Help Brooks Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Brooks’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 17 donors who have made a donation in honor of Brooks.

Sending lots of love and prayers from NY
Meredith Fernandez | May 21, 2023
Jessie & Shane, thank you for sharing your story. Your loving strength through this event is truly inspiring. Thinking of the baby Brooks and the two of you.
Nick Pau | May 20, 2023
All the love and positive energy your way. Love y’all so much.
Art | May 19, 2023
Shane - please let us know there's anything Nancy and I can do to help. I'm an experienced JapanBaller and would be happy to assist you in any way.
Richard DeMaria | May 18, 2023
I know and appreciate the valuable service Caring Bridge provides for families who are navigating a rocky road and need the support of family and friends. I am happy to donate to Caring Bridge to help keep Brooks's site powered as long it is needed.
Jeanie Schwab | May 18, 2023
Shane, I'm praying for Brooks and his loving parents. I can't wait to see the photos of him as he grows and starts playing ball!
Gordon | May 15, 2023
Tracy Snider | May 13, 2023
I know you work for everyone's smile for a long time. I'm sure Got helps your family this time.
Chikara Igami | May 13, 2023
Thanks for sharing your love & fears. I'm so happy to hear about Brooks's good day as we have been thinking about him constantly. You two are giving him the love and strength he needs & he is following your lead! We can't wait to watch this warrior grow!
Gina & Paul | May 12, 2023
Our hearts and thoughts are with you through this journey.
Much Love Dodo And Uncle Allen | May 12, 2023