LOVE YOU! You rock-you are an amazing mom-

{{{{{ }}}}}}

Ellen <ellenwilliams@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:17 AM CDT
Lisa, You have nothing to feel guilty over. You are an awesome mom, you are doing a better 'job' of being a wonderful Mommy than anyone could ever imagine or even fathom. You are like an inspiration to all Moms! I hope you realize that in all you do you are so respected and loved. Thank you for all the 'jobs' you do, you are an excellent responsibility juggler! Love you,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 9:09 AM CDT
Lisa, Jerry, Cassie and Savannah,
Glad to hear you had a nice Easter. Praying for a good week
Peace be with you.

Myndi Keyton <Myn28@aol.com>
Fort Smith, AR - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 9:05 AM CDT
"This is for MACS parents to keep updated with eachother. I did not do this. I did not know it was done. In attempting to update/fix the savannahhurley site...the search engine picked up what I thought was the private topica site. "

I just read this and it sounds only too familiar. I own a company in New York and somehow someone managed to open one of those latest email worm viruses when they first started to circulate (this time around) in February. These are virulent cyber viruses and the one that accidentally was opened (the attachment which you are never meant to open) didn't really affect our email as we were told it would: it just copied the contents of entire website and sent it all over the place. I don't know if this is the same situation you had, but check your computer for viruses (easy: download a virus located and protector) ESPECIALLY if you use either Netscape or Outlook Express. I hope this is of help

I hate these computer virus creators. Half of them are just malicious bored geeks -- and what they do is basically cyber terrorism. It's like: WHY?? Like we don't have enough problems in the world right now already, right?. That said, if you suspect the problem is a virus that somehow infiltrated either your email or computer (they can do both) and need more help finding a program download to get rid of it, please feel free to email me privately and I will send you the links we used thanks to our software guy -- it worked great.

All of that said, I was so happy to read that things are stable with your daughter. Please know that as always, your family is in our thoughts and prayers always, always.

Amanda Uhry
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 8:43 AM CDT
Hi Lisa, You do what you have to do and don't let any one make you feel guilty over it. I know from all you write that you are a good and loving Mommy and would do ANYTHING for your girls. It sounds like you have a good backup system in your family, and Jerry sounds like a saint.. I only wish I had had some one like that around when my son was dying. Give those little girls all the love and attention you can and know that some one across the river is praying for you all daily.
Dardanelle, - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 8:11 AM CDT
Thinking of you today..
Maria <mariaw19@hotmail.com>
NJ - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 8:03 AM CDT
Hi Lisa,
There sure has been quite abit of activity in your guestbook...I have my own opinions that I could voice but I don't know if it will help anyone or anything so I won't. But I do want you to know that we at Caringbridge are all here for you and your family... I support you a hundred percent and I am praying for Savannah's miracle everyday...you are a truly amazing woman and a more than devoted mother...I know Savannah knows that. Keep fighting alongside your baby girl..don't worry about the rest of the world...soak in each other's company...cherish the moments you have together...EVERYTHING. I am thinking of each of you and praying for each of you especially beautiful Savannah...

Savannah, keep fighting sweetheart and stay brave... you are a hero to so many...

~*~*Girlie's Page*~*~


Janice <janiceliew1981@yahoo.com>
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 7:12 AM CDT

Savannah is on my heart each hour of every day. I find myself stopping what I am caught in at work, home even at night when I wake up and cant sleep- just to come to this site and re-read all the journals from the beginning. I don't know how many times I have- and each time my heart just breaks for you.... what a beautiful Savannah...

Brenda ladell <ladell@cox-internet.com>
Paris, Tx usa - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 6:43 AM CDT

Add me to the list of "strangers" who has read about your journey, your courage, your honesty and your strength. Savannah is very lucky.

I, also, am the mother of a child with cancer - Eric. We wish you the very best. www.caringbridge.org/mn/ericdakota

Kasey Ruegsegger <kcrueg2@hotmail.com>
Mahtomedi, MN USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 11:34 PM CDT

Been checking in on you guys for weeks now. Can't get you and your family out my mind (sorry if I said that last time I posted, but there is just something about Savannah that won't leave my mind...)

I think you are AMAZING. A truly amazing woman and mother. I cannot imagine your pain. To continue to include us is so gracious of you. So many are praying for you and your family.

I hold you all so close to my heart. Thank you for being you. Savannah and Cassie could not have a better mother.

Jerry, you are an amazing man. Lisa's mom - I cannot imagine what you feel watching your daughter go through this. Bless your sweet heart for being there for her, you are also amazing. Such a wonderful family you all have.

Bless you all.


Jennifer Smith <yestoloans2002@yahoo.com>
Middletown, CA USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 11:21 PM CDT
Dear Lisa...you don't know me, but I found your site through a friends caring bridge site. That friend lost her daughter this past summer, and it really opened my eyes to these children who are fighting this terrible, terrible disease.
The first time I logged into your site, and seen the picture of your beautiful baby Savannah it took my breathe away to see how beautiful she is, and to know she was so sick ,and to think of the pain that you all must be feeling. She has haunted my thoughts ever since...
As the mother of a 6 year old little boy I cannot even imagine that kind of sorrow. I pray every day for strength for you, and your family, and for a miracle for little Savannah.
Please know that the truly heartfelt prayers even from complete strangers are here for your family. May you continue on each day with the strength to do what needs to be done to take care of Savannah.
God Bless~

Christine <enchantedgypsy28@aol.com>
Ma. USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 10:40 PM CDT
Lisa, Thinking of all of you, as always, and just add my love and prayers to the list of many who care so much for you and your family. You are such an inspiration to so many and what a fine example of Motherhood! I know that your Mother must be very proud of you and wishing she could do for her daughter to make things better as well. I would like to meet the Mother and Father of Lisa Hurley for they raised a strong, loving and spiritual young woman.
THANK YOU for sharing your soul and I am sorry that someone is so evil as to STEAL your privacy. I don't know you and your family well, but I am proud to have you touch my life and the lives of my family.MUCH LOVE & PRAYER xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
conway, art - Monday, April 12, 2004 10:04 PM CDT
Wishing you peaceful days!
lisa <dreich4013@charter.net>
birmingham, al usa - Monday, April 12, 2004 9:27 PM CDT
Hi Lisa,

I hope you, Savannah, Cassie and Jerry had a wonderful Easter. Thank you for visiting Katherine's site. I am taking pictures by the hour.

Take Care,

Diana Cross, Mother of Katherine <diana@houston.rr.com>
Houston, TX - Monday, April 12, 2004 8:37 PM CDT
Love the Princess Savannah pictures....she is truly a special little princess to us all. Love,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 7:10 PM CDT
Checking in, and thinking of you all. Much strength and love to al of you. Hope that no news means all is going along stable..Much faith,
Mary Alice Dorschel, mom of Lizzie, 11, germinoma BT <jay.dorschel@verizon.net>
suffolk, va - Monday, April 12, 2004 5:48 PM CDT
Praying for you all today. I have never met you all and wasn't invited, but I am "addicted" to Savannah's site. I know how it feels to lose a child and am praying for you all daily. So, glad that Jerry is in your lives and taking care of you all. Keep dancing Lisa.


www.caringbridge.org/ms/shaepierce <dawn.pierce@bxs.com>
Southaven, MS - Monday, April 12, 2004 4:15 PM CDT
Just dropping by to say hi and thinking of you.
JoBeth Hunnicutt <jobedu@alltel.net>
Moultrie, Ga - Monday, April 12, 2004 3:53 PM CDT
Lisa, I too came to Savannah's site from another caringbridge site and fell in love with Savannah. Last January, my nephew's friend died from AML at age 4. Last May, my brother-in-law was diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma, and last September, my father-in-law died from lung cancer. I try to visit as many sites as I can each day so that I can pray for each child and family. I know that is the only thing I can do. Reading your journal helps me know how to pray for your family. And, as many others have said, it makes me appreciate my children even more than I did before. May God be with you and your family during this difficult time.
Briana Roehling
Pflugerville, TX - Monday, April 12, 2004 3:11 PM CDT
I am so sorry about your web sites. You do what you need to do and we will all understand. You have our permission to get thru this any you can. I am praying for you.
Dianne <dianneg@integraonline.com>
Prior Lake, MN - Monday, April 12, 2004 2:49 PM CDT
Hi, just checking up on Savannah and see that a lot has happened in the past few day. Just an FYI, and I'm sure you know this, but Savannah's journal is posted on the Share the Love site. You mentioned that this was by invitation only, so I wanted to make sure that you realize it is on that site. I am an avid reader of journals posted on that site, and found Savannah when she was listed on the TLC page. I have read her whole journal start to finish and pray for her and your family.

Meghan <Smilneyz@aol.com>
Seattle, WA US - Monday, April 12, 2004 2:34 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your Savannah with us. I am glad that you will contine to journal, but know that anytime you need to stop, we will all understand. We care about Savannah and we all know that she comes first. It is difficult to share your inner most feelings and to have someone violate (sp) that is unexcusable. I will contine to give Savannah my days and will hold Savannah, you, Cassie and Jerry up in prayer.
I was so happy today when I read that you were able to spend Easter with Savannah. I thought about her in church and was hoping that you were all together.
I hopefully will never know what you are going through, but like some of the other moms that have posted, I enjoy my daughter even more. Not that I didn't before, but now it seems more special because you never know when your life turns.
Thank You and know that Savannah and you have touched many, many hearts and lives. Enjoy your little girl mommmy!

Jenny <jeffnerb@yahoo.com>
Nisswa, MN - Monday, April 12, 2004 1:51 PM CDT
I am also a virtual stranger, but your family holds a very special place in my heart, and my prayers. I check every day on Savannah, and am glad to hear you're going to continue with the site.
Emily Laude <edlaude@yahoo.com>
Great Bend, PA USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 1:31 PM CDT
Hello to All!!! Hope the weekend brought many smiles, and hugs!!! You have a wonderful family.
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Monday, April 12, 2004 12:29 AM CDT
Hi Lisa,
I don't think that I have signed your site before, but I have been checking on your sweet Savanah for a few weeks now, I found her through another CB site. You are an amazing, loving mother and I have SO much respect for you. I'm on your side and you are in my thoughts and prayers, even though we've never met. Love to you!!!

Marlene <marsybarsy@comcast.net>
Portland, OR US - Monday, April 12, 2004 12:25 AM CDT
Dear Lisa,
I came to your cb site from a friend's site www.caringbridge.org/al/clayton. Actually, I started looking at all of the cb sites I could. It did something to me. I couldn't believe the number of sick children, and the number of families in pain. I pray for them all! I came to your site and it affected me the most. Your love, your strength, your openess. I think of you and your family constantly. I wake up every morning wondering how Savannah and Lisa are doing today. I feel like I know you. I know if we knew each other you would be my friend. I just wanted you to know that you have touched my life. I pray for you and your girls. I'm so grateful you have Jerry - he sounds so wonderful! I'm sorry you had such a horrible experience with your journal entries. But, please know and focus on the fact that so many people you have never met love and pray for your family. You are our friend and family in spirit.
love, Kym Little

Kym Little <klittle@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL 36695 - Monday, April 12, 2004 11:59 AM CDT
My daughter and I check your site daily. We were directed to it from another CB child. My oldest sister died in Sept. of cancer. She was beautiful, caring and a saint. We miss her terribly.
I wish we could make all cancer go away. You love your children so much. Thank-you for sharing Savannah's story.

Laurie <nlcjeep@aol.com>
New Haven, IN USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 10:47 AM CDT
I am so sorry that you have been violated. I am glad that you cleared up what was going on. I wasn't aware that you have another site for Savannah. I am so happy that you have decided to continue her page here on CB. I was introduced to CB through a friend of mine who was diagnosed in 3/03 with aggressive breast cancer at age 35. She is doing well now. You are such a great person and a TERRIFIC mom. Jerry is obviously a God send to all of you. He certainly picks up the role of loving and caring parent and wears it proudly. Much, Much love and prayers are being sent to you.

To the person who violated Lisa, Savannah, Cassie and Jerry...You are a COWARD and have earned your place in hell.

Terri <tlc2866@sbcglobal.net>
Manchester, CT - Monday, April 12, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
Good Morning Lisa, Jerry, Cassie and Savannah... I hope you had a peaceful and beautiful day together yesterday. Cassie, are you feeling better? I sure hope so. Savannah, little sticker queen... did you have a good day yesterday? Do you need more stickers or do you have plenty?

May God smile upon you all today.

Big Hugs...

(Paine, thank you for your most recent post.)

Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, Iowa - Monday, April 12, 2004 9:51 AM CDT
I am so sorry that you are hurting and that your private place to vent feels invaded. I hope that this site and the entries become once again a place of strength and love for you. As always, I'm here.
Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Monday, April 12, 2004 9:19 AM CDT
Lisa, & Savannah & family,

Although I don't sign the guestbook often I too come here and check on the little one often. As there are many children that I check on. Far to many if you ask me.

I'm sorry for what you and your family have to go through. No family should have to endure this road travlled. It makes me angry very anrgy. I myself do not suffer from cancer but I have work with many children over the years working for St Jude Children Research Hospital.

Know that I'm here for you if you need it.

Karen Viteritti

Karen Viteritti <kviteritti@yahoo.com>
Florham Park, NJ USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 8:41 AM CDT
I visit this site many times a day, everyday, uninvited. I came to this site from another CB site, one that I was linked to from another site. Although I have never left a message in the guestbooks of the many sites I visit on a daily basis, you all are in my thoughts and prayers. You, as well as Savannah, have touched me in ways I can't explain. I have an 18-month old son who is the world to me. At times he would cry/whine for me to hold him while I would ignore him so I could do laundry, dishes, etc. I would listen to others who would tell me "dont give in to his whining, you'll spoil him." After reading your journal entries and the other CB moms/dads entries, I've come to realize the laundry, dishes, etc can wait....my son shouldn't have to. If I spoil him, so what!!! You have taught me not to take anything for granted. To live the moment with him. To be thankful to have him here with me, healthy and happy. You are an amazing woman and an amazing mother. I hope I never have to walk in your shoes but I hope that I will be half the mother you are.
May God bless you in the days to come.

Kim Prince <kprince@scana.com>
Burnettown, SC, - Monday, April 12, 2004 8:33 AM CDT
Dear Lisa

I am another one who has not been invited, I hope I have not intruded. My little cousin passed away of Hurlers a year ago. I have been following a few caringbridge children especally Savannah's since. I just fell in love with her. Your story is so heart-touching. Once again I appoligize if I have intruded.

Jerilynn <wjerilynn@hotmail.com>
High Bluff, MB Canada - Monday, April 12, 2004 8:19 AM CDT
Dear Lisa

I am another one who has not been invited, I hope I have not intruded. My little cousin passed away of Hurlers a year ago. I have been following a few caringbridge children especally Savannah's since. I just fell in love with her. Your story is so heart-touching. Once again I appoligize if I have intruded.

Jerilynn <wjerilynn@hotmail.com>
High Bluff, MB Canada - Monday, April 12, 2004 8:18 AM CDT
Very sorry some crazy person made you suffer even more ...
May the angels keep holding you and Savannah during those difficult days...
Warm hugs from Brazil.

rose <rosecb@ipav.com.br>
- Monday, April 12, 2004 8:18 AM CDT
Dearest Lisa,

I guess I too have not been invited here but hope my presence doesn't cause you any more pain. I lost my 16 year old daughter to AML leukemia and hate this monster we call cancer. No parent should ever have to walk this path and no child should have to endure to much.

I hope it helps to know there are countless numbers of us who understand and hold you up in prayer, love and our hearts. Please know you are not alone.

Love and hugs

Click on the angel to visit my web site:  Catch An Angel

Judy <tnderheart@yahoo.com>
- Monday, April 12, 2004 7:53 AM CDT
Hello Lisa, Jerry, Savannah, and Cassie
I also follow a bunch of the Caringbridge kids. I have no connection to any of them, other than I have worked at the Stollery in Edmonton and simply love kids. Your honesty and beautiful words, along with the stories and pictures you share with all of us, have become very important to me. I wish your whole family the peace and happiness that you no doubt deserve. You sound like a wonderful, caring mom and your Jerry sounds like the perfect person for you all at this time. I hope to continue to learn from the lessons that you teach all of us each time you write. So I guess I wanted to say thank you for sharing, and keep up the fight.

Erin <eltaylor@ualberta.ca>
Edmonton, AB - Monday, April 12, 2004 2:32 AM CDT
I was not invited here, Lisa. I actually have been following Savannah for a while, but I was directed here. Hope you do not mind that I write here. I follow many Caring Bridge kids on a daily basis, and in no way do I do it for entertainment purposes. We lost our granddaughter two years ago at age two to acute myelogenic leukemia, so I know the pain of losing a child in the family.
I only have Savannah's best interests at heart, believe me. I hope you don't mind that I post to you.
God bless and hugs,

Karen LaMountain <AngelGrammaL@netscape.net>
Selkirk, NY USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 1:38 AM CDT
So I said I wasn't gonna post here anymore. I lied, shoot me. Paine, thank you for your apology and your honesty. I'm glad to see that the maturity did come out and you stepped up to the plate. And yes, some of us actually do understand, because most of us have had beloved pets killed needlessly, too.
Lisa, what I've read about you hasn't shocked me, I never lifted an eyebrow. You have nothing to hide, nothing to apologize for, and now, nothing left for anyone to publish, lol. In a sense, you have been freed, I guess. Nothing to worry over, now it is out there and if they don't like it, tough noogies. Send the sucker a thank you note, for he has forever proven your worth, which we of course already knew, and proven his worthlessness. It will come around hon, and you won't have to do anything but watch.
Hang in. Keep on. Know we are here; I sure hope you can feel the combined strength we send to you. We are many, and you wouldn't know our faces, but we are familiar with Savannah's. We look at it every day, and we love her, and by doing that, we feel a kinship with one another. You have done a wonderful thing, thank you so, so much for sharing yourself and your family; now a lot of us can see what it's supposed to be like.
Consider this a Hug-O-Gram!


Tn <tnwoman55@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, April 11, 2004 11:36 PM CDT
I too found your website from another caring bridge site. I come to check on Savannah and think and pray for your family often. I am glad you are continuing to let us follow up on Savannah. You have taught me, and I'm sure so many others some very valuable lessons that unfortunately we don't always pick up ourselves. You have taught me time is so valuable and to treasure your children now and in the present. Thank you!! I hope your time with Savannah has some lasting memories for you to treasure always.

julie <juliebrn@yahoo.com>
Repbulic, Mo - Sunday, April 11, 2004 10:29 PM CDT
Lisa, Jerry, Savannah and Cassie... God Bless you today and every day.

I hope you all had a good day together.
Hugs to all...

Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, Iowa - Sunday, April 11, 2004 9:27 PM CDT
I am also another complete stranger who checks on Savannah every day. I obviously was not invited to come here originally but hope that I will be invited to continue to visit because I honestly care about Savannah and your family. She seems to be a sweet and wonderful child, and I say a prayer for her at least once a day. I hope that your site will continue to be used for positive things and that the person who has violated your trust will find something better to do with his or her time.
Patricia <pattywhak1@aol.com>
Lubbock , TX USA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 8:56 PM CDT
Happy easter Lisa Jerry Savannah and Cassie
Tammy <pairofmedics@tds.net>
Wyandotte, Ok 74370 - Sunday, April 11, 2004 8:56 PM CDT
Happy Easter Hurley Home!! Hope you all had a wonderful day, I am sure you did...I saw all of the food Grandma and Grandpa brought in Friday, and, I must say it was hard to leave!! I am sure you all had a wonderful celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, this is something we should celebrate daily!

For the past three weeks I have sent Easter candy surprise treats in my girls’ lunchboxes everyday. Every afternoon they would tell me just how much they looooooved the treat of the day, I was very excited to see how happy it made them each day. I really wanted to pick a special treat as the last special Easter treat. I chose a large solid chocolate cross and placed with it a note about how fun the candy and bunny stuff is and that I hoped that they had enjoyed the fun treats, but to remember that we celebrate Easter because of Jesus. Because they are still pretty young, I was afraid that the plain chocolate ‘statement’ would not be the favorite among the previous Dove Truffle Eggs, Caramel Eggs, Marshmallow Bunnies, and the bazillion other yummy Easter treats. Much to my surprise, and thrill, they loved it so much that they could hardly bare to eat it. They saved it to show all of their friends along with the note exclaiming my love for them and for Jesus and his sacrifice for us. They have even already put it back in their lunch box to take to school on Monday to share with their friends. I believe that that treat and lesson will be what they remember for years to come. It is times like these that I am reminded that we teach our children many lessons each and every day, through actions, words, everything single breath we take is a lesson to our child. The lesson of Jesus’ love and sacrifice is the best story of all – sweet Sydney even asked which was more important Christmas or Easter! Aren’t they precious!

Anyway, I wanted to share with you the special Easter we had here (even though our actual family Easter plans today went kaput this afternoon and we ended up having sushi for Easter lunch...but, that is another story, not the big picture!) and to tell you that I believe - because I see it for myself! - that you are always teaching your children such wonderful, valuable lessons – life lessons! You are also such an example for so very many people, providing valuable lessons to all of us. Thank you for that. Thank you for opening our hearts, our minds, our lives, our prayers, and ourselves as we see you do so often Love to all of you from all of us,

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 8:45 PM CDT
Happy Easter to you, Sweet Savannah! I hope your day is filled with family fun and yummy treats!
Love, Bonnie <bonnievendola@hotmail.com>
NY - Sunday, April 11, 2004 5:40 PM CDT
Bless you and your family on this Easter Day. :)
Kasey Gunde <topgund@aol.com>
Mount Holly, NC US - Sunday, April 11, 2004 5:26 PM CDT
Okay, this is going to be the final guestbook entry I'm going to write. First of all, I admit, I wasn't thinking when I wrote the guestbook entry. That was obvious. Second, I clearly misunderstood Lisa's comment. It came off (to me) that she didn't care about hitting the dog. That's my fault as well. And thirdly, I didn't intend for that entry to get as out of hand as it did. Especially after someone just had to send me the email saying "f*ck you". Not that it offended me, I've heard much worse language in my time. But I have to admit, whoever said that, makes them no better than me.
And to Lisa, whether or not you accept my apology, I'm truly so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you the way I did, and I would never say anything in regards to Savannah's condition and your state of mind. I guess I'm so sensetive in this subject because about 2 years ago my cat Puddy was hit by a car.. it was horrible, and although it was quick and I don't think (not positive)she suffered, the person who hit the her had absolutely no emotions towards it, so I guess what you said hit too close to home, and I'm so sorry to have taken my personal anger out on you.
I don't expect any of you to understand what i'm saying, I just had to apologize and admit that this got way out of hand and I wasn't thinking.. AT ALL.

Paine <spherehunters_YRP@yahoo.com>
Besaid, Spira - Sunday, April 11, 2004 4:48 PM CDT
Dear Lisa, I also found your website through another one on CB... I don`t want to intrude on your life and I would never check in on Savannah for entertainment purposes... I only wish the best for you and your daughter... I have never had a child diagnosed with cancer but instead with a very complex and life threatening congenital heart defect. His future now is unknown to us but I make the most of each day so I can relate to much of what you go through... Regardless of what type of life threatening disease or illness a child has it bonds parents together to be faced with their own child`s mortality.
I hope your family has a great Easter. Best wishes to you!

Liz Frey <goffrey68@msn.com>
Des Moines, IA USA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 4:38 PM CDT
I'm a far distant friend you don't know.... I check in on Savannah's site several times a day.... and I keep her and your family close to my heart and in my prayers.... I hope you have had a wonderful Easter Celebration.... Hug your babies and give thanks for them..... They are such amazing creations !!!!! Our little Grandbabies are in CA and we live in SD so they are far FAR too distant for this Gramma !!!!!

It breaks my heart to know the "wee ones" have such fierce battles to fight when they are sick.... I pray for them and I donate platelets.... I wish I could do more to help !!!!!

Peace to you and Grace..... God Bless you and Keep you and your family in the palm of HIS hand....

Billee Schaible, a Gramma <bschaible@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, SD USA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 12:57 AM CDT
Wishing all of you a very blessed day!

Egg Painting 2

Easter EggHappy Easter!!!Easter Egg 4

Shannon, Jeff & Samantha Therese <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Sunday, April 11, 2004 10:01 AM CDT
Dear Lisa,

Nicole and I just returned from Dallas and the family was so eager to check on Savannah, only to find that you have been so cruelly violated. How dare someone come in and take your words, twist them, and, yes, rape you emotionally. You are such a lovely, caring person... far more than merely 'adequate", you are exceptional!! Jerry is a wonderful father figure to the girls ... your ex is jealous that another man can do with he fails to do, be the Dad Savannah and Cassie need. I am so mad ... reminds me of my own ex - the abusive fool( keeping it G-rates but am sure you know the words I wish to use)who wants everyone to believe he is such a great person when he beat us and did much worse to my daughters. Thankfully he is only a bad memory.

I am sorry for my anger and allowing it into this post but your and your family are very important to me and mine ... you are admired, loved, respected, and honored from a distance in miles but closely at heart.

Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, NM USA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 9:41 AM CDT
Dearest Lisa, Jerry, Savannah and Cassie...
Happy Easter....may you all enjoy this day, relax in the comfort of each other and create wondeful memories all day long.
Lisa..I am so sorry for what you have ben going through lately..I am speechless..but please, try not to let it ruin you holiday with Savannah. Have peace of mind knowing that we, your friends...love you and your family so much.
I thank you for allowing us into your life and sharing Savannah with us.
Love...Your friend,

Easter Basket

- Sunday, April 11, 2004 9:11 AM CDT

I, too, am one of those who came to this site through another CB site. Please know that I am keeping Savannah and your family in my prayers daily and pray that she have the best possible time. You are truly changing many peoples' live by allowing us to share in Savannah's journey.

Diane Luparello <dluparel@earthlink.net>
Apex, NC - Sunday, April 11, 2004 6:55 AM CDT
I am a virtual stranger and I just hope it's for me to post here as I would NEVER want to intrude. But I want to tell you something important (at least to me) and that is what your beautiful Savannah's site and Judy Levy's site for her wonderful daughter Julia and now her Tumbleweed Foundation and the site of another child (ie: how we got here) have done for our family and I am sure many, many others.

I am the mother of an eight year old daughter adopted from China. Her name is Arabella. Almost a year ago, another little girl from China, Marissa Burghart, was ill with a diffuse pontine glioma. The Chinese adoption community in the USA is huge (almost 50,000 children have been adopted from China) yet in many ways quite inslar and small. FCC (Families With Children From China) is the support/volunteer organization that many parents are involved in and it is the largest adoption support group in the world. With any significant news, good or bad, we all feel a kinship with any and all families. Many of us feel ALL the children from China are, in some ways, our own.

Following Marissa's story, then Julia's and now Savannah's changed my life. I honestly did not think I could love Arabella more -- not from the second I adopted her. I always believed it does not matter at all whether one's child is biological or adopted and for me, I was so right. My daughter is EVERYTHING to me. She is the love of my life and my message to the future. Yet your stories have increased my awareness of how precious all of our children and all children -- and every moment with them -- are. A thousand times over. Your stories have changed my life that way and for so many other parents I am sure. This is one of the true legacies of the children and parents on caringbridge. And it is a lasting, indelible one. It is a towering one.

Thank you Lisa, for being part of that for our family. We are Jewish and in Judaism we believe that if you have changed one life and made it better in any way, you have changed the world. And for us, you have done that and more.

Your family and especially Savannah are always in our hearts.

Amanda Uhry <auhry@nyc.rr.com>
New York, NY USA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 6:36 AM CDT
Happy Easter and hope all is steady. Thank you for continuing these pages. I do not have a child with cancer, though my husband had cancer 22 years ago and lived to beat the odds and continue with his life to raise our daughter, who was 6 months old at the time. I use these caring bridge sites as a prayer tool. I go down my bookmarks, visit (don't usually sign) and pray for each child as I read their sites. Thank you for leaving your heart exposed, though I know it can be hurtful
Frannie <FSzekely@columbus.rr.com>
Grove City, OH - Sunday, April 11, 2004 5:46 AM CDT
Have a great Easter! I hope you and your family enjoy being with each other and that the day brings you peace. Sending love and prayers.
Sharon Miller <momstar@aol.com>
Los Angeles, CA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 3:45 AM CDT
Sorry to hear of what happened. I am glad that you decided to continue here. Sounds like Savannah had a good day. Hug her a lot for everybody ( IM sure you do) Happy Easter. Always in my thoughts and prayers,
Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Sunday, April 11, 2004 1:49 AM CDT
I, too, am a mother of a child with cancer. I check on Savannah every day. I'm praying that she has peaceful nights and pain-free days. I wish I could make this all better. You are all going through so much. You don't need or deserve the aggravation that has been bestowed upon you right now. Continue to take care of your family, and disregard the ignorance and malice of others. You have people out here that care so much about you and your family. We keep you all near and dear to our hearts.

Jeff, Debbie, Caleb & Cameron Little <littlecaleb@hotmail.com>
Dickson, TN - Sunday, April 11, 2004 0:18 AM CDT
Happy Easter you guys. Lisa, I would have changed the code to the other site so he couldnt access it anymore. But then, you have a lot more to contend with right now than this petty nonsense.
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Sunday, April 11, 2004 0:07 AM CDT

I just wanted to wish you all a peaceful Easter! I hope it is a day for you all to just enjoy each other. Savannah and Cassie are such beautiful girls and I feel so blessed to have been assigned as their "holiday angel". I hope they enjoyed their Easter boxes. I was so touched to have received such beautiful thank you cards from the girls after Valentine's Day. I did not expect that and was so pleased to have been given the address to this site so I could SEE what sweet girls they are. You are an amazing woman, Lisa to be sending thank you notes when you have so much on your plate! I have been praying earnestly for all of you! I hope it's OK for me to still keep a check on the girls even though my assignment is over. They have become VERY special to me. Thank you for allowing me into your lives!

Love and Blessings!

Jan (Chemo Angels) <kasenme@aol.com>
Elkton, MD - Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:30 PM CDT
Dear Lisa,
I am glad that you have choosen to keep your site open and that Easter dinner was wonderful, full of love and family. I am not sure what happened the last few days to make you so upset however I am pleased that it is in the past. You give me so much strength to stand up for Emily, and no longer allow others to push me around including her father and that your choice though difficult to make are the right ones quality over quanity are much more important. You are an awsome Mother. Prayers for a miracle for you and yours, Prayers always, Julie, Emilys mom pbt. group

julie dearmond <dearmond57@hotmail.com>
lake forest, ca - Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:27 PM CDT
Hello Lisa, I am so glad (for you) that you have decided to continue. It was great to read the guestbook and see how you all are so loved. I have signed a few times before but never told you that we came here from a friends CB site. I have been checking up on Savannah daily but just a few days ago went back and read your whole journal. As I have said in my past notes, you really inspire me. As a mother of three I sometimes get caught up in "cooking, cleaning,changing diapers" but since I have been reading your journal, I feel like I have been a better mother. Realizing time can be precious even when you don't know it, I have been stopping to take my kids in. Thank You Lisa. Please give Savannah a hug from my kids, Austin, Brady, and Lily, in Oregon.
Katie, Matt, Austin, Brady,and Lily Ellison-Meade <katiejem@yahoo.com>
Ashland, OR usa - Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:25 PM CDT
We hope you all have a blessed Easter!!May the Easter bunny fill your baskets with lots and lots of Goodies. Take care and God Bless you all.
Priscilla And Grayce <babygrayce@aol.com>
- Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:23 PM CDT

The posts are piling up now. I have been reading as fast as I can...in reverse order. It seems like you are living one gigantic day. An enormous amount of activity has been going on at your home. Why would someone betray a person in your position? I suspect that person is disconnected from people in general and has not developed empathy. How can a person who has a strong sense of empathy for others be so cruel? I suppose they must feel inadequate and need to feel the power of kicking someone when they are down. Whoever you are...shame on you. Next time that person looks at himself in the mirror I hope he/she knows that what he/she is looking at is a cruel, disrespectful, spiteful, hateful and childish human being. Put that in your pipe and smoke it A##HOLE!!
Hope Easter brings you joy and finds you all in a more comfortable place than you have been. I hope Savannah does not have any seizures and that you and Cassie and Jerry can get some respite. I will pray for strength for you all.


Mary Lohmann <ctlohmann@msn.com>
- Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:19 PM CDT
I hope you,the girls and Jerry have a wonderful and memorable Easter.I know it must be hard,but try not to let the past bother you too much,life is too short for that.Thinking of you all,hugs to Savannah and Cassie.
VWhite <whiteb@shaw.ca>
Ft.McMurray, Canada - Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:15 PM CDT
I am thinking about you and your family tonight. I know Exs are a lot of trouble to us all and especially when your child is sick. I won't comment here about some of what went on with mine, suffice it to say I understand. Lisa and Jerry and Cassie and Savannah you are all in my prayers tonight and every day.
Dardanelle, - Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:51 PM CDT
Lisa,Jerry, Cassie & Savannah,
I too came to Savannah's site from another CB page. Your Journal touches my heart. I keep Savannah and your family in my prayers. My dear friend Teresa lost her Son Marcus in January 04'. Her Caringbridge family offered her so much love and support. Sometimes they offered her support and advise with things that I could not. She turned to them when there children were going through the same treatment. I will continue to keep your beautiful daughter in my prayers. Stay Strong my friend.....so many of us out here whom you have never met are praying with all our hearts for your continued strength.
Love & Prayers,
Donna (friend to Teresa & Angel Marcus)

Donna McGhee <red.mcghee@rogers.com>
Toronto, On Canada - Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:37 PM CDT
Lisa, I started a year ago reading the journal of my babysitter who had been diagnosed with leukemia. Through her I now read over 50 journals a day. Savannah's is the first and last journal I read everyday. I was not invited and hopefully have not intrudded. I truly respect all that you are going through and am so in awe of you of all you have been dealt and how well you handle it all.

May the Lord's Blessing be with you on this day he Rises Again.

Sandra K <cymomtx@yahoo.com>
Houston, TX - Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:23 PM CDT
Lisa...Like many others who sign this guestbook, I was not invited here. I found about Savannah through another Caring Bridge site. I visit CB sites, read journals and sign guestbooks because I lost my husband of 33 years to cancer last year. Although I did not have a Caring Bridge site, I received much comfort and support in the form of email messages from an online cancer support group called The Legacy of Hope. After my husband passed away, I promised to try to do the same for others. I do not want to intrude if you prefer to keep this site closed to outsiders, and I understand your need for privacy. Please know that Savannah will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.



Alice Manfredini <BoRhap77@aol.com>
Buffalo Grove, IL USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:07 PM CDT
I never signed your guest book before but I feel like I know you. Your entries are so soul filled and touching that I can not keep from reading. I hope Savannah has fun on Easter and you can atleast have some peace from all that you are going through. They are so many people praying for you-you have to feel it
Lisa <lmoser@doglover.com>
forest lake, mn - Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:48 PM CDT
Lisa,Jerry,Cassie and Sweet Sweet Savannah
Everyday I wake thinking about my"extended family at CB" My life will forever be a part of the people that I have come to "know". When I lost my son Marcus on Jan14 of this year it is here that I received such great support. I continue with Marcus' journal and my feelings just roll onto the page. I find it helps me and "myfamily/friends" connect with me and "where I am". This site is for you my friend...to extend to your friends. I hope that you know we love you all and when you are hurting so are we. Repeat after me...I will not let ANYONE take up extra space in my head. They do not pay rent so evict them (you get the message!!!) Concentrate on your family my friend. Feel the love of those around you who TRULY care about you all. Something Mother Theresa said comes to mind... I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much . Trust in God my friend and those who care for you so deeply. Your words and feelings touch my soul.
Love and Prayers
Teresa (mommy to Angel Marcus...forever in my aching heart)

Teresa <trrn@sympatico.ca>
Scarborough, On Canada - Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:08 PM CDT
Lisa, I came here to check in on you and savannah and I was absolutley in shock. Why or who would be so ingnorant and insensitive during this time or any time for that matter. I know its upsetting but I would try to laugh about it. Do not let this Weasel of a man Mark get the better of you. If he stole the stuff or someone gave it to him and he was LOW enough to post it to the other site so be it . It truly shows what a complete LOOSER he is. Its like High school mentality stuff. Now I would make sure all you want to say about him is put here so he can find and read it. Please get a life Mark! Your child is dyeing and your a looser get it right before its to late. Post that on the other site. Well you have told hundreds of people your afraid of him so if anything happens its all here . He isnt going to do anything. So what if some people know about the tatoo or jerry. You have done nothing wrong and should be proud of all the love you show for the girls. Saying your unfit is almost too funny. WHo is the theif??? who checks his daughters Pulse??? I think its good you have said what you ahve said here. It can only help not hurt you. just my opinion. Please try to Have a happy easter and Do not let these people get to you. I know it must be terribly hard but it will only take away time from savannah if your consumed with this. Sending hugs!!!
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:08 PM CDT

The calvary has arrived!!!

Never have I seen so many people touched by a family that many do not know!

Here is my story...I too came to your site from another. I have spoken of you, and your family, to many people...all are praying. My heart sank when I read you may deny access to some. I would be one of those. You have made a difference in my life...Savannah has made a huge impact!

With all of that said...I too would continue praying for you and your family without the daily updates. You have to do what is best for your family.

Remember, you are not alone in this. It is awesome the love and support I see from all over the U.S.

What a testimony!

God Bless - Sandy

Sandy <asab_today@yahoo.com>
Fresno, CA USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:01 PM CDT
Dear Lisa, Savannah, Cassie, and Jerry;

I don't remember exactly how I came to your site, but I have shed tears for you, giggled with you, and prayed for you. I hope you continue sharing your journey--you are an inspiration. I also hope you can "circle the wagons" with the wonderful people in your life, and not let anyone bother you. You know what's important and you are all so blessed to have each other. From one mommy to another...hang in there sister. Love those little girls and that artistic angel that has come into your life. That's the important stuff!!

Christi Hamilton <hamilton.fam@cox.net>
Dove Canyon, CA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:44 PM CDT
Dear Lisa and family,
I linked here from Samantha's site, and I just want you to know you and your precious Savannah are in my thoughts and prayers. I lost my beautiful 2 year old son to Cancer last October, and I know what a rough journey you are on.

Wishing you some peace,

Susan Armenio <barmenio@optonline.net>
New City, NY - Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:14 PM CDT
Sweet Lisa,

I linked to Savannah's page several months ago from Miss Cheyenne's site. My husband has a terrible cancer and I feel that those of us who are affected by this disease are all bonded by the horror of runaway, parasitic cells... It is truly awful to witness cancer. I hope I am not intruding on your site. I am sending you some Evanescence by US Mail and sending you right here a wish for a comforting Easter with your darling girls and your artist. And here are some butterflies painted by the other Jerry.

M. Elton <meltonva@yahoo.com>
Richmond, VA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 6:28 PM CDT
Hi Lisa,
Don't let one ignorant person make you crazy! You need to keep up your site. There are so many of us who truly care for you and Savannah and what you are going through, don't shut us out. We should never have given Paigne so much attention and turned the site into a battleground. Just forget about her and dwell on the thoughts and love we send you. Don't give in, we are here for you. Our hearts are breaking for you and Savannah as you face new struggles every day. You are strong and brave. Let us know what you need so we can help you. And Thank God for Jerry!!!!!
With Love and Prayers,
sharon bebbington

sharon bebbington <ktmom28@hotmail.com>
bay village, ohio USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 6:12 PM CDT
Dear Lisa and family,

I came to your site from another caringbridge one. As a mom also, it has been heartbreaking reading your story. I am praying that God give you peace and strength to go through these difficult days. God Bless.

Linda <linda@phototreasures.com>
Annapolis, MD - Saturday, April 10, 2004 6:02 PM CDT
Lisa, I am so sorry that you and Cassie had to suffer the trauma of betrayal along with everything that you are currently going through. I know the pain of betrayal and invasion of my privacy. My heart goes out to you.
Do what you need to do to protect yourself and your family. We will all understand. If you need to password protect this site, just do it for your piece of mind. I came here at the invitation of Norine and Kim and I am sure they can update us on what is happening on their sites.
You and your precious daughter are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. I pray for earthly healing for her, if that is God's will. Cassie, I am sending you love and hugs and hope that no one and hurt you and your family again.
Continue to be there for one another and keep everyone close. Please don't let !@X??!! people spoil this sacred time for your family, especially during Easter.
May God send you blessings, peace, comfort, and strength and surround you all with guardian angels.
With love,

Sharon Miller <momstar@aol.com>
Los Angeles, CA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:15 PM CDT
Dear Lisa &Family
I am so sorry on what you are going through, all i can say is to hang in there i know it has to be hard But you are a strong women! Don't let anyone tell you differently! I too have a @#$ as a ex he won't even see his kids nto hurt me and all he is doing is hurting himself He has beautiful grandaughter who is going to be 3 next month he has yet to lay eyes on One who is 12 and is a doll baby who he hasn't seen since i left him 11 yrs ago and 3 in Tx he hasn't laid eyes on But instead would rather marry are old babysitter and life like a smart a33 if you know what i mean
I pray that you find your peace that you so much need at this time And know we are here for you
Give your sweet Savannah a hug for me and Cassie too
Have a HAPPY EASTER You can get through this !!!!!
Hugs Marty

Marty <AngelTears1793@aol.com>
Louisville, Ky USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:12 PM CDT
Lisa and family,
I have been following your journey for about a month, but I have never posted before. I connected to your site through another caringbridge site and check in often to see how all of you are doing and to pray for you. We also have a caringbridge site, and the speed at which the address travels is unbelievable.I just want you to know... YOU GIVE ME STRENGTH, YOU INSPIRE ME. My child was diagnosed in March with another type of cancer and although it is nothing compared to what you are going through, I hope that if I am ever in a situation like this with her I can be HALF the Mom that you are. Only a parent of a child with cancer can know how deeply devestating that word is, and only someone who has faced the same diagnosis as sweet Savannah can know what you are facing. I cannot imagine what you are going through, I won't even try because that would just be insulting to you. You do what you need to regarding this site and to heck with the rest of us. I pray that you continue to find the strength and courage you need to get through everyday. I hope that you all have a wonderful, peaceful Easter. Take care and God Bless.

H. Schultz <hjschultz@earthlink.net>
Northfield, MN USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 2:59 PM CDT
dear lisa,

i have been trying very hard not to comment during the whole dog situation. it is so totally not what this site is about. but i feel i must add my voice to those that are sending love and support to you after this new and more gripping invasion. i am one of many who come to you from another site, this time from jared's. though i don't know riannon well, i feel tremendous love and heartache for her, as i do for you. i have two children and have not been through the hell you caringbridge moms and dads are going through. but i feel such agony for you and come to your site, and riannon's and a couple of others, because your honesty and frankness draws me back. i look at savannah's beautiful face, read about her spitfire nature (i'm a redhead, too... i can relate...) and i weep and pray and beg god/goddess/jesus/mary to love and protect you all. i pray for you to be held in the loving arms of the universal mother and father. i pray for a miracle. you are never far from my mind, because you have touched my heart. when i listen to evanescence (which is often) i am consumed by thoughts of savannah, jared, and conor. please know your beauty, goodness of heart, and purity of spirit shine through absolutely EVERY word you utter here. if more people in the world were as courageous as you, the world would be a better, more honest place. i will understand whatever you choose to do about this site, but i will miss you if you close it down. i will still pray for you and think of you... and i will wonder how you are. i am unspeakably appalled at the cruelty of a few misguided, malevolent souls... and that they could have the power to infect and annhilate all of the beauty and truth that you have brought to this site... and to countless other lives. thank you lisa, for your honesty, courage, strength, and wisdom. it has not gone unnoticed. i wish love and blessings for you, savannah, cassie, and jerry.
blessed be,
dawn morgan

Dawn Morgan <oxymorgan@infinex.com>
San Leandro, CA USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 2:58 PM CDT
Lisa - well, sweetie, I think the answer to your question is a simple one - you do whatever is best for you, Savannah, Cassie and Jerry. If you have to password protect this site, and I never find out what has happened to all of you, that's alright. I'll still be praying for you. You do whatever you need to do. I believe that all of the sincerely caring people here on your website will feel the same and support your decisions.
Liz and Jake Sfevens <flakeyjakester@msn.com>
Sumner, WA USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 2:41 PM CDT
Dear Lisa,
I wrote in here earlier today. But I just wanted to check on you all again. I came to your site through a caring bridge site of a Carter who got me to Katia's site which got me Kody's and that is where I found Savannah. I only come here out of concern and to offer my support. I pray everyday for all of you . I check a couple times a day. I just wanted you to know that. If you feel like e-mailing me please do anytime. I am a caring person for real. If I could I would give you a big hug. And try to protect you from your ex and all others meaning you harm and hurt. Please have a Happy Easter and don't let theses people get to you. That means they won. You are a much better person and a great Mom. God bless you. I will check in again later. Please don't hesitate to e-mail me.

Love, Amy <jessibubba@comcast.net>
Pittsburgh, PA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 2:18 PM CDT
"what the hell am i going to do?"

Hi Lisa,

I've been following Savannah through your posts for some time. I pray that I am not being presumptuous when I answer your question.

You are going to continue to care for Savannah and, as you can, for yourself. You are going to get through this as you have all the other trials in your life. You are a survivor and a winner. This too shall be overcome.

My families prayers are with you and Savannah.

Alan Bernard <pirateatforty@hotmail.com>
KY - Saturday, April 10, 2004 2:18 PM CDT
Lisa, I am so sorry that you are having such a traumatic experience, especially now when all you want is to be is available to Savannah. I think those of us who have "ex's" from cold, dark places can relate to your hurt and frustration. Having special children and then having to deal with unfeeling, smallest of the small people is so exhausting. In my case I think he can't do anything else that would surprise me, but he always does. I wish I could reach out through the computer and give you a huge hug, so many of us support you and believe in you. I pray for you and beautiful Savannah so many times through the day and if awake during the night, I check-in then too. I came to your site through Kody's site, so I'm the real deal as are so many others. I was concerned when you didn't journal for a few days and now I understand why, once again I am so sorry for this kind of pain during an already difficult journey in yours and Savannah's life. With Christian Love and Compassion, Pam
Pam <pmskitees@earthlink.net>
Camarillo, CA USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 1:29 PM CDT
Dear Lisa,
I'm so sorry you are having to deal with all this stress. I can relate, because my ex-husband was unbelievably cruel to me during my son's illness and subsequent death (from the same brainstem tumor Savannah has.) (In fact, 8 months after Nolan's death he is STILL maliciously harrassing me.) I cannot understand how these men can be so calculatingly heartless!
You and Savannah are in my prayers

Lorraine <loralof@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, April 10, 2004 1:23 PM CDT
Lisa: You don't know me--but I have been visiting this site for awhile through Kody's site. I check on Savannah every day to pray for her and for you and Cassie and Jerry. You are a great Mom--it's so obvious how much you love your children. You hold your head high and the heck (wanted to use the stronger word there) with him! May God Bless you! My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Dawn
dawnlangdon728@hotmail.com <dawnlangdon728@hotmail.com>
Phelps, NY 14532 - Saturday, April 10, 2004 1:22 PM CDT
Lisa, I can not believe that a man who doesnt make or find the time to spend with his daughter
other than sitting there checking her pulse
makes the time to copy what is essentially your diary
and post it on the other site
I think this speaks VOLUMES to the type of person he is
and where his priorities in life are
Thank God you 2 arent together
he is WAY beneath you

this whole situation is irrelevant
deal with Savannah and spend time with her, you, Jerry and Cassie, and deal with this childish invasion of your privacy later. By the way... the other site/particular emails CAN be blocked from accessing this one....

Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:58 AM CDT
Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. If you password this site, I will understand and not be angry but you are doing a service for others in helping them with their feelings and espressions of anger at this beast cancer. I came to this site through another site and check and pray for you and your family daily. Give Savannah a hug and kiss and do not let others ruin this time with your daughter. Treasure every moment you have.
Sharon <ristdavidw@comcast.net>
Minnesota - Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:50 AM CDT
Hi Lisa! I am a stranger to you but I have been keeping up with Savannah for some time now. Please dont let whatever happened get to you. I for one think your a great mom and know that you have your children at heart. You have so much on your plate yet you show so much strength. I check on you all daily and hope today is a better day.
JoBeth Hunnicutt <jobedu@alltel.net>
Moultrie, Ga - Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:46 AM CDT
Dear Lisa,

i'm sorry to learn about all you are going through with your ex and how it is making your life even more difficult.
Nevertheless i do believe that Savannah needs the support network of prayer and healing that she gets from all the people coming here - invited or not- to do the best they can to help her.
If you feel you can't continue this journal because somebody got the address and violated your pricacy by stealing and editing the material, you could go through the effort and opening a new journal on caringbridge, go through the guestbook of this one and only give the url to those you think are trustworthy.
I do believe sooner or later he will get the new address again though, no matter what you do ........
which means......... you only have the alternative to close the journal down completely- or live with the consequences and ignore whatever he does for the sake of Savannah's healing and your freedom of speech.
I personally do work with Savannah on a daily basis ( distant healing) and i do need the feedback that your journal provides to see how what i'm doing is working.
If you would close the journal i wouldn't lose " contact" to Savannah necessarily, but my work would be much more difficult.
Don't let all of that spoil your Easter, Lisa! What counts is the love and the peace that you feel in your heart and that you share with your children and your partner.
If you let things like that spoil your fun and your happiness, this person wins.
Make your home a safe haven and show whoever thinks they can irritate or hurt you that nobody ever can take happiness and joy out of your home. This is the weapon you have i believe.
Right now you allowed this person to destroy your holidays, you gave your power away. Take it back! Go bake a cake with your kids and color eggs and laugh and enjoy every minute of it!!!

Mia <miafriedrich@lincsat.com>
Staffa, ON Canada - Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:46 AM CDT
It looks as though you do have many other understanding and caring people checking in on you and yes I would be one of those people who doesn't even have a clue who you or Savannah are but one thing I do know is that every little girl going through this torture deserves an extra special prayer even if it be from a complete stranger as well my prayers are for comfort and peace for you too. To be honest, reading your entries is heart wrenching and those of us who have children can relate. I am sure I can't even comprehend the pain you must feel yet I would NEVER dream of degrading your entries and most of all the feelings you must have. Please know that through another sick baby I had seen your sight and believe me it is touching the strength that you as mothers are brought at this time in your life and if journaling is your peace of mind or somewhat understanding, if you may, then you go for it. Just know that I will pray for Savannah, you and your family. I have a little niece Savannah, so I love her name. We sometimes call her Savannah-banana-fofana! I hope you see a smile in the sunshine and a rainbow in the sky. May God grant you the strength and courage needed to face each day, and the faith that he will NEVER leave you know matter how mad you may be. If you have ever heard of "The Greene's", gospel group, they have a song called "Hold On"...you should try and listen to it. The words are so true and you may really find some comfort from it. I would love to send it to you, so if you want to email me back I will drop one in the mail. Well I better close. In the meantime, know we will pray for you throughout your journey. God is always watching over you and Princess Savannah. :-)
Wendy Roberts <wendyroberts1@hotmail.com>
columbia, mo - Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:40 AM CDT
Lisa: I found your site through Savannah Olson's site I know her family. We are all still grieving for her. I only wish strenth and peace for you. You are stronger and more loved and respected then you know. From reading your guestbook I see many more friends and well wishers then the begrodgers. Dont let then into your spirit or your life they are not worth it. I wish you happiness and love with peace in your heart when this horrible journey ends.
Savannah will be prayed for at 10am mass here Easter Sunday. Stay strong you are an inspiration to all who visit your site.

Marie O'Reilly
Dublin, Ireland - Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:36 AM CDT
Dear Lisa,

I too wish I could come to you all the way from Oregon and give you a hug and also protect you and your loves from hurt and harm. My daughter too had cancer as a child and though we are fortunate to have her today as a survivor, I still remember the feelings and pain of that time.

So you ask what can you do? Let them eat %$^*. This is your time, for you to make memories and share love. You and Cassie and Savanna and Jerry are bigger and more important than spite or hurt. I know you have had to be strong for so long but the coming weeks will be your most important, your close-to-the-heart time. Don't let them take that away from you or the girls!

One thing about going through this dreadful disease is that you learn who and what things are important. You know what is important...let Daddy Dearest think what he wants...he will anyway...let the people who have stolen your thoughts go on and thinking they have...I don't know...one over on you? But you know they haven't...They have put you through hell, but you have heaven next to your side and have for as long as Savanna (and Cassie too)have been drawing breaths on this earth. You have had the gifts of support and love from those who have firmly remained by your side throughout this journey. Let the others go. They are not important.
You are. Savannah is. That is all that matters right now.

I will check on you often and hope all is better.....

lynette <lynies1@aol.com>
Aloha, or usa - Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:10 AM CDT
Dear Sweet Lisa... you asked, "what the hell am i going to do?" Start with changing the password on the other site. Then... hold your head high and know that many of us have seen "who" you are from your journal here. Nothing anyone else can say would or could lower my opinion of you as a mother and a human being, period. I admire you, I appreciate who you are and respect you as well. Do not let anyone take who you are from you.

I was not invited to this site, I dropped in from Maxie's site. Thus, I am an uninvited guest. In reading your entry today, I don't believe you meant people like myself aren't welcome to visit this site and pray for and with your family. So, my prayers will continue.


Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, Iowa - Saturday, April 10, 2004 12:09 AM CDT
Lisa, I visit your daughters site daily(sometimes 5 times a day) checking on Savannah's progess...that's how much your story has touched me. I can tell that it has touched so many lives just from reading the posts. I will not begin to say I understand the pain you're going thru with this website crisis,but please know that so many people support you and are praying not only for Savannah but for you also. You are an outstanding mother;an extremely loving and dedicated one,so don't let mere words from anyone detract from your focus,which is providing your best to Savannah and letting us all share in that. I admire you tremendously. Your family has become a part of my daily thoughts and prayers...that will never stop even if you decide its best to discontinue journal entries,please know that.
Tricia <TriciaBxNY@aol.com>
St. Louis, MO - Saturday, April 10, 2004 11:54 AM CDT
Lisa, I know you don't know me but I read your site daily. I pray for you and Savahnna and that their will be peace for both of you so you can enjoy each other. I hate that you have to deal with these cruel individuals, that's not fair with everything you have going on. You are a good mom and I can tell that through your honest journals. its hard when someone takes our private inner thoughts and destroys them, its not fair and they will have to face God one day for doing it until then, stay strong, love and hold your baby. I hope you don't delete this site because you have helped me so much while I am losing my own son Matthew who is on hospice. I held him last night so tight and just stayed in bed holding on while his breathing was struggled but he was in no pain, I will pray for you and hold you both in our hearts.
Darla Lindenmayer <DLinden73@aol.com www.caringbridge.org/in/matthewlindenmayer>
Lexington, IN - Saturday, April 10, 2004 11:53 AM CDT
Hi Lisa, If only hugs could reach all the way from Oregon! I don't understand the cruelty of some people. I'm praying that all of this other "stuff" will be cleared from your mind, and you can just treasure every minute you have with your precious Savannah. It sounds like life has thrown many troubles your way, but I can also see that you are still tender, compassionate and unwavering in your love for your children. You are richer than those who have thousands of dollars in the bank! You know the true value of life.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <sstrom@quik.com>
- Saturday, April 10, 2004 11:42 AM CDT
Even though we may not know each other, I have been checking your site every day...praying for both you and your daughter. My best friend (Shelley) is 38 years old and is dying of this unbelievable cruel disease called cancer. She has a site on CB and is also very "real" in sharing her journey...she doesn't hide the pain and everyone appreciates that. I have two children of my own and can not imagine the absolute horror this must be for you...let alone your little princess. A couple of weeks ago, I was a little stressed about a situation and talked to Shelley...she told me "do not let this worry you for one minute - no one is worth getting you upset...life is too short". So, after reading your latest entry, I just had to write and tell you to not let ANYONE get you upset with their stupid words - it's not worth it! I as a mother....appreciate your honesty in being able to pour your heart out on this site. I will continue to pray for you and your family and hope that it brings some comfort to you!
Julie kjorsvik <kjorsvik@elltel.net>
Ellensburg, WA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 11:10 AM CDT
Praying for you guys, hoping Savannah is having a sticker filled day..... I hate to bring this up, but dont delete the site. Password protect it if you have to, but it may be therapeutic somehow for you or Cassie to have it.
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Saturday, April 10, 2004 11:02 AM CDT
Dear Lisa - I have never signed the guestbook before but have been reading your postings for about a month. Please don't let one ignorant person take this away from you. I have never felt the pain you are feeling but I am a mom and have felt the love. I hope that you don't let this one person take Savannah away from all of us who care.
Lauri Michelich <michelich@aol.com>
Pinehurst, NC - Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:55 AM CDT
Lisa and Savannah,

I wish there was something to be said at this time that could make everything all better for you both. I cannot believe that some people are so selfish and cruel; please don't let that stop you Lisa from still updating. Of course, do what you need to for your well being. YOU are the one who is allowed to be selfish at this time.

As for Paine, I did try emailing her and it came back as undeliverable, so I guess she did post a fake address. She's sooooo not worth the time or tears.

Stay strong! I'll pray for you daily....

Sarah <sclayton11@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:47 AM CDT
Dear Lisa,

I am sorry there are people who are so mean, hateful and insensitive during this time. I met you on-line thourgh the PBT group last year when my daughter Katherine was also diagnosed with a pontine glioma. Even though we have never met or even posted much, I felt a connection to Savannah, Cassie and to you from your postings on the PBT site and your Caring Bridge site. I am certainly not here for entertainment purposes. As another mother who is just walking down the earlier part of the DPG road, I just want to check on how Savannah, Cassie, Jerry and you are each day. I pray for you all daily. Please know you all will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers each day.

Take Care,

Diana Cross, Mother of Katherine <diana@houston.rr.com>
Houston, TX - Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:35 AM CDT
Lisa -

You are an incredible mom!! You are doing what is best for Savannah, yourself, Cassie and Jerry... as easy as it is to be influenced by these negative people, please realize that there are so many of us praying for you and sending you our strength... no one has walked in the exact pair of shoes you are walking in and they should not be judging you. Praying for you!

Happy Easter!

Carla <carlaj@zoominternet.net>
Butler, PA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:27 AM CDT
please dont stop posting about savannah.. i read your posting every day.. you all give me strength to know that you are strong for your children and that your love is endless.
i pray for you all daily along with other ones. but savannah makes me smile when i read how she still spunky at times a child who knows what she wants whether or not she has a eveil disease.. i pray the good man will bless you all 10 xthousands times over. and i pray many hugs and god bless you all! tonya cinnamon

tonya cinnnamon <tonyascott03@msn.com>
knoxville, tn usa - Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:26 AM CDT
Please know that so many of us love Savannah and pray for you all daily.
I'm so sorry you have been so hurt by such an inconsiderate person at such a horrible time in your life.
Hold on to Savannah, Cassie and Jerry. Love them, and cherish every moment.
We are all here for you and will protect you.
All my best

your month end monitor - Chemo Angel Lori <ljtgray@earthlink.net>
- Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:21 AM CDT
This is my first post. I have always heard about the infamous "Paine" if that is her real name or not. Most people earase the posts so I never get the chance to see her words. Now that I have, what a pain in the a**. Please ignore that. She obviously has something very wrong in her life. The rest of us come her to pray for Savanah and her family. We sigh a breath of relief every day that you can post a story about Savanah and her life. There are always more good people in the world than bad. There is peace in that.

Kathy Weiss
Philadelphia, Pa - Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:49 AM CDT

I send you all the strength I have. Maybe you can return it one day..

Marsha Lardin (m/o Allison 14, dx Brain Stem Glioma, 6/3/03 <jlardin@lightbound.com>
Shelbyville, In - Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:47 AM CDT
Lisa, Not a day goes by that I don't pray for Savannah and the rest of your family. Please know that I continue to pray for you all. Hang in there, and just continue to focus on Savannah. And NO! you are NOT losing it. I am amazed by the strength you continue to show. If you ever need to talk, please feel free to email me.
God bless you all,
Loriann, Benji's mom

The Zellos, Rick, Loriann, Josh, Benji, Grace, and Little Bitty(our beloved obese kitty!) <zello2@cableone.net>
beautiful Biloxi, MS - Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:34 AM CDT
Hang in there Lisa... You are admired by many! and THAT other (person) is exactly what she called it "insensitive!" She said to email her if we have a problem well... same goes for her! If she had a problem (as she did with your dog story) she could have emailed you rather than posted her thoughts on SAVANNAH's site! How ignorant! I don't want to waste anymore time and energy on her PAINEful-insensitive-personality. I really hope she is gone from the site for good, like she said she would be.

I hope you continue to keep updating this site, we have all fallen so in love with yours and savannah's story. It's a beautiful one. You, her, Cassie, Jerry and the rest of your family have such a strong bond. I admire you Lisa. You speak what's on your mind and you aren't afraid of what someone might think! This world would be a better place if more people were like that! I pray for peace, pain-free time, and most importantly...LOVE for your family this Easter weekend. May PEACE be with you and your family!

doesn't matter <hanginthereSavannah's@family.com>
Minneapolis, MN - Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:27 AM CDT
I looked for your email to send to send this to you privately, but couldn't find one. There is a way to delete guest book entries from the page. I don't know exactly how, but I think if you contact caringbridge they can tell you how. I understand your anger and frustration at the cold heartedness people can show, and I hate to think that you would let one person steal from you the place that you come to for support. Please consider looking into erasing the memory of that ignorance, and allowing us out here to continue to support you. Savannah is never far from my thoughts.
Tracy M <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:18 AM CDT
Lisa, please don't stop entering in your journal. I've been checking Savannah's website several times a day, She's a beautiful special child and there are many people out here who want to know whats going on. Don't let one idiot stop you from doing something that helps you.
Ellen Robertson, m/o Samantha pituitary tumor <hellen177@aol.com>
Wyandotte, MI USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:49 AM CDT
I've been coming here for several months now, and I just want to say that I have never felt drawn to someone as I do to Savannah and yourself. You have an amazing ability to not only let everyone know how Miss Savannah is doing, but to share your innermost feelings. Please know that not everyone who comes here is as sick and disgusting as MS. Paine! I'm so very sorry that you have to deal with that level of gross negligence at a time like this.

I will continue to pray for your beautiful daughter and for all of you!

~Holding you all close in my heart~

Amy Heidt <suzyhsmows@aol.com>
Billings, MT USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:48 AM CDT
I had just come by to check on Savannah this morning. I, like many others, found your site through another Caringbridge site. Know that people come to your site to check on Savannah and your family because they care. My heart filled with warmth and happiness the other day when I read that Savannah was doing "stickers," what a typical little girl activity :-)! I will honor your wishes and not return, but know that I think of you all often and pray every night for peace and strength for your whole family. God Bless you all.
Dora <redgoose4@hotmail.com>
Columbia, MO - Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:23 AM CDT
I've posted many times in this guestbook, so I'd like to apologize in advance if this offends anyone in anyway. Please know I do not intend to hurt anyone and please feel free to use my e-mail address to contact me should you have anything negative to say.

I am a HUGE animal lover. I suppose I got this from my Mom as I had always seen how crazy she was about animals. Presently we have 3 cats and one dog living with us, but we've had many other animals in the past. Over the years I've been through the devestation of putting 3 cats down and losing one. Samantha was born when the cat I had had for 10 years was put to sleep. I was with him before, during and after it happened and I'm not ashamed to say I balled my eyes out. My pets are my babies. When people ask me if I'm a Mom I'll sometimes joke and say I have 5 kids. Samantha plus my animals. I would be heart broken if anything happened to any of them, but life would go on.

A pet can be replaced. As horrible as that may sound, it's true. If Spot is hit by a car or Fluffy dies from old age, eventually the pain you're feeling will subside and you may move on by purchasing another animal. Now how many parents can say this about their children? How many parents can say their child died but was replaced by another? NONE! A child cannot be replaced. He/she is a special gift from God and no matter how many children you have in this world, they're all different. While you can go to a pet store and purchase a new pet to help you through your grief, the same CANNOT be done when you've lost a child.

As I said before, I consider my pets to be my babies. BUT, if I was sitting next to my baby girl and watching her get weaker with each day that passed, I'd have to say that she would definitely come first. Nothing else would matter to me. So if you think Lisa sounded insensitive by not showing any emotions when she killed that dog, get over it. God forbid you're ever in the same situation she is. Then I'm more than certain you'd understand.

If this offends anyone, I'm sorry. E-mail me if you have something to say. I'd hate to see Savannah's guestbook filled up with more negativity.

Savannah sweetheart, you're in my thoughts and prayers every second of every day. I'm sorry to hear you were mad at Jerry for having to go to work, but don't you ever forget how much he, and everyone else in your family, loves you!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!


Shannon -- http://www.caringbridge.org/ma/samanthatherese/ <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:19 AM CDT

Please know that for every unkind person out there, there are many, many more Christian that just stop by to pray for your beautiful daughter. I like many other linked from a friend whose daughter battled this awful disease. Like so many more I pray each morning for your daughter as well as other children and their families linked from others. Also know that sharing your thoughts at this horrible time in your life, IS helping someone out there going through the same nightmare yet is unable to express herself. Yoou will never know how many people have fell in love with your little one and have prayed for her and you.
Love through Christ,

Sandra <ahonbarger@carolina.rr.com >
NC - Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:04 AM CDT
I meant to identify myself more fully in my message, below...I am Jinny, wife of John, from the pediatric bt support group list on Yahoo. John was diagnosed with a brainstem glioma when he was 7 and is now 42 and battling on, beginning Teomodar on Monday. Blessings and healing to you, Savannah, Jerry and Cassie.
Jinny Hannasch-Daley <jinnyhann@yahoo.com>
Bethesda, MD USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:03 AM CDT
I am so sorry for what Paine had wrote. I didn't understand you enrty until I searched all the entrys in the guestbook. It was very insensitive of her. None of us can fully understand everything you are feeling. This is your therapy your personal way to express the horrible thing you are going. I knew what you were saying about the dog. People should think before they open there mouths. If she thought it was so terrible what she said. Oh well this is not a place to veiw her opinions and say such hurtful things. Hope to GOD she never has to face this terrible illness you are facing. I came to from another site. It send Savanah was in need of some more prayers. I check on you a couple times a day. I pray everyday for all of you. Please don't close your journal because of one person. The rest of us truly care. You need your journal. It helps you. Also helps those of us to understand what you are going through. Hope to see you journal agin. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Amy <jessibubba@comcast.net>
Pittsburgh, PA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:47 AM CDT
Dear Lisa, Thinking of and praying for you and Savannah on this Holy Saturday. May God be with you. I wondered why there were no new postings for several days and feared the worst. Please don't shut down. With love, Jinny w/o John
Jinny Hannasch-Daley <jinnyhann@yahoo.com>
Bethesda, MD USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:37 AM CDT
Again sending you love and support from Virginia. Please let this be the rebeginning of only positive and supportive comments here, as it can be put on a password only status..this family is brave and good, and none of us truly know until we are there in thse very difficult shoes. Much love to your family, and prayer each day.
Mary Alice Dorschel, mom of Lizzie, age 11, germinoma BT
suffolk, va - Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:35 AM CDT
you are always in my thoughts and prayers... for peace in your heart, peace of mind and peace in passing.
thank you for allowing us (the good ones!) in your life and sharing your journey.

erika collier <erika_collier@hotmail.com>
tampa, fl - Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:25 AM CDT
I don't understand people sometimes and never will I guess, but I do understand your NEED to have a place to express your thoughts. It always makes me feel better to put what I am thinking down on paper, so I hope you will allow yourself this out, even when inconsiderate and uninvited people post their opinions that don't even pertain to what is going on and really matters. We continue to pray for all of you...for peace and strength and comfort and will walk with you in prayer all the way. Thank you for allowing us to have a glimpse of the preciousness of your baby. I am honored to have journeyed somewhat with you, even in thought, and will forever be moved by the honesty of your words. May we all value our families and our children a little more as we see what an incredible, loving mother you are to your daughters.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:22 AM CDT
First, I am so sorry that if by visiting SAvannah's site, that I offended you by being a stranger. Her link was posted on another one of caringbridge sites and I visited and fell in love with you guys. It really has NO entertainment value when I walk away crying, can't sleep at night and think of all of these children constantly.I will however, respect your wishes because this is your journey with SAvannah, NOT mine. I understand completely and appologize.

