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Hello Your Majesty Princess Collette,

I found out about you from my friend Jess.
Since I always wanted to write to a real princess, I came to write to you. You and your family will always be in my prayers.

I also saw the letter that you wrote to your teacher. I am so proud of you.



Dan Cohen <danco1968@hotmail.com>
North Miami Beach, FL U.S.A. - Friday, September 23, 2011 8:16 PM CDT
Internet: img17.imageshack.us/img17/5656/entenschnabeldino.png

Manuela Pooch <mp@vlugheidenkracht.com>
Berlin, Germany Berlin - Wednesday, January 13, 2010 2:47 AM CST
Colette is doing GREAT and thanks for the continued concern. Colette has been doing everything a child should do. Softball last summer "Bama Belles" with purple and pink uniforms...LOL right up her alley! Colette is taking dance again and Bryant has been BIG into soccer and is taking voice lessons. Colette sang a solo for the Church Christmas program "Happy Birthday Jesus".......tears flowed to see His MIRACLE praising Him...Will try to post video...no promises...I can't seem to get it on Facebook...YET!!!!!! Merry Christmas and God Bless You all with the LOVE of JESUS, Maw Maw Penny
penny crocker <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al usa - Monday, December 21, 2009 1:02 PM CST
Entenschnabeldino in Chikago
Manuela Pooch <mp@vlugheidenkracht.com>
Berlin, Deutschland Germany - Thursday, December 3, 2009 2:40 AM CST
Thought I would stop by the old site and say H-E-L-L-O to all of you. Looks like more people still visit this site. Hoping all are doing well. Going to try and leave a Butterfly on here and hoping it goes through...

Have a good weekend...

...Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue...

Crestview, FL. U.S. - Friday, February 20, 2009 1:58 PM CST
Tammy, I am so very, very happy to see that Collette has been cancer free since 2006! Praise God!

Also, I didn't know about the Childhood Cancer license plate. Thanks for letting us know about that.

By the way, do you happen to have a Facebook page? If so, please connect with me on it!

My wife (Dawn) and I pray for your daughter and your family often.

In Christ,

Rev. Lonnie Honeycutt (RevLon)

Lonnie Honeycutt <lonniehon@comcast.net>
Mobile, AL USA - Saturday, January 24, 2009 3:05 PM CST
Merry Christmas!

Love, The Beck's

Beth Beck <bethfbeck@yahoo.com>
Bessemer, al us - Wednesday, December 24, 2008 11:08 PM CST

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and Happy new year from your friends down under - Australia.


Jay - Neuroblastoma Survivor



Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Wednesday, December 24, 2008 0:52 AM CST
Thank you for visiting Brooklyn's site. Every good story we hear strengthens our hope and resolve to PUSH on. I never knew how many good people would stand beside us and fight this terrible thing. I am overjoyed with the cancer free diagnosis. We will join yall soon. The Davisons
Carey Davison <careydavison@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, September 4, 2008 8:33 PM CDT
I truly hope you still visit this site..I've been blocked from the new site...something about them not recognizing my password after all these years of usage....

Because of all the things that have been happening starting with finances for the trip to Halifax, Bible school, the forth of July hospital celebration, a week at the Gulf with other grandparents from South Carolina and Jason GETTING ABSOLUTELY NO OVERTIME money.......things are really rough right now. As God has PROVED OVER AND OVER HE WILL PROVIDE YET AGAIN. Tammy quotes a scripture thatg goes, "Where much is given much is required." With them ALWAYS GIVING to others puts them on the rocks only to have people like yourselves pull them off, again.

We Love You All and appreciate your continued concern, love and faithful prayers. Love, Maw Maw Penny :)

We removed a donation jar from the Chevron station near the church a few months back and they told me to please replace it because Colette is NOT out of danger yet and SO MANY PEOPLE STILL ASK AND WANT TO HELP! GOD BLESS YOU ALL

maw maw penny <mrs_penny1209@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Sunday, July 13, 2008 9:13 AM CDT


THANK'S TO WKRGTV FOR THEIR REPORT, THEY HAVE ALWAYS BLESSED OUR FAMILY WITH GREAT COVERAGE. THANKS TO MOBILE PRESS REGISTER Paper for their coverage of this gift of love to the children and families unable to celebrate with rest of us. There is no possible way to thank each and everyone that HELPED make tonight such a success....THANK YOU AND I PRAY GOD WILL BLESS YOU DOUBLE FOR ALL YOU'VE DONE!!!! ALL MY LOVE MAW MAW PENNY

THEODORE, AL - Friday, July 4, 2008 10:38 PM CDT
Hey Tammy,

I saw you guys on the news tonight and I think that is great what you guys are doing.
I know how you feel if your husband goes out of town. Mine is leaving for two weeks and sometimes my boys drive me nuts. My oldest son is at bootcamp now and I do not have to worry about him fighting with his brothers. You guys take care.
Jennie Finch

Jennie Finch <jlfinch@mcpss.com>
Mobile, Al US - Friday, July 4, 2008 7:14 PM CDT
I KNOW there are others like me that continue to look here so I thought I'd offer a mini update.
Jason has been working out of town again for the last month or so. He does come home on weekends but, they are really busy at church and that leaves them little if any time to theselves.
On Tuesday Tammy suffered another severe anxiety attack and she was carried to the emergency room. The Doctor said she was suffering from entirely too much stress. I know that without your spouse it is too much to handle. I know widowed and divorced women do it all the time. But,this is a different situation. When you have the security of a husband there to lean on and depend on for help with dicipling the children that becomes necessary. Just to have him hold you when you are weak, disapointed or discouraged, it's necessary to sustain sanity. With the date being upon us to have the test for cancer and Colette's aniversary of three years ago diagnoised. I myself can not stop on that thought long enough to give satan that much power to eat me alive. Tammy watches Colette on days when she eats a tiny bit or developes bruises, etc. You know what is happening. Just remember to pray an extram prayer for her and all of us. Pray too tat Jason will undertand where she is and the need of him near.
In the begining Jason told me that when he and Tammy where together they where strong but, when they where apart the became weak. That s still a truth.

