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Saturday, March 29, 2008 6:17 PM CDT

The link to the photo album of Colette is http://walkerplace.org/Colette

Check out the new caringbridge site to see the links page - we can put ALL KINDS of links on there!!



Thursday, March 27, 2008 4:17 PM CDT

OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Colette now has a new style caringbridge page: www.caringbridge.org/visit/colette

Please bookmark the new site name and feel free to leave a comment on the NEW guestbook!


Monday, March 24, 2008 4:17 PM CDT

So here are the looong awaited pics from our past few weeks:

Easter Sunday:
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Aw, they aren't fighting...they're so sweet!

Egg Hunts:
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Bucket O'Eggs

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She is always posing!

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Guess who found the Golden Egg?!

Let the Egg Hunt Eggstravaganza continue...
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All the gang at Colin & Michelle's house

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Yes, her special dress is on the ground...(with her playclothes underneath)

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Colette & Colin

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Dress by Mawmaw

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I think there were like 100 eggs in the backyard!

Monday, March 17, 2008 8:28 AM CDT

UPDATE: Check out chemomoms.blogspot.com about a book sale/fundraiser hosted by one of my sweet friends!! The link to the online "eShow" is at the ChemoMoms blog!



What a busy week! Sorry for the lack of updates, but we have been go-go-going!

I will update more later today...

Pictures from Bryant's party, Colette skating, "Easter egging" (egg hunt at church), Bryant & Colette both singing at church...just a bunch of stuff!

Check back either tonight or tomorrow morning!

With HOPE,

Thursday, March 6, 2008 12:27 PM CST

**** Another UPDATE on our friend Tom****
I just received an email that they have determined that Mr. Tom has 2 masses pressing on his kidneys, and they think it is a recurrence. They can't biopsy them until he is off the vent. I am sure they are completely devastated, and to make things worse, today is his daughter's 30th birthday. Instead of celebrating like she planned, she is struggling with this news. Please visit http://www.ourfriendtom.com for more information and also you can send an email message to them by clicking on the link or you can sign their guestbook to let them know you are praying for them. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

OH YEAH - SATURDAY IS BRYANT'S NUMBER 9 BIRTHDAY!!!! He is very excited!!! His party will be at Dreamland Skating Rink on March 15 between 11:30 and 1:30. He is excited because it is a private party and we can play Christian music and 80's music (his favorite!)


*****I just received an email requesting prayer for a very special person to us. Tom Russell is a wonderful loving man at our church and he was so concerned about Colette throughout our ordeal, and he was so sensitive to the Holy Spirit concerning us. He was diagnosed with cancer before Christmas and was flown to Houston for treatment and surgery. He has been very slow to recover because the surgery was so massive. He flew back to Houston yesterday to prepare for routine testing today, but last night was admitted through the ER due to a high fever and dehydration. He is now in ICU in Houston with a possible infection and kidney trouble. Please pray that his fever will subside, the cause of the fever or infection is determined and he is able to recover quickly from this setback. His website is http://ourfriendtom.com********

Not much to report here! That is good news!

I am getting ready to finish fund-raising for my trip to Halifax this summer. Our church choir & orchestra are flying to Canada in June to perform and hold music camps for children, along with possibly singing in the public schools. It is going to be a new experience for most of us who have never left the south! We are so blessed to have hundreds of churches to choose from, but there are only 2 Southern Baptist churches in Nova Scotia (I believe I quoted that right) - yep, they have a Canadian Southern Baptist Association!! tee hee!

I am also hoping to visit their children's hospital there as well. There will be a variety of activities we will be doing during the week, which should allow me some time to visit the oncology ward at their hospital. I plan to take some gift bags for the parents, sort of a scaled down version of what I do here. Just a little note of encouragement, compassion and an offer of friendship, via the Internet! That's how I know most of you! :D

I am still not sure if I will be able to do that, but I will definitely post here if I plan on it. I have to email their pastor and possibly email their hospital too. Pray that I will get to take some ChemoMoms to Canada!!!

Colette is still going strong. She is trying to read now. She has known her letters and colors, thanks to hours in a bed, but now she can recognize all letters (upper & lower) and can fingerspell too, so she is forever asking how to spell things so she can write them down, and what certain words are. She is tooo smart!

We have not taken the blood test, I really haven't found a "convenient" time - I don't look forward to it, in other words. It won't take but a moment, but it could make a big difference in our lives. Please pray with me that it will be a negative result.

We have a new friend in the hospital here in Mobile, in fact, her mommy is my sister's very close friend from high school. She is in the hospital today with a line infection and will have to stay inpatient while they give her antibiotics. You can stop and say hello at : www.caringbridge.org/visit/emmasmith She has pre-B ALL and was diagnosed in January. She has only received 600 visits to her site but her mom does a great job of updating regularly. Bookmark her!

With HOPE,

Monday, February 25, 2008 9:54 AM CST

Hello - we are still just being normal, busy and happy. If we could just get the "crud" to leave us all alone...it would be so nice!

We are looking forward to the weather warming and the spring flowers coming up, playing outside and all that.

I took Colette to meet a new friend this weekend. You might have seen Jensen's website (www.caringbridge.org/visit/jensenbyrd) here before. He is a 2 yr old neuroblastoma patient here locally. Well he has a sister who is 5 years old named Jayden. She has to come stay at the hospital with her mom so they can be together, but you know how much "fun" that is! ha! So Jayden, her mom and some of their friends met us to eat lunch on Saturday. I must say, the 2 5-yr olds hit it off great! They played and sat at their own little table and just giggled and hugged and it was so sweet! Colette took a photo book of just a few pictures at different times, some with no hair, some with tubes, even one with her catheter in her leg from stem cell pheresis. Jayden kept looking at the book, browsing through the pictures. I don't know what she was thinking, but she was really interested! I am so glad they got along so well and we are going to plan to get them together again soon!

After lunch, Colette and I hit the mall, looking for next month's Webkinz Pet of the Month - let me tell you, I am addicted to playing on that site!! Bryant's birthday is coming up (March 8) and he will be 9, but he and Colette LOVE their Webkinz! I like it because it is a good motivational tool (get your clothes on, then you can play on webkinz) and it is educational too! It is easy, but it can get hard, I know, I tried it! :D

As we walked through Belk's we heard the Libby Lu dancers out in the aisle. Colette wanted to see, but she was afraid of being called out. I used to take her to the Galleria in Bham to the Libby Lu there, but she was bald and couldn't do much with the makeovers! Plus it was just plain noisy and she was timid back then. So we eased around the party and looked around. Let me just say that I will never go in there again without at LEAST $25!!! I thought, I have about $5 (since we have been doing Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace for about 3 1/2 months, we have done GREAT on getting our bills caught up and paid on time, but there isn't anything left over usually since I don't work), but anyway, I think, oh I can get her a fingernail polish or something, just a little goodie. HA HA HA - JOKE'S ON MOM - there is NOTHING in that store under $10!!! Even the nail polish comes in a pack of about 4 for $14!!! So then Colette is asking me, "Why are those girls trying on the dresses? I want to do it too", but I am telling her, "you already have dresses just like this AND MORE at home and you don't wear them all", but because the sound system is JACKED UP TO THE MOON, my hearing-impaired child can't understand me, so she asks again and LOUDER, "But mom, why can't I get one of those dresses? Why can't I get some makeup on me? My hair is long, I can get it fixed!" Can you picture my heart, turning inside out and upside down and tearing into little teensy bits??? I am tearing up just writing this!! I tried to pull her out of the store and talking to her in a normal voice instead of shouting to be heard, but she was so upset that I was making her leave...it was miserable. I told her I only had a certain amount of money and I could get her one thing, but she had to pick between the headbands or some jewelry (which I could make at home, but hey, it was only $6.50, so that was the other option). She was fine with that and she picked out a couple of cute headbands (because she has a headband collection at home) and I felt like a good mom, sorta.

Later that afternoon, I thought, "I can't believe I paid $12 for 3 headbands! I could have bought 5 for $5 at Walmart or somewhere else! I am such a sucker!" :(

Oh well, I learned a big lesson. That day I got jealous of all those moms who were plopping down the platinum Discover for their little prissy pants kids who were probably never sick a day in their life and don't even know a sick child. I wanted to scream at them, "WHY ARE YOU RAISING MONEY FOR ST. JUDE'S WHEN YOU HAVE A CANCER KID RIGHT HERE???!!!" (by the way, they are doing a fundraising thing for cancer kids and they do have pictures of cancer kids in the store, YAY for Libby Lu to do that, I am TOTALLY thankful for companies who use their abilities to help our kids!) ok, back to the lesson... Then I realized they DON'T know a sick child (and thankfully, Colette no longer looks sick or different), and they might not ever have the PLEASURE of knowing a special kid who has defied the odds. I felt sorry for them because they wander through life without needing comfort from others and from the Lord Jesus Christ. They probably do need it, but they don't even know it. They are busy with their everyday things and then they realize their kids are grown and gone, and they are still paying the bills, glitter and glam are all washed away. So I am thankful that we were taken away from that life, and were forced to live one day at a time. We were (and sometimes still are) desperate for help from the Lord, love from our friends, and kindness of strangers. We know what it's like to receive and be able to return kindness by giving. I hope my children learn by experiencing kindness from others and for others, regardless of the struggles in life. And that in the end, they realize all that glitters is not gold or silver or rhinestone encrusted, it is temporary, but sacrifices parents make for them to be happy for that short time become the gift, not the trinket. Time, love, respect and honor - those gifts are going to last.

That's not to say that I won't be making a "Libby Lu" envelope in the near future so I can do something special like that for my baby!! (let me know if you know what an "envelope" is...haha) Oh yeah, if you see a cute little girl sporting a pink glittery headband with her red school uniform, that's my baby girl! =D

With HOPE,

Tuesday, February 19, 2008 5:07 PM CST

Sorry for the lack of updates. Thankfully we have been just busy, normal busy!

I posted that Colette's CT scan was good and her kidney and liver function was okay from our visit to Birmingham on Feb 7. There was still the one test, her urinalysis, that looks for any tumor cells that are clearing out through her kidneys. Well I finally got the call today from her doctor, let me tell you, I really was nervous when I saw who it was. But Dr. Whelan said her levels were normal, therefore, she is still officially cancer free!!!

The next part of the call, I wasn't expecting, though. Dr. Whelan said they received a letter from USA Children's & Women's saying that one of the blood transfusions Colette received in 2005 came from someone who had Hepatitis C in 1992. Apparently the Red Cross has been fined for not complying with some donor regulations, and as a result, people who should NOT have been allowed to donate were. I saw this in the news recently and when I saw the dates they were concerned about, I knew Colette had received all the blood/platelets during the time frame. This is a risk we all take when our kids have to have blood. But the benefit nearly always outweighs the risks. Usually.

Colette's doctor recommended we go ahead and get her tested for Hepatitis C, that is something we can do here locally. After I looked it up, I saw that it is a disease that can take decades to discover. It doesn't have any symptoms that you would notice. If her blood tests are negative, then she won't be at risk. Otherwise, "we will have to cross that bridge when we get there".

Pray that Colette is finished with all this medical horror and that this is just a routine type hurdle, and we will be able to know for sure that she won't deal with Hepatitis.

When I hear from her pediatrician about the test, I will update more.

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On a good note, Colette got her first haircut this weekend. It has been so tangled and she hates having the tangles brushed, but she LOVES her long hair. I took some pictures before we went, just in case, but you wouldn't know it happened unless I told you. The lady I took her to knows about our "story" and she was very gentle and careful not to cut too much. I was very thankful.
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Awesome Daddy put up a rope swing in the backyard!

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I love this hair!!!

Tonight is the Father-Daughter Banquet at church. Ever since we knew we were having a girl, I have looked forward to when she was old enough for this. Then when we were sidetracked by cancer, I was always sad that she wouldn't be able to do this. And look what a miracle we have! She finds out she is completely cancer free (still) on the day of her date with her daddy. I took pictures so you could enjoy!

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Riding in Daddy's convertible - she wanted the top down, but we told her it would mess up her hair!!!


Thursday, February 7, 2008 5:37 PM CST

We just got back from Bham...we are EXHAUSTED but HAPPY!!!

Colette's CT scan was perfectly normal, her blood counts were also normal. Her IV was the best one EVER. She didn't even feel it! Her liver function and kidney function are completely normal. We won't know the results about her urine (tumor markers) until the middle of next week. That is really the only test that would show specific cancer stuff. But the new doctor was really nice and I did remember her from one stay back in 2005. She said we will come back May 9th for an xray and bloodwork, then we will come back in August for Colette's 2 year off treatment evaluation. That is when she is eligible to attend the Late Effects Clinic at the hospital. That means they will start observing her for side effects from her previous treatments that usually don't occur for a couple of years or more. This is a new area for childhood cancer, since research is improving the treatments, the kids are actually surviving long enough to need longer more specialized attention. I will be so excited to reach that milestone!!!

Sorry I couldn't update sooner, but while we were there, we had to make the rounds. We of course saw Mr. Paul, and he was amazed at Colette, then Dr. Sande was there and she couldn't believe how good she looked, then we went to 4 Tower and saw Mrs. Angela (who has a little baby in her belly), and then we finished off the visit with a trip to see the lady who passes out the parking receipts. Colette always just helps herself to go around to the lady's desk and hand her the parking card. Miss Independent! And the lady is always nice to Colette too!

We are wiped out and I need to get dinner started so we can head to bed early. I will be glad when the kids are gone to school tomorrow!!!

With HOPE,

Wednesday, February 6, 2008 2:42 PM CST

Back from visiting with Aunt Sherry & family...The drive wasn't too bad, but I sure miss those DVD players we used to have!!

We are back home today, getting the house back in a decent shape since we have been gone and with the kids out of school for Mardi Gras, I can't get my usual stuff done! Jason is still out of town since Monday, and he will head home this evening. Me and the kids will be at church, then try to get in bed early, since we leave for Bham at 3:30 am. It shouldn't be too bad, since Jason and I both can drive some, and I think Mawmaw is going too. Colette has to have her IV placed at 7:30 ish and then they will do labs at that time. We will head upstairs to drink CT contrast, and then they will do the CT scan. That is usually fine, except when they inject the contrast in the IV, it burns, but I figured out a long time ago, if they put a warm blanket around her arm, it dissipates the burning sensation since her whole arm is warm. It's amazing what you have to do when these things are routine.

Then we will head back down to Clinic 8 and wait to see Dr. Whelan and find out her counts and the CT results. During that time we will also give a urine sample that will be mailed off for processing. Hopefully this will all be done and we can be on the road around lunchtime.

I feel much better since I had Colette around Hannah (my niece) because they have the same fair complexion and that has been something that has been bothering me! We also started using a fluorescent light fixture in the kitchen around Christmas, so everybody looks a little weird...:D

Anyway, I will try to get updated on here as soon as possible tomorrow. If I can't do it, I will call Aunt Sherry to update for me.

With Love & Hope

Saturday, February 2, 2008 3:08 PM CST

All's well here in Mobile. The kids are out of school for Mardi Gras and lots of our friends have taken trips out of town, so we are just staying home and relaxing.

We did get to make it downtown to Mardi Gras last night, since there were 2 parades back to back. Colette had the best time sitting on Daddy's shoulders, yelling at the folks and catching stuff. I think she's gonna be as good at it as her momma (lol). We figured we would get it out of the way with one visit and that's enough. I can't believe I used to go to every parade when I was in college! Nuts!

I decided to go visit Aunt Sherry (and Uncle Craig, Matt, Josh & Hannah) on Monday. Since they moved 2 1/2 hours away, we haven't been able to see them at all. Plus my little buddy was so sick, so I want to go love on him! None of the kids know yet, but I bet they are all going to be so excited! Mawmaw & Papa are taking us since Jason has to work, but it will be a nice little visit.

Then Thursday morning, bright and early, we are driving up for Colette's visit to Bham. They are going to do bloodwork, a CT scan and urine tests. Hopefully and prayerfully we will be headed back home right after lunchtime.

I am actually doing pretty well now. I started having "quiet time", reading my Bible and praying out loud every day. I didn't realize I could pray for so long! I guess the more you pray, the more you think of that needs to be brought before the Lord. I enjoyed the day I read from the Sermon on the Mount, I have always used Matt 6:25-34 as a source of strength, but then I read earlier in the chapter about doing things in secret and not bragging on what you do, because the Lord wants to see what you do for Him without recognition. He says He will bless you for doing things without making a show of it. That really excited me because sometimes I feel like no one realizes the time and effort it takes me to do some things, but knowing that the Lord sees me and knows my heart as I do them, He is going to bless me for it all. In fact, I feel like He already DOES bless me!

Thanks for all your prayers and concerns about us. I did spend one night praying out loud so the enemy could hear me and asked Jesus to rebuke him and put him away from me and Colette, and out of my mind. Since that night, I have really felt so much calmer and less worried about the future. I bet some others of you reading this think I have gone off the deep end. Well, guess what? Until you are in a situation like mine (and many other parents) you have no idea what comfort you can attain from the Holy Spirit. What makes me embarrassed is not what people think about me and my "wacky" talk, but rather, that sometimes it takes a friend to remind me of "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Phil 4:8 I am thankful for my sweet Christian friends and family!!!


Wednesday, January 23, 2008 2:51 PM CST

So sorry for the lack of updates...

My heart has been under attack from the ENEMY who is trying to control me with his fear tactics.

Colette is doing fine, but I am very anxious about the fact that she is due for scans and I DID make the appointment today - she will go to Bham for her CT scan and to see her new dr on Feb 7. Tomorrow is too soon and next week she has a school field trip on Thursday, I don't want to make her miss it. It is her first one.

If you visit many caringbridge sites, you know that nearly ALL our NB friends have relapsed, so I am pretty nervous since this monster can hide and wait, without any side effects visible to the naked eye. It is difficult not to "project" other kids' situations onto my child and it makes me lose control of my mind sometimes.

Also on my heart has been Stash Phillips - he had been on hospice since October and just passed away last week. It is so hard because I just saw him right after Christmas and even though he was sick, he was still smiling and trying his hardest to be happy. It is so unreal when they are here one minute and gone the next. I wasn't able to attend his funeral yesterday, but I hope to reach his mom in the next week or so to encourage her.

Now my sweet boyfriend Matthew (my nephew) is in the ICU 2 and a half hours away with his poor asthma problems. Now they say he has 2 deflated spots on his lungs and his O2 is up to 10 liters and his sats are only in the low 90s. He is on solumedrol (STEROIDS) so all you cancer moms know how that is - give me that, I will kick you, I'm hungry....and it goes on and on!!! Plus he is wearing a mask, not a canula, so he really can't eat without taking the mask off, then the O2 sensors go off, I can only imagine! PLUS, they took ABGs from his little wrists 3 times yesterday!!! That has to be one of the WORST tests to perform on a child! I am so sorry for that little sweetheart!!! Plus I can't help out because I have prior obligations here. Not at least until Saturday morning.

Finally, about 1 hr ago I received a message that my cousin's (in Arkansas) daughter (I think she is 8) was kicked in the head by her horse today and has a fractured skull. They have life-flighted her to Little Rock for treatment. She didn't lose consciousness, but she isn't making any sense. I just pray that this is something that can be recovered from fairly quickly with few side effects.

You can see how I am feeling overwhelmed with dark emotions and I am really using my girlfriends and my time spent at church to remind me where my hope is - not in people but in CHRIST and that He can and will crush the enemy when I call on him. Pray for me and that I will take my thoughts captive and that Satan will get AWAY from me!!!


Friday, January 18, 2008 11:41 AM CST

Hello all.

Colette is doing fine - happy to be out of school until Tuesday.

Please visit our friend ^Stash^'s caringbridge - he finally earned his angel wings this morning. Pray for Amanda, Clint and Jordan as they learn to live without their Superman.


With HOPE,

Saturday, January 5, 2008 5:09 PM CST

Well here we go, another year! I hope everybody had a great Christmas and fun New Year's celebrations.

Everyone is doing fine, it seemed like we were making up for lost time! There was so much to do in December, but now it feels like we just got a new fresh start and we can clear all that clutter away.

Tonight we are taking down the tree and stuff, Jason likes to keep it up until "Little Christmas" which is tomorrow. I am just going to upload some photos of today's skating party for my cousin's little boy. Bryant had fun with his Heely's, and Colette skated nearly the WHOLE 2 hours.

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I don't know where she gets the tongue thing...
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Watch out ladies, Tom Cruise in training!
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007 10:21 AM CST

Our friend here in Mobile, STASH, (www.caringbridge.org/visit/stashphillips) is at the hospital with headaches so bad that are making him throw up. Hopefully they can find some kind of pain med to help him feel better. Pray that his pain is under control and he can go back home. He is on hospice, but he is such a fighter and I hope he can feel better.

Thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 10:21 AM

Before I get the update done, please check out our new little neuroblastoma friend, Jensen. He has just begun his journey, and I have been able to meet him and his mom at the hospital here. Pray for them as they are enduring some excruciating times here at the holidays.
Please leave them some encouragement and add him to your daily caringbridge checklist (you know you have one! lol)

We can finally sit down and take a break! Our Christmas was wonderful and wonderfully busy at the same time!

The kids had a great Christmas, Sherry & Family came from Florida to spend yesterday evening with us and we all just played and played!

The highlights are:

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Colette asked Santa for a THRONE, and she got it! She also got a "Mommy Make Me Better", cause who else would know more about fevers, right? haha

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Bryant got GUITAR HERO III for PS2, that is what I spent most of yesterday on! Jason and I have been battling and I have been winning! tee hee! I think playing the piano gives me an advantage, just having hand/eye coordination like that. He also got an MP3 player that he wore nearly the WHOLE DAY! haha

Last night Colette and Hannah both got makeup, therefore, they spent the evening looking like this...
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When it was time for presents from Mawmaw & Papa, this is what my living room looked like!
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We had a great holiday and it was just the right size. We also went to see National Treasure 2 on Saturday, and that was a great movie! Tomorrow night I think we are going to the Camp Rap-A-Hope Christmas party at Bellingrath. I think Stash and his family are going too. We will have pictures of that then!


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 10:41 AM CST

Sorry for the delay in posting!

It has been so busy!

I will have to update everyone on the film crew that came on Friday. But I need to finish up some stuff around the house.

Please go to CHEMOMOMS.BLOGSPOT.COM to see what I am doing right now... that will explain a lot!!!

I will try to get some new pics up too, Mawmaw has them at her house.


Thursday, December 13, 2007 7:45 AM CST

Here is the link to the video from the news last night:

You will have to click on the link on the left that says, "Saved By The Gift Of Life"

Something else exciting is happening tomorrow:

Read this email:
While Colette was being treated in Birmingham, her family stayed in one of our company's Open Arms Homes. Open Arms is a 501(c) 3 charitable foundation primarily funded by Mid-America apartment Communities. We have 37 Open Arms Homes with our geographic footprint of apartment communities throughout the southeast and Texas. Please check out our website at www.maac.net. Open Arms has been in existence since 1994 providing 2 bedroom fully furnished apartment homes for families who are away from their normal residence receiving medical treatment.

Our Open Arms program has received two national awards and in early 2007, we were presented with the National Multihousing Council's Good Neighbor Award. We earmarked the proceeds of this award to make a video about Open Arms and this is where you come in, hopefully. We plan to introduce this video at our Annual Leadership Conference in Memphis in February. We will have over 200 of our community leaders and management folks in attendance. We plan to use the video at our various fundraising events that our property associates plan. We would also like to use the video at our New Manager Orientation which is held every two months here in Memphis. Also, we plan to post the video our new Open Arms website we are creating. There may be other uses, but basically we are trying to raise awareness about our charity and how it helps families like Colette's.

Colette will be featured in our video. On Friday, December 14, we are flying our company King Air to Mobile from Memphis to film Colette at home, at her church and hopefully at your hospital. The medical facilities used by our Open Arms patients are an integral part of the program. We believe the hospital setting would be a great place to film and we would greatly appreciate your allowing us to film in your facility, preferably in the USS Hope. We would love to speak briefly with one or two of your medical associates who works with these children if someone is available but mainly we would like to have the hospital background for our filming. We have a two-man film crew and four or five Mid America associates from Memphis who volunteer for Open Arms along as well. Our filming should take a maximum of two hours and we will be as unobtrusive as possible.

So THAT is what we are doing all day tomorrow! We are going to meet at the hospital, film for a couple of hours, then they are going to take us to lunch (yay) and then film at our church and possibly the park/playground. They will give us a DVD when it is all put together!!!

We are so excited!!!


**** EXCITING NEWS!!! ****

I received a call today from our friend Evan at Red Cross, and he said they wanted to interview us again re: the upcoming WPMI Holiday Blood Drive on Friday! So then Darwin calls, the next thing you know, we are going to be in TV tonight at 5 pm!!! TIVO!!!

I am meeting him at Colette's school at 1:30 and they will interview me, then have Colette come in and be herself! haha!

YIPPEE - I hope they will air it again on Friday, so we can see it too!

Gotta go!
keep reading....
Tammy :)

Hey I need some help:

Someone ordered 60 snowflake necklaces for a special dinner at my church, but this morning they only gave out 41. :(

I was really counting on the rest of that money! I still owe on the pieces that I had to purchase to make them and that won't leave me with much profit now.

So I have 19 snowflake necklaces that I am selling for $7 a piece - they are 20 inches, silverplated fine curb chain, with a very pretty enameled snowflake with glitter.

If you are interested, please email me or leave a comment. This is the perfect time for Christmas, if you want to give some coworkers matching necklaces? PLUS, snowflakes are winter, not just Christmas, so they can wear it well into the new year!

If you are out of town, contact me and I will calculate the postage and only charge you what the post office will charge.

Pass it along!!


Friday, December 7, 2007 8:26 AM CST

Happy 2nd Re-Birthday to Miss Colette!!!

Today is her 2nd anniversary of her stem cell transplant. It is sort of spooky to think about where we were 2 years ago on this day. We were excited about the day, that we would get to smell creamed corn (haha), and that we were ready to finish the battle. We weren't aware that she was about to go downhill for a couple of weeks, bleeding, not talking, not eating, etc. She didn't even want to get out of bed until Santa came on Christmas Day.

Today I washed her LONG hair, dried it, put in her hearing aids, and sent her off to school. She bounced out of the van, and came back for a hug, I know she had no idea that today was so important for her. I did write her teacher a note, but they also have NO IDEA what was going on 2 years ago.

I guess that makes Colette at plus 730 days! Yay!

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Colette with her former Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Cathy

We videoed last Sunday night when the kids had their Christmas concert, but I can't get the sound to come on my computer, so I want to check it first, before I upload it. Of course, you know you could hear Colette, with her love of singing just shining out! And Mr. Bryant in his suit and cast! He gets into it and I just love watching both of them sing!
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Bryant getting into it!
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Bryant's choir (1-3rd grade) and 4-6 grade (he will be in that one next year!)
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Bryant and his cast

I totally forgot about the Christmas parade Colette & Jason were in last Saturday!
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She was so busy trying to get stuff to throw at us!
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Yes, Jason was Joseph, and yes, he is chewing on some hay - Welcome to the Redneck Christmas Parade!! haha

I won't be back to update probably until Monday. Our BIG HUGE Christmas production is Saturday and Sunday! I have 2 speaking parts and it is really hard to get up there when there is a spotlight in your eyeballs and you don't know if you are doing the right thing or not....oh well!! As long as I don't mess up my words, I am good!


Saturday, December 1, 2007 2:58 AM CST

I can't sleep - so here I am.

Colette and Jason are both in the Tillman's Corner Christmas Parade tomorrow. Colette's Sunday School class is riding in a nativity float, Jason is Joseph! LOL

So Bryant and I are going to hang out with friends and watch the parade, then wait the hour or so before it finishes, then pick up Jason & Colette.

I had my first jewelry party tonight, so I think that is why I am up. I keep thinking and rethinking things, I just need to let it go. Plus I am thinking about tomorrow, plus Colette & I are BOTH SICK. We have the creepy crud with the sinus and cough. Her cough is worse than mine, but my sinuses are worse than hers. I started an antibiotic today, so I should be better in the next day or so. I hope so! We have dress rehearsals for the Christmas program at church almost EVERY NIGHT next week. Bryant is in the drama part, so he has to be there too. It's going to be tough. Everybody always starts getting sick around this time every year. I don't know if it's the close proximity, the heaters, the weather, or the DEVIL! (ha!) Plus we get tired from all the standing and singing, I don't know how these guys like Chris Tomlin and Steven Curtis Chapman get up every night and sing and perform for 2 hours or so...it takes a different kind of person. My voice usually makes it through the whole program fine, but this year, the tenor part is REALLY tricky, lots of alto notes, which is FUN, but TIRING when you have to go over something repeatedly. I guess rest and lots of fluids are what we really need.

Something cool is happening: When Colette and I lived in Birmingham, it was only possible because of a program called "Open Arms". This apartment company in Memphis gets apartments in many cities near long-term treatment centers like UAB, Children's, or even St. Jude, and they reserve one or two apartments that are never rented, but are donated and furnished for people to live in up to a year. That is why we had a real address and all of our stuff was always safe and we didn't have to be apart for the holidays. Well, the lady at the corporate office contacted us and wants to fly a camera crew to our house(!) in 2 weeks to interview us for their in-house marketing video. They want us to explain how the program worked for us and what it meant to us! YAY! So I have to get this house decorated for Christmas ASAP! I know a lot of you already have, but I had the big Thanksgiving dinner at the hospital, then the next week I worked SOLELY on making jewelry for this party, now I am trying to get the loads of laundry caught up, but I have to be gone each night for rehearsals...whew. We will manage, though!

I think I am tired enough to go to bed now. This is a depressing time of year, especially when we are sick, and our friends are getting bad news, and I am nervous because Colette is coughing, but we are ALL getting the bug, so I just pray that her little body will heal up with this cold and we can feel good going into the Christmas stretch. I am also beating myself up because I haven't taken her in to see her oncologist, because we missed the trip back in Oct, and it is very scary that it has been so long. I sorta want to go and just have them say, ok, everything's fine, come back in 3 months, but then what if they say, well, there's bad news...I don't think I want to know that right here before Christmas... I don't REALLY think anything is wrong, but the DEVIL is trying to tear me down nearly every day! When I realize it's him, I can usually get him away from me through prayer and scripture and then I feel fine again.

Hopefully I will get some cute pictures tomorrow - I am not sure what Colette is going to be, probably just a nativity character. I hope she isn't an animal! HAHA


Tuesday, November 27, 2007 2:59 PM CST

Just stopping in to say I will update later...but we are all doing fine...just recovering from the crazy holiday!

Yes, Bryant broke his elbow and his radius (arm), and now has a cast on until Dec 17, hopefully they will take it off then and he will be returning 3 weeks later to make sure its ok.

Yes, the Thanksgiving dinner was AWESOME and we had about 11 families served, plus a bunch who brought plates back to their room. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO WORKED, COOKED, HELPED!!!

Kelly or Nana Sue, tell Tori that Colette picked out lavender ear molds with glitter in them. She is so proud of them!

I have a HUGE jewelry party this weekend that my sweet friends are hosting for me. I have to make a TON of stuff before then!! AAAHHH!!

Plus, Bryant has drama rehearsal tonight and Thurs night, he is a wise man attendant and he will have his cast on under his costume.

OK, more later....
Gotta get in the carpool line!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 12:22 AM CST

Thought you would enjoy a few pics of my little "turkey" running in her first "Turkey Trot" as a student. She went last year, but she wasn't in school then, so she ran with her brother. This year, she had her own class, her own shirt, everything!


When Colette was going through treatment here in Mobile, we were inpatient with a little boy named Ethan and his sister, Gabby, played with Bryant a lot during that summer. After Colette had her transplant, I saw Ethan and his mom in Children's in B'ham. Ethan had "died" on the table in Mobile and had been resuscitated, but at that time, they realized he had suffered severe brain damage. They moved, pregnant mom, dad, sister, and Ethan all to B'ham so they could get serious, frequent specialty care there. Ethan has been progressing by learning to try to walk again, and eat, all kinds of things we take for granted, but let's don't forget, he still has to fight CANCER on top of all those other "problems". Recently he had to go to the ER because one of his meds was too high and it caused him to choke on his vomit (aspirate) and had to go in the hospital to get that cleared up.

He is back in the hospital again, this time he has a SEVERE SEPTIC (BLOOD) INFECTION. He is in the PICU, which is the one place you NEVER want your child to go in. Every time Colette got a fever while on treatment, they would draw blood to see if there were bacteria in her blood. She did have it happen one time and had to have 10 days of IV antibiotics, along with having to have her port removed. It is a common, but not good situation with kids who have central lines and ports, since those tubes go straight into their bloodstream. The cultures usually take 24-48 hours to "grow" in the petri dishes in the lab, so you usually have to wait to see if it is a bacteria, and then they can pinpoint the type of antibiotic, or if it is nothing, then you just wait until her blood counts recover and the fever goes away.

Ethan's culture grew in 6 HOURS. Meaning it is very saturated with the bacteria. This type of stuff can get in your heart and grow bacteria in your heart, your lungs, anything that gets blood!

PLEASE PRAY FOR ETHAN. Please add him to your prayer list. He is a Mobile baby, but he is in the hospital in Birmingham. His 2 sisters are in Mobile with family for the holiday, also so mom and dad can focus on their buddy. The PICU is horrible to deal with because you can only see your baby for 1 hour at a time, every 4 or 5 hours or so. You can't check on their every breath, their every BP unless you do it by telephone! He has a caringbridge if you want to keep up with his status. The bacteria is interfering with his blood pressure, and he will probably need blood and platelets to help him fight this.

This is his caringbridge site:

Don't forget the underscore between super and ethan

The Thanksgiving dinner is going ahead full steam, even though I am at home today with a big sicky-poo. He has that head/sinus crud that has been going around, and he even missed the Turkey Trot. I did let him sit in the van and watch and talk to his friends as they ran by!

Thanks for reading and checking on us!

Monday, November 12, 2007 8:12 AM CST

We are still here, just busy being happy and busy!

I am hijacking Colette's page for a few days since she gets a good amount of visits and my ChemoMoms blog gets only about 5 a day, because I need help.

You might already know, but ChemoMoms is hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner ON THANKSGIVING DAY for the families who are stuck in the hospital on that day. Most of the patients will be allowed to go home or not come until the next day, but we know what it is like to be STUCK until the antibiotics are finished, or until the ANC is above 500, or until the cultures come back negative, or until the child actually drinks something... That is why I thought it would be a special way to touch the moms (and dads) to think of them on a notoriously important family day, since they can't be with their family.

On the ChemoMoms blog, I have a list of food items we need donated to make this dinner a success. Of course, I cannot afford to buy all the food for the 6 or so families. That is where I need your help. If you can get together with some friends and ask each one to provide one dish, like green beans or something, we could get this stuff donated quickly.

Also, if anyone has any connections at restaurants, like Morrison's or Honey Baked Ham, or even Golden Corral, and I can get them a letter from the hospital showing it is for that purpose, please help be my "clone" by asking for their donated items. It doesn't have to be much, but every little bit will add up quickly! Even Wal-Mart has been known to do this sort of stuff. Again, getting something on letterhead from the hospital is a snap.

Please please please go read chemomoms.blogspot.com to find more information on other things I need (like decorations & help serving on that day).

I can't do this without our strong base of supporters.

Monday, November 5, 2007 7:55 PM CST

ChemoMoms is COMPLETELY out of digital thermometers!!! Please ask anyone you work with if they would please donate a thermometer or just $5 to buy one at Walmart???? Now would be a GREAT time to ask your office to put a box in the breakroom to accept donations throughout the holiday season...email me if you want me to print something up for your office!


Is it only 8 o'clock?? I tell you what, this Daylight Savings Time messes me up!!! I wish we could leave it like it was, not getting dark until 8 or so, but alas, we have to come home in the dark now....

Colette is doing much better. She is still doing frequent breathing treatments, but she is not nearly as congested as she was, and no sinus yuckies now. And most importantly, no fever. I kept her home one more day today to let her rest and get those meds in on time so they will work.

Yesterday was a GREAT day at church! We were there from 8 am and except for the afternoon, we didn't leave until after 8 pm! The choir sang and we met the pastor from Canada (where we are going on our choir mission trip in June 08). He was such a sweet and loving person. He was only used to 30 or so people in church, so he said worshiping with hundreds of people at once was amazing to him. Not to mention we had over 1000 (Sunday School & worship service) at the 10:30 hour! That was wonderful! We sang again last night and it was so much fun! We have really come a long way as a choir in the past couple of years. I am so looking forward to the future! (that is very scary to say, you know)

My daughter has been dressed as a bride ALL DAY. When the mailman came, she was prancing around the yard with her bouquet of flowers, dress, veil, lace gloves - the works. I think the mailman got tickled looking at her like that. I just love thrift store costumes!

Tomorrow is calm and clean day for me - I am still working through the mountain of laundry, and I have started ironing the kids' school clothes - they look so much better...miserable mom, I am!

Just to let you know, mark your calendars for Nov 30 - I am having a jewelry party to raise my mission trip money. I will make sure you get an invitation if you will email me!

Thanks to those of you who have been visiting ChemoMoms blog. I just received 2 packages of basket goodies, plus a bunch of scrapbooking supplies to make the cards, the baskets, etc.


Friday, November 2, 2007 9:31 PM CDT

We are still alive! lol

Things have been so busy, it's hard to slow down and catch your breath! Since the birthday party, we jumped right into Halloween/Fall Festival, plus the REAL birthday-day. I helped out in our music department this week since the secretary was on vacation, and we had a choir member's husband die from cancer on Colette's birthday. :( It effected the whole church, since she was so active in our choir department, and has really leaned on the church to encourage and pray for them both. The wake was last night, and the service was today at our church. I was there today getting the tickets ready to give out on Sunday for our Christmas programs when I got a call from the school saying Colette had a 100.4 temp! I knew she was getting an ear infection and was giving her mucinex and a breathing treatment, so I had to stop what I was doing and pick her up from school. She wasn't feeling bad at all, just bopping around doing her normal stuff. I took her back to the church with me and wouldn't let her hug anybody, (which was hard for her), while I finished the tickets. It was practically impossible to keep her quiet during the funeral!!

I took her to the dr and they did a chest xray and said her ears looked ok, but she had some wheezing and crackles in her left lung, so she recommended we get her on an antibiotic to prevent developing pneumonia (!) so we did that. Plus she gets a breathing treatment there, so I had to call our neighbor to get Bryant from school. Then we came home and waited for Jason to get home. Then we went to eat with Aunt Brandy & Uncle Todd, since we haven't been able to do anything with them in forever. She was so silly and giggly at the restaurant, I could see the people around us looking . . . Oh well, sometimes you just have to listen to that silly 5-yr old giggle and smile!

On the way out of the restaurant, Colette's shoe just slipped on the tile and she fell on her backside, dropping her chicken and broccoli take-out. She was beside herself!! Finally Jason got her outside and I waited while the manager got her some more broccoli and french fries. I don't know what she was most upset about, falling in front of people or dropping her food!!! She has WORN me out emotionally all day. Now she and Bryant are watching her Barbie Peacock movie for the first time, so I hope we will all get some rest tonight.

I do have pics from Halloween, I will try to get them up tomorrow. Tomorrow night we are going with our Sunday School class to the corn maze and I bet that is going to be a blast! I am just praying that she doesn't have another fever (she hasn't had one since the one this morning) and the antibiotics will get in there and get to work. I also hope she gets some rest for her poor little body!


One of the most important days of the year: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 7:23 AM CDT

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Five years ago, I was at Providence Hospital, very excited and nervous about getting an epidural! But it was such a great experience and I was so ready to see Bryant as soon as Colette was here!
This is one of my favorite pics of that day - too bad I didn't get to see it in real life, but I can imagine!
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Of course, we had no idea what the next few years would bring, we expected lots of happy times and that is what happened. Then 2 years and 5 months ago we found out that we might not get all those hopes and dreams for our little princess.

Since her party, she has told us repeatedly that her favorite part of the whole day was when everyone sang happy birthday to her. That is the picture above with the cake. Someone else said they noticed how happy she was when it was going on. No one knew, however, that I nearly lost it at that same time! I had to fight back tears because I wasn't sure we would make it to 5 years old! And I looked around and there are nearly 50 people who love us so dearly and they were surrounding my baby with love. It was a very special moment to me that I really can't describe. I am sitting here crying like a baby as I type this! LOL

Okay, well it is time for happy time! Celebrating today, and not worrying about tomorrow. Colette is taking popsicles to her class today and she is wearing a crown to school. (it's like a headband) See? THREE things in that above sentence are here and we were never promised they would be! Colette is in school. Colette is wearing something in her HAIR. Colette is 5 today!


Monday, October 29, 2007 8:28 AM CDT

I can officially say I am TIRED! Yesterday's party reminded me why it's not such a bad idea to pay Blu Rabbit or Chuck E $200 to take care of all the work!! But I think it was a great success!

The whole day was captured by Uncle Mike the Photog, click here see it!

Thank you to EVERYONE who helped. I bet when you showed up for the party, you didn't know we were going to put you to work!! ha! I owe you all BIG TIME! It couldn't have gone better, but only because yall were here to help!!! THANKS A MILLION!!!

Tomorrow is the real birthday. She keeps telling her Daddy, I am not 5 yet, and he says, yes you are, you had your birthday, haha, but she is right! I am going to let her take Popsicles for the snack tomorrow at school, instead of cupcakes.

