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I hope 2008 is a great year for us all!


Kelly Butland and Family

Kelly Butland <butlandr@bellsouth.net>
Deatsville, AL United States - Monday, December 31, 2007 11:51 PM CST
Our New Year’s Reflections

As we look back on the months gone by,
And as a New Year starts and the old one ends,
We contemplate what brought us happiness and joy,
And we think of our loved ones and our friends.

Recalling all the joyful times,
And remembering how our lives have been enriched
We reflect upon who really counts,
As the Bright New Year arrives.

True we've had bad things in the past,
But we know in our heartsYthat these will not last.

If we try our best to be simple and pure,
There's nothing our hopes and dreams cannot cure.


Hoping the New Year brings you guys much happiness......


Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
- Monday, December 31, 2007 11:01 AM CST
Morgan came through surgery well today! Hopefully she will get to come home from NY in a few days. Please keep praying for her complete and total healing! Morgan's CaringBridge Love to you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, December 28, 2007 8:27 PM CST
Merry Christmas!! It sounds like you guys had a great time. May God Bless you in 2008....
JOhnnieRae Geving
Dunn Center , nd usa - Friday, December 28, 2007 1:16 PM CST
Yay for Christmas! Looks like you guys had as much fun as we did. It's been crazy busy, and I don't think it's going to slow down for me any time soon.. We've got a wedding this weekend out of town, and then it's tax season! ACK! Sending love and kisses!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington,, IN - Thursday, December 27, 2007 2:38 PM CST
Merry Christmas to you and Happy New year. I just wanted to thank you again for visiting with me and answering all my questions. I am sure there will be many to come. I also thank you for spreading the word about Jensen. It is so amazing to read the emails on the caring bridge site. We are getting more settled everyday. He is so much happier here at home. I forget he is sick sometimes. You are truly an amazing person Tammy and I am so grateful to have met you!
Melissa Byrd <lissaprice@aol.com>
Gulf Shores, AL USA - Thursday, December 27, 2007 12:29 AM CST

Kelly Butland & Family

Kelly Butland <butlandr@bellsouth.net>
Deatsville, AL United States - Tuesday, December 25, 2007 12:24 AM CST
Marry Christmas to the Pate's!! I hope your holiday is just the best ever!!! We all have so much to be thankful for this time of year especially!! I hope Santa brings loads of goodies and ya'll have a wonderful time!! Miss you and love ya!
Jason, Lisa and Cole Tanner <lisa0918@bellsouth.net>
Hoover, AL - Monday, December 24, 2007 11:42 AM CST
¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ?
Have a great Christmas.....


Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
- Friday, December 21, 2007 11:29 PM CST
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!

Will be busy till after the New year so getting by to say hello and wish all a good one now...Have A Greattt Christmassss.....


Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panahandle Of, FL. U.S. - Thursday, December 20, 2007 3:21 PM CST
I am AMAZED at Tammy and "little" Tammy's abilities to touch hearts by just being themselves!!!! I mean they have been through so much and yet the whole family seem to never run out of encouragment HOPE and strength for others:) What they do run out of physical ability and financial needs. That is when God steps in and carries them! He is ever present and He allows them to give back to others some of what was given to them!!!

If God gives you a blesing no matter how small it might be NEVER FORGET IT. Pass that same BLESSING on to others as others passed on to you. Forgive me for a minute but, I NEED to get this off my chest.....My daddy as you KNOW was HUGH in my life. He gave the shirt off his back when his children needed it or even strangers! That is kind of a mark he left in this world and on my heart...Greed will take you OUT!! ALL of us will be made to answer for these things....The Bible tells me, "In as much as you do unto the least of these you do unto to me also." Just be very careful of greed. Christmas is a time for giving..God sent Jesus to be our GIFT :) We give our lives to God as a GIFT of Honor to Him.....Never rob from a blessing you are capable of giving. God WILL reward you in Eternity....I KNOW

The crew from the Open Arms Foundation (the people that supplied us with that beautiful apartment so close to the hospital in B"ham) were here Friday and How they BLESSED our hearts. They used our experience in B"ham to show how much hope and comfort that foundation gives to the relief of already stressed families. I THANK GOD FOR ALL OF YOU:) I don't to say too much because I know Tammy wants to tell this story:) I MUST TELL THIS....They stagged a scene with Miss Colette running to jump into the arms of her Oncologist here in Mobile, Dr. Felicia Wilson. Everything went as planned until Colette jumped into her arms and she (Dr. Wilson) landed on her back side. We ALL laughed so hard my face ached he he he he he he he
Sorry Dr. WIlson it was priceless!!!!

Must go now, all my love Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, December 17, 2007 8:23 PM CST
Hi you girls and guys, just checking in and to see how all are doing. Looks like pretty well. I love the video and sorry I missed it as do get that channel. Happy you posted it for us Tammy. Colette Happy Anniversary even though I'm a few days late. sorry but feeling crappy and can'tsee all that well now a days. Hope you guys got our Christmas Card with the little in that I could send from us all. Wish I could do more, but tried to spread alittle out for so very many....

Have a nice Sunday and Sweet Dreams...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panahandle Of, FL. U.S. - Saturday, December 15, 2007 9:01 PM CST
The video is FABULOUS! You guys have been super-busy! Hey, Tam, if you get a second (HA!) can you email me a pic of the snowflake necklaces? I've got about 3 seconds, but I wanted to say way to go on this weeks efforts, and ask for extra prayers for Morgan- she's in NY this week hopefully getting lots of good news! I've got a return to finish up.. (Cough-cough. I should have another one, but I can't get all the info I need from the taxpayer!) So, that being said, I've got to boogie, but I love ya!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, December 13, 2007 2:50 PM CST
Well, here we are again brought through by God's hand!


Just looking at the new pictures thrill my heart. Remembering two years ago we had no idea what lay in store for our "little darlins"...you can't possibly leave Bryant out of that memory. He didn't physically suffer like Miss Colette..but, boy did my "buddy" suffer the loss of momma and daddy at that time. We were all spread thin and THANK MY GOD for what He has given us!!

Tammy and Jason spent every minute possible with both children and sacrificed everything for them. Boy, what a Wonderful Heavenly Father we have.

Last night was the Grandest Production of the Christmas program...that is such an understatement to call it a program. It is a MAJOR PRODUCTION. There were hundreds in the cast and we Know there were over a thousand Saturday night and more than that on Sunday night. Tammy and Jason were dressed to the nines! Jason looks so good in a TUX..can we say "GQ"? Bryant was one of the wise mens pages in burgundy satin and gray and silver sequins..impressive!!!

I kept Colette for the afternoon because Bryant also had to go with his school chorus to sing at 2:00 yesterday..what a FULL DAY. Last night Colette and I got to the church around 4:30 and I thought she would lay down in the dark for a little nap....she went all over the church with a little bouquet of pansy's she want to give to each of the angels. Before the program the Mime Team dressed in white face and black clothing were sitting on the steps in front of the altar. The team was sitting having prayer before the program. When Colette saw them praying she said, "awe they are praying." I told her to go pray with them and she said, "when they get through I will pray with them again." When they finished I turned around to talk to someone behind me and when I looked up what I saw brought JOY UNSPEAKABLE..thr sat Miss Colette sitting on the steps with a group of Mimes sitting around her and she was praying. SHE HAS A HEART FOR GOD AND OTHERS. Even though she was not a part of the program she was in there giving support and prayer and love to others. My WHOLE FAMILY make me so PROUD:)

PLEASE remember all of us in prayer ..My daughter Sherry Ann her husband Craig (one of the two most wonderful son-in-laws in the world), my "Darlins" Joshua, Matthew and Hannah Grace moved to a new church in Florida last week. Bro. Craig is their NEW Associate/Assistant Minister. He has been working with the youth as minister for nearly 15 years. I can see a ROAD TRIP SOOOOOON! PLEASE remember Tammy especially because she has been so busy it hasn't sunk in yet that they are gone. She and Jason have been so BUSY:( Colette had a hard time yesterday as I explained that nothing was at there house.....she cried and said she needed to go to Aunt Sherry's and play with Hannah Grace Matt and Josh. She Told me over and over and over PLEASE take me to Florida so I can she Aunt Sherry and Hannah!!!!!! GOD has a plan for all this and it is a blessing to work in a new church and give and get love and encouragement from the church members it "God's PLAN!" They are in Marianna, Florida just off I-10 about 2 1/2 hours away. It's doable:)

Better go for now, all my love Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Monday, December 10, 2007 11:01 AM CST
Colette and Bryant look great. Bryant looks so good at his program! I am happy to hear you guys are doing so well +730. That is such a huge accomplishment. I am so proud for you all! I do think those children get prettier and prettier everytime I see them. I always thought they were to begin with but they still manage to get prettier. Dont tell Bryant I said that. Colette looked so cute in the parade! I laughed, Jason didnt look to thrilled. He didnt look happy at all. Dont tell him I said that either.;)
I am so proud of you all. I cant wait to see Miss Princess again. When are you all coming up?


Jessica Kerr <robzgurl27@yahoo.com>
Alabaster, AL - Sunday, December 9, 2007 9:30 AM CST
Ok, I have to say that the current opening picture is probably my new favorite! I had to laugh- there's the Princess in full regalia, and Bryant looks like he's ready to hit the basketball court! I love it!! They look so good!!
We have a super busy weekend this weekend- last night was my AVON Christmas party, this morning was the PTO Pancake Breakfast and Santa Shop at Jeep's school, tonight is the church Christmas party, tomorrow is my mom's birthday so we're all going to dinner and want to be home in time for the Colts kickoff! Aaahhhh!!
I can't believe it's been two years since transplant. I can't believe how far she's come, and how much you've accomplished in that time! I couldn't be happier to be able to say Happy "OTHER" Birthday (slightly belated) to Miss Colette!
I got a letter today from the White House! It wasn't from the president, but it was in response to an email to them about the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act. I know Lenzie's Nana Sue has been hitting up businesses to try to get gold stuff in September, much like all the pink we see all October. I think that's a great idea, and I want to start compiling company contact info so we can bombard them with requests. Awareness- Starts local, goes global!!!
You guys have a great weekend, and I'm looking forward to more pics!! {{{HUGS!!!}}}

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, December 8, 2007 2:52 PM CST
...U KNOW..........


I know the Christmas Production will be great.

Wishing you guys a very nice weekend.....


Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Saturday, December 8, 2007 11:07 AM CST
Sending lots of love and prayers your way! Hope things are getting better for you all! love, JC, Jacob & Shelly



jc <shelly100174@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, December 5, 2007 2:37 PM CST
Hey gang! How'd the parade and stuff go!? Are you feeling completely stressed now, Tam? Christmas is getting closer, the camera crew is coming, I wouldn't blame you if you felt like your head was about to explode! But, I love you bunches (even if you do think I have an accent!! (I laughed so hard when I read that! I know, I know, I do to you. Us Yanks and all... ;p )
Anyway, I hope the week has been a LITTLE less stressful than the weekend. I guess we're going to get a pretty nice little snowfall tonight. I'm holding out for a good two-hour delay for school. The weather front has given Jeep a migraine, so he fell asleep before doing his homework tonight, and I don't have the heart to wake him up. He was hurting pretty bad tonight. So, I'll either have to get him up early in the morning or hope for a delay so we have time to get it done before school. I'm NOT a morning person, so my vote is for the delay!!
Ok, well, I just wanted to pop in and say
I love love love you!!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, December 4, 2007 6:54 PM CST
I could tell you all kinds of encouraging things, but the reality is, Tammy, that you're so normal that there isn't much to say! You know, in your heart, the truth, and my words won't change things. You know them. You've said them to yourself 100 times a day for the last 2 and a half years.
No one said any of this would be easy. No one said you won't be scared, or tired, or sick of seeing hospitals. It's not what you signed up for, you didn't volunteer to have a kid who fought cancer. You were picked. And I look at what you've done and been through, and I know in my heart that, while it sucks, He picked the right person. I cannot imagine how terrified you are every time she sneezes or coughs, or heaven forbid, complains that her tummy hurts. As a mother, I can't picture it. But even on your toughest days, you have clung to hope and prayers, and helped others through your own pain. You have a reason. He GAVE YOU a reason. So, with all the love and support I can muster, here is a big fat "Suck it Up, Babe!" for you. You have a lot of work to do to help beat this monster that invaded your life. Colette is healthy, and I thank God for that everyday, but you were given a bigger challenge than even that. You have busted your fanny to spread awareness, and provide support. You went inside the lion's den to learn what the needs are. You know firsthand that parents need something to do while sitting in infusion, so you take them crosswords and snacks. You know how miserable it is to spend a holiday trapped in a hospital, so you bring the holiday in the building. You rock at what you do. So, when you're feeling crummy about how tough it is, remember where you were standing 2 years ago. You've been there. Now, smile, because you're past that, and you have the chance to help others past it too. And you can do it in ways that many others can't, because they haven't been there. You know the fear these parents are facing, because you looked it in the eye, stared it down, and sent it running off with it's tail tucked between it's legs! Teach 'em the stare, Tam. Show 'em how to win. Because you're a pro at it.
I love you. You've showed me a lot- about you, about cancer, about myself. I'm so glad that you're out there, and you're doing all you do. I'm glad you are winning, every day. Don't stop now.

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, December 1, 2007 3:46 PM CST
Gosh!!! So sorry to hear that Bryant broke his arm. Seems like it's always something. Hoping all is better and his arm heals up soon.

Just wanted you guys to know we are thinking of you...Have a good day....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2007 11:43 AM CST
Well, I'm starting to get an inkling of why Tammy's not had time to post in a few days! Bryant broke his arm!? Oh my. It sounds like it's been quite a wild ride these last few days, and I hope things are on the upswing. Count on MawMaw to have a story that brings a tear and a smile in practically the same breath.
I'm sending up some extra prayers today, for Bryant, for MawMaw's new friend Jennifer, and for Sherry and Craig and their crew as they sound like they are beginning a new chapter in this adventure that we call life on Earth. Lots of love to all of you.

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, November 24, 2007 1:51 PM CST
BUSY....BUSY...BUSY can not possibly explain the Thanksgiving Day we had this year.


I have asked God to BLESS you double for the slightest effort you may have sacrificed to do:) I also prayed He would BLESS in such a way that you KNOW without a doubt where this BLESSING came from!!

Tammy, Jason and family have the HEART of angels when it comes to giving to others what was given to them as we all suffered and were blessed by strangers (angels here on earth). You members of Caringbridge understand their heart. But, not everyone understands how their blessing of the "JOY Colette's Smile" and her "Strength and compassion for others", has on this family!!!

My Daddy used to twist sayings sometimes to make a point in his wonderful witty way:) He would say..."Do unto others as they do you"! That has been passed to this family and Tammy's desire to do Good to others is a result of the Good done to this family throughout this ordeal. Blessings we could not possibly contain. When gifts were given to Colette and Bryant and there was no room for them, Tammy shared them with the Children's Hospitals and less fortunate families. We mentioned a family last year that lost their home to a fire and EVERYTHING in it. Tammy loaded up clothes, shoes, toys, bedding and everything possible to help them. This year that families five year old daughter is in heaven and my heart is blessed at my child's (Tammy)love and compassion for them. That is where I believe Miss Colette gets her desire to comfort those hurting or in need. I AM BLESSED AS THOUGH THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN HAVE FLOODED ME. My GOD is so GOOD!!!

Last night I was lonely and so I decided to go to a couple stores with their sale papers in my hand and I entered Old Time Pottery. I didn't find much of what I was looking for but, just before I left I saw a little eight inch gold angel. She sat on her bottom with her little bare feet one on top of the other and she had a simple dress that draped upon her. She had her knees up and her elbow propped with her chin resting on her hand. She had wings that were like filigree and she was antique gold in color. As I was drawn to her face she had a soft, gentle smile with hair that curled slightly. I held her for a bit and reflected what BLESSINGS God had so generously given to me. I looked at the price and it was more than I could afford right now so I replaced her on the shelf.

I had noticed a young woman working so hard to sweep and trying to put the Christmas department back into some kind of order. She looked so tired and weary and I wanted to do or say something to cheer her. There was no one around I stopped introduced myself and met Jennifer and told her about my Awesome God and the Miracle He has done for our family! I hurried around the corner and brought back the little angel and told her that God was so GOOD and for her not to get discouraged. I started telling her of how the little angel made me think of Miss Colette's mannerisms and her gentleness. I was walking away and Jennifer told me I NEEDED to buy the angel. I said I would love to and then I walked away wishing her blessed holidays. I carried the angel a ways and sat her on a stack of boxes. When I reached the register I was again sharing God Blessing of Colette with the cashier when I saw Jennifer. She was motioning for me to wait and she ran towards the Christmas department!! In the next few minutes she returned with a bag for me and said "Merry Christmas"! Of course, it was my little angel. JOY and tears..lots of tears I hugged her and told her I would be praying a big prayer for her!

With ALL MY HEART I BELIEVE that Jennifer was the reason I went to town. At first I felt I went to town because I was lonely and hurting because of Bryant's broken arm and that My Sherry and her PRECIOUS Family are moving to Florida and that Tammy and Jason were beaten down so bad from their efforts to do good. David was at work and Mike was out and I just didn't want to be alone. God knew what I needed so he sent me to Jennifer:) Nothing ever happens without a purpose..... Thank you all for giving to the lest of those around you and remember to always pray for others because you never KNOW what they are going through and who God sends to your path!!!

Happy Holidays to all of you! Love Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, November 24, 2007 12:32 AM CST
Hey, this is for Bryant. I hope you are feeling better! I can't believe you broke your arm at my house. That makes me feel HORRIBLE. I will make you a very special cupcake for Joshua's birthday party on Sunday, okay? I love you, buddy!
Aunt Sherry
- Friday, November 23, 2007 11:25 AM CST
I hope today was fabulous and that Bryant is feeling better. Sending you lots of love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, November 22, 2007 10:10 PM CST
Hey to my 'Bama hot mommas! I hope all is well there. I've been buried trying to wrap up tax classes, plus I've been fighting off a horrible chest cold, but tomorrow is the last day of class and then I get a nice, long weekend! I saw on the blog that you've got all the food donated/lined out for this Thursday- if you hadn't yet, check your email for a message from me from over the weekend. I hope it will help with the dishes or some other needs.
My Nyquil and I are headed to bed, but I realized I hadn't written in days, and I wanted you to know I'm thinking about you, and hope Thursday is everything you hope and pray! Love you all lots!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, November 19, 2007 8:44 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving! Coming by and telling you today being we will be in Disney World. We will look for Colett's Star!

Much Love, Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mom)

Kelly Butland <butlandr@bellsouth .net>
Deatsville, AL. - Friday, November 16, 2007 3:46 PM CST
Sorry Megan not punishing you. The Colts are good to...It was like a super Bowl Game...Hope you get your computer worked out.

Tammy, Colette and Family,Just wanted to stop by and say hello and wish all a great week....Hello to Maw Maw Penny as well.....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, Fl. U.S. - Monday, November 12, 2007 9:42 PM CST
Awe, Nana Sue, going to come torture me here, too!? :( It's ok. I know we're still the better team! Dungy rocks!
I hope everyone has had a great week! I'm fighting with our computer at home, and having a horrible time with it. I'm ready to punt! It's making it much harder to accomplish everything. BUT- I'm getting ready for tonights Colts game, and hoping for a good week. I think Morgan goes back to Riley this week for round 2 of this new chemo. She got pretty sick with an infection last time, so I know they would appreciate prayers for a short and easy visit. Anyway, I just wanted to pop in and say hi, and hope you had a great weekend. Love you all!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, November 11, 2007 6:20 PM CST
Have a great weekend to all of you....

Have some Fun!!!

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. - Friday, November 9, 2007 9:50 PM CST
Hi Tammy Colette and guys, Loved all the pics. You are my first visit for the day so you are special today. Haha... I always love seeing everyones new pics though. Colette you could use that wig to be Hannah Montana to. I'm sure you like her like the girls do. Tammy so happy to hear you got two boxes of goodies for your ChemoMoms Program. That's great. Colette sorry to hear you have been sick and happy you are feeling better. Them nasty coughs and sinus's can make you feel yuckie. Well you guys have a good rest of the week....

One more thing and I think she is Colette's cousin in the pic. The one that reminds me of Lenzie and sorry can't rememeber her name. I can see so much of Lenzie in her still. Hey are we sure they are not related. I had copied one pic a long time ago you had of her on he site and when Lenzie stayed here with me back August I pulled that pic up on the computer and said Lenzie who is that and she said me. I just laughed and I told her no it wasn't her. She even thought it was her....Well gotto run...Have a good day...

I know Megan will read this and sorry the Colts had to loose, but someone had to....Sorry Megan!!!

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panahandle Of, FL. U.S. - Wednesday, November 7, 2007 9:13 AM CST
Hey gang!! Just popping in and wanted to say hey. It was good to talk to you yesterday, Tam, and I hope Hannah's appt went well today. You or Sherry drop me an email if you get a sec and let me know, please? I've worried about her all day.
I'm hoping your packages will get there tomorrow, but it should be Monday at the latest. Be careful- your box ended up weighing over 9 lbs! :) I hope you are able to get some good use out of the stuff. I also have gotten behind on processing my Avon stuff, but should get it caught up this weekend, and I'll paypal you! I'll email you when I get it all lined out.
I'm so glad you guys had good weather for Colette's party, and I hope you have had a fabulous week. We've got a big 'ole sports weekend coming here! Our college football team will hopefully become bowl eligible for the first time since 1993 tomorrow, and then Sunday we have the big Colts/Pats game and the first IU basketball game! All that plus NASCAR- I see lots of eating and parking in front of the TV in my future!
Sending lots of hugs and kisses to y'all, and have a great weekend!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, November 2, 2007 6:17 PM CDT
OH MY GOSH I can't get over how beautiful the birthday girl is!!! I'm so glad you had a wonderful party! And Happy 5th Birthday sweetie!!!

Cole asked me the other day if Colette misses him since we don't live in Mobile anymore. SO that means ya'll need to see us next time you come up!! I miss you both!! Have a great weekend - and ROLL TIDE!!

lisa tanner ~caringbridge.com/al/cole~ <lisa0918@bellsouth.net>
hoover, al - Friday, November 2, 2007 4:35 PM CDT

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Friday, November 2, 2007 9:05 AM CDT


Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mommy)

Kelly Butland <butlandr@bellsouth.net>
Deatsville, AL United States - Wednesday, October 31, 2007 11:03 AM CDT

A pumpkin is a pumpkin
But not no more
For the little ones do much more
They enjoy making designs
Cleaning out the insides
Making spooky faces
And funny ones too
You light it up at night
And put it by the door
For the little ones will come
And adore Your

Leaving you a Halloween Poem.....Have Sweet Dreams...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Tuesday, October 30, 2007 8:55 PM CDT

I hope you had a great day at school. I am sure everyone loved the popsicles you took to school. I love all the birthday pictures. I looked at all of them and they are all so good. You looked so pretty at your party. I am so glad you had a great party and birthday. I hope you got your birthday card we sent you. Hopefully, you got it Saturday or Monday. We love you!

Kelly Butland & Family

Kelly Butland <butlandr@bellsouth.net>
Deatsville, AL United States - Tuesday, October 30, 2007 8:23 PM CDT
Happy Birthday to you Miss Colette! I love you so very much, and I hope that today was perfect!
Here's to many, many more birthdays ahead!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, October 30, 2007 4:30 PM CDT
Wanted to leave this for everyone and please do this for all our children. Emily Ransom's Family has this in her journal update and wants everyone to pass it along to others. We need this Bill passed.

Dear Childhood Cancer Advocate,

The Conquer Childhood Cancer Act S 911 is moving forward in the Senate. We need your help today to keep up the momentum to successful passage of this bill. The bill is scheduled to be ‘marked up' by the Senate Health, Education Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee on November 7th. This is an important step on the path to success. Today, we are reaching out to the cancer community in the following list of 11 states: Lamar Alexander is on this committee, please contact his office. The script is written for you, it only takes a minute.

Call the US Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121
Ask for your Senator's office
Ask to speak with the person in charge of Health Issues for the Senator - if not available to leave a voice mail with this person.
'I understand the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act - S. 911 will be marked up on Nov. 7th by the Senate HELP Committee.
Please know this bill is important to me because ---.
Thank you. Your name and the city and town where you live.


Also here is the site to read about this bill.


Copy and paste this in an email to everyone you know to write an email to there senator's about this bill S911

Thank to everyone for continuing to support and fight against this beast for our children.....


Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Tuesday, October 30, 2007 1:38 PM CDT
Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girl which is you Colette!

So happy you had a special day yesterday and hoping today is a good one to. Love all the beautiful pics...

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate
The first one said, "Oh my, it's getting late"
The second one said, "There are witches in the air"
The third one said,"But we don't care!"
The fourth one said, "Let's run and run and run"
The fifth one said, "I'm ready for some fun!"
Wooooo, went the wind
And out went the light
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!


Thought I would leave you poem being it's almost Halloween!!!

Thinking of all you guys...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. - Monday, October 29, 2007 1:42 PM CDT
Hey Birthday Girl!

I hope you had a wonderful birthday party today and got lots of great presents. We sent you a card and hope you got it yesterday. I sent it off Friday morning. I can't wait to see pictures from your party. Tell mommy to post some when she gets a chance. I love the pictures from the wedding. You are a beatiful flower girl with and without hair. What a big difference 2 years makes! Like I said you are beautiful in both pictures with and without hair. I always thought you were the prettiest bald headed little girl I had ever seen. My mom, Nana Sue, said the same thing. I know you like your thick curly hair, but you really were a beautiful bald little girl! We love you sweetie! Tell mommy to hurry and update on the party. I am sure it was wonderful and I can't wait to hear all about it. I wish we lived closer, so we could have been there. Maybe one year we will surprise you and make it down that way! I hope y'all have a wonderful week!

Love ya,
Kelly Butland

Kelly Butland <butlandr@bellsouth.net>
Deatsville, AL United States - Sunday, October 28, 2007 11:24 PM CDT
Hi Colette, Happy Happy Birthday! We are thinking of you and hope you have lots of fun.


Deb Maher <season324@aol.com>
Libertyville, IL - Sunday, October 28, 2007 9:36 PM CDT


- Sunday, October 28, 2007 9:15 PM CDT
Right this VERY MINUTE you are having your party, and I'm not there, and that makes me sad, but I got some goodies for you, and I'll send them out tomorrow. You probably won't get them until after your birthday, but I have some more goodies for mommy, too. (I hope mommy got her other little envelope this past week!!) Sending lots of hugs and kisses, and I hope you're having a really great time! Love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, October 28, 2007 12:59 AM CDT
Hope you have a special day Colette and sending you Happy Birthday Wishes. May all your wishes come true sweet girl. You are so beautiful in your pics. I love them all. Bryant is a handsome young man to. Have lots of Birthday fun today. Hope you got our cards.....Gotto run...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue, Lenzie's Mom Kelly, Lenzie, Tori, Bryson, Ronny and the rest of our family....

The Jeffries and The Butland's <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Sunday, October 28, 2007 10:40 AM CDT

What can I say - how pretty you are all dressed up and looking so strong and healthy and what's this - another wonderful BIRTHDAY. WOW isn't it great to be able to say you are a survivor and celebrate birthdays doctors say you wont have. BLA TO THEM I SAY - you and I will grow old together, us two NB Survivors. I wish I could come to your party, wouldn't that be great, but it is just a Dream (but hopefully one day that dream might come true). Australia is a long way from you Colette so please understand why I can't be there. I am looking for something to send you, something unique from Australia, I will let you know when I have sent it ok.


Neuroblastoma Survivor

Melbourne, Vic Australia - Sunday, October 28, 2007 5:58 AM CDT
her hair is realy curly haha
well talk to you on myspace
and i am glad sheis doing good bye

justin finch
mobile, al united states - Friday, October 26, 2007 11:05 AM CDT
I know that you do not know me but I have been viewing your site for awhile. I got the info from someone else's site. I just want to say that I think about your family often and would like to donate or give your daughter a gift for her birthday. If there is an address that I can send something to I would like to send something. Thank you for allowing me to help out.
Jodi DeMey
Ankney, IA - Thursday, October 25, 2007 4:57 PM CDT
Hey to the Pate's! I'm SO glad you guys had a good time, and I can't wait to see the pictures. I wish (like always!) that I was closer and could be there for Colette's party. I have some goodies coming for her, but they won't get there until after the party- I hope they'll make it for her actual birthday.
Here's a big WAY TO GO BRYANT!!! It's wonderful that you've had another great period at school, and I'm VERY proud of you. I know it's not always easy, but it's important, and it's your job, and it sounds like you're doing a great job at it.
I hope this weekend goes beautifully for you, and that the weather holds up nicely. I'll be looking for fabulous pictures from that, too! Love you guys lots!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, October 25, 2007 1:22 PM CDT



- Wednesday, October 24, 2007 11:02 PM CDT
Well after reading what Maw Maw Penny wrote I can't wait to see the wedding pics as I know they are just beautiful!!!

I got Colette's Birthday Card in the mail today....

Maw Maw Penny Happy Birthday To your Momma!!!

Have a great rest of the week to all of your family...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Wednesday, October 24, 2007 1:49 PM CDT
Let me share something with everyone. As the wedding day approached, I was sent into a tizzy to find Colette's flower girl dress from 2005! Paw Paw and I TORE UP my house closets and house with no luck...So we headed to David's Bridal where the first dress was purchased. When I saw the size of the original dress and the size she wears now I decided to purchase the larger one!!!! It was the ONLY ONE THEY HAD in her size and the next smaller was a three. God provides.... and when she put it on it took my breathe away. Tammy put her hair up and we placed the original head piece I made for the wedding two years ago. I remember making the head pieces in the hospital and measuring it to Miss Colette's head with no hair. But, this time her head was crowned with the head piece I had to turn my head to keep from crying as she dashed off to her room to see how she looked. I praise God for giving us the opportunity to she the whole outfit and she ran back to me and thanked me for making her beautiful dress. Of course, I did have to remove four inches of tulle, two layers of stiffener and two linings (about ten layers in all)! God is so good!!! Her Na Na Blair was making her a fresh flower ring for her head piece. I can't wait to see the pictures:)

BRYANT makes me so PROUD with his school work. I honestly believe he was bored and was misbehaving because of it. The PACE Program gives him a chance to express himself and the undivided attention gifted kids must have. Way to go Buddy!!! That is the same as Tammy did in school. Once she was placed in the PACE Program and could get her hands on a computer and work on projects that were not regular curriculum she excelled! Tammy went on to be in the National Honor Society her whole school life and she even graduated with an Advanced Diploma and so did her sister Sherry.

Must go for now, taking my Momma to her
"birthday lunch 78 years young!! "
All my love, Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Tuesday, October 23, 2007 11:25 AM CDT
I hope you guys had a safe trip, and have enjoyed the reprieve of a little rain! We have finally gotten wet here, too, and boy did it get chilly when it started raining!!
Thinking of you all, and hoping all is well, and that you have a great week!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, October 23, 2007 7:58 AM CDT
I can't wait to see the pictures! She was beautiful for Manda's wedding, and she'll be beautiful for Nat's too! Congrats to Natalie!! You all drive safe, have a great weekend, and update soon!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, October 19, 2007 8:00 AM CDT
AMEN!!! Tammy, this Carol Kent sounds like a loving and warm lady and I'll bet the book is great. Happy you were able to make some money and get your passport started. I remember "Blair" from "Facts of Life". Sounds like you had a good time. Going to leave you this...

"Don't ever save anything for a Special Occasion.
Every Single Day is a Special Occasion".

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of , FL. U.S. - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 3:41 PM CDT
Hope you guys are having a good week! Does Bryant have choir practice tonight? I was thinking that was on Tuesdays. I hope he's still enjoying it, and that everyone has been doing well in school! Tammy, I'm glad you had such a great weekend! It sounds wonderful, and I'm really glad you were able to get the money you needed to get your passport.
I've got a client coming in any minute, so I can't stay long, but I wanted to pop in and say hi, and thanks for the prayers for Morgan- she's home now and doing much better! Love you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, October 16, 2007 3:14 PM CDT
Please pray for Morgan today, as she has just wrapped up round one of chemo and has developed a slight fever. She was supposed to get to come home yesterday, but they've kept her overnight.

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, October 14, 2007 8:30 AM CDT
Hey Tammy and Miss Colette,

I love the new pictures of Colette. Her hair is getting so long and she is just so beautiful. The video made me so sad. I am so sorry that Colette thought she was getting in trouble. Poor thing! I hope it's all better now and that Colette knows it was the other little girl getting in trouble and not her. I hope Bryant is liking Choir and you have figured out how to pay for it. The girls want to do gymnastics again, but money is tight right now, so they are going to have to wait a little bit before they can go again. The monthly fee isn't so bad. It's the gas to get there and back twice a week. We live out from the city, so it's a little bit of a drive. I guess you can say we are country folks now. I also wanted to say ROLL TIDE to Tammy. How about that game today! I must say Alabama is playing some great games this year! I hope the Pate's have a great weekend!

Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mommy)

Kelly Butland <butlandr@bellsouth.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Saturday, October 13, 2007 11:21 PM CDT
Oh Tammy the video was sad and Colette we are so sorry you had a meltdown and next time will be better. sweet girl. We could see the other girl being animated and you watch that video and know she was to so you will feel better about it.

Wishing all a great weekend...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Saturday, October 13, 2007 2:18 PM CDT
Hey Tammy,

Thank-you for signing on Justin's website. I have missed you lately, but I want to let you know that we appreciated you coming to visit us in the hospital. It was so sweet and even my Pastor commented about the website being so awesome. It has witnessed to so many people. Your little girl is a doll. I love her pictures. She should be a model.
Jennie Finch www.caringbridge.org/visit/justinfinch
A guy from our church got hurt in an accident and here is his website. It was just started from exposure from ours.

Jennie Finch <jlfinch@mcpss.com>
Mobile, Al - Thursday, October 11, 2007 9:07 PM CDT
Aww, poor little princess! That's so sad. She was doing really beautifully, too. I'm glad Bryant has had a good week so far, and enjoyed last night! Yay! Today is Melissa's birthday, so I only have a few minutes, but I wanted to stop in and say hello, and tell you guys I love you! TTYL!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, October 10, 2007 12:16 AM CDT
Ok, there, Miss Tam. How'd today's appt go @ the hearing clinic? Also, please pray for the whole family of the little girl who has relapsed. She begins chemo again on Wednesday, but her family is really having their faith tested right now, and are struggling. I know your prayers are appreciated. I'm fairly confident that they wouldn't mind having their names shared, but until we have that "ok", we won't. Please just pray, and know that the Lord knows. Our many thanks!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, October 8, 2007 8:43 PM CDT
Hello Colette and Family, Well it's about time I got back to say hello to all of you and sorry it's been so long. It's harder for me to visit these older sites though as sometimes I just can't get to them and when I do it takes so long. We do think of all though.

Way to go Bryant!!!

My another Birthday coming up for you Colette....I know you will have a great party.

Tammy remember when you head back to Birmingham if you need a bathroom break you can stop off at Kelly's for a minute. They would love to see all of you and it would be a clean restroom stop.... Don't forget to have her number with you so you can call and stop by if you need to...

Have a good week...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family..

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Monday, October 8, 2007 1:06 PM CDT




- Friday, October 5, 2007 8:47 PM CDT

Lift up Tammy's prayer request...Life is trying to come into normal range, I think..?..? It has been such a long time and I am suffering from withdrawal symptoms...after all I practically lived with Tammy for eighteen months. It seems strange not to see them for days at a time:) But, they have a life and I don't want to get in the middle of their stuff unless, they NEED me to.

I got a call from a man from South Carolina, working a job here in Mobile. He saw Colette's donation jar and was touched by her. His name is Dana Parton...GOD BLESS YOU and your DEAR FAMILY. We will keep you in our prayers.

Thank you Tammy for the SWEET Thank YOU!!! I KNOW you appreciate me and I KNOW you love me. Because I love you, Jason, Bryant and Colette I did all I could to help. Paw Paw couldn't be there so he sent me. You give up all you have for your family, thats how my daddy and momma taught me!!

I love you all and am so excited for what lies ahead for this family. Thanks again for your prayers and faithful visits to this website, we are now at 100,070 visit! WOW

All my love Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Thursday, October 4, 2007 2:20 PM CDT
Way to Go Bryant!

Good luck, Bryant! I'm proud of you, and I can't wait to get to see video of YOU singing in front of everyone!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, October 4, 2007 1:15 PM CDT

:) Just 'cause.

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, September 30, 2007 7:27 PM CDT
Hi Colette, Tammy and Family, Just dropping in to say hello and wish you all a good week. I know you warmed your Moms heart with the Thanks, but she knows how very much you love and appreciate her, but it is nice to hear every now and then how much she means to you.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. - Wednesday, September 26, 2007 8:50 AM CDT
Hey to my pretty mermaid hair/fishy faced girl! I saw where you and mommy had a good time with movie night! You're such a good helper, I'm very proud of you! Now, you should stop giving mommy and your teacher a hard time, silly miss!
I had a busy weekend- we went over to see my poppy. He's been in the hospital with a blood clot, but he's doing a lot better now. We drove to Ohio Friday after school, and then we got up Saturday, and drove on to Virgina to watch my cousin Chad play football. They won! He plays for UVA Wise, which is a NAIA college, and they are now in the top ten, which is really exciting. We drove back to Ohio Saturday night, and then on back home yesterday, so our tooshies are tired of the car! It was really nice to get to go visit, though. My Aunt and Uncle and cousin Travis all drove over, too, and we had a lot of fun. I'm glad, too, because Poppy is awful lonely with Nanny gone. My brother and Chad had gone to Poppy's the weekend before, for his birthday, which was just a couple days after he got out of the hospital, and they spent Saturday planting flowers and such at Nanny's grave. It looks wonderful.
How's Bryant doing so far this year? I know mommy was worried about him last year, but we've not heard a lot so far this year. I hope that's a good sign!
Keep Miss Morgan in your prayers as she scans this week. I don't think they have internet at home right now, so it's hard for Mrs. Brooke to update as often as she'd like, plus with the 2 littlest girls, it's got her busy! But, Morgan scans Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and I know they appreciate the positive thoughts and prayers!
Ok, I'm starving, so I think I'm going to talk my boss into some lunch! You guys have a GREAT week, k? Love you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, September 24, 2007 11:24 AM CDT
G'day Colette, I a am dropping in for Jay - it's his darsly mum. Jay has gone away for a week and he asked if I would drop in on all his special friends and you are at the top of the list of course.
Your hair is getting so long and that fish face (funny).
It is so good to see you havin lots of fun and living life just as Jay does each and everyday.
Jay sends lots of his special koala hugs to you all and will come see you when he gets home.
Lots of love and hugs (Darlsy mum)

JAY (Neuroblastoma Survivor)


Melbourne, Vic Australia - down under - Sunday, September 23, 2007 3:26 AM CDT
Look at that Mermaid Hair and Fish Face. How sweet!!!
Stopping by to say Happy Friday and wish all a good weekend.

I sure hope you are getting some donations for the ChemoMom program.

Also I got your email on the recipe and will get one back to you when I can, but right now Lenzie is keeping me busy and I have to visit some of my friends with alittle free time that I do have.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. - Friday, September 21, 2007 10:17 AM CDT

You have gotten so big!! You have grown up so much since you were in the hospital. You were such a big girl then and you are such a beautiful singer. Your hair has gotten so long and you look like such a little princess. You are obviously feeling and eating well and I am so glad. WAY TO GO!!!

Brooks <lbmiller77@gmail.com>
- Friday, September 21, 2007 0:27 AM CDT
I stumbled across this site through a series of unplanned steps. Once I clicked through some pictures I found myself in tears. Looking at the smile on her beaufitul face as she conquered the world so actively just made me realize how truly close to God children are. They don't need to fully comprehend the concept of illness, or passing - they comprehend something so much more important - the concept of living.
Georgetown , TX USA - Wednesday, September 19, 2007 1:32 PM CDT
Hi Colette and Family, Just a quick hello to you all. Hoping you had a nice weekend except for all the rain. I have Lenzie with me to stay for a long visit and spend some quality time with her so it's hard to get around and vist to many as she hates for me to be on the computer. Wanted to say a quick hello though and let you guys know I'm thinking of you...

Loved all the pics and Hoping your table set up will help you get donations for the ChemoMoms program you are doing....

Have a great week...I have alots of catching up to do on sites and the home....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle of , FL. U.S. - Monday, September 17, 2007 2:06 PM CDT
Hey Girl!! Glad the blood drive was a hit and I hope you made some ChemoMoms money too - I know you need it and wish I had it to give. I can make some cards though - let me know what you need - how many, a theme (colors or whatever) and i'll get to work!! it's the least I can do!! Loved the slide show too!! Brought tears to my eyes!! Miss you!! Let me know about the cards! oh - at the next Scrap Etc event, several of us are doing a charm swap and we're making an extra charm for the coordinator of the swap to put together and auction off for a charity. this was done at the last creative escape and they raised over 1000 bucks - i suggested st jude of course, but also suggested chemo moms! nothing has been decided yet - we aren't even finished with the sign up process so i'll keep pushing it!!! i wish i could do more - i really do.
lisa tanner <lisa0918@bellsouth.net>
hoover, al - Saturday, September 15, 2007 1:18 PM CDT
Not YELLOW! Colette... Well, mommy will be getting great "bribe" items in that package when it comes, so maybe she'll have to use them for that instead of just goodies from Aunt Megan! (Do as you see fit, mom!!) Anyway, Tammy, it's exciting to see so much happening there at W&C because of all your hard work! I'm super proud of you! And MawMaw, I'll be patient, you get those pics loaded when you have the time. Shoot, Tammy was supposed to send me some paintball records months ago, she can't stand there waving any fingers at anyone else!! (hehehe- SOO busted!!) Ok, I've got to get to the bank before checks start bouncing! Love you all!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, September 14, 2007 3:04 PM CDT









Melbourne, Vic Australia - down under - Wednesday, September 12, 2007 5:37 PM CDT
wow! what a Beautiful singer you are Punkin!
we miss you - seems we haven't seen yall in forever.
We have to get together to watch a Bama Game!

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, al - Wednesday, September 12, 2007 11:46 AM CDT
Hi Tammy and Colette, Wow!!! What beautiful voices you both have. Loved watchin both video's. The one of you girls singing and the news one. I get Channel 5 news here in Crestview, but I missed that one and happy I could go to that site and see the video. Colette you are so sweet and more beautiful everyday....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAWMAW PENNY!!! Sorry it's a day late....

Tammy, Kelly once again asked for donations on Lenzie's site for your ChemoMoms Program and we hope you get some. Maybe alot of people can set up a box for donations in there church for the cause......Thanks for sharing the video's with us all.....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family.....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Tuesday, September 11, 2007 11:12 AM CDT




- Monday, September 10, 2007 11:27 PM CDT
You guys looked great!! Love the Gold Ribbons- they were awesome, and the princess did fabulously. Good work, guys!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, September 10, 2007 8:12 PM CDT
hey mrs. tammy i just thought i would stop by and sign the guest book lol she was so beautiful last night.. she is such a strong little girl and she gives so many people so much hope i love you guys alot

valerie <whatsmyname2823@hotmail.com>
mobile, al usa - Monday, September 10, 2007 1:50 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, MawMaw Penny!! We love you!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, September 10, 2007 11:01 AM CDT
Happy Birthday MawMaw Penny! Tammy, the video was just awesome....I'm sitting at my desk wiping tears. Thanks for sharing! I have my DVR set to record the interview tonight!
Rhonda Green <rhonda_AL@hotmail.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Monday, September 10, 2007 8:54 AM CDT
HUGE UPDATE at http://chemoMoms.blogspot.com!
Super proud of you, Tam, and can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you next!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, September 7, 2007 6:33 PM CDT
Love the video and I put your site on Lenzie's in an update saying to stop by and see the video. Tried to put the video site on Lenzie's, as Camp Sam sent it to us, but it wouldn't do right. Anyways Tammy hope it was alright to put your site on there and I also said you needed donations for your ChemoMoms so maybe you will get some. I have been updating for Kelly being she doesn't have internet yet. Kelly says hello....

Wishing all of you a relaxing a great weekend.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. - Friday, September 7, 2007 3:08 PM CDT
Tam, I'm hoping todays visit at the hospital goes well. I know you already know, but to share with others, I'm an Avon rep, and have compiled a few products that ChemoMoms uses for their baskets into a bundle to send to Tammy. This includes full-sized lip balm and anti-bacterial hand sanitizer, plus travel sized shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion. These bundles can be requested for $7.50, and I will ship them directly to Tammy. Additionally, for the month of September, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, I am donating 15% of my Avon sales to ChemoMoms. I am able to take care of your Avon needs ANYWHERE in the country, as I operate an Avon site at www.YourAvon.com/MeganMahaffey. If you have questions, or would like to order a ChemoMoms bundle, drop me an email!
I'm super glad Miss C. is doing so well at school. Jeep's having a lot of trouble with headaches, we're trying to see what's going on there. It worries me, but I'm hopefull it's just stress!
Be sure to let us know how things went, Tam, and remember, I love you, and I know you can make this work!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, September 6, 2007 1:24 PM CDT
I am issuing a challenge!!!!!!! I AM PRAYING NOW!

YOU READ now put feet to your faithfulness!!!!!!
IF YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING BUT PRAY....STOP RIGHT NOW AND DO IT!!!!I have always asked our God to bless you double for everything you have so graciously done for this family. You are worth more than diamonds and gold to us.

PRAY that Tammy will not be discouraged in this ministry it seems God has called her (all of us) to. Colette has such a compassion for chemo moms and chemo kids. For a child to feel this need comes from experiencing it first hand. They have felt and need help...not for themselves but, but for other families.

I TOO look at Colette and HOPE. Just like Hannah, Bryant, Joshua, and Matthew and wonder is this real...can I really keep them. I see things differently than a did two years ago. The Bible tells us that all things happen for a purpose. Some people say that it is for punishment but, THIS IS FOR GOD'S GLORY!!!!!

They are all praising God for what a Miracle Colette is by returning strength and HOPE to other Chemo Moms and Chemo Kids. Please help if you can:) Love maw maw

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Thursday, September 6, 2007 10:35 AM CDT
THANK YOU:) all who have prayed for me. My back is some better and I don't know how much because I had an emergency root canal done last Wednesday and my pain was so intense that constant pain meds have been consumed. But, I believe it is better. The doctor told me Tuesday to go ahead with my SS disability because I qualify. LOL I am falling apart and I'm not 60 yet...The worst part is not being able to lift Colette and Hannah..I have learned to sit and hold them:)

Thankfully, I have been able to run with Tammy to deliver the baskets and have spent the last two days HELPING her!!!! I can make the ribbons for the trees and light poles. As we shopped yesterday, Colette wanted to buy everything she could for "Chemo Moms"! She informed everyone we met that she was a chemo kid which in turn opens up the opportunity to discuss what a MIRACLE she is and what God has done in her little life.

God Bless all of you that faithfully visit this site and continue to pray for my "lil darlin" and this family, we love you, Maw Maw Penny

Penny Crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Sunday, September 2, 2007 5:48 AM CDT
BTW, I love that beautiful picture and that beautiful hair!
Manda <Mannakay@aol.com>
- Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:07 PM CDT
Hey guys! I am so sorry I haven't been in touch lately. Things have been fast & furious! I love seeing the pictures and love reading what is going on. I miss you guys and hope to hear from you soon! Bee Blessed!
Manda <Mannakay@aol.com>
- Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:06 PM CDT
Just stopping by to say hello to all of you and let you know we are thinking of you guys.....

Hoping all have had a good day and the rest of the week will be even better.....

Hope MawMaw Penny's back is doing better and praying her pain stays away. My mother is having back problems also and I know she has been in alot of pain.

Kelly says hello... She hasn't been able to use there friends computer since her last update so she hasn't been able to check in on everyone and I told her I would say hello and I'm keeping her updated on everyone....Hopefully in about two weeks they will have internet set up at there house....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Thursday, August 30, 2007 3:46 PM CDT
Hey, guys! I hope you are all having a good week. MawMaw, I hope your back is feeling a little better. We've been super busy, as I'm sure you guys have! With school back in, you think you should have a little more time in your day, but somehow it just doesn't happen! We have an eye appointment this afternoon for Jeep, he's been having a lot of headaches, so we're going to check those out. We're gearing up for September - working on good ways to spread the word on Childhood Cancer Awareness Month! I hope you guys have a great holiday weekend, and we love you!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:52 AM CDT
Colette, Tammy, Jason , and Bryant, Thanks for the Birthday Wishes you guys...

Hoping you had a great Saturday and I know you will have a Blessed Sunday....

Maw Maw Penny hoping your pain is better in your back and praying that it gets better for you...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Saturday, August 25, 2007 9:14 PM CDT
Happy Belated Birthday Jason!!! I'm sorry it's late, but didn't know it was your birthday. Hey mine is tomorrow so maybe next year I will remember. I'm getting to old and it's hard to remember though.... Do hope you had a very nice birthday...

Sorry Maw Maw Penny is having such pain in her back and praying for the pain to sudside...... Feel Better Maw MAw Penny.

Colette happy that mommy had a good IEP meeting and all went well. So did Tori's meeting....I love the pic on the welcome page it's so good!!!!

Tammy happy you got the BOOT off and we know you are glad.... Will be looking for the pins in the mail to Kelly's.....

Well Bryant hello to you and I hope you and Colette are having fun at school and that you both have a great year...

Did I cover everyone....Hope so. Wishing all a good weekend. Going to leave a poem for you guys and I have left it in lots of sites today as I feel we have all shared in each other lives, with all that we as families have been through on this Cancer Journey and we have all become friends and truely care about each other.....


When we share laughter,
There's twice the fun;
When we share success,
We surpassed what we've done.

When we share problems,
There's half the pain;
When we share tears,
A rainbow follows rain.

When we share dreams,
They become more real;
When we share secrets,
Our hearts we reveal.

If we share a smile,
That's when our love shows;
If we share a hug,
It's when our love grows.

If we share with someone
On whom we depend,
That person is always
Our family or friend.

And what draws us closer
And makes us all care,
Is not what we have,
But the things that we share

~Author unknown~

Love, Lenzie's Family....

Nana Sue & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Friday, August 24, 2007 3:13 PM CDT
It has been a long time since I posted but, as you can be certain I check twice a day:)

This summer has been fast forward for me...and it doesn't seem to be letting up soon. I have hurt my back and the wheelchair was the last straw for my back. I had an epidural done around the first of August and the pain is returning. It took two weeks to feel relief so I knew.........I will return to my doctor on August 28th. Remember me in your prayers..I don't want anymore surgeries.....:(
I didn't think I could make a trip to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina but, I asked God for His WILL and He made the pain go away for a little while. It was the most wonderful trip I have EVER made. I can control the pain with darvocet and ibuprofen but, that's not the way I want to live.

We have been bless in a mighty way, again. It seems My son is following in his daddy's footsteps. Michael has gone to work for a school picture type photography company. You know like they put in school yearbooks. He does "Photoshop" on the computer for them....ALL those years for being on the computer is about to pay off;) He is so excited when he comes in everyday and boy does it do my heart good to see his depression gone.

My mom is going downhill with dementia and I can't seem to slow it down. Most of her days are good ones except when she watches a commercial that tells her that her memory meds are not good for her. Fortunately, she doesn't remember for long why. She is still able to live alone because I live really close to her if she needs me. My sister Kathy doesn't live far either. She was able to work three days while I was in N.C. and that gave me peace knowing she had someone there to keep up with her.

Of course, we were greeted by Miss Colette and Bryant with great enthusiasm and that made my heart feel so good! Yesterday, I got to see "MY DARLIN HANNAH GRACE".....GOD IS SOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!! MUST GO FOR NOW love all of you and appreciate your continued prayers and love, Maw Maw Penny

penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Thursday, August 23, 2007 6:23 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Jason!! Hope ya'll had a good time. I'm so glad the IEP went well. Just know that at any time - you can request a new meeting if you see that something just isn't done the way you want - like things will pop up later that you didn't think about. The aid, or you, on field trips is a biggie!! We still haven't had our meeting at the new school here, but they are adjusting to him and us to them. We'll get there!! Thanks for checking out my blog too!! I'll post my pages for my book as I do them - we get two challenges a week I think. You should do it! I miss seeing your beautiful pages girl!!

love ya and miss ya!

lisa tanner ~caringbridge.com/al/cole~ <lisa0918@bellsouth.net>
hoover, al - Tuesday, August 21, 2007 10:14 AM CDT
I can't pull anything online, Tam! Is it there? If you find it, post a link, would you please? And tell Little Miss Colette we got to be famous on the same weekend! Woohoo for us! I've got to get the kids ready to head over to Nan's for Uncle David and Uncle Patrick's Birthday Dinner, so I've got to go, but I wanted to check in! What did the Doc say about your back!? How's girlie-girl feeling? Ok, anyway, love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, August 19, 2007 2:15 PM CDT
Aww, man! Ear infection does NOT equal great week! Poor Tammy- trying to manuver through a normal day with the boot, the sick kid, a bad back/neck/shoulder, and Jason out of town. You are officially my hero. I hope that the Dr. has something deep and insightful to help with the new pain, and that the miss gets feeling better soon! Sending lots of love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, August 17, 2007 1:40 PM CDT







Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Friday, August 17, 2007 4:58 AM CDT
Hey to the Pate's!! I hope you all are having a great week! Love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, August 16, 2007 1:03 PM CDT
Hi Tammy, I see Kelly signed and asked about the FM system and remember she can get eamils if you send her one, but she can not reply back as they are using a friends internet and she can still check her old email, but can not send out. Just wanted to remind you in case you do email her. I have been emailing people back for her.

Hoping all are doing well and that Colette and Bryant are still loving school. Man we sure could use some cooler weather and need some soon...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL - Wednesday, August 15, 2007 4:51 PM CDT
Hey! Glad to hear everyone is doing good! I'm going to send you those pics I took when ya'll were at the Hope Lodge.

Love ya!

Summer Annan <summerannan@yahoo.com>
Orange Beach, AL - Monday, August 13, 2007 2:43 PM CDT
Hey Pate's,

Sorry I haven't signed in awhile. It is always so hectic around our house and then I feel like if I sign one guestbook then I have to sign them all. AWWWWWW! The picture of Bryant and Colette is so cute! Bryant is a handsome youg man and Colette is so beautiful. Her hair is getting so long and is so thick and curly. I hope both kiddos enjoy school this year. Glad they both liked their first day of school and how sweet of Colette to say they are all my friends. I hope Colette does well with her hearing aids and FM system. I have heard of the FM system, but no one has said anything to me. I think my niece used to use it. She has a 90% percent hearing loss in both ears. Tori has moderate hearing loss in both ears. What did you do to get Colette the FM system? Tammy, I hope your leg is feeling better. Try not to do to much. I know that is easier said than done though when you have kids. Hope y'all have a great week!

Love ya,
Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mommy)

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Deatsville, AL United States - Monday, August 13, 2007 11:32 AM CDT
It was good to hear from you . We just got Summer's site up so we can keep in touch with wonderful people we have met. Please keep in touch. Your children are beautiful. God Bless. Kelly Annan

Kelly Annan <gulfrebel@gulftel.com>
Orange Beach, AL USA - Monday, August 13, 2007 9:00 AM CDT
Happy belated Anniversary MawMaw and PawPaw! You guys are awesome, and I've been blessed to have you as a part of my life, even if it has only been here and email! (So Far!!) I'm so glad the kids are loving school- how smart of Colette to think to take out her hearing aides for naptime! Tammy, you have my prayers on the cleaning. I've been traveling a lot for training stuff for work, but I think I'm done now, and we started in on the boy's room today. I call it the boy's room, but the reality is all three kids live in there! Those poor boys of mine can't go far without their sister right behind them! So, it's constantly a distaster. We're trying to go through old clothes and old toys, getting things ready to take over to our Once Upon a Child store. We've been working on it all day today, and we'll hopefully finish up after church tomorrow! But, I'm glad you've found a shoe that helps with supporting your back- that's going to be really helpful in getting you back to 100%. I think I'm gonna kick back with a nice cold glass of tea, but I hadn't been able to write in a few days, and wanted to come check in! Love you all lots and lots!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, August 11, 2007 7:29 PM CDT
HAPPY 39th ANNIVERSARY MAWMAW & PAPA!!! Wishing you a great day and hope you are having a nice trip.....

What a cute pic and my how they are sure growing up...Had to come back to see the pic....

Poor Tori is home today with a stomach bug. Had the pukies at 2:00 this morning and only been to school 3 days. I was thinking 4, but only 3. We sure hope Lenzie doesn't pick it up as it might make the OMS flare up again.

Hey the meal sounded yummy. Hoping you get some housework done today, but take it easy and don't overdue it either.

Have a nice weekend. Can't believe it's already Friday....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Friday, August 10, 2007 11:49 AM CDT
Miss Colette, We sure hope you had a GREAT DAY at school and Bryant to. I know you made lots of new friends today and just hope you and Bryant had a very good day and got really good teachers.....

Will have to check back for PICs later.....I'm sure Mommy missed you today, but now she will have some free time unless of course she goes to work and I hope she gets that job she wanted helping out.......

Have a nice evening.....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of , FL. U.S. - Thursday, August 9, 2007 3:40 PM CDT
Hi, hi!! I hope your leg is feeling better after all that shopping, Tammy! And that Colette's arm is all better from her shots- What a brave girl! So BIG!! I just wanted to pop in and say hi, and I hope the back to school rushing around is going well. I'm praying that the perfect job presents itself at the perfect time! Have faith! Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, August 7, 2007 2:29 PM CDT
Hello, Just checking in on you guys and letting you kow we are thinking about all of you. What a big girl you are Colette about the vaccines and make sure Mommy gets that numbing cream for the next ones.

Tammy good luck on the job and hope your leg is healing up well....Remember next time you have to go to Birmingham Kelly is only about 4 to 5 miles off the interstate now so maybe you can stop by and even have a clean bathroom break...

Have a great weekend....

Oh one other thing how is Kenzie and Hope as she hasn't done an update in forever? If you talk to her tell her we still think about them and wish them well. Hoping all is well with there family.....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Friday, August 3, 2007 12:16 AM CDT


- Friday, August 3, 2007 10:15 AM CDT
Glad to know all is going well with ya'll. Collette is getting so big!!!They grow up way to fast....
Love you all,

Dave A. Wells <ddazed69@aol.com>
- Friday, August 3, 2007 9:43 AM CDT
hey! haven't heard from you guys in a while...we have all been busy with life!
I read your post about school clothes costing a fortune - wait until she is 13 and wants aeropostale shirts, hollister pants, sperry shoes, and so on!!!! they don't get any cheaper!!! LOL!
Todd said you were applying for a job at MCPSS - thats awesome! i will keep it in my prayers. that would be a perfect job for an involved mother!
Well see you guys soon!
Love ya!

Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, al usa - Thursday, August 2, 2007 4:31 PM CDT
Well, today has been an interesting one for us! I got a phone call from a friend of mine at about 4:30 that the strip mall where my office is located was on fire. He was concerned that I might have been there, but we're still in Chicago. I made a number of phone calls of my own, finally talking to my boss, who HAD been at the office when the fire broke out. We appear to have gotten off easy, but a number of our neighbors have lost everything. Most of these businesses were small, mom-and-pop type operations. I'm worried for them. The good news is that there were no major injuries, none of the tenants were injured, but a firefighter did sustain minor injuries, I guess. Pray for these folks, they are looking at a number of difficult days ahead.
I am excited for Colette that school sounds like it is going to come together well. I know the uniforms are expensive, but it sounds like they are good ones, and it'll be good for Bryant to have pants that he can't destroy in the first week! (Or if he does, they will be replaced!) How goes the job hunt so far? Were you able to talk to anyone within the school system? I think that could be a great fit for you- you could be a substitute, which would still make it pretty easy to be available for appointments and engagements with Cure Search and ChemoMoms! Congrats on that, by the way, be sure to keep us posted!
I'm off to work on finishing my letter for my state reps, you all have a great evening! Love you all!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, INq - Wednesday, August 1, 2007 8:47 PM CDT
I feel like I've not written in ages! I'm in Chicago this week attending the IRS Forum, but I'm drafting my letter, Tammy!! Hopefully I'll be able to send it tonight. I'm on a break at the moment, but am about to head back to the depths of the circular 230! I just wanted to stop in and say hi, and I hope you guys are having a fantastic week!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, July 31, 2007 12:36 AM CDT
I just spoke w/ Colette's grandmother Mr. Crocker about an drs appt for her husband. She seemed like a sweet lady who cares alot for her daughter and granddaughter. My prayers and thoughts are w/ you all and I wish your little girl the best from here on out. May God bless you all.
Angie Davis <angiedd25@aol.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Monday, July 30, 2007 4:01 PM CDT
Here I am finally a chance to get on an active computer. Things have been hard...and my heart hurts for Thresea's family..I try not to dwell on the kind if pain they are experencing right now. We went to the funeral today and I can tell you only with the grace of God could I go see her and she looked just like a sleeping angel. She was only four and could made sounds because she couldn't talk. Now she is running and singing to Jesus and asking Him things that only the angels care about. What a wonderful day that we be when we all see Jesus face to face. Thank You All for your prayers and continued faithfulness to this site. All my love maw maw Penny
maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Monday, July 23, 2007 1:43 PM CDT
It's so good to be home where I have regular internet access again, and I can check on you all!! I hope the kids had a blast at VBS!! And Uncle Mike did a really nice job on the pictures. (Of course, he had quite a looker to work with!) Tammy, try some Tea Tree Oil on your rash if it's still itchy- I've been told it works wonders on stuff like that.
Now that I'm home again, I'm trying to get everything in place for our Alex's Lemonade Stand! We're doing a Blood Drive earlier in the day, and the lemonade part of things in the afternoon. I'm really excited about it. We've got a more visible area to work with this year for the stand itself, and traffic gets pretty heavy through the area. I'm optimistic that it will be a huge success!! I just talked to a guy who's making us some nice banners, I just really think it will be fabulous.
Anyway, I had a few minutes, and wanted to pop in and let you all know I was thinking about you. I hope you have a great week!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, July 23, 2007 11:18 AM CDT
Hi Colette what a breath taking beauty you are and I know you to take Mommy and Daddy's breath away everytime they look at there beautiful daughter. Happy to see you looking so darn happy....

Tammy I was telling Kelly about the little girl getting hung on her swingset as we see the same news you do and she told me that you knew the Mommy and I'm so very sorry for her family and her poor Big brother as I know it had to be so very hard on him finding her that way to. My heart goes out to the family....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Thursday, July 19, 2007 4:34 PM CDT
Hey to you all, I just wanted to pop in and tell you I love you. I hadn't written in a few days, and it may be a few before I can again, but I didn't want you to think I'd forgotten you! My grandmother passed away last night and we are all in Ohio preparing things for services and such. I hope all is well there, and you are having a great week. Love you all lots!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, July 17, 2007 9:39 AM CDT
Hi Tammy and Colette and Family, Happy to hear the 4th was a success at Children's. I know they all were surprised and loved it. It was a joy for you I'm sure to see them all smile. We got Kelly and them moved and she does not have internet for now so we have missed everyone.

Not sure if your home yet, but do hope the reunion was nice and your leg is healing up Tammy. Love the pic of Colette with the Balloons and she gets prettier every day.

Have great week.... Get some rest!!!!

Kelly says hello to everyone.....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Tuesday, July 10, 2007 12:12 AM CDT
Are you guys home yet!? You have been SO busy these last few weeks- you need a vacation from summer vacation!
I've been busy scrambling around getting things together for this years lemonade stand. I'm really excited for it again this year. We hope to raise $1,500, plus I'm working on a blood drive to go with it, so it's pretty exciting. I feel like I'm running 100 miles an hour all the time!
How's the leg feeling, Tam? How much longer are you wheelchair bound? I hope you guys had a great time this weekend, and have a fantastic week! Love you all lots and lots!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, July 9, 2007 1:12 PM CDT
Hey!! Glad to hear the party was a success! I wish we had been there to help out! We were inpatient in Memphis for Memorial day and Labor day too I think. Not as big as the 4th, but still the hospital is super quiet on holiday's and we knew our families were together at home! I know it meant so much to those families!!! GREAT JOB! Hope the beach is great this weekend! Miss ya!
Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisa0918@bellsouth.net>
hoover, al - Thursday, July 5, 2007 1:10 PM CDT
Hi there!!
We went to see Ratatouille and it was so cute! Colette was a great cook and....I can't tell you the rest! I hope you have a great 4th with the kids, that is so nice of you. Wish I was closer so that I could help.
Love to all,

Kim Watts www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
McCalla, AL - Wednesday, July 4, 2007 9:42 AM CDT
Please let me know your paypal account information .Is it tamebebe1@hotmail.com
or tambebe1@hot mail.com.
Would love to help with the Children's Hospital 4th Celebration.



M Moulton
Blakely, GA USA - Tuesday, July 3, 2007 7:55 AM CDT
Tam and gang,
Again, here I am, wishing I was so much closer!! It's an awesome thing you are doing, Tammy, and I know in my heart God has put this to you because He knows you can carry it through. It will not be easy, but knowing all you've already accomplished, don't you dare let yourself get defeated! If you didn't get my email about the Avon Tomorrow grants, let me know- I think that may be a great opportunity for the ChemoMoms group! I believe in you, and what you are doing, and I know you know that, but it's sometimes good to hear it, too. I am praying for you, your leg, Colette, the kids that are inpatient right now, all of you! Have faith, and know we love you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, July 2, 2007 5:54 PM CDT
My name is Dawn. My husband, daugher, and I met Colette and grandma Penny while waiting to get our daughter's bone scan done in B'ham. I want you to know that your story truly touched our hearts. In the short 5 - 10 minutes of her company it wasn't hard to figure out just how sweet she is. My husband and I are wondering what the MIBG results showed. I pray it was good news. I briefly told Penny the story of our daughter, Sophia. She is only 8 months old. On May 3rd the babysitter, whom we know and love, dropped Sophia. We were initially devestated by this ofcourse. They sent us to USA Womens and Childrens for monitoring. They thought she had fractured her pelvis and so once we got to USA they wanted to do another xray. To our suprise, her pelvic bone was perfect, however, they noticed there was a mass of some sort on one side of her spine that wasn't suppose to be there. It was later expected to be a neuroblastoma. We were at B'ham to have it removed and the surgeon believes he was able to remove it all. We will wait on the pathology report. This has shown us once again just how wonderful our loving God is. We believe he led us to that babysitter and planned that fall. God is so wonderful and always in control. I know too that God is working in Colette's life and as she gets older she will look back and see what miracles God can do. Please let us know how she is doing.
Dawn <swanger1@hotmail.com>
- Monday, July 2, 2007 1:42 PM CDT

I read Tammy's journal for today and I want you all to know how very much this means to her. Holidays like this one has always been a MAJOR celebration for our family. My daddy her PaPa Bill Beritiech, Sr.was retired U.S. Coast Guard and a mighty patriotic man!!! You never leave the flag out in the rain and you never let that precious flag touch the ground.
My daddy was just like Kevin Kosiner, the actor in the movie
"The Guardian". The difference between the two men was the pay and the fact that my daddy rescued people and pulled in dead bodies for real...after 129 men women and children he quit counting!!
He was my Guardian until he went to be with his heavenly Father in heaven July 9, 1990. So now you know why this holiday means so much to all of us.

When Colette was inpatient for her cancer treatments there was NO celebrating and no fireworks for those children. TAMMY WANTS TO MAKE THIS ONE SPECIAL AND ONE THEY WILL REMEMBER. P L E A S E help her.

Even just a little will mean a whole lot to all of us but, the children will bless your heart.


Penny Crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Monday, July 2, 2007 10:35 AM CDT
What a month June was for all of us!!! I vaguely remember thinking boy, 2007 is already half over! Now.... I wonder were the month went?? I have been so busy babysitting as maw maw this summer so far and I am truly enjoying the benefits of the position!!!:) I kept Joshua, Matthew and Hannah Grace from June 17th through June 23rd. While Craig and Sherry went on a mission trip to Guatemala to build houses. Then on Sunday afternoon we left for Birmingham with Tammy, Bryant and Colette for all her tests!!!!!HALLELUAH CLEAR
SCANS!!!!! I got home Wednesday night and slept in my own bed for the first night in eleven nights. My bed is sooooo nice....

Because Jasons family were at the Gulf I collected the money from her last three donation jars. Here is the breakdown on how your money blessed us...as we gased up to leave for B'ham we put $67.60 gas and $4.00 in oil in the van. We stopped and had dinner in Pratville and for the four of us it came to $24.00 plus a $3.00 tip....next we bought needed items at walmart deoterant , a forgotten tooth brush and a couple coloring books for the kids...then Tammy realized she was out of her pain medication and her doctor phoned her perscription to the Walgreens in B'ham for $10.00. Bryant got a kids meal at Burger King and rest of us were treated to dinner by a church in B'ham. We ate at the Waffle house next to our hotel and then another meal in B'ham and we were headed home with $31.00 of rolled change and a $8.20 pay pal card. We ended returning home with ONLY $3.00 and a roll of pennies. God is so GOOD and So are all of you that drop that change in Colettes jars. What would we have done with out your help? God Bless You ALL We love you and cherish your unfailing love for my "little darlin." All my love Maw Maw Penny more later

Maw Maw Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Sunday, July 1, 2007 3:49 PM CDT
Hey to my 'Bama clan!! I'm running to North Carolina early tomorrow morning, and home again on Sunday, and I don't think I'll have internet access while I am gone. Congrats on beautiful scans, and you guys have a great weekend! Sending you lots of love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, June 29, 2007 5:57 PM CDT
Praise God! I am so thrilled to hear the GREAT news!!! You go girl! Now you can sit back and enjoy the rest of your summer. Have fun!
Love you,
Kim www.taylorwatts.org

Jim, Kim, Taylor and Logan Watts <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
McCalla, AL - Wednesday, June 27, 2007 10:10 PM CDT
HOORAY!!!! I love it when the scans are OH SO PRETTY!!! Lots of hugs and kisses to you!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, June 27, 2007 8:01 PM CDT
Happy July 4Th!!!!

I forgot and want be back till after so had to come back by and wish you a good one.....................

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family.....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
- Wednesday, June 27, 2007 5:34 PM CDT
We are so happy CLEAR SCANS!!!!

Hi Colette, Tammy, and the rest of the Family, I wanted to get by before I leave in the morning to say hello and let you know I will be thinking of all of you and all our friends. I hope you have a good week this week and next and the weekend you have lots of fun. I'm leaving to go help Kelly and them out with there move and they will not have internet service for awhile I'm afraid so will not get to visit are sign anyones guestbooks and I will sure hate that. Will be thinking of you both and I hope you have a relaxing weekend.....

Tammy I think the 4th thing is a good thing and sorry we won't be there to help you. Sorry I haven't gotten by before now to as just been busy working and now getting ready to go to help Kelly out with the move.....Will be gone for a few weeks well alittle over a week.....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries
Panhandle Of, FL. - Wednesday, June 27, 2007 4:49 PM CDT
YEAH for clear scans! I'm so glad - but GIRL - you should have emailed me or something - so we could have gotten together - ya'll could have stayed with us too!!! RATS!! Going to email you now to make sure you have all my info so next time you can call me!
Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisa0918@bellsouth.net>
hoover, al 35244 - Wednesday, June 27, 2007 4:39 PM CDT
Sending prayers your way!!!!
we had a great vacation with you all!
Much love to punkin.
See you all soon.

P.S. Nicole left for Auburn today!

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
mobile, al - Wednesday, June 27, 2007 8:11 AM CDT
Well, yay for clean scans so far! But, I'm sorry that the wonderful Dr. Buckley is leaving! I've been to so many CB pages for other kids who also have been treated by Dr. Buckley, and everyone seems to have the same opinion as you, Tam. He just is a sincere, caring guy who is working hard to do what he can to help kids! I can only hope that he will have fantastic opportunities to develop strong treatment options, and even cures and preventatives to childhood cancers! So, good luck to Dr. Buckley, and we hope all goes well!
Looking forward to great updates as you can, and be careful trying to drive that thing, Tammy!! Good luck with your efforts in the manuvering of the wheelchair!
Lots of prayers, as always! Love y'all!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, June 25, 2007 8:11 PM CDT
Well, it's Saturday again, and I'm sure you are all worn out from a great week at the beach! Hopefully mommy took it nice and easy on that leg, and everyone got to enjoy themselves, and no sunburn!
We've had an up and down week here. Tuesday, we lost our football coach who had been fighting a brain tumor for the last 18 months. He was a great guy, and brought back a lot of pride and enthusiasm to IU's football program. (We had not had a great football program in a long time.) Coach Hoeppner made a huge impact in the two years he was here in Bloomington, and we're really grateful to him. He was a big supporter of the local Big Brothers/Big Sisters program, and was very involved in the community. He was an awesome man, and we're sorry to have lost him.
On the up side, though, Morgan had scans yesterday, and they looked great! She goes back up to Indy again on Wednesday for a bone scan, I guess they only did a CT Friday, but so far, so good!
If I remember right, I believe you girls will be headed back to the Ham this week for some new pictures yourselves!? I bet all your Dr's and nurses will be so excited to see you, Colette! I can't wait to see pictures from the beach, I bet you're as brown as a little berry, and look great! I hope you all had a great time, and I'll be praying hard this week that you have safe travels and perfect pictures! Love ya!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, June 23, 2007 3:14 PM CDT
It's funny that even though I know you're gone, I'm drawn to the site several times a day. Sometimes, I just want to peek at a picture- Colette's smile is infectious. Other times, I scroll through old journal and guestbook entries, laughing, crying, and celebrating the victory that is the last two years.
I continue to celebrate daily the witness Colette has become. I am so grateful to our God for sharing her, and her powerful family, with me. You all have blessed me and my life in ways I could have never known when I left a quick note in this very book, two years and two days ago. Aunt Sherry found our friend Morgan, and many of us came here, and prayed, as these two girls fought a battle many of us as adults would be hard-pressed to face. So, to my little Champion, thank you, for being MY personal miracle. For helping me love and appreciate my family more, for bringing me closer to God, for making me stronger than I ever imagined. I love you very much! I hope you're having a wonderful time at the beach, and are taking good care of mommy! And, Happy Father's Day, Jason!! Have a spectacular, blessed week!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, June 17, 2007 10:00 PM CDT
WOMAN! You are not staying on that couch! Why can we not catch each other!?
Ok, well, I just wanted to tell you all to have a phenomenal time at the beach next week (think of me! I'll be jealous!) and Tammy, try to take it easy! I know you'll have lots of help, be sure to use it! Tam, check your email, and touch base with me if there are items I can send through Avon. If I get hand sanitizer, is scented ok, b/c I can get some, but it's all things like vanilla and peach and such, and I wasn't sure about that for at the hospital! I have to get dinner on the table, so I've got to run, but have a blast, enjoy each other, and soak up the sun!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, June 14, 2007 5:56 PM CDT
Hi Tammy, Hoping you are feeling better with your foot. After we get over one
hurdle seems like we are thrown another one at times, but that's just Life
keeping us on our toes. I'm sorry yet something else has set you back and
praying everything starts looking better soon and all the bad stays away.
Wishing we had got to see you guys at ~j~Kadin's~j~ Life Celebration, but the
darned old bad had to creep up on you. It was lots of fun and Emily and Billy
seen to it that everyone had a good time. Maybe next time your going to
Birmingham you can stop by and see Kelly and them as the house they are buying
will be right off the interstate going to Birmingham and hey you can take a
clean bathroom break if you need now and say hello for a quick visit hopefully.
I think it's exit 186 and it's just past Prattville and then you have the
Millbrook exit and it's the next. I'm so happy they have sold there house and
found another one in the area that they wanted to get Tori in a good school as
Montgomery's schools are just terrible and also they will be closer to
Birmingham now as well when they have to make a trip there......

Colette, Love the earrings and my you are sure growing up and looking so
beautiful, but then you were always beautiful. Mommy and Daddy will have to beat
the boys away with a stick before to long. All you little ones are sure growing
up and making me older, but I'm just so happy you are growing and doing so

You guys have a very nice week. I have been helping out Bill at work this week
and of course had Tori and Lenzie here for a visit and then Kelly and Bryson for
a few days as well, so have been busy and haven't got to visit to many. I knew
about Mommy hurting her foot and finally said I had to get by to say hello and
wish her to heal up fast......


Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. U.S. - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 4:25 PM CDT
I have been trying to call you. I lost my cell phone and I feel like I am dying without it.
Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:20 AM CDT
Hey gang! How's it moving, Tam? Were you still able to sing yesterday, or was that delayed? Are you losing your mind yet? I can't imagine being bound to the couch! I only had a second, but I wanted to pop in and check on you, and let you know I'm still praying! (Complete and total healing for EVERYONE, for ever and ever, amen!!) Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, June 11, 2007 6:17 PM CDT
My prayers are with you!
Elaine/Angel_Wings <eshattuck1@cox.net>
- Monday, June 11, 2007 3:05 PM CDT
Thanks, Maw Maw, for the update on Tammy's surgery! I am so sorry to hear about the injury. Baby that foot, so you can get back up and around completely healed. My 10yo broke her fibula (not to the extent of yours) on Thanksgiving. She's been out of the cast since Jan. 4th and it is still swollen, bruised, and tender. I never would have imagined a break taking so long to completely heal. Silly me thought that once she was out of the cast, she was okay. She is a swimmer, so that's the best therapy for it. It'll be hard, but please take any help offered, so you won't have to overdo. Us Mommies have a habit of pushing ourselves! I'll keep checking on you and Miss Collette (she gets cuter and cuter everytime I see a new pic of her).
Melody McDermott <mlmcdermott@windstream.net>
Dalton, GA - Friday, June 8, 2007 4:59 AM CDT
Wow, Tammy- way to go all out on the whole broken leg!! Well, I'm glad that the Doctor is taking such good care of you, and glad that Maw-Maw is taking such good care of those kiddos, and Jason, you have my prayers- sounds like you will for sure need them! Sending everyone my love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, June 7, 2007 10:31 PM CDT
Hey girl, I haven't signed in in a while, but you know I am checking up all the time! You are the 3rd person I have talked to this week that broke their foot this weekend. Is there something in the water? I hope you are feeling better and that the surgery went well. I will have your healing in my prayers!
As for miss Colette, how beautiful your hair is getting and those earrings are so lovely. The emla was a great idea. I have boys, but I don't know that I would have been smart enough to think of that.
I will check back soon!
Kim www.taylorwatts.org

Kim Watts <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
McCalla, AL - Thursday, June 7, 2007 10:23 PM CDT
Surgery was a big success and instead of it taking 1-1 1/2 hours it was more like 2 1/2 hours. The doctor said,
" SHE really did a great job on her leg!" She now has a long screw in her ankle and seven screws and a metal plate in her leg. He told us that she not only broke her fibula vertically but, horizontally also!!! He told us that she required more screws because of the multiple tiny bone fragments needed to be held together.

Because the surgery was more than the doctor expected she was in more pain and he told her if she wanted to stay over night they could give her meds overnight and watch her. I felt really good about her staying. Tammy will not be able to put any weight on that leg for three weeks or more. The doctor will take out her stitches June 18th.I took the kids up to see her, get donuts, milk and "SPECIAL DELIVER" them to daddy (Jason)LOL We are about ready for bed.

All my love maw maw

maw maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Thursday, June 7, 2007 9:55 PM CDT
Just checking to see if we had a surery update yet. Praying all went perfectly, and the surgeon's hands were guided by God! I'll be back later to check in.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, June 7, 2007 3:26 PM CDT
Colette, you look so pretty with yours ears pierced and your hair pulled back. Your hair is getting so long. I love your tan to. Have you been going to the beach? Tori and Lenzie are at the beach right now. They have been with Nana all week. Bryson and I are leaving tomorrow and staying until Sunday. Ronny has to go to Kansas and deliver a car for his work. I was hoping to maybe see y'all at ^Kadin's^ life celebration, but I see that mama has broken her ankle and leg. Oh my goodness! Tammy, I am so sorry about your leg. It is always something isn't it! I hope your surgery goes well. Please let me know if you need anything. I know you are in Mobile and I am in Montgomery, but please let me know if I can do anything to help you. We will be praying for you.

Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mommy)

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Wednesday, June 6, 2007 1:36 PM CDT
Well, I got the rundown on the leg incident, and all I can say is OUCH!! What a painful experience, and it sounds like it will be a pretty complicated recovery, too. Ugh. I hope the surgery goes well, and Tammy, you are able to get up and around pretty quickly.
I know June is already a pretty busy month, too! We're certainly adding Tammy to our prayers for good Dr. results this month. I'm so glad to see our girl doing so fantastic. She absolutely looks AMAZING, and I'm SO PROUD of her! Love you all!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, June 6, 2007 7:29 AM CDT
Just wanted to say hi and glad to hear all is going so well!! God is so good!

Cindy Terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
Reserve, LA - Tuesday, June 5, 2007 7:26 PM CDT
Thanks to all of you who take the time to sign the guestbook and to read it faithfully!!!
After Jason got to Talledaga,Alabama late last night he decided to stay the night and drive back today.

Tammy got home from camp around dark and Jason had to return the van to Sherry's about 30 miles away. Tammy got home showered and down for some rest. I still have Bryant and he is so upset about his momma. I thought it would be better for all for him to get a good nights sleep here and them there with the peace and quiet there. The trip was rough and painful on Tammy. She went to the doctor today and found her ankle is broken and will require surgery Thursday morning. They had to pay their $500.00 deductible today so the doctor would schedule her surgery. She also has a broken leg, so it looks like Maw Maw will now have a full time job because it is Tammy's RIGHT leg! I guess I get to be the "designated driver" and you KNOW I have no problem with that!

As soon as Tammy can manage to maneuver the computer desk she will update the journal. Until then, continue praying for her comfort and healing. All my love maw maw Penny

maw maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, June 4, 2007 11:35 PM CDT
G'day Colette & Family, it's JAY. I have been away on a trip to Queensland and not long back - I had a great time but was thinking of you lots and just had to come check on you.

WOW how pretty do you look - beautiful hair, a great smile you are looking wonderful and you sure have kicked that NB monsters but (I am so very proud of you).