God Bless You All for your conti ued concern ad prayers!
All my love, Maw Maw Penny

penny crocker <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Thursday, May 22, 2008 9:21 AM CDT
I feel the same way as you do. I don't like change and I do like the familiar feel to where I have poured out my heart and been loved on soooo good! Things have been wonderful and I keep you all in my prayers and do continue to ask God to pour out blessings that you can not contain. You will forever be a part of my life and you are so very much LOVED:) Have a Blessed Day and Thank you for continuing to pray for Miss Colette and all of us.
All my love Maw Maw Penny

mawmaw <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Thursday, May 1, 2008 11:47 AM CDT
Sometimes, I just like to come back here and read. It's hard to believe that 3 years ago, I didn't know you, or NB, existed. Funny, the paths God leads us down to get us in the right place. So glad I followed!
Megan <m_mahaffey@comcast.net>
Bloomingtropolisvilleton, IN - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 10:16 PM CDT
BECKY M. from FL.
- Saturday, March 29, 2008 12:12 AM CDT
Hey, guys! I know I haven't written in forever, it's been crazy at work, and I was traveling last weekend, and so I had a quiet minute, and just wanted to stop in and say hi, and tell y'all I love you. I've got to get some time to run to the post office, Tammy, 'cause I've got a whole big box of stuff to send you! (I may hold it hostage for some files, though!!)
I love the new pics- MawMaw, I'm jealous - the dress is beautiful! I got a sewing machine for Christmas last year, but haven't really taken the time to set it up and get back in the rhythm of making things! That's one of my goals for the "off-season" this year. I'm looking forward to a really relaxing, fun summer. (Maybe even a trip south!!) I'm going to head home for the night, though, but I wanted to come by and send you all big {{{HUGS!}}}

Love you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, March 26, 2008 8:01 PM CDT
I have a new computer now and she is F A S T !!!!
I can't type as fast as she reads me! HA HA I don't think I will ever figure out all the bells and whistles I have at my finger tips ;)

I loved the new photos of Easter just sorry we where not together with them or Sherry, Craig and my other three Darlins :( Anyway Mike came to church and I had one of my kids to share Easter with. Honestly. I started to hide eggs in the back yard but, I thought my 23 year old might think I lost my last braincell. So I just revelled in his desire to share the holiday with us.

Colette's Easter dress is one of two Originals I designed.
Hannah had the other and they were beautiful. Hopefully I will get some really good pictures of these Special dresses. I use to sew all my girls dresses and in the last few years things have not been favorable for sewing. It truly is time consuming and they were made with so much love. I promise there will be more to come.........now that my life too, is back to some kind of normal.

THANK YOU for your continued faithful prayers...we see the results in Miss Colette's little life. The JOY is unspeakable and we CONTINUE to give GOD ALL THE GLORY.

You are so precious to continue signing the journal even when there are no updates. I hope you all were blessed Easter and hold that day dear all year! God sacrificed the most precious thing He had His only Son becaused HE WANTED TO HAVE A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH EACH AND EVERYONE OF US. Love in Christ Maw Maw Penny


Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Wednesday, March 26, 2008 6:58 PM CDT
THANK YOU for putting up the pictures!! They are so adorable, and I miss them so much!! (and you and Jason looked nice on Easter, too!)
Aunt Sherry <tallmomof3@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, March 25, 2008 6:31 PM CDT
Hoping all have had a nice Easter Sunday...Happy Easter...

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Much Love Lenzie's Family...

Sue Jeffries
FL. - Sunday, March 23, 2008 4:55 PM CDT
Hello Colette, Bryant and Family,

Hippity, Hoppity.... I am Hopping by to wish your family a Happy Easter Weekend!!!

Soft Fuzzy Bunny Hugs....

Lenzie Butland's Family asked me to hop by to your site...

Love,Peter Cottontail.....

Peter Cottontail
Easter Town, U.S. - Friday, March 21, 2008 2:14 PM CDT

Have a very nice Easter Weekend...


Much Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries
FL. - Friday, March 21, 2008 9:40 AM CDT
Hi I came across your site and saw your pics, you are a beautiful little girl. I have a caringbridge site too. mine is, visit/laurafreeze. God Bless you and you family. Laura
Laura Freeze
Mobile, Al USA - Friday, March 21, 2008 0:53 AM CDT
Resurrection Buns

Easter is probably the Holiest of Holidays celebrated. Family traditions are important during this Holiday. Here is a wonderful and fun receipe to celebrate the rising of Christ.
Resurrection Buns

. Each Child takes a Grand (or other large biscuit) canned biscuit. They flatten the biscuit out until it's about 5 inches across. They spread melted butter, sugar, and cinnamon on it. We explain that the spices represent the spices used to anoint Jesus' body before His burial.

. Then each child gets one large marshmallow. The marshmallow represents Jesus. It is white because it stands for His purity and His sinless life. They place the marshmallow in the center of the flatten biscuit, then fold the sides around it forming a "Tomb".

. Pinch the sides of the tombs together. (You can help the younger children pinch their sides together on their tombs) Then place them crease side down on a baking sheet so they will not open while cooking. Put more butter, sugar, and cinnamon on the outside. We talk about the sweet taste of the spices and how Jesus gave us the sweetest Gift we will ever receive.

