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Jun 16-22

This Week

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Hello ALL... It's actually ME, Stuart writing this one!!

One month ago today, I never thought that I would have a journal entry on the Caring Bridge website, and yet here we are!  I guess I am now a person in the category,  that can tell you, life can change in an instant!

Obviously, it has been a long road to this point, but things really are going better (I think) than could be expected.  As Buffy said last week, herself or the kids have been carpooling me around to various things that I ask them to take me to.  It has been nice having chauffer's to take me places, but I do look forward to the day they will let me drive again.  Never knew how restricting it is when you are not allowed to drive.

I have been in close contact with 3 people that were there that day to try to understand what the hell happened, because I remember NOTHING!   It appears that I hit a jump on a road that we have been on several times in the past and for some reason I didn't pull up enough on the front end of the 4 wheeler when I hit it.  So, because the front end was not up high enough, the front of the 4 wheeler hit first throwing me over the front of the 4 wheeler and then it continued to run me over a couple of times going end over end on top of me.  I don't know how the mind works, but there is something in there that just shuts things down so you don't remember I am convinced.   

So the next 4 days is really the part that I have the hardest part comprehending.  This is because I knew nothing from the moment of the accident until that next Wednesday, when I woke up in ICU.  The reason this part is so hard for me, is because when you are laying there not knowing what is going on, your family and friends have to deal with the reality of what is actually going on.  Buffy, the kids, and I have talked a few times about what it was like for them and the people that were following on this site.  I know Buffy is a very strong person, but to hold it together through some of this stuff for the kids and friends and family is pretty amazing to me.

I still in my mind don't really understand the magnitude of what was happening to me those 4 day post wreck, but everyone says that I had a guardian angel looking over me.  I believe I have a few good ideas of who those angels might have been.  

The other thing that has just completely blown me away is the number of people that came out of the woodwork in support of not only me, but also my family.  Those of you that know me, know that it is very hard for me to be on the receiving side of help from other's.  I am always willing to help others, but  when it comes to other's helping me, I'm not real good at it.  It has been the most humbling experience I have ever been involved in!  

I have actually gone through and read every single post and comment that all of you have put on Caring Bridge, Facebook, and even the cards I have received in the mail.  I just want to say again, I am so humbled by the kind words and support you have shown me and my family.   The kind words, prayers, good vibes that you have all sent our way is, I believe, what has gotten us to this point, and I will continue to get better every day.  

I have joked with people over the last month that I love working hard, but also playing hard.  Those days will come again!  I will listen to my doctor's and my at home nurse (Buffy) and try to take it easy for a little while, but I can tell you, I am starting to get a little restless and wanting to get things done.  Now, I just need my body to listen to me when I tell it to do something.

This week I think we have 4 doctor's appointments, the first being another CAT scan to look at the progress my insides have made.  I am actually looking forward to seeing what they say about that progress and see what I need to be doing to expedite this healing process.   We will let you know how they go!

Thank you all again so much for everything you have done and continue to do.  I will not let you down.  I will be back, soon!

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