Well you are all getting the good weather now and we are getting the COLD yuk hate the cold.

Sending you lots of my strength and courage and lots of big big big koala hugs from your Aussie Mate from the Land Down Under.

JAY (Neuroblastoma Survivor)


Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Monday, June 4, 2007 6:49 AM CDT
Oh NO!! Tammy!! That was NOT what you were supposed to do while you were there! And I know she's got a thousand things coming up this month. What a bummer. Well, Maw-Maw, while she's down with that leg, you get on her to get me some info from QuickBooks!! Keep us posted on how everyone's doing. Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, June 3, 2007 10:39 PM CDT
Hi guys! I can't believe the picture of Colette is the same little girl I saw in the hospital 2 years ago! What a dramatic miracle! You have a big fan club here in the Brown house! The boys love to see her pics and hear the updates. Always in our prayers! Kellie and the Boys
Kellie Brown <jakenkellie@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, June 3, 2007 8:31 PM CDT
Well, here it is Sunday morning and Tammy is on her way home from Youth Camp due to an accident. It seems she misstepped and fractured her leg. Jason is on the way to Montgomery to pick her up at the bus station.

I guess all those years of my going to camp the rules still remain the same LOL... "If you misbehave we will put you on the bus and send you home at your parents expense!" I'm sorry but, it just brings back the camp rules from all my many years at church camp.

Pray for Tam's comfort and healing and their traveling graces. Sherry has Bryant and Colette, they will be able to swim all afternoon and they will have a blast with their cousins.

I am sure Tammy will update when she gets to the house. Thank you for your prayers and an extra Special Thank You to Megan for help with their taxes, YOO HOO!! God Bless You ALL!!!!!
All my love Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Sunday, June 3, 2007 11:04 AM CDT
Hey! remember me Sarah, met you guyz at the benifit show. Just checking to see how everything was going. Colette looks absolutly georgous in the tutu! hope all is well, just wanted to let ya know I've been praying for yall. Just hang on in there have faith and stay strong. lots of luvs and hugs, Sarah.
Sarah Rezsnyak <perfect_friends2000@yahoo.com>
Grand Bay, AL USA - Friday, June 1, 2007 12:46 AM CDT
Yayayay!! I'm so glad you're back online! And good for Colette that she wants to go under. I think that's fantastic! It's scary, yes, but very cool!
I'm glad things are coming together financially a little, and here's to a wonderful summer full of great visits, sunshine, beaches, and fun! Love ya!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, June 1, 2007 7:02 AM CDT
What a beautiful Ballerina and I loved watching the video. How sweet and cute that Ballerina is. I'm so happy that Colette is doing so well. Hoping you guys and girls had a nice Memorial Day weekend and that the rest of your week will be good as well. We haven't forgot you guys either....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Tuesday, May 29, 2007 4:53 PM CDT
Hey to all of you! We've got a busy week this week, Jeep's kindergarten graduation is Wednesday, and then on Saturday we're going to Nashville for some business meetings for me. My dad lives there, so hubby and kiddo's are coming down too, and we're going to enjoy a few days, hopefully! MawMaw- what is the actual B'ham schedule? When do you all go? Y'all know I'm ALWAYS praying, but extra's will certainly be going up!
I've got to get my almost first grader up to bed, so I've gotta go, but I'm sending up my love and prayers to all of you! Have a fantastic week! {{{HUGS!!}}}

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, May 28, 2007 7:45 PM CDT
Just because we are passing this anniversary we can't stop to party yet.

Financial help is needed because we will be spending a week in Birmingham for all the painful test to check for any cancer. She is by NO MEANS past the danger of this type of cancer returning. She has a fifty-fifty chance of survival at this time. I am an optimistic person and sometimes I get caught up in the HOPE she will never have to face that horrible treatment again. It is not that I don't trust God has healed her but, for now God's will we don't know...just keep on praying.

Last trip just one night's hotel was a whopping $85.00 per night and we had to rent a car. God has provided us with an economical car. But, gas prices soaring and having to spend five or more nights...there is no money, no money. Ask God if He wants you to help. God will get all the Glory and we truly need your help. Love in Christ, Maw Maw

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Sunday, May 27, 2007 4:51 AM CDT
I can't speak for everyone else but, I watch the videos on the main page and here in the guestbook and I fill with tears of JOY & PRIDE:) I AM BLESSED!!!! Today marks Colette's second anniversary of being diagnosed with cancer. Someone just yesterday asked me why I acknowledged that date. I told him it was because it was not the date but, it HONORS God to GIVE HIM the GLORY for what He has brought us through. Without God we would not have had the HOPE to celebrate this SPECIAL MIRACLE.

I look at her and see God's hand on her little life. We were in my den with Tammy when Colette said,"look she that picture of me and God." When we questioned her further she said again,"that one of me and God". It was a photograph of her before her diagnosis. I feel God in her and I believe she reflects Him in her thoughts and what she says. Remember long ago I told you that when she went under the radiation machine, she told all the doctors and technicians that the red cross lines that pinpointed the treatment area was the cross that Jesus died on to make her all well! God has a purpose for all of this and just because we can't understand cancer in a little child, what a testimony she will have!!!

On this anniversary I want to tell each of how very much we all have appreciated every single prayer or act of kindness and love you have done. All my love, Maw Maw Penny

Penny Crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL 36582 - Sunday, May 27, 2007 4:28 AM CDT
God is truely blessing us with His precious Collett. What a joy she brings to our hearts! God bless ya'll! Love, Aunt Fran XO
Frances Dougherty
Ft Myers , Fl USA - Friday, May 25, 2007 5:47 PM CDT

Aunt Sherry
Mobile, AL - Thursday, May 24, 2007 7:06 PM CDT
SINGING, DANCING, Lov it Love it Love it!!!!!!! Are you sure she can't hear? She's amazing. I'm sooooo thrilled for you!! Just thinking about this time last year, WOW! She's beautiful and vibrant. God is so good!!!!!!
Erika Cross <erikacross@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL USA - Wednesday, May 23, 2007 4:02 PM CDT
Colette, you are soo beautiful in your tutu! I know you are going to dance your heart out. I got tears in my eyes just looking at your rehearsal, because I am so proud of you. I loved seeing and hearing you sing the firefly song with your class! You have a great voice just like your Daddy,Momma and Bubba. I look foward to being with you this June. Wish I were with you now! Kisses & Huggs to all MY Pate's. I love ya"ll, Nana
Blair J.Pate <b.pate@laurel-crest.com>
Columbia , SC USA - Monday, May 21, 2007 4:00 PM CDT
A true beauty she is. Next year I expect to have both of my grandaughters in Ballet!!! They are so beautiful. Don't forget to click on her photo's on the bottom of the main page. Personally I would hane loved to see that clip with my Buddy Matthew dancing with Colette. I have a different video of Colette singing at church. It shows her down to her feet and she dances during the songs..LOL

I love the update and Tammy sure misses having her DSL hooked up. I told you that satan is really after them finacially. PLEASE continue to PRAY for them. We go back te last week in June for a full week of test to see is there is any sight of the old monster. Paw Paw now has an economical transportation to drive and we will not have to rent a vechicle like we have the last two times. That really bites into the pocket at $3.13 per gallon. He gets 34 highway miles...Thank You Lord

We spent Jason and Tammy's annivesary in the ER "TWO YEARS" ago and this one we watched her dance in her ballet recital. GOD IS SO GOOD :) ALL THE TIME All my love Maw Maw

maw maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, May 21, 2007 3:04 PM CDT
Hey guys, Sorry I haven't been around a lot recently. I got to see the story on the web this morning. It brought me to tears right here at my desk. It is wonderful to see you so happy and healthy and beautiful. I love you guys and hope to see all of you soon.
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Friday, May 18, 2007 10:24 AM CDT
It's there it's there!! Omigoodness, so CUTE!!! I have to get mine out to the bus stop, but great job, pretty girl! I'm SOOO proud of you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, May 18, 2007 6:41 AM CDT
Maw Maw's UPDATE!!!!!!!!

Boy, did she shine :) THANK YOU WKRG.com Keeshia Payton you were fantastic. What an outstanding job in covering Miss Colette's UPDATE . WKRG even took video of her recital dance tonight. Broadway Ballet South has been such a blessing to my darlin' for giving her two years of ballet lessons. They have encouraged her to build strength in her body that was lost from eighteen months of hospital stays. You will see our video and photo updates tomorrow!!!! Love Ya, Maw Maw

Maw Maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Thursday, May 17, 2007 10:37 PM CDT
do good tonite baby!! i love you!!!!
bye sweetheart!!

nicoliee! <bluiddancer@aol.com>
- Thursday, May 17, 2007 5:46 PM CDT
Well Folks today is the day....In the beginning I never thought would happen....But, For God!

Tuesday a week ago I took her to her ballet practice and when I heard the song she would do her recital dance to...I burst out crying. The reason is because, there is a walkway over the street from the hospital in B'ham to their adjoining activities Children's Harbor. One night in particular I took Colette dressed up in her Cindrella dress when she was so very sick. She was unable to walk very far and I didn't think to get a wagon. I ended up carrying her and pushing her IV pole down the elevator (we did that ALOT)! When we finally got three floors down and got to the glass covered walkway at dusk it had soft lighting and music playing. I told you all of that to tell you this. She was so weak and she wanted to dance with me holding her:( The song playing was the Disney song Sleeping Beauty sings. I remember thinking of how difficult that song would be to hear in the future/without her and what a WONDERFUL MEMORY it would be...bittersweet. When I saw her dance to that song , I lost it. I suppose the other parents thought I had lost my mind. But, they haven't walked in my shoes and I pray God will never let any of them experienced what my little Princess has.


I shared that story with you because we don't know God's Will in our lives so we need to LIVE EVERYDAY LIKE IT IS OUR LAST and REMEMBER to GIVE GOD the GLORY for ALL the GREAT THINGS HE DOES FOR US EVERYDAY!!! I love you and appreciate you, Mrs. Penny

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Thursday, May 17, 2007 8:29 AM CDT
Mom's helping other moms!

Add a ChemoMoms Banner to your website or MySpace!! Copy and Paste:

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, May 16, 2007 2:50 PM CDT
Mrs. Penny, that's AWESOME!!! I'm excited for her! I can't believe it's been 2 years... I'm going to have to go through the guestbook and find my first post- I know it was June, but I don't remember specifically when it was that I was blessed to have you all brought into my life. It's so incredible to think back on that skinny little doe-eyed girl and look now at the pictures with her precious curls and sparkling eyes. God is Good, Amen!? I know it's tough for Tammy to post right now, so thank you for keeping us updated! Give our girl a big hug and a kiss for me, and I can't wait to see pictures and video from her recital! I wish I was closer- I'd be there in a heartbeat. Love you all, have a fantastic rest of the week!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, May 16, 2007 8:21 AM CDT
Today has been very exciting!!!! I sent an e-mail to the young lady at WKRG News that did the Crimestoppers story on Colette last year in January about the stolen donation jars. I wanted her to know that Colette was doing well and that we were at the two year anniversary of bringing her to Mobile to the emergency room right before her cancer was found.

I also told her that Colette had endured 770 hours of chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant and many radiation treatments. I told her that on the anniversary she would also being having her first ballet recital. When she got my e-mail she immediately called me and said the TV station wants to cover this story with an UPDATE and actually meet Colette for the very first time!!!!!

I am super excited and hope Colette gets her nap that day LOL We will keep all of you up on this story with pictures and video. You can go to WKRG.com and see the story late Thursday or Friday morning the 18th:)

I love you all and I Thank God for Each and Everyone of your prayer and encouragment's. Love Maw Maw Penny

Penny Crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 10:29 PM CDT
Colette, you are my little American Idol! I came across you're picture on Coins 4 kids. I watched your singing video and it was beautiful! It brought tears to my eyes! My little girl is 2 years old, her name is Ila Jean and she has neuroblastoma too. She is still fighting! Thank you for sharing your singing with us! Take care!


Jennifer Rathbone
Schenectady, NY - Monday, May 14, 2007 4:20 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day to a SUPER mom!! (And HER super mom! And of course, all the other wonderful mom's out there!) I know you are having a glorious day, filled with the love and blessings of your children, and I hope all is well. Post when you can, and feel the warmth of our prayers surround each of you! Love you lots!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, May 13, 2007 12:17 AM CDT
Cheering on your Survivors Lap tonight, pretty princess!! Still praying, and thankful MY GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS!!! (You're proof, every day!) Love, love LOVE you!!!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, May 11, 2007 6:14 PM CDT
Happy Anniversary Tammy and Jason!!! Happy Mother's Day Tammy!!! Wow you got some celebrating to do..... Hope all have a lovely weekend. I so wish I could sign up for the Bone Marrow registry, but I have had hepetitis so I'm no good for it. I would surely do it if I could...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. - Friday, May 11, 2007 7:54 AM CDT



M. MOULTON <judge1@windstream.net>
- Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:53 PM CDT
Hi, Just checking on Colette.seeing what adventures she's up to.
God Bless,
DeAnna and Dina (Solutions Infusion Therapy)

DeAnna Walker/Dina Odom <Dinaodom@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, May 8, 2007 4:41 PM CDT
Sending up prayers for peace and guidance. Knowing He will provide. Have patience and faith, as we lift you both up for spiritual and emotional healing, as well as repair to your finances. Love to you both, and the kids as well.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, May 7, 2007 6:53 PM CDT
God Bless your faithfulness in checking on Colette. We will never be able to tell you how very much we depend on your words of encouragment and prayers. I ask God for double blessings for you as you bless us :)

PLEASE PRAY AN EXTRA PRAYER FOR FINANCES!!! It is REAL BAD :( Ask God if He wants you to help somehow or to send someone who will. Jason took a weekend to himself for a Christian retreat last weekend and this weekend is Tammy's turn. satan is on them like crazy...he is attacking them from all sides..that is the business he is in..discouragment and discontent/ struggling families are his target. When we give GLORY to God, satan finds ways to get at us. All my love Maw Maw Penny

mrs. penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Saturday, May 5, 2007 6:10 PM CDT
Hi Colette, Tammy and Family, Stopping by to say have a nice weekend and let you know we are thinking about you. Hope you read my last post in here telling you I was sorry I missed your call. If not I'm sorry!!! Well girls will check back later...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Friday, May 4, 2007 3:38 PM CDT
Hey gang! Hope things have been good this week. I especially hope everyone has gotten all the way over the stomach bug- that can take a little while. They're so draining.
We've been busy bee's here, too! I don't know if you'd heard- Morgan has a new little sister!! She was 2 weeks old yesterday. They had to take her pretty quick, Brooke's blood pressure got very dangerous, so she was a little early, and she's TINY!! I saw her last week, and she's just a little peanut of a thing! Morgan told me her name is Isabella. She's adorable!
I know you've been having internet issues, so it's hard to get on much, but know I'm still here, and still praying every day! Have a really great weekend! Love you all!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, May 4, 2007 9:09 AM CDT

m. moulton <judge1@windstream.net>
- Wednesday, May 2, 2007 10:48 PM CDT
G'DAY COLETTE - IT'S JAY how you going.
I have not been around, sorry about that, lots of things going on down under and this week I have been sick so have not been able to do my visits.
Great to see you doin so well, I am very proud of you.
THE BUNNY rabbit looks cool - did you get to take him home?
I am doing lots of fundraising stuff, I am the ambassador for a big fundraiser and I am going to Queensland for a holiday to all the great theme parks (so cool can't wait).

Sending you lots of my strength and courage to keep kickin the NB monsters butt from your Aussie NB mate:


Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, May 1, 2007 1:52 AM CDT
Happy Sunday!! I hope this week has found you all feeling better than last week did! It's been beautiful here, and we're trying to finally get somethings done around the house- tax season makes that hard. Today, though, I could open the windows up and air things out well, and scrub floors, and that kind of thing. It always feels good to get that stuff done!
I just wanted to check in, send my love, etc.. I hope this coming week is a wonderful one, and full of blessings!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, April 29, 2007 4:09 PM CDT
Hi Tammy, I'm sorry I missed your call Monday and I didn't get home that evening till alittle after 8:00 and by then of course it was to late for Kelly to meet you. I did tell her you had called and left a message and maybe the next time you guys can meet up. I can't remember when Lenzie has to go back to Children's. She would have loved to see you girls. I see you did get to see alot of friends there this time. Someone will surely need that Basket of goodies you left there and will appreciate it and the nurses will give it to the next family that needs it. I wish no family would need it though. Colette is looking so good and love the pic of her and the Bunny.

I just wanted to say I'm sorry I missed you and I haven't forgot and did let Kelly know but it was the next day being I didn't check the messages till the next day. We don't get to many calls on the home phone as most of our family talk to each other on our cell phones. Heck sometimes unless it rings I forget we have a house phone.

Wishing all of you a great day and nice upcoming weekeend....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:17 AM CDT
hey! Glad to hear the xrays were good and that punkin is hungry again!
We will get together soon...now that Tax season is OVER!!!! and the weather is warming up!
See Ya Soon

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Mobile, AL - Tuesday, April 24, 2007 12:56 AM CDT
Well, back from B'ham AGAIN......I can tell you my bed will be seeing me soon. That is a drive. We had a great trip and Colette is feeling so much better. THANKS FOR THE PRAYERS that went up for her. She was a perfect treat with the doctors and I am sure the positive visit encourages the doctors as I know they see more negative than I would want to deal with. She woke up this morning telling maw maw and mommy we needed to get up to go see Dr. Buckley.
She was dressed and was heating last nights food from the ref. in the room in the microwave saying she was starving!!

GOOD MEDICAL RESULTS and the doctor said she could get a tan but, use at least 30spf suncreen and she could get her ears pierced AGAIN...we had pierced then two weeks before the cancer was found.

Now she dosen't go back until the last week in June for a whole week of tests. All of them including scans for cancer. I believe it is all gone! Plase continue to thank God for this MIRACLE...help us give HIM the GLORY:) She is practicing a song to sing in front of our church:) YOU KNOW YOU WILL SEE THAT VIDEO HERE!!!!!!

God bless you all for you continued faithfulness of checking this site. All my love Maw Maw Penny

Penny Crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, April 23, 2007 9:17 PM CDT
Tammy - Not to worry....all will be fine:)
Thanks for the post in Kassidy's guestbook.
Faith is the only way and the best way to get through this. You are a perfect example of that, and you have been an inspiration to us from the very beginning. Thanks! Maybe one day we can meet. We might be going to Gulf Shores at some point this summer. Who knows..maybe we can work something out.

Have a great week!
God Bless,

Cindy Terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
Reserve, LA - Sunday, April 22, 2007 8:43 PM CDT
I kept thinking- If I can just get through the 17th, my life will calm down some, and I can get somethings done! It's made it all the way to Sunday, and I'm almost there! I'm in a "break" period between church and a baby shower, trying to get the daughter to eat (and not end up with most of her lunch all over her!) so we can leave here in another 15 minutes to head to the shower.
I keep trying to bulletin on MySpace about the ChemoMoms group, but MySpace thinks I've been phished every time. I think it may be a problem with my photobucket link (I read something about issues there the other day) so I may find another place to host my image, but I was able to post just some text on it.
I hope you all are having a fabulous weekend, and enjoying some beautiful weather! We had some great down time as a family yesterday blowing bubbles in the backyard, as it's FINALLY warmed back up! Sending lots of love and prayers your way. You go back to the Ham this week, right? Here's to safe travels and perfect reports! Love you love you love you!!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, April 22, 2007 1:21 PM CDT
Hi!! I was just checking on you. Its been a while.
Glad to hear everything is going well. Don't worry about the bruises...I'm sure its just too much play (if there is such a thing!!)
God Bless always,

Cindy Terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
Reserve, LA - Wednesday, April 18, 2007 10:05 PM CDT

I KNOW personally how much it relieves you to have lotion and micro food in the middle of the night. The snack machines are a joke and the money just dose not exist!!!! After washing your hands and using that sanitizer your skin just dries out! Chapstick is such a relief and the price can get outrageous. Emeryboards are a God send on a hang nail, those things will keep you awake at night especially if you tear them into the quick:O THANK YOU AGAIN!!

I LOVE the new picture of Colette with the baby bunny. She has been so normal and I believe we will get another good report in Birmingham next week.

We have some Friends at the "Pelican Reef Restaurant" at the Fowl River Bridge, south of Mobile on Dauphin Island Parkway. Bill and Sharon Brehm and their daughter Leslie will be giving Colette a benefit in June. If you have anything to donate to the auction let us know. This money will be much needed!!! Please keep this event in your prayers and if you live close enough PLEASE COME!!

ALL MY LOVE, Maw Maw Penny Crocker

Maw Maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Tuesday, April 17, 2007 12:15 AM CDT
I came to your sight because I was reading my cousins sight Madison Beck. I read the passages you had in there about God and the beautician. Also the poem and It touched my heart. I will add you and your family to my prayers. Thank you I really needed that pick me up when I read that "Save the day poem. It is so true Jesus saved the day, this day and everyday for us. Thank you for printing that.
Becky cannon <becki0641@yahoo.com>
Semmes, al usa - Friday, April 13, 2007 10:45 PM CDT
Hi Tammy, It was nice talking to you the other evening. Kelly said she missed your call, but did email you. She also send off the package with the stuff for the Chemo Moms Baskets for you and Hope. I want to say Thanks as what you girls are doing is a wonderful thing. Also you trying to help Kelly with Tori and her Hearing Aids is so very sweet of you.

I like the explanation of God does Exsist!!! It's hard for some to see this as they ask the whys and how comes as I think in sometime or another alot of us do????

Wishing your Family A Super Fun Weekend!!!!

Hello to Colette, Bryant, Jason and Maw Maw Penny to.....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Friday, April 13, 2007 9:39 AM CDT
I got the beautician email from you this morning, and just had to smile- it's PERFECT! What a great way to explain it. Just maybe it'll show someone the beauty that they can find, if the go to the Almighty Beautician, for who can make one more beautiful than He!?
Hope all is well, it's insanity here!! One more week to go! Can't wait for April 17th!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 1:01 PM CDT
Happy Easter! OK I've never been to myspace before and I just want to listen to that song you printed. How do I do that?
Erika Cross <erikacross@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL USA - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 8:58 AM CDT
Hello Colette and family!

Hey there! Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you...I check your site often, but haven't signed in much...sorry about that! I do keep you in my prayers on a daily basis, though! Hope you are having a great weekend together! Oh, oh, oh...I love all the pics you have on this site! Thanks for sharing them! :) HAVE A VERY BLESSED and HAPPY EASTER! Many hugs from my family to yours!

Dawn H. <mybitofsunshine@aol.com>
- Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:15 PM CDT
Thankful for the blessings today represent. Grateful for a God who shared His Son. Praying for healing in those who still suffer, but joyful in the knowledge that complete healing will occur in His time.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, April 8, 2007 12:36 AM CDT
Hi Tammy, I sent you an email to chemomoms@yahoo so please check it. Need address for donations on stuff for the Baskets. People are asking and we can't find one on the site. Thanks...

Have a Happy Easter to all of you.....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Friday, April 6, 2007 5:11 PM CDT
What an awesome day this was and still is and the BAD part is that my Jesus and yours had to suffer tremendeous pain and discouragment for my (our) sin. I saw a church bulletin board that said "God hung the key to Heaven on a nail"......

The GOOD thing about today is that the key was placed there for me and you. If you have not asked Jesus to come into your heart and forgive your sins...PLEASE do it right now. Give Jesus a THANK YOU Gift (YOU)for His pain and suffering on the cross and make HIM your Saviour from Hell. None of us KNOW what will happen in an hour or even a minute????

Jesus says in the Bible that He comes to bring us life and that He dosen't want anyone to perish (die in sin). I am PROUD to be a Child of the King Jesus and I KNOW that when I die I will be with God in Heaven.
Can you say that and Believe it with out a doubt?????? WHY NOT???? satan wants you to believe you are not good enough and unworthy of God expectations. satan is a LIAR and that is how he holds on to sinners. Take Jesus by the hand and he will LIFT you OUT of this Sinful Life you are living. God forgives All sin and nothing will He not forgive with the exception of denial of Christ's existance and His death , burial and ressurection is the only unpardable sin. Please don't deny Christ, you must believe and recieve with faith and trust that Jesus loved you so much that He gave up His life for you on this most reverent day! Then on Sunday you won't be so interested in the Easter Bunny but, in the Joyeous Truth that you have Eternal Life through Jesus blood He shed for YOU today. Now that is something to Celebrate!!! GIVE GLORY TO GOD FOR GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE and Miss Colette is another Miracle. All my love and HOPE that something I said will pierce your heart and make you want my same PEACE and JOY :) You have to ASK FOR SALVATION.... Jesus will not push Himself on to you.....that is why God Made us with a freewill;) Sing with me...I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart..............I've got the Love and the Joy of my blessed Redeemer way down in the depth of my heart, way down in the depth of my heart to stay :)HAVE A HAPPY BLESSED EASTER and I hope you get some chocolate eggs, too!
maw maw Penny

maw maw penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Friday, April 6, 2007 10:35 AM CDT
G'day Colette - it's your Aussie NB mate JAY.

How you going - wow love those pics of you in your soccer gear (so cool) and purple - well that's nearly pink close enough.

It is so good to see you happy, playing and being a kid again.

I wish you all a Happy Easter, I know the Easter bunny will hop his way to you after he has been to Australia first.

Sending you lots of my strength - courage and inspiration to you along with lots of big big big koala hugs from your best Aussie mate: -



Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Melbourne, Australia - Friday, April 6, 2007 3:10 AM CDT
Happy Belated Birthday Tammy! Sorry I'm late.

I see Momma told you I added your sites in an update on Lenzie's journal page. I do hope everyone helps out and you get lots of donations for your ChemoMoms program.

Colette you and Bryant are so nice looking in your pics all suited up to play. I know you will catch on to the game. Well need to go get somethings done as I'm always busy.

Kelly (Lenzie Butland's Mom)

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL. U.S. - Thursday, April 5, 2007 9:32 PM CDT
First off Happy Belated Birthday Tammy!!!!

Colette loved your pics and Bryant's as well. You will soon get the hang of things playing the game. Hey I would get upset to if the ball got kicked away from me....

Tammy, Kelly updated Lenzie's journal and left Kenzie's and Colette's site on Lenzie's along with the ChemoMoms site as well asking for donations for you girls. Hopefully people will send in some.

Happy Easter in case I don't get back by!!!!

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Thursday, April 5, 2007 6:23 PM CDT

Paw Paw and I took some of the pictures and handprint thank you cards of Colette and Chris Tomlin to the radio station WBHY Power 88 in Spanish Fort today and met the people responsible for hooking us up with concert entrance and getting to see Chris again this year. THANK YOU Kenny Fowler and Mr. Charlie at Go Forth Media because of the blessing you have been to our family. We will be taking Miss Colette to thank them in person and maybe she will sing "How can I keep from singing your praise" her new favorite song!!!!

All my love maw maw penny

penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Monday, April 2, 2007 8:41 PM CDT
The games were great to watch!!! They sky was overcast and the wind ws up. Very comfortable to be out in for the family. I am on an antibotic and am not supposed to be in the sun but, the weather was great. While watching Bryant excell in this sport and being so proud of his efforts I watched Colette at a distance. She made friends with children everywhere and kicked her pastel pink metallic soccer ball all over the field!!! The JOY of seeing her being NORMAL was overwhelming and I often felt tears of thanksgiving for what an awesome God to give us our darlin back. God is Good all the time! I need to go for now. Thank you for your love, prayers and continued faithfulness in your concern in my darlin! All my love and God Bless You Always Maw Maw Penny
penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Sunday, April 1, 2007 9:30 PM CDT
Sounds like the games all went really well! Colette will have so much fun as she starts really understanding the game, and good job, Bryant, for being such a good sport and helping out the other team when they were in a pinch! You guys are awesome! And then for daddy to have a great game, too, what a really fun day. Tam, be watching your email and mail box for a package of goodies for the ChemoMoms! Off to finish pulling the reports for today, but wanted to drop in and say hello!! Have a fabulous Palm Sunday!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, April 1, 2007 1:57 PM CDT
Thinking of Colette and praying for her.
Chari Warner <millymango40@yahoo.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:46 AM CDT
Just wanted to say hello to all of you. Hoping Colette and MawMaw Penny are feeling better. I did go check out the ChemoMoms site and its looking good. Hoping it gets off and starts doing good and helps others. Have a good week all of you..... Oh yes the beach has been nice and the water is just beautiful here in Florida and Tori and Lenzie had such a good time staying with me last week and going to the beach....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 6:30 PM CDT
Hey my 'Bama fam!! I know, I know! I know who has a birthday!! And she needs to check her email! (I need a few #'s from you, madam!!) I hate that MawMaw is sick! Mrs. Penny, you take it easy for a while. I know it's hard, but I'm here to tell you, I had pneumonia in January, and I've never, ever felt so awful in my life- it's pure exhaustion, so rest up and don't overdo it. Things are heating back up at the office- that big April deadline is approaching, and it's getting busy busy! I'm jealous about your beach trip! It's been almost hot here, temps are 20+ degrees above normal right now! Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hi, and send up my prayers for perfect days! Love ya!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 9:59 PM CDT
Tammy, I know sign language (well, not as much as I used to know, I'm pretty rusty now and might catch half of what a deaf adult signed). Anyway, if there is anything I can do to help you and Collette, let me know. Also, if you think there is anyway I can help other kids whose chemo has damaged their hearing,let me know. I don't even know how many kids have been affected that way. I guess I don't know where to start with others, but for you, if you want me to send you some stuff I can. I have videos with childrens songs and stories in sign language and lots of materials from when I taught deaf children. Do you want me to copy some of it and send you and Collette? Email me.
Erika Cross <erikacross@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL USA - Sunday, March 25, 2007 7:14 PM CDT
Glad everything is coming together for the ChemoMoms. Happy that Colette is feeling better and with this Pollen around I think alot of people are suffering. I know we all have been and sure taking our allergy Meds...

Have a fun weekend...Cute pics....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Friday, March 23, 2007 4:28 PM CDT
I started to sign at least 3 different times yesterday, and kept ending up buried in something else at the office!! Looks like the girls were having a lot of fun, and sounds like you're going to be a VERY busy lady, Tam!!
Hey- maybe you'll encounter a good contact on this!! I need to order new checks, and was shopping for a new design, and realized that, of course, there are breast cancer awareness checks, but no childhood cancer awareness checks! I emailed the Alex's Lemonade people, but they didn't know of anything either. If you find a good contact in your Chemo Mom's stuff, I want to try to create a Childhood Cancer Awareness check, with proceeds going to a good cause, like curesearch or St. Jude or something..Just a thought!
Anyway, it's good to hear that things are going so well! I'm excited for you that the Chemo Mom's group is going to be in position to do some good, strong work in helping other families facing such tough stuff! Praying for you all daily!! MUAH!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, March 22, 2007 8:31 AM CDT

Mrs. Marty Moulton
GA U.S.A. - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 6:20 PM CDT
Well, I see our girl won out on the red dress battle! I'm so glad you all had such a wonderful time, and am SO thankful that you've had the powerful music ministry of Chris Tomlin, and so many others, to carry you through on harder days! What a blessing and honor to have gotten to share some time, both "sick" and "well", with Chris, and shared your story. Many thanks to him, and the people around him, who work hard to spread the word of God, and make such beautiful worship to share with us! Thankful for our blessings today!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, March 17, 2007 2:45 PM CDT
Erika, my Jason is so much prettier than Chris and I can get my arms around him!!!Love Maw Maw Penny (Jason's proud mother in law) God has truly blessed me with Jason and My Sherry's precious Craig!! I am loved and fully blessed and I THANK God for them:)

Thank you for your post, you have lifted my Spirit to the sky:)

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
- Saturday, March 17, 2007 11:08 AM CDT
Tammy, I was so excited to see that gorgeous picture of Collette with her make-up, beautiful locks, and red "diva" dress. I saw the picture before I read the journal and I didn't know what Chris Tomlin looked like so I thought "WOW! Tammy married a hottie!" You may have (I've never seen Jason), but now I know what Chris looks like. The book you made him is AWESOME. It does my soul good to see a cancer survivor! I seem to have heard bad news about the kids who I've gotten to know lately and I can't tell you how it blessed my heart to see Collette looking so well. You are an amazing strong woman. I've only read the last 4 or 5 posts, but you are definately doing something right!! I've been wondering how to continue in ministry what God has done for us through this whole experience and it seems like you have found a way with CHEMOMOMS. I am praying for you! Don't let Satan's lies (even when they come from well-meaning messengers) discourage you! You are a blessing - your faith and honesty minister to me and give me hope! In fact, you have done that for me from your very first comment on Alan's blog. Thank you for giving away what God has given you. I pray that you will continue to let his glory shine through your life and that he will keep and sustain Collette as she grows up (which happens so fast!) It was a pleasure to be part of your lives today. Love, Erika Cross (Caelan' mom - 3 more treatments to go!)
Erika Cross <erikacross@charter.net>
Montgomery , AL USA - Friday, March 16, 2007 9:17 PM CDT

That pretty much sums up the concert! When Tammy showed Chris the photo of him with the "bald headed" Colette from last year he realized who she was and he hugged and told her would keep on praying for her and thanked her for the photo album.She was so happy to see him and as soon as the first three songs started she fell asleep. I guess the anticipation was too much! Especially because we were sitting on the front row for a while and then moved to the second. She stood on the seat or was held singing to the top of her lungs ...she danced and raised her little hands praising the Lord and sang until she passed out and slept for around an hour. After the break she was singing with Tammy and it was a "wonderful indescrible" night. The Holy Spirit moved over us and the JOY was abundant!!!

Chris has no idea what affect he has had on Colette and this family as do others Christian singers that helped lift our Spirtit in the last two years! All my love maw maw Penny

maw maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 16, 2007 8:08 PM CDT
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!

Will be busy tomorrow so wishing everyone a good day today and hoping everyone has a great weekend......

Glad to read you got pics and had a good time at the concert...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Friday, March 16, 2007 10:38 AM CDT
Thanks Sherry! I figured she had 101 things to do yesterday,(what mom doesn't on any given day!!) but, I'm glad to hear that they at least got a few minutes, and hopefully everyone had a great time. I can't wait to see the pics!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:20 AM CDT
Megan - they did get to meet Chris Tomlin briefly and take some pictures with him. He was rushed so they were lucky to get the few minutes that he was able to spare. Tammy has a GREAT picture of Colette and CT and I am sure she will post it soon! I know she has been gone all day - we were at the funeral until 1 p.m., then we had lunch, then she had a sign language class, and I think the kids had soccer practice, so she's dead tired by now. I know she will update but if you are like me you wanted to know last night!!!! LOL Sorry Tammy to jump in on your guestbook but I can't help it!
Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, March 15, 2007 10:45 PM CDT
Hey Yea..... We all want to know about the CONCERT and how things went and see pics of course!!!! How Exciting!!! I'm sure everyone had a good time.

Hoping that Colette's ear infection clears all up and it was nice of the Dr. to give her antibiotics for free. You know if you tell Dr.'s insurance don't cover this and that medicine alot of times they will give you samples if they have them.

Sorry to hear about Katrina to and will say prayers for her husband and children. I know they will miss there mom and it's a terrible thing.

Lov, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Thursday, March 15, 2007 3:16 PM CDT
Hope you had a good time, can't wait for pics and details!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, March 15, 2007 8:13 AM CDT
I have been waiting for a phone call or something to see how last night went! I even kept the phone by my bed! PLEASE call me!!!
Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, March 15, 2007 6:52 AM CDT
Good job Mawmaw!!!!!!! :) You all have lots of fun!!! Take pictures!!!
Mike Crocker <slammed_supercruzer@yahoo.com>
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 6:19 PM CDT
Have a great time at the concert! Make sure you take lots of pictures.
Chari Warner <millymango40@yahoo.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 4:16 PM CDT
Ok, Tammy, one more time! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm still, about 3 hours after I chatted with you, absolutely getting chills thinking about how incredible tonight is going to be! I hope you found something to wear, and maybe convinced her that she doesn't HAVE to wear the red velvet dress!
I was sharing today's good news with my friend and co-worker, Mattie, who is now officially as in love with my girl as I am... (It's that "unbailing lub" that does it, every time!) It brought me to tears to hear her sweet voice, singing the praises of a God who has brought you all through so much! How Great He Is, sing it again, MawMaw!!
Just a side note for Big PaPa- my grandpa was given morphine after he was treated for colon cancer, and later they found out he was allergic- his reaction? Hiccups! Hopefully everything is all better, but if there are still hiccups, you might ask about his pain control medications!
I'm off to do a return, but anxiously await fabulous pics and videos.
Hey, Tam- don't forget the extra batteries!! (Did I say that already!? heheheh!)

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 2:15 PM CDT
GO MAW GO MAW GO MAW GREAT JOB!!!!!!!I knew that they would want to witness our Miracle with us!!! THANK YOU DJ Kenny Fowler at WBHY Power 88 Mobile, Alabama God Blss my Friend for all your prayers and effort through the last nearly two years it will be good to see you here on the other side! THANKS YOU Charlie at GoForth Media and to Shane Quick at Premier Productions for a gift that you have mightly blessed our family with.

Chris Tomlin you will never know how this family has sang your music for the last two for strength to fight this cancer monster. Up and down the interstate 65 to and from MOBILE TO BIRMINGHAN for two years. All the mornings going to the radiation treatments at 6:00 am in the winter and her singing "How Great is Our God" to the top of her lungs. I can't listen to that song at church now with lifting my hands, crying and PRAISING GOD FOR WHAT HE HAS done "Our Little Miracle Colette Michele"! BLESS YOU IN ALL YOUR EFFORTS AND KNOW THAT THERE ARE LOTS OF OTHERS LIKE "Miss Colette" that are going through painful and frightening times and your words are strengthening them, too! Love in Christ Maw Maw Penny

PennyCrocker <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 2:01 PM CDT

Maybe They Will Let Colette Sing On Stage.


Mrs. Marty Moulton <judge1@windstream.net>
GA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:08 PM CDT
It feels great to have BEAUTIFUL and HEALTHY nieces and nephews!! :)

Mom - Check your email!

Unk Mike
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 4:57 AM CDT
Big Pa Pa is out of the hospital for now they didn't find anything wrong with his heart. He had hic-ups for nearly two weeks from the air that got trapped when they did surgery. Some of his pain came from worrying why they wouldn't stop. Some of his pain came from WORRY because he is 87 years young and he feels it's time to go home.

The picture of Magic Aunt Trisha is my younger sister and the one whose daughter Aprel, husband Clint had the idea to throw Bryant that FANTASTIC PARTY....Aprel THANK YOU:) Thanks to Uncle Jeremy, Miss Haley and Alexander (Aprels children) for checking on Colette's website everyday. We love you all.

Continue to pray for Tammy as she takes Colette to the doctor today. Thanks to everyone that has visited and posted support for the continuence of the caringbridge family site.
All my love maw maw penny

maw maw <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, March 13, 2007 11:28 AM CDT
Sending up prayers that Big PaPa is doing well today, and Colette's feeling better. Only have a second today, but wanted to send you all my love, and just check in! The pics from Bryant's party are great!! I'm glad he had such a good time! Kisses to all of you, and Tammy, thanks for posting!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:32 AM CDT






Mrs. Marty Moulton <judge1@windstream.net>
- Monday, March 12, 2007 10:42 PM CDT
Hi, Tammy!

This is the first time I've visited Colette's site.

I'm glad you're still updating. Sometimes we can't see all the good things until something bad brings them out. Some things we can never understand until we meet Jesus face-to-face.


Mamie's Daddy <george.f.adams@us.army.mil>
Huntsville, AL USA - Monday, March 12, 2007 9:44 PM CDT
Tammy see how many people still keep up with Colette and you guys and that truly care. Don't let a few bad seeds put you down in the dumps. They just have no ideal what life is all about living with a child who has or has had CANCER... If only they had to walk a day or two in the shoes of parents who do. Some are lucky and never need help, but for most its a terrible thing trying to figure out how is this going to get paid and how is that going to get paid and then the gas to and from the hospital and clinic. Its a terrible burden and we all try and help out our families as much as we can, but sometimes we all get tapped out as Maw Maw Penny said we all do what we can. I just can't believe how mean and nasty some people are to these families who are in so much need most of the time. I'm happy to hear you are not going to let these people stop you from posting. Most of us read all the updates even if we don't get time to sign as I think us caringbridge families are all families that have come together and knows what most of the others are going through and just how darn tough it can be. Pay no ATTENTION to the negative people as that's just what they are negative uncaring people. A families worst fear is that this monster will reappear its ungly head again, but pray that never happens. There are still the monthly bills that have racked up and still visits to clinic and the doctors for along haul ahead. Once CANCER its always there in your mind and keeps you worried and wondering at all times will there be a relaspe and etc...and until these people know what its really like then they need not say a word and just don't visit these sites if they don't care. Kelly never asks us for help that much, but we give it to her when we can and she doesn't like to ask, so when she puts it in the journal entry then we know and my family tries to do what we can and thats what family is all about loving one another and caring.

Also Happy Belated Birthday Bryant and I'm sorry its so late, but looks like you had a nice one, with lots of people who care.

I'm happy to see that Miss Colette is doing so darn well and pray she contiunes to. You guys have a lovely week now...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Monday, March 12, 2007 4:28 PM CDT
Hi Colette and Family
My name is Jenna and I came across colette's site. Colette is an inspiration to all, and she has a beautiful smile. That is a good idea that you started chemo mom's. I have many illnesses, and suffer pain daily. I still try to sign at least ten kids guestbooks a day, on caringbridge.

Jenna <fighter_smiley@yahoo.ca>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Monday, March 12, 2007 2:46 PM CDT
Hey Tammy! I'm so glad you're going to continue letting everyone know about your little miracle! I feel so blessed to be able to know her personally! Please tell her we missed her in choir tonight! I love yall!
Rebecca Thomas <beccamt15@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Sunday, March 11, 2007 9:35 PM CDT
Lots and Lots of Prayers and Happy thoughts for Big PaPa. I hope every one is doing well and I hope he comes home quickly.God please bless and please take care of the whole family.
Tamy I'm glad you're back.

Bixler Vaughan <Bixiebaby3@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al - Sunday, March 11, 2007 4:47 PM CDT
Glad to see you back 'online'! I kept checking everyday just knowing you would update, even though you said you were taking a break! I hope the party was fantastic and I can't wait to see the pics! Prayers being said for Big Papa too!!
Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Sunday, March 11, 2007 12:20 AM CDT
UPDATE...Big PaPa is in the emergency room because he was having chest pains. They did a CT scan and it came back clear. They are admitting him to observe him over night. PLEASE PRAY
Love MawMaw

Maw Maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo .com>
- Sunday, March 11, 2007 9:39 AM CDT
God Bless my family, my sister Trisha and her husband Corky Pierson for raising my niece Aprel Mathews (husband Clint)of Madison Alabama. Aprel's daughter "Miss Haley" goes to Colette's website everyday and then there is my nephew Jeremy Pierson of Saraland, Alabama they all made possible the most "Fantastic Camouflage Birthday Party" Bryant has ever had!!! They are also responsible for in a major way for arranging Colette's 3rd Princess birthday Party (presurgery)!!! Thank you all for your generosity and all the love we have felt. It certainly came at the most perfect time. The people at the Blu Rabbit, especially Miss Katy our party hostess made us and Bryant feel as if we were the only party there. lol

At the last minute I was able to contact most of his cousins and they left after 2 1/2 hours just dragging and exhausted!
God had His hand in this party in a major way and because my family were willing to let God use them they will be blessed for blessing us! Thanks to my nieces and nephews for all their love and concern. WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOUR KINDNESS:)

Big PaPa got out of the hospital on Friday and is recovering. His polyp's had some precancereous cells in the center of them and we are blessed that they got to them in time. Thanks for your prayers as he recovers.

All my love maw maw Penny...wait, I have to tell you about Bryant's cake and how I KNOW God's hand was in this. Bryant picked a camo cake out of the book at Wal Mart and when Tammy tried to order the cake late Thursday they said there was not enough time to make one. I wanted to make him a cake but I didn't have what I needed to make it. On the way to the party Paw Paw wanted to stop by Wal Mart to pick up something. I went to the cakes to see if there was something I could take so he would have a bigger cake. There sitting on the top shelf was a camo cake just like the one he wanted. You could have knocked me over with a feather!! You could see where someones name had been removed (a CAKE CANCELLATION)
God made a way where there seemed to be no way for us again. THANK YOU GOD FOR SUPPLYING YET ANOTHER NEED. As Paw Paw and I walked in the front door of the party Jason was on his way to pick up some kind of a birthday cake. GOD IS SO GOOD ALL THE TIME, Amen? I had to share how God continues to amaze us. Love in Christ

maw maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Sunday, March 11, 2007 4:10 AM CDT
Colettes hair is BEAUTIFUL!! She is so precious and I cant believe how much she has grown. Her and Ethan both look so much bigger. Are you all coming to birmingham soon? I hope you dont have to come too soon. Best wishes.

Jessica kerr(ethan's mommy) <robzgurl27@yahoo.com>
Birmingham, al - Saturday, March 10, 2007 9:21 PM CST
Dear Pate Family I have been visiting this site ever since you first started it and must tell you yourfaith has beenan inspiration to me and my church. I can't tell you how we have prayed for all of the Pate's and family. In the begining you stood in the face of this monster and told him to BACK OFF in Jesus name. I just don't know how you stod it. I trust God too but you all were so strong and made me feel proud to see how you trusted God for you miracle. PLEASE DON'T STOP POSTING we all get encouragment in seeiong the way you live. Thank y ou sharing your precious little with all us.
Another Christian friend who loves you all
- Saturday, March 10, 2007 2:22 PM CST
- Saturday, March 10, 2007 2:11 PM CST
TAMMY PLEASE POST DAILY, OR WHEN YOU CAN. EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE NEVER MET and there are many people who read your journal every day and don't post, that have never met you. GOD HAS BLESSED US BY PUTTING YOUR PRECIOUS FAMILY IN OUR PATHS.


- Saturday, March 10, 2007 9:27 AM CST


I want to aplogize for not telling Bryant happy birthday before now. I know his birthday was the other day. I have checked in on y'all at least every other day, but just haven't had a chance to sign. There are so many children I check in on and I feel like if I sign one guestbook then I need to sign everyone's. I meant to sign on Bryant's birthday, but it's been busy around here all week. That's no excuse though. My friend's little boy, Cory, is staying with us again during the day. He just came back this week. His daycare was not treating him right. That breaks my heart. He has down syndrome and I think they just didn't want to spend the extra time wiht him that he needs. He is doing great at my house and Lenzie really enjoys his company. She loves Cory! We are also still busy sprucing up the house. I am going to send Bryant a card. I can't find your address. Can you email it to me when you get a chance. I will email you tomorrow about the email you sent me. How thoughtful of you to think of Lenzie. I know she would just love it! I can't believe people are being so rude again. Please don't stop updating. That's what they want. They want to upset you. No one has any idea what is like to have a child with cancer. Yes, Colette is in remission, but that doesn't mean that you still don't have lots of bills from her being sick. We have tons of credit card bill, doctor bills, etc. We have charged alot of gas,copays and medicine. I hate that we had to do it, but we had no choice. Colette and Lenzie still have to go to clinic every so often even though they are better. We have had people say bad things about us to. There have been a few who have left ugly messages in Lenzie's guestbook when I post about being broke. I don't do it for attention. I post my feelings and it helps to post my feelings in Lenzie's guestbook. If they don't like what we post then they shouldn't read it. Sometimes we need help with bills and things, but don't want to ask for help. It's okay to ask for help. I have learned that. It's easier to ask for help in our journal entries than it is to ask in person and go around asking everyone for help. Family and friends read that we need help and if they want to help they can and if they don't then they don't have to offer. I really hope you will still post and not let these people get to you. Those of us that know you know that you are a kind christian woman who is strong and not affraid to ask for help when you need it. I think the Chemomoms group that you and Hope have started is great. I wish we lived closer, so that I could attend. If you ever plan an event close to Montgomery please let me know. I would love to help y'all out. Princess Colette is so beautiful in her picture on the Welcome page! She has so much hair! I am glad that Colette is doing great! I hope the Pate's have a great weekend!

Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mommy)


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Saturday, March 10, 2007 1:14 AM CST
Tammy and Family,
I have kept up with Colette's journey. I have said many many prayers for your family. I'm sorry for all the things that are being said about you right now. I spoke to you in church a while back. I dont know if you rem me went to school together my maiden name was Holly Cayton. You take care and hold those babies tight. I will always lift your family up in prayer.

Holly Walker <chtkb5@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Friday, March 9, 2007 12:49 AM CST
I am just getting home from a little birthday dinner for Bryant my "BIG 8 year old darlin". I can hardly believe it has been that long but, then next to him was "Unk Mike" my youngest child and I KNOW nearly 22 years have passed and I don't know where the years have gone. I do know that I have had some fantastic memories to go with the years. Tammy got Bryant out of school early and they took a camara to the beach down from my house and he climbed into an old oak tree that my kids climbed in as children and so did I!!!! We won't discuss the age of the tree.Tammy made some serious memories today with Bryant like I have made with my children. We must invest as much time in our children because as sad as it is they are gone too soon by just growing up. I am happy to see my children continuing in their parents footprints!! I hope my son will be fitted soon for his shoes so I can see what kind of a man he will become. Loving, compassionate and tender with enough passion to make his life imitate his daddy. He has really big shoes to fill and I know that he will fit them just right.

Thank you Emily you put everything into perspective...being where you have been you KNOW! God's has a purpose for these little angels and there is no way we can understand...but, we must trust that God Will Get All The GLORY for these "special angels" and provide our strength. He will also provide our shields from satan.

I continue to ask God for blessings for all of you who have offered up prayers at this time and give you blessings in unexpected ways that you would know it came from Gods own hand:)

Bryant told me he built a sand castle today and at 1:48 pm he crashed into it as his time of birth!!!! If only he had such an easy birth. We almost lost Tammy at that moment in 1999 because of toxemia. But, God had plans for Colette and He surely had His hand on Tammy and Jason's lives!

Must get some much needed rest..all my love to you maw maw Penny

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Thursday, March 8, 2007 10:02 PM CST
Hey Tammy, I am sorry for your troubles and I hope that they get better soon.
Krissy Hayes <mobhayes5@aol.com>
mobile, al al - Thursday, March 8, 2007 3:21 PM CST
Tammy, Jason, Bryant & Colette,

Just wanted to let you guys know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Colette, your picture on your home page is so beautiful and I am so thankful that you are doing so well. Bryant, I hope you have a wonderful time on your birthday! I too, would like to thank my sister, Aprel, for her kindness and generosity in making this possible as we love you guys very much and want the best for you always.

Psalms 18:30
"As for God, His way is perfect: the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him.

Love, Jeremy

Jeremy Pierson
Satsuma, AL USA - Thursday, March 8, 2007 1:19 PM CST
Dear Tammy (and Family)
It breaks my heart that some are so insensitive. I lived 3 years of an amazing life with my son cancer free...and just when I became comfortable with watching my son grow old, marry and have a beautiful, long life, cancer came back with a vengence and his beautiful, amazing life was lost.

I understand your frustration with others not understanding. It is the whispers in the shadows that do not allow us to let our guard down when it cames ot this awful disease. Just when you get comfortable, it rears it's ugly head. My heart is heavy and the tears won't stop. Shame on those that don't understand.

I have always been so amazed at the strength of families who have had to deal with not only the disease and all of it's implications, but also the financial hardships. We are blessed beyond measure. I never had to worry about the things you have had to worry about. It breaks my heart and I wish I could do more to help you. I lift you, and especially Princess Colie in my daily prayers. Your patience and Christlike attitude have always been an inspiration to me.

For those readers and naysayers that don't understand, remember that you are blessed beyond your earthly understanding of a life that you can not possibly comprehend. I believe in my heart that God and Kadin (ALL children with disabilities and illnesses)had an conversation long before he came to this earth...his knowledge and love are far greater than I am capable of giving....

The Brave Little Soul

Not too long ago in Heaven there was a little soul who took wonder in observing the world. She especially enjoyed the love she saw there and often expressed this joy with God. One day however, the little soul was sad, for on this day she saw suffering in the world. She approached God and sadly asked, "Why do bad things happen, why is there suffering in the world?".

God paused for a moment and replied, "Colette, do not be sad, for the suffering you see, unlocks the love in peoples hearts". She was confused. "What do you mean", she asked. God replied, "Have you not noticed the goodness and love that is the offspring of that suffering? Look at how people come together, drop their differences, and show their love and compassion for those who suffer. All their other motivations disappear and they become motivated by love alone.

Colette began to understand and listened attentively as God continued, "The suffering soul unlocks the love in people's hearts much like the sun and rain unlock the flower within the seed. I created everyone with endless love in their heart, but unfortunately most people keep it locked up and hardly share it with anyone. They are afraid to let their love shine freely, because they are afraid of being hurt. But a suffering soul unlocks that love. I tell you this-it is the greatest miracle of all. Many souls have bravely chosen to go into the world and suffer-to unlock this love-to create this miracle-for the good of all humanity.

Just then Colette got a wonderful idea and could hardly contain herself. With her wings fluttering, bouncing up and down, she excitedly replied, "I am brave; let me go! I would like to go into this world and suffer so that I can unlock the goodness and love in people's hearts! I want to create that miracle!

God smiled and said, "You are a brave soul I know, and thus I will grant your request. But even though you are very brave you will not be able to do this alone. I have known since the beginning of time that you would ask for this and so I have carefully selected many souls to care for you on your journey. Those souls will help you create your miracle; however they will also share in your suffering. Two of these souls are most special and will care for you, help you and suffer along with you, far beyond the others. They have already chosen a name for you.

God and Colette shared a smile, and then embraced. In parting, God said, "Do not forget Colette, that I will be with you always. Although you have agreed to bear the pain, you will do so through my strength. And if the time should come when you feel that you have suffered enough, just say the word, think the thought, and you will be healed.

Thus at that moment Colette was born into the world, and through her suffering and God's strength she unlocked the goodness and love in people's hearts. For so many people dropped their differences and came together to show their love. Priorities became properly aligned. People gave from their hearts. Those that were always too busy found time. Many began new spiritual journeys-some regained lost faith-many came back to God. Parents hugged their children tighter. Friends and family grew closer. Old friends got together and new friendships were made. Distant family reunited, and every family spent more time together. Everyone prayed. Peace and love reigned. Lives were changed forever. It was good. The world was a better place. The miracle had happened. God was pleased."

--John Alessi

Never give up believeing...We love and miss you tons...

Kadin's Momma Forever

- Thursday, March 8, 2007 11:26 AM CST
Happy Birthday to my buddy Bryant! I love you so much!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, March 8, 2007 8:51 AM CST
Hello, I'm an online friend of Sherry's and for the past 2 years I've been reading your journal and have been praying for Collete and your family. I just wanted to send a hug and tell you that I wish you all well, good luck with the Chemo Mom's Group. Sorry people are being mean to you, don't let them get you down! :)
Karen H
- Thursday, March 8, 2007 8:08 AM CST
And that folks is my big sister Penny. I say that when immense pride and if you have been witness to her dedication and unwavering faith, you will understand why. God bless you, Maw Maw Penny. Happy, happy, happy birthday, Bryant!! I hope you have the bestest birthday party ever. Love you all, Aunt Trisha
Trisha Pierson <corkypierson@bellsouth.net>
Saraland, AL USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:58 PM CST
For now we will take one day at a time. Thanks to you all for your faithfulness and remember all of us in your prayers.

I asked that Tammy delete my guestbook entry because I gave way to much for satan to use. Cancer affects all of us and we have all been changed. We have to love harder pray harder trust stronger and I want to trust that God will continue the good work that He has started in our lives. Pray that we will keep our eyes on God and not be given to the undermining of satan. Afterall, that is exactly what he is doing in all of this. Love and trust in Christ maw maw penny...Thanks all our love to you!

penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:36 PM CST
Just one more thing Sending you a great big hug. I know it doesn't fix anything but maybe it'll help?
Bixler <bixiebaby3@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, al - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:36 PM CST
I know we aren't exactly "friends", but I like so many others check the website daily. After all ya'll have been through this is the last thing you deserve. Negitave people are not needed in your life. Please know that there are those of us that know, even though you wake up in the morning and it's a blessed day for that it's not sunshine and roses every day or all day. Please don't stop posting. I'm sorry those people have hurt your feelings, I pray that God will help you in all that you need and that your family (yes, whole family-sick, well, near, far, imeadiate, extended, God given, or chosen) is safe happy and loved. I know I'm rambeling and not making much sense. I guess I really just wanted you to know that not every-one has bad thoughts. there are those of us that wish you well and pray for you daily. I know I don't know how you feel, just please know I'm sending you happy thoughts and wonderful prayers right now. Take care, Bixler

Bixler Vaughan <Bixiebaby3@bellsouth.net>
Mobile , Al - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:30 PM CST

M. Moulton
Blakely, GA U.S.A. - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:26 PM CST

I am so sorry people are judging you again. Its not right. They have no idea what you have gone through and will go through for some time now. Elizabeth has been off treatment for over 2 1/2 years now and we are still dealing with late effects from all the chemo, she just had her gallbladder removed side effects of the chemo she had, she is only eight years old. Until people have gone through having a child with cancer they can't possibly understand anything. Think about this people. How would your life change if you just found out your child has some kind of cancer? You could not work, it takes all your time and energy just keeping this child alive. Who would stay in the hospital for weeks at a time with your child? And lets not forget about all the time spent at the Oncologist office, we are talking all day here. Then who will take care of your other children? Then after treatment is over it is not over. You still have tons of doctor visits and test for follow up etc for years to come. I don't know how you would be able to work full time anyway. It is just to much to handle with just her follow up appointments and other problems that go along with the after effects of chemo. Sure Colette looks great but we know just because she is off chemo doesn’t mean there are not other medical problems to deal with from all the poisons that saved her life. And I don't even want to go down the financial burden road. WE are talking MAJOR MAJOR money. WE have great insurance and our part of just Elizabeth's daily oral chemo medicine was $500.00 a month (yes, I said our part was $500.00 a month and lets not forget that was every month for 2 1/2 years), that doesn’t even touch the hospital and clinic expenses and she didn't have a transplant so I know it's no comparison to what you had to pay with Colette. OK, I said I wouldn't go there didn't I? Anyway, for all you people who want to judge, how would you be doing financially if you only had one income coming into your household? Then add into the picture one of your children having extensive medical problems and expenses . Where would the money come from to take care of this child that you love so much? Remember you can't work or find anyone who will hire you with all the time you have to take off for doctors appointments, then who is going to pay for the doctors visits? Let me tell you this, you pay the doctors first after all they are saving your child’s life then hope and pray that you come up with the money from somewhere else to pay for everything else like rent groceries gas etc.

Please don't stop posting to the caringbridge site. I read it almost every day. Don't pay any attention to those people who don't know anything.


Machelle Johnson <MJmomathome@aol.com>
Theodore, al - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:04 PM CST
Wow, I am sorry that some people feel the need to be mean and post negative messages. I felt that I should respond to one thing though. You said that lots of people read your site and never post- I am guilty of that but it doesn't mean that I don't pray daily that Colette will stay in remission because I do- I just don't visit the guestbook too often. I am an RN on a pediatric cancer floor in California and I know how hard it is for families. Just because you are done with treatment does not mean the bills stop coming. I will continue to pray that you find a job that fits your needs and that you and your family will do well. As for those who were unkind- leave this family alone and remember that old saying- "there but for the grace of God go I". Christine
Christine Vecchione <rnmice@aol.com>
Anaheim, CA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 8:51 PM CST
Oh, Tammy, I hate that you have had to face the same garbage from people again. How incredibly frustrating that people are so short sighted to not realize how different every day must be. It's so strange to look back and know that 2 years ago, we were strangers. Technically, we have never met. But, I know you, and your family, and love each and every one of you very much. This site is not only to keep us posted on Colette's progress in her road to beat cancer, which, as you said, still goes on, but to share the joys and trials of your every day. Sometimes it is good stuff, like the fun you had at Mardi Gras, or the excitement of the Chemo Mom's group. Sometimes, it's not great, like the night of the septic backup, or the sadness of feeling like you can't give Bryant a great birthday. I would like to send MY thanks to your cousin for their help in that matter.
To those who have had negetive things to say, please stop and think about what cancer does. I've seen posted here a poem about all the things cancer can't do, but just think about what it does. It takes a young family and splits them in half- A father and son stay home trying to do the best they can while a mother and daughter seek treatments hours away. It splits finances, leaves children feeling abandoned by the other parent, it strains pocketbooks and marriages. It terrifies not only the parents of the child being treated, but the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, everyone. When I first "found" Colette, our church family was reeling from the knowledge that a young girl, just days before her 5th birthday, had been diagnosed with stage 4 NB. Sherry had found her site and posted to her guestbook, and I came here. All I kept thinking then was "Kids don't get cancer. That's just not right!" And it's not. Kids shouldn't get cancer, but they do, and it touches lives. Lots of them. And it's never over. You are forever afraid of the slightest sniffle, limp, tummy ache. You have to make trips several times a year for checkups and scans. You fine tune hearing aides. For any of you who want to be condescending, shame on you. This family put everything on hold for the last 2 years to take care of this child, and spread awareness. I'm glad there are wonderful people who have lifted them up in prayer and financially, and I'm embarrassed that there are people who want to talk down to them because of their willingness to seek help when they need it. It's hard enough to have to ask for help, but to be smacked down when you do is completely demoralizing.
I continue to lift you up each day, and I thank our God, who brought you into my life. I have faith that He will carry you through this, as He has carried you through the last 2 years. Continue to be blessed in all that you do, and know that I'm never more than an e-mail or IM away! I love you!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 5:56 PM CST
Tammy, tahnks for stopping by JCs site....we were thinking about you guys when we saw all the damage on TV...We are thankful you are all ok...
jc & jake
Add Glitter to Pictures

Shelly & JC <shelly100174@bellsouth.net>
greenville, sc - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 12:05 AM CST
I NEED EXTRA PRAYER!!! For so many reasons I just can't seem to turn off the tears. I don't want my darlins to worry about maw maw but, things seem to be creeping up behind me. Everyday stuff..you know bills, sick family members my momma and father in law (paw paw's daddy). The more I tell perfect strangers about the mighty works God is doing the more satan wants to get at me. I KNOW God WILL CARRY ME THROUGH RIGHT NOW...the choir sang a song today about the fact God will make a way. He's my mountain mover and my miracle maker. Well, just putting it down here in this guestbok has showed me how God is dealing with my stuff NOW!

Tammy and I went to see "Big PaPa" in ICU at the hospital and we had him laughing when we left the room. He has improved since last night. The last time I told you he was going to have surgery everything turned out fine. But, yesterday they found fluid in his lung and xrayed and found he has pneumonia and they took him back to ICU. His levels are all up nice and they are continuing to do test to see if the what he has drank is going down his breathing tube and causing fluid on his lung. They have really been on top of this and I Thank you for the continued prayers...God is listening and answering. God Bless You ALL love maw maw penny

Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, aL - Sunday, March 4, 2007 5:06 PM CST
I'm thrilled to see what all you've accomplished so far with the Chemo Mom's group. I will gladly assist where ever I can with taxation stuff, but I'll be honest- non-profit organizations are not my area of expertise. I've done a couple of non-profit returns, but I'm not familiar with the set-up process, which can vary some from state to state. I'll gladly research and use to your full advantage any and all contacts I may have to try to help however I can!
I'm sure the weather has had a huge impact on how everyone has been feeling- we got a colder version of the same line of storms that did so much damage down there, and we've all ended up with the sniffles. I hope you're not suffering to much with your sinuses, Tammy!
Praying each day for great school days for both kids, a job for Tammy, some time at home for Jason, healing for those you love who are not feeling well, and sunshine and smiles all the way around! Lots of love from Indiana!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, March 4, 2007 3:40 PM CST
What a beautiful picture you have posted at the top of the main page! Glad to hear that she is feeling good.

Wow! You've had quite the busy days, and it looks like things will continue on that way for you, too! What wonderful things you have planned. I think that support group is an excellent idea, too, and I know that you and Hope will be great at getting that off the ground, you both amaze me!

Will check back in again soon to see how things are going! Hope those sniffles go away and that everyone will feel 100% better. :)

God bless you....

Dawn H. <mybitofsunshine@aol.com>
- Sunday, March 4, 2007 1:07 PM CST
I hope yesterday's radio event and all the new and exciting things you are working on went well, despite the weather across the state! My prayers go out to the friends and loved ones of those who were injured or lost their lives- I know Kelly B., Lenzie's mom, checked up on a lot of our friends who were impacted pretty severely. I'm excited to hear about all the things the Chemo Mom's group is already involved in- you girls will be able to accomplish a lot. Tammy- you might go to VistaPrint.com- they have a "free trial" thing and will print like 250 business cards for only the cost of shipping. We also buy our business card stock (I print my own for my Avon) at Sam's Club- you can get it pretty cheaply there!
Pray for Morgan today as she goes in for her 3-month scan! Praying for each of you, and your loved ones over the coming days!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, March 2, 2007 1:01 PM CST
Hoping you guys are safe from the storms that are passing through. We have had warnings everywhere. Sounds like you are going to be very busy with your ChemoMoms group.....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Thursday, March 1, 2007 1:59 PM CST
Hi Colette, Bryant, Jason, Tammy and Maw Maw Penny, Just stopping by to say have a wonderfful day and let you know I'm thinking about you. Always keeping you guys in our prayers and praying that Paw Paw's Brother James is doing well. Tammy I'm sure you must miss your sweet Colette being at home with you and they just grow up so darn fast now. Hoping things start looking better money wise for everyone as it seems like so many need help.......

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, Fl. U.S. - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 1:17 PM CST
Hey to my 'Bama Fam!! I'm taking a minute before I go to pick up Jeep from school, and wanted to check in! Maw Maw, I'm lifting the Crocker men up in my prayers today- please keep us posted on their status!
We've had a couple of fairly nice days here, not freezing cold or raining! I'm ready for spring! I keep seeing all your pictures of everyone in their jackets, and then I look at my kids as I send them off of a morning, heavy coats, hats, mittens, makes me wish I was a southerner!
I hope Colette's having a good time at school. I know it's hard, Tam, to get used to not having her around, and it's doubly hard to have Jason gone so much, but hopefully, soon, things will begin to turn around! You'll find a great job, he'll get to work locally, and things will truly start to become "normal" (although, as any of us with kids know, "normal" is just a word! There's no such thing as "normal"!)
I hope that this week is a wonderful one, and that God continues to bless your lives as He did mine when He brought you in to it! Lots and lots of love!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 1:42 PM CST
G'day my special friends, it's JAY

Sorry I have not been around in a while, I have been a little sick, and also had a lot of things on and also it has been very very hot here in Australia so I have not been near the computer.
WOW you are all looking so great - I am very proud of you Colette - keep up the great work and don't let that NB monster come back.

Sending you lots of my big big big big koala hugs, love, strength - courage - determination and inspiration, from your Aussie Neuroblastoma Survivor mate (JAY)


JAY (Neuroblastoma Survivor)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

JAY (Neuroblastoma Survivor)
Melbourne, Australia - Monday, February 26, 2007 9:31 PM CST
G'day my special friends, it's JAY

Sorry I have not been around in a while, I have been a little sick, and also had a lot of things on and also it has been very very hot here in Australia so I have not been near the computer.
WOW you are all looking so great - I am very proud of you Colette - keep up the great work and don't let that NB monster come back.

Sending you lots of my big big big big koala hugs, love, strength - courage - determination and inspiration, from your Aussie Neuroblastoma Survivor mate (JAY)


JAY (Neuroblastoma Survivor)
Melbourne, Australia - Monday, February 26, 2007 9:24 PM CST
Here is another prayer need. Paw Paw David's older brother is having a heart cath done in the early am Tuesday morning. He will be in the Providence Hospital and his name is James Alton Crocker (Jim)THANK YOU AHEAD OF TIME FOR YOUR PRAYERS,all my love, maw maw penny
maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Monday, February 26, 2007 9:14 PM CST
Just another wonderful weekend God has given us to catch with our lives lost for nearly eighteen months. Friday night was date night for Tammy, Jason, Sherry and Craig. Sherry and Craig took Tammy and Jason to dinner on the river and then they all enjoyed a movie. They got in at midnight and were laughing so hard they almost woke up the house (neighborhood)! Sherry said "we need to do this again," and Tammy chimed in with "yea, maw maw we do!" My response was "just say when," haha I got to keep four of my five "darlins" and I truly enjoyed it. I think I can describe it as chocolate candy yeh, some of you know what I mean!!!LOL

Jason's company has been keeping him out of town for nearly fourteen weeks. I can't understand why they don't care that this little family NEEDS to be together to put their family life back together. Pray that the company realizes and makes a way for them. Please pray for paw paw's dad (BigPaPa) he is having surgery on Wednesday about 6:30 am for colon surgery. Please pray that there is no cancer. Thank You (his name is James D. Crocker (J.D.)
He will be at the Springhil Memorial Hospital in Mobile, Alabama.)

Pray for Tammy as she adjusts to being alone. After the excitment of Colette being blessed to go to school early because of her special needs, Tammy didn't get to do like most kindergardner moms. The disapointment and lonliness associated with being all by herself (anyone who "KNOWS" Tammy knows she will say I love it) that ain't so. No not yet..how do I know this? She called me last Friday and asked if I wanted to take my daughter to lunch. Then EARLY this morning she called and asked if I would come over and help her do her laundry and then we could come down to my house and continue the remodel she has been helping me do here! Of course I will..everytime she has needed me I have come running..even to quiting my job nearly two years ago. I KNEW that Colette and mommy would need the extra strength to get through the B'ham time and paw paw was such a support. He told me to go and help because he couldn't be there and if he could he would. That is the way my Daddy and momma are (and were:(. Not everyone has someone who will catch them when they fall but, paw paw and I try hard with the help of God. Our finances have been streched so far yet the meal and oil in the barrel still seems to stretch without me working. THANK YOU GOD and all of you that continued to lift us up in your prayers and financial support.

THANK YOU for cominy to our website EVERYDAY and leaving your encouragment and all those wonderful prayers for this "MIRACLE named Miss Colette". My prayers I have is to lift you up and ask God to Bless you JOY UNSPEAKABLE. That He will give to you so many blessing you can not hold them so that you can share them with others that have need. I LOVE YOU ALL....where would we be without you? You have BLESSED this family:)

Love To All, maw maw penny

maw maw penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Monday, February 26, 2007 11:35 AM CST
Happy Sunday!! We have had a pretty full weekend- it's the first weekend in over 2 months that I haven't worked!! Yesterday was Jeep's birthday. Hard to believe that it's been 6 years since he was born! Eli isn't feeling very well today, he woke up EARLY this morning running a fever and coughing. Hopefully he'll be able to shake it quickly! I'm excited for you mom's that you'll be able to have some time to just enjoy each others company, and talk to other women who truly know what you've been through. There are few things in life more theraputic (sp?) than being able share your thoughts with those who can understand them! I'm glad you all have had a good week, enjoyed Mardi Gras, etc! Keeping you in my prayers each day!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, February 25, 2007 1:57 PM CST
Tammy - sorry my post was confusing! :) I can only do a morning or a day time thing on the weekend - I'm at school from 7:45 until whenever during the week. Sorry I didn't say that very clearly!! lol - talk to ya soon!

Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Friday, February 23, 2007 4:40 PM CST
Hey to everyone! I know, I've not signed in days and days... I'm sorry I haven't- I come and check in, but with tax season in full swing, it's hard to get a second to leave a good message, and I feel like I'm not doing enough if I just leave a quick "hi". I will do a better job of a quick "hi", though, so you know I'm here!! I'm always here, and always praying for each of you. You all are so very important to me, and so, I'll do a better job of saying my hi's.

Here is to a wonderful weekend!! Love you love you love you!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, February 23, 2007 10:06 AM CST
Nice Family Mardi Gras Pic.... I pray that everything works out and you get that unexpected to help you get by once more. I know how Maw Maw Penny feels as we do all we can to help out Kelly and them and its so darn tough on these families, but God will see you all through it. Praying hard for you guys. I'm happy to see that Colette is doing so well and God is good in that way and he will come through to help you get through the other rough times as well.

(Ganglioneuroblastoma and OMS)
Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 3:28 PM CST
Well Mardi Gras 2007 is history!! Colette, Bryant, Jason and Tammy were made GUEST of Mrs. Pat Creel on their float last Saturday and we want to THANK her with all our hearts! She was so genereous to provide throws for all of them. That isn't cheap!!!! She is affiliated with the American Legion post #250, on Dauphin Island Parkway in Belle Fontaine that gave a benefit for Colette nearly two years ago.

Great fun was had and I took my momma with me to shoot pictures. She had so much fun picking up the throws of moon pies (in case you don't know what a moon pie is..it's about 3 inches to 5 inches across two layers of soft graham cracker stuffed with marshmallow and covered on both sides with delicious chocolate on BOTH sides!!! yum yum Personally, I love the banana covered ones). Oh.... I WILL fight for the banana moon pies even though I have shared with my son-in-laws Jason and Craig a few times:)

Momma picked two grocery bags of stuffed animals, tons of beads of all kinds, plastic swords, a plastic toothbrush, she even caught a heart shaped box of valentine candy.

The weather held out with no rain. The floats all carried kids and there was no evidence of drinking for their safety. Just people without much of their own giving a parade to those who lost EVERYTHING to the last two hurricanes that ravaged that area just 15 miles south of us. I told momma that it was a "poor man's parade" but, it had more value than anything they had downtown. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU FOR GIVING TO THOSE IN HERRON BAY AND ALABAMA PORT, ALABAMA..ROLL TIDE!

It has been SEVEN days since anyone posted on the guestbook and although we KNOW you are visiting us each day and we love you for it. We are at a very low ebb in our spirits right now. satan is trying to get at us because we have been sharing God's GLORY in the MIRICLE He has done in Miss Colette's life.

Will you please offer a extra prayer right now of encouragment for us. Tammy and Jason are in
tremendeous financial stress. Because Jason went to B'ham last week to be there for Colette's test results he was out of work and came home to a two day pay check of $172.00 and there was an automatic debit that was posted for last Monday of $169.00 for insurance. (Tammy is looking for a job and is a fantastic one man (woman)office manager and she has a degree in computer science from the University of Mobile.)

They have NO grocery money and two of the good donation jars have been removed because of new managment. If God puts it on your heart to help you can make a deposit at the Bay Bank for Jason Pate or at Regions Bank in the country in the name of Colette Michele Pate Benefit Fund (Penny Crocker I am the trustee) Tammy has a Pay Pal on one of her recent Journal updates. I don't usually ask for financial help but, we have done all we can and it is not enough. They paid their rent week before last $550.00 and the cost of the trip to B'ham cost about $250.00 for gas, food and hotel for two nights. It just dosen't stretch!!

If you can only ask that God sends someone to fill this need, we thank you and God Bless your desire to help! To those of you who can put feet to you prayers we appreciate anything you can offer and we love you with all our hearts:)

All my love, maw maw penny

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 7:47 AM CST
Thank You for signing the guest book and we would be honored to have a pic of Colleen on our float....just email it to me. Thanks so much!
God Bless You and take care,


Kelli Kibby <laineysmom2000@yahoo.com>
Moss Point, MS USA - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 7:06 PM CST

I hope y'all are having a wonderful Valentine's Day and the kids had fun at their parties today at school. I am so glad Colette likes school and is having so much fun.

Love ya,
Ronny, Kelly, Tori, Lenzie & Bryson Butland

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 5:34 PM CST
Happy Valentines's Day!


Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 11:03 AM CST
Hello...I just wanted to thank you for visiting my little friend, Dylan's site, and leaving a note in the guestbook for Dylan and his family. I was pretty excited to see that you wanted to help with the picture for the float, AND that you will be going to the parade as well. COLETTE...I was wondering if this was the same sweet little Colette I had come across a couple months ago and I was happy to find that it was. I never signed the guest book but I visited. I'm so happy to hear that she had clean scans, and I DID notice her beautiful hair, and what a lovely smile! :) I will check back in on you again!!!

Thanks again for stopping in to little Dylan's site.


Dawn H. <mybitofsunshine@aol.com>
- Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:50 PM CST
Hi Colette and Tammy, Was so happy to hear that the scans were CLEAR!!! Just now getting by, but read it on McKenzie's site the other day. That's just wonderful news. My Colette you are growing up and look at your beautiful hair and off to preschool and loving it. I'm so happy for you. Have a great week all of you....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 3:47 PM CST
I am LOVING the beautiful hair. Colette, you are georgous!! Congratulations on school, I hope you love it! I hope we get to see you guys again in B'ham. Next time will have to go to the McWane Center. Gabbie and Ethan love it and would have so much fun if you were there with them.
Jessica Kerr <robzgurl27@yahoo.com>
Birmingham, A USA - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:21 PM CST
Hey Colette,

WOOHOO for clear scans! I was starting to get a little worried when I didn't see an update. I have been checking everyday for an update and I am so glad to finally see one. I know all about the updating though. I haven't been so good at updating Lenzie's site lately. Tori, Lenzie and Bryson keep me so busy these days and we are also sprucing up our house, so that we can put it up for sale again. We have been trying to paint the whole house a neutral color. I like color and have lots of different colors on the walls. I don't think everyone is going to like the colors we do, so we figured we better paint. We still have several rooms to paint. Wish me luck! Miss Colette I am so glad you are doing so well and I hope your first day of preschool is wonderful. I just know you are going to have so much fun! I was told to put Tori in a preschool when she was 3 years old. This was right after she got her hearing aids. They said she really needed to be around other kids in a learning environment. Tori loved preschool! Tori is still a little behind, but she is catching up fast. Tori didn't get her hearing aids until she was 3 (because of the doctor we were first sent to) and we don't know how long she couldn't hear. We aren't sure if she had hearing loss at birth or if it happened later on. I noticed it around a year and a half old, so to me she went about a year and a half not being able to hear good. I am glad Colette was fitted with hearing aids right away and hope she doesn't fall behind. She is smart little girl, so if she does fall behind I think she will catch up fast! She is so beautiful to! Her hair is so pretty and you can put bows in it now! Oh yeah! I love the picture of Colette and her boyfriend. He is so cute! I'm sorry he had to spend his birthday in the hospital. Tell Matthew we said Happy 5th Birthday! I can't wait to hear all about Colette's first day of preschool. She looked so cute in her uniform!

Love ya,
Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mommy)

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Monday, February 12, 2007 0:34 AM CST
I'm glad Mr. Matthew is feeling a little better! Here's hoping he has a really good, restfull week, so he can have a GREAT party soon!
We're keeping an eye on the weather, here. They can't tell for sure WHAT it's going to do just yet. If this system goes a little south, I could get up to a foot of snow.. If it stays on it's current path, I'll get a bunch of ice, and then 3-5 inches of snow... A lot south could mean even MORE snow than a foot! I guess we'll just have to wait and see, but I'm sure glad I've got 4 wheel drive on my truck!
Little Miss Colette, I hope you have a FANTASTIC first day at school! I will be watching for mommy to get a minute to tell us how it went- I know you're going to have so much fun! I'll send extra prayers and kisses your way tomorrow for a perfect first day! Love you lots and lots!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, February 11, 2007 6:51 PM CST
so thankful to God that you got good news!!! we love you and will continue to pray for Collette to stay cancer free. aunt toni and family
toni delaney <ltlflwr1954@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al usa - Saturday, February 10, 2007 9:28 PM CST
Tonight I took my momma (Nanny Margie) to see Matthew. He looked wonderful and he was OFF oxygen!!! He acted like he felt good and he had a "mini" birthday party right there in his room. Maybe they will postpone his party till next week...I HOPE they will. Thanks for all your prayers. Love Maw Maw Penny
maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Saturday, February 10, 2007 8:47 PM CST
I am so glad Colette's scans came back clear, I am thanking God for healing her, I am just so happy to hear this!!!!! Also praying that Matthew will be well again soon. I HATE to hear about kids being really sick.

Hugs to you all,

Machelle Johnson <MJmomathome@aol.com>
- Saturday, February 10, 2007 5:17 PM CST
Got your message last night! So glad to hear the news. What a relief!!! So I've spread the word and all the PP girls said to let you know they were so glad to hear the good news and ya'll are still in their prayers! Give Colette a hug from me! Love ya!
lisa tanner ~caringbridge.com/al/cole~ <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Friday, February 9, 2007 6:41 AM CST
Colette's scans came back ALL CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOUR prayers have been answered....No evidence of disease for five months. WHOOOOOHOOOOOOOO:)

Matthew had a very bad attack yesterday..all day, so they admitted him to Providence Hospital room #846. The night got worse and they had doctors and nurses busy with him for quite some time. Today they are treating him with steroids and other medicines. When they read his chest x-ray around lunch they determined he has pneumonia, too. He was breathing easier at lunch time as long as he was still on oxygen. Please keep him lifted up and thank you. He is our Valentines baby and his b'day party was planned for Saturday. I love you all and appreciate your prayers and concern for my "darlins".
All my love Maw Maw Penny

maw maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Thursday, February 8, 2007 4:09 PM CST

I hope all the test came back great, checking for a update. You sure did have a busy week.


Machelle Johnson <MJmomathome@aol.com>
- Wednesday, February 7, 2007 7:33 PM CST
Praying for Matthew!! Celebrating for Colette!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 4:08 PM CST
UPDATE!!! They saw Matthew and treated him with mediction and he is breathing better. Thank God for Matthew and continue to keep my "little darlin's" in your prayers:) maw maw penny
maw maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 11:49 AM CST

Sherry's son Matthew is being taken to the hospital NOW he's having a severe asthma attack and can't get his breath. She told me to pray that she has never seen him have one this severe. He is sweating and throwing up. Thank you and God Bless you.