. At this point you can go ahead and bake the Buns. You can wait and bake them in the morning while the kids are hunting the eggs. They need to bake following the directions on the biscuit package. Then they need alittle cooling time because the marshmallow will be very hot.

. When the children bite into thier Buns they will be surprised to find the center empty. The marshmallow has melted. As each child discovers the empty tomb, We repeat: He is not here for He is risen.


Thought I would share this being Kelly's friend Jill shared it with her. Such a neat ideal and to spend time with your kids. Maybe whoever reads might like to do this so putting on here and thought you guys would like it.......



Much Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue...

Sue Jeffries
FL. - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 6:10 PM CDT
Hop and Stop

The first little rabbit went hop, hop, hop.
I said to the first rabbit, "Stop, stop, stop!"
The second little rabbit went run, run, run.
I said to the second rabbit, "Fun, fun, fun!"
The third little rabbit went thump, thump, thump.
I said to the third rabbit, "Jump, jump, jump!"
The fourth little rabbit went sniff, sniff, snuff.
I said to the fourth rabbit, "That is enough!"
The fifth little rabbit went creep, creep, creep.
I said to the fifth rabbit, "It's time to sleep!"

☻ Have a Hoppity Good Day! ☻


Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Family...

Sue Jeffries
FL. - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 11:34 AM CDT
I enjoyed talking to Colette last night! And I can't wait to see Bryant's pictures from his party. We are so sad that we missed it. :(
Aunt Sherry <craigandsherry@embarqmail.com>
Marianna, FL - Tuesday, March 18, 2008 1:24 PM CDT
Happy St.Patrick's Day!

.....Pate Family......

Have a great M-O-N-D-A-Y....

☻ H-A-V-E...A...H-A-P-P-Y...D-A-Y!!!☻

Sending some Warm Hugs From Sunny Florida.....The weather here is just beautiful and I am sure you guys are having just as nice weather. Sounds like you have been busy like Kelly and Family......

Wishing you guys a lovely Day.

Much Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue, & Family


Sue Jeffries
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Monday, March 17, 2008 11:01 AM CDT
☻ ...G-O-O-D...M-O-R-N-I-N-G... ☻

☻ H-A-P-P-Y...F-R-I-D-A-Y!!! ☻

Just letting you know we are thinking of you guys.....Hope the Cards got there. Bryant I know your Birthday already passed and we wished you a Happy one, but we know you are having your Party this weekend so Have Lots Of F-U-N and more F-U-N.....

Sending some Hugs......☻

Have a Lovely Day and Weekend to All!!!


Love, Lenzie's Family...

