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Jun 02-08

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I pledge my head to clearer thinking,

my heart to greater loyalty,

my hands to larger service, and

my health to better living,

for my family, my club, my community, my country and my world.


I wonder how many times my dad repeated those words in 68 years.  And some of you have heard it many times others…. it may be your first time.  But yet I don’t know if there is a better pledge to describe my dad.  4-H is based of course off the 4 H’s Head, Heart, Hands and Health.  Not only did dad make this pledge he lived it every day.


I pledge my head to clearer thinking……30 years with the University of Minnesota Extension service and ending his time with the Ada Borup West School district.  Learning and growth was everything to dad.  He looked at each child and wanted nothing but the best for them.  He didn’t care if you were the 4.0 scholar or destined for other tracks in life dad somehow saw the potential in each child and then he fostered that spark to help lead to better things.  In his grand kids there was so much pride in their schooling, each one striving each day to succeed.  Even when a test didn’t go the way you hoped he had words of encouragement and when you succeeded then there was a celebration.  To my dad there was no greater thing than education.  It was the core of who is was and he never gave up on anyone.


My heart to greater loyalty… and friends and his loyalty defined him.  He loved travelling to a dance competition for Ella, Volleyball and softball for Hannah and Oliva and of course then there was hockey that Alex and Dom played.  Carl is yet to set his passions but his grandpa will always be watching over him.  45 years of marriage to mom……what an example.  In a day and age where people come in go in each other lives they found a way to stay together.  They made it through floods, job changes, kid’s and grandkids health scares and cancer.  Yes folks, even though dad is heaven today, he beat cancer with my mom by his side.  He never let it take his happiness or define him.  To his friends and there are so many of you……….. each of you had a special place in my dad’s world.  He loved his stories from Deer camp with the Ophiems, the sugar beet stories with the Erickson’s, the adventures at the lake with the Ruebke’s, all of his brothers in the fire department and friends on the fair board.  I could go on and on and I know I miss many, each of you had a special place in his heart.

My hands to larger service…..the last few days, whether it has been writing the obituary or writing the eulogy all mom kept saying, then mention this, oh now mention this, now add this.  He lived to serve others, where that drive and desire came from is unknown.  He embraced each organization he was involved with, he wanted to leave this world just a little bit better after he was gone.  And I think we can all agree that he accomplished that.  One thing that we didn’t mention was he time working with Grace Lutheran Church.  He was a Sunday school teacher, worked on various committees, usher and much more.  Faith and being in touch with God was as source of strength.  He found God everywhere whether he was sitting in a goose blind, a deer stand, drinking coffee near a lake, watching his grandchildren, spending time with mom.  His relationship with God was his rock.  As he endured this battle he never questioned God, he never got angry he just turned more and more to the lord.  So today I can stand here without a single doubt in my mind that he is heaven.  He is walking with Jesus and other loved ones who went before.  And if we know dad he is already starting to organize everything so when it is our turn to go home he will have all the details laid out.


My health to better living…..let’s be honest working out….Tom no not really…I mean ever.  Did he enjoy an occasional cigar and a good bourbon, yep guilty as charge.  Yet he lived a life full of happy memories.  Our family has been plagued by various illnesses from my battle 20 years ago, the child birth complications and various other health problems.  But yet the focus was always on tomorrow.  Dad would say when we get out of here where gonna do this.  And that is what we did, we found a way to stay positive even when things were dark.  He always knew and believed that better days where ahead.  And as we sit here today, dad would say the same thing.  This is just a moment, things will get better.  We need to lean on one another and stay focused on the bigger picture.  Maybe that means helping mom, or helping the grandkids to a place of understanding during this difficult time.  A storm only lasts for a short time no matter how vicious it is, God’s love will guide each of us through in our own way.  Remember the rainbow and God’s promise to each of us.

Now we can’t talk about dad without some laughter.  It’s no secret that back in my college years and years after we did a lot of goose hunting together.  There was about 10 of us up there, we shot at some geese and then some cranes flew near dad.  Now back then cranes were protected, but dad started shooting, obviously thinking they were geese.  Now he missed with the first two shots, which he did often, then he had a misfire, reloaded with one more shot and we are all yelling Tom don’t shoot they are cranes.  Then he fires, hitting one.  To this day nearly 20 years later the guys still remind dad about shooting that the crane.

When growing up Tracy and Tara will tell you that dad would walk thru the house touching the door frames, just to make sure that the house was still standing.  Then every time we left the house he would blow the house a kiss.  We still don’t know what that was all about nor did we ever understand it.

There are some stories from fair board and school board conventions, but I want Pastor Jack to let me stay in the church today so I will leave those out.

I ask in the coming days instead of us being sad and gloomy that we smile and share the spark that my dad had in him.  Let us celebrate dad and his life, please share your stories with us, and with each other.  Remember and love him like he loved all of us.

My dad had a smile that would light a room and he loved to share his life with others.  I want to thank each of you personally for all of the kind words, letters, cards, food and thoughts.  It means the world to us and I pray that my dad brightened your day.

The end of the pledge brings everything together that was the driving force in his world,  for my family, my club, my community, my country and my world.

God bless.


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