Wilder Kim’s Story

Site created on January 2, 2024

A little back story on how we got here. Our Mom’s side of the family is no stranger to the NICU. There’s a history of miscarriages, still births, and small babies due to intrauterine growth restriction. There has been many conversations with doctors in La Crosse to specialists in Rochester and everyone seems to be stumped as to why these are consistent issues with our family. They came to the conclusion that they were missing something genetically with us but didn’t know what. 

One thing we did know is that we have an inherited blood clotting disorder called Factor V Leiden , which increases the risk of blood clots specifically during pregnancy. After placental abruptions/insufficiencies with Chase, Malia, and Izik, Chelsey researched and advocated for the use of blood thinner injections to help the placenta out with blood flow which would would hopefully help the babies grow and keep the placenta strong throughout the 9 months of growing them.

The next two babies that came (Gavin and Maci) we used daily lovenox injections and they came out large and in charge so we assumed we solved the worlds problems. 

So then here comes Mr. Wilder, Chelsey gets the positive test and schedules an appointment right away to get on the same lovenox injections, the sooner the better. Chelsey had growth ultrasounds that put Wilder in a lower 30th percentile which concerned her a little. The next ultrasound he shot up to the 40th percentile so that was reassuring. But the last ultrasound he got he was back in the lower 30th percentile… at that point she was having familiar feelings of concern. Her next appt was going to be January 11th to follow up with these concerns.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Chelsey Sherburne

Hi everyone! Wanted to share a quick update on Wilder. We have been home a little over a month now and I am headed back to work in 2 short weeks on April 1st 😓. I think NICU moms should get a full 12 weeks after their little ones are home! We have the best babysitters lined up through the summer and I know he will do great. Wilder is growing like a weed and I’m starting to pack away some newborn clothes….finally 😅.

He was officially cleared by Ophthalmology last week so we are in the clear as far as his eyesight for now! In June he has his NICU follow up visit where he will see a neonatologist, pediatric neurologist, physical therapist, and a pediatrician to ensure he is growing and developing as expected considering his very early arrival. After that, we should be able to see his primary care provider on a normal schedule .

About a week after he was home I noticed he had a hernia in each groin. Unfortunately, kids don’t outgrow those types of hernias so he has to have these repaired and surgery is tomorrow. ☹️ We would appreciate a few prayers that things go smoothly and we can be done with the hospital life forever and ever! 

Thanks again for all your love and support this year! 

❤️ Wilder’s Mom
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