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Jun 02-08

This Week

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Good morning and Happy Sunday! 


This update is way past due, I just haven't been in the head space to write an entry. It almost seems silly, looking back, that I couldn't get myself to update everyone considering Kase's continued progress. He has continued to amaze everyone with his rate of healing and relearning his speech, gross and fine motor skills, along with his amazingly positive attitude and his willingness to work hard every. single. day. 


While we were on the Rehab floor, we were able to make and foster some incredible friendships with some beyond amazing people. There has never been anything that has happened in my life that has humbled me more than this experience and hearing the stories of others, who I like to refer to as the "1%'ers." Cerebral Palsy, cancer, car accidents, paralysis, house fires, sinus infections that moved to their brain, and countless other situations that the majority of parents and kids will never experience, thus naming us the 1%'ers. To put it in perspective, statistically, Kase had a .000053% chance of going into cardiac arrest due to his diagnosis of Wolfe-Parkinson-White, if that doesn't make him a 1%'er, I don't know what would ----- I will be grateful forever for the time that I was able to rub shoulders with, cry, console, and be comforted by people that have faced their worst nightmares and come out on the other side fighting the good fight to give their kids the best life possible. 

On August 17th, a couple of our Rehab friends were discharged. We were so happy for them to be able to go home, but incredibly saddened at being without their companionship on this journey. This date was also significant to me because it marked the 3-week to discharge date for Kase. I had been telling myself that if we could get to this date, we could make it to September 7th for sure! What I didn't account for was the sadness I would feel when my other kids started school the next week. I have never not been here for events like that and I was not prepared for the emotional and anxiety riddled roller coaster that this event would put me on.

The following week was tough for both Kase and me. I had really hit a wall emotionally and just felt the extreme need to go home. Kase was continuing to progress so beautifully, I felt confident enough to ask the Rehab team if we could go home earlier than the 7th. They evaluated where Kase was at and what progress could possibly be made if we stayed one extra week and everyone determined that Kase would be able to progress just as well, if not better, in our home environment instead of the hospital. I cannot tell you how excited and relieved I was when they told us that they would discharge us a week early on August 31st. 

Saying goodbye to the Rehab team and friends we had made on the floor was very emotional. I couldn't stop thinking about how we came to the hospital and now here we are, 73 days later, walking out. We have been blessed beyond measure and I am so grateful to everyone that has supported us and prayed for Kase's recovery. All those prayers were definitely heard and answered! 

We have been home since Thursday evening and while Kase has settled right back in, I have struggled to get my bearings. I wonder how long it will take for things to feel "normal" or if they ever will and we will just get used to a new normal. Kase's rehab schedule will continue to be intense. We will travel to Spearfish and Sturgis 2-3 times a week for Speech, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy sessions along with therapy sessions at home. We will also return to Denver for follow-ups and continued treatment at several different clinics: Rehab (Acquired Brain Injury) Clinic, Stroke Clinic (with neurology and neurosurgery), Ophthalmology, Rheumatology, and Cardiology. These appointments will be frequent for the next year, then will slow but will continue until he is in his late teenage years. 

Kase couldn't be happier to be home though! He has not stopped snuggling his dogs and playing legos with his brothers. I am very pleased with how well he is doing here physically. He has so many more reasons to get up and walk around and he wants to talk to his siblings, so he has a lot of motivation to keep working on his speech. 

I am going to post a bunch of photos and videos to my Facebook, you can click on the link below to see Kase's progress up to this point. I am also posting a link to a Benefit Auction that my boss, Matt Ramsey, and his beautiful wife, Dawn, have put together to help support Kase and our family for the expenses incurred and continued expenses for the care that Kase needs. I am so freaking grateful to everyone that has supported and prayed for us! My thanks will never, ever be enough to express the gratitude in my heart for the love and generosity of so many people. 

Love and thanks to all, 




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