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Glad you're out of the hospital, hopefully you will have a peaceful week, and not need to go back in. GO COUNTS!! NO FEVERS!! I love the new pics on the walkerplace, btw. That girl needs some leathers! You all be careful, and keep us posted on counts! Love y'all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 10:06 PM CST
i dont know that you were going home see you soon sheema
s <s4.-_@hotmail.com>
bessemer, - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 7:44 PM CST
Enjoy your girl time. How wonderful you are to be ministering to the other families around you. Who knows could this be a new call for you- helping in a hospital ministry!?! God is so good to provide for you and to provide you for someone else.Love & Prayers
Celyn <cpendleton@fbtc.com>
Mobile, al - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 12:49 AM CST
I'm glad she's feeling so well! Hopefully you'll just get to hang out in B'ham, and enjoy some good shopping time and the fever won't come! Go COUNTS! And I LOVE the new pics! She's gonna be a Harley Girl for sure! I'm thinking about you all all the time, and praying for you! Smile on, ladies! Have a blast, and get home soon!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, November 7, 2005 9:27 PM CST
Hey gang, just popping in to say hi, let you know I'm thinking about you. I hope treatment is going well, and little Miss isn't to cranky! I imagine she's running laps with her favorite nurses! Get home soon! Love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, November 7, 2005 12:26 AM CST
I just wanted to tell you how happy I am that every thing is looking so good for all of ya'll. I am very thankful that ya'll will be together for Thanksgiving. I will continue to keep the whole family in my prayers.
Bixler <Bixiebaby3@aol.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Monday, November 7, 2005 10:24 AM CST
Ahh, the price one must pay for beauty and fame! One day she'll eat it up! Glad you all had some fun things to do today, and hope the mood swings aren't TO awful. I've heard she can be quite the bear! Just a few more days, and then it'll just be keepin' those counts up and fevers down! (Remember that, Tammy. Just a few more days!) Sending you both a big hug and kiss!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, November 5, 2005 7:23 PM CST
Hey Colette,
I am going to send you some stickers. That is exactly what Taylor did while he was in the hospital. We would spend $30 dollars on stickers in one visit to Wal-mart and he would spend hours just sticking them in note books. I remember the day the Hogs came too. Wow, it is going to be so much fun. It is noisy though, so cover your ears. I am so glad that you are feeling so spunky! I know that the hard part is still to come, but you are so spunky you will breeze right through it. We are always praying for you and your family. Keep up the good work! Tell mom to email me or call me if I can do anything!!!

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
MCCALLA, al - Saturday, November 5, 2005 12:45 AM CST
I hope your trip back to B'ham was uneventful, and that all is going well. Wanted to let you know we're thinking of you! Love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, November 4, 2005 4:02 PM CST
Hooray! Thanksgiving at home. What a blessing for you all. And yay for Mawmaw and Pawpaw for taking a little "me" time. Well deserved, I know all of you have worked so hard to try to keep life as normal as possible for not only Colette, but Bryant as well. Be safe as you return to B'ham tomorrow, and remember that there are hundreds of us out here praying for you! We're right beside you, keep that in mind, when you're feeling a little alone. I know it's not always easy to get to the computer, and even if you can get there, it's likely that someone else got there first, so just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel each of us standing there with you. Most importantly, feel Jesus holding your hand, and know that He won't let go! We love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 7:46 PM CST
Hey guys. So glad to hear the news. I know she had a great time with Miss Patty Cake. I am glad to hear that you will be home for thanksgiving. That is definitly something to be thankful for. Give me a call if you guys need anything.
Much Love,

Manda & Joe <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, November 2, 2005 4:20 PM CST
Hey gang! Just wanted to stop in, tell you we love you! We have halloween pics (just a few) posted up of my kiddo's on my website:
Megan's Site!
I also keep links for Colette and Morgan on my "Gold Ribbon Girls" page, and will glady share other sites you all want to add, so let me know! Looking forward to new pics and great updates!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 2:49 PM CST
Hey guys...and gals!
It was great to see you all on Halloween. Bryant looked cool and had a great time...almost as much fun as his daddy! Colette looked beautiful, as always. Just checking in. We continue to pray for you all! Lots of Love, Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL usa - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 1:44 PM CST
Our family just wanted to send you many prayers. My 3 year old Katelyn was diagnosed with NB Stage 4 in May 2005 as well. We wish to extend our heartfelt prayers to your family, especially Colette, and hope she is doing well with her treatment.

Jason Benson

Jason <familybenson@email.com>
- Wednesday, November 2, 2005 8:34 AM CST
Hi there,
I came across your page via the MSN Cancer Moms Group.
Colette is gorgeous.
I was wondering if you would allow me to add her webpage to my Nb awareness list

Colleen - and Kaitlyn <ozi_gal@hotmail.com>
Beverley, WA Australia - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 5:49 AM CST
Hi Colette,
We loved sharing your birthday at JD & Amanda's house. You are adorable. I hope your trip back to Birmingham is a fast one. Mary Madison told me to tell you that you are her special cousin and she loves you special.
Well keep checking up
Kathryn and family

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, November 1, 2005 9:33 PM CST
So, did we have tons of fun with Miss PattyCake last night? And rake in like 700 pounds of candy to boot? Whee! I love Halloween! Just popping in to say hi! You all have a great evening!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 4:44 PM CST
Hey Tammy and Jason,
Hope this finds you well. I hope everything goes better than you can hope for with your little girl.
Love to all!

Kelly Newell Pendleton <kelann@nktelco.net>
Troy , OH USA - Monday, October 31, 2005 2:40 PM CST
Know you will have a great time tonight! Maybe ms. PAtty Cake will sing a special Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL - Monday, October 31, 2005 12:44 AM CST
The newer pics from the wedding are great! The girls looked fantastic, and it looked like you all had a great time! You have a great week, Miss Colette, enjoy Miss PattyCake tonight, and trick or treating, and your princess dress and such! What's Bryant going to be tonight, mom?
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, October 31, 2005 11:22 AM CST
Happy late birthday princess. I hope you all have fun trick or treating tonight.
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Monday, October 31, 2005 9:28 AM CST
Happy Birthday Colette!!

I had no idea that your Birthday was October 30th,(that's my Birthday too) I thought your Birthday was earlier this month for some reason. I'm so glad your doing well and I hope you had a GREAT Birthday. I pray for you daily and check your website for updates I'm so happy your doing so wonderful.
God Bless you, and your family and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Morgan's Nana <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Sunday, October 30, 2005 10:44 PM CST
Tammy and Jason,
I just wanted to let you know that my prayers are with all of ya'll. God bless you both, your little princess and the whole family.

Bixler <Bixiebaby3@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Sunday, October 30, 2005 8:53 PM CST
I found your webpage through another caringbridge page. What a cutie pie you are!
Happy Birthday!
I hope you have a great day.


Amy <amywaggoner@bellsouth.net>
Pinson, AL - Sunday, October 30, 2005 12:48 AM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLETTE!!! Have a really great day!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, October 30, 2005 9:30 AM CST
Mawmaw, I couldn't agree more! I was showing my boss the new pics (they all get regular Colette updates from me!) and I said, "Dexter, that baby just had significant abdominal surgery! They had her open less than a week ago, and look at that grin!" (We were looking at one of the slide pictures.) I know Tammy shared the strength of the mother poem, and I couldn't agree more, but the strength of the child is as inspiring, as is the strength of your family. Stressful times like these can rip families apart, but you all have stayed strong, and been a fabulous support net for one another. From my first tears reading about your precious little girl, and posting my first hello, to my first e-mail to Brandy looking for an address and more about what kind of guy Bryant was, to the quick note from Aunt Kathy, to the notes, e-mails and messages with so many of you, I've been blessed to see your strength as a family. Pretty Colie dancing with Colette at the beach house, or hauling her through the fairgrounds. Silly Bryant, helping blow out the candles. Glowing Amanda, sharing a hug on her special, wonderful day. You all have shared so much in the last several months, not just in regards to Colette's healing process, but in the everyday as well. You are truly blessed to be surrounded by so many who love you so much. You have all become very dear to me, and I thank you for sharing your lives with the rest of us! We love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, October 28, 2005 8:20 PM CDT
well, here goes again the emotional mawmaw.........sorry for the lack of capitalization.. but, i'm doing this and hardly being able to see the keys..... the pictures of the fair have just floor boarded me:).. who would thought the first of june that such a special time would have ever been a reality again. i don't know how many pictures tammy took but, i couldn't find a bad shot in the whole group of ...FORTY....you are supposed to go to the fair have fun and eat and scream be sick, then be grumpy at the lines, crowds and the prices at the end of the night. but, not one expression of frustration:) thank you God for what a mighty deed you have done! thank you
mawmaw <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Friday, October 28, 2005 5:00 PM CDT
Hello all.
I just wanted to say hello and see how every one is doing. It looks like you had so much fun at the fair. I am jealous. Bryant, I am so proud of you for making honor roll. Keep up the good work! I wanted to tell you that I have wedding pictures in. As soon as I can, I am going to scan them and send them to you. There are some really good one of Colette and Hannah. I will email them when I get them up. Aunt Penny, there are some good ones of both of them you will love.
Love you all!

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Friday, October 28, 2005 10:02 AM CDT
Thanks for the note! I'm glad you told me, these are great pics!! I LOVE the sleepy ones! (I posted some sleepy pics of my kiddo's on our page from after Melissa's birthday party- same day as Manda's wedding! http://home.insightbb.com/~mmahaffey) Sounds like you all had a BLAST! That's great! And congrats to Mr. Bryant on Honors at school! GREAT JOB, BUDDY! You all have a great night, and wonderful tomorrow!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, October 27, 2005 11:22 PM CDT
I'm hopeful as well that our pathology reports are fabulous. You all have shown incredible strength and faith through this whole ordeal, and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I know that the time involved in the stem-cell transplant will be long, hard and lonely. NEVER FORGET HOW MANY OF US ARE HERE, PRAYING FOR YOU AND SENDING OUR LOVE!! Familiar faces, and total strangers (like me!) alike are keeping you in our thoughts constantly. Enjoy this time now, and give glory to Him, He will see you through! I love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, October 27, 2005 10:18 PM CDT
Here it is 2:20 a.m.,just like I have told all of you before...sometimes I just NEED to hear your words of encouragment and tonight I am antsy just like my daughter Sherry.(waiting for the pathology report) I BELIEVE the removed tumor is DEAD. I BELIEVE God in all His Power and Glory has destroyed it. Afterall, it was originally the size of a grapefruit in May and now they say they removed a golfball sized tumor that they thought was calsified and dead. I am a stinking optimistic but, God makes us all different for a reason! Being mawmaw you can understand why I am holding on to my faith that God has destroyed this monster and that He also held the surgergons hands and caused mawmaw's darlin to be able to get up and run like nothing was ever done. And God knows what that baby has been through. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for always being there for us and for always allowing God to use you to encourage us even in the middle of the night:) For you prayers, your money, your precious time and compassion but, most of all your LOVE for a little girl many of you did not even know before May 2005.

GOD BLESS YOU because if it were not for your love this would have been almost too much to bear. But, we know God tells us that He will never give us more burden than He will help us carry. We have just jumped another hurdle on our way back to normal life ( what ever that is?) I understand the next three months are going to be rough. Afterall, the bone marrow transplant and the three month stat in B'ham will take it's toll on all of physcially and emotionally. We have a long way to go but, it is not as far as it was five months ago:)

I feel my bed calling. Thank you for listening to me once more.....................I do appreciate you all. Goodnight. mawmaw penny

mawmaw penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Thursday, October 27, 2005 3:05 AM CDT
Did we hear from the pathologist yet? I'm getting antsy. (Auntsy!) ha ha!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:35 PM CDT
hello miss but hope to see you soon
sheema <sweetangle2014@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
Welcome home to all of you. Rest up and enjoy one another! Love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 9:52 PM CDT
Sending you all my best wishes for days filled w/ happiness & sunshine on your shoulders. You're in my prayers.

With lots of love always, xo,

Kathryn (Martin) Jamrozy

Kathryn <kat@expww.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:21 PM CDT
i'm so glad to see she 's doing great after the surgery! i've caught up a bit by reading this web site.. i plan on coming to mobile on Nov. 20th i believe that is a Sunday (not looking at a calendar) i'd like to get in touch with you and maybe help out some if i can..take care !
allison (woodruff) rich <allison@vernonmilling.com>
vernon, al us - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:11 PM CDT
Hey sugar,
Glad you had a safe trip home! We miss you on the floor but I'm so glad you feel so good!! Keep up the good work and I'll see you next time!
Love, Alison

Alison Mitchell <mitch1braves@yahoo.com>
4 tower, Children's hospital - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 12:33 AM CDT
Wonderful news! I am so glad to see that she is recovering so well. Hugs to everyone and I hope to see you soon.
Much love and Faith,

Manda & Joe <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Tuesday, October 25, 2005 2:10 PM CDT
HOORAY!!! That's great news! I hope she caught him! (hee hee!) I'm so glad for you all that she's doing so well after the surgery! I'm also glad that you're headed towards a great weekend of fall festivals and Miss PattyCake! Today is truly another wonderful PattyCake Praise Day! Love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:34 AM CDT
We will see you all soon then!
Nicole was saying yesterday "mom, I haven't seen them in forever......" I told her it had only been a couple of days, but since yall are back in Mobile she is getting use to being able to spend so much time with you all, that she said it seemed like a long time! She loves you guys- we all do. HAve a safe trip back!

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Mobile, - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 10:44 AM CDT
Hi Colette I am D.J. Hooks Aunt Fer-Fer just wanted to let you know we are thinking about you and praying for you. YOu are a beautiful little girl and I'm sure mommy and daddy know how blessed they are to have your smile in thier life. You will be in our hearts.
Jennifer Fowler <jmfowler22@hotmail.com>
Pace, fl usa - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 10:27 AM CDT
It's been a while since I have been on and I'm sorry for that. I am so glad to hear things are going so well. What a blessing and relief to you all. I sure wish I could offer some assistance with the finances but right now I just can't. I will continue to pray for all of you. The Lord has provided for you and will continue to do so. I love you!
Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Monday, October 24, 2005 3:54 PM CDT
Well, I'm hopefull that the nasty old tube is out now! And I'm really glad that you all have gotten a chance to hang out with Bryant. I'm sure that this has been pretty tough on him, but it sounds like you've had a lot of fun together the last few days. While this is obviously not the way you want to experience it, I'm glad you have all been able to be together as a family, and just take some time to enjoy one another. Praying that the blessings of the Lord rain down upon you! Love to all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, October 24, 2005 1:36 PM CDT
I am so happy to hear that little Colette's surgery went well. Praise the Lord! Let's pray that she is able to have her NG tube removed soon. I am so thankful to hear that your family is doing well, despite all that is going on. God is able to do so much for us, if we just remain faithful to Him.

God Bless,


Steven, Kelly, Sarah , Emma, Jonah Hicks <hicks@cbse.uab.edu>
Birmingham, AL USA - Monday, October 24, 2005 10:48 AM CDT
It was great news to hear Colette is doing well.
Ya'll are in our thoughts and prayers always. You are such an inspiration. Keep the Faith. The rainbow is comming!

Celyn Pendleton <cpendleton@fbtc.org>
Mobile, al - Monday, October 24, 2005 9:59 AM CDT
Hey all! Just wanted to stop in and check on how our girl was feeling today. Hopefully she's feeling pretty perky, and able to come out of critical care! Maybe even get that mean old tube outta her nose! You're all in my prayers! Love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Yeah, same old place!, IN - Sunday, October 23, 2005 6:25 PM CDT
Hoping today has been relatively comfortable for Colette. Glad to hear that the IV's in the hands are out. Just a side note, morphine made me itch BADLY, and benedryl (sp?) helped a lot with the itching, AND I slept like a baby! Since she obviously has pretty restricted communication, try and watch for the itchies!
I'll be praying for your finances, I cannot imagine the costs between travel expense and deductibles, and trying beyond all that to just live a normal life. Have faith! He will provide what you need when you need it most! Love you all! Be safe!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, October 22, 2005 5:42 PM CDT
Great news! I spoke with Aunt Blair last night and she let us know how the surgury went. Let Collette know we love her and are praying for ALL of you.
Tony G., Kathryn, Mary Madison, and Gillian <janthonygarner@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Saturday, October 22, 2005 9:37 AM CDT
It sounds like she's doing really well! I'm sure you all are exhausted, it has been a long 24 hours for you. Make sure you're eating (and eating well, if at all possible, but at least remembering to eat!) and take care of yourselves and one another. You cannot help heal her if you make yourselves sick! Colette will be back to her old self in no time! We love you all, I'll be checking in all day! Smile! This step is just one more you've got under your belt, and you can see the finish line!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, October 22, 2005 8:58 AM CDT
i love yall
thats great about the surgery
i sure do miss yall but i'll see yall soon 8)
love you so much

nicole <bluiddancer@yahoo.om>
irvington, al usa - Saturday, October 22, 2005 2:39 AM CDT
Yahoo! i am so glad to hear your little sweetie is done and doing well. It took Dr. Barnhart about 3 hours to do Taylor's as well and it was the longets 3 hours of my life! I remember that long night in urgent care too, we took turns sleeping in a rocking chare. Try and get some good sleep. I think Miss Colette will be up and ready to play soon! We are in constant prayer for you all.

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
MCCALLA, al - Friday, October 21, 2005 10:07 PM CDT
I'm so glad to hear the good news! It's wonderful to know that things have gone so well and she's responded so well. We'll continue to keep you guys in our prayers!
Lisa, Jason and Cole (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <Lisatanner@comcast.net >
mobile, Al - Friday, October 21, 2005 8:08 PM CDT
Tammy And Jason,

My heart goes out to you both. Colette is in my prayers. I know God is with you. I lok forward to hearing the good news from the surgeons and doctors.

We Love You All Very Much,


Lona Robbins <blrobbins@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Friday, October 21, 2005 8:06 PM CDT
Glory to God! What a series of blessings He has provided! That's just a whole bunch of fabulous news, Tammy, and we're glad that all went well. Now, you all rest up, I have faith that our Princess will be running circles around all of you in no time! Give her a GREAT BIG kiss from me! I LOVE YOU ALL!! Hallelujah!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, October 21, 2005 7:41 PM CDT
We're all still here and still praying! I love you all, and am looking forward to great news very soon!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, October 21, 2005 7:00 PM CDT
it is now 4:45p.m. and Colette is still in surgery. they just called and said she was doin just fine but, they are going slow to be especially careful. she is strong and now weighs almost 32 lbs. they told us to stay put because they would be calling the room for more updates soon. mawmaw
mawmaw <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
- Friday, October 21, 2005 4:42 PM CDT
I'm praying for all of you. I love you all and Tammy if you can call me sometime between 7 and 9, I can give an update to everyone at the bowling alley. I know they would all love to hear the wonderful news that you will have to share. I know that our heavenly Father is working a miracle at this very moment!!! I love you all!!!!
Lori Ladnier <schmoo88@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Friday, October 21, 2005 4:22 PM CDT
I'm praying! Just want to reassure you that there are many of us here. And we know that we are gathered in His name, which brings Him into our presence! Love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington`, IN - Friday, October 21, 2005 3:17 PM CDT
I have been thinking about you guys and praying for you all day long. I love you guys and will be looking forward to a great report.
Just remember that God is in control.

Manda & Joe <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Friday, October 21, 2005 2:25 PM CDT
Hey guys. I had all intentions of getting on here at 1:00, but got side tracked. If your surgry day is going anything like ours do, then you are still waiting to be brought back at 2:00. Anyway, I just wanted you all to know that I am praying for all the requests you left. I know this is scary, but she will be back in your arms soon. Taylor had his surgery before any chemo was done, so we did it a little different, but I do remember the long wait in that long room. I think it was 2 days later that he was on a bike running up and down the halls. Kids are amazing. I milked it for 2 months after my c-section! Call us if we can do anything. We are not far away!
Love and prayers,

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
MCCALLA, al - Friday, October 21, 2005 2:18 PM CDT
I have sent this to everyone I know - I know the sound will be Music to God's ears today in Heaven when he hears our great amount prayers today!!!!

Hey everyone -
Today is a very important day!
Colette, my niece, is scheduled for surgery at 1pm today.
Throughout your day - Please pray for easy removal of the tumor and that it has unconnected itself from any main arteries and kidney and such. Also please pray for peace for my sister in law and brother in law that God intercedes as they put their baby girl in the hands of doctors.
Also please pray for quick recovery - they have been told various recovery times...but we all know the quicker the better.
Thanks for your concern over the past few months - We know it is your prayers that has helped the struggle be smooth thus far!
Thanks from the entire Pate family and Love You all,
Colette's Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL - Friday, October 21, 2005 10:33 AM CDT
Good morning, everyone. I just wanted to tell you again that I love you all, and I'm praying for you! I'll be with you in my heart throughout today. And Tammy, the poem tells a lot, doesn't it? God hand selected you so you could share His love! Colette is a miracle, and knows our Lord in her life. Imagine the ministry she can provide in years to come! You INSPIRE me! All of you do, and I thank you again, and over and over, for sharing this battle with us! I love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, October 21, 2005 7:18 AM CDT
Wanted to let you know we'll all be thinking about you tomorrow as Colette has her surgery and saying extra prayers for all of you!

Morgan's Nana

Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:52 PM CDT
hey tammy we just wanted to say we will be praying for colette and wish we could be there tomorrow. we would if it were not so far. we love you and are waiting to hear the good news.
Aunt kathy <kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
Theodore, al usa - Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:39 PM CDT
Praying that the Lord holds you close as you travel, and holds your hand through the surgery tomorrow. We'll be anxiously awaiting a great report! All our love!
Megan and her clan, Willis, Jeep, Eli and Melissa <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, October 20, 2005 3:31 PM CDT
Hey you all -
just thinking about you all. I am sure you are rushing around packing and doing last minute things before heading off to Birmingham. Glad we got to see you all last night before the big trip. Wish we were all going to be there, but I know you will have plenty of support there- we will be here prayring you all through and when you return we will be ready to play some more!
I know God will keep you all safe over the next few days. You will have so much prayer going on at once that you will know "This is how it feels to be held...." I know everyone's heard the song.
Love you All!
-Love "Aunt Bandy, Unc Todd and Colie"

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL usa - Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:44 AM CDT
Dear Tammy, Jason, Colette & Bryant,
We were so disappointed that we could not make the party. Gillian woke up that morning with a stomach virus. So of course Tony & I had to listen to Mary Madison whine about not being able to go. The pictures really were cute. I am sorry that we missed the celebration. And as for Megan's request I have already asked God to help Noah's family in this time of grieving. Maybe this sweet little boy will pull some strings for Colette (an extra B-Day present for her & him). I think that the children in heaven have special privleges with God the Father. I hope your stay in B'ham passes quickly for all of you. You are in my prayers and thoughts.
Love Kat

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:37 PM CDT
(miss pattycake) your so cute i love you so much

COLLIE PATE <bluiddancer@yahoo.com>
Irvington, al usa - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:17 PM CDT
I am so gald that you were a part of our special day. You looked so beautiful in your dress. I will be thinking about you tomorrow as you leave for B'ham. I love you and will see you soon. As soon as pictures come in, I will put them up so you can see them.
Love you big girl,

Manda & Joe <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:09 PM CDT
Just checking in.
The birthday party was great and the kids had tons of fun!!!
Love you guys.
Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:31 AM CDT
I'm a GREAT talker! Ask my husband! Guys, I want to take a second, and ask for a personal favor. A dear friend of mine, her husband, and oldest son lost a son/brother this last Friday. After nearly three years of trials and tribulations stemming from an auto accident at 29 weeks gestation, Jennifer and Jerrell layed young Noah to rest today. Tomorrow (Wednesday) would have been his third birthday. I ask that you please hold them in your prayers as they deal with the loss of their brave boy. Also pray for their older son, Ian, who will be five in February, as he deals in his own special way with the loss of his little brother.

I'm glad to hear that surgery is scheduled, and that this next phase of treatment is ready to proceed. I will certainly keep you all in my prayers, and I hope that the blood needs are met. I'm also grateful to the doctors for giving Colette, and your entire family, this past weekend to enjoy one another and celebrate weddings and birthdays as a family, without interference. The Lord had blessed you all in so many ways, and through you all, blessed so many more of us. I am forever grateful for the ministry you all provide each and every day as you face the challenges placed before you. Plant a kiss on that girls head for me this week, and I'm looking forward to fabulous reports throughout the days to come! In His name,

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:23 PM CDT
Well, Megan it looks like we are the big talker's on this website;) That's O.K. We are so blessed by you and your encouragment just when we need it. I would love to hear from some of you that visit us everyday so we can let you know how SPECIAL you are to us. Use your fingers to offer PRAISE TO OUR AWESOME AND MIGHTY GOD FOR THIS MIRICLE HE HAS GIVEN. To have her so healthy to be able to play all day with her friends shows you GOD HAS HIS HAND HOLDING HER AND GIVING HER STRENGTH TO RESUME HER NORMAL PRECIOUS LIFE. ALL the time she tells people God is making her all well. What a wonderful and mighty God we serve that even the smallest child's prayer is heard and answered.

As I was doing the wedding cake I was watching Bryant. I called him into the kitchen and said buddy, mawmaw needs you to pray that God will get satan away from mawmaw and help me to finish the cake. He prayed and without a shadow of a doubt I felt my anguish just melt away just like the chocolate I melted for the strawberries. We all need the prayers of others to lift up our arms when we feel we can't go on. My buddy did just that.

I spent all last night in the emergency room with my son Michael. He has a very swolen and painful sore on his elbow. Please pray for my son that the mega doses of antibotics will keep him from having to have surgery. I have not allowed time in my schedule for that! LOL He knows I will back to the hospital with him again tomorrow for his third IV. Colette would tell "UNK Mike", that your "IB" waterhose will be o'tay, and you need some "mecine" to make it all better, don't worry it will be "otay".

We are all excited about Colette's surgery Friday. Continue to pray, you are all doing a wonderful job!

Her auction that was scheduled for Sunday before hurricane Katrina has been rescheduled for October 23, 2005...this Sunday at 11:00am. Tonight they told me they have ten complete computers with everything even printers. They have all been checked out and cleaned. There are tv's jewelery and LOTS of good stuff. Lunches for $6.00 of BBQ chicken, green beans and potato salad. Please come and help these people to help Miss Colette. Her expenses as of July are around $300,000......we do appreciate every cent you send her way...To God be the Glory and Blessings to you. MawMaw Penny

penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Monday, October 17, 2005 9:24 PM CDT
The cakes were gorgeous, the girls adorable, Bryant looked fantastic, congrats to Amanda and Joe! And the birthday party pics look like everyone had a blast! (I loved the bubble pictures!)What a weekend you all have had! Rest up, everybody, we love you! Maw-Maw, get that hand looked at! No excuses!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, October 17, 2005 9:53 AM CDT
Poor thing. Nothing like a tired toddler! She looks beautiful, though, and just wait- Amanda will have a toddler or two of her own one day, and you get a WHOLE NEW APPRECIATION for the powers of a nap! You all are birthday-partying right now! I hope that today is a bit smoother than yesterday, and that everyone is having a blast! Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, October 16, 2005 1:19 PM CDT
I hope that today was fabulous. Again, our congrats to Amanda and her new husband. Wishing them a long, happy life together. I can't wait to see pics of our girls! And MawMaw, go get that hand looked at. You need to be sure to be taking care of yourself! Have a restful night, and FABULOUS tomorrow! Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, October 15, 2005 9:17 PM CDT
Here it is 1:00a.m. and the wedding cake is gorgeous and the grooms cake is CHOCOLATEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:) with chocolate dipped strawberries and a large "A" ROLLLLLLLL TIDE ROLL! I understand the groom said tonight that there would be a television at the wedding tomorrow.....THE GAME'S ON
Anyway I understand that my girls were adorable...of course, there my grandaughters! I wish Amanda and Joe many, many years of blessing and love:) But, now my bed is calling...

well, I need to tell the rest of the story, when we were in B'ham last I fell in front of Michaels and I believe I fractured my right hand. I didn't tell anyone because I was afraid they would worry (me to) about my ability to make these cakes....But, GOD Good night, mawmaw

maw maw penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, October 15, 2005 1:20 AM CDT
Hey guys, glad to hear that Colette's stayed healthy for her big weekend. I really wish I could be there for her party, she's gonna have SO much fun! My heart will be with you all as you celebrate! I can't wait to see pictures from this weekend, the wedding, and the birthday party. Give her a big hug for me, and you all enjoy yourselves, and each other! Love ya!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, October 14, 2005 2:35 PM CDT
I'm so glad to hear everythings going well! I hope Colette has a great weekend - in the wedding and at her party! We're back home now - finally! and would love to get to meet you guys soon! We were going to try to come to the party but we have family coming this weekend and they havent' seen Cole in 6 months! Anyway - Happy Birthday wishes coming your way! You're always in our prayers!
With Love, Lisa, Jason and Cole Tanner <lisatanner@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL - Thursday, October 13, 2005 7:17 PM CDT
That is great news! I'm excited for you! And party day is getting closer!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 9:20 PM CDT
Great news!
SEe you all soon.

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
irvington, al - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 8:15 AM CDT
Well, I'm glad you have at least found somewhere closer than Birmingham to deal with the bloodwork and transfusions! I hope that todays tests were good, and a transfusion wasn't needed, but if it was, I'm sure it will be a positive, as I know that they do a lot for her spirits. The new pictures are great! (The pumpkins are gorgeous! Both the orange ones, and the grinning ones in front!) And there's some of the Olive Garden "When you're here, you're family" "Hospitaliano" that they talk about, huh? I hate that she was frightened, but that was awful nice of them. I know you all have just tons going on this week, so thank you, Tammy, for taking a few minutes to keep us posted. Visiting the site daily (and usually dozens of times each day) has become so important to me, and it's comforting to know when there has been a change and feel like we're pretty up to speed with what focus our prayers should have. I've been so blessed to share in this journey with you all, spiritually it's changed my life, and I owe you all a huge thank you for that. It's to easy to take things for granted, and become complacent in our relationships, with one another, and with God. Those are things we should treasure, and nuture, and I've got a whole new perspective on all of that. Your strength, courage, and spirit is amazing to me, and I hope that my prayers reach out to you when you're feeling at your lowest. I love you all, and hope you have a fantastic weekend! Always in my prayers!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 5:43 PM CDT
Just checking in to let Colette know I am praying for her. Maybe she will get a miracle in her blood count today and want have to have that transfusion. Each of you are in my prayers.
Hugs and Prayers, Elizabeth B

Elizabeth Bosarge <liz.bosarge@mchsi.com>
- Tuesday, October 11, 2005 9:46 AM CDT

KRISTIN/AUNT KIKI <p8bla@aol.com>
LEXINGTON, SC USA - Monday, October 10, 2005 9:20 AM CDT
Tammy and gang, just checking the update on Colette. I am so thrilled she is doing so great! She is a miracle in the works! We hope to see you guys Sunday! Love and Blessings to you all! Kellie
Kellie Brown <jakenkellie@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Monday, October 10, 2005 4:07 AM CDT
I love your new pictures! Nothing like a thoroughly disheveled princess! I hope you all are enjoying the weekend, and each other, and gearing up for next weekend! Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, October 9, 2005 5:19 PM CDT
Well, I can't be at your party, but I have your presents ALL picked out! I hope you will like them! It sounds like you're going to have an AWESOME birthday party, my little girl will be two on Monday, and I bet she'd love a party like yours! Maybe next year, when she'll be three. Instead, I think we're going to have a lovely tea party! We get to have tea with our Nan lots, and we think it will be lots of fun! I hope you're having a great time getting ready, and you're feeling well! We love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, October 7, 2005 8:49 PM CDT
Hey all!
WElcome Home.
I had a great lunch with you two yesterday. (Tammy and Colette)
Can't wait til the party. Nicolie is also ready to see you.
See you all soon.
Love Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Mobile, AL - Friday, October 7, 2005 8:07 AM CDT
Dear Colette,

I am so happy in my heart to know that you are getting better all the time. You be strong and say your prayers and let Jesus and His angels do the rest. Jesus always hears us and knows just what we need. I can't wait for your birthday party and want it to be the bestest one ever! I love you and I think of you everyday. Uncle Corky said to send you a big ole hug and kiss! Be sweet, baby, I will see you soon.

Aunt Trisha

Trisha Pierson <trisha.pierson@arkemagroup.com>
Saraland, AL Mobile - Friday, October 7, 2005 7:59 AM CDT
What else is there to say? "Hallelujah, praise Jehovah! All the angles praise His name. Praise Jehovah in the highest" I'm thrilled for you all. Wish I could make the party. But with no NO airport my way in is gone. I love ya'll!
Stephanie Laughlin <Slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:31 PM CDT
Hey all, just had a second and wanted to stop by and dance with you again! I'm so glad that you're beating this tumor! Nothing can stop you now, baby! And you're going to be so pretty in your dresses, girls! I can't WAIT to see pictures from the wedding. (Congrats, btw, Amanda!) And then to have the COOLEST birthday party EVER. You've got a really busy couple of weeks ahead of you! Then you can go let those fabulous Doctors up in B'ham take that nasty old thing out! Blessed be the ROCK! He's doing great things, and you show it each and every day! Love you all so very much!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, October 6, 2005 1:38 PM CDT
God is very good!Thank you for sharing your life with us. It is good to see how God works in the lives of His Children the big ones and the very littlest ones. Keep up the faith the rainbow is comming.
Celyn Pendleton <cpendleton@fbtc.org>
Mobile, Al USA - Thursday, October 6, 2005 11:47 AM CDT
God is good all the time and all the time God is good!

I love You Lord, and I lift my voice to worship You. Oh, my soul rejoice. Take joy my King, in what You hear. May it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear.

The news is so wonderful. I'm so excited to hear how God is working His mighty and miraculous hand in Colette's litte body. He is such a wonderful, caring Father to us all. I love you guys and can't wait to see you!

Lori Ladnier <schmoo88@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Wednesday, October 5, 2005 8:48 AM CDT
What a glorious 24 hours this has been. I am so overwhelmed at so many responses to our good news from all of you! We know you check the website daily but, it is so wonderful to actually hear from you. GOD IS SO GOOD ALL THE TIME but, when He answers our prayers we know He's listening and our burdens are rolled away. The joy He must feel when we are all thanking Him must be deafening. I just love to hear my children and grandchildren say thank you for the smallest of gifts. How awesome must God feel to hear our Halleujah's and Praise's for this gift of good news.

THANK YOU FOR THIS WONDERFUL PATTYCAKE PRAISE DAY and we all look forward to so many more. Keep up you Prayer Warrior's, God hears you:)

All my love, Mawmaw Penny

mawmaw <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 10:02 PM CDT
hi its aunt kathy tried to sign guestbook before and somethings not working for me. anyway glad to hear the wonderful news and hope colette enjoys the hats we left on your front door knob. we love you.
aunt kathy <Kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
theodore, al usa - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 9:09 PM CDT
I've not stopped singing for the last 24 hours! I'm so pleased that the scan seems to have come out as well as it has. What wonderful news. Do we know anything about "entanglement" with blood vessels etc? Glad you all are home, and hopefully enjoying this glorious time together! Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 5:20 PM CDT
Praise God,

We love you and are praying for you!

Kevin Bussey <studentguru@fbtc.org>
- Tuesday, October 4, 2005 9:54 AM CDT
Thank You Jesus!!!
Susie Keith <Skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 8:56 AM CDT
Praise God for Miracles.
Hugs and Prayers

Elizabeth Bosarge <liz.bosarge@mchsi.com>
- Monday, October 3, 2005 11:55 PM CDT

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, October 3, 2005 7:09 PM CDT
Oh my goodness, that is wonderful news!!!! Praise the Lord, I'm so happy for all of you. We'll all continue to pray for her complete recovery.

Morgan's Nana

Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Monday, October 3, 2005 5:42 PM CDT
What wonderful news!!!! I'm so glad to hear it - I've been checking for results all day! Praise God - He is good. I'm so glad to hear it and know ya'll are headed home.
Lisa, Jason and Cole Tanner <lisatanner@comcast.net>
Memphis, Target House - Monday, October 3, 2005 4:33 PM CDT
This is wonderful! And it is all His doing! I am so excited and am looking forward to seeing you!!
I love you baby girl!

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
Mobile, Al - Monday, October 3, 2005 4:20 PM CDT
What wonderful news for a special little girl! We give thanks to our gracious Lord and can't wait to see what He has in store for the future! Praying for you, Bro. Roy and Karen
karen crowe <karen4roy@aol.com>
laurel, ms usa - Monday, October 3, 2005 4:00 PM CDT

All glory to HIM! What an awesome, awesome thing. Thanks be to God, for the power of His healing touch, provided to us through Doctors, Nurses, and family! Guys, I'm absolutely blown away right now. To know that this was a tumor the size of a two-liter, and now is nothing more than a walnut, what wonderful, incredible news. We love you all, and HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY, COLETTE! What a gift you've received!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, October 3, 2005 3:53 PM CDT

"Our God is an awesome God..."

"When we lift our voices louder still - can you hear us? - can you feel? we love you Lord, We Love you, We love you! "

I am sure we all have a song in our head to sing!

Such Great NEWS!!!!

aunt brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
mobile, al - Monday, October 3, 2005 3:48 PM CDT
All of our thoughts and prayers are with you guys today.
I know this is a very trying time for you all.
Nicole, Todd and I love you all and will see you soon!
Colette, Colie will bring the peanut butter jelly music to your birthday party!
Lots of hugs and kisses XOXOXO

ps. Nicole has her own email address now - bluiddancer@aol.com

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL usa - Monday, October 3, 2005 1:05 PM CDT
Just a quick note, letting you know we're thinking about you. Hope that the scans are great!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, October 3, 2005 11:43 AM CDT
My prayers are with Colette and the family.
Hugs and Prayers

Elizabeth Bosarge <liz.bosarge@mchsi.com>
- Monday, October 3, 2005 11:36 AM CDT
Hey darlin. Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and praying for positive results from the scan. I love you and can't wait to see you again.

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Monday, October 3, 2005 10:13 AM CDT
Hey there everyone. Colette, Grace is ready for your party. We went yesterday and bought her princess dress. She also got a short bobbed haircut. I was tired of dealing with the crying fights every morning due to the tangles. Can't wait to see you guys this week. Good luck tomorrow and we are praying for great results. Gods will be done.
Rick and Sandra Green and crazy girls <sandragreen36605@yahoo.com>
mobile, al usa - Sunday, October 2, 2005 9:27 PM CDT
I'll be praying for Colette as she has her scans tomorrow, I know you'll hear a good report!! It sounds like she's doing great, I check the website all the time to keep updated on her progress. I'm so happy for all of you that she's doing so well and with God all things are possible, I believe he's showing all of us that daily through the girls.
God Bless all of you and I'll be saying extra prayers for Colette tomorrow too, Morgan starts her 6th round of Chemo tomorrow, so they'll both be on my mind even more than usual.

Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Sunday, October 2, 2005 8:31 PM CDT
We'll pray for tiny tumors that can be removed with little effort. We're optimistic that your scan will be as positive as Morgan's was, and that your surgery will be as easy! I'm looking forward to spectacular reports!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, October 2, 2005 5:35 PM CDT
Hope your game goes better than mine did, Tammy!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, October 1, 2005 3:38 PM CDT
Glad to hear you're feeling better. Sound's like you're going to have the coolest birthday party! And I bet you and Hannah will be SO PRETTY in your dresses, how exciting! You guys have a great, restful weekend, and we're praying for you long and loud!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, October 1, 2005 10:18 AM CDT
hello just see how you are doing see you soon
sheema <s4.-_@hotmail.com>
- Friday, September 30, 2005 9:41 PM CDT



Nicole Pate <bpate@willkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, al usa - Friday, September 30, 2005 3:52 PM CDT
Just a quick note to tell Colette that she's in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me kow if there is anything we can do for her or the family. Each of you are being held up in prayer. I am claiming Ms. Colettes healing in the name of JESUS. Hugs and Prayers, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Bosarge <liz.bosarge@mchsi.com>
- Friday, September 30, 2005 11:58 AM CDT
Give my big girl a big hug and kiss from Pawpaw!
david <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Thursday, September 29, 2005 7:37 AM CDT
Ok, so it didn't go quite as well as I was hoping, but Tammy, GOOD FOR YOU. I'm glad you stepped up, so many people would just assume that things are being done the way they should, and who are we to sidestep someone with as much education as the Dr. You are MOM, and I know, as do all us other mom's out here, that WE KNOW what's best for our babies. So, I'm proud of you, and glad you made the decision to take her back to B'ham. Hopefully she will recover quickly, counts will stabilize, and you can be home very soon, but until then, you are in the best place for her. Sending you my love, and hugs for Colette. (And big thanks to friendly nurses and smiling faces.)
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 10:09 PM CDT
Hello to my pretty pretty princess. Guess what, Manda has two beautiful princess dresses for Hannah and Colette! I can't wait to see the two of you in them! Things are getting close! I am so glad that your are going to be a part of my special day. I pray for you constantly and you put a smile on my face daily when I see your pretty pictures. Love you all.
Amanda <MannaKay@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 5:00 PM CDT

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 4:32 PM CDT
Tammy you know how much Our Lords Mother must have suffered watching her baby suffer crucifiction. You are carrying the Cross of Christ. Know that Our Blessed Mother is beside you. She always leads us to Jesus. God bless you sweetheart you are in my prayers, Aunt Fran XO
Frances J Dougherty <carouselcottages@aol.com>
Ft Myers, Fl USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 4:25 PM CDT
Hey all - just doing my early morning check up on little miss thing!
hope you all are enjoying your time together at home.
We will be in touch soon!
We continue to pray for you all.
Love Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
Hey all - just doing my early morning check up on little miss thing!
hope you all are enjoying your time together at home.
We will be in touch soon!
We continue to pray for you all.
Love Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
Good morning!! Well, I see our Princess had to go in and have her oil changed after all. Like I said before, hopefully her spirits will improve some now, and it will restore a little energy for her. I'm sorry I've not been able to post as often as usual, things with my job have picked up a lot, and my time is a little more restrained, but I try to at least check in for updates a couple times a day, and you better believe that you all are still very much in my prayers. Even if I cannot write, I'm keeping up with what's happening, and thinking about you! You all give Miss Colette, and each other, a big hug for me. I love you guys! Hope she's feeling better, and the nasty old fever is staying away!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 6:54 AM CDT
Well, here's hoping that there isn't a need for a transfusion tonight, that the counts are coming up all on their own. And if you do have to do the transfusion, that she's as responsive as she's been historically. I know you've said before that a transfusion has made a night and day difference in her spirits and energy. I hope you all are able to find plenty of compatible donors there, I'll certainly add that need to my prayers! I'll be looking forward to a positive report very soon. Sending you all my love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, September 26, 2005 7:47 PM CDT
Hello Colette and Family!
I am so glad to hear of the good news, but sad that you aren't feeling well from that yucky chemo. I know just how strong you are, and that you can not only beat this, you can win over feeling bad altogether. I am so happy to read more good things on your site, and though I haven't written in a while, you all have constantly been in our thoughts and prayers. We think of you, Colette, every time that we see a Princess costume. I hope that you had a wonderful party, and you look BEAUTIFUL in your pictures. Stay strong, and know that Jesus is always holding all of you in his loving arms. Take care!
We Love You,
Bethany and Mary Garner

Bethany <bag1781@aol.com>
- Monday, September 26, 2005 7:37 PM CDT
Just wanted to let Colette know that she has been in my thoughts and prayers daily. I pray that things will start looking up for this special little lady. Ms. Tammy please contact me if there is anything I can do for Colette. Hugs and Prayers, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Bosarge <liz.bosarge@mchsi.com>
Irvington, al - Monday, September 26, 2005 0:04 AM CDT
Hey Tammy! I hope and pray for no fever! Cole had trouble with potassium too and they didn't even bother to give us the yucky liquid here - they gave it to him in pill form - giant horse pills! So we crushed them and mixed them with cherry syrup. You could try that. They give us the syrup here but when we've had to do this at home before, we just bought strawberry syrup - like the ice cream topping! If you crush the pill really good (they make a pill crusher that we use) and add just enough syrup to get it in the syringe - it isn't too bad! Just trying to help a little. Ya'll are in our prayers!
lisa, jason and cole ~caringbridge.com/al/cole~ <lisatanner@comcast.net>
memphis, target house - Sunday, September 25, 2005 8:05 PM CDT
Poor baby, I hate that she's feeling bad again. We've had some tummy bug here, and my Eli's been feeling pretty puny with it. I hope that you all are able to stay hospital-free for a while longer, and continue to enjoy some just regular "home time" up to and including a little sibling irritation! (Par for the course at our house!!) Just remember that there are tons of us praying for you all all the time, and that we love you! I hope to hear very positive reports soon! Love to each of ya!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, September 25, 2005 6:10 PM CDT
ha, i am at your house right now!
colette is doing great that's great. I love yall so much.
thanks for letting me come over to your house.
it's nice seing yall alot now.
god always makes a good thing come out of a bad thing.
GOD bless you.
love Nicole

Cousin Nicole <tammybabe@hotmail.com>
MOBILE, AL USA - Friday, September 23, 2005 10:18 PM CDT
my dearest Colette,
i miss you so much. i can't believe it's almost your birthday. i'm going to come to your birthday party. i got the wonderful card you sent me i loved it. i can't wait to see you. hang in there tam and jay. everyday is a pattycake praise day
love aunt KIKI

aunt kristin/ aunt kiki <p8bla@aol.com>
lexington , SC USA - Thursday, September 22, 2005 10:43 PM CDT
SHE LOOKS SO GOOD!!! I'm glad she seems to be feeling so well. And how much fun is that birthday going to be!? I wish I could be there. You can be sure that I'll be there in spirit! I'm glad you all are home, rest a while, enjoy some time together, (make the nausea stop) and remember that GOD LOVES YOU! (And I do too!)
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, September 22, 2005 5:38 PM CDT
I would love to make the doll/princess cake for Colette, just let me know!!!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, September 22, 2005 3:58 PM CDT
hello miss you when you went home see you soon thank you for the card colette
sheema <sweetangle2014@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:26 PM CDT
I hope that today has gone well, and that our Princess is holding down foods. (And that she wants to eat, for that matter!) I've had you all on my mind more than usual today, but it's felt very light, if that makes sense, so I'm hoping that it's a positive impression being made on me. I feel incredibly blessed to "know" this powerful young girl, and it's just been really making my heart sing today. So, share a big kiss with her for me, and tell her thanks, she's made my day! I love you all, and hope you're on your way home!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 3:46 PM CDT
Just checking in, Your in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted so I can update the prayer list with new news.
Keep up the Joy and find time to laugh.Love Celyn

celyn Pendleton <cpendleton@fbtc.org>
Mobile, al usa - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:26 AM CDT
I'm so glad to hear she's doing better, she looks great in her princess dress!
Just wanted to let you know she's in my prayers daily, and I think of all of you often, and check the updates on your website.
God is showing us the miracle of healing in both of the girls!
God bless all of you!

Morgan's Nana <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:16 AM CDT
Glad to hear it seems she is on the upswing again. I remember the beach well! GIve her some "magic" medicine and we will give lots of prayer. I am sure Nicole is lifting her up in prayer right now as we speak. Also another one of our strong Pate girls - she is at SYATP this morning. (See you at the pole) Which means she is at a public school - praying!!!!! Imagine that.
Well hope you get to head home soon - we have a Bama game we need to watch! Give Bryant and Colette our love.
Drive Safe and see you guys soon!
Lots of Love
Aunt Brandy, Uncle Todd and Nicole

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL USA - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 7:29 AM CDT
Welcome back, Mommy. I hope that another night's rest has made a difference for her, and that the mushrooms held their ground. I'd definantly take the fussing at Bryant as a good sign! Sending you all a round of fresh prayers, and I'll be back to check on you all later today! Love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 7:06 AM CDT
Colette you look beautiful in your costume. I'm glad you are up and playing. We are still praying for you and your family.


Sabrina <tobecancerfree@yahoo.com>
Cullman, Al - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 4:36 PM CDT
I'm so sorry to hear that we're not home-bound today, but hopefully the juice will stay in her little tummy, and she will find her appetite returning. I'm sure mommy will help, but I also know that mommy is grateful to Maw-Maw for her help! Sending my love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 2:29 PM CDT
I just wanted to drop a quick line. My little princess is fast asleep..we have had a bad couple days and she is not tolerating this chemo very well. Of course, Mawmaw has not been here after this type chemo before. I keep waking up to my darlin wanting to throw up. But, just a while ago I heard a 3 oz. empty bottle of koolaid hit the floor. She has not been drinking or eating good enough to go home today, like we thought and so we have to stay another night. When she sees her Mommmy and Bryant in a little while I know she will come back to her spirited precious self. Pray she will be able to hold on to her nutrition. I love you all and want you to share in the joy of three ounces of juice because she just does not want aything. I KNOW Mommy will give her what mawmaw lacks Mommy's touch, smell and tenderness. That only works for mawmaw's children. I know some people would not see why I rejoice. But, some of you will;0
Bye, for now don't want to leave her too long.

Colette's address Colette Pate 7040 North Lake Road Mobile, Al. 36605

mawmaw <Mrs_Peny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 1:44 PM CDT
I justed wanted to pop in and say hello to Miss Colette and tell her just how beautiful her pictures have been. Mrs. Pate you will never know how much your little angel touched my heart the day me and my husband meet the two of you in Walm-mart. The hug I got from Colette that day was the greatest hug I think I have ever gotten. This little girl is so full of courage, it makes me a little ashamed of myself for having pity parties sometimes, when I have my bad days. This little girl has lifted my spirit so high. She is in my prayers and I know that the God I serve is able to bring her thru this and any other mountain she must climb. He is able to make her 100 percent whole, I am claiming her healing and believing and thanking God for it. I also pray for strength and comfort for each of you her family members, that God will be with each of you. Thank you again Tammy for allowing me to spend a few minutes with your little darling in Wal-mart, she has a very special place in my heart. Please send me a mailing address where I can send her a card and special things. my email address is liz.bosarge@mchsi.com
Hugs and Prayers Elizabeth and Calvin

Elizabeth <liz.bosarge@mchsi.com>
Irvington, al - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 12:07 AM CDT
Just wanted to pop in and say good morning, I hope today is a great day! Sending you our love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 11:52 AM CDT
Just a quick note to let you all know I have been checking on you. Love you lots! Glad to hear so much good news.
Be sweet little princess!
Love Aunt Brandy

Brandy Pate <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Mobile, AL usa - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 8:09 AM CDT
Dearest Pate Family,
I check your website almost every day because Colette's beautiful smile brings solace to my heart after a trying day. She looks absolutely great. You all continue to be in my prayers. Just remember what a inspiration you ALL have been and how many lives you have touched with your stength and faith. Know that you are loved by all of the Martin family.
With love from Anne

Oh Yea, I forgot to tell you WAAAAAAAAAAR EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anne Henderson <gamhender@hotmail.com>
Opelika, AL USA - Monday, September 19, 2005 8:16 PM CDT
Prayerful that today was not as wildly tempermental (but not holding my breath!) Hopeful that our Princess was not a royal pain in Maw-Maw's hiney! She's been such an impressive trooper through this whole ordeal, I suppose she's entitled, I know I'd likely be a bit of a brat about it, but I also recognize that for the rest of you, it makes already difficult things that much harder. So, we'll all just pray longer and louder, and trust that the Lord will make it right. We know He will! And for that, we are thankful! Thinking of you all constantly, and sending my own loves and hugs all around!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, September 19, 2005 6:42 PM CDT
What a beautiful little princess Snow White! Joshua, Matthew, and Hannah were very happy to see her. Aunt Sherry was thrilled to see her rosy pink cheeks! She is even more beautiful than the Disney character, isn't she? I am very proud to be her aunt and send all the love I possibly can through this pitiful keyboard. ((((HUGS))))
Aunt Sherry
- Monday, September 19, 2005 5:12 PM CDT
Hey there, I hope Colette has enjoyed her Coloring book. Colette really touched my heart. I went up today at Church and got anointed for her and it was not only me but our pastor asked for everyone in our church to say a prayer for her also. So, we had about 150 people praying for her. You just don't know, that she was a blessing for us to meet. Our youth just loved her high spirits. I would love to hear any updates you have and I plan on hearing a PRAISE REPORT real soon. If you need anything just email me. I tried to post yesterday but it has not came up.. I hope I did everything right. Any how send Colette our love and know that I will be praying for her and your whole family everyday. We at Brown's Chapel Youth Ministry have a special place in our hearts for her... Take care and God Bless....
Rebecca White (Brown's Chapel Youth Ministry) <rntobemydream@yahoo.com>
Sylacauga, AL USA - Sunday, September 18, 2005 9:12 PM CDT
Today is Sunday, notlke nornal Sundays when you try to beat the clock or the other driver to get to church on time. Not to mention the craziness that goes on at the house before you even get into the car!:( Your other shoe your new package of pantyhose or something that actually fits. Sundays are normally rough until you finally get into your comfortable seat next a person who has two different colored socks. But, God always comes through on His part and makes you wonder what all the panic before church was all about. Satan did not intend for you to get to church in the first place and he puts all kinds of junk in your way. JUMP HIGH:)

My day started out in very peaceful way and Miss Colette wanted to dress up and be a beutiful princess Snow White and she was. But, her medicine makes her Dr. Jeckel and Miss Meannie. Then she was sleeping on her bed like Snow White until mommy wanted to wake her up to love on her before mommy left for Mobile:( MISS MEANNIE ..she proceeded to tell mawmaw she did not want her,she wanted
her mommy.Mawmaw's response was "Thats O.K. I want Mommy, too!" She only fussed a short time and is now returned to that beautiful Snow White asleep:) LOL Things will be just fine Mawmaw has been a mommy along time.

When the Dr. came in this morning we were all snoozing. He said "Ya'll have sent so much time here with the healthiest child we have had". THANKS TO JESUS and all of you our friends and family for your prayers Love,Mawmaw Penny

MawMaw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al - Sunday, September 18, 2005 4:42 PM CDT
Well, we've been up at Morgan's poker tournament, and had a great time! I'm glad to see Her Majesty, the Great Snow White smiled for a picture! She looks great! Travel safely, Tammy, and good luck to Maw-Maw as she bears whatever tirades come over the next few days. I hope all else is well, and it's wonderful to see Colette's smiling face. Love to you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, September 18, 2005 4:22 PM CDT
I'm glad to hear everything is going well. I hope Colette's moods get a little better - the steroids are rough on them. We understand about the dressing changes too - its still hard on Cole and we've been doing it since March. We have heard that they do it differently here at St Jude than other hospitals - not sure how but if you need any tips or just want to know how we do it - let me know. I know how stressful it can be and I'll share any knowledge I have - if it helps!! Ya'll are in our prayers! Take care and God Bless and ROLL TIDE!!!
Lisa Tanner - mom to Cole ~www.caringbridge.com/al/cole~ <lisatanner@comcast.net>
Memphis , Target House - Sunday, September 18, 2005 3:58 PM CDT
Good Morning, yeh... here I am UP at 2:30 A.M.:( Most people sleep at this time of day. I misplaced my throyid medicine and was without it for about a week... so busy trying to catch up with myself...wash clothes..pay bills...taking time to listen to momma...call the insurance..help her to do away with spoilage from hurricane...her air-conditioner was giving her trouble and pick up perscriptions for my mom amd ME.(My mommy suffers from alhymers and I care for her too. Pray God will send me someone who will care for her and give her back a life of freedom to just go to the store or to walk on the beach. I miss my time with her:( she is lonely my daddy passed away in 1990. And I am her caregiver. I have a cousin who lives almost next door and she is a professional caregiver. I plan to call on her. I just want someone I can trust to treat momma with patience and genuine trust not to take advantage of her financially. That keeps me up at night. Please Pray, Thank You:)

I do appreciate all of your prayers..It gives me peace at times like this. God has sent you here NOW not by accident but, because He uses people like you to minister to people like us. God Bless You:)

Miss Colette wanted to walk everywhere tonight and of course she got tired sooner than usual. But, if you had all that benedryl going through an IV, it would catch up with you too. She is sleeping like an angel right now.

Bless All of You for Blessing Us. Good Night..I am going to try sleeping again..I pray you are resting and God will give you a wonderfully blessed day. Keep your eyes on Him and remember He has this plan for our lives already mapped out and He is in CONTROL, Amen Love MawMaw Penny

Penny Crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, September 17, 2005 3:13 AM CDT
I thought I'd gone to the wrong site for a minute! What a nice new look! And YAY to pitty durls in pitty dwesses! (I'm WAY looking forward to wedding pics!) And SUPER YAY for awesome birthday parties. I'm really glad things are going as well as they are- we couldn't ask for much more. Give thanks to the Lord- He's doing powerful stuff right now! And we've got a couple of really great girls in our lives to prove it! Hugs to all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, September 16, 2005 6:50 PM CDT
Glad to know surgery was a success. You be careful when you come home. I hate that you guys won't be at the shower this weekend, but if she is doing better, that is all that I want. Have as much fun as possible! Hopefully we will have pretty white dresses when she comes home.
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Friday, September 16, 2005 3:08 PM CDT
Glad to hear the surgery went well, and that Colette is feeling better about being back at the hospital. Poor thing, what a way to have to spend your summer, huh? But, as we know, she's a "Bid Durl" and Jesus is making her all better! So, she'll have to stick with having some PattyCake Praise Day's while she hangs out with Maw-Maw, and we'll be praying for all of you! Send her my love, and you all keep your chins up! Love ya!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, September 16, 2005 1:22 PM CDT
Make a run for it ladies! I love you all! I'll be back later tonight, but I had a second and wanted to just tell you all I love ya!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, September 15, 2005 8:30 PM CDT
Make a run for it ladies! I love you all! I'll be back later tonight, but I had a second and wanted to just tell you all I love ya!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, September 15, 2005 6:19 PM CDT
Go Tammy Go. I quess you now look as funny as I do in my 15 passenger van. Good Luck and God Speed. We love you Colette.
Rick, Sandra, and Girls <sandragreen36605@yahoo.com>
mobile, al usa - Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:05 PM CDT
Just went to check in on our Mighty Morgan, and read about Matthew- we'll send some extra prayers in that direction as well! Keep us posted on his condition as you can, Sherry and clan!
Megan (again!) <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
Hey everybody! Hope you all enjoyed a great day today! Also hope the blood tests came out well, and that (another one of those happy/sad things, huh Tammy?) you get to go up for the next treatment! Princess, I sure hope you're enjoying that cool new Dora TV! What a really cool thing God did, sharing His love through folks like that. Sending you all my love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 10:07 PM CDT
Hello Colette and family,
I want to thank you all so very much for all your extra prayers for Morgan during her surgery yesterday (9-13). The surgery went great they removed the tumor by her kidney, which ended up not being connected to blood vessels or anything else :), it was the size of a plum. They also removed the tumor from her lung, it was the size of a quarter. (Plus did the bone marrow test) The surgeon said she did great, and everything went smoothly. I just wanted to let you know how she did , I feel like were connected.(I check Colette's website daily for updates on her) I'll never be able to thank you enough for all of your prayers. I want to let you know I think about Colette daily and not a day goes by that I don't say a prayer for her too. I know God has plans for them and their going to be fine.
Thank you all so much for your prayers.. God Bless and keep each one of you.
Morgan's Nana

Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:22 PM CDT
Hey Tammy,Colette,Bryant, and Jason!
Colette you are so cool. I can't believe how nice those folks were! Tammy, I was just wondering are you talking about Mike the Mike that has a wife named Lane? Just wondering. I am keeping Colette in my prayers! If it is am
going to tell you something. Also, how was that boy in B'ham? I'll keep y'all n my prayers!

Rebecca <Beckabear1994@aol.com>
Huntsville, AL USA - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 6:18 PM CDT
Hey Jason, Tammy, Colette, and family
The recent news sounds positive, and I'm happy for that. I'm sorry that I haven't kept up, but recently I have been so busy with work and/or with traveling that I haven't had much time. I was recently with my children in Auburn, and they were all asking about you and sweet Colette. I love you and will be thinking of you while I'm up in Augusta GA and Columbia SC (watching Uncle Marty's football team on Friday Night; and the Alabama Crimson Tide on Saturday afternoon . . . Roll Tide Roll!!)

Billy Jackson <WBJII@BenStokes.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 5:56 PM CDT
Hello Collette, Tammy,and boys.. We are really glad to hear that things are going well. You are all still in our thoughts and prayers. Mary wanted me to tell you that she misses you and hopes to see you soon.


Sabrina <tobecancerfree@yahoo.com>
Cullman, AL. Cullman - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 5:09 PM CDT
What a blessing, that God brought two people who fight a similar battle together and allowed them to draw from each others strength. And for a stranger to be so generous, thank you from many of us who love Colette. You are truly angels, sharing His love. We will hold you in our prayers as well, and ask blessings be returned ten-fold.

You all had a heck of a ROLL-TIDE time, didn't you!! Looks like you had a blast. I'm glad you've had such a great time, found the bedroom (ALWAYS a difficult task, even without moving, hurricanes, hospitals and hotels!) and just enjoyed one another. We'll be praying for FABULOUS counts so that the next round of treatment can begin. (While we hate to pull you away from the comforts of home, our goal is of course complete healing, and quickly.)

You all have all my love! Let us know how the counts come out! And thank you to all of you who have posted for Morgan- the notes mean so much to everyone. You guys are great. Love ya!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 5:37 PM CDT
I met the prettiest and sweetie little girl today, her name was Colette. Thank you Colette for your warm hug at walmart. You are in my prayers.
Elizabeth Bosarge <liz.bosarge@mchsi.com>
irvington, al usa - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 3:26 PM CDT
Hey Colette, I had fun playing with you yesterday. I'll come see you again soon. Love you :X

Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 9:57 AM CDT
It's wonderful to have a God to look to and to hope for a victory's in Miss Morgan and Miss Colette. I know He has a plan for all of this. These sweet angels are what I believe Heaven is made of and for. Our prayers are for Morgan that God will hold the surgeons hands and fill their minds with wisdom and knowledge to make this procedure work to the honor and glory of God. To heal this little one and to give peace that passeth all understanding. I ASK GOD TO CALM MORGAN'S FEARS AND ALL THE FAMILY AS GOD DOES HIS WORK, GIVE US WHAT WE NEED TO OVERCOME THESE THINGS WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND. GOD WRAP YOUR ARMS AROUND ALL OF THESE OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. BUT, MOST OF ALL TO GIVE US FAITH ENOUGH TO MOVE MOUNTAINS AND TRUST TO BE ABLE TO HOLD ON TO THE FAITH OF A MUSTARD SEED, AMEN
All my love, Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, September 12, 2005 10:53 PM CDT
Hope the new bed is comfortable, and that you're all getting some much deserved R&R! Thoughts are with you always! Much love to all.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, September 12, 2005 9:52 PM CDT
Hey sweetie! I hope you are feeling okay. I am going to try to come see you this afternoon. I hope Bryant had a good first day back at school.
Love you guys,

Amanda <MannaKay@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Monday, September 12, 2005 12:37 AM CDT
Hey guys...We have been praying everyday for you all. Sorry I haven't logged a message on here in a while, but trust you know you ALL are in our prayers each and every day. I check your site each day for updates. We're sooo thankful for all of the good news, and waiting paitently for the GREAT news we know our God is going to give us all soon! Just wanted to take time to let you know the entire Wells family is with you every day in prayer for your strength, and for Collette's healing. Also wanted to let you know that Dave and 'Tisha's baby was born today, 9-11-05. A BEAUTIFUL baby girl, 6 pounds 3 ounces. They named here Patricia Briann Wells. Mother and Daughter are doing Great!(Dave's hanging tough..LOL) We lost a Great Patricia on a Sunday, now God has given us another Beautiful Patricia on a Sunday! His wonders never cease! Know ALWAYS we are all just a call away. We love you ALL.
Ron Wells, Jr. Family(Jeri, Brandon, Starla) Jason & Crystal Workman Family-Jerry, Cindy, Jennifer Wells-Dave, Tish, Briann Wells, and Ron Wells, Sr. <Ronpda@aol.com>
Mobile, Al. - Monday, September 12, 2005 0:06 AM CDT
Quick fresh prayer request for our Miss Morgan, Tuesday she undergoes her surgery to remove the bulk of her tumors. There will be a large growth at the top of her kidney (where her tumor began) and a small growth on her lung both removed. They have indicated that the surgery will take 6-9 hours..
These are some powerful, vivacious girls in our lives, I know I've been touched and blessed by their courageous battles, as have all of you. We trust that the Lord will heal if that is His will, and this is the next step for our Mighty Morgan! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for her on Tuesday!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, September 11, 2005 7:19 PM CDT


MRS. P ENNY <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
THEODORE, AL - Sunday, September 11, 2005 6:00 PM CDT
Hi Tammy & Jason,
Happy to hear everyone is at home and that you are probably reading this from your bed. I'm sure it feels great to wake up at home and have a little bit of peace. Anyhow we are on our way to Church this morning. Thanks for keeping us posted.
Love Kathryn

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Sunday, September 11, 2005 9:11 AM CDT
Enjoy today! Enjoy singing, and worshiping in your church home, with your church family! I know that you've missed that on many Sundays, as you've been away with treatments. Enjoy some time of fellowship together! Love ya!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, September 11, 2005 8:38 AM CDT
hey yall i am happy everything came out ok i am also happy that colette is doing good well love ya boris says hey and he is happy too
valerie and boris <lilgriff88@yahoo.com or iloveboris280@hotmail.com>
mobile, al usa - Saturday, September 10, 2005 12:46 AM CDT
There are very few better days to give thanks for than ones like today. You're able to be together as a family for a bit, and just enjoy some time with one another. What a blessing that is, especially considering how many in that area don't even know where many members of their families are. I'm so glad for you all that everything survived so well. A sparse tree is just a part of the Lord wiping clean the slate to make an even more beautiful setting. I bet it will be the fullest, most beautiful tree you've seen come spring. And when it is, you should take it's picture, because it's representative of the journey you all have faced. Even when completely stripped, naked and alone, God will provide! And when we trust in Him, we will not only blossom, but FLOURISH!!
I'm glad Jason got to come home as well. You all enjoy some time just trying to have a pretty normal week. We know you've earned it! Hope back to school is great for Bryant! (So what's the scoop on his football game?) Love you all! Have a great, wonderful, fabulous weekend! (Happy Birthday Maw-Maw Penny! Today is my younger son's b-day- 3! and Tuesday is my birthday- older than 3!)

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, September 9, 2005 10:54 PM CDT
Tammy is home. Jason is home. Bryant is home. Colette is home. ALL AT THE SAME TIME. YEE Haw!! Enjoy your time together. Love ya!
Stephanie <Slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, Ar USA - Friday, September 9, 2005 10:42 PM CDT
hello just want to know how you are doing thank of you keep you in my prayers love sheema
sheema <s4.-_@hotmail.com>
- Friday, September 9, 2005 10:08 PM CDT
Well, I hate that Colette's counts are still to low, but I'm glad you're going to get a bit of a break. I hope the drive home with the kids wasn't to bad, and that all was in pretty good shape when you got home! Send everyone my love, and keep us posted!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, September 9, 2005 2:28 PM CDT
Hello my precious! I just wanted to give you a big hug and let you know that I have a big beautiful princess dress coming for you and Hannah. I can't wait to see yo in it. Love you punkin.
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 4:52 PM CDT
it's nicole agin sorry about those 2 entries.

Nicole Pate <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL usa - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 4:44 PM CDT
hey pumpkin,cant talk long but your pictures are beautiful talt to you soon love you so much cutie love your tolie!


Nicole Pate <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL USA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
hey pumpkin,cant talk long but your pictures are beautiful talt to you soon love you so much cutie love your tolie!


Nicole Pate <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL USA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
love you guys lots - Just wanted you to know we haven't forgotten about you all!
not much time to write - busy days here in Mobile with the storm and such.
To add to it, Nicole got her braces and is in much pain.
Lots of thoughts and prayers still go out to you!
Love you little Ms. thing! We will do the peanut butter and jelly dance soon! I bet those nails need painting.

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL USA - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 4:17 PM CDT
I'm reading the new post from Tammy, and then the post from Maw-Maw Penny, and can I just say WE HAVE AN AWESOME, AWESOME GOD! Even with so much turmoil ongoing around you all, you are being provided for in so many ways. Being provided an apartment so you don't have to worry about a place to stay while treamtents continue. Christmas together in one place. Weddings, birthdays, and even just a place to put scrapbooking goodies. What a glorious, glorious God we have. I wish I could come for the birthday party! I bet it'll be a blast! I'm praying for you all, and for the Dr.'s that have worked so hard on healing Colette. I'm optimistic about each coming step of her treaments. She's done so amazingly well, it's such a joy to see the new pictures when they are posted, and see her smiling, laughing, and playing. Thank you all so much. So many of you have so many things to be proud of, but most of all, be proud of your unwavering faith. You have restored mine. I love you all.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 9:20 AM CDT






MRS. PENNY <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Wednesday, September 7, 2005 8:14 AM CDT
Hey guys! I hope you're still having tons of fun hanging out! And for many of you, I hope you're getting power restored, and some normalcy returned to your every day. Saw the new pics- couple of biker mommas and a bunch of storm damage. I can only be grateful that none of you were hurt. I just wanted to pop in, say hi, and tell you all I love ya! Hope to hear from you all very soon!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 4:23 PM CDT
The Lord has certainly had his hands around all of you. I know your days have been hectic (sp) but youw were and are well taken care of. Look at all you've done the last few days with the zoo and the game. Estatic you were safe from the storm. Tammy, don't know if you remember we used to live in Buras, where the eye crossed first. There is no more Buras. My best friend of 20 years, whose wedding I was in a few summers ago, her house, her moms house all of it is gone. They got out. They are actually in Birmingham. Was trying to figure out a way to come see you all, but with school it has been impossible. I love you. I will pray for your continued strength and stability with all of this. God is answering so many prayers for your family. How loved you are!

Stephanie <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Sunday, September 4, 2005 8:22 PM CDT
What a great update! It's great to hear from you, Tammy, and good to know that things are going so well for Colette. I'm glad that everyone is safe, and that there are places to stay, and places with power available to so many of you. And how much fun have you all been able to have this week! Are the kids just busting!? The zoo, out to restaurants, football (YAY FOOTBALL!!) and so much other fun.. (Ok, not the foley. Not so much fun, but could be worse, I guess!)

I just am really glad to hear that things are going so well right now. With everything else that's been going on, it could have been far more difficult, and it's comforting to know that the Lord has continued to provide. He's seen to it that you have been right where you needed to be, right when you've needed to be there. And that is a glorious thing. Give the kids a big hug, and tell Jason to travel safely back home, I'll be keeping you all in my prayers constantly. You all know I love you, but I'm honored to say it again and again! And even more blessed, because I know that God loves you, and is taking care of you, every step of the way. All glory goes to Him!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, September 4, 2005 1:21 PM CDT
Hey guys,
I know you all have so much going on, and my heart goes out to each of you. I wish there was something I could do beyond leave little notes, but I wouldn't at this point even know where to begin!! So, for the time being, little notes it is!
I hope the sun is shining for you today, and that some of the water is drying, and that you are starting to find some peace. I'm sure many of you are getting precious little sleep as you help friends, loved ones, and total strangers try to pick up the pieces of their lives. I know that a few of you have been able to return to your jobs, probably under restricted circumstances, but it's one more step in the right direction. Others of you are opening your hearts and possibly even your homes to some of the thousands of people affected by the devestation of Katrina.
I'm hoping that Colette is responding well to the course of antibiotics. I pray that her little body is healing well, and is as full of vigor and energy as I suspect it is! She has a powerful spirit, and it radiates from her! I look forward to getting a positive report whenever it becomes available. The Lord provides! Trust in Him!
Again, I send you ALL my love, support and prayers. I pray for your strength, and His mercy, as you all face the road ahead. Be well, and know that my thoughts are with you each waking moment!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, September 3, 2005 3:59 PM CDT
Good morning to all of you. I hope that this morning finds Colette feeling well!
Living in the middle of the country as we do, the impact of hurricanes such as Katrina are difficult for us to comprehend. I've been in communication with a few of you, and also with other folks who are business associates who all are in the affected areas, and the extent of the devastation ranges from some rain and downed branches to their entire business is gone. Trying to envision some of what many of you are facing right now simply takes my breath away. I'm sure communication is spotty, but it lifts me up to see a new post from ANY of you all, just to know that you're ok, and that you have access to power, and obviously even a computer. Please know that my prayers rest with ALL of you, that you, your family, friends and other loved ones are safe, and that the immediate impact to each one of you is relatively minimal. If anyone has specific prayer requests, please feel free to let me know. My heart goes out to you, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I know I've used this many other times, but it is frequently so appropriate... "Be Bold, Be Strong, for the Lord our God is with YOU." I love you all. Please be safe as you fight each battle.

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, September 2, 2005 7:07 AM CDT
Hey guys. Glad to know things are okay. I was thinking about you guys the whole time. At least you were able to be out of here when this thing came through. Enjoy your time in B'Ham. Aunt Penny. Give me a call on my phone. I haven't been able to go to Dad's and was hoping you would know something. Let me know if I can be of any help.
Love you all.

Amanda <MannaKay@aol.com>
Theodore, AL - Thursday, September 1, 2005 2:14 PM CDT
I was thinking about you and wanted you to know it and know that I love you! Stay dry and safe. Put the princess in the high up tower.
Stephanie <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 10:30 PM CDT
Good evening to you all. It's good to hear a bit from each of you, Sherry and Brandy, and know that you and your loved ones are safe! I'm hoping Colette is doing pretty well with the needles, I hate for her that she's having to endure that. However, we're glad to be rid of the infection! I'm praying for swift healing and a safe return home as soon as is realistically possible. Be well! All my love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:13 PM CDT
Hey Tammy, Jason, Colette and Bryant.
Me, Todd and Nicole went to check on your house Monday evening after the worse had passed. no water at all around it! and no trees anywhere on it.
The least of your worries, your garage door came off and a portion of the fence fell. I am back at work today, we are running on generators. Glad to hear about Colette's surgery going well. Our phones have been hard to get through to check on you all.
I will call soon!
love Brandy

Brandy pate <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 11:37 AM CDT
Thanks Uncle Chicken! I have the photo gallery added to the main page now. :) You're the best!
Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:07 PM CDT
My heart goes out to Timothy's family. I pray that they to will find peace, and comfort in their faith. I'm glad that it sounds like most of you were spared extensive damage, we're praying for those who did not fare as well. It's our fervent hope that the loss of life is limited, and that the communities hit hardest will pull together and restore their quality of life quickly. Please let us know of any specific prayer requests or needs that you all become aware of!
I'm sure Colette is doing great, she's probably the bravest girl EVER! Tell her to be strong when they come with those mean old needles! Miss PattyCake sure is proud of that girl!! And so am I! I love all of you! Be safe.

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 7:32 PM CDT
So much has happened since Thursday and now we have yet simple issues to address...Like clean up from the storm. God has blessed all of us once again! We understand that Jason had fence down and lots of limbs. Hopefuly, that's all.

I know we lost one large sycamore in our front yard. No serious damage I believe. Right now we are still in B'ham
so we will access damage when we get home. I want to thank David's brother Durward for cutting the limbs off our house. And Craig and Todd for going over to Jason's and helping care for their house and yard.

Colette's surgery went well and now they are going to keep her since she still has more treatments as of a result of removing her port from under the skin. Pray for her she like most people does not like needles and it is so hard to have to witness her crying and pain as a result. But, she is strong and strong willed, I believe God has made her that way to overcome this cancer. We will be leaving soon to head home pray for our safe travel and all the others traveling. Especially pray for the people in Mississippi who have lost everything. And New Orleans
as they need to find a successful way to drain the city. Pray that the death count remains low. One is too many.

Also, pray for Timothy's family. He is now at peace.

All my love, Maw Maw

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 12:44 AM CDT
I'm praying for all of you along the coast, and am hopeful that all is well for you. Obviously, contact is limited, but I'll check as frequently as possible and hope to hear good news soon. All my love,
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington (Chicago), - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:58 AM CDT
Glad to hear the good news! I hope that all is well at home- looks like a lot of water. Praying for everyone in Mobile.
My heart goes out to the family of the young man. I cannot imagine the pain, but hope they can find peace.
I'm so glad for Colette that all went well. I'm keeping you ALL in my thoughts and prayers. Love you all.

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Currently in Chicago, - Monday, August 29, 2005 8:30 PM CDT
I love you! I love you! I love you! All of you!
Stephanie <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Monday, August 29, 2005 5:12 PM CDT
I'd like to give Ryan a big thank you- that photo album is wonderful! I wanted to stop in and tell you all good morning, and send you my love! I'll be praying, as always, for each and every one of you. Give Colette a big kiss for me, Tammy, and you all keep on smiling! Hope Bryant's feeling better!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, August 29, 2005 6:27 AM CDT
Colette's Photo Gallery - http://walkerplace.org/Colette/
Ryan Walker <PrayingForColette@WalkerPlace.org>
Sharpsburg, GA USA - Monday, August 29, 2005 6:09 AM CDT
Tammy, this quote was at the bottom of an email I received, just today and it made me think of you and the situation with this young man.
"Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet"
The Lord is doing just as you have asked;as many of us have asked for you. He will continue to give you what you need. I love you and think of you often.