Right this minute they are doing scans on Miss Colette and I KNOW the results already! :)

All my love Maw Maw Penny

Penny Crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 11:19 AM CST
Just wanted to let you know that your Aunt Sherry is one proud aunt and brags about you all the time!!! You have friends of Aunt Sherry in TX praying for clear scans.
Codysmom <jenozbolt@gmail.com>
TX USA - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 10:22 AM CST
Hi Colette,
Has it really been a year since you began your radiation treatments? I remember those days so much. You were so gentle when you would pet Ellie. I hope that having all the dogs from Hand in Paw visit with you while you waited for treatment and when you were waking up, made those days pass fast and a lot more fun. Everybody needs a furry friend when they aren't feeling good.
I am praying for CLEAR, CLEAN SCANS tomorrow. Tell Mommy to post as soon as possible.
Hugs, love, and prayers,
Ms. Nena and Ellie
Hand in Paw

- Tuesday, February 6, 2007 10:57 PM CST
Hey Colette!! I just wanted to let you know I am praying for you, mommy, and daddy. You are such a precious little girl! I hope to see you at church Sunday! I love you!
Rebecca Thomas <beccamt15@yahoo.com>
Mobile, Al - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 10:25 PM CST
Hi Girls! I just love the new uniform. You look so cute, I can't wait till Kenzie starts school. I know that the scans are gonna be CLEAR just as ours were. Have a safe trip home. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Tammy! Call when you get back and settled

Hope <skenzie95@aol.com>
- Tuesday, February 6, 2007 9:42 PM CST
Just checking in - Tammy let me know that Colette's bloodwork looked great today. Her counts were all where they are supposed to be, which is a big thrill! The "big" test is on Wednesday but we know the Lord has it all planned already and we rest in faith that He is in control.
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Tuesday, February 6, 2007 8:35 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know I'll be praying for you!
- Monday, February 5, 2007 6:21 PM CST
Just checking in and letting you know that all of you are in my prayers today.
- Monday, February 5, 2007 1:45 PM CST
We are all united through Love & Prayer.
Do Not Be Afraid.
Will talk with Ya'll soon. What a grand jesture to take Mardi Gras to your friends! I know you all will bring lots of smiles to their faces,as they too feel the joy of Colettes life. God be with Ya'll,
Love,Hugs and Kisses..... Mom/Nana

Blair J. Pate <b.pate@laurel-crest.com>
Columbia, SC USA - Monday, February 5, 2007 12:01 AM CST
Hi pretty princess! Hannah can't wait for you to get back home so she can play with her best friend. I am so excited to hear how those doctors and nurses get so happy when they see how beautiful you are and how your hair is so much like MINE! :) I love you, love you, love you sweetie!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Monday, February 5, 2007 11:50 AM CST
You are in my thoughts and prayers little punkin! God is good....all will be too! Aunt Brandy loves you!

Aunt Brandy <bkpate@aol.com>
Irvington, AL - Monday, February 5, 2007 11:27 AM CST
You KNOW what I'm praying for but just wanted to stop by and remind you! I LOVE the new picture - she is such a doll. Her hair is getting so long. I'll keep checking on ya'll in case there's an update - and I'll be praying!
lisa tanner ~caringbridge.com/al/cole~ <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Sunday, February 4, 2007 10:14 PM CST
I was so excited to hear that things had gone so well with the school! How fun for you, Colette, to get to go to school and have your own uniforms, and meet new friends! I bet you can't wait!! I know Mommy will take lots of pictures of your first day, and probably make a new scrapbook page all about it! First, though, you're going to get to go see your friends up in B'ham so they can take new pictures and tell us again about how your cancer is ALL GONE! And you can tell them all about how excited you are to get to go to school like bubba! You be the bestest girl ever, ok, and make sure Momma posts us up a picture of your first day!! Lots and lots of love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, February 3, 2007 10:00 PM CST
What a wonderful day God has given us AGAIN...I never thought she would ever go to school. No, it's not a matter of faith, it's where she physically was this time last year! If you could hear her talk and tell people that Jesus has taken her cancer away and made her all well... would truly make you a believe in the power and love of God! Out of the mouth of babes and she has more faith in her little finger than most of us have and demonstrate in our entire lives.

I have played that video with her singing and I am so lifted when I hear it. I feel as though I can defeat the entire world of depression. She sang that song every morning last year at this time. We had to be at the Lurleen B. Wallace Cancer Treatment facility for radiation treatments at 7 A.M. for two weeks straight. They always put her to sleep and she made them play Miss PattyCake Praise songs on their CD player as they preformed treatments. When she saw the red crossed lines that lined up where she was to be radiated she told all those doctors and technicians, "that is the cross that Jesus died on to make me all well!" They were all amazed at her strong faith and courage. Thank you Miss PattyCake and to Tammy and Jason for showing Colette Jesus!

Right now it is 4:38 am so I better get a little more rest before I begin yet another gratful day God has blessed me with. All my love to you and thanks again for your undying faithfulness and prayers for this "Miracle of Colette" God has done:)

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Friday, February 2, 2007 4:34 AM CST
Hi Colette! I am so glad that you have joined the "Kid's page" at Coins4Kids. Please know that you have new friends from Illinois who are behind you. Take care and keep smiling!
Jon, Greg, Deb & Kelli

Deb Maher <season324@aol.com>
Libertyville, IL - Tuesday, January 30, 2007 9:48 PM CST
Your little precious video of you singing has just MADE MY DAY. I haven't had a chance to listen to it before now, and I am ready to get to see you and give you smooches. You are the cutest thing ever!
Aunt Sherry <sherry@walkerplace.org>
- Monday, January 29, 2007 11:46 PM CST
Hey baby!! I love the picure of you and Hannah- you girls are such cuties! I've been checking on you, but it's been busy time at work, and now I'm sick (home in bed for a few days at least!) so writing has been tough. I'm glad you've had a few better days at your house, with no more icky stuff in the tub! And yay for mommy and daddy having a wonderful date night! I just wanted to stop in and say hi- I'm back to bed! Love you bunches!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, January 29, 2007 8:55 PM CST
G'DAY COLETTE - it's your NB mate JAY

WOW how good do you look - I am so very proud of you in beating the NB monster, what a little fighrer you are.

Your MIBG scan I don't think you will have any worries - that scan will come back saying NED and it will stay NED forever.

I start back at school on Wednesday, I go to SECONDARY School year 7 (and they said I would never make it) well I showed those doctors - and so will you my little mate.

It has been very very hot here down under - we have had the AUSTRALIAN OPEN TENNIS in MELBOURNE which has been fantastic because we love the tennis.

Sending you lots of my strength and courage and many many big big big koala hugs from you Aussie mates



Melbourne (VERY HOT), Australia - Sunday, January 28, 2007 3:40 AM CST
OH my... that was beatiful!! listening to ms. Collette singing!!!!!!! thanks for sharing that with us
Angela Bellman <bellman@cableone.net>
Ocean Springs, ms USA - Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:56 AM CST
Oh how sweet! She's quite the singer, the next thing you know we'll hear her on the radio!
She's in our prayers daily for continued NED forever.
And she just looks great, thank the Lord for answered prayers.

Morgan's Nana

***GO COLTS!!!!!!

Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:31 AM CST
Oh WOW!!!!!!! what a beautiful singer you are Colette!
you know Aunt Brandy and Colie Love you!!!!!!
we are still going to teach you a crazy girlie song! LOL!
SEe you soon!
Love you all bunches!

Aunt Brandy <bkpate@aol.com>
Irvington, AL - Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:29 AM CST
"Unfailing love" was the song Colette and Tammy sang everyday we went to radiation for two whole weeks in Birmingham last year. Hearing her sing now is PURE JOY:) She has praised God through this whole ordeal and God loves the sound of her little voice and He knows every word she says. My heart is lifted to hear and see her sing to my Jesus who loves the little children, all the children of the world. This says so much for Jason and Tammy for their faith passed on to Colette and Bryant when they were only infants. Children need to be taught Jesus loves them.

I have just returned from an unexpected trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee with my sister Tricia her husband Corky and my Momma. I thank God for their marriage and their children. More wonderful memories with momma.

I spoke to Jason a while ago and he has lost two days work with replumbing his rental house. He is such a smart young man. Must go now All my love maw maw

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 7:20 PM CST
Hi Colette and family
I just happened to hit on a link for your website and wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your family. The video of you singing just warms my heart. You are a precious little angel and I pray for your complete healing. With Love Susan

Susan <shamrick@atlantahomeclosings.com>
Acworth, Ga - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 4:51 PM CST
I don't "know" you but have followed your journey through my connection with Sherry. My ladies prayer group has prayed for you many many times. In fact we just shared the "praise report" about how well she is doing last night! The video of her singing has me bawling. Absolutely a beautiful miracle.
Amy <saak@juno.com>
TX USA - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 9:59 AM CST
How stinking cute is that. I'm all but in tears in the back of my office! That girl absolutely tears me up. I'm glad you all have had another good week. How was the island!?
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 10:42 AM CST
colette's first 'music video' was freakin adorable... i could actually hear it @ my house a little better than with your headphone desktop speakers.. lol love yall!
Unk Mike <slammed_supercruzer@yahoo.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 1:21 AM CST
Wow! Our little ballerina looks beautiful! Loved hearing about all the fun things you guys are doing. We sure enjoyed our visit together earlier this month. Daddy is in the Marine Corps League. Tom is really looking foward to hunting with the boys this week end. Love to all, Ms Blair/ Mom/ Nana
blair Pate <b.pate@laurel-crest.com>
Columbia, SC USA - Monday, January 22, 2007 4:20 PM CST
Hey Colette! (and family!)
Wow you look so good! I miss you so much! I hope you guys can come visit us on 4 tower soon!

cie <ciehays@aol.com>
- Monday, January 22, 2007 4:25 AM CST
Sending you big bear hugs and kisses!! **Muah!**
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, January 21, 2007 9:33 PM CST
What a beautiful Dancing Ballerina you are Colette. Lets see you are a beautiful Ballerina, a beautiful Princess and a beautiful Dorothy. I guess you are just beautiful at everything you are including just Colette. Wishing all a great weekend...

Hope you guys get up with Hope and Kenzie soon.

(Ganglioneuroblastoma and OMS)
Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Friday, January 19, 2007 8:00 PM CST
Please pray for our little friend Donovan, who Morgan met at Riley around the time she was dx'd. He has ALL, and isn't expected to survive the weekend. You can visit his site at www.caringbridge.org/in/babydonovan.

Sending lots of love to you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, January 19, 2007 11:24 AM CST
Dancing, beautiful princess....
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 4:18 PM CST
thinking of you
Robyn mom to Nicole and angel PJ

ottawa, on - Monday, January 15, 2007 6:15 PM CST
Hey Girls! Finally I am able to update our website and check in on everyone. Kenzie and I are hoping to catch up with you guys soon. I have to renew my tag next month and I will be getting the tag with KENZI on it. I have making everyone get on when they renew this year. I wish that there was more I could do. We need to get together and take the girls to lunch so they could play. Talk with you soon.

Hope <skenzie95@aol.com>
Mobile, Al - Sunday, January 14, 2007 3:56 PM CST
Hey gang! I'm jealous of a Gatlinburg trip, and if it wasn't tax season, I'd meet you there!! (I supposed waiting until mid-April is out of the question, huh?) I've not been in several years, but I LOVE it there. My youth group at my Dad's went every fall for a weekend retreat, and it was always so nice!
I'm glad that the days are so normal! I love getting updates, even boring old normal ones, but I'm loving that things are normal enough to not really have time to post. Don't worry, Tammy, we'll start harassing you when it's been to long! Sending you guys lots of love!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, January 12, 2007 8:22 AM CST
hi sweetie, I just wanted to say that we still think of you all the time. I am glad everything is going good, I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Your looking so beautiful as always. God Bless sweeite and take care, you to Mom and Dad, and bubby. :)
Brooke Deckard (Miss Morgan's mommy) <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:38 PM CST
Praying that '07 brings you many more "normal" days!

Keeping Colette in my prayers,

Chari Warner <millymango40@yahoo.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Thursday, January 11, 2007 4:21 PM CST
Hi Colette, Tammy, Jason, and Bryant, Stopping by to wish all a nice day and check in. Colette you are looking so good and always cute and adorable and you make a great Dorothy to.

Lenzie is back in Birmingham starting more Chemo today as she has had a relaspe with her OMS, so keep her in your prayers. I have Tessa home sick with Strep and Mononucleosis and hoping she feels btter soon and I can go and help Kelly out.

Hi Maw Maw Penny hoping you are doing well also and wishing you a lovely day.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Thursday, January 11, 2007 9:01 AM CST
Hey Colette (or should I say Dorothy) & Tammy,

Colette you are cutest Dorothy I have ever seen. I love the video of you all dressed up and singing "We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz. It's to cute! I am so happy that you are doing so well and you look so healthy. Your hair is just growing and is so pretty with all those curls. We are going to have to set up a play date one day and visit with y'all. I know Tori and Lenzie would just love that. Maybe one day we can get all of our clinic 8 friends together at the zoo or something and have a little reunion. Thanks for checking in on us Tammy. We are okay. We had a little bit of wind and lots of rain from the storms Sunday. I didn't know it was going to get bad. I hate that Lenzie didn't get her makeover at Libby Lu, but when I heard the sirens I headed home. I would have never done that though if it was already storming outside or if we lived a good bit from the mall. The mall is only about 5 minutes from our house and it wasn't even raining on our side of town yet. I called Ronny and he said it was fixing to get bad, so I buckled Lenzie up and hurried home. We made it home a few minutes before it started raining. The sirens really scare me now since the Fun Zone which is about 2 1/2 miles from our house was completely destoyed by a F2 tornado in November. How crazy is it that we are having 70 degree weather in January and tornados. I saw people out Saturday wearing t-shirts and shorts. Ronny was saying Sunday night that the Day After Tomorrow is going to happen. I don' tknow if you saw that movie or not, but it was scary! Well, I am going to try to get a few things done before I have to pick Tori up from school. She made it back from Disney World around 5:30 yesterday evening. She had a blast and brought all kinds of stuff back. I spent the whole night washing her clothes and unpacking her bags. I thought she might be tired this morning, but she got right up and was ready to go to school. Talk to you later. I will email you my phone number later. I am still getting ugly emails from that lady that was leaving ugly messages in Lenzie's guestbook, so I don't want to leave my number in the guestbook just incase she has been to Colette's website.

Love ya,
Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mommy)

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Tuesday, January 9, 2007 11:26 AM CST
Hello Dorothy... I mean Colette,
How cute are you? Very!!! I am so glad you had such a fun day. I love that movie and Taylor will not watch it for anything. Boys! I hope you continue to have a very happy day! I will check back soon.
Love, Kim

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan Watts www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
McCalla, al - Saturday, January 6, 2007 9:16 PM CST
Hi Tammy, Colette and Family,

I just wanted to let you how happy I am to see Colette "skiping" around singing. It just melts my heart. Us "Cancer" moms understand how special these moments are. It was so great to finally meet you all the other day of course at Wally World, LOL. We will have to get together with the kids some day. Give the kids a great big hug from all of us. And Tammy thanks for the wonderful video.

Machelle Johnson, Mom to Elizabeth (8) diagnosed 11/30/01 Pre B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) finished treatment 6/1/04 www.caringbridge.org/al/elizabethhope

Machelle Johnson <MJmomathome@aol.com>
Theodore, Al - Saturday, January 6, 2007 10:29 AM CST
Hi Colette,

I saw you'r video and I thought it was cute. I had the same Dorothy costume last year for holloween, It was my favorite. For ToTo I had to use one of Rachel's stuffed animals. I was glad to meet you the other day.

Your Friend Elizabeth Hope Johnson

Elizabeth Hope Johnson <ElizabethhopeJ@aol.com>
Theodore , Al - Saturday, January 6, 2007 10:19 AM CST
On Thursday I got my hair cut (short) and it wasn't fixed yet. When Colette saw it she said, "I don't like your hair, I like curls you have grandma hair". WELL that hurt my feelings:( Boy did I get down...what in the world is grandma hair? Is a bad thing? Miss Colette is very expressive. Another time I had been drinking coffee when she climbed up in my lap. She drew me close to her face and then had a strange look on her face. With her hand she covered her nose well, that is what makes her Colette and she is her momma's little mini-me! So on Friday I had fixed my hair and she and Bryant liked it because ther were curls. Kid's have their own opinions because after all they are little people! LOL

I loved the video of "Dorothy" to see her run (oops!) skip was wonderful. Times in the last eighteen month's she has been so weak she couldn't even stand. So much joy from just seconds of skipping. I KNOW there those of you understand my feelings. Thank You ALL for your faithful prayers, love and concern for Miss Colette.

Thursday, December 28th, I found a used rack and pinuion sp? Tammy's van had no power steering, so paw paw spent all day under the van with maw maw as his mechanic's helper. I emptied the donation jars and got enough to purchase the part for $100.00. Paw paw noticed the brake shoes were getting thin again so with the rest of the money we bought brake shoes. Always, just in the nick of time....God is So Good and those of you that donate to one of those jars God Bless You for allowing God to use you for such unexpected needs. We love you and can not express the depth of our appreciation..so I just ask God to Bless you Double and it gives me peace to KNOW He can and will!

All my love Maw Maw Penny:)

maw maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Saturday, January 6, 2007 10:16 AM CST
Awwww!!! I love my Dorothy!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, January 5, 2007 6:41 PM CST
Thank you, Tammy!! :D

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, January 4, 2007 6:32 PM CST
Hey Colette, What secret was you telling Santa. Love the pic. Glad that everyone had a nice holiday and now we have to get ready for next year. LOL...

Wishing all a great week.

love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 11:19 AM CST
We are praying that you will enjoy a very blessed 2007.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, January 2, 2007 3:01 PM CST
Awww- secrets with Santa! I hope everyone from SC had a great time, and a safe trip home! Pray for me- tax season is on! The days off are over, and I can come home to crash!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, January 1, 2007 9:04 PM CST

Here's to a safe and happy 2007! And **HOPEFULLY** the opportunity to get to meet beyond a computer screen! Love ya!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, December 31, 2006 9:42 PM CST
Wishing you a happy and healthy 2007 and beyond.
Love from

Love from Kaitlyn or visit my friends at Neuroblastoma Awareness <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Sunday, December 31, 2006 7:46 PM CST
Tammy, Jason, Bryant and Colette, Wishing you all


Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Sunday, December 31, 2006 5:53 PM CST



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Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, December 31, 2006 5:40 PM CST
Alright, now, you promised me pics. I know, I know, you're busy.. Good. But, be sure to let me know when the pics are up!! (I probably should have check WalkerPlace before this particular tirade!!)

I hope you all have a wonderful, blessed New Year, and here's to wonderful scans!

Love to all of you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, December 30, 2006 11:54 PM CST
I just wanted to stop in and say hey! We're getting ready to get busy at work, so I don't know how often I'll get here, but know I'm still praying for perfect days! I love you guys! Have a wonderful New Year!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, December 28, 2006 5:09 PM CST
Merry Christmas to all and a Very Happy New Year. Hope your holiday's are as Special as ours have been. We pray God will bless you with health, wealth and JOY:) Thanks to all of you who have contributed to Jason and Tammy's Christmas. You and God have succeeded in making this the "very best" Christmas they (we)have ever experienced. Miss Colette has been so full of Christmas Cheer and it just splashes on everyone she comes in contact with!

Merry Christmas to Jay and Mum from down-under and we have prayed for you both to get to feeling better. Thank you Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Megan and Miss Morgan (Thank you Jesus for clear scans) and all her family. There are so many of you that make our lives so much better with you precious prayers. We love You ALL
Maw Maw Penny

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Monday, December 25, 2006 10:22 PM CST
Here's to houses full of friends and family, the smell of wonderful foods cooking, and the sounds of childrens laughter! Merry Christmas to my Alabama Princess, her brother, the Prince, and her whole family! Tammy, Jason, MawMaw, PawPaw, Aunt Sherry and Uncle Craig (and their clan!) Nana and Papoo, Aunt Brandy and Uncle Todd and Colie, Unka Mike (and prayers for him as he draws close to his ship out!) and all the rest of the wonderful Crocker/Pate clan. Wishing you the merriest of Christmases!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, December 24, 2006 2:08 PM CST
I am so happy to see you and hear you when we talk on the phone! I had fun baking cookies with you the other day and I hope you liked eating them as much as I did. I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and I will be SURE to have Uncle Craig set the video camera out for me because when you open your Christmas gift from me I am going to be grinning from ear to ear. That is the best gift of all for me...to see you tickled pink in my living room...that's better than anything that can be wrapped in a box and bow. I love you so much!
Aunt Sherry <sherryannwalker@earthlink.net>
Mobile, AL - Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:05 PM CST
Hi Colette,\
Just stopping by to wish you the very best Christmas ever. So glad to read all the wonderful updates. Hope Santa's sack is filled with lots of treasures for all of you.
Hugs and prayers,
Ms. Nena (Ellie-Hand in Paw)

- Saturday, December 23, 2006 10:03 AM CST
Sending hugs and love across state lines! Thankful that all continues to be well, and your lives continue to be blessed! Praying for the families who will have this as their first Christmas missing a loved one- young or old. Grateful that I have had one more year with those I love. I have been truly and deeply blessed, beyond all words. May the Lord continue to hold you in His arms!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, December 22, 2006 8:39 PM CST
Have to stop by to say Merry Christmas and Happy new Year one more time. That goes for Maw Maw Penny and the rest of your family as well. We all have the best gifts ever this year and that's is that Colette and Lenzie are doing so well. Praying that they stay Healthy and Happy...

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Friday, December 22, 2006 7:46 PM CST








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JAY (Neuroblastoma Survivor)
MELBOURNE , AUSTRALIA - Friday, December 22, 2006 4:53 AM CST
Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Colette & Family! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that 2007 is a great year for all of us!

Much Love,

Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mommy)


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Thursday, December 21, 2006 1:19 PM CST
Hey Tammy & Miss Colette,

I am so happy that God sent some ^Angels^ your way to help you out. We are having a hard time financially to, but some how we get through every month. God sends the right people (^Angels^) our way when we really need them. I am so grateful to everyone that has helped us and can never thank them enough. Sometimes we just get a check in the mail that is a refund where we might have overpaid something. It always comes at the right time. I am amazed everyday that we have been able to make it this far. Ronny and I have talked about filing bankruptcy several times, but every month someone comes through for us. I know it is going to get better for all of us real soon. At least I hope so! Miss Colette you are looking so good and you are so beautiful. I am so glad that you are doing so good and running around drive your mommy crazy. HAHA! I remember meeting y'all this time last year. Lenzie had just turned 2 and was still a baby. Colette was just 3. Lenzie and Colette were both very sick. Colette you were in Stem Cell and Mommy came down to clinic 8 to the infusion room where Lenzie was getting Chemo and IVIG and met us. She brought Lenzie a Miss Patty Cake doll,video and shirt. Lenzie still has all 3 itmes and loves them so much. She will say I want to watch Patty Cake. Colette we didn't get to meet you that day. Lenzie's daddy had the shingles and we didn't want to take any chances with you being in Stem Cell. We got to meet you a few months later in clinic. Tori got to see you that day to and she was so happy to meet you and she was so excited to meet someone else that had hearing aids. She still talks about you. Maybe one day we can drive down to Mobile and visit with y'all. I know Tori and Lenzie would love to see you. Colette, you and Lenzie have grown so much since the first time we met you. You are both big girls now and both of you are so strong and so beautiful. You will always be very special to us. I wanted to go ahead and wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. I know Colette and Bryant can't wait for Santa to come. Tori and Lenzie are so excited! Merry Christmas Pate Family and you to MawMaw Penny! We love you!

Much Love,
Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mommy)

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 8:16 PM CST
Tammy, I'm so happy to hear that God came through and sent some nice people the message to help out others like your family. There are some very caring people in this world and we could use more like them and the world would be such a better place.

From our Family to Yours, Special Wishes for a Joyful Christmas filled with Bright Blessings of Magical Dreams, Tender Love and Heart Warming Memories....

Merrry Christmas!!!

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 8:23 AM CST
Yay to all the wonderful people who stepped in and showed the true spirit of Christmas. I know it's been appreciated! May your lives be richly blessed. It's so funny to know that one week from TODAY is Christmas! It's been SOO warm- even here! I have had a hard time getting "into" it this year because it's just not had that Christmas feel with all the warm weather. Traditionally, I bake cookies and make hot chocolate, and the kids and I put up and decorate the tree, but hot chocolate hasn't even sounded good! I'm so glad Colette is feeling so wonderful, what a blessing she is!
I'm going to throw in a quick request.. Two, actually. One is for my Grandmother. She was diagnosed a few years back with a large brain tumor- not cancerous, but still required several surgeries to remove. We learned today that she's been having (and hiding from all of us) fainting spells again, which was the first real symptoms she showed leading to her diagnosis. She's just gone up to the emergency room, and they are waiting for a call back from her neurosurgeon to see what happens next. Also, a friend of ours went in for a routine biopsy of some lung tissue, and ended up in emergency surgery a couple days later, where they took 2/3s of her stomach that had become infected due to ulcerations. They tried to take her off the vent today, but her sat levels weren't good enough, so she's back on. Her name is Martha, and she has 3 kids- two boys in their teens, and a little girl who is about 3 1/2. I know I appreciate your prayers, and the family does, as well.
I have to run off and take care of picking up my kiddos, so I'm outta here- Sending lots of love!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, December 18, 2006 4:27 PM CST
Merry Christmas to all of you who are checking in daily. I am blown away at the visitors who are keeping up with us and keeping us in their prayers. We definatly feel your presence and the comfort in the midst of our waiting for the next round of test. I feel certain as a maw maw can feel, that Miss Colette is healthier than ever. That is the best gift I could ever wish for.

Thank you all fo what you have done to help us in the last eighteen months. Without the donation jars and your financial gifts we would have not have been able to travel to B'ham. Many times it has bought gas, power and phone bills,groceries, a few Happy Meals a long the way and peace from what we were experiencing. When you see a jar at a convenience store remember someone may be depending on your change. God Bless You for your deep and faithful love to us and God knows who each of you are as we have prayed blessings on you. Thanks for my prayers of healing from the flu. My Christmas lights are up if I could keep a l l of them burning at the same time! LOL

All my love for you a joyeous holiday season:)
maw maw penny

maw maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:56 AM CST
Hi my little sweetie. I haven't signed in a while, but we are always thinking about you. :) Keep smiling. Oh Tammy I know what you mean, we are so not ready for Christmas money wise. It has been so tough. But the one and only thing we wanted for Christmas we got, Miss Morgan's scans were all clear aging, I meean that was the best news ever!!!!!! I know yours will be A-OK also. :) Sending you lots of love and warm hugs. God Bless You All.
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, IN USA - Friday, December 15, 2006 6:33 PM CST
Can you believe it's already the 16th? I haven't even put up my tree or the lights on the house:( That flu bug has set me back a whole week! Now I have to hussle to get Christmas with everyone else.

But, I love to ride around with my momma (she 77 years young and has alshymiers)sp? to see the lights, she loves it. I remember as a child because there were five kids and because daddy was in the Coast Guard we moved every six to nine months. Bummer.....there was never Christmas light money so he would take us all on long rides to look at lights in the wealthy parts of whatever town we lived in at the time. Fantastic memories of a daddy who finally gave us CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. We lived on top of a hill in a really nice subdivision in the nicer side of town after he retired at only 36 years old. You could see our 65' long house from 1/2 mile away with all its lights. He opened the front door, turned up the stereo and because we live in the south we could do that in the dead of winter:)

That year I was 16 years old and we had the biggest party with Elvis Presley music rocking us right into the new year. Every Christmas song you can imagine was played.
Mom put powder on the floor because the 'peppermint twist' would have destroyed her beautiful mirrored 24'x 20'oak parkay flooring:)

Wonderful glorious memories..that is our Lord giving us the gift of Jesus and family. Tammy is calling must go..All my love Maw Maw Penny

maw maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Friday, December 15, 2006 11:30 AM CST
Hey guys, I just wanted to stop by to say hi. We've been super busy, with work picking up for me, and Will just started a new job. Jeep had a fun day at school today- it was Polar Express day, and he got to wear his pajamas and they had hot cocoa, and he's wore out, poor guy. Daddy got him off the bus today, and he was asleep before I got home! The kids are getting very excited, with all the lights and trees and such everywhere. I know what you mean, Tam, with finances, it seems that Christmas is always that much more expensive every year, and when you throw an illness in the mix, it makes things all but impossible! I'm praying for ALL OF US that the financial stresses ease up. With the trips to B'ham, and just trying to return to normal around your house, I can't imagine! One day at a time! Always praying for you,
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:11 PM CST
Hi Tammy, I think this time last year was the worst year in your lives and so happy this year is going to be such a Happy one. It does kill you to hear them scream and to see them have to go through so darn much pain and suffering. Glad this year is going to be a good one for us all and only wish it could be better for all families having to face such horrible things.

Hoping Maw Maw Penny feels better soon from the old Flu Bug. I had the shot last year for it, but I still got it.

Wishing all your Family Happy Holidays and a bright New year... Heck I wish it for everyone....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Monday, December 11, 2006 1:57 PM CST
I think it was about this time last year that we were visiting in Bham!!!! well you know we love you bunches.........so glad you are doing so good! PRAISE GOD!

Aunt Brandy <bkpate@aol.com>
Irvington, AL - Monday, December 11, 2006 1:43 PM CST
With holidays for me usually comes the flu and again this year it has got me!! Unfortunately, it has caused me to miss the Christmas program at the church and watching Tammy preform:( This was the first time I have EVER missed the program in about 25 years. I can tell you being a part of an active church home makes the holidays more special and watching your children grow in Christ to take up your place in the productions is a blessing you recieve here every year. Your children are the HOPE for the continuing of spreading the message of Jesus and what He did for all of us. JOY comes from seeing the results of your efforts to make sure all the wise men have their gifts for the cabbage patch baby in the manger (or Tammy's doll baby "Dusty" or Sherry's favorite cabbage patch doll "Loraine Ranna") Wonderful Memories:)

Must go now, Merry Christmas and God Bless you all!
All my love, maw maw penny

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, December 11, 2006 12:00 AM CST
just stopping by to check on you and make sure you are doing ok....Hope you are enjoying this joyous time of year...Love, JC & shelly


Shelly & JC <shelly100174@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, December 11, 2006 9:42 AM CST
I am so proud of you, Colette, and am happy happy HAPPY that 366 days now have gone by!
Aunt Sherry
- Friday, December 8, 2006 9:11 AM CST
Tammy, I can't believe it has been a year since your transplant. I am so glad to see and read that Colette is doing so well. I hope ya'll have a wonderful Christmas this year at home with all your family and friends. Suzie(Cassidy's mom)
suzie tierce <stierce@ comcast.net>
northport, al - Thursday, December 7, 2006 9:48 PM CST

Congratulations! I love you!!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, December 7, 2006 8:20 PM CST
Bryant cleans up nice! looks like uncle mike! lol and colette was adorable, as always... wish i could've been there... love yall!
Unk Mike <slammed_supercruzer@yahoo.com>
Mobile, AL U.S.A. - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 9:41 PM CST
myspace layouts

myspace layouts

Shelly & JC <shelly100174@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, December 5, 2006 12:18 AM CST
Wow-- Colette must have a great choir teacher. (HA HA)
Anyway, she is so precious. I loved it when she touches Laken's bow.

Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 9:07 AM CST
Awe sooo sweeeet! I wish my Sunday School Girls weren't performing the same night!!!!!
They were adorable!!!
Love yall!

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 8:08 AM CST
I forgot to sign Lenzie's Nana Sue. I guess I was so excited watching the video.

Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 7:09 AM CST
Hi Colette, Well I loved watching the church program and you did so good. When you were holding the blanket you held it like you were holding a baby rocking it back and forth. You were just to cute and kising baby Jesus hand how sweet.

Bryant, What a nice looking young man you are. I know Mommy and Daddy are very proud of you both.

Tammy, Thanks for sharing the program with us I loved it. It is so good to see Colette doing so well and we pray everyday for her to continue to do well. Have a nice week now.

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 7:06 AM CST
Yay yay yay! I've spent all day popping in, getting a little more update, then a video, then another, and then some pictures! It's been lovely! Colette, you did marvelously, just as we knew you would! Bryant, you looked SO handsome, and grown up! You guys ROCK! Can't wait to see the rest of the pics- be sure to let us know when they're there, Tam! Still praying in Indiana! (Where it's FREEZING! It was 12 at the bus stop this morning! Yuck!)
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, December 4, 2006 5:50 PM CST
G'day Colette and family, it's JAY

I know you are going to have the best Christmas ever this year and celebrating you being a big survivor which is so great.
I think you have snow!!!! It is really HOT here in Australia, real HOT days and we will spend it at the beach like we do most years.
I will drop back to check on you before Christams, sending you lots of my braveheart strength and courage and lots of big big big koala hugs from your Aussie NB survivor mate (JAY)

This picture is of my Idol Shannon Noll holding my T-SHIRT and of course me.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


JAY (Neuroblastoma survivor)
The Lucky Country, AUSTRALIA - Monday, December 4, 2006 4:02 PM CST
Bryant and Colette were fantastic!! Colette loved on baby Jesus and it was her being "herself".....the little boy and girl next on either side of her got hugs after each song and there was a "kutsie" to go with it. There was a song with each child having a small blanket to share with Baby Jesus and Colette could be heard above all. The hearing aids have really helped.

Now Mr. Bryant Pate was all decked out with a black suit ,white shirt and red tie. Of cource he stood there straightening his tie ( in between songs and smiles) and posing for the camera "Ham"! There will be photos of the event I am sure. The children did a wonderful job thanks to the wonderful leaders at the church.

We have really came a long way from this day a year ago and we Thank God and ALL of you for your prayers. We love you and cannot express our heartfelt graditude for your faithful love and prayers. God bless you all with happy and joyeous holidays:) All my love Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, December 4, 2006 2:43 AM CST
You were definately a super star singer tonight. You were awesome!!

Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al 36695 - Monday, December 4, 2006 0:40 AM CST
Just stopping in to say good morning! If I am remembering right, I think today is the day you sing at church, right Colette? I'll be thinking about you! Have lots of fun, and we'll talk to you soon!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, December 3, 2006 7:37 AM CST
Hi Tammy and Colette, I went and looked at alot of your lovely pics. When I saw the pics of Hannah she looks so much like Lenzie. I think they they could be sisters. I'm so glad all had a nice Turkey day and sorry that some were in an accident and just happy they were not hurt bad. Well just stopping by to say hello and check in on you now that I'm back home. Have a nice weekend....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Friday, December 1, 2006 2:42 PM CST
Hello to my pretty princess! I saw the new pictures you and mommy put up, you look very pretty! Bryant looks like he did a good job at the Turkey Trot, and you did too! I hope you guys are all having a good week, and looking forward to a nice weekend. It's really cold here today, and the wind is blowing lots. We're supposed to get a little bit of snow, maybe an inch, but not much. I just wanted to stop in and say hi, and let you know that I'm still praying! Sending you lots of love!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, December 1, 2006 8:29 AM CST






The Lucky Country, Australia - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 2:12 PM CST
I saw the pics of Colie's pretty necklace from Friday's accident- glad the girls are ok! Scary, scary! The other new picks are wonderful- I saw Aunt Kristen's necklace, too- Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you guys have been having such great times- it's so nice to be able to just be a normal family! Looks and sounds like you guys have had a wonderful weekend, and Herself looks great! I loved her and Hannah's crowns from the birthday party, the girls looked beautiful. I hope you guys are getting some of this same wonderful weather we are- it's been up in the mid-60's since last Wednesday! (I hear rumour we'll pay for it by this weekend, though!) Sending smiles and sunshine for you! Tell Mrs. Brandy and Colie to rest up and feel better, and have a great week! I love you guys!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, November 27, 2006 9:19 PM CST
Love all the new pictures! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for, don't we. I'm thankful that we have gotten to know each other through this journey our kids are on! I miss ya!
lisa tanner <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile , al - Monday, November 27, 2006 5:42 PM CST
Getting ready for church, I decided to check the site. All I can say is they are really busy just like all of you are.

We love you and are thankful for the nearly 150 visits made to this site since Wednesday. God Bless you for your continued concern, love and prayers.

As we wait for Colette's bone marrow transplant anniversary December 7th we are all moved to a kind of quiet in the midst of these holidays. Please pray that satan stays away from us with the fear he would like for us to have. Pray for strength to stay strong and to continue telling of how GOOD GOD has been to our families, friends and strangers. That is the very least we can do for such a gratious God!!

Right now the plan is to go back to B'ham around the first of the year and go through the whole process again of MIBG scans, bone narrow aspirations (samples to check for cancer cell in her marrow) and all that blood work. But, she acts and looks like a regular..normal little four year old girl.
And we Thank God often for His mercy and love. We pray for traveling grace for all of you as many of you return home safely and we THANK Him for YOU, too:) All my Love Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Sunday, November 26, 2006 10:06 AM CST
Happy Thankgiving, Princess! We are so very proud of you.

My prayer for you this day is of joy, happiness, peace and comfort. You are on our minds and in our hearts. We love and miss you all so much. Take care of eachother.

Billy and Emily
Kadin's Momma and Daddy forever

Emily Gazzaway
- Thursday, November 23, 2006 7:01 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a WONDERFUL day!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, November 23, 2006 4:09 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving!!!! God Bless you sweetheart. Miss Morgan had her transplant anniversary on the 17th. UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!!!!!!!! You two little cute miracles, kep smiling Colette, We all love you bunches. Happy Holidays. We are thankful to be home together this year. :) Mostly thankful for health. :)
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, IN USA - Thursday, November 23, 2006 9:55 AM CST
Sending love and warm thoughts on this Thanksgiving weekend. I have much to be thankful for this week. I will spend the holiday with my family. I have been blessed to meet the wonderful people here on CB, with whom I share thoughts and dreams, and consider dear friends and family. I have watched as their children have been blessed by the healing power of my God. I was shown His power again just this week, when after an early morning phone call on Sunday telling us my father-in-law had suffered a "bad heart attack" (the Dr.'s words to his wife), he was sent home yesterday with 2 stents and a shocked Dr., who found NO DAMAGE to his heart on follow-up echo's and bloodwork. My husband was told this month that his office was closing, and that they were being laid off as a result, and this week he's received requests from 3 separate companies wanting to interview him for positions. I have three beautiful children who are healthy, and the knowledge that I have a God who will provide for us, even when I wonder how that next house payment will be made.
So, I want to wish each of you a happy Thanksgiving, and extend thanks from my home and heart to yours. Thank you, for helping make me the person that I am. You have strengthened my faith and my spirit, you have prayed with me when I suffer, and celebrated my sucesses, even while facing the challenges placed in your paths. My difficulties pale in comparison, but never once when I asked for prayer was there hesitation. And for that, I am forever thankful. I am humbled by the knowledge that you have taken the time that you have to lift me up. Words will never begin to express my gratitude. May blessings continue to rain down upon you, and the strength of God wrap around you. I love you.

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 8:44 PM CST
Maw Maw Penny you are so right never stay mad and tell your loved ones you love them each and everyday.

Hoping all have safe travels and a Happy Thanksgiving...

Glad you put this in the Guestbook so we no everything is okay with all of you. Thanks... I will tell Kelly when I see her.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 6:00 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and we are happy to be having such beautiful weather. Our church had there Thanksgiving service last night so families that needed to travel tonight could.

Right NOW ...Jason and Kid's are putting up the Christmas lights on the house and Pa Poo and Na Na from South Carolina are due in anytime. I am certain they will be getting some long desired sugar from Colette and Bryant. Jason will be seeing his brothers and sisters too. A great time of Celebrating and of being Thankful.

Always tell those around you that you love them..you have no regrets. Never stay mad..you will have not regrets. All my love, Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 5:49 PM CST
Hey Colette & Family,

I hope no news is good news. I have been checking in for an update. I hope everyone is okay! I wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. I know this year is very speical for y'all just like it for us. Tomorrow is also Lenzie's 3rd Birthday! I can't believe my baby is turning 3. She is growing up so fast. So are Tori and Bryson. Tori just turned 6 yesterday. We all have so much to be thankful for this year!

Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mom)


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 12:04 AM CST
I'm out of isolation from treatment and wanted to get back to say hello to all of you. Hoping all is well and I know everyone is just busy busy busy getting ready for Thanksgivings. We all have alot to be thankful for and my heart goes out to all the ones who will be spending there first without there loved ones. I hope you got the pics I sent you of the rainbow and the bright skies after them nasty storms.


Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Tuesday, November 21, 2006 1:27 PM CST
Thinking of you! (I'm with Sherry! I want to see pics!) I hope that you guys are having a great week, and preparing to enjoy Thanksgiving! You have so much to be thankful for this year! Always in my heart and prayers!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, November 21, 2006 8:04 AM CST
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EDMONTON ,ALBERTA Canadian Flag, - Monday, November 20, 2006 3:03 PM CST
What beautiful days these have been after last weeks monsoon!!! All that wind and lightening frightful. God is so good to hold all those children and their workers and families at the daycare safe from the tornado. How they survived those pictures ...you have to believe God was present!! The eleven and five year old boys that helped in the rescue of all those babies were just "little ^i^ guardians"!
They were used by God to be His loving hands:)
Great Job Guy's!!!

I haven't heard from Tammy much hopefully they are returning to a normal family. I have some great pictures from the party. The kids had a blast and the cake was a "Strawberry Shortcake" Doll with strawberry flavored cake inside! Yum Yum Aunt Sherry did a beautiful job on the cake again:)Bryant and Colette helped make cup cakes and everyone loved those, too! Jason and Uncle Craig cooked hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill ( Jason's secret ingredients in the burgers) are you getting hungry yet? Wish you all could have been there.

I am going to change tradition this year. We will start decorating for Christmas on Thanksgiving since we missed it last year all together....I had no tree at my house and Paw Paw was here in Mobile and I was in B'ham seperated for the first time in 39 years. But, it was worth it all because I sat with Colette in stem cell at the hospital. Tammy and Jason had Christmas eve and morning with Bryant at the apartment. This year Christmas will completely different than it ever has..so will Thanksgiving:)Don't eat too much! LOL Save room for all those desserts:)All my love, Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, November 20, 2006 11:00 AM CST
Aunt Sherry <gettingimpatient@antsy.com>
- Monday, November 20, 2006 8:22 AM CST
Hey Tammy & Colette,

I just wanted to say ROLL TIDE! I hope we win today. I'm sure it will be a good game. I hope y'all have a great weekend and I'm glad to hear you survived the storms we had Wednesday. It's amazing the damage a tornado can do. I still can't believe that the kids and teachers made it out of Fun Zone alive. It's a miracle. I'm sure you saw pictures of it on your news. It is 2 miles from our house. SCARY! I'm glad it didn't continue to come our way.

Kelly Butland


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montg, AL United States - Saturday, November 18, 2006 9:53 AM CST
Can it really be a year since we held our breath and dreaded what we did not know was ahead????? We had no idea of what a bone marrow transplant incompassed...I thank God I did not know..what suffering she would have to endure:( I can only tell you that God is the way we all got through one of the hardest times of our lives.

On one ocassion I went down to the cafeteria to try and find something...anything she would eat. I had everything I could carry..They were telling us they would have to put the feeding tube back in and she HATED that part. I gave her a powered donut and boy she wanted it but, she just looked at it for a long time then she picked it up after about five minutes. She touched it to her lips and laid it back down. You couldn't say anything to her or she would just zone out and not try anything. Finally, after fifteen minutes or so she held it to her lips and turned it all around the edges and got the sugar on her lips but, never took a bite. I prayed hard for just on tiny bite. And of course the feeding tube was put in and she was upset. But, she was on morphine and I suppose she had no taste for anything....she just knew she wanted it.

Just like we knew we wanted her back to the way she was before we knew she had cancer. I suppose that is just a tiny fragment of how God feels toward us. He wants us to just take Him at His word and believe in Him so we can have an everlasting life for eternity. He wants us back to the point before sin entered the world with Adam and Eve.

We are gratful to God for the Miracle of Miss Colette and all the Caringbridge Family. God bless each of you that so faithfully have come to your computers and checked on us and PRAYED...God has heard you and He has answered. We love you all and wish you a very blessed Thanksgiving Day because you have blessed us and we are "THANKFUL" All my love Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Friday, November 17, 2006 9:11 PM CST
I LOVED getting to hear you sing, Tam! It still is so strange to realize that I've known you all this time, and only just heard your voice 2 or 3 times, and the first was the "Day of Independence!" I'm so glad that none of our CB friends suffered damage or injury in all the storms- it can be so scary to have tornados so close! I hope you're having a great week. Bryant- keep up the great work on your school stuff! We're all so proud of you! Love you guys!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, November 16, 2006 4:58 PM CST
Hi Tammy and Colette, Wow!!! Yesterday was a rough day for all of us with the storms and glad everything is okay with you guys. I know some special ^i^Angels^i^ were watching out for Kelly and the kids with that tornado hitting right near her house and thank goodness none of the Kids at Fun Zone were killed. What a day it was and thanks for stopping by to check on Kelly and them. After the storms were about over my husband called and said go look outside and there was a beautiful Rainbow in the sky in front of our house and in the back the sky looked as if it were on fire. Also there were two pennies on the porch I guess tossed down from heaven so the ^i^Angels^i^ were with us. I will send you the pics of the Rainbow and the sky in an email.

I'm glad that Colette is free from Birmingham till after the Holidays and stays well so you can enjoy them. Keep all the families that lost there homes from the storms in prayers and all our sick little ones battling different diseases in prayer to.

Won't be able to sign any guestbooks for awhile as having treatment in the morning and will be held up in my room as to not expose Bill and Tessa, but know I will be thinking and praying for all our friends and families.

I tried pulling up the techno ministries to hear you sing but couldn't get to it. Maybe I did something wrong. Oh Yes the Iron Bowl who will WIN Roll Tide are War Eagle!!!! Some of us for ROLL TIDE and a few for War Eagle... I say ROLL TIDE!!!! Enjoy the weekend....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Thursday, November 16, 2006 7:56 AM CST
Hello Colette, Hope you are having fun....Its almost Thanksgiving be sure you eat lots of turkey :) Glad the bad weather didnt hurt you guys. take care, JC

JC <shelly100174@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, November 15, 2006 4:09 PM CST
I'm listening to your song now!
Sherry <sherry@myemail.com>
- Wednesday, November 15, 2006 9:40 AM CST
Hi guys! A big hello from the nation's capitol. I check on you often and am thrilled that Colette is doing so marvelous! Tammy, I will never forget running into you guys on the elevator at Children's and Women's and coming to see Colette after my shift. You two sang "Your Love is Extravagant" and I will always remember Colette's little voice singing! Joshua and Caleb just started wrestling and there is a coach/dad who looks JUST LIKE JASON! I am wondering if there is a long lost Pate twin missing . . . well, I found him! Anyway, just wanted to say hello and let you know we think about and pray for you guys often! WAR EAGLE!!! Kellie and the Boys
Kellie Brown <jakenkellie@aol.com>
Alexandria , VA USA - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:39 PM CST
Glad to hear the kids all had fun, and good for you, Tammy, for just taking some time to hang out as a family! YAY TO BRYANT! Way to go, buddy! What a fantastic report card! I can't wait to see all the new pics, BUT take YOUR time! I'll be here! Love you guys!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 6:56 PM CST
Hi Guys! Thanks to Maw Maw for the update! I was wondering how the party went. Sorry we didn't make it. I was feeling bad and Cole was still coughing. I didn't want to bring in extra germs to you guys! I hope it was a good day! And I hope you are all feeling better now. Love ya!
lisa tanner ~caringbridge.com/al/cole~ <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Monday, November 13, 2006 6:18 PM CST
No news is Good News!!!!!! We came home on Wednesday night from B'ham just in time to make church. Colette slept ALL the way home nearly four hours and Bryant napped 30 minutes.....I stayed with them Wednesday night and when I left Thursday, Tammy was washing clothes and Colette was dressing up and back to her normal self! They were getting everything "ready" for daddy to come home after more than a week away. Things were very hard on Tammy and Me. When your normal children are sick it's hard enough. But, when all of you are sick...it's too much drama. Thank God for His every watchful eye and arms of protection.

The weather threatened to storm Saturday during the party. Children came over with shorts and sandles on here in November (Normal) and as the wind picked up with the overcast things got frigid!!!But, the kids wanted to play! Good ole Aunt Sherry saved the day....kids were dressed like street people( they were dressed in pajama bottoms, vinyl boots, hats and too small jackets! They were warm and continued to play from 11am to 3pm!

Way to go Aunt Sherry a.k.a. Wonder Woman!!! Her children are into super hero's and that is the character they have chosen for Mom...But, she does live up to her name she has a 3...4...5...year old Great Job;)

Miss Colette had a great party with her cousins and family.

At the end of the party Jason took a picture of Tammy sitting on the sofa holding sleeping Colette and Tammy was asleep, too.......... too much party, no it was probably the best sleep she has had since Jason's been gone. I know she feels so much better knowing he is here and she is not alone to deal with everything. I am momma but, Jason is her strength.

God Bless your continued concern and prayers for Colette and all of us:) We love you and appreciate you more than you will ever know. All my love Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, November 13, 2006 11:14 AM CST
Colette, We hope you had a blast at your party and got everything you wanted. Hoping you are feeling lotssss betterrrr....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue, Lenzie's Mom kelly, Troi, Bryson, & Little Miss Lenzie

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Monday, November 13, 2006 9:38 AM CST
Hope you are partying hard! (And I hope it's much warmer there than it is here today!) Sending smiles and hugs your way!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, November 11, 2006 11:52 AM CST
Yeahhh!!! You are home and seems like feeling better. Glad everything looks good and will continue to pray that you stay well Colette. Good to know you all have a break and hope the holidays are lots of fun for you. Have fun at your Birthday Party Colette!!!

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:36 AM CST
Hooray for home and feeling better, and no more fever! I still won't be able to make it, what with that like 15 hour drive, BUT there is a box on it's way to your house with goodies for everybody!!
Anyway, I'm really excited for you that you're going to get to enjoy the holidays without running to B'ham all the time. And yay that Uncle Mike will get to play in the Christmas stuff, before he heads out. I hope it's a wonderful holiday season, with everyone at home, and big meals, and family time, and some good football!! WOO-HOO! Love you all lots!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:17 AM CST
Hey! I emailed you about Saturday! Glad to hear the appointment went well. I know it's such a pain to wait for those scan check ups - but I KNOW you will not have anything to worry about and that this Thanksgiving and Christmas will be truly special. We were home last year for the holidays, but Cole was still weak and bald :) now we have a totally different kid on our hands - just like you! I know we will both have a wonderful holiday season!! Hope to see you this weekend!
Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Thursday, November 9, 2006 6:35 AM CST
Hey Tammy and Colette,

I am so happy to hear that Colette just has an ear infection. I'm glad you took her to Birmingham and let them check her out. That always makes me feel better to when Lenzie is sick. I hope Princess Colette is feeling better. She has to feel better before her party. I sure wish we could come down for her party. I know the girls would love to play with Colette. Especially Tori. She likes that Colette has hearing aids like hers. Tori just got a new pair of ear molds Friday. They are clear with purple glitter in them. They are so pretty. I posted a picture of them on Lenzie's website. Tori would love to show them to Colette. I hope y'all have a safe trip home and I hope Colette feels better real soon.

Love you,
Ronny, Kelly, Tori, Lenzie & Bryson Butland


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 4:34 PM CST
I'm sorry you're not feeling any better, Princess, but hopefully you'll keep those antibiotics down, and that ear will be better in no time! Sounds like a scary couple of days, but you are on the upswing now! Now, you need to get feeling better so you have the bestest birthday party EVER!!! Love you lots,
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington , IN - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 12:56 AM CST






The Lucky Country, Australia - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 4:07 AM CST

Hello. I have checked your site often but I don't think I have ever left a message. My 3 year old daughter also has finished treatment for nb4.
I am glad that Colette is just "normal " sick. I am having a hard time with my daughter being off treatment too. I am afraid of every little thing. Any time she says she is tired, or not hungry or something hurts, I silently panic.
The rest of the world moves on and everyone says don't worry she is doing great, and she is. But it is what I don't know that terrifies me. I am afraid that if I let my guard down, or have a little too much hope then that is when something bad will happen. I don't know what normal is anymore. I hope it makes you feel a little better that you are not the only one feeling this way.
I pray our worst fears will never happen, but for now I hope we can learn to relax and enjoy.

Team Hill

Holly Hill
Winnipeg, Canada - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 10:52 PM CST
Checking back in on you guys and sorry that things haven't gotten better. I can imagine the stress you have Tammy. We hope you and Colette are back to feeling good and stress free soon. It's a shame that medicaid didn't pick up that anitbiotic. It should if a sick child needs it. I hope things start looking better real soon for all of you. Saying extra prayers for you and Colette. Hang in there.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, Bryson, & Lenzie's Mom Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 7:50 PM CST
Girl - maybe you are just having Scrap Etc withdrawals! Just Kidding - I know the stress, believe me. It was really scary coming home and knowing there was no one checking on us - no ANC counts, no nothing!!! I think I took Cole's temp every day! You should have called me - you KNOW I'm here. I hope ya'll have a safe trip! And Colette gets over this crud quickly!!! But thank gosh it's just normal old crud (I saw as Cole is coughing his head off in his room and I'm stopped up too). Hope to see you Saturday!!! What time is the party? Love you guys!
lisa tanner <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 7:12 AM CST
I will be praying that everyone in your family is doing better each day.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Monday, November 6, 2006 7:42 PM CST
Good Morning Colette and Tammy, Sorry to hear that Colette is sick and pray she feels all better soon. I've heard the flu bug is already going around and hope that it's not that. Saying extra prayers for you both. Tammy you have to take care of your self as your family needs you. Hoping today will be better for all of you.

Colette you were just the perfect Dorothy and we loved the pics.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, Bryson, & Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Monday, November 6, 2006 8:07 AM CST
Oh girls, you have to get better quick! We can't have any more of this fever running, Miss Colette. It worries mommy to much, and the rest of us, too! Poor dears.
Tam, you've carried the weight of the world on your shoulders for a long, hard time. Please, please be sure to take some much needed Tammy Time, ok? I know it's hard, especially with Colette sick, and that worries you to death, but you won't do her a lick of good if you're stressed to the max.
I've been part of the Beth Moore "Living Beyond Yourself" bible study for the last several weeks, and today was our "Gentleness" video. Beth talks about "bowing down before God, and giving it over to Him so we may be healed emotionally", and I cannot tell you how many of you I thought about. You, Tammy, and Beth Beck, and Billy and Emily Gazzaway, and Kelly and Nana Sue. The wounds are deep, and gaping. The Healer can bind them, and make them scars, instead of leaving them raw and bleeding. That's awesome to me. If you have never done this series, I would encourage you to. If you get no other chance to do any part of it, view the 9th session, and be blessed by it. Until then, be blessed through my prayers, and the prayers of the others who come here, and want nothing more than to carry the weight with you. Always praying, and loving you more each day.

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, November 4, 2006 9:05 PM CST
A quick note, Tammy has had a very hard week....Wednesday she suffered an "acute anxiety attack". She has been to her doctor to start taking care of herself for a change. But, Colette has been really sick with fever and has been seeing her pediatrician here in Mobile. Tammy is trying to get adjusted to her new medicines and Jason is still out of town. Tammy needs all your prayers as does Colette. I am afraid they are in the care of "Doctor Bryant":0 All my love maw maw
maw maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Saturday, November 4, 2006 8:15 PM CST
I got on here to buzz through and read comments. They always lift me up and I was taken by surprise by the picture of Jay! You made my night Jay. You and Colette both are kicking the NB monster butt. You both look so amazing. I'm so glad you put a picture. I hope things are going down under. You both have a super weekend.
Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Friday, November 3, 2006 10:13 PM CST
Hi my little sweetie, I am so very sorry I didn't write on your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, belated!!!!! You know Morgan's nanas B-Day was the same day!!!!! I hope you had a good time, I love you sweet heart and I think of you all the time, I always tell everyone about you. Your so special and such an inspiriation to many. :) Miss Morgan says HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO!!!!! Keep smiling, and I love your costume sweetie, I will have to update Morgans too. Your mommy is quick. :) Love to All!!!!!
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, IN USA - Thursday, November 2, 2006 7:14 PM CST
Hey princess! I'm so glad you had a great birthday, and a wonderful Halloween! It was wonderful to talk to you for your birthday - mommy promised me "sparkly girl" pictures, and I see lots of Dorothy, but no sparklies!! It looks like you had a wonderful time with your trick or treating, though, and I think you may be the prettiest Dorothy I've ever seen! I love you lots!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 7:05 PM CST
I love you sweet girl!
Aunt Sherry
- Wednesday, November 1, 2006 3:37 PM CST
Hey Colette,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I am so glad you got our card today and you are very welcome. I was hoping it would make it to you on your birthday. I am glad you liked the Strawberry Shortcake Card and stickers. I can't believe I found a Strawberry Shortcake card with the number four on it. I use to love Strawberry Shortcake when I was little. I had a Strawberry Shortcake Kitchen set, a toy box in the shape of a strawberry and a Strawberry Shortcake comforter set on my bed. I also love the Wizard of Oz. It was my favorite movie when I was little. I cried the first time I watched it. Mom said I thought Dorothy wasn't going to make it back home. I still love the movie and now I watch it with Tori and Lenzie. I bought the DVD for Tori one Christmas. I must say you are the prettiest Dorothy I have ever seen. I hope you had a great birthday today and I hope you have a blast at your party. Eat some cake for me. Have fun trick or treating tomorrow and don't eat to much candy. We love you!

Ronny, Kelly, Tori, Lenzie & Bryson Butland


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
montgomery, AL United - Monday, October 30, 2006 8:33 PM CST
Hey Miss Colette - I hope you are having a wonderful day! Thanks for coming to see me Friday night and bringing a invite for me and Cole to come to your party! I can't wait! You are the best Dorothy I've ever seen! I hope you have a very wonderful birthday and a great week! We love you baby girl!
Lisa, Jason and Cole (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL - Monday, October 30, 2006 4:10 PM CST



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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting



Melbourne, Australia - Monday, October 30, 2006 4:07 PM CST
You put a smile on my face every day, precious girl!! Melissa was so excited this morning when I told her it was your birthday today. She told me and her daddy the other day that you are her "best fwend!" She's very upset, however, that we aren't coming to your party. I told her it would take almost two days to drive there, and she told me she'd help drive! Sadly, I don't think we'll make it! But- we've got our yellow on, and we're celebrating lots and lots for you today! ILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOU!! You have the bestest 4 year old birthday ever, ok?
Megan (& Will, Jeep, Eli and Melissa!) <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, October 30, 2006 12:19 AM CST





God has GIFTED me with the most precious children (Tammy, Sherry Ann and Michael), Hushand (David)and precious
darlin's (Bryant, Joshua, Matthew, Colette and Hannah Grace:)The best gifts any maw maw could ever wish for!!
ALL of them know how much they are loved:) And this AWESOME MIRACLE of Miss Colette has BLESSED our whole family.


All my love and prayers continue to ask God to heal you, bless you, and open the windows of heaven to give you a double portion for every prayer you pray for others.

We have a GREAT DAY to CELEBRATE thank you all,
Maw Maw Penny

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Monday, October 30, 2006 10:56 AM CST
Happy Birthday Colette!!!!! Checking in to see how you and your family are doing.. Sounds like you guys are just fine!!!
Deanna Walker & Dina Odom
Solutions Infusion Therapy

Dina Odom & DeAnna Walker (Solutions Infusion Therapy) <dinaodom@yahoo.com>
- Monday, October 30, 2006 9:46 AM CST

MySpace Codes

Happy Birthday Little PRincess!!!!!
Aunt Brandy and Uncle Todd and Colie love you soo much.
you were beautiful this weekend at the Fall Festival.
I will call you later with Birthday wishes!
Love you bunches.

Aunt Brandy <bkpate@aol.com>
Irvington, AL - Monday, October 30, 2006 8:36 AM CST
Happy Birthday Colette!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!! I cant wait to see you tomorrow night in your Dorothy costume! I love you!!
Rebecca Thomas <beccamt15@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Monday, October 30, 2006 8:14 AM CST
Happy Birthday to the beautiful, healthy, blessed little niece of mine! I AM SO HAPPY! This is what I was doing four years ago right about this very moment:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Aunt Sherry <auntsherry@issoproud.com>
home, AL - Monday, October 30, 2006 7:56 AM CST
Birthday Wishes from St. Louis!!!
Sydney thinks it is so much more fun being 4 than it was being 3. Have a great birthday.

Roy, Michelle, Dakota & Sydney Horton <michelle@spiderdesigns.com>
Wildwood, MO - Sunday, October 29, 2006 11:07 PM CST
I found this on a friends website and decided to add it as many places as possible. It is beautiful, simple and exact.
My child,

you may not know me, but I know everything about you (Psalm 139:1). I know when you sit down and when you rise up(Psalm 139:2), I am familiar with your ways (Psalm 139:3), even the very hairs on your head are numbered (Matt 10:29-31). For you were made in my image (Genesis 1:27). In me you live and move and have your being (Acts 17:28), for you are my offspring (Acts 17:28).

I knew you even before you were conceived (Jeremiah 1:4-5). I chose you when I planned creation (Ephesians 1:11-12), You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book(Psalm 139:15-16). I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live (Acts 17:26). You were fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), I knit you together in your mother's womb (Psalm 139:13), and brought you forth on the day you were born (Psalm 71:6).

I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me (John 8:41-44) I am not distant and angry, but I am the complete expression of love (1 John 4:16) and it is my desire to lavish my love on you. (1 John 3:1) Simply because you are my child and I am your Father (1 John 3:1) I offer you more than your earthly father ever could (Matthew 7:11) For I am the perfect father (Matthew 5:48) Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand (James 1:17) For I am your provider and I meet all your needs (Matthew 6:31-33)

My plan for your future has always been filled with hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) Because I love you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3) My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore (Psalms 139:17-18) And I rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17) I will never stop doing good to you (Jeremiah 32:40) For you are my treasured possession (Exodus 19:5) I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul (Jeremiah 32:41)

And I want to show you great and marvelous things (Jeremiah 33:3) If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me (Deuteronomy 4:29) Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4)
For it is I who gave you those desires (Philippians 2:13)

I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine (Ephesians 3:20) For I am your greatest encourager (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17) I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you (Psalm 34:18) As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart (Isaiah 40:11)

One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes (Revelation 21:3-4) And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth (Revelation 21:3-4) I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus (John 17:23) For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed (John 17:26) He is the exact representation of my being (Hebrews 1:3) He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you (Romans 8:31) And to tell you that I am not counting your sins (2 Corinthians 5:18-19)

Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled (2 Corinthians 5:18-19)
His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you (1 John 4:10)
I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love (Romans 8:31-32) If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me (1 John 2:23) And nothing will ever separate you from my love again (Romans 8:38-39)

Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen (Luke 15:7) I have always been Father, and will always be Father (Ephesians 3:14-15)

My question is, will you be my child? (John 1:12-13)
I am waiting for you (Luke 15:11-32)

Your Father. Almighty God

Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Friday, October 27, 2006 6:13 PM CDT
Hey Tammy & Colette,

Wow! I can't believe you are going to be 4 years old in 3 days. I bet you are getting ready for your party next weekend. I bet you can't wait and you are so excited. I wish we could come, but with all the appointments we have in Birmingham and Enterprise right now we just don't have the gas money to drive to Mobile. Lenzie is having to go to Birmingham every two weeks and Tori has to go to Enterprise once a month. Gas is killing us. The price of gas has went down, but it still cost to much if you ask me. Be looking for something in the mail from the Butlands for your birthday! I am going to try to get to the post office tomorrow and mail it. I dont have any stamps. Hopefully, you will get it Monday on your birthday. I posted your poem on Lenzie's website (My Purpose). I hope you don't mind. I thought it was absolutely beautiful and well said! I hope y'all have a great weekend! Lenzie has to go to Birmingham Monday for clinic, so I am going to go ahead and wish you a VERY HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY COLETTE just incase I don't get to tell you Monday. We love y'all!

Kelly, Tori, Lenzie & Bryson Butland

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
montgomery, AL United States - Friday, October 27, 2006 4:23 PM CDT
Maw Maw Penny your are so sweet and thanks for your kind words. I'm so glad Kelly put the poem from Colette's site on Lenzie's as it's just beautiful and very well said. I like both of them. I forgot to say that in my last message how much I liked them. It was sad to know that another child earned their angel wings to this Monster Cancer and hope someday soon there is a cure so no child has to endure what these kids do. Some have to endure so much like Colette did and we only wish that there comes the day that they won't have to go through so much as all children are precious. Have a nice Halloween Weekend......
We are asking that when you sign Lenzie's GB that you might not want to leave your site and email so this person dosen't bother anyone else. We had alot of people email us to say she is bothering them and has bothered alot of families before ours and feeds off the attention. She even emailed Lenzie's Chemo Angel and Angel Connie emailed her back to say she needed help and that she does. I just don't won't anyone else bothered. Caringbridge sent Kelly and this lady an email and they told this lady to refrian from the kind of messages she was leaving in Lenzie's GB and they have told her before. They told Kelly to just erase the one message where someone had wrote her name, so she did. We kept that email from CB for anyone who might want to read it. I don't guess she thought being we had erased her messages that caringbridge would know what she said, but she was so wrong. We are so glad that they could still see them.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Friday, October 27, 2006 3:15 PM CDT
G'day Colette and family - it's Jay - how are you all going.

Not long until your birthday - I worked it out it must be on the 30th is that right - which is the 31st in Australia (lol)- I have a gift for you but have not sent it yet so sorry it wil not make it for your birthday but will get there soon I hope.

Great to see you being so busy - and having lots of fun and doing lots of excise - better than being in a hospital.

I am feeling a bit better - I got some wonderful news - darsly wrote it on my journal - I won an award.

You keep kickin that NB monster butt because he aint coming back.

I send you lots of my strength and courage and lots of big big big koala hugs and I will try to get back for your birthday - from your NB Aussie friend (JAY)



Melbourne, Australia - Friday, October 27, 2006 7:53 AM CDT
Yesterday, paw paw and I went to pick up his work shoes and we were about 45 miles from home.I went and looked around a pawn shop next door. I was talking to this lady and she got a call saying her dad was on a tractor working in their field of 7 acres. No one could hear the tractor running and she panicked.Recently he had to recessitated and she was so very shaken. So I asked her if I could pray for her. Of course she said certainly and she seemed to be considerably calmer. I will call today to find out how things went when they checked on him.

I told her I knew how important daddy's are and that I lost mine in 1990.

I told her I belived in prayer and I do it a lot! She said she did too. I continue to tell her of Colette and how so many people had prayed for her. As I described Colette' treatment.....she asked what is her name? When I told her, she said oh, I thought she might have been Mckenzie Smith. I said, what is her mothers name? When she said Hope, I was surprised. She said her church had been praying for Kenzie for a long time.

I told her that I had lunch with Kenzie on one of our last trips to B'ham. Also, that Kenzie was in the same room Colette had been in during the month of December for her bone marrow transplant last year. Also that Kenzie was in the same apartment that was furnished to us for some seven months W O W! How coincidental is that?

As I turned to leave I asked her name, she said Sherry (spelled with a C) Walker....that is my other daughter's name. We had a great laugh. You never know who you will meet when you share Jesus and this GREAT thing He has done for our family.

Thank You AGAIN for loving and caring for Miss Colette,Miss Kenzie, Miss Lenzie and Miss Morgan and so many other...Let's not forget Megan, Jay and Darsly Mum for their strength:) Without you and your comments we would become very discouraged but, because of you all lifting us up to Jesus we get extra strength to face tomorrow!!!! All my Love Maw Maw Penny

maw maw penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Thursday, October 26, 2006 3:09 AM CDT
Hi Colette, Tammy and family, Just stopping by to say thank you for the nice message in Lenzie's guestbook. Kelly was so upset and me to, but we have decided that the mean nasty people out there are not worth getting upset over. I just don't understand how someone could write such nasty messages on any of these sick childrens caringbridge sites, but sadly it happens everyday as people don't have anything better to do.

Hope all of you have a great day tomorrow and pleasant dreams tonight. Colette you are getting so much hair and are just beautiful. I know you are going to have one great Birthday party.....

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:53 PM CDT
hey yall,
i jus wanted to say that jennifer had her girls.
love u

lexington, sc usa - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:25 AM CDT
This poor family! I can't imagine how frightening that would be for someone to have to face. I'm so glad you were there Maw Maw, to help and comfort. You're very good at that! You certainly are a blessing in my life- and I'm thankful for that! I will certainly keep them in my prayers.
I hope yesterday's prayers at the church for the kids went well. (Did you hear me?! hehehe!) How's it going for Unka Mike? He getting geared up? And how are things for Bryant at school- are they looking up any? He's gone through a lot this last couple of years too, I know. He's been such a trooper, I'm praying that time will bring the peace his heart seeks. And that God will give the rest of you the patience to get him there.
Thinking of you always! I've got a little more shopping to do- I'll let you know when to start watching for a package!! Love you all!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, October 23, 2006 7:26 PM CDT
Let's try this for the FORTH TIME! I tried yesterday to make this entry and when I finished the screen just went blank.....I KNOW someone ready this journal needs to hear what God wants me to say.

On Wednesday morning Tammy and Miss Colette met me at the home of the family that got burned out Tuesday night. She had clothes and new toys for Theresa 3 1`/2 years old and Austin 9 years old. Bryant and Colette clothes fit them just right and I know the kids loved the toys when they got home from school. The schools took care of them Wednesday and arranged to replace their uiniforms and other needs for school. The councelor at the school and their church First Baptist Tillman's Corner got a fire going under the Red Cross who were dragging their feet. This family of six slept in their van the night of the fire.

When they discovered the fire some of them had gone to bed awere awakened to get out of the house. So they had nothing but sleeping clothes on and no shoes. I kept the kids in my car because they were cold and scared. I took Austin to my house around the block and gathered some blankets shoes shirts and pants for most of them. As we sat and watched the fire Austin kept naming off things in the house. His main concern was his new hampster he just got for his b'day. I told him God would send nice people to replace his stuff with new things and he calmed down. It wasn't as easy with his mom, Michelle( she is Tammy's age) as she and her husband Mickey surveyed the house in the daylight they kept talking about the baby's favorite blanket, special photo's of grandparents and baby photo albums. She would cry and Mickey would tell her that what was most important was that everyone got out safe. She told him he was right but, she lived her whole life in that house and everything she ever knew was there. She found a few photos some weren't even wet and old bible school certificates.

I was truly blessed when she held those certificates as if they were as precious as the photo's she found. As a bible school teacher ..etc. at the little church for 20 plus years with her, it meant so much to know after all these years she held those years and seeds we sowed so dear. So when satan tries to discourage you from spredding God's word remember this and continue to do the good work for the Lord. You will bless God and the overflow will get on you, too:)

Crisis comes to us as believers to make us stronger in times like this and since coming to know so many of you through caringbridge many of you have helped make me stronger. You guys are like a battery charger in the darkness of not knowing what lies ahead. My flashlight is Jesus and when everything else fails He is still standing there in the mist of the darkness with PEACE that only He can give.

If you don't have that kind of PEACE, I am talking about it is the love of God. When you find yourself afraid of what is ahead and you feel like giving up and don't know where to turn...LOOK to Jesus. Without Him I can do nothing and I am nothing. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh to the Father but, by (through) me. If you have never asked God to come into your life and become your strength it is so easy. Children do it everyday because they are innocent and they do not try to complicate Gods simmple plan of salvation. Close your eyes NOW ask God to forgive your sins and tell Him you are sincerely sorry, thank Him for sending Jesus to die for YOUR sins and ask Him to send the Holy Spirit into your life to direct you so that when you die you will have an eternal home in Heaven and say Amen.

John 3:16-17 tells us that God sent the very best He had. He sent Jesus, because God can not look on sin He could not look on what He had created You. So Jesus came to die on that cruel cross as a blood sacrifice for Your sins. This created a veil of blood between you and God:)

God is our father and He is King so now that you have asked Jesus into your life you are a Prince or a Princess and since Jesus is God's son that makes Him our brother. Another of my favorite verses is John 15:13 Greater love has no one than to lay down his life for a friend. Our Brother Jesus did just that! I am not asking you to die for your own sins or mine...Jesus PAID IN FULL for your sins and mine.

KNOW JESUS KNOW PEACE This is my FORTH TRY to post this
entry and satan dosen't want YOU
to hear it.

I love you Maw Maw Penny

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Friday, October 20, 2006 12:21 AM CDT
G'DAY Colette, it's Jay, just checking on you. Looks like you have been having lots of fun. You say crawfish - we say crayfish (that's funny). I am back from my graduation camp it is real Hot here in Australia now and can't wait to go to the beach. I am glad you are doing so great and all that hair looks great. Sending you lots of my strength and courage and heaps of big big big big koala hugs from your Aussie NB mate (JAY)


..NEUROBLASTOMA SURVIVOR.., Australia - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:09 PM CDT
Oops. Sorry- typed my code wrong! Alex's Lemonade Site
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, October 16, 2006 6:29 PM CDT
I love the new pictures!! (Of course, I always do.. I'm such a sucker for that smile! I was from the first time I saw it, which was what feels like a lifetime ago, now.) I had just sent Tammy a message pouting, because I'm to far away, and I can't come to the party. :( BUT! I have lovely things that will be in the mail soon, and at least I can do that!
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend- I'm glad you guys are getting in some good quality time with Uncle Mike before he heads out. Maybe he'll get to be home for at least a bit of the holiday season! I'm sure praying for him, and for Pa Pa too.
I have to go get some laundry done- I'm off for a few days in Baltimore for some PR training. If I haven't mentioned it here, shame on me!! On Colette's birthday, the 30th, the nice people from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation are asking that we wear yellow in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness. If you can, please do so! Then visit their website with a count of how many people from your family, school, office, etc, wear yellow on that Monday. They have a nationwide goal of 12,000 (the approximate number of children diagnosed with a cancer in the US each year.) and I think they can hit it! So- tell your friends and loved ones!! There is more information and where you can report your numbers at their website- www.alexslemonade.org! Click on the "Great Lemonade Event" logo for other fundraising ideas and information, or feel free to email me, and I will get you details!
Lots of love!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, October 16, 2006 6:26 PM CDT
Yet another wonderful Sunday of praise and rejoicing at what a MIRICLE God has done in our families life. If you could just look into her smile and hear her tell you what God has done for her would just bring this same JOY we experience everyday to your heart:) She REALLY likes or minister, Brother Greg. She always tells me I want to go see Brother Greg. Before we know it she will be calling him Pa Pa! LOL That is a GREAT compliment she feels his deep love and concern for his "little sister" in Christ. But, we are BLESSED with many people that we have come to know through Miss Colette. She has had over 65,000 visits made to this website since May 26, 2005 WOW Many of these are regular visitors like Maw Maw and our friends Mrs. Megan from Indiana and Jay from Down Under in Australia (here's a GREAT BIG Maw Maw Bear HUG for you and your precious Mum):)

As you all can see on the ballet photo's Colette is very intense when it comes to listening and learning. She and my Hannah Grace (both three years old)are taking ballet for the first time and they are the most beautiful ballerina's you will ever see (oop's! that is Maw Maw going on again;)
That's what grandma's do best!

Please put Bryant in your prayers. This last year has been especially difficult for him. His school grades are great but, he is having trouble with being able to be still. He is being picked on by others and does excessive talking. I can't imagine where he could have been trained to tam, oop's I meant to say talk....and I believe he is just bored at school because he is very smart. He told me today that he dosen't have any friends at school..none:( Keep him in your prayers this week and let's see what God will do...Thank You with all my heart:)

Big Pa Pa (great granddad) is still doing O.K. Thanks to all of you that offered a prayer for him. He is being monitered every other day by the doctor to try and find out why his heart rate drops so low. They told us his heart looked great for a man of 86 years.

We will know more later this month when Unk Mike and Unk Jon will leave for bootcamp and where they will be going. They are getting very excited!

God Bless You ALL and we love you, Maw Maw Penny

Mrs.Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Sunday, October 15, 2006 4:59 PM CDT
hey babii girl
i love your pictures but i only wanted to stop and leave you a comment so i love you
aunt kiki

aunt kristin <p8bla@aol.com>
lexington, sc usa - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:47 AM CDT
Hey to you all!! I know I haven't signed in a while- I had a busy weekend too! My little brother was married on Saturday and all three of my rugrats were in the wedding! We've been just non-stop since last Wednesday! Then today was my Melissa's birthday (Yay Melissa!) so we've just been going and going and going!
I love the new pumpkin patch pics! And I'm glad Papa is doing so well! Sounds like he passed a bit of his strength on to our girl- what a pair of troopers!
It's late, so I need to get off to bed, but I wanted to say hey, and wish you all a lovely week! Hugs from the Hoosier State!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:03 PM CDT
The pictures are great! We went yesterday and got ours! Can't wait to see your scrap them! Have a good week!!
Lisa, Jason and Cole (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:18 PM CDT
Hey guys! Love the pictures. Goodness, Bryant is growing up so much. Anyway, glad things are going well. Love you guys!
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:50 AM CDT
I love the pictures of the pumpkin patch! Bryant is so handsome and his hair is really getting darker. My favorite picture, though, is the one of Miss Colette's fat little hiney! Gotta love those buns! hahahaha
Aunt Sherry <sherryannwalker@earthlink.net>
mobile, al - Monday, October 9, 2006 10:00 PM CDT


..NEUROBLASTOMA SURVIVOR.., Australia - Monday, October 9, 2006 2:47 AM CDT
Praying for you, your family, your grandpa, and Michael! God bless! Cute pictures! :)
Sarah Nelson <sarah_mae_@hotmail.com>
Brookings, SD USA - Sunday, October 8, 2006 5:09 PM CDT
Hi Tammy, Amanda called and told me about the new pics of Colette on the website and I just had to check them out. She is BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for the note about Papa. I had not heard. Take care, Love Aunt Phyllis
Phyllis Crocker <dancenmobile@aol.com>
Theodore, AL - Friday, October 6, 2006 9:16 AM CDT
Wow! what a beautiful dancer.
Sorry my life is sooo busy and I haven't seen yall!
I know you understand how busy things can get.
yall give us a call.
Nicole has all kinds of homecoming things going on this weekend and it sounds like you are going to be busy too.
I just wanted to send my love.
Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bkpate@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Thursday, October 5, 2006 11:06 AM CDT
Hi Colette,
I check on you at least 2-3 times a week but haven't signed in ages. I think I have about 20 children that I check on, so I just have to take turns signing the guestbook.
Love the new photos and video. You have certainly changed from the frail little girl when I was seeing you at the cancer center when you had your radiation. You are just beautiful and those curls are something else!!
Please tell your mommy and mawmaw that I said hello.
Hugs and prayers,
Ms. Nena

- Wednesday, October 4, 2006 5:44 PM CDT
Hi Colette and Tammy, Hope all are doing well. Can't believe no update, but that's okay cause you must all be enjoying each day and staying busy. Colette what a star you are and loved the videos of you doing gymnastics. Glad everything turned out well from your doctor visit. Mommy needs to relax and don't go to the scary thoughts as you are doing great and we know that God is watching out for you and will keep you well. We know that it is sometimes hard to do though. We always like to read that everyone is doing good and getting better. Know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers and we will add Uncle Mike, Jon, and Grandma Margie to them to. It's hard to believe it has been that long since we met your mom at the hospital.

Have a great rest of the week.......

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, Baby Bryson, & Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 3:17 PM CDT

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..NEUROBLASTOMA SURVIVOR.., Australia - Monday, October 2, 2006 8:14 PM CDT
Hey guys! I love the videos and pictures! Those are great! Goodness her hair is getting so think and full. Tam, looks like she is keeping that beautiful curl! I love it!
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, October 2, 2006 9:56 AM CDT
Aww the videos are adorable! Still reading, thinking about you, and praying!
Sarah Nelson <sarah_mae_@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, September 30, 2006 5:46 PM CDT
This last trip to B'ham was different..maybe because I had two of my three Kids with me (sorry, you will ALWAYS be KIDS to me:) I had even a chance last week to spend time with Sherry my other KID:) You never really know what you take for granted until they are grown and busy with their own lives and KIDS:) I promise it is a really good thing when you can stand back and say, "I couldn't have done any better." I am truly blessed.

My "baby boy" 21 1/2 years (UNK MIKE) and (Unk Jon, cousin) enlisted yesterday in the Air Force like good ole Paw Paw. Remember us and his cousin Jon 20 1/2 years, too in your prayers. We are sending boys and we'll get men back..WOW it's hard to imagine...Mommas do it everyday!

I got to babysit last night for Tammy and Jason to go out on a date for the first time in FOREVER. It must have been good because they didn't come back until after 12:00am;)

I took my 77 year old momma for a walk on the beach today and a picnic in the park. Her memory (alzhymeirs)sp? is getting awful..I told her I would be over to pick up in a few minutes and when I got there she had laid down to take a nap:( But, she got her shoes on and was ready for our road trip. Tonight we are going out to dinner..she loves that:) Please put her (Margie) on your prayer list..Thank you......

Bryant is so into his Cub Scouts that he showed me his Indian hand signs and what to do in case of a cut. I really am enjoying him and seeing such enthusium. Jason is excited seeing Bryant just marching right through that handbook.

I'll go for now and remember I love each and everyone of you and just KNOW you are being lifted up to God.
All my love Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, September 30, 2006 4:06 PM CDT
Hey Colette!! I loved the picture and the videos of you doing gymnastics!! You did soooo good! I'm so glad all of your test results came back good!! You are such a precious little girl! I'll see you Sunday. Love, Mrs. Rebecca
Rebecca Thomas <beccamt15@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Friday, September 29, 2006 10:12 PM CDT
Smiles and happy tears that you've gotten another great report. How much fun that Unka Mike got to go!! You did a great job being brave when they did your blood. I'm very proud of you. You've got so many wonderful things coming up, I'm so excited for you.. Gymnastics, and dancing, you're going to be wore out, and so is Mommy!! Ok, baby girl, I probably should do some real work, but I love you, and your bubba, and mommy and daddy too! Have a really great rest of the week, k!?
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, September 28, 2006 10:24 AM CDT
Hey crazy sis! I'm planning on going with you again in November to B-ham, as long as nothing comes up before then!!! Love yall!
Uncle Mike <slammed_supercruzer@yahoo.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Thursday, September 28, 2006 8:50 AM CDT
Thinking of you today, and sending up great prayers for another perfect visit. Hopefully Colette can shake that cough, and everything will be fabulous! Still sending up lots of prayers for your friend and for Phyllis, and thanking God each day for the miracle that is our girl!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 9:02 AM CDT
Have a safe trip to Birmingham and back and hope that the Dr. can get rid of Colette's cruddy cough. Hopefully the rest of the week will be nice for all of you.

