Shirley’s Story

Site created on April 29, 2009

While the story continues, we have learned much. Make every moment count. Your life can change in an instant. Hold onto your friends and family with your hands and heart. Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself and your loved ones. Get second or third opinions. Speak up for yourself and your loved ones.

And finally but perhaps, the most important of all is that there are "angels" amongst us. Thank you all for your prayers, support and thoughtfulness. Thank you for walking with us through your thoughts, prayers and kindness. Thank you!

Newest Update

Journal entry by Angela Swanson

Mom was admitted into the hospital last night for a severe UTI. She has been struggling with one since January of this year and has made several trips to urgent care. She has built up some resistance to antibiotics so it's been a struggle.  She had a great ER Dr who did some more investigating last night, and found that mom has a fistula (or hole) in her bladder.  Mom has been waiting to see a specialist for several months, and her appointment with the uro-gynecolgist is this Wednesday. Because Mom already has this appointment on the books, the are giving mom one more IV today and sending her home later today. from the hospital.  Mom is not feeling well at all,  so prayers are appreciated. This appointment on Wednesday is really important as this Dr. handles the complex cases and can hopefully figure out a solution (probably surgery). 

We will post more if/when a surgery is scheduled, but wanted to thank you for your concern, and  keep our log going as everything runs together over time....


Happy Mother's Day to all!

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