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Jun 02-08

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It's been almost 2 years since I last updated on my journey with Breast Cancer. 4 years since I was diagnosed. 1 and 1/2 years since my last surgery. It feels like so long ago but at the same time feels like it all just happened. Since it is Breast Cancer Awareness month, I thought it a perfect time for an update. I'm doing great and still no signs so far of it returning but still something I stay on top of. Still see an oncologist every 4 months.

Since I went through this, I have had multiple friends reach out to me just asking if it would be ok to talk to someone they know that just got diagnosed. It's so scary how common Breast Cancer is. The statistics are still 1 out of every 8 women will be diagnosed in the states in their lifetime. That's really insane to me. Every time I am in a room with more then 8 women I wonder who in the room has gone through it.

I'm still an open book about it and I want to help any and every woman who may find themselves in this position. But not everyone is comfortable asking questions or talking about it so here are some things from my experience that may help someone else one day. Don't let ANYONE dictate how you need to feel or what you need to do. Below is just my experience. Everyone's journey with this is different. Do what makes you feel comfortable.It's a big deal.
  • Get your yearly mammogram and make sure it is 3D imaging
  • If your mammogram comes back unusual and they need to take a closer look, make that appointment asap. Do not wait.
  • Call your doctor if you have not heard back from them. You are one person and have to make one call. Your doctor has to make multiple calls. You are NOT their only patient. But be nice!!!
  • If you elect to have a mastectomy, ask your surgeon about a nipple sparing mastectomy. There IS an 80% chance you will be able to keep your nipples. I did.
  • You will NOT know if you need chemo until AFTER your surgery and they do the sentinel node biopsy. There is really no literature or doctor who explains this. This part is an emotional roller coaster.
  • I have sensation in both my breasts but that healing takes time. Be patient. The body truly does heal but takes longer as we get older.
  • Catching it early on a yearly mammogram is key to beating it. 
  • Do your monthly self exams. A lot of women say they don't really know what they are looking for. If you do your self exam every month, you know what feels normal so when something is off or you feel a lump, you will know. Get it checked out immediately. Don't forget to check under your armpit!
  • If you choose a lumpectomy, you will most likely have to get radiation.
  • Ask your surgeon or plastic surgeon if they can do subcutaneous fat transfer. This technique uses your own tissue to re create breast tissue. I do not have implants, it's my own tissue that was injected into an absorb-able type of mesh implant that to this day, I can barely feel. One day in the next 1-2 years, it will have been completely absorbed. 
  • If friends offer to help you, accept their help. You don't have to go it alone and anyone and everyone that cares about you will want to do something for you.
  • Start a journal because it helps to write your emotions down.
  • Cancer is STILL a scary word and an extremely emotional experience. I did have some people in my life that made me feel like I was being a whiner about it. But you know what? Those people are no longer my friends or in my life. The real ones stick around and just listen when you need to talk. They don't pass judgement.
  • It's true that when you're faced with this kind of thing in life it puts things in perspective for you. Enjoy ALL THE THINGS! Save nothing for a special occasion. Buy that outfit. Drink that vintage wine. Get that tattoo. Get the VIP tickets to see your favorite band. Travel to a place on your bucket list. Send a love note to someone you like. what makes you happy.

Above all, love yourself enough to take care of you! You are special and you only get one you in this life.

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