Anyways, Ms. Paine (in the a**), please take your animal rights activism and visit the animal rescue sites. This site is designed for a dying girl and her family. It is for their thoughts and not for yours. I must tell you that an animals life canNOT even begin to compare to the life of a child, the pain of a mother watching her child suffer, and playing the waiting game until she earns her wings. You should have NEVER made any derrogatory comments in this book. Open your own website and voice your opinion there.Leave this one alone. Let this family use their site for the reasons that it was intended. How can you sleep at night knowing that at the worst time in this womans life, that YOU are adding grief and dispair? Maybe, you are the animal here!!!

May God bless Savannah and her family.
Lisa, Just know that your family will always be in my thoughts and prayers.

Much love and hugs,

Manchester, CT - Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:04 AM CDT
Praying for you during this Holy time of the year. Please hold your head high and not let others destroy what you are setting in writing. I feel the journaling must help you, or you wouldn't expose yourself to the comments. Take care, and spend your precious moments with your family. This can't be easy for you.
Grove City, OH - Saturday, April 10, 2004 6:43 AM CDT
Lisa... Please don't close the site. You have been such an inspiration to me. Through you and Savannah, I believe we have all been touched and I feel blessed to "know" you and your family. I am so sorry that I responded to a certain poster and if that had anything to do with your recent journal entry, I apologize.

Prayers, hugs and peace...

Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, Iowa - Saturday, April 10, 2004 6:34 AM CDT
Lisa...I have been following Savannah's journal for a few months now. I go to bed praying for your angel and wake up doing the same. I have a precious little boy in heaven and my heart breaks for you.

I am always amazed at the ignorance of some people. I completely understand what you were trying to say about the "dog incident". How incredibly bold of Ms. Paine to think she has the right to come to this site and say ANYTHING about your posts. Or that she even has the right to defend herself.

I hope that you will contiue to update all of who are praying for your beautiful little girl.

Love and prayers

Melony <mellygirl70@comcast.net>
Valparaiso, IN USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 6:14 AM CDT
I don't normally post entries but I'm making an exception in this case. I have followed Savannah's story for some time and she really is the most beautiful little girl. I really hope you don't close the site and if you do the idiots of the world like "Paine" will have won. By getting so upset and by other people responding she is achieving her aim of getting attention. I am a dog lover, have owned dogs for over 30 years and adore our two Italian Spinnones but they can never be considered in the same light as my children. Also I think that it is never the driver's fault when a dog is injured or killed on the road. It is almost always due to the owner not keeping them secure.(I hope this remark doesn't cause more trouble amongst dog lovers). I really don't think you should spend what little energy you must have left on someone like "Paine". I send hugs to Savannah and hope she is comfortable. Please don't let anyone force you to close the site.
Gill Lewis <gilllewis21@yahoo.co.uk>
London, United Kingdom - Saturday, April 10, 2004 5:30 AM CDT
sending love and healing energy from Ontario/Canada

Mia <miafriedrich@lincsat.com>
Staffa, ON Canada - Saturday, April 10, 2004 5:23 AM CDT
I'm so sorry about "Ms Paine". She seems to be in a lot of "pain" herself to come on your "own" site and say such things. She must not have anyone at home to talk to. So, she has to go on to your site and vent her broken soul. Once again, I am so very sorry.
Kasey Gunde <topgund@aol.com>
Mount Holly, NC US - Saturday, April 10, 2004 3:43 AM CDT
What the h*ll?? You're all nuts!!! Man.. I make 1 tiny comment about a stupid dog, get over it! I'm a stranger! you all just keep pushing it so I KEEP COMING BACK to defend myself. If you all have such a problem with me, EMAIL ME for God sakes! my email ISNT fake, give it a try maybe??
aagain, this has N-O-T-H-I-N-G to do definitely with Savannah, her family, just my oversensetivity towards animals. I don't know, maybe I've watched Animal Precinct too much. Jeez, you're all WAY too oversensetive. Screw all of you, I hope Savannah continues to hold her own but I'm not coming back here.. I'm becomming a little afraid of all of you and of all of the free time you all obviously have on your hands! Man.

Paine <spherehunters_YRP@yahoo.com>
besaid island, Spira - Saturday, April 10, 2004 3:10 AM CDT
Lisa, I hope you will continue to let those of us concerned about Savannah know how she is doing. I, personnally, never found anything you wrote offensive - in fact, I enjoy your updates - you have a wonderful way of wording things. I don't post often, but do check on her a few times a day. Being a friend of Norine's - I know some of what she went through, although I will never trully know. I do understand the dog issue though - I lost my grandpa 4 years ago - I know its not the same, but I know what it is like to feel numb. I'm sorry you have to deal with this hurtful person of top of the hell you are going through. I will continue to pray for all of you. May you all have a happy Easter. Savannah, I'm glad to hear your doing better *** :-)
Vickie <dspch911@webtv.net>
Stickney, Il USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 2:30 AM CDT
just stopping by to check in on that beautiful daughter of yours lisa...my heart goes out to you right now as obviously the last thing you needed was for someone to hurt you ...people can be so shallow and insensitive...i dont know you but i want you to know that i see a very loving and caring and magnificent woman who loves her daughter and is going through the worse hell that anyone can possibly imagine...hold your head high and know that we all see that you are hurting right now and trying your best to understand and deal with what you are feeling...you dont owe anyone an explanation or apology and they need to just move on!!! please keep us informed about beautiful savannah...we keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers...it moves me to pieces to hear about the loving way that jerry has held her and comforted her and been there when you needed him the most ...love, not time heals all wounds...but there will always be a hurting inside of you...you just learn to stay focused on the good things in this world and take comfort in the time and the love that you do share with each other now...
janie besser <janiejanie2323@aol.com>
masury, ohio usa - Saturday, April 10, 2004 1:13 AM CDT
Dearest Savannah and family,
I am a little confused about your last entry but I guess I wont worry over it as I am certain whomever it is intented for knows who they are. I check on Savannah each morning and then again in the evening. I am praying for a miracle and am thankful for each and every day you have with your sweet child! Your pain radiates thru this caringbridge page and people who truly care share in that with you, me being one of them. I will continue praying for Savannah and all of you. Your in my thoughts always..........

Jennifer Pansa <Jenifer66@aol.com>
Bremerton, Wa - Saturday, April 10, 2004 1:00 AM CDT
Hi Savannah and family-

I wanted to let you know that you have been added to my daily thoughts and prayers. Alison Haddock, mom to angel Alexandria, is a dear and sweet friend of mine and gave me the link to your website. As I can tell by some pass journal entries, you have had a time with someone extremely unkind. Please know that there are people out there that TRULY do CARE, are COMPASSIONATE, and are praying for the best for your family. Savannah I hope you have a VERY, VERY, blessed EASTER!!!

God Bless,

dawn dains <daisydains@msn.com>
ofallon, mo usa - Saturday, April 10, 2004 0:07 AM CDT
Hello! I was linked to your site through another caringbridge family. I just wanted you to know that no matter what some people may say, you are getting a lot of awareness out regarding your daughter's illness and she in return, is getting endless prayers said for her and all the many other families that are having to deal with certain situations that are laid down before them. I hope that you continue to update about Savannah's progress and know that she is loved and thougt about by many. If not, prayers will continue to be said for both you and the family for continued strength, health, wisdom, and support. May God richly bless you!
Verdelle Reynolds <player2player76@hotmail.com>
ALTA LOMA, Ca USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 11:56 PM CDT
I just stopped by to see how Savannah was doing today and I'm confused by tonight's entry. I'm hoping that you will continue to let us know how things are going. Please remember that there are a lot of people out here that have not meet you, but care and are praying hard for Savannah and your family during this difficult time. I will continue to send positivite thoughts your way and prayers to heaven for all of you.
Seattle, WA - Friday, April 9, 2004 11:55 PM CDT
To Savannah's family: I check the site often to see how Savannah, Cassie and the family are doing.

Thinking of you...and what you are going through as we have walked a path similar to yours. Our daughter, Delaney, became an angel in January 2002. It feels like it was yesterday when we held her in our arms. From this website, I can see that Savannah is a beautiful, delightful girl. Losing a child is a loss like no other. Please email me if I can help you in any way.
Delaney's site: www.caringbridge.com/ca/delaney

Amy, Mom of Angel Delaney, Kevin, and Shelley <Wright_Amy@hotmail.com>
San Diego, CA USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 11:53 PM CDT
My heart breaks for you that someone has caused additional hurt and stress during this important and painful time. I have been so moved for how you are handling and cherishing the time you have and the for the love of the people in your life. I continue to pray for you and your family.

I hope someone will help you contact caringbridge and filter out these terrible messages.

Enjoy your Easter weekend with your loved ones.

Ellen <ellen133@yahoo.com>
Palo Alto, CA - Friday, April 9, 2004 11:50 PM CDT
Dear Lisa and family, I have followed Savannah's story since I saw on the Tumbleweed Foundation's site. I just wanted you to know that I am one of those people who care. Savannah and your family are in my daily prayers. Please know that Savannah's story has touch many, she is an amazing little girl and you are a great mom.
Mccandless, Pa - Friday, April 9, 2004 11:37 PM CDT
I am so sorry if I have intruded and caused any pain; I do not knowingly betray anyone. We were asked at another site to come and give support. That's what I've been trying to do, but still I am a stranger. I won't bother you again, hon. Continued strength and peace for your family.
Tn <tnwoman55@yahoo.com>
- Friday, April 9, 2004 10:56 PM CDT
Lisa, I don't know you but have been following your journey with Savannah. I found your site through another CB site...just wanted to let you know that there are people that care and are thinking of you and your family.


Auntie Dawn to King Brandyn <lilsis214@aol.com>
MD - Friday, April 9, 2004 10:54 PM CDT
I just came by tonight to tell you I am praying for your family. I know that some one who has never watched their child fade away has no idea how you feel. I too lost a child about 10 years ago.There are no words to explain to some one. Nearly everyone that comes here truly has your best interests at heart.I hope some day I can meet and talk with you. You are a good mama and right now that is all that matters.
Sharon <sholweger5@yahoo.com>
Dardanelle , - Friday, April 9, 2004 10:54 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and Family,

I have signed here before, but I don't sign nearly enough. I am sorry that there are insensitive people out there who are bothering Savannah and her website. That is wrong. I want to tell you Lisa that reading your entries is such a blessing. Savannah is such a miracle in herself, and even though it is heartbreaking to read about her struggle with this illness, it is amazing to see her courage and strength and the courage and strength of your family. At the college I attend, Northeastern State University, we have Prayer Without Ceasing Week every April where we take up prayer requests from around campus and pray for them in our Gazebo in the middle of campus. Bunches of people from the different campus ministries sign up on different days to pray for an hour at a time. I added Savannah to that list. So, over 50 people have been praying for her this week. My friends and I also prayed for her during our Spring Break mission trip. So know that your daughter is loved and thought of by many people. We will not stop praying for your little girl.

"For he has commanded his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms so you will not strike your foot against a stone"

Bryanne Weaver <weaverbj@nsuok.edu>
Tahlequah, OK USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 10:50 PM CDT
Lisa, I am so, so, so sorry for the ignorance of some people in this world.... they will pay... I promise. I was equally as upset as the rest of the caring ones that I see in this guestbook... I tried to email this punk (whether IT is a male or female) however chicken shit runs thin when one starts mouthing as jerk wad did! That is a
psuedo email account..chicken shit~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so sorry to read you choose not to journal anymore. I will continue to pray for Savannah, you and Jerry. You are in my thoughts daily...

PS. you know you can track the ISP for EACH and EVERY person that has signed onto this page and left messages! You may already know that and have tracked this &%$*! person.

Brenda Ladell <ladell@cox-internet.com>
Paris, Tx USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 10:07 PM CDT
Lisa, I am also a mom from the PBT list. I follow your site, Savannah's story, and am inspired by the strength and love of your family. You deserve only love, peace and comfort right now, and nothing negative. Please know so many of us are praying for your family. Seeing you have to worry about anything other than your beautiful family is breaking my heart. We send our thoughts, prayers and love to all of you.



Michelle Hawkins <michellehawkins3@yahoo.com>
Virginia, - Friday, April 9, 2004 10:01 PM CDT
I do not know you but know you as a mother who undoubtably loves her children. I came across your site through anothercaring bridge site. YOur family is on my mind so often through each day. I hear your songs on the radio and think of your beautiful Savannah. Your site is the first thing i look at in the morning and the last thing I do every night. I am sorry that someone had to be so rude to you leaving silly comments. I know that I wasn't invited tothis site, but I do feel so many emotions for your family. I understand you are closing this site, could you just post a few lines when you think of it. I would love to hear how your girls are doing, and you for that matter. I understand completely if you cannot. Thanks and take care of yourself too.

Lisa <Lreece@buckeye-express.com>
Toledo, Oh USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 10:01 PM CDT
I am not sure what your journal entry means specifically and as someone who has come to care for you and Savannah long-distance, I am very concerned. I don't know what I can do to help right now, but please email me if you need to. I am so sorry that your daughter's website has been violated. It should be a source of support and love for your daughter and your family.

M. Elton
Richmond, VA - Friday, April 9, 2004 9:56 PM CDT
I wish I could find the words to offer you comfort....what you are going through is something that NO parent should have to go through. Please know that Savannah is in my heart and in my prayers.

Patty, one of Lynn's Prayer Warriors - Legacy of HOPE <groups@pattyslittleplace.com>
- Friday, April 9, 2004 8:44 PM CDT

I share in your journey in many ways. The Evanescence songs, seeming to be penned from your innermost thoughts. Watching the bloom fade from your most precious flower. Mine was Samuel, 3years and 9 months old, brain tumor (medulloblastoma). Sam flew from my arms to Heaven on November 5th. I know you feel alone and afraid. Try to know you are not alone. So many people through this site are with you, and will stay with you, and I'm sure there are many others outside of this place. I pray for peace for you, Savannah and the rest of your family. You are a great mom. Savannah is a strong, special child.

Kelly, Samuel J's mama

Kelly Johnson <kellyjnsn@comcast.net>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 8:17 PM CDT
Thinking of you all and wanted to wish you all a very HAPPY EASTER. God bless you all and we are keeping you in our prayers.
The Allison
Chattanooga, Tn USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 6:31 PM CDT
lisa - it seems as if we attract many, many crazy ass people.
i hope that your day is full of kisses and snuggles. you have every right to be preoccupied with that. you cant really worry about others feelings (even dogs). i know that it sucks, but doesnt this whole thing suck? thinking of you all the time.

riannon (jays momma) and the whole family <riannonkids@yahoo.com www.caringbridge.org/ca/jaydog>
san leandro, ca - Friday, April 9, 2004 4:22 PM CDT
Lisa, Savannah, Cassie and Jerry,

Thinking of you all during this most Holiest of weeks. I pray it is peaceful and that Savannah is doing okay. May God give you the strength and the resources to handle whatever you may face. In God's Love, Monica

Monica M. <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Friday, April 9, 2004 4:09 PM CDT

As always, it was great to see you yesterday! Glad you enjoyed the pickle-eating. I have always loved to see you drink your pickle juice, thanks for indulging me!!!

Brooke, Sydney and Abbie are dying eggs as fast as they can because when they finish they get to come play with you and Cassie. Before they began the egg-dying process, on their own, they bowed their heads, folded their hands and said a special Easter time prayer for Savannah and Cassie. I was so very touched. Children's prayers are the best as they just say whatever they are thinking, they definitely love Savannah and Cassie. My favorite part was when Abbie had a thought and I guess she lost it because she said "Oh well, never mind, Amen." Very precious! Every egg they are working on is a 'special one that Savannah or Cassie or Miss Lisa will love'. Sydney just asked is she could throw one away because she didn't think it was pretty....I told her no, so if you think it is ugly please don't tell!!! :-)

Anyway, just wanted to say hi - I check on you always throughout the day, not a moment goes by when you aren't in my thoughts and in all of our prayers. Love to all,

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 4:08 PM CDT
Hi Lisa, Just came by to wish you, Savannah, Cassie and Jerry a wonderful Easter. I'm praying that this silence just means you're all having a lot of fun with stickers.... But also praying for peace and comfort at the same time. Huge hugs from a former 'soccer mom' (and proud of it!LOL). Hugs,
Bernadette <bernadette_silva@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Friday, April 9, 2004 3:13 PM CDT
Happy Easter to your whole family, Lisa. We are thinking of you always and forever and sending our prayers.

And Paine, your mom didn't name you that because she was looking for something "more interesting" than Paige. She named you that because she had the good sense to know that you would grow up to become one giant Paine. So get lost.

A SOCCER MOM! <soccermom101@aol.com>
SOMEWHERE, AR USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 3:09 PM CDT
I hope you guys have a good weekend and a Happy Easter. Make it the best one!!!! Girls, I hope that Easter Bunny spoils you rotten. Lisa, YOU ARE AN AMAZING WOMAN!!! Remember that......
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Friday, April 9, 2004 3:02 PM CDT
Hi Lisa & girls. I just wanted to post a little something to let you know that I was thinking of you guys during this Easter season. I don't know if it will be a happy one or not. I think of you & the girls everyday & send you love from Long Island. Did you see the post from Ben Moody's mom? That is amazing that she wrote in. As for this person Paine? People shouldn't respond to her comments because that just fuels the fire. Ignore her & she will go away. God forbid this should ever happen to her or someone she knows.
Paula <pparisesmith@pmbankers.com>
Plainview, NY - Friday, April 9, 2004 2:18 PM CDT
Lisa, I have been coming to all of these sights since Jacob Courtney was diagnosed. Every time I come in here there is one heartbreak after another but there are also the strongest people on earth in here. You are unique and wonderful as is Savannah. I pray God holds you both in His arms and makes this journey peaceful. The only love I know of that is greater than a Mother's love is the love from God. All of you who go through this hell are second in command, stronger than any man and the most giving of any human being on this earth. Savannah is so precious and she is that way because of her MOMMY! God Bless You All.
Debbie <debbie.hendricks@alltel.com>
Alpharetta, GA - Friday, April 9, 2004 1:10 PM CDT
Dear Lisa-
I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for your openess and honesty regarding your feelings. Having a website for my daughter, who passed away last year, and feeling like I could "vent", has been extremely therapeutic for me. Through her battle and the grief that has followed her death, it has been a great source of comfort to express my grief and heartache with this devastating situation. I am thankful to caringbridge and all the devoted people who come here to show support for so many families. I know you know that Mr./Ms. Paine (whatever) does NOT deserve any more "air time", so I will not even go there ........just ignore those types of people. When people who did not have a clue would leave messages on our website, I debated on whether or not to delete them (you can do that). I actually chose to leave the messages on the website because it really made those people look like rude and crazy people, all by themselves. I did not have to say a word. Try to focus on those of us who have grown to know and care for your family and sweet Savannah. So many people care.....so many people are praying for peace and comfort for your family.

God Bless-
mom to Angel Alexandria

Alison Haddock <alisonhaddock@charter.net>
Saint Louis , MO - Friday, April 9, 2004 12:16 AM CDT
Paine... all of us "soccer moms"?? I am a 54 year old grandmother... never was a "soccer mom" and find the way you used it to be insulting. (Something you appear to be good at.) I wasn't going to touch any of your comments as I feel you were WAY out of line and that had already been pointed out. But.... You don't belong here. You came in dumping your unasked for opinions on a wonderful and caring mother that is honest enough to share her beautiful daughter AND her heart.

Lisa needs support, not someone elses crap dumped on her. If you feel the need to jump in and put a person down, may I suggest you try finding a chat forum where people aren't in need of support and understanding?

Lisa.... good thoughts and prayers are coming your way. Please give Savannah and Cassie a kiss for me.


Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, IA - Friday, April 9, 2004 11:22 AM CDT
Dear Lisa,

The other day a mother of one of my students came into my office, laid a letter down on my desk and began to walk away. When I stopped her to ask what it was regarding her eyes filled with tears. She wrote me a letter about Savannah, your online journal and the posting of the songs "Whisper" and "My Immortal" in your enries. She wanted me to know because my son wrote those songs and she thought it would bless me to know how his music spoke to you in such a painful time in your life. She said she knew that Ben and I would pray for you and your family and that we might want to contact you.

When she told me of your precious Savannah, to be honest, I could not bring myself to look at the journal. I knew my heart would break for you and I ran from the propect of feeling that until today. Millions of people listen to Evanescence, many with heartache in their lives that they thought was inexpressible until they heard some of their lyrics. I hear about it all the time but mother to mother it moved me that the lyrics moved you. When we live in the shadow of such intense grief, the darkness tends to separate us and make us feel isolated even when we know others are walking the same path. When someone expresses in words what we cannot say it is a powerful emotional release. I hope you found some comfort in the songs...and the fact that Ben is aware of your sweet Savannah and is praying for you. Our thoughts and prayers surround you. May God bless your days together and give you peace and comfort.

Melissa Moody

"As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted," says the Lord. Isaiah 66:13

Melissa Moody <mmoody468@cs.com>
Little Rock, AR USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 11:09 AM CDT
God bless you and I hope you will have a Happy Easter!
Caroline Bryant <brya506@bellsouth.net>
Marion, Ky USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 10:02 AM CDT

Just want you to know that I understand COMPLETELY what you meant about the dog! The exact same thing happened to me!

Leilani was just becoming symptomatic again so I pulled her out of school and would bring her to work with me. We went home on our lunch break to let the dogs out (we had two chihuahuas). While we were sitting on our front porch watching the puppies, a van comes FLYING down the road...before I even had a chance to do anything we realized that Rosie had been run over. At that point the school bus pulls up to drop off the boys. Well, my older boy and Leilani were crying, yet Noah did not. I too, was shocked that I did not FEEL much emotion! I loved my little dog. I had been a chihuahua lover all of my life. When I was 17 yrs old I cried for 5 days for my little chihuahua when he was missing. And now, all I could think of was my baby dying. At one point (later that day) I think I cried, but it was because I felt BAD for not crying for Rosie. Leilani died less than 2 months later and the boys kept saying at least she has Rosie there waiting for her...they are together now. :) So it was kind of therapeutic for the kids.

Needless to say, one and a half years later, Rosie's brother, Chili, got run over. I loved that dog so much. He was the BEST dog I have ever had. Personality wise he was PERFECT...there can never be a replacement for Chili! But you know what? I didn't cry! Yes, I miss him, but after having been through the loss of my daughter...I can't explain it...but things are different now. It doesn't mean I love animals any less...I have 4 dogs, a cat, 2 rabbits, 3 ducks and countless birds....yet I don't think I will ever CRY over the death of an animal again.

So please know that it is NORMAL (I did speak to a social worker about it and she agrees). Don't worry about anything other than your sweet little Savannah! There are alot of people out there with their opinions....but bottom line, unless they have experienced what it is like to watch your baby slip away .....to lose a precious child.....then they CANNOT judge us....they simply have no clue.

So hang in there honey....don't worry about the judgemental onlookers! Just enjoy your time with sweet little Savannah....let your world revolve around her.....nothing else matters!

You guys are in our thoughts and prayers constantly.....praying for a miracle!

With Much Love,

Yvonne, Leilani's mommy forver

The Fernandez Family <yvonnengzs@rjia.net>
Mount Airy, nc - Friday, April 9, 2004 9:32 AM CDT
Lisa thank you for your writings and your honesty. You take us to your emotions - that is not always easy. Know you are not alone - at all - with your emotions. We don't want our babies to hurt. Lisa, I think of you and pray for you and your family every day. I applaud you.
Love, Tess (Angel Nolan's Aunt 8/03 and Angel Dave's Wife 10/03)

Tess Baker <tndbkr@aol.com>
CA - Friday, April 9, 2004 9:15 AM CDT
First, I wanted to say thank you. When people comment negatively in your guestbook, I can imagine that it would be hard to want to keep posting a journal entry. I don't know you, but I feel I need to thank you for letting me check in on you and your family. Also, I cannot comprehend what you are going through, and what other mothers in your position have gone through. I can't imagine it, and I don't ever want to experience it. Because I have no idea what you are going through, I would never find it appropriate to comment on the things you say in your journal. I don't think that there is a 'normal' way to experience grief. I'm a social worker, and I work with older people. From my experience, I would say that everyone grieves differently. I appreciate that you've been so honest with your thoughts and feelings, and that you have not seemed to hold back for fear of judgment. I think that is courageous. I will continue to pray for strength and guidance for you and your family. Thank you again for sharing your lives with us.
Kristi <sarkri26@hotmail.com>
Columbus, Ohio - Friday, April 9, 2004 8:54 AM CDT
People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish motives,
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and real
Try to be successful anyway.
The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honestly and frankness will make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
People favor the underdog, but they chum up to the top dog.
Fight for the underdog anyway.
What you spend years building can be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
Give the world the best you have and chances are you
will get kicked in the teeth.
Give anyway...

Roseville, MN USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 8:37 AM CDT
I think I have it out of my system. I typed in exactly what I wanted to say to jump into the fray. Then I printed it out so I could see it and then erased it all, lol. After all, this is not the time nor place.
Lisa, I suppose no news is good news. I hope so anyway. Hope the family visit is giving you some much needed rest and support.
I'm mainly just checkin in to let you know that we're still here and still thinking about you guys and still sending up those prayers.
Does Savannah know that she has her own fan club? We appreciate you so much. You're showing us grace under fire, and your example is all we could ever ask to do in the same place. Hang in hon, we're all rooting for ya...

- Friday, April 9, 2004 6:00 AM CDT

Thinking of you tonight and always. Love to your family.


Jennifer Smith <yestoloans2002@yahoo.com>
Middletown, CA USA - Friday, April 9, 2004 1:35 AM CDT
Thinking of you and your family tonight. You are in my prayers. May God hold your beautiful daughter in his hands and bring comfort and strength to the famiily.
Los Angeles, CA - Friday, April 9, 2004 0:04 AM CDT
Mr. Paine? lol excuse me, I'm a girl. And go ahead and make fun of my name if u want, my mom named me and liked the name Paige but decided to be unique. But whatever, I said what i felt, why dont all of you soccer moms drop it already? you're making it out to be a much bigger deal than it is. it has nothing to do with the mother, just her emotions and the poor dog, and DEFINITELY not savannah. sheesh.
MS. paine <spherehunters_YRP@yahoo.com>
Besaid Island, Spira - Thursday, April 8, 2004 11:34 PM CDT
I stumbled on your page through another one. God bless you and your family. I will add you to my prayers.
Cindy Gibson
Monticello, AR USA - Thursday, April 8, 2004 5:24 PM CDT
Wishing you a peaceful Easter Weekend.
Tracy M. <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Thursday, April 8, 2004 5:19 PM CDT
I am thinking about you and have you in my prayers today
Dardanelle , - Thursday, April 8, 2004 3:54 PM CDT
Checking on all of you. Hope this weekend is providing some peaceful moments for everyone. We will not give up praying for you, Savannah.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR USA - Thursday, April 8, 2004 3:34 PM CDT
I too, do not want to give the person who left the negative comment any feedback, but I hope you realize that the responses to his negativity or positive for you. I could say so much, but often these types of people thrive on the responses from others, so I will refrain. I will say to you, that I entirely understand why you had no emotions, and that is a VERY normal response from a person going through what you are going through with Savannah. As you can see, from the positive responses, most of us get it, but there is always at least one that doesn't. It is a shame that the person could not silently have their feelings. I pray for Savannah, you and all of her family as you travel this horrendous journey. I am so sorry that life can be so unfair. No one can understand a child as young as Savannah having to endure and suffer as she has. I will not stop praying for her to receive an earthly miracle!!

Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Thursday, April 8, 2004 3:34 PM CDT
Savannah has shown many people in this world, the true meaning of strength and courage. . . she got it all from you. You are an inspiration. Not because you want to be, but because you have to be. Life has taken you on a cruel and difficult path, but you have faced it daily without fail. Yes, it is sad that a dog lost its life. No, there is nothing wrong with you. For some, it may have been the straw that broke the camels back and the emotion of dealing with that situation may have been too overwhelming. I believe, that your body and mind are dealing with all that it can, thus decided not to go into overload. You need to reserve your energy and emotional strength for your daughter, not a dog. Simple, normal, reality. Hang in there guys!! You have thousands of people around the world praying for you!
With love,

www.caringbridge.com/ny/my2angels <Rcurk@aol.com>
- Thursday, April 8, 2004 3:04 PM CDT
Hi Savannah! I hope you are having a wonderful day. Lisa, I have been checking in on you and your family daily for a while now. I can't help myself. I can't really explain it. I pray and ache for you and your little girls, but at the same time I am completely amazed by your strength, love, bond, relationships...You are a wonderful mother. I hope if I am ever placed in your position (I am the mother of a 2 yr old girl) I can be that strong (yet so fragile at the same time). I know that God is taking care of you all daily. I just wanted you to know that you have touched people who don't even know you. Thank God for people like you. Please hug both of your little angels for me and my little girl tonight. My thoughts and prayers are with you every minute. Savannah, hang in there sweetheart. You are definitely your mothers child.
Anya Foster <anya.foster@bxs.com>
Tupelo, MS - Thursday, April 8, 2004 2:51 PM CDT
I tried so hard.....and prayed hard too, not to respond to "Mr. Paine's" (aka IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!) comments, but at this time, I really just cannot help myself. I am not sure that I could say it any better than Terry, Julianna's parent, but here goes.......Mr. Paine (in the ass), have you ever held a child in your arms that was dying, your own child, who fought a battle of cancer or disease? Have you ever stayed up for nights on end listening and watching them breathe, for fear it was their last? Well guess what, I have. Many of us here on caringbridge have done just that. For you to give your "constructive critiscm" about how Savannah's mom felt about the dog is uncalled for, disrespectful, and the exact opposite of what this poor mom needs right now. I have lost animals, parents, and I will tell you this.......THERE IS NOTHING MORE DIFFICULT THAN YOUR CHILD FIGHTING FOR HIS/HER LIFE !!!!!!!!!! NOTHING !!!!!!!!!
Savannah's mom was not even looking for responses, just writing what was on her heart, and her feelings are perfectly normal.
Until you have "walked a mile in our shoes" please keep you comments to yourself......were you not also taught that if you cannot say anything nice, don't say anything at all?"

I am praying heavily for Savannah and her mom, dad, and siblings, but I will also pray for you as it is QUITE evident you need prayers as well.

MOM TO AN ANGEL IN HEAVEN <ahh@charter.net>
- Thursday, April 8, 2004 2:17 PM CDT
Good Afternoon Lisa and family! It sounds like you've had a pretty bad morning, I'm praying that Savannah has a better afternoon and evening than she did morning. She's a beautiful child Lisa and oh so strong.

I have been coming here for a couple of weeks and want to thank you for your honesty and strength is sharing your lives. I admire you. I'm not so sure I would be able to be so open and honest if I were in your shoes. Thank you Lisa.

Because of you and others, I've joined ChemoAngels, I hope others will look into it as it's a great organization. Also because of yourself, Maxie's family and Katia's family, I have contacted local hospitals and am on a list for classes teaching me how to "visit" families such as yours. Thank you for opening my eyes to the need for such.

My prayers continue, day and night...


Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, Iowa - Thursday, April 8, 2004 2:08 PM CDT
Dearest Savannah and your precious family,

Praying for days filled with love, comfort, peace and hope. I hope you know you are not alone.
With much love and prayers,
Click on the angel to visit my web site:  Catch An Angel

Judy <tnderheart@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, April 8, 2004 1:17 PM CDT
Lisa, Praying for sweet Savannah and for Cassie's asthma. Also, thanks to the tremendous example that you have set for us all, I continue to visit and pray for many of the CaringBridge children and their families. You have a huge strength of encouragement and strength from them, and I am glad.

At this very sacred time of year, I find myself in a prayer state of mind and just speaking / thinking my prayers throughout the day. Some prayers are requests, some are thank yous, I find all of you in my prayers throughout the day - as I am sure do many, many others. Love to you all,

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, April 8, 2004 1:14 PM CDT
I'm sorry if I'm contributing to perpetuating this, but I can't believe the nerve of Paine!

Paine, if you can't relate to Savannah's mom's comments, thats fine. It's also THE POINT, which you missed entirely...she can't relate to it herself! Her journal entry wasn't boasting about it either, it was introspection. It's something that us parents who are fighting for our children's very lives like Savannah's mom and myself do on here, it helps ordinary people like us stay sane in the face of extraordinary circumstances.

Paine, what do you think you accomplish by dropping out of the sky, giving someone crap at the exact point in her life when she needs SUPPORT more than ever? Under the "brave" cloak of anonymousity, I might add, too. Not exactly the kind of action that I'd expect to come from someone who claims to appreciate life...pretty frigging hypocritical.

Paine, consider yourself fortunate that you aren't in a position where you CAN relate to what Savannah's mom is saying. And maybe try a little harder to walk your talk.

Not anonymously yours,

Terry Josephson, Julianna Banana's <tjosephson@winnipeg.ca>
Winnipeg, Canada - Thursday, April 8, 2004 1:07 PM CDT
Hi Savannah: I am doing one of my MANY daily checks on you. We sent you an envelope yesterday with a couple of things in there for you. The girls were so excited to get the stuff together for you. We hope you enjoy. Lisa: You are an amazing woman and mother. You are very special and your girls are lucky to have you. They are very blessed. Jerry: You are a special man. You have touched the lives of the girls (Savannah, Cassie & Lisa) with so much love and devotion to them. They are lucky to have you as well. You are a blessing and a Godsend to them. I wish I could say or do something to ease the pain that all of you are going thru, please know I am here and we are praying so strongly for all of you. Hope you all have a very Happy Easter. Lots of love, Andrea, Whitney and Lindsey Bean
Plumerville, AR - Thursday, April 8, 2004 12:30 AM CDT
Savannah and family- I hope the night brought peace and calm and ALOT of snuggling between yourselves. I bet the mail is full of sticks for Savannah. So many people love you guys and respect you no matter what happens. Keep up the fight little one and snuggle close with Mommy, Sissy, and Jerry.....
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Thursday, April 8, 2004 12:16 AM CDT
Glad Savannah is home where she belongs. Thank you so much for allowing me to get to know you and your beautiful family. I pray you have a calm weekend.


Tumbleweed Foundation <MaryKitchen@TumbleweedFoundation.com>
- Thursday, April 8, 2004 12:10 AM CDT

I don't sign the guestbook often and for that I'm sorry. I just wanted to come by and wish you family and the girls well. I hope savannah is feeling ok I hope that she is having lots of sticker fun (more are on the way) if you need anything let me know

In my prayers

Karen Viteritti

karen Viteritti <kviteritti@yahoo.com>
Florham Park , NJ 07932 - Thursday, April 8, 2004 11:46 AM CDT
Hi Lisa - Oh! I tried and tried to stay 10 feet away from this computer thing but I had to come and check on Bundle. I couldn't resist. The past few days here have been kind of surrounded by negative on-lookers too. I know you're busy, so I'll give you a briefing... in case you didn't know... a lady gave us some coupon books, I put this on the site... was accused of trying to fraud funds... even though we have a legit fund and expenses waaaaaaay over our heads from this. Of course I want to work so the guilt sets in but truth is, none of us want to be anywhere but by our babies sides. Yes, we need sanity though to cope and so I recognized that myself still exists and wants a tattoo. Oooooh ! Backlash! What a selfish person I must be to be fundraising for a 'tattoo'... how unreal. I don't want to explain that a friend will do it for my birthday because I just don't owe an explination like that. (By the way, I'll get a few ;) and post a picture too - just for you guys as you've inspired me) Seems like no matter what side of the spectrum you're on going through the crisis of fighting for your child's well-being, there's the insensitive one out there to remind you that it's still foreign, still like looking through frosted glass when they read about what you're going through. These people have NO idea. It was a dog, Lisa. It didn't suffer. It was lucky and I only hope that I'm that lucky. We live with death every day. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty comfortable with the fact that I'll go when I'm called upon. That's not up to me. I have tried to forgive their ignorance but it just shouldn't happen across the guestbooks. I can delete the e-mails, even the guestbooks... but the guestbook can be read not only by us but by our family and friends. That's an attack on all of us here. We're probably the least bit worried about it, even though we had to air the frustration. The support is too awesome for us to put up passwords or even stop to think about what we're doing. We don't have the 'luxury' to stop and think. We just do what we HAVE to do - nothing more or less. I feel much like a robot sometimes but don't think that you're numb. You're one of the most compassionate people I have ever met in my life and you love your Bundle more than anything in this world. Yes, we love our other children but what is happening is a tumor is trying to kill our children and we're pretty helpless. We're doing all we can - in our different situations and we're here for each other. You could do NOTHING wrong in my sight - EVER. I love you!
Tami <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Thursday, April 8, 2004 10:51 AM CDT
Lisa, I have been following Savannah's web site for a while now. I found it throu another. Nobody's words can express what you are feeling and going through. Sometimes we tend to speak harsh or maybe matter-of-fact when we go throu "hell". I am guessing you are very ANGRY about the end result. Paine's entry should of been eraced out of Savannah's guest book. There is a lot of entries, now including mine, about the negative comment she made. True, she should of kept it to her self, but didn't. I think the problem is judgment. (Who doesn't judge?) We, as the body of Christ, need to support you and YOUR FAMILY. NOT condem you for saying something WE feel is wrong. So with this being said, PLEASE PLEASE people, leave encouraging, uplifting, and loving messages!!! And LISA- I have great respect for you.

He is my loving ally and my fortress, my tower of safety, my deliverer. He stands before me as a shield, and I take refuge in him.
Psalm 144:2

Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose.
Philippians 2:2

Roseville, MN USA!!!! - Thursday, April 8, 2004 9:38 AM CDT
I hope that you will all be able to have a happy Easter. It is wonderful that you will be together, and have family around.
Savannah is a very lucky girl to be surrounded by so much love. Jerry was obviously sent to you for a reason, he sounds like a wonderful, loving man. I hope that Savannah will feel up to coloring some eggs and enjoying the day. Every minute together must feel so precious. Sending my love, prayers, and support your way.

Lisa Kingsbury <dldarakingsbury@msn.com>
Sandy, UT - Thursday, April 8, 2004 9:03 AM CDT
I am happy that God is giving you more time with Savannah. She is absolutely adorable. I have been checking in on you frequently but haven't signed your book. Jerry sounds like he is a godsend. ( Does he have any brothers? I sure there are mothers out there that would love to have their support).
As for the comments about Paine- she must have never been so overwhelmed with things that she didn't respond appropriately when something happened. I am sure that has all happened to us. I am sure that this was your way of coping-if you had responded to it -it would have probably really put you over the edge. This is was your defense mechanism I am sure. Some people are so narrow sighted that they don't look at the whole picture-where you have been, where you are, and where you are going. This site is for you to talk about your feelings and not be judged. How many times do people have to be reminded of that? Maybe every Caringbridge page should have that written across the top of the page.
Savannah and family-I hope you have a great Easter. Dye lots of egss and EAT LOTS OF CHOCOLATE!!!!! Hope you day is a good one.

Mary Anne <maklein55@comcast.net>
Pittsburgh, - Thursday, April 8, 2004 6:24 AM CDT
Lisa, Just checking in to let you and Savannah know we're still praying for her comfort and peace every day. And for yours. As for the Paine/dog thing-- it was obvious to me that you DID care that you hit the dog, just didn't "feel" the emotional impact that you would have in the past-- as others have said, I think that's a pretty normal "numbing" response to all you're going thru. You only have so much energy to expend-- and it's all being saved for your girls. A protective response to make sure Mama's energy goes where it needs to in this time of highest need. Doesn't mean you don't love dogs, doesn't mean you don't respect life in all it's forms. Paine doesn't get this, obviously, and his comment was WAY WAY out of line. This site is for support and love, NOTHING else. And that's what we will continue to shower on you, long-distance.
Celeste Treadway-Leuzinger (Maria's mom) <celestetreadway@direcway.com>
Austin, TX - Thursday, April 8, 2004 5:12 AM CDT
Lisa,it is so good to see that you are getting a few more precious days with Savannah,I know you will treasure them forever.I was really thrilled to see her sister got a special night out with your friend too as she is having to go through a lot of trauma too.It sounds like she had a ball!!!!!
The cross stitch ladies have put a link to your site on CSA so it is much easier to check how you are every day.
Take Care and be Strong.My love and thoughts are with you all.

Ellen Stehr <estehr@xtra.co.nz>
Auckland, New Zealand - Thursday, April 8, 2004 0:45 AM CDT
Paine, if you will read the entry again you will see that Lisa is surprised at having no emotion about hitting the dog. She isn't saying she doesn't care about hitting it. Her point is that she is so stressed out that her emotions are failing her. When your daughter is dying go out and run over a dog and see if you give a damn about it. People like you just look for things to harp about.
sharon bebbington <ktmom28@hotmail.com>
bay village, ohio USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 11:36 PM CDT
Hi friends,
Just wanted to know that I continue to think and pray about all of you. Tell Cassie to hang in there, asthma sucks. I have it too. Does she use Advair?! It has worked wonders for me :) Hug your baby for me.

Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 10:47 PM CDT
I noticed this link in a signature on the VWVortex.com forums....if anything I'm a fellow dubber who wishes to extend his sympathies to those who share the experiences of a loved one with a terminal illness.

I'll keep you in my prayers and hope that "ya'll" remember to enjoy each day as "another blessing". Not much else to say, remember to keep the heads up!



Eddie Kautz <dreaminginboost@aol.com>
HUMMELSTOWN, PA USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 10:40 PM CDT
Oh please, this has nothing to do with entertainment purposes. why on earth do you think it is? I wish Savannah well and I'm so sorry you all have to go through this, i can't begin to imagine how that'd feel. I come here because i CARE about how she's doing. I just don't understand how you didn't have any emotion from killing the dog, and had the nerve to talk about it on top of it all. Like I said, you should respect all living creatures and should know that life can so easily be taken from you. It's not an insult to anything else, it's just how I feel and maybe you should just take into consideration what I said instead of bashing me to the world.
Paine <spherehunters_YRP@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 7, 2004 10:29 PM CDT
Lisa, This is Savannah's website and I truly would like to wring the necks of people who are using this site to voice their opinions about animal rights. I am an animal lover and owner, but this is Savannah's site. I pray that all you people out there will respect it as such. You were right, in perspective, it was not of the GREATEST importance!
Lisa, I am keeping Savannah in my prayers, hon. She seems to be holding her own and God bless her heart.
Hugs from Karen

AngelGrammaL@netscape.net <AngelGrammaL@netscape.net>
Selkirk, NY USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 10:13 PM CDT
Just want to let you know I prayed for you all today.
Sandra <ahonbarger@carolina.rr.com>
NC - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 10:09 PM CDT
Savannah is beautiful. I am sorry that she and her family must fight this battle. It isn't fair, but it is.

My prayers are with you all.

Alan Bernard
KY - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 9:43 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and Gang:) Hey there Savannah
Lisa you keep on writing what you are feeling, You have to be able to do it some where And if people don't like it Like you said GO TO THE SHOW!!
Your sweet Savannah is a fighter must be the name thats my grandaugthers name and trust me she is one of a kind couldn't be as prouder grandma :) Hold her and love her And know your all in my prayers
Hugs Marty

Marty <AngelTears1793@aol.com>
Louisville, Ky USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 9:08 PM CDT
Hi lil sis can you ask your mom to email my mom? I am praying for your healing and so are my friends. Love and Prayers Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 9:00 PM CDT
Hey Savannah Baby...
We are so happy to hear your back home with Mommy, Cassie and Jerry too.
Lisa...no worries girl, some people are just plain clueless.
Hope your night is a good one..hold your baby close and cuddle, cuddle, cuddle!!
Till tomorrow...

~KODYS STORY~ <kodysmom1995@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 7, 2004 8:31 PM CDT
Numbness becomes a normal emotion after experiencing life on a pediatric oncology ward. After watching innocent children suffer, the life of a dog seems to not mean quite as much. For me, it was experiencing no emotion when older people died. It is not that I did not value their lives, it is just that we have a totally different perspective on the value of life. We did not ask for it to be this way, we just have to deal with the cards that we are dealt so that we can get through each day. Take care and God bless.
Morgan's Page

Allison & Morgan Barnes <allisonbarnes@triad.rr.com>
Lewisville, NC - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 7:54 PM CDT
Just wanted you to know that you and your family are in my prayers. I wish I had something profound to say that would make you feel better but I know there is nothing. Try to stay strong.
Cathy Rusyniak <Garbmike@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 7:26 PM CDT
You are an inspiration to us all, who may follow along in your shoes. We send you strength and peace from Virginia, and love to you all.. Please ignore the entry from those who dont understand that loosing a child cannot ever be compared to anything, much less an animal..your love for Savannah will last for Gods eternity. I am proud of you. Much love
Mary Alice Dorschel caringbridge.org/va/lizzie <jay.dorschel@verizon.net>
suffolk, va - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 6:53 PM CDT

I've been out of touch here. I can't believe I haven't read for weeks. Where have I been? It's been pretty crazy here. I have alot of reading to catch up on. So much has happened since Savannah's birthday. Just wanted to say hi and tell you I've been thinking about you even though I haven't posted in a while. I hope you all get a good night's sleep.

Take care,

Mary Lohmann <ctlohmann@msn.com>
St Louis, - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 6:39 PM CDT
Lisa, I'm praying for you and your family. Savannah must be a strong young lady. I check her website daily and I pray for you all daily!!Prayer
Loriann(Benji's mom!)

The Zellos, Rick, Loriann, Josh, Benji, Grace, and Little Bitty(our beloved kitty!) <zello2@cableone.net>
Biloxi, MS - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 5:37 PM CDT
I think it is obvious you care that this incident with the dog happened or you would not have bothered to mention it. Only a serial killer can kill with zero remorse. In fact I think it bothered you more than you wanted it to and so you entered it in your journal. But right now I know you are in a place I hope you and I, and even Paine, never have to be again. I have been there once when my dad was dying. You become numb. It is supposedly the bodies response to enormous grief or trauma. I am sure you are feeling very dead inside yourself, or wishing you were anywhere else in the world but in the place you are right now. There is just no room for you to grieve the loss of this dog you did not even know. Keep loving that little beauty of yours. And I will keep chatting with the guy upstairs about that miracle I want her to have so badly.
Tracee <TraceeSaltz@mchsi.com>
Des Moines, Ia - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 5:03 PM CDT
Hi Lisa,

Wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter and let you know that I'm thinking at you, the girls and the wonderful man on your side. If you need any help please let me know. Can you send me your e-mail address please? I don't want to bother you with any phone calls at the moment. Let your parents know when they come down for Easter that I said hi and I wish them a Happy Easter too.

Take care,

Iris <brani3@aol.com>
Hume, VA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 4:52 PM CDT
Keep expressing your feelings. You are in our prayers. Hug Savannah and Cassie extra tonight. Praying for Peace for you all.

Dawn Pierce (www.caringbridge.org/ms/shaepierce) <dawn.pierce@bxs.com>
Southaven, MS - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 4:33 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are still with you and your family.
Los Angeles, CA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 3:54 PM CDT
Stopping in as always to see Savannah's precious face ... thinking of you and your family ... wishing things were different ... Lisa THANK you so much for your honesty ... We love you Savannah
Rebekah Clark <rclark@jrhinc.com>
Prior Lake, MN USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 3:14 PM CDT
I signed the guestbook last week,but I just wanted to let you know that I am still thinking about you all.Lisa,your friend Lisa Wells sure sounds like a sweetheart! You are so lucky to have her,Jerry and your family for support at times like these. I hope you all have a Happy Easter and a good weekend together.Hugs to you all,especially Savannah.I continue to check your site daily.
VWhite <whiteb@shaw.ca>
Ft.McMurray, Canada - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 3:11 PM CDT
Just checking in to say that you guys are constantly in my prayers. Glad her visit with her bio father worked out, but I'm 100x happier that she's back home with you, Jerry, and Cassie.
Jodi <jodisgreen@aol.com>
Roselle Park, NJ USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 3:03 PM CDT
Dont let anyone judge you or tell you how you should or should feel. Not about Savannah, your parenting skills, and most certainly not about the dog incident. Some people dont have the stress in their lives that you do, so its easy for them to pass judgement.
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Wednesday, April 7, 2004 2:43 PM CDT
I am sorry about my last message. This site is all about Savannah and her journey. Please accept my apologies! This is not a place for me to share my disappointment in other guestbook entries.
Jenny <jeffnerb@yahoo.com>
Nisswa, MN - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 1:49 PM CDT
I was happy to hear that you were able to talk to Savannah on the phone and I am sure it was rough not having her home.
I am sending Savannah some stickers and I hope she enjoys them. I had fun buying them for her.
Take care and God Bless.
P.S. I am a dog lover and I took no offense to your entry. Dogs, as special as they are, can be replaced. I know, I lost my dog last Fall on the highway and I replaced her this winter. I will never forget Daisy, but it was MY FAULT that she got loose from me. I don't blame the driver one bit. I would rather them hit the dog then swerve to miss and hit another car.
Sorry, I wasn't going to respond, but it made me mad.

Jenny <jeffnerb@yahoo.com>
Nisswa, MN - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 1:38 PM CDT
Sending heartfelt prayers for peace, comfort, strength, endurance and health!!
Laurie Randel Morgan's Page <laurie.randel@randelfamily.com>
Austin, TX - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 1:35 PM CDT

Dear Lisa,

an elephant never forgets
There is a reason responsible pet owners need to keep their dogs either tied up or fenced in. There is a reason for leash laws. Dogs should not run loose.

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna <ehkuhall7@tacheiru.every1.net >
Columbus, GA USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 12:18 AM CDT
Hello All!!! I hope the girls enjoyed the night with Daddy and made it back to Mommy just fine. Easter is on the way. I bet the Easter bunny brings you some cool stuff......Keep up the fight little one, look how many people are following....
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 11:10 AM CDT

Sending all of my thoughts, prayers, hugs and love your way!!!

~*~*~*Miss Samantha*~*~*~

Easter Egg SmileyHAPPY EASTER

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 10:02 AM CDT
By the way...will Savannah eat chocolate these days? She knows that Miss Lisa loves chocolate so I was going to bring chocolate goodies along with some stickers and refrigerator juice for an Easter treat. I hope Cassie will too! I guess if not, I KNOW that Jerry is a chocolate lover too!!!

Happy Easter!! I am so thankful that we have this holiday to celebrate because of God's love for his children. I am thankful that Savannah is here to share it with us all.

Love to you all...again,

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 9:54 AM CDT
Just a hello from the Wells family. Hope all is going well at the Hurley home. So glad to hear that things worked out so well for Savannah with Mark! and for Cassie too! Thanks so much for keeping us posted, always glad to hear good updates! Love to all,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 9:42 AM CDT
Hey Lisa and Cassie and Savannah and Jerry!

Dye some eggs today. Celebrate the little things. We all live in a yellow submarine...
Love and hugs to you.

M. Elton
Richmond, VA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 8:57 AM CDT
this is not my site..........but Paine.....
i think you should take your crap out of here...........
it is obvious you have no knowledge of the heart of the person you left your nasty little note to...........also obvious you have NO clue what that family has gone through/is going through.

Lisa...........i am sorry that crap was left there.

God bless you all.

"auntie" brandi

"auntie" brandi <bjrfromwa@aol.com>
tenino, wa - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 1:47 AM CDT
Jeez, you really don't seem to give a sh*t about hitting that poor dog. Knowing your daughter's condition, maybe you should respect life and death a little bit more, and how it can so easily be taken from you and NEVER be replaced, no matter who or what you are.
Paine <spherehunters_YRP@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 7, 2004 1:23 AM CDT
It is so very cool that you let your baby go and stay with her Daddy. You are a wonderful mother. You inspire me everyday. Thank You!!!
Love, Katie

Katie, Matt, Austin, Brady,and Lily Ellison-Meade <katiejem@yahoo.com>
Ashland, OR usa - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 0:50 AM CDT
You know, over the past few months, people tell me things about their lives or about how bad their kids are and to tell you the truth ( IM not saying this is a good thing at all) I kind of blow them of!! I mean they have their kids etc.!! Yes, I do care about them and their lives, but like you said, it's a different perspective, I guess. I dont think you are getting numb, because I dont think I am numb ( I havent even went through this personally) but, there are a lot worse things I guess?!?! I bet Savannah talking to you was music to your ears :) I would love to hear that too! I hope you get to hold her lots and lots tomorrow. In my thoughts and prayers,

Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 10:53 PM CDT
Dear Lisa,
I have been keeping track of your journey, it bring back thoughts of 4 years ago when Emily was in hospice going through very similar things. I do not understand any of this but we got a gift from God, she did not die and the tumor disappeared with no treatment. We have other issues and the tumors are not the same but I pray constantly for the same for Savannah,you, Cassie and Jerry. May you hold each other tight and God watch over you. Prayers for all, Julie, Emily's mom

julie dearmond <dearmond57@hotmail.com>
lake forest, ca usa - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 10:00 PM CDT
Wish I could come give Savannah a hug .. please give her one for me. I've grown to love her very much. You all are covered in prayer. It is such a privilege to know you.

Alyssa's mom from PBT

Marlene Haller <mhall63@comcast.net>
Atlanta, GA - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 9:29 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and Savannah,

Glad to see Savannah is doing better. Will keep your family in our prays. Love from Kim m/o Michelle.
P.S. Sorry I haven't been sooner, but my computer not working.

Kimberley Clayton <michelle9kim@yahoo.ca>
Guelph, ON, Canada - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 8:01 PM CDT
I know what you mean about dads being jerks. When Colton's father found out he was going blind, he never called him again. Of course he never had anything to do with them really anyhow. People think that a mother or father will always be there and love the child more than anyone. Unfortunately, that is not always the case... take care. hugs to you and your family, Laura
- Tuesday, April 6, 2004 6:38 PM CDT

Stephanie J
- Tuesday, April 6, 2004 2:04 PM CDT
Savannah - we're going to try to send you some stickers today. Give your mommy a great big hug for me, I love you guys and wish I could reach my arms to Arkansas! You stay sweet and know that lots and lots of people love you and think about you all the time.

Hi Lisa, Cassie & Jerry - hang in there, you're doing an awesome job with everything and taking it moment by moment... it's hard, I know but we love you and hope it helps to know that you're on my mind pretty much all day long, unless it's extremely stressful around here :)

Tami, Celeste's mom www.caringbridge.org/pa/celeste <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 12:50 AM CDT
Good Morning Ladies and Jerry!!! Glad Savannah and Mommy are enjoyng this special time together. I hope the time with Daddy goes well. I'm sure Mommy will be counting the minutes until you are once again snuggled tight.....Keep up the fight litle one...
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 10:51 AM CDT
Hi lil sis just wanted to come by and check on you and let you know alot of people are praying for you and will never stop. Love, Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me
The Prayer

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 10:45 AM CDT
You know I got Savannah's Name through a prayer request through e-mail. I have been Praying for her & so has a friend of mine that i shared her story with. When i went to Savannah's website it says that her Cancer is not cureable. One thing to keep in mind about this is we are all praying for God to heal her. Through his Mighty Power he can Restore Her Body!!!!!!!!! AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shawna <panurse@alltel.net>
Distant, Pa USA - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 9:12 AM CDT
Lisa and the girls,
It is soooooo good to hear that Savannah is feeling better. We will be sending her some stickers. We are still praying for all of you. Give Savannah a GREAT BIG HUG AND KISS !!!!!! Love you guys, Amanda and Judy

Amanda Jones <littlehands@centurytel.net>
Russellville, AR - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 8:32 AM CDT
I know what you mean about the sweetness of nursing. There is nothing like it and you feel so connected with your child. I have an asthmatic child also. It is the season for flare-ups with everything in the air. I hope that Cassie is able to keep it at bay. I will be praying for her asthma as I continue to pray for Savannah and the rest of you.
Peace be with you

Myndi <Myn28@aol.com>
Fort Smith, AR - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 8:22 AM CDT
I've been coming here every night since I found out about Savannah also. It's nice to know that I'm not alone, she has quite a following. Pretty soon, you will have more stickers than you will know what to do with, lol. I echo the sentiments of the others, thank you so much for letting us see your mind and emotion. Please know that you are not alone, there are so many folks praying for you guys, and I wonder during the hours how it's going for you, and what I'll read tonight. You are stronger than you feel right now, and Savannah is a lucky, lucky girl for you and Jerry. We could all only hope to have such pure love to hold onto while we go through our last journey. Strength, courage and peace to you all.
- Tuesday, April 6, 2004 1:37 AM CDT

Checking in on you and your sweet family daily. Went away for the weekend, and thought about you constantly. I am praying for you.

I cannot say I know how you feel, because I do not. You are facing something no parent should ever have to. For that, I cry for you and at the same time, pray for your strength.

Savannah is amazing, her smile has just touched my heart. I pray for her to be comfortable, and for her to make a smooth transition.

Thank you for sharing your fears, wishes and thoughts. You are an amazing mother. You and Jerry have done an outstanding job, your mom too. Kisses to your girls, with your love and guidance, they will make it through this.

Always keeping you in my thoughts.


Jennifer Smith <yestoloans2002@yahoo.com>
Middletown, CA USA - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 0:14 AM CDT
Please tell us where we can mail stickers! :) SOOO glad to hear our beautiful Savannah is feeling better. Continued prayers, and lots of hugs,
with love,

Celeste Treadway-Leuzinger (Maria's mom) <celestetreadway@direcway.com>
Austin, TX - Monday, April 5, 2004 11:16 PM CDT
Oh no, not enough stickers?!?!?!?!?!? Call in the National Guard! :) I am so glad that is enjoying someting so much that there she is running out! That is wonderful in times where a lot of the news is bad. Give her a desert hug from me! Always in my thoughts and prayers,

p.s. Whats Cassandra's middle name, just out of curiosity?

Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Monday, April 5, 2004 11:02 PM CDT
I so understand about the breastfeeding thing. I nursed Conor for 2 years 1 month...only stopping because I was pregnant with his brother. I couldn't believe it when I was told he had cancer. How? I nursed him! Liguid gold, immune system builder in a boob...then I realized he was probibly born with this nasty cancer and the 2 + years i nursed him gave him the help he needed to keep it at bay. I find it facinating (in a my kid got cancer and died and I find the oddest things facinatinating theses days..I have to know why, I feel so much guilt...)that he was diagnosed a few months after being weaned. I was nursing his brother the whole time Conor was sick, getting treatment. Why, why, why? didn't I nurse conor too? He was only 3, and then four - he'll never be five... He would ask. Why didnt I? Maybe it would've helped him somehow. I'll never know. I am sorry to ramble on. Savannah touches my soul. So do you. You are an incredible momma. though I know, like me you would like to be maybe not so incredible or at least not have to be, and just be a mom, with a child who didn't know what cancer was. Wishing you strength, peace and courage,
Kristy <kristydarren@yahoo.com>
www.caringbridge.org/canada/conorford, alberta, canada - Monday, April 5, 2004 11:01 PM CDT
Just stopped in to see how Savannah is doing. God bless her, she's a fighter and that's fantastic.
Keeping your little Savannah in my prayers.
Hugs, Karen

Karen LaMountain <AngelGrammaL@netscape.net>
Selkirk, NY USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 10:39 PM CDT
Savannah...you absolutely amaze me...you truly are a miracle girl!!
Lisa...I completley understand the nursing thing...my only regret is that I only nursed the last two..{Kody & Kolin}. Still...I always wonder too, what in the world could I have done wrong. The dr's say "nothing"...but, you know...there will always be that bit of guilt that will eat me up forever.
Thanks for the update today...I really needed to hear some "Good-Savannah News"!!
Get some rest with your babies tonight...
Luv, Kim

~KODYS STORY~ <kodysmom1995@yahoo.com>
- Monday, April 5, 2004 9:54 PM CDT
Hi I just want you to know you are all stil lin my thoughts and prayers
Sharon <sholweger5@yahoo.com>
- Monday, April 5, 2004 8:48 PM CDT

So happy to hear of your good weekend. Savannah has incredible strength (as do you all). A special thank you to Jerry for being, well, just wonderful. Prayers and best wishes continue to come your way from one BT Mom to another.

Maria Suarez (Skye's Mom) <mas38@comcast.net>
Columbus, NJ - Monday, April 5, 2004 8:35 PM CDT

Hi sweetheart! Please know my thoughts and prayers are ALWAYS with you and that wonderful family of yours. I hope you continue to do well, sweetie.

Hi hon! I'm so happy to hear you had such a fantastic weekend! It's good to know you enjoyed yourself so much!

Thinking of and praying for all of you often.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*Samantha Therese*~*~*~

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Monday, April 5, 2004 8:32 PM CDT

I have a ton of stickers, I'll get them in the mail tomorrow. I got them for her birthday but when things were bad I hesitated to send them. They will be there in a few days. Some things for Cassie too.. Love you all, take care.

Monica <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Monday, April 5, 2004 6:57 PM CDT
I would love to send some goodies to the girls. Do you have a mailing address to send these things?
Kym Little <klittle@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 5:05 PM CDT

Dear Lisa and Savannah,

brand new anmeone pressie I stopped by the page always fearing the worst, and at least got to see a glimmer of good news. It is good to hear that you have rallied somewhat and are feeling a bit better. Savannah, enjoy the time with your dad. Lisa, you are a wonderful mother. You and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna <ehkuhall7@tacheiru.every1.net >
Columbus, GA USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 4:50 PM CDT
PS By the way, Lisa, I love the name Savannah and before I left for China to adopt my daughter it was one of a few names on the "short" list (I decided to wait until I met the baby to name her) The other names were a very eclectic collection of what I was considering: Savannah, Frances, Karen, Adelaide, Carolyn and Arabella. She was and is the definitive Arabella. People could not figure out what on earth I was thinking when I named my daughter Arabella (she is Arabella Eliza Frances and her Chinese name is Mao Yue). But that was back in 1996. These days, there are so many beautiful names that have either surfaced or resurfaced -- and so many new and unusual names. One funny thing is that I have a great friend from college named Savannah who always refers to Arabella as "Arabella Who Could Have Been Savannah Like Me" . Savannah is a beautiful name indeed!
Amanda Uhry <auhry@nyc.rr.com>
New York, NY - Monday, April 5, 2004 4:33 PM CDT
Dear Lisa,
And we are thinking about you in far off New York City. I came to your website because of Judy Levy and her daughter Julia and I have said this before and say it again: you are a brilliant writer and obviously a FANTASTIC mom (I'm a mom too so I can always tell who are the great ones! All moms can). Our family is always sending our hopes, prayers and wishes for your beautiful Savannah and Cassie.
With love
Amanda Uhry (and Arabella b. 11/16/95 adopted 4/96 Maoming, China)

Amanda Uhry <auhry@nyc.rr.com>
New York, NY - Monday, April 5, 2004 4:24 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and family,
We are thinking about you in Houston...I am so glad you got to have an evening for a few hours break, that was really nice of Lisa W. to do that for you. And I agree with you completely, that Savannah needs "Dad" time even though you have mixed feelings about it. You won't have any regrets later, you did the Christian thing by giving him the opportunity to be involved. Good for you! And you can't control the choices others make, they have to live with them.

If you'd like to show Cassie (and Savannah, if she feels up to it) a baby cockatoo being born from the EGG on, please visit http://haldago.org/odyssey.htm I update the pages every other day. Odyssey is now only ten days old!

We're thinking about you every day. :)

Cathie Haldago Bay http://haldago.org/ <haldago@earthlink.net>
Houston, Texas - Monday, April 5, 2004 3:23 PM CDT
Hi, I wrote to you a while back. I came across Savannah's website through a friend. I am a complete stranger but I wanted to send to you my thoughts and prayers for whatever good they will do. I had mentioned to you that I also have a 7 year old daughter and her name is Savannah. People looked at me like I was crazy when I named her that but most people that I come across now think it is beautiful, so do I. I was just reading your posting today where you were talking about Savannah's name. My Savannah's middle name is Michelle but I also have a 2 year old daughter named Madison Danielle. Savannah's middle name is as beautiful as her first. I check in on her almost every day and am so glad she is fighting back. I will continue to keep Savannah in my thoughts and prayers. Fondly, Beth Haycock
Beth F Haycock <bethhaycock@optonline.net>
Neptune, NJ USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 3:03 PM CDT
(this silent warrior decides to finally leave her mark)
i think about your family all the time and can't even begin to imagine the pain and overwhelming feelings that you are bombarded with through your journey into the unknown with Savannah.
but what i do know is that you are the classic example of 'love' and 'determination', yet another 'pillar of strength' to set an example for others that (unfortunately) will follow.
your unending love shines in your writing, making me want to be as good a mother as you are.
thank you for sharing your journey.
thank you for allowing all of us to be a part of this with you.

erika collier <erika_collier@hotmail.com>
tampa, fl - Monday, April 5, 2004 2:57 PM CDT
Oh my gosh! A sticker crisis! Well, Miss Jennifer and I just talked about playing Stickers with Savannah...so, I bet we can come to the rescue! I will call later and see if it is okay if I bring some by tomorrow...it is the least I can do since I may have 'broken' your other child letting her play outside day and night, with frogs and bugs and dogs, in the clubhouse (which, not to worry, is nothing more than bushes, grass, weeds, dirt and a big tree - problematic for an asthma child. yes, I have a college degree, consider myself somewhat intelligent...obviously I am wrong!). Hope she is feeling better. Sydney was wiped out and when I got home from returning Cassie to you, Sydney was fast asleep. She slept through the night and was not happy at 6:45 this morning when I forced her into the shower! I guess they were just worn out from the weekend!

I promised Savannah that I would make her more tic tac toe pages and bring stickers to play the game with. I also wanted to bring juice for her fridge, and maybe some pickles since Jeanette got her to eat some Saturday. All things that seem little, but sure bring a beautiful smile to her face. I know too that Miss Jennifer missed out on your active Savannah and saw mainly the sleeping beauty last week - tell Savannah that she better beat Miss Jennifer too if they play. By the way, I got half way home and realized that I left Brooke and Sydney's sticker pages on the coffee table. Please tell Savannah that it was an accident and I will get them from her because the girls and I save all of her special artwork. Hope you are getting a little rest.

