Tom’s Story

Site created on June 15, 2021

Welcome to Tom's CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting. 

During the past few months, Tom has noticed some odd pain on his right side traveling to his lower abdomen and when it persisted , he finally decided to go to the doctor.  His regular Family Physcian could not find anything that may be  causing his  pain. Fortunately, Tom asked to be sent further as the pain continued to get more intense. 
A surgeon that he was referred to sent him on to an Oncologist and it was then he was sent for a CT scan.  The scan was scheduled for Thursday, June 10th and the very next day he received a phone call from the Oncologist at nearly 6:00 in the evening.

Prognosis so far...
Tom has a spot on his colon with several spots that the Oncologist feels metastasized to his lungs.  The Oncologist was very compassionate and kept apologizing to Tom, but stated he was committed to try and give  Tom as much time as he could.  About 14 years ago Tom was diagnosed with Colon Cancer and if anyone knows Tom and his character...they will know how positive & optimistic he remained all throughout his Chemo treatment.  
Tom is always so happy go lucky, telling funnies or making others laugh.  He is generous, kind, and such a wonderful man it is our hope that he can, in his own words, "kick this cancer in the ass again!"

Newest Update

Journal entry by robyn carey dundee

It's been a long time...

My sincerest apologies for not visiting the website to let you know how Tom is doing.  There is just a little bit to share.  Tom will need to take chemo therapy for the rest of his life.  If he stops, the cancer will grow back quickly and eventually end his life.  We are both committed to keep taking him for his chemo and it will just have to be a part of our lives.  He will have another CT in a few weeks and hopefully the scan will show some changes.  There is a very small chance that if they shrink small enough in his lungs, he could possibly have surgery to remove them, but he would still need to maintain treatment in someway. 

Tom remains positive and optimistic...Thomas Marvin Rykel is simply my HERO.  I don't know how he remains so positive.  Smiling and laughing all the time. Most of our days we stay at home since going out and about could be dangerous for him.  Covid would take his life so we really try hard to avoid being around others, especially crowds.

I also want to take this opportunity to ask for help.  It is so difficult for us to ask for help but, this time we have to set our pride aside and ask our friends & family for their support.  Earlier this month (April) I was diagnosed with Invasive Mammary Carcinoma in my right breast.  On May 11th I will have surgery in LaCrosse and then will need 33 treatments of Radiation, 5 days per week for 7 weeks.  We are so fortunate that Tom will be able to take us back and forth for the radiation and on days that he has chemo treatment, I would need someone to drive me to LaCrosse.  We may be able to change his chemo to LaCrosse on those days while I am taking radiation treatment, but for right now we will need to rely on your help.  If you would love a "road trip" to LaCrosse on a Wednesday, please let me know.  We would appreciate your help!

Love & Peace,
Tom & Robyn  
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