Scott’s Story

Site created on April 13, 2018

On Tuesday 4/10/18 Scott fell off a ladder while working on a deck for a customer. He was conscious enough to walk around the side of the house and ask the homeowner (who was thankfully home!) to use the bathroom. He was pretty disoriented with a bloody nose and didn't seem to remember he had fallen. The homeowner didn’t know yet about the fall but quickly recognized something was wrong and asked if she could call someone - he insisted he was fine and just had a bad headache. She called her ER doctor neighbor over to take a quick look and she agreed he needed to get to the hospital. When the paramedics arrived Scott was adamant he was fine and he didn't want to go to the hospital. They had to give him a sedative to get him to go. Always a tough guy :) 

He was taken to HCMC, the best place to be for head trauma. He hit the base of his head and had surgery to remove blood and swelling on his brain. He didn't seem to break any bones and has just a few bumps and bruises on his body.  The part of his brain that was impacted (cerebellum) controls balance and coordination so he'll need some physical therapy.

The hospital was not able to get a hold of family until Wednesday afternoon, because all they had was his drivers license. He was heavily sedated and stable when we arrived and we struggled to put together pieces for the next several hours. What we learned was so heart-warming...

The homeowner drove to Scott's house and started knocking on doors in his neighborhood. She knew he lives alone and has a dog and she wanted to make sure the dog was taken care of and someone knew what happened. The two neighbors she found in Scott's small neighborhood know Scott well and jumped into action immediately. One drove back with the homeowner to get Scott's truck and tools, and the other took care of his beloved black lab Cash. They found his phone and called the hospital with contact numbers listed under 'dad' (luckily he didn't have a passcode on his phone). We are so thankful for the kind actions of the homeowner and his neighbors.

One of Scott's friends graciously offered to take Cash as they've had him on numerous occasions (i.e., know what they’re getting into with an energetic lab) and I know Scott will be very comforted to know this. It sounds like Cash was thrilled! The neighbors are keeping watch over Scott's house and collecting mail.

So many people care about Scott and it's hard to find time to keep everyone updated individually, so we'll post updates here. But please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for an update or to chat.

Thank you everyone for your support!

Newest Update

Journal entry by Shari Krueger

It's been a week since Scott moved back into his house and it seems to be going alright so far. He has great neighbors who are keeping an eye out for him, and so far he's had someone visit him each day (me, our stepmom Dianne and his friend Dave, who put up some additional railings on the stairs for him, Matt who had his dog). I spoke to him today and he thought this might be the first day without a visitor, but he seems fine with that.

His dog Cash came home Friday after 4 months living it up at 'camp' with Scott's friend Matt and his family. Life will definitely slow down for Cash now but Scott certainly was happy to have him home. It will be good for Scott to have to get up to let the dog out and make sure he's fed.

Hopefully now that Scott is home he'll start to feel a bit more motivated and driven to work towards recovery (i.e., eating, moving around, doing his home exercises). We will continue to take him to outpatient therapy at North Memorial twice each week. He'll start on vestibular therapy (to work on the inner ear / balance issues) on the 27th in St. Paul. We met with an awesome psychologist last week who specializes in traumatic brain injuries (in fact he co-founded the MN Brain Injury Alliance) and Scott really liked him (phew!). It was very educational and I hope Scott will benefit from meeting with him regularly.

As you may recall from my last post, my family and I will be in Brainerd this week and unable to visit Scott. Dianne will take him to therapies Tuesday and Thursday but I don't think he has any other visitors planned during the week. I know he always appreciates a visit or phone call from his friends.
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