Stephanie <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:34 PM CDT
Hey Tammy,
I just read your latest update. You are awesome. I'm sorry I missed the lunch today. But no worries my office ordered 7 plates on Fri.!! I hope it made ya some money to help out with bills/etc. Anyhow, I'm glad to hear your optimisim it always make me feel better about any "little" thing that may not be going exactly the way I want it to. I have already prayed for the boy you have spoken of and his family. I believe God will speak through you to his family. Have no worries. Your words will comfort them.
Love Kathryn

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Sunday, August 28, 2005 4:50 PM CDT
Ok, well I posted that website last night, and have managed to completely destroy my site. I have now corrected the link so that if you copy and paste into your browser, Lord willing, it will work. Also, there are links at the top, I believe you should be able to read one of them... (realistically, anyway. You're SUPPOSED to be able to read all of them...) but the one you might be able to read is Colette's Photo Gallery, which has many of the pictures that have been posted here. I know I've seen mentioned once or twice that people wished they had saved them, I don't have ALL of them, but I have several, so if you were wanting them, here's your chance!!

I'm heading to Chicago for a week of meetings tomorrow morning, I'm not sure what my internet access will be like, but know that I'm thinking about you all constantly, and will be keeping EVERYONE in my prayers. (Family still coastal hiding from the 'cane, Colette and clan in B'ham, the young man battling for his life, and all the rest of you who come by and send love and prayers to all of the above!) I'd also like to throw out a quick request for extra prayers tomorrow for Morgan, as she undergoes bone scans to evaluate the progress of her chemo.

As always, I'm sending you all my love! I'll check in as often as I can, and be home Thursday night!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, August 28, 2005 3:25 PM CDT
All of you are on the front of mind now. With katrina bearing down on you. I pray you are all safe. I know with the Pate family in B'ham, there are plenty of miles between you and the hurricane. Tammy, sometimes just "being" there can help so much. A lot of the times words are not necessary. There is comfort in the knowing that the person sitting next to you loves you and is hurting also. I can't imagine doing it though. The one time I was called into that situation, I felt like the world was slipping out from under me. But at the same time I was able to stand there and be strong while someone else crumbled. That was all I could do and that was what God intended for me to do. I will pray you have strength while you minister to this family. You are doing a great thing. You are great. I love you!
My children sound like they are trying to dismember each other so I need to go show them how great I (or my spatula) can be. Lots of love from the Laughlins

Stephanie <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Sunday, August 28, 2005 2:15 PM CDT
hey mrs. tammy cant they like do a bone marrow transplant on him or something i mean i know that there has got to be something they could do for him i know it it really is crazy how God can send you there to witness to someone with that situation it is great i know that they can do something for him they have got to be able to i will give him bone marrow if i have the right kind well we are goin to church now love yall bye bye
valerie and boris <valliegurl@croeso.com>
mobile, al usa - Sunday, August 28, 2005 8:17 AM CDT
Oh, Tammy, what a hard thing to have to watch. I trust that God will help you find the words to comfort this family, and if you cannot heal the body, heal the soul. My heart goes out to the boy and his family. As parents, we can envision nothing worse than what challenges this family is facing. It's so hard to understand. But what a miracle our God has provided, for you are obviously a pillar of strength for not only your family, but this family as well. I will pray for him as well, if nothing more than for release of pain and suffering, and that he knows our Lord and will see his family again in Paradise.

I am thankful that Colette is feeling so much better than she seemed to be even yesterday. It may well be that her cheerful personality can bring some joy for this young man. And fear not, God will provide the words when you can't, and when He does not, it simply means that there are no words needed. A touch, an embrace, a listening ear, and a box of tissues. It may not feel like enough, but I'm betting it is. Be strong. We'll pray for all of you.

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
- Saturday, August 27, 2005 10:09 PM CDT
Hey Tammy! You and Colette are constanly on my mind and in my prayers! (the guys too!) I was in the scrapbook isle at Hobby Lobby thinking about you! I am glad you are out of harms way from this storm. If there is anything I can do for you down here please, please, please let me know! Can't wait to hear your thoughts! I will continue to pray for God's awesome healing power to move in Colette's body! Love you guys, Kellie Brown
Kellie Brown <jakenkellie@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Saturday, August 27, 2005 8:36 PM CDT
Hey everyone. Well yesterday was a great success thanks to all the people who gave so generously of their time. I hope Colettes doing great. It was so good to see her and especially hold her and feel her pudgy legs it felt good. She is so precious I wish everyone on here from all over could just hold her. Please let us know if you need us. We love you. Aunt Kathy
Kathy <Kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Saturday, August 27, 2005 6:30 PM CDT
Hey guys, wanted you to know that I'm praying for you and think of you constantly. I missed you at the Christmas musical preiew this morning Tammy. It wasn't the same without you there. Tell Colette that I love her and want to give her a ride on top of that car again soon, but at home instead of in the hospital hopefully. I'll be checking back later tonight to see what God is showing you Tammy. If you need to talk, give me a call anytime. Even if it's 3am, my cell phone is always on. I love you all and know that God is in the process of a miracle with you guys.
Lori Ladnier <schmoo88@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Saturday, August 27, 2005 6:26 PM CDT
Thought I'd share the e-mail with all of you- I've posted it to my website at http://home.insightbb.com/~mmahaffey/why.htm

Brings things home a bit. I'm not a "forwards" person, but the timing of when I received this was almost immediately after I found that Colette was having to return to B'ham, and when I read this, I found some peace in what was happening. It's all beyond our control, but it's there, and it's real, and it happens for a reason. We may not always see it at first, but with time and understanding, it will become clear!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Oh, you all know from where.., - Saturday, August 27, 2005 6:12 PM CDT
Glad to hear you all arrived safely, and that Colette seems to be in such good spirits. Tammy, I don't know if you had time to check e-mail (sounds like maybe not, based on the "evil stares!!) but I sent you something last night that I had just gotten, and felt driven to share. I'm looking forward to tonight's post, as I have this feeling inside that you all are SUPPOSED to be in Birmingham, not for Colette, but for someone else. Trust in the Lord! Know that your prayers are not alone, and that He hears all of them! He will answer each and every one according to His plan! We love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, August 27, 2005 5:58 PM CDT
We love you guys and are still praying for you everyday!
Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Saturday, August 27, 2005 5:45 PM CDT
We hope all is well sending our prays and thoughts .Godbless you all
James and Mena Parmar <Pennyirvington@aol.com>
Irvington, Al Mobile - Saturday, August 27, 2005 4:54 PM CDT
Tammy and Jason, I have Colette on the prayer list at St Francis school. The whole school is praying for her. I am going to put ya'll on there too! May God surround you with His angels and give you His peace. I love ya'll, Aunt Fran XO
Frances J Dougherty
Ft Myers , Fl USA - Saturday, August 27, 2005 3:32 PM CDT
If they've not changed their minds again, it sounds as though you all have just left to head to B'ham. Fear not, for you are guided by the Lord on this path. Remember that there are so many of us, all over the country, praying for you! I love you, but more importantly, God loves you. You are well protected in His embrace.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, August 27, 2005 9:08 AM CDT
It's 3:20 a.m. This is the times I have talked about....the middle of the night and the unknowing what comes next...

When I woke up yesterday...my plan was to go to the hospital take care of Colette so Tammy could go help deliver dinners for the benefit or whatever they needed her to do. And in a split second the day made a U turn and they wanted Colette in B'ham ASAP and ambulanced by 2:00 p.m. Tammy needed prayer over the phone and God answered that need. So all kinds of things had to be done in order to get her to B'ham. I went to pick up Jason and he was washing clothes to pack to go. When I told him of the urgancy he made one step this way then one that way...the confusion was so evident. He was saying that another ambulance trip will cost $2,000.00 they do not have. So we stopped and prayed and God answered. Jason was focused again and everything just rolled into place. So we went to hospital and they picked up Tammy:) I went to take care of Colette and did the waiting for the hospital and the doctors and Tammy got to go help anyway. Then the plan changed again........the doctor in B'ham said not to break their necks to get their since they would not do surgery until Monday anyway. Just come up Sunday night OK......another change...doctor's here told me around 4:30 p.m. because of the possible storm coming here they needed to leave Saturday 9:00 am by ambulance. So NOW that is the plan................................................... The benefit Friday was a COMPLETE sell out... God Bless All those SPECIAL PEOPLE who gave so freely to help. We will update more today. Remember the benefit on Sunday 11:00 a.m. with AUCTION...So many GREAT items have been donated with five or more televisions, jewelery and resturant dinner certificates. PLEASE COME..........THANK YOU just does not in seem to express our appreciation and joyful hearts:) Remember God is listening to your prayers and answering. JESUS LOVES YOU AND SO DO WE:)

Love, Maw Maw

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, August 27, 2005 5:02 AM CDT
I'll definately keep Colette and her family in my prayers. God is taking care of her, stay strong and know your all always in my prayers!
Morgan's Nana <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Friday, August 26, 2005 10:55 AM CDT
You have my prayers, of course. Remember to be bold, be strong, for the Lord our God is with you! I hope the benefits today and Sunday are a huge success, job well done Brandy on all the press and additional input from companies and media! Love you guys. Keep us posted as you can. Tell Bryant to get feeling better too!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, August 26, 2005 9:12 AM CDT

Colette has been running fever of 103 to 104 since yesterday. Now her cultures are growing bacteia and her doctor in Birmingham just spoke to Tammy and told her they had to get to B'ham TODAY! ASAP. Sorry, for the run on but, everything is rollin fast.

Jason and Tam will leave as soon as I rent them a car. The doctor told Tam they plan to do surgery on Colette ASAP to remove the access line (port) under her skin that they usually give her blood and medicine and fluids. PRAY that God will continue to guide the doctors and hold Tammy and Jason and Colette for me. Tammy will probably in B'ham ten days. Right now the plan is that Jason will be going up for the weekend....Bryant is sick throwing up and I will have to keep him of course... Things can change quickly though.

The benefit will go on regardless so please if you can help PLEASE do. God Bless All of you Mrs. Penny

Maw Maw <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Friday, August 26, 2005 8:04 AM CDT
I am so excited about today. I have really put the information about the benefit out there. So many friends Companies are buying lunches. ONe Company even said Friday will be in honor of Colette Pate! It is amazing how much influence one little girl has on people.
So many people are showing love, it is amazing!
My love to you all.

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL usa - Friday, August 26, 2005 7:57 AM CDT
I of course could not head up to bed without stopping by and leaving a note for our girl. I'm sorry that the fever has come, but I'm confident that it will be short lived. We have faith in the healing power of our God, and Colette said it best when she said "AMEN!!! Mrs. PattyCake Loves Me and Jesus Will Make Me WELL!!!" So, I add my own loud, joyful AMEN! All my love!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, August 25, 2005 11:08 PM CDT
Hey Pate family... especially Princess Colette :)! What wonderful pictures!! I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you all and praying for you. I am so glad God is answering our prayers!!! I love you all and am wishing you all the beauty that life has to offer....

Take good care,


Kathryn (Martin) Jamrozy <kat@expww.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 9:08 PM CDT
I pray for you & your beautiful daughter. May God Bless her & your family.
Theresa Smith <Resi55162@aol.com>
Saraland, AL - Thursday, August 25, 2005 9:43 AM CDT
I have to say and you can't laugh at my analogy, Colettes tumor was like Joshua and his Jericho wall. It was circled, we blew our horns for God, to God and what has happened? Down it came!! They had to circle ROUND the wall for 7 days and how many ROUNDS chemo has she been through? Around and around we go...anyway, I am so joyfull for all of you.I will talk to you soon.
Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:53 PM CDT
Jesus loves you this I know for the Bible tells you so. Little ones to Him belong, for when you are weak, He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves you... Yes, Jesus loves you... Yes, Jesus loves you for the Bible tells me soooooo!
Audra and Shawn Lumpkin <ALumpkin6@yahoo.com>
Semmes, AL USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 1:24 PM CDT
Hey Big Girl! I hate that I missed seeing you this weekend. I am so happy to hear how everything went in B'ham. Maybe I can come see you this afternoon. That would be fun. Me, you, Mommy, Hannah, and Aunt Sherry are going to try on pretty dresses soon so you be practicing your walk. Love you darlin.
Manda <MannaKay@aol.com>
- Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:35 AM CDT
Ok, I almost missed the note on the new photo album!! Boys and girls, if you haven't seen it, go back to the homepage here, and check it out- two pages of a whole bunch of happy Colette and family! Y'all are fabulous! What a loving thing for you all to take time out of everything else you're doing to come out here and keep us posted on what's going on and put up what was it- 44 pictures? So, from the bottom of my heart, thanks for sharing all this with all of us. It's so incredibly special. Love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 0:12 AM CDT
What a great thing!! (Or group of great things, I guess!) You all couldn't have asked for much of a better weekend! I'm so glad! Now, enjoy some time together at home!! Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 1:41 PM CDT
Home once again, what an eventful trip this one was!

1. Colette was given a GREAT report of clean marrow with NO visible tumor cells in her marrow. They will of course, analysis it to make sure there are no cancer cells in it!!!

2. Then all the doctor's (specialist) could not even feel the tumor!!!!! They were asking which side it was on....it was the width of a 2-liter coke bottle. It WAS everywhere!

3. Then MissPattyCake and her ministry of mercy and PRAISE visit!!! Holding not only my Granddaughter's heart but, my own child was so encouraged that someone so busy would take time to give so very much of herself for the GLORY of GOD!!! WHAT A PATTYCAKE PRAISE DAY!!!!

And Colette said, "AMEN!!! Mrs. PattyCake Loves Me and Jesus Will Make Me WELL!!!"

4. We got safely to the reunion and saw everyone who wanted to see us, they waited so long. She was so excited to see Big PaPa(James) Mrs. Delma and Nanny Reta.

God Bless You All and Keep on Praying, God hears and He is answering... Love, MawMaw

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Monday, August 22, 2005 8:38 PM CDT
Wow, created quite a buzz with that Miss PattyCake visit, didn't you Princess!? I'm so glad you got to have so much fun! And I hope you had a ball at the reunion. Just wanted to pop in and say hi, and tell you all I love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, August 22, 2005 7:38 PM CDT
I cant believe you got a visit from Miss Pattycake!!!!
That is so awesome! You look so pretty in your dress, you look just like her. Hopefully we will get to see you at church again soon.

Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 10:41 AM CDT
Hello Miss Colette! I heard from Mildred Barnes that Miss Patty Cake came to visit you! I know you were excited. I just wanted to let you know I'm going to be praying for you and I'm going to have my church pray for you also. Just remember that Jesus loves you so much.
Helen Cummings <helnjace@bellsouth.net>
Gardendale, AL - Monday, August 22, 2005 9:59 AM CDT
Couldn't wait to get to work today to check up on you guys.
Wow! what a tremendous weekend. I know Colette's spirits are soaring high now! Can't wait to visit.
Love you guys.
Aunt Brandy

Brandy Pate <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
IRvington, AL us - Monday, August 22, 2005 7:52 AM CDT
Colette, you look beautiful in your Miss Patty Cake dress. Tammy, I was hoping Miss Patty Cake would have time to visit with Colette. Miss Patty Cake is wonderful!!! She held Mary Katherine and sang to her. I'll try to send you a picture. My SS class would like to send cards to Colette. My email address is MJBarnes1@aol.com. Have a Patty Cake Praise Day!!!
Mildred Barnes <MJBarnes1@aol.com>
Birmingham, Al USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 5:29 PM CDT
It's another PattyCake Praise Day! Pastor Deck was able to share some great stories of Morgan at church today, and I'm telling you, these two girls just continue to blow me away! Not to mention how many people, friends, family, church family, and TOTAL STRANGERS, take time out of their lives to reach out and help in so many different ways. Some contibute monitarily, others help with everyday household chores, and hundreds and hundreds lift you all up in prayer. We are so blessed to know that prayers are answered, and to know that above all else, we have that avenue to help us reach out and meet needs. I hope you all have had a blast at the reunion today, and got to spend some great time together as a family! Sending you my love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, August 21, 2005 5:07 PM CDT
We am so glad that you got to see Miss Patty Cake! Our Sunday School Class at Hunter Street will be praying for you. Our class member, Mildred Barnes, told us all about you. Those were wonderful pictures of you and Miss Patty Cake! All of us send our love to you and your family!

Diane Head <dianehead@charter.net>
Hoover, AL USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 3:37 PM CDT
What a special day you had! I am so happy for you. God was certainly smiling down on you today. What a special girl you are. I love you!
Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:17 PM CDT
You all have made me cry! What a beautiful thing! A HUGE thank you to Miss Patty Cake for coming to see this wonderful little girl, what a blessing for her to get to meet you. I can't hardly see to type, guys. I am so excited for Colette, I know she was looking forward to getting to go see Miss Patty Cake, and what a disappointment when she wasn't going to get to. What a truly loving, wonderful thing. So, thank you to Miss Patty Cake. You all have a safe, fun, fabulous time tomorrow. I'm very much looking forward to the new site. I love you all very much.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, August 20, 2005 4:54 PM CDT
I love these pictures! Colette is a beautiful tiny Miss Patty Cake! I am so happy about this. BIG HUGE THANKS to Miss Patty Cake for making a little girl's dream come true!

P.S. - Happy Birthday, Jason!!!!

Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
Mobile, AL - Saturday, August 20, 2005 4:45 PM CDT
What wonderful ladies--all!!
paw-paw <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Saturday, August 20, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
It's Friday night, making tomorrow Saturday, and hopefully the last day of treatment, and that means you're outta there!! I hope things went as well today as they seemed to yesterday, and you've got all the nurses up there in stitches! (Mommy, I want a picture of the wings and purple braids! Sounds like a hoot!!) We're all praying so hard for you, and get so excited to read more good news about how well your treatments are going. Just makes me wanna run up and down the halls with you!! We love you all very much, and hope you have an easy final 24 or so hours. Enjoy your family reunion! How much fun to get to see so many people who love you so much. Have a PATTY CAKE PRAISE DAY!! Love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, - Friday, August 19, 2005 8:48 PM CDT
lllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyoooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nicole Pate <bpate@willkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, al usa - Friday, August 19, 2005 3:59 PM CDT
hey pumpkin
i heard you are doing great that's great!
i had the best time with you the other day.you are doing so much more better than usualy.iam so glad i get to spend more time with yall(you,bryant,mommy,daddy).i love yall sooooooooooooooooo much.i love you sweet heart!just remeber everyday is a PATTYCAKE PRAISE DAY!!!!!!!!!!
God bless you.

lots of love to you
love tolie

nicole pate <bpate@willkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, al USA - Friday, August 19, 2005 3:56 PM CDT
Just checking in one more time before bed, and was pleased to see the latest. Glad our Princess is still so chipper! (I love to hear that! It fills my heart with so much joy! Her strength just amazes me.) I'm praying for some good, quality time for you all after this round, no fever, and good cell counts. You could use a bit of a break! But, we'll take each day as it comes, together, and fight whatever battle is presented! Sleep well, and I look forward to another great report tomorrow!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:39 PM CDT
Isn't it fabulous!! The kids look fantastic! I have saved on my computer a bunch of the different pictures from over the last couple months, and I was looking over them last night, and again was just struck by how much better Colette looks, her face and arms are so much fuller! But that smile still just beams from her little face, and her eyes just sparkle!! And have in so many of these pictures! She's such a trooper. Hope the treatment is going well, and Mommy and Maw-Maw are not running themselves to ragged! Love to all!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, August 18, 2005 7:54 PM CDT
I felt a sense of relief as I read your update moments ago.
The pictures are awesome. Glad that all is on track and my best wishes to you all for a happy and safe weekend. Take care and I will await the next update! Love and hugs your way, God Bless!

Bloomington , In 47421 - Thursday, August 18, 2005 3:18 PM CDT

Aren't those kids gorgeous? (And mom and dad aren't bad, either! ;o) ) I *love* seeing how pretty and healthy Colette looks, and Bryant is so incredibly handsome and looks VERY grown up. Time is flying!

The VERY proud Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, August 18, 2005 9:25 AM CDT
Hey guys so glad to hear bout the counts... it is sooo good theyve come up for chemo!! tell Collete that she has the most beautiful smile of any baby girl I know... sorry its been so long since ive written i still thank bout you guys daily and pray as well hope bryant got off to school with everything that he needed if he didnt ima be running by walmart tomorrow so i can pick up extras or i can make a special trip hes worth it!!! ha ha ha hope everything goes good yall be careful traveling i love you love always, may may
Merrick <PnkPnthr0112@aol.com>
- Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:44 PM CDT
hey Tammy Yea!!!!Good news about Colette. Also that is a beautiful picture of ya'll, (tell Mr. GQ to smile next time haha!!!) AIN'T GOD GOOD!!!!!! Hey theres this lady at work that told L. Jimmy that surely he knew there was no heaven. You would have been proud of his reaction. HE JUST POLITELY SAID HEY DONT GO THERE!!! We need some of your moms talk around witnessing. She'll know what I mean.
I feel bad for her we'll pray for her. Any way glad things are going so good hope to see you guys soon. I love you all be safe and thanks so much for the update. Oh Jimmy said today if the boss lady lets us take over the biz he was going to hire aunt penny back..Hes so sweeeeeet! Bye

Kathy Taylor <Kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:01 PM CDT
Thanks for the new pics- they're fantastic!! You all look great, and Bryant looked so HANDSOME for his first day of school! We love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:07 PM CDT
I'm so glad her counts are up, I've been praying for her and I believe our prayers are being answered. Your all always in my thoughts and prayers.
God Bless you all

Morgan's Nana <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:37 PM CDT
hey yall i just thought i would stop by and tell you how happy i am to hear that her counts are back up and i was super happy to see yall on sunday i love yall and hope to see yall this sunday tell bryant that i said hey and boris sends all his love to yall and he says hey
valerie and boris <valliegurl@croeso.com>
mobile, al usa - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 3:27 PM CDT
HOORAY!! I'm so glad for you all that you can get started, and that those counts are coming up! Also glad that the scans look clear. We trust that He knows when to do things His way, and I have to believe that He wanted Colette to have a few more "good" days before treatments started again! We love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 3:07 PM CDT
That's Great News!!!
Hopefully that's a sign of what the future holds. Tell Collette that we are thinking of her. Hope to see her soon....

Dave, Tisha, Bri

David A. Wells <Ddazed69@aol.com>
Semmes, Al USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 2:26 PM CDT
Great news. I have been checking for this update all day! Glad to hear those counts are up. Tell princess that I love her and I bet those fingernails need painting. We will do it soon. Hope Bryant has a good week at school!
See you all when you return to Mobile.

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL usa - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 2:18 PM CDT
Hey guys
Sorry its been such a long time. We have been praying for baby colette and hope everything will go as plan for you. We really enjoyed seeing you guys at the beach. Hope to see you soon. It is good to see colette out and about. We love you guys.

Terry, Frances, Terry Lee, and Joseph <frances@collettedesigngroup.com>
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 1:43 PM CDT
Have faith in the Lord our God! He is with you at all times, and His love is everlasting! Through Him, ALL THINGS are possible. I send to each of you my thoughts, love and prayers. We trust that He is taking care of Colette, and all will be well. In His name,

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 12:25 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with your family and Colette on this day. May the Lord continue to Bless each of you and may he continue to heal that "Precious Princess". Love and Hugs sent your way...
Tera Floerke
Bloomington, In 47421 - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:22 AM CDT
I was up all night thinking about Colette. I'm trying not to be worried, but to have faith that the Lord will bring her through this. At least she is in Birmingham, at the best hospital, with the special doctors...and hopefully she will still get to see Miss Pattycake. Maybe Miss Pattycake can come visit her if she is still in the hospital??? Wouldn't that be wonderful?
Aunt Sherry
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:15 AM CDT
It was great to see you all on Sat and Sun. Colette looks so good and to hear her laugh and talk was just beautiful. Sorry that her counts are wanting to come up so slowly but God always has a plan for what he is doing. There just might be someone at UAB that needs to hear from you and know your testimony. Hang in there and we hope to see you next week back at home.
Rick and Sandra Green and girls <sandragreen36605@yahoo.com>
mobile, al usa - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:12 AM CDT
Hey all!
Been checking daily.
I know things will be good on Colette's test results.
You all are in my prayers.
Love you,
Love Aunt Brandy

AUnt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com >
Irvington, AL usa - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 7:51 AM CDT
I'll be thinking about you all day, Princess, and pray that all will be well with todays testing. We'll get those counts up yet, and get this round of treatment started! Sending you tons of love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 7:25 AM CDT
Everyone please PRAY that Colette"s test Wed will be OK and not show anything abnormal.
pawpaw <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, August 17, 2005 0:07 AM CDT
It's good to see you get a chance to sit and write Tammy. It means you get a chance to just sit!! I'm glad to hear Bryant had a "great" first day of school, and hopefully practice will look up as well! And I'm so glad for all of you that Colette was well enough to have such a full, wonderful weekend. Now, we'll trust that the counts will come up, and treatment can begin! Let's finish off that Monster, shall we? We had our VBS last week, and focused on some of God's "Miracle" stories, and one was David and Goliath. Colette is one heck of a David, isn't she? You should all be so very proud of yourselves and each other. You've made a formidable army, with the best General available. He will not fail you! We love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, August 15, 2005 10:49 PM CDT
Hey sweetheart. I was so glad to see you on saturday. You looked so pretty in your dress. Bryant, Joe and I had fun playing with you. Maybe you can keep him company one day. Tammy, Let me know when would be a good weekend for her to go try on dresses. I want her and Hannah to both go out there. Love you guys.
Amanda <MannaKay@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Monday, August 15, 2005 9:57 AM CDT
Lord, We ask you for your blessing on the Pate family today, as Bryant begins a new chapter in his life and education. Bring him new friends, and a loving teacher. Open his eyes and heart, Lord, and help him learn new and exciting things. Let his day be full to the point of overflowing.
We also ask for Your guiding hands to carry Colette and those who love her to Birmingham safely. We ask that You impart her physicians with the knowledge and tools required to heal her small body. We pray that You will hold each hand of those around her bed, providing comfort and love. We ask that You watch over each of them through the night, as they watch over Colette, and that they feel the warmth of Your presence, and be reminded that You are there.
Father God, we thank you for bringing so many who know You and love You together to help fight this battle. You promised to us that "For wherever two or three people have come together in my name, I am there, right among them!" (Mat 18:20), and we have come together, Lord, be it physically, or emotionally, we have come together, and do so in Your name. Bring forth great blessings to this family, as they face this trial, and continue through it to give glory to You, Lord. In Your name we pray, Amen

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, August 15, 2005 7:49 AM CDT
I am sitting here trying to lace Sydneys shoes with two different shoe strings, to match her school colors. The holes on the shoes are made for only one pair of strings. I am struggling with it to the point of anger. But a thought occured to me, "This is the toughest challenge I have faced all day." How do all of you do it? Struggling with Colettes cancer. How do you make it through each day. HOw does your spirit remain calm? Through Christ! He is the only one who could help you,pull you through this nightmare. That is a faith I envy. I know you aren't perfect, I know you get frustrated and ask God "WHY?"I am pretty sure you have shaken your fist, more than once, and demanded this trial be taken from you. But still, like Job, you keep your faith and that is something so amazing to me. I have yet to reach that level of contentment in my relationship with or Savior. You should know that even though you may be stumbling at times, you are still a huge inspiration to others. And you never know you might be watching, waiting,depending on you to be the answer to THEIR prayers.
"These humble hands I raise to you in praise and thanks for all You do....My God most high"

Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Sunday, August 14, 2005 11:47 PM CDT
You looked so pretty in church today. I was so excited to see you.

Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Sunday, August 14, 2005 11:04 PM CDT

Tillman's Corner Baptist you are a blessing to God and His Glory!! AMEN As Brother Joel Faircloth preached today....YES LORD.....YES LORD....YES YES LORD....!

Word's will never express our graditude and the comfort you have given the entire family. The money is fantastic but, the care..prayer's... constant love..... and sincere concern from the youngest child who expressed interest in Colette today to the elders that laid hands on her will all be mightly blessed. God saw your work's and He is well pleased. I know this because.....Matthew 25:40 says" AND THE KING (JESUS) SHALL ANSWER AND SAY UNTO THEM,VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, INASMUCH AS YE HAVE DONE IT TO ONE OF THE LEAST OF THESE MY BRETHERN (COLETTE),YE HAVE ALSO DONE IT UNTO ME." That's how I know the way God feels, He told me so. Sleep well and know it is well with our soul's.

Love in Christ and Glory to God.........Maw Maw Penny

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny 1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Sunday, August 14, 2005 10:44 PM CDT
It was great to see you in Church this morning, Collette and what a little princess you are. You will always be in my prayers.
Patti Freeland <pfreeland9@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Sunday, August 14, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
I am so glad that all went so well with the plate dinner, sounds like a blast! I can't wait to see pictures of that "Princess", and I'm so glad she felt good and could be there. Praise to our Lord on this glorious Sunday morning, and we shall keep Bryant in our prayers, both for healing, and for a great first day at first grade! Of course, we also pray for safe travels and powerful healing for our Princess over the days to come. Our love to all of you, keep the faith! "Be Bold, Be Strong, for the Lord our God is with you!"
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, August 14, 2005 10:08 AM CDT
THANK ALL OF YOU AT THE AMERICAN LEGION FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK. YOUR EFFORTS HAVE MADE SUCH AN IMPRESSION ON OUR ENTIRE FAMILY. Daddy was right when he told us to go to Veterans for help when we were in great need. Miss Colette was the "Bell of the Ball" in her little princess dress. She said MawMaw," I liked my birthday party everybody came to my party:)"

We have wonderful pictures and memories of this day. She went fast asleep as soon as she sat still. But, my heart was full of joy and pride to see her and her cousin Hannah dance and play. It has been months since they have been together to play:)

Pray for her cousins Matthew and Joshua they don't fell well and need your prayers. I ask you to pray because God has listened to your prayers for Colette and answered.

Thank you to the band....as Colette would say you caused us to have a PattyCake Praise Day! God's hand was felt so very strong in your music..GOD BLESS YOU ALL

It seems THANK YOU JUST IS NOT ENOUGH...we will pray God's blessings on each of you.......

Stay strong ..keep the faith...trust GOD!

All my love, Mrs. Penny a.k.a. MawMaw

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Peny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, August 13, 2005 6:10 PM CDT
HOORAY!!! Now, let's get Bryant better so everyone can hang out bit! Prayers abound! Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Thanks, Brandy, for posting the update for us! I've been watching for that note all day! Much love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, August 12, 2005 2:47 PM CDT
Hello friends and family.
Tammy called and said they are going home. BUt with this triumph comes a little heartbreak - Go AWAY DEVIL!!!!!! She said Bryant will need to be on his presciptions for his "bacteria" infection a few more days before he can be in contact with Colette. DARN IT! this makes it so difficult for mommy and daddy. They want all of their family together for a couple of wonderful days out of the hospital! Please keep them in your prayers during this time.

I also visited Colette yesterday, and took a co-worker with me. Just my luck! She of course was a sleepy head when I got there, but this time Mom let me wake her up!!!!
She was happy to see us, ready to eat her corndog that Ms. Summer brought her. (in fact she ate every single bite of it, even the little pieces stuck on the stick) It was adorable. We had a great - short time, since it was lunch break. We did have time to at least paint those pretty pink nails again.

Well lots of love to you all. Todd, Nicole and I continue to keep everyone in our prayers.
Bryant, Buddy, I hope you feel better soon. Know you are ready to get back to that football practice!
Love, Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL usa - Friday, August 12, 2005 1:48 PM CDT
Good morning!!! I have got to say that I had the best day yesterday. I went to see miss Colette and we played for the longest time. I had her sitting on top of one of the little tykes cars and was pushing her in the hall. I had her mommy a little freaked out, but Colette was having a blast. She is definitely a huge light to those people on the 5th floor. The nurses and enire staff just adore her!! Of course they should, because she is sooooo adorable. Tammy and Jason, I admire you so much. It just amazes me the strength and peace that I see in the two of you. I know that God is at work in your lives and is going to continue to great and mighty things in and through you. Bryant, buddy, I'm so sorry you're feeling bad. I hope you get better very soon and will hopefully get to see you at church Sunday. You are such a blessing to your parents and all that know you. Thanks for being such an active and vital little boy!! You're super!! Mrs Penny, you are such an awesome mom and mawmaw!! Aunt Brandy, Colette's pink finger and toe nails were just adorable. Also thanks for sending out the fliers. I want to share the chorus to an old song that was mentioned at church Wednesday night that I feel will be a blessing to you all. "God is too wise to be mistaken. God is too good to be unkind. When you don't understand, when you don't see His plan, when you can't trace His hand, trust His heart." I love you all!!
Lori Ladnier <schmoo88@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Friday, August 12, 2005 9:54 AM CDT
I have had Bryant today and will be keeping him for the next few days. He went to the doctor yesteday and he has a rash like poison ivy so he can not be around Colette. Colette is running around the hospital even though her counts continue to fall. The doctor said she would let them come home tomorrow if the doctors in Birmingham said o.k. Colette is having wonderful PattyCake Praise Days and we are so happy to see her be herself. Right now we are scheduled to be in Birmingham on Monday after Tammy takes Bryant to the first day of first grade:(:(


1. Bryant's perscriptions yesterday came to $242.00 with insurance.

2. We need to pick up Bryant's school clothes as he starts next Monday. Some of you offered to get them. There is only one difference from my posting of his sizes on July 15th. He wears a size thirteen white nike type shoe with no logo. Thank you and God Bless You, we do appreciate this more than you will ever know:)

3. They need a phone at their house. Their cell phones do not recieve a signal at their house. They also internet service so they can keep us up on Miss Colette's progress.
We are not asking for cable they will get that later, just a phone.

4. If anyone has an older lap top computer, Tammy needs one to use as we travel between hospitals. The Women's and Children's Hospital does not have access to a computer. I can tell you that these hospital stays get very lonely! When you start looking forward to seeing the cafeteria ladies or the janitorial staff..God Bless them. And in the middle of the night, that is when satan seems to do his best work on our strength. But, with a computer all we have to do is read your messages and with Jesus we can be confident of a full team against his darts of fear and doubt.

Please pray and ask God to let you know if you can help in any way. He will bless you in a mighty way.

THANK YOU to all of you who keep us strong. Thank you Megan. It seems when I am at my lowest God gives you and others just what I need to hear. We love you too:)
All my love MawMaw Penny

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Friday, August 12, 2005 0:56 AM CDT
Just checking on precious Collette. Love Ya'll!
Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 9:59 PM CDT
So, it's Thursday. Which means tomorrow is Friday. Which means one more night in the hospital, and then a few (ever so few) days back at home for you all. I'm praying for peace and rest during those days, to allow you to build up the stamina needed for the days to come. I'm praying for your strength, and health, and for the loving arms of the Lord to hold you through the days and weeks to come. I'm praying for safe travels, and successful fundraisers. I'm praying for patience, as He works His healing miracles through the prayers and the touches and the doctors. Most of all, I'm praying for love. From each one of you to Colette, and to one another. The stresses you each are facing are beyond me, and I want to remind you all to turn to one another, and to the Lord, and do not shoulder the burden you face alone. I'm little more to any of you than a name and some words on a screen, maybe the occasional package in the mail, but I love EACH of you, and thank God daily for sharing you all with me. Remember always that I'm just an e-mail away. Be strong, and remember we love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, August 11, 2005 3:04 PM CDT
A big Happy Anniversary from Indiana! And here comes FRIDAY!! (And a little freedom!) Hoping your all enjoying a wonderful day, and sending our love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 8:59 PM CDT
Congratulations Ms. Penny and Mr. DAvid!

Just sending my love. I have visited several times and each time I visit Colette is being a sleepy head!
That's ok, I have left her notes though so she could read them.

Nicole spent yesteday at the hospital and told me all about the fun her and the little princess had!
They literally played until Colette fell sound asleep....

Love you all lots.
See you all again soon!
Love Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
IRvington, AL USA - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 8:26 AM CDT
Today is a SPECIAL DAY for PawPaw and MawMaw:)
Thirty-seven years with my best friend!!!!
God is Good all the time!!:)
I will be at the hospital today Miss Colette and we will make some had prints out of plaster. Pray for good results. She is supposed to get out of the hospital Friday. Then go to Birmingham Monday. Pray for safe travel and good weather for Saturday's benefit at the American Legion for Colette. Got to go for now..God bless you all
Mrs. Penny

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 4:25 AM CDT
Today is a SPECIAL DAY for PawPaw and MawMaw:)
Thirty-seven years with my best friend!!!!
God is Good all the time!!:)
I will be at the hospital today Miss Colette and we will make some had prints out of plaster. Pray for good results. She is supposed to get out of the hospital Friday. Then go to Birmingham Monday. Pray for safe travel and good weather for Saturday's benefit at the American Legion for Colette. Got to go for now..God bless you all
Mrs. Penny

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Wednesday, August 10, 2005 4:24 AM CDT
I was just looking at the newest pics in the photo album again, and I noticed how much fuller Colette's face looks, and how much healthier she appears. I'm so very glad. It's a great thing to literally watch her blossom in these pictures. Thank you all for sharing them with us, what a blessing to get to be a part of her healing process. Friday is not so far away- those who can visit, carry hugs from me with you! Those of you, who like me, are to far away to drop in, keep helping me pray long and loud! Soon the princess may return to her castle! And it sounds like she can't wait. Thank the Lord. Sending love and prayers,
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, August 9, 2005 1:04 PM CDT
Colette, Bryant, Tammy and Jason, I just wanted to remind y'all that I love to spend time with you when you visit Childrens in Birmingham. I'm always happy to read about all the smiles that little Colette is creating. She is so beautiful and sweet. I'm here for ya cousins, and if I can help increase awareness through the local media in Birmingham, I'll do all I can. Love to you and to all your family. DJ
Daniel Jackson <noskcajleinad@yahoo.com>
Birmingham, AL USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 7:48 PM CDT
hey everyone, I finally got my dinousaur working right so here I is. It was so neat to be able to tell you the good news about the churches love offering to be received next sunday lets pray for generous hearts. We are really looking forward to the benefit on saturday. We have to pick up some furniture and stuff from Aunt Debbie before then. Well I'm glad to hear Colettes running the halls. I love ya'll see you soon I hope. Love Aunt Kathy
Kathy Taylor <Kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Monday, August 8, 2005 7:06 PM CDT
Glad to hear those counts are coming up! Sounds like our princess has run Maw-Maw ragged! That's some awesome news! I'd say Maw-Maw Penny would be more than happy to run those laps, for as long as Colette wants! How much longer is the course of antibiotics? Any signs of a break for you all? I'm hoping! As always, sending love and prayers.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, August 8, 2005 9:10 AM CDT
hey guys... just wanted to send my love and let you know that we all continue to pray pray pray for you!!! i wish i was able to come all that way again just to let you guys know that i am here for you, but it is kinda hard. when you guys get back to mobile and you still need visitors let me know and i will visit so much you'll send me home!!! jason i need my good UNO partner back!!!! i love you all so much and am praying daily if i can help let me know... love always, maymay
merrick beritiech <PnkPnthr0112@aol.com>
irvington, al usa - Monday, August 8, 2005 1:47 AM CDT
I've had a wonderful three nights with Miss Colette. We did our hair and we dressed her up in her cinderella gown, dress up shoes (two different ones for those of you that don't know). Colette loves to wear different shoes together...a black ballet with a pink one ....or a sandel with a princess dress-up shoe. She keeps the doctors and nurses and other visitors in stitches over her "little" fashion statement. Even in the bed she wears them and the nurses will come and look under the covers to see what shoes she is wearing.