On a side note: you know I am raising money for my mission trip to Canada next year? Well the pastor from the church we are working with there will be in our services next Sunday, Nov 4. The choir is singing both 9 am and 10:30 am, and then again at 6:30 pm! We are singing a couple of songs that we will perform in Canada, and he is going to get a sample of us! Plus I think the songs Bro Wes picked out are special for the pastor as well.

SOOOO, if you don't have much going on next weekend, it would be AWESOME if you wanted to stop in and hear us sing! You will see me, I will be there ALL DAY I think! haha

If you would like directions to our church, just comment or email me. I know the Sunday night song is just going to knock you out cause it's so awesome!!!


Tuesday, October 23, 2007 8:13 AM CDT

Colette's address is

Colette Pate
7040 Lake Rd N
Mobile AL 36605

She is getting super excited about her birthday!

Here is a picture from the wedding 2 years ago at Aunt Manda's wedding on October 15:
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And here is a pic from Aunt Natalie's wedding 2 years, 5 days later!
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(sorry for the red eye)

We are still waiting on all of the pictures to come in, there were several digital cameras going, so we will be sure to put some more up ASAP!

The whole Pate family (as in Jason's brothers & sisters, the ones who fit in the beach house every summer and who actually fit in my house last Christmas!) ;^):
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007 8:13 AM CDT

We made it home!
Colette did NOT make it to her appointment in Birmingham on Friday - I am pretty weirded out because I had mentally prepared myself and expected to be past that milestone by today, but we just could NOT get everything together by Thursday night! We have such hectic weeknights, but that is going to calm down since Jason's Tuesday night softball games are over, Bryant is NOT singing in Mobile Singing Children this year, and Thursday night soccer practice is also over. Now we just have Boy Scouts on Tuesday nights and church on Wednesday nights! Yippee!!


Colette's "BARBIE ISLAND PRINCESS" birthday party is going to be held this SUNDAY, October 28 at OUR HOUSE at 1 pm. This means you can just bring some play clothes for the kids to church that morning, and come straight over to our house after church for a cookout and then birthday cake and ice cream!!!


Some people have asked what she likes, well, she is not hard to please. I mentioned that she LOVES to wear dresses, so any one-piece dress will make her very happy. Just not any skirt/shirt combos, she is so kooky. She wears at least a size 5, sometimes a smaller 6 fits good too. Something else that came up, Colette FINALLY has her own twin size bed. Bryant got a new bed from our cousin, so Colette got his. And let me tell you, she is super proud of her "own, nice comfy bed"! She has slept EVERY night in it, she told me last night, I couldn't stay in her bed to sleep, because I have my own bed! haha (praise the Lord)

I was at Wal-Mart and saw they have the Disney Princess sheets/comforters now. When we moved her bed in, we realized the only twin size sheets we have are Spongebob, Scooby and Batman. We found a dark blue one, so that is what is on her bed now! I will probably use any birthday money to buy that for her. I think the sheets are $17 and the comforter is closer to $30. You know, she already has the castle painted on her wall from when we moved in, and she has the Princess poster, and the lavender wall, so it is almost PERFECT. Poor thing, it took more than 2 years to get it to this point! :(

Oh yeah, report cards went home yesterday - it was a happy day in the Pate house! Colette got all S'es in everything they tested for (K4 is a little different), and Mr. Bryant got 3 A's, 2 B's and made HONOR ROLL!!! He got S'es for conduct!!! Can you believe it??? Yippee!!! That means I have only had to miss 2 quarters of Honor Roll assemblies in 4 years! Yay Bryant!!!

I will update more about the wedding when I get the pictures uploaded. Let me just say that Miss Pate likes to SHAKE HER BOOTY! She was tearing up the dance floor - very cute!


Friday, October 19, 2007 6:57 AM CDT

We are on the road!!!

We were scheduled to be in Bham at 9 am this morning, but there was no way we could get everything ready with such a hectic week. I will have to call and reschedule.

We are headed to South Carolina for Aunt Natalie's wedding. Colette has hair this time! If you didn't know, 2 years ago was Aunt Manda's wedding and poor baby was SLICK headed! This year she has enough hair to put UP in curls on the top of her head! Yep, I am going to try to put some curlers in tonight...tee-hee!

We will definitely have TONS of pics after this weekend!!


Monday, October 15, 2007 8:19 AM CDT

Wow - I didn't realize how long it had been since I updated. At least, it seems like it has been forever!!!

The Extraordinary Women's Conference was GREAT! There were several speakers, including "Blair" from "Facts of Life" - I can't tell you how many times I heard my friends sing that song...ugh! There was a woman was blind since age 15, and she walking around on that stage, talking, and that was awesome. Then there was the high note for me, that was Carol Kent. Her "perfect" son (he did everything great, was very talented, etc) who graduated from Annapolis, had a great job, fell in love with a girl with 2 children. His mom talked about how that wasn't in their "plan" for his life, but she prayed about it, and really fell in love with her and her children right after she met them. But it got worse because her son was so obsessed about the children's real father molesting them, plus they think his job had some physical hazards they didn't know about it, he shot and killed the girls' dad in a parking lot one night. Now he is in jail for life, with no parole. What I liked so much about this, is that it really related with what happens when you hear the cancer diagnosis. You think, "No! This is NOT what I want for my child! My child has a future and I have big plans for him/her! They need to go to school, make friends, play soccer, go to a dance, get a crush and then have their heartbroken, drive a car, go to parties, get married, have kids, see the world, etc..." Her newest book is called "A New Kind of Normal" - can I get an AMEN from you cancer families?!! Now her son is really at peace (he is 33 yrs old) and he is using his position in the jail system to tell people about Jesus. Not really the "mission field" you can dream about! But that is wonderful to be used even the midst of a sad and sobering situation. WHICH IS WHY I LOVED HER SPEECH and I really connected with what she said. I bought her book and told her briefly about ChemoMoms. I just started out by saying, "My 4-yr old is a cancer survivor so I know about a new kind of normal." And she instantly agreed! So in my book flap, she wrote this "To Tammy, Keep pointing people to hope-filled choices based on God's eternal truth. Warmly, Carol Kent Isaiah 43:19"
I thought, wow! She really knew what I meant! But I only told her 2 or 3 sentences about ChemoMoms, so I quickly looked up the verse:
"For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."
Cool, huh??!

ANYWAY, I had a great time with the girls - girls of all ages, by the way! Plus I was able to sell some jewelry and take some orders so I am able to get my passport started now! I was worried because they can't buy my ticket if I don't have my passport! I have the paperwork all filled out, I was just waiting to have enough money. Yay!
I will update more later. We were at church late last night due to Pastor Appreciation Month. We had a dessert reception for our pastors with their favorite desserts. It was fun and sweet to see how much they are loved. They also had a special prayer time for cancer patients/survivors, and Colette was prayed for again, this time the prayer was that her little body was NEVER again touched by this evil disease. Of course, she had to pass out her hugs and kisses too. And I was able to meet a young man who has been off treatment since December for a brain tumor, and he is going to St Jude today for a checkup, but once I get his caringbridge site, I will add it to my ChemoMoms blog. I got to talk to his mom and I gave her the bracelet I was wearing. I hope to hear about his visit in the next day or so. He was very nice to talk to. He was very well spoken and I was very glad to meet him and his family. Could I possibly say VERY another time in this sentence??? haha

Well, my house is going to cave in if I don't get it cleaned, so I will try to put up some different pictures soon.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 8:13 AM CDT

Things are just busy busy busy around here!

Colette sang at church this past Sunday night, but things didn't go as well as planned. She was standing next to a little girl who was very animated, and while the teacher was trying to get the little girl to pay attention, Colette thought she was fussing at HER and all she was doing was the handsigns and singing...she was so heartbroken! She had a meltdown on stage, I have it on video, but it is very sad...so don't watch if you are having a bad day :(

[Upload your own video]

On to Mr. Bryant...after getting in trouble last week at school, he has now had 2 days of A in conduct...not sure how long it will last, but we are happy! He went to Chorus last night and was very excited when he came out. He was singing something in Latin, so I don't know exactly what he is saying, but he loved it. Just pray that they will give us a large enough scholarship that we can afford this! I already have to pay $53 immediately to get his vest and monogrammed shirt for his first performance in 3 weeks! But he really needs something that he can shine on his own, without any referral to Colette.

Colette's birthday is going to be held HERE at our house on Friday, Oct 26 at 6 pm. She is having a Barbie Peacock party (lol) and is inviting everybody at Wal-Mart, Payless, the gas station, WHEREVER!

Next week we are headed to South Carolina! Colette is going to be a flower girl in Aunt Natalie's wedding! Bryant is going to be a ring bearer in Aunt Natalie's wedding! Jason is going to be a reader in Aunt Natalie's wedding! I am going to sit on my booty and watch at Aunt Natalie's wedding! lolol

This weekend Jason and I are both going in 2 different directions...I am going to the Extravagant Women Conference in Jackson, MS and Jason is going to his Men's Weekend closer to home. I am looking forward to riding on the bus with a bunch of chatty women! That's crazy, I know!

ChemoMoms needs DIGITAL THERMOMETERS specifically - that is all I am waiting on to get 30 boxes done!


Wednesday, October 3, 2007 8:55 AM CDT

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A local Fantastic Sam's is hosting an OCTOBERFEST to benefit Locks of Love!! It is on Sunday, October 28 and there will be $5 haircuts available and they will accept hair donations. I am waiting for more information and will update this site as soon as I know more. Please support this cause either by donating a 10-inch ponytail or just get an affordable haircut!

Also, another of our NB friends since the beginning has just relapsed. I don't want to release any information other than she and her family need your prayers as they struggle with their next step. She has 3 sisters, a 5-month old, a 2 yr old and a 5 yr old (big sister is 6). I believe they will be going to NY for the 3f8 treatments that are so promising to fight neuroblastoma. To find out more, go to www.loneliestroad.org about these treatments.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007 8:54 PM CDT

Another UPDATE: Bryant went to the audition and did very well, I might say! He ran scales and even without accompaniment! She said he has a great natural ear and then she explained to him what that meant. Then she had him sight-read (the words) of an unusual song and he did great. He sang Do=Re-Mi without music and I could hear he was hitting it! She said he is a Boy Soprano, and he can really hit those high notes (even if it is a head voice), anyways, she would LOVE to have him in the chorus! He wasn't too sure about staying though, he started to get pretty anxious and we talked things out, made a pact for him to try this one rehearsal, and I left. Wouldn't you know, one hour later, I get a phone call, "Bryant is a little sad, could you come get him?" And boy was I TICKED! He was chickening out!
I picked him up and I won't go into what was discussed, but we had to go to Boy Scouts, so we didn't get a chance to talk more about it with Jason until later tonight. The teacher emailed me when I got home and wanted to know if he should wait til next year. Well, no, he has decided he wants to do this, so I told her we will be back on Tuesday, but this is his last chance. She said she will have a book and nametag for him so he won't feel so left out, and he can bring him music home so we can work on it together. I feel better knowing he is looking forward to next Tuesday now. This is just such a big opportunity and I want to make sure he gives it his best effort before he gives up! I never knew boys could be so stressful about music! ha!

UPDATE: I forgot to mention some very big news - Bryant has been asked to audition for Mobile Singing Children!!! He auditioned for his school chorus and the teacher referred him to the MSC. They are a division of the Mobile Opera. The director emailed right away and asked him to come ASAP, so I am checking him out of school early today to take him to the audition. She asked if he could also stay at the rehearsal. The only problem is that it is going to cost $350 for the whole year. So please pray that there will be some sort of scholarship available to help with that. Or even if they will let us make monthly payments. This would be really awesome for Bryant and it would allow him to to pursue something that he loves to do, and he would get some special attention for himself as well. I will update when we get back home from Boy Scouts!

Colette is not going to let us forget that this is her BIRTHDAY MONTH! She has decided on a Barbie Island Princess party (she calls it "Barbie Peacock") and we are going to have it here at our house in the backyard!!!

So mark your calendar for Saturday, October 27 around 2 pm for a backyard birthday!

If you are curious what she is into....dresses. That is all she ever wants, and it MUST be a one-piece, not a skirt/blouse set, a long, swirly, twirly dress - with no regard to color or season. Of course, she still likes Dora (there is a new DVD out), and Barbie Peacock, she doesn't have ANY of that stuff yet, and she has become quite the artist, always carrying around crayons and a coloring book. She is not hard to please.

I will update more with more information as we figure it out. We are supposed to take her to Bham this Wednesday, but I am trying to reschedule since we are going to Aunt Nat's wedding in South Carolina on Oct 19, we could swing by Bham for her dr visit on the way and save all that gas money. Our girl is going to be a flower girl again - I hope this time she will actually walk down the aisle! haha


Tuesday, September 25, 2007 1:33 PM CDT

I forgot to put this picture up a while back, so here it is:
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Sometimes things are so hectic I forget to thank people for all their help. My mom is one of those people I always forget to thank. I sorta feel like she is a part of me, so I don't usually thank her for every little thing she does. I just assume she will do it because I know she will. Like I said, she feels like an extension of me, so if I am doing it, she will. I bet that sounds weird! haha

So this is a BIG HUGE GIGANTIC Thank you to my momma, Mawmaw Penny for doing everything, which I CANNOT begin to remember every little thing and every big thing, but thank you for being willing to follow along on my schemes to get so much done in the past 2 years. It has been nice to be home and able to pretend to be normal, but any cancer families know, you are NEVER normal again. We might have a "normal" schedule, the kids go to school, church, play sports, but there is no "normal" - it is only day by day. It is still difficult to even plan for next month, much less the future, but Mawmaw knows what I am talking about. She is working on being normal too and that is why I try to not rely on her for everything anymore. Don't want to use her up! haha I hope this says it well:

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Friday, September 21, 2007 8:04 AM CDT

Things are just plugging along here at home. Colette has been going through a "phase", I hear it just gets worse once they hit 5! waaaah, waaah! (that's me)

Tomorrow night is Movie Night! I have gotten some good offers for help, I am still trying to round up some appetizers for the parents. I have asked on ChemoMoms blog for help, I even asked at choir practice and I only got 2 offers! :(

But we are going to have fun and I am sure the kids will be happy to have something to do, and the parents will get to either stay and watch the movie, or they can relax for a little while and visit with other grownups.

I am headed to the hospital today to put up posters and pass out flyers to invite everyone to tomorrow night.

There is a boy from Semmes who just relapsed with a brain tumor. His mom is devastated, as you can imagine...he was in remission for 9 months prior. He is 12 years old and has been seen at St. Jude. This tumor is not the kind you want, so his mom is trying to be positive and needs some encouragement. He will be receiving treatment here at USA Children's & Women's, so I will get to use my ChemoMoms to help her. She has been a supporter of the group for a while. Go to his website: www.caringbridge.org/visit/stashphillips

We are almost at 100,000 HITS! I can't believe it!!


Friday, September 14, 2007 10:17 AM CDT

Has it stopped raining yet??!! You know we are in Mobile, so we have been receiving those tropical storm bands and it has been raining and raining! But then the sun peeks out for an hour or so, then more rain! Crazy weather, typical for us.

So the blood drive was the big event of the week for me. I have pictures of it, but I am waiting for MAWMAW to upload it - HINT HINT if you are reading this.... :)
OK She finally brought me the pictures!
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This is 2 people from Red Cross and of course, Colette & me

I passed out probably 100 ribbons or more, and also had things for kids who came by. I also sent out lists of ChemoMom basket items, so hopefully I will get a phone call from some of those people. Maybe they will even take it to their church or Sunday School class! That would be so great!

I went to USA Children's & Women's yesterday and saw this:
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YAY! Ms. Michele in the Treehouse also taught me how to make bows, so we went around the hospital decorating with gold bows. There are even 2 on the outside doors! We both have a list of about 6 or so more that we are going to make and hang. So if you happen to go to the hospital, make sure you say, "Hey, I noticed those bows, what are they for?" haha!

I need some help from any scrapbookers out there:
I always make a card for the mom to hang on the basket (from the bow) and I haven't had time to do that! Can anyone make some cards (I will do the inside on the computer and cut it out and stick it in myself). The card needs to be NO SMALLER than 3x5 inches. I also stick my ChemoMoms business card on the left inside with a 3D glue dot (I am sure someone knows what I am talking about! haha)

Make sure to look at ChemoMoms blog - I have created a new style bracelet with clear AB crystals instead of the topaz!

OK - got to get busy on those bows!

OH YEAH, I forgot - Colette got on yellow on Wednesday. :( She is starting to develop an attitude, not doing what she is told, saying, "I don't want to," or "I am doing this first," so the spankings have picked up a little. I am NOT happy about this!! She is usually soooo good and sweet and cute, but now, I don't know if it is going to school and being around other kids and picking up different habits, or if it is just her age. Probably both! Oh well. At least she is NORMAL!!!


Monday, September 10, 2007 4:40 AM CDT


Happy Birthday Mawmaw Penny!!

Go here to watch a special surprise!

Grab your tissues!! Colette singing!

Don't forget to watch Ch 5 (CBS) for Colette's interview at 5 pm tonight!!! (it is a piece about the 9/11 blood drive)

Also, come visit me at the Colonial Bel Air Mall on Tuesday between 12 & 6 at the ChemoMoms table in the Target wing!!

ChemoMoms needs donated items DESPERATELY for the baskets! Go to http://chemomoms.blogspot.com for a list of things we need!

With HOPE,

Friday, September 7, 2007 7:32 AM CDT


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 8:27 AM CDT

Things are going great with Miss Colette. She loves going to school and she has received a "Star Student" award for 2 weeks in a row! They have to stay on a green light all week to win that.

Bryant is in Boy Scouts this year with his cousin Christopher. Colette and I hung out at Aunt Lona's house while the boys all went to the den meeting. We visited and I made a bracelet while I was there! haha

I have a meeting with at USA Children's & Women's Hospital tomorrow to discuss how I can help decorate and raise awareness about Childhood Cancer Awareness month. They were very receptive about meeting with me and hearing what I want to do inside the hospital. I already made a trip there last week passing out ribbons, but I redesigned the ribbons for people who will be wearing them daily by making them into a tie tack. I was hoping to get donations for these, like $5 each, but still no one wants to donate to ChemoMoms. I don't know why, but it is very frustrating! People are so receptive to the idea behind what I am doing, but then they just assume that money is pouring in? I mean, who doesn't want to help a mother who has been sleeping in a hospital chair for 2 weeks, jumping up every 2 hours to hold the puke bucket for their baby, being awakened every 4 hours for temp and blood pressure, of course you want to do something to lift her spirits! And it's not like I am not willing to do the work and get the things gathered and wrapped up and drive the items to the hospital on short notice, I already do all that! So I don't know why the money just doesn't arrive. I mentioned on the ChemoMoms blog that I am completely out of basket items. I can't say when the last donation came, but I remember it was someone at church who bought some stuff from WalMart and it was before I broke my leg I think!

Sorry for complaining...I am just a little bit discouraged, considering I AM the ChemoMom, everyone else is busy and some are still caring for their own ChemoKids (that is what Colette calls herself). I should be very happy with things and I am - VERY THANKFUL - as I laid in bed this morning and looked at the most beautiful sleeping child, with long wavy freshly shampooed hair and beautiful long lush eyelashes, and those beautiful dark pink lips...There is not a day that goes by that I don't stop and look at her and think, is this real? Do I really get to have her? I see her hands and feet getting bigger and I think, she is becoming a girl, a big girl, with muscles and curves and weight, and she is here, right now and healthy and strong. It is so amazing to think what has happened in the past 2 years. Almost like a movie.

Alrighty, well I am off to work at church today. (that is my me-time, haha! I just really enjoy being there and I do the stuff in the music department, getting ready for choir practice tonight. You have no idea how much work is involved each week preparing for 100 plus singers! and I am just a helper!)

Pray for tomorrow's meeting to go well and I get some encouragement while I spread the news of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month!!! Don't forget to stop by the blog...chemomoms.blogspot.com!


Saturday, September 1, 2007 10:13 AM CDT

I have been SUPER busy! Today is the start of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month!

I have been bagging up little gold ribbons, printing ChemoMoms cards to go with them, and also making gold awareness bracelets to sell to raise money for ChemoMoms. I took 3 baskets to the hospital yesterday, and I needed to buy a majority of the items that are usually donated. I took a couple of the bracelets up to the hospital to see if anyone will order one. I am selling them for $25, because the Bravery Beads necklace is $20, and it doesn't include any crystals like the bracelets do. Plus that amount can fund a basket! Go to http://chemomoms.blogspot.com to see pictures of the bracelets.

Also I am planning a Movie Night for the kids who are inpatient this month. I am the only one running ChemoMoms at this time, so I really need some help and volunteers who would want to just come and sit with the kids with me during the movie, help with popcorn and drinks, etc. I also need someone with any connections with a massage school to ask for a person to donate about 1 and 1/2 hours for the parents to have a 15 minute chair massage in another quieted room, while the kids are in the movie. I would have the parents sign up in advance so the therapist will know exactly how long they will be there. We did this in Birmingham and it was a WONDERFUL TREAT to receive as parents!

