Tom’s Story

Site created on February 25, 2018

Thank you for visiting my dad’s site.  We are all praying for his life right now.  First I will say I am so proud of my mom, Abby and Matt for how strong they have been these last few days.   This all began Thursday, February 22nd.  While recovering from a massive heart attack 2 weeks prior, he collapsed and was rushed to the hospital.  He had a clot in his carotid artery, one of two main pathways for blood to flow to the brain.  The lack of blood left the brain with no oxygen causing death of the brain tissue on the left hemisphere.  The left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body, resulting in the loss of movement on that side.  It also controls speech, leaving him unable to communicate.  He has been well supported at his bedside by his mom, siblings, and most important to him, his nuclear family.  My dad is a strong willed and very determined individual, who has endless love for his kids and family.  If there is ever a person to pull through this, my dad is that person.  Through God, any and all things are possible, so we are left at this time just praying and waiting.  We just don't know what is in store next for him.   If you wish to donate to my dad's cause, please visit his GoFundMe page which can be reached by pasting this link into your search bar:  // 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Debbie Purfuerst

Quite a gap since the last update.  Tom is working hard at speech and OT therapies.  Speech 4 times a week, OT 3 times & PT 1 time.  The Froedtert nuero rehab program is amazing - we are thankful that he is there.

When he's not at Froedtert we are working with him at home at least once a day on OT & speech plus he has a couple of really good speech app's that he can use to practice on his own.  He is able to say a couple of words hi, bye and night.  He is also able to repeat some words in therapy. At this point beginning sounds are being worked on. He had his first speech evaluation last week and has passed 20 of 21 goals so he is progressing.  Aphasia is a long road but every day seems to bring a small accomplishment and that is what we want to see. He is able to read and comprehension is good so we are thankful for that.

OT is working on building strength in the right arm  He has movement through the wrist and the hope is that some finger movement will come back.  PT works with him on strengthening his endurance. His right leg is doing well but his foot tends to drag just a little bit when he gets fatigued.

Tom continues to work hard and maintain a good attitude.  Keep him in your prayers! 
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