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 2:40 PM CDT
Dear Hurley Warriors (That includes you, Jerry) Glad you had a good weekend. A peaceful one. Our prayers continue to be with you.


Jan Tamayo <tamayo2@sbcglobal.net>
Sacramento, - Monday, April 5, 2004 2:28 PM CDT
I am so happy to see that you all had such a good weekend, it is SO deserved! Praying for you always...

Bernadette <bernadette_silva@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Monday, April 5, 2004 12:06 AM CDT
My thoughts & prayers are with you, little one.
Pam Burford <ladypam@csonline.net>
Fairmount City, PA USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 11:34 AM CDT
Hi, Lisa. I found out about you from another Caring Bridge site, and I wanted to stop by and send some good wishes your way. I am keeping your beautiful Savannah and all of you in my prayers. I'm glad that you had a little R & R over the weekend, and I hope that the Lord will grant you the strength and peace to get through this difficult time.



Alice Manfredini <BoRhap77@aol.com>
Buffalo Grove, IL USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 11:26 AM CDT
Thank you Lisa Wells for providing a much needed break for everyone and giving Cassie such a special night. I'm certain the girls had a wonderful memorable time.

Jeanette, I'm glad you were able to come be with Savannah, Cassie and Lisa. Having you, mom and dad there means so much. They really need you.

Singing "Hosana" on Palm Sunday was even more appropriate this year, as we celebrate Savannah's good weekend. Of course I will be thinking of you constantly, but especially as I listen to the duet this week on Jesus Christ Superstar. I will forever remember Cassie and Savannah's performances.

Love to all

Donna Ables <dables@epsilon.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 11:03 AM CDT
Glad everyone had a nice weekend. Glad to here Savanah has wanted to eat and doing stickers that is great. Hope all is well today.
Amy <jessibubba@comcast.net>
Pittsburgh, PA - Monday, April 5, 2004 10:57 AM CDT
You all deserved a good weekend like that and such wonderful friends...
PEACE to you all too !!!

rose <rosecb@ipav.com.br>
- Monday, April 5, 2004 9:14 AM CDT
What fantastic news. I am so glad that all has been well this weekend and everyone got a little R&R. It is great to hear Savannah is eating and talking. Take care and we will keep praying.

Myndi Keyton <myn28@aol.com>
fort Smith, Ar - Monday, April 5, 2004 8:22 AM CDT
I've been checking on Savannah a lot but this is the first time that I have written in the guestbook. I am so glad to hear that you all had a great weekend. This is truly the first time I've seen a great update but I pray for many more. You all are in my prayers.
Christie---www.caringbridge.org/nc/survivor <Kitzers3@msn.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 7:51 AM CDT
Had a great weekend with your precious Cassie, I certainly enjoyed seeing you all as well. Savannah looks more beautiful every time I see her. Was so glad to see how well she was doing Sunday, and to hear her sweet little voice. I have got to bring something for that child's refrigerator! Thanks again for letting us be a part of this weekend, and of your lives! Love you all,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, April 5, 2004 0:53 AM CDT
Lisa,Jerry Cassie, SAVANNAH:)
I am soooo HAPPY that you all had a great weekend enjoy each and every day to the fullest I am so happy that you and Jerry got to find some quite time and some precious time with your Sweet Savannah And Cassie do we have a new Miss Amercia in training?
Lots of Hugs Marty

Marty <AngelTears1793@aol.com>
Louisville, Ky USA - Sunday, April 4, 2004 10:45 PM CDT
Nice to hear that the weekend went so well. I was really hoping that there would be nothing that got in the way of everybody getting what they needed. :) Keep up those stickers Savannah! Always in my thoughts and prayers,
Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Sunday, April 4, 2004 9:58 PM CDT
Lisa, Savannah and Cassie (and Jerry) - Every precious day is a gift, and every "normal" moment that most of us take so for granted and never appreciate, like putting stickers on a piece of paper or just smiling at a unicorn tatto, is a miracle. I am so happy that you are being given the most special gift of time. While you may not be able to think in terms of months or years, every hour will be a memory to be cherished. Our family has been part of the CANCER SUCKS club and I know that every minute is so important. I think of you every day, especially sweet, beautiful Savannah.
Rhonda <rocon99@aol.com>
MOnee, IL - Sunday, April 4, 2004 9:29 PM CDT
God bless you and you family savaanah we have you in our thoughts and prayers everyday!!
maryann bodas <malymorg@AOL.COM>
lakeland, fl usa - Sunday, April 4, 2004 5:59 PM CDT
Although I may not always sign in to say that I was here, I check up on Savannah's progress daily. I'm absolutely amazed at the strength she has shown to improve enough to be asking for food! This little one has something to teach us all.
I'm THRILLED that you all had a good weekend for a change. You deserved it!!!
About the ex thing - you hit the nail on the head when you said it's about Savannah. If you can get to that, there's hope for the ex husband yet (and possibly his new wife even too).
Know that you are thought of daily, and Savannah's strength, mom's anguish, Jerry's unselfishness, and Cassie's patience have shown me just what the human spirit is capable of dealing with.

Tracy M <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Sunday, April 4, 2004 5:39 PM CDT
Lisa, I check your site multiple times during the day. In part that I am honored you allow us to share in your journey, in part as a fellow BT mom and mostly because you absoulutley inspire me with your courage, strength and honesty. Savannah, you and your family have given us all so much!
Much Love,
Kris Brauns

Kris (BRANDON'S MOM) Brauns <kris.hawk@verizon,net>
Bothell, WA USA - Sunday, April 4, 2004 5:26 PM CDT
So glad that you all had a good weekend. Lisa Wells is another angel in your life. I am sure Cassie will remember that fun evening forever. Just so glad about special time for everyone. Keeping you all in our prayers.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR USA - Sunday, April 4, 2004 4:49 PM CDT
I am so happy to read that you have had a reprieve from the darkness. Savor this light and expect to always find your way back to it. Praying for your peace and strength. Praying for Savannah's comfort. Knowing your love for each other will only grow stronger...
Elizabeth Sterling
mother of angel Bennett

Elizabeth Sterling <elizabeth@bennettsbluebutterfly.org>
Millmont, PA USA - Sunday, April 4, 2004 4:12 PM CDT
My prayers are with this precious family.
Sharon <slocke40@yahoo.com>
Bakersfield, CA USA - Sunday, April 4, 2004 4:08 PM CDT
My prayers are with you and your family for dear, precious little Savannah.
Mary <ChristianMom4God@aol.com>
FL USA - Sunday, April 4, 2004 3:11 PM CDT
Lisa, thanks so much for the update! Give Bundle's mom a big hug from me. You're all in our thoughts and yes, Savannah is a beautiful little person and reflects what an incredible mom that she has. With love,
Tami, Celeste's mom www.caringbridge.org/pa/celeste <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Sunday, April 4, 2004 2:44 PM CDT
Just wantd tol let you guys know that I will,praying for god to give you strength and comfort through this difficult time.I have a daughter with a very rare form of Leukemia.She just went through a second bone marrow transplant.I can trully say I know!!!!!My daughter has proven doctors wrong many times .I wanted to tell you that I will pray very hard for your family in this time of need.
Tonya Lott

Tonya Lott <plainsmiles722@yahoo.com>
Memphis, Tn 38105 - Sunday, April 4, 2004 2:11 PM CDT
Hi Savannah and family,
I check on you all during the day Savannah and pray for you often. This morning my Sunday school class all prayed for you. I'm sorry I have not signed your guest book until today. You are a beautiful girl who is so loved by so many. You have a wonderful family. Always remember that God loves you very much and is with you all the time. Many he continue to hold you as you fight this difficult battle!!God Bless. Oh and hi Cassie! thats my name too!!!:o) Glad you had so much fun last night! Hope you enjoyed Sunday school. :o)

Cassie <haffpk@aol.com>
CA - Sunday, April 4, 2004 12:59 AM CDT
The kidnapping sounds wonderful, in fact, your whole evening sounded wonderful! And new spring shoes! Wow!

Savannah, I am glad you got to spend some special time with two very special people.
Both of you girls and your Mom and Dad are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sending lots of hugs!

Kathy H.
T.O., CA - Sunday, April 4, 2004 11:02 AM CDT
Lisa, thank you for your writings. You really put it there. When you write of Jerry and the girls, it really warms my heart. The cuddling is so important and I could visualize it when you wrote of it. How special that is and how much he must love all of you and how much you girls must love him. You are all very "special". I think of you so much and you are always in my husband's and my prayers. Love, Paulette
paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, ar - Sunday, April 4, 2004 8:46 AM CDT
Savannah and family,
Yesterday my grandson Matti celebrated his 15th birthday. I have been visiting your site everyday a of late. As your beloved family does I await the growth of a monster to complete its possesion of the once perfect body of my Matti. The answers to why and how are beyond our realm of understanding. I have to bank on the beleif that we are all reunited again in place of no pain, fear, grief or impairement. Maybe you innocent, precious beings prepare our paths to help us find our way home.

Love to you,
Suzanne in Edgewater, FL

Suzanne Hewitt <Ferngarden2@aol.com>
Edgewater, FL USA - Sunday, April 4, 2004 8:29 AM CDT
I feel so guilty that i have nopt taken the time to post until now. I have been checking up on Savannah every day for a while now. She is a precious little girl and so is Cassie. I am glad she had a great night out.
I pray that each day you have left is filled with peace, comfortability and happiness.
I will be back soon.
Love Laura

laura <take_my_breath_away_@hotmail.com>
Hertfordshire, herts UK - Sunday, April 4, 2004 6:30 AM CDT
Hon, what can I say to you? I can't change anything or make it feel better. I guess I want you to know that someone that doesn't know you or your family is thinking of you and praying for strength for you...I wish I could do more and I wish I could take some of the pain for you. Just know that love is being sent your way as you make your journey.
- Sunday, April 4, 2004 1:33 AM CST
So glad to hear that Cassie had a fun night!!! That is so wonderful :) Its just a nice change of pace for everybody I hope. Always in my thoughts and prayers,
Cassandra (Cassie too) <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Sunday, April 4, 2004 0:05 AM CST
Just to let you know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Rachelle/ Hugs and Hope <sandj@brmemc.net>
Topton, NC USA - Saturday, April 3, 2004 8:26 PM CST
Way to go Savannah! you may just suprise us all yet! Wonderful news I hope it lasts forever!
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Saturday, April 3, 2004 7:58 PM CST
Hey Lisa,

Checking in and letting you know you are in our thoughts and prayers. I am so glad to hear that you and Savannah had a great day.

We think of you guys constantly.

With Lots and Lots of Love,

Yvonne, Leilani's Mommy

The Fernandez Family <yvonnengzs@rjia.net>
Mount Airy, NC - Saturday, April 3, 2004 7:50 PM CST
Whether it's hours, weeks, months, or years to come, enjoy your time with your daughter. Easter is coming and what a better time to hope!

Don't forget the Easter bunny wants to pay a visit.

Dee <titanfan@warpnet.net>
Springfield, IL - Saturday, April 3, 2004 6:25 PM CST
I am so glad to read this entry today. Nice to hear a fairly normal day in spite of what is going on. You have been given the gift of some quality time left, it would seem. Today sounds like you had some quality time with Savannah after all. I am sure the night she was having the seizures you thought this day would not be possible. Maybe there is a miracle in store working here. Even if it is the miracle of a few normal and relaxing days together.

Enjoy your weekend and your brief time out this evening. I wish your ex was a stronger man. This is so weak of him and he will have to live with it just as one of your guestbook entries mentions. Don't beat yourself up for him. Savannah will understand all about him in time and she will know all she ever needed in her life was your love and strength.

Tracee Saltz <TraceeSaltz@mchsi.com>
Des Moines, Ia - Saturday, April 3, 2004 5:17 PM CST
Wow, you have it together. You know, IF or when Savannah has a seizure you WILL be able to handle it. That is what parents do. My son holds his breath, passes out and has seizures. Everytime I think that I can't watch him do it again. But I do, I hold him and close my eyes and send him positive energy. I can't imagine what you are going through but this small thing I understand a little. Your words are inspiring everytime I read you entries. Again, thank you for sharing.
Peace, Katie

I am sending Savannah Reiki for her pain everyday!!!

Katie, Matt, Austin, Brady,and Lily Ellison-Meade <katiejem@yahoo.com>
Ashland, OR USA - Saturday, April 3, 2004 2:50 PM CST
What a great mother you are !!!!!!!!! Yes you are to both of your girls Thank God for letting Jerry intoyour life at a time like this as for your ex there ins't much to say there so i'll shut up
I pray that Savannah will have peaceful days And know my prayers are with you and your whole family
HUGS Marty

Marty <AngelTears1793@aol.com>
Louisville, Ky USA - Saturday, April 3, 2004 1:15 PM CST
I am sending you all the love and prayers that I can possible send. I can feel how much pain you are in(as I was in that same pain less than 3 months ago whem my Marcus became an Angel) His father Ray was not much in the picture...but I made every effort to get him there. He always had an excus. The part that hurts the most is that Marcus finally realized that his dad was making up excuses. Marcus would pray to God that his daddy would be a better person. On the night that Marcus passed Ray was called many times to come and be with us but he never did. i let him talk to Marcus on the phone to say "goodbye" such a nice way to let your son know you love him(no anger here) Ray came to the wake but not to the funeral as he said he would. I am not believing he could not handle this because this was something that was not to be handled. He called me 2 weks later and said I know you can't forgive me I just hope someday you will understand. My only reply was "Ray it is not about you and me anymore. You have to live with this for the rest of your life...so good luck" That is all and there is no more. It is sad but I have to try and forget the bad stuff so I can heal(if that is possible) If you ever need to talk I am here. My email is at the bottom. Take caremy friend and know that I am so proud of you and Jerry for taking such loving care of your little girl. God Bless
Love and Prayers
Teresa(mommy to Angel Marcus...forever in my aching heart)

Teresa <trrn@sympatico.ca>
Scarborough, On Canada - Saturday, April 3, 2004 1:11 PM CST
I know we all react differently to situations & this has to the the absolute worst case scenario any of us can comprehend, but I think any parent would/should put their spouse on the backburner for their child - whether it be curent or ex spouse. I hope Savannah's dad realizes he is the one losing out here. If his new wife is so uncomfortable then I hope he starts to leave her home so he can visit his daughter. I truthfully think Jerry has been more father to her than he ever could and could teach him a lesson in what it takes to be a real man.... maybe thats why he feels so uncomfortable there - maybe HE knows that too.... Well at any rate, you know we are all praying for you guys, and your sanity as caretakers, and I hope Savannah continues to be surrounded by love and is as painfree and at peace as possible. She knows YOU love her more than life itself.
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Saturday, April 3, 2004 10:43 AM CST
Lisa, thank you for continuing to keep us all updated on Savannah's progress. Your description of her peaceful snuggling with Jerry warmed my heart-- that is just where every child longs to be, more than anyplace in the world. I know you and Jerry both cherish these hours with her. We continue to pray for her comfort and peace, whatever that takes... and for continued strength for you and Jerry. Am keeping Mark in my thoughts too, you are SO right in allowing him the opportunity to be there, in whatever capacity he can handle. It's about Savannah, not adult egos. You are such a great mom.
With love,

Celeste Treadway-Leuzinger (m/o Maria, oligoII) <celestetreadway@direcway.com>
Austin, TX - Saturday, April 3, 2004 10:11 AM CST
We are with you, from far away....following daily, and praying constantly for more strength, thanking God for Jerry, and his ability to be a father...Much love to you all,
Mary Alice Dorschel PBT list, mom of Lizzie, age 11 <jay.dorschel@verizon.net>
suffolk, va - Saturday, April 3, 2004 8:44 AM CST

I think what you are doing is wonderful. You are giving him (Mark) the opportunity to have access to Savannah 24/7. Not many people would feel the way you do. If he choses not to respond, then so be it. His guilt not yours. As for Jerry, you are blessed girl! You are truly blessed to have someone so wonderful in your life that would love like that! Savannah and you are truly blessed. I pray for no pain for your daughter. I am not a religious person by any means! (I have a trucker mouth)Or so I have been told! But I do ask for help in making her comfortable and to let her be peaceful! I am happy that you are getting your support and relief, it is important. Savannah can't have a sick mom right now! I will check in on you soon!

Hugs and Kisses from your new Canadian friend,

Tammy Mageehan <dzegieris@rogers.com>
Scarborough, ON Canada - Saturday, April 3, 2004 0:02 AM CST
Lisa - I came across your site in a roundabout way through Shiri's site (the very brave daughter of a co-worker). I don't know your family but have read your incredible but gut-wrenching story. Savannah is a very lucky little girl to have such an amazing mother and I'm sure you feel the same about having her. My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time - thank you for your candid story as I'm sure others will be able to draw stength from it.
Janice <jmcauley@lawsonlundell.com>
Vancouver, Canada - Friday, April 2, 2004 11:54 PM CST
This is a pretty song that just came to mind after reading about Savannah earlier this evening.

Lay Of The Sunflower (Forest Of Fennario)

Lyrics: Robert Hunter
Music: Warren Haynes

I must leave you for a season
Go out logging that hardwood timber
Hardwood timber that grows so low
In the forest of Fennario

Tell me what you need to live, love
Do you ask that you might own
Take my blue-eyed hound to guard you
I will make my way alone

I will not return in winter
If I be not back by fall
Seek me when this small sunflower
Grows above the garden wall

Fare you well and I would not weep
Bid you tend your prayers to keep
Hill by dale now must I go
To the forest of Fennario

Nine-month blew with sleeted rain
And still he came not back again
Summoned she the hound to go
To seek him in Fennario

He came back the fated day
To find his lady gone away
Made haste to follow in her track
Where she could go but not turn back

At her side the blue-eyed hound did bay
While fast her breath did fade away
She cried out: Turn, my love, and go
I would not have you see me so

I shall not turn, I shall not yield
Oh, selfsame serpent sting my heel
That bleeds my ladys blood away
Beside the blue-eyed hound to lay

Angels sing their souls to sleep
Four winds grace their breath to keep
Up above yon garden wall
Stands the sunflower, straight and tall

Hill by dale now must I go
To the forest of Fennario

M. Elton
Richmond, VA - Friday, April 2, 2004 11:02 PM CST
I do not think that there is anything wrong with you opening your home to your ex, you are tring to do what you thingk is best for your daughter and I think that it shows that you are the better person and you show that you love your daughter more to set things aside so that she can see her father. I feel that he is scared and is using his wife as an excuse not a real enough reason, but best that he can come up with, so all I can say to that is that I will pray for him to STOP being so Selfish and for once THINK about Savannah and not his self. Please forgive me for getting on my soap box, it turely bothers me when fathers think of themselves and not their children. God Bless you all and we are praying alot of prayers for you all. Sweet dreams oh and this is to Jerry you are an AWESOME man to love and comfort that sweet baby and show her what true fatherly love is about.:) God bless. Lots of love and Hugs.
Allison Family
Chattanooga, Tn USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 10:02 PM CST
I am still keeping all of you in my prayers. You are a strong mama. I know you have to be, but you have it in you ..I am sure from reading all your posts ..to get through this. One day I hope to meet you and tell you so in person. I am glad you have JErry and a good back up system of family and friends to help you. Give both those girls an extra hug for me.
Sharon <sholweger5@yahoo.com>
- Friday, April 2, 2004 9:48 PM CST
This is all for you tonight!! I have read tonight's journal and re-read it again. The love you have for that sweet little girl cannot be measured...I don't even think there are words that can adequatly describe it.
What I see is a "Daddy's" kind of love.
My children are so lucky to have been blessed with a great Daddy who lays down with them every night, watches cartoons everyday, hugs and love for his children are abundant. He knows every single thing about them...{Ok, maybe not their clothes/shoe size!!}...he knows every mark on the little bodies, he knows when something is different.
He knows when something is wrong by mere instinct and he knows just how to cure the blues or hurt.
Lisa's description of the way you both slept together, holding each other is something I am so lucky to see everynight in our home.
He is what you are to Savannah..her Daddy..Her Super Hero...her knight in shining armour.
Your arms do more then just work everyday...those same arms keep Savannah safe and content. Your presence to her is love...pure unconditional love for a child.
True..you may not be her biological Dad..and I am not trying to down Mark either...
Jerry...you are in every sense of the way Savannah's Daddy.
I really, honestly, seriously feel there should be a special holiday for you too!!
Keep holding her Jerry...God has placed you into SAvannah, Cassie and Lisa's life for a very good reason...
And after all is said and done...
I believe you are the most popular, respected and loved man on Caring Bridge tonight!!
Take care...

Daughter & Father

~KODYS STORY~ <kodysmom1995@yahoo.com>
- Friday, April 2, 2004 9:44 PM CST
Lisa, I have been looking for an update, Im thinking Its been 2 days?? How is savannah?? and then I said Gosh that is selfish. Lisa doesnt have to share Savannah or her journey and to take time away to let strangers know is more thank kind. I just care and like to know what specificlaly to pray for. I chuckle at you all the time too. Like your if anyone is offended F. u and the eminem dud head comment. he is a dud head! LOL I cant tell you how happy to see that savannah is improving everyday. that gives you more time with her. As long as she isnt having awful seizures. Im so glad savannah and cassie have a father figure since mark is absent. what a shame for him. Its his loss the girls have found another. And one that loveds them like his own it seems.Hang on to jerry he is cool! A real Hero and night in shining armor. He must of had a good mom raise him. Well Im so glad you have your wonderful mother and sister to visit and help. What a blessing. Keep trying to count the blessings. I know its hard. Your doing really well you know! your an inspiration. THe day isnt complete if i havent worried and prayed for you all. Kim
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Friday, April 2, 2004 9:44 PM CST
I am here and I am praying for you Savannah and for your family and precious mom. Smile, smile and smile - and remember all the goodness you have sweetie.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <rennedowler@aol.com>
Washington, PA - Friday, April 2, 2004 8:52 PM CST
Just checking in,as I often do. I constantly pray for Savannah,and hope she isn't suffering too much. She has lots of support from you all and she knows how much she is loved,more than words can say.I will continue to check on her condition,and please know that your family are in my thoughts each and every day.
VWhite <whiteb@shaw.ca>
Ft.McMurray, Canada - Friday, April 2, 2004 8:25 PM CST
I do not know Savannah or your family but I am praying everyday for all of you. My thoughts are with you.
Teresa <teresaflett@hotmail.com>
Edmonton, AB Canada - Friday, April 2, 2004 7:56 PM CST
savannah, you are a beautiful strong girl. i wish you comfort and peace. thoughts and prayers, angelique www.caringbridge.org/oh/harleiparker
angelique parker <pfloyd326@yahoo.com>
bellaire, oh - Friday, April 2, 2004 7:49 PM CST
You are in all my thoughts and prayers...
Jennifer M. Accordino (Angel Connor's Cousin) <fhgazebo@hotmail.com>
Rochester, NY USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 7:47 PM CST
Lisa, Savannah, Cassie and Jerry,
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Peace be with you

Myndi Keyton <Myn28@aol.com>
Fort Smith, AR - Friday, April 2, 2004 5:11 PM CST
Hope all is well with our Hurley girls, Saint Jerry (seems he has unanimously earned this name) and Shady. Have sure be blessed and touched by visiting with you all, just being able to visit and check on you all for myself is very comforting. I am thankful that God has given each of you such serving spirits - it is very cool to see how the household is run over there with everyone meeting everyone else's needs. Makes you just want to stay around - that is why I have a tendency to overstay my welcome, it is comfortable to be at home with you all! Thanks for that!

Cassie girl, can't wait for our fun Saturday night!! I have called and left messages for your dad at his office and his house - please help me and Miss Jennifer get your Mom and Jerry a nice night out with Aunt Janette (not sure of the spelling) for some sanity time. We love you all and pray continually.....I will be calling soon. Love you!

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 2:57 PM CST
Praying for you. Hoping Savannah is peaceful and hoping for strength for all of you.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 2:16 PM CST
I just read your entire journal.I had tears in my eyes. It is so hard to read about things like this especially when involving a child.I know there are no words that will lessen the grief or the anger. Just know that my thoughts are with your family.

Jen <jensanimalhouse@yahoo.com>
AL USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 1:59 PM CST
~Sorry for the mispelling of Savannah's name below. Please forgive me. My thoughts remain the same ~
Minneapolis, - Friday, April 2, 2004 1:03 PM CST
I thought of Savanna last night while I was lying next to my 6 year old sound asleep. My heart cried for you knowing you were next to Savanna holding her close. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Savanna's family (which of course, includes Jerry). ~Hold close to you those you love ~

Minneapolis, - Friday, April 2, 2004 1:00 PM CST
Dear Lisa,
I just read your entries from the beginning. You are an amazing mom. God bless you. And blessings to Savannah, Cassie, and Jerry. ....praying for peace for the journey.

Tanys Thoms
Eau Claire, WI - Friday, April 2, 2004 12:11 AM CST
Lisa, Savannah, Cassie and Jerry,
Constantly praying for strength and peace for all of you. You're always in my thoughts and prayers.

Bernadette <bernadette_silva@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Friday, April 2, 2004 12:06 AM CST

Dear Lisa and Savannah,

fox tail lilies!
This is just a quick stop to say "hello" and let
you know that Cassie, Jerry, you, and Savannah are all in
my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. I hope no
news is good news.

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna



Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna <ehkuhall7@tacheiru.every1.net >
Columbus, GA USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 11:47 AM CST
Prayers and positive thoughts to you and your family. I have walked in your shoes before and it brings tears to my eyes to see another family go through what you are. It is the most difficult thing you will ever do in your life. Make the most of these last days and treat every moment like it is her last. Hold your baby tight and kiss her 24 hours a day and continue to tell her how much you love her. I slept when my Tiffanie slept, I awoke when she awoke holding her the whole time. Keep in mind your precious daughter is moaning to hear herself to know that she is still here with us. That is the best thing my wonder Hospice people could have told me.... It use to scare me to death and break my heart to think my baby was hurting. Also, you will know in your heart when to lay beside your daughter and tell her how much you love her that you are going to miss her dearly and it will be O.K. for her to let go and she will not let go till she knows you will be O.K. If there is anything at all you need from me, a ear to listen, a cyper hug. Just e-mail me. God will not allow your baby to suffer.... Take one second at a time.
Love, Cyper hugs and Lots of Prayers...

Deneen Gethouas <dgethouas@state.pa.us>
Enola, PA USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 11:19 AM CST

We continue to think about and pray for all of you each day. I remember all too well... the waiting and watching. Wishing it would end for them but knowing that when their journeys finally ended here, another horrible one would begin for me. Now I must live my life without them here. As a parent you never want to see your child suffer or hurt. And so for that reason you pray like crazy that they'll let go. And when they finally do decide to let go some kind of peace comes over the entire house.... for a very short time. (At least it did for us.) THEN came the, "I know I'm selfish but I want them back," and "I'll take care of them in any contidion" feelings.

I remember when Noelle's MD told us when first diagnosed the plateau's are long and the decline's small and infrequent. He said eventually the plateau's would be shorter and the declines steeper with more frequency. Just as we adjusted to a new "stable" and learned how to properly care for her, here came another. This happened for a couple of months before she finally left us. I know the beast attacks each individual differentlt. For us, we received no reprieve from hurt... we always seemed to get the worse of every situation. Thankfully, Noelle's prayers were answered at the end... her Homegoing was exactly how she wanted it to be... very fast and peaceful... with NO HOSPITALIZATION.

Take care of yourself and treasure your time.

Noelle and Nicholas's Page

Love in Him,

Wendy Baber <vbaber@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 10:59 AM CST
Good Morning to Everyone!!! I hope no news is not bad news. Hoping the night went better and everyone got some much needed sleep and peace. Savannah, you keep flying little one, there are so many people out there who are watching.....Keep smiling Mom and Jerry: Cassie, enjoy this spring time weather, run, jump, play and most of all love your sister with all your heart. She WILL see that she is loved by so many......
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Friday, April 2, 2004 10:24 AM CST
My continued prayers for peace and comfort are being sent for Savannah and the family.
Kim Pigue(Hugs and Hope) <kce1613@aol.com>
Madison, TN - Friday, April 2, 2004 9:13 AM CST
Hi Lisa, Savannah, Jerry and Cassie,

I am still praying for and thinking about you all daily. I hope Savannah is peaceful and resting. I love to hear about when her fire and spirit still shines through. Is she alot like you when you were that age? I bet your mom has some good stories. I have been praying for your mother as well, my heart is with her also. She has to see HER baby AND her granddaughter in pain and she knows she can't ease either of your suffering. That has to be very difficult. I wish you all strength and comfort. In God's Love,

Monica M. <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Friday, April 2, 2004 9:02 AM CST
Wings keep flapping even when a feather falls to the floor. They are too tired to go on, but love makes the exhaustion a little less....

Savannah has touched me...I will continue to read and please know that she is in my prayers!

Catherine <angeliintentions@hotmail.com>
Philadelphia, Pa USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 8:55 AM CST
Savannah & your family are on my mind 24/7, even in the middle of the night when i'm nursing my baby. I'm praying for your miracle & never-ending strength. You're a wonderful MOM, Jerry sounds like he was sent for Savannah & your family! Please rest and take care!
Jenn Hartley <ronjenn696@prodigy.net>
Bensalem, PA USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 8:28 AM CST
Hi lisa, hang in there, I wake up about 2am and started praying for savannah. I hope God shows us a miracle and heal her little body. I believe he can, I just hope he will. I will continue to pray for savannah and your hold family. God bless you!!!
Lavonne Penn <lpenn787@earthlin.net>
Mount Airy, NC - Friday, April 2, 2004 6:46 AM CST
I come to you through Julianna's site but I have in the past known of Savannah, and have seen you signing so many, many other children's sites...so many children, it's impossible to keep up with them all....so, I did not know until tonight that your baby is preparing for her wings, and my heart breaks with that knowledge. Not only are you such a special lady, but such a great mommy too:) I want you to know that I will keep you, Savannah and your whole family in my prayers for either a miracle, or a very gentle passing.
With gentle hugs,

Tracey xoxox BWC <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary, - Friday, April 2, 2004 2:13 AM CST
Hello again.
I don't usually post on a daily basis but felt compelled to send another message today. Thinking about you all, every minute of the day.

When we have a rain here and conditions are just right we can always count on seeing a rainbow just outside our french doors over the field behind our house. I love rainbows and think they are magical. I also always make a wish on the rainbow. We recently had a 'rainbow showing' on TWO consecutive days! Day two was exceptional as we could see both 'feet' of the rainbow, it was really BIG, AND it was a double!!! :) Of course, Doug & I ran outside each time so we could make our wishes. Neither of us asked the other what we wished for...I think that was unspoken knowledge. My wish was for peace and comfort to you and all of your family, most of all, precious Savannah. Though this seems the obvious prayer it still didn't seem like quite enough to me. There seemed so much more I wanted to say...I just couldn't find powerful enough words. When I am at a loss for words with impact I use the biggest one I know of, and that is: SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS! (sp?)
Well, it IS the biggest word I know. :)

Anywho, I'd like to say how touched I am at the fact that Savannah's story has spanned the far reaches of the world, such as Australia. THIS is the power of the internet! We all get frustrated sometimes and curse computers and technology but here is an example of a wonderful thing!!!!!

Hello to Mom and Dad Hoven. I send my love to you, too!

I will say goodnight for now and wish you a peaceful night with dreams of rainbows!!!
Love, hugs and kisses to all.

Debbie Sucher <dcritterville@aol.com>
Cedar Hill, Mo. U.S.A. - Thursday, April 1, 2004 10:17 PM CST

I pray for God's comfort and peace for Savannah, you, Jerry and Cassie. I can't even imagine your life right now but I know that you are a very strong and brave woman. You are an inspiration to many people. Stay strong and keep the faith.

cheryl sturch <csturch1@yahoo.com>
conway, ar usa - Thursday, April 1, 2004 7:36 PM CST
Lisa,Savannah,Cassie I'm sending you some very special LOVE tomorrow,I wish it could be more, thinking of you all the time.
Uncle Les

Uncle Les <peytonsplayhouse@aol.com>
Clearwater, FL - Thursday, April 1, 2004 7:09 PM CST
Just want you to know I have been checking on Savannah almost everyday. I have also been praying for her. She sure is a strong little girl.


Paula (Mitch's mom) <Phstyln@aol.com>
Vancouver, Wa - Thursday, April 1, 2004 7:02 PM CST
Just stopping by to say Hi and some prayers for you and Savannah. It sounds like you have a wonderful support system in Jerry.
Sandra K <cymomtx@yahoo.com>
Cypress, TX - Thursday, April 1, 2004 5:17 PM CST
Praying for rest for you all. Also praying for Savannah to be free of any pain or discomfort.

God be with you all.

Dawn Pierce (www.caringbridge.org/ms/shaepierce) <dawn.pierce@bxs.com>
Southaven, MS - Thursday, April 1, 2004 4:39 PM CST
Lisa: Have been following your journey and thinking of and praying for you, Savannah, Jerry and Cassie every day. Your strength and love amaze me. I know that, when Savannah becomes an angel, she will boast to all the other angels about the strong, devoted and beautiful earthly mother God gave her. Until then and always, may God bless you.
Jinny Hannasch-Daley <jinnyhann@yahoo.com>
Bethesda, MD USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 3:16 PM CST
Greetings Lisa, Jerry, Savannah, and Cassie (Hi to Lisa's Mom). You all are in our thoughts and prayers. Sorry I haven't posted, we are in Dallas and this silly laptop would not connect to the Internet... was going nuts not being able to check-up on you.

Many thoughts, prayers, and blessings!

Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, NM USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 3:12 PM CST
Just want to say I am thinking about you and have you all in my prayers.. These are days and nights that no parent should ever have to go through.
Sharon <sholweger5@yahoo.com>
Dardanelle, - Thursday, April 1, 2004 2:12 PM CST
Hi Savanah,

Your Mom just sent me a very nice letter about you. I hear you like Mountains? Well, I'm going to the Mountais this weekend. I take a very special picture and send it just to you. Keep fighting kiddo. I'll be checking in on you lots.

Kicking Cancers Butt One More Time,



Brecklin Anastasia Jessup <brecklin@fastmail.fm>
Tybee Island, Ga USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 1:38 PM CST
Just doing my regular check on my girls and remind you that I love you.
Donna <dables@epsilon.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 12:54 AM CST
Just checking in for my hourly update....Savannah, I hope you're day is going better then the night went...Keep it up little one!!!!!
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Thursday, April 1, 2004 12:13 AM CST
Hi Lisa,
I'm not sure what would be hurting Savannah as brain tumors generally don't cause pain. She may be suffering because she is having trouble breathing. Pam did a lot of moaning and we later found out it was because she had pneumonia. Savannah may need medication for this or another lung infection or these things could cause the lung to collapse which could be fixed with meds. Again, all this happened to Pam. I'm not sure how hospice works, but I know you don't want your baby suffering and it would be great if she could take something to make her more comfortable.
We are thinking of you and praying for all of you.

Karen Capozzoli <kmurator@yahoo.com>
Glen Cove, NY USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 11:39 AM CST

My dear friend - I miss you on the website but you are in my thoughts and my heart daily.

My love to you, Jerry and your family. Jerry sounds like he was heaven-sent.

We love you,

Carol Baan
Barrie, ON Canada - Thursday, April 1, 2004 11:26 AM CST
Praying for peace for Savannah and all of you. Every day I read your up date praying that there be no pain. Every day Savannah's spirit amazes me.
mary ziegler(from ALL Kids list) <ziegler17@juno.com>
steilacoom, wa usa - Thursday, April 1, 2004 11:03 AM CST
Thanks Jerry ....
Ron <ron@borsholm.ca>
Victoria, BC Canada - Thursday, April 1, 2004 10:54 AM CST
I check in on Savannah every day and I am keeping her in my heart.
I know that sometimes we ask ourselves how much more we can endure before we break..but in some way we always find the strenght to be there when our children need .
You were blessed to have such a wonderful , beautiful girl and such an extraordinary man in your life.
A hug

Mari Chiara`s Mom www.caringbridge.org/me/chiara
- Thursday, April 1, 2004 10:13 AM CST
Hi, this is Michele Fitzgerald again :o)

I forgot to tell you how to view our Angel Erin's Website-

It's at www.thestatus.com

Patient Last Name: Fitzgerald
Password: friend-supernova

God Bless You,
Michele Fitzgerald

Michele Fitzgerald <emma0828@aol.com>
Wayne, IL USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 9:13 AM CST

My name is Michele Fitzgerald. I came upon your daughter's website because I was looking at Ashley's website and saw the link to your site... I don't know whether or not Norine has ever mentioned our family to you or not....but, our daughter, Erin, passed away on January 17, 2003 from a Pons Glioma brain tumor and spinal cord cancer.

I just wanted you to know that, unfortunately, I totally understand what you're going through and that I will pray for your daughter and your family. I know how hard this is. But I am offering you a beacon of light: It has been a little over a year since our sweet Erin moved to heaven. To say we miss her incredibly, would be an extreme understatement....but, somehow, we are finding our way. We will always miss Erin....We will always have really "bad" days...But, we are finding a way to create a "new" life for ourselves. I know where you're at right now....and unfortunately, you need to go through what you need to go through in order for you to move forward....I just wanted you to know that I "understand" and I am thinking of your family. Please feel free to write me if you would like to at emma0828@aol.com

God Bless you,
Michele Fitzgerald

Michele Fitzgerald <emma0828@aol.com>
Wayne, IL USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 9:06 AM CST
Lisa: Remember - God never gives us more than we can handle. I know you are exhausted, but I also know you will be able to keep going. You have already exhibited more strength than is humanly possible, so I know God is sustaining you, just like he is sustaining Savannah. I think about you and the family constantly, and I thank God for sending Jerry to you when you needed him most. I'll keep praying for all of you.
Brenda Ragsdale <brenda.ragsdale@centurytel.com>
- Thursday, April 1, 2004 8:50 AM CST
Thinking and praying for you and Savanah.
Cathy Rusyniak <Garbmike@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Thursday, April 1, 2004 8:04 AM CST
Lisa & Family,
I thought about you all night and I am asking God to be with you. Give you strength and courage through these enxt few days. I have no idea of the pain you are feeling but My heart reaches out to you. Pleas close your eyes and accept my large hug over the interenet.

Praying, Praying , Praying

Jennifer Hines <joverby45@yahoo.com>
Coon Rapids, MN - Thursday, April 1, 2004 7:41 AM CST
Praying for the best, whatever it is and lots of strenght.
You are wonderful people - God bless you all.
Warm hugs from Brazil.

rose <rosecb@ipav.com.br>
- Thursday, April 1, 2004 7:17 AM CST
Hi sis coming to see how you are doing today. Know sis that God is watching over you and giving you Miracles. We are all storming Heaven for you and will not stop. Love Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me
The Prayer

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 5:52 AM CST
May God bless you with peace and strength during this difficult time. You all are in my thoughts and prayers numerous times during the day.
Los Angeles, CA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 2:14 AM CST
What an amazing, strong, girl you have. Just like her Mom I bet. Still praying for all of you.
Mary Tumbleweed Foundation <MaryKitchen@TumbleweedFoundation.com>
- Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:36 PM CST
Hi, I live in Sydney Australia. I wanted to drop a note to say Ive been reading your journal entries for a little over 1 month now... not being a mother I cannot even begin to imagine the pain and helplessness you are currently feeling. I think about you and Savanah every day. Im no longer a religious person, but I have been asking God to comfort you and strengthen you and those around you... I dont really know what to say but pls know that someone on the other side of the world is thinking of you all... The pictures of Savanah are just lovely, such a beautiful little lady...

I dont know what else to add, but I just wanted to let you know that you are being thought of and prayed for...

PS I sincerely hope you do not mind me dropping you this note...

Shelly <shelly.davis@atkearney.com>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:44 PM CST
Dearest Lisa and family:
Hello from all of your 'oldest' friends!
It is SO hard for Donna, Christine, Patty and myself to be here, 7 hours away, and not be able to just jump in the car and be at your side to offer our love, support and the all-important human touch!!!!!
We understand you prefer no calls or visitors. We send all our love and prayers.
I have spoke with Michele in California a number of times and keep her informed.
Thank you so much for finding the strength, energy and, most precious of all, time, to keep the site updated. It greatly helps us to understand where you are and what has been going on. We would much rather be there with you!!!
I continue to be amazed and inspired when reading the guestbook visitor's entries and how your generosity in sharing this journey and your heart have touched so many, friends and strangers alike!
This is your outlet and we are thankful that you have shared your innermost thoughts and feelings so that we might feel as close to being with you!
We ALL continue to send our love and prayers for peace.
I am sending hugs for all!
Lisa, I love you.

Debbie Sucher <dcritterville@aol.com>
Cedar Hill, Mo. U.S.A. - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:17 PM CST
Do not worry about your sleeping. You do need to take care of yourself too. Savannah was okay so do not feel guilty about it. Take it minute by minute, hour by hour. Hold her when she needs/wants to be held, and yes, let her rest. So glad to hear that her bowels are working. Always in my thoughts and prayers,

Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:01 PM CST
Lisa! You are so very adequate! Please don't doubt yourself for a second - you love Savannah more than most people can comprehend and have every right to be scared. Glad to hear that Savannah had some relief... I can relate too well to pullup explosions. Been there, done that :) This is so unfair and it just makes me *$#$%# off. Sweet beautiful Savannah shouldn't have to struggle like this. I love you and wish I could do more. I'll call tonight but it's okay if you'd rather not talk. ((((hugs))))
Tami <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:25 PM CST
Good evening to all. It was so good to see you all today. I was reading the other entries and I had to laugh at the one that compared jerry to a saint. What did I call him today? Saint Jerry. He really is a godsend. Lisa- you are my hero. In the midst of your life and death crisis, the first words out of your mouth are expressions of sorrow about the state of my "so called life". I admire you so much. You are so composed and thoughtful. One day, I'll join you all in Clarksville. Even if it isn't a "good" one. Tell St. Jerry to save me some dumplins. I want to see if they are better than mine.

I feel honored and blessed to have spent a few hours with Savannah! Even if she was sawing logs nearly the whole time. Her china doll skin and gorgeous red hair are beautiful. Sleeping babies are precious. I could have watched her all day. I hope it works out that we can enjoy Cassie on Saturday! Love to all, Jennifer

Jennifer Skaggs <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
Russellville , - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:24 PM CST
Hi Lisa~ We are keeping you all in our prayers. What an incredible man this Jerry...a true gift. God knew that you would need him and that Savannah and Cassie would love him. You are always so close in our thoughts and prayers. People all over the world are praying for strength for you.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR usa - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:19 PM CST
Hello, I have been keeping up with Savannah for a while but have never signed before. I thought your entry the other day was very profound. You really made me think about what our children need from us, and how hard it is to give them that. Thank you sharing your family. You are in our thoughs. Peace, Katie
Katie, Matt, Austin, Brady,and Lily Ellison-Meade <katiejem@yahoo.com>
Ashland, OR USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:51 PM CST
hey momma - just want you to know that we are still checking in and asking jared to assist in savannah's safe trip. thinking of you in such a trying time and sending all the goodness that i can muster. we all love savannah dearly. she has touched the hearts of us all.
riannon angel jays momma <riannonkids@yahoo.com www.caringbridge.org/ca/jaydog>
san leandro, ca - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:30 PM CST
I have been thinking of you so much- as is everyone on the PBT list. There are so many of us out her praying for you and your family.

Loice <middletonswisher@msn.com>
Croydon , PA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 6:56 PM CST
Stopped by to let you all know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. GOD BLESS. Sending lots of love from above - ANGEL COLBY JAMES COLE AND CREW.
jack - colby's daddy forever and ever
www.caringbridge.org/pa/colby, UNIONTOWN PA USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:34 PM CST
Hi sis I am so glad you are feeling better we are storming Heaven for you and will never stop. Love Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me
The Prayer

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:13 PM CST
Lisa, Jerry, Cassie, and of course, Savannah,

Just wanted to thank you for the update. I worry every day when I sign on and I'm happy to see that Savannah still has enough energy to roll her eyes at her mom! What girl hasn't done that one a million times, right? Thank God that you have Jerry, and that he has shown Savannah in her short life what it's like to have someone love her and be there for her like a father should. He may not be her blood father, but he is in every way that really counts. My prayers are with you every day.

Jodi <jodisgreen@aol.com>
Roselle Park, NJ USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 3:03 PM CST
I was glad to see an update last night.. thanks for always taking the time (and energy) to keep us updated. My prayers continute for you all... you are in my thoughts all day long.

God Bless you all,

Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, IA USA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 2:46 PM CST
Hi Lisa,
I came here through Maxie's site. Just wanted to send a hug and let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your beautiful Savannah. My heart goes out to you, I can't begin to imagine what this must be like. Praying for peace for all of you,

Bernadette <bernadette_silva@hotmail.com>
Woodinville, WA - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 12:10 AM CST
Thank God for Jerry. Kinda makes you think of Saint Joseph!! Your family continues to be at the top of our prayer list.
Myndi Keyton

Myndi <Myn28@aol.com>
Fort Smith, AR - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:10 AM CST
Dear Lisa,

Thank you for taking time to update. We are praying that Savannah is pain free and we are cautiously eager to see how she's doing. I am so happy that you and the girls have Jerry. We all need someone to lean on, and it sounds like he's very sturdy. Again, if you need anything at all I would do anything to help.

Love, Aundrea Sims
Dover , AR - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:46 AM CST
I came to visit through Julianna's page. My prayers are with your family and your beautiful daughter. Stay Strong.
God Bless,
Hugs from Toronto...Donna (friend to Teresa & Angel Marcus)

Donna McGhee <red.mcghee@rogers.com>
Toronto, On Canada - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:25 AM CST
Sending LOTS of positive energy for all of you.
Warm hugs from Brazil.

rose <rosecb@ipav.com.br>
- Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:37 AM CST
Savannah- Feisty little one aren't you!!! Keep it up, reading that makes the people smile. I bet your toenails look perfect once again. I'm glad that Mommy has the time to spend with you and she can put everything else off except for you, Cassie and Jerry. You have such a wonderful Mommy and family. They are strong fighters just like you. Keep it up little lady...Thinking of you and checking hourly.....
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:29 AM CST
I just found your site through Ty. I have read and read your journal and I am praying so very hard for you. I am happy that God has brought a wonderful man into your life. I praying for you.

Jennifer Hines <joverby45@yahoo.com>
Coon Rapids, MN - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:23 AM CST
Lisa, I came upon Savannah's website a few days ago when I was checking a friend of mine nephew's site on caringbridge. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for Savannah, you , and your family.

NC - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:03 AM CST
dear lisa~ we all are still here with you, walking behind you to help in any way that we can. which we all know at this time all we can offer is our love & prayers to you & your beautiful family. the folks on the PBT group are ALL praying for you & Savannah. "thank you Dear Lord for bringing jerry into this families life!!! also thank you for all the many prayers being sent for peace" lisa~~you are such a wonderful mom & that so shows through the love & sharing you do, it cant be easy to share this hardest part of your life, however we thank you because we have all come to love you & savannah soooooo much!!! with much love & prayers, lannette
lannette conder <nutchale@aol.com>
lake wylie, sc usa - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 0:30 AM CST
what a beautiful sweet little girl!! it breaks my heart to realize all the hurt and pain that you are all going through right now...there are no words that can make you feel any better...i just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers...i dont know you or your daughter but my cousin's little boy is battling cancer right now also and i came across your sight during one of my check in's with other children...stay strong and live every moment that you are given...i pray that her suffering will end and the long healing process can begin for all of you...she has touched your lives and you will never be the same...you held an angel in your arms....
janie besser <janiejanie2323@aol.com>
masury, ohio usa - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:03 PM CST
I'm so sorry. For what Savannah is enduring, you and Cassie.

God Bless you and your family, and I pray for your comfort.

Cancer sucks. I'm praying for you.


Kathleen Bell
San Diego, CA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:30 PM CST
Lisa, thanks for the update. You amaze me with your strength and willingness to share this with all of us. Wish we could do more. Know that so many of us from PBT our praying for you all. I love Savannahs spirit. Hugs for you and Jerry and Cassie.
Kris (BRANDON'S MOM) Brauns <kris.hawk@verizon,net>
Bothell, WA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:22 PM CST
Lisa, I am glad to hear she held her own today and was feisty about the milk. Thinking of you all --
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:11 PM CST

Thanks so much for the update. Thinking of you and your family constantly.

Sending my love.


Jennifer Smith <yestoloans2002@yahoo.com>
Middletown, CA USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:05 PM CST
I love that she is rolling her eyes at you... that spitfire spirit keeps shining thru! My Maria is an eye-roller too-- gotta love that assertiveness. I know it's hard to have to do anything at this point that makes Savannah unhappy-- holding back on milk, replacing a catheter-- all you want to do is hold her and make any discomforts go away. Your heart will continue to guide you in making the best choices, you are SUCH an awesome mom.
Continuing to pray for Savannah's comfort, and for continued strength for you.
with love,

Celeste Treadway-Leuzinger (m/o Maria, 6 1/2, oligo II) <celestetreadway@direcway.com>
Austin, TX - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:44 PM CST
Lisa, Just me again letting you know I am thinking of all of you....Thank you for the update...Sending Hugs and Kisses, Paulette
paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, art - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:01 PM CST
If freaking means checking Savannah's site at least 20 times a day...count me in as freaking girl!! It's about 10 PM here..I was just on my way to call Norine and decided, let me check one more time. :0)
Thank you for taking the time to update...Thank you for letting us into your lives...and Thank You the most for allowing us to fall in love with the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen...her beauty is right up there with Ashley..from her soft hair, beautiful smile, shining eyes and tonight...her pretty toes!!
I thank you again and again...
be back tomorrow...or in a few more hours!!
Love to all..
In Love

~KODYS STORY~ <kodysmom1995@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:57 PM CST
Lisa, thanks so much for the update, I know we are strangers but we care and I kept checking and praying, checking and praying, I am glad she is stable for now. I wish she was healed so you could have the lifetime you deserve with her. The milk story made me sad, Poor baby. You would think the nurses would let her have whatever her heart desires. But I know you dont want her sick and aspirating on anything. I cant get you all off my mind. Im sorry Mark is not what he should be. Maybe he is one of those people that cant handle Death. Maybe his lack of Not handeling things is his way OUT. Anyway Im sorry it must be very awkward to say the least. I will check in on you all again tomorrow . Lisa thanks for sharing your life and savannas journey with everyone.
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:54 PM CST
Hi Cassie, Savannah, Lisa and Jerry,

I am praying for peace and comfort for you all. I think about you daily, wish I could be there to help in any way. You remain in my thoughts and prayers. In God's Love,

Monica M . <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:17 PM CST
Thinking of you and praying for - nonstop.

Just here,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <rennedowler@aol.com>
Washington, PA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:52 PM CST
Lisa, Jerry, Savannah, Cassie - Thank you for my special day. Love you all so very much,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:36 PM CST
Non stop prayers to you all. You all are in our thoughts. God bless you all.
The Allison Family
Chattanooga, Tn USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:30 PM CST
Hi sis still praying and will not stop. Love Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:27 PM CST

Dear Lisa and Savannah,

cowrie shell circle
I am just passing through to say hello and let you know that both of you and Cassie are in my thoughts and prayers. I am here if you need me.

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna <ehkuhall7@tacheiru.every1.net>
Columbus, GA USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 4:46 PM CST
Lisa, I have no words that will help, but my thoughts are with you and your sweet Savannah. I can hear your silent screams in my heart - "I know, Lisa" - but you will endure.
It is so hard to write the words to you....please know that you are thought of - one mommie to another.

(almost 10 months since I held Rossy in my arms, but I hold him in my heart and thoughts, every minute of everyday...life continues)

Leslee... Mommy to Rossy - Apr17/97-June1/03 (dpg) <rossyforever6@yahoo.ca>
NS Canada - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 3:33 PM CST
Lisa, Jerry, and the girls,

I continue to pray for you every day. May the time you have together be precious and full of love! My thoughts are with you.


Jodi <jodisgreen@aol.com>
Roselle Park, NJ USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 1:48 PM CST
Lisa and girls,
Thinking about you gals each and every second of the day. Praying for peace, strength, and God's will for Savannah. Wish there was more WE could do. Let us know if there is. Give yourself and the girls a big hug for us. Love and prayers, Amanda and Judy

Amanda Jones <littlehands@centurytel.net>
Russellville, AR - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 1:39 PM CST
Thinking about you guys every second of the day. Just wanted to let you all know that we are out here- praying and wishing there were someting- anything we could do to make things easier. Love to you all,

Jennifer Skaggs <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
Russellville, - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 1:17 PM CST
Thinking and praying for you today
Cathy Rusyniak <Garbmike@optonline.net>
Rockaway, NJ - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:56 AM CST
I cannot remember what lead me to your site, but I have been reading your updates for some time now. I have not, however, been able to think of words to write in your guestbook. Then, yesterday, completely out of the blue, my 4-year-old daughter said "Mommy, do you know what you say when you don't know what to say? I love you." I think she's right.
Wishing all of you comfort, peace and love.

Hoffman Estates, IL - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:28 AM CST
Just a little note to let you know that you are your entire family are in our thoughts and prayers often. Take care and God bless you all.
Paula Smith

Paula Smith <jpjcsmith@hotmail.com>
Lion's Head, Ont Canada - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:59 AM CST
Hi Lisa - my prayers that Savannah's in no pain and finding peace. Your family is in my prayers as well. Hope you have no more iron skillet moments :) I love you,
Tami <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:59 AM CST

My prayers are with Savannah, you and your family.

Kathi, Maggie's Mom
PBT List

Kathi Reca <Maggieric2003@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:35 AM CST
I am hoping and praying that your little Savannah is pain free. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers and as always, Savannah has my day. I don't need it.
Jenny <jeffenrb@yahoo.com>
Nisswa, MN - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:23 AM CST
I know you must be in terrible pain, thinking of losing sweet Savannah. I pray that God gives you grace during this time and good friends and family to hold you when you need it. Knowing you and Savannah has been a true blessing. It's amazing how a child can change our life in just seconds. Thank you for sharing your daughter, your journey, your heart. Thinking of you and here if you need me...

Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:20 AM CST
Lisa and savannah Im praying and thinking of you! sending hugs!
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:38 AM CST
Savannah, I hope you got to enjoy your bath from Mommy and Grandma. Keep fighting little one. Look at all these people who are checking in on you. WOW!!!! I hope your night went well.
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:08 AM CST
I'm thinking of all of you and sending prayers.


Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, IA USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:37 AM CST
Dear Lisa:My thoughts and prayers are still with you and your family,I haven't signed in for about a week now but Savannah has been in my prayers and on my mind all those days.Just hold her and enjoy every minute you can.May her fight end in peace.My heart is with yours.Love Terri(friend of Kim-Kody's Mom)
Terri Hidalgo <terri.hidalgo4@verizon.net>
tampa, FL - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:23 AM CST
for savannah

the teardrop
in a blink of an eye the teardrop fell. glistening with pain but yet so joyous with trimph
. it slowly splashed upon her hand leaving behind a trail of tales.
as it slowely went away in a wash of colors . she looked
up and saw her little angel smiling down upon her.
and then she knew life would go on..
..tonya cinnamon

tonya cinnamon <tonyascott03@msn.com>
knoxville, tn usa - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:22 AM CST
savannah your in my prayers . i sit here reading about your life and whats going on and all i can say your the strongest littel girl i have ever known. never let it be said that god didnt make sunshine and rainbows when he made you.one never understands the reasoning the almighty does . i just pray taht when your time to fly comes that you will go out with your true self..i pray your mamma will be able to push you upwards to let your wings spread out. to show your glorious form to everyone.. mygod it gets hard to let littel loved angels go. i know our angels are just borrowed is it just hard to want to keep them forever..
love tonya cinnamon

tonya cinnamon <tonyascott03@msn.com>
knoxville, tn usa - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:20 AM CST
Peace and love be with you
We continue to pray

Myndi Keyton <Myn28@aol.com>
Fort Smith, AR - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:59 AM CST
Thinking Of you all today!
We continue to pray for Savannah and her family.
May she be comfortable,pain-free, and at peace as she prepares for her journey home.
God Bless

Priscilla,Grayce,and Matt Roque <babygrayce@aol.com>
Stafford, Va - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:47 AM CST
Hi Lisa, just big hugs to you, Susannah, Cassie and the rest of your family. I wish I could do more than just give you good warm thoughts and prayers. I know you all are in a lot of pain right now and I am very sorry.

Tess Baker <tndbkr@aol.com>
Fresno, CA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:56 AM CST
I don't even know where to begin... this isn't the first time I've been to Savannah's site...it's my first time signing in but in the last week or so, I have been here every day (sometimes a few times a day)...I never signed in before today, because I just did not know what to say.. I felt like nothing I say can make you feel better... and it's true...I have been reading your updates and everytime I do, I cry... I don't know the pain you're feeling but you express yourself in a way where I am getting a glance of what you're feeling inside you... when my mom was dying of cancer, in her last few weeks, I just begged God to take her...I did. I prayed everynight for Him to take her peacefully, for Him to take her so she would no longer have to suffer this UGLY BEAST.. I can totally relate to your updates and the way you are feeling. It is the most painful thing to do to watch the person you love more than life slowly fade away and there's not a darn thing in the world you can do about it. I just want you to know that I am praying for Savannah and your family... for peace and comfort to be with your precious baby...she deserves it so. May God wrap His loving and protective arms around precious Savannah and her family..

~*~*Girlie's Page*~*~

Love always,

Janice <janiceliew1981@yahoo.com>
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:22 AM CST
it is 1:30 AM here........
wanted you to know that even in the wee hours of morning prayers continue.........love abounds.

May God bless you all.
"auntie" brandi

"auntie" brandi <bjrfromwa@aol.com>
tenino, wa - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 3:24 AM CST
"My Immortal" reaches to my very soul and I cannot help but think of you, Savannah, Cassie and Jerry as I hear the beautiful lyrics and melody! What is our life on Earth about? I ponder this deep rooted thought while I think about what you are experiencing. You have truly shown me and Savannah that it is about Love, Hope and Faith, with the greatest of these being LOVE!

P.S. Kelley Clarkson was definitely singing about you!

A Friend in Jesus Christ,

Michelle Olman <michelle@village.howard.wi.us>
Green Bay, WI USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 1:06 AM CST
Lisa, I visit Savannah via your web site a million times throughout the day. Your demonstrations of unselfish love has also encouraged me to travel to other sites and pray for the many lives of children and families that have, do or will deal with what you are going through. As I know that it is the special people that you have met that have also endured such tragedy that hold your hand and walk you through this the best they can - I know too that you are looked to by so very many for encouragement, support, knowledge and the unselfish love you so freely share. I know that this journey will never end for you. As Savannah has touched the lives of so many, so has her Mommy. I know that many people will benefit from your journey, and from knowing you. I know that I have. I thank you for your continued, ever-present demonstrations of love to all you come into contact with.
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 11:42 PM CST
Praying for you and your family.
Angelia E. Member of Blessing From Heaven
NC USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:10 PM CST
We've never meet but that wont stop me from keeping your family and your little one in my prayers. May GOD bless all of you.
Lee Kordel - glxtrix from vortex <glxtrix@yahoo.com>
Coral Springs, Fl 33071 - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:01 PM CST
checking in, thinking of you all so often during the day. You have done it all well, and have led the way with so much faith. God guides our going out, and our coming in..I know that means our coming in to Heaven.. your BT friends are all keeping close track, and send much love.
Mary Alice Dorschel mom of Lizzie, germinoma, age 11 <jay.dorschel@verizon.net>
suffolk, va - Monday, March 29, 2004 8:53 PM CST
God Bless your family you are in my prayers.

Pat Newton(Lexy's Nana) <pnewt4@aol.com>
Nederland, Tx - Monday, March 29, 2004 8:43 PM CST
I am still praying for all of you..
Sharon <sholweger5@yahoo.com>
Dardanelle , - Monday, March 29, 2004 8:14 PM CST
Still in our prayers every day, many, many times. God Bless, keep the faith and stay strong little girl. There are lots and lots of people that love and care for you.

God Bless
Cheyenne's dad

Roy Fiveash <rfiveash@wcc.net>
San Angelo, Tx - Monday, March 29, 2004 7:56 PM CST
Thinking of Savannah's sweet smile...all day long.
Bonnie <bonnievendola@hotmail.com>
NY - Monday, March 29, 2004 7:56 PM CST
I learned of your website through a friend of mine's son-Shae. My thoughts and prayers are always with you. You are a very strong woman who has a very strong daughter. You are an inspiration to young mother's like myself. God bless and comfort you.
Anya Foster <anya.foster@bxs.com>
Tupelo, MS - Monday, March 29, 2004 7:06 PM CST
Lisa, I am thinking and praying for you and savannah and cassie and jerry, I hope Savannah is resting peaceful so you have more time with her,
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Monday, March 29, 2004 6:54 PM CST
Hi Lisa. You do not know me, but I am part of the PBT support group. Your story has touched me, and I wanted you to know that we are praying for God's Mercy and Love in your lives.
Lisa Koncir & Family <samnus@earthlink.net>
Houston, TX - Monday, March 29, 2004 5:22 PM CST
My heart is just breaking for all of you. You are a great mom and an inspiration to others. I have been praying for a painfree journey for your beautiful and precious little girl. All of you are included in prayers for peace and strength. You and your family have touched many a heart, and I hope you feel all the love and hugs being sent your way.

Annette m/o Stephanie

Annette Jarvis
Hillsboro, TX USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 4:57 PM CST
Praying for you all today.

Love, Aundrea Sims
Dover , AR - Monday, March 29, 2004 3:59 PM CST
thinking of you, praying for you..........loving you all.

God bless and hold you close.

"auntie" brandi

"auntie" brandi <bjrfromwa@aol.com>
tenino, wa - Monday, March 29, 2004 3:32 PM CST
Keeping you all close to my heart: in thoughts and in prayer.
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 2:43 PM CST
Lisa and Family,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. I have been in your position and know some of what you feel. I have just recently lost my 5 year old son to cancer on January 1st of 2004. Just as you, I stayed by his side day and night until he took his last breath. As you stated it is one of the hardest things that we will ever have to do. If you ever need to talk, I am a phone call or email away. I wish that there would be someway to make this easier......Just know that you are in my thoughts.

Brandyn's Mom (Dajana) <cash_guru@comcast.net (www.caringbridge.org/ca/kingbrandyn)>
Murrieta, ca - Monday, March 29, 2004 1:53 PM CST
You do not know me, we have never met. I have been visiting caringbridge websites since I came across the link from Angel Connor. Yours is the first guestbook I have signed. You have truly inspired me. My children (ages 6&9) are my reason for living, my reason for getting out of bed every morning. No matter how bad the circumstance, no matter how bad a given outcome is - I can not give up because of my babies. I believe God has a plan for all of us, we may not know what that plan is until we see him at the gates of heaven, but there is a 'purpose for everything under heaven'. I believe caringbridge and the people I have 'met' through these websites are part of the plan for me. I have made a commitment to myself when my divorce is final I am going to volunteer at the local (Mpls) childrens hospital at times when my kids are with their daddy. I can not explain it - but there is an invisible pull in this direction. I felt compelled to share this with you.... May your Savannah find peace and you find the strength to greet yet another day. You are both in my prayers.

Minneapolis, MN us - Monday, March 29, 2004 1:36 PM CST
Uncle Les <peytonsplayhouse@aol.com>
- Monday, March 29, 2004 1:10 PM CST
Uncle Les <peytonsplayhouse@aol.com>
- Monday, March 29, 2004 1:08 PM CST
Lisa, My heart breaks for you. You all are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. We continue to pray for you all. I pray for no pain for Savannah. Savannah is a very brave and strong little girl. She obviously gets this from her mother. You are a very wonderful mother. You are so very brave and strong and unselfish. You are the true definition of a mother. Jerry is a wonderful person as well, it is amazing how much love he has for you and the girls. He is so genuine and so unselfish as well. Thank you for trusting us to have Savannah over for the Halloween party and the cookie making at Christmas. We will treasure the memories we have with her. She is precious. Please know I am here for you and your family if you need anything. Please hug the girls for me.
Andrea Bean
Plumerville, ar - Monday, March 29, 2004 12:54 AM CST
Sending my love to you. I pray that everything will go as smoothly and painlessly as possible. So many people are praying for you and love you very much.

marlene <marsybarsy@comcast.net>
Portland, OR - Monday, March 29, 2004 12:15 AM CST
Dear Lisa and family:

Please know that even though we are strangers, we are thinking of you and Savannah and sending our prayers.

Amanda+Arabella Uhry

Amanda Uhry
New York, NY - Monday, March 29, 2004 12:08 AM CST
God bless Savannah and your family. You are in my prayers.
Mike Huddleston <mhuddleston@fsainc.org>
Russellville, Ar US - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:42 AM CST
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray Savannah is resting comfortably. I wanted to share a poem with you.
Tis the human touch in this world that counts,
The touch of your hand and mine,
Which means far more to the fainting heart
Than shelter and bread and wine;
For shelter is gone when the night is o'er,
And bread lasts only a day,
But the touch of the hand and the sound of the voice
Sing on in the soul alway. by Spencer Michael Free

You are an amazing mother.
Peace be with you

Myndi Keyton <Myn28@aol.com>
Fort Smith, AR - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:32 AM CST
Glad that Savannah made it through the weekend. Sounds like it wasn't such a good weekend, but gives you a little more time. Why do Parents have to make the decision to let their children go? NOT FAIR!!!! Smile, enjoy the girls, love, cuddle and kiss....They are beautiful.....
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, mn - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:31 AM CST
Hi Savannah, Just letting you know I'm here and still praying for you. you are a very strong girl. God loves you and so do we. God bless you!!!
Lavonne <lpenn787@earthlink.net>
mt airy, nc - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:30 AM CST
Lots of LOVE from Brazil.
rose <rosecb@ipav.com.br>
- Monday, March 29, 2004 9:04 AM CST
I continue to pray for God to ease Savannah's pain and be with her so she is not afraid. To bring comfort and peace as Savannah transitions to the next stage of her journey. Good-bye for now sweet Savannah. We are with you. We love you.
'Aunt Donna' <ables.donna@epsilon.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 8:28 AM CST
I am so sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine your sorrow, please have my prayers.
Jaime Bliesmer <mom2hannah01@hotmail.com>
Dunnell, MN 56127 - Monday, March 29, 2004 8:23 AM CST

You are one incredibly strong girl and I am SO proud of you. Only you know how much longer you can fight, but I think you've been doing a wonderful job so far. I thank God you have your Mom, Jerry and Cassie there with you. They love you SO much and I'm sure having them close by is making you feel better.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*Samantha Therese*~*~*~

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Monday, March 29, 2004 8:07 AM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Valerie W <whiteb@shaw.ca>
Ft. McMurray, Canada - Monday, March 29, 2004 7:49 AM CST
Still thinking about you all and praying for everyone of you. I dont think there is anything harder than having to say goodbye to your child.... and to your sister.
Sharon <sholweger5@yahoo.com>
- Monday, March 29, 2004 7:31 AM CST
Praying for a peaceful, painless transition. Lord Jesus, protect sweet Savannah. Come and take her in your arms. Bring her to her new family, to friends, to relatives who have come before her. Comfort Lisa and Savannah's family left behind. Assure them that they will be reunited soon. Pour out Your Love, comfort, peace.

