Shelly’s Story

Site created on November 24, 2020

Welcome to my fight! This all started Sunday night, 11.8.2020 when I noticed a hard mass in my right breast. Thankfully, the next day my doctor had an opening, so I ventured into the clinic. She was wonderful, as usual. That Friday, I went in for my first mammogram and ultrasound. Oh joy, I was skipping into the clinic that day...insert eye roll. After those results came back, my world started spinning. Next came the biopsies and the following day on 11.20.2020,  I received my diagnosis, invasive ductal carcinoma, triple negative. I will never forget that day, I saw the notice and was sitting on my couch when I read the word "carcinoma". My world stopped in that moment. 

Each day I just remind myself how much support I have around me. It warms my heart. That is my motivation to keep pushing. Well, that and...I have a little dance party each morning while I'm getting ready; that helps me feel motivated for the day. 

I appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Love you all! 

I know many of you have asked, "how can I help". Since we are living during a horrible pandemic, this the best way. I will be needing extra support for insurance deductibles, several treatments, extra prescriptions and eventually surgery.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Shelly Hart

It’s been forever since I’ve been on here. Overall l’m doing well. Trying to adjust to the new me, because I’ve realized now the old me is not coming back.

I still deal with aches and pains that were never present before. But now my mind goes straight to thinking the pain is a recurrence. I’m constantly noting when the pain started and tracking if it gets worse. Keeping that 14 day window in the back of my head. 

Self breast exams are practically daily and I still get sickened when I have to feel my cancer breast. The lumpectomy divots are ugly, I don’t have all the feeling back, and the scar tissue inside freaks me out. 

My emotions and energy levels are still out of whack. Treatments may have ended but the side effects sure didn’t end when treatment did.  

On a positive note, my hair is growing back and curlier than ever. I’m loving my curls. The weather is turning colder and I put a hat on the other day. It felt so different to cover my head this time, compared to last year. It was like I had to make sure some of hair was showing through the hat. 

I had my annual MRI this past spring and in a few weeks I’ll be having my mammogram. Which will then be followed up with a visit to my oncologist. I have to laugh at myself, I’ve been promoting mammograms and overall breast health, because it’s October…and here I realized I hadn’t even schedule my own! But like I said, I did get it scheduled. 

Take care! #prayfightwin 


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