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Jun 16-22

This Week

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It has been quite some time since I last updated Team Ty on all that has been happening with his treatments, his health and how our family is doing! Needless to say, the last few months have been a rollercoaster of emotions, information, treatment and good days vs bad days. We have had some very high highs and very low lows. In all that has happened, I have only grown more and more proud of my brother in how he has walked all of this out. Even on his hardest days, he has continued to do his absolute best to fight, put food in his body, walk when the weather allowed and visit with family and friends. He has done this all while have immense pain some days, feeling sick many others and from the hospital for an extended period of time. Maybe the strength that Tyler has been demonstrating has been there all along, and we just haven’t had the chance to see it. My guess is that God has given to Tyler all that he has needed to endure, every day. It is part of the miracle that is unfolding before our eyes. God is making good on His promise to provide all that we need and I am so thankful to have a front row seat to see it happen. 

For a brief overview of what the last few months have entailed, I will just go over some of the major highlights. February was a month that felt like victory after multiple months of intense battle. Tyler had his first scan after beginning treatment in December. Of course, in all cancer journeys, scan days bring about some intense emotions. Personally, I was overcome with anxious thoughts the day we waited for the results, just asking God to calm my spirit until we could know what was happening. That day was one of the highs we got to experience. Tyler’s scan showed great results, with the majority of his cancer shrinking and reducing the amount of cancer growth in most areas. We all were just so thankful for the news.

It seemed too good to be true as we were quickly brought back down to reality. While Tyler’s pain had been manageable prior to the scan, it seemed that as soon as we got a victorious update, he was hit with pain in intense ways again. As we made our way into March, we watched his pain fluctuate, Tyler fight through pain and continue receiving treatment. He tried his absolute best to manage the pain and fight through all the intensity to continue to get his treatments and get nutrients into his body. Unfortunately, the majority of Tyler’s month of March was spent in the hospital. Because his pain was so intense and unmanageable as time went on, my parents made the difficult, yet helpful decision to have Tyler admitted to the hospital for pain management. This was just not something they could tackle at home. After 3 weeks, 2 hospitals, many nurses and doctors, multiple scans, a change in treatment plans and a procedure that would block major nerves in Tyler’s stomach, he was home towards the beginning of April.

Though this time was incredibly hard and emotionally draining for Tyler, my parents and my siblings, we made it through and Tyler is on a great treatment plan now. His nerve block procedure had helped greatly to eliminate his primary pain, leaving the rest to be manageable from the comfort of home. We are so thankful for the procedure and the results it has accomplished so far. I am hopeful that this will continue to relieve Tyler of his pain and that he will get the rest he needs to keep fighting his fight. 

Of course, none of this would be possible or have happened without the dedication, love and care from my parents. I know Tyler sees it up close, but watching them handle this situation with faith in the midst of sorrow, determination in the midst of exhaustion and with the care only parents can give is one of the other miracles I have had the privilege of watching unfold! I am constantly in awe of all that they have carried and the attitude they have had while doing so. I always remind them that it is hard to worry about Tyler’s care when I know that they are constantly there. It is so easy to trust that he is getting all he needs when they are leading his team. I am hopeful that as we continue with his current treatment, his pain will subside, his cancer will continue to lessen and his physical strength will slowly return. It has been a joy to spend so much time with Ty the past few months and I am honored to be his sister and supporter as he fights this thing. Please continue to pray for him and my parents as they walk through the trenches. Even simple texts of encouragement or prayers are helpful to continue fighting with faith and make it through the next moments, whatever they may hold.

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