Starlette ’s Story

Site created on December 10, 2021

In November 2020, Star received the most devastating news a woman could hear. She had breast cancer and it was fast growing. This didn't come as a huge shock to her as she had discovered the lump herself earlier that month. However,  to have the diagnosis confirmed was mind blowing,  as she was just 37 years old. One thing she knew was that she would beat this. She had to. Three small lives depended on her. So, in true Star fashion, she took charge and wasted no time getting treatment started. She underwent rounds after rounds of chemotherapy,  followed by surgery,  then radiation and she is now completing her target medical therapy. She is in the home stretch and so very thankful to God for allowing this trial to be a testimony and not her end, her kids,  her village and mostly her life. She has weathered this battle with grace, determination and unshakable faith and she has been victorious. 
Unfortunately, while she was prepared to face the nausea,  fatigue,  and hair loss that comes with breast cancer treatment,  she could never prepare for the financial burden that comes with it. Insurmountable bills,  late fees, and final notices. These are the new burdens she faces as a survivor.  Just like she relied on the help of her village during treatment,  again she needs your support. Please consider giving any amount you can to help this mom get back on her feet and keep providing the life her children deserve. Click the "ways to help" link above to be directed to her gofundme page. 

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