Sending hugs, Shedding tears,
Marlene (Alyssa's mom from PBT) www.caringbridge.org/ga/alyssa

Marlene Haller <mhall63@comcast.net>
Atlanta, GA - Monday, March 29, 2004 7:04 AM CST
Savannah and Lisa and Family: My heart has been breaking for you, you have been so strong. May God give you peace.
Ellen, Samantha's mom www.caringbridge.org/mi/sammijean <Hellen177@aol.com>
Wyandotte, Mi USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 6:52 AM CST
Lisa and Savannah,

I am thinking of you and wishing you peace and love in this most difficult time. Kiss your beautiful girl for me.

Jordan's Mommy www.caringbridge.org/ca/jordan

Angela Atherton <angatherton@comcast.net>
Murrieta, CA 92563 - Monday, March 29, 2004 2:24 AM CST
May these days and hours be precious, peaceful, and free from relational hastles. Savannah, you and your family are carried in my heart every moment. We prayed for you today in church. (((((HUGS))))) and more (((((((HUGS))))))).
Stephanie and RachelJoy <sstrom@quik.com>
- Monday, March 29, 2004 0:37 AM CST
May these days and hours be precious, peaceful, and free from relational hastles. Savannah, you and your family are carried in my heart every moment. We prayed for you today in church. (((((HUGS))))) and more (((((((HUGS))))))).
Stephanie and RachelJoy <sstrom@quik.com>
- Monday, March 29, 2004 0:36 AM CST
May these days and hours be precious, peaceful, and free from relational hastles. Savannah, you and your family are carried in my heart every moment. We prayed for you today in church. (((((HUGS))))) and more (((((((HUGS))))))).
Stephanie and RachelJoy <sstrom@quik.com>
- Monday, March 29, 2004 0:35 AM CST
I am sending you as many cyber hugs as I can. Hold her tight and be with her using all of your senses. You are so strong and you are doing such an awesome job as you move along this part of the journey. Having her in the living room ,sleeping with her, using alternate forms of communication for her are all so incredible. She is truly surrounded by love . My thoughts are with you all.
Melanie..a brain tumor mum (Alicia dx JPA July 2003)

Melanie Denoon <denoon@sympatico.ca>
Guelph , Ontario Canada - Monday, March 29, 2004 0:26 AM CST
Just want you to know that I'm thinking of you always.Sending lots of love and prayers your way.
Brenda <rurka70@hotmail.com>
EDMONTON, AB CANADA - Monday, March 29, 2004 0:12 AM CST
We continue to pray for comfort for Sweet Savannah, and comfort for Mommy. Asking in prayer for God to pick you up Lisa and carry you through this...and The Lord replied, "The times when you have seen only one set of footprints is when I carried you."
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 0:01 AM CST
May God lift you up and hold your family tight in this time of need and always. God bless you all and many heart felt prayers coming to you all.
The Allison Family
Chattanooga, Tn USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 10:03 PM CST
Hello Lisa,
I've been following your web page for a week now. I've been connected to you through Celeste's web page. Celeste's mom connected with a little girl here in MN, Maryah, who is fighting cancer that I am very close to. I am a mother of 3 children who are all currently healthy. I almost lost my first born to a undected heart defect at birth. We brought her home only to ruch back to an ER a few hours later...we were in minutes of losing her. She received her treatment and is doing very well...4 years later. The fear that I experienced in the first 48 hours is undescribable...although I'm sure you are expereincing something much worse. I want you to know that I pray for Savannah everyday, as well as for you and the rest of the family. May God Bless Savannah and your family. Godspeed to Savannah.

Angie Rein <angiemary@msn.com>
St, Paul, MN USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 8:50 PM CST
Hello, I am a friend of Lisa Wells. I want the family to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all. May God be with you and give you strength.
~Marilyn Branch and family

Marilyn Branch <mbranch95@earthlink.net>
Bonanza, AR - Sunday, March 28, 2004 8:47 PM CST
Hi Lisa~ Continuing to pray for you all. You and your family are never far from our thoughts and prayers. Praying for peace for all of you and comfort for Savannah. With love, Jennifer Cook
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR usa - Sunday, March 28, 2004 7:45 PM CST
Just want you to know that my heart and prayers are with you. If you need anything, call me and I am there.

All of our love.

Christina & David <cactx69@aol.com>
- Sunday, March 28, 2004 7:22 PM CST
I'm sorry to hear about the pain that your daughter and family are going through. I also went through it with my little girl. She was diagnosed 12/20/02 with a DPG and fought hard until the day she passed away on 9/10/03. I can understand what you are going through and I want you to know that I am here if you need anyone. Sometimes it helps to speak to people who have gone through it. I hope you all find peace soon.

Mom of Angel Julia

Judy Levy <levyjudy4@comcast.net>
Pittsburgh, PA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 7:19 PM CST
Hi Lisa,
I was curious to see your unicorn tattoo. Could you post a picture of it in the caringbridge photo album?
Where is the Savanah tattoo shown on the home page? Is that on you as well?
Just checking in on you guys ... as I do each day.
Love and Peace,

Bonnie <bonnievendola@hotmail.com>
NY - Sunday, March 28, 2004 7:13 PM CST
Always keep in mind that this is not death, but a transition from one way of life to another. Your baby is out traveling around saying her goodbyes right now, it won't be long now Mom, just hold her and love her. There are many on the other side waiting to guide her gently and lovingly to her new home....

May God bless you all, Rita

Rita <angelnrg4u@hotmail.com>
Gibsonia, PA 15044 - Sunday, March 28, 2004 7:08 PM CST
May you find the strength you need right now.
You are an amazing mom. Your love shines through.
I pray that Savannah will go forward with the angels
that are by her side, peacefully. God bless you all.

Mary Ziegler (All Kids list) <ziegler17@juno.com>
Steilacoom, wa usa - Sunday, March 28, 2004 7:01 PM CST
Lisa, God you have a beautiful little girl who will soon be in the arms of Jesus......you and your little Savannah are
indeed two souls in one. I am praying for all of you, and especially that little Savannah has a painless, peaceful journey to Heaven. God Bless you and your family..my heart breaks for all of you.

Karen Powell <cajapowell@aol.com>
Charleston, SC Charleston - Sunday, March 28, 2004 6:23 PM CST
I know what you mean about her dad. There's a lot more to it than being a biological one. I am so glad that Jerry is with all of you now and with her especially. I hope she enjoys her bath. Always in my thoughts and prayers,
Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Sunday, March 28, 2004 5:55 PM CST
Sweet Savannah! Fly little one, knowing you are loved by oh so many people here. You have been and will always be the true meaning of strength and courage to many of us left in this mortal world. Be free sweet girl.
You are so loved.
Amy Muston
Connor's Site

Amy Muston <amymuston@hotmail.com>
Keokuk, IA USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:36 PM CST
Lisa, i am so sorry to hear about your sweet, precious Savannah! my heart breaks and crys with you! Sweet Jesus wrap your arms of love around their family, give them strength and grace, and peace and comfort! love, dawn and tori www.caringbridge.org/mn/torimacdonald
dawn macdonald <toridawn777@aol.com>
eagan, - Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:16 PM CST
Lisa and family ~

My prayers are with you... I pray that Savannah has a swift and peaceful journey when she decides it's time to go.

God be with you all...

Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, IA USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:14 PM CST
I signed Savannah's guest book the other day and told you about my son Brian having the same tumor. I thought of something that you will want to have of Savannah's that I never thought of until Brian went to heaven."A piece of her hair". All I have of Brian's is the fine little hairs that fell off into his baseball hat, I keep that hat in a zip lock bag. It was a thought I wanted to share. In my heart as we walk this path together. Love to you all, Laura & AngelBrian

Laura Vermilyer <Lvermilyer@wi.rr.com>
Bristol, wi USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 2:58 PM CST
savannah, i know you are too young to understand what you have gone through, but you have shown so many people what courage and strength are. you will forever be remembered. i will always be thinking of and praying for your family. thoughts and prayers, angelique parker www.caringbridge.org/oh/harleiparker
angelique parker <pfloyd326@yahoo.com>
bellaire, oh - Sunday, March 28, 2004 2:39 PM CST
still checking in, wishing we could all do more than send strength. You have said all the right things for so long, and Heaven is so prepared..you will never be without her, really. We are all here for you. Much love from Virginia
Mary alice Dorschel caringbridge.org/va/lizzie <jay.dorschel@verizon.net>
suffolk, va - Sunday, March 28, 2004 2:28 PM CST
Hi lil sis, Do not worry my daddy left us too when I got sick and we are better off without him. I am so sorry you are on the journey sis but I know that you will be free soon and healthy and happy and in Heaven playing with alot of my friends. Ask Mary Kate to make snow Angels with you and ask Maxie about Outcast and give them all a hug from me. Love and Prayers, Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 2:10 PM CST
Sweet Savannah
Let God wrap his arms around you and fly little one
Fly and play and know that mommy and Jerry and Cassie will always love you Take care sweet Savannah
Lots of Prayers your way

Marty <AngelTears1793@aol.com>
Louisville, Ky USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 1:58 PM CST
Dear Lisa:

I am heartbroken and grieving with you, Lisa. Your entries reveal that even unspeakable pain and loss can be spoken. Grief is about living. You are sane and alive! Thank you, Lisa, for showing us how you are letting go of someone you love. You have not left Savannah alone emotionally with anything she has had to face. You are one special Mother.

With many tears,

Anne Saputo <annesaputo@aol.com>
- Sunday, March 28, 2004 1:56 PM CST
Dear Lisa:

I am heartbroken and grieving with you, Lisa. Your entries reveal that even unspeakable pain and loss can be spoken. Grief is about living. You are sane and alive! Thank you, Lisa, for showing us how you are letting go of someone you love. You have not left Savannah alone emotionally with anything she has had to face. You are one special Mother.

With many tears,

Anne Saputo <annesaputo@aol.com>
- Sunday, March 28, 2004 1:56 PM CST
oh little Savannah -- how much you are loved.
Richmond, VA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 1:08 PM CST
My heart continues to break and pray for her release to heaven at the same time.
The woman below me said it so well....keep those thoughts...
No matter what anyone may say
she knows you are all there
she knows and feels all the love
No one, not even this monster, can take her spirit, her soul
and that is where your love, jerrys love, her sissys love etc live in her
She hears every word...feels every touch
She will take it all with her and she knows she is not alone that is what is important...
Mcuh love to you all
Many tears and many hugz
love maria an dkatelynn
Soon sweet angel soon you will be gracing heaven with your beauty and mom will always be with you and you with her
and NO ONE can ever tak ethat away
I hope someone will be able to take a picture of all of you surrounding her with so much love....

Katelynns Quest! <regattacrew68@bellsouth.net>
charlotte, nc - Sunday, March 28, 2004 12:33 AM CST
Let the angel wings fly.....let them fly, let them fly, let them fly....accept this angel into your hosts oh Lord...let her join the ranks of angels watching over us...let her be whole....give comfort and an unexplainable peace....Lord let YOUR will be done.....
Russ., ar - Sunday, March 28, 2004 12:31 AM CST
I have seen Jerry's love for Savannah, as well as for Cassie and for you. I have watched him speak to her like a father, no like a Daddy. Biology does not make a parent, love unconditional does. My 'Daddy' has no blood relation to me, just a love relationship. My biological father cares for my well being, periodically calling to 'check my pulse', but my Daddy loves me and I love him in return. He cares for me and loves all that I am associated with because of his great love for me. Savannah has been provided a special Jerry - whether he is called Daddy or not, he does not care. He does it not for the title, but because of the love, he provides for her the love of a Daddy. He does it gently, sweetly, and carefully with loving, unselfish approval from her Mommy. Savannah knows she is surrounded in love because her Mommy has encouraged it so. We are praying for you all continually. We love you all very much,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 12:02 AM CST

We will be praying that Savannah receives her ANGEL wing shortly and as well as peacefully with no pain. Love from Kim m/o Michelle


Kimberley Clayton <michelle9kim@yahoo.ca>
Guelph, ON, Canada - Sunday, March 28, 2004 11:19 AM CST
reading your journal entries only bring back such painful and vivid memories of mitch. letting go is the hardest thing a parent must do, but we do it because of love , uncondtional love. savannah knows how much she is loved ,she is so proud of you and will keep loving you forever. please know my thoughts are with you.

abbie «♥Angel Mitchell♥» <afraser1@tru.eastlink.ca>
, canada - Sunday, March 28, 2004 10:32 AM CST
God bless his newest angel, Sweet Savannah. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Ronnie Wood <ronniewood@comcast.net>
Scotch Plains, NJ - Sunday, March 28, 2004 10:27 AM CST
Indeed, we know that when the earthly tent in which we dwell is destroyed we have a dwelling provided for us by God, a dwelling in the heavens, not made by hands but to last forever. God has fashioned us for this very thing and has given us the Spirit as a pledge of it. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May you find comfort in the Lord. God Bless You Savannah. Much love,
Becky <Becky_y@charter.net>
Thibodaux, Louisiana - Sunday, March 28, 2004 10:11 AM CST
May God grant Savannah her angel wings that will allow her to fly FREE.

God Bless Savannah and her family during this time.

The Carter's <tlc2866@sbcglobal.net>
Manchester, Ct - Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:35 AM CST
Praying for Savannah's peaceful passage.
Mary Tumbleweed Foundation <MaryKitchen@TumbleweedFoundation.com>
- Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:07 AM CST
Sometimes prayers must change from hoping for a miracle, to begging for a peaceful ending of this time on Earth. This is what Savannah deserves. I pray for the suffering to stop, hers and that of your family.

Savannah has touched us so deeply ... can't stop crying, hope her pain will end, her upcoming journey will be one without hurting.

Take your wings, sweet Angel, and fly...

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, NM USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:02 AM CST
Sending prayers of comfort and peace for all of you.

God bless...

Terry Snyder (Angel Jalen's "Am-Maw") http://www.caringbridge.org/fl/jalen <vix207@aol.com>
Royal Palm Beach, FL - Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:01 AM CST
I am sorry for the physical pain Savannah is dealing with now. I'm sorry for the physical and emotional pain you are feeling watching your beautiful daughter struggle. May God wrap his loving arms around Savannah and the family and friends who love you so much.

God bless you during this difficult time.

The Frisby-Griffin Family

Connie, Danny and LaRae F-G <cdlfg@sprynet.com>
Wichita Falls, TX - Sunday, March 28, 2004 8:39 AM CST
I'm praying for all of you. God bless you Savannah!! You will have peace soon. We all pray for it.
Special Prayers for comfort for Savannah's family. Especially you Lisa. I love you. I pray for extra strength for you.

Jennifer Skaggs <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
Russellville , - Sunday, March 28, 2004 7:08 AM CST
Lil sis it is ok to go to Heaven it is beautiful and calm and you will be well and free. And one day your mom will come join you again. My prayers are with you. Love Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 6:08 AM CST
Tears flow as I check and reread last night's entry. I have checked so many times praying for an end to the misery. We are taught that we are not given more than we can withstand. There is so much strength from within your family but how much more can you and your family endure? I pray for God's mercy to come swiftly.
All my love,

Elaine <ergarrison1@yahoo.com>
Clarksville, AR USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 6:03 AM CST
I am praying for all of you. Dear God, give you peace.
Kasey Gunde <kasey.gunde@delta.com>
Mount Holly, NC US - Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:25 AM CST
Savannah you are still my prayers. God please take her peacefully. Don't let her suffer anymore. Please let her be happy and whole again. My prayers to you Lisa and your family. God bless.
Mila <shalen@shaw.ca>
Vancouver, Canada - Sunday, March 28, 2004 3:06 AM CST
She will go when it is time. The pain she feels here will be erased when she is in Our Father's presence. She will know. When it is time to go, she will go. Just keep holding the little spitfire. Always in my thoughts and prayers,
Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Sunday, March 28, 2004 1:54 AM CST
I'm praying!
Kathy H.
T.O., CA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 1:12 AM CST
Lisa - I love you and need to talk to you if you can. (((hugs))) and prayers for Savannah's peace and for your family & friends to find comfort in each other through this horrible time. I'm so very sorry and just sick about this.
Tami <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa 4128853899 - Sunday, March 28, 2004 0:54 AM CST
Lord Jesus, Gather Savannah in your arms, and hold her family real tight. amen
Stephanie and RachelJoy <sstrom@quik.com>
- Sunday, March 28, 2004 0:44 AM CST
God bless you Lisa.

You are loved, please feel us, your friends, circling you and your family with our love.

Kathleen Bell <kbell_@_san.rr.com>
San Diego, CA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 0:20 AM CST
Praying for peace - Peace in Savannah's travels Home, Peace for a mother and family and loved ones in knowing she will be with Him. Love to all,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 0:10 AM CST
Savannah, Baby, I have been checking in on you lots and praying for you. God is with you honey. I pray for you to join him peacefully.

I am praying for your whole family, I cannot imagine what you all have been going through. Sending love and hugs to you all.

Jennifer Smith <yestoloans2002@yahoo.com>
Middletown, CA USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 0:03 AM CST
I am so sorry. I am praying for Savannah and all of her family. This is just so heartbreaking. May you feel God's presence as you go through this difficult journey.

Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Saturday, March 27, 2004 11:13 PM CST
Still here, still checking, still praying for you all.....
Liz and Jake <flakeyjakester@msn.com>
Sumner, WA USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 11:10 PM CST
Dear Lisa,
I am and have been praying lots for all of you, especially Savannah. My prayers will continue during this very tough time, I can't even imagine doing what you have had to do.

Anne S. <legendkees@iwon.com>
Keshena, WI - Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:55 PM CST
Savannah, baby angel... you have my prayers. I will keep you in my prayers forever and a day.

I've been reading Savannah's journal for a few days now, came in from Angel Maxie's site... your family has truly touched my heart. May God Bless each of you every single day of your lives.

Godspeed Savannah.

Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, IA USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:45 PM CST
There are no words. Godspeed.
Laurie, Morgan's Mommy <laurie.randel@randelfamily.com>
Austin, TX - Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:21 PM CST
I dont know what to say and cant begin to imagine being in your shoes. I just pray its as peaceful and painless and possible for little Savannah
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:09 PM CST

I hate to hear you're going through so much, sweetheart. You and everyone in your family are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers. Somehow, someway, I pray you'll be able to find comfort.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*Samantha Therese*~*~*~

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:05 PM CST
dear lisa~ i read your words and with each one feel the love that you have so strongly for your sweet Savannah. i've checked in on you guys a million times but could never find the correct words to say nor can i still. but with each time i checked in i prayed to our wonderful God that he take care of all of you, with peace & love. as i read your words i see He has blessed you with a love that is so strong!!! that will never fade. i'm so sorry for all that you've all been through & for all that is to come. i have printed Savannahs picture & it hangs in my office at home, for all to see. everytime anyone ask "whos that pretty little girl?" i tell them your story of love, then ask them to please pray for this beautiful family. i will continue to check in on you all 2 to 3 times a day & will certainly be praying even more. my tears are so deep for you. God bless. with much love, care, & prayers~~lannette,dakotas mom
lannette conder <nutchale@aol.com>
lake wylie, sc usa - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:53 PM CST
Dear lisa,
You are amazing I will never understand how God works but know that he does know better than any of us. You are my inspiration and trust me many of us will always remember your family and how you set the example for all of us to fight this battle. May Savannah be singing in heaven watching over your family by the time you read this since this is what must be. Praying for all of you , Julie, Emily's mom

julie dearmond <dearmond57@hotmail.com>
lake forest, ca usa - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:51 PM CST
May God take your little girl's hand and help her through this difficult and painful time. If she is being called to heaven, then I only hope she goes there with only joy and no pain. You are such a ray of light in her that she will always know your love.

God bless you all!

Ellen Faingold <ellen_caringbridge@faingold.com>
tampa, Florida USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:40 PM CST
I wish I had something profound and comforting to say but I don't. I can only tell you that I have had Savannah in my thoughts and prayers all week. I'll continue to pray for her and for you. (((hugs)))
Abbotsford, BC Canada - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:33 PM CST
At this very moment my heart is breaking for what Savannah and your family are going through. She is such a courageous little girl. Thank you God for giving her such a wonderful and loving mother. I pray that she doesn't suffer and feels the warmth of your loving arms embracing her. She has fought such a valiant fight. Savannah you are on my mind and in my prayers. So many people love you!
Lori Davoren <gizzyboo@mts.net>
Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:23 PM CST
I forgot to include the poem. Please excuse my mistake.

When God calls little children to dwell with Him above,
We mortals always question the wisdom of His love.
For no heartache compares with the death of one small child,
Who does so much to make this world seem wonderful and mild.

Perhaps God tires calling the aged to his fold,
And so He picks a rosebud before it can grow old.
God knows how much we need them and so He takes but few,
To make the land of heaven more beautiful to view.

Believing this is difficult, still somehow we must try,
The saddest word mankind knows will always be goodbye,
And so when little ones depart we who are left behind
Must realize God loves little children.

Angels are hard to find.

Author Unknown

Minnesota - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:12 PM CST
My heart goes out to you with your pain. This poem was sent to a friend when she lost her daughter. Hopefully it will help ease a little of the pain you are going through.
Minnesota - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:11 PM CST
I absolutely cannot imagine the pain you are feeling right now. My heart is breaking for you. I pray that there is no more suffering for your little angel.
Lauri Michelich <michelich@aol.com>
Pinehurst, NC - Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:08 PM CST
Dear Lisa,

When I read your journals, I am overwhelmed by the strong bond and love between you and Savannah. I am praying for Savannah, you, Cassie and your entire family.

Diana Cross <diana@houston.rr.com>
Houston, TX - Saturday, March 27, 2004 8:47 PM CST
Dearest Lisa & Jerry...
I tried so hard to find the right words tonight to leave in Savannah's guestbook. There just are none...please know though that you remain in my thoughts all day and I do pray that Savannah's beautiful spirit is taken and guided to Heaven by Angel Ashley...hand in hand, giggling and skipping just like little girls do.
She will keep you, her Mommy...her Hero..her first and most biggest love..in her heart forever.
Savannah WILL beat this horrible disease....she may have to leave her Earthly body to do so....but believe me..she is the winner here.
Lay down next to her...Hold her close...smell her scent..take in everything about her. Lisa...Savannah will never really leave you....she will live on in you...you will see her in the smile of Cassie, you will see her in the rainbow painting she will leave you after a storm, you will feel her presence as a cool breeze on a warm day and someday...which may seem endless to us on Earth, but will be quick for Savannah & Ashley too...you will be united, forever...and that, nobody can ever take away.
Love you all...

~KODYS STORY~ <kodysmom1995@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, March 27, 2004 8:31 PM CST
Lisa, Im heartbroken for you all. What a an awful thing. I cant imagine the Pain your going through. God will guide her through Death to heaven and she will soar! she wont be sick anymore and its just within reach. Savannah will go towards the light to heaven. Youve let her go Or have you? maybe she isnt ready to let you go just yet. I pray she doesnt suffer anymore and that God will just take her to heaven. TO watch her suffer is unbearable im sure. Im at a loss But I know she wont go until its time. Im so sorry your watching your baby girl die.
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Saturday, March 27, 2004 8:29 PM CST
BRAVE UNSELFISH LOVE are the only things I can come up with to say through the tears. I sat and prayed and tried to think of something else but those three words kept coming up. God still has Savannah touching many people's lives. He will take her when he's ready - soon. Wishing you strength, love and comfort!!!
Luv, Barbara <willbarb@ptd.net>
Stroudsburg, PA, - Saturday, March 27, 2004 8:24 PM CST
I will be praying for all of your family. Savannah, your a sweet, sweet, little girl. You will be one of heavens special angels. God will be at your side, and Jesus will be there sweet Savannah to hold your hand and let you fly.Love and prayers are with you.

JoAnn Richardson <prjr@frontiernet.net>
Fort Dodge, IA USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 8:09 PM CST
Precious girl. Be at peace. You are so very, very loved. Lisa, I am so sorry, my heart is breaking, continuing to pray for you all.
with love,

Celeste Treadway (m/o Maria, Oligo II) <celestetreadway@direcway.com>
Austin, TX - Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:59 PM CST
Hello, my name is Sally, you don't know me, I am friends with Norine.
I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and Savannah. From what I have read in your jornal enteries you are an amazing mom, and such a strong person. I don't know how you do it.
I hope that Savannah is doing well, and her pain and suffering is minimal. She seems like such a fighter.
Tell her I say hello from Australia!
Lots of Love.. Sal

Sally <saltyler@hotmail.com>
Sydney, Australia - Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:58 PM CST
I cannot imagine what you are feeling and going through during this time. God bless Savannah and take her peacefully and quickly so she can enjoy her angel wings and fly free with the other angels. She will watch over you forever, and you will feel her there, I am sure.

Ronnie Wood <ronniewood@comcast.net>
Scotch Plains, NJ - Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:49 PM CST
Thinking of you all!!
So many little Angels are waiting to play with Savannah.
My heart goes out to you all!!
All my best,
Chemo Angel Lori Gray
Your Month End Monitor

Lori <ljtgray@earthlink.net>
Shoreview, MN - Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:29 PM CST
My heart breaks for you, I too, know your pain.
((((((((((((((((Gentle, Comforting Hugs))))))))))))))))
There is a song called Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) by Chris Rice, the last part is:
"And with your final heartbeat/Kiss the world goodbye/Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side...and/Fly to Jesus/Fly to Jesus/Fly to Jesus and live!"
Precious Savannah, you will run, dance and laugh again, in your new body after you fly to Jesus! I will be praying for all of you as you face this time.

Jennifer Williams <honeyckcjw@yahoo.com>
IA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:28 PM CST
I am so very, very sorry for what you are going through. I pray for peace for all of you and that you can feel the love surrounding you from all the prayers being prayed.
Laura Hudlow
Lilburn, GA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:27 PM CST
Dear Lisa, I am so sorry. I hope you continue to tell Savanna to go be with Christ. I hope her journey from now on is quiet and peaceful. May God Bless and keep you both. With much love,
Miss Judy <taejme@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:07 PM CST
Lisa, You are a wonderful mother and even though I know how hard it is for you to watch your baby suffer it is as equally hard to let them go. I have been through it and wish you did not have to do it. It hurts so much. My son been gone almost 6 months and it still hurts so much. I think of him all the time. Everthing reminds me of him. You did a wonderful job with your daughter. It is gret you got to keep her home. That is one thing my son wanted but he was even way to sick to transfer from the hospital. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Kris, Angel Dustins Mom <buser_lady@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:07 PM CST
Oh Lisa,

I am numb - with pain, with fear for you. I cannot describe how I am feeling right now. God please do not let this innocent child suffer. Take her if You must. Lisa, can you let go? Are you able? I am praying, so desperately praying but I don't even know what to ask for....I am at a loss. Forgive me Lisa.

Monica M. <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:07 PM CST
I've always heard that the greatest love is one that let's go. Lisa, your love for Savannah is so great and she knows that you have done all for her that you can. For whatever the reason, your little spitfire continues to fight this beast. She is truly an amazing little girl. I have been praying for all of you and will continue to do so. I have asked God to allow all of the other bsg angels to surround Savannah while she dreams. I personally know that what you are going through is pure misery right now. No one should ever have to watch their baby suffer so much. At least for Savannah it WILL be better soon. She will have a new body that is perfect and complete. One would think that we parents feel much better when our children take that next step... when they finally do let go and leave us. But the truth is that once they are gone the misery is so much worse. Lisa, we will not stop praying for all of you. I will pray that Savannah's homegoing is peaceful. And I will pray that you will feel the love of all those around you when you need it most.

Noelle and Nicholas's Page

Love in Him,

Wendy Baber <vbaber@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:04 PM CST
all our thoughts and prayers for peace in your heart.
erika collier <erika_collier@hotmail.com>
tampa, fl - Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:03 PM CST

PAT NEWTON (LEXY'S NANA) <pnewt4@aol.com>
NEDERLAND, TX - Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:00 PM CST
My prayers are with you and your family. We hold you in the light.

Loice Swisher <middletonsiwsher@msn.com>
Cryodon, PA USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 6:52 PM CST
I will pray for Savannah's quick and comfortable passing. I can't imagine how you feel right now, but I admire your unselfish desire for Savannah to let go of her life on earth and begin her life as an angel. Know that she is a very lucky little girl to have a mom that cares so much about her.
Seattle, WA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 6:51 PM CST
I found this website through Kody's site. Savannah's journey has changed me so much. I pray for her release from the pain she is in, so that she will go to heaven in peace. A little over a month ago, I lost a friend to leukemia. She fought and fought, as Savannah has, but was never given the ability to let go. After a surgery and almost 36 hours of screaming in agony, she had a multi organ failure, and 17 months of chemo and radiation caught up with her. She died on February 20, 2004 at the age of 14. I pray that Angel Christie guides Savannah up into heaven.

Margot <sweetgirl91700@aol.com>
- Saturday, March 27, 2004 6:36 PM CST
I held my son's hand and begged him to let go, to stop fighting. I had to tell him over and over it was ok to break his promise to always fight, to always be here for me. It was only minutes...it felt like years. I closed my eyes and helped guide him, the same way I birthed him I let him go. The peace was so powerful....keep holding her hand...
Kristy <kristydarren@yahoo.com>
www.caringbridge.org/canada/conorford, - Saturday, March 27, 2004 6:27 PM CST
Our prayers are with you all, and much love
Mary Alice Dorschel, mom of Lizzie germinoma BT, Vic, Julia Becca <jay.dorschel@verizon.net>
suffolk, va - Saturday, March 27, 2004 6:27 PM CST
God love you all.
how heartbreaking.
Father God.....please show your merciful love.

"auntie" brandi

"auntie" brandi <bjrfromwa@aol.com>
- Saturday, March 27, 2004 6:26 PM CST
I have been checking in daily but this is the first time I have written. I lost my son seven months ago today to this same dreaded disease! I think you are an amazing woman and your writings have been so powerful! Savannah is beautiful!
We told him to go 2 days before he actually did. They say because they are so young and their heart is so strong thats why they hang on. I know at least that he was peaceful and comfortable those 2 days. We also had hospice and I know its the best thing we did! I am thinking of you and your family!

Sharon P. <sjp001@aol.com>
Waltham, MA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 6:21 PM CST
Lisa Honey
I check everyday on you twoyou need some one to wrap there arms around you and just hold you too
I cry every time i read your entries, i can only imagine on what you are going through please take care and we all loveyou swetie
Angel Hugs Marty

Marty <AngelTears1793@aol.com>
Louisville, Ky USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 6:11 PM CST
Checking in on Savannah's page every day. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. You seem to have the comfort of God. Myabe you could ask God or your Mother Mary for a hug. They just hold you close in their arms. You need a little mothering now, too Lisa. You are strong.

In all this I have discovered the spiritual part of me is ok with all of this. But to the human part, there is nothing worse. It just plain sucks.
Praying you find peace and some comfort. Love

Jan Tamayo <tamayo2@sbcglobal.net>
Sacramento, - Saturday, March 27, 2004 5:33 PM CST
hello dear ones...
just wanted to let you know i am thinking of you/praying for you today as every day.
Lord please give them moments of joy today, moments of calm and peace.....and always..the sure knowledge of your closeness and love.
God bless you all.
"auntie" brandi

"auntie" brandi <bjrfromwa@aol.com>
tenino, wa usa - Saturday, March 27, 2004 4:58 PM CST
Lisa, the tattoo is awesome - I love it and I'm not a 'tattoo type' either. Miss you on the PBT site, but we're all with you, love you, sending mighty prayers always for you all, especially sweet Savannah. Always, always, love, love, love. Ruth & Maddie (4thVent still clear)
Ruth Giardina <cgiardina@adelphia.net>
Dalton, PA USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 4:13 PM CST
Your's and Savannah's strength amazes me. I cannot imagine going through something as horrific as what you have had to experience. I look at her sweet, little face in the picture on the main page, and all understanding escapes me. Just know that even though I do not know you, I am praying for you and your sweet child.
Kristi <sarkri26@hotmail.com>
Columbus, Ohio - Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:41 PM CST
Have spend lots of time thinking of you all and praying for our special gift from God, Savannah. Have also continued to pray for Mom, Cassie, Dad, Jerry, and all family. So many people - my mom, my family, my friends - continue to call or e-mail to see how Savannah is. Everyone is praying, and will continue to pray, God will see you through this and He has sent you many, many people to help you. Love to all,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:13 PM CST
I found your website through a friend's child's website. I can't help but keep coming back to see how you and Savannah are doing. Now I can't get you off my mind - as I know is the case with so many people. My heart aches for you. I have 3 children and can't even let my thoughts go there. Love and prayers from a stranger who was you and Savannah in my heart.
Kym Little <klittle@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 1:19 PM CST
I check in with your site several times a day. I've never left a message but I pray for you and your "wee one" ... I especially like the last photo of the two girls. Savannah's expression makes me think of our little grandchild. Sending our love..... May God hold you folks in the palm of HIS hand ..... and grant you peace.... You are in our thoughts and prayers.....
Billee...... a Gramma <bschaible@rushmore.com>
Rapid City, SD USA !!!! - Saturday, March 27, 2004 1:03 PM CST
We wish you and your family peace and strength. We cannot even imagine what you are going through, so we just try to convey our love and support and hope that is at least a tiny bit of comfort if anything can be.

P.S. Really enjoy your thoughtful, interesting journal posts...especially the one about old souls.

Joel and Ann Brand
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 12:22 AM CST
Just wanted to send my love your way today!! Jessica sends hers, too. Kisses and Hugs for everybody!! Call if I can be of service in any way.
All my love,

Elaine <ergarrison1@yahoo.com>
Clarksville, AR USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 11:33 AM CST
Lisa, I came to you from Maxie's site... There are not enough words in the English language for me to express the great sadness I feel for your family. Know that my prayers and good thoughts are with you all.

You seem to be an incredible woman, I loved your post concerning old souls, I feel the same way. Deep within yourself you'll find the needed strength to 'get through' the days ahead. I just wish you weren't having these kinds of 'days ahead.'

May angels watch over you all, always.

Lauran <lauranking@msn.com>
West Des Moines, IA USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:13 AM CST
Words seem to fail me. This disease is so hard to comprehend. Please know that I am praying for you and holding you close in my heart right now. I pray for comfort, peace, and understanding for all of you.
Amy Heidt <suzyhsmows@aol.com>
Billings, MT USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:02 AM CST
Lisa, although you and I don't entirely share the same beliefs (I am convinced Jesus CONQUERED death and that we who love Him will live in heaven eternally, rather than cycle back and forth between heaven and earth)...I do understand the crushing pain of losing a child to a brainstem tumor. My thoughts, prayers, and love are with you and precious Savannah!
Lorraine (nolans_hope.tripod.com) <loralof@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:15 AM CST
Dear Lisa and Jerry,
Julianna Banana led me to you.You made me want to say have blind faith and hold on for every minute you can. These emotions are all we have left at a time like this. I lost my wife this month, and believe me you are doing all the things that I would have done too. Include all the family to form that family hug that will help them as well as you as they share your anxiety and grief. But let them grieve in their own ways if they choose. We can only hope you feel our support. I am told that from Heaven, our prayers are seen as beacons of light from each of us who is praying. Let's hope Savannah knows the brilliance she is causing in Heaven ! Let's hope she can feel the warmth from all of us.And I hope that you can feel our affection too. Savannah, you make us search for the real meanings of words like love, hope ,and faith. Our hearts go out to you as our clenched fingers try to squeeze more of the meaning of life from the prayers we have for you. This love is for you. God bless you !Let's all learn to use our limited time to make love flourish ! And may you know how much love there is for you.

Grandpa and recently departed Grandma Banana <bajoseph@westman.wave.ca>
Brandon, mb ca - Saturday, March 27, 2004 1:18 AM CST
Hi i am also a good friend of Norine's, though i haven't written,you have been book marked for a long time right under Ashley's.I have checked in on your journals very often and many times throughout the day.I am praying for Savannah every night and for you and your family.My Kristen was friends with Ashley,best chemo buddies,visited her often,went to her funeral.Ashley was Kristen's very first friend. I hope the pain you are all felling eases as time goes on.Thinking of you and praying extra special prayers daily! Love,Silvia+Kristen Mead

Silvia+ Kristen Mead <fishgolfpoolgsk@aol.com>
Skokie, ILL. U.S.A. - Friday, March 26, 2004 11:54 PM CST
Dear Lisa, I keep typing words and then deleting because there is nothing I could possibly say that would be of comfort to you at this time. What is so amazing to me is the amount of love and care that is coming through this site. How powerful that is! Thank you for sharing your innermost thoughts...many I share with you.....Please know that we feel so blessed to have met you and your little girls and Jerry....XOXOXOXOXOXOXOPaulette
Paulette Reece <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, ar - Friday, March 26, 2004 11:49 PM CST
God Bless you all and may you find strength and peace.
Bushell Park, Canada - Friday, March 26, 2004 10:04 PM CST
Jerry Your a saint a true Gift from heaven. I know my husband would of said You need your sleep go to bed. He would not of taken me danncing.Not that he isnt loving but he wouldnt want me to leave home either. Lisa needed the break and you were wonderful to be there for her. Lisa your journal made me cry like a baby. The fetal postition crying I could feel your pain . I am so sorry your loosing your precious baby girl . It seems like only the best most special ones are chosen. I am thinking of you all and praying.
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Friday, March 26, 2004 9:40 PM CST
I totally connected to what you said about always knowing your daughter. I have a son who is now going through testing for Duchenne MD and he has an old gentle soul. I knew the minute he was born that we were connected forever and that I had felt/known his presence before. I hurt for you. Your daughter looks like an angel. God only calls the best which hurts for us. I will say many prayers for the both of you.
Becky Laak
Apple Valley, MN USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 8:29 PM CST
Hi Savannah and family,
coming by to leave hugs and prayers. I hope tomorrow is a better day for everyone.

Bryanne Weaver <weaverbj@nsuok.edu>
Tahlequah, OK USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 8:27 PM CST
I am just really hoping she is getting better because I choose to believe she can. I have often wondered what if a mom would do exactly as you are doing, turning her care over to her pedicatrican and taking total control of things. Many times I have wondered if maybe the child would possibly get better somehow all on their own, without overkill on themedical intervention. Gee, hope I don't get you negative feedback here, but I am just speaking my thoughts mostly because I am so in awe of you and your daughter. I feel that if ever there was going to be a miracle I could read about on Caring Bridge, it could truly be Savannah.

So I will keep the faith in you and Savannah. If anything, I believe you are giving her the absolute most "quality of life" right now. You are doing the right things.

Hang in there, hon. Tell Savannah she has love coming from Iowa even!

Tracee Saltz <TraceeSaltz@mchsi.com>
Des Moines, Ia - Friday, March 26, 2004 8:23 PM CST
i know no words will do, but please know you are in my prayers. this is such a horrible thing a parent should have to do. i wish no child EVER would be sick. savannah is so beautiful and strong. i will be think of you and your family. thoughts and prayers, angelique parker www.caringbridge.org/oh/harleiparker
angelique parker <pfloyd326@yahoo.com>
, oh - Friday, March 26, 2004 8:13 PM CST
We would like to wish you and your family love, peace and strength.
The Dutescu Family
Taylor, DPBSG

Astoria, NY USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 7:49 PM CST
Lisa, I couldn't get on the computer all day at work... home now, first thing, check and see how Savannah is doing. My heart is breaking for you. Still just praying for her to be at peace, not scared, know you are there. Hang in there.
with love,

Celeste Treadway-Leuzinger (m/o Maria, oligo II) <celestetreadway@direcway.com>
Austin, TX - Friday, March 26, 2004 7:46 PM CST
Dear Lisa, I found your daughter`s carepage and have been checking for updates everyday. I wish I had some words of comfort or wisdom for you... I too am a mother of a child who`s time on earth may be too short.. I have had well meaning people tell me it was God`s plan, or that I was hand picked by God due to my strength... But I don`t believe a God would purposely send a child here to suffer.
So many times I have wished it was me instead of my son.
I keep your daughter in my prayers. I wish her God speed and I wish for you strength. You are not alone.

Elizabeth Frey <goffrey68@msn.com>
Des Moines, IA USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 4:15 PM CST
I can't remember which caringbridge website I got your site from, but my heart is aching for you. May Savannah be comforted by your presence and be as comfortable as possible.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. . .

Becky <peanutpie3879@netscape.net>
MN USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 4:14 PM CST
Hi Lisa. I was doing one of my daily check ups for a new update. I keep forgetting that you are in a different state with a different time zone. I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking of you & the girls all day & all week. I am panicking knowing that I cannot checkup on Savannah during the weekend because I don't have a computer. I will ask Karen to keep me posted & will check back in myself Monday a.m. Again I will be holding my breath. Please know that Karen & I are sending love & prayers from Long Island.
Paula (pam's cousin) <pparisesmith@pmbankers.com>
Plainview, NY - Friday, March 26, 2004 3:31 PM CST
My heart goes out to you. Thinking of you and hoping that Savannah can be as comfortable as possible....
Victoria, BC Canada - Friday, March 26, 2004 2:31 PM CST
I am so sorry for your pain and sadness. I cannot imagine walking in your shoes. I don't really know what to say. My prayers go out to you.
Chuson (www.caringbridge.org/tx/jeffrey)
Arlington, TX USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 2:30 PM CST
I just want to say, thank you for writing and keeping a journal. It is very important to keep writing.
It is a way of healing..God bless you and your family.

Cynthia L. Davis <Cindyloudavis@Hotmail.com>
Davenport, Fl US - Friday, March 26, 2004 2:17 PM CST
Oh HOney I don't knwo what to say...I wish there was some way to wrap my heart aorund yours and protect you and savannah both
all i can say is my heart goes out to you both
much love
and many hugz
Maria and Katelynn

Katelynns Quest <regattacrew68@bellsouth.net>
NC - Friday, March 26, 2004 2:13 PM CST
Healing energy being sent to both mother and daughter, to be used by the soul as is needed.....

Love and hugs, Rita

Gibsonia, PA USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 2:06 PM CST
I have been reading your site for a while and just wanted to thank you for letting us be a part of your journey. I think the tattoos are a wonderful idea and would love to see the unicorn one. Keep cuddling your beautiful girl. You are both on my mind every day.

Edmonton, AB - Friday, March 26, 2004 2:03 PM CST
Godspeed Sweet Savanah
- Friday, March 26, 2004 1:58 PM CST
I'm praying for you all. Thank you so much for keeping us updated. Benji is going to GKTW in July. If maybe at some point, you can let me know where Savannah's star is, we'd love to see it. Savannah is so blessed to have you for a mother. You all are continuously in our prayers and thoughts.
Loriann(Benji's mom)

The Zellos, Rick, Loriann, Josh, Benji, Grace, and Little Bitty(our beloved kitty!) <zello2@cableone.net>
Biloxi, MS - Friday, March 26, 2004 1:54 PM CST
You are in our thoughts and prayers. ~Prayers are strong~
Keep going, be strong remember your not alone.

(Sharing this from Quick Inspirations)

Today I got a burden,
And I felt that I should pray,
For God's spirit seemed to tell me,
That you were having a bad day.

I don't know just what that problem is,
But I sure do know the cure,
And if you'll only let Him,
God will keep you safe and secure.

In life there's always problems,
Cropping up to spoil our day,
But my friend, you know the answer,
All you have to do is "Pray".

If you still feel you're defeated,
And you want to run and hide,
Just reach out and I'll be there,
Standing right there by your side.

So remember ... Whisper Jesus,
For He's just a prayer away,
He's so close that you can touch Him,
All you have to do is "Pray".

~ Author Unknown ~

Love & Friendship,
~Living & Loving~

~Trish~ <royaltree@hotmail.com>
South Dakota - Friday, March 26, 2004 1:50 PM CST

- Friday, March 26, 2004 1:36 PM CST
I am thinking of you and your family during these very difficult times. Your in my prayers.


Paula (Mitch's mom) <Phstyln@aol.com>
Vancouver, Wa - Friday, March 26, 2004 1:34 PM CST
I was directed here through Juliana Banana's site. Savanah, find your peace -- with the help of your loving and super strong family.

God Bless you.

Helen Suchy
Streetsboro, OH USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 1:18 PM CST
Hi sissy, Coming by to see how you are doing today and saying prayers and asking all my friends to also. Love Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 1:11 PM CST
I for one would never judge anyone's reactions or thoughts, not in this insane situation of childhood cancer. Praying for your precious Savannah.....
chris Gooch's Site
- Friday, March 26, 2004 1:11 PM CST
Checking in every hour, still waiting/hoping for that miracle. Tears falling, Dear God, I'm not a big one into prayer and all, but please don't let this Mom suffer the pain that so many others have had to endure and struggle with. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Friday, March 26, 2004 1:03 PM CST
I don't have the right words, all I can say is that I am praying for your family and your daughter.
Kim Pigue(Hugs and Hope) <kce1613@aol.com>
Madison, TN - Friday, March 26, 2004 1:02 PM CST
Sending continued prayers...

Much love...

Terry Snyder (Angel Jalen's "Am-Maw") http://www.caringbridge.org/fl/jalen <vix207@aol.com>
Royal Palm Beach, FL - Friday, March 26, 2004 1:00 PM CST
Just a note to let you know that we are continuing to pray for you all. Hope that you are enjoying special time with your special baby girl. Love you,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 11:52 AM CST
Hi Lisa,
I found your site throught the PBT group. I have been following your journey ever since. I completely understand your previous journal entry. It inspired me to write a devotional in honor of two angels and your precious daughter. I hope you don't mind. Some of us are led very close to death and then to God because we have such a strong bond with someone who is dying. I have been there myself, with my angel Bennett. In some of those moments when we are striped of all that could be important to us in this world, we make a connection beyond. Things become a lot simpler and clearer. When we get rid of all the junk this world has to offer, we get to the heart of it. I think that is somewhat what you are experiencing. You might find it helpful to read my devotional when you are ready. I call these Butterfly Blessings. For now, just keep doing what you are doing. Absorb all the physical contact you can with your Savannah. Continue loving her with every ounce of your being. This is what she carries with her. This is what she needs. Then, you have to just trust God. You don't have to understand it all right now. Just ask for God's help, His mercy. And trust. His love and light surround you always. Praying for your peace.
Love and blessings,

Elizabeth Sterling <elizabeth@bennettsbluebutterfly.org>
Millmont, PA USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 11:08 AM CST
I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone during this difficult time. There are so many people around the world that are praying for Savannah and your family. I am definately one of them. This is something that I wish no one ever ever had to go through. My thoughts and prayers are with Savannah. Please know how much we care!
Lori Davoren <gizzyboo@mts.net>
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - Friday, March 26, 2004 10:00 AM CST
Hello Lisa,

You do not know me but I have been following your site over the last few weeks. I am so very, very sorry for your pain. Watching a child suffer is beyond any words and is beyond description. Even your vivid entries...I know...do not do justice to how you feel right now.

You are in my prayers, Lisa. Savannah is a beautiful little girl. I am so, so sorry for your pain.

The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Monica Paquette <mj.paquette@att.net>
Minneapolis, MN - Friday, March 26, 2004 9:52 AM CST
Dear Lisa:

A friend forwarded me an e-mail with Savannah's website. You write so beautifully! I specially loved reading the 3/24th entry. I so agree with everything you said. You are also very brave my dear. I will pray feverishly for you and your little angel. You are not alone Lisa! If you ever need to vent and talk or anything please feel free to contact me.



Georgia <GFederhofer@mbmdo.com>
Orlando, FL Orange - Friday, March 26, 2004 9:50 AM CST
I have never signed Savannah's guest book until now. After reading your entry I can see that you are angry. AND you have every right to be! It's so very important that "we" realize that God has a plan for ALL of us. He knew before your daughter was even born that she was going to be sick, although, He did not CAUSE her to become sick. I think it is so wonderful that ALL children go to Heaven. And when they arrive, the Lord will be right there with open arms to love them up! Children are gifts from God on loan to us. I know it seems unfair that this is happening to your family. And we often question why??? This is something we will never know. We don't know why things happen the way they do, but we do know that God works everything out for the good. I know, I know, what good is coming out of Savannah's situation? We don't know yet, believe me, something will! Sometimes we let the enemy get the upper hand and it is important to rebuke him and rise above satan. Living in the Word brings peace, and love. The Lord will always be faithful to you. He will always be right by your side, ready to pick you up where you fall. You can talk to the Lord because He listens and understands. Your voice matters in Heaven. He takes you very seriously. So with this, I ask the Lord to meet you where you are and give you such a testimony of Divine power that all men/women will feel it's influence and be touched by the warmth of His love.

Because of the Cross+

your friend <hislove7772003@yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 26, 2004 9:49 AM CST
Hello, you don't know me but I had to send my thoughts and prayers out to you. I have a 7 year old daughter named Savannah also. Fondly, Beth Haycock
Beth F Haycock <bethhaycock@optonline.net>
Neptune, NJ USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 9:40 AM CST
I just found your sight the other day. I know the horror that you're going through. On August 25th, 2002 at 9.25 AM, I watched my wonderful 7 year old grandson Michael die in the arms of his mother. My heart breaks for you. I say prayers at Mass every Sunday that no more children suffer and dies. Your entry about religion was great. You're under alot of stress and grief and I feel for you. May God help you get through this period. She will find peace and happiness in the arms of God. I see Michael at the gates of heaven along with all the other children that have died waiting to welcome her to heaven where she'll never know pain and suffering again. God bless you all.
Larry(Papa) and Glenda(Nana) Allen <lafretired@cs.com>
Easley, SC USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 9:37 AM CST
Praying for you during this time.
Briana Roehling
Pflugerville, TX - Friday, March 26, 2004 9:33 AM CST
Hi Lisa. I just checked in, and had missed your last entry from last night. So, when you mentioned it in the newest entry, I thought I'd better check it out.
I must say, I don't think you've lost your mind at all. I am proud of you for voicing your opinion, knowing full well it would freak some people out. I must agree with you.
When we are given a sick child, our faith is restored, renewed, brought to a new level. We get in touch with God, the God that made our child sick. We know him, trust him, learn to put every ounce of faith we have into him, knowing he will probably take our child from us...yet we love him for it. We know that we are but a temporary parent for that child, that God is the truest parent, that he has chosen to give us this special gift. Though it is hard to accept some days, we know that God chose us specifically to parent this sick child, and we are honored. Heartbroken, but honored. It is a strange revelation for others to accept, and we are sometimes thought to have flipped our lids...but that's okay, because we know in our hearts that we are right.
You are also right in that Savannah must be worried about her journey to heaven. She is old before her time in many respects, having gone through so much in her life. yet, she is still a child, with a child's mind, a child's thoughts, a child's heart. She knows that in order to reach heaven, she must leave you and all she knows. That is scary. I know , I trust, I believe that God will make the journey swift and easy, one that she will "enjoy". However, getting to that point must be hard for her. Just insure her that you will be right there with her, and that you will see her again, and ask God to do the rest.
You are doing a remarkable job handling this, though I know you must feel like you've lost your mind sometimes. I can't imagine how are getting through this, yet you seem to be. That is surely with God's help, as he knows you are struggling, and will do what he can to get you through.
I think you're doing a wonderful thing, having her home with you, filling her mind with things she can embrace, letting her hear the sounds of familiar home rather than the beeps of pumps and hustle and bustle of the hospital in her final days. For that, God will commend you, reward you, embrace you. He is so proud, he has to be. He has given you a challenge, a child that many would struggle to accept...and you have risen to the challenge, put down your head and run full force into the wall that you know awaits...never appearing to have blamed him for it. I am so proud of you. I have never met you, but I am so proud of you. You are a loving, devoted parent, and GOd knew that. that's why he sent you Savannah.
God bless you all, I'm thinking of you often and praying for you all.

Jennifer Naeger www.caringbridge.org/mo/butterflyty <jnw_jnn@hotmail.com>
Festus, MO - Friday, March 26, 2004 9:26 AM CST
I just returned from Mass and you, Savannah and your family have been in my thoughts (and prayers). I wanted to share the responsorial psalm with you because it seems right. "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted." I am praying for you to have another quiet day with Savannah.
Peace be with you. Myndi

Myndi Keyton <Myn28@aol.com>
Fort Smith, AR - Friday, March 26, 2004 9:17 AM CST
Sending love, hugs, and prayers from New Jersey. You are in my thoughts throughout every day.
Jodi <jodisgreen@aol.com>
Roselle Park, NJ USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 8:58 AM CST
Thinking of you each and every day. There are no words, just know that you have a world praying for you.
Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Friday, March 26, 2004 8:53 AM CST
You don't know me, but I just read Savannah's web page and through my tears I had to let you know that my heart and soul goes out to you and your family, I found Savannah's site while browsing through the links on the many sites posted on my niece's (Ashlee Mack) site. Savannah like so many of the children I have come to know through caringbridge has touched my heart, with a shinning light no one will ever realize is there but me. Please know you are not alone in your fight, and if only through prayer and tears you have my love.
Savannah will be in my thoughts and my prayers, may God give you the strenght to find your way through this .
Billie Barnes
Mesa, AZ

Billie Barnes <barnes41@juno.com>
Mesa, AZ USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 8:51 AM CST
Savannah- I'm so glad you were able to help Mommy put lotion on her new tattoo. If I remember, Mommy got the new tattoo over her heart. You being able to help her with that, is such a special event. You touching Mommy's heart in a way that no one else can....You are beautiful, stay strong and fight this horrible disease with all your little body can handle. Mommy, Sissy, Jerry, and Daddy keep your heads up and enjoy the time you have left. You guys are so strong.
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Friday, March 26, 2004 8:40 AM CST
wow.. that's all i can say.. i've been reading the guestbook entries, and it's amazing how many people are thinking of you, and praying for savannah.. and wishing a peaceful journey. i've been reading your journal for quite some time, and your writing is amazing. looking at the counter, it's obvious how many lives you've touched. thinking of you... mary
M Burns
Albany, NY - Friday, March 26, 2004 7:43 AM CST
To a beautiful mom and a beautiful child - you have long been in my prayers, although I haven't signed before. But today I wanted to let you know that I am holding you close in prayer for peace in your journey. I ask my blessed mother Mary for her prayers for you also, for who knows the pain of losing a child better than the mother of our Lord? Lisa, your love for your sweet Savannah is a gift for those who witness it in person and here where you share your family and your thoughts. God bless you.
N. Krajovic
- Friday, March 26, 2004 7:41 AM CST
Sending lots of love from Brazil.
Warm hugs and peaceful thoughts.

rose <rosecb@ipav.com.br>
- Friday, March 26, 2004 7:07 AM CST
I come from Katias page. I check in on you all everyday even if I don't sign. Wanted you all to know that I am praying for all of you.
Amy <jessibubba@comcast.net>
Pittsburgh, PA - Friday, March 26, 2004 6:55 AM CST
Checking on you and praying for you and your family. God Blessand hold you during this time.
Kasey Gunde <kasey.gunde@Delta.com>
Mount Holly, NC US - Friday, March 26, 2004 3:55 AM CST
I just stopped by to check on you and your beautiful Savannah. Maybe those of us who walk or have walked this path become closer to God because we realize we cannot make it without Him. Maybe Christ's sacrifice for us takes on new meaning when we have to surrender our children back to Him. Whatever the reason, it is still difficult to understand why and it is even harder to let them go. But God's plan is perfect and Savannah is and always will be safe in His loving arms.

May God continue to bless and strengthen you. You are in my heart and prayers always.
Love and hugs

Click on the angel to visit my web site:  Catch An Angel

Judy <tnderheart@yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 26, 2004 3:35 AM CST
Hi sis, Coming by to check on you sis and say prayers for you again and let you know that we are all here for you always. Love Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Friday, March 26, 2004 3:23 AM CST
Hi, mom. My heart absolutely aches for you. I can not imagine what you are going thru. My daughter also had a brain tumor, but fortunately was able to get treatment, and so far is doing okay. It just tears you up inside and out to watch your child suffer. I can feel a little of what you must be feeling. I remember crying so much, I was amazed I had any tears left over. There were so many times I prayed to God to take me as well if He was going to take her. I actually planned on it. I didn't care what would happen to my son or husband. I just knew I needed my daughter, maybe more than she needed me. I understand what you mean about having a bond with that special person, you may have known before. I feel like that with my daughter as well. Eventhough, she is barely four, I feel like she is my best friend. She is so insightful, and so loving. I feel so loved by her. She waits for me to come home from work. She goes everywhere with me. I can't imagine a life without her. It just kills me to see her suffer. I wish I could give you a hug. You are a true inspiration. I wish I had half the courage you do. I pray to God to keep Savannah free from pain. You two will no doubt be with each other again. God bless. I loved your previous journal by the way. It is so true. Kids want their mommy and daddy, no matter what age they are. It's scary enough as adults for us to face death, we can not expect a child to accept it.
Mila <Shalen@shaw.ca>
Vancouver, c - Friday, March 26, 2004 2:01 AM CST
I just found your site through another caringbridge page and you and I are going through the same thing right now. my son 13 just went to hospice. i know how hard it is watching our babies deteriate before our eyes and the pain we feel. Reading over your journal entries, you did so many things that I have done to "prepare" ourselves although how can we ever prepare ourselves for something like this. I hope that she is not in much pain. Matt is on IV Dilaudid and hydrocodone and still hurts, that's what's been hard, but we have good days and bad days. i hope you can have some good days of cuddling your precious baby. I got in bed with my big 13 yr so i could hold him in my arms, just where they are meant to be. Take care. Hugs!
Darla Lindenmayer <DLinden73@aol.com www.caringbridge.org/in/matthewlindenmayer>
Lexington, IN - Friday, March 26, 2004 1:06 AM CST
Glad to read that you saw recognition in Savannah, and that you had some precious cuddle time together today. So glad to know that she is still mentally involved in your home. Lisa, you are tremendous. Love,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:57 PM CST

Stopping by to let you know that you are in our thought's and prayer's.

Sending lot's of prayer's your way. +++++++++++++++++++++
Love LaKota and her mom,Debbie
God be with you.
~*~ LaKota~*~

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him with his friendship." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Strength of an Egg"

Parents of children with cancer are often referred to or viewed as having "strength like a rock". Albeit flattering it is not quite true. It is more like the strength of an egg. An egg you ask? Yes!
If you'll think about it, you'll see my point.

An egg has a polished, smooth outer appearance, with no cracks or weak spots visible. It seems almost inconceivable that the inside might not be
as smooth or solid.

Most children, at some point, are shown the famous egg trick. An egg set at just the right angle can withstand enormous amounts of pressure and cannot be cracked or broken. Yet the same egg, tapped gently at an even
slightly different angle, will break. The contents, once so neatly concealed, will come spilling out. The no-longer perfect shell will be crushed. It looks so fragile that it seems inconceivable that it ever held any strength.

A rock, on the other hand is solid all the way through. To break it is almost impossible. If you succeed, you will find that there is nothing inside but more rock. It takes a lot more than pure hardness to hold the "HAND OF HOPE".

Parents of children with cancer are not solid all the way through. We hurt, we fear, we cry, we hope. It takes a very careful balancing act to keep the shell from being shattered. "Balancing an egg" while running a household,
going for doctors' visits and hospital stays, keeping the family together, and holding on to the constantly unraveling ties of your sanity can be very tricky indeed!

Occasionally, the angle will be off and the shell will break, shattering hope and the neatly secured appearances of a truly fragile existence. Unlike Humpty Dumpty, though, parents of children with cancer will pick
themselves up and put themselves back together again.

http://www.carinbridge.org/mn/laplafcan <sdl@astound.net>
St.Cloud, MN - Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:14 PM CST
Lisa, I agree with the abundance of support you have received about last night's entry. As the mother of a child living with cancer, it is not always pretty or easy to express one's emotions and darkest thoughts. And, of course, you are right. Children, little children, just want their mommy and their daddy. That's what it is all about for them. Your journal has been illuminating, is extraordinarily well written and a powerful lesson to me. I am no where near where you are, and hope to not be. But there are still all these feelings and emotions inside and you have expressed them in a powerful way. Cuddle your daughter. Say what you think. Lead the way.


Sheila MacPherson <sheila@theedge.ca>
Yellowknife, NT Canada - Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:42 PM CST

Bless your heart. I cannot imagine what you are going through right now. I think you are amazing. Your entry last night was powerful. Do not apologize! You have the right to say how you feel!

Please know I am keeping you, your beautiful Savannah and your whole family in my thoughts and prayers. May God hold you close.


Jennifer Smith <yestoloans2002@yahoo.com>
Middletown, CA USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:31 PM CST
Lisa and Savannah,
So glad you had a comfortable day together. Continuing to keep you all in my prayers.
with love,

Celeste Treadway, m/o Maria <celestetreadway@direcway.com>
Austin, TX - Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:15 PM CST
I saw the link to Savannah's page through another Caringbridge site and I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers... I feel for you (mom) and the rest of Savannah's family & friends who are so affected by what is happening to her. I know it's hard to say the right thing at times and sometimes it better to say nothing at all... but all I want to tell you Mom is that NEVER apologize for what you feel! No one can tell you what's right or wrong and NO one can judge how 'hard' this is! Do what makes you feel better. If you need to vent, vent to us all... We'll be here to listen and pray for you! I promise... To your dear, little-girl, don't let her be scared! Don't let her be scared because she is going to a 'pain-free' place, one where there are so many kids just-like-her. My friend Christie got her wings in February and she is the best! She will be waiting for Savannah to show her how much fun the 'new-life' is! I promise you, she will take such good care of her! May God bless you and your family during this trying time! Peace-n-Love!
Friend of Angel Christie www.caringbridge.com/mn/christie <dontbescaredsavannah@aol.com>
Minneapolis, MN - Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:52 PM CST
Hi Savannah and family,

So happy mommy was wrong about the date. Will be praying for you and your family. Love from Kim m/o Michelle


Kimberley Clayton <michelle9kim@yahoo.ca>
Guelph, ON, Canada - Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:13 PM CST
Just checking on you guys again - I'm glad to hear you are still able to share meaningful time to together. I'll continue to pray for you. I'm also glad you did not delete yesterday's posting - it was right on the mark I like the way you can express exactly what you are feeling...
Stickney, IL USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:58 PM CST
Lisa, I visited your site after Diana Cross left a message on the pediatricbraintumors group board. Your posting was powerful and from the heart. Nothing should be changed. I will pray for you and your family. I will not say I know how you feel for that would be foolish. I couldn't possibly know. However, I do know what it is to want to do what is best and right for my daughter and I believe that you are fulfilling the promise we make as mothers, to love and protect and honor our children all the days of their lives.

Tears and prayers for you from New Jersey,

Maria S. <mas38@comcast.net>
Columbus, NJ - Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:49 PM CST
Lisa and Savannah,
God Bless. You do and say and feel what is real. Don't apologize. You are already being strong. God bless.

Ronnie Wood <ronniewood@comcast.net>
Scotch Plains, NJ - Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:43 PM CST
Never never apologize for saying how you feel and what you are thinking. As a parent of a child going through such a terrible time, you have the right to tick people off, and if they don't happen to agree with what you are saying, they should at least have the sense to keep their mouths shut! I went back and read the journal entry you were thinking of wiping out, and if I were you, I'd leave it just how it is. That entry put into words all the grief, anger and confusion you have been feeling lately, and put it into words everyone can understand, and empathize with. I cannot begin to imagine what your days and nights are like, and pray I never learn. What I can do is keep you and your entire family in my thoughts and prayers, and tell you that I think you are incredibly brave to post your innermost thoughts and feelings here for total strangers like me. Thank you for that.
I'll be thinking of Savannah and her family....

Tracy M <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:26 PM CST
Hi sis and mom, do not delete your entries they come from your heart and no one can say anything about that. I am glad sis is better today and I am praying really hard for her and so are all my friends. Love Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:10 PM CST

This is for you...encouragement to help you continue in this journey. Each journey has different phases, pages, chapters, books. One thing my own daughter taught me is that our children are only on loan to us. We get the opportunity to love them and teach them. Some things they will take into the world, some things into eternity. Time is very limited even in the best of circumstances but in your case, you have had to make 7 years a lifetime and you have done it with pure grace. With God's blessings, my prayer for you is a normal timeframe with Cassie. You have discovered what is important and will be able to use this as Cassie grows.

You know my faith is where I turn in times of need so I wanted to give you some encouragement from
Ecclesiastes 3:1-15.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all his toil--this is the gift of God. I know that everything that God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him. Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account."

Thank you for showing us how true this is. Your text has been full of this. You have done an exceptional job with all of the burden placed on you. You have grown so much in all aspects that I am priviledged to call you my friend...now more than ever.

One more thing...Thanks be unto God for wanting fellowship therefore making mankind or there wouldn't have been a little red headed girl who taught us to love, laugh, dance, etc. in such a short time. She will be able to once again laugh, dance, sing, etc. when she gets to heaven as she worships our heavenly Father. That smile will light up eternity and someday our hearts will once again be as joyfully as hers !!!

All my love.

Elaine <ergarrison1@yahoo.com>
Clarksville , AR USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:48 PM CST
I was not in the least bit offended by your entry from lastnight. I just read it now. I think the main thing that people need to understand is that no matter wht they think of what you wrote, they have no right to judge. They were not given that right. They did not die for us. How Christian is that to be judgemental anyway? There is a lot of hypocrisy, but I think that overall you will find the people that read your entries are just a lot of people that care about you and your family. Please don't ever feel afraid to post what you feel and what you think. There are many people that read and learn from the words that flow from your fingers. Hold on to that baby. Always in my thoughts and prayers,

Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:32 PM CST
I began following your journey after my grandson (Jaydog) grew his wings. My heart hurts for all of your young mothers who are making these unbearable decisions for your children. But I felt I had to write after reading your entry yesterday. Don't ever feel as though you are offending anyone. Our spiriuality is just that OUR spirituality. and it may be different for each of us.
I think you are right on track for now. The one thing
we can be sure of is change. So you will continur to grow
and always question. You are a wonderful mother and a
beautiful example of a woman for your kids. Thank you
for sharing. You have no idea how many people learn from and appreciate your words.

Jared's Grandma Jennie <jque2@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:30 PM CST
Thank you so much for your dedication in providing all of us with information on Savannah. I check here often to see how she is doing. They are very lucky girls to have such a wonderful caring mother. God bless you and your family. I think of you all often and you will continue to be in our prayers.
Priscilla and Grayce and Family <Babygrayce@aol.com>
Stafford, Va - Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:25 PM CST
Hey sweetie, I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing. I am leaving you some big hugs and love!!! I will send angels to be by your side and give comfort and peace.
Love you!