Love, Lenzie's nana Sue & Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, Baby Bryson, & Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 6:00 PM CDT
Good luck with your appointment. I'm sure it will be GREAT!!! I have been trying to post on Kenzie's guestbook, but my computer won't let me for some reason. So, Kenzie if you read this.. YOU ARE AWESOME GIRL...KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!
Cindy Terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
Reserve, LA US - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 11:44 AM CDT
THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR BLESSED PRAYER'S God heard them and answered on the behalf of Tammy's friend. God Loves You and so do we:) Where in the world could we reach so many people about a prayer need and get so many people praying at one time. Thank you for lifting Brandy's friend, Phyllis up too. Thank you for allowing God to bless so many people through your unselfish selves and Miss Colette.....All our love and we are again asking blessings from God for you:) Maw Maw Penny GOD IS SO GOOD ALL THE TIME.....ALL THE TIME GOD IS SO GOOD:)
Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:27 AM CDT






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EDMONTON ,ALBERTA Canadian Flag, - Monday, September 25, 2006 6:58 PM CDT
Oh my goodness. Doesn't sound at all like was planned! Thank you, Mrs. Penny, for sharing what you can, and we will certainly lift Tammy's friend up as well as Phyllis. We know that our God is an awesome God, and pray that He takes the hands of these two women and provides the healing that they need. I'm halfway into Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself study, and was literally moved to tears with a section that talked about God putting people through trials so that they are better prepared to help others when they face trials of their own. Tammy is my poster child on this one! I continue to keep each of you in my prayers as well as these two courageous women as they face these health issues. Lots of love to all of you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, September 25, 2006 9:34 AM CDT
I have to do this fast because Tammy needs to wait for the cable guy (Direct TV man)to HOOK THEM UP!!!!

Sorry to say Tammy had a nightmare of a scrapbook weekend....she will fill you in later:( The scrapbook store owner has been put in the hospital because of a kidney stone she developed on Friday night. That was the first night of their weekend of planned fun. Tammy and her group sort of desolved as their friend's (store owner) condition has now deteroited. She is in ICU at the Mobile Infirmary (I think I have the right hospital) with pneumonia and another respitory problem. The doctors are afraid she will develop another problem that could kill her. As I said Tammy will give you all the details. Just ask God to watch over Tammy's friend and heal her. HE WILL KNOW WHO SHE IS:)

Jason came as the "Knight in White Shinning Armor" as he always does to rescue "Princess Tammy, his Damsel in Destress". They had to rent a Uhaul to take all the merchandise back to the store and unload it yesterday. Tammy needs me to come to her house while she opens the store for her friend and restock it with the mechandise her friend carried to her show's scrapbook booth. Tammy's friend is divorced and her store is her income:) That's my kids...God Blesses them because they are quick to bless others. This is a difficult time and They all need you continued prayer. Please remember Brandy's friend too we KNOW what God has and CAN DO!!!

I love all of you and I THANK GOD for giving us the support and love people like you who too are quick to come to the destress of all of us. All my love Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, September 25, 2006 8:58 AM CDT
Hi Colette and Tammy, So glad that you are just doing great and having fun. You are always just beaming in your pics Colette.

Tammy, Hope the scrapbooking went well and you had fun. Thanks for the well wishes on Baby Bryson's arrival.

Hope all of you have a great week.........

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, Baby Bryson, & Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Monday, September 25, 2006 6:00 AM CDT
Have a great time this weekend Tammy. You certainly deserve it!!
From New Orleans,
Cindy Terrio

Cindy Terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
Reserve, LA US - Friday, September 22, 2006 8:38 PM CDT
Megan - Her name is Phyllis.
she is still in the hospital and they found cancer in alot of places!
They took out what they saw was a problem, including a full hysterectomy, her appendix and a part of her colon.

Please lift her and their family up in prayer!!!

Brandy Pate <bkpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Friday, September 22, 2006 10:15 AM CDT
Brandy- get us her name, and we'll lift it up!
Tam, have a GREAT time this weekend! What fun!!
Jason, I'm praying for you. You'll be fine!
Colette, I'm sorry your Mr. Will can't go with you to the potty. But, that's the way they wrote the rules!
Bryant, I don't want to leave you out, but gosh, momma didn't say much about what was happening with you! How is school? Are you having a good year so far? Do you like your teacher?
I hope you guys have a great weekend. I love you guys!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, September 21, 2006 8:04 PM CDT
Hey! glad to hear things are great!!!!!
have fun scrappin!

I have a prayer request for all of you prayer warriors out there! My bosses wife's mom was just in for surgery (hysterectomy)- and they found "something not good". Thats all I know, but he came by my desk a few minutes ago and said he know where our prayers reached with Colette and if we could spare some for her he would be thankful! so please keep his/her family in your prayers. I appreciate it! he and his family have been concerned and kept up with Colette since day 1.
Much love!

Aunt Brandy <bkpate@aol.com>
irvington, al - Thursday, September 21, 2006 1:55 PM CDT
Hey my little sweetie!!! How are you? I haven't wrote in a while, but I am always thinking about you. Morgan will be getting hearing aids soon too. She said " she wants a hearing ring" :) it was very sweet. It breaks my heart, but hey if thats all we have to worry about after this whole thing, we are blessed!!!!! I just wanted to say hey, and we always think about you. Keep smiling Colette, we all love you very much. Your a little miracle just like Morgan, and all of the kids!!!!! God Bless
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
B-Town, IN USA - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 1:35 PM CDT
Hey to my girls! I'm so glad that things are quiet enough that you can go a week, and not feel like you need to do an update! Honestly, although I love hearing about your everyday stuff too, it's nice to know that the only reason you aren't updating is because it's the everyday stuff!
I think the signing classes are a great idea. Then you'll be able to communicate easily without shouting. It'll be like a secret language. I'm glad she's getting better about wearing her "earrings", though. That's just something that will take time, I imagine. I'm sure that they feel strange, and she's at an age where if she doesn't want it, it's not going to happen!
I'm glad things are going well. Be sure to let us know when you guys are heading back to the 'Ham, and know we're always praying! I love you all! And, Congrats to "Unka Mike" on his big news, too!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, September 18, 2006 1:48 PM CDT
Ms Susie , Ms Rebecca and Ms Kim missed you in choir Sunday! I am so happy you are feeling better. See ya next week!!
Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
- Monday, September 18, 2006 12:06 AM CDT
Hi Collette! I am so happy to hear that you are doing GREAT. I also love the pictures, you have such a pretty smile. Kenzie and I are looking foward to seeing you again real soon.
Tammy, Thank you for listing us on your site it means alot. Kenzie looks foward to me reading everything that people has wrote. We look foward to seeing you gals real soon.

Hope <skenzie95@aol.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 9:28 AM CDT







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..NEUROBLASTOMA SURVIVOR.., Australia - Monday, September 18, 2006 2:45 AM CDT
Hey Colette!! I missed you in choir tonight!!I hope yall have a good week!! I love you!!
Rebecca Thomas <beccamt15@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Sunday, September 17, 2006 9:14 PM CDT
G'day Colette, it's Jay's darsly mum today.

Jay has gone on Camp Quality for one week and I am home all alone - I miss him so much but told him I would come check on all his little friends especially his fav NB friend Colette.

I am not sure what type of camps you have in the states but Camp Quality is a camp for kids with cancer and they are like a family to Jay - he just loves going on Camp Quality, hopefully you will get to go on a camp one day where you live, you will love it because everyone knows what you go through as a cancer child.

I hope you are all well, you have not done an update for a while - hopefully that means things are great.

I know Jay wants to send you lots of his strength and courage and we both send you big big koala hugs from your Aussie friends (JAY & DARLSY MUM)


..NEUROBLASTOMA SURVIVOR.., Australia - Sunday, September 17, 2006 1:42 AM CDT
What wonderful days we have been having with a healthy child..with the exception of a few sniffles:) She is a real magpie with her constant talking and laughing. I picked her up from the scrapbook store where Tammy has been helping get ready for the "BIG WEEKEND SCRAPIN" next week...We went around the corner and got Colette a Krystal hamburger and then a quick trip to Target. She was so full of energy she didn't want to ride in the shopping cart so she just ran to the toys of course. After a while of telling me EVERYTHING she wanted we had to make a quick run to the potty in the very fron of the store:O
RUN Maw Maw.... RUN Maw Maw! She laughted all the way. After all those days I wished she felt like just sitting up in the bed I wasn't about to stop her energy. Her laughter was so contageous....that is how Paw Paw found us. As she ran back to the toys I couldn't keep up with her. Her laugh caused the other customers to laugh and (as I reached where she had been) they pointed..... that way!LOL

I am finally getting things done around here and spending so serious time with my momma who is really struggling with alzhymiers. She gets so upset when she can't remember.

Bryant is doing MUCH better in school this year..last year was so difficult with momma and Colette being in B'ham. Bryant and Colette are really getting into gymnastics and Jason is helping out as a coach for the students. Jason makes me proud and is such a GOOD DADDY , he always jumps right into what ever his kids get involved in. I believe his daddy was the same way, Great Job Mr. Tommy Pate.

Time for me to go to bed, but this the third attempt to post in the last two days and I am determined!!!!!

GOD BLESS YOU ALL for your faithfulness in checking this site. I know it is disapointing when there is nothing new. But, that only means there is finally some normalcy in her little life and boy is she trying to make up for the "lost" year! God has truly heard your prayers and all the love you have and still continue to pour out on all of us. We love you all and when you pray , remember to THANK GOD WHAT HE HAS DONE...all my love Maw Maw Penny

maw maw penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Saturday, September 16, 2006 10:56 PM CDT
hey guys! i am so glad to hear that colette is doing well! I love the new pics, she is so beautiful! I miss you all, please come and visit soon!
cie-4tower <ciehays@aol.com>
- Friday, September 15, 2006 5:19 AM CDT
Hi Colette,
I have the biggest smile on my face after looking at all your new pictures. Just look at all that hair!! It is so wonderful to read about all the great things you are doing.
I check your website 3-4 times a week but just don't take time to sign in. At this point I think I check on about 20 children during the week so I take turns signing the guestbook.
Just know your furry friends at Hand-in-Paw miss you.... me too!!!
Hugs and blessings,
Ms. Nena and Ellie

- Wednesday, September 13, 2006 9:18 PM CDT
Hey to my pretty princess! I hope you're having a wonderful week! I can't wait to see some new pics of your leotard! I bet you're the best gymnast EVER! I hope bubba is having a good week, too! Love you guys!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:12 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, MawMaw Penny! Soooo, where was dinner!? I hope you have had a glorious weekend! We have, it's been just beautiful here, lovely sunshine and warm, but not to hot. It was perfect for Eli's party at the park. Plus, it's the NFL opening weekend! (I'm a Hoosier. College football is a joke for us. We do college basketball. We have to pray for our Colts, instead!) I hope you guys have also had a fabulous weekend, and pray you have a wonderful week! I love you guys!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:34 PM CDT






..NEUROBLASTOMA SURVIVOR.., Australia - Sunday, September 10, 2006 0:12 AM CDT
I love your picture. It is so very sweet. Your hair is beautiful too!!!! Thank you for checking on my Miss Morgan too. We really appreciate that. I am glad your liking Gymnastics, that is wonderful. Keep smiling!! Lots of Love from Indiana.
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
B-Town, IN USA - Friday, September 8, 2006 10:32 PM CDT
What beautiful pics of a beautiful sweet girl. Just dropping by to say hello to all and wish you all a nice weekend. Hope the yuckie sinus stuff goes away soon. Some of us are being bothered by them to. Just that time of year. Feel better......

Tammy...... ROLL TIDE.....................

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, & Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Friday, September 8, 2006 4:33 PM CDT
What Beautiful new pics!!!!!!!!
We love you punkin!

Aunt Brandy <bkpate@aol.com>
Irvington, AL - Friday, September 8, 2006 2:38 PM CDT
Aww! look how pretty! And Happy Early Birthday, MawMaw Penny! I'm glad you guys are having a great week, with the exception of the sinus ick. We're getting ready for my Eli to turn 4 tomorrow, and my soon to be sister in law's shower is this weekend too! And can I tell you how excited I am for your fun at gymnastics?! I'm so motivated! I hope to get Melissa enrolled in some classes for her birthday next month. You sound like you're having so much fun! And I am SO PROUD OF YOU for going up on the bar! And a new leotard, and dashing down that beam! Are you ready for walkovers, mommy? Well, I'm off to flip laundry! (Tam- how'd you come out on that will fold and put our stuff away invention!?) I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, September 8, 2006 2:10 PM CDT
Hey Princess... The pictures are beautiful! I love seeing your hair get longer and thicker. Early happy birthday to Aunt Penny! Remember, you are as young as you want to be. lol Tam, you guys enjoy the game for me. I will be working all day. :( ROLL TIDE!
Hey, are you guys going to the Theodore v. Bryant game tonight... Go Bobcats!

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Friday, September 8, 2006 11:24 AM CDT
Oh la, la, la, la, la...Hallelujah...Hallelujah...He is Holy...He is Holy...O Praise Him, O Praise Him, He is Holy, He is Holy...

See, even David Crowder joins me this morning in my continual face-down gratitude to God for taking care of Colette. I am so thankful to the Lord, through all of it, He is so good to us.

Very thankful Aunt Sherry <sherry@walkerplace.org>
M, AL - Friday, September 8, 2006 8:18 AM CDT
Yeah! No evidence of Disease! I will continue to pray for clear scans. Keep kicking NB's butt!
Columbia, MD US - Thursday, September 7, 2006 7:13 PM CDT
Hi Tammy, Well it is nice seeing Colette running around like a crazy kid. I know you look at your miracle everyday and she shows you that big beautiful smile of hers.

God is Good and seems to come through just when you don't know what you are going to do. He seems to come through for Kelly and them when they need it to.

Colette you enjoy your new normal life sweetie and I know mommy and daddy will as well.

Glad to hear Bryant is doing good in school. Keep it up....

We are still waiting on Baby Bryson and Kelly has a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 3:15 and she hopes he will go ahead and send her to the hospital.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, & Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
AL. & FL., U.S. - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 9:40 PM CDT
See! God is good, all the time!! I can't imagine how strange it seems to NOT have your life dictated by bloodwork, scans, or one treatment or another. It's just incredible! I'm so grateful! You all have been blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful folks in your community, who have stepped up to help out so much, and that's fabulous. Thank you to all of you who have given from your hearts to help out! Don't forget- September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month! Be sure to eat at Chili's on the 25th! And try to find at least ONE person who you haven't already told Colette's story to, and share it with them. Then, tell them some of the ways THEY can help! I know Tammy has talked about the need for blood products, and you can do donations to places like St. Judes or the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation if you can give monetarily. There are so many things we can do, even if it's as simple as educating people, it helps. I do it because I fell in love over a year ago with the doe-eyed grin of a skinny little girl on the internet, and for our friend Morgan, and for so many other kids I've "met" through the CaringBridge community. These kids are our tomorrow. Let's give them a fighting chance today! Sending lots of love your way!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 7:32 PM CDT

Paula <rollinspolke@yahoo.com>
Tuscaloosa, AL USA - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 9:39 AM CDT
just stopping by to check on you and to let you know we are thinking of you....Shelly & JC


shelly <shelly100174@bellsouth.net>
greenville, sc - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 8:45 AM CDT
Colette & Tammy,
That is Wonderful news!! I'm sooo happy for all of you, especially Colette. Now maybe you can all relax just a little anyway and enjoy!!!
Your always in our prayers and we will continue praying for clear scans forever and ever.
Thanking God for answered prayers.
Love to all,
Morgan's Nana


Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 8:25 AM CDT


..NEUROBLASTOMA SURVIVOR.., Australia - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 6:01 AM CDT
Happy Labor Day! I'm glad you all have had a good weekend- Tammy, I hope you enjoyed your bit of a break! Brave MawMaw, to take on the "clan"! We've had a big weekend, too! My dad, hubby and I took our boys fishing for the first time! (And YAY! They BOTH caught one!) I feel like a goon that we've not gone before now, but having had the three of them so closely, there was always someone who was to small, or someone was down with a cold, or some other silly little excuse. I've decided- no more excuses! Knowing how blessed I am, that's all they are- excuses! Thank you guys, for blessing my heart and home! I love you all so very much! I've been still just dancing my way through the week, as I'm sure you've been! Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, September 4, 2006 10:57 AM CDT
What a great day we had today:) Colette seems to be a little better with her sinus bug she picked up in B'ham. We went to church (of course) and then had lunch. Why is it that kid's alway's seem to want the food on your plate?
I can't tell you the number of times I would sit and just pray for her to take just one bite. And I recall a night in the hospital when I just about cried to hear an "empty" koolaid juice bottle hit the floor.....I just wanted her to gain some weight to keep them putting another feeding tube in her nose. She HATED it!!!!! But, look at her now, she is so full of life.

I was BLESSED yesterday to keep three of maw maw's five favorite grandbabies. Hannah 3, Colette 3 and Matt 4 are quite the handful! Colette and Matt wanted us to spend five nights together, WOW! I would have to drink a case of powerful energy drinks to keep us with their energy LOL
We went to their Great-grandmothers 88th birthday party. That was a four generation party with seven September birthday's and one 38th anniversary. Hopefully, we will be able to post Nanny Reta's picture.

Love Maw Maw Penny

Mrs.Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, September 4, 2006 10:30 AM CDT
Hey! My name is Rebekah Breland. I teach the 4 year old Sunday School at Highland Baptist Church in Laurel, Mississippi. Last year, my 4 year old started praying daily for Colette. Every Sunday, I give the kids a chance to pray for someone or something. Morgan always tells everyone to pray for Colette. We have this website under favorites so Morgan can click on it. She loves keeping up with Colette. I just wanted to let you know that Colette is lifted up everyday from Laurel, Mississippi.
Rebekah Breland <rebekah_breland@yahoo.com>
Laurel, MS USA - Saturday, September 2, 2006 3:30 PM CDT
YEAH COLETTE! What awesome news!!!! I know Tammy you are relieved. Michele told us at the hospital on Thursday about the test result. We are all so happy for you.

Love, Ms. Ashley

Ashley Dismukes <dismukesa@bellsouth.net>
Chunchula, AL USA - Friday, September 1, 2006 4:20 PM CDT
Hello Colette and family, just want to say have a great holiday weekend.

Kelly is at the hospital so wish her well that she has a healthy baby boy. She is having strong contractions, but not dilating anymore, so might get sent home. Tori and I so hope he at least waits till tonight so we want miss his arrival.

Enjoy the weekend............

love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Friday, September 1, 2006 9:14 AM CDT
Oh Wonderful, just wonderful!!!! I LOVE TO HEAR THAT. You deserve it sweetit. :) God Bless You!!!!! I just wanted to say Congrats!!!! Your def. kicking that NB monster out the window!!!!! You will forever and ever!!!!! Love You Sweetie!!!!

Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, IN USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:00 PM CDT
We have been keeping up with Colette and were anxious to hear how her test results turned out. Congrats and keep happy thoughts we will continue to keep your family in our prayers.. HUGS AND KISSES

Dina Odom & DeAnna Walker (Solutions Infusion Therapy) <dinaodom@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:52 PM CDT
Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, - Thursday, August 31, 2006 11:26 AM CDT
Praise the Lord!!!!!!!
We were (are) sooo excited after your phone call last night - we got to tell all of the kids at church how good God is!!!!!
We lov you all and will see you soon!

AUnt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:11 AM CDT
I thank God for your healing! I am continuing to pray for you! God bless you every day! Enjoy your childhood!
Mary Beth Davis of Wilkins Miller, PC <mbdavis@wilkinsmiller.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:06 AM CDT
YAY!!!!! Aunt Penny, Thank you so much for calling me! I am spreading the word! I am so proud of you Big Girl! We Fought, We Prayed, We Conqured!! Be careful coming home! Hope to see you very soon!
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:44 AM CDT
Hallelujah!! God is Good!!

A friend of Aunt Brandy

Sandy Blount <sblount@wilkinsmiller.com>
Mobile, AL - Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:18 AM CDT
Colette and Family

I found your site through another. You are a real cutie! My 3 year old had her transplant 7 months ago for nb as well. She to has just enough hair for a few little pony tails! We are waiting for results of a follow up right now, so I understand your anxiety! Keep up the good work. And I will pray for good results!

Angela and Julia's Mommy

Holly Hill
Winnipeg, Canada - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 11:33 PM CDT
toni delaney <litiflwr@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al u.s.a. - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:02 PM CDT
Happy to hear the good news. I want to thank Colette for my hug on Friday(at the tag office). It was such a joy to finally meet her.
Michelle <mwest73@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:31 PM CDT
Cancer Free! Cancer Free! Praise and Thanks be to God, she is CANCER FREE!!!
God Bless all of ya'll!
Tamy and Jason I am so happy for both of you.

Bixler <Bixiebaby3@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, al - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:31 PM CDT
I totally understand, Sherry! My husband thinks I'm nuts! I've just been dancing around the house! I can't help it! I heard her voice today for the first time, and it's just a glorious, wonderful day! Shouting praises!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:58 PM CDT

Mrs. Marty Moulton <judge1@windstream.net>
Blakely, Ga USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:56 PM CDT
Thank God!!! Its a miracle.
Love you Kathryn Tony and the girls <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:50 PM CDT
I have a permanent goofy grin on my face tonight. Would anyone like to guess why? LOL Let's all say to God be the glory, great things He has done!!! How blessed we are to be able to hear this good news and share it together, and have that little girl to love and spoil! ;D
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:14 PM CDT
Way to go Colette!!!!! We are so darn HAPPY.... You kicked it to the curb.

God is so Good.......

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, & Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 6:53 PM CDT
To God be the glory, thank you Jesus!
pawpaw David <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
Theodore, al - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 6:38 PM CDT
I see I'm not the only one that got a Colette update call. I'm just so sorry I missed mine! Tammy, I was on the phone when you called and couldn't answer. I saw it was you and checked the site again. I had checked earlier but it was before the update! I'm so so glad to hear the wonderful news. Doesn't it feel great to have that worry off your shoulders? I know in the cancer world - it's always in the back of your mind and often wanders right into the front, but how nice that you can kick it back to the rear of the line for now! I'm so so so glad for your news! God is certainly good!!! Love ya!
Lisa, Jason and Cole (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 6:32 PM CDT
Tam, you are awesome. Just incredible. Thank you for taking the time to call me, (technically still a stranger!)to make sure I had heard! I can't stop dancing! It's crazy! I love you all! Enjoy yourselves tonight!
Celebrating in Bloomington!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, In - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 6:03 PM CDT
NED?! That's AWESOME!!!

Singing praises!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 5:29 PM CDT
praising god for the good report :) Way to go Colette :)
Amanda <aopdycke@charter.net>
Rockmart, GA - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:51 PM CDT
AWESOME!!! My BEAUTIFUL NIECE is cancer-free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
Mike Crocker (Unk Mike) <slammed_supercruzer@yahoo.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:25 PM CDT
Yea!!!Colette you did it!I know you guys are excited!Have a great day.
Lauren <laur-laur@comcast.net>
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:13 PM CDT
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!way to go colette....we knew you could do it. You have a great Super Angel (KADIN) watching over you too. I am so proud of you for not giving up...

jc <shelly100174@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:07 PM CDT
Way to go Colette! Lenzie and I took a long afternoon nap. That chemo really makes Lenzie tired. We had a nice nap. We just got up and had to check for an update. I am so happy that all scans are clear. That is so wonderful. You guys need to celebrate when you get back home. Colette you keep kicking that monster Neuroblastoma in the booty! I am so proud of you girl! I hope y'all have a safe trip back home to Mobile. Mawmaw and Colette have fun swimming and Tammy have fun scrapbook shopping. We love y'all!

Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mom)


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:00 PM CDT
Hey My Sweet Girls,
You are all in my daily prayers. Looking foward to the good news and your return trip home. Just heard Damon and Diana had their son today. Emanuel Meyers Dougherty (I Think) He weighs 9lbs and is a precious little boy!. Fran is so proud and happy...I wish I could be with all the people I love "in person"...remerber we are always united through Love & Prayer. Have a safe trip home, We'll talk soon!
Love Ya'll..... with Kisses & Hugs..... Mom/Nana

Blair J. Pate <b.pate@laurel-crest.com>
Columbia, sc USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 2:25 PM CDT
Just checking in on my girls! Hope the IV this morning went better than yesterdays! I'll be back in a bit!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 1:20 PM CDT
Hi Family,
You don't know us, but we go to CUMC and we have gotten word of your condition. I just wanted you to know that we will be praying for the whole family. We believe that God is still in the healing business.

God Bless,
Karl and Notalsia Whiting

Notalsia Whiting <notalsia@yahoo.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 11:29 AM CDT
Hey Tammy & Colette,

I just wanted you to know that we are praying for you. We pray that all scans come back clear. I know you are nervous. I was a nervous wreak last week when Lenzie had to have scans done, but nothing showed up. I am sure nothing will show up on Colette's scans either. I am so sorry that sweet Colette had to have an IV and it didn't go so well. Poor Colette! I am not looking forward to having an IV either when Baby Bryson comes. They really hurt. Ronny and Lenzie were at clinic Monday for chemo. I hate they missed you. To bad Lenzie didn't get to see Colette. I am glad that Colette is doing so well and hope she continues to do well. We love you and we are always thinking about y'all. Have a safe trip home.

Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mom)


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:42 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with ya'll. Drive safely and know that God is there and loves all of ya'll. He will take care and keep you in his hands.
Bixler <Bixiebaby3@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:21 AM CDT
Hello Colette and Tammy, Praying for good scan results. Sorry about the IV and it hurting you so much Colette. Hang in there Sweetie it's almost over. will check back later.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, & Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:47 AM CDT
g'day colette this is your AUSSIE FAMILY - well it is Jay's darsly mum today - Jay had a bad bike crash and knocked himself AROUND but he is the troope himself and will bounce back. It is scary coming off treatment - but that is a good thing - they would not do that if they were not sure. Don't you hate it when you have that central line removed and then you need an IV (central line can't stay in forever though) but it is part of a cancer kids life. Just look on the great side - no central line no treatment only means one thing you have kicked the NB MONSTER BUTT FURTHER OUT THE WINDOW. We have a big weekend coming up and hopefully (well I know it will put the biggest smile on Jays dile (face) eventhough he has a few cuts and bruises. keep up the great work and we send you lots of big big KOALA HUGS from your Aussie mates (JAY & DARLSY MUM)


..NEUROBLASTOMA SURVIVOR.., Australia - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 2:31 AM CDT
Well, I'm sorry the IV didn't go well, but it sounds like our girl remains quite the little trooper. We're praying for those perfect scans. Tammy- don't you worry- we know that in your wonderfully abnormal way, you are having perfectly normal fears. You keep praying, and we will too. The reality is that those fears will linger for years to come. Sometimes they will be overpowered by a different fear- she's dating, she's driving, she's getting married, she's moving away, she's going off to college, YOU ARE HER MOMMY. One of the biggest roles we have is to fear the unknown for our child, while we smile big, and send them out in to the big bad world, trying the whole time not to cry. This is one more unknown that you have had to face. I can only imagine the fear you feel. Any mom who has snuck into the bedroom late at night just to make sure that the baby is breathing because he or she has stayed asleep for more than 23 minutes, and has that moment of panic, because you're afraid to turn the light on, in case they really are only asleep, only now you can't see that little chest rise and fall, so you reach out and softly lay a hand on the infant. That moment of insecurity, that fear, is only a snapshot in time compared to the movie that you're living. Just remember- this movie was Produced by our Lord Jesus Christ, and Directed by God! We're nothing but extra's in the film- no say in the script, only a mention in the credits, but the movie never happens without us! So, follow the Director! He'll make your role, and Colette's, just perfect! He's got all the experience! I'm praying that He'll bring you the peace and comfort that you need. Hope you girls have a good night's sleep, and that tomorrow is smooth as silk! I LOVE YOU!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 8:46 PM CDT
Love, Cindy Terrio

Cindy Terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
Reserve, LA US - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 7:00 PM CDT
It's great to read all your entries. Colette looks precious with her ponytales!!!

Hugs & Kisses!!!

Dina Odom & DeAnna Walker (Solutions Infusion Therapy) <dinaodom@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3:29 PM CDT
Hello Colette...you look cute with your pony tails..hope you are doing ok today...
jameson crowder <shelly100174@bellsouth.net>
greenville, sc - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 2:05 PM CDT
Hi Colette!! It was nice for you to finally get to meet Kenzie. I know that your scans will all come out negative and clear of this nasty bug. We enjoyed eating dinner with you, mommy and your grandmother. You keep on smiling just like you were at dinner.
Thanks for listening and giving me the support that I will need to get through this. It has really helped knowing that I will not be going into all this blindsided. THANK YOU!!!!!!

Hope <skenzie95@aol.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Monday, August 28, 2006 9:34 PM CDT

For my beautiful Princess. Do good for your doctors, take fabulous pictures, and give Mommy a big, big hug! Mommy, remember that God is with you, and while I can't be in person, I'm right behind you with prayers! I love you both, and you too, MawMaw!! Thanking God for the blessings He's giving!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, August 28, 2006 7:59 PM CDT
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Keeping you in my thougths and in my prayer's always.

Love Brenda MY LOVING DAD'S SITE <brurka@shaw.ca>
Edmonton,Alberta/Canada, - Monday, August 28, 2006 3:54 PM CDT
I was very proud of how you sang last night. You did a great job! I can't wait to see you next Sunday. Have a good trip and come back to us safely. I love you!

Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Monday, August 28, 2006 10:51 AM CDT
Hey guys! Just wanted to say that we are praying for safe trips, quick returns, and good news. Much Love to you guys!
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, August 28, 2006 9:57 AM CDT

Just checking in - like I do daily!
Hope you have a safe trip. We are praying for great scans!
Luv you bunches little girl!
Love Aunt Brandy and Colie, and Unc Todd.

Aunt Brandy <bkpate@aol.com>
Irvington, AL usa - Monday, August 28, 2006 9:25 AM CDT
Thanking God today for the great scans He's sending your way this week! Thanking Him for getting you to B'ham and back safely, and for providing for you financially. Grateful that He is there to carry us through when the fear and doubt lingers! By faith, I know all this to be true! I love you guys! Can't wait to hear the good news from you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, August 27, 2006 10:06 PM CDT
Guess who's beautiful face we saw today in Chevron on Azalea? Miss Colette - that's who! Jason actually ran in the store for a cold drink and waved for me to hurry up and come see! I couldn't believe it!

So just wanted to let you know we saw your pretty face and we're praying hard for good scans! (I already KNOW they will be, but I'm still praying).

Tammy - have a safe trip up and check in with us - if you need someone to update your site - call me and let me know and i can do it for you! I know how everyone in the Caringbridge world is - we've GOT to know the news! Love you guys!

lisa tanner ~caringbridge.com/al/cole~ <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Sunday, August 27, 2006 9:06 PM CDT





..NEUROBLASTOMA SURVIVOR.., Australia - Sunday, August 27, 2006 0:14 AM CDT
Thank You for your journal entries:) They are what lets us KNOW you are there........We will leave on Monday as Tammy said and I collected the donation jars. So far we have most of the money to fill the tank going up and I know God will provide the rest:) He ALWAYS DOES... What a wonderful God we have to depend on...afterall He cares for the birds of the field ...why not His children? Trust is such a comfort when things seem bleek.

We are headed out the door now to go to a funneral of a deacon in the church Tammy grew up in. He was more than a deacon....My kids all called him Pa Pa J, he loved them and helped us raise them and me, too! I am not spiritually
sad because I KNOW WHERE HE IS...............I AM READY TO PARTY!!!!!! Please remember the Johnston family...as they will truly miss their daddy!

Mrs.Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Saturday, August 26, 2006 12:40 AM CDT
Cute ponytails Miss Colette!

I'll be praying for clear scans, even though we KNOW they will be fine! I hope your trip goes well and the money all works out - I know how stressful that is on you guys! Been there, done that, still doing it some days! :)

Have a safe and quick trip - come back fast - we'll miss you!

lisa tanner ~caringbridge.com/al/cole~ <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Saturday, August 26, 2006 7:55 AM CDT
I love the ponytails!! SO cute! Tammy, I will pray that the money comes, I know it's hard to try to face each of these expenses when you're still trying to just pull your lives back together. Combine all that with the worry about what the scans will show, and you've got reason to be stressed! But, we know God has provided to this point, I don't imagine He'll stop now! We love you all, and I'll ask for extra prayers tomorrow morning- our women's ministry has bible study first thing in the morning, and EVERYBODY knows if you get a bunch of women together, you just don't argue! Yes, dear, is the only answer! You guys have a great weekend!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, August 25, 2006 8:34 PM CDT
Hey little girl. I just wanted to say Hey. You look so wonderful!!!! I hope one day we can meet eachother, I feel like we have been through so much already together. Well we know exactly what and how eachother felt. You have been a great support system to us and I am so Thankful to you for that. God Bless You always. Miss Morgan's Family
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomignton, In USA - Friday, August 25, 2006 3:57 PM CDT
Hey guys, I just wanted to pop in and say hi! Praying hard for beautiful scans! Thanking God for smiling faces! I love you guys!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, August 24, 2006 9:51 PM CDT
Ms. Penny came in the tag office oneday and we were talking. She gave me the website address and I have been checking on Colette since then. I kept the article from the newspaper. I wish that Colette could autograph it for me.
Michelle <mwest73@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:48 PM CDT
Just wanted to drop a quick note. I have been checking Colette's site everyday for several months now, but I don't think I've officially signed the guestbook until now. So I'm officially out of the closet ;) I am praying everyday for you all as you continue in your journey :)

Love in Christ,

Amanda Opdycke <aopdycke@charter.net>
Rockmart, GA - Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:00 PM CDT
Just wanted to say you have our thoughts and prayers. If it had not been for the wonderful people who have helped Nic with his expenses, I'm not sure what he would do. He's been out of work for months now and the donations that have been given have helped so much. During a time like this parents don't need to hear the negative and horrible comments about the care of their children. Like one writer said, we'd give it all up to have a healthy child, not having 4 hour drives to doctors, Rx, copays, hospital stays, labs, meals, gas, motel expense while there and the expense could go on and on. People need to get a life!!!I'm glad to hear that Colette is doing well, praise God. Our son's name is Nic. www.caringbridge.org/visit/nicboatwright

Lisa Boatwright <lisab07@charterinternet.com>
Ozark, AL usa - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 3:23 PM CDT
I laughed out loud when I read about the Magic Laundry Chute! My aunt and uncle had one in their upstairs bathroom too, and when we were growing up, that was always a fun game! (Plus, a great hiding spot for hide-and-go-seek!) I'm so glad you guys had a great time, and I hope Jason had a wonderful birthday.
Here's praying that Margot has a sucessful surgery, and that you guys have a great day! Love you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:52 AM CDT




..NEUROBLASTOMA SURVIVOR.., Australia (down under) - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:34 AM CDT
Just a quick note: today paw paw and I visited the Chevron station that has helped Colette so very much.
We heard news that the manager Margot has battled cancer over the last 18 years and it has now flared up again. PLEASE STOP for a moment right NOW and pray that God will heal her body. She's scheduled for surgery September 5th, you KNOW GOD can completely remove her cancer. She and her employees have gone above ad beyond our expectations for encouragment and strength for Miss Colette. My prayer is God will reward her and shine down His healing grace and peace on her and her co-workers. All my love maw maw penny

Mrs. Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, a - Monday, August 21, 2006 6:25 PM CDT
Hope Jason had a Happy Birthday. Did he like the cake that he had at the church SNAC and everyone singing to him.
Wishing you all a great week.

Keep Lenzie in your prayers as she is having scans and chemo today.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL United States - Monday, August 21, 2006 10:56 AM CDT
Sounds like you had a very busy and fun day!! Here's to LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of FUN DAYS!!!!
Love, Cindy Terrio

Cindy Terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
Reserve, LA US - Sunday, August 20, 2006 11:20 PM CDT

Happy Birthday to a SUPER DAD! Have a great day!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, August 20, 2006 1:52 PM CDT
Glad everything is working out well. This should make for a wonderful birthday for Daddy. Happy B-Day Jason!!! I know you are truly happy this year. What a difference 1 year makes.
See ya at Granddads.
Love Kathryn

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Sunday, August 20, 2006 11:29 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Jason! Hope the day is wonderful with you family. I know it will be.
Bixler <Bixiebaby3@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al - Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:02 AM CDT
How can I express the JOY of normal everyday life, I now realize I was taking for granted before May 2005. To watch Bryant aggravating Colette and hear her squeal and to hear Colette trying to make Bryant do things her way and hear him whine and him get in trouble. To see Colette get a "tiny" spanking is childhood getting back to normal:)
It dosen't take much because, she can become hysterical with just a LOOK from daddy!

She is practicing for womanhood. LOL

I want to THANK the Woman's Ministry at Cypress Shores Baptist Church for the money gift. The timing couldn't have been better. They needed just a few pennies short of the total amount. God Bless You for allowing God to flow through you and meet their needs. God ALWAY'S come through just like Tammy said the other day. We have asked God to Bless you as only He can!!

I will catch up later, all my love Maw Maw Penny

maw maw penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Saturday, August 19, 2006 9:22 AM CDT
Hello Colette, Hope you have been having lots of fun and just enjoying each day.

Tammy, I would like to ask you to visit Lenzie's site and read her update and ask others to as well being you live in Alabama and hopefully people from Georgia and Florida will read to. We would like to get the word out and you will see why when you read the update. Hopefully you want mind me asking this on Colette's site. Thanks.....

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend......

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Friday, August 18, 2006 7:42 PM CDT
For my Princess

For my Coletterella! Love you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:45 PM CDT
Hello Miss Collette! I am so happy to hear how well you are doing in gymnastics. We enjoyed seeing yall this summer, hope to see you again soon.

jessica kerr <robzgurl27@yahoo.com>
birmingham, al - Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:57 PM CDT
Slow Dance

This is a poem written by a teenager with cancer.
She wants to see how many people get her poem.
It is quite the poem. Please pass it on.
This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital. As her dying wish, she wanted to send a letter telling everyone to live their life to the fullest, since she never will. She'll never make it to prom, graduate from high school, or get married and have a family of her own. It was sent by a medical doctor.


Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done!
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"Hi"
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.

Dr. Dennis Shields, Professor
Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Bronx, New York 10461

Thought I would pass this on.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:10 AM CDT
Yea!!! Colette, the Accutane -Craputane is all done... So happy it's all done and will pray that your scans come back clear...... Love the pics and boy just look at your face when you seen Cinderella for the first time.

Tammy if you figure out how to get all them clothes folded and put away without lots of work then let me know.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & little Miss Lenzie, Tori, & Kelly

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview , FL. U.S. - Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:55 AM CDT
Hi Colette and Tammy,
I am glad you had fun at gymnastics. You are doing awesome! As for the laundry, sorry Tammy, I still haven't figured that one out! Laundry is my worst chore!
Love, Cindy Terrio

Cindy Terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
Reserve, LA US - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 6:26 PM CDT
Yay to no more Craputane!! I love the new pics, Colette, you look SOOO pretty! Isn't it lovely, Tammy, to have your biggest worry be about getting the laundry put away? And I'm super proud of you, Colette, for doing so good at gymnastics! You'll be flipping your way down that beam in no time! (Keep breathing, Tammy! Keep breathing!)I'm glad to see an update, and glad that there aren't to many "reasons" for one! But, we love to hear about the everyday stuff, too! It makes me smile to hear about all the fun everyone is having. Hoping Jason has a wonderful birthday, and you guys have a great rest of the week, and I'll check in on you soon! Lots of love, Megan
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 1:32 PM CDT
Hey Tammy and Colette, hope you are having a good day today. The car show sounds like it was fun. JC loves to go to the shows here in SC. We are lucky there is a restaurant that does them about 3-4 times a year. Well you guys take care.

shelly <shelly100174@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:25 AM CDT
I hope that Colette is enjoying the new school year. I will pray for clear scans on the 28th.
Chari Warner <millymango40@yahoo.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:28 AM CDT
Praying for clear scans. You continue to be in our prayers. www.caringbridge.org/al/johnhicks
Julie Hicks <julz3@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, August 15, 2006 3:16 PM CDT
Go Colette....ONE MORE ACCUTANE TREATMENT AND YOU ARE DONE! Go out and celebrate!!! You are an amazing little girl and very very brave! With parents and a brother like you have and an amazing GOD, you are bound to continue to beat this!
Cindy Terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
Reserve, LA US - Tuesday, August 15, 2006 2:09 PM CDT
Ah.. I am looking forward to classes starting again, but I am not going to like getting back on schedule!

Sarah Nelson <sarah_mae_@hotmail.com>
Brookings, SD USA - Tuesday, August 15, 2006 10:56 AM CDT

..NEUROBLASTOMA SURVIVOR.., Australia - Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:16 AM CDT
I am so proud of you. You did so good in choir tonight!. I hope you had fun decorating your cookie and singing Ms. Pattycake songs. I love you and I cant wait to see you next Sunday.!! Love, Mrs. Susie

Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Sunday, August 13, 2006 10:09 PM CDT
Anxiously awaiting pictures! It sounds like things went AWESOME, and I'm SOOO glad! I hope you've all had a fantastic weekend, I know we have, and Mighty Miss Morgan was supposed to head to Disney today! Hooray for fun, fun weekends! I love you guys, and I'll talk to you soon!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbba.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:56 PM CDT
Hey Colette,
This is sarah from the craft show, your mom bought the princess dress from my mom. well just thought I would check out this site, and might I say it's very cool:) You are an amazing little girl, stay strong and I will always keep you and your family in my thought and prayers. If you ever want another dress, have your mother give me a call and we can definely set you up. Hope to see you in the near future, maybe at the blood drive I will, or if your going to the pecan festival! It was a pleasure to meet you, and hope to see you soon!

Sarah Rezsnyak <perfect_friends2000@yahoo.com>
Grand Bay, Al United States - Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:24 PM CDT
Can we say the car show was a MAJOR SUCCESS!!?!! YES:)
They were BEAUTIFUL!! And they were everywhere. The weather was awesome, God continues to come through for us everytime.

Miss Colette smiled in her little blue Cincerella dress and EVERYONE knew she appreciated their efforts. Her blown kisses, that little princess wave and even the little kurtsies (bow) after the items would sell during the auction. I had never seen her bow and it really tickled me.

It was extremely HOT but, because of these hugh 100 year old live oak trees we had shade. Bryant got to try out the spinning gyro, but, when Miss Colette got on it started to move and you could hear that scream for a mile!!!! (just scared) LOL.. Give her credit...she tried. Paw Paw and I had been there for six hours and we left for air conditioning.

There will be activities today until 5:00pm.
The car show is over unless some show up today. Colette rode on a beautiful Gold Wing touring bike ( picture this her in a Cinderella dress on a motor cycle). Pictures will be put on Walkerplace. She got to ride and "drive" some antique automobiles that were even older that Maw Maw and Paw Paw!!!

I won't mention names because, I don't want to leave anyone out. You know who you are and God Bless You for helping Colette and Mason.

Mrs.Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Sunday, August 13, 2006 5:29 AM CDT
Dear Colette,
Well I just wanted to tell you how much fun I had at the carshow to day!!! I'm really glad you had fun driving my car around the parking lot at the end of the show, also I'm really enjoying the items I bought at the live auction.Well I'll try to keep intouch with you and check on you progress, I hope everything works out for the best, stay tough and stay strong and I hope to see you at the next car show!!!!

Joe Suddarth
Mobile, Al USA - Saturday, August 12, 2006 5:15 PM CDT
Hey Girls!
Sorry we haven't wrote in a while, but we've been extremly busy around here and that is a good thing! Sorry for all the heart ache lately- God will carry you thru these difficult times just as he always has! Please let me know when you are back up in Birmingham! I would love to catch up- praying for a good report! Take care!
Love, Beth

Beth Beck <Beck6649@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, August 11, 2006 8:06 PM CDT
Yay for scrapbooking with your friends, singing in the choirs, moving up in Sunday School, and fabulous weather for the car show!! What a wonderful, blessed weekend it sounds like it's going to be!
After a long, hard week, Will and I are getting things together to take our clan to Holiday World tomorrow. It's the first time for our kiddos, and it's been FOREVER for me! Holiday World, since basically none of you are near here, is a great amusement park in (get this!) Santa Clause, Indiana! It's been voted the cleanest, friendliest park in America for like forever, and they do free soft drinks and sunscreen! It's awesome. My fantastic lady from the radio station, who hooked us up with a TON of FREE airtime for the lemonade stand, gave us 4 passes last week, which is a blessing, because we really wanted to take the kids, but just couldn't figure out how to do it financially.
Then, next week is a big week, too! Wednesday is the first day of kindergarten for my oldest!! My little Jeepster gets to head off on the bus for his first time! Plus, Wednesday is my brothers 25th birthday! We're celebrating lots on Wednesday, with David and Patrick's birthdays, and the first day of Kindergarten for Jeep, and Nan's first day as a fifth grade teacher! So, Tuesday I'll take Jeep over to the school again and he'll get to meet his teacher, and Wednesday, I'll try not to fall apart!
I'm glad it sounds like you guys are having a ton of fun! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow for the car show!! Lots and lots of love, hugs and kisses!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, August 11, 2006 7:32 PM CDT
Saying prayers for perfect weather and great turnouts for your event this weekend! It sounds like it'll be a ton of fun!

Happy Anniversary to MawMaw and PawPaw Crocker! I love you guys! Congratulations on 38 years, and here's to 38 more!

Praying our girl wraps up this last round of craputane and gets to have her sweet tea again! Hope you're all having a great week, and have an even better weekend! Hugs and kisses, and lots of prayers!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:51 PM CDT
Can you believe it's been a whole year since I posted my 37th wedding anniversary?......WELL here is NUMBER 38!!!!

God is so GOOD all the time. What an amazing year God has delivered us from....this time last year our hearts were bruised but, still strong:) Now, today (Thanks to God) they are stronger because of the GIFT you all have so selflessly given.. Your constant prayers, compassion, strength through encouragement and financial assistance have been an awesome blessing. THANK YOU WITH ALL OUR HEARTS:)

I also want to thank Mrs. Mc Knight for her article on Colette. What an awesome job!!!!!! Thanks to "It's All About the Kids", for this weekends event. My prayer is that the rain will stay away. Thank's to the Cheveron Station at Rangeline Road and Hall's Mill Road for the BIG HELP they have given with the HEART campain ( in March)with hot dogs and Pepsi. And now along with Gulf Distributors with the smoker/grill raffle on August 26th. GOD BLESS YOU ALL IN A MIGHTY WAY! There is no possible way we can express our appreciation so I will just turn that part over to God He Can Do Anything! All my love Maw Maw Penny

Mrs.Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:39 AM CDT
Tammy, Thanks for the encouraging post... makes me feel much better!
Cindy Terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
Reserve, LA 70084 - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:59 PM CDT
Hi Colette and Tammy,
Just wanted to say hello! I just checked Kenzie's site. It looks like we'll be doing transplant around the same time...should be a great support system:) You guys are awesome... keep smiling and keep up the great work!
Cindy Terrio (www.caringbridge.org/visit/kassidyterrio

Cindy Terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
Reserve, LA US - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:11 PM CDT
Count on Nana Sue to have just AWESOME words for everyone. I think that woman is everywhere! I love the new pics! Colette's expression is fabulous! And Bryant looks like he's ROCKIN' IT! This stuff will help him with his football when he's able to go back to it next year- helps with the agility, speed, endurance, all that!
Tonight was night 2 of our VBS, and I'm wiped out!! We do ours in the evenings, and the kids are having a ton of fun, but there are not a lot of people available to help (it's the last week before school starts, and several of our older youth are at a camp, and several other families are on vacation!), so crowd control is a little much! But, we're having a great time! I'm pretty excited, it's turned out pretty well!
I just wanted to check in, I'm glad things are going well. I'm off to scavenge my fridge before I fall over! Lots of love and hugs!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 8:37 PM CDT
The Strength of an Egg by Juliet Freitag Parents of children with cancer, or really any serious condition, are often referred to or viewed as having strength "like a rock." Albiet flattering,it isn't quite true. It is more like the strength of an egg. An egg, you ask? Yes! If you'll think about it, you'll see my point. An egg has a polished, smooth outer appearance, with no cracks or weak spots visible. It seems almost inconceivable that the inside might not be so smooth or solid. Most children, at some point are shown the famous egg trick. An egg set at just the right angle can withstand enormous amounts of pressure and cannot be cracked or broken. Yet the same egg, tapped gently at an ever slightly different angle, will break. The contents, once so neatly concealed, will come spilling out. The no longer perfect shell will be crushed. It looks so fragile that it seems inconceivable that it ever held any strength. A rock, on the other hand, is solid all the way through. To break it is almost impossible. If you succeed, you will find that there is nothing inside but more rock. It takes a lot more than pure hardness to hold the hand of hope. Parents of [medically fragile] children are not solid all the way through. We hurt, we fear, we cry, we hope. It takes a very careful balancing act to keep the shell from being shattered. "Balancing an egg" while running a household, going for doctors' visits and hospital stays, keeping the family together, and holding on to the constantly unraveling ties of your sanity can be very tricky indeed! Occasionally, the angle will be off and the shell will break, shattering hope and all the neatly secured appearances of a truly fragile existence. Unlike Humpty Dumpty, though, parents of [medically fragile] kids will pick themselves up and put themselves back together again.

I found this on a site and thought it was so right to put in Colette's guestbook being some people just don't understand what it is really like for parents with sick children. I posted it in Lenzie's guestbook for everyone to read also. It is so true of these parents.

Love Lenzie's Nana Sue & Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, & Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 10:25 AM CDT

You are adorable. JC seems to have a way of bringing people together. I am a pastor in Ohio. Thank you for signing my guestbook.

Mark Jones <mark@truehopecf.org>
Canton, OH - Monday, August 7, 2006 9:34 AM CDT
Well dang it guys! Read the article, loved it, but the picture didnt open up for me. I'm glad the press and community is still following ya'll. That there is support for the long run. Thanks for your email Tam, I needed it. I hope ya'll had a great weekend. Still praying for you. love steph
Stephanie <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Sunday, August 6, 2006 11:14 PM CDT
Hey guys! I'm still trying to recover from yesterday- it was a long, hot afternoon! The good news is that our total contributions for Alex's Lemonade Stand are over $800! I think I'll get the chance to go on the radio again this week and encourage people to donate online through our weblink. It was a great day- it was hot, but not unbearable, there was a nice breeze most of the afternoon. We stayed pretty busy, and were really blessed by some great businesses that helped out a ton! We had a grocery store donate 200 pieces of fried chicken, and a pizza place sent over 10 or 12 pizzas! Plus, we had the lemonade, and cokes, and water. It was pretty cool! I'm working on getting the first of the pictures up on the website. They aren't great- the sun was SO bright! They're pretty washed out. I needed Bryant there to help me out, he's quite the little photographer! Anyway, we had tons of fun, I was the only one who got sunburnt. (I burnt my lips! They hurt so bad!) It was a lot of fun, and we're looking forward to getting to do it every year! Thanks for all your prayers! I love you guys lots! Keep praying- I have VBS this week! Hopefully we've got everything ready!
Lemonade Stand Pics

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, August 6, 2006 11:09 PM CDT
Dear Colette,
i heard your letter and it made me so much happy.
love kassidy

kassidy terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
reserve, LA US - Sunday, August 6, 2006 9:55 PM CDT

....Neuroblastoma Survivor...., Australia - Sunday, August 6, 2006 7:01 PM CDT
Hi there. I found this by viewing ^^Kadin's^^ site. My own daughter was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in august 2005, but at a stage 1. She just finished her last IVIG on friday. My heart and prayers go out to you, and I hope that everything turns out well for your beautiful girl.
Kathy Jacobs <imajacobs@gobigwest.com>
Monte Vista, CO USA - Sunday, August 6, 2006 4:36 PM CDT
Hi Guys! I read the article online - missed the paper since we were gone out of town! I think it was great and it puts out some much needed awareness! Someone in our family approached the newspaper right after we went to St Jude's and they weren't interested so I'm glad the right person found out about you guys and got the story out there!

I hope next time I see you, which I hope will be soon, you'll have the article with you so I can see the picture!

Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Saturday, August 5, 2006 4:43 PM CDT
Hi Colette! I read the article an we loved the picture. Kenzie also has that same blue cinderella dress. You are both princesses.

Hi Tammy! Sorry I haven't had time to call you back. I am glad that you vented. People need to know that the battle is never over. We will always have the thoughts in the back of our minds every time the kids get sick. I know that the kids are in Gods hands and he will take care of us. He knows what we need and he will provide for us. You keep your head up and things will get better. I will call you soon.

Hope <skenzie95@aol.com>
Semmes, Al USA - Saturday, August 5, 2006 9:51 AM CDT
Well, I got to read the article this morning, and I thought it was great! I wish the picture was there, too!
I'm EXHAUSTED tonight, and tomorrow will be worse, because tomorrow is OUR LEMONADE STAND!!! I'm SO excited. It's been just awesome to work with some great people to set this up, and I can't wait. I'll let you know when I get pictures posted to websites! And I'm already pumped, b/c so far we've already raised $650 to go to the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation. (And we haven't even truly started yet!) PLUS~ Our VBS is next week, and we like to collect offerings for specific causes, and they decided to add it to our ALSF money, so it'll be just awesome!
I have been SO BLESSED over the last year and a half to get to know so many of you, and thank you all again for sharing your lives with us! I love you all lots, and you'll be in my heart tomorrow as I try to help spread the word and fight the fight! Lots of hugs and kisses!
(You can see more about our stand at www.IndianaJH.com!)

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, August 4, 2006 9:21 PM CDT
Thanks for the news site Tammy. Read the story and they did a nice job. Everyone check it out. Colette you are such a brave and sweet little girl. Keeping you in our prayers always.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, & Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Friday, August 4, 2006 6:42 PM CDT
Is there a link where we can see the article online? Just would like for us 'outta towners' to be able to enjoy! Thanks

Stephanie <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Friday, August 4, 2006 6:06 PM CDT
Hey Tammy, I want to tell you to keep the front page for me and I'll keep the Neighbor section for you.Lauren was on the front page the same day Colette's article came out. Yesterday she toured USA women's & children and saw what she called "Colette's wall" She was able to tell her group that she knew her. I'm glad that you "vented". It is a good reminder that the battle is not over for you and Colette. Love and Prayers!
Celyn Pendleton <cpendleton@fbtc.org>
Mobile, Al - Friday, August 4, 2006 2:53 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know we're standing by you in prayer. I am amazed at your strength and trust in God--the divine and perfect healer. Blessings in our Lord
Carl and Katrina <thedouds@yahoo.com>
Jacksonville, NC USA - Friday, August 4, 2006 1:00 PM CDT
Even though you don't know me i have a friend Evan
Thomason who has Cancer too you can go to his site ( its a new one ) Get Well VERY soon and i home no more man comments

Jamie S.
Alabaster, AL United States - Friday, August 4, 2006 10:26 AM CDT
We just got back from our trip to Georgia and I am logging in for the first time. What a SHOCK to me to see that you are having to deal with mis-informed people making comments and judgments about your finances and my niece's health!

Anyone with any negative or snide remarks/comments can direct them to me and I will set them straight.

Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
Mobile, AL - Friday, August 4, 2006 10:22 AM CDT
I am sorry that people are talking about you. I will keep you in our prayers. I know how it is to need help and people talk about you. I have been there. And now I am there again althrough I don't ask for the help now due to bad mouthing. It is a struggle and there are days I think we are never going to make it. I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and so is your sweet little girl.

Dorothy <mom2all9106@yahoo.com>
- Friday, August 4, 2006 9:31 AM CDT
Good Morning!
I saw the article in the paper. I love it! It really brought a tear to my eye. Just wanted to let you guys know that I love you and am saying a prayer for you.
I love your picture Miss Priss!

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Friday, August 4, 2006 9:21 AM CDT
THANK YOU ALL....You have been such an inspiration and strenghtening to our hopes for Colette and other children facing this nb monster. We NEEDED to hear from you and I truly regret mentioning the convenience store people and their remarks ( I only allowed satan to hurt us, PLEASE FORGIVE ME). It has caused so much hurt in all your lives and I KNOW the fear you all try to get through each day. Maybe it was wrong but, I also see it as the glue that holds us all together...strength from one another. I love you and ask God to give you the comfort that only He can supply. Thank you for lifting up my Tammy and Jason and please know my prayers are that God will life you and give you peace and blessings. Thank you for all the prayers you have so faithfully offered over the last year. These prayers are what has carried us along and our prayers will carry you, too. All my love Maw Maw Penny
Mrs.Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Friday, August 4, 2006 8:49 AM CDT
Dear Colette and family, I just read the article in this morning's paper and had to check out your web site. How awesome! Tammy, I am sooo sorry you've had to deal with people who obviously don't know what the you-know-what they're talking about with their snide remarks. It just makes me want to snatch them bald-headed! I just want you to know that there are people out here who may never have the chance to meet you personally but we do care and we do send our love and blessings to you all. Take care of all of you (including yourselves Mommy & Daddy) and know that you are doing what you know you're supposed to do and that God loves you no matter what and so do we! In Christ's love,
Lois Cook <lojocook@bellsouth.net>
Semmes, AL USA - Friday, August 4, 2006 7:38 AM CDT
Hello Tammy, Colette and family:
Tammy, as a mother of a child with NB IV, I can definitely relate to the fear you are feeling with treatment being over. We are still in the middle of our treatment, but I can totally understand! Colette, you are a beautiful and brave little girl. Keep on being a handful; your mom wouldn't want it any other way:) As for people making those negative comments about money, either they are in some sick way jealous (I'm sure you would trade places with them in a heartbeat to have a healthy child) or they are just downright ignorant. Either way, we cannot worry about those kinds of people because, as you said, that is satan trying to work his evil through people. Keep on focusing on the positive and God's will, and everything will be OK. My husband and I pray for all of the sick kids daily.... especially neuroblastoma kids..... what a scary, scary cancer this is.... but it can be beat and it has been beat many times before... keep up the great work! God Bless, Cindy Terrio

Cindy Terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
Reserve, LA US - Thursday, August 3, 2006 9:44 PM CDT
Hi Guys, Just read about you on Kadin Gazzaway's site. I just don't understand people sometimes. Want you to know you will be in my prayers. Colette I'm sending all kinds of happy thoughts and good wishes your way. Take Care All Donnie
Donnie Biscobing <donnieb@cheqnet.net>
Cable, WI USA - Thursday, August 3, 2006 9:07 PM CDT
Tam & Aunt Penny,
Check this out. I sent an email to Shelby at 95KSJ. This is the email.
Thanks for the note. We will be happy to mention this. They sound so sweet.
If you have more details please send them to me, a flyer or bullet points or anything like that would be fine.

Thanks again!

From: mannakay@aol.com [mailto:mannakay@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 9:06 AM
To: shelby@95ksj.com
Subject: From A Listener...We would love your help

Hi! My name is Amanda and I would first like to say that I love listening to the show. You guys crack me up! :) I am sending this email because I thought you guys could help spread the word. On August 11-13, an Antique Car Show/Craft Show will be held at Hankins Middle School in the Boys & Girls building. It's called "It's All About Kids." The show goes to benefit two young local kids with cancer; Colette & Mason.
I don't personally know Mason, but I do know Colette. She is my cousin's little girl and she is 3 1/2 years old. This child has been through more in her short life than many of us adults. Colette was at the peek of her treatment last year when she was the flowergirl in my wedding in October. Please check out her website at www.caringbridge.org/al/colette .
All I am asking is that maybe you guys could mention the benefit on the air to help generate more publicity. You and Dan are definitely invited to join! Thank you so much.

Amanda Courtney
Theodore, AL"

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:50 PM CDT
Hey Tammy and Collette!!! It's Ms. Sherri from Mercy Medical, IM glad everything is going so well keep your chin up Tammy. There are always those out there who seem to dwell on slander and negativity. Satan is always nipping at our heels but, God has all the power and the glory!! I think of and pray for you often. You know where to find me if there's anything I can ever do.... :)Collette you keep dancing in those high heels girlfriend!! IM so glad to see you have met Kenzie and Hope they are dear to my heart as well....... God Bless and keep your family today and always.
Sherri Pendergrass Miller RN, Pediatric Specialist Mercy Medical <SPMiller06@aol.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:07 AM CDT
i really do not know how i found your site. however i have been following for a long time. I cant believe anyone would say hurtful things about your family esp. your sick child! Just keep your mind full of forgiveness, that is a bit of advice i should be telling myself :) Just remember that is IS satan trying to steal your happiness! Do not let him get to you. From what I can tell you do the best you can and until someone is in your shoes.....they shouldnt say a word. KEEP LOOKING UP!!! god bless you and your family.
Jessica Ray <jesikaray@yahoo.com>
West Monroe, LA - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 4:22 PM CDT
Your Grandparents told me about you today.I think you're a very brave little girl and my heart goes out to you.Your Grandparents showed me pictures of and your trip to Disney World and they gave me a picture of you.I wish and hope the best for you and your family.May God hold you close in his arms.

Teresa Stafford/Asst.Man. for Cash America/Tillman's Corner <sstafford@saraland.org>
Mobile/Tillmans corner, Al - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 1:57 PM CDT
Hi Tammy and Jason,
I have kept up with your page but just haven't taken a minute to write. Shame on me. Anyhow, ya'll are in our thoughts everyday. As a matter of fact when I turned the calendar yesterday I saw Aug 20th. Hmmmm.... any plans for the birthday boy??? Keep us posted. Love you guys.

Kathryn Garner & family <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:31 AM CDT
Hey you great looking family! Sorry things have been so rocky. I don't know what is going through peoples minds to say such stuff and I can only imagine where it is coming from. I hate you are having to experience that. The person or people who spew such hatefullness have never known the heart of our God. They are the ones who need our prayers. I know it is hard to see that as they persecute you. Hopefully they will move on when they see that they can't shake your faith. We will continue to pray for you all. I love ya!
Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:44 AM CDT
I'm sorry to hear about people talking about yall. Colette looks good compared to last time yall came up to the park wich was a year or so ago. Good luck on her next scan. I'll keep yall in my prayers. We miss all 4 of yall at TAA ball park.

Kristy & Mike Burquist <kburquist@mchsi.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:38 AM CDT
Tammy & Jason
Colette looks good compared to last time I seen her. Good luck this next treatment hopefully she will be all clear on the next scan. We miss all of 4 of yall at TAA ball park.

Kristy & Mike Burquist
Theodore, AL USA - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:27 AM CDT
Your family stands beside you all the way. We have seen first hand the heartache you guys have been through over the last year. We are so thankful that she is doing better, but continue to pray that things keep traveling down this path to recovery and remission. Looking forward to the car show and seeing the princess in the paper!
Much Love,

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:01 AM CDT
GOOD for you for standing up for your family! Colette is such a strong person! NO ONE has the right to say anything about her, especially since they don't know how strong willed and determined she is!!!she is truly a princess!

cie <ciehays@aol.com>
- Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:00 AM CDT
Hi Tammy,

I check Colette's page all the time but I usually don't post a message. Well, I just have to put my two cents in this time. Tammy You vent away. I would say I can't believe people are saying stuff like this. but We have heard some of these things ourselves. like "You are just going to have get past this" this was said by a family friend after Elizabeth was off treatment, never mind that we were going through a relapse scare. For all you people out there who are talking behind Tammy's back. Let me tell you, Just because a child is finished with chemo or getting close to finishing chemo dosen't mean that all the worry is gone. I for one know how Tammy feels about her daughter getting off all chemo. You worry so much, for all the bad side effects chemo causes it is our "safety net". We know their chances of relapsing increase when the doctors stop putting the "poison" into their little bodies. And just because a child is in "remission" does not mean cured. If anyone could ever go through one day of what a child with cancer has to go through you would never say another disrespectful word again. Yes Colette is doing good (Thank GOD) and yes she is surviving, but that does not mean the battle is over. She will have labs and test for years to come. Something you can never understand unless you were there. When one in every 300 children will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 18, you may just get the chance to see just what these children and families go through. I hope and pray you never do, Childhood cancer is something NO ONE should ever have to face. But those of us who don't get that choice, we battle every day for some kind of normalcy, and we have learned through the years that when most people ask "how are we doing?" They really don't want to know the truth, so we tell them how we may be doing at that instant, paint that rosey picture because beleive me, when your child is battling cancer, you are never really fine and we have seen the horrors that our children have to go through. So our "normal" day may not really be "normal", but to a family who has been or going through chemo with a CHILD any glimpse of "normal" is trully wonderful. Childhood cancer effects the Whole family in ways people can never understand. I am sorry if I sound to harsh but I just want you who may be saying things that hurt to understand that Colette and her family are not finished with this nightmare, so please try to put yourself in Colette's family's place and think about how you would handle everything. Just imagine if today you took your child to the dr., thinking they had a virus or something normal and the dr. came back and told your precious child has CANCER, your hopes and dreams for the future are shattered in that instant, and your life will never be the same. you are put on a road you could never have imagined and you can't get off, its just one detour after another down this long dark road. Just think about that for a few minutes.

Tammy, I am sorry if I have offended you by writing this, but I just can't help it. I hope no one talks behind your back again. Why can't people just ask and get the facts? Heck, let them look it up on the internet and just imagine it was their child going through this.

Prayers and Hugs,

Machelle Johnson <MJmomathome@aol.com>
Theodore, Al - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 2:02 AM CDT






..NEUROBLASTOMA SURVIVOR.., Australia - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 11:14 PM CDT
Hi All,
I have continued to check on Colette several times a week but just haven't taken time to sign the guestbook. Vent, Tammy, vent.... I just can't imagine the stress you all live with each day. I really can't imagine anyone spreading untruths about Colette. Don't let them steal your joy in the good health she is enjoying right now. It is great to read about her getting back to normal actvities, etc. We miss seeing all of you but so happy she is doing well. We will be praying for clear scans.
Hugs and love,
Ms. Nena from Hand in Paw

- Tuesday, August 1, 2006 10:23 PM CDT
Rock on, Tammy! I can't imagine how incredibly stressful the last year and a half has been. I can't imagine the expenses, the stresses, don't forget the not seeing your husband and son for weeks at a time. You guys are wonderful, powerful people. I remember once, Tammy, that you were upset, you were having a falling out with the staff there in Mobile, and ended up having to go back to B'ham for what you felt could be handled there, had there been some level of competence. When you got to B'ham, you were there to help comfort the parents of a young boy (he was maybe 14?) as they faced his impending passing. You knew God put you there for a reason. I had a realization a few weeks ago, and I shared it on another CB page with a mom who lost her little girl on Easter. She's struggling with her faith right now. I was talking to my oldest son, and had given him some instruction. He asked me "Why", and I told him, feeling somewhat frustrated by the question, "Because I said so!" I realized I spend a lot of time asking God why, instead of trusting in the because I said so's. God has thrown a truckload in your path, Tammy, and you have handled it with more grace, compassion and love than anyone could ever begin to ask for. It's unfair for people to judge you. Human nature being what it is, we know that people will. Remember, there is only one judge you will truly need to face, and it's not time for that yet! I know you hate to ask for money, or items like uniforms, etc, for school. Most people do, and you've been blessed in that for the most part, God has found the ways to provide. He still will.
For those who have nothing better to do than say hateful things, I pity you. I will pray for you. For those who stand up and call out the name of the Lord for Colette, Jason, Tammy and Bryant, and help provide as you can, then blessing rain upon you!
So, I guess that's my own vent. Remember that we love you. So, here's a Hoosier Hug, right back at ya!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 7:55 PM CDT
Princess Colette,
You look sooooo beautiful!! I miss seeing your smiling face so I check out your site often!! I'm glad you're doing so well!!
Love, Christy Davis (4 tower)

Christy Davis <dcbadavis@juno.com>
Crane Hill, AL USA - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 5:00 PM CDT
Tammy, Don't let some people take away your joy and happiness. Cancer sucks and you never know when it will strike are if it will come back. People who have there normal lifes just don't know the fear and what it feels like. So until they know then they need to keep there mouths shut. We know what you are going through. Even with insurance the bills stack up and the medicine and ect.... The gas alone will eat you up driving to all the appointments with the way gas prices are and like you said if you should have to stay at a motel well that's even more money you don't have. Do they think it grows on trees for you. Do people think that families with a very sick child are made of money. If only they had to walk in your shoes even if it was just for a day then they wouldn't say a thing about money are anything else. It's a struggle for Kelly to with all Lenzie's bills and medicine and to know where the money is going to come from, but somehow they make it. Like you said God comes through with something at the low times. They never ask for anything, but if someone wants to help then I think it's very kind and caring of them to offer help are give help in anyway they can. Vent all you like, but you don't have to defend yourself to us as we know just how hard it can be. It's hard money wise, stress wise, and worry wise so people keep it to yourself if you want to be unkind and mean. This world is suppose to be about love,understanding, kindness and helping your fellow man. I just felt like venting to as I hate it when I see that another family that has and is going through this cancer ordeal has to put up with selfish and uncaring people. They need to get a life and quit bothering people who are having such things to face.

Okay well I vented to. Now I hope that all have a wonderful evening and the rest of the week is fantastic. I have loved looking at all Colette's beautiful pics. Keeping Colette in our prayers. Oh by the way we get some of the news out of Mobile maybe we will see the article they did on Colette. Will keep checking back to see when it will air and hopefully we will get to see it.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue
Sue Jeffries

Crestview, FL. U.S.

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL. U.S. - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 4:18 PM CDT
It is okay to vent. You deserve it. And we will still continue to help you whether you need it or not. We love you and our family....That is why we do it!!!
Susie <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al usa - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 1:07 PM CDT
Here I am again, I want to share something that will amuse you. I kept Bryant yesteday so that Tammy could take Miss Colette to have bood work done at the hospital. Bryant didn't need to see that again because he can't protect his "litle sister" from pain and it does disturb him.
I picked up my 76 year old momma and we went shopping.
Of course, being the "good maw maw" we went through the toys..as we were leaving there was a clerk stocking the shelves when Bryant said "look maw maw there's a Route 66 sign!"..I said,"neat......" not paying much attention...then I thought Wow! I asked him what he knew about Route 66 his remark was, "that is an old road you road on when you were young.", immediately the clerk began laughing hysterically, I turned and said, excuse me?" He ran to tell another clerk nearby. LOL(quite embarrassed and afraid to ask anything else) I told Bryant his great-grandmother road on it not me:) Still curious of his knowledge I asked, "where did you hear about Route 66?" He told me the Disney channel about surfing movies.The little "whippersnapper" sure made me feel old quick!!!
But, of course my momma thought it was funny (she is in early stages of demensia) and proceeded to tell him about highway 90. Of course, being the quick kid he is he said, "Nanny that is the road my momma takes me on
E V E R Y single day!!" A chip off his momma's own block! LOL I thought you would be amused...

Please continue to remember me in your prayers. I have been doing more battle with satan than ever before. When I glorify God with praises to perfect strangers, friends and family satan attacks. I WILL GIVE GOD THE GLORY for these wonderful gift's He has allowed us to partake of LIFE, SALVATION and Colette. I have been stressed in unusual amounts from family relationships being tested, finances are low because Jason has been unable to get overtime and it takes all he makes to pay rent, utitities, gasoline and groceries. There have been no deposits made into Colette's account so we are solely depending on the donation jar's and I am unable to help financially at this time. I have been experiencing gossip attacks that Colette is in remission and dosen't need the money.

When I tell you I NEED your journal entries... I NEED them...God gives you word just when I (WE) NEED THEM..it always seems to come just when satan is trying to hold us down. Colette sings a song to the top of her lungs about a high tower where she goes to for safety (God))I go there too! I call on Jesus regularly these days for protection of family, friends and people that tell me of there woes, too.

Perfect strangers love Colette, an eight year old girl named 'Skyland' has been collecting money with her tupperware bowl everywhere she goes since November 2005. So far she has raised about $250.00.. do you know how many pennies that comes to? That money helped us to move back from the apartment in Birmingham. Skyland is an angel sent from God to minister to another angel Colette sent from God, and they have never met. Thank you Skyland and her momma Missy for raising such an exceptional child. God is good all the time....all the time God is good!!! Thank you Mrs. Megan and Jay man from down under...you guy's lift me always and I love you. Ya'll here is a "big ole momma bear hug' from Alabama:) We love you all and appreciate everything ALL of you do for our family. All my love and prayers that God will bless you in everything you do and God will get ALL the GLORY. Maw Maw Penny

Mrs.Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 11:11 AM CDT
Hi Colette! We are glad to hear that you are doing good. We stopped by to say hey and to see that pretty smile of yours. One day Kenzie will be smiling just like you are.

Hope <skenzie95@aol.com>
Mobile, al usa - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 10:59 AM CDT
I am so glad to see that ya'll are having such a great summer! God must really be watching over Colette.

mobile, al 36693 - Monday, July 31, 2006 9:19 PM CDT



Australia - Saturday, July 29, 2006 1:53 AM CDT

....Neuroblastoma Survivor...., Australia - Saturday, July 29, 2006 1:51 AM CDT
Oh so glad to hear the good news, the nothing is changed news!!! I know that is a good thing. :) I just wanted to pop in a nd say hi. We always check on you. You look sooooo very good Cloette, Morgan gets really dry chapped lips all around her mouth when she takes the RA. We try to keep them lubed up, but it never fails she gets it bad. :) Lots of Love to you, and God Bless.
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomignton, In USA - Saturday, July 29, 2006 0:40 AM CDT
I think it's great that you are donating all of those toys and other things! I don't think anyone would mind... it's going somewhere great!
Glad things are going okay over there!
Things aren't so great over here.. please keep me in your thoughts or prayers..
Sarah Mae

Sarah Nelson <sarah_mae_@hotmail.com>
Brookings, SD USA - Friday, July 28, 2006 8:24 PM CDT
toni delaney <litiflwr@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al u.s.a. - Friday, July 28, 2006 5:06 PM CDT
Tammy, I think it's wonderful that you guys have this opportunity to give back a little! I can't imagine how much stuff they got! My hubby thought it was funny- we'd go shopping for our clan, and I'd find more that I wanted to get for Colette and Morgan! I had to work really hard to not get carried away. So, I say go for it! You never realize how hard times like that can be for families, until you're either put into that kind of a position, or in one where you're seeing it first hand. It's to easy to only look at that that is around you, and is comfortable. Sometimes you have to step outside of comfortable! Sometimes your pushed. Either way, you walk away from it with a whole new point of view. So, I can't imagine ANYONE being upset about it, and I think it's a beautiful thing. Just from my point of view! Anyway, lots of love and such! We're off to get some chippies!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, In - Friday, July 28, 2006 11:12 AM CDT
I AGREE:) It feels so good to be able to pull up this site and see what a "miracle" God is doing everyday with Miss Colette. We will never be able to understand WHY? But, we just have to believe God's working here!

We have two fund raisers going on and we are FOREVERMORE GRATEFUL!!!

Gulf Distributer's are raffling off a smoker grill and the proceeds are going to Colette. This is set for August 22, 2006 and there will be live music and food, etc. at the Rangeline and Hall's Mill Road Chevron Station. THANK YOU!

"It's All About Kids Benefit Car, Show" (Antique & Classic Car, Trucks, Motor Cycles, Hit & Miss, and Old Tractors) Clubs all along the Gulf Coast are doing a their annual benefit car show for Colette and Mason who both have cancer on August 12th. To enter a vehicle it cost $15.00 to pre-register and $20.00 the day of the car show. We can e-mail you an entry form. THANK YOU!

Colette is doing well in her gymnastics class. She has lost some coordination because of this type cancer and her extended stay in the bed for prolonged treatments have caused her to wobbly (like a weeble)LOL when she walks or runs. But, she is getting stronger by the minute!

Hopefully, we will get to see her Disneyworld photos soon. They are awesome:)We love you all Maw Maw

maw maw penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:24 PM CDT
Can I just tell you how much I like to come here just to see the wonderful, smiley pictures? I can't get over the difference a year makes! She just looks so stinking good! I love it! And I love you guys! Lots of hugs and kisses!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:52 PM CDT
Wow.. I can't get over the change in the two pictures! That is truly awesome. Praise God!! :)

Sarah Nelson <sarah_mae_@hotmail.com>
Brookings, SD USA - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:06 PM CDT
Glad to hear your settled home and hope Colette continues to do great!! Thoughts and prayers with all of you.
Dina Odom & DeAnna Walker (Solutions Infusion Therapy) <dinaodom@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:05 PM CDT
Thanks so much for signing John's guestbook. Trey came home telling us all about Miss Colette. She is precious, and she definitely stole his heart! I am so glad she is doing so well, and we will continue to pray that she stays that way. We look forward to meeting you in clinic!

Julie Hicks <julz3@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:50 AM CDT
Sounds like you guys had a couple crazy days! I'm glad you are moved in and that everything is going alright! I wish I could see the sign for Colette! Wish I lived closer to everyone I've met on Caringbridge! haha.. I'm praying for you guys!! Have a great week!
Sarah Nelson <sarah_mae_@hotmail.com>
Brookings, SD USA - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 0:30 AM CDT
Wow, what a couple of days! Well, welcome home, Jason! Glad you had a safe trip, but sorry you came back to such... excitement! It's great that you guys had help and were able to get the truck back on time. I know how tight things are, and that $40 can certainly be better spent. Hopefully over the next few days things can settle down a bit, and feel a little more normal again. It's great that you have a whole MONTH before you have to go back to the 'Ham! And I have to agree with the good doctor- I think Colette looks wonderful! I wish I was there and could see one of the banners- how cool!
I'm in the final stages of planning on our very first Alex's Lemonade Stand. I'm super excited about it, we're able to get the Jackson Hewitt NASCAR show car because we're pretty close to Indy, and they bring it into the areas when they are racing, so the week of the Brickyard, it's here. I've hooked up with some other car sponsors, who are helping with the event. Tam- when you do your blood drive, get a hold of your local National Guard recruiting office- they LOVE to come out for stuff like that! (At least, our guys have been great!) They're bringing out their rock wall to climb, and a hummer, and it's just going to be really cool. So far, we've gotten $150 in donations and another $500 in pledges for the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation! Yay! I wish we were all closer, I'd love to get to babysit, and have the kids come out for the stand, and hang out.
Ok, well, I've rambled enough. You guys have a nice, quiet, cool night in the house, and remember I love you! Lots of hugs and kisses all around, and you are forever in my prayers!


Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, July 24, 2006 7:30 PM CDT
THANKS to Bill and Lona Robbins (cousins of Jason's) the U-haul was unloaded and returned by it's deadline with no extra charges:) And they also helped feed us and we love them for all their help. God always provides what we need...but, it takes special people to do what He calls them to do...Great Job Guy's..

Bryant wanted to spend the night with maw maw and paw paw last night and slept like a rock...I will give him a small dose of tylenol because his little muscle's are sore ...he is his daddy's son and he makes us PROUD! Paw Paw will take him fishing this week and maybe Uncle Mike will go with them. Paw Paw is also planning another trip with Joshua and Matthew. Maw Maw wants to spend more time with all her "Darlins" soon, real soon!!!

Maw Maw and Mommy need some "serious downtime". Babysitter's are NEEDED at this time PLEASE...it would mean so much to this family.

Jason got in last night after working out of town for two week's and driving twenty hour's. When he got back to his house a powerline had fallen up the road and they were without power until around 3:00 am poor babies had a really bad night. That is also why babysitter's would be most appreciated NOW. All my love Maw Maw Penny

maw maw penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Monday, July 24, 2006 10:54 AM CDT
Hey Guys! Glad to hear you made it back. If you need somehands unloading, call the boys. I'm sure they will help if they aren't working.
Hope to see you soon!
Much Love

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, July 24, 2006 8:43 AM CDT
G'day Colette, it's your mate from way down under JAY. Always looking very pretty, you are a special pricess and your doctor is right - you look just great. It's been real freeeeezing down here in Aus land, we had a big Hale storm yesterday and the hale stones were really big. I think of you each day and send you lots of my strength and courage and heaps of big big koala hugs your NB friend (JAY)

....Neuroblastoma Survivor...., Australia - Monday, July 24, 2006 3:17 AM CDT
The JOY of one more hurtle acomplished:) It was a little sad to leave such a comfort as the apartment was. Just knowing where we would rest after a long day at the hospital or a long ride to make an early morning appointment. Open Arms was a real blessing and so was Mrs. Kaye Free the worker that cares for Colette and hooked her up with her trip to Disneyworld and Cinderella. She is a blessing from God. THANK YOU:)

We are all exhausted and sore...poor Tammy, if it weren't for THE MAN OF THE HOUSE she wouldn't have been able to carry all those boxes up and down those stairs and up into that truck. "Great Job Guy's" I scrubbed, cleaned packed and washed and washed and dryed EVERYTHING! OH, I got BOXES and FOOD!! We ALL did our job and then I wrestled a U-haul truck to Mobile. I started to give Tammy a turn...but, I figured she would need her strength to empty it here. Well, I need to run on to their house and help ...Thanks for all your prayers and they have been definately appreciated. Thanks TOO, for the people trying to help Colette we love you all. Check out the banner"s around town at convenient stores with Colette's larger than life picture. All my love Maw Maw Penny

Mrs. Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Sunday, July 23, 2006 10:28 AM CDT
Well, I hope you found some strapping young men to help unload! You know I'd have been there in a heartbeat if it wasn't for that whole like 12 hours away thing!! I hope you all had a safe trip, and the U-Haul wasn't awful. Thinking of you! Lots of love to all of you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, July 22, 2006 5:52 PM CDT
Wow... well... I can't come help, as I am in South Dakota.. but I am praying that it all works out and that the proper help comes! <3
Sarah Nelson <sarah_mae_@hotmail.com>
Brookings, SD USA - Saturday, July 22, 2006 3:47 PM CDT
Hi Colette!! I am glad to hear that your are doing good. An we just love the picture of you and Cinderalla. We just wanted to stop by and say hey. We leave in 3 weeks to go up to B'ham for our scans then we will have to go back up a week later to stay. We will continue to keep you in our prayers.

