Tony’s Story

Site created on April 9, 2021

Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your prayers, support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting.

About 5 years ago Tony had a cough that wouldn’t go away and he was diagnosed with IPF - Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis. (Scar tissue buildup in his lungs). There is no cure for it. They don’t know what causes it. People who work in an office have it, so it’s not construction dust related.

In January of 2021 we noticed he was experiencing shortness of breath. A visit to his pulmonologist confirmed our worst fear, the disease was progressing rapidly.
January 2020 his lung function was around 50%.
January 2021 it was down to 35%.
February he started needing oxygen at night and by March he was on it 24/7.

Sanford pulmonologist referred him to Univ of Minnesota Hospital and Clinics where he underwent extensive testing the week of March 30-April 2, 2021.

A team of doctors and other hospital personnel reviewed all his test results and on April 8, we received the phone call from U of M saying that YES! Tony is a good candidate for a double lung transplant and has been approved! 👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Praise God!!! The answer we (and a mighty army of prayer warriors) were so praying and hoping for!!

It takes 7-10 days to muddle thru some red tape and he has a couple more tests in SF next week,
so I will post an update when he is officially on 👍🏻.

This is a huge surgery but we feel God is leading us in this direction.

We really have no idea when the surgery will be. It all depends on when a “good match” donor comes available.
( please remember 🙏🏻 the unknown donor family who is tragically thrown into this situation 🙏🏻 ) Transplant patients have received a call 2 days after listing but most wait a matter of months- some even years if they are a difficult match or are semi-healthy. (which Tony is neither)
Tony has common blood type 0 and the antibodies tests came back negative (good!) which are 2 main things they look at, along with about million other things.

After the surgery, the typical hospital stay is 2-3 weeks.
After discharge from the hospital, we need to live within 15 miles of the hospital for three (3) MONTHS!
U of M assists patients and family to find apartments near the hospital to rent .... so I guess we’ll be Mnpls temporary residents. (not extremely excited about this 😝🙃 but 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️)

Thanks again sooooo much for all your calls, cards, texts, prayers and support that we have been blessed with!
Ya all are aMaZiNg!!!!!!

God’s got a plan. 🙏🏻 praying He gives us the grace to accept it. 🙏🏻

God Bless You

Tony & Marcene (Blom) Travis

Newest Update

Journal entry by Marcene Travis

Tony and my gravestone arrived in the middle of May ~ just before  his birthday (May 23), his angelversary / date of death (May 29) and Memorial Day (May 30 this year).   Needless to say it's been a rough year and May really sucked.   I'm hoping with all the "firsts" behind me, it will get a little easier with time.

I don't expect grief to go away... no matter how much time passes, I will never really stop grieving.  Some days I think "hey, I'm doing okay."  and then the grief, disbelief and sadness hits me like a tidal wave.  I just try to slowly move forward, adapting to life without my dear soulmate, and focus on our many wonderful memories together.  I am so blessed as I lean on my Faith and am surrounded by my family and friends for so much support.  

Little explanation on the gravestone: the front picture is the shoreline of our home on the lake... Tony often commented when we were there, "this is our little piece of heaven on earth" and it was definitely our happy place!!  It took me a long time to decide what I wanted on our gravestone, but when it "came to me" it felt perfect.   On the back side,  since it was our common love of scuba diving that brought us together, a picture of divers felt appropriate.  We were blessed with many travels and diving around the world.  God added the touch of the sunset through reflection one beautiful summer night.  

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.

~ Marcene 

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