Angelfirewithwings <msnoratanner@classicnet.net>
boonville, mo usa - Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:11 PM CST
just wanted to say hi.
tomorrow the girls will get a little something i brought them back from Brazil.
i love you all and continue to pray for God to guide you.
much love.
"auntie" brandi

"auntie" brandi <bjrfromwa@aol.com>
- Thursday, March 25, 2004 4:49 PM CST
I just came over from Kodys page, I will add you to my prayers tonight.
Visit Sams Page

sara joy <m.joy@tesco.net >
uk - Thursday, March 25, 2004 4:33 PM CST
The last journal entry was very touching. You are wonderful to share your thoughts. I think that death is such a scary thing to most of us that we chose not to think of it if we don't have to. Especially when it comes to our children. Just the thought of losing a child is unbearable, I cannot fathom actually going through it. To have to let your child go, tell them it's okay to go, wow. That takes more strength, courage, faith, love than most people have in them. As mothers, we would do anything for our children, they are supposed to be with us, we teach them to be afraid of strangers, to not go out of our site, not to cross the road without holding our hand. So, what you say makes so much sense. How could they not be afraid? They are going to go somewhere strange and new, they will not be with their mommy. I just ache for you. It shouldn't be this way. My prayers are with you. My prayers are with Savannah that she will be pain free, that she will feel you with her as she leaves for her next journey.
Lisa Kingsbury <dldarakingsbury@msn.com>
Sandy, UT - Thursday, March 25, 2004 3:43 PM CST
Thinking of you and your family ...
Victoria, BC Canada - Thursday, March 25, 2004 3:18 PM CST
Dear Lisa,

I just want you to know I'm thinking of you and Savannah today. I pray that God will comfort you both like a warm blanket on a cold night. Please tell Cassie we are thinking of her and praying for her too.


Dover, AR - Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:47 PM CST

I visited Savannah's web site after receiving an email from Lisa Wells. I just want you and your family to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Especially little Savannah. I will be praying that she is pain-free and that the Lord will comfort and cradle you all during this difficult time. The Bible tells us that "those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 This is and will be my prayer for you all. You are a strong, courageous and brave mommy and I can only imagine how your heart must ache. But please know that so many people are thinking of and praying for Savannah, you and your family. Thank you for bearing your heart and soul and for not holding back. I can't speak for others, but it gives me much deeper insight as to your experience and therefore helps me know what to pray for specifically.
With Love ~

Jennifer Pipes
Rsvl, AR US - Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:44 PM CST
Lisa, Cassie, & family,
I cannot begin to understand they pain your going through although I resently had to face this situation with Ashley. I've followed your story for awhile - you see, I'm a friend of Norine's since before the twins were born and I do not sign many guestbooks because I really do not know what to say.
Lisa, you do not sound insane just angry and pissed off - you have every right to be this is not fair. I will not tell you your sweet
Savannah is going to a better place blah, blah, blah - how can it be a better place without her Mommy, Daddy, Sister, and Family?
There's not a day that goes by that I do not think of Norine, Ashley, and what her family is going through. I don't believe any oF us understood the reality until Ashley passed away ... I'm angry when I think about all she went through just to pass away. I cannot help but think of the things her parents will miss out on, the things Andrea will never get to do with her sister, and so on.....
Get angry, get mad, scream, yell, and throw things if you have to - you have every right. Do not for one moment worry that your entries may offend someone - they can always choose not to read them. Take care......you and your family will remain in my thoughts. I still carry around the thank card from Savannah I received about 2 weeks ago - Thank You

Stickney, Il USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:25 PM CST
Lisa....there are no words for what your family is going through, I definitely cannot say "I know how you must feel", because I don't, I can't even imagine...You are such an awesome mom...I have four kids, two of them grown and thought I had been a pretty selfless mom, but I haven't....I didn't take the time to experience the daily love, daily "once in a life time" experiences...I did and do love them but when I read your raw feelings I know I missed out on the love and intimacy that you talk about...Savannah, Cassie and you have comsumed my thoughts for the last two days...you are all in my prayers...I agree, Savannah is a child and a child wants to be with their momma...don't worry about offending anyone or hurting anyone's feelings...if they don't understand this need to just completely BE THERE for Savannah, whatever the cost or pain,....they don't deserve an explanation.....

Debbie Noel
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:15 PM CST
Your words are so true. My 14 year old passed away 10-03 and he told me he didn't want to go see Jesus and not to let him die. I knew he was. he knew he was but he was very scared. He did not want to leave me. I know everyone is trying to give advise but if you have not dealt with is you don't know. It is hard watching them suffer but it is just as hard to let them go. I had to do the same thing and tell him it was ok. It is hard to say those words. NO parent should have to go through it. These poor innocent children should not have to deal with everything they deal with. No one should ever expect a child to act like an adult. They should be out playing and riding bike and doing things that kids do. Not laying in a bed with family around waiting to die. People sometimes make me so angry. Just a few there are alot of ver nice and considerate people on here. There are a very few who don't have a clue what is going on. I am thinking of Savannah and your family. I was in this position not to long ago. I know it is a tough road. It sure hasn't got easier for me. I am sorry if I sound mean I am not. I am upset and my heart breaks everytime we lose another child from these horrible diseases. You are a wonderful parent and have 2 terrific daughters. You were truly blessed as equally as they were to have you.


Kris, Angel Dustins Mom <buser_lady@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:12 PM CST
God Bless You!! i didn't find a single word offensive and quite the opposite. you were very real and made perfect sense. i just today stumbled across your site from Kody's and even tho i've only read last night's entry, i can feel your pain, your struggle and the incredible sadness from the process of letting go of your baby. you don't sound like an insane woman to me, just one that's trying to find a way within you to keep your sanity and help your daughter to feel the freedom from things that are holding her captive. when my grandma found out she had cancer she just kept saying "i want to go be with grandpa" i told her that she had to fight....we didn't want her to die! as her cancer progressed and we knew the end was very near i realized that me telling her she couldn't leave was maybe what was keeping her holding on and suffering so. i was able to tell her "grandma, it's ok to go be with grandpa now" and within a day or two she died. i felt bad that i'd maybe prolonged her suffering with my selfishness but also felt good that i set her free to go be where she wanted to be. she wanted to be with Jesus, she wanted to be with grandpa and that's where she is and someday i'll see her there.

i will add Savannah to my list of kids to pray for but i never forget their families in my prayers. may God comfort you, guide and direct you and give you strength.

Lori <ljwilbur@yahoo.com>
Albany, OR - Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:10 PM CST
I can only imagine what a difficult time this is for you and your family. I pray Savannah is not in any pain. Continue to cradle her, love her and tell her how she is so very special to you and everyone that knows her. Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter on this web site. She is such a gift to always be cherished whether she continues to live on this earth or in heaven. I am keeping Savannah and all of her family very close in thought and prayer.

Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:07 PM CST
I found this journal entry to be very inspirational. When everyone talks about death, it never seems to make sense. When you explained this in the entry, it made sense. I wish both you and Savannah the best of luck. No matter what she will always be with you as well as you with her.
Appleton, WI - Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:06 PM CST
I found you through Cheyenne's page via Katia's page. I truly hope anyone that may be offended, can look beyond that and really truly understand what you're saying. I think you are brilliant for saying that kids just want to be with their mommies and daddies. Death is a scary thing for adults so imagine what a child must think!! I'm sure the thought of experiencing death without them is horrifying, so, any wonderful words will surely help, but just knowing you're there is the best gift of death you can give her. You are really amazing and I am praying for you and for your daughter to have a peaceful exit from this world.

God Bless

Ellen Faingold <ellen_caringbridge@faingold.com>
tampa, Florida USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 1:51 PM CST
I found your sight thru Chance & wanted to tell you that I TOTALLY agree with your comment about children just wanting to be with their Mommy's & Daddy's. I think of your family often since I found your site & I am saying prayers for Savannah as well as the rest of your family.

~~Thinking of you in South Dakota~~

Jodi Simerly <jlsimerly@yahoo.com>
Watertown, SD - Thursday, March 25, 2004 1:27 PM CST
Hello Lisa,
I want you to know you and Savannah are in my heart and prayers. I ache for you and I too believe spiritually exactly as you. I know my son is an old soul and have been told that many times by other people. I also know I have a bond with him that's always been a bit different then from the others...though God knows I love all my children dearly. If you have not already read the book.."Many Lives, Many Masters" by Dr. Brian L. Weiss...I urge you to. I know that my belief, even being raised as an Episcopalian- is that spiritually/religiously I'm on a different plain of thinking and I too, for as long as I can remember, have believed that we do come back..I suppose I'm more of the Tibetan belief system...but I like to think that this is what just comes to me and always has. And you are right, those who have never been where we are now- well the pain is not describable...I want you to know that I do understand and I will hold you in my thoughts and prayers...God Bless...and you're right, these kids just want to be kids..they don't want to hear about the rest...Sincerely,
Kathy- mom of David GBMIV

Kathy Cummings <Joy2Jak@cs.com>
Boynton Beach, FL USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 12:38 AM CST
Just logged on to check on your family. What an amazing job you are doing!! My second grade class has added your family to our prayers at our small Catholic school. We hope that you continue to feel the love and support from all the prayers being said for you.
Myndi Keyton

Myndi <Myn28@aol.com>
Fort Smith, AR - Thursday, March 25, 2004 12:30 AM CST
you tell em, beautiful words. am with you all the way, in Gods love and a moms love. Constant prayer for continued strength for you all. Thank you for taking the time to update us...Love from Virginia
Mary Alice Dorschel mom of Lizzie age 11 germinoma BT <jay.dorschel@verizon.net>
suffolk, va - Thursday, March 25, 2004 12:16 AM CST
The love being shown to your family, reciprocation of the joy and love Savannah and her family have shown many, many others throughout this journey, is unbelievably beautiful. You are so very loved by so very many. Thank you for all you share, it is beautiful love.
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 12:01 AM CST
Thank you for opening my eyes to some things I never realized. You are so right in saying that Savannah wants to be with MOMMMY! Yes, God is great but mommmy is better. I wish that I could take this all away from you but I can't. All I can do is give Savannah my day again.

You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers and know that Savannah is very much loved by people like me who have never met her. She is one lucky little girl to have a mommy like you. Let's not forget Cassie who is also lucky to have Savannah and you as family.
Stay strong and God Bless Savannah as she goes through this journey.

Jenny <jeffnerb@yahoo.com>
Nisswa, MN - Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:44 AM CST
Lisa, My first reaction to the First paragraph was Lisa has lost her mind and is trying to put her mother over the edge. Firts the tatoos then the entry Then i just said Oh her poor mom doesnt understand this at all. I dont believe we die and come back at all. I do think alot of catholics believe this. Dont shoot me let me finish... My husband was catholic and they believed the same thing because they have trouble coping with the finality of Death and want to think they keep being reborn and returning. anyway How ever you have to cope or choose to believe is your business and there isnt a wrong or right. We all love and believe that jesus died on the cross for us. thats all we need to spend eternity with jesus and the ones that we love that have gone before us. the rest of your journal made so much sence. I totally understand it. And it isnt offensive to anyone even the first part isnt. You do have to let go and you knew that long before the rest of us I always thought savannah would beat this. Despite the No cure part. I think the tatoos are such a great way you chose to show your love for her . You want her to be right there with you always and nothing is more beautiful than that. You are so sane!!! and So together , You are a wonderful mother and You are blessed to be savannahs and cassies mother like they are blessed to have you as mom. I hope savannah doesnt suffer and goes peacefully when and if God chooses its time. Im still holding on to hope. What did savanna think of the new tatoo?/ what was her reaction?? And does she know how sick she is ? I just wondered if she knew she was going to heaven. I am praying for you. Your an Amazing Person lisa! Oh and the part about kids want to be with mommy and daddy not in heaven is so true. and I agree I dont think they would want to go if they werent told to go.. that was an amazing insight.
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:44 AM CST
I support you and I care very much. And although I am blessed that my children are, for now, healthy, I can relate 100% to what you have just written. I agree with you and your love for this amazing little lady is evident in your entry. How I wish I could change things and make her well again so that the two of you could enjoy many more years together in this lifetime as mother and daughter. All I can say is that you are both amazing. I am sure you don't feel very amazing right now, but you are. And please know that your lives have touched many and I, for one, will be a better person because of Savannah.
Tracee Saltz <TraceeSaltz@mchsi.com>
Des Moines, Ia - Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:26 AM CST
You made so much sense to me, you can't have lost your mind! Truly, you are speaking such wisdom from your love of your darling daughter. I do not envy what you are going through, I cannot even fathom how I would handle it. Know that you all are in my prayers and thoughts. I am so glad you were able to get your special unicorn tattoo for Savannah, what a very special mom you are.

Anne S. <legendkees@iwon.com>
Keshena, WI - Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:25 AM CST
Hi Lisa, You do not know me. I came across Savannah's site through Jake Griffin's site...maybe in a roundabout way; now I can't remember....I have been reading your journals for several months. My heart is heavy for you. I am praying continuously for little Savannah and the rest of your family.
Buff Clark <bclark@ihsaa.org>
Carmel, IN - Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:44 AM CST
Lisa & Savannah,
I want to be your new best friend. I do. Your explanation made so much sense to me because, yes, I have met people on the rare occasion and I feel as though I know them already, knew them, and sense a pre-existing bond.
The goodbyes in life are always so hard. Reminds me of that Garth Brooks'song about "..I could have missed the pain/but I would have had to miss the Dance."
I hope Savannah is feeling peaceful and is not having pain. Yur website is a lovely tribute to your daughter and I want to thank you sharing her with us -- and for sharing you with us.

M. Elton
Richmond, VA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:34 AM CST
Thank you for writing how you feel. Sometimes it makes you feel a little better just writing it down. And don't worry about offending anyone. Those who you may offend are probably lucky enough to be able to walk away and not have to think about it everyday. We have to live it every day for all of our lives so we are entitled to our opinion since we are living it. Joe and I were also brought up Catholic but now we tell people we belong to the "religion of common sense" which tells you to be nice to people and take care of your family friends. You will never be the same but you will gain a vision which most people don't have. And you know that you are so lucky to be Savannah's mom and she is lucky to have you for a mom! I am so very sorry for all the pain you are going through and I am especially sorry for the pain that is caused by others. If you want a tattoo... you get it. I know others are just trying to be helpful but you really only have one chance here and you have to live with the "what if's" later if you don't follow your gut feelings. You are doing what is best for your family. We love you. Give Savannah a smooch from Joey. Love, Lori Angel Sandy's mom

Cranesville, PA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:27 AM CST
Lisa:I was totally touched by your entry!!! You are doing the right thing and don't let anyone tell you different!!!I can not get Savannah and your family out of my thoughts.You are an awsome Mom!!! Know that I am still praying for each of you.God Bless,Love Terri.
Terri Hidalgo <terri.hidalgo4@verizon.net>
tampa, FL - Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:19 AM CST
Thinking of you and your family ... praying Sweet Savannah is pain-free ... loving your courage and strength ... thankful as always for sharing EVERYTHING!
Rebekah Clark <rclark@jrhinc.com>
Prior Lake, MN USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:13 AM CST
Lisa and family. I cannot express my feelings in writing the way alot of people that post here can. I love you and your girls and think of you non stop. I pray and pray for Savannah to be painfree in her journey. You have set such a great example of strength for the rest of us moms. I love and admire you. Jennifer
Jennifer Skaggs <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
Russellville, - Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:50 AM CST
It always amazes me to find people who can pour their heart out to others in times of tragedy. I hope I never feel the pain you have to feel and see what you have to see. DOn't be ashamed of your faith, either. If people don't understand, they are dumb. But another thing to understand is that for most people the thought of death is very frightening and they have to find new ways to deal with it. You have found your way. By the way, about eight or nine college students were praying for your Savannah yesterday, so she is loved, even by people she doesn't know.

Bryanne Weaver <weaverbj@nsuok.edu>
Tahlequah, OK USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:48 AM CST
Stay strong for your daughter, your family and yourself. Stay strong to your beliefs always without fear of what others will think of you for them. You are a mother first and that I do understand. I do NOT and hope never to understand the pain that you are in and the choices you must make to benefit your dying child. You are right, Caringbridge families are a unique breed. They have been or are active participants in a terrible war. I pray for all people who are suffering especially the children. I will never understand why God must take the innocent but it is not for me to question. I am and always will be here for all the families whom I have been blessed to have met through Caringbridge. I was introduced to CB through a girlfriend of mine who has breast cancer at age 35, she has no husband or children but yet has the ultimate power of family, friends, prayers and faith. Just please know that, even though I am very new to your site and your daughters battle, I will always care and always pray for Savannah and all who love her. May God Bless you all.
Terri <tlc2866@sbcglobal.net>
Manchester, CT - Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:36 AM CST
I have been following your journals for a few weeks. What a wonderful and loving Mother you are. Savannah knows how much she is loved by you. I was so moved by your journal today. I respect you for writing from your heart. I agree with what you wrote. Savannah and you will always have a special love and bond, that only a mother and her child have, nothing can ever take that away. May God bless you through these trying days ahead.
JoAnn Richardson <prjr@frontiernet.net>
Fort Dodge, Ia USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:35 AM CST
I am in awe of the words in your last update. I think Savannah is a very lucky girl to have a Mommy who is so strong and brave....and you are a very lucky Mommy to have such a beautiful and brave child. I believe the bond between you two is no accident. I also believe we are all re-united by God. The same soul, different body. My heart breaks for you.
Debbie Hendricks <debbie.hendricks@alltel.com>
Alpharetta, GA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:26 AM CST
Amen Sister! Your words are wonderful and I can appreciate every single one of them. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Just beautiful!! Death is a rebirth. Think about the nine months of pregnancy anxiously waiting to see and cuddle our little babies. By the ninth month we start to try and coax that baby through the tunnel promising it will be OK, that there are so many people here waiting for you who love you so much. The infant has to travel through that birth cannel and comes out to the light. Perhaps it is painful for that little child to go through that process, not wanting to leave the warm comforts of the womb. I believe death is the same exact process. There are those we know from earlier times up in heaven coaxing Savanah on through the tunnel into the light. Only this time Savannah is not alone in that warm womb, she is with those that love her holding, caressing and assuring her it's OK to go to the light. What greater love is that. God bless you in your journey. May you find comfort and strength in the days and years ahead and may Savannah have a beautiful and easy passage. God Bless You all!!
Luv, Barbara <willbarb@ptd.net>
Stroudsburg, PA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:47 AM CST
Dear Savanna and Lisa, My heart broke as I read through your page. I will pray that you each find peace in your own way. I have not been through what you now face, but have several cyber friends who have and still are. I surely will add your page to my caringbridge friends. God bless you and give you all you need of strength, faith, hope and love.
Aliquippa, PA USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:44 AM CST
Lisa, after reading your last entry I now really understand why you and i get along so well,You know what your little girl needs and wants (AND THIS IS ALL THAT MATTERS).
My heart still hurts 24 hours a day!

Les (Savannah's uncle and Lisa's brother inlaw)

Les Janiszewski <peytonsplayhouse@aol.com>
- Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:37 AM CST
I applaud you with the tears still freely falling. I agree with you, kids want Mommy and Daddy. I as a 30 year old can not fathom dying. How do the children feel when they no there is nothing anyone can do for them? Scared?? Anxious?? Can they at such a young age accept what is happening? It'd be so hard as a parent to sit by and be able to do NOTHING for your child. I can't even begin to imagine. Enjoy the time that is left. Savannah and Cassie are what is important now. Savannah has stolen my heart, she is beautiful......
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:35 AM CST
I think you are brave and determined, above all I think you are a fantastic mother. God Bless, I will pray for your beautiful girl.
Tina <tina.kell@aecio.com>
philadelphia, Pa - Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:21 AM CST
I am a spiritualist and that doctrine believes in living, rejoining with your loved ones in heaven and return and probably meeting them here again in different situations. But the bond of LOVE that united you all in the past will never be broken ! The idea is that everytime you live another life, your learn, you GROW spiritually, you gradually become a better person... This is called reincarnation and, of course, it is not accepted by the majority of people. Any way, believing or not in this "mechanism" and all its implications, the main important thing in all of the different religions is that we all believe in God, believe we have an immortal soul and that we all have different missions on earth. Yours is a very very special one and you have been chosen because of how much you can love, you can give, you can offer to another human being - as you said - beyond comphehension ...
God bless you all.
Lots of love from Brazil.

rose <rosecb@ipav.com.br>
- Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:06 AM CST

You do not know me, I am a friend of the Young family, and have found your site through them.

I applaud you, and certainly do not think you are crazy, you probably see things better than most people do. You have the picture more clearly than most of us who are on a spiritual journey and are so articulate and wise. The bottom line is we have a soul, and there is a God, spirit, whatever term we wish to give to the creator, we are from him, part of him and are on a journey back to him, to be a part of him again someday. There are so many hypocritical people who are out there who claim to be Christ like, yet are so judgemental and prejudiced, God knows no prejudice, he loves us all unconditionally.

Your child needs to be let go, you have done the right thing dear woman, and may you also be surrounded by God's angels, with peace in your heart. Just hold your sweet child and comfort her, she needs that more than anything right now. There will be days later to figure this all out, just be surrounded by God's love, know that you are loved by the Universe and have the love and support of many with you and your lovely child on this journey you have undertaken.

May peace and love be with you always, Rita

Gibsonia, PA 15044 - Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:34 AM CST
You are the true example of what a MOMMY truly is. Savannah knows that and she will always shine down on you. I agree about everything you said. Actions speak louder than words and you have been there and are there every step of the way. Savannah knows what a special and amazing mommy you are.

Haley <haleymo@aol.com>
Oceanside, - Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:19 AM CST
the unicorn is the connection between the worlds, Lisa. In my understanding you were/are sending a message to your little girl - and the world- telling her/us that you are able to walk from one world to the other.
And you will.
thank you for the wonderful posting. In my view acknowledging a broader spirituality and accepting reincarnation doesn't mean to lose Christ. Reincarnation was part of the Christian belief system originally. It only got " erased" by the Churches.
love to you and your family
healing energy and prayers

Mia <miafriedrich@lincsat.com>
Staffa, ON Canada - Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:10 AM CST
Lisa, I applaud you for having the guts to speak your mind and share the thoughts that you have so long kept inside. Without having gone through the end of the journey with Jordan, I cannot fully understand your pain, but I have imagined how it might be, and I cry and I get angry and I feel the despair and incredible sadness. So far for me and my family it is only a possibility, but I find it all too easy to put myself in that horrible dark place. I have a deep-rooted faith, but I still only find small comfort in the fact that, should she lose her brain tumor battle, she would go to be with the Lord. I am glad for that, but am realistic enough to know that I am selfish and I want my girl with me, because in my opinion that's where she belongs. And that's where Savannah belongs, with her Mommy. Hold her and love her as long as you are allowed. You are right, she is a part of you and you are a part of her and that can NEVER change.

With love and prayers and hugs forever,

Jordan's Mommy www.caringbridge.org/ca/jordan

Angela Atherton <angatherton@comcast.net>
Murrieta, CA USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 1:29 AM CST
We are not here to judge or to even attempt to understand your situation. We are thankful that we have been allowed in, invited to share in your child’s life, to love you and your child, to cry tears for your child and for the precious Mommy she will leave behind. This site is your haven, this is your place to speak your thoughts – we choose to come here in an effort to be a supportive part of this for you and your baby. No one can really take offense to you speaking, sharing your thoughts and feelings – this is your place. How thankful I am that Caring Bridge offers a place like this for you to store your moment’s thoughts – thoughts that will too soon become memories, but memories that you can always hold onto. A place for all of us that struggle to offer words of wisdom, who dare not pretend we know what or how you feel, can visit and shed our own tears for you and do the only thing we know to do: pray and post in hopes that you will know that we are here only to support you. We are here to stand firmly by your side and help carry you forward and through this journey through any means we determine appropriate.

I want to share with you that I spoke to my Mother asking for constant prayer for Savannah, and for you Lisa. When I spoke to her, in her somber and heartbroken voice her motherly response was exactly as you posted – “she is a good mommy, she will release her to God and encourage her to go.” I know, as a mother myself, that you must be afraid and that it must be hard, I cannot imagine. I am a Christian adult, and I am afraid to go, afraid to leave behind my loved ones, afraid of the unknown. I know that I will find peace upon the transition to heaven, but it is still an unknown – it is only natural to be afraid. I am ‘afraid’ for my girls when I drop them off at school, anytime they are away from me. We know, mothers know the love of a mother for her child is such a natural, unconditional love. I spend many nights now just watching my children and thanking God for the special time that I have been given and praying that I will use the time wisely.

You speak of heritage. I am thankful for my Christian family heritage, it is very special to me. My mother’s parents, Mamaw and Papaw, always showed their love of our Lord in all of their words and in all of their actions. I do believe that my Mamaw is probably the most God-loving person ever placed on this earth and as I age here I pray every day that I am filled with the Godly legacy she has so profoundly left behind for me in hopes that one day my own children and grandchildren can recognize in me what I know existed in her.

Please know that Ben and I continue to pray for you. I cannot stop the tears, I am heartbroken. I have shared your story with several of my friends and asked for prayer over the course of this cancer. Many, many people continue to pray for you. Since Monday, several of my Russellville friends, a friend from Little Rock, my mother and mother-in-law from Ozark and my cousin (who is like my sister) from Fort Smith have contacted me by phone and/or e-mail to check on you and Savannah. Even Shelia Oxendine called tonight from Mississippi. They all express that they are praying for you and Savannah. Your child is so loved. You are so loved.

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 0:52 AM CST
Wow, What an amazing entry. You are right - I have NO CLUE what you can be going through. I have walked this path from another direction entirely. I watched my best friend lose her daughter, and my daughter lose her best friend. The pain is nothing compared to what any mother can feel at a time like this, but it is still the worst pain I have ever felt, and I truly pray I never feel it, or anyhting like it, again. You are an amazing woman - to tell the world how you feel - to let us see a little into your soul. Thank you for your trust. I also pray that noone is selfish enough to betray that trust. May you continue to find peace.
Mary Tumbleweed Foundation <MaryKitchen@TumbleweedFoundation.com>
- Thursday, March 25, 2004 0:22 AM CST

You Go Lisa!!
What a beautiful gift for a beautiful little girl.

~KODYS STORY~ <kodysmom1995@yahoo.om>
- Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:05 PM CST
Good for you, I'm so proud of you for going against the grain and getting the unicorn. That is something special between you and Savannah, and you wouldn't have been able to live with yourself if you would have denied her that.
I'm praying for you guys, and I'm so sorry I can't do more. I'm honored to have "met" Savannah, and I will keep checking back to see how she's doing.

Jennifer Naeger www.caringbridge.org/mo/butterflyty <jnw_jnn@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:54 PM CST
Hi Lisa~ I can't get Savannah or you out of my mind. I wake up in the middle of the night and there you all are in my thoughts...so I pray. I pray for things that probably won't happen the way I want. I also pray for things that I know will happen. There are so many things about life on earth that I don't understand, but I do know that God has carried me through times that I wouldn't have made it through otherwise. As a mom, my greatest fear is that I will be right where you are some day, and I hope that if that day ever comes, that I will be as strong and loving and passionate for my children as you are. You didn't ask to be everyone's strength and inspiration to go on when life is hard...but you are. I am thankful for Jerry in your life and that you have other family that loves you and will be there for you. Yall are never far from my thoughts or from Bryan's.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, ar usa - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:43 PM CST
Know you are in my heart and prayers. I lost my 16 year old daughter to this beast we call cancer and my heart breaks for you. My prayer as well is for peace, courage and strength.

With love and hugs

Click on the angel to visit my web site:  Catch An Angel

Judy <tnderheart@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:12 PM CST
Miss Crystal and I were just talking about all of you today, and I'm so glad I took the time to check on you all. Give Savannah a kiss for me. I'll be praying for all of you. If you need me, just call. You know you can.
Love, Miss Joan

Joan Caughman <joan_caughman@hotmail.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:12 PM CST
I have been a silent reader for a while. I admire the way that you have always acknowledged the journey that your life with Savannah will take. I am so sorry to read that your time with her physically is coming to an end. I too have lost to this monster of a tumour, nearly two years ago, and my wish for Savannah and the rest of your family is that she has the same peaceful passing that my daughter did with no pain. Peace, gentle peace.
Jill - Mum to Angel Jordie (www.kiwiangels.org/jordanearle.htm) <jillian.earle@xtra.co.nz>
North Island, New Zealand - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:10 PM CST
Peace, strength,courage.


Kristy <kristydarren@yahoo.com>
wetaskiwin, alberta canada - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:08 PM CST
Just here and just praying for you - in any way, shape or form.

I know that you may need more, so please let me offer...what can I do for you?

I am here.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <rennedowler@aol.com>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:06 PM CST

Hi sweetie!

I hope you're doing as well as you can be, hon. How does Mommy's unicorn look? I bet it came out looking beautiful! I'm so glad to hear you approve.

Please know you and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*Samantha Therese*~*~*~

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:43 PM CST
I fell asleep last night thinking of Savannah, and woke this morning thinking of Savannah. All day long, teaching my kindergarten class, thinking of Savannah.
Love and light be with you now.

Bonnie <bonnievendola@hotmail.com>
NY - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:43 PM CST
Hi Lisa - just read your journal now that we're home. The unicorn sounds beautiful. Celeste told me today that she wants me to have a dolphin. We've been thinking about you guys constant, non-stop and sending you our love. I am going to go to the store soon and buy some anger music to help the problems I'm having with keeping the anger inside. Everything checked out okay and all. Like I said before I think that I was healthier when I smoked but go figure. Hang in there. Love you,
Tami, Celeste's mom <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:26 PM CST
Just letting you know we keep checking in every opportunity; you are surrounded in prayers and thoughts of peace and love, you are not alone. Please give Savannah a huge, warm hug from us.

Celeste and Maria <celestetreadway@direcway.com>
Austin , TX - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:16 PM CST
Your posts touched my heart. Your Savannah sounds like a wonderful child, ya'll are in my prayers!
Karen Powell <cajapowell@aol.com>
Charleston, SC USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:13 PM CST
You know we are still here with you. All our prayer is with you, and our strength. Much love and faith
Mary A Dorschel <jay.dorschel@verizon.net>
suffolk, va - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:29 PM CST
I love the tattoo's, it's a great tribute to your little girl. I got one in honor of my son also, it's a healing angel. I want you to know I am so sorry about Savannah, she is in my prayers as well as your whole family.


Paula (Mitch's mom)q <Phstyln@aol.com>
Vancouver, Wa - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:25 PM CST
Along with countless others, I have been checking on yall like crazy. Everytime I walk in the door- or walk back here to my bedroom- I have to check. We're all looking forward to seeing your new tatoo. Most of all, I hope Savannah is pleased when she sees it.
Endless prayers are being lifted up for all of yall- hope you can feel them-
Much love-

Kaelei's mom <jdmcdonald@hotmail.com>
Bentonville, AR USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:52 PM CST
Dear Lisa,
IM glad Savannah is doing better, everyone here was praying for you guys. I'll bet the tatto is beautiful IM really glad you got it and I'll bet Savannah is too! I keep waiting for updates on Savannah and yourself.

Prayers and wishes,

Brandi McElroy <Inteligentblond1@aol.com>
Belen, NM USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:45 PM CST
Praying for your family and most of all for your beautiful girl.
Mary Tumbleweed Foundation <MaryKitchen@TumbleweedFoundation.com>
- Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:41 PM CST
Hi this is Chances mom and I am so happy you got the tattoo Chance said you needed to. He said show her now and does not matter that is is red. I have tats too. He said she needs to see it. He is sitting next to me praying that she has a safe and peaciful journey. He also asked one of his Angels to go be with her now. He has alot of them and talks in his sleep to them every night. We wish to email you but you have no email on page so have to do here as Chance wishes to pray for her in private. Love and Gods Wishes, Patty mom to Chance and Angel

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Patty <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:38 PM CST
I bet your tattoo is beautiful.It will always remind you of the moments you had talking about it.Some day you may even smile when you think about it.
Your probably not much into reading your journal right now.But I wanted to say your little girl is in my thoughts and prayers.
God Bless.

Evette Mass
westland , MI wayne - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:36 PM CST
Still praying over here in Dardanelle...
Sharon <sholweger5@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:34 PM CST
I came from Kaelei's page and am sorry to hear of Savannah. I will pray that she goes peacefully and you are able to cuddle for a long time. God give you the strength in the days ahead.
JEanne Brown <brownjj@bright.net>
Wapakoneta, OH USa - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:03 PM CST
Lisa and family,
I am lifting you up in prayer, that all of your needs will be met.

Sharon Trusty <trustys@arkleg.state.ar.us>
Russellville, AR USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 4:50 PM CST
Lisa, My heart is breaking for you and your family. You all re in our prayers. Benji is praying for you all too.
God bless you,

The Zellos, Rick, Loriann, Josh, Benji, Grace, and Little Bitty(our beloved kitty!) <zello2@cableone.net>
Biloxi, MS - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 4:46 PM CST
Lisa and Mark,
I am so sorry for all you are going through at this time. You all will be remembered in our daily prayers and thoughts. We have thought of yall often since we moved away. If there is anything we can do for you or the kids please let me know, I would love to come back to Russellville to visit.
Doug and Susan Freeze
4428 Risinghill Dr.
Plano, Texas 75024

Susan Freeze
Plano, Tx usa - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 4:45 PM CST
Dear Lisa,

I am so very sorry to hear that you, your family and especially your sweet little girl has to endure so much pain and hardship. Please add me to the long, long list of people around the world praying for you. Chance said it well a few entries below mine, when the time comes, angels will be there to guide sweet Savannah, just as Savannah has guided you through the tough times behind you.

The song "White Flag" was my daughter's ralley song when she relapsed in her leukemia battle a few months back, and I played it on her website. I still have the song uploaded on IP server. If you would like to have "White Flag" automatically playing when people come to check in in Savannah's and your progress, just send me a quick email letting me know and I will email you back with a couple lines of code to copy and paste into this page. You don't need to upload the song or anything, just point to it on my server.

Love and sorrow,

Terry Josephson, Julianna Banana's dad <tjosephson@shaw.ca>
Winnipeg, Canada - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 4:25 PM CST
Hi there....:-)

i would have perferred to send this message to you privately, but i couldn't find an email address, so i do it this way. Since you want to document what is going on, i would like to contribute if you don't mind.
I worked with Savannah early this morning ( my morning, 5 AM EST). I often find children that are very sick outside of their bodies. It's too painful and difficult for them to be inside all the time, so the soul goes in and out quite a bit. Cannot go far as long as the body is alive, but is not completely " in" it either. When the soul is outside they are able to " see" me and communicate with me quite often.
So was Savannah. The seizures look like lightning or electrical storms from the " outside" or from soul level. Savannah didn't like them too much. I tried to " calm down" the electricity of her brain quite a bit and i felt it got a little easier. I also did my usual work of light and energy.
Please let me know if you want me to continue telling you about my work with Savannah. If you don't feel comfortable with it, i shut up, but i feel you have the right to know.

mia <miafriedrich@lincsat.com>
Staffa, ON Canada - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 3:39 PM CST
Lisa, I just heard about your daughter. I guess I live with my head in the sand. I am your neighbor across Hilltop, on Evergreen. I am so sorry for all the pain that your family is enduring. My prayers are with you all, & let me know if I can be of help in the coming days. My # is 967-1331 or cell 970-5276. Savannah is so beautiful!!!

Mary Kay Shehorn <marykayshehorn@cgoodin.com>
Russellville, Ar USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 3:02 PM CST
Hi lil sis, Know that you have Angels with you holding your hand through all this and they will help you when it is time. Listen to them because you can hear them sis and do not be afraid. Savannahs mom get the tattoo so she can see it. Do not wait please. Love and Prayers, Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:54 PM CST
Hi Lisa; I check the site every couple of hours now looking for an update & everytime I open the page I hold my breath. I think of you & the girls all day. Karen & I had multiple emails about you & Savannah & then Pam. It brings back a lot. I hope your tattoe comes out the way you & Savannah want it too. You do what you have to & don't listen to anyone. As we all know life is too short. Thinking of you & sending hugs from Long Island.
Paula <pparisesmith@pmbankers.com>
Plainview, NY - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:47 PM CST
Hi Lisa,

I wanted to let you know that I am checking on Savannah daily. Are you sure she is having seizures? Pam shook when she was weak and her eyes moved back and forth when she had swelling, but tests revealed she never once had a seizure. If Savannah is having seizures, they can give her meds to help this.
Pam often laid awake and it was sad to wake up in the morning or middle of the night and realize she was awake. I believe she was frightened also. You do need to get some rest so that you can prepare yourelf for the days ahead and be there and strong for everyone, especially your baby.
I am glad to hear she came back to you for a bit.

Karen Capozzoli <kmurator@yahoo.com>
Glen Cove, NY USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:28 PM CST
Lisa, your strength and courage continue to amaze me. We are praying for another peaceful day for all of you.
Donna Ables <dables@epsilon.com>
St. Louis, MO - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:18 PM CST
I came across Savannah's page from Ashley's page she and my son Nick were chemo buddies. Savannah is so beautiful I am so sorry for you and your family and for Savannah.
Please know you and your family are in our prayers.

Karrie & Nicholas Marino <geckogirl7@sbcglobal.net>
Arlington Heights, IL USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:43 PM CST
Dear Lisa:I recieved a prayer request from Kim,Kody's Mom.Before I signed I had to read Savannah's page.I couldn't hold back my feelings,May the lord hear my prayers and take away Savannah's pain and give all of you the comfort that you need.I will keep praying for your whole family.God Bless.Love Terri
Terri Hidalgo <terri.hidalgo4@verizon.net>
tampa, FL - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:26 PM CST
Bless you all, you are an awesome Mom!!
Savannah...you go Sweetness...we will never let up in our prayers for a miracle!!

~KODYS STORY~ <kodysmom1995@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:23 PM CST
Now that I go back and re-read the front page, I see you have that song on there. Guess I better pay closer attention instead of skipping right down to the new journal entry.....
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:09 PM CST
Lisa- There is a song out there I think it's by Dido....White Flag....It reminds me of you so very much. I've been reading Savannah's page for quite a while but never really signed until yesterday. My tears are falling....
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:08 PM CST
Lisa--YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:04 PM CST
Lisa, You are such a awesome mom. You have fought so hard for your daughter to have a wonderful life,one of honor and dignity. Deep down she knows this! Children know everything,but they know love most of all. Stay on course and follow your heart. I am so sorry and wish there was something I could do,but I do send warm thought and many hugs.
Albany, NY - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 12:42 AM CST
Lisa, Im was weeping after reading todays journal. Your so good at writing. I think your right about your mom and anyone that trys to tell you what to do right now. they just need to BE there for you. Jerry is a total blessing to you. What a man! He will help you through this dont let him go. Thanks for taking the time to update so we know what exactly to pray for. I ran out and came in and went to the computer ASAP to see how savannah and you all are. Im praying so hard for you all.
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 12:40 AM CST
Sweet Ladies,
I love you all and continue to pray for you. I have asked close friends to pray for strength. We can't understand all things only that God sees and knows all. Lisa, I am so proud of you that you are remembering...in every aspect...that loves bears all things!! Continue to show that love no matter how hard it is. Rewards come in strange ways and you will be rewarded. Let me know how I can share in this burden because of my love for you all.

Elaine <ergarrison@hotmail.com>
Clarksville, AR 72830 - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 12:25 AM CST
Just wanted you to know that you, Savannah, and your family are continuously on my mind and I continue to pray for all of you. As Diane already told you, please let us here at work know if you need us to do anything. With Love,

Sherry Huddleston <sherry.huddleston@centurytel.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 11:45 AM CST
Glad to hear that you guys had a peaceful night last night. We are still praying for you each and every minute. Our church (New Beginnings Church of God) has also been praying for Savannah. May the Glory of the Lord fill your hearts. Give Savannah A BIG HUG AND KISS FOR US; and one for Cassie too. Love you guys!!!!!!!
Amanda and Judy

Amanda Jones <littlehands@centurytel.net>
- Wednesday, March 24, 2004 11:23 AM CST
You are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you and your little girl. Myndi Keyton (Lisa Wells' cousin)

Myndi <Myn28@aol.com>
Fort Smith, AR - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:58 AM CST
Dear Lisa, praying always for strength, you are my inspiration the best mom in the world. I am so glad that jerry came into your life to hold you through this horrible time he to is a special man. May peace come to your family and know your journey and family will always be a blessing to all of us who were given the gift of knowing of you and of it. Prayers always, Julie, Emily's mom,pbt.group
julie dearmond <dearmond57@hotmail.com>
lake forest, ca - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:27 AM CST
I just posted to you, but wanted to add something. I don't know if you've heard this song or not, but I have been haunted by it since the first time I heard it. It's comforting to me somehow, hope you find it so also. If not, ignore it...
with love,

"Into the West"
Howard Shore and Annie Lennox

Lay down your sweet and weary head,
Night is coming, you have come to journey’s end.
Sleep now, and dream of the ones who came before.
They are calling from across a distant shore.

Why do you weep? What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see, all of your fears will pass away.

Safe in my arms, you’re only sleeping.
What can you see on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea, a pale moon rises.
The ships have come to carry you home.

And all will turn to silver glass
Alight on the water, all souls pass…

Hope fades into the world of night,
Through shadows falling out of memory and time.
Don’t say we have come now to the end.
White shores are calling,
You and I will meet again.

And you’ll be here in my arms, just sleeping.
What can you see on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea a pale moon rises.
The ships have come to carry you home.

And all will turn to silver glass
Alight on the water, grey ships pass
Into the west…

Celeste Treadway-Leuzinger (maria's mom, from the PBT group) <celestetreadway@direcway.com>
Austin, TX - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:24 AM CST
Hi Lisa. I'm from the PBT group. I am so sorry. I've been there (10 yr old died from neuroblastoma - now 5 year old with craniopharyngioma) and I know how your heart aches. Many prayers are with you and your little girl. It is so difficult right now. I'll keep praying for peace and no pain for Savannah. Many PBT parents are with you in their thoughts and prayers.
Lisa Moore <randlmoore5@attbi.com>
IN - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:10 AM CST
Oh Lisa, I cannot even express what I feel-- Just know that you and Savannah are in my constant thoughts and prayers. I am praying for Savannah to be at peace, pain-free, and to know that you are there to comfort her.
With love,

Celeste Treadway-Leuzinger <celestetreadway@direcway.com>
Austin, TX - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:55 AM CST
Smile, smell the flowers, enjoy the sunshine....Enjoy your daughters!!!!! They are both beautiful. Still hoping for the one little special miracle to arrive.
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:53 AM CST
I found your page through Cheyenne's page. I said a prayer for you today.
Larae Fulton <larae.fulton@netxv.net>
Christoval, TX USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:51 AM CST
I am so sorry that Savannah is going through this. My heart is so broken for you and your family.
"Eyes have not seen, nor can the heart conceive what God has prepared for those who love him." I pray these words bring comfort to you as you go through this. My prayers are with you. In God's love,

Chris Weese /PBT list <chrismweese@yahoo.com>
Glen Burnie , MD USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:51 AM CST
Continuing to pray for healing for Savannah, as God says to ask all things in His name. I would like to see the healing here on earth, but know that when she does go Home to be with the Lord that the ultimate healing will be done. God loves your baby, I am confident that angels sit with her in wait, she is not alone – she is probably looking at those angels with her eyes wide open. And, Lisa, you are surely an angel to your precious child as well. Many people are praying for Savannah, for her special Mommy and her entire family of loved ones on earth. Please have peace knowing that you and your child are in the gracious care of the Lord. Love to you all,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:38 AM CST
Lisa, If there is one tiny thing that would make you feel one tiny bit good.... if you take notice of the counter on the main page it is going up by the minute. There are so many people out there caring about Savannah and your family. Yesterday I was checking every 30 minutes and the counter was going up by the hundreds. We are here... we love Savannah dearly. Thank you for your updates which I know are not an easy thing for you to do.
Cranesville, PA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:32 AM CST

Dear Lisa and Savannah,

original thinking of you gif
I am sorry to hear that you have taken a turn for the worse. Both you and your mother are in my thoughts and prayers.

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna <ehkuhall7@tacheiru.every1.net >
Columbus, GA USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:09 AM CST



DOVER, AR POPE - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:09 AM CST
eight college students from Northeastern State University lifted up Savannah in prayer today. I hope she is having a better day and experiences God's blessings and peace. This is a horrible thing for a child to go through.
Bryanne Weaver <weaverbj@nsuok.edu>
Tahlequah, OK USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:57 AM CST
Just stopping by to see how you all are doing. I am joining in with the others in continuing to pray for Savannah's miracle. Savannah is a beautiful girl.

Mary Tumbleweed Foundation <MaryKitchen@TumbleweedFoundation.com>
- Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:43 AM CST
My heart aches for all of you. I am praying that Savannah be in no pain during this time. Even though it seems as though her time on earth here is almost over, I will continue to pray that she receive a healing from God on this earth. If it be that she leaves this earth and goes to God, there is no doubt that she has the ultimate healing and joy of being in the presence of the Lord.
Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:15 AM CST
I would say a lot of things but I don't speak so good enlish.I just can say I pray for you,and if you need someone to talk I'm there for you.

laura <laurasarkadi@hotmail.com>
budapest, Hungary - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:08 AM CST
Hi Lisa,
I just found your site today via Diana Cross on the PBT group. My son, Bennett, was born into heaven in November. I just want to tell you that you will never loss your sweet daughter's love. You will learn to love her in a totally new and wonderful way. And she will bring you closer to God because you will see that you do not need the physical to love intensely and passionately. I pray for your peace and surround you with the love of God.
Love and blessings,
Elizabeth Sterling

Elizabeth Sterling <elizabeth@bennettsbluebutterfly.org>
Millmont, PA USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:01 AM CST
Dear Lisa,
There are few words I can offer to comfort you. I can only say that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hold you all close to my heart.
m/o Emma (from the PBT list)

Charlene Voyce <charlene.voyce@snet.net>
Clinton, CT USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:49 AM CST
Hi Lisa. I'm so glad to see that you've gotten Savannah a little more comfortable. It surprises me that no one but Norine figured out the seizures, but thank God for her, huh? I think it's great that she's been able to help you through this, and in turn, it's helping her deal with Ashley, too. It's a healing process for both of you, and you're doing it together. She will be a wonderful support for you, and you for her.
Know that I'm checking in on you several times a day, and praying, too. I'm sorry there's nothing that we out here in the outside world can do for Savannah, but know that we are doing all we can by praying.
Pray for strength, and know that God is there to support you.

Jennifer Naeger www.caringbridge.org/mo/butterflyty <jnw_jnn@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:43 AM CST
I visited Savannah's page yesterday but was crying to hard to leave a note. Know that my prayers are with you and your family during this hard time of Savannah's little body getting weak. She is an adorable little girl and I grieve for you and the heartbreak of watching her suffer. Prayers are with you.
Anne S. <legendkees@iwon.com>
Keshena, WI - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:00 AM CST
Hi sis we are all storming Heaven with prayers for you. God is watching over you and holding your hand and your Angels are all around you. Love Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:26 AM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you...I just feel sick inside....I am soooo sorry you are going through all this!I lost my little girl 1 year ago Sunday....life just does not seem fair sometimes!!!I am hear for you...God bless your family!!!
christina schoenleb www.caringbridge.org/nc/mckenziefay <christinarick@msn.com>
troutman, nc - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:55 AM CST
I found out about Savannah earning her angel wings from another site. I am so glad that she is no longer in pain or suffering or not able to control her actions/movements. She is free now to run and do what little girls are supposed to do. I hurt knowing that you are left here without her. Im sure there is nothing I can say to comfort you but please know that I you will remain in my thoughts and prayers through this difficult time. In His Strong Love,

Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 0:44 AM CST
Lisa, Diana just took the time to update us on the PBT list. My heart breaks for Savannah and your family. You have been such an inspiration and source of encouragement I wish I could do more for you now. With love and friendship.
Kris Brauns (Mom to Brandon) <kris.hawk@verizon,net>
Bothell, WA USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:23 PM CST
I can't imagine all that you're going through. I pray, when the time comes, that Savannah is able to pass on peacefully and without pain or suffering. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*Samantha Therese*~*~*~

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:04 PM CST
I found your site through a friends caring bridge site. My heart breaks for your family, even though I don't know you.May God be with yu in this most difficult time. May you have all the strength to do everything that you need to do. My friends daughter died from cancer 6 months ago, and it's something that you can't prepare for. Lean on anyone you can, and know that yur baby will live on in a much more beautiful place free of pain.
God bless.

- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:03 PM CST
Lisa, sending love and hugs to all of you. Please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers tonight and certainly have been since I first heard of the little redheaded ANGEL, Savannah. Love and Hugs, Paulette
paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, ar - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:59 PM CST
Lisa, I read todays journal and my heart sunk. I felt sick and shakey. I cant believe the end is so near. I didnt realize hospice has been called and she is failing so fast. You just went on vacation and had such a full schedule. and now she is in bed in her last days? Its so unfair. You have always seemed more prepared / accepting of the end than the rest of us. I would read your journals and say No she isnt going to die dont give up. But you knew savannah,s destiny long before we could see it. Im sorry your enduring this. I am praying for you and that savannah goes peacefully. I hope she is not scared. She is so amazing and God will be with you to take her hand.
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:26 PM CST
I read today's update on Savannah, and gasped for breath. I am so sorry the end is near. How profoundly difficult this must be for you, I can not imagine. May the final hours be merciful and Savannah pass away into heaven in peace.
Bonnie Vendola <bonnievendola@hotmail.com>
New York - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:04 PM CST
Our prayers are with you. I have only known Savannah since she was featured child on MACS. I have her beautiful projects in my scrapbook. We pray that she has no more pain.She is a beautiful angel
Debbie <debamitchell@yahoo.com>
Cumberland, RI USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 7:58 PM CST

I am angel Tracy from Quilts Of Love. I know your sweet baby isn't joined with QOL, but one of our Angels told us about her and I just had to stop here.
I can only hope that the prayers I am saying will help her and all of you. I wish you all to feel comfort and peace.
My heart is breaking for you all, your words about Savanna's update have touched me more than you will ever know.
My prayers are with you all.
Warm comforting {{{HUGS}}},
Angel Tracy ^i^
Quilts Of Love (I hope you can join us so that we may create an on-line quilt for sweet Savannah.

Tracy Skinner (Angel Tracy) <tracy.skinner@comcast.net>
East Liverpool, OH USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 7:56 PM CST
Prayers and thoughts are with you. I pray for no more pain for Savannah. Peace be with all of you.
Sandi Marquis <cxelady@yahoo.com>
Cantonment, FL - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 7:31 PM CST
hey grl,my name is kaysha(kody kruppenbachers sister)i just wanted you 2 know that u r in my prayers.

kaysha kruppenbacher <sk8rchick415@yahoo.com>
leesburg, florida ~USA~ - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 7:21 PM CST
Praying for all of you...may you have wisdom,peace, and joy in the Lord.


Ken, Fran & Robert
Canyon Lake, TX - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 6:30 PM CST
I found your site from another. My heart breaks for you and your beautiful little girl. May God watch over all of you and give you strength. I'm so sorry.
Carolyn Robbins <robbinsgc@erols.com>
Fairfax, VA usa - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 6:28 PM CST
I found your site from another. My heart breaks for you and your beautiful little girl. May God watch over all of you and give you strength. I'm so sorry.
Carolyn Robbins <robbinsgc@erols.com>
Fairfax, VA usa - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 6:28 PM CST
Lisa hold her and love her and know we are here for you
Prayers and hugs sent your way
Hugs Marty

Marty <AngelTears1793@aol.com>
Louisville, Ky USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 5:48 PM CST
Hi Lisa

I've been following Savannah's journal for some time now and added her to my caringbridge prayer list - I will continue to pray for you all. May peace, comfort and love surround you all now.

Jacqueline <leticiaci@yahoo.com>
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 5:10 PM CST
I am so sorry that you have to say goodbye to your sweet little girl(she is beautiful). I said goodbye to my son in September 2002, he also had a brain stem glioma.Brian and Ashley were treated at the same hospital and she will always hold a special place in my heart. Hold your sweet little girl Savanah Kiss her and tell her that she will never feel pain again. No more medicine, MRI, needles. Just beautiful blue skies and rainbows that last forever...My heart is breaking as I write this knowing that another child is going to earn her angel wings. Love to you from a caring friend,Laura & angelBrian
Laura vermilyer <Lvermilyer@wi.rr.com>
Bristol, wi USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 4:57 PM CST
I found your site through another caring bridge site. My heart aches for your family. I am praying for a miracle for Savannah. May God hold you in his arms during this time.
aug95mom <aug95mom@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 4:49 PM CST
Hi there. I came across a link to your site from another caring bridge site. My heart really goes out to you and your entire family. From what I have read, you are obviouly an outstanding mother and the deep, deep bond that you have with your daughter is most evident. She is so very lucky to have you. Take care. I will be keeping you all in my prayers.
Paula Smith

Paula Smith <jpjcsmith@hotmail.com>
Lion's Head, Ont Canada - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 4:46 PM CST
Dear Lisa,

You and Savannah have rarely left my thoughts for the past 2 days, and my heart aches for you. The picture you used for your tattoo is the Savannah I remember playing with my daughter at Caughman’s. She is a true beauty. I pray for comfort and peace for Savannah, as I know our Heavenly Father does not want to see his child suffer. I pray you will find peace and strength; the peace and strength that can only come for Christ. I cannot imagine the dark place you are in right now and I want you to know that I will do anything to help. Lisa Wells was right on the money when she mentioned all the people who desperately want to do something, anything. Please know I am praying for you and your family.


Aundrea Sims
Dover, AR - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 4:15 PM CST
Dear Lisa and Savannah and family,
I have never signed in before, but have followed your journey for a little while. I love how you write and how you describe your life and Savannah's life. It is obvious that you adore her. It is very obvious that you have a wonderful bond with your daughters. You have given Savannah a wonderful life, you have given her all the love she needed.
You brought her into this world, you will hold her as she goes into the next. What a beautiful thing, and awful at the same time. I am so so sorry that you are having to go through this. I love the tattoo of Savannah, it is beautiful. She will always be with you and that is a wonderful tribute to her. Savannah is such a beautiful girl with such a beautiful spirit. She will live on forever in the hearts of those that know her and love her. Peace and comfort to you.

Lisa Kingsbury <dldarakingsbury@msn.com>
Sandy, UT - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:38 PM CST
Dearest Lisa and family,
My heart goes out to all of you as you face this time with your beautiful Savannah.
I truly understand what you are going through.(my daughter, India , got her wings two years ago ), same horrible disease.
All my love to you all .

Jill James <james_jill@hotmail.com.au>
Launceston, Tas Australia - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:29 PM CST
Chance sent me a link to your site.
This situation is so not natural. One would expect to meet a child Savannah's age and find vibrant life , not the picture you paint so well in the journal entries. I struggle for words in these particular circumstances.
hearts break all over for you and yours.

May the Lord bring you peace and grace during this very rough road you are on.
God Bless you,Prayerfully,
Becky Martin ( Mitchell"s Mom)

Becky Martin <bab70@swbell.net>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:20 PM CST
Hi to you and your darling daughter, I found your caringbridge site through another. My heart just cries for you! I can just feel the unconditional love you have for Savannah. I'm sure this will be the hardest thing you will ever have to face. And with your Faith and love for God, it doesn't make it any easier. But know that god has wrapped his loving arms around Savannah and will take care of her until you can be together forever in eternity. Please know that many people are praying for your family. God Bless to you all!
I found this song after my cousins baby passed away last month. I think it is so beautiful and comforting. Please listen to it, the words are beautiful. If for some reason I can not get the link to you, do a search for, Come to Jesus by Cris Rice and go to UNTITLED HYMN and click on the diamond near the bottem that says (hi, med, low)
Gods love to you!

Ps. Sorry I could not make it work, but try to find it by doing a search. It's such a touching song!

Brandi Nelson <dbnelson@wiktel.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:13 PM CST
I got your site from Chance & wanted to tell you that I will keep your family in my prayers!

Savannah--what a BEAUTIFUL name--that is the name I had picked out for a girl 19 years ago before my SON was born.
I pray that you dear Savannah are NOT in pain--please know that you have soooo many people that are thinking of you & saying prayers ALL OVER THE WORLD for peace & comfort!

~~Thinking of you in South Dakota~~

Jodi Simerly <jlsimerly@yahoo.com>
Watertown, SD - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:58 PM CST
lisa- read your entry on jareds guestbook and knew i needed to come here and read. i am sitting in the library trying hard to hold the tears in. i am on my way home to tell jared all about savannah. i know he will be there when it is time for her to go home.
you will stay on this trip until your time is done. i know that it pisses you off, but you will accept before you even realize that you do.
i am here for you all the time. day or night. call me at home. 510-357-8776. live in the moment and dont forget a thing. i am thinking of you and savannah.

riannon jays momma <riannonkids@yahoo.com www.caringbridge.org/ca/jaydog>
san leandro, ca - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:55 PM CST
Oh Lisa!!! I cannot seem to stop the tears today!! I love you all so much. I was comforted by yvonne's words. I hope you were too. I know that when savannah is in her heavenly father's arms, We will all feel that comfort knowing she is healed and will forever be our angel.

I am praying for all of you and especially our little spitfire!


Jennifer Skaggs <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
russellville, ar usa - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:42 PM CST

I knew to well what you are going through. I thank you for being so supportive of my daughter Karen. I wish there were words that can get you through this. I feel your hurt, your pain and your anger. I tried to spend as much time with Pam as I could, but alas, it was never enough. I prayed ever waking hour for here healing. I was there when she passed and was holding her until her heart finally stopped. I will never forget that. Spend every possible second with Savannah. When she passes on to the next world I know Pam will be there to greet her. Pam was always so wonderful with children.

You and your family are in our prayers.

I would just like to share a saying that was on the card my wife Diane picked out, and we bought for Pam:

If you were a star
That wasn’t expected back
In the universe
For a thousand years,
I’d wait.

If you were the sky
And everyone went inside
When you got sad
And started to rain,
I’d stay.

And if you were a peach
And the world decided to get rid of all peaches,
I’d pick you up,
Put you in my pocket…


Frank father of ANGEL Pam (www.caringbridge.org/ny/pamostrowski) <frmurato@nyct.com>
SYOSSET, NY USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:40 PM CST
Hi Savannah sending prayers to your from all of us at The Caged Kids. BIG HUGZZZZZZZZZZZZ Patty mom to Chance and Angel
Patty <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:36 PM CST
She is so beautiful....Words can not express how "watching" these children live and die has affected me. I'm so very sorry that your time together is being cut short. Enjoy the time you have together and forget about the rest of the world. Sounds like you have a very special, loving partner at home. Hold Savannah tight and know that there are many, many people praying for that miracle that you both deserve.....
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:36 PM CST
I will say a special prayer for you all.

Jennifer Irons

Jennifer <RKnAMommy@aol.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:17 PM CST
My heart is breaking, How I wish you did not have to endure this pain. Savannah is a beautiful girl, so is Cassie. I lost my son October 2003, I feel for you and hope my angel watches over you and your family.


Kris, Angel Dustin's Mom <buser_lady@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:03 PM CST
Dear Savannah,
Sening love and prayers your way.

Debbie (from the Cage www.cagedkids.com) <debbie@cagedkids.com>
VA USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:33 PM CST
I am praying for you and your family. You have taken such wonderful care of Savannah. She will take wonderful care of you from heaven. She is truly a precious little angel that has touched many hearts. I am praying for Cassie as well as she is precious too and it is such a hard time for her also. Please tell Cassie we are thinking of her and please give both of the girls a big hug from us. We love you all and will keep praying.
Andrea, Whitney & Lindsey Bean <beana2326@yahoo.com>
Plumerville, AR - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:25 PM CST
Oh Lisa,

I am so so sorry. I can't stop bawling. I know exactly what you are feeling. The panic. The desperately wanting to be able to do SOMETHING...ANYTHING to save your baby's life. All I can say is keep doing what you are doing. Hold her, love her, be with her....for every moment that you can.

I was so touched by your entry about waking up in the middle of the night and panicking because she was not there! You said that when Jerry told you , "it's OK, she is with her Daddy" you felt a peace. You said "One day...one day in the not so distant future, she will be gone forever from my touch. How can anyone comfort me? I felt peace when he said she is with daddy. What about when he can't say that? What about when she is GONE for good..."

Do you know what immediately came to mind after reading that? He can STILL say she is with Daddy! For she will be with her Heavenly FATHER! And trust me, He will take much better care of her than her earthly Dad can. He will heal her, and give her a new body....free of cancer, free of pain, free of suffering. He will make her eternally happy...where she will wait for you to be reunited with her one day. And then it will be FOREVER!....no more separations. So when that day does come, remind yourself "She IS with her Daddy....her eternal Daddy" and I pray that that will fill you with the peace that you felt when Jerry told you those words.

Lisa, please know that you all are in my prayers. I SO wish there was something I could do. But I know that there is nothing anyone can say or do to ease that hurt, that emptiness. All I can do is tell you that the only one that can help...the ONLY one that can offer peace and strength, is the Lord. And you know, that I am NOT trying to convert you to any religion, or push my beliefs on you....I simply tell you this as a friend, a friend that I love very much and that I have felt connected with since we have known of each other. I tell you this because I just want to share with you the key to the only peace and happiness that I have known since my daughter left.

If there is anything that I can do Lisa....please let me know. For now, I do all that I can.....PRAY.

We Love you! and please give Savannah a hug and kiss from me!

Your Friend,

Yvonne, Mommy (forever) to Leilani

The Fernandez Family <yvonnengzs@rjia.net>
Mount Airy, NC - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:23 PM CST
Still checking in...still praying...
Jennifer Naeger www.caringbridge.org/mo/butterflyty <jnw_jnn@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:06 PM CST
Savannah...what a beautiful name for such a precious child. May God watch over you and keep you and your family in His care.
In Christian love,

Bonnie Curran <bjcurran@earthlink.net>
Concord, NC - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:01 PM CST

I'm sorry I've never gotten to meet you and I want you to know that Aunt Jeannette and Peyton think the world of you.

Jennifer Pichette-Fieo

Jennifer Pichette-Fieo <jjfieo@yahoo.com>
Riverview, FL 33569 - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:01 PM CST
I am so sorry that you are walking this road. I know one of the beautiful angels that will be helping Savannah is Julia. She lost her battle with this beast very peacefully on September 10, 2003. I hope you find some measure of peace in all of the prayers you are receiving. I will add Savannah to the Tumbleweed Page for even more prayers to come your way.
Mary Tumbleweed Foundation <MaryKitchen@TumbleweedFoundation.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:59 AM CST
Sending love and prayers your way...


Melanie <positivestories@aol.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:57 AM CST
Hi I just found you and am so sorry I did not find you sooner. I am typing this through my tears. I pray that lil sis will have an easy journey to Heaven. Once she is there she will be whole and well and waiting to meet you again one day. I will pray for you all on this journey. love Chance

Big Bro to Mitchell, Connor and any one else who wants me

Chance <harleyga@bellsouth.net>
Ga USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:46 AM CST
Just wanted to let you know you are in our prayers! May God cradle your little one and hold her close. May Savannah be at Peace. We will be thinking of you through out the day and coming days. God Bless you.
Priscilla, Grayce and Matt Roque <babygrayce@aol.com>
Stafford, Va 22554 - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:39 AM CST
Dearest Family of Savannah,
We heard of what you are all going through right now and just want you to know that the many Angels in our group are saying prayers for beautiful Savannah and your entire family.

Jean~ Quilts of Love <jean@quiltsoflove.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:26 AM CST
Hi Savannah! YOu are such a strong little girl that has been through so much. I pray that you are at peace and comfortable. God loves you and He will keep you in His hand. Bless you dear one.
JoBeth Hunnicutt <jobedu@alltel.net>
Moultrie, Ga - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 12:17 AM CST
Many prayers and lots and lots of tears. Lisa..your update from last night was so heartbreaking...you are a wonderful Mom...your love for both your children is so beautiful...Savannah and Cassie are very lucky little girls indeed.

~KODYS STORY~ <kodysmom1995@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:48 AM CST
Sending prayers and love to you, I am so sorry that Savannah is having to go through this, and in pain for you all, as her wonderful family.....

Love, hugs and prayers,

Rhonda Hunley, Connor's Mom

**Connor's page**
Hendersonville, TN
God Bless America! - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:45 AM CST
Lisa and family, I am so sorry you have to go through this. I hope Savannah is not in much pain and I hope she can be at peace and comforted. Please know you have my continued prayers and love. ~Tess
Tess Baker <tndbkr@aol.com>
CA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:44 AM CST
Prayed hard last night for a miracle ... was hoping it would come true.

Continued love and prayers.


Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, NM USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:43 AM CST
My heart goes out to Savannah and your family. There are no words........just sorrow. God Bless each of you and hold your hand during this journey. Savannah will be free and be standing by your side always.
Debbie Hendricks <debbie.hendricks@alltel.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:27 AM CST
Lisa and family,
We are praying for all of you contiously! May God wrap his wings of LOVE around all of you at this time. Tell sweet Savannah that we LOVE her and are thinking about her every second and praying for her also. Tanner asked if you would give her a BIG hug for him.
Love and prayers,
Amanda and Judy

Amanda Jones <littlehands@centurytel.net>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:38 AM CST
I am so sorry this has happened to your family. I came accross this site through another caringbridge family. You will be in my thoughts as you go through this awful journey. You are not alone.
God Bless you Savannah. I have given you my day.

Jenny <jeffnerb@yahoo.com>
Nisswa, MN - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:37 AM CST
I stumbled onto Savannah's site at 10:30am on Mar 23. I read all your heart felt words, Mama. I was a Hospice nurse and have been there with you. I do not have to the words to express the comfort you need right now. All I know is that God is watching out over you and your family and your precious Savannah. It's a beautiful day here in Alabama and I know it's a beautiful day in Heaven, too. Prayers are being prayed for you right now. God bless you all.
Jackie Asher <jacqueline.asher@maxwell.af.mil>
Banks , al USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:30 AM CST
Dearest Savannah

Please know you are in our Heart and Prayers.

Chris Ullrich - Bella's Grammy <c_ullrich@msn.com, www.caringbridge.com/page/isabellaledesma>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:03 AM CST
sending love and healing energy from Ontario/Canada

Mia <miafriedrich@lincsat.com>
Staffa, ON Canada - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:02 AM CST
I've been following your story for quite a while now, and I'm heartbroken as I read that Savannah's journey here on earth is coming to an end. I will continue to pray that her journey to the angels is peaceful and full of light. And I will pray for the family left behind.
Jodi <jodisgreen@aol.com>
Roselle Park, NJ USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:46 AM CST
savannah you are such a beautiful girl. please know you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I HATE THIS DISEASE!!!! you have given so many people strength and amazed us. many prayers, angelique parker www.caringbridge.org/oh/harleiparker
angelique parker <pfloyd326@yahoo.com>
ohio - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:37 AM CST
Dearest Savannah and family...
I am Angel Island Princess from Quilts Of Love and I am so very sorry to read your journal. Tears are welling in my eyes and my heart and prayers go out to you. I will pray as well as the others Angels at QOL for you all.
Island Princess

Island Princess <isandprincess@quiltsoflove.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:28 AM CST
I've been following your journey for quite some time now...my heart is breaking for you. There are no words of comfort, but you are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless each of you, especially your precious baby.
Christi Hamilton <hamilton.fam@cox.net>
Dove Canyon, CA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 8:57 AM CST
Ssending LOTS OF LOVE from Brazil.
God Bless you all.

rose <rosecb@ipav.com.br>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 8:23 AM CST
You are continuously in my thoughts and prayers! If you need anything just let me know!

