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A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Tom’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 25 donors who have made a donation in honor of Tom.

Stay strong Tom. Wishing you the best in your recovery. Looks like you have a strong supporting cast!
Vinnie & Kathy Barker | Nov 15, 2023
Greg and Celia Lowry | Nov 15, 2023
Scott & Joanna Dales | Nov 14, 2023
Patty And Dan Tillman | Nov 14, 2023
Much good news today! A reflection of the strength and indefatigable spirit of the patient. Just know that you have a lot of people thinking of you and your family, Tom.
Karl Heinzerling | Nov 14, 2023
Praise be to God indeed! Best news Lynn
?????? | Nov 14, 2023
Tom, you are one of the strongest guys I know and you will recover from this. You and your entire family are in our prayers.
Tony Urdahl | Nov 14, 2023
Tom, just like a 2 and a half mile canoe portage down a rugged narrow hiking trail, you will get through this! The Boundary Water Boys are here to support you any way we can. Prayers and thoughts with you, your family, and many friends.
Craig Ritzinger | Nov 14, 2023
Thank you for the update. Kendra and I continue to pray for Tom’s recovery and for God’s care for you family.
Rob Diehl | Nov 14, 2023
Spencer brown | Nov 13, 2023