Today is the All About Kids Car Show Benefit here in town. Last year Colette was the "star" and today, Kenzie is. I am taking a bracelet/earring set to donate for their auction. I hope the rain holds off!

Well we are off to Hobby Lobby! I am trying to get permission to put gold ribbons on the trees in front of Colette's school this month, and also in front of the hospital! You can help by praying that whoever I talk to will have soft hearts and allow me to do this!

With very much happiness for a healthy child...


Sunday, August 19, 2007 1:37 PM CDT

Don't forget to check your newspaper today! In the NEIGHBORS section, Miss Colette is on the front page!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007 8:45 AM CDT

Sorry for the delay (again)...

Colette has been going to K4 and loving it. However, on Tuesday night, she started screaming that her ear was hurting while she was in the tub. I took her out and held her, with a warm pack on her ear, and she just cried and cried for about 30 minutes. She said it felt better when she cried. Poor thing. Overnight she ran a pretty high temp so I knew she would be going to the Dr. that Wed. morning. She couldn't wear her hearing aid so I couldn't explain to her why she didn't need to get her school clothes on, and why we took Bryant to school, but she didn't get to to. She cried all the way back home. Once I told her we were going to the Dr., she was fine! Crazy! When we got there her temp was 102! I told the nurse I knew it was high because I used my "mom-eter" (my hand! ha!).

The dr took one look in her ears and knew exactly what was going on. He said it has been in there a while because it was YUCK. He gave her some numbing drops for the pain and a chewable antibiotic (no more pink stuff) and was very sweet to her. She was fine the rest of the day and went back to school the next day. However, she couldn't wear her hearing aid still and the pus in her ear is blocking her hearing anyway.

I, however, have a pulled muscle or something in my right shoulder blade/back area. I think it is due to walking around with this huge boot on one leg. I have had to get some muscle relaxers and put a heating pad on it to get anything done around the house. Not to mention needing to love on a sicky poo who is whining and crying for me or Daddy. (Daddy has been out of town since Monday)

So I go to the dr today for a checkup on my leg, pray that the pins and plate haven't moved, and he is going to look at my neck. Maybe he has a suggestion. Then after that, I have to go to Colette's IEP meeting at the school to get her FM system for her to use at school. I am excited about that, especially since we know her hearing has changed and we need to get her aids adjusted. It has just been TOO MUCH for me to do alone! I just started driving a few weeks ago, and I still have trouble going in and out of places.

Did I mention we had soccer practice last night? Oh yeah, we did. Jason is the head coach, but since he is out of town, I had to round up all the gear, balls, etc. that we had here, then I had to go early because I help with the administration part, so I had the book showing the teams rosters. It was pretty stinking hot and humid out there, but we were in the shade most of the time. After that, it was drive-thru at Wendy's and on to the house! After baths, Colette went right to bed, and then Bryant. I think they were wiped out!

Well, I am off to get ready to head out for the day. I wanted to thank everyone for continuing to check on us as we go through everyday life and the new things we have to learn to deal with.


Friday, August 10, 2007 8:23 AM CDT


They are gone on a trip to North Carolina, where Mawmaw grew up for a while in Kitty Hawk.

**********************ONE MORE THING!!****************

There is a girl from Bayou LaBatre who was in the paper this week. She is at Children's in Bham having a second bone marrow transplant for brittle bone disease. PLEASE VISIT HER caringbridge site and leave her a note!


Colette had a good first day. The worst part for her was naptime. There were a couple of kids who wanted to scream and cry the whole time, so she took out her hearing aids, but then after naptime she couldn't manage to get them back in! Her teachers haven't been shown how to do it all yet, so that was ok. She was super excited that she went to the cafeteria and carried her tray all by herself. She really liked picking up her own juice and milk! haha

I asked her if she met any new friends, and her response was, "They are all my friends!" She is so awesome!

Bryant had a good day too! He made a new friend, who is new to the school. He also likes a couple of the kids from last year who sit at his table. One of the frustrating kids he has been with since K5 is now in another class, so I hope he gets a fresh start. I am very blessed that my kids really like their school and they NEVER give me grief about going to school! They actually look forward to it! Yay Hollinger's Island!

I am finally getting caught up on my housework! It takes me longer when I am limping around, but I found that if I wear a certain shoe on my good foot, then I am more balanced and my back doesn't hurt. I actually stood and cooked a GREAT dinner last night. It was worthy of Olive Garden approval! haha I didn't finish the dishes though, because I was hurting too much. So they greeted me this morning...ugh. I am trying to tackle laundry and then get one or two rooms really straight, but I am saving Colette's room for last! She doesn't have a closet door and that is getting OLD. Let's just say, instead of playing with toys, she will play with CLOTHES. As soon as we get some extra money, I am getting a closet door that I can lock to keep her from pulling her clean clothes out and throwing them on the floor!

Thankfully Bryant's room is looking pretty decent! He has been busy playing video games lately, so that doesn't make too much mess!

OK, I need to get busy on making some more jewelry. I am thinking of making some special jewelry for the teachers at school. Some have seen my stuff and want to buy some. Their mascot is a dolphin, so I am thinking about making jewelry with school colors and dolphin charms!

I hope everyone's kids had a good first day and this weekend will be a not-so-hot one!!


http://www.myspace.com/tambabe72 and click on PICS



Colette starts school on Thursday! She is super excited!


I am officially finished with shopping for the tax free weekend! I think I actually overdid it with my leg. It hurt all night last night and I have it in the boot now and it is still sore, thank goodness for pain meds!

Jason promised Bryant that he would take him to Waterville this summer since he made honor roll last quarter. They went to Gulf Shores Friday afternoon, and I took Miss Colette with me. I went by Target and was able to get 3 shirts for her, 3 pairs of the cutest little uniform shorts with a tie belt, panties, socks, etc. Then it was off to Zoghby's for the pants for Mr. B. I picked up a belt while I was there too, since he never can find his!

Colette and I came home to wait for the boys, but when it seemed they weren't coming home for a while yet, we ran out to Michael's where I picked up some more beads. She wanted to eat at Moe's (she calls it "bic burrito" because of the Laurie Berkner song "Victor Vito and Freddie Vasco, ate a burrito with Tabasco" lol) She was so happy to eat there, we used to eat there once a week at least when we lived in Bham (they had a 99 health rating for MONTHS!) By the time we got home, she was passed out!

The boys came in late, but had a GREAT time and Bryant is nice and brown again.

I don't know if I mentioned it on here before, but I am trying to raise money for a mission trip with my church choir and orchestra next summer to Halifax Nova Scotia. Over 100 people are going! We will get to sing nearly every day while we are there, and we will be working with a children's afterschool care group and also, we will be singing in their public schools!!! Only 2 in 100 people there attend church on Sundays. It is mostly a non-Christian environment, but they are very interested in the arts and entertainment, so we have been invited to perform! I have to have $300 turned in this Wednesday, so I have been making jewelry to sell and raise the money. So far I am up to about $170! If you would like to see my jewelry, go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/quiksilver1850/sets/72157600975526036/ and http://www.myspace.com/tambabe72 and click on PICS.

I will be selling jewelry throughout the year until I get all the money raised. I think I will turn this into a ChemoMoms fundraiser once I get my money turned in! Especially be watching for Christmas jewelry!!


Tuesday, July 31, 2007 4:19 PM CDT

This will be quick, tomorrow's will be longer...

Colette had to get her immunizations redone today (well, some redone, others she just needed). We go back in a month to check her titers and probably get 2 more shots :(

She took it well, even though we didn't have any more cream for her arms, we will definitely do that before the next one!

She was happy cause it meant she could go to school and that she was a big girl! She told Mrs. Stevie that she did a good job.

Tomorrow I take her and Bryant to registration! yippee! And I even found her a plastic folder that was on her list in PINK - she is happy! lol

I took the kids to the uniform store today, since all Mobile County Public School kids wear uniforms. I got Bryant fitted and Colette tried on a jumper and a skirt. She liked the jumper better, which is good because they cost the same and I like getting more fabric for the same money! lol Her jumpers are like $36 EACH. I found the ones for her old school at places like Goodwill and the thrift store, because they are good quality, and they hold up well. I never paid more than $5 for those! I still have them and plan to put them on Ebay to hopefully make some more money back to buy these new ones.

Bryant's pants are going to cost $23.50! He is a big boy, and I am tired of paying $12 for a pair of pants that rip through in the first day. These are guaranteed for the whole school year, plus he will have about 3 inches hemmed up, we can let them down if he hits a growth spurt.

The lady at the uniform place said I should go ahead and put these on layaway because this weekend is going to be tax free, and last year the uniform store was packed out with lines everywhere. I might go back before Friday and put up a few pairs of pants and maybe a jumper for her, then go back for tax free time and pay them off.

I also have to have a new IEP written for Colette to start the new school year. The school has to provide her with am FM system that her teacher will wear and Colette will hear her voice over everyone else's.

Oh yeah, quick news, I am possibly going to work with CureSearch as a representative parent for Alabama! When I get more information, I will share that too! (it involves a trip - whoo hoo!)


Thursday, July 26, 2007 9:37 PM CDT

Everything is going great these days...Colette is going to register at Bryant's school this year for the K4 program. I am so relieved that they will be at the same school and I won't have to transport Colette 44 miles each day.

Now I have to get a job, because we are just not making ends meet. Pray for me that I am led to the job God has for me. I am going to the School Board tomorrow to apply to be a substitute teacher or teacher's aide. They still need about 100 teachers in Mobile County before August 8! Pray that if that is what God has for me to do, it will just fall into place.

Recently I received an email about the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act that asked people to write our senators and representatives to ask them to support the bill. It will help fund more research. Many childhood cancers are on the verge of greatly improving survival rates, and the money needed is not astronomical, but it is just not available!

Here is the letter I wrote to our Senator Jo Bonner:

In 2005, you sent my 2-year old daughter, Colette Pate, a laminated copy of the article from the Mobile Register, written about her fight against neuroblastoma, a serious and aggressive form of childhood cancer. I would hope that personal connection will be enough to persuade you to vote to PASS the CONQUER CHILDHOOD CANCER ACT of 2007. Colette is currently cancer free, but more research is needed to treat her if and when her cancer comes back. With the small advances that have been made in treatment of her certain cancer type, she finally has nearly a 50/50 chance of surviving until the year 2010! Imagine what more funding could do to save the lives of the 12,000 children who are diagnosed each year! Don't children with cancer count just as much as adults with cancer? Billions are spent on various types of adult cancers, and these poor children are being treated with protocols designed for adults. My daughter will always be constantly monitored for serious health problems, such as kidney and heart failure, and brain damage due to the efforts we made to save her life from cancer. She has already lost a majority of her hearing and will most likely be profoundly deaf in matter of months! Yet she is still alive and now four years old, and that is what I focus on, living every day that I have with both of my precious children.

I am writing to request that you become a co-sponsor of The Conquer Childhood Cancer Act. I would greatly appreciate your leadership in an issue that is of critical importance to me. This bill will make a difference in the life of every child diagnosed with cancer and every parent who watches their sweet and helpless child with this harrowing journey.

This bill authorizes $30 million annually for five years to support biomedical research in pediatric cancer. Increased funding for childhood cancer research is critical in order for pediatric oncologists in our state and across the country to find cures.

Many children from Mobile and Baldwin counties are currently on treatment for childhood cancer right now, whether at USA Children & Women’s in Mobile, or at Children’s Hospital in Birmingham, or at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis. I personally know MANY of these children since I have established a support and research group named ChemoMoms of Mobile. I see a great need in the South Alabama area for Childhood Cancer Awareness. I am currently working with Dr. Felecia Little Wilson and the staff at USA Children & Women’s Hospital to improve the education of parents there and also to encourage the medical staff in their efforts to save our children.

Please deeply consider my request. I am thankful for your attention to this letter and I trust that you will decide to co-sponsor the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act of 2007, H.R. 1553.

Well today, I received an email from CureSearch - the group that unites the Children's Oncology Group (COG) with the National Childhood Cancer Foundation (NCCF) - and they have seen the letter I wrote and want to contact me and any other parents I might know who can help spread the awareness in our state. So far only one representative from Alabama has signed on to the bill! I have replied to her that I will be more than happy to speak with her further on this. I also mentioned that through this website, I have contact with other parents in other states, so maybe we can spread the word! (oh yeah, she said she really liked my letter! yay me!)

So when I hear more, I will let you know. If you are interested in writing your people in your state, go here:


And click TAKE ACTION NOW! It is not hard and it only takes a few minutes of your time. Let's BOMBARD these people!


Tuesday, July 17, 2007 10:58 PM CDT

Would you like to see some new pics? Go to Uncle Mike's website and see the pics he took today of our princess, just playing in the front yard and the park.


Also, please keep 4 yr-old Teresa Jordan's family in your prayers. Michelle, her mom, grew up with me and we lived on the same street. This morning, Teresa's 9 yr-old brother found her hanging from her swing set and he said she was blue. They life-flighted her to USA Med Center and said she was without a pulse for 25 minutes. They resuscitated her and she is currently on life support at USA Children's & Women's. My mom and dad were there most of the day, and tonight my mom called to say they have given Michelle 12 hours to make a decision(?) before the drs insist on pulling the plug. I don't really know what decision she could make, except to say goodbye and give up. I don't think they have seen any brain activity, but I haven't been at the hospital, so I don't know the details.

I didn't go to the hospital because I had a drs appointment myself. Since I got back from camping, I have had a large area of itchy rash on my upper body. Turns out I have pityriasis rosea - a virus that is NOT contagious, but ITCHES and takes about 6 weeks or more to clear up! They could give me steroids, but that would interfere with my fibula fusing, so I can only take Zyrtec and hopefully get the areas in the sun or a tanning bed. That is supposed to help speed up the healing. I certainly can't lay outside without my swimsuit!

This week is VBS and Colette and Bryant are having a great time. The theme is Game Day Central, so we are all having fun wearing our Alabama (and the other school) colors. The kids have a fit when they bring their offering down front to the Alabama bucket or the other bucket. They hang them on big scales and the Alabama bucket has won BOTH days! Yay! Today I wore my jersey, tomorrow I think I will wear my mardi gras/redneck Alabama hat = it should be funny! I am also going to decorate my wheelchair - they have not seen me in full effect!! Colette is going as an Alabama cheerleader too. Uncle Mike is going with us to take more pics, so we will be seeing those soon!


Thursday, July 12, 2007 8:41 PM CDT

Well, we are home from camping, but we have a little to do before I can update properly!

Please do this though...

Go to http://capwiz.com/curesearch/home/ and click on

Write a letter now to your Representative about H.R. 1553, The Conquer Childhood Cancer Act 2007

And also do the Senator letter.... It is an pre-written letter if you want to use it, and you enter your email address and they will email the letter for you.

This is the letter that I sent our House Rep Jo Bonner:

In 2005, you sent my 2-year old daughter, Colette Pate, a laminated copy of the article from the Mobile Register, written about her fight against neuroblastoma, a serious and aggressive form of childhood cancer. I would hope that personal connection will be enough to persuade you to vote to PASS the CONQUER CHILDHOOD CANCER ACT of 2007. Colette is currently cancer free, but more research is needed to treat her if and when her cancer comes back. With the small advances that have been made in treatment of her certain cancer type, she finally has nearly a 50/50 chance of surviving until the year 2010! Imagine what more funding could do to save the lives of the 12,000 children who are diagnosed each year! Don't children with cancer count just as much as adults with cancer? Billions are spent on various types of adult cancers, and these poor children are being treated with protocols designed for adults. My daughter will always be constantly monitored for serious health problems, such as kidney and heart failure, and brain damage due to the efforts we made to save her life from cancer. She has already lost a majority of her hearing and will most likely be profoundly deaf in matter of months! Yet she is still alive and now four years old, and that is what I focus on, living every day that I have with both of my precious children.

I am writing to request that you become a co-sponsor of The Conquer Childhood Cancer Act. I would greatly appreciate your leadership in an issue that is of critical importance to me. This bill will make a difference in the life of every child diagnosed with cancer and every parent who watches their sweet and helpless child with this harrowing journey.

This bill authorizes $30 million annually for five years to support biomedical research in pediatric cancer. Increased funding for childhood cancer research is critical in order for pediatric oncologists in our state and across the country to find cures.

Many children from Mobile and Baldwin counties are currently on treatment for childhood cancer right now, whether at USA Children & Women’s in Mobile, or at Children’s Hospital in Birmingham, or at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis. I personally know MANY of these children since I have established a support and research group named ChemoMoms of Mobile. I see a great need in the South Alabama area for Childhood Cancer Awareness. I am currently working with Dr. Felecia Little Wilson and the staff at USA Children & Women’s Hospital to improve the education of parents there and also to encourage the medical staff in their efforts to save our children.

Please deeply consider my request. I am thankful for your attention to this letter and I trust that you will decide to co-sponsor the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act of 2007, H.R. 1553.


You can even use mine if you want! We just need this Act to help get money for Childhood Cancer research. When money is raised for the American Cancer Society, only SEVEN CENTS from every dollar goes for CHILDHOOD CANCER research!!! The rest goes for ADULT care! Argh! Childhood cancer needs its own organizations to raise money! (and they do...but it takes efforts like this to get the money in)

Thursday, July 5, 2007 10:33 AM CDT

Wow - were we tired!

We all thought the party was a great success! It was sad to remember how it felt with the holiday just passing by. When we made the rounds to the rooms who couldn't come to the playroom, their lights were all off, and they were just settled in for the night. They certainly weren't expecting to get a red/white/blue balloon and a cupcake, along with some patriotic crafts! Yay!

Thank you to those who donated goodies and to Jeanie, Stacie, Hannah, Elizabeth, Molly & Tyler...I couldn't have done it without yall!

Only about 8 kids came in, but several of those kids stayed for the whole 2 hours! I think they were just glad to get out of their room and see other kids. There was plenty for them to do, and we had banana splits, cupcakes, McDonald's cheeseburgers, capri suns, Cokes - anything you want! We took cupcakes to many of the parents also!

All in all, it was a great time!

My family is headed to the Gulf for the weekend...we have a family reunion this weekend that Colette and I have missed for 2 years! We are borrowing Aunt Sherry's camper so we won't be all sweaty! Pray that I can participate as much as possible!


Sunday, July 1, 2007 3:00 PM CST

So I am planning a July 4th party for the kids who are inpatient on Wednesday!

I still need your help to get everything finalized...
I plan to have banana splits, I have all the stuff except the bananas and ice cream
I would like to see if someone would donate a watermelon, the bananas and ice cream
Also, any goodies that are red/white and blue would be nice

I want to get by Hobby Lobby on Monday or Tuesday to see if the manager will donate or give us a discount on some decorations or some red/white/blue leis or beads or ANYTHING! Whatever I buy will have to come out of my pocket, so the cheaper the better!

I have a few teens who said they would help at the hospital that afternoon. I plan to have the party at 5:30 pm. Since Jason is off that day, I hope we can get everything done early that afternoon. Since I can't drive and won't even be able to walk until the end of July, I need as much help as possible!

Can you help? Email me or call me if you can! 406-5820 - maybe you could ask around your office for anyone who wants to drop some change in a collection cup for us? I just remember that Colette was in the hospital on July 4, 2005, and that was one of the most disappointing nights ever. No one remembered that we were stuck in the hospital while everyone else was out there, shooting fireworks, enjoying BBQ and watermelon and just plain fun. We couldn't even see the fireworks from the hospital windows.

With HOPE (for some volunteers and donated goodies)..

Saturday, June 30, 2007 11:50 AM CDT

Guess what?
I just found out that the new movie, Ratatouille, that comes out today.... well the love interest girl's name is COLLETTE!!!


I really can't wait to go see it now!!!!

Anyways, here is a pic from our week at the beach. Unfortunately we didn't have our camera so we have to get some pics from others who were there. But this is a pic of my cute child in her bikini! haha

She is doing fine, cancer free, you know! I have a sinus infection and a broken leg, but I am hanging in there! We are going to a pool party today and then tomorrow is a special "God and Country Day" at church where I will be singing! Lots of fun!


Monday, June 25, 2007 7:52 PM CDT


This is Aunt Sherry and I have two words for you:


Everything came back negative! Her MIBG scan was today and it looked great. THANK YOU DEAR GOD!!!!!!!!!!

Whew...it's been a long couple of weeks!

We are currently in Bham at Hope Lodge while we wait to go back to the hospital tomorrow for an injection of isotope, and then one scan on Wednesday.

Colette had a CT scan of chest, neck, abdomen, pelvis, a bone scan of her whole body, and a skeletal survey of all her bones.

Everything came back clear or negative!

