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Join the 24 donors who have made a donation in honor of rita.

My heart is broken, but I am grateful to Sr. Rita. A lost 16 year old when our paths crossed, she loved and accepted me unconditionally and without judgement. She changed the trajectory of my life for the better. Forever in my heart and prayers.
Sue Seal | Sep 18, 2023
Please know that I pray for you, for your health, for your comfort, and for you continued ministry among us.
Love, Debbie | Sep 9, 2023
With heartfelt hope that you will be well. 🙏🙏🙏
Sue | Sep 8, 2023
You have always been my hero, whose love and support has made me who I am. Bless you always and thank you.
Associate Louise Kesty | Aug 24, 2023
With love and prayers.
CaringBridge Supporter | May 26, 2023
Dear Sister Rita, I am overflowing with gratitude for you...for the fullness and the flow of all you have given to so many of us. I am rejoicing that you are sharing your journey with us. It is gracious & loving & meaningful.Happy Easter! Love to you, Joy
Joy Kulvicki | Apr 12, 2023
One With Rita...yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Cecilia Rupell | Apr 12, 2023
Dear Sr. Rita: Your light continues to shine brightly for all of us who read your journals. Thank you for your courageous and generous spirit which continues to inspire. You are always in my prayers, dear friend! Love, Teresa Castaldi
Teresa Castaldi | Mar 24, 2023
Janice Szarko | Mar 22, 2023
Terry Odien | Mar 21, 2023