Sue Jeffries
FL. - Friday, March 14, 2008 10:22 AM CDT


~~~~~C-H-E-E-R-Y.. G-R-E-E-T-I-N-G-S!~~~~~

Stopping by to Wish all a Good day. Sending good thoughts to you guys...

Bryant Hope you had a very H-A-P-P-Y...B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y! Also hope you guys got the cards...

Colette, Can't wait for some pics of your Make-Over.....

May we all see Brighter Days only.....



Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Family...

Sue Jeffries
FL. - Monday, March 10, 2008 2:56 PM CDT
Got Bryant a Birthday Card in the mail today and hopefully he will get it tomorrrow. Added alittle something in it for him and wish it were more. Also put you a card in there with his Colette. Have fun at Libby Lu....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRYANT!!! In case I do not get by...Look for "Special Mail" you guys...

Have a Great Weekend!!! Hope Mommy is feeling better..

Much Love, Lenzie's Family

Sue Jeffries
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Friday, March 7, 2008 4:36 PM CST
Your little girl is so beautiful. May God give her all the health, happiness and joy with a long,long, long life! Amen!
Mrs. Shakoor
Edison, nj - Thursday, March 6, 2008 2:54 PM CST

Colette, Happy you got the gift card and so Happy Tori was nice enough to want to share with a special friend. We are so proud of her just like Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you and how sweet you can be to...

Tammy hoping you feel lots better soon. That Flu Bug has been rough on so many this year. Take care and hoping no one else catches what you have....

Wishing all a great Day!!!

Much Love Always, Lenzie's Nana Sue & Family....

Sue Jeffries
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Thursday, March 6, 2008 8:54 AM CST
Tell Colette she needs to come see me! We might get up to NINE inches of snow starting tomorrow!!
Love you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, March 6, 2008 8:12 AM CST
H-E-L-L-O... P-A-T-E... F-A-M-I-L-Y, Stopping by to wish you a great day!!! Thinking of you guys...

Colette I'll bet you get a big surprise in the mail and we know you will surely just be Tickled Pink and love it....

Much Love Always, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family....

Sue Jeffries
Panhandle Of, FL. U.S. - Wednesday, March 5, 2008 10:16 AM CST
Tammy, go get Colette right now, bring her to the computer, read this to her, and give her some smooches from me. Tell her I love her and I miss her. And tell my buddy Bryant that I miss him too, and give him a big ol' hug.

I hate being so far away.

Aunt Sherry
Podunkville, FL - Monday, March 3, 2008 9:06 PM CST
Hey Colette,

We miss you and your smile. Tell your family hello and Roll Tide!

Kevin Bussey <bamabusman@yahoo.com>
Charlotte, NC - Friday, February 29, 2008 6:03 PM CST
What a brave girl. People don't think when they spend and pamper. They don't realize what it means to give until they need someone to give for them. I will keep your family in my prayers.
Amy Hooton <AKHooton@hotmail.com>
Villa Rica, GA USA - Friday, February 29, 2008 5:13 PM CST
I meant to say that I send my check off to St.Jude's and also one off to The March of Dimes. I always try and give when I can and every little bit helps. I gave at Christmas and sent another check off last week....Hoping everyone will send in some. Just think if every single person(Adult) would just give one dollar....

Much Love, Lenzie's Nana Sue....

Sue Jeffries
- Tuesday, February 26, 2008 3:47 PM CST
H-E-L-L-O Colette and Family, Just popping by to say hi. Happy everyone seems to being doing fine except for all the crud that is. We have had lots of Pollen and that brings on the allergies for sure. Trying to keep mine from bothering me so much as having eye surgery this Friday and hoping the allergies stay at bay. Of course not looking forward to the surgery either. Yuck!!! who does though.

Colette you are so beautiful just the way you are without having to have a makeover. I Know I Know they are nice though. I see you look as if you got some pink lipstick on in the pic on the welcome page. hey Mommy will have to do you some Makeovers at home as they are the best. Tori and Lenzie get one when auntie Tessa is around and they love it. They have gotten them from Libby Lu, but only because someone gave them a gift card or they attended a party as they are way to expensive and hey you can look glamorous with doing a makeover at home. Its fun to be able to do it out, but Mommy is right and thinks like me at times. I see people spending for outragous stuff and think that money could be used to help a needy family or go for research and such. Some people just don't know how GOOD they have it and certainly has never had to suffer with their child having Cancer. When I have flipped through the stations on the TV and seen these Sweet Sixteen Parties man does that throw me for a LOOP on what a BIG WASTE and SPOILED ROTTEN KIDS some are!!! If only they new and used that money for the better. We all want some good things out of life, but just having our family and friends love and caring is really all we need.

Well wishing you guys a very nice week!!! Will be away for a bit being having eye surgery , but will be thinking of everyone.......Stay sweet Colette and Oh I'm happy you had fun going through your pics with Jayden and sharing them with her family. What must run through kids heads at times we will never know....

Hello Maw Maw Penny!!!

Much Love Always, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family...

Sue Jeffries
- Tuesday, February 26, 2008 3:43 PM CST
Hey Tammy, It was so nice to meet you and Colette on Saturday. You have one beautiful and brave little girl. Thanks so much for all you have done for Melissa.

Jodie Smith

- Monday, February 25, 2008 3:28 PM CST
i know that feeling of not being able to do for my kids....but, if we give into the discover card we live without ever having PEACE. I wanted to be a stay at home momma (my momma worked) and we made it on one salary. MY kids have turned out to be some of the finest adults I KNOW, they all know how to conserve and shop smart and they MAKE ME AND DADDY PROUD!

With Miss Colette we have tried to give her all we have ..because we never wanted to have regrets. We try to be fair with our other four darlins and we will always. I hope Colette never get to be that kid everyone hates to see in a store until now, she takes NO for an answer and I love that about her. I believe she has adapted to her circumstances quite well.

I love the new pictures of Colette and I feel so blessed to be the Maw Maw to such beautiful and handsome children.

God Bless you all for your continued checks at this site and your prayers. All my love Maw Maw Penny

maw maw <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Monday, February 25, 2008 12:44 AM CST