The big bad news we DID get is that our oncologist, Dr. Buckley has taken a new job at the National Children's Hospital in Washington DC! He is the one who told us Colette's diagnosis and he has been with us through it all. I am very disappointed to lose him, but this is going to be a great opportunity for him. I know he is excited. Heck, if it were me at his age, I wouldn't even think twice! So I am trying to think of something special for him before we see him again on Wednesday. He has already rented his townhouse in VA, so he is leaving in the next week or so. :(((((

My leg is doing fine...it is funny how some places are marked Handicapped Accessible, but they are really NOT! I am in this wheelchair, and I can't even make turns to get in "handicapped" bathrooms! I think whoever designs these things should have to sit in a wheelchair and test everything before they get to put that logo on anything!!! Argh!

Bryant is here with us and is pretty much bored, so I think I am going to take them tomorrow to see the new Pirates movie...they love Capt Jack! (me too!)

OK, well I have tied up this computer too long. Pray for the scan on Wednesday that shows NOTHING. We should be home in time for church Wednesday night!


Saturday, June 16, 2007 7:42 am CST

Gone to the beach for vaca!
Pray for a safe fun time and that my leg will get more and more comfortable with those stairs!

Love yall!

Well my surgery ended up taking 3 hrs, instead of 1 and a half. In fact, I felt something during the surgery (I had an epidural and was awake), and suddenly I was asleep! haha

I have 7 screws and a plate on my right side of my right leg, with an incision/scar about 6-8 inches long. My left side of my right leg, I have one screw in my ankle and a smaller incision/scar.

We have our annual beach trip starting this Saturday. I will have to come back on Monday to have my stitches removed, and then about 24 hours later, I can get it wet. yay!

Pray for me and my extended family, as they will be taking care of me and helping me go up and down the stairs at the beach house! It won't be the vacation of a lifetime, but it sure will be better than the past 2 years!!

Also, please tell people about ChemoMoms. I STILL haven't received ANY donations except three since March towards this and the need is increasing. I have provided about 10 baskets and they need 3 more as I type this. Also I am planning to host a July 4th party at USA Children's & Women's for the kids who are inpatient that day. Colette & I were there, 2 years ago, and totally missed seeing any fireworks or enjoying ANY of the celebration! Please let me know if you might be interested in helping me either there at the hospital, or by donating something for the kids.


Thursday, May 31, 2007 11:16 PM CDT

Wow! I have been away from internet presence it seems like forever! Thanks to a wonderful TAX woMAN, (her initials are MEGAN MAHAFFEY- I love love love you girl!) we got a check in the mail on Tuesday that took care of all our past due bills, paid to get our telephone and internet back on and will also pay for Bryant's soccer season at our church!! And that was only for one year! Praise the Lord!!!

I received a phone call on Wednesday that one of the 3 buckets we have left was stolen! I was prepared to give my usual reaction, that's ok, but it turns out they caught the guy and he was a regular customer. He had stolen from others and even broke into a car for money. He is in jail now and the lady at the gas station said her customers wanted to know where Colette's bucket was! So I took a couple of pictures to her and she had a temporary bucket until we get another one. It was so nice to hear that complete strangers were so worried when the bucket was missing. They were very sweet!

So today is Colette's Diagnosis Anniversary - it has been 2 WHOLE YEARS - it seems like FOREVER ago that we were devastated with the worst news anyone could ever hear - all the statistics, the road map, it all seemed like it would take FOREVER, but here she is and you can't tell ANYTHING has ever happened to her! It is almost too hard to believe and trust me when I say that, because you know what they say when something is too good to be true...well I don't want to complete that sentence!!

Colette finished her schooling at the Regional School for Deaf & Blind and will be attending the same school as her brother next year. She is very excited about this! (me too!)

Colette got her ears pierced in Jan 2005, but when she was diagnosed, they said it would be a good idea to let that go since her ears could get infected easily. So in honor of this week, she got them re-pierced on Wednesday. I put EMLA cream on her ears before we went, and sure enough, she didn't even flinch. She was so proud of those earrings - but she can't understand why she can't change them yet...haha

I took her today to a nail salon so she could get her nails painted. She sat like a big girl and let the lady paint her nails, and then sat under the dryer like a little mini-me. It was very cute and I was really proud of her!

Guess who wants to try to swim underwater all by herself? Yep. She was at the beach on Sunday and just walked right in and sat down! I freaked out and the other dads grabbed her right up and she got MAD at them for making her get up!!! She wasn't upset about being under the water, she wanted to do it! Then on Monday, she was swimming at Aunt Brandy's pool and decided she didn't need floaties, she wanted to swim "under" like she says it. But we repeatedly told her she can't "swim under" unless Mommy or Daddy are helping her. I am torn with worry & pride - worry because I can just picture her going out to the pool or while we are staying at the Gulf, walking in the water and not being able to come up, and pride because she is so independent and not afraid to do things that even adults can't do! Argh!

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Colette is pulling Daddy around at Dauphin Island

Everyone else has been doing good. Bryant did make Honor Roll this quarter, he had a bet with Jason that they would spend the day at Waterville together or something special like that if he kept his conduct under control. Sure enough, he made it! So he had straight A's for the WHOLE year, except one B, and he will be going into PACE next year too. Yay!

Jason and I have been steadily working on the back yard. We fenced in half of the yard for the dogs and I have reclaimed my grass! I have actually cut the grass 2 times myself, thank you very much, and Jason has been busy trimming the trees, bushes, sago palms, etc. I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but 2 of the sides of our yard are bordered by a nursery. At night it is so nice to sit out and listen to the sprinklers and frogs all around. Plus it is really dark outside, so we got a couple of tiki torches at the dollar store and can sit outside and just talk. It is really nice.

I am leaving for church youth camp in Talladega on Saturday morning, so I won't be updating until I get back on Wednesday night.

Thanks for visiting and it would be nice to see any comments that you might want to leave, just to say hi, and that you are still out there!

I posted the following on my chemomoms blog. I am having a lot of trouble getting any financial support for this idea. I really feel like once it catches on, I won't have to ask for money for these families anymore, but until that happens, I am still fighting for them!


May 31, 2007 post

We are finally back online again!!!

To get you caught up, we have only received $25 in donations since March! That means that I am still operating on my own extra money (which is basically non-existent) and donated items! HOWEVER, we HAVE received enough donated items that I have given away almost TEN baskets!!! whoo hoo! And I need to get a couple more up to the hospital because I took 3 last week and they were all used in the same day!

My next project is to create a Movie Night Bucket. I need donations of movie theater popcorn buckets and if you can't find that, please ask your local KFC for a couple of clean buckets. I can cover the outside with black movie paper or filmstrip designed paper (thanks to cool scrapbook stores) and then I also would ask for donations of new DVDs and movie-style candy. You can get a lot of those at Dollar Tree Stores, just please check the expiration dates. I want to have candy, a new DVD for the whole family, but with the child in mind, and popcorn and a 2-liter of coke or something like that. Wrap it up and it is a great thing to look forward to just to make that one night a little bit different.

Another thing I have done is to create a ChemoMoms Supply Box. In it I included chapsticks, shampoo/conditioners, feminine items and a few other things and decorate the storage box with our name and phone number. Now the nurses keep it stored in their personal area and if a mom is inpatient and needs something in the middle of the night, or whenever, the nurse can give her whatever she needs until she can get home or have someone run to the store for her! I have one box at USA Children's & Women's and I plan to take one to Birmingham when we return there June 25-27.

Sadly, I did have one family ask for help and I couldn't help them. Their son recently relapsed here in Mobile and will be traveling to Bham for transplant in the next month. The mom asked for some help with gas, but unfortunately, I didn't even have anything to give her. That really frustrates me because I told her nearly a month ago that if she needed anything to call, and she did, and I couldn't provide what she needed. Why?! Believe me, if I had an extra $20 or so, I would have definitely sent it to her, but I don't. I don't think the public understands how simple it is for someone to pick up an extra bottle of hand sanitizer, or one more container of Lysol wipes. That makes a HUGE difference to me and to these families! Put it all together and you are not only saving the family money, but also a trip to Wal-Mart or the grocery store on the 2 or 3 days that the family is actually at home! Plus, you can't take your child with you in public places, usually, so either grandma or aunt/uncle will also have to come over to babysit so Mom can go to the store!!

Please do what you can and help spread the word about what we are trying to do. I am currently working on throwing a July 4th Celebration at the hospital on July 4th. Two years ago, Colette and I were inpatient on July 4 and it was miserable, knowing that everyone around the country was celebrating with fireworks, hot dogs and watermelon, and she was not even able to see a single fireworks display!!! I am working with Child Life at the hospital to throw a party and try to make it a special night for the kids. Please let me know if you would like to help with this effort. Right now, it is just me!!

Monday, May 21, 2007 10:05 AM CDT

Things have been pretty exciting around here!!!

Back to the recital...I will be uploading pics for that soon...
Here is a sample: pre-recital show!

Did you get to see the video of her on the news Thursday night? Here is the link...I hope it works, because I am having problems with it right now.


Then click on the video camera icon to see the actual story.

Also, I hope you saw the ad in Sunday's paper, page 12 A Mobile Register...Go down to the links section at the bottom of this page and you can click on the link there to view the ad.

Sunday night Colette's choir sang and of course, I was very very very happy to see this!

Thursday, May 17, 2007 11:58 AM CDT

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Man, do we ever have a surprise for you!

Colette & I are the subjects in a FULL PAGE ad in the newspaper for Children's Hospital!!! They did different ones for different parts of the state, but we will be in the Mobile paper! OK, well I don't know when it will run, but they said sometime next week. We will be SURE to let you know!

I was successful in pulling Colette's hair into a pony-bun today and she was so excited, she wanted to wear it to school that way! So she is sorta advertising that her recital is tonight by her hairstyle!

Channel 5 will be interviewing us today at Sherry's house (surprise Aunt Sherry!) while she is getting ready for the recital tonight! The reporter is Keisha Payton and it will air at 10 pm tonight! Make sure SOMEBODY tivos it for me!!!

OK, gotta go get myself ready for tonight! Thanks again for reading!

Oh yes, one more thing, I did find out that Colette WILL be attending Hollinger's Island next year, with her brother! Thank the Lord! Now I just need to find some second-hand plaid dresses with that plaid! (she loved the ones at Regional School, but Hollinger's Island's are different color/style)

Thanks again!

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007 9:58 AM CDT

Sorry - lack of computer makes updating hard!

Just to let you know that Colette's dance recital is tomorrow night - Thursday, May 17 at 7 pm at the Mobile Civic Center.

Before her recital starts, WKRG Channel 5 will be there to interview us again and video her doing her routine! Kimberly Curth is trying to do an update to her story they originally aired in Jan 2006 (when the buckets were stolen).

So make sure to watch Channel 5 news tomorrow night and you will see the interview!!!

ALSO - Get a copy of today's Press Register and you can find a picture of Colette in the Good Neighbors Section when she was at the Children's Hospital Foundation Mad Hatter's Tea Party in April! Wow - what a star!

OH YEAH, Colette is singing with her choir this Sunday night at the beginning of service (6:30 pm) and she actually has a solo part on a Miss Patty Cake song! (it's one little line)

So expect some great pics and video updates soon!


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 1:14 PM CDT

Sorry for the lack of updates! My internet is still down, so I am doing what I can to get to a computer!!!

Colette is doing great, I think she has gained more weight! That girl always wants to eat!!

She has her dance recital next Thursday, May 17 at the Mobile Civic Center. Call me if you would like a ticket (they cost $13 in advance). It starts at 7 pm and she should be finished close to 8 pm (she is in the first half)

Friday, May 18 will be Jason and my 11th anniversary! It has been a LONG time, but it still seems like we have so far to go!

This Friday night, Colette will be doing the SURVIVORS LAP at the Relay for Life at Theodore High School! I think she has to be there around 6 pm. I am excited!

Also, on Saturday, May 12, the National Bone Marrow Registry is holding a FREE registration for donors here in Mobile. It is called "Thanks MOM" and it will be at Zoghby's Uniforms on Old Shell Rd from 12 pm til 4 pm. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS A MOUTH SWAB. There is NO BLOOD DRAW & NO COST!!! Just show up and they will send your swab off for testing and matching. They will contact you one day if you match someone who needs your help!

It is so simple! I am officially challenging you ALL to do this! It won't hurt or cost you anything just to find out if you can save someone's life. If Colette develops a secondary cancer later in life (which is possible due to the chemo she has already recieved) she will most likely need a BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT and we will be looking to the National Bone Marrow Registry to find that!!!!! Please think of her when you decide if you will take the time to do this registration.

I will try to update more later! We have a new puppy named Peanut Butter and the kids are LOVING him!!!


Monday, April 30, 2007 11:26 AM CDT

I have been without internet since Wednesday and it is KILLING ME!

Colette is still doing fine. She is a spitfire, let me tell you!

Yesterday we went to a fundraiser for Children's Hospital. It was the Mad Hatter's Tea Party! Colette made a hat and prissed around Magnolia Manor, saying it was her castle! A true Southern belle! Colette and I both painted a mural that is going to be hung at Children's Hospital - possibly in the Burn Unit. I can't wait to look for it when we go back in June.

Anyways, I met a lot of sweet ladies and they have all been blessed by being at Children's. I forget that other kinds of kids have need for their services. Birth defects and such.

Bryant and Colette's last soccer games are this weekend. Colette isn't much of a soccer girl, I am afraid. She doesn't get the whole "get the ball back from them" and "they are all on your team! it's ok!" To top it all off, her ball rolled away from her in the parking lot, and a truck was coming to park, so I held her back and the ball came to a stop perfectly under the tire of the truck. A little gas, and the truck rolled right over her ball! Poor thing! It is ruined and she was very upset to say the least! She loves running in her cleats and kicking her own ball all over the place. I guess we will be looking for a new one, here at the end of the season!

Bryant, however, loves soccer! This is definitely his sport. I am hoping to find a soccer camp this summer that he can go to until our church starts our Upward Soccer in August.

Colette's dance recital is on May 17 at the Civic Center Theater. Tickets are $10 if you are interested in watching.

Also, the first weekend in June, I think it is June 3, the Sunday night, Colette and I will be singing her newest Chris Tomlin song, "How Can I Keep From Singing". Admission is free, church starts at 6:30 pm.

Other than that, I am still working steadily on the ChemoMoms stuff. I am slowly making more and more contacts of families who need help and of people who want to give back. I passed out all my business cards and I need to print more! The scrapbook crop isn't going too great, though. NO one has signed up and it is less than 2 weeks away. I think I just picked a bad time for people who do that. This past weekend there was a 12-hr crop for breast cancer here in Mobile, then this Saturday is National Scrapbooking Day and there are crops going on all day at every local scrapbook store. So I bet folks are going to be all scrapped out (and out of money!) Unless I get some interest with registration, I will probably postpone the crop until later in the summer. That is sad, too, because Lisa and I have really worked hard on getting the flyers made and she has class kits ready to teach and I have donations made...anyway, we can still keep that stuff until we can get another crop organized.

Well, I am at my mom's and I need to get the house back in order from this past weekend!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 23, 2007 8:37 PM CDT

We are back from Bham - Colette's dr took an xray of her chest and did an exam, he said she still looks great! yay! The virus is finally working its way out of her system. She woke up this morning at the hotel saying, "I'm starving. I need to go to Waffle House!" lol

We got to the hospital and got her xray, no blood (yay) and then ran into just about everybody! I saw Madison Beck & her mom, Mr. Paul, Mr. Rookie, Dr. Sande, Ms. Lauren, Ms. Jessica, Ms. Kristin, Mr. Steve (Justin's dad) and several others! I passed out ALL my ChemoMom cards, and I took a basket for 4 Tower. They said they had just sent most of their patients home, so I told them just to save it until they get someone in there that needs it. Knowing how crowded it usually is there, it won't be long till there is a good home for that basket!

So I am much relieved that Colette is still doing ok. I asked her Dr. what he thought of her and how she was doing, and he said, "She is doing really good, right now. She looks great, right now." I know he has to say that, but it would be nice if he could say, "I would be surprised if it ever came back..." because I know the "statistics". Argh!

We don't have to go back for scans until the last week in June! We will have our family vacation that week prior, then we will have a week full of scans on June 25. So I guess I should just relax and enjoy "right now", because that is all we have!

Thanks for checking on us. Please keep ChemoMoms in your prayers. I have been contacted by a couple of people who are sincerely interested in helping, so I hope things will pick up quickly.


Sunday, April 22, 2007 1:12 PM CDT

Sorry we have been away so long

Colette, Jason & I have been very sick with a stomach virus. I think it was rotavirus. Colette started on Tuesday night being nauseous and tired. She threw up early Wednesday morning. By Thursday she had stopped vomiting but was now tired, but still was able to stay awake most of the day but just laid around. Friday morning, Jason had to come home from work because he was so sick. When I got up to answer the phone, I realized how sick I was too! We spent the whole day and night on Friday in the bed, all 3 of us. If we walked around, we would get more nauseous. I ended up vomiting on Friday night. I felt much better after that. We woke up on Saturday, I felt much better. Colette was able to continue drinking but she hasn't eaten since Tuesday. She went "shopping" with me yesterday, but she didn't have the energy to do all the walking. We came back home and she took a little nap. After that, she stayed up with Jason and watched the Pirate movie. Thankfully Bryant missed out on all of this fun stuff by staying at Mawmaw's.

This morning Colette was determined to go to church! She still doesn't feel normal. She is just really drained and weak. She has an appointment tomorrow to see her dr in Bham and get an xray. I am going to go ahead and take her there either tonight or early in the morning and see if they will give her some IV fluids. I pray that is all it is.

Unfortunately, my van has a power steering problem. I haven't been able to drive it all week. The little red car works good for in town, but the AC isn't much good and it can't go fast for long periods of time. That is causing me to have to rent a car. It is less than $100 for the 2 days I will need it thankfully.

Pray that we have a safe trip and also pray that this is simply dehydration and nothing else to worry about. I am very nervous as we near the 2 year anniversary since diagnosis at the end of May.


Monday, April 16, 2007 10:15 AM CDT

Wanna see what I have been making for the families who are in the hospital??

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These baskets include things for families who have been suddenly stuck at the hospital and unable to get to a drugstore or Walmart. Things like Tylenol (headache, lack of sleep), Tums (hospital food & stress), emery board (no fingernail clippers allowed inpatient), pocket calendar (who can remember where you are going to be next week?), small address book (for all those phone numbers of well-meaning visitors and church family), digital thermometer (you need about 5 - 1 for home, 1 for purse, 1 for grandma's, and so on), purse size bottle of hand sanitizer (I bet you can figure that one out!), thank you notes (for all the sweet gifts, baskets and balloon bouquets), spiral notebook (to journal everything the drs tell you and it is in chronological order, easy is the best policy!), and small shelf stable micro meals for grownups (cafeterias have weird hours, and sometimes you don't even feel like eating until 9 pm). I also include grown up scented body wash, a pouf and real shampoo/conditioner (for those who don't know, the hospital only provides Johnson & Johnson or Phisoderm!)

Also other things we put in there like mints (morning breath with dr's rounds), popcorn, snacks and tissues - whatever is donated, we put it in there!

So I have officially 2 baskets complete, 3 still missing shampoo & conditioner and micro meals. Thank you so much for everything you have given for this task! I am going to take one to Bham and show the clinic there and maybe the social workers too. Hopefully they can throw some $$ support our way!

I have set up a donation site on the blog where all you have to do is click on the Paypal button and it will let you donate $25. That is how much it costs to provide all the items in the bucket. It is also enough to purchase a gas card, dinner for 4 at fast food, or dinner for 2 (stressed mom & dad)!!

Pray for our friend and fellow ChemoMom, Elizabeth & Machelle. Elizabeth has been off treatment for ALL since 2004, but part of her central line broke off (7 inches!). It has been in her chest since then, but finally the drs at Children's in Bham want to get it out for her. She is actually there as I type this! Her page is www.caringbridge.com/al/elizabethhope

Colette is due to go back to Bham next week. I am not really too worried, but she does have these bruises on her left leg. Again, she is always running full speed, so I am not startled, but it makes me nervous! She goes for a blood draw and an xray. As long as those look ok, I think we won't go back for a couple more months!


Saturday, April 14, 2007 10:26 PM CDT

Wow - has it already been a week?!?!

This past week was so busy! Colette had her Spring picnic yesterday and Jason was able to go with her. I have pics, but they are not uploaded yet.

Friday night Sherry & Co came over and we cooked out hamburgers. Well, Jason had a softball game, so Uncle Craig had to cook on a charcoal grill, not quite the same as his gas grill! LOL We were a little nervous, but the burgers came out great and we ate nearly all of them!

Hannah spent the night and then today, we went with Mrs. Sandra, Mandy, Heather & Grace to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab "Discovery Days"! The kids all touched a dead shark, skates, and Colette even touched a live skate! It started swimming to get away from her and she was making the funniest faces and noises! LOL

There were TONS of activities for the kids, lots of scientific stuff that Bryant really enjoyed. I think we are going to head back to the estuarium this week since it's Spring Break and spend a little more time.

