Stacie’s Story

Site created on June 6, 2020

Webster's Dictionary defines "Cancer" as "something evil or malignant that spreads destructively". I have seen the destructive nature of cancer. It destroyed the physical body of my mother and mother-in-law.  Most everyone has known someone who has been affected by cancer.  The physical evil may spread destructively in the human body, but it can't touch one's spirit or soul.  As human beings, we are seeing the cancer of injustice, hatred, apathy, fear, etc. attack our nation.  I propose that our nation address the cancer in our hearts like someone who addresses the cancer in his or her body.

When I received a call from my doctor May 25th reporting that I had cancer, my first reaction was one of acceptance.  My doctor said the cancer is in early stages, but more testing is needed to make sure it hasn't spread.  On June 10th, I received more testing  at Hill Country Memorial Hospital and went over results with Dr. Stauffer on June 12th.  The cancer did not spread throughout my body, but the MRI showed two other masses. With several masses located, my plan of action will be to shrink the tumors with chemotherapy for several months, have surgery, and continue chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy. I met my oncologist, Dr. Barrington, who is treating my cancer as Stage 2a.  I completed six rounds of chemotherapy using four medicines to attack the tumor.  I met a plastic surgeon and regular surgeon who performed a double mastectomy and reconstructions on November 23, 2020.

After healing from my surgery, I began taking a cancer pill which I will take for 5-10 years. I also began 14 rounds of a medicine called Kadcyla. I take it through my port every three weeks.

The chemo pill created havoc on my body so I had to stop chemo pill until I complete the Kadcyla treatments. The chemo pill caused terrible muscle and joint pain. After seeing a rheumatologist, I have the pain under control. I will have to find another Chemo pill that will work for my physical issues. My final chemo is scheduled for November 5th, 2021.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Stacie Murrah


After 17 months of chemo, today is my last round!! My emotions are all over the place. I feel so deeply thankful for everyone who has spoken a word of encouragement over me. I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support throughout this difficult season of life. I look forward to living life without the treatments lurking in the back of my mind. All I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

My heart is overflowing with thanks to my heavenly father and His great love. The support He has provided through friends and family has been so kind. 

God bless each of you who kept track of my journey through this Caring Bridge page. You have blessed and encouraged me— even you readers who secretly read this post!! 

Praise Him!!
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