I tried to give Tammy, Jason and Bryant a little freedom from the hospital. I believe it did some good.

Colettes counts continue to rise on their own and that is a good sign for now. We know she will go back down but, for now it's wonderful to see her play. She was chasing me down the hall last night around eleven p.m. MawMaw slept real good last night. More later. Love MawMaw Penny

Mrs.Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al - Sunday, August 7, 2005 6:41 PM CDT
I'm so glad to hear that Colette is feeling good, and braiding her mamaw's hair! (And going to the playroom) I've been praying for her daily, and she's always in my thoughts. I know these girls are going to be fine, God is answering our prayers. "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21:22 This verse has given me alot of strength, especially in the past few months. And we all believe!
Your all in my prayers, God Bless You All

Morgan's Nana <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN U S A - Saturday, August 6, 2005 10:19 PM CDT
as soon as every one here here get well we will come and see you all we have been sick and we do not want to pass it on to you all we are praying for you all
jennifer moffett and family <jennifermoffit@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al usa - Saturday, August 6, 2005 3:29 PM CDT
as soon as every one here here get well we will come and see you all we havew been sick and we do not want to pass it on to you all
jennifer moffett and family <jennifermoffit@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al usa - Saturday, August 6, 2005 3:29 PM CDT
Tammy, I spoke with my father about Colette this morning and he is an active member in the Shrine. He said to contact Jack Davis who is the director for the Shrine here in Mobile and he may be able to help you. Dad said that the Shrine looks for children to help medically. There is a hospital in Galveston Texas that he visited a while back and there are alot of children there that the Shrine has helped. The children go to this hospital and there are no costs to you whatsoever. I know the hospital is far away but if you could get Colette the care she needs and at no cost, maybe it's something to check into.
Lynn Rone <lr25bama@aol.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Saturday, August 6, 2005 3:12 PM CDT
Tammy, It's Lynn Rone, (Dalton's mom) After talking with you at the ball park today about Collette's condition, I had to write and say to you and Jason that I think you are so brave and doing a fabulous job of handling the situation. As I am a current survivor of breast cancer I can identify with some of what Collette is going through. She must be a very special little girl. God doesn't give us more than we can handle so I pray for your family and ask God to give you strength and understanding and the patience to hold on to every moment good or bad and embrace his love with all that you have. God Bless You All....Lynn
Lynn Rone <lr25bama@aol.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 10:11 PM CDT
Hey guys. Hey, I'm not sure what hospital you are at, but I can come visit you any time in B'ham, just say when. And if it is possible I will bring Trent with me to play with Bryant. We have been traveling and are actually in Texas right now. I sure wish I was closer. Tammy, I feel I have a closeness with you that I don't share with to many people. Not sure what brought it on, but I hope you know I would do anything I could for you and your family. I would be right there with you every step of the way, if I could. But I know you are surrounded by wonderfull people. Your mother and sister are amazing to me. And although I dont' know Jasons family they seem to be super, also. I think of you often and speak of you daily and pray for you more. I love you. You are doing an awesome job. I can't express the awe I feel towards you and the strength you have maintained in your struggle. Don't misunderstand me, I know you haven't been perfect but you pull through it and your children and husband still adore you. God smiles down on you. You are one of His Children. I'm no more than a phone, email or plane away. I need to call you and just chat. Bye.
Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Friday, August 5, 2005 7:20 PM CDT
It's hard for Dr's to accept that an infection can go away that quickly with the power of prayers. They probably are still looking for cause and maybe even relapse. WE know better. WE know who cleared that infection. WE have faith that many Dr's just don't understand. I'm so sorry that they don't, and that you all are stuck. I hate it for each and every one of you. What a bummer way to wrap up the summer break! Poor Bryant! Hopefully, you can wrap up the antibiotics, and they'll give you a few days to relax before the next round, but we'll trust that God is guiding these Dr's to do what's right! We love ALL of you so very much. I can't stop in and visit, but know that I'm sending my love and hugs with each of the rest of you that can! (And TO those of you who can, as well!)Be safe.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, August 5, 2005 11:37 AM CDT
Being the mother of a child that is a survivor of Neuroblastoma, I truly can say that I understand all that you are going through. My son, Trey, was dx at 15 months old. It has certainly been the most difficult challenge of my life. He had surgery in Feb 2000 and had 90% of the tumor removed...his left kidney was damaged during the surgery and no longer has any function....but we can live with that. He recd his care at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. They saved his life...Today he is a very active 6 year old. We continue to follow up with St. Jude every year. He still has some cancer but it is on the kidney that does not function-so the chances are good it will not spread because there is no blood supply for it to feed off of....we have been lucky for 5 years now. Trey is truly a miracle and I know that prayer really is powerful. Your daughter and family will be in my prayers!
Jennifer Petite <jpetite@thomashospital.com>
Loxley, AL USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 11:11 AM CDT
Good Morning Pate Family! (Anyone else hear Ty Pennington do that? Wouldn't that be cool...) Well, I'm not Ty, and I'm not here to completely remodel the house, but I am here to tell you all how much I love you, and that I wish I could get one of those dinners. I know you all said they'd deliver- do you think Indiana would be to far away!? I hope that with the sun this morning, we are finding that Colette's counts are up, and spirits are good. You all's strength continues to amaze me daily. Tammy, what a powerhouse you are! And Jason, how difficult it must be, going to work everyday, with your family often several hours away doing treatments or fighting fevers, or whatever needs taken care of. The Lord bless you and keep you safe as you fight to provide for your wife and children. Bryant, I hear you're about to head back to school. Make some great friends, and learn some new, cool stuff. And of course, Colette, your job is to be the best pretty princess EVER! We love you all very much. God bless all of you, each and every day.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, August 4, 2005 9:45 AM CDT
Hey guys! Sorry i've been a little occupied and haven't been able to keep my regular entry in the guestbook...I think we all can agree tho that my last entry was long enough to cover for the time I have missed!!! I enjoyed seeing the new pics of the kids and family (atleast there new to me :)!) Colette you look absolutely beautiful and I bet you didn't know that May-May's favorite color was hot pink!!! So I absolutely LOVE your nails...They fit you perfectly!!! Princess colors for a little princess and thats what you are... Baby girl you are loved by soooo many people and some of which you'll never get to meet... I envy you!!! Your a lucky little girl to have all these people praying and hoping for your full recovery... Which I'm sure you'll make in time... Bryant you are such a handsome little man... And such a good big brother you should be proud of yourself and make sure that your extra nice to you little sis right now she needs you lots... Tammy and Jason I continue to commend you both on your strength and dedication... None of us can imagine what you guys are going through right now and you both are so strong and doing such a good job hanging in there...Continue to encourage play time when she's strong enough and love love love her... You think your going through alot imagine being on her side of the fence... She's a fighter and she's proven she's not giving up so neither should anyone else... Not just in the family but also all the many of people who contribute, pray and visit this site regularly... Everyone has to keep the faith strong... God bless you all... Its such a good thing to know yall are such a religous family cuz without God, man it would be hard... I love you all so much and Aunt Penny if you need any help with posters, flyers, letter, etc. just let me know and I'll go get the supplies and you can tell me what everything needs to say and I'll get something going in my neck of the woods and get a teen look to some of the decorations... I love you guys and pray daily and nightly for Colette... Love Always, May-May
Merrick Beritiech <PnkPnthr0112@aol.com>
Irvington , Al USA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 10:56 PM CDT
hey yall i hope everything is goin good i am glad to be hearing that colette is doing better that makes me really happy and i hope bryant is doing good is was really nice to see you all sunday well i hope everyone is doing good i love yall
boris says hi and sends all his love

valerie and boris <lilgriff88@yahoo.com or iloveboris280@hotmail.com>
mobile, al usa - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 10:31 PM CDT
I just received an email from a member at my church (Deeper Life Fellowship) and I just wanted to let you know that I have A+ blood type if it is needed.

Felicia Hollis <feliciahollis@hotmail.com >
Theodore, AL USA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 10:55 AM CDT

When I stated the fact that Colette's platelets had fallen I was incorrect. On Monday her white cell count was 7,000.....Tuesday they fell to 1,000....but, today they are back up to 4,000. This now, is a good thing. Sorry for the confusion but, I am in the learning process. And I so want to keep everyone informed. I just spoke to Tammy and she said all of Colette's counts are all good enough to go home. But, they doctors are going to keep her. Thank you:) mawmaw

Mrs.Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 10:26 AM CDT
Love you guys!
Will visit again soon.
I am also passing out flyers for the benefit dinners. I have one saved on the computer for easy distribution if anyone is interested, write in the guest book or email me, and I can forward it to you to print out and pass out to whoever you can.
Love Aunt Brandy

Brandy Pate <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL usa - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 8:27 AM CDT
Yesterday, I wore myself out trying to help get things together for the two benefits later this month with picures, posters, flyers to the churches, church letters to inform them of the NEED of prayers and FINANCIAL help. Hopefully someone will help? I KNOW my God has always taken care of me and everyone that needs Him.

Thank you Miss Lori Ladiner of the blinds for the kids rooms:) Todays job, Maw Maw and a drill!!!!! Where is the camera when you need it? Colette has spent a total of four nights in her new house.

We need to get some info on Bryants school clothes. If you were able to get them please let me know and I will get with you and pick them up. He will be getting enrolled at Hollinger's Island Elementary School on Friday..

God Bless All of you at Tillman's Corner Baptist Church for te wonderful backpack with all his school supplies!!!!When he gets to see the Power Ranger book bag he is going to flip out!!! I mean that honestly. He loves to watch them.

Now, back to Colette. As of last night the prognosis has slowed down to a crawl. We thought she would be out of the hospital by today. But, something is going on...at the first of the month a new crew of doctors take over the treatments and they always seem to address the treatments a little different than the last team. Colette had a little bit of a bacteria infection last week with the fever and so they cleared it up with multiple antibotics. Now, it seem the new doctors want to access that some more to see why it happened in the first place. So no chemo for now. PRAY for the doctors decisions and wisdom in treatment. PRAY for Tammy and Jason for encourament and strength. Yesterday, Colette's platelets fell all the way back to .01 (not good) But, today Wednesday they are up to .07. They need to be 33 to go home. Please pray.

God Bless each of you as you bless us. I have asked God to give you a double portion of blessing for all you do.

Must go now KEEP THE FAITH AND HOPE:) love mawmaw

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 8:21 AM CDT
Hi guys! I'm glad to hear that Aunt Sherry's brood was well enough for her to finally get to come up for a visit! Also very glad that Colette seems to be feeling so well. Hopefully you have all had a chance to take a mini-break, and are feeling a bit more human, I know that it's got to be hard to go non-stop like you all have for the last few months. We're continuing to pray, and trust in our God that he will provide everything you need! Hold on to your faith, and one another! Love to you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 2:53 PM CDT
I was blessed to be able to visit Colette on Sunday night! She has such a beautiful spirit. We are praying!
Kellie and the Boys

Kellie Brown <jakenkellie@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Monday, August 1, 2005 9:31 PM CDT
It's MawMaw again.....remember the nursery rhyme that said ...home again, home again giggedy gig.... that's how I feel....Sure is nice to visit this place. What did Dorothy say?.."There's no place like home...."
Well, I spent last night with Miss Colette and we had a wonderful time. She is definately improving! Everytime the doctor says ..let me feel that stomach and them says OOOOOH so soft I just want to lift my hands to my AWESOME GOD and say THANK YOU!!! You KNOW I do!

She was up and running... did you hear that up and RUNNING this morning at 10 am and she hasn't slowed down all day.

She had cousins visit and play with lots of fun!! Enough for right now as I still have to unload the car. I just had to pass on the GOOD NEWS! Keep praying God is definately listening to your prayers!

All my love, Mrs. Penny MAWMAW

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al - Monday, August 1, 2005 7:28 PM CDT
Just thinking and praying for you. So good to see you at church Tammy. Love yall
Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:51 PM CDT
Well, I think I'm going to rest on the theory that no news is good news, and pray that all is well. Hopefully, you've all been busy resting and enjoying one another! Sending you all our love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:37 PM CDT
Good Sunday Morning. I just wanted to stop by and say hello. Hopefully, going home VERY soon is on your horizon, and in the meantime, (as hard as it is to entertain them at the hospital!) Colette is full of energy! Sending you all much love!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:25 AM CDT
Well, I hope that you all got a chance to relax a little, and spend some time together. I also hope that the cultures have remained negative, and that the counts are coming up fast! Thinking of you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, July 30, 2005 8:44 PM CDT
Today is Saturday and we are doing "SATURDAY STUFF" here at home ...it has been an eternity since we have been home long enough to do more than sleeep and get dressed to go somewhere...? Maw Maw and Paw Paw got to sit with Miss Colette while Mommy and Bubba went on a date......She wanted to ride to the coke machine for that rootbeer just to hold not to drink? Oh whatever she needs we try our best to get.

I spoke to her doctor last night and she said Colette was doing well and on schedule but at this stage of he treatments she might start have a few set backs as a result of her chemo. But, we should not be alarmed it is just a part of the healing process. She seemed to be satisfied with Colette's progress. She told us that Colette will have anoter scan in the near future to access the size of the tumor and further treatments deemed necessary. Of course, that put my mind at ease for today.

Last night she wanted to play with PawPaw...I gonna get you...It was fun to here her laugh and it PawPaw's heart good like medicine. He works and cannot see her like he wants and he feels bad that he can't do more to help. But, that's O.K. Now, that my job is gone I can fill the gap of PawPaw as far as time goes. No one can fill PawPaw's shoes, the other night she got all dressed up in her new princess dress to greet PawPaw at the door and it was someone else. She looked out the door and said, "where is PawPaw????" Today we expect great leaps of strength. Thank you for all yoour prayers God hears and is answering them.. All my love, Mrs. Penny

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al - Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:33 AM CDT
Colette, I hope you had fun at the beach! I hope you get better! I will pray for you.
Maddy and Becky <gwencrazy348gs@aol.com>
Huntsville, AL USA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 8:36 AM CDT
Well I thought I left a post yesterday, but it isn't showing up. Tammy you are a woman among women to be able to keep both your children happy in a hospital room. I have a tough enough time doing it in my home. You are a steady example of courage and faith. I love you! A song comes to mind--
"Like a rose trampled on the ground
You took the fall and thought of me
Before all"
Jesus did that for us and you are doing it for your children. Ilove you!

Stephanie <slaterbabe10@yahooo.com>
Searcy, AR - Saturday, July 30, 2005 1:22 AM CDT
Hey guys! I am so excited and praising our Father for Colette feeling better. Yes, I totally agree with her being a miracle child, because she is a child of our miracle working Heavenly Father!!!! You know there's an old children's song that has popped in my mind that reminds me of His love, care and patience that I just have to share. "He's still working on me. He's still working on me. It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars. The sun and the Earth, and Jupiter and Mars. How loving and patient He must be. He's still working on me." God is still working on all of us, but I can't help but think that He's up in Heaven taking extra time and care with His precious miracle Colette. I love you all and am going to try my best to come up to see you guys tomorrow. Blessings to you, Lori
Lori Ladnier <schmoo88@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Friday, July 29, 2005 8:22 PM CDT
Praise to our God! For without Him, who knows where we'd be. And thanks to Aunt Brandy and Mrs. Penny for helping out and keeping us all updated! I had a glorious feeling in my heart about this today, and He has AGAIN answered our prayers. As my daughter Melissa would say (in her lovely, 21 month old way!) "Shake your Booty!!"
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, July 29, 2005 2:53 PM CDT

Colette's infection is NOT showing up in her blood test! AMEN Thank you Jesus

Maybe they will be out of the hospital soon. She had another blood transfusion last night and Tammy said Colette was running down the hall at midnight...just being herself:)))


GOD BLESS YOU ALL LOVE, Mrs. Penny a.k.a. mawmaw

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo .com>
Theodore, Al - Friday, July 29, 2005 10:14 AM CDT
I'm sorry to hear that it is an infection that has brought this round of the fever, but glad that it's come down quickly and that Colette is in the safe hands of her Dr's and the Lord. Please tell Tammy that we are praying hard for her, for strength and patience as she is at the hospital with both kids. (What a handful! I can't even imagine trying to entertain both of them while trapped in a hospital room.. God give her strength!) It sounds blessedly like the antibiotics are already starting to work, and hopefully there will be at least a day or two at home before the next round of treatments. We're sending you all some big "Hoosier Hugs!" and hope to hear great news very soon. We love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, July 29, 2005 10:12 AM CDT
You all know....Patience is Trusting in GODS Timing!
Be patient, stay strong, and smile often. Give Colette a high five and tell her she is a little supper trooper!
Sending lots Love and Prayers your way....

Bedford, In 47421 - Friday, July 29, 2005 8:58 AM CDT
I love the picture of her in her "Miracle Child" shirt. It has made me break down and cry tonight. She is such a beautiful little girl, and she is loved so much. I haven't gotten to see her because 2 of my kids have had a stomach bug, and I am having a really hard time not getting to go see her. If anyone is going to visit her, PLEASE give her a big hug and kiss from Aunt Sherry and tell her I love her so much!! (And Bryant too!!!)
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:33 PM CDT
Hi Colette,
I wanted to let you know that your in my prayers daily, you'll beat this infection! God is giving both Morgan & you the strength to heal. You are his miracle children. God Bless your entire family and give them strength!

Becky <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:53 PM CDT
hey sweetie i had a great time with you at the beach
i am glad you got to stay with us.i'm gonna get pbj time & ice cream and cake for you i love you prety princess. see you soon love tolie.God bless you!

Nicole Pate <bpate@willkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, Al USA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 5:04 PM CDT
What fabulous pics from your trip! It looks like you all got to have a great time, and just enjoy one another away from the current "everyday" of Dr's and nurses and hospitals. I'm so glad. I hope that mean old fever is coming down, and that you will get another break before heading back to B'ham. As always, we're all praying long and loud. I'm glad to hear that Colette's returning to her old self- sounds like while the bumps are bumpy, the road is smoothing out. We love you all! Chins up and smiles on!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, July 28, 2005 2:16 PM CDT
Hey Ya'll just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you. Keep the Faith the rainbow will be here soon. Side note- Mrs. Penny your awesome too. You have not only Colette but your daughter Tammy to hold up. We will lift you with prayer.
Celyn Pendleton <cpendleton@fbtc.org>
Theodore, Al usa - Thursday, July 28, 2005 2:04 PM CDT
Dear Jason, Tammy, Bryant & sweet little Colette

I am keeping up with your progress, and I am sorry to hear about the fever; but pray that it is just a part of the healing process. Keep the faith, and we will continue to keep you and yours in our prayers.

love, Uncle Billy, Stewart, Michelle, Daniel, Horace & Olivia

Billy Jackson & familyf <WBJII@BenStokes.com>
Mobile, AL U.S.A. - Thursday, July 28, 2005 12:08 AM CDT
Last night real late at the hospital they finally were able to get into a room. Bryant got to spend his first night in the hospital because Jason had to be in Gulf Shores this morning (about an hour or more away by 7:30 a.m.

Poor Tammy, she said momma I will need some relief early. I feel real confident that Colette is responding in a positive way to her treatments. I have seen her being herself for the first time in four months. With all he laughing.tickling...joking and just being Colette. I have no doubt it is a result of all your prayers and we are blessed to have you on our team.......GO COLETTE...GO TAMMY.....GO JASON.....GO BRYANT....GO FAMILY....GO LOVING AND CARING FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank you ALL:) All my love, Mrs. Penny a.k.a. Mawmaw

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:24 AM CDT
I'm sorry that the fever has returned, but we know now that it's just part of the healing process. Think of it now as God wrapping her to tight in a warm blanket! Poor baby, I hate it for her. I'll put in an extra prayer request tonight up at the church. Thinking of you all! Much love,
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 5:42 PM CDT
It's me again... I feel like I need to keep everyone up on our progress until Tammy can get access to a computer. They have not had a landline phone to their new house so they don't have internet OOOOOOOOOOOOH! How can they exist?.... Before all this I never touched the computer!!!!!!

Colette came back home last night and we were so happy but as we all knew she had to go back this afternoon. Her fever reached 101.5 that is the number in her temperature for admission to the hospital. She had color in he cheeks last night as a result of her blood transfusion. She was playing with her toys and trying to eat.

Thanks for all your encouragment.......It always comes just at the right time...All my love, Mrs. Penny

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 3:18 PM CDT
I am sorry to hear about Colette's trip back to the hospital. We often think we've got it so much worse than anyone else until we are face to face with someone who has it far worse. Like in Colette's case. She is an example to us all to thank God everyday for what he has provided us with instead sometimes asking for more than what we need. She's an inspiration for me the whole family is. No matter how hard it gets guys remember Gods not going to deal you anymore than what you can handle although at times you think you can't handle what you've already got! We all know in Colette's case it seems to get worse before it gets better and everytime it has gotten better its been much more better than the time before. Everyone just needs to keep the faith strong as hard as it may be at times. Stephs right... Aern't you more important than the birds? He'll provide and maybe its at the very last minute but if you keep your faith strong there's no doubt He'll pull you through... Tammy and Jason I just want you guys to know that I comend you both for your courage and dedication to this baby... She was given to you guys for a reason... He knew she'd be taken care of... Keep your heads high ya'll I know in my heart and obviously hundreds of others do too ya'll are going to pull through this. I love you all so so much and am praying and thinking of you daily. Love Always, May-May
Merrick <PnkPnthr0112@aol.com>
Irvington, Al USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:45 PM CDT
Hi Tammy & Jason,
I just want to say that I am thinking about ya'll and your whole family. I visit your site regularly like so many others. Please know that we are praying daily for your little girl. It's almost 10pm and she's on my mind. Keep us posted.
Love Kathryn Garner

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:43 PM CDT
I can just say thanks to our Lord who sees fit to provide us with the science to know exactly what Colette needs. While it's hard to know that she's uncomfortable, and doesn't want to stay at the hospital, it's great that they are there to take care of her. God give you ALL strength, I know many of us are mentally giving the rest of you, Tammy and Jason, and Mrs. Penny, and all of you our own "spiritual transfusions" and lending you as much of our strength as you can take! If nothing else, feel our love and prayers reach out to you, and know that at every moment of every day, SOMEONE is lifting you up in prayer. And remember most of all that at the worst, there will be only one set of footprints in the sand. For we believe that He will carry you when you cannot make it on your own. Love to you all.
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:25 PM CDT
I know it can get discouraging with all the blood work and transfusions, medications, trips here and there. But it is all working together to get Colette through all of this. It renews her resources. It is a necessary step to get her well again. I will continue praying for all of you. Aunt Penny don't think for an instant you aren't right were you should be. You being there is doing more for your children and grandchildren than any paycheck could ever do. God will provide for you as surely as you provide for them. Aren't you more important than the birds in the field? Love you all!

Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 3:02 PM CDT
Hi Tammy and Colette
It was great to see you on Sunday, Tammy. You are looking so good. I am supose to get the car back tomorrow. So let me know when you need to go to Birmingham again. We love you guys and are praying for you everyday.

Rick and Sandra Green <sandragreen36605@yahoo.com>
mobile, al usa - Monday, July 25, 2005 11:29 PM CDT
This Monday night and around 7:00 p.m. Colette's Dr. called here at the house and said she had seen Colette's blood work results from today and that Tammy needed to bring Colette to the hospital tonight for a blood transfusion and platelets. We knew she was going back to the hospital and today when they went for blood work she was happy not to have to stay. But that was before the results. Please pray for Tammy's renewed strength and Colette's. I have Bryant and plan to have a day with him tomorrow. That is where I feel God intends for me to be. My job ended because I was needed.....pray for my finances and I know without a doubt God WILL PROVIDE He always has!:) All my love Mrs. Penny a..k..a. Mawmaw
Mrs Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al - Monday, July 25, 2005 11:12 PM CDT
Hey all!
We had a great time at the beach. It was awesome to play with Colette. She ate and ate hot dogs and noodles. Papaw made her some shrimp...yummy.
She danced and played ring around the rosies. She made footprints in the sand and even watched some fireworks.
We had a great week together, thanks to Pappoo and Nanna Pate.
I had a wonderful time spending time with all of you. She is such a strong little girl!
Aunt "Bandy" loves you. See you soon.

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL usa - Monday, July 25, 2005 2:55 PM CDT
What a blessing to know that through all of this, she still just wants to be a kid! Wants to play dress up, and chase her brother, and push her "babies" in the stroller. The strength that kids have is amazing. Today, we will pray for continued strength and appetite. (For her, and the rest of you!) It's been an honor to share in this journey with you all, and we give glory to our God who has brought us together to provide that extra push when you need it. We love you all very much!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, July 25, 2005 8:52 AM CDT
Sorry we have not been active here at the site but,we are back and will keep you all informed. I know how disapointed I get when we have very little journal signing. I appreciate all of you for your faithfulness. Often in the night I go to the site just to be encouraged by the words you give to help us keep strong. You don't realize what a battery charge you are to me and the family as we need you.Especially right now....Miss Colette is now back at her weak spot and it hurts me that I can not make her better. Please don't give up on us.

Saturday night as I was helping mommy and daddy get their house into order from their move, Colette brought me her brand new Cinderella dress and wanted to put it on. She has had the dress for a whole month and THANKS to Uncle Freddy and Aunt Debbie:)she looked like "CINDERELLA" her favorite:) Then yesterday even though she is beginning to deteroiate in her strength she wanted it on again. That gives me so much joy to know she feels good enough to want to play. She is losing a "little" weight. But, she continues to eat some. We don't want that old feeing tube back ...it does help. She gained about four pounds last month with it and eating. I have lots of new pictures. Ilove you all and GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

The bank accounts have been without deposits since June. But, the little jars at the convenience stores have helped to keep gas in the cars and Happymeals coming:):):)

Keep the faith an hope for lots more PattiCake Praise Days!
Love, Mrs. Penny

Mrs. Penny a.k.a. Mawmaw <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al - Monday, July 25, 2005 8:35 AM CDT
There isn't much to say right now. Seems things are at a pretty even keel for all of ya. I hope your little vacation to the coast was relaxing and restfull. I sure hope I get to see you all soon. I love you. I continue to pray for all of you. I'm here for whatever you may need. LOVE!
Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Saturday, July 23, 2005 8:40 PM CDT
Hope you all had a wonderful time at the beach! Sounds like fun! And hopefully got a little rest, too. Just popping in to say hey! Hope it was a safe, uneventful trip home, and that the castle is even more beautiful than you remembered it, Colette! Love to you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@Insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, July 23, 2005 5:37 PM CDT
Miss Colette,
Just wanted to tell you that I hope you had a good time at the beach and took my advice!!! I am still praying for you ofcourse and am thinking of you daily. Not a person passes by me wihtout knowing your situation and praying for you as well. I wish you the very best in the up coming days coping with the chemo. Hope it doesn't take you down too hard. I love you all so much. Love Always, May-May

Merrick <PnkPnthr0112@aol.com>
Irvington, Al USA - Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:46 AM CDT
Today is another PattiCake Praise Day! I am going to the Gulf to bring Colette home to her new princess room. Hopefully, she will be able to sleep in her new room for the second night without having to go to the hospital:)

Continue for her strength to be returned. Her last chemo was different and the nurse said it would take longer to pull Colette down but that it would hold her down longer. I am praying that she will be strengthened enough to be able to get up and go like herself soon. This is just to let all of you know of he progress. Also, to THANK Tillman's Corner First Baptist for making sure Bryant has his school supplies. thank you, Mrs. Penny

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al - Saturday, July 23, 2005 3:45 AM CDT
Today is another PattiCake Praise Day! I am going to the Gulf to bring Colette home to her new princess room. Hopefully, she will be able to sleep in her new room for the second night without having to go to the hospital:)

Continue for her strength to be returned. Her last chemo was different and the nurse said it would take longer to pull Colette down but that it would hold her down longer. I am praying that she will be strengthened enough to be able to get up and go like herself soon. This is just to let all of you know of he progress. Also, to THANK Tillman's Corner First Baptist for making sure Bryant has his school supplies. thank you, Mrs. Penny

Mrs. Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al - Saturday, July 23, 2005 3:44 AM CDT
well,feels soooooooo good to be home. we have been on a roller coaster since mother's day...doctors..shots...schedules...nurses..shots..more nurses..what we do without them? SLEEP!....no I am only joking. I am sure they are happy to get a rest from us too! afterall colette is so much beter as a result of the nurses...doctors...shots and most of all YOUR PRAYERS on our behalf..colette knows she is very much loved...THANK YOU ALL! this web sight has been visited by almost ten thousand people!!!!!!!!!!! MANY of you visit regularly and your remarks and encouragment is what keeps our chins up when we just want to fall down...KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK:) we love all of you and appreciate your faithfulness:)I am going to make my way to my own bed again tonight and be very happy to be there:)

MRS. PENNY <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Friday, July 22, 2005 8:56 PM CDT
Hey all, just wanted to stop by and say hello. Hope you are all enjoying some well deserved time together, and that Colette is running you ragged! (Or at least Bryant!)Just wanted to let you know we're still praying for you, and hope that the nausea has cleared up completely, and that the nasty fever stays away! Have a Patty Cake Praise Day!!! Love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington , IN - Thursday, July 21, 2005 4:50 PM CDT
Hey! I am very glad to hear that Colette is home and on a vacation... You guys better take lots of pics and put them on here so we can all see! Hope the throwing up goes away... If I can help let me know... Don't get too much sun Colette and stay away from the jelly-fish! but have fun you deserve it baby! Love Always, May-May
Merrick <PnkPnthr0112@aol.com>
Irvington, Al USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 5:13 PM CDT
Hey guys,

We are praying for all of you and look forward to seeing you back in Mobile.

Kevin Bussey <studentguru@fbtc.org>
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
Colette and Family:

From all the Alabama Knotties we are thinking about you always and our prayers are with you guys! God Bless!

Jessica Sneath <jls@maloneystrohmeyer.com>
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 11:03 AM CDT
Hey guys! Hope your having fun at the beach! Love you all and praying for God to give you all lots and lots of strength! See yah Sunday!!! "There was a shake and a rattle and the stone was rolled away..."(my fav.)

Betti Bussie <singinsista@hotmail.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 4:26 PM CDT
May the sun shine on the whole family as they enjoy some time together without needles or nurses! And, btw, thanks be to God for turning Emily westward! Much love to you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 4:14 PM CDT
Miss Colette: What a princess you are!! I was thrilled to read that you are eating well, running hard, and smiling big! You have certainly got some supporters rooting, praying, and pulling for you from the State of Indiana! Continue to be strong. Love and prayers from here to there!! May GOD continue to bless Miss Colette and her family!
Tera Floerke
Bedford , In 47421 - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 8:02 AM CDT
hey you guys. hope today was a good day for Colette. she's been the most important thing on my mind lately. i just don't like to think she's uncomfortable, but i'm sure yall are doing all that can be done to make her comfortable. yall are in my prayers as always and if yall need me let me know. love always, May-May
Merrick <PnkPnthr0112@aol.com>
Irvington, Al USA - Monday, July 18, 2005 7:37 PM CDT
I had to laugh at Stephanie's last post- Awesome God has been running through my head as well, and has been selected as the theme for our VBS! Seems so fitting, doesn't it!? I've been more awed by things over the last three months than almost ever, and these girls have been a huge part of it. I'm so very grateful to have found them, and been able to see Him working in so many lives each day. The Lord keep you all safe on your trip back to Mobile, and we love you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington , IN - Monday, July 18, 2005 4:16 PM CDT
Hey guys!
Just thought i'd do my late night ritual and signed this book and tell you that I love you and am praying for you all! Hope Colette had a better day today I was praying she would we don't want her to get discouraged with feeling bad ya know. Anyway hope all goes well in the next coming up days. Love you all so much and If I can do anything please let me know! Love always, May-May

Merrick <PnkPnthr0112@aol.com>
Irvington, Al USA - Sunday, July 17, 2005 11:39 PM CDT
sounds like ya'll turned that hospital floor into your own track and field event. And the only thing this participant of the peanut gallery is doing, is eating peanuts..haha! I love ya and are thrilled to hear things are so much 'better' compared to when I saw you last. I'll keep checking and praying for more improvements and to thank our Lord for what he has already done for your entire family. It is simply amazing the people and events He puts in our lives to touch us and others. I keep getting "Our God is an Awesome God" stuck in my head.
Love you!

Stephanie <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Sunday, July 17, 2005 11:21 PM CDT
Oh to have the energy that a toddler can produce. It's so good to hear that Colette came up with a bunch! I'm praying that the nausea has passed, and the last of the chemo went easily. Soon, back to the castle! Much love to all of you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, July 17, 2005 8:55 PM CDT
Colette you are such a big girl! I will keep you in my prayers and I hope you get well.
Becky <Gwencrazy348gs@aol.com>
Huntsville, AL USA - Sunday, July 17, 2005 7:48 AM CDT
Iam so glad to hear that you are doing so much better. I think about you often sweetie. Hang in there, you will be all better soon. God Bless you all.
Brooke Deckard <b.hobbs@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, In 47403 - Saturday, July 16, 2005 11:18 PM CDT
Hi Tammy & Jason,
Colette really does look great. We are so happy to hear all is well (as can be expected). I would love to see her but we all have the yuck summer colds/ear infections. I hope Colette
jumps back up soon I know how it must make you feel to watch your baby have FUN. AWESOME!!!
We love ya all
Kathryn Garner & Family

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, AL - Saturday, July 16, 2005 9:37 PM CDT
It is absolutely wonderful to hear about Colette's marathon around her hospital floor! I am so happy to hear that she is getting her energy back. I am sorry to hear she is having such a bad day. Very thankful to know that there is med that can help her cope. She's just probably worn out from her exciting night she had. I'll pray for many more exciting nights to come, and I'll kiss her in my dreams. Good luck Miss Colette! I am so proud of how strong you are and how well your improving! May-Mays in your corner cheering and praying hard everyday for you baby girl! Guys still if there is anything I can do to help PLEASE let me know. Love Always, May-May
Merrick <PnkPnthr0112@aol.com>
Irvington , Al USA - Saturday, July 16, 2005 9:28 PM CDT
Hey you guys! Sorry its been a couple of days since I have signed the book. I still think of and pray daily for Colette's positive progress. The pictures of her are absolutely beautiful. She looks wonderful. Its a blessing for her to have her color and some of her weight back. Skinny or not she's an absolutely gorgeous baby girl. She looks 100% better than she did her first trip to B'ham. Something is working!! I continue to offer my help if it is needed for anything. I love you guys so much and pray for you and Colette everyday.....Love Always, May-May
Merrick Beritiech <PnkPnthr0112@aol.com>
Irvington, Al USA - Friday, July 15, 2005 10:42 PM CDT
Colette, I can only agree with your "real" aunts! You look fantastic! It's stunning to look at some of the prior pics and then these and see how much fuller your face and arms are. You keep on walking, you're getting to heav again for mommy to carry to much!! That's great news to hear that you're feeling so good. We love you so much! Have an easy couple more days in the hospital, then lots of fun again at home!
Megan <MMahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, July 15, 2005 5:32 PM CDT

Nicole Pate <P8BLA@AOL.COM>
Lexington, SC USA - Friday, July 15, 2005 4:38 PM CDT
AUnt Brandy agrees with Aunt Sherry you look beauttiful!
Can't wait to see you!!!!! Y'all drive safe back to Mobile.
We will see you soon and we will play on the beach and build a big castle for a beautful princess. Maybe we can convince Uncle Todd to build a car in the sand for Bryant and Christian too.
Well you keep up your good spirits and we will keep up the prayer!
Love you all.

Brandy Pate <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
irvington, al usa - Friday, July 15, 2005 4:06 PM CDT
Colette, you look beautiful! I love that they have had to take out your feeding tube! You are getting nice and plump again, and that makes Aunt Sherry VERY happy! Can't wait to see you! I love you so much!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Friday, July 15, 2005 3:17 PM CDT






MRS.PENNY <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
- Friday, July 15, 2005 7:10 AM CDT
I see the shoe need is going to be taken care of. Tell me what else is needed. I am going to Texas, in a week and will be on a shoppind spree, of sorts. Gotta buy for Trent so gettign for Bryant won't be an interferance. If you already have what he needs, tell me what you want or need for that matter. I will see what i can do. Hubby been working lots of OT and we will have the ability this month. Know that i love you all. Stephanie
Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
searcy, AK - Thursday, July 14, 2005 11:36 PM CDT
Hey All!! I'm so glad to hear that things are going so well in B'ham. I think of and pray for you all often. Bryant's game sounds soooooo cool. Maybe he can teach me to play it when ya'll get home. I used to love Operation. Tammy when you get a chance or if someone can do it while you're in B'ham, if you can get me the measurements for those windows in the kids rooms, I want to get those blinds you need. If there's anything else I can do, just let me know. And also when you get home let me know and I'll bring that staple gun over so Jason can fix the mirror. I love you guys and can't wait to see you. Love ya, Lori
Lori Ladnier <schmoo88@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:12 PM CDT
Hey what size and color shoes does buddy wear for school and what color and size pants and shirts. Let me know!

Tell my Princess that "Acie" loves her and can't wait to see her.

Have a wonderful day and remeber-
Every day is a Pattycake Praise day!