Once we came back home, it was so rainy, so everyone sorta chilled out while I made 2 more ChemoMom baskets. Thanks to Kelly & Nana Sue, I have GREAT stuff to put in these baskets! Now I just need to get more baskets to put it in! LOL I am still in need of things like shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste/toothbrush, and telephone directorys and planners. Also, I need some Lysol/Clorox wipes for household items, or when toys have been dropped on the floor in the hospital, etc. It is one of those things you need to have as soon as you bring your child home from the hospital.

Colette had a BLAST today, but she is in the bed now, wiped out! I am right behind her, since tomorrow is church!

Maybe I will get a nap tomorrow! I hope!


Sunday, April 8, 2007 6:36 AM CDT

OK, this is a little selfish but here's a pic of my choir!! (I'm on the front row, left, with a light pink dress)

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I received this in an email - read it slowly....it is GREAT!

This is one of the best explanations of why God allows pain and suffering that I have seen.
It's an explanation other people will understand:

A lady went to a beauty shop to have her hair cut and her nails painted and trimmed. As the lady began to work, they began to have a good conversation.
They talked about so many things and various subjects.When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the
beautician said : "I don't believe that God exists."

"Why do you say that?" asked Sheryl who has MS.

"Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things."

Then Sheryl thought for a moment, but didn't respond because she didn't want to start an argument.

The beautician just finished her job and the customer left the shop.
Just after she left the beauty shop, she saw a woman in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and not groomed at all. She looked dirty and unkempt. Then Sheryl turned back and entered the beauty shop again and she said to the beautician: "You know what? Beauticians do not exist."

"How can you say that?" asked the surprised beautician. "I am here, and I am a beautician. And I just worked on you!"

"No!" Sheryl exclaimed. "Beauticians don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and be very unkempt, like that woman outside."

"Ah, but beauticians DO exist! What happens is, people do not come to me."

"Exactly!"- affirmed Sheryl. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."

Sunday, April 8, 2007 6:36 AM CDT

The darkest day in history was over
All was lost
On the cross
Beaten, battered, bruised beyond description,
You gave it all,
What went wrong?

This couldn't be the end of Heaven's story
Cause you came to save
To beat the grave
Three days and now they're looking for your body
But you were gone
And now I know...

The day you rolled the stone away
The empty grave is there to say
You tore the holy veil away
You opened wide the prison gates

Rescued from the shackles of my failure
In the dead of night
You shined your light
Your gift of love is hope that springs eternal
Because of you
All things are new...

The day you rolled the stone away
The empty grave is there to say
You tore the holy veil away
You opened wide the prison gates

Oh God you rescued me
From my iniquity

Your gift of love is hope that springs eternal
Because of you
All things are new...

The day you rolled the stone away
The empty grave is there to say
You tore the holy veil away
You opened wide the prison gates

Saved the Day
by Michael Neale
Performed by Philips, Craig & Dean
Go listen to it on my myspace: www.myspace.com/tambabe72

Saturday, March 31, 2007 2:26 PM CDT

Wow - we are TIRED!

Today was the first game that both kids were able to attend. Colette's was at 8:30 am and Bryant's was at 10 am.

Colette was hilarious to watch, even though it was a little embarrassing! The first kick off, all the kids on the other team (who looked AT LEAST 10 years old) ran towards her and she just pulled her arms in close and held her breath! Very "feminine"! LOL Then she got a chance to kick the ball and was NOT HAPPY when someone kicked it away from her! She had a complete meltdown in the middle of the game! Her coach is very sweet and he tried to encourage her to continue with everyone else, and she did NOT want to quit, but she was so darn mad and sad and everything else! She sat out the 2nd quarter and I explained to her that everybody wearing purple shirts were her friends and they were the good guys. They were HELPING her, not being mean. She did better in the 3rd quarter, but she still needs to understand the game a little better in order to actually have fun. Once the game was over and she was allowed to kick her own ball around, she was very happy!
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Bryant's game didn't get started on time, but the other team didn't have enough players anyway. So Bryant was a switch kicker - does that make sense? He played on the other team. He did REALLY awesome! I definitely think he has found his sport! He was a good defender, but he wanted to run the ball too. I think once they understand how to pass the ball and not run all over the field the whole time, they will be more effective. He ALMOST scored the only goal of the game! He missed it only by about 1 yd! Argh! But he seemed to have a really good time, and we were all very proud of him!

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Jason also played softball last night after soccer practice. He was a little unsure about how good the team would be, since he didn't play with our church last year. Our guys scored 26 and the other team? 1!!! And they DID NOT try to run up the score! They just had some really good hitters! The kids had fun playing and watching Daddy play for a change.

We found out about a new kid who is from Mobile. He is actually Colie's friend at school. They think he has severe aplastic anemia and he is going to be transferred to Bham for a bone marrow transplant. I stopped by the hospital in Mobile yesterday to meet him and his parents. I took her a little caddy with some of our ChemoMom stuff in it (chapstick, emery board, Tylenol, Tums, telephone directory). She seemed a little overwhelmed by everything, I am sure they don't realize what is going to happen in the near future. I hope she does call and I can answer their questions about what to expect (at least as much as I can!) He has to have a transplant, so I am very comfortable explaining that part, plus I am a huge fan of the hospital in general, I just hope to help their anxieties if I can!

Well, the soccer star is awake, so I need to run. If you would like to help us collect items for the ChemoMoms scrapbook crop or if you would like to purchase a couple of items that we need to give these parents, please email me. You can also see a list of the items we need at http://chemomoms.blogspot.com. When you are standing in line at WalMart, they have the mini hand sanitizer bottles, chapsticks, handiwipes, etc for a dollar, those are the things we need. We are also hoping someone will host a "digital thermometer drive" at their church or business, collecting the cheap digital thermometers you can buy for around $10. I know we had about 5 of them, one at Mawmaw's house, in the car, in my purse, in the bathroom, etc. You never know when you will need it!

Anyways, thanks for continuing to check on us. I added some new pics to the Photo Link for your viewing pleasure!


Monday, March 26, 2007 2:47 PM CDT

Things are still going good around our house.

Jason was home all week, that was a GREAT thing.

I went to Bham with my church to go to Upward Soccer training. We are starting a league at our church in the fall. I am very excited about that! (oh yeah, I ate at the new Jim & Nick's in Prattville. YUMMY BISCUITS!

Colette is almost over her "cold". She still has a cough at night, but it has been right at 2 weeks, it is definitely viral because we have all been hacking away. Mawmaw has pneumonia!!! She had to get 2 shots and is going to use a nebulizer. I hope she gets better soon!

So we hit the beach yesterday after church. We only live about 30 mins total from Dauphin Island. The water was WONDERFUL, the beach has been renovated, and there were TONS of people there! Colette and Bryant had a great time playing, they both wanted to be buried, so we did that. But Colette didn't want to get in the water all the way up to her neck to wash off, so she went BACK into the sand and wanted us to bury her again! LOL Goober! I noticed last night that she has the beginnings of a little tan line across her hips! That is very exciting, since she has been kept in from the sun for the past 2 years!

The kids got out early today for teacher workshops. Tomorrow is ballet, and after that I am going to another funeral. Colette's special Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Chappelle, well her husband died on Saturday morning. He was 97 years old! Mrs. Chappelle was at church yesterday, Colette made sure she loved on her. I am going to take Colette back to school after dance and then I will go to the funeral. He was a sweet man and everybody called him Pop. We will miss him.

Just in case anyone forgets, there is a BIG birthday next MONDAY, APRIL 2. Any guesses????


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 11:08 PM CDT

Sorry this will be short and sweet.

Colette is doing fine. Her cold/ear infection is improving but I am getting it now! She missed school all last week, so she is very happy to go each day.

The ChemoMoms thing is really picking up. We met with someone today who is helping us arrange a softball tourney this July. Boy, that's a TON of work!

I am meeting with USACWH tomorrow to show them the baskets we are planning to give to inpatient/new diagnosis parents.

Then I am meeting with Children's Hospital Foundation to get more info on the softball tournament.

Did I mention that it is WEDNESDAY? My busiest day of the week? LOL

Then on Friday, I am going to Bham with my church to help get ready to start Upward Soccer at our church in the fall. Hey, they are putting us up in a hotel for a night, I will be with only GROWNUPS for 24 hours straight! Wow!

Colette is now into her 2nd week of soccer! Her practice field is right beside Bryant's practice, so we can watch both at the same time!

Here are some pics to hold you over until I can do a longer update!

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Colette & Hannah

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Friday, March 16, 2007 12:54 AM CDT

Yes, it was an AWESOME CONCERT!

We were supposed to meet Chris at 6:45, but we were waiting from 6:15 until 7!! Everyone who walked by, Colette asked, "Is Chris Tomlin here?" and they all said, "Yes, he's back there." She was very patient but she had been waiting all day, dressed up in her red dress with her "makeup" and painted fingernails!

We had to sit in the catering room to wait, which smelled like food and we were starving! LOL

Finally at 7 pm, he walked through the door. Colette was very happy to see him. He was super rushed, however, and was ready to get the picture made and visit quickly. I made him a board book of pics of Colette - one side were sick pictures, the other side were healthy pictures. I also tossed in a couple of his song titles that are Colette's favorites. I wrote her website on there too. I hope he has time to visit and find out just how much she loves him.

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We have been hustling this week, yesterday was especially busy with the funeral and the sign language class, and Jason got home earlier than I expected, so that was nice.

The state of Alabama has just approved offering ASL for a high school foreign language elective! Our teacher said that they will be looking for Sign Language teachers who have a degree - maybe that is ME! I am working on the signing...I probably know a BUNCH of words, but being able to communicate or read a deaf person signing, I still have to work on that. I am very excited about what this will add to our lives!

We are off to visit with Aunt Sherry & Co. Hannah will be spending the night with us and Colette is very very excited. The kids also have soccer practice tonight. It is so very good to be doing what everyone else does!!!

Please continue to pray for Chad and Trina's family. Chad was very strong yesterday, but I know he is heartbroken and just lost without his helpmeet.


Friday, March 16, 2007 12:54 AM CDT

Yes, it was an AWESOME CONCERT!

We were supposed to meet Chris at 6:45, but we were waiting from 6:15 until 7!! Everyone who walked by, Colette asked, "Is Chris Tomlin here?" and they all said, "Yes, he's back there." She was very patient but she had been waiting all day, dressed up in her red dress with her "makeup" and painted fingernails!

We had to sit in the catering room to wait, which smelled like food and we were starving! LOL

Finally at 7 pm, he walked through the door. Colette was very happy to see him. He was super rushed, however, and was ready to get the picture made and visit quickly. I made him a board book of pics of Colette - one side were sick pictures, the other side were healthy pictures. I also tossed in a couple of his song titles that are Colette's favorites. I wrote her website on there too. I hope he has time to visit and find out just how much she loves him.

We have been hustling this week, yesterday was especially busy with the funeral and the sign language class, and Jason got home earlier than I expected, so that was nice.

The state of Alabama has just approved offering ASL for a high school foreign language elective! Our teacher said that they will be looking for Sign Language teachers who have a degree - maybe that is ME! I am working on the signing...I probably know a BUNCH of words, but being able to communicate or read a deaf person signing, I still have to work on that. I am very excited about what this will add to our lives!

We are off to visit with Aunt Sherry & Co. Hannah will be spending the night with us and Colette is very very excited. The kids also have soccer practice tonight. It is so very good to be doing what everyone else does!!!

Please continue to pray for Chad and Trina's family. Chad was very strong yesterday, but I know he is heartbroken and just lost without his helpmeet.


Friday, March 16, 2007 12:54 AM CDT

Yes, it was an AWESOME CONCERT!

We were supposed to meet Chris at 6:45, but we were waiting from 6:15 until 7!! Everyone who walked by, Colette asked, "Is Chris Tomlin here?" and they all said, "Yes, he's back there." She was very patient but she had been waiting all day, dressed up in her red dress with her "makeup" and painted fingernails!

We had to sit in the catering room to wait, which smelled like food and we were starving! LOL

Finally at 7 pm, he walked through the door. Colette was very happy to see him. He was super rushed, however, and was ready to get the picture made and visit quickly. I made him a board book of pics of Colette - one side were sick pictures, the other side were healthy pictures. I also tossed in a couple of his song titles that are Colette's favorites. I wrote her website on there too. I hope he has time to visit and find out just how much she loves him.

We have been hustling this week, yesterday was especially busy with the funeral and the sign language class, and Jason got home earlier than I expected, so that was nice.

The state of Alabama has just approved offering ASL for a high school foreign language elective! Our teacher said that they will be looking for Sign Language teachers who have a degree - maybe that is ME! I am working on the signing...I probably know a BUNCH of words, but being able to communicate or read a deaf person signing, I still have to work on that. I am very excited about what this will add to our lives!

We are off to visit with Aunt Sherry & Co. Hannah will be spending the night with us and Colette is very very excited. The kids also have soccer practice tonight. It is so very good to be doing what everyone else does!!!

Please continue to pray for Chad and Trina's family. Chad was very strong yesterday, but I know he is heartbroken and just lost without his helpmeet.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:28 AM CDT

I was right, Colette does have a nice little ear infection going on. I took her to the dr yesterday and he confirmed my suspicions. Plus, he just likes loving on her. I guess he is still in awe that she is doing so well. She has gained one pound since she last saw him! I explained to him our insurance situation, prescription wise, and I walked out with the best antibiotic for free! Thank you Dr! You're the best!

I took the kids to soccer practice. Bryant had his first practice to meet his coach and everything. I talked to the head of the park and told him they had made a mistake and scheduled Colette on Mon & Thurs, and Bryant on Tues & Fri, thus causing me to drive a good 40 minutes or more EVERY DAY. He said, oh well, can't arrange that for all siblings, there are 300 kids, blah blah, no I can't get a refund of the money I paid for her to play, blah blah. After Bryant's practice was over, I walked to the U6 coach (Colette's age) and told him the situation. It just happened that they had given him a U10 player by mistake, and he was actually one player short! So I put Colette on his team. I told him quickly that she was a cancer patient, but is doing just fine and we aren't going to be crazy parents about her running around and falling, etc. He said, I know a lady whose granddaughter had neuroblastoma and went to UAB for treatment! HA! That was a great "coincidence" - NOT! He was really sweet to her and she perked right up and chatted with him. She is looking forward to practice on Friday night!



Chris Tomlin's people want to meet us AT THE CONCERT TONIGHT!!! Mawmaw sent the video of Colette singing his song, Unfailing Love, to the radio station here. Well, the radio station got in touch with the production people. The tour promoter called last night with his cell #. I called him back (after I got over the initial shock) and he kept asking if I had heard from anyone else about the "arrangements" for tonight. No, I didn't really know what was going on. He said, well, come to the venue (today) and call my cell. I will get all of yall in, don't pay anything for a ticket. I know Chris wants to see yall.


That was what I said after I got off the phone!

So Colette is super psyched - she wants to give him a handprint and I am taking him a pic of the 2 of them from last Feb. She said she wants to sing for him, but she wanted to know if she would get a microphone! LOL

Will update later! And Mawmaw is getting into the concert for free too! YAY!
Monday, March 12, 2007 9:49 PM CDT

The best present award goes to: MOM AND DAD AND COLETTE!!! Bryant is now the proud owner of Heely's! Now he can keep up with me at WalMart! LOL

Here are some pics from the birthday party this weekend.

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Magic Aunt Tricia (hostess of the best parties!)

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That Grace loves her Bryant!

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All the crazy girls were at the same end of the table!

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(I know I look scary!)

Colette ran a temp overnight, she was fine all day today, but I kept her home because I wasn't sure what was going on. She has been congested and coughing, so I think we might be looking at another ear infection. yay - in lowercase

She is feeling warm again tonight, but I am going to watch her again and probably go to the dr tomorrow.

Kenzie finally got out of the hospital! yay! She doesn't have to go back to Bham until APRIL 2, which, by the way, is MY BIRTHDAY! Her mom is super glad not to make that trip any more than necessary!

A friend of mine from high school, Katrina, has been fighting leukemia for a little more than a year (I think), and she passed away this morning in Bham. Her husband, Chad, is left to take care of 4 small kids. He relocated to Prattville to be near UAB. It is so sad to think of her as I remember her, young, long beautiful hair, cheerleader and track runner, Christian girl, and now she is gone. Her visitation is going to be Wednesday at Serenity Gardens, and the funeral is Thursday. I will definitely be at the funeral. Please pray for her family, especially her husband and kids. He was always such a good friend to me, as were his parents. I know they are completely devastated.


Saturday, March 10, 2007 3:26 PM CST

OK OK OK! You win!

I really couldn't bear the thought of not talking to you all anyway! All during my days, I think, I need to tell someone on the website about that...etc.

Thank you to all of you who have left kind and prayerful thoughts here. I really had no idea who was reading, I pretty much thought NO ONE was reading anymore. But I will continue, because there is so much to be shared about God's grace in our lives.

After I posted last, I went to church and had a wonderful time and even had a few people pray for me. Encouraged, I got home and read some sweet messages from folks all over the US. So I am back, and I really don't care what people want to say about us. After all, this is not about me, or Colette even.

Bryant had a good birthday day. I met him for lunch at school, then I picked him up early and took him to Dauphin Island with his camera. We sat on the beach, well, he played in the sand and I sat on the beach. It was super nice! Then I took him to Cadillac Square, and he climbed in the big huge oak tree that I climbed in when I was young. It was really nice and no one was out and about since it was a weekday.

That evening we went to a mexican restaurant and they put whipped cream on his nose and cheeks and chin. I have pictures of all of that!

Today we went to the Hog Wild BBQ fest that had everything free for kids under 12. The kids played and played, and I was able to talk to some vendors about donating items for the ChemoMoms group to auction/raffle. Then we ran into Sherry & Co, that was a good surprise!

We are getting ready to go to the BIRTHDAY PARTY in a little while! Bryant and Colette are BOTH excited about this! I even found out that my cousins/aunt arranged for a CAMO CAKE for Bryant! Yay - I was afraid I was stuck making cupcakes! lol

Some big news - we found out yesterday that our insurance is no longer going to be carried by BC/BS. The new plan is UHC and guess who's ENTIRE ONCOLOGY CLINIC doesn't take UHC? Yep. I met with the UHC reps at Jason's office yesterday to discuss our specific needs. This could ruin everything with Jason's job, causing him to change jobs just because of insurance. Thankfully, though, they found out that because she is still an ongoing patient, she will be able to go to UAB's clinic at in-network pricing! Praise the Lord!!! We still have to see how much the 2 options will cost us out of pocket, but the insurance we have now will be going up tremendously per month, so we have to change. Pray that we make the right choice for our financial stability.

Other big news - Kenzie has been admitted to the hospital here in Mobile! We met at the Krispy Kreme for our moms' meeting, then that night, Hope called to say they were in the ER!! Apparently Kenzie spiked a temp, and Hope took her to the ER. Kenzie is just about 120 post transplant, so they have to be really careful. Plus she is on accutane now and needs infusions for her hypercalcemia. She had a positive culture come back, so the infectious disease dr said she will be admitted until she gets 2 negative cultures. Hopefully that will be by Monday! I took Colette by there last night and Kenzie was really happy to see her. We brought her a bunch of things to write and play with. That is what I want the ChemoMoms to do - move into action when one of our kids is inpatient. I plan to visit Kenzie again tomorrow. Colette sat up on her bed and even helped her eat her dinner! LOL They sat there and watched My Little Pony and dipped graham crackers into peanut butter, just like in the infusion room in Bham.


Well, I gotta go wrap a special present for our buddy.

Thanks again for your words of encouragement. You are right, I will continue to share with you what happens with Colette - I have come to depend on caringbridge and other caringbridge families.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007 3:47 PM CST

Thank you to everyone who have ever given my family anything. Two or three people have given every time I have had a need. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you to my cousin who has graciously provided a birthday party with the works for Bryant on Saturday! That relieved Jason and me immensely. Not to mention it is more special than we could have planned!

I started using this journal back in May 2005 to keep strangers and family up to date with Colette's progress.

She is "well" for now...and obviously many people who read (but never post) think we no longer need prayers or support.

It is my hope and prayer that no one else will ever have to understand what it is like to come back to a life that is not at all the way you remember it. While you were in the hospital for weeks, sitting in clinic for hours and living in another city, everyone else's life goes on. Friends from before seem to disappear and your new friends all have bald kids. :)

Life after cancer is almost as hard as being diagnosed in the first place. Trying to find a job is terrible because you will still have to make weekly/monthly trips out of town, pay for hotels, gas, food, and no one wants to hire someone who might have to quit when their child relapses.

I really thought my 2 years of posting always looked for the hope and positive in our situation. Now that I am in dire financial straits, I am being bashed because I am being "negative". People think I am spending lots of money on this chemo mom group. No one in this group has extra money either! Everything we plan to have will only come from donations! But it doesn't cost much to email people and go to events to spread our name around. Helping get this group going is giving me something to do until I can get a job. Even talking to people about it, I am making contacts and who knows, God could be leading me to a job offer.

I am glad for the people who I have met here. Don't worry, I will continue to visit my friends!

