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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

Silas, Janet, & Lupe hasn't added requests yet
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Well our first week is just about a wrap!  To be honest, the first two days were harder than I ever anticipated.  At times I wondered if I had made a mistake pushing to have Silas come home.  The days were met with many tears and frustration over medical equipment not working right and keeping us up all night long.  The medical supply company came Monday and changed out one of the devises which appears to be working better but still doesn’t appear to always be accurate and alarms when everything appears to be just fine.  We have been trying to get in the routine of things and so far we have made mistakes everyday with the process but we know it takes time to get in a routine and get used to completing all of his care needs.  But despite our mistakes, Silas is just fine! He seems so happy, of course he cries from time to time but overall he is pretty consolable.  So far he has had a follow up with the pediatrician and today he had his first speech therapy session (feeding).  Thursday we have the dietician and next week is gastroenterologist, pulmonologist, and speech, again.  I’m hoping the pulmonologist allows us to start weening him off oxygen again soon.  His oxygen has a much bigger impact on the ability to move him around than what was implied.  I’m off of work 5 more weeks and Lupe goes back to work Thursday.  When we look at the big picture, it can get overwhelming but then we remember that God has provided so far and has provided everything we need for today, so thankful for that.  Happy 6 months Silas, we are so glad you are home!

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