Laci Bussie <dolphinsrcoollb@myfamily.com>
Mobile, Al US of A - Thursday, July 14, 2005 2:25 PM CDT
Hey darlin. I am so glad to know that you are feeling better. I have been thinking about you. You keep being a big girl. Hopefully I will be able to come play with you when you get home. Bryant, I want to see you ride that bike. I am so proud of you. Love you guys. It thrills my soul that she is getting better. This is the evidence of our God and the power of prayer.
Amanda <mannakay@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Thursday, July 14, 2005 12:12 AM CDT
I'm loving the new pictures and will save them. Like a dingbat I havent' saved the others and I wish I had. The one of Aunt Penny and the kids is great. Colette, you look like you feel so good. I am so happy for you. I'm sorry your mawmawpenny is not feeling well. We will pray for her like we pray for you. I hope the rest of you are doing well. I hope to see you before the summer is out.
love stephanie

stephanie <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
searcy, ar usa - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 9:09 PM CDT
I have an autographed photo from Miss PattyCake for you. Next time in Bham, call me and I will deliver it to your Mom. Or give me your home address and I will mail it to you.
Roy Costner <roybebe@mac.com>
Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 7:13 PM CDT
My little brother was in childrens for 104 days he has ALL "Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia" I just would like to tell you that my hopes and prayers are with you.

Feel better soon,

Heather Thompson <CT21781@charter.com>
Elkmont, AL USA - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 6:32 PM CDT
God's love & blessings on all of you as you continue this journey.
Freida Blanton <fblanton@fbtc.org>
Mobile, AL USA - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
hey mrs. tammy you know boris is a mechanic so if you ever need any help with your car just let us know and he will fix it for you i hope everything is goin good it is also good to hear that colette is eating well i love you all and boris says hey and he loves yall too.
valerie and boris <lilgriff88@yahoo.com or iloveboris280@hotmail.com>
mobile, al usa - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:59 PM CDT
Colette, baby, you look AMAZING!! I love your crown!

I'm so glad to see that things are going so well, we couldn't ask for much better. Sounds like Bryant had a blast learning about the dinosaurs, and glad daddy could make the AC work! Looking forward to the new site, can't wait to see it! Much love to all of you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 8:05 PM CDT
Colette, I talked to mommy today. I heard you are being such a big girl! You keep it up! I bet your fingernails need some new pink polish! You call Aunt Brandy when you are back in Mobile, and I will come and paint your nails!

Uncle Todd and Nicole and I love you and Mommy and Daddy
and Bryant! We keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.

See you soon!

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL 36544 - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 5:01 PM CDT
I love yall so much i'm in South Carolina with nana & pappaw,Nat,Justin,Kriss.Colette is doing so much better me and Kristin had a great time staying the night with yall.hope Colette likes her room.love yall.love Nicole,
GOD bless you!

Nicole Pate <chrdancechic101@aol.com>
Lexington, SC U.S.A - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 2:51 AM CDT
Colette, I am still thinking about you. You are going to be just fine. Keep your head up, counts up, fevers down!!!! We think of you often, LOTS OF LOVE, Miss Morgans Mom!!!!! Morgan loves you, we love you!!!!!! Keep smiling sweetie, I am glad Dennis missed you all!!!!!!
Brooke Deckard and Family
Bloomington, In USA - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 0:00 AM CDT
I'll be praying for you Colette, my granddaughter is going thru the same thing. Your both going to be fine God is answering all of our prayers! Hang in there sweetie.
*I'm glad the hurricane missed everyone, we prayed it would.

Becky <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Monday, July 11, 2005 11:50 PM CDT
It sounds like Colette is going to grow up and be a nurse, or better yet, a doctor! I can't believe she is wanting to push the syringe...what a girl! Give her hugs and kisses from her Aunt Sherry!
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Monday, July 11, 2005 10:00 PM CDT
Ya'll are just all full of surprises. Glad everyone is doing so well. Things just keep getting better and better. I'm so happy for you! We are getting some of Dennis' rain now and boy did we need it. I hope all goes smoothly today and all the labs come back so that you can start chemo on time. I will keep checking on you. LOVE!!
Stephanie <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Monday, July 11, 2005 11:14 AM CDT
Glad to hear all is going so well. It sounds like she's doing great! Now we pray for a swift and sucessful procedure, and an easy round 3! And for those still in Mobile, glad to hear that Dennis did his best to swing wide. Hopefully no one has been injured, and storm damage is minimal for you. Good luck Colette! We love you!
Megan <MMahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, July 10, 2005 5:02 PM CDT
The Lord keep ALL of you safe as Dennis comes knocking on your doors. We're keeping everyone in our thoughts and prayers today!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, July 10, 2005 10:12 AM CDT
I see you finally got into your house. Praise God for that. Another prayer answered for your family. Colette how sweet you look in your Ms. Pattycake dress. I hear you have big rain headed your way. God is putting on a show for you. I hope your weekend is safe and your travel to Bham goes well. We love you.

Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Friday, July 8, 2005 12:29 AM CDT
EVANS, GA USA - Friday, July 8, 2005 9:14 AM CDT
WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! You are in our thoughts & prayers continually. We claim complete healing & strength for all. Bro. Johnny, Mrs. Ruth Ann, Jason, Robin & Amy Holland
Ruth Ann Holland <ruthann@suretyland.com>
Mobile, AL - Friday, July 8, 2005 3:24 AM CDT
How wonderful to hear such good news! I so glad that you all were able to get in your new house and Colette got to see her room! WOW! God is working miracles by the moment for you all! I can't with to share it all with Granny tomorrow.
I still have encouragement poster,etc. to bring to Colette, but sadly I got poision ivy,therefore I stayed away. I am healing too! God knows exactly the right time I will bring these things to Colette.
Yesterday,I prayed with an 80 year old woman at Knollwood Assembly in a prayer of agreement for healing for Colette. Healing has been coming everyday to Colette. You see it with every step of progress, every good blood count, and every smile from Colette. God is sending healing your way. I love you all! Aunt Debbie P.S. we will even make it through this "Dennis ,the Menace"

Debbie Crocker <fpcdcc@bellsouth.net>
Mobile , Ala USA - Friday, July 8, 2005 2:15 AM CDT
WOW!!! It was wonderful to hear good news concerning Colette... I pray things continue to progress positively for her and you guess too... I love you all so much and pray day and night for your precious daughter... Hold your heads up and keep your faith strong... Love Always,

Merrick Beritiech <PnkPnthr0113@aol.com>
Irvington , Al Mobile - Thursday, July 7, 2005 11:10 PM CDT
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Each little thing is another miracle! And I LOVED the Miss Patty Cake outfit! Hooray for new bikes, bubbles, princess rooms, and little round faces. Praise God that Colette can change her mind about sliding down the slide, and that Bryant and his Paw-Paw can run up and down the street until they are ready to fall over. Hallelujah for technology that allows all of us to share in these moments. (When it works. Phooey on it when it doesn't!) And Glory to God for those who are willing to share them. Sunshine and hugs to all.
Megan Mahaffey <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, July 7, 2005 7:33 PM CDT
Good morning Pate family. Sounds like things are on the upward swing for you. Praise is instore! Every chance I get, I am telling your story. So many people know who you are Colette. What a powerfull girl you are. You are an Angel of God teaching others and leading others to Him. What mighty strong parents you have and a family of rock that surrounds you. I am so happy that you are in your princess room now. That is just where you belong. Sounds like big brother is having a great time too. How lucky was he for pawpaw to get him a bike. WOW! I sure hope you have a super weekend. I love you!

Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Thursday, July 7, 2005 9:57 AM CDT
What a wonderful day to see Miss Colette sitting on her front porch with a big bottle of bubbles:O:O:O:O And she showed me her castle on the wall of her new princess room:)
Paw Paw bought Bryant a new bike and with one training wheel missing:( It wasn't needed...... after ten minutes with Paw Paw pushing him off he was flying up and down that road...... Go Bryant..Go Bryant...Go Bryant
I bet he sleeps good tonight.......Paw Paw too!
The house is starting to look like a home again....the air conditioner dosen't keep it cool.......they need help there. I got a call from the VFW on Hamilton Blvd. They want to do a benefit for Colette on August 26th and August 28th. Dinners of BBQ pork and chicken, potato salad and green beans for $6.00..they will deliver. Please help us take dinner orders.Anyone who will donate something for the auction on Sunday August 28th 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. PLEASE call me (251)973-1208 (251)623-9336 Thank you all and GOD Bless you for your continued prayers. Love Maw Maw

mrs. penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, July 6, 2005 10:46 PM CDT
Ms. Collette and Tammy and Jason...
This is your wonderful baby cousin...I just want you guys to know that I am praying daily for your precious baby girl...She's definetly a trooper...Hold your heads up it'll all get better soon...I love you guys so much and wnat you to know that if there's anything I can do you know where to find me...Good luck Colette! I love you too!
Love Always,
(AKA May-May)

Merrick Beritiech <PnkPnthr0113@aol.com>
Irvington , Al Mobile - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 9:32 PM CDT
Isn't it amazing how a thing of french fries can make things look so much better?! (I know they help me every time!!) So glad to hear you're all back at home. It's great to know that you all have so much loving family, and wonderful caring friends, and of course church family, all there to lend a hand when you need it. It brings a smile to my face each time I see everyone checking in. Colette, you are a very lucky girl to have SO MANY people who love you so much. You're, as always, in my prayers, as are all of you as you face this difficult journey together. Know that a great many of us love you all, and are behind you 100%. Take care of one another!
Megan Mahaffey <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 4:57 PM CDT
I know Tammy will update soon. But for anyone checking just wanted to let you all know that Colette is out of the hospital. She got out yesterday a little before six.
Tammy took her to McDonald's and said it was wonderful to be able to look in the back seat and see her eating a happy meal like a normal little girl. She got to go home to her new house and had cousin Nicole and Aunt Kristin there waiting to play with her until her little heart was content!
It was wonderful to see her walk around and play in her room.

She is doing great! Tammy and Jason are too. They continue to be our inspiration as the Pate family goes through more than enough trials!

We continue to pray for their strength, and it appears our prayers are working!

We love you guys! keep it up. God Bless.

Brandy Pate <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL USA - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:26 AM CDT
Our thoughts are with you... Believe in yourselves and your family... she's a very strong little girl. It sounds like everyone, including her doctors are looking out for her every move. Hang in there.
Roy, Michelle, Dakota, & Sydney Horton <michelle@spiderdesigns.com>
St. Louis, MO - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 10:10 PM CDT
I hope things are going well, both for Colette, and also for Tammy! Thinking of you always, and praying for you endlessly. Update when you can, and know that we understand! In the meantime, I love looking at that sweet, sleeping face. There is nothing more precious to see than a child asleep. Praying that the Lord keeps you safe, and looking forward to hearing that she's back in her castle!
Megan Mahaffey <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 4:56 PM CDT
Hey Colette,

My mommy and I just stopped for a few minutes to catch up on how you are doing. We just had prayer for you and your family. Trust in the Lord!

Morgan Breland , age 2, w/ Mommy's help (Rebekah) <rebekah_breland@yahoo.com>
Laurel, MS USA - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 3:09 PM CDT
I'm glad to hear that Colette's blood counts are coming up. We continue to pray for Colette's progress daily. Please keep us updated on her progress. Each day I look forward to seeing the miracles God is doing in this family.

Sherry, please let me know if there is anything I can do in the technology arena to help. I'm trying to come up with a creative way updates can be posted without you having to locate a computer all the time.

We love you all.

Ryan P. Walker <PrayingForColette@WalkerPlace.org>
Sharpsburg, GA USA - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 8:16 AM CDT
Just checking on colette. We are still praying everyday for you and your family.
Susie Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Monday, July 4, 2005 9:09 PM CDT
Hi guys, it is the 4th of July. I hope you get to see some super fireworks tonight. I sure want you to get to feeling better ms. colette. There are so many things for a girl to do. Sounds like we need to give mommy a refresher course in walking. I am glad she is o.k. I can't wait to see your princess room and the princess that lives there (wink wink). I will pray that you have a great week and ask God to help mommy not be so sore. I love you!
Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Monday, July 4, 2005 10:28 AM CDT
yall are in my prayers every time i pray love mike
Michael Beritiech <eliseeb@peoples-internet.net>
irvington, al us - Sunday, July 3, 2005 11:23 PM CDT
wuts up everyone it was good to see you in church this morning mrs. tammy and mr. jason i hope everything is goin well with you all and tell bryant i said hey and tell colette that i said hey and i am praying for her to get better well i love yall bye bye boris sends his love to colette and everyone else
valerie green and boris ban <lilgriff88@yahoo.com or iloveboris280@hotmail.com>
mobile, al usa - Sunday, July 3, 2005 4:58 PM CDT
Hey Tammy,
Can we see some new pictures of Colette? I want to see how big those cheeks have gotten. Grace asked last night if you were going to put any more on the page. Hope you guys have a good Fourth and we are praying for you everyday.

Rick and Sandra and girls <sandragreen36605@yahoo.com>
mobile, al usa - Sunday, July 3, 2005 4:32 PM CDT
Sleep well, angel, and feel the gentle caress of my prayers. May tonight be peaceful and restful for all of you, and tomorrow be full of His Glory. Good night.

Megan Mahaffey <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, July 2, 2005 9:48 PM CDT
Glad to hear Colette is in such good spirits, and that Tammy is alright. Now, let's do the required 24 hours fever free and return to the castle!! Get 'em, girl!
Megan Mahaffey <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, July 1, 2005 9:47 PM CDT
Precious Colette, Can't wait to see you at Gulf Shores next weekend! God is so good to us!! Love you baby angel! Prayers, Hugs and kisses Aunt Fran
Frances J Dougherty <carouselcottages@aol.com>
Ft Myers, Fl USA - Friday, July 1, 2005 4:33 PM CDT
Sending hugs, kisses, love, best wishes to you all .... & some extra healing vibes to Colette AND Tammy. Jason, I spoke w/ your sweet mama the other day... You guys are so blessed w/ such a wonderful & incredibly loving family. You all are in my thoughts & prayers and I am wishing you sunshine on your shoulders.

Take care & keep the faith,


Kathryn (Martin)Jamrozy <kat@expww.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Friday, July 1, 2005 11:43 AM CDT
Sending up an extra prayer that there is no serious injury for Tammy, and that she heals quickly. Keep that fever down, princess, and have a restful, wonderful PattyCake Praise Day! Sending lots of love, and strength to all of you!
Megan Mahaffey <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, July 1, 2005 11:41 AM CDT
Today is Friday and Miss Colette was readmitted yesterday to Womens and Childrens here in Mobile with a fever of 103 degrees (it was expected) but, we hoped the antibotic would have kept it away. Thankfully no fever since last night. Just spoke to Tammy of phone she slipped on some leaking water and fell in the room,she is OK just cut top of he foot and it is painful. They are taking Tammy to the emergency room NOW 10:30 a.m. I am home for the first time in three days. Anyone that has offered to help keep Colette NOW is your chance. I know Tammy and Colette will be happy to see you:)Call me first @ 623-9336 to make sure that job has not been grabbed. I love you all and do so very much appreciate all your love concern and prayers for my babies. Love Maw Maw Penny

Mrs. Penny Crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
- Friday, July 1, 2005 10:33 AM CDT
Hey Jason, Tammy, Bryant & little Colette (real"big"girl)
I spent a part of last evening with Todd, Chad, Kristen, and a lot of their family. It sounds like Colette has got her room fixed up great, and that she is "fighting" (with a beautiful smile). . . just like a Pate/Jackson would, to overcome whatever hurdles she has to. Being surrounded by love of family and friends is powerful medicine . . . Keep the faith, and know that all of you remain constant in our thoughts and prayers. Always with love,
Uncle Billy, Stewart, Michelle, Daniel, Horace & Olivia

Billy Jackson <WBJII@BenStokes.coms>
Mobile , AL U.S.A. - Friday, July 1, 2005 10:19 AM CDT
Dear Collete,
Just wanted to tell you I thinking about you and praying for you.

McKinley Jackson <marty.jackson@ccboe.net>
Evans, GA USA - Friday, July 1, 2005 7:37 AM CDT
We've got some booty shakin' praising going on! Little lady, I'm telling the world about you, (or at least everyone I talk to!) and we're all teaming up to send out the prayers to Him! He's working in some wonderful ways with you girls, and I'm so BLESSED to be even a small part of it. Sending buckets of love to all of you, and 55 gallon drums of prayers and praise!
Megan Mahaffey <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:14 PM CDT
Colette and Family,
Just wanted to let you know that we are so glad to hear of your hopeful progress! We continue to pray daily for all of you to have the blessings of strength, understanding, and love. Have a super Fourth of July, and know that we will continue to be with all of you in our thoughts and prayers as you all keep on fighting this! With the power of prayer and God, miracles happen!
With Love,
Bethany and Mary Garner

Bethany Garner <bag1781@aol.com>
Mobile, - Thursday, June 30, 2005 9:10 PM CDT
Hey Miss Colette,
Heard you were back in the hospital. Well just one more hurdle to jump. Thays okay its just one more less. We love you all!!! Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Kathy, and cousin Jimmy.

Kathy Taylor <Kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Thursday, June 30, 2005 8:50 PM CDT
"The Blood that Jesus shed for me, Way back on Calvary. The Blood that gives me strength from day to day, It will never loose it's power..." Hey guys, It was great to see you at church last night. Love you all. See yah Sunday! Betti
Betti Bussie <singinsista@hotmail.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:01 PM CDT
MARTY JACKSON <marty.jackson@ccboe.net>
EVANS, GA USA - Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:08 AM CDT
Good Evening Dear Ones, Iam so happy that all is going so well! Please remember that we are continuing to pray,pray,pray!!! May God bless you;we love you!!!Aunt Toni,Uncle James,John and Matthew
toni delaney <ltlflwr1954@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al usa - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 5:48 PM CDT
Just wanted to take a minute to drop some sunshine and smiles! Thinking about you! Grateful that our God is so good to bring you into our lives. All glory goes to Him!
Much love to all of you!

Megan Mahaffey <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 11:44 AM CDT
Dear Tammy Jason Colette and Bryant,

I'm glad to see that things seem to be going as well as can be expected. I know that God is with you all. I can see his light in Colette's eyes. They are full of life.
We have you in our thoughts and prayers

Love to all

Lona Bill Nicholas And Christopher

Lona <blrobbins@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 6:54 PM CDT
Colette, you have a lot of friends here in Georgia. We are all praying for you and your family. I look forward to reading each day about the progress God is making in your life. Be strong and have fun each and every day.
Ryan P. Walker <PrayingForColette@WalkerPlace.org>
Sharpsburg, GA USA - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 2:34 PM CDT
Hey Punkin! Manda jsut wanted to tell you hello. I hope to be able to see you soon. Maybe we can play play-doh one day. Bryant I miss you too.

Tammy and Jason, I love you guys. I'm sure the house looks great.

Amanda <Manakay@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 12:12 AM CDT
GOOD MORNING!!!! It has just started raining and it sounds so beautiful to my ears just like all of your prayers and praise sound to my Jesus's ears. He loves to hear us thank Him EVERYDAY and tell Him WE LOVE HIM. Don't you love to hear your child thank you or tell you he/she loves you:)
I DO!! God created us to share His life, to love Him, to praise Him for all the things He so generously GIVES US DAILY:) OUR VERY LIFE..........Without God's provision for our lives we would not even exist. And then I think of Colette and her beautiful smile ( THAT IS GOD'S SMILE)

He is smiling because of each person that He is reaching through "lil Miss Colette":) God is loving and kind, merciful and faithful, trustworthy and just........most of all LOVING and He wants eveyone to love Him back.

Miss PattyCake you are delight and you reach little children like Miss Colette everyday and you don't even know their circumstances. They can come to my Jesus and He faithfully ministeres to them through you. Continue to do the GOOD WORK and God will give you the strength to deal with all the little Colette's you encounter. She loves Jesus and tells me "Jesus woves me and He is making me well, I not sick no more, it will be o tay":) She has precious faith (of a child)....

God Bless each of you as you read daily and add to this journal as God uses you to give us love, hope and strength to continue our fight.

ALL my love Mrs. Penny (a.k.a MawMaw)

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny12008@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, June 28, 2005 9:16 AM CDT
I am so excited that you liked your room! A pretty castle for a perfect princess. We will have it finished soon! (with your ABC's on the wall too).

It is great to see how strong you are during this second round of chemo.
When we visited with you the other night you were precious! It was so much fun to laugh with you. Watch you make silly faces with Uncle Todd. See you smile while Kristin and Nicole danced for you.

God is doing his work and you are getting better.
...And from the words of Colette "I not sick, my medicine make me better". We know who her medicine is - and all of our prayers will continue to give her a triple dose of him!

We love you and will continue to keep you, Bryant, Mommmy and Daddy in our thoughts and prayers.

We will come and play again soon!
Lots of Hugs and Kisses. XOXOXOXO Keep being a "Big Girl"

AUnt Brandy, Uncle Todd, Nicole and Kristin <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL USA - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 8:41 AM CDT
Your strength gives me strength! I woke up today not having a good morning, and so I came here and looked at the wonderful pictures of you, and the clowns, and playing with mommy, and I had to smile! And then you have a note from Miss PattyCake! WOW! I hope you're having a great day, all of you, and thanks for helping me have one too.

Megan Mahaffey <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Monday, June 27, 2005 8:47 PM CDT
Hello Colette! This is your friend Miss PattyCake! Your aunt Sherry told me that you were sick and I have been thinking of you and talking to God about you. I am so glad you are my friend and like to sing my songs. Always remember and never forget that God loves you...and He can make you well again..just like when Jesus touched those "Ten Men". Do you know that song? Well, I heard that you went home yesterday and I am so glad for that! I am praying for your mommy and daddy, that they will be strong and have courage, just like Joshua (remember that song?"Go Go Joshua") You are very special to God and He is with you (even if you can't see Him.) I will ask my other friends to pray for you too! Don't forget, "Every Day is a PattyCake praise day!"
Love, Miss PattyCake

Miss PattyCake <misspattyc@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Monday, June 27, 2005 10:54 AM CDT
"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, because He lives, all fear is gone..." My thoughts and prayers are with you precious child and with your loving family. God is our refuse and our strength, He is yours. God bless you and give you strength. Your friends at First Baptist Tillman's Corner are praying for you.
Elaine Isler <isler@cityofmobile.org>
Theodore, AL Mobile - Monday, June 27, 2005 9:35 AM CDT
There is nothing more precious than a child sleeping. She looks perfect. Hope your trip home was uneventfull and that things are steadily coming together for you. Love you.

Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Sunday, June 26, 2005 6:31 PM CDT
God is watching over you. You are in His care! Love ya'll, Aunt Fran XXOO
Frances J Dougherty <carouselcottages@aol.com>
Ft. Myers, Fl. USA - Sunday, June 26, 2005 4:21 PM CDT
Collette is such a beautiful child and her smile is filled with such sunshine. I'll keep her in my prayers.
Evelina Dziuba <Heartof_luck@hotmail.com>
Canada - Sunday, June 26, 2005 3:57 PM CDT
I'm okay with a skinny face when it's got that GREAT SMILE! But what an angel when she's sleeping! Thinking of you today, and sharing prayers with our church for both you and Morgan (who was able to make an appearance at "Miss Morgan's Ride" yesterday!) and trusting God that He will heal you both! Sending you much love and some "Hoosier Hugs and Howdies!"
Megan Mahaffey & Family <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, June 26, 2005 1:41 PM CDT
BEAUTIFUL! Colette is absolutely gorgeous!
Aunt Sherry
- Sunday, June 26, 2005 1:30 PM CDT
Dear Colette,

You are a wonderful girl. You are still in my prayers.
God Bless You

Brooke <wickedwonder55@aol.com>
Huntsville, AL USA - Sunday, June 26, 2005 10:35 AM CDT
Hi Tammy & Jason,
No complaints here about your beautiful baby. We love her just the same (fat or thin) Colette is in. Anyhow, we would love to see some pictures of her & Bryant together. I'm glad to hear you are going home today!! Hopefully your house will be ready to move into soon. Keep us posted.
As always we are praying,
Love Kathryn & Tony

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al - Sunday, June 26, 2005 7:27 AM CDT
Hello to Colette family
I'm Morgan Rose mamie, it sounds like colette and Morgan ( 5 yrs. old) is just about same testing and stem cell removal, Morgan goes Monday for stem cell removal. Colette : you look sooo happy, I love your smile ! you stay strong. Mom keep your chin up. We all here in Bloomington Indiana are praying for your Lovly child.

greta miller (mamie) <j-gmiller@insightbb.com>
bloomington, in usa - Sunday, June 26, 2005 2:06 AM CDT
Tammy I will add you and your family in my prayers ,please have faith God has a plan for all of us even if we cant see it or understand it and live one day at a time. I hope you daughter gets well soon.
Clarksville, TX USA - Sunday, June 26, 2005 1:35 AM CDT
I am praying for you and Colette daily. Bryant has been on my heart today. Stay in His Word. He is faithful. I was so excited to hear that the "monster" is shrinking. Praise the Lord. Keep your hand in HIS.

Cellie Scoggin <scogginfamily@megagate.com>
Laure, MS USA - Saturday, June 25, 2005 8:07 PM CDT
Hi Colette! I hope you're having a nice day today! It's bright and sunny and HOT here in Atlanta. I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you! I'm an online friend of your Aunt Sherry's.
Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, June 25, 2005 12:53 AM CDT
Colette you are such a big girl! I will keep you in my prayers and I hope you get well soon!
Becky <mrsfroggieladie2@aol.com>
Huntsville, AL USA - Saturday, June 25, 2005 9:52 AM CDT
I know it does all our hearts good to see Colette's beautiful smiling face. I know God is so watching over her and I'm so proud of you and Jason. You are so strong and I know why. I love you all and miss you. Thanks again for taking time to update us. Praise be to God!!!!!!

Kathy Taylor <Kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Friday, June 24, 2005 10:08 PM CDT
Hi Colette and family. I am still watching your progress daily and thanking our God daily for what He is doing in your life and for your family. You are surrounded by so many wonderful people and right now the one that is on the fore front of my mind is your MawMaw Penny. Your whole family is so lucky to have her. We will say a prayer and thank God that she is such a wonderful woman and an example to us all. I have many friends that have signed your page here and that are praying for you, though they do not "know" you. You are touching many hearts, the angel that you are. We love you and are always eager to read your page and see how wonderfully you are fighting. We pray for you to be healthy, for Bryant to maintain normalcy, for your parents marriage to be strong against satan and for all the loving people around you. Take care sweet girl. I hope I get to see you next time I'm in town.
love you, Stephanie

Stephanie Laughlin <Slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Friday, June 24, 2005 9:09 PM CDT
Hi Collette, I will say a prayer for you & keep you in my thoughts.
Frank <fcpjr@msn.com>
Madison, NJ USA - Friday, June 24, 2005 8:05 PM CDT
Hi Collette. You have a lot of people wishing you well. I hope that you feel better soon. I will be back to see you again. Much love!
Bronx, NY USA - Friday, June 24, 2005 4:24 PM CDT
Hi Colette, You know what, I like playdoh too! God gives us such fun things. I'm glad your eating tasty things,I like tasty things too. God really does take care of us and I know He is taking care of you and Mom,Dad,and Bryant. Ya'll are in my thoughts and prayers.Luv-Mrs. Celyn
Celyn Pendleton <cpendleton@fbtc.org>
Theodore, Al USA - Friday, June 24, 2005 3:48 PM CDT
Colette, you have so many aunts, I don't know how you keep up with them all, but if you're willing, I'd love to be a "surrogate" aunt too! I've learned so much about you and your powerful family, and want to push my love in there as well. I've never met you, you're a face on my computer, but I check on you at least 3 or 4 times a day, and I've grown rather attached. So, I am officially adopting you, right now, as my niece!
Jason, Tammy and Bryant, I cannot imagine how difficult this time is for you all. Trying to move, dealing with work, those are all hard enough without a "belly monster" in your daughter/sister. Remember to put God first, and hug each other HARD everytime you can. You have a powerful group of family, friends and strangers alike, all praying for you non-stop, and a little girl with strength unlike any I can imagine. I want you to know that there are many of us, faceless names on a computer screen, who love you as much as your own mothers do! While I cannot help you pack, paint, clean or move, I can pray long and loud, and can celebrate the milestones with you. I look at the pictures of Colette, and see my own children in her eyes, and love her as fiercely as though she were my own.
The Lord Our God has brought us together as a group through two little girls who face a frightening battle. I am grateful that you have let us share in this battle with you, and hope that our words bring you strength. Much love to all of you.

Megan Mahaffey <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Friday, June 24, 2005 11:57 AM CDT
Dear Tammy,Colette,Jason, and Bryant,
I want to share what I read from God's word this morning after praying for you all....
Jeremiah 30:7...It will be a time of trouble for My people Israel(Pate family). Yet in the end, they wil be saved!
J.30:10-11 "So do not be afraid, Jacob (Tammy & Jason), My servant(s):do not be dismayed, Israel(Tammy & Jason), says the Lord. For I will bring you home again from distant lands and your children will return from their exile. Israel(Tammy and Jason)will return and will have peace and quiet in their own land, and no one will make them afraid. For I am with you and will save you, says the Lord...
J30:17 I will give you back your health and heal your wounds, says the Lord....
J30:18-19 But the Lord says this: When I bring you home again from your captivity and restore your fortunes, Jerusalem (Colette) will be rebuilt on her ruins. The palace (her body)will be reconstructed as it was before. There will be joy and songs of thanksgiving....
J31:9 Tears of joy will stream down their faces, and I will lead them home with great care.......
J31:13......I will turn their mourning into joy. I will comfort them and exchange their sorrow for rejoicing.
J31:16 But now the Lord says, "Do not weep any longer, for I will reward you. Your children(Colette) will come back to you from the distant land of the enemy. There is a hope for your future,"says the Lord. "Your children will come again to their own land." ........
We are continuing to bring you all before the Lord throughout our day! Tell Colette that I have made a HUGE "Encouragement" poster for her that she can put 'princess' stickers on it for 'good eating' and 'strong walking'. I have special eating tray and princess party plates (paper) that she can use to eat from; best of all, I have a special 'princess' reward jar full of 'M&M s" just for her! Please let me know as soon as you get back so that I may bring her these gifts. I love you all! Aunt Debbie

Aunt Debbie <fpcdcc@bellsoouth.net>
Mobile, Al U.S.A. - Friday, June 24, 2005 7:39 AM CDT
I'm keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Joan Jurgens
Belfield, ND USA - Friday, June 24, 2005 0:10 AM CDT
Hi Guys. Just wanted you to know we were still checking on Colette and praying for each treatment to go well. I hope your trip in Birmingham goes by smoothly with no bumps in the road. Remember we're here for you if you have any question or just want to talk - sort of a been there and done that kind of thing, ya know? We just checked in to St Jude tonight to start our second round of chemo, so I hope we all sail through it quickly with no side effects! God Bless!
Lisa Tanner ~www.caringbridge.com/al/cole~ <lisatanner@comcast.net>
Memphis, Target House - Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:36 PM CDT
I'm a fellow "Rickie's Roughneck" at Mount Zion BC in Macon with Lance and Jennifer Crocker. I have been checking your site, along with several others, each week. Colette is such a doll! Thanks for sharing your story. None of this is fair, but praise God for giving you such a wonderful network of support. Praying for you...
Kelley Land <kelley@helwys.com>
Macon, GA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 8:43 PM CDT
You will be in my prayers every day, just keep good spirits and keep praying to our Lord Jesus Christ. He will keep his healing hand over you and your family.
God Bless You.

Kendra Doss <megamomfive@verizon.net>
Lancaster, CA 93536 - Thursday, June 23, 2005 6:47 PM CDT
Dearest Cousins,
You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers daily. Your testimony, strength, and faith have been an inspiration for us all. I know that it's a little out of the way, but if you need a place to stay in Opelika as you travel from Mobile to B'ham, my home is ALWAYS open for you and your family.
Take care and may God bless you in a special way.
Love and kisses,

Anne Henderson <gamhender@hotmail.com>
Opelika, AL USA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 5:40 PM CDT
Your daughter and your family are in my prayers. I pray that you will be able to find some kind of peace through this. Enjoy every day. She is adorable.
Lisa Adams
Derry, NH USA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 5:19 PM CDT
Sending out my prayers to the family and to your adorable little girl. God Bless!
Crystal <redford_lover@yahoo.com>
Brooklyn, NY US - Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:39 PM CDT
All I can say is don't give up and believe God can change things. I'll be praying for you and your family
Kelly Boykin
Mustang, OK USA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:06 PM CDT
Our family will be praying for you and your beautiful daughter.
The Garcias <kgarcia@bcbe.org>
Foley, Al USA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 2:32 PM CDT
I'm sorry to hear about all this. I said a prayer for her and will continue to do so. I wish you all the very best. *hugs*
Hope <zachysmom_1999@yahoo.com>
Leomister, MA US - Thursday, June 23, 2005 1:56 PM CDT
Dear Jason & Tammy We Are Praying each day for your precious Colette. We are asking God to heal your baby and to help you through this time of stress. God will hear ours and your prayers. All of our famiy and friends are praying for Colette. God bless you.
Peg and Fran Dougherty {Aunt Fran's In Laws}
Fort Myers, Florida , - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 7:05 PM CDT
To Colette and Family,
We are continuing to believe for your miracle. The Healing team @ Knollwood Assembly of God Mobile Al

Lynne Godwin RN <lgodwin@usouthal.edu>
Mobile, Al 36618 - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 3:08 PM CDT
hey colette you looked so beautiful yesterday and i am goin to get a bracelet just like yours. you are a beautiful lil gurl and i know that everything is goin to get better and mrs. tammy and mr. jason i was so happy to see you two being so strong and laughing yesterday i know that keeps lil colette goin too just keep being strong i love yall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
valerie and boris <lilgriff88@yahoo.com or iloveboris280@hotmail.com>
mobile, al usa - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:38 AM CDT
Dear Colette, I just wanted to say that I love you and your in my prayers and heart 24 hours a day, I know your only 2 but you have the strength of a grown man fighting with all your might. I have no doubt in my mind that you will be ok because God will see you through. Stay strong and I will always be praying for you.
Uncle Big little Jimmy <IBCapn@WMConnect.com>
theodore, al usa - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:52 PM CDT
Tammy & Jason,

I know you will be in Birmingham today and just wanted you to know that you are in my heart and prayers. I ask God to give Colette an easy time of it while undergoing treatment. I know that if she's okay, you will be, too. She looks so good in spite of her illness. She is a beautiful and precious child. Take care of each other and call if you need anything. I'd like to visit when you come back. Let me know when it would be okay to do that.

Love you all,
Aunt Trisha

Trisha Pierson <trisha.pierson@arkemagroup.com>
Saraland, AL Mobile - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 2:14 PM CDT
Hey darlin. I am so glad to know that you are feeling better. I wanted to give you a hug so here it goes... (((((((( )))))))) Be sure to give Mommy and Daddy one from me too. You be a big girl and keep telling that monster to get out of your belly.

I Love you guys so much. Everyone at my office has been keeping up with her progress and is thinking of you guys and praying for you.
In Love and Faith,

Amanda <mannakay@netscape.net>
Mobile, AL - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 9:29 AM CDT
Hey sweetie!
I had such a great time playing with you yesterday.
Your nails look beautiful. You are such a big girl!
Love you lots, little princess.
Love, Aunt Brandy

Tammy and Jason
As you travel to Birmingham, our prayers are with you.
It was wonderful to see Colette be her old self yesterday. She is such a strong little girl. (probably because she has such strong parents)
I watched her as the lady took her temperature and checked her heartbeat, and she wanted to help! It was amazing. She waited for the thermometer to beep - and to tell her it is done...too cute! She said "I not cry". Awe........
Heart breaking that she is enduring so much, but we all know God will bring her through.
Imagine what a strong little girl and woman she is going to be after enduring this!
I will continue to pray for strength (mental and physical) for all of you as you begin the next set of chemo.
Thanks for your continued updates on the site.
Todd, Nicole and I love you all.

You keep being such a good big brother. Mom and Dad need lots of hugs from you too!
We love you lots.

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 8:32 AM CDT
Dear Jason and Tammy, Our prayers and love our with yall. I have been thinking about yall daily, and I am sorry I have not spoken to your personally yet. I sure am proud of both of you. Blair has kept us informed and told us how strong you have been--she has too. Jason your mom is a gift to all who know her. We love yall, and God Bless--Marty, Penny, Ashley, McKinley, Josh, Christine, and Aden.

martin jackson <marty.jackson@ccboe.net>
evans, ga usa - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 7:06 AM CDT
Boy am I jealous! I haven't had my fingers or toes painted for me in a very long time. Colette looks great. I'm so happy for all of you. We continue to pray for her in our home and in our church. Gods ears are buzzing with the name of Colette Pate. How wonderful is that to know? I think I am jealous again! We love you!

Stephanie Laughiln <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Monday, June 20, 2005 11:48 PM CDT
Colette & Family,
I'm so happy to hear that Colette is feeling better and gets to go home! She's such a cutie.
I want to thank you for all your prayers for my granddaughter Morgan, and let you know that Colette is
always in my prayers too! God will answer our prayers and heal them both!!!

Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Monday, June 20, 2005 10:41 PM CDT
Dear Colette,

Everyday I pray for you, just knowing things will get better. I know God will continue to be there for you always.
God Bless You

Brooke Boak <wickedwonder55@aol.com>
- Monday, June 20, 2005 7:19 PM CDT
Hooray! What wonderful news! And new polish on your toes, too!? Goodness! I'm so excited to hear you get to go home today, Colette. Now, no more nasty fevers! Our prayers stay with these girls as the Lord works to heal them, and bring us together! I pray for healing, and for strength for those around you, and know that He will provide!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN USA - Monday, June 20, 2005 3:42 PM CDT
Heard you are going home today! I am soo excited. Got one part one of that nasty stuff behind you.
Your mommy told me you were feeling good and ready to play. I am going to visit tonight and get some new polish on your little toenails!!!
You are in my prayers. I know God is healing you. You stay strong and be a big girl.
Be sweet to "Bubba" he loves you lots.
Love you little princess,
Love Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy Pate <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Monday, June 20, 2005 11:52 AM CDT
I found your website from visting my 5 year old cousins website, www.savingmissmorgan.com. I just wanted to let you know that you're in my thoughts as well. I'm going to tell you the same as I had told Morgan, you are an amazingly strong little girl and remember that with hope, faith and love miracles do happen. I hope that we see them through both you and Morgan. Best wishes to you and your family.

Amanda Flynn <amjflynn@indiana.edu>
- Monday, June 20, 2005 8:21 AM CDT
I have never met you. But I know your cute and a sweetgirl.
I will pray for you in my prayers.

Becky <MrsFroggieladie2@aol.com>
Huntsville, AL USA - Monday, June 20, 2005 7:27 AM CDT
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY JASON! I know it was, because of the time you were able to spend with your dad. I know I take too, many pictures but today I really got some of the best ever! Especially of Bryant in PaPa's new Roll Tide hat. We will get this one into the photos because many people have never been introduced to bubba Bryant:) Also more wonderful pictures of Miss Colette being her old self ..Can I Get An AMEM? Thank YOU!