Hope <skenzie95@aol.com>
Semmes, Al USA - Friday, July 21, 2006 11:28 AM CDT
Hello Pate family! Goodness ya'll looked so wonderful in your beach picture. Colette-it's night and day difference from this time last year! I'm so thrilled for ya'll. How great was your trip to the beach? I'm jealous. Can't tell you how much your on my mind and in my heart. There probably isn't a day that goes by that I don't talk to someone about ya'll. I've pulled this site up at work and showed off the beautiful princess. I brag quite a bit about her super mommy, too! I've told the story of the first round of missing donation jars and the love, consideration and true Christ like spirit that ya'll exhibited through the entire ordeal and with the man who did it. It speaks volumes about the heart of you all. I know I don't post as much as I used to, but I can tell you I should be earning frequent flyer miles for all the times I visit the site...I know I've worn a rut in the super highway that is the internet. Love you all!

Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:13 PM CDT
Hi Colette, This is Trey, your server from Jim and Nicks. I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you and that you touched my heart in such a special way today. I told John about you and even showed him your beautiful picture with Cinderella! You are such a beautiful, sweet, and loving little girl. Never forget what your grandmom said today, God does have a plan for you and a reason why you went through the illness. I wish you nothing but the best and will ask our heavenly father to give you every wish your little heart desires. Johns web page is www.caringbridge.org/al/johnhicks if you want to keep up with how his treatment is going. Come see me when your back in town.
Trey Wallace <treyrolltide@yahoo.com>
Birmingham, AL USA - Thursday, July 20, 2006 6:23 PM CDT
Well, I guess you're off to the Ham! It sure stinks that Jason is still gone, but hopefully he'll be home soon, and so will you! I'm sure it's a bummer to know that the apartment won't be there for your trips up, but like you said, Tammy, it's a sign that you just don't need it! Hopefully all your trips will be easy in and outs, it sure sounds like our girl has been feeling well! And heaven knows she looks great!!
You girls drive careful. (And Bryant, too! But I sure hope he's not driving!) We love ya!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 7:28 PM CDT
Hey Punkin! I am so glad to hear that you guys had fun on your trip! I am still jealous! You did the one thing I have always wanted to do for my birthday, be at Disney! I know you had a blast. I can tell by the pictures.
I have to tell you what I did. Tammy, I know you remember how long my hair had gotten. I was growing it out for the wedding, but after everything that happened to Miss Priss, I decided to keep growing it. I finally cut it off and donate it to Lock of Love in her honor! I really like my shorter hair now. (They chopped 11 inches off!) I know it isn't much, but this is my small way of doing what I can.
Also, a BIG thank you to Jason, who helped me with a flat tire as he was on his way out of town. He spotted me on the side of the interstate and stopped to help. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I love all of you dearly!
Have fun at gymnastics.

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Tuesday, July 18, 2006 10:20 AM CDT
I am so happy that the week at VBS went well! :) The new pictures are great!! :) Hope you are all doing well! <3
Sarah Nelson <sarah_mae_@hotmail.com>
Brookings, SD USA - Monday, July 17, 2006 11:42 PM CDT
Hi Colette!! I like the new pics. I am so glad that you have had a wonderful couple of weeks. You are looking good I just hope that we look as good as you do after our transplant. We will be leaving in a couple of weeks for our transplant. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Hope <skenzie95@aol.com>
Semmes, al USA - Monday, July 17, 2006 9:19 PM CDT
Hello Colette,

I love the new pictures of you. You look absolutely beautiful! It was great to read about your Disney trip, VBS and most of all, that your counts are awesome. I think about and pray for you often. Please give your mom and big hug from me and Mrs. Emily. Have fun at camp and we'll keep in touch.

Kadin's Daddy

Billy Gazzaway <be_gazz@knology.net>
Panama City, FL USA - Sunday, July 16, 2006 3:54 AM CDT
G'day Colette, it's Jay. Your looking so good and happy with a big smile on the dile. I have my T-Shirts available now - trying real hard to find a cure for Neuroblastoma. Only us NB kids knows what it is like to fight it - but we beat it you and I and it aint coming back. Glad you have been having lots of fun and gymnastics sounds like great fun I bet you will be real good at it. Sending you lots of strength and courage and lots of big koala hugs from you NB mate (JAY)

....Neuroblastoma Survivor...., Australia - Sunday, July 16, 2006 1:47 AM CDT
Yay!! You guys sound like you've had a ton of fun, and I'm so glad! The pics are great! I'm thinking of you!! Lots of love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, July 14, 2006 10:18 PM CDT
Good morning, we've been so busy that it is hard not to let our guard down...when we are tired that is when satan gets in there and gives grief. But, being grounded with other Christians makes us strong. I love each of you and hope you have a wonderful day. Keep your eyes on the Lord and He will hold you close. All my love, Mrs. Penny
Mrs.Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Friday, July 14, 2006 8:04 AM CDT
hi tammy jason bryent and colette
i saw mrs penny and mr david monday they said colette was in sunday school and was looking for grady he has been ill since urley thursday morning and he could not make it he was bite on the tounge by my jack russle she almost took a inch off of it wendays morning when put his cearl in the floor to eat with her i was in the liveing room when it happend i have told him not to eat with the dog and not to get in her facse when she eating i had to get him stichs monday was the first day that he felt like doing any thing so i took him shoping with me. he has felt bad today but i think he will be ready to go back to church sunday. he seen her pic just afew minutes ago and he know who she was and he said mommy she is geting her hear back he asked dose this mean i can play with her agine can i go see her he has so meany qustions i tld him yes soon. i asked him if he was going to go see wiley ssunday a curch . he said no i am pgoing to go see collette.i told him that we would see her if she is there. he said okay look i hope you can read this my spelling is not so good. but yet i try.

jennifer and little grady <pattyw1953@peoplepc.com>
mobile , al usa - Thursday, July 13, 2006 11:41 PM CDT
Hey girls! I must say that last journal entry looks like the one I put in my private jounral the other day. We just learned of a dear friend relapsing after 3 1/2 yrs out. I was devastated, she was just a few months ahead of Taylor and it really drug me into a funk. I had to kick myself out of it and rmember, just as you said, she is not Taylor. She is 9 years old and had a lot of different factors than Taylor etc. I had to pull out though it was tuff. I am sitting here now listening to him play cars and yes, there is a lot of noise to go along with such a game. I am sure you know having a boy at home too! I see your name on the camp list. I can not wait to meet you all in person!
Love to all,

Jim Kim Taylor and Logan Watts( www.taylorwatts.org) <webmaster@taylorwatts.org>
McCalla, AL - Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:38 PM CDT
I'd have to say this is my first (but not my last) time visiting Colette's site.

Normally I don't sign on a first visit, but I just got back from a cancer camp that I volunteer at (www.camptrillium.com) and I found that my story sometimes helps families.

My brother, at 5, was diagnosed with ALL in 1990. He had a year and a bit of treatment (radiation, chemo etc) and he went into remission. However, at the time, 2 out of every 3 boys treated for ALL were relapsing, so they brought back all the guys for more treatments. In 1994 it was all done. Although he was the lucky 1 out of the 3, it still was worth it my parents thought (I was only 6 at the time). He is now 21 and has remained cancer free since then.

I met one of my friends when we were a year old. Well, our parents met at the hospital. She too had ALL, and has been in remission for 15 years! Another friend I met at camp has been in remission for 14 years. We ran the 'Relay for Life' this year and our team name was 1514. :)

Okay, so now that I've gone on and on... I just want to let you know that it does happen. Keep the faith and just try to stay strong no matter what comes your way.

With faith,

Laura Gilbert <lauragilbert@sympatico.ca>
London, On Canada - Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:17 AM CDT
Colette is just the cutest thing ever! :) I just looked the pictures on your site. The bottom one is adorable! Disney world.. I can't imagine! Must be sooo fun, especially for a little kid!
My cat is the best! His name is Bucklie. =) He DOES love being in the middle of things--he drives me crazy sometimes! I lay on my bed on the computer almost the whole day because I am not able to do much else. He always jumps up and sits on my computer like in that picture! :) I love him so much though! He is part siamese and part himalayan.. all my friends adore him! :) He has a feline urinary tract infection, so he can't eat regular cat food or he gets really sick. He also has bad allergies (a cat? with allergies? odd.. I know.) and if he goes outside his eyes get pussy. =( Other than that, he's very healthy. We just keep him inside and watch what he eats. He's my baby! hehe
Anyway.. I hope you and Colette are doing well! I really look forward to getting to know you better! I am always looking for more friends!
Love always,
Sarah Mae


Sarah Nelson <sarah_mae_@hotmail.com>
Brookings, SD USA - Thursday, July 13, 2006 0:38 AM CDT
G'day Collette, sorry I have not been around, I have to take care of darlsy mum because she had a big spinal operation and she has been very sick and in a lot of pain, so I have to take care of her. It has been hard but I am trying. I will do a journal update sometime this weekend. Glad you are dong great, and wow disney must of been great - that is a big wish of mine but we live too far away. I send you lots of my strength and courage and lots of big koala hugs your NB FRIEND (JAY)

....Neuroblastoma Survivor...., Australia - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:03 PM CDT
Colette and family-
I love that song! God surely is in control!
I have been a silent reader for quite awhile. I just got my own caring bridge site, so I thought I would pop in and say hello. I hope this finds you in high spirits and good health!
<3 Sarah


Sarah Nelson <sarah_mae_@hotmail.com>
Brookings, sd USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:38 PM CDT
Well, shoot, Tam. Here I am, on a break between meetings, and I have a minute to check and see what's new, and you're all trying to make me cry. You are an amazing woman, and have faced so much over the last 14 months. I can't imagine the ever-present underlying fear that you, and all the other cancer moms, face, the what ifs. But, sounds like you got the right idea! You can't live life afraid of the what ifs! Live life for the NOW! For the what IS. Here's my what ifs. What if Morgan had never been dx'd? I'd not even know your name. My faith would be weak. My spirit would be broken. My stress levels would be higher. I'd not be holding an Alex's Lemonade Stand in 3 weeks.
You have a poem/letter thing on Colette's other page. You talk about mothers of kids with cancer. Have you read it lately? Do me a favor. Go read it. Then, look in the mirror. I love the little icon on Kadin's page that says "It's all Good" and then changes to "It's all God!" with the little guy and the halo. Remember that!
I have to head back, but kiss the kids, enjoy VBS, and remember, God and like a million people love you guys! I'm just one more little fish in this sea. But if you need me, you just hollar, 'cause I'm all yours!

Megan <mmahaffey@Insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 1:31 PM CDT
"MY CHILD, MY CHILD, MY CHILD" as God would say.

I have my tissues and I will try to write this. I never thought I could hurt more than losing my daddy.........

When we become a momma we try to protect our child from falling down, teething, being scared of the dark, bullies and teachers that don't like them...and satan. My heart aches for you my child...(God and momma... not Yoda:)

Tammy when I was talking to you Sunday afternoon I told you that ALL depression, fear and as you call it a wave in the pit of your stomach comes from satan. Satan is here to kill....(your hope)...steal...(your joy) and destroy
(your witness or anything else you will LET HIM DO...Did you hear ...LET HIM DO? Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. It's in the Bible "AND WE KNOW ALL THINGS WORK TO THE GOOD OF THEM THAT LOVE THE LORD AND TO THOSE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE" Romans 8:28 And the very first song I taught you was.."Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so, little ones to Him belong, they are weak but, He is strong":)

Tammy you Jason, Bryant and Colette are STRONG and you can overcome anything...anything with Jesus..."I can do ALL things through Christ which strenghtens me" Phillipians 4:13 Jesus is our Rock of SALVATION...He is our mighty tower, our protector. So go on and TEACH...TEACH...AND PRAISE...GIVE GOD THE GLORY ...GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE AND WILL DO !!!!!!!!!!!!

The place you went to yesterday is a place I have gone to over the years but, I have learned how to OVERCOME IT. When we go around telling of the wonderful things God has been doing and teaching Gods littlest children about Him it make satan angry and he will try to do anything he can to disrupt your joy, hope and peace. Call on Jesus, I say in Jesus name satan get away from me. The Bible tells us to do this and it also tells that satan can not even occupy the same space as the spoken name of Jesus.

If you think you love teaching and hearing your children sing to Jesus how much more does God your Heavenly Father enjoy hearing you His child sing to Him? So Tammy use that beautiful voice God has given you to sing praises and GLORY God!!!

I will not apologize for preaching....God made me do it and I love Him for it:)

I thank mabeline for waterproof mascara and revlon for all day makeup LOL

I hope with all my heart that all of you that read this entry will apply it to your own lives and remember..
God Is Greater Than Any Problem I Will Ever Have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!All my love Maw Maw Penny

Mrs. Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 12:03 AM CDT
Gee Tammy - thanks for making me tear up this morning!! Girl - you've got to remember, just like you said, every cancer kid is not your kid. It's so hard to see someone else suffering when they have the same cancer as your child. I know it all too well. But you've just got to keep the faith. It's easy to forget sometimes how lucky we've been in so many ways. All the cancer moms have days like you just had where the bad overcomes the good and you start to think the what if's? I know I've done it and it hurts your soul so we've got to remember not to do it too often! I think it's good once in a while because what always happens with me is I end up with a new perspective on life and I remember how lucky we are that Cole is here and how lucky we are to have met the people we've met (like you guys) and how different our lives would be without this cancer that intruded on our happiness. There's no telling what would have happened in it's place, and sure I would trade anything for Cole not to have gone through what he did, but we made it - we're in a good place right now - we all are right? And that's the Good Stuff!! Sorry to ramble on - I really just wanted to say been there done that bought the shirt - but you know me!!! I hope I get to see you soon!

Oh - and I checked out the pictures - what a difference in a year. Colette always had that sparkle in her eyes - even when she was so sick and skinny too! But look at the bottom picture - she looks so good and bright all over!!

Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:56 AM CDT
Hi Colette,
It has been such a joy to read of how much fun you are having this summer and how great you are feeling. I love all your pictures and seeing that hair come back in. Tell mom to keep the faith... God has you sheltered in the palms of His hands.
Ellie and I miss seeing you, especially Ellie. She loved it when you fed her goldfish treats. Tell everyone we said hello.
Hugs, prayers and love,
Ms. Nena (Hand in Paw)

- Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:16 PM CDT
Dear Tammy, I just read your latest update. Girl don't let satan take away your joy!!! You enjoy every day to the fullest. You and your family deserve to have some very good days so don't be looking around the curves just keep both hands on the wheel and follow God's road. God will take care of tomorrow just like He did yesterday and today. I love you, Collette looks beautiful and healthy so enjoy the good times okay? Love you all, Aunt Kathy

Aunt Kathy <Kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
Theodore, Al usa - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:03 PM CDT
Yay for VBS!! Our church is really small, and we didn't think we were going to be able to do VBS this year, but we have been gifted some materials and will be able to pull it off after all! I'm up in th Windy City this week, close to the lake in Chicago, for IRS Forums, but as you can see, I have internet! YAY! (I have to be able to check in on my girls!) I hope you guys are having a great week, although I know it's nothing like last week was, and I'm thinking of you! Love you guys!
Megan <mmahaffey@Insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, July 10, 2006 4:47 PM CDT
Sarah was so excited you were in her class for Vacation Bible School. I am so glad to see you are feeling better.
Susie <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al usa - Monday, July 10, 2006 12:50 AM CDT
Hi-ho hi-ho!I just wanted to pop in and say hello! Can't wait to see the rest of the pics! I love you guys, have a great Sunday!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, July 9, 2006 1:37 PM CDT
Our trip was everything we hoped it could be and more!! The people at "Give Kid's the World" went out of there way to make all of us feel "Special":) We have all went through this last year with scars left on each one of us. But, the concern, comfort and compassion shown to all of us was just plain unbelievable. Just to find a place that cares for our lil' princess and all the other kids that cross their doorway is AWESOME!!!!! I thought the neverending Ice Cream Parlor was delightful!!!! I had never heard of "Give Kids the World Village", they were like a salve on a years worth of pain.

Paw Paw and Maw Maw even had a couple of easy nights with pizza's delivered. And a nice quiet visit to the pool. We had good travel conditions and we thank you for your prayers for our safety. Although, the trip was exhausting and HOT HOT HOT!! We have awesome pictures and Bryant and Colette had an absolute BLAST and I am not talking fireworks...But, that was the icing on the cake.

Colette had a badge that sent us all to the front of any line. We even went through the "Pirate's Of The Carribean Ride!!!!" Colette loved "It's a Small World" She was wearing her Cinderella dress (of course) and she held her hand's by her side with her palms down like a princess and said, "this is my castle"!

David and I took Colette and Bryant to Sea World while mom and dad went to Epcot and the big water rides. We have some great pictures of dolphins, whales, penguins, alligators, turtles and manates. It was great. We left Orlando about 1:00 p.m and got to Mobile around 9:00p.m.

Tammy will give you more info tomorrow. Jason left here around 10:30 this morning going to B'ham and returned around 10:00 p.m. tonight exhausted.

All my love Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al - Friday, July 7, 2006 11:19 PM CDT
Stopping by to say hello! Hope this message finds everyone well!

Jim, Kim, Taylor and Logan Watts <webmaster@taylorwatts.org>
McCalla, Al USA - Friday, July 7, 2006 9:57 PM CDT
Hello Colette and Family, We know you are all still having a great time...... My Brother is there with his family to on a wish trip. His little boy who is 10 is sick and his name is Gabe anyways they are having a good time to. Enjoy and have Fun........

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, & Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland <sjeffries25@cox.net>
FL. & AL., U.S. - Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:34 AM CDT
Just checking in - sounds like you all are having a great time!
wish we were there!
Isn't it so magical!!!!!!!

Aunt Brandy <bkpate@aol.com>
Irvington, AL - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 3:23 PM CDT
Colette! I am so jealous! you got to meet the Princesses! you lucky girl! I am glad you are having a good time! I miss you so much! you are so beautiful and a little princess yourself!
Cie-4tower <ciehays@aol.com>
- Wednesday, July 5, 2006 1:33 AM CDT
Happy Independence Day!! I love you guys, and I hope you're having a BLAST!!!! I'd guess you're going to get to see the coolest fireworks in the country for the Fourth- Disney has such awesome ones anyway, I bet they pull out ALL the stops!! I think our clan may be headed to the park, and then over to church- the parking lot has a great view of the fireworks at IU's football stadium! Enjoy the rest of your vacation, and we'll see you soon!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 10:12 AM CDT

Wow, Wow, Wow Colette! Looks like you are all having a blast in Orlando! I just wanted to stop by and wish you all a happy holiday. Keep having lots of fun...you deserve it Coletterella! Hugs from a faithful follower in the Florida Panhandle

Anissa Hagendorfer <AnissaH33@aol.com>
Pace, FL - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 8:28 AM CDT
Hi Colette!
I found a link to your site from KKatie Benson's. I hope you are having fun in Orlando. Lots of love Nicole xxx

Nicole <nicole@c-h-o-c.org.uk>
Kent, England - Monday, July 3, 2006 10:31 AM CDT
I'm sorry you all were delayed getting there, but it sounds like you're having TONS of fun! I'm so glad! (I'm imagining the scrapbook pages!) I'm glad you were able to check in, and I hope you guys have a fabulous time this week! Lots and lots of love and hugs!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, July 2, 2006 1:50 PM CDT
Dear Jason Tammy Colette and Bryant,

Have a wonderful and safe time in Disney. I'm sure Colette and Bryant will have a fun filled adventure.

Love to all the Pates

Lona And Bill

Lona Robbins <blrobbins@comcast.net>
Mobile, Al USA - Sunday, July 2, 2006 8:10 AM CDT
Hello Colette and Tammy, So glad that you are feeling better than ever Colette. There are many many days ahead like that. Love the pic of you at the beach and you are just so beautiful sweetie.

Happy July Fourth to you all!!!! Have a very nice holiday weekend.

Sorry it's been awhile, but been moving and just got computer hooked up a couple of days ago and still so busy just trying to get unpacked.

Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, & Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland
FL. & AL., U.S. - Saturday, July 1, 2006 10:22 AM CDT
It was one of those early pictures, or one much like it, that was the first time I ever saw Colette. I remember Tammy posting how exciting it was that she was hungry, and ate about 3 bites of a McDonald's burger. I laughed, looking again at those pictures, and remember LOTS with Play-Doh, since she could do that in bed. And I saw a sparkle in those big doe eyes. I was hooked. I hope that, starting today, you have the best week of your lives, and celebrate life. Remember to embrace each day. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, June 30, 2006 4:59 PM CDT
Praise God! Praise God! What a miracle! God is so good! Angels are going with you all! Have a great time! Love Aunt Debbie
Aunt Debbie <fpcdcc@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al USA - Friday, June 30, 2006 5:30 AM CDT
PLEASE GO TO THE TOP OF HER HOMEPAGE........click on view photos.........................
Compare a year ago to today.......This time last year we were all in shock to learn she had cancer and that it was so massive. The size of a grapefruit!

She had her Cinderella dress almost a whole month from her Aunt Debbie and she never felt like getting dressed up...

That dress has so many miles on it that it needs to be replaced. But, of all her dressups that is her very favorite one...."Way to go Aunt Debbie!" The last picture was on Wednesday at her Nanny Reta's house and she is sooo excited about seeing "CINDERELLA AND HER CASTLE"!!!!!

She has been through a whole world of pain and I promise she and her whole family will appreciate the people at "Magic Moments" and she will give back to them the love they have given so freely through this "awesome gift" to sick kids...THANK YOU AND BLESS YOU ALL IN ADVANCE:)

I am so BLESSED to have FIVE BEAUTIFUL ANGELS for grandkids and I am so grateful that God has let me keep this one.....................Only God KNOWS His PLAN for us....................

STOP a moment and THANK God with us:) God Is SO Good, All The Time God Is Good:) Love Maw Maw

Mrs.Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:03 PM CDT
have a great trip!!!!
I know it will be magical.
Call us and tell us how much fun you are having.
Love yall.
Aunt Brandy

Aunt Bradny <bkpate@aol.com>
Irvington, AL - Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:07 AM CDT
Hi Pate Family! I'm so excited for you guys! You are going to have a blast. Give Kids the World is awesome! Just expect to be blown away with the carrying and kindness. The staff at DisneyWorld will do everything in their power to make this next week outstanding for ya'll!! You won't believe all the fun you'll have. But don't worry about internet - I promise you won't have time to update! I wish we could go with you. When we plan our next trip - we're going to visit with Give Kids the World and let Cole play a little. I pray you guys have a safe trip with no bumps in the road and that Colette will remember every minute forever!!
Lisa Tanner <lisatanner@comcast.net>
Mobile, Al - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 9:19 PM CDT
I saw them, Maw Maw! Aren't they GREAT!! I loved Bryant's tattoo! You guys look like you had SO much fun. I'm so jealous! There were some beautiful pictures of you all as a family, and I really liked your Pateasaurus! I hope you have a few of those printed and framed, because this was a true celebration for you all! Drive safely tonight, and have a great visit in the Ham tomorrow! I'd love to talk more, but I'm starving, so I'm off to grab food! Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 11:58 AM CDT
Today we will have Miss Colette for a little while so momma can get some new glasses. Wouldn't want to miss a single sight that I'm sure we will all remember all the rest of our lives:) "I am soooo excited I can't sleep" just like they say on that commercial about the family planning to go to Disney!

There are several places I want Colette to visit today...especially the people with jars that were stolen. They were so very hurt from such a selfish crime that they were moved to many tears. So today Colette will help love there tears away. We love everyone of you because, we KNOW many of you were moved to those tears, too. Just look at her smiling face :) and remember that "God Is In Control!"

As you have seen in the NEW pictures at Walkerplace she had a BLAST and so did her whole family.....Bryant looked awesome with his handsome, tan and masculine "Daddy's little man" look;) They say a picture is worth a thousand words............the family picture of them sitting on the beach proves that statement!

Thank you to all of you that regularly contribute to her donation jars at the convenience store because, that is what helps them get to and from B'ham. It helps to get the extra finances to pay the phone, rent, power when they come up short or anything unexpected and though it might seem small it is always just enough to get them through. YOU'RE APPRECIATED and we love asking GOD TO BLESS YOU IN MIGHTY WAYS:) THANK YOU JUST DOSEN'T SEEM TO REACH YOU FROM OUR HEARTS....SO WE ASK GOD TO!
I Love You Maw Maw Penny

Mrs. Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 7:23 AM CDT
Hi Colette!
You're gonna have such a GREAT time at Disney!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

With love,
Joanne and the Dream Team
~Simply Joanne~
~Bridge of Dreams ~
~The Prayer Bears Website~
Ones Who Care, SOEW

Joanne's Corner

Joanne <joanne173@gmail.com>
Singapore, Singapore - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 0:57 AM CDT
I'm glad your back, and had such a wonderful time! I'm looking forward to great pictures. Poor Tammy- You'll have just enough time to get the laundry done before you have to pack again! Has Bryant made a list of all the cool stuff he wants to ride yet? Discovery, or TLC or History Channel- one of those, I don't remember which one now, had an awesome show the other day talking about all the cool things that they have at Disney, a lot of which is new since the last time I was there. I did get to go to Downtown Disney when I was in Orlando a few weeks ago, which is mostly shopping, but they have an AWESOME Lego's store, and you can eat at the Rainforest Cafe, which is super cool, too. Plus, there was a great little shop over by the Cafe where EVERYTHING in it was $10 or less. They had one whole part of a wall that was 4 for $10, and it had some great stuff, I got a new Tinkerbelle coffee mug, and some cool Stitch toys for my boys, and a Classic Mickey mug for Will. Anyway, I know you'll have a GREAT time, I'm so jealous! I can't wait to get to take my kids! And I'm SOO glad you get to go together, and have so much fun as a family! Now, try to get some catch-up sleep, and rest up for that next big trip! Sending lots of love to all of you!!
Also, for those who hadn't heard, our Miss Morgan was declared "In Remission" this week!! (After she broke her elbow falling off a slide at the hospital! Talk about your ups and downs!) So, stop by her page, and help as we Make a Joyful Noise!! www.caringbridge.org/visit/morganrosedeckard

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, June 25, 2006 5:18 PM CDT
just a note to say thanks for caring and reading Colette's journal. A special thanks to those who have made special donations and prayers, God has been and continues to be our strenght and hope and he DOES use people to meet special needs. I wanted to say "special people" but I think anyone who reads about, prays for and has concers for Gods' children are always special. We pray for special blessings for each of you, may God bless you in aboundace!
pawpaw David <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
Theodore, - Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:50 AM CDT

I met with Tammy , Jason and the kids a few minutes ago and that Bryant is going to shock everyone with brown berry tan. He finally has put maw maw to shame. He is browner than I am. He is SOOOOO proud of that. Miss Colette has a head full of soft dark curly hair. If feels so good and she loves the way it feels. Paw Paw and Maw Maw have missed seeing our darlins and we look forward to a wonderful trip to Disneyworld.

We love all of you and need your strength we have come to depend on regularly. You have given us hope when we though there was none and strength when we so badly needed it. You have all been the "wind beneath or wings" throughout this year. We can't possibly express our gratitude...PLEASE KNOW we have prayed for God to bless you for every prayer....thought...financial gift but, most of all for your unselfish love to us. All my love Maw Maw Penny

maw maw penny
theodore, AL - Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:18 PM CDT
Hello, lovelies! I hope to see sunny, brown berry pics soon!! I'm missing cheerful updates, and pretty pictures. I'm glad you got to spend some time with some of the great people who've prayed so hard for Colette, Maw Maw. It's so incredible how a child can bring people together! (It's that smile! Who can resist it?! I couldn't!)
Sending out lots of love to all of you!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, June 23, 2006 10:09 PM CDT
G'day Colette, hope your holiday will be a great one. I just spent the week at the hospital having MIBG Scans, I had a lot of them each day. I have to wait for the results next week. I bet your looking forward to the Disney trip, you make sure to get lots of picutes. Lots of my stength and courage to you and
lots of big koala hugs. (JAY)

Australia - Thursday, June 22, 2006 1:51 AM CDT
Hey Gang! What a GREAT weekend at the Gulf! We REALLY enjoyed hangin out with all of you again. We don't get to see as much of you as we would choose. We were so happy to spend time with all of you, and so glad your little darling is "tube-free"!!!! She had SOOO much fun on the beach, and was so proud to be "unleashed". We love you all VERY much, and hope your week at our favorite beach is packed with joy!

Ron Wells, Jr. and the ENTIRE Wells/Pate family <Gentlesurf1@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Wednesday, June 21, 2006 8:29 PM CDT
What a wonderful time in the lives of our family and FRIENDS!! I spent some quality time today at a couple of the stations with donation buckets for Colette. My heart is so full of the love from those people who love my darlin' and pray for her and lift her up to Jesus. So many people love her and of course it makes me love them in return. Most people have never even met her and yet they have so much love and desire for her to be healed. She is at this moment being as close to as normal a three year old as she possibly can. I can tell you for certain that she is EXCITED ABOUT BEING A REAL PRINCESS!!!!!!!!And I am sure Bryant knows what he wants out of this Disney trip...THE RIDES.....Spiderman...Pirates...... forget that princess stuff;)LOL

I want to see my children's little family together outside of the hospital without mask's or tubes or tears and pain. I promise you LOTS of pictures of happy smiling faces
and laughter. Must go for now. All my love Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 11:14 PM CDT
Hi Colette, I know that you don't know me but you met my sister Maggie in the USS Hope. I am the one that is leaving for B'ham in a couple of months. I hope that you are enjoying your vacation. HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME IN DISNEY WORLD!!!!
Hope <skenzie95@aol.com>
Mobile, Alabama usa - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 2:34 PM CDT
Ok, I know you're playing (IN THE WATER!!) and can't check this right now, but I just had to pop by and say hi, and tell you again how excited I am that you're doing SOOO well!! I hope you're having a great time, and getting all fired up to head down to Disney. You'll have so much fun there, and get to be a princess for real! I love you guys, and am still praying every day! Have fun for me, splash in a big ol' wave, and lay in the sunshine!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 12:25 AM CDT
She is just the cutest thing I have ever laid eyes on. :) I am such a proud aunt.
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
Mobile, AL - Monday, June 19, 2006 11:17 PM CDT
I'm so very happy for you. It's time for you to get back to the business of being a child! Hooray!
Bob Murphy <bob.murphy@akerkvaerner.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Monday, June 19, 2006 12:55 AM CDT
So glad to see everythign is out. I know you guys are already gone to the Gulf. I will see you Wednesday! Much Love!!
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, June 19, 2006 8:56 AM CDT
I wish you had asked about the water hose, I would have gladly (haha) shared what I know. But glad it is out and all is going well. Love ya'll!
Stephanie <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Saturday, June 17, 2006 5:39 PM CDT

Australia - Saturday, June 17, 2006 5:29 AM CDT
We replaced all the stolen jars and secured them with a chain. It might not stop a thief but, they will have to work a little harder to get her donation jar. The businesses are so wonderful and caring and compassionate. One store told us that some of their customers chased down the thieves and got their tag number and have turned it into the police. We have gone five days without contributions at the three convenience stores and finances are a little tight. But, God will continue to supply their needs.

Colette and Bryant came running to Maw Maw and Paw Paw tonight and the first thing Colette did was pull down the top of her dancing dress to show me her "waterhose" was gone:) She told me we were going to go swimming and to Disneyworld.....she was so excited. I am too!!!

More later...all my love Maw Maw Penny

maw maw penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Friday, June 16, 2006 8:49 PM CDT
I love the new pic!! She looks fantastic! I'm so glad you all are home, (even if it IS only for 18 hours. The next stop will be so much fun, you won't even care!!) and glad the line came out without any issues. Happy Father's Day, Jason!! You guys have a GREAT vacation, and we're all anxiously awaiting fabulous beach pics of that girl playing IN THE WATER!! Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, June 16, 2006 5:31 PM CDT
I am so glad that her waterhose is out and that all is well!

Aunt Sherry <c@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:50 PM CDT
Hey ya'll. Looking forward to seeing all of you this weekend @ Gulf Shores. Haven't seen my little cousin for a while so we are excited. Be safe and will see you Saturday Morning...........
Dave Wells <Ddazed69@aol.com>
Semmes, Al - Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:04 PM CDT
Hooray!! You're WATERHOSE FREE!! I'm so excited for you! Give that girl something to eat, and enjoy some lovely time at the beach!! We love you guys, and hope you have a fantastic weekend!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, June 15, 2006 1:43 PM CDT
Hi Guys! I hope you are resting well tonight and getting ready for the hose removal tomorrow. I sure hope it'll be able to happen this time.

Tammy - we missed you Friday night at the crop - any chance you can stop by this Friday night? :) I know, I know, you'll be packing to hit the beach! Well, we'll miss you and hope you guys have a fun, relaxing week with LOTS AND LOTS of splashing and water fun! I know Colette will be so excited.

Ya'll be safe and have a good trip! Love ya!

Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:47 PM CDT
Hey there sweetie, How are you doing? I bet you just can't wait for that "waterhose" to come out. Miss Morgan can't wait either. You look so cute in your picture with the ocean behind you. I am sooo jealous. :) Miss Morgan goes for her Big scans this week. I will check on you later. Love ya and God Bless
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, IN USA - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 0:12 AM CDT
Mrs. Penny, we have to have faith that God chose to grant those jars to someone who was in dire straights. You would have to be to steal money from a child, especially a sick child. It is a testimony to Him that the businesses want new jars, and to keep collecting for Colette, and sharing her story. In sharing her story, you spread the word of God, and help to heal not only Colette, but other children who face the same battles, and you help to heal broken hearts. So, I will pray blessings on the person(s) who have taken these jars, and ask God to provide for them as He has seen fit to provide for us as His children. While it pains us to think someone would take that money, that we know you all need to help provide the transporation back and forth to Birmingham, and have the opportunity to enjoy childhood around the days and weeks of treatments, we are again faced with the harsh reality of life. We will simply pray for blessings, healing, and renewed strength in our faith. Every day, every hour, every minute, let Him renew our love for Him and bring us closer!
I know it is so hard to face, Maw Maw, to know that there are such cruel individuals. Know that there are many, many more who give freely, financially and emotionally, than there will ever be who take. Rest easy in that knowledge, and allow them to help provide the healing when others try to hurt. We love you all very much, and hope that the next few days bring peace!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:30 PM CDT
Just a quick note:( We have had three donation jars stolen....!!!!!!!!!!!!I need some serious prayers.....the businesses are wanting us to bring in replacment jars because they have all fell in love with Miss Colette. I promise I will add the rest of the story later. All my love, Maw Maw Penny
Mrs.Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, AL - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:18 PM CDT
LOL, looks like you updated while I posted! Well, shoot. I hate that the hose is still there, and that the numbers were up, but they aren't bad at all, so it sounds very promising. I know you are not looking forward to more rushing around, but I also know you'll do fine throwing stuff into a couple bags and heading to the beach! Finally, I know that you will feel better knowing that you waited to be sure the time was right to take out the "waterhose"- nothing like a mommy's gut to tell her what to do! Hang in there, gang. There's an awful lot of us out here praying for you, and sending out lots of love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, June 12, 2006 12:58 AM CDT
Just checking in... Thinking of you all, and praying hard! Love ya!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, June 12, 2006 11:55 AM CDT
I spoke to Tammy yesterday and things were busy. Jason was headed out to play paintball ( hopefully when their lives get back to normal, he will be able to participate in his hobbies and coach Bryant in football. I know they have missed sports. It seems such a long time since they did that.

Miss Colette was not feeling good because of her accutane treatment. She was itching and just plain miserable. You mom's know that when your child is ill so are you:( Colette wanted to go with the big kid's and they wanted to do their own thing. That is just another side effect of finally being able to go into public places and being too young.

Tomorrow the waterhose will be out and more normalcy will return to everyone. I am so very much looking forward to that. Up to this point Bryant and Colette have had such a hard time playing the rough housing siblings do for fear of accidently pulling the waterhouse( intravenious line into her body) out. Tammy will be at ease because she has had to live with that fear since September. Everytime Colette screams, it sends a rush of adreneline right through you!! And being a mom, dad, brother (or maw maw) you don't know if she is hurt, mad or scared. And Bryant just runs the other way. I bought him a T-shirt that said, "I didn't do it".LOL

Keep up your prayers and remember without all of your faith and encouragment we would have been like sailors floundering at sea in search of your lighthouse. We truly look forward to hearing from all of you and we continuly pray Great Blessings on You as you have so selflessly done for us.
Jesus loves you and so do we:) All my love Maw Maw Penny

Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Sunday, June 11, 2006 12:23 AM CDT
Well, I imagine today is a driving day, and you all are headed back to the Ham. Tomorrow will be a big day!! I'm so excited for you! I'm thinking about you and praying for you! God is good, ALL THE TIME!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, June 11, 2006 8:50 AM CDT
Hey Girls!
Sorry about loosing the tea, but Way to go Mom! It's wonderful to hear how great you have been! Hope the weekend is wonderful! Take care and we will check on you later!
Beth Beck

Beth Beck <beck6649@bellsouth.net>
- Saturday, June 10, 2006 10:53 PM CDT
Here in Mobile it is quiet this morning...that is good:) I have spent soooo many weekends in B'ham and this one is so very different. Colette and family are in South Carolina with her PaPoo and Nanna and family. I am certain she and Bryant are having a blast. This is her first trip to her Pate grandparents house:)

They have a very busy next three weeks planned. Monday Colette will have surgery to remove her intravenious access line she has used for most of this last year. We look forward to being free of her "waterhose"ha ha:) Later she will have another port under the skin inserted sometime in July. I know how much the family (me included) look forward to no more dressing changes nearly every night. She has had this line since September last year and has not been able to get this area wet or play "mermaid" in the bathtub since. God is so GOOD..all the time...God is GOOD.

Thank you all for your continued prayers, all my love
Maw Maw Penny

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, June 10, 2006 10:16 AM CDT
Oh that is wonderful about your blood work. YEAH!!! I bet your sooooo excited about having your line removed, that will be awesome, you'll actually be able to do alot more stuff....swim? bath? WOW take care sweetie, God Bless.
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Saturday, June 10, 2006 0:02 AM CDT
Hey Princess,

I'm happy to read that your calcium level is normal. Sweet tea, huh? That's crazy. I know you and your mama are very relieved. I just wanted to tell you that I still think about you all the time. I remember playing with you in clinic (pushing the car) like it was yesterday. I hope you had a great time at the McWane Center. Kadin loved that place. Take care of your mama and keep on smiling.

Kadin's Daddy


Billy Gazzaway
Panama City, FL USA - Thursday, June 8, 2006 11:17 PM CDT
I know you can't check in right now, Tam & kids, but I just wanted to leave a note, and let you know I'm checking on you each day! I love you all very much, and hope you're enjoying some fun times! Keeping you always in my prayers!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, June 8, 2006 2:04 PM CDT
Hey Colette and Family,

I am so happy to read that everything is going so good for you. Yea! That is wonderful news. I bet you are enjoying getting to go home to Mobile. Mommy to. I'm sorry it's been a while since I signed your guestbook, but I check on you everyday. I love to look at your beautiful smile. Keep up the good work girl! Love you!

Kelly Butland


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 4:11 PM CDT
Thinking of you lots today - hey that's great not having to go to clinic to Thursday (tell your mum make the most of if)when hospital is part of your life every single day and then all of a sudden you don't have to go it is a great celebration but you actually are lost (that happens to me) because hospital has been in my life all my life when I don't have to go I just don't know what to do because in a way I love to go and see all my great friends and nurses and doctors, but then in a great way it is great because it means you are feeling better. I have been doing lots getting the awareness out there about Neuroblastoma (over here in Aus land) and doing lots of fund raising to find a cure fir this monster and doing lots of other things as well and lots of things coming up as well. It is very cold down here, it was 3 degreeeeeeeeees this morning very cold and frosty. Well, I know things will continue to get better for you, you make sure you keep that big smile on the dile (face) and I send you lots of my strength and courage and lots of hugs from your NB friend (JAY)

JAYS JOURNEY (Neuroblastoma Survivor)
Australia - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 11:32 PM CDT
Hooray for a normal calcium level! That's fantastic- and given the history, who would have "thunk it"!? Sounds like you were able to enjoy a nice extra few days at home, which is great! And then to get back to B'ham and have such great results, I'm so excited for you guys! I'm keeping you always in my prayers, and hope you have a great week, and a safe and fun trip to SC! Love you all!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 12:40 AM CDT
Hi Guys! I had so much fun Friday night - can't wait until we can both go together again! Glad you had a safe trip and YEAH for calcium being normal! I'm so glad. Have a good two days off before heading back to check stuff again Thursday. I'm sure at some point you'll pop in Scrap Etc! Think of me, while I'm sitting in boring biology class thinking of things I could be scrapbooking! Ya'll have a safe drive to SC and get back home soon!!!
Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 9:13 AM CDT
Today is Sunday and Colette was at church and had a most wonderful time. She still can't go to sunday school because of "little kid germies" but, it won't be long. We sit up in the balcony in the least populated area and there was a hymn that the choir was rockin' to this morning and Miss Colette was getting down in a Baptist church!!!!!!!! I loved it, can we say she was "feeling" the Holy Spirit and I am sure the choir felt it, too! It is a wonderful blessing to she her radiate the love of Jesus who died on the cross to make her all well:) Everytime she see's a heart she says," Jesus is love" when she see's a cross she says, "Jesus died on the cross to make me all well."

Nana Blair our princess is a child of the King Jesus!! She is gloriously healed and I have similar feelings about our braclet's...I feel the Lord is going to break it or something.....I feel strongly that the time is at hand to be free of my "childhood cancer awareness braclet" I KNOW God's will is being done...to be around such an angel here on earth is a blessing I feel God has given to me and anyone who meets her. Many times she will blow a kiss to them when we leave and say "God bless you"........It has been a whole year...yet, it has passed off so quickly. I read Tammy's thoughts and must say I too could sit and write of my year of knowledge.........Thank You God and ALL OF OUR FAITHFUL LOVING AND CARING FRIENDS WE HAVE MADE THIS YEAR!!!!!Without you lifting us and Miss Colette to Jesus .....our struggle would have been nearly unbearable. Each journal entry always comes just in the nick of time....usually when we are at our lowest ebb. When we think we can't go any further there you are with just that word.....

Here I Am Praying................................. We are praying for all of you that God our Father will BLESS YOU WITH JOY UNTHINKALE AND FULL OF GLORY:)

Tammy and the kids are on their way back to B'ham right now...please pray for their traveling safety:)

All my love MawMaw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Sunday, June 4, 2006 5:25 PM CDT
Wow...reading this story really makes me look back my life and praise God for the blessings he has givin me and my friends and family these past 14 years..your story along with your faith is inspiring and uplifting never lose your faith i will be praying
Amanda Durden <ilivebyfaithalone@yahoo.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Sunday, June 4, 2006 9:36 AM CDT
G'day Colette, you will be right, you will get through this easily, you have beaten everything else, this will be a breeze, only us NB kids know what we have truely had to go through and I know this last hurdle you can get over it with ease. I send you lots of my strength and courage and lots of hugs from your friend Jay.

JAYS JOURNEY (Neuroblastoma Survivor)
Australia - Saturday, June 3, 2006 1:08 AM CDT
We are so excited that God has carried Colette and all of us through her journey. Tuesday I couldn't find my childrens cancer bracelet, I looked everwhere...finally I told Tom, that it was a sign from God, telling me, Colette is healed. I've since found the bracelet but can only look at it ...just won't put it on. I BELIEVE in her complete and lasting healing, for the glory and honor of the Most Blessed Trinity. We are all excited about ya'lls trip to Columbia. Natalie can't wait for you to see their new condo and to have ya'll here on Her Special Day!!
Two weeks till VACATION!
The pictures of the house are awesome!!! LOVE, HUGS and KISSES to all.
Nana, Pappoo, Aunt Kristin

Blair J. Pate <b.pate@laurel-crest.com>
Columbia, SC USA - Friday, June 2, 2006 3:47 PM CDT
Hey guys, you all have a safe trip back to B'ham, and on to South Carolina! Keep your sanity, Tam, I know it'll be fine! You've come to far to lose it now because the kids are picking on each other! (And you know they will!) I hope you have a fantastic few weeks, that the "craputane" goes perfectly, and the Princess is a model patient. We love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, June 1, 2006 1:08 PM CDT
I am so HAPPY for you and your family! I miss you so much! You guys are the greatest! I love yall-cie

Cie-4tower <ciehays@aol.com>
- Thursday, June 1, 2006 1:58 AM CDT
Did you ever consider you had the strength to make it this far? Were you ever on the outside looking in going "I'd do (this) and (that) if it were my child?
Now you've proven it and all the while proving what an amazing woman you are. I'm humbled in your shadow. Tammy, you truely you are a Woman to be adorned, bowed down too and praised. YOUR CHILDREN WILL RISE UP AND CALL YOU BLESSED. And you are worthy of it!
I love you ! Stephanie

Stephanie <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:52 PM CDT
hey tammy and colette I AM SO HAPPY EVERYONE IS DOING SO MUCH BETTER.I will keep yall in my prayers.
Heather Catlin <hcat4@comcast.net>
mobile, al u.s - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:25 PM CDT
Hi Colette,
What WONDERFUL news to read .... your scans are CLEAR!!!!
That is the best news I have had in a long time. I check your website 2-3 times a week but hardly ever sign in. But I do want you to know that I continue to pray for you.
So happy you can be out without your mask, I bet that makes you feel much better.
Well sweet girl, remember Ellie and I love you. We hope you will have a wonderful time at Disney.
Hugs and prayers,
Ms. Nena and Ellie (from Hand-in-Paw)

- Wednesday, May 31, 2006 12:22 AM CDT

SHELLY <shelly100174@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:31 AM CDT
Great News Colette! We are praying for you.
Kevin Bussey <bamabusman@yahoo.com>
Charlotte, NC - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:33 PM CDT
Hi, Tammy!

I loved your list and was inspired to start one of our own! Your excitement and happiness just radiated off the computer screen. God bless you all! I can hardly wait for the day they take out Amy's line. I'm just so happy for you, I nearly cried. All the very best,

Baby Amy's mommy

Laura Munson
- Tuesday, May 30, 2006 7:50 PM CDT
toni delaney <litiflwr@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al u.s.a. - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 7:41 PM CDT
I think I have broken something in my back from trying to do a victory dance and I am sure my neighbors think that Billy has beaten me from all the screaming and yelling. We are so happy for you, Colette. I wish you could see my silly grin! I know you will have the best time at the beach without your mask...and an even better time at Disneyworld. Thinking of you always...

Emily, Billy
^^Angel Kadin^^

- Tuesday, May 30, 2006 2:21 PM CDT
Colette and Tammy, We were so glad to read your last few journal entries..... Way To Go Colette!!!! Yippeee....You sumed it of in one from going back to last year. Colette you've come along way baby!!!! Keep fighting and stay well and we will all keep praying that you stay healthy. Cancer Cells stay away!!! Love the pic of you at the beach. You are a beautiful girl. Take care all. We are always checking in on you and thinking of you.

Love, Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, Kelly, & Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland
FL. & AL., U.S. - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 2:21 PM CDT
Hi Pate Family!!! What wonderful news!!! I'm so glad to hear it. I missed your update last night and was touched when I just read it. Thanks for keeping it on the front page! I remember contemplating over what to say on our 1 year day! Your list was wonderful. We have learned many things that we never thought we would know huh? I'm so glad Colette is home for a few days and loving her castle! I hope the trip back to Birmingham is quick and painless and your home soon! Still praying for Miss Colette!! Lots of love,
Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 1:30 PM CDT
Our God is an awesome God....or as Colette sings - Our Dad is an Awesome DAd - LOL
Well that is great news.
I just got off the phone with the princess and so sorry to tell her I had plans for lunch already!!!!!!
I will go eat lunch with you again soon PUnkin!
For now I am excited about the news. Know that you all are too.
Lots of love

Aunt Brandy <bkpate@aol.com>
Irvington, AL - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:34 AM CDT
HOORAY!! Way to go Colette!! You are phenomenal, baby girl, and we are SOOO proud of you! You all have come a long way in the last year, and you're doing a fantastic job kicking cancer's butt. You've learned a lot, faced a lot, lost some, and gained SO MUCH. I'm glad you can be without your mask, and you get to dump a med, and soon you can be a water monkey! We love you so very much, and are so glad the scans came in so well. So, shake your booty, pretty princess! You've earned it!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:09 AM CDT
I am so glad to hear the report! That is wonderful!
Tam, I am so sorry I missed your call saturday. I was working a wedding is Mississippi (read no reception on my cell). I would love to do some stuff for you. I will try to give you a call this afternoon.
Much Love,

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:08 AM CDT
Hi Colette, you tell your mum - you never look back you always look forward - you can't change what was - but you do change for ever for the best and for the future after being diagnosed with cancer. Cancer may be a horrible thing to tackle but good things do come out of having to fight it, battle it and survive it. I found that I can do so much to help others because I was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma and survived I can now put my strengths into trying to raise awareness of NB and trying to find a cure so others don't have to suffer. You are a survivor, look to the future and believe good things will happen. Lots of love and hugs your Aussie NB friend Jay.

JAY (Neuroblastoma Survivor)
Australia - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 3:28 AM CDT
We love you all SOOOO much! Glad you have had such Happy Days. We are always connected through prayer. I found this awesome site that made me think of you all.
Kisses & Hugs to all. Nana

Blair Pate <b.pate@laurel-crest.com>
Columbia , SC USA - Monday, May 29, 2006 11:56 AM CDT
Happy Memorial Day,
I hope you get your scan results soon. I know there is great news awaiting for the Pate family. It sure will be nice to not have to worry about school for the summer. Glad you and Jason had a great anniversary. Tony & I will have our 9th on June 20th. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! Well gotta run.
Love you guys.

Kathryn <KathrynDGarner@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, May 29, 2006 7:39 AM CDT
Yay Colette!! It's so funny- when Melissa (who's 2 1/2) sits with me when I'm checking in on you all, I have to fight with her because she wants to "see Cowette, mommy!" She really likes the beach picture, btw! She loves going to see all the different pictures, and will just babble forever about her "fwend Cowette" and the "pwetty pichers". It's always so neat to realize they've figured out the sounds, and hear them practice them over and over. So, give that girl a big high five!
I bet Bryant is getting pretty excited with school almost out. I'm glad the timing worked out pretty well, and you can be there, Tam. Be sure to get that great "last day of school" photo so we can compare to his first day pic!!
You guys have a great rest of your Memorial Day Weekend, and remember- We Love You!!

Megan (& Clan) <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, May 27, 2006 11:14 PM CDT
toni delaney <litiflwr@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al u.s.a. - Friday, May 26, 2006 9:54 PM CDT
toni delaney <litiflwr@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al u.s.a. - Friday, May 26, 2006 9:54 PM CDT
I am glad to hear the good reports. I know her scans and tests will come back free and clear! Keep smiling and keep positive. I think of her all the time. May the Lord continue to bless her. Go Taylor!!!!! I am glad he won, although I liked both of them. God Bless and I will check back tomorrow to see if there are any new updates. www.caringbridge.org/visit/morganrosedeckard
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomignton, In USA - Friday, May 26, 2006 8:33 PM CDT
Hey Colette, We are thinking of you and your family as you wait for your results. We are sending heaps of love and positive energy and hope and pray you continue to be NED. You are an inspiration sweetheart. Hugs from Australia. Jude (Kahlilla's nan)
Jude Donahoo <kdo82182@bigpond.net.au>
Phillip Island, Vic Australia - Friday, May 26, 2006 7:17 AM CDT
just thinking about you and all those scans going on this week.
Can't wait to see you all again.
We had a great time with you this weekend!
Love you all....You are in our thoughts and prayers

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Thursday, May 25, 2006 12:55 AM CDT
Hey...you look like you are having a wonderful time at the beach. Cant wait until we get to go back. Wish you the best when you have your scans done. Lots of prayers coming your way....GOOD LUCK....
Shelly & JC <shelly100174@bellsouth.net>
Greenville, sc - Thursday, May 25, 2006 12:10 AM CDT
Hope things are going well.
Much Love,

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Thursday, May 25, 2006 10:12 AM CDT
Well such a cute little sun bather. I just wanted to say Hi and we are still praying for you and thinking about you. God Bless.
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Wednesday, May 24, 2006 7:07 PM CDT
Hi my little friend, just stopping by to see how you are and wow look at you lazing back in the sun. Thinking of you each day and sending you lots of strength and courage and hugs, your mate (JAY)

AUSTRALIA - Wednesday, May 24, 2006 4:05 AM CDT
Well, I know that you guys have had a great time hanging out together at home, and are NOT looking forward to having to head back to B'ham tomorrow, but I'm confident that the next few days are going to show God's miracles to you! And in the weeks ahead you will continue to share His glory with the world as you rejoice in the healing He has provided. And soon you will be able to hold your Blood Drive, and help others be healed as well, and that's an awesome thing! Not to mention, you get to go to Disneyworld!!! (Which totally rocks. If Bryant is a big ride guy, tell him I said he's GOT to check out the Tower of Terror!)
The oven is beeping, so I probably should go feed my crew, but travel safely tomorrow, and we're looking forward to the phenominal reports to come over the next days and weeks! Love to you all!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington , IN - Tuesday, May 23, 2006 5:43 PM CDT
Hi sweetheart!! You look so cute in that photo.
Miss Katie went "awww" out loud.
That's great news you can go without your mask.

Praying for clear scans, NO CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!

Nicole & Katie Benson <familybenson@email.com>
- Tuesday, May 23, 2006 11:47 AM CDT

AUNT KRiSTiN <p8bla@aol.com>
LEXINGTON , SC USA - Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:18 AM CDT
I love the new picture! I know you guys had so much fun! Enjoy your time together. Bryant, I know you a re looking forward to being out of school. YAY! Saying prayers for clear scans!
Much Love

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, May 22, 2006 9:30 AM CDT
Hi Guys! Glad you got to get away and enjoy some beach time together! You all deserved it. LuLu's is wonderful isn't it? We LOVE it. Hope your few days left at home will be good and your trip back to Birmingham short and easy! Love ya!
Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, AL - Monday, May 22, 2006 8:18 AM CDT
I'm SO glad you guys got to really enjoy yourselves, a little for just the two of you, and a little for everybody! I'm off to walkerplace to check out new pics! Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, May 21, 2006 7:48 PM CDT
Hi Colette
You look so pretty in your new picture. I am so glad that you got to go home and that you are doing so well. Keep up the good work! We know you will have the best time at Disney! Say hi to Mickey and the Gang for us!
Emily, Billy and Angel Kadin

- Saturday, May 20, 2006 9:22 PM CDT
I hope Tammy and Jason are having a great weekend, and Colette is feeling great! Just wanted to pop in and say hey, and that we love ya! Hugs and Kisses!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, May 20, 2006 3:26 PM CDT
Hi Collette, we have not forgotten you - no way - we think of you all the time - we have just had alot of things happening bad nasty things and it affected us both very much and also we have had to move and also been off line but we are back now and we wanted you to know that we miss you lots and send you lots of big hugs and lots of love. Four days until Jay turns a big 11, wow, and they said he would never make it how wrong were they. You are looking great and look so pretty. Lots of love from your friends (BRON AND JAY)

JAYS JOURNEY (Neuroblastoma Survivor)
Australia - Saturday, May 20, 2006 7:09 AM CDT
I remember it so well, ten years..well, most of it....:):):)All my love, momma

GOD HAS TRULY BLESSED ME WITH THE BEST SON-IN-LAWS IN THE WORLD! Maybe that's because they got two of the very best wives in the world.....:) LOOK AT THE KID'S

Mrs.Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:42 PM CDT
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TAMMY AND JASON!!!!! Have a good time and relax at the beach....
Colette so glad to hear that your counts are good WAY TO GO GIRL.......
So you got a new Tinkerbell outfit and Cinderella dress how nice. Like the pic....
Love, Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, Kelly, & Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland (AL.) <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Thursday, May 18, 2006 11:19 AM CDT
Hello there far away family.. I wanted to stop by and say hello and we are of corse still thinking about you. Happy Anniversary Tammy and Jason. You two go and have lots of fun and don't think twice about it. You deserve it sooooo very much. Give Colette a big hug from her extended family in Indiana. God Bless www.caringbridge.org/visit/morganrosedeckard
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:35 AM CDT
Happy Anniversary!!!


Glad Colette's blood counts are going up up up and her calcium is doing down.

Thinking of you!! x

Nicole and Katie Benson <familybenson@email.com>
- Thursday, May 18, 2006 9:45 AM CDT


Kathryn Garner & family <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Thursday, May 18, 2006 9:29 AM CDT
Well, Happy Anniversary!! I hope you and Jason have a blast- you guys deserve a bit of a break!! I'm glad this last visit went so well, and that the counts are all moving in the right directions, enjoy yourselves, and each other! Love you all, and praying for you daily.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:58 AM CDT
hey colette!
I am glad you are doing well! I miss you! cie- 4 tower

cie washburn <ciehays@aol.com>
- Thursday, May 18, 2006 5:45 AM CDT
So glad to hear things are on the up-and-up. Tammy, you're tone in your journals are so much more light and happy. I can definietly tell you are happy to be home. Congrats on your anniversary. It doesn't seem like it was 10 years ago, but then again it seems like forever ago (considering how old I was then verses now).
Much Love

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:15 PM CDT
I think hospitals use the "round file" for all faxed lab requests! I know it was a pain when my middle child had to go in daily for a simple bilirubin stick to monitor a mild case of jaundice as a newborn. Bless her heart, the sweet girl in admissions finally kept extra copies in HER desk of the lab orders so she could hand me one when I came in. I can't IMAGINE the garbage you have to deal with, Tammy! I'm glad it was a nice, comfortable area, though, once you all were able to get in and get started. I'm also glad to hear that the labs came back in pretty good shape. Most important, we're ALL glad that you're getting to spend some quality time, at home, with your guys, and enjoy little things like not-so-insane traffic, and sleeping in your own bed, and Colette twirling around in the den celebrating being HOME! So, enjoy being together, and remember we love ya!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:30 AM CDT
Hi Tammy & Colette:
Sorry I have not signed in lately, but please know that you all are in my constant thoughts and prayers. I know you are glad to hopefully be back home for a while and get into the grove of things around there. There is simply no place like home is there. I know your guys are glad you are home also. Take care. God Bless you and keep you.

Margaret Faulkner <whitehurstmsf@bellsouth.net>
Duncanville, AL USA - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:41 AM CDT
hi,tammy and colette, hope all goes well today with the dr. and colette's counts. glad you had a great mother's day, it was roughfor all of us . i havn't forgotten about all of you , it's hard sometimes. but i do remember to pray and ask prayer for all the children and families . know you are glad to be at home. talk to you all later. mawmaw hooks dj's margaret.
margaret hooks <triplehfrms@yahoo.com>
Red Level, Al. USA - Monday, May 15, 2006 12:39 AM CDT
Happy Mother's Day to Tammy & Aunt Penny & all the mothers. I know this one was especially blessed. Just wanted to let you guys know that I was thinking about you. Hope all goes well today.
Much Love,

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, May 15, 2006 8:55 AM CDT
It sounds like your Mother's Day was wonderful! (And MawMaw's too! Good job, Unca Mike!) Sweet tea makes everything all better, doesn't it Princess! Up where I'm at it's hard to find a good sweet tea if you don't make it yourself- the restaurant next to my office used to make good tea, but they changed owners, and I've not been impressed since.
I'm sure it was super nice to get to be back at church, at YOUR church, surrounded by the friends and family who love you! That's like a whole second homecoming, isn't it?
I've gotta get my clan up and ready to go, but I am SO glad you had such a wonderful Mother's Day, Tam, and You TOO, MawMaw! We love you all, and are praying today's visit is a breeze! Have a FANTASTIC day!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, May 15, 2006 6:22 AM CDT

I hope you had a wonderful day!

Kelly Butland


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Sunday, May 14, 2006 9:29 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day. :) I will keep praying that her calcium gets normal, and stays normal. Tell Colette to keep smiling. :) www.caringbridge.org/visit/morganrosedeckard
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Sunday, May 14, 2006 4:17 PM CDT
Hi Colette! I found your site through Madison's guest book. Hope everything is going well. Love Nicole xx

nicole <nicole@c-h-o-c.org.uk>
Kent, England - Sunday, May 14, 2006 9:26 AM CDT
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EDMONTON ,ALBERTACanada, - Sunday, May 14, 2006 0:24 AM CDT
Home Sweet Home...I promise I know exactly what that means:) Nothing feels as good as your own cover and your "snuggle buddy":) Mother's Day will be especially HAPPY this year because I too will be able to be home. With my momma too:)

We finally got to leave the hospital in B'ham at 5:30 p.m. into "stress city traffic!"

We got in around 10:45 last night due to something going on, on I-65 south bound. We sat in trafic about forty minutes and saw an ambulance fly by in the emergency lane. Much to our surprise there was no vechicles wrecked only LOTS of local police and state troopers atop the "Dolly Parton bridge". (For those of you not familiar with south I-65 that is two highrise bridge spans over the river before you reach Creola, Alabama.) It appeared someone might have jumped off because there was an old pickup truck parked directly in the center of the span and all the officers and ambulance crew were looking over the sides of the bridge. When we reached Saraland we saw what I thought was another state trooper but, it was the state trooper search and rescue boat with the blue lights going. Hopefully, it was just a scare.

But, Colette just spun around and a around in her den last night at eleven o'clock saying she was happy to be in Mobile!!!!! I snuggled up with her and she slept all night.
It truly like a story you read where everybody lives happily everafter:) Happy Mother's Day to all of you, Love Maw Maw Penny

maw maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, May 13, 2006 2:27 PM CDT
Well, I heard a rumor through a birthday girl's site that you made it home- I'm so glad! You guys have a GREAT weekend, and enjoy Mother's Day at home with both kiddos! Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, May 13, 2006 9:21 AM CDT

Glad that you get to come home. I hope its for a long time. Tell Dr. Wilson we said hi. We go in Thursday. Did you know the clinic is upstairs now?? It is soooo much nicer.


Machelle Johnson <MJmomathome@aol.com>
Theodore, Al - Friday, May 12, 2006 5:51 PM CDT
Well, shoot! I had hoped the levels would be down, not UP! I'm glad you're gonna head home after todays fluids, though! I hope gas prices came down a bit there.. Ours went up yesterday, but were just confusing this morning!! The first station I passed was at $2.99, and the one right by my office was at $2.75! I'm not sure what it's doing!
At any rate, I will pray for a safe trip home, and that the levels have dropped by Monday's check. I'm thinking about you all, and keeping you in my prayers! Love ya!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, May 12, 2006 12:42 AM CDT
I hope to get to see you this weekend. I don't like all this time of being apart, especially after the girls had so much fun together those days they got to spend together a couple of weeks ago. I miss all of you. Let me know if Jason is playing paintball with Craig on Saturday and I will be more than happy to get Bryant and take him swimming or bike riding at the park with the kids or something. I miss my buddy.
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
Mobile, AL - Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:03 PM CDT
I am thinking of you.
karen www.caringbridge.org/visit/mouse05
- Thursday, May 11, 2006 9:37 PM CDT
Well, I'm hopeful that the next post will be from the comfort of your own home! Keeping you all in my prayers, and asking God to comfort an upset tummy, and bring those calcium levels back down! Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington , IN - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 1:35 PM CDT
hi, collette and mom, stopped by to say hi ,hope every thing is going better . hope her calicum has come down i've been praying for all of you . i haven't written but i've thought of everyone quiet often sinnce nov . 10,2005 mmy toughts and prayers have been that god will bless !!!!!!!!!! may god continue to bless all my love in christ jesus , ann hooks ,dj's mawmaw
triplehfrms <triplhfrms@yahoo.com>
Red Level, Al. USA - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:42 AM CDT
Hey Punkin! I hate that you are feeling bad. Prayers are going up for you to feel better and for you and mommy to be home for mother's day. I know Maw-Maw would like that too. ;) Just wanted to let you know we are thinking about you.
Much Love,

Manda & Joe <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:26 AM CDT
Awe Punkin!
I am sorry you are feeling bad. I was hoping (with my selfish self) that you were going to make it home for Nicole's birthday party.
I will pray that you feel better quick! NOt for my sake bur for yours, momma's daddy's and bubbas. I know momma would like to be with everyone for mothers day!
You be a good durl! and i will see you real soon.
Love you lots.
Love Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bkpate@aol.com>
Irvingtona, AL - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:17 AM CDT
Well I know you don't want to be there. Trust me I understand. :) I want you to remain positive and just know that everyday your closer and closer to being completely free from the hospitals and all that stuff. Morgan can't wait for that day. If fact she was just talking about that tonight and crying a little bit. I tried to explain it to her the best I could. I will say an extra prayer for your calcium tonight, and for that NB monster to stay away. Lots of Love from Indiana www.caringbridge.org/visit/morganrosedeckard
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:34 PM CDT
I know many of you were still checking in on Billy and Emily, Kadin's parents. If you were not, please lift them even higher in prayer tonight- Emily's sister passed away this morning in her sleep. The Lord help them, and hold them tight.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, In - Tuesday, May 9, 2006 5:55 PM CDT
Well, that wasn't QUITE what I was looking for, but it sounds like you have it well under control! We've got prayers going up for a Mother's Day at home!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, May 9, 2006 3:52 PM CDT
Hello to our pretty princesses!! I'm hoping that today will be a breeze, and before you know it, you'll be back on the road headed south! It says a lot that she didn't need fluids on Friday, and hopefully that's just the beginning of the perfection to come! All of you guys are just awesome, and truly inspire so many of us, and we thank you for that! I'm praying for a perfect report from the visit today! Keep us posted!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, May 9, 2006 10:36 AM CDT
We are going to be praying that you get to go home for mothers day. hope all your bloodwork looks good. we will keep praying for a miracle. take care...
lots of hugs & prayers, Shelly & JC

shelly <shelly100174@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:43 AM CDT
Hi my sweet Colette. I am sorry I haven't wrote for a while, I am always checking on you though. You get to go to Disney World too really soon!!!!!!! How exciting, Morgan can't wait, Kamryn too. Keep kicking butt. Lots of Love from Indiana. God Bless
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Monday, May 8, 2006 10:15 AM CDT
I'm so glad that the Dr's reports were so positive! Sure, IV's are no fun, but, by the grace of God, Colette's need for them will be few and far between! So we pray for strength and health throughout the next few days, and a perfect report on Tuesday. Lots and lots of love!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, In - Sunday, May 7, 2006 7:22 PM CDT
Hi Jason, Tammy, Colette and Bryant
So great to hear all the encouraging news on Colette's progress. You have all been such an inspiration to us for your strength and faith. We keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers.
Mr. Jim

Jim Ellis <ace2play@aol.com>
Semmes, Al USA - Sunday, May 7, 2006 1:38 PM CDT
Hey Tammy and Colette! I'm so glad to hear the "Crap-utane" is going better this time. I love the name too! I'll be praying the bloodwork is all good so you guys can be home for Mother's Day, too. I know how important that is to you. It would be a fantastic Mother's Day gift, just to be home. I'll pray hard for that one for you!

We will have to get the kids together. Cole will love it - at the park or at our house - anything! Everytime he sees Colette's picture now he says "Oh yeah, she's like me. Cole, Colette, Cole, Colette!" Too Cute! I wanted to ask him why he never got the name connection all these times I've shown him her pictures on her page, but I know he doesn't understand that. I guess now that he's met her in person, he gets it! :)

Anyway - I hope your "Ham" time goes by fast this week and you get home soon! Tell Miss Colette hello and the boys too!

Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, AL - Sunday, May 7, 2006 7:18 AM CDT
As I sit here tonight, I'm saddened by the loss your friends, the Gazzaways, have faced. I was unable to light a candle, as we were at my brother's commencement, but I did stop, and say a prayer. Like so many others, I am drawn to his site, much as I was drawn to Colette's all those months ago! Time and again, as I read posts from you, Tammy, and from Billy and Emily, and from Brooke and Dusten (Morgan's mom & dad), I'm awed and inspired by your strength, faith, and love. Facing the most difficult things that a parent could ever face, you all remain grounded in faith. Each and every one of you, from Tammy and Jason, to Colette, Bryant, Mrs. Penny and, Brandy, Sherry, and so many others, are incredibly important to me. You give me guidance, hope, faith, patience, and so much more. So, tonight, I thank you all for sharing your stories, and lives, with total strangers. For taking us in, giving US comfort, and showing us love.
Parents, kiss your children. We know not what tomorrow may bring, and I refuse to go forward in my life with regrets.

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, May 5, 2006 9:45 PM CDT
Safe travels, easy visits, and good reports! Keeping Madison and mom Beth in our prayers as well. I'll check in on you girls later, we love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, May 5, 2006 6:53 AM CDT
Hi Colette,
I saw your Mommy signed Miss Janie Kashino's site and thought I would drop by and send prayers for your healing as well!

My son is a big 21 year old, and also just finished his thrird round of accutane. He is battling NB too.


Stay strong little one!
Love and prayers,

Donna Ludwinski <ludfarm@arvig.net>
Park Rapids, MN - Thursday, May 4, 2006 5:30 PM CDT
Hey to my pretty southern belles- you girls look great playing in your princess dresses! I hope you got to go have your chippies! Sounds like Aunt Brandy is ready!
I hope that you all are doing well, and that the first few days of the accutane haven't been awful. You all, and so many of your friends, remain in my prayers daily. We love you guys!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:09 AM CDT
Hello, Im JC and I saw where your mom signed by guestbook (thanks, mom). I only found out about Kadin about a month ago, but I took a real liking to him. I think you are very lucky to have met him, also. He reminded me of my baby brother (hes 3). I hope you are having fun today and I hope you will continue to do good. I have to ask mom what some of the words on your site is but thats ok. If I have your moms permission I would like to add you to my prayer list at church. My nana says you can never have to many prayers. Always rememer, you have friends everywhere and I would like to become one of yours..
Big hugs to you...JC

jameson crowder <shelly100174@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, May 3, 2006 2:18 PM CDT
dear tammy, i just read where she is going to start the accutane....I had to take it before and i know how dry you can get....A dr.s office here in west monroe sells the products(loitions and lip balms) that REALLY help sooth your skin and lips the name is "LA ROCHE-POSAY Tolerianne"
THe lotions are life savers and pretty reasonably priced.
Although for my lips I have found that plain old vaseline out of the jar works THE BEST! I will continue to pray for you and your baby....

Jessica Ray <jesikaray@yahoo.com>
West Monroe, la 71291 - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 12:23 AM CDT
Hello from Lebanon, THank you so much for signing Kaitlyn's guestbook, your words are very inspiring. we always appreciate such words.
Take care and God bless you all

guardian angel <angegardienangegardien@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/visit/kaitlyns, Lebanon - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 11:25 AM CDT
Hi there my little sweet Colette, I am so sorry about your little friend. I pryaed and thought of his family often. May peace be with them. Colette sweetie you look wondeful, I love your dress up clothes. :) I will pray for you as you start your accutane, you'll do fine. Tammy ask if she can have Zofran(kytril) with it, it really helps Morgan, just preventing the possible nausea. It helped you might try it. God Bless you all.
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Tuesday, May 2, 2006 10:47 PM CDT
Hey Girls! Just checking in with you to see how you are holding up! Glad to hear you are doing well! Hopefully we will see you again soon!
Love, Beth and Madison Beck

Beth Beck <Beck6649@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, May 2, 2006 3:42 PM CDT
Hoping you all get some good news on this sad day. My heart goes out to all of Kadin's friends and family, and I hope and pray that they find peace and comfort as they face the next days and weeks. I know Kadin's wings are a lovely red cape style, and that their Superman is flying higher than he ever imagined possible, guided by our loving Father, who has brought him home.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:08 AM CDT
Just checking in to see if the doc said we can go to Aztecas yet and eat some chippies!?!?!?
I will call you later.
We had a great time at lunch the other day.
Love you guys.
-Aunt Brandy, Unc Todd and Colie.

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Tuesday, May 2, 2006 8:10 AM CDT
I have been keeping up with Kaden also and this am I saw that he got his "Angel Wings" at 2:55am. I just wanted to let everyone know so that they could pray for his family even more than ever.
It was great to see you guys Sunday at church. I did not get to say hi but I know Rick did. We love you guys.

Sandra Green <sandragreen36605@yahoo.com>
Mobile, al usa - Tuesday, May 2, 2006 7:30 AM CDT
I am praying for your friend Kadin. I hope you have fun being at home.
Love Ya'll

Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Monday, May 1, 2006 11:24 PM CDT
We are praying that God wraps his loving arms around Kadin and his parents and comforts them as well as giving them a miracle.
Colette, We are praying that you stay well and the upcoming scans are clear and cancer free. We are all thinking and praying for you.
There is also another little one name Shelby Gagne that needs prayers as well and a miracle. So lets all pray for her as well. www.caringbridge.org/visit/shelbygagne

Love, Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, Kelly, & Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland (AL) <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Sunday, April 30, 2006 6:10 PM CDT
Raising Kadin up in our prayers, along with his loving parents, and asking that God bring healing. Mind, body and spirit.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, April 30, 2006 5:14 PM CDT

I am Noah Jackson's Aunt Jennifer and I just wanted to say thank you so much for coming out to the walk today! I hope that you had a good time. It was very nice of you to come out for Noah's big day!! You are such a cute little girl and I know that you will beat this horrible disease. Keep smiling! Maybe we will get to meet you again one day!

Jennifer Jackson <jennelei@aol.com>
Satsuma, AL USA - Saturday, April 29, 2006 10:48 PM CDT
Hello Colette and Tammy, Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for sending information to Kelly about Lenzie. Anything someone has to say that may help well be appreciated. Families going through something like this well we all know that they need help of any kind. Well we pray that Colette continues to do well. She is such a cutie. Take care.
Some of these sites are getting hard to visit when you read such devastating news. It breaks our hearts and we just break down and cry. We continue to pray for all our caringbridge friends.
Love, Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, Kelly, & Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland (AL) <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Friday, April 28, 2006 10:40 PM CDT
Hey all! I hope you guys are staying as busy as we are, and that the weather is as beautiful there as it has been here! I'm loving all the pretty, smiley, sunshiney pictures of our little miss! She looks SOOO good! I'm hoping that the next couple of weeks are a breeze, and that the calcium levels stay under control. Keeping all of you always in my prayers!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, April 28, 2006 11:29 AM CDT
Hi sweetheart. I just popped in to say hello. I will pray for your little friend for sure. I love your picture, your such a cutie. Take Care.
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:52 PM CDT
hey Punkin!
Just checking in .....
Sending our love.
hope to see you soon!!!

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvingtona, AL - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:34 AM CDT
Hi there, I just was checking on you, as usual. :) I am sorry you have to be away from home so much, but...remember your kicking booty girly. It will all calm down really soon and you'll be able to be home and do what ever you want. :) Morgan's face peeled alittle bit, but really not bad at all, Thank God. Well I just wanted to say hey and Tammy do not feel bad about the vacation, you deserve it. Trust me I know, you very much deserve it sweetie. May God continue to bless you.
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Monday, April 24, 2006 11:53 PM CDT
Hi sweetheart. I am glad you are having so much fun. :) That's what it is all about, being a kid and having fun. I love all your pictures. Take care sweetie, lots of love from Indiana. God Bless

Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Monday, April 24, 2006 11:44 AM CDT
It sounds like you guys had a FANTASTIC time yesterday! And the pictures are adorable. I'm really glad the weather stayed nice, and it didn't rain on all that fun! I'm praying for a safe trip home for Bryant, Maw Maw and Paw Paw, and that the Dr's have good reports tomorrow! Sending you all lots of love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, April 23, 2006 2:20 PM CDT
Hey there. Just letting you know my family is praying for you guys. Collette, I went to school with your mommy in case you are wondering Just who i am. I was not one of the mean girls though lol. God bless you guys.
Laura (Bates) Minor <faithnmercy@hotmail.com>
Bryan, TX USA - Saturday, April 22, 2006 9:58 PM CDT
Hey Colette,you are looking good. I hope you have a great time at Zoo Day and that you see lots of butterflies. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Kadin's Daddy

Billy Gazzaway
Panama City, FL USA - Friday, April 21, 2006 10:11 PM CDT
Hello, Colette and Tammy from us all. Just popping in to say have a nice evening and get rest for another day tomorrow. Praying and thinking of you guys. Sorry that Bryant fell and hurt his self and hope it heals up with no scars. WOW has to hurt. Still staying with Kelly and the girls to help her out and glad so being Kelly has the shingles. She is feeling better though thank goodness. I guess it's just all the stress. Will check back later. Take Care.
Love, Little Miss Lenzie, Tori, Kelly, & Nana Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Thursday, April 20, 2006 5:36 PM CDT
Ouchie, ouchie!! Poor Bryant, I know that has to hurt. I hate that you all are having to spend a bunch of time back up at the hospital, but I'm glad you got to have a wonderful weekend with your family, and that hopefully a couple days of treatment will have the Princess feeling more like her old self! Thanks, Tammy, for the cheerful note on the big last day!! We made it!! (Congrats out to Brandy too!) I hope you all enjoy the rest of the week, and Bryant gets feeling a little better. Lots of love to all!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:19 AM CDT
Here we are back in Birmingham. Colette had lots and lots of fluids yesterday because again, her calcium was through the roof. But, it was expected even though we hoped it wouldn't be. We are where we need to be for this and today Tammy and Colette are again at the hospital for more blood work and more fluids. Bryant is riding his birthday scooter on the tennis courts. The pool is closed until sometime next month:( With 90 degree days it sure would be nice. I might call the YMCA because this boy has so much energy. And so do I......Tammy will update everyone later.

Easter with my husband and children......neices, nephews and grandbabies was PURE JOY:) :) :)

Love to all of you for your awesome powerful prayers...God hears you and is answering in a Great and Mighty Way!!
Maw Maw Penny

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Wednesday, April 19, 2006 10:53 AM CDT
Tammy, Jason, Colette, and all of the Pates:
It is good to see everyone together and so happy on Easter. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I enjoy the updates, and am glad that life is good.
God bless you all, Can't wait to see everyone this Summer down at the Gulf State Park in July

Uncle Billy [Jackson] <WBJ@BenStokes.com>
Mobile,, AL USA - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 3:39 PM CDT


Melbourne, Victoria Australia (down under) - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 7:25 AM CDT
Hi Tammy and Colette!!

Sounds like you had a lovely Easter weekend.
I am glad that you are all home and get to spend some time together.

The new photos are lovely :-)


Nicole and Katie <familybenson@email.com>
- Tuesday, April 18, 2006 4:25 AM CDT
Hey Tammy and Colette, I am so glad that yall were able to come home for the weekend. I just wish I could have seen you guys. I love all the pictures of the weekend. You tell Bryant not to be sad that he can't have his Mommie and Colette all the time right now, but school will be out soon and he can see you guys all he wants. I know that it must be hard for him. I know that he has lots of cousins to play with but he is always welcome to come over and play with Andrew, Blake, and Trent. I am sure they would love to have him over. We are going on Vacation to Chechawla State Park in July ( it's in Auburn,Al- WAR EAGLE!!j/k Kevin may like them but I think they STINK!!!)We might stop by on the way but hopefully you guys won't need to be in B'ham anymore.
I am always praying for yall and hope that all the good reports keep coming. As the song says"Whose report will you believe? We shall believe the report of the Lord" It's one of those church of God songs I've learned. I love you and will see you soon.

Krissy Hayes <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, Al US - Monday, April 17, 2006 11:06 PM CDT
Hey Beautiful!
I Love the new pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful day! I'm so glad you are home! Take care,
Beth Beck

Beth Beck <beck6649@bellsouth.com>
- Monday, April 17, 2006 7:57 PM CDT
I love the pictures! I think Beritiech did a great job with the kids. You can tell he is an amazing uncle! And Colette was super beautiful, as always...what a happy Easter!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Monday, April 17, 2006 7:06 PM CDT
Hey! Looks from the pictures that collette is growing her hair back! she is sooo Beautiful! i cant wait to see her at Nicoles house one day. i am keeping your family in my prayers. i hope ill Talk to you later!

Lauren <sun_kissed567@yahoo.com>
mobile, al united states - Monday, April 17, 2006 3:50 PM CDT
Hey guys! I had so much fun visiting with everyone Sunday. I hate we missed the Easter Egg Hunt. You look like you had so much fun. I am glad everyone had a great Easter. Talk to you soon.
Love Ya,

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, April 17, 2006 9:18 AM CDT
Happy Easter Colette and Tammy. I am so glad you got to go home. That is wonderful. Hope you had a wonderful day.

The Butlands


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:14 PM CDT
Happy Easter!! I am so glad you guys are home.
Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:47 AM CDT
Happy Easter! We are all thinking about you. Enjoy your precious time together and find lots of easter eggs! Love, James, Amanda, Dillon, and Anne Marie Delaney
Delaneys <amandardelaney@hotmail.com>
Mobile, AL U.S.A. - Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:41 PM CDT
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know it felt like forever since you have been home . I know Jason & Bryant can't wait to have their family back together. We love you all.

kathryn garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Saturday, April 15, 2006 8:08 PM CDT


As happy and as excited as I am that Colette is finally home for the first time in the past five months (THANK YOU JESUS) has to be DEFINATELY out shown by the CELEBRATION OF MY LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!

Without Him we would not have had the HOPE we needed to get through this past year of tears, fears and disbelief that a child (not just any child but, our child)of only 2 1/2 years could have cancer and die. Without all of you and the constant assurance that you were lifting her and all of us up to God our Heavenly Father, we would have caved in long ago!
WE KNOW because of Jesus Ressurection we have our ETERNAL HOMES WITH HIM FOR EVER AND EVER AND EVER ...INFINITY.


1. Bow your head and ask God to forgive your sins and tell him you are truly sorry.
2. Tell Him you know He died for you and rose from the grave so that His blood covered your sin from God's eyes (sin cannot enter heaven).
3. Tell Him you want to live in eternity with Him and say AMEN

Children have prayed this prayer for as long as I can remember and become born again Christians. It is so simple a child can do it:)
We have all been born once to die twice..
WHAT? once to die to our human nature of sin(spiritual sin is anything you know does not please God) and the other death is the (physcial life) human body that cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven's eternity!