Karla Hester <tkhester@cswnet.com>
Centerville, AR US - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 8:09 AM CST

I have come to your site through Wendy Baber. She thinks so much of Savannah, I've heard so much about her. What a sweet beautiful girl.

I am so, so sorry. My heart literally aches when I read your journal entries. I can almost feel the fear and desperation. So many of us wish that we could just take some of it away for you and Savannah.

I know that Noelle is in Heaven waiting to play with Savannah. She'll watch over her.

We will continue to keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers.

Lynn Kanode <lbk3767@alltel.net>
Winston-Salem, NC - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 8:04 AM CST
Lisa, my heart is breaking for you and your family. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I will keep praying for sweet Savannah.
Jennifer Weston <jennifer.weston@bms.com>
Seneca Falls, NY U.S.A. - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 7:25 AM CST
I am so very sorry. I will join the others in praying desperately for another outcome, but hope if this is what is meant to be its as peaceful and painfree as possible for your precious little girl
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 7:08 AM CST
I am so very sorry. I will join the others in praying desperately for another outcome, but hope if this is what is meant to be its as peaceful and painfree as possible for your precious little girl
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 7:08 AM CST
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Amy <jessibubba@comcast.net>
Pittsburgh, PA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 6:28 AM CST
You are in my thoughts and prayers. May God bring you strength and comfort. God bless
Los Angeles, CA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:52 AM CST

Hugs and Hope, Love and Prayers to you from us.

Cheryl <carpathienblue@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 0:30 AM CST

Hugs and Hope, Love and Prayers to you from us.

Cheryl <carpathienblue@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, March 23, 2004 0:28 AM CST
Hi Lisa and family,

So sorry about Savannah. You'll be in our prayers. God bless from Kim m/o Michelle.


Kimberley Clayton <michelle9kim@yahoo.ca>
Guelph, ON, Canada - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 0:08 AM CST
This is sad, really sad. I am so sorry this has had to happen to your sweet Savannah. I hope that God's peace and blessings come to your household.

Also, I am a quilting angel for Quilts of Love, an online organization that makes online quilts for kids with cancer and other illnesses. We would love to make one for Savannah.
click on the picture below to visit us.

Bryanne Weaver <weaverbj@nsuok.edu>
Tahlequah, OK USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:50 PM CST
I came to your site through Kim and Kody and want to offer my prayers for peace and comfort.
Kim Pigue (Hugs and Hope) <kce1613@aol.com>
Madison, TN - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:43 PM CST
You Are a wonderful mother and friend to your girls, how lucky you all are to have each other, Please know that you and your family are in my prayers
May you find peace at this time
Hugs Marty

Marty <AngelTears1793@aol.com>
Louisville, Ky USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:23 PM CST
Savannah, what a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl I know that your angels are with you and God is holding your family close. Lisa, Jerry and Cassie I came to your site from Kody's and will carry you in thoughts and prayers from this moment on. Pam
Pam <pmskitees@earthlink.net>
Camarillo, CA USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:20 PM CST
I am so sorry for all that you're going through at this time. Please know every single one of my thoughts and prayers are with your beautiful family.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*Samantha Therese*~*~*~

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Monday, March 22, 2004 10:32 PM CST
Your words are so potent, and help me to understand your pain...but... no mom should have to watch her cherished child die. I am so, so, sorry.

Lisa, I want you to know that I will carry Savannah and her family in my heart tonight. May the Lord give you courage and grace, and the knowledge that Savannah will soon be resting in His arms.

Stephanie and RachelJoy <sstrom@quik.com>
- Monday, March 22, 2004 10:20 PM CST
We are thinking of all of you with love and sadness this evening.
M. Elton
Richmond, VA - Monday, March 22, 2004 9:38 PM CST
I don't know what to say other than that I am so sorry this is happening. I have been praying for you all and I will continue to do so for a long time. May GOD let you feel HIS arms around you all.....
Sharon <sholweger5@yahoo.com>
Dardanelle, AR - Monday, March 22, 2004 9:20 PM CST
My Hart hurts for you. May god be with you
- Monday, March 22, 2004 9:03 PM CST
Continuing to pray for you all. Andrew and Austin pray for God to make Savannah better every night. He will, but not on earth...not how we want. I don't understand and never will but will hold on to the truth that He will never leave us. I am counting on Him to hold you all tight and that Jesus is waiting for a sweet red-headed girl to come to him. She will see Him, and she will know no more pain and no more fear. I know all of this, and in as much as it gives me comfort, my heart breaks for you all. I can't fathom such a loss. I can't even go there. Bryan and I are praying for you all.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 8:54 PM CST
Praying for God's strength, peace and GRACE during this time. My heart aches for all of you as I know the terrain all too well upon which you are walking....
Ivy Ervin Forever Missing Luke <ivymeadows@earthlink.net http://caringbridge.org/oh/lukeervin>
Mansfield, Ohio - Monday, March 22, 2004 8:48 PM CST
Lisa - about 13 months ago, my dear, sweet little mother - so sick from diabetes, kidney failure, and dialysis - decided that she'd been fighting long enough. She quit dialysis and went into hospice. The doctors said 2 to 14 days. She lived 10 days. I sat by her bed, and held her hand. I talked to her, even though I rambled and half the time didn't know what to say. I was numb...I was scared...and like you, all I wanted to do was run away and hide. But I stayed, just as you are doing. It was the hardest thing that I ever had to do. God was so merciful and she had no pain; she passed away very peacefully on February 17th, 2003. I was there; my son, who was almost 9 at the time, was there too. I'm so glad now that somehow, some way, God gave me the courage and enough strength and peace to just be there with my mom. You can do it; you're doing it now. Bravery isn't a feeling - it's what you do, what you're doing now. Praying for God's peace for all of you -
Liz and Jake <flakeyjakester@msn.com>
Sumner, WA USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 8:48 PM CST
God Bless you. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.

Cheyenne's dad

Roy Fiveash <rfiveash@wcc.net>
San Angelo, Tx - Monday, March 22, 2004 8:46 PM CST
Just checking in again. I just wanted you to know we were thinking of you. There are no words to describe how awful this is but believe me that you will find the strength to make it through this for Savannah and for Cassie too. You will look back months from now and wonder how you did it and there is no answer other than the intense love that we have for our children that makes us protect them to the very end. Give Savannah a kiss from Joey. We love you.
Cranesville, PA - Monday, March 22, 2004 8:26 PM CST
God Lisa....how my heart breaks for all of you.
it is one thing to "know" this is coming......so very much another thing to have to deal with when "it" arrives........there is NO way in God's world to EVER be prepared.
if there is ANYTHING i can do..you have my phone number.

PLEASE GOD.........hold them all CLOSELY AND GENTLY and give them comfort in your love.

auntie brandi

brandi <bjrfromwa@aol.com>
- Monday, March 22, 2004 8:13 PM CST
As I write to you, I am kissing the owie on a 2 year old foot, and just a couple feet above that foot is a mouth crying for "More Jerry Juice, Momma!"
My life was not always so simple, yet not as hard as yours. I lost my son after 3 1/2 short months, and cannot imagine the pain of such a struggle dragging on for so long. I was sent by Kody and Kim, and am so glad I came by to check out your sweet Savannah.
I am so honored to read her story, so sad to see it about to end. Actually, though, it is not ending at all. I know how you must ache, worrying about what will happen next. It is not fair for a parent to have such woes, yet it is here and we must deal with it. God has chosen Savannah to help him change lives, fulfill dreams and change the world. When you look at it that way, it is somehow easier to swallow. I never had to see Ty suffer, not really anyway. I can't imagine how painful that is, but I truly think God removes that pain from our children. Savannah is not having a picnic, but she's not in extreme pain, at least I don't think God would let that happen.
I hope that you can keep your faith through this, knowing that God is there, with you, with Savannah, with you all. It's so hard to feel like you have to answer to so many people. Your family, your docs, your town, your friends, strangers, and worst of all, yourself. Always wondering if you're doing the right thing for her, always wondering if you could've changed it. Well, I'm here to tell you that you couldn't. How can you change God's plan? It's not something we always understand, but just as we love our unborn child, a person we've yet to see, but always felt....we must love our God. WE've never 'seen' him, but we've always felt his presence. Know that he's there, never leaving, never faltering, never making a mistake. When all your life is up in the air, let that be the one constant.
With thoughts and prayers from Missouri....
PS: Just a thought. Maybe God let you run into your old friends in St Louis to remind you that you lived before Savannah, and you will live after her, too. there will be more to do, more to say, more to accomplish. You've been a wonderful mother to her, and you must go on to tell her story.
So sorry I didn't know you were so close to my back yard recently, I'd have loved to have met you all. May God bless you, hold you tight in his arms, and carry you through this trying time...leading you to the sunshine that awaits you. It is nothing compared to the sunshine that awaits Savannah, though.

Jennifer Naeger www.caringbridge.org/mo/butterflyty <jnw_jnn@hotmail.com>
Festus, MO - Monday, March 22, 2004 8:12 PM CST
Savannah, Lisa, Jerry, and Cassie, we love you all so very much! No words, or tears, can express how all of your family and friends feel now; however, we all want you to know that we are feeling for you all, we are thinking of you, we are praying for you all. I pray that there is no pain for your precious Savannah and I pray that a peace that only God can supply is abundant in your lives. I know that this is time for family, please know that all of us - your friends, your posters - people that love you and your precious spitfire - are more than ready, willing and anxious to help. We try and think of ways to help without intruding or getting in the way of your special, private time. Please know that you have many, many, many people in the ready position - ready to provide anything you can ask for, ready to sit in silence, ready to cook or clean or shop or pick up or deliver or make phone calls, write letters...anything, absolutely anything you can need, we are all willing, we are ready. We love you so much, know that all of us care for you and are sitting in wait, and in prayer.
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 7:57 PM CST
Again, I am writing to tell you how heartbroken we are.
My GB entry from this afternoon seems to have merged with someone else's...so, I really just wanted you all to know that you are in our every thought and prayer tonight.
Savannah..you have had the most beautiful face of an Angel forever...now you will be free to spread those wings and fly. We will miss you as you will be taking a very big part of our hearts with you.
Kim Kruppenbacher

- Monday, March 22, 2004 7:56 PM CST
Lisa, she needs you now and with her is where you need to be. This is the time for her ... you have seen her through this journey for 17 months, only you can ease her fears and make this last mile easier.

I was holding Savannah's artwork she sent us and sharing Savannah stories... the one that stick's most in my mind is when she called you, Lisa, and you were too busy to talk. Her stating "That was pleasant" upon hanging up almost echo's in my head. That is our 'Savannah saying'... a tribute to a little girl and we never had the pleasure of meeting but have had the pleasure of enjoying.

Many, many blessings,

Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
belen, nm usa - Monday, March 22, 2004 7:50 PM CST
You are in my thoughts and prayers. As I sit here sobbing, I cannot begin to imagine the pain you are going through. God Bless all of you.

Sandi Marquis <cxelady@yahoo.com>
Cantonment, FL - Monday, March 22, 2004 7:21 PM CST
My heart aches for what you're all going through. Sending prayers for comfort and peace.

Much love...

Terry Snyder (Angel Jalen's "Am-Maw") http://www.caringbridge.org/fl/jalen <vix207@aol.com>
Royal Palm Beach, FL - Monday, March 22, 2004 7:06 PM CST
May Savannah's journey be peaceful. I am so sorry to hear things have taken a turn for her. She will be in my prayers.
Hugs from Karen

Karen LaMountain <AngelGrammaL@netscape.net>
Selkirk, NY USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 7:04 PM CST
my thoughts are with you during this time, please know that your not alone alot of people care.

«♥Angel Mitchell♥» <afraser1@tru.eastlink.ca>
- Monday, March 22, 2004 7:04 PM CST
I've been away for so long- my heart breaks to see where this path has taken yall. I would give anything in the world if there was something I could do for yall. The best thing I can do is pray for Savannah to have peace and comfort and the ability to feel your love around her, and for you to have the strength to stand until she's ready to rest. If theres anything I can do- I can be there in a matter of a couple hours and I will do it in a heartbeat.

Jennifer (Kaelei's mom) <jdmcdonald@hotmail.com>
Bentonville, AR USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 7:01 PM CST
Lisa, As so many others have said, there are no words. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Thank you so much for sharing and helping so many of us grow. I may not know you all that well, but I know that I love all of you and the tattoo too.
Bobbi Breshears <bobbij@arkwest.com>
Dardanelle, AR - Monday, March 22, 2004 6:06 PM CST
Lisa, please know that we are thinking of all of you.
you also know there is a bigger plan for all of us.
It just sucks so much that little girls and boys ever have to go threw any of this crap. Every time I start thinking about you guys today i can't stop crying, I really wish I knew what to do for you right now, I wish I could give all of you a big hug, so would you just grab each other for me and give each other a big smile and kiss from uncle Les?

Les Janiszewski <peytonsplayhouse@aol.com>
Dunedin, FL USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 6:06 PM CST
Sending lots of prayers for your family.
Karen - a friend of Kim and Kody <kchilutti@swfla.rr.com>
Naples, FL - Monday, March 22, 2004 6:05 PM CST
~Dear Savannah and Family~ I pray for peace and comfort for you at this most difficult time.
Angel ^^Chaser's^^ Aunt

Lisa Faiello <LRFilo@aol.com>
OH - Monday, March 22, 2004 5:50 PM CST
I am so sorry for you & your family.. I just read. I am praying for Savannah, you are a great mom!
jenn hartley <ronjenn696@prodigy.net>
bensalem, pa usa - Monday, March 22, 2004 5:27 PM CST
Dear Lisa,

I am so sorry to hear about Savannah. I became acquainted with you and Savannah on the pediatric brain tumor support sight. You, Savannah and Cassie are such special people. I have followed your posts online and on the website for several months. Please know my prayers are with you all. I pray for God to send you and Savannah comfort during this time.

Diana m/o Katherine (21 months) dx 7-03 DPG

Diana Cross <diana@houston.rr.com>
Houston, TX United States - Monday, March 22, 2004 5:26 PM CST

Wendy Baber is one of my dearest friends, and she has told me so much about Savannah. What a beautiful little girl. I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through. I will keep you, and Savannah, in my prayers.

Lynn Kanode <lbk3767@alltel.net>
Winston-Salem, NC - Monday, March 22, 2004 5:16 PM CST
I am so sorry to hear about Savannah. I will be praying for you all. Fisher sends his love to her.

Carolyn and Fisher <oshelrina@aol.com>
www.caringbridge.org/va/fisherc, - Monday, March 22, 2004 4:45 PM CST
To Savannah's family....
Norine and I just got off the phone..I am so sorry to hear this sad news. Please know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers...
With love,
Kim & Karl Kruppenbacher

- Monday, March 22, 2004 4:45 PM CST
Oh Lisa, I am so very sorry that you are having to do this now. Your little spitfire has certainly touched so many lives during her journey. She has inspired many to fight even in the midst of sorrow and uncertainty. I will continue to pray for all of you. I will pray that God will allow you so more quality time to make many more special memories. You ARE a WONDERFUL mother. Though I've never personally met Savannah I am so thankful that you allowed us to share in her life. She has certainly made an impact on my life. Thank you for allowing me to participate in such a small way in Savannah's journey. May God hold all of you especially tight right now. I wish I was there to give all of you a hug. Please tell Savannah that her friend in NC sends her love and prayers.

.... continuing to pray for all of you.

Love in Him,

Noelle and Nicholas's Mommy Forever

Noelle and Nicholas's Page

Wendy Baber <vbaber@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 4:21 PM CST
Dearest Lisa, Cassie, and Jerry. My thoughts are with you ... you all have become so special to me, admired from a far.

Savannah, please watch over those who share in your fight and be ready to welcome the new angels that come to join you when the battle gets too much. You have touched so many lives, wonder if you know just how special you truly are?

with love and prayers,

Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
belen, nm usa - Monday, March 22, 2004 4:04 PM CST
Lisa, There are NO words to tell you how much our family cares for you all. I know that God has made you a strong and faith filled person...and I don't need to tell you that HE will get you through. You have been so good to help us all try and understand this dreaded disease and perhaps at some time, we will be able to understand. We Love You and are thinking of you and praying.........Love, Paulette
Paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
Plumerville, AR - Monday, March 22, 2004 4:04 PM CST
Dear Lisa, I can say that I know what you are going through. I have been there. Just to tell you that I am thinking about you and Savannah and will be praying for all of you. I will be going tomorrow to church and will light a candle and will ask my angel to look after you and ease the pain.
God Bless and may God hold you and give you the strength.
Robert; Parent of James,
FOR EVER AN ANGEL (20th June 1993 – 26th October 2002)

Robert Haddad <rshaddad@yahoo.co.uk>
London, UK - Monday, March 22, 2004 3:58 PM CST
Lisa, My heart hurts for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am here if you need me.
Andrea Bean <beana2326@yahoo.com>
- Monday, March 22, 2004 3:34 PM CST
I know the pain you are in right now, but be assured that when Savannah reaches heaven Ashley will be there waiting for her. I know we just got off the phone but I just wanted to give you more support. I will talk to you later. Sending all our Love and Hugs to all of you.
Love Norine

Norine Carro <nc225421@comcast.net>
Chicago, IL USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 3:33 PM CST
May God hold you all close in His loving arms.

i love you all.

auntie brandi

brandi <bjrfromwa@aol.com>
- Monday, March 22, 2004 3:29 PM CST
I have been following Savannah's website for some time now and have fallen in love with this spunky little girl. My heart broke when I read your entry a few moments ago. Heaven, look out for this little spitfire! You are in my prayers.
A friend
TX - Monday, March 22, 2004 3:26 PM CST
Our hearts are breaking. I don't even know what to write and I have been where you are. There are no words and no matter how much your head tells you that you are out of time... your heart will never let go. We will be checking for your updates and if you can think of anything we can do or send don't be afraid to ask. We love you guys.
Cranesville, PA - Monday, March 22, 2004 3:22 PM CST
You and Savannah are in my thoughts and prayers.

Kelly Anderson <andersonkr@comcast.net>
CA - Monday, March 22, 2004 2:55 PM CST

I'm not big on posting on people's sites, but you have been SO supportive of my wife Karen (Pam's sister) that I wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts. I wish you all the strength & courage you need to get through the days ahead. Keep your family close & lean on each other.

Lou Capozzoli (Pam's Bro-in-law) <loucapo@yahoo.com>
Glen Cove, NY USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 2:47 PM CST

Oh my God, what can I say. There are no words that I can offer. I cannot even begin to imagine in the darkest corners of my mind the pain and terror you are going through. I will leave you in the hands of your family and the parents on this site who have made the journey before you. They relive their pain and suffering with you. May you find comfort in their words and prayers for the pain that no parent should ever have to feel. Every parent lives with the fear that something will happen to their child, but only a few have those fears realized. I know all too well that life can change in an instant as yours did. Please God, make Savannah as peaceful and comfortable as possible and ease her pain and that of Mark and Lisa's. I ask this in your name, Amen.

Monica <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Monday, March 22, 2004 2:22 PM CST
Lisa, I know too well what you are going through. Be strong for both of your babies now. Spend every second you can with Savannah and try to make her as happy as possible while she is still here. I'm here if you need me and I'm thinking of all of you. I know Pam will be there to greet Savannah on the other side. I'm so glad you were able to make the mold of your hand with her.
Karen Capozzoli <kmurator@yahoo.com>
Glen Cove, NY USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 1:11 PM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I pray for peace, strength and most of all for the loving arms of our Father God to be wrapped around you and your girls at this time.

Praying desperately for sweet little Savannah and sending lots of love your way!

Emma <pek_1@charter.net>
Spring, TX USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 1:07 PM CST
Lisa and family,
If there is anything we can do just let us know. We are praying for you and may God be with you and your family at this time. We love all of you guys! Tell Savannah that we love her and that Tanner said he does also. Love and prayers from everyone at Little Hands Child Care

Amanda Jones <littlehands@centurytel.net>
Russellville, AR - Monday, March 22, 2004 12:48 AM CST
I read your page this morning and again since I just spoke with Kelly. I know you are scared. May you be given grace during this time and feel strength from the people who love you. I hope that with time you will feel more joy than pain. All my love and prayers... I'm here if you need me.

Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Monday, March 22, 2004 12:30 AM CST
Lisa; I don't even know what to say. I sit here at work crying for a little girl & her family. I got the chills when I read the post. Life is not fair. I feel like I am revisiting Pam's sickness all over again. May your find the love & strength in your family, the litte girl who will become an angel & God. My thoughts & prayers are with your family & may Pam greet Savannah with open arms. I know she will not allow her to go up alone.
Paula (Pam's cousin) <pparisesmith@pmbankers.com>
Plainview, NY - Monday, March 22, 2004 12:18 AM CST
Lisa, you are all in our thoughts and prayers. I don't even know what to write...I'm just so sad for everyone.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR usa - Monday, March 22, 2004 12:11 AM CST
hello. I too just came onto Savannah's site, from a link on Ashley's site. Unfortunately, I found your stories because I am here looking at my little nephew's page. Last week, he was also diagnosed with pontine glioma, or a brain stem tumor. He is a 3 yr old little boy that is so full of life and love that it is so hard to believe that something like this could happen to these kids. Depsite how close Ryan and I am, I am only an uncle and cannot imagine how anyone can deal with the pain of a child with this disease; it is killing me. I too am an engineer and Rolla alumn and live in the St. Louis area so your story really hits home. If you could please add Ryan to your prayer list and keep him in your thoughts and hearts as he begins his seemingly impossible battle, both myself and my family will appreciate it. His name is Ryan Brown and he too has a web page here at Caring Bridge. Myself and my family will be thinking of you and your little Savannah as she continues her quest for victory over the same disease we are preparing to fight. Please stay strong and prove to us that this can be beaten. With all our Love, thoughts and Prayers, good luck Savannah.
Cory Ogle <teamgiantmtb@hotmail.com>
Eureka, Mo USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:54 AM CST
I am so very sorry ... May the angels keep you all embraced at this extremelly difficult time.
Lots of hugs from Brazil.

rose <rosecb@ipav.com.br>
- Monday, March 22, 2004 11:50 AM CST
Lisa ! ! ! I am here crying for you because I know too well how scared you are. This does suck. 17 months of Heaven being in Savannah's cuddle and you don't ever want it to end. I feel Heaven in my baby's laugh, words, everything - Thank you so much for posting and keeping us updated. We feel connected to you guys. Celeste's favorite animal is a meerkat - they stay huddled together when they're scared. I just think it's so appropriate for what we go through each day - Never knowing what each day holds is exhausting but we're here together, even though we'd rather be untouched from the cancer beast. Celeste sends her xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo's to Savannah Love to you all,
Tami & Celeste <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Monday, March 22, 2004 9:46 AM CST
Hello, I came to Savannah's site through another site, there are just too many sites for sick children... there SHOULD NOT be sick children. I read your entry today and shed my tears for you and your family. I pray for your family alot, I really pray Savannah gets better for herself, for you and your family. Please don't apologize when you ramble when you type, you deserve to write everything you write, you shouldn't have to defend yourself, you have a sick child and if I were in your shoes, I would be S-P-O-I-L-I-N-G my child just as your are! You're a good parent - Savannah is very lucky & special to have you! Please take care!
Jenn Hartley <ronjenn696@prodigy.net>
Bensalem, PA USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 7:05 AM CST
Shew-ieee! Spring Break is only hours from ending....and, what a constant, go-go-go experience this week was! I have to say that we absolutely loved visiting! It is always so fun to have our special sleep-overs, we are always looking forward to the next one before the current one has come to a close. Brooke and Sydney loved getting to stay Wednesday, you are a cool, fun mom.....especially the green eggs and hash brown potatoes, can't say that my girls had ever experienced that. My daddy would love it, he is "Mr. Irishman", as would my papaw.

I hope that your weekend with your parents went well and that with them there to help with the girls, and the million-bazillion other things you have going on all the time, that you were able to have some down time, some me-time and some Jerry-time. As I have said, what a precious man - so glad that you found each other. I can see that the relationship is 'reciprocal' - you do for him, he does for you and your kids so you do for him so he does for your and your kids....and, like the chicken egg thing (which came first), it doesn't seem to matter - you both do unconditionally for the other - very purely beautiful, especially with all the surrounding circumstances. Thanks for letting me see it, to be a part of it, just to experience it. It helps remind me to be selfless….although, I still haven’t had anyone draw a bath for me….good thing I can turn the water on myself!!

Well, have to work for a bit. Love to all. I hope, and am always praying, that Savannah is feeling well. My favorite part of the week was her glowing little smile and precious little giggle – what a blessing she always is,

Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, March 21, 2004 9:58 PM CST
Your journal entry takes my breath away because you articulate the experience of profound love so well, so very well. What a beautiful little girl. Yours. Always.

"And when you hear that song
come crying like the wind
it seems like all this life
was just a dream
Stella Blue"

M. Elton
Richmond, VA - Sunday, March 21, 2004 6:58 PM CST
Savannah, Lisa and Jerry,

I apologize for not signing more, but rest assured, you all are in our constant prayers and thoughts. I understand you are scared, we parents of children with tumors and cancer have all been there. We are praying that this is a bump in the road that is quickly overcome. God Bless you all and give Savannah a big hug from us.

Cheyenne's dad

Roy Fiveash <rfiveash@wcc.net>
San Angelo, Tx - Sunday, March 21, 2004 3:17 PM CST
Dearest Lisa, you are such a strong woman. Your tears are shared, prayers are joined,but questions go unanswered. No one will be able to ease your pain but many will be with you to give you strength. Lean on your friends, loved ones, and count on Cassie as your reason to carry on...

You are admired.


Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, NM usa - Sunday, March 21, 2004 10:40 AM CST
Lisa - I've never left a post before, but I've been following your sweet little girl here for quite a while. Some dear friends of mine lost their little boy (www.caringbridge.org/wa/kyle) in December 2002 after stem cell transplant at Duke for San Filippo syndrome. I follow Savannah and several other children every day....and I care very much what happens to them. My name is Liz; I'm a 47 year old single mother of a 10 year old little boy named Jake, who is healthy and means everything to me. I live in Sumner, WA, and work at Boeing. In the last 6 years, I've lost my father, my mother, and then my husband walked out and filed for divorce, saying in the papers that he has only let my sick mother (she had diabetes and renal failure) move in with us because he "thought she would die soon" - well, evidently she didn't die quickly enough for him. She's gone now (a year ago) and Jakey and I live alone. The death of my dad brought me to my knees and changed me life - but only for the better. God has blessed and upheld me through so much. I'm writing this now becuase your most recent journal entry has moved me beyond what I can express to you here. I always pray for Savannah's healing, but God's knowledge and plans are so far beyond us, and our plans. You mentioned how the quilts are evidence to you that some people really live their faith, and that it's not just rules. That's so true! A relationship with God is not about rules; and I've learned this too over the events of my life these last few years. My email is below if you ever want to talk. I love you, God loves you....I'm praying for you and your precious little girls. Take care -
Liz and Jake <flakeyjakester@msn.com>
Sumner, WA USA - Saturday, March 20, 2004 1:00 PM CST
I once again say what a wonderful mom and writer you are. Though we are strangers, our family is praying for yours. The photo of your daughter is SO BEAUTIFUL. She looks like a jewel beyond precious. You are so lucky to have the gift of being able to express your feelings so clearly and without the self consciousness that blocks so many writers.

Please know that so many people (even complete unknowns like us!) are in your corner so to speak and with you and your family in spirit.

New York, NY USA - Saturday, March 20, 2004 7:42 AM CST
Not sure what to say that you dont already know. Just have faith. There is already a plan, one that we can not control? Love your baby, just as you already are. Always in my thoughts and prayers,
Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Saturday, March 20, 2004 1:25 AM CST
It was wonderful to see ya'll this past weekend. Of course the visit was too short, but it was great that we were able to get together. I was surprised how intricate your tattoo is. They did a wonderful job capturing so much detail. During our visit, I thought Savannah looked good, and Cassie too for that matter. Savannah was in good spirits; I love hearing her laugh. She colored some beautiful pictures. I still have to connect with Chris to see what Savannah made me. Cassie, Ethan and Morgan played so well together too. I'm glad Jerry was able to join you so the rest of the gang could meet him. Plus it gave me a chance to thank him for being so good to my girls. I can understand why you call him your prince. I hope the slumber party was a big success. Sending lots of love your way.

Donna <dables@epsilon.com>
St. Louis, MO - Friday, March 19, 2004 3:24 PM CST
What an amazing portrait, the tatoo is absolutely beautiful, couldn't have been done nicer.

I've been visiting this site since late last year and admire the courage and love that you have. You are truly an amazing person and I do admire you. Your girls are very lucky to have you and vice versa.

I pray and think of you every day and am truly thankful that you are sharing your lives with all of us.

Take care, keep up your spirits and know that people every day are with you on your journey.

love from Toronto, Canada
Nancy Irving

Nancy Irving <bnirving@sympatico.ca>
Toronto, Canada - Friday, March 19, 2004 9:44 AM CST
What an amazing portrait, the tatoo is absolutely beautiful, couldn't have been done nicer.

I've been visiting this site since late last year and admire your courage and strength. You are truly an amazing person and I do admire you. Your girls are very lucky to have you and vice versa.

I pray and think of you every day and am truly thankful that you are sharing your lives with all of us.

Take care, keep up your spirits and know that people every day are with you on your journey.

love from Toronto, Canada
Nancy Irving

Nancy Irving <bnirving@sprint.ca>
Toronto, Canada - Friday, March 19, 2004 9:42 AM CST
Wow! The tattoo is amazing! I can see why you wanted to have it done, too. The artist did an incredible job. I agree with everyone else...Savannah is beautiful. An angel on earth is an understatement.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, ar usa - Friday, March 19, 2004 7:52 AM CST
Wow! Thats cool! I have been waiting to see it and it was worth the wait! :) Savannah is so beautiful..both of your girls are. I love the red hair. When was that picture of her taken? Always in my thoughts and prayers,
Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, March 18, 2004 10:30 PM CST
Hi Savannah - you are so very beautiful that I can't stop looking at your picture! Just beyond words for what a special little angel you are. We think about you a gagillion times a day and send you lots of butterfly kisses from here!

Lisa - Love the tattoo! ! ! It really captures her - and for Savannah, like I said - I'm beyond words... Beautiful is all I can say ! Love you guys,

Tami, Celeste's mom <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Thursday, March 18, 2004 8:05 PM CST
Thank you for putting up the pictures. Savannah has such AMAZING eyes and that is captured with your tattoo. We had to keep looking at her. Joey just stood there and stared at Savannah. He said she is the most colorful girl he has ever seen. He said he just couldn't stop looking at her and he is so right..... people used to tell me that about Sandy... that she just drew you in with her eyes... and I see that with Savannah... she is just so beautiful. Give Savannah a hug from us! Love, Lori and Joey

Cranesville, PA - Thursday, March 18, 2004 6:04 PM CST
That is the sweetest picture ever!!! The tattoo is wonderful. Can't wait to see it for real. I have looked at this picture so many times today, I decided to put it on my desktop as wallpaper. It makes me smile. I am sick that we missed the sleepover. Don't be surprised if we pop in really soon. I hear the girls loved their green eggs, green hashbrowns etc on St. Patricks Day!!! What a cool mom you are. Love to you all, Jennifer
Jennifer Skaggs <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
Russellville, ar usa - Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:40 PM CST
Oh my God, what a beautiful child. Tears in my eyes she is so beautiful. The tatoo is unbelievable, Wow. I see the Cassie bracelet, she managed to get her sister in there didn't she? Thank you for sharing that amazing picture.
Monica <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Thursday, March 18, 2004 11:40 AM CST
Oh, Lisa, the tattoo is BEAUTIFUL! What a wonderful picture of Savannah and an excellent reproduction, my compliments to your tattooist.

I love that song by Dido, always makes tears come to my eyes. 'Calling all Angels' and 'When I look to the Sky' by Train do as well ... there are some songs that seem to echo thoughts, fears, hopes, so well.

Thank you for the update, Nicole and I have been a bit concerned. So glad you got to go on a trip! Nicole and I will be going to Dallas soon for CyberKnife ... going to make it as fun as possible for her.

with much love,

Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, NM USA - Thursday, March 18, 2004 6:15 AM CST
I found your site on Cheyenne's page. I know exactly what you are talking about that the same old rule's don't apply anymore. When you have a child with a life threatning illness life takes a drastic turn, with many heartache's and many blessings. Take care.

Paula (Mitch's mom) <Phstyln@aol.com>
Vancouver, Wa - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 3:33 PM CST
~*~*~*Happy St. Patrick's Day*~*~*~

***Don't forget to wear your green today***

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 8:42 AM CST
Hi Savannah,
Just here to say....

~*~*~*HAPPY ST PAT'S DAY!*~*~*~

~*~*Girlie's Page*~*~

Lots of love,

Janice <janiceliew1981@yahoo.com>
Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 5:54 AM CST

Loved the journal entry. Understand totally and completely. You are always in our prayers and thoughts. God Bless.

Cheyenne's dad

Roy Fiveash <rfiveash@wcc.net>
San Angelo, Tx - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 11:34 PM CST
Savannah - hey there sweetheart! You were so busy on your vacation! Bet you had a lot of fun. Not a day goes by that you aren't in our thoughts and hearts, beautiful little spitfire you. Give mommy and sissy big, big hugs for me okay? We love you all.

Hi Lisa - friends and family are so very different... like in different planes of reality. I thank heaven every day for my one friend in the universe that treats me just about the same. One. As I've changed - so has everything around but that one person. We all need someone to be there for us as we go through this. I was so wrapped up in everything and it took an outside friend to tell me - you exist too! C'mon! You can't be much support for your little ones if you're a shell hun! And it just sunk in. My day was 02-19-03. I think I aged about at least 20 years on that day and have pictures to prove it... sigh... We have seen the most pain in the universe and that's sometimes what it takes I guess to experience the real joy. What a cruel way to be blessed but blessed nonetheless. You're such an inspiring mom. Thank you so much for always checking in on my baby. You know you guys feel like family to me. Aside from all that's going on, our girls are extraordinary. We have the big job of being their moms.... worrying about my little ones being able to know and remember their sister. It's a different existance, yet all of us parents here are on that same level with you & love each and every precious second. It's not easy to surrender and follow your heart but you're doing an awesome job. Love & ((((HUGS))))

Tami, mom to Celeste <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:54 PM CST
Hi Savannah, I hear you had a wonderful party !!!! and that you are eating A LOT - wow !!!! This is good plus the fact that you have the most incredible mother in the world !
Many kisses from Brazil.

rose <rosecb@ipav.com.br>
- Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:20 AM CST
Hi Savannah,

Sorry I have been so busy I haven't signed in awhile. You are still in our thoughts and prayers every day. I am redesigning Cheyenne's website, and have room for a link to your site, it you would like. Just email me and let me know. God Bless you sweet girl.

Cheyenne's dad

Roy Fiveash <rfiveash@wcc.net>
San Angelo, Tx - Monday, March 15, 2004 11:20 PM CST
Hi Savannah! We had such a great time at your party. You are such a good party planner! You are a very special and thoughtful little girl. We love the art work you gave us at the party. You are so creative. The Thank You Cards are so very creative too! Whitney really enjoyed making the birthday posters with Cassie in the garage for you. Have a good spring break this week. Tell Jerry, Cassie and your mom hi for us. We love you! Lindsey, Whitney and Andrea Bean
Andrea Bean <beana2326@yahoo.com>
- Monday, March 15, 2004 4:09 PM CST
Tick-tock, tick-tock.....counting the minutes until Tuesday. Can't wait to see everyone! Hope you are all having a fun, safe time! Love to all,
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, March 14, 2004 9:51 PM CST
~*~*~*Savannah & Family*~*~*~

Stopping by to wish all of you a wonderful weekend!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*My Little Angel Bear*~*~*~

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Saturday, March 13, 2004 5:40 AM CST
Happy Birthday Savannah! I am so glad you guys had such a wonderful weekend! It sounds like it was a blast. Lisa-- WHEN do we get to see pictures of the tattoo?? The suspense is killing me! :)
Have another great weekend, Hurley women.

Celeste Treadway-Leuzinger, m/o Maria, age 6 1/2, oligodendroglioma <celestetreadway@direcway.com>
Austin, TX - Friday, March 12, 2004 10:16 PM CST

"Hosanna, hey-sanna, sanna, sanna, ho
Sanna hey, sanna ho sanna...
hey JC, JC, you're all right by me..."

I haven't thought of _Jesus Christ Superstar_ in years...what great music for Easter. You sound like such a cool Mom. I'm glad the girls had a good birthday week.

M. Elton
Richmond, VA - Thursday, March 11, 2004 10:25 PM CST
Hi Savannah - just checkin' in on our sweet little spitfire friend. Your birthday party sounds like it was a lot of fun. So now you're 7 big girl ! Give your mommy lots of hugs from us. We wish we could be there to give you all a great big (((HUG))) Lots and lots of love,
Tami & Celeste <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Thursday, March 11, 2004 11:09 AM CST
Good Morning Lisa, Jerry, Cassie & Savannah: Thank you for the updates and Jerry, you are the tops! It is a real Godsend that you were sent to the Hurley girls and the girls to you. I am glad that the party was fun and Savannah, what an awesome thank you note. That is the prettiest one I have ever received...I am going to put it in my scrapbook. Thank you sooooooooo much. Cassie, I am glad you had a wonderful weekend with Irene also. Isn't it neat to share the fun times with a good friend? Take care family...I think of all of you often...Love, Paulette p.s. I loved "Jesus Christ, Superstar" old version...only one I have seen. Loved the music!!!!
paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, ar - Thursday, March 11, 2004 10:44 AM CST
Just checking on you all, and also, waiting for the picture of the tattoo!!! You are a perfect example of love. go for it. What will the next tattoo look like??

Mary Alice Dorschel mom of Lizzie age 11, germinoma <jay.dorschel@verizon.net>
suffolk, va - Thursday, March 11, 2004 6:50 AM CST
Long time- No post. Sorry. I have been wrapped up in my petty problems. sigh! I am so glad the girls' party went well. I wish Savannah had more energy for it though. I laugh at her when I'm with her and I can just hear her saying the things you describe!! She is sooo funny. I am so glad Cassie is doing well. I have been there and done that. Isn't it amazing? I hope we can get together soon! We think of you guys daily and pray for strength. You are an inspiration to us all. If you need anything, please call. We will get together at My new place- for sure!!! Spring is such a great time of year. I'd like to fly kites or something! Love to you all- Jennifer
Jennifer Skaggs <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
Russellville, AR - Wednesday, March 10, 2004 8:02 AM CST
Happy Birthday Savannah!!
Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 4:44 PM CST

Help! I have tried sending you an email but it keeps coming back undeliverable. Is your inbox too full...?

I am so glad Savannah had an awesome party. Your descriptions of her attitude just crack me up. Are you sure the tumor and steroids are to blame or is it just "Bossy Little Sister Syndrome?" I am raising one of those bossy little females. Add in the fact that Savannah is a redheaded little spitfire and you have your hands full. I am thrilled as you probably are that she still is full of fight and fire. Keeps life interesting - and never a dull momemt.

Would love to see pictures, pictures, and more pictures!!!!

Love, Monica <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:57 AM CST
By the way....we all want to see the TATOO! And, since you are already planning more, we should at least get a preview! Place photo on scanner, press new scan button, select scan area, scan, save, upload to site, click, click, click....we can all see it!!! LOL.....looking forward to visiting again soon,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:03 AM CST
Happy Birthday to Savannah & Cassie! Sounds like you all had a wonderful time. We all have the same birthday month! I will be 30 on the 16th! I think of you guys often & check the website everyday. Love to all.
Paula <pparisesmith@pmbankers.com>
Plainview, NY - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 9:32 AM CST
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Savannah, Happy Birthday to you!!! May you get lots of treats for your fridge and many smiles too!

I got mail from you yesterday! Thank you so much for the beautiful card and artwork, the girls and I cherish them. We are so happy you enjoyed your gifts (forgive the cotton candy, Lisa, I couldn't refuse).

So glad the party went well and that the day was enjoyable for you all.

Blessings, prayers, and lots of love sent your way.

Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, NM USA - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 7:23 AM CST
Happy Birthday Savannah! I hope you're having fun with those presents!!!
Lots and lots of love and hugs!!!

Sheri ~ http://www.caringbridge.org/la/cameron <yankee_cajun2001@yahoo.com>
Lafayette, LA - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 7:12 AM CST

Sending lots and lots of BIG 'Happy Birthday' hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*Missing School and NOT Happy About It*~*~*~

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 6:01 AM CST
Hi Lisa~Bryan and I check on Savannah and you all daily. Glad you had a special birthday party. We think of you all more than you can imagine and are thankful for the bright moments that you are enjoying with your family.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, ar usa - Monday, March 8, 2004 11:48 AM CST
Hey Lisa - the party sounds like it was really nice. We're quite experienced in pinatas around here too... Celeste's b-day is approaching (May 17) and I guess I need to be planning a party... it's sometimes hard for me to make plans and all but you know... the tattoo sounds like an wonderful idea. Tattoos are not for everyone, you're right but I've been wanting one too. So, why stop at one anyhow. I bet it will be beautiful and you're lucky to have your own personal artist to design it with such an angel in mind. One of these days I'll take time out and go do it too. Have to decide on what to have done though and here I am... discussing it with my 4 year old! lol Love to all of you,
Tami, Celeste's mom <blesssingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Monday, March 8, 2004 11:46 AM CST
So glad to hear the birthdays went well....we hated to miss the festivities! Brooke, Sydney and Abbie all competed this weekend at the year-end state-wide gymnastics competition at Barnhill in Fayetteville. All three girls did very well and have now wrapped up their competition season!! Yeah for all of us! We love the meets and the places we get to go, but it is tiresome and the break is welcomed by all.

We are all really looking forward to our own special private birthday party, picnic, cotton-candy-making, pickle juice drinking, dancing on the tables, whatever-we-want-to-do party!! Our Spring Break is next week, the 15th through the 19th. And, Miss Jennifer and Abbie will be hard working to pack and move to their new, beautiful home!! So, we have some busy weeks coming up…but would love get together soon!! We all need to really look at our calendars and see what / when we can do another girl party! And, we can all watch Jesus Christ Superstar and sing, sing, sing!

Looking forward to our date!! Love to all,

Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, March 8, 2004 11:35 AM CST
Glad to see that the party went so wonderful, You are an awsome Mom, Prayers for all Emily's mom
julie dearmond <dearmond57@hotmail.com>
lake forest, ca usa - Monday, March 8, 2004 9:26 AM CST

Dear Lisa and Savannah,

thinking of you with kenteIt has been what feels like forever since I signed the guestbook here. It is good to read good news. Lisa, I really love your writing and sense of humor. You and Savannah are in my thoughts and prayers.

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna


Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna <ehkuhall7@tacheiru.every1.net >
Columbus, GA USA - Monday, March 8, 2004 0:23 AM CST
Hi Lisa - that's too funny :) Celeste tells us that 'you're fired'... it hurt my stomach I laughed so hard the first time she said it. We don't watch much tv but I guess she sees enough to have picked up on it... funny because she does it just like Trump does... hope the party's lots of fun... hugs to all!
Tami, Celeste's mom <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Saturday, March 6, 2004 1:29 PM CST
lol @ "that was pleasant" (don't let Savannah see that, it may encourage her) :) I hope the party is awesome and the fridge gets filled. Happy Brithday to both of the girls! Always in my thoughts and prayers,

p.s. being a high school english teacher..correcting spelling comes naturally, but I wouldnt have mentioned it ;) Its the thought that counts.

Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Friday, March 5, 2004 11:43 PM CST
this is mommy signing the guestbook in regards to the painters entry. I couldn't stop laughing. I thought it was a joke. I probably hurt his feelings because he was so sincere. NOOOOOOOO, not that. He is not illiterate at all. Just can't type. I still laugh. I ought to print it for Cassie to correct. As an engineer, I struggle everytime I write angel (see, still got angles on the brain...trained in angles, just as jerry is...that is an easy mistake for me) I am really enjoying this. God love the man, I do.
mommy <m-lhurley@centurytel.net>
- Friday, March 5, 2004 5:46 AM CST
I sent something off but didn't know the girls had a birthday this month, I hope they like the card anyway ! I am glad Cassie had a nice birthday and hope Savannahs is nice as well! hugs!
georgia Foxworthy <geegee_66743@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, March 4, 2004 7:36 PM CST
Happy Birthday Lisa and Savannah,

I will try to send something soon. What do you both like these days? Lisa you do sound at peace, and blessedly calm. I truly think Jerry was sent to you for a reason. No coincidence there. I think of you all daily. Would love to see a picture of that tatoo!

Monica M. <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Thursday, March 4, 2004 12:55 AM CST
Happy birthdays to you cuties!!! We mailed Savannah something cozy for the sleepover..... she should get it in time. LOVE the fridge idea. We will have to send something to put in it. Have a great party. We love you!!!

Cranesville, PA - Thursday, March 4, 2004 12:27 AM CST
Hi All !!
Just sat down and read thru pages and pages. What a wonderful family you have turned into. Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to be a small part of your life. My wish for all of you...JOY...on these special days. I love you!!

Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, March 4, 2004 1:18 AM CST

russellville, ar usa - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 9:33 PM CST
Hi Lisa:

I didn't realize that your e-mail wasn't working. I bet you probably wondered why I sent a box with no note or cards. Well, my husband mailed the box before I could put the finishing touches in it. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSIE AND SAVANNAH. I HOPE THAT BOTH OF YOUR DAYS ARE TRULY AMAZING!

As for Savannah's new symptoms, I know that you must be so scared. I remember when Noelle could no longer walk alone and when her eye was fixed toward her nose. You are so right... I think that kids really do adapt more easily than we adults, and with less complaints. Just love her and love her and love her.... like I need to tell you that. We had so much more good time even after those particular symptoms came on. As for being menatlly alert: Noelle was alert until hours before her leaving us. That was a huge answer to all of our prayers. Knowing what this beast's next moves are going to be is like finding a needle in a haystack... it is almost impossible.

You are doing such an amazing job. There are so many people out there who continue to pray for you so often. I admire you for buying Savannah that fridge. It was so clever for Savannah to think of such a unique birthday gift!

Take care of yourself Lisa. I will continue to check on you girls... and Jerry!

Noelle and Nicholas's Page

Love in Him,

Wendy Baber <vbaber@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 4:09 PM CST
Happy Birthday Cassie! You are such a good big sister to Savannah and I'm so glad to have gotten to meet you. I think of you all all the time and pray for your family. Give mom a hug from me and let her know that I am here...
Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 12:09 AM CST
~ singing ~ Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Cassie ... be glad I am typing this cause I can't carry a tune . I hope you had a wonderful day today and got everything you wished for!

Lisa, I sent the girls a package to your house address. It should be there by Friday. I hope you enjoyed your day with your birthday girl and family!

Hello to Jerry!


Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, NM USA - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 10:12 PM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~*~*~*Here's to wishing you the most wonderful day possible. I apologize for not being able to wish you a happy one earlier, but I was just able to check Savannah's page and read it was your special day. May you be blessed with all of the happiness, love, presents and CAKE!!!*~*~*~

Sending lots and lots of BIG 'Happy Birthday' hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*My Little Angel Bear*~*~*~

Mrs. Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
#24 - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 2:49 PM CST
Happy Birthday Girls!!! I hope you have an awesome party on the 6th. It's my husbands birthday also and I'm having a surprise party for him. He's a little older then you guys though....LOL!!!! Keep your Mommy and Jerry smiling they love you both so much!!!!
Hohni <hohniw@bevcomm.net>
Elmore, MN - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 12:15 AM CST
Happy Birthday Savannah! I hope you have a wonderful day and a very very fun birthday party!!!!
(you don't know me but I came to your sight through another caringbridge site and have been checking on you every week! I hope that is ok!)

Karis Scott <Karis@byco.net>
- Tuesday, March 2, 2004 9:33 AM CST
Congratulations on your decision! Lisa, people who are truly your friends and have your best interest at heart will not see it as "shacking up". Having a 'welcome into the family' ceremony to celebrate the occasion ... after all, it is the start of a wonderful new family.

Savannah is very wise ... listen to your Angel's.


Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, NM usa - Sunday, February 29, 2004 10:17 AM CST
Come on...give country music a little break!! :) Sounds like a busy birthday week! Good luck on that one! Always in my thoughts and prayers :)
Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Saturday, February 28, 2004 11:09 PM CST
Hello, Savannah's card was so sweet I always look forward to them, I also understand if I don't get one! if you have time send me your e-mail so i can send you e-cards!
georgia Foxworthy <geegee_66743@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, February 28, 2004 11:19 AM CST
Greetings Lisa, Savannah, Cassie, and Jerry ... I am so glad you are having a good day, Lisa. Did Savannah decide what she wants in her fridge? Nicole would love to send her a birthday gift ... is someone else have a birthday also? I recall birthday's being plural in one of your posts. If sending a gift to the birthday girls is okay with you please email me your address so they will be there for the party.

So you are showing a little nipple? Your scanner will have a program you can crop it out or cover it up. If you can't figure it out I will crop it for you ... better yet, how about a happy face pasty?

Of course your girls are hooked on Jerry, they know their Mommy deserves to be happy and he does that for you. Just listening to how good he treats you and all the special things he does for your family has me hooked too!

It is snowing here today. The girls are crossing their fingers for a snowball fight ... will build a snowman for you Savannah!


Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, NM USA - Saturday, February 28, 2004 9:55 AM CST
That child of yours is one after my very own heart!! A refrigerator....a place to keep yummies! You go girl, Brooke, Sydney and I can't wait to bring some yummy snacks to help stock your fridge! We are home all day Saturday as our gymnastics meet was tonight (Friday) in Fort Smith - wish we had known you girls would be there and we could have met for lunch....again, Miss Lisa (this Miss Lisa) thinking of her yummies!!! We are so ready to get together again. I will try and call over the weekend to see what kind of schedule the girls have. It seems like when we are here, you are gone......but we will MAKE it happen. Love to all!
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Saturday, February 28, 2004 0:20 AM CST
Hello sweet Savannah, Cassie and Lisa,

It's been a while since I signed in but I check in on you girls often. Wow a fridge of your very own....very cool! Lisa, I think the tatoo is a wonderful tribute to a very beautiful girl. You are in my thoughts take care.

Melanie (Isaac's mom) Caringbridge.org/wa/isaac <mtropple@comcast.net>
Vancouver, wa - Friday, February 27, 2004 9:33 PM CST
Hi Lisa, just checking in with you and your family. We are thinking about you all the time and wish you the most peace, strength, and enjoyable moments possible.

P.S. I was interested to learn about this "wine bottle" phenomenon...I thought it only came in boxes :)

Love, Joel (and Ann)

Joel and Ann Brand
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:15 PM CST
Just want to let you know I was here and thinking about you and saying a prayer for all of you
Sharon <sholweger5@yahoo.com>
Dardanelle , - Thursday, February 26, 2004 6:21 PM CST
I hope the eye patch helped. I like the idea of a refrigerator (for popsicles?)... thank you for the updates. We don't know you in real life, but we check your website often and keep you in our hearts.
This song reminded us of both of you today when we heard it on the radio, especially the line "I'd rather be with you."
And to the OTHER Jerry -- you are an angel sent. We don't know you in real life, but we love you, too, for the gifts you bring to these special ladies.
Standing on the moon (Hunter/Garcia)
I got no cobweb on my shoe
Standing on the moon
I'm feeling so alone and blue
I see the Gulf of Mexico
As tiny as a tear
The coast of California
Must be somewhere over here - over here

Standing on the moon
I see the battle rage below
Standing on the moon
I see the soldiers come and go
There's a metal flag beside me
Someone planted long ago
Old Glory standing stiffly
Crimson, white and indigo - indigo

I see all of Southeast Asia
I can see El Salvador
I hear the cries of children
And the other songs of war
It's like a mighty melody
That rings down from the sky
Standing here upon the moon
I watch it all roll by - all roll by

Standing on the moon
With nothing else to do
A lovely view of heaven
But I'd rather be with you

Standing on the moon
I see a shadow on the sun
Standing on the moon
The stars go fading one by one
I hear a cry of victory
And another of defeat
a scrap of age-old lullaby
Down some forgotten street

Standing on the moon
Where talk is cheap and vision true
Standing on the moon
But I would rather be with you
Somewhere in San Francisco
On a back porch in July
Just looking up to heaven
At this crescent in the sky

Standing on the moon
With nothing left to do
A lovely view of heaven
But I'd rather be with you - be with you

M. Elton
Richmond, VA - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 5:04 PM CST

Dear Savannah and Lisa,

hopeful narcissus
This is just to let you know that both you and your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully the chemo will reduce the tumor so the double vision goes away. Best of luck to the both of you and what does Savannah want to put in her private fridge?

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna <ehkuhall7@tacheiru.every1.net >
Columbus, GA USA - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 1:16 PM CST
Just letting you know that you are still on our thoughts and prayers every day. God Bless.

Cheyenne's dad

Roy Fiveash <rfiveash@wcc.net>
San Angelo, Tx - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 11:31 PM CST
Yes, I would like a bubble bath drawn for me, too. Lisa, we pray for YOU, and we pray for Savannah and Cassie every night. Can't tell you how often you are in my thoughts, and I have never even met you face to face! Moms connect to other moms who also love their kids and would give their lives for them. You help me see the miracle in each day that God gives me with my babies...each day...ordinary things that I observe them doing...I can see the gift of it all. And I am thankful for each day.
Continuing to pray for more and more good days for you all and strength for the travel.

Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR USA - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 9:39 PM CST
Hello Hurley girls and "Friend". I'm so happy that you have had an "anniversary". I have never ever had a bubble bath drawn for me! I feel your frenzy through your words. Remember, call anytime you need anything. We are here to help! Love you all! Jennifer
Jennifer Skaggs <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
Russellville, ar 72801 - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 9:17 AM CST
Hello Hurley ladies: Just thinking about you this morning. Savannah, I never thought to tell you that when my granddaughter Whitney was born, one of the names I picked for her was Savannah Rose. Mom and Dad had the final say, of course, but that is how much I love that name. Lisa, I too think that Jerry was an angel handpicked for you. If a man can glow, he does when I see him with you girls. Love and Kisses Paulette
paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, ar - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 8:39 AM CST
Hi Lisa - I wanted to e-mail or call you and can't find either around here... doesn't suprise me. my address book ends up all over the house but I know it's here somewhere... until I find it, I wanted to say hello here and let you know that Celeste has been wanting to make something for Savannah for a long time. She made her a 'groovy' necklace and sent grandma to the p.o. with it. She insists on certain things, you know. She sent it with some pictures that she made. If only we weren't so far from each other... She got something together for Valentine's day and we finally sent it out today. Please forgive us for being so late but I thought you'd understand :) Celeste likes Valentine's day stuff all year. You would think that it's Christmas. Anyhow, thank you for introducing us to the Chemo Angels - Celeste is now enrolled and has just started to get her Chemo Angel mail. It's awesome! Hers is a pediatric Hem/Onc nurse and she really takes time to write letters and is such a caring angel. You were right about Lori & Joey (I remember you talking about how wonderful they are). They have to be some of the nicest people walking this earth. Wonderful. Small world - fortunately I guess. We love you guys! Hoping to check in soon and hear that Savannah's counts are waaaay up!
tami & celeste <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Monday, February 23, 2004 9:35 PM CST
Hey Lisa - Celeste's counts dipped like that too. They were even talking about doing a transfusion and then they recovered to acceptable. Now they're great. There's never a dull moment in our lives, is there? sigh... Well, we think about you guys all the time. Can't wait to see the tattoo. Love, Tami
http://www.caringbridge.org/pa/celeste <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Sunday, February 22, 2004 2:04 PM CST
Lisa, Hope you know that we are always keeping up with you and your family through the web site. We continue to pray for all of you (we know God answers prayers, JERRY! has been sent to you). We will continue to pray for you all. We are ready for our picnic with Savannah anytime, please let us know a good time for you all and we will make it happen! I love you all and am here to do anything I can for you, please let me!
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, February 22, 2004 1:55 AM CST
Congratulations on the anniversary. That is awesome that you have found somsone so caring! About the cell phone, I have often been bugged by "those" people at first but then ahve thought within minutes that it could be an emergency... You never know. Glad to hear that everyone was okay and Samantha was just being a mommy's girl :) Oh yeah! Stillwaiting for the pictures of the tattoo :P Always in my thoughts and prayers,
Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Saturday, February 21, 2004 11:09 PM CST
Hi Savannah, Remembering you in my prayers. Jesus loves you and so do I. Stop in at Smile Quilts, http://smilequilts.com We would love to make you a Smile Quilt. Love and prayers, Angel Sprite

Smile Quilts Angel Sprite <smilequilts@smilequilts.com>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Saturday, February 21, 2004 1:50 AM CST
Dear lisa, looking forward to seeing your picture of Savannah, You are braver than I. Remember there are lots of people praying for you and yours and God can cure anything thing Emily is an example of his work. Prayers always, Julie, Emily's mom
julie dearmond <dearmond57@hotmail.com>
- Friday, February 20, 2004 11:01 PM CST
All I can say is GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR TWO GIRLS!!! I came across your page through Katia's and I spent the about 6 hours reading your journal. Wow you are such a strong and positive person. I hope every kid is lucky enough to have such a wonderful mother, and every mother is lucky enough to have wonderful kids like yours. Please stay strong and I will check back for updates and pray daily for Savannah!
Shanna <ShannaLnicholes@aol.com>
lakeland, FL - Friday, February 20, 2004 3:08 PM CST
Hi Lisa~Bryan told me that you were concerned with ADHD stuff pertaining to Cassie. Boy, can I talk turkey with you on that one! We have been through several meds, but I think we have finally found the right mix. At least Andrew finally thinks good things about himself (and I am not going crazy.) People knock the drugs, but let me tell you, they have given us sanity, and they have given him confidence. I hope that you see immediate improvements with Cassie. For us, it is almost like the light switch is on when he takes his meds, and he can actually obey and stop bouncing around everywhere. Hang in there.
Jennifer Cook <jencook@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, ar usa - Thursday, February 19, 2004 9:11 PM CST
Just here to say hey & send our love & (((hugs))) your way,
Tami & Celeste <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Thursday, February 19, 2004 11:27 AM CST
still thinking of you often. my sis got a tattoo of a corndog on her arm with "jaydog" written on it in ketchup. that is what he told her that he wanted so she did it. i will post a picture of it on the site soon. so tell your mom be grateful for what you did get. it could be crazier!
riannon jays momma <riannonkids@yahoo.com www.caringbridge.org/ca/jaydog>
san leandro, ca - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 8:11 PM CST
Hope she has a wonderful party and it all works as planned and dreamed by her.
Lots of kisses from Brazil.
PS.: statistics are a crazy thing, it did not work for my father and sometimes we can have good surprises.

Rose <rosecb@aps.com.br>
- Wednesday, February 18, 2004 1:27 PM CST
I think the tatoo is a great idea. I also got one in honor of my son, my sisters did too. It's a healing angle. It hurt like heck. I'm glad to hear the MRI was stable. That is good news. Take care.


Paula (Mitch's mom) <Phstyln@aol.com>
Vancouver, Wa - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 7:38 AM CST
Greetings Lisa, I am happy that Savannah is doing well and getting ready to celebrate her 7th birthday! Are the girl's birthdays close together? I am sorry that Cassie was placed on meds but hope they help her focus.

Blessings to you and yours,

Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
belen, nm usa - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 6:57 AM CST
Hi Lisa:

I'm all for the March Birthday Party going until or even into school on Monday. I wanted that MRI to show complete stability, in the very least, for Savannah. Sending a hug.


Anne Saputo <annesaputo@aol.com>
- Tuesday, February 17, 2004 10:42 PM CST
The word stable ! Woooohooo ! I read your journal & when I read that word, my heart skipped a beat. 7th birthday. 16 months since dx. Quite stable. That's so very much to celebrate ! I'll be hoping & praying that the hydrocephalus doesn't worsen. Celeste was extremely symptomatic with it at diagnosis & had an emergency shunt op. She recovered really quickly from it.

Sorry to hear about Cassie's ADHD. A relative of mine was recently dx. It's a constant struggle nut she's prevailing.

Can't wait to see the tattoo...


Celeste's site <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 10:12 PM CST
Hi Girls,
Thinking of you all (a lot) here in rainy CA. Hope you are ok. Any updates coming soon?

Jan <tamayo2@sbcglobal.net>
Sacramento, CA - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 7:03 PM CST
Hello and just thinking of you girls....How is the tattoo healing? I will never think of tattoos the same. What a WONDERFUL idea. Love and Kisses XOXOXOXO Paulette
paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
- Tuesday, February 17, 2004 10:57 AM CST
Hey Sunshine! I see that no matter what, you've got that smile shining through! You're a very special young lady and after reading everything here - your mom is a pretty special person too! And mom - don't worry about the tattoos! I have 5 of them (one of those mid-life things!)
A memorial to Savannah and Cassie that you can carry with you forever - it's an awesome sight. Hang tough ALL OF YOU!
Your special friend, Mrs. Linda Hoover

Linda Hoover <secureangel@aol.com>
Zion, IL USA - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 8:21 AM CST
(((HUGS))) from here to Arkansas and then some! Love you guys & thinking about you...
Tami (Celeste's proud mama) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Sunday, February 15, 2004 11:18 PM CST
Thinking of you and praying for you. Keep strong sweetie!

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <rennedowler@aol.com>
Washington, PA - Sunday, February 15, 2004 7:23 PM CST
Dear Lisa:

Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day, and all is well with Miss Savannah.


Anne Saputo <annesaputo@aol.com>
- Saturday, February 14, 2004 4:35 PM CST
Dearest Savannah


Chris Ullrich - Bella's Grammy <c_ullrich@msn.com, www.caringbridge.com/page/isabellaledesma>
- Saturday, February 14, 2004 11:53 AM CST
Wishing you, your family and your loved ones the most ~*~*~*Happiest Valentine's Day*~*~*~ ever!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Shannon, Jeff & Samantha Therese <humphity319@aol.com>
- Saturday, February 14, 2004 8:18 AM CST
Hi Savannah,It was good hearing from you yesterday. Hope you enjoy the Valentine gifts. Valentine Angel Michalina
Philadelphia, Pa USA - Friday, February 13, 2004 6:03 AM CST
Hmm? Im waiting for pictures of the tattoo!! :) I pray that you are getting precious time with your girls and having fun :) In His Strong Love,
Cassamdra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, February 12, 2004 11:03 PM CST
Lisa, hoping and praying that no news is good news (relatively speaking). Love to all,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, February 12, 2004 1:10 PM CST
Hello my names is Jenna and I came across Savanah's website.
Savannah, I love your smile and you are a real trooper and fghter in life.

Jenna <hockeykid@telus.net>
kamloops, BC Canada - Thursday, February 12, 2004 1:14 AM CST
We want pictures!!!! (of your tattoo) Hoping Savannah is doing great
Lisa-From Minnesota - 6 inches of snow today,ick! <lmoser@doglover.com>
forest lake, mn - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 5:55 PM CST
Hi Lisa,
Lost this website address for a bit, and hadn't seen any posts from you recently on the PBT list-- glad you posted recently so I could find this site again and catch up on Savannah. Please give her a big hug from a stranger in Texas, tell her I send positive thoughts her way every day-- I keep her name on a desktop "stickie note" list on my computer, "People to think about every day (instead of myself...)".

I think your tattoo is way cool, can't wait to see the picture. Too bad your parents don't approve, but you know what? They'll get over it! I'm nearly 40 years old and my mother can still drive me crazy, still tries to tell me to take my vitamins, go to church, etc... oh well, I know her hen-pecking is only because she loves me. Doesn't make it annoy me any less, but I'll get over that, too...
Take care,
(m/o Maria, oligodendroglioma, resected 11/02)

Celeste Treadway-Leuzinger <celestetreadway@direcway.com>
Austin, TX - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 10:56 AM CST
Morning Lisa:

Just checking in - hoping, hoping that Savannah's MRI showed improvement or, in the least, stability yesterday.


Anne Saputo <annesaputo@aol.com>
- Wednesday, February 11, 2004 7:04 AM CST
Hope everthing went well today. Had you all in my thoughts all day. Love you tons!
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Tuesday, February 10, 2004 11:11 PM CST

Wishing you lots o' luck as you head in to get your MRI done today. I'm pretty sure it was today, but if I'm wrong I'm very sorry. I hope all goes well for you, hon!


I'm glad to hear you're happy with the way your tattoo turned out. I got one last year, not a potrait, for Samantha and I LOVE it! It came out looking great and it was exactly what I wanted. My Mom approved, she was with me when I got it, but my Dad still refuses to even look at it. It's on my left shoulder, so he stands on my right if I'm wearing a tank top or something else that will reveal what I've done. This coming from a man who has 2 himself. Go figure!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*Samantha Therese*~*~*~

Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
- Tuesday, February 10, 2004 8:24 AM CST

So I read your last post and had it in my mind about how we are never to old to dread and experience the disapproval of our parents. Then I get a call from Leslie (formerly of Eric and Leslie) and she is telling me about a family situation where she's DREADING THE DISAPPROVAL OF HER PARENTS. I of course was primed to talk about it. Funny how that works.

I hope Mark is doing better. Good luck with your parents. I think you'll be getting alot of leeway (sp?) given your situation. I'd use it to my advantage..it can't hurt. I remember when my friend Chrisy (dx cancer at age 15) was sick. When my mom was reluctant to allow me to travel with her she said, "Tell her I really want you to go." Then she giggled, knowing my mom would be hard pressed to cheat a dying girl out of a simple wish like camping. So I did. My mom let me go and we laughed our butts off. We were a couple of stinkers. It was fun and I was so glad I got to go. So, never underestimate your ability to win over your parents. You ARE their little girl and you know what that means.

Have a great week,

Mary Lohmann <ctlohmann@msn.com>
- Monday, February 9, 2004 10:05 PM CST
Praying for all of you, including the father of your children.
Jennifer G <charay913@yahoo.com>
Texas United States - Monday, February 9, 2004 9:28 PM CST

Love to you and your girls. Your journal is amazing.

M. Elton
Richmond, VA - Monday, February 9, 2004 9:01 PM CST
Lisa, I temporarily lost this address and so I just read a month of updates. For some reason the tattoo does not surprise me. It was a wonderful idea; I can't wait to see it. I didn't know it was even possible to tattoo portraits. Lately Corey has been wanting to look at the pictures from our November visit. He ask where Cassie and Savannah are? I'll let him know I 'talked' to you today. We love you.
Donna Ables <dables@epsilon.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Monday, February 9, 2004 3:50 PM CST
Hello There, I will keep you and the girls in my prayers and even their dad! Thanks for sharing this link with me I hope things and you get to feeling better! hugs!
georgia Foxworthy <geegee_66743@yahoo.com>
- Monday, February 9, 2004 12:32 AM CST
Hi dear Savannah, stopped by just to give you a BIG kiss from Brazil and tell you to "keep swimming" like Dori, the fish, said in Nemo´s movie.
Rose <rosecb@aps.com.br>
- Monday, February 9, 2004 11:12 AM CST
Sorry everyone feeling yucky there. I can't wait to see the tattoo. I also would love to know how Savannah reacted when she saw it! I will pray for a nice, calm, loving visit with your family. Continue to be strong, the solid rock for your precious children / family! Please tell Jerry how much we all appreciate the care he takes of our special Hurley girls. Love to all,
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, February 8, 2004 10:30 PM CST
Hi Lisa - can't wait to see the tattoo! Hope you all feel better soon. Glad to hear that Savannah doesn't have a UTI... whew... like our little ones need more to deal with... Love ya,
Tami <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Sunday, February 8, 2004 4:36 PM CST
Lisa, sorry you are getting sick ... goodness knows there is never time for that to happen. Hope you all three get to feeling better soon. Can't wait to see the new pictures!

