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Jun 02-08

This Week

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I wanted to hop on here and give everyone an update. Sorry for the long period of silence. It was because there were test results that we were waiting to hear back on. I also apologize now for the lack luster writing styles you are about to experience. I do not have my daughter's gift at might be just the facts!

Last week was a little busy with appointments and new information. My oncotype score came in and I will definitely require chemotherapy. From the beginning, that was a for sure thing but I was holding out a little bit of hope my numbers would be low. We met with my oncologist and have a plan in place. He wants to be aggressive with my treatment which I am thankful for.

I do have to stop for a moment and say that all of my doctors have been amazing and I actually cry after leaving my appointments. I am overwhelmed at how God has put this team in place. This was not the luck of the drawl. These doctors and nurses are kind, compassionate and just as important, they take time to explain everything and answer ALL of our questions. Some of my appointments have been an hour of just talking. I might have to do a separate post on Dr. Chin alone. She was my reconstruction surgeon...true Godsend!

Ok, back to my oncologist appointment. I go Tuesday of this week to have and echocardiogram and to have my port put in. The echo is to check my heart and make sure it is healthy for the first cycle of chemo. This cycle is the more aggressive chemo drugs. Once I complete the first cycle, I will have another echo to make sure all is well and there was no damage done from the medicine. Cycle 1 will start on December 7 and will be every other week for 8 weeks. I will do four rounds in this cycle. I will do my last one on 1/18/23 which means... I will feel good for Lauren's wedding the following week.💓 I can't be more excited at the timing! The week after the wedding, is the start of cycle 2. I will go once a week for 12 weeks and wrap up mid April. 

I was originally told that if I had a bi-lateral mastectomy I would not need radiation. Because I was node positive, grade 3 and I have LVI (Lymphovascular Invasion), I will start radiation after I finish my chemo treatments. My radiation will be 6 weeks long and I go 5 days a week. I am praying I will be done with all treatments by June. I have never ever looked so forward to summer as I am this year.

Whew...that felt like a lot! Sorry for the overload. This past week has been a little overwhelming for me and I am still processing. As many fears as I have, I am equally ready to start this journey so I can be done and put this part behind me. A good friend (and a cancer survivor) said something to to me back in August after my diagnoses that really hit home.  He said, "Susan, I am going to give you my cancer talk. I am not going to lie, you are going to have a really crappy year but at the end of that year you get your life, you get your future." His little talk has helped to keep this all in perspective. 

I know I had Lauren share my gratitude and thanks with everyone but I wanted to try and express just how thankful I am for each of you. When I look back over the past few months, I know there is no way mentally I would have made it to this point without the prayers and support I have had from so many. In all of this, I have had unbelievable peace and that is because of all those who have prayed and rallied around me. When Joel and I were at the oncology appointment this week I heard something that brought tears to my eyes. The nurse said that there are so many people who come to appointments and treatment alone because they have no one, they don't even have rides. They have no one to walk along side of them. It broke my heart and I immediately thought how would I have done this journey so far by myself. You all have surrounded me in a way that I can not adequately thank you for. 

I will update later next week.

Many blessing to you all and Happy Thanksgiving!

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