Susan’s Story

Site created on October 21, 2019

Susan suffered a stroke last Thursday night, October 10th, when she was with Dave in Southampton.

Dave  was able to get her to Southampton Hospital quickly. She was in-turn rapidly transported to Stony Brook
Medical which has a very fine neurology unit.
Stony Brook discovered she had cranial bleeding and a surgeon, Dr. Dashti, operated to successfully stop it.
Her progress since then has been very good, with excellent cognition and gradual speech and movement improvement..
There are always short term ups and downs which makes the process difficult, but the direction is UP.
Once Susan regains more strength she will transition from the ICU  and eventually to Rehab where the hard work begins.
We will endeavor to update you, with significant newdevelopments.
Your thoughts, prayers and overall support has been overwhelming , for which we are enormously grateful.

Susan has had to fight through difficult challenges in the past, and we are positive she will conquer this one.

Please feel free to share this website with friends and family.

Newest Update

Journal entry by David Jennings

Apologies for it having  been some time since Susan's progress has been updated.

We were cleared to come to North Palm Beach shortly before Christmas, and there has
been a great deal of organization and infrastructure building necessary to support her
recovery. A number of doctors with varying specialties have been enlisted and are serving
us very well.

With a lot of hard work, Susan has achieved great improvement on all fronts. Her physical 
activity includes daily 2-3 mile walks and occasional gym time including the treadmill. 
The primary focus in her rehab has been speech therapy. Thankfully, with help from our
neurological team, we have been very fortunate to become involved with excellent therapists.
 Susan is seeing these practitioners at both Jupiter Medical Center and through outpatient visits.
We, and the therapists, are very pleased with her steady improvement.
The process is an extended one which will take time, but we are very optimistic regarding her progress.

Our gratitude and love go out to all of you for the wonderful support we have enjoyed
over the past four tumultuous months. We appreciate your prayers on Susan's behalf more than
you can imagine. Thank you.
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