Wow, I am so impressed with your Libby Lu experience. Just thinking about how sad that made Colette made me get all teary eyed, but then again, I am proud of you. She and Hannah can "Libby Lu" at home anytime!!!!! Remember, they did that at Christmas! hahahahaha

Anyway, keep doing FPU and if we live like no one else, later, we will LIVE LIKE NO ONE ELSE!

(Can you make sparkly headbands???? Hmmmm???) Tisha said there is a bead museum here. I bet you would like it...

Sherry <tallmomof3@yahoo.com>
- Monday, February 25, 2008 12:06 AM CST
Colette, your pictures were great! I love the one of you swining, it shows that perfect childhood innosence that we all love to see! I bet you and daddy had a great time. You both looked great riding in a convertable:)
I am praising God for your great scans and I am praying that the hep c turns out negative. It is scary, but like mom said, you had to have it at the time. I am sure it will be okay.
Love to all,
Kim www.taylorwatts.org

Kim Watts <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
McCalla, Al - Thursday, February 21, 2008 8:41 PM CST
Okay, those pics are great!!
Daddy is so handsome, and tell Colette she looked beautiful!!
Psalms 121
The Lord (maker of heaven and earth) will protect you from ALL harm forever and always!!

I love yall,

Grand Bay, AL USA - Thursday, February 21, 2008 6:22 PM CST
Tammy tell Punkin she looks beautiful! Her hair is so pretty.

i miss you all. 9 more months of school and maybe i will have a life!
I will pray for clear blood tests! i am sure everything will be right.

Nicole is having a scrapbooking party tomorrow night for the cheerleaders - she tried calling you about it a few weeks ago to invite you. well ccall us if you don't have anything else going on.

brandy <bpate@wilkinsmiller.com>
irvington, al - Thursday, February 21, 2008 4:39 PM CST
Hey girls!

I am so happy you now have all the results from your checkup at Children's and I am so happy you are still cancer free. WHOO HOO! Way to go Colette! I am sorry to hear about the blood transfusions. Hopefully, everything will turn out fine and this is nothing to worry about, but I know you are worried Tammy. Keep us posted please.

Miss Colette your hair is getting so long and it is just beautiful. I love the curls at the end. I bet you love your long beautiful hair too. I love the new pictures of you swinging on the rope swing your daddy put up for you. The picture of you and your daddy before your dance is so cute. You look so beautiful and your daddy looks so handsome. Did you have fun riding in daddy's convertible? Too bad you couldn't let the top down, but it would have messed up your beautiful hairdo.

I am so glad that y'all have been busy and like you said a normal busy. That's always good to hear. I am glad everyone is doing so well. I am a little upset about one thing. You girls didn't stop by my house on the way to clinic the other day. I'm just kidding, but seriously you know you can stop by any time. You have my number, so just give me a call to make sure I will be at home. You know you are always welcome to stay the night if you need to or want to. I know you have a long drive. We are about an hour away from Birmingham, but I usually give myself an hour and a half because of parking and then having to walk that long walk to clinic. It only takes you about 5 minutes to get to our house once you get off the interstate. Tammy, I don't think I ever got to email you back about staying with us one night. My computer crashed and I lost everything. We would love to have you and Jim N Nicks is one of my favorite places to eat too. We have one in Prattville. Luckily, it wasn't hit by the tornado that came through Sunday. Y'all are welcome to stay or stop by any time. I know Tori and Lenzie would love to play with Colette. Tori and Colette have the hearing aids in common and well we know what Lenzie and Colette have in common. The girls would have a ball together.

I hope y'all have a great day! We love you!

Love ya,
Kelly Butland (Lenzie's Mommy)

Kelly Butland <butlandr@bellsouth.net>
Deatsville, AL United States - Thursday, February 21, 2008 2:32 PM CST
Hi Tammy,

Thank God that Colette is still cancer free. Great news to hear. I hate to hear about the possibility of hepitits C (sp?). Let me know when you find out. It just has to be neg. I haven't heard anything about Elizabeth but it sure is scarry.

I love the pictures of Colette. She is just beautiful.


Machelle & Elizabeth <MJmomathome@aol.com>
Theodore, Al - Wednesday, February 20, 2008 7:45 PM CST
Y'all look SO good!!! Brought tears to my eyes!! I miss you!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, February 19, 2008 8:11 PM CST
WOW - She is such a doll. And her date is pretty handsome too! How sweet that they do a Father Daughter Banquet. I wish I'd had one of those when I was little - or even now - I'm a big Daddy's Girl!! Glad to hear all is still well and I'll say a prayer (or twelve) about the Hep. C thing - that's so nothing that she'll have to worry about - I just know!
Lisa Tanner ~caringbridge.com/al/cole~ <lisa0918@bellsouth.net>
hoover, al - Tuesday, February 19, 2008 6:33 PM CST
OH MY LORD! Look at that beautiful girl! Jason looks handsome, too! Awwwwww!!!!!
Aunt Sherry <tallmomof3@yahoo.com>
Fell off the Map, FL - Tuesday, February 19, 2008 6:25 PM CST
Sending my niece some smooches from Aunt Sherry!!!
Sherry <tallmomof3@yahoo.com>
- Monday, February 18, 2008 2:17 PM CST
Hi Tammy, Glad you seen that Kelly and them were fine from the tornados. Weird that she has had two pretty close to her house. One at the old house and now one at there new house. My Dad lives pretty close to Kelly and said that they could see things flying in the air and it sounded like a train. They did not get any damaged either thank goodness. Went around them. He lives in Millbrook. Scary weather for us all and happy that you guys were safe from the storms also.

Have a god day and H-E-L-L-O to all...Hope the kids have a nice break from school today....

Much Love always, Lenzie's Nana Sue and Family

The Jeffries
FL. U.S. - Monday, February 18, 2008 12:54 AM CST
Hey guys! Happy Valentine's Day! I hope today was filled with lots of love, hugs, kisses and hearts! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Tammy, email me!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, February 14, 2008 8:40 PM CST


Kelly Butland & Family

P.S. So glad your checkup went well and you like your new doctor!

Kelly Butland <butlandr@bellsouth.net>
Deatsville, AL United States - Thursday, February 14, 2008 1:50 PM CST

Wishing you all a very nice Day!!!! Made it by after all.

Hearts-Hearts- and more Hearts......Have a Happy Day!!!

Much Love Always, Lenzie's Family.....

Sue Jeffries
- Thursday, February 14, 2008 8:07 AM CST
I love yall & am so happy for Colette's awesome news!!!!

Stacy <stacystone4@aol.com>
Grand Bay, AL USA - Tuesday, February 12, 2008 9:22 PM CST
