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Jun 09-15

This Week

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Family and Friends,

I hope this finds everyone strong, healthy and safe.  What crazy times we are living in right now to say the least.  No matter what your situation, everyone has been impacted.  It’s been three weeks now that Ohio has been officially been under shelter in place restrictions. That means it has been three weeks that our lives have been turned upside down trying to adjust to our “new” normal (his makes me laugh as we were just getting used to our new “new” normal post cancer!).  As Matt and I and the girls have been navigating during these unprecedented times, I couldn’t help but want to connect with everyone who was a part of my journey last year.  I wanted to share my thoughts on how similar this feels to the lessons I learned last year and to also hopefully send a note to relate and commiserate with one another to make sure we all know we are in this together 😊

As I stated, so many lessons I learned through my journey last year have been brought to the forefront in light of COVID  19.  Let’s explore a few:

  1. Don’t underestimate the GOODNESS in people – if the last few months haven’t opened your eyes to all the amazing people we have in this world, I don’t know what would.  I’m not only talking about the obvious healthcare and front-line workers, but I am also talking about the random acts of kindness you hear people doing every day.   I know I used to write about how having cancer showed me how goodness in people was alive and well, but now the world gets to see it.  This is so inspiring if you think about it. 

  2. Reevaluate your priorities and what is truly important in life – Think about it, regardless of where are you on the spectrum of anxiety or risk with coronavirus, living through a pandemic really makes you stop and evaluate life, what’s important and how you took the little things for granted (don’t even talk to me how much I miss target right now).   Although its painful at times, hopefully we can all come out on the other side of this a little more in tune to what’s important and gain perspective on how important life and relationships are.

  3. Life feels like it is on hold – I’ll never forget when I was first diagnosed, I had someone tell me it will feel like your life is on hold for the next year.  You won’t be able to travel, go to social events, etc. like you are used to.  Yes, this was all true and I know we all feel like this right now to say the least.  But you know what?  It’s not.  Our kids are still growing and developing every day.  Although every day feels like groundhog day, each day gets us one step closer to the end of this.  One of my favorite quotes is “You are going to be happy” said life “but first I will make you strong”.  Regardless if you know it or not, each day, regardless if it is good or bad, is teaching you strength.  Its what you do with it that matters.

  4. Relationships tested – Deep breaths……I love my husband, I love my kids, I love my husband, I love my kids, do I need to say more?? Going through cancer showed me the depths of love.  Going through corona has showed me where things peak! 😊 😊

  5. Balancing it all – good days and bad days – I mean, this is probably one of the biggest challenges I am having right now.  I have the same struggles as so many people do where we are trying to homeschool and work at the same time.  I feel like I’m failing at both and finding grace for myself has been one of my biggest challenges.  Thankfully, I am surrounded with a team of the most incredible people, both professionally and personally.  Maggie’s naked butt has only made it on one webex conference call with executives (story for another time) and Molly has taught me you can’t say “gun” at school (I was rhyming with Sun during a homeschool lesson).  Last Wednesday, I woke up and I was like “OK Katy – today is going to be a great day.  The sun is shining, you have a schedule/routine planned out.  You are going to be productive at both work and home”.  I won’t bore you with the details but let’s just say by 9am, routine was out the window and I was questioning if it was too early to put some Bailey’s in my coffee (not really, but sort of).  Bottom line, you get it, I’m not unique here by any means. 

  6. Tribe sets your vibe, attitude is everything - last but certainly not least, you know this was my mantra all throughout cancer.  How true is this with everything we are going through today??  I don’t know about you but between my mom and sisters, as well as my close friends, we all take turns losing it while the others lift them up.  We haven’t formally talked about this, but it has just sort of worked out that way.  It’s kind of become “who’s turn is it today” lol.  I meant that will all the sincerity in the world.  Even when we are all having bad days, misery loves company and its great to relate to one another.  Regardless, we can allow ourselves to have bad days.  I remember when people would tell me last year, “you are allowed to feel sorry for yourself and feel frustrated”.  SAME EXACT THING HERE.  We are all allowed to feel this way, you will have good days and bad days but what matters is who you surround yourself with to get through.

I survived cancer, we are obviously going to survive this.  I don’t mean to be dramatic comparing the two however, the similarities are so obvious.  One of my favorite quotes by Albert Einstein is “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous”.   One of the things I have been struggling with is how I can pay it forward based on my experience.  In these hard times, I want to be able to tell people it is going to be OK – I have been through a similar situation and have come out on top.  Although these situations are not exact, they are similar.  Coincidence?  God works in mysterious ways……

Love to all – from the bottom of my heart.  Stay healthy and WE WILL see you soon.

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