I am taking a break from posting on here. I can't figure out what people want to read anymore and my feelings have been hurt. I try to be positive, everyone assumes everything is great! I tell the real story, and I am "desperate", "negative", "unappreciative".

My last thought is this: you should never assume you know how someone is managing based on what you see. Take the time to ask them how things are going and actually listen to their answer, don't expect an "ok" every time.

Don't worry - I am still going to be singing the praises of God restoring my daughter. She is going to be singing WITH me too!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007 9:33 AM CST

Well I must be doing something good because the devil is after me again!

First, I took Colette to see my grandpa yesterday. He was sitting up in a chair and had actually eaten some jello and that wonderful hospital beef broth! Yay! He seemed very happy to see Colette and she even sang and danced for him. Oh yeah, she also picked out a smiley face balloon for him. She is too much!

The ChemoMoms group is coming together and we have lots of big meetings coming up for us to talk to some people who will be benefitting from our efforts. It is very exciting!

Back to the devil part. You all know we have been struggling financially since the beginning of the year. Not to mention the fact that Jason's company has kept him out of town since Jan 2, Mondays thru Fridays. What was supposed to be a 2-3 week job is turning into a 2-3 MONTH job. I certainly am exhausted from the experience.

We have somehow found a way to hang in there, mainly getting money for groceries and gas from the donation buckets around our house. However, we have had to remove one of the biggest jars because someone purchased the gas station and they are not interested in keeping the jar there. So that leaves only 3 jars that I can check. I checked one yesterday and there was $9 and change, so I was able to get gas and Colette a bug juice. I stopped driving my van because it just takes too much gas to drive Colette back and forth to school every day. I am driving the little red car and it is doing fine.

Last Thursday, I came home to find an Alabama Power disconnect notice on my door! It said they would cut our power if we didn't pay nearly $300!!! Our power bill is only $92 a month and we weren't 3 payments behind!! So I had a nervous breakdown, you remember Jason is out of town and there is no money in the bank until the next day...

I headed to the power company before 5 and paid the whole amount. It turns out that our 1 year of flat billing is over and our new monthly rate is going to be $177!!! So that was the reason the amount was double what it is normally!!! (we don't receive the actual bill since the power is still in the owner's name and we are only renting this house)

We still didn't have enough to pay the whole amount after we got a few groceries and gas, but our bank paid the check and didn't return it to the power company which is ok, I guess.

Did I mention we still have to pay rent?

Oh yeah, my biggest personal hurdle is this:

THURSDAY IS BRYANT'S 8th BIRTHDAY!!!! Last year, we had a mini-cake and we sang to him in Birmingham, even though it wasn't really his birthday yet. He never even had a birthday party for friends/kids! Now I am crushed because he is expecting a party and I can't even afford a present for him, much less a big party! I already promised him I am going to eat lunch with him on Thursday, and I have to make camo cupcakes for him to take to school that day. But realistically that is all I can do - not to mention the fact that Jason will still be out of town for Bryant's actual birthday! Oh yeah, he is at that age where he KNOWS that a certain day is the real birthday - no putting him off! LOL

You always hear the story where the kids have to eat mac & cheese for a few nights in a row...thank goodness we have Wednesday night supper at church! LOL

MONDAY UPDATE: My grandpa has been moved back to a REGULAR ROOM! Praise the Lord! That only means he is doing better! I am going to bring Colette to see him today - don't worry, she will wear a mask! But she loves her Big Papa and he LOVES her too! Maybe she will be good medicine for him!

We are still taking any support we can get for the ChemoMoms group. If you are interested in being a sponsor for an upcoming fundraiser, please email me. If you are physically able to help do things like pass out flyers, business cards, etc, please let me know. You have done so much for us, now we are trying to do for others.


Saturday, March 3, 2007 9:50 PM CST

Sorry it has been so long! I have been super busy getting this Chemo Moms group going.

This will be quick, but here are some things we have done and are working on:

Today I went to the American Cancer Society Chili Cook-Off in downtown Mobile. I gave out all my flyers and business cards. I made some very important contacts with local folks, and some I already knew. Everyone was very receptive with what we are trying to do, which is bring awareness to Mobilians that they can help local cancer kids.

I have talked with some people, but I can't elaborate until things are finalized. We have several projects we want to start, including providing some special gifts for children at the local hospital, supporting the local Ronald McDonald house and also being present at as many Relays for Life and other ACS events. Also, we want to work with the Red Cross and stress blood/platelet donations.

I am pretty tired from all we have done in the past week-10 days. Currently we are trying to get a sponsor to help us have a booth at a BBQ festival next weekend. At the same time, we need to contact a non-profit "person" who can help us get established legally and probably elect a Board of Directors. Also, we are looking for a tax advisor who might be willing to help us at a discounted rate. I am asking all of you to please put out your feelers and let me know if someone you know can put us in touch with these types of contacts. Please email me at either tambabe1@hotmail.com or chemomoms@yahoo.com.

We are also working on setting up our website at chemomoms.com! See, I am VERY busy!!!

Colette is doing well, she has a nice little cough and runny nose, but she is getting med for that and hopefully it will pass soon.

Thanks for your prayers for my grandpa. He had a successful polypectomy and partial colectomy (I think). He was moved from ICU after the first 24 hours, but now he has developed pneumonia in his left lung. He is back in ICU and not real happy! But the most recent xray shows his lung looks better and his O2 sats are back up to 100. Thank the Lord! Unfortunately, that means Colette can't go see him and she is VERY UNHAPPY about that! That is her Big Papa! And I know he wants to see her too. I will be going to visit tomorrow sometime. My dad said he is feeling better and looks better. Please remember him as he tries to recover from this surgery.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007 11:05 PM CST

Things have been busy busy busy!

Colette is doing great - she has been really enjoying school and I had her first IEP meeting yesterday. The teachers really enjoy spending time with her and are just amazed at her personality. She is super smart, even according to their tests! I am going to try to register her on Friday to hopefully go to Bryant's school, right next to our house. They think she will be able to handle K4 in a regular class, no problems. She will have to have an FM system though, and her teacher will wear a microphone transmitter. Otherwise, she will be just a regular kid!

Colette and Bryant were both registered last Saturday to play soccer! We were only going to register Bryant, but when we saw the age was 4, we figured, what the heck! We will be there anyway for Bryant's practice, so they will schedule Colette on a team that practices on the same days! Yay! They don't start practice until Mar 12.

SO the biggest news is what we are doing with the Chemo Moms of Mobile group. Our first meeting is tomorrow, and we have already had tremendous response and support! Some moms are unable to attend this week, but they have all given us encouragement and will be available on other days. So far, we have contacted the Children's Hospital Foundation, Ronald McDonald House, USA Children's & Women's, Red Cross, American Cancer Society, Relay for Life teams, ACS Chili Cook-Off, and more. Hope (Kenzie's mom) and I will be at the mall tomorrow afternoon to talk with 95-KSJ during the annual St. Jude radiothon. They know we were not treated at St. Jude, but they still wanted us to tell our stories and advertise our support group. I know one local boy and his mom will be there tomorrow afternoon, and then Lisa and Cole will be there on Friday afternoon. Our main goal of this group is to support ALL cancer kids and families here in the area, regardless of where they receive treatment.

We are meeting with a fundraiser tomorrow who wants to help us design some fundraisers. We have been contacted by a Relay for Life manager who wants to talk with our group about appearing at several relays around the area. Also, the Child Life folks at USA Children's & Women's wants us to bring our flyers and cards to share with their oncologists and development office. Hopefully that will pull the Children's Miracle Network in so that we can start addressing the needs of the patients here in Mobile.

All of these big plans, but we don't want to forget the smallest things we can do for someone who is spending their days in flourescent lighting and eating cafeteria food. Taking a toothbrush and "grown up" shampoo (something other than Johnson's baby shampoo) to an inpatient parent, calling a mom who is waiting on scan results, sitting with a child who is inpatient so the mom can go check on her other kids at home, all those things mean more than money sometimes! And ESPECIALLY mom's birthdays! It means a lot for someone to remember you personally while you are in the middle of this journey.

Of course, we will be accepting donations for the group. I have already had to spend a good amount of money to buy the kind of business cards you print yourself, and paper to print our flyers on. We also will buy our own lavender t-shirts and decorate them ourselves instead of using professional printers. You know we will BLING it up! LOL

Tomorrow, if you are in the Mobile area, listen to 95 KSJ probably around lunchtime and maybe you will hear us talking. Also, stop by the mall and you will hopefully see our flyers there on the table.

Btw, my grandpa had surgery this afternoon to remove some colon polyps and possibly a part of his colon. The surgery was lengthy, but the official results are that the polyps are NOT cancerous, and they were able to remove the part that was scar tissue. I plan to visit him tomorrow, but I think he will be in ICU still. He was very anxious today and I tried to explain to him, yes, that IV is working, and you are getting fluids...he was funny. He really wanted a big juicy hamburger with onion rings and he was NPO. LOL Hopefully he will feel up to eating one soon!


www.myspace.com/chemomoms will be our myspace site!

Thursday, February 22, 2007 3:27 PM CST


Announcing the beginning of the CHEMO MOMS group in Mobile!!!

If you remember our friend McKenzie (Kenzie) here in Semmes, she had atransplant at Children's in Bham and had the same room and same apartment that we had? Well, her mom, Hope, and I have been in contact since before she had her transplant. We have shared many worries and laughs and aggravations over the phone, spent many minutes on our cellphones while driving to and from Bham, and lots of other things (husband issues LOL)

Well we keep finding out more and more cancer moms here in the Mobile area, so we decided we are going to start a "coffee group" that meets here locally so we can introduce ourselves to other moms who have gone down the cancer trip and might still be doing it, or just getting into it. If nothing else, we can get together and complain about our doctors! (well, not us, we LOVE Dr. Buckley! lol)

The first "official" meeting of CHEMO MOMS will be NEXT THURSDAY, MARCH 1, at the Krispy Kreme on Hillcrest and Airport. Anyone who is interested in helping other families through their cancer journey, or have some experience you would like to share, please meet us there! We will also be notifying the hospital and some home health workers will be spreading the news of our meeting. We hope to plan some events to help raise money for childhood cancer research and specifically for neuroblastoma and Children's Hospital in Bham. There are several RELAY FOR LIFE events coming up in March and it would be awesome to go to one and actually know some people there! LOL

In the beginning of this group, we will mainly just get to know each other, and share our stories and laughs (hopefully not too many tears) and brainstorm of some ideas we can do to raise awareness here in Mobile. Also, we want to try to have a monthly get together for all our kids and spouses. Baldies unite! lol

Hopefully we will have some more solid ideas by next Thursday, but PLEASE get on your phone and call anyone you think might benefit from meeting with us. Even if they can't eat doughnuts, they can still come and chat for a while!

Email me (tambabe1@hotmail.com) or leave a message if you are interested. You can also read what Hope says on Kenzie's website at: www.caringbridge.org/visit/mckenziesmith


Monday, February 19, 2007 1:16 PM CST

Once again, not much to report. Colette is still enjoying school and the kids are both happy to be out for Mardi Gras this week.

Colette's new ear molds came in last week and the school was able to fit them to her aids so now we are just waiting for the audiologist to have a chance to reprogram them.

Colette will possibly be going to regular school (it is an experimental program blending special needs preschoolers with normal preschoolers) most of the day, since she really doesn't need very much help with her abilities. She is a good speech model for the other kids, but the teacher is worried because Colette is only able to model the adults. She doesn't want Colette to lose any of her speech since she is not around talkative kids all day.

I think she will probably like it just as well, maybe better.

Jason is in town this week due to Mardi Gras, so it is a lot easier on me. Right now we are trying to get the house clean for him to come home tonight. The kids have already cleaned their rooms without any fussing!

Thanks for reading! Keep us in your prayers, we are still struggling but there are a couple of job leads I plan to follow up on.


Thursday, February 15, 2007 10:19 AM CST

Sorry for the lack of updates, still doing great!

Colette is enjoying preschool, but she doesn't like wearing a uniform everyday! She wanted to wear her own clothes and she gets so frustrated that she has to wear khaki everyday! lol

Some of you know that we are still struggling financially. Jason's company is still not allowing overtime, so we really don't have enough $ after bills to really survive! Yes, our immediate needs of food and housing are being met and I am so very thankful for that. But recently we have all been sick and our prescription plan does not pay for our medication until we have EACH spent $350 on meds. You have read that Bryant is currently taking medicine for his hyperactivity. The Dr originally wrote for a $125/month med, but when I called back to his office to tell him our prescription insurance issues, he wrote for $15/month meds! Thank you Dr L!

I have missed 3 weeks of church and choir due to this upper respiratory infection, either I had it or the kids or Jason. It is contagious and I am sure a lot of you have dealt with it too. In fact, I was scheduled to sing my first solo with the ladies' ensemble and also a solo for the Sunday night service and I had to cancel both of them due to my current sinus infection! And you know how much I love to sing!!

I was asked to list our current financial needs and I will do that here. I have even called Jason's employer and begged them to reevaluate the insurance/prescription plans before they renew in April. I am sending the management a letter detailing our medical needs also. Colette THANKFULLY is covered by Medicaid if our insurance doesn't pay, but she has been well for the most part, and doesn't need maintenance medication. Bryant and I, however, need daily meds that we can't afford.

My monthly meds cost $99
I need an antibiotic and the generic costs $74

His monthly meds cost $85 and he uses Colette's albuterol for his nightly breathing treatments

We each have to spend $350 before our insurance will pay us back. We will still have to pay the money up front, but at least they will pay us back most of it. You see it will take nearly 4 months for both of us to reach a point where we can start to get reimbursement. Once we get to that point, it will still be tight, but that is manageable because I can file the claim the day I pick up the med, and BC/BS will cut the 80 percent check within a week.

Due to this constant money problem, now that I can rest assured that Colette is doing well for a while, I am also looking for a job. I need something that will allow me to pick her up at 3 each day. I have a computer science degree and I can type 12000+ keystrokes an hour. I just need something better than minimum wage! If I can get a job with insurance, hopefully there will be a prescription plan in place!

I know God is going to provide for us, but you all know how many times I have come to you for help and someone has always been willing to allow God to use them to help us. Yes, the Lord provides, and yes He has higher ways to do so, and I firmly believe He gives us people who will lift us up when we need help. A couple of people have sent money or offered help with Colette's uniforms and I am so grateful. We are still working on that, some items are a little big and need to be altered, but that just means they will last longer!

Thanks for reading this rambling story...Jason has been working out of town Mon-Fri since Jan 2, so I have been nearly losing it by Thursday every week! LOL I know my help is coming home tomorrow and we can just be happy and enjoy being together!

Please don't get frustrated if you can't help us at this time...you can ALWAYS help by PRAYING for us and SHARING Colette with others who might need encouragement. Sometimes I get the biggest reward watching people's spirit lift when she hugs them or when they realize what she has been through and how awesome she is and how awesome GOD IS to have restored her to life!


Monday, February 12, 2007 11:16 AM CST

UPDATE: Colette had a fantastic day! Her teacher, Ms. Tina, said she is very independent... ha! not sure if she meant that in a positive way...LOL

She told me that she took a nap today, she made a heart card for me, and then I found some pink and white beads in her backpack. Obviously, the music teacher LOVED hearing her sing so much that she got TWO sets of beads! LOL She kept telling me that one boy was quiet and he didn't get any beads. Cutie pie! She ate lunch at school and said she liked what they had. Poor thing was starving when I got her! She was virtually in tears saying she was hungry! I guess she will have to get used to eating all of her lunch when it is time! Of course, I will also stop and let her get a snack or something. She was tired after that, but she was happy nonetheless.

Colette is very ready to get back tomorrow. I am thinking about eventually letting her ride the bus to school. They will come to pick her up each morning and drop her off at home each day. I think it will be easier on me, especially if I get a J*B. They take very good care of the kids, since each one needs special attention.

Hopefully her new ear molds will come in soon from Bham and then they can turn up the volume so she can hear my voice again! LOL

Well, it is going to be another early morning, so I need to go to bed!

Thanks for checking on my big girl! Look at the new pics on the View Photos page!


Yes, once again, we are busy busy busy! We are all still fighting this head/sinus cough and congestion...Colette & Bryant are both on Albuterol treatments (not so much Colette anymore - yay).

Colette went to preschool today for the first time! She was so excited! She already met all her teachers when we were there last time, so she was ready to sit in her spot. She has her own cubby where she puts her lunch money and her name is where she hangs her backpack. She went straight to speech when we got there. There are about 5 different teachers who are working with about 7 or 8 kids. It is different than regular school because everyone gets very close supervision. She is going to be spoiled!!! Her teacher kept saying she was going to be a "shining star" in their class! If she only knew...LOL

I only bought her the one jumper, because we have been severely strapped for money. I hope she is not too rough today so I can just wash it tonight and she can wear it again tomorrow. I have 3 shirts for her, and stockings, etc, but she just needs more jumpers and maybe some pants.

Now that she is taken care of during the day, I am in search of a J*B. I can't bring myself to actually type that! LOL I am terrible I know!!! I just don't know where to start. I haven't worked since she was born because I wanted to be home with both kids till they were school age. Well, now's that time! Pray that God will show me open doors and close doors ahead of me. I know He will, because He has always been good to take care of us!!

I didn't get to meet Steven Curtis Chapman :( boo hoo - but I DID get to meet Jeremy Camp! He is AWESOME and was super sweet to Bryant and me. I worked his T-Shirt booth at the concert from 5 pm til 10:15 pm. It was so much fun! If anybody is interested in doing that for the next concerts that are coming to Mobile, Chris Tomlin in March and MercyMe in April, email me. Usually you can meet the singer and get in for free, plus you get to choose something free, like my t-shirt or a CD or something. It is just cool to get in behind the scenes and you get to meet soooo many people! I met some really sweet girls at the concert and they should be sending me some pics! Bryant dropped the camera after he was taking pics of Steven Curtis Chapman's sound check. I thought it was broken the whole night, so we didn't get any other pics of us meeting Jeremy or anything! Last night I was showing Jason, and noticed the BATTERIES were put back in BACKWARDS...and the camera is FINE. AAAAAARRGGGHHH!!!!

But I did get pics of Colette this morning that I will try to upload today! I am keeping my nephew, Matthew (see top photo), since he was released from the hospital yesterday!!! He can't go back to school yet, but his momma had to catch up on her work. I told her he could hang around with his favorite aunt. He is currently playing legos in my floor and enjoying being the center of attention. My sweetie!!

I will update more about Colette's first day after I pick her up!


Thursday, February 8, 2007 10:23 PM CST

We are FINALLY home and all back to normal!!!

CLEAR SCANS! We had her MIBG scan on Wednesday, and as soon as she was finished and heading for the elevator, her dr came looking for us! He was ready to tell us the news!

He told us right there in the waiting room that everything looked GREAT!!! Then they rushed us to the back so we could get back on the road. Nothing showed except a little sinus on the CT and he was VERY happy with how she looked. Of course, she was the shining star, running around, passing out moon pies and beads and Valentine's stickers!

I have some pics of her actually in the scan machine and a pic of her sad face with an IV... :(

She is starting preschool on MONDAY! I am so excited! So is she! Now I am off to locate some more uniform dresses and skirts. She doesn't like to wear pants! LOL

Our internet is messed up, it will be next week before it is back to normal, so you might have to wait for all the good pics until then.

Thanks for checking on us and make sure you let everyone know about our Miracle Princess!


Sunday, February 4, 2007 7:19 PM CST

Sorry again about the lack of updates....

Currently Colette & I have a bit of the crud, we have had it since last Wednesday. My ears are plugged and we have major congestion and coughing. We are both taking Bactrim so it shouldn't develop into anything worse.

The big news is that Colette, Jason & I are leaving for Bham in the morning. Bryant will stay at home and with Mawmaw just until we get back on Wednesday. We don't want him to miss too much school in case we decide to take a trip soon.

I searched all over Mobile for uniform clothes for Colette. I found the jumper at WalMart and only found the little white button down short sleeve shirt at Sears. The last pair of size 9.5s in South Alabama were at the Payless at the mall. UGH! Don't these people realize that kids need new school clothes during the year too?! Bryant needs clothes as he gets holes in the knees, or he outgrows his shirts...that is ridiculous that you can't just run out and pick up a new pair of khakis. I guess I am going to just start ordering from sears.com from now on. :(

Anyway, she is all ready to start school when we get back from Bham. She is excited about going to the hospital and seeing all her friends (doctors & nurses) and is taking Valentine stickers and Moon Pies & beads to them! (Hey, it IS Mardi Gras season down here, and Mardi Gras DID originate here in Mobile!!)

Pray for my buddy that he has a good couple of days with Mawmaw. Pray for Jason & I as we drive to Bham. And most importantly.....

Pray for clear scans!!!

We have a hearing appointment on Monday, bone scan and CT scans on Tuesday and MIBG (the most important one) on Wednesday morning. We should be back on the road by mid afternoon on Wednesday!