"I'm so happy and here's the reason why, Jesus took the cancer all away. Now I'm singing as the days go by Jesus took the cancer all away"......We use to sing that little song in Children's Church when I was director and Tammy was my Assistant. "I'm so happy and here's the reason why Jesus took my burden's all away..now I'm singing as the days go by Jesus took my burdens all away. Once my heart was burdened with a load of sin, Jesus took the sin and gave me peace within." The unrest and not knowing in the last few months have been very difficult. The peace is hard to maintain because we give satan too much of our time when we need to keep our eyes on Jesus. Just like Peter we don't need to worry about this "neuroblastoma storm" all around us and just rest in the arms of Jesus. After all, that is the ONLY place we can find peace! AMEN?

Fear in the Bible is used as a verb!!! "Fear Not, I am with you always".... "Fear not, I have come to bring you tidings of great joy," PLEASE HEAR ME...the only way satan can destroy our peace and joy is IF...IF...IF we LET LET him!!! I HOPE you realize that if God bring us to cancer or any other tribulation or grief, HE WILL BE THERE TO SEE US THROUGH IT!

God Bless you all for your uncounted faithful prayers for my darlins and me...you have stuck closer than a brother and you have never met us. God will have many Crowns of Compassion and Faithfulness for you ^I^ in heaven.

If you haven't already please ask Jesus to be your Savior to remove your sins and make you clean so we will all be together in Heaven one day. That is the only way to Heaven is to Ask for forgiveness from your sin/be Baptized like Jesus was baptized/and Commit you LIFE to serving Jesus to help other lost souls to Heaven!! God did not create us to stand around looking pretty...we were created to love Him and Lead others to their Heavenly Father. (Jesus wants us to come running to Him like Colette does when she says "MAW MAW" and jumps into my arms. That is what God wants, a relationship without wanting anything. I know when she runs to me and calls my name it is JOY...How much better than her saying Maw Maw what did you bring me??? That is how God wants us to come to Him..even when we don't need anything.

All my love to all of you..please consider my words and take them to heart, Love Maw Maw Penny and Nana Sue you are Precious to me:)

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Saturday, February 9, 2008 6:31 AM CST
Yea!!! Yipee!!! WooHoo!!! YaHoo!!! As that is such Wonderful News!!! So happy to hear good scans and all. Look at that beautiful sweet face on the top of the update. We are so happy to hear Colette is just growing and being a "Normal" little girl. I know she has her problems such as hearing aids and all but she really is doing so well and continues to seem better and better each and everyday. Doesn't let anything bother her which is good. What more can we ask for. We just always have to pray for only good days ahead. I think I might not be making much since. lol... Just so happy to hear such good news....

I will be away for a good while so had to come by for a visit now. Also to say....


Wish I could leave you some hearts to make the update pretty....Here are a few just not so pretty


Have good weeks ahead while I will be away from being able to sign....Always thinking of all our Special Friends though. Hello to all and Maw Maw Penny to. I was so happy forgot to say Hello when I started to write...

Much Love Always, Lenzie's Nana

Sue Jeffries
FL. U.S. - Friday, February 8, 2008 4:02 PM CST
When I closed my entry on here yesterday, I went into my prayer closet and hit my knees. I brought ya'll before the Lord and He was faithfull and good! Why am I still surprised when prayers are answered. I am so happy for Colette. She looks so beautiful. I love the pictures of her. God has big things planned for your girl and mine too. They are both walking miracles. Love you.
Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Friday, February 8, 2008 12:34 AM CST
Praise God!!! I am so glad to hear that fabulous news! The late effects clinic is so new that Taylor has not even been yet. We go in April, I will let you know how it goes. I know you are glad this day is over. I am thrilled for you all. Way to go Colette!
Love to all,
Kim www.taylorwatts.org

Kim Watts <jimandkimwatts@yahoo.com>
McCalla, AL - Thursday, February 7, 2008 8:03 PM CST
See!! We knew! I'm so glad to see confirmation from the Docs, tho!
Love you!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Thursday, February 7, 2008 7:52 PM CST
Tammy, I haven't talked to you in well over a year, but please know that you and your family are always in my prayers. You are an amazing person.
Tonya T
Mobile, AL - Thursday, February 7, 2008 5:42 PM CST
Hello Pate family and faithfull friends. I know I have been off the radar for over a year now and I deeply regret that. Our family has faced many trials over that time. But when Sydney(our daughter) was kicked by a horse, two weeks ago, we were thrust into a situation many of you have faced, the fear of not knowing. Although, ours was able to be answered quickly compared to what so many of you have bravely faced. A great team of neuro-surgeons were able to "fix" her skull with titanium plate and screws. She was lucky that her brain was not compromised at all, but she was in Childrens in Litlle Rock for 5 days, once again, short compared to you brave cancer warriors. But as we were there I was reminded of Colettes many stays in Birmingham and seeing those parents everyday remined me of what ya'll go through, endure and couragously face. I was ashamed of my lack of contact and my failure to continue praying for you all. Sydney is up and back to normal, behaving like any 12 year old would. Tammy, I know you have been busy, but you can't forget my childrens ages...shameon you. Trent is 9, will be 10 in July and Jensen will be 4 in April, yeah! Time flies and they are pushing me closer to 40---unbelievable. Anyway, I want you to know I love you and you are on my mind and heart and I will go pray for you all right now. Hang in there, fight the good fight. Love
Stephanie Laughlin <slaterbabe10@yahoo.com>
Searcy, AR - Thursday, February 7, 2008 2:07 PM CST
hey Mrs.tammy,
good luck tomarro!tell Colette that we all love her!!if you need ANYTHING just call us!!we are happy to help!!bets wishes and may god be with you and mr.jason as you travel!!dang 3:30 is so early!lol
love you!
tori mai

victoria mai <victoriamai1994@yahoo.com>
mobile, al united states - Wednesday, February 6, 2008 4:12 PM CST
my prayers are with you as you travel to birmingham.
on a side note...dont go off that darn hoover exit looking for John parker - we did and dented our rims of our car!!!
Love you all.

Mobile, al - Wednesday, February 6, 2008 1:00 PM CST
Crazy for loving God and praising him and thanking him and gloryifying him???? Anyone who thinks you're crazy is crazy!!! (LOL!) We all take comfort in the Lord when we are at our lowest. Sometimes that is what it takes; although, I don't wish it on anyone. Hopefully, many will learn from our personal journeys and see how powerful He is and how it is impossible to get through life without Him.

