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Jun 02-08

This Week

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Hello to all my family and friends! I have had several calls, texts and messages looking for an update, so here it is. Sorry for the delay, but everyone is keeping me so busy!

I am doing quite well, but still recovering. I have some really good days, but still encounter some not so great days. My family and friends know how easily I can get bored and they know how much I hate sitting around. I am so grateful to everyone that has worked overtime, chauffeuring me around to appointments/activities, and getting me out and about to enjoy the summer. I have attended several outdoor concerts, seen almost every movie in the theater, had numerous lunch/dinners dates, played some bingo, spent time on the lake, attended the Clearwater Rodeo, celebrated my boys birthdays, Jack's birthday and my own birthday, and have spent countless hours hanging out with our 4 dogs. This sounds like a lot, and it has been! Although I'm literally just sitting in a chair at all these events, I do get quite exhausted still. I definitely enjoy my naps and sleeping late in the morning! Hoping to attend the Great MN Get Together, but this one may be much more of a challenge. 

Now for the medical update. Recovery is still a work in progress. As most of you know, I had several complications while inpatient, and much of this continued for some time post discharge. 

Stroke/blood clot: If you remember, following my surgery I had complete loss of feeling and movement in my left arm. Initially they thought this was due to a stroke suffered during the surgery. I was monitored closely, and a few days later, it was determined that I had a significant injury to the brachial artery and there was a clot present. The question was whether to operate to remove the clot or to try to let it take care of itself. We opted to hold off on surgery and continue to monitor closely. I was not allowed to use my left arm at all until just last week. I met with the vascular team, had a final ultrasound done on the brachial artery, and it thankfully resolved on it's own. This was the best birthday news ever!

I was also very anemic at discharge. I had many blood/plasma transfusions while inpatient, but this still continued to be an issue once at home home. I was put on high doses of iron, which made me incredibly sick. I was given the okay to discontinue the iron supplements after a couple weeks, and just continue to monitor. My hemoglobin continues to be on the low end, but is much better now and I can tell. Much more energy!

My sternotomy and incisions (there are 6 total) are all healing really well. I go through a lot of Mederma and scar tape, and wear high necklines to keep the sun off them. I'm now at that terrible continuous itching point. Ugh! I still have pain from the sternotomy and the the pacemaker, but this is also improving. Oddly enough, my new pacemaker is causing me most of my pain. This will also subside in time. My neck, shoulders, head and back have taken a beating from the odd positions during my hospitalization and these past 8 weeks of recovery and guarding my incisions. I had the most amazing 90 minute shirodhara/deep tissue massage yesterday and I now feel like a million bucks! Thank you to my awesome coworkers for this gift!

As you can imagine, with no use of my left arm for 8 weeks, not being able to raise my right arm above my shoulder, and very strict lifting restrictions, my muscles have completely atrophied. Now that I can lift both of my arms above my shoulders and can lift a little more weight, these babies will need some serious work! I have been going to cardiac rehab for about 4 weeks now, but have only been allowed to work on my  legs and increasing stamina. I have officially started working the arms now, but wow, are they ever sore! I will continue with cardiac rehab for at least 4 more weeks to hopefully regain my strength, especially before returning to work. 

I know that was long winded, but I guess that's what happens when one waits so long to update y'all. Again, I want to thank everyone for all the well wishes, cards/gifts, rides, meals, chocolate, help with our puppies, visits and activities, and for taking care of my family during these past couple of months. We are all eternally grateful from the bottom of our hearts. We could not ask for better family, friends and coworkers! 

Much love to you all!

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