That is what we call being born again and
?If? you don't remember asking Jesus to be the Ruler of your life. Just KNOW you are NOT Born Again........

That is a place I could Not wish on my worst enemy.

PLEASE CLOSE YOUR EYES NOW.....You did not just by chance read this journal entry....in the quiet of your heart ask Jesus to come in and take all your sins away....God will set your feet on higher ground than you knew ever existed..truly seperated from HELL FOR EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER

Colette see's a cross anywhere..it could be on a church steeple or the railroad crossing sign and she will say, "Jesus died on the cross to make me all well!"
Take it from the mouth of an innocent child and
PLEASE, someone give me an AMEN! Love you all Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, April 15, 2006 5:51 PM CDT
Hey Colette,

I'm glad you are home for Easter. We hope you have a Happy Easter. We want to thank you and your mom for all the inspiration and knowledge you have given us. The best of luck to you and we will always keep you in our prayers.

Kadin's Daddy

Billy Gazzaway
Panama City, FL USA - Saturday, April 15, 2006 7:06 AM CDT


Melbourne, Victoria Australia (down under) - Saturday, April 15, 2006 0:07 AM CDT
HOORAY!!! WELCOME HOME PATE FAMILY!!! Lots of love to all of you! Enjoy egg hunts, hugs and kisses, and time together!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, April 14, 2006 9:37 PM CDT


MRS. MARTY MOULTON <judge1@alltel.net>
WELCOME HOME!!!!!! I can't wait to see you! (and Tammy, too!)
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Friday, April 14, 2006 8:19 PM CDT
Happy Easter Colette and Family. Praying that you have a safe trip home and you keep your counts climbing up.
Love Lenzie's Nana, Sue & Lenzie's Mom, Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland (AL.) <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Friday, April 14, 2006 3:18 PM CDT
Happy Easter! We are praying for you Colette!
Kevin Bussey <bamabusman@yahoo.com>
Charlotte, NC - Friday, April 14, 2006 2:02 PM CDT
Hoping for a good report. I'm sure everyone would love to see you!
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Friday, April 14, 2006 12:07 AM CDT
Hi Tammy
Colette is so cute I know that she'll be home for Easter. I enjoy the talk. I was amazed the long list of e-mail you have. Jesus died and rose for us all. You all are in my prayers. Emily

Emily Martin <emilymartin@sarpc.org>
Mobile, Al. USA - Friday, April 14, 2006 9:43 AM CDT
So I take it that we still don't know??? I am getting Auntsy here. Ha!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Friday, April 14, 2006 0:39 AM CDT
Your princess Colette is toooooooooooooo cute :-) Bless her little heart. I got sent a link to your page so I hope you don't mind me adding a small guestbook entry. My 2 y/old neice Hannah Banana (who lives in NY with her mommy, daddy and sisters) has been diagnosed with Neuroblastoma Stage 4 and we were looking for stories of hope. Colette looks like such a spitfire. Poor lamb does not deserve this. I *know* she's gonna show the world that miracles do happen and be cured forever and ever AMEN. All her photos are adorable, I love seeing them, please add more. I hope your family get to spend some together for Easter and eat a load of chocolate.
GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Janie Bryan
Hamilton, AL USA - Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:18 AM CDT
Well hello sweet heart! How are ya'all down there? It is really getting hot up here. I love it. How close do you live to the beach? I just know that your gonna be sent home when those results come in. They are gonna be perfect!!! You look so good sweetie. Lots of Love from my family to yours. Oh yeah I wanted to tell you Colette, my middle name is "Michelle" too, only with 2 "L"s :)


Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:53 PM CDT
Hey Girl's!
I love the new pictures and the new glasses! Glad you had a great time at the zoo- it looked like fun! Have a wonderful Easter!
Madison and Beth Beck

Beth Beck <beck6649@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, April 12, 2006 10:26 PM CDT
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Keeping you in my thoughts and in my prayer's always.

EDMONTON AlbertaCanada, - Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:11 PM CDT
Wow. I found your site today after seeing it on Madison Beck's page. My eyes filled up with tears on how you consider the last week of Jesus and your current situation. Your whole journal entry was such a blessing and from such a sincere heart. May God bless you, your sweet daughter and your family for your faith in Him.
Keysha <beamary123@hotmail.com>
Alabaster, AL USA - Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:00 PM CDT
don't you look beautiful!
I know you all are having so much fun.
We love you and hope you are headed home soon!
Love AuntBrandy

Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 1:44 PM CDT
Hey my pretty girls !
I know ya'll are having a wonderful time
together. I love you all sooo much and look
foward to spending time with you this week-end.
Ya'll are in my daily thoughts and prayers.
Your dress looks so pretty on you , Colette .
You make the perfect April Calendar Girl .
You and your family make me so proud ! Pappoo and I
will see you soon . Love from all of us .
Uncle Justin got a new puppy ,he named him , Champ .
Kisses and hugs to all of you . We miss you Kristin
glad you are having such a great time . xxxxoooo

Blair J. Pate <b.pate@laurel-crest.com>
Columbia , SC USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 1:30 PM CDT
"How can someone NOT believe that there is a GOD who loves us and gives us such beauty and blessing??!!! "

Tammy, if the beauty of nature doesn't do it for you... just look at the faces of these beautiful, happy, strong children we parents (and grandparents) have to enjoy. God made them beautiful and he is giving them the strength they need to beat this disease.

We can't make the blooddrive but check your pay pal account for something to help defer the cost of the water system... best we can do for now.

Colette is in out prayers daily...as is our Cole and Jake and about a dozen others !! Stay strong and keep your eyes on the prize !!!

John and Peggy Niolon
grandparents of the wonderful Cole Tanner

John Niolon <jniolon@bham.rr.com>
Hueytown, Al US - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 9:13 AM CDT
Hi Pate Family!
Tammy, We were not able to make it to the fundraiser, so I sent you something through Paypal. I am glad that everything seems to be looking up. Colette is a beautiful little girl, when you get home, we can plan a playday when she is up to it, Maggie and Gracie would love to meet her as we pray for her every night. Please tell Tommy and Blair that I said hello. I will keep checking for the date of the blood drive and hopefully can help.
Melissa and Drew

Melissa Nonnenmacher Overstreet <meloverstreet@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 8:55 AM CDT
G'DAY, it's Jay - HEY - who is that little girl on the front with the umbrella!!!!! that's not Colette is it ! WOW how cool is that picture, love the hair, love that SMILE ON THE DILE (face). Are we tough or what us NB kids - we know just how to kick the butt of the NB MONSTER. You are looking really great and I am so PROUD of you Colette coz I know how hard it is, I know how tough it is. I send you lots of my strength and courge and lots of BIG BIG BIG KOALA HUGS from a true blue Aussie NB cancer survivor (JAY)


Melbourne, Victoria Australia (down under) - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 6:34 AM CDT
Hey Girl's!
Just wanted to wish you a very wonderful Easter! I know we still have a few days left, but I was sure we would all be really busy getting ready for that great Easter Bunny! Prayers for you and hoping you will feel better because throwing up is no fun! Try and have a great week and we will talk to you soon!
Beth and Madison Beck

Beth Beck <beck6649@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, April 10, 2006 10:46 PM CDT
Hey there cutie. How are you? You look so good. I will pray that you don't get sicky feeling with that RA. I know you'll be just fine. Tammy did you ever get that info on the mangosteen? If not let me know and I will get it to you. Take care and God Bless. The Deckards www.caringbridge.org/visit/morganrosedeckard
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Monday, April 10, 2006 10:15 PM CDT
Hey Tammy wish the fund raiser went better this weekend but every little bit helps right? I hope you guys get to come home soon it was good getting to see Jason and Bryant and my sis. Well thanks for keeping us updated on Colette. Hope to see you soon. I Love you guys. Aunt Kathy
Aunt Kathy <Kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
Theodore, Al Mobile - Monday, April 10, 2006 10:00 PM CDT
Colette, you are a great mommy! I really like the pictures of you with ALL THAT HAIR and your baby in the car! I'm also really glad that you're getting to have fun with Aunt Kristen and Nana and Papoo! I hope that you guys have a really great week, and you get to head home really soon! We love you very much!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, April 10, 2006 8:46 PM CDT
toni delaney <litiflwr@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al u.s.a. - Monday, April 10, 2006 7:39 PM CDT


LEXINGTON , SC USA - Monday, April 10, 2006 7:38 PM CDT
Hey Mister!!! you're the pooty Pate Dad!!!

Hello princess.I love you, your BIG BUBBA.

MAMA I miss you, I love you!!!!

Bryant <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, April 10, 2006 6:31 PM CDT
I can't believe she has so much hair! I am so impressed!!!! I think it is wonderful that the people at the Chevron station were so kind to do that fundraiser, they are definitely amazing. I hope the side-effects go away and that she is able to come home this weekend and see her poor Aunt Sherry!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
Mobile, al - Monday, April 10, 2006 2:59 PM CDT
The fundrasier went ok... Jason was there all day Saturday and Sunday and raised about $450.00. We know that the people there at the Chevron love Colette and are going to continue to do all they can to help with the family needs. They went out of their way to get gifts for Bryant too... They are really concerned about his mental well being through all of this! He is tough but, he does seem to be wanting more answers and showing more concerns about the future. I don't think he is in any way jealous..just anxious to have a real family back together..with mommy, daddy and his "Baby Sister" as he refers to her. Please pray for all the family as we all continue to adjust. Thanks to all who visit this site so faithfully:) You are our lifeline to hope. You continuely strenghten us every moment of every day!!!!!! Just to KNOW you are there. And also to KNOW you are all lifting us to God gives us power to face each day and be glad...God Bless You ALL:) Love Maw Maw Penny
Penny Crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, April 10, 2006 11:32 AM CDT
Hi Tammy and Colette!

I hope the fundraiser yesterday went well. We were driving through Tillman's Corner today and I said to Jason "I wonder how the fundraiser for Colette went yesterday" and about two minutes later we were behind a car at a red light that had "Help Save Colette Pate" on the back window!!! I was so excited!

So, I hope it went well! I can't wait to here when you guys will be home. It will be great to finally meet in person! I hope tomorrow's visit goes well and Colette's tummy is better! Lots of Love,

Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <Lisatanner@comcast.net >
mobile, AL - Sunday, April 9, 2006 9:58 PM CDT
Hey my Princess. I was just thinking about you. I hope you "pheel" better today. I had giant colette head all around me today. "pictures" . I love you soooo much. I'll see ya soon.I love you Princess . Have a good time with Aunt Kristin. Have a good day !!!
Love Daddy ( Prince Charming )
Bubba ( pooty Bryant )

Prince Charming <Bigpoppn@hotmail.com>
mobile, al - Sunday, April 9, 2006 9:57 PM CDT
Hi Colette & Tammy,

You look just wonderful Colette!!!
I hope the Blood Drive goes well. What blood type did you say Colette needed?, If you want to be a direct donor.

Your always in our prayers, we'll send up some extra ones for the RA...I just call it accutane.

Love & Hugs,

Morgan's Nana


Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Sunday, April 9, 2006 7:06 PM CDT
I hope today was a huge sucess, and that tomorrow is even better! It's great to know you have such a great community there to rally around you all, and really pull together to help out with these needs. I pray that the fundraisers more than exceed the need, and you get your filtration system in so you can come home soon! I'm excited to see how things come out with the blood drive as well! Looking forward to some great pictures from all of that, plus some wonderful new Maw Maw and Paw Paw pics from their surprise visit. I hope you are all having a blessed weekend, and sending lots of love your way!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, April 8, 2006 9:31 PM CDT
Thaks for stopping by Skyler's site and checking on her. We will add you to our prayer list and continue to check up on you. Hope everything is going well. Take care and God Bless

Jamie Steinkamp <jlstei2@uky.edu>
Lexington, KY - Saturday, April 8, 2006 9:14 AM CDT
Hey Girl's!
Just wanted to say thanks for all the prayers you have been sending our way! We are safe at home tonight and I hope we stay that way! I love the new picture! You look beautiful Little Prissy!
See you soon,
Beth and Madison Beck

Beth Beck <Beck6649@bellsouth.com>
- Friday, April 7, 2006 9:44 PM CDT
Awww, I'm 40,007! I just missed it! I'm really excited that today's visit went well, and you got surprise visitors! What a great day, to build in to a super weekend! I hope that the fundraiser this weekend is a huge sucess, and that you are okay-ed to come home really soon! Continuing to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers, and sending up lots of love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, April 7, 2006 6:01 PM CDT
G'day COLETTE - WHO IT IS ?????????????
YEP IT'S THE JAY MAN (true AUSSIE Neuroblastoma battler Survivor). I not been around coz alot going on, but I will be visiting everyone very soon. Thanks for stopping by to see me, you have to go to my other site now (for now) until I get the another one finished. HEY YOU ARE LOOKING JUST TOO GOOD - that's not you - OH YES IT IS - NB MONSTER IS NOT HAS TOUGH AS US (ha ha). Told you that you could do it and look just great- look at the hair, you keep it nice and pretty now. My MRI SCAN in on April 11th - then I go back to Neurologist on 24th April. Then I have an MIBG still don't know what date. I WILL BE FINE - . Now - you KEEP THAT BIG BIG BIG SMILE ON THE DILE COZ THAT IS WHY THE NB MONSTER STAYS AWAY COZ HE HATES THOSE SMILES. LOTS OF MY STRENGTH AND COURAGE TO YOU, AND MANY BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG KOALA HUGS TO YOU AND ALL YOUR WONDERFUL FAMILY.


JAYS JOURNEY (Neuroblastoma)
Hey my Princess. I miss you so much, I have a BIG picture of you in my work van , and look at it all the day. I wish me and Bubba could come see you this weekend. I love you Baby. see you soon
Daddy & Bubba

Prince Charming <bigpoppn@hotmail.com>
Mobile, al - Thursday, April 6, 2006 9:09 PM CDT
Hello my sweet friends. Thank you so very much for the support, it really means alot. Cloette you look beautiful sweetheart. Keep on smiling. Tammy thank you for mentioning Miss Morgan in your journal, We really appreciate that. She is doing much much better tonight, her heart rate is normal and has been for a few hours now. Thank You Lord. May God continue to Bless your family. :) www.caringbridge.org/visit/morganrosedeckard
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Thursday, April 6, 2006 7:50 PM CDT
Hey guys, I hope you get all the people you need for your blood drive to be a HUGE sucess! And it sounds like the folks over at the Chevron station are doing a really great job! I'm excited for all the great things that are coming together for you guys, and I hope you get to all head home soon to enjoy them!!
Please keep Morgan in your prayers- she's been facing some pretty high fevers over the last 24-48 hours or so. Lift her up, and if you get a chance, leave her a note!! Morgan's CaringBridge Site
I hope you all are having a great day, and I can't wait to see pics of all those hearts!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, April 6, 2006 5:12 PM CDT
am I the 40,000??? just kidding. I check on you every day! But I don't think there is a counter to tell us what visitor we are......
NE ways, i had so much fun talking to you the other night.
I can't wait to see you. You will get to come to my house soon.
And I know you are going to have fun with kristin this weekend. Colie will be thinking about you too!
We love you lots.

Aunt Brandy, Unc Todd and Colie <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL usa - Thursday, April 6, 2006 2:23 PM CDT
I have visited your CB site but never signed in- just checked in. You have a beautiful little girl! I wish I could help out with your blood drive. I helped with my first one last Tuesday. I can't give blood as I'm a kidney transplant patient, but reading all these CB sites with great families and children- I knew I had to do something. It is people like yourself that really inspired me and I'm sure others. I just wanted you to know that people you don't even know are being touched by your journal entries and inspired to do something! I only wish I could do more. Many prayers and well wishes are sent your way today and always,

Shelly <xofs1@yahoo.com>
Columbia, MD - Thursday, April 6, 2006 7:35 AM CDT
Did a little research for you on poster printing. I would really love to help out with this. Send me an email with some of the details. I would love to be able to put my design skills to work on the posters. I am not sure where you are thinking of having it, but somewhere very public, like the malls on a saturday would be great.

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, April 5, 2006 9:33 AM CDT
Thanks for organizing the blood drive. Jill received 48 transfusions while on active treatment in '04 at St. Judes. I was like you and NEVER realized cancer patients require blood products, too.
Joyce Zulovich www.caringbridge.org/mo/jillsjourney <stjudemom@tranquility.net>
Columbia, MO - Wednesday, April 5, 2006 8:48 AM CDT
Just let me know if you need any help with the blood drive.

Hope to see you all soon.


Sabrina <tobecancerfree@yahoo.com>
Cullman, - Tuesday, April 4, 2006 11:55 PM CDT
Hi Colette,
You have another (3rd cousin) Amanda & James welcomed Anne Marie around 3pm today. She weighs 6'9 and is 19.5 inches long. I know you would love to squeeze her. I hope all stays good for you and your family. we love ya

kathryn garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, April 4, 2006 4:39 PM CDT
Okay, I am so jealous. The one thing I have always wanted to do was go to Disney for my birthday, and you guys are going to be there. I know you will have so much fun and it will be something Miss Priss will always remember.
About the fundraiser, if there is anything you need me to do, just let me know. I will be more than happy to make phone calls to radio stations or whomever to help get some support. Joe and I have already made plans to be there for lunch.
I will be saying a little prayer for you as you start meds again today. Hopefuly this time will be better than the last. Love you all and hope to see you soon.

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Tuesday, April 4, 2006 9:59 AM CDT
Good Morning Colette:
Love the hat and the entire picture. Whomever took it should be a pro. Hope you had fun in Tusc. for the game. ROLL TIDE!! Keep up the good fight. Praying for you today as you start the meds. back. Hang in there mom and dad.

Margaret Faulkner <whitehurstmsf@bellsouth. >
Duncanville, AL USA - Tuesday, April 4, 2006 9:09 AM CDT
G'DAY COLETTE, it's me your NB mate. I have not been very happy the past few days but then your mum came to visit and cheered me up. I am not going away, I love all my friends and will always come to cheer you on. Thank you for mentionin me, I know you are my friends and I will always be your true friend, only you and I know what we go through battling Neuroblastoma. I love your pink hat and what is that I see under there (is that hair)You are as tough as me and I send you lots more of my strength and courage and lots of BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG KOALA HUGS.
You can visit me now on the site below and then when I get my other new one I will let you know. (JAY - A TRUE NEUROBLASTOMA FIGHTER - SURVIVOR)


Melbourne, Victoria Australia (down under) - Tuesday, April 4, 2006 4:58 AM CDT
Hi Colette, Jason, Tammy and Bryant

We are so thankful for Colette's continued improvemnt and it is such great news that you will be back in Mobile soon. We send all our love and prayers.
Mr. Jim, Ms Linda, Brian & David

Jim Ellis <ace2play@aol.com>
Semmes, Al USA - Monday, April 3, 2006 7:42 PM CDT
Hi Colette, Jason, Tammy and Bryant

We are so thankful for Colette's continued improvemnt and it is such great news that you will be back in Mobile soon. We send all our love and prayers.
Mr. Jim, Ms Linda, Brian & David

Jim Ellis <ace2play@aol.com>
Semmes, Al USA - Monday, April 3, 2006 7:42 PM CDT
Just wanted to say "Hi" and let you know that we will be praying for Colette and your family. The power of prayer is so wonderful. Maybe we will see you and your family at Camp SAM in May for family camp. It is a wonderful place and great for the whole family.
God Bless you all!
Gene Ann and Avery Hildreth www.averyann.net

Gene Ann Hildreth <alabamasoupgirl@aol.com>
Prattville, AL - Sunday, April 2, 2006 11:34 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TAMMY..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU:) TWENTY-NINE AGAIN;) LOL You can't be any older....because that would name me ancient....OK ....I KNOW I just set myself up for something.....just remember one day you will be old, too!!!!!!!!
Momma <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Sunday, April 2, 2006 3:23 PM CDT
Hi sweetie. We are still at the hospital, hopefully leaving first thing in the morning. Then we'll be right back tuesday. I will pray for good counts tomorrow, I have no doubt they will be awesome. I think about you everyday, you and your family. Keep smililng. www.caringbridge.org/visit/morganrosedeckard
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Saturday, April 1, 2006 10:42 PM CST
I TOOK THE NEW PICTURE.........I like it;)

Miss Colette is still sleeping after the most active visit with her daddy..mommy..and Bubba:) She chased Bryant all around the apartment until mommy's nerves were shot! I mean face it how can you cook with kids hiding between you and the stove!!! Anyway it was a sound that for the longest time we weren't sure would get to witness again. Her daddy got her down in the floor and tickled her, she laughed so hard she got hickups..I loved it:) We got to bed around 11:00pm because they all got up and left at 8:00am for the BIG "A" DAY event they have looking forward to for years. So Miss Colette gets one more GREAT DAY with maw maw:)

We have been taking her hand made cards to people who have helped us here in B'ham and making a picture of her with them. That is so important to let people see the results of their prayers:)

When we went to the clinic to see Dr. Buckley yesterday, he was absolutely delightful..I will never understand how some "SPECIAL" doctors can have such a spirit of peace in the midst of all the suffering and lose of little angels. I can only believe he knows the Lord because he sure does reflect Jesus:) I am sure when our little angel says,"Dr. Buc-O-ley loves me berry much, a bunch" she is right! God bless you Dr. Buckley and all your nurses who love Colette. We can't forget Mrs. Pat Cotton and Mrs. Kaye Free because without them we would have beaten down long ago...THANKS TO ALL OF YOU

Dr. Buckley told us Colette can go to the movies this weekend and see Ice Age 2, she was so excited and so are all of us. We have waited so long for this day when she would be able to do something with the doctors permission in public. Don't worry we will keep the mask on and sanitize her surroundings just like we do regularly. We don't plan to go crazy..we are still quarentined and not willing to take any chances. Her counts are all coming up but, she starts the treatment Tuesday that she had a reaction to last month. They plan to lower the dosage...keep praying. She wants to go home so bad. So do we.

Sorry for this long journal entry but, I haven't had much to say lately and been so busy. I love you all and appreciate you more than I will ever be able to express so I have asked God to let you feel my love through His big ole' arms:) Maw Maw

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, April 1, 2006 10:47 AM CST
Well, I know people were clamoring for that front page pic of the little Miss, and boy, did you guys pick a winner! Looking at that picture, that very focused look in Colette's eyes, and those gloriously full cheeks, she looks so amazing! I had just the other day gone through a bunch of the old pictures, on WalkerPlace, and on my computer, and I can't get over the changes of the last not quite a year. Tammy, I hope you have a wonderful birthday, surrounded by your family, and enjoying one another. I pray that you enjoy a blessed weekend, and get wonderful news about a homecoming in short order! And, GO TILLMAN'S CORNER! What a great bunch of folks you all have giving you support! Sending up lots of love and prayers,
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, April 1, 2006 7:40 AM CST
Hi Again,
Where is that beautiful baby. Her little face always brightens my day. Ya gotta put it back up on the front page. I hope that today you are filled with the presence of peace. For anyone that is a gift, but for you a blessing. Keep us posted. Love Ya'll

Kathryn Garner & family <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, March 31, 2006 11:27 AM CST
just to say hi- sending my Love, pawpaw!
pawpaw David <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, March 31, 2006 11:21 AM CST
Colette, Hello and hope you have a great weekend. Sounds like you and grandma having fun. Tammy hope the fund raiser goes well and you get the new system. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAMMY!!! Hope you have a good time out and at the game as well. Praying that Colette stays well and will be home before to long. I'm going to see Kelly and the girls this weekend and will stay with them for about a month. Might not get to sign alot of books but know we are praying and thinking of everyone.
Love Lenzie's Nana, Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Friday, March 31, 2006 11:02 AM CST


Hi Colette,

We enjoyed your pretty pictures! You look so beautiful! We wish we could drive to Mobile to eat hotdogs for you. Maybe we can work somethine else out...Thank you for keeping in touch with us. We liked seeing you in clinic for those few days, eventhough you were probably feeling pretty yucky. Have a great weekend!

Billy, Emily and Kadin Gazzaway

Emily Gazzaway <be_gazz@mchsi.com>
- Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:35 PM CST
You are such a brave little girl. We heard about you from your Aunt Kathryn. She visited out sweet angel Molly's website. Molly had medulloblastoma (a brain tumor). She ia now cancer free - Praise God. We hope you continue to do well. Visit her website sometime - www.caringbridge.org/al/mollydianne.
Take Care, Molly and Sarah Bailey

Molly Bailey <sbaileyrn@alltel.net>
Moody, AL - Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:45 PM CST
Colette is as beautiful as the flowers that surround her. I'm so thankful she is doing well. You updates continue to be a source of strength for me and as always you are forever in our prayers.
Love to all,
Anne(Blair's cousin)

Anne Henderson <gamhender@hotmail.com>
Opelika, AL 36801 - Thursday, March 30, 2006 6:55 PM CST
Princess Colette!! I love, love, love the beautiful picture of you among the tulips (my favorite flower!) I'm glad to hear that you're doing so well!! I miss seeing your smiling face!! You and your family are in my prayers!!
Love, Christy Davis (CA on 4tower)

Christy Davis <dcbadavis@juno.com>
Crane Hill, AL USA - Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:15 PM CST
Hello My Precious Angel!
You look so beautiful ,I love flowers also. I can tell by looking at you that the doctors will be sending you to Mobile real soon. Everybody Loves you! You are a very special child of God. See you real soon! Love Always, Nana, Pappoo,Aunt Natalie & Kristin , Uncle Justin xxxxx00000

Blair J. Pate <b.pate@laurel-crest.com>
Columbia , SC USA - Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:55 AM CST
That picture brought a tear to my eye. That is the most beautiful picture! Go Paw-Paw, you still have the knack! lol That picture is evidence of how far you guys have come over the last year. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. Much Love
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:48 AM CST
Good Morning Miss Colette:
I sure do love the recent pictures of you. They certainly would not have been as pretty without you. Continuing to pray for your complete healing.

Margaret Faulkner <whitehurstmsf@bellsouth.net>
Duncanville, AL USA - Wednesday, March 29, 2006 9:26 AM CST
You look BEAUTIFUL!!!! I had to save these great pictures for fun scrapbooking later.
Nicole and Unc Todd loved them too, but internet at home is too slow to type in the guestbook.
WEll Gotta Run - Tax SEAson is pressing on here!!!!
Love you all!

AUnt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Wednesday, March 29, 2006 9:05 AM CST

hi there, what a beautiful picture of you sweetie. Your hair is growing so fast! :) Morgan hasn't peeled yet so hopefully it won't get to bad. Right now we are on our off weeks too. I hope you all get to go home soon. Colette looks wonderful! God Bless You All!!!

Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Tuesday, March 28, 2006 9:18 PM CST
Wow, Colette
What a fantastic picture of you.

Colleen - and Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Tuesday, March 28, 2006 7:45 PM CST
Hey Colette & Tammy,

I am glad everything went well at clinic yesterday. I am sorry the doctor said you couldn't go home just yet. I saw you and MawMaw Penny signing in and by the time I caught Lenzie and was going to say hey the nurse took you back. I hate we didn't get to say hey, but it was probably best. Tori has the flu and we didn't want to give you any germs. Lenzie and I feel fine, but it's best to be safe than sorry. I wanted to go up and check on Madison, Kadin and Dalton, but didn't want to spread any germs. Maybe we will see you Monday. Lenzie has to go back to clinic Monday for a spinal tab and to see Dr. Crawford. I hope you and MawMaw Penny are having fun together. I know Mommy is glad to be home for a few days, but misses you and wishes you were there with her. Tammy, I hope you have a safe trip back to Birmingham. If you need to stop and rest just call me. You can stop by the house for a while if you need to. Colette, I love the picture of you and the flowers. It is so pretty. Tori just loved looking at the picture. She said you were so pretty and so were the flowers. We'll check on you later. We love you!

Kelly, Tori & Lenzie Butland


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:33 PM CST
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Keeping you in my thoughts and in my prayer's always.

EDMONTON AlbertaCanada, - Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:14 PM CST
Hello Colette, Glad you are doing well and just keep it up and you will be home before to long sweetie. I love the new pic and the flowers are just beautiful and so are you. We Pray you stay well and will go home real soon. Have a very nice day.
Love Lenzie's Nana, Sue
& Lenzie's Mom, Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland (AL) <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Tuesday, March 28, 2006 9:48 AM CST
Hi Colette,

You absolutely look wonderful!!!

Your always in our thoughts & prayers.

Morgan's Nana


Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Monday, March 27, 2006 9:41 PM CST
Today, Colette and Maw Maw went to clinic and saw Dr.Buckley and Ms. Christin and lil Miss put on her famous show for everyone. Waving at all the men and blowing kisses at strangers. But, she did her butterfly flying (waving her arms up and down so graceful) all over the hospital:)

The doctor said she looked well and told us when to come back. I can tell you we did not leave without Colette telling him "I REALLY want to go to Mobile, can I please?"
Of course, "he said not just yet". Wrong answer.......... To be honest I don't think he wants her to go so far from him being able to see her. She said the word Mobile until I am sick if the word!!!!! We are estimating forty times...God knows I am not exaggerating!

We rode around about an hour in Oak Mountain State Park and she kept saying she wanted to go to Mobile.....then she started saying I want to go to Birmingham after about forty-five minutes.

Everything is going great for now and hope we will continue to recieve your prayers for support. I love and God Bless You ALL:) Maw Maw Penny

Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, March 27, 2006 6:25 PM CST
you go keep fighting


Helen Cox <hlcox@cox.net>
- Monday, March 27, 2006 1:20 PM CST
Good morning! I'm glad to hear that you're able to get a little time with your boys, and Colette is getting some special time with Maw Maw and Paw Paw! It's a shame you can't all be together back at home just yet, but that day is coming, and will be here sooner than you know!
I love that Colette is going to get her Disney trip! That's super exciting! It's been so long since I've been there, I'm sure they've changed everything, but if not, there was a "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" play area that was really cool for kids, and a Muppets in 4-D movie that was nice and air conditioned, as well as hilarious! (Yep- 4-D! They have some really cool effects!)
I need to get everybody up and ready to go, but I hadn't had a spare moment to post in days, and just wanted you all to know, I'm still thinking about you all, and love you all very much! Sending up lots of prayers for a peaceful, easy week, with a whole lot of fun for everybody!

Megan <mmahaffey@Insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, March 27, 2006 6:11 AM CST
toni delaney <litiflwr@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al u.s.a. - Sunday, March 26, 2006 6:55 PM CST
Hey Tammy,
It was good to see you guy's leaving the hospital the other day! Wish we could be doing the same! Hope you get lot's of loving this weekend with the boy's! Colette looks wonderful and I loved the sun hat! Keep it up!
See you soon,

Beth Beck <Beck6649@bellsouth.net>
Bessemer, Al - Sunday, March 26, 2006 3:25 AM CST
Well, tonight was a GREAT success with ALL that goes along with night meds and dressing changes and flushes of her noodle (waterhose as Colette calls it).

She is amazing me at her satisfaction with me here without mommy.I believe when paw paw leaves it will be a different story because she calls him her "special friend"...that makes the long trip of five hours up here because of traffic on the interstate worth while. She is especially drawn to men...Unk Mike...Dr.Buckley or Bryant but, most of all Daddy:)

She is watching Dora and is ready for bed she had a long nap. Her potty efforts are improving and so is her appetite I expect to have a good week. We will go to the clinic Monday and Wednesday. Pray for us as wedo the things mommy has been tied to for so very long. Hope she gets a rest and some quality time with bubba and daddy. Will write more after paw paw leaves tomorrow. Please pray for traveling grace for him.

Thanks to all of you for all you have done for us and continue to do for us. There will be a love offering for Colette on Sunday and it is desperately needed at this time. Thanks again to all of you and I pray you will allow God to use you to help meet their needs again. God Bless You and we are tearfully grateful for all you do but, your prayers and words of encouragement:) All my love, Maw Maw Penny

Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, March 25, 2006 11:13 PM CST
Hello Colette and Tammy, Just checking in on you guys. So glad to hear you are going to Disney World. Wow what fun!!! Make sure you try and not go when the heat is to bad. The heat can be brutal at times and feel worse with the crowds. Well all have a very nice weekend. Will pray for Cassidy and keeping Colette in our prayers to.
Love Lenzie Butland's Nana, Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, Fl U.S. - Friday, March 24, 2006 7:00 AM CST
G'DAY COLETTE, this is your NB mate Jay. Tell you mum thank you so much for visiting my other NB friend Kassidy. I try so hard to visit all my NB friends because I am one & because I know how hard it is to fight NB. WOW - how lucky are you to get to go to Disney - you deserve that magical trip so much and you will have so much fun. I wish to go there (maybe one day) it is a bit far from Australia though. Sorry you got a little bug - I know you will bounce back from that coz you have been through worse than a little bug. I still send you lots and lots and lots of my strength and courage and the biggest of biggest KOALA HUGS (Jay)


Melbourne (VERY HOT), Victoria Australia (down under) - Friday, March 24, 2006 3:52 AM CST
hi colette and family!

stopping by to let you know i'm thinking of you and praying for you and all of your friends at children's uab!

tara :)

Tara http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/tarabara
Kensington, CA United States - Thursday, March 23, 2006 6:55 PM CST
Hey Tammy and Colette,

It was so good to see you in clinic yesterday. Tori was excited to finally get to meet Colette. She always wants to look at Colette and Madison Beck's website. She really likes looking at your pictures. I am so glad the girls got to see each others hearing aids. I just love Colette's pink hearing aids. It is so much fun for them when they get to pick out the color of their hearing aids and the color of their ear molds. Colette is the fourth child we have met with hearing aids. Tori gets so excited when she sees another child with hearing aids. We just don't see that many. I am sorry Colette has a UTI. I had one back in February and they are no fun. That's why Colette has been nauseous and throwing up. They can make you really sick and sometimes your back hurts really bad to. I feel so sorry for her. Hopefully, the antibiotic they gave her will start to help real soon. We have to go back to clinic Monday at 11:00 for Lenzie's IVIG treatment. Maybe we will see you again.

Kelly Butland


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:38 PM CST
Hi Colette:)
Sorry to read about your recent set backs. I know that Mommy & the doctors/nurses are all over this and will get it under control. Continuing to pray for your complete healing. Hang in there. Stay strong mom & dad and thanks for all the updates.

Margaret Faulkner
Duncanville, AL USA - Wednesday, March 22, 2006 9:11 AM CST
Good morning!
I have continued to check on you all but things are crazy here with tax season and only a few minutes to write.
I will be talking to you both soon! I hope you feel better soon Punkin! I am so proud of you going to the potty like big durl!
SEnding all of our love.
Aunt Brandy - Unc Todd and Nicole

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
mobile, al - Wednesday, March 22, 2006 8:32 AM CST
Good morning girls, Love Ya!

david crocker <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:53 AM CST
Hi Tammy and Colette! I hope Colette is feeling better now and that everything is better tomorrow in clinic. When you guys get back and you start working on the blood drive - let me know. I would love to help. Maybe if it's in honor of Colette and Cole - we could do even more good! Its a great idea! Hope you guys are home soon!!!!
Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <Lisatanner@comcast.net >
Mobile, AL - Tuesday, March 21, 2006 10:04 PM CST
Well I never thought that I would hope for anyone to have a stomach bug but.....if thats what you need let it be. I pray it is just a bug and her body is fighting it well. I hope she perks back up and starts to drive you giddy again. This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad. My nana used to say that everyday -Jason remembers I'm sure.
Kathryn Garner & family <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:25 AM CST
Hello Sweet Colette, Hope you feel better and
sorry you might have picked up a bug. There are
alot of them going around, but like Mom says at
least your body is fighting it off. We want you
well enough so you and Mommy can get home where
you belong with family. You take care now and have
you in our prayers.
Tammy, Yes please everyone who can give blood then
get up and do it. You have a wonderful ideal about
getting people to donate. All you Auburn and Alabama
Fans give blood. Maybe you and Kelly could get together
and have people donate in honor of Colette and Lenzie.
See who wins Alabama or Auburn on giving the most
donated Blood. That's a good ideal. I hope people get
Car Tags as well. Kelly got one and it says 4LENZ (4LENZIE).
We live in Florida so can't get one but
for all of you who live in Alabama get one if you can.
It's for the best cause and that's for our Children.
Colette feel better sweetie and praying for you to
stay well.

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland (AL) <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:11 AM CST
I wanted to tell you how awesome and inspiring you are. The idea of a blood drive is fantastic. This could be so much bigger than you think. All you have to do is get the new station (5) involved, hook-up with a radio station (Power 88 or KSJ), and talk to some activist groups at the different colleges in town (I can take care of Spring Hill). It sounds like a fantastic way to make people aware of childhood cancer and get people involved to help find a cure. I am right there with you. Let me know if you would like some help. (As you know, i don't know how to do something small. Like Mom has always said, when you dream, dream BIG!)

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:00 AM CST
Hi there Colette. Cuteness. :) I think of you pray for you sweetheart. Oh how brave all you kids are, no child, noone should have to go through this. Your gonna be just fine sweetie, you and Morgan and all the kids. I think that Blood drive is a wonderful thing Tammy, I nevr thought of things like that either. I have a whole different look on everything, and what I will do with my spare time. Love, Prayers, & Hugs from all of us.
Brooke, Morgan & Family <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Monday, March 20, 2006 10:51 PM CST
Hi Colette & Tammy,

I'm glad to hear your counts are doing soooooo good!
I've been saying extra prayers for you too.

Tammy I agree with you 100% it has sure changed my thinking on blood drives /license plates and basically everything concerning research and help for all the children everywhere.

Brooke & I have been talking about the same thing getting involved and doing something to help in any way we can, so they can find a cure for all the childhood diseases!!

Your right the amounts both seem kind of high to me for their weight. (Colette's 100 total daily , and Morgan's is 140 total daily)( I was thinking 50 & 70)I'm saying extra prayers for both of them! They'll be fine with God by their side.

Your always in our thoughts & prayers!

Love & Hugs:)

Morgan's Nana


Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Monday, March 20, 2006 10:48 PM CST
Tammy, there are times when it seems so strange to me that we've never met, because you say things here that feel like you're reading my mind!
I'm thinking after tax season, I not only want to start giving blood regularly (which I could not do for a great number of years due to a weight issue), but I'd like to be tested and put on the bone marrow registry. So many of these kids I read about here on CaringBridge require transplants of marrow, be it self-provided, or from an outside source, and it just would be to easy to know you've done what you can. When you set up your drive, mention that option for people!! I was talking about it with my husband last night!
So, we're gearing up for a fresh snowstorm! Rumor is by about this point tomorrow I could have like 7 inches!! Bah! I'm glad to hear that Colette is feeling a little better, though! Sounds like a rough start to the morning. It's no fun to be sick, that's for sure, and doubly no fun for you guys, since you can't get out really anyway. It's nice though that you got to really spend some time with the Doctor, and feel like you got some good answers and such. That's really a comfort to the parents of any sick child, but given everything you all have been through, it's got to feel that much better!
Well, I've rambled on quite enough! I love you guys! Smile on!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, March 20, 2006 5:48 PM CST
Hello Colette and Tammy, just wanted to see
how you are Colette. Hope they get your meds
tweaked just right for you. You both have a
wonderful week and I know you will enjoy seeing
your grandma. Hopefully you will be home soon. I'm
sure you were cute in the dress.
Love Lenzie's Nana, Sue
& Lenzie's Mom, Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland (AL) <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Monday, March 20, 2006 11:36 AM CST
Hi Colette:
I met you and your mommy yesterday afternoon at Children's Hosp. I was there to visit Cassidy Tierce's parents, but instead got to meet you and your mommy. I was so happy when I left. Your bright little face just made my day even though it was all yucky & raining outside. Your mommy sure is a sweet lady and it was great to talk to her. Mommy mentioned that the doctors/nurses were having to tweak w/ your meds. and hopefully you will get to go home soon. I will certainly be praying for this and for your your continued recovery. Stay strong mom & dad. I hope to visit again this week on Thursday. Sure do hope to bump into you.

Margaret Faulkner <whitehurstmsf@bellsouth.net>
Duncanville, AL USA - Monday, March 20, 2006 10:44 AM CST
Hey guys. Sorry I have been MIA recently. Just wanted to say hey. I hate the Miss Priss got sick the other day. I know I don't like it when that happens. I hope she gets to feeling better and you guys are able to come home for Easter. What a homecoming in every sense! Take care and I will be checking in.
Much Love

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, March 20, 2006 9:44 AM CST
Hello Tammy and Colette, I am glad to hear that things are getting a bit brighter and that her counts are looking good too. I saw Maw Maw Penny today at my church and I invited her to stay and eat at the Fish Fry we were having. I hope that you can come home soon so you can be with all you family and friends for a while. I am glad that you had no problem making your rent this month. The Lord not only is blessing Colette but the entire situation that yall are in. God will bless people like the man who gave you the money. You have to remember that He has you in his hands and will always take care of you in every way!!!! I love you all,

Krissy Hayes <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, Al US - Sunday, March 19, 2006 8:22 PM CST
Just a note to say I love my girls! I will miss mawmaw but she will be doing some good things while she is needed. She needs a break from all the things that she takes care of in Mobile, she will have to get enough sugar from Colette for me!
david crocker <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Sunday, March 19, 2006 6:38 PM CST
I hope the calcium levels are coming down and that she is peeing like a pregnant woman. :) (remember those days, Tammy? I'm sure you do!) You will be missing my surgery too, but then again I'm not sure if you'd want to come visit me in the hospital. I know you're pretty sick of them.
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Sunday, March 19, 2006 11:21 AM CST
Good morning to my girls, Hope you have an uneventful day. Hope it is a restful and pleasant day, here in Mobile it is beautiful. I will be back up (to B'ham) soon to help and get some of that precious sugar:)

People here are praying hard and are looking forward to seeing our girls!!! But, like all of us they don't want to take any chances with her immune system. So everyone agrees to wait and we know God will give the doctors the wisdom to know when. The Homecoming will be all the Greater and Sweeter:) Well, Tammy they want to see Colette and you are a bonus....LOL With the exception of your BIG and LITTLE MAN. They are counting the minutes like you and Miss Colette.

I wanted to add something to the guestbook because I know that is where I get my encouragment from and even though you check the site faithfully just a word saying I am praying brings so much strength to us. Thank you all for you prayers, generousity but, especially you unfailing love. Maw Maw Penny

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al - Saturday, March 18, 2006 10:49 AM CST
Dear Tammy and Jason,Colette and Bryant, I am so sorry that things are not going as hoped. I want you to know how much we love you and wish we could do more to help and bring comfort. I continue to persevere in my prayers for each one of you and spread your phlight to everyone at school andask for prayer always. Don't take your eyes off JESUS!!! HE IS OUR HOPE !!! We LOVE YOU,THE DELANEY FAMILY
toni delaney <litiflwr@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al u.s.a. - Saturday, March 18, 2006 9:53 AM CST
Boy I tell you, seems like every time I've had a chance to write over the last week or so, the hot topic has been a bunch of potty talk! That's great! I bet it'll be nice to be done with that extra expense! (I know I'm looking forward to it!) I'm glad to hear that things are going well. I love you guys!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:05 AM CST
Way to go Colette you are a big girl. Get
mommy to buy you some cute panties now. I'm
very happy to read you are doing good and
almost ready to go home. Love the new pic
of you, such a beautiful little Princess.
Take care and will check back later on you.
Know we are praying and thinking of you always.
Love Lenzie's Nana, Sue
& Lenzie's Mom, Kelly

Sue Jeffries & Kelly Butland (AL) <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Thursday, March 16, 2006 7:31 AM CST
hello colette i see you are doing fine miss you love sheema
sheema <s4.-_@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 15, 2006 10:36 PM CST
Hello Darlings,Aunt Toni is back on line!!! We have been getting updates regularly and so glad you are feeling so much better Colette! You may be on your way home right now. The prayers are continuing and our love is with you always! KISSES AND HUGS!!! Uncle James,Aunt Toni,John,and Matthew
toni delaney <litiflwr@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al u.s.a. - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 12:04 AM CST
Thank you Mr. Murphy for your generous heart. It was truly a blessing and it has given my daughter and our family strength..Miss Colette would be so pleased if she was old enough to realize the value of money ..she is sending you one of her special cards and I hope it blesses your heart as you have blessed ours. Oh by the way, her brother Bryant is seven and he does value money and when he read your journal entry he said,"Maw Maw next time I want to write something on the cards too"...:)

Thank you all who have helped with the rent this month because that was a real burden and we knew God would provide but, we did not know when. I believe He gives us opportunities to learn how to TRUST what we can not see..LOL God Bless All of our FRIENDS...Love Maw Maw Penny

penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:22 PM CST
I am one of the many caring people who have dropped a few dollars onto the donation jars from time to time. While I can understand that sometimes desperate people do desperate things, it saddens me to think that someone would steal from this beautiful little girl and her family in such trying times. I have left a $90.00 donation in one of the jars (I e-mailed Mrs. Penny and told her where) to cover the stolen donation money. Should other jars be stolen in the future, let me know the estimated amount by posting it here in the guestbook. I will replace it.
Bob Murphy <bob.murphy@akerkvaerner.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 12:45 AM CST
Wow 1 week left. I hope the time flies for ya. When is this welcome home party going to be. We would love to come. Like they say no news is good news. Although we like to read whats happening. Glad to know things are on the up and up and that Colette didn't peel like a banana.
We love you guys.

Kathryn Garner & family <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:44 AM CST
Yesterday was a busy day visiting people who have taking time to put a donation jar in their business to help with Colette's finances. My heart is so full of peoples sincere concern for a little girl some of them have only seen through the pictures I have supplied. Some have the pictures displayed behind the counter or on the door and I am so amazed at their desire to KNOW How Is She Doing? We will have a welcome home party for Tammy and Colette so she can meet the people who have LOVED her with their love, prayers and finances. All of you are such a blessing to me that I get overwhelmed by your love for my Darlin's:) Thank You..I have prayed God's Blessing's on each of you as you have so generously done to all of us. Time is going by so quickly, we have been together nearly a year now and without you our strength would have surely been gone a long time ago...Thank you for lifting Colette up to Jesus and for all of us, too:)

I did go to court last week with the young man (Charles Rutledge about 24 years old) who had stolen three of Colette's donation jar's. I gave him a card Colette had made with her pink hand prints. It said, "I FORGIVE YOU and so does Jesus" and her sweet lil' phrase.." Jesus died on the cross to make me all well and He will make you all well, too!" Because he is in rehab for drug use. He apologized and appeared to be remorseful. The judge gave him a year probation..one hundred hours of community service at a local hospital with cancer children and ordered him to pay back the $90.00 stolen.

(She makes these THANK YOU CARDS for people to let them know how much she appreciates their efforts). These are for children who collect bowls of pennies with an occassional token to Chucky Cheese included or to the doctors and even the janitorial staff at the hospital...everyone needs to be thanked:)

All my love, maw maw penny

penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:00 AM CST
My what big beautiful eyes you have Colette.
Sounds like someone is getting some tastebuds back.
Could be fun.
Best wishes

Colleen - Kaitlyn's mum <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Monday, March 13, 2006 11:44 PM CST
Hi Collette,
I met your grandmother today. She was telling just how wonderful you are. I just had to check you out. I have a little girl her name is Mayah and she is 2 years old. We will be checking on you. Be sweet.

Michelle West <mwest73@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Monday, March 13, 2006 9:36 PM CST
Hey Colette,

I am so sorry it has been so long since I signed your guestbook. I have been checking in on you. I have been so busy sprucing our house up. We put it up for sale about two weeks ago. Lenzie has been having a few problems. She has been very clingy and whinny. Her balance is off again and her eyes are crossing. Between trying to sell the house, being pregnant and taking care of Lenzie I have been so busy. I want you to know that we think about you everyday and pray for you. I hope you and mommy get to go home soon. I am glad to hear that you are doing so good, except for yesterday. I am sorry your tummy wasn't feeling to good. I hope you are feeling better today. Maybe it was just a little 24 hour stomach bug. I love your pink hearing aids. My oldest daughter Tori has hearing aids. She has purple hearing aids with pink and purple swirl ear molds. She loves them. Tori was so excited when I showed her the picture of you with your hearing aids. She loves it when she sees another child wearing hearing aids. She forgot to take them off last night and got them wet in the tub. I dried them off the best I could and left them laying out last night. One was working last night and the other wasn't. Only the left is working today. The right will come on for a minute and then it cuts off. She was so upset last night. She knows she can't hear without them. We are going to have send it off and get a new one. That usually takes about two weeks. Tori is not going to be happy about that. We bought insurance on her hearing aids after the warranty ran out. You need to ask about insurance for Colette's hearing aids. The warranty last for a year. The insurance last three years that we bought. I think we paid 150.00 each hearing aid. So 300.00 total. It's worth it. The hearing aids are so expensive. Tori has a wonderful ENT that lets us make payments. We are still paying on her hearing aids. Her Audiologist added the insurance to our bill. They said they don't care how long it takes us to pay for the hearing aids. They know everything we have been through lately. I hope you are having a wondrful day. I will check back later and see if mommy has updated. We love you sweetie!

Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mom)


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Monday, March 13, 2006 4:17 PM CST
Hi Tammy and Colette. I am glad to hear that your doing so well, and the ZOO!!!! WOW that sounds like fun. I will pray for friends dowm there too. Keep amilingm your such a cutie. :)

Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Sunday, March 12, 2006 9:50 PM CST
Hi Colette
Thanks for coming in to visit us the other day. We really enjoyed seeing you. And thanks to mom for getting the word out on the much needed prayers. We have seen how it all really works this week and we are in awe. It is a powerful thing! Our love to you all...have a blast at the zoo, and ride the train once for Kadin.

The Gazzaways

Emily <be_gazz@mchsi.com>
- Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:52 AM CST
Colette and Tammy,
Just wanted to stop in and say hello! Sorry I didn't get a chance today at the hospital! I'm so glad you left running to the parking lot as we did too! That's the best! Keep up the good work! I hope you get to go to the zoo! Madison had the best time there just a week ago! Have fun and Take care!
Love, Beth and Madison Beck

Beth Beck <beck6649@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, March 10, 2006 10:04 PM CST
I was really excited to read about Kadin's improvements this morning- (I check on my girls before I leave for work every morning, so that I know I'll at least have that, in case my day explodes!) and I had to laugh about the statement his mom made about never thinking she'd be that excited about pee! Way to go, Kadin!
Colette looks so pretty with her basket of flowers! Isn't it nice to think that Spring really is coming? It's rained like there's no tomorrow here for the last few days. There is a new lake by my house as a result! I really am looking forward to a lot of sunshine and warm weather. In the meantime, I'll at least be able to look at the pretty picture of a sunny Colette!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, March 10, 2006 10:15 AM CST
Colette and family,

Thank you for getting the word out about Kadin's setback. I have been witness this week to the power of our Heavenly Father through prayer and I am humbled by it. Though Kadin still has quite a journey ahead of him...today was a step in the right direction. Thank you for your prayers and support. Our best wishes to you and congrats on the "noodle" removal. I remember how relieved I was the first time around. There is just somethng special about that new found freedom! We will continue to pray for Colette and your family. Our love to you all!

The Gazzaway Family

- Thursday, March 9, 2006 11:37 PM CST
I am so so happy for you sweet girl you deserve it all. you all do. I will continue to pray for your spot to never ever grow. I know you have beatin this monster. God bless you sweetie, you have fun when you go on vacation, and cook out and everything, you guys all desreve it. Much love to you all. Miss Morgans mom. :)
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Thursday, March 9, 2006 10:20 PM CST
What a wonderful day we had with Bryant on his Big #7..We had lunch and then I picked him up and we bought him a couple presents and then to dinner chinese. Boy, can that child eat. He said he was not a child when the waitress said two adults and one child. He said NO one pre......?
He really has been through so much this year, more than most of the kids in his whole classroom. He has held up well and we need to keep him in our prayers for strength and hope with faith. He is trying to be so big. Tammy, just KNOW that momma and daddy are there to help Bryant with assurance that we are as close as the phone. He had lots of fun and I got LOTS of sugar!!!XXXXXXXX:):):) Time is flying and you and Colette will be home before you know it. What a wonderful homecoming that will be:)

All my love momma

penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Wednesday, March 8, 2006 9:47 PM CST
G'day Colette, guess who this is !!!!!!!!!!!
YEP its me your Aussie mate JAY - hey I'm back from
Camp Quality and I had lots of fun - camp quality is
for kids with cancer like you and me - I think you have
something like it in AMERICA and you will be able to
go on all the great camps they organise. I went on a
plane (I love planes). I missed Darlsy alot and even
though I was having lots of fun I could not wait to
come home to see darlsy. Hey - so great you got the
port out , that is a positive step towards kickin
that NB monster right out the window. Gee I wish
we could meet one day , but we live so far away.
NB is not going to get us - we are tougher than the
NB monster, and I know you are just as tough as me
but I am going to send you lots lots more of my
strength-courage-hope-determination and inspiration
for you to be able to have fun just as I do even
though we do go through a lot. Well I have to go now
so I will send you a BIG KOALA HUG FOR YOU AND YOUR


MELBOURNE, Victoria AUSTRALIA (THE LAND DOWN UNDER) - Wednesday, March 8, 2006 2:03 AM CST
10 more days! its going by fast i hope.

Megan Henline <lovekitten1010@aol.com>
Irvington, Al 36544 - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 4:46 PM CST
I will keep your family in my prayers.
Jerelyn Cox (Nicole Pate's SS teacher) <jbcox@mcpss.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 2:26 PM CST

LEXINGTON, SC USA - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 1:11 PM CST
Hi, Colette and Tammy. Great news!!! I know you guys
can't wait to get home and I'm sure all your family
can't wait to have you home to. Keeping you all in
our prayers and take care. Kelly and the girls sending
well wishes to you all to. We are all so glad Colette
is doing well and you all will be going home. Yippy!!!
Love Lenzie's Nana, Sue
& Lenzie's Mom, Kelly

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview , FL U.S. - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 9:37 AM CST
That is wonderful, I know that you are all ready to be back home. We will keep you in our prayers.

Melissa Overstreet <meloverstreet@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 7:37 AM CST
Colette & Family,

That is WONDERFUL news! I'm so happy for all of you. We will continue to keep Colette in our prayers.

Morgan's Nana


Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Monday, March 6, 2006 8:21 PM CST
WOW! That is awesome! THis has definatly brightened my day. Maybe we need to contact the news that did the piece on her about her homecoming! I really have missed you guys and look forward to you coming home (and I know you do too). Give Colette a big hug for me and I will TTYL.
Much Love,

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, March 6, 2006 4:43 PM CST
Yay! Praise God!

If your family needs anything, please allow our family to help in any way we can. We're a phone call or an email away (any time, day or not -- honestly).

Lonnie & Dawn

Lonnie Honeycutt <lonniehon@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Monday, March 6, 2006 4:11 PM CST
I'm so glad to hear the good news about Colette. It sounds so very positive, particularly when it has been such a "long and winding road" for ya'll. Keep the faith, and we all look forward to getting together real soon.

Yours very truly,
Uncle Billy

William B. Jackson, II <WBJ@BenStokes.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Monday, March 6, 2006 3:40 PM CST
PTL! I am so glad to hear some good news! We are praying for all of you esp. Colette!
Kevin Bussey <bamabusman@yahoo.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Monday, March 6, 2006 3:38 PM CST
While we all know that there is the possiblity of regrowth, I just want to jump and shout, because I believe in my heart of hearts that Colette has WON! Obviously there are things that will continue in the way of treatment, and then observation, but she's going to get to enjoy herself again, and just be a little girl. The little things that we so easily take for granted (like bathtime!)that have been stolen away for all these months can go back to a fun time of splashing and playing, or whatever it may be. We give thanks to God that He continues to provide the healing that Colette has known all along He'll provide! I give thanks that He shared you with me. We shall begin to pray now for a safe return home, and a joyful reunion with all those who love you! These next couple of weeks are going to fly by! I love you all! HOORAY!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, March 6, 2006 3:38 PM CST
We are so glad to hear that all is going well.

We were not able to get tickets to the concert, but heard it was awesome! Congrats on the private concert, pics and autograph. How awesome is that! You are one special little girl and I know God has great things planned for you.

God Bless,


Steven, Kelly, Sarah Anne, Emma Grace, Jonah Hicks <hicks@cbse.uab.edu>
Birmingham, AL USA - Monday, March 6, 2006 3:23 PM CST
See you all soon! Tell Colette We can go get some chippies in a few weeks!

I have faith she will beat this thing! God Bless You!

Love Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Monday, March 6, 2006 2:50 PM CST
Hi Ya'll, I'm glad to see that you are doing much better and hopefully you'll be home soon! Tammy I wanted to let you know that the sermons and music are on the website now so you can log in and hear them. I have sent you the music you asked for. Can't wait to hear you sing it! - Watch for the rainbow.-Love and Prayers-Celyn
Celyn Pendleton <cpendleton@fbtc.org>
Mobile, Al USA - Monday, March 6, 2006 1:59 PM CST
G'day Colette, this is Jay's darsly mum. He had a bad last 2 weeks with headaches so he was not able to come visit his friends but he was determined to not miss out on his trip away on a plane with Camp Quality this weekend, so off he went. I spoke with him last night (he misses his darlsy and I miss him). He wanted me to stop by, he said to tell you that he thinks of of all the time & wished you could go have some fun as well. Just know that you will be able to go have lots of fun with all the cancer support groups & go on great camps and things (Jay loves Camp Quality) they are his second home & I don't know what I would do without them. Well I am on my own (I hate that ) can't wait for Jay to come home. Jay also told me to send you lots of his strength-courage-determination-hope and inspiration - you are doing a great job kickin the NB monster butt out the window. Jay also sends you a BIG BIG KOALA HUG and one from me as well (Jay & Darlsy)


Melbourne (VERY HOT), Victoria AUSTRALIA (Land of the WIGGLES) - Saturday, March 4, 2006 3:57 PM CST
Happy Birthday Bryant! Colette you look great with your earings. You are all in our thoughts.
Roy, Michelle, Dakota & Sydney Horton

Michelle Horton <michelle@spiderdesigns.com>
Wildwood, MO US - Friday, March 3, 2006 10:17 PM CST
Hey Guys! Colette your are looking good girl! I love what your mother wrote, to take one day at a time and that is so true. Praying for complete healing daily. Love you guys and think of you every day. Love, Anissa and Jon
anissa mcgough <kevinmcgough@centurytel.net>
- Friday, March 3, 2006 8:51 PM CST
Yeah! I am glad to see you got the package.
I was wondering when you would get it.
We missed yall! But we had tons of fun.
I am very wore out from all of the MArdi Gras fun!
I am glad things are still moving right along for yall and I will talk to you soon.

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Friday, March 3, 2006 1:18 PM CST

LEXINGTON, SC USA - Friday, March 3, 2006 1:10 PM CST
Hey guys! Sorry it has been a while since I've written. Things have been busy with 2 jobs and starting a business. I wanted you to know that I am always thinking of you guys. I am glad to know that things are moving in a positive direction. Tell Bryant I said happy birthday! I also wanted to let everyone know that a friend of mine is envolved with Relay For Life this year. As a fundraiser, they are selling charm bracelets with the colored ribbons for different types of cancer. Becasue of Colette, she made sure to order plenty of the ones with yellow ribbons for Childhood cancer. If you would like one (anyone), send me an email. I am getting mine soon and wanted to make them available to you guys. Have a great day and I will talk to you later. Looking forward to you coming home!
Manda <MandaKay@aol.com>
- Thursday, March 2, 2006 9:49 AM CST
Hello to my beautiful friends! I bet your new "earrings" are beautiful! I can't wait to see lots of pretty new pictures. I only have a minute, but I wanted to stop in and tell you hi, and that I love you guys very much! You are always in my prayers, and I thank you again for the prayers you've lifted on my behalf!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, March 2, 2006 9:47 AM CST
i know its early but tell Bryant HAPPY BIRTHDAY !
From Nicoles friend :Megan

Megan Henline <lovekitten1010@aol.com>
irvington, al usa - Thursday, March 2, 2006 0:11 AM CST
Dear Colette and family, just checking in on you today. Glad to know your getting better fitting aids, that can make alot of difference. I bet you really liked the pink and white swirls though...kind of looked like the candy by Lifesavers I bet! Hope you all have a great party..I know you will, and Bryant won't care, as long as it's a party! Take care and I hope you have a wonderful night and a great day tomorrow! Cathi
Cathi Coon
Atmore, AL - Wednesday, March 1, 2006 7:02 PM CST
Sending up prayers for great results from the remaining scans and tests. Also sending out my love and prayers that He will continue to provide for your every need. We shall have the faith! For HE is providing total healing, and each daily blessing!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, March 1, 2006 11:49 AM CST
Today is yet another long awaited day...we will see what the surgeons have to say about the few cancer cells on the artery they removed the tumor from in October. My prayer is that the twelve days of radiation is still addressing that spot..pray with me.. Another issue we have been concerned with is that her white counts are not climbing like we hoped they would and her platelets continue to drop. According to the doctor Tammy saw Monday that is just a result of the radiatiion. That really makes a lot of sense...I just wish the doctors had told us in the beginning.

Our imaginations are our own worst enemies and often we conjour up the "what if's?" I know satan is that "what if"!!! But, at the same time we don't know what is ahead and what we can expect tomorrow. God KNOWS and we can not do anything to change His plan and really His Way is the BEST. So I'll leave yet another day of not knowing in the big ole' hands of my Great and Almighty Heavenly Father. AMEN

Another issue is FINANCES..PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN:) I have emptied the donation buckets and Jason needs money to go back up on Friday. Also, Jason is working out of town again some this week and that is a good thing because Bryant is in B'ham with mommy. He is really having a rough time getting Bryant to school and picking him up. Jason is supposed to be at work before Bryant goes to school and work until after Bryant gets out of school.

Please pray about these two issues. Thank you and God bless you for all the financial help so far and whatever God leads you to do NOW. Without your letting God direct you to help them they would not have been able to make it this far. THANK YOU is such a little word but, it come from a tearful and joyful heart:)

Caught you later, with Great Joy:) love, maw maw penny

penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Wednesday, March 1, 2006 10:05 AM CST
Hi there. I am sorry I haven't been on in a while. :) I have sure been thinking about you though. I was so glad to read that you've conqured this monster. You are such an inspiriation sweetie. I know that God will lead you down the road that is best for you colette. I will continue to pray for you, as always. Hugs and Prayers from Indiana!
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:12 PM CST
I am praying for Dr. Buckley's meeting tomorrow, that the people involved in the decisions will feel peace and be guided by the Lord with whatever they feel should be done. I love you all.
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 9:40 PM CST
Hi Colette & Family,

I'm so happy to hear your wonderful news, our prayers are being answered! She'll do wonderful whichever direction she takes...study..no study!! We'll continue to keep Colette and your family in our prayers daily.
I believe she's beaten the NB monster,(God has made sure of that, he's been there every step of the way with her,) the reports all sound so great! Congratulations!!!!
Hugs to all:)

Morgan's Nana


Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 8:22 AM CST
i hope those 18 days go by fast!
~Megan Henline

Megan Henline <lovekitten1010@aol.com>
Irvington, Al U.S.A - Monday, February 27, 2006 3:35 PM CST
I am really glad to hear that you might be coming home soon!! You have done a wonderful job being strong. There is a man that goes to my church that works for integerity music and i told him how great Chris Tomlin treated you while you were watching his sound check for the concert. He said that Chris is an awsome person and loves to make people feel special ( he knows him on a personal level).I hope to see you when you come. Your mommie will have to plan a big "Coming home party" for you.
Krissy Hayes <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, Al US - Monday, February 27, 2006 9:12 AM CST
We serve an AWESOME GOD!!!!!!!!!! He is the Author and the Finisher, the Creator and Healer, the Great Physician and Comfortgiver........He is Everything to me:) Without Him I am and have nothing. He has given me all that I have and will ever need and most of the time want. Were it not for God where would I be after this past year? How can anyone sit back and doubt the MIGHTY WORKS He has done this year alone. And that is to say nothing about Creation itself............Yes, I am rambling...but, I CANNOT say enough for the GIFT my MIGHTY SAVIOUR has given me...my precious little angel with that "beautiful smile":)
I have "five precious angels with beautiful smiles" but, for a while I didn't know if this one would get her little smile back again.

"Thank You...Thank you Jesus...Thank you..Thank you...."... Thank you Miss PattyCake for giving my angel a song to sing in the midst of her pain:) She has been a testimony everywhere she has gone. To doctors...to nurses...to other patients...she tells everyone "Jesus died on the cross to make me all well.."Everytime she see's a cross whether it is on the radiation machines red light beams or her cross necklace or an X marked on anything. To Colette it is still the cross Jesus died to make her all well, to make her all better. Her Miss PattyCake songs played in the radiation room every morning and when the parking lot attendant parked the car her music for the Lord was playing. She has been such a strength to everyone she has come in contact with. She has dressed up like Miss PattyCake and sang to everyone, "I can say yes, I can say yes to the Saviour"...or "one, two, three, four, five Jesus is alive...." and many more songs:)

When she has been around another child crying or afraid, she tells them not to be afraid "it will be o'tay, Jesus will make you all better."

What a PattyCake Praise Day......THANKS TO ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND ENCOURAGMENT. We still have a ways to go but, with God hopefully we have seen the worst. Now pray thoses little good blood cells will GROW and the cancer cells will DIE!!!!!!!!

ALL MY LOVE TO ALL OF YOU:) maw maw penny

penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Monday, February 27, 2006 6:45 AM CST
I was so happy to see you on Friday and Saturday! What a pretty, pretty girl! I can't believe how much new hair you have already grown since that picture you had taken with the new pink bow in your hair. WOW! I can't wait to see you again, it looks like it's going to be just a few days!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
Mobile, AL - Monday, February 27, 2006 0:43 AM CST
Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aunt Debbie <fpcdcc@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al USA - Saturday, February 25, 2006 7:08 AM CST
Colette's results sound a lot like my little Kaitlyn's.
She is now 2.9 years from diagnosis and still has something which lights up on mibg. It's never changed!
She is over 2 years out from Transplant!
Which ever way Colette is randomized I am sure you'll get through it and she will always be that happy smiley little girl.
Best wishes

Colleen - Kaitlyn's mum <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Friday, February 24, 2006 10:51 PM CST
How awesome is that to hang out with Chris Tomlin!! I am singing his songs as I read the update. Keep up the good work! God is good and you are strong! Love and Blessings to you! Kellie
Kellie Brown <jakenkellie@aol.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Friday, February 24, 2006 10:16 PM CST
Wow!!! Colette so glad you met Chris and had a good time.
I read the update in guestbook to and glad you got good news and no bad. Will pray you continue to do well sweet Princess. Now you take care and hope that all you guys have a great weekend.Sorry haven't visited in awhile, but have had alot going on with our family right now. We are still thinking and praying for all our caringbridge friends though. Check back when I can. Stay well.
Love Lenzie's Nana, Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Friday, February 24, 2006 3:49 PM CST
Well Tammy just called and asked me to give everyone a small update, but I couldn't log in, so I am updating here hoping it will be read. She said she would give a full update later.
Tammy sounded good.
The Bone Scan was normal
The CT SCan was fine besides the calcifications from the original site around the renal artery.
The MIBG scan showed a little shadow on that same spot, but it was alot smaller than it was in November before radiation and the doctor said that the radiation probably hasn't taken full effect on it yet.
The spot will not be biopsied because it is so close to the artery and too small to biopsy.
The good news is it is no where else! and the doctor said that if he had to see cells of it anywhere, this is the spot he would want to see them.
Because it has not spread, she will not automatically go in to the study. They will do a few more things next week and then will sign up for the study. They will be randomized which means 50/50 chance she will get in. Pray that this happens. Tammy and Jason want her to be part of the study, it will increase the chances of it not returning. (hope I am saying things right, Tammy can correct me when she logs on)

They will still be in Bham through the 17th of March or so.

Continue to keep the little princess in your prayers.
Pray for strenght for the family to go through the next phase, whatever that may be.
And also give praise that it has not spread and treatment seems to be working.

Aunt Brandy <Bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
- Friday, February 24, 2006 2:39 PM CST
WoW!!! How Exciting!
Can't wait to see you all again.
MY prayers are with you all day today.

Love Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Friday, February 24, 2006 8:02 AM CST
How awesome for you guys! Isn't God great? He just keeps giving, and blessing lives! As much as it blessed you and Colette to meet Chris, you can tell that he was blessed by meeting you all, and what an awesome person to take the time to hang out and just talk. I bet Colette felt like a superstar in her own right! And it had to have felt great to just get out a little, and I KNOW that Colette was fantastic in her singing (even if you COULDN'T hear her!!)
I love you all, and I'm so thankful you got this opportunity, and that it was so wonderful. Praying for fabulous results, and fabulous days!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, February 24, 2006 6:12 AM CST
Sounds like Colette had lots and lots of fun. But I bet that singer guy enjoyed it more.
Best wishes

Colleen - and Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Friday, February 24, 2006 0:43 AM CST
oh wow! Bet you have a great story for us!!!
Tell us soon!
We love yall!
and we ate enough chips for you at Aztecas

Aunt Brandy, Colie, and Unc Todd <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvingtona, AL - Thursday, February 23, 2006 9:33 PM CST
Lisa's right! It is Chris Tomlin! And he is holding my beautiful niece!!!!! Ok Tammy, hurry up and tell us the whole story because I am so excited I can't stand it! (And also, I am looking very forward to coming up tomorrow and visiting!!!)
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
Mobile, AL - Thursday, February 23, 2006 9:05 PM CST
I KNOW I KNOW - of course, I don't know anything about him, but I know who he is - Chris Tomlin! Now tell us the story!!!
Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <Lisatanner@comcast.net >
mobile, AL - Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:54 PM CST
BLAKELY, GA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:02 PM CST
Just thinking and praying for you!I really miss my girls maybe mawmaw and I will get to see you soon again. Sending up prayers for all the NB names I know. Love you-Dad
pawpaw David <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:32 AM CST
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THIS IS A BIG KOALA HUG, found him up a gum tree. I know all your test will come back saying you kicke the NB monster butt, stay positive, stay strong, I think of you everyday (hey is that hair I see)! lots of my strength and courage to you and your family and lots of BIG KOALA HUGS TO EVERYONE. (Jay)


Melbourne (VERY HOT), Victoria Australia (down under) - Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:03 AM CST
Colette you look so cute in your pink hearing aids. Andrew and Blake thought they were so cool. I wanted to let you that you can buy a small seat that fits in your diaper bag so when she has to go to the bathroom you can just pull out the seat and you don't have to worry about GERMS. I hope the rest of the week goes well( at least the weather has warmed up a bit)

Krissy Hayes <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, Al US - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:53 PM CST
Hey Tam and Colette!
Great news to have one test down.
We have been praying you on! I have told everyone I know to pray. Look for a special package in the mail soon.
We love the pink earings! Perfect accessories for the princess!!! Can't wait to see you all.
Love Aunt Brandy, Colie and Unc Todd

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:00 PM CST
I am praying for you all constantly. It was so good to see you this past weekend and am glad that Colette liked her new quilt. The visit was way too short for me. David is completely smitten with Colette. He talks about her all the time now. I am going to try and get up there again in a few weeks so I can have more tickle time with Colette. I believe that God has healed Colette. I was praying last night and just had this incerdible peace come over that all was going to be clear. I can't wait to hear the good results that I believe are coming in the next few days. I love you, Lori.
Lori Ladnier <schmoo88@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:14 AM CST
Hey darlin! I am so sorry that I haven't written in a while. My computer got a nasty virus. I pray that all goes well today. I love the picture of the box in your hair. It is so pretty. I can't wait until you get to come home and I can see you again. Have fun and I will talk to you soon. I love you all.
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:09 AM CST
Please add this young man do your prayer list EVERTDAY!!! He helps me with strength and love and compassion you just don't see in most young people today. He loves Colette and other NB kids like they were his very own family because he knows first hand what pain and discomfort and fear they have to endure eveyday. He is old enough to KNOW what is going on. Unlike Miss Colette she only knows that Jesus and Dr. Buckley are making her all better. Jay has been faithful to share all his Big Koala Bear HUGS and that helps comfort us as much as a prayer and his journal entries are our way of knowing he keeping up with Colette. I can not tell you how inportant your entries are. We see the total visits rise in numbers but, without entries we don't know you are praying or that you care to take time like Jay to pass one of those hugs on to us.

Pray hard today, in one hour and forty-seven minutes Colette will get a shot and two hours later a scan to see if the radiation she has been getting killed the cancer cells that showed up in the tumor bed. That is where they removed the tumor in October. Please pass Tammy and Jason one of Jays hugs so they will know you are lifting them up. Tammy is alone with Colette to do this today. Jason will be there for the others tomorrow and Friday for the evaluation. I believe it is all gone! On the otherhand my God will give us all we need to make the next steps. More later love, maw maw

maw maw <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:23 AM CST
G'day my litle friend Colette HEY i love those PINK HEARING AIDS they are so cool, you look just as pretty as ever. Thank you for visiting my little friend Kahlilla. A little NB friend got her Angel wings today, if you go to my site you can click on to hers her name is Emily Ransom, she was 2. I wish I could just stomp on the NB monster & he dosn't hurt anymore kids. You are a brave strong girl and still I send you all my strength and courage and for you to be a little girl and live each day and have fun. Believe in your dreams. Big KOALA HUGS to everyone (Jay)


Melbourne (VERY HOT), Victoria - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:26 AM CST
Here I am at home again after nearly three weeks and boy does my house miss me. I don't know where to start....Maybe I'll try to get some help from my momma. She has been very lonesome and she needs some company. I have been so sick and I hope after today I will start tomorrow feeling better. I hurt like a virus..I ache all over.

I know Tammy appreciates all your prayers especially for the rest of the week. Jason is going up tomorrow and I know Colette will be so happy to see daddy and bubba. She calls for daddy all the time.

While I was in Birmingham Tammy's computer didn't like me so that is the reason I have not been heard from.

My own physician left her practice to take a practice making double her salary here with some incentive bonuses in none other than Pigeon Forge, Tennessee....Her new home is top of a mountain overlooking my favorite place in this world The Great Smokey Mountains...were it not for all my children and maw maw's darlin's I'd move there in half a second without any bonus incentives, the changing of the seasons is incentive enough! But, now I am left to find another doctor. But, before my doctor left she changed my thyroid medication to half the dosage I have been taking for the last ten years. Well, that means I have gained twenty five pounds in the last six weeks and I am sick.....PRAY God will lead me this week to a new doctor I will be able to be comfortable with and that she will be as great as my last. Don't tell anyone...she gave me her personal cell phone number and asked me and mom to come stay at her new home with her OOOOOOOOOOOOH my goodness:) I can promise you that is a done deal!

Will write more later...all my love maw maw penny

maw maw penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:57 PM CST
Hi you beautiful thing! I love the new picture - you look like Demi Moore with those big eyes and short hair! You couldn't be more beautiful if you tried! I heard that song "Skin" and cried like a baby, and my children were all looking at me like I was nuts. They were trying to help me stop crying, it was just too sweet. I didn't know it was written about a little girl named Colette!!! That's really, really strange (and she had one L and two T's!)
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
Mobile, AL - Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:40 PM CST
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Hi there Tammy and Colette,

Thanks for finding Abby's site and signing her guestbook. It is always nice to hear of other inspirations who are beating the neuroblastoma monster. Also something that is cool is that I am from Alabama, and Abby was born there. We moved to NC shortly afterwards, but she spent her first 12 days at none other than Children's Hospital in Birmingham.

I will definately keep you in my prayers.

God be with you!



Malissia Loucks <Malissia@Carolina.rr.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Tuesday, February 21, 2006 12:56 AM CST
Hi there cutie!!! I love your hearing aids(earings :) I will pray that your scans and everything are perfectly clean and clear! I already know they will be. :) I just wanted to say hey and we are still thinking about you. Hugs and Prayers from Blooington.
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Monday, February 20, 2006 9:55 PM CST
Hey Tammy - I just wanted to say hello to you and Colette. I hope all is going well in Birmingham. I saw that you mentioned the wish organization and age limits - have you checked Make A Wish? That's who we went through and they were great! Just an idea in case the place you are dealing with has a problem with Colette's age. Also, I was reading a magazine this weekend and found out that the song Skin, by Rascal Flatt's (have you heard it?) was actually written about a little girl named Colette that had cancer! I thought of your Colette when I read it and had to tell you! Hugs, love and prayers!
Lisa Tanner - www.caringbridge.com/al/cole - <lisatanner@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Monday, February 20, 2006 4:33 PM CST
Hey Colette!
Im one of Kristins friends.She had let me see 1 of your pics last year and i thought you were just the cuteist thing!You are so brave!I will keep praying for you and your family!

Kendra <boycrazy1294@aol.com>
Lexington, SC America - Monday, February 20, 2006 1:57 PM CST
Hi Collie, great to hear the radiation treatments are behind you. Bet you look to cute with your new pink earrings on. Our wish is for you to have much happiness and dreams that come true. Kisses & Hugs >>>>>> Mr. Jim & Ms. Linda
Mr Jim <ace2play@aol.com>
Semmes, AL USA - Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:36 PM CST
G'day Colette it's Jay, I am home today with bad headaches but wanted to go visit some friends. Great to hear you are doing so well and way to go with the pink hearing aids (my darlsy said good chose). I went to ENT lat week and guess what since then I have had 4 nose bleeds. I have a little friend of mine in Australia who lives near me battling NB right now - her site is on mine if you want to go visit her she is so cute. I send you lots and lots of my strength and courage - you keep up with that BIG SMILE and the NB monster will go away. I send you a BIG KOALA HUG to from me (Jay)


Melbourne, Victoria Australia (down under) - Sunday, February 19, 2006 6:14 PM CST
Hi Colette,
Ellie and I are so sorry we haven't gotten to see you again. That is one problem in having so many team members going to the cancer center... we all have assigned days and times. But I hope Ms. Kathy told you on Friday that we are so happy you are through with radiation. Perhaps if the weather clears up and it gets warm, Ms. Kathy and Gypsy and Ellie and I could meet you at the park, etc. I would love to see you again, until then... we will keep praying for you. Would loved to have seen you in your costume and long hair.
Hugs and lots of love, Ms. Nena and Ellie from Hand-in-Paw

- Sunday, February 19, 2006 5:11 PM CST
Sounds like things are going really well with the new pink "earrings"- she's such a trooper! Is the feedback when she lays down something they may be able to make adjustments and fix, do you know? Be cautious of phones, too. Some cell phones cause issues for a couple people I work with. But she obviously can tell a difference to be coming and asking you for them like that, which is great. My younger son had ear infections ALL the TIME, and the fluid in his ears really created some issues for his speech development. Once his tubes were put in, his speech improved dramatically, and very quickly! I bet you'll see very similar results with Colette.

I am sure that someone out there will find the right program to get Colette to those Princesses. You've got a heck of a team here, with all these other moms who have "been there, done that" and joyfully provide guidance to you and others who are facing these battles. I see them on so many of the sites I visit, and each time, it touches my heart. It shows God's love to know that even facing the battles they face each day, all of you find time to reach out to others, some perfect strangers, to share a smile, or a word of wisdom, or just a moment to let someone else know you're thinking about them. I know it blesses my life, and I can only imagine the comfort it brings to the families of those you are reaching out to, so to ALL OF YOU, I thank you.
My short people have begun clamoring for breakfast, so I'm off, remember- we love you all very much, and have you in our prayers, and in our hearts. I hope it either warms up, or goes ahead and snows for you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:20 AM CST
hey, Tammy & Colette,
I was going to let you know that you can use Make A Wish instead of Magic Moments. We did because DJ was only three. DJ went to Disney World on his 4th birthday. Just ask you socail worker they should be able to give you all the info. Glad to hear you are doing alittle better

Joy ( DJ Hooks's Mom) <jhibus@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, February 18, 2006 11:07 PM CST
Hey Colette and Family!
You may not know me but i go to dance with Nicole and she tells me about Colette and i just thought i would sign the guestbook and let yall know she is in my prayers!

Megan Henline <lovekitten1010@aol.com>
Irvington, Al U.S - Saturday, February 18, 2006 4:15 PM CST
Hey Colette and Family!
You may not know me but i go to dance with Nicole and she tells me about Colette and i just thought i would sign the guestbook and let yall know she is in my prayers!

Megan Henline <lovekitten1010@aol.com>
Irvington, Al U.S - Saturday, February 18, 2006 4:13 PM CST
Hello Colette,
I'm sorry I missed Graduation Day at LW. Mr. David told me you were beautiful in your gown and red hair!! Thank you so much for the card and pictures.
I always enjoyed seeing you each morning at LW but I am REAL glad you are finished and can sleep late!!
Take care and come to visit us when you can.
Love, Mr. Joel

Joel Davis <joelcrna@uab.edu>
Birmingham, AL United States - Friday, February 17, 2006 5:09 PM CST
Congrats! Glad to hear that you're now all done with radiation! Hooray! Have a really great weekend!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, February 17, 2006 9:13 AM CST
Congrats on your last day here in Radiation Oncology! We will miss our little princess!! You looked so cute in your outfit today! You will be in my thoughts and prayers. You keep us posted, and come back to visit us soon.

