Russell’s Story

Site created on May 8, 2024

Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting.

Hi everyone!

Recently, Russell went in to get an endoscopy after experiencing difficulty swallowing and keeping down food. During the procedure, the doctors found a mass in his esophagus. The mass was biopsied and although most of it was a stomach ulcer, they also found cancer present as well. This kicked off a period, spanning a month, of tests and scans to determine the type and stage of the cancer, culminating in a PET scan last week. 

The results of Russell's PET scan came in and they met with the oncologist for results and staging. He has stage 3 squamous cell carcinoma in his esophagus and stomach that has locally metastasized to a couple of the surrounding lymph nodes. The fact that it is localized is an encouraging starting place.

The plan, as of now, will be 6 weeks of chemo and radiation (which will likely start next week) with the potential for surgical removal. Though we acknowledge the road ahead will be difficult and taxing, we are hopeful! This kind of cancer typically responds well to chemo & radiation therapy. 

Biggest prayers to kick us off on this process: 
- Energy and fuel before treatment - he has lost a significant amount of weight and is currently fighting an infection which has made it hard to keep food down. Pray for fuel, nutrients and energy!
- Pray that the chemo & radiation completely knocks out the cancer (and no surgery is needed). Although surgery is likely a part of this process, it is not an easy road, and it would be incredible to avoid that if possible.
Thanks so much for following along and praying with us!

Newest Update

Journal entry by DeAnn Wilson

Halfway there! A word from the patient.
Hello friends and prayer warriors! Early this week marks the halfway point in chemo and radiation treatments, with 3 of 6 chemo and 14 of 28 radiation sessions completed. We feel the radiation is working; making the tumor shrink as I can eat almost normally, albeit still supplemented 24/7 with the feeding tube. I have even gained a few well-needed pounds. We've been very fortunate that we have not encountered many of the side effects of chemo that we hear about with so many people. So far no nausea, extremity numbness, hair loss (no comments ), infections, etc., although I am very fatigued and sleeping more than our dog. The doctor says the fatigue is normal, but I'm sure looking forward to getting my strength and energy back.  Overall, I feel I am doing better than expected, and staying strong & confident that we will beat this thing!
While we may be at the edge of the forest, the doctor warns we are not out of the woods. We ask for continued thoughts and prayers for a 100% disappearance of the tumor, that no surgery is required, and that there is no later reoccurrence.  The doctors think that the no-surgery scenario is a stretch, as in 95% of the cases, surgery is required to remove what is left of the tumor, as well as any affected lymph nodes.  We'll do what we can do, and rest in confidence that the rest is in God's hands and the hands of the amazing medical team.
Sincere gratitude and love to the many, many friends, and family who regularly reach out and check on me. And while I can't hear from everyone; I know there are large groups of people at my work, the fire department, my church (and friends and family's churches) that keep me lifted up with prayers and positive energy. Please know that these actions have healed and sustained me since this craziness started and I KNOW I would not be this far along without your efforts. Again, and from the bottom of my heart - thank you!

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