Help Tara Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Tara’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 20 donors who have made a donation in honor of Tara.

You are in our prayers everyday.
Friends Of Steph Baroni And Trinity Preschool Alums | Jul 12, 2018
Hi Jim - Mike Costigan here. CB update me over the weekend - and we haven't been able to sleep. Happy to hear things are progressing. We live in the area - and are available to help in any way. We specialize in babysitting
MIchael Costigan | Jul 11, 2018
Jim, so glad to hear things are improving for Tara, Brett, you, and your family. Jill and I went through a similar a dramatic experience in Jill's second pregnancy and know the roller coaster you are on. Our payers are with you. -- Jimmy L
Jimmy Lewandowski | Jul 9, 2018
Bill Lynch | Jul 9, 2018
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.
David kornblatt | Jul 9, 2018
Thoughts and prayers! Happy to see the encouraging progress of both. Will continue our prayers and support in any way we can.- Lots of love and strenght to the entire family.
Justo | Jul 8, 2018
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
amanda DeFino | Jul 8, 2018
Hopeful thoughts from friends of Maura and Jeff
Rich and Kathy | Jul 8, 2018
You are in my prayers and thoughts.
Leslie Porter | Jul 7, 2018
I love you T.
Vanessa Costa | Jul 7, 2018