Thomas Charles’s Story

Site created on July 15, 2018

At our 18 week anatomy scan, we were told that our sweet baby boy (lovingly nicknamed "Bear") had a congenital diaphragmatic hernia.  This "hole" in his diaphragm allowed his stomach and bowels to push into his upper chest cavity. The big concern with this abnormality is the development of his lungs as they don't have adequate room to grow. We consider ourselves so blessed to have known about Bear's CDH so early in the pregnancy which allowed us to monitor him thoroughly and mentally prepare for the journey ahead. 

*Note – We are extremely blessed to have great insurance and the means to support Thomas through this journey. The donation link at the bottom is NOT for Thomas, but instead for the Caringbridge website.

If you feel inclined to give, we’d encourage you to donate to Levine Children’s Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Fund at

Newest Update

Journal entry by Jeremy Hyder

We are very excited to announce that Thomas is safely home!!!  Despite our lack of sleep, the overnight stay in the NPCN went well.  With the discharge checklist complete, we packed our bags, loaded T-Bear in his carseat on a cool looking train, and said goodbye to our small bay in progressive care.  We can't describe the incredible feeling of being out of the hospital and in our own home.  While it's a day we've been waiting for since birth, it still seems surreal that we are actually here.  T-Bear is one incredible little dude who fought so hard to overcome adversity, and he has done just that. 

Rachel and I will never forget the day we learned of his diagnosis and were told he had a 50% chance of survival.  Our hearts were broken, but with the amazing support of family, friends, and community, we were able to cope.  That ridiculously amazing love continued throughout our entire journey and led us to where we are now.  And what a journey it has been.  Our pursuit to get Thomas home began at 18 weeks.  It involved many many scans, countless specialist appointments, genetic testing where we learned of his 17q12 deletion, and even a trip to Philadelphia for additional opinions at CHOP.  But it has all been worth the time and effort to now have the little guy safely home.  

While it may seem a little more intimidating without the nurses as a security blanket, we know we can handle it.  Just being able to lean back and relax on a couch while holding him is a blessing. Thomas seeing sunlight for the first time is a blessing.  Having zero cords, tubes, or monitors is a blessing.  Thomas is a blessing.  

I know I've given this disclaimer before, but I will not be continuing Caringbridge on a daily basis going forward.  I imagine I'll make the occasional posts with pertinent updates, but for now I'll focus on T-Bear and Mom.  This site has been a great way to update everyone on Thomas's status, but it has also been a great way for mom and dad to recap.  I'm sure we will look back at these one day and be happy we documented the journey.

Finally, we just want to reiterate how thankful we are for the overwhelming thoughts, prayers and support.  We are grateful to God for providing comfort and answering prayers.  We are blown away by how many people are invested in Thomas and his journey.  There's no way we could adequately thank you all enough.   

-We are home!
-We had an amazing welcome home committee of Lolly, Aunt Carrie, and cousin Eliza who stocked our fridge, cleaned, made dinner and helped us get settled. So grateful

-Thanks for Thomas coming home.
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