Will send prayers out that way for the girls father along with the continued ones for the rest of you all!

Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
belen, nm usa - Sunday, February 8, 2004 3:36 PM CST

Wow a Savannah tattoo! I can not wait to see a picture. You are one strong woman....ouch...I imagine it was painful.
What a beautiful thing for you to do.

Your friends,
Susan and Jake

- Sunday, February 8, 2004 9:10 AM CST

Dear Savannah and Lisa,

elephant on a roll
Wow what a mix of news! Though tattoos are against my religion, I would love to see yours. I hope Cassie gets over her illness and that Savannah DOES NOT have a bladder infection. Congrats on the tatoo and you and both your daughters are in my thoughts and prayers.

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna <ehkuhall7@tacheiru.every1.net >
Columbus, GA USA - Saturday, February 7, 2004 0:00 AM CST

I can't wait to see that tattoo!! I hope you will post a picture of it. I have a digital camera but it won't do you any good being so far away. I haven't had beer and the Grateful Dead together in a while. Maybe that's what I need! I'm glad to hear you talk about the sweet spots. I hope your babies are feeling better...hope Cassie's fever has come down. Not much to say here. It's the end of the day and I'm out of gas once again. Have a great day you tattooed Deadhead mommy chick!

Love, Mary

Mary Lohmann <ctlohmann@msn.com>
- Friday, February 6, 2004 9:22 PM CST
Ok- so did it hurt? What did Savannah and Cassie think??? Get a picture on here. I can't wait to see!!! The girls loved their valentine's from Savannah! They oohed and awed and said what pretty handwriting she has!!! She is such a dear sweet friend to them. Anything she says or does is AMAZING to them. Even the sticker on the baggie impressed them. Kids are so funny!

Sorry Cassie isn't feeling well. She may have that yucky flu that I had. I hope not though. I'm so glad you have such a devoted and sweet man there with you. Talk about God providing... where do you think he came from?

Well, better get back to work myself. Hope to see you all soon. Love and hugs,


Jennifer Skaggs <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
Russellville , AR USA!!! - Friday, February 6, 2004 12:27 AM CST
I can't wait to see the tattoo. What a wonderful idea ... mind if I borrow it from you? To those who do not like it, tell them to get over it. Life is too short to live trying to please anyone but those who are truly important in your life, yourself being first on that list! Those who are important, your Prince and children, gave you the thumbs up before you even did it.

I hope Cassie gets well soon and that Savvanah doesn't have an infection. Very best wishes and good thoughts your way.


Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, nm usa - Friday, February 6, 2004 9:02 AM CST
Wow! When you make your mind up to do something....you don't waste any time! I can't wait to see it. If you take a picture, I will come by over the weekend and get it. I can scan it and e-mail it to you to upload (like we did the swimming picture). That way you can share it with everyone!

Sorry to hear that Cassie is feeling yucky, Brooke came home from school today too - she said she had a tummy ache and cried until I got to the school. I think hers was only separation anxiety from her sister and/or Mommy...she miraculously recovered quickly and completely when I arrived to take her home. Anyway, it was a day of hooky (or hickey, as Sydney calls it!) for her and I think she enjoyed the down time, don't seem to get much of that these days.

Well, we will be praying for the Hurley girls and their "Prince" in Shining Armor or “Amour”!! Let me know if you want me to come pick up a picture and scan it!! Love to all,

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Friday, February 6, 2004 0:00 AM CST
Wow! I bet the tattoo is awesome! I am so glad you got it and it does sound like it was meant to be :) I pray the girls feel better soon. Always in my thoughts and prayers,
Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, February 5, 2004 11:05 PM CST
Dear Lisa

I don't even know you, and I came to your site by accident. I have an eight year old daughter who is adopted from China. Last summer, another child the same age, also adopted from China named Marissa Burghart was ill and my daughter followed her updates, sent her cards, letters, etc.

I want to tell you, Lisa, what a wonderful and articulate mother I think you are. You write so beautifully and your thoughts about your daughter Savannah are so amazing. I wish you and both of your daughters luck, love, hope, everything good. We are praying for your family, even from far away.

With love

Ridgefield , CT USA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 2:46 PM CST
I have you on my mind today too. prayers

Sharon <sholweger5@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, February 5, 2004 1:17 PM CST
Just thinking of you all this morning...
Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Thursday, February 5, 2004 8:40 AM CST
Stopped by just to send warm hugs from Brazil.
Rose <rosecb@aps.com.br>
- Thursday, February 5, 2004 7:28 AM CST
Lisa - the tattoo sounds perfect... I've wanted one for some time too but can't decide on what I'd want yet... it may be one of Celeste's heart sunshines that she draws a lot... anyway, I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I'm thinking about you guys all the time and I'm so glad to see that you can still find yourself through all this. It's so hard to get past the cancer world and to think of you dancing just sets my heart free too! hmmm... I'll have to take out some of my Grateful Dead CD's... Give sweet Savannah xoxoxoxoxoxo's from us,
Tami <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
freezing, pa - Thursday, February 5, 2004 2:16 AM CST
Greetings Lisa, Please post or send a picture of the tattoo once it is complete! Will be thinking of you during your experience. Sending hugs to Savvanah and the girls!


Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
belen, nm usa - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 8:26 PM CST
just thinking about you and the "tattoo", i hope it doesnt hurt too bad!!!!
lisa <lmoser@doglover.com>
forest lake, mn - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:52 PM CST
Well, you two made my day today!!! A valentine delivered by a little Cutie Pie!!! Thanks for stopping by. It was great to see you today and the other night. Thank you so much for coming to my Party- even though I was barely there. You even brought a much needed gift!!! Thank you. Hope to see you girls very soon. And I'm going to deliver your valentine's tonight and laugh when Brooke and Sydney's tongue and lips turn blue from their suckers!!!! Can't wait to see the tatoo!!! I hope it can do justice to the real life beauty that Savannah possesses. Good luck and I hope it doesn't hurt too bad!!
Jennifer <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
Russellville , ar 72801 - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 2:19 PM CST
Well, you made me smile today! A tattoo of Savannah - very cool. Good for you. Enjoy.


Anne Saputo <annesaputo@aol.com>
- Tuesday, February 3, 2004 8:40 AM CST
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa....you go girl! Do not worry about what any of us think - freak, about a tattoo! Please, you are the most sane person I know, and the one with the most reason not to be! You do what makes YOU feel good, and if that is it....more power to you girl. I am sure that Savannah will think it is too awesome that she will 'be with you always and forever' in her young, sweet and innocent 6-year old image! (ooo, but I think it might be painful, better take one of those beer sippers!)

"Off the Savannah note. There are two things that are unattractive. Fear and jealousy. I got to witness both of these Friday. Different situations. I don't tolerate either well. How the hell can someone be scared of me? Blows my mind." Girlfriend, most anyone who knows you has to be jealous of your steadfastness, jealous of your composure, jealous of your surety...you are an excellent woman, a woman that many people aspire to be and can only sit back and watch you be that person that they want to be and in the midst of such adversity! Scared...afraid that they could never be the person that you are, with or without the issues that you face in life. Take it as a compliment, a back-handed one sadly, but remember that all are amazed by what you can do, by what you do each and every day, and by who you are as a person. Not only do we all see your strength, courage and love tending to the needs of your child(ren), we see you feeding others in your situation - allowing yourself to feel their pain with them and encourage them all along the way. And, making time for others – never making anyone feel like their needs are any more minor than yours, even when truly they must most certainly seem to be. A selfless, wonderful woman! YOU!

Just take all the time you can, as you are, to enjoy your precious child, your God-given gift. Thanking Him always for your time not only with her, but with the special things and people she has opened your eyes to. I love you very much and have so much respect and admiration for who you are able to be throughout all of this. You are truly an example of honest, fully expressed love.

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, February 2, 2004 9:58 PM CST
Lisa, Im praying that the chemo is working and that Savannah will have more time with you. I Think the Tattoo Is a special memorial of savannah. What ever YOU are comfortable with its your body. I hope the tatto doesnt hurt to get done. Im glad you have jerry in your life he sounds like a great guy! Well i need to check on some other kids I just wanted to say Your in our prayers everyday. Keep singing and dancing!
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
In - Monday, February 2, 2004 9:52 PM CST
Correction (it's late) - have often said that I would trade MEETING ALL the absolutely wonderful, beautiful souls that I have met through this for a healthy child. I would never trade the souls - that just came out in my typing and didn't make sense! Sorry :)
Tami <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Monday, February 2, 2004 3:26 AM CST
Lisa, That's great that Savannah is a good medicine taker as is Celeste. Can you imagine if we had to fight about taking medicine? Our little ones are doing such an amazing job fighting this beast of a tumor. I hope the chemo will in fact kick tumor booty. Kick tumor booty. I will repeat this as my mantra... Hope that the PT and OT get easier. There were days when Celeste crawled through her sessions. It was horrible and look at her now - she's doing all the things I hoped and prayed for. Our girls shouldn't have to go through this. I know I get a lot of criticism from family about saying that - or, making unreal wishes... but it's just never going to seem right or acceptable to me. Seeing your child struggle through all the normal everyday things is more than we should have to endure as parents.

I know what you mean about lifetime! We have the rest of our lifetime to worry about the negative stuff if we have to so why bother thinking about that now? If we have to be negative at some time, well - we will have to live in that reality. Let us parents enjoy the positive things of our lives and keep the hope going for miracles and TIME!

No parent should have to make these decisions either. I'm at that point ALL THE TIME. In your heart, you will do what's right - no one can make these decisions but you and that's just it. I mean, in a way that makes things harder but you will do what's right and don't ever beat up on yourself because Savannah is such a reflection of the wonderful mom that you are. You're her protector in this universe and you will always do what you can to help her.

We are very different people through all this and how can we ever be what we were again? I often struggle with this. I struggle with keeping Celeste 100% pure joy and happiness with all those around us too!!! Thank you for saying it!!! I try so hard to keep everything good and happy and know exactly what you mean. Let's throw all that gets in the way of our happiness out the window !!! I'll be honest, I've lashed out once for that same reason. I'm not suggesting that you do that, but it did measurable good. There are still those uneffected... and I'd like to change it but they're the types of people that may have lost the ability to understand life. It's like, our girls are here to bring us to understand these things!!! Let yourself love, people!!! How else could parents through this exist?

I have often said that I would trade all the absolutely wonderful, beautiful souls that I have met through this for a healthy child. It makes me cry too. We're not those people that would have EVER taken things for granted in the first place. It sucks but we're here and thank God, we're not alone. I only wish that we could get together. We'd have to bring a truckload of kleenex to sop up all the tears.

You're absolutely one of the most amazing people on this planet and don't let the other stuff all around get to your spirit. I'll be praying that Savannah is back to her little spitfire ways & SOON!

Love ya,

Tami (Celeste's mom) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pittsburgh, pa - Monday, February 2, 2004 3:23 AM CST

orange lily thinking of youWow what poignant and lucid updates. Please go find out about the surgical options that Savannah has available. Knowledge can not hurt either you or your daughter. If you decide "no" then it will be with full knowledge instead of just feelings. If you decide "yes," you will understand the risks and posible rewards.

I hope that this round of chemo works and extends both Savannah's quantity and quality of life. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Best wishes to you and your entire family.

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna <ehkuhall7@tacheiru.every1.net >
Columbus, GA USA - Sunday, February 1, 2004 1:38 PM CST
Oh Lisa,

As usual, your entry has touched my heart. Here I sit at work, bawling my eyes out. Your journal entry is on the exact topic that has been on my heart for these last few days. I have been thinking alot about the "what if's." I wish I had known then what I know now (too little too late). I then have to remind myself that Leilani would not have wanted the "what if's." I guess in my heart I know that we did the right thing. In my heart I know that it was the way that SHE wanted it, yet my selfish heart struggles with the "what if's" I miss her so much that I cant help but wonder. At one point, her tumor was reduced 90% with the radiation! "What if" we would have supplemented that with chemo or protocel? My greatest struggle lately has been to remind myself that Leilani WANTED to go Home. She told me that she loved me, but she would wait for me in heaven. 4 days before she died she asked me to kill her. It broke my heart. But little girls want to run and play and giggle...and as you said--BE HAPPY! When she could no longer do those things she did not want to be here anymore. She wanted to go to heaven....to be HAPPY!

The other day, while cleaning, I found a journal that I had kept of her progress after diagnosis. In one entry I remembered something that I had completely forgotten! One day, out of the blue, she said "God is my medicine!" I said "what?" and she repeated "God is my medicine!" I asked why she said that? She said I was sitting here and I saw all my medicine bottles and it just occurred to me...I don't need all those pills and stuff....God is my medicine!" FROM THE MOUTHS OF BABES! Just like you said...these children have such a wisdom! Sometime their wisdom has to "slap some sense" into us! You are right. They are HAPPY! And that is what matters. Us adults analyze and analyze and try to figure things out and make sense of everything, and they, in their trusting innocence, know better than we how to let go and TRUST. Just like they trust in us, we must trust in our Father. Jesus even said that we should have trust like a child. They are so much wiser than we. I know that both Wendy and I found that our daughters, throughout all their illness and suffering, were the ones that supported us! THEY gave us the words of wisdom, THEY showed us such love and unselfishness, THEY were our strength!

So don;t let anybody tell you what to do or what decisions to make. Know one knows your daughter like you do. Together, you must follow your hearts. No matter what happens, as long as you follow your heart, it is the right decision. A pastor that counseled us after Leilani went Home once asked me "Do you think that there is anything that YOU can do to change God's will?" You know, when you put it like that, I guess not! He then said, no matter what choices I made, God's will would be done! He said if it was God's will for Leilani to live, she would have stood up from that bed and walked out....no matter what! That night I felt the weight of a thousand worries lifted from my shoulders. for so long I felt guilt. But after that night, I realized, if it was God's will for anything other that what was done to have been done....He would have made it happen!

So my friend, I will continue to keep you in our prayers! You are such a wise woman! I have always respected you. You have always made such wise decisions. I have no doubt that whatever you choose....you are making the RIGHT decision!

With LOTS of Love and prayers!
Your Friend,

Yvonne, Leilani's Mommy

The Fernandez Family <yvonnengzs@rjia.net>
Mount Airy, NC - Friday, January 30, 2004 5:41 PM CST
Dear Lisa,

I had a very good time at the club last weekend. I enjoyed visiting with you. This week I had to take Mattie to the ER b/c she has strep throat. She had to have an IV and they didn't get on the first stick and had to try another site. I was an absolute MESS. It was terrible - I actually cried, and then I sat and thought of you and Savannah and I can't imagine your struggle. I admire you and pray the God will give you peace and strength. I believe in a mothers intuition, and I know you will do what is best for Savannah in every aspect of her life. If you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to call on me.


Aundrea Sims
Dover , AR - Friday, January 30, 2004 2:37 PM CST

No reprieve is what it feels like... all of the time. If not one thing, another. I am so glad that you can find happiness within your sweet little spitfire. Children have such a way of showing us what really is important, don't they?

Just last night I was laying in bed wide awake. (This has become ritual each and every night... wake up at 1:00 am and stay up until after 5:00 am.) I literally beat myself up about the "what if's" and "why didn't you's" and my last moments with my sweet angel. My husband continually reminds me that Noelle would not have wanted all of the extra treatments. But me, selfish as I am, I STILL WANT HER. I need to be content knowing that we included her in all decision-making about her treatment. And the last four months of her life, we totally let her make all decisions. Those last four months of her life seemed to make such a huge differenct. Noelle was content 99% of the time. She never complained or cried about having to be accessed again or having to go be checked out. We discussed everything with her as best we could and totally listened to her input. When she told us that "enough was enough", we had to listen to her and just let her live the rest of her life as she wanted... at home with her family, friends, and two dogs.

For a while, Noelle played outside a bit and could go out for fun trips. Shortly after that she was confined to the house then to the bed. Still, Noelle managed to find light in each and every day and continued to teach us what is really importatn in life. Noelle made it very clear to us that when Jesus came to get her, she wanted to be in her own house and not in a hospital. As hard as those last hours were for me, wanting to do more, we did as she asked and let her be at home. We didn't call her hospice nurse either as Noelle did not like her. We were very fortunate to have her rad/onc here to help us through her last two hours of life. She went ever so peacefully. In retrospect, I am glad that we listened to our 6-year-old and did as she wanted even though I still want her back so badly.

We'll continue to pray for you and the difficult decisions that you must make.

Noelle and Nicholas's Page


Wendy Baber <vbaber@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Friday, January 30, 2004 8:38 AM CST
Ask God to lead you in the right direction. He will never fell you. I know this may not feel true to you right now but God will tell you what to do, all you have to do is just trust in him and truly believe. Praying for you and savanna and the rest of you family. May God bless you!!!
- Thursday, January 29, 2004 7:50 AM CST
Hello Lisa, Savannah, and Cassie
Thank you so much for the card you sent to us. Grayce really enjoyed it. We loved your website. Lisa you have beautiful girls. We will keep checking your website to see how you are all doing. You are all in are thoughts and prayers. God bless you!

Priscilla and Grayce <babygrayce@aol.com>
Stafford, VA - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:37 PM CST

The best I can say is to go with your gut. I know how hard it can be to hear your gut when your head and your heart are screaming. I've never made a decision like the one you will make but sometimes if I force myself to pick one thing over another I can tell if I've done the right thing if I instantly think "NO not that!!" I can imagine you may feel this either way. Maybe deep inside you are resolved to one way or the other but maybe you aren't. If you're not then maybe you are not ready to decide (duh Mary...thanks for the insight.) I have enormous empathy for you but am still ignorant. For this, I apologize. I know that I don't REALLY know what it's like no matter how far I stick my head and heart into your reality. I don't know who is being negative to you but I can say that they may be low on empathy or high on ignorance.

I better go pay attention to my babies. They still want me even when I'm cranky. They're so sweet.

Take care, Mary

Mary Lohmann <ctlohmann@msn.com>
- Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:18 PM CST
I wish there was something I could do or say to make this cancer go away, it really stinks that you have to be in this situation, Savanahh should be worried about school and freinds and toys, everything a child worries about, not cancer. I'm truly so sorry your famly is going through this, I don't know if it helps at all for you to know that I'm praying for you and so many other people are to. Savannah is very special and if Gods decides to take she will always be remembered. God bless you I'll keep praying for a miracle for Savanah


sally_torres@lusknet.com <sally_torres@lusknet.com>
anaheim, ca - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:37 AM CST
Dear Lisa:

Trust that you will make the right decision. It's not an easy one.


Anne Saputo <annesaputo@aol.com>
- Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:54 AM CST
Lisa, go with what is in your heart. Your love for your child is strong enough to allow you to fight, as well as strong enough to let her go when the fight leads no where. No choice can be wrong when it is made with so much love.


Shari and Nicole ~ hug that beautiful girl for us and let her know people far away are thinking of her.

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, NM USA - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 7:04 AM CST
Sending you lots of Angel hugs and smiles. You are the most wonderful Mom I know Lisa! Keep following your heart!
All my best

your month end monitor - Chemo Angel Lori
- Tuesday, January 27, 2004 7:40 PM CST

Hi Savannah, I hope today is a great day for you. I would like to invite you to visit Smile Quilts http://smilequilts.com and see if we can make a virtual on line Smile Quilt just for you. If you would like a Smile Quilt, just have your mom fill out the request form and we would be happy to send some smiles and hugs your way. Sending you lots of hugs and I will be keeping you in my prayers. Hugs, Angel Sprite

Smile Quilts Angel Sprite <smilequilts@smilequilts.com>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Sunday, January 25, 2004 2:49 PM CST
Hurley girls, it was great to see you all this weekend, and Jerry and Shady too - they are sure a great catch!!. Brooke and Sydney hang on every word that little Savannah says and think she is just the cutest thing! We are already looking forward to the next visit. I think maybe the more frequent, but a little shorter, like Saturday, are best. They seem to hit a break point and get wild if we overstay our welcome! My favorite thing was Savannah's list, what a hoot!! She is little Miss Organized, just like Mommy! And, the Savannah kitchen - definitely see her aspiring to be just like Mommy.

I sure loved seeing how attentive Jerry is to the girls, even answering to Mommy so quickly! I know that he is a God-send for you Lisa, and for the girls too. Tell him he can hang out for girl talk anytime, he has lots to share in this very 'small world'.

It was also nice to see you have some grown-up girl time Saturday night, I think Jennifer and everyone had fun. And, you are right, we should do stuff like that more often and not just when our friends get old (just kidding - I know that Jennifer will check the site and I thought I better throw just one little dig in at her since I have been so nice about her turning 29 again!)...we should get together more, and the club was a nice place to do it with dinner and drinks. Thanks again for the birthday present....still in the bag, but I will keep you posted :-) !!

Love to all and I will get with you about our next visit / picnic / whatever!!!

Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, January 25, 2004 11:42 AM CST
My prayers are with you all.
Barbara Branch <barbfitz2@yahoo.com>
Mesa, AZ USA - Saturday, January 24, 2004 9:08 PM CST

Dear Lisa and Savannah,

keep hope alive
A very moving and touching update, Lisa. I am glad you and Savannah had some good time together. This is just to let you know that both of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Eileen H. Kramer

Eileen H. Kramer/Roanna <ehkuhall7@tacheiru.every1.net >
Columbus, GA USA - Friday, January 23, 2004 5:49 PM CST
Hi Lisa - oh, miralax... i had forgotten about the laxatives. we actually found a spray that works really well when Celeste needs it. At a lower steroid dose, it hasn't been a problem. just e-mail me if you want info. (Celeste had severe problems involving daily enemas and that spray ended all that.) Nice talk here, huh ?! :)

Well, thank you for the recipe link! I'll share this with Celeste tomorrow. At such a low dose, she is still crazy about food and cooking. That is just our life now. She and Savannah could probably have a blast making recipe lists and crafts. Please give sweet Savannah big (((HUGS))) for us... okay, even more than usual. It's great that her counts came back up.

I think about you guys all the time and send you my love,

Tami (Celeste's mommy) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pittsburgh, pa - Thursday, January 22, 2004 10:07 PM CST
Hi Lisa,

I hope Savannah is feeling okay and you and Cassie as well. I wonder how Cassie is holding up. The stress has got to be so hard and I imagine how tired you all must be. Your a good mom and I know you will be strong as long as you need to. May you have the energy each morning to be all you can be. Warm thoughts to you all.

Mary Lohmann <ctlohmann@msn.com>
- Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:46 PM CST
Just wanted to say Hi to everyone and let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers each and every day. We are always here if there is anything you ever need. DON'T Hesitate to ask. Talk to you later!
Love, Ms. Judy and Ms. Amanda

Amanda Jones <littlehands@centurytel.net>
Russellville, AR - Thursday, January 22, 2004 12:58 AM CST
Hi Savannah! Just wanted to tell you HI and that I miss you! Maybe you can come and visit or maybe I can come and visit you. Love your friend,
Tanner Jones

Tanner Jones <littlehands@centurytel.net>
Russellville, AR Pope - Thursday, January 22, 2004 12:52 AM CST

Just checking in to see how you are holding up. I would love to talk to you sometime about your steroid use. I have some questions. Hope you are able to maintain your smiles with your baby.

With Love,
Susan and Jakey Bear

. <@aol.com>
Jupiter, fl usa - Thursday, January 22, 2004 10:00 AM CST
Dear Lisa,
My heart bleeds for you. You are facing every cancer parents worst fears. Each of us mentally visits the place you are (in the desparate hope that we never have to live there). Enjoy every moment with your wonderful daughters and be strong for them. There are many many of us who would gladly share your burden, if only we could.

Lu and Gabe Sipos <gabesmyheart@yahoo.com>
Nashville, TN USA - Wednesday, January 21, 2004 8:19 PM CST
Thinking about you and praying for you. I wish the pain and monster would go away. Have a good time Savannah being a kid! Play and enjoy life sweetie. I like the song, "Bring Me To Life" too!

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <rennedowler@aol.com>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:09 PM CST
Lisa, my heart breaks reading your journal entry. You are a strong woman making a decision that no parent should have to make, it just isn't fair! I hope that I have half your strength when the time comes for me to decide when enough is enough. Blessings to you and your family.

with love,


Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, NM USA - Wednesday, January 21, 2004 2:37 PM CST
Lisa: My heart breaks for you and your family. Thank you for sharing.... You are a great Mommie...I can tell that by your writings and the little bit of time that we have talked, plus just look at those little girls. You are a very special woman and always remember that there are lots of people thinking and praying for you.....God will guide you....Love, Paulette
paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, ar - Wednesday, January 21, 2004 1:21 PM CST
Lisa, I know that whatever you decide is the right thing for your little girl. The dream was sad! Please dont give up. I know the beast usually wins But God is bigger than the beast! You have to Expect a miracle. You have so many people praying for savannah! Your a good mom and I pray you get your miracle! May God give you the strength to continue to fight!
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:12 PM CST
Hi, I know you will make the right choices for you and your family. It is a hard road to travel, and what is right for one is not whats right for another, my prayers are with you all.... I see that some one saw you in pj's at walmart. I take my 89 year old mom in her flannel nighty, you'd make a good pair.....who knows maybe I have seen you there and just didn't know it. I almost live in the one in Dardanelle according to some people.
Sharon <sholweger5@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, January 20, 2004 7:20 PM CST

I know you will make whatever decisions you have to make to help Savannah keep fighting and maintain her comfort level. Some of them may not be easy, but I know you will have put heartfelt love and logic in whatever you do. Lisa, listen to your heart and your instincts as a mother and you can do no wrong where Savannah is concerned. You and you alone will always know what is best for your child. Don't ever forget that....

May God give you strength to continue your fight.


Shawnee, KS - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 6:20 PM CST
Greetings Lisa and Savannah. It is a cloudy day in New Mexico. Nicole and her sisters are hoping for snow. How is school going? Please know we think of you and look for updates often.

with love,

Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, NM USA - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 12:03 AM CST
Hi Lisa - hope that Savannah is stabalizing and improving. I know it's horrible right now and my heart is with you. I will never understand why this happens to such beautiful little beings, having to struggle and still live life to the fullest. Savannah is such an inspiration to us and is just a reflection of what an amazing mom that you are. (((HUGS)))
Tami (Celeste's mommy) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 0:09 AM CST
Hi Savannah, Cassie and Lisa!! This is Brooke, Sydney and Lisa typing. We are Internet shopping and thought we would stop and say hello! Cassie sure looked cute in her PJs at Wal-Mart, wish I had had my camera with me for a cute photo op!!

We are all looking forward to our next visit, hopefully a picnic like we talked about. The girls' birthdays are also coming up soon and we always look forward to the fun parties you have.

We probably need to come stay all night again because that is the only time we get any snow in Russellville is when we are at your house......so, we'll be there soon. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!

We all love you and hope you are feeling well Savannah. Talk to you girls all soon, love the Wells' girls

Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, January 18, 2004 9:47 PM CST
Hi lisa, I just wanted to check in on you and savannah and say we are still praying. Your in our thoughts daily!
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Sunday, January 18, 2004 9:29 PM CST
I decided to check out savannahs site. I think she is sooo beautiful. what a pistal. thanks for talking to me I really learned alot.I hope I can get syd's pics on soon.

carol hernandez <chernand_2000@yahoo.com>
cypress, tx usa - Sunday, January 18, 2004 7:41 PM CST
I Pray everything is going well and you are feeling better.

Chris Ullrich - Bella's Grammy <c_ullrich@msn.com, www.caringbridge.com/page/isabellaledesma>
- Sunday, January 18, 2004 1:01 PM CST
Dear Lisa,

Praying for Savannah. It it hard to watch these kids undergo such changes. It was hard for me with our granddaughter. I'm sure it is twice that for a parent. Keep the faith, Lisa. Miracles DO happen. God bless and may she feel well.

Hugs from Karen

Karen LaMountain <AngelGrammaL@netscape.net>
Selkirk, NY USA - Saturday, January 17, 2004 7:34 PM CST
Stopping by to let you know I'm sending LOTS of prayers and happy thoughts your way.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

~*~*~*My Big Girl*~*~*~

Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
- Saturday, January 17, 2004 10:56 AM CST
Just wanted you to know that I am thinking and praying for you and yours Julie, Emily's mom
julie dearmond
- Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:17 PM CST
Hello, Lisa...Just thinking of you...and Savannah....Love & Prayers XOXO
Paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
Plumerville, Ar - Thursday, January 15, 2004 3:48 PM CST
Dear Lisa
I found the link for Savannah's page whilst on my rounds.
My heart hurts for you on reading your journal entry. I know only to well that feeling of watching them slip away from their normal self. I pray that God keeps Savannah strong enough to keep fighting

God bless you and your family

Jacqui n Michelle

jacqui fray <ladyslix@hotmail.com>
liverpool, united kingdom - Wednesday, January 14, 2004 11:28 AM CST
Hi Lisa - Unfortunately, I know the terror that goes with seeing the symptoms come back. I mean, all of my fears of my death and well, just about everything... have gone out the window. But when I have seen Celeste struggle for her balance, it's horrible. When I read your journal, my heart sunk and the tears came. I will hope and pray that it stabalizes. I know there have been some terrifying moments for us and times when doctors told us that it didn't look like things were working as they should. Despite all, don't give up hope for anything. You and Savannah have been a wonderful source of hope and strength for us. She has gone beyond the odds and can continue to do so. There is that small percentile of kids that makes it through and through. As desperate as it may sound, I hang onto that hope for our children. I've been looking into the following, as you probably have as well but I'll pass it along. Tell me what you think. I haven't had much luck finding anything about its use specifically with pontine gliomas. http://www.virtualtrials.com/REOLYSIN.cfm
Tami (Celeste's mommy) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, January 13, 2004 5:00 PM CST
Dear Lisa,

I just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and the girls. We had special prayer for Savannah and your family at church on Sunday.

God Bless,

Aundrea Sims
Dover, AR - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 4:10 PM CST
I am so upset by your last entry. My heart went down to my stomach. Why do they get so bad so fast? Why does this have to happen? I am so angry for what is happening to a beautiful little girl. Life is not fair. I don't even know what to write but now I am scared. Everyone is pulling for you & your girls Lisa & know that you are in my prayers & thoughts.
Paula <pparisesmith@pmbankers.com>
Plainview, NY - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 8:51 AM CST
I was reminded at church Sunday that God provides a peace that passes understanding. Lisa, this is my prayer for you. I do not know nor can I imagine what you must be going through emotionally, physically or psychologically - all I know is to remind you that I love you and Savannah (and Cassie too of course) and pray for that peace for you, God given peace. God blessed you with Savannah for the time she has been with you, and she has blessed so many, many lives. In the few years she has been with us I think she has touched many more lives than most of us will in 60+ years – what an accomplished six year old you have! You should be a wonderfully proud momma, like I know you are. I love you and your family and continually pray for and think of you all. Love,
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, January 12, 2004 7:56 PM CST
Oh Lisa,

I am so so sorry. I know the terror that you must be feeling. I myself felt a rock in the pit of my stomach and tears stung my eyes when I read your entry.

I will keep you all in my prayers. I pray for peace and strength for all of you...especially precious little Savannah. I too, pray for quality of life, no suffering and most of all....a. miracle.

We love you guys.....you are in our thoughts and prayers,

Yvonne Fernandez, Leilani's Mom

The Fernandez Family <yvonnengzs@rjia.net>
Mount Airy, NC - Monday, January 12, 2004 4:23 PM CST
I pray that you are given grace to get through the pain of each day and to continue to feel joy in the tender moments with Savannah. My thoughts and prayers are with you and if you need anything I'm here...
Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Monday, January 12, 2004 9:29 AM CST

I know how terrified you must be. Watching little Savannah and not knowing what the "beast" will offer next is just horrible.

We continue to pray for all of you. May God give you exactly what you need to get through each day and may God give sweet Savannah that special miracle that we all want her to have.

Yours In Him,

Wendy Baber

www.caringbridge.org/nc/noellenicholas <vbaber@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Monday, January 12, 2004 7:16 AM CST
I hope savannah is doing better today! we have been praying for her.
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Sunday, January 11, 2004 7:42 PM CST
I know your mama heart is breaking...IT's just not right to see our kids like this....you are in my prayers..all of you
Sharon <sholweger5@yahoo.com>
Dardanelle, - Sunday, January 11, 2004 8:57 AM CST
My heart breaks for you, Im so very sorry your watching your precious little girl fade away. I cant imagine, I think your a wondeful mom and so strong. I will be praying extra prayers for savannah and your family .May you feel Gods pressence.

Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Saturday, January 10, 2004 8:19 PM CST
dear ones,
i am in Curitiba, Brazil.
my Mom is with me.
we arrived yesterday and are trying to adjust to the 6 hour time change.
my heart breaks at this latest news.
i am in complete agreement with you Lisa.
you have prayed so much about this. trust yourself to follow the best path for your little family.

i am having surgery on Thursday morning at 7:30AM brazil time.

embracing you all with my heart, my hugs and my prayers.
auntie brandi

auntie brandi <bjr_in_brazil@yahoo.com>
curitiba, brazil - Saturday, January 10, 2004 10:10 AM CST
I heard the song My Immortal for the first time yesterday morning. When the alarm went off it was the song playing and although I'd never heard it, I knew instantly it was the one from your website.
I hope that Savannah is feeling better and had a good day at school.
I cannot begin to imagine your fear and your pain. You and your girls are in our prayers.
Cameron's Page
Lots of Love!!!

Sheri ~ http://www.caringbridge.org/la/cameron <yankee_cajun2001@yahoo.com>
Lafayette, LA - Saturday, January 10, 2004 9:45 AM CST
I cant imagine what you are going through, but my feelings Im sure would be the same as yours. I would definitely prefer quality of life. She continues to suprise you at times so hang in there :) My prayers for Samantha's comfort and your strength will continue. In His Strong Love,
Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Friday, January 9, 2004 11:56 PM CST
Dear Lisa, Oh how my heart hurts with you how hard it must be.it brings back all the pain from when Emily was in hospice, I still do not know why I still have her but you are doing the right thing for Savanna quality is the most important thing since hospice Emily's has been going down the tubes I just want to scream sometimes. This is not fair just know that you are the best Mom ever you choose what is best for Savannah no matter how hard it is for you.Prayer for you always, Julie Emily's mom
Julie DeArmond <dearmond57@hotmail.com>
- Friday, January 9, 2004 11:31 PM CST
Hey Lisa,

Its so good to hear from you again! I wouldn't let myself worry though...I figured you were busy with the holidays.

I hate what that dr told you...I know, they have to tell it like it is...but sometimes the truth SUCKS! I know you agree. Our poor babies....they had to get the one type that they have no cure for. I guess what we have to do is PRAY...that the cure will be found before it is too late.

I am so glad that you had a wonderful Christmas! I hope there will be many more!

Well, you know you guys are always in our thoughts and prayers.

With Much Love in Him,

Yvonne.....Leilani's mommy

The Fernandez Family <yvonnengzs@rjia.net /// www.caringbridge.org/nc/leilani>
Mount Airy, NC - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 11:49 AM CST
HI Lisa, Cassie & Savannah!! Just wanted to send a quick hello...
Mary Lohmann <ctlohmann@msn.com>
- Tuesday, January 6, 2004 8:17 PM CST
Okay, I'm fighting back tears reading your journal today. I'm so glad that you're feeling better. It just makes it all harder when you're sick.

...Food food food and lists for recipes... sounds waaaaay too familiar ! :) They are as sweet as ever through all the moods though and of course, we just try to keep them happy and watch the food at the same time. It's hard. My family still doesn't understand the decadron thing. Celeste's appetite is still larger than what it was before diagnosis but it's much improved since whe's weaning. She's down to .25!! This is from a whopping 12mg. I'm still worried about the kidney stones issue. Celeste has complained of a backache before (for about 2 days) but hasn't lately. I would really like to talk to you, if you have the time. I know how it is. Please send me your # by posting or sending me an e-mail.

Tami (Celeste's site) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
4128853899, - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 2:32 PM CST
Thinking of you girls always - hope all is well there. We are praying for you and loving you each and every day! Love to you all,
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, January 5, 2004 10:36 PM CST
Happy New Year!! I am thinking about you Savannah and praying for you as well.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <rennedowler@aol.com>
Washington, PA - Monday, January 5, 2004 7:28 PM CST
just checking in, as i freqently do.. i hope that you had a wonderful christmas, all together with those you love.. savannah is lucky to have you, just as you are lucky to have her.. both girls have a mom who loves them with all her heart, and that comes thru in your writing.. hoping that savannah is having good days..
M Burns
Albany, NY - Monday, January 5, 2004 10:21 AM CST
My 16 year old introduced me to that song.She thought it was a break -up song.I immediately read it in another key.
I wanted to write it down in Chiara`s web site too, but I guess that song touches too many intimate cords inside me that I am not able to share.
In same way conforted me that you felt strongly about it too.

Mari www.caringbridge.org/me/chiara
- Monday, January 5, 2004 1:39 AM CST
Savannah, Cassie, and Lisa,
I have not been very on-the-ball on wishing you a happy holidays greeting. I hope your Christmas was good and happy thoughts for the new year. I think of you all alot. It made me smile to read about Sydney, Brooke, and Abby spending the night. I can just imagine all of you singing and dancing and doing hair!!! Did you hear that Miss Crystal had a baby boy. I haven't gotten to see him in person. She hasn't wanted to bring him over with all of the germs around, but Miss Chastity brought a picture. He's really cute. Miss Chastity says he's really sweet. She likes to go over there alot. HA!! I just wanted to say hello to you all. I've got you on my mind. Love you, Miss Joan

Joan Caughman <joan_caughman@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, January 4, 2004 4:45 PM CST
Dear Lisa, Savannah and Cassie,
Just to wish you all a Happy New Year praying everyday for a miracle for Savannah. Prayers coming your way from UK
God Bless
Robert; Parent of James,
FOR EVER AN ANGEL (20th June 1993 – 26th October 2002)

Robert Haddad <rshaddad@yahoo.co.uk>
London, UK - Sunday, January 4, 2004 5:51 AM CST
Dear Lisa,
I know I haven't been by in awhile so I have just spent the past few minutes catching up on your previous updates...my heart is aching for you and your family. Please know that Savannah will always be in my prayers... and this new year, I only pray for miracles for your family. You are all so loved here on Caringbridge...we are always here for you.

~*~*Girlie's Page*~*~


Janice <janiceliew1981@yahoo.com>
Melbourne, Australia - Saturday, January 3, 2004 6:43 AM CST
Lisa, Savannah and Cassie - Just stopping by to say hello and wish you all a blessed New Year. Sending (((HUGS))) your way,
Tami (Celeste's mommy) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pittsburgh, - Friday, January 2, 2004 9:51 PM CST
Lisa, and savanna and cassie, I hope you had a wonderuful Christmas and I pray 2004 Is the year for a cure. I hope your enjoying your christmas break. What was the special christmas presents this year girls??
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Friday, January 2, 2004 4:49 PM CST

Checking in just to let you know that I am thinking about you and wishing you strength and peace. I continue to wish you all the time in the world to spend with your beautiful girls. I will pray for that. My heart aches for you and the other parents here who have children who are suffering. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain.

In God's Love, Monica

Monica M.
Shawnee, KS - Friday, January 2, 2004 4:17 PM CST
I had to post again. I read some of your past journals and girl I know EXACTLY everything you are feeling. I have been down that road. If you ever need a friend, someone who knows just hollar. I'm here. My number is 505-746-3976 or you can just e-mail me. I am so sorry that you and your family (especially Savannah) are having to go through this horrible horrible nightmare. I so wish that a cure could be found. I understand completely too how you feel about the praying thing. We had so many people praying for our Zach and look where that lead? Maybe it is a blessing that he didn't have to suffer and that his last 15 months were so special but I still wish he was here with us but tumor free. I wish our family was back to the way it used to be. I'm so glad that you have found someone to help with the girls. It is so helpful to have that loving support. My husband was and still is wonderful. It takes someone special to love someone else's children as their own. I think you have found that. Way to go! I promise I won't take up anymore space or time I just had to respond after reading your past entries. Chin up girl!

Misti-m/o angel Zach <dmherrera14@msn.com>
Artesia, NM USA - Friday, January 2, 2004 2:43 PM CST
I am a member of the pediatric brain tumor list and that is how I got your web address. I am keeping all of you in my prayers. I lost my son Zach to a pontine glioma on Sept. 14, 2003. He was 9 yrs. old and the light of my life. He fought long and hard for 15 months. He was diagnosed June 8, 2002. I love your pictures. Your daughters are beautiful. I wish you all the best in 2004. Take care and please stop by Zach's web page anytime.

Misti-m/o angel Zach <dmherrera14@msn.com>
Artesia, NM USA - Friday, January 2, 2004 2:08 PM CST

I saw your posting to Leilani's guestbook and wanted to stop by and meet Savannah. I read back through some of the journal and looked at the pictures. I know that I can't imagine the feelings you face day to day but know that there are so many people praying for healing, peace & grace for your family. I know why you connect with all the kids and families that you do because despite the sadness, you receive so much back in return because their lights burn so brightly and so they give a wonderful warmth. You can make it.

Take Care & Stay Strong,

Laura Hinkle <lhinkle@carolina.rr.com>
Weddington, NC USA - Friday, January 2, 2004 1:57 PM CST
Thought of you at Christmas, reconnecting with some Rolla-ites. We had a nice reunion with Tyler, Erica, Andy and Dorie Tatkow, as well as Brian Carlson. We're home now, safe and sound and I've put Savannah's page on my favorites list so I can check once and a while to see how you're all doing. We'll be keeping you, Savannah and Cassie (and all your loved ones) in our hearts and prayers. Happy New Year!!
Love, Helen

Helen and Brett Mongillo <bhmongil@nycap.rr.com>
Ballston Spa, NY USA - Friday, January 2, 2004 12:43 AM CST
Heard Savannah needs some extra prayers, so count on me. God bless all of you and since I believe in miracles and the power of prayer, I'm going to do my part in sending as many prayers as possible up to the Big Guy.
Thinking of all of you. Keep the faith, hon. Nothing is impossible.
Hugs from Karen

Karen LaMountain <AngelGrammaL@netscape.net>
Selkirk, NY USA - Thursday, January 1, 2004 11:04 PM CST
Hi Lisa,

Sorry to have been out of touch. December has presented us with a host of challenges....schoolbus and another car meet van (totalled van..kids in car..oh s#*t!), ER visits, injuries, flu (compliments of the ER), joint bleed (while still having the flu), Christmas, more fevers, etc. I'm just now getting back to our new normal. Everyone's okay now...just colds and just Mary's knee. I hope you had nice holidays. I've been thinking about you and your girls. Glad to hear Jerry is there for you...
Take care, Love, Mary

Mary Lohmann <ctlohmann@msn.com>
- Thursday, January 1, 2004 5:12 PM CST
Merry Christmas...Happy New Year...Happy Times! Hope all goes well at the Hurley house! We have thought of you all lots this holiday season and hope that you all enjoyed a special Christmas celebration together. We love you all and are really, really, really looking forward to a special Savannah-banana picnic!! Love, kisses, hugs and prayers from us all. Happy 2004!!!
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, January 1, 2004 1:56 PM CST
God grant us this year a wider view,
So we see others' faults through the eyes of You;
Teach us to judge not with hasty tongue,
Neither the adult ... nor the young.

Give us patience and grace to endure
And a stronger faith so we feel secure;
And instead of remembering, help us forget
The irritations that caused us to fret.

Freely forgiving for some offense
And finding each day a rich recompense,
In offering a friendly, helping hand
And trying in all ways to understand,
That all of us whoever we are ...
Are trying to reach "an unreachable star."

For the great and small ... the good and bad,
The young and old ... the sad and glad,
Are asking today, "Is life worth living?"
And the answer is only in "loving" and "giving."

For only "Love" can make man kind
And Kindness of Heart brings Peace of Mind,
And by giving love we can start this year
To lift the clouds of hate and fear.

~*~*~*Wishing all of you a VERY happy 2004*~*~*~

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs your way!!!

~*~*~*My little girl*~*~*~

Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
- Wednesday, December 31, 2003 1:33 PM CST
Savannah and family,

Have a very Happy Holiday season. May each day have light and love in it! Thank you for letting me share a small glimpse of your family with you. I have enjoyed being able to see you and in some way share a part of it with. May you be blessed in your future!

Take care,

"Holiday angel" Eileen Roberts

Eileen Roberts
Santa Monica, ca usa - Monday, December 29, 2003 9:49 AM CST
Hi Girls ... and Jerry !!
Thought I would catch up on email due to a sleepless night. Thanks for allowing me into a world of true laughter and enduring love. Not everyone is as fortunate as I am to know such a wonderful group of individuals. God has blessed me beyond measure. I love you all, Elaine

Miss Elaine <ergarrison@hotmail.com>
Clarksville, AR - Sunday, December 28, 2003 7:23 AM CST
Hi everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
LAVONNE <lavonne.penn@wachovia.com>
MT AIRY, - Thursday, December 25, 2003 8:32 PM CST
Just coming by to let you know I am thinking about you and saying a prayer for you and your family. I hope you have a good Christmas
Sharon <mopgal@hotmail.com>
Dardanelle , - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 3:01 PM CST
~*~*~*~*~*Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!*~*~*~*~*~

If you and your family are celebrating tonight, I hope all of you have a wonderful time. Santa comes tonight and you know what that means.....plenty of presents to be opened in the morning. Yea!

Wishing you all a VERY Merry Christmas Eve!

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs your way!!!

***Samantha's Page***

Shannon <humphity319@aol.com>
***Merry Christmas and Happy New Year*** - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 6:08 AM CST
Hey Lisa - sorry to hear that you're under the weather... I know the feeling and I again, can relate to everything... we even moved our computer recently too. How did we end up on this journey? I keep asking that and along we go, no stops or much time to even think. Well, I hope that you, Savannah, and Cassie have a wonderful holiday and we'll be thinking of you guys and Celeste will be sending you some snow kisses from Pennsylvania.... ((((HUGS))))
Tami (Celeste's mommy) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pittsburgh, - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 1:37 PM CST
Merry Christmas!! I hope you and your family is able to enjoy and have a wonderful time!!!!
Merry Christmas
MN - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 11:20 AM CST
Hi Lisa. I just wanted to sign in & wish you & your family a Merry Christmas. I am off for the next 3 days & have disconnected my computer at home so I won't be able to check in until the 29th. I hope you can enjoy this holiday. Enjoy it like you have never enjoyed a holiday before. Hold your girls close. Merry Christmas.
Paula <pparisesmith@pmbankers.com>
Plainview, NY - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 8:23 AM CST
Hi Lisa, I have followed your site for a long time and I have never signed. I apologize. I've tried, my words seem so inadequate, especially since I'm a stranger. I read your entry today, though, and I was brought to tears. I heard the song "My Immortal" for the first time last week and all I could think about was your beautiful family. I saw the lyrics and the beautiful note that Jerry wrote and it twisted my heart and my stomach. I ache for all your family must endure and I wish there was something I could do. I just wanted to tell you that I admire your family immensely and I'm sure there are plenty more people out there who never sign that feel the sameway.
Laura <lsk_524@yahoo.com>
- Monday, December 22, 2003 12:14 AM CST
Lisa, Cassie, Savannah & Jerry: I just wanted to wish you a Christmas full of peace and blessings. Jerry your writing was beautiful and it made me think how lucky I am to have met all of you. Thinking of all this day..Love, Paulette
paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, ar - Monday, December 22, 2003 11:57 AM CST
Lisa, Just wanted you to know that we are thinking and praying for you guys! Stay strong and hold tight. May God give you strength and peace!!
Monica Moore and Hilary <poodlerr@grnco.net>
Paragould, AR - Sunday, December 21, 2003 10:32 PM CST
Hi Lisa, I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you all. The radiology report sounds frighteningly like Pam's. The doctors haven't said they want to do anything about the hydrocephalus? Please stay on top of this. I know people who didn't and then it was too late to help. I think the shunt gave Pam more time and it was one less thing for us to worry about. What about the decadron? Can't they give Savannah something with less side effects? I am hoping for a miracle for your baby girl and praying for all of you. I am here if you need me. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It is important to enjoy these holidays twice as much.
Karen Capozzoli <kmurator@yahoo.com>
Glen Cove, NY USA - Sunday, December 21, 2003 8:04 PM CST
Dear Lisa,
Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and yours, Prayers always, Emily's Mom

Julie Dearmond <dearmond57@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, December 21, 2003 6:14 PM CST
Dearest Lisa, I just read your update and looked again at your beautiful daughters. Wanted to reach out and hold them both, stroke Savannah's hair. I know you are doing enough of that yourself, but it just hurts so bad to see their faces and hear your words. I feel helpless to do anything to help, know nothing will ease the pain, but hope that knowing others are thinking of you and sending love your way will help in some small way.
With love,

Charlene (m/o Emma) <charlene.voyce@snet.net>
Clinton, CT USA - Sunday, December 21, 2003 10:15 AM CST
Hi this is the first time I have been to your site. heard about it from Gooch's mom. I guess I live just across the river from you from reading your site. I know how hard it is to have a child that is sick and to loose that child. my son was 32 when he died but had been sick for years. PLease know that you are in my prayers.
Sharon <mopgal@hotmail.com>
Dardanelle, - Saturday, December 20, 2003 11:46 PM CST
Hi girls, and by that I do mean mommy too! I am new here, someone emailed your site to me. I know you are not new to Cb but you're new to me, and I am always sickened by the thought of another Cb kid - another family going through this. Sigh. I am on the other end of the cancer spectrum, the-should-be-thrilled-and-honored-its-only-leukemia end of it. I used to feel so guilty because he does have good odds, but then I started thinking we are all in the terrified boat together, helpless to switch places with our kids no matter how much we want to. Then other times I feel guilty all over again that others are going thru stuff so much worse. I cant believe how much I miss my old life, of just worrying about keeping up with the Jones' and paying the bills.... ignorance really is bliss isnt it?
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Friday, December 19, 2003 10:05 PM CST
Hi Savannah & Lisa,

Just dropping by to let you know that we haven't forgotten. You are always in our prayers. The temozolomide was not bad on Cheyenne, and now we just finished the 4th schedule. May God Bless and Keep you both. We are in this fight together.

Cheyenne's dad

Roy Fiveash <rfiveash@wcc.net>
san angelo, tx - Thursday, December 18, 2003 11:27 PM CST
Lisa, Thank you so much for sharing Savannah with us. We love her like she was our family. Thank you for all of your updates that I am sure take your breath away to even write. No one should have to go through this. Savannah is so strong because she has learned it from you. You don't feel strong but you are. Give her a hug from Joey. Love, Lori
Cranesville, PA - Thursday, December 18, 2003 5:36 PM CST

I completely agree with you about how angry it makes me when people talk about "God's plan." People just do not know what else to say...they have never been through something like what we are going through. Now I just politely say to them "not MY God. My God did not touch his finger down and GIVE my sweet son this brain tumor. MY God was the first one to shed a tear when this crummy thing took hold in his brain."

I hope that the temozolomide will offer her some stability. (I think that is what you have chosen.)

We have added VP-16 and switched Protocel formulas. The Pcell gave us this much time hopefully the 2 together will give us more. Oh well...From one sad mom to another...keep your chin up as much as you can.

Thinking of you,
Susan and Jakey Bear

- Thursday, December 18, 2003 2:46 PM CST
Savannah, thanks for signing Mitch's guest book. I hope you get all you want for Christmas too. I hope the chemo doesn't get you down too much. You are a very special little girl. Take care.

Paula (Mitch's mom) <PHSTYLN@msn.com>
vancouver, wa - Thursday, December 18, 2003 12:11 AM CST
Just wanted to write you a note to say I am thinking about you. I pray she takes the new medicine well. We will be gone for a couple of weeks and it will tear me up not to be able to check on her. Hope you guys have the best christmas ever!!! I am not going to lecture you to "cherish" every moment because it is soooooo clear that you do! And you have enlightened many of us to do the same with our healthy children that we take for granted. Love you guys, Jennifer
Jennifer Skaggs <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
- Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:04 AM CST
We just received your Christmas letter and have read all about Savannah. What can we possibly say...there's no way for us to even imagine what you are going through. We wish all of you strength and peace wherever and however you can find them. If you ever want a getaway trip to Colorado our hearts and home are open to you anytime.
Joel and Ann
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Thursday, December 18, 2003 9:24 AM CST
Lisa, My heart really breaks for you. i have never lost a child . but I think any mom that even thinks about that would totally understand the pure hell and terror of it all. You sound really shakey and your breaking point with fear and despair. Yet there is this strength You have that you have forgotten about. You have dealt with and taken care of her for over 1 yr now. Your strong and living it Every minute of everyday. And many of us would be curled up in a ball. The fact your afraid and ran is totally normal. Hell it is terrifying just the thought of what your going through makes my heart go in my throat. I feel like im suffocating. I cant believe people have to endure this when money is all that is needed to find a cure for these kids. Why everyone doesnt try to cure cancer is beyond me . its only a matter of time before we all have a loved one die from it. I am so very sorry that your sweet savannah is so sick with this tumor. Her MRI doesnt sound Good but God can do what man cant! Please know Gods heart Does break With you. Your so right on that! ANd dont ever feel like you dont want to bring others down. That is not a good way to feel. God wants us to lean on each other. Your such a great mom i can tell by your journals. BLess you lisa,
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 9:55 PM CST
Oh Lisa.....I hurt with you. I know what you are feeling. I so so wish there was something that we could do. I remember looking at Leilani's MRI scans and seeing that BALL in the center of her brainstem and feeling this rock in the pit of my stomach...the pure horror and fear inside made me want to puke...trying to hide it in front of Leilani, but screaming in my head "how the HECK are we going to get that thing out of her head?"

I know you want to run and scream...but you need to be strong for her...so you hold it all in. How many times I prayed and asked "Lord, if I could only take it FOR her." I would willingly give my life for her. (I am sure you have prayed the same). And at that moment I realize that He DID do the same. He knows that love...He put it in our mother's hearts....it's the same love that He has for us. He loves us so that He came and paid the price for us...so that we would not have to suffer. So I know that He understands the pain and horror we feel... I wish I understood WHY...as I know you struggle with too. I don't have answers for that. Yes, many people have opinions, but I honestly, I think I just have to trust that there is a reason....He in His infinite wisdom, has a great plan. I do not understand nor can I pretend to understand how losing our babies fits into that plan...but I know I have to just trust that HE KNOWS...and one day.....one day we will understand too. Until that time, we have to walk in faith and just lean to Him for the strength to get through it and go on.

Please know that we love you guys. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. I really respect you so much Lisa. You are so wise. You definitely have your priorities straight and you are doing everything right. You truly are a wonderful wonderful mother. No one could every say otherwise. I am so glad that Savannah has such a wonderful mommy....such a blessing!

Wishing you guys a wonderful and special Christmas and a very Blessed New Year!

With Much Love,

Yvonne .....Leilani's mommy <yvonnengzs@rjia.net /// www.caringbridge.org/nc/leilani>
Mount Airy, NC - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 9:19 PM CST
Dear Lisa,
I just received your Christmas card and just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you and your family. We are doing fine - Ryan is now 5 but missed the kindergarten cutoff date so still in preschool. He goes 2 days a week while I work part-time. It's sad how we lose touch with people over the years and I always looked forward to your Christmas cards. I have been very lazy the last few years about getting cards out. Just wanted to let you know that you and your girls are in my thoughts and prayers. As the mother of a 5-year-old, I can't even imagine what you are going through right now. If you feel like getting in touch, my e-mail is curtit@mchsi.com. If you don't want to, that is fine too, I understand.

Your Friend,

Karen Curtit <curtit@mchsi.com>
Holts Summit, MO USA - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 2:04 PM CST
Hope the new medication is being tolerated well - been thinking about you all a lot. Hugs, kisses, love and prayers,
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:22 PM CST

Hoping all went well when you and your Dad went into Little Rock today. I'll be looking for an update on how everything went tomorrow if I'm able to.

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs and MUCH love your way!!!

Shannon -- http://www.caringbridge.org/ma/samanthatherese/ <humphity319@aol.com>
MA ***Merry Christmas and Happy New Year*** - Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:18 PM CST
Lisa and Girls,

I am so happy you had a wonderful weekend. I can feel the joy in your words and I am so happy for you. Despite your pain you are still able to see all that you have and appreciate the moments that you have NOW. I am honored to be kept a part of your life through your words. Thank you.

Merry Christmas,

In God's Love, Monica

Shawnee, KS - Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:05 AM CST
Hi you don't know me but I have been checking your site regular. I do not see anywhere if you are using protocel I hope and pray that you will start to use it if you are not already using it. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but what do you have to loss. I would try anything if it were my child. So please consider trying it. I will continue to pray for you and savanna.
mount Airy, - Tuesday, December 16, 2003 10:43 AM CST
You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that you are given the grace daily to feel joy through your pain. I am here...
Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:02 AM CST
My 9 year old daughter Michelle, has a brain stem glioma as well. Her first sign were walking into walls, not being able to run, couldn't ride bike, and her swallowing went. At first I thought it was a hear problem, so I took her to doctor to find out she had double vision. He sent her to a eye doctor, who in turn said, sent her to specialist immediately. I was blown away went they told me she had a mass brain tumour that couldn't be operate on. So I am not willing to give up to this beast I will try anything to have my daughter around.

Your truly,
Kimberley Clayton
I just begun to start a web page at http://www.caringbridge.org/canada/michelle
I have not got any picture up, but I have put some history there.

Kimberley Clayton <michkenpat@aol.com>
Guelph, Canada - Tuesday, December 16, 2003 5:47 AM CST
Hi Lisa - yes, you are living a miracle each and every day, as we are and I'm thanking God for each and every moment. It's emotionally exhausting but we just have to keep taking it moment by moment, day by day by day and keep praying for more and more and more... It gets into my sleep habits too. Glad to hear that you're having fun and seeing some snow. May you guys have an amazing holiday season! (((HUGS)))
Tami <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Monday, December 15, 2003 11:43 PM CST
Dear Savannah, Lisa and Family

Hello. I have been a silent observer for a while now, yet tonight I wanted to let you know that I am here. I read your update and read your post in another guest book. I will continue to pray. I am JUST here and sending love.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <rennedowler@aol.com>
Washington, PA - Monday, December 15, 2003 9:22 PM CST
Hi Lisa and Savannah and family,

I have been checking on you every single day for the last few months, but have never signed. I think Savannah is just the most beautiful little girl.

I just wanted to stop by for the first time to wish you a very Merry Christmas and my very best wishes for the New Year. I wish you all the happiness over Christmas possible!!!

I will be away for a month starting Friday this week (unfortunately I have to check on all my little Caring Bridge sweeties at work - I haven't been caught yet :o) and will not have a computer on my travels over Xmas so I really don't know how I'm going to handle not being able to see how my little fighters are doing. But know that I will be thinking about you every day and hoping things are okay. And as soon as I return I will be back online straight away to keep checking.

Anyway, lots of love to your family - even though I don't know you personally, I feel like I do through your honest and open journals, it's a priviledge to have them shared with those who check on you.

With love from NZ,

Angela Mills <angela@multi-media.co.nz>
Auckland, New Zealand - Monday, December 15, 2003 8:22 PM CST
Lisa, Cassie, and Savannah Banana, We had the best time the other night!!! Sorry we made such a mess!!! The snow really topped it off nicely though. Made the cocoa alot better. We are going to have to schedule a picnic soon since Princess Savannah wants one. I hope it will be ok if we have an indoor picnic, cuz I don't like being cold!! I sure don't want to sit on the cold ground!!! It was a fun evening that definitely is worth repeating! We will need to rodeo it- OH, I mean re do it!!!! Love to you all (and you too Jerry). Jennifer and Abbie
Jennifer <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
- Monday, December 15, 2003 2:01 PM CST
Hi Savannah:

Sounds like you had a wonderful sleepover. How fun! Well, I just wanted to let you know that you and your mommy and sister continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.


Your Friend,

Wendy Baber <vbaber@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Monday, December 15, 2003 7:30 AM CST
Well, Hurley girls, as always, we had a blast - thanks for hosting the sleepover. Brooke and Sydney had so much fun that they didn't want to sleep with stinky ole mommy...as I am sure you recall!! We loved spending time with the girls and playing games. The mommy time is so therapeutic also, love the girl talk time! So neat to see what a great guy Jerry is and how he takes care of and is so very attentive to all the Hurley girls, really seems to be a great guy at a great time. Thanks again for having us, we already look forward to the next one!! Love, kisses and continual prayers,
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, December 14, 2003 9:18 PM CST

Wishing you girls a very Merry Christmas. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.

With Much Love in Him,

Yvonne......Leilani's mommy

The Fernandez Family <yvonnengzs@rjia.net /// www.caringbridge.org/nc/leilani>
Mount Airy, NC - Sunday, December 14, 2003 9:44 AM CST
no matter how prepared we think we are for this kind of news....it is still like slamming your face into a concrete slab.
Lisa, your pain is palpable......across the miles i feel it.
you know i will continue to pray....every time any one you cross my mind i pray.
is there something else i can do?
i am going to be out of the country soon to have surgery.
ask the girls if they would like a little something from Brazil.
my arms are around you all.
auntie brandi

brandi <bjrfromwa@aol.com>
- Sunday, December 14, 2003 3:16 AM CST
Hi, I just wanted to stop by and say hello. and to tell you Not to give up hope! THere are other kids having great reslults with tremador and protocel. There are kids with stage 4 tumors that are gone! It is not Over until GOd says it is so stay strong and keep doing what your doing. Try everything! You have alot of support.
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Saturday, December 13, 2003 9:58 PM CST
Hey Savannah! You are one strong chic, did you know that? I know what your family is going through, because my sister got diagnosed with osteosarcoma at the end of May 2001 and was cured in March 2003. But, she relapsed (which means she got it again). So just so you know, you are not alone. Now this is a note to your mommy. Please try natural remedies. Don't just follow what the doctor says please. My whole family wishes that we gave my sister all the natural medicine we have now before. If you haven't already, please give Savannah some things like; Barley Green, Omega 3 (Cod liver oil contains omega 3), MGN3, IP6, and a couple more that I don't know off hand. They may just be the things to cure your daughter. Lots of love, Super sib
Super sib <qthaq@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 13, 2003 10:14 AM CST

Sorry about your crummy MRI. Truly sucks. I hope that Temodar is able to offer you another llllloooonnnnnggggg stability so you can have more hugs and kisses time from your sweet girl. Thinking of you always. I wanted to let you know that we have been doing the coolest thing together (Jake and I) we have been going to one of those paint your own pottery studios and making a set of plates for us to eat off of. He loves it!! I let him write with a pencil on the plate and draw whatever he wants...then I paint over it exactly as he wrote....we love it. The only bad thing is...after he makes them and we have them....I am scared to death that we will break them and I will lose it emotionally. We plan to get one of those plate hangers and put them on the wall. Just an idea for you guys.

Thinking of you,
Susan and Jakey Bear

- Saturday, December 13, 2003 8:55 AM CST
Lisa, I don't even know what to say. I purposely did not check the site because I was afraid of what I was going to read & then when I did read your post the thing I did not want to read was there. I can only imagine what you are going through. I pray for you, & your children everyday. What happens now? I hope you can enjoy Christmas. By the way; music of choice when I am angry - Linkin Park's Meteora & Staind's old cd. Music of choice when I am sad or feeling low - Sara Mclaclhan's Surfacing. Her words & lyrics run right through me. Music of choice when I am happy or free of my burdens - Hip Hop, old freestyle music & techno. I hope you all have a good weekend.
Paula <pparisesmith@pmbankers.com>
Plainview, NY - Friday, December 12, 2003 2:54 PM CST
i check in often but don't sign much, i guess i'm just afraid of saying the wrong thing.. no one can know what you're going thru right now, and any words are just words. i just wanted you to know that your little one is in my thoughts, and yes, my prayers.. thinking of you all..
mary burns
Albany, NY - Friday, December 12, 2003 8:05 AM CST
Hi lisa and Savannah,

It has been awhile since I visited, and tonight Kim mentioned the last MRI so I thought I should come over and let you know you both are in our prayers. Cheyenne is so good at praying for her caringbridge friends. We have had really good results from Temodar and an alternative treatment. Although I know of one sweet little girl that had a hard time on Temodar, Cheyenne just breezes through it with no problems at all. Her counts were only down once and that was during her first 42 day period. Since then she takes 130 mg twice a day for 5 days and then off for 28 days. When Cheyenne's tumor was huge and effecting everything, we talked her Dr into using Prendisone rather than some of the other severe steroids. It worked well for her and there was almost no weaning to get her off it. We reduced it once, and then just stopped.

Our God is a Great God. We are praying.

God Bless you

Cheyenne's dad

Roy Fiveash <rfiveash@wcc.net>
san angelo, tx - Thursday, December 11, 2003 10:32 PM CST
Hi, I just wanted to say your journal today really broke my heart. I feel how lost and frustrated you are. I am so sorry your going through such a horrible think with your baby girl! ANd I am praying for you and your family during this time. I wish you many many happy days with her, a whole lifetime of them , this is just so unfair.
Kim <dakk2222@netnitco.net>
IN - Thursday, December 11, 2003 10:01 PM CST
Love to you all. Can't wait till Friday. We will have a blast. Praying for SNOW!!!!

Love, Abbie and Jennifer Skaggs

Jennifer <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
- Thursday, December 11, 2003 8:54 AM CST
Dear Lisa, Just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you and yours and understand how hard this is but wanted you to know what a wonderful job you are doing. Prayers always, Julie, Emily's mom
julie dearmond <dearmond57@hotmail.com>
lake forest, ca usa - Thursday, December 11, 2003 8:05 AM CST
Greetings to Savannah and family... Savannah, Lady and the Tramp is one of my favorite movies! What is your favorite Christmas story? There are so many good ones it is hard for my girls to pick. Hope you all have a peaceful day today. Lisa, point taken in your post ... you are thought of and missed.
Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
Belen, nm USA - Thursday, December 11, 2003 7:12 AM CST
Lisa, my heart sank as I read your latest update. I can find no words to express my feelings other than to say how sorry I am that you are facing this now. Remember to lean on others, let them in to support you as you support your girls. I'm glad you have Jerry in your life now. And remember we on the PBT list will always be there when you need us.