Good luck with the scans...I know they will be clean!!

With HOPE in the LORD,


Cindy Terrio <cindyt@rtconline.com>
Reserve, LA - Sunday, February 3, 2008 2:35 PM CST
Love the verse - it's one of my favorites. This is my current favorite though - from a series we just finished at church: (Psalm 39:4-5 NLT) Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, and that my life is fleeing away. My life is no longer than the width of my hand. An entire lifetime is just a moment to you; human existence is but a breath.

I'm glad you are in a better place going into her checkup - I know how hard it is and I'll be in the same place these next few weeks - worrying, wondering, and waiting for the results. We're praying for clear scans though - know that!! I miss ya - hope to see you when ya'll come through!

lisa tanner <lisa0918@bellsouth.net>
hoover, al - Saturday, February 2, 2008 9:58 PM CST
Tam, I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling a little more on an even keel. I hope you got my text message the other day- I just felt pressed to send you an "I love you". (If not, well, I tried!)
I've been praying hard for you to find the peace that your heart is seeking right now. I know it's difficult to have to think about Colette's tests, but I have such a calm in my heart for her this week that I cannot help but to feel that she will come home with a perfect bill of health. The only thing that has weighed heavily on me has been the pain in your heart, and it sounds like you have found comfort in the grace of God's Word.
I hope you guys have a great trip over to see Sherry and Craig and the kids, and that Matthew is feeling better. Poor buddy, he's had a rough time of it! And you know I"ll be praying big prayers as Thursday approaches. Love you lots,

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Saturday, February 2, 2008 7:37 PM CST
I got home Sunday night just before 7:00 pm from going to be with my Sherry and my darlins. Matthew called Thursday morn and said, "Paw Paw momma needs you to come here". Of course, Maw Maw was packed and ready to go. He was in th hospital for three days and was a very sick buddy. He had a spot on both lungs that were collapsed. With oxygen and medical treatments he was released on Friday. He can't run and play without becoming winded and starts wheezing. He has had many hospital visits with asthma and pneumonia.
Poor little buddy :( When I got to Sherry's the kids greeted me with open arms and comments like,"Maw Maw pack your stuff and move here and don't go back to Mobile". I told them that Paw Paw wouldn't be very happy :( Hannah is four and she would cry when I got out of sight. She thought I was gone.
What in the world is a Maw Maw to do?

Yesterday I picked Bryant and Colette up from school for Tammy and they talked me into staying with them last night. Paw Paw was working and Uncle Mike was shoot pictures a Mardi Gras Ball so I said, "what the heck!!"

I KNOW God heard your prayers for Matthew and He answered...THANK YOU with all my heart:)
All my love Maw Maw Penny

penny <mrs_penny1208@yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Wednesday, January 30, 2008 9:17 AM CST
Hi Tammy and Family, Stopping by to check on you. Tammy sorry you are so overwhelmed with them dark emotions, but just push them right on out of your mind. I know its hard at times and with reading about everyone else, but think positive and push the bad thoughts out. Lenzie's site is back opened and hoping for no more problems...Be sure and stop by to see Kelly and them when you go to Birmingham Feb.7th if you can or at least for a clean bathroom break. They would love to see you guys. She has said all our friends are welcomed anytime so don't forget that. Lenzie has an appointment on Feb.11th in Birmingham with Dr. Crawford.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little

tighter and a little longer. It is then, that I will thank

God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more



I read this somewhere and I realize that we should all feel this way everyday. We will always pray and ask God for one more beautiful day. We get caught up in all the things that don't really matter when we should only think of the things that really do matter and tell our loved ones everyday just how very much we love them. We have to keep our trust in God and always tell him our worries and pray to him for good days for our families. May your family always be blessed and only good days ahead for you guys. I know its so very hard not to worry, but do try and relax and enjoy life with your beautiful children. Wishing you guys a very nice week. Here is a quote below that I thought you would like also.......

Good morning fellow adventurer!

Question: What would it take, what would have to happen in your life these days, for you to allow yourself to really kickback, relax and just enjoy?

Answer: Whatever it is, you will achieve it, earn it, acquire it, or experience it SO MUCH FASTER... if you first... kickback, relax and just enjoy.

By: Mike Dooley

Much Love Always, S. Jeffries

S. Jeffries
FL. - Tuesday, January 29, 2008 3:53 PM CST


M. MOULTON <judge1@windstream.net>
- Sunday, January 27, 2008 9:50 PM CST
Just got home from the office, and wanted to come by while I had a few minutes to leave you a good message.
Tam, I know you've shouldered this fear of relapse, and I know it's one that's hard to shake. I can't imagine NOT being afraid. But, I know in my heart that Colette is healed. It's hard, because I know that Brooke and Dusten are heartbroken that Morgan is having to basically start all over, and now they can't even do it close to home. Dusten returned to Bloomington from New York today, leaving Brooke and the girls in New York. The strength that you all have to wake up and just face each day is overpowering and inspiring to me.
We've laughed time and again about me not being closer, and I wish at times like these that I was. That we could just go grab a cup of coffee or tea and you could vent, and we could laugh, and cry, and when it was really bad, go throw things. I'm not, and I can't do that with you, but you KNOW you can call me, or email me. Vent at me, I can take it!
I love you guys, all of you, and while I know it's hard, I have faith that there is no reason for fear. Tonight, my prayers are that you will find the peace that your heart is seeking. He shall bring you that peace.

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, January 27, 2008 8:04 PM CST
Hey there!! I'm sorry to hear of all these things you are dealing with!! What stress!! If you need some company when you're here - call me! Email me if you don't have my info. I can come hang out with ya'll or meet you for lunch, or something!!
Lisa Tanner ~caringbridge.com/al/cole~ <lisa0918@bellsouth.net>
hoover, al - Friday, January 25, 2008 4:56 PM CST
