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Jun 09-15

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Almost two days later and I’m feeling good, very sore but most of the pain has subsided. Thankful to God for giving me the strength to go through this and to my Paul who was by my side the entire time. Without them I believe I would have gone a bit crazy. Thank you to everyone’s kind words, thoughts, and lifting prayers. Your prayers really pulled us through. 

At 7:15 we arrived at the radiology office where I had another mammogram and received a wire to locate the tumor during surgery. That took an hour and then they wheeled me to the surgery center. I thought wow I have to wait 2 hours before surgery, which was scheduled for 11:30.  Paul and I waited in the lounge after checking in. Lots of people already there. My heart went out to 2 older women who were there for some surgery but they were waiting alone. I don’t know how these ladies did it alone. One was hearing impaired and the nurse had to basically yell. I spent the next two hours praying for all who were waiting for loved ones in surgery. At 10:00 or so Paul had to run to Walgreens because he lost his ready glasses. By the time he came back they had called my name. I was on my journey for surgery.

I was in room 25, changed and they got my iv in and hooked me up for vitals. Once I was comfortable Paul was allowed to come back. From there we waited. And wait we did. I had a wonderful nurse Stephanie, she was so sweet and caring. To make a long story short we waited until 3:30 for my doctor to show up. There was a scheduling miscommunication between her office and the hospitals OR.  By 2:00 and after a hospital representative came out to give some damage control, which was not helpful at all, I was so upset that Paul had to give them his union representative stern speech. We heard calls being made to find where my doctor was at.  She was at another surgery center treating patients and would be there by 3:30. 🤦‍♀️ Oh I fell apart emotionally but Paul was my rock. (I am leaving a lot out) Finally she arrive a little after 3:30 you could tell by the look on her face she wasn’t happy and when she started to talk I could see the nursing staffs faces and they weren’t in agreement with what she said. She stated that a lot of her patients weren’t treated well today. I just looked at her touched her arm and said it’s okay I just want to know if you’re fine and you are ready to do my surgery. She said oh yes I’m fine and it will go well. From this point it was drugs in the IV and I became loopy. By 4:something I was going down the hall to the OR and once through the door of the OR I was out. 

Woke up in recovery and I was the only one there with several nurses and we just talked up a storm. Couldn’t tell you what we talked about but I gave them my opinion. 😂 I soon was back in the surgery out patient area and Paul was by my side. Never has he looked so good to me. Well, that’s not true, he’s My Love, he always looks good even when he’s scruffy. 😉🥰

It seemed like this evening staff couldn’t wait to get us out of the hospital. Before I knew it Paul helped me into the car and we were home around 7:30 pm. Yes, it was a long day. My night was long as well with so much pain. I now know why they say take your pain meds before you feel the pain. It was a rough night by morning I was feeling better thank God for pain killers. But this Sunday morning I’m sore but feeling much better.

So you see your prayers got us through more than you knew. Everyone who commented and shared your care and love to us played a big part in our Friday, November 4. We love you ❤️!

Thank you so much.💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕😘❤️

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