Tammy’s Story

Site created on January 17, 2021

Welcome to our CaringBridge website. With doctor’s appointments, treatments and needed rest, we are using this site to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your prayers, support and words of hope and encouragement. Sorry due to Covid visitors are not allowed.  

A form of breast cancer has recurred from my first diagnosis and double mastectomy in 2013.  

Newest Update

Journal entry by Fred Rojek

First, I want to thank everyone who contributed words of comfort during Tammy’s illness, and volunteered to supply the family with meals during those days and the days following her passing. You have no idea how much the outpouring of love and support from friends, church community and surrounding neighborhood lifted and carried us through those dark days.   

Last week, I placed the first of six decomposable sea shells containing Tammy's ashes along a secluded strip of beach in the Outer Banks where Tammy and I spent many an hour searching for shells and other beach treasures. This was a special place for the two of us, a place to get away from the world and just be together. I placed the shell upon the dunes overlooking the beach. The attached clips show a panoramic view from where the shell was buried. Those familiar with the Hatteras Island portion of OB will immediately figure out the location.  

This is the beginning of a months long journey that will end on the west coast where I will place the final shell along the rocky shoreline just north of San Diego where once again, we spent long hours only this time searching for sea glass always looking for those elusive, rarely seen colors (colors supposedly found once in every 10,000 pieces). Other places in between coasts will include the Shenandoah mountains where we hiked and camped, and where I proposed to her while sitting on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Shenandoah Valley. Atop Mt Taylor outside Grants NM, where Tammy was born and where she (the two of us in later years) attended the lively and festive, multi day Gonzales reunions. The Grand Canyon where we honeymooned and visited one more time while on a grand two-week vacation in that part of the US Tammy enjoyed the most, the south west. Her dream was to walk to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Hint. 

Enjoy the pics. Will be back in April.

Be a Tammy, be a blessing to others, Fred     

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