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May 26-Jun 01

This Week

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“It’s never goodbye, just see you later”

This morning at 0652 am, our sweet mama took her last earthly breath. She passed away peacefully as we all gathered around her praying the rosary with worship music playing in the background. For Sandy, we firmly believe that she has not lost her battle, but has simply made it to the ultimate finish line. We feel that ultimately, she won the battle and received the most precious prize.  Our hearts are broken at the thought of moving forward without having our Mama by our side, but we know that she’ll never be far away. All of us kids and auntie Debbie have spent the last three nights having slumber parties here and keeping a close watch on mama. She got her fair share of smooches, hugs, I love you to the moon and backs from Jack, Char, and Cole, visits, and prayers over the last week from friends and those who loved her most.

As her time was drawing near, she was able to receive a blessing from Father Tom as well as communion earlier in the week. Receiving these two things were very important to Sandy, as her faith never wavered and remained one of her greatest commitments. Even when her body was failing her, her spirit, faith, and soul were strong. Even through her very last breath, she was clothed in grace, dignity, and poise. She left a legacy that will never be forgotten. The most giant hole has now been made in our family as well as in each of our hearts, but we will continue to pray for peace to fill that hole as we learn to navigate the future days without our dear Sandra Dee.

Our family can not express a deep enough thank you to all of you that have reached out, stopped for a visit, sent flowers, food, or cards, and or just provided a thoughtful prayer for our family. We have felt the love that surrounded our dear mama and it has helped to ease our pain at the thought of losing her. We knew she touched a lot of lives, but to find out it was to such a great degree, has been so comforting. There is no denying that she was well-loved. We have some big shoes to fill, but we will hope to pick up the pieces and march onward, just as mama would want us to.

We are comforted knowing that our sweet mama is finally pain-free and reunited with her Mom and Dad. It’s safe to say, we miss you already, mama, and thanks for everything. We know that because we believe in Jesus, “it’s never goodbye, it’s just see you later”.

Sandy read Jesus calling and would often reflect on the daily devotionals from it. We read today’s suggested bible verse 2 Corinthians 14: 16-18, and we know, she and the big guy had this well thought out.  

“Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

A celebration of a life Damn well-lived (we owe so much money to the swear jar after this week, but it seems appropriate), will be held on Thursday night at Ballard Sunder Funeral Homes 4-7 with a funeral on Friday morning at St. Michael’s in Prior Lake, a viewing will take place from 10-1045 with a service beginning at 11.

Do us a favor, go outside, look up at the sun and remember how many times she took each one of our rainy days and turned them into days of sunshine and joy. Smile today, as you remember your beloved friend Sandy.

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