Solomon’s Story

Site created on February 5, 2020

On December 13, 2019, Solomon was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma, a rare cancer that disproportionately strikes adolescent boys. From that moment forward, Solomon has been waging a daily battle against this terrible disease, a battle that unfortunately afflicts far too many families but one that Solomon has waged each day with grace, humor, and uncommon resilience.

So far, this battle has involved moving through the initial shock of his diagnosis, undergoing extensive surgery, and placing on hold school and basketball--his two great loves. He has spent several weeks recovering from surgery at Dell Children's Medical Center where he has received excellent medical care and made lasting friendships. As of today and going forward over the next several months, the battle will involve multiple rounds of chemotherapy and radiation both here at home in Austin, TX and in Houston at MD Anderson.

We have every confidence that Solomon will prevail in his fight with cancer: partly because we know that Solomon is a natural-born fighter with an indomitable spirit; partly because we know that Solomon is held close within overlapping communities of love and support; but mostly because our faith tells us that a merciful, loving, and just God is ultimately in control of events.

We are so grateful for friends and family who have been holding us in the light from the very beginning of this journey. We will periodically update here to keep you abreast of the progress of our journey.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Stephen Marshall

Dear friends of Solomon,
Apologies for the long time-lapse between updates. Daily appointments and attempting to keep up with and implement Covid-19 safety protocols has been time-consuming and exhausting.  We have receiving excellent care here in Houston at MD Anderson, and Solomon is about two-thirds of the way through his radiation treatments and has completed 3 of 7 rounds of chemotherapy. The treatments are inherently challenging, but Solomon has weathered them well and is in good spirits. The global pandemic has added a layer of anxiety for us, but we are taking our bearings from our faith and from Solomon's strength and have no doubt that we will pull through this intense period. We appreciate your prayers and well-wishes and hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.
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