Charlene Voyce <charlene.voyce@snet.net>
Clinton, CT USA - Thursday, December 11, 2003 2:15 AM CST
Lisa, Cassie & Savannah: A note to let you know I am thinking of you all...one of my last thoughts and prayers last night was for all of you. Look forward to cookie decorating and best of all EATING THE COOKIES! Love, Paulette
paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, ar - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 1:45 PM CST
Hello guys! We just wanted you to know we are thinking of you extra hard today. We know how it feels to want to know but not want to know all at once. And all the things you said about music are so so true! I can burst out crying at any given moment when certain songs come on no matter where I am. And I also went for the angrier music because it didn't hurt so much. We had a channel here that only played Metallica, Linkin Park.... etc. and I was safe there. Then over night, with no warning they changed their format to all country and now I have to channel surf all day to run from the songs that make me cry.(Picture me at one point in the middle of the video dept at Kmart with my fingers in my ears saying lalalalalala so I didn't lose it when one of those songs came on.... ) Everyone has to do what they need to do to deal with their pain and those that can't understand need to just stand back and not judge what they don't know. Too bad it took me a long time to know that.... I spent way too much time trying to do what everyone thought I should. You get alot of good advice from those that have been there and the online groups have kept alot of us afloat during the rough times.
Let us all know how the MRI goes.
Love, Lori

Cranesville, PA - Tuesday, December 9, 2003 5:05 PM CST
Hi Savannah & Lisa - Just want you to know we're thinking of you, haven't heard from you on the PBT site lately. Sending you love and prayers, and wishing you a very happy holiday season. We love you baby, we think of you all the time. Love, Ruth & Maddie
Ruth Giardina <cgiardina@adelphia.net>
Dalton, PA USA - Tuesday, December 9, 2003 11:24 AM CST
I don't know what to say after reading the journal entries and seeing the pictures of Savannah and her sis, except that love shines through. Thank you for sharing Savannah with us.
Jinny Hannasch-Daley <jinnyhann@yahool.com>
Bethesda, MD USA - Tuesday, December 9, 2003 8:42 AM CST
Thinking of you all today. Praying,

Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Tuesday, December 9, 2003 8:15 AM CST
Lisa and Savannah,
Thinking about you today (MRI day) and praying for good results.
Lots of love...

Sheri ~ http://www.caringbridge.org/la/cameron <yankee_cajun2001@yahoo.com>
Lafayette, LA - Tuesday, December 9, 2003 6:27 AM CST

We are really missing you on the PBT site. Too bad you can't check the site from work anymore. That would drive me nuts (not to mention I could never keep up!). We will be thinking of you and Savannah tomorrow.

Patti Kennedy m/o Elizabeth (7) brainstem JPA

Patti Kennedy <pken0480@msn.com>
Topeka, KS US - Monday, December 8, 2003 9:07 PM CST

Thinking of you and praying for a good MRI. I hope Savannah is feeling well. About the grey hair comment :) I just was wondering what they do....do they dye it before they make it into hair for a child? LOL. Not many grey haired 10 year olds out there.

Thanks for the nice note on Jakes site...it has basically been a very bad week for us but we are muddling through it.

Your friends,
Susan and Jake

Jupiter, Fl - Monday, December 8, 2003 8:50 PM CST
Lisa and Savannah,

I am sending prayers for a positive scan. I have been worried about you and Savannah because you had not been posting on the PBT site. I am glad to know it is because you can't do it from work anymore.

Kindest Regards,

Diana Cross m/o Katherine dx 7-03 pontine glioma

Diana Cross <diana@houston.rr.com>
Houston, TX United States - Monday, December 8, 2003 7:41 PM CST
Hi Lisa,

Lots of prayers coming your way from the PBT group. Lots of people asking about you, too. We miss you!

Hugs and love to the girls.

Charlene <charlene.voyce@snet.net>
- Monday, December 8, 2003 7:16 PM CST
In my thoughts and prayers.
Angel Julia's Uncle Jeff <Phishplugger@comcast.net>
Freedom, PA USA - Monday, December 8, 2003 1:09 PM CST
Thinking and praying for you all.
Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Monday, December 8, 2003 9:26 AM CST
Hi Savannah and family,

Somehow I apparently lost you web site until finding it again today on one of the other children's sites. We will be praying really hard on the upcoming MRI. We still have about 3 weeks until Cheyenne's, so I am not a complete nut case yet, but it is getting close. God Bless you all.

Cheyenne's dad

Roy Fiveash <rfiveash@wcc.net>
san angelo, tx - Sunday, December 7, 2003 11:03 PM CST
I will be thinking of you on Tuesday. Hoping and praying for the best for Savannah. For Christmas I wish I could give you all the gift of time. Please take care of yourself.

Shawnee, KS - Sunday, December 7, 2003 3:31 PM CST
Praying for good news when Savannah has her MRI. Even though you missed the girls, it was great that you got out and let your hair down! It doesn't hurt once in a while!
Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Wishing all of you a very special holiday season. Will check in before then, though!
Hugs, Karen

Karen LaMounain <AngelGrammaL@netscape.net>
Selkirk, NY USA - Friday, December 5, 2003 8:34 PM CST
Just thinking about all of you this moment.
paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, ar - Thursday, December 4, 2003 9:20 AM CST
*Savannah & Family*

Hi! I hope this finds all of you doing well.

I'm going to make this short since my wrist hurts and I'm finding it very difficult trying to type with one hand. I happened to stumble on your site the other day and I wanted to take the time to say hi. I would have posted a message sooner, but I was waiting for my wrist to recover.

Please know you and your entire family will be in my thoughts and prayers from this moment on. I'll be back to check up on you again soonly. {In MY dictionary that's a word}. hehehe

Sending lots and lots of BIG hugs your way!!!

Shannon -- http://www.caringbridge.org/ma/samanthatherese/ <humphity319@aol.com>
Haverhill, MA <3 Samantha's Mommy <3 - Thursday, December 4, 2003 7:51 AM CST

I have been thiniing about you all so much lately. I went to finish up some Christmas shopping this morning and could not take my mind off of Savannah. I felt like I had to get some special gifts for her and Cassie. Can you e-mail me your address? I would love to put a package in the mail for you all.

Please know that you all are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.


Love In Him,

Wendy Baber <vbaber@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Wednesday, December 3, 2003 1:26 PM CST
So Blessed....So blessed! I am so happy for you right now! I pray that things stay great!

Been thinking of you alot lately! Sorry I haven't written, been busy with school...but you are in my thoughts and prayers daily!

Lots of Love and Hugs to all!

Leilani's mommy, Yvonne

The Fernandez Family <yvonnengzs@rjia.net /// www.caringbridge.org/nc/leilani>
Mount Airy, NC - Wednesday, December 3, 2003 11:21 AM CST
Thanks for the wonderful update. The girls and I passed your road tonight coming from a jewelry party - wanted to stop but knew it was too late on a school night. Glad you ended up having such a wonderful holiday weekend. Looking forward to catching up. Keeping you all in our prayers and lifting up in prayer your peace of mind in waiting for the MRI testing and results. Love to you all,
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, December 1, 2003 10:44 PM CST

On the BT scale is 10 most normal? I assume it is. Sorry to be stupid but I'm not familiar with the details.

I don't judge, at least not knowingly. I'm all for what makes you and your loved ones have a less stressful life. I hope nobody is giving you crap about the decisions you make. I know for a fact that others do that even when they have no idea what it's like to be in your shoes. I imagine your tolerance of such behavior is low (as it should be.) It's not like you have the energy for that anyway. I hope people closest to you can be supportive and trust your judgement or keep it to themselves forever if they don't.

Wishing you peaceful dreams tonight, Mary

Mary Lohmann <ctlohmann@msn.com>
- Friday, November 28, 2003 8:57 PM CST
Lisa - i'm still having those moments when I don't want to deal with all of this and just want our girls to be 'normal'... They are some amazing little ones and it just shouldn't happen. We've been given months, weeks, even days with our baby and she's doing great now - still, we live each day on the edge with worry and fear. Faith in God is a wonderful thing but it cannot take all of that away - it just can't. it just makes me angry inside... i just pray that Savannah is experiencing some swelling from radiation and that she's back to her little spitfire self and soon! Don't give up hope because Savannah is so very absolutely amazing and has beat some unsurmountable odds already. We have to keep hoping even though we're facing the most horrible thing in life, something most unimaginable to most people... including the ones that pass judgement, subtly or otherwise... you just can't do that ! We do all we can as moms for our babies, we don't take anything for granted, we don't oversee anything. We would never jeopardize anything.. and yet other people just can't quite understand having a child with a bt. I know I could have never possibly understood. I'll keep you guys right here in my heart and prayers for the rest of my life.

Tami (Celeste's mommy) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Friday, November 28, 2003 2:00 PM CST
Hello Hurley girls, hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving Day. Thought of you all a lot yesterday, thought a lot about all the people that have touched our lives. Just wanted to tell you that we are sure thankful for all three of you precious ladies. Keep your spirits up as you always do. We love you all,
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Friday, November 28, 2003 8:39 AM CST
I'm sorry you are going through this, I can see your pain and anger and it just makes my heart ache, it saddens me so much that Savannah is going through this it's just not fair that children get cancer, she should only have to worrie about girlie things and kids stuff and not BT. I will keep praying for her and your whole family
sally <sally_torres@lusknet.com>
- Wednesday, November 26, 2003 11:15 AM CST
You don't know me but I've been reading your journal. I have friends whose three children have MLD and that's how I started reading the caringbridge sites. So many hurt children and families. My heart goes out to you and yours. Don't feel bad or need to explain if it was my child the only thing I would care about was them and their happiness, that's what you are doing. Who cares what anyone else thinks. All that matters is your child and their happiness. My boys aren't suffering illness but I still know that whatever happens they come first, no matter what. I hope you don't feel I've intruded because my heart really goes out to you and all the children on these sites. Just know there are people who feel you are doing the best thing for your child and that we care. Prayers come from a lot of different places for your children.

Someone caring from Michigan <vpontius@cms.maisd.com>
- Wednesday, November 26, 2003 9:04 AM CST
Hi Lisa & family. Just wanted to wish you all a happy thanksgiving & to let you know that I have been thinking about you. Tomorrow I am going to spend the day with Karen & the family & Kenny & Casey. This week is very hard for me & all I feel like doing is crying. If it is hard for me I can only imagine what Karen & them feel. All week all I can do is reminisce about our past thanksgivings & Pam. Life is not fair. Life is not fair to give beautiful people brain tumors. Everytime I hear that word I cringe. I saw that you posted the Evanescence song "Whisper." I bought that cd the week before Pam died & my favorite song was "My Immortal," track 4. The next time I listened to it it took on a whole new meaning & everytime I hear it I cry & think about Pam. It reminds me more of song for Pam from Karen. Everytime I hear it I associate it with Karen. Like it is Karen's song to Pam. Anyway, I don't mean to keep babbling. I just wanted to check in & say hi & I hope you try & enjoy your holiday. I am thankful for life this year. Past years I was thankful for material things. Funny how things change in a year.
Paula <pparisesmith@pmbankers.com>
Plainview, NY - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 8:31 AM CST
you're right.. unless you've been there you can't understand. don't really know what else to say right now, and so i'll just say that i hope that you have a wonderful thanksgiving, together with those you love.
mary burns
Albany, NY - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 8:16 AM CST
Hi Lisa -

I relate to every word in your journal.

It's a sleepy time of year and hopefully it's just the change in seasons keeping us all reminded that it's time to hang out around the house and enjoy all that we have been blessed with. Thinking about you guys all the time,

Tami (Celeste's mom) <blessingbyceleste@hotmail.com>
pgh, pa - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 4:12 PM CST
Just a quick hello and Happy Thanksgiving! Hope all is well over there. Brooke and Sydney are 'trying' to be good and get ready for Santa to visit a month from today! Love to you all,
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 11:50 AM CST
Just stopped in to wish all you lovely ladies a wonderful Thanksgiving. Keeping Savannah in my prayers.

Hugs from Karen

Karen LaMountain <AngelGrammaL@netscape.net>
Selkirk, NY USA - Tuesday, November 25, 2003 1:54 AM CST

Just stopping by to say have a good weekend. What do you mean...you cant donate hair when it is grey? Sounds like all is well for you guys. Keep on fighting and swimming. We have a very crappy weekend ahead of us because Jake is having an MRI next week. I hate that waiting. We usually avoid them like the plague but we figured it was time..it has been a year.

Take care,
Susan and Jake

- Friday, November 21, 2003 2:39 PM CST
Just wanted to stop in and say HI! Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend. Looks like we are in for some warm weather. What a blessing- nearly Turkey day and almost 80! Love you girls and think about you daily.

Jennifer Skaggs

Jennifer <jenns@mail.cswnet.com>
Russellville, AR - Friday, November 21, 2003 9:03 AM CST
Dearest Lisa, Cassie & Savannah...Just thinking about you and wondering how much the tooth fairy left last night?????? Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your thoughts with all of us. I know that you must know how much you are all loved and can you imagine the numbers of people all around the world that are praying for your family? X&O's
paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, ARusa - Thursday, November 20, 2003 3:30 PM CST
You give those brave girls a big kiss from all of us!! Bless their hearts - be sure and tell Cassie that Sydney HATES the dentist visits. She has a favorite dentist and he doesn't hurt as bad, but she, like Cassie, has the problem teeth. Brooke has never had a cavity and Sydney has had two fillings!!! Hope all is well at the Hurley home - and, we hope to plan a nice visit very, very soon!
Love to all,

Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, November 20, 2003 12:37 AM CST
Hey Lisa -

All I can say is that I wish I could have been there :) You just brought the biggest smile to my face from your last journal... and this was one of those iron skillet days. I love you guys - you're always in my thoughts and prayers.

Tami (Celeste's mommy) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
Pittsburgh, PA - Monday, November 17, 2003 11:52 PM CST
Hey its me cassie, how ya doin? Savannah and I have had alot of fun this weekend.Too bad our game of fun has ended. On tuseday November 18 at the dentist they are going to pull my tooth out. that's because I have a abcessed tooth. Hey, I get to eat lots of Ice cream and sorbae. Still I'm alittle scared and freaked out. Savannah keeps on trying to protect me but I don't like it. I just tell her to stop but she keeps on doing it, it makes me mad cause I just keep on asking her to stop it. The dentist said that he was going to numb my mouth so it won't hurt. When they do it, they might put a mask on me so when they give me a shot it woll not hurt. The shot will numb my tooth, so when they pull it, it will not hurt alot. When they pull my tooth out me an mom get to go home and watch tv and lay down together. Too bad I have to miss school. The next day at school it will be hurting so bad because it will be sore. Time to go to bed. Goodbye to all.
cassie the big sis <lisa.hurley@centurytel.com>
russellville, ar usa - Monday, November 17, 2003 8:59 PM CST
hi it's me savannah. dad is getting married to vicky. barbie sparkling e
savannah hurley
russellville, ar usa - Monday, November 17, 2003 8:09 PM CST
Thinking of you and I love your writing.
I could write a book on the "hypocrosy of Christianity" and I am a Christian and I believe in and love the Lord.
I have experienced more in your face hypocrosy going through this than at any other time in my life.
And you are so right when you say it is the ones who don't even know us etc and non-christians and people who I can see who truly are christians have more love and giving and wanting to help than people who were in my life daily until this happened to us.
Its like we have leprosy or something!
well I want to write more but my kids are going haywire so I will try to stop by again soon
oh one example of no one really wanting to help as they say they do
Katelynns cancer has no cure avail. in the US
Its an adult cancer and on her website is a letter to the President to let him know we have the nuclear isotopes avail. here in the US! to make this treatment
and yet of course we(USA) are halted by the FDA
I put the rough draft there and asked people to write me if they were willing to help get it to the media, congres,, Pres. Bush, anyone they can think of
I have had almost 3000 visitors to the site since I put it up
I got ONE < YES ONLY ONE!!!! letter from someone (who is also Katelynns Chemo Angel,we love you Sharon!) saying she wanted to help get it out......it would only take one stamp from each visitor
go figure... I guess it must sound easier to have me figure out how to come up with the 26,000. to get her to the Netherlands and to take her four times! Oh but i get it...we'll get there on a wing and a prayer!
Sorry you got me having an Iron Skillet Moment!
Maria and Katelynn

One of many caring bridge moms/parents <regattacrew68@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, November 14, 2003 9:40 PM CST
Hello Lisa,
I came to your webpage and wow.. I will keep you all in our prayers. You singned my daughter Bethany's guestbook on her webpage. I know how hard it is everyday knowing the risks of treatment and that everyday is very special. Keep on hugging and loving Savanna and your family because that is all that matters in this world take care and I will keep you updated on Bethany as well.

Lisa Dafoe <rickydaf@yahoo.com>
Cache Creek, BC Canada - Friday, November 14, 2003 5:54 PM CST
Hey girls.....glad you liked the angel bears. Didn't know if the angel worry stone was the same one i had sent before or a diff. one...... Who won on the popcorn?? cheese or plain first???? I know you 2 are great makers of cookies, cupcakes etc so i knew the decorator would get use. THANK YOU...........ALL 3....for the GRRRRRREAT thank you cards.I am going on a womens retreat with some women from my church....gonna have a slumber party for 2 nights down in Oregon....should i take jammies with feet?? or maybe a trap door??? Much love to you girls....please have a HUGE group hug from me.
Auntie Brandi

Brandi <bjrfromwa@aol.com>
Tenino, WA USA - Friday, November 14, 2003 5:50 PM CST

I just wanted you to know that all of you are being thought about and prayed for today. I continue to follow Savannah's journey very closely. And I continue to pray for that very special miracle that we know can happen. Don't give up. You are a great mom whose love for your children is very evident. Your knowledge and understanding about Savannah's illness far surpasses that of many MD's. Hang in there Lisa and try to enjoy this holiday season. Your're doing a great job.



Wendy Baber <vbaber@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Friday, November 14, 2003 6:41 AM CST
Hello Lisa, Cassie & Savannah; Just thinking about all of you and your family today. I read the message from your Uncle Chuck and wanted to tell you that Whitney & Lindsey have an Uncle Chuck that lives in Colorado also. He is a Great Uncle and he lives in Boulder. Have you ever been there when the snow is 3'deep? It is heaps of fun to tube and sled and best of all, the schools shut down so that you can play in it. X's and O's Paulette
paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, ar - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 1:32 PM CST
Hi Lisa,

I've been out of touch for a couple of weeks. We've had some issues with Henry...everything ok now. I couldn't stop thinking about you on Halloween. Today I read that Savannah is showing symptoms. I won't write the first words that came to mind. I pray for comfort for you and your family. I have to admit that I also blatantly ask God for a miracle. Stupid? Maybe but I don't care....I do it anyway. Mostly I want all of you to be happy and relaxed. Maybe that's a miracle too. I throw that in along with the other requests.

Take care,

Mary Lohmann <ctlohmann@msn.com>
- Tuesday, November 11, 2003 9:06 PM CST
Hi Lisa,
I just wanted to come by and thank you for your message in my mom's guestbook a few weeks ago..I know I've taken awhile to come by!! Sorry! I am just praying that Savannah is okay and that the symptoms don't mean anything serious.. I'll be praying for all of you..again, thanks for visiting and please continue to do so!

~*~*Girlie's Page*~*~


Janice <janiceliew1981@yahoo.com>
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 2:08 AM CST
Hi Lisa - Thinking of Savannah all the time and sending lots and lots of prayers and positive thoughts your way... Savannah is a miracle baby and I'm praying for her complete healing despite such a nasty disease as this. She's an amazing little spitfire and I love you guys. I am frustrated that we have to see our little girls go through this and that we remain relatively helpless. Call me if you ever aren't too exhausted :)

Tami (Celeste's mommy) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
Pgh, PA - Monday, November 10, 2003 11:41 PM CST
Hi there, I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I was reading your page and it brought back all of my memories of when my son was diagnosed. What a nightmare, and we still live in the nightmare everyday. I pray Savannah's symptoms are nothing to worry about. Good luck and hang in there.

Paula (Mitch's mom) <PHSTYLN@msn.com>
Vancouver, Wa - Sunday, November 9, 2003 9:26 AM CST
Hi Lisa -

I pray things get really, really better and soon. We have been there too many times. The eyes can change from one hour to the next with our little one. It never gets easier but Savannah is so very strong and well, I just can't get enough of her little spitfire self. Hang in there,

Tami (Celeste's mom) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
Pgh, PA - Friday, November 7, 2003 0:52 AM CST

I have never signed your guestbook before and saw the link on Jared's site. At first I was a bit offended, but then I thought about it. It's not about how I feel, it's about what you are all going through. I am sorry. I can not put myself in your shoes and I reallythink when I pray that I am doing the most powerful thing I can. Of course, you did give me a good idea with the gift certificates, and on pay days they will make their way around Caring Bridge sites. I had never thought of anything like that and often felt helpless. I didnt know what I could possibly do to help from a distance. I am running/walking to try and raise money for research, so I am not just trying to ice things over by saying Im praying, IM trying to help. I really believe praying is the best thing I can do, but can understand your point too when it doesnt really seem to help you out a whole lot. Please accept my prayers as a sign that I care, and feel, and love. Other more tangible things will come around too when I get money haha..funny...Im a teacher :P I never get any!!! lol
In His Strong Love,


Cassandra <cmraven@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, November 6, 2003 11:56 PM CST
I found you through Jared's site, and I want to say how deeply you have touched me. Not only your own story with Savannah, but also the amazing things you have said to Riannon on Jay's guestbook. I can tell that you are a truly amazing human, that your daughters are so special and so loved, and that you embody the true meaning of spirituality. I do think of you and your girls and pray for you. Thank you for being honest and real. It's what the world needs. Hang in there in these scary, grieving times. My heart is with you as you navigate these murky waters.
with love and hope,

Dawn Morgan <oxymorgan@infinex.com>
San Leandro, CA USA - Thursday, November 6, 2003 9:51 PM CST
Always praying and thinking of you Hurley girls. We love you very much.
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, November 6, 2003 2:45 PM CST
Hi Lisa. Just checking in to see what was happening & to see if there was an update. Karen told me today that Savannah wasn't feeling well so I wanted to see if there was anything new. I think about you & your girls everyday. Hope everything turns out ok & Savannah is feeling better.
Paula <pparisesmith@pmbankers.com>
Plainview, NY USA - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 3:27 PM CST
I just wanted to thank you for signing katelynns guestbook and for putting your daughters site there so i could read your story.
Your girls are so beautiful!
I am out of town right now so my computer time is limited...but, I will be keeping in touch and will email you soon, I have been reading your story last night and tonight....
More soon
Hugz and prayers to you from us
Love Maria, Katleynn, Ashlee, and Zachary
Katelynns Quest To Find A Cure!

Maria <regattacrew68@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, November 4, 2003 9:58 PM CST
Hi Lisa, Cassie & Savannah: Just thinking about you as I do so often. X's and O's!!!!
paulette <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, ar - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 11:50 AM CST
Hi Lisa -

I know what you mean about normal days :)

Sorry to hear that Savannah seemed symtomatic lately... Celeste has been that way off and on. Like you said, we never know what child that we will wake up to. All we can do is make our little angels smile and keep the prayers going. Goodness knows that we do plenty of that :)

We're on the weaning schedule and doing great so far!

Take care of yourself in the midst of all this... Blessings,

Tami (Celeste's mom) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
PGH, PA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 0:57 AM CST
Hey Lisa,

Just want you to know that I will be praying for you honey! I can imagine the thoughts running through your mind and the worry. I pray that He fill you with peace. You are doing everything right....I am so often in awe of your wisdom and strength! Just keep lovin her....without ceasing!

I will pray extra hard for Savannah and for you and Cassie tonite. We love you guys....you are very special to us.

With Lots of Love and Prayers,

Yvonne...."Leilani's mommy"

The Fernandez Family <yvonnengzs@rjia.net>
Mt Airy, NC - Monday, November 3, 2003 10:06 PM CST
I linked over from Ashley's site. Almost 2 years ago my son (then 4)was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He went through surgery and chemo and we're now at the "wait and see" part to see if he'll need radiation. It is so hard to see our children have to endure this torture. I read a few of your journal entries and will continue to check up on you gals. You, Savannah and Cassie are in our prayers.
Lots of hugs and love!!!
Cameron's Page

Sheri & Cameron <yankee_cajun2001@yahoo.com>
Lafayette, LA - Monday, November 3, 2003 9:36 AM CST

OK, it's been long enough. Thank you so much for signing Noelle and Nicholas' guestbook.... forever ago. I apologize that I have not gotten back to you much sooner. I guess I thought that I could give something to you... maybe say something profound, or provide some insight. While I searched and thought, time went by. Too much time. Who was I kidding? There is nothing at all that I can say other than I am sorry that your little girl has to go through all of this hardship.

When I first learned about Savannah, a very long time ago, I just sat and cried. I cried out, "O God, why another child... why?"

I followed Savannah's story long before you got in touch with us. I wish that I had gotten in touch with you much sooner. Why couldn't I? Does this sound crazy? I wonder why it was so hard for me to just post an, "I'm sorry about the diagnosis."?

Savannah is such a beautiful little girl. I have read your updates about her sweet personality. She kind of reminds me about my Noelle. The mommy in me just wanted to reach in the back of Noelle's head and remove the beast that resided within. But I knew that I couldn't. I wanted/needed more information but did not know where to look. I was dealing with two very sick children, living on very little sleep each night, still trying to be a good mother to Nathan and a good wife to Van, and doing my best... ALL while trying to see the good in what was going on.

Was I too tired? Why did God take two of my babies? Why two completely different illnesses... and why in the world at the same time? Why didn't I find out about the peds bsg support group until after Noelle died? I was so careful with them while I was pregnant and protected them almost too much after they were born... why them? Why me? Why us? Why all of us?

If I had known about the bsg support group sooner, I know that I would have tried other means of tx. I also know that Noelle did not want any part of medical treatment at all. And once she was on the dex she made no bones about that fact either! (At times up to 32 mg. per day). Is that why I didn't know about the group sooner? Didn't God want me to help my baby? Or did He? Is that why I had two sick children at once? Was I too naieve to just look a little harder? Why in the world did we end up at a hospital that hurt my son so badly? Did God send Nicholas to purposely go Home so soon because He knew that Noelle would also need to leave soon... was that His way of making her more prepared to leave?

I guess I could destroy myself with questions like this for the rest of my life. Or I can simply trust that God did know what He was doing. I have to believe that what we went through made us better people and more aware of what really matters in life. (Don't get me wrong, we can still hardly believe what we went through. We still cry daily for them and what they went through, but God continues to provide His grace just as we need it).

You are so full of knowledge and such an advocate for Savannah. I know that you give her as much as she gives you. Your love for her is SO EVIDENT. I read ALL of your posts on the bsg support group. (I have always thought that you were such an amazing advocate for Savannah and I still think that too). I began reading your updates on Savannah's old web-page and then followed you to CB when you moved over. I guess I wondered how I could give you support when you are the support. You are the mom that I wish I was when I was dealing with this beast myself. Noelle was totally prepared to leave us. I think that God allowed us to prepare Noelle for her departure on a spiritual level, and she totally prepared us as well. Noelle had more insight and wisdom than most Christian adults. She never questioned God once about her illness. Noelle told us that Jesus would visit her in her dreams and tell her that she would have to leave us, "Soon, but not right now. And to walk to the light" when the time came to leave. God blessed us with a little girl to love and cherish who was well beyond her years in many parts of her life. He also alowed Noelle and Nicholas' illnesses to bring other to Himself.

You are doing such an amazing job with this illness. My prayer for you, and all of the many other children who have a bsg., is: That a new treatment is discovered that will last for a very long time with very little side effects until a cure is found. That no more children ever have to go through what our children went/ and are going through. That you can have your whole lives to spend together... and never have to worry about any kind of cancer... once and for all in peace and harmony. That the only type of death that anyone should have to know about is that of old age. That God will place a hedge of protection over all of you keeping all evil far away. That you will feel His presence in every situation you find yourself in. And that you know Him as your Savior and Lord.

Take care of yourself Lisa. I'll continue to check in.


Love In Him,

Wendy Baber <vbaber@triad.rr.com>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Sunday, November 2, 2003 1:29 PM CST
Lisa, Cassie and Savannah.....GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
I am hugging you right now....tightly. I am crying my darned fool eyes out....maybe i will have the breakdown for you Lisa. Had been holding my breath for days. The package I have had to send out for weeks is still here....took it to Florida but forgot to take your address. Hows that for on the ball. SHEESH. will try to get it to the PO tomorrow. Thank you God for the miracle of each day......may we PLEASE have MANY, MANY, MANY more. Auntie Brandi

brandi <bjrfromwa@aol.com>
tenino, wa usa - Thursday, October 30, 2003 7:45 PM CST
I have really had you all on my mind a lot lately. Thanks for being so strong - you are motivation and Queen Mom to all of us. Thanks for reminding me to appreciate my girls. Love to you all, and, as always thanks for sharing and we continue to pray for quality of life. Love,

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, October 30, 2003 4:15 PM CST
Hang in there Lisa. Sometmes a good cry will do wonders. Enjoy that hand making kit Karen sent you. Saturday is Casey's first b-day & my emotions are on overload. I just went out & spent tons on stuff for her. My heart hurts so bad because Pam is not here. Yet, she is here. In spirit. I think of you & your girls all the time. My prayers are with you.
Paula (Pam's cousin) <pparisesmith@pmbankers.com>
Plainview, NY 11803 - Thursday, October 30, 2003 3:48 PM CST
Hi,my name is Paula & I am Pam Ostrowski's cousin. Pam's sister Karen gave me the link after I read what Lisa wrote on Pam's website. It touched my heart. I have just read the entire web page & I sit here at work & cry. I pray for Savannah & for Savannah's family. Everyday I question why this has to happend to the nicest people. I miss cousin so much every day. I know Pam is watching over us as she will watch over Savannah & your family. It sounds like you have wonderful children. God bless you all & Savannah will be in my prayers tonight. I will check in regularly on her progress.
Paula <pparisesmith@pmbankers.com>
Plainview, NY USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 9:55 AM CST
Hi Savannah,
I hope you are feeling good today. Fisher had his chemo, and he is doing very well.

I know what you mean about Jaydog. I was really taken back by all of it. His mom is so strong. I can't hardly write about it either. Take care and if you need to talk, email me.

Carolyn www.caringbridge.org/va/fisherc <oshelrina@aol.com>
Chesapeake, Va USA - Monday, October 27, 2003 2:10 PM CST
Good Monday morning ladies...just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about all of you this morning. Savannah and Cassie, I imagine you will be having neat Halloween parties at school this week. I used to love those days when I was in school. Have you finished your pumpkin decorating? Have you an outfit for the cat? Love, Paulette
paulette reece <paulette@conwaycorp.net>
plumerville, ar usa - Monday, October 27, 2003 10:08 AM CST
Hi, Mommy and Savannah! Oh, I just love your red hair!!!! I got to your site through Ashley's. We lost a two year old granddaughter two years ago to AML, so I understand the ups and downs. However, I also believe in the power of prayer and I do believe in miracles. Savannah will be in my prayers.

Hugs from Karen aka
"Gramma L"

Karen LaMountain <AngelGrammaL@netscape.net>
Selkirk, NY USA - Saturday, October 25, 2003 1:37 AM CDT
thanks for writing in Dustin's site. I am glad you still have Savannah and hope that a miracle happens. I just ask myself why these precious children have to suffer so much. The day I lost my precious baby was the day I gave up. I do what I need to to survive but don't care about anything else. He was my life. My every breath. I cherish the memories and the pictures. I hope you did not have to go through the pain of losing your beautiful girl. I hope she gets a miracle. I am glad she is doing well and hope she continues too.


Kris, angel Dustin's mom <buser_lady@yahoo.com>
- Friday, October 24, 2003 3:53 PM CDT
found you site through jays. My son also has JMML a cancer just a few years ago was considered incurable. We are buying time and more time. One transplant failed, we are working towards another. He remains strong,happy and healthy (well healty aside from that rare cancer!) - I get my strength from him. He says he is going to kick this in the butt and I believe him. I hold on to that. I will continue to visit your site often - Thank you for opening my eyes even more.
Kristy Ford <www.caringbridge.org/canada/conorford, kristydarren@yahoo.ca>
wetaskiwin, alberta canada - Friday, October 24, 2003 10:24 AM CDT
found your site because you found mine. jaydog. thank you for your posting. jareds cancer is also considered "uncurable". only in the last few years have they seen some survivors. we went through the last year knowing that jared was going to be an angel someday. we are in our last few days with jay and still loving everyday. hope that yours is long and memorable. www.caringbridge.org/ca/jaydog
riannon rodrigues <riannonkids@yahoo.com>
san leandro, ca - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 8:14 PM CDT
Hi Savanah and family,

I'm so happy to hear that Maddie The Cat adopted you! Our cat Lu Lu is a nice friend to have around, especially for Julianna. Although, it is pretty funny to see 3 year old Julianna carry Lu Lu (who is, uh, HUGE for a cat...more like a fat puma).

Your big sister got a hundred needle pokes to test for allergies?! WOW, I'm not telling Julianna that...lol! I just got my flu shot today, and I whined like a baby, so your sister must be brave like you.

Let me tell you Savanah, any mom that has Spongebob pajamas is about as cool a mom can get! Julianna, her big brother Nicholas (6 years old, just like you) and I have started the Strongberg Drive Spongebob Club, which convienes every week night at 8pm in front of the tv in our basement...ONLY SPONGEBOB FANS ALLOWED! Julianna starts club meetings by singing "who's a pineapple under da seeeeea!" You're invited if you ever make your way up to Canada.

I'm glad your mom stopped by Julianna's web site, I will be sure to visit yours often and see how you are doing. Take care and keep being brave and cute!

Terry Josephson, The Big Banana <tjosephson@shaw.ca www.caringbridge.org/canada/julianna>
Winnipeg, Canada - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 3:22 PM CDT
Hi Lisa -

I am so happy for you as you are experiencing a miracle! What a miracle Savannah is. Thanks for sharing her light with us... I like to look at her picture often as it always makes me smile. That says a lot!

Even if I don't sign the guestbook, I'm always checking in and thinking about you... call anytime - I loved hearing from you!

Tami (Celeste's mom) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
Pittsburgh, PA - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 1:20 AM CDT
I stumbled upon your website and updated myself on you. You are quite the girl with quite the family. You can tell through your updates that you are strongly loved by your family and through the guestbook entries that you are strongly cared for by all your friends! Keep fighting, and keep smiling the whole way through!!

Maddie www.caringbridge.org/mn/maddie <madelinepaguyo@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, October 21, 2003 6:51 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and Savannah,
My name is Linda and I am Isaac's Aunt. I really enjoyed your website and especially the beautiful pictures of you Savannah! Also, thank you Lisa for your wonderful updates and stories. You have quite a flair for writing. I hope you all have a great week and thanks again for sharing your website.

Linda <lindatrop@yahoo.com>
Pleasanton, California USA - Monday, October 20, 2003 7:27 AM CDT
Momma Lisa, Cutie Cassie and Sweet Savannah - Thinking about your all a ton this week. I have to tell you how much we have enjoyed the cookie dough! I thawed some for an after school snack and just let the girls (and me of course!) eat it straight out of the tub and put it on top of their ice cream - they were so excited! We have finished off half of one of the two tubs we got and we haven't baked a single cookie!!! Ben and I went to the Razorback game this weekend, had a blast, it is such a good time. Brooke and Sydney stayed the weekend with Grammy in Ozark, and are spoiled rotten this week – and it is only Sunday!!! School is busy as ever, I am sure that Cassie can also attest to third grade being an eye opener, no more fun, lovey love from the teachers - we are there to learn! Boy, homework, projects, reading, not to mention extracurricular activities. Still anxious to see Cassie and Savannah cheer, we will have to get together again for a 'cheer fest' and just let the girls choreograph their own little routines for us. Hope you all had a great weekend too. The girls have competitive cheerleading and gymnastics seasons both beginning the first weekend of November and carrying through about March, so we will have to try and plan another play date for like a Sunday or something - let us know when you are ready. So glad to hear the funs times that are going on over there, continue to keep us posted. Love to all,
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, October 19, 2003 10:12 PM CDT
We love you and weep for you.

Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 9:33 PM CDT
Oh Lisa,

Once again through your amazing writing, I can feel your terror and your pain. I understand that this one year anniversary is going to be very, very difficult for you. I am so sorry that you have to relive all that pain and despair twice over. Savannah has been so strong, she is truly an amazing child. What a gift from God! Keep your hope; keep your faith. Cherish the small moments, take happiness where you can find it. I know the girls want to see you happy, so very, very much; especially Savannah. I cry tears for you. You remain in my thoughts and prayers and remind me how very precious life is.

In Gods love,

Shawnee, KS - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 7:16 PM CDT
Hi Lisa, Savannah and family,
Just wanted to say hi-- I have followed your journey thru the PBT listserve-- it is nice to see your pictures and put a face with the names! My daughter Maria's tumor was discovered 5 days after Savannah's, on October 23rd. What a long road this past year has been for both our families. It is SO wonderful to see the beautiful smile on Savannah's face in her pictures! You guys hang in there, and know that you are loved and prayed for by people who haven't even had the pleasure of meeting you "in person". Savannah, I bet you make an AWESOME cheerleader! Continue to be strong and happy!

Celeste Treadway-Leuzinger <treadwayleuzinger@jump.net>
Leander (Austin), TX USA - Sunday, October 12, 2003 6:42 PM CDT
Hello My Ladies It has been my pleasure to be allowed into your lives as a friend as well as your personal family artist. thank you for allowing me into your world it is a beautiful world bye for now.
jerry johnson
russellville , ar usa - Sunday, October 12, 2003 2:46 AM CDT
It was wonderful to get to see you. Please let Jerry know that the painting is beautiful. He definately captured their personalities. I continue to pray for you all and am blessed to be a small part of your journey. If there is ever something I can do to make a bump or curve a bit smoother, I am here.

Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 8:42 AM CDT
Hey Lisa - it is so very good to hear that Savannah is doing so well. She certainly is a beautiful little spitfire. That's good that you've found someone like Jerry. Love is such a powerful thing isn't it? It sounds like you have lots and lots of it at your house. Thanks for sharing that with all of us here!

I've been thinking about you guys a lot today, as I do every day. Hope all went well.


Tami (Celeste's mom - ) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 0:34 AM CDT
Yeah...that is awesome news!! HaPPy HaPPy HaPPy HaPPy HaPPy HaPPy HaPPy - we are all dancing with you here girlfriend!!
Love to all, Lisa, Brooke and Sydney

Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Saturday, October 4, 2003 11:17 AM CDT
As you know my daughter Pam also has a brain tumor and has been fighting the fight since November 4th, 2002, after the birth of her daughter (Casey Morgan). Karen's friends mother shared a prayer with us, that I would like to share with you and Savannah. It's called DON'T QUIT:
Don't Quit -
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, and you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit - Rest if you must, but do not quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a fellow turns about, When he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow - You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man; Often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup. And he learned too late when the night came down, How close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out - The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar, So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit, It's when things seem worst that you musn't quit.(Just call on Jesus).
REMEMBER NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT. You are in our prayers. GOD bless you all.

Frank father of Pam (www.caringbridge.org/ny/pamostrowski) <frmurato@nyct.com>
SYOSSET, NY USA - Monday, September 29, 2003 9:16 AM CDT
Through the eyes and mouths of babes! If your children like him and express through actions and words that he is not a threat to their Mommy time (and I for one know that not-a-dang thing comes between Lisa Hurley and her girls!!!, and clearly see that your girls know that as well!) then that is just another sign to LET HIM IN FULL THROTTLE!!! That is awesome that you can ALL benefit from him coming into and promoting the family 'thang'.....God will work it all out - listen to Him! Love to you all....love too that you give us lots of info here, we love keeping up with you and your ongoings! Lisa
Lisa Wells <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, September 25, 2003 3:10 PM CDT
RE: previous entry....OOPS! Arkansas! not Arizona! Silly me.
Yvonne Fernandez
- Thursday, September 25, 2003 2:55 PM CDT
Dear "Hurley Girls" :0)

Thanks so much for the cards! I absolutely LOVE them! Especially the pictures! I am so glad you enjoyed your surprises.

Cassie, it took me 15 minutes to get the tape off your card! Your so silly! :0)

Savannah, we love you honey! You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Lisa, thanks so much for the cards. I especially love the pics. Don't feel guilty about XXXX...you have needs too. No one is going to think less of you because you have found a special person to share with and support you in life...especially with all you are going through. I am a little disappointed though...because I have a bachelor brother that I was getting ready to send to Arizona for a little vacation (he he--BIG SMILE) Oh well, I may not get you for a sis-in-law, but at least you are my friend. (SMILE).

Well, I hope you all have a great weekend! You are such a special family. Keep on loving each other!!!! You do it SOOOOOO WELL!!!!

Lots of Love and Prayers!

Yvonne, Leilani's mom

The Fernandez Family <yvonnengzs@rjia.net>
Mt AIry, NC - Thursday, September 25, 2003 2:53 PM CDT
Hi Lisa - I was so glad to hear from you today. I could have talked to you forever. Savannah sounds like such a girlie-girl, much like Celeste. They would probably have a blast together making jewelry... or stickering :)
Tami (Celeste's mom) <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
Pittsburgh, PA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 0:15 AM CDT
Lisa...Just came by to say hello and to let you know that you and your beautiful girls are in my thoughts and prayers.

God bless...

Terry Snyder (Angel Jalen's "Am-Maw") http://www.caringbridge.org/fl/jalen <vix207@aol.com>
Royal Palm Beach, FL - Monday, September 22, 2003 8:08 PM CDT
HA HA HA lisa. What a great entry. I guess you could say "when your child is sick... the rules have changed" Allow whatever you feel. You are the boss. Cassie and Savannah were so fun. I enjoyed the "un-lisa" night as well. Missed the mommy talk but as you said... the squealing little princesses made it a little difficult.

much love, jennifer

Jennifer Skaggs
- Monday, September 22, 2003 4:24 PM CDT
Lisa, Cassie and Savannah - What a great time we had Saturday!! We sure love a fun girly, girl night...and that is certainly what it was. All day Sunday all the girls talked about was how cute Savannah was last night, they love everything she does and enjoy their time with her. I wish we could have visited more but it was quite crazy here as you could well see. I am already ready to plan our next event. The trip to Branson to the water park hotel and to see “Jacob” was sure fun, and with Christmas not too far away I am thinking another trip up to shop and look at the beautiful Christmas lights is in order. Hope you guys are interested. Love to you all… By the way, Lisa, we have got to talk – we started a conversation but didn’t get too far in…sounds like you are THE WOMAN!!! Love to all, Lisa, Brooke and Sydney
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, September 21, 2003 9:44 PM CDT

I am thrilled for you all, what wonderful news. Lisa, try to relax, enjoy the moment and have a great weekend!

Shawnee, KS - Friday, September 19, 2003 9:30 AM CDT
Great news...the best kind of news. Thanks for the update, we are always wanting the most recent news and info. So glad to hear that the week has gone well for Savannah, Cassie and Mom!! Can't wait to see you all Saturday. We will have a blast, Lisa
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Thursday, September 18, 2003 4:23 PM CDT
Hello to the Hurley girls.
That has a certain ring to it.....makes me think of broadway. No wonder you gals are little Sarah B's.
This Friday morning (VERY early) I will be flying out to Florida.....to see Peyton, Keaton, Aunt Jeanette and Uncle Les. I can HARDLY wait. I hope Keaton does not think he is too big for smooshy hugs.
I think of you gals several times a day and always send prayers your way.......hope you feel them.
Hugs and blessings.
"auntie" brandi

"auntie" brandi <bjrfromwa@aol.com>
tenino, wa usa - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 3:58 AM CDT
Really thinking about you all today - as I know we all are. Love, Lisa, Brooke and Sydney
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 12:50 AM CDT
Little Savannah, I cannot get you off of my mind today. My boss is going to fire me for looking at your website so much!!! I pray that today goes well!!! I hope to see you Saturday at the pageant party! Stay strong sweetie.

Love, Jennifer (abbie's mom)

Jennifer Skaggs
Russellville, AR America the beautiful - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 8:52 AM CDT
I'm so glad to hear that Savannah had fun at the picnic - she sounds like an absolute sweetie!

If you ever need to get in touch, give me a call. For any reason whatsoever, don't hesitate to call me. I would love to hear from you - I'm incredibly busy as you are :) so just whenever you may have the chance... I've been having ups and downs with stress too.

Keep the faith up! Savannah and Celeste are fighters - amazingly strong little sweethearts. They would probably have a blast together... they sound so much alike!

Hang in there.

Tami (412)885-3899 - Celeste's site
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 10:28 PM CDT
Hello! We are sending you some good vibes for some good news from the MRI! Give Savannah a giant hug from us.
Cranesville, PA - Monday, September 15, 2003 6:12 PM CDT
Hi girls,

Wish you were here or I was there. I would definitely like some of that cookie dough. Sounds like you have lots on your schedule this week. I will be thinking about you all this week - hoping and praying for the best. Lisa stay as strong as you can and take it one day at a time. Have fun at your pageant night. Can't wait to hear what you girls have planned next!

Monica Montgomery <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Monday, September 15, 2003 10:23 AM CDT
Well, sounds like another way busy week for the Hurley girls - aren't they all! I am excited myself about the cookie dough, "not for cookies, just for eats!". I hope you and the girls are still saving your Saturday evening for the Pageant Party - we are starting around 6:30 pm, the pageant starts at 7:00. We are looking forward to a fun mother / daughter night. I have an invitation here for you that I am mailing. We got princess crowns for the girls to wear, we can guess the winner together, and enjoy yummy snacks. I know that Brooke, Sydney and Abbie are as excited about getting to see Savannah and Cassie as they are the party! Sure hope it works out that you get to come. Love to all, and you are always in our prayers, Lisa, Brooke and Sydney
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 8:53 AM CDT
Hi - everything about Savannah's illness is too familiar... We think of her all the time and hope that the MRI doesn't show any growth! We go in tomorrow for a 'talk' with our oncologist tomorrow and we may get another MRI done but we're not sure yet. I'll add Savannah (and you) to my prayers...

Hang in there

Tami - Celeste's mom <blessingsbyceleste@hotmail.com>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 0:07 AM CDT
Savannah, Cassie, Lisa, and Mark,
I just wanted you to know that I, along with Miss Chastity, Miss Crystal, and Miss Ebony, are thinking about all of you.
We talk about you often, and we're glad that you are doing well in school. We knew you would. We took our yearly trip to the fair Friday with the Caughman's Corner children. We saw the animals and exhibits as usual. The petting zoo was really nice, and the children had a good time. It was a little muddy, but that made it more fun for them. Lisa, you don't know how you are affecting all of us moms. We read your words and our hearts break for what you are having to face daily. It makes me realize how much we take for granted and how we gripe about insignificant things that don't mean a thing. You make me realize how each moment, phase, argument,joy with my children is priceless, for none of us know how much time we have together. I want you to know that you are in my heart and head. Love, Miss Joan

Joan Caughman
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, September 14, 2003 8:45 PM CDT

I am a Quilting Angel from Quilts Of Love. We would be honored if you would stop by our site when you have a moment to spare and see the beautiful online quilts we make for children. If you wish we would love to make your child a quilt of love for their very own.

Warm hugs,
Island Princess

Island Princess <islandprincess@quiltsoflove.com>
- Saturday, September 13, 2003 1:54 PM CDT
The things you talk about are SO familiar. Don't know if i had mentioned it to you but when i was stationed at Ft Hood, Tx i started a group for families with chronic and terminally ill children.
I was on call to them 24/7 and was always called in to the hospital any time one of my kids was admitted.

It is my experience that yes, the kids do know what is going on with them.
They seem to fare better when they can talk freely as they need to. I never "told" any of them, There were many that the parents insisted nobody had told.....but they ALL "knew"...and would bring it up to me.

There is also a definite tendency for some role reversal.....i saw this in every kiddo i worked with in that group......o
Over time they became VERY protective of the family......tended to do a lot of consoling.
Almost as if their little wings were already growing.

I know they were not "my own".....but my heart was torn and scarred with the passing of each one.

Continue to pray for guidance Lisa..... trust the Father to give it to you.....then go with what is in your heart. You are right to have your "plans" made.....so that you are not just reacting in crisis.......at least to the degree that you can.

God bless and hold you all.
"auntie" brandi

brandi <bjrfromwa@ail.com>
tenino, wa usa - Friday, September 12, 2003 11:55 PM CDT
Oh Lisa,

I know what you must be going through! My heart breaks when I read your entries. This one especially got to me. Savannah cradling your face in her hands and kissing your forehead! I am sure you bawled! That would have done me in for sure! But what a special moment! Savannah is obviously such a precious girl! What a blessing to be her mommy!

Leilani also clung to me....I could not take a shower without coming out to find her crying for me (usually I would take her into the shower with me!) But you know what? I think I was just as clingy! I guess I was able to blame it on her and say "She needs me" but truth be told, I wanted to be with her every second too. The hospice nurse told me that it is normal for a terminally ill child to pick ONE person that they cling to and cannot do without. I guess we are honored with that privilege! Yes, it bears alot of responsibility, but it is worth it...she is worth it! Huh? I know you wouldn't trade that position for anything in the world...it truly is a blessing to be "Savannah's Mommy."

Please know that I am praying for both you and Savannah. I pray that you have good news next week. And I pray for peace for you...because I know your nerves must be SHOT worrying about it. I know exactly what you mean about being able to see the "little" differences in Savannah...things only a mom can see, but this just adds to the worry and you feel like the world is crashing down on you. I know we are supposed to "cast our cares upon the Lord" but it is easier said than done. I pray that He will fill you with His peace...because God is really the only one that can get us through this and give us the strength to continue.

We love you guys...you are in our thoughts and prayers continually.

With lots of Love,

Yvonne, Leilani's mom www.caringbridge.org/nc/leilani

The Fernandez Family <yvonnengzs@rjia.net>
Mt AIry, NC US - Friday, September 12, 2003 4:33 PM CDT
Hi Savannah!!! I am so glad to know that you are doing well in school!! I knew you would since you are so dang smart!!! We love you and think of you and Cassie everyday. I know Cassie is doing well in school since she is also a Whiz! I hope we see you at the pageant party at Brooke and Sydney's house. Can't wait. It will be fun.

Love, Jennifer and Abbie Skaggs

Ps. Hi mom! Hang in there. No words can help so I feel useless even saying them... But you stay on our minds and prayers. Just wanted you to know.

Russellville, AR USA! - Friday, September 12, 2003 12:37 AM CDT
Lisa, Savannah, and Cassie, Just a quick note to let you know how much we appreciate all of your updates. We are so glad to hear from your mommy so that we know how to pray. We always pray for healing, quality of life and TIME, as well as peace that passes understanding. I am so thankful that God has given your family to me for any amount of time, and I feel blessed in knowing you all. A day does not go by when the girls, and many of my friends that know you even only through your web sites, ask "how's Savannah" - many of my girlfriends that live away even e-mail periodically to ask how our friend Savannah is. So many, many, many people are blessed by you and what your family represents. We pray continually and love continually. Love to you all, Lisa
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Friday, September 12, 2003 12:33 AM CDT
Hi Savannah,

Cheyenne noticed that I had not signed your site in a couple of days, so I wanted you to know that we had not forgotten you. We are praying for you every day and thinking of you constantly. You are a very beautiful girl. We will be praying extra hard, with everybody that we know, for a good MRI. God Bless you.

Cheyenne's dad

Roy Fiveash <rfiveash.wcc.net>
San Angelo, tx - Thursday, September 11, 2003 11:54 AM CDT

Doctors! Don't they realize that every single word they utter has such an impact on your life and can reverberate around in your head for days. I rember at our 18 month checkup our doctor said "the next 6 months are critical." Innocent enough....oh my how that statemnt ruined my life for months! I ate, drank, slept and played with those words in my head. UGH. I am glad to hear that savannah is doing well. She is so beautiful and I have really enjoyed getting to know her through you over these last 9 months.

With Love,
Susan and Jake Griffin

Jakes Journey
jupiter, - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 7:57 AM CDT
Hey Savannah-
A beautiful name for a beautiful little girl. Every redhead I know is a spitfire, seems like you are out of the same mold.
My niece, Maddie, was diagnosed with a pontine glioma on 4/28/03. I know a little about the pre-MRI anxiety, and we now are going by how she feels for our evaluation, and just letting the MRI's tell the doctors what the need to know.
Like you mom indicated, there aren't that a lot of dpgs, but whatever the number, there are too many.
Praying for a miracle, hoping for a cure!!!

Mpls, MN - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 7:30 AM CDT
Hi - I was so glad that you posted on our Guestbook! I saw Savannah on MACS and she is absolutely beautiful! I will add your little angel to my prayers -

Savannah and Celeste have so very much in common... aside from the nasty tumors that need to go away so that our little angels can stay here on earth as long as possible!

I giggled when I read about the spun sugar on the ceiling - Celeste has been wanting a cotton candy maker lately!

May you keep enjoying each and every moment as we do. Please give Savannah an extra kiss from us.

Tami Celeste's site <jeremytamiyoung@earthlink.net>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 11:58 PM CDT
Hi Savannah and family,

My name is Roy, but lately everybody knows me as Cheyenne's dad. Cheyenne is our little 11 year old angel that is also diagnosed with a dpg. I am sure glad that you are getting back to normal. I know that those steroids really make some big changes. Cheyenne has been off steroids now for 3 weeks tomorrow. If it is ok, I would like to add you to our prayer list and I will come back every now and then and say hi so you don't think that we forgot you.

Cheyenne's dad

Roy Fiveash <rfiveash.wcc.net>
San Angelo, Tx - Monday, September 8, 2003 2:47 PM CDT
Girls! We are just now recovering from our long, fun weekend!! What a wonderful time we had at the sleepover Friday night...snacks, cotton candy, BINGO, singing and EVEN dancing on the tables!!! What a wonderful night of fun was had by all. We are already looking at the calendar to plan our next fun event. Thanks so much for having us over, we love you all very much and really appreciate and value the time we spend with you all. Love you girls!! Lisa, Brooke and Sydney
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, September 7, 2003 10:35 PM CDT
Hello Hurley girls! We had a great time visiting Sunday. Brooke and Sydney have not stopped making crafts since they left, and EVERYTHING is for Savannah and Cassie, it is precious. How great we all felt too when they never wanted us to leave, especially since the first time we visited, Savannah wanted us to leave as soon as we arrived :-) !! The girls have practiced all of Cassie's cheers and are teaching them to the girls at their school, I am still having to explain to them why they don't get to cheer for a team, that was very impressive to them. Maybe we can schedule our next date to watch Cassie cheer!! The girls would love it. As always, by reading your site, it appears that Dr. Mom is continuing to accurately care for her child. My prayers for continued strength are always with you. Thanks again for having us over and letting us share in your lives. We love you all, Lisa, Brooke and Sydney
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney's Mom <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:18 AM CDT
Hey Lisa,

I hope Savannah's arm heals quick. You always make me laugh... you really are so wise. 99% of the time I am "amening" everything you write. You are one of the rare people that are cursed with "common sense" :)

Give Kids the World is also one of our most precious memories with Leilani. I feel SOOOOOO blessed to have had that opportunity. Such special memories! Next month will be two years since we went and Noah (who is Savannah's age) STILL talks about Mayor Clayton!

You guys continue to be in our thoughts and prayers! God bless and be with you all.

With Much Love,

Yvonne, Mom to Leilani www.caringbridge.org/nc/leilani

Yvonne Fernandez <yvonnengzs@rjia.net>
Mt. Airy, NC US - Friday, August 22, 2003 1:31 PM CDT
Hi Lisa,

Happy belated birthday. I hope your talk with the Kiwanis went well. If you can give speeches as well as you write, from the heart, you will be phenomenal. Share your grief and pain, no one says you have to hold it in all the time. We are here for you in our thoughts and in our prayers.

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13

- Thursday, August 21, 2003 11:15 AM CDT
Hello Hurley Girlies:

Hope you have a wonderful time at ValleyFest and a Big Happy Birthday to Mommy! Enjoy the weekend and the new school year.

See ya soon,

Brenda Ragsdale
Dover, AR USA - Friday, August 15, 2003 4:44 PM CDT
Hi girls! We will also be at ValleyFest this weekend..riding rides, pigging out and sweating like crazy in this heat! Brooke, Sydney and Abbie have a gymnastics performance around 10:00 a.m. on Saturday (somewhere at ValleyFest) and we would love to run across you girls. Hope to see you all there, the girls - young and old alike - would love to visit!! Love to you all, Lisa, Brooke and Sydney
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney's Mom <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Friday, August 15, 2003 10:08 AM CDT
Hey Lisa, Savannah and Cassie!

Hope you are all doing well! Just want you to know that we are thinking of you.

Savannah, did you make out like a bandit with the tooth fairy? I hope so.

We think of you guys all the time...you are always in our thoughts and prayers!!

God bless and be with you all....


Yvonne Fernandez www.caringbridge.org/nc/leilani <yvonnengzs@rjia.net>
Mt Airy, NC 27030 - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 10:43 AM CDT
Dearest Savannah and Family,
I came across your website from another and wanted to say "Hi."
Please know our Prayers are with you all.

Chris Ullrich - Bella's Grammy <crullrich@bbc.net, caringbridge.com/page/isabellaledesma>
Hemingford, Ne USA - Monday, August 11, 2003 8:56 PM CDT
Hi girls,

Bet you are getting ready for school; us too. Have you had a chance to get some new back-to-school clothes? We have tried but Marissa is so picky these days. The summer has gone by so quickly, where did it go? Have you girls had a chance to get all your summer vacation pictures in a scrapbook yet? I am so thrilled that you are doing well Savannah, I am sure you will love 1st grade. Give a big hug and kiss to Mom, Dad and Cassie for me. Love, Monica Montgomery (Ken,Trevor and Marissa)

Monica Montgomery <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Friday, August 8, 2003 1:39 PM CDT
Girls! We are so anxious to see you all! Savannah's picture on the Make a Wish page is darling...she is beautiful as ever! We are always thinking of you and praying for you. Love to you all, Lisa, Brooke and Sydney
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney's Mom <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Sunday, August 3, 2003 6:46 PM CDT
I was thinking about you all this morning and praying for a wonderful day for you. I love the picture in the pool- a gift. Praying for you always...
Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Thursday, July 31, 2003 10:04 AM CDT
your stories have touch my families heart..we have a 5 year old daughter.. i can not imagine my life without her.. you are very strong and god has very special plans for you and savannah.
mr.&mrs.roger french <susan.french@centurytel.com>
ward, ar - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 4:44 PM CDT
We have all been thinking about you and keeping you and your family in our prayers. Your friends at CenturyTel in Jacksonville, AR.
Tonya McClintock <tonya.mcclintock@centurytel.com>
Jacksonville, AR United States - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 4:00 PM CDT
Just thinking of you all today. What a gift you all are to us.
Carrie Calhoon <calhoonct@archildrens.org>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 12:49 AM CDT
Hi Savannah,Cassie and Lisa,

Thinking of ya'll in clinic today. Hope you are enjoying your summer break. See you next week. Love ya'll. Charlotte

Charlotte Weddle <charlottejudith@hotmail.com>
Sherwood, AR USA - Thursday, July 24, 2003 1:49 PM CDT
Hi Lisa!
Thanks for sharing the website. I now can envision your and Savannah's faces when read your PBT posts. It sounds like you're having a fun summer!

Marlene Haller <mhall63@mindspring.com>
Atlanta, GA - Sunday, July 20, 2003 11:52 PM CDT
Hey Lisa!

Thanks for your entry at Leilani's page! You just don't know how "in awe" I am about your wisdom! You know, so many mothers have said you just can't understand what it is to lose a child until it happens to you....yet I do believe, with all my heart, that you know exactly how it feels. I admire you so much....the way you have cared for Savannah, the choices you have made, the things that you do with them, the preparations you have made.... you are so COOL! :) I just wish I could have been as "together" as you. It seems that you are already aware of things that is took me MONTHS to understand.

I also know that as people tell you that they admire your wisdom and strength, on the inside you are saying "if you only knew!" Yes, I know that though we may seem to have it "all together", we still feel the fear and pain on the inside...and it is not always that easy to keep it together.

I am soooooo glad that Savannah is doing great now! I have learned what a blessing it is to have that window of having our babies "symptom free." I know that you already know that we need to enjoy every SECOND with our babies (that's why I admire you so!). I am so glad that you have been making so many special memories with them....they will be treasured forever!

Please know that you guys are in my thoughts and prayers daily! I pray that the Lord be with you all and that He fill you with His peace and strength!

With Lots of Love in Him,
Your Friend,
Yvonne Leilani's Page

Yvonne Fernandez <yvonnengzs@rjia.net>
Mt. Airy, NC 27030 - Friday, July 18, 2003 8:57 PM CDT
Savannah and family, i just came across your page while reading letters from the bt group. You are such a beautiful and courageous little gal. We will keep you and your family in our prayers. My niece (who is 10) was diagnosed jan 10, 2003 with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma. we are from wv and if you like you can follow on her at www.caringbridge.org/wv/mckenzie. stay strong. with all our love and prayers.
angela Aunt of mckenzie
prichard , wv - Friday, July 18, 2003 6:07 PM CDT
What a great new place to keep in touch and keep us updated. I am thrilled you are having such a great summer. I would love to see some of your Florida pictures. I bet Mommy's hair looks great. LIsa, I am so touched by your posts. You truly write from the heart. I hope that it is helping you in some small part to put your feelings into words. I check in almost daily and continue to think and pray for you all. In God's Love, Ken, Monica, Trevor and Marissa
Monica Montgomery <mmontgomery3@kc.rr.com>
Shawnee, KS - Friday, July 18, 2003 10:12 AM CDT
Savannah and Family, I'm so glad that you had fun at the swimming party the other night. It was so great to see you. You were a little doll!!! Your mom's hair looks great don't you think? Cassie looked adorable as always. Abbie talked about you last night, about how funny you were at the pool and how nice it was to see you. Everything you said cracked me up!!! I hope you continue to enjoy swimming lessons. And... as your mom said.. "swim, baby, swim."
Jennifer and Abbie Skaggs
Russellville, ar - Thursday, July 17, 2003 2:16 PM CDT
Glad to find your new website. Glad to see you are so happy these days. You are so special to me. And your mom and sister and sometimes even your dad. Love you, see you next time you come in. Charlotte

Charlotte Weddle <charlottejudith@hotmail.com>
Sherwood, AR USA - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 2:43 PM CDT

So nice to put a face to the name. Wishing you, Savannah and Cassie happiness, love and peace,
Your friend from the BT group, Carol

Carol Baan
Barrie, ON Canada - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 11:19 AM CDT
God gave us sunrises to remind us the each new day is a new beginning. Enjoy each one. We love you.
Elaine and Jessica <ergarrison@hotmail.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 12:18 AM CDT
Savannah - you were the life of the party last night!! Thanks so much for coming, it was great to see you, Cassie and your Mom. We love your Mom's new hair cut, it is beautiful! The girls loved their jewelry boxes and have listened to them repeatedly and stuffed them full!!! Thanks again for coming, you were such a great helper, we always love having your sweet self around. Love to you all, Lisa
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney's Mom <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 11:51 AM CDT
Nice to finaly see a face to go with the names. Stay strong and never give up hope! Hilary always says that God is bigger than the Boogie Man. Always in our Prayers
Monica Moore and Hilary <poodlerr@grnco.net>
Paragould, AR USA - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 11:30 AM CDT
Love the new website. Way to go Mom! Hello to Savannah and Cassie. Hope you enjoy your swimming lessons/birthday party. Hope Mommy brings you back to the office soon - I love visiting with you guys!
Brenda Ragsdale
Dover, AR USA - Monday, July 14, 2003 2:49 PM CDT
Liaa, great start! Good to see pics. and hear about your day.
Thanks for sharing the site, We are following from the BT list, and cant wait to read what you are up to....Great Job!

Mayr Alice Dorschel <jay.dorschel@verizon.net>
suffolk, va - Monday, July 14, 2003 7:59 AM CDT
Hi Lisa and Savannah!!!! As the message at the end of the page: GOD HAS GOOD PLANS FOR YOU and for everyone of us. So never give up!!!
IRINA <irina.zamora@cerrejoncoal.com>
Barranquilla, Colombia - Sunday, July 13, 2003 10:36 AM CDT
Well hi there girls! Love the new site, and LOVE the picture. You truly are beautiful - INSIDE AND OUT! Thanks so much for sharing this page with me. I love to keep up with you all and as busy as we all stay you make it easy by posting your regular updates. I am jealous that you are having a sleepover, wish we were there! We must get together soon! Brooke and Sydney had a cheerleading and gymnastics program this morning and a birthday lunch this afternoon. I will be traveling for work and vacation after the 22nd of the month and then we will be into July and almost another school year. What a busy month!! What a busy summer!!! Love to you all, and Lisa I promise to get in touch and we will calendar a date night and stick to it! I have the cutest pictures I need to get you! I will try and scan to jpg images so you can get them over the e-mail a little better. Love you! Lisa, Brooke and Sydney
Lisa, Brooke and Sydney's Mom <lisawells@cox-internet.com>
Russellville, AR USA - Saturday, July 12, 2003 10:00 PM CDT
Hi Savanna and Lisa,

Just hang in there, God says 'to just have faith!' . It's in His hands, not in ours. Just think whatever happens, it can only be good. May you be kept in gentle arms!

Pat Bos <darrbos@aol.com>
Westminster, CO USA - Saturday, July 12, 2003 4:50 PM CDT
Good luck to your family. My family will add you to our prayers. What a beautiful girl. Mitch has a web page also it's http://www.caringbridge.org/wa/mitchellboy
Paula (Mitch's mom) <Phstyln@aol.com>
Vancouver, Wa USA - Friday, July 11, 2003 10:33 PM CDT
Hey Lisa and Savannah!

I LOVE the picture...you are BOTH beautiful! I hope you guys have a WONDERFUL weekend! Your sleepover sounds like SOOOOO much fun! Wish I could be there! (smile)

You guys are in our thoughts and prayers! God bless you all!

With Lots of Love,
Yvonne, Leilani's mom

Leilani's Webpage

Yvonne Fernandez <yvonnengzs@rjia.net>
Mt. Airy, NC USA - Friday, July 11, 2003 7:00 PM CDT
Lisa & Savannah... love the new web page... the picture is wonderful. Glad to see you are doing so good right now! Spencer is getting ready to do gamma knife and then radiation. You little ones are such fighters....keep amazing those docs.
Julie Mattson caringbridge.org/mo/spencermom <mattson@cameron.net>
Cameron, MO USA - Friday, July 11, 2003 6:48 PM CDT
Hi Lisa and Savannah,
I love your new web page. Lisa our kids are amazing to go through what they have had to do. Take care.
Love Norine and Ashley

Norine Carro <http://www.caringbridge/il/ashley>
Chicago, IL USA - Friday, July 11, 2003 6:35 PM CDT
Hi Savannah! Your website is great and I love the picture of you with your mommy.
I think of you often and wish the best for you. Enjoy your summer sweetie. Lisa, you and your girls are in my prayers. Thank you for all your support.

Karen Capozzoli <kmurator@yahoo.com>
Glen Cove, NY USA - Friday, July 11, 2003 5:38 PM CDT
Lisa and Savannah..
Great site you have here. What a pretty little girl Savannah is! It's great to put a face with all our little cyber friends and their parents. Hope you are feeling well.

Pam Dillon <pbdillon@yahoo.com>
Austin, Tx usa - Friday, July 11, 2003 3:48 PM CDT

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