Theodore’s Story

Site created on June 18, 2021

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Newest Update

Journal entry by April Mills

Ted is waiting in pre-op for another procedure this morning. This one is to repair his cecostomy port tract. It has scarred shut in places and needs to be opened back up so his Ace port can be reinstalled. The port goes from his right side into his colon to allow us to do enemas for his bowel management. Everything with Spina Bifida is more complicated than what we all take for granted. Ted is happy to get his port fixed but very unhappy with another procedure. He is using his tactic of sleeping through as much of the prep process as possible to manage his nerves and frustrations. I’ve lost count but Ted is definitely in the high 30s now for the number of procedures he has had. It should be a quick procedure and then we will be able to rest tonight and go home tomorrow. He is excited to go home. I’ll update later today to tell you how the procedure went and how Ted is doing. I’m doing well. I got my Starbucks (Thanks Taylor family!) and I’ve got my books to read while I wait for all of this to happen today. God is good all the time!
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