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Jun 09-15

This Week

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It’s time for a long overdue update…

Things have been going very well and life almost seems “normal”.  Sebastian handled phase two like a champ. He had three spinal taps over the course of three weeks and thankfully they didn’t seem to bother him. The roughest part was wrestling him to take his oral chemo everyday. 

We have now started phase three which is another less intensive phase. The next two months don’t have any oral chemo at home. Yay!! We currently go to Iowa City every ten days so Seb can receive two different chemo meds through his port. One of his meds is Mountain Dew green which he enjoys watching go through his “straw” to his port. 

The last month and a half has been amazing to watch Seb get his strength back. He has been doing normal kid things…he was able to return to “school” (daycare) full days at the end of May, he can run around at the playground again (just a little slower than pre-cancer), and he has the energy to play with his sister again - which makes Scarlett very happy to have her brother back. 

The last month has been crazy with Seb transitioning back to daycare, weekly trips to Iowa City, moving to the farm (where Josh grew up), and starting a new daycare…but he’s taken it all in stride and adapted to the changes very well. With baby brother or sister coming in just over a month there are more changes in store, but he seems excited and we know he’ll adapt just fine. 

Through all of his treatments he never seems to complain…his bravery amazes not only us, but the nurses/doctors have commented on it too while fighting over who gets to take care of him.  He likes to keep a very close eye on what the nursing staff is doing, but when it comes to accessing his port he doesn’t even flinch when the nurses place the needle. 

We continue to be blessed with everyone’s prayers and knowing how big the support group behind us is. As long as everything continues to stay on track, we have two years of treatment left, which would make May 31, 2026 his last treatment.  We will continue take things day by day and one phase at a time, but having an end date is the light at the end of the tunnel. God is so good! We couldn’t do this journey alone and thank each and every one of you. 

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