Lesley McRae <mcrae1978@netscape.net>
Pelham, AL usa - Friday, February 17, 2006 8:13 AM CST

I was just checking in to see how you all are doing. I hope and pray that all the test come back clear. I am excited that Collette will go on her Make A Wish trip this summer. Elizabeth took hers to Disney World, it was unbelieveable. You have got to stay at Give Kids the World. I think that was better than Disney World. Here is the link to it. http://www.gktw.org/ If you want more information on it, from a personal view E-mail me. It is so much to tell. You have Got to stay there I promise that is the best part of the trip. They also give you all the tickets to everywhere. Disney, sea world, universal studio's, and anywhere else you could possiably want to go. They have a night where if you want to go out just with hubby they baby sit for you. They have a restraunt where every meal is free, its buffet, catered by a big restraunt chain, they have a ice cream palor the whole building is shaped like a banna split everything is free, they have a movie theater, mini golf, game room (they even have remote control boats you drive from inside the game room with these real, life size boat controls, you know, the big wheel etc. They have a whole room with a train set, pools, even the mascot mayor Claton or his wife Mary will come one night and tuck the kids in bed. I could go on and on. Every day when you get back from the parks, there will be a small gift and candy on the kitchen table for each child that goes with you. They even stock the kitchen with food. Oh, on Thursday night, it is always Christmas, They have a snow machine where the kids can play in the snow, Santa is in the theater, he takes pictures with the kids, gives them a gift, then you can go to the ice cream palor and decorate sugar cookies, then you go across from there and you can ride a horse drawn carriage, they let Elizabeth drive the horses. They have pony rides one day. There is to much to tell, They plan stuff every day, they also have special visitors come to Give Kids the World like princess, Elizabeth wanted to see Barney, He came to GKTW, She got to spend a lot of time with Barney, BJ and Baby Bop and take pictures with them. It is such a migacial place. They think of EVERYTHING. They will even let you barrow a video camera to take to the parks with you. Every one there is a volunteer and treat you like queens and kings, expecially the wish child.

Sending prayers and hugs

Machelle Johnson <MJmomathome@aol.com>
Theodore, Al - Thursday, February 16, 2006 9:31 AM CST
I miss my girls and wish I could have been there for Val. Day. But every day is a special day and I'm praying for complete healing for Colette. I love you all! Pawpaw David
pawpaw David <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:29 PM CST
The new pics are great! It's wonderful to see her smiling so big. I really like her pretty crown! I'm also glad that the radiation is almost over, so you don't have to get up and out so early in the cold every day! We're still praying for great test results, and we have faith that you will hear of Colette's complete healing! I love you all, and ask that God grant you patience as you face these next steps, and bless you in all ways!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:54 AM CST
I hope your Valentines was sweet. Those little picts are adorable. It's hard to believe she is growing so quickly. I pray that Friday will be filled with happiness and rejoicing. I hope yall have a party after you get the news you want. I love you guys.
kathryn & family

Kathryn <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, February 15, 2006 11:33 AM CST
Here are some more pictures, Tammy, so you can get a better idea of what her hair was like when she was a toddler. (A cute toddler at that!)
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:40 PM CST
Dear Colette and mom, I am so glad to hear that she is doing so well. She is very lucky and someone is watching over her very closely. Your family is very blessed and your receiving tons of prayers from all over...especially here in the south! Take care and I will continue to check in on Colette.
Cathi Coon
Atmore, AL - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 4:52 PM CST
Here's a picture of what her hair looked like "once upon a time" when she was just minutes old...You can click to make it bigger...
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:09 PM CST
Hey Sweetheart! Want to send you a Happy Valentine's and tell you and mommy that I love you very much! Keep smiling and everything will be fine. Remember, God is in control and he already knows the results of the test!
Have a wonderful Valentine's.

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Tuesday, February 14, 2006 2:18 PM CST
Hi Colette,
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! I love your new pictures, especially the crown!

Gwen Haag <ghaag@frmc.us>
East Rochester, NY USA - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:25 AM CST
Happy Valentines Day Colette and Family!!! Your soooo cute sweetie. :)Keep the faith, her tests will be just fine. :) Thinking of you always.
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:05 AM CST
Happy Heart Day! I'm so glad that you are doing well and your hair is growing back! You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Remember the rainbow is comming!
Celyn Pendleton <cpendleton@fbtc.org>
Mobile, Al - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:58 AM CST
Happy Valentines Day PUnkin! Hope you got the valentines from Colie.
Wow What an Update! We will keep the next fews days high in our thoughts and in all of our prayers!
Love you lots.
Love AUnt Brandy, Unc Todd, and Cole.

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
irvington, al usa - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 8:59 AM CST
Just wishing all of you an early Valentines. Hope you get some sweet news tomorrow. Can't wait for the next update.
Keep us posted & try to stay bundled.

kathrn <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, February 13, 2006 11:06 AM CST
G'DAY COLETTE, wanted to drop in and give you a BIG VALENTINE HUG - well I have put it in the brightest star and blown it your way so look in the sky tonight find the brightest star reach up grab the HUG and put it under your pillow. And I send a BIG KOALA HUG as well, from your NB friend down under (JAY)


Melbourne (VERY HOT), Vic Australia (down under) - Monday, February 13, 2006 5:15 AM CST
Hi there. I have been following Colette's story for some time now. I came across her site from another child's Caring Bridge site. I am glad she is doing better. I live in the Pensacola FL area. I have read so many heartfelt stories and wanted to do more so I have materials on the way so I can help spread the word about Caring Bridge! I wanted to stop by and wish Colette a very Happy Valentine's Day!! Stay sweet and I will check by again later;)
Anissa Hagendorfer <AnissaH33@aol.com>
Pace, FL - Sunday, February 12, 2006 9:18 PM CST
Goodness, it's been days since I've had a chance to write! Sounds like you are having a great time, though, playing with new a puppy and Daddy and Bubby and Maw Maw and snow! We've had a pretty busy week, too! My clients at the tax office are starting to file in, and then Friday my oldest boy, Jeep, broke his arm! I had to laugh- Maw Maw talks about the rough and tumble ways of Miss Colette and her Bubba- my boys were wrestling around, and Eli, who's 3, kicked Jeepie off my bed! So, we have a fracture in both the ulna and the radius, and are now the proud owners of a really cool soccer ball cast. Jeepie will have it through his birthday (he'll be 5 on the 24th) and it gets to come off on March 9th. If all goes well, that will be it, but we'll have to wait and see then.
I'm really glad that you're doing so well with your radiation and such, Colette! You're such a big girl! I bet Mommy and Daddy are really proud of you for being so brave! And you'll have the coolest pink hearing aides, and I bet it'll be no time before you're jabbering circles around everybody! You'll get to learn lots of cool new words, and sounds, and I bet it will be awesome.
Well, I've written a novel to make up for the last several days, so I'll check back again soon! Enjoy the snow, and keep up the great work for your Doctors! We love you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, February 12, 2006 5:56 PM CST
We are COLD! In Mobile cold is very different, we have a wet cold...a dry cold bites! We actually, got to see snow flurries and in some spots it accumalated for a short time. I want to take a drive toward Chattanooga,TN so I can see more snow. Some of you are wondering why???? We live in Mobile....we get as much snow as Hawaii...so we really have a snowballs chance of ever seeing snow. I wouldn't like to live in it but, to visit would be GREAT!!!
Uncle Mike a has had a fun time....He got to go tothis fantastic car show twice today.....He will probably fill his camera's memory card again and it holds 256 mb's....He is truly his dad's son with his talent with a camera! Most people at a car show say neat car and shot a picture...Mike gets down and takes detail shots like rims...emblems...motor's...interiors etc.Bryant, Tammy and Jason got to go outand eat tonight but, it is COLD. Colette loves her new puppy and he loves her!I will catch up later with more info All my love Maw Maw

penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Saturday, February 11, 2006 9:33 PM CST

LEXINGTON, SC USA - Friday, February 10, 2006 1:15 PM CST
Can you believe it, at9:00 pm Colette and Tammy were in bed.It has really been tough on all of us having to be at he hospital with ice, freezing rain and crazy drivers. But, I think leaving earlier made things better on all of us,stress wise.Paw Paw and Uncle Mike are bringing Bryant up to see us and I can tell you I will be glad to see Paw Paw. All of this has been so difficult..a family apart is never a good thing. I am also excited about seeing Mike, my baby even though he keeps reminding me he will be twenty one in April...my baby he will always be! Colette callsfor her daddy and her bubba to come and get her all the time. She will be happy to see he new puppy "Coach":)

Thank you all for your continued prayers all my love Maw Maw

penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Thursday, February 9, 2006 10:39 PM CST
hi colette,

how are things going! I am going to send you a pad of stickers with your aunt kiki, okay.


alexus parker <alexusparker@yahoo.com>
lexington, sc usa - Thursday, February 9, 2006 12:34 AM CST
Glad to hear that everything is going good. I will check back later.


Machelle Johnson, Mom to Elizabeth (7) DX 11/30/01 Pre B ALL <MJmomathome@aol.com>
Theodore, Al - Thursday, February 9, 2006 11:55 AM CST
I am glag to see that you are doing so good, Colette. I hope that things just keep getting better. We have you in our prayers!

Melissa Nonnenmacher Overstreet <meloverstreet@comcast.nnet>
Mobile, Al USA - Thursday, February 9, 2006 7:02 AM CST


Melbourne (HOT), VIC Australia (down under) - Thursday, February 9, 2006 4:13 AM CST
Just wanted to let you know that we are still thinking of you all. Colette, you look beautiful! And we love the puppy!
Tommy's mom <tobecancerfree@yahoo.com>
Cullman, Al - Thursday, February 9, 2006 0:43 AM CST
Hello Pate Family. I'm so sorry it has been so long since I have signed your book. Things have been about as nuts here as there. I am GRADUATED! The New Year has many things in store for both our families. I'm so happy to hear the good reports. I check your page almost daily. I saw the news report with Aunt Penny. You looked beautiful Aunt Penny! You held yourself very well. Right before Christmas somebody stole all the money out of my wallet while I was at the hospital. It was our grocery money for the week. I was so shocked and then I just prayed that they needed that money more than I did. I would be willing to bet that God using this situation with your collections to move people to be more aware. Maybe somehow this will bring the man who was stealing closer to God. It is so hard to know what God has in store for us, sometimes. We will pray that only positive things come from that mans actions. Your puppy is a cutey. I hope the isolation isn't getting to be to muc for you Tammy. I am amazed and uplifted by the grace you have shown through all of this. You are an inpiration and example to so many. I will pray for your strength and patience. I love ya'll.
Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, February 8, 2006 1:49 PM CST

LEXINGTON, S.C. USA - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 1:13 PM CST
hello colette, your new puppy is so cute! I am glad to hear that you are doing so well. I am working on you those special bows and I will get them to you as soon as I finish. I hope that you have fun this weekend and have a Happy Valentines Day too! Love
Krissy hayes <mobhayes5@aol.com>
mobile, Al Us - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 8:58 AM CST
G'DAY COLETTE, AND FAMILY, WAY TO GO ON THE RESULTS - IT IS LOOKING GREAT and just like me you are kicking the NB monsters butt right out the window - my darlsy loves PINK that's her fav she said to go for the pink. I told you we were tougher than the NB - so PROUD OF YOU. BIG KOALA HUGS ALL ROUND (JAY)


Melbourne, Vic Australia (down under) - Monday, February 6, 2006 7:31 PM CST
I was reading the journal entry again, and got the giggles thinking about Colette hollering about being "Nekkid!" - Melissa caries on like that. She'll pull her diaper off, pretend to go pee, then run through the house yelling about her "Nekkid booty!" All households should get to experience such nonesense!!

Well, I hope that the washing machine is getting easier, and that things are looking good. I'm off to finish a return for a client, so I'll check in again soon! Love you all!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, February 6, 2006 7:18 PM CST
Hey you two!
Sorry I haven't written in a while class and tax season is keeping me BUSY!
well I wanted to let you know your boys had fun Saturday night. Jason played cards with us and Bryant had fun flirting with the girls!!! He loves Nicole's friends. He is too funny!
I also wanted to tell you Nicole's dance school put a jar up again for Colette and I gave the money to Jason. One day when colette is bored - get her to do one of her beautiful hand print cards or something for the dancers up there. They hear so much about her from Nicole, they would love to see something like that to them! I will post it by the jar.
Well I hope radiation went well today and counts continue to climb or at least don't decline during this! So you all can move days closer to coming home.
Sending our love!
Love Aunt Brandy, Unc Todd and Colie

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.som>
Irvington, AL USA - Monday, February 6, 2006 3:08 PM CST
Just thinking of you guys. Sounds like things are going well for ya'll. I hope she stays on track. No need to have any more bumps in the road. Great scrap work... By the way what is going on with the wacko who took Colette's $$?
I hope you have a great day today.

Kathryn <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, February 6, 2006 10:21 AM CST
Hi Collette & family,

I'm so glad to hear your news that their aren't any other spots, that is wonderful!! We'll all keep praying for continued good news for you, and I'm sure that it will be good news...she's beating the NB monster!!:):)
Your in our prayers daily and will always be.
Morgan has another scan this coming Tuesday. So maybe we'll hear some good news... like the spots are gone! Miracle time.
I bet Colette's pink hearing aids are adorable, she's such a cutie.
Love to All,
Morgan's Nana


Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Monday, February 6, 2006 0:23 AM CST
Love the scrapbook page. She looks like a million bucks!
Aunt Sherry <sherry@walkerplace.org>
- Sunday, February 5, 2006 10:02 PM CST
Hi Tammy, Jason, Bryant, and Colette,
Just signing in to let you guys know you are always in our prayers, its so good to hear how well Colette is doing God is so good all the time. I miss seeing you at church you will be back soon though. The mountains were fun but same old same old. It would be fun for all of us to go next year and get a big cabin with a huge fireplace. Penny I know things get hard on you, you get pulled in so many directions but God knows you're strong in Him and He'll make a way always. I love you all, if you need me let me know.

Aunt Kathy <kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
- Sunday, February 5, 2006 10:03 AM CST
Just to say good Morning to my favorite girls, I miss you all, sending a hug and kiss for each of you. Tam, don't drink the sour milk!lol. love Dad
Pawpaw <Stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Sunday, February 5, 2006 7:45 AM CST
Dear Colette,
Your cousin Kristin told me all about you! Keep on being strong! I believe in you and you have my prayers!

Alexus Parker

Alexus Parker <alexusparker@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, February 4, 2006 4:51 PM CST
Hi Colette,
My name is Jenna and I came across your website. You are an incredibaly strong and brave little girl. You are an inspiration and a fighter. You are in my thoughts and prayers. www.caringbridge.org/canada/jenna

Jenna <hockeykid@telus.net>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Saturday, February 4, 2006 1:26 AM CST
So, I just saw the "Black Olives" picture on the photo page, and I cannot believe how strong she looks like she's getting! Sometimes, with some of the more distant pictures, it's hard to see, but you can see a sparkle in her eyes, and how full her face looks, and how much color she has. You can just see how much better she obviously feels, and that's a blessing.
It sounds like you all had a very full day, and I hope you've had a good opportunity to rest up so you can enjoy the weekend a bit. We're, as always, praying for you, and sending up extra prayers for our friends Morgan and Jay. We hope the spots will stop glowing, and the headaches and nosebleeds will go away. We send much love to all of you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, February 3, 2006 10:38 PM CST
Hi Jason, Tammy, Colette and Bryant
Really miss seeing all of you and are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers always. My brother Barry is pastor of a church in Tennessee and he wanted you to know their prayer group is saying a special prayer for you and your family everyday. All our Love, Kisses and Hugs!!
Mr. Jim

Jim <ace2play@aol.com>
Semmes, Al USA - Friday, February 3, 2006 8:26 PM CST
Today was a HARD day....so much so far apart...different places..We were at the radiation appointment at 7:00 a.m.Colette did much better with the magic milk, (the syringe of sedation.) She goes from screaming sometimes to well, let's say a place any grandparent would have a hard time seeing. She just collapses like a beautiful ragdoll, with eyes wide open. At first, I cried each time but,now I know it puts a stop to all her fears. And because she calls for me to hold her gives me joy knowing I can help my darlin and my Tammy, too...it is truly something to experience. She is watching cinderella A G A I N!

I truly THANK ALL OF YOU FOR EVERY PRAYER YOU OFFER FOR COLETTE.......FOR ALL OF US, THANK YOU..without your prayer's these experiences would be so traumatic, with your calls to Jesus we are delivered all day long!
All my love maw maw penny

penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Friday, February 3, 2006 7:38 PM CST

I just wanted to drop in and check on how you all were doing. I miss seeing all of you.

Joy ( DJ Hooks's Mom) <jhibus@yahoo.com>
Red Level, - Friday, February 3, 2006 7:29 PM CST
hey baby girl,
i love and miss you sooooo...............much. i can't wait to see you at the beach. sorry i haven't been able to sign latly. all my friends are wondering about you, asking how you are doing. i hope you feel better soon. i love you baby girl. i love you tammy jason and bryant.
love aunt kristin

kristin/ anut kiki <p8bla@aol.com>
lexington , sc usa - Friday, February 3, 2006 1:08 PM CST
Hey there Tammy, Colette, and family. Thank you so very much for thinking of Morgan like you do. We really appreciate it. I will write you an email and let you know what they said. I will as always keep your little princess in my prayers. She is going to be fine, we have to Believe. You stay strong and kiss that little miracle for us. Hugs, prayers and love from Bloomington.

Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Thursday, February 2, 2006 11:16 PM CST
Hey guys! Saying a special prayer for you today.
I am glad to know that she is feeling wel enough to play outside. I love you guys and will look for a positive update.

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Thursday, February 2, 2006 2:26 PM CST
Hi Colette & Family,

This is the second time I've tried to write, it totally erased my first message. I probably hit the wrong button.

Thanks for checking on Morgan,(and most of all for keeping her in your prayers) they were all exhausted when they got home tonight, it was a long day. Tammy, the spots glowed. I will let Brooke explain everything to you(I'm not to good with all the terms etc) and would probably get something wrong.
Colette is in my prayers every night, and I'll send up a special prayer that she doesn't have to drink the juice!!
I believe both the girls are going to beat this NB, and I just feel God is watching over them and healing them in his time.
Love to all, your always in my prayers
Morgan's Nana


Brooke Deckard <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:57 PM CST
I am trying to get my STUFF together...My momma has Alzheimer's disease and I am her only caregiver. She has been without water for almost a month because of some ruptured pipes from the well water ph. The water corrodes the copper pipes running through our houses. I got all her medicines, Dr. appointments, grocery trips but,I still need to catch up with the insurance adjuster!.....WOW I'm tired already. My sister who could help, is enjoying Gatlinburg, Tennessee..she really deserves a visit to that beautiful place.

Jason is sick so he can not go to B'ham so we are trying to make a quick run to be there in time to help Tammy with the radiation end of this treatment.

Pray for my mother to stay calm, for Jason to get well, for my sister for traveling safety and for us as we throw all my STUFF together and go!

Thank you all for your prayer's, without them I don't want to stop long enough to think where we would be right now. I KNOW God hears your prayer's and Blesses us with them, All my love and THANK YOU JESUS for everyone who pray's and cares for Colette and her family:)

maw maw <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 9:29 AM CST
G'day little Colette
I am dropping in tonight, it is Jays mum (his darsly) he had a bad day at school today (he was bullied a lot) and was crying (yep things do upset him). He did want to to drop by and see how you are and I love what your mum has done with the scrapbooking (I have attempted that) but have not got far (to busy) with other things. I do hope you can have your radiation (I wish you didn't have to) but we want you to beat this NB monster and you will. BIG KOALS HUG tonight from me and Jay


Melbourne, VIC Australia (down under) - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:43 AM CST
Hi Colette & Family,

Just wanted to let you know, were always thinking about you and your in our prayers daily. I know you'll do just fine with the radiation, you've done so well with all the treatments. God is watching over you making sure you beat that nasty NB!!!

Love to all,
Morgan's Nana


Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:42 PM CST
Hi Colette...
My dog, Ellie, and I are looking forward to meeting you on Monday. Hope you enjoy seeing all the dogs...
Blessings, Ms. Nena
from Hand-in-Paw

- Tuesday, January 31, 2006 9:37 PM CST
Hi girls, just thought I'd say I love yall and that I miss not being able to come see you as often as I would like. Mawmaw is getting things together to come back up there, then I'll miss all three of you guys but time is passing by quickly and soon Mobile will be home again. Love you all

Pawpaw <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, January 31, 2006 7:59 PM CST
Hey Colette and Tammy,
We're all missing ya'll and are keeping you lifted in prayer. I love all the new pictures! Also enjoyed the ones from the hunting trip! Everyone I know asks about ya'll and has ya'll in their prayers.It is such a humbling and wonderful experience to see the hand of God in all areas of this journey. " Our God is an Awesome God!" He has surrounded us with many Earth Angels. I can't wait till we are All together Again. God Bless you with good health, energy and Peace, We Love ya'll... Kisses and Hugs !! Nana, Pappoo, Aunt Natalie & Kristin, Uncle Justin

Blair J. Pate <b.pate@laurel-crest.com>
Lexington , S.C USA - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 12:05 AM CST
hey Tam and Punkin!
Just wanted to let you know your boys had a great time this weekend!
They had so much fun together doing "boy" stuff!
Bryant hunted and played paintball (actually he was the "REF")
I took pictures and will get you some of them.
We missed yall!
Talk to you soon!

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL USA - Monday, January 30, 2006 10:56 AM CST
Sounds like God working His ways, doesn't it? I pray that this weekend was rather uneventful, given the last few! Sending love and blessings!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, January 29, 2006 7:28 PM CST
This is what I understand happened. In Grand Bay, Alabama there was a donation jar stolen by the same guy that three of Colette's. The sheriff's department was investigating the case and as the sheriff was going over and over the video from the Grand Bay robbery he took a break and went across the street to the Shell station for a coke and there was the robber. They arrested him on Tuesday, when our program aired on Thursday night the mother of the other child whose jar was stolen called crimestoppers and told them the county was holding him in connection with her robbery.
Talk about a quick crimestopper! The city police were investigating Colette's robberies for the city jurisdiction.
Anyway, I will probably hear more this week.

I understand that the television station wants us to keep them informed on Colette's progress and homecoming, maybe they will do a story about a "little princess" who gets to come home to the "castle" painted on the wall in her "little (bedroom) kingdom!:)

maw maw <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Sunday, January 29, 2006 3:58 PM CST
You have a very brave little girl and my heart goes out to her and your family
Gail Cunningham <butterflystarscape@yahoo.com>
Martinsville, In USA - Saturday, January 28, 2006 4:22 PM CST
Tammy, Jason, Bryant and Colette , You are in our thoughts and prayers and we love you! Aunt Fran and Uncle Dan
Frances J Dougherty <carouselcottages@aol.com>
Ft Myers , Fl USA - Saturday, January 28, 2006 4:11 PM CST
Well, I missed the story on the news - but I'm so glad he was caught. I had asked for prayers on our site that things worked out - so I'm glad he's caught!!! I hope radiation goes well for Colette. Cole had to be sedated each time and had 31 sessions. So much harder than Colette's will be! I hope she'll be able to go without sedation - that's fantastic if she can. I'm not sure what they do at UAB for the kids, but at St Jude - the kids could play a CD to listen to while they got their radiation. You may want to ask about that - it may help her be still and not worry about you not being right in the room with her. Just something I thought about! Still praying that Colette will be cancer free forever and completely healed!! OH - we didn't see Brodie Tammy! Sorry! I looked out for him, but no such luck!
Lisa and Cole - caringbridge.com/al/cole <lisatanner@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL - Saturday, January 28, 2006 2:04 PM CST
Dear Collette and Tammy, I saw the story on channel 5 last night, I missed the first one though. I am so surprised at what the guy looked like..clean cut, decent clothes etc. i would have thought he was homeless or something. I'm glad he got caught though. Your pictures were so beautiful! I really liked the one in the white dress with the pearl necklace and the one at the end of the news where you were smiling so cute! I really felt for your husband, bless his heart...he held it together well! Hope your having a great day today...I will check in on you later today.
Cathi Coon
Atmore, AL - Saturday, January 28, 2006 11:39 AM CST
I'm so glad that the man is already behind bars, and unable to hurt not only your family, but the others he's clearly impacted with his selfishness. I'm sorry that the tests and "molding" were so frightening for Miss Colette, but hopefully she'll be more comfortble now that she's through some of the really scary parts. We love you guys!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, January 28, 2006 6:20 AM CST
G'day Colette & family, thankyou for always visiting me. My mum said that the horrible people out there who steal from sick kids are the sick ones. Hope you catch them. I want to send you a BIG KOALA HUG and I know you are going to be fine (NB monster dosn't have us)I have survived & still have mass on my spine - but no way will it get me and same with you Colette. Lots of strength to you. (JAY)

Melbourne (EXTREME HOT), VIC Australia (down under) - Friday, January 27, 2006 10:10 PM CST
I just got home from Tamy and Jason's and the news crew was there to follow up with daddy and to inform us that the man has been in jail since the 24th of Janurary. When I heard I was so relieved that he couldn't take anymore donations from Colette or anyone else. I am so afraid the the convenience stores will not want us to replace the stolen jar's. (God will make another way if they don't)As it turns out I recieved a call from another mother whose child's jar was stolen by the same man.

Thank you for all your prayers... I KNOW God's hand was on us and He is watching over every step of this journey with Colette. God will get ALL the Glory for the great things He continue doing. Jason was interviewed today and will air at 5:00 pm and 10:00 tonight. I was very proud of him. He is truly a man after God's own heart :) You did GOOD Jason. I love you.. maw maw

Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Friday, January 27, 2006 3:50 PM CST
That had to be the most prettiest angel that i've ever seen in that beautiful white dress. Yes she may not be cancer free but YOU CAN CLAIM THAT THE LORD HAS HEALED HER BODY!!
Aunt Penny did a great job with the newcast and so did the news team. I hope that they catch the man that did this, but then on the other hand maybe it took something like this to happen for you guys to recieve a BIGGER BLESSING. I love you guys

Krissy Hayes <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, Al us - Friday, January 27, 2006 1:38 PM CST
GO Channel 5!!! What awesome coverage they gave! I saw it at 6pm, 10pm and again this morning and I just have one thing to say. What man intends for evil, God intends for good! Thank You Father for allowing your precious child Colette to grab the attention and hearts of some of our local media. I hope that You touch and convict this young man's heart to have him turn himself in. We know that You can make this happen. Thank You Lord for hearing and answering all of our prayers for Colette.
Lori Ladnier <schmoo88@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Friday, January 27, 2006 9:31 AM CST
Hey you guys. i got to see the 10 o'clock version of the story last night, so I intend on watching the full story today at work. It brough Mom & I to tears. It truely hurts my heart to know that someone can look at your beautiful faces in need and do what they have done. It not only hurts, but makes me angry. Let's just say this guy better hope the police get a hold of him before some of us do. My eyes are looking for that tattoo. Like you have said before, how else will our local area know about Colette and know how to help her if the media didn't get involved somehow. I know you have though about it, but something I have learned to live by is "God allows everything to happen for a reason." Maybe the reason for this to happen is so that more people will know about your situation. For Mom and I, you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. I would love to come see you guys, I have just had sinus trouble that I can't shake, and don't want to risk Miss Priss at all. In the mean time, know that we love you, miss you, and are praying for you.
Much Love,

Manda & Aunt Phyllis <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Friday, January 27, 2006 8:37 AM CST
hi colette and family!
wow, colette,all i can say is that you are braver than i will ever be and i'm 19 years old! you are so full of love and kindness, i can definitely see that! I hope the radiation goes by quickly with no bumps in the road. i know you are getting taken care of really well by your mommy and God, who is taking care of all of you! Keep smiling! You are an inspiration!
tara :)

Tara http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/tarabara
Kensington, CA - Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:43 PM CST
I just got to watch it on my TiVo and I thought it was super! Maw Maw did a great job and there were a bazillion great pictures of Colette and her big brother. I can't believe what a clear picture they got of the guy - he looks really young. Anyway, this will definitely promote some awareness, so I'm excited and am really happy from the media support.

And did anyone else get excited when they saw Colette's handprints on the card that the news anchor held up??? I loved that part!

Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:33 PM CST
I saw the news report. It was the TOP STORY!!!
I just wanted to let Penny know that her words were touching and I believe that it will reach someone who can lead the police to this "person". They have a good picture of the guy. I also believe there are people out there who will want to help in other ways.

Everyone Take Care

Lona and Bill

Lona Robbins <blrobbins@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:17 PM CST
I read the web version- Well said, MawMaw Penny! Here's hoping that the man will come forward!
Love to you all!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, January 26, 2006 5:47 PM CST
I will put a copy of the newscast in the mail tomorrow! We have TiVo so I am recording all the episodes.
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, January 26, 2006 5:09 PM CST
I pray that the broadcasts drive this man to step forward. My heart goes out to him, as it could only be a desperate person to perform such a cruel act, and we all know desperation. In whatever form it has presented itself to us, we've all been desperate. The difference? We have our God to fill that void, and no one can do it better! So, we pray now that the anger, which is real, and justifiable, will pass, and in time, healing and forgiveness will fill the void it leaves. We pray that Colette continues to be the perfect patient for her scans, and is not frightened when mommy is unable to be right at her side for those few minutes. And, as always, and most important, we pray for Colette's COMPLETE HEALING, so she may grow to be a witness for the powerful strength and healing of our Lord! I love you all, and pray that tonights broadcasts bring some resolution.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:36 AM CST
Well, here I am just like usual up too late and then back up too early. Makes for a grouchy maw maw Penny. I am nervous about my interview with channel 5 WKRG this morning. I don't want to be all emotional so PLEASE pray that God will only put the words into my mouth He wants me to say. I know He will be in control:) The segment will air tonight I believe concerning the robber of the donation jars at the three convenience stores. These people have been such a blessing to our family as you all know.

Remember the time I told you about their van needing transmission work and that in B'ham they wanted $850.00 to repair it. So we bought five quarts of transmission fluid and prayed our way back to Mobile (the van was using a quart of fluid a day). I prayed really all night that night that God would send me to someone who would do the job for what God had provided through the donations. I was in B'ham almost two weeks on that trip so there was more than normal. I told the man at Mike's Transmission in Mobile about our problem and he said $350.00 (unknown to him) the jars supplied $354.00....there was no concidence...God supplied through all of these precious people that want to help this little girl on the jar. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

This theft is really not about the loss of the money because there was not a lot there..it was just the idea of this man taking from a innocent child..not one time but, three times. I feel.............sad and mad. If he took it because he desperatly needed it thats one thing. But, to target three places...causes me to pray hard that I don't get caught up in anger.

When Colette was first diagoned with cancer we were all overwhelmed...then we took our bearings and put God at the wheel and take only one day at a time. We have all realized that nothing in this world is permanent and that material things have no value. Only LIFE WITH GOD'S HELP CONSTANTLY. Everything else can be replaced.

I am praying that this man will come forward and get his self right with God. Please pray that with me.

Love Maw Maw Penny

Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:21 AM CST
Hi Colete this is Jays (darlsy) just sending you one of Jays big koala hugs. (He is tired tonight) so I am doing the visiting - I know it is not as good as having him visiting but I do check to see you as well. That is a pretty picture of you on the front today. Lots of stregth goes to you for your scan, I am sure you will do great. (Jay's darlsy)

Melbourne (VERY HOT), Vic Australia (down under) - Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:55 AM CST
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EDMONTON,ALBERTA CANADA, - Thursday, January 26, 2006 0:54 AM CST
Hey Tammy and Colette
I have been trying to get in touch with you to check on my little friend but I cannot find your number. Let me know how you are doing or if you need to get out again!!! Brooks:)

Brooks Miller <lbmiller77@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:40 PM CST
Hi Tammy, Jason, Colette, and Bryant,

Im so glad to here that Colette is doing good and yall are at that halfway point home. I hope that whoever is taking the bucket sees the crimestopper report. Maybe they will realize just who they are hurting. I have seen where many people turn themselves in. It does work!
Tell Bryant we were sorry to hear about his head. Joseph (Francies little boy) did the same thing. He hit his head on the coffee table and he had stitches.
Our love goes out to everyone
I will talk to you soon

Lona Robbins <blrobbins@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:07 PM CST
They have really lifted my spirit and helps me know that God will guide us in the direction He has for us to go.

I did talk to the officer over this crime and I feel she will be very through. It seems that the ID matches all the other robberies. They also have excellent video on him and his vehicle.

Bryant seems to have recovered fairly well from his accident on Saturday. He still has the staples in his head...and we will have them removed on Friday.

Thanks again for the new pictures...they help me to regain the proper perspective on all of this;)
I love you Tam and Colette! love, momma

momma <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:10 PM CST
I know that the money in those donation buckets are very helpful to you guys and you count on them every week, but just remember that God has the upper hand in all this and things happen for a reason!! You don't know the heart of the person who stoled the money but you must forgive him and pray for him every day because in the end the LORD will bless you multiple times over for being the kind of christian you should be. Yes, I am human and I would be mad too but the Lord will never let his children do WITHOUT!!!!
I love you guys and i keep you in my prayers everyday.

Krissy Hayes <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, Al US - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:11 AM CST
Well, I haven't posted a note in a while here, although I read the log and site everyday, but I had to say something at this point. We, the entire Wells' family are very upset concerning the theft of your precious donations. I would like to offer my personal help, along with that of both my brothers in apprehending this low life individual. I'm sorry that I'm not thinking or typing very christian like at this point but I'm VERY disturbed at the thought of someone "STEALING" your donations of love. I have at my disposal numerous and various law enforcement and "other" avenues that could possibly assist in the apprehension of this (pardon the expression) individual. I hereby offer our services to you to help in stopping this "person" from further hurting your family. Please have Jason, or Tom contact me concerning any information you have concerning this "person". We are here for you, and would honor the opportunity to help in this situation. We are ALWAYS here for "our" family, and we pray each and every day for your deliverance from this situation. We love you all VERY much!.
Lord, please forgive me of my sins, and help your chosen ones now in their time of need. Jason and Tammy love you Lord Jesus, and await your miracle!

Mobile, AL USA - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 0:02 AM CST
Well, I have to side with Sherry. I hope he comes forward, I hope he is forgiven, I hope he has a horrid case of the runs. I hope they find him, and you receive a multitude of blessings. All my love.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, January 23, 2006 7:52 PM CST
I must admit I have so many emotions running through me right now. I can't decide whether I want to be MAD...SAD...FURIOUS!!!.I KNOW I don't want to cry!!! Each time I entered a store to collect the money...my eyes went straight to the bucket where we have been getting money for months to help with the needs of the family. Tammy called earlier and asked us to get the buckets and make a deposit before 1:00 pm. In the past that has been such a blessing to see their needs provided. But today, I found three buckets stolen.And it appears that it is the same man. He is on video tape at each place and we have a GREAT description of him and what he drives and the technique he uses. He asked the cashier for a package of cigerettes and when they turn to get them he grabs the jar and runs.

I can promise you the cashiers are livid and would love to get their hands on him before the authorities do. We certainly will file charges...unless he comes forward on his own to replace the money. It really isn't about money but, about the fact that he would steal from a toddler cancer patient.

My heart hurts and I just feel sick...please pray for us and ask God to convict this man and I know that God can help this man no matter what his reason to change and come closer to God. I always believe everyone deserves another chance and that's why I feel sick. He TOO needs help.

Thank you all and Bless you for your prayers they comfort and give us peace. All my love, Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL 36582 - Monday, January 23, 2006 6:15 PM CST
Hey baby girl! I just wanted to pop in for a minute and say hello. I can't believe someone has been stealing the buckets. That is horrible! It is a shame to know that someone has ne cooth about stealing out out a sick childs hand. Well, I can't stay long, I have to take care of Joe, who is sick with a cold again. I love you and and hope to talk to you soon.
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, January 23, 2006 5:58 PM CST
Whoever the person is that is stealing Colette's money is a miserable, terrible person. He obviously has no shame and greater problems in life than learning to foster compassion for sick children. Don't worry - he will reap what he is sowing. The only thing we can do in this situation is to pray that the Holy Spirit convicts this man for what he has done, and through this, he will come to know the Lord. Bottom line. But in the meantime, I hope he is miserable and gets diarrhea.
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
Mobile, AL - Monday, January 23, 2006 4:16 PM CST
Well sounds like the weekend was exciting if nothing else!! Good grief! Glad Bryant's pretty ok, with only a couple staples, but I'm sure that wasn't what you all had in mind for your time together. Sounds like otherwise all was pretty great! Big hugs to everyone, and I love you all lots!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, January 23, 2006 2:32 PM CST
Happy weekend! I hope y'all are enjoying some fun time together with your Colie and Bubba! (And Daddy, too, of course!) Sending lots of love!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, January 21, 2006 10:43 PM CST
G'day Colette, it's Jay. Hey my darsly mum said we would pick up Byrant and take him to school (but only one problem)we live on the other side of the world in Australia (we really would help if we could). I am glad you put on weight THAT'S GREAT. The doctors always make you wait, here sometimes we have to wait three hours in clinic. You are looking real good I am so proud of you, YOU KEEP ON GOING AND KICK THE MONSTER OUT THE WINDOW never to return. We are having an Extreme heat wave here in Melbourne & tomorrow (Sunday is going to be 43 degress celcius which is too Hot for me). KEEP THAT BIG SMILE ON THE DILE AND TELL YOUR MUM TO ASWELL AND BIG KOALA HUGS TO ALL THE FAMILY (JAY)***************


Melbourne (EXTREME HOT), VIC Australia (down under) - Saturday, January 21, 2006 2:37 AM CST
Hello Colette! I am glad to see that you are doing so well.
I love to read all you guestbook entries and see all the people that care so much about you. I wanted to let you know that i am making you some special hairbows(that have the bands instead of clips)to send to you. I only have 3 boys so whenever i get a chance to make bows i will. You will look so beautiful. I get you address from your mommy

Mrs. Krissy <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, al US - Friday, January 20, 2006 8:37 PM CST
Truly, along day!!!

Everytime you go there and expect to get in and out, it turns out to be a FULL DAY of waiting. But, I woke up during the night and got excited just knowing God had a GOOD Report coming from the Doctor today. I couldn't sleep:)

I was truly relieved to hear that if Colette is chosen for the rest of this program they could finish it here in B"ham and not have to go all the way to New York. Tammy looked like the weight of the world off of her. The cost of travel and all the scheduling of our buddy Bryant. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. And his teacher Mrs. Scott, she is precious to our family and always has been. She taught all three of my children.

Paw Paw got a call from a convenience stores where they have a jar to help Colette with financial help. They were very upset and told him someone had stolen Colette's jar. Paw Paw tried to comfort the workers and let them know in no way were they held responsible for the loss. But, they asked him to please bring another jar. He did and it just amazes me to see God helping Colette through so many people! Their tears of compassion, their sincere concern and their prayers are a true blessing to our family and you can see God's heart revealed through their actions. Some of them encourage many people to drop their change and take the website adresses and check Colette's progress:) THANK ALL OF YOU and GOD BLESS YOU

All my loveMaw Maw Penny

Penny Crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Friday, January 20, 2006 8:11 PM CST
Hey Tam...
Wish I could help you out with Bryant. I will pray that someone will be able to. I am sure when mawmaw gets back into town that will be helpful to Jason too.
It is difficult with Todd and I both here and not going through what your family is to get Nicole to and from school and get homework done.....
Well we love yall
Nicole is packed and excited!!!!!!
Yall have a great weekend and I will call y'all.
(not on my cellphone though - since i stuck it in Coke!!!!)

Love Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Friday, January 20, 2006 8:22 AM CST
Good morning, glad to talk to you last night. It was good to hear that you were hungry and wanted Ketchup on your hot dog. Those taste buds are growing again!
Pawpaw <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, January 20, 2006 1:57 AM CST
Hey sweetie, I just wanted to stop by and say that I think of you alot. I am always praying for you sweetie. Your so strong, and such a beatiful little girl. Keep on fighting you'll have this cancers butt kicked before you know it. Hugs, and prayers from Bloomington Indiana
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:32 PM CST
Hey guys! I'm sorry to hear Bryant's having a rough time, he's been such a brave guy through everything, and it's got to be tough not having mommy around like he's used to. He's an amazing boy, to have really done as well as he has! I have heard rumours that he's ALL boy, pretty rough and tumble, which I think is great, but I bet that does make it hard for Daddy. I wish I was closer, or that I was able to do more, but I'll add this need to my prayers for you! Just remember- it really won't be that much longer, and all of this will be behind you, and you can go back to some sense of true normalcy! I love you guys, and I hope you are blessed with an answer from God, very soon!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:57 PM CST
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EDMONTON,ALBERTA(CANADA), - Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:31 PM CST
Hello My Sweet Colette and Tammy,
It has been wonderful to hear you so happy and to know you
are enjoying your Choclate Factory Movie so much! This should be a fun week end with Colie comming up with your Daddy and Bryant. I wish we could be with ya'll. We"re looking foward to that time! We will call you this week end. God bless you.We love you, Nana, Pappoo, Aunt Natalie & Kristin, Uncle Justin xxxxx00000

Blair J. Pate <b.pate@laurel-crest.com>
Lexington, SC USA - Thursday, January 19, 2006 3:09 PM CST
G'DAY COLETTE, it's JAY, WOW WOW WOW I love to see a photo like that a BIG SMILE ON THE DILE good girl (KEEPS thos nasty NB monsters away).I will tell you something (I lost my hearing because of CHEMO , but guess what, I now have 100% hearing, I lost the use of my left arm & left leg they said I would never walk (GUESS WHAT - I have the use of my leg and arm and I run, jump, do anything. So you see, anything is possible & with stength and courage that hearing could come back - I also had slurd speech & now I don't shut up, my speech is perfect. All I have today is a rotten Headache. These are sometimes little set backs and I am hoping it will all mend for you. I am proud of you, you really are kicking that NB monsters butt. BIG KOALA HUG (JAY)


Melbourne (VERY HOT), Vic Australia (down under) - Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:24 PM CST
Nicole is sooo excited! She is coming to visit you this weekend with your daddy.
Y'all are going to have so much fun, play...play...play!
Lots of Love -

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:34 AM CST
What a beautiful girl! I have the same exact pillowcase here! Who would have guessed that it would have been a set sometime back in the 80s, I thought I had the only one! LOL I'm glad you have a computer so you can stay in contact with the world outside. Give Colette hugs and kisses from Aunt Sherry and Uncle Craig and Josh, Matt, and Hannah!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 10:04 PM CST
Glad to hear the update. We are praying for guys
Kevin Bussey <bamabusman@yahoo.com>
Charlotte, NC - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 10:46 AM CST
Hey Beautiful! I am so glad to know that you are doing better! I want to see a fashion show! Show off all your pretty new dresses. Have fun and I will talk to you both soon.
Much Love,

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:37 AM CST
Hey Punkin!
You look beautiful and I love that smile!!!!
We miss y'all! Wish we could come and visit. We will see you soon!
Love you lots,
Love Aunt Brandy

AUnt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL USA - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:16 AM CST
If you need any advise on the hearing aids let me know. Mandy had scalet fever at the age of 2 and she lost 1/4 of her hearing but like Colette she had her speech all ready so that made a big difference. We love you and pray for you daily.
Rick and Sandra Green and Girls <sandragreen36605@yahoo.com>
mobile, al usa - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:04 AM CST
It's great to see a smile on that girl!! She's looking great, and it's good to hear from you girls again! Also glad to hear you're released from stem cell, one more hurdle jumped. You girls remember that we're all out here praying still, each and every day! We love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:46 PM CST
Hello pretty girl, I haven't signed for a while, but I have always had you on my mind. Your so strong sweetie, keep that 100 watt smile!! Hang in there, your going to be just fine. Lots of hugs and prayers from Bloomington Indiana.
Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, IN USA - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 0:18 AM CST
We are so happy to hear things are going good. I think about you and Colette everyday. Hope to see you two in clinic soon. Give Colette bunches of hugs and kisses from us.
Love, Jon and Anissa

Anissa McGough
Haleyville, Al - Monday, January 16, 2006 5:17 PM CST
I really enjoyed my time with you guys this wekend and was sad when I found out that the kids came in to wake me but I was already on my way back to Mobile. Take care of each other and I'll see you when I get another weekend off. It might be a while lots of OT coming up. Love you all(yes Mawmaw you too) Pawpaw
pawpaw David <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, January 16, 2006 9:55 AM CST
Good morning, good morning! I'm glad to hear positive reports, that spirits are up and Colette is feeling well. I wish she were able to "go" places, beyond that apartment and the hospital, but hopefully this will all pass quickly, and like you said Tammy- you're almost half way through this tough part!! I'm glad you got to have your boys up for the weekend, and I hope you all are enjoying some fun times, and that Colette and her bubba aren't killing each other. I'm sorry I've not been able to post more, but please remember that you're in my prayers each and every day, and that I love you all so very much! Tell our girl to keep smiling, Jesus loves her, and is making her all better!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, January 16, 2006 6:24 AM CST
Just popped into say hi and see how you were doing.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Monday, January 16, 2006 0:22 AM CST
G'day COLLETTE, WOW, you are doing great, I am proud of you. You mum wrote in my guestbook, she is so nice. Hey I know it is not nice being stuck inside all the time and not being able to play with friends that is pretty tuff stuff, I had to do that a long time ago, but I can tell you the days will go by so quick and you will be playing just like little girls should be. You can still do kids stuff inside, that is so great you are doing so good. That big smile is working and keeping that NB monster away. BIG KOAL HUGS TO YOU (JAY)


Melbourne, Vic Australia (down under) - Sunday, January 15, 2006 11:54 PM CST
that couldn't be better news! I am really happy for you colette. I was thinking about you because Blake just turned 3 and you weren't able to make it to his birthday party like you did last year. I wasn't able to bring up your website for the last several days to check-up on your progress. I hope that you still have that blanket that i made you. If you don't i will make you another one and mail it to you. So aunt penny will you please call me and give me the address. I love you both.
Krissy Hayes <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, AL US - Saturday, January 14, 2006 8:30 PM CST
Hi Collette,

I'm glad to hear your doing so well!! Those counts will start coming up fast. Your so lucky you can have Mcdonald's, the Dr's won't let Morgan have any fast food yet, and she just loves Wendy's Chicken Nuggets!

I was reading your journal entry about the study, they've talked to Brooke about Morgan being in the study also. But I guess it depends on alot of different things, like you said.

Well I just wanted to let you know we were all thinking about you and your in our prayers everyday, and I know all you kids are going to beat this NB!!!

Morgan's Nana


Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Saturday, January 14, 2006 8:12 PM CST
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EDMONTON,ALBERTA CANADA, - Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:58 PM CST
We had a mishap with our computer on Monday night and we have been without our window on the world until late this afternoon. Our computer was booting up when someone...???????????I Don't Know WHO???? flipped the breaker in the power box to try and find out which curcuit breaker was tripped that turned off power to a portion of the house. Now the old girl (our computer tower is in the shop)is trying to have her info saved. Since God has removed a monster tumor I KNOW He can save vital pictures and info in a computer.

Great news to report, Miss Colette is doing GREAT!!! When I spoke to Tammy a little while ago she was ordering a cheeseburger and chicken nuggets for little Miss:) She took Colette to the hospital yesterday and didn't have to have anything done.

She will have to remain in B'ham for two more months because soon they will start radiation treatment. Right now she has no immune system and cannot come in contact with with people until her blood counts come up. When they did the last chemo they killed all the good blood cells along with the bad. And her little body is trying to recover so she has no way to fight the flu or even an ear infection. She can not be around other children or in the public.

She loves to shop and she cannot undestand why she can't go to walmart. Even to eat out they cannot go into a business where there are other customers. Tammy dosen't have anyone to give her a break so she can run to the store since I came home. I did call one of her nurses on 4 Tower (UAB Children's Hospital)where we lived just about since May. She went to the apartment and babysat Colette for Tammy. Thank You Miss Brooks:) I will be going back up soon.

They told Tammy to bring her back on Friday and that they would see her again next week. Tammy said the doctors were pleased with Colette's progress and that her little body has started making good blood cells! Her platelets are still low but, they are not falling as fast as they used to.

Colette's attitude has improved and she sounds like herself more and more everytime I speak to her. She is constantly singing and is having great fun with all her Christmas gifts......Thanks to all of you once again..I will never be able to show my gratitude.........

I will catch you all up more later,all my love Maw Maw Penny

Penny Crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:35 PM CST
Colette I was glad to be able to talk to you and I could tell that you were being your old self again. Love and Kisses. Pawpaw
Pawpaw David <Stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:10 PM CST
Good morning, everyone. I just wanted to check and see if we knew anything, and let you all know that I'm thinking of you all. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and sending out lots of love!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:02 AM CST
Sending you all a quick hug and kiss! Hope all is well, and we love you! All our prayers!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
bloomington, IN - Monday, January 9, 2006 9:59 PM CST
Hey to everyone! I am so sorry I have been MIA. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am thinking about you and praying for you. I am glad to hear that Miss Priss is doing better. I know Mom will enjoy having her off the Mean Meds. Tell Bryant that Uncle Jon is coming home for good this weekend. I am sure that he could use a bubby to play with. Uncle Jn might even be able to take him for a ride in his Jeep. I just wanted you guys to know that I love you all so much, and am thinking of you constantly.
Stay well.
Much Love,

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, January 9, 2006 4:44 PM CST
Colette and family, just popping in to say hello Hope you have a good week. Stay Well.
Love Lenzie Butland's Nana, Sue Jeffries

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview , Fl U.S. - Monday, January 9, 2006 9:08 AM CST
HI Tammy and Colette, I am very glad that you are starting to feel better. I am amazed at all the people that are writting you and PRAYING for you too! I have your picture on my fridge and i see your cute little face everyday. Tammy you are doing a wonderful job juggling all these things. I know I've got 3 kids of my own (all boys) but I don't know how you handle it all. My mom- Kathy Taylor wanted me to tell you hello an that she hasn't been able to check up on your website her computer is broken. She sends her love and prayers. Andrew has been asking about Bryant since christmas and wants him to come over and play. Also, Aunt penny you forgot to mention you FAVORITE niece's name!J/K
I love you and miss seeing you as much as I did when I went to see my mom at Island Canvas. Now that I have written a book I will stop. I will write soon.

Krissy Hayes <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, Al US - Sunday, January 8, 2006 9:00 PM CST
Hello Colette and Tammy, Colette you keep on fighting and getting better. Glad you seem to be doing pretty good keep it up. Just want you to know we are thinking about you guys. Now you stay well.
Love Lenzie Butland's Nana, Sue Jeffries

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview , Fl U.S. - Sunday, January 8, 2006 4:41 PM CST
G'day COLLETTE , it's Jay, I am just checking up on you making sure you are ok and that you still have that great BIG SMILE ON THE DILE, sounds like you are doing pretty ok, I do hope you see some snowflakes (I have a snowflake - she is my little dog). Lots of strength-courage-determination-hope and inspiration to you and a BIG KOALA HUG (JAY)


Melbourne (VERY HOT), Vic Australia (down under) - Saturday, January 7, 2006 6:43 PM CST
A quick note. Colette is off the medicine that mad her so mean and is getting back to her precious self that we all love.

I wanted to let you know that when you make a donation to Caringbridge none of that money goes to help Colette. It goes to help keep this website running. Colette has had a tremendeous number of visits and I am sure many of you have made a donation to Caringbridge. We thank you but in the future go to either Regions Bank or Bay Bank and deposit to the Colette M. Pate Benefit Fund. I believe it is listed under Amanda or Penny Crocker at Regions Bank (trustee's)

Thank you and we love you! I want to thank a man I met as I was emptying Colette's money jar today, Kenny God Bless You from the top of your head to the tips of your toes:) Thank you for letting God work through you to bless Colette. Roman's 8:28 All my love, Maw Maw Penny

Penny Crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, January 7, 2006 6:20 PM CST
Hi Colette,

Just wanted to check in on you, I check your website all the time. I'm glad everything is getting better.

Your in my prayers everyday, I know both of you girls will beat this monster NB!!

Morgan's Nana

Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Friday, January 6, 2006 11:11 PM CST
Hey Tammy and Colette,

I just wanted you to know that I am thinking about both of you. I am glad to hear you are doing so well Colette. I am also glad to hear your x-ray came back fine. I hope your tummy is feeling better. Stay strong little one. You can beat this.

Love you,
Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mom)


Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Friday, January 6, 2006 2:29 PM CST
A quick update on Colette's xray..everything's fine! They think just like I said last night, probably just gas:)

Bryant came in with a tremendeous hug ..alot of them:) Maw Maw'a like that stuff! Then on the twenty minute drive on the intestate he fell fast asleep after telling me about how much fun he had on the van. And how much he wanted to see his daddy. We met Jason and gave him his Christmas present, he was about five minutes from his house and I got home at midnight. I haven't spoken to Tammy yet but, I know without the kids arguing and fighting ( mostly Colette's medicines and regular brotherly and sisterly picking) Tammy will be able to get some much needed peace and quiet. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS Love, Maw Maw

I miss hearing from my niece's Kim, Merrick, Aprel, Julie, Tammy and I NEED and LOVE hearing from you:) I KNOW you check the progress regularly but, we NEED you, and we LOVE YOU VERY MUCH and MISS ALL of you:(
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I love you, Aunt Penny

Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Friday, January 6, 2006 10:48 AM CST
Hoping that the x-rays show nothing serious, and that Bryant settles right back in with Daddy. Tell Tammy not to worry! She's got a group of Prayer Warriors backing her up. I know it's got to be hard to have Bryant swept off like that and Colette not feeling well, but I think you're right, Maw-Maw- sounds like the pain may be gas. We'll be praying!! Lots of love to all of you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, January 6, 2006 10:14 AM CST
Tonight is Thursday, January 5th and I have been here with my other precious darlin's Joshua just turned five, Matthew will be four on Valentines Day and Miss Hannah Grace two last July. I have been here since before daylifgt Monday and I tell you my daughter Sherry Ann is just as strong as my Tammy!!! Three small ones to get up and out to go to school by eight is WILD....no no shouting or crying (I am talking about me) just a well organized daughter. Each days clothes in stacks with everything they needed IT WAS GREAT! Of course, I had to stay on her time schedule.........that was an experience of it's own. I must go home to try to get mine organized.....thirty years will be a MIRACLE IN IT'S SELF! LOL NAH I won't live that long;) Ha Ha

I talked to Tammy a while ago and Bryant has caught a ride home tonight with Uncle Craig and Aunt Sherry. They are on their way home from taking a group of students to Nashville..What a blessing to be able get him home without having to make that long trip yet again. It is so very expensive (gas)!

When Tammy called she ad Colette were at the hospital. Colette keeps letting out the most awful screm like she is in pain from her belly area. She has done it several time and will scare you because she is young and they took an xray of her belly to see if there was an obstruction or even possible another t---r..NAH The reason I think is gas is because it comes on sudden then it's gone.

You know that is what prompted us to take to the hospital in May to begin with. I am praying it is just gas from the fact she has started eating and drinking again.

Anyway when they met Uncle Craig at the gas station in Birmingham they decided to bring Bryant back to Mobile with them...none of his things.....just go from one vechicle to another with no planning and that has terribly upset Tammy since she had to go to the hospital as soon as he left. No real good bye...he adjusted well, he sat in the back of the van with the college girls. Bryant has had to adjust like that often. That is why I ask for special prayer for him tonight as for Mommy and Colette. Daddy will be so happy to have his buddy home:)

We will let you know tomorrow the results of the xray..

All my love Maw Maw Penny

Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Thursday, January 5, 2006 9:21 PM CST
Hello Colette and family, I'm so glad to hear that Colette is doing good. You keep up the good work on fighting this thing. Before long you will back home with family and friends. Always thinking about you and you are in our thoughts and prayers. Stay well Sweet girl.
Love Lenzie Butland's Nana, Sue Jeffries

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview , Fl U.S. - Thursday, January 5, 2006 10:35 AM CST
Well shoot, I'm looking on here, and I apparently didn't actually get my last post posted! At any rate, I just wanted to check in, and let you all know I'm thinking of you. The nature of my job has me pretty busy, so please, PLEASE know that I'm checking on you often, even if I don't always get the chance to leave a note, and I'm thinking of you even more than that! I'm hoping that Colette is really starting to rebound, I see where she needed to have more platelets, I hope that those are helping restore her spirit! (As I'm sure fighting with her bubba did!) Sending you all all my love, and remember that my thoughts and prayers are with you each and every day!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, January 5, 2006 6:16 AM CST
yay i no its kinda past new years eve and day but hay oh well happy new year lol
i just talked to tammy about 1hr ago and she said colette was doin good but she had 2 get platelets and so they had 2 give her med.(benadrill) i no it made her tired and tammy said she went to sleep after that poor thing but tammy said hopefully she would be ^ and going soon and she would see if she wanted to call me yay i have not talked to her in a long time not really but long enough who could blame me she is the cutest thing ive ever seen.well i love u all and hopefully she will call me soon lol

colie <bluiddancer@aol.com>
irvington, al usa - Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:15 PM CST
Hi there, Iam glad to hear that things are going good. I think of her alot. Keep strong she will be just fine.
God Bless to all, your in our prayers daily. :)
Miss Morgans Mom

Brooke Deckard <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, IN U S A - Wednesday, January 4, 2006 0:39 AM CST
Marty Moulton

Marty Moulton
Blakely, Ga UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Tuesday, January 3, 2006 0:22 AM CST
Hello to all of you! I'm glad to hear our little miss has gotten a bit more appetite, and honestly, as much as I'm sure it's a pain for the adults, I'm glad to hear that she's getting grumpy at Bryant, 'cause that means she's getting some of her sass back! I can't write long, I've just done about a 14 hour day, and get to get up and do it all again tomorrow (oh the joys of tax season!!) and I want you all to know that even if I don't get a minute to post over the next few days, you are all in my thoughts and prayers every minute. 2006 is going to be a year of miracles in so many ways for so many of us, God will bless each of you for the work you are doing witnessing for Him! I'm excited to see what the next 12 months will bring! Y'all please send our love to B'ham when you talk to them next, and to all of you as well!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, January 2, 2006 10:50 PM CST
What a differance a week makes.. Mis Colette is still ill with her mood swings ..especially with Bryant. Now you can understand my post on the 23rd. I knew her excitement of seeing Bubba would pass. That is just a part of the healing process.

Paw Paw came and he had to wait two and a half hours because I was babysitting Colette. He was parked outside the apartment because he had the flu and couldn't come into the apartment where Colette was. I know it broke his heart to drive almost four hours and not get to hold her. But, he is all better now and so is Jason because he got the flu, too.

I know time will fly..because all the antisipated (sp?) steps that have been taken are just zooming by. Almost like we are all in a fast forward mode. That just means she will be home sooner:) I was blessed to see her go from a little zombie on Christmas Eve to eating about a cup of ramen noodle on New Year's Eve.

I LOVE ALL OF YOU AND MY HEART JUST ACHES BECAUSE I WOULD LIKE TO PERSONALLY THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU HAVE AND WILL DO FOR OUR FAMILY:) The Pate's and The Crocker's want to Wish each and everyone of you the most prosperious year with the Joy of Healing as you have asked for us...and God has heard and delivered. LOVE MAW MAW

Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, January 2, 2006 9:20 PM CST
G'day COLETTE - way to go little one (HOME) what a great word. I think the doctors do a wonderful job but I would love the day when I can say (I don't want to see you again) in a nice way. I hope 2006 is going to be the best year for you and hopefully not so many trips to the hosptial that would be great. BELEIVE IN YOUR DREAMS they do come true, keep that BIG SMILE happening because the NB moster hates it and he nicks off when he see's big smiles. Lots of strength and courage to you and all my inspiration and of course - A BIG KOALA HUG - (JAY)


Melbourne (HOT), Vic Australia (down under) - Monday, January 2, 2006 7:35 PM CST
Happy new year, all! I love you all lots, and wish a safe, enjoyable evening with those you love, and a year of blessings to come, including the healthy recovery of Princess Colette!! Praying for the new year to restore normalcy to your lives, and thankful for a year that brought you into my life. God bless you and keep you safe!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, December 31, 2005 7:30 PM CST

Diana <Diana893@gmail.com>
Dallas, TX - Saturday, December 31, 2005 1:05 PM CST
I hope that maybe the quick infusions will help perk up spirits a bit, and little miss will be ready to take on her bubba! I'm glad they are enjoying some just quiet, semi-normal time, and please send them our love when you speak to them next! Keeping all of you in our prayers!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, December 30, 2005 8:55 PM CST
What a great way to start the new year (at Home). God has many things planned for you and has known that since the day you were born. You are a stong little girl and BEAUTIFUL at that. I am happy that you are going home and I will keep in touch. Love,
Krissy Hayes (Tammy's Cousin) <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, Al US - Thursday, December 29, 2005 8:39 AM CST
That could't be a better start for the New Year! God has many things planned for you and has known that since the day you were born. You are a strong little girl and BEAUTIFUL at that. I am glad that you are going home. There is no better place than your own bed. I love you and will keep in touch.
Krissy Hayes (Tammy's cousin) <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, Al US - Thursday, December 29, 2005 8:31 AM CST
That could't be a better start for the New Year! God has many things planned for you and has known that since the day you were born. You are a strong little girl and BEAUTIFUL at that. I am glad that you are going home. There is no better place than your own bed. I love you and will keep in touch.
Krissy Hayes (Tammy's cousin) <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, Al US - Thursday, December 29, 2005 8:26 AM CST
Congratulations on being able to go home! There is nothing like being in your own bed. Maw Maw Penny sent me some pictures of you. I had to explain to Andrew & Blake who you were and all they could remember was that you were Bryant's little sister. I am glad that you are doing so well and that you've started drinking things. I'd love a yoo hoo several times a day. Well I look forward to your next update and will keep in touch. Love, Krissy
Krissy Hayes (Tammy's cousin) <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, Al US - Thursday, December 29, 2005 8:20 AM CST
Hurray! You are going home!!! Tammy, have fun packing up the room. I'm sure there are tons and tons of things in there that need to go to the apartment! You are going to make several trips down to the van. (Can you use more than one wagon at a time?) Jason came over for supper last night and ate my burnt yeast rolls. He is the greatest. I told Craig it could have been rocks and Jason still would have eaten it and smiled and told me it was great. I'm glad that she is going home...fun! fun! fun!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Wednesday, December 28, 2005 12:03 AM CST
Good Morning Princess! I am so glad to know that you are feeling better! It makes me smile. I love the picture of you and daddy. That is wonderful. Get some good rest at home and eat up. Love and Miss you all.
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:48 AM CST
Glad to hear that you are going to your Bham home. It will be so great for yall to have some hometime. I think and pray for all of you daily. Keep the faith before you know it the only time you need to go to B-ham is for a Steven Curtis Chapman concert! Love and prayers
Celyn Pendleton <cpendleton@fbtc.org>
Mobile, Al USA - Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:27 AM CST
That's such fantastic news! Today will be a great day! I'm so very excited that you all get to head back to the apartment and out of the hospital, and momma, hook that girl up with something spicy! In the meantime, let's celebrate that she's drinking, and I can't get over how good she looks- they're right, that pic with her and daddy is adorable. She's not a daddy's girl at all, is she? :)Papaw- you get feeling better too! I've probably had the same nasty bug, I've barely gotten out of bed since 7pm Christmas night! So you all be careful, and I Love You!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, December 28, 2005 6:48 AM CST
Don't worry about her eating, she's afraid that it's her mom's cooking--LOL! I'll be glad to see you all again, but right now I've got a flue bug, I don't know if it's California, bird or chicken! I'm getting better though. Love you all and miss you. Pawpaw
Pawpaw David <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, December 28, 2005 5:56 AM CST
Marty & Tracy Moulton

Marty Moulton <judge1@alltel.net>
- Tuesday, December 27, 2005 10:33 PM CST
Hi, I got the site through a friend of mine, Michelle Johnson, and just wanted to say congrats on going back to the appartment. I am also from Mobile and here at St. Jude's and my daughter had a BMT on Dec. 21. She was dx with ALL on Feb 2004 and replasped in October 2005. I hope everything goes well.

Audrey Cochran <sydneyaudrey@yahoo.com>
Semmes, AL - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 6:01 PM CST
YEah! Great News. What a wonderful picture of Colette and Daddy.
You know since spicy is good. you could always pick up some salsa and chippies...if she can have that. UGH, As I was typing I just thought about the tomatoes and onions being not "frozen".
Oh well....know you will find her something yummy to eat!
Raman noodles with Creole seasoning! YUM. - one of Nicole's favorites.
Love yall

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL b - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:05 PM CST
YEah! Great News. What a wonderful picture of Colette and Daddy.
You know since spicy is good. you could always pick up some salsa and chippies...if she can have that. UGH, As I was typing I just thought about the tomatoes and onions being not "frozen".
Oh well....know you will find her something yummy to eat!
Raman noodles with Creole seasoning! YUM. - one of Nicole's favorites.
Love yall

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL b - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:05 PM CST
Hey Colette,
This is Andrew, Blake, and Trent's mom. We have finally
got a computer so now I can keep up with your wonderful progress. I am so happy that you are doing great and that you had a good Christmas. I will keep checking your website and looking at your pictures. Tammy I am very proud of you, it takes a strong momma to handle all things that have come your way, but as i'm sure you know that you can't do any of this without God!!!!!
I love you and Colette and hope to see you soon.

Krissy Hayes <mobhayes5@aol.com>
Mobile, Al Mo bile - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:16 PM CST
sounds like you all had a very good Christmas. Definately puts things into perspective as to what we should be thankful for!
Wish we could visit you guys during the holidays, but We will be thinking about you all though!
Give our love to Colette and Bryant.

Aunt Brandy <Bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:06 AM CST
Well, Monday was really busy..I stayed at the apartment last night and slept very well! I woke with a start this morning because I wanted to be first in line at Big 10 Tires to get some serious work done on my car before Mike and Jason took it home tonight. They really got on it quick I had to wait three hours but, it drives like a new vehicle. I feel so much better about them driving all the way to Mobile.

I PRAYED all the way to B'ham Friday...Major Fear. The work that was done on the 22nd was not right and the car seemed to have a mind of it's on on the interstate. Anything over 70 miles per hour....it seemed to want to glide almost had a feeling of trying to fishtail very squirley. Everytime I would pass a semi truck it would pull my car close to the truck and then send me as if blown into the next lane....scary. But, of course GOD WATCHED OVER US AGAIN!!!

Now Miss Colette is acting much better and has newly painted toenails. Thank you for making this a wonderful Christmas:) Love Always Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, December 26, 2005 6:27 PM CST
G'day COLETTE, WOW, you look so cute in that beautiful Christmas dress and hat. Santa arrived and I hope he made all your wishes come true and brought you all the things you wanted and more (you deserve them)my biggest wish for you was for you to beat this horrible monster NB, as you know I fight this monster as well and it is not going to get me. If I can inspire you and your family to have strength-courage-hope-determination and a positive attitude then I know I have done some good. I do know what you go through, I do know how hard it is, but us NB kids are tough, we are strong and we are fighters. I send you and your family a big KOALA hug and an extra one for luck and hpe 2006 will be hospital free for you and for me and for many others. (Oh) your Maw Maw came to visit me, she is so nice. Your NB friend JAY.


Melbourne, Vic Australia (down under) - Monday, December 26, 2005 5:44 AM CST
WE are looking forward to a miracle!We love you! Much Christmas love coming your way. Love Aunt Debbie
Debbie Crocker <fpcdcc@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 2:36 PM CST
Hope you have a Merry Christmass and a very happy New Year.

Lance and Crocker

Lance and Jennifer Crocker <jnlc@bellsouth.net>
Macon, GA USA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 2:33 PM CST
merry christmas Collete we love you
Scott ,Leslie,Nevan,and Chandler Crocker <starfire610@earthlink.net>
Eight Mile, Al USA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 2:25 PM CST
Hi, Collette! So glad to hear that you are doing better and might be coming home soon! I know we will all be glad to see you! You take good care of youself and we will see you soon.
Love, Uncle Art

Arthur Crocker <artcpilot@aol.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 2:20 PM CST
We hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Our entire church has been praying for you and your mom, dad, and brother. We will continue to pray for you all.
We love you,
cousins Jonathan and Julie

Julie Crocker-Stebbins <jstebbins6802@yahoo.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 2:16 PM CST
We hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!! You are in our prayers we love you and hope you have a good day!!

Andrea, Wesley Crocker & kids <ffcdcc@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 2:14 PM CST
Me again...well, what else is there to do in a room with a sleeping princess and a computer.....?

More blessings..she is all dressed up with no place to go...
someone gave her some soft pink nail polish and we did that and she loved it. All the tubes, cords are all off her and freedom is wonderful:) PLEASE PRAY she will drink and eat..that is ALL that is keeping us here! Just realize without taste buds you don't want anything...now without the morphine maybe she will want something, she is definately staying awake. She also has to take her medicines by mouth AHHHHHHHHH (maw maw really is patient!) Hope you Christmas Day is glorious...love maw maw

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Sunday, December 25, 2005 1:37 PM CST
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LOVE ALWAYS BRENDA <brurka@shaw.ca>
EDMONTON,ALBERTA CANADA, - Saturday, December 24, 2005 9:59 PM CST
Well I know I just signed but, in this world of fast action life things can change on a dime. Just like Miss Colette's mood's!!!!

All afternoon Colette was so sleepy and moody (still on morphine) and not wanting to cooperate with me. Of course, I am not mommy and just as she walked through the door it was like a light switch was turned on...Colette! After that there was no stopping her playing except when a nurse would come in...Colette has a way of giving them the hand...you know.. STOP GO AWAY! Or covering her head like that would make her invisible or something. Just the same I have some of the most wonderful video of her laughing and wrestling with Bryant, Daddy and Mommy. And then SANTA was just wonderful she was so excited. She was out of her bed for about one and a half hour or more. She got a wonderful Christmas with santa and all the gifts you gave to her and Bryant. Thank You ALL!!!!

Poor Unk Mike is Bryants wrestling buddy and Bryant can be a pistol to say it nicely. Mike patience is wearing thin. So I told him to go to the apartmant and lock his door and turn on my radio. Mike was up most of the night and Bryant woke him really early, jumping on him....Good Ole Unk Mike:)

Oh my, I just heard someone snoring in her bead....probably with sugar plums dancing in her head...maybe it was the dancing Dora she got for Christmas...Ha Ha Ha!!


Maw Maw <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, December 24, 2005 9:44 PM CST
Here it is, late Christmas Eve, and I hope it finds little heads sleeping, anxious for Santa to leave his goodies. I am glad you got there safely, and that Colette and Bryant were so happy to just hold one another for a few minutes! (I know how that can go!)
I know a year ago, this was never what you imagined for your next Christmas, it's certainly not anything anyone would have wanted for any child, but you should all be so proud of how far you've come, the obstacles you've hurdled, and the strength that you've shown each step of the way. I know I've said it before, but on this Christmas, I want to thank you for sharing your child, not unlike the Father shared His Son, and telling the story, and maybe helping save a few people along the way. Maybe a physical life with new knowledge the Doctors gain, maybe a spiritual life with the love you share. Maybe you'll know about it, maybe you won't. But, please be blessed, knowing how many you've touched, without even really trying. I love you all, and I wish you the Merriest of Christmas Days, and many, many more to come. God Bless You.

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, December 24, 2005 9:02 PM CST

Can't tell you how GREAT it was so witness the love exchange between Bryant and Colette....almost made all of us breakdown crying! They love each other so much and miss that contact! When we arrived she had fallen asleep...waiting:( She wrapped her arms around him and just held him and he held her without pushing each other away like usual:)They patted each other on the back, shoulders and even head. Usually, when he gets that close she says, "Bryant Pate...ONE, TWO, Three!" It was definately a kodak moment and I am so HAPPY to have been here to see that kind of love...I am use to the other kind:)

There was a horrible wreck on the interstate at mile marker seventy on I-65...we prayed before we got to the site.... for about forty minutes stopped right at dark. When we saw the car it was convertible mustang and it looked like it wrapped around a pole driver side door...but, there was no pole! You could see where he slid off the interstate sideways. He had to be flying...or somebody else was flying and shoved him off the road...but, we saw all kinds of idiots!!!! (sorry I just call them as we SAW them!) I was truly happy to arrive here safely! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PRAYERS:)

Miss Colette is really sleeping alot because of the morphine and I was really happy to see the tube gone! We will have lots of pictures made tonight. Santa is supposed to be here around seven o'clock..hope she will be in a good mood..? I love all of you and thank you for helping in your faithfulness of prayers and finances it is truly a blessing on our family we will never be able to express our gratitide..we love you, All our love the Pate Family

Be safe and I hope Santa brings you all an extra blessing for being so genereous to us, Love Maw Maw Penny Crocker

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, December 24, 2005 2:19 PM CST
yay woo hoo yeah the tube is gone thats great well were bakin cookies so i cant talk long so i love yall and have a verry verry merry merry christmas i love you all

merry CHRISTmas i love u colie <bluiddancer@aol.com>
irvington, al usa - Saturday, December 24, 2005 10:17 AM CST
It is such wonderful news to hear of the progress you are making. That's a Christmas gift we can truely treasure.
God's love shines through you, with your beautiful smile, and you are a blessing to us all. Santa's bringing you many wonderful gifts this Christmas, but remember the most precious gift of all is the love of your family. Keep it always in your heart and good things will come. Wishing all of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Hope to see you all soon......... Mr. Jim, Linda, Brian & David

Jim Ellis <Ace2play@aol.com>
Semmes, AL USA - Saturday, December 24, 2005 8:47 AM CST

Colie and AUnt Brandy <bluiddancer@aol.com>
Irvington, AL - Friday, December 23, 2005 9:30 PM CST
Merry Christmas, I know you're looking for Santa and a lot of people have told him where to find you and Bryant. Mawmaw was so excited to get back up there to see you! Josh, Matthew and Hannah want to see you too. We love you and will see you soon. Love Pawpaw
Pawpaw David <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, December 23, 2005 7:22 PM CST
YAY!! NO MORE TUBE!!! That's so exciting! If I've got my times right, any minute now, if not already, Miss Colette is giving Bryant a run for his money! She looks fantastic, you can tell she's feeling a lot better. And now we may be looking at less than 24 hours to pole free, what fantastic news. I'm hopefull that it works out that she's off the pole when Santa comes to see her, and praying for a fabulous, Merry Christmas and safe travels to all who are joining family and loved ones this weekend. God Bless you and keep you safe, where ever you may be! With all my love,
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, December 23, 2005 5:42 PM CST
What a wonderful Christmas picture. Colette looks so pink and healthy. Bryant is such a good looking boy! I hope everyone makes it to one place for Christmas. I hope I can work something out in the next couple months and come see ya'll.Love you!
stephanie laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
- Friday, December 23, 2005 2:31 PM CST
Hey darlin. I just wanted to say Hey. I know you are getting excited about Santa. I hope you continue to feel better! You and Bubba have fun.
I love you all so very much and will be thinking of you and praying for you.

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Friday, December 23, 2005 12:38 AM CST
Merry Christmas my dear and precious Colette, Bryant, Tammy
and Jason,
We LOVE the Christmas card with that beautiful picture of Colette.The prayers of Heaven and Earth are being answered
for our little Colette. We are so proud of each of you, Gods light truly shines through you. I trust you all will have a beautiful and blessed Christmas. Our Spirits are with you and we can't wait till we hold ya'll again.I know Santa is going to be real good to Bryant and Colette as they have been such good children this year! May God bless your New Year with complete healing, happiness and peace.
We will be talking to ya"ll. We Love you.
Thank ALL of you who have lifted our family with love and prayer. May God Bless you and your families through out the New Year. Please know our family keeps you and your family in our daily prayers. Ya'll will Love this site:
http://wwwdeerlakemail.com/teach/ It's about Children, God, Santa and Christmas. Love,
Mom, Dad, Natalie, Justin, Kristin xoxoxoxoxo

Blair J. Pate <b.pate@laurel-crest.com>
Lexington, SC USA - Friday, December 23, 2005 11:18 AM CST
THanks for signing my book. My mom reads them to me every now and then. I love Mr. Rookie. He was just a nurse on 4 tower when I was there, he wasn't a CRNP back then. He was lots of fun to paly with. I am glad you feel better. I hope you come home soon. It is fun when you get home. All your toys look like new 'cause you haven't seen them in so long. I hope we can play together someday. I am always a walking ball of snot, but it is just my sinuses. Dr. Sande would have my hide if I came onher unit with snot, sinuses or not! Anyway, mom and me are sending our prayers from a safe distance:) Grow cells Grow!!!

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
MCCALLA, AL - Friday, December 23, 2005 10:15 AM CST
dear colette, we are from "Angels Over the Children" and we all have been praying for you and your family. I am looking forward to meeting you when you get to come home. You are a strong little lady and I know God will bless you.

Angels Over the Children <lawrence140@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Thursday, December 22, 2005 8:24 PM CST
Hi Guys! Thanks soo much for signing my guestbook! i've never signed yours before but ever since i found out about you i have been praying for your whole family every single day!! You are such an inspiration. Tell Colette that she is sooo brave. I'm 19 and i was like such a baby about having a tube down my throat for like six hours. And you are sitting there with a smile as bright as the sun! Well, you take care! I am sorry that you are stuck there over the weekend but i guess the only way to make that feel less yucky is that if they let you home too soon (medically anyhow) u may just end up right back in the er and that's really not fun. Well, i'm sending you all lots of hugs! I will keep on checking in on you! I am glad Colette is getting better inch by inch but i will never ever stop praying for her healing!! :) Merry Christmas!! I love you so much! Feel better!!!! HUGS!
love way more than lots,
tara :)

Tara http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/tarabara
Kensington, CA United States - Thursday, December 22, 2005 4:06 PM CST
Sounds like another GREAT day! I'm thrilled that you all are seeing the counts coming up on their own!! I'm sure she'll be glad to be rid of the tube when it's gone, but I don't blame her for not wanting anyone to mess with it. We'll pray for easy travels for everyone tomorrow, and to all of you, friends, family and loved ones, a very Merry Christmas!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:51 PM CST
Taylor wanted to write too. I am typing this as he says it, so I hope it makes since.

I used to live at hospital too. It was fun sometimes. I play with Jennifer and watch movie. I don't memer it a lot and i porget it. I not sick no more. I go to school and play and mommy is my teacher. It is almost time for ho ho to come. I want a SPD gun with cards. What you want? Santa comes to hospital too, he has a key to get in. THe bunny came to see me in hospital. I got a bunny to eat. Come to my house and play. I have lots of power rangers. Red my faorite color. I like green too. Blue used to be, but red ranger is best so I like red best today. I at home watching ghost guy, he funny. I got madagascar, they say underpants and thats funny too.

Okay, I think he could go on and on forever, so I will stop him there. I hope you have a great day!
Taylor Watts dx 10/10/02 NED since 5/03!!!!

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
MCCALLA, AL - Thursday, December 22, 2005 2:52 PM CST
Hello!! I am glad you are up and moving around. That eating will come. Taylor begged for cheese toast every day. Poor Miss Beth made so many pieces of cheese toast that always went in the trash. He never even took a bite. It took popcorn to get him eating. The Dr. yelled at me that 2 year olds can not have popcorn. I just yelled back, "he is eating isn't he?" He never did eat enough to amount to anything, but they sent us home anyway. He was not in the house 5 minutes before he had a bowl of lucky charms. Home makes everything better! Now, I will tell you something that scared me to death. When he got home he walked on his tip toes for about a month. They said it was just due to being in the bed a month and not using his legs and sure enough he stopped as suddenly as he started. We did not get PT, so maybe she will not walk on her toes. It didn't hurt a thing that he did, but made me a cazy woman not that it takes much to do that:)
Have a a very Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year. I can not wait to hear all about Santa's visit. Praying for safe travel for the family and a coming home party soon!!

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
MCCALLA, AL - Thursday, December 22, 2005 2:46 PM CST
Hi Colette & family,
I have been following Colette's progress. You do not know me, but I am a school bus driver in Florida and I followed a fellow bus driver's nephew, Angel DJ Hooks. I noticed your link on DJ's page. I am so glad to see that Colette is feeling much better. I will continue to pray for Colette and your family. The "Santa" pic is soooo cute. I will be back to check on you Colette...until then I know that Santa is going to be so good to you. Have a very Merry Christmas!!

Anissa Hagendorfer
Pace, FL - Thursday, December 22, 2005 1:32 PM CST
Good morning Princess! I am so glad to know that you are feeling better. I know you are excited about Santa coming! I am too. I want to see all of the pictures and hear about all of your new toys.
Thank you so much for the Christmas Card. I love the pictures! I have them in frames at my house. I love the one of Mommy & Daddy & Bryant, too. It is good to see your smiling faces. Bee good and have fun today. Listen out to see if you hear Jingle, the Christmas Elf. I'm sure he's around there somewhere keeping an eye on you. Be good and I will say hey tomorrow.
Love you!

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:33 AM CST
Hi Colette
I am so happy to see you feeling better. I hope that Santa is very good to you and Bryant. My two little girls, Maggie and Gracie think your pink Christmas tree is the coolest and they want one just like it. The girls and I are praying for you all. I hope that you have a Merry Christmas.

Melissa Nonnenmacher Overstreet <meloverstreet@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:00 AM CST
Hi! Thank you for my Christmas card, you sure did look cute in the photo. I love your photo with Santa too! Look at the days passing by. It is already day +14! Before you know it is will be 30, 40, 100, 500....It really does fly by. We are inching our way to 1,000!!! I am praying for you all to have a great Christmas. We were in stem cell unit for Easter and we had all kinds of goodies waiting from the Easter Bunny, so I know Santa will be by to see you!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years.
Kim and Taylor

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
MCCALLA, AL - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 4:10 PM CST
Hello Colette and family, So glad to see that you are feeling better and might get to go home next week. Will pray that you continue to get better. I just love your pink Christmas tree and of course the picture of you Bryant and Santa is so good. Hope all Have A Merry Christmas and the New Year to be a better one for us all.
Lenzie's Nana, Sue Jeffries

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
crestview, fl U.S. - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 4:07 PM CST
Hi Guys! What a great picture! I love it. I'm glad to hear that Colette's feeling better - she looks great in the picture on the front page too! Still praying for Colette to recover quickly, have a Merry Christmas and for her to see some Fireworks!!
Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <Lisatanner@comcast.net >
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 4:05 PM CST
Hey Colette & Family,

I love the picture of you and Bryant with Santa. It is so cute. We went to see Santa today. Lenzie wouldn't sit in his lap. I had to sit beside Santa with Lenzie in my lap. Oh well. Maybe next year. I also love the picture of you. It warmed my heart to see you sitting up and smiling. I am so glad you are doing better. I hope you will get to go home next week. I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you. Check on you later


The Butlands (Ronny, Kelly, Tori & Lenzie)

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:02 PM CST
hay yall thats great abou mi little colette well i am playing imaginiff so i love yall and i gtg bye bye

love colie

i loveyall coilie <bluiddancer@aol.com>
mobile, al usa - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 12:39 AM CST
What a great picture. It does my heart good to see Colette doing/looking soooo much better. What a wonderful Christmas present. I hope and pray each day gets even better.


