Help Ward Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Ward’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 14 donors who have made a donation in honor of Ward.

Prayers for continued wellness!
Margaret Berger Morse | Feb 5, 2021
So very glad and praising the Lord for your recovery. Prayers do wonders and I hope mine helped a smidgen with all those many others. Will keep you in mind.
Friend, Barb from Senior Center | Feb 3, 2021
Amen brother. So glad to hear from you. What a wonderful God we serve!! He knows what is our every need & supplies it. Keep serving Him. as long as possible.
Gary W SIEBERT | Jan 7, 2021
Gary Siebert | Dec 31, 2020
David Crandall | Dec 23, 2020
Thank you for all you do to keep the communication going in keeping us informed!
A College Friend - Mavis. Prayers Continue | Dec 20, 2020
Praying fervently for your total healing Ward. You are in the Great Healer's Hand.......And...God Bless ALL who are caring for you!! May all be BLESSED!
Marilyn and Dave Speiser (Adrian Free Methodist) | Dec 17, 2020
You and your family are in our prayers.
Garry Young and Lee Young | Dec 17, 2020
Prayers still flowing. Thanks for the update.
Don & Marsha Ackerman | Dec 16, 2020
We love Pastor Ward!
Roger and Barbara Wrisberg | Dec 16, 2020