I kept her today so mommy and Bryant could take PawPaw and daddy to dinner. We played with all her princesses... play dough...and she drank five ounces of strawberry(milkshake) pediasure:) Please continue to pray as we travel to B'ham this week. Please pray for my finances as I have not worked since the 25th of May. But, God has been good to me and my health has be so very blessed.

Aunt Debby Crocker went to Miss. on Friday and Saturday and helped me pack up 85% of their house in Laurel. Tomorrow Uncle Craig and the youth group from Moffett Road Baptist are going to have a work day at Colette's new house here in Mobile. We need painting and carpet and tile put down and cleaning...lots of cleaning as Colette's immune system is so weak that she must have her surroundings very clean. Even to puttin a filter on the pump because they are on well water and it carries bacteria.

Thank you Aunt Debby for all your loving packing of their dishes and everything as I know My God Will Bless Your Efforts and Thank you Mr.and Mrs Coleman for your precious pink alphabet bear...prayers..scriptures and the anointing of MawMaw's Darling:)

All my love in Christ on yet another blessed day with our loved ones and friends!



penny crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, June 19, 2005 11:47 PM CDT
Dear Jason & Tammy,
We are praying for Colette. You and your whole family. I'm praying for GOD's presents to be felt by everyone that comes in contact with Colette.

In HIS Service,

Susan Fife

Susan Fife <susan_d_fife@yahoo.com>
Crestview, Fl. USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 11:43 PM CDT
dear sweetie,
your so beautiful.I love you so much i am coming to see you soon.me and kiki are going to dance for you with our dance outfits we all love you so much see you soon.
god bless you.love colio

nicole <byebhs@yahoo.com>
irvington, al united states - Sunday, June 19, 2005 10:37 PM CDT
Dear cutie pie,
i miss you soo much. i cant wait to see you. me and intolio are going to dance for you in your room. i love you god bless. love aunt kisstin

Aunt Kiki/ Aunt kristin <chrdancechic101@aol.com>
lexington , sc usa - Sunday, June 19, 2005 10:25 PM CDT
Hey all!! I just got home from AtlantaFest with the youth group and had to get on and check on precious Colette as soon as I got settled. I've been thinking about you and praying for you the whole time I've been gone. I'm sooooo happy to hear that Colette is doing better!! She is such an incredible testimony to God's awesome love and grace. Everytime I think about you guys this song keeps coming to my mind. "Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King, His love endures forever. For He is good, He is above all things, His love endures forever. Sing praise, sing praise. Forever God is faithful, forever God is strong, forever God is with us, Forever." I love you all.
Lori Ladnier <schmoo88@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 9:33 PM CDT
I am so thrilled to hear how things are progressing. Happy Fathers Day Jason! What a day for your family. I will continue to pray for you and to share your story and journey with others and have them pray for all of you. You are always on my mind and in my heart and I Love You--All of You!
In Him,

Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Sunday, June 19, 2005 9:29 PM CDT
Hey Jason Happy Fathers Day!! We love ya, Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Kathy, and Jimmy
Kathy Taylor <Kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 9:18 PM CDT
Dear Jason, Tammy, Bryant, and Colette

Happy Fathers Day!!!

I am so glad to hear Colette is doing better. She is always in our prayers. I hope everything goes well in B'ham. We will be checking this web site.

Thanks for all the updates
Love to all,

Lona Bill Nicholas and Christopher

Lona Robbins <blrobbins@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 9:09 PM CDT
Happy Father's Day Jason!!! I'm so happy to hear you're feeling better today, Colette. I know you enjoyed playing today too!!!!! You guys are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Hope to hear more good news soon!
Christine Evans <evans1013@yahoo.com>
Semmes, AL USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 8:07 PM CDT
Thinking of you all on this Glorious Sunday! So pleased to hear Colette is doing so well! Blessed be to our Father on this Father's Day! Please keep our Indiana Morgan in your thoughts as she continues to fight her fever! www.savingmissmorgan.com Through Him, all things are possible!
Megan, Jeep, Eli and Melissa Mahaffey <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 7:56 PM CDT
Dearest Tammy, I just read your last journal entry. You are walking The Way of the Cross. Jesus told us we would suffer but He said," Take up your cross and follow me. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me.For I am gentle and humble in heart. And you will find rest for your souls.Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light." Surrender all things to Our Heavenly Father. We are completely in His hands. May His Angels come quickly to bring you strengh from Heaven. God love you, Aunt Fran XO
Frances J Dougherty <carouselcottages@aol.com>
Fort Myers , Fl USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 3:24 PM CDT
Hi Jason,
I hope to hear more good news soon.

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, al - Sunday, June 19, 2005 2:49 PM CDT
I'm keeping up with all of the good progress in Colette's treatment. I've been in Birmingham the last few days with my kids (your cousins), and got back in Mobile today amd was able to be with my sweet Michelle. All of them are thinking about you and Colette, and are praying for you as you cope with this trauma in your lives. I am thankful for the opportunity to keep up with Colette's medical progress over the internet. Remember to keep the faith, and to remind yourselves that you are surrounded by true love always . . . Uncle Billy, Horace & Olivia, Daniel, Michelle & Stewart

Billy Jackson <WBJII@BenStokes.com>
Mobile , AL U.S.A. - Saturday, June 18, 2005 10:30 PM CDT
Hey guys, sorry I was unable to get by to see you this time. I was really warry of bringing anything in contact with Colettes weakened system. I hope you understand. I am hoping to get back into town in a few weeks. I am not sure how to get intouch with you. If you can, get me a number some how so I can call you. Email will do fine.
I am so greatfull to hear that fevers are down, appetites are returning and Colette is acting like a little girl should. I continue to pray for all of you. I have full faith that you will make it through this and be stronger for it. Please do not hesitate to ask me for anything. All that I have is yours and I am always here for you.
Love, Stephanie

Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Saturday, June 18, 2005 3:50 PM CDT
Hi! I'm an online friend of Sherry's and feel like I've known Colette since the first time I saw a picture of Sherry holding her when she was first born. Colette is such a sweetie and I'm praying that she gets better soon. Big hugs to all of you, take care.
Sloatsburg, NY - Saturday, June 18, 2005 3:24 PM CDT
Praying for you. Love you all. Hope to see ya at church in the morning. Glad to hear how good you're doing big girl!
Betti <singinsista@hotmail.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Saturday, June 18, 2005 11:57 AM CDT
Hey Everyone
Roger, Mandy and I were just thinking about you and wanted you to know that you are ALL in our prayers. Tammy and Jason my mom said she is just a phone call away and will do anything for you. I know we are here but we to will do anything we can. Take care and as always remember God loves each one of you.

Roger, Lynn and Mandy Parsons <mparsons89@hotmail.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Saturday, June 18, 2005 11:50 AM CDT
Tammy, Jason, Bryant, & Colette,

I am so glad to hear Colette is feeling better. I know it is a blessing to have her call for Mama! We are praying for you guys. I look forward to reading your updates and hearing the good things going on with you. You are an encouragement to me. Your deepening faith in the LORD blesses me. Continue to trust Him. You cannont see the big picture, but He is in control. Stay in the word and on your knees.


Rochelle Pitts

P.S. We scrapbooked last night, so I was thinking of you!!

J Rochelle Pitts <jroc.me@comcast.net>
Laurel, MS USA - Saturday, June 18, 2005 11:07 AM CDT
Hi Ya'll, I was so glad to see Bryant at Glory Junction wednesday night. He seemed to have a great time and had lots of questions.He even talked to our GJ counselors to learn more about Jesus. Colette,& Mom and Dad ask Bryant about what he learned and let him teach you the songs we sang. Remember we are praying for you. God is bigger than anything and he has you in the palm of His hand.
Love and Prayers--- Ms.Celyn

Celyn Pendlton <clynpen@aol.com>
Theodore, al usa - Saturday, June 18, 2005 10:39 AM CDT
Collette & family
So glad to hear the good news from Sherry. Crazy that I don't even know her, yet am so appreciative of her updates directly to my inbox! I'll make sure and update my Sun. School class of your good news! Keep it up girl! First Bapt. in Foley, AL is praying for you! My boys LOVE Dora! She's cool, even at 3am! :)
Hugs & Love to you all!
Heather Hitchcock-
Mom of 3 boys (Kaden almost 5, and Landon & Grayson[twins]almost 3) and newsletter editor for young couples Sun. School Class @ First Bapt. Foley, AL

Heather, Presley, Kaden, Landon & Grayson Hitchcock <kaden_smomma@hotmail.com>
Foley, AL - Friday, June 17, 2005 11:56 PM CDT
Collette & family
So glad to hear the good news from Sherry. Crazy that I don't even know her, yet am so appreciative of her updates directly to my inbox! I'll make sure and update my Sun. School class of your good news! Keep it up girl! First Bapt. in Foley, AL is praying for you! My boys LOVE Dora! She's cool, even at 3am! :)
Hugs & Love to you all!
Heather Hitchcock-
Mom of 3 boys (Kaden almost 5, and Landon & Grayson[twins]almost 3) and newsletter editor for young couples Sun. School Class @ First Bapt. Foley, AL

Heather, Presley, Kaden, Landon & Grayson Hitchcock <kaden_smomma@hotmail.com>
Foley, AL - Friday, June 17, 2005 11:43 PM CDT
I just want you to know your entire family is in my prayers, and I know God will do his best for you. Never lose your faith, or hope. Stay strong, and stick together through your hard times. There are millions of people out here praying everyday for colette. We wish you the best, and never lose your hope, never.
Elizabeth Meeks <bdm1103@sbcglobal.net>
Ft. Worth, Tx USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 11:31 PM CDT
Hello! I'm an online friend of Sherry's and just wanted to let you know that I am praying for your family. Colette is a special blessing. Take care. (((hugs)))
Atlanta, GA - Friday, June 17, 2005 10:58 PM CDT
hi happy to know that colette is doing fine miss you talk to you later sheema from 4 tower my prayer are with you love you
shasheema washington <sweetangle2014@yahoo.com>
b'ham, al - Friday, June 17, 2005 10:56 PM CDT
Colette and family
I am a member of Eastside Baptist Church in Richton,MS. Our pastor's daughter went to church with your family at Highland. He told us about Colette and her illness. I would like for you all to know that I am praying for you and God can do wonderful things. I read alot of the entries and looked at the pictures. They brought tears to my eyes. The greatest thing though is to see God at work. Always remember HE is in control of all things. I have a 7 yr. old little boy who was born preemie with other health issues and doctor's said he'd probably never make it. Just last week we went to one of our doctors in New Orleans and he told us that most children like Braxton usually never make it or never do as well as he is. I Thank God for being the ultimate physician. He has a reason for everything. Braxton has touched many lives just as your daughter is touching many lives. I know that she has touched me! God has a reason for everything and He makes NO mistakes. My prayers are with you!!

Heather <heathermc@bellsouth.net>
Richton, MS USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 10:07 PM CDT
Dear Tammy & Jason,
I just want you to know that I went on the site www.lunchforlife.org It is very powerful and moving site. It is strickly created for children with neuroblastoma cancer. Most of the children on the website have stage IV neuroblastoma cancer like Colette. Many of them are survivors and have so much to share. I think that Colette's a perfect example of a beautiful child beating the "monster" in her belly. Surely many of us could give up a lunch for a day to contribute to finding a cure for neuroblastoma cancer.
Anyhow, I'm glad to hear of the good news. Also, I must say that the "Pate Gang" did an excellent job on creating a fantasy princess room with an enchanting castle awaiting Colette. Hope to see ya'll home soon. We are praying daily for all children fighting cancer.
Love Kathryn & Tony

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
mobile , al - Friday, June 17, 2005 9:18 PM CDT
psssss Collete it's me agin nicole just wanted to tell you how much i love you
Nicole <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington `, al USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 9:08 PM CDT
Colette remember BALD IS BEAUTIFUL!!! We will just have to find you a pretty bandanna or hat to make those beautiful eyes shine. Just keep smiling and keep making mama, daddy, and Bryant laugh. We love you. God Bless.

Rick and Sandra Green and Girls <sandragreen36605@yahoo.com>
mobile, al usa - Friday, June 17, 2005 7:34 PM CDT
Way to go Colette! Wake 'em up, baby, I know they don't mind a bit! We're very excited here in Indiana that you're doing so well! We're all keeping you in our prayers, and your family as well. God give you all the strength to smile on the hardest days, and know that through Him all things are possible!
Megan Mahaffey and Family- Jeep (4), Eli (2 1/2) & Melissa (20mo) <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 6:13 PM CDT
dear;sweat heart
p.s can't wait for you to see your room love you.

Nicole Pate <bpate@willkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, al america - Friday, June 17, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
"There was a shake and a rattle and the stone was rolled away, there was a shake and a rattle and the stone was rolled away, rolled away on that mighty ressurectoin day..." That song has been stuck in my head all day, and so have you sweet girl. I've been singin (and dancing) to it all through my office just for you Colette. We're praying for you all! It was WONDERFUL to see yall at church, and Tammy in chior last week. It's great to have yall back. Can't wait to see you big girl!! Love you all! Keeping you in my prayers constantly!
Betti <singinsista@hotmail.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 4:31 PM CDT
Dear Jason, Tammy, Bryant, and Colette,
It is so great to hear you are doing so much better!!!!!!
I just wanted to tell you something that happened at the shop yesterday. This customer came in who I've never met before, and I was explaining that we were short handed and why(because maw maw was out helping Colette) and he asked me about Colette and I explained her situation. He asked me how old she was and when I told him he just very confidentially and matter-of-factly said "shes gonna be alright" as though he had it straight from God's mouth. No lie I just stood there!!! Well God works in mysterious ways
Don't He??? Well I love you guys and I'm gonna find Miss Colette a cool hat. Call me if you need me and tell my long lost sister I love her dearly and miss her!!! Love Aunt Kathy

Kathy Taylor <Kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 4:25 PM CDT

It is so good to hear that you are doing better. Just keep doing what mom, dad and the doctors and nurses say. They are God's helpers here on earth to make you well. You are so special and continue in my prayers daily.

Jane Pavel <jpavel@gfainc.com>
Birmingham, AL - Friday, June 17, 2005 4:07 PM CDT
Dear Tammy, Jason, Bryant & Colette,
It is sooooo wonderful to have you back home! We know God hears our prayers & is answering in so many wonderful & different ways. It's amazing what the life witness of one child can do in our world. You are lifted daily.
Mrs. Freida

Freida Blanton <fblanton@fbtc.org>
Mobile, AL USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 3:36 PM CDT
I sure hope that old neutropenia (low blood counts) and fever goes away real soon! You will be home before you know it!

God Bless,


Steven, Kelly, Sarah , Emma, Jonah Hicks <hicks@cbse.uab.edu>
Birmingham, AL USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 3:24 PM CDT
Tammy Jason Bryant and sweet Colette
We are continuing to pray for you daily. Tammy thank you so much for keeping us updated. Hang in there and we are praying for your strentgh as well.

Michael and Lane Jackson
Mobile, Al USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 12:38 AM CDT
Hey Colette,
I just wanted to tell you hey! I have been wanting to come hug on you and play with you, but Manda has the sniffles and I don't want to risk it whether it is alegries or not. You keep working on getting better and being a big girl.
Bryant, uncle Jon is wanting you to come play.
Tammy and Jason, let me know if I can help with anything. I have contacted channel 15 and am waiting on them to call me back. If you need any more help with the house, just let me know.
I love all of you very much.

Amanda <mannakay@netscape.net>
Mobile, AL - Friday, June 17, 2005 11:42 AM CDT
Hey little girl! (and family)
Sorry Nicole and I couldn't come and play yesterday. We sure wanted to.
Uncle Todd had a really good time with you, though.
He said you are such a big girl, and you told him you were "gettin better" so you could dance.
We can't wait to watch you!
We will come and visit real soon.
You all are in our continued prayers and thoughts. We love you guys.
Stay strong Tam and Jason! and don't hesitate to call if you anything from us.
Love, Brandy, Todd, and Nicole

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 8:36 AM CDT
Today is yet another day to recovery..Thursday was a VERY GOOD DAY!!! Colette's fever only went to 99.8 degrees. That is so much better than the regular 102.4 degrees she has been running. Yesterday,as I watched her for mommy she wanted out of her bed and into Maw Maw's! Of course that was fine with me. And it is a big step into getting up and moving around which she hasn't wanted to do in a couple months:)
We will probably get a hair cut today. Please pray for my Tammy....Jason...and Bubba Bryant this is very difficult as it makes this monster so visible and real...God Bless All of You and continue the good fight as Miss Colette sill has no pain, AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Todays song "Rolled away rolled away.. rolled away... every burden of my heart rolled away.
Every sin has to go neath the crimson flow. Halleujah! Rolled away rolled away rolled away every burden of my heart rolled away". Last week I watched my precious grandbabies joshua..matthew and hannah do the hand motions to this song, I was reminded of my own precious children as they were growing into mommies and daddies and I thank my precious Lord for holding each of us in His strong and loving arms. Because He loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son JESUS to die on that horrible cross to save me........and YOU....if we only believe trust and ask Jesus to forgive our sins and to be our Saviour:)
We WILL have eternal life in Heaven. PLEASE don't be left behind. Go to Jesus Go to Jesus and KNOW His peace:)

All my love Mrs. Penny (AKA Maw Maw)

penny <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
- Friday, June 17, 2005 6:47 AM CDT
It's just me again...can't seem to get you off my mind, and I know I'm not alone. I just want to tell you how very much I love you, and how blessed I am to be your Aunt.
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Friday, June 17, 2005 1:21 AM CDT
Colette & family-
I heard of your site through www.savingmissmorgan.com. I just wanted to let you know I will be praying for you and your family along with Morgan and her family. Morgan and her family are my neighbors and my little girl plays with Morgan. Keep that beautiful smile on your face as Morgan has been doing and stay strong.

Angie <angelac@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:22 PM CDT
My Precious Angels,
My thoughts and prayers are with you daily.
I could not walk these days without the prayers of the Family and Friends that lift me and All of our family. I ask daily that Our Father let his Light shine through me as I carry this heavy cross in my soul. I Know that all His answers to our prayers are PERFECT answers and that He sees a bigger picture that I/We can see. On behalf of this Family, I ask God to bless each of you and your families . I thank you for continuing to PRAY for healing for our precious Colette and for Our Families stregnth in our FAITH.My dear husband , Tom . reminded me that it is always darkest before the light. We continue to pray for miracules
healing for Our Baby . We as a Family have put Her in GOD'S hands and have prayed the hardest prayer , THY WILL .
We look foward to seeing ya'll and holding you in our arms.
God hold you close to his heart always.
Love to All who are reading this , but espically my precious Colette, Bryant, Jason AND dear Tammy,
Nana / Momma / Ms Blair and Family xxxxoooo

Nana/Mom <p8bla@aol.com>
Lexington, SC USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 9:32 PM CDT
My Precious Angels,
My thoughts and prayers are with you daily.
I could not walk these days without the prayers of the Family and Friends that lift me and All of our family. I ask daily that Our Father let his Light shine through me as I carry this heavy cross in my soul. I Know that all His answers to our prayers are PERFECT answers and that He sees a bigger picture that I/We can see. On behalf of this Family, I ask God to bless each of you and your families . I thank you for continuing to PRAY for healing for our precious Colette and for Our Families stregnth in our FAITH.My dear husband , Tom . reminded me that it is always darkest before the light. We continue to pray for miracules
healing for Our Baby . We as a Family have put Her in GOD'S hands and have prayed the hardest prayer , THY WILL .
We look foward to seeing ya'll and holding you in our arms.
God hold you close to his heart always.
Love to All who are reading this , but espically my precious Colette, Bryant, Jason AND dear Tammy,
Nana / Momma / Ms Blair and Family xxxxoooo

Nana/Mom <p8bla@aol.com>
Lexington, SC USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 9:32 PM CDT
Prescious Little Colette,
I learned of your website through www.SavingMissMorgan.com, Miss Morgan is my niece. I will keep you in my prayers everyday with Miss Morgan. My heart & prayers also go out to the family, may you remain strong in the trials you now, and will in the future, have to face. Please know there are many people praying for Colette, she's a beautiful little girl!

Cindy Flynn
Bloomington, IN USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 5:19 PM CDT
Colette- I learned about you from my cousin's website "savingmissmorgan.com". You are a beuatiful little girl & I wish you well on your journey to recovery. I have two kids myself, one's 5yrs. & the other is 3 yrs. old. I couldn't imagine what you and your family must be going through! Take care sweetie & may god bless you!
Christy Morrow <cmorrow@ccol.net>
Bloomington, In USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 2:56 PM CDT
Hello, my name is Debra DeBona, my cousin Kerri Wiggins is a friend of your Aunt Sherry. Kerri sent your site to me and I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in our prayers. I also wanted to share two stories with you of my closests and dearest friends who daughters have/had cancer. First, Rose Nester, her daughter was diagnoised with neuroblastoma stage IV at nine weeks old. I have copied her summary of her story for you. Here it is: Taylor was nine weeks old when she was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma. The tumor atop her left adrenal gland was growing very rapidly. Her stomach was distended to 51 centimeters around or the equivalent of being nine months pregnant. She has had 7 operations. After the initial Chemo treatments began shrinking her tumor the first operation was done to extract the 10 centimeter tumor on her left adrenal gland. This operation was a success but after a biopsy of the tumor it was found that the tumor contained the N-myc gene. This is the most aggressive form of cancer gene. The Doctors decided to give her the rolls royce of treatment available. Therefore Taylor went through numerous rounds of chemotherapy, 15 radiation treatments, as well as a a Bone marrow transplant and several months with Accutane. All this took place before her first birthday. We are currently in the ACE (after cancer experience)program at Children's Medical Center in Dallas. In this program, We have learned that Taylor is going to have hearing aids due to all the chemo. This update was done a year ago. I am happy to report that Taylor will be 6 years old next week and has been cancer free for 5 years now. She is a survior!! I know that Rose wouldn't mind you contacting her if you have any questions. Her email address is rose.nester@usaonwarranty.com. The other story is my friend Rhona Hunter. Her daughter Caylan actually has a site on www.caringbridge.org/tx/caylan She will soon be 14 years old. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 5. Earlier this year she had to go through surgery again. You can read her story on her site. Rhona is a researcher and belongs to all kinds of support groups so I know that she would be happy to talk to you. Her email address is rahunter05@aol.com. Another site that you may be interested in and is where Taylor's story is at is www.lunchforlife.org It is a site for children with neuroblastoma. Sorry this is so lenghty but I thought you could find comfort in their stories. May God be with you.
Debra DeBona <ddebona@crowholdings.com>
Royse City, TX USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:10 AM CDT
I also saw your site on www.savingmissmorgan.com, I'm Morgan's Grandma and I want to let you and your family know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers daily, and God is going to heal both of you!! Hang in there sweetie.

Becky Curry <becky.curry@sbcglobal.net>
Bloomington, IN USA - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 11:37 PM CDT
Dear Colette,
I also saw your site on www.savingmissmorgan.com and wanted to come and let you know that there are many of us in Indiana sending you prayers. As I read the messages from your mommy, telling us all how you are doing, I smiled a big smile, because she was singing one of my favorite songs- it says in the best possible way "MY God is an AWESOME God!" I know he's your God, too, honey, and he's holding your hand, and we're all helping. I want you to always remember how awesome He is. You get feeling better!

Megan Mahaffey <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN USA - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:51 PM CDT
hi sweetie you don't know me but my little girl is going through the same thing. You keep strong and I will think of you daily. Mom and Dad keep your head up for I know what your going through. GOD BLESS YOU ALL
Dusten, Brooke, Morgan and Kamryn <b.hobbs@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, In USA - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:50 PM CDT
Dear Jason And Tammy
We are praying that Colette's fever goes away and she starts to feel better. She is so little but so strong!
Keep us informed and let us know if there is anything we can do.

Love to all,

Lona And Bill

Lona Robbins <blrobbins@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 7:29 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie ...
My granddaughter 5 yrs. old also has nbt. she is just started to fight the fevers.. and doesn't want to eat also.
I found you on saving miss morgan web site. thank you so much for signing it. may be we can keep in touch.
I LOVE your strenght and SMILE you are a VERY PRETTY GIRL.
to all of the family and friends " stay strong for this special girl"

greta miller <j-gmiller@insightbb.com>
bloomington, IN usa - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 6:34 PM CDT
Hey guys, we all have been keeping up w/ Colette's journey and so appreciate your updates. We are so sorry that Colette is back in the hospital. When Brett and I read that and looked at her sweet little face, our hearts just ached....We know how draining it is on all of you...

Our love, best wishes & prayers are with you.

"Lord, help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that You and I together can't handle."
Old Preacher's Greeting

BIG HUGS to all of you....

Kathryn, Brett, Hannah & Jade

Kathryn Jamrozy <kat@expww.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 1:51 PM CDT
Our prayers are with you!
Ken Nuss <knuss@fbcgulfport.org>
- Wednesday, June 15, 2005 11:18 AM CDT
hey yall i am so sorry to hear that she is back in the hospital. i am praying that everything gets better and her fever goes away and that she feels better mrs. tammy dont get down bc she is taking out on you she just needs somethimg or someone to take it out on just know that she is getting it all out and not keeping it in. well i love you all and hope everything is well boris sends his love too

valerie and boris <lilgriff88@yahoo.com or iloveboris280@hotmail.com>
mobile, al usa - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 10:47 AM CDT
Dear Colette, Bryant, Tammy and Jason,
I just finished doing what has become a daily ritual for me now and that is praying, checking Colette's website for updates and reading her guestbook. I thank God for all the prayers and encouragement being sent to your little family by Spirit filled people who care.
Tammy, please do not take to heart Colette's reactions to you. There's probably more truth than you know in what you said about a mother loving you no matter what. Sweetheart, when God created you He already knew He had special work for you to do and then He gave you the strength to sustain you. You are stronger than you know and I have it on good authority that you come by it honestly. (Little plug for Maw Maw) LOL Remember that if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. The song I thought of for you was one that brought your Paw Paw Bill comfort and peace in the last year of his life. Do you remember,

For the God on the mountain, is still God in the valley,
When things go wrong, He'll make them right,
And the God of the good times,
Is still God in the bad times,
The God of the day, is still God in the night.

And Jesus said unto them, ... If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, "Remove hence to yonder place"; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. (Matthew 17:20)

I love you all,
Aunt Trisha & Uncle Corky

Trisha Pierson <trisha.pierson@arkemagroup.com>
Saraland, AL USA - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:56 AM CDT
Marci Patrick <marci.patrick@thebaybank.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:41 AM CDT
Good morning my darlings,hope all of you had a well deserved rest last night. As I read your guestbook entries I was so overwhelmed with the love I felt from everyone. I know without a shadow of a doubt GOD IS VERY NEAR all of us. I can feel Him holding Colette as I watch over her. I see in her eyes the Holy Spirit and it comforts me to see how much strength a "little baby angel" can radiate!!!!

CAN I GET AN AMEN???? Thank you Jesus for holding Colette to your chest and keeping the pain away..

my song today " I love you Lord and I lift my voice to worship you oh my soul rejoice..take joy my Lord in what you hear may it be a sweet sweet sound in your ear.........sweet Holy Spirit" All my love Maw Maw Penny

Penny <Mrs_Penny 1208@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, June 15, 2005 6:08 AM CDT
Dear Jason Tammy Bryant and Colette
Long time no write sorry. Terry and I have been reading and keeping up with Colette's condition. We are praying that the monster will leave Colette's belly. We want to help you guy in anway that we can. We love you and hope to see you soon.

Terry, Frances, Terry Lee, and Joseph <frances@collettedesigngroup.com>
Mobile, AL - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 7:49 PM CDT
Hey Ya'll!
We've been thinking about you and praying for you. Talked to Penny Sunday and she also said Colette was being quite a "trooper" (sorry we missed you Sunday night--glad you're home!). This song is in MY mind today as I pray His strength, patience and mercy for you:
"Our God is an awesome God. He reigns from Heaven above
with WISDOM, POWER & LOVE. Our God is an awesome God!"
Love, Ginger

Ginger McIlwain <gingmc@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 3:56 PM CDT
Hey Tammy (and the rest of the gang)-
My heart is aching for you. I cannot imagine the emotional toll this must be taking on you specifically. However, keep the big, "eternal" picture in mind. HE is in control. HE understands. HE knows what paths to take and how you will get there. Psalm says that HE is our refuge and strength. Crawl in His lap and let Him meet your needs.

Cellie Scoggin <scogginfamily@megagate.com>
Laurel, MS USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 3:24 PM CDT
Hi all. My name is Kim and I have a son, Taylor, who has been NED (remission) for 2 years form Neuroblastoma stage 4. It is a very long and hard road, but you can get through it. Prayer is so very important and I see that you know that. We did it all chemo, stem cell, accutane, 3F8 in New York, so please feel free to contact us with any questions. We do not mind at all!!! I am praying that your precious baby girl will be back to her old self soon.
In Christ,
Kim Watts

kim, Jim, Taylor and Logan www.taylorwatts.org <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
McCalla, AL - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 3:16 PM CDT
Hey guys... I continue to pray for you daily! You both know that Joe and I, and the boys are more than willing to help as much as we can. Colette, Love on mommy and let her know what a big girl you are. Bryant, you help Dad out with the house, and let me know when you want to come stay with me and Uncle Jon. I love you you guys.
In Love and Faith,

Amanda <MannaKay@netscape.net>
Mobile, AL - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 2:27 PM CDT
Please know that you are all in my prayers. As a mother I can't imagine the anguish you must feel first of all that your child is so sick and you can't take it away, and secondly that she knows that the extent of your love is such that you are willing to take whatever is necessary to help her to deal with her situation. Your strength (both of you) is astounding and almost more than I can comprehend. God has His reasons, I truly believe He won't give you more than you can handle. He made you so well that you can handle a lot. God bless you all. Love with all my heart.
Cassandra Dunn <cdunn413@aol.com>
Birmingham, AL USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 2:16 PM CDT
Hey guys. Justing wanted to drop a note to say HEY. I was there Friday night with Princess in the ER but decided not to come up. I was not sure what she had. Turned out to be only a sinus infection. When I read your post the song that come to mind was "Lean On Me". Leaning on him is all we need to do when we are troubled or scared. Colette squeeze Dora for Grace one good time. We love all of you. God Bless and if you need any help just email me.
Rick and Sandra Green and Girls (Lots of Girls) <sandragreen36605@yahoo.com>
mobile, al usa - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 1:33 PM CDT
Hey colette, this is nicole's friend Torree,When i heard about u it broke my heart i just could not believe that a little beautiful girl like u would get cancer im so glad your ok though.you stay in my prayers and i know God will bless and watch over you always. i cant wait to see you again!!!!love,Torree
Torree Dalton <gulfsidebaby1@aol.com>
mobile, al - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 0:18 AM CDT
Tammy, Jason, Colette, and Bryant,
We are friends of Sherry's from Texas. Please know that you all are in our prayers. We have started a prayer chain for you guys with emails to friends and so on.We will continue to pray for a complete healing of Colette. Stay strong! Kerri, Ray and Logan Wiggins

Kerri Wiggins <wigginsfamily@starband.net>
Burleson, Texas USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 0:11 AM CDT

AUNT KRISTIN <chrdancechic101@aol.com>
LEXINGTON, SC USA - Monday, June 13, 2005 9:01 PM CDT
Hey sweet girl, I enjoyed being with you at the hospital today. It was really nice of MawMaw to keep all the kids so I could visit with you and your Mommy. You were such a big girl during all of your tests, and I am very proud of you! It made me feel good when you talked to me or wanted me to hold you. I hope your Mommy and Daddy get a good nights' rest, and I bet tomorrow you will be even stronger. I love you.
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
- Monday, June 13, 2005 8:30 PM CDT
hey collette this is lauren and nicole we were just looking at how beautiful you are in all of those pictures our favorite picture is the one with the crown.you are in all of our prayers we love you and hope to see you soon. everyday is a pattycake praise day!
LaLa and Ntolio

lauren and nicole
mobile, al united states - Monday, June 13, 2005 2:30 PM CDT

MOBILE, AL MOBILE - Monday, June 13, 2005 1:33 PM CDT
Dear Tammy, Jason, Bryant and Colette,
Just a little note to let you know that you are all still in our daily thoughts and prayers. Your perseverence and obvious faith have indeed strengthened ours and given so many a reason to rely a little more on the faith that they do have. What an inspiration you all are! We will continue to pray for sweet Colette to have a full and quick recovery, and for the Lord to bless all of your lives with continued strength and believing. With Him ALL things are possible!
With Love,
Bethany and Mary Garner

Bethany Garner <bag1781@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Monday, June 13, 2005 1:22 PM CDT
Tammy, Jason, Colette, and Bryant,

We are still praying for you all. Colette, we pray that you will get better and stronger everyday. We ask God to lessen the side effects of the chemo and heal your little body completely. Tammy and Jason, we pray God will be your rock during this time and you will continue to lean on Him for strength and motivation. He, above all, knows the love of a parent for their child and knows every care and concern you have right now. We ask that He give you peace of mind and renew your spirit daily. Bryant, we ask God to ease any worries you may have and to help you adjust to all the changes going on right now. Keep being a strong big brother. We love you guys and will continue to pray for you daily!
Aprel,Clint, Haley, and Alexander Mathews

Aprel Mathews <coolbmathews@bellsouth.net>
Madison, AL Madison - Monday, June 13, 2005 8:30 AM CDT
Colette sweetie, you are absolutely beautiful! I love the picture of you in your princess crown. (My daughter likes to wear hers too!) Tammy and Jason, reading your journal has brought tears to my eyes. I ask myself if I could be as strong as the two of you. I admire your optimisim and courage. Don't lose your faith! Our God is an awsome God and He'll never leave your side! All of you guys will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Christine Evans <ChristineEvans@mchsi.com>
Semmes, AL USA - Monday, June 13, 2005 8:22 AM CDT
Dear Colette, My prayers are with you and your family. This is such a difficult time for you all; But also a time for drawing closer. With our faith in God, I know everything will be O.K. Leaving you in His Great Care.

Patti Freeland <pfreeland@sheriff.co.mobile.al.us>
Mobile, AL - Sunday, June 12, 2005 3:42 PM CDT
MOBILE, AL USA - Sunday, June 12, 2005 3:17 PM CDT
MOBILE, AL USA - Sunday, June 12, 2005 2:54 PM CDT
Hey ya'll...I'm in Mrs.Penny's Sunday School class and I just had to write to you guys! I find it very encouraging that ya'll are so strong...I found some verses that may help through this time of battle. The first verse I'm going to give is Jeremiah 15:15-21..it talks about how you don't deserve things like this and pain, but somehow you get them anyway, then it goes on to say how God will deliver you through it...I found it encouraging and thought I'd share it. Another one I found is Psalm 77...it talks about crying out to God without holding back..I know that you guys most likely do that already and just don't understand the stumbling blocks he has put in front of you, but God says that He "has a plan for you, plans to give you hope and a future, plans to prosper, not to harm"...just remember that and always know that He's there for you when everything seems to be going all wrong! Remember Joshua 1:9.."Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." If you're feeling hopeless ask God to remind you who he is: the always faithful, always merciful God. Your "down" feelings won't last forever, but God does. God is faithful. He stands with you and for you. I Peter 1:7: "These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure." This says that you can still let your faith shine, even when bad things happen. Such trials teach you to be more patient and help you grow to be more like Jesus. Romans 15:13 says "So I pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in Him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." That is my prayer for you guys and also for Colette. Please tell Colette that I am praying for her and to get better! Know that you guys are precious and I wish you all the best..I'm praying for you! I'm always here if you want someone to talk to...my e-mail address is below, feel free to e-mail me at any time! Love always, Katie Forbes
Katie Forbes <katiegirl7845@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Sunday, June 12, 2005 1:40 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you all know that you are still in our thoughts and prayers! We are all rooting for a quick recovery.


Sabrina <tobecancerfree@yahoo.com>
cullman, al - Sunday, June 12, 2005 1:51 AM CDT
My prayers are with you, Collette, and your family. I am Dean Carlisle's niece. I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma on May 13, 2004. With the many prayers that I received, I am now in remission. I want you to know that I am praying for you very hard for your comfort and a speedy recovery.
Rebekah Davis <rebekahdavis@charter.net>
Dadeville, Al USA - Sunday, June 12, 2005 0:08 AM CDT
Hi Colette,
We missed you in bible school at Highland Baptist Church this week. We had so-o-o-o much fun. We had a great time on Thursday. That was the day we got to pretend that we were visiting Knott's Berry Farm. We had many different jumping blow-ups to play in. We are going to miss you at church. However, we understand why you need to move. Well, I hope that you continue to get better. My mom and I are praying for you. My mom reads me your journal and we look at your beautiful pictures.

Morgan Breland , age 2, w/ Mommy's help (Rebekah) <rebekah_breland@yahoo.com>
Laurel, MS USA - Saturday, June 11, 2005 5:41 PM CDT
Dear Tammy and Colette, I had such a nice visit with you. Colette you are such a big girl to take your medicine though it does not taste good. Keep doing what mommy and daddy tell you to so you can get well faster. We all love you and are praying for each one of you. The stress on all of you is tremendous and can cause you to feel so frustrated with each other and little things can seem enormous. PERSEVERE IN PRAYER!!! DON'T LET SATAN IN. The devil wants to see you dispair and quarrel. Be patient with each other and also with yourselves. Remember that God will not abandon you. Prayers continue to go out for you constantly. Peace be with you always, Love Aunt Toni and family
Toni Delaney <ltlflwr1954@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al U.S.A. - Saturday, June 11, 2005 4:31 PM CDT
Dearest Loved Ones, You are all on our prayer list at Haven Woods Baptist Church too, Bro. Mike even tried to visit you at USA before you left for UAB the first time(you had already left). I pray you have received your prayergrams. I promise, we have a praying little church and we have your names written down and God is faithful to hear and answer, He promised. Love in Christ, Winkie
Winkie <jim_carolcrocker@bellsouth.net>
Semmes, AL US - Saturday, June 11, 2005 9:17 AM CDT
Dearest Tammy and Jason you, Colette and Bryant are always in our thoughts and prayers. We have friends that have a Grandson with the same thing Colette has and is being treated at St. Judes by Dr. Santana. The mother, Jackie, said if you would like to talk, she would be glad to hear from you anytime! I have the phone numbers where they can be reached. They have been battling this for about 3 years I think, but their son wasn't as young as Colette when they found his problem. We love you! Winkie & Alton
Jim and Carol Crocker <jim_carolcrocker@bellsouth.net>
Semmes, AL USA - Saturday, June 11, 2005 8:47 AM CDT
Tammy heres a song for your heart today:" When I Call On Jesus
" by Nicole C. Mullins

when I call on Jesus all things are possible
I can mount on wings like eagles and soar
When I call on Jesus all things are possible
He'll move heaven and earth to come rescue me when I call!!!! I love you all and hold you in my heart. Love Aunt Kathy

Kathy Taylor <Kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
Theodore, Al. usa - Saturday, June 11, 2005 8:29 AM CDT
Dear Jason, Tammy, Bryant & Colette,
Just want you to know that our church family prayer warriors at Christ Community Church in New Smyrna Beach, Fl. are praying for all of you. I am Francie Dougherty's sister-in-law. We ask for a miracle.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life." John 3:16

Regina Wise <wiseregina@hotmail.com>
New Smyrna Beach, FL Volusia - Friday, June 10, 2005 7:40 PM CDT
Dear Pate Family,

I so understand what you have been through over the past few weeks and in fact I cried as I read through your journal updates cause they sounded all too familiar. You see my daughter, Sarah Anne, was dx (diagnosed) with Leukemia when she was 2 1/2 years old and through God's grace and mercy she just finished up her 1st grade year with all A's and perfect attendance. I tell you this to share the hope and joy that only God can provide through something has devastating as childhood cancer. We too, were treated at Children's Hospital of Birmingham. You haven't stated Colette's oncologist, but considering her dx is neuroblastoma, I would imagine it is Dr. Robert Castleberry, as he is indeed one of the top neuroblastoma doctors in our area. He was also Sarah Anne's oncologist. Please know we are praying for Colette and your precious family. I also work at UAB (engineering research) and only wish I would found out about Colette sooner and would have gotten to visit and pray with you before you left Childrens for home. However, I praise God that you are home. If your family has any questions about anything please feel free to email us. God did not see our family through this trial, only for us to never give back the love He and others showed us.

