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Jun 02-08

This Week

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Hi friends and family.  I know it's been a few weeks and I wanted to give you some updates.  First, I was so thankful to be able to attend Drew's graduation at SMU.  We had a wonderful weekend and all 4 of us were together for Mother's Day.  It was such a blessing. 

On Monday we were in Scottsdale, AZ and we met with Dr. B.  He wants me to start chemotherapy soon.  This is due to the pathology report showing some cancerous lymph nodes which were removed during surgery.  We are doing another CT scan and some specialized bloodwork to get as much information as we can to help us figure out the best plan of attack.  Unfortunately I have developed some significant neuropathy in my hands and feet from the first round of chemotherapy I had in Arizona.  My oncologist in Atlanta and Dr. B have advised me that I cannot start phase 2 of chemotherapy until my neuropathy improves.  The reason for this is 2 of the 3 chemo drugs on this next round of chemotherapy cause neuropathy.  

My request is that you continue to pray for me, Andy, Drew and Allie.  Also, that my neuropathy would improve so I can continue with my treatment.  As always, your continued prayers, love and support is appreciated beyond words.  

Ephesians 3:20 God is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.

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