Praying for Sherry and Matthew, and the rest of the crew. Keep us posted!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, January 23, 2008 8:48 AM CST
PLEASE PRAY for Sherry's son Matthew. His asthma has flared worse than ever and he threw up all night. Poor Lil" Darlin and Sherry is frantic. She has no one to leave her 4 year old with and had to carry Hannah and Matthew with her to the hospital in Dothan, AL 45 miles away. Their hospital here in Mobile was 5 minutes away and these are all new doctors and they don't know his history. THANK YOU.....I KNOW God hears YOUR prayers!!!
I am waiting to see if he is hospitalized. If so I see a road trip soon. God Bless You ALL Love, Maw Maw Penny

penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:01 PM CST
Hi guys! Just dropping in to say I love you!!!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Tuesday, January 22, 2008 12:37 AM CST
Here is a rare chance to babysit and it is a pleasure:) I have been listening to Colette and Paw Paw in the other room. She is TELLING him how to make a card for Maw Maw:) I just saw Bryants report card and I AM SO PROUD OF MY BUDDY!!!!
2-B's and 3-A's and satisfactory conduct!!!! AB HONOR ROLL
Colette's report was EXCELLENT with need for help with Phonological Skills. GREAT!!!!

Tonight Tammy is singing at a memorial service of a man at our church. Please pray for his family. I understand he was 49 years and has two children. Thank you as I KNOW God Hears your prayers!

PLEASE keep my Sherry and her family in your prayers. The transition to the new work field and surroundings are not easy right now. Pray they will smooth out and become more comfortable and prosperous.

We love you all and wish great blessings on you and your families. All my love, maw maw penny

maw maw penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
theodore, al - Thursday, January 17, 2008 6:14 PM CST
Chaos and insanity ensues in my days- oh the joys of Tax Season! BUT- I wanted to let you know that I still pop in and check for updates and read the guestbook. You are my partners in prayer and meditation, and bring calm to my day! Love you all!
Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:05 AM CST
Hello Pate Family and of course Maw Maw Penny as well. It's always nice to read her entries and she is so right about the what if's and not fearing them and letting God take control of our lives.

Well just wanted to let you know we are always thinking of you guys and keeping you in our prayers.

Wishing all a great week....

Much Love always, Sue (Lenzie's Nana)

Sue Jeffries
FL. - Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:10 PM CST
PLEASE contact me from OPEN ARMS FOUNDATION. I have some valuable information for you. I need an address Thank You and God Bless you all for caring for us Maw Maw Penny


Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Sunday, January 13, 2008 10:13 PM CST
What a beautiful and pleasent Sunday this was. We just spoke to Colette and Bryant and they were both excited at spending the weekend with Jasons parents (NaNa and Papoo) in Milary,Alabama hunting camp of Grandads. They talked about deer and a rope swing. Colette and Bryant went on and on about the swing. Boy, does that make me feel so blessed to hear of them being able to do regular family activities. You understand that Colette has not really been able to participate in these family adventures.:) It's rugged and wooded. Of course, Bryants favorite is the fireside at night and the mud!!!

Our preacher, Brother Greg has bringing sermons of "Living
in Deep Water Faith"...that is trusting that no matter what you will trust God to carry you on to the other side of ANYTHING THAT COMES YOUR WAY! Now, I know that many of you with children here on Caringbridge understand that statment.

When Colette was diagnosed it felt like going on one of those rides at Disney World....you know the ones that you ride up into the air and your feet are dangling and you are filled with FEAR. (Maw Maw is a smart cookie and you couldn't get me near that one!) I have discovered one of the most constant problems I faced was fear of the what if's? I found a small book that informed me that "Fear not" in the Bible is used as a verb. That means we have the choice of LETTING it take control or of LETTING Jesus take control!!!
Satan wants to throw all the what if's he can....but, my Jesus has already won the battle on the cross. All I have to do now is call on Jesus and satan is GONE INSTANTLY!!!!I kid you not!

The Bible tells that satan can not occupy the same space of the spoken word "Jesus"!! Call on Jesus and let HIM be your baracade. That is what He wants from us...trust and to believe and GIVE our very lives in salvation. TRUST and OBEY

THANKS TO ALL OF YOU THAT STILL COME TO THIS SITE EVERYDAY!! God knows your heart and will bless you doubly for your love and compassion for others and Miss Colette and family. We love you Maw Maw Penny

Maw Maw Penny <Mrs_Penny1208@Yahoo.com>
Theodore, AL - Sunday, January 13, 2008 10:08 PM CST
Stopping by to say hope you are all having a very nice weekend. was nice weather today.

I know you have been seeing all the reports of the four children thrown off the bridge by there father and how sad and was sure praying that they were somewhere safe, but see they have found the youngest childs body now so just have to pray for the mother and other family members now. How heart wrenching to hear such things. Seems like that is about all we have been seeing this week on the news.

Well just wanted to say hello to the Pate family. Have a Blessed Sunday tomorrow...

Much Love, Sue...

Sue Jeffries
- Saturday, January 12, 2008 9:12 PM CST
Hi Colette,
Just dropping you a line to let you know that your friends from Illinois are thinking of you. We hope you have a Happy New Year!
Take care and keep smiling.

Deb Maher <season324@aol.com>
- Thursday, January 10, 2008 5:20 PM CST
Hi Tammy, Colette, and Family, I think it's pretty safe to sign your site. I hate having all the problems and don't won't to make them for anyone else. Love all the new pics and the kids are growing and Colette has come along way baby. Colette is so beautiful and yes look at that Tom Cruise. I think Bryant has Tom beat myself though. I know you are so very proud of your kids.

Well just wnated to say hi and let you know that I'm still thinking of you guys. My email is no good anymore and just thought I would pass that along in case. I know Kelly said she had emailed you as she got your email.

Hello to MawMaw Penny as well.

Love, Sue

Sue Jeffries <sjeffries25@cox.net>
- Wednesday, January 9, 2008 1:19 PM CST
Look at her go!! And Bryant cracks me up- he gonna be a pool hustler!?
I'm supposed to be doing the schedule for work and I hate it, but I do have to get it done, so I won't stay, but I wanted to say hi and tell you I love you all lots!!

Megan <mmahaffey@insightbb.com>
Bloomington, IN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 1:12 PM CST

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