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Jun 02-08

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April 4, 2024 Update 
I haven’t updated in a bit. Not a lot to report although some. 
Last Monday I finally got the last drain tube removed! Hallelujah!! Never been so glad to get rid of something so much. Since it was in for so long, about 2+ months, it’s taking a while to heal and will have quite the battle wounds. I also think there is quite a bit of scar tissue going on.
I am forcing and purging forward in big ways. I push myself every single day with pt. 
They say at least a year recovery but that is double the time that is acceptable in my book. I will prove them wrong!! 
I have put the wheelchair to rest in the closet and as of yesterday the walker is there also! I use the cane now and can get around pretty good. Although I walk without bending my knee and therefore my hip does all the work which isn’t good. 
I have in home pt 2xs a week but I push and do things daily. I can now bend my knee a few inches and the incision looks pretty good and closed up now. I have been having lots and lots of pain. Fireworks going off inside my leg. Assume it’s the cut nerves coming back to life and growing. The new muscle that was created is starting to cause new pain as I’m using it but also think that I’m getting some feeling back. Most of the inner thigh down to behind knee has/had zero feeling up until this week. They say it may or may not come back in time. 
The biggest hugest accomplishment is that I made it up and down a flight of stairs!! My pt just shakes her head now and says she never knows what she will walk into when she comes because I just “do”. She says most of her patients are scared to love forward and I’m the opposite. 
Well that’s about it. Still not driving or able to get out much so that’s the next goal! 
I think I’ll go practice getting in Jeep and just trying to move foot from gas to brake and then when I can do that I’ll practice pushing on the pedals! 

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