Shawnell’s Story

Site created on March 18, 2022

Shawnell was diagnosed with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) when she was 23. Thanks to some medication and many prayers she has experienced few symptoms for years. The last year or 2 some changes were made due to some negative side effects from her medication. The RA seemed to come back some the last few months and she had a flare up on Feb. 12. After a visit to the ER and some treatment she felt a bit better. On March 12 they were back in the local ER with a fever of 104.8 and a very low white blood cell count. She seemed to get a little sicker each day and her blood counts kept dropping. After a couple of days there with few answers, it was decided it would be best to get to Stanford University Medical Center in the bay Area. Donovan’s went to Stanford on March 15 where they did a full auto immune work up. Lots of testing, ct scans etc. They have a large team of doctors working on her case. She has been diagnosed her with HLH (hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis). HLH is extremely rare and can by caused by several things, including a severely weakened immune system, high fever for an extended period of time etc. They think there is more than 1 auto immune disease she’s dealing with and them working against each other created several infections, resulting in HLH. They’re working on managing the HLH symptoms but they need to determine the root cause and come up with a plan of treatment for that. Her white blood count is extremely low. She’s also had some bleeding ulcers in her mouth and down her esophagus which is very painful and makes it hard to swallow or talk. Her fever comes and goes throughout day.   Shawnell is very sick. We ask for your continued prayers for her, Donovan and their children. Also pray for the team of doctors that there can be a diagnosis of the root cause and treatment plan that they can feal comfortable with. Thank you for the support and love shown. We feel your prayers...

Newest Update

Journal entry by Terris Koehn

Hi Everyone!
 I hope all you Mama’s out there are having a lovely day! Mother’s Day has been extra special for me this year. The thought that keeps coming to me is how much of a privilege it is that first of all I’m a Mom, and second that I am still here to love my family! So glad we made it through the difficult days when my very existence was so extremely fragile and the many lonely days away from my children. Nothing like going through what I have in the last while to make me realize the little things in life I’ve often just taken for granted. Each day is a gift and I truly have so much to be thankful for!  

I know different ones in my family that were writing these posts have thanked you all for things along the way, but I’ve wanted to personally thank you all again! It has been so amazing all the ways so many of you have shown support and love! First thanks for all the prayers. It’s been a long journey. Some days are hard and it feels kind of like everyone else’s lives are moving on without me, and then someone will tell us they still pray for our situation every day, and courage is renewed! Even though I am still very much recovering, so much healing has taken place. My immune system is getting stronger sooner than expected, and I always think it surely must be from all the prayers! And then to all you dear local people who continue to show up with food… Love in action for sure! It’s been such a huge help and we’ve enjoyed it all. Next I’d like to acknowledge all the donations we’ve received financially. We feel so completely unworthy of your generosity! There is just no way really to mention all the many gaps that are being filled. Just saying thanks feels cheap, so my wish is that you all will be blessed in special ways!  

Physically I’m definitely getting a little stronger! I’m starting to be a little more involved with getting meals on the table. Even though I often have to lay down and rest in between because I get so shaky, it gives me a sense of accomplishment that feels good! It’s kind of hard to be open about this, but I’d say one of my biggest challenges at this point is having the mental and emotional strength to handle life. It seems like my illness really brought on quite a weakness in that area. I suppose I’m still very affected by all the crazy medications I’m on, and my body did go through major trauma, but I look forward to the day when hopefully things even out for me a bit! I need to be patient with myself, and I hope my dear ones around me can continue to be as well. It feels selfish to ask for prayers again, but please continue to pray for healing of mind and body!

The only really sad thing about this day is that my Mom left this morning. I’d say it this way that she’s really been a lifesaver! She loves to be busy and has always been such a hard worker. My family and I are so grateful she was able to be here this long, but we sure are going to miss her!

Thanks again everyone for all your comments and the interest in what we are going through. That’s one of the neatest things about this journey is all the people we’ve reconnected with! Friends from long ago or family that our paths don’t cross with much… it’s been special to think of you all! 

                                                                                                 Much love, Shawnell
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