Machelle Johnson <MJmomathome@aol.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:37 AM CST
What a wonderful smile! Colette, you have just brightened my day! I pray that today will even be better than yesterday. Come on rebound baby! She will be singing and dancing in the halls before we know it! I am glad to know that Bryant enjoyed his Christmas party. I remember those from my days at Hollinger's Island. Looking forward to new pictures and great reports!
I love you all very much!

PS - James says hey and he is praying for you. He is coming home from school today. (lol, Mom goes from an empty house to a full house in a matter of days.)

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:22 AM CST
Well, when I signed last night, I got the written update, but not that new picture, and obviously not Maw Maw's new post. You say it all the time, and I think I'll just steal the line from you- God is Good, ALL THE TIME!! Colette looks incredible. You can see the sparkle in her eyes, and there is that grin I've come to know and love through pictures on here and the Walkerplace site. As we draw closer to the celebration of Christmas, we cannot help but be grateful and feel blessed to know that we are surrounded by friends, many we've never met, but that we've grown to love. Bryant knows that Santa will find him in B'ham, but he also knows that that's where Santa's going to look because that's where his "baby sister" needs to be so she can get better. I know you had all hoped for Christmas anywhere but in that hospital, but I have to tell you, you all exemplify the Christmas spirit, and no matter what, it's gonna feel like Christmas! You'll get to be together, and as so many of those classmates of Bryant pointed out, there's a lot of families who won't. Praying that He pours blessings upon you like oil!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 6:29 AM CST
G'day COLLETTE, it's Jay from Australia, so great to come visit and see that beautiful smile (that's the way) keep that smile going even though it's tough sometimes - strength - courage - determination - hope - inspiration and BELEIVE IN YOUR DREAMS it works and a positive attitude. I wish you a great Christmas and hope all your wishes come true. Big KOALA hug from me. (JAY)


Melbourne, Vic Australia (down under) - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 5:19 AM CST
WOW! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SMILE!!!YOu have no idea how much you are helping other people with your testimony! Thank you for sharing your "miracle" with all of us! God has allowed you to be used in a mighty way! Thank you for touching my life!
What a blessing you have been to me. Thank you, much love and prayers are coming your way! Aunt Debbie

Debbie Crocker <fpcdcc@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al USA - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 5:18 AM CST
Maw Maw wanted to let you know about this special day!
Today Bryant had his Christmas party at school. He is in the first grade. Since mommy is still in Birmingham..maw maw had to be there to represent mommy. You run all over the place to get the teacher a gift and then you get to listen to Frosty the Snowman for the gazillionth time! Bryant was really happy to see me there and wants me to have lunch with him tomorrow. As each child recieved there great big stocking filled with "candy" you know the stuff that makes grandparents crazy in six years olds......the kids had to tell what they will be doing for Christmas. I realized that even though we are having an upside down Christmas this year..We are truly BLESSED!

One child stood and told that his daddy would not be home for Christmas another said he was going to Arizona to see his daddy, another child said she was going to get to see her real momma, one little boy said he never gets to see his daddy and another child (who never has much to say) said "Jesus was born and we have to remember that is what Christmas is really about", that impressed they teacher and the other two parents present.

When it came to Bryant, he told them that he would not be home for Christmas because his baby sister is still in the hospital in Birmingham. And that they had a FAKE TREE! He said that Santa Claus would be able to find them in the hospital. They really do listen..selective hearing:)

All that to say this we are truly blessed with three wonderful children with loving spouses even my unmarried son (20) has a girlfriend and they have been together for almost seven years..WOW in these days of uncertainty of relationships we are BLESSED to have another person to love and share all our Joy, Sorrow and Future..our soulmate:) Paw Paw and I have been married for "37 years" Tammy and Jason for nearly ten years and Sherry and Craig for over ten years. In this world we take our next breath for granted........................................

We have the three GREATEST children who have NEVER grieved us with drugs, jail or even the threat. And they love God with their children. We have five GRANDBABIES a two year old, two three year olds, a five year old and one six. These babies pray for one another and especially for Colette. I KNOW God hears their prayers and answers them in a mighty way.

God has given me so much JOY and just last night Bryant has adjusted to being here with us. No more crying and as we got into bed I told him to pray for Colette that God would make her so much better today and she would feel better and be able to talk to him more. He prayed and I bearly got it out of my mouth when the phone rang...Guess Who??? Colette wanted to talk to her "Bubba"..She has been unable to talk to him for thirteen days!!! They laughed and were so silly for about ten minutes and you never heard so much silliness:) They would have kept on talking but, the phone cord had to stretch across Paw Paw and he was ready for bed. To say we had no problem going to sleep is a given!

If you read my journal entry the other day you will understand the Joy Unspeakable and Full of GLORY we are experiencing right now is AWESOME! If you do not know that kind of Joy PLEASE go to my entry and find out how you can have this same peace and joy....with JESUS

I will never be able to thank you all for the prayers and encouragment..God has heard you and continues to bless us daily and He is blessing you through your faithfulness. My heart is soooooo full tonight as I write and I can not see my keys...without you I would not have had the strength yo come through this alone. I have God but, he uses people like you with loving concern for a little girl you don't even know...wasit I have lost my keys again........I have a problem mmmmmmmy eyses are attaches ti my heart and is where yiuy all live and I love you all God Bless all of you and Have a very Blessed Christmas and a prosperious New Yeaar. I love you Maw Msw Pennny

maw maw penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 4:09 AM CST
Hey Colette! You look super in your picture and sounds like you are doing great! We pray for you daily and cannot wait to see you. Love, Anissa & Jon
Anissa McGough <kevinmcgough@centurytel.net>
Haleyville, Al usa - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:31 PM CST
Hi Colette & Family,

I'm so glad to hear your feeling better! I also want to thank your pawpaw for sharing the information he received from a lady in the convenience store, she had NB 42 yrs ago and is fine!! That just proves the power of God and that you and Morgan are both going to be just fine! Praise the Lord!!!!! I think about you daily Colette and pray for you all the time. I'm just so thankful both of you girls are doing so well and fighting this NB right out of your bodies.

Have a Very Merry Christmas!!!

Morgan's Nana

Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN U S A - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:07 PM CST
I'm so glad today was such a good day! That's great, exciting news! Tell Colette we're so proud of her, drinking her lemonaide and being such a big girl walking around for her therapists. We're also glad to hear about improved heart rates, blood pressures and fewer meds- every stage is its own little miracle, and she's doing a great job! We love you all, and continue to keep everyone in our prayers!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:13 PM CST
Tammy and Jason,
I am glad to hear some good news. We are all praying for ya'll.

Melissa Nonnenmacher Overstreet <meloverstreet@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL Usa - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:04 AM CST
Hey guys! So glad to here that Miss Priss is doing better. She is the best about rebounding. Maybe Santa can deliver a little miracle to Miss Priss for Christmas. ;) I know everyone, including Maw-Maw and Poppa, are going to be missed here in Mobile on Christmas. I know everyone will be thinking of you. It is this kind of thing that makes us realize how much we rely on family for support. Just know that all of your family is praying for you and thinking of you and wishing we could be selfish (yet knowing we can't) and have you all with us on Christmas. I love you all. Big hugs to everyone and we hope to see good reports soon.
Much Love,

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:57 AM CST
Just checking in to see how Colette is doing. So glad to hear that things are better.

Oh, Tammy that was my car you put the note on. I just love my childhood cancer tag. Mine says EHOPE for Elizabeth hope. My husband's says MYKID. hey, we gottta spread the news somehow that kids get cancer. I figure the more people know the more money for research:-) . Gotta go put kids to bed. I will check back later and see how you all are doing.


Machelle Johnson <MJmomathome@aol.com>
Theodore, Al - Monday, December 19, 2005 8:39 PM CST
I believe they wrote songs about messages like today- "Tidings of Comfort and Joy!" I'm so excited that the fever seems to be stablizing, and that Colette has taken a drink of water! It sounds as though she's starting to come around and feel like a pretty regular three year old little girl, and that's some exciting stuff! We're still praying, and doing so with gladness in our hearts for all He's already done! All my love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, December 19, 2005 8:08 PM CST
Dear Jason, Tammy, Bryant, and Colette, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS THERE WITH YOU!!! We love you and want you to remember that not one day passes that we neglect to raise you in prayer to Jesus.We are in awe of how much good is happening to beat this cancer! We will continue to be prayer warriors! LOTS OF LOVE ,THE DELANEYS
TONI DELANEY <ltlflwr.@bellsouth.net>
MOBILE, AL.. U..S.A... - Monday, December 19, 2005 1:42 PM CST
Hey guys!
I just wanted to pop in and say hello and I praying for you. I am not going to pretend that I understand what you are going through. But I can say that I love you guys and am praying for you just the same. Tammy (and Sherry), Jon came in this weekend and went to dads. He got all the boxes of pictures that Mom had in the closet. Man, it brought back some memories. There were pictures of you guys playing with me when I was little in the leaf piles in the yard. And pictures of both of you, sitting on the swing with me and Mike. Man, they were some old pictures. I have found plenty of old blackmail pictures, too. lol It was a lot of fun. Mom and the boys wanted me to tell you hello, too. Praying that Miss Priss will get to feeling better quickly!
Much Love,

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, December 19, 2005 9:29 AM CST
Hey there little Miss. I'm glad your mommy got to have a good time last night. I think she deserves it, don't you? I know it was kind of hard for her, and you and daddy too, for her to be gone, and it was hard sometimes for her to just enjoy herself, but I'm glad she went, and at least tried pretty hard! She sounded kind of sad about the story where they talked about Joseph knowing that the baby Jesus wasn't really his, he was only there for a little while, and knowing something was going to happen to him. It got me thinking an awful lot, and you know what? While it's ok to be sad about it, we should remember that about eveyone! Sometimes we have less of a little while than other times, but we're ALL only given a little while, and we're put here to do something important. Sometimes we figure out what it is God wants us to do to help Him, and sometimes He helps us do it without us ever even really knowing that that was what it was. And in the end, when it's really important, we're all going to get to be together forever in the Kingdom of God. And that, Miss Colette, is really, REALLY AWESOME. I think God's got big plans for you. He's counting on you to tell His story of love to lots and lots of people. He's counting on you to tell people about how Jesus made you all better. And He wants your Mommy and Daddy to tell the story too. Maybe to other Mommy's and Daddy's, who have sick little boys and girls, so they know they aren't alone. And the really important part of that will be that you will help people who don't know Jesus yet to meet Him! And that will be pretty cool. So, you keep on smiling, and give your Mommy a hug and tell her that it's ok, because Jesus is making you all better, because He has big plans for you. And that you love her, and Daddy, and bubby a whole lot. And remember that there are lots and lots of people out here who love all of you too. I'm one of them, and I know that there are lots more! Most important, though, is that God and Jesus love you best! And nobody can beat that!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, December 18, 2005 9:09 PM CST
Hello Colette. My name is Brandon. I rented a car to your grandma one day so she could go see you. That was quite a while ago. She told me about her precious grand-daughter and what a brave soul she is. Her words about your story captured my heart and ever since then I have been checking your website to see how you have been doing. My little girl was just over a year at the time and it made me appreciate everything that God has blessed me with. I have since moved from the Mississippi area (due to Hurricane Katrina) and now live in Florida. I love reading about your journey and sharing it with my family. My daughter loves Dora too! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas day. Which I'm sure you will because of all the many people who love you so much. You are truly an inspiration! As always, you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Brandon C. <lifesgr8143@yahoo.com>
Jacksonville, FL - Sunday, December 18, 2005 8:50 PM CST
Hello there. We found your page from a friend's and wanted to let you know that we will keep you in our thoughts. We will come back to see how you are doing..


Karen and Kimberly
Richmond, VA - Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:31 AM CST
Good morning!
We love you lots and hope you are feeling better with each passing minute.
Lots of love sent your way and continued prayers.
We love you guys...
give punkin a kiss for us!
LOve Aunt Brandy and Colie and Unc Todd

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL us - Sunday, December 18, 2005 9:38 AM CST
Dear sweet precious Tammy, Jason and Colette: I have been keeping up with you all,especially in our prayers. Tammy, thank you so much for sharing about your vision about the month of December. Things are taking place in the Kingdom of God that we don't see yet, but we will! It is on the way!
Friday night, the grandkids spent the night with me. Saturday morning, Alexis and laid our hands on the picture of Colette and Jason,in agreement. Yes,even one year olds can agree with you in prayer. We prayed for you all! She laughed in agreement! I take that as "Yes, God is going to do a mighty work! Restoration is coming!" After all, God says in His word: "I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for Me?" (Jeremiah 32:27 TLB) love, Aunt Debbie

Debbie Crocker <fpcdcc@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Ala USA - Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:40 AM CST
Hi Guys - just wanted to let you know we are praying for you all. I hope Colette is feeling better soon. I know what you mean about showing the reality of this - it's true that people need to see both sides - the happy Colette and the not feeling good Colette. I've had people tell me that my updates on Cole's site are always upbeat so I feel like sometimes I should have been more honest about how much cancer stinks! You do a good job of telling it like it is - in so many ways Tammy. You do a great job of letting us know what you guys are dealing with. My heart breaks for you, I know how it feels to see your baby so sick and you can't just fix it. It hurts. But know that God will get you through it! We're praying for ANC to rise fast and Colette to feel better quick!
Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <Lisatanner@comcast.net >
Mobile, AL - Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:12 PM CST
I'm not sorry for the picture. It's the reality, and I'm grateful that there is one. Maybe she's not super smiley, or up dancing, but she's fighting, and that shows in the pic. And I'm glad for that. She's a tough little girl, and she's got a lot of strength. She'd have to- I cannot imagine having to endure all the things she's endured. I know I wouldn't be smiling either, but if you look, there's a sparkle in her eyes that is so mischevious, you're just waiting to see what it is she's going to do. I think it's a great sign that she was trying to talk to her bubby, and I know that it's just a matter of a little more time, and she'll be burning everyones ears off! Have a great time at the concert tonight, Tammy, and sing praises to Him, knowing He's brought you this far, and shall carry you the rest of the way!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, December 17, 2005 6:10 PM CST
so sorry that you are sick and in the hospital.. sending lots of prayers your way..
Image hosted by Photobucket.comThe Prayer Bears

melissa <angels4hailee@Cox.net>
c, az us - Saturday, December 17, 2005 4:57 PM CST
Colette, I have an appointment at the Red Cross on Wednesday to see if I am CMV negative and to donate blood for you (just in case you need it.) And if you can't have it, they'll give it to someone else who is in need. I love you, I am worried about you, and I hope you are feeling better. I wish I could be there with you. If I wasn't so sick I'd be on my way today. :o( I love you.
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:23 AM CST
Last night Tammy called and told us that Miss Colette was some what better. YAH!!!!!! Tammy said she thought her mucositis was a little better and that she smiled when mommy came into the room. The CT scan yesterday did not appear to revel anything negative....her white cell count has started to rise!!!!! That means her body is starting to create new cells or that the platelets she was given has elevated the count. But, that is still OK. Anything positive at this point is very encouraging.

Just like Miss Morgan's Nana's remarks:) Thank You, it is so encouraging to know the business with Colette's slow heart rate and her weak physical condition is really a normal part of the healing process. Without the experience of others we have nothing to compare what she is having to endure. Just to even know what might be ahead of us. At this point we only see what is now and our hearts hurt every minute until we see a little light at the end of this long and dark tunnel.

Your encouragment means the world to us and we appreciate all of you and your prayers . I KNOW WE HAVE RECIEVED A MIRACLE and she will have the most fantastic testimony and of course, you KNOW I will too:)

God Bless you all and keep you safe. Have a very Merry Christmas season and remember to KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS.........
All my love, mawmaw

mawmaw <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Saturday, December 17, 2005 7:11 AM CST
Hi Colette,

I've been checking your website daily, and I pray everyday for you!! It's just a rough time right now, Morgan went thru the same thing with her heart rate everything is going to be just fine, it's just part of the healing process!! I'm convinced. And God is answering our prayers watching over all of you kids! We'll all just keep praying til your totally healed.

Morgan's Nana

Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN U S A - Friday, December 16, 2005 9:28 PM CST
HI this is Camila Kennedy!
I have chiari and pseudotumor.
I really hope you get much better very very very soon!!!

Camila Kennedy
Austin, Texas U.S.A. - Friday, December 16, 2005 8:14 PM CST
Oh Gracious... I hope this hard time quickly passes and your baby feels better. I pray that your Christmas wishes are granted. We are all praying you. How many bad days are left??? We love you guys.
kathryn garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, December 16, 2005 7:46 PM CST
I am praying that you feel better and that things start getting better for you. Bryant misses his mom and dad but not too bad, we keep him busy. We love you and always pray for your healing.
pawpaw David <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, December 16, 2005 6:26 PM CST
I check everyday for your updates. Tell her to hang in there and it will get better soon. All the girls say hi and we love you guys very much. God Bless you All and we hope to come up there soon. Ricks parents and sister live in Birmingham and it is time for a road trip.
Rick and Sandra Green and Girls <sandragreen36605@yahoo.com>
mobile, al usa - Friday, December 16, 2005 5:10 PM CST
Good morning, good morning! I'm also hoping those counts are coming up, as are spirits! We're all praying hard! (We'll throw in a few for you, Brandy! I remember Disciple Now weekends, and how much fun we had! Met my first ever boyfriend at one! You're a brave soul to take that on!)
Give our Colette a big smooch, and tell her we love her!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, December 16, 2005 9:37 AM CST
Good morning.
Hope punkin is on the upswing of things now!
Multiply Blood Cells - Multiply! GO AWAY MOUCOUSITUS! (...however you spell it)
As Christmas gets closer - you all are in our continued thoughts and prayers. WHat better time of the year to Thank God for being so Good.
Love You all-
See you soon.
Tammy Pray for me - I have 15 little girls at my house this weekend! (it is DIsciple Now Weekend and My home is the host home) I am sure the girls will IM you.
Give Colette our kisses. When she feels up to it, tell her to call Aunt Brandy.

AUnt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Ir vington, AL USA - Friday, December 16, 2005 8:16 AM CST
Hi Tammy & Colette,

I saw where your Mawmaw signed your guestbook and said your not feeling to good. I hope you feel better sweetie. I have been checking your website for an update. I love your pink tree. Just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you.


Love you,
Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mom)

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Thursday, December 15, 2005 9:46 PM CST
I have never met any of you but your little girl is so precious and is truly a gift from God. The trials you are going through as a family will only bring you closer together and closer in your relationship with God. I just wanted to drop a line and let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you. And I wish nothing but the best for all you and your little princess through these hard times.

Thoughts and Prayers,

Michael Larson <partyman_2002@yahoo.com>
Mobile, AL U.S. - Thursday, December 15, 2005 8:54 PM CST
I talked to Tammy just a few minutes ago and Miss Colette is not feeling very good. I stopped on the way to pick Bryant up from school to get him a snack and something to drink. The lady behind the register, Donna told me that she was a nb survivor. She told me she was ten months old and had a tumor the size of a navel orange. She is now 43 years old. That kind of support is just what I needed today! God ALWAYS puts someone in our path just at the time we need them most. GOD HAS DONE A MIRICLE for our second Christmas gift:) God is so GOOD! After all He sent Jesus and we didn't even ask Him to.

If you do not have the PEACE that passeth all understanding PLEASE give Jesus a Try.

Ask Him to forgive you of your sins...come into your heart and be the leader and guide of you life.......He will NEVER NEVER leave you or forsake you. Even if you forsake Him all you have to do is sincerely ask forgiveness and He will return you to your peace of spirit. He will never leave you.

So many people say, "I don't know how you can be so strong with all of this!" I AM NOT....but, God is through me. I gave My darlin to Him and He keeps her and me (all of us) in the peace that passeth all understanding. Even when satan comes in when we are tired or weak, all we have to do is call on Jesus and satan is removed. When you call on Jesus......satan has to leave because he CAN NOT occupy the same space as Jesus.

I WISH YOU BLESS YOU WITH THIS GIFT YOU CAN NOT GET FROM SANTA YOU HAVE TO ASK FOR IT YOURSELF...NO ONE CAN PUSH IT ON YOU..AS MUCH AS I WISH I COULD JESUS IS NOT SO POSSESSIVE THAT HE WOULD FORSE HIS LOVE ON YOU. THAT IS WHT WE CALL FREE WILL AND ONLY YOU CAN TAKE THIS GIFT FROM THE ONE THAT GIVES YOU THE VERY BREATH YOU TAKE FOR GRANTED EVERY MINUTE OF YOUR LIFE. Where it not for God and His mercy you could not even breathe:) He loved you before you ever concieved in your mother's womb.. NOW THAT IS THE GIFT OF LOVE...PLEASE TAKE IT FREELY RIGHT NOW.....and you can KNOW our peace:) Our hope and our strength...Merry Christmas........ here is the best Christmas gift you will ever recieve All my love maw maw Penny

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.ccom>
theodore, al - Thursday, December 15, 2005 4:58 PM CST
Hi Jason and Tammy, I ran into Sherry today and heard about Colette, I just wanted to let you all know that you will be in our hearts and in our prayers. She is a beautiful little girl. Amy, Jenny, and Mary-Michael send their love also.
Melissa Nonnenmacher Overstreet

Melissa Nonnenmacher Overstreet <meloverstreet@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 4:22 PM CST
Glad to hear weight is up! We'll take each day as it comes, and know that each little victory gets us one day closer to winning this war! Just wanted to pop in. Tell Miss Colette that we love that pretty pink Christmas tree too! We're thinking of you all! Love ya!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, December 15, 2005 11:36 AM CST
Just wanted to pop in and say hey! I hope Miss Priss starts feeling better. I know poor thing is miserable. Tammy, I am glad you liked the coat. If nothing else, it will serve he purpose of keeping you warm and well. I just wanted to let Bryant know the Uncle Jon will home this weekend, if he wants to hang out with the big boys. ;) I know Maw-Maw is enjoying her time with him though. I love you guys all so much. Have a great day! XOXO
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Thursday, December 15, 2005 8:59 AM CST
I thought I would just say hi....
I LOVE the pink Christmas tree. Pink is my fav color!!!
Love Ya'll

Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 11:57 PM CST
I spoke to Tammy about 20 minutes ago and she told me that Colette was still being sick but, that she was getting IV fluids and still has the feeding tube. She weighted two ounces more today than yesterday so even though the muceciteous is still horrible, she is feeling some better. She was very happy to see mommy last night and I AM SURE Jason was glad to see her too!!!

Bryant went to the Santa Store at school and bought gifts for daddy, Hannah and THREE gifts for MAW MAW ha ha ha!!!! He insisted I open them NOW two were angels and another was an ornament. These will always hold a very special place in my heart...I spent a wonderful few hours with my son and found a beautiful red velvet dress for Colette. I got Bryant a suit and some red sweatshirts. I had a good day doing errands and enjoying McDonald's with my favorite son!!!!!!!Breakfast was wonderful seeing my darlin's on Santa's(there daddy played santa) knee!!! what a treat! "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE!" AND i THANK gOD FOR EVERY MINUTE OF IT...GOOD NIGHT, LOVE MAW MAW

maw maw <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 6:32 PM CST
Tammy made it back safely! Her trip back was less eventful than her trip home. I just wanted to let everyone know!
Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Wednesday, December 14, 2005 4:34 PM CST
Hello again from Indiana! It's snowing (again..) and going to be a generally nasty day, but I have to tell you, I have a big smile on! I've got just a great feeling for Miss Colette today, like someone has whispered in my ear that she's doing great, and going to be perfect! I know it's got to be hard, knowing she hurts, and hates that old tube, but we trust that it's GOD's plan, not ours, that put it there! I really think He's just preparing her for being a great witness to His grace! So, I look forward to a fabulous update soon, and hope Tammy was able to make it back with far less excitement than she came home with! Love to you all!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 9:58 AM CST
Today is Wednesday and I now have Bryant:) ha ha ha!! ALL MINE:)

He missed momma last night and so as usual he is snugged up in the middle of our king sized (monster truck) bed. Bryant calls it that because of the side rails he has always had to climb up on to get in. LOL Paw Paw and Bryant are sound asleep now and I am trying to get everything ready fo him to go to school. Then I have a WONDERFUL TREAT......... breakfast with santa and Maw Maw's other precious angels Josh, Matt and Hannah Grace!

Then I get to spend so much missed time with my FAVORITE SON IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!!!!!

God is GOOD ALL THE TIME............

Thank you to ALL the new entries God Bless You for taking the time to leave a word of encouragment.....this is time of GREAT PAIN as we see Miss Colette in this kind of pain and we are not able to fix it. All we are able to do is pray and try to keep her comfortable and as happy as possible:( We have prayed regularly for relief of our own heart pain so we can JUST FUNCTION in our everyday lives. Your entries are like a healing salve to our hearts....and I can not express their worth to us..God thanks you, too;)

All my love to each and everyone of you..Maw Maw Penny

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 7:08 AM CST
Dear Colette
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas, your in our hearts and in our prayers, stay strong!
Love & Hope
Melissa and Dylan xoxo

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Dylan’s website

New York, NY USA (Home is Australia) - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 2:54 AM CST
Dear Colette, I came across your page through Taylor Watts page. I found his page through Austin Baker's page. He lived in Fairhope with his mom and sister. His mom and I have been friends since we were around 5 years old...(we're fixing to be 40, but don't tell!!) I realized last night that you are from Mobile. I live about 50 miles away from you in Atmore, so we are kind of neighbors. I am keeping up with you on a daily basis and hope that you continue to do well. I will have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers daily. Take care!
Cathi Coon
Atmore, AL - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:39 PM CST
It certainly sounds like Colette is doing great.
Keep up the good work.
Best wishes

Colleen - and Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 6:31 PM CST
We were so glad to see Tammy Sunday night. Our tears (The choirs) were because we love you all so much, not because you made us sad. Little Collette has ours prayers and so do you. I know that you all have been a testimony where ever you have gone and God will bless you all because of it. You are all such an inspiration. May God Bless and Keep you safe.
Elaine Isler <isler@cityofmobile.org>
Theodore, AL Mobile - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:46 PM CST
Well, get 'em Dad! Poor kiddo. I'm glad you got to spend a couple days at home just having a little normal time, Tammy. We're keeping Colette (and her poor bottom!) in our prayers. That's got to be pretty difficult, hopefully she can clear up quickly! Thanks for your prayers. I love you guys! And thanks for all your prayers for Morgan!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 12:21 AM CST
Hey guys! I hope Bryant & Colette enjoy the CD I made. It will give you some happy music to listen to. Bryant, what is stuck in the chimney?
Much love

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:39 AM CST
G'day Collete, it is Jay from that place down under. Of course I will check on you all the time, I love to give courage and strength to fellow NB kids and other cancer kids. If I can give you strength to keep fighting and never give up I know I have done a good thing. Us NB kids are symbols of Hope and courage and nothing will bring us down. You are such a cutie, and again I send you an extra big KOALA HUG from the land down under. It is very HOT here, I think it must be snowing where you are. Keep that beautiful smile on your face and remember me and my mum (darlsy) are thinking of you always. (JAY)


Melbourne, Vic Australia - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 3:16 AM CST
Hey punkin!
I just ate lunch with your mommy. I love the ornament you made. It is beautiful! I can't wait for Colie to see it.
It sounds like Daddy is taking real good care of you.
We miss you. I will call you soon to talk.
Aunt Brandy Loves you sweetie.

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Monday, December 12, 2005 2:00 PM CST
I hate that I missed you guys while you were down. I will have to find a way to get some things to you guys. I definatly hope the return trip is better than Saturday. I am so glad to hear that Miss Priss is doing so much better. She is going to be back to her normal self in no time. Praying for you daily.
Much Love,

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, December 12, 2005 8:39 AM CST
Praying for an easier return to B'ham than was the trip to Mobile! And betting that Colette is ready to run the halls and climb the walls in that room! Be safe in your travels and know you're in my thoughts and prayers constantly.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, December 12, 2005 6:44 AM CST
hey my family i love yall i miss you 2 thats great mi little pumpkin is doing so great i hope and no she will stay this way tammy and briant i guess we will see u soon well i love yall and i will tt you soon love colie tt u later
love your best nease, cousin, and colie <bluiddancer@aol.com>
irvington, al usa - Sunday, December 11, 2005 1:33 PM CST
Last night was a really hard night.......

It is now 1:34 a.m. on Sunday morning.........


I did not know why Tammy was so upset and determined to get to church last night until I came in and read her up date from yesterday....she was on her way to Mobile with Bryant to share the GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY..when she started having car trouble about 100 or so miles from home.
She called her daddy at work about thirty minutes from where she was...of course, God was already there. It was getting dark, she was afraid to get back on the interstate because there are no exits for miles and she didn't want to be stranded. Her cell was dying and she had no way of charging it so things I am sure became very frightening. But, God was there all the time. She called me and I headed that direction about an hour later (I was unloading the van at my house and delivering all kinds of items to different places while I still had her van). The decision to go was not clear until her dad was closer to getting off from work. She finally stopped at a hotel parking lot in Atmore, Al. When we pulled up Byrant got out of there car and climbed into mine..he told me that his mommy had been crying all day. I asked him if she was sad for leaving Colette? he said no..then I said was she mad
because the car broke down?....he said no..he said, "mommy was sad because she told all her friends she was coming to church and they were all excited and so was she!" :(

Now, most of you know the rest of the story...satan is not happy with this wonderful vision Tammy was on her way to deliver to the choir before there preformance last night.
But, God delivered her out of the dark last night into the safety of daddy and momma. As I followed Tammy and her daddy down the interstate I could not help but, pray and THANK GOD for giving her the same peace as I have seen on Miss Colette's face after a stressful proceedure. She just takes a deep breath and says, "thank you for making me all better". :) God is GOOD ALL THE TIME.....AMEN

We were able to drive her car all the way to our house and gave her there van all washed and repaired from transmission to windshield wiper blades!

Computers are a wonderful tool's to tell other's of Tidings OF Great Joy........Keep Your Eyes On God and no matter what satan throw's at you, you will be able to handle it. We will take the car to the same transmission man that fixed their van.

Must go now, Love you mawmaw Penny

maw maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Sunday, December 11, 2005 2:19 AM CST
Prayerful that this evening has brought you safe travels and love in the arms of those who have faith and trust with you. May this, and all Decembers that come, be of glorious gold, and bring joyous memories with all those who love you. Praying for peace and comfort for Jason as he continues to be the magnificent father he is, guided by His Magnificent Father. The Lord bless you all and keep you safe as you return, Tammy. All my love,
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, December 10, 2005 7:14 PM CST
Good morning my lovies! Wow, look at all the new folks from all over who have stopped and visited you, Colette! That's very exciting, especially since they're people who've been where you are! It does my heart good to see all those who've beaten this monster!
I personally have always liked creamed corn, and like Mrs. Watts said- that, my friends, is the smell of new life! Now, I've not sat there and had to smell it with you all, so it's a little different for me, but I think I'll celebrate Colette and Morgan with creamed corn! You all can just count on me having a bowl full on your birthdays! I'm glad Colette felt well enough to get up to put the "sparkly do dad" on the tree! She blows me away each and every day with her strength and resiliency. And I'm also glad that she doesn't hate the mouth treatments. She's a mighty brave little thing! I love you all, and I'm praying hard that the sores go away soon, and you can come off that drip!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, December 10, 2005 9:04 AM CST
Creamed corn is not my favorite anyway! But just as I was told when I was a kid and didn't want to eat it, it's good for you and I guess this is the same although different. I am pleased to read comments from others that have beat this "monster" thanks to everyone who takes time to read and care for others to leave a note. May God bless each of you because you are a blessing to us.
Pawpaw David <Stangdave@bellsouth.net>
LA in Ala, - Saturday, December 10, 2005 8:53 AM CST
Hi, I came over from Dylans site. I just wanted to say hello to your pretty little girl and wish all of you Happy Holidays! I'll be praying for you. God Bless, Love, Ellen

http://www.caringbridge.org/ma/seanhanson-nb3, inter risk, doing fantastic.

Ellen Hanson <ehanson89@aol.com>
Cape Cod, MA United States - Saturday, December 10, 2005 0:41 AM CST
G'day Colette & family, not sure how I got here but it is great to be here and see such a cute little one beating this monster. I was dx with Neuroblastoma. Love to give you one of my big KOALA hugs from down under and send you all my strength - courage - determination and inspiration to beat this monster because you can do do. I will visit again soon. (JAY)


**** JAY ****
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Saturday, December 10, 2005 0:17 AM CST
How is the cream corn smell coming along? Just remember that it is the stench of life and you can deal with it. I know people think I am making light of the situation and I am not at all. After having walked this path, you know that you have to laugh to get through it all. I saw where Maw Maw wrote that there would be no creamed corn at her house and I got so tickled. I told you! I am praying that no news is good news. I hope that the pain is controlled and eating picks up so that tube can come out. I am keeping you all in constant prayer. Please don't forget that we are local and we would love to get together sometime!! Maybe during her radiation when she is able to get out and about more without a mask we cam play some.
In Christ,
Kim Watts

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
MCCALLA, AL - Friday, December 9, 2005 2:54 PM CST
Hey guys! I just wanted to check on everyone. I pray that no news is good news. Bryant and Colette, i have somethign coming for you soon to get you into the Christmas spirit.
Love you all.

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Friday, December 9, 2005 9:22 AM CST
Good snowy morning from Bloomington! And glad you had a safe trip home to MawMaw and PawPaw! I know your presence was a blessing. I know it is repeatative at this point, but I hope that Colette's pain is well controlled, and that she's doing ok with that awful tube. Hopefully the sores will heal quickly, and she'll get her appetite back very soon! I'm keeping all of you in my prayers, and ask God for complete healing, with no lingering side effects. She sounds, from MawMaw's note, like she's doing pretty well, all things considered. I dare say she's doing better than I would have! Just remind her, Jesus will make her feel better really soon! I love you all, be careful, and feel our prayers!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, December 9, 2005 9:07 AM CST
I was glad to see you all and I can't blame Colette for not liking that tube. tell Bryant hello, we love you all.
pawpaw David <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, December 9, 2005 8:31 AM CST
Back in Mobile after a QUICK trip to give some personal sugar to our babies and mawmaw and pawpaw darlin's:):) It was really good for ALL of us. Bryant had a little time with us and Colette's eyes got so big when we walked into the room...but, the best was Tammy...she came off the bed and said, "you guy's tricked us telling us you were out driving around", as we were greeted with a BIG OLE HUG!!!!and then ANOTHER!!!

Momma's and daddy's NEED to give that personal hug whenever possible:)

Colette's color was beautiful and almost tan. She has been anemic for so long we have become a custom to a porcelin color. She didn't want to move he head because it in turn moves the tube in her nose and she dosen't like that. But, she talked really well and was happy that mawmaw and pawpaw found her. So was Bryant as we took him to the apartment and he showed us his Christmas tree and the ornaments they had made for it. Tammy and Bryant are going to string some popcorn for it and Bryant thinks momma is joking about that being a decoration:) He snuggle on the couch with maw maw and paw paw and watched tv until we met momma for dinner. It was a very good short visit. I will return up there soon to releave Jason as soon as Colette gets on the other side of this hurdle.

Thank's to everyone who have expressed desire to help out. One of my Sunday School students called and told Byrant that Santa was going to call last night to talk to him....that was a wonderful blessing Katie and I know many many other's are keeping up with us even though they don't leave journal entries...THANK YOU!!! Something like that just makes this journey seen so much easier!!

Love to you all, mawmaw penny
OBTW creamed corn will not be served at my house...(that is what the bone marrow proceedure smells like)

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Friday, December 9, 2005 1:59 AM CST
Hi Colette & Family,

Hope everything went well yesterday with Colette's stem cell transplant. I am so sorry you had to have a tube put in. I hope it wasn't to bad. Hope you and Mommy are having a good day today. I have been checking for an update. I know sometimes it is hard to update, especially when you are in the hospital. I'll check back later to see if Mommy has updated yet. We are sending you lots of hugs & kisses. We love you.

The Butlands

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Thursday, December 8, 2005 8:59 PM CST
Just wanted to pop in and check on our girl! I hope that today is looking up some. I know this part is tough, remember, you've got an army helping you each and every step of the way! I love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Snowy Bloomington, IN - Thursday, December 8, 2005 6:50 PM CST
hey yall
i love yall much we miss you allot and we cant wait 2 see yall hows mi little pumpkin good hopefully umm i gues i will see ya soon ttyl love ya so so so so so so so much bye bye

we love yall colie branana aunt brandy unc todd <bluiddancer@aol.com>
irvington, al usa - Thursday, December 8, 2005 6:45 PM CST
Hi from Georgia!! I was on another patient's page of the caringbridge website and kept clicking on patient links. Somehow, I wound up on Colette's page. What an inspirational story about an amazing little girl! I wanted to let you know that if Colette ever needs it and we can figure out how I can do a direct donation(whole or platelets) from GA, I will be more than happy. I am CMV neg with O pos blood type. I hope this doesn't seem weird. I just feel like I wound up on your site for a reason. Anyway, give Colette all of my best wishes to feel better soon!!

Mauri <maurissaanderson@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, December 8, 2005 2:10 PM CST
Good morning sushine! I hope today finds you feeling a little better! We're going to have an exciting day- it's going to snow! I'll try to take some pictures and e-mail them to your mommy so maybe you can see. They said we might get kind of a lot, so it'll be really pretty! I hope you're doing better with that nasty tube, and that those awful old sores are not hurting quite as much with the medicine. Hang in there, princess, it'll get better! I love you! I'll check on you again soon!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, December 8, 2005 7:06 AM CST
Hey sweet girl. I'm so sorry your mouth is hurting. It will get better, it just takes a little while. We miss seeing you in clinic. I'll have to come up and see you one day. I am praying for you.
Jill Helton <jhbrn@bellsouth.net>
Clinic 8 , Children's Hospital, Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 9:48 PM CST
Colette, I can't believe you had to have that tube again. That is just awful...it makes me so very sad. I hope you bounce back in no time. I love you and can't wait to see you!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Wednesday, December 7, 2005 8:33 PM CST
Awe....my sweetie.
I hate to hear about the pain.
give her big hugs from us!
I have been thinking about you all continuously.

everyone please my boss Judy in your prayers. Her husband passed away Sunday evening. Thanks!

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
irvington, al usa - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 4:21 PM CST
I hate that she's been so uncomfortable, but hopefully upping the pain meds will help. Poor thing. She's been such a trooper through all of this, I'm sure she'll be fine, but it's got to be hard to watch your baby girl hurt so bad. I know it was pretty rough there for a while for Morgan, but when it turned around, she really bounced back quickly! I'm praying that it goes that well for Colette. I'm glad you're there MawMaw and PawPaw! I know your love and support mean a lot! Hang in there! I'm sure praying hard! And somebody make sure Jason doesn't hit anyone! Love you guys!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 3:42 PM CST
Aunt Penny and Uncle David, I knew you couldn't stay away. I hope she is feeling better now. Tammy & Jason, get some rest. I am sure you didn't get much, if any at all, last night. Stay strong and we will keep checking on Miss Priss. Love ya,
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, December 7, 2005 3:24 PM CST
Colette, Sorry the tube was so horrible for you. Hopefully with all the prayers you will be well soon. Do hope you enjoyed the gifts we brought if you have opened them yet. Our prayers are with you and we are wishing you well. Hang in there and you'll feel better soon. It was nice to get to meet your Mom and Brother wish we could have got to see you to, but maybe some other place and time.
Lenzie Butland's Nana, Sue Jeffries

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 2:20 PM CST
Hang in there baby girl! Lots of prayers are going up for you. That tube will make you feel better soon! I know that was just awful for you to get and awful for mom and dad to have to listen too you be so sad. I am sad that you are sad. However, I know that it will get better soon! Taylor loved sesamestreet.com and that is what he did all the time while we were in stem cell. I hope you get some rest today and no pain! Grow cells Grow!!!

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
MCCALLA, AL - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 1:47 PM CST
Sending you lots of love, hugs and prayers today! You're gonna do great! Thinking of you always!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 9:29 AM CST
Lots of prayers being sent your way on this dificult day. Know that we are all right there in the room with you. We love you all!
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, December 7, 2005 9:06 AM CST
Hi! Colette, I am so sorry that your tummy is hurting. As bad as it is will get worse before it gets better, BUT it DOES get better, I promise!!! No matter how mad mom makes you doing that mouth care, let her do it. It will help so much. Taylor threw up EVERY TIME, but we did it anyway. We just learned not to do it on the bed. Gosh, you have to change those sheets enough! You must have Rookie for a NP. ISn't he just the best! I am praying for you all. Hang in there. It seems it will bever be over, but it will be before you know it and you will be HOME!!!!

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
MCCALLA, AL - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 7:39 AM CST
Tammy, Quick question. Can you tell me what Bryant anc Colette's favorite Christmas songs are?
Thanks hun. Praying that things keep looking up.

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Tuesday, December 6, 2005 2:46 PM CST
Well, I hope the t*bing went ok, if it's done. I know she hates it, but you are right, we'd hate for her to lose the precious ground she's gained! Poor baby. I hope the pain has improved for her with the medicines, and that she's doing well. I'm thinking of you all constantly! Smile on! Lots of prayers!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 12:57 AM CST
Hey guys! Just wanted to pop in and say hello. I hope Little Miss is starting to feel better. You've come a long way baby!
Much Love,

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Tuesday, December 6, 2005 12:28 AM CST
Good Morning,

Hope everyone slept well, I did considering pawpaw worked nights. I prayed a whole lot yesterday for everything and everybody. It is really cold here and dad said the ice was all over his windshield all the way to the interstate from McIntosh. But, the heater core he put in his mustang is working just fine.

I talked to Stepanie's husband Craig for a while last night and they send their love and prayers for all of you. He was inquiring into Christmas. I gave him info he needed. How is my Bryant doing through all of this? I hope he is not so involved in video games that he developes Unc Mikes obsession with them. It isn't fun losing a child to the computer. As you can see I have become a bit of a computer junkie myself. It is the best way to get info without bothering people by asking the same questions or sounding stupid. But, games are different!

I miss all of you.....but, you are all doing just fine. I figure if you haven't called me you don't need me.

All my love, momma

mawmawpenny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 9:23 AM CST
Dear precious Tammy,

What an inspiration you are to all of us watching from the background! I have been praying for you all! I asked God to give me a word for you!
"But this is only a simple thing for the Lord, for He will make you victorious"..IIKings 3:18
"Is anything too hard for the Lord?" Gen.18:14
"I am the Lord, the God of all people of the world. Is anything too hard for me?" Jer.32:27
"and he said,"This is what the Lord says:This dry valley will be filled with pools of water. You will have plenty for yourselves....But this is only a simple thing for the Lord, for He will make you victorious.."
IIKings 3:16-18
"Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today" Ex.14:13
I love you all, I am praying for you all. God will bring you through this with victory in your hand! Aunt Debbie

Debbie Crocker <fpcdcc@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al USA - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 6:44 AM CST
hey pretty princess , UNC TODD was thinking about you
I just wanted to say hey. so H E Y !!!
Give Bryant a big HUG for me.
talk to ya later, LOVE UNC TODD

unc TODD <TBONEPATE@aol.com>
mobile, al usa - Monday, December 5, 2005 11:01 PM CST
Just checking in -
I did my informative "speech" tonight in Organizational Communication class tonight on Neuroblastoma. It didn't go as well I hoped. I got emotional - no tears, but my voice cracked as I told about this monster that so many precious kids fight with.
I had pictures of beautiful little Colette and I got critiqued by my teacher for looking at the screen too much - But who could keep there eyes off such a beautiful little girl.
Well anyways.
I made at least 30 more people aware of Colette and asked for prayer. so I am sure we will get more voices to God out of my attempt of a speech.

Glad to hear she is still in good spirits. Wish she felt liek eating. Tell her aunt brandy would love to bring her some mashed potatoes and gravy.
My silly child is still up and HYPER! Monday's are our late night since I Have class....she said to tell the princess she loves her and can't wait to play BellaDAncerella(?)
Well I am rambling.
Good night!
Love you all
AUnt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Mobile, AL - Monday, December 5, 2005 10:42 PM CST
Hi all! The time does fly by doesn't it. They say time dlies when you are having fun! I still remember Taylor's transplant very well. The actual event is very anticlimatic, but that is good b/c of all the emotions that are running through you at the time. You are watching life run through your baby, it is fantastic. Bryant will like the "defrost" period. We call it R2D2, the big ole tube of dry ice that smokes as the stem cells thaw. Oh and by the way, it REALLY DOES smell like cream corn. We have not had cream corn in this house since April of 2003:) The smell just billowed out of every orphus on his body! I will certainly be praying for you on the BIG day and every day of course!!!

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
MCCALLA, AL - Monday, December 5, 2005 10:14 PM CST
I hate that Colette has to do a new tube, but I know she's our "Bid Durl!" and will be fine! And like you said, Tammy, getting it done before she breaks out with any of the sores will be so much easier. I'm also glad the anti-nausea meds seem to be working. And a big "welcome" to the Butland's (I hope I spelled that right! Lenzie's family!) I hope Daddy is feeling better in their house!
Our prayers continue to rise up for all of you as we draw closer to Transplant Day. I'm praying that Colette's spirits stay high, and fevers low, and that she astound the doctors with her miraculous recovery from the procedure! Sending you all a big **HUG!!** and thinking of you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, December 5, 2005 8:53 PM CST
Tammy, I found the 2 donors whose blood is a match for Colette. They are Lonnie and Dawn Honeycutt. They are good friends from our church Deeper Life Fellowship. Lonnie just called to say it is them and the soonest they can donate again is 26 Dec. I hope that is soon enough. We continue to pray for God's strength and healing for all of you! We love you! Kellie and the Boys
Kellie Brown <jakenkellie@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Monday, December 5, 2005 3:58 PM CST
Hey Colette & Family,

Just wanted to stop in and check on you. Hope your stomach is feeling better. We can't wait to meet you tomorrow. We have a few surprise for you and the children on 4 Tower. We made some Christmas goody bags. I hope it will cheer some of the children up. See you tomorrow.


Love you,
The Butlands

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Sunday, December 4, 2005 10:06 PM CST
Happy Sunday! Sure praying that the new meds help with the nausea, and don't completely turn the Princess into a tyrant! I've only got a few minutes, but I wanted to stop in, check on Miss Colette, and let you know that we're thinking about you. I pray that this Sunday is in fact a day of rest for all of you, and you can just enjoy one another! Sending up our prayers for complete healing, and also for peace and comfort as only He can provide for the Warr family as they face the loss of their brave Bailey. Our hearts go out to them. All our love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, December 4, 2005 1:42 PM CST
Hey guys! I hope today found Colette feeling a little better, I'm sure the nausea and such is just draining. (For all of you!) Tammy, I shipped a package to the hospital for Colette- the post office says it got there yesterday, so if they haven't brought it up, start asking! I've only got a minute, my clan is yelling for dinner, but I wanted to check in and see how our girl was feeling, and let you all know we're thinking about you! I have the utmost faith that she's going to blow those Dr.'s away! She's a pretty tough cookie, and I know it'll take an awful lot to keep her down! She'll get through these next few weeks, easy breezy, and so will you and Jason. I can't imagine the stress you are dealing with, with finances so tight, and Colette so sick, on top of the every day things you face. Just keep on remembering that we're out here, and we're praying, and we have faith that He will take care of His!
I'm off to feed my heathens before they kill each other. Sending you a big hug, and lot of love!

Megan <MMahaffey@InsightBB.com>
Bloomington, In - Saturday, December 3, 2005 4:58 PM CST
Good Morning to my Darlins,
I hope my sweetheart gets past this nasty medicine and bounces back to her beautiful and funny self soon. I have been praying hard that God will let her surprise the doctors with her recovery. I pray too that she will feel as little discomfort as possible. It is so hard to watch her have to endure what she has to. But, God has made her strong and I know she will fight all the way back to recover strength:) With your prayers and Gods intervention. Thank you Jesus for all these who encourage us daily. And thank you for the strength it takes to watch this happen to her. God is Good ALL THE TIME:)

All my mawmaw

mawmaw <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Saturday, December 3, 2005 10:05 AM CST
Brandi, I am praying for Don and his wife.
Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Saturday, December 3, 2005 0:23 AM CST
hay yall i had so much fun last weekend with ya spending time with yall scrapbookingshopping eating lol etc.i miss yall not being here 4 me to spend the night with.but i love u so much.and i will ttyl! p.s.You tell my princess that she better get better so we can play bella bancerella lol i never got to play that!!!!~*
& we got some of colettes clothes so we'll send them soon
please call us soon
love ya so much

i love yall so much love colie <bluiddancer@aol.com>
mobile, al USA - Friday, December 2, 2005 10:43 PM CST
I found your website off of the Butlands, you have such a beautiful little girl, absolutely adorable. I will continue to pray for your family.


Wendi Graham <jacksonsmom@comcast.net>
Petal, MS 39465 - Friday, December 2, 2005 10:42 PM CST
hay yall i had so much fun last weekend spending time with ya scrapbooking EATING!!!LOL etc.I miss yall not being here i no we will come up there soon though but anyway i love yall so much
p.s tell my little princess i love her so much & that she better get better so we can play bella dancerella


i love you love colie <bluiddancer@aol.com>
mobile, al usa - Friday, December 2, 2005 10:32 PM CST
hi, Tammy and collette, hope you are feeling better. this is D.J.'s MAWMAW HOOKS, just wanted you all to know i hadn't forgotten about you . my prayers are with you . it's been hard for me , with God i'll make it . ya'll get better soon. my love in Jesus name to all of you.
margaret hooks <triplehfrms@yahoo.com>
Red Level, Al. USA - Friday, December 2, 2005 10:19 PM CST
Hey guys and gals!
Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you.
Just talked to Tammy - she called to tell me about a yummy place to eat. We will have to visit again and go there with Colette to get some "chippies". (Like her mom and Aunt Brandy She is a huge fan of Mexican food and chips and SAlsa)
I have prayed for Colette throughout the day -along with the many others that touch my heart on these websites.

Love you guys - AUnt Brandy
I have updated the www.walkerplace.org with some new photos.

One more thing - I have a special request -
Everyone please say a special prayer for my bosses husband, Don Lovell. He is struggling with Myloma (bone cancer) and is in intensive care right now with Pnenmonia and a blood infection. She has rushed to Arkansas (where he is being treated)to be with him.
I know everyone's faith that reads this website can only help his situation. Pray that God helps them physically and emotionally.

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL usa - Friday, December 2, 2005 4:54 PM CST
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior... Isaiah 43:2-3
Sandy Blount (I work with Brandy) <sblount@wilkinsmiller.com>
- Friday, December 2, 2005 3:59 PM CST
I hope today is looking better than yesterday! Just wanted to check in, keeping you in our prayers!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, December 2, 2005 2:17 PM CST
Just checking on you! You are in my thoughts daily. Keep the faith. With love and prayers-Celyn
Celyn Pendleton <cpendleton@fbtc.org>
Theodore, al - Friday, December 2, 2005 12:57 AM CST
Hi Colette & Family,

I am so glad the bad chemo is halfway over. I hate you spiked a fever yesterday and got sick. I hope you feel better and today is a better day. Hang in there sweetie! Glad to hear Bryant isn't sick. That is such good news. Maybe the zyrtec will help him. Lenzie & Tori are both on zyrtec. It works pretty good for them. If you get a chance email me and let me know what size Colette and Bryant wear. ronnieb21@charter.net We are so excited about meeting ya'll Monday. We have something to look forward to because we sure aren't looking forward to chemo. I'll check back later to see if there is an update. Love you lots! Hope you have a woderful day!


Love you,
The Butlands

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Friday, December 2, 2005 10:42 AM CST
Just checking in on you guys. Mawmaw Penny, I am going to bring something to church Sunday for you to take to Colette and Bryant when you go. Love you guys!
Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Friday, December 2, 2005 10:08 AM CST
Hey guys!
Just wanted to send a big hug your way. I love all of you guys so much. Mom, James and Jon also say hey and they love you. I am glad to know that Bryant isn't sick. He will definitly come in handy with keeping Colette' spirits up. Much love to you all!

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Friday, December 2, 2005 9:36 AM CST
Hi Tammy & Family!
Janice @ Eagle Ridge here. I'm sorry to hear that you and Colette are having such a hard time with the chemo right now, but I believe it won't last long. Colette is gonna be back to herself in no time, and we can't wait to see you guys again! I know this is a very scary and anxious time for all of you, but hang in there. You're all doing GREAT!
We miss you! Give Colette a big hug and kiss for all of us!
We pray for her EVERY day!

Janice Tombrello <jjtombrello@yahoo.com>
Birmingham, AL USA - Friday, December 2, 2005 8:53 AM CST
I love you, Tammy....I love you, Tammy...I really love you.
What more can momma say, I really love you.
And I will try to live my life so that it say's it, too.
I love you, Tammy...I love you, Tammy...momma really..really loves you.

Wrap your arms around yourself and feel my hug. You not alone and you WILL NEVER BE..I will always be here even if I am far away..I am still here.
I never noticed the logo on caringbridge until now..."theres your sign"...and your hug:)

Call me if you need me back there:) all my love and prayers momma

momma <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Friday, December 2, 2005 3:10 AM CST
Tammy, hang in there. I wish I was there to at least keep you company, or to take over and give you and Jason a break to clear your heads and have some time together outside of that hospital room. Remember it is always the darkest before the dawn. I don't mean to sound cliche but just get through this, you can handle it. You can make it, you have the strength!
Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, December 1, 2005 8:55 PM CST
Poor baby. I hope the nausea and fever go away soon. I'm afraid it's only going to get worse, at least for a little longer, but I know that Colette will be great. I know this round is going to be rough. It's great that Bryant is not sick, though! Hopefully he'll be able to help keep Colette's spirits up, and hopefully being able to share duties with Daddy for a while will keep everyone on closer to an even keel emotionally. I'm also hopeful that they will get that computer fixed for you soon, I know you get so much support emotionally from the sites and message boards you visit, and it would be nice to be able to do that without leaving Colette. Just remember, even if you can't read our words on the screens, you can feel them in your heart if you stop, close your eyes, and listen! Be strong, and remember to love one another, (even when you're ready to kill each other!) and know that there are hundreds of us out here who are loving you and praying for you! Faces you've never seen look to God and speak your name. Voices you've never heard cry out to Him, and ask for healing. Hands you've never felt reach out to hold you. And those are only the strangers! Those faces, and voices and hands are joined by so many more that you DO KNOW! Familiar faces, comforting voices, gentle, loving hands. Be not afraid! All my love.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, December 1, 2005 7:30 PM CST
To Colette and Family. Will keep you in our prayers along with all the others. Hope you continue to improve and have a Happy Christmas. Also hope Bryant gets to feeling better to. Read about you on Lenzie Butland's site. She is my grandbaby. Colette you are a beautiful little girl. Keep on smiling.

Sue Jeffries

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
Crestview, FL U.S. - Thursday, December 1, 2005 4:08 PM CST
Hey guys, just dropping in to check on our girl! Hopefull that she's still feeling pretty chipper, and you all are getting to hang out and enjoy each other while she is! Always in my prayers!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, December 1, 2005 1:21 PM CST
I pray that a special covering of grace and love will be with your family and your daughter as you endure these trying times. I also pray that you will be find rest in the arms of the Almighty and that you will cast your burdens on Him and allow Him to become the mighty Physician in Colette's life. I especially pray for the annointing of her body and the restoration of her health. May your family be surrounded by overflowing mercy and may you find joy and comfort in the Lord's favor and His faithfulness.

Meghan Powell <meghanp@uga.edu>
Athens, GA - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 10:07 PM CST
I love the pictures! Nicole is such a pretty girl, and the one of her and Colette standing together is perfect!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Wednesday, November 30, 2005 2:31 PM CST
Hey guys. I was so glad to see an update. I LOVE the picture! She is so precious. I am glad to hear that she is currently having fun. That is always good news. I hope Bryant gets to feeling better. As I was thinking about Christams coming up, I remembered about Jingle the Christmas Elf. I'm sure Bryant nor Colette have seen him around. ;) I am sorry the hospital food is so bad. They just need some good cooks. Just remember that when you pray, we are all here, lifting you arms up and praying with you. Much love and stay warm. Give Bryant and Colette a hug and kiss for me.
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, November 30, 2005 2:17 PM CST
Tammy - I updated the pictures. Feel free to change them, but I wanted you to get to see some from when we visited. I just called and Talked to Jason - the princess was sleeping. I will call again soon.
All my love -
Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, Al - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 1:05 PM CST
Glad to see an update! Hope Bryant can shake that cough. I know my boys are still fighting it off. Praying hard for all your needs, and trusting that He will provide! Love you all! Give everyone a big hug! And glad for a room number- watch for a package at the hospital in the next couple of days! Keep smiling!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 12:27 AM CST
Good morning, gang. I just wanted to stop in and say hello! I'm hopeful that things are going well, and as always, I'm praying! Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 7:13 AM CST
Hi Tammy , Jason & Bryant,
I hope all was yummy for you this Thanksgiving. We went to Millry celebrated Turkey Day there. It was very peaceful and quite relaxing. I know ya'll would of enjoyed it. Our Christmas wish all seems to be the same. We anxiously await to hear good news.

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:45 PM CST
Hey there, just a little hello from Indiana. Colette will do just fine, Morgan is at day 12 right know, her counts are GREAT, now she did have a rough time this time, allthough she has never had any trouble with any past chemo, this time it was alot stronger, and she got a couple of mouth sores and mucusitis, which she never had before. However she is doing fine, I believe with love prayers and the right medicine all will be fine. Colette I have no doubt will do fine, it is a tough time to be honest but she will be fine. Morgan is actually leaving friday. We are thirlled that we are leaving so quickly and so are the Doctors. :) Colette will do wonderful and we will pray for her quick recovery. Hang in there.
Brooke Deckard (Miss Morgans Mom) <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 5:51 PM CST
What an awesome experience for Colette, to experience Santa in a "spiritual" way. We have faith in the healing touches provided by so many!
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers as you return to the hospital and begin this next round! All our love!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, In - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:47 AM CST
Here I am again, awakened in the middle of the night and here I am at my anchor in the midst of this storm. When I wake and pray I get so much peace but, sometimes you have to put feet to your prayers and that is when I come in here to the computer to see what word God has put on your hearts for me. Thank you Megan for your constant entries that reflect your love for a family you have never met but, have so richly blessed. I pray God will let us have a wondeful day of rejoicing on the other side of this MIRACLE of our two angels. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME:)


I spoke to Tammy today and they met with the doctors and were told that Colette's in the best physical shape she can be in at this time! AMEN The scan that they did showed some cancer tumor cells at the point where they removed the tumor near or on the artery. Tomorrow they will be admitted to the hospital for about three weeks. Tammy will have a computer in her room and I KNOW she will keep us informed daily as to Colette's progress.

Colette and Bryant got to visit santa today and it was not like any santa visit I have ever experienced. He held out his arms and Colette held out hers, he picked her up and held her long time. They sat as he whispered into her ear and rubbed her belly and as Colette said "he said a blessing". Now, I don't know about you guys but, that touched my heart and I realized....santa gets asked for things all the time but, his prayers is something I have never considered. It had to be an emotional scene to see the giver of material things asking God to be the giver of healing....what a wonderful Christmas this will be. What GLORY we will experience this year in these earthly joys, they are gifts from GOD alone:) What a minute I can't see the keys to type.

Better go now......Love in Christ maw maw penny

maw maw penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:15 AM CST
I was reading/writing on Bailey Warr's site and noticed that this link was on there. I was truly touched by your story. I hope everything goes well for your family, and especially your daughter, within the next few days. I will keep you in my prayers.

Dana Wyatt

Dana Wyatt
Albany, GA USA - Monday, November 28, 2005 11:31 PM CST
Tammy Just to let you know that Young Adult III Sunday School Class at Highland Baptist Church lifts you up every day Just remember to let God have complete control. He is the great physician. Tell Collete we all said Hi
Dale Strickland <dstrickland1439@cocmast.net>
Laurel, MS USA - Monday, November 28, 2005 3:58 PM CST
Just checking in to see how things went today! I know you all have a fun night planned. Going somewhere yummy to eat and I am sure play, play, play!
We had a great visit over the weekend. I had so much fun shopping with you!
We love you lots! I will call you soon.
Love Aunt Brandy, Colie and Unc Todd

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvingtong, AL - Monday, November 28, 2005 3:06 PM CST
Sending up extra prayers as well for your neighbors, the Warr's. Hopeful that Bailey is able to come out of her coma, and there is little or no brain damage. Please let them know we are thinking about them as they evaluate some very difficult decisions.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, November 28, 2005 12:50 AM CST
Hey guys. I just wanted to stop in and say hey. I hope all is well. I thought about you guys this weekend and wanted to let you know. I am glad that your Thanksgiving meal was good. I know you missed some of Granny's dressing, cause I sure did. Much love to you guys.
With big hugs,

Manda <Mannakay@aol.com>
- Monday, November 28, 2005 11:57 AM CST
Collette and Family,

I came across your website while visiting Bailey Warr's website. I just wanted to stop in and say hi. You are such a beautiful little girl. I have a little girl, Lenzie, who is receiving chemo at Children's Hospital. She was diagnosed with ganglioneuroblastoma on September 9, 2005. I hope everything goes okay today and tomorrow. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you and your family. I will checking back on you.


The Butlands

Kelly Butland <ronnieb21@charter.net>
Montgomery, AL United States - Monday, November 28, 2005 11:10 AM CST
Good morning gang. Wanted to let you know I'll be thinking about you today as you return to the hospital and move toward this next phase. Keep smiling, and remember, we're all out here praying! God's gonna get you through!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, November 28, 2005 6:44 AM CST
Good morning, everyone! I hope the birthday party was fun! Mrs. Penny, do you know if Tammy has a debit card for her PayPal account? I know that that was another way she was able to accept donations, PayPal-ed to her tambabe1@hotmail.com account I believe. If she does not, have her check into it, as you can use that to avoid wait times of funds transfers, allowing you to just spend your money. I'm certainly keeping your financial needs in my prayers. I have faith that this to shall pass, and you're going to find all is well much sooner than we could ever begin to imagine. Be strong! He will provide in your time of need!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, November 27, 2005 7:58 AM CST
No new entries mean everyone's busy shopping or eating or making wonderful memories with their families. As are all of us in Mobile. Tammy and Colette are in B'ham and Jason and Bryant were here in Mobile for Joshua's party. It really meant so much to him to have his buddy spend the day with him.

Please know that when you make a donation to this site that it DOES NOT go to Colette and her family. We have met our obligation many times over for the ability to use this site. Through your donations it has truly blessed caringbridge. Please remember to go to the Regions Banks in many states or the Bay Bank (in south Mobile County) and ask for the Colette Michele Pate Bennefit Fund to make a donation. Your help is much needed as I will be putting their van in the shop on Monday for transmission work. When Jason comes home the van has to go back to B'ham so that we will have transport to the hopsital everyday, etc.
We do appreciate your support and pray for you and appreciate all you do:)


mawmaw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Sunday, November 27, 2005 6:48 AM CST
Home again, home again giggidy gig:) Sorry for the long time of an entry. NO COMPUTER:(

We got to come home two weeks ago for two nights and just returned after another week and a half stay in the wonderful apartment in B'ham. The apartment managment treated us to a fantastic Thanksgiving Feast. You know how when you go to someones house for dinner they tend to cook things with different spices and recipes WELL....................I have to tell you they are GREAT COOKS (especially the teenage daughter, Jessica) I only met her that one time and I hope I got her name right God Bless ALL of you the dinner taste just like I made it at home...my heart is so overfilled with thankfullness:)And the manager's mom Blessed us with SPECIAL PRAYER ......................................
God heard and I KNOW God's work has been DONE!!!!!!!!

Today, is my grandson JOSHUA'S Birthday party and I am so happy I won't miss it. Joshua will be five tomorrow and we will have so much fun. I know that I am not Colette and Aunt Tammy but, Jason is bringing Bryant down for the party. Pray for safe travel for them and everyone traveling to and from on this special holiday weekend.

These holiday's are so very different than any we have ever expeienced. We don't look at santa but, at what God is doing through ALL of you with the way you have all blessed our family in these last six months. I have asked God to bless all of you double for your love, faithfulness, prayers and financial support. Without these gifts from you and God we would never have survived the diagnosis:)

We understand....that dark times are at our door for Colette's treatment in this next step. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY that little Miss Colette's body will stay strong and that the treatments won't damage her liver, kidneys, hearing, or give her leukemia. All these things were told to Tammy and Jason was not there for her when she heard them. He couldn't be. He had to work...I am glad to have been able to be there. She really took the news hard. I don't think I have ever seem her cry so hard in all her life. She always puts on a hard as nails crust. I have always known that is her defense mode! She is truly one tough cookie and God made her just that way for this. After fifteen or so tissues she sat up straight (I was Praying)and said, "O.K. I can deal with this God has not brought us this far for me not to trust Him for the rest of the way, I can deal with a hearing aid...at least I will still have my baby"!

I thank my God for providing for me without a job and for my PRECIOUS husband who is my constant encouragment and friend to lift me up no matter what time I call him crying or laughing or just praising the Lord:)

I am thankful for Sherry and Craig for their help, love and constant prayer and support and hugs...........hugs:)

PLEASE HELP with financial support RIGHT NOW!

Jason will be out of work for the next couple weeks without pay. Designated love donations made to First Baptist of Tillman's Corner for the Pate Family should be considered a tax deduction and would help them to be able to give to one another on Christmas morning. At this moment I know that rent is due on the first of December for $600.00. Their power runs about 200.00. PawPaw and I brought back their van because Tammy and I were putting a quart of transmission fluid a day. We have been quoted $650.00 to have it fixed here in Mobile. In B'ham they told us $850.00. They tell us it is the front gasket leaking but, the transmission will have to be removed to do it. A laptop computer is a desprite need. As that is what we go to in late night hours when we have trouble focusing on the reality or reflecting the day or anticipating the next days test results or just encouragment of knowing YOU are there!!!!!

Sorry to ask but so many of you have always asked if there is anything you can do? HERE IT IS Thank you as you let God use you..we are joyfully and tearfully grateful:)

Love in Christ as He gets all the >GLORY< Amen mawmaw

maw maw <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Saturday, November 26, 2005 10:40 AM CST
I wake up sometimes in the middle of the night and Colette is on my mind. The other night I dreamed that she had a scan done, and we saw a clipboard with the test results. It read: "No Significant Findings." I was VERY happy when I woke up from that dream! We will take pictures of Joshua's fifth birthday party tomorrow. He doesn't understand that Colette and Aunt Tammy won't be there - he has been arguing with me that they WILL be there...stubborn kid! He gets that from his Aunt, you know. ;) I made a Star Wars cake with R2D2 and C-3PO on it, so I bet all the boys are going to love it. (Even those big ones!) Take care, and I'll talk to you soon.
Aunt Sherry, who just hit the big 3-0 today! <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Friday, November 25, 2005 11:12 PM CST
Wow, you guys are looking forward to a heck of a weekend! Be strong Tammy, I know you are facing a tough road, but remember, we're all here, all the time, and praying. I'm sure that the last several months have been a strain, emotionally, for everyone. There are posts where I can literally see the tears rolling down your face as you type. You, and your wonderful family, have been through so much, and have so much to be proud of. Your faith remains strong, even facing this challenge, and something like this can break ones spirit. Your spirit has grown. You've looked at runs back to B'ham as God's call to you to serve Him for others, not as another setback. You awe and inspire me, and I can only strive to be more like you. You posted a poem from Irma Bombeck, I think, a month or two ago, and I hope you printed a copy that you keep in your purse. Remember, you ARE a patron saint! God has given you this challenge because He knew you could handle it, and I think you've done Him proud. All of you! I've watched your family interact, and can observe things that sometimes it takes an outsider to see: MawMaw, not telling anyone she hurt her hand because she was afraid it might interfear with the cakes for Amanda's wedding. Amanda being so proud of the girls, even when Colette had a less than great day. Sherry, sharing Colette's story with strangers, and driving them to the website, opening home and heart to help you as you faced this at the same time you're trying to move back to Mobile. Brandy being there with Colette, painting those toes and fingers pretty shades of pink to help keep a smile on her face. That's the kinds of things FAMILY is all about. You help each other, you take what you can of one anothers pain and carry it yourselves. The stem cell process won't be easy. We all know that. It will be hard to be seperated from your loved ones for such a long period of time. Colette will not feel good. She'll be tired and cranky. Her little body will hurt. She'll be clingy one minute, and push you away the next. You will be stressed out. And you know what? THAT'S OK! Sleep well, eat well, and keep smiling! Know that there are hundreds of us here who love you, and we're praying daily for you. So, while it's only normal to go "Just stop! Stop picking on my baby!" we know that this next step, while difficult, is necessary! So, we place Colette in the hands of the Lord, and trust Him to put her in the care of the Doctors! And we are thankful that He provided the training and opportunity for those Dr's to give Colette the care she needs. Smile on, Pate family, you have much to give thanks for on this holiday! All my love,
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 4:54 PM CST
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you. I hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving together. This year, I am thankful for love, and for family, and grace, and beautiful little girls with strong wills, and moms and dads with stregnth, and brothers who like to help, and mawmaws and pawpaws with support and love, and for strangers who believe in the power of prayer. I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you all to have a wonderful time together. God bless you and let us know if there is anythign we can do. I love you all.
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, November 23, 2005 12:05 AM CST
Well, I hope you all are having a better day than we are. Both of my boys have developed a case of the croup, so we sound like a bunch of dying seals! They are pretty mad about it. They were really looking forward to going to school today (I'm not sure quite why!) They really don't feel all that bad, so it's hard for them to understand that they can't go play with their friends. (Any of this sound in the least bit familiar, Tammy? I can't imagine having to face a really irritated toddler over these things for as long as you have! I have developed a WHOLE NEW level of respect, babe!) We did go see the Dr, though, and got a round of steroids for each to help with the swelling and inflamation, and hopefully we'll be fever free soon!
Other than that, we're all hanging out, and gearing up for some Turkey Time! I love Thanksgiving, mostly because I love any really good excuse to make, and then eat, tons of food! I don't know about you all, but I love dessert! Not to mention the chance to hang out with friends and family and watch a bunch of football! We bust out a good chili cheese dip and chips, and usually some pumpkin pie and maybe a little cheesecake, and park in front of the tv! Fabulous stuff!
Anyway, I know your computer access is pretty limited, so really, for now, no news means no hospital, which is good! I hope that Colette is feeling good, and that you guys are gearing up for a great holiday weekend! Then, you can settle in for stem cell, which is going to go amazingly well, I feel it!
As always, you guys are in my prayers. I hope that the rest of you are well, also! All our love, and happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, November 21, 2005 3:30 PM CST
Congratulations on your new neighbors. I'm sure they are wonderful people.


I'm glad to hear Colette's counts are getting better. I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving week.

Uncle Chicken <PrayingForColette@WalkerPlace.org>
ATL, GA USA - Monday, November 21, 2005 7:39 AM CST
Big hugs and kisses! Go Colts!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, November 20, 2005 4:45 PM CST



CHANCELLOR, SD USA - Sunday, November 20, 2005 9:14 AM CST
It's just awesome that there are these apartments available for you to use while Colette goes through the long-term treatment. To be able to band together with other families who are facing similar struggles, and provide witness and support, and receive it when you need it, is truly a blessing. I'm glad you get to go "home" today, and woke with a song in your heart! The Holy Spirit is powerful in you- we pray that it brings you strength! All our love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, November 18, 2005 3:08 PM CST
Sound like ya'll are going to have all the alone time with Colette that you need. I can't wait for this to all be over. Well hold on to your chairs this weekend. It will be a good one for AU - AL. Ya know I have to say it "WAR EAGLE" I know ya love me anyway. Good Luck!!!!! Glad to know you have a nice apt.

kathryn garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Friday, November 18, 2005 11:36 AM CST
My pleasure. I hope you all enjoy it.
Uncle Chicken <PrayingForColette@WalkerPlace.org>
ATL, GA USA - Friday, November 18, 2005 7:51 AM CST
I hear you on that really cold thing! We had the same front come through Tuesday that you all had, we had several funnel clouds sited, but thankfully no touchdowns, but it was a lovely 65 then. It was 18 this morning when I took the kids in to daycare! ACK! I miss August!
I'm glad to hear that counts are in fact on a steady increase. It's a bummer that you all are still up at the hospital, but at least things seem to be pretty positive all around, and soon she can drive Bryant crazy! (And give you a bit of a break!)
We're praying for you all, as always, and are glad you have the opportunity to enjoy one another for Thanksgiving. Our prayer next will be "release" prior to Christmas!
Your faith and strength inspire me, and I thank God each day that he has brought you into my life. Continue on, knowing that an army of prayer warriors stands behind you!
All our love,

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, November 17, 2005 6:52 PM CST
I remember that kidney test very well. WE did it the day before we were admitted to the stem cell unit. Taylor slept on 2 chairs pushed together in the waiting room during the 2 hour wait. I remember being told that it would all go in the port, but then got a surprise IV when we got there, but all was well.....Talking about the cross walks, wait until you start radiation. After the intial visit which she will be sedated for they walk you a million miles through crosswalks to the recovery room and then a million miles again in another direction to be watched some more. HOwever, when it was time to go they just turned us loose and we just looked around. Who knew which way to start trudging to get back to where we started:) I know you will take advantage of your last week of freedom. I wont say that stem cell was easy, in fact it straight up sucked! It is so different up there than on 4 tower. Just remember it will be over soon!!! I will say that the months afterwards that I was dreading went much faster than ever expected and here we are at 2 1/2 years out. Praise be to GOD!!! I do recommend the antibodies in NYC. They have to be started so many days after stem cell or they will not take you, so be thinking about it. I will be more than happy to answer any questions I can about our journey to NYC for that TX.
In Christ,
Kim Watts

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
MCCALLA, AL - Wednesday, November 16, 2005 10:01 PM CST
Hate that you all had to head back in, but at least it sounds like a pretty easy deal, and hopefully you'll enjoy the next week or so with out that nasty f***r! Thinking about you guys often! Sending lots of love your way, and prayers up for you! Smiles and hugs!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:20 PM CST
Sounds like a fun weekend! Glad everyone got to enjoy some time before having to head out. And YAY NO FEVER!! Tell Colette she's our brave "bid durl" and we love her very much! In our prayers!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 6:15 PM CST
Just checking in with everyone. Hoping all is well. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Tammy, you know that she is going to want to be a Trail Maid now. As much she should. I will continue to check on your progress. Much love to you guys. Hugs all around and we will pray for good reports and no fever.
Manda & Joe <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:10 AM CST
Hey guys, hope you are enjoying a WONDERFUL Saturday together! We're thinking about you! Praying that the fever stays away, and you don't have to rush back up to B'ham to soon! Glad Tommy is feeling a little better, and sending out prayers for DJ's family. He's home, and cured. We are praying for you constantly, and for those you've met and grown to love. We can't always pray for each by name, but we're blessed to have a God who knows!

Mawmaw, I'm glad you had some time in what is truly God's country! My old youth group always spent a weekend every November in retreat in a big red barn in Gatlinburg. The air was always cold and crisp, especially early in the morning, and there were peacocks that roamed the grounds. It was beautiful to see the sunrise glistening on the frost, and the peacocks showing their colors. I know exactly what you mean about the clean, sharp air! It's restoring to the spirit!
Our prayers are with you all as you prepare for your next steps. We all have much to be thankful for as we enter the holiday season, and we send the Glory to our God for all He has provided! We are thankful that you will get to be together for Thanksgiving, and we will be thankful when you are out of the hospital for Christmas! And today, we are thankful for today, for being together as a family, and enjoying one another! Love to you all!

Megan Home Page <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, November 12, 2005 5:14 PM CST
Hello there, I am glad to hear your doing so good sweetie. Morgan is here at Riley for transplant now, she is on her 3rd day of chemo, doing wonderful.She will get her cells back on the 17th is the plan. Praying everthing will continue to go great. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep your head up!!!!!! Lots of Love from Indiana.
Brooke Deckard-Miss Morgans mommy <rentalman8@yahoo.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Saturday, November 12, 2005 12:23 AM CST
This will be my second effort to sign this site. I hope it works this time.

The past month has been wonderful, difficult and busy.

We had the the most beautiful wedding with a "radiant" bride and a handsome "peacock' groom and my two "little darlin's" as flowergirls. You saw the pictures:) And if you missed that wedding you missed a real blessing. I was blessed to be apart of such love between so many people there. Amanda's brothers made me proud to be apart of this wonderful family and Momma was beautiful, too.

Thank You to all of you who participated in Colette's birthday party, it was a "fairytale party" and it made he day. Just look at the pictures. A "special THANK YOU" to Aunt Trisha for hooking us up with all the extras we would not have been able to afford.

Thank You as you all held Miss Colette up to God and He held the surgeons hands as He did His MIRIACLE! As Colette sings all the time "Thank YOU, Thank You Jesus, Thank You, Thank You", Thank You Miss PattiCake for helping us always to hear Colette sing her Thank You's to Jesus and all her praises through your music. It encourages us and always reminds us to keep faith like a little child:) I believe it was harder on all of us than on her as you saw from the pictures from the fair six days after surgery.

The break after the surgery was a much needed rest from all the travels to and from B'ham and the hospitals.PawPaw took me to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for another view of God's magnificent art of the autumn colors in the mountains. The air on top of the mountain is purified by all the trees and it is crisp, cool and so refreshing that you can't help but breathe in deeply. And people had campsite fires burning and the smell was so warming and comfortable. You just wanted to find a sunny spot and a blanket and take a rest. We even got to see a brushing of snow on top of the mountain at the North Carolina state line. That was a surprise and an extra treat.

But, to be perfectly honest nothing could compare to the little face I saw at the hospital. She said, "PawPaw, MawMaw you found me!!"

Without all of you this ordeal would have been full of fear. But, your prayers of encouragment and hourly check in on us has kept our faith strong, like that of a little child. She still tells me that Jesus is making her all well.

We love all of you and ask regularly for God's blessing on your lives as you selfishly pray for us. Jesus Loves You and so do we:) mawmawpenny

penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Saturday, November 12, 2005 10:21 AM CST
Hey guys. Just wnted to let you know I was checking up on you. I am glad to hear she is doing so good. I know the guys were glad to see you. Enjoy your time together and we will be praying for you. Oh BTW, just wanted to make sure you guys knew, theodore is in the 2nd round of playoffs tonigh at home. We are playing Prattville (#1 inthe state). Hopefully our boys can pull something out. Go BOBCATS! And an early one for tomorrow, ROLL TIDE! I want 2 tiger rugs! lol Love ya,
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Friday, November 11, 2005 3:07 PM CST
Morgan's Article

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, November 11, 2005 11:17 AM CST
Hey gang! Glad you're home, and hope it lasts! NO FEVER!! Glad to also hear that you've got your schedule lined out. Morgan started her 4 days of chemo yesterday, she's scheduled for her transplant on the 18th, I believe. Our local paper did a great article on her yesterday, I will see if I can get it posted to my website and I'll update here. I am very excited that you all are going to spend Thanksgiving together, even if it is in B'ham vs. at "home" the important part is that it's with each other. And we'll all be praying for out for Christmas!! We love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, November 11, 2005 10:46 AM CST
Yeah! Great news....I saw you called while I was at school tonight and had to check the website before I went to bed. I will call you all tomorrow!
Just letting you know we were thinking about yall.
Good night! Sleep good at home!

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL USA - Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:50 PM CST
Hey Kiddo! I am glad to see you are doing good! We had a blast at "our" birthday party! Thanks for blowing the candles so good! Hope you all are making out okay in B'Ham. We will see you when your back in Mobile. Mary Madison says hi and she loves you.
You are all in our prayers
Uncle Tony, Aunt Kathryn, Mary Mad, and Gillian

Tony G., Kathryn, Mary Madison, and Gillian <janthonygarner@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:39 PM CST
You look so beautiful, Colette, I have been looking at all your pictures..Birthday, Halloween, Miss Patty Cake, The Fair, And the Teddy Bear Ride!! I look foward to you holding me real soon! I'm happy you have made such nice memories....EVERYBODY LOVES YOU !
Thank you to all who are holding Colette and her dear family in their prayers. You and your families are also being lifted in prayer by US.
I'll be so Happy when ya'll are all together again. I know Jason and Bryant are MISSING their Girls. God Bless You,
Love Ya'll, Nanie/Ms Blair

Blair J Pate <bpate@laurel-crest.com>
Lexington, AL USA - Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:55 AM CST
I love the new pictures! I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. You guys know the drill, just getting used to married life. I have been missing you guys. Everyone I show my wedding pictures to love the pictures of Colette and Hannah. Stay healthy and happy and we will pray for an easy week. Much love,
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, November 9, 2005 5:04 PM CST
Welcome to the neighborhood, Colette and family! As I said earlier today, we are SO happy to have you here at Eagle Ridge for a while! It was such a pleasure to meet you, and Cindy and I have just fallen in love with Colette! She is so special and so precious. We will be praying hard and heavy for her recovery. If there is anything at all we can do to make your stay with us easier, please don't hesitate to ask! We're here to help. Can't wait to see Colette's smiling face in the leasing office again!
Janice @ Eagle Ridge Apartments <jjtombrello@yahoo.com>
Birmingham, AL USA - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 1:49 PM CST
Colette, You are in our prayers at FBTC. We are praying that God's grace will be on you in all you do.
Gregory T. Pouncey <brogreg@fbtc.org>
Mobile, AL USA - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 1:48 PM CST
Great news! That will be much better than staying in a little hospital room.
Y'all be safe. Roll Tide this weekend!!!!
Let Princess know Colie, Aunt Brandy and Uncle Todd love her and have been looking at her pictures on the website.

Eveyrone please keep Uncle Chad, Aunt Jenn, Christian and Neah in your prayers as they begin a new life soon in South Carolina. Particularly pray for Little Christian as such a life change will be difficult on any one - even a 7 year old.

We love you guys and will pray for NO FEVER!

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, al usa - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 8:18 AM CST

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