**Buy a nice notebook with pockets in it and keep it with you at all times, especially in the beginning. Write down as much as you can, because after those infrequent, marathon, visits with the doctors, you will have notes to reference back to when questions arise.

May God give your family the strength, peace and hope that only He can provide.


Steven, Kelly, Sarah Anne , Emma, Jonah Hicks <hicks@cbse.uab.edu>
Birmingham, AL USA - Friday, June 10, 2005 3:44 PM CDT
Dear Pate family,
we are pleased you are getting settled in Mobile near family and pray the transition is a smooth one. We will miss you in Laurel. Many folks stop us and ask how you all are doing, many are praying for Colette. We will continue to lift her up in prayer as well as you all. For Him, Bro. Roy and karen

karen CROWE <karen4roy@aol.com>
laurel, ms uSA - Friday, June 10, 2005 2:44 PM CDT
Dear Jason, Tammy, Bryant & Colette, I have been reading Colette's guestbook and am totally in awe of the power of God and the way he is working through your precious baby to reach and teach others. Your baby has touched more hearts and lives in her two years than some people touch in a lifetime. The outpouring of prayer, love and support is amazing. I keep finding perfect opportunities to forward Colette's website to others so don't find it strange to hear from Texas, Pennsylvania and places in between. I love you all and want you to know that you are in my prayers daily. Thanks so much for sharing all that you do with us. Kiss and hug Colette and Bryant for me and tell Bryant to find a "dinozilla" and color it for Aunt Trisha. When your spirits feel a little weary or you find yourselves worrying, remember to remember He said, "Be still and know that I am God".
Trisha Pierson <trisha.pierson@arkemagroup.com>
Saraland, AL USA - Friday, June 10, 2005 11:59 AM CDT
Dear Pate Family,
Just wanted to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers each and every day. We know that God is able to work miracles and we have faith that he will work one in little Colette. It touched our hearts to see her Wed. night. We have no doubt that God is holding her tightly in his arms. Stay strong... Phil 4:13

Miss Marion and Melissa Long <dragnfly1225@yahoo.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Friday, June 10, 2005 10:39 AM CDT
Dear Jason, Tammy, Bryant & especially Colette:

I'm glad to hear that ya'll have made it back to Mobile, and that you are making good progress getting set up in your home. I've never been much of a "fixer-upper" but if there is anything that you believe that I can do to help you out, then don't hesitate to ask me. Keep the faith - and continue to stay positive . . . because the truth is that your faith, your hope, and your abiding love is all that you can depend upon at this stage in your lives. The deep strength of your "faith" is a true inspiration to all of us who love you. I am constantly with you in spirit,

Uncle Billy

Billy Jackson <WBJII@BenStokes.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Friday, June 10, 2005 10:36 AM CDT

THEODORE, AL USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 11:23 PM CDT
Tammy thanks so much for keeping us informed of Colettes progress it is so nice to be able to check on her without bothering anyone. Love Aunt Kathy
kathy <Kkatburger@Wmconnect.com>
Theodore, Al USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:04 PM CDT

AUNT KRISTIN <tom.pate@nationallinen.com>
LEXINGTON, SC USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 7:09 PM CDT
tammy and jason-
so glad to hear that you are doing well. i received an email of jason's moving schedule by email from the pastor's sec. i plan to be available thursday night. i'll definately locate some boxes, etc. continuing to pray for each of you.

Cellie Scoggin <scogginfamily@megagate.com>
Laurel, Ms USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 3:51 PM CDT
As for your song.....how about "This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it...this is the day, this is the day
Still praying for you & the family
Freida Blanton (FBTC)

Freida Blanton <fblanton@fbtc.org>
Mobile, AL USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 1:56 PM CDT
hey Mrs.Tammy,Mr.Jason,Bryant,and Colette,
i am so glad that yall are back i hope everything is working out for the best tell lil bryant that valerie said hey and thanks for being such a great big brother and colette you are such a big gurl for hangin in there you keep being strong and Mrs. Tammy you and Mr. Jason keep being srtong and show colette that everything is going to be ok we i love you all and my fiance boris sends his love to everyone

valerie green and boris ban <lilgriff88@yahoo.com or iloveboris280@hotmail.com>
mobile, al usa - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 11:05 AM CDT
Your family is on our prayer list at Downtown Church in Searcy, AR. I decided to view your web page and maybe send some words of encouragement. BUT, after reading your journal/letter, I realized it was you who is uplifting me! Our God is So good--even in difficult times, one still finds a way to encourage others. THANK YOU!! All things do 'work together for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose'
Catherine Malnar
Searcy, AR - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 7:01 PM CDT
God bless each one of you and hold you in the palm of His hand. God is in charge. In Christ
Winnie Bell <winniebell@sbcglobal.net>
Searcy, Ar USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 11:22 AM CDT
I was just forwarded your caring bridge page by a friend. Colette is in my prayers today and mom and dad also. Colette is a beautiful child. I wish you well on your journey through chemotherapy, I have had chemo myself and could not imagine what it would be like to endure that as a child. Your strong will and faith in God will get you all through this. Best to you.
Emily Morris <emilymc@gulftel.com>
Foley, AL - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 7:43 AM CDT




THEODORE, AL MOBILE - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 5:59 AM CDT
Tammy, Jason and Colette:
I'm a customer/friend of Lisa Watkins. Your family will be added to the prayer list in the newsletter of my Sunday school class (Young Adult Couples 30-40) at First Baptist Church in Foley, AL....I have connections-I'm the editor! LOL :~) Reading your journal is so inspiring! Your faith in our LORD is so evident. Amazingly, I was just singing "Our God is an awesome God" to my sons at bedtime tonight before I checked email and learned of your situation. My husband and I have 3 sons, Kaden will be 5 on June 28, and Landon & Grayson (yes, twins!) will be 3 on July 26. Considering this, your situation is very close to my heart. I will keep checking on all of you thru the website for updates. May your faith in HIM continue to be unwaivering as you "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, lean not unto thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5&6. Love & Blessings......

Heather, Presley, Kaden, Landon & Grayson Hitchcock <kaden_smomma@hotmail.com>
Foley, AL - Monday, June 6, 2005 10:35 PM CDT
hello i am a friend of Lisa and i don't know you but i was very disappointed about your daughter's illness. I am praying for her. keep me posted. I know it is hard but keep the faith. God will pull her thru this storm. keeping you in my prayers my name is SGT Telecia Stanton i am out of mobile, al take care
Sgt telecia stanton <qtelecia@yahoo.com>
mobile, al usa - Monday, June 6, 2005 7:23 PM CDT
Way to go Colette!!! Can't wait to see you and give you a special present from Grace. Tammy email me and I will give you my phone number. God is Good!!
Rick and Sandra Green and girls <sandragreen36605@yahoo.com>
mobile, al usa - Monday, June 6, 2005 6:01 PM CDT
FORT MYERS, FL USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 2:07 PM CDT
Hi Tammy-
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the Earth Hear His Voice!! Let the People Rejoice!! The Sunday school class prayed specifically for the car situation. He is an on time God. Yes, He is.
I am praying. I am also praying for Bryant as I know this will be tough for him.
Love in Jesus-

Cellie Scoggin <scogginfamily@megagate.com>
Laurel, MS USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 1:57 PM CDT
This is so wonderful!!! I hope to see you soon! Please call me if you need any help with anything!
In Love and Faith,

Amanda <MannaKay@netscape.net >
Mobile, AL - Monday, June 6, 2005 12:57 AM CDT
I first want to thank EVERYONE, for their prayers and support. It is times like these that build our faith and make us believe in the power of prayer even more. KEEP PRAYING! I was sitting up on Sun. night after our first visit to B'Ham and wanted to share this little poem.

My Dear Sweet Colette,

You're so loving and so giving
You're so young, and yet so strong
You've hardly begun living
You haven't done anything wrong

I know the pain that you are feeling
Is ever so persistent
But the Love that's in your face and voice
Is ever so resistent

To the trouble that you feel inside
Not knowing what is the matter
When you close your eyes when they come in
Not hearing the doctor's chatter

You know that something's wrong
Cause you are not home where you should be
Playing with your Bryant and your toys
Taking naps and drinking tea

I wish that I could be like you
So trusting and devoted
Not questioning what is what
Looking for the answers and for motives

I am proud that I'm your Pappoo
And I look forward to the days
When I can watch you dance and cheer
Laugh, and grow in so many ways

So be tough my little love
There's some pain you have to endure
I wish that I could take from you
And that you can be sure

Everyone stay strong and keep the Faith
Believing in our God
He'll protect you as it says In Psalms
With His staff and rod

God is Healing you my Love
I Love You,

Pappoo, Nana, Natalie, Justin and Kristin <tom.pate@nationallinen.com>
Lexington, SC Lexington - Monday, June 6, 2005 12:49 AM CDT
Hey Tammy!

It's Heather (Fath) Messick. Mark and I went to the 15 year class reunion on Saturday and heard about what has been going on with Colette. Please know that you, Jason, Colette and the rest of the family are in our prayers. I also asked everyone here at Integrity Music to lift up Colette and pray for her miraculous healing.

Please let me know when you get back into town and if there is anything that Mark and I can do for you guys.

With much love and prayers,


Heather Messick <heatherm@integinc.com>
Saraland, AL USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 9:44 AM CDT
I can't get that song out of my head now. To know that the prayers of everyone are being answered has put a smile on my face.

Amanda <MannaKay@netscape.net>
Mobile, AL - Monday, June 6, 2005 9:32 AM CDT
Hey Tam, Jason and Colette,
I am SO glad to hear what God is doing! I have had extra special prayer for you guys every day. Please call me. I can get the boys to help with any clean-up that is needed. Jason, you might even be able to get Jon to help you with the move. Like you have said, everything happens for a reason and God has control over it! Colette, as soon as you get better, we are going to go get you that princess dress! ;) I Love you guys. Please call me!
In Love and Faith,

Amanda <MannaKay@netscape.net>
Mobile, AL - Monday, June 6, 2005 8:56 AM CDT
Hi Tammy and Jason,

I just wanted to let you know that we have you all in our thoughts and prayers. Colette looks so good in her pictures and I'm glad to see her eating. I know it will be hard to see the side effects from the chemo, but this medicine will give Colette a fighting chance.

Stay Strong And Believe,
Lona, Bill, Nicholas, And Christopher

Lona Robbins <blrobbins@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Sunday, June 5, 2005 6:56 PM CDT
Hi Tammy-
So glad to hear that you are doing so well. Praise the Lord!! He is good. ALL the time.
As I type this, I have no idea what to say to you as I've never been through something like this. However, I know that He will suppy your needs according to HIS riches in Christ. He is faithful. He is ALL you need. With faith you can move mountains. So, trust Him. He will lead, guide, and direct you.
If you get time, call me on my cell or call me collect at home 6017294612. I've tried to get you on your cell, but cannot. I'll try your room later tonight. I will be praying for you, Jason, Bryant, and Collett.
Love in Jesus-

Cellie Scoggin <scogginfamily@megagate.com>
Laurel, MS US - Sunday, June 5, 2005 4:33 PM CDT
hey Tammy Jason and Colette,
Just wanted to tell you we love you guys, and even on a Saturday night you continue to be in our thoughts.
We are at Chad's house and Bryant is over here getting to spend time with everyone.
We are going to take him to church tomorrow with Christian. Y'all will be in our prayers.
we love you all.
Colette keep being a big girl. Can't wait to see you and paint your toenails again.
Love Aunt Brandy and Uncle Todd

Aunt Brandy and Uncle Todd <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Mobile, AL usa - Saturday, June 4, 2005 9:13 PM CDT
Colette, you look so beautiful and Aunt Sherry is proud to see you eating those carrots! That puts a smile on my face! Matthew wanted to pray for you and Aunt Tammy today and asked his Mommy to tell God to make the bad stuff go away. So I did. I love you, sweet girl.
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
M, AL USA - Saturday, June 4, 2005 6:48 PM CDT
Good afternoon sweet babies, The daily news on Colette and all of you is so encouraging. Please be assured that we are persevering in prayer for Colette's complete healing and for strength and courage for you Jason and Tammy. At mass last evening, one of the readings was from the holy gospel according to Matthew."Come to me all who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and LEARN FROM ME,for Iam meek and humble of heart;and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy and my burden light." Father said that in our suffering we are able to come into a closer communion with Him. He said for good to come out of our pain we must unite our suffering to His.May God be with you and help you in every way !!! God bless you and good night,Love Aunt Toni, Uncle James, John and Matthew
Toni Delaney <ltlflwr1954@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al U.S.A. - Saturday, June 4, 2005 5:51 PM CDT
Hey again, your cousin Kathryn here...

I just want you guys to know what an inspiration you are. Your faith, your love, your strength, not to mention Colette's courage. Children are amazing aren't they?! I think of you all and Colette daily and pray that the chemo will do its job, yet be gentle on her little system. Hang in there... as my dear daddy says "This too shall pass..." ....

Behind the darkest of clouds, the sun is always shining....

Take care & God bless you all.

With LOTS of Love, BIG Hugs & Kisses, and my Very Best Wishes,


Kathryn Jamrozy <kat@expship.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Saturday, June 4, 2005 8:42 AM CDT
My Dearest Darlings Jason, Tamichele and Miss Colette,
My heart is so heavy being away from you to comfort you like a momma is supposed to. But, I know without a doubt that God has allowed so many BLESSED people to fill my shoes...as I read my heart pain just melts away by the precious words, scriptures, strength and faithfulness of all these messages of love. Kiss maw maw's darling and hold each other for me...0000000XXX all my love momma


For all of you that are visiting this page and don't have this same kind of peace as you read these testimonies ask yourself," Tonight if I were to die, would I be with all of these who TRUST GOD WITH ALL THEIR HEARTS & SOULS in heaven??? WILL YOU?
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world( ME) that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus) that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish (die) but have everlasting (eternal) life. NOT SURE? Pray: Dear Lord, forgive my sins I know I can not enter heaven without asking Jesus to be the saviour of my life. I know I want to live in eternity with you forever and ever. Thank you for sending Jesus so He could take my sin on Him and be raised from the grave to set me free. I too, want enter the kingdom of heaven. Amen.

It is just that simple...don't put it off.... do it now! This whole ordeal with my precious little grand baby could be for you to come to God. You didn't just happen onto this web site. May you know some of the strength we are recieving from other christian brothers and sisters in Christ:)

love in Christ, Mrs. Penny (Tammy's momma)

Momma <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com_>
theodore, al mobile - Friday, June 3, 2005 11:55 PM CDT
Tammy I will keep your family in my prayers and I hope that everyone stays strong.
Ashley Ellis <jimmy101679@wmconnect.com>
mobile, al us - Friday, June 3, 2005 8:59 PM CDT
I am a friend of your Aunt Fran and work for our local hospice as a clinical social worker. I just wanted to share a prayer with you and let you know I will keep you and Colette in my prayers.This is a prayer for courage in suffering. Jesus even though you never committed one fault, you lived a life of suffering.You took upon yourself all our sins. You started your life in a cold stable. You began your public life with a severe fast. You sweated blood for love of me and a hideous death on the cross. Lord I seek a willingness to deny myself and take up mine and others crosses daily.Grant me a spirit of mortification so that I too can live my life like yours. Help me to be willing to shed tears for those whom you entrusted to my care.May God continue to shine his Grace on you and fill you with the strength you need to continue each day."Be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart" Psalm 27:14 God Bless you all, Kim Pieretti
Kim Pieretti
Ft. Myers,, Fl - Friday, June 3, 2005 6:46 PM CDT
Colette and Family, Just want you to know that you have prayers going up for you in Searcy, AR. We will be praying for healing and also for you to have a great new home with a SPECIAL bedroom when you are all better. Keep the Faith!! Trusting in God, Sherri Harris
Sherri Harris <sharris1126@sbcglobal.net>
Searcy, AR - Friday, June 3, 2005 6:39 PM CDT
Dear Jason, Tammy, Bryant, and Colette,
I've been reading all these notes of encouragement and I think it's AWESOME!!!!!!! AIN'T GOD GOOD!!!!!!! I know that with all the prayers and love shared by these wonderful people that Colette is a very special and blessed little girl. If you need anything at all please let us know. We are all praying, Krissy has her church praying for all of you too. It will be so good when you can come home where we can see you. We love you all very much and miss you too. Please keep us informed when you can.
Love, Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Kathy, and Little Jimmy.

Kathy Taylor <Kkatburger@wmconnect.com>
Theodore, Al Mobile - Friday, June 3, 2005 5:03 PM CDT
An old high school friend in Arkansas told me about Collette. I just want you to let Collette and her family know that many folks in Montgomery, AL are praying for them. Our heavenly Father hears our prayers and knows everything we need, even before we do! Our love to you all.
Mrs. L. Phillips
Montgomery, AL USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 3:39 PM CDT
dear Colette,
Please get well soon. I can't wait to see your pretty face. Keep smiling and making everyone around you smile too.
Brianna Rawlins

Brianna Rawlins <moomoorer@aol.com>
theodore, al usa - Friday, June 3, 2005 3:06 PM CDT
Dearest Jason, Tammy ,Bryant and Colette, You are all in our prayers every day and I know that God is blessing each one of you through this trial because He never allows anything bad to happen to us unless a greater good will come out of it. Put you complete trust in Him for He alone will call us back to Himself in His time. Rejoice in the gift of life no matter how long it be, that God gave us to one another to share in His body, to lift one another up and never forget that the goal of this life is to help each other to heaven. " Be patient in suffering ,be constant in prayer" {Romans 12:12} "Companions with Him in suffering, you will share His overflowing happiness {Corinthians 1:7}. "May the Lord watch over you as you come and as you go." I love ya'll, Aunt Fran xxoo
Frances J Dougherty <carouselcottages@aol.com>
Fort Myers, Fl USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 2:45 PM CDT
Dearest Jason, Tammy ,Bryant and Colette, You are all in our prayers every day and I know that God is blessing each one of you through this trial because He never allows anything bad to happen to us unless a greater good will come out of it. Put you complete trust in Him for He alone will call us back to Himself in His time. Rejoice in the gift of life no matter how long it be, that God gave us to one another to share in His body, to lift one another up and never forget that the goal of this life is to help each other to heaven. " Be patient in suffering ,be constant in prayer" {Romans 12:12} "Companions with Him in suffering, you will share His overflowing happiness {Corinthians 1:7}. "May the Lord watch over you as you come and as you go." I love ya'll, Aunt Fran xxoo
Frances J Dougherty <carouselcottages@aol.com>
Fort Myers, Fl USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 2:40 PM CDT
Colette, Thank you for sharing your toys, candy and smiles with me Tuesday. Your sweetness and love is radiant. You brightened my whole world. I grew up with your Daddy, uncles and aunts. Jason (Daddy) is my older cousin and I've always looked up to him, his good-natured sense of humor, adventurous spirit and quiet strength. Looking in your eyes, it is clear that he has passed all those virtues on to you. I love you, your Daddy, Mommy, uncles, aunts and grandPates. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I look forward to seeing y'all in July and whenever you visit Birmingham. Cousin Daniel, 205-743-9523
Daniel Jackson <noskcajleinad@yahoo.com>
Birmingham, AL USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 2:18 PM CDT
Dear Tammy, Jason, Bryant & Colette,
I've been praying for you ever since Penny told me of the situation. Of course we get calls daily here in the office wanting an update. I've published your web page in the hospital list so many are using that. I read a quote from Charles Swindoll that I want to share with you. "It's awesome to realize today was in God's mind and plan long before this earth was created. He knew you would be where you are at this very moment, living in your present circumstances, facing the kind of pressures you're enduring." "I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me. Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done." Isaiah 46: 9 & 10 We can rest in the knowledge that He knows EVERYTHING AT ALL TIMES and He hasn't forgotten any of His children. We anticipate your victorious return to us in the near future. May His love, peace & strength surround you on this journey.
You are loved, Freida

Freida Blanton <fblanton@fbtc.org>
Mobile, AL USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 1:45 PM CDT

JERRY, CHRIS, CODY, LINDSEY VISE <gwvise@bellsouth.net>
MOBILE , AL - Friday, June 3, 2005 0:41 AM CDT
Pate Family, We got Colette's website from Jay and Holley Dixon. We are from Mobile. We are very familiar with what you are going through. Our son was diagnosed at the end of January 2005 with a brain tumor. He had surgery and is now at St Jude and is going through chemo. God is good and will help you through this - it sounds like you know that already though. Your family will be in our prayers. If you need to talk - you can email me. I truly understand exactly where you are now and how scary it is. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Lisa Tanner (www.caringbridge.com/al/cole) <lisatanner@comcast.net>
St Jude, Memphis, Target House - Thursday, June 2, 2005 11:02 PM CDT
Hey Tammy. Hey Jason. Hope y'all are doing well. I just wanted to let y'all know I love y'all and I'm keeping y'all and Colette in my prayers. Hope to see y'all soon. God Bless.
James Crocker
Mobile, AL USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 10:48 PM CDT
Jason & Tammy,
Just a note to let you know Doyle & I are praying for you guys and the little princess. I too have a history with UAB. God gives us Drs, meds, and treatments and the wisdom to make decisions involving our health. The Drs at UAB have world-wide aclaim for being some of the best.
It breaks our heart to think of this precious baby going thru such an ordeal. You must have faith that God is using you guys in a special way and He is in CONTROL. God is still in the healing business and we may not know this side of heaven how many lives are being touched by the strength you all are showing. Good Night, now, we love you all!!

Angie Patrick
Theodore, AL US - Thursday, June 2, 2005 8:16 PM CDT
Jason & Tammy,

Jason- we went to Murphy with you and I am friends with Tony and Kathryn Garner and just want you to know that we are praying diligently for your daughter, Our best friend's son' Cole Tanner, also has childhood cancer medulloblastoma and is currently at St. Judes receiving chemo treatment so from that I know you have a long road. The good news here is God is in control and has placed you in great hands. Our heart goes out to you and we will continue to check Colette's condition on the website.

Jay & Holley Dixon <msholleyworld@aol.com>
Theodore, AL 36582 - Thursday, June 2, 2005 8:00 PM CDT
I just wanted to let everyone know , how much reading this every night helps build us back up. Many times I find myself in tears reading the Beautiful, and Uplifting words of faith and hope . I know there from the heart because they touch mine so deeply.
There are moments when I feel I'm not as strong as I need to be, but I just remember this one thing:..."I don't have to walk on water, I just have to hold the hand of the one that does!" GOD is in control of every aspect of my life. I lift up Colette to HIM , and have faith HE will take care of her.
Please keep us in your prayers,It's amazing how God can work in someone,Even as small as my little Girl.

We love ya'll,
Jason Pate and Family

Jason Pate ( Colette's daddy ) <jpate@hillercompanies.com>
mobile, al - Thursday, June 2, 2005 7:56 PM CDT
i hope my bffs niece gets better!
good luck to everyone !
lylas kristin

kendra <www.boycrazy1294@aol.com>
lexington, sc usa - Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:07 PM CDT
Colette,hope you get well soon.me and my mom are praying for you. can't wait to see your pretty little face. keep smiling and making everyone around you smile too.
love,Brianna Rawlins

Brianna Rawlins <moomoorer@aol.com>
theodore, al usa - Thursday, June 2, 2005 4:39 PM CDT
Jason and Tammy,

Just want to let you know that y'all are in my prayers and if you need anything, please let me know. You are at the best Hospital you could be and the best Doctors. Keep praying and God will answer your prayers.

Shannon McClure <smcclure@hillercompanies.com>
Mobile, AL USa - Thursday, June 2, 2005 3:38 PM CDT
I was just thinking about you today. I hope you got the care package we sent you. We love you and check on you everyday. We pray for you too. My little girls talk to Jesus about you every night. We will continue to check on you and pray for you everyday.

Jonathan, Susie, Emily and Sarah Keith <skeith13@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 2:49 PM CDT

I know you started your chemo today and I know that it is the first step in getting you well. Listen to your doctors and nurses. They love you and will be working very hard with our heavenly Father, Jesus, to get you feeling good again. I came by the hospital this morning to meet your mom and dad and visited with your dad. He is a neat guy! I will be praying for you and hope to see you soon.

Jane Pavel <jpavel@gfainc.com>
Birmingham, AL - Thursday, June 2, 2005 12:56 AM CDT
Colette, Tammy, Jason and Bryant
MaMa and PaPa have to return home today. We will continually pray for Colette's healing.We also need to pray for each case we have seen here at UAB. We have seen and felt God's love from mine and Penny's work, from the staff and workers here at UAB, family members and neighbors, in every step we take here UAB, on the internet and even in stores where we go. We know God sacrificed His only Son so that He can intercede for us. If each prayer for Colette is only a sparkle in Heaven, Heaven is well lit! We Love you! Remember to seek the Heavenly Kingdom first!

David, Penny and Mike <stangdave@bellsouth.net>
Theodore, al USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 12:36 AM CDT
Lord Jesus, I come to you in need of the Great Physician. Father, you and you alone are the mender of broken bodies and broken hearts. I pray that you would cradle Colette in your hands and do as only you can and heal her broken body. Father, I pray that you would hold Tammy and Jason and mend their broken hearts for their baby. Father, make you presence known to Colette as she goes through treatment and to Tammy and Jason as they wait for her. Although we may be scattered across the country, we come together to lift up Colette and the family to you. Dear Lord, I thank you for the opportunities you have already made available through this tragedy to share You to others and I thank you in advance for everything else that you are going to do. We love you and thank you. Amen

Tammy, Jason, Colette, and Bryant: I love you and looking forward to the miracle of the Lord. I hope to see you soon.

In Love and Faith, Amanda <MannaKay@netscape.net>
Mobile, AL - Thursday, June 2, 2005 12:10 AM CDT
To the Pate family,
You don't know us but we are members of Highland too. I just found our last night at church about your little girl. I only have one child, a daughter named Kristin and often times I think how strong my faith would be in such a crisis as this. Ya'll set a great christian example! I am always reminded that my child belongs to Him not me. I'm just the caregiver of his precious gift. I've read some of the entries and they brought me to tears. We're so blessed to be in his kingdom with so many wonderful people and I hope I never take it for granted. We are praying for you and your family.

Sandy, Randy and Kristin Saxon <sandys821@aol.com>
Laurel, MS - Thursday, June 2, 2005 11:34 AM CDT
Jason & Tammy,

I just wanted to let you know that you all are in my thoughts & prayers. My Hannah (now 15) was 2 when she had her first surgery... I remember how my heart ached for her.... I can only imagine what you all must be going through and I am so sorry. These are the times that really define us as parents and it is our deep love and faith, not to mention those sweet little smiles, that give us strength.

I am sending you all my love & very best wishes. Take care.


Kathryn (Uncle Ace's daughter)

Kathryn (Martin)Jamrozy <kat@expship.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 11:08 AM CDT
Colette and family- I too work with Dave and have started a prayer circle with some of my co-workers who I know believe in the power of prayer. Your family is an inspiration and a testimony of true faith under trying times. God is always with us. Lifting you up in prayer daily to our Heavenly Father. Sincerely, Jesse King B shift T&L
Jesse King <Kingjesse7@hotmail.com>
Lucedale, MS USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 8:26 AM CDT
dearest colette,bryant,jason,and tammy
we love ya'll very much and all of our waking moments of thought are with your beautiful family.we pray for all of you,especially colette,often.she is so strong and tough .we feel and believe that her smile gives you the strength to believe.its not fair for someone so pretty and full of life have to go through this.but it is like you said,she is in gods hands and it is his will.jason and tammy stay strong for one another and for your beautiful babies.we wish we were their holding your hands but just know we are there every second with all of you in our heart,mind, and prayers.give colette and bryant a huge monster hug and kiss for us.we love you,chad ,jennifer,christian,and neah

chad,jenn,christian,and neah pate <jnnfp1@aol.com>
semmes, al usa - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 11:17 PM CDT
Mrs tammy and mr jason, bryant,colette,
I know you guys don't know me well my name is Boris Valeries fiance i do not know what it is like to have a sick daughter but i have a sick sister shes okay now i just wanted to tell you that i feel very sorry for her and i wish the best for her and for everyone else i just hope GOD is gonna be with her and that shes gonna go through this fine and you can go on with ur lives as normal as before i will be prayin for colette and the family me and valerie wish you guys the best so give her alots of kisses
and valerie said to tell bryant hey and if he comes to vbs she has him again

Boris Ban and Valerie Griffin-Ban[AS OF AUG.4 2006} <loveval4life@yahoo.com>
mobile, al usa - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 10:46 PM CDT
Colette and family,
Highland Baptist Church had special prayer for you and your family tonight. We will continue to check your web site and keep up with her progress. God works His greatest miracles in our weakness when we don't know what to do and we give it all to Him. We will continue to pray for you. My cousin's grandchild has cancer and is getting treatments at St. Jude. She also has a caringbridge website. www.caringbridge.org/la/emilie. Love, Eddie, Charlotte & Lane Brady

Charlotte Brady <charlottebrady@hotmail.com>
Laurel, MS USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 10:17 PM CDT
Dear Darlings, I Give thanks to God for the hope he has given us in this most serious situation.Isn't our Father awesome!!!We wll continue to persevere in our prayers for Colette's cure and for her family's peace that passes understanding!!!So many prayers are being offered up on all of your behalf. Iknow that Jesus will be watching over Colette as she takes the chemo.We will all be praying that she will suffer very little discomfort durring and after treatments.Remember to take just one day at a time.If that gets to hard then one hour at a time.Iwill offer up all my aches, pains, and aggrivations for you all.Good night little dears I love you,Toni
Toni Delaney <ltlflwr54@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al U.S.A. - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 9:39 PM CDT
Hey Colette, All of us at FBTC kids Worship Glory Junction
prayed for you tonight. We sang songs and learned about how Jesus has a purpose for us. Colette Jesus has a purpose for you to. The purpose is to glorify God and you and your family are doing that. I'll try to send you a copy of all the songs we sing so you and Bryant can sing them on Wednesday nights up there. You'll be apart of us way up in good ole B'ham. Give Bryant, your Mom and Dad a big Hug for me. Love and Prayers, Ms. Celyn Pendleton

Celyn Pendleton <clynpen@aol.com>
Mobile, Al - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 9:15 PM CDT
You may not know who I am but I attend FBTC. Tonight I heard about your precious baby girl. I can't imagine what you are going through right now. It sounds though as if you have much strength and faith from the Lord God Almighty, and that my friend is definitely what you need at this time. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Be calm and stay strong for your little one. She will find her comfort in you.

Katrina Chasteen <luv2danz78@excite.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 8:52 PM CDT
Jason and Tammy,
We had special prayer in your sunday school sunday class Sunday morning and it was a wonderful time to lift colette up to the Lord. We know He is the great physician and all things are possible through Him. We also had special prayer tonight in prayer meeting.We miss you in sunday school and know that you are being lifted up to the Lord each and every day. We Love You Dale and Betty Strickland

Dale and Betty Strickland <dstrickland1439@comcast.net>
Laurel, MS USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 8:47 PM CDT
Hello, Just a quick note to let all of you know that we are thinking and praying for you. I work with Uncle Dave on "A" shift at Tate And Lyle, If there is anything we can do don't hesitate to ask, GOD will see you through this trial. Colette is beautiful, as all kids are in my eyes. Take care of Youselves and Dave for us.

Grady Busby <buzbee@millry.net>
Fruitdale, Al USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 7:40 PM CDT
What a beautiful young lady. I couldn't help tearing up just thinking about her and the opportunity that God has to make Himself known through her healing. God bless Colette and her family real good.
B. T. Collins <btcollins@c-gate.net>
Lauel,, Ms. U.S. - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 6:11 PM CDT
I found this verse, and wanted to send it to you
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" John 14:27
One of the first things Tammy said at USA Womens and Childrens when she was told of Colettes cancer was she had the "peace that passeth understanding", that continues to touch me, as my heart hurts for what you all are enduring. Todd, Nicole and I have you in all our thoughts and prayers.
I know today was probably extemely tough for all of you. I will pray for all of your strentgh (mental and physical) as you go through treatment over the next few days.
Love you all.
Tell Colette Aunt Brandy, Uncle Todd and Nicole all love her and to be a big girl! We will call again soon

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Mobile, AL Mobile - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 6:00 PM CDT
Hi guys, I am diligently checking your page to see how Colette is doing. I am sure it is a relief to you to now know what you're dealing with and how to approach it. God is already answering prayers and will continue to do so for your family. There are so many people who love and pray for you daily and this page is just a testament to that. I hope you know just how much I love you and you are as close to my heart as possible. Your faith and courage is a living testamony to all those around you. You never know who is watching and how you will touch somebody. Maybe through your struggle, because of your faith, you will help lead some lost person to a relationship with Christ and what better gift to give someone and what better thing to come out of Colettes struggle? It is already evidenced in how Jason is getting closer to our Savior. I will continue to pray for you and your family. That God will guide the Dr.'s, nurses and all those that care for you. That God will guide you as you may minister to others about Him. And mostly I will pray that your family is at peace with all that continues to go on around you. I love you and am just a short plane ride away. Anytime! Continue your fight with God at your side. Love!

Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 4:25 PM CDT
Jason, Tammy, Bryant, Colette and all the Pate Family:
I wanted to let you know that our entire family is united in prayer for all of you. Our families have always been united as one, even though our last names are different, the same blood flows through our veins. We are dilligently praying for the healing we know is coming in God's name. We lift you up to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in prayer each day, and ask that the angels of God give you peace and comfort during this most trying time. Know ALWAYS that you are in our hearts and prayers as you move forward with Godspeed toward the complete healing of your beautiful little girl. Know also that each of us is ready to help in whatever small or large way we can. Your family is our family. Your God is our God. We love each one of you very much, and await the Miracle of God's healing power that we know is coming! Ron Jr., Jeri, Brandon, Starla Wells, and Jason & Crystal Workman families.

Ron Wells, Jr. <Gentlesurf1@aol.com>
Mobile, Al. - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 1:56 PM CDT
As I sit here and read all the info on this site, I can only think of one passage that we talked briefly about on Sunday morning. Matthew 6:25-34 -- "For this reason I say to you, do not be anxious for your life, as to what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor for your body, as to what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single cubit to his life's span? And why are you anxious about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the feild grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory did not clothe himself like one of these. 'but if God so arrays the grass of the field, which is alive today and tommorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more do so for you, O men of little faith? Do not be anxious then, saying What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or with what shall we clothe ourselves? for all these things the Gentiles eagerly seek; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
How many times are we so concerned about stuff in our life that just doesn't matter, and God places us in situations that it is all about Him, and it is all for His glory.
O Praise you Jesus!!! That we have friends in Christ that through the dark times can hold such a grasp to you and still have the strength through you to turn around and witness to a lost person so he may have hope in you. Lord I know that Tammy and Jason are weary, confused, overwhelmed, and still they have to be very strong for Colette, Please today give them your strength, give them your wisdom and discernment to make the descisions you would have them make. Lord, help them to be that light to the place where they are, that most people there are lost and hopeless.
Tammy and jason - I admire you, I sit here and look at Kenna and just sob as she ask me why is Colette on that "puter" (computer) screen? I tell her she is sick in her belly and Jesus will fix her. She smirks and says "I know He will, and mommy - Colette is so cute." We love you and are praying for you. I can't wait to see what God's going to do with you guy's through this.
Love you all!

Dana Harbin <danaharbin@centurytel.net>
Mobile, Al - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 12:06 AM CDT
Dear Tammy, Jason & Family,
I have great hope and expectations for your little Colette. With the expert team of Dr.'s and God's will your baby will soon be healed. This experience has and will forever change your life and many others no matter what the outcome. I am thankful that your attitudes have helped so many of us be able to also cope with such a trial. You are bearing the weight of Jesus's cross for him. He will reward you for this in ways unimaginable ways.

With loving thoughts.

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 11:04 AM CDT
You are a beautiful girl. I will keep you and your family in my prayers for a speedy healing and God's grace and protection for you.

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience....we are spiritual beings having a human experience."

May your day be blessed, and may God cradle you in the palm of His hand.

Libby S. <lscrivy@yahoo.com>
Mobile, AL - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 10:19 AM CDT
Hey Colette,

Please tell your mommy and daddy something for me. Remind them what Matthew 18:10 says, "That your angel is always beholding the face of your Heavenly Father." Tell them that our gracious Father is watching over you, and the angel He has appointed to watch over you is looking at the Father's face waiting for His commands regarding you. I know it is easy for kids like you to see this. So you just tell your mommy and daddy that you trust your Heavenly Father to take care of you as He works through the hands of those good doctors and nurses who are taking care of you.

O by the way, you have a terric mom and dad who are there for you! Wow! You are a blessed with so many looking out for you. Also, my wife and I have shown your pictures to our friends and they are all praying to our Heavenly Father for you too. Thanks for the smiles!

