Samuel’s Story

Site created on October 4, 2022

When Samuel was 8 days old the doctors said that Samuel would not be leaving the hospital. Almost 19 years later he has proven himself to be a fighter. He goes about life with a beaming smile and a hunger for adventure. He changes the life of everyone he meets and doesn’t know a stranger. We have always known that his life and time here has been a gift. 

Samuel has recently been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. There is no cure at this time. He has started medication to give him as much time in this life as possible, and is going through these steps with a smile on his face. We look forward to sharing his amazing journey with you and are grateful for your love and support. 


Samuel’s Family 

Newest Update

Journal entry by Laura Springfield

Following his doctors advice, Samuel visited his school today for the first time since his hospital stay began. The Bishop Moore Best Buddies hosted a trunk or treat for all of the  Morning Star students. Samuel and his friends were SO happy to see each other!!! We will visit again on Monday. My social butterfly was overjoyed to be there. I hope regular visits can sustain him until he returns to school full-time. 😃 - Valerie

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