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 1:46 PM CST

Guess who is a BIG GIRL and going to SCHOOL soon?

Yep! I took Colette to the Regional School for Deaf & Blind, and she had tests done, hearing tests, cognitive tests, etc. She qualifies to attend the school due to her hearing loss. She needs to have new molds made and her aids tweaked a little. Her hearing has gotten slightly worse in the low sounds. I knew she was having trouble hearing when people are talking to her. Turns out I was right, she has trouble in the VOCAL range. Ha!

But the lady who tested her intellect and development was pretty impressed. She said that as soon as she saw and heard Colette talk and interact with people, she was special! Duh! In fact, once Colette gets to public school, she even suggested we test her for the gifted program. Surprise! I will have TWO potentially gifted kids! No wonder I am going CRAZY!!!!

The principal had to leave for the day, so we didn't get to find out exactly which teacher she will get, but she probably will start next week when we get back from Birmingham. They can even send a bus to our house to pick her up in the mornings! (but I am not ready for that yet!)

Now, I have the task of BUYING UNIFORMS! If Bryant wasn't so rough on his clothes, I would have a couple of shirts she can wear, since their school colors are the same, except for the shoes! The school is trying to help us get the shoes, sometimes they have donated ones, but her size wasn't available.

She needs red polo or button down shirts (size 4), (French Toast) khaki jumpers, skirts or pants (size 4T or 4), white stockings (4-6x), and brown shoes (9 or 9 1/2) with red soles (like Bucks). She is sooooooo excited!

We packed her a little snack in a Hello Kitty lunch box and she loved being the center of attention! She will get her aids fixed there and also she will get speech. Yay!

I can't wait to go shopping for this uniform! I guess I didn't think she would be able to do anything like this for a while, but physically she will be fine. I think there are about 6 other kids in the class, 2 with the cochlear implants and the rest wear hearing aids. She watched all the kids go by and was happy to see all the different colored ear molds! Plus we saw Mason Barksdale, the boy who shared in the car show benefit. He goes there too!

I am fighting off a new sinus infection. It has been since Sept since I had one, so I think I have done pretty well! I don't have the $70 for the prescription, so I will try to hang in there with my Tylenol Severe Congestion! It should be fine!

I hope everyone is staying warm!

Friday, January 26, 2007 11:16 PM CST

I can't stand deleting updates every day, so I am just putting several on one page!

Tonight Jason & I went on a "date" to our Praise Ministry Banquet. The food was awesome (Naman's) and there was the MOST HILARIOUS comedian I have ever heard! His name is Tim Hawkins and his DVDs are available at WalMart. We were ROLLING with laughter, in fact, my face is still hurting! (no comments from the peanut gallery!)

Colette was able to talk to her NP, Mrs. Pat today. We go up on Feb 5 to get new hearing aid molds made on that day, then on Tuesday she will get bone scan injection, CT scan, bone scan, then MIBG injection. On Wednesday she only has the MIBG scan. We are NOT doing bone marrows, which means no magic milk! Hooray! Hopefully everything will be awesome and then we should be back home that evening. Jason is going with us this time. I am glad because I HATE going in there and seeing the screens! I never look because I don't know what is normal and what is not!

A very special thank you to our special friends R & S! You WILL be coming over for STEAK soon! We both love yall!

Thursday, January 25, 2007 11:52 PM CST

I can't sleep, I need to write a special note to someone:

To my Special Paper Clip Friend:
Thank you for being willing to let God use you to help my family. Many times I will collect the money from the jars and only have $20 and change. Then I get to your jar, and there, in a $1 bill and a paper clip, I find 2 $20's and sometimes another 2 $5's like I did today. Today was the day I found out that one of Colette's jars have been stolen AGAIN from the same gas station right here near our house!

I wanted to let you know what your paper clip bought us:

Bryant's new medicine
toilet paper
a $10 pizza for dinner
an ice cream for both kids since they were good at the doctor
a new nebulizer mask
a Coke for Colette after gymnastics

and I still have some left!

You didn't know that we just forked out $250 to the septic tank guy, or that Jason just lost 2 days of work trying to get our toilets to flush, or that he spent another $50 buying PVC, a Y-connector, and other plumbing supplies that wiped out the last of our "savings".

You have been so kind to leave us that extra money and I would love to know who you are. I understand if you want to remain anonymous, but I want to make sure you know that it is appreciated so much!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:52 PM CST

Ugh! We have had quite an eventful last 24 hours! As I mentioned before, Jason has been working about 2 hours away Mon-Thurs. So he went there yesterday.

When the kids and I got back from Boy Scouts last night, I tossed some of Bryant's uniform pants in the washer since he had NONE. About 10 minutes later, he yells from the bathroom, "Mom! P**p is coming out of the bathtub!!!" I run in there and sure enough, our septic tank is backing up into the house! ARGH! So I think I have it under control, right? Hah! My bathroom (in my room) has OVERFLOWED all over the floor and about 18 inches into my bedroom carpet!! $@$!!!!!!

So I call my dad, and he sets off at 10 pm to locate a carpet cleaner, then I call my brother, and he promises to come help, then I call Jason and let him know. Well, by midnight, Jason was home, Michael & Logan had cleaned up ALL the "crap" (not funny) and Daddy brought a cleaner. We finally got to bed around 2 am!

We spent today cleaning all the carpets in the house, since we had the machine! The carpet in the bedroom is fine. Everything is all clean, but we still can't use much water. The septic tank people came out after dark (after we waited all day for them) and pumped out the tank, but they said there was a clog between the house and the tank. They started digging and found that the PVC underground had dry rot and had cracked and crumbled for about 6-8 feet from the house. The mud had collected and basically kept all the "yuck" in a trench outside our window! It cost $250 to find that out! So Jason is so resourceful, he stopped by Lowe's tonight and picked up a 10-ft piece of pipe and is working to get it together as I type this. It will be nice to be able to wash clothes, dishes and ourselves!!! Pew!

I will be spending most of the day tomorrow washing stuff! I hope he gets it done quickly so he won't be out there much longer in the cold!

Monday, January 22, 2007 8:52 PM CST

Wow - I didn't do so hot, huh? A whole week without an update! Shame! So here is a fabulously awesome video of Colette singing "Unfailing Love", by Chris Tomlin*!

*words at the bottom of this page*

We have just been so packed with activities, it has been wonderful! Jason was out of town most of the week again, so I tried to keep Colette home and away from the flu and other bugs going around. We went to church on Wednesday night and she was so ready to go to her class! I remember she was so nervous this past summer about going in there, and now, she leaves me as soon as we get out of the van!

What else...hmm...we went to the first Mardi Gras parade of the season on Dauphin Island. It was cold, but not too bad. We met Aunt Sherry & Co. there. The kids all had a picnic in the back of Craig's truck, then we went for wagon rides and played in the park. The parade was fun, but it was very late getting started (or at least it took forever until they got to us!) The traffic getting off the island was terrible, but once we got up past Hwy 188, the traffic was gone. Then Aunt Sherry & Co. came over for a cookout. Uncle Craig and Jason spent the whole night putting together paintball guns. Jason grilled pork chops and Sherry & I sat by the fireplace. The kids played and played. When it was time to go, everyone was exhausted and the tears were flowing. :(

I found out today that Colette should qualify to attend a preschool here for "sensory impaired" kids. Since she has a hearing loss and wears aids, she can go to a full day program to get her ready for kindergarten next year. yay! I have to take her to be evaluated by the school, then hopefully we can get her involved! That would help me, because I can get a job and we can finally breathe financially.

I taught Boy Scouts tonight ----- aaahhh Calgon, take me away! I will be glad when Jason isn't working out of town again, so he can do his "jobs"!!! LOL

Well, the kids are quiet, so they must be doing something wrong ;p I will update more soon!


Bryant has signed up for the St. Jude's MathAThon. So far only Aunt Sherry, Mawmaw, Ms. Bixler and I have signed up for pledges. You can email me or leave a message in the guestbook if you want to pledge. He should have right at 200 problems and he just got the CD today. I think the money has to be collected by January 30 (next week). I have a paypal account or you can just mail me a check.

The way it works is:

Someone agrees to sponsor him for every math problem he completes in this CD-ROM they will give him. There are around 200 problems. So if someone pledges 5 cents, then that will be a $10 donation to St. Jude's.

There are t-shirts for $35, a backpack for $75 and a free Six Flags pass over $40 I think.


We didn't use St. Jude's but we know many kids who have, and also, we might need their help one day in the future. Since there isn't anything like this for Children's Hospital, we want to support all childhood cancer research.

Which brings up something else.....

Please pray about your car tags. Colette's dr office receives $41.25 of every $50 received for the Curing Childhood Cancer tags. You can get them at your tag renewal office, and if you want a customized tag, it isn't any more than the $50. We have one with CLTTE on it and one from the tag office with just random numbers. If you drive around the parking garage at the hospital, you will see close to 30 or more parked. Some with kids' names, some not. But it is wonderful to see that many people who have donated to our clinic. Miss America 2005 - Deidre Downs, is the one who started this, along with Janie Sims' dad, Dan. If you remember, Dan provided Colette with the Dora Talking House, Dora Talking Kitchen and the Dancing Dora doll last year when she was in stem cell. His daughter died shortly after her transplant in 2003. He has become a big supporter of our hospital and is always raising money for them.

http://www.curingchildhoodcancer.org/ Is the website

You can search for all available tag personalizations available at https://www.alabamainteractive.org/dorpt/UserHome.str

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Words to Unfailing Love:
You have my heart
And I am Yours forever
You are my strength
God of grace and power

And everything You hold in Your hand
Still You make time for me
I can’t understand
Praise You God of Earth and sky
How beautiful is Your unfailing love
Unfailing love

And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
My unfailing love
Unfailing love

You are my rock
The one I hold on to
You are my song
And I sing for You

And everything You hold in Your hand
Still You make time for me
I can’t understand
Praise You God of Earth and sky
How beautiful is Your unfailing love
Unfailing love

And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
My Unfailing love
Unfailing love

And everything You hold in Your hand
Still you make time for me
I can’t understand
Praise You God of Earth and sky
How beautiful is Your unfailing love
Unfailing love

And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
My Unfailing love
Unfailing love

I will praise You
Praise you God of earth and sky
How beautiful is your unfailing love
Unfailing love

And You never change God You remain
The Holy One
My Unfailing love

Unfailing love
Unfailing love
Unfailing love
Unfailing love
Unfailing love

Monday, January 15, 2007 1:53 PM CST

Tuesday Ballet Pics:

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Great weekend once again!

Friday night we took the kids to putt putt and to eat at Sonny's. Colette is pretty good at putting, but Jason still wants to help her hit it. I let her hit it a couple of times and she did really well, hitting it lightly. Bryant, on the other hand was pretty, um, strong when he hit it! LOL It was funny though. It was nice and warm. Colette was more excited about the animals around the place (the huge giraffe, elephants, etc)

Saturday morning we slept in and then Jason & Bryant went to the hunting camp in the afternoon. Great Granddad let Bryant lower and raise the flag on the new flagpole they put up. He was super proud of that. (Great Granddad is a retired Marine and still is in the Honor Guard(?) and also works with Boy Scouts). Uncle Todd was there and he and Jason grilled outside (chicken for dinner and sausage for breakfast!). yummm!

Colette & I went with Aunt Brandy and Colie to the movies. We saw "Happily N'Ever After" - save your $! She enjoyed herself and ate almost the whole bag of popcorn. Then we went to the "rice place" (our fave mexican place) and Colette entertained us all! Colie wants to teach her a rap song because she makes all the faces and hand motions when she sings! That would be funny! When we left them, Colette cried almost all the way home! She said Colie was her best friend and she wanted her to come to our house. It was pitiful! I think she will be spending the night with Colie soon!

Sunday was a great day! And to think I almost slept in because I was tired from not sleeping well with Jason being gone. Singing in the choir was so awesome - Bro. Wes brings so much energy into his direction, and we can't help but try with him! After church we went with Mawmaw & Papa to Two Dollar Bills restaurant. Jason received a gift certificate there for some work he did and he's not really crazy about it. They have shrimp, catfish and chicken and the sides are turnip greens, coleslaw, cornbread and chow chow. Colette loves it all! She had a whole skewer of my grilled shrimp! Of course, she wowed our server and some people sitting near us. She definitely commands attention!

Later it was back to church for choir practice. She was really happy to be there for that. I went to a new drama class so I might start acting out on Sundays! LOL After church, Jason brought Bryant and we went to the skating rink next door with all the other kids from church. Even Bro. Greg was skating (pretty well, too!)! Colette wasn't really happy about the sensation of falling, so she didn't really enjoy herself. Bryant tried his hardest, and was constantly doing semi-splits on the floor. Thank goodness for jeans! Poor buddy! I walked him around the floor while Jason skated with Colette. He ended up holding her a few laps. Bryant eventually got tired and wanted to skate on the carpet the rest of the time. It was nice, though. They played Christian music, a lot from VBSes past and the kids were so funny to watch. It was really fun. After a drive thru at McD's, it was off to bed!

I have pics from the putt putt that I will get off Bryant's camera. I will be working on that today. I have to teach the Boy Scouts lesson tonight since Jason is out of town again. There will be some other mom/grandmas there to help, so I can handle it!

Thanks for reading!

Bryant's school is doing the St. Jude's MathAThon and I am signing him up. The way it works is:

Someone agrees to sponsor him for every math problem he completes in this CD-ROM they will give him. There are around 200 problems. So if someone pledges 5 cents, then that will be a $10 donation to St. Jude's.

There are t-shirts for $35, a backpack for $75 and a free Six Flags pass over $40 I think.

If anyone is interested in doing this for Bryant, please email me and let me know.


I have paypal if you want to send the money that way, or you can just mail us a check. He hasn't received his CD yet, so you won't have to pay until he gets it and does all the problems. I think it is about a week long thing.

We didn't use St. Jude's but we know many kids who have, and also, we might need their help one day in the future. Since there isn't anything like this for Children's Hospital, we want to support all childhood cancer research.

Which brings up something else.....

Please pray about your car tags. Colette's dr office receives $41.25 of every $50 received for the Curing Childhood Cancer tags. You can get them at your tag renewal office, and if you want a customized tag, it isn't any more than the $50. We have one with CLTTE on it and one from the tag office with just random numbers. If you drive around the parking garage at the hospital, you will see close to 30 or more parked. Some with kids' names, some not. But it is wonderful to see that many people who have donated to our clinic. Miss America 2005 - Deidre Downs, is the one who started this, along with Janie Sims' dad, Dan. If you remember, Dan provided Colette with the Dora Talking House, Dora Talking Kitchen and the Dancing Dora doll last year when she was in stem cell. His daughter died shortly after her transplant in 2003. He has become a big supporter of our hospital and is always raising money for them.

http://www.curingchildhoodcancer.org/ Is the website

You can search for all available tag personalizations available at https://www.alabamainteractive.org/dorpt/UserHome.str

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Friday, January 12, 2007 2:07 PM CST

yay! Daddy is home!!

Bryant got his report card yesterday...All A's again! Except his conduct kept him off honor roll! :( argh!!

Bryant's school is doing the St. Jude's MathAThon and I am signing him up. The way it works is:

Someone agrees to sponsor him for every math problem he completes in this CD-ROM they will give him. There are around 200 problems. So if someone pledges 5 cents, then that will be a $10 donation to St. Jude's.

There are t-shirts for $35, a backpack for $75 and a free Six Flags pass over $40 I think.

If anyone is interested in doing this for Bryant, please email me and let me know.


I have paypal if you want to send the money that way, or you can just mail us a check. He hasn't received his CD yet, so you won't have to pay until he gets it and does all the problems. I think it is about a week long thing.

We didn't use St. Jude's but we know many kids who have, and also, we might need their help one day in the future. Since there isn't anything like this for Children's Hospital, we want to support all childhood cancer research.

Which brings up something else.....

Please pray about your car tags. Colette's dr office receives $41.25 of every $50 received for the Curing Childhood Cancer tags. You can get them at your tag renewal office, and if you want a customized tag, it isn't any more than the $50. We have one with CLTTE on it and one from the tag office with just random numbers. If you drive around the parking garage at the hospital, you will see close to 30 or more parked. Some with kids' names, some not. But it is wonderful to see that many people who have donated to our clinic. Miss America 2005 - Deidre Downs, is the one who started this, along with Janie Sims' dad, Dan. If you remember, Dan provided Colette with the Dora Talking House, Dora Talking Kitchen and the Dancing Dora doll last year when she was in stem cell. His daugther died shortly after her transplant in 2004. He has become a big supporter of our hospital and is always raising money for them.

http://www.curingchildhoodcancer.org/ Is the website

You can search for all available tag personalizations available at https://www.alabamainteractive.org/dorpt/UserHome.str

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:51 AM CST

It just occurred to me that several of you are checking this page everyday and shame on me for not updating more often!! :(

So I will do a better job, but it might just be a boring recap of our normal day. Please hang in there in between all the excitement!!!

We haven't scheduled our scans yet...Jason has been working out of town during the week so there would be no one to take care of Bryant since Mawmaw usually goes with me. We were also trying to work in a mini-vacation to Gatlinburg before we go to Bham. The kids have been fascinated with snow and have never seen it. I thought we would ride to TN, let them see the Smoky Mountain Lights and take them to Ober Gatlinburg and ice skate and maybe see "made" snow. Jason & I used to ski in WV before we had kids, but the kids were always too little to enjoy it!

Once Jason is finished with working out of town, he might take a week vacation and we can drive up to TN, stay at a hotel for 2 or 3 nights, then come back to Bham, do the scans and stay at Hope Lodge (free) and then come back to Mobile. We can do that in less than 7 days! (Plus I get nervous going in there for the scans, I don't like to look at the screen because I don't know what I am looking at and I don't want to worry unnecessarily! If Jason is there, he can go in with her!)

Colette is going strong...making messes everywhere she goes! I can't keep the house clean because I will finish one room and she goes behind me and pulls something out! Her room is hopeless! I am thinking of getting one of those bifold doors and put a slide lock on the top so she can't pull clothes out of the closet! My sister's house has those and it works. I thought it was mean to the kids, but I am tired of picking up clean clothes with hangers still in them! Colette will change her clothes about 5 times a day, alternating regular clothes with princess dresses!

I have some phone calls to make so I need to go. Hope you enjoyed reading this normal, everyday stuff. I hope we get to keep doing this for many more days to come!


Friday, January 5, 2007 2:31 PM CST

I had to get this on camera...I went outside and found Colette singing, "Ooooohhh, we're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz..." LOL She is trying to skip like Dorothy does, then she stops at the end and waves goodbye to the munchkins! LOL

OK so I am getting ready to upload pictures....this is going to take a while, I think!

Colette FINALLY got to go back to Cubbies class tonight...she was so happy to be back at church. She was running non-stop. She has gotten so much better at running and keeping her balance. It still makes me nervous though!

Aunt Sherry & Mawmaw came over today and we painted ceramics. We bought several things after Christmas that were clearanced. I bought a whole 12 piece village for $.75 a piece! But it is taking a LOOOOOONG time to get these buildings painted! They are so tiny and have so many little details! Plus there are bricks...not very fun and colorful!

Colette & Hannah dressed up in ballerina clothes and ran around the house, playing in the GOBS of makeup Colette got for Christmas! Bryant had to confiscate the glitter before it ended up in the carpet!

These past 3 days have been pretty hectic for me...keeping up with the latest rumors online, on ESPN, Cold Pizza, Around the Horn....but we finally OFFICIALLY have a new coach! I am sooo excited! Now I can't wait until my birthday in April so I can go to the A-Day game again! This time, I have a game plan...we are camping out!

I am looking forward to getting Bryant back in school tomorrow! LOL He is looking forward to it too! Also, I met with the speech teacher at the school...she is going to arrange an evaluation with Colette and then she should start speech. Also, she said she can get an audiologist to adjust her aids for no charge. But she still needs new molds. She keeps telling me the left aid is not working, but when I check it, it is fine. I guess she has lost more in that ear. Her speech has really gotten WAY better though! She is saying all the sounds in "Crocker" and other words. She is amazing! Aunt Natalie from South Carolina is getting married next fall, and her fiance came down for Christmas and stayed with us. He was completely impressed with Colette's speech and he couldn't believe how much he could understand. That was cool because he is a high school teacher. Of course, now she has him wrapped around one of those pinkies!

I am going to start uploading the pics tonight, in between painting. Both kids are sacked out so it is nice and quiet!

Wish me luck!

Monday, January 1, 2007 3:54 PM CST


We are super busy trying to get things back to normal since all the family JUST left to go back to SC! There is plenty to tell you about, but I need to unpack some things and straighten up, start laundry and collect the various digital camera cards before I can give a proper update!

But rest assured, Colette is ONE HAPPY CAMPER! (we all are!)

She had a blast all week and last night the fireworks were the cap to a perfect holiday. Check back later tonight for more!


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