By His grace,
Interim Pastor
First Baptist Tillmans Corner

Joel Faircloth <joelfaircloth@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, June 1, 2005 7:32 AM CDT
Dear Tammy, Jason, Bryant and Little Collete,
We just wanted to let you know that we are praying for God to bless and keep each of you and also for His ultimate healing of little Collete. We love each of you.
In Him,
Harvey and Tammy Saul

Tammy Saul <htsaul@comcast.net>
Laurel, MS USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 6:58 AM CDT
Dearest Jason,Tammy, and family,
I am Blair's cousin,Sally. I understand what you are going through. It is hard to see your precious child hurting. I know your faith in God will give you strength. May you feel the love and prayers of those surrounding you. Colette is in my prayers.

Sally Elder <sallye1717@aol.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 11:34 PM CDT
Hey, Colette & Family, we are pray you everyday! I pray the Lord will may your road is as easy if not easier than our. The Lord has blessed us in may ways. You cannot listen to satistics. GOD IS IN CONTROL! No matter what the doctors say! If you need anything, just ask!
DJ's website: www2.caringbridge.org/al/dj

Joy Hooks (DJ's Mom) <jhibus@yahoo.com>
Red Level, AL USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 11:12 PM CDT
Just a little inspiration!

Don't tell your God how big your illness is, tell your illness how big your God is!

Prayer and Faith- Prayer is asking for rain and faith is carrying an umbrella!

Tommy's mom again! <tobecancerfree@yahoo.com>
Cullman, Al Cullman - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 11:11 PM CDT
Hey Colette, you are such a strong little girl! And I'm really glad we got to meet you!


Tommy's family <tobecancerfree@yahoo.com>
Cullman, Al Cullman - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:57 PM CDT
i love you colette from mary madison
mary madison garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
mobile , al usa - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:35 PM CDT
Dear Colette and Family,

My name is Rebekah Breland. I have a 2 year old also. Her name is Morgan. I have seen you at Highland. I am trying to get your mailing address there to let Morgan send Colette some goodies. I heard your news Sunday at church. My family is praying for all of you. My father pastors a church in Richton, Mississippi. His church is praying for you also. Trust in the Lord. I have faith that He will walk you through every decision that you need to make.

Rebekah Breland <rebekah_breland@yahoo.com>
Laurel, MS USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:35 PM CDT
Tammy and Jason,

We are writing on behalf of Lance Crocker's Sunday School class at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Macon Georgia. We sent up a prayer for little Colette on Sunday and pray with you that she will experience a full recovery.

In Christ,
Rickie and Sheri Baucom

Rickie and Sheri Baucom <rickiebaucom@bellsouth.net>
Macon, GA USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:33 PM CDT
Hi folks!
Y'all don't know me, but I'm friends with Amanda. I received a prayer request for all of you from her. I have forwarded this prayer request to many people on my e-mail list as well. We'll keep you all in our thoughts and prayers!

Lisa Watkins
Semmes, AL USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:14 PM CDT

NA T <tom.pate@nationallinen.com>
LEXINGTON, SC USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 6:36 PM CDT
Dear Tammy and Jason,
As I stand in the shadow of today events, not knowing yet the outcome of the tests I will stand strong in my faith and will not waver no matter what the results my little colette will be healed, it may be a struggle with set backs but she will be healed. I stand resolved to pray even harder and will not listen to anything negative by especially DR's they are wrong more times than they are right and know not how strong we are in our faith and prayers. I will stay the course and keep my faith in God and in his goodness.


Nana and Pappoo <tom.pate@nationallinen.com>
Lexington, SC USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 6:20 PM CDT
You are truly in the hands of God. I realize that this is a very trying time in your lives. I pray that God will give you the strength to remain faithful to his purpose, and to trust. It was sad for me to see you learn of this, but I did feel grateful that God allowed me to at least be present so that you would know how much your Uncle Billy cares for you and your dear family. There is a something very special about you and your family Jason - the love is evident and it will sustain you. Your beautiful little girl reminds me of my own Michelle who I have always felt was filled with love. Just being around her makes me real
happy; and when Colette squeezed my finger while they were doing the cat-scan, I felt her inner-strength even as it broke my heart to see her frightened. I kid you about the fact that your Uncle may not have much "influence", but I did have "connections" - for whatever it is worth to you, I do feel close to the Blessed Virgin Mary and have often asked for her to intercede for me (with Christ) to protect me and my family from harm. The month of May is the month devoted to Mary, and I have prayed that she will intercede for Colette and for both of you. You and your sweet little
"princess" remain in my thoughts always. I do love ya'll
-Uncle Billy

Billy Jackson <WBJII@BenStokes.com>
Mobile, AL U.S.A. - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 6:19 PM CDT
We are thinking about you and that you are in our prayers at morningside of lexington.Know that Gods cares and he would never put more on us than we can bare stay encourage know that God is a healer and we are constantly praying for you.
Morningside of Lexington
Lexington, SC USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:30 PM CDT
Dear Colette,Little Princess, my family is praying for you and your family. You may not know it but you have a testimony for Jesus. You and your family are a walking,talking,and doing testimony of God's love and purpose. FBTC Kids Worship will lift ya'll up in prayer every Wednesday starting tomorrow. Soon you will be able to be with us too. We will save your spot for VBS also! Much love and prayer--Ms Celyn Pendleton, Mr Don, Lauren and Lynn
Celyn Pendleton <Clynpen@yahoo.com>
Mobile, Al - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:16 PM CDT
Hi! You don't know me, but I received an email from Shawn who is a friend of mine and a friend of Sherry's telling me of your situation. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.
Aimee Moore <aimeemoore@hotmail.com>
Munday, TX 76371 - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:40 PM CDT
Dear Collete and Family, I am brother Roy's daughter and I want yall all to know that me and all my roommate's and my accountability partners are praying for you.........may God be your stronghold, were praying for the princess and her family
Kari Crowe <Kcrowe6@aol.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:30 PM CDT
Thinking of you guys.....
I continue to pray throughout the day.
I keep opening the website - just because.....
Tammy and Jason - you guys are amazing. please don't hesitate to call Todd and I if you need anything.
We love yall!
We love you Colette. We will come and play soon.
Love Aunt Brandy

Aunt Brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Mobile, AL usa - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:28 PM CDT
Dear Colette-

My name is Michelle and I am in Strong Memorial hospital in Rochester, NY. Ihave cancer too. My teacher gave me your address. She is very nice. she said that you were sick like me, and that maybe to practice writing, I could write to you today. SHe is getting married too. I want to be a flower girl. I now you are going to be one. Hope you are getting better.

Michelle Kerns <RJ5275@hotmail.com>
Rochester, Ny USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:25 PM CDT
Dear Colette and family,
I think I speak for all of us here at home when I say that we are all praying for you tremendously. Just keep you heads held high and your prayers to the sky and nothing but good can come from it. We love you all very much!!!!!
Colette, you be a strong little girl for mommy and daddy.

Dave A. Wells <Ddazed69@aol.com>
Semmes, Al U.S.A - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:17 PM CDT
Tammy Hi. I work at Tate and Lyle with Dave. I would not even want to imagine what your family is going through. We will keep Colette in our prayers and hope everything turns out for the best. If you need anything feel free to let us know.
Jessie Newburn <msbit1@excite.com>
McIntosh, Al USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:04 PM CDT
Tammy,Jason,Bryant and Colette,
We are continuing to pray for all of you. We know this is such a difficult time for you and we are praying for your strentgh and faith.

Michael and lane Jackson <aumlb@aol.com>
Mobile , Al USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:58 PM CDT
Your family is in our prayers and may God be with you and your lovely daughter every minute of the day.
Judy H. Clements <judy.clements@tateandlyle.com>
Millry, Al - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:21 PM CDT
Hey guys. I am praying for you. I love you guys so much. Colette, you look so pretty and I am so glad to know that you are feeling better. Tammy and Jason, there are so many of us waiting with you and in spirit we are filling the hospital to capicity.
In Love and Faith,

Amanda <Mannakay@aol.com>
Mobile, AL - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:39 PM CDT
Today is Tuesday, and I was thinking of you guys. Jay and I have been praying for you. Colette you are so beautiful and we love you.
Leticia Rawls <rawlsfamily4@hotmail.com>
Mobile, AL - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:30 PM CDT
Dear Pate Family: We are so encouraged by your strong faith and outlook for little Colette. We are friends of Sherry and Craig. We are lifting you up in our prayers and know that our God is more than able to supply all your needs.
David, Kelly, Rachel and Carter Sullivan <kelly@cuteasabutton.us>
Mobile, AL USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:31 PM CDT
Dear Colette & family,
My husband, Rick, works with Dave at the Splenda plant. Colette, we will be praying for healing as you go through this very difficult time in your young life. May God wrap His Precious Arms around you and your family right now and keep you close. I love the picture of you-a beautiful princess! Love in Christ, Rick, Linda & Matt Dees

Rick, Linda & Matt Dees <landees@bellsouth.net>
Spanish Fort, Al USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:50 AM CDT
Rick and I are praying for all of you each and every day. Tell Bryant that Valerie says hi and so do I. Grace wants to know if Colette likes Dora. We would all like to send her something special. God Bless and we are praying for a speedy recovery.

Rick, Sandra, Valerie, Princess, Michelle, Amanda, Brianna, Taylor, Heather, and Grace <sandragreen36605@yahoo.com>
mobile, al usa - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:35 AM CDT
The Pate family,

I am praying that your beautiful child and your family is under God's hand of favor. Through Him, all things are possible. Matt 20:21 says that What you ask for in prayer, shall be given. I pray for peace and love for your situation. We have added Colette to the church prayer list and some wonderful people are praying with and for you.
With love and blessings,

Lisa Sanderson <lcs@americasouthmortgage.com>
Mobile, Al Mobile - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:44 AM CDT
I have said a special prayer for Colette. I work with her grand father, Tom. I will continue to remember her, Tom and other family members in my prayers. Continue to be faithful, for all things are possible through God.
Bettie D. Wicks
Columbia, SC - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:11 AM CDT
Dear God, thank you for the gift of Colette. Thank you for her wonderful little smile and her silly little faces. Thank you for her loving heart and how special you have made her. Thank you that you gave her to a family who loves and adores her, and that her family extends not only from her parents and brother but to other family members and friends. Lord, you know we would do anything in this world that we possibly can do for her. I know you have a plan, and Lord, I have no idea what it is. I just ask that you would help us understand your will in all of this; that you would give the doctors, nurses, and staff the wisdom and discretion to make the right decisions; that you would guide the hands of those who come in contact with Colette to be guarded with compassion and love; that you would give Tammy and Jason a sense of security and comfort and that you would remove all fear. God, I beg you to take away all of the fear from all of our hearts, and that we would focus on your glory in this situation. Please protect Colette, Lord, wrap your arms around her and help her to not be afraid of the doctors, nurses, staff, equipment, machines, and tests. Please wrap your loving arms around all of her grandparents who are watching their own children face this situation. Finally, Lord, I ask for a miracle to be done; that the outcome of this would be one that every person involved would say, "That was truly the work of God." And if I may make yet one more request of you, Lord, it would be that you would greatly reduce the severity of this illness in her little body; that you would begin to work even now to remove that from her. We love you Lord, and we know that these children are not ours but they belong to you, and we thank you for entrusting them to our care. This is my prayer to you, Father, please ease the aches in all of our hearts and help us focus on you.
Someone who loves Colette
- Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:01 AM CDT
Hi Tammy,I am a friend ,coworker with your Father.all of us here at Tate&Lyle are praying for a speedy recovery for your little angel,Colette.I believe everything is going to be alright,tell Dave we miss him and take care.
Roderick Bell <bellroderick@msn.com>
mcintosh, al USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:52 AM CDT
We are praying for you all.
Moffett Road Baptist Church

Sharadee Davis
Mobile, AL - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:51 AM CDT
Hi Jason, Tammy and Colette! I just wanted you to know that you are always in our prayers and we know that God will supply your every need. Tammy, it is awesome how God works. We are suppose to minister to you and you are ministering to us through your positive outlook and the many verses that you share. I thank God for you and I know that He will continue to give you what you need exactly when you need it. Every day is a Pattycake (Jesus) Praise Day! Stay focused on God and He will never fail you.
Jeanie Teed
Theodore, AL USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:25 AM CDT

Nicole Pate <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
Irvington, AL usa - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:25 AM CDT
Hey Guys,
Talked to Kim a little earlier and just wanted to send our love and prayers. Please let me know if we can help with anything on this end.

Daryl, J.J. & Kelsi Huggins <darylhuggins@hotmail.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:09 AM CDT
Dear Tammy Jason Bryant And Colette,
I just want you to know that we will be praying for you today. I have also been praying for all of the doctors giving her care, may God work through them to heal her and you all. You and Jason just amaze me with your strenght and hope and your trust in God. I know that this may be the most difficult time of your life but your faith will see you through.
Lona Bill Nicholas and Christopher

Lona Robbins <blrobbins@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL United States - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 8:51 AM CDT
Dearest Pate Family...Please know that your Highland family is praying for you.
Rusty & Regina Milner <rmilner@joinersigler.com>
Laurel, MS 39443 - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 8:44 AM CDT
My Dear Sweet Jason, Tammy, Bryant and Colette,
It is so hard being away from you in this terrible time. The time that we got to spend with you this week was wonderful. I feel your strength and get strength from your faith. I am very proud to be your Father and the Grandfather to your children. Colette has such a beautiful spirit and I can see your strenth in her. We will all get through this, I have faith. We are with you all. Lord bless us all and help us to stay strong in our Faith and learn to trust in the Lord the way Colette trusts her parents. I Love Yall, Dad

Pappoo, Nana, Natalie, Justin and Kristin <tom.pate@nationallinen.com>
Lexington, SC USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 8:40 AM CDT
Dear Jason, Tammy and Colette, we will pray in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit to heal Colette, give all of you strength, and free Jason of his kidney stone pain.

Stephen, Julie, Mark, & Brandon Kneipp <wallman1@bellsouth.net>
Laurel, MS USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:41 AM CDT
Hi! I'm Karen Foster's sister in Chattanooga, TN. Roger and I have been praying for you, Colette and yur Mom and Dad. And so is my friend Jeannie who lives with us. She is an intercessor. I will get our friends and church praying for you. Remember to always keep the "SON" in your eyes. You may not be able to do anything but God can do EVERYTHING. Just be sure that you let Him do all the work. Crawl up on ABBA, Daddy's lap. Snuggle up close to his chest and He will give you peace for tomorrow and the next and the next and. . .

Love because of Him, Marie Crowe

Marie Crowe <racrowe1@comcast.net>
Ooltewah, TN USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:19 AM CDT
Tammy, Jason, Colette, and Bryant:
Wow! God is already using you in amazing ways through all this! I can't imagine how difficult this must be, but please know you are in our prayers. All of the pictures are so good, but especially the one in her princess dress, it is so cute and adorable of Colette! She is a Child of the King - His Princess! He will protect and make a way! Love, Lori Elmore (Jeremiah 29:11)

Lori Elmore <lorielmo@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 0:28 AM CDT
Dear Tammy & Jason,
I just checked my email and found this terrific website. What a blessing! Your Christian family at Highland in Laurel is praying for you all. We had a special prayer time in our SS class Sunday morning and I know other classes were also praying. We also missed you singing with us in choir. Please continue to keep us updated on Colette as we'll check the website regularly. Remember that we can not always comprehend God's ways, as he, in his wisdom, carries out his plans. But even when we can't see his hand or see what he's up to, we can ALWAYS trust his heart because he loves us more than we can ever imagine.
We'll continue to lift all of you up in prayer.
Keith & Lisa Westmoreland

Keith & Lisa Westmoreland <bkwestmoreland@comcast.net>
Laurel, MS USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 11:18 PM CDT
Jason,Tammy,Bryant, and Colette
I love yall so much. I have been praying for yall everyday. I know that yall have been going through the hardest thing yall could go through at any point in your life. Im so sorry this happened, BUT, she will pull through this. I wish that I could be there with yall, but I am there through spirt, and prayers. I love you, and God Bless You.

Justin Pate <tom.pate@nationallinen.com>
Lexington, S.C USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 10:13 PM CDT
Matthew , Mark , Luke and John , Bless the beds that they lay on . As they each lay down to sleep , I pray for sweet and peaceful sleep. Guide them through the starry night and wake renewed in faith , full of hope and bathed in your healing light . Angels all around them stay , God hold them in Your arms , I Pray . They are all so precious in Your sight , Please answer our prayers both day and night . Thank you for all Blessings sent , please hear a mother's prayer Amen .
I love Ya'll and I am with you always .Mom /Nana

Nana (Pate) <tom.pate@nationallinen.com>
lexington, sc united states - Monday, May 30, 2005 9:45 PM CDT
Dearest Tammy and Jason,
What a beautiful testimony you have written. Your faith and strength inspire me, and those beautiful pictures of your precious little girl only warm my heart. I will be in my serious prayer mode for you tomorrow, asking God for healing. May you feel the love from all of us that care so much.
We do love you-Anne

Anne Henderson <gamhender@hotmail.com>
Opelika, AL USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 9:44 PM CDT
Tammy,Jason, Colette,and Bryant,

You are in our hearts and prayers and may God continue to give you all the strength and peace to get through this. We are trusting God for a miraculous outcome and give Him all the glory for it. Whatever you need just let us know.
Love, Aprel, Clint, Haley, and Alexander

Aprel Mathews <coolbmathews@bellsouth.net>
Madison, AL US - Monday, May 30, 2005 9:16 PM CDT
dear Jason,Tammy,Bryant, and Colette,May God grant you all a good night. When morning dawns, may you be filled with HOPE!!! Many prayers are being sent up for you all. We love you and the pictures of Colette are beautiful!!! Be strong and trust in Jesus. God bless Love Uncle James,Aunt Toni,John,and Matthew
toni delaney <ltlflwr54@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al u.s.a. - Monday, May 30, 2005 9:09 PM CDT
I'm Melissa. I am Kristin's BFF. I hope you get better. I'm thinking about you.

Melissa <wwwq.mandymims@aol.com>
Lexington, sc usa - Monday, May 30, 2005 9:04 PM CDT
Tammy, Jason, Dave and Penny

Just a note to let you know that you are in our prayers. All of us on D shift (Tate and Lyle) are here for you if and when you need us. I have been in your shoes and I know that God will intervene.

God Bless,

Mike Moss

Mike Moss <michael.moss@tateandlyle.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 7:57 PM CDT

kristin pate { aunt kristin}
lexington, sc UNITED STATES - Monday, May 30, 2005 7:30 PM CDT
Tammy, Jason, Colette, and Bryant

We are so sorry about the news of Colette's condition. She is the sweetest little girl. We just wanted you to know that Terry and I are praying for you everyday. We pray for a full and speedy recovery. If there is anything that you may need, please let me know.

Stay Strong.

Frances, Terry Sr., and Kids.

Frances Collette <frances@collettedesigngroup.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 6:50 PM CDT
Jason, Tammy and Colette
Our prayers are with you each day. You have such a wonderful family and God will bless you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you on this end. Please remember to call Mom with any needs she is so thankful that are willing to let her give.

Lynn Parsons <mparsons89@hotmail.com>
Mobile, AL US - Monday, May 30, 2005 6:29 PM CDT
Tammy & Jason,

We had special prayer for Collette in Bryant's Sunday School class. It is amazing to see that people from anywhere and everywhere can rally by your side to approach the throne of God for "one of the least of these". Bless you. May the strength of the LORD uphold you in your sinking times. Remember He cares for you! and so do we.

Rochelle, Stacy & Savannah Pitts <jroc.me@comcast.net>
Laurel, MS USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 2:22 PM CDT
Dear Colette and Family,
We missed you in Church at Highland yesterday. We had special prayer for Colette and your family. We will continue to pray for you and for a miracle of healing. Love, Eddie, Charlotte and Lane Brady

Charlotte Brady <charlottebrady@hotmail.com>
Laurel, MS USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 2:01 PM CDT
Jason,Tammy,Bryant and Colette
You are all in our thoughts and prayers. We are praying for a miracle and that God continue to give you strentgh to get through this. Please let us know if we can do anything for you. Love Uncle Mike,Lane,Bennett and Thomas

Michael and Lane Jackson <aumlb@aol.com>
Mobile, Al USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 1:50 PM CDT
Colette, Tammy, Jason, and Bryant,

What a great testimony you have been for God. We're so proud of all of you. Right on Jason for allowing God to use you to share the love of Jesus. We will continue to pray for Collette's health and for God to give you His peace.

Kevin, Cassandra, Jacob and Hope Bussey <studentguru@fbtc.org>
Mobile , AL USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 12:07 AM CDT
LEXINGTON, SC - Monday, May 30, 2005 11:27 AM CDT
Dear Jason, Tammy and Colette, Please know you are in our prayers, yesterday we had a special time of prayer for you all in SS and church. We miss you and love you, Bro. Roy, Karen & Brooke
karen crowe <karen4roy@aol.com>
laurel, ms usa - Monday, May 30, 2005 11:22 AM CDT
Tammy, Jason, Bryant and beautiful Colette,
You guys are incredible!!! What an amazing testimony of God's strength and pearce you are!!! I am thinking of you and praying for you constantly. I love you all and can't wait to see you soon. Colette, your dancing shoes are on the way. I'm sending them with Mrs Karen tomorrow. I know that God is going to continue to carry you through this and you are going to come out on the other side of this stronger and completely victorious. I love you all bunches.

Lori Ladnier

Lori Ladnier <schmoo88@yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 11:05 AM CDT
I just wanted you to know that last night at church, Steve Harbin felt led to ask Uncle Fred, Wesley, and Andrea (Alexis, too) to go to the altar to pray for Colette. There were others too! (Bro. Joel, Steve's father -in-law and a lot that I did not know who they were; I had gone to get Jonathan from the nursery)When I returned, I saw the entire group in a circle with their arms around each other praying at the altar for little Colette. Many adults are now on their knees because of the testimony of little Colette. Victory is ahead! God is with you all! You will witness many miracles! A little child shall lead them! Love Aunt Debbie
Aunt Debbie <fpcdcc@ bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 11:00 AM CDT
Tammy, Jason and family: Amanda took me to this website where she's been keeping up with Colette's progress and keeping me informed of it too. Remember, God never promised us and easy road, but he did promise to be with us as we walk it. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and we hope to see you back home real soon. Love,
Aunt Phyllis <dancenmobile@aol.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 9:10 AM CDT
Tammy,You don't know me, but I heard about Colette on THEKNOT.COM; and wanted to let you know that I am praying for everyone, and thinking of your struggle to remain in the light of the Lord. It is at your darkest, he is carrying you. MY best dreams and hopes for Collette. May you all find restful sleep tonight. I will be keeping post for Tuesdays results! Until then, much love and strength I will be sending.
Kelly Wilson "Kelly&pete" <kelly8jelly@msn.com>
New York, NY USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 10:09 PM CDT
Hey Colette, Tammy, Jason, and Bryant. Just wanted to write and tell you that we're praying for you. Our entire office and a lot of our patients are praying for you too! Colette you looked sooo cute last Sunday night! You are so beautiful! We love you all and will continue to pray for you every day!
Betti Bussie <jjustinfost@aol.com>
Mobile, AL United States - Sunday, May 29, 2005 8:57 PM CDT
Colette, it was wonderful to talk to you today! I liked hearing about your ice cream, and about your nice doctor, and about you feeling better. It made me feel so much happier, and seeing your beautiful pictures makes me feel better, too. I love you sweet girl.
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 8:05 PM CDT
We are proud of all of you sticking through this hard time. And we are praying for you and love you.
Tommy, Lori, Cara, and Hailee Powell

Lori Powell <periobuster89@aol.com>
Theodore, AL United States - Sunday, May 29, 2005 6:28 PM CDT
Tammy, Jason, Byrant, and my big girl Colette,
I want you to know how much I love you guys. You have been lifted up in prayer by so many people across the country that we have never meet. I told those I talk to on "The Knot" about Colette and everyone sends their prayers. Joe and I have put everyone on the prayer list at church. If there is anything I can do, please call me at any time.
Bryant, you be a good big brother and help Momma, Daddy, and Sissy. Colette, I have a beautiful princess crown waiting for you when you get home.
With love and Faith,

Amanda and Joe <MannaKay@aol.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 6:18 PM CDT
Hey guys, ya'll know how much I love yall and I am praying for you guys always. Tell buddy I said hello and that I love him and to help keep his sister occupied because he is the best big brother. Let colette know that "acie" loves her very much, and can't wait to see her. Jason and Tammy.... I know that I can't say or do anything but PRAY PRAY PRAY, I love ya'll and if iI can do anything for ya let me know!!!! My prayers are with you,
Laci B.

P.S. Very simply said..."Every day is a patty cake praise day"

Laci Bussie <dolphinsrcoollb@myfamily.com>
Mobile, Al - Sunday, May 29, 2005 5:46 PM CDT
Jason, Tammy, and Family. You are in my prayers and thoughts everyday. If you need anything just let us know. God Bless.
Bill, Lona, Nick, and Christopher <blrobbins@comcast.net>
Mobile, Al USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 5:40 PM CDT
Tammy, Jason, Bryant, and Colette,
We are continuing to pray that the Lord will keep you all safely in His hands and shelter you with His love throughout all of your family's struggle battling Collette's cancer. May you be filled with a peace and the strength that only God can provide. Your family story and testimony are touching more lives than you could possibly know. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily, as we ask for a whole and quick recovery for your precious Collette.
With Love,
Bethany and Mary Garner

Bethany Garner <bag1781@aol.com>
- Sunday, May 29, 2005 5:24 PM CDT
I am so shocked and sadden to here the grave news of Colette! I am so thankful that Tommy called the told me the news. We will have your family in our prayers along this difficult journey.
Michelle and Rick DeFatta <ripnrik@knology.net>
Huntsville, AL Madison - Sunday, May 29, 2005 5:17 PM CDT
Dearest Tammy, Jason & Loving Family,
I just want you to know how much your letter moved Tony and myself. We are praying for a miracle & quick recovery. Gods hands are the perfect healers and I believe He has the power to lay them upon your beautiful Colette. Be Gods rock for Colette, as she will rely and build off the strength that God gives you and Jason.
We love ya'll
Kathryn, Tony, Mary Madison & Gillian

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 5:05 PM CDT
hey mrs.tammy, bryant, mr.jason and colette,
i am keeping you in my prayers and just want you to know that everything is goin to work out for the best abd everything is going to be ok. The LORD is with you and and it is all in GOD'S hands i love you all

Valerie Green <lilgriff88@yahoo.com or iloveboris280@hotmail.com>
mobile, Al USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 3:32 PM CDT
Pate Family,
What an incredible testimony you are to our faithful Lord, Colette, your family, and the families at the hospital! I know the Lord is using you in amazing ways. It is evident by Tammy's entry. May HIS will be done, may HE continue to carry you when you are weak, and to HIM be the glory! HE is able!

Much love,
Cassandra Bussey

Cassandra Bussey <cassbuss@yahoo.com>
Mobile, Al. USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 2:48 PM CDT

It was great to read your story. We miss you at church. We continue to pray for all of you, esp. Collette.

Kevin, Cassandra, Jacob and Hope Bussey <studentguru@fbtc.org>
Mobile, AL USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 2:21 PM CDT
We will be praying for Collette. All things are possible with God! Seek him diligently in this matter, because it will be difficult to face this without His help. Our love goes out to your family. Mike, Sonja and Kids.
Sonja Kilpatrick <Bamablondie113@aol.com>
Semmes, Al United States - Sunday, May 29, 2005 1:07 PM CDT
We are praying for all of you.We have contacted all of our family to pray for you all.We will have a HUGE family victory celebration when you return with a "victorious" Colette! This healing will bring much rejoicing,praise,glory,and honor to our "Heavenly Father"! A small child will lead them! Victory is coming!
Aunt Debbie and Uncle Fred <fpcdcc@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Ala USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 7:51 AM CDT
Jason Tammy and Dave and Penny Crocker,

On behalf of "B" shift at Tate & Lyle. May God be with all of your family, and we pray that you will feel the arms of Jesus wrapped around you through this very difficult time. Keeping you in our prayers.

"B" Shift

Patricia R. Williams <prw6212@bellsouth.com>
Satsuma, Al USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 4:05 AM CDT
Colette, Tammy, Jason, and Bryant -

I love you all soooo much and I'm glad I've been able to be up here for support... hate I have to go back home but hopefully I'll be back before too long. Anyway, take care of each other and y'all will definitely be in our prayers.

P.S. - I think I'll be kidnapping Lauren and Lindsay to come up as soon as they can get off work!!!!

'Unk Mike'

Mike Crocker <slammed_supercruzer@yahoo.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 3:59 AM CDT
Jason & Tammy,
Our hearts , love & prayers are with the four of you!! I had our church, Life Church of Mobile, & my parents church, Pinehaven Baptist in Pensacola, add you all to the prayer list. My coworkers at Surety Land Title asked off & on all day Thursday & Friday if I knew any more about little Colette-you are in hearts & prayers of people you have never even met--we are staying close to the website & Sherry is doing a great job keeping everyone informed. Even though there are long spans of time between when we see each other, please, NEVER doubt how much we love you!!! My heart is so heavy & I keep Colette at God's throne continually thru the day--If there is anything we can do specifically, let Sherry know & she can call us ( I will email her my phone #'s)--Tammy, I want you & your precious momma to wrap your arms each other & know mine are around you both!! I love you dearly.--Mrs. Ruth Ann, Bro. Johnny Holland (Jason, Robin & Amy, too!!)

Ruth Ann Holland <familycircleministries@yahoo.com & ruthann@suretyland.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 11:37 PM CDT
Jason, Tammy, Colette, and Bryant,
We were very saddened to hear that Colette was being taken to Birmingham earlier this week. However, we were very happy to learn of this website and the successful surgery. We will add Colette and the whole family to our pryer list and our Sunday School Prayer List. We hope to continue to hear good news during this difficult time.

Lance and Jennifer Crocker <jnlc@bellsouth.net>
Macon, GA USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 5:52 PM CDT
toni delaney <LTLFLWR1954@BELLSOUTH.NET>
mobile, al u.s.a. - Saturday, May 28, 2005 11:10 AM CDT
Jason,Tammy and Colette,
My family and I are continuing to lift all of you up in prayer. God WILL make a way.

Love ya,
Bro. Al, Lori, Amberly & Meagen

Al Elmore <alelmo@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 11:05 AM CDT
I love you Colette, I love you Colette..I really love you.
What more can Maw Maw say I really really love you. And I will try to live my life so that it says it too. I love you Colette, I love you Colette..Maw Maw really loves you:)

Maw Maw Penny Crocker <Mrs_Penny1208@yahoo.com>
Theodore, Al Mobile - Saturday, May 28, 2005 9:00 AM CDT
Tammy & Jason,
What a week you've had since we talked Sunday night! You've been on our minds and we're glad to hear that Colette's surgery went well. (Thanks to Sherry for the updates) We are praying that God will give you His strength and wisdom throughout this time! With Love & Concern, Ginger

Ginger, Tracy & Madison McIlwain <gingmc@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Friday, May 27, 2005 8:16 PM CDT
Dear Colette,Jason, Tammy,& Bryant,

We are praying for you. We can't wait until you are back home where you belong. Your whole family is on our hearts but esp. His! Love you,

Kevin, Cassandra, Jacob and Hope Bussey

Kevin and Cassandra Bussey <studentguru@fbtc.org>
Mobile, AL USA - Friday, May 27, 2005 6:49 PM CDT
Hello Miss Colette, I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I hope you feel better after your surgery. Hopefully you will have some great medicine that will help you feel better quickly. I am so glad that you are in good hands and want you to know that we are praying for God to heal you. Keep singing some Miss Patty Cake songs and my kids will sing some, too. We love you so much.
Aunt Sherry, Uncle Craig, Josh, Matt, and Hannah <craigandsherry@earthlink.net>
Mobile, AL - Friday, May 27, 2005 6:05 PM CDT



LISA THOMPSON <Lisa@guaranteetitle.com>
MOBILE, AL - Friday, May 27, 2005 4:52 PM CDT
Hi Jason & Tammy,
I hope all has gone well with the biopsy. I am praying for good news and quick results. Please let everyone know where to send money to help w/ expenses. Maybe you can post the info on the main page. Thank you Sherry for updating Colette's condition and posting it for us. It really has been a great way to see how she is doing (without harrassing anyone).
Please know we are continualy praying for your little baby girl. Love Kathryn

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al USA - Friday, May 27, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
Please know that we are praying for all of you!
Dennis & Belinda Healy <bhealy@fbtc.org>
Mobile, AL USA - Friday, May 27, 2005 3:22 PM CDT
Hang in there, baby. "GiGi" and I are praying for you.

Thanks for going to dinner with me Wednesday night. I enjoyed it. You're a great big brother, and I'm praying for you, too.

Tammy and Jason,
I know a little of what your're feeling. Although it wasn't cancer, Jeremy faced a life-threatening orthopaedic problem when he was 11, which required two major surgeries within a 6-month period. I know you feel helpless, but you are loved by a God who is NOT helpless. As Haskell Dunn says, "None of this has taken God by surprise." Know that I love the two of you very much; God has settled you into a very soft spot in my heart. If it were possible for me to take some of this burden from you and bear it for you, I would gladly do it. I am asking God to wrap you in the loving cocoon of His arms and carry you through this.

Sandi <sandi52@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, al - Friday, May 27, 2005 2:08 PM CDT
Hang in there, baby. "GiGi" and I are praying for you.

Thanks for going to dinner with me Wednesday night. I enjoyed it. You're a great big brother, and I'm praying for you, too.

Tammy and Jason,
I know a little of what your're feeling. Although it wasn't cancer, Jeremy faced a life-threatening orthopaedic problem when he was 11, which required two major surgeries within a 6-month period. I know you feel helpless, but you are loved by a God who is NOT helpless. As Haskell Dunn says, "None of this has taken God by surprise." Know that I love the two of you very much; God has settled you into a very soft spot in my heart. If it were possible for me to take some of this burden from you and bear it for you, I would gladly do it. I am asking God to wrap you in the loving cocoon of His arms and carry you through this.

Sandi <sandi52@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, al - Friday, May 27, 2005 2:05 PM CDT
What a beautiful princess colette is. As I prayed for her last night, I thought, what a comfort to be able to put her
in Jesus' arms and he will take her to the Father for healing. My family is and will continue to pray for all of you and especially for Colette.

Shirley Bishop <sbishop@wilkinsmiller.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Friday, May 27, 2005 1:02 PM CDT
Dear Jason, Tammy, Bryant, and Colette,
We are praying for all of you. Just know that our thoughts are with you every minute, and we know that God and his angels are watching over you.
James, Amanda, and Dillon Delaney

Amanda Delaney <amandardelaney@hotmail.com>
Mobile, AL USA - Friday, May 27, 2005 12:38 AM CDT
Jason and Tammy,
Please know that my family and I have been and will continue to lift you and Colette up to the Lord. We are asking God to heal her little body and to give you the family, the strength to get through it. She has been fearfully and wonderfully made.

You are loved,
Bro. Al

Al Elmore <alelmo@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al USA - Friday, May 27, 2005 11:31 AM CDT
Tammy and Jason,

Know that all the church family of First Baptist Tillmans Corner is diligently lifting Colette, and all of you, in prayer to our Gracious Heavenly Father. Our Father so cares for you and what you are going through. It is our desire that you are able to know His compassion through the care of His people. Know you are loved!

By His grace,

Joel Faircloth <joelfaircloth@yahoo.com>
- Friday, May 27, 2005 11:04 AM CDT
Dearest Cousins, Our prayers are with you always.(You're even on the Baptist prayer list here!)
With love, Phi and Anne Henderson

Anne Henderson <gamhender@hotmail.com>
Opelika, Al USA - Friday, May 27, 2005 7:56 AM CDT
Please know that Colette and your entire family are in our family prayers. God is infinite in His wisdom and His love. May He bless and keep you close to Himself during this time.

San Antonio, TX USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 7:12 PM CDT
Just a small correction on Toni Delaney's email if anyone would like it: LTLFLWR1954@BELLSOUTH.NET there was a typo on her address. Thanks for all the updates. We really are watching to see how our little Colette is.

kathryn garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, Al USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:38 PM CDT
my dear jason,tammy, and entire family, you all continue to be on our minds and in our prayers this day. please know that so many people are praying and we will continue to. today i was telling a lady [i do not even know her] and as she was leaving she handed me a check for 50 dollars!!! see even strangers want to reach out to our precious colette!!! others have made nice donations. you concentrate on getting our little girl well. saint padre pio`s motto was PRAY,HOPE AND DON`T WORRY! may God bless you and hold you in the palm of His hand love aunt toni,uncle james,john and matthew
toni delaney <ltlflwr19542@bellsouth.net>
mobile, al u.s.a. - Thursday, May 26, 2005 5:02 PM CDT
I will add Collette (and her family) to my prayers and spend time praying for her during my hour at Adoration Saturday night.
Dan O'Donnell <dodonnell@worldnet.att.net>
- Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:35 PM CDT
Dear Tammy, Jason, Bryant, and Colette,
I am Bethany Garner (Tony's sister, and Kathryn's sister-in-law), and I just wanted to let you know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers, and those of many others as well! I teach at Faith Academy, and now an entire network of our staff members and students are praying for a quick and whole recovery for your precious angel, Colette! I and my mom are hoping and praying for your miracle. Take care of one another, and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers throughout this whole ordeal. We look ofrward to hearing good news!
With Love,
Bethany and Mary Garner

Bethany Garner <bag1781@aol.com>
- Thursday, May 26, 2005 1:43 PM CDT
Dear Tammy, Jason, Bryant, and Colette,

We just want to send out all of our love and support. We are looking forward to hearing from you all. You are in our prayers and the prayer of many others. Colette is a Bueatiful and Strong little girl. I have great faith that she will overcome this.
Also, Tammy and Jason, be sure to take care of yourselves and each other. I can not begin to understand what you are going through but you have many people here for you.
Agian we have you all close to our hearts and in our prayers.
Lona, Bill, Nicholas, and Christopher

Lona Robbins <blrobbins@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL United States - Thursday, May 26, 2005 1:09 PM CDT
Dear Jason, Tammy, Bryant & Colette,
We are praying for all of you. We can't wait to hear good news. Tony e-mailed Miss Patty Cake and we hope to hear from her soon. Maybe you will too?!! Colette's picture is too precious she looks like a little princess. We love you all.

Tony, Kathryn, Mary Madison & Gillian

Kathryn Garner <kathryndgarner@bellsouth.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 12:29 AM CDT
Colette and family
Aunt Brandy, Uncle Todd and Nicole love you very much.
We know God is with you.
We can't wait for you to be a "dancin girl" back here with us. We love you and our prayers are with us all!

Brandy Pate <